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I. Disclaimer......................................................................... 4

II. Who was L. Ron Hubbard?.......................................... 5

III. What is Scientology?................................................... 9

IV. Why should I care?.................................................... 12

A. Fair Game................................................................. 13
B. Mysterious Deaths..................................................24
C. The Lies.....................................................................25
D. The Crimes................................................................29
E. The Cover-Ups..........................................................33
F. Litigious Nature........................................................35
G. Human Rights Abuses............................................37
H. Disconnection.........................................................39
I. Being Declared..........................................................40

V. Scientology vs Psychiatry..........................................43

VI. Secret IRS Tax Deal.....................................................49

VII. What Officials Say.....................................................55

VIII. Cult Phenomenon...................................................56

IX. David Miscavige.........................................................58

A. The Sea Org.............................................................66

X. The Scam of Narconon...............................................70

XI. The E-Meter................................................................. 71

XII. Scientology Front Groups.......................................72

XIII. Helpful Links.............................................................73

XIV. Who or What is Anonymous?............................... 74

A. Why Do We Wear Masks?.....................................75

XV. Glossary of Terms...................................................... 76

XVI. References................................................................77

XVII. We Are Anonymous..............................................80


All information included in this packet has been pulled

from actual court documents, affidavits, quotes from
ex-Scientologists, or those who have been harassed or
’fair gamed’ by the Church.

Where applicable, sources will be cited, but the reader is

strongly encouraged to do his or her own research and
not take the word of Anonymous alone. We believe that
once a person starts to research the history of the Church
of Scientology, they will find a disturbing and readily
emerging pattern: cover ups, unrivaled litigious actions,
arrests, convictions, as well as countless heartbreaking
testimonials from the men, women, and children who
have escaped the cult of Scientology. Read the official
Church websites, hear their side, then compare.

While reading, ask yourself:

”Do these seem to be the actions of a church?”

”He is a fraud and has always been a fraud.”

- Ron DeWolf, son of L. Ron Hubbard, speaking of his father

Who was L. Ron Hubbard?
It is difficult to understand the religion of Scientology
without first understanding its founder. The official church
biography paints Hubbard as a humanitarian, educator,
world explorer, artist, philosopher and, ultimately, the
very savior of mankind. Reality paints a much dimmer
image. By piecing together his personal journals, pulling
his educational and military records, and listening to the
words of his own family, we see something much different:
a deeply paranoid individual desperate to smash his name
into the history books, and, in the process, make millions
of dollars pushing his own brand of pop psychology.

L. Ron Hubbard was an American fiction writer from

the state of Nebraska, known prior to the creation of his
religion for his emphasis on science fiction. He received a measure of education from
George Washington University, enrolling in 1930 in the civil engineering program.
His academic record was decidedly poor, however, and he was discharged from
the school the following year.

During World War II, L. Ron Hubbard served as a naval officer, but was
continually removed from leadership positions for incompetence. In June of 1943,
he became the subject of a disciplinary hearing. Hubbard was relieved of command
for the third time after he anchored his ship off of the Coronado Islands, which is
Mexican territory, and proceeded to conduct gunnery practice there. The Mexican
authorities lodged an official complaint. That, coupled with his failure to return to
base as ordered, led to a Board of Investigation. It determined that Hubbard had
disregarded orders and was transferred to other duties.

After being discharged from the Navy, Hubbard was primarily engaged in fiction
writing exploits. L. Ron gained some measure of acclaim for his work in science
fiction, but writing for a penny a word was not his idea of success.

”You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.”
- L Ron Hubbard’s response to a question from the audience during a meeting of the Eastern
Science Fiction Association (7 November 1948), quoted in a 1994 affidavit by Sam Moskowitz.

Sometime after the war, Hubbard met Jack Parsons, an aeronautics professor
at Caltech and an associate of the British occultist Aleister Crowley. Hubbard
eventually moved in with Parsons and his girlfriend Sara Northrup. Parsons, a
Satanist, introduced Hubbard to ritual magick. The Church of Scientology does not
deny any of this occured, but claims that Hubbard was actually working as an ONI
agent on a mission to end Parsons’ supposed magical activities and to ’rescue’ Sara
Northrup, who Parsons was using in his Satanic rituals. (continued)
Who was L. Ron Hubbard?
Actually, Hubbard described Parsons as his friend in his Scientology lectures
rather than a person he was investigating. Also interesting to note was that Hubbard
later married the girl he said that he rescued from Parsons. Sara Northrup became
Hubbard’s second wife in August 1946. (It was an act of bigamy, as Hubbard had
abandoned, but not divorced, his first wife and children as soon as he left the Navy)
Soon after, Dianetics was published.

One can only guess as to how L. Ron hubbard actually developed his ’science’
behind Dianetics. No records of his experiments have ever been shown, nor
have any of the methods he used to come up with his theories on the mind been
proven. According to the Church, the seeds of Dianetics were planted by a series of
cytological experiments he allegedly conducted in 1937. These experiments were
said to demonstrate that the urge to survive overrode every other possible life-
enhancing drive.

This was a new spin to the then current theory that life is nothing more than
a game of chance. Unlike Darwin’s theory of evolution, which gave importance
to survival only to the extent of natural selection, Hubbard postulated that the
command to survive comes from an ’intelligence’ behind the scheme of life. Hubbard
stated that all life is directed by one command: survive. But survive how? Hubbard
had to come up with a practical application. His first major step towards such a
practicality, and consequently towards Dianetics, came about in 1945 during the
Second World War. Hubbard, then a lieutenant in the US Army, came across 15
former prisoners of war who, after near-starvation diets, were found unable to
assimilate protein despite all possible treatments.

Intrigued, Hubbard concluded that if the mind regulated the body and not the
other way round, then the mind could create mental blocks that would keep the
endocrine system from responding to treatment. On the other hand, if this mental
block could be cleared, the problem should be resolved. This became the premise
of Dianetics.

The word ’dianetics’ comes from the Greek dia (through) and nous (mind or
thought). After his experience with the POWs, Hubbard began the formulation of
Dianetics primarily on the premise that it is the mind that acts on the primal directive
of survival and, in turn, directs life in the effort of survival.

Claiming that he had pinpointed the source of most problems that afflict the
individual, Hubbard set upon the process of making Dianetics a noninvasive
therapeutic science that could successfully handle all kinds of neuroses,
psychosomatic ailments, and psychoses.
L. Ron Hubbard’s College Transcript

L. Ron Hubbard’s Naval Record

What is Scientology?
The first official Church of Scientology was founded by L. Ron
Hubbard in 1953 in the city of Camden, New Jersey. By that point,
however, the belief system had already been largely developed. The
basis of their beliefs can be traced to the publication of Dianetics
three years previously.

The Church is founded on a set of ideas about mind, body, and

spirit that are referred to collectively as ’Scientology’. This set of
beliefs contains large elements of Hubbard’s previous self-help
regimen, Dianetics, which had enjoyed sizable commercial success
when published in 1950. Scientologists believe that we all possess
two separate minds. The Analytical Mind is the part which we
consciously use and are aware of. This is the portion of the mind
which thinks, observes data, and resolves problems. It has standard
memory banks which contain mental image pictures and uses the
data in these banks to make decisions that promote survival. The
second mind is the Reactive Mind. When a person is ”unconscious,”
the reactive mind exactly records all the perceptions of that
incident, including what happens or is said around the person. It also records all pain and stores
this mental image picture in its own banks, unavailable to the individual’s conscious recall and
not under his direct control. The Reactive Mind does not store memories as we know them. It
stores particular types of mental image pictures called engrams. These engrams are a complete
recording, down to the last accurate detail, of every perception present in a moment of partial or
full ”unconsciousness.”

The engrams that reside in the Reactive Mind cause us to act irrationally, or contrary to our
drive towards survival. Through ”auditing”, a process of spiritual ’theapy’ generally accomplished
in one-on-one private sessions at the Church, Scientology claims we can cleanse ourselves of our
Reactive Minds, and achieve a higher level of consciousness called ”Clear”. The State of Clear is
the complete obliteration of our Reactive Mind, and it is claimed to free us of any of its previous
ill effects.

Once Clear, a Scientologists is far from done. Hubbard issued a series of gradient training
routines he called the OT (Operating Thetan) levels. (The ”thetan” is the Scientology term of the
spirit or human soul) This is known as getting on the ”Bridge to Total Freedom”. Each level gets
progressively more expensive, but claims to yield higher and higher states of consciousness.
Scientologists believe that Operating Thetans gain supernatural abilities such as exteriorizing
the spirit outside of the body, self healing, far sight, and, ultimately, the absolute command over
matter, energy, space and time.

The controversy over the past 50 years since the beginning of the Church has not been over
these teachings, but the countless policies L. Ron Hubbard introduced subsequently to deal with
critics and also Scientology’s attempts to shelter this very profitable business under the guise
of religion. To attain ”total spiritual freedom”, a Scientologist can easily invest over $300,000
in tapes, books, lecture series, auditing sessions, and course work materials; all of which have
set prices. Another issue is the Church’s notorious litigious nature. The fact that it has brought
over two thousand individual lawsuits against the IRS alone and dozens against individual critics
proves such.

”Somebody some day will say ’this is illegal’. By then be sure the
[Church] say what is legal or not.”
-L. Ron Hubbard, HCO PL 4 Jan 1966, ”LRH Relationships to Orgs”

What is Scientology?
L. Ron Hubbard’s own son, L. Ron Hubbard Jr., was the Executive Secretary
of the Church of Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard Jr. broke away from the Church in
1959 due to his father’s autocratic and arbitrary control of Scientology which, he
claimed, often led to violence. L. Ron Hubbard Jr. began to be disturbed by his
own participation in these affairs and finally was persuaded by his wife to leave. To
avoid Church of Scientology harassment he changed his name to Ronald DeWolf
in 1972. In a sworn affidavit, he testified:

”My father has always held out Scientology

and auditing to be based purely on science and
not on religious ’belief’ or faith. We regularly
promised and distributed publications with
’scientific guarantees’. This was, and has always
been, common practice. My father and I created
a ’religious front’ only for tax purposes and
legal protection ’from fraud Claims’. We almost
always told nearly everyone that Scientology
was really science, not a religion, but that the
religious front was created to deal with the

-- Ronald DeWolf a.k.a. L. Ron Hubbard, Jr.

(son of L. Ron Hubbard), Affidavit in Schaick v.
Church of Scientology, US District Court Mass.,
No. 79-2491

According to L. Ron Hubbard Jr. and dozens of ex-members, the Church is

continuing to follow the aggressive policies that L. Ron Hubbard enacted before
his death on January 24th,1986. David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board of the
Religious Technology Center, is the current ”leader” of Scientology. Miscavige was
good friends with L. Ron Hubbard during the latter part of his life and exhibits
many of the same paranoid, aggressive and unstable personality traits as his

L. Ron Hubbard Death Certificate

Why should I care?
Why should I care about some wacky religion?

This is probably the question most people have when told about Scientology. Do
any of their policies or actions affect you personally? The answer is yes. These and
other questions will be answered by continuing to read this informational packet.
We will start by going over the policies L. Ron Hubbard created and how they have
been used to circumvent the law, obtain illegal tax exempt status, and to destroy
the lives of many people.

Isn’t this just hate speech?

Anonymous is not against the religion of Scientology! As free people, we have
the right to practice any belief system we choose. This is one of our basic human
rights. We feel there is a great difference between belief and behavior. When a
behavior of an individual begins to infringe on another’s rights, it then becomes

Anonymous does not ”hate” Scientology even if that is what they would like you
to believe. Our next protest is entitled, ”Operation: Reconnect” which will focus on
reuniting the shattered families Scientology has created with its ’disconnection’

Our stated goal is to raise awareness about the abuses of the Church of Scientology.
Our ire is directed towards those in charge who victimize their parishioners
through lies, coercion, and fraud. We want to stop those who disconnect children
from parents, husbands from wives, and sibling from sibling. We want the coerced
abortions to stop, we want the ”PTS”s (potential trouble sources) to be released
from the Scientology RPFs, or prison camps. We want the Church to stop hiding
behind its religious status when it operates not as a church would, but as a global

We do not protest Scientologists known as ”Freezoners”

We do not protest another group of Scientologists who call themselves the
”Freezoners”. They believe in the tech of L. Ron Hubbard and practice Scientology
and auditing freely. They also do not charge members thousands of dollars or
engage in the shady policies of L. Ron Hubbard or his Church. The data is free to
anyone who wishes to use it. Of course, the Church of Scientology denounces the
Freezoners, but the Freezoners, like Anonymous, believes that knowledge is free.

You cannot buy salvation at any price.

You should care about ’Fair Game’
In what might be the most disturbing of all Scientology policies, ’Fair Game’ is
the right of any Scientologist to harass any other person who is officially declared
an SP (suppressive person) or generally antagonistic towards the Church.

L. Ron Hubbard drafted the ”Fair Game” law in 1965. People deemed to be
”suppressive” could be subject to ”fair game” retaliation.

”A Suppressive Person or Group becomes fair game. By FAIR GAME [it] is meant
[that the individual], may not be further protected by the codes and disciplines or
the rights of a Scientologist.” Later, in December of that year, Hubbard reissued the
Fair Game policy with additional clarifications to define the scope of Fair Game. He
made it clear that the policy applied to non-Scientologists as well. He declared:

”The homes, property, places and abodes of persons who have been active in
attempting to suppress Scientology or Scientologists are all beyond any protection
of Scientology Ethics, unless absolved by later Ethics or an amnesty ... this Policy
Letter extends to suppressive non-Scientology wives and husbands and parents, or
other family members or hostile groups or even close friends.”[1]

As an example of how far Hubbard was willing to go, in 1965 he considered

attacking the IRS. Eventually the Church of Scientology did attack the IRS, as well
as many other U.S. and foreign agencies, under Operation Snow White. He told
Scientologists in a HCO policy letter dated April 2nd,1965:

”If the Internal Revenue Service (in refusing the FCDC [Founding Church of
Scientology, Washington DC] non-profit status) continues to act up or if the FDA
does sue we can of course Comm Ev [Committee of Evidence] them and if found
guilty, label and publish them as a Suppressive Group and fair game ... [No] one is
fair game until he or she declares against us.”

