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• The market for any product is normally made
up of several
• segments. A ‘market’ after all is the aggregate
of consumers of a given product.And,
consumer (the end user)
• When it
• comes to marketing strategies, most people
spontaneously think about the 4P
• (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) – maybe
extended by three more Ps for
• marketing services (People, Processes,
Physical Evidence).

• Identifiable
• Accessible
• Sizeable
• Profitable
• Unique needs
• Durable
• Measurable
• Compatible

• There was a time when finding the best
customers was like
• throwing darts in the dark. Target marketing
changed all that...Today's savvy
• marketers know that finding their best
prospects and customers hinges on well
• thought out targeted marketing strategies.

•  Distinguishable.
•  Measurable.
•  Sizable.
•  Accessible.
•  Growing.
•  Profitable.
•  Compatible with the firm’s resources.

• "The dealers must have met their targets in

December itself, so they took it easy in
January," he explains.
• Were it any other company, the managing
director's insouciance would appear to border
on foolhardiness. But this is LG, a company
that can afford to take it easy.
• Even after the blip in sales in January -- LG's
marketshare in refrigerators fell fractionally from
28.6 per cent the previous month to 28.1 per cent --
the Korean consumer electronics brand is still the
preferred white goods brand in India -- across
categories and sub-categories.
• Whether it is refrigerators, air conditioners, washing
machines or colour televisions -- LG's dominance
over the white goods market is complete.
Marketing Mix

• Product, price, placement, and promotion are known as the

4 P’s in marketing. These four elements, in turn, make-up
what is known as the “marketing mix.” Neil Borden, a
Harvard professor, first coined the term “marketing mix” in
an article in the Harvard Business Review. Mr. Borden used
the term to describe the various essentials that were needed
to come together to produce what would be an effective
marketing plan. The successful manipulation of these
elements will serve to produce the greatest number of sales.
In this paper the author will describe the various elements,
and give an example of the use of these elements.
Marketing Mix

• The Marketing Mix

• The purpose of the marketing mix is the sectioning of a business
into pieces that can be re-arranged and tweaked dependant on the
needs of the customer. Knowing what a customer wants allows a
company to identify opportunities. These opportunities in turn will
expose any shortcomings or advantages. With this information the
company can now match what is feasible and what is not. Moreover,
the organization can now focus on a specific segment of the market
(Scott, 2005). The geographic factor, such as what countries or
regions a company wants to market is another consideration. That
along with the demographics: population size, traits, and family size
are other factors that need to be addressed (Kermally, 2003).

• Manage your entire product lifecycle to provide what customers want when they
want it
• PLM Consulting Service
• LG CNS PLM Consulting Service provides effective
• assistance for client vision and business goals, establishment
• of R&D informatization strategy to achieve
• competitiveness in the product development sector.
• Integrated Product Development Information
• Management Service
• LG CNS Integrated Product Development Information
• Management Service provides coherent and total product
• information through engineering tool integration,
• CAD and technical document management, BOM
• management, and engineering change management.
• Our approach
• LG CNS simultaneously implemented the specialized
system per process that assists in the core development
• process and the common principal functions supporting in
the whole process. LG CNS PLM Service provided
• standardized product development processes,
accumulation and share of engineering knowledge,
• management of main implementation output documents,
and assistance in collaborative product development.

• Distribution Channels 
• Developers can take advantage of business opportunities through
several LG distribution channels. Once an application has been
accepted by LG, the application will have the opportunity to be
distributed through the following distribution channels. The
channel through which your application is distributed is
determined by LG according to its content type.
• LG World
• The LG World is an online store that offers a wide range of
applications and mobile content to enhance user’s mobile
experiences. It is available in 23 countries, supports about 200
phone models and offers more than 3000 mobile applications.

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