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Catalogue of Australian

Standards and other

products — 2003
© Copyright Standards Australia
ISSN 1038-4219
Published by Standards Australia International Limited
GPO Box 5420, Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: (02) 8206 6000
Fax: (02) 8206 6001
ABN 85 087 326 690



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AS/NZS CISPR 11:2002 AS EN 540—2002 sizes from 250 mm to 5000 mm in cast-iron and from 250
mm to 2000 mm in steel and in stone.
Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) Clinical investigation of medical de- (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 0024 7)
radio-frequency equipment—Electro- vices for human subjects
magnetic disturbance characteris- (EN 540:1993) 14pp G AS 1004
tics—Limits and methods of Specifies the requirements for the conduct of clinical in-
Surface plates for metrology
measurement (CISPR 11:1999, MOD) vestigations and documentation on the performance of
medical devices, to determine any undersirable side effects
32pp I and permit the assessment of acceptable risks. AS 1004.1—1998
Specifies electromagnetic radiation disturbance limits for (HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4685 3) Cast iron
the purpose of protecting radiocommunication services (ISO 8512-1:1990) 11pp D
and signal levels, as well as for taking frequency bands, AS EN 556
signal levels, separation distances. This Standard has been Specifies material, preferred sizes, rigidity, finish and
reproduced from CISPR 11:1999 Ed 3.1. Some variations Sterilization of medical devices—Re- other general features for cast iron surface plates in
have been made for Australian and New Zealand condi- quirements for medical devices to be four accuracy grades. Annexes provide general infor-
tions. mation on care and use, testing and moderation in
designated "STERILE" loading of surface plates. This Standard is identical
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4858 9) with and has been reproduced from ISO 8512-1:1990.
AS EN 556.1—2002 (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1958 9)
AS/NZS CISPR 15:2002 Requirements for terminally steri-
Limits and methods of measurement lized medical devices AS 1004.2—1998
of radio disturbance characteristics of (EN 556.1:2001) 5pp E Granite
electrical lighting and similar equip- Specifies requirements for a terminally-sterilized (ISO 8512-2:1990) 13pp E
ment (CISPR 15:2000, MOD) 37pp I medical device to be designated 'sterile'. Specifies material, preferred sizes, rigidity, finish and
Specifies the limits and methods of tests of radio distur- (HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4692 6) other general features for granite surface plates in
bance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar four accuracy grades. Annexes provide general infor-
equipment. The frequency range covered is 9kHz to 400 mation on care and use, testing and moderation in
AS EN 724—2002 loading of surface plates. This Standard is technically
GHz. This Standard has been reproduced from CISPR
15:2000 and some modifications have been made to reflect Guidance on the application of EN equivalent to and has been reproduced from ISO
local conditions. 29001 and EN 46001 and of EN 29002 8512-2:1990.
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4274 2) and EN 46002 for non-active medical (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1959 7)
AS/NZS CISPR 22:2002 (EN 724:1994) 36pp I AS 1006—1995
Information technology equipment— Provides guidance on the establishment and maintenance Solid-stem general purpose thermom-
Radio disturbance characteristics— of quality systems specified in EN 29001/EN 46001 or EN eters
Limits and methods of measurement
29002/EN 46002 for the manufacture of non-active medi- (ISO 1770:1981 ISO 1770:1981/
cal devices
Amd.1:1983) 7pp C
(CISPR 22:1997) 49pp J (QR-) (ISBN 0 7337 4709 4) Specifies requirements for low-cost 'commercial quality'
Specifies the uniform requirements for the radio distur- thermometers suitable for use where great accuracy of
bance level of specified information technology equipment AS/NZS 999:1999 temperature measurement is not required. The temperature
by fixing limits of disturbance, describing methods of Information and documentation— range covered is from -100°C to +500°C. Requirements re-
measurement and standardizing operating conditions and late to materials, construction and dimensions, graduation
interpretation of results. This Standard is identical to and Guidelines for the content, organiza- and figuring, scale error and marking. This Standard is
has been reproduced from CISPR 22:1997. tion and presentation of indexes identical with and reproduced from ISO 1770:1981 and its
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4258 0) (ISO 999:1996) 47pp I Amendment 1:1983.
Provides guidelines for the content, organization and pres- (CH-030) (ISBN 0 7262 9836 0)
AS/NZS CISPR 24:2002 entation of indexes. These apply to indexes of books, peri-
Information technology equipment—
odicals, reports, patent documents and other written or AS 1009—1983
printed documents, and also to non-print materials, such as Information processing—9-track, 12.7
Immunity characteristics—Limits and electronic documents, films, sound recordings, video re-
methods of measurement cording, graphic material, maps and three-dimensional ob- mm wide magnetic tape for informa-
(CISPR 24:1997) 29pp H
jects. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- tion interchange recorded at 32 rpmm
duced from ISO 999:1996. (ISO 1863) 12pp C
Establishes the unifrom requirements for the electromag- (IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2636 4)
netic immunity of information technology equipment and Specifies a 9-track, 32 rows per millimetre, 12.7 mm wide
specifies applicable tests, test levels, product operating magnetic tape for interchangeability of tape between infor-
conditions and assessment criteria. This Standard is identi- AS ISO 1000—1998 mation processing systems which utilize the 7-bit coded
cal to and has been reproduced from CISPR 24:1997. The international system of units (SI) character set specified in AS 1776, or its 7-bit and 8-bit ex-
tensions specified in AS 1953. Technically identical with
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4165 7) and its application ISO 1863.
(ISO 1000:1992) 23pp F (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2977 6)
AS/NZS CISPR 16 Describes the international system of units and selected
Specification for radio disturbance decimal multiples and submultiples of SI units for general AS 1011—1993
use. This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
and immunity measuring apparatus duced from ISO 1000:1992. Information processing systems—Un-
and methods (ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 0224 4) recorded 12.7 mm (0.5 in) wide mag-
netic tape for information
AS/NZS CISPR 16.1:2002 AS 1001—1970 interchange—32 ftpmm (800 ftpi),
Radio disturbance and immunity Plain setting rings for internal measur- NRZ1, 126 ftpmm (3200 ftpi) phase en-
measuring apparatus ing equipment (metric series) coded and 356 ftpmm (9042 ftpi), NRZ1
(CISPR 16.1:1999) 187pp P (BS 4064:1966) (ISO/IEC 1864:1992) 15pp E
Specifies the characteristics and performance of Reconfirmed 1987 10pp B Specifies the characteristics of 12.7 mm (0.5 in) wide mag-
equipment for the measurement of radio disturbance Covers rings for setting instruments used for precision netic tape with reel to enable magnetic and mechanical in-
voltages, currents and fields in the frequency range 9 measurements of internal diameters by two-point or three- terchangeability of such tape between information
kHz to 18 GHz. This Standard is identical with and point contact methods in diameters from 2 mm to 150 mm. processing systems. This Standard is identical with, and
has been reproduced from CISPR 16-1:1999-10. It establishes a series of blank sizes; defines material, its has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 1864:1992.
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4802 3) heat treatment and hardness; and specifies finish and accu- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8111 5)
racy of working surface. Three grades of accuracy are pro-
vided for. For inch series rings see AS B294. AS 1012
AS/NZS CISPR 16.2:2002 (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 0008 5) Methods of testing concrete
Methods of measurement of distur-
bances and immunity AS 1003—1971 AS 1012.1—1993
(CISPR 16.2:1999) 78pp L Engineers' straightedges (metric Sampling of fresh concrete 6pp C
Specifies methods of measurement of EMC phenom- units) Describes the method for obtaining samples of fresh-
ena in the frequency range 9 kHz to 18 GHz. It deals Reconfirmed 1984, 1987 23pp C ly-mixed concrete directly from mixers, from agitator
with disturbance measurements and immunity meas- Establishes main design features, general dimensions, ma- or non-agitator units, from concrete deposited in read-
urements. This Standard is identical with and has terial, finishes, methods and marking of support, and accu- iness for casting, and from concrete deposited in the
been reproduced from CISPR 16-2:1999-08 Ed 1.1. racies for cast-iron, steel and stone straightedges. It pro- forms.
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4806 6) vides for three grades of accuracy and covers the range of (BD-042) (ISBN 0 7262 8250 2)

AS 1012.2—1994

AS 1012.2—1994 AS 1012.11—2000 AS 1012.21—1999

Preparation of concrete mixes in Determination of the modulus of Determination of water absorption
the laboratory 14pp E rupture 5pp D and apparent volume of permeable
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7262 8180 8) (BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 3392 1) voids in hardened concrete
* Gives consideration to the methods set out in
AS 1012.3 AS 1012.12 ASTM C 642-90 and BS 1881:Part 122:1983
Determination of properties related Determination of mass per unit vol- 5pp D
to the consistency of concrete ume of hardened concrete (BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2823 5)

AS 1012.3.1—1998 AS 1012.12.1—1998 AS 1013—1971

Slump test 7pp C Rapid measuring method 3pp B Shunt capacitors for connection to
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2158 3) (BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2156 7) power frequency systems
(IEC 70) 42pp E
AS 1012.3.2—1998 AS 1012.12.2—1998 Applies to capacitor units and assemblies with accessories
Compacting factor test 5pp C Water displacement method to form complete capacitor banks, for connection to low,
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2159 1) 3pp B medium and high voltage power systems at frequencies to
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2157 5) 100 Hz, for use primarily for power factor correction.
Characteristics and test requirements are enumerated in de-
AS 1012.3.3—1998 tail. Appendices give guidance on application, operation
Vebe test 6pp C AS 1012.13—1992 and protection.
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2154 0) Determination of the drying shrink- (EL-035) (ISBN 0 7262 0112 X)
age of concrete for samples pre-
AS 1012.3.4—1998 pared in the field or in the AS 1014—1986
Compactibility index 5pp C laboratory 12pp E Gauging of metric screw threads
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2155 9) Amdt 1 October 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8571 4) X (ISO 1502) 24pp F
Sets out a method for determining the drying shrink- Specifies requirements for gauges for single start parallel
AS 1012.4 age of concrete. Generally similar to the 1970 edition, general purpose metric screw threads manufactured to ei-
except that the differences between field and labora- ther AS 1721 or AS 1275. It covers types of gauges, in-
Determination of air content of tory prepared specimens has been emphasized. spection of screw threads, design features of screw gauges,
freshly mixed concrete (BD-042) (ISBN 0 7262 7274 4) material and hardness requirements, and limits and toler-
ances of gauging elements, and is technically identical
AS 1012.4.1—1999 AS 1012.14—1991 with ISO 1502, ISO General Purpose Metric Screw
Threads—Gauging. Appendices give notes on the func-
Measuring reduction in concrete Method for securing and testing tion, use and checking of gauges, the bases for the gauge
volume with increased air pres- cores from hardened concrete for deviations and tolerances, and detailed examples of deriv-
sure 11pp E compressive strength 7pp C ing specific gauge limits.
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2798 0) (BD-042) (ISBN 0 7262 6983 2) (ME-028) (ISBN 0 7262 3942 9)

AS 1012.4.2—1999 AS 1012.16—1996 AS 1016—1971

Measuring reduction in air pres- Determination of creep of concrete Manholes for ships (metric units)
sure in chamber above concrete cylinders in compression 7pp C Reconfirmed 1984 20pp C
7pp D Specifies procedures for determining the creep of Amdt 1 Feb 1984 X
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2797 2) standard concrete test cylinders subjected to a sus- Covers dimensions, construction, fastenings and general
tained longitudinal compressive load. quality requirements for a range of watertight and oiltight
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 0727 0) manholes with bolted covers for general shipboard use oth-
AS 1012.4.3—1999 er than for pressure vessels, in three size series according
Measuring air volume when con- to the major and minor axis of the oval opening in millime-
AS 1012.17—1997 tres. Flush, pad and raised types are provided for, with pro-
crete dispersed in water 6pp D Determination of the static chord vision also for a rectangular configuration in the raised
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2807 3) modulus of elasticity and Pois- type. Details are given of a typical levelling plate for flush
type manholes and an appendix gives corresponding impe-
son's ratio of concrete specimens rial unit values in steel bar, plates and fasteners for the met-
AS 1012.5—1999 (ASTM C 469-1994) 15pp E ric units specified.
Determination of mass per unit vol- Specifies procedures for the determination of static (ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 0128 6)
ume of freshly mixed concrete chord modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio.
5pp D (BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 1310 6) AS 1019—2000
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2799 9) Internal combustion engines—Spark
AS 1012.18—1996 emission control devices 9pp E
AS 1012.6—1999 Determination of setting time of Specifies requirements for materials, design, construction
Method for the determination of fresh concrete, mortar and grout and performance of spark arresters for controlling the
bleeding of concrete 6pp D by penetration resistance 6pp C emission of sparks from internal combustion engines.
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2800 6) Specifies procedures for determining the initial and (ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3438 3)
final setting times of mortar sieved from fresh con-
crete mix, the slump of which is greater than zero, us- AS/NZS 1020:1995
AS 1012.8 ing penetration resistance needles. This Standard is
Method of making and curing con- also applicable to fresh mortar and grout. The control of undesirable static elec-
crete (BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 0638 X) tricity 74pp J
Provides recommendations relating to safe control of elec-
AS 1012.8.1—2000 AS 1012.19 trostatic charges generated incidentally by processes or ac-
tivities. Its purpose is to assist in reducing fire, explosion
Compression and indirect tensile Accelerated curing of concrete and nuisance aspects associated with static electricity. It
test specimens 17pp F compression test specimens outlines conditions under which the presence of static
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 3389 1) causes a hazard and recommends methods for its safe dis-
AS 1012.19.1—2000 sipation or mitigation. Appendices provide information
about the hazards caused by static electricity in the vicinity
AS 1012.8.2—2000 Hot water method 3pp C of flammable mixtures, on minimum ignition energies for
Flexure test specimens 6pp D (BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 3393 X) a range of chemicals and give examples of solving prob-
lems resulting from static electricity.
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 3390 5)
AS 1012.19.2—2000 (EL-025) (ISBN 0 7262 9569 8)
AS 1012.9—1999 Warm water method 4pp D
Determination of the compressive (BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 3394 8) AS 1022—1971
strength of concrete specimens Dental rubber dam
10pp E AS 1012.20—1992 (US Federal Spec. ZZ-R-690:1958 and
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2801 4) Determination of chloride and sul- BS 2782-308A)
fate in hardened concrete and con- Reconfirmed 1986 6pp B
AS 1012.10—2000 crete aggregates 4pp C Amdt 1 March 1973 X
Determination of indirect tensile Sets out a separate solution method which can be used Applies to five thicknesses of rubber dam suitable for
in aggregate or concrete laboratories to indicate maintaining the field of operation on teeth, clear, dry and
strength of concrete cylinders whether chlorides or sulfates are present over a aseptic, and specifies composition, dimensions, surface
('Brasil' or splitting test) 5pp D threshold detectable quantity. finish, taste and physical properties.
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7337 3391 3) (BD-042) (ISBN 0 7262 7379 1) (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 0176 6)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1023 AS 1031—1973 AS 1038.2—1995

