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Brendan Lynch

Mr. Riley

1. Momentum is inertia in motion, or an objects mass times an objects velocity.

2. Momentum=m x v

3. The unit we use for measuring momentum is kg x m/s

4. Momentum = m x v momentum = 80kg x 6/s momentum = 480


5. Impulse is force applied over a period of time.

6. Impulse = force x time

7. The unit we use for measuring impulse is N x s

8. N x s = kgxm/s because kgxm/s makes sense for momentum (m x v), and N x

s makes sense for impulse (f x t).

9. Impulse = f x t Impulse = 200N x 3s Impulse = 600


10.Fxt = Δ(mxv)

11.Mr. Chapman changed 600 N x s

12.Your velocity would change by 7.5 m/s.

13.The new velocity is 7.5 m/s.

14.In the absence of an external force, the momentum of a system remains


15.To conserve momentum, when the bullet is fired, the gun kicks back so that
the total momentum is the same before and after it is fired.

16.Momentum = m x v

a) The initial momentum of the moving train car is 200,000m/s because

m x v = 10,000 x 20.

b) The initial momentum of the stationary train car is 0 because it has no


c) The total mass is 20,000 and the total momentum is the same
(200,000) because law of conservation of momentum.

d) The final velocity of the cars is 10 m/s because the new mass is 20,000
and the momentum is still 200,000 and 200,000 divided by 20,000 is

a) The initial momentum of the dumb truck is 150,000.

b) The initial momentum of the car is 0.

c) The momentum of the dumb truck after the collision is 120000.

d) The momentum of the car is 30,000 because the momentum has to be

the same before and after the collision, and 120,000 (the momentum
of the truck after the collision) plus 30,000 (momentum of the car
after) equals 150,000.

e) The velocity of the car after the collision is 42.86m/s.

18.The difference between these two scenarios is that one is with a bungee cord
which has elastic qualities which allows you to bounce back up, which lessens
the momentum, while the other scenario with a steel cable has much less
elastic qualities if any and you would probably not bounce back up so you
would feel much more force when you stopped falling then the bungee cord
which means that you would probably die with the steel cable.

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