In 1967, the policy of ”Fair Game” was broadened ever farther in another HCO
policy letter dated October 1967 (HCOPL 18 Oct 67 Issue IV, Penalties for Lower
Conditions), where Hubbard defines penalties for anyone deemed to be in a
”Condition of Enemy”:

ENEMY — SP Order. Fair game. May be deprived of

property or injured by any means by any Scientologist
without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be
tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.
Fair Game Policy Letter

You should care about ’Fair Game’
Fair Game hurts people:
Paulette Cooper - 1967 Paulette Cooper - 1974

Operation Freakout
”Operation Freakout, also known as Operation PC Freakout, was the name given by the
Church of Scientology to a covert plan intended to have the US author and journalist Paulette
Cooper imprisoned or committed to a mental institution. The plan was meant to eliminate the
perceived threat that Cooper posed to the Church and obtain revenge for her publication in
1971 of a highly critical book, The Scandal of Scientology.”[...]

”In its initial form Operation Freakout consisted of three different plans:

1. First, a woman was to imitate Paulette Cooper’s voice and

make telephone threats to Arab consulates in New York.

2. Second, a threatening letter was to be mailed to an Arab consulate in such a fashion

that it would appear to have been done by Paulette Cooper (who is Jewish).

3. Third, a Scientologist volunteer was to impersonate Paulette Cooper at a laundrette

and threaten the President and then the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
A second Scientologist would thereafter inform the FBI of the threat.”[2]

The Church sent bomb threats they composed on her typewriter to link her to false crimes,
they posted her phone number in public restrooms, and signed her up for pornographic mailing
lists. The FBI exposed the Scientology plot to frame Paulette (which she was initially arrested
for) after they obtained the Freakout documents during a raid of the Scientology offices in
connection to another church crime entitled ’Operation Snow White’ [more on this later]. The
signs of the vicious struggle to retain her sanity were quite visible.

Forged Bomb Threat

Seized ’Operation Freakout’ Document

Was ’Fair Game’ Cancelled?
Scientology claims that ’Fair Game’ was cancelled in October of 1968 by HCOPL 21
Oct 68, ”Cancellation of Fair Game ”, but:

”In 1994, Vicki Aznaran, who had been the Chairman of the Board of the Religious
Technology Center (the Church’s central management body), claimed in an affidavit
that ’Because of my position and the reports which regularly crossed my desk, I know
that during my entire presidency of RTC ’fair game’ actions against enemies were daily
routine. Apart from the legal tactics described below, the ’fair game’ activities included
break-ins, libel, upsetting the companies of the enemy, espionage, harassment, misuse of
confidential communications in the folders of community members and so forth.’”[3]

In Wollersheim v. Church of Scientology of California (the ”mother church” of the

Churches of Scientology at the time the suit was filed), the California Appeal Court ruled,
in a decision upheld by the US Supreme Court: ”Wollersheim was compelled to abandon
his wife and his family through the policy of disconnect. When his mental illness reached
such a level he actively planned his suicide, he was forbidden to seek professional help.
Finally, when Wollersheim was able to leave the Church, it subjected him to financial
ruin through its policy of ’fair game’.” (JCA-147, pp.A-7, 15 & 16). At appeal, Scientology
asserted that ”fair game” was a ”core practice of Scientology”, and therefore protected as
”religious expression”. This position was also made on behalf of Scientology in the case
against Gerald Armstrong, in 1984, by religious expert Dr. Frank Flinn.[4]

The ’Fair Game’ policy was never cancelled, as the arguments of the Church in
both court cases clearly show. Ex-OSA members only confirm this over and over.
Fair Game is still in wide use under the direction of the Office of Special Affairs
(OSA), formally the GO (Guardian’s Office).

Fair Game Against Anonymous
The Church of Scientology to this day claims that the ”Fair Game” policy,
created by L Ron Hubbard himself, is no longer in effect. This is patently untrue.
Anonymous has already begun to receive letters stating that members of the
peaceful protest group are threatening to bomb churches, assassinate key
leaders, and use other violent methods to ”destroy” the Church. The Church
of Scientology has already enlisted the use of private investigators and have
identified a handful of Anonymous protesters. They posted these protesters’
home addresses, numbers, and private information on YouTube and sent
men posing as peace officers to protesters’ homes. We take pride in being fair
gamed only because we know so many others had it much worse than we
will ever have it. Paulette Cooper, Arnie Lerma, Mark Bunker, Sean Longsdale,
and many others had their lives turned upside down by ’Fair Game’. We will
not yield to bullies.

Here are the Facts:

Anonymous has successfully accomplished two worldwide protests against
the Church of Scientology, the first on Feb 10th (Lisa McPherson’s birthday)
and the second on March 15th (to closely coincide with L Ron Hubbard’s
birthday on the 13th). These protests happened in over 100 cities and drew
numbers in excess of 7000, all concerned citizens with a voice they wanted
heard. Not one violent incident was reported at either of these protests. We
plan to return on April 12th for ’Operation: Reconnect’, to attempt to undo
some of the damage done by the Church’s disconnection policy. We even
mailed Scientologists Valentine cards on the 14th of February with good
wishes. We do not hate Scientologists. We hate what is being done to them
in the name of religion.

(It is our contention that, as in the case with many ex-members who were falsely accused
of many crimes, the Church is willing to deceive in order to protect its own interests.
The following page shows the hand delivered letters the Church sent to each person
they identified as a protester. Along with the letter, a DVD entitled ”Anonymous Hate
Crimes” was included. The contents of the DVD has been posted on YouTube: http://

Watch it and decide for yourself.

Fair Game Letter

Fair Game Letter

Fair Game DVD

Official Church of Scientology
Response to Anonymous Protests
”This weekend we do anticipate that some members of this group ’Anonymous’ will turn
up, as they have announced.

We take this seriously because of the nature of the threats this group has made publicly.
We will take every step necessary to protect our parishioners and staff as well as members
of the community, in coordination with the local authorities.

As to our knowledge of the organizers of the event, they are cyberterrorists who hide
their identities behind masks and computer anonymity.

Long before selecting Scientology as its latest target, ’Anonymous’ hackers crashed
the Fox Web site and issued a perverse manifesto in a July 2007 video message on the

’We are the face of chaos... We ruin the lives of other people simply because we can ...
Hundreds die in a plane crash. We laugh. The nation mourns over school shooting, we
laugh. We’re the embodiment of humanity with no remorse, no caring, no love, or no
sense of morality.’

’Anonymous’ is perpetrating religious hate crimes against churches of Scientology and

individual Scientologists for no reason other than religious bigotry. ’Anonymous’ initially
justified its attacks by claiming that the church’s requests to some Web sites to remove a
stolen video of an internal church event somehow constituted an affront to free speech.
In fact, the church, as would any copyright owner, had simply sent notices that the
video constituted a copyright violation. Similar notices are sent daily by the television
and recording industries, as well as the media to those who display pirated, copyrighted

’Anonymous’ alleged ’free speech’ justification is belied by the fact that the video in
question has been seen by millions. It is ’Anonymous’ that has repeatedly attempted
to suppress free speech through illegal assaults on church Web sites so as to prevent
Internet users from obtaining information from the church. They have also engaged
in other harassment, including threats of violence in telephone calls, fax transmissions
and e-mails, not to mention the Anonymous mailing of white powder to dozens of our
churches, requiring the services of law enforcement.

’Anonymous’ claims of altruistic purposes are no different than those heard from any
terrorist or hate group. We are not the first to be targeted. Using Scientology’s prominence,
’Anonymous’ hopes to garner more attention. ’Anonymous’ has publicly proclaimed its
guiding materials to be the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. Quite obviously, this
group is not just anti-Scientology, it is anti-freedom of religion, anti-free speech and anti-

Religious bigotry of any nature is deplorable and profoundly affects the entire community.
The hate crimes of ’Anonymous’ should be condemned.”[5]

You should care about the deaths
Many members have died under very mysterious circumstances.
Lisa McPherson, a long time member of the church, died on Dec 5, 1995, in the care of
Scientology. She was severely dehydrated and covered with sores and cockroach bites.
McPherson after 17 days locked
Lisa McPherson, Scientologist in a Scientology facility

St. Petersburg Times Editorial, 12/18/96

”Keep Investigation On Track
A woman involved in a minor traffic accident sheds her clothes and walks nude down the street. Police take
her to the hospital to see a psychiatric nurse, and against medical advice she leaves with friends. Those friends
take her to their church. Seventeen days later, they drive her to a hospital more than 20 miles away in another
county. The woman is dead on arrival, and an autopsy finds bruises, abrasions and lesions on her body. Official
cause of death: a blood clot caused by ”bed rest and severe dehydration.”
Clearwater police say those are the circumstances surrounding the suspicious death of Lisa McPherson, who
was a member of the Church of Scientology for 18 years before she died in December 1995. Any objective review
can only raise more questions about what happened to the 36- year-old woman in the 17 days between the traffic
accident and her death.
A year later, the Clearwater Police Department still is looking for answers and avoiding accusations. Instead
of cooperating, the Church of Scientology has responded by attacking the police department and complaining
of harassment. It is standard procedure for Scientologists to discourage scrutiny with tactics that smack of
intimidation. The Clearwater Police Department and the state attorney’s office should not allow such a strategy
to derail this investigation.
There is considerable anecdotal evidence that should heighten concern about McPherson’s death. Shortly
before her traffic accident in November 1995, McPherson confided that she was leaving the Church of Scientology,
a long-time friend told the Tampa Tribune. McPherson’s mother, Fannie McPherson, told the newspaper that
her daughter told her she was having trouble meeting her sales goals at a Clearwater business owned by a
Scientologist. Fannie McPherson said Scientologists told her that her daughter was placed in solitary confinement
at the church’s Fort Harrison Hotel in Clearwater after the auto accident. She said Scientologists attended her
daughter’s funeral in Texas and claimed that Lisa wanted her body to be cremated. Scientologists deny they place
anyone in solitary confinement.
Why did Scientologists ignore medical advice and escort Lisa McPherson out of Morton Plant Hospital after
her traffic accident? What happened to her in the l7days between the traffic accident and her death? Why did
Scientologists avoid nearby hospitals and take her to a Pasco County hospital, where she was to be examined by
a doctor who is a Scientologist and who had never seen McPherson before? Why did McPherson have just $11
in her savings account at the time of her death when Scientology officials say she earned up to $80,000 a year?
Why has the Church of Scientology failed to help police locate three Scientologists who apparently helped care
for McPherson in Clearwater and have since left the country?”
You should care about the lies
Scientology lies about many aspects of its creation,
content, and application.
First of all, lying to people to get their money isn’t just unethical - it’s illegal. It’s called fraud.
Scientology claims there is a factual, scientific basis for all of its processes. There isn’t, and if there
is, it has never been revealed to anyone. L. Ron Hubbard’s ’research’ remains a complete mystery.

Scientologists will tell you their religion is compatible with other belief systems, such as
Christianity. It’s not. Once members of the Church reach Operating Thetan level 3, they are
introduced to the ’Xenu’ doctrine which reveals that all other religions are implanted by aliens and
”There was no Christ.”
- L. Ron Hubbard, confidential Class 8 course, taped on the ship Apollo in Corfu, Greece

Scientology has consistently denied that it is a ’UFO cult’ and that they have never heard of
anyone named ”Xenu” which critics claim is a very large part of their secret doctrines. The critics
are correct. In a declaration by Steven Fishman on April 9th,1993, as part of Church of Scientology
International v. Fishman and Geertz, Fishman told the court that he had committed crimes on
behalf of the Church. Fishman claimed the Church ordered him to murder his psychologist, Dr. Uwe
Geertz, and then commit suicide.

As evidence, Fishman submitted course materials he said that he purchased from Ellie Bolger,
a fellow Scientologist, and Richard Ofshe, an expert witness for his defense. The Church says the
documents were stolen and considered them to be copyrighted and a trade secret. Among other
materials, the Fishman affidavit contains 61 pages of the allegedly secret and copyrighted story of

Why would the Church sue for copyright violation on ”top secret” materials if they were not the
Church’s ”top secret” materials? By suing, they only confirmed that these were indeed their sacred
doctrines. The Fishman Affidavit contained much of the text from the old versions of the Operating
Thetan levels. The versions of OT I to OT VII in the Fishman Affidavit are also considered authentic
as the Church’s Religious Technology Center brought copyright lawsuits over their release on the
Internet. All of the higher teachings and OT level materials are now freely available on the internet.
On the following pages, you will find the OT3 doctrine attached. Read and decide for yourself.

Eight Million Strong?

Scientology claims to be the fastest-growing religion in the world, with 8 million members, utilizing
infallible technology developed by a ’physicist’ and ’war hero’. Not true. First, ex-leaders of the
Church reveal the actual number of Scientologists to be around 80,000 members, worldwide.
Religious census data confirms this. Secondly, as stated previously, Hubbard flunked out of college
and was removed from command three times during his Naval career. Bare-Faced Messiah, by Russell
Miller, is an in depth account of Hubbard’s entire life, and pulled from Hubbard’s own journals and
all related governmental records. It’s available free on many internet sites, and you can find a one
such copy here:
Secret Church Doctrine
The doctrines on the following pages are considered
top secret by the Church of Scientology.

By revealing them here, we are saving you many thousands of dollars

in Church ”donations”. It can take years to get this information. Visit any
other church, and they will give you their full doctrine, often times for free.
Bibles are handed out at no cost at any local church. You are allowed to ask
questions, read the texts, and speak with members freely about any aspect
of their religion.

Not so with Scientology. They keep their OT level doctrines away from the
public and have sued anyone who dared to post or discuss this material. Any
person in the Church of Scientology who has not reached the level of OT 3
will not know this story, but it is a true and accurate doctrine of the church.
It contains their origin story. It may sound silly at first, or even a bit crazy to
you or I, but remember this: Scientologists have years and years of training
leading up to this story. They are slowly indoctrinated over many years to
accept anything they are told. Whereas the public might remain incredulous,
Scientologists take this doctrine very seriously.

We want you to decide for yourself. You can download and read all of the
Church’s secret upper level materials here:

In addition, they are told that hearing this story before they are ’spiritually
ready’ will cause them to get sick and die. Have you ever wondered why
there is a volcano on the cover of Dianetics? This will make it very clear.

Let’s begin.

