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– impress your friends with a whole host of powerful and descriptive words!

Get into “The Zone” and Peak Performance, ON DEMAND!

– instantly get into the flow state, and activate super-fast learning

Develop an Ultra-Magnetic CHARISMA!

– make people instantly like you, and become the center of every party


– tap into an endless reservoir of creativity and solutions, time and time again


– speed read through a couple of full-length books during your lunch break

Bluff Your Way Talking About SHAKESPEARE

– or science, or classical music, or ANY OTHER TOPIC, without getting caught!

Persuade ANYONE to Do ANYTHING You Want!

– using smart, powerful mind techniques employed by geniuses the world over

Feel Smart and CLEVER... Rather Than "Dumb" or Lacking Knowledge

– sound like an expert on ANY topic, after researching for just 5 minutes!

A genius (plural geniuses ) is something or someone

embodying exceptional intellectual ability,creativity, or originality, typically to a degree that is

associated with the achievement of unprecedented insight.
There is no scientifically precise definition of genius, and indeed the question of whether the
notion itself has any real meaning is a subject of current debate. The term is used in various
ways: to refer to a particular aspect of an individual, or the individual in their entirety; to
ascholar in many subjects(e.g. Leonardo DaVinci) or
a scholar in a single subject (e.g. Albert Einstein). Research into
what causes Genius and mastery is still in early stages, but already psychology offers relevant

Discover how to achieve genius IQ status within the
next 4-to-12 months

Just imagine how cool it would be if you knew how to become a genius this year.
What if, in 12 months time, you were recognized as a real genius? Suppose that, in
as little as 4-to-6 months from now, you could demonstrate that your IQ score had
risen to the level of genius. Sound good? You like that picture? How great would it
feel to know that YOU are smarter than 99.99% of the people around you?

Get Smarter than Bill Gates

What could you achieve in life if you could think like a genius? You know, they talk
about people like billionaire Bill Gates being a genius... but you could become even
smarter than him! How much more money could you make if your genius IQ helped
you generate brilliant new ideas? What world changing products could you come up
with when you figure out how to become a genius.

Achieve a Genius IQ Score

I guess you're dying to find out how to become a genius. Yes, it is truly possible to
boost your IQ and achieve a genius IQ score of 180+ according to a new program
called, The Complete Guide to Genius.

Curious but cautious

As part of my on-going research into mind and brain development techniques, I
stumbled upon this new guide only recently. I read the sales page and was
impressed enough to buy the ebook. I was sceptical when I opened it and
immediately noticed it ran to only 38 pages. Surely that couldn't be enough to show
YOU how to become a genius? That's what I thought until I started reading it...

Passion for Knowledge

I'm passionate about this field. I love finding personal development tools that help
you bootstrap yourself to new levels of achievement. And more than anything my
focus on mind, brain, genius and creativity has exposed me to some of the cutting
edge science in these fields. I had a lot to compare The Complete Guide to
Genius against: Tony Buzan, Edward de Bono, the Superlearning and Supermemory
books, Michalko, Gelb, Bandler, the great Win Wenger, to name but a few. How did it
compare? Surprisingly well! I was impressed. Very impressed.

Natural Genius versus Earned Genius

If you've looked around my site, you will have discovered lots of tips on how to think
more creatively and access what I call your natural genius. It's true that you were
born a genius. You only have to look at what a baby learns to recognize that the
healthy human brain can is naturally imbued with genius. The thing is that we lose a
lot of our genius abilities as we grow up. They get covered up and lie dormant.

Missed opportunities
I think that we all continue to access our genius everyday but often fail to notice
that. We haven't learnt the skills that enable us to harness the peaks of our thinking.
We live instead within the troughs of our thinking... habitual lazy thinking styles that
fail to harvest the real gold mine within.

Lots of people disagree with the theory that we are naturally geniuses. They see
genius as the result of genes and environment. Something that can't be replicated.
And others say that we can build our brain power through work and effort.

Work in Progress
My current conclusion is that, yes, genetics can bless us. We can grow up with a
better use of our brains than others. Does that mean that one genetically-gifted
person will remain smarter than a less-genetically-gifted person? No. Not at all. We
see apparently smart people make terrible life choices that rob them of their gifts all
the time on the news. We also occasionally hear about people who have fought their
way up and out of impoverished situations (be that they financial or mental) to
achieve great heights of success and brilliance.

Starting IQs
We all have different starting situations. Measured by IQ, we all have different IQs...
but if a person with a lower IQ starts practicing skills like mind-mapping, image
streaming, brainstorming and using creative thinking exercises...he can excel and
triumph over people with higher IQs who do nothing like that.

The Complete Guide to Genius actually offers a systematic program to build your
IQ and achieve a genius IQ score. It reveals how to become a genius not someday
when, not in some fantasy scenario, but in real time. It sets out the information you
need. It tells you what to do. It tells you how often and for how long you need to
practice. That's what I love and that is what is so unique about it. There is no
ambiguity. There is no shilly-shallying. It tells you straight what to do and what you
will achieve by doing it.

This Is Not For Everybody

Take my warning. This guide is tantamount to a top secret training program. Don't
take this guide lightly. If you want to know how to become a genius this year, in as
little as 4 months, perhaps 9 months if your starting IQ is low, it provides the precise
program of training you need. It isn't an instant mix, 'just add water' solution.
You WILL need to work at it. You will need to practice for as much as 90 minutes a
day, 6 days a week. Can you commit to that? If not, stay away. If however you feel
compelled to discover just what it would be like to actually BE A FREAKIN' GENIUS,
you should check it out.

Why Am I SO EXCITED By This?

I tell you I'm not easily impressed. What immediately struck me as I was reading
this guide on how to become a genius was the authority with which it was written.
Many authors hedge their bets when writing. You can tell that they are surmising or
guessing or spouting theory. Empty words. This guide is completely different in that
it is written with authority and conviction. The author has created a program. He has
organised brain building skills into a schedule of practice that serves to stimulate
superior neural activity and build IQ. And he has tested the program and achieved
amazing results. I'm convinced.
Leonardo Da Vinci, The Geniuses'
Genius: Open Up Vast New Tracts Of
Unlimited Brain Power With The
Leonardo Da Vinci Techniques!
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was voted the ultimate genius in a poll of geniuses.
It placed him above Einstein, Aristotle, Shakespeare and any other genius you care
to name. What made this illegitimate son of a notary and a peasant girl grow to
become one of the world's most famous artists and a scientist who was way "ahead
of his time"?

Well, foremost, he had an insatiable desire for new discoveries and

knowledge. He wanted to know everything and he kept detailed recordsof what
he observed. He even called himself a "Disciple of Experience" meaning that he
learnt from life by experiencing, experimenting and observing.

Quick as a Hawk! The Flashing Eyes of Genius!

Leonardo studied birds and recorded his observations in the "Codex

on the Flight of Birds". It wasn't until the 20th Century that the details
he recorded were confirmed by high-speed photography! How's that
for really looking closely at something!
Here are the 7 Dynamite Da Vinci "Noggin Knockers" to bash the
boring out of your brain and replace it with Unadulterated

Da Vinci Brain Bomb Number 1: CURIOSITY

Curiosity may have killed the cat but it can make the cat-owner rich as King Solomon

Curiosity is the driving force of learning and development. Just as lust drives us to
procreate and expand the species, curiosity drives us to learn and expand the mind.
Knowledge is a tool of survival. We are built to be curious because in life you have to
learn quick or die!

But hot damn! We get most of the curiosity beaten, trampled and squashed out of us
as we grow up and go to training "school". Most schools treat kids like Bonsai trees:
stifle the roots, shape with wires into the correct shape, and cut back unwanted

I was lucky enough to live with my grandparents as a child and my grandfather John
was a fine exemplar of curiosity. My grandmother Eileen called him a "nosey old so-
and-so" as he peered out of the window at what the neighbours were doing, or hung
over the fence asking probing questions about their lives and business.

But John was a curious man. A man who could turn his hand to any skill from
building, carpentry, decorating, welding, motor mechanics, electrical maintenace,
engineering to running bars and hotels, book keeping, legal correspondence, and
awesome people skills. I never really fathomed the limits of my grandad's abilities
and he was an awesome role model in many areas.

He told me: "Never be afraid to ask questions. If you want to get learn about
anything, you've got to ask, otherwise how will you find out!"

On the practical level, that also meant being willing to try something. If you want to
find out how to do something, just start doing it. "Make lots of mistakes," he said. "If
you are willing to make lots of mistakes at the beginning, you'll learn what you need
to know in the end!"

If your curiosity has gone comatose, the best way to kick-start it is to find a kid.
Have one if neccessary!! Kid's are curiosity on legs. They ask the most off-planet
questions that will really stump you and force you to question your universe again!

The child you have is God's revenge (gift!) against your ignorance.

"I keep six honest serving men, they taught me all I knew:
their names are What and Why and When
and How and Where and Who."

~ Rudyard Kipling

The fundamental toolkit of journalists and children is comprised of who, what, where,
why, when and how. Children ask those questions harder and faster than Larry King
interviewing in quicksand.

"Why is the sky blue?"; "Why was I born?"; What do stars twinkle?"; "When are you
going to die?"; "Who is God?"; "How come that man is homeless and we don't help
him?"; "Where do babies come from?".

They get all the good ones going. Rat-a-tat-tat it's like a questioning tommy gun on
Valentine's day!

Now you take your average curious kid, and then think what Leonardo da Vinci was
like as a kid. Here's someone who was equally advanced in all the 7 intelligences
outlined by Howard Gardner, the Harvard Professor of Education. You can just
imagine the effect on his teachers.

They were banging their heads against the walls trying to keep up with the awkward
probing questions that Leonardo threw at them. Giorgio Vasari, the first ever Art
Historian, related that Leonardo "caused continuous doubts for the master who
taught him and often confounded him."

What about you? Can you ask confounding questions?

Take Rudyard Kipling's six honest serving men and apply them to the creative
challenge areas in your life. Under each of the six, form as many questions as you
can about the area you are focussing on. Do as many "what" questions as you can.
Then do the same for the whys, whens, hows, wheres and whos! Try to ask the
questions that have never been asked before.

You've got to challenge yourself to wake up and observe this world anew. We are fed
a mind-numbing diet of sound bites that quash curiosity. Break out of that. Get
curious about the world again. This awesome creation is so replete with mysteries
and magical phenomena that we have yet to work out and understand. What part
will you play in probing the universe for new understanding, and improved ways of
living our lives?

Leonardo has been described as the man who "wouldn't take Yes for an answer."

Don't you love that! That is ultimate curiosity! Pushing past the accepted answers to

Is this really the right way to do it? Could this be stifling orders? Would it be better
if... ? Challenge what you know. Make it stand up to the test of truth. A little
knowledge is a dangerous thing. Great discoveries are walled in by incomplete
knowledge. Take a sledge hammer to the text book tradition and blast through it.
Fortunes are often found just the other side of the accepted way of doing things.

Look at life as a hunt for treasure. Everywhere you go there are clues to where the
treasure is buried. But you've got to sift and probe, be alert and aware, watch and
question everything. When you do that, you will find the treasure. I know it.

Curiosity Exercise:
Write down 100 questions. They can be anything from "How can I become rich?" to
"Does the Universe have an edge and if so what is beyond it?" Just write down all the
questions that come to mind, all the things that you would love to know the answers
to. Don't stop until you've got 100.

Look through the questions and notice if any dominant themes emerge. Are there
any areas of life that you seem most concerned with? Such as money, work,
relationships, love, or health?

Pick your top 10 questions. The ones that seem the most important to you. You don't
have to answer them right now. It's enough that you have organised them and know
that they are important to you.

Use the "Top 10 questions" technique on any area of your life where you are looking
for improvements. It'll focus you on what's really important in that area. And the
see-sawing effect of different angled questions will hone your mind and produce the
innovative ideas and insights that you need.

Da Vinci Brain Bomb Number 2: TEST EVERYTHING

You learn from books such as this. But you learn nothing until you test present
knowledge and experience it for yourself. Scientists constantly have to challenge
accepted knowledge. Even when it comes from geniuses... We progress forwards by
standing on the shoulders of giants, but sometimes you have to give those giants a
good kick in the bollocks to make sure that they are still up to the job!

Knowledge is not a static thing. It actually pulses as it grows larger and larger.
Knowledge is expanded by exceptional individuals, and contracts slightly when they
die. Those unique people push through the accepted envelope of knowledge and
discover more beyond that. They push the envelope to a new dimension. But that
new dimension is never the limit of knowledge; it is only ever the currently accepted

To discover the limits of accepted knowledge, you have to question it and test it in
your own experience. Knowledge opens up as you focus upon a subject. Just as the
Universe opens up as you focus upon it. We are creators after all... And we create
new knowledge to the limits of our creativity.
While creativity involves imagination, testing definitely requires objectivity and the
swift-kick-to-the-balls of reality!

The reality checks come in the form of our errors, mistakes and cock-ups. Love your
failures, for they are the foundations on which new empires are built. Everybody
knows about Edison and his 10,000 attempts to invent the light bulb. The 9,999
times he got it wrong gave him the feedback he needed to get it right on the
10,000th attempt.

We are biofeedback learning machines. We try. We fail. We learn. We adjust and try
again. And again. And again.

And then we succeed.

Leonardo knew, based on his own experiments and experience, that most
conventional wisdom is inherently flawed and limited. It was for this reason that he
strongly resisted imitating anyone. This is a great clue for genius wanna-bes. Be

You were born to be the genius that YOU are - you are not here to be Einstein, Jim
Carrey, Madonna, or Mother Theresa. You can certainly learn from other geniuses
and sometimes it's highly beneficial to wear other people's heads (or walk in their
moccasins), but YOU are the genius the world wants to see. Not another Elvis

Think for yourself and question authority ... those are the watch words that Leonardo
advised. Do you think that he was right to recommend that? Test it and see.

