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The Uni versi tv

U of. California
Beikeley; C�l�tor�ia

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' . . :':lu,ccess
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E:olJ) Hea=th andh:lsJ di:a'b�.li:c
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ccommi t't'e'e:�'>i ..�::;; ::·::'··�··�·� �·,'.
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1u e n :F 'Uture ;i.' .T he : p r ob 1eTn
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J lmtered· · in : c110oSiri: gH ,a. ' J'? E
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sWitable,'dee'ign. fOr OUc�?'rf:'l·oat;·:·v,
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.�:�:� ;��1J;�g�:��y��:,�l� : '" ,��;':�1',·-,�:.�.:-�·
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·HllC� -them-e w 8: ,<j lmYll0dlatolY


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2;p;"rov(:) , dh,T;'the ' onti're �hou:so c' th' e:!.,r'f10:act- ade'quatGlyrepr e-
- -
vJltJii;t:rre� ;o;�cBP'i;:ioh"of ta> ,smal'l' ; den B'ut'uro.
s'6irt ed,'the iGoJJ
mlno : r, f :S' f ' :ella't -li t;'ld; lou:f;, for' �a dthef:'si'WhO :'n0;';�ol' t'bt' l1.efd' le s,s
, .
ppr''G j?:a:i af-L'', of,'i 1!his'':':Ps fo:;t-: the' ;a'}tfstlc' )appr' ecla: tio'h, it:se em'Gcl
Bi l'ds", t�':TpisJwa�s.e�a8ilY"OV(fr"'; t:hi��di �ttorJ' hiid returhed ,to 'tho'
come ''bj tXie 'addltJiO"li'o£'8, br i d(,g c9-'l1J.pus>.. , "
he�l@r fr'o ·nt : p lElc.' e o,n' t'hG\, ;
f l'Oa' t ,; , :CQl:lts 'O
' f Bl u
: 6:>8:11Ci.'�Gold paidt�, ,
, ·
a.nd a';�:tgn ;-:6n;the track: e-xplain-.J �vere quickly applied'Cah.'d-:the.

g ;
1J.J;ia:t :i' I'Th;'$ s -i!s f OT .'fhe ,Bi'rd '
. s �,�',fJ.rOat·., yJ.a ,c:.rriOved:� �t0 ,th-e-,"8.p "�30i fite'd
'1itO:J?kF'�t):eg';ari, on ·'th(�,�fJiodt>, - , '., �1):fvo:iiacA:8_rea'�

TU8sda Y"·i:notpfrig}- , cteat'in:gia ' �'i,qi.bg0r� Herrl!ing,thointnei:{±:di

tr' a�'f r �': sn8rJJ - u. :rr'Gc:-t-lY ;�l':i. " ' froht i ' � tdpl\ef r> [of ,the f-1:bat I'E\
;}� e: :i n0 ' tt � . ,�re'ghh):tho:i ong} ,proces's inhUp'
C8:J7CU8S'} ,"
o £1, h e J, : ,' :;(,iF\' o :r1 s:eve ra1 ,dayS '
the str�St ,;>yJ;a8i:thr''OugGcdf,;'by 'n81 . Y 'o Ban-cF0 :f
l t ,'to Tel egraph, them do wn
cB�Gds"a:ri(r"curicJlis 'chil-drorl:'c'vrl\i0 ", "' 2 e1'8@T, ? -' p h-through-Sat ho Ga-te.
p erEfi:y·ted ,iri annoYing ou� tf :f l�i. -, " arict, p:ast ,the judge!s�Jtand;
getitf:' crG 1fv iby ' unco' a ciilY g , qus' iot i o'ci1 s journey capablY:"direc todhy


�.� .. t GJi ,: , ��� · t'lo a t: ls":� d e,g' i g n

f t f; s·' ·:! ' , three .stanva �·t 'scou f s;' . Chip"
c '

: ;;' e� ift�niac','\ ; ;'

<';;'l '! ��;tg),.:it"�' ?"· r.,-;,. 'ViJ,�'av, 'D.:in - . CQf\te l1D, ' ' ;& John Yourig;. '
i:tri�� I

On. T¥ra r, 3day the vve:t.l?:'was' su s" · ·

t cw �-"
? Ii: •. t
t · · . :,. ' �.,·.l:,..o
e��.l:i ·�, �.'l,c:t
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''' ',c." •. ��{=-!:� '�$�:� ,,J
pahcied : thG,tirec1 -and 'Qegr·' . ' . .L � " .L . n g ' t:5 . ' r , ce.,, _ .

float e6nm l :Ett�:q ;:wE1 tohEhX -€ho' ful ' i'npr'evorl't' i' '
· ng �th6)malnjj:ng .-:

Be'rko:le'y £: POllc0';" c1' :E' 8pe't;s e,the childrer1 and 'Frio,t;ihG·l'�Sc 'that wer!e,ii'
cro�vd. �;,"kBter<it}e j sl:;je'c tator'.':) had lined up�on<hoth s1de2 "; ,ofthe,,-�,
b}1'ef'l 7r�1:lJ:E)":ve:c:t;' th e '-street ':::]�ay- " ,13't. l"eet , . Nume'1:01ls, p.O�::"icbili t,i.e S"
clut i&ersid t;w ith;:;a:e 1:)r18 <a nc1:·l'i.unk:s >; of wnGck�':';WGr,B 'alEo, ;a'Vo:id'ed .",�,::,
off5ra�)t7er"'of..lp � atis�' "!Tn �tJ8:e LoJJ"'s:of cy . &di t:�t'Q;·these ::ener'"
c�;rr.te�·)0f\�·thls : El-rray oP":j'unR; ge'-sic' .Tekes;

:6 .:� ::
,g:t}o o0£ ' [l ,,, huge : nl' tl',if s(if. materi8:�t (� )}/;'; i ?' ilf'�

s B: l�6uhted b ·
' y ;ari ,'eign t"':foot,·' zC'·,?1},.:,
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�/.· tJtJ?.
'1'0 the energetic and _d8tor�
/ /(:
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secme:;ithat (contirlUcd on

workers it'

'mipad pg 7. )
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C1-�h}i.IG--.HFrecklesd_" FFU1NK JAMB :)

. �II . 'jj.�)
/�� 'j 1\, ,\/l�:/'
)�.< pophomQr�e ha!-l�ng frwniSf�:

, ,J: 'f/ ,j.s:"��

'\3" l}i'l"'anc ' seo ,wher� 'he'grad1-ta'i5ed' .
; l

, '. J;- /\ '

"t:/.:·r�. · .h
. .J .