OT3: The Wall of Fire
Once upon a time (75 million years ago to be more precise) there was an alien galactic ruler
named Xenu. Xenu was in charge of all the planets in this part of the galaxy, including our own
planet Earth (except in those days it was called Teegeeack). Now Xenu had a problem: All of the
76 planets he controlled were overpopulated. Each planet had, on average, 178 billion people.
He wanted to get rid of all the overpopulation, so he devised a plan.

Xenu took control and, with the help of renegades, defeated the good people and the Loyal
Officers. Then, with the help of psychiatrists, he called in billions of people for income tax
inspections where they were given injections of alcohol and glycol to paralyze them. Then, they
were put into space planes that looked exactly like DC8s (except they had rocket motors instead
of propellers).

These DC8 space planes flew to planet Earth where the billions of paralyzed people were stacked
around the bases of volcanoes. When they had finished stacking them, H-bombs were lowered
into the volcanoes. Xenu then detonated all the H-bombs at the same time and everyone was

The story doesn’t end there though. Since everyone has a soul, (called a ”thetan” in Scientology)
you have to trick souls into not coming back again. So while the hundreds of billions of souls
were being blown around by the nuclear winds, Xenu had special electronic traps that caught
all the souls in electronic beams.

After he had captured all these souls, he had them packed into boxes and taken to a few huge
cinemas in Hawaii. There, all the souls had to spend days watching special 3D motion pictures
that told them what life should be like and many confusing things. In this film they were shown
false pictures of things like God, The Devil, and Christ. This process is called ”implanting”. (The
Xenu story is referred to as the ”R6” implant.)

When the films ended, and the souls left the cinema, these souls started to stick together because
since they had all seen the same film they thought they were the same people. They clustered in
groups of a few thousand. Now, because there were only a few living bodies left, they stayed as
clusters and inhabited these bodies.

As for Xenu, the Loyal Officers finally overthrew him and locked him away in a mountain prison
on one of the planets. He is kept in by a force field powered by an eternal battery, and Xenu is
still alive today.

That is the end of the story. And so, everyone today is full of these clusters of souls called ”body
thetans”. If we are to be free, then we have to remove all these ”body thetans” and pay lots of
money to do so. The only reason people believe in God and Christ, according to Hubbard, was
because it was in the film their body thetans saw 75 million years ago.

OT3 in Hubbard’s Own Handwriting

You should care about the crimes
Scientology has a long, well-documented history of
criminal activities.

High-ranking Scientology executives were convicted of extremely serious

crimes in the United States for breaking into government offices and stealing
documents. This was known as ”Operation: Snow White” (see next page).
Founder L. Ron Hubbard was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in
that case, and the defendants stated in their stipulation of evidence that, at
all times, he acted as supervisor of the illegal activities. Hubbard’s own wife
was arrested and imprisoned as part of the FBI raid.[6]

More info at

Scientology itself was convicted of similar crimes in Canada. When

Scientology then tried to destroy the reputation of the prosecutor in the
case, they were hit with the biggest libel fine in Canadian history. This
eventually resulted in a large police raid of the Church of Scientology
in Toronto, 3 March to 4 March 1983. The R. v. Church of Scientology
of Toronto case began 1991-04-23, resulting in seven members being
convicted, and two convictions of criminal Breach of the Public Trust
against the church itself.[7]

L. Ron Hubbard was convicted of fraud in France.[8] He remained a

fugitive for the rest of his life.

Operation Snow White was the LARGEST infiltration

of the United States Government in US history.

FBI ”Snow White” Documents

FBI ”Snow White” Documents

FBI ”Snow White” Documents

You should care about the cover-ups

(Quoted from

”A former Scientology staffer [by the name of Jennifer Stewart] is breaking her silence about
being sexually assaulted 100 times at ages 16 and 17 by the church supervisor [Gabriel Williams]
she was ’ordered’ to live with, and then receiving threats and intimidating phone calls when
she reported the abuse... In a related civil suit brought by Stewart against Williams and the
church, she recently received as part of the settlement a ’generous monetary resolution,’ said
her attorney. Although the church admitted no wrongdoing, it forked over about $700,000,
sources say.”[9]

Jennifer’s husband, Tommy Gorman speaks out:

”Gabriel brainwashed Jennifer using Scientology techniques and policies so that she would do
what he said. One example, he made Jennifer tell her best friend and favorite cousin ”everything
is great, everything is fine, I love him and I like being with him” He would drill her on this while
he was raping her, and would choke her, and hit her leg with his leg when she would mess up
’Everything is great, everything is fine, I love him and I like being with him’
Until she got it and then said everything will be ok. At that point Jennifer thought he would
never stop raping her. So she did it, and told her best friend what he wanted her to say. Jennifer
has been going to a therapist for years now and is slowly recovering from post traumatic stress
Therapy has helped her more than any of Scientology’s ’auditing’ could ever do at $1,000 an
hour, while telling them all your deepest secrets so Scientology can then blackmail you in the
future with their favorite private investigator, Eugene Ingram, while they slander good peoples
names and even make stuff up, and then spread it to all your friends and family.
They will use the information in your folders for any embarrassment to try to humiliate you
into silence. That is what happened to Jennifer.”[9]

The Gormans were subsequently ’fair gamed’ by the church and were stalked and threatened
repeatedly. They tried to convince Jennifer that the rapes were her fault. Tommy became a real friend
to Jennifer when the Church let her down and decided to protect a criminal to avoid bad PR.

Sexual Assault Partial Report

The rest of the report and subsequent harassment by the Church can be found at:

You should care about the lawsuits
Litigious Nature
Scientology says that ”public statements against Scientology or Scientologists”,
”writing anti-Scientology letters to the press,” and ”testifying as a hostile witness against
Scientology in public” are all ”Suppressive Acts” - high crimes, according to ”Introduction
to Scientology Ethics.” The book goes on to say that people who do such things ”cannot
be granted the rights and beingness ordinarily accorded rational beings.”

In accordance with this policy (and others like it), Scientology has tried to silence all
criticism. Scientology sued book and magazine publishers, including Time magazine, in
an attempt to prevent any future criticism by scaring publishers with the prospect of
enormous court costs.

Article online at,9171,972865,00.htm

”The Church of Scientology, started by science-fiction writer L. Ron Hub-

bard to ’clear’ people of unhappiness, portrays itself as a religion. In real-
ity the church is a hugely profitable global racket that survives by intimi-
dating members and critics in a Mafia-like manner.”[6]

Scientology imposes gag orders in settlement agreements, preventing those who

have suffered most from telling the world what they know.

Scientology routinely threatens legal action against critics, alleging copyright

infringement, trademark dilution, and dissemination of trade secrets - often in situations
in which its allegations are baseless.

Scientology sued the Cult Awareness Network (CAN) because it did not like what they
had to say about the very questionable practices of the church. By the time all charges
were dropped, CAN (Cult Awareness Network) was bankrupted and sold off to the
highest bidder: Church of Scientology attorney Steven Hayes. When you call CAN today,
you are talking to a Scientologist.

In March, 2008, Scientology filed two injunctions against Anonymous to keep

protesters at least 500 ft away from any Scientology building or member. Both injuctions
were quickly denied because the Church could not prove any wrongdoing on the part of
Petition for Injunction

Strangely, some of the named individuals on the

Church’s petition weren’t even at the protests.
How did they even get these names in the first place?
You should care about human rights
There are over two dozen allegations that Scientology has held individuals against
their will. These illegal acts were not committed by rogue Scientologists - they were in
accordance with Scientology policy. They now have a document you must sign that gives
them the legal right to kidnap you before they will offer you any spiritual services.

The Introspection Rundown (HCO Bulletin of 20 February 1974)

This Scientology auditing bulletin directs that a Scientologist who has suffered a psychotic
break must be kept in isolation. The Case Supervisor is directed to ”determine the person’s
responsibility level” and has control over whether the person is permitted to go free (”I’m
sorry but no go on coming out of isolation yet.”)

Due to what occurred to Lisa McPherson at the Fort Harrison Hotel during her Introspection
Rundown, the church has created a contract you must sign that gives up all rights to
medical or psychiatric treatment, even if requested by a doctor or a family member. (See
a copy of this contract on the next page.)

The RPF (Rehabilitation Projects Force, HCO Policy Letter of 18 Oct. 1967)
In the ”Penalties for Lower Conditions”, Hubbard ordered that staff in a certain ”ethics
condition” should be subjected to ”day and night confinement to org premises.” This was
reiterated in a subsequent ”Policy Letter”, HCO Policy Letter of 21 July 1968.

(The RPF is a Scientology gulag for troublemakers. Terribly, there is also a Children’s RPF.)

Coerced Abortions:
According to sworn statements, women in Scientology’s ”Sea Org” are discouraged from
becoming pregnant and are coerced into having abortions if they do become pregnant.

”The September 28, 1986 Flag Order No. 3905 forbade Sea Org members from having
any more new children. The reason given by ED Int. was that the Sea Org simply did
not have the time, money and resources to raise children properly. In the event Sea
Org members elected to disobey this Flag Order, they would be exiled to a non Sea Org
Scientology organization of the Class IV level until the Child reached 6 years of age. Once
the unauthorized child achieved 6 years of age, the parents could return to the Sea Org.”
-Mary Tabayoyon’s sworn court affidavit

Find more information at

’Lisa McPherson Clause’ Document
(Document’s authenticity confirmed by Scientology PR spokesperson Linda Simmons Hight)
Church of Scientology
Flag Service Organization
(hereinafter referred to as ”the Church”)
Agreement and General Release
Regarding Spiritual Assistance

1. I, ___________________________________, recognize, acknowledge and agree that I am exclusively responsible for my present and future condition
in life and for the choices and decisions I make affecting my life. With that in mind, and solely of my own volition and in the independent exercise
of my own free will, I am voluntarily signing and submitting to CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY___________________________________ (hereinafter the
”Church”) this AGREEMENT AND GENERAL RELEASE REGARDING SPIRITUAL ASSISTANCE (hereinafter this ”Contract”) so that, upon its acceptance
by the Church, I may participate in Scientology Religious Services and spiritual assistance under the terms, conditions, covenants, waivers and
releases I agree to by signing this contract, and by doing so, I specifically acknowledge and reaffirm all other waivers, releases and agreements I
have signed with any Church of Scientology.

2. This contract is my statement of my personal understanding concerning Scientology religious tenets and my statements reflecting my own beliefs
and desires. By signing this Contract, I recognize, acknowledge and agree that:

a. Scientology is a religion, the Church is a church of the Scientology religion and all the services and activities of the Scientology religion are
exclusively religious in nature.

b. Scientology is unalterably opposed, as a matter of religious belief, to the practice of psychiatry, and espouses as a religious belief that the study
of the mind and the healing of mentally caused ills should not be alienated from religion or condoned in nonreligious fields. I am in full agreement
with this religious belief. I do not believe in or subscribe to psychiatric labels for individuals It is my strongly held religious belief that all mental
problems are spiritual in nature and that there is no such thing as a mentally incompetent person-- only those suffering from spiritual upset of one
kind or another dramatized by an individual. I reject all psychiatric labels and intend for this Contract to clearly memorialize my desire to be helped
exclusively through religious, spiritual means and not through any form of psychiatric treatment, specifically including involuntary commitment
based on so-called lack of competence. Under no circumstances, at any time, do I wish to be denied my right to care from members of my religion
to the exclusion of psychiatric care or psychiatric directed care, regardless of what any psychiatrist, medical person, designated member of the state
or family member may assert supposedly on my behalf. If circumstances should ever arise in which government, medical or psychiatric officials or
personnel or family members or friends attempt to compel or coerce or commit me for psychiatric evaluation, treatment or hospitalization, I fully
desire and expect that the Church or Scientologists will intercede on my behalf to oppose such efforts and/or extricate me from that predicament
so my spiritual needs may be addressed in accordance with the tenets of the Scientology religion.

c. As I so strongly disagree, as a matter of religious principle, with the use of psychiatric treatment for anyone, including myself, I reject the usage
of psychiatric labels and I believe in assisting individuals through religious and spiritual means. Therefore, I am hereby specifying that should I get
into a situation in the future, unlikely as it is, where others may think that I need psychiatric treatment of any kind, that I instead desire to receive
Scientology spiritual assistance and that it can include, but is not limited to, the Introspection Rundown. Further, I realize that in the future it may
consequently be suggested by a senior Scientology minister, should the need arise, that I receive such spiritual assistance, and again, I want to make
it clear that under such circumstances I desire to receive Scientology Spiritual Assistance, which may include, but not be limited to, the Introspection

d. The Scientology religion teaches that the spirit can be saved and that the spirit alone may save or heal the body, and the Introspection Rundown
is intended to save the spirit. I understand that the Introspection Rundown is an intensive, rigorous Religious Service that includes being isolated
from all sources of potential spiritual upset, including but not limited to family members, friends or others with whom I might normally interact. As
part of the Introspection Rundown, I specifically consent to Church members being with me 24 hours a day at the direction of my Case Supervisor,
in accordance with the tenets and custom of the Scientology religion. The Case Supervisor will determine the time period in which I will remain
isolated, according to the beliefs and practices of the Scientology religion. I further specifically acknowledge that the duration of any such isolation
is uncertain, determined only by my spiritual condition, but that such duration will be completely at the discretion of the Case Supervisor. I also
specifically consent to the presence of Church members around the clock for whatever length of time is necessary to perform the Introspection
Rundown’s processes and to achieve the spiritual results of the Introspection Rundown. I understand, acknowledge and agree that the Introspection
Rundown addresses only the individual’s spiritual needs and I freely consent, without reservation, and without condition or limitation, to Church
members conducting the Introspection Rundown, and that I accept and assume all known and unknown risks of injury, loss, or damage resulting
from my decision to participate in the Introspection Rundown and specifically absolve all persons and entities from all liabilities of any kind, without
limitation, associated with my participation or their participation in my Introspection Rundown.


I sign this Agreement and General Release Regarding Spiritual Assistance on this __ day of _________, 20__, intending to be legally bound to it, and
request that I be permitted to participate in spiritual assistance.


(Printed Full Name)
© 2001 CSFSO all rights reserved. Flag Service Org Corporate symbol SCIENTOLOGY and INTROSPECTION RUNDOWN are trademarks & service marks owned by Religious Technology
Center and are used with its permission SCIENTOLOGISTS is a collective membership mark designating members of the affiliated churches and missions of Scientology. Services relating to
Scientology religious philosophy are delivered throughout the world exclusively by licensees of the Church of Scientology International with the permission of Religious Technology Center
holder of the SCIENTOLOGY and DIANETICS trademarks. Printed in U S A
You should care about ’disconnection’
The Church of Scientology will deem anyone seen as ’antagonistic’ to the Church to be antisocial,
a Potential Trouble Source (PTS), or a Suppressive Person (SPs). The Church teaches that associating
with these people will impedes a member’s progress along the ’Bridge to Total Freedom’.