Da Vinci Brain Bomb Number 3: NURTURE YOUR SENSES

As mentioned earlier, Leonardo Da Vinci had amazing visual abilities - I mean, he

really did have the eyes of a hawk! You may not be an artist, and your work may not
call upon your eyesight and appreciation of light and colour, but developing your
sight is a skill that will benefit you in many ways.

Learning to really look at something is... a magical experience. When you observe
something closely, and follow it moment by moment, you disengage from the stream
of consciousness. A great stillness and profundity comes over you. The chattering
mind drops away. By focussing on something, it is as though you are being brought
into focus.

As you become still, a kind of techtonic movement occurs inside. You can almost
sense invisible plates of ancient psychic energy shifting and opening in your mind.
New awareness floods in. It's a powerful way to access your super mind.

The most powerful response occurs when you observe yourself that closely. It is then
that you experience what the late philosopher Krishnamurti described simply as an
"otherness". And that is a very beautiful experience for you to have.
Cultivating your senses ties in with testing things in your own experience. I said
previously that knowledge expands as you focus on a subject. Well, the primary
vehicles for learning about anything are our senses. If you can develop your ability
to really look at something ... you will see things that most people miss. That is a
genius trait.

Similarly, if you can learn to really listen to the sounds of people's voices, the way in
which they say things, you will deduce things that others miss. Listen to music and
penetrate into it. Let the sounds fill you and become you. Become saturated by
sounds and let them enter you like teachers. Pay attention to every nuance, every lilt
of a melody, the rises and falls in timbre, pitch and meaning.

If you are able, listen to birdsong ... let it fill you. Become empty and just let the
sound be there fully. There are few things that will make your heart soar as standing
in a stream of song from a blackbird. One fine summer's day, I was cycling through
the countryside. I saw a black bird perched in the hedge. I turned to look at it as I
free-wheeled by and was hit full force by its song. It went straight into my heart and
laid down a marker in that moment. A marker which said, I'm fully alive and life is
joyous and wonderful right this instant.

I like to think that the work we are doing here is about learning to lay down a lot
more of those kind of markers. Moments of sheer intensity and beauty. You will get
those as you develop your awareness, as you look, listen, feel, taste, smell and live
with full present-moment intensity.

Leonardo, across the centuries, admonishes us to NOT be like the average human
who "looks without seeing, listens without hearing, touches without feeling, eats
without tasting, moves without physical awareness, inhales without awareness of
odour or fragrance, and talks without thinking."

If life slides by in a blur of insignificance, that is stupid. If you capture moments and
make them special, that is smart.

Once gone, gone forever. Savour your quota of time.

Sensitivity Exercises:

For Sight:

• Get some coloured pencils. Do some mandalas and patterns. Notice which
colours work together. Become aware of colours in your environment. Which
ones go together? What are your favourite colours?
• Look up into the sky at least once a day and towards the far horizon.
• Describe a room or a scene as accurately as possible.
• Practice doodling and drawing. Sketch people's faces.
• Look for the subtle clues to people's moods and feelings reflected in their
eyes and skin.
• Become more aware of great photography, artwork and paintings. What's
great about them?
• Watch movies as though you were the cameraman. What do you appreciate
about the different angles, lighting, and presentation in each scene?
• If you have any kind of visual impairment that can be treated ... duh, get it
• Consider what it would be like to be blind. Give yourself the "contrast" of
thinking how blessed you are in being able to see. Appreciation and gratitude
sharpen the senses wonderfully. Wear a blindfold for an hour and then slowly
remove it and notice the effects..

For Hearing:

• Get some earplugs! Put them in for a few minutes a day. Refresh your ears.
• Pause in the midst of your daily life and just listen. Just become aware of all
the different sounds that you can hear. Sort through the melee of sound in
the city to identify as many unique sounds as you can.
• Really sit down with headphones and listen to your favourite songs. Don't sing
along. Just listen. Try to hear the sounds in the track as purely as possible.
Let them be. Let them emerge as they wish to and you just follow along.
• Expand your musical tastes. Listen to classical music. If you've never listened
to it before... keep going until you find a piece that you respond to. It takes a
mental shift if you've lived till now on rock and roll, hip hop, rap or country
music. And for all you classic buffs, sample the delights of modern music and
get jiggy with the best of MTV. And don't forget there is a whole planet of
different cultural music to explore. All part of the riches in your abundant
universe, so do take time to enjoy them. That's what you are here for!
• Go out into nature. Listen. Let it teach you.

For Touch:

• Interrupt the unconscious movement of your day. Become aware of the

sensations of your body. Feel the clothes on your skin, feel the texture and
hardness of the chair you are sitting on. Feel the movement of the air through
your nostrils and around you.
• Go into a clothes shop and feel the clothes. If you were buying on touch
alone, what outfit would you choose?
• When you hug someone, really feel what it is like to be body to body. Feel the
pressure of your hands on their back and vice versa and the emotional
warmth conveyed.
• Give massages and get massages. Oh sheer bliss!
• Enjoy textures... stone, wood, marble, silk, skin.

For Feeling:

• When you go into a building, feel the atmosphere. How does it feel?
• Before you join a group or a meeting, send your feelings out (mentally) to
that situation. What do you sense about it.
• Learn to play your feelings like a keyboard. You can create emotions as
readily as you choose. Act happy and you are happy. Act sad and you are
sad. Decide to feel what you want to feel and you will feel it.
• Emotions can be intensified or lessened. Play with increasing your sense of
excitement, of joy, of bliss. Breathe deep and powerfully into your good
feelings and imagine turning up the intensity dial. Bigger! Better! More and
More Pleasure!
• When you want something, feel what it would be like to have it. Intensify that
feeling. Mix it with gratitude. Let the pleasure live in you. Keep at it and you
will get what you want in reality too.

For Taste:

• Fast for a few hours. When you are good and hungry, take a raison. Look at it
in your hand and then slowly put it in your mouth and close your eyes. Do
everything super slow. Notice everything as it hits your tongue. Don't chew it
yet. See how long you can go justtasting... your mouth should water with
anticipation as you contnue to roll it on your tongue, sucking and tasting the
sweetness of that raison. When you start to chew it be aware of everything
that you do.
• Buy as many different fruits as you can find ... have a fruit feast one Sunday
morning ... let each wonderful fresh fruit work its magic on your tongue.
• If you drink alcohol, learn about wine tasting and practice it yourself. Learn
the terms and invent your own too. Describe what you taste in the wine in
terms of other things you have experienced.
• Avoid junk food like the plague.
• Use herbs and spices and intrigue your taste buds!
• Taste your lover all over!

For Smell:

• Oh the sweetness of roses. Stand and smell the roses and get high on life.
• Notice how smells trigger memories.
• Learn to recognise people by their scent. This doesn't mean you have to go
round sniffing your pal's ass. Just the general aroma and perhaps the
perfume or cologne they wear!
• Spend a minute smelling your breakfast, lunch, dinner before you eat it. That
act a lone will trigger all kinds of beneficial biological responses!
• Aromatherapy - get some oils. Sandalwood is my personal favourite. And
rose. What do you like?

Mixing Your Senses:

• Play with your senses. What colour would the smell of apple pie be? If ruby
red was a sound, what sound would it be? What would the drone of a builder's
drill taste like? What visual image would represent the way you feel when you
eat pizza? What does bliss smell like? How bright is the feeling of horniness?
What do you hear when you are touching silk? If blue could talk, what sort of
voice would it have?
• Learn to describe one sense in terms of the others. This is called Synesthesia.

Da Vinci Brain Bomb Number 4: LOVE MYSTERY, PARADOX &


Einstein introduced us to the astounding idea that everything is relative. There is no

absolute Truth that we have been able to nail to the wall. There is only true for now,
or true under certain specific circumstances, or true according to whom is watching.

If you are an explorer, as I know you are, you will have been faced with paradox and
ambiguity throughout your life. This is most obvious for any of you exploring
religious or spiritual ideas as you quest for the Truth. You will find yourself in the
dichotomy of sustaining a perception of yourself as a universal being with causal
powers and as an all too human animal, a biological disposable organism being
inhabited by Life and used to further the gene pool.

You can experience yourself as the most magnificent creation at one moment and a
mere particle of cosmic dust at the next. What a kicker!

Your Universe Awaits…

Life is full of mystery. And meaning is relative to where our attention and focus is
put. Quantum Theorists are creating the universe in the image of their own ideas and
theories. And then finding that the universe mutates to fit the next theory. In a spiral
of expanding knowledge, it seems we can only ever hope for a more inclusive
“model” of reality. Never the real thing.

And yet the next big idea always feels or seems like the real thing… until someone
pushes the envelope a bit further and says, “But guys…” at which point all the black
hats groan and start building the pyre around the stake!

Leonardo embraced mystery. He loved puzzles, riddles and visual paradoxes. He

developed special painting techniques, chemical processes, to imbue his paintings
with a hazy, mysterious quality suggestive of many layers of meaning that Life holds.

Whaddya Mean?

Develop your appreciation of irony by looking for opposite meanings in people’s

statements and actions. This is startlingly obvious in politics with all its bloated
posturing and platitude mongering. Mr Sleazy Politician has his picture taken with a
few babies and speaks in passionate, concerned tones about how he will help
children when he is voted into office. You hear and see his outer message, but can
you hear the real message?
The entertainment industry is full of peacocks fanning their tails and wanting to buff
their images to dazzling saint-like dimensions. They say all the right words, and
make the right faces. But you can hear the real message, can’t you? “Love me! Like
me! Buy my records! See my movie! Don’t let me fall from grace!”

The Shadow Messages

Look for the shadow message behind every circumstance and message. We can only
recognise something by contrast with its opposite. And like Siamese twins light and
dark, good and evil, black and white, up and down, left and right are always joined
at the hip. There is always a relationship and you get to interpret that relationship
along a very broad spectrum.

Listen to what people say to you. Notice what you understand them to mean by their
statements. Then ask yourself, “What else could they have meant? Why did they say
that? What is going on inside them really? What do they want from me? Are they
conscious of what they are saying to me? Are they saying this with awareness or are
they mouthing something parrot fashion?”

Observe the way people respond to what you say. Ask yourself, “Have I made my
true meaning clear? Does he really understand what I intended to say? What could
he have misunderstood about what I said? How could I say that differently? Do I
really mean what I said? What’s a better way of saying that?” In NLP, there is a
presupposition that states: The meaning of your communication is the response you
get. That means that the responsibility of communicating something so that people
understand it is yours alone.

I say, I say, I say

Ambiguity in language is so vast. You say: I sat on a chair. That seems clear enough,
doesn’t it? But did you sit upright on the edge of the chair? Did you slouch at the
back of the chair? Did you perch on the arm of the chair? Did you sprawl sideways
and hang your legs off the side? Did you sit because you were tired? Or because you
were told to? Or because you fainted and landed on the chair? Was the chair made of
wood? Metal? Baked beans glued together with horse hoof glue? What colour was the
chair? How did it feel? Was it soft, hard, scratchy, shiny, smelly? Was it on the floor?
Stuck to a wall? In a room? At the top of a mountain? On the dark side of the moon?
What do you mean by chair? Could you possibly mean a member of a family called
Chair? Little Jenny Chair? When you say “I” do you really mean you, yourself, or are
you referring to someone or something else that you are calling “I”?

Language is full of layers of meaning. The map is not the territory. We have a limited
number of words to describe an unlimited number of experiences. So we ascribe
words to generalised and universalised meanings. And somehow we generally
muddle by, but the confusion we cause each other is obvious in the society we live
in. You only have to look at your family life!

Absolutely, I disagree…

Generalising is a real snake in the grass and one to watch cause it keeps biting you
on the ass! Look at when you use absolutes such as, “always”, “never”, “totally”,
“must” and “never”. These types of words limit your world, and demonstrate an
intolerance for ambiguity.

Beware of generalising negative feelings with absolutes: “I always get depressed

when the skies are grey!”… No actually you don’t. You may have some moments
when you are depressed. But as they point out in the Japanese therapy
called Naikan, you only ever experience one moment at a time right now. And our
feelings change moment by moment. You cannot have an endless succession of
depressed moments. You have a rich variety of feelings throughout any particular
day, some of which may be moments of feeling depressed. But you may also feel
moments of amusement, anger, joy, fascination, dreaminess, intensity, shock, fun,
wonder, love, boredom, hate, comfort, enjoyment and more on the great spectrum
of emotions.

Curiosity k-k-konfounded the cat!

Like Leonardo, as you explore life and expand your knowledge, you will be equally
confounded, confused, mystified and befuddled by Life. As a great mind once said,
“The more I know, the more I realise that I don’t know.”

You will be constantly faced by situations in which there is no right answer. You will
see that complete opposite answers are equally true. And you must be BIG ENOUGH
and ballsy enough to handle that!

The mind is a playground for the genius that you are. It’s a wild forest full of
adventures in which you will lose yourself many times. Just know that you are the
adventurer. That it is here for you to play in. And do play with it. Have fun and laugh
a lot – it’s the best response to confusion and challenging times. One of the key
defining characteristics of geniuses is their sense of humour. How can you not laugh
when Life is so completely twisted!

Dive into the whirlpool – feel the fizz of confusion!