1';��.-.,:"" ;;'., \ I: · ,\' .", frofrl Polytechnic high. school \


I,i. e is 21 yea1?s,'old,.. .. and L s.�jma:J"c;r JJ;..'

,I �0
-" �- .

A � / ' \ \J .

. �
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: 1\ V I

lug· in el ec i ::tJjical"feng�ne .§3p�.!f.. 5 ,:,/·?

. V,.'!
-�.--J. � he , is a member of UGAIEE' arid );las

. \
\..- '"'-.... .i asa h01b1Jy,,�.gene.r:q�b·.rcports._ , ·
: . : . '

'LOW-ELL_·.G.D;L�\:�,.o,N. Cj\�eL·n� - ,�he.;:IiQ�(�}'


�'. is a soutller . rl.el"' l from Gard·en· · GJ?--Q ¥.e


Nu cha;pter, .iortuna . t.eiy., .g.ot., Gal ifornJ:a. He·;is ;a. fl'e'�' funan 'l'w fth
�. ; �

�a veryb\g and a very, good pl p:ge hQ�12'e.:, pf,] t.8� � irrg,Civil., E,- n gJ.n:,e' . �: J?J n B

·clai.�s . th s fall.. � If quanti tr'?an� Lowiell:B:tt:ended Ga.r�enG;t:f ov�r-h:.igh
. it :
quall ty help, and doe�, Nu ha$ school where ·he lett·ered .intrack
a good st;alt atbecomlng one of, ; an cffootb
' :
. ;aI1·.-,' ',He,' is 18 and.' iike "
the top fra terni tiep� on.�a:mpus '
' mo st', sou tlii3 rn.�:r !:J;" )::11:,8. JJ.q.�.�.y, �s, � ..:
.' ',�c.;,�<::;c.;-<

-"'·�·.:f������·o.if��(7 :;��t�C? �.;�:.�:!�_Ci)�,e'--··.::

• . . "

o n
'� �g ��� ��� �i �V30N_';,· .: o� .�: t � � ;�f�'�;:1�b��i .

ACAL. oe:nt,er,.in ::footba;LJ..,�;'§:B t,.ye,a.;r

NIGHOU-.l0 lVli,:t'i.t,J ALDEh._ON-,...dNickii and th,is y�ar:::.cayorte4. �ith�he '
is'18 ye·arso,;Ld Sl;'P;d. b,a.i·li'3;� f�'0!TI'. freslul1an ·fQ.o�tp:allt�;aJl1 "lie, J,s::.
J:I'resno�, He ,g;r'at�·0d·f�pml.C.eB.-:
. ,.

18 VB.arp' old,·and�Si .a,pre.,.del}ya;l,

•. ·

tralUni:�n Hi'gh.::�ch9 Ql ,·:wh . ,e:J:'e_:g�,:. ma jo r·. g raP. l,;J.a te of (R,.iel¥n.oLnd:r:;i.

PCl)."'ticipated in _f,oo�ball'�1 track Union hi.:gh sc � h601 F' his, hQ·'Q;biE!'s;:,.
NY¢k ,is·t;1.12ophomore majopipg yn. are �spo, handicr · :a . 'f' t�"'j
Gener5.1 Cur-riculum. He 1,13; :the; li:OBEH'l' WA���E (f)LLIN�h;- B�-b;;�.fs
pJ.;ed. . ge vlce-pres1,d,e.nt.& h;1S, hobby . freshma;nfrom Oakl,a-nd vy;h,er. � ;e.: b);� 1
is ,sleeping.;:: i , , gr-i? , t �d· Fl'emon .- t :h�gh.,
JOHN BLACKWELL �':' Joh.poi:'.s a,soph-�e
: f.. r om
' hoo-l-' . , He i� preDt;1F±ng , ;, ('.o F

omore major·ingin Ph-;ilo..sOpJ:l::if",al'1:d ..


CheTr; ic�l "':Ehgt��'e;.i�g.' &, s'U:PRi,$J

Po'lit i . cal ;�cie.nce...He, ha(J , "p?-r- ments ,hi-s .time ·;(what ·he·.hB..S)-� , .·'f·
t p ated,� in: . poli,t ie,s &:-deQ atJ:l1:g wi tb, tp Pr()�;n,.� counc i.:i�.,"�"· He.. e'" )� :i�=
,. ae Wg.�hing-t9n.... ;.Un,ion,High: - ):jchGqJ:, 18"apd :h:8,:S ,: . :as aJ::J.O,bby::.w orfl � n .: :(o�t,,­
,P·!'.e:Jrio.·'.·, H.e ·±.:?,·,22_'·y,ear�8'()��¢i, ancl C0Ul"se) al1d' . .g,en.enilI?PQ�.t;��L>, .....
has.,'a hobb-y:,.Of rilech anica;1 engi rt. - JEP,FERS'ON DEv<BERHY.-';'; ii·Duke" W!3-s,
�e.r.ip.g.· ,.ph :ye';3."" �h,e .·aJ,,:2Q:
'.1 iJ(�,-{?"to or:i gina
. .