Low voltage switchgear and con- Metal-cased mercury-in-glass ther- Coke—Total moisture 6pp C
trolgear—Protection of electric mo- mometers for use in the dairying in- Sets out methods for the determination of total mois-
tors dustry ture, free moisture and residual moisture in coke.
Reconfirmed 1993 12pp B (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9599 X)
AS 1023.1—1985 Specifies thermometers, either straight or 90° and, in two
temperature ranges viz. -5 to +50°C and -10 to +110°C. AS 1038.3—2000
Built-in thermal detectors and as- Requirements relate to materials, construction, graduation Proximate analysis of higher rank
sociated control units 17pp E and figuring both on the thermometer tubes and the metal
scale plates, accuracy, response time and marking. Appen-
coal 12pp F
Sets out conditions to be met by thermal detectors for
building into or onto the windings of electric motors, dices list approved thermometric glasses, and describe Sets out methods for the determination of moisture,
and by motor control units intended to be used there- methods for determining scale error and repeatability of ash and volatile matter on the analysis sample of
with, for protection of the insulation from excessive temperature readings. higher rank coal in order to obtain its proximate anal-
thermal degradation whilst permitting maximum uti- (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5409 6) ysis. Fixed carbon is calculated by difference.
lization of the motor's capability. Covers two protec- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3210 0)
tion type classifications, viz. the motor protected AS 1032—1985
against overheating when running on load only and AS 1038.4—1995
against overheating both when running and when Dental equipment—Toothbrushes
Coke—Proximate analysis
stalled. 5pp C 15pp E
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 3734 5) Specifies requirements for manually operated toothbrush-
ing devices for general use. Classification, materials, di- Sets out methods for the determination of moisture,
mensions of handle and stock, texture, number, length and ash and volatile matter on the analysis sample of coke
AS 1023.3—1973 fastening of tufts, and brush characteristics are laid down. to obtain its proximate analysis. Residue is calculated
Inherent overheat protectors Packaging and marking requirements are also given. by difference.
Reconfirmed 1984 16pp C (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3772 8) (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9603 1)
Applies to automatically or manually reset devices
for use with a.c. motors having a rated output of 11 AS 1033 AS 1038.5—1998
kW or less, and suitable for connection in an external
High voltage fuses (for rated voltages Gross calorific value 18pp F
circuit not exceeding 600 V for motors having a rated Describes a method for the determination of the gross
voltage not exceeding 3300 V, or in the motor circuit exceeding 1000 V)
calorific value, at constant volume, of coal and coke
for motors having a rated voltage not exceeding 600 by using bomb calorimeters of the adiabatic and auto-
V. Tests for electrical properties, mechanical endur- AS 1033.1—1990 matic isothermal type.
ance, temperature rise and fire hazard are prescribed.
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 4713 8)
Expulsion type (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1930 9)
(IEC 282-2) 71pp J
Specifies requirements for expulsion fuses, including AS 1038.6
AS 1025 boric acid type, disconnector fuses, and drop-out fus- Higher rank coal and coke—Ulti-
High-voltage a.c. switchgear and con- es for use on 50 Hz and 60 Hz alternating current sys- mate analysis
trolgear—Switches and switch-dis- tems of rated voltages above 1000 V, up to and in-
connectors cluding 72.5 kV. Classifies fuses according to spark
production, transient recovery voltage capability, and AS 1038.6.1—1997
speed of operation. Carbon and hydrogen 8pp D
AS 1025.2—1989 (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6162 9) Sets out a procedure for the determination of carbon
For rated voltages of 52 kV and and hydrogen in the analysis sample of higher rank
above AS 1033.2—1988 coal and coke, by burning a known mass of sample in
oxygen so that all carbon is converted to carbon diox-
(IEC 265-2) 43pp F Current-limiting (powder-filled) ide and all hydrogen to water.
Technically equivalent to and reproduced from IEC type (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1004 2)
265-2 with changes to suit Australian requirements. (IEC 282-1 IEC 644 IEC 787)
Specifies requirements for a.c. switches and switch-
disconnectors having, making and breaking current 36pp F AS 1038.6.2—1997
ratings at rated voltages of 52 kV and above, for in- Applies to all types of powder-filled high voltage cur- Nitrogen 7pp C
door and outdoor installations. It is intended to be rent limiting fuses designed for service indoors and Sets out a procedure for the determination of nitrogen
read in conjunction with AS 2650. outdoors on a.c. systems of rated voltages exceeding in the analysis sample of higher rank coal and coke,
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 5431 2) 1000 V and in high voltage a.c. equipment. Includes by heating with sulfuric acid and converting the nitro-
service conditions, definitions ratings, standard con- gen to ammonium sulfate. Two procedures are given
ditions of use and behaviour, and the specification of for the distillation of ammonia.
AS 1026—1992 characteristic.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1001 8)
Electric cables—Impregnated paper (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4862 2)
insulated—Working voltages up to AS 1038.6.3
and including 33 kV AS 1035—1983
Higher rank coal and coke—Ulti-
(IEC 55-1 IEC 55-2) 29pp G Steel ladders for ships—Vertical lad- mate analysis
Amdt 1 August 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8358 4) X ders 10pp C
Amdt 2 April 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8847 0) X Specifies material, dimensions, construction and designa-
tion of 6 ladder types for use at an inclination of 70° to 90° AS 1038.6.3.1—1997
Specifies the requirements for non-draining mass-impreg- in all areas of ships. Total sulfur—Eschka method
nated paper insulated and lead alloy sheathed cables for
working voltages up to and including 19/33 kV. (ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 3007 3) 4pp C
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7678 2) Sets out a procedure, by conversion of sulfur to sul-
AS 1036—1983 fate with Eschka mixture and measurement of the sul-
Steel ladders for ships—Inclined lad- fate gravimetrically, for the determination of total sul-
AS 1028—1992 fur in the analysis sample of higher rank coal and
Power reactors and earthing trans- ders for machinery spaces 11pp D coke.
Specifies material, dimensions, construction and designa- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1510 9)
formers tion of 8 ladder types for use at an inclination of 58° to 70°,
(IEC 289:1988) 45pp I where the minimum height between landings is 1 m.
Specifies requirements for the following type of reactors: (ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 3009 X) AS 1038.6.3.2—1997
shunt, current limiting, damping, tuning (filter), arc-sup- Total sulfur—High-temperature
pression, smoothing reactors and earthing transformers, AS 1037—1983 combustion method 6pp C
with the exception of small reactors with rating less than 2 Amdt 1 July 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2039 0) X
kvar single-phase and 10 kvar three-phase. This Standard Steel ladders for ships—Inclined lad-
is technically identical with and has been reproduced from ders for use in other than machinery Sets out a method, by heating in oxygen, absorbing
IEC 289:1988, with the addition of particular requirements the oxides and titrating, for the determination of total
spaces 13pp D sulfur in the analysis sample of higher rank coal and
for earth current-limiting neutral displacement reactors.
Specifies material, dimensions, construction and designa- coke. The chlorine content of the sample can be deter-
(EL-008) (ISBN 0 7262 7172 1) tion of 12 ladder types for use at an inclination of 58° to mined simultaneously.
70°, where the minimum height between landings is 1 m. (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1511 7)
AS 1030—1973 (ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 3010 3)
Dial-type general purpose thermome- AS 1038.6.3.3—1997
ters for use in the dairying industry AS 1038 Total sulfur—Infrared method
Reconfirmed 1993 9pp B Coal and coke—Analysis and testing 4pp C
Specifies dial-type thermometers, which can be adapted as Sets out a method by heating in oxygen, converting to
floating dairy thermometers, in two temperature ranges, AS 1038.1—2001 sulfur dioxide and measuring by infrared detection,
viz. 0 to 50°C to +110°C. Requirements relate to materials, Higher rank coal—Total moisture for the determination of total sulfur in the analysis
construction, clarity of temperature indication, accuracy, sample of higher rank coal and coke.
response time and marking. Examples of graduation and 18pp F
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1512 5)
figuring are given, and appendices describe methods for Sets out methods for the determination of total mois-
determining scale error and repeatability of temperature ture, free moisture and residual moisture in higher
readings. rank coal. AS 1038.8
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5401 0) (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4107 X) Coal and coke—Chlorine

AS 1038.8.1—1999

AS 1038.8.1—1999 AS 1038.10.5—1993 phosphorus, and methods for the determination of

sulfur, are also referenced.
Eschka method 4pp D Coal, coke and fly-ash—Trace ele- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9586 8)
Sets out the determination of the chlorine content of ments—Determination of mercury
coal and coke by the Eschka procedure. content 7pp C
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3013 2) AS 1038.14.2—1995
Sets out a method for the determination of mercury in Acid digestion/flame atomic ab-
coal, coke and fly-ash dry sample combustion and
AS 1038.8.2—1996 cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry. sorption spectrometric method
High-temperature combustion (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8549 8) 13pp E
method Sets out methods for the determination of silicon, alu-
AS 1038.11—2002 minium, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassi-
(ISO 352) 6pp C um, titanium and manganese in higher rank coal ash
Sets out a high-temperature combustion titrimetric Coal—Forms of sulfur and coke ash by flame atomic absorption spectrome-
procedure for the determination of the chlorine con- (ISO 157:1996) 17pp F try after acid digestion. A spectrophotometric method
tent of coal and coke. Sets out methods for the determination of sulfate sul- for the determination of phosphorus, and methods for
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0338 0) fur, pyritic sulfur and organic sulfur in coal. the determination of sulfur, are also referenced.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4916 X) (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9585 X)
AS 1038.9
Higher rank coal and coke—Phos- AS 1038.12 AS 1038.14.3—1999
phorus Higher rank coal—Caking and cok- Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluo-
ing propertiese rescence spectrometric method
AS 1038.9.1—2000 19pp F
AS 1038.12.1—2002 Sets our a wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence
Ash digestion/molybdenum blue procedure for the determination of silicon, alumini-
method 6pp D Crucible swelling number 6pp D um, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, ti-
Sets out a method for the spectrophotometric determi- Sets out a method for determining the crucible swell- tanium, manganese, phosphorus and sulfur. The
nation of phosphorus in higher rank coal and coke, or ing number of coal, by heating the coal in a covered method is applicable to coal ashes, coke ashes and
in the ash of these materials, as molybdenum blue. crucible. boiler ashes having components of specified concen-
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3026 4) (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4366 8) tration ranges.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3008 6)
AS 1038.9.2—2000 AS 1038.12.2—1999
Coal extraction/phosphomolyb- Determination of Gray-King coke AS 1038.15—1995
dovanadate method 5pp D type Higher rank coal ash and coke
Sels out a method for the determination of phospho- * Reference was made to ISO 502 and BS ash—Ash fusibility 8pp D
rus in coal by acid extraction of coal and the spectro- 1016:Section 107.2 in the preparation of this Sets out a furnace method for the determination of the
photometric determination of phosphorus as phos- standard. 7pp D fusibility characteristics of higher rank coal ash and
phomolybdovanadate. coke ash by heating a moulded specimen of the pre-
Sets out a method for the determination of the Gray- pared ash, recording the shape of the specimen at reg-
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3006 X) King coke type of higher rank coal. ular intervals and observing the temperatures at
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2828 6) which the characteristic fusibility shapes occur.
AS 1038.9.3—2000 (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0094 2)
Ash digestion/phosphomolyb- AS 1038.12.3—2002
dovanate method 7pp D Dilatation 14pp F AS 1038.16—1996
Sels out a method for the spectrophotometric determi- Sets out a method for the determination of the dilata- Assessment and reporting of re-
nation of phosphorus in coal and coke, as phospho- tion in higher rank coal by using a metal-core furnace. sults 32pp H
molybdovanadate. Included are two alternative meth- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4367 6) Sets out procedures and information for the assess-
ods of sample decomposition. This Method is also ment and reporting of test results obtained by use of
applicable to the determination of phosphorus in coal
ash and coke ash. AS 1038.12.4.1—1996 the AS 1038 and AS 2434 series of methods for the
evaluation of both higher rank and lower rank coal
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3011 6) Higher rank coal—Caking and cok- and coke.
ing properties—Plasticity—Contin- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0103 5)
AS 1038.10 uous-torque Gieseler method
Determination of trace elements (ASTM D2639) 8pp D AS 1038.17—2000
Sets out procedures for obtaining a relative measure Higher rank coal—Moisture-hold-
AS 1038.10.0—2002 of the plastic behaviour of higher rank coal when ing capacity (equilibrium moisture)
heated under prescribed conditions; applicable to
Guide to the determination of trace methods in which the stirrer is operated continuously. (BS 1016:Part 21 ISO 1018) 7pp D
elements 18pp F (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0613 4) Sets out a method for the determination of the mois-
Sets out a comparison of methods used for the deter- ture-holding capacity of higher rank coal.
mination of trace elements in coal and coal ash. AS 1038.12.4.2—1996 (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3637 8)
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4368 4) Higher rank coal—Caking and cok- AS 1038.18—1996
AS 1038.10.1—1986 ing properties—Plasticity—Dis- Coke—Size analysis 7pp C
continuous-torque Gieseler
Determination of eleven trace ele- method
Sets out methods for determining the particle size dis-
tribution of coke using square-hole screens. Separate
ments in coal, coke and fly-ash—
Flame atomic absorption spectro- (ASTM D1812) 9pp D methods are described for large coke with a nominal
Sets out procedures for obtaining a relative measure top size greater than 16 mm and small coke having a
metric method of the plastic behaviour of higher rank coal when nominal top size of 16 mm or less.
Reconfirmed 1992 10pp D heated under prescribed conditions; applicable to (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0601 0)
Sets out a method, by flame atomic absorption spec- methods in which the stirrer is operated discontinu-
trometry, for the determination of barium, beryllium, ously. AS 1038.19—2000
chromium, copper, lead, lithium, manganese, nickel, (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0614 2) Higher rank coal—Abrasion Index
strontium, vanadium and zinc in ash from higher rank (ISO 12900:1997) 11pp E
coal and fly-ash. Precision data, obtained from an in- AS 1038.13—1990
ter-laboratory test program, are provided. Sets out the requirements for the determination of
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4420 1) Tests specific to coke 17pp E abrasiveness of coal. This Standard is identical with
Sets out procedures for the determination of proper- and has been reproduced from ISO 12900:1997.
ties which are specific for coke, covering mechanical (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3607 6)
AS 1038.10.2—1998 strength, reactivity and post-reaction strength.
Coal and coke—Determination of (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5958 6) AS 1038.20—2002
arsenic, antimony and selenium— Higher rank coal—Hardgrove
Hydride generation method 6pp C AS 1038.14 grindability index
Sets out a method for the determination of arsenic, an- Higher rank coal ash and coke (ISO 5074:1994) 9pp F
timony and selenium in higher rank coal and coke. ash—Major and minor elements Specifies the method for determining the grindability
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1924 4) index of hard coal using the Hardgrove machine. It
AS 1038.14.1—1995 also specifies the procedure for calibrating the test
AS 1038.10.4—2001 Borate fusion/flame atomic ab-
machine and for preparing the standard reference coal
Determination of fluorine con- samples.
sorption spectrometric method (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4623 3)
tent—Pyrohydrolysis method 10pp D
15pp F Sets out a method for the determination of silicon, AS 1038.21
Sets out a procedure for the pyrohydrolytic separation aluminium, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, po- Higher rank coal and coke
of fluorine from coal, coke and fly-ash and for deter- tassium, titanium, manganese, barium, strontium and
mination of fluorine by gravimetric processing and zinc in higher rank coal ash and coke ash by flame
either ion potentiometry or ion chromatography. atomic absorption spectrometry after borate fusion. A AS 1038.21.1
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3922 9) spectrophotometric method for the determination of Relative density

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1038.21.1.1—2002 regulating devices. It is identical with and reproduced from AS/NZS 1050.1:1996
IEC/CISPR 14:1993.
Analysis sample/density bottle Sampling iron and steel for chemi-
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9978 2)
method 5pp D cal analysis 38pp H
Sets out a method for the determination of the relative Describes methods for sampling and sample prepara-
density of higher rank coal and coke by a relative den- AS 1045—1988 tion for the determination of the chemical composi-
sity bottle. Acoustics—Measurement of sound tion of pig iron, cast iron and steel. Procedures are de-
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4917 8) absorption in a reverberation room scribed for use with both liquid and solid metal.
(ISO 354) 14pp D (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0315 1)
AS 1038.21.1.2—2002 Sets out a method of measuring the sound of absorption co-
Analysis sample/volumetric meth- efficient of acoustical materials used as wall or ceiling AS/NZS 1050.2:1994
treatments, of the equivalent sound absorption area of ob- Determination of carbon content
od 3pp C jects such as furniture, persons, or space absorbers, in a re-
Sets out a method for the determination of the relative verberation room. It is not intended for measuring the ab- (gravimetric method) 8pp D
density of higher rank coal and coke by a volumetric sorption characteristics of weakly damped resonators. Specifies a gravimetric method for the determination
procedure. (AV-004) (ISBN 0 7262 5218 2) of carbon content between 0.05% and 4.5% in all
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4918 6) types of iron and steel.
AS 1046 (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9003 3)
AS 1038.21.2—1992 Letter symbols for use in electrotech-
Lump sample 4pp C AS/NZS 1050.6:1995
Sets out two methods for the determination of the rel- Determination of tin content—
ative density of bulk samples of coal, and one method
AS 1046.1—1978 Flame atomic absorption spectro-
for coke. metric method 6pp C
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7799 1) General
Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric
(IEC 27-1 IEC 27-1A) 48pp I method for the determination of tin content of iron
AS 1038.22—2000 Specifies letter symbols for physical quantities and and steel. The sample is digested in acid, the tin ex-
Higher rank coal—Mineral matter abbreviations and symbols for units for general use in tracted into trioctyl phosphine oxide in 4-methylpen-
and water of constitution 16pp F electrical fields. Principles for use of the symbols are tan-2-one (MIBK) and then aspirated into a nitrous
established. The Standard is closely aligned with IEC oxide/acetylene flame of an atomic absorption spec-
Sets out two methods for the determination of mineral 27-1 and 27-1A. trometer. The absorption is measured at 235.5 nm.
matter in coal, and a method for determination of wa- (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 4633 6) (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9539 6)
ter of constitution.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3075 2)
AS 1046.2—1978 AS/NZS 1050.8:1994
AS 1038.23—2002 Telecommunications and electron- Determination of manganese con-
Higher rank coal and coke—Car- ics tent (spectrophotometric method)
bonate carbon 5pp D (IEC 27-2 IEC 27-2A) 32pp G 7pp C
Sets out a method for the determination of carbonate Provides symbols for general quantities and for quan- Specifies a spectrophotometric method for the deter-
carbon, from mineral carbonates, in higher rank coal tities concerning two-port networks, line transmis- mination of manganese content between 0.01% and
and coke by gravimetry. sion of signals (including cables), radio wave propa- 2% in all types of iron and steel.
gation, waveguide propagation, aerials, electro- (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9004 1)
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4622 5) acoustics, equivalent circuits of piezo-electric crys-
tals, scattering matrix and transfer matrix, static con-
AS 1038.24—1998 vertors, automatic control science and technology. It AS 1050.12—1983
Guide to the evaluation of meas- supplements AS 1046, Part 1, and is closely aligned Determination of nitrogen in steel
with IEC 27-2 and 27-2A. (steam distillation titrimetric meth-
urements made by on-line coal an- (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 1547 3)
alysers 39pp H od)
Sets out the recommended practices for the evalua- Reconfirmed 1989 10pp C
tion of on-line coal analysers. It defines various cate-
AS 1046.3—1991 Amdt 1 May 1984 X
gories of analysers and describes their operation. It Logarithmic quantities and units Sets out a method for determination of nitrogen in all
also describes appropriate techniques of statistical as- (IEC 27-3:1989) 9pp D types of steel, and is applicable to nitrogen contents
sessment and makes specific recommendations con- between 0.001% and 0.5%.
cerning the procedures for evaluation and calibration Defines logarithmic quantities and units. The loga-
maintenance of on-line analysers. rithmic quantities dealt with are transmission path (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 2740 4)
quantities, levels, frequency intervals and decision
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1514 1) content. This Standard is identical with and has been
reproduced from IEC 27-3:1989.
AS/NZS 1050.14:1994
AS 1038.25—2002 (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 6969 7) Determination of manganese in
Coal—Durham cone handleability iron and steel—Titrimetric meth-
9pp E AS 1046.4—1991 od 7pp C
Sets out a method for the determination of the specific Symbols for quantities to be used This method sets out a titrimetric method, using the
permanganate ion formed by oxidation, for the deter-
flow time of a coal in the Durham cone apparatus, as for rotating electrical machines mination of the manganese content of iron and steel.
a rapid means of comparing the relative handleability
of product coals. (IEC 27-4:1985) 16pp E The method covers the range 0.50% to 15% manga-
Tabulates a large number of letter symbols for quan- nese and is applicable to all grades of iron and steel.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4739 6)
tities related to rotating electrical machines. These (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9135 8)
symbols cover dimensional parameters as well as per-
AS 1039—1986 formance under different operating conditions. This AS/NZS 1050.16:1994
Electrical equipment in coal mines— Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
from IEC 27-4:1985. Determination of sulfur content—
Explosion-protected distribution and
control boxes for voltages up to 3300 (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 6963 8) Infrared absorption method after
combustion in an induction fur-
V a.c. 15pp D
Specifies requirements for single-outlet and multi-outlet AS 1048—1998 nace
explosion protected distribution and control boxes for the International fibreboard box code (ISO 4935:1989) 7pp C
attachment of trailing cables. Includes requirements for 46pp H Specifies an infrared absorption method after com-
isolation, attachment of cables, overload protection and bustion of the test portion at high temperature in a
earthing. A testing section includes both type tests and rou- Sets out a numerical system for the designation of types of
fibreboard boxes based on groups of type, supplemented current of pure oxygen using a high frequency induc-
tine tests. Design and test requirements have been expand- tion furnace. The method can be used for the determi-
ed to include voltages up to 3300 V a.c. by letters and symbols related to dimensions and elements
of construction, and intended for use for orders and speci- nation of sulfur content between 0.002% and 0.10%
(EL-023) (ISBN 0 7262 4411 2) fications for transport packages. The terms 'length', in steel. This Standard is identical with and repro-
'breadth' and 'height' are defined. duced from ISO 4935:1989.
AS/NZS 1044:1995 (PK-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1666 0) (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8901 9)
Limits and methods of measurement
of radio disturbance characteristics of AS 1049—2000 AS 1050.17—1988
electrical motor-operated and thermal Telecommunication cables—Insula- Determination of copper content—
appliances for household and similar tion, sheath and jacket 133pp N Spectrophotometric method
purposes, electric tools and similar Specifies the material requirements of the finished prod- (ISO 4946) 4pp B
electric apparatus ucts and some of the compounds needed to manufacture Sets out a spectrophotometric method for the determi-
telecommunication cables and provides test methods to nation of copper in iron and steel in the range 0.02%
(IEC/CISPR 14:1993) 62pp J evaluate the properties specified. to 5%. The method is technically equivalent to ISO
Amdt 1 December 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1618 0) X (CT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2939 8) 4946, Steel and cast iron—Determination of copper
Amdt 2 25 May 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3365 4) X content—Spectrophotometric method, and will su-
Specifies limits and methods of measurement of electro- AS/NZS 1050 persede AS K1, Methods for the analysis of iron and
magnetic radiation and conduction disturbances from steel, Part 17-1961, Copper in iron and steel (Absorp-
household appliances and electric tools whose main func- Methods for the analysis of iron and tiometric method).
tions are performed by electric motors and switching or steel (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4932 7)

