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abo 1LcI on I stas

ing 1eSeS

CartasdOS 't\b,olicionistas lnqleses

Nabuco.. aquilm'i, '~M9-1:s(iIO CJi'ltBiS, ~~ BlWI~QIO:I1i_~ 11il1l!~~, I 'O~ni~, d}(:; iii NIlb-iiiC(il, - iiII!~lf,,: flliNIj)iA,j.


Joe room

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!P" U)K~l'lI'!!eilW~ .. :2,SJ'

ISBN ,9!5d]1j)11!E!c{II11

t, NAOOIOO.!:.

'2'. ABOIl..I(l'ItJO I. '1ili'tl,!llQ



1S49·'~19'~® ~ CAiiilT A'S!

COU '9.2' IN~~~, ~26,e

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OIRGA'NIZAQ,!O E ,A!PlAE~TA(:lo ~ (lile, ~SE: fIHl~AZ NAlBUCl:Q


~!)!NRA M~~_~G./I;_NA
I1IHlfit - '19S5


CGP'!ff~~lI~ @ bV llilhtxl!(i~ HOI,l!il(l'Il"llhrllf"!r' Ma$~~ Nil g~1 fJ!.l!!i'KI!r!~ ~iUirtrl N.:i!DwCO ,~Ifi1CJB'iOB1l1l R:00d!J~ Ho~~ ...~,!'i'v '0 fbi'li"!~illil~' i d;;J~oriiin.a i~'dl '~lfllJ;5pOmd,anti;3 1!t,Mme: .,b.p(lil,lim 1N::!b'u@ if! iii Bri~ii5.h Alnl:i"s h~1ier"lSociie-tV. !l;lfifi llili(:rO'I:llrn~ l~r!!l ~'ii ~i~ b!il!$[leiir.,. M:!!, hU1!r6Yoo:!l, iill'f'i;i~fi'!i(!~e llIili;!' @I o~i:lI;i"!~i~dri!1l ~ijU~ 'OOnn~F1'1lI!'l5;liIO~, arquioo!ii alii l

Ili. ~!dllrorli

~OO~6~ 6!6jl~~ • Tet.e~ :~6S~"

Ih·ilillh AI'i~~.sIi!ooIf'f' Sccict"l "1'I.oontJilrm.:~' if! dli~pos;i~ ifrlO!iifiI~~ HtmYi Libr,BlJ'V _, :!1iflu~h ParkS! IRm:ad. o.:d~1l"d O~ II ~ lFilG, '= fe!e~ni


fll~'M Q):;!'mdi

li)iirt.lwi 11B;5!H"lflldQi!j, pill,1Ii i!!5'mll looli¢'o ~ Iltrl~lOra IM.!i~j.9jii1lii!R!!• IN:eI:;J;YQ:) .' Ai'!'. OQ!:!I !r~Qot, '11'5·, ,A"ip!II:M~,



IFunda~o JiJa<q)ll!irn NiliI;il!l'(:l[i' • ~1'I~llituil.O ifrlIl'1!'fIl'ormtt'leD • Ed~!~~ lMilj:ilai~m RlIlIiIi [lois, I rl!fi.b,. 15 - ~i:p!iJ!Cll).~

i5i!!\.OOii!! •


PI ~I~;a!ii~

IlI'FIprl~w 100 Hliril!l5ill

in ef,~i!


~'Mdt~ F~' I'~;



,£~;!'iI NerJl f!h ~r:.m~a'


LrIiE An~f{)




f/().' ~.M:.N;;I' 'V~o ~'la




Ilhllt.,,~~od~1 ~P1J; J: 8:. 1)dJ-r.:et !::.t ~ ~ Patt<1tif. Li'~ "l7ilifrT1'f F~ tit;, .. fit:JC(;..'Ft; ~

R ,~~

~:l. ,~l;(" ~uim.r; ,&, ~,


iCa~~j· /'ii'e;j9ne; Vi9.l'i!'B' IWrlil)~ Ce~1ii~~O:: ,~~ ,eCJ\!l~~ NOI'miiIL~~~o iii' Ifhi'I i\sao;

,filj'.fol!i.o ,OJJWir.!3\ Arti1!,,f!IlII~ C~c~ i!,,!i)!iM,., ~rnlJ ,M~m'm'

e EwddfJ; ~~~


'V~,uail: E~fjdlr;)' ,de! A..rte~


7 9 13

Os; ~~OS:
A il('ni~o

do M(um V,e-UlO'

U~ p~~o F,)-ara Abol i~o a!

lA, .s.oci~d'!2 A

Bi'~$1lei~ Con!liFa ,BI 8travildoo

pelo Rii~ de' Mi laQ


Ita ndidaturn


'1'9! :.;;n :27


A ~purac@o

de IN~b!IJOO Ilmpr,ensa

A Derrota IEleillaftlll



Qrt~1 ;ao ··TifiTI~,"


o £)o!;iil'D Mer,oo'idD
A Visi!iil do Papa
Treze .00 Maio Coril:)iderB~, Corr!2S,PQfld{intja, F inais

31 38


Po r ,o~~go das COfMir!Oll'aQ~ da flJ f'idat:~ do Insti tlJl'~OJ~ Naoooo de Pesqu iiS9$ Sociais, !'i I,) Rec~'fe"Peroarntruoou Jose rnema(2 NaooiCO IProooeri!J.J, mil sede d8quer~ UnMJI'lJU'to.mna cOfi(~'E:r,em:::i81 SQ. bfi\~ e te-~ •'f\I,aI)I"If:!',) e {)~ ali:J~1 ielonistes i i"Ig~ii)~" l:ujil) t~.d,O !ransere'IIerJlQ5 81segu i r:

buee, 00 Sal 1J1ret'O'! Ei(eQij'! iv<:!, Dr, Fern<lfl do FIf~Yre e< ao P''t-e' do selL! C.oiJore1no DiretoF, Q ,sod610gO e an'~rop6!ago IDr" Gilrerto

Mn~lS 011'; als nada 'quem agmdeoer ae I nstlnrto m

Joaqu im



F~gyf9<,iEU~OO maritoo n@':oIPrer;lso dGc:Ii'nar. a honrs q UQ' '(a.2!8m a m i m. um adVogad 0, ~ tern foros de escri ou n i$'to:t'iadoI, a hQl'fJra de ocu· pa uma datS tardes d\oo'~inadas sernana dn conoomor.acOes, dfi fund1edo, I i'iIs.~i w'to.


potqlle lIlA pQ!JCQ tempo '~i'i,iIB a boa $Oll"te de" ob'ter' (apia das ca r ras ClliE! Na buco me rev~u a ll)',itiWl fmfj' Foreign Antf.Sl.a.wry SOiJietr out,an!e
, [II

ESiCQlhi como


ti;lma ;·NabuOf}

8- 00

Abolici enistas'"

I'i!I:YiI! ...:;r:i!~:"11.!iiW!1if""!1l_j, ,~;1do"




II1"IB:I! ~i~



II ~


,a C'_,amp~nl!'la abolieien ista, A3 d'a Sooiedade ~I el e' jJi es~i~rn a~,lIii no ~!1!S.~~tlJ!'lQ JO~llJiml NallxNJO d'€: Pesqu lsas SoC'ialiS" qu-e' 'tevEl! 3 borldadEi de roo rfl:\3!ndar cOp las par'~ Clue ,~ lIlii;,!i~~ iQom~Of'ssta IP8I~Ua

A ,Anlj",Slavery
aU); toli'l

S!x:ielV 'f,oi' fuooad'a ern 1\823 par W;lberf'oree.

e ou U'C!$" ~o 'i;empo do mO'!.i'imerHo ,aool L'CiiQnis;~B1'110 B~a;si I. j:a hwial conseg!J~do 5e\!~ f~i'li5, Ff!a5 COolornias, btl ~n ieas.. mas ~r,aJbalhava ~iiil'ld6 ~Ioo ~Ipdos ,e mlJCIJIlrnancs, iiliOom;p8rthandiO' tiliimbem d'€ lc'n~8' 00 ,ac.Qi"Iteci mantes lPoll'l:iiCQ8 no Br~i I. ~~ml i na M~tuco, "A vida de ,.rIoaQU i ~ INabuco,". 11 edi(iioo p~" '~2B'~, a


d'e e$(:!'avida'o Que $!Jbsi$~em ,e!iViiOetlCi~, pa ISes IPrirnit hIlO:;',!'ft.a$ est~1 05, s.eIJS, rELJ rsO 5, ' insneel ~OO mlJ.J i 110 red1J!;ll'id 00 , Pi3r8 'oon.5egu1ir' 'run-

At ~cied~d'e

{linda e'"~ista E! 'trob~lh


,oonUa ~lgunSi POUCClS H)dUl·

ellas oom que manlilA;l~ a sua ta~gri31., V@i1deu Q~ Si;l!J..mar:Cjuiv08 Il.Jniv!lti'"8i· dlade <de O:;cJ'ord. onde h10Je s.e efiloofil'~'~m n:a Boole-ian lLibr~ry. ~ MI que '~ui busear 0, rnicrot i,!me', erHregue 100m mil r,esgua mas. de qU,8' n~o ssna I1"lQprO-ljtJlido seffl CQ~nl~ ffii3ntO. €: pedido 'O!!!l iQlU@l Ims ~fI.S~ sem nO'ticial d~ qualquer 'tlrcabatho em qu e. as ea rtas 'r~m l.rt~ Illad;a>s,

hole a esta f;,'3lla IIJ ilila OOrffllS,pondlElffilcia iflil,l!:i iI'~ ffli;IrI'~~ iflE:d~'~a d!3' Nalbuco. >ex~f'emalmeOre e:.'!l pooitNBI ao princi pal eorrespcr» ,deIHle na SOCr.~de.dB ,5Uofj ,~~o n~ ea fIilpa-nllalabolli~~oni8ii;.a.
A_5$i 1m trago

.J!i.3 certas :liSa,escritas em ing~!2-S e N'aOO{lO' ci;;ilr OS ssus OOFilhe:.cim!3f'1'~OO I ingO ~S'tiiCOO:

,e IlllOO;es;1.O

ao aprg,



f'I~'O 0

que se po~



buiCao. Acho que~ isso :)erial UlIlll 9 11",9III de' 5el'\i'iC'l!! IPrest.a~ ~ ~al da ,g~nf: i~~,., 'e: ~'~a e ~IIFazlo PQlii gjjaU n$o me 'at"i 00 I no dl,al'!~eld£!! a~e peoo ,ae$CuIpas par I"!~b ~er f~er mel hlo:r"'. 'cJ!"'e¥esobre

g;U€:ilfi V{lH~do' am gi':am~tiC'~

d iz ,ela ~ AIr::aj)~ - "i9S0F~ ti3i1n i Fil91~, dQ II,Irn ap reS8firitar so pu blioo", mas encOOruarel .a~(jl!,iii;l



Ii' ~

miil'lM ,contri·

o ~seu .~miiQQ Allain


il'IUO ~S'liI rm,lliito $' 81DOr doeern i~I:o is' ItJ;e ,00artigo que ~ab.uc-o IIne peel ia par.-a pu bliCi'Jr ,corm aq,wl;as


00 &eu


.. tEs.tallTl~ mandando 00'1"03)t:H0" r dll~Allei"!, "com iJI~ 001 d~as. ,i3~ten:tciies; erbais ffl'Ci,{to' Ug~fr~$~subl if'rIhado~ leit~ ,a bem da v eu fon i:!li~ mas preelse 'B~ulFl!llr-~he que '0' seu ijn§I~~'~quoiiI5€.li§'o

oom g,u~fill'~_;Q '0' dEli u rn ijrLiQrils.. 1Di2: 'fa'~:Q ~ ml,l~l:Q me-1htor do C!,ue IOOlitm ,de f!;05: ~betrlos es(:Je¥e~'0.,

,abri I de 1 880

A p~iffii9i


r,a dns S'i,U1SiC~~ ta~ ,~I Sociedsde~ fOi ecritil! tlJabeco j ~ nos d:i a oonhl!CElr ;;II :sua posic:OO


,8 de

qU~fi~O 81

:si~eir~s. qualqusr ouira refCirma pol m~ desap8ireoe."'_

d~('~. Comp8_md~ oom e55i3i gr!3!ndllll i'"E!,rOrim8i soc ial, ~l!Jees-rendteF,al 00, d ireitO$ de Ii be-rd&d8. P F(fi~llioot!d'e. 131Flil [Ilia is C'o'.nsci~ cia. ,~I rata q!J~ Produz llrIar,s,de dois ten;:oo das expOFUIi;Ms, l:ir'3"
No fi'm ~o a 1\0 de

"CQl'oco 0 ~i1'tie~es:5ll' I emafiicipa(:ao .acilfl'ta de qualqusr euda 1'1'0; e Itle 000 IPnlflOO2~a ~lbre comprom isso¢ (\II..!.! f I iac~s, i03rti-

18S0. 1N81b!lJCQp~rte' pam a IIi'1Iglaterrn,. IBIl"I (I; S!!!!!,J ~mi90 if! clref,e. (:I Ba rlfo ere Pglledo. 11lmcuja leg~SQ j~ se"rvifi';;IIcomo ,adlklo.r, du i'"ail'J'l'E! mals de urn aIlO" ; "fferiat espe:.ra~do e5;I-ar com

!nf'el izmeFilt~.Quando chega ;;II Bordw$, ieliT!a rilotli'(la de Cl,ue 'estava no :5U i dB! IFrraflll;t! e I he esereve;


J"IEi"!I~t'I~Q~ l'!lOtijVOSi !lJ;ue me' 'IlFOux~~a m ,~ lEurli)pa~ acr;edrte-me 0 un~mo nem "ill menor 0 d.eSejo de VEHo. A notlcla que'

conl1ieci manto que

aohava iMTI Nirn !iUrp~mjiru'.nm~ i'IrI!JI lto dl~nld_lrnei'il· ~, • , • AJt~ ~ U Ibma Ihora hasi1:eil ~ i ri~1 I,ogc ab 10. mas 0'

me f'OOU8r d~anoo d:a hipbtBSe die, vir ~ lE;urDpatpsf8 fiear {1m N~· ~" Sou Ihoj'e 0. homem de iJfflal i~~~ .aiffld'~ n~ iJm f,afl~tr 00 OLI IJ.iImmJS! mas !..1m:toldadlQ fijmE!' no seu !posto" Em Loll-

da stJa pessoa e de mim mesrao fez-


maw pe 1:iIi ausa do q!lJ€i SChlJ:lH)S; Ilar,anjais c do Mea iterraFieo,"', (Cf" Caf\Oldi1~1 N~bl!,Joo. ~" ] 25-'1 ~61.
11i1!J itD

dres posse


,As r'E!la~~ de tNlabt!(lO OOlin a 8,-IUd; aM ~relgn AfI,ti-8l~ve.ry Sacie.t'j!'" ~' OOFIiIC.yar,am com urns CfiWI!B .a@9S8 ;soci~d@~ fis!1 iCitando-o pe' s.v.a iI:ltitW!de ff!O >CaseI! diQIS 'est!i'.avo"~dla Q)mp;anil ia de Minera~jo de Mnrm V;S~ho_ Coii'l'pt;in hia do MOlf1f'O Vel rno~' ,c:omprou em ~ iBdJ!j· terras ~ 'Compan'ili;;ll
EI~I indyi!;;! a ~il¥f.;l! ·"lbr!3i!Jn·" no ;~ i"IQlfie 1JIQii' ¢iit:I~, dos 'seu~ in'OO~ ou'i:~ Illiii_ qua Ill~ Q~ ,do I! ~r:tQ' IBril~nLiOO i~ 'i1jl1vel', 1PO~'rEI~ I!MImPlIIt,~oo SOciQ5! ~~nr~Mi il§1(i'~~m~

sao Jaaa, dell

AlI;lY lridinirlli] Com3)ail'lY",

maitl, OOi'ilrn~idacomo



I~I~ ~I~[!I

noj~ !al!lis.~

~I '~J.j!~!t~I!I!IIi1

Nova Urna\,

i"IIi~ iP!!'lltlnOll OI,lbrmiIElir.o:i.



/i;fj '~ aplFO)l:irrnar 0 'fi ifI"! dos ~luarb)lf,ze arilM,. ,asdues CompBnhias 0 eontrato de iiliJrelildalliTlento, ~1)5: escravoo. Imd'uzinoo a

.a sua libijrt~o'.
'l/!aio a

alsi to' del)ut!:!oo, tel Y ~ d100iJf!O pel·a seu prooedlilll1ento.


0 caw

pWi b~ioo







iog! esa

de' ser

Ele.roanliils. ~Jbol ieuoifl proPU~~;;Iii!Ji ilJma aao ooni'~ma Compant! ia,. I~nm iflO!i1!~ ~s: escral,l'>O:;:" e.:~J.gindo a! SUBI Ii berd.Eld, e {) ~rrfi~E'I" 1D doo seus S:3iI.arioo. desdl]: 0 dial em (IlLJ!l!l Q cativeiro ~~ i.a illeli"l-€rmina;. 0'00 •.

,A. CompBlllhia dtetJj3llldeu"~ di:2~i"Id'Q rQjij,Je0' c,ofilltl"ato era oonj-· IC\illa,. InuniCa ctiega'i'a ,Ii!O COl"! hec imenro des eSCr,evm e podi:m.. port an-

m. se;r .ah:erado

a WlltBd'€

083 pertes,

r() Ju i, entendeu d~:Ja1 ·fonn9. HO!JIw·rl~roo ii;I 1l1I@ sag:u nd~ gMt~flcial a (;'0 mpWlhil;l1 '('Oi OOrildefl~da ii'I~O s6 a Ilibet~'.!!i~lmICOtll10 !!Ii iPt!9~fi'~ln~ ~ verJ.c:irme-rw'trOS at~dm: ·deocle !il di~ em Que dM~i8il111ler :Sol" do lioortooos peltiJo p~ilIll@irQ OOIl1l'In:llO\,


de ~~irQ,. rI1U1..:.ii3me p~~i'~I~i SO'tiiM' m~mn as, QUES1i.offi de d lrel to,


,A, q,u€SlOO eooef'l'a urn prob_ii1


,i!J.J if rdioo

d~ .a&l.i Pill I~o a fa-pe1a iMr~iJ que ~j(eroeljJ

.a 'favO',f de vel"

urn t"ereei re, lIlio pedern mais, \tal~ar to'nt~,81l'O '~mhal m:dli£j~,8d',O l~pil~~m!!lTite· !l1ue !O



06Qig,'O av~I,. QU~ p~rte5 'faiil:ern iIlImB e)ti pu I~~'Q ~

,;mllr<6s. a i'1I~O SElfi' Q,'U1ili bet'liElntr,o era fi\~~


No dli rehn .amigo Iniifo se~ ~ ,en;l1 .assi F1ft Teiflh.(!! .a ~mr:llressaQ. IPot ;comei"'!iilifi'~o de JoiYo Lu it , ~ue rna, era, e QIJJ!tE! .e estl plJJ l'a!;.ilJ'O poeUa ser Jevogaida !) !!l80 ser q;ue constasse dll rl!;gi~l1rQ ~w Dlioo ..

oc.asii[o 'f,oi 0 que ¥eio 8! te' in qra1r li!i[i! !Il~ legi$~8cic,CiMil ~tlJa] !Ill >0 ~pi~6d le ~NilJ.J P;U;l3'f'QrI'I@nt~r :!II cam;paruha ~'bo~iciofilis~"


em 'OOdo0 easo, 10 ,dire! to Pfi'iO~l.am3dopelos tri!bu11!Tl8lis na

111 f'.&!b-uoo 9!fi'ad~e: i Sodedade- peh1s 'fel~cilta~

I 0',JlQ BI carta.. 'que ~e-m da!ia de 8, de abri I de 1 880, ila (lom qUill: e~ilSE ref€re ~ Ingl,et~ra;'

r~ebidas; em No~emoo,8 gerirlJi le-

""0 'f,alto de uma graruje' cn!ll!pa-nht'ia i !'i!91esa ter-se p mnadlo durnll'l'tEI villllti} anos a ser 00 lnstru mente pri nll::,ioo~ dal esCfa,i!,!idUlO iii egal de OE!ot'e!l'!as de bomens CY,ja u berdace havi!9 side soleneme:nt~ !pIPQ ~tid:a_ p~r ~1TIl _contralto pulblico. em part,i3' a'lgiJma poo,e~13 5U~1 tail" itaii"! ta Ifildl!!liii"l~O (lJuanlto na IIfflg,1awr'ra, E: per isso Que a Sio Joia, dEl' Rev Mi niil'l..'Q e reus: ru1mp,1 lees n unea '~iver',amn am.e-fSt!riocs, i'ir'!a~~,,eof'ilG:~M~ e irr-ee;OJi'i::il'il!i.wi's: d;o Que os representantes d~ Sua Mejesta-rlB' 8rit~Jiie91 no Brasil . estav® peJ-(ei tameii"l'te eien'~' I~ oea~~ de: ~1i,Je- ~l~~1 p.~s.tando um ~r¥i'YO 1m1lo ~ I'iI~O ilfl9r,e:Ki!qu~nto, 005, est:ravm go. MQfro' Voellho", d;e:mJlncialndo, a €5pol d'a II~berdade h umsna, lPefootraoa ~Qr !l.JmIii limpmtatliki' ,~p~ de: minera~~ 00' oom


d81 .A!11Il~ic--a do Su IIseb e ~i9f'f!O d.a ooncJerr,81 ingr€5a

d9'fOOr,iild'a.. Cornp:artilho (om 0 maier ijfliWcsi~o o 10IJoor qu B' e $a:nm@f mco: ao d~Q)!lO Mag'i:s.trado, eelo nome pe~ UiQllFllC8 para !'!l\9i"1iCi onar, '0' J uiz F~oo~doo AtI;guSl(!! ~var'es da Si Iva;" ~UE!' por sua sen'~i'i!ca ~'~irmQ!lJ d i mho des rnegroo da eatta Br'9ncal 0 .a sua I ib8~d'aiJe IS! ao reu sal ~ n10 [pOii'UI~ '~'l)ri'Iila~estlJU seg;tno~ QIIH~ ffI~ sar:4 .a~u~ dmafli!;e, Iorr'Sl iZiin.eMe ~ m~itQ lam.errtWel e >0 C-2i~ !i1ave'fi~ sar ilnves;ligado que ~os 380 escr,a'

•'Tin'ha eu, em ¥is~, apenas, ctu~lIiTl8Jr ,8 ia'il:eIlil9iodo pa is lPi~!I'a ~u!!tlll;l !il5cand'alo500 COOIlyi!)) e Ihe d~r @ m~ior IXllblicid.Elde IPOSis rIVe'!. De fa/to .a Jus:tic:@ de--pois: desse ps&SO rm![o pod la se 'fa~er


a,piilli'~m - a.-gora pam IFeCmr Irm'~o~ ,JJu~tj~ P~'bHca"·", da

'qUI!!: IBm '1MS, (l0'!lreg,u i r,am a iU$~o lflUio. IJm, di'r,ilito perfeit.o.,~ $\l~1liilb-erdoofJi ~os: meIl'iOFeS, quaado ,altingi~Ffil 2'1 ;§IF!l@$. os 00 has depo~, ~, 14 ,~nil):s.dl!;!l s:aNi~ pl'est8aos), se r'IIlE!r1I'(6 '123
IJOS ~ '$l.J,J@S ~ifit:i'm

d!;i: 8i1'torria



••A filBntenOiili

a Corte de Ap4!lha~

da Corte de A'pe-lac!o, dE Owo Prete -r'Oi i3nuiada do Rio, pi'(lit'et\ilf,~1fl1ij'IJ,:jI oo'nttf:n~ ,iiI' reipei-

'ID dos ~1~Fi'OS: atrassdcs Ii;: do dimito, d'~ al'fmria pOor f'o~ .cd(ii CO['il'tll'iiirOO de 11 '5\ ~ A ilii'!OOi:' t~nei~ do oo6r.d'" Q,'iJ~ o.rd~'t(il!;! ~

~>eVi~BO dB 5eJltef1~ mi neira e.>ta prli1rlCipaimeliilte em que pela ~fli.~FiI~ d~ Ouro PfiS'l'Q 05 n!llgfOS lQf,lllffl cQMid'er{ldlos I iriiflles pelal arf'oiN'ia Qlu!i! a MOFf"O Ve:lho ~hes deu em '11 tO, e nao iPelo M oorillmW, de ]845, 00 PDSSO q,ue 0 Supremo Tri bum~ Cj~fI' e dli,~ seu di r~ilO ,a Ilibef1000e vern de:sde .a ~tal do OOf!'(lfato elf!'lre ,9 Cil!Ui; E!ljiij flea' e a Comoornliil ia Me'fino 'Vel 11 !'i!~e' ultimo; ano, 0 £ lal1il~m IimJito im,parmnte que ,nBi Sup rsrna CorlJ;; se te-nh~1 P~'Op(kS,t" mcr ..'-iW um i i'1I(;1~~iii'~Q Q'filiCr~1 OOi'1l'lYa os rep,~~ntan!,'eS, d.i!l M@r~o Vel no [POr ~erem Je:duz id-o 'gente I lIVre. de. caja I,;/jer"'


d;Jo, d'os; Mi ni'Slt'OS; da St!;pti~

e!)r~p< ";::i I.ra.!_:'t-Ai ;~;:'~otPo ~,"t.., ..... ,-"" Tr;iIbU!'i!~1 0[0 o~,denoula ~n~tt! :a!(80 ae preeesse CfIIIFI'li1 mliil· 1 . p.{Iesmente porqu![j loon iC8m~t,fj' nio' ei'1l~lraf,f;lm de mesmo ~ ee Q ,CFim~ de red~z i r p!!SSo-as, '~I etcr1fr,lrdao", ,quando 'ea:as, 'e,snii'o j~ e qlJmtk~ ~rn 0, dir.,e~tQ mafiS elaro e iru::antiOO'IMII que 6 0 I ib!t\rdadn,. Eooa'~' u m 1'tJnda FiiXifiito ~!U ~~i1I'1~FtI'le t~¢ni,· ee e IFi~(ii sign iifL{j;il qllJiE! O:~ MJlni ~'U''O$ qYE! VOMl'am C'Cir'i!trn ,al~m,'U!IJJ~BO do p~o~ IPat'la1 t<l;ln'ilarrll di~rgid'.Q'5, ,~Si oo!egas .. Gjl;f-i;l ~mis!i ilF@m IPor 191\&,qi,.!iiilnrt(! & eX~$t~iii!cia de UIlinl ooniu,io, par,a Man'tel na escrwraao i1!omens 'QIJ.:!!I~ ,de\!\eriam ter sido l'ilOOnooos h~ vint8 e dbffS anos !!In,aS",

esr~~ .aQ' p:ar.;, ~ eoc~idao.. metriculando-os eemo ~. '1·El72'_ IE_ '~oi'0 vote, comQ Q Seii"li"l(iiF ~f',~ no aoof~

L .... "


Ern ;(:i!!Tl.a de 1'6 d,t:~ lhe dl!2~1882. NiillJuCO ·til1ilicirita'AH~n ;e,,al SQ~ ju CiGdooa' OOifr~r:.a~ Eso~id'fo pellal ae!filtenc~ 'ti'rmal lPi'O'r'EWid~ CO!iiilf13! a

Comp~'hia, do, M:ono V:~lho'6 :[i 'l,avor

,am etCf8V1OO..

;fIsUi Pf~ocuPIlld:O

tcdcs es ~us S81~rios: ~til',asadQ;S ,iii! ''iBmite ,i:1)1 j'Mj)~~:O de M r, ,5J,'h..;! r9;e.. ~i derwte, d':a So!tr~d:ade) de qu<e':5e deveri ell dar C.\Il~,iild\or!lIi ~ P retm. [E~e:5e d iiSpOe 81 faller laoo' ,Bts, desp~S8S, de t"l~mm!!lS ij' d:e' corr1l!lio 00 d~ a,JIs;'ias, ,ariA: 0' mbi i1'iIQ da: 10 iii1bri)$. NIiJQlue"le 'teM~ •. If-.-.m . _a__ 'd' 'QlUe 11110J~, ", h..-- d-- veze5, . JiI"!.iUOf. cClIr !'IiI r!; ~ 'T," e~ "qu>a M('I·a erii!l ~ _ ~a _e2:- ez '. -- -- .'.-.. -'-._ r,e5p 0 I'i life IIIdlo, dligamoo., !!Ii Cr$ 1.!500J~n. Niao e rnu ito'. mas 1iIs. \i\fll~ rom paUloo sa di3ofendal1fll gra Fides ~1!!I~Si e $ ooFtl~Lme-m ,gr.aifl~ ~e$l)lltooo$. I -

[Em 22 de ju Iho die 1:882. AIIB'1l 'B5i:ll'eW ,8 Noabwloo dhr~ndo {:jU~ (:QI1'b !))I,mf;ll ff1!lsedes~ d~ Cji,J.e, 00 e~~~ de ua Brari!l::-9 'ta1vez POII' ] 0 00 20 l1r~ms ,t!5$iln~1IfI !Y1!fI:ti QIJJ'taoOO geral di: i


ao 'trab~lho

rEm 2u de jUl[ho die ~ ,883 AlnQn ~.rad~ .~ Il\hatHuco 'ter~S!I!ld~d((! de' trans.rn rti r w GQi.I'E!~FilOb~i!e-jrJOi pallavras; d'ca SiXie.d3-'



E j:s1 Que ,esl!§lmO$ f~lan~Q d.e' fiJ't·¥bO'~~, e>liri1;3 de j unOO de 1884esereve a lNab!i.iloo disendo q!iJ€ a So!;:'iooaoo mla qUBSS f{il~d':a. SQ' the r&s:tafido 100 libraSi e pe-rgulf'l tal sa ;algl,iiIFlfl abeil icioi'i!ist:a rJO !til lo nao de$ejB!ri~'efll'!!iar-~heuma oO"'l.1'i tl i~ao. b

() 'f.oJtriai r~mo dessa carta 'fa:: rlescOrlfiar que tB!ve~ 0 i I'lIki'adm da i~rB' tenha sldo 0 proprio. Nabu CQ"

. r" r ~O A, _M!I " iFtAy~.' CIH I NIE:SA

N-2i earta de B d€l albri ~ life· 1880. NBOOoo. a~m dQ ~r:adBa1:F f,~1iei'tooOe1; ql,J~ r-ece-b~ pelf;ll $iJ;!JI ;!)ti'h.!dSl eM 'I3vOi' ®$ oe~i'~ as

cr .,

Morro Vel'nO. ag'JliJece '0 ii:lpo.iQ iju>e' a ,anti--;e$Cr,av.~i~'ta ~he dlava! com re1a;;:ao imparlC!o!f.B.o de coo! i~, dla Chif'l~ que o G'O'!teFnlQ Sin i mbu pr~tei'ild ia fiil;i8'1 ' lpara ,aliviar 0 probl~ iza d'a fa-1m de b~os lias prl!)V rrllcia~ ,do $.'\111 do pais e ~lJe I\hatMJ co '~ffi"lWm iComJb~tia:



." Actio. como es Senh(jilmS~ ~!"Ul: QIJa!lqIJCF coorH,arl.O de trabal ho oelebHldo C:Qnfi ;;Il i~ rr;i~idaf'lile-nte d~ne-r:<a~ia f'lIlJ,Jma s'i

pa roll Q:J, 00111tratados. quahluer que' sela 0 lpa ~s Qnde' S!9 di~iJ8rn., Oponha-1'fI£ a id4:ia dc' 5!1Jst~itBr' artificielmente ss gJandes propriedade5 !l9F redias WIOOli ~ljilndt} palo as<iartit:o 0 deeadente apolo arhicano. 0 plano rBll'HretaotO p.t.!1f!eCf!
para l'eff e~on liir~do um obstkiJ 10 i noo p8~ I.. nf;ll FGCIlJ8a do Im,pQ~io ICele~[ial. palo :ileu gO¥emo. de oeieoj,!3:r qualquer trartado que j}ll!l~mta qtro a emigr~oo elm ~IS. ,wditos 8m; traasforrne ern nei ~io"

~a'l)ee if5Cr~id~o



~;!JI FIllIaSiFnlil earta ~rila >811111 1800r Nabuoo anurteia que vai apre-5lEH'wl'arurn p roj:etO de le~es~abele;cE!ndo, ;;!I d~l'ta I iifn i I;e de '1Q. de j~n!li F'O' de: ~,a9!jJl ~8ra a eornpleta ,l3l!Joli~'o d)t! !8WravidiJo 00 Impetio.;


•",sei que tao

If'lfii/J ii~'o grafuirls.. _ ., Urn jpr'a.;!;() p~-f1i):"i!dc" como ~ d.e. 10. de j,aneir,o dEli 1,8M. dei.~ 'tempo aos; fazen'CIe'irns, paral IPll"Bparar iii gnlilde evo!Il!~o., e a;o mesmo tempo despert91 ooS OOIr,B!jfOOs cos SSCffi,. vm uma esperal!i1Qa i1nl8Stimllvillt. dB urn P-rei;;Q i rnfJifllito. ~1Je llhes 'kilrf'lar,91 !II viid'@ cada V8! WiS!"lI!l)S ,aildw, a eaea passo ,de. til!'lT\PO

