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Débora Arango Pérez School

English: Reading - Analyzing Information : 11th Grade

Teacher Name: Ms. Leidy Vargas
Student Name: ____________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
The student lists all
Student lists all the but one of the main
Identifies The student lists all The student cannot
main points of the points, using the
the main points, but important
important article without having
uses the article for
article for reference.
information with
information the article in front of S/he does not
reference. accuracy.
him/her. highlight any
unimportant points.

Student recalls Student recalls

Student is able to
several details for several details for Student cannot
locate most of the
Identifies details each main point each main point, but
details when looking
locate details with
without referring to needs to refer to the accuracy.
at the article.
the article. article, occasionally.

Student accurately
Student accurately
locates 4 facts in
locates at least 5 Student accurately
the article and gives
facts in the article locates 4 facts in Student has
a reasonable
Identifies facts and gives a clear
explanation of why
the article. difficulty locating
explanation of why Explanation is facts in an article.
they are facts,
these are facts, weak.
rather than
rather than opinions.
Student uses
Student uses only 1- summarizes most of Student has great
several sentences
3 sentences to the article difficulty
Summarization describe clearly what
to accurately
accurately, but has summarizing the
describe what the
the article is about. some slight article.
article is about.

Date Created: Feb 05, 2011 08:13 pm (UTC)

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