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Public Protection Classification Summary Report Washington, District of Columbia Prepared by Insurance Services Office, Inc. 4B Eves Drive, Suite 200 P.O. Box 961 Mariton, New Jersey 08053-3112 (856) 985-5600 October 29, 2010 (180 Prete 2007 Background Information Introduction 180 collects and evakstes kformaton from communities in the United Slats on ther strucre fre suppression capabiies. The data analyzed using our Fre Suppression Raiing Schedule (FSRS™) and then a Publc Protecton Cassicabon (PPC™) number is assigned io the communiy. The surveys are conducted whenever i appears ta: thee is a Possblty of a casoticaton change. As such, the PPC program provides imporant, Upto- Gate ivormaton about re prtecion services troughout the county ‘The Fre Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) recognizes fre protection featuwes only as they relate to suppression of frst alam stucure fires. in many communities, fre suppression may be only a small part ofthe fre departments overall responsibilty. ISO recegnzes the dyramic and comprehensive duties of a community's fre service, and understands the complex decisions a community must make in planring and delverng emergency services. However, in developing 2 community's Pubic Protecton Ciassifcation, only features related to reducing property losses from fire are evaluated. Multiple alas, simuitaneous incidents and life safely are not considered in ths evaluaton. The PPC program evaluaies the fre ‘Protection for small to average size buiings. Specific properties with a Needed Fire Flow in ‘excess of 3,500 gpm are evaluated separately and assigned an individual classiication. ‘A-community's investment in fre mitigation is a proven and reliable precctor of future fre losses. Statstical data on insurance losses bears out the relationship between excobent ire protection — as measured by the PPC program — and low fre losses. So, insurance ‘companies use PPC information for marketing, underwriting, and to help establish fair remus for homeowners. and commercial fre insurance. in general, the price of fre Insurance in a community wth @ good PPC is substantially lower than in a'community with 2 oor PPC, assuming all other factors are equal 180 is an independent company that serves insurance companies, communities, fre departments, insurance reguators, and others by providing information about risk. ISOs exper staff colects information about municipal fre suppression efforts in communities throughout the United States. In each of those communities, ISO analyzes the reevant data and assigns a Pub Protection Classification ~ a nurnber fom 1 to 10. Class 1 represents an ‘exemplary fre suppression program, and Class 10 Indicates thatthe areais fre suppression program does not meet ISO's minimum cetera, 1S0's PPC program evaluates communes according to a uniform set of crtera, Incorporating nationally recognized standards developed by the National Fire Protection ‘Associaton and the American Water Works Association. A community's PPC depands on: > Needed Fire Flows, wich are representative building locations used to determine ‘the theoretical amount of water necessary for fre suppression purposes, > Receiving and Handling Fire Alarms, including telephone systems, teleghone ines, stafing, and dispatching systems. > Fin Department, inching equipment, staffing, tring, and gsographie ction offre companies, > Water Supply, including condition and maintenance of hydrants, ternative water supply operations, and a careful evaluation of the amount of avaiable water compared withthe amount needed to suppress fires up to 3,500 gpm, iso Pepa e207 Pat Data Collection and Analysis 180 has evaluated and ciassied over 48,000 fre protection arees across the United States using its Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS). A combination of meethgs between trained ISO feld representatives and the dispatch center coordinator, communiy fre official, and water superintendent is used in conjunction with a comprehensive questionnaire 10 collect the data necessary to determine the PPC number. In order for a communi to obtain 2 chssicaton beter then a Class 9, three elements of fre suppression features are reviewed. These three elements are Receiving and Handing Fire Alarms, Fire Department ‘and Water Supply ‘A review of the Recelving and Handling Fire Alarms fre alarm and communication system ‘accounts for 10% ofthe total classfication. The review focuses onthe corsmuniy faites {and support for handing and dispatching fe alarms. This section is weighted at 10 points, 28 follows: + Telephone Service 2 points + Number of Needed Operators 3 points + Dispatch Circuits 5 points ‘A review ofthe Fire Department accounts for 50% ofthe total classification. ISO focuses on 2 fir department's frst alarm