HCO BULLETIN OF 10 SEPTEMBER 1983 ”PTSness and Disconnection”:

”A Scientologist can become PTS by reason of being connected to someone that is antagonistic to
Scientology or its tenets. In order to resolve the PTS condition, he either HANDLES the other person’s
antagonism (as covered in the materials on PTS handling) or, as a last resort when all attempts to
handle have failed, he disconnects from the person. He is simply exercising his right to communicate
or not to communicate with a particular person.”[11]

Isn’t this just a form of Excommunication?

No, the HCO bulletin states that failure to disconnect from a Suppressive must itself be labeled a
Suppressive Act. It isn’t a choice, it’s a forced condition. A Scientologist is not ”exercising his right to
communicate or not communicate” because he has no choice unless he, himself, wants to be declared
an SP. Scientologists love to claim it was revoked in 1968, but, not surprisingly, it came back into use
in 1983. provides even more explanation:

”Interestingly enough, some Scientology spokespeople regularly insist that Disconnection does not
exist in Scientology. Others quote the policy listed above, and say that Disconnection is a last resort,
only undertaken under extreme circumstances. Others tell us that Disconnection is an individual
choice that is entirely the decision of the Scientologist. Some say that every group has a right to
protect itself from harm.

Some spokespeople actually liken disconnection to excommunication, though the two are not
the same at all. Though people who are excommunicated are not permitted to take any of the
sacraments or receive blessings, their families and friends are not pressured to abandon them. In fact,
an excommunicated person does not cease to be Christian, as their baptism is not affected.

The reason it is so difficult for anyone to take legal action against Disconnection, is that Scientology
management uses threats, coercion, and social isolation to convince the person disconnecting that
Disconnection was ”their decision”. Therefore, if asked why disconnection was undertaken, the person
doing the disconnecting will defend the process, saying that it was necessary to their progress in
Scientology. ”[11]

Examples of a disconnect letter: Find many more true disconnect stories at

”Dear Mother, I am hereby disconnecting from you because you are suppressive to me. You
evaluate for me, invalidate me, interrupt me and remove all my gains. And you are destroying
me. I [unreadable] from this time consider myself disconnected from you and I do not want to
see you or hear from you again. From now you don’t exist in my life.”
- Scientologist Karen Henslow to her mother,1966 UK Newspaper[11]

”If you try to ring me I will not answer, I will not read any mail you send, and I refuse to have
anything to do with you in any way whatsoever. All communication is cut completely.”
- Scientologist Erin O’Donnell’s note to her aunt.[11]

In January 2008, Jenna Miscavige Hill, niece of David Miscavige (the current leader of
Scientology), made a number of allegations about the policy’s effect on her family. She claimed
that, once her parents left and she remained in the group, she had been forbidden to answer
the telephone in case she spoke to them and that her parents only restored occasional access
to her by threatening legal action.

You should care about ’being declared’
Avoiding being ’declared’ in the Church of Scientology is one of the biggest
reasons people remain within the cult, happy or unhappy. If the Church
declares a member an SP (this is done most often when you speak out against
anything you see to be wrong within the Church), they will potentially lose
everything they love overnight.

Since your friends are Scientologists, your business partners and coworkers
are Scientologists, and many of your family are Scientologists, being declared
means they all will be forced to disconnect from you. You can almost instantly
lose your marriage, your job, business clients, children, plus dear friends
you’ve had for decades if you are declared. These people might beg you
to reconsider, to come back into the Church and admit you sinned against
Scientology, but their hands are tied. If they do not want to be declared, they
will disconnect. Risking the loss of so much will keep most people silent and
within the organization for life. Most damaging to the declared SP could be
the thought that the religion they’ve spent thousands of dollars on and a
good part of their life following has betrayed them to protect itself and its
interests. Should churches act in this manner?

Ex-members Greg and Debra Barnes were declared after they discovered
the Church was secretly changing their doctrines to milk more money out of
them and others. Specifically, the introduction of the six month ’Sec Check’,
or security check that requires Pre-OT level Scientologists to fly to FLAG base
in Clearwater, FL every six months to take expensive courses. It was LRH
policy that no Pre-OT should be ’Sec Checked’ if they were having regular
’gains’, or are being successful using the tech. When the couple decided to
speak up against this new policy they were immediately accused of many
false crimes and eventually thrown out. Their videotaped interview is below,
and it shows just how far the church will go to cover up its misdeeds, even if
it requires slandering and declaring longtime, faithful followers.

(The following pages are examples of real SP Declare letters sent to ex-members. They now wear the
title ”SP” as a badge of honor. As you will see, the letters are full of fairly outrageous accusations.)

Actual SP Declare Letter #1

Actual SP Declare Letter #2

Scientology vs. Psychiatry

Scientology has taken a very hostile stance towards psychiatry and psychiatric
drugs. Tom Cruise publically criticizes Brooke Shields for taking anti-depressants for
postpartum depression. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights, an organization
founded by Scientology, puts out literature and exhibits that highlight the ”crimes”
of Psychiatry throughout history.

It’s been suggested that Hubbard’s vehement opposition was born of the
psychiatric community’s rejection of his ”tech” as a valid treatment method, but
it’s also possible that Hubbard chose psychiatry as a scapegoat. Organizations like
Scientology are notorious for villainizing a specific out-group because their ”stand
against the enemy” fosters cohesion within said organization. Psychiatry was a
potentially effective rallying point, considering some of its barbaric origins, and the
fact that many people already distrust and oppose the mental health profession.

Irrespective of the fact that some people require medication to remain adequately
functional during everyday life, Scientologists refuse to recognize legitimate
conditions like autism, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or any neurological
disorder or chemical imbalance at all. All of these disorders, they claim, are merely
psychosomatic in origin. They feel that treating the disorder with a chemical is like
putting a band-aid over a missing limb. Remember, Scientology teaches that 70%
of all diseases and disorders are only in our minds and that they are the only ones
with the ”cure”.

As with the case with Lisa McPherson, the Church has been known to withhold
psychiatric evaluations or prescription pharmaceuticals from members (often with
harmful or deadly results). The Church blames psychiatry for a multitute of woes,
such as the Holocaust and recent school shootings.

Scientologists claims to know the ’truth’ about Psychiatry, but what is the real
issue here? Why do Scientologists share a universal hatred for Psychiatry? In this
next section, we will attempt to address these questions.
Scientology vs. Psychiatry
”Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in God, but never without belief in a
-Eric Hoffer’s ”The True Believer”, pg 95

”Accordingly, if not poetically, where better to begin a year end review than with our 2006
campaign to break the dark spell cast across Earth by psychiatry? By way of recap, that campaign
was expressly, maybe even diabolically, engineered to ignite both government action and media
blizzard. It’s also got an internal kicker: our Mental Health Adjustment Kit, which essentially
works like a ’smart bomb’, in that it sniffs out psych fuel lines and blows the funding mechanism.
And in that way, to put it bluntly, we booby trap the whole psychiatric ecosystem.”
- David Miscavige, Leader of Scientology, OT Summit 2007

When Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health debuted in June of 1950, it was an
instant success. The common man found the ideas contained within appealing, and Dianetics
groups sprung up all over the country. It sold 55,000 copies in two months, and enjoyed a spot
on the Los Angeles Times best seller list for many more. Soon, psychiatrists and medical doctors
began to chime in, blasting the book as pseudo science. puts it this way:

”Reviewers — primarily medical/scientific specialists, including Hubbard’s friend and fellow

sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov, a biochemist — attacked Dianetics principally on the basis of its lack
of scientific plausibility or empirical evidence. Nobel Prize-winning physicist Isaac Isidor Rabi
declared in Scientific American that ’This volume probably contains more promises and less
evidence per page than has any publication since the invention of printing.’”[12]

Hubbard and his followers felt they had ruffled a few feathers in the medical community,
threatening their interests to treat the symptoms, and not the real cause of the disease: the Mind.
The strong negative reaction to Hubbard’s latest work of fiction wasn’t due to some nefarious
pharma black PR campaign; it was due to the dangerous claims made in the book. continues:
”Among the ’psychosomatic’ conditions Dianetics claimed to cure or alleviate were asthma,
poor eyesight, color blindness, hearing deficiencies, stuttering, allergies, sinusitis, arthritis, high
blood pressure, coronary trouble, dermatitis, ulcers, migraine, conjunctivitis, morning sickness,
alcoholism, the common cold and even tuberculosis. In total, Hubbard claimed in Dianetics: The
Modern Science of Mental Health, ’70% of Man’s listed ailments’ could be cured through the use
of Dianetics. Conventional medicine, [Hubbard] averred, was ’an art, not a science’.”[12]

As Hubbard put it, ”Bluntly, we are out to replace medicine in the next three years.” (Hubbard
College Reports, 13 March 1952) Scientology’s policy today is the same as it was back in 1950.
Sickness and disease are only products of a damaged mind. Through Dianetics, and a regimen of
vitamins Hubbard created, you could cure yourself, no doctors or psychiatrists need apply.

This places the parishioners of Scientology in a precarious position. Ex-members suffered

from many conditions that could be controlled or possibly cured through modern medicine.
Ex-member Tory Christman, a follower of Scientology for 30 years, suffered from epilepsy. She
refused to take any medication and only returned to it when she nearly died from the constant
seizures. Others have not been as lucky.

Scientology vs. Psychiatry
”After trying and failing for two years to regain my equilibrium in civil life, I am utterly unable
to approach anything like my own competence. My last physician informed me that it might be
very helpful if I were to be examined and perhaps treated psychiatrically or even by a psycho-
analyst. Toward the end of my service I avoided out of pride any mental examinations, hoping
that time would balance a mind which I had every reason to suppose was seriously affected. I
cannot account for nor rise above long periods of moroseness and suicidal inclinations, and have
newly come to realize that I must first triumph above this before I can hope to rehabilitate myself
at all.”
-L. Ron Hubbard, Letter to Veteran’s Administration, Oct 15th, 1947

L. Ron Hubbard paints a dark picture of psychiatry, in all forms. Psychiatrists, Hubbard claims,
were even involved in Xenu’s plot to murder billions of aliens. Hubbard blamed most, if not all, of
the world’s ills on psychiatrists:

”Psychiatry and psychiatrist are easily redefined to mean ’an antisocial enemy of the people.’
This takes the kill-crazy psychiatrist off the preferred list of professions. This is a good use of the
technique [of redefining words] as for a century the psychiatrist has been setting an all-time
record for inhumanity to Man.” (HCO Policy Letter, 1971)

”CCHR - the Citizens Commission on Human Rights - is an anti-psychiatry Scientology front
group. CCHR publications vilify psychiatrists, calling them ”doctors of death”; their publication
The Men Behind Hitler claims ”Hitler’s philosophy and his concept of man in general was shaped
to a decisive degree by psychiatry”. While CCHR publicly claims to be working to stop psychiatric
abuses, it reflects the Scientology teaching that all psychiatric treatment is abusive. CCHR lobbies
against medical psychiatric treatment, including specific medications and treatment options, and
opposes mental health parity bills.”[13]

Established in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and psychiatrist Thomas Szasz, The Citizens
Commission on Human Rights is an advocacy group whose stated goal is to fight ”human rights
crimes” perpetrated by mental health professionals. They believe that electroshock therapy,
racism, psychosurgery, involuntary commitment and child medication are all rampant within

”In 1966, Hubbard declared all-out war on psychiatry, telling Scientologists that ”We want
at least one bad mark on every psychiatrist in England, a murder, an assault, or a rape or more
than one.” He committed the Church of Scientology to the goal of eradicating psychiatry in 1969,
announcing that ”Our war has been forced to become ’To take over absolutely the field of mental
healing on this planet in all forms.’”

Not coincidentally, the Church of Scientology founded the Citizens Commission on Human Rights
that same year as its primary vehicle for attacking psychiatry. CCHR still quotes Hubbard’s above-
cited statement that all psychiatrists are criminals: ”There is not one institutional psychiatrist
alive who, by ordinary criminal law, could not be arraigned and convicted of extortion, mayhem
and murder. Our files are full of evidence on them.”

CCHR has also opened a permanent museum, ”Psychiatry: An Industry of Death”, in Hollywood,
California.”[14] This exhibit attempts to directly tie psychiatry to the start of the Holocaust.

Hubbard’s Request for Psychiatric Care

Scientology vs. Psychiatry
’The Buffalo’ News Article, January 30, 2005:
Jeremy Perkins didn’t want to take his vitamins.

He sometimes took the dozen or so his mother, Elli, set aside for him in
the belief they would make the delusions and voices go away. But not this
day. On a cold morning in March 2003 in the Perkins family’s white, two-
story home on busy Hopkins Road in Amherst, Jeremy flushed the vitamins
down the toilet.

”I don’t like to take (them) because I always feel better if I don’t,” the 28-year-old Perkins later
told Amherst police. ”I told her I didn’t want to today.”

Perkins also didn’t like his mother telling him to take a shower. He obeyed her, but when he
finished, he told the police, he stabbed at his wrists with a utility knife.

”I wouldn’t die,” he said, ”so I decided to do my Mom in instead.”

Jeremy Perkins was a member of the Church of Scientology. The church’s beliefs of spiritual
enlightenment and self-improvement are based on the philosophical and psychological teachings
of its late founder, science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. Because Jeremy and his mother shared
the church’s adamant opposition to psychiatry, he didn’t take drugs that medical professionals
say could have staved off his illness - and saved his mother’s life.

Scientology’s anti-psychiatry stance is one reason the 51-year-old organization remains a

source of worldwide controversy and, frequently, condemnation. It claims up to 8 million members
in 154 countries, including about 500 members in Western New York. The church has received
credit for its anti-drug and pro-literacy teachings. But it also has been criticized by governments,
former members and cult experts who say the church is an authoritarian, moneymaking cult that
can ruin people’s lives.

And, as seen with the Perkins family, the Buffalo church - known internally as the ”Buffalo
org,” for ”organization” - opposes psychiatry.

