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184 ROSICRUCIAN FUNDAMENTALS ISURIA. Persistences of the name Pan are seen in the terms Pan-American, etc. Part played by Heat—It will have been noted that heat has played the most important part in the formation of our sphere. Heat therefore may be said to be the great moving factor and Power in all life manifestation and expression, and the lowering of temperature and continuous loss of heat by radiation the cause of life migration and the cause of extinction of species. A definite range of temperature within a fixed number of degrees constitutes the scale of life expression, and above and below it no known or. ganisms can exist. The activity of heat in man may be noticed by its increase in excited conversation or argument, Heat Degrees different vibratory states.—These different de- Srees of heat, like all the other known physical phenomena, are simply differentiated vibratory states of the etheric constituency of the substance through which all like manifestations occur. Thus we have the phenomena of heat, light, sound, electricity. magnetism, cold, ete. The following table gives the seale accord. ing to scientific and occult acceptance. It is taken from Prof. William Crookes’ Presidential address before the British Associa. tion for the Advancement of Science.’* It postulates a pendu- lum beating seconds in the air. By doubling it gives a definite series of steps. : Table of Vibrations by Prof. Crookes.— The Seconds Pendulum. Starting Point Vibrations per second. 1 2 2. 4 3 8 Sound 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256 9 512 10 1,024 15, 32/768 Unknown (Unclassified) Electricity 20 1,047,576 25 38,554,432 30 1,073,741,824 35 34,359,738,368 TERRESTRIAL AND SUB-TERRESTRIAL 185, eee (Unclassified) 1,099,511,627,776 45 35,184,372,088,832_ Heat Light Chemical Rays 46 10,368,744,177,644 47 Heat) 140,737,468,355,328 48 Light (281,474,936,710,656 49 562,949,953,421,312 50 Ch. Rs. 1,125,899,906,842,624 Unclassified 51 2,251,799,813,685,248 57 144,115,188,075,855,872 X Rays 58 288,230,376,151,711,744 ' 59 576,460,752,308,423,488 60 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 61 2,305,843,009,213,693,952 Unclassified 62 4,611,686,618,427,387,904 63 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 Crookes’ Explanation.—Quoting from Prof. Crookes:—“At the fifth step from unity, at 32 vibrations per second, we reach the region where atmospheric vibration reveals itself to us as sound. Here we have the lowest musical note. In the next ten steps the vibrations per second rise from 32 to 32,768, and here, to the aver- age human ear, the region of sound ends. But certain more highly endowed animals probably hear sounds too acute for our organs, that is, sounds which vibrate at a higher rate. We next enter a region in which the vibrations rise rapidly, and the vibrating medi he 34,359,738,368 per second, such vibrations appearing to our means of observation as electrical rays, ‘We next reach a region extending from the 85th to the 45th step, including from 34,359,738,368 to 35,184,372,088,832 vibrations Per second. This region may be considered as unknown, because we are yet ignorant as to what are the functions of vibrations of the rates just mentioned. But that they have some function is fair to suppose. Light Vibration—Now we approach the region of light, the step extending from the 45th to between the 50th and the 5ist, and the vibrations extending from 35,184,372,088,832 per second 186 ROSICRUCIAN FUNDAMENTALS (heat rays) to 1,875,000,000,000,000 per second, the highest re- corded rays of the spectrum. The actual sensation of light and therefore the vibrations which transmit visible signs, being com- prised between the narrow limits of about 450,000,000,000,000 (red light and 750,000,000,000,000 (violet light), less than one step. Leaving the region of visible light, we arrive at what is for our existing senses and our means of research another unknown region, the functions of which we are beginning to suspect. It is not unlikely that the X Rays of Prof. Rontgen will be found to lie between the 58th and the 61st step, having vibrations extend- ing from 288,230,376,151,711,744 to 2,305,843,009,218,693,952 per second or even higher. In this series it will be seen that there are great gaps or un- known regions concerning which we must own our entire ignor- ance as to the part they play in the economy of creation, Further, whether any vibrations exist having a greater number per second than those classes mentioned we do not presume to decide.* Where Academic and Occult Science part.—This is just the point at which academic and occult science part company at pres- ent, for the trained clairvoyant or clairaudient cognizes both vis- ualizations and sounds which lie far beyond the range of ordinary sense perception, and which must therefore vibrate at a rate far beyond those tabulated. The Solar Spectrum—And while the solar spectrum (see frontispiece) correlates with the range of light vibrations, corre. lates with the aurie status of every human being, or animal, for Octaves.— Sound covers 4-15 (not 5-15) 4 is lowest audible note. Further 4-18 covers some electricity: 13 battery circuit vib 7 14 (16.884)—oscillations in Leyden jar with electric alternator and tur- y Crookes” but circuit (Feddersen). ot ut rve currents in the human bod: (00°C lowest observed (Langler). 51 unknown according to Crookes, but 5i=ultraviolet photographic limit’ in vacuo 3 x 108 (Schumann). 50 called chemical rays by Crookes, but =photo liimt of solar spectrum 1.053 x 10! per second in the Corona,

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