Life is one big Jacuzzi with multiple meanings bubbling together. Get in there and
enjoy the fizz. Soak it up! Give yourself a context to enjoy life. Give yourself a whole
armoury of contexts with which to enjoy life. Infinite possibilities! What greater
freedom than that?

Here’s some totally turned-on tips and ideas to help you play
with paradox, mystery and I ambiguity!
1. Buy your very favourite food (eg. strawberry ice-cream) and buy the food that
you hate (eg. tuna chunks)! Eat some of the food that you hate and really hate it.
Now eat some of the food that you love – oh God, how good does that taste
now?! Take a break for a minute. Now, eat some of the food that you hate as though
you love it. Really relish every sensation of that food. What can you love about it?
Let’s say you hate the taste of tuna. Put a spoonful of tuna in your mouth and love
that fishy taste like you are a cat. Imagine this is the greatest treat in the world.
Imagine you are starving. Try fasting for a few days and then see how good that
tuna starts to look. What if Regis came along and offered you a million dollars just to
eat and enjoy a mouthful of tuna? What if your child was ill and you could save her
life by eating a spoonful of tuna? What if, every time you ate tuna you got incredibly
aroused and had the most mind-blowing, knee-knocking orgasm? Would you like
tuna then? What about that strawberry ice cream that you love so much? What if I
told you that a recent study demonstrated that strawberry ice cream was inhabited
by 30 different parasites? Still taste as good? There is an awful lot of pus in milk,
isn’t there? What if I force feed you strawberry ice cream until you are sick, would
you want another helping? Enjoyment is context dependent. That context includes
environment, knowledge, past experiences, social consensus, conditions of
punishment or reward and anything else you care to come up with!

2. Who do you fancy? Does Britney Spears get you hard as the Rock of Gibraltar?
Do you go all of a quiver when Ben Affleck moseys onto the screen? Who do you
think is hot, sexy, beautiful or handsome? Really study that person and others like
him or her. What is it about them that makes them sexy, handsome or incredibly
pretty? Search for the elusive quality of beauty. Then look at the dawgs! Who do you
detest? Who makes your stomach turn? Who repulses you? Who do you think is
uglier than your butt-hole spitting excrement? Really look at those people. Entertain
them in your consciousness, so that you can really observe them as they
are.Leonardo da Vinci used to throw special parties for the ugliest, most deformed
and most hideous people that he could find. He would feed them and tank them up
with alcohol and then entertain them with joke after joke. Their deformed faces
would crease with laughter becoming even more hideous in the candlelight. Leonardo
would study their faces with incredible interest, and when they left he would stay up
all night sketching their faces. Without ugliness we wouldn’t know what beauty was.
Without beauty we wouldn’t know what ugliness is. To a baby, an ugly mother is
beautiful and fascinating. To a blind person, perhaps, a man’s deformed face is
interesting and characterful. Did you ever notice how ugly some supermodels can
look when they wear that stoney, superbitch look? Did you ever notice how beautiful
an ugly person looks when they look lovingly at their child?

3. To be finished ... a very Da Vincian trait! If you can't wait to learn more about
Leonardo's amazing genius techniques, I suggest you run screaming with hysterical
delight to your nearest bookstore and purchase a copy of"How To think Like
Leonardo Da Vinci" by Michael Gelb. It is superb.
Mozart's psychotic little secret and why you must
adopt it today! I'm 100% positive this Genius Gem
will put a spring in your step for good!
Amadeus Wolfgang Mozart. Now there's a name for a genius. I'm sure there are
hundreds and thousands of things we could learn about genius from Mozart. But I've
selected one and it's a dandy. You'll love it!

Back in the early 1990's, a group of psychologists took an interest in Mozart's mail.
They didn't have to steam open any envelopes or anything like that. After all he'd
been dead for 200 years, so hopefully the mail had long since been delivered, read,
digested, filed and housed in a museum! But I digress. What those psychologists
found in reading 600 surviving letters that Mozart wrote is that he was psychotic!


Yep. Positively psychotic.

No. Wait. He was psychotically positive! Also described as pathologically optimistic!

Steady on! A psychotic is someone who suffers from a mental disorder that affects
their whole personality. Pathology is the study of disease. These university shrinks
were almost implying that Mozart had something wrong with him. That his was a
strange kind of mental disease that put a positive spin on everything that happened
to him.

Phooey! Sign me up for some of that! I'll gladly take a mental disorder that allows
you to see the good in everything you do. Isn't that what every success book since
the Bible has suggested?

Fortunately wiser heads have come to the defence of Mr Mozart. That archdeacon of
Mind Development, Tony Buzan, has seen the value and genius in Mozart's attitude
and named it Amadeity - a psychology of appropriate positivity.


Promise Yourself -

• To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace

of mind.

• To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every

person you meet.

• To make all your friends feel that there is something

in them.

• To look at the sunny side of everything and make

your optimism come true.
• To think only of the best, to work only for the best
and to expect only the best.

• To be just as enthusiastic about the success of

others as you are about your own.

• To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to

the greater achievements of the future.

• To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give

every living creature you meet a smile.

• To give so much time to the improvement of

yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

• To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too

strong for fear, and too happy to permit the
presence of trouble.

Many have found inspiration in The Optimist Creed. In

hospitals, the creed has been used to help patients recover
from illness. In locker rooms, coaches have used it to
motivate their players.

Optimist International adopted this creed in 1922. It was

originally published in 1912 in a book titled:"Your Forces
and How to Use Them." The author was Christian D.
Larson, a prolific writer and lecturer who believed that
people have tremendous latent powers, which could be
harnessed for success with the proper attitude.


What a show!

One example of Mozart's unquenchable optimism occurs in a letter he wrote to his

wife describing a concert. It was the opening performance of a new opera he had
written. His letter reads as a glowing description of how well the performance went,
describing all the positive points of the opera as he saw it. Only at the end does he
mention in passing that there were only 10 people in the audience!

Turns out some Prince was giving a party in one part of town, the Hessian troops
were on manouvres in another and so all the opera going public were otherwise
engaged! I think he should have fired his booking agent! However Mozart saw it as a
glorious success regardless.
Mozart was an exuberant man with extraordinary self-confidence. His "inability to
believe that he might be a failure, even when his concerts were a disaster, was an
essential part of his genius". People reveal themselves in their true colours when
they are under pressure.

The real test of character is, does it last in negative circumstances? In war, some
people revert to an animalistic self-preservation instinct while others assume an
almost saint-like quality of good will for others.

Do the twist!

You want to be developing this ability to put a positive twist in your assessment of
the events of your life. It's that classic theme of seeing the glass as half-full rather
than half-empty. Counting one's blessings. Gratitude being a 'great attitude'.

Optimistic, positive people think that setbacks are caused by external factors that
are temporary and that can be changed. Their self-talk is, "I can do it!"

Pessimistic, worry-wart people think that setbacks are a reflection on them, that they
are to blame, and that nothing can be done. They whine to themselves, "I can't do
it!" or “They probably won’t like it…”.

“Pessimists are more often right, but optimists

accomplish more.”

~ Cathy Woodgold

Resolve right now, never to be in a position where I can label you a worry-wart! Isn’t
that the most hideous description I could ever give you? You don’t want to be a
carbuncle on the ass of humanity, do you? So turn yourself into a shining beacon of
light, optimism and enthusiasm.

Change the picture!

Richard Bandler and John Grinder invented NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).
They wrote the book “Reframing” which is a classic on how to develop Amadeity –
the ability to put a positive spin on the events that happen to you. If it’s not on your
bookshelf already, I urge you to make a space for it.

Reframing is literally a process of making the pictures in your head appear different,
so that you can respond to them in a different way. When you think of a situation,
you think of it in a certain context. That context is like a picture frame around the
event that affects the way you see that event. When you change the frame or
context around an event, you change the meaning of an event.

“An optimist is a man who gets treed by a lion but

enjoys the scenery.”
~ Walter Winchell

If you are a high-powered attorney, going to work with a hickey or love bite on your
neck might be mortifyingly embarrassing. But for a 13 year old virgin, it’s like a
badge of honour, a veritable rite of passage.

When you change the context, you change the meaning and that meaning will affect
the way we emotionally respond far more than the actual event itself.

Marketers are experts at changing context and meaning. They will reframe a high-
priced item not as an expense but an investment. The context might be “available for
a limited time only” – buy now or (SHOCK! HORROR!) miss out!

Spin Questions!
Here are some classic reframing questions to help you put a positive spin on the
events that happen to you.

1. What is great about this?


Reaction: Oh shoot, I have a flat tyre! Damn it! Why me? I’ve got an important
meeting in 10 minutes!

Reframe Question: What is great about the fact that I have a flat tyre this morning,
and I’ll be late to work?

Possible response: I’m so lucky it didn’t blow while I was driving. I am safe. I have a
spare. Thank God, Joe showed me how to use the jack. Wow, the Universe is really
looking out for me. I’ll just phone and rearrange the meeting, then go into work and
miss all the rush hour traffic.

2. What can I learn from this event? What is this trying to teach me?


Your abusive boyfriend runs off with a waitress.


What a loser he was anyway! I’m better of without him. He doesn’t deserve me. I am
going to hold myself to a higher standard. The Universe has done me a favour by
getting him out of my life. I’ve learnt that I don’t really want a wild macho man who
parties every night, what I really want is a decent, kind man who will respect me and
who I can respect.
3. How does or could this event serve me?

Example: You get called upon to go to a party. You hate parties, especially where
you don’t know anyone.

Thought: Oh God. I’ve got to go to that damned party. How do I get myself into
these situations? It’ll be boring and awkward. I just want to stay home. I hate it that
I have to go.

Reframe: I am so lucky to get invited to go to that party. Someone thought of me

and wants my company there. I’m going to go and meet all kinds of new people.
Who knows? I might meet the love of my life, a new friend or someone who can help
me get my new novel published. I am going to enjoy myself no matter what!

4. What am I grateful for?

This is a great depression cure. A swift kick in the head to “poor me” thinking. When
things aren’t going as well as you would like them to be, look around at your life and
notice all the great things that you have to be grateful for.

The fact is that you might only be earning $25,000 and not the $90,000 that you
want. But you have a roof over your head. At this moment, you are perfectly safe.
There is clean water in your taps. You have electricity. You have this information
before you. You have eyes to read with. You are obviously well nourished enough to
have the energy to read and understand. You get it? Appreciate the small things,
which you usually give no thought to. Because for the people that don’t have these
things, they are not small things. They are huge things. A blind billionaire would give
you his fortune for the simple blessing of being able to see.

In the first world, we all live like millionaires anyway. The computers, technology,
food stuffs, ideas, entertainment that we all have such ready easy access to, are the
results of other people’s ideas, billions of dollars of research, development,
manufacturing, marketing, distribution and sales outlets. You are the beneficiary of
trillions of dollars of wealth. You live better than a king would have 200 years ago,
even 100 years ago, even 50 years ago.

There’s always a whole heap of good stuff going on in your life. You and I look at
snow, and we see it as one thing: snow. An Eskimo can identify 50 different kinds of
snow. I can run to snow, slush, sleet and that’s about it. That Eskimo has a richer
experience than me because he knows 50 different snows and I only know 3.

The more things you can identify to be grateful for, the richer you will feel (and the
happier!). Count your blessings, because the rich get richer; the more blessings you
can recognise the more blessings you will have. Unto her who has much, more will
be given. From those who feel lack, more will be taken away.

5. Oh well! Never Mind. What’s next?

This is a great “street” reframe! It’s basically, “Who gives a fuck? I’m going for it
anyway, you can’t keep me from my goal!” Whatever your woes are, one of the
greatest stress releasers is to simply shrug your shoulders and say, “Oh well…”
You immediately dump the weight of the world from your back. It’s a real kicker!

For all you writers out there, dreaming of the best sellers list, those rejection slips
come in like a slap in the face. You just have to hold to your craft, persist in the face
of rejection and keep saying, “Next!”

You don’t get rejected; you do the rejecting. If a publisher or literary agent is so
dumb that they can’t recognise your talent, you wouldn’t want them representing
you anyway. Thank god you didn’t get stuck with that bunch of losers! Onwards and
upwards to your glorious career!

6. What was funny about that?

“You’ve gotta laugh!”

It’s a classic reframe that we all know about. You simply look at the event and see
the funny side.

You were at a business lunch. You went to the restroom and returned to the table
with your skirt stuck in the back of your underwear. You blushed redder than a
shepherd’s sunset and wanted a hole in the ground to open and swallow you up!

But what a hoot! You can dine out with your girlfriends on that one for years!

7. How would Jesus / Oprah / Mozart deal with that situation?

Look at the events of your life through different eyes. When you change the
perspective, you change the experience. Look at something from the other person’s
point of view – walk a mile in their moccasins.

But then take an observer’s point of view too. Someone uninvolved is watching you
and the other person, a non-judgemental fly-on-the-wall, like a big brother camera
looking into your little world.

You can also look at the events of your life, through the eyes of your heroes and
heroines. How would they respond?
“The Twelve Key Characteristics Of
The Dynamic Optimist!”

(1) Selective Focus: Emphasizing the enjoyable,
constructive, open aspects of life.

(2) Refraining from Complaining: Avoiding pointless

complaining and whining about one’s difficulties. Taking the
world as it is and not complaining that life isn’t fair.

(3) Questioning Limits: A constructive skepticism that

challenges the limiting beliefs held by ourselves, our
associates, and our society. A fundamental creative
openness to possibilities.

(4) Sense of Abundance: Feeling free to do what you

want, rather than feeling compelled by circumstances or
people. Recognizing the world to be full of opportunities.
Being for things, not against things.