~:argo iPnill!:Q

~, IJ


Unleo meio d~ superai!' as,di'fliclJlldladles QiJe ail\lda ~-o

ma 'Ilr>aii1isig€inci~,. limlS:~'~ri~_

qua os _J1o,:<i'me da ,wa ~iberdade,

'!"ESSI!I proja1D 1i'lI~ 00: Wii1l1,-ra f.e:i ~le a~o.,rnii!~ ~re:t.e.rrtado Elm tod~ as &e~ iNulilili:'ii pOI' mim IOU pOI' a~9um doo. meus ami!;l;OS. Numa 'ctimarn ConservaCliora per algum abol OC:1Q,n[;s.1a de~nacad(\i~,!iOfTfIQ (Ii St. G u5.rnao lobo, (j ira ' ,ai,liiiflEiril'l'ai'ld!o cada '!,fez em '!,!10m ,aile qlJle afifial Iri'Wlrtlr~, Co~no a diita n'ab s~a allt€r,adlll, ceda ooiamell'llQ 'lomara 0, perlrOdO de U.-afis.ic.~omais cuete. INS; ntic ,serol!! nossa culpa, A froru:e~ra per . da pr6xiill"Jflt! ,aleced'a I'iIBO :sarB !iitr~a no B~asi I" ~!'()', 100m urn ,00 hOmlliml escli"B'ilO\.


m'.an~f&Sto elliloolfiltl!'~r~ (e.rMIIl1e.nitl!t. ,8 sim ' a 00 IIm,p!ll'a"dor. que fi~O lPoo..e serl80 estar si'f'lc-e.ramente tt_joso de. deixar €Ii 5tH;! filha um pais liyre. d'a ,escr~i·

··'A <QS:P.EIm'an~' que' ,aqlJi

di[Q, POi$
qua '0

Ctar AI'exendHt. III da R(lssi.a fez em :seis~ I'll'!)!)iir.a IJ.!IM ml'Imao, mas, por.a 'Qlj,aJtenta millhoes des seus S(!'dj't,os, contra ri5COS 'mrrlv.ais e i"E!!5;istl!nc.ias sociais ~nigua'lM it $.E!!fr1 dlspor, de talo. de- maior 'f,or~ do q LJ9i 1:em I) InO$$(!! I m'pe.rr~diJlr. "1iarerntOS', a~m d~500. do i't~lonal e, prim::ipalrnr;ll1'te.


anos de rei'naao perr'al1'8:~i!H~I!J i 10

oravoo" .;;:gUll!! POl' :sefIJt~f1iIent_o5 humarili'IArioSi es,'ta'o se mrnando, cada va m;ais. 0:5, !i1l~Jho.msob:rei'roo Oatemafldp~ •.

a clIrnJliIicidad'e

lado a getlero.s;idlildil

do car,a'lel' do.~ 5ei'ilh!i)re:s, de es-

A !fli feita I!lelo Vi5cOnde dio, ~ io Br~noo fila !KIal admini'sU"a;;:!o ni§io f:oi oe..-mrn!llnOO' IJm~ trafil~lo, entre duas so.ber.aiilia-s, indepetidlmtes~ 0. Es;~ado; e a 'e5ersvidlao .. N1l'Q 'foi iJm 'COOtr,i3lto do tlf ,f1fis" nam liJli'fI tr,t!I~:do, ,dlij 8Ii:!'i1'~I. Fed, come qual"qlJl!!l!f QI"iI U'o" iJlffl ato legishniv'O .a 9'lr W bme'~ido ill prov,a dimij~P-Erii!inei aJ e.. peia SUB p.r6p'liia iIlIiililUni!~a. ,apoeJ'ill33um pl'ieoo ,so. cia so.luC'lO de.' 'inhi·· va E loa ahaloUi 0 ,~di'f ~'~io 'Uadf:cional.

as: ,stI'iiS, 1l!,J dac6w n

se.culares 19, ~ora

movimef.'ilt'O 'roi

iii! q!JedB tiM'n qu'{j' viii'_ NO' !J Itimo ,Gowrllilo 0 'frg:il~\o. IPOT a~g . m 'tempo. mas: (II Cia bil'iTl8.te eaiu

e ,8 em8ndp~o oonrtiOU9i de pe, Que fJlelMior :sinlii~ do esp(rito IPub'! iell) do. qoo a Iib8f81 idadiJI p:articula r m' gr-.and'.€IS, plKl,uenoo ~ Iprop~ieftario~ ,dei )l:~do e-m I~~ '~~-s.t~~n (00 ~ Iliberd~'i;!' ,~()i~, seus ,esoravos '8' d~tf!tb!Jindo, terras efHre >Bles? ("0091 dial U Iii! no:'!ffl n~ s@ lnsereve no, 11'111"0 ouse, ruj8S 1P8gif}8~ Indo IbraBj'· de; lei re '~m OFgi,lilihO de ler. Uue me:llhor sirna'i tom b!!!'T! do qjue :a pOOr~'D ,855l1midla pelos pri ncilPsi5 jmnais, do p:als. todes 'r\a1,;iOo i'aveis: a ;Q1lfI13nc i~iJo,; comn 00J ClmFiil do ComM~tO, CiJja dE!1ie~ :sa ec 'rjl.l~(f(! di;1! i"EI~~e' h om-a >0 itO~ Ij{i(tI~ll~mou •e_ 3 Ga(~etal de 1\:hjd,'=I~IS. sempr'e' aoorta 81 qIlJ!~IQ!Jef"reforma :i'Dt~(!I!? T oat! :II! g@'n~lfooldad'€ do p~is: I>!]val!'ltarla. cesde mu ito tempo" 81 la'VOl' de uma abol i~o pro~r~i\t,a_ Em ~\JI~d~,uflr ,ji~li".Ii10S corni~ h elos ~{j blic'll5 00 113$ 9a~eri\iUno Pari amenl'Oy cada- palavra sobre a abo Ii~iJo desperta ap~auSIJs e' urns verdoo;eiral PDPu !arudtad~ S€ liga ~ mern>b~ial dag uel~ Que fiornm @:S, p ~uroor~s da id'i.!lifJ e <iI c-ada estildiSti;! q,!Je PIf!OCUrr.a 'co!'ilstruir .a grandez:a do IpallS: sobre urn 0010 Igvf"{i_ f'iin:al rnIllll1m po demos; oon~:alr <corn urn tard io mas pode(oro eonu ngente ql.l~f1do tOO~ '~Ciuale1i QliJe ~cendem des esc~8WOS. oollTlpreen!liE!m ;0 de'VIB[' q!Je a her'an-ca Ih 00 impBe OOi',~ com a eausa ~l,ie 'de'['I;Irnd'emos:,


"'0 f8ilO cootkiulCl" mas, o diire-i t;I~Ui, di~ ffila~ P{I'i. 0 Seni!l~ dQr INalblJJco. r't}'reriil!'lll:ID-r,e benf~f!ja lei de 28, de :ge'tei'll'ibr~de 1,8,71. Flois blWll. urn 'falo que nao r<!:!PO!J5ili!roWe 0 d i reito 'es~ ooll'idenado ,;3 ~ereci!r" NiJo t~FIil vida pr,6p.ria, pernne, c' ~U8nto


rnais eedo d~are¢a.


•• A, So6edade: I i'1Ig:l~a e ES:ilFafl~!dFa centra a Escra"llidao assls:it€' cadal dia, ~ propag~ao dcos ~U$ es'f'o~os. Esse 0< If@SU It~dodlo traballho de fi iwl8lrr1ll1lnro :so!:ial e moral q,!Je eS't& sendo real izado MS: &)!iifsa (:1'IIili'Z;;:lOO~E~ ~hJr~Gfi mai8 de IIJi1fiO V~ ;00: di ii'igi ram para 0 Bra5i I e 000' iogr~ra!!f! e:':'ito, Po-iS bern, e dil~ In[o- esc~ ffi"ll!,i ~t\O h;lirnge, quando no mapa gGOgr'i~ri'ioo cia e5~r8i.t'i"' daD, '0 Bra5i~ e O!JIx!~dill!ii!$ das m;l,i:s I inws e r\1ril;li's. POii'Qaes de

I"'O~ d~e' urn p;;)i:!)i d~[iin3do' a SI;I torna • por f'on;:.a lao~SOFlilj;l{l1W: do W3 bali'llo Ilivre, urns easa tiloelf!ooada IE! 10 Qf'i9l! I he dos seus 'fi IhQ$ ~~aJ!Urais eu adm~v<os,'', CjOM~.

,a ~ftir

globo. nio, ser.iJo rna is: rna nehas negras no 001Gi araer lcano, Mar Qlu~le dlia 0 sell! ll'abalh I) ~Ita ra qU;;)[iEI '~ermin@diij_. mas SOfl'li;lilHe oomecar~ a vida
di!lQuel~ die, numa data que

cha mei die "hejira"


Ooo!'"!'ie-frlE! lembrar'. eem r.aIi3!;M 8J trase aeim.a.. o!flde Naoooo

difimons:~ii'8 ,a, sua gralidlio

po~ ~lJeI~

{~!j,J;i;l iji1fi

itasrlammnto davallill

IIi'b~d'e am ~lf'\!!~os. ql!Jie !ii!a IIrngl.aterr.a., ondo! e~i$tiy a ,~f'\Ird@O ,da Ig(le~~.a abo~icli) 00 'fez' ,ar1i~S des reOJI~o$.. reliT! uma 6n'ica lel 'que 8i dec:reta~.

doo8'. IIibertanda ·os saus serv<ii~. IE fo i ;assiliil !l:i,lI)i3'. d-a' hornem e.rn hom~rn., dEl P-~ !',;,Ili11l ~-asso.:!Ii ~ n.gla~:eFr,t! 'i/E!~ot!i S€ tQ~nar 0' pa i's m~i$ livre ,e do IfIUndo., (I !tLue mO$'~ra CjYi!1l' n6s tambltim OOdelilliCi5: :mllfl~ IlUI Ii" 100m Ulrn r,;o ... -..,. ... 'e'nO- 9i;:fn •~Y"" rli1'i1urr:I)8g muttn_ iI'Imnd ....., .,.;m Los,.- '_ e'-i! ~~r ie !.!!;;FJlj -'~,""" _ "II - r;;;><. _ it! _ ..,... e klUc~dade social" ~I

:se daveu a I~rej~: q Uiil' eram 05: oorrfess.ores: q;ue' !!la ho~,al cia morle .ac:grnseU!i3\i'~ma:cs ~eu~ ~nite-ntli3~ ;8 fal2cli"' !IJ rn 'Q:estD 'fina~de gem:~m5:i~




His;t'6rfal d~ liFilglaterrra. ,d iz: Ci~

" I iberd~d'e

no tJfabalho d.a S!x:[ed~e Ilng~~ ~ E$:tran9~i F!& ooo-[ra, ~ lest~,avidfo,.~buog! 'iunrlo!JI, lamlErn no Brasil. em ..,de ~ t<Bmbro de ,S80~ dia dJa lIlossa IIFild~Fild{!itlcia PQI ~lli:cat~ 31 anos !!lOS de idad'e, a SQ.cJedadQ BI'8Bileirn contrs ,til E',



i llloog!JI ral e de 1ns.. 1 ~ foi [,eal iz~al na Sti>a pr6pria vii vi a com &au P,ai, no, F la FI'lijngo" no ~uin'ai da etual FI'ua Colffit!-a Dutra, que naquele temp 0 tinll1al i) nO'lile' mais; pOi!i'lijoo'e Iboni~ to de Rua l8!e~a, Prill'l~; d~ (II qUf:: d igo CCKm~'O!lO respeito ao 'l1i'~!J18'F do Inome qu 8! hOje '~:ellfi.


A ~i)



cPed'.aoe. a~M~~ j:l0f ,Adolifo de BarrQS ,como ViCO-Plr!'1!lS~dente, Jlose AIif1~r~cQ doo :San'tos. 0011110 :Seoret~Fi(l e Aji'iJdI~Fh;l~w~~ iComQ T~ou~ Ii':-eu~o.

Nabuto 'roi elei ee IPiF~Si~i''fI-e1, I mprim lu-ss tpapt:11 de carta eern o timbre da, nOVE! S!x~edad'er ,e em 'f! FilS: le' d~U"I'bl"o, dEli 1:S00. ana; em· d ~!i:ii"ca ~F:a' ~ IIr1Ig,aiti;lrm ilfIlIInid'o ·de uma carta dE apre5efite¢io, da So-

i?reside",!lt,e ella $Qci~dl@l, ~a ,oo~Mri~ i tl;gl~.





,o~8iI1Ci~ls, para rep~!"Ilta-la j I!!i!l!ro


1!J'~e!i davam

a JoaQuiim

Ma,buco quanciJo ai.l!~nt9i ~' !~m.r:,.~al semprn ju nto a eaes, par,BI

r (I '~:filiOO'lh 0' diP ·8ocf.edooe. FiA300Ucas, EI~r~ velhe em "'}'de abrill de' 1883", !Oontailildo FilO'I.IilS ili!t~~dades !e,dli,~etlooIhe:: que 11180 d8il'llel'Fi ,e$'I'nO~

V,aH:arllCrD aa A:~o em 188·1. Neweo et(j,e,w ~ AUe-n eml S,de jlJ.!!mOO dii,zendoooe ch~ra h!lllia um miis" mas que 415S{jUl~ cornpromlsSDs e deve(,es eram '~a~tM Que lFi~:Otiif!~\a tido urn mOfi'i"!e'Fii'to para I tli! g~ral ~ COflll!loCi!Ii uma oonversa~ que naD ha/ilia nOO8i diil~ IllOVO :a dlzero e (iepoi:$ il»:;::sa a (iOfl:j)§!lf c<)m(ii fo~ ~liijf'O~Fiilen~e' r~ebido ~~O$ seus ,Bmigm. mas Que "·~Sta ~m QOv~3 ~Ogre:se jl\~~~ que t~ fl@
OOf:ii"e\i\8r e


no 1P(,8z:er- tin:h~ 'lido. em oonhece-In. 0 i:z. oomo. ,que

leu ropa nao propor(:,iO!iiOO aQ p~1 ido 8SCffi\i\agj:stB Urn 100m MOO nto a el(pl,o~ai' d iante do seu ijle'i'~ol1lldo"'.


eleioa~ rea Iil;tad'~s~ ilndt:ll naqu:e~' .aoo.

Anull'lc~~ Qrlfi1l val s~ ~p~nfla~



e 'iiOZ conF€lj1rhl: 'que

a C~mer,BI



Gi nO'lt.M

pslo A io

I mpe.ri o,

IE! ,qlUE!'

mUlitM 'tr,abal n:ar!o ecr ,e-l'a

de Jan[Jiiro.

C~p~tal do

de Janei
iWJ!!,J uto

o 1"~~li3do

rru..!li~oimpOlital"! te
0 meu hllgar'

.. @!_ntFl9'lanlQ. p!lreoe-lihfl! rnuito duvi doso. pots 10 1Ftill) ~r;al 3f'!l'i~, ,05 I~a:rti CO$ e 3 'J,;Iit'6~i~ . .




C1me ra, tefe~ tioo mna ·!:arr;ejr.l~ p(J;..


iI'Heal FfiIJi1ltii ei,ljM~: rrt'i~S; F,}refiii) a ,estr,tlyi\tlaQ"'. Acr,ll5Qi1:nt3i 'que el eiito, ~lfio~lr.ara p~r LilJi.!ldre5:~, tamo qtJlBllrto

1~ii"1i.I!~ ~0fi9a~ ao@i tal"!~(\i

se '[wer ,de dei); er a vida puder,


po bluca per'

nab· ser

!If!~me!1!to abol que

ria ~iiil91~tEN'jr;a,il'.l)(i I i'af!do


No d la 23 de. wllJ.!!'bro de' 1S6] escre¥e' ao A!llen (Uzendo QlJe ~

,:;;ua'vi tibrLa.


i8I"i3it<or~1sarrA tra/ij'~d:a no. di:il! 31 e

e Q,U:3se

irnp.ofiSl~~ a

·~'iQl candidato que prol!lwe'llfI'i'I!3n~ me .aerr'CFl'ar'~1 um 'faZ€Hlde'i~ l!'IO'~, ~~~ >elm Sf\)) P~ullo,. lEy fIilI;I' ~p~~seF!l~:O 1P~1Q RiQ., IFQil ium~ '~entath!'a m!..!li~ooosa.d'a !e~ el'e l'iJ!'il~U (i.(iintfa a ~r~\;i:da'o il\al ~i,·

eal)ii~1 do caM., Se for derrotedo C.Of'li'ilO niierw~e par.:.a lom:llr~ par 811!l)bm~a!f'i!M" j~ . ''1Wii;! ~!,ia~ ~a IPOderei f1il~€r 'forBI do iPa~!"J'Oiei'lri;O'r 1~C{jto edua ciil r >0 pfNO iljtll"B~ df: lpardletoo, Ifli er,ocritO'S, e ilSSO P!)$W 'f'~:eF mel hoI" dEl' lol'lldn;s ee que ~~c;j!U i'", d8idsl que, d iz,sm ser eonto 001', i~ii ~ r~1

far d!Mroitadb SO'f~IJ'Bi iii P roocrU~Q IE Q 8.magol'lli5i.FflOo SQoC ial, CliIJ.o9 YOll'Oee QS'traciwo re¥et3ra. enln; os aoo,1 0 it~on~s:~ases e elei tOlreS. OOm 81 me5ffit! !reSvg!l't8l;ao e. pacrenci',a com qu£ 08 ~ Or.1VOSl1lfll1lSnlilll11l a .,. iill oN'IIff'ld, i~i'!:'0' iJllt.V''1<' ~"I;;, . _l.!.Jill' 1""" S vl1ue ...... l:"'r"'-cn!li1 N n.-:Jol- ""-.-:pi-' . _ .1:1- _ _ f!'laiS, de ~ m !'Ii ilh~b dieno!'fileJOS nao 'tt@m dlreim a tsr 1U1lfI8 t:8ml~ ~i:jjj prott:-gida P@il-aIi!t.i QUI bi;lf'l8 'P~ rtic!JI181i"$,. ~ ~() ~r ,a grande r.i$lOo,. rbelif!l a "-',er 0 seu tfllWb:;dho ~o u m dia sequer ~!lJITilnt!!li a vJda. rei IIJm:3i cO'Jlljena;;::i3o 1IlI'I!llI ite ,su~ aquillia qlJ.lls ~ oof1dene' .a dei~ar ,~I vf.dal poH'~ital Eli d~r 0 JlfI@Y luga no P'a!rlamE!Oto aos dOllos: d'.D5:eseraves ,e 8iCiS d!e!eg:ados d8i escr,Sli/id;d"'.
o;;.t,!J. ~ ,~!;.I'

dOll, da 'YO'l~O'.

··".&mdsli",ej80 Sennm os d\OC!Jlfl"K:nrl'OO, da Gamp.anha e os r~lJha· I?rl~ilendo dizer fil!Orneu lflIr~i<i!lVlo diiscu[SQ eue



'fJf;l'Z IIl'O

i'i,1!9louCfi termi na ~ carta fellj,Qil'ar'llcOO .AJlllellil pe.l 0' grand'e tlJ'8balho Iii,gito {l pede: d'.esc!J,!llp~s !Pal" Ell-l:'lel'll~Q QWI!9 ii7!tii'lgi j;',iijl a sua

Nabu CO oort'!'ta!I,!'CI. !ifli!:i: flez espella r. Erll1i '; 0. dB ,is l1~irod!l 'l 002. ~C!: liNn lLollidrilllit, I~~@ j~ d'G 3.2 OifOO!.ili3f1@f G~rd~" ae SElI!.:i i!:'!IfiI"!igo Allelfl. a (:i.i!Jem teiiT!prre '~ra~ de' ··S@iiIlhQr'" (Mr,,). eom a (eri mO.,

:a viajetn

A de'l'jr(l!t~ elei'~oral

i'Oi ii'tevi'~~el como

I'IBO 51::1

~ Europa itsmbem

ni81 da ~poca~ dlzende:

fr€!s di;a; d'epoil. 'ern 5 d~'janeiro de lS62. Ni.!DttOO, manoa um biltiletil a Mr. ,AUen, l8Jmmml'lldo I'lIB:o t,~r cht'gEIdo ;I t_e-;mplij de: p,f$$l~u" ~.s- $I,I~S; UIti~s- I'IOifi"le-f1a9er!~ ao "pobf"E' M~'" Cooper"'" um dm oo!abQracores de Sooiedadi).
.. EJe'



vi'da !iloore. e lstc


!if!ie~liIo:r que sa: pede 'fa;-


Q noS$'O ,~_mimE:nrta' lFIileSi1Jrn. G ~Ibelto F'reY\F€\, ha pooco, ~;uafldo' lI',eferi Ill! ~ vii!fca de Joaqu im, Nr;lIOIWOO, I!.I!~ !) mesmo i;Ildje,tivU! •'f'lobre';. ~ '0' que N.abooo, l~mbern !lJIl5;l8liltf! d!E;user ,quando S~ rer:er~3 a;oo, 'grond!9:'J •aool i;()nQr1IiS!las.00 imI 9' veremO$ _fi!ova~eFtl'te OOlani!t€., e quero regl5,lrlilll" 00 pr,a\il::e~,que, ::J,lInto 00(. rnO}l1l' aqUIl. par e'he, d'e ,ouvirl" ~I $1J8 @bn:J1 qL,m'lii'fi',E~ ,dia IrIilEItm~1 'ronrna.

8! csmp::llnh


,;3 ItUJ,ai

$Ur'g:e IIJrn3 ,o~i';!))

8 contra :II!

i i11II)O~tr;lnt>e' de

dar FE!Percl.!!s.sA'o ag:osto de' 1,882

ide la de ulitimo, memento], NablJloo :avJ~ :EI Allern qil!!-e' 0 II ti'tu t de [)rQit internsrn,ional i8i tel Il'tun'ilr ~~ 1M ri m 1'1;0 M d i~ 1'~ de se'te-mbro e Clue ali!! .acth~a Qil.Je!! devia se' I[~o perltJlibe' esse Ins.ti1Ut,Ci' urn memo;rmiJum IPed in :a (lOMen~O gOo pUlnJliea dSIi!!lSCra'· d~'o ~I\o li'i$tit\i!~o! ~FiIl niijifiYi9 do. d i Mi1:Q i il'r1'1:eIl"'i'1Iar;lOil'i~'L

Em PC;$t 1I¥!'lptum

'llma Ci9iFta ~rlla


tpooflria er'il'!,i'iar'-Ine oil! pelli9~fi. e' 'g,ost!3-' SQoiedade contra a Escr8Vidi3'.o do Iiiilio de J_anii;:jro, C'eritam-ellil'te algi!.<!!1iI !!f'IIl~r1en~e ilngl~ iP9iroom~ all) IIf'ilsti~iJW EI' pooeria S@l: oeupar do, esse, Po:sro l!he iiIl{!nda~ I!!I m memol:.aM.Um oobre os; porl1:QS ern Que d~ rnepolJsiiH'" a peti:~" . ., "'.;J'"""i~ II ""'!i!_ P'~"" , 0-...1· ._ gocumS;rhO PUY'ii'!.i[:! ~li""~r n,......"i'....a..Ji. ao AO !'IiI1i,,~I', .... d'e mooa, "'I!;;I""""!III;;\, _ ,a, dar-Ute' 'tempo sliJI"tidiilnre' dE en'l,l'ia-Io .a fU1~imlafll~ QUE!' '0 1m. 1i'~!JtO $~ ft6na S'e.~oCgUi9 PlJrffiilarnBlIlib3 d'ellillro gOO HIIfIS: do, ~ns.ti'llnCi' e>l:8mi na r e ,asrunlln :sob e pOrll~:Ode vi~:a' ;,nll!lrl'illsdQ'
~i81 db". ,:3~ina-Ba'

'·Se 'for' ifjire;ci'!So,·". d~2:.

par parte cia





'I,I! _



fila I 'e< d§ri 'ci'!.!'iilliz~~·',

Em 28, d~ ag;GS1to.' d~ ~,El8l.. Nah!Joo e5Cr'e¥ei it! M,t', S;~YI~e-. 1i1~1 ,;jIlIfIrmcia de .Aller1l. lame.rrt!i!!ndo, 'Clue Sir ilf'.lWe~s T~i$S, 1'ilI~)OIIPud~ :5JIJfSIc;ilar' ,t:II QIJ~t$o oorlit'.fiih3' 8l Sccie.d;ad.e de IOirei to h'liIJe!"Ncional. e di:!!::::
• 'E!l,J GSti!W'fl p,rtpa randa um pa:p.e'l :sobf'!e a ~oFa'1iidiQ 'etn fa£€: do, IDi~eit(l IlotefiU(iiomll. mas OCLfI!KlI Q Senhor n~o pede !Ooil'l~_fii· enti]fIOOfliOO oor,!Jo.3i~ 0- aii5u nte d~i'iiitEi' 0\0 IlflS'tP.t~·ro.. ~'rJilelhO~ :adijj..·lo para ili !!lewfii!i:a'o do ~mQ (lWI!D. \,I',S.rrI\. NBS5e fnter~iIli!. ;mp,1 r,~ j,e-] e ~aC!lel (!Iue estQU IBECI'W!3iOOO Q!J~ndo 'ror:21 Londl~; pnrque n~;o t'In~O iivtO$ aq;ui"'.

do {jl'irl 11" Weslon RoadL


Ei;sal carta

e esc~Ha alB B~jg'htQI'iI.. onde



~n1l~ hosp~~

f'o.!es-se{jflO da- ] ,88'2 inS'o COiM~~ LU Ill)'Ilsr !ilidi8Jnt~ill! sua id~i~, eoncretlaou rna ane :se9!JiFil 00. -IN~bt!.oo e Ailieri! ,oompa!ftecer,am ,~ rouniiio ,iI! como Ire~ntanfl:eS da Soc~ed'ade Il!)glesa oonll~:a Escravidj[o ,e- Na00 iOO teve ~sHr;o dil1l dQ(Elnd;-i;li" a SUa! prQPoua conde-n~nd'o .a 'i15'Cr.avidEi'o,e de ~-Ila aprll)v.ada lPelo p len~ riio. A in iCili1!'nj\,l'a",oi memori!vel e;. anos dspols, Allen ~r~ia al Na buee:

a ceu sa C1rveo Senhor t;l'o ,r;! FdQF'O~ ililGlThl ~d:vo9fOiJ··,

'Lernbro- me 5el'f!pre da vi si ta que fi,ze-:mo~ j unl(O$, ,al Miilio paral obtsr di3l 'Conr'@rl~nd8 a deela die que. 0 UB j'{lO' dEl' es.or:raWDS dgveria ser a~~lh~o ~ pi~i;;ii'ia Ei fi:l1i (A!!Jal, OOIi'i"lO lJabeis.:. UI!i'i"! rrernbro de nosse Di re~\lJria, Si r Alexander. apoi au habi Imente


reitm d'll Bj'iSi ~ n:li fronteira (Om ~ {li1U ian;;ll IIng'I~, Ie r'E!~idi!l'!OO e--ll~O na A'l,ilfirllLm Fri~~an~ 31 Natluco esc~I3'.::Ie rmovo Secretar110 da So' cieda-d\e centra a ,E5(ili'alJida'o: '·Co m.o '~fillball"taii1i.dft\a ~i~a:o t~ cordial e:O!m! a ,AI'! tl,SH~ry Socletv qj!JiZlOOQ,oombC!,~j a '9::r81!.!'idsD I'liO Eh13isi~e tiflle :Hi lirianr,81 dEl ra:prli;i~i'Ha·l,a ~!,JIj"'I'~fj .com 0 (g1!J!!;!:ri do Mr, ,.AJII!9ii'l1 ftO Co~~o de Mi lao de! 1003. e:soou ,ao SE:1ll! teN~~O.lP@ra ,qUiGll'quer colsa em que iPO~ :ser 61i I ilia Sl!;i~ H1@br~iii! 9 rand'e C-ailJ$l;i. lasoou (;O(!rl~lilrede ver que Mr. AI~en t~ til $orre de '~er como :suces00(' um dOG rnembros d'a fam ilia p6tii"rcra abolh::ton;soo d1o;s,
e "



OO'hBfl(80'se em

!Paris. '~f;lJl:Ja.1hando na d~fesi1ll dos di-

j)rE nnemOf.3vel"·"

BUl'l:liOillS QUle her:dIQUIe es~irit(!i 0 ~fIlibilllnt{l'

que torncu f·omm


no:rne para sern--

3,1 de rn.:!Irou de! ] :s.84'" ele e~reve ao Allen Idi~noo:

• 'E$l)ej"'i:)

o iBSIm(:o oD!J..r





,€! €:rIiI


QilJe Ii) ,SenhQr ~.tei~ l)a&Sand@ bernl depois (las; SU!~S!LiL,Ii'"' Jeria:s, VOUItirarr agora as minilla-s. pels desde que vim d'e Mi"

~I ~ni~ fQi ,d.;i Intjlll'lliliiGi0 ti;)! ~ ~lioo !3 • UO lii'lSti'il!.!t. f,o; IPr~rdl:i1 !POii' 'i[i"<Ml~' r-",,~, ~ii'!ll ~~, 19.i Jundijda IIjITl 18'13;; t.6rido i!i r~I1ij':iQ .' 100J., qua !3dO'~u urn::! ft$Ot~ OOi'!'UF~,a. 1If.l!,t'* de ~r~, PFI)]i(W [Pill(! ~mi) Sir 'iI'll'.sw~ TwiSs.

110 a minha sa&de 'tern deixado multo ~ 6_jfU' e i6 pei'di 1,01, qu'i[los: sem C-Qrilhecer a causa' dal minrnal ext -ern.a detlil[f~!9 fiI~~

IMiI;Ii all Il',af. :5fll: aq-yi~o de que es.tou $off\enlii:). 6 a~ei'1l~, tij~o. de. '~f'8ool no (OIi'iTtb.ii"l~d!i) (:!l)m 'lSal.lldi,ades, de 'C~ ~ ~ha de) sol da mli JrlU 'terra"

"'C:SF}ei'N;), il' Wna ~Q~ viag aii mal eu 'e@mb iei"ii~. iP~1


rrr't,im-~ eem ,al mu--

99 de

•'P,eJl!llil partir pa~,el0. Brasil no die '11, e 'I lea,. 111'1 ns ~alro, me.S u sss, mas; , uem :sabe., IEJl'lIqjUBfIlti]) ;'m~, tenh.o, '0 II!!Jazer d'e Ih~'(:! j,ZIBf' r I

~is tone ~ resperc 'q.ue as !1l!inl1if!~ 'r'ri~, ~m $~ eMPI~ga. ,des.em ,agitar ,Ill'Questlo aind~ ; - .s; do (iJ,U 'cia j~1tie lFitit 0 mOo
IrrnMlO (>'arrete-me

'QUO 0 ,movim~ ntOi



e:s;ti _


,cads] dia



p~Ja IUmB



"~el >a'gUllfitil




19 dLo


,d'assemewno :{Ino de 18St1,. NiiI'buoooJe~

r. A1len:

&quli eml Pemambu::oo luntand'Q P:Of um hJ9I1i' 1110 PariarMl1il11o. A ,EJiJeit;3o~rt1 flO' dial " 0.. de.' ._~i;'mtilll"o ,e pe'Itc~1 dlr,;j!1 til 0, S 'lJi'ior .i~ pod rd sa-c-:r. ~~i'l!~O ~ra a! Leg;a¢rc <lit> Br.asi I. se fi!lJi e ei tlO' o.~ ido,. 0 Se~IllIQr :Sane q -, temo:&,qo -8 u ma


d1iSCUfSOSO .am lugare.s

~bol~tiOrTIis'tEl, lllE!l q

p1I!Irle, $rial !.lima \Mb~;a] be.m lliOOlii~klu $Ell (nll.lii'i'farmos,:'. ni3mcutO.. ··i.!!iilca as1]. ~ dJo. orupa(iJo eilil min-hiiii vida". No di~ 22 df3i revereiro, ,e 19$5 [Nabuoo '~lieVe iii


(hiijl1J'talidO tom mais;


me d~] grande :a,plll0.


8! elei¢jo


'01· ui 81 :g que. es

n:xb 0 11m-



··I:,nvi,ei.,j'~ u ns lomai! com nm tclas ,da m! iiltJar~~ e aqLli no R!:o'. Ente-ndo gue lui etei eo pela elda e. a: [P@rnambuco ma$ os Co~adOrt=i Junto com os Ub~rai~ e.:seravocrali~as.. E!l$t~iO prO¢II~1indQ. Ei)(puls;a"·m da Ca__

' lugar ill um movlmen tC 'fo le con 0 Parial'l'l befrri slIQ!di(lQS. Co· rrn(',l OOLi 'lOdo .0 IIl!EY ,apoi 0' aQ, G~ibil!'ieiteJ Oamas., ,ser~ UliT!3 deF'rota par,~ ele e eu Ir.I para a eeusa aoo~ic;ol1l-i$ta :a milntta OOPIUra(ll

i$5Q d'a _-;- 58 forem la,

Qa:o. Os; t1I.s; ~r~rios, oe$ta'o, 'ra~endo tudo para any laii' a . I '.. ~, ~ •• . r.Ar,' rfunha! eu~!.";.i!J,, q,U€' e a pnme~r,aldla :5!J!.a es~le 1110, ;D,' l~ra~lt ~" rO~ di:J.'p!Jlada ,e, IlTIodO i Il1Iglesl;i eu 8Fnl:lfllcana. '!m'II IFi2l1lii(!les polbl ie~~ '12m V~ de ~·Ao [pato s~s't8ma COrrol~hJ ,da iinti mida.ciI_Q QU d\o oompm d~ \,i\O'l:Q.$,., C!lil,!lE!i ~ al 'ifoi'iQa d~ ~~ida'o. A ,o~j'niID'"QpCd1b'1. j ca e~~a ~OO ~Jal'ta:da,. A U ilaliili.-nl{dail1.e' diG ~flt~mento FillU .abdJ iJ .

