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How to Give A Striptease  

(Without Feeling Stupid) 
By: Jay Archer

If you’re looking for advice on how to give a striptease here’s some pointers to get you on the
right track.

Here are some reasons why you might want to consider giving a strip tease.

Nothing feels worse than putting your relationship under strain due to a lack of sexual drive.

Something I’m not pleased to admit, but I’ve burned relationships in my life.

My downfall in relationships has come from two very common commitment errors: She didn’t
know my wants because I didn’t tell her (lack of communication) or our sex life slipped into a boring
routine like brushing your teeth. (That’s a loss of sexual attraction.) This is why men feel like they need
more from the woman they’re with.

Here’s how to make sure you or him never feel that.

Learn Sexual Attraction Before Learning How To Give A Lap Dance

Let’s start with sexual attraction: A good friend of mine who works as a relationship counsellor
says, “The key to pleasing your mate is mixing up your seduction methods. 4 out of 5 men need constant
stimulation from their significant other in order to maintain their interest.”

Like the old saying goes. “Behind every man is a strong woman”. So true when it comes to life,
but even more so when it comes to sexual performance.

A man can be a strong lover if the woman is an even stronger motivator. What better way to
inspire your man than to show him what he’s got.

That’s because men are aroused mainly by visual stimulation. What we see, we want.

A new dress, haircut, or lingerie lights a flame of intrigue in a man’s brain. Electric pulses shoot
into his libido like spears of lightening, but the problem remains with all men...there is no thunder.

That’s where you have to step it up. It’s time to bring the thunder!

My counsellor friend says, “One thing that always helped reconstruct his clients sexual passion
is exotic dancing.”

9 times out of 10, whenever the wife began dancing for the husband (whether it be a lap dance
routine or an exotic striptease) the amount of lovemaking increased 100%!” 
The amount of time spent together outside of the house increased by 50%!

And arguing decreased by...75%!

How can lap dancing or strip teasing do all this?

Take a look at these and see if you can find ways beyond dancing to pull them off.

How to Strip To Ignite Passion

1. Creates a new passion for each other

Because your man works primarily on visual stimulation to increase his sexual desire, whenever he’s
treated to a sensual strip tease, he’s able to see you as his own personal sensual show toy.

When you’re confident and on a mission to make your man want you more than a poker player wants
pocket aces, he’ll sense that, and immediately his libido will call all in.

When you show him the “jackpot”, he’ll be ready to lay his cards on the table and show you the
“winning hand”.

2. Makes him want to be around you

My counsellor friend says, “Most men in relationships want to hang out with their significant others,
but find that the time they spend is more out of “duty” than “desire”.

After 4 weeks of lap dance filled nights, their thinking changed.”

The men saw their women in a whole new light. They remembered how their bodies moved and
swayed to the music, and how they touched and caressed them.

“One client”, said my friend, “told me that whenever he went out with his wife after a month of
exotic bedroom shows, he couldn’t help feel proud of her as they walked hand in hand.”

He’d look at other women and think, “She’s got nothing on my wife”. That’s the power of the exotic

3. Getting your man to open up to you with a strip tease

Another significant change came in the way of communication between the couples. After a month of
exotic lessons, the couples developed a whole new way of talking.

They shared their dreams and desires with one another, told each other what they wanted the other to
do during sex, and their conversation always seemed to revert back to the last night’s actions. This
exciting talk eliminated arguing over petty things.

The best part of all? 
It’s your little secret. What happens in that room between the two of you will be only yours to tell.
When you’re skilled at lap dancing, and you’re able to release your sexual goddess from deep inside,
you’ll have him eating out of the palm of your hand…

… or, elsewhere.

Now that you know reasons why you should learn to strip check this out.

To learn the details about how to give a lap dance or how to give a strip tease you can sign up for my free
newsletter at

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