response and inal atack to minimize potent loss. In this secfon, ISO reviews such items as engine companies, ladder or service companies, distiouton of fe statons and fre companies, equipment caried on apparatus, pumping capacity, reserve apparatus, department personnel, and training. The fre department section is weighted at 60 points, a follows: + Engine Companies 10 points + Reserve Pumpers 1 point + Pumper Capacity points + LadderService Companies 5 points + Reserve LadderiServce Trucks 1 point + Distribution of Companies 4 points + Company Personnel 15+ points, + Training 8 points {A review of the Water Supply system accounts for 40% of the total clsefiction. ISO reviews the water supply a community uses to determine the adequacy for fe suppression: purposes. Hydrant size, type, and instalation is also considered, as well as te inspection: frequency and conditon offre hydrants, The water supply system is weighted at 40 points, 28 flows: + Crectfor Supply System 235 points + Hydrant Sze, Type & Installation points + Inspection'Condiion of ydrants points ‘50 Pepe ns, 2007 Pane There is one additional factor considered in calculating the final score ~ Divergence. Even the best fe department wal be less than ful effective if thas an inadequate water supply. Similarly, even a supetior water supply wil be less than fully effective # the fre The frst ciass (eg, °6' in a 6/9) apples to properties within § road miles of a recognized fre station and within 1,000 fet of afi hydrant or alteete water supply. > Class 88 or class 9 applies to properties beyond 1,000 feet ofa fre hyctant but within 5 road mies ofa recognized fire station. > Alternative Water Supply: The first cass (2, ’6° in a 6/10) apples to properties ‘within § road miles of a recognized fre station with no hydrant detance requirement. > Class 10 applies to properties over 5 road miles ofa recognized fre staton > Specific properties with a Needed Fire Flow in excess of 3,500 gpm are evaluated separately and assigned an individual classification 90 Pepetes e207 Paes ‘Summary Evaluation Analysis “The folowing points represent the analysis of the appication of the teria outined in the FFSRS of four topics~ Receiving and Handing Fire Alarms, Fre Department, Water Supply, and the Divergence factor for Washington, DC: Eamed | Credit SRS Fosture Credit Avaliable Receiving and Handling Fire Alarne “414. Credit fr Telephone Senice 200 2 422 Credit for Operatore 3.00 3 482 Creat for Depach Grouts 405. 5 440. Creit for Receiving ard Handling Fire Alarms 905, 10 Fire Department 513. Cre for Engine Companies 387 10 523. Cre for Reserve Pumpers 087 1 582. Cre fr Pumper Capacy 5.00. 5 540, Cre for Ladder Sorvice 458 5 553, Cro fr Reserve Lader and Service Trucks 093, 1 581. Cre fr Ditibuton 345, 4 571. Cre fr Company Persone! 1198 15+ 580, Credit for Trang 495, 3 590. Credit for Fire Department a4 0 Wiater Supply | ‘616 Credt for SuppySysterr ose 35 621. Gredtfor Hycrants 200 2 {61-Creat for Inspecton and Condition 2.98 3 640, Creat for Water Supply 3770 0 Divergence 283 = TotalCreatt | 84.66 100 20a in 2807 Pare General Information To determine the Total Cred, the points for Receiving and Handing Fire Alarms, Fire (Dogartment and Water Supply are added together and the Divergence factor applied. To Ceteblich the points for each category, FSRS tome labolod oc “Credit fer." are totaled ‘These particular tems are intemmeciale values, Usually these intermediate valves are based ‘upor a: 100-poin scale, but they can be different. The ratios between the actual points ‘cored in each ofthese sub-tems and the points avallable for ful rect are ther multiplied by the points avaiable forthe sub-ter, For instance, tem 414 "Credit for Telephone Service (CTS) is valued at 2 points. To termine the crest eared, the totals for Item 411 "Review of Telephone Lines (TL), tem 4412 Review of Telephone Directory (TD), and Item 413 "Review of Recording Device (RDY' ‘are summed. In Item 41, up to 60 points can accrue; tem 412 has a combined value of 20: ports; and 20 points are available for Kem 413. The sum ofthese thee Item is divided by 100 and then mutipied by the 2 point weight in Hem 414 to determine the fnal score for “Credit for Telephone Service (CTS)’. “The formula for item 414 "Credit for Telephone Service (CTS)" looks ie this: io Where TS = TL +1D+RD Detalled Evaluation Analysis On the folowing pages are the deals ofthe evaluation of each category for Washington, DC. ‘These details relat only tothe fre insurance classification fr this jisiction. They are not {or propery loss prevertion or life safely pupposes and no Me safety oF property loss recommendations are made ‘Atthe end ofthe detaled analysis the relative cassis intcated. The relative class represents the classification each category would have achieved if the individual score