. . � " ly) 'ai'-�Quth� rner ,;:��o'l11":

hunt. ,vorn,en?: : . ., S�n Pedro, but .he Jl1.0yed:·to·.s8:�:i:L'

HAYlv'iOND . J .� BE:£K.t\-·:"Ray i's a , :.:.,

.- . _

Franci-sco .and graduat-e.d ,.fF'om-

. "

. ;.
±· ��.· �oX� }��..J,Q r: 1�
-:: . �.i R ge_olo g;l � ,",Ji;El , Low ·ll-
€J high q
- .cl -l:o :al Sean FranciBco � ,
��"'.:' ''
'' '
F ; ;�
: j
-c�£i �g;, :r · j-re. · � i'�:{�:� 1 ��, r�:�J'-�:��
'. f[C6;riji · �).:1:x� �::i1tg am.e J;::. �J,h e;' r e,� he: " C k\;Y . :��y-� .
griduated·.i' Y Q'm.l1igh -'saho;,ol. ma.JqriQ.g:tn:Busipess l-\.din;n:i-stIfB.i--

He, ' ';j;�-t"

.:.i�s 2.1 y:e� . ··,·;�rrd-·:l� :s ,"to ! '--� .-
. 'tiorl ?:_n{:}- he -i.s 81 ;t�·al'f.� o_->�� - dcr:.:, . .
speJ1,d hi.s·. !time,; fl"l�¥ tenni 13..

RICHLhI)Cl.�RL ENTOEF- ..,.Dick 18 21

hOBL:f.c'I' N.�:hIDGl!,--_,'Bob 1;,s:. and is· anothep'Aou+therriei<" J;.-'�
a·.'J;3erkeley ..b'Oy;". ou,t ;'he gr:aduat:ed gI'adu?�e,.ir01!).. LongJ?each.:J�,rci;��;

from Bl.·Ger·r-i'�O:.",high school. h�g:h's:c40(91 &·,):.,op-gBeEl;ch P:\ ty ;

College·, . . 1jiTher� :11;e letteI'.t?g,.;

He "is· �a sovhomore'and'iEttaki'rig:, : �I1· " C

pre-law. He (1.3' 19 y.ears.oi-,d '8:J'ld ba·ske'Yball. .He:is:a jun:tor: alfQ.·,
'has as a'; nob)).y'" sports in gener-al is n[aJoring in :Indu.3 tr;i,al E�gtfl.:,

special�zihg\in ' ,golf. e e:d,ng;.., hqbbJes are:bas�et:;


. "0
' ,

'",. b�ll & volleybal-l. '.Jie_ is;the; .ir":�,

pledge pre sident..
·"�'_,�.c-, � , :· . ' . '
,' �.:.

Pledg�..l.� Jc ont i l1ue d ) }:



' .�: \�; �: �A

JAMES i'dt�:'It.- �; J1* tine.> · 6 ld �· i·: KEN·W E�i( :VEhNON OEPTEB,;;...;:/Ke:h:; i:Ci"2i/':�'
6� ' • •. ... - ... _J'I'" > •

'#. i$
, I

a j l�nio r :' "t 8kin�::"��'e.,,c�tt���-�{���rg

• '
.,•.....-' ,1 ,":""�...
• ' .; ' ' ;':"{ , ,or 1 ..- . ,
est 111ember oft1ie tt{ J ed g � c l a s�
.�.( J ._.�. :"'\.:.'
:: ;¥ n­
" �.>- ' ,:.' ,1, ;!

, ,

h oldl ng fo .rth at the age of 26. &, p a rt l c lp a te s In basket- e erlng,

H�' is fr om Escalon, California' ten n i s ; and f ootb a l l bE'll, track, •.

&p a r t l c i p a t e s , to a grea t e x -. He,is a: m e mbe r of the DeMolay,

tent, in music &, dramatics. He Nrasons, and the Me't hodist Youth ,:1
i,g a�jul1i;o r:;m§jQri9-gi!,� �ngl, F e l l ow,$�l ;i .p . , "He is i',rom Val .1 e j o .
. :'
& has f or h9�1:)� e � �,,�,aJ't; ��� 's in�g�;ngJIi s .fl3.:vo'Jf,fte-, 'p�st'iine'is :' lJl. ;E\.�}�ng ,"
D��Y, IDEljtNESTc. FRANCI$':"-r tr,� v eis � :a: che' se�:�-" _.' : . : ' , ," : '" .

, , ,
' . ' '

, 49-' is a... ·Pl1UL _K� , rr:qc�,� III-\� " P; iul ' i:13 ' a" - ',:

"'�!- : " �" '-" "' _ " ,"1. _, J.. ' !" 'Ii . ; '_� __ ' ,... .:, 1 ' -<:
�}' �' :" �<' ;" : -
. .,: • .• •"j . . ;.:.,' :. . ;. . > , _ . ', ', , :' : :. . :f' :. � - :
. "'

fr}3 ��1li1aif '- : (�8... ye:ars"i?.1d a

. _ _
_ _

t�l)a.tiyE{:'.Ci vp, !tngJ�ee.r.� ')!�:'-" 'r '.:.f:re efffo�n, '!ropT J{lt-ad.E;i"ria,,;" q:a:ti.f'o,�ftla ..
gl'a : d u p, tj �d f fJi\9�;" Qc. K, � !,: )y1 9;9 1�¥::' :f�ii�\ ff�:" '; �t, � &, n4,�d J9}:;rl )YI;u'i�;·-Qolr�g¢., lri,
�ign" ,�:?,l! Q,ol:'1:trJ: S:�cr,alnynt6 � �' },B.av'ei i:'? ,ai�! �d � l(i; a : ' , l,I, e . \s .j;t.aJ;rn� & ���91!E}r1,t q a l
l8 pr;u'.Rlng, fQX': tD/? .¥@Y Carmnlt�;' JDrtglneeri�g and.", he",J,.s ,l. 7ye!t:}rs , oJd
&;;, G. �B:,s� "9 g,lJ. l)c,� J �;c��p: Jg; � 9 H ' �' $ h� " I!f�s favort:te< , J�� � tipie' � � l'i ' � �. i :if:gh.