Elli Perkins’ devoted opposition may have proven fatal.

”Elli was adamant about not allowing psychotropic drugs,” said Dawn Pastva of Kenmore, a
longtime friend of the family. ”She said it was against all the (Church of Scientology) tenets, and
psychiatry was the equivalent of the devil.”

On the morning of March 13, 2003 - L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday - Jeremy Perkins went into
his family’s kitchen, grabbed a 12-inch knife and hid it behind his back. In his delusional state,
he was suspicious of his parents’ decision to send him that afternoon to live for a while with
someone in the Southern Tier. He thought the vitamin pills his mother wanted him to take were
making him worse. And he believed his mother possessed an evil eye.

Elli Perkins, a Scientologist for more than 30 years, was talking on the telephone when Jeremy
pushed her into a bedroom.

He stabbed her 77 times.”[15]

Jeremy’s Statement to Police

Scientology’s Secret IRS Deal
In 1993, the Church of Scientology paid $12.5 million to the Internal Revenue Service in back taxes, and, after
decades of legal battles, was granted full tax exempt status.[16] Why is this such a big deal? If Scientology is a
religion, then shouldn’t it enjoy the benefit of tax exemption as any other recognized religion does?

The problem is many faceted. First of all, the deal made with the IRS directly violates a Supreme Court ruling

”The Church of Scientology (Church) provides ”auditing” sessions designed to increase members’ spiritual
awareness and training courses at which participants study the tenets of the faith and seek to attain the qualifications
necessary to conduct auditing sessions. Pursuant to a central tenet known as the ”doctrine of exchange,” the Church
has set forth schedules of mandatory fixed prices for auditing and training sessions which vary according to a
session’s length and level of sophistication and which are paid to branch churches. Under 170 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1954, petitioners each sought to deduct such payments on their federal income tax returns as a ”charitable
contribution,” which is defined as a ”contribution or gift” to eligible donees. After respondent Commissioner of
Internal Revenue (Commissioner or IRS) disallowed these deductions on the ground that the payments were not
”charitable contributions,” petitioners sought review in the Tax Court. That court upheld the Commissioner’s
decisions and rejected petitioners’ constitutional challenges based on the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses
of the First Amendment. The Courts of Appeals affirmed on petitioners’ separate appeals.


Payments made to the Church’s branch churches for auditing and training services
are not deductible charitable contributions under 170. Pp. 689-703.
No. 87-963. Argued November 28, 1988, Decided June 5, 1989

We agree with the Supreme Court that requiring set prices on course work is not compatible with the generally
accepted definition of a ”tithe” or ”donation” followers pay out to their places of worship. Those are voluntary. The
payment for Scientology course work is not. The price for each training session is set by the Church.

This was not the first, but the third time that Scientology had been denied exemption by the courts. So, why after
1000+ lawsuits and decades of denial did the IRS finally grant the Church of Scientology tax exemption? Part of the
reasons are still shrouded in mystery. The deal made with the IRS in 1993 is not available for review, and remains
secret to this day. The IRS has always denied requests to produce the entire document of the deal that was struck
behind closed doors.

IRS deal violates the 1st Amendment Establishment Clause

Even more suspect is the IRS’s preferential treatment of Scientology. Scientology enjoys not only equal tax
exemption with other religious establishments, but also exemption that no other church has. The IRS agreed to
allow Scientologists to deduct at least 80% of the fees paid for ”religious training and services”. No other religion
enjoys this tax break.

A recent lawsuit will hopefully shed some light on the secret deal made with Scientology. Michael and Marla
Sklar are a Jewish couple who were denied exemption for their son’s religious schooling on their taxes. When they
discovered Scientologists have the right to do this and Jews do not, they retained attorney Jeffrey Zuckerman to sue
the IRS.

Zuckerman rightly argued that the First Amendment prohibits the IRS from discriminating on the basis of religion.
The Establishment clause of the 1st Amendment does not allow ”the preference of one religion over another or the
support of a religious idea with no identifiable secular purpose”.

In response to IRS arguments that they were not in violation of the 1st Amendment, presiding Judge Kim
Wardlaw asked, ”The view of the IRS is it can unconstitutionally violate the Constitution by establishing religion, by
treating one religion more favorably than other religions in terms of what is allowed as deductions, and there can
never be any judicial review of that?”[17]

At this time, the case is ongoing and has yet to be decided.

Scientology’s Secret IRS Deal
”[...]Scientology has brought hundreds of suits against its perceived enemies and today pays an estimated
$20 million annually to more than 100 lawyers.
One legal goal of Scientology is to bankrupt the opposition or bury it under paper. The church has 71 active
lawsuits against the IRS alone.
[...]’In my opinion the church has one of the most effective intelligence operations in the U.S., rivaling even
that of the FBI,’”
- Ted Gunderson, a former head of the FBI’s Los Angeles office.

”An IRS Closing agreement cannot overrule Congress and the Supreme Court”....” If the IRS does in fact give
preferential treatment to members of ”...”Scientology” -- ”allowing them a special right to claim deductions that
are contrary to law and rightly disallowed to everybody else -- then the proper course of action is a lawsuit to
put a stop to that policy ---”
-Judge Reinhart - United States 9th Circuit court of Appeals 29, January 2002

How did the Church of Scientology gain tax exemption? In the same manner it always get its way: it sued
the IRS into submission. The fight began in July of 1967 when the IRS revoked the tax exempt status of the
Church, citing three reasons:

- Scientology practitioners are profiting from the ”non-profit” Church;

- The Church’s activities are commercial;
- The Church is serving the private interests of L. Ron Hubbard (a practice known as inurement).

Scientology denounced the revocation, declared its intention to ignore the decision, and withheld payment
of taxes for the next 26 years. The church began waging an all out war against the IRS. It is our belief that after
hundreds of lawsuits (every single one thrown out in the IRS’s favor) the IRS simply threw up its hands and
caved in. Again, the IRS had won every court case against Scientology up to the time of the secret agreement.
They were simply pummeled into submission. The Church also hired private investigators to follow employees
of the IRS and dig up any and all dirt they could gather to increase the pressure. They sought out disgruntled
employees to become whistle-blowers in constant lawsuits. They applied constant and increasing pressure
until the IRS finally broke. How could the IRS get away with this illegal ”sweetheart” deal with the Church of

The IRS just simply keeps quiet. This secret agreement provided many such ”sweetheart” deals for Scientology:
1) The IRS states that it will no longer have any interest in a confiscated audio tape
that a court had ruled was of a meeting by Scientology officials and attorneys to
attempt to defraud the IRS.
2) The deal granted en masse tax exemption to dozens of Scientology’s corporate
structures, including Church of Spiritual Technology.
3) The IRS sent a Fact Sheet to other countries concerning their new agreement,
which included a pro-Scientology pamphlet written by the church itself.
4) The deal changed the status of many of the 1023 forms so that they cannot be
viewed by the public as required by IRS rules (1023 forms are any documents the
church provides the IRS in order to obtain tax exemption.
5) The deal made fixed costs of church courses tax deductible. Again, this goes against
the US Supreme Court’s ruling in Hernandez.
6) Any future violations of IRS rules by Scientology will be taken out of the hands of
regular auditors and now placed in the highest officials of the IRS’ duties.
7) The deal required that both parties keep the agreement secret.
You can view part of the deal made with Scientology here:

Attached next are Scientology price sheets for courses and time line of
the events leading up to the secret deal Scientology made with the IRS.
Required Donation Price List

Required Donation Price List

Tax Exemption Timeline
Summer 1989
Scientology hires private investigators to investigate the personal lives (and, as L. Ron Hubbard’s theories on
”suppressives” would have it, the ”crimes”) of senior IRS officials involved in the ongoing Scientology litigation.
According to Octavio Pena, a private investigator in Fort Lee, N.J., a Scientologist identifying himself as Ben Shaw
visits him in the summer of 1989 to explain that the church was concerned about IRS corruption and would pay $1
million for Pena to investigate IRS officials. Pena refuses.

Two more PIs, Michael L. Shomers and Thomas J. Krywucki work for Scientology for at least 18 months in 1990
and 1991. Working from his Maryland office, Shomers sets up a phony operation, the Washington News Bureau, to
pose as a reporter and gather information about church critics. He infiltrates IRS conferences to gather information
about officials who might be skipping meetings, drinking too much or having affairs. Scientology lawyer Kendrick
Moxon - one of those cited in the Snow White scandal in 1979 - admits the use of private investigators but claims
that they are needed to counter lies spread by ”rogue government agents”. (Ref: New York Times, 9 March 1997)

October 1991
Scientology leader David Miscavige and Marty Rathbun, another senior Scientology official, claim to have held
an unscheduled meeting with IRS Commissioner, Fred T. Goldberg Jr.. Miscavige offers to drop all the suits against
the IRS if Scientology is given tax exemption. Goldberg agrees and creates a special five-member working group
under Howard M. Schoenfeld to resolve the dispute, bypassing the agency’s exempt organizations division, which
normally handles those matters - an exceptionally unusual arrangement. (Ref: New York Times, 9 March 1997)

19 January 1992
John E. Burke, the assistant commissioner for exempt organizations, agrees to Scientology’s demand that its
the bulk of its financial details should be kept secret. (Ref: New York Times, 9 March 1997)

29 June 1992
The US Claims Court upholds the IRS’ long-standing denial of a tax exemption for Scientology’s Church
of Spiritual Technology. The ruling strongly supports the agency’s concerns over the commercial nature of
Scientology and other matters. It states that the corporate structure of Scientology was ”something of a deceptus
visus. Real control is exercised less formally, but more tangibly, through an unincorporated association, the Sea
Organization...” Scientology claims that the ruling has ignored the facts and is filled with ”gratuitous comments”.
(Ref: New York Times, 9 March 1997)

13 August 1993
The IRS agrees to grant tax exemptions to every Scientology entity in the United States, plus foreign entities
based in the UK and Cyprus. The Church files new applications for exemptions as part of the agreement.

10-14 Sept 1993

Two IRS tax analysts write internal memoranda saying that they have been instructed to ignore substantive
issues in reviewing the new Scientology applications. (Ref: New York Times, 9 March 1997)

1 October 1993
The agreement comes into force. Scientology pays the IRS $12.5m in back taxes and drops all the lawsuits
brought by Church entities and individual Scientologists against the IRS. (Ref: Closing agreement on final
determination covering specific matters, 1 Oct 1993)

8 October 1993
David Miscavige holds a ”victory rally” attended by 10,000 cheering Scientologists in the Los Angeles Sports
Arena. He declares that ”the war is over” and explains that he has defeated the secret ”master plan” of the
psychiatrists - or rather, the ”pea-brained psych-indoctrinated mental midgets” - namely, to use the IRS to destroy

Is it unreasonable to ask the IRS to open the secret file and allow us, under the Freedom of
Information Act, to know the details of the special deal they made with Scientology?
Scientology’s Secret IRS Deal
So what does it all mean?
The claim has been made that not only did the Church of Scientology obtain tax
exempt status under shady circumstances, but also that they have special tax exemption
no other religion has been granted. But, how does it work?

Well, let’s look at a two-parent, two-income household: If both parents earn a

comfortable wage of $50,000 each, then the net household income is $100,000.
According to the 2006 Federal Tax Rate Schedules (, the tax rate on this
income is $15,107.5 plus $7,224, for a total of $22,331.50.

Let’s also assume these parents practice Catholicism. They decide to send their child
to a Catholic high school where the tuition is, for instance, $15,000 a year.

They still pay $22,331.50 in income tax at the end of the year.

However, let us now assume they are Scientologists. They decide to send their child
to a Scientologist high school which asks for tuition of $15,000 a year. According to the
deal made with the IRS, the parents are permitted to deduct 80% of the tuition costs from
their taxes. This allows them to legally claim an income of $88,000. The taxes they pay
are $15,107.5 plus $3,864, for a total of $18,971.5.

Let’s do the math:

$22,331.5 - $18,971.5 = $3,360 more in taxes paid by the Catholic family!

Scientologists save thousands more in their income taxes than Catholics, Jews, Hindus,
Muslims, Buddhists, Wiccans, agnostics, and atheists. No religion should have special
preferences above and beyond any other religion. This extra tax break is not only unfair,
it is extremely unjust.

What officials think of Scientology
”[The court record is] replete with evidence [that Scientology] is nothing in reality but a
vast enterprise to extract the maximum amount of money from its adepts by pseudo scientific
theories... and to exercise a kind of blackmail against persons who do not wish to continue with
their sect.... The organization clearly is schizophrenic and paranoid, and this bizarre combination
seems to be a reflection of its founder, L. Ron Hubbard.”
- Judge Breckenridge, Los Angeles Superior Court

”An individual processed with the aid of the E-meter was said to reach the intended goal of
’clear’ and was led to believe there was reliable scientific proof that once cleared many, indeed
most illnesses would automatically be cured. Auditing was guaranteed to be successful. All this
was and is false -- in short, a fraud. ”
- Federal District Judge Gesell 333 F. Supp. 357; 1971 U.S. Dist

”However, I am persuaded ... Scientology is not, subject to one reservation, a religious

institution because it is, in relation to its religious pretensions, no more than a sham. Its bogus
claims to believe in prayer and other aspects of a creed based on a divine being, were no more
than a mockery of religion. Scientology as practiced is in reality the antithesis of a religion”
-Supreme Court Justice Crockett - Australia 1980

”The crime committed by these defendants is of a breadth and scope previously unheard
of. No building, office, desk, or file was safe from their snooping and prying. No individual or
organization was free from their despicable conspiratorial minds. The tools of their trade were
miniature transmitters, lock picks, secret codes, forged credentials and any other device they
found necessary to carry out their conspiratorial schemes.”
-Federal prosecutor’s memorandum to the judge urging stiff jail sentences for
9 top leaders of Scientology who had pleaded guilty to criminal charges

”It is an organization with medical, social and ethical practices that are dangerous and harmful.”
- Judge Constandia Angelaki, December 1996, Greece, Attiki, Prefecture vs KEPHE
(Scientology in Greece) No. 7380/1996 (Verdict dissolves the organization)

”In reality the church is a hugely profitable global racket that survives by intimidating members
and critics in a Mafia-like manner. [...]Eleven top Scientologists, including Hubbard’s wife, were
sent to prison in the early 1980s for infiltrating, burglarizing and wiretapping more than 100
private and government agencies in attempts to block their investigations.
-Ted Gunderson, a former head of the FBI’s Los Angeles office

Scientology is currently banned in parts of

Greece, Australia, Germany, and Russia.
The Cult Phenomenon in the United States (1979)
Joint-Congressional Proceedings,
Statements by Flo Conway, Ph.D, Jim Siegelman
Mr. Siegelman: We focused our investigations on the five largest cults: the Hare Krishna, Scientology,
Divine Light Mission, Unification Church, the Way International and to smaller groups. We also investigated
the largest and most popularly marketed self-help methodologies.

