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Your decision will make a difference.

If you have decided to donate your organs

and tissues…
C omplete the Donor ID C ard and place in your
wallet alongside your personal identification.

Give the Donor Notification C ard to your loved

ones. It is extremely important to make sure
y o ur f a mily k n o w s w e ll in a d v a n c e a n d
und ersta nds your inte ntions so th at, if it is
p o s sibl e for th e m , th e y will h o n o ur y o ur
commitment at a difficult time.

If appropriate to your religious faith, discuss

y o ur d e cisio n with a l e a d e r of y o ur
faith community.

To learn more about us and about

organ donation, visit our website - or
call us at 1-866-949-0003

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Give the Gift of Life! Become an organ donor!

 Make your wishes known to your family and loved ones, as soon as possible. 

Detach and keep in your wallet Give this card to your loved ones now to ensure they know of your decision.
I would like to donate any ne eded organs or tissues. I would like to donate any ne eded organs or tissues.
I would like to donate only the following organs and tissues: I would like to donate only the following organs and tissues:

If my organs cannot be used, I would like to donate my body If my organs cannot be used, I would like to donate my body
for the purpose of medical rese arch and education. for the purpose of medical rese arch and education.

Donor’s name Donor’s signature Donor’s name Donor’s signature

D ate Witness’ signature D ate Witness’ signature

11/30/04, 4:16 PM

The Organ Donation & Transplant Association of C anada The Organ Donation & Transplant Association of C anada
416-487-3232 • 1-866-949-0003 • 416-487-3232 • 1-866-949-0003 •

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