; t..J, n�
ge ts ' . a -:-1: l t·tl e;. tJ,r(le,:,-.p t:';;:".:,f';: :f€l'PJ. hl.,s. f:1 rec r aCRe r: �s ��a n.q;:g��U�..",; !ll � ��3"'
st-ud�Le;:;-.-. . � .. :!.� �:"�':_.'. ... ���),>;- , �� >:- · �:: �up the · .' ac ".1�, �> v� � � ' '-' J :' ; ';"�·� '
� � _ . , " ' �

ROB:�i\T KEN�; .. E$.R.FL ING,:,,- . fllIerk,_�;pra;;:CH.�lt§E ,I?� e , S ,AN:P-.E,B':'-', , ',!Sandy� t � , ,<.L S':.,.<
' "
t��; �':{ L.,Qh�" �
.• · ' Dl,;llou th,�IJ1IJ1eB�9j;,f1 � 'vy:qe r�r u "'ano 'B,� ach " p r:9 } e :, g �; ' � �\H� �S ,

a tten.ded.·' Dul}ltih':s9flf' �t+-'ia� ihlgh! -H ' ) ,21 t?-n, t!"' lS 'a' s o pho morYi tal;upg ., Fo, o,d
s'choo;L,.. 1:Ie 'is.-�O.;<year& o'ld, a"'( ' TecIirro log�r 0,/' C:@.arlie $pend� ' : mos ; �'
so ph om ore " a,nd" aJ:se��;y p)?0r1�i sin &" \.Q,[ ..nls tim,� t 8l0Qf.ifrig :,6:rf:r; �', bU: �r.;�: �
f o: ot,b,a l�l, pl,ay. �r�� �' , He�\ w!e'lf3,"5'l:I, Dlemji �as a rema�1"' k' �?:t/�, c E}ch9, � a r:sll ip, .,� '. '_' .
per o:('<i5he,:Galr,k,a mb]:ers � ,; thi.':: \ c(-� . ' t'e�c �)I;d. He, llk;es ,to.. play, VQlle,y-
:LngY-h£�;ip,s ;' b�t:"�:gJ:,�;� , ,J ; �"
� ," , ' ,' '
ye,�l� . He '1 [�,t?k , '., , " " ' \ , ,

� ';C,tnds' timG� t,P" �:tlt, i n' 9 ni' , t 4 � ;. \ :COUIS E;PWjl.E:q � :'3�MQNOIG�7 L. <?liie 'wa,s
Homecoming CpmP1ittE;t�.: ,.:and tthe" ;,�.�,�r:a.L;Lecl·��, Cl·ev � l;,�nd,; )� q'. St n q : .' , } �
R. o. ,T... C. �a·n.d.:";i " g;radu a t,�dJf· r-0m�.M ap]\{ .,,}Je 19hts h:!;,gh
. i,G.BO}�{�Kli!h:BD£HIQ.M.A��lN - - Gec;>r;ge schoolf, 1'n that 8� ty�' ,; 1 B/?)·,: S (an'
is�a',bom�t_own lad;, �he , ', i�, a, . 8,c c o mp I ls h e d ' athl�t,e.�; ;, J, et J1e\ t:l-ng _ in
freshman ·,t�dng:pr,e,-:m.e�d c oyr i? e s' all' Tour' major s· p 6rts � at ' n: �gq:.. ' :�
�, �

, ,

Hi'shobby ':i.s,<that(. o :f,man,y. " : . "'S·cho91,:8i. 8.1 so, . 1:{ eJ ng , a )� a j; o: r c;P��P­

Cal ifo,rni ' ans", �:$ki:Lng.,. l1;e :,213> 1,g n eryi(:6f. tlle .;�qJjt� tM��I?,colr�fg;e '. <."
and gr ad uB-ted f I::OID: Be r1j:el. ey, ;!ligh chgrp,pionshi p f.QO t1:5 �Il. te'am o" J;Jou
schaDl �;��c-': ,< � i,': �" ," :1' ,:':: hOE� s � t Q '�. c o n t .t nu e, :):ii:s ''Nay�' ?c�, q�l

DONALD' J., N�\'�NuiN"'T;,;�Ol1-,is.:J� nex;t;<yea� . . Hr'fis.; � � Tt�,,: � :. . �0�)R�mp+1 � '

hoche'stp.r:; .N'e)v ·Yo'r�i;iw.f1e-��e , ,ll,e" and, l3 ma J o r u;t g In lVlechanl�al. ,"
graduat ' ed,:'f':�om,�:n;:t���9n ;hti?l1: , , En gA!). Y, �F��g '· i , 1< ' "'F6':'� ' t'-7···�:·' 'ii O
� ch oo1- .,'··Re 1.l8,(,·1.9,,: 1.'$,,·a ,.,J.\ln:L'O,I[,. ',' GIfA·ftL�.:i ': �. iit1-tMA-l\�y 'p , �T � �-- .. , �1J.a.P.7f'-i ? l.S�_,,:' �:­'
and maj 01"8 in Bacteriology,�, .' He or ;l'.g i n a ll,y f,rQl11 Sac:rarJ;len tt9.� ,", blJ.�/ as
was a member Q.f the Frosh cre',", hfa,:,. c l a,1 ms , he ,,,'l!Jas :,"raised:·}':l:ll" 6ye r�
. and p@·l,orrgs,. tQ the U. C. Y a ch t . He g;ra au atec1 " fr9iri ;B�f�ke,ie�'{<�igli;:
CJ.:ttb. nis fav6j'i,t � pastime- - 1i3'9ht2pt3m1:lf?,1�() ' 'Y���'S,,;9�q:L�;�2'�[,f in
Yvomenl / ' , , hi8 s opho m ore year,' he lS"':11- .bU:;1J.,ness
GALE MARSHAiL-- "Budit�.::is 18,'&: a Adminis;tT':;l.tion ·w�jor.! ,-' liis-p,ob15y
g r acluate of Fremont"- hlgh $cl1o'ol, i�.Wy.'Slc..�;}h�l'f?J4,t,El '-�li� .p�Bn8:�. <2 ·
He is a fre�!' bman �nd
Oakland. ,J' " , ' .', � :: '. ,�;< :<-i.
plans to m�,j or in chemistr y .; His
.. '

,.. ,';' ,
likes v ar y from chess to h�:�ting. ,
. ,. ,. ,-;" , " �'''':';, ; t·
- (- ". .-
�-�£ '-'.�.
E.d"\ ti 6 VI '


, 'J-.'