(5) Humor: Seeing one’s own shortcomings with a sense

of humor. Allowing healthy, good-natured humor to reveal
new perspectives and combat dogmatic thinking.


(6) Rational: Using reason rather than being lead by fears
and desires. Objectively assessing situations and taking
action based on understanding reality apart from our

(7) Self-Improving: Optimists see the self as a process

and seek continual improvement. Their drive to improve is
not pushed by fear but pulled by an inspiring self-image.

(8) Experimental: Frequently trying fresh approaches,

staying out of ruts, actively seeking more effective ways of
achieving goals, and being willing to take calculated risks.

(9) Self-Confident: Believing that we can bring about

good things. A fundamental conviction of competence in
"Discover Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator Goal-
Setting Secrets For Body-building Your Mental
Muscles So You Can Achieve Your Goals With
Unfailing Precision!" For a PDF of this article, click here.
Throw out your dusty image of the egghead genius and know that the 21st Century
genius has muscles and can kick butt! You might not think you could snatch genius
advice from a man whose biceps were bigger than your head, but when you look at
the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger you can discover the secrets of unerring

The Terminator Goal-Setting Strategy

Here's a man, a goliath of a man, who started life in some Austrian backwater and
dreamed massive dreams. He was a million miles from the Hollywood he would one
day claim as his own. But, as a mere 15 year old, he announced his dream and he
went on to achieve it.

"I want to be the best built man in the world. Then I

want to go to America and be in movies. I want
to be an actor."
The phenomenal laser-focussed way he powered forward to achieve goal after goal is
revealed here. Use the goal setting secrets of this unstoppable "muscle bound
monster", and you too can make mighty strides forward.

Click with your passion!

We are traveling back in time, to a sleepy Alpine village called Graz. Here Arnold
Schwarzenegger sculpted his future as unerringly as he went about sculpting
his body.

He's 15 years old and his soccer team are visiting a gym. Arnold looks around at the
powerful muscular bodies of the men working out there and something clicks deep
inside him. He suddenly realizes at a deep inner level that this is what he wants to
do. He wants to feel strong and powerful like a mighty warrior or a fearsome beast.
His mind lights up with a passion to do this.

"I knew I was going to be a bodybuilder.

It wasn't simply that either. I would be the best bodybuilder in the world,
the greatest,
the best-built man."

Have you clicked with what you want to do and achieve? Do you dream mighty
dreams? Faith Popcorn's book Clicking perfectly describes that moment of
connection with your dream, purpose, vision or goal.

Dream BIG!
Is your dream big enough to excite you and stir you to action? Have you put your
ego into it? Can you go a little wild and really stretch the bounds of what you think is
possible for you? You have to think BIG, like Arnold, who literally "dreamed about
being gigantic".

Soak up your subject!

Arnold began to work-out with unwavering determination and enthusiasm. He asked
questions of the older bodybuilders in the gym. He subscribed to magazines. He
found out more and more about bodybuilding and applied it to his training. He made
rapid progress because he worked so hard.

"I wanted more, I demanded

more of myself."

Whatever your goal is, are you building up your knowledge base? Are you letting
your obsession with it grow and grow so that you seek out and continuously find new
references and knowledge that relate to and support the achievement of your goal?
Are you giving it your all? When you focus on something and want it, your RAS
(random activating system) in your mind becomes hyper sensitive to anything and
everything that relates to your interest.

Find someone you can emulate!

Working out with weights is hard and sometimes relentless as you have to keep
doing it day after day, week after week. You need inspiration to keep you going
when it gets tough. Arnold had his methods.

"I kept my batteries charged with the adventure movies of Steve Reeves,
Mark Forrest, Brad Harris, Gordon Mitchell and Reg Park."

Seeing these heroic figures on the screen fueled his desire to be like them. He soon
fixated on Reg Park, a massive man whose Herculean physique represented the ideal
for Arnold. He had found a role model.

From that point on, his life was "utterly dominated by Reg Park. His image was
my ideal. It was fixed indelibly in my mind."

Arnold found out everything he could about Reg Park, buying all the magazines that
published Park's training programs. He learned what he ate, how he lived, and how
he did his workouts. This obsession fueled his work-outs and he used his role model
like a blueprint. If he did exactly what Reg Park did, he would get the same results.

Wily Walnut says:

If any mind has, any mind can!

"The more I focussed in on this image and worked and grew, the more I
saw it was real and possible for me to be like him."

Who is your mentor or role model? Who has already achieved the goal that you have
set yourself? Who can you imitate? Whose meme can you catch? Find someone in
your field of interest who has been successful and that you greatly admire and want
to emulate; study them; find out all you can about them: live them; breathe them.
There are heros is every field of human endeavor.

Fine-tune your blueprint!

Attack your goal from every angle. The clearer you can visualize the goal in your
mind, the quicker you will achieve it. See it as though it is already real. Imagine that
you have achieved it. What would you see? What would you hear? How would you be
feeling? Use all your senses to make it as real and as exciting as possible. If you
don't feel deliriously happy contemplating this goal, then maybe you should ask
yourself why you are doing it, really? Either find more compelling reasons why you
want to do this, or change the goal.

"I had this fixed idea of growing a body like Reg Park's. The model was
there in my mind; I only had to grow enough to fill it. My dreams went
beyond a spectacular body. Once I had that, I knew what it would do for
me. I'd get into the movies. I'd create an empire."

Keep at your goal visualisation. Play with it every day like a dog with a bone; keep
chewing that sucker until you really get the taste of it. Keep sharpening the details,
getting it into crystal focus. Adjust it until it sounds just right. Work it until it feels
spot-on! The more real it seems inwardly, the more real it will become outwardly
(unless, of course, you are freakin' nuts!). Like a cartographer: you are making a
map, the details have to be there. Like an architect designing a house, you need to
put in everything required to build that dream home.

-------------------- Awareness! --------------------------

Which Of These Newly Discovered
Goal-Setting Keys Will You Use
To Be Just Like Arnold & Rapidly
Unleash The Magic of Goals?

Stay positive!
Arnold discovered the power of the mind over the body. He noticed how emotional
distractions and worry weakened him. Thinking about problems and worries during
his training sessions robbed him of the strength he needed to workout.

He also knew what a detrimental affect others can have on your goals, often trying
to squash them. Negative people often resist positive people, and they feel
uncomfortable around them until either they pull the positive person down to their
level or they catch the positivity and change themselves.

"I remember certain people trying to put negative thoughts into my mind,
trying to persuade me to slow down. But I had found the thing to which I
wanted to devote my total energies and there was no stopping me."

Make sure you develop that kind of thick-skinned positivity! Family members can
often be the greatest threat to our dreams. Without alienating them, you can be
persistent in your pupose and goal. It is often advisable to keep goals secret,
especially in the early stages. Get around those who can help you achieve your goal.
Hang out with your mentors. Success breeds success.

Arnold has always known and understood that principle. He always worked with the
best people he could find or contact, saying: "Positive thinking can be
contagious. Being surrounded by winners helps you develop into a winner."


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Challenge your limits

Usually you do about 3-5 sets of an exercise for a particular body part. However the
body can become used to this routine and fail to grow as dramatically as you require.
Arnold resorted to shock tactics to bomb his muscles and force them to grow.

Each week, he would choose an exercise, and focus an entire workout on that
exercise alone. Instead of 5 sets, he might do 55 sets or just keep going until he
couldn't do another thing. Frequently, he would train with a like-minded partner
and have little competitions to motivate himself to do better. They would challenge
each other to do more reps with heavier and heavier weights.

Apply this shock principle to your own goals. Let's say your goal is to become a
public speaker on the seminar circuit. But you aren't very good at speaking. Maybe
you have given 1 or 2 talks in the last few months.

If you want to get good at talking you are going to have to up the ante. Schedule a
talk a day for a month, or three talks a day for a week. Grab your soapbox and go
and stand in the city park if you have to. Get out there and talk! The harder it is and
the more you do, the quicker you will become comfortable and an accomplished

Tony Robbins did this when he started his speaking career; he would be giving talks
in the morning to the Business Bureau, talk in the afternoon to the Womens' Circle
and then be giving a talk in the evening elsewhere -- and he did that week after
week, month after month. The end result being he is one of the most fluent,
entertaining, informative and successful speakers in the world.

Make rapid relentless progress!

Arnold grew, and grew, and grew! Within 2 or 3 years he was massive. He was
achieving his goal. He had to overcome lots of resistance and challenges both
inwardly and outwardly, but as he said: "I wanted that body and I didn't care
what I had to go through to get it."
At 18, he was drafted into the army to do his National Service. Fittingly, he joined
the tank corp!The Junior Mr Europe bodybuilding competition was soon to be held in
Germany and Arnold was determined to compete despite being denied leave of
absence by his C.O. He decided he must compete and he went AWOL! Sometimes in
the pursuit of your goals, you must risk all.

Fortunately, Arnold's massive biceps won him 1st Prize and he returned to his
barracks with trophy in hand. A week in solitary confinement was his punishment,
but as word spread of his accomplishment, he was soon being feted as an example
of Austrian heroism by his commanding officers.

He soon went on to win Mr Universe in London. From there his dream was taking him
to America.

Reality check, please!

Arnold is often described as a very reality-focussed individual. He is not particularly
concerned with "contemplating his navel"! He is not someone who wrestles with
anxiety or inner "issues"!

Being honest is one of the most valuable qualities anyone can have. On arrival in
America, Arnold was immediately in competition with the world's top bodybuilders.
He came 2nd - a terrible blow to his image of himself as the best. But he took it on
the chin and coolly assessed his weaknesses and devised a plan to overcome them.

"I was always honest about my weak points, this helped me grow. I think
it's the key to success in everything: be honest; know where you are weak:
admit it."

In the pursuit of your goals, you must be prepared to make course adjustments. This
requires honesty and the ability to see things as they are, not as you wish them to
be. When you see something as it is, you are in a more powerful position to change

"When I see that I have certain backward attitudes, I reason them out and
work to make my outlook more realistic."
Being outwardly-focussed also enables you to be more aware of opportunity. Arnold
is a legendary prankster, who is quick to take advantage of unwitting minds. He uses
this "what's-really-going-on-radar" to psychologically outmanouvre his competitors,
and ensure that he achieves his goal.

This sharp ability to observe is a powerful tool for critical thinking and assessing
others. Arnold would look closely at what successful people do and at what
unsuccessful people do. This enabled him to discern the behavior patterns to avoid
and the behaviors to focus on. This enabled him to forge ahead where others
languished on a plateau (or in a rut).

"Most of the people I observed couldn't make astonishing advances because

they never had faith in themselves. They had a hazy picture of what they
wanted to look like someday, but they doubted they could realize it.
Ultimately they didn't put out the kind of effort I did because they didn't
feel they had a chance to make it. And of course, starting with that premise,
they didn't."

The Template of Success!

Bodybuilding is a terrific metaphor for succeeding in life. The Greeks championed the
idea of a healthy mind in a healthy body and were the first to establish set exercise
routines to develop the physique. By exercising with progressively heavier weights,
getting enough rest and eating well, you can build the size and strength of your

Arnold took the process of success that he got from bodybuilding and applied it to
other areas in his life. In bodybuilding, there are big goals such as winning a major
competition like the Mr Olympia; there are medium-term goals like reaching an ideal
weight of 235 lbs with 6% body fat ratio; and there are hundreds of short-term mini-
goals like turning up at the gym (!), doing 12 reps of squats with 200lbs or cutting
cakes from your diet. There is a deliberate process of discipline in achieving these

When you have any kind of success in your life, lift the template of that success up
and apply it to other areas of your life in which you wish to succeed. If you have
any experience of success, you can take that experience and replicate it elsewhere.
And everyone has experienced success in their lives, even if you have to go back as
far as learning to walk or talk or read.

"In two or three years, I had actually been able to change my body entirely.
That told me something. If I had been able to change my body that much, I
could also, through the same discipline and determination, change anything
else I wanted. I could change my habits, my whole outlook on life."

In learning about business, Arnold applied the bodybuilding-template to his studies.

He was a millionaire long before he made his name in Hollywood. He applied the
bodybuilding template to his acting career and gradually built up the size of the roles
he was offered and the "clout" he wielded amongst the studios.
Stay hungry!
Arnold is a genius... As Pele is to soccer, Bruce Lee to kung fu, Elvis Presley to Rock
& Roll, Arnold Schwarzenegger is to bodybuilding. While todays bodybuilders are
even more massive and muscularly defined, none can yet surpass Arnold as the
archetypal muscle man. He has set and achieved his goals with the unerring,
unstoppable force and dedication that he exemplified playing the robot from the
future, The Terminator.

Arnold lives life in the large lane! "The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to
survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer," he says.

His motivating motto is "Stay Hungry!" That means don't get too comfortable.
Success can deaden the senses and make you superstitious and think you have to do
the same things over and over. Not so! You are alive and creative, and there are
always new ideas and new levels of success to be gained.

You are a muscular minded genius! Put your thinking muscle to good use and trail
blaze a path of glory!

To Valhalla..

How to think like a Billionaire

Emulating the multi-million dollar mindset of the
world's great financial geniuses

It's no wonder you want to discover how to think like a billionaire. Billionaires
think differently than other people. They have a whole different way of looking at the
world and thinking about money. Surely if you can only grasp a hold of what they do
differently, in their heads, you could start to build a fortune of your own?

The creative strategies that millionaires, multi-millionaires and billionaires use to

attract, earn and receive great financial wealth can be learned. You can find out how
to think like a billionaire -- and it can be effortless. The fundamental moneymaker
mindset is something you can program into your consciousness by studying the
richest billionaires and 'doing as they do'. In NLP, this is called modelling and
mirroring excellence. It is a super tried-and-tested technique for rapidly building new
dynamic behaviours into your consciousness. It involves over-laying new success
templates on our old out-worn and limiting belief systems.

