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Volume 1, Series 1

Readings from the Perspective of Earth

Table of Contents

• Foreward
Desmond Tutu
• Editorial Preface
Norman Habel
• Preface
Veronica Brady
• Abbreviations List
• List of Contributors
• Six Ecojustice Principles

1. Introducing the Earth Bible

Norman Habel
2. Guiding Ecojustice Principles
Earth Bible Team
3. Ecofeminist Contributions to an Ecojustice Hermeneutics
Heather Eaton
4. Sketches for Earth Readings from the Book of Amos
David Jobling & Nathan Loewen
5. Messengers in the Sky
Edgar Conrad
6. The Earth Story in Jeremiah 12
Terence Fretheim
7. Psalm 8: An Apology for Domination
Keith Carley
8. Angels, Bird-Droppings and Fish Liver: The Earth Story in Tobit
William Urbrock
9. The Wisdom of Solomon
Diane Bergant
10. An Earth Bible Reading of the Lord's Prayer: Matthew 6.9-13
Vicky Balabanski
11. A Transformative Struggle Towards the Divine Dream: An Ecofeminist Reading
of Matthew 11
Elaine Wainwright
12. '...And on Earth, Peace...' (Luke 2.14): Luke's Perspective on the Earth
Michael Trainor
13. The Future of the Earth and the Prologue of John: Earth Made Whole
John Painter
14. Creation Groaning: An Earth Bible Reading of Romans 8.18-22
Brendan Byrne
15. The Goodness and the Holiness of the Earth and the Whole Creation (1 Timothy
Paul Trebilco
16. 'Burning the Land': An Ecojustice Reading of Hebrews 6.7-8
Justisone Salevao
17. Setting Aside the Ladder to Heaven: Revelation 21.1-22 from the Perspective of
the Earth
Duncan Reid

Job 12: Cosmic Devastation and Social Turmoil
Alice Sinnott
2. Who Cares? Reflections based on the 'story' of the Ostrich (Job 39.13-18)
Izak Spangenberg
3. Divine Creative Power and the Decentering of Creation: The Subtext of the
Lord's Addresses to Job
Dale Patrick
4. Plumbing the Depths of Earth: Job 28 and Deep Ecology
Katharine J. Dell
5. 'Go Forth into the Fields': An Earth-centered reading of the Song of Songs
Carol Fontaine
6. Ecodelight in the Song of Songs
Hendrik Viviers
7. Ecclesiastes 3.16-22: An Ecojustice Reading with Parallels from African
Willie van Heerden
8. God's Design: the Death of Creation? An Ecojustice Reading of Romans 8.18-30
in the Light of Wisdom 1-2
Marie Turner
9. Is the Wild Ox Willing to Serve You? Challenging the Mandate to Dominate
Norman Habel

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