Almost invariably these groups solicit new recruits with the promise of some life-changing experience,
religious ecstasy, bliss, a personal encounter with God, moments of cosmic consciousness, [...] to experience
what Scientology calls ”becoming clear.” These appeals are powerfully seductive, when made by cult
members, because of the continuing friendliness. In most cults we found a single moment of conversion
and transformation.

This usually occurs in the course of a cult ritual or therapeutic technique that is deftly orchestrated to
create the experience of a momentous psychic breakthrough. We found the most vivid example of this in
the Hare Krishna’s erotic ceremony where amidst burning incense participants jump and dance until they
are physically overcome.

Following such overwhelming experiences, cult members may become physically high and extremely
vulnerable to suggestion. It is during this time we found that nearly ever major cult makes suggestions or
commands the individuals to surrender, to let go, to relinquish hold upon the will, to stop thinking and
questioning, or merely to let things flow.

These are commands which in our view constitute a covert form of hypnotic suggestion.

Finally, to maintain this hold upon its converts, nearly every group we studied instructed its members in
some method of stilling their own thought processes and thus eradicating their natural doubts, questions
and emotions.

-The Hare Krishna accomplish this by chanting the mantra for hours each day.
-In The Way International it is done through a constant process of speaking in tongues.
-In the Divine Light Mission as in transcendental meditation, it is achieved through rigorous meditation.
-In the Unification Church there is a similar promise called ”centering.”
-In Scientology, nearly identical effects are achieved through the repeated practice
of strict training regimes and auditing therapy.

It is this common cult technique, the ritual stilling of the mind over extended periods of time, that is,
in our opinion, the most dangerous and destructive element in the cult experiences.

By these techniques we find an individual’s personality may be totally reorganized; fundamental

information processing pathways in the brain, the so-called wiring of the human computer, may become
altered or destroyed, causing the disruption of basic capacities to think, feel, and make choices. Profound
hallucination and illusions and in extreme instances violent or self-destructive behavior.[19]

In a later interview with the UK news show ”The Big Picture”, Siegelman noted
that Scientology was consistently the most effective of all other cults in recruiting
and potentially had the most damaging effects to its members. He said it could
take up to 12 years for an ex-member to become fully recovered.

Has the Church reformed its ways?
The Church of Scientology has been under new leadership since the
death of L. Ron Hubbard in 1986. The Religious Technology Center
(or RTC) owns the entire copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard and
allows the churches to use this material subject to the RTC’s rules
and regulations.

David Miscavige is the Chairman of the Board for the RTC and,
as the spokesperson for all major Scientology events, is seen as the
unofficial ”leader” of Scientology. David claims to have distanced the
Church from the troubles caused by the government infiltration and
past crimes of ”rogue” ex-members. But does he paint an accurate
picture? Has the new leader reformed the old ways? Has the church
passed through its own ”Dark Age” into the light?

Ex-members say no. They claim David Miscavige furthers the legacy
of paranoia, violence, and totalitarianism set up under the command
of L. Ron Hubbard. David’s prison-like compound in Hemet, CA,
seems to echo this sentiment. Who is David Miscavige, and where
did he come from? We’ll explore a bit about his rise to power, and
what the men and women who worked with him have to say about
this self-appointed religion icon.

David Miscavige, the Icon
What does the Church have to say about their acclaimed
leader? What does he say about himself? From the official bio
page from

”David Miscavige is Chairman of the Board of the Religious

Technology Center (RTC), a non-profit organization formed
in 1982 to preserve, maintain and protect the Scientology

The Chairman of the Board is the most senior office in RTC,

and one for which David Miscavige is uniquely qualified. An
active Scientologist for most of his life, he first became a Church
staff member in 1976 and has since been involved with nearly
every aspect of the Church’s activities.

As a young man, Mr. Miscavige studied to become a Scientology minister and for several
years he provided spiritual counseling to parishioners. He later worked closely with Mr.
Hubbard, aiding in the production of instructional films and materials for Scientology
ministers-in-training. A few years later, he progressed to international management, with
responsibility for the worldwide activities of Church missionaries. In 1987, Mr. Miscavige
became the Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center.”[20]

Rise to Power
(series of events pulled from ”The Man Behind Scientology”, St.. Petersburg Times, October 25, 1998)

-David Miscavige was born with a twin sister into a Polish-Italian family in southern New
Jersey. He was baptized as a Catholic.

-David Miscavige was a small boy who suffered from asthma and severe allergies.

-David’s father, Ron, introduced his son to the religion. Ron took David to a Scientologist
when David had a severe asthma attack. A 45 minute session of auditing supposedly stopped
the attack.

-Soon after, the entire Miscavige family began to study at a local Scientology mission.

-By 15, Miscavige was living in suburban Philadelphia for his sophomore year of high school.
It was the spring of 1976 and Hubbard had just established a ”land base” for Scientology
parishioners in Clearwater, FL, after years of operating from a ship known as the Apollo.

David Miscavige, the Icon

-David decided Clearwater was a good place to work with Hubbard, and he quit high school on his
16th birthday.

-Once in Clearwater, Miscavige joined the Sea Organization, the Navy-style staff that pledges eternal
service to Scientology. He worked in the Commodore’s Messenger Organization, a group charged
with making sure Scientology management was functioning according to Hubbard’s policies.

-He bunked on the Fort Harrison Hotel’s ninth floor, delivered telexes, helped tend the grounds
and worked as a steward serving food. Miscavige was reviewing and training staffers, a job that
allowed him to give directives to people many years his senior.

-After 10 months in Clearwater he was picked to join an elite group working directly with Hubbard,
who was producing Scientology training films in LaQuinta, Calif.

-Miscavige finally met Hubbard in 1977. Hubbard appointed Miscavige camera chief. They soon
became friends.

-By 1979, Miscavige, at age 19, advanced to the supervisory position of ”action chief” in the
Commodore’s Messenger Organization. His new job was to send out teams or ”missions” to
investigate reports Hubbard was getting about poor management of Scientology organizations
around the world.

-After the scandal of Operation: Snow White, David ousted Mary Sue Hubbard, L. Ron’s wife, from
the head of the Guardians’s Office. During two heated encounters, Miscavige persuaded Mary Sue
Hubbard to resign. Together they composed a letter to Scientologists confirming her decision -- all
without ever talking to L. Ron Hubbard.

-In 1981, David was married to Michelle Barnett.

-Miscavige rose fast in Scientology, taking charge where others wouldn’t. Scientology underwent
a corporate restructuring after the GO episode, and Hubbard appointed Miscavige in 1982 to run
his sizeable fortune through a new corporation formally outside Scientology’s umbrella. Miscavige
was only 21.

-In 1982, Hubbard’s estranged son (Ron DeWolf) took legal action, claiming his father was either
dead or incompetent. He alleged Miscavige was running Scientology through Author Services and
that Miscavige and another church official were looting the founder’s accounts. In 1983, Scientology
gave the court a sworn statement in which Hubbard claimed to be in a self-imposed seclusion and
was fine. The document contained Hubbard’s fingerprints and was signed with special ink that
allowed the date of his signature to be confirmed. It called Miscavige a ”trusted associate” and
”good friend” who had kept Hubbard’s affairs in good order. A judge ruled the statement was

-Hubbard died in 1986 while still in seclusion. Later that year, Miscavige rose to the position he holds
today after removing a church executive who, he said, was re-hiring ousted Guardian staffers.

David Miscavige, the Tyrant

Ex-members, many of them working for years under David Miscavige, paint a complete
different portrait of Scientology’s unofficial leader. These ex-members claim, in a similar pattern
to L. Ron Hubbard, David is slipping into deep paranoia the longer he is in charge. In a 1992
interview with Nightline, David made some bizarre claims:

From the Wikipedia Article, ”David Miscavige”:

”Miscavige made several strong and controversial claims, amongst them the claim that in
1955 a bill had been presented in Congress to set aside ’a million acres [4000 km2; 400,000 ha]
in Alaska’ to set up a ”Siberia, USA” for the housing of mental patients. When host Ted Koppel
asked for evidence of this, such as the sponsor of the bill, or the bill number, Miscavige said that
he had already given all that information to Koppel’s colleague Forrest Sawyer...”

Miscavige also said that the ’APA [presumably the American Psychological Association or
American Psychiatric Association], AMA, Food and Drug Administration ... were all coordinated’
in a five-year campaign against Scientology that included the murder of one of Scientology’s
executive directors (unnamed): ’They literally murdered- the Food and Drug Administration hired
an informant to go into our organization in Seattle, Washington, his wife was there [...] Several
weeks later, murdered the head of our organization.’”

Another of Miscavige’s claims was: ’Look at the studies that brought about the Holocaust of
the Jews, that the Nazis justified killing the Jews, they were done at the Max Planck Institute of
Psychiatry in Leipzig, Germany.’ However, the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry has only existed
since 1966 (in Munich and not Leipzig); it was the Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatrie
that joined the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatric Research in 1924.”[22][23]

Miscavige’s home base, Gold Era Productions in Hemet, CA, is surrounded by razor wire, video
cameras, electrified fences, and motion detectors. There is even an ”Eagle’s Nest” type lookout in
the hills above the compound. A camera catches the license plate of any vehicle that comes too

Other claims about Miscavige are even more sinister. Many ex-members swear in signed
affidavits they have witnessed David Miscavige physically beating church members who upset

”The beatings were very secretive through the 90’s. It was in 2000 onwards where he was
beating these guys more and more and it was a regular thing. In 2003-2004, I would assume
there was at least a beating each day and some time multiple ones depending on how many
meetings there were. The main guys that I saw DM (David Miscavige) hit over and over again
at meetings were, Mike Rinder, Marc Yager, Gueilleme Leserve, Mark Ingber, Ray Mitoff and Rick
-Chuck Beatty, Ex-Sea Org (lifetime staffer, 1975-2003)
David Miscavige, the Tyrant
”On August 29, 1982, David Miscavige, and others, acting on the orders of L. Ron Hubbard,
kidnapped me and subsequently kept me captive and physically and mentally abused me for
six months. During this period, David Miscavige, an officer and director of RTC, told me in the
presence of Vicki Aznaran, President of RTC, Mark Yaeger, Commanding Officer, CMO INT of CSI
that if I ever escaped, he would personally see to it that the resources of the Church of Scientology
would destroy my character and reputation internationally. During that six-month period of
captivity, I was forced to run around a tree in the desert in temperatures of up to 110 degrees
for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 3 months I was under tremendous coercion and duress I
was refused medical and dental treatment (after escaping captivity I lost six teeth and required
thousands of dollars of dental work to save the rest of my teeth) I was not permitted to make or
receive phone calls and all letters I wrote were read by Scientology security guards I was often
awakened during the night and interrogated (mainly by Jesse Prince) In early February 1983, I
was told by Rick Aznaran, Director of Security, RTC, (husband of Vicki Aznaran, President of RTC),
to get the idea of leaving out of my head because I would never leave the property alive.”
- David Mayo Affidavit (CD - 23), 4 October 1994

David Mayo was held at the Scientology compound near Hemet, Ca, know as Golden Era
Productions. In an interesting twist, a quick search in Google Earth reveals a bird’s eye view of
the Golden Era compound and an interesting geographical feature:

A circular running track built around a palm tree.

David Miscavige, the Tyrant
David Miscavige is allowing the corruption of
Scientology doctrines for financial gain.
From the website:

”In 1982, Mr. Hubbard donated [the tenants of Scientology] to the newly formed Religious Technology
Center and entrusted that church with the responsibility of protecting the religion of Scientology by
enforcing the pure and ethical use and standard application of his technologies. RTC thus maintains the
purity of the technology and guards against any misuse or misrepresentation by legally registering, and
where necessary enforcing, certain words and symbols of the Scientology religion as trademarks and
service marks in countries the world over.”[21]

As the chairman of the board at the RTC, it falls squarely in the lap of David Miscavige himself to see that
the tech (the doctrines of the Church) remains pure and unaltered. The fact is, members have been ousted
from the Church for speaking up against changes they discover in the tech. One such couple was Greg
and Debra Barnes. Greg and Debra, long time members of the Church of Scientology and both beginning
work on OT 7, tried to apply KSW (Keep Scientology Working, a Policy Letter written by LRH to stamp out
false and misapplied doctrines) and found themselves declared SPs and ousted from the religion.

Debra was shown a reference by fellow Scientologist Virginia Mcgaffey which specifically answered
the question of when Sec Checking (Security Checking) should be given to a Pre-OT Scientologist (OT
levels 1-8) and, more importantly, when it should not be given. LRH states:

”Pre-OTs progressing well in the no interference area should not be interfered with by Sec Checks
or anything else. However, when a pre-OT is stalled or moving slowly any of the actions listed below is
appropriate and can be ordered by a qualified CS [Case Supervisor].” (REF CS-373RB in the OEC, pg 1113)

A Sec Check is basically a series of questions a Scientologist must answer to the satisfaction of the
supervising auditor. They can range from questions about your sexual perversions, to drug history, to bad
thoughts about the Church. Examples of questions:

Have you falsified a drug incident to make less of it?

Have you ever taken money for sex?
Have you ever persuaded young boys to take part in homosexual activities?

The Church required all Pre-OTs to report into FLAG every six months for Sec Checking, no exceptions.
This went against the original policy written by L. Ron Hubbard that said do not Sec Check Pre-OTs if they
are doing well and having gains (or success) using the Pre-OT technology. This is not what the Church was
doing when forcing every Pre-OT to come in for regularly scheduled Sec Checks.