Discovering how to think like a billionaire!

Imagine if you will what your life would be like if you could wake up in YOUR LIFE
and think about your issues and financial challenges with the mindset of the world's
richest man, Bill Gates?

What if you could take a mental holiday and think instead like the dynamicRichard

Would you make better investment choices if you were thinking likeWarren Buffet?

How much better would your sales presentations go if you could bottleTony
Robbins' charisma and swig from that bottle whenever you needed to turn on your
money-making magnetism?

The practice of cultivating mentors is a long established one in the field of success
and achievement. Every great man and woman in Life can point to the mentors that
helped guide them to the summit of success. Every one starts out in ignorance and
looks around to see who they can learn from.

Copying the style and mannerisms of successful people like in order to become more
successful yourself is a long established technique that human beings have been
using since time immemorial.

Emulating Financial Genius

'Faking it till you make it' works in sport, entertainment, and business. Role playing
and imagination have guided many to the pinnacle of their professions. So look
around you and study the millionaires and billionaires if you want to get rich
yourself. Read their biographies, listen to interviews with them, and try and get a
deep inner sense of where they are coming from, and exactly what it is that they do
differently from you.

Get yourself a book on NLP and study it. You can quickly uncover how to mirror the
greatest minds on earth, or the greatest minds that ever lived (eg. Leonardo da

Of course, if you don't want to do all the work yourself, you can do the billionaire
thing and get someone else to do the work for you. Someone like Sean Collins for
instance, who has created a series of audios that instill the success templates of 7
top billionaires straight into your head!
Money Maker programming
I recently purchased the Money Maker audio mind-programming series for a mere
$29.97. I didn't know what to expect but when I downloaded the x7 Mp3 audios that
comprise the series, and started listening I was immediately impressed enough to
resolve to tell you about it. Don't be put off by the low price. That certainly doesn't
indicate low quality. I would put these on a par with self-development programs
costing $70 and up. They could just as easily have been packaged and marketed
with a lot of hoorah at $250. I mean who doesn't want to get that billionaire edge in
their business life? What would it mean to YOU if you could short-cut the learning
curve in how to make millions and millions of dollars?

Each Money Maker audio file focuses on a world famous billionaire (or multi-
millionaire in Tony Robbin's case). It leads you into a relaxed state and shows you
how to think just like that billionaire. You model their nehaviours and make subtle
adjustments in your own mindset to incorporate their thinking styles, attitudes and
success habits. It's like a mind meld with the genius of the particular billionaire. But
don't worry, you aren't going to disappear, you are merely enhanced with the money
making dynamism of the billionaire thinker.

Billionaire Mentors
Here's the list of billionaires* covered (once you've ordered the Money
Maker series, click on the links to get to pages with reference material and videos of
the specific billionaires):

• Bill Gates -- how will your life change when you start thinking like the
world's richest man?
• Richard Branson -- want a blast of the Virgin boss' dynamic entreprenurial
• Warren Buffett -- receive the financial wisdom boost from the Sage of
• Donald Trump -- apprentice yourself to this wealth wizard and start thinking
like the Donald!
• (billionaire page removed by legal request/order!) -- become a warm
passionate billion dollar thinker like XXX is!
• Tony Robbins -- not a billionaire (yet!) but the embodiment of the successful

'Mystery' Billionaire -- why is this template possibly the most powerful addition to
your entreprenurial mindset?

That's seven hypnotic programs that will have you relaxing deeply, sloughing off all
that stress and worries about money, and developing an invulnerable entreprenurial
spirit. This is the first program of it's kind that will enable you to really THINK AND

I go walking in the countryside every day for relaxation and exercise and I've been
listening to these programs on my iPod shuffle. As you may know from my Hypnotic
Mind Master article, I am familiar with many of the top hypnosis program producers
and I have to rate this Money Maker series right up there. I think it is a truly
innovative concept, well conceived and delivered, and it can deliver first-rate
financial mastery insights straight into your brain.

From Money Moron to Money Maven

If you sometimes feel like a complete numbskull when it comes to money, grab this
program for just $29.97 -- it really is a steal at the price! Hopefully you have some
experience or knowledge with NLP and recognise the value of mirroring excellence
in high performers. It's a tried and tested technique used by sport stars, movie
actors, and you can use it to find out how to think like a billionaire. An extraordinary
prospect, I am sure you will agree.

And if like me you have previously found your 'money making mentality' to be a
bit... how shall I put this delicately... on the thick side! ... then this program will
crack your nut open, scoop out the mush and replace it with a dynamic financial
mastery that will have you thinking like a billionaire instead of a loser!

He he he! You're not a loser, I just had to put that in ;-). You know what I mean.

Swapping Heads With Billionaires

Anyway, take a look for yourself by clicking the no-obligations link below.... The
audios employ top creative thinking strategies like the concept of 'putting on other
people's heads' and doing your thinking with that new brain. Instead of thinking like
Mozart or Leonardo da Vinci (who were great geniuses but not that great at making
money), you'll be thinking like Donald Trump, Tony Robbins or Bill Gates. If
nothing else it's a really cool mind trip and will open your mind to all kinds of
creative possibilities.

For seven bucks, I honestly don't think you can go wrong. Download the audios,
listen to them on your PC, or put them on an Mp3 player or burn them onto a CD
and listen to them on your personal music system as you go to bed at night or
sometime in the day when you want to relax for a few minutes. The sessions are
short enough to avoid being a drag and long enough to be effective at embedding
that entrepreneurial million dollar mindset deep into your brain.
How to use SEX to "electrify"
your mental powers and
become a rampant creative
Sex is everywhere these days, isn't it? You can't turn on your computer without
being hit by a hundred different sexually related emails. Porn sites have dictated the
evolution of the internet, driving forward into new realms of marketing, design, sales
technology, and god only knows what else. All that innovation driven by the energy
of sex!

Flip through a magazine, turn on the TV, and it seems that every other advert has
some kind of sexual component used to sell everything from clothes to light bulbs
(the ultimate turn-on!).

Why? Why all this nudity? What're all the cleavage shots about? Why is that
muscular man drinking that soft drink while the women gawp at him?

Sex moves us to action. Sex inspires mighty deeds. Sex sells!

How sex drives the brain...

Sexual energy is the lust for life in all forms. Have you heard of SPERM
COMPETITION? Well, you should have - you've been living it! It's the natural force
that drives intelligence forward in all creatures!

Everybody knows that males are promiscuous and ferociously competitive when it
comes to sex. Men's competitiveness revolves around physical strength and
dominance at the basic level, and moves up the scale to include attractiveness,
intelligence, ingenuity, organisational power, leadership and wealth.
For ages it was politely assumed that females--both human and of other species--are
naturally monogamous. Er ... hello? ... Not so!!

Females, it has become clear, are equally promiscuous, if not more so, and have
evolved an astounding array of creative strategies, employed both before and after
copulation, to determine exactly who will father their offspring.

Do you get that? Sex, good old rumpy pumpy sex, has been the driving force of
creativity, resourcefulness and evolution itself in both men and women for millennia!
And because we humans get such pleasure from sex, we don't just want it when
spring is in the air ... we want it all the fucking time!

That's probably why we are the dominant species on this planet! We've been so
focussed on sex and relationships that we've become super smart as a species!

Don't believe me? Look around you. Why is that incredible looking girl with that
dumpy little guy? Either he's smart and rich, or smart and funny, or smart and
famous, or smart and creative, or smart and kind with a big-dick!

Whatever it is, he had to be smart to get the girl, because he sure didn't get her
because of his looks or physique! You can see exactly the same intelligence at work
with women.

Everyone contrives to get the best possible person that they can get in order to mate
with them (based on a combination of their own criteria and a primitive innate
evaluation system, modified by how screwed up they are!).

The desire for sex is the most powerful of human desires. "When driven by this
desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will-power,
persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times." says
Napoleon Hill in his classic book, Think and Grow Rich.

Now, YOU can use SEX to purposely power up your brain and let your creative genius
juices flow. Here's how:

The Sex Spurts Guide To Turning-On Your Creative

1. If it ain't hot and hard already, stoke up the fire...
It's a well known fact that most of the geniuses, creators, leaders and entrepreneurs
of the past and present have very strong sex drives. If you are a bit 'limp' or 'cold'
when it comes to sex, you need to take action and get your juices flowing again!
Whether you turn to Viagra, or if you are a woman take herbs like muirapuama,
catuaba, and maca, you've got to get your sex energy up and buzzing.

If you are healthy, you are going to have a strong sex drive. If you have any kind of
long-term illness, particularly anything affecting the spine, the kidneys, or sex
organs, then you need to do whatever you can to beat that illness with the help of
your medical practitioners.

Personally, I'd also recommend you start working on mental causes and work with
the ideas presented by Louise Hay in her book "You Can Heal Your Life". Then I'd
suggest you start to explore natural health and particularly the area of raw food diet.
The Bragg health guides ( are excellent and have stood the test of
time. I also like the book, "Radical Rejuvenation" by Roxy Dillon, which features an
excellent guide to the best use of aphrodisiac herbs.

2. Revel in your sexual energy... rejoice in the life force gushing between
your thighs!
How sensuous are you?? Do you delight in the tastes of foods and drink? Do you
relish the warm touch of bare skin or the coolness of satin? Do you allow yourself to
experience pleasure in your environment, in the beauty and wonder of Nature? What
about music? Can you get sassy with Barry White, groove to L'il Kim, soar with
Mozart, and just delight in the abundance of pleasure and good feelings that music
brings you? This is a great big wonderful world of sensation and experience. Learn to
experience things in the present moment, fully and completely!

Remember your sex energy is your lust for life! It's your passion! Get passionate, get
sensuous! Love your body! I know that's a toughie for a lot of people, but if you
don't do it you'll never discover your Paradise Portal!

Paradise Portal? What's that?!

Your body is a portal to Paradise. Your body is an instrument that can create and
experience pure unadulterated Bliss! Get in there and love it! Feel it, touch it, play
with it, pleasure it, and savour the sensations that your body gives you as you kiss,
as you stroke, as you masturbate or as you fuck!

And if you have a problem with the F-word - practice saying, "I Love To Fuck" 100
times a day until you can say it and take a dirty ribald pleasure in saying it! Love the
life in you - it's really, really good!

3. Get yourself a muse and amuse yourself...

To paraphrase Paul McCartney you "need somebody to love"! He's a great example
of a modern genius using a muse to inspire his creativity. Think of all the wonderful
love songs he has written for the late Linda McCartney such as "Maybe I'm Amazed",
"I Will", "The Lovely Linda" and "My Love". His mum, his children, John Lennon's son,
and lately Heather Mills have all inspired him to write beautiful songs that have
become hits.

Who do you love? Who do you lust after?

I remember when I was first courting my wife. I remember it as one of the most
creative times of my life! And it was such fun! We met and fell in love over the
telephone and didn't actually meet for the first 6 - 8 weeks. I was a horny young
devil of 24 and the air was ripe with innuendo and sexual wordplay... and laughter.
When you've got a muse you are always amused! We exchanged cards, faxes and
letters, all of which were gems of pure creative genius - in that we both laughed
hysterically and felt wonderful! We were both doing our utmost to woo and win the

When all of your passion and sexual energy is focussed on the pursuit of another and
the attempt to win their affection, your mind fires on all cylinders!

Shakespeare had his secret lover. Napoleon had his Josephine. Cleopatra had Mark

Who do you have to inspire you to mighty deeds and great thoughts?

If you are married... my commiserations. No! I'm joking! Do you still have that lust
for your partner? If not, can you remember it? When you feel love for them, how do
you express it? Feel inside and be guided as to how you want to show them that you
love them, that you want them!

Imagine how you'd feel if they died. What would you want to say to them? They are
going to die, someday. And so are you. You have a limited amount of time. Be aware
of it and see your relationship within that context. It can be the spur that makes you
want to express your love!

If you are anything like me, you are constantly trying to figure out how to get more
sex with your partner! It takes being a genius to figure out how to fit it in what with
work, her schedule, my schedule, the toddlers schedule, eating, sleeping, exercising,
doing the laundry, housework!

I've got charts and blueprints drawn up! "Okay, she'll be here at this time. She'll be
wearing sweat pants then - easy to pull down he-he-he! The kid'll be watching TV
downstairs, I'll have approximately 18 minutes to initiate something before I need to
go give him his 2nd stage of breakfast before nursery school. Hmm ... I need an
excuse to be there ...aha! Eureka! I'll just say..." etc :-))

But then, I'm such a dawg!

Now if you are single and looking... well, the world is chock full of muses! You need
your wits about you constantly. You need to be on your best form as you talk and try
to tantalize the potential lovers you pursue.

Look all around you. You can fall in love a dozen times a day when you are single
and hungry for love. You can lust after 50 strangers or more a day too!

Your restless eyes scan all the people you meet and measure them against your
internal "cuteness" gauge. If they meet your mark, all the internal bells go off, the
adrenaline and endorphins start to pump inside you and your pheromones go into
overdrive! You gaze over and try and catch their eyes. Is there a spark? Is there a
smile for you?

When you are in that state of yearning, you are at the gateway to creativity. You can
speak eloquently of your lust, your love, your pain ... probably not to the person you
are hounding after, but if you try to express it by writing down your thoughts, you'll
probably find yourself writing at a higher level than normal.

