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Polk County Baptist Association Churches have been busy at

Camp Agape this spring!

Men from Oak Grove Baptist

Church volunteered a Saturday
morning to paint the outside of
Oak Grove Cabin.

Youth from
see Union Baptist an
Baptist do d Hiwas-
Spring Bre nated part
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dorm floo e and repa
rs. Look a int the
floor!! t the shine
on that

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Gate was moved from the

front entrance to the Wel-
come Center. Large steel
Benches for Jericho’s Chapel built by
poles were donated and
member of Beech Springs Baptist.
work was completed by Oak
Grove Baptist and Delano

Cedar fence at the en-

trance—cedar do-
nated, milled, and
built with the help of
Come, Follow, Fish members from First
And He saith unto them, Baptist Benton, Beech
“Follow Me and I will make Springs Baptist, Oak
Grove Baptist, and
you fishers of men.” Delano Baptist
Matthew 4:19
Stack of white pine donated
by member of Delano Baptist
for use in future Camp pro-
jects. This is part of the
wood donated with more to Bradley/Cleveland Girl Scouts donated
come... chalkboards for use in dorm rooms.

Recreation field near the

swim area and the drain-
age ditch were smoothed
out by a local Excavator.

Four hundred pounds of grass seed for the area as well as the Missions House
was donated by Blue Ridge Temple Baptist Church.

A group of local Boy Scouts has been hard at

work on the trail to Calvary’s Hill.

They plan to continue the trail past the wor-

ship area and will include stops along the way
for Team Building Activities.

Camp Agape is a ministry of the churches

of the
Polk County Baptist Association.

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