The most important part is that these Sec Checks were expensive, and brought in a lot of extra revenue
from the higher level members. When Virginia took a stance that these Sec Checks were ’out-tech’, or
corrupting what L. Ron had written, the Church began to pull in every person who knew about the
reference and question them. The Barnes had been told about the reference, so they were quickly called
in. After being threatened and pulled in repeatedly for ”Com Evs” (or Committee of Evidence, the Church’s
form of a trial) they started being falsely accused of crimes by the Sea Org, hoping this would silence
them. It did not, and they petitioned David Miscavige for help. They explained the situation in a long
letter citing the reference and what was being done to them by the Church members. David Miscavige,
the one person most responsible for the purity of the LRH tech, ignored their pleas, forwarded the letter
to someone else who told them simply that this policy was valid. No HCOB/PL (Hubbard Communication
Office Bulletin/Policy Letter, basically their religious canon) exists which validates the six month Sec Check,
or what the Church now refers to as a ”Refresher”. Greg and Debra were subsequently declared, kicked
out of Scientology, and the reference they correctly cited was expunged from the OEC books. Pre-OTs are,
to this day, still required to pay for ”Refreshers”.

Example of Sec Checking

David Miscavige, the Tyrant
At least twice, the Church of Scientology has ”revised” its doctrines in order to obtain
more money from its followers. Each time tech is revised, it is required by the Church
that members repurchase any previously owned materials. Because of the KSW policy,
any old versions of the technology must no longer be used.

The Golden Age of Technology

In May of 1996, the Church released a new and improved ”E-Meter” and began
instituting ”patter drills” for the courses taught at the orgs. Patter drills are undertaken
by the student himself, who is supposed to read portions of the course material to a


”According to a 2006 St. Petersburg Times article entitled ’SP Profiles’, one
Scientologist, Tom Smith, of Clearwater, Florida, found himself declared a Suppressive
Person (SP) after he repeatedly challenged the validity of a ’patter drill’ in which he was
instructed to read passages of a course to a wall. He insisted the drill was not based on
Hubbard teachings. Smith also stated that he had been previously threatened with an
SP declare after a run-in with a Scientology attorney on an unrelated issue.”[24]

The Golden Age of Knowledge

In June, 2007, the Church of Scientology 18 revised editions of previously released
books as well as 11 accompanying lecture series (241 lectures in all). These revised
editions were touted to be the ’ultimate editions’, correcting all earlier editing and
transcription mistakes and incorporating all edits from Hubbard.[25]

This time around, you had to purchase all the same books and tapes all over again
for the reasonable price of $3200 dollars.

David Miscavige, the Tyrant
Obstruction of Justice
”...David Miscavige ... stated that Scientology had been ordered by a court to produce various
documents concerning a former Scientology member named Lawrence Wollersheim who had a
lawsuit pending in Los Angeles against the Church of Scientology of California. The court had ordered
Scientology to produce Mr. Wollersheim’s entire ’preclear’ (PC) file.

A ’PC’ file is one of several files kept on members. The PC file is the file that includes all written
records of all ’confessionals’ done by the member. This means that it includes not only the most self-
damaging material but it also reflects every problem the person might have had with the organization,
including complaints. This PC file grows with the person’s tenure in Scientology.

Mr. Wollersheim’s PC file was several thousand pages in length and stood as high as a six-foot tall
man. Initially at this meeting it was decided that Mr. Wollersheim’s PC file would be redacted and culled
of any evidence or documentation which might assist Mr. Wollersheim in his lawsuit against CSC. There
was also concern that the materials known as Clear, OT I, OT II, OT III and NED for OT’s (NOTS) would
be open to public inspection if Mr. Wollersheim’s files were produced as ordered. Scientologists are
taught that a person could catch pneumonia and die if that person is prematurely exposed to these
”upper level” materials without first having taken many hours of preparatory auditing. Ultimately,
approximately 50 pages were produced pursuant to the court order. Mr. Wollersheim’s PC file was
culled based on a direct order from David Miscavige.

Later, I was informed that a second court order was issued to produce Mr. Wollersheim’s entire
file. Faced with the prospect of having to produce the entire file David Miscavige gave orders that the
entire file simply be destroyed by being pulped.”[26]
-Jesse Prince, sworn affidavit, July 27th, 1998, Santa Ana, California

Another mysterious death

David Miscavige’s mother-in-law had left the church and joined a splinter group, The Advanced
Ability Center, headed up by ex-Scientologist David Mayo. All splinter groups are decried by the Church
and this situation, due to her close relation to David, was quite the scandal within the church.

”The decedent is a 52-year-old female who suffered gunshot wounds (3) to the left upper quadrant
and one to the head, either as a result of a homicide or a suicide on September 8, 1985. She was
transported from the scene (her residence) to the hospital by Goodhew Ambulance #18 where death
was pronounced by Dr. Webb at 2015 hours. There were two suicide notes found in the decedent’s
bedroom. The weapon was recovered by LASO. The decedent’s husband, at the time of this report,
was a suspect due to the number of times the decedent was shot.”[27]
- Flo Barnett Coroner’s Report

”David Miscavige’s comment upon her death was that ’the bitch got what she deserved.’ His wife
Shelly, did not appear to feel any different about it than David. I asked Shelly if she was doing alright
since receiving this bad news. She said that personally she was doing just fine...”[27]
-Affidavit of Vicki Aznaran (7 March 1994)

The Sea Org
What is the Sea Org?
”The Sea Org, short for ’The Sea Organization’, is Scientology’s parish (for lack of a better
word). Not all Scientologists are in the Sea Org, but the most dedicated ones usually are. The
current leader of Scientology, David Miscavige, is also in command of the Sea Org.

The Sea Org’s organizational structure is an odd mixture of military and corporate management
styles, with staff members living in army-like conditions, receiving boot-camp type punishments
for misdeeds, and holding militaristic titles within the organization.

When a Scientologist joins the Sea Org, he signs a contract agreeing to serve for 1 billion
years (no typo - 1,000,000,000 years). Because Scientologists believe in re-incarnation, the Sea
Org member is expected to return and serve again in his or her next life.”[28]

(Copy of actual contract attached, see following pages

What’s wrong with the Sea Org, and why do critics oppose it?
”Critics believe that the Sea Organization is one of the most abusive groups in the world. The
abuses that go on daily in the Sea Org are all that more egregious because, due to Scientology’s
religious status, law enforcement is reticent to investigate. Here are just a few aspects of Sea Org
life, taken from hundreds of personal testimonials from ex-Sea Org members, that are decried by

- Sea Org members are not permitted to have children while working for the organization.
Couples who get pregnant are heavily pressured to abort the baby. If they refuse, they must
leave the Sea Org. Often, these people have been in the Sea Org so long that they have nowhere
to go; no resume outside of Scientology, no job experience, no finances, no property, and no
non-Scientology friends.

- Anyone who leaves the Sea Org without permission is declared a Suppressive Person by the
Church of Scientology, and is ostracized from family, friends, and loved ones. It is very difficult to
get permission to leave the Sea Org, and one cannot simply quit and then walk out the door. The
”approved” leaving process involves up to 3 years of hard physical labor, E-metered confessionals,
social isolation and group pressure.

- Sea Org members live in horrible conditions. Unmarried members never have rooms to themselves,
regardless of age, but instead live in small rooms with 3-12 other members. Members are often
denied proper sleep and are often forced to skip meals because of the pressures of the job.

- Sea Org members are denied proper medical care. They are not provided health insurance, are
not given sick days, and the Sea Org will not purchase their medicine for them. If a free clinic
won’t provide the medicine someone needs, the Sea Org management won’t shoulder the costs.
There are numerous cases of people who have become very ill in the Sea Org, or who had pre-
existing medical conditions, and were not allowed to seek medical treatment.


The Sea Org
What’s wrong with the Sea Org, and why do critics oppose it?

- Sickness is also treated as the fault of the sick person, because Scientologists believe that the
only reason someone gets sick is that they are connected to a Suppressive Person. They believe
that you can decide not to get sick. So when someone becomes ill, they are treated as though
they have done something wrong by not ”handling” the situation.

- Because Scientology has religious status in many countries, labor laws do not apply to the Sea
Org. Therefore, Sea Org members have no protection from long and abusive work hours. Many
work 17-20 hour days because of the pressures of the job. Anyone who complains is treated
as though they are ”not getting with the program”, ”unethical”, or ”not on board”. There are
thousands of minors working under these conditions in the Sea Org.

- Sea Org members rarely have more than a few hours off a week. Even during this off-time,
they are not permitted to go far from the compound where they live and work. If management
decides that they have not worked hard enough, they are not allowed time off for Christmas,
New Years, birthdays or national holidays.

- As only married members get rooms to themselves, many children who join the Sea Org
marry very young - sometimes at 15 or 16 years of age - just so that they can have a room to

- Spouses and family members in the Sea Org rarely see each other. The Sea Org management
reserves the right to ship different family members off to work in other countries or areas without
any approval from the spouse. Husbands may be sent away from their wives, mothers may be
sent away from their children, etc.. If the family complains, they are punished.

- Families who have members in the Sea Org and other members who are not in the Sea Org rarely
see each other. Mothers and fathers with children in the Sea Org may not call them directly, but
must call the organization and ask to speak with them.

- If a Sea Org member commits a punishable offense, they are sent to the RPF, or Rehabilitation
Project Force, which is reminiscent of a boot camp for ”bad” Sea Org members. People on the
RPF may only eat the food left over after the other SO members have eaten, may not speak to a
Sea Org member unless spoken to, are not allowed to walk (they must run everywhere), are not
allowed holidays, receive even less pay than SO members, and are required to do hard manual
labor for long hours. People can be assigned to the RPF for up to 10 years.

- Members are put under tremendous psychological pressure. They are expected work as hard
as need be without complaint, sacrificing food, sleep, family, and off hours. Often the things
they are asked to do are beyond the realm of human possibility, and yet they are criticized for
not getting these things done, even when they’ve tried as hard as they possibly can. Many Sea
Org members who leave cite this as one of the most debilitating aspects of the Sea Org - they
work and work and work, and yet their boss tells them it is never good enough. Their bosses, of
course, are under exactly the same kind of pressure from their bosses, who are under the same
from theirs, and so forth.[28]

The Sea Org

David Miscavige (front center) and the Sea Org:

The Sea Org Billion Year Contract

The Scam of Narconon
”No scientifically well-controlled independent, long-term outcome studies were found that directly and
clearly establish the effectiveness of the Narconon program for the treatment of chemical dependency
and the more credible evidence establishes Narconon’s program is not effective.”[29]
- Oklahoma State Board of Mental Health

What’s the deal with Narconon?

(These are excerpts from a letter sent in 2002 to the California Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs)

”Narconon is no more than a fund-raising and recruitment tool for the Church of Scientology.
Narconon patients are heavily pressured in to become staff members upon graduation. The pressure
comes in emotional, mental, and financial forms. When I returned to Narconon as a patient in December
of 2000, I was immediately put to work at the Narconon facility as a ”detoxification specialist”. I had no
medical training, was not at all familiar with how to care for and treat people detoxifying from drugs and
alcohol, yet worked several hours a day performing such duties.

Why would Narconon place such value in getting its graduates to work for them? For one, becoming
a staff member for Narconon subjects one to the heavy scrutiny, oversight and control of the senior
Narconon staff members. Staff members are distanced from their family members and friends, made to live
either at the facility or in homes with other Narconon staff members, and constantly under the watchful
eye of senior staff members. Narconon Southern California would rent out small apartments and place
upwards of six to eight staff members in them to live. Graduates of the program who went on to work
for Narconon and stayed sober did so only through fear of the severe repercussions of relapse. When a
staff member or client of Narconon uses while at Narconon or uses after graduating and then returns to
the program they are placed on a punishment program consisting of physical labor, indentured servitude,
moral degradation, and heavy work.

The main reason Narconon goes to such lengths to get graduates to work for their program, however,
is because that is the tool Narconon uses to funnel money and people in to the Church of Scientology.
Staff members who wish to earn more than $50/week must take ”training courses” at the local Church
of Scientology facilities. Rather than receiving training in drug and alcohol rehabilitation, substance
abuse treatment or other such fields, Narconon staff members take regular Church of Scientology courses
for which Narconon pays thousands of dollars to the Church of Scientology. Staff members must buy
textbooks and pay for Church of Scientology auditing courses, as well as the ”e-meters” that are used in
these auditing sessions. I refused to take these Church of Scientology courses and requested permission
to take courses at a local community college instead. I received open and outright contempt and pressure
for choosing to take non-Scientology courses because I did not play in to their financial schemes of raising
money for Scientology. The financial records I had access to as a staff member made obvious and evident
the fact that of the $22,000 clients pay for so-called ”treatment” at Narconon, more than half of that
money goes to the Church of Scientology either directly, or through the Scientology-run Association for
Better Living and Education (ABLE), which owns the trademark to Narconon.”[30]

All literature used in the Narconon program is authored by L Ron Hubbard. So

what is the big ’secret’ behind the program? Lots of L Ron Hubbard books and
courses to complete, and a regimen of high dose vitamin supplements (such as niacin)
coupled with long saunas and massages. L Ron Hubbard’s personal opinions on
drug rehabilitation have never been scientifically proven and have been repeatedly
denounced as unsafe.

The E-Meter
(info from

What do Scientologists think the E-Meter Does?

”Scientologists believe that thoughts have mass and electrical charge. Thus, per Scientology thinking, when
someone has a thought, it effects his body’s electrical flows, and that thought then registers on the needle dial.
This explanation is certainly an over-simplification, but those are the basics.

The person who is operating the E-meter is usually called the ’auditor’, while the person holding the tubes
(called ”cans”) is called the pre-clear, or PC. In Scientology auditing, the auditor asks the PC questions from
one of many prepared auditing lists written by Hubbard. After each question, the auditor checks the needle
movement of the E-meter. If there is needle movement on that question, the auditor probes the PC further on
that point. If there is no needle movement, the question is skipped. Most, but not all of Scientology processing
follows this formula. Scientologists believe the meter helps them find areas of their life (this life or past lives) that
have emotional charge, and they feel that, when used by a competent auditor, the E-meter is infallible.”[31]

What do Scientologists use the E-Meter for?