CiiO'J1i~taIn~, granGes cidadEs do Brasil

rap~da FlIl!1JI1Iil': ,131llI'l\ais p-BCnical

vi!.! oem

iiiam3!i1!H1!a e~rla".

f8lIDenoo eml8TK:ilPa;Eo q:LJ~ 0 m!Ulfldo I~ima~

if 'esUlI1l10E,

e: 'total

E_I'G17 d~ IfI1UIiio d~ ~,885. N~bI.lCQ

d~1 a





a cidooe de Reo i-Je..'foi rleSpre.z:ado mil Ciima:ra pm urna col i'§tICabo de C-on5iNV~do:~ iij liiberais, 'esc~,i1I~' voc~artrs~con'!ra as t'Q~~, ~nid~ do!; liwa[~, ReplU~llic$oos, e Coli~ildores abo'l icionis,tt!~., A C'§:trlarn a55im .aCo'lheu 1'lIE:55a cadaira ilJiIfiI IhOfflieiHIl que a m,pio ria do eI1a-itQr:ad\o.. rna eleic~ mj per~ej-~~lliIetllite leo ftima. repudiou. Mmdo- lhe irloje urn ed ito~i.a~ do "Pai:s," Qi'1Ide a minhaJ ~dll,JdQ do lPililrla:roonll'Q iIli ~ra_rooii'ftij a p;ojj~f-a "Wr p~o ,. A 10 N~"_ 19Ia~r" i'1IQ\,!\a '~hl:icHQ no ,(fia '1 itl'e j~lI1ho .. em urn clIO:;;d is[ri'l'OS, da lPiPovincia. Os car'l!d idatos I i1berais: dflsis;l)1 ram :Ill rM!JJI Javor, dill! modo 'q!JIe tiilflho d'.€:
mo 0 ~lnhiDr niij'V'O dhanGe

; 'DflOOis. de

caP! ~I d'e f';errnmbu-co,

llIllflll IIO~



dirrei:t>o ikI'e illep~nttai"

ori hcada. No rRecife ill !iilO~ v'cia p rOOi!,jZT IJ um gr--aooe ~que..,


de e-rn'lra~


tratar, dessa

nO lP'i~UI'I~JIi'li\enoo.e'mb!):~ IPeQlJeN, POl' d€i !:lim ,a istrito ag rlcala"

Os; sete vol'OO, Ii bernlis. q~e iilCr,,e:KlPllm ,am doo COOseIl¥OOOre$., 11f1~ ~,litjeilitBrnm -r'Q~{iimde homcl'ls rnt!'lIt·(l' d'.€p0nd!!lTms, do pa~rC:lI:iiFiio' da ~~,avidio, OW!!i:!1o~!Oome[;'(ilian~e$ de'car~"0 In!i)VO M i-nisterio" 1i 'veio!!lo p.od!::~' d'i:sc(mfi!l)]ldo lifa;o6s. <B: nOs:. ,aooliCIo, r! lstas.. dBI~, ,g; &FIilbora 0< Minl;s.t·~'jlo t:en'ha a proFMfI.fia dfJ' a;poio dos; OOiUefitadores; e dO$ liber,a'i$ esoravoorata$. L~ ,aj).~n't,o!U IjJ III proje'~ de lel q,u.e' ,~: C111J.!1:a:se me~o que levou ~ !!ierrot'a i) 0 $r.. [Ja-ntas...Q qua- Ilflostra ~I 'km;:a do movllf1iWjntQ CQfrllr.a ~ @:S~

'.'0 6abilfl!9'ite ,a'dh~1 !i:i,LJ9: 00 Si;j!!,!l PfO,r~to I)m,~1 'fj'rfIl a IQSCravi dill p~la oompra de eooravO$ em $E!~ ou oi~o, ano~ N6s iCombatem(lit} Q

da irlidafl 12~o..

1lIl:a!S: ~baremoo..




2,3' ~ "'~e-r~s n~ffl8iS;..


es P FOpri!!);) escravos ,e 'lodos

qlJe esponta!f!eamerwte IIi b!!l'ftararn 'as S€IJIS~a p8Jar impootoo petill! i iberm~)[lI de (;Scr,ovoo alheio~
0'5, Sie!ffJnC!!['ES

iiT'I~is, inju$'1:@

~~e:se:J~ ollriglilr e r~!);

"Sa 'rQII a'ieilto no dlia 7 'l'eleglr~f'arei ~ ILeg~o do Brasil!. de' mCF do quE 0 Senhor jil poodera saber. qU8fido reoobi!:r GSiI_~ea Fla. ~11J1:I1 '(\Oi 0 rnau des~i no.

"~Q,e5ejo mill! i to ver-!I'lle' ootrr~ WZ' em Lonciire~ mas tan~'Q IPiil~O do • 'I?~(s", 'OOimQ palo IPro~ irtJi;lilfm dQS candrd3w~, I iberals que desisti[-a11ii des; ,GeuI~ Ilugares 'em IIfIw beoofrci 0. 0
~nho:r y~
OQfOO ,~ dii'(jci

p8ra IlIl i I1il

d'ellxa.r ~Qra

rnsu pa rS"""


d~", nab dSVEl[fn ri\,~ftlC.a ser '~IJ~ido~ e eu agora maior Jl"eSpeiroo Si'o,. IEirm ilr~OiColJ!ti nno e JO'aij!J im Fr~ru::isCQ dl!!l 1Mr:lIIO C:avalC8n~j_ Do. p~iilllle~m conhB;:o um neto ~dli~ O_(h ~sid~!1te ,Ino' ~ ~o,~ oom q~@.m iifl~ ,~i~iliei ~1~Ulrna$.VQ~es. Do ~Ufll"" do, ao ,que :xii! ba, 000 'tefilnO (I pra~er de oor'l!'ieoer a d~scef'l!di!!I1(i~a~




COm 0

IF!]!Ii,zllri!!mt,e a >8ll11:iil;lo eerrsu bern e, no dla 22 O'I!;!: j Ul'il'io, Naltil!J·' 00 ~e; escll'e\l'E!r'~ Allen ,e; iSi'1Iviaf1ld'o-l rna ~ooortes.dos.jti rnals sob Fe a SlJIa (llefc.8o 'iI'. i9 ,StJlbr,~ :iii 1f'~P~ que '~e~ !El11fil P,'9-:FInam'bLllOO:'
'.l\:Il!Ji'1IC'~ ,!ie' vi~ uilT!3 oo,i~ .!F!ssi antes.. ,= diz ele fI~ csrta ['IiI M8iis, de dnque-,nta mm ~ lolliitilmm parte na IFOO~O e 'fo i u m Icriaoo 'ger;al. todal ~ cicooa ,e;nfu~'t3dal de, bar'l- eiracse Ilu zes ~ noi I.e.. L5$OlfIo5tra a ~Jn,F(:a,que 0 I'IlIQvlm~to abO'I icioolis.t!31 adq,uli'n2'_ ~ IJlma ressurrel ~o nociol'1l8l1 OUl, tma~hQii' :aimoo. IJIrn l'lIascimentl) inaciOi'il~1",

les ,est~tUl'~'Q.S Ihle rern.e'te:


Em 6 de agooilio dB 1885 INaDIIJ{lO i!1:SCre'i.l'€ .:3 AI hJ;l1'lldnzendo @a; h'8\l'ua 'lmmado na Call1'@r~ lim !lJIil"lpO IP~rI@me'nt~r .atJoli'doni5,t91 w,

o 'i3oIVE!Ji'i!O va i iOOi"l$E!9U .a a;fJi~iO'ii~O rr


fim desta legi.slat!Jffi a I U iI:a CQriitll'1iIi a ,escr,evidao reF,~ dura'. do. :sEIl!I pr(:!~e-tor ~ 'dQis antigoo

tan'tes do POO~i' pol itioo do QSeraNidgD" dab apoio 80 G8bin~t{l; Sar8~va., com rece.~Q de le:gi5l1~ao m~i$ av;;J;i'lo(i~d;ae \I<ita'ram a f.avor ee s.aUl
pr'Qi9ll'O ~gra e<Vitar a i!lP~Else-l'lltac:!ID de aiglJ.J mE! med ida r,~i mente J'f'.ilili6,

IPrincip8!1men re per cones de escr:a\ilOS, e rep






de ~lI1II.!Br


iPElIfIBdo. A C5i~!l~ ~~~~


24 cal E! InQf'ies~a, N~ ~!i!lImoo na/~ur~lm'ij1i'l'te 'r~~fldo Opo~i!fJo~ 'YIe~ nhesa lev ,artf~:) da ,qt!all ;tl esc~Fd.oo 'SQ lPerpl}.tlJJlall"~1 rllt! d Ivida naclonal,

i1Irru~lmar a ii~fJ(J.i",

!ilu m I"!1erc-ado di8' esclfav95: :xandQ ;0 d03 @lSO~

flil ~!1l!iir.a. tlIue ,ela ti!lhal se trl!lilS1QI'11lilad!O do M'arIF'oc;os" - Vao aprwar uma itBbEl,ilI~ ft· com m~I'iIOs dla' \l'int~ ai'il!OO (lie idade, ern .£ 90. dQ~de 30 ~ ,40. em ,~ 80, .dJo.5, de 40 a 50., em :£ 00. d'rni, de 50 Ol 515.!I]m ,f ,q.Q Ii!! dins de 55, ,9 80, em :f 2(1 E:senilVOB com 00. 0'11 el 6\2 ~il'I(iiS ~~g, Ii baeJ'Uild!O:S, ima:~, ~~n~$ nomi i'lI:;IIllfMnn.-Ei'. PO~$ :ein-dal tm'ao que til',ab2ilhar tr.~ ,af!OS, pllira es ~t-.ilS: dono;. es dE 6j ,8nos. diois: @rlIOi:: II os de 64, u m arm. flcsndo d'fi~~ lo9itJi ~fr\!fi;iS $6 OS;~, 65. as Pre(O$ adma :sAo ;i;l~nd\ihoSOis 'E!i 0 >e~RII::~'af(!!,~:I~~O~ piilnqlJje Q pr'ojetQ- ,;:l1teral

"Dlsse eu eu ~ro dlP.a.

a a~ualllqllJe penrnite a UIFIil ~r,8VO l'i~tB"{'S€' ,adlqu,i ri\do e yalor doo'idlido, POii"'Ilrb i'iiiafiif!en'to ..



II,Ui"!1 l)ewllio

ilIQ'I,I@ Illi <lil ~~!ia¥fio' ,a: ~bQI idal e II) ~i"~i/) t'eJi (j]ue pag3r !'IIl)el'dade (1 'total idade do P'r\e9Q'fix:[KIo ,pam 05, rlellllar~ d'a sua idade.. 00 m at~i}[ ,\s, sues cQ.nd'i*s. 00ss01J~




lorna €lSSllS p~s ~ndlal 0&:00 que:' ellas n;:pre--' d!l)b~o EI. em ilnUii'ta! IDli"i)-vincia:S). tire!;; r;,re~~ Im9 iSi de qllB' o:s PreQoo corret! tes, De rootto quo' (I; 'G!o-wnmo ,aUlmenta '~iI'f1ItO Q iPl1~ dos iBSClI'800S ~oo 'Ilimrnm.a iPtF(fIJ;nc ia f;.'Iodet~ 'tazE!r. die ,ag,or,a em dliall'ltQ. ,0 qU8' 'fi'2:i!IfiSIllfi' (I; C8ar1il !B ,0, ,AlifVtzooas:.. FlffiYIF{]I-o;n18 a s@ Iib!!rta. rem :i:W~O'i.!'eitaooo a oQMedf;ll ~o' !)~-eCO dos ~F~VOO, •• A il'Iiij'!,i':,ijei l'EfjJQfa l Of;ida dono de ~1ra"i.t'Q 8i e:spe~alF a lilJa' Vf£:. par,tIl CliIlB' OS,setJs ,sejarn adilJuii'1idoSi 1~lo Estl1l~O al U!lYi p~~ Q~ ,~Ievooo' -d'Q (lillie IPOOeri:;lm 'oon'

•'MaB 10 qllm


~~ iir no ITIE:TCado··,

·'0 GOItle~!Il!ll (O!1Segt.! i!J ~sim mef:os de r~n imar 0 ifr!e~'o '(lOCr8'i.i'O'" dEli ~tiluir '~I 'I,i'{Illh-i1Ivkll.a as H:am.fl~ oobm' es.crnvoo.. garnn~' -.-:i.... ...,-1'> p i- 4",.Juo. -I' - ... ,.... '" ~'l-,[;! . ~ l'Iliiri 1.1. i'nt......""1 v'" ~IOu.... ... ..,r ....._r . _elU!!>!~ d·,e_tE!"" '<!I ""JU .~,..,., d""":........ !lit!- __ ..... '!illY'!!.!' r"""i0-ni"'I''''i2' _ !!!II"" ,doo 'CjUiEI fifo M'FfiI~r~os:. ~O~ ~tm¥11FOS1I da 'geHte pobre, das: pes, sCJla:S, j;a libe~taram os seus IPIfb:PF~O$e"~ravoS. IPor !ll'~~rmo e mais; Ci!!liB

'!AiI __ ~_



dos Ii beg'lOS '91dos propri'os ~oo..

1f):3 Is.,



&~M. ~e!la VO!jr, do IUpnili! da !Il~!J.

.'I!. no, S41llJloolfl,iu nl4!'. uma


tMtmlt iva ,da iE:Scr,wicHao.

$EI' $9I\ro

de; i!;i,Fft


toodenadsl t@~t ~ eusta

ae (Jamor. pela

""A o119~lrql,!lil3 pol Ir~~c-,aue 9~iJ1'j.8 q

aoo~r~~io. 'OOn~iiJ iy 111Ta!iJ:

p.a ls

mfo, pod ia il',ElSi8tir


IPm' mlfll IPmJeto

que 8i I iqu ida r1:i1S melhores corw~iCOes jX!i.S~i\rei!i para! q!Jem tern i nten~~~' n!2llli1_ Oflpois dill! ter au rnantade 0 preco des eIDl'a\i'oo.. i n·~rOO!JIz f,. ,i',!1fn r1IOo OOIJl oog!lJ!'}~a como q!JIe dois 'iatores d,E!aoolic;!io,; plfifrl!~i ~,o,21 de~recia~ de it;;lrl 1:0 POl' ~no, c'OFI1I~ndo (lom :2~ e' '~r!iT!nanoo ,em i 12~, oombi'narla de -('{Irma ,iii de-lx.a~ 0 e:;cmO ao i'i m d!B 13 :a III00 SiJm vaiQJ' IS porttarH:o ~i!o!"re", ern seglflrildo I ugar, 00 imp.ostQ 00 icional de e, ~ sobre toda a uilbu'~13t;SQ nacienal ~.i9Mcl'ull~d~, ~eFl!as ii!$ le~por~a-, uma ,das pa rtos, 0 G~ii''''O .c(j;I·i~g i'~i~ ec$e.rQ'!.;'Q$tIJ..9:m m~i'IlO$ de' 60 ~fiO~ de idlaQe", Ii'bert.andlj;-O$ imediEFU!mmte; com ou .. ba~ 0 !Gill¥eilfl0' pa:Q:!IJra os j'UIFWi ,de ~ sobrn as a,p61iQEli a .se.rem emit para I ilbe' iar cs escravO$ ql,.~~li'abal ham r'I~ ,a,gl('llc!, cu.ios dor nos (;O!1(:OfUeml 100m a lndan izacBb da 1'n!1'1ai:I@ dQ, sau valoli" '~belado rna is einco anos de apr\1;! dizado, e se obtigu:ern a. dJa em diianl'8. s6 n u'til' tr'abal no Ifn.rre n~ 'SliJas,'~a:2:eIllOOS;; OOI!!fl @ '~qrca~~ ~e f\E!S~ff!'te o GO\'WfilQ dayj urn 'S!l,j bs rei io .a COIOi1izooJo des e5.'~l3ibe!lliK::ifl1li!tl'ill08 ~r rool~ ag;or,a cu Itivadoo par er.crallJo&'

'coe:r; par',a po~~p~r'es

tes i'iiluals_ Com


dos, escraVQs.l,


ser dividtda

em u,~ pi!! j'\o

"Sern f8'2@nd'eiJOfi


es:quemi3' que ~r~ impor

,duvid8! urn eSCIU€:1'iIl8 fcui I il abstJ rdo eM de auxlill lar 0'.5, -lilbElrta F es s.eU$ $$Cii":~0$ com urn IT! ill1imo ,de pnl!LLJ(ZD.

grrandes :r.acrmcios:

8Q~ (ioi'iltriJOOif'rl'te$,.,

sem ass!llgumr .gutl!il qUl2r vaniJagem r~i!l1 ~ ii"ldY;~~laagr"{lo'a do IPBI{S.. Mas Q~ 1~el'l~eir"'O$, 0< aoeitam cOmo al mell1m eolsa qUill! IPOOliam, ~~ tFar. contando, pelo 5'e!J novo contra1:o <:OFlil 0< ES:1ado~ pod~~ os escmvos IPor Iff\ais; 13 aJilO8" EI ,afi:ra~~ do tl"aba~ho deles •. se 1Pa9alr~m d;;ii I I b~I~O Iq~e deram, 10 Projero 00 lrata dos, G:SGFarVos,. P rcprierreme d ltos, Os irlQl1jnuos OLJ I~lbenos.,gue ~Q tam~m 1e$C~,aF VO~,t POlS do .oiJ.rigf;:ldos: 'l OONitl' aes donas. de SJ!.ia ffn~ af~ complete;f\ef!"II 21 anos de id'(l~e. (e por ta me 'taO es~avoo quanto 00 v®r,dOOl1li· 1F05. pols nirilg,uem IPCHfe ser '~r,BVQ no Brr~.5~1 er m~~$ da' 21 ~FiOt p gF!iIf"iIIS ~ DelL!ls i!!I n"""<::' .... n~o···;"]; il'uDfffn . i'I"";' - """;'~if'o ....Offiit't-l'·.i·" ,- ~,rii·'·_ -,:. qu~ "~'i" _ _ """,,,,""" _ .... 10"".. ,...,1...... I~~'"""_. ,,,,";l'l!['!me ~e..... :" 1 " dQs,e ~ rmarge-m (~OS bet!,eifTcios d,e5:~a!lei de aboli~ celeMiillil1. 'Ela i im~e· a fiYI!U ~t~1 ] 00 I i bras a '~ooo~ de Que a,iudlarem 0$ es,cnvQS a fugi ~ - lI!rri'a lIf!ed ida rrilju~ti'fitC~cra, pOles, 00 escrsves ~!lJe fOQiilim mu ltas W'Z'gS Q razern pa~Q'FGG~iO d'e mQrrllilr' deboi)(O de ~oi le' e-I!'iienl'lUiM h Oli'!'\eim d~ Hio.,"Ita pode dlei)(ar de ajlJ!d'~~ 0 lpobre de$gmcad'o if! de(:U:ar.t! que nelllhuim escravo -rillgid,opod!) OOIl' Ii beilac!o,. 0 r;j lJEHJMeil' ,dimii" ~ue' antes. d~ al,eancar ~ ~a I~befd~e el,etern que prirneir'o, v,ol.. ta~ ae aQoi te: O'!J p3!'a ~uilo Que IP~ ele represe ntBI a II1ilQ:rttL

to que

"'Joj ,0 isse'

11\[0, fL-e1l11 nenhum

su'ficiente paral ~lIJsti·rica1' a nOSM opo:)i~Q eo p roj~ ou II!ro flto :5€lnao 0 dfi' iludir 0 iTlllJ m:Jo e c

00 j':) ij ~ui!;l Ei lilltliii'l:(iI i>OpUlI::iiF ~ntr~ es p~Q~ri.e1i~ri'os< de- efK;~iii!ol'()$ ,e seui) cmdores.. moo que $E:'ra ru rnOOO p~Fa 00 ~ails e paml 05 p O~reii chamados ~ ~~~r dliil 1:aI~ncia 'l:Q~1 a 'iiiSCrwld2o M mu'i1:o tempo Qiflei'OOrJl e

IPOoS'l:QS, ~uando 0 ory;ilmlltnt·o ia 1)Gm llIllTI ~ftllnd'@: deficit q!lJe eeda GoO'!,!iemo del xa ao seu wc:eS:OO~'. e qi!Ji!!Ifldoil n~ l!'rlOeda es~ rteprec i3da em 40li. if: rei I'lIB lIIllfI ~tBd'o de d~red ito. 00 ,qual 00 nossos m~lI1iiS'lros diI Fa~e-i'Ild;;ll sa ~O$.'~um~raii'i"! dEi' t~1 fOf'ffl~1 (jJue hoje ,coFi1;>ideram simples declamaoao rld vrula q !Jg1q~J8.rOO~8i Que SIB dI 1!g1 oob~ .0 8!SSJjJ!FHo. 8 IPirito extCllJsiv~,tlI. intole;rante e fechooo f"Oi du r.:3n~e fllllU hoo, tempo a Ib8~ 'd~ uma pol itii::-.!iI f8li1OrEi\.l'(lll; iintamall1fl!1;!'nte'. de: '[0008 os ffIiOd'a~.


desle pals. Vamoo,



nO.55i!1d ii/ida e


nossos im--

"'A ~r2!~dJo,


eonduz ,~i'luirl3 de OOdos os mooGi~ 0 ,5aJI eiis ~

ae atraso .e' ,~I fOtinca ,e, i9l< lerr'il~!'!'le!l'!ii~'E!,rae despres,tigio

A el o.gli!tnc.i~

glJe!'Fi3t" '.

oulpas poor rniYo ,podel!" 'f,a;?;er' medhOr'. da, OOr!5lft!~ ~ati In~ dBI Irase if ,do emplfego frequenm' 00 p-aIav1F8S· de orig~ ~8(lii'iI8~ lI;lilfl Vii;ll, d'tI;I :sau~, ,aqll,livalentes ~lX.'Ori ices ...nib' CQiuigo, (f.evol¥~'r ao $E!u es,;~ii 0 0< 1 ritrno !9 081 w~idade Que er.e escf'llrllf.B M no_ II~fi"lgiJa. mas continuemes t~adlt!z:indo"
"DeRlQis da G!!;iar~al 0\0 1PaF:~g~h- d'it N~;bl!,joo - a e!Wrav-iii:llo lliIurlOIJ.J 0l:5a!1 poot() de vista ,e OOIlflE!i¥OO a P reS5~Qf!I8r por IIllBlh er 8JT1.€:in"

dii;! Na buce ~ im~Q(:iiI\ile1 (fe- 'l'radii.l:2:~re



Fmlar1J:er~Bisj ~tlCh8I1f1!Bnd'Qii;I~lradoo ,gil 'k:rlrQ a ~iJd'o (I ma'is. [)i;!:'i.a.;S-ei Q pi! rs 1)01" causa de waJ iirnens;a col he-ita ,de C-3M ,Bra II) mais rlee do ImUIlndD' ,e 10 fIJ.J'lJUfQ "'05 f.lBndn oneradID com iflfI'l'PRlisti ilrIQ:[l. SJlj~S$ivoo. ~fil'I qLd~lqiJet' i(!l~i:a daqu mOl ,que' - nL!Jr!1v,asoo 'e jmretn p!3!i:s. '~lPOOItO 8J 'I!OO~ epecie de d;esp.esi38irap rnvistas:" como ~s: saeas do, ICe~i':~.e tos


e' pOMiJJfr todas :a:s, ¥;i!lniag:ens: lmateriiZlis. ma·rais. Inll!deeluais IOU 5'lJiCiB,i:s da dviHza9io = d9M3ii'ial sew' a justa ~·r·O~Qr\io i!;Ii'iI'IlrEI",as~a:rte:s !ii"ivas;e a$ rnonas ee ()~:.ame'f'~ro naI elonal. Agora 10 IIll)(ijI jil !:StiI -Ueio. A inOOSi3I dlvlda ,~ 0 ,a~m!9'nto t dBI g;lJflrm c~~m extj'aordlin~triame nte a e pe:so, aif:lld'a ai!.!mefl'1'ta~~ enq]"!'!:O ,d!Jrar a I iq~l~d~o.die ie5cravidiao.

a!l'\1Siooo POii" 'OO~'i~f'




'''.sej~ ifI~, 'f;inaffl~s n,acion'ilis; e [fila IplF.ospetidad'e ~r r eota, seji31 :so,lo vir!em que E!rnIOOI''Fl1FO!JI e aquele p_ar.3i Ql'ildEaya.nca, :rej8i no. 1'0oeante :as pef.10~, que ;iimp~ ,~ is, nl[]lS:S3S ~lJmti tuicOi!$, di¥.id.e Q trono

,~i~Q, 'fr,aqui9z9! e alb"lOfia .. M:esmo l!Jin iB:Spitrilto< I!iOV«i~ to ~I mente d i'f'S' renl'[e'. na :agri'cu Itura iI;Ii no coma«:~o. na pol ftica c' na educt!c;an. exugf·

arl~ a, @1f:lilQr:~d'Q, am tudlo a

E!$(i ravid~o

sigi'ili'fiiWI '~ra~~

e: d'ecQiFl'lP!i).o

ii"1iI _cuIOS: (lEt ~ilbeil'd'>fiidll @ jl:lsti~.a !para desfazer e llIlal f'iliilQ am ~w· I~ de opre:s&a'o iEI d'a r.api na e. ifl'felizmaru:e, 0- G O\/!lmQ; acfl\E!dliita CjiJJEI'.
,13 inca

S@1'IlI ela ~h!lj8IfOOS perc idos, Nao me surpreende que !!'lOs IiOOrals nilo sigaffiQ:S- cegall'fiii9f'1'~e 10 G~bifl:a~e lFies:tn tenUfluva ,de {dar 'fi FIil esoravi-

nestal hora tardiia. ~ es:cravidio

IPosta sa aiglJ!!lf!a cois:a 'e que



de en'~rr,Ha



Que' I'Ilui'iIguem 5e aperceba di:r'

00, il'iE:m 00 8Gf1hCif~"

I'U!:nTI(kg il!iscrav~.

I'1ISIn ,0, 1)8

r~.I'lfillri 10 m!i.:lIMt;}.. i

a sua ater!ao"'"

"Mr:lIjJS:~ prezedo

Siffiho.r An~n,. jS o!:!Jpei pm tempo d@l11Iooi.ado

merU-e P~flItil

Ern 15 de ja rleiro de 1 886 Nabuoo leve' que se .ap:r~Ma!' (]I ~ei teredo diD RecijJe if d:este 'vez foi derrotado.


••A malimial que obaeve Ii) .cai"!did~k:i oon!*!"l\!'acbr"·, 18OOFt'VE!: ele a Mr_ Am,en. ··S(I;b~ce mim~ d81lida inrlteil[,amerilte ~ pr~o do,


de:sta ci:dade" e' as lj4ir'Ofni9~, Idle 'im\lPft"il2gD d lstribu r,'das proflJlsarnente, entre' ~ cl~5 pobres QC! nessc POVtli. ii;lflClIiJi1lffrro os gr~nd~ S9f1holTas: de @S{:[8'iIOS, Qbll'i~avam ® 'K:idos que d'el'e:J: depe!"id~m Oil '!J(I!l:a~ eomra IMiml ,e 00, jgrntafl;, gU!2 §O 1I1I!JI~r'ooos~ MO' eram todoo, iisfis ,e ITD~ causa .e' v.o'ta I'an'ii'! eM 91F:~fi'ldEi nWiillei"Q IP~a bi!lnda-i~ da oocrnvid~o.

de ~an€ do


00 <i3mp~O$

plllblrc08,., que ",ormaFlil

urna 'gran-


"Di rigi- me iii!



00$$0'. saff'lhor. pmrrooti votsr com

de! IUIl'r! ef.eit(lifl"


oOl'liplfomet~do··~ (I< pobrl9' h oilflern nSO !labi:3 na :flJJ.Ja ig!i'!or.~i'lcr.a di!.l 801 idariedsde social Cit! 8.1 ,ele j~1 esta~a C;))m flii\om9'ti· do 8' vo1s r pOI" mim IMI dois ~cw, au~s !!!: >Que ~ :SJJ.J.a propria eer tOF1fi~;l!J rrid 100110 a sue ,desc!JUpa de comp!l'O!'l!"! isso ptlWl(U


Pa~tid~ CO'n~rvador. J!S

e IP~ i



voto, "'Mao

'rQ 18r:~siI sendo cKtern:>1i!rl1!en te utr\a !i'i!~() hirb~idla- N.Ilioo·, 00 ILl$[[! ,a pal ii'!'011'3 if'ilglesa '·QornpositEl··' para iIII q!J!iII1nB'o Il'I!€ OOO~re l1'li0' memento u rna 'n.adli~o adlequi;lda - ill iill;!;!lJIiiFlil m8i~ ,do que eu U!i SE!nllte 'oon'liaill iI:Q de ""er que M nE!rJh um iifteiQ; d-~ '~~iilr aqu i peJI~ cor Uimal I i,niha dIE: flmntei r.I:i pOll ftica. t~!)) di~eI);1!nte~ a



nossa s~tu~o

cJIa que ex rlSte 1Il0S lE'starlGS Ufllid'D~ M~S!JTIo, a eser,;lliJi iJQ na'O ;er'iou !Urn sentiifrlan~o r,:;lci:sw, eemd -I e t- ........ len ~e '''''''n;'''' ...... 1_ . ~ '. no-"Ih ·..."""ri ....... rfI""r.....- ~. !iJ~ !"l~81 .. - Fo __ -, ' - ...II ... - _ P !i!n r~ u"" l"'ILV IO!''' "'.... ~_O:i!n ~IJ VJ!1'1i:i-'


~;!JI - -,';' -

''in (l!!.!1=

'~H.tIlicio ,::nJJ:aI. Mas, ,80 fIi1e5mD tempo 189 dgsi'l'rI:@rn~ des pmtes ee fi3;i',asiI p-ela,gUe8tio (1:3 abQli~o\; d~e e mo~[i"I'l~ ,elifl q,t!:.e' O'!li!!;Xam de' :5eF e~r(NO$ e :se apeg:;aFf! ~med!ata1l'iiente ~I dlign i~ dad!) de cld'adaoo e eleitcres, mnegBndo, 00 1890-8,d'~ sa I1gU!l!i com 3 ~;a IprOp.ria r.a~ esor-avizrxla~ Ullfi :sifllal de (:O',ntWo ;aI hlJmi~h~ cia da e:IDtavidii'l) peneWJU pro~!J!Ildamen1!E:' no, esp ~ri10 IE no ooracio dos m;ara'lloa rI;l do di1iiwJdade com !!:j,Ule e ii"rIil)'IJiilfi-ento aJb<!Ic:ioFiis~a Iuta tOO ira ·ii:s.sono Br,a.sil. Aqu i. de 'fatn. em 'Yel, i de um :tMido voto l'iIegro, como n 05: Estad..os: Ullid'm, ~I '[av(llr ,dQ parudo (glll9: liI1IV~ntO!JI;!l 'i/f!Z. 'Pe'la ~b{lil ia@, 'com U Mal dlf\!'kta {~e 9;tatuqSo de 't00;;!1 ~ r.aca perarifle 05, ,5e!J5:~i berta iJ ores. poo (amos ver os pretos, com :a,lgumM rDX~~ de 1,,I'.~l(lir_, ~indo all~",~ deira do pal" tidc) i1:fos:seyS d:-O!i!iM.r >COmO !'eS"~:o de U ImBl :alma res. ,crav.i!! "iliirhdal vi'llil neles,

~o In~1 w.a !iT!ai'o~ia hO\l'J'le[i$ QilJ!e8!!JXi~~:rut!rn c~l!'IiOOarm 00 ,:3' .a!c,aiFrt:ar !!J poo€r e que per 'erl:3s do. '~r.~~Bdos. OOi"iftQ ,~uj(i(iliiares: e_)!;lrnmam8ii'1t~ (JJtiiis.

