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Curriculum and Courses

“History of Islamic Medicine”

A Comprehensive Course and Curriculum for Medical


It is suggested that the teaching of “History of Islamic Medicine” be divided in 6 trimesters.

Each trimester will comprise of 10 lecture sessions covering the topics listed in each session.
For details of Bibliography contact IIIM. To get contact details see “Contact us”

Session: 1

The Pre Islamic Era Medicine

Ancient Medicine
Greek Medicine
Start of Rational Medicine
Philosophical schools in Greek Medicine
Greek Physicians that impacted Islamic Medicine
Medicine as practiced by the Greeks
Alexandrian School of Medicine.

Session: 2

School of Jundishapur
Physicians in Jundishapur
Medicine in Jundishapur.
Hospital in Jundishapur
Medical School and Medical teachings

Session: 3

The rise of Medicine in Baghdad.

The Islamic Rennaisance.
Physicians that impacted Medicine in the Islamic Era.
The Early Physicians
Physicians of the middle era.

Session: 4

Medical Schools and Hospitals of Baghdad.

Hospitals in Baghdad
Medical Licensing.
Islamic Medical Ethics.
The system of medical education
Surgery during early Islamic times

Session: 5

The rise of other Schools

Other named hospitals.
Later Islamic Physicians of repute.
Rise of Al-Andalus
Physicians in Al-Andalus.
Surgeon and Surgery in Al Andalus.

Session: 6

Medicine during the Ottoman Period.

Medicine during the Safavid Period.
Rise of Western Medicine. The Renaissance of Europe.
Influence of Islamic Medicine on Western Medicine.
Transmission of Medical Knowledge to West.
Remanants of Islamic Medicine in the East
Islamic Medicine in Indian subcontinent:
Unanai and Tibbi Medicine.
Famous Hakims of Tibb.

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