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1a. Myth: source of the sacred truth.

Tell about the

origins of humans and the world, give meaning to life;
traditionally orally. (Story of Creation)
1b. totem: the relationship symbolized by totem; the
natural form the Ancestor appeared in the Dreaming.
(Animals, rock formation, landscape) taboo are rituals
specific for some but forbidden for others
2b. Olorun: the High God, original power of the
universe not involved in life
3b. Axis Mundi: center of the universe; Plain tribe-
cottonwood tree, Sun Dance. It links the Earth to the
heavens. Represents a Supreme God
4b. Divination: practice where your future can be
learned. (parent–child),*how to proceed in life (5b)
Orisa-nla: Creator God, Ogun: iron and war Esu:  1c.
Brahmin: priest; Kshatriya: warriors/administrators;
vaishya: producers, farmer, merchants, & artisans;
shudra: servants and laborers
2c. Brahmacharya (student, 8-12; lives a strict life of
learning under a guru) Grihastha (householder stage,
20, marry/family/make$/serve in community)
Vanaprastha (the retiree/forest dweller stage)
Sannyasin (spiritual wanderer)
3c. Kama (sex), Artha (material success), Dharma
(principle/ ethical duty) Moska (salvation)
4c. Karma Marga: “path of works”, the active. Jnana
Marga “the path of knowledge” the philosophical.
Bhakti Marga: “the path of devotion”
5c. Islam & Hinduism are very different, violent
back/forth killing spree
1d. Islam= “surrender/submission”
2d. Night/Excellence: mark of Muhammad as a
prophet, Gabriel appeared to him in a dream 610 ce.
3d. seal of prophet was the final prophet revealing the
will of Allah. No need for Allah to choose another
4d. jihad: the individual struggle against anything that
detracts from revering Allah and his divine will (holy
war, self defense)
5d. D Day- stand before Allah, have destiny revealed
(madi: savior) bring order to Earth. “The Cataclysm”
6d. Shi’I “partisans of Ali” 7d. Sunnism: tradition,
order, or custom

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