Ille' u rna id~ia cial :si'ilJLJ~O pol" ica fi'O Slf.a~~ e eo :s.:eu'~!Jtu roo Os C:~rvaido~~ el'eg~am urn parla1'J'!l€I!TtillI qUasi} Ul'ilaflli'm~. Os; multo iPD!JICOO IHlel"8~S q1,l'.ij'p.uderam f;i1uebrar E!$~I u niiil'lilntiidade

··DelPQis ,de ter d~'t'll 1<5,1:0 sobre :!II minM eleiil;.~o, prlrmi1a-mg; dI~'·

delros I~oorai.s:.. dBri;Q ~d'i'~ die


'·IE~s; censervadcres

d ist'B!rc:adoo~, cantra5U1mJ;Q 'CQ'm 0$ 'I.!Iefd~· Ui"iflia !divi~Q de Partido rilo P,arla-

."~s: a li10va yiril!oda coo~l'\I"8dora Ii: 1'iIQ'~ f(ll;!J1 ~Ii'iste para 0 Br9l$! I. DUII'amrre rnals d:i} 40 @i'iI!Oo$ Ii'UJ~ tivefi'il!OS elei~e$ de veF,dade~ 0 I iIfi'pe~OOOi" s6 oha~8! :ao p.oder Q clheJe dQ lpani(lo iOU de IUil"!@ $e.~o do IP:trtida. e ~ IfIQ'!tO m i'niS1:Ii'"O 'tinna i mmi,M.MfIenlite ao ~ d i:9po~' U'I'IW am~ra de :SY3 estolha,_ Em Polr! nEI ~:s. OOf'i!h~J'na IM~i8! if em toda BI Am~ical L:li1in~.,,embora em e~
I.e di'~'erofilll'it~Jes:1~ ~, afnd~ e ~ls:tem:a Elre~'l'()r,all·~~i$t~llrre. 0 P,artamiNi b) ~
i'i'iIO$ !.!~ ,e>; iOOn:).iO do Govemo do dia UI1iilFlil~m4;lnite tive1!Jrnt! IrrrLIldD'J'tCi!II no' B. r~sil. 0 lPaiitido' Li bet-al reiformou., 0

de' eliei''9iio, dli r'e:ta

elel cio iI1ldireta. 'uEilIisfooI'llUin[k",o FlI!J.Jm pif~ncrp!iil !98tad iSHII, 0 ,Sf, ,~Fanta iCOf!'\pn.Jnn€~i!,J·~ cO'.mo IPl--esid.elll'tedo c.oliil~1 Rlo. ,13realb::alf 'elef:9oe$
nosso ""'alhe sis:h:!HT!ltli de
G' 0 S1BU

IPiiili'S. [l!~ '('all!) as: dUI3Si ~'rj'rnll~.jlr:~s: elei~Ges;'feilt!l!$ nO regi1n0'it8 r'f,forllfli!li eleiteral foram iPE:~iei,t8m~l!lIte livres.. a o,poS'ic_I'o ,~chai'ildo~' ate IiI'IQlhor IPWik:ididiil' do Que 0. Paniido





dos, e de 00 ~ra dernJiita!'ild'o 0' pr6prio Governo. Emt)l)ra,. t<Bm 81 sido isao UlIFl'\fl liber,a'i id~de do, gjlQ\lWrilO' !9 ~, ~ i berdl~da., GO'fIilO dlis$6 '0 gra!'i!d:e poeta a liE!mtID :sb -e d igna; Qiuando oonqu~s.itad!!llJ ;0 pBlrg, esw.r;l) mg!llllhot'n da fFlI,iiI nov~1 in.d!lpendencii3 da !poder d'erIf\!lba r II) Gove~ii"Iil). e ~ ~tilii'lernto sa' fO/sse enOOF.a,~8:do.IP~ rla ,cllliar no IPO¥O uma e5p~re dE' ,alJ!l'Q-{:onfiaflt:a que Ilhe p;8rmi. tj~ g;ov..ern:a~~ a s.i milSrnO,. flAas: ~am 8£:i1bOO 0' SQll'Ihl';}. ~ CilJIfissivtdores nUl('! p~de,am r~i>S'tjr ~ te!!'~~o. 0 Sr. Cotegi:pe Fi§'OIi!! fed 00i do me-sma. Ima!~rr a~ desinte!!',e-ssad{!! do SF, SiiI ra~
V3 e ,\,t01t9mfi:S, 8.0 'W:l~ho :fpi~oomn:8,de coo\a 'GOV€lrno ,fjl~er 00 ~ propII'io pa:rilam!Jlnt'Q,. 1Pii10niitC!, a '1f~1 iz~ i' ~ IPol hi(~1Que M ~ l1fianU!·~(ii no ~od$i" ElnqlJai"liIJO i$$O for dto ,~rado clio ~lnrlperadO'J•


p-oder', ~f,e!)!ndo de U nila, V$~ I"lIm .graf'll-de nUIMero de d.epuln:.a-

bcs os ~;l"aFtidm.5& {ato5o que: nos eolceam dlL!;jj1l'l ite de cQfrti n~lIlIl::itls muito :~ rlas, 0 ~'utum ~ realme-..nte d1'f roil. '0 deScredito oa ElI~i~o.· dii r1i3'm :sig nitica a q ueca dal U Itil1f16b8m}lr~ ,anHoG a


..A cu roo

vide dfiI Hbef'd~e el~ilQr·al fiO Sra~i l e e E!W-Ilrito de'



~ora .as sol tas pel!!) IP~IS. r'!O 'COfaoiJO de am-

dinaSlia ,e .;II ~'e:t:i! li~, b D~ajaFildo wrdlad!!iir:as. ~fO;j'mas,. Qi;;ie agora nio '~em meios de obt~ do eleitor.adO~ 'os I ibet.ais estiJo sanoo fWlLallflenltl} eonduz idos, em duas d i r€.'i;Oes cl'j·kllr~l1too: UIllS 3iChlam ClUB E! in(hij I IIJ,H~r c:on"tnl a p~sente' ordeff!l d'~, celsas Illl ain aa rnais ill1[i'~i,1 ter resper.ancas, nas imti tu i'Qo~ 1(3~ i$ti3I1b3s.. enClu.anto GI,,!i'~~~ ,aoredjtiifM em l.i'i'il" 00 ei'loonn-o dos R!s;publi~· nos, preparando-se p-8[fB, fillldo lhe u M§!I i'I(Niii! 'r'(iirlfi'l~ social,


reinado, veil' sueedsr-

pr6pria in~pk~o\o crioo filiIJ! pa b a contra 0 movimento Iilbem~, Permiliu que Q G.OI.!'llUnO COIlOOrvOOo:r·fOf1TI!3~ uma r:~ rna ra I.m~f'ililfi'le a '~iJ '~'avOIl" u ~fldo todos: es f'flil;laO$ de ~orl'ljPao e de eleitores, c(Jmp!!'omE!'~endo 0 !f!M$O on;.:amfH'iilo

permitindo q!Je os escrwoclFataS. par asei rn d lzer, pusessern I'm 00150 as .a~i'r,a~$ naoional:s., COtl'!/lSii"~i"Id'O'set!$ eseraves tlumal d ['VId a nacie I'll a L t~3 .til seis V"e2:e5 rna ior do que 0 5eU valor real. A r(ilti f'IliI.a ii'li.ulmca de: j;lanidos d9%!'idiil ~,olushJ-amai'l Ita Sl"Ja

"A oreiil~ ~ ii1ilJito, 'lotte efilVe ~ abol[:(;lO:i1is;la~, ~i;;ie e IlillPe;. de maar €:noorajau Ci seu movl rnento a! ponte de 'iofllll'lsr 1II1iTl('0verno ,abol iiCionli:s,'t,a e depois cedeu al colngaca'o lPela e~r'avidSo.


'~!J'ru ro

,de 'too'os, os vard.adEi res ~bolilcrurd$tas. E!",~ tla~Q. quem hJc~8!

com isso, , a C8 Fnpanh.Ei rl~pu!Jhcarn8.pelo que ,e ~pe-F(\i ~U!ii1!a hj_~,t6:ri~, ~l;iaf1ldQi ,;;!$:lriwi" ~e f;l~' ,

Ipr~. e, n!O mB io ,de 'roda essa oorr~usm-o. 0 pobre ~ t1 (lib rigsd:O ,8 pt!g8J' tpeto movim{lrrto i'illIici~do a ssu '[;wor. OOFril qUB! ,e~e; oonsi'nl81 r1I~ P~IlfI!}i1tlO\. ~ serm1ii"l\Elffflt)l) es'til ~or,al rapl<ilarneP'lte ,il!lras.t~rtdo (II,a miijf1l~i1:1,'Uiia a ,~iWlp~tia e ,;;II boa v.QfffltOOEli

com a 'ifo!l"JOO


de u mSliFlO\ltlI levil de ca"firlid'ilitoS

:Ii ,elil't-

'sel'¥'EldOll"li;iS SUlp~rfh::'iais a vitOria ,oonservadorn !Pede Ipa~r fi· na~ ,e; deoj:slva. rrJ3t $e' d~erem It! ndo !!laS; sua:; cabl5!!iS.. q;UtE:reIiUB:ou irrtei rBfftlel'ilte dBI podridao dB I~~rwidlb ,e: 0:0 88U S:OPH) liiilQrtf'f~ro!: '0' ~ii',~I1:er iilI~iOfl~1 '9'. OOiiT!O tanto 0 trl»no qUQirito as, i !l"!ul til!! i~es:.. es:t~ apoiad'aS E!XClu:SMJTIerntlll! na esorwid~" Q futu rn de toda if! eomextura , ,a~ nte dEl i~fi.a dii· 'i,i'~OO ,e- preooop~~o ~~jf{l 100 que CQiiilO eu SElfrli,lrE! pensatam que 0< eamin ho par:s a rnDI'!I~rq ula era deiti9lr ail: ~E!5:- Ira lzes fim-rile·me-rite' nQ c(lir:~c9:(1i .oil) IPQ'!IQ ool\ocai1ldO-GEl ~I tes-t~ ~ I ibartr;J~o •.

'~m, e dJOOIlll~rr!'lm. nio ,thame-~ 0 eri me dOl lm,pef'OOor. AtJs OD>-

Mamo 0 ,B(l"r,Q, di!! kld~, 0$ 'f,~~


,d~te pals do U'llplic:e lIiIlooop6110 :se!iVU~", terr,a~ 00 'In1!b;z!llho, e d~

POdefl'OSQ no IflIO~ :siSi!;emBi ~8riliiiliml~iltar (f-.e .g~mQ

do, ~p Hall, frli;i'SiTIO ,qUia, ,0, I mp!!l:r,8d'or, que :sab!!: qllll!!: a S:l,Ja vont8Jo' de e 0 iLl 11&00 JPoder rea~ nO ~r~i'l e qUi! el.e' ,e IPjallicaliTieFil'~ tao. 91.!!t!lO sob ,a 'foITlla ~a 1Ft e;pO b I iea OO!i'i!~I'ar: q,yi~ M:SI.!IT! Iir 0 pBpgl1 de !.lI1lIl ~5i'po1a cMI iZSliTl'€: 'iH'Il V€2: d€! ~nll:ilr sern p@ioo !flO QO~O POll" li'l'iai~ de' qu~~tllta e (:ill"!c~ aoes :robr:e 0 grande m€lFcado e50rsvo e. 0 lei to da Ii'I~O !Paml i~d_a'~

Fmmi1i FIilOs: agu i oril'l:ern ,8 associficio IPoilUica e Ilibl;:r,~ I dhal1fl~d@ 'Uoiao LAbol iciorlls,ta; FiE!deral die, ~nnambuoo' com ,400 s~iO$ para cQl'1lII!!!;ar, tudes eleitores ~ clesde, IPreMV'1d.e,mm iPro;s:Se(lUli~ n@ fi"I~~ ~gi'l;acfo embor~ Q' fri'o, 91ac~81das altas ~i~ ten!ila ,cori!gelado ~191J..!ns It_lISi~mi))$ an'~r~ol'ie$ ,aSSUIiT!W~~ en de 000 abol j'c~oniS-la8.i' mRS ,B fm~81 do IlI'I,QVirrJ.elllll'O abel lcienista pode &Elf re'te"~erada !9 ,~~,a-mos; 't(!m@r ~eiilra iftI(lirta a lei ,da ,oom,pril dOG: es~oo perm; Es:tadm aeilili<a do S€U pf\~O If! da reu-a



'es.eravtdiJQ liB~1 [pm rnals q!!JI8!wrze





A IOIll~,a ca:rtiil ecirna dar'iufO 1iII00ticiai da

d~-sut!! partid!a parm Q RIo,

der"'Q't~, fo~ esc(i Ita

~m 1882: Nabuoo hwi.a >e5CFito a AUen 'qU€ fora do PaiFlamento nJo 'el'a DO&dVEl~ 'ra~r neda dl9' (Hi 11_F~IM~lndo, dep!l)i:s FilO'iilooi'rs. Naou· I

as nibun~s. POH~!J!l!l:s6 as palavrns, d has no fa rtamento paJs"



,dizi:a que, depols dai Ce:o,\iu,a. pareda-Ihe fa, lFeS5on~lIlcia a to-d~



de dEI' ~rrtence:F

,eocFff'!'iB a Allen sob uma ili(lpr~o

Mas, eJI':ilni1l'll~~ II;! ve-'io 3 l11Iuda~ de Qpi ni$o" N!!,J~ earta SIJ~; 'tra~efldo, 0 di~1 da s.e;m~n~, ,00 FIilI 0, e:f.a iln~ ito ~o seu n~bito. Na~

ao Parl8lmeillto ~

d i'femnte


A neoassl da-,

"'0 .ano pastaao nm'Q estive ne ~ 1'1 iilmi!rn'to, mal!; !'f!a, lmprensa dlaria. ~revenoo nas (:oIUlI"1~ de "0 IPai a", i?r'OVavel'imenl:€ fh~: fMhs ool,a caijiSBI dQ (jJU~ pod~r' tar fai toO CQmg. D900 Uldil). IDe 'fart(! foi ,al~~ cia imp~~~, QllJe-r'O~-aooos;l) 'Gabir'flete Conser-' ! 'vOOor :eJ ,SPIfO\'8T a led abol i I'lId'o os a!j;.01 l'€9" Se ti~5&3moo Ju l.oos e :sa' as leis. so~ ,1;1' ~~jd~ fo<~m u MI~ ~I id'ade;, i:sso. na pratiC3. i'ria qu~' t!cab3r 'OOm 6i etC-favidoo. urn POOCO, pelo met'Ddo qlll@ .0 Senhm urna W2 me ,wgI!:Fiu dB Im:O·h;li iEOO'liD M ~cel; ria rndiat. N~ :sando' lidto aQ_oiliar et.cfl',avos:~nMo~i COMO, 01$ senhores pOOiHaO l.S2:cr val'flr 00 500iS elreltos sebre eles".
,caflil,piJnha oola AboliC:ao.

r de af,8stado do. P.3ir~amBrl'to, aD!Joo oontinuotl a N

ClIU9i !SSt~1 eaC:~if'ld'(li


re rle

de p~IIl'fleto$J ,dO$ q u.ais, 111 f'Il.and'la OS primeiros 'quano,. e ,que e saus ,affli~o~ eflt~o ~roooraooo lev@flUii" 0. dinh£li i"O i1eees~j"io ~@ urn r~ ~orllt!i'io, 1i!It!:s que ele !lao, ,5$'be se serau oorn ~ oadidcs, ''Se

E.m 18 de; ~ b~i~de; 1 886. di~ ,a Allen


voltar ~ IIngl'.I;r~e-TF~ ~~~I


desesaerar de'

p odei'"

de' eJ.Cr,avoS" boicota!'iid~,me aqllii, fJ'!e ,obrfgawam a fat::er em '1001 mas nil5SC momento 5il nto q!JE:~ a IiTl i nha sa I"dia do Brmi I
SElria lPi'ie,jl!.J~i(:iall .a LaL,g !XII Ii b@'rf,ill eon~a. oomiJnte; do. i!!I~ ickmifio 1i'itO; rEi 1'13rei a. lliI~iX i IliIO QUe puder pa~a flcar, I rdel iZ!iilente 10 modo ,de reselver 0 rneu pro blerna i-nd~\i'idua~ rrta:f!ler'irte com ju c soeial IFAU itQ di'l: leil, :Se 001 cameC8!F UlIiTI novo j'mn:al peclli rei so S'e!1no{)' Que terlh~ .a bol'lldadi3' de me II!!nviar de vez ern quan-

co~~ 10. pcderel ser fOr(::.ado a ~nhiillf 16a m'inha vrdlJl" como cs dones

do alguma


~a OCii$raO~ lJl!iT! 9100liiCE-Qli"! iiog~t, Goldwi!'il Sffllith, pu b~i· i!ita call. na MaeMill a 1lS, ~;gaz i nij,. u m est!Jill"n no qual :00 tpi3l1F1ili1:8 criticar e g~,!i!flde .aooli'cionist~1 i21me;ricano W. L. l~rlj"rSQn. POl' 'ter :side (ontil'iiII 81 .:3bo"i~o ind-eni:zad!31e per 'iter' prow'O mocilliz,slf' a opilni,8o IPlIbl~!:\3i 'in91'es~ ,oo~'~,,~ "~!,~~id~O" ~~~ ~too~s, y~'l~_d'o.~ ~~r't~~s:~ ~ ~'Q. ~ij'.~ i &e f812:,lam t81iTlbem cO'nna NlaOOCQ e !B. e :se sente felfUOO ate 0 CiJf~O e i~ i:;I~1 va~ pr~vira:
V3!1tado Ipara .a def.esa ·cal ~iedade
0,' Devare:mos


~'tad OS ~:o pel


ri nhQ cia ti1lliDnia !pUbl f(;at~ IedefF(illlte

do 1T18Jrct!oo de es-

Quando 0 mi!;lFi:MQ acaoor, ~1ie-jaFi1los ce:N,,(!S.aC~i'~ teim!lem 0 pe!,o~rinnQ". ~caroliri!a. p~. 114::n

Na'buco esoreveu lent~'o h)i"!g~ ca na, q,ue envtoll.! ill! Allen pooi 11· ,dQ.lh~' U€: CQrri~~ p~r~ i}ij'b~i~l~ flO Tl me{1"eu r se na'o for ~ila,., ,~ q


IME! sua C8Jrita d'ilz N~blJoo ,ao ~iE!dator:

"'Bu fifo ,~pij~ari.lii dlwe: mooo ~~,al ;a

- :.-, ..~ '"',-_'"'If...l.-; pOn!~.....,.. <li!p~ 'Y!O! ....... ';>,"".."
!I~!i! ... _

.:3bon~oionis:ta Illo,s, IEr:tadO:S, Lr,n~dmr 1'1$0 'efilvolvesem ,8 I i be-Made ,de li"Ii1I'ilIMi mhiD d~ '~FaVQS g us ViVf:iIlfIl 1'110BraBiiU,m: 0 patriotismo dQ partido, q,!Je'!~ta poela sua! I i bef'dad~.

SJJ.J8 bOM8die 00 e:ssoo dois 'il-~"'''''~'''''ii'I~iia"'.... "",1;<j0::r.,. ~ '..... m ...."i-."'fm'!"" m 11!!i"".... !O!'fo'!l!.... _ ...."'.~
!;,!lor! • ! '1iI !';;l .V

"'1n~e-liz rnerlit~ a qiJ~t~o dtJI ~~id~ ilI~:Q esW merta per 'i"Od~ :iii [pIlIn:e do rnundo e iil! Ih is.toria se lrepete Iquan l'O .a el.a >com m ri'i!~~i~~ 'fidelidad'e.'08 i'nimliog06 da illl:uhu~~ l~m:le :side ,~ 8Ii rnda '~endo que se lbater (:onstaoii.'E![iT!ei1~e iCon tra !)) m~m!l) e:spirit@, as mesmas teorias ~ es m~5mDS p~I~liiIcei't,05. de modo que tu'Cill qlUafilto $E' di:SSef contral eles. no oo~-dlo' fe'.si.l!lta, ilil prtUnca. '~m tortaleeer 8;S, l1Il!.3ios: dOG: :atlJ.llar~ senheres de' estlfi3!!.!105,. especLalliffleil~e QliIando a alCiJ~Q \!lam de hQmiilnS oomo Sr, Goldwin Smith., 'C!j!.!llil. mais, do que FiI~n9I1.!em. 'e eIiD(jl@e:!1te e: i~"

dig!"!ado na denYFi!cia Ida ~SClravid~ •

•;~ ,do~s; IPontos: do

:senhores de esef~O~ a ym~ ii'ld{jll1li2~O CCll'nO' se 'iossem d'bliiiiM ,do uma IPm1Pr~ed~e. e. :se1li.!i'!id,(!l, qW' ele 'c.>ri ~~caos: a'boliictonis-


tf3'bal~o ,ooui :s$;Q, ~,ri mm,iro, ,que ele ,admite .0 d ilfleit"ll <los

:3 rtigo

qll.!!E!i (iOf'!$i"Oi!f'(i p.r~jl;lldliciais,


.~~Sde M.gj~hu~iI:s..

por terern proCIJ.:! rado ie¥3ntBr a t;!I (lip~n i~ pifib~iiC;a1 d'~ I ii"Iglatarr'a_



"QlIj~i'r~o ao pri meim~ se a indefi!~za¢ao 'f<u lJlnl di rei to indi seutM~ do propllielilrio, 0 E:stad'o nat)- tl2ll1i1l 0 dirlJj to ~ !l'bol'~~' a ilMiCravrdSQ ,:]I n9"o oor "'UB- """" _'.. 'a r,.<'''''I''_JI;III.II..., '" n_:;; ...... ""~; """r ... pr~ -""' sst ""J- i"il'"Oi'!Ia' ........ 1I"'i"lO!' "" ... : _;,: ..... _ _ "'11_ do~ ,e-s;cr.avm,Sa- 3bo~iindo a escravid!o,.sern 'indeniz~Ci ele vie~"iIi OS de1l: rna nds mentos. nao pooern f8i2(1:.lo" mas:,. se 0' Estm sa i[JOflrveFrlC~ ;!Jl eror~id§O e' Offi"! ~r~me.qual 0< camllf'ino a enqua, t~;o escQlher7'

v:a~roi"i a~ :suas ~er1l",a$ 'que se ,acha oneraoo per !JIFOO dl'Yiidla e i 1iilen:5a. 3 i ndellil~O so p ederla ,sar pag,a medialf'ue novos empfih;ti

··N,i,Ji'i"I 00 is, oobr.e' OOfl'lO ,0, Brati!, onde a !f:oc:ra1iid'{kl' arm iinOi,J 0 :500 '~lJturo, rebslxou 0; oo!u (iawrIl'lQ. hu rmilmoi,d 10tau IPOV-O" de-


""S!!I: nos, oonva _ niJe"rlfli'll~ .... '''' ""' '""'cr,~'iI.~.. t""':,iI;! t! 1T118! (;!J'Ipt!- ImOrflil e ;,; U _-, :, ~ .' -_ __ ..,., ~'!.!r;; "'-!!;!~ '!:: IUmi3 ¥€[JJr'onhili!Inaciomil. e ~.rl! nos ach~lrlrnQiS ~Q MeSMO tempo inC!tp8!2~ da ~~~r p~la:wca ,ex tl ii'!~. sam arm inilr' 0 In06£[) oni· dl to, fiUli"ti311" OS' noss-oocrmQr~, {l~ 0 que Ei lalva! If;iiOi'',, tri eu tar
q;:;;o !i! _ ,....J]

81M,a moUe es p obi1a~

que' 0 Sr" Gortiwjn


para :salv-ar

0$ ~


.a eontl nuar a IPI'ElSt:ir (Ii i'1I~O Ibr,aoo fwte. 0 no.S50 ~:ioll~'l"CitQ lrelulante--. Ii'll 0$$0 s maglistrados, ,e r'fIm.tO, parl!ilimfflnto, IRara ~ii'i! ter e If'liie[iC.aOO de escra-vo5" lHl~uir 'Os Cili.lle r'Oge"!'Ifi 'e Ipr-01eg8r com a nessa oonde:'i i"a i,:I rna in.~~itulioa':o ,que nil ,cnn5id9fRI'I'1QS il'Iada ml2lis; !i!o Cl!Je' I)) roubo-. o debcehe e: Q BOO-Bsslnio " ~gli! "!;;t"!i!··W( ...."-~i'I '- '"'d""'"'""" '"Nio i;lCm--ed lito. Serntior", que ufn.a n~o es,tej\a moralrnerue obri· g:ad-a a s.e arruinalF !para adqulrir C! dli relto de 'f~zar '~r ;;J pli""Ati· de: IP~T'@(:0'.!"!1 a ,cast,a dOIil,in!3lilte" ela neD t8i 'Hre5:Se de !Sell crl m~ um lIl006cioC!!i de lIIrn or! rnI!l~

smith iiEl'lia q!J8' es d'ez mal!'idame_n~oo


SQI1fI@lrilte P!l):illI~




e'5erVill ida-

que ~


'.~!'I!l!O lPondo de ~ado 0$ pentes F~18rtiv~ ,a 1~I'idad!S da es. ,eravHli3o.. moo I~Sladoo Uffl ido$., !f'I~ E$panllia OU no 'Bir,9siI, :Sg[j'a

'f't;leil irmll) mo:s,t!;',;;!1"que e~l!!i" al~ m de ernvoNe,r ume culpa IrnO-T~I, 91ptllrte 1II1m It\DIl'i"llrab8riOO !i1E1' s:a~iiJ!j;! niLi manQ" PerglI!rno apimaS SQ uma i'II~O Cj!.! e' peT1mi"lliu durnnrtre' eerto 'oom~Q il;1-U:iii' a 'Op:~~;j) exis.,ti:s5e sob 0 nOfll@ d(i institu iC~Q social ,~t:'il

{oi PQr tod:a

e~ ~il~8Q'!!, dei xand'o., se ela Wllo ,es~iver d~sp@~t~.~ _~[lJ8Ii' 0 ~ifIf·, (i@~ as; '\,iI'rti~s; dla! cp~o ifl!d'eifin~d\em~nlte nas mii'~~, os ~us, d credo ~ ,am q ~ I~CSfaI agiU' ,8~SlJia p dwid1e?

~o.ral!T1i9\i.ii[~ obtige~


!P~Jf C'O'M a :Sillr,IllIPropri3 fJuliilB ~~a .SlIJIiO

•·QiJ~H'iUO 010 ~undil) po Mo; ,~h ii10ri~ ~li.;I~~i'f~c"OY$ a~ ic~o:~~, 0 t~ ne i~~O' qu e fi~\9r~ ~ llltl,llllaterf3. 0 Ilr6'p~io,Sr.,'ildh:l~n m SmiU'i1~O tomou i)3r[Je numa -agil __ e pMe!e~.,Que 0$; liFbe;' r,ai$,;ngl~ SlOb a Ilide~n~ d~ Mw..Cobd~Jlle de Mr.. 8r'~gh'~~ .a~Qra WM nea;s~riQ pwv,ooa r ma Ilfilgll(;'it'efJ:a pa~~ neutral ili!'" a :si~[t.~iia (I,UII ~mJu~ di~ ,cl.tsse~ \i~;a ~mun~d<1~ dediavam d,a ~ 8OOr,~r'iJidroamrlluicarillal? Nio 5reWI!J ele IJ.!rIl l~i'!,l(O ,dhe:1'o dis c-en'rei,h3S. do ·OOBJ ~ rlrl1 ~o pl!1ia ('Oli~ ~ ~ Iinallat,err,a Ulm tailliado Ili!'IOra~ da U~ia'o' Q_iii\ie!~ioa;rna? aoolid~onis*, Ql lEst_os IJJni~ d'o:s paf-ei:i-efili 'ar ,c;om;preiodido .a 'r'Or~ dto aooh) 1I'iI~ b~U~ll'n!tls d'~ estr~idl(li i~l!Il~' ~impatia ing'lesa hCM:!jj~,~ tell e 'LEUw:zw t;8i de eh~ 1!'i(Q tjve~M Iilal OC-3$i~-o, pr~I~~d:o ~ilrTINti~tjn'K!:$:~I~ffl as fQ~~S! gus OOfl(jhJlZ~aniifa Ingl~uer~", CiU~: ,ti~fIi'i loo~e:Q'~i~