When you are directly vying for the attention of someone you fancy, you'll strive to
impress him or her. You'll be funnier, more daring, and more original than normal.
All that is mitigated of course by how nervous you feel, your self-esteem and level of
confidence. But usually after the initial nervousness has worn off, you can really get
in your stride.

Maybe you'll compose a song. Write a poem. Think up jokes. Research things that
he/she is interested in. Paint pictures. Cook elaborate dinners. Read more books.
Reflect on movies. And figure out how the hell you are going to get into his/her
pants! And stay there as long as you want!

4. Why saying "No" to Sex can skyrocket your creative passion...

I wanted to call this section "Agaping hole you just want to fill and fill... but don't!"
But that's just being crude and a little obscure rather than clever! What I do want to
tell you about is Agape and Courtly love.

Agape (pronounced “ä gä´ p-a-”) is a Greek word meaning “unselfish love of one
person for another” which Gandhi used during his non-violent campaigns in India.

Mahatma Gandhi was a funny old bird. He had a lot of very kooky ideas! But what a

You probably know that he was a celibate. And at the height of his powers he wore
little more than a loincloth and endured lengthy periods without food. He used
fasting as a way to protest against the harsh rule of the British in India.

It is said that during these long protest fasts, Gandhi would sleep (while remaining
celibate) with two virgin girls either side of him. Apparently this helped to boost his
energy levels and gave him the mental fortitude to persist. Hmm, I wonder if my
wife would let me do that next time I'm doing a fast? ;-)

Fasting is physically debilitating and you don't have a lot of energy for sex. But have
you ever had a cold or the flu, and then seen your partner naked? You know you are
not "up to it" physically but the mind is still willing! Old men report the same thing ...
they know they can't get an erection but they still enjoy thinking about sex!

Gandhi was tantamount to a saint in his commitment to his spirituality. He would

have taken that buzz of physical closeness and turned it into pure love, and used
that energy to figure out his next move in his campaign to peacefully oust the

On a more romantic level let's talk about "Courtly Love".

The Knights in shining armour - fantasy figures for hundreds of years of women right
to the present day it seems - had a special code of conduct when it came to amour...
they called it Courtly Love.

Now there appear to be several interpretations and versions of courtly love. But the
basic idea runs something like this...

The dashing young knight, Sir Loves Tolancealot, arrives at the castle and soon falls
in love with a nobleman's pretty wife and vice versa. He however is a man of honour
and she a virtuous woman. Under the rules of courtly love they can let their passion
flow unbridled as long as they don't engage in physical intercourse. This was known
as a donnoi relationship.

So while Sir Loves Tolancealot and the Lady Prettipuss might engage in sleeping
together nude, nude caresses and embraces, they can't and won't copulate! But you
can be sure there were hours and hours of mutual ravishing with the eyes,
punctuated by doting, frustrated sighs!

Been there, done that! ;-)

Now according to the historical reports left to us by these Knights and fair Ladies,
and sung about by wandering minstrels and troubadours, courtly love was highly
popular. These relationships ignited their imaginations and lifted their psyches to
new levels of emotional intensity and feeling, much more than ordinary sexual
pairings did.

If you get yourself into that heightened state of emotional intensity you are going to

• More aware
• More sensitive to stimuli
• Feeling more alive
• Exuberant and expressive
• More energised and inspired

... And those are all qualities you can draw on to be creative, inspirational, and
exceptionally minded.

So learn to tease your desire and hold it at fever pitch, because arousal will benefit
you mentally and spiritually. You can do it with anything you want - it doesn't have
to be sex, though sex is the most effective. When you are hungry, take a piece of
fruit into your mouth and just "hold" it there ... see how long you can go without
actually chewing it, just close your eyes and taste it, feel its texture, savour
everything about it.

With your sexual partner you might try experimenting with "courtly love". Let your
desire and lust build and build. Restrict yourself to cuddles, caressing and anything
but full-penetrative orgasm. You can even practice karezza - where the man
penetrates the woman but you just embrace each other without thrusting and just
feel one-another and bask in the sensations.

Experiment with courtly love. The longer you can go, the more creative you will
become. Just keep on finding ways to express your love/lust without actually going
the whole hog. Keep that feeling as high as possible. And from that state, create,
invent, write, sing, dance, express yourself!

5. Transforming Sexual Energy into Pure Genius!

So let's recap. Sexual desire is the most powerful human emotion. By achieving a
state of sexual desire and maintaining it, you keep the mind in a heightened state of
arousal and activity. When you mix sex and love, you have the perfect mix for
drawing on the creative mind... if you can transmute or turn your desire for sex into
a desire for something else, such as writing a poem, working out a business problem
or getting direct spiritual insights.

Over indulgence in sex and orgasm, will quell the feeling of desire and the affect that
it has on the mind. Once a man ejaculates, more often than not he rolls over and
falls asleep! One moment he's a tiger, straining with every part of his body and mind
to get what he wants ... the next he's unconscious!

Female arousal is slower to heat up and slower to cool down, so the affect of sexual
arousal on the mind is not so obvious. But it still works the same way.

Your goal is to access states of mind that geniuses do. You require the stimulation of
the most powerful human emotion: sex. This will bring your mind to a heightened
state of awareness and sensitivity. In expanded states of consciousness you have
access to sources of knowledge that you would not otherwise have when simply
involved in everyday reality thinking (worry, obsessing, trivial pursuits etc).

Let's say that you want to brainstorm for a business idea. You've obviously given it a
lot of "rational" conscious thought and not really come up with anything. Take
yourself somewhere private and comfortable, settle down, relax. Begin to get
aroused. You can fantasise about your lover, about getting naked and making love.
You might also physically stimulate yourself through masturbation (hence the need
for privacy!). Get good and hot! However, don't get too carried away. You are not to
come or ejaculate.

When you are aroused, use your will-power to turn your mind to your business, and
turn that arousal and state of lust over to the problem or challenge. You can actually
shift your desire for your lover over to the problem or rather to the solution to the
problem. How? Well, it requires a bit of imagination. And imagination is the primary
tool of genius, as it is the gateway to intuition and infinite wisdom.

Simply imagine that you are equally turned-on by the idea of getting a solution to
this problem. Make love to the problem and seek out the climax - the answers you
are seeking. Yes, I know this is bizarre and weird but it works! Just fake it till you
make it. You can do anything that you can conceive of.

This will work in any field of endeavour.

Get aroused. Then focus on your area of work and what you want to achieve in it.
Focus your mind on all the known factors of your particular project (all the
information you have gathered, all the actions that you have taken so far). Then
allow a perfect mental picture to arise of all the unknown factors (what remains

Hold that vision and let it saturate your mind.

Then let it go. Clear the mind of all thought.

And wait for the answer to "flash" into your mind!

6. Conserve Sexual Fluids if you want to be The Greatest!

Muhammad Ali knew it. All the great fighters know it. You can't be at your best if
you've recently "come".

This is a controversial and much argued subject.

On the one hand, if you have sex and ejaculate and lose bodily fluids, it is said that
you are weaker physically and mentally for a period of time after. And that is the
experience of many men and women. Hence the expression, "I feel totally shagged
out!" or "I fucked my brains out last night!"

On the other hand, when you are very uptight and sexually pent-up, having sex can
relax you, release mental knots and allow you to flow into different states of

Sexual fluid though is very similar chemically to brain fluids. Deplete one and it
seems that you deplete the other.

The Taoist Sages and Martial Art teachers advise that we refrain from "wasteful"
ejaculation and instead internalise orgasmic energy, directing it upwards so that it
can nourish the brain and enliven various energy points and chakras.

At the simplest level, redirecting the sexual energy involves tensing the anal
sphincter muscles and the muscles that control the flow of urine, to stop ejaculation,
and imagining the sexual energy flowing up into the brain. Please refer to the
following books for detailed instruction.

For Men:
"Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" by Mantak Chia

For Women:

"Healing Love Through The Tao: Cultivating Female Sexual Energy" By

Mantak Chia & Maneewan Chia

These books are available through the website: .

...And from most online booksellers and big offline bookstores.

The art of Chi Kung and particularly Sexual Chi Kung is too complex to convey here.
However, I highly recommend it and strongly advise that you investigate further.
Chi Kung is rapidly emerging in the West as an exceptional health system that can
have profound effects on body, mind and spirit.

Prayer mat of the flesh...

Sex is one the most wonderful experiences of human life. Unless you've been
"screwed up". This powerful life force that flows through you is the life force of
Creation itself. It is a wild force that can lash out and cause damage unless
harnessed with love and wisdom. When it is used intelligently and channelled into
Love, romance and creative pursuits that add to the beauty and abundance of life,
then it may be said to be the energy of the Creator. And that is You!

The Supreme Intelligence of Life seeks to create and expand infinitely. The genes of
all life forms fight and scheme to expand their dominance. Sex driving them on.

Worship this living energy of Universal Intelligence that flows in your body... and you
will gain access to that Infinite Source of Wisdom!

Sex is the genius gene-in-us!


Now YOU too can be a brilliant butt-

kicking Bruce Lee of Brain Kung-Fu
using simple Chinese breathing
techniques described as "The
Superhighway To Extraordinary Mental
Ah-so, you seek wisdom, grasshopper?

Let me enlighten you to some truly awesome, exquisitely simple exercises that will
ignite your brain cells and unleash the Mental Warrior within!
It's called Chi-Kung (Qi-Gong) and if you don't know what that is, it's time to sell the
farm and move to Yogurt City - cause you need the culture.

Now pilgrim, Chi-Kung is an amazing system of physical movements, breathing

exercises and meditations that can turbo-charge your health and energy levels,
rejuvenate your body and mind, and reveal hidden mental powers and abilities. You
are going to be hearing a lot about it over the next decade. It's the new Yoga.

In China, they have hospitals that are run on Chi Kung principles. There are massive
research programs in China's universities that study the effects of Chi Kung and
develop machines that create artificial Chi waves for healing. Research in schools,
colleges and universities shows that practicing Chi Kung enables children and
students to boost their academic and sporting performances. Chi Kung drastically
improves concentration, mental fluidity and brain processing in elderly people who
take it up.

I am in no way an expert in Chi Kung; however I am a practitioner, and I wish to

pass onto you some of the resources that I have discovered that I know will be of
great value to YOU.

A book that will be particularly valuable to you is "The Art of Chi Kung" by Wong
Kiew Kit (Published by Element).

In this book, he describes an exercise to increase your intellect.

I summarise it here for you to try on your own, however I recommend you seek out
a Chi Kung instructor, or purchase an instruction video or one of the many books you
will find in the health section of your bookstore.

The Bruce Lee-ified Brain Building Kick-Ass Kung Fu

Exercise for turning you from a mediocre Moron
to a genuine Genius!
Get a Bruce Lee body in just 7 minutes a day.

1. Sit upright on a chair - a dining chair is ideal.

2. Locate the zhongji vital point which is about midway between your belly button
and your genitals. Hold your left palm about 2 inches (5 cm) in front of it.

3. Hold your right palm about 2 inches (5 cm) in front of your left nipple. Keep your
shoulders and elbows relaxed.

4. Breathe naturally. Naturally means as you would breathe if you weren't thinking
about your breathing ie. no gasping, no breathing like a bellows! Just gentle and
easy breathing.

5. Mentally count your inhalations 120 times, simultaneously visualising a radiant

warm light flowing from your anus (the huiyin vital point) to the crown of your head
(the bahui vital point).

6. Mentally count your exhalations 120 times, while visualising the warm light
flowing out of the back of your head at the mid-point between your ears (the yuzhen
vital point), and also flowing from your right palm onto your heart. It sounds more
complicated than it is. You'll get the hang of it! Your outbreaths should be long, easy
and gentle.

7. Next, move your left hand slowly up until its just hovering over the crown of your
head (the bahui). Gently rotate your hand in an anti-clockwise direction 49 times.
Visualise or imagine the warm light being drawn back from the crown of your head
(the bahui).

8. Slowly lower your left hand back to your abdomen and imagine the warm light
flowing back down to your abdomen.

9. Locate a point about three fingers width below your belly button . Place your left
palm about 2 inches (5 cm) over that point, and put your right hand on your left and
just imagine the warm radiant light gathering to a focus there in your abdomen filling
you with Bruce Lee brilliance!
10. When you have finished massage your face and then walk around the room
vigorously for about 20 seconds. You are ready to do some kick-ass thinking!

"Yee - ha! Take that!"


Vickram G wrote to me seeking clarity regarding how he could boost his intelligence
with super breathing exercises, as follows...

Vikram wrote:

(No Subject)
From: vickram
Sent: 25 February 2004 00:16:50
To: wily

First of all I would like to thank you for having the information
available on increasing intelligence. The question I have is how long
does it take to notice results with the Bruce Leeified breathing
exercises (the superhighway to extroadinary mental powers). I have
been trying it for a week and I still don't seem to think that well.
However, after I finish doing it I seem to get a sort of magnetic feeling
around the top of my head. So that is my question, and again I would
like to thank you for the information because I have been trying to
increase my intelligence for a long time.

Here is my reply:

Dear Vickram,

Thank you for your email and question.

I apologise for the delay in replying, as I have only just returned from a business trip
to Germany.

The Bruce Leeified Brain Kung-Fu and the brainbubbles exercises all increase your
capability for intelligence. The fact that you are feeling that magnetic feeling of the
Chi (prana) around the top of your head is a great sign and shows you are doing the
exercises properly.

Unless you have a scientific way of measuring the increase in intelligence or IQ

through regular testing, it is quite hard to perceive the transformation of your
intelligence unless someone else points it out.

