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# Defines which nodes are used in the system.

A comma separated list of

# strings each of which is a unique name. No other nodes are known.
# These names will be used for src and dest addresses for the Message
# The local node s name is included in this list
NAMES alice,bob,charlie,delta
# Defines ip and port values for all the nodes in the system.
# The MessagePasser object at each node will listen on this port for incoming
# connections (may be changed for further communication as is usual)
node.alice.port 12344
node.bob.port 14355
node.charlie.port 12998 1987
# ks prefix defines what to do with various message kinds being sent
# values can be drop, delay or duplicate
# no message of kind kind1 will be sent
ks.kind1 drop
# all messages of class kind2 will be delayed until after the next message
is sent
ks.kind2 delay
# all messages of class kind3 will be sent twice
ks.kind3 duplicate
# kr prefix defines what to do with messages that are received, by kind
# values can be drop, delay or duplicate
# any message received of kind kind4 will be discarded
kr.kind4 drop
# whenever a message of kind kind5 is received, it will be held until
# after another message is received
kr.kind5 delay
# whenever a message of kind kind6 is received, two copies will be
# delivered to the application
kr.kind6 duplicate
# is prefix defines what to do with messages of a particular id that are
# being sent. Similar to kind filters
is.id1 drop
is.id2 delay
is.id3 duplicate
# ir prefix for messages received, by id
ir.id4 drop
ir.id5 delay
ir.id6 duplicate

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