do oomq,uT~U·~ as

m'Umit~ CO~$i ~i!ii! '~trside dif'tfente, par~ R"Mllhj~FJ' 1]8'i"8 pic f. ne WIli'W da ,$i;)I,a r~n:d~ cau~a~ (HJ g


~~~ duixaildc de IladQ



do Norl'e'., filo, ~ '~rdooe: qMe

bu'iva;o -para 181ua pr~;p ~ial ind~vh:Jual i da,(f,~ da .atJiivid~ s

vidal PQlhi~ de C1,lLIa'I;!JJer purs mOGoo Ulmiil QON:M!m!'~c c:on~lri··

e mtwal d@ rnu n do, qu~ ~ i~i~ cilVil iza(;30 _Qrrfe OOir '~oda a I)liIne. b1JJs-GIT!i~O e m~o n ive11' Pa ral aPa~ r' @< espt'rkl:O 'Quel rD1HI!lWiI'lRQ1 v~va~ dugamos, InO ~r,~illi u ma ifils.'ti '~t!liQ~©' OOm~' a esef9VidSQ'., I.~ li!rIOrta rQ)jJS f:)a1(:Se£ ruJo p~'O~I'i~" W Iw raj ~ti'~~~~~~(!i ~ r.~'ias ir..nuenoia!P.!n Q' ~ c~'C~~liI'IlGiI1IllQI ~iall 'e Q,IIJ~ $JQ~ pot" (1J¥Sli'm d~~8r. os iPlli!n~lt01 . iW!l;o 'to'I9CUHlis~, cUlas ,Hgu.8!S oom3ffl pre r~ nQS" 1P~8eHsam!ll$ e~Dor'. 'l'8ir'l!i" t'O quan'l'O, Ipoos.rvel. aqueR~ in~.ljl'tuI'9IO cond,~;a-dal ~I ililllifl~ncial do pn'c~~r~!D es,1l~ng~inJ e 'COiiilitr,i§~r'Ilm3 mor~e m()~31it'li'!em~' corn vida tmn!i):ra~ t~u~~ ~

m~rnt91 'f;g~m voMiII 30' IrniUJOOO g,ue' al 'e'

p ~~al 't~r'~idoIIP~tado I Uini!o Alilileri ~~ (~liJe'!!1!Q,ue~l~ 'Que''W', L. 'GiilHillOtII' ~~tHOUI~ht~p~'fi~!lr. I£i' \i'anl~ 00 na Ingia]:EIna uma '$im:pa~i~ u li'ia~ifflie' pe:la oa~5a do:s
"1~M~um ~[~

rabo'lieij,Qtllistal~, U'!Ib$. '~m~m. aboll~cionls:ttliS br'3£i _ei~~ OOfi~T~ I~ dei'anms 'Clue ifileii'1li1!!Jiinii setvteo IIiU) io~'• p.ooe' p~,talf at) pa Is cia que' WiT" a ~llm.mdo ·'flwi ro 'OQndeiil'i;!i" a ~fwldlo CiQmO luma giratai'i~! ~'O~ue a ~~!i;l1II1(i';H\dm~o 1~~tl1) dl'ill~toifilte_m~iollila~

~rn:ootrar~1 000' 1110 PBlis", If!esgatEindo.-BI e Iliberoollld1:NI mUlito

deprmsa que


nossa voz.

:J.'eS p~lJem ~:iCr.avmno ara~ I e q,u;e partioipandD .• B$$i m, db:], 1!iIEms €l da 5iQFm da ~rnvtdaD e~!25: B'o ~ I'lIOOSB d ~€nt'~1! ;a impre:s·'

'~Tambeffi"l pod~ri;a

m~fiIcio['ilar q,ye;estr;;ll'!geiros de lOOOS;os pai-

sJo de que el;;:ll teml a sa~o


di;l~ :rru~<S! Ir$S~ti:'of~s. flIi3;Clonal id~

"10s iil!ooUcionistas; ia!l'fIericanm 1IiI;a)o f'ofilm Ilouoos ao pOlflto ,de ~lJarer I,nrl~inl-e~~o f9Sit~)lJJl\!;I@i~ d'e Q!JJIall(IJuermItl!J r~z~ O-sI :se~m .apent!l$ conar os '~iO$ es,'~ra!'ilgeilros, q;u.e'direitE! alii indli (i1& taman 00' e:,n1f~qU@Ci1811il,0, 'ilnt~ e 00 pres,lJgi 41 da ii;JS~id1io rEI' atr,air para 0. :SaJI I·ado as i!!1f1IJ!~H,~i3S !fiiIora~5:estr"W!geir:as que pesam n!lii o~niBo americana Ie. aqlJlecem

,ag,i'18m os simtimmltQ!l:

Se iS~O " f'a1'la {lie Da~r'llotl$mo,- «!ImO Mr. Goldwin Smith ,dal iili emender, ,oorWo pa1!1'li01]5rnD , U FIll ~rttillna-;J1to ~. trei to, ,at~db e· cfi(J~e:nto. (jJue~recita ser grandeliiietirre meIhoa-ooo an tes de' se to mar u m ell) de 0081 'l,l'Omm0'~ IIi~r'iJad'.e
jUS:I'i~ ff'I;;kS, iveFSa~ d


nacOQS: do



d.QSm n;;:S~08t1i1 escri'm_a (om tooo 0, Ii'E!Sper~,o. itjJlJ& eu $!1!flfipre :!1E!!"!lll por YflI"!l professor de moral po'llti-C3 OOIiflD-Mr. G:oJldlwinl Sm~'~h_,,- e doloM'a.1,
•"Es.paro qUi{!: e :5flnh or roo .aIOOOUliP~ a @xt'aniSlC!

q IJe rooonheoemo.s, ill dlrelto dOl ,d!lloo dn ,~ravo :a urna ind,ijniza~o. II;!: S!Jsoorrtam08 Que a !llfIiI::1f;8,vidia. ~ Ul11lllll ,opr~ in-

nes, no

pln~ m~1ln veil" as dllas PlfillildJ)8is 3C!JSilQiJes f;l}i18E: contra



N rs, ~i'I'imei~OI de Que oomo:s· ,comun iiStas.. POIta

Jli~ml~1 '[:I;;:I-mproveitli) IprO\Pifi!l)_. ~o ~u.a~ C! Estado lFii§':o Q~·t~ ob~ig:adol ~ dar quilYlquer apo'iQ" mas, pel,o, ,OOl'l!tJirio. 'ei obl'1igado a p..n.r~1 i! firn imiOOlil5ilail'OOri't@" Iil., €:m ~!Jnda, h, li ,d!ll: (BUll

:oomos .ami90$ do


mtI rnd'o.


faslO e' !1ria ~-orcFi me dal hist6tJa"

In05of.a11ll'oo pelo e5critor e~oqlu.e(!'rte, em P.~9il1i~s; vi m08 ~ ~raloi'idm'Q d(jru,Jlf(;dif;l~ como e rnais ne-

IIB'Ilopaa a:s. em



f)<lirque; Ifl~imo~ :a $uMPati®

"·QU2IiilltD ~ '~aIta perg,t1!FrlfK S!::' mo,

de patriOlitlffno •. ,deiXEl~me fa~er IlJtrl13 rLi Itima p~~ri,6,tioo, denundar m crimes d~ es(:I1j/i.l"i'd.m'Q mUll'Ido, Ilavando as, elesses doml nantes 9100 insti ~I,I~~ ao QOes do gO\!emo, ~i Ibar~ de lriiOOflal d9 'opi nil~lO publ rca e emvergoiillhi.!!'iIdOAilS caIn 08 OPIll~O de qlJ.l!e ~i,')i oomp,1 ~Si.. do, q,!Je

'e malis


!tlM,e!'estr.;;!l"!geirO$ (:O'J'Ui IfiII!,II~m 081'~_r C(llffiO




,iJe.. t=I~:ra ~Ort8Ir' e !hU!Ii'!,i 111~:r, h~ns que. serRe amanna, po!' f,o~ d~ hei', (i~oolOs. Ibrasj~eires, ele'i'kJre$ tu~i'I;air'OO, ~ ,oold~
des Ibra5i~ei r.o;3:'?"· Al terml na a ~iftiil. q!J.J~ Ailern nao OO!1!regluii.!!nal rxa$11i10 Cjue fg~ pu blicadB! no "!limes""J' P;Oi'iCj\J-e i'1IQ nlIQl'IiK:llI'OO 100B5: as, ajOO~Oet es; voU;adi!lG. Fila IngJarerr,Bl, p:ara ell qlJe$~'O ~IMI.arld,QS~, Q "HeMas poroor'" a pt! biioolJ e NabiJCQ n;:~b€!J.J aplauscs i nc~u,5i¥e do p~6pri 0 Ga rrr~OFi" 'QUI2 Ihe GSC Fe'i.i\B1J.J de N:O'!o!9I Vork agrooacerndo e arttg,o..

Urn a'eS, l"naiO'teS ex il~O$ de N~woo na ca !'!Ilip~o'l\a Abo Ii)ciooi'~tiZ!1 'ifoi tel" oort~!J,Jido 'wlfI~r noo Utma5" 11It!5: elel¢o€S de $€tembro de 18;87",0, Mill'dstrlO do !Q"!~ri'-o I~chado IP-oI1:e111iiL


'eriitr,eele e AII,en,

aSSLlrliOO, entll"1ij'l)mntQ" n;[Q


pal grand'.e p~F~e' d'a (O'Ire:sPOn·

p~F;a ssr Ii3'X8to.

IEm 16

de :)f!~embfo. 11090(h~iOOfc$ vhQl'ia. no Oli,s ~!Jinre'. da iNlam..I{:Q ~Il"~ ,8' A~fe-i'! :

"Fui eledto ontem aq!..!I~,pew 1.~,O]' vOitD¢ C@i1U~1 ] ,;,2W ,dados: so Milni~lFO ,do Ii1fIOOifiQ. OWl SG,is~pO'f W1181m8'io~ia de 137'.


!.! ii'i"!a

imens-a vi it6ria Ips ra a nossa

'l,f,GffiiJ ne

ti'rma e~e-iao ti~fOOSi u m at.IImento de ~59'!tOto$. 0 dir'eit(! de r€:urn iab :5t15,peflI$O, u m ·,·~ti'iilg" foi dli~f-sOOO psliill cava-'

pessoa! de' urn QO$ Seti$, I i(f,et<~ iCO:riilparado cam a Il~~ \,I',arlios feridos, a mslor p~o


!E!5sB derr,CFli!! do GIj;-

13613, um Iho.Ftfi9i'r1l 'f'Qi ma Fro

sim, resultsdo


"[oi 00<~u,cidl8 sabre os fu rlcioll'i~ri(ls pir!~ iees, Ii) sebomo oom 0. d i nhle! ro pub I ice ('Oi uti Ilzedo @m grsnil1.e ~'i!Ii e, lITleSfillO as-


nessa viloria oon$'~i ru i lIIrn n avo in (eio de ~di,.teCimento na I"!~S-aI hiU6~ia.



urna de'fr"Ota ~m~~dQf~

da I1IG:iSSv ida

do Minisi'ro.



"Feli~110 868 ,amlgos. ds iilbolicao, pelo nOSSO trlunlo . ••~ imposslvel dar-lh 8' u mal 'icMia ,elo E!rU\i8i.asmo f;;l,1.JQ oote: ate ~ 'indepmdiIDd-a e de abneg3¢5'o dlo e1eito rase de- ~ffiam·

blJOlJ es;tal



pal~" _


dii logo e_~pilJ'l:saol~ sua @lagri:a ffi"!i!U'id'@f1ct,o e~ :eo • 'Ti mes", glJe 8i p!Jblica rilo dial se,gliii inte.
dfj~i3~ U raa

carta d!

oom :a!!JI:Qri~8~D

IE dlepo:i$ ~reve

,altlJ3b~oo ~edimJd~ ,desciJ~pas por ,te·lo 'feilll

mC!~o, d€i

,A :Soded'ade oolliitrn a lE:r.crawidao aprov8i '('eliei't@~oo ~ Mabr,mJo,

GII~t'Oifl9, Q !9Hlllde' Mi'nis:tno ~11lg~S~i'1lI cU,ja c;:r~ NlllbiJOO ii;I$~i~ '!oi'€ra M ¥'i~em il!Hll'Erior. <efOFeYeI a AI I~dlrodlo-'lhe que 00 fel i,cite [:i!~a ~1J81 ella:i'(li'o.



En:!1mmis, yma!!:lr8lndi;






A VII Sllll!!, ID0 P'A,P,A

!Eml ianeiro de '] B88 eO'1'!1eC~ Ulma fjolilJbOil'~O iilmpmt8ntEl' ,de lNaouoo ,e' d2J Anltir-S.I~ry $ociii;l'1y,.Nessa epoc.a ele OOriiceb~ a id'4is d'e peel i r ,90 Papa Olfiil proi"!tlnei~manft.o ,condensndiD 8i eSl::r'avid;ao. A~iii!'l. lrta il!:le apelar, qUllnrlO dii~. para c oo",a¥9'o ca~OJI d.a Pri nlee oost! I~bel e l'evii~I;aI:a a oallmejed.a liberdd,.

Pa.ri~ U!ma cr;r;rla do


C8 tal

de 4· de ~alieiro de 1888 .Allen r~eik;i a NabiJoo 'em Carda"B1 il'1lg1&S, ap~fl{UlIi1c1D--Q 30 Pap-a.

I~m 13 de janeiro ereriew.a ern Paris lil;ilmi3ntsndo nab ~OO9f ir com elf: !iii RlolTI!H! if ern 1i de j~ne!m de " i938 ,agradet:el .a Nra· b\!co !!,J rna carts d@ 1:2 d;o mesrmo lmes:. escrlte de A:O'mB~ que~ i n1~1 i'Z~ rnE!!iir~ !1~Ofo~ eniOoifl'ilrnd~1 e:ntili9i aquelas Cijue :sa aeha m na Un i\,l'{jmld1cr· (i!i} de Nessa car t~ ,AUe-n di~ que: 'tern gr,and:.g satisflllc!"D ern SlIDilr' qlJiJ . e gooi'"€lt~rlio ,de! E~tado COl Vilti~no '(01 t~ ail'!~1 rom Nrawco • "j)Ois EI~~ pods, I~ ,81:,J1l< i I~sr' munl:O".
i"! i,z,ac:io Pfi1~r

16JlE!pOis d~ uma de PlfOtesltal"!'te, pois !1'te~laiiT!~do Papa '~er' cant)C~v8r @ odoi;s 'O!!lI'liros" sem ffi€l'liciol'1isr 0 trabsUlO ,que Pef1~i~ 'r'E!;i contra to
a i~if.~jiiid8o
!l dkZefldo ejUg·

ter OIMi"

!llSp~.a ,que

NabllJoo 'ob'tefllh~ do Papal


viV-M' Q;v.e'ii):'S, I eve a liber"ta;r SE!Il;!Si esc'f~Os. ""N~sso n;j';,!lef'ia alguma colsa de ta:ngrvei'"" db:;, "mas homens que es:tao rnortos M 300 anes ja sa iram de €Is.l~radmse mund 0 18" nfo OOSGOoonceber como
lP~m ~r .a~~rl!;ooQS; ~Or:' qualquer' ooi:sa riE! por urn hOrnE!1ITl que 'V,",la,agorar' ,

pr,o~55@ de


1Jf!'l!t! bu I.e que inf! u-

sej,a"feirte! ~



nova car ta qu~ iE!SCre'il.i3lF& ,80 ,Af'l'~ i'QScnJIJ~ is;L'i!!paF;l Que ala

Nessa ocasi8:O Nablico se ba'tia taml':u!rn peja iPlJI bl ~~o d\Q u rna '·T ilrnes:' IH: Qu:er o 3.POio da Sociedade. :se E!\II1PE!n'he;l)al.a p)1L! M~c~,

adha melhm esperar antes d~ ~nsisti r, PQf(Lue' Ie. poS$i\i\e~ ai i"ld~ r'(!~ ~I.!ibl icl!·Ja, Sl!.!ge~e Qlue qucandQ N800I:O voUe .a 1L!).i'iiC!l~esr 'Vil~do de Roma~ elf! estJiel,l',a urn.a t-arta 060 rOtc! r dQ ··T~lrr~:r". izendo q LIB' esteve em Riomo6!B depois ~inrlo 1:11 d~oh, d




do manuseritc,

1\~5Sa carte, como em cutres, A118r11 dBI noHcias ern papagai'o CLI.Ie Nabil,Jw Ihe r,eiltilllli':a diz que 0 ··!)apaga'lt" es·t~ muito e hem e slJ!pOrtanao' frnJito bern 0 5a.! pril~iro rru¥e'fn0, na II'iIQlat~'Fa,

:23 de iaJ'leiro' de' 1868 ABI en ElStfe¥e a N!a~C()- • 'Nadia adomes" e Ihe 'tr~a!lS!1flit~ u!lila sugestaO ~ Mr. Stu !'gB' d'e qU€ N.fIooca, OO1l53gc1do c(jf~poodBllroo do "TulfOO:S" em IRQilna qua mari' tile UJm@ not ic,ia pam o lorna I :whr-e ifII ~ni:ssJo j umo so Papa!! IE! urn ~ exp I i~ill do movimel'1lo de em:!t1liCip~Oo InO' is rasll pOll' oc~mh'i'o do J ubilau Pa,paL [pais; isso FIJlOi!ii eff'litai"ia ~s; ooisas na f1!d~o, m do da
110 "Ti

"Tlmes". Diz q!1f! recebeul do .. Fore~gfll 1108'" IPsi'"i3! l;al" e dw-olver u rna lon~1lII carta do oOn~ I i'ff'lgl~s, ff'lO Ri(li" datada de 1,2de' d'e~e"mbmJ floljI ~I, di~ que :a E!m:aht.j~80 est~ IProg redindlo' 8! pas.s:oo ~8rgoS_

~ ;;tl

oossa verd~


Im1!li 'reMEI 'Uaool h ista.

ve!'o a Aooli~~o em 13, de MaiO de H3S8.

(ilala ij!lH~

"A9o~91 maillS pais ff'leFi~ym C"i$~ia'Q ~m eso.r~~ e ,~ ;abortilinoc~o fiea p.81ra 00 MU(l!J~mtlnO$ El'pagm'oo. IE~~e '!.IIITJ @Fiilnde' prog,FeSSQ €ii mora! ill l1e-l igi'~.



'relicijtE!~e5: munh,as e de mill'lna llIiulher e de~mi-

i'!l1al 'r\2lifri'i! ia 00 'rCoil',~~OI dei' lJ;:~Q.' ,gu@ dm,aill'~' 1'3fr1tQ trem,po

oornduziu (;Ii) "esperancas per{~kl\a:)'"do. e~rt;tol de ! ~getdade e ~Oii'@ desr-eC~CiI.l00 j:ieUh11l~~, C1i1.l~ rQI1fIP~UI 0 iIlUi FIilQ elo d~'r~~'· ro 11'1:[1 COf1Fenrte aai e~idao" Viva,l' e 'T~ikrJ:m L~ud~rJ-&'~.


DeU!:J.~ ·~Ch.!E!ml I i be-,f~ot! urn POliO to:rln~1 teli'to

t8t!J8i !nOS ll3.mpl'tm:

dljJa~ ~


J •

des hornens



!El':[II Gir:&ca dl:l' IU~F da sua eSi'

!Elntr~al'" 81 Prinrera l:sabe.~ urn pergalninho caoitend'o IUII'nE!llI1ocao dij ,aplalJ~ 9 el',~e 'f.a:z. aCQ'm,pa:J'IJhooo d9i Andm Ri3 bO!!..:l¥as 9 G u:wna'Oo Lo~O.

A Sociedlade IngJlesaJ oonl~fa


Ese""~id$o ef'!:Cii!rregel' ~ Nab!Jco

~sado' e IpehSf' nas (:@n·~OOnciaSi ~o Clju-a- :avj~ i'ElitQ" h

,Agora, eonelu

roo a

sua Ilul'ita. Nab!lJoo podia recorda r~

do pas-

~ cana elm qLJ8i oomunic.t! a A~tm a ootrBglil do perg~mill'lh@ ,81 I?r'inoew", INab!JJoQ Ihe d lz: "Fior es.uanho qua pare;::.aos doom de eseravos Mm S8 dsela€rIfI glHlnd~ n(Um"E!ji";C!,ad",--erslirios dQ Trone e' ~O~ ~ern(!s; Qlueen'f'refuaf uma fa~i[o republliCia!i!Si OO[l1$idejav€~.

A campalllna ,dl9: Jh:!~rl.liml N·abi,liC(!i tfoi -reitssem

'ttlc08S, au t'atlfIOFiij$-.


e sem tnesi,-

Quando (I< E ~~reito (;<;1 ialborou ~~a capll.u~ de sessenta esCiravOO 'i'ol':agiOOs. ria SlHlFa L]i Cu batao '10 i ele flDusado dfi ter dilQ CjI!,JiI;I os $01-, d-iKlos estavam servirnd'O de ~~ de esc ravoo., Urn dep.U'ladio, ~evanrolJ!s:e' na CliirnatM p:3ra E!CIlJ:sa-hl desse crime de q !J9SE! lesa Maj~stooe'_ fila· bueo nlIo liM (duvid:3s 11\:3r~pooltii: "A nova e)q:l'Imac;;lo e- que iEllJI !Chai'fie~ ~ c~~ d'e E!:;er'~~, ae E~~1'(ii to Bfa~ilei ~o..oC:juii;lnd'Q charne i de c;[-eS, de €5C ravos ,t! todo!S .que se prestam a :3pil1nhar' lJ!5Cra\!os rUi9ido~ .. desd!!!' 0 PrQSi'dMM' do Qmsel he, QI4.iii;l vai ,~ frenlte da m~'tilha, ~arte 0'

Uhl mo :so'dado, de' pol leia", ~carol~na. ~~, 23'~J.

I\;bs. n{i'o pr~ava aes ~H!¥ns Q,u:e revohas.s.em centra 050 SBSf! nhores, Antes pelo oollTlririo. l11IaOO:3va.:300 {~UiB 1ugif;l:m e vinham Ihe pet! i'r sO<OOii'ro" Clue vol!i:awellin Ipat'al os SE!l!!5 don o~ eorno se ViE: 11\:3~U:3 carts de 23 !l:te 00 tubro d(j 1001 :3r Allen. cujQ trscno !'i nal ~ 0 SEg.u i n-


"0 ~:mi'ldi9:!H:r(fimento da p~i'CUfJ ,~ue i ,e de que oada pm50 fa2:er


pare :a !J):; Ii Iiar 00 pobres acmdlitafi do ootar t?fI'rI mim tl,l~O Cill,_~ e$1~ ao lfi-nel,_l ~~['ijCe

escrevos Que cada d~3 Fiil ifrie pOOai' d~ li berltll-IO$, 'qucand'o

~ d'..evoi~- i05, ~


Onere 'I{~eram e

a ira aCts. seus ~iI1'hores;';

senzslas de

N~ '~oi' .a~i m I!J rn di:sselliJinadO'r de OQ,im de d~50 IOU de iF1lf~ I lcidade entse 05 eSCrnoo qU€ p r.(ltCIJlifa5.5e desprn1ii-los 11 desgro~a do 5eU estade, '~iralndlD-lhes, ~am~s; d os; QI hQS, ClUe- ~ah..ez' (IS j IilYraval 00

,a ~1il,j~Mi,a dil;! 'sua ooFildi¢~.


.sa OCiJs;a~


aboj iao r'eiit'[U1rne.r1ilda~

i)UJlC!3' 5e

Nabuoo de se~ iOOilfi\!lnista eor ser contra p&de d lzer q!JIe J'055e :su~rsiNO.

d~ c I~~s

5,ive~ agi r de outro 111000,

tom:3d'@ :sob Pi'l!$sill'o eu fee lam~o ~bt!oo


Uifrla dt;l~ be!le~as. do abQll cio:nismo ~ que foi um mooiJrrnern:o do rni nan tes a '[8VO r das ~rvi{lI'iT~S:_ Nli'o rlQi U1m~ deei~o

des'tas, q uaadc ~o' era mels pes-

nels e

semp Fe den tro GaG:flIOI1l1:3S legai:s, !l .r.:ons.titudo· padGria S9f' oujre 0 FIIiIodlo' de prooeder, j)f'Oviilldo de
lu tava

IW~ '~aFlil que sempre rervi rBI so Ijjia is cam mgulhlO. M'guincto, ilii~ d@o~ d iZlGr, 0 10018 do Pr im:il)e de Ga llss: "lsh dien": •·Eu si !'V 0''',


pumdo lentm,

Essa .jHi'luae ene' respelte U Filla Ve'Z ,a' ~i'ia~i,Jdt~.cllo





a Fflt;lTIt1e-va. ~~a'r de deIPIi"OCE!S$OO ,eJlevtorais: fraudu-

NunC31 ,acredi'toll elii'll f$!J'@I~r,c~. INo '"IEr.tBd is tar"" di Z (ljU!3i a desgraCB ~I as; a de que Sf:!!ii Q$ e';'!:,al'tarlQs.. 1'110 possi\i\G1 'r'3~·las: 'e:. Ci))'.m e-Ies.~' imp~-ss{vat gO\IGmBr,


ecesas mu ltas

.5 de jUlin!) de' 1,sa L aos 31 anes de id'.gjd8." qua ndo ;m~nd\fijF1as-O'h;;iiifl(!l$ da 'C(int~t!;ll1;~(iI a jl,_~veif'l'~u-de. screve' ~ d e


"'A emancl pacao nfo


pooe set 'f'!;!ita .a't~arvesd'~ I.l!!mi31revoII!JC~o.

:safial dflglJf'Ui~ 'Ilud'o: @Ia :s6 poo~, ser lioollizalll8 81Haws de u'ma ,maioria oorlai11l9i"'1iQlt. e e IPo;r isSt) que: e 'Mi':«! ii!'tj)ortali'll~' pars nOs na'iJ nos: tornarraos UIJ'l'la m i norla alilllld81 [FIilQoor do, CjilJ<9'



NIO h~, r"'IQ:S, ~$ dlirei!,j rsO$.. vish u ifi'Ibre de dern.ag09I;;!, OIJ 'ter'irtartir va diE:' 5eDUZ i r 0 pOVO corn prornessas invilhrei:s. Falava com si neeri d~e' .ab$oh,ll'ma (! '~iliih;;llIP01" If~gra "n30 ~lil:bE!r I1U~ nada que' nao li~s:&e' passiMllo pori meiro pelo oor19~(i<~;, e e55a1 'f,oi sempm ;HI cIlfilViJ triU'rrf~1 do,
~I,I Sl]C2;SSO.

com. ,cl·~'Ytl'r---"li,t"i;s~:'h~'Forei.g.T'l lI~ ·... ' t.V. . Cl., ~ . - ,. - •• ¥\nti -Slaueru Society
II.. " '

.- "r-'~s·'.-_.-.. _, .'," ·, ._. ·:'p-iO/~I,.,--le~'-:n·-c·'····.ld·-' -.. _d - ,Cor

_ .:__'I, ~



.' __::___::__ .' _---' ..:

S~r,i]!~:arv of 'tli'l;e Blri hsh andl FOi"ei;gi''1 An', i·SI~rv

(11 aries H. Allen. Esq.


addf'ies:sed 00 Im~. O'f the A!!!So~!!Jl OM pa:ssGd by 'lhe' (:Qifrli1I"I i!tee of t nle IBri'tiSh and Fore~g n Anti-Slavery ~cie~y, and ~ beg! you to OOFtlVw to. yOu,r dis'~ingi.),jiahed ~c:iiat'~ end to f~iv@ fiOI' YOiJf93I'f. mil! most :5~IIlCiNe tbJan ks, Your a;pprO'biJ'tiO!'i! '~~ not 'Ii'Or"me a m3t1le:r

~ hadl th€ honor

to receive 'qh,.e, OOl"tlm!Jif!ication





it honors.





The fect that ~ gr,8'ar[ IEnglf 5Jil ComD~HIY has; leril'~ i tseJf. "for tYJerny yMrs. to D€ the en ief ~nSHljJmelllt for 'ilJhe.i I tegall ,Elmlavi ng of mu i1dreds: ii)f i1IlI;I n, 'f,'or wtiose 'fri9edOffl i"t had oolarnnly- plw,gad i tse-If by ,a ~b1 ic ,cO'(IItr'act, could li'liol!,li'hell"'e ex;ei Ii.'E! so mt!IC:~~i rf!dignar. ioll'! as ~n El'lIglandL IIt is for thet that the. S. J ogo (I·IE I Rey M ilfling Company
and its acoompl i.oos: had i'1I@\I'@f' mom constan t and un{lompi'om~&lnQ ~nmmie:J: '~h8riJIHfir Britariflri e ~le5'~.v's RepF~~tl'ta Ii~S irn t::fa~i, I ~ I perf<ectiy ~re "then '~hat. I w.jJf$ JOOdel"ilrlg a 5ervke oo!Jh ttl! the Einglirrh nation and to '~lle sl~s: .of ~rro V@lho. by denou ncing the '~~cilirJlil0rl (lif hi,lm;afil 'if.$E!(kifffl ~erpe-~~ai:ed by am import-an l "gaM m ioing enterprise of SoUUlI ,A,l'l'l>erica under' the IPmt~~lon of the Bri tish flag " I Ih~d only in Vl'l3W to c-all '~h€ auantlon of '~hi3 c@!,ii'nry 'to. t~3t sc-caFiidarIOUl$ !ljon~pilfacy. and give it llhe I~r!le$l pu b~iciLy.. IlIlr ~oct justice a"her '~hitsstep (lOU Id no longer be delayed" I ttim~must tJ~iI' ti Iy ioin yOU in [1iIe- pr-l1lts~vou 't.e!l;tOV;,r UJdl"OfI heWOr ~hv m~is~ rate. ~ whose name "I beg jeave to I!ilelliliQr'i. Judge IFteder'ico i!;,vgl,_l$IO Alv.a1[00 da Si iva. wti D has, by tJ is der:mgo. affirmed the right of 'tile- C'att81 Srafi!c:a bi~k5 eo 'It!eir freedom .and! salal"{ in a way Yhlrich. I am eonfldent, Vliill lilol be, altared hereafter, I,t is unnapCJriy much to be

rE!gr,elred. and! i't $'hou ld be il"lvesl!i9,~nOO, tnat au t af the three I'IiI"Iindfe.d 3I1d ,~'i9h'~y 'ii'i;'iil' sla\\:es~ Vitho In '184,5. abt81n€ld a perreet IFi;ght.; b¥ ,a, legal ti tre: 00 '!I'I@il" ~i be:r!y ['~ha' m i i'1IOil8 ~ an 'IhW shoold ~ttail~
1i"Eiil'id!aj1ed~, emllv OM I'iUindmd 8nd l.'!NE:ll'l'ly '~h f'(ji} now appaar the~ir lettll-er:s of "freedom hOM '~he' rn~l1ds (if D\!IOIic justi:oe.



year.s.. the

othe~$ a"f'~r '{-our-teen, y~r.s, af ,servioo-s '110r~il.iei

As. fDIl" the resls.tance I ofreroo to the Chill'le:;e immigrBrIDiol'll oohe-JI'W;I" I I,hin k 'i,i'vHhyOUl that .snry 118boll' eornrect OfjI!IDIf.s'~:edin elh i rlIiI wi III soon degeriel'alL'i3 into a SIavE!1iY bond (lOti" IIltle- oon ti',act'Ed, ifi! wootever C'ourHry he mt!v oho:se ~O ~uie. I oppose the idea of sustaining armid811y 'Itilij' la~!}. proprig~-ormips' w;'lh 'Ih;: A1}illJltic, instead the' dec~ii"'l9 A.'frican S'~;;Ii!{. This Iplan f'IIiIiff-i!lFilwhilaSeet!i!S to meet wi til! an iillSll.! rmou !ltable obs:~acl:e'Iby' the relu$sl of '~fte Cl3"lmtial E mp ire lin F'OlJgh Its gO\lflITI men t to oolC!:m-aoo' any tre-alV • .a'IIO~1\9 tile emi:g rati 0 i1 of i't~ St.! bjeC'~:s to be C~~ rted i n't!!! ,a tratfle, After the f,8! I, moreover. of 'the 3i nirnbu admin i!)W31lJion ~ lch h8d Ulnderta ~n toil fL:l rnisl'l tn@ agriiClUI11;J of '!wQ onl\{ of: 'Ih~' r~fii Siou,tnenn provi,ll-Ot$: w'i'ti1 Coolies. 'there i~ flO 10 ~er any r,~n to 'fear that the black ~ repl8ced by the 'Yellow SI8W. ,8nd ltie inheri t;gJ"i(e O'f ~li1IW I Wi~ I flD;pertaJi f1! efiti~elv llil '~~eepoop~e.



any party' alll~ia!lc:e or ,engag;em.enrt.

'lhafilk~ng yOu once II1IiIOfe 'f'or the 9r,eatil'f¥~n9ilii'Ie~e' y'QlJ sent me, I .a55li..! me yoll..! 'mil a1ways find me at the fi!;lhting post I rlO'W QOOupy_ I IPI18C1!!lthe IEI~nci ptl'Hon i n'!eF~$!: lbeyoFildl ilmy (lither" above

Compared to th ls great ,socia1

~gi'orftfll,mich should !D:,tlIDd '~h~'righl of frood'om. pr,o~rty. f{lmily af~1 'OOf'iiSC;iefiioe~to ~he race \IVh 1crn Pil"Od'uC6 ifi"IOre, than \'Vi/O th irds o( Br'azil ian eJ<portati om.r pol i tiC3i11F1Q,rmms rerna in i I'iI '~'hi}.Sh8d'e,

,28th 'trl' Se;PtEmbe'f. 1871, suUhci:eot lor th~t. ti me" mas, a $Io~r ac:Uon, .arildl '9~ves a ~O~IJ Irate of y,eairly 001 BlfHlip'!i!!lion:s., lhellil 'Ilhll:: cirouns:ttlillces, of 'lJ'Ile country ,al'ildl the- :u:oody pro.g~,goo Qi; p!!..iIlblie
:SU(:h .as

a bi II. ths puroort of which is: W oor~e;c~ rn'any O'~ 'l1leJ I me~ulalli'~ies; and! i!"lliqlJ! itieS ,o'f the :sJi3Jl/iBlfy oCllfVf!na I1t, I wi n ilMTOOIJ..lCe OM e~tablhhing th9 081i:e Qif tlhe 1:;;1',Qii; Jan U81Y; " :agO" '~Oi" the ijil'l'iiili"ie' aooli'~ len o-f S~a~fY' i'ri'i '~ne Empire', I know $'!Jon,a la~e Iper ioa i~a to!'JiiJllromi5€. but it is ,8 nocessB:I)I' 0 ne, It is. UtI:: ol1ll,'Y' means: of ~Uii'11fIounti I'lIg diJUiol.l~'~'iiQSwhich .are iStill \;I~:ry '9 re~iL llhs I,~w o'~'the'

I n '~hB' applI"OOch in 9 ,~Icm

otf the H-Io we. of DepIJ.Jli'eS. IbiilSidBs:

Ute 1st of Janua,ry. 1:600.

niIYw:" Ibolh


@i'1Id IFec:ju,~[j\i;!i_,AiII

'!NOUI!d leave

ti!fli!E!i tOo '~he plmter.:5:



