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Baggio: Complex systems, information technologies and tourism: a network point of view

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Amaral & Ottino: 2004: 147 complex v complicated

complex networks

Bar-Yam 1997
dynamics of complex systems

Buhalis 2000 IT for tourism important because of tourism's info intensive nature
tourism and information technologies

Farrel & Twining-Ward 2004 complexity & tourism

reconceptualizing tourism

Pavard and Dugdale 2000: definition of a complex system

contribution of complexity theory

Poon 1993: importance of information for tourism 154

tourism, technology competitive strategies

Stacey: 1996 pg 10 defines how parts in CAS operate

complexity & creativity in orgs

Werthner & Klein 1999 IT for tourism important because of tourism's info intensive nature
information technology and tourism challenging relationship

complex vs complicated
complicated: a number of elements whose results is the sum of the individual ones—can be broken
down into constituent parts
complex: can only be understand by seeing it as a whole

Bar-Yam 1997 notes complex systems mesoscopic: composed of number of elements not too low or

special class of complex systems: complex adaptive system

--influences & is influenced by external environment and interactions among elements are dynamic

traits of a CAS
presence of feedback cycles
distributed nature
emergence & self-org
limited decomposability

a central property of CAS is emergence of previously unssen properties/structures—self-orgnization

importance of information gathering for tourism

hypertext bib of measures of complexity only up to 1997

“Complexity can therefore be seen as a measure of how difficult it is to describe the regularities of a
structure in complete detail” (Baggio).

term data smog

Amaral & Ottino 2004

3 main tools to describe complex systems that physicsts & math dudes have:
nonlinear dynamics; statistical physica; network theory

network theory discussion

web a complex system

bow tie model of the web

paper has first attempt to define what concerns the field of tourism and the role of IT in the framework
of the science of complexity (near quote)

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