was translated into 100-poin scale instead of the points avaiable fr thal category 100 Pepe e207 Page? ‘Ten percent of a community's overall score is based on how wal the communications center recewes and depatches fre alarms. Our feld representative evaluated the telephone service, including the number of telephone lines coming into the center the Bsting of the emergency number and business numer in he telephone rectory the automatic recording of emergency calls the communications center, including the number of operators on-duty and awake at the center the dispatch crcuts and how the center notifies frefgtters about the locaton of the emergency item 414 Creat for Telephone Service (2 pots) “The ft itm reviowod i em 414 "Cred for Telephone Sense (CTSY". This tem eviews the faites provided forthe pub to repo res ncurg the telophone Ine used to report nemergency, busess and prvate alam nes cuting progesson of emergency cal tO buniness ines Also analyzed fs the Ising offre and busners numbers inthe flophone cher a the automat recording of emergency cals, ISO uses Natonal Fre Protection ‘Associaton NFPA) 121, Standard forte Instafaton, Mantnanco and Use of Emergoncy Sovices Communication Systems asthe reference fr bis soion To detomine the score for tem 414, te sub-tems (Rem 414, lem 412, and hem 443) wee evaluat. The delae are a folows e150 Peps 2807 Pome tom 411/= "Review of Telephone Lines (TL) Earned Credit Great Available ‘A. Number of needed fire lines* For maximum credi, there should be 8 incoming telephone lines reserved for receiving notification of res. The Communication Center serving Washington, OC has 96 lines reserved ‘The telephone directory ited both a business and ar ‘emergency number. 725.00 'B. Number of needed fire, business, and private alarm lines" For maximum credit, there should be 8 incoming lines reserved fr notficaton of fires (and other emergency cals) ‘plus 3 adtional ns for conducting other fre department business and, if applicable, for private alarms. ‘The Communication Center serving Washington, DC has 10 lines in addon tothe 08 ines reserved forrecehing noificaton of fres (and other emergency call). ‘The telephone rector fisted both a business and an emergency number. 25.00 . Progression of emergency calls to business lines For maximum ered, unanswered emergency cals should progress to the business number, 0.00 10 Df detailed Information of afr is received and ‘transmitted through more than one communication Center, DEDUCT For no deduction of points, fe calls should be immeciatoly transferred from the answering point to the dispatcher who wil then obtain the needed information from the cal for dispatching 0.00) Review of Telephone Lines (TL) total: 60.00 “Note: ‘When only one telephone number is listed in the telephone directory the telephone lines provided can not be reserved for emergency calls because the general public is not given a choice of teleptone lines to use. Therefore, the operatortelecommunicator must accept bolh emergency and business calls over the same lines. The number of neeced fire, business, and alarm lines will show a reduction in credit. 1s0 Popes e207 Paes tom 442 -"Review of Talophone Directory (TDY" Eamed | credit Credit _| Available ‘A. Emergency number on the inside front cover or the front page For creo. he fre emergency telepnone number should be printed on the inside front cover or front page of he white pages in the telephone directory. 10 0 Emergency number and business number listed under ie Department” For credit, both the number to repot afte and the fre department business number shouldbe isted under "FIRE DEPARTMENT" inthe white pages (r goverment section) ofthe telephone directory. ‘The fre number's listed and the business numbers sted, C. Emergency number and business number Neted under the name of the city For credit, both the number to report a fre and the fe sdepariment business number shouldbe listed under the ‘communiy oF fire district nthe white pages (or goverment ‘section) ofthe telephone directory. “The fre number sted and the business numbers sted. 1. Ifthe numbers for individual fire stations are listed, DepucT Fr no deduction of points, the individual fre stations should not be listed in the telephone directory. Review of Directory Lis ing (TO) total: Earned tern 413 "Review of Recording Device (RO)" Credit Credit Available ‘K Review of the recording device (RO. For credit, a voice recorder should automatically record al ‘emergency calls and the operator shouldbe able to immediatly play back any emergency call to review the conversation 20 Review of Recording Device (RD) total: ‘exs0 Peper 2007 Paseo ‘The Items "TL, "TO", and "RD" are then added together and divided by the tol possible Poirts (100 pont) to determine the factor that applied to the 2 points avalable fo Item 414 "Credit fr