AS/NZS 1050.18:1994

AS/NZS 1050.18:1994 AS/NZS 1050.27:1994 between 0.005% and 1.0% in steel. This Standard is
Determination of titanium content identical with and reproduced from ISO 9647:1989.
Determination of phosphorus—
(spectrophotometric method) (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8903 5)
Spectrophotometric method
7pp C 7pp C
Specifies a spectrophotometric method using dianti-
AS/NZS 1050.39:1994
Specifies a spectrophotometric method for the deter-
mination of the phosphorus content of iron and steel. pyrylmethane as a chromogen, measured spectropho- Determination of chromium con-
The method is applicable to the determination of tometrically at 390 nm. The method can be used for tent—Flame atomic absorption
phosphorus contents between 0.005% and 2.0%, pro- the determination of titanium content between spectrometric method
vided that the following elements are not present in 0.005% and 1.20% in steel.
amounts greater than that specified: niobium 1%, tan- (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9009 2) (ISO 10138:1991) 10pp C
talum 1%, titanium 2%, tungsten 11%, zirconium 1%. Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9089 0) AS/NZS 1050.28:1994 method for the determination of chromium content
Vanadium in steel—Potentiometric between 0.002% and 2.0% in non-alloy and low alloy
steel. The procedure involves dissolution of a test
AS 1050.19—1988 method 6pp C portion in acid and determination of the atomic ab-
Determination of nickel content— Specifies a potentiometric method for the determina- sorption of the chromium spectral line, measured at
Spectrophotometric method tion of vanadium in both low and high alloy steels either 357.9 nm or 425.4 nm in a flame atomic ab-
containing 0.003% to 2.00% vanadium. sorption spectrometer. This Standard is identical with
(ISO 4939) 4pp B (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9075 0) and reproduced from ISO 10138:1991.
Sets out a spectrophotometric method for the determi- (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8900 0)
nation of nickel content of iron and steel in the range AS 1050.29—1989
0.1 to 4%. The method is technically equivalent to
ISO 4939, Steel and cast iron—Determination of Determination of cobalt content— AS/NZS 1052:1992
nickel content—Spectrophotometric method, and Flame atomic absorption spectro- CISPR specification for radio interfer-
will supersede AS K1, Part 19-1963, Nickel present metric method 3pp B ence measuring apparatus and meas-
in small amounts of carbon and low alloy steel (Pho-
tometric method).
Sets out a flame atomic absorption method for the de- urement methods
termination of cobalt in iron and steel in the range
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4926 2) 0.003% to 0.4%. (IEC/CISPR 16:1987) 132pp L
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5372 3) Stipulates performance requirements for radio interference
AS/NZS 1050.20:1994 measuring apparatus, including the associated artificial
mains network. Technically identical with IEC/CISPR
Determination of magnesium con- AS/NZS 1050.30:1994 16:1987.
tent (flame atomic absorption Determination of boron content— (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7694 4)
spectrometric method) 6pp C Curcumin spectrophotometric
Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric method AS/NZS 1053:1999
method for the determination of magnesium content (ISO 10153:1991) 10pp C Limits and methods of measurement
between 0.010% and 0.25% in all types of iron and Specifies a spectrophotometric method for the deter-
steel. mination of boron content between 0.0005% and
of radio interference characteristics of
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9005 X) 0.01% in steel. This Standard is technically identical sound and television broadcast re-
with and reproduced from ISO 10153:1991. ceivers and associated equipment
AS/NZS 1050.21:1994 (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8905 1) (CISPR 13:1996) 23pp G
Determination of cobalt content Provides designers, manufacturers and suppliers of sound
AS/NZS 1050.31:1994 and television broadcast receivers and associated equip-
(spectrophotometric method) Determination of niobium con- ment with limits and methods of test to provide protection
5pp C tent—PAR spectrometric method to the radiofrequency spectrum from radio disturbances.
Specifies a spectrophotometric method for the deter- This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
(ISO 9441:1988) 6pp C from CISPR 13:1996.
mination of cobalt content up to 12% in all grades of
iron and steel containing less than 10.0% copper. The Specifies a PAR spectrometric method for the deter- (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2389 6)
sample is dissolved in acid and nitroso-R-salt added. mination of niobium content between 0.005% and
This forms a red-brown chromophore which is meas- 1.3% in steel. This Standard is technically identical
ured spectrophotometrically at 580 nm. with and reproduced from ISO 9441:1988. AS 1055
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9006 8) (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8906 X) Acoustics—Description and measure-
ment of environmental noise
AS/NZS 1050.32:1994
AS 1050.23—1990
Determination of carbon content— AS 1055.1—1997
Determination of molybdenum Infrared method 5pp C
content—Flame atomic absorption General procedures
Specifies an infrared method for the determination of
spectrometric method 4pp C carbon in iron and steel after combustion in oxygen (ISO 1996-1:1982) 15pp E
Sets out a flame atomic absorption spectrometric using high frequency induction heating. The method Sets out general procedures for the description and
method for the determination of molybdenum in steel is applicable to all types of iron and steel with carbon measurement of environmental noise including repet-
in the range 0.005% to 2.5%. content in the range 0.002% to 4.5% carbon. itive impulsive noise. This Standard defines the basic
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6489 X) (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9090 4) quantities to be used for the description of noise in
community environments and describes basic proce-
AS 1050.33—1988 dures for the determination of these quantities. It does
AS/NZS 1050.24:1994 not apply to the measurement or assessment of en-
Determination of aluminium con- Determination of nickel content— route air, rail or water transportation or road transpor-
tent (spectrophotometric method) Flame atomic absorption spectro- tation on public roads or noise which consists solely
metric method of discrete impulses such as those encountered in
8pp D (ISO 4940) 4pp B
shooting and blasting.
Specifies a spectrophotometric method for the deter- (EV-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1276 2)
Sets out a flame atomic absorption procedure for the
mination of aluminium content in the range of determination of nickel in iron and steel in the range
0.002% to 1.4% aluminium in all types of iron and of 0.002% to 0.5%. The method is technically identi- AS 1055.2—1997
steel. The method uses a mercury cathode, followed cal to ISO 4940, Steel and cast iron—Determination
by solvent extraction to separate interfering elements, Application to specific situations
of nickel content—Flame atomic absorption spectro-
with alizarin red S to produce a chromogen which is metric method. (ISO 1996-3:1987) 6pp C
measured at a wavelength of 490 nm.
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4927 0) Describes data acquisition methods that enable the in-
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9007 6) vestigation of specific environmental noise situations
AS/NZS 1050.37:1994 to be checked for compliance with a specific noise
AS 1050.25—1986 Determination of copper content— limit.
Determination of lead content (EV-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1277 0)
Flame atomic absorption spectro-
(flame atomic absorption spectro- metric method
metric method) 3pp B AS 1055.3—1997
(ISO 4943:1985) 6pp C
Sets out the flame atomic absorption spectrometric Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric
Acquisition of data pertinent to
method for the determination of lead in iron and steel. method for the determination of copper content be- land use
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4234 9) tween 0.004% and 0.50% in steel. This Standard is (ISO 1996-2:1987) 7pp C
identical with and reproduced from ISO 4943:1985.
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8902 7) Describes data acquisition methods which enable the
AS/NZS 1050.26:1994 description of environmental noise in a specified area
Silicon in iron and steel—Spectro- of land to be made in a uniform way and enable the
AS/NZS 1050.38:1994 compatibility of any land use activity or projected ac-
photometric method 8pp D Determination of vanadium con- tivity with existing or predicted environmental noise
Specifies a spectrophotometric method using reduced to be assessed.
beta-silicomolybdate complex, for the determination
tent—Flame atomic absorption
spectrometric method (EV-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1278 9)
of the total silicon content of iron and steel. The meth-
od covers the range 0.005% to 5.0% silicon and is ap- (ISO 9647:1989) 8pp C
plicable to all grades of iron and steel. Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric
AS 1056
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9074 2) method for the determination of vanadium content Storage water heaters

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1056.1—1991 AS 1064—1987 plications when the use of the full 7-bit code cannot be eco-
nomically justified.
General requirements 23pp G Agricultural and light industrial equip- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 0400 5)
Amdt 1 July 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7626 X) X ment—Operator controls—Symbols
Amdt 2 December 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0194 9) X 7pp C AS 1072
Gives standard symbols for the identification of operator Unrecorded magnetic tapes for instru-
Amdt 3 August 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0682 7) X controls for agricultural tractors, self-propelled machinery,
Amdt 4 January 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3089 2) X and light industrial equipment. mentation applications
Specifies general construction and performance re- (ME-065) (ISBN 0 7262 4491 0)
quirements for electric storage water heaters of 25 L AS 1072.1—1973
to 630 L rated hot water delivery. (Requirements for AS 1065—1988 General and dimensional require-
gas water heaters are specified only by reference to ments
Code AG 102 published by AGA/ALPGA.) To be Non-destructive testing—Ultrasonic
read in conjunction with AS 1056.2 or AS 1056.3 as testing of carbon and low alloy steel (ISO 1859)
appropriate. forgings 29pp F Reconfirmed 1988 4pp B
(EL-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6812 7) Sets out methods for manual ultrasonic testing of carbon Specifies the composition, method of winding, and
and low alloy steel forgings at three recording levels by the dimensions (metric and imperial) of magnetic tape
use of equivalent reflector sizes. Appendices provide in- used in interchange instrumentation applications.
AS 1056.2—1985 formation on probe selection, reflectivity diagrams, testing (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5593 9)
Specific requirements for water of curved surfaces, selection of beam angle and classifica-
heaters with single shells 6pp C tion of discontinuities. AS 1072.2—1974
Specifies constructional requirements for water con-
(MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 5053 8) Physical properties and test meth-
tainers (shells) made of single materials, viz. plastics, ods
copper or copper alloys, or stainless steel. Gives rec- AS 1067 (ISO 2690)
ommendations on maximum water temperature and Sunglasses and fashion spectacles
specifies routine and type test schedules. Reconfirmed 1988 5pp B
(EL-020) (ISBN 0 7262 3732 9) Specifies physical characteristics and related test
AS 1067.1—1990 methods. Tests are given for elasticity, combustibili-
Safety requirements 15pp E ty, resistivity, curvature and elongation. The Standard
AS 1056.3—1991 Amdt 1 December 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6602 7) X is technically identical with ISO 2690.
Specific requirements for water (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 0372 6)
Amdt 2 July 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8285 5) X
heaters with composite shells Sets out safety requirements for general purpose sun-
AS 1073
13pp E glasses intended to reduce glare from natural sunlight,
Dimensions of hubs and reels for
specific purpose sunglasses intended to reduce in-
Specifies constructional requirements for water con- tense glare, and fashion spectacles worn for their magnetic tape for instrumentation in-
tainers (shells) made of composite materials, viz. fashion properties only. It specifies the optical char-
steel with a copper or copper alloy insert (inner liner), acteristics for sunglasses and fashion spectacles and
or steel with a bonded inner lining of vitreous enamel removes upper coloration limits for general purpose
or of plastics material. Gives recommendations on sunglasses. AS 1073.1—1979
maximum water temperatures, specifies methods of General purpose hubs and reels,
testing the quality of inner linings, and also routine (CS-053) (ISBN 0 7262 6413 X)
and type test schedules. with 76 mm (3 in) centre hole
(EL-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6769 4) AS 1067.2—1990 (ISO 1858) Bound with AS 1073.3-
Performance requirements 5pp C 1979 3pp D
AS/NZS 1056.4:1997 Sets out performance requirements for general pur- Covers general purpose hubs and reels with 76 mm
pose sunglasses intended to reduce glare from natural centre hole, precision reels, and general purpose reels
Daily energy consumption calcula- sunlight, specific purpose sunglasses intended to re- with 8 mm centre hole. It is technically identical with
tions for electric types 29pp G duce intense glare, and fashion spectacles worn for and has been reproduced from ISO 1858, ISO 1860
their fashion properties only. It deals with the quality and ISO 3802.
Sets out a method for calculating the energy con-
sumption of electric storage water heaters fitted with of lenses and mechanical strength of the frames. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5601 3)
electric resistance heating units. This Standard is not (CS-053) (ISBN 0 7262 6414 8)
applicable to gas water heaters, solar water heaters, AS 1073.2—1988
heat-exchangers or heat-pumps. The Standard is AS 1068—1987 Precision reels
based on known performance characteristics of elec-
tric storage water heaters under static conditions (i.e. Information processing—File struc- (ISO 1860:1986) 12pp D
standing heat losses with no deliver) and using an en- ture and labelling of magnetic tapes Specifies performance levels for interchange purpos-
ergy delivery of 37.7 MJ per day (equivalent to a vol- for information interchange es which the interchange media are expected to meet
ume of 200 L of water raised in temperature by 45 C). or surpass their useful life and thus define end-of-life
(ISO 1001) 17pp D criteria for interchange purposes. The performance
(EL-020) (ISBN 0 7337 0899 4) Specifies: (a) file structure and the labelling of magnetic levels in this Standard are not intended to be used for
tapes for the interchange of information between users of purchase specifications. Quantitative levels for some
AS 1059—1971 information processing systems; (b) volume and file struc- of the requirements falling within the scope of this
ture, basic characteristics of the blocks containing the Standard are not stated; standard test methods and
Rutin (Pharmaceutical grade) records constituting the file, recoded labels for identifying measurement procedures should be used to establish
Reconfirmed 1989 5pp B files, file sections and volumes of magnetic tapes, four such quantities. This Standard is identical with ISO
Specifies characteristics and requirements intended to fa- nested levels of interchange and (c) requirements for the 1860:1986.
cilitate appreciation of the quality of the materials, includ- processes which are provided within information process- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5308 1)
ing identification, loss on drying, sulphated ash, alcohol in- ing systems, to enable information to be interchanged be-
soluble matter, quercetin, iron, assay and chlorophyll tween different systems utilizing recorded magnetic tape
as the medium of interchange. For this purpose the Stand- AS 1073.3—1979
(rutin only).
ard specifies the functions to be provided within systems General purpose reels with 8 mm
(CH-021) (ISBN 0 7262 0344 0) which are intended to originate or receive magnetic tape (5/16 in) centre hole
volumes which conform to this Standard.
(ISO 3802) Bound with AS 1073.1-
AS EN 1060 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4779 0)
1979 3pp D
Non-invasive sphygmomanometers Covers general purpose hubs and reels with 76 mm
AS 1069—1971 centre hole, precision reels, and general purpose reels
AS EN 1060.1—2002 Dimensions for punched paper tape with 8 mm centre hole. It is technically identical with
General requirements for data interchange and has been reproduced from ISO 3802.
(ISO 1154) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5601 3)
(EN 1060-1:1995) 10pp F Reconfirmed 1985 4pp B
Specifies requirements for non-invasive sphygmoma- Specifies dimensions for both the paper tape itself and for AS 1074—1989
nometers and their accessories which, by means of an the size and position of perforations in the tape. Locations Steel tubes and tubulars for ordinary
inflatable cuff, are used for the non-invasive measure- for the tracks and rows of holes are also prescribed. The service 12pp D
ment of arterial blood pressure purpose of the Standard is to facilitate the interchange of Specifies requirements for threaded steel tubes and tubu-
(HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4684 5) data on punched paper tapes. lars and plain-end steel tubes, suitable for screwing as
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 0392 0) specified in AS 1722.1 with DN 8 to DN 150 inclusive
AS EN 1060.2—2002 (nominal size) and three wall thickness designated Light,
AS 1070—1971 Medium and Heavy.
Supplementary requirements for (WS-004) (ISBN 0 7262 5509 2)
mechanical sphygmomanometers The definition of 4-bit character sets
(EN 1060-2:1995) 22pp H derived from the Australian Standard AS 1076
7-bit coded character set Code of practice for the selection, in-
Specifies performance, efficiency and mechanical
and electrical safety requirements, including test (ISO R963:1969) stallation and maintenance of electri-
methods, for non-invasive, sphygmomanometers and Reconfirmed 1985 11pp B cal apparatus and associated
their accessories which, by means of an inflatable Corrig. X equipment for use in explosive atmos-
cuff, are used for the non-invasive measurement of Specifies the methods to be adopted for defining a set of
arterial blood pressure. rules for the derivation of 4-bit character sets from the pheres (Other than mining applica-
(HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4693 4) Australian Standard 7-bit code defined in AS 1776, in ap- tions)