45 to pf:~are fOil" ~he- 9 rea f ~olLl teo i'II. wtiiil',e it 'would dili'e:G'Uv give ri:;..e" iJ~"I the hearts of '~ne ,~Iiilves. 00 ~111'i1 iIW,a!lJ,abte hope. of an infinite price, wnk:h 'NOU Id render IIHe less and! !€~ h~rd '~or them, at ~ry :s:~ep or t!i1t'IiS: ~hat shoufd brung '~hif:111I 1'lI~ rer 'to '~'~dbFftl, 11mis bill I wi I I not be oonverted thl is year' int'O ;a l;;rw;, bu'~ Iintnx.ll.1!ced e'!rery Se33i on. in E! biberal House by rf!'!f$€ll 'O~ SOme ,err Imy 'frimds;. in a Co~e -'lta~~¥e' ~Iouse by SOlfl1l!: pri)!ID1 inmt CGnseN~ti1,;l9" Abol i''til) n is;:., rike Mr_ Gusm~o Lobo - i nCF€ssing every '~il'fL{l in \.!'CItl~t, i'~,VIIi III A~r'iI.Jmprnat last. As ~h~ d~~e is, iml'i"lO\;'rible, every' delav wou ld ~eflder the trans ilion pellioo burt it wo!J~dl not be ou r fault. lhl1 fr>Oi!Hil!!'F Q'i: tnB' File'.x,t deaide ~al ~ not be CF~-S~ in Brazil" ~ hQpe,. by any man, cal iing h irn;sel'f ,8 slsva Such a hope II e>i:pre!1Sh~ us SUrf] '10 m!31Bt wi th ~hB' :symp,a~hy 0" lmii;l IEmpe'ror. io-.. he ~fitlO'~, lOU ~ . be ea n"le!i't Iv desil!i'OUS Ctf ~~ing to. his, daug'h'ter ,8 'fte coontrv. rid ot ,slavery, and whG has had .a IirMdry 'forty y.e-ani 'Of i'Eli' g~l'to e:<tE!¢!..lte wti~t Aleio::~fide: II. Of R l,I:3$i(!l. e! id ,iii fil'€!i" $i;!:;, 1Il0:t for one miU iOIn, but for forty i("nimons. 'Of h i'S :stIIb]~cts. .againcs1 moot t'errih1e odds; end incomparable social r.esista oees, wi lh~lt d i:spooi 1'lI9I in 'fact o'F" any '9 reater ~treiH.!Ith, We w~11 have. lbi3SkriBSu Gill our side '~ha- g;ene"lus,j l¥ o'r the i"IatLOff'l!l1l~ o'i'UlI"rlC'Ile(, ~nd d'llie-n" Ute oompllicitv of lhe. s.laveOVi.fJle~, 'lh"ho out of li'lJlman f~1 i ngs a F€ ~clVBny ~Ollrl ilng ITfI ore 9!f'!d rna Fe 'im bast 1J;.!Orkers O'f Emaiilc-ipatio n The ~(fW pa!i.Sed under Visoout'l I ot f'1: i(I Bra'niciJo'~ ad min i:)~r$lion '!II\C!S renai nRy' not 81 OOmPromise between t\iVO indEpendent Sovcf!jigrrH~ ~ the S.'i'8W and S,laveI"Y, It was I'lIQl a conteact. do. U'UM$" nat a tre.aty of' a II ianoo. It 'J1i.!aS Ii ka ;;iny ,!'~he~'. !egi:slall i'V~ Act to !be' '~.ested by' e)(periB'l'1.DE!' a ~1'1 d i}y i ti: O'Nlil fiii3 IUlre, the mere fore run ner of '~he ,defill'lllc solut ion" I'~ ma~€llled Ifill! tradi tlo nal Ibu iUdiing, i(j{i(PO~ its seoolar fo !Jndation now tJ'ie 'f~ II FII1IuM 'follow. UI~ de1' the last 'Galbinet the ImO'i.Emen'~: was (~«ked 'for ~ wh ile, but the O:!ibinet thifO'i.l'ilJ!l down and IElI'11ancipation stands, 1.Nti~t a betll!er si g,flal o.f plJ bl ic sf') i i'i t '~I"I,afl'l ~f1e' Ii 0e-f31ity Of 91'E!;;iltand $rn.aU l,an;downers.. leaving, !by wi II, :an . 'ttilei r ,5~oves free and! d istribu~jlng ~Bnd5i il!Imon~l them 7 EVillV d!fI¥ ,8 MIN f118~ is, ill'scribed in iI.hal: 'Golden BO'oik, wh~ ~es €Very Bf(l;::ilian ViIOuld be proud to' readL \Nhat 81 betrer 5:iglllal. too, ~h an 'th~ posl ti on aOOlllrn~d !by 'Ihe la-ad in,g n~apeF8, of '~he OOi"m'lJi'¥. all f;;Ji!iOl.lra'ble no ,I: f'lfial~ci,pa'~ioril, as .. for ;!l:sta:noe. the J~~ do, COmfflfN'(;jtr;. wIlore d8'fe~' IOf '~n!G Aedll!'f:rnilllg Fu nd h Q.nQffS:@lIff' jQU~I~SFm., an d Ihe GnztJlttl' d,ll! N(U~':c;~$~ open to ~r'y soc ial ref,orID? Alii the ger"ile:rO'~~ty O'f the (00 ntry is: a r'O'!.JSBIl:II IOn"g si nee" in f3'!lm" @f' , !progressive :molitilOn_ AnywhgrQ, al llhe: IP'UIb1 me-,etil"lg,s, as v;,re.11s in ic a ~he- Pa r:1 i.:lln'll;lnt ~lleri~ ~ry '~rd of E!'bolh ion is g reeted wi lh

@ppl,ay:se"\, ,and trlJe IXilPI.:ila~Hy is: attached to till!} lli1I~mafY 0'1: tr.ooG' who 'WIJFe 'lite p,recu rsors 10" the Idea" ,i3$ '!Heri i as 'to e¥ep{ ~~~lI)E!smali'l V!.!ti'IIl) nias to bui~d th~ i!;,!lIlOOtnl!lS3 O'f the countrv upon ,8 free sol I.. Fioolly' vve mary rely om a 1;;!Il'e. but powerfl;j L OOfl'lii ng.ent, when ~II tllo.oo '!MlO deseend fmm sloiWes,wi i i u nderstano wlMat :!Ii du ty that legacy iili'lp~ on '~li'Iern'ww~FdSi 'the CIW~· ~ defend. ·'Tha' fact rerne ins, lbut. 'the right h~ Ipa~d"'", said ttl e Sena~o:t Na b!JCCi, my 'f,linfler. 1ii!IIIJIdiingito .~ht!,ooriie'fioent ~~,w t~a .2e~h Oif Sa1)~ern~r • o'f ., 0'7'11 'r~'I;I ",.;.1 'f~t ,.(1".""., 'UI .... ~ n"""" ",·~c.nd' U !""-I'. • :.II!'~ II.- ........ ,"' ..n· U -!'iI- 1t'!..!! hi'i~'"'11 '" .....,.,." eon rl""'''''' I" ·v. ~e- ............. . [petish. H has no ilfite-_fft~! I i f~'" ~ll'Idi U'Iii;: ooolner it .a iSElPpesrs" 'Iile
Q,f.' , !!11.. 'I111<11!L 'U'L ... ~"', . ! !l! .. !LV


Ths British ;8l'11dForeigln AJ!Tli,~ SIa¥E!ry Soclety sees eveif'[( Gaty '~Jieprop~trljD lO'~ i es efto ns, Th~'~ li$. ,~, r~ It o'f tne 'iIiiOrk Qf SQCi~'1 :!):OO rnoral leweU ing. ~ idl is: being carried On ~I1iI()'l'I-g oivil lzed (i(MJllllti"i~~. ~ {:ff'or~s; more lihaIl onee Viliere' d iFleeted .~.o\IV\3rds i3-rs2 i I. and! tney WElf!\e net Uf1SiJ.JiUOeS':'fu L Willi, '~hil!:d:ay is illIQl v9irV d istant, Vi E!I'll. in '~n€ 'geograph1ijcal ro.ap of 51 ave1¥, ISr.a.zi I alid Culba. ~WQ ,oJ

the moot Itll€:liIlUli';u I artd f'Br li I B' pertions oJ '~)h-B' 911000. wi!! no IOll9iJlf be 'tne da:f~ W'ots in Ame·i'I.e~n I,and. That d~y. vou r c'iV(lii',k ViIi II be 811 ost fin ished. OOI~ from thr.!'~: ay only. ,a date ~ c-alledl the mH.iol'ii:3.! m d ~'1E!9ili"3!, WI II begl n the; new Ui'fe o<f :i country dfr8:~llilOO t'O 100 by the virtue -oi: 'free-'ViIOrk ,a~(!'I'iie. a b'1e:ssedlIllOI'l1!e, tfile IDr id{! IJif !leI' (:n i~dlreClJ

or ;;)dol)tiva"1.

OH;i3r'illG'!too the .s5StllmnOi]' of my h~gh r~srxL too be. d~1' Sir,

Joaqu 1m i"\I:abuoo t;JLIeffiber of the B~~li:iliaFiPari ram~fi"ll

I have 'liHl honor

Yours \lE!ry :sincer.ely





~4,n"l. " 88"


s, 'W,



i should Iike to wflte an ~nicl\e' on '~li1e st~II''Y' Question it'! Bra~ i I stati ng an oor Viiews.. ~ ,do not kllow i'f ~ could fi nd thi3i WBY (1011' ull~rt 2Irticle beii~ placedl DB'rm~ tho eyilS 01 a h:lrge f11IEtiffib~r ot rep resen tati~e people i~ Englandl, by being l[;ill.! b~ished arft~r cQrrectio~ in some M8QJazil'i'l12 01 htgh d8~ snd inl'l uartee. IIn cas€: yoo could ,give me- ill c!'l:a~ iOf ~u bl i~ inS! it in line; ooFIld'it~on:s I de:sirl;!i, I W(tll"dd b~li n to. worl{ in it as soon as I reoe;!ve from you 511Jch8t.SIJrsn-oe._ I am ~i!UI~ no ii'rIlj):i"{i impwt:nn, (lue&ti(llff'i 'OO!IJ Idl anract the .aH~ntj!)n Q'f ~iberal O'pin iQ:[l '~inaJ'i!'~he Oii€ on w~(ise' ~11Jt'iQI'i! dep~s 'the 'fal!!e' af iii 'Nho~!!;!l raea of me-no I do not knQw haw to write in Engl if>.'h SO as iQ ~ppea~ before am E~~91sh publ le, but I wliU lAa,.re filly' COf! tribu ~ron l gr,~mi11lalutGally c(mIGCil:ell by someone who IknOVilS.. II '~h ~nlk th is

'NIJull d be
tltii81 is

I do m;)I'~: IJili'l k beli'om ii,t m ~f you :tee 'tine pooib i~tv i ~il'IV :s.uOhpu bl icati>cm. n ,a:sk ¥C!J '[Q let me !know. II :~ 'liM ooragl'aptJ'I iin tIMe I a~t i~e ,Olf the "EC@f10ili'l lst" and ~ 't&'iCllJgml it OC{C{lU~nt. Ibegl you re bel iEve me, dear M~. AIIIIfm,

'~nc il"!2mOn why


great :servi'ce r~rilde:red '10 uhe'I>ancilPMiQrl !Ca!Jse. arndi


:S~nrel'ie~y you FS", Jloaqu i rn Nii!I'buoo


for and

other thm·e te 'Iile' per SOIlS, ~ho5e ns mes. are 'Wrin:en an '.he b~ek. pr~i'ngl yOu to tc ri,lVaro 'them to tnei r addlli~$. I P:re~ t rTlY' resvects; to M rs, Allel'll :and hOpe to be able to see hel' ,often i'f

I ~$ vvell and ~i'i1I"i&v ~~iVQd lTv rrvy 1'ri'ell'idls, bu·~ I d!o!l.lbt ifJ: the receptio!f! ~ mel w~'~flr!'i! IEyl'ape' n,aS I'!('!'t been 3 fine ,~bject '[,0'1' the p ro&s!Ia'lieif"Y Ipa I.y to, p~ay with lb~fOinEHhe CoI'1l~tiiI.llJelfK:.8S., ~t is C!Jrrent lh~ House will be d isso~ved and MW er~ciJioli'l~will Iby al ~mefiif'lS ti!!iM IDI\aGetlilis yee r, I pre~.nt llii'!y:)e!I'f i"Ii/)'Ih" for IFt.a de Janeiro, tIMe Capi'~al 01' the Empi FEl. ·!i.3I00 a stm rng '!Nor k b~ d;n1ll8 0111 my si d8. ThB resijll t ap~rSi very dmJlb'Uu L Ri@ b!l11og a; 'I,i'{li)!' imponant ooiif'lt 'Iior both pijlr(ie5, to win V!lh idl h !by i liiSe-1f a-¥i(:~olfY g~eatl '1/ QO>Veood. if i lose my seat jill Pall1iamenrt i will have Ihoo iii! 'Very mort po I ideal caroor but I wi'lll be 91001 not to havE! a IloOng Qif'le by ~bmi Uing 'h) sl ~rv and 'treati!l"!O '!Ali'~h it. I ssnd you O\!\B' of the pOnrait5: yQu wj~1

Mre a iT!on'~1n.ago" w many e<$ ,arldl J\Or me '~Ilat OIll!Y. nOW I can wFile to yQU and! tl;ii n k of the plearu re ~ich yiOOJ 1" ~llIaj'n'~~j1coa' ~i\ies me'. I haver rill:nn~nQ 1l'i@'IN '~:O te III \,,001 ,aix!Y'tt '~he AIfI'li..:sl~ry - movemem here.

duties ~

I arrived

'!N:3 iti 1'1I~1



(In/ly 00 decid~d i n

by ,tiny l'iJ'lIBa!1S. Ihes¥e [p!Jbl ie Iif!ll! by a eontrarv voih;!' of th is el lV. hl ! tl'l is iC~ II wi III 0'0 mY' be$'1 00 spend! ,:ro~ lUf'!)E! ii'll England, lIled p'in@ frOom LQndon a$ muml 85: I can 'ltie~ ab!)li'~ienist ml[)'l.!elll'lerrl: Ihelm, The ne:J< t 'mIlOCtio,(l:S, ,ar'iEl:all im,PO'lI:3li'iit '~or us, ~fU.jOO 'nlii;1 QiI!.i~'~i!i)FiI Gan

P'aJ~ iaiifie)n't, cannot







be dona: '~hfOijJ~h ;a ii'1E!\i(ll1 i.ftijOfil. wl'i! leh Ii"! i Fig = it _II l Ol'lly be ljaFlrh::d by !iii

P:ar~ i'ii!me!'il'~3ry jifI~jol'~tv ~nd 'lhej1grCOfe lit Ps. 'i'o~ LIS :a '9~'~: !i;:j iJeSiI:i'OIi"l to bee 0 roo a 8ti~~ srna I ler 111l1i nor! ~y '~h~ M' we~·.


}!IO!lJ OJ} ki nd enm,JlQh 1:0 fa'J"loi'tBrcllthe clrlcl@SGd latter t,o Sni". .[IuridlCl, 'who~ !1!Ic!ld ~ I 'forgo,t? II h'M not lreceived news from you rseU siilllte ~ ~r~ived nere. but I ROpe 'mey :are at preserut c~oSSiing 'tN: ~" II am SOIT'll I ~llJ.h I~fi'g~an(j bdor!l '[h!;li $B:!I801'1Iwhe1ll '~here ~$ IhI~IV >any-I_hingi !\ot!' me' tc do, m.!!ii'Ei'. I If'em;aio. de-ar Mt" ~~id~r



Dsar Mr. AII~n:

I ih8¥e on Iy 1ilFM' 'to wli te to \lOll! a she rt letter '~Ol€j,t you h:!M!l tlie Qe(:i:sion (i~: Oul" Syp iliIifrle OO!Jii't on tl'lii;! ''O V:ell'! 0" ca!ie, ~ sentence of the Oum Prero 'CoIJJ rt of A_ppea!:s hEllSbeen ali1l11U1l~dnti a the ,arvoo~1'Gou rt Off Rio sh@11 give ~ n;~ j ud'gem~nt on title point ~f '~lhf: blaGk5: 'lNag;e:s, and 'Ifleir' rl'Qh t to 'fr'€ed.oml by '('Cree ,0,1 'the 1845 CQi1'Moct. The importanee af !th@Acomio wh iClh ordered tn@ revlfiion of tile Min~s. sen'tenGE i:s ch iefl 'It Uilal by '(he 001'0 Pf'\eto ~f'lii,efllce ~e btac ks Vi.fei€ considered 'hee by the Mor~,o V€lh o's cencesslon o'f" lreildom iin 1880 ,and not bV tile 1845 oor1f~mc'~.wh ile the :Sup.Feme (;ourQ: 8~.y~, '!tJ~t '.heif' i\'i:gtft '~o freedom dailGS: "nom lhe con ~raC'n beWireen '~he·caua Sr:a 1'IIC3 ana ,the Morro Vell':lO eompatllies, in, ~hi!!rl year. It h:: wry impan!tn'~: too 'Ilhat it was, proposed 'in the!: SIJIp. reme 'Cou rt to bf'ifl!) c,ver or-fici;al pf(li~dings ,agains;( this Morro Vel he agen 1.$ 'f(Jif h3'iting reduced 'free IPeople, O'f who,w '/ff)«jnm ffl8Y ~;.WN~' OOlWt:iOOf" to sl8\'1Jry bV mati1'ioulaiung 'Ihem i I'll 1.872 as. siI~s:.. Sum \i'ifa$ ~'h:e'II<ite. as yOlJ wi I~ ~ ' ill'! U'!ie Aeo.rdi!o O'f the' Mlirniu'er'S of ,the Supreme Court Silwil"8 e Slly60 .Lobat()" 'The Ceu rt did not \iol:@ the <crimina1 p~oc@;!Q!ii"l9~:;ii'nf;) Iy beeaL!J~ tflw do. not I~hif'l ie3l1y oonui(lar to be dle :Jame cri me o'f' reducingl 'free IDeo~~ '~Q 5Ja1re!)" ~Fl ttl e P!!l'Opte a FEl at::.tuaftry 'free- and when they h~ IhDiNGWr clear ;!lind lnCQt1rie$;tabfe,' a Jig Ilt 'lQ freedom, Tlii I:) is al pyi'cly 'tedhnic:al 9~OUnd and does not :signi JV itha~: the Min ~.t!}rn; who vored ~a~n8t thE: p roseCl[,llion Iho~d arny' diHer'eot view from the-i r c-Qlleag!!.J$S" who· p F8S:S€d 'for it OIl 'the point O'f the ccnsph ood the keepi~' i n "~;!>';:",r· Af f1fl .... n ""vll I .".'I'lit ~A l"Ir;;o 'It-I!«! '!i'IJ!!nt· II 'lw,Q yoors: h", ai'l\i"1 ,.. """"., 'if I,,!I~ - _. ~ .1:1......






On the :3:18'1:. the d€J€at

ai moot

iiliducal~e In!!' by pamphlets and writing and 111 I can do ba~te in !London tlil~ hef'lE!'. Tlhe 9F~al:QS,l Sl,In-~ri filg of '!tJe ~(i(Siti!l)lJ1 II r ~-,k .,~, .. .0;1 ,r'ii""liilli - h ," "'I '"""',.; ~- v;.rh .....,.-.. ..-I ... t,00 ....IS 'I·i..,","~ I ',.ou uO ._v _ 1119 ~..., _.E!-I P '.'n........""".. .... ........ ...........Ut:;!V, v'COI'Ji1ie to me bel ie¥i~ II Ihalit!i po\wll"' to free! 'them. wh~le II can O'nl~ send them back to ttJe ~!:a'i.;\ery quarte" ,end to 'their mastsr's Vi.!T'O'~h. I wi II send to you 'ltie d'oC!!.Jrrnerrh (ii' th!l .ca:m;pilllig,n ,a:i'i.(I '~lhe j:le.WI~t~ ¢if the· 'ltot9i. I iJi"It~rnd saY'hi'i91 in Iifly !'i!E!:-;;t ,add(~ that if' ~ am de1'eaited I wi I! Dear' prosclfiiP'~iionand 1il€' :soda1 arrtqon ism which 'th!9lirr 'ltOo'le 'o'f (l;str;JCiSfll ~O~ It(!! e:-;o:,istbelwee-n the abQl it~!Oni~l$ and '~hee!ect'(ir~
0 ... .-.

~ooff~ pilatUer) in 510 P.aiW I te, boldl ,i3!1l.t.ernpl to st~lJ.Jgg~e 'liVi Ih ,sl~ety iff'l Iiltle- City th!lY jJlF@oom:li to ibfl' '~he C'O'H~ capital. U ~ .am de'f'eated, ,as I ,expet;l" ~ will lilrolbabl If gOo te !L@nd\j)n fJOfi' ;31 few Y.BIliiNl.. as Ii cali'! !hard I¥ do anv·til irwgl out of IPall"lii~IliiEro~ 'e;:(cept to mii is, him5e11
m'yissl'f in P'F~sent


rail bal~te :shi!i!111 deci'ded andl it uS be Jo!' iI'r'ie to '!.!\.!if'll" Ttl:€: ca!ndid'a~e whQ wm IPfIloblllbiv
>G lecto

Hi Ci

a .f~:umJ~ _, it w$S

,E! very



'L .. ,.;J


whh '~he'5a1i'le resignation

their !~'

'imo~er~b~e !(:onditi(l;Ft

nei"il!herto have a is!rnily' IPro'u:~ctedl by or pro.peny oOf ~hl3'ilF ,own i9Xa;!j)1 'Y!.!i'th ,grij.f;1"l Ii"~s!k.- flO1' 00 h.wa' tnei r laboo F p~rI at least one day dlJ.:l.ri rnQI ~t1hi3'lr II Lv.eS ~ ~t. hS,,81 verry mild SMta--OOi;li 'iI.\h:~n 'Which m~¥ 'oo;ndem n me 'to leawe IPo!l i heal Iif'a and mV seat in P,a itatJfJBnt to 'the. slave, !!J1NrIer.~ and lh€ de1cgales, ()il: rl :s1~i3il'Y beg! you, my dea!!,.. ffiell1ldl~, to. remember Ime kirildlly to Mr,:J;, Alileil"!, 00 1P~~nt W-aimfli wld-i ~ 'fOil'" Il1I hul tll1l to the vei'i!l!lr-.a~!!J! Mr'_ is
h ~

men have 1Ili0 r i9ht5 wh~~ef,

®hd patlence wit" '!,Ivhich 'IM:sJa\1'8S bssr ~n ;;II (:00 i1try whef'EI over OO'E!' ~ iI ~ion(r~;

Cooper and to p~t a~ii;llte W Mr. G!i.J mw,


Mr. :Sturg~ and MIL Cr~wfor,d.I

my oompH meflts, of' fel row ViI"OflcierS ,an~



F-'. S" - What


mon: not}}

,til gr,and

vvork y<01J! have dl))f'!E! inl Eg,yptn I '!N3S, to, WII'U:e

f:lrndlI carne to th

i'~p,*. lPa~d(!ln me



Ja:nU8f'!1 5tn. 1002.

! am :50 very buw 't(}-day a~d tD'\InOtf\CIW tmat II ii1I1Jst deprive I1fIOY1SflUf ~he gr~art pleasure 0" going 10 ~he C~ty iii! order to reB' you o until. the end of the wee·k. ~iS~'~. ~~k yoo s:J¥ VOU a Fe ,soi FlIg to r rance. Well when you come back I shaU see yoo. i"iJaw we have IptelfllY oJ t~lilf!e. I i!!Ir'i'I '\iil!li'V SQ~i)' not ~o lbe .abl,g t(ii 00 P~rit to tl'i.e Frx:l!tlrng of the Commi'! l:ee lQ-mg.rro'W bu t I h OPe .om the' rfIe",l O\Ofr~1)s to r.'e-i'iew my aoQi.dr;llintanoe· with that vi'or~hy boo¥ andsee .again Mr. Snuge. Un h1avpliy I df d ."Ii0l~ .ali'ji~ in 'time 'to tPaii{Ifill\( las~. ~,t$ ~ 10 poor Mr_ CoojJ@r. Fie lived a noble Ii.,'€! - that iSolhe best one can do. G We. my OOfflJ)liment8: W your Wff'lS for 'lJhe- ~I'e~ 1'18''Ihav' aile: ~US1ill1g yoOliJ and please represen ~ my !'"€:lpeC:1!; to Mr.:;. Alien.

:23rd of J~n~i!I~'r ~&82

1'9"Srook Sll~e[

~ Mr A]11e:i'i is; i'iIOcW i fi'iI lh9' :s.~,n~ {lit: Fir,anco. ~ tah tlllle: I iber ty ,Of troub~'inig ':Io!J to galt oome i nf'Or!iTl(itnOf'!1 on a l(:!ioint 1Ni'! ioh does ill'il'teFeSit yoo so miUch. '~'he Morro VelhQ ComPany's, C6S1il'a1bout lhi9 sl~s it hes illegally Ihekl1.,The~ re;preserl!'t~tive of 'U,e Blacks agaif!st '~heMorro Vel no Oo~i1!nv ~ntSi 'itO I!::now: 10.. '_' I'f it { London .an/!( r~r~ntartk'illi Df the' ~ t~Mt Ci!li:te!1 B~,an~ Oofinpar'il\f ~nd i~: it Q~ 'Whe!i\e ,does it 'runcti'Ofll ~i'iId what <lilnl ift~ dtullI1I!CWr. IPO'Ner.s. aoo I~I S;ltmdling,; 21)"

Com~'2IFilY. ~f ~iCh exi rot ~ll'Idi thil MO'fnD Vellll1lo Co m,pan¥ ilS, lMI'18: any UIli~OOI or oommUf! i tv O'f i i'iI'leres:ts k.n~ in t~e City ~ 30. = who ;;IIn1e; .', • LJI' ~ ..4 . i. ' •. •., lioof4 PBr50l'iI~ Mat 1:5 llif:~r pUUJ Ie >Ci'i,aiCt~lf. Mu t.'If!lif :~Ial pciS'!'tlon or proifasaiOI'll,

If betweet!1 '~he F€p,resefliitati~, ,o,'f'~I\e' caUa B~a-Ma

n ow ~n appeal OOklfe lhe' IFtet9tio •. wltite5: to me~to n:ev.e' 'lhe~: liloforroaltioilil, wnidl hie: says; the ~kied too 'from ~mJ@ I3iriliish lL~lion in A io, and f !'lid'Sv,ery IJse~!J1~nd ill mM~ necEssary ~'Q:rttJl!i! :sta1bflS of ttJ1Eli Blac~, rUg'hl~ as 1110 Morro VtlIh I) in:sirs.1.Sin having p.9idl ·~he~18; 'iIBS. to '. he: a~tjflct Olttal Brai'l~t d\af~tes. I ali1l:Sl))l ~ \Iou lkll'l~ 811 ,abQL,n: it n ~ndl .oOIU lid give me' the ilnfo!fmalion Mr. IDi as dal Si Iva Wii!Ill\S to. Ill!moody in his d9'oonoo of '!he poor sl!woo' r;ght I :ailllil OOH¥' to 'liI'O'!Jllme vou, arj~ aill'i r~dy to caU O~ you ,alt 'thE!!A~ti..:sI~N fQOU'i t'O 'ge~the

Mr. J8,Ci ntflQ DiillS,03 Sil~, wIlo ~ leads 'the ~use of '~tle Blatt~.




'OO!'lil pJJii tMenitS.

SII1:n1: YOOI by past y,O!J, I wOIiJ~d 00 vfilY ~epot:tf:f ,and 8 copy !l;ff

I h~

~lIIid to haw tne nBst li1IU'm~ns; of the @d'd'~ ·1;I'SSi~ned.Nith ,all my \


Of M3arid "Nil ich I




19 Br'Oolk, St!',ee~ Lordon, JulV H3tl'l" 1881



I li'!\t!iS:t OOn9f'3 tI,,!II~te, yO!!J ;and 'the: An'~i-SR~ve ry on tlhe fUI1l~1 sel"f~erKle dB.ivered aga~nlSt '~he~n"O \i\elho C:Qfii!p~l1V i9lld iFf! l8VOUIF o,f '~hI1: IBI.acks, I !!ncl~ '~h{l' article' 01' lh:e' Ffi le Ne'IN;S o.J thm' :2.11!'U'IL which I darlfl my 'too h3'!l{; SOOrll wish inill 'You if you havt: i1f10~I\Elf oopy
relUH'I !Tie

'~he51:; rap.

Thi:s V!o'E!ek ~ wi II 9:0 ;C)Ili(l :$oE!eyOf,J

ullnl~ yo Wach~ay
U '1M


~h!il!t yool Of 'lhw rOOa~ Iil~~ 1.

i te 'to me

shal ~nat be in yoo r a,niC€. ei'UhBIf O'Jl .aifld bel ieve



iilE!Qu~ ~r~il




Pl~.mse' pr~t ~!Wo3fIt~

my camp I'ilillE:il'I!::S, to Mr_ SiU~'e


very tru Iy yours.



Wesitern R~
IBrighton" AUgust 16. '188;:2


i ssnd you confidootiaJlly. wi:5JruIlg 'If'OLil to ,5!:OO it Ibaclii; tn 1m!]: ~ re9Ciirlg" a lette-r I ~e1ived 1121$1, y,Qar 011 the subject of oe-rtaif!1 blacks: lin M i ili!!fll i(iseNi~.. as. 'you miglfi!t 'tal ~ ,tOo lIne per,5(!(fl.s, ,ooJlcef1ned in 1 he; ~ 3i1'dI seG' ~ ~rIi:1:Q do i I'll t'~or of the. slwe5_,
~diD,not lh~n k Mr. Alilen riS: iin tOWri. iif he liS'Widl 'Val.! lP~oose s'how him '~neletter"

J!ooqUl!J1ITi Naoooo

Vt!!F'i1 ~i'ii.iIIVVOU~


111 W~~~n FI:oad Bfi~h~(WI1 ,Al;Jgusl2ftilim" 11,882

~ Ihave ,i!J,J:S~ ~e:e.aiived YOlUlr Ilet.ter en the 5L1lbj~1 ~ 'iiitfQ'tII3' '00 you about andl I !9Jm~rrv to lii!ea~ 'lhall M r, liii'"Weffi; 1'ViAS'S ,00 (Jld net Ifjll~ 'the f:II:)lili'li~ ba~o,re ttJe bOdy in which he i:5:5!O ~fiI'~I~,aflili,at I ,~ill 'SI1J lh~ :1 nte~li'I:i[ttDm~ taw Colflference 'you Speili~, of ~>]; oo,t: n;: ~.~-, ~ ___ Ior ,.he rtl'~Oml ;l'iil ltJe I!.!ly y.... """" h ..., 'U'i"'" ~ ... ni~B~-enm _ u I"PIo! ".. _ __ internat lonal law wn ictl met ~nlUwrp>ool, but, the lostituft de Droi ~ I i"I'te'i'i'\'~tiil)n~l w'hictl iig. '~O moot ~n lu ri on S~mllfllb8f' 1Jhilll111h,
'j... y _

I-:-': ......t-' !l1IE!..w ~

pr.epari n~1a iPa~r 'Ci n staJVefy bM~re' ,lntemari-rm'Si L_ - !J!Jt ~ yOu can i'iici'~, l'iiiNEi ~l'ie $llb~c't QOi1'!.i'ei"'liently' Oi'O\iigM berrOF-.,;i' 'j h~ l,n:-fl,ritu,t~ iI: is better to PQu~pC!neit: to '~hE:, mee1:ing oJ nex t y~r" Meanv&.Jle I III erdarg;e '~he pa,per I was 'iIlilr'i'ting ,arid Fillakia' it mQrEl 'e(lirflplete wh!!n I 'go to lond'o~ aiS II h tM:: no 000 ks here, I



Joaquim Na'bt.Jco

33,. OiaVii0S SlJn~t 8ier~_erey Sq!J~lF0.. W Mlarrch j,ht, U384

I hope Vau are ln Ig;ooo hea'llh afitEr oy;oiJ.!!lr slhiO.ft lnIoli'day" I i3im going t~ 'ita k8 ilnin~' ll1Iow" as,I~r :~ilhoe I mme from Milani II1H{ netlll'th ~85 be~ veJy ~~' aM I ~~ 2 ~t()nes wi~hoot. l~ftO~i fl9 'llheJ e:iI!!JIOO O'f mv If(>m:eme n€IlVOOS: debihty.


I no,p€' 'lJhe 10n91 rea ¥Oy,~ iI:li"!d change c'r clim~'te a!f!d wiN I ~@ ~oooos,fJjJ I i~: wll!i8lt II arn ~ frering is :~in,plly ,a¥e~'''W'OFk OiJ!IY'!bi ed wutn l1o:t'Jile-,sl(:kti~; ,and ~t n ,00flf'ii\Vlfii!li~i~ ~ii'I,

month:), 18!J~ Ykio, kiliOM~ ~8llliYihile

I tlh i fl~ Clf loewi fig f'Of [!3razlll

.Aboli1jiol'ilii~t IlOOIIJem_i)n1: '~~ ~if~~ my holl~a~ willi 00 ,em:plO¥OO in a{Ji tating 1il!f:' Q~lion i still 11;c~1TII Ii t i1Jt!1S ¥e~ !been, The' I1FIOrrl€mt ~ms '1:0 meJ itO' h!i!¥e ,ar,rived for oome eneFg~lic kind 'olf ;acliorll,

'~he~5'ilh :8l!iid 'to s:tay i;t~ ,4, I am 'QII~d i;O t'e'lll ~yO'!.!, 'llie is, geniii'i~ MrY' day :$.1Jl'Oliger and II


'YClWi r '~G!!)f'd!i:Jij11P~d'i,al

;?ind li'r'i;l'· ~i1I'i~ tc be' very D(i,~~ lar" WJ)a'~ b1W1llider his; Pii\Oclal!fl~tlloo ~$'!I Hap,p~!¥ 'JOr -us; lit Game

,~in'i;lr 1h~ MliIan Conf~ljTjce,

~ wi ml {:t1Illll00 yOU &O~ 'aW imB:t::t: p~~t. to Mrs, ,Allen '!'Q~' tier ,own and he\(' On ildlfl€N"$ '~llf~~"
H 'you ,didl ~ndty

k and ''NOLII~d'k~1 obi


iged respe~~ .andl best W\ldle$

I ii'ii;imaillil a!1~,
YOI!.!IIl: Wiry :s'iOOerE!llry


r Mr. Allen:

in;:ftGr a ~ong oo:S;pense IifIrY c lai m to ~epri~nl'~,he ,capital of fier·' t If'WiiUit'!bUloo.. 'lIMe Oi:tv of' R'oc ul'€:, GBrreated in the MoUSie by

fQirms, of liioor,8~s~ Ftepulbl i CarJi5. and Abo li'tio!"!i$~ C..oI15el'\i\E!tiveoS. Ttl€ House bas 'mus, i~i:(hm'i'l~ed\O';!JI ~ft a i1fh~i"I wnQ.m tll'le ~r:ity ~ O'~''~he ,ilIoctor3it€l had nn 81 leg®1 eae~tio n l'iepuo iillt~d. I seno yoOl..!! a leadii~ a r~i(;le O'f '~h'e' ii"IEI~~aoor '·0 Paiz:" in whkh my excfusion 'from Par~iB!Il'lent i:s ,5eve~'~Y '0 iW!.!~. F!iecif'e tl'il~ Inews p:rOOi.I!~ ,gl91rea ~ S1lwck a'S you wi II S@'€l by ;'Tne] R eO N~" and! as: a In~ el~ti on ls to, '~'.iikre] pleee Qr'ii 'the ]\1 hi .•h.!'f'f!e ene oIl' the dI~tricts; (lif the' PJr'QVirnce th~ ilil I ilOO~a~ eendldates wi thdlr,awn in my 'favour, so 'that I h~ _ain a (iha."!CEI, allhoo glM a slight one ,_ il being .an @'gfliooltll r;al d~:!ltrict ~his;

Coalillon O'f Conservatives, and pf'O.$lI~es. Iiberah agaii"l~t trne U [lited



f'arHameliTt The OO'i,!'€n Liberal votes whiCii added to U't~ CoFir"~er'ilati\IEI reje('te:d me "Mere O'f msn ,en ti Fe-ly d~nd'efilt 0f'I1 tna _ a '_ I' .: -_- Ih,"n···~.... ..- _ i;:;: ,M'" _t' tpa t ~oo~e 0' f' ,!i_av,ery 0;[ 0 .f." 0011·ee mel , ~__ I! el a 'Th"" new ,_ m15.· ry
time, of enrering