Telephone Service (CTS) ‘414”*Creditfor Telephone Service (CTS Item 422 - Credit for Operators (3 points) ‘The second item reviewed is tem 422 “Credit for Operators (CTO)". This item reviews the rumiber of operators on duty and awake at the center to handle fre calls and other femergencis. All emergency calls including those cals that do not require fire epartment ‘action ae reviewed to determine the proper staffing to answer emergency calls avd dispatch the appropriate emergency response. NFPA 1221, Standard forthe Installation, Waintenarie and Use of Emergency Services Communications Systems, recommends that ninety-five percent of emergency calls shall be answered vithin 15 seconds and riney-nine percent of ‘emergency cals shall be answered within 40 seconds. In alton, NFPA recommends that ninety percent of emergency alarm processing shall be completed within 60 seconds and niney-Tine percent of alarm processing shall be completed within 90 seconds of answering thecal To receive ful credit for operators on duty, ISO must review documentation to show that the: ‘communication center meets NFPA 1221 call answering and dispatch tme performance ‘measurement standards. This documentation may be in te form of performance statistics or ‘ther performance mescuremente compled by the 011 oftware or other oftware: ‘programs that are currently in use such as Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) or Management Infomation System (MIS). If the necessary data is not avaiable, the number of needed ‘operators wil be determined by specification criteria using a "Call Volume Matrix Table” (coe the folowing page) 190 Papert ne, 2007 Poet CALL VOLUME MATRIX TABLE #4 For Public Safety Answering Points that Perform Call Taking and Dispatching ‘Number of Needed Alarms per Year| _Telecommunicators [Less than 731 r 731 to 10.000 eS | 10,001 to 25,000 = 25,001 to 50,000 = 10,00 to 100,000, __ 100,00' to 160,000, 7 150,001 to 200,000 = £200,004 to 260,000 oa 260,001 to 300,000 10 ‘Over 300,000" ia ‘CALL VOLUME MATRIX TABLE #2 For Public Safety Answering Points that Perform Call Taking Without Dispatching Number of Needed Alarms per Year| Telecommunicators [Less than 10,001 fl 10,001 10 60,000 2 50,001 to 100,000, - “100,004 to 160,000 er 750,001 to 200,000 o 200,001 to 250,000 ™ 250,001 to 300,000 = ‘Over 300,000" o * Communication contrs that provide emergancy medical lspatching (EMO) protocols noed two fabeommunicalors ony at al tnos. cud a supervisor in the communion conto "For every 10 acitional cats (ols) thet are averaged per hour (87.600 cals par yee! one akitonal {elecommuntalor adie, 150 Pepa ne 207 Page “To determine the score for item 422, two subltems (424.A and 421.6) are summed. The dotals ae as flows: Eamed | Credit tem 424 ="Review of Operators (POy" Credit_| Available ‘A. Number of operators on-duty (OD): 80.00 0 For maximum credit, there should be 17 operators on duty at al times, There are an average of 45.00 operators fon duty atthe communication center. 'B. Number of operators awake at all mes (OA): 20.00 20 For maximum credit, all operators should be awake a all times. There isan average of 45.00 operators amake at alltimes. Review of Operators (PO) total:| 100.00 | 100 ‘After ine items "OD" and "OA" are summed up to determine the points received for the "Review of Operators", the sum is divided by the total possible points (100 points) to determine the factor that i applied to the 3 points avaiable for Item 422 "Credit for Operators (cTor Item 422 “Credit for Operators (CTO) 3.00 points Item 432. Credit for Dispatch Circults (5 points) ‘The thie tem reviewed is tem 432 “Credit for Dispatch Circuits (CDC). This iter reviews the dispatch circuit facies used to transmit alarms to fie department members. A "Dispatch Creu ie defined in NFPA 1221 a8 “A crcut over which an alarm is transmited from the Communications center to an emergency response faciily (ERF) or emergency response tunis ERUSs) to notify ERUs to respond to an emergency’. All fre departments (except single fire staion departments wit ful-ime freighter personnel recelving alarms direct at the fe station) need adequate means of notiying all freighter personnel ofthe location of reported structure fres, The dispatch crcul faites should be in accordance with the general citeria ONFPA 1221. “Alams” are defined inthis Standard as “A signal or message rom a person ‘or device incScating the existence of an emergency or other situation that requires. action by {an emergency response agency ‘There are two diferent levele of diepatch circu facitles provided for inthe Standard ~ a primary cispatch circuit and a secondary dispatch circuit.” In jurisdictions that receive 730 ‘alarms. or more per year (average of two alarms per 24-hour period), two separate and

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