AS 1076.1—1977

AS 1076.1—1977 AS 1079.4—1988 surface enveloping the machine and for calculating

sound power level produced by the machine. Applies
Basic requirements Flexible packaging systems—For to the rotating electrical machines, such as motors,
Obsolescent 1991 (Use AS 2381.1-1991) single use in hospitals 13pp D and generators (d.c. and a.c.) without any limitations
See also AS 2381 series A5 88pp G Specifies requirements for flexible packaging sys- on the output voltage but with the limit of the linear
tems used for packaging items for patient care intend- dimensions not to exceed 15 m. Identical with and re-
Provides basic information on the selection of electri- produced from ISO 1680-1.
cal apparatus, and its installation, alteration and main- ed to be sterilized in hospitals by saturated steam un-
tenance to ensure safe use in areas where combustible der pressure or by ethylene oxide. (AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6186 6)
materials are generated, prepared, processed, han- (PK-018) (ISBN 0 7262 4938 6)
dled, stored or otherwise used, and which are there- AS 1081.2—1990
fore potentially hazardous. It supplements the re- AS 1079.5—1994 Survey method
quirements of Section 9 of AS 3000-SAA Wiring
Rules. Non-reusable, non-woven wrap- (ISO 1680-2) 14pp D
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 1133 8) ping materials—For goods under- Defines survey method for the measurement of noise
going sterilization in health care from electrical machines operating under steady
AS 1076.7—1977 facilities 7pp C noise conditions, the result of which can be expressed
Specifies requirements for non-woven materials in sound power levels so that all machines tested us-
Apparatus with type of protection made of natural or man-made (synthetic) fibres or ing this Standard can be directly compared. Identical
'n'—Non-sparking apparatus their blends, intended for use as non-reusable wraps with and reproduced from ISO 1680-2.
A5 24pp C for goods undergoing sterilization in health care facil- (AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6187 4)
ities. An Appendix gives a method for determining
Deals with apparatus certified or assessed in accord- minimum time for fluid penetration through the mate-
ance with the requirements of type of protection 'n'. It AS 1083—1971
does not apply to underground mining, but may be ap- (PK-018) (ISBN 0 7262 9354 7) Glossary of terms for defects in woven
plied to certain surface mining installations. For the and knitted textile piece goods
purpose of the Standard, explosion risks due to the
presence of combustible gases and vapours only are AS/NZS 1080 Reconfirmed 1986 23pp C
considered. Timber—Methods of test Corrig. X
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 1150 8) Covers terms and definitions in separate parts for woven
and for knitted goods, with alternative terms also given. An
AS/NZS 1080.1:1997 alphabetical list of all the terms is provided, with the pre-
AS 1076.8—1977 Moisture content 38pp H ferred terms and the relevant part indicated.
Apparatus with type of protection Specifies methods for sampling and testing timber for (TX-011) (ISBN 0 7262 0432 3)
's'—Special protection moisture content by oven drying and by use of an
electrical resistance moisture meter. Correction fig- AS 1085
A5 20pp C ures for a large number of Australian, New Zealand
Deals with apparatus certified or assessed in accord- and imported species, seasoned, unseasoned and Railway track material
ance with the requirements of type of protection 's'. It treated, are provided.
does not apply to underground mining, but may be ap- (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0884 6) AS 1085.1—2002
plied to certain surface mining installations. For the
purpose of the Standard, explosion risks due to the Steel rails 37pp H
presence of combustible gases and vapours only are AS/NZS 1080.2 Specifies performance requirements for as-rolled and
considered. Timber—Methods of test head-hardened steel rail, covering track compatibili-
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 1141 9) ty, service life, material integrity, connection, mainte-
AS/NZS 1080.2.1:1998 nance and handling. Asymmetric switch rails and el-
evated guardrails are also covered. Appendices give
AS 1077—1992 Slope of grain by scribe 3pp B deemed to comply solutions for profiles, tolerances,
Single-use syringes (sterile) for the in- Determines the slope of grain in timber articles using chemical composition, mechanical properties and
a scribe. specify test methods for inclusions and surface finish.
jection of 100 units per millilitre insu- Guidance to purchasers, information on compliance
(TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1642 3)
lin (U-100) and on residual stresses in rail is also given in appen-
(ISO 8537:1991) 32pp H dices.
AS/NZS 1080.2.2:1998 (CE-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4619 5)
Amdt 1 April 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8118 2) X Slope of grain by reference to sur-
Specifies requirements for 1 mL, 0.5 mL, 0.3 mL and 0.25 face checks 2pp B
mL syringes, individually packed with or without needles AS 1085.2—2002
and intended for use once only, solely for injection of 100 Determines the slope of grain in timber articles by re- Fishplates 14pp F
units per millilitre of insulin (U-100). Syringes taking de- ferring to checks appearing on the surface.
(TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1641 5) Specifies dimensions, properties and materials for
tachable needles have the 6% (Luer) fitting. Appendices bar-type rolled or forged fishplates for use with steel
include test methods for physical, chemical and biological rails rolled in accordance with AS 1085, Part 1. Di-
requirements. AS/NZS 1080.2.3:1998 mensions, tolerances and materials requirements are
(HE-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7508 5) Slope of grain by splintering included. Full development profiles are given for
rolled fishplates for 31, 41, 47, 50, 53 and 60 kg rails
2pp B and for forged fishplates for 50 and 60 kg rails.
AS 1079 Determines the slope of grain in timber articles by the (CE-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4618 7)
Packaging of items (sterile) for patient removal of splinters from the surface.
care (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1640 7)
AS 1085.3—2002
AS 1079.1—1993 AS/NZS 1080.2.4:1998 Sleeper plates 29pp G
Compound slope of grain 2pp B Specifies requirements for clip-fastening and double
Selection of packaging materials shoulder sleeper plates made from rolled steel or cast
for goods undergoing steriliza- Describes a method for calculating the compound iron. Materials, dimensions and tolerances are given.
slope of grain from slopes determined for two surfac- Some plates are given in appendices. A bending test
tion 4pp C es at 90° to each other. is specified for rolled steel plates.
Specifies sterilization-related performance require- (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1639 3)
ments to be considered in the selection of packaging (CE-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4617 9)
materials and packages intended for sterilization.
AS/NZS 1080.3:2000 AS 1085.4—2002
(PK-018) (ISBN 0 7262 8479 3)
Density Fishbolts and nuts 8pp E
AS 1079.2—1994 (ISO 3131-1975) 3pp C Specifies requirements for steel heat-treated, oval-
Technically equivalent to ISO 3131-1975, it covers necked fishbolts and nuts for use with steel rails in ac-
Non-reusable papers—For the density at the moisture content at the time of test cordance with AS 1085.1 and fishplates rolled in ac-
wrapping of goods undergoing (nominal density), oven dry density and conventional cordance with AS 1085.2.
sterilization in health care facili- density (basic density). A method is given for calcu- (CE-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4616 0)
lating the nominal density adjusted to 12% moisture
ties 4pp C content.
Specifies requirements for plain unimpregnated, im- (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3294 1) AS 1085.7—1994
pregnated and crepe paper intended for the wrapping Spring washers 7pp C
of materials and equipment for sterilization in health
care facilities by steam under pressure or by ethylene AS 1081 Specifies requirements for four sizes of steel washers
oxide. Acoustics—Measurement of airborne for use with steel fishbolts and nuts specified in AS
(PK-018) (ISBN 0 7262 8785 7) noise emitted by rotating electrical (CE-002) (ISBN 0 7262 8620 6)
AS 1079.3—1994 AS 1085.8—2002
Paper bags—For single use in AS 1081.1—1990
Dogspikes 14pp F
health care facilities 9pp D Engineering method for free-field
Specifies requirements for 16 mm and 19 mm steel
Specifies requirements for single-use paper bags for conditions over a reflective plane dogspikes with square shanks and 22 mm diameter
packaging items to be sterilized by saturated steam (ISO 1680-1) 15pp E round shank steel dogspikes for use with the steel
and intended for use in health care facilities. Specifies an engineering method for measuring the rails specified in AS 1085.1.
(PK-018) (ISBN 0 7262 8786 5) sound pressure levels on a rectangular parallel piped (CE-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4615 2)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1085.10—2002 AS 1088.2—1987 ing those fitted with induction pickup coils. Protec-
Hearing aids with automatic gain tion requirements are provided for operation in the
Rail anchors 9pp E general environment and test methods for assessing
Specifies requirements for one-piece rail anchors for control circuits those requirements are included.
application to steel rails rolled in accordance with AS (IEC 118-2) 7pp C (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9837 9)
1085.1. Gives uniform methods for specifying dynamic and
(CE-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4614 4) static performance characteristics of hearing aids AS 1094—1993
with automatic gain control circuits together with the
relevant methods of measurement for these character- Medical equipment—Single-use sy-
AS 1085.12—2002 istics. Technically identical with IEC Publication ringes (sterile) for general medical
Insulated joint assemblies 19pp F 118-2. use 42pp H
Specifies requirements for insulated joints for rail (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4499 6) Specifies requirements for sterilized, single-use, Luer-fit-
supplied as kits for field assembly or manufactured in ting syringes, of nominal capacity from 1 mL to 50 mL, in-
a factory. AS 1088.3—1987 dividually packed with or without detachable needles for
(CE-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4613 6) Hearing aid equipment not entirely general medical use. Guidelines for syringe-needle hypo-
dermic devices designed to prevent accidental needle stick
worn on the listener injuries or re-use of the syringe-needle combination after
AS 1085.13—2002 (IEC 118-3) 5pp C use are also provided. Materials, construction, packaging
Spring fastening spikes for sleeper Describes a method of determining the overall elec- and marking requirements are laid down.
plates 9pp E troacoustic performance of hearing aid equipment not (HE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8075 5)
Specifies requirements for steel spring spikes used to entirely worn on the listener, used in the rehabilitation
secure sleeper plates to timber sleepers. of persons having impaired hearing. Technically AS 1097—1972
identical with IEC Publication 118-3.
(CE-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4612 8) (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4500 3) Dental duplicating material
(American Dental Association Specifi-
AS 1085.14—1997 AS 1088.4—1987 cation No. 20)
Prestressed concrete sleepers Magnetic field strength in audio- Reconfirmed 1986 16pp B
68pp J frequency induction loops for Covers thermo-reversible, pourable-type elastic material
suitable for use in reproducing dental models in the labora-
Amdt 1 January 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3080 9) X hearing aid purposes tory.
Specifies requirements for design, manufacture and (IEC 118-4) 3pp B (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3097 9)
installation of prestressed concrete sleepers, and their Specifies a standard value of magnetic field strength
fastening components for use in railway permanent in audio-frequency induction loops for hearing aid
way. Several test methods are given in appendices, in- AS 1098—1972
purposes, in order to give an adequate signal-to-noise
cluding sleeper bending, fastening tests, electrical im- ratio without overloading the hearing aid. Technically Roller-type screw calliper gauges
pedance and repeated load tests. Information is also identical with IEC Publication 118-4. Reconfirmed 1984, 1987 18pp C
given for design of special sleepers. (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4501 1) Corrig. (2) X
(CE-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1351 3) Specifies accuracy, design of gauging surfaces, procedure
AS 1088.5—1987 for setting, and other requirements for gauges covering a
AS 1085.15—1995 Nipples for insert earphones range of product thread diameters from 1.6 to 6 mm. Use
of gauges is covered and a section provides for gauging of
Aluminothermic rail welding (IEC 118-5) 3pp B threads other than ISO metric, including inch series.
24pp G Defines the dimensions which are essential in order to (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 3105 3)
Amdt 1 February 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0910 9) X ensure interchangeability of insert earphones as used
with earmoulds or other attachments to the ear. Tech-
Specifies requirements for the supply of aluminother- nically identical with IEC Publication 118-5. AS 1099
mic welding materials for steel rail. Basic environmental testing proce-
(AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4502 X)
(CE-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9422 5) dures for electrotechnology
AS 1088.6—1987
AS 1085.17—2000 Characteristics of electrical input AS 1099.0—1996
Steel sleepers 49pp I circuits for hearing aids Introduction and list of Parts of AS
Specifies performance requirements for steel slee- (IEC 118-6) 3pp B 1099 and IEC 68 17pp F
peers and their fasteners, covering track compatibili- Lists international environmental test procedures
Specifies the electrical input to a personal hearing aid
ty, service life, rail restraint and support, mainte- in order to ensure compatibility with external electri- published in IEC 68, Environmental testing, and indi-
nance, marking and handling. Methods are given for cates where equivalent procedures are published in
establishing loads and performing design. Appendi- cal or electroacoustical signal sources. Technically
identical with IEC Publication 118-6. AS 1099. Lists also current Parts of AS 1099.
ces include deemed to comply sleeper profiles and
tolerances, a number of test methods, information for (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4503 8) (ET-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0671 1)
purchasers, and guidance on design of special sleep-
ers. AS 1088.7—1987 AS 1099.1—1989
(CE-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3212 7) Measurement of the performance General
characteristics of hearing aids for (IEC 68-1:1980) 24pp E
AS 1087—1991 quality inspection for delivery pur- Specifies various atmospheric conditions to be used
Sodium hypochlorite solutions for use poses for measurements and tests designed to assess the
ability of electronic components or equipment to per-
in the dairying industry 11pp D (IEC 118-7) 12pp D form their expected functions under conditions stor-
Specifies requirements for sodium hypochlorite solutions Gives recommendations for the measurement of the age or operation. Although designed for the testing of
used as sanitizers in the dairying industry. Appendices performance characteristics of air-conduction hearing electrotechnical products this Standard is not restrict-
cover recommended practices for sanitizing dairying aids of a particular model for the purposes of compar- ed to those products and may be applied to other
equipment with sodium hypochlorite solution and describe ing measured properties with those specified by the fields. It is identical with IEC 68-1.
methods for testing solutions for available chlorine, free manufacturer. Technically identical with IEC Publi- (ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 5423 1)
sodium hydroxide, sodium chlorate, and stability to heat. cation 118-7.
(FT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 6917 4) (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4506 2)
AS 1099.2
AS 1088 AS 1088.8—1987 Tests
Hearing aids Method of measurement of per-
formance characteristic of hearing AS 1099.2.3—1990
aids under simulated in situ work- Test Ca—Damp heat, steady state
AS 1088.0—1987 (IEC 68-2-3:1969) 3pp B
Measurement of electroacoustical ing conditions
(IEC 118-8) 16pp D Sets out a test method to determine the suitability of
characteristics electronic components or equipment for use or stor-
Describes test methods which simulate the acoustical
(IEC 118-0) 21pp E effects of a median adult wearer on the performance
age under conditions of high humidity and a constant
high temperature for a set period of up to 56 days. It
Specifies the measurement of physical characteristics of a hearing aid. Technically identical with IEC Pub- is identical to and reproduced from IEC 68-2-3.
of air-conduction hearing aids based on a free-field lication 118-8.
technique and measured with an ear simulator. Tech- (ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 6087 8)
(AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4507 0)
nically identical with IEC Publication 118-0.
(AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4495 3) AS/NZS 1088.9:1995 AS 1099.2.7—1990
Immunity requirements and meth- Test Ga—Acceleration, steady
AS 1088.1—1987 ods of measurement for hearing state
Hearing aids with induction pick- aids exposed to radiofrequency (IEC 68-2-7:1983) 8pp C
up coil input fields in the frequency range 300 Specifies a standard test method intended to prove the
structural suitability and satisfactory performance of
(IEC 118-1) 4pp B MHz to 3 GHz 8pp D electronic components or equipment when subjected
Describes a method of determining the physical per- Amdt 1 July 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0610 X) X to forces produced by a steady acceleration in envi-
formance of hearing aids using an induction pick-up Specifies electromagnetic immunity requirements to ronment other than gravity, such as occurs in moving
coil within an audio-frequency magnetic field. Tech- the frequency band 300 MHz to 3 GHz for hearing vehicles, rotating equipment or projectiles. It is iden-
nically identical with IEC Publication 118-1. aids with acoustic outputs. Hearing aids worn behind tical with and reproduced from IEC 68-2-7:1983.
(AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4498 8) the ear, in the ear and on the body are covered, includ- (ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 6085 1)