- �
LtW0,{ C �(''::.'�)\1\ C,"l�'_'\
\\ilt(0),'''o,�< �A{�� " ;�
: ..
} , _'" .... ' ;".
:';;,. ' " ,"

� :-: 1'1


1 1
The Seni.or Sneak (cont' d) .ThG 'Homecoming ,Float ( con t 1 d)
', '

r',· � .. .�:
'� . " � �." r: � 1" . , �

-{ "...,t J ,,' /
, .
, :�
. ,

�rd6rnin�,-g'\,;Jiortly be­
Th�"'he�{ , 'iVa 'are . 8'Q·1'ry ·t o say that the
� ....:; "i'
",_ ' " •

'f ore ,noon� I 'arri'ltsd br,c.k nt· the float did not walk, B.wa y vlith any
h ou s e in,s�. 8.9�f:\ ::q,rigf; ?�' r y.iBg ,my prJi·i z v "> �.).
'-" , ,Y
' , . ·b
' u �'t : the \I oh<'1': &
" · : ·:�[>
.,,',l � .c.:.I,.i:L
: k..L!._" of t.... . ' I. • • .

. 9Ie� nirlg' ;� af.tei' : 6�tt. ? n d :t�;g ,.f�, ' tQX+ amazomont1j�GT'o S1ii!o'ot mU;.:l·ic'to our
After 'the

9,},9.t:9ck(;����h�Yi:��' > �q ff e d · rl�e ·�"� F HQmecoming workGr�·�

. Jul,es.·- I was met.wlth ·,.thebe arti�:' purade, our hou:SO, 'py,ron:n:tn,iac·s\
:!'r,1g ):
� c e;$ .,bf' �",,� �y 6 i;�l "j�qi qt: ;t �it:::�· adequatGly dispoGod of.' tl.le ·fl' o at I s
an9:�rhud�j h,mQ:§:' J� � r({;
. '

ba Ee fee t'" sUPGrstructurG,�ncf tJ.f�,,: 96:rs ro­

t1;l�y . gla(t,,�o'
.... .me! ' iiht:t'Q:r, -�J'��d� S G(� ' turnGd to the hou s c /for, .di.pnel�.
�. ". ,
< '

lng me a ro un d th 0 ext cH' i br' of ' PiC), J'l:st 0.1': We sat d <0 1!m ·,to� " . §1;bp�� �/ notice
r: ',',"" .to ', - _ _
,._ >}
" . "" \ , ..
. •' ' '
" . ,-" .J ,: '

house, dU�lJ;lg-;:whiC:1l,,'I!0riod I got' came th8t th e float "s'ppopelling

drenched by Borne beady-eyed . mechanism, a Modol A, Was not
plQgge who,d:i,dn't re p ogni z, o �e.' I cap,.�.pl.o?f r,G;t;;urping frol}1,. . �hg;
. ,
fip,8 1l Y go ;t away and'mad0)my' way, ' Par"ad,Q'I$:� grG";(E!Y8rd, I{ilga . rU:G" '['1'1 Gld.
. .

;into. the.h.ouse,. tre � d}pg�:w 3.ter : ,:' ' 1:" c r(::�v: ,d�.t�;pp.tcpc9- fr9�J1 th e ,

'ali'.' th�, WJ 3. Y : . '�';' : ' , ,: " '. ' , '

' .
llPSts:�yO .• . ttl'a; ,t;; :yc,r C?J'
'.' ';jYt:3 r ' ':. h0.1 1' · bhck

anotner hduf 'Qf" 1- fi'-aI'fl" i't I"s��rcfs-tiihg ':PX:t"':C'8"

the '·fro,y, the�'�SGriiQ:r8l' ent 9 f9�i'·r" �a
.' Tb,Yr' flpnt wpe:, d'it':pose'd' 9.(" but
tl1� r�Qc��{�: fI 9 q: � ,1;/ i i,tii" t�f( � t d b:r: tho )llBlTIO'ljr, '01' its indi viduaJ. ''',
ch � rb.ctG:·r, ; will ..��'�; ·
.. '

a_laq,d:q,I' , �- ' anc;l i the ,.fight' YY:R-f'OV?��

long '<rem.?-in'
; ," 1;hing
� �(t�'
�,j"El1?id;Ly:rGtui'!jl,ed ":t9 a ""It ' vJai
,< like no bt'her flda t'
st ale.:
6f �/-3 t a t.u:s quo s'-s>t-:he,:'6 0,6 k;,:, GYP L Gn.t.e-�ed· .in'. 0. om e c opi:�n�j H
;�;'<: p a� a _;'�:
, . . '

11.F;$,.,.J M.erp:f3r,· h.�.d .. afri ¥.�d,'�-, yh 8;\ ' .. . __

rrwrning ;an d,.lun,9h w�s, l,ts;·u:?u(ll . ;:,

, b t
, �eJ. L :, " 9,�thbugb , a,,�eB. J" ,. (:t9�?t,y�q.�
.. ' , ' l �':: S�NID'R. ! . S . IlVJ.1:'hE.sSIO
N : .;� ." .' .
(T '�l� �,S':AK;�.;N JPl:S�
" { '
: ��,� S �,
;.' ': :
' ;,. " ' �' :'
: c:
,' , .
. . "


' .

He':il{leY, .·

.... , J.:J . Jbhii� J1'" � ast year's , ,

!j:' .V\J8.�f
. .

, , hi s to �aw . ?-rd 3 d, thQ�_l�on�'r, k;�y

If you vvant 't';"';njoy yo r by tho 'Grand'Histor
. ..
John' , "'- IS u
' . ,ft-·.
now ,.·
- • .
, ,_. :- . , "

t o : , o f, 't£. G
�" . .

Bba:I : t, 'L,ayv;
�, -"

th8,:t:'ir.$c at'tb:i1 dil1'g� SChoOf'


,Sytl., ��rne y :ct"get.ri-l

. .-
�'::-"- , ,'.:; "'-"�"" ", ': "� , .