Just as you were not really aware that you were growing taller when you were a child
until a relative came to visit and said, "My goodness, how you've grown!"
If you persist with the exercises over time, you will appreciate the greater mental
alertness and sharpness that the super breathing exercise gives you... the Chi
masters teach it especially to students so that there academic careers are given a

The increased Chi energy to the brain works its magic - but in a slow organic way --
if it happened too fast, you would become overwhelmed and confused. The ability to
think well is something that has to be learned.

You could be given a formula one car with a super powerful engine that has the
capacity to go 200 miles per hour in it...however unless you learn to drive, and then
learn to drive a formula one car on a racetrack, you will never get the full use of the

The brain is a bit like that. These breathing exercises help to turn your brain into 'a
formula one brain'... and you will automatically find you are thinking more
powerfully, but you will need to learn to "drive" it to get the most from it.

At the moment, we have certain habitual ways of thinking and they work to a certain
extent but have their limitations.

We have to practice thinking in constructive and creative ways. We have to learn

when it is time to think rationally and logically, and when it is time to think laterally
and "out of the box"...and we need to find ways of organising our thinking so that it
is most effective and useful to us.

Genius is manifested and recognised through what we do and express. The more use
you put your brain to, the more you will see its intelligence.

Regarding the Chi Kung breathing exercises, I recommend "The Art of Chi Kung" by
Wong Kiew Kit, published by Element Books Limited, for detailed explanation.

Regarding building your creative intelligence, I recommendyou read this free e-book
YOU ARE BRIGHTER THAN YOU THINK by Win Wenger, concerning the role of
feedback in the growth of

Regarding learning new habits of thinking and organising your intelliigence, I

recommend the books of Edward de Bono, which are often available through your
local library or you could try The Complete Guide To Genius.

I hope this is of some help to you.

I would love to hear about how you get on as you continue the practice and your
explorations in increasing intelligence.

Thank you again for your encouraging email message and my very best wishes to
“Ten totally turned-on
techniques used by intelligence
agencies to boost secret agents
brainpower – revealed here so
you can be 007 times
smarterthan James Bond!”
“Oh... James!”

That was my favourite line in every James Bond film!

Having battled his way through an army of baddies, and escaped the exploding
secret hideout volcano, James Bond was still cool enough to have his wicked way
with Pussy Galore! I wanted to be that guy. Always in control, one step ahead,
resourceful, strong, smart, desirable.

And what do you know? Here I am!

…Okay, so it’s not gone quite to plan, but I still like to think I look good in a Tuxedo!

What can you do to develop that kind of James Bond brilliance? Well, here’s my Wily
Secret Agent Kit for all you high Spy-Q’s…

1. Observation: First rule of spying.

To spy is to observe. The trick to observing is to build up your ability to see clearly
and recall what you have seen with unerring accuracy. Here’s how to learn to do this.

Start with the room you are in. Look around at it slowly. Let everything impress upon
your eyeballs. Let the room seep into your vision. Okay now close your eyes. Try and
keep the image of the room, see the room there on the dark screen of the inside of
your eyelids or your mind. When the vision fades, open your eyes for a few seconds
and check the details again. Close your eyes and see it inside again. Do this a few
times. Then with your eyes still closed, describe the room in as much detail as you
can manage. Then list the blue things that are in the room – then open your eyes
and check. Then close your eyes and try and recall all the round things in the room.
And so on.

This will be easier when you are in a room you are familiar with – but you will be
amazed at the number of things you haven’t noticed before. The real test is to do
this in a room or place that is unfamiliar to you. Go in, look around, take mental
snap shots. Close your eyes, see the room in your mind, open your eyes, check the
details and store the info.
You can ask yourself a series of questions to trigger your observation. Where are the
exits? How many windows? How many people are in the room? What are they doing?
What is the layout of the room? Etc Get good at this. You must also play this game
with people. Like an actor, learning a role, you must study people’s faces, their
expressions, their mannerisms, their clothes, and way of talking. Observe everything
and keep mental notes. You are a spy. Feed your mind with information.

2. Lateral Thinking: Infinite choices.

The first ‘brain’ book I ever got was Edward de Bono’s “Lateral Thinking”. I think it
was the only book of his that I ever ‘got’. I suspect that lateral thinking is something
that gels with me, whereas some of his other works just sail past without leaving
much impression. The guy’s a total genius though, so you should check out his huge
library of brain boosting books, if you haven’t already done so.

The beauty of lateral thinking is that whatever point you are at, there are an infinite
number of alternative directions you could possibly go in. This is pure freedom.

Unfortunately, we train ourselves in rut-thinking. There’s always an entrance and an

exit. We just follow the arrows tattoed on the floor. But as a secret agent, you’ve got
to be mentally agile. You will find yourself in situations where you will be trapped by
rut-thinking. It will kill you unless you are willing to break out and think of
alternative actions.

How do you do this? It’s quite simple. Just begin to mentally list alternatives.
Alternative ways of doing things, alternative ways of saying things, just keep asking
the lateral thinker’s questions:

What else could it be used for?

Is there another way of doing / saying / writing / thinking / playing this?

What is it like?

How would X do this? (Where X = James Bond, Albert Einstein, Michael

Jordan, Jesus, Bruce Lee, you name them)

What if I reversed that / turned it inside out / turned it upside down?

What will happen if I yield rather than resist?

What if I made it bigger / smaller, louder / quieter, brighter / darker,

harder / softer?

How would it look in yellow? Green? Made of porridge? From outer space?

Lateral thinking, literally means to branch out in a new direction from the direction
you were taking. Creativity is like following the path of roots that spread out and
explore new nooks and crannies. Always searching for a new angle, a new direction,
never quite doing what you expect.
3. Attitude Adjustment: Knowing your it. And knowing when
you’re not it!
James Bond is the original Goldenballs. The man walks as though he has golden
nuggets between his legs that every woman wants to get her hands on, and every
man would like to possess! He has an attitude of being in control and he has bucket
loads of charisma.

Charisma is one of the greatest tools for success and high impact thinking. When you
think of charisma, people like Cary Grant, George Clooney, Bill Clinton or Tony
Robbins might come to mind. Perhaps you marvel at the charisma of Oprah or the
regal wisdom of Maya Angelou. Charisma is charm, warmth and personal magic. It is
not dependent on physical attractiveness. Charisma is about fire and inner spirit and
the ability to connect with others.

Charismatic people are hard to dislike and hard to harm. That is why it is such a
wonderful weapon in the secret agents mental armoury. They seem powerful; this
gives them an edge. They seem disarmingly warm and friendly; it’s so much harder
to be nasty to someone you actually like. So they have this psychic shield around

A healthy self-concept gives you the “bottle” to take action, to stand your own
against the richest / smartest / most powerful people. With a winning attitude and
the charisma that goes with it, you can get into places and into minds that would
otherwise be sealed.

How do you get this charismatic high self-concept? It starts with liking and loving

The simplest ideas are often the most effective.

Every day repeat to yourself, “I like myself. I love and accept myself as I am. I am
highly pleasing to myself in the presence of other people.”

Begin to count your blessings. What do you like about yourself? Appreciate those
things. Account for them regularly. What are you good at? What are you getting
better at? How are you improving? Who loves you and whom do you love?

That takes care of half of charisma. The other half comes from asking yourself:
“What’s interesting / fascinating / sexy about this person? What do I really like about
him / her? How can I be of service to this person? How can I make this person feel
better right now than they did before they met me?” Taking a sincere interest in
other people is a habit that can be learned as easily as the habit of ignoring or
disliking other people was learned. Switch them.

To grease the wheels of charisma further, you can also look at presentation, personal
grooming, posture, health and above all quality of your speaking voice. All those are
covered and freely available on the web. A quick Google search should reveal all!

And now the flip side.

The real genius of attitude is being able to adjust it to meet the circumstances. There
are times in a secret agent’s life when it pays NOT to be a tall poppy. Then one has
to play with the inner psychology, to temper one’s persona like a chameleon to
become invisible, unnoticed, so that one might observe more closely or escape
without being caught.

Your mind is a most marvellous machine. And you can adjust your moods, emotions,
and the level of projected energy with consummate ease. Simply put yourself into
the physiological state of the emotion or feeling that you wish to elicit. Stand and
breathe and think as you would if you were having that emotion. Bestride the decks
like a giant, a colossus of confidence. Then switch to being like a shy, quiet, small
man in the corner. Switch between these states. Switch between happy and sad,
between joyful and angry, between passionate and bored. Keep doing it until you
realise that you do indeed control your emotional states. You do not need outer
circumstances to change for you to feel better. You change the inner circumstances
and make the emotions you want. E-motions are energy in motion. You set them in

Play with taking your emotions to higher and higher levels. Turn up the joy dial. Turn
up the feelings of bliss. Adjust your attitude from poor me to lucky me, from bad me
to wonderful me. You set the tone. You control the deck.

4. Logic: If – then.
The secret agent has to know and understand cause and effects, so that he can
make accurate predictions about what is likely to happen and act accordingly. I
sometimes think of logic as karmic awareness thinking – if I do this, then this will

This can be applied to your advantage. If I eat healthily, then I will increase my
potential for living longer. If I eat less and exercise more, I will get slimmer and
fitter. If I learn about finances, save a portion of my income and invest it regularly, I
will be richer when I retire than someone who just spends all their money and gives
no thought to tomorrow.

Logic involves facts and rules. But because of the sequential nature of logic it can
sometimes trick you. For example, if I tell you, “a man ran into the bank today
brandishing a gun”, the logical conclusion might be that he was a robber. The lateral
thinker though would allow for the possibility that he might have been the security
cop responding to an alarm test. Or it might be a decorator who is late for work and
burst into the bank with a spray gun.

Maybe I am doing logic a disservice. After all, the logical thing to do in any situation
is to gather all the facts. When you have all the facts, you are in a better position to
draw a conclusion to If – Then. Let’s not mistake presumption for logic.

5.Intuition: Knowledge plus experience plus effort = intuition

Gut feelings. Where do they come from? How do you learn to use them, trust them
or rely on them?

The secret agent finds himself in lots of situations, as we all do, where he does not
have all the facts and he does not have the time or resources to gather them. He has
to make a decision. His life, or the lives of others, may depend upon it. So he goes
with his gut feeling. He asks himself, “How do I feel about this?”

Intuition arises from the combination of:

• the factual knowledge you have been exposed to over a lifetime

• mixed with your lifetime of personal experiences
• plus the intensity of your current efforts to find an answer
• add the X factor –- the Universal Unconscious / Higher Self /
Universal Intelligence / Collective Memes

Intuition operates at two distinct levels:

• Gut-feelings –- usually about small things

• Heart-felt apperceptions –- usually as an understanding of large

Practice using your intuition by asking yourself, “How do I feel about this…” Check
inside and feel for how you are responding to it at the non-verbal feeling level.
Secret agents love a good feel!


Discover Your Strengths At Spy School?
BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Rooted in a Cold War spy-training program,
an innovative course at the University at Buffalo School of
Management is helping MBA students develop intangible skills
that are the difference between being a good executive or a
great executive.

In a challenging semester-long program of self-improvement,

students identify and transform personal weaknesses into strengths
that will help them land attractive jobs and excel in their careers.

These traits -- also called competencies – include:

• communication
• leadership skills
• team building
• interpersonal intelligence
• cultural sensitivity
• initiative
• proactivity
• problem-solving
• decision-making
• integrity
• change management

The origins of UB's PACE course can be traced to U.S. spy-training

programs of the 1940s that equipped U.S. operatives with skills
believed to be crucial to their success in the field.

6. The Pussy Galore Factor: Sleeping on the Job!

Take a leaf out of James Bond’s book of spying and sleep around to learn what you
need to know. Keep a wicked sense of humour and “charm the pants off” the subject
that you want to learn about. If there are people with the specialised knowledge that
you want, you need to know how to woo and romance them so that they will reveal
everything to you!

The balding college professor who is a whiz at nuclear fusion might not be your type,
however you still need to romance the old devil so you can “get into bed” with him,
at least metaphorically! If you want to get on the inside track with powerful people
you have to befriend, impress and somehow enter their special inner circle. Either,
directly through them, or indirectly through their close associates.

This is not a path of deceit however. Remember James Bond was never insincere in
the pleasure he took in wooing the ladies. Nor was he selfish in his willingness to
give pleasure.

When you are studying a subject, be it Maths, Art History, Web Design or the Life
Cycle of the May Fly, you must approach it like a lover. Woo the subject. Tease it.
Get to know it. Sleep with it. And become initimate with it.

7. Double Dealings: The multi-fit moccasin mind!

As a spy, you need to know what and how people think, so that you can predict their
actions and responses ahead of time. You require the ability to take on an idea
system and value system diametrically opposed to yours. In the murky world of
double agents, super spies operate deep inside of political systems and environments
that may be completely at odds with their core values.

To spy, and gather intelligence freely, you have to be accepted by the people you
want to get intelligence from. You have to become the enemy in order to steal
information from the enemy. That necessitates a profound mental flexibility, and the
willingness to think as they do. The super agent will train her mind, so that deep at
her core her true values and purpose of her mission are kept sacrosanct, like
priceless jewels hidden by a velvet curtain.
At the surface of her mind, she disciplines herself to think, talk and act as the
opposition does. If she lets this discipline slide, she will be discovered. In their
commitment to going deep inside the opposition’s mindset, many agents founder, as
the nature of the mind is that we become what we think about. This is when an
agent gets “turned” and goes over to the other side.

Rogue agents lose their core values. In playing many roles, perhaps they see political
idea systems as illusory and then become Ronin, playing different sides against one
another for their own personal gain and profit.