OOi'ifli;l to pD~r d]!l;trLJIs:ti'ngi IUS and dii)~ rU$1ied by us, Abol i1tionisls, while it has a prornlse of SUIPOO!'l hom Conserva lives; and p ro·~I~ry Li barnls but it has allflQ-adly' introduced the SB.fM bl III nearl If '1m 'W'hr<:1h Se!'1hor Dantas '~, o¥ertli1 r'(iY,illl '!iYI'I r.(:h ~QiM; the stre~th of Uw movement again.5otsl,:wery_ The Cabi ne'~ lJhili'i k ~rneill' bill ~ill !}U't ~n ernd to sl~i'"y by OOf-cnase in. 7 y!l:8 rs or ,s. We wi II Nght tille] indernni tv prinelp le, bJit wi II efld, I be:!ie~ by v.otifig tl'lQl funds .. l"Iowever unfair and unjus.1. the p~indpie be, !1iI8iki'!l91t!iS an~ poo'J" people iilnd old sII~, dlemsellv.M and ,aU iLlhose 'lA!hQ :;pontoo eoosl Y' ~ilber13'tOO tbe ir :5~~5 and pay' taxes '[o'r the r-sd'eBmililQ ait o'mar

poople·s ShrvBit

'.'at~has iJeeril.

I f II am, eJected on 'Ifl€' 7'ttl I will ii.€!egr,aph 'lO the IEhslZilian ~~ati(!fI - ~~olin811:VOOI mi!lt!/ Iknmv ~hgfl you r,mceir\'ll: is: what mY' th I fong to rmy.sel agi3!in in !London. bu~: berth Ib\j' 'the artiele f

err tf1l~ '·0 - F';§1Ii~t· ,ail'ld tily m,Jlffl a b!l!tiaviQUf as, ttia1: Of '!hEI l,ii be1~1 {:an dioal'eS to give up ti1!eir p~Ce i!'i! my ili'ii't~,'~ 1f0\!;! will see how' diffioi,lll it is; ior me to II~a\I'@ my oourrlry.


1 In~e' ~o 'than k yOl!J 'fa r yOU r cornl'i"ll!.i nic;ali on!; to the Times, - "'" ""'__- --j..,_.-. ., I W e irQ,"!:!' tIIClH'JIIB,dl' !!'l '..._e .... amnar - Q'!_f r. - t'IE!S, iii r'i;I FI" L.o'epu' - - - i!);., 18mel'i1UI!ry AJ).oIHionist Group. tne S.latlJll'0S O'f wn iOh I enelo&.e'\. Unf~ i I the: iSi'1Idi @'f' • """~ -,' -f' ~ ..._·~ -,' ..... tni'" 11- - i-I a~!J t-e "n' fi .... ~ lOVe, """1'." rr w ill ~ ,."j..-.....i- Cine. , rn--'" __ ... 6/e9_:S ... ~ _ill! -!if'. __ !'.It:' a !l8 rill! - II I~ GO\i@FI'IImeI!1l1'are ,callllting tltiei r bill 'ltuoug'h_ The '1,'iliiD .01 parlllBS d bilJ~h fori'ii1lfi~ en iil!lf~V OI~ sI~·II'I(idd~ ,ilIrid fl\epr'Elsenta'~ ives. (ii'f the poiiti¢al ~O~1l" Qf ~a:vel"y are ,::!lJ.!iPPQi'tiif!g the ,cabine~; of' SennQr S81rB\!'a in fear at a more advallood one and v(li~in:g billl to. avoid the in-trod uetion ot ,8 IfOOlly honest and stra ig'h'~f'OrvifalrdiIrIe.~SI!.!Ire, We ,orf CO<ln'~ i2Jll'e'(!i~pO$i rngl ~l1a~ shialfie·Ju I Act tn Foll.lg;h 'Vi.Ih lch SHaveiry wi II be perpelUi3rt.ed illl the Na't1Olilall Debt. dU;e!!IIiI:€lnin~ '~h€ nation wi-th bsn kTUP'tcy. I ~~d 'uh:e- ther da/il iifil 'Illle H:OIWSEI th~t it h~ c~rted o i ~sel-r irll0 a Marll"OCO:) S)~ Mla[ket ihety vote ,al tablet 0'[ prices, tix IIl9 the price Q'~. £: 90 tor the ~!!ItIJes, under ~ yoors, of ,agJll:~ f 80 'for sl,ave~, Ibf!twean 30 ill nd 40 years ;;;iFild! , 00 for ~~~~, betw'E!:en ~ () £


and 50...40 £. ·ro!' ~av~ Ibe~we!en50 and 55 and f. :~m slave'! from 'for 55 to 00. Sla\,iE~ O~ 60. 61,; 62: \fe8rs 'i.l~11 be nOlrl1nalily ~1I'e;a bouFildl to WOI"~ '~hr'Ee- y.ears s.~nll foli' thei'!'" master'S-,. sl~ (if 63 bm.!!f!d work '~WO vears, sl 8'!fe'S 01 84 bea Ita '~m one yeall"'8!11d ,SiI8iJCS of 65, !J~ ~C.hjIilly 'freed- lIhe: 'Prices ab~ 'scancia.J(liUs. ,aifil!tll the :scafHj;a,1 ls g~ea'tel' bet~ure the bilJ an'ters, the p reser!lt liiriN iMlk:h enables a slave


uo i'"00f:91llfi hi fi'liS91' , '~ti'Ough his, ooqu i r~d1 pe.ooi.ftJ'm wbje:et k;! f a~bi ~r'a~i01'1. B"I tile new Ibill the evah.J-a'tiofil i:;; aOO'iii5!ned BOO the :s~ave will hEfile to, pay 'rm hls lreG-dom ~hilli whale: 001 '~h!}. price fh:iSd '(tW si~es Oif.' his. age. wi thOi.ri any' r'E!~rd to III is [P'E!t$Oi'1Ia t COildi tii)(!!S" l8ut \l'iiltH:I'~ makes ih~ prices oc:anda.1olJ5: h50 '~hin li'ne':!, amonat to Ute'

double ald in ma flY pl'!O¥ln{llE:s to three. tillllle$ more, crf the t:l!.J "rent prlces. So t~.,.~ '~hi!:[lU'Qv._ lim~f1t li'ai~ SJi) vary' high 'th'le 'i':altle~ of '~he glWI}5: 'nun lt willi be im~sslble 'foil' ~tiiV V l"OlJiniCE! 'mo do rner,galft'!2f' wh~l. Ge-a~a and Am8!~Qn8S did. I rnBm·w free '~herm.ehre5, '~lhr'wglfl '(he 'f-alling oH im slave's ~10Ie. ~ the :sll~~ ~e: oow 8! priCE!·'~ich 'WIll pr~vgF'll 1Xl00plr: from gi\i'~ng them up andi Inrl8 ke every ,5ilave maiS~er 'NaB, tor hi:s, ]U FFII '~:O have his slaves IOOi)Jgl1~ on ibV the Stam',~ t ,a B'I ighf::r rate tntltl! he Coo Id Y'Elt ia'l tnE!i rnarket lIhe Gove r1I'Uii'lEMi't, have thw, 'f.oundi means to, rnake '~ne :sJ8II.te mlulket ~rd to j'"@S,tm91 th!!i r otg IIi r~ k\ 1i'"ai\~tiOfi'S O\,l'@F s;ia'lJ{js; ::lind l;o 'ifi!;i,lr;e, ~Jeve Ipr'O;pe![ tv at the expense o'~ ~e il:axpayer~, ~bolilim~ i:j~. 11101'1 :s18Joie·ho1d~f1S, f.o~~i9n~rs. ~}Qor pelgpl'e, people ~ ~I f'iaarly I ibafarl'OO iileir 'own


slaves and ~a®llyam


!ltI amef\Y Ilreedmen and :51,ave~

of" n~tiOl!1i!1 rul rt,

IIt ls al tog;ethet alii at~e-trUj! n, of sJ~et:Y'. condemnro as i 1 was by 'Ihi} n4IItiaool OOIO~.'to ~' itscU 'from utter falilmll at the saoFif~Ge

wl'il ich g:ovem this COI,Jli1tr·v QOU Idl not cry ·r'OF t!'boli'~,iori!, bl..:! they oo!1trived t to Je-'Jl~ace '~he abol i HEm tli II by Ol!'i!!!: fer 'the I lquidatinn of fil~ry on the ~t IPossi ole: Jteri'fi$ for Pe'fWii"'IS i FlI"~~FijStedin i'1_ A'Ui!!I Ih&!'iilg raised '11'109' Ipr~ce 01 slave property thiey' iFii'troduQ;!d as. tYlO abQI i"tiQ!'1! fe:c'~~, i I'll '.heir s.cneme - lst, 81 dep reci!:lItion of value, of so much 8! ye8!'" starti i'lIgl from ,2~ and and ill'lQ by 112'1;. ,oombin€:d to r£iave '~hil!lsla'!.!'@ at


file pOI i tical 0 l~itlY'It



(j(}~II'~"I11"M1i"I t '~i II b-uy sl aves OOIOVi.!' 0 year,:]: of Bi,J:e to' free ~liIiern ,Bit cnee: with anojher lhe 6 Gover1'lirtl!lU'Il ~II IP~¥ ~he- im~s;ts of a 'O.!Ji.lssae of bonds 'ta, bL.ry 011 for hiM 'afJeir decJared '!!3lue ~ne whlole !l)'f thile ~I~ 'efil,plQYad in p lantations i.Miage 0iiiffiI1W"S ~ II ,agree 1'0 ~,e;rei'ye IhsH their ..... end 8,lue f i'lle ye;ar5: cd appD\en,hoeship to decla;re them 'r~ ,f;lM .Q1l1~Y !i:lm,p loy t'i'"Q{l labou r in '~heilr es.t8res~ wvth '~he ,third iDa.. t of 'tine {1iil)\l'Ell'l"IiFllUi!:flt 'Wi II :lUIbs,;d!i'ze oof,oi'l i,tatioFi 'ror ~he i1gJitOUIUUIHII es.tabl ~hmenlts I!'iOW eu I'tlrvamd by :sl:weg. 11' i:s, 8!ltOFthe-i a "l'u ti'l'e' ~r'ild abru rd ~he:f'IilE!' 1'or 1hi!'1 ~i~,g 'thE!! plafi~n JlQ g~t rid o:f !thei!' :s.I8!'iteS, at a minimum oJ 1008, a scheme win ioo wi!! impose 9rw~ ~r:'i~I~s. 'mo th~ t~t:o!lP~'!fEl~S; w'i lnmM ifl~iJ~iflg ,~ftry~C!lI{i~ '9iOodl'l:O the ,B!!.Ifioulltl! ral ind!J!~trf,e$ of the' '00 !J1'il'l\Jy. planters ac:cep:t lit as the betst 'ihing ~hGY could .get and hoping hli'l 'Ilhaili" ren~d contrect witRi thle Sta te 'to, h old :sl,a~ fll)r

diivided in 'th ree eQi!:i31 parili~ Wi th onE! U'l~

the end iof ltJ ir'teen '!IOO~, W!tl'!(jiJ~ a valu~ andl !hefeJ()re f~ee, al~d 2nd add i ti onel '~~~ Q-f ~ Oln the wno!e o-f the niZl~iO!1iZlll itBlloi:atioo, ~,(:xpmtSi only ,~clud~ to. :spaFiI 'd'I.s' ~1~O'iiiIii"'Ief' alens] to be


'~h irii;eElfl v~rs, lQ:rtgi;lf ~Q. P-aV (liff 'Ihair' 81~ve de:bt at the: O~I; of ~h.~, sl3tl.i'e Iill'bou r, iFhe -I)illl ~;r))Vides, 0f'I11y 'h)f' th,e, tJommt1! :S~:a¥e$" as 'lI1\e i_n.gef:M)'QS~ who are' slaVes tOQ,;, be.inQl OOund up, to 'serve jhe liI'BS,te~
o'f t~~1 r mother IJnt~i ltley are :2:1 year,s: oL'd '[and 'tmrqr'Ol!"lj} as. 'sd8!le.5: ~ tllrl@l mail:sJsl!tt.!S. SiS flIaOOdy is '~O be ill! ,5-!ave in Bmz~1 Ier imorla: '~h!)nJ 211 Y.e3fis .. 'lh{lf'l k lh;e nation '!NQuld not @IIO'W'id af'le'al ~O~~h1e<I

arildl tE!~;~,oUl'[side ~tlie bef!efioent aom Aboi ili on Act.



SJl'n~ie 'all' ~n~$ he;9ven1v

The ~t besid~ i ffi"!i:lO~ a 'fina' (lIf :t " 00 on UilO$E! wtJo 'wi II a sSt.!\i'e '~'O ru n ~a''.{ - @fi 'Oil.! tr,t!g~lUs Im~!Jre as :ii1,Elves wfl 0 fiJf'I ;3vtay ,on~n f1J n 8\\'i,i:8'i( from i,mar ,of dy ing !JIndi;)r 'lihi3' ~@&h 3_nd no man of I'llCiFiOOII'i' could avoid t'iielping ~he 1)001' 'I,Wj'eli.'Cn 3r'H'~ SUItes ~hat no, Il'Un tIWa/il ,sJave can be ffeed. whiCh meens thsJt 'ito r@cowr ti'J is f~om ~ rtruft 'fi r:s;t go bai:lk l(ii ~he I,ad'il 01" to ''Mh@t is deatlh fO r Ihiil'ifi~


clscrad it '~O Vi/h idl Our Ii ntll"llCe M i nisters go·~ so 'thai!' tlh@ly CQn&1der iffiii9i aii"'ldl rid ieuleus d'e-e~a;j'fi'~I'I'i@fl a!fly~ing said! on tn~t po,iot. S!ave-J'I( ted us to min ln ~ry way. Its. I!!l>l:olusive.., in tol iWan'~;; shut !Up 8p~i'it VIn1I,;g for o'ii IQng '! i i'"i1IliI 'I~ OOsls; Of a OOliCY ii'1l'~er'r"ilally J~OlUra~le in ~e.lfy poiln't '~O -book~,r'dl!l~ If"QU ti ne and eJ!..;tema!l!ytopr.:e5tige.!illnd 'UIU', Ah~' the Pa~!JByan war ~t changed i'15vi~, and Ibe-gu n to Pf'e:S!S for mail:e~il!lll i mpr(lvwnen [8. (;I)"ing ~or rai ~tQ'.;_'ld$ and the r~s.t. 'lhe 'COOIfI try Ofll ,account (if i;s i nmense coHee' orop 'iNtJ:l: s.aid to be the richest in the world and the f!JlU r€ was. '~81>::€d ~lh :sLJClL.essi\iIG loons wi']ho!.H: any ssn5e of ~,~n in a vast and CDt,mIry !!D:po:sed to all sorts of Liinif'Q~i"I e-);.pen.d~t!,l reo ~i "'13' '!he 0s.a11 dIi'O!!.igi1'1 r'Or ifl!St;;!nGe', a rid ,eager' 'to rmi late

lII~(]in 1.0 Save irol'fl utter b!!!JlIt:F!JI~'l'>Cy the lIilortgagiOOl I olng ~o end !9:!(hatJlS!ed sJ~i)' (if 'Ihis OOil,iiltry. Wa: are goingl ~o ii'l'(;iiiE!~~ OI:.Jr debt and QUI[" lC!)(8!tion wh1~Jl the b!JC:;tgel hErs a! Lt!lrge, which J[ilaoh "lear betl~a~nl'l's· 'to its; (\0 II!i)'ii!,rgf. ~nd iiiltIen ClUiIl' cti F~rliCV is depf"E!c ia~d o'f

I hi9'!l~ said iGnoogjl te jlJl.S.tit'y OU r opposili on to ~ 1b~11 h~ch w other .a~fn b!.j'i to deh.Jde' ,ttl e' W(!iI'ld i!;lf'ild~hie IDOIJ!iHlfY, whkJi is very pOll'll iSi ,i:!liTlongl me' sla\;'e;.h o~d\er,Soand ~h8if CIr,8d itQF$~ bu I: wh hen wi I~ be [fi.Ji incus to' ·~he OOiJf'll\FV and '~O th~ !poor Ipe!O'[I!le, eaUed has







leu ropean

lnteltectuel proOOi'tiQn$

tr€mendouslly" and ~hi}. 'iIi.ii1ig'hl is :u'iIII' to be incmBsed as Iong as ~h~ wi ii"'Id'ing up O'f ~I'FJ1Jr!'Y ~as:ts.


INo-w 'the harm is,done, Ou r debt and wirr bu:d~l hawe 'gmVllfl

iY'1'l'$lffi\I'Cllflents of c:iviPizaHon = ough'~ to b~ the ,I;)atweefil itJ ~ \Ii tal .and! the d~1 PrJr us O'f the r'iiHiQIiii31 social

prog;ress and p~



m!!l!teri!i!1.. moral.

.G!./II 'L.J'oII'

Ei'thai" in n~UiQrlal '~in\8l'l1C€lS or illl agricw ~tl.llral pF'O~ri~y;. tOV!l8i"ds the soi I it 'lo!Jnd and Nr'! ds "i'irgil~ ,as its: preads;, as, ~ill ~ t,o~~d'ii tl'ie pooplrl it €imploy:s; 'Wi ilJhregardi to. GUll" insti tutions from Ihe- tn rene l'¢ dne e'e(i'i;(!mi-e, ii'll >fIv~rv Ihiii19 sl 8Ii'!!HV fjj~a its. '~'arlwrn iJii"Idl d'oc{!lmpooi tlion, 'i/'ret! kJ[\e5~ ,iilf1d a'tro~hy, 0 n~y new tip iri l tOit!i!UY O'ppooo-d ln ag Ft,C!JItum and tradj;j'. in politics and edu calli Orr! can u ndn iil c:entu[ ies, of 'fre-edom a"I~d ju~,'~ice the har'iftI do~'!;E! in QE!nr~iJriesO'f oPP resslon and r:a,pili'li3'..And u nfonumlll,'€1 the GO'I.i'@rllmEn~ bel ie\l€ sti II ,a1 tn~$ advanced hour 'lha t sl avety !Cam save' .afi"lythli~ ,and '~h~'t IiiIi Illou l, it 'i.1o'e arEI loot No wClndEr ~ L Iloli::rahs do not 'tolllOW b~il'1!diy tlrle bine" in ti'ilis at'[.e!lilp~ 'to, make Ute death 0'1' sl a:very ~i'1Id its: bu ryinQ so $Of~, trn!!!ll no one bl} av;.ra rn ,o'r Ii~ - rnei'lhi3lf the master nor

the slave, die

,Coo riI'~fY nor tne


VilOrld. 'iMliO!JJgh OiOOLJpioo

yoo ~,auen lion.

GOodl ~

dear Mr. Amafj,~ II h8'"1Je lon,g

J o8quim


Dear Mr,. All i3n:

lhle e~eel~on~ took R)1.aeeon HiieJ 115'11'1, iif'l$t. ,a,nd II de~'eated in this City _ T"hB' ma~odt\{ of 'IJhe Collirefl;!81tive csndli d8ite, aver' I'M is whOlly dy:e 00 I fle pi'~r~ 0 f tl'h!9 'Gi~ITI fII'1Ie:il~Qn 'tl'l~ iPtilblnii:: emplo Yes'", vvho J"orlWl iii large" IPO'Itiol'il of the :5ma1l el-eclQrak: 00" this t'O¥.i'f!~ a hd to the promises of emp loylTleriit Pfu;('usely d lstributed iiilrlOfilgl 'lJ'ha- poor classes, o~: OU F p!2(l;plll. (lAIhirft 'IJ'hB' lange 8~awatl'Owoors
n ~ roes, who .a~enurnerou s, 'Wer~ not all 'faittdu~ to au if CMJS!l and ¥O'ted liilirgely 'fo~ UlIE!' slaver)' 'Hilg. I went to loore th~n O\!le black el~1iOIF and as~d lor h ls V{)N!. I c3nncrt. Sir, I prom ised to vote w~th

!1Ii!ad\e e"i!!efY dependel1t

of them

'!liMe as one ma'lJ -a9~rril:;;t me the

the Gon~r'va~ives.


in his ignorElnQB: of :soc~EI~ oo~idlarhy that he ~



I ~il1 eif'lg.a;ge:d- Ei'1Ig~d ~ That pOor IMan did not IBl'ilIga{lool to vete MrD mif'l'lJJ riBS .8i;1Q and i!h-at h [;S, O'lNri OOi@LJf Iri-dicu ladJ I'll is

··pf\eviOIJi$ engagemner'!t
Si'81Z i I ,a11'li

bei 1'1I~1 @:!t8fHSiv@ly :31 cOFiilpooi'lIii} nation IriOOO~ m Drll so gl adl \'C! re~ '~Ilart ~net"'e is nO pos:sibl e way l'O .raoe here Hile oolOOlr I~neas a pooltic-~I DO!Jl'ildalfY :sO di:~rtnet as, ~t ls in tne Ijni ted i i S'~at~ eV€:n '~h(;l ;s1.a'v@ry question d idl net creal~ :31 r<moo f,"1 ii'1l~l, a1w-g~lhell' ,~bseftl't 'fiIO ~ ~Ir' ~ho Ie ~ isoofy a.n.t! 'llten~ 'from cur p resent nat! onal oon:)l! ~!Jl~on.Bun at 'l.I'lie same nme '~lt1I:SLm(1C!1'll:enll 0'1:the i'iI~r0i3r. j'n i8raz i I illl 'lila- Q uEls:ti,orl of ,~boliHort th is \!'IfaI!{ .~s8Qon as tliley cease -..0 be :s~aves arndjump a'~ once to Ihe dlign i tv of .ci'~iteif'lS 'tlloiln I

blood 'lie M.atever wi th 'lJhBh- ow.n of hO'iN ct.eeply 'thl) hu Mm~tiOl'l of sJave-ry i)ef'l9'~i'ated the mlY"1dand h~~n. o'f I:he slave pa~p e and of
ii!I!ld el eClQII':) Q1 'lhr'owi Il9 off :any snslaved raoe. ii:5 Ii!! :;;911 more

• BC'8IZil. IHef'~. i n

had to fight ~8 inn in a $01 r(iJ n~r)) .... Ol~. a$ iii"l N;o:rlh Aniier ica J'Or' 'Ih~OO!fty that rose '~~e I;;;ry of abol ItiO'll, es ,a d~b't of ;g rathu:de gf ~ whole foo!::''IX:J.W3'rdlstheir I ~beratQ rs, we ·could see the nQgroos wi th wm'U,y llXoeptions f611owiil19 'itl e ~rt¥' ban flar @f 'Iheir 1he d~'Ui C!J I~V of '~he aboli'DijoniSit

'r~'~. iFrl!iI;ead



old fna~:t~


a iNfHfli1'Ii;UU O'f th!9 :sla~ :rot!ll

(l;ti II

,a1lve in them

The' (;QfI&;:rwtives ih~ ele(:te-di an almoS1~, IUifl~n~Ii'i'iOUiS tpar~iameot The very' l'ew Liberab wh'll IOOu ld brea;k that BelUel u nan i mi t.y ai"~ in

idea of the pol Itical :)iluar~lon in B:J:azill arid i ts ttl iIlurs: prospects"

NQ<w that i ha\tEI said tih ls aibolU t myel ectiolf'l let me 'give 'you

men who 1h@lped 'i!ti 9; CQnsorvartiiYE!£; 00 I}~r and they i~~ tIJII'YIi t~eated (!IS; at!1~~hajle:s,and vel)!' usefull 0'J"IiB5 .. Those d i~u ioo:! Cansellvatives, in 'Gon~:r'aSl wi th the Ub€:rals. will glive :a :semb'I~FlIC!2 Olf' div lslon In 'the p.arty ~fli Pairl ~amant,



Ila~ ~I Y' to c~11 own. In

lBu'~ the new Conservative victory is a :Si3d news '~:O 1Bil'i3tzill_WfJ' dUii'ii'l9 rna r.e than 'forlV y"OO~s; !had 1'110. rna I erecti om.!, Th'i;l' EIi'f;lp-eF(ii~
new mlnlister

rei i.ar1Jc.ell the peop~ ~!1d enable ~'~to rule I ts:eU. i

the CQreg ipe over" CollSElrvativoo CCM.Jild not

Parli!9!li'umt ils, an ex:te-lllSlon o'ff iLh~ G oWl"I'lIlI11iI1:l'1Il of 'Ihe day _ urtely we had !!II ·eihange i ill 8afiJ12 i I.. Tha liberal Ipany reformed O\!I~ old w,stem of i'nd i reel e!e(:tion i Ii'i 10 'ltJe d irec ( SYStem ~nd i'ltS pri I1I1::ipal statesmen Senhor :Sar-aiIY8 pfE:d'ged lhilllllS€I~' as, p ri rae-min iSUQf 'to hi!J!i.i3' ~lIy fif~ >al!!l£ti 0 i18 ~i"I the cou i1try. I [II fact th~e tlMO first ,e-lectioo.5; u ndE!'( d"!ie If!e¥!I Refo,rm Att. '!A'6re perfecHy 'free, the oPPDscilioi'il bel 11191 ore protectad 'llhilfi the party in pQ<W8r and e:ISC~!ifl.g 0 i\e' '~'ime m ~ l.arge f'l1l,i moor o'~ de(A_!ties .and! ,an(!i'tner derea't~nog tn e Q:ovemm!Hllt. Ai thlo!Jgh a "Free gran .... 8rnd 'freedom, as ~he gr,~atGermalli P.O!!M'~i~. is on~y 'NOrth", ' it is; 3 eQ:i1C1U~st. !he CO~II"ltr' Pr'Oud oi' Its !"lew inQetJoeMdenre' In voting down 'l.\I)B' goveml'l'lent in pGWCi" aoo '~l1at 'fool iil'lgl i'f it IN€:r{; efU:::OO jf,:;)goo could ~ f(iid!i,l~ a $l!}.f't of reai 5-e! f~QW

ii'll diH'E!rl~1~lt ,~t>e.

'iNOu!d ,art once nave a Chamber 0'(- D~ti!!8 oll' his. IPortug.a~. ln SPain, in It.aly. and th rOLIIg'Il>out ILi;1'1n Aiiilei"i~. i


iP-owat ~ Chl'el~' O'f' ~ If)a r tv 011"sec:~iQ!1J O'f IDar~v 8I!1d

tnOlJgFl, IJnis ls $[ill the e;';;isting electoral 5y'S1em.

'~he dream is

is not made of lhe same SaJr8M~ and ~ Q{li bock '10 '~hlB old ~.s.te-il'l of eEldh Gov;emm~m elE!"?tif'l~ 't!iei r o~n Pari iamen t. f i~ ~i) carrv On thel r poi ~cy, th~l ~5 tc
m;3l! I1It 81I n them
1111 pOWIN'

resist the' 'Iemp~~tion, Seliilnor de$~rH,ere5100 :5tu!U' a50 Senfnm

as 10 flg

,BS It

pf€ase the IEliTlpelTor.

The shor

pol I tical reven-gl'} now run n Ing wild

! iJe of elec o.oral r reedc!I"n i III Sral il end iI\e ~pill' i l 0'1' til !"QUgil 'the country i n '~ne heart

of bott! p:!tIti'OO are f,t!iClS whllich pki~, ~$ OOfOf'1e ve~y $€~~oos: ~oani ilg,@i'lll:::i~. Th~ lu IJUreis dark iind'eec:LThle dli~credit. of the direcl e~E!it:ti(tiil me~m'S, Iha' 'ral ~ O'f lilt': 118SthaHier tielVio!em ths dynas.rv ~i'lId 'ruhe republic. W'lst"iing 'ffO'! e~ M~l l1elrQll'mS, '!N"h ieh '~~V ~lie: now nO m8&lts 'ito obt8in hom '!.lie elector:t llhie liibe!"a~s,are bei ngl :strO'!i!9ly Ie ell in t'iNO difi'r"C!:r,illfl't directions: the ones feel it is useloss to 'fight !'i!$~' the pr'~Fi't (iifld~ (I'f I!hings: ~ nd sri n ffiiDi'iEi' ~$el~ to, hope 'the ex ~ting ~mt~tlUtion!)" wii1 ~Ie '~he OtilM rai ~hi in me.etingl mic!-wiiI¥ the i'i$publ i~ffl8 iIiIndl ~1l'I '1i'liS' 'and crt '~h~present r':e-'ignp'f€!pa pi I'lI:9 'lor i1s ,at! oQeuion 'ilJliead~t 'err a [j'J~ $iOiolal f'o rrn,



enoo!J[~d our IlIIO¥e!TII§,n't 00 'Ihe "Qii'il'~ of 1i'ormina an aboRtionist glO'l.i'efTi m andl then g!irl/!f ,B'WE'!l to !!II p~,o-slavery coal i tten ~ ano 31!owed thie :sJave-O!/!,!\f\Er;;; 00 ie S3V 'lD IPOO~9;t i n '~he ifiI~lhoni1l11 asp IIr8tloill by comtertilllQ 'their slaves lin st8lte debt Jo~ tn ree to slx ~i mes 'over their ;rJc'~u.a1v,ar.ue" The late cho;;mga of paF~i'~ due
e:.!:oCJlusWe:ly 10 his


A 'feeling

is va-ry

SlrQflQ among

the Abol itian~'ts;

~hal[ the

against 'Ute Ii be'Falti ng mo:vei'lilerl'~, U'IEI C(msa.rv~tiva ga¥ermn8 Itt was: 'freelly all,owed by hi lm to 'form an u nan irnous



aoo!Jt ~rli the oountrv a

Cha rn~et IIJSifl!j al I frle'.ans; of 'CiijFii'iJ~tin9. ,am:1I iffl'[imidating 'I~ V(ltiliefS, pl'edgi ng our futu Fe btld:g~l te the vafiliciou:s ih1lmger of 81 risin~1 !J!iilrty of place' $M kef's il!f'ld in ~rne FIfiIid'$tii:rf ,aII U'Iis COf'! h,ii~cm tlfrlepoo'r :sl~ YU!5: m8d'€ to. !pay for nile movement started inl hi i$ f,B¥O'Uf wutlnoot even his. ;r;Offlssn'!. Th is fleelli ill) is now S'u81\ging VfJry i'ast 'ioom '~h!l rnonarcnv the :sympa~H1¥and the good wm 0<1 earnes.t Abo I i ti on is'ts ,aU and of OOlUfI.!: the RElJ!iL.llb lie IS: '~hegainer by wlnal i 'Q;l1~ the error and I t'lo;pe h i:Mory in IPOSS&SS!iQFiI0" !i}1I f,~Ct8, !]nd dOOJn1I!!:i1ts wiiU ftOl ~JII 'IDe' crime (If' the Emperor. To slJpelf~N!Ci.a1!))b~t$ ~he CC!fls.erva~i~' vic·lory may .appec!ll"' lillCiI :!lind oonid!J5:1ve. 00'[ iI '~!f!evgo deep in ~he cau~, O'f it '1lhi3'!J1' will ~i;t 1h 8~ it r>BSUlltoo il"~\f 'horn til@! mtte'tl!ness, >flnti o'f :51;;Ivery and '(woOm i ts d\ead!y 'Elrr·fee t Ofi! U'We natio~1 c;tHatJ'a.e;oofl', and 8S oo;tl1 trte 'tli'l r\Oc'li9 .and tlt'le i nsti tutlcns ,EI(i!:l' raised on the SIa;veIf''.l 'h;mna.ati'QIll €::N:clU!sively 'In;e i'u ~lJlre CI'f I he; whole f,a'bric: is a metter ,a," serl Out ,doub,t and eoneern fm' those 'Who Iliika lrlilysa~'f' ~ Iwavs ~hoo Qh t Ihalt the w(J"l 'for '~hefftlom'lrCl'r\l to root i tsel'f 'firmly' io the ihe-arf of the nation 'MU 'ro put itS-elf ,!:lIt ~he Ih~ 00" the Uber.atiGIt 0'1' ttl i~ £ouOUy 'ff'iom the treble So]8"ii\ef'!j mOnopOly'- o,llaoo. Q'!' labool~. of c..apiml. eren if the 1i:m,pe'i"OfI" '!.i'iIho knO'NS ~hiiJt h is. will it the only re31 ~f in Br·aozi I and lhat he is, pr,actically ~ p(ii'ih'@:r(lIl !.:loom- 00(' psrfls rnentary 'form (lif g; ment as Au_;~lJSwdS IU!'i!der' '~hefOfflllS(ji( 'the ~ular RepiJbl it ,_, ~l-e to ,aSSJFilII;!:1l1l13i ' rot€: at ,8 civi~i~lin9

despot im,tiMd ai' ruling 'wl'lhou l any he:IIrtr,e-u~difl9 ~I))r !fi"!Of\~ uhan, '~rt·[y five '\(ear;g; owr 81 large 31B~ "Hi~ke'l and ,tI, natlon's IPlU1IIytic bOO.

Josqu i rn tiJ!lIibuoo

P. Woe 'r"OrllTled yesrerday here 9i p~itioCa'lllUber'al~oia~io(ll tallied Abol iti cnlst and F'€!l!Mral Union o'f F\:emalll1oo00...Vi.!i.lh fau~' hmlid~ ~fr'lbe.t$ to. l~egil'I.,aU eleeoof$ (ii'," '~hi:;oi ~v.YWJ i~;;).n to ~~r'y O!ff! ur ' o agita~ion a~'~holJ!gl't '~Eie g;1~iai Ooldl !))f tllie 1fih ['e]iQm has. iro:reliil '~ome 'foriTtll3f' II3iir~huslasms so-eel hsdi ~boIHion&~,t$ the $~r,E:tlgliil't of of'

s_ -


d8t3d1I~nelf of the new At:~ fOIr IPlJ!lrdh~ Oi( $I,~ by ~he S~Bfte ,above the-i r j)ri{',J8 and tor ~~n@\l'ijill'lg '~he i4a'1.i'€~y f~all t~.rf1il for ilInlIOilher' '(lou rlleetl '\fears, -

'ah.e abo1 iti o:ni:5t mcwe'men~ 'can be r>evived ii!lnd we ho~E!i ~o

rna ~


II send VOU! 'lJl)e; enclOSEd let tel" 'lor 'ii)l!I 'to be kit!d enough to h8lli} it SMt ·~o'~he Tlme9I-' and if' not aoc~tecl~ to some i')'lller p!lllP~F,"
~ ;:!!'Ii! !lillW wJ'~ti!i'ig .a teries (rf lPal!!'lpfllle~. O'f ~~chi I sent ym.! ali''lMdlj 'l1OO'I irst lour. My '(ri Imd:S 8iF€: ~~ riving to Iraise the capiita11'(!OJ' .a <tlily p~:Pe"r. I ~)C. flQ[ ~ftOw i'f thw will suoc:eOO. ltil 0000 I de~il" o'f :Ma rti 1\9 i tr I !'lIlay 00 J'O~ed 'to go, bae~ 00 Eriiglandl, to, ~t my II.ving UH;:N:~'. as, '!M1e1ll the SllWe-{)Wf);8r~ by lm,~ffing m~. reduced me' t,o do in 100 1;, But at th IS lirIommt, I am eonsciaus 1h-at my tesfi1iIiIg B~azi I 'W01J"d lbe' detrim~fI ml to trni;l ILilberal ~use" net 'the' AOOlhionin onlv" a!1!d I will do ~he utmOSt 'm remain, lIil"rrmlu nately 'Ihe- 'W'ay to wl\I.a fIil'!I lnd p,rotiae.m 'roooriher' wftm the 8oci~1 problem is til d~f1iwl'~ one. If I were to. :start .a paper I will $Sk 'to be klllldi €lIIoug)h '~Ir~nd me accs5icJ!I'1IBUY sa me irl'foffi1artioln_




