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The Mighty Amazon &

The River Dolphins

Panteha Abareshi 9-22-10

1. The Amazon river originates in the east,

the mouth is in Brazil.

2. The Amazon is called a “mighty river”

because: 1) it carries one-fifth of all the river
water on the planet, 2) because every year the
Amazon breaks the bank and floods a portion of
the forest the size of England, and 3) 1,000 miles
before reaching the ocean, the Amazon's main
channel is over 10 miles wide.

3. If you are at eye level with the river, you

can't see how long and wide the river really is.
The video was filmed from the air to emphasize
the size of the mighty Amazon River.

4. The difference between a ocean dolphin

and a river dolphin is that the river dolphins have
very flexible heads, giving them the ability to
sweep it from side to side.

5. The River Dolphin's 2 physical prey

catching characteristics are: 1) the whisker like
hairs on their lips that help them “zero in” on
their prey, and 2) they have a sonar so precise,
that they can weave through the muddy maze of
submerged weed looking for fish despite their
terrible eyesight.

6. The 3 countries surrounding the Iguazu

falls are: Argentina Brazil and Paraguay.

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