, ,
.. .

chance, join J �he, s.apiors. 0,4 ' 1:t�".,r:{g t' 'a )ntG�J; r atiq:t1al House.
San·t·a Qrui , exelui s l op o - J:t�yas;, '
• . -
I � - ' ' " " . "

- ,


r.�·p.ilY· tremG�qous. '·· We h f ' �.� o up hG6��\3' � ' DO � Gc� � .�' ?� �n�i y JP'!y.t rl:ioS I �
i:D: q. cab'�n� tho�gh,�.f�lly .,I)t'ovideQ; I�nd, 9p i-:-pryt'c. n l's of' Nu; lS Gtll:J,.
by one 'D8l1�e'1, ::C�Bte+lO", 'clacsfJ or :1,n- schdol; , am:f l's " l"iving "at: tho"'>
'51�e ;; :J ;
tVG s p e n t all' dg'y
. : .. ;:,;.,; , ,:'
, • '�_ . ;,,:
; ,/
all.' : :
} 1 ?1iS�:;' . ,
:'" ." " . ,,"," . I

" ' '

d ',f,,;'':''':L' \' !':-; �'.

the ,pipth of hoye mber, ' sJ,eG 'p1:I1 g '
, .:;� ",J

cmqpia:iin,g. 'tq�c,h :{botball."o'p·,t1t? ,chaptBr ;L p � t��.:f(')U r fr:.8 .tG r· �,; t Q., 'Nu
. '

(y[';S,Glita Crl,;l.Z Q�8clL.,: tJie' rnnk' s of" rrrnrrihge , ttr' i.s '··l G s·.t'-

That;t ';';�'had, a, i,g e� e�rdl' sliiiiTn e l: Bob' ifillai s 6n. � Hooked nn'c:hors

goo<;l timo, 'wotta' v i c a t :t on l · v

v f �h". ; p' tF t !" N ?;isp�,. ,DC1'(� zot!� 'DD:�ton ..
. ' 0 ",

Too ;ib;[j,9-:ffiore,.o,fYou c o ld n ' t H ya d :l i t 'Gerda 'Isenberg Qf'Kn.ppa·'


have joined us�' 'Gamma." t'io ::tHo'b'al2::"&' chrt!"h} to

h:i:m�' 'bOn'Lav/r'i e' is holding. :Q,oWn' .
t-no''for l 't with .... Har riEtt Gouiaing, .and
Bd. ' ..D. d,rtnQ { t: s 'li c e ci �1 1ne' ,g""wi th' Ktis p
Ivioe ' l'J:� "13l4e ,:3 sings Up'Oll tJ1.o:e and ;
. ':;'(}:
. .
.. .
' ::"�hyn(),l� : ; ....
. "" ' . ,,oj . ..
, ' ,'c, . � . ' ., , . , " . '

.... .� • " v. _
, � , , _:, '. .. '

-: . .....
ht.' that
;.:_ . 0 "-..
.; ..

e e q e��' : '
' :"


• · 0 ' ,

b'2 �-' � T § p l e d g J ;. �ne ak> w,h s ,' ano ther

h met
. ' Br:�, tu':�:�'�p:i i l'b:� ,: l�,u " �:': i ?'5 : 1 .7.

,, : v

' ,

" " m a s c G t , �' :h:� $ f' i,n' �i ) y � � tu rh ett '; '� " : g Elye 9 v e :tyoilQ ' an
o aft e :..:< aho,th e r s.r.e g e at . th' t? . cu s e 't o ' ha v e

an en J o y abl e e VEi:tri rig .
; " lt:t�;���!tr�fr� i�;f' ��P�Htl:1�!����e!*r���:�{{;�'d
as the,}ii" s�h�:o):'d hQhr;
,�.. .
g r B'dij' at:lhg , 01'· i . er.tiojs · tYfi>olighou't'- the" su t i' o u nd ing Y a r cf i

. Jhnci .

o h
:q?PQ ,.' . "

. ;i f' t ; : '; �e: c 6 ul d �n¢. " :g.l i� Y .s ·> :: ; jd' t o 'r : ab6ut . ?-n:
g ;}
almo s .t � b e 2c a::r l e .. a " wh5. t e . c a v r t i rt g' t e / Ea ,, 'g e h"' i

the . � j 6 p :i tY ' O'r ' thEt..1 .

. pol l c e
' �

e l e phant t l , J but , :�he m erri e r s 'o f �t he � . ::: Th f s: � & on'v }�c e d: . :t

- t Etf" J3'
me'hnd p r�Od�' by
. hou s e are· rap�dly : d' e ve J:Q p i ng f:t'· �tle . i:lc t i :,-\je s ·

t e't�" '' ht:1ouse: "'

f., t i' opg

, �f fe'c�fl on to r h :' I ' �f'u t e '-69 � 'thB: t p�y�: 't c.c :

wh:1. ch ,
i� :p e rt � r ,
· '

! rB't'Lrl:'n;
' . L a. $f · :S.p riITg ,/�Siu r' iiig '!3 nd" l i- h f s'h'3 ii ':3 C D r a h ':'

he .
ffriar s ,
. Brutu3 ' -had . ., :v:i s i Qn s o f b e ing a fe>' 6 6:� tui4.0' -.'d an c"G ;

> ,:
hurdl .e r."
Nti:ul t
s o, p r· o c.e �,<;l �dr; t 9". ,
; ,' On ' ,,: ,
Ii b'l.O,T f o.o t. J' e ri ¢ e
w a s the n't1·x:t '·i� �y ..
' . . i

�/;,�(Q s. S ,i n.g � -.t�� e�. ,s�wm�;� )��i � J1e .c ct-��9 �� ,. o .: - : ,

S'b rorj. ty' 'p led�G�

. . �r�""��?'"�� ����,"�}���· ·w
c ·:! " ,. ;
..c�o v e r ed � t.!:;l. a�� J;.4�::-7 o'i]ie i" '$ ;L4e. yia. s :-'
' " , _ : � r .. �. � .

" .