”Plenty of things! The E-meter is most commonly used in auditing. On the lower levels, the PC is audited
by an auditor. On the upper OT levels, the PC uses the E-meter to audit himself. But the E-meter is not only
used for auditing. It is also used for confessionals, security checks, emotional state tests, and is even used in
some Scientology schools to ’assist’ struggling students to find which parts of their textbooks are the biggest
problem areas.”[31]

”The CoS is very careful not to make any outright claims that the E-meter is a scientific tool. Within the
organization, however, the ”scientific basis” for the E-meter is heavily insinuated. In his books and lectures,
Hubbard makes numerous references to the ’research’ he conducted into the mind and the use of the E-meter.
However, no one, including Scientologists, have ever seen that research. Scientologists would not ask to see
it, because to ask to see Ron’s research notes would suggest that they are disloyal and they would be looked
down upon. There are no published studies. There was no peer review. His conclusions are simply taken at face
value within the organization.”[31]
Scientology Front Groups (Abridged)
· APPLIED SCHOLASTICS - Functions as an educational organization to spread LRH courses and Scientology
ethics and beliefs in their schools. All schools licensed by Applied Scholastics are Scientology schools staffed
and directed by scientologists.
· ASSOCIATION FOR BETTER LIVING AND EDUCATION - Runs some of the church’s front groups and activities.
Under ABLE’s management, other fronts infiltrate businesses and organizations to introduce LRH’s ideas and
methods. Includes Applied Scholastics, the Way to Happiness Foundation, Narconon and Criminon. [Better
Business Bureau] To get involved in education and community groups. Promotes Applied Scholastics and other
Scientology organizations.
· BRIDGE PUBLICATIONS - Scientology publishing and printing company; puts out Dianetics and other LRH books.
· BUSINESS SUCCESS SALES AND MANAGEMENT TRAINING - Scientology front that lures people and businesses
in with ”management training” and seminars, and eventually steers them to LRH and Scientology. Members of
IAS, donated to Authors Services Preservation of Tech.
· CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL TECHNOLOGY (COST) - functions as an archivist for LRH’s works. [NHJ] Also functions
as one of the corporations created to challenge the IRS’s ruling against Scientology [Bet Bus Bur] Formed in
part from assets stripped from Church of Scientology of California [Wollersheim]
· CITIZENS FOR AN ALTERNATIVE TAX SYSTEM - Set up as a ”citizen’s” group to abolish the IRS entirely, uses the
”Church of Spiritual Technology” as one of the corporations to challenge the IRS’s ruling against them.
· CITIZEN’S COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (CCHR) - Founded by CoS in 1969. [TIME] Claims to help
people who have been abused or mistreated by mental health practitioners (psychology, psychiatry, mental
institutions). Intention: to defame, devalue, discredit and destroy the fields of psychiatry and psychology
because they have disclaimed Dianetics and LRH as a schizophrenic [T Sci Tdy*, Sci Adv*] Disseminates reports
discrediting psychiatry and individual psychiatrists [Bet Bus Bur]
· CRIMINON - Like Narcanon in prisons
· EARTHLINK NETWORK - Scientology-based computer information network founded by Scientologist Sky
DAYTON (owner of Cafe Mocha and Joe Cafe in L.A.) [App Sch newsletter*]
· FREEDOM MAGAZINE - A Scientology publication which pushes Scientology’s causes and attacks their critics.
· GOLDEN ERA PRODUCTIONS - The organization established to bring LRH materials (taped lectures, technical
films, and other audio-visual products by LRH) to people
· IAS (International Association of Scientologists) - To achieve the Aims of Scientology as originated by LRH. To
”dismantle any group or organization” which prevents Scientology. [IAS Adv*] uses ”war chest” money to try
to shut up any group or person who attempts to speak out against Scientology, and to combat their perceived
· MOXON & BARTILSON (CA Attorneys) - speaks for CoS against Cult Awareness Network (CAN) and other
church ”enemies” to keep silent the inner workings and teachings of the ”church”
· NARCONON - chain of alcohol and drug rehabs that promote and lead to LRH and Scientology [NHJ]
· RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER (RTC) - Holds trademarks for Scientology [TIME] [BBC]; also gives rewards
up to $1,000 to people who report any activity against Scientology that leads to the apprehension or arrest
of ”offender.” Oversees Knowledge Reports on its own members and citizens the church views as ”enemies.”
[KSW News*] More or less, the power center of the Church.
· SCIENTOLOGY MISSIONS INTERNATIONAL (SMI Int) - front-line dissemination activity that introduces ”raw
meat” to Dianetics and Scientology and takes them ”up the bridge”. Also opens new areas around the world
to Scientology and sends out missionaries to gain footholds
· WAY TO HAPPINESS FOUNDATION - IAS Member donated in excess of $40,000 to ”war chest”. Function: to
distribute LRH tech to public schools and community organizations, and to get name recognition for LRH the
”humanitarian.” [TIME] [BBC]
· WISE INTERNATIONAL (World Institute of Scientology Enterprises) - Licenses use of LRH management
tech to the WISE group firms, and sells and distributes LRH and Scientology books, targeting businesses
and professionals. Responsible to get LRH tech and Scientology in the business world [Sci News*] [Pod Tdy]
Oversees Hubbard Colleges of Administration and Effective Management Centers [Prosperity*] Patron of IAS;
donated in excess of $100,000 to ”war chest” [Impact*]

Want to know more?
(search for ’Scientology and Me’)
(search for ’Anonymous’ or ’Scientology’)
Who or what is ”Anonymous”?
(more at

We have been called ”hackers on steroids”, ”domestic terrorists”, and the ”Internet hate
machine”. The Church of Scientology has called us cyber-terrorists, and violent bigots who
compose our manifestos by reading Mein Kampf and Communist literature. They claim we
will bomb their churches, assassinate their leaders, mail deadly anthrax, and dozens of other
equally ridiculous charges.

But who is Anonymous? Why do we hide behind our masks? Why do we fight against the
Church of Scientology with such passion?

Anonymous is a cultural phenomenon that began on Internet image boards. Many such
boards require no registration for posting, and every poster remains anonymous. This format of
communication is inherently noisy and chaotic. However, the unprecedented openness made
possible by such boards has nurtured the appearance of a unique and persistent culture.

We are a collection of individuals united by ideas. You likely know Anonymous, although
you don’t know exactly who we are. We are your brothers and sisters, your parents and
children, your superiors and your underlings. We are the concerned citizens standing next
to you. Anonymous is everywhere, yet nowhere. Our strength lies in our numbers. Our will
as a whole is the combined will of individuals. Our greatest advantage is knowledge of the
fundamentals we share as human beings. This knowledge is a fruit of our anonymity.

Anonymous has left its mark on society more than once. Previous Anonymous projects
have resulted in the closing of the white-supremacist radio show produced by Hal Turner, and
the criminal prosecution of Canadian pedophile Chris Forcand. Anonymous has been called a
”Cyber Vigilante Group” by The Toronto Sun and Global News, though in reality we are much
more than that. We are a collective united in the belief that knowledge is free.

We are Anonymous.
You can be Anonymous too.
Together, we can make a difference.

Why do we wear masks?
(more at

People have asked, and continue to ask, why we wear masks. It is

for the protection of our lives and livelihood. Due to Scientology’s Fair
Game policy, we put ourselves at risk socially, politically, and financially
when we speak out against this dangerous cult. This is a cult that has
a well-earned reputation for harassing critics and openly critical ex-
scientologists at their homes and workplaces. Taking measures to
protect your privacy and anonymity when confronted by an aggressively
litigious cult - a cult whose mantra is ”Never Defend, Always Attack!” - is
a matter of common sense.

An in-depth article on the Fair Game policy can be found at the Operation
Clambake website. A quick summary is that any person declared Fair
Game by Scientology may be attacked by legal or illegal means, and the
Scientologist who commits this act may not be punished by the cult for
it. While Scientology claims to have ended the policy several decades
ago, they did so only in name. The cult continues to practice this policy
to this day.

We are living proof.

For more on ”Fair Game”, go to: or refer
to the related chapter included in this packet.

Scientology Word Glossary
Auditing - the application of Dianetics or Scientology processes and procedures to someone by a trained auditor.
The exact definition of auditing is: The action of asking a person a question (which he can understand and answer),
getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him for that answer.

Bridge, The - the route to Clear and OT, which we call the Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart. It is a term
originating in early Dianetics days to symbolize travel from unknowingness to revelation.

Clear - the name of a state achieved through auditing or an individual who has achieved this state. A Clear is a being
who no longer has his own reactive mind. A Clear is an unaberrated person and is rational in that he forms the
best possible solutions he can on the data he has and from his viewpoint. The Clear has no engrams which can be
restimulated to throw out the correctness of computation by entering hidden and false data.

E-meter - the Hubbard Electrometer is a religious artifact used in the Church confessional. It, in itself does nothing,
and is used by ministers only, to assist parishioners in locating areas of spiritual distress or travail. The E-meter is
not intended or effective for diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease. It passes a tiny current through the
preclear’s body. This current is influenced by the mental masses, pictures, circuits and machinery. When the unclear
pre-clear thinks of something, these mental items shift and this registers on the meter.

Engram - a mental image picture which is a recording of an experience containing pain, unconsciousness and a
real or fancied threat to survival. It is a recording in the reactive mind of something which actually happened to an
individual in the past and which contained pain and unconsciousness, both of which are recorded in the mental
image picture called an engram. It must, by definition, have impact or injury as part of its content. These engrams
are a complete recording, down to the last accurate detail, of every perception present in a moment of partial or
full unconsciousness KSW - Short for Keeping Scientology Working, a policy written by Hubbard in the 1960s that
requires all Scientologists to follow his words and his rules exactly and to actively seek and destroy false data.

Operating Thetan (OT) - it is a state of beingness. It is a being ”at cause over matter, energy, space, time, form
and life.” Operating comes from ”able to operate without dependency on things,” and Thetan is the Greek letter
Theta, which the Greeks used to represent thought or perhaps spirit, to which an n is added to make a noun in the
modern style used to create words in engineering. It is also ”theta to the nth degree,” meaning unlimited or vast.
Abbreviation: OT.

Orgs: An abbreviation for ”organizations”; describes all churches of Scientology throughout the world.

Out-ethics: Any behavior that violates any of Hubbard’s rules of conduct.

Potential Trouble Source (PTS) - someone who is connected with a suppressive person who is invalidating him,
his beingness, his processing, his life; someone connected to a person or a group opposed to Scientology. This
connection results in illness and roller coaster (gets better, then gets worse). Processing would work with such a
person for a moment, then wouldn’t work. One can’t audit this person up faster than the environment knocks him
down. Because the case doesn’t get well, he is a potential trouble

Reactive Mind - that portion of a person’s mind which works on a totally stimulus-response basis, which is not under
his volitional control and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts,
body and actions. The reactive mind is where engrams are stored.

Suppressive Person (SP) - a person who actively seek to suppress or damage Scientology or a Scientologist by
suppressive acts.

Tech (or LRH tech) - All of the Scientology policies, rules, mandates, and procedures.

Thetan - the person himself-not his body or his name, the physical universe, his mind, or anything else; that which is
aware of being aware; the identity which is the individual. The term was coined to eliminate any possible confusion
with older, invalid concepts. It comes from the Greek letter Theta, which the Greeks used to represent thought or
perhaps spirit, to which an n is added to make a noun in the modern style used to create words in engineering. It is
also ”theta to the nth degree,” meaning unlimited or vast.[32]

1. Hubbard, HCOPL 1 Mar 65 ”Suppressive Acts - Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists -
The Fair Game Law”

2. ”Operation Freakout.” March 08, 2008. (accessed 23 March 2008).

3. Aznaran affidavit, quoted in Tom Voltz, Scientology with(out) an End, chapter 13

4. JCA-45. Frank K. Flinn testimony in

Church of Scientology of California, 1984, vol.23, pp.4032-4160.

5. Times Staff. ”Church of Scientology responds to protest plans.” Feb 7, 2008.
(accessed March 23, 2008).

6. ”Operation Snow White.” March 16, 2008. (accessed March 23, 2008).

7. ”R. v. Church of Scientology of Toronto.” March 04, 2008.
(accessed March 23, 2008).

8. ”Ron the Jailbird.” (accessed March 23, 2008).

9. Gormez, Mike. ”Child sexual abuse by Scientologist Gabriel Scott Williams.” Oct 07, 2005.
(accessed March 23, 2008).

10. Wachter, Kristi. ”Coerced Abortions - Mary Tabayoyon.” May 08, 1999. (accessed March 23, 2008).

11. ”ESK - Disconnection.” Feb 27, 2008. (accessed March 24, 2008).

12. Owen, Chris. ”Scientology vs. Psychiatry.” Jan 08, 2000. (accessed March 23, 2008).

13. Wachter, Kristi. ”CCHR.”
(accessed March 23, 2008).

14. ”Scientology and psychiatry.” March 20, 2008. (accessed March 23, 2008).

15. Sommer, Mark. ”Enlightenment’s Dark Side”, The Buffalo News, Jan 30, 2005.

16. MacDonald, Elizabeth. ”Scientologists and IRS settled for $12.5 million.” Dec 30, 1997. (accessed March 24, 2008).

17. ”Scientologist Tax Trial to Open Today.” Nov 08, 2004. (accessed March 23, 2008).

18. ”Timeline of Scientology versus the IRS.” Jan 14, 1998. (accessed March 23, 2008).

19. ”Information Meeting on the Cult Phenomenon in the United States”, February 5, 1979, 318
Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. P.45-53. of Transcript of Proceedings.

20. ”Religious Technology Center.” (accessed March 18, 2008).

21. ”Scientology, What is it?.”
(accessed March 18, 2008)

22. Koppel, Ted. ”Nightline.” David Miscavige interview of February 14, 1992

23. Seidelman, William. ”Science and Inhumanity: The Kaiser-Wilhelm/Max Planck Society.” Feb 18, 2001. (accessed March 23, 2008).

24. Farley, Robert. ”SP Profiles”, St. Petersburg Times, 2006-06-25, p. 15A.

25. ”New Era Publications International ApS.”
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26. Prince, Jesse. ”Jesse Prince Affidavit.” (accessed March 23, 2008).

27. ”Mary Florence (Flo) Barnett.” (accessed March 23, 2008).

28. ”ESK - The Sea Org / Cadet Org.” Feb 27, 2008. (accessed March 23, 2008).

29. [OSB1992], based upon hearings (including witness testimony and exhibits) held in Okla-
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30. Heldal-Lund, Andreas. ”Operation Clambake present: Narconon.” 2002. (accessed March 23, 2008).

31. ”ESK -The E-meter.” Feb 27, 2008. (accessed March 23, 2008).

32. ”Glossary of Scientology.” 2004. (accessed March 20, 2008)


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