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Carlo Jose V.


1. Two-Sample T-Test and CI: 125, 200

Two-sample T for 125 vs 200

N Mean StDev SE Mean

125 6 3.317 0.760 0.31
200 6 3.950 0.850 0.35

Difference = mu (125) - mu (200)

Estimate for difference: -0.633
95% CI for difference: (-1.687, 0.420)
T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = -1.36 P-Value = 0.207
DF = 9

a. No, C2F6 flow rate has no effect on average etch uniformity.

b. P = 0.207

Do not reject null hypothesis, accept that C2F6 flow rate does not have effect on wafer-to-
wafer variability.

There is little difference between the two boxes, we can then conclude that any
observed difference in not statistically significant.
2. One-way ANOVA: Compressive Strength versus Rodding Level

Source DF SS MS F P
Rodding Level 3 28633 9544 1.87 0.214
Error 8 40933 5117
Total 11 69567
S = 71.53 R-Sq = 41.16% R-Sq(adj) = 19.09%

a. F-value is not significant, therefore no difference.

b. P = 0.214

3. Two-way ANOVA: Yield versus Pressure, Temperature

Source DF SS MS F P
Pressure 2 0.76778 0.383889 21.59 0.000
Temperature 2 0.30111 0.150556 8.47 0.009
Interaction 4 0.06889 0.017222 0.97 0.470
Error 9 0.16000 0.017778
Total 17 1.29778

S = 0.1333 R-Sq = 87.67% R-Sq(adj) = 76.71%

a. Pressure and Temperature are both significant but the interaction is not.
b. Pressure at 215 and Temperature at 170 degrees because it gives the highest yield.
Individual Value Plot of Yield vs Pressure, Temperature






Temperature 150 160 170 150 160 170 150 160 170
Pressure 200 215 230

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