. t o'ge�t hor'

n,'I.t.: tpe,rf ,.; 8.Q.: l\E t r;lrp·P L��d'-; �{b. o u :t.! '�. :. , T�le' phi: ' ·Om.e g at
.. .

twel v-e T e e't -oht o · a �c emen t" 'a: r i v-e �)'

'gb t " 'lJv i'lh 'tfw " TBKe . :. <:': ':. ::

:WfiY. " . HJ. 8, . right ". r e� a:i: � . l e ,g. ,to ok pl ? <;lgcl s, ·Ori .3u:nd a�{; · :: N oV8Jri'b b r Y ? tlE .' .

ancl. buekl :e d".':. ;�. J;,f'l� r: - :Om_eg'a np\;(fJ .Ei' '


tlY3 b l Qw" T]:ie ' q'fJ-.i. ' :JJ' a �; !g 'i' -u'e:
a�);h)::� �,; ..:.w e e .k;: ' r;�� � � � r J�� : · re :' . " 1
' ._ " ,

a b oD. t' df , 't:hG�'fue r'r7n1 9 k.irr:g�,'� 'w'i th · tal E{n f e d

'� ;

al :( �_ , :' . ,::� ' - '
c_ \*,� t ., .: and.,
m e:mb E5 r s':' 1s f ' th'e 'pI Ei tlge d f i= n" s ;
. .. "

· ' t h a' e ··w e r en · t 'eni:)1J,gl1 , ' ;he ' th:e : G x,t

'F rq� ' ,-W& l].e

l-1. S " s uppl,y :l,pg ,
. ,x' a- 'cu r r i cul 8'r( " " , ..

hl;l.d ano the r m ± she"p h e sn6'cik' ae"t'l v f't/i b s' .

th e-,.:, pl9- 8 .:Gc,e +:'f'"..Q r� p,ar,2-.s,. " , �: a1"., " the-:. CliJ:.

;0 :i 's ' hlid '� a ' v e1 :y:: e if J:: d· �i'a o i (t';'t fi· m: b·:
" .

�,n·������ytg:�ne��r:�C·f:b:Jn��;. ;.-:p r.p h .. .

,. "7
TtlG�T ;qh �niGd ._: S�

.' '���$!>lo}�' a .<".l?, � l{-,� n �:� � ,: t o. o l( a· ' ·nD:rik 0l1H'

. . ��'leT ;; �e s t :��rt�lt �-���;}:\���
had . ".' ,

(: :� o·� .::....B r: U�p.f3 1 Jllan;k .� ", :T:AY" Vii o pnd- , b e -:: · · g B.t·- tvge the).'"

l ye
. . -- ' j

• �� -� ;�: ';J::
:�� wQ l l e n ·:-and h ad t o b e lSnC e d C�

:; .. .

.,• . �' , �


;j t '�,.: L

t,fr��sc,i �.�cB' n e f 8: �� J,: .t � � .in

trying out
. .
·· -lHf"'"��';� · : ';:*'k �H{�" (' : " :i

� ��k e E{ , " ' '

.. '� '} .

a , c ouple', mor.e v i s i t .s t o" the d.o ·c .

i , ."
, . ��

- " ' 7' ·' '-�

- . :ra:ih�i' - £ e' e, ,:;. on:� ;s 't.a r t 0e,c f .. Brid�' M�� r E' hal l· sho u l d bo
� . 14- t o am oj
". ... .,... •.:.. .. ' . '

�. :B�l1t;us C omrne·n c G d :',c.. 8;t cJf i.!1g�, d:ol,d s ;;' f 9 F ,: $ h ct ..' e a l " �'l1:�e s� t·l l hg
l> • ....::t_ ---.·t. ' ,. �
• JI: 0' � J... . f ' ';

��,(} 9 �,d·.$�
.. "
e 'Gin s �i7'6(;: g.G t al <i t. 0 f�: �.�et.p,1 � e

:� � }T EJ l' .o�.�g. :ir ri, t:8 ' �r,lt3.p:.-: s .

hit him in
.,'- t I}YI.s .e' ,

mQn i a Tw o ' a t t a c k s' :9 f, ,�p,:neumo'rti'a
• . al1'dvpra c � i, c 'e .Whi l if�"�t·angl 'ing �'�\f i th
two · mQ}lt):).. s·, ' l5ut f in- Brutu s . ..t , l'� ' . ,.,. l .if ;,:
' "


alIY . Y:' e go t _;him . b a1c k " ,: w e· ihope t o · ·�� ""' � "' ·� · ''''· ·'� · '' 1,�·Ja}3f1� .: �-<�.."* J,"7f�:<-...
, ....
. .
· �. �,-"- .�

: :. ., �: <iJ':
/\- "
. . ,

< !··\ cxj.>::;:\·--'�.. . .\·· : . .."...''f. . ., ,

.. ' ' .... �.
Ke.: e·P i h+!l1 , fO I:f . a ,.wh .

�i rtt l'e
l l, e: , t h1 s t 1T4�"
�� �
�, �.. .. , . ', ',' �. .
:;;;,.� ;,.
� .' . '

.:� <04e o:t..4lxi g ;� s · c:8 F t a t n: ' . e the: '; . . . ' :

' .
,,,�. �:. ': . �:c. " '." �
� .,

<- '

.. __ .. .
.. ,. .


. e �, ' � . ·
. � .,
',/. ':,<'(!.: '\� . -�0.;
' .>,c
;· t ime �� th·a t · ;l1:<§ "". i s: ::: h�:f
."'" . < • . .

" � :. . " . .

' 13·11 -5 ,

l y b e c omi ng'� sp6 t r e d: " :

.': c

, h v r ap id
vi e kind a: i ikg th- e �' c16 rg � J " '. (S)r-�'�},
: . -. . <,

NU .. C c on t '. d ) barnyard ., tr ay . f i gh t s p r e domin a t ed "

throughout the e ven ing , and i f . '
Wi l l i e Mo o re , ., J?or .,�,w l 1?p. t. .,,� §c anyone w an t s t o ' �P9yv\, J .r t!;l i'�; o P a.;st y
B i l l D iIvi, nr t i n i:"' 'h:r'e.1 b, .
t't-zrlaj;tlg'"' f4
t�,������i�,!��£�;RR�q f X
w as a suc c e � s ; ; J {{.§;t: ·'a:' Bk J, 6hn;" .;" :::' .

