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The people who are fighting the 911 Myth

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Notice the Wings? more
by James S. |edit
October 17, 2006 02:17 PM EDT (Updated: October 17, 2006 02:19 PM EDT)
to groups: Truth for 911, Living a sustainable life, politics and international
news, People against Bush!, Iraq Peace 2 Discussion
tags: honesty, bush, 911, iraq, news, education, afganistan, conspiracies,
terrorism, iran, middle east, war, politics
rating: 4.1/10 (15 votes) | comments: 232
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People who are fighting this myth, are often badmouthed by idiots who do "no
research" & simply name call to get their point across.

One of these people recently sent me a letter, apologizing for spamming me, but he
was not. I replied to him with the following:

Np. However I did enjoy the links you gave me. I watched a few videos on the
subject. It amazes me that I have only just heard of this all so recently, as I am
sure you guys have been at this for quite some time.

I will also say that I am "not amazed" that mainstream media will not give more
airtime to the obvious truth. I have my own issues with CNN running Lou Dobbs on a
daily basis with his protectionist values, but giving 0 time to the advantages of
the EU, & the good parts of Free Trade if implemented. I personally have sent many
letters to CNN & Lou pointing out "the other side" which fall mostly on deaf ears.

Yet I am a little surprised that PBS would not be running this, or for that matter
the Canadian CBC! Understanding that PBS gets some government money & might have
ulterior motives not to air the truth, but CBC?

I am not amazed at the fact the American People themselves would try to debunk the
facts. Holding the party line, & being Patriotic by following a dumb President is
not something I find as hard to believe with many Americans. Long before 911, I
found it ridiculous for the USA to be pushing their weight around & when I was
woken up & told of 911 on the day it happened, my girlfriend crying & saying "The
USA is under attack", my first response was "It's about time"!

For a long time, since Vietnam actually, I found it ridiculous that the
Administrations of the USA could not concentrate on their own Continent & involve
themselves is such overseas Drama.

From the paranoia of Communism to the backing of Saddam & Bin Laden, to the
turning against these people, to their mere presence in the Middle East... I found
these Administrations laughable to say the least. Concentrating on Oil when they
should be concentrating on "alternative fuels" in the first place shows me how
biased these Administrations seem to be towards immediate money, rather than
planning any kind of future for the American people that makes any sense.

Not to say Canada has been much better, but then again, we are kind of lead "more
or less" by the wants & desires of the USA, considering their size & spending

Yet I must say I was in awe when I saw those towers fall, as it did not seem right
to me from the beginning. At first I was in the group of people who accepted that
Bin Laden was behind it, but justified just the same.

I always knew of the facts of the USA Administrations twisting the truth on issues
& doing things that were "outright lies" to rally the Troops to their cause, but
although I believed Bush stole his First election, I would never have suspected
him going as far as to Murder thousands, to drive the people of the USA into war
just to further this World Domination idea, which seems to be obvious to me now
since watching these video's on 911.

Certainly there could have been many people to profit from the destruction of the
Towers, but I seriously doubt it could have been done without Government
involvement & direct planning, just as I believe the same happened with Pearl

I therefore salute you in your efforts to educate the American People to these
facts, & hope you all the more success. Yet I remind you that it has taken this
long to reach me. I am usually into these kinds of things, being a regular viewer
of CNN, PBS, 60 Minutes, Dateline, Discovery Channel, History Channel, A & E etc,
that if it has taken this long to get to me... there is a great distance to go in
order to get this information to the educated & intellectual people inside the

Best of luck bud & again... thanks for the links.

Jim Stewart.

Now the links he sent me, which I found "mind blowing" were these...

Hi James,

There is only more than 1,000° degress of temperature, or roughly half of the
total temperature under debate, your naysayers still need to account for.

It's a whole lot easier for them to call you names, and assail your character,
so get used to it.

As long as 1200° degrees remains the highest temperature any uncontrolled burn
can attain, without optimizing fuel and oxygen. And structural steel only becomes
malleable under extremely controlled conditions, that cost a great deal of money
to optimize.

The fact that the 'Twin Towers', as well as 'Building 7', were comprised of
structural steel certified by Underwriters Laboratories to withstand no less than
2750° degrees, for no less than (6) hours, to even register a difference.

Bear in mind the Underwriters Laboratories employee, who felt obligated to

bring these original certification documents to light, was let go for his efforts.
I hope he has found comparable employment since, integrity like his can not be

Silverstein's (3) World Trade Center Properties, (1) of which was not even hit
by a plane, reamin the only steel structures to ever fail as a result fire, the
day he hit the lottery ...

LoTek | Fetzer | Start a Chain Reaction!

Send these three links to at least two friends, asking them to send them to at
least two friends as well. When all is said and done, everyone linked to anyone
here will have them:

9/11 Mysteries (video)

Loose Change, 2nd Edition (Recut)

9/11: A Conversation with Jim Fetzer (video)

Thanks for your support and concern. We can do it together!


James H. Fetzer
Founder and Co-Chair
Scholars for 9/11 Truth

For more 9/11 events, visit

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