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Solid Dispersions:

Solid Dispersions These are generally prepared by solvent or

co-precipitation method where by both the guest solute and
the solid carrier solvent are dissolved in a common volatile
solvent like alcohol. The liquid solvent is removed by
evaporation under reduced pressure or by freeze drying
which results in amorphous precipitation of guest in a
crystalline carrier. Thus the basic difference between the solid
dispersions and solid solutions/eutectics is that the drug is
precipitated out later; e.g.: amorphous sulfathiazole in
crystalline urea. Such dispersions are often called as Co-
evaporates or Co-precipitates. The method is suitable for
thermo labile substances. The carriers used are same as for
eutectics and solid solutions. With glassy materials, the
dispersions formed are called as glass dispersions or glass

Eutectic Mixtures:
Eutectic Mixtures These systems are also prepared by fusion
method. Eutectic melts form solid solutions in that the fused
melt of solute-solvent show complete miscibility but
negligible solid-solid solubility i.e., such systems basically
intimately blended physical mixture of two crystalline
components. When the eutectic mixture is exposed to water,
the soluble carrier dissolves leaving the drug in a
microcrystalline state which solubilizes rapidly. Examples of
eutectic include paracetamol-urea, griseofulvin-urea,
griseofulvin- succinic acid, etc. Solid solutions and eutectics,
which are basically melts, are easy to prepare and economical
with no solvents involved. Method cannot be applied to Drugs
which fail to crystallize from mixed melt, Thermo labile drugs,
and Carriers such as succinic acid that decomposes at their
melting point.

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