· a '
Xt�ti; t�!}:�Gn: V(�il;. :0.6���;g��,t: �i�ii
h a�i: '�::E>. ;t r,�t;.G;:; 't hem e
ch ·
sual ,: �@'Jt� u,qii
c o, � fUtrt'� P1 .·I;tpri�'ar ed , . ra5;lg fng £: rom
> " ' , " �� . .

"i t c"8;ttendihg' IDE3'd'i c al : ' s 'cn:b'6:J:": a ' 't,J

1t2) t.'trhw16, ;s'tB�'tnJ �11 i V � rk i tty ; In{ft�}'��
tl)'G. : 1,l$. 1J8.:r'!� ti 9�',· Ghi p Vi r:s.y, '&h'Q.,; A; ndre a
� J;::i!
Hkly'� �' J�' roF,��":' �,� j' ',�:

EV8,Il s t on' , 11. 1 i1]:o i s . . __. ' ....; ,�TI:�� ;:�' # Th oy ' c
�. 'i«. "",v.
'.�.'�; "';.... .�
c 6 'l;(pJ. e; , ' 9 r: �i h
,. .... •..:.•. . .....

· 1fr 'i ed t ro'a s pr,e phe s t dl

� ."""' .� ,,' c.<i., .·
. ..... .,, -:.'<.,. l:.;.
..,... _·_ ....-
..... _ ""'... t<'•• . . ..:"'.. ._.-;f .
- - - �

Wi l l i e Mo o re , li'raJ1k 'Cl D o c'6°r� at i on s� '''�v:e i'/e v e ry gb'6 ii ' ';i s W as

F rank P e ck , and All an He the p a r ty a s a who l;e" . , c ye ryone; ; !:J. s
hung the i r p ins thi s e ag e rly awa . I t ing . ne:±t) t e :r1f( Fs: " ',
We c an l t make up ,
c o s tuw Q,., S;1/=lhCrQ; ,1�
whi ch t

Ip:, �:p:�' t 'fue. 1?1 �hB Q ,i gg q,;,, ' d aii c e s ,

d '.

. p as s cd the ,
9 f c l g; §- .r; s � . ·�any . e ,s '11 &V,9 : "'r�, p;i?r,(i::;� � -q
16 h b��\{p��', PI?
t Iic ' b izgg e,s" t" ;:
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engaged t o Marva T e rw i l r l'g' �'r : ;9 )

Game vvTth';" $ t' nfifb rd ", .� • .�

S i gm a Kapp a . s o r o r i ty . ' Wpn.d;J?t�. �"' ''j A c ou p l e of exchhng o s w i th

i f the' n avy h as any c o mrne$'t ?· " :H l n e i gl1b o r ing . s o r o r i t i e s · and num;- .
(,:) r o u s o. a t;( §l lul}cb!3 9�s l1a :vc he l p e d .

�' i>!t��J���ll�;������"T3'��

J ohn R . K i lman i s a t\;e � e

ada i t i oD to Nu ch ap t e r , •

t ran's f G rrGd thi s f al l f r�m, r;i: ".:", :' : l ...

A l pha Ome g a chap t e r at . U· : C' L 'A ' ; � ;f

FLAS-H- - � An undj, s c l o s e d
> · nu.m1:? e r o f T e ke $ m an ag e d t. Q ; r'' < , ( .' ..

· m i gr a t e t o the S t,anfo rd c�m:pv;� '�"

the n i ght b o f o r c the B i g. ,. GF g" ,:'.:�

W e unde r s t and that the y s\i c ;;: , , u , ;

c e s s ful ly bu rn e d / an embl om�t i c '

H U ll in tho l awn in f roht o f" ,.:". " .1
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d i dn ' t ehango c o l o r dur in�. :t:n:r�" t

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l, lJ D rp1D?�c:r; : . · \t. P . . b e held'
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Tho f i r s t m::=\ i n s o c i b.l :Ln the R · • e,}.l�Htf ';'
. c vr�I'I:�\o nl " o f ! the Ho t . Ed
. Thi s
\n" .', i s c o .

Q f " tho s cho o l t e rm w a s tr f e" ;

·· �' diril- Hunt �nE;ji® S an F r a� ,J '
.formal d an c e fo i the nevv ini t i - vt i l 1- r 'D � ' on J hpuary 6·t}:Jl,9 5 1 . It
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' - w i l l J1d a d inn'e,�- d al)c e af f a i r ' and
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v> , · •• ., .,.

R i chard ,. *::i, .Gaus�e (tt, Go o r i� e T . L 0 f tu s , e v G ryonG e xp e c t s' i f to b e a U b ig
Phi l ip'
�E ·o'''' :'fvl Jr .ti �t , and Charl e s t d e al i i , £'. sump t i o u $ �l1 *,nout i s
H..• 'd r ay . Th,i2 � .5ian c o waB h..· e ld a t h op • -(j d
-" . .
for o .. 'J ;; . )/'\j
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the , 5�ly?p t e t 1io),l'- _ i%l' e W i, .
, th· 8., '7l' lve 0 - 1< ran A.L
'D. e c k w as 8G ' C l a±il' k ;C�ilaljl'lman
, '

p i e :C G? 1Y8$110{\ �'.r�V!icl ��l8.igJ.4,;t:Jt9./mu s i c . th t

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�" ·':'J; Gn ] O c, t Q)b..3' ·r 21 �< ' j:;'J;l't pl edg e s k o p'15 \It: h
k w
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a' c t l vc s . '
an�: manY ,b al G s o f
Tho ru s t i c d a c b r a t i o ns
turned the ,-" . >r . ' · h:�O(:1) 08(JO
, .

" do "yn s t s. i r's l. n t o · a tY:r i c al c oun t ry : �'-:

( n e x t c o lllTIrrd \9)

Name : _ ,

, Addre s s'Y;
Ye a.r : -:�:::c.,:
R<?m a+>k s h: ' < >+
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