I f1!'),pe y(!1,1 wi I~ allow li))iil oome sp.&oo in vou r eQ!iLl Mr'I to ~~r'E!r' to tlNO points 01'11 a. rweot artiCle Of! W, IL. GarriSOi'!. by Mr" Gok!win Smi th" i fI'I Mooi11lmifll'il'S; MagAzine.. I wou ld not 50 appgl to you r ~(indness, it t~"(II$E twO poiFil ts. Ib<esid~ their valu~ wi th lregar.dI 'to the .A.bo1titiorn lst movement ln di e' Uni,ted S;~3~es.. d~d nO:l oOIiai!rn the frnBdom of arn:: mill i an of I iving BrBiZi~and '~"e patruoti5ff1l of' the i.NlMole P~r,ty nhal. ftglH:S for tti!l!lii" 'freed(lirlil. Unfonli.maooly', the Sloi:We'i)!'q !J"Je5,QiQ('il is not dead tt" rQlJ!!!f! out the Vila rid, 900 es h inory repeats i'IE.eH with the minutest 'rid~ilV irn relation to ~'~~ enemies the of 1I'I~t iifi$tiWtr.Ofll h@vill)Q ti@d ~ nd sti I r hwing to H:gh t ~Fyw9laO!l aga inn '~he 5ii!I~ :;piriti, trte :tame tne;ol'ies, afld tiile sam.e p ~,ilJ..!di ces, no wmd can bIlll said ag:ainsl th~fIil ~n the past, that. does not ~lI'acl,ica Ilv Il'iewl t inl :s,tre:ng !lhenil19 '~he ~\mnds o'r nhe' ~13\I'EI>ii)1.NfI€lr'$ill tihE:' present, ooiefly wilen the blame eornes hom i!! man like Mr. Go~ch.1'jj~1'II Sm i tho ~an whom nobody was I2'!I{lF mor!l (lloqLJiJf1It Q r ind igl1~fill i I'fI deFiOl"llFicil'19 :sla.verv. The tioW points; if I rn is an idil I find injuri O!IJr; tCHJUf WOt k h~i"e are, the firSt, w~e!'1 !he Qdmi ItS ~he lI"i~illl o"f Si!:!¥e owr'ief'.5 to. oomp'en~tiQfi as .liJFiI~l ether hold!llf8 0 I: pmpGrty and the S2Dond" wh~e hie cri'~icize:) the Ma~Clny~ ~t$ ,Abol n'~doniS.~$ f(;llr lry,in:g 'to ra.ise pub\! ic opi nUQn in EiII~ land. Now, as 1:0 the first, if eemsensatlon is a 1)E!r'feet rigl'1l't of' the slii"\ilE!-Q1AI1''ier, the St<lll:e has no. ,Ight to iioolish Slla~ry u nlQI:E it is prepared '~O pay the 1P~"keoJ the stsves. i" by iiiOO~ i$t1iilflg SiavE!ll'\i' wltheut OOr"np9\l~'~ ion. i I v iolatss '!hil:: Ten Com mE!ndclllllents .. ~~ lrJas no righ t 10 abolish it" But ~Jp-p~ 'tine t3'be


'f,oll'fnS 'the' oofl\,l'~!C~iOI!l

c!hoosIiJ;? Taik'e


deva$'~~tE!d Iili'ii he~ lands andl cmmedl ulrnde~ 81'tr{il'l'iai'lldoocB, d~t, mi!;iil can on Iy be pard by re-[\~ IQriii"ls.. I f we' 00 i'WIi i"I.GE!' 0'!.!I~:J:e!V!e~ ~l'iiart :sla\l'€~y . i5 a moral gu I! t ~nd :a natiOnal1 ,iJ,rrame'as. well and lind! OUr.seI~, at the :~ roo '~ilFlili:U nable to IP81I fo r i ts @x~jnctiQI'ii lM'lhout

het'· Pi'Q&pijC'ts, dteb800d in, 1hGi"Gowrnmmri't,

't~:at Slavery is a eFiifrl~. ~t sioe ~l1en eo poor cou 1'1I'Ur':l Bra-z:il which Slavery has. ru ined in Ililke

~iat'Gd in hM'


u I'l'Ni IIi 1'lI!;!1rmy. our rnagisliJ',etes and! OU r a

s:lwe- fil'Ia rket ~o hunt up, 'lh~ i'1un,8W'a¥

ta~.i I'll!;! 'to d'eath the :51 ve poop a FIllaS"I:Elii':t does Mr_ ~(]Ildwi n Sllllilh CCIlli~lIld:elll'lents oblige I"Jf~ to go on

ru i r'l!i!fl9 00 F credit,

fi'Ob'bi Frl9


r (ii'iE!d1i t!Oli"S. ~nd wha'!, is ~I)a~


Ie the;tnseh!E!'S in oOr*"" 1.0 :~ moon '1:0 ,say tnarl the Ten


~:tu I

h~niCHngoo~ strong arm,. oow

our nafl an institJU [i'on we woulld cOfilsider fIIoth iflg 'el~ blJ'~ or,gan!.redi IFObbl;:ry", dQooudhery and aSS8~i nation? II do rIOl bel ieve. :Sir. 'Ihal a nation 1$ U'lor;;!llly bound te ru in: h;sns.e-]'f to ;aCCi~lire' '~he rig 'lit Olf stopp~n!;!1 the pr19:Ctfae of ill! crime. or1lly' because. illl her ignorance andl se::.r'I.Ii to ~he dOl11ilfW;;!i"Iltaisle" sIle' ,d idl 1fI0~ f)r'eVefl'[ lit lrQI'IiI e:3!Frying litv ,on that crime. ~ s trade, II Ie.av.e' aside ,all 'the. pDints conn'b'C1001 wHh the I.m.gallity of ~13V{i y 'i3I'~Mr in the Un i ted :Staftes. ;&pail!'l Of 8~a~il,g, r ~ i't WOIiJ ldi be on~y 000 $i;1W eo sl)(}w ihal: .s~a,\.IE!Iii)i, be~i~ beill19 al moral gu I! r, W35. every w!'r!ere e!1 hUIif1i!ri b'looo :P1U.rgg I i 1l!!I- II SIrnply ,t!5k if 8ny na~ ion 'thall: 81lcrj~d dliJrillli~ a (lBlFtain time en cppresslon to go on I,Iifld\er 'Ihe flit me' Q'f ~iaJI inshtl,fliQn, is mor\iillly help to pay with! her V!Ano!'e' ""Iil'il ·~or ~tS 'ex ~i!i!C1~_iol"!~lea!;iir'!.:-g, i'f ,sne ns.U !lwi I i ingl 'l"O ma ke the seer! flees, the victims of that {)WI1e53ion inde:fi'nil'elv in '~Jh@ hM,-ds, 0'1' her would-be: cF18dlitors lJIn'li I 'she cafl pay' I!hetTll her debt?

P,ari i'ament. to hold on ·~j,e ,8nd '~O IProtecc: ~'~h

IClO~d 'r'OII'Wifn!)h~fttJ i~r$ among ~ne leading Joroe~ o~' Engl3nd. or if 'lh!E;\/ had sueeeeded in cenqeerl ngl them all, 1lll8rliY lh i n:g5: migfil t hwe ~n d'i f'~erefilt Jar the WOrse. or I\ne lbet~er. inl th~ QOulil'8 O'f ,.Jh.eilr gr·eat cause. -

WOll'!tl neoe$siu~lly be. ,8nd per\h8p5 eilhier i'i' they h8d not, in time ..

As to the seconn pain t, hi iS1Ji)1f'!{ ~I~ j US'lJi'fili;icli '~he Abol i ~i n ists o in <Jp~1 ing to Efil9I1~fildl. !Did fiI!I)~ Mr'. GortiwJII'II Suni'tn himse! 1" 'Iakoe p~rt in the'~u I ,sgli tertian, '1h81 'IJBB' English lLi ooraht under 'IDa h~I3J!:11etnihi p O'f Mr.. Co bd~ .and Mr. Briighl. ' ii~S~l!l"y to ra~S!9 i J'i! Engl,:;Jfld 'to COt! ntell'act ~!te Slfmpathy ,0,$ serre elasses (i;( ':{Our comml,mit'Y '!Nhlh AFMl'1icarn S~vt;l-ry? Did h~ not write ,a bixi k 'fun ij!'~. ~he' ~ai"~les of hIs milndl. ItO mea ke En!IJ~l'1dl ,81 moral aUv' (i,f llihe Un Ion?' The A.mericrm Abo~itionisll:S ooeilfi to !ha\;!~I,i i'lIdemtooo 'ii!i.h:a't a strong ~1!!i"iIiE!i'It if! ~l'iie barWE!$ of Slavery tne Engll,5f! tyll'rlp.ath les

li3u I IGlfl'ii'i n~ NorEh -AmeriCa a$idE!'. rs I!, t1I!l)t hue '~hat 'me pOnt ica~ Ii ~e of ,;IIW COli ntrv i:s a constant contrjbution to her OV'!fl individu!3Ility cd the 1iIIIe:I~tal al1d mOFa~ actr..ilV {Ij~ 'the '~rld, thm ideas go {lOUil'Idi the' PI anet ,find c~i'!,l'i~iz:ai:r(m ~i~, evE!rywi1er€ lo the sa i'r"i:e feve I? To kin rdl m ~p ilfli~, trloin keeps. alive.. 5aV lin Bmzil. an i !'li$_ i tu ~JOFi. i Ike' SI,a\.i1SFy",dead! iill thQGi;l oeun Hti;!S '!ii.!Ih@:s,e; IP-~OgFecS$.. cui lure, ilm~h !J5i~!liI and ideas do, i nfluenoo au r ,socia I growth,., are, so ro say. the ~rllcU!OCtu81 High u!lnci's V¥h 05e wallen;: run do'iWl '~O 1J!i, 'iNe' must brol1!!!! as 111l.1dl as possilble- 'Iliafi: (ilO(liFllileO insutut ion I"J nOIU the i'n'iJui3nce oJ lor,e~gn progreSS 5!ll as to conrrsst IillQra1 dearth 'Wi th ln

with mm,al life abroad_ As. n D .gmat!2'r ~ rvroo! eou ld if!wr Ih~ boon done 'to. the AlIl\E!r'iC3ii1 Urnion '~n~Fi'U'j~t which W, L G~:fir~on aU9'mp'~:ed to ref! der to Ih~5, ountry - of raising in Engl and an c
1IJ1"'li\lI"lli mous

~mp haiml'lly wi th ;,he \Ii,!{j rlk oil: the ,Abol iti@nisrn, 8(lI ~ Brazi! Ian AOO~i tiorns,u;.!-eF 'tli'iallflo 9~ter' 5e:rvioe could be done to Bra!Zi I tlhSin to h~ all th€i "NOrl d condemning :sUa\i'€:ry as pi'r.~cy. $1r'lCE! $\.I(h 3 ,oe(:r'E!e 'Of ~he ~li'l'ten~ ational Law VifO'l,_lId be: i@ClMoeQ by her, to her OYll"l ransom and to her 0W11 freedofffl'Fn!Jch sooner th!3'Jli


slaves here and by thus sha~ing me profits. and! iIlhe 'fate of :i!avery; th@'v gi\ili1!' it i n i1"9' mind ot om P!:!'QP Ie". the sanetion of th!!!1r re.5pec,tlve nCloriO!"l8 iilr,es, The Amell"icari! Abol i rionlsrs M Fe not mad to wi'Slh for fore-ign i n'~9fV{jn ti on 01 anY' kind. lh.(:'!t only \i\!i~d to
CUl tine dl~ect

I migi'! l p@i nt out


IiJhal~ 'foreigff'l8F8

of ,alii



i ntemsl andl presH~e. and i ilSotood te d raw to 'IJlflir 0''oiVIl si do tn!} fill oral i rj'~luenees of abroad wn idh In.~e' PO'ffl!!i" 011 ,AiT)!H'licarl id'~a\$ .arlO w6)lI'm Of FlflFlOOF acti\lil thfi' nalional fool i i'lI~~. If ti'1llis is walnt of' patriotism .as Mr'. Gold:ell'l Sr'i'!i ~h illT'iiP lii!!S. ~t~1"I (:!afh"i(!'tiSi'n ~ ~,h .a FI>i)i'ilOW. b~kw~rd and jealou s teellng. hes to be greatly improved before it OOcOIl"J!!'S a tie of good wi II. '!'lFOOdom and jlJlstk~ to the diHermt 1'1 a t ions of ~he '!/!o!Orld.




own iChI s.welled



wi 't~,all

!lhe respect I always '~elt Jo~ S-\) en ;;11 :reOOher o'r poli nical moral s as Mr. Goldwin Smi lh. But it was. pairrru~ 'to me 'to har\!'e die two ohisf !:ICCtI sations made' Ihe:F~~9j]in~t us. - lst that 1iV{: !:I rn Co fiilfil1U nisrs, because we do nOt r.ewg.n i tIe tne righl of lhe s~ave-owner 00
co rnpensetton and

I hopei.

Sir, yOu will

e:;;.eiJi8fl '~he Ifl'flgth Qif this mply



(Or' lhe

held to El1'l/€ any o nee, and second IV that

:sale of ir'u;D~1Jid;ya Il~ori~ to ~~ch ~ne $1,;;i&J3 ~s.not 5l1lP\pml, but on '~tH3 contrarv i:s boundl W stOlP CI't




is s i FIlIPIvan


are no 'l'rie:nds of our




mpii:U.hy of ~f!e''NOrldl-tnl!1JS't a~ IUS, tJ'Y t~e elOq!ll!oot 'i,Nf'i tar in whose ~g~ 'ili.'a ~~wSl~ry c:k:i1Ol11nood as '~h!!liIbmsest ,and 'the ""f- '"'if'e5'L t::r!lle _ :",f l~i"'I""'" / .. J....I' 'w,anll ClI'f ~. .... :::;I e!:'!.. _ ~ -_ i -".. "" .vFY. ""9 Y i _" _ i'ii::i1tli tism ~ P' 1lTi'" ,.;A..o! .... ~ ei,,,, .~ ~~t f!]'f1llIUk = 'NIllrtl'rl !iiS the less patriJotiSIl1l les,'10 denesnee crimes oJ :s1~r'!( 00 '~he 'i."t@rld as tlm~ bsst means 1)'1:PI4IUi FilSI~he; ,1\111 cl!a~ in~ and the 'go'fer!iHng ili'!Sli tu [ians en d'!~iiJ We I and rnaikin!l) '1Ih~ ,aisa1~ifrIE!d 0,1' ~oo o,pplitlSSian illil whlECh they all!: 8C(iOfflplicas,. Oil' ~fli ;;'!I~IO"Ni11191 'Or,e-J!!v.ejS 00 hold ss '~h,eir IPrope;-e,y.'. 'to ~JOO,and '~ debase" ~ 1l1e1n who. will bi} 'IDr:l11io,rrow by vir-tye' 011til€: I!I'!N. Il3:r,~ ill ~~n i(ii'n:rA;lFll~!, Bra.z iii aMI '!.!lOiter'S and ~l'a:r.ii~~~fiI!ro'idliers? :

ash for '~he ~



Dear MT. A_llelli:

~Si elecled VflSt~roi3'i IhiNe by 08 vetn 0'1 14.07 ~!l~j'il$'t 12]'0 given to· tl'ie MirfJ~$lE!1" Of 'tE'l~ EI"t'i(pifle.. FrIamely by a i'IiiIiiijori-ty'- O'f '13?'~

of d-.e Govern mem in 'thee'person of one cf h is:lead ing membelf;5:.

II~ is a ~:remendOi.l$ victe ry '['Of' our cau~ bEI!:;:~l!J$E!' ,[:! de1,eQt SIU(lh

dicspeFSedl by the caval ry'. one man be irlg ikH!ed and sever~1 woo nded, the gfi1eal'eS~, pi'~i1e; w~£ IpUl QffI the: ,p!1J1b1H:' funetlonaries, bFnOOfv

R igh ~


PUlbl ie lI1e~1in9 w~~ SI,,!i~FrId'ed.

a meeting


with IPIJI ! i e moneys: l:argely' empl(fifoo and stl the re5iUU was; '~Il~ b C~1i,Jsh~ngl derre,;Ij't {lif 'llI'i:e' lMiFrl ister _, sud'! .a YiCi'!ory bei ng .a 1"1Iev'!r diepart!JIFe irTi O!Jr J iiff! - .a grand n BIN event in our n istoryq I (:(iii'llgi"a~i,!iII;;U,'E!' the fi'iieFidS of' Abol i tiOn Oi"l o;.u '~lfiIJIi'i'lp,h" I t is im;p~i b1~ to gi"'!~ 1"00 an fdoo o'~:'ilw' ei1th!lJ~i,aSfifll tn@t Olf i ri!d'epet!den~ t! ilIJ 3bl"le1t~1I'~i!i)fi1! of '~he PeFinamblJloo !31€C'I:orarlE: iiS. 'ca!Jsii~ tlh rOIjJ~hQIjJ l '~he oomH ry II'

this aG't


D~ Mr, AllerJ:

[I hl8d llh~ honour of plFe.seoting the Al'in~-:SI8'!tery :a(jd~ '~O lhiW I H'!~i'ial HigJlfie!$ 'WI'! 0' ~:lvedJ me; '('Or' ~h~~ PWirpOsa I n ,d~puta~ion whh MIl". IFtebold¢a5,. Mr, Gusdo. ILobo, ,e!!'K1Itller orrespOl!TldelU of the e Soci~ty InOia:ll)eiri9 .abl(!l to b~ Ipr~rit. H~r Highll1l~ i&S1KOO rne to. $E!i'ldl yoo If Sbc~'IY her Ih~ny '~ha.nh 'lor the ,oontimenllj yoo €'XP~ to het'.
OWlliflr,s hB¥e declared '~helflt)eiYes~ Lam,e !l"!u mbers, adverse to tiMe in Hilrofl9' and ~ h~@ Inow am 'imp ortant ~l~ubl ICBInlaC'~.oll'l to (:Ofl'ik;lnd \iVith:, i'~W't!~ ,til \!t!ry da1i1og, boldl tEliog. whart the lP~inoess did' IblJ!'~ I

~ arm net

gO'Iif'lg th ~ 'Y~~


EUI~iO~. S;llr.aillg6 to say 'Ilhe- $1~

'U1,Jst in ("iod :sllil!l will[1not i!()~ tmr 'Iih ro 00' 101"' i'~. Arter alii YOUidid net come

~~ I you


nlOW?' On IV tnllI: crossing

to Br,adl

'ii!iOU1ij diD 'you g:ood.

du!~i(ffj91the S~i3wrv period.

Vear to your' J'amij~y


Many !kind ~s 'ror a h>2ipPYN~ 1 aoo 1.0 the :50ci{i1y VO'LU'family NQ. ,2.


33 Avelll"-l!e [Fli"ied I~ndl Pariljl; lFe1bFIJa!1"I 1Oth, '1[900

Arr~i,-S~i!rIrer:r aC~1"1 V¥Illen S -figh li ng agal1i1s;t Slavei'\! iln Brazil, .and I had '~h~ F}riv.lIege' of FflPresenti ng it tf!'ge!tlner wi tn deer M r, Allen iiI![ the M iian Cong,FeS5 of
~ I 'NOr ked

.cordia I!y with the

aomllriSfld lt1{l' 'f iifS;J" d;smi!llnd you rnake for my ~i"IJ~ces. '10 vm iGh I tJav,e' glltE!91l, P~e'41SUIf1!l in OOiTilplV i'flg. I ii]l1 .glad to m Mil'. Allen ~ad the pri¥i!~e of h.a-virng fOI[" hls 5!J~1I" oriEl! o.f the p8l~riDiarnAlbo~ ilion lst

1883. I ,ami af~ yO!U r reNice f'o r ~fllYth inii] yOU dlin k Ulsefu II 'Wi 'h regar,d iL'O your noble and g!rea'~cau,se'. !~ '~h~ general ~llSwer' is

name ever ~!~:r~~o,rable.


f<8m'ily of the Buxtons, who


inheri too the sp,ilFi t 'it1;81 ml1ic!e th!li r

ilIm.. Sir.


Only liji'li} '!.Wf!j to. tll'lanlk YOUl and the C'omrrfi Uee for kind congr,iMlJ l,atfiO'J!S SO h~r~Jilv sefi!'~ and1 'whi'th I iii!illW lreceive" I ~ III a nsli~ier allic ialy 'Nhelli I fioo lfl;e oorm1l3inl movlog froml 1P1800! to place of '~l'IeI~t ~ks at an end. BlJll ~hereis ~ il"iwn~~S13Ft1d'ing iQ1 thle n~'Mii gjven_ II have been appolnMd En\iloy.' [~Jjroord i Fli!!liry and M itni;Si~81' F'1~r.~p;J!i)I.:eii"lti~if¥' ro E:'\9 l<1If1I(:I, ~t is; trlW!9, btl t ii1IQ~ to ,niI~,I~ Wiry 'fi"tE!ii'lIdi Souza Co~re.a. on~y on :Ill IE5'p80i:a! Mitsic!tn, 'whicn Ct!n:nO,1: last IOIllg!. 1-lI~ve:r il is it Viliill gil\!ll me- i mmell'l~ 1P100SlII11~ ,go bl!llf:k to L'Ondon iI:Q ,and fiM Ylly,sel f ~~r neat yOlJ.J, ''Nhose friend>stJ i~ is ~ter n and S1N8.lBt~ ViiIll i,le it grD'Mii older,

Miv kindes~ Il"!egaJr'd$ my door and goadl Jfiend. Y,our5: very '1Jr1J~Y,
Jo~u~m Na'buoo


Mrs.. Aillefll afmd aU yOU!i rs and bf11i'eve me,


J'!Jr'ile 7th" 11900

les ~:al.!::<

'sii1'iJa'r"1l appl1~iation of '~he r'!3C!'Jllectiem lhey k'e9p of QUIii' o:ld ,~nd 'frie!l'!dliy red\a!~Ons. At the- s.!!Jme 'bnne n ffilJ~t i nf'orm you '~h:at i'~' not i is to the permani1lnt post illl Leiooon I nBl,i\E!' be€:n a~n~inil'ed, byt to ani

I be.g yOl,;i ee C(lii'llV9!Y 10 thE: Comm itilieE!i Of' 'Ihe .ii!iiJil~i:·Slaverv SocietV my d'ft!p S€nSE! 0·. ~he hoooWlI" oooe me by its vote and my

ex t.-~ol'(;!liif\ary Mi:J.SiQfI~

S:t Germ'ain en ~

Pal!ti I,~Qn ILolJ,iIs XII V JIJ,lIIh, t ~Ih. ~~OO i


I 21m ~firv i'" ~ ~~Jij 1Q d:iSlilPpoint you. tilll,J't I ~ rtfi FilO'~,able to send '!he' promised paper iiii! ti!ff!e ~'O~ the Cbf1gres5. ~ '~he bcoss i 'Vimnle:d t'Ql 'ViJii'filingl it are s;ID1~ d~18yed. 'What reliit\l'es my mind is; lil~~j'~: i
I hardly oould ll\e9~. 'fl)~' ~[fIt (I'f :sp~~.t;llififo:nm'tion ,o,'~ par~: ~he 'Yo!Jr :SOclelty ~ooik~!11 the :Mll"u ggle 'f(H the iE!)ailr.c,tion of 'tillB !il18\i'e'~Tade. ,and s'I~iiV ~'~h UG" whklh in IJI P@,fl!EIf'aomii flgl 'rif(l!fil"I i~ (lir Uif'il~r its ampitte'i~ ought to, be ~ rea~!Jre. I was, a I ut,t~ediwom!raged1 tOo from 'Wt"i tin~ ~ th@ Iicsl Stant m~ bY' 'ItHl mi!llaniii!~1'8 Oo'f (he Cong~ CiFlliV • ~-·-1,;;i:;;'''!i - .Iio.: ........... ~-.;Iin;i\ol W '.i"h ,.10;... p""!. dfi'ig .1 01"1 I.....V_.~ ... ,;o,i"i~- i'''~''",",,'' i- ...... inc lJ!ulC'l..'! ,:iY-.,.p"''''''!;;I~!::! ;;;I III ~ "l1J ~~ ,;'i~n 1lJ ~'iri!'_n VQur !p8th, .and not wj-~h histCi,ric8i1 s!JIlbj;ecl1i:, s!JJIoh 8iS, Abol i1ion Oir Sl~ery ~!ii! SO~~I'w (I I' r;..Io l'lh tv~~~.
iii. _
o[:! ••

Me-afT_ IIe
oif tlh!!l: CqJl~~'P

I wi III do my beS't '!D be

accoolnt of


'to U,e meetin'!9

y-our ~1rrY1itatiiJn 6Ilmd !!:rf '1lOO'GI1j3' I ~eceived -(if'Om ~he Qrgani~ers, '~ ~i1~Fi'~ lB'r,;;ii I I, ~ ~II Ita~ ~t1e k suibject ·over. H i il'lII"llI ablE: to ,atteilld .alfildi wtJat C(liIJld not be miitren mJigM pef1Ih@,f4!~ 'ta~EI! 'Il'hSi'ro~m,Qf: iill R~II:.niQrL



55. Nl.fiW 8romd Stf,1eet Loi1ldori!. 'l &Ih May. S8B


I t is ifl1"oossi'ble- fioir me to fi i'lJd ViIOrds: sufi icieniHy :Mf10rtg ,and i mpres:sive in OU r poo~' northern 'tODgU!e" lo ,convey to yoU the plilHIOCi if18' and h{:8rUelt cOll~nliltJllatiQmt 'V!ih,~1h \I'i.!i} ~II dasire to o'~'~'e-r yOu on (i"Ie' aocompl~th!ll('len'~oJ the gf\e9t work UberiniO!il 'to which you and! vou F!QQ;[)t] Fattier t!efore you had devoled your I iwSi..



telegll"a rn On SaJil!urday la:J;'~.briefly


'thaI ,;"Tile

Br8(Z,iI iBn Ctli;JmOOr of Deputi es had \fO~ed the hrtrnedlate and! uacone i ti anal abolition of S lavery in Br"8iZ~'"_ lhern in a f~ day,s\W naa rd tlhart tll!2 SMatl} had co.fltrrm~dI it. ' llhe: h.fJ:1I I: Q'f [he: dying F Empef(l~ .... d OO@'~ a with fr'~ vigour'.at (he g~all'i~ wllich had been fiashed ecross the. Vila ters of ttl e broad AJ Ianthe ~ tlhat ocean ever which" ill days; go i\fi by. 00 many tl'llCiil.j&ai"'lds, Oof A'fFh::lms: had IbEiefl born no 'feed th-e greed (ill ~he PI an ntl~S in r iI?: i I. II ~rn gl,ad tne' good old Mona rch has lived to see th i:s dav- What th€ will be an the m igh~y ~fmy ot bondmi!Jlif'l it is tOQ early to lP[ledi'c:L bu t ~ bel teve 'the s.laves.~ili faU ir'uo their proPef piace UlldeT the new '!:mdhiom wi'~h VIMV Ii ttl G" d i~lmE:tanGG' o:~, equ i IBDriUlm 1Of' 'I h~' E:mpi'r8'_ My f~rsl, impu 1$Ie was (0 'te1egr:a ph vcu the ,on9r';;JiIY~",riiOlils of 'this; Socrety, but as it 'iN(!lU Iell have cost a bou t q pounds. I had 'to lor'ego th is lUxury ~1"Id COI'iI tE!1~t Inys.eH wi Ih th~ Sl(iwe~ p'I)Str;l1 rOIiJ te'" YOI!.J '!,I'1.'O'IJ~Q kinow that we rejoioe in YOlur success and 'Ulan k Goo '~OF ttl ~ gire8'~, victory.


I a<m wri ti ng these

star ai n~ b(j,I'ore our withQIJi't any dela,y,



to g:o bv ~he'firs:t Mali I that may be

yO!!.J wiU FiI~iWl


ma~1 <:lind I hQp.{l'

The' AepQril:er 11100 gioes· hellJWilm:J. You V!Ii~I 0011: II haw· boon to E:gYIPt illl which oo,!Jo~ry ii work, flo,r emaoci~rtiQi1 ,is g~,ad':w:ll~Y,9?i~ on, I trust I I!IiIaY ~I'!.!IB' o ;:;00 all S!8very PtH dO'vm ! I'iI Egypt as I t ~s In t IBr,a~'i I, JilD W if'I@ Ch.ristia i1IPOi!N@lfIho~ds ail'll! sIIawes, and '~ha ~'OOm ina ~~@Ff1 iG: i 8.1 l ~or Mohamatnedal~s al~d h1ea'the.n:s- 'lO c-arrv out 'If! is is. :3! great ailtlll8nce in l1Iion~! and rei igiou::l: !progress and in Ii lliIil '~hB' M'otlian'lml3dans: f11U$~ loUQ'ii!,I' SO good ~n e~@m~ I!!!I,

At OIJr next 'Comm~uee iVreetingl in June some Mli l'lIuH:€: 'Wi II be Ol~~icialily p~d to w.orn th is g]' ~11H o'f E~if'lci~af~i@fflI i Fii Btati~, bu't I~afiwh i~e yoo wi'll. II t'iiO~', sa1\ely llIeceive tl'il~s messa[l¢ 'Ci" hearty cOf'igr1i!lt!J~81lJion on heh:al'f Oof :an iWL'Qlish .i~nti.Slaw;ry' P00pJIQ. rna lTV of ~ om ih8we: i'i'Iot c¥e'~ ~~~I i;ZOO ho.-W grei1i't is 'th~,booi"!J wll'! itlh the e:~a~i lian PaIr'1ilali't'ieFfl'~, gi'IJetli tne World: It ought to i IlSpir!B' '~OO' oo!Ji of 'the 01'(1 ~f' F(leedo tn, the al!~ ker, Wh iu~r. and ma~ him mrol'llide:_tlil!3 greiH event inl HiI'i~~of fire. M~. AHen and! my 'family Join mi}. i n pc~.scml OOFilgir~tll,J 1'~tiof1S, th!3 "'CoelU r de UOf{' ' h~~ w Io.f~ led n'le '·~'oJIOF!1i ~ope" of '~l1e allfifY of f1f€.'eitl'om~ndlha~ nOw given 'ttlie 'lhLlndilrii~
[0 ¥O~ rsel '~'-

blow 'tharli has burst iflm mdi:if·lhi;l: last ~ron lin k ~Inlhe cthairl of Siavery-" .

'H!.!rra~1!1 anile, lIhe'



And~ Re'bo!1J~S,

IRio IdI~,Jan~r(t, 10~h JIIJ Iy. 1,8;6S,

Dear Sitl':

~ beg to tt.and yOi!ii the ili.Umbe-r of • '0 Pai:t" wlitlh ill qllO~'I'i(l!fiI o~ '!four' enirn'ii!DIe Ileruer to .rny 'hiend do.acpJillt! N'<a b1.! 00.
ThiS ini(f)crl~r1l ~OlDiiC wa~, i!:uJtblid'lled e~~Hy inl tli'i@ day of 'the' discv5S!ion i)'f a biU of Itndemni~ ~ion IPff~~ b¥ QrtegitPe ill'! 'favor Q'e' 11'1 e' ancil3\i1t ~wl;I.holdei'"£_

So i~s 'I3,nect '!NaS excel lent ailld ,alii the IBr,E!:.1::iI Aba,! ~ti on lsts ~te vtiJty grate'h,i I to. yClil,i ~1Oi" ~ r gOOd alSSis:~anoa- iin ~ ti'iilQo:Meif'I'i!~I,i!i V qll.!efrtk~l~:


Edl, StUlFge. ~q)o - London


~ 'tas :. Carras dOS ' f-/ib' .," L../ .·.l~" '.. / , '·1- st.a.'. .' •·,0,-)1 '. ". " ~ .• aq In 'leses
~_, ,' '. > .. II

'I!' C",,',.·"···







IO··:d···· ." uim abuco.... J'.' '.' q . I~,., Il

I .' ..










lima'l' es:



t:as· qua· raJ-· ne um testemunho da ar;lo 8 bolici OrliSita 00' Na-

me.:!'IIto: as: car

Es.te li...l')' , r


urn doc.LJ·,

euee, Oe' !.I'm Ni!guoO



'fesal de. 'SE!!l.JS id~ts.. ,defesa d'e princlipios

Mcido na de-

rss que tr.an5C€nd'.e as [pro.. priiS 'fronte-i ras do. pa [$,

ij' wllo~'


S8'D cs rtes que' Gao YI!1Il!31 me;dicW Gxarw da !priori d~· de ~ilbertar~t!do g:!'Iiinde he-

~W e.

hoj 13. Ill$'WS Car~s: eonstitoem urn valioso wbsi'dlio p~ra e estudieso

m!l11rl p(ilbl-eo. I f1teirSrfleflle


pElSqu isad''D'r,

da oor.r~nd.ncia artiV.8 de NablJ!oo com a Britl"sh ,/md FORHgn AntiSI8~Y S'aciefyr ~SodOOade il'1lglesa e Il:s r:angei'r·a 'Coj'i'~ra ,a Eel'

cr.avidiioL (:IJI~O exernp'lo e !parfill fo:ram de.ciS!r"'Q~ para

e c.ji~·o.o

parte de J CIa-' 'quim . Maruca, em 1800. d!a SoclodBde ,l1rasiJfJirB' Con.:tfil! a EiCi'a;vI(fO().
Orgai'1lb~da e epresenta-


In.aimru~ftO, CMI;(M Aw AlJo-lwi.rdr{jm~ ,fn-g/.f115es", no Qri'gili'la~ ing~k ~ dbira d& ~ili"i;.,;,-t"1 ~ h}"t":" t''''"d''''''''''' 50 • O_I'I!! V\I"""., .-,
~ I"",,~ "" _"" ....

da po~ J~, Tholm~'z Nabu· ee, 'fi Ilho d'o I'lIQ<Mr\!\i;i1 l)er-

para ,;31 FlJiI'id'~o J0.;3Qu~m NabocQ., rn~ 'dl} eultu ra e; OO~li isa qtJ>e' t2"rn I'ilO 81.1· tor ,aeSl.88 eartas U fIIl.a p;er-·

~tiJ.!jcbnte$., Sail ,,eci mente ,ii. [por no'tOo' fl(l!S fI'lQtr~, iW~ hOfi!~a


sa do~

poll ~1 ices, ~Ciljii·'




tBirnoem ~ Ed~tora M:a~1i'!rIg~lna. Ii m!~I'i:suma iorrM: ~ ,oorilSlilha sobll\Ef, i!!I 'Yida IE!' 31 obr,~ do gf"'alfld'e pO'I hito"

00 ra, 80 I;;)do do CYJrAll}Jio ,da C()l'~~~ ~-lD '@ J~,t!im N.~~r:.o~,

ed~~o de dooumanilios: eu I,
tura is: de alta liIFlilf:)ortiinciia,

dando COm;ilfU.l!idadi:l' ,~I eonlnbuic*o e(iitonial da IFU NI)JU no qll.:!e local :a Ri!9ist~.

library', de' Oxt'ordr pelo, f'Qrneoimei"il!JO des m'i,' 'ef'cfilil'ie:s, del oiigi FlIBls q!J1) lP~i~'ilii'mr.B:m ~ia ~i:Qio
tiI,tlU5e PIOfN:lIn!L

'fil'il8i1 1llt1il1lT10, Ida Edi:~jOIf·a Ma~ flgana a ~h~

00, flfben~O$

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