AS 1099.2.10—1989

AS 1099.2.10—1989 AS 1099.2Kd—1981 AS 1100.201—1992

Test J—Mould growth Test Kd—Hydrogen sulphide test Mechanical engineering drawing
(IEC 68-2-10:1988) 23pp E for contacts and connections (ISO 1302 ISO 2162 ISO 2203 ISO
Sets out a method for assessing causes of deteriora- (IEC 68-2-43:1976) 6pp C 2768-1 ISO 2768-2 ISO 6410 ISO
tion in assembled equipments due to mould growth,
6411 ISO 6412-1 ISO 6412-2 ISO
whether or not constructed from mould-resistant ma- 6413 ISO 8062 ISO 8826-1 ISO
terials, by the application of a selected test using the
required severity and assessing the mould growth af- 9222-1 ISO 9222-2)
ter the required period of incubation with respect to
AS 1099.2Sa—1980 See also HB 1, HB 3, HB 6 71pp J
any physical damage or functional deterioration. It is Test Sa—Simulated solar radiation Amdt 1 July 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8979 5) X
identical with and reproduced from IEC 68-2-
10:1988. (IEC 68-2-5) 4pp B Sets out recommendations for mechanical engineer-
ing drawing practice. Provides information on surface
(ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 5546 7) (ET-005) texture and welding, and the simplified representation
of pipelines. Provides details on springs, gears,
AS 1099.2.13—1990 AS 1099.2Z/AD—1980 splines, rolling element bearings, seals and knurling.
Appendices provide guidance on the tolerance of ma-
Test M—Low air pressure Test Z/AD—Composite tempera- chined components and castings.
(IEC 68-2-13) 4pp B ture/humidity cyclic test (ME-072) (ISBN 0 7262 7805 X)
Sets out a test method to determine the ability of elec- Reconfirmed 1985 8pp C
tronic and electrical components, equipment and oth-
(ET-005) AS 1100.301—1985
er items to be stored, transported and operated under
conditions of lower than standard air pressure for Architectural drawing
1000 m altitude. It is identical with and produced AS 1099.2Z/AMD—1980 See also HB 1, HB 3, HB 6 19pp E
from IEC 68-2-13. Sets out recommendations for the preparation of
(ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 6089 4) Test Z/AMD—Combined sequential plans for architectural work. The first two sections,
cold, low air pressure and damp taken with Part 101 of AS 1100, provide a common
heat test method for representation of buildings and building
AS 1099.2.27—1988 components. Section 3 deals with levels and gradi-
Test Ea—Shock Reconfirmed 1985 2pp B ents, and Section 4 with conventions for doors, win-
(IEC 68-2-27) 28pp E (ET-005) dows and miscellaneous other features. Section 5
gives recommendations for the representation of ma-
Test to determine the suitability of components and terials by colouring and hatching. Appendices give
equipment for applications where they are subjected AS 1099.3 further information on cross-referencing, dimension-
to non-repetitive mechanical shocks or to assess the ing by coordinates and the use of grids.
structural integrity of the design. Background information (ME-072) (ISBN 0 7262 3842 2)
(ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 5115 1)
AS 1099.3.1—1980 AS 1100.301 Supplement 1—1986
AS 1099.2.28—1994 Section 1—Tests A and B—Cold Architectural drawings (Supple-
Guidance for damp heat tests and dry heat tests 32pp F ment to AS 1100.301-1985)
(IEC 68-2-28:1990) 14pp E (ET-005) See also HB 1, HB 3, HB 6 6pp B
Determines the ability of electrotechnical products to Gives typical drawings illustrating the use of conven-
withstand the stresses occurring in a climate of high tions specified in the Standard. This Supplement
relative humidity, with or without condensation, with AS 1099.3.2—1980 should be read in conjunction with the Standard.
special regard to variations of electrical and mechan- Section 2—Combined tempera- (ME-072) (ISBN 0 7262 4357 4)
ical characteristics. Provides guidance for Tests Ca
(AS 1099.2.3), Cb (IEC 68-2-56), Db (IEC 68-2-30)
ture/low air pressure tests 4pp B
and Z/AD (AS 1099.2Z/AD). The Standard is identi- (ET-005) AS 1100.401—1984
cal with and has been reproduced from IEC 68-2- Engineering survey and engineer-
28:1990. ing survey design drawing
(ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 8965 5)
AS 1099.3.7—1981
See also HB 1, HB 3, HB 6 57pp H
Section 7—An appraisal of the Amdt 1 May 1984 X
AS 1099.2.29—1990 problems of accelerated testing for Sets out recommendations for the preparation of sur-
Test Eb—Bump and guidance atmospheric corrosion 4pp B vey plans for engineering works and the illustration of
(IEC 68-2-29) 13pp D (ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 0512 5) proposed, designed and executed engineering works
based on such survey plans. The first two sections,
Determines the ability of a specimen to withstand taken with Part 101 of AS 1100, provide a common
specified severities of a standard bump test, applied to AS 1099.4—1994 language for the interdisciplinary communication of
components, equipment and other electrotechnical information by means of engineering survey and en-
products which during transportation or in use may be Information for specification writ- gineering survey design drawings. Section 3 provides
subjected to repetitive shocks. It is identical with and ers—Test summaries symbols and abbreviations for use on special purpose
reproduced from IEC 68-2-29. (IEC 68-4:1987 IEC 68-4:1987/ drawings such as identification of details for a specif-
(ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 6090 8) ic utility.
Amd.1:1992 IEC 68-4:1987/ (ME-072) (ISBN 0 7262 3190 8)
AS 1099.2.31—1990 Amd.2:1994) 68pp J
Test Ec—Drop and topple, primari- Provides summaries of environmental test procedures AS/NZS 1100.501:2002
so that specification writers may specify tests without
ly for equipment need for recourse to the complete test specifications. Structural engineering drawing
(IEC 68-2-31) 6pp C Complete test specifications must be consulted before 31pp H
Specifies standard test methods for electronic equip- tests are carried out. This Standard is technically Sets out requirements and recommendations for
ment, intended to represent knocks and jolts likely to identical with, and has been reproduced from, IEC structural engineering drawings to obtain common
occur when equipment is used on a table or bench, 68-4:1987, IEC 68-4:1987 Amendment 1:1992 and practice for the representation of structures and com-
and intended to demonstrate the minimum degree of IEC 68-4:1987 Amendment 2:1994. ponents, including reinforced and prestressed con-
robustness required, and the effectiveness of packag- (ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9094 7) crete, structural steel, timber and masonry. The meth-
ing for transport or storage. It is identical with and re- ods form a basis for more detailed rules for specific
produced from IEC 68-2-31. applications. It adds to the requirements of AS
(ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 6091 6)
AS 1100 1100.101, Technical drawing, Part 101: General prin-
Technical drawing ciples.
(ME-072) (ISBN 0 7337 4008 1)
AS 1099.2.48—1988
Guidance on the application of AS 1100.101—1992 AS 1101
Tests A, B, and Ca to simulate the General principles Graphic symbols for general engineer-
effects of storage (ISO 128 ISO 129 ISO 406 ISO 1101 ing
(IEC 68-2-48:1982) 4pp B ISO 1660 ISO 3040 ISO 3098-1 ISO
Provides guidance on the application of Tests A, B, 5455 ISO 5459 ISO 6410) AS 1101.1—1993
and Ca in the simulation of the effects of storage.
See also HB 1, HB 3, HB 6 229pp N Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
Identical with IEC 68-2-48.
Amdt 1 July 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8978 7) A (ISO 1219-1:1991) 35pp G
(ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 5124 0)
Specifies a range of symbols for use in diagrams pre-
Sets out the basic principles of technical drawing pared for design, circuit analysis and maintenance ap-
AS 1099.2.63—1994 practice, and covers terminology and abbreviations plications of hydraulic and pneumatic systems. It is in
Test Eg—Impact, spring hammer used in technical drawings; materials, sizes and lay- sections covering general rules and basic symbols,
out of drawing sheets; types and thicknesses of lines; flowlines and connections, control mechanisms, ener-
(IEC 68-2-63:1991) 16pp E types and dimensions of letters, numerals and sym- gy conversion and storage, energy control and regula-
Provides a standard method of test for determining bols; drawing scales; projectioning; sectioning; di- tion, fluid storage and conditioning and supplementa-
the ability of a specimen or product to withstand im- mensioning and geometry tolerancing and the con- ry equipment. A number of complete functional
pacts of specified severities between 0.2 J and 1 J. ventional representation of features and parts. symbols of common components are given as exam-
This Standard is identical with, and has been repro- Appendices provide information on the development ples. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
duced from, IEC 68-2-63:1991. of pictorial drawings and geometry tolerancing. produced from ISO 1219-1:1991.
(ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 8966 3) (ME-072) (ISBN 0 7262 7806 8) (ME-035) (ISBN 0 7262 8093 3)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1101.2—1972 tion to the AS/NZS 1102 series. Based on but not AS/NZS 1102.111:1997
equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 617-2:1996.
Ventilation systems in ships Architectural and topographical in-
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1500 1)
Reconfirmed 1987 10pp C stallation plans and diagrams
Sets out symbols for use in schematic drawings. It
AS/NZS 1102.103:1997 (IEC 617-11:1996) 44pp H
shows basic symbols, describes the principles on Covers symbols on location diagrams for electrical
which they are based and illustrates some representa- Conductors and connecting devic- equipment, electrical lighting, security and communi-
tive composite symbols. es cation services, reticulation plans of electrical power
(ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 4737 5) systems and networks, topological maps of power
(IEC 617-3:1996) 20pp F
supply systems and location of airport lighting. This
Provides symbols for conductors and connecting de-
AS 1101.3—1987 vices, including terminals and cable fittings. Based on
Standard is technically equivalent to and reproduced
from IEC 617-11:1996.
Welding and non-destructive ex- but not equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 617- (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1509 5)
amination 3:1996.
(ANSI/AWS A2.4-79) 80pp I (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1502 8)
AS/NZS 1102.112:1995
Specifies symbols which provide the means of plac- Binary logic elements
ing complete welding information on drawings. It de- AS/NZS 1102.104:1997
scribes the application of these symbols and illustrat- Basic passive components (IEC 617-12:1991) 170pp L
ed examples for their use in various welding Provides symbols for logic functions and their usage.
processes. A separate section covers the symbols to (IEC 617-4:1996) 20pp F The symbols have been prepared with a view to elec-
be used on drawings to specify non-destructive exam- Provides symbols for basic passive components such trical applications but may also be applied to non-
ination requirements. as resistors, capacitors and inductors, ferrite cores, electrical systems. This Standard is identical with and
(WD-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4462 7) magnetic storage matrices, piezoelectric crystals, has been reproduced from IEC 617-12:1991.
electret and delay lines. Based on but not equivalent (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 9369 5)
to and reproduced from IEC 617-4:1996.
AS 1101.4—1989
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1501 X) AS/NZS 1102.113:1995
Machine elements
(ISO 3952-1-1981 ISO 3952-2-1981 Analogue elements
AS/NZS 1102.105:1997
ISO 3952-3-1979 ISO 3952-4-1984) (IEC 617-13:1993) 31pp F
Semiconductors and electron
31pp G tubes
Provides symbols to represent functions and devices
Establishes the graphical symbols for machine ele- for operating and producing analogue quantities. This
ments for kinematic diagrams for use in all branches (IEC 617-5:1996) 49pp I Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
of industry. Definitions of key words used in this field from IEC 617-13:1993.
Provides symbols for semiconductor devices and
are also given. The symbols are given in sections in- electron tubes. This Standard is technically equiva- (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 9370 9)
cluding those for motion of links, links and connec- lent to and reproduced from IEC 617-5:1996.
tions of their components, kinematic pairs, linkages (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1503 6) AS 1104—1978
and links, friction and gear mechanisms, cam mecha- Informative symbols for use on electri-
nisms, Geneva and ratchet mechanisms, couplings
and brakes, and miscellaneous mechanisms and their AS/NZS 1102.106:1997 cal and electronic equipment
components. This Standard is identical with ISO Production and conversion of elec- (IEC 416 IEC 417) 24pp E
3952-1-1981, ISO 3952-2-1981, ISO 3952-3-1979 trical energy Establishes uniform principles for the standardization of
and ISO 3952-4-1984. graphical symbols used on electrical and electronic appli-
(ME-072) (ISBN 0 7262 5581 5) (IEC 617-6:1996) 43pp H ances and equipment for informative purposes. A pictorial
Provides symbols for production and conversion of index of almost 200 symbols standardized internationally
AS 1101.5—1984 electrical energy, including windings, machines, is included, as are alphabetical and numerical indexes.
transformers, reactors, primary cells and accumula- Some examples of symbols in single sheet size are includ-
Piping, ducting and mechanical tors. Based on but not equivalent to and reproduced ed.
services for buildings 18pp E from IEC 617-6:1996. (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 1553 8)
Establishes the graphical symbols and abbreviations (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1504 4)
for elements of piping, ducting and mechanical serv- AS 1104S—1978 (5001)
ices for buildings and defines the principles of their AS/NZS 1102.107:1997
use. Informative symbols for use on electri-
(ME-072) (ISBN 0 7262 3270 X) Switchgear, controlgear and pro- cal and electronic equipment—Battery
tective devices Check B
AS 1101.6—1989 (IEC 617-7:1996) 66pp J
Process measurement control Provides symbols for switchgear, controlgear and
functions and instrumentation protective devices, including starters, relays, proxim- AS 1104S—1978 (5002)
ity and touch-sensitive devices, igniters and flag indi- Informative symbols for use on electri-
(ISO 3511 Parts 1,2,3, and 4) cators. Based on but not equivalent to and reproduced
49pp H from IEC 617-7:1996. cal and electronic equipment—Posi-
Specifies symbols and an identifying code system for (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1505 2) tioning of cell B
depicting instruments, instrumentation systems, proc-
ess computers, and shared display and control func- AS/NZS 1102.108:1997
tions in the field of process measurement and control AS 1104S—1978 (5003)
in the process industries. Examples of use of the sym- Measuring instruments, lamps and
bols are given. signalling devices Informative symbols for use on electri-
(ME-072) (ISBN 0 7262 5563 7) (IEC 617-8:1996) 25pp G cal and electronic equipment—AC/DC.
Provides symbols for measuring instruments, lamps converter, rectifier, substitute power
AS 1102 and signalling devices, indicating/recording/integrat- supply B
Graphical symbols for electrotechnol- ing instruments, counting devices, thermocouples, te-
ogy lemetering devices and electric clocks. Based on but
not equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 617- AS 1104S—1978 (5004)
AS 1102.12—1984 (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1506 0) Informative symbols for use on electri-
Electric traction cal and electronic equipment—Varia-
Reconfirmed 1995 12pp D AS/NZS 1102.109:1997 bility B
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 3394 3) Telecommunications—Switching
and peripheral equipment
AS 1102.101—1989 AS 1104S—1978 (5005)
(IEC 617-9:1996) 30pp G
General information and general Informative symbols for use on electri-
Provides symbols for telecommunications switching
index and peripheral equipment, transducers, recorders and cal and electronic equipment—Plus;
(IEC 617-1:1985) 29pp F reproducers. Based on but not equivalent to and re- positive polarity B
Provides general information on the structure of the produced from IEC 617-9:1996.
new AS 1102 series, the terminology used, the num- (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1507 9)
bering, presentation and use of the symbols, their AS 1104S—1978 (5006)
adaption to computer-aided drafting (CAD) systems AS/NZS 1102.110:1997
and a general index. Informative symbols for use on electri-
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5655 2) Telecommunications—Transmis- cal and electronic equipment—Minus;
sion negative polarity B
AS/NZS 1102.102:1997 (IEC 617-10:1996) 61pp I
Symbol elements, qualifying sym- Provides symbols for telecommunications transmis-
bols and other symbols having sion, including telecommunication circuits, antennas, AS 1104S—1978 (5007)
radio stations, microwave technology, frequency Informative symbols for use on electri-
general application spectrum diagrams and fibre optics. This Standard is
(IEC 617-2:1996) 39pp H technically equivalent to and reproduced from IEC cal and electronic equipment—On
Provides information on symbol elements, qualifying 617-10:1996. (power) B
symbols and other symbols having general applica- (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1508 7)

AS 1104S—1978 (5008)

AS 1104S—1978 (5008) AS 1104S—1978 (5022) AS 1104S—1978 (5035)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Off cal and electronic equipment—Move- cal and electronic equipment—Out-
(power) B ment in one direction B put B

AS 1104S—1978 (5009) AS 1104S—1978 (5023) AS 1104S—1978 (5036)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Stand- cal and electronic equipment—Move- cal and electronic equipment—Dan-
by B ment in both directions B gerous voltage B

AS 1104S—1978 (5010) AS 1104S—1978 (5024) AS 1104S—1978 (5037)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—On/off cal and electronic equipment—Move- cal and electronic equipment—Treble
(push-push) B ment limited in both directions B control B

AS 1104S—1978 (5011) AS 1104S—1978 (5025) AS 1104S—1978 (5038)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—On/off cal and electronic equipment—Effect cal and electronic equipment—Bass
(push button) B or action away from a reference control B
point. B
AS 1104S—1978 (5012) AS 1104S—1978 (5039)
Informative symbols for use on electri- AS 1104S—1978 (5026) Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Lamp; Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Aerial
lighting; illumination B cal and electronic equipment—Effect B
or action towards a reference point B
AS 1104S—1978 (5013) AS 1104S—1978 (5040)
Informative symbols for use on electri- AS 1104S—1978 (5027) Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Bell B Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Di-
cal and electronic equipment—Effect pole B
or action in both directions away from
AS 1104S—1978 (5014) a reference point B
Informative symbols for use on electri- AS 1104S—1978 (5042)
cal and electronic equipment—Horn Informative symbols for use on electri-
B AS 1104S—1978 (5028) cal and electronic equipment—Frame
Informative symbols for use on electri- aerial B
cal and electronic equipment—Effect
AS 1104S—1978 (5015) or action in both directions towards a AS 1104S—1978 (5043)
Informative symbols for use on electri- reference point B
cal and electronic equipment—Air im- Informative symbols for use on electri-
peller (blower, fan, etc.)* B cal and electronic equipment—Tuner;
AS 1104S—1978 (5029) radio receiver B
Informative symbols for use on electri-
AS 1104S—1978 (5016) cal and electronic equipment—Non-si- AS 1104S—1978 (5044)
Informative symbols for use on electri- multaneous effect or action away from Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Fuse and towards a reference point B cal and electronic equipment—Signal
B strength attenuation (local/distant) B
AS 1104S—1978 (5030)
AS 1104S—1978 (5017) Informative symbols for use on electri- AS 1104S—1978 (5045)
Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Simul- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Earth taneous effect or action away from cal and electronic equipment—Tun-
B and towards a reference point B ing B

AS 1104S—1978 (5018) AS 1104S—1978 (5031) AS 1104S—1978 (5046)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Noise- cal and electronic equipment—Direct cal and electronic equipment—Auto-
less (clean) earth B current B matic frenquency control B

AS 1104S—1978 (5019) AS 1104S—1978 (5032) AS 1104S—1978 (5047)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Protec- cal and electronic equipment—Alter- cal and electronic equipment—Mut-
tive earth B nating current B ing B

AS 1104S—1978 (5020) AS 1104S—1978 (5033) AS 1104S—1978 (5048)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Frame cal and electronic equipment—Both cal and electronic equipment—Colour
or chassis B direct and alternating current B (qualifying symbol) B

AS 1104S—1978 (5021) AS 1104S—1978 (5034) AS 1104S—1978 (5049)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Equi- cal and electronic equipment—Input cal and electronic equipment—Televi-
potentiality B B sion; video B

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1104S—1978 (5050) AS 1104S—1978 (5064) AS 1104S—1978 (5078)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Colour cal and electronic equipment—Verti- cal and electronic equipment—Stereo-
television B cal picture shift B phonic headphones B

AS 1104S—1978 (5051) AS 1104S—1978 (5065) AS 1104S—1978 (5079)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Televi- cal and electronic equipment—Hori- cal and electronic equipment—Head-
sion monitor B zontal picture amplitude B set B

AS 1104S—1978 (5052) AS 1104S—1978 (5066) AS 1104S—1978 (5080)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Colour cal and electronic equipment—Verti- cal and electronic equipment—Loud-
television monitor B cal picture amplitude B speaker B

AS 1104S—1978 (5053) AS 1104S—1978 (5067) AS 1104S—1978 (5081)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Televi- cal and electronic equipment—Picture cal and electronic equipment—Loud-
sion receiver B size adjustment B speaker/microphone B

AS 1104S—1978 (5068) AS 1104S—1978 (5082)

AS 1104S—1978 (5054) Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Hori- cal and electronic equipment—Micro-
cal and electronic equipment—Colour phone B
television receiver B zontal linearity B

AS 1104S—1978 (5069) AS 1104S—1978 (5083)

AS 1104S—1978 (5055) Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Verti- cal and electronic equipment—Stereo-
cal and electronic equipment—Focus phonic microphone B
B cal linearity B

AS 1104S—1978 (5070) AS 1104S—1978 (5084)

AS 1104S—1978 (5056) Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Mono- cal and electronic equipment—Ampli-
cal and electronic equipment—Bright- fier B
ness; brilliance B phonic B

AS 1104S—1978 (5085)
AS 1104S—1978 (5071)
AS 1104S—1978 (5057) Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Music
Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Stereo-
cal and electronic equipment—Con- B
phonic B
trast B
AS 1104S—1978 (5086)
AS 1104S—1978 (5072) Informative symbols for use on electri-
AS 1104S—1978 (5058) Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Pick-
cal and electronic equipment—Bal- up for disk records B
cal and electronic equipment—Colour ance B
saturation B
AS 1104S—1978 (5087)
AS 1104S—1978 (5073) Informative symbols for use on electri-
AS 1104S—1978 (5059) Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Stereo-
cal and electronic equipment—Omni- phonic pick-up for disk records B
cal and electronic equipment— directional microphone B
Crispener B
AS 1104S—1978 (5088)
AS 1104S—1978 (5074) Informative symbols for use on electri-
AS 1104S—1978 (5060) Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Piezo-
Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Bidi- electric pick-up, crystal or ceramic B
cal and electronic equipment—Hue B rectional microphone B

AS 1104S—1978 (5089)
AS 1104S—1978 (5061) AS 1104S—1978 (5075) Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Dy-
cal and electronic equipment—Hori- cal and electronic equipment—Unidi- namic pick-up, electro-or magneto-
zontal synchronization B rectional or cardioid microphone B dynamic B

AS 1104S—1978 (5062) AS 1104S—1978 (5076) AS 1104S—1978 (5090)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Verti- cal and electronic equipment—Ear- cal and electronic equipment—Tele-
cal synchronization B phone B phone; telephone adapter B

AS 1104S—1978 (5063) AS 1104S—1978 (5077) AS 1104S—1978 (5091)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Hori- cal and electronic equipment—Head- cal and electronic equipment—High-
zontal picture shift B phones B pass filter B

AS 1104S—1978 (5092)

AS 1104S—1978 (5092) AS 1104S—1978 (5105) AS 1104S—1978 (5120)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Low- cal and electronic equipment—In- cal and electronic equipment—Video
pass filter B struction or correction B recording B

AS 1104S—1978 (5093) AS 1104S—1978 (5106) AS 1104S—1978 (5121)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Tape cal and electronic equipment—Length cal and electronic equipment—Colour
recorder B or end of text B video recording B

AS 1104S—1978 (5094) AS 1104S—1978 (5107) AS 1104S—1978 (5122)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Normal cal and electronic equipment—Video
cal and electronic equipment—Mag- run B play-back B
netic-tape stereo sound recorder B

AS 1104S—1978 (5108) AS 1104S—1978 (5123)

AS 1104S—1978 (5095) Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Fast cal and electronic equipment—Colour
cal and electronic equipment—Re- run B video play-back B
cording on tape B

AS 1104S—1978 (5110) AS 1104S—1978 (5128)

AS 1104S—1978 (5096) Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Stop cal and electronic equipment—Head-
cal and electronic equipment—Play- (of action) B ing marker B
back or reading from tape B
AS 1104S—1978 (5111) AS 1104S—1978 (5129)
AS 1104S—1978 (5097) Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Pause; cal and electronic equipment—Aerial
cal and electronic equipment—Eras- interruption B (scanner) rotation B
ing from tape B
AS 1104S—1978 (5112) AS 1104S—1978 (5130)
AS 1104S—1978 (5098) Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Trans- cal and electronic equipment—Short
cal and electronic equipment—Moni- fer of signal B pulse B
toring at the input during recording on
tape B AS 1104S—1978 (5113) AS 1104S—1978 (5131)
Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Rejec- cal and electronic equipment—Long
AS 1104S—1978 (5099) tion B pulse B
Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Moni-
toring from tape after recording on AS 1104S—1978 (5114) AS 1104S—1978 (5133)
tape B Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Foot cal and electronic equipment—Bear-
switch B ing marker B
AS 1104S—1978 (5100)
Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Moni- AS 1104S—1978 (5115) AS 1104S—1978 (5136)
toring during play-back or reading Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
from tape B cal and electronic equipment—Signal cal and electronic equipment—Ship's
lamp B head-up presentation B

AS 1104S—1978 (5101)
Informative symbols for use on electri- AS 1104S—1978 (5116) AS 1104S—1978 (5137)
cal and electronic equipment—Re- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cording lock on tape recorders B cal and electronic equipment—Televi- cal and electronic equipment—North-
sion camera B up presentation B

AS 1104S—1978 (5102)
AS 1104S—1978 (5117) AS 1104S—1978 (5141)
Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Pulse Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
marker on tape recorders B cal and electronic equipment—Colour cal and electronic equipment—Anti-
television camera B sea clutter (position of minimum) B

AS 1104S—1978 (5103) AS 1104S—1978 (5118) AS 1104S—1978 (5142)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Tape cal and electronic equipment—Video cal and electronic equipment—Anti-
cutting B tape recorder B rain clutter (position of minimum) B

AS 1104S—1978 (5104) AS 1104S—1978 (5119) AS 1104S—1978 (5143)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Start cal and electronic equipment—Colour cal and electronic equipment—Range
(of action) B video tape recorder B selector B

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1104S—1978 (5144) AS 1104S—1978 (5177)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Range AS 1104S—1978 (5160) cal and electronic equipment—Fast
rings brilliance B Informative symbols for use on electri- start B
cal and electronic equipment—Band-
stop filter B
AS 1104S—1978 (5145) AS 1104S—1978 (5178)
Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Varia- AS 1104S—1978 (5161) cal and electronic equipment—Fast
ble range marker B Informative symbols for use on electri- stop B
cal and electronic equipment—Anti-
sea clutter (position of maximum) B
AS 1104S—1978 (5146) AS 1104S—1978 (5182)
Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Adjust- AS 1104S—1978 (5162) cal and electronic equipment—Sound;
ment to a minimum B Informative symbols for use on electri- audio B
cal and electronic equipment—Anti-
rain clutter (position of maximum) B
AS 1104S—1978 (5147) AS 1104S—1978 (5184)
Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Adjust- AS 1104S—1978 (5163) cal and electronic equipment—Clock;
ment to a maximum B Informative symbols for use on electri- time switch; timer B
cal and electronic equipment—Re-
cording on an information carrier B
AS 1104S—1978 (5148) AS 1104S—1978 (5185)
Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Pick- AS 1104S—1978 (5164)
cal and electronic equipment—Rejec-
up for video disk record player B Informative symbols for use on electri-
tion filter; wave trap B
cal and electronic equipment—Read-
ing on reproduction from an
AS 1104S—1978 (5149) information carrier B AS 1104S—1978 (5186)
Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Trans- cal and electronic equipment—Rectifi-
mitted power monitor B AS 1104S—1978 (5165)
Informative symbols for use on electri- er (type not specified) B
cal and electronic equipment—Eras-
AS 1104S—1978 (5150) ing from an information carrier B AS 1104S—1978 (5194)
Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Trans- Informative symbols for use on electri-
AS 1104S—1978 (5166) cal and electronic equipment—D.C./
mit/receive monitor B
Informative symbols for use on electri- A.C. converter B
cal and electronic equipment—Moni-
AS 1104S—1978 (5151) toring input data during writing or
Informative symbols for use on electri- AS 1104S—1978 (5195)
recording on an information carrier B
cal and electronic equipment—Hydro- Informative symbols for use on electri-
phone B cal and electronic equipment—Varia-
AS 1104S—1978 (5167) ble band-stop filter B
Informative symbols for use on electri-
AS 1104S—1978 (5153) cal and electronic equipment—Moni-
Informative symbols for use on electri- toring input data after writing or AS 1104S—1978 (5196)
cal and electronic equipment—Under- recording on an information carrier B Informative symbols for use on electri-
water sound projector B cal and electronic equipment—Gyro
indicator B
AS 1104S—1978 (5168)
AS 1104S—1978 (5154) Informative symbols for use on electri-
Informative symbols for use on electri- cal and electronic equipment—Moni- AS 1104S—1978 (5197)
cal and electronic equipment—Re- toring output data during read-out Informative symbols for use on electri-
versible transducer B reproduction from an information car- cal and electronic equipment—Gyro
rier B indicator setting B

AS 1104S—1978 (5156)
Informative symbols for use on electri- AS 1104S—1978 (5169) AS 1104S—1978 (5198)
cal and electronic equipment—Trans- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
former B cal and electronic equipment—Re- cal and electronic equipment—Gyro-
cording lock B compass true bearing B

AS 1104S—1978 (5157)
Informative symbols for use on electri- AS 1104S—1978 (5170) AS 1104S—1978 (5199)
cal and electronic equipment—Band- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
pass filter B cal and electronic equipment—Mark- cal and electronic equipment—Rela-
er B tive bearing B
AS 1104S—1978 (5158)
Informative symbols for use on electri- AS 1104S—1978 (5171) AS 1104S—1978 (5200)
cal and electronic equipment—Band- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
pass filter with variable centre fre- cal and electronic equipment—Cut- cal and electronic equipment—Bear-
quency B ting B ing ruler setting B

AS 1104S—1978 (5159) AS 1104S—1978 (5172) AS 1104S—1978 (5201)

Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri- Informative symbols for use on electri-
cal and electronic equipment—Band- cal and electronic equipment—Class II cal and electronic equipment—Phase
pass filter with variable pass-band; se- equipment B calibration B
lectivity control B

AS 1104S—1978 (5202)

AS 1104S—1978 (5202) AS 1112.2—2000 AS 1128—1972

Informative symbols for use on electri- Style 2—Product grades A and B Preferred metric units for textiles
cal and electronic equipment—Angle (ISO 4033:1999) 5pp D Reconfirmed 1986 6pp B
calibration B Specifies dimensions, tolerances and material re- Sets out the principal metric units to be used by the textile
quirements for hexagon nuts, ISO product gardes A industry. A table of comparison of the metric units and the
and B with ISO metric coarse threads and diameter former units is included. Conversion factors are given.
from 5 mm to 64 mm inclusive. This Standard is iden- (TX-) (ISBN 0 7262 3137 1)
AS 1104S—1978 (5204) tical with and reproduced from ISO 4033:1999.
Informative symbols for use on electri- (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 3397 2) AS/NZS 1133:1996
cal and electronic equipment—Sense- Wool—Determination by the Airflow
aerial switch B AS 1112.3—2000 Method of the mean fibre diameter of
Product grade C core samples of raw wool
AS 1104S—1978 (5213) (ISO 4034:1999) 5pp D (IWTO-28-93) 38pp H
Informative symbols for use on electri- Specifies dimensions, tolerances and material re- Amdt 1 July 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1242 8) X
quirements for hexagon nuts, ISO product grade C Amdt 2 November 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1532 X) X
cal and electronic equipment—Morse with ISO metric coarse threads and diameters from 5
key B mm to 64 mm inclusive. This Standard is identical Amdt 3 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2081 1) B
with and reproduced from ISO 4034:1999. Sets out a method for the determination of the mean fibre
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 3396 4) diameter of wool fibres sampled from bales of raw wool by
coring, using cutters of nominal diameter from 12 mm to
AS 1104S—1978 (5225) 25 mm. It is identical with and has been reproduced from
Informative symbols for use on electri- AS 1112.4—2000 IWTO-28-93.
cal and electronic equipment—Elec- Chamfered thin nuts—Product (TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0378 X)
tric shaver outlet B grades A and B
(ISO 4035:1999) 6pp D AS/NZS 1134:1999
Specifies dimensions, tolerances and material re- Wool—Determination of wool base
AS 1110 quirements for hexagon chamfered thin nuts, ISO and vegetable matter base of core
product grades A and B with ISO metric coarse samples of raw wool
ISO metric hexagon bolts and threads and diameter from 1.6 mm to 64 mm inclu-
screws—Product grades A and B sive. This Standard is identical with and reproduced (IWTO-19-98) 49pp J
from ISO 4035:1999. Sets out the procedure to be used for determination of the
AS 1110.1—2000 (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 3395 6) wool base and vegetable matter base from which the com-
mercial yields of classed growers' lots, interiors, bulk
Bolts classed lots and deliveries are calculated. Applicable to
(ISO 4014:1999) 12pp F AS 1114 core samples only and covers all forms of raw wool. This
Specifies the dimensions, tolerances and material re- Numerical control of machines Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from
quirements for hexagon head bolts, ISO product IWTO-19-98.
grades A and B and ISO metric coarse threads and di- AS 1114.1—1985 (TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2752 2)
ameters from 1.6 mm to 64 mm inclusive. This Stand-
ard is identical with and reproduced from ISO Data format for positioning, line AS 1137
4014:1999. motion and contouring control Insulators
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 3399 9) equipment
(ISO 6983-1) 14pp D AS 1137.3—1981
AS 1110.2—2000 Specifies requirements and makes recommendations
Screws for a data format for positioning, line motion and con-
Porcelain and glass indoor and
(ISO 4017:1999) 11pp E touring control systems used in the numerical control outdoor station post insulators (for
Specifies the dimensions, tolerances and material re- of machines. This will help with the coordination of voltages greater than 1000 V a.c.)
quirements for hexagon head screws, ISO product system design in order to minimize the variety of pro- Obsolescent See also AS 4398.1-1996 and AS
grades A and B with ISO metric coarse threads and gram manuscripts required, to promote uniformity of 4398.2-1996 20pp D
diameters from 1.6 mm to 64 mm inclusive. This programming techniques, and to foster interchangea-
bility of input programs between numerically control- Covers materials, characteristics, fixing arrange-
Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO ments, and type, batch and routine tests, for insulators
4017:1999. led machines of the same classification by type, proc-
ess, function, size and accuracy. It is intended that and insulator units designed to provide rigid support
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 3400 6) simple numerically controlled machines be pro- for busbars, parts of isolators, parts of air-break
grammed using a simple format, which is systemati- switches and other conductors in stations and for sim-
AS 1111 cally extensible for more complex machines. Techni- ilar applications, but does not apply to insulators for
cally identical with ISO 6983, Part 1. This Standard is supporting overhead transmission line conductors nor
ISO metric hexagon bolts and to bushing insulators. An appendix deals with selec-
not intended for use in specialized cases of numerical-
screws—Product grade C ly controlled flame cutting machines and drafting ma- tion and application of post insulators.
chines used specifically and exclusively in the ship- (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 2375 1)
AS 1111.1—2000 building industry.
Bolts (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 3706 X) AS 1138—1992
(ISO 4016:1999) 9pp E Thimbles for wire rope 10pp D
Specifies the dimensions, tolerances and material re- AS 1115—1985 Specifies requirements for thimbles that are suitable for
quirements for hexagon head bolts, ISO product Numerical control of machines—Axis use with Grade 1770, galvanized or natural, round strand,
grade C with ISO metric coarse threads and diameters equal lay, 6 x 36 Seale-Warrington + IWR steel wire ropes
from 5 mm to 64 mm inclusive. This Standard is iden-
and motion nomenclature complying with Table 2.6 of AS 3569-1989.
tical with and reproduced from ISO 4016:1999. (ISO 841) 9pp D (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7262 7446 1)
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 3401 4) Defines axis and motion nomenclature for numerically
controlled machines. It is intended to simplify program-
ming for all numerically controlled machines and to facil- AS 1141
AS 1111.2—2000 itate the interchangeability of recorded data. A right-hand- Methods for sampling and testing ag-
Screws ed rectangular Cartesian coordinate system is used to gregates
(ISO 4018:1999) 9pp E specify machine and workpiece movements. Specifies re-
quirements identical with those in ISO Standards ISO 841.
Specifies the dimensions, tolerances and material re-
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 3637 3) AS 1141.0—1999
quirements for hexagon head screws, ISO product
grade C with ISO metric coarse threads and diameters List of methods 2pp B
from 5 mm to 64 mm inclusive. This Standard is iden- AS 1121—1983 (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2722 0)
tical with and reproduced from ISO 4018:1999.
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 3402 2) Guards for agricultural tractor PTO
AS 1141.1—1996
drives 12pp D
Specifies requirements and tests for guards for three types Definitions 2pp B
AS 1112 of power take-off (PTO) drives of agricultural tractors, and (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0672 X)
ISO metric hexagon nuts includes guards for the stub shafts on the tractor and the
implement as well as the connecting PTO shaft. Generally AS 1141.2—1999
AS 1112.1—2000 in agreement with ISO 500.
Basic testing equipment 5pp C
Style 1—Product grades A and B (ME-065) (ISBN 0 7262 2853 2)
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2616 X)
(ISO 4032:1999) 5pp D
Amdt 1 6 September 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4742 6) AS/NZS 1125:2001 AS 1141.3
X Conductors in insulated electric ca- Sampling
Specifies dimensions, tolerances and material re- bles and flexible cords 20pp G
quirements for style 1 hexagon nuts, ISO product Specifies the requirements for conductors in insulated
gardes A and B with ISO metric coarse threads and electric cables and flexible cords used for general wiring AS 1141.3.1—1996
diameter from 5 mm to 64 mm inclusive. This Stand- cables for land installations and, in the case of copper con- Aggregates 16pp F
ard is identical with and reproduced from ISO ductors only, for ships' wiring. The Standard does not ap- Specifies methods and defines principles for sam-
4032:1999. ply to material used for the manufacture of conductors. pling aggregates and sands, for subdividing samples
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 3398 0) (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3957 1) and for packing and forwarding samples for testing. A

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

number of photographs assist in describing the taking AS 1141.17—1995 AS 1141.28—1999

of samples and increments.
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0726 2) Voids in dry compacted filler Ball mill value 4pp C
3pp B (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2727 1)
AS 1141.3.2—1996 (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 9507 8)
Rock spalls, boulders and drill AS 1141.29—1999
core 5pp C AS 1141.18—1996 Accelerated soundness index by
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0692 4) Crushed particles in coarse aggre- reflux 4pp C
gate derived from gravel 3pp B (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2728 X)
AS 1141.3.3—1999 Amdt 1 September 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2182 6) X
Preparation of stabilized pavement (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0693 2) AS 1141.30—1996
materials 4pp C Coarse aggregate quality by visual
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2723 9) AS 1141.19—1998 comparison 5pp C
Fine particle size distribution in Specifies the method of determining a quality classi-
AS 1141.4—2000 road materials by sieving and de- fication by comparing a fresh, clean and dry sample
Bulk density of aggregate 4pp D cantation 6pp C with a reference sample from the same source by the
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3475 8) (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2145 1) visual quality of its larger particles.
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0780 7)
AS 1141.5—2000 AS 1141.20
Particle density and water absorp- Average least dimension AS 1141.31—1997
tion of fine aggregate 5pp D Light particles 3pp C
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3448 0) AS 1141.20.1—2000 Determines the proportion by mass by separating par-
Direct measurement (nominal size ticles that float in a solution of density 2 t/m3.
AS 1141.6 10 mm and greater) 4pp D (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 1402 1)
Particle density and water absorp- (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3470 7)
tion of coarse aggregate AS 1141.32—1995
AS 1141.20.2—2000 Weak particles (including clay
AS 1141.6.1—2000 lumps, soft and friable particles) in
Weighing-in-water method 5pp D Direct measurement (nominal siz-
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3447 2) es 5 mm and 7 mm) 3pp C coarse aggregates 3pp B
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3469 3) (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 9509 4)
AS 1141.6.2—1996
Pycnometer method 5pp C AS 1141.20.3—2000 AS 1141.33—1997
Specifies the method for determining particle density, Calculation (nomograph) 5pp D Clay and fine silt (settling meth-
apparent particle density and water absorption of ag- (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3476 6) od) 2pp B
gregate substantially retained on a 4.75 mm sieve by Determines the ratio of clay and fine silt to sand using
soaking in water, weighing surface dry, weighing in a AS 1141.21—1997 a simple settling method suitable for use in the field.
pycnometer and weighing oven dry.
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0777 7) Aggregate crushing value 4pp C (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 1400 5)
Specifies the method for determining the aggregate
AS 1141.7—1995 crushing value by tamping a measured mass of sieved AS 1141.34—1997
material (14 mm nominal size) in a standard cylinder, Organic impurities other than sug-
Apparent particle density of filler crushing with a plunger and determining the mass
3pp B passing a 2.36 mm sieve. Material of other nominal ar 2pp B
Amdt 1 April 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2599 6) X sizes may be used but the result may not be compara- Determines the presence of organic materials other
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 9501 9) ble. than sugar in fine aggregate by agitating the sample in
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 1049 2) a sodium hydroxide solution and comparing the re-
sulting colour with a reference colour solution.
AS 1141.8—1995 (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 1399 8)
Water-soluble fraction of filler AS 1141.22—1996
2pp B Wet/dry strength variation 10pp D
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0694 0) AS 1141.35—1995
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 9502 7)
Sugar 2pp B
AS 1141.11—1996 AS 1141.23—1995 (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 9510 8)
Particle size distribution by siev- Los Angeles value 8pp D
ing 5pp C Amdt 1 October 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1404 8) X AS 1141.36—1997
Amdt 1 June 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2724 7) X (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 9781 X) Sulfur in metallurgical slag,
Determines the sizes of coarse and fine aggregates crushed rock or other pavement
and fillers for asphalt by sieving. AS 1141.24—1997 materials 4pp C
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0760 2) Aggregate soundness—Evaluation Determines total sulfur or acid soluble sulfate content
by exposure to sodium sulfate so- by chemical treatment with acids.
AS 1141.12—1996 (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 1403 X)
Materials finer than 75µm in aggre- lution 10pp E
Determines the loss of mass when subjected to repeat-
gates (by washing) 3pp B ed wetting and drying with saturated sodium sulfate AS 1141.37—1995
Specifies the method for determining the amount of solution to approximate weathering of aggregate. Iron unsoundness 1p A
material finer than 75µm by drying then washing with (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 1401 3)
water. Particles such as clay which are dispersed by (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 9511 6)
the water and water soluble materials will be included
in the result as materials finer than 76µm. AS 1141.25 AS 1141.40—1999
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0778 5) Degradation factor Polished aggregate friction val-
AS 1141.13—1995 ue—Vertical road-wheel machine
AS 1141.25.1—2000
Material finer than 2 micrometer Source rock 7pp D 8pp D
6pp C (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3474 X) (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2729 8)
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 9503 5)
AS 1141.25.2—1999 AS 1141.41—1999
AS 1141.14—1995 Coarse aggregate 7pp D Polished aggregate friction val-
Particle shape, by proportional cal- (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2725 5) ue—Horizontal bed machine
liper 5pp C 10pp E
Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2126 5) X AS 1141.26—1996 (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2730 1)
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 9777 1)
Secondary minerals content in ba-
sic igneous rocks 3pp B AS 1141.42—1999
AS 1141.15—1999
Flakiness index 5pp D (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0563 4) Pendulum friction test 10pp E
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3009 4) (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2731 X)
AS 1141.27—1995
AS 1141.16—1995 Resistance to wear by attrition AS 1141.50—1998
Angularity number 2pp B 3pp B Resistance to stripping of cover
Amdt 1 October 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1405 6) X Amdt 1 June 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2726 3) X aggregates from binders 4pp C
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 9506 X) (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 9508 6) (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2146 X)

AS 1141.51—1996

AS 1141.51—1996 AS 1145.4—2001 AS 1152—1993

Unconfined compressive strength Test conditions for isotropic and Specification for test sieves 20pp F
of compacted materials 7pp C orthotropic fibre-reinforced plastic Specifies requirements and sets out recommendations for
Amdt 1 June 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2732 8) X test sieves made from woven wire or perforated plate in the
composites aperture size range 32µm to 125 mm.
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0695 9) (ISO 527-4:1997) 11pp F (CH-032) (ISBN 0 7262 7939 0)
Specifies the test conditions for the determination of
AS 1141.52—1995 the tensile properties of isotropic and orthotropic fi- AS 1154
Unconfined cohesion of compact- bre-reinforced plastic composites, based upon the
Insulator and conductor fittings for
ed pavement materials 7pp C general principles given in AS 1145.1. This Standard
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 9780 1) is identical to and reproduced from ISO 527-4:1997. overhead power lines
(PL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3676 9)
AS 1141.53—1996 AS 1154.1—1985
Absorption, swell and capillary rise AS 1145.5—2001 Performance and general require-
of compacted materials 7pp C Test conditions for fibre-reinforced ments 20pp E
plastic composites Specifies standards of performance. Does not apply to
Specifies the method for determining absorption, service lines.
swell and capillary rise by determining the moisture (ISO 527-5:1997) 9pp F (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 3846 5)
content, trimming and weighing a sample compacted Specifies the test conditions for the determination of
to a standard compactive effort or to a density ratio, the tensile properties of unidirectional fibre-rein-
curing, oven drying, and weighing and measuring be-
forced plastic composites, based upon the general
AS 1154.2—1985
fore and after soaking. Dimensions
principles given in AS 1145.1. This Standard is iden-
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0804 8) tical to and reproduced from ISO 527-5:1997. (IEC 120 IEC 372-1) 53pp H
(PL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3675 0) Specifies and illustrates dimensions. Material and
AS 1141.70—1996 gauging are included.
Lime or cement content of uncured AS 1146 (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 3847 3)
stabilized pavement materials (ED- Method for impact tests on plastics
TA method) 5pp C AS 1154.3—1985
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0564 2) AS 1146.1—1990 Performance and general require-
Izod impact resistance ments for helical fittings 11pp D
AS 1141.71—1998 Provides for four broad categories of fittings and pre-
Lime or cement content of stabi- (ISO 180) 9pp C scribes tests to be carried out according to the partic-
lized pavement materials (EDTA Specifies the method for the determination of the Izod ular application for which the fitting is to be used. In-
impact resistance of plastics materials. It is technical- cludes fittings for use on insulated service lines.
method) 6pp C ly similar to ISO 180. (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 3850 3)
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2149 4) (PL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4489 9)
AS 1157
AS 1141.72—1996 AS 1146.2—1990 Methods of testing materials for re-
Cement content of cement stabi- sistance to fungal growth
lized materials 3pp B Charpy impact resistance
Amdt 1 June 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2733 6) X (ISO 179) 9pp D
Specifies the method for the determination of the AS 1157.1—1998
Specifies the method of determining the cement con-
tent of freshly mixed cement stabilized materials by Charpy impact resistance of plastics materials. It is General principles of testing
the addition of acid and measurement of the tempera- technically similar to ISO 179. 15pp E
ture rise. (PL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5973 X) (CH-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2099 4)
(CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0779 3)
AS 1146.3—1990 AS 1157.2—1998
AS 1143—1973 Calibration of the testing machine Resistance of textiles to fungal
High temperature creosote for the 11pp D growth 6pp C
preservation of timber Specifies the requirements and methods of calibrating (CH-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2100 1)
Reconfirmed 1988 31pp D impact testing machines used to determine the Izod
Applies to creosote obtained from coal tar by high temper- and Charpy resistance of plastics materials. AS 1157.3—1999
ature carbonization of coal above 900°C, in two types ac- (PL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5974 8)
cording to properties determined by tests described in ap- Resistance of cordage and yarns
pendices and primarily dependent on source of materials. to fungal growth 5pp C
The creosote is suitable for application by brushing, im- AS 1147 (CH-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2453 1)
pregnation or spraying. Electrical equipment for coal mines—
(TM-006) (ISBN 0 7262 4881 9) Insulating materials AS 1157.4—1999
AS 1145 Resistance of coated fabrics and
AS 1147.1—1989 electronic boards to fungal
Determination of tensile properties of
plastics materials Materials for insulating power con- growth 8pp D
ducting components 7pp C (CH-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2504 X)
AS 1145.1—2001 Specifies requirements for insulating materials which
are used for the support and insulating of live parts of AS 1157.5—1998
General principles cable coupling devices, but excluding cables, intend- Resistance of timber to surface
(ISO 527-1:1993) 10pp F ed for use in coal mines. Mechanical, electrical and
fungal growth 5pp C
Specifies the general principles for determining the thermal properties are specified.
tensile properties plastics and plastic composites un- (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7262 5819 9) (CH-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2101 X)
der defined conditions. This Standard is identical to
and reproduced from ISO 527-1:1993.
AS/NZS 1148:2001 AS 1157.6—1998
(PL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3687 4) Resistance of leather and wet
New Zealand and imported species 'blue' hides to fungal growth
AS 1145.2—2001 5pp C
Test conditions for moulding and 211pp O (CH-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2201 6)
extrusion plastics Sets out a list of botanical names and preferred common
names for tree species for use in orders and specifications.
(ISO 527-2:1993) 6pp E Preferred common names have been provided for use in AS 1157.7—1999
Specifies the test conditions for determining the ten- specifying. An alphabetical index is provided, including Resistance of papers and paper
sile properties of moulding and extrusion plastics, both botanical names and preferred common names. Other products to surface fungal growth
based on the general principles given in AS 1145.1. inforamtion includes identification of hardwoods and soft-
This Standard is identical to and reproduced from ISO woods, normal sources of supply, and, for reference only, 3pp C
527-2:1993. other names. (CH-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2505 8)
(PL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3677 7) (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3867 2)
AS 1157.10—1999
AS 1145.3—2001 AS 1150—1983 Resistance of dried or cured adhe-
Test conditions for films and Artificial illumination in ships 8pp C sives and glues to fungal growth
sheets Tabulates minimum levels of artificial illumination in ac- 3pp C
(ISO 527-3:1995) 6pp E commodation spaces and work areas. It is primarily intend- (CH-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2559 7)
Specifies conditions for determining the tensile prop- ed for crew accommodation but may also be used as a
erties of plastic films or sheets less than 1 mm thick, guide for passenger accommodation areas. It does not refer AS 1157.11—1999
based non the general principles given in AS 1145.1. to emergency illumination, glare control, or distribution of
This Standard is identical to and reproduced from ISO light from luminaires. Technically unchanged from 1972 Resistance of rubbers and plastics
527-3:1995. edition. to surface fungal growth 8pp D
(PL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3678 5) (ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 2939 3) (CH-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2452 3)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 1158 of and is supplementary to road lighting complying nickel alloys. An appendix providing a guide to the
Road lighting with at least Category A 3 in AS 1158.1. application of filler metals is included
(LG-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4635 2) (WD-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2871 5)
AS/NZS 1158.0:1997 AS 1169—1982
Introduction 13pp D AS 1160—1996
Bituminous emulsions for the con- Minimizing of combustion hazards
Sets out definitions and lighting categories applicable
to the generality of roads and outdoor public areas, for struction and maintenance of pave- arising from the medical use of flam-
the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Serves as ments 12pp E mable anaesthetic agents
a general introduction to other Standards in the AS/ Specifies requirements for anionic and cationic bituminous Reconfirmed 1995 23pp E
NZS 1158 series. emulsions suitable for use in the construction and mainte- Relates to agents which burn or explode when mixed with
(LG-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0811 0) nance of pavements. air, oxygen or nitrous oxide in the concentration range
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 0433 6) used in medical practice under normal ambient conditions,
AS/NZS 1158.1 and applies to hospitals and rooms in industrial premises,
dental surgeries and the like where the agents may be used.
Vehicular traffic (Category V) light- AS 1162—2000 Includes flammability limits of inhalational anaesthetics,
ing Cleaning and sanitizing dairy factory and information on nature of hazards and installation of
equipment 26pp G antistatic flooring.
AS/NZS 1158.1.1:1997 Sets out guiding principles and recommended practices for (HE-017) (ISBN 0 7262 2685 8)
Performance and installation de- cleaning and sanitizing dairy factory equipment. Applies
sign requirements 28pp F to all dairy factory cleaning operations where the equip- AS/NZS 1170
ment is cleaned by the use of circulating liquids, physically Structural design actions
Amdt 1 November 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2251 2) X scrubbed by manual exertion or where mechanized clean-
Sets out performance criteria and installation design ing is employed. Guidelines on verification and validation
requirements for Category V lighting as described in of cleaning programs are covered under a separate Appen- AS/NZS 1170.0:2002
AS/NZS 1158.0, i.e. lighting for traffic routes, in- dix. General principles 27pp G
cluding arterial roads and freeways. Specifies the ap- (FT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3307 7) Provides the procedure for structural design. It in-
plicable lighting parameters and the values to be cludes design procedures, reference to design actions
achieved. Also requires the provision of certain lumi-
naire and installation design data. AS 1163—1991 (other parts of the series), combinations of actions,
detailing for robustness, methods of analysis and
(LG-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0815 3) Structural steel hollow sections methods for confirmation of a limit states design. It
22pp G also covers the use of special studies and experimen-
AS/NZS 1158.1.3:1997 Amdt 1 December 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7910 2) X tal testing and, for New Zealand, criteria for selection
Guide to design, installation, oper- Amdt 2 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0305 4) X of annual probability of exceedance. Information is
given in appendices on selection of serviceability cri-
ation and maintenance 115pp J Specifies the technical requirements for cold-formed steel
Sets out guidelines for the design, installation, opera- hollow sections for structural purposes, for the six grades
of steel that are suitable for welding. Grade C200 and all (BD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4469 9)
tion and maintenance of lighting systems for roads
which require Category V lighting complying with hot-formed grades have been deleted. It includes a new
AS/NZS 1158.1.1, i.e. traffic routes, including arteri- cold-formed grade C450 and grades with guaranteed im- AS/NZS 1170.0 Supplement 1:2002
al roads and freeways. It is intended to be read in con- pact performance at 0°C, namely C250L0 and C450L0. General principles -Commentary
junction with AS/NZS 1158.1.1 and provides back- Tensile strengths of grades C250 and C350 are reduced to
reflect the properties obtained on cold-formed sections. (Supplement to AS/NZS
ground information and advice to assist in the
application of the requirements of that Standard. (BD-023) (ISBN 0 7262 7109 8) 1170.0:2002) 25pp F
(LG-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0807 2) Provides background material to the requirements of
AS 1165—1982 AS/NZS 1170.0, General principles. Clause by
clause, it gives the origins of requirements, departures
AS 1158.2—1986 Traffic hazard warning lamps 22pp E from previous practice and explanations with exam-
Computer procedures for the cal- Applies to warning lamps designed to call attention to or ples to illustrate their application.
culation of light technical parame- delineate the location of temporary hazards to vehicular (BD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4470 2)
traffic. Includes requirements for the photometric perform-
ters for category A lighting ance of various types of lamp, to ensure that they will pro-
Includes a copy of "SAA STAN"on 3½ in disk vide an effective warning signal, and covers the specific AS/NZS 1170.1:2002
32pp K requirements for design and construction of battery-oper- Permanent, imposed and other ac-
Amdt 1 May 1987 X ated lamps. It also requires the provision of facilities which tions 20pp F
will enable the lamps to be effectively used and readily Provides design values of permanent, imposed and
Specifies the computer based procedures applicable maintained.
to Category A lighting for use in the derivation of in- other actions to be used in the limit state design of
stallation design data or for the direct calculation of (LG-008) (ISBN 0 7262 2703 X) structures and members. It is intended to be used in
light technical parameters to determine compliance conjunction with AS/NZS 1170.0. Other actions cov-
with the requirements of AS 1158.1. It describes the AS 1166—1992 ered include liquid pressure, ground water, rain water
use of a computer program, designated SAA STAN, ponding and earth pressure.
Milk and milk products—Methods of (BD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4471 0)
for the calculation of light technical parameters on
straight sections of road. The source code for the pro- sampling
gram, on a 13 cm IBM-formatted flexible disk (desig- (ISO 707:1985) 28pp G AS/NZS 1170.1 Supplement 1:2002
nated AS 1158.2S), is provided with the Standard. Sets out methods of obtaining samples of milk and milk
The program is written in the FORTRAN language products for microbiological, chemical, physical and sen- Permanent, imposed and other ac-
and complies with Subset FORTRAN 77. The disc sory analysis. Handling procedures aimed at ensuring that tions—Commentary (Supplement
contains a text file which gives information on the im- the samples reach the testing laboratory in a satisfactory to AS/NZS 1170.1:2002) 22pp F
plementation of the program. Information on the use condition are described. Also discusses administrative ar- Provides background material to the requirements of
of the program for road lighting calculations is given rangements dealing with the identification of samples and
in AS 1158.2. AS/NZS 1170.1. Clause by clause, it gives the origins
provision of pertinent information about the samples. This of requirements, departures from previous practice
(LG-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4054 0) Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO and explanations with examples to illustrate their ap-
707:1985. plication.
AS/NZS 1158.3 (FT-016) (ISBN 0 7262 7851 3) (BD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4472 9)
Pedestrian area (Category P) light-
ing AS 1167 AS 1170.1—1989
Welding and brazing—Filler metals Dead and live loads and load com-
AS/NZS 1158.3.1:1999 binations
Performance and installation de- AS 1167.1—1993 See also AS 1170.1-1981 24pp E
sign requirements 43pp I Filler metal for brazing and braze Amdt 1 January 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8019 4) A
Specifies requirements for electric lighting systems welding 7pp C Sets out requirements for establishing the minimum
for local roads and other outdoor public areas, prima- Specifies the chemical composition and approximate dead and live loads in the structural design of build-
rily to provide a safe and comfortable visual environ- melting ranges of 29 types of brazing alloys grouped ings and structures. This edition is presented in limit
ment for pedestrian movement at night. Applies to ar- as silver brazing, copper-phosphorus brazing, copper states format. A new section on load combinations
eas that are devoted solely to pedestrian use and to brazing, and aluminium brazing alloys. A uniform has now been included.
other areas where there is a mix of pedestrians and ve- system of colour coding for the purposes of identifi- (BD-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5501 7)
hicles or cyclists. A multi-level specification of light- cation is included together with a table of the equiva-
ing performance is given for selection having regard lent British, American, German and ISO designa- AS 1170.1—1981
to attributes such as the degree of activity (of pedes- tions.
trians and vehicles), the perceived risk of crime and (WD-002) (ISBN 0 7262 8087 9) Dead and live loads
the need to enhance the prestige of the locality. Obsolescent 1989
(LG-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3018 3)
AS/NZS 1167.2:1999 See also AS 1170.1-1989 19pp E
Covers the determination of minimum loads to be as-
AS 1158.4—1987 Filler metal for welding 14pp F sumed in the structural design of buildings and related
Supplementary lighting at pedes- Specifies requirements for ferrous and non-ferrous, structures, but does not apply to special structures
fluxed or unfluxed filler metal for welding. The clas- such as road and rail bridges and cranes nor to loads
trian crossings 6pp C sification system adopted is basically in line with arising from fluid pressures. Formulas for obtaining
Specifies requirements for a system of floodlighting ANSI/AWS classification. Filler metals are given in roof line loads and for determining permissible reduc-
pedestrian (zebra) crossings with the object of provid- seven groups—carbon and intermediate alloy steels, tions in design live loads for floors, columns and
ing advance warning to motorists and of enhancing high alloy steels, cast iron, copper and copper alloys, bearing walls are given. Tables are included of live
the visibility of pedestrians. It assumes the existence magnesium alloys, aluminium alloys, nickel and loads to be assumed for a wide range of building uses

AS/NZS 1170.2:2002

or acceptances as well as of dead loads for the more AS 1171—1998 AS EN 1174.3—2002

commonly used building materials.
(BD-006) (ISBN 0 7262 2046 9) Non-destructive testing—Magnetic Guide to the methods for validation
particle testing of ferromagnetic prod- of microbiological techniques
AS/NZS 1170.2:2002 ucts, components and structures (EN 1174-3:1996) 13pp G
Wind actions 83pp J 34pp H Provides guidance by describing approaches which
Specifies requirements for magnetic particle testing for the may be taken when validating techniques for the esti-
Provides design values of wind actions for use in mation of the population of viable micro-organisms
structural design. It is intended to be used in conjunc- detection of surface and near-surface discontinuities in all
types of ferromagnetic products, components and struc- on a medical device or on a component, raw material
tion with AS/NZS 1170.0, which gives the procedure or package.
for structural design. Wind speeds and direction fac- tures. Also specifies requirements for magnetic particle
testing process control. Appendices give information on (HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4694 2)
tors are provided for a range of probabilities of ex-
ceedance. Other factors cover the environment test methods for determining flux density and magnetizing
around the structure, the geometry of the structure current levels and the preparation and use of standard test AS 1178—1986
and the dynamic interaction of the structure with the pieces.
(MT-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2064 1)
Concentric wire neutral cables—XLPE
insulated—For electricity supply at
(BD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4473 7)
AS 1172 working voltages of 0.6/1 kV 11pp D
Applies to cables having two conductors (single-core) or
AS/NZS 1170.2 Supplement 1:2002 Water closets of 6/3 L capacity four conductors (3-core) with a non-metallic oversheath.
Wind actions—Commentary (Sup- XLPE insulation is specified for the phase conductors and
plement to AS/NZS 1170.2:2002) AS 1172.1—1993 V-90 PVC for the cable oversheath. The cables are intend-
ed primarily for use by electricity authorities.
50pp I Pans 28pp G (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4398 1)
Provides background material to the requirements of Specifies the requirements for pans intended for use
AS/NZS 1170.2, Wind actions. Clause by clause, it with flushing cisterns complying with AS 1172.2 and
gives the origins of requirements, departures from AS 1179—1972
other flushing devices.
previous practice and explanations with examples to
(WS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8067 4)
Glossary of terms for rubber hose
illustrate their application. Reconfirmed 1988 22pp C
(BD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4474 5) Defines almost 300 terms used in connection with the
AS 1172.2—1999 specification, manufacture and inspection of hose. Many
AS 1170.2—1989 Cisterns 22pp G of the terms are general but have been included to make for
convenience and completeness.
Wind loads Amdt 1 20 August 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4768 X)
(RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3201 7)
See also HB 21-1990 90pp I X
Amdt 1 January 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 6639 6) A Specifies requirements for flushing cisterns which are AS 1180
Amdt 2 January 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 7911 0) A intended for use with pans of all types.
Methods of test for hose made from
Amdt 3 December 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8719 9) X (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2238 5)
elastomeric materials
Sets out requirements for establishing the minimum
wind loads in structural design, and is in a limit states AS 1173 AS 1180.1—1972
format. It provides a simplified procedure for the de-
termination of wind loads on a limited range of small Recommended methods of measure- Dimensions
structures and buildings, and a detailed procedure on ment on receivers for television Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub-
a wide range of structures. Windspeeds are specified broadcast transmissions set AS 1180 Group 1 D
for the serviceability and ultimate strength/stability
limit states, and for permissible stress design. Explan- (RU-001)
atory material is given in the appendices. AS 1173.1—1979
(BD-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5485 1) General considerations—Electrical AS 1180.2—1972
measurements other than those at Tensile strength and elongation
AS 1170.3—1990 audio-frequencies Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub-
Snow loads 25pp F (IEC 107-1) 116pp J set AS 1180 Group 1 D
This Standard sets out data and procedures for deter- Specifies uniform conditions for measurement and (RU-001)
mining minimum snow loads on roofs, balconies, measurement methods for the electrical, acoustic and
walkways, and other building surfaces, in areas which optical properties for monochrome and colour receiv-
receive significant snowfalls. It also provides guid- ers for broadcast television transmissions, in order to
AS 1180.3—1972
ance on the avoidance of common problems which permit assessment of the receiver performance by Accelerated ageing
occur mainly in alpine regions. comparative methods. It does not specify limiting Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub-
(BD-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6006 1) values of performance levels. It is technically identi-
cal with IEC 107-1.
set AS 1180 Group 1 D
AS 1170.3 Supplement 1—1990 (CT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 1622 4)
Snow loads—Commentary (Sup- AS 1180.4A—1972
plement to AS 1170.3-1990) AS 1173.2—1986
Ply adhesion—Dead weight meth-
20pp E Electrical and acoustic measure- od
The commentary provides guidance and background ments at audio-frequencies Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub-
material to the requirements of AS 1170.3, Snow (IEC 107-2) 22pp E
loads. It also provides worked examples. set AS 1180 Group 1 D
(BD-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6007 X) Standardizes conditions and methods of measurement (RU-001)
of the audio section of a TV receiver, to allow com-
parison of various receivers. Limiting values of vari-
AS 1170.4—1993 ous quantities are not specified. AS 1180.4B—1972
Earthquake loads 54pp H (CT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4390 6) Ply adhesion—Autographic meth-
Amdt 1 October 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9291 5) X od
Sets out data and procedures for determining mini- AS EN 1174 Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub-
mum earthquake loads on structures and their compo- Sterilization of medical devices—Esti- set AS 1180 Group 1 D
nents, and also minimum detailing requirements for Corrig. X
structures. It does not consider related phenomena mation of the population of micro-or-
such as settlement, slides, subsidence, liquefaction or ganisms on product (RU-001)
faulting in the immediate vicinity of a structure. It
does not include nuclear reactors, dams, transmission AS 1180.5—1999
towers, bridges, piers and wharves, which may re- AS EN 1174.1—2002
quire special consideration. The Standard is in limit Requirements Hydrostatic pressure
states format. New earthquake maps are defined in
(EN 1174-1:1996) 11pp F (ISO 1402:1994) 8pp D
terms of an acceleration coefficient instead of the Specifies methods for the hydrostatic testing of rub-
zoning system used in the previous Standard AS Specifies requirements for the estimation of the pop- ber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies, including
2121. Domestic structures are now included. ulation of viable micro-organisms on a medical de- methods for the determination of dimensional stabili-
(BD-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8297 9) vice or on a component, raw material or package. ty. This Standard is based on and has been reproduced
(HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4707 8) from ISO 1402:1994. An appendix proposes varia-
AS 1170.4 Supplement 1—1993 tions to ISO 1402 for application in Australia.
Earthquake loads—Commentary AS EN 1174.2—2002 (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2571 6)
(Supplement to AS 1170.4-1993) Guidance
AS 1180.6—1972
32pp F (EN 1174-2:1996) 26pp H
Amdt 1 October 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9292 3) X
Impulse test
Provides guidance on the implementation of require- Reconfirmed 1988 Bound together with AS
The commentary provides background material for ments for the estimation of the population of viable
and guidance to the requirements of AS 1170.4, micro-organisms on a medical device or on a compo- 1180.1, 1180.2, 1180.3, 1180.4A and
Earthquake loads. nent, raw material or package. 1180.4B 38pp D
(BD-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8298 7) (HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4695 0) (RU-001)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1180.7A—1972 AS 1180.13A—1983 tical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC/TR
Resistance of hose lining and cov- Determination of electrical resist- 12382:1989.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7117 9)
er to liquids ance of hose and hose compo-
Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub- nents AS 1189.1—1991
set AS 1180 Group 2 F Reconfirmed 1994 1p A
(RU-001) (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2750 1) Fundamental terms
(ISO 2382-1:1984) 7pp C
AS 1180.7B—1972 AS 1180.13B—1987 Presents terms and definitions of selected concepts
relevant to the field of data processing and identifies
Resistance to liquids—Physical Determination of electrical resist- relationships between the entries. It deals with the
Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub- ance of hose assembly 1p A main area of data processing, including the principal
set AS 1180 Group 2 F (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4654 9) processes and types of equipment used, the represen-
(RU-001) tation, organization and presentation of data, the pro-
AS 1180.13C—1983 gramming and operation of computers, peripheral
equipment and data communication as well as partic-
AS 1180.7C—1972 Determination of electrical conti- ular applications. This Standard is identical with and
Resistance to steam nuity of a hose assembly with rein- has been reproduced from ISO 2382-1.
Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub- forcing wire(s) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6743 0)
set AS 1180 Group 2 F Reconfirmed 1994 1p A
(RU-001) (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3753 6) AS 1189.2—1982
Arithmetic and logic operations
AS 1180.7D—1972 AS 1180.14—1991 (ISO 2382-2:1976) 21pp E
Resistance to detergent Determination of reeling properties (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2585 1)
Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub- of non-collapsible hose 3pp B
set AS 1180 Group 2 F Specifies the method for determining the reeling AS 1189.3—1991
(RU-001) properties of non-collapsible hose with internal diam- Equipment technology
eters up to 75 mm and intended for winding onto a
reel. Reagents, apparatus, test pieces, procedures for (ISO 2382-3:1987) 7pp C
AS 1180.7F—1972 petroleum-resistant hose and hose other than petrole- Provides definitions that are rigorous, uncomplicated
Resistance of lining and cover to um-resistant hose are laid down. and which can be understood by all concerned. The
ozone (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6996 4) scope of each concept defined has been chosen to pro-
Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub- vide a definition that is suitable for general applica-
tion. In those circumstances where a restricted appli-
set AS 1180 Group 2 F AS 1181—1982 cation is concerned, the definition may need to be
(RU-001) Method of measurement of civil engi- more specific. This Standard is identical with and has
neering works and associated build- been reproduced from ISO 2382-3.
AS 1180.7G—1972 ing works (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6759 7)
Corrosion resistance Reconfirmed 1990 50pp I
Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub- Sets out general principles and rules for preparing sched- AS 1189.4—1991
set AS 1180 Group 2 F ules of quantities. Building trades are included, so that Organization of data
building works forming part of a civil engineering contract
(RU-001) can be covered. The Standard deals in detail with site in- (ISO 2382-4:1987) 8pp C
vestigation, site clearance and demolition, excavation and Presents terms and definitions of selected concepts
AS 1180.7J—1972 filling, dredging, piling and caissons, roads and paving, relevant to the field of information processing and
Resistance to vacuum railway track work, concrete, brickwork and blockwork, identifies relationships between the entries. This
structural steel and metalwork, carpentry, roofing and wall Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub- cladding, sheetmetal work and plumbing, water mains, from ISO 2382-4.
set AS 1180 Group 2 F sewerage and drainage, electrical conduits, engineering (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6761 9)
Corrig. X services, plastering, paving and tiling, glazing and paint-
(RU-001) ing. AS 1189.5—1991
(CE-014) (ISBN 0 7262 2494 4)
Representation of data
AS 1180.8A—1972 (ISO 2382-5:1989) 9pp D
Resistance to cold flexing of hose AS 1182—1997
Size coding scheme for infants' and Presents terms and definitions of selected concepts
assembly relevant to the field of information processing and
Reconfirmed 1988 Bound as part of the sub- children's clothing—Underwear and identifies relationships between the entries. It defines
set AS 1180 Group 2 F outerwear 14pp E concepts relating to certain forms of data representa-
Corrig. X Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2096 X) X tion, to representation systems, and to notations
Specifies a size designation and size coding scheme for which provide for some forms of representation. This
(RU-001) ready-made garments based on actual body measurements Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
over underclothing. Body measurements are specified for from ISO 2382-5.
AS 1180.8B—1972 four sizes in infants' clothing, and for six sizes (2-7) with (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6762 7)
Resistance to cold flexing of hose common measurements for boys and girls. Two additional
lining and cover body measurement tables are included, one for boys and AS 1189.6—1991
one for girls for sizes 8 to 18. Two methods are given for
Reconfirmed 1988 Bound together with AS labelling standard coded sizes, one of which uses the ISO Preparation and handling of data
1180.7A, B, C, D, E, F, G, J and AS pictogram. The Standard also specifies similar methods for (ISO 2382-6:1987) 7pp C
1180.8A 42pp F labelling non-coded sizes. Presents terms and definitions of selected concepts
(RU-001) (CS-092) (ISBN 0 7337 0875 7) relevant to the field of information processing and
identifies relationships between the entries. It deals in
AS 1180.10A—1974 AS 1187—1996 particular with input and output of data, transfer and
conversion methods and also with search techniques.
Resistance of hose lining or cover Farm milk cooling and storage sys- This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
to flame tems 14pp E duced from ISO 2382-6.
Reconfirmed 1988 4pp B Sets out minimum requirements for the design, construc- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6763 5)
tion and performance of bulk milk cooling and storage sys-
(RU-001) tems on farms. The new edition of the Standard covers new
developments such as larger storage vessels that may be in- AS 1189.7—1991
AS 1180.10B—1982 stalled externally and the use of pre-cooling equipment to Computer programming
Determination of combustion cool milk, before milk enters the storage vessel. (ISO/IEC 2382-7:1989) 12pp D
propagation characteristics of a (FT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 0191 4) Presents terms and definitions of selected concepts
horizontally oriented specimen of relevant to the field of information processing and
AS 1188—1990 identifies relationships between the entries. It defines
hose using surface ignition Radio transmitters and similar equip- concepts relating to programming context and some
Reconfirmed 1988 4pp B programming languages, and to the preparation, exe-
(RU-001) ment—Safe practices 23pp G cution, debugging and verification of programs. This
Lists safe practices when working on or near radio trans- Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
mitters and similar equipment. from ISO/IEC 2382-7.
AS 1180.11—1982 (RC-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6366 4)
Hose and coupling compatibility— (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6764 3)
Tensile method AS 1189 AS 1189.8—1991
Reconfirmed 1994 1p A Data processing—Vocabulary
(RU-001) Control, integrity and security
AS 1189.0—1991 (ISO 2382-8:1986) 9pp D
AS 1180.12—1974 Consolidated index Presents terms and definitions of selected concepts
relevant to the field of information processing and
Resistance to ignition (ISO/IEC/TR 12382:1989) 245pp M identifies relationships between the entries. It deals in
Reconfirmed 1989 3pp A Provides a permuted index of terms defined in parts 1 particular with auditing, monitoring and protection of
(RU-001) to 16 and 18 to 22 of AS 1189. This Standard is iden- a data processing system and also detection and han-

AS 1189.9—1985

dling of errors. This Standard is identical with and has AS 1189.22—1987 winding wires intended to be used for windings of
been reproduced from ISO 2382-8. Calculators electrical equipment.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6745 7) (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0449 2)
(ISO 2382-22) 10pp C
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4572 0) AS/NZS 1194.3:1996
AS 1189.9—1985
Data communication AS 1189.25—1992 Enamelled round aluminium wind-
(ISO 2382-9:1984) 12pp D ing wires 18pp E
Local area networks Specifies dimensions and material requirements for
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3626 8) (ISO/IEC 2382-25:1992) 11pp D conductor and enamel covering of round aluminium
Defines different types of local area networks, con- winding wires intended to be used for windings of
AS 1189.10—1982 cepts relating to devices, to transmissions and the electrical equipment.
Operating techniques and facilities problems that can appear, and also protocols that gov- (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0450 6)
ern exchanges. This Standard is identical with and re-
(ISO 2382-10:1979) 12pp C produced from ISO/IEC 2382-25:1992.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2591 6) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7748 7)
AS/NZS 1194.4:1996
Enamelled rectangular aluminium
AS 1189.11—1991 AS 1191—2002 winding wires 9pp D
Acoustics—Method for laboratory Specifies dimensions and material requirements for
Processing units conductor and enamel covering of rectangular alu-
(ISO 2382-11:1987) 10pp D measurement of airborne sound trans- minium winding wires intended to be used for wind-
Presents terms and definitions of selected concepts mission loss of building elements ings of electrical equipment.
relevant to the field of information processing and (ISO 140-1 ISO 140-3) 16pp F (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0451 4)
identifies relationships between the entries. It defines Provides a method for the measurement of airborne sound
processing and arithmetic units and also registers and reduction index to building partitions such as walls, floor/ AS/NZS 1194.5:1996
converters. This Standard is identical with and has ceiling assemblies, doors, windows and other space divid-
been reproduced from ISO 2382-11. Test methods 41pp H
ing elements.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6765 1) Specifies test methods for round and rectangular, cop-
(AV-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4467 2) per and aluminium winding wires in Standards AS/
NZS 1194 Parts 1 to 4, where relevant.
AS 1189.12—1991 AS 1191—1985 (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0452 2)
Peripheral equipment Acoustics—Method for laboratory
(ISO 2382-12:1988) 24