Outside the cloak and dagger world of secret agents, this ability to “walk in another’s
moccasins” has long been heralded as the path to greater understanding of human
relationships. Through this we can learn to appreciate the experiences of our clients
and customers. We can respond with ability rather than react with fear when faced
with tragedies, atrocities, crimes, famines or the homeless.

Stretch your mind. Dare to explore the thoughts of another. You will be a bigger
person and a better thinker for it.

8. Disguise: The ability to become another person.

We discussed the multi-fit moccasin mind. Learning to think like another helps us to
understand and act like them, so they will accept us into their fold. This gives us
access to all kinds of juicy insights.

To further this pursuit, the secret agent frequently resorts to disguise. A disguise is a
mask that covers up what you are and makes you appear to be completely different.
The foremost mask that you wear is your personality. Persona means mask in the
root languages. So your personality mask is made up of your distinctive
characteristics and qualities. To appear different to someone, you must change those
personality traits.

Most of us have some practice in this. We go for job interviews and pretend to be far
more accomplished and resourceful than we actually feel. We “put on a brave face”
when challenged, even though we may be quaking inside.

We use disguise to become something that we are not. Read that twice.

What personality traits do you feel you are lacking right now? Do you want to be
sunnier? More optimistic? More dynamic? A go-getter? Charming?

There is a legend from the Far East of a wicked king. He was so fierce and nasty that
his subjects were all afraid of him. His face was ugly with cruelty. A beautiful
princess ruled a nearby land. She was so sweet, kind and innocent; everything about
her was good and that greatly attracted the king. He ordered his army to go and
conquer this land and bring the princess back to him so that he could make her his
wife and “get jiggy widdit”!
When they brought her back, the King approached the girl to ask her to be his bride
but she quailed at the site of his terrible face. The King was mightily pissed off. He
wanted the girl to love him as he loved her.

He called for his most trusted advisors and sought their counsel. After much
deliberation, the wise elders returned to the King and said. “Let us make you a magic
mask to wear your majesty, and on it we shall engrave the qualities of kindliness,
goodness, joy and love. When the princess looks upon you, she will see these
qualities rather than the fierce qualities of your own face. As long as you wear the
mask, no one will suspect what a horrible git you are!” (They probably whispered the
last sentence!)

So the old Magi went off and made the magic mask out of fine wax, painting into it
all the wonderful qualities that they wanted the King to appear to have. They took it
to the king and moulded it to his face. The King was very pleased as he gazed at his
new face in the mirror. “Now the Princess will love me!” he told them. But inside he
was thinking how cute she’d look spread-eagled on his bed!

Seeing his lecherous look, the Wise Men hastily added, “Hold on your Majesty, stall
your Kingly ardour for just a moment. We must warn you of something. For this
magic to work, you must hold in your mind all the noble qualities we have moulded
into the mask of love, peacefulness, joy, kindliness, compassion and beauty. If you
think bad-ass thoughts, the mask will shatter and our deception will be undone.”

After a few days of practicing with his new mask, the king sort out the princess. She
was astounded by the change in him. He romanced her like a true gentle man and
won her heart, and she soon became his queen. Score!

A few weeks into the marriage, the king sort his counsellors again in a much vexed
state. “I can’t keep deceiving the woman I love like this; remove the magic mask
and let her see me as I am. Better have someone behind her to catch her if she

Well, with some trepidation the Wise Men removed the mask and were astonished to
see that the king’s face now bore all the positive, magical qualities that had been
painted into the magic mask.

The king’s face now reflected all the wonderful qualities that he had held in his mind.
He and the queen lived happily ever after.

And this all goes to show, as Stuart Wilde says, that you can “Fake it till you make

So disguise yourself well as a dynamic creative genius with plenty of bounce!

9. Gambler’s Edge: The ability to take risks, make

decisions quickly and stick by them.
There are foolish gamblers and there are smart gamblers. A foolish gambler trusts in
lucky charms and erstwhile prayers. A smart gambler has a vision, a plan, a system
and he plays the odds to win. A smart gambler gets educated. He gathers as many
facts as he can before making a decision.

Often in life, we are pressed by time. There is no opportunity to do research. We

have to make a decision NOW! A secret agent goes through rigorous training to be
mentally prepared to meet the unexpected. They use that training to make the best
possible decision at that moment.

You can do the same. Mentally rehearse how you would respond in certain situations.
Think about your work. Make a list of possible scenarios, worst case and best case.
Ask yourself, “What would happen if...?” or, “what would I do if that happened?”.

When you make a decision, make it! Don’t prevaricate with maybe-this-would-be-
betters. Decide the best possible course of action and then stick with it. Work with it.
If it later proves to be a wrong decision then you can readjust and make another
decision then. The decisive secret agent is far more effective (and stays alive longer)
than one who dithers at crunch time.

If you find yourself in a situation where you really don’t know and can’t second guess
the best course of action, just flip a coin!

One top executive used to keep a handful of beads in his pocket. When he had to
make an “impossible decision” fast and say yes or no to a project, he would simply
put his hand in his pocket grab a handful of beads and pull them out. If there were
an even number of beads, he would say yes and stick to his decision. If there were
an odd number of beads, he would say no and stick to that decision. This man was
revered as a business genius famous for his decision making abilities. He said the
secret to success was to decide quickly and get into action.

10. Spy Game: The Ten Golden Commandments of a Top

Secret Agent
In the spirit of hearing it direct from an agent in the field, here’s some tips for you
budding spy geniuses.

The First Commandment: Be Offensive

Don’t wait for someone to hit you. If they look dangerous, take appropriate action.
In a business situation, you can’t be passive or your competitors will eat you for
breakfast! If you just build ramparts and sit inside, you are basically inviting enemies
to take pot-shots at you until your castle crumbles. Build strong defences but also
deploy strong offensive action. Test your enemies, Test the situations that are out
there for you. Test the future. Go after your adversaries. Constantly look beyond
where you are today, to where you might be tomorrow and make plans for where
you want to be tomorrow.

Attack your business competitors constantly. Keep them in a perpetual state of

reaction, using that as an opportunity to control the market with new innovations.
Attack your mental enemies. Sloth. Laziness. Habit. Keep them off guard with a
barrage of creativity, stimulating activity, new imput and new ways of doing things.
You cannot remain static. There are no positions to defend other than the one you
have conquered today.

The Second Commandment: Honor Your Skills

Praise yourself whenever you exercise creativity, or come up with a genius idea.
Develop a small system of rewards, even if its only a little jig of delight and a “Well
done me!” given whenever you do something really smart. This trains your mind to
keep coming up with the good stuff.

In recruitment, the personnel officer lays out the system of rewards, what kind of
recognition, bonuses, praise, respect, power or benefits a certain role will bring.
More than money, it is these emotional rewards that attract people into a job.

It’s the same thing with quality thoughts. If you want to attract them in, you’ve got
to lay out what they can expect to receive in return for their output. Make sure you
express appreciation for your ideas. Congratulate yourself. Share your ideas with
others and make sure you are in a position to acknowledge their praise and
compliments. Nothing beats that moment, when someone looks at you and says:
You are a genius!

Give your mind lots and lots of positive feedback and encouragement. Give it treats
in return for its gems!

The Third Commandment: Own the Streets

Take your genius into the market place and test yourself against the best of the best.
Become what marketing guru Jay Abraham calls the strategy of pre-eminence to
become the absolute best there is. Doing this takes commitment of energy and
resources. But there’s no escape from it if you want to be the best. You have to get
in there with the best in your field and find ways and means to stand toe to toe and
slug it out with your adversaries until you own the street. If you are not out there
owning it, then you can count on the fact that your competitors are.

Inwardly, owning the streets means grabbing your brain by the lapels and giving it a
good going over, kicking out all the undesirables that you can. And then setting up
systems to monitor those deep seated enemies that plot and plan your downfall, so
that you are always several steps ahead of them.

The Fourth Commandment: Know Your History

Spy history is littered with failed cases, doomed missions and agents that were
killed. This is all meticulously documented. Agents are strongly encouraged to read
all these documents, so they can know the history of their agency and its missions.
That way, they can learn from the past and not repeat the same mistakes.

Geniuses throughout history have been voracious readers, and students of the
knowledge and ideas of other great minds. We are all standing on the shoulders of
giants attempting to be giants ourselves. The wheel has already been invented.
Don’t waste your time trying to invent it over again. Use the knowledge that is
already available. And stand on that foundation to build new knowledge.

Whatever you want to do, become, learn or achieve… there is someone who has
gone before you with similar dreams. Emulate them. Read the biographies of
successful entrepreneurs if you want to grow rich in business. Read the Tiger Woods
story if you want to become a better golfer. Use what’s available. You will make
plenty of mistakes along the way, just make sure thay are your own rather than
mistakes someone else already made that you didn’t have to.

The Fifth Commandment: Do Not Ignore Analysis

Gather your sources of knowledge together. Get all the info you can. If it’s a
business challenge, collect every bit of evidence there is. And then pour over it! (Or
give it to the analysts to go over.)

Information is packed full of clues and answers to your problems, challenges or

situations. Analysis lets you see those clues and answers. They are not always easy
to spot. Sometimes they only arise when two separate pieces of information are
brought together. Or when the many jigsaw bits come together to form a gestalt
image enabling you to see the “big picture”.

Analysis means you’ve got to get in there with a fine toothcomb and a magnifying
glass – like a health inspector at a nit-infested school!

Like those treasure hunters at the beach, you systematically go over every inch of
sand with your metal detector until it goes beep-beep-beep and alerts you to
something valuable!

The Sixth Commandment: Do Not Be Parochial

There are many different spy agencies within each individual country. Frequently
these agencies overlap in the field and work at odds to one another. There are turf
battles, jealousies and the clash of “Mr Big” personalities as each agency goes about
its operations in its own distinctive way. This is very counter-productive to
intelligence gathering.

Learn to respect your peers in your industry or field of endeavour. They are skilled
professionals, striving to do their best just as you are and you can learn from them.
Be open to input from sources outside your speciality.

You can learn so much by exposing yourself to other fields of interest. Creative
thought doesn’t work in a linear fashion, as we tend to expect. It blooms on multiple
dimensions, following myriad paths, making unfathomable connections, drawing
diverse themes and ideas together to form new ones.

A parochial mind is a closed narrow mind. By denying the world beyond, you deny
yourself access to the greater parts of your brain. Travel a little. Sample the foods.
Wear the outfits. Take tea with the natives. Share.

We get there faster together.

The Seventh Commandment: Train Your People

You’ve got to train regularly. If you want to operate at your peak potential, you have
to keep your brain sharp through systemised training programs. Genius thinking is a
learned skill. You get better at it, the more focus and attention you give it

Similarly, if you have anyone working for you and with you, you have to invest in
their training so that they too can be the best in their field.

Use the short cut of getting knowledge from experts. Sure you could do it yourself …
eventually. But save yourself time, learn from the teachers, read the brain books and
go to creative innovation seminars. Then build on that foundation knowledge –
adding your own refinements and innovative systems.

The Eighth Commandment: Do Not Get Pushed Aside

Intelligent, insightful people are often resented and ignored. You represent a threat
to the status quo. In business situations, you might be seen as challenging the
authority of your immediate supervisor. They will try to sideline you, stifle you or get
rid of you. Many times they will steal your ideas and claim them as their own.

Before we were married, “Mrs Walnut” used to work for a film company. One of the
senior managers, her immediate supervisor, constantly stole her ideas and paraded
them as his own. He passed the buck when the blame stick was being waved and
stepped up to the podium whenever the glory was being dished out!

You can’t let this happen. If you have identified and verified an idea’s worth, put it
forward to the powers that be. By-pass middle management, by-pass anyone who
seeks to keep you down or block progress.

Internally watch out for progress blockers and idea stealers. These are your lazy
thoughts, your doubts and fears. They want to stay safe in the comfort zone. They
might try to suppress you or distract you with urgent things like TV, newspaper, or
getting more ice cream. Push past those future-thieves, and march forward with
your ideas.

The Ninth Commandment: Know when to get out

The world of espionage is fraught with danger. The people who remain counter-
intelligence spies for too long become paranoid and twitchy. They think everyone is
out to get them. Like war veterans, they have seen too many terrible things. They
have deceived and been deceived on countless levels. The spying game is “a
wilderness of mirrors” where nothing-is-what-it-seems. And too much of that is not
good for you!

In the army, people are moved on every two or three years. This keeps them fresh.

In any profession or situation, you will get bogged down if you stay too long. Find
ways to move every so often, so that you can experience new places, new
opportunities and learn new skills. Your brain needs to rest if it has been doing
something too long. A change is as good as a rest. So move on or make sure you
have fresh challenges that can be approached in new ways.

Stay too long in a pressured situation and your brain does two things. First, part of it
goes to sleep and runs on autopilot (what you can ‘get away with’). Two, part of it
goes into hyper drive, overreacting rather than being able to respond with ability.

The Tenth Commandment: Never Give Up

Whatever your mission or objective, keep at it patiently and never give up.
Intelligence Agencies spend months trying to get on the inside so they can catch
people red-handed. Sometimes it can seem as though nothing is working. You start
to question whether you should give up. Then something suddenly breaks and you
are in. You get what you were looking to achieve.

A mission may take 10 months to achieve. But if you give up after 9 months, it takes
forever “cos it ain’t happening” at all!

Don’t be like the would be gold miners, who bought a gold mine but stopped digging
three feet from the richest seam of gold in US history. They gave up, sold the mine
on, and lost out on a billion dollar fortune in gold.

Keep going, keep persisting and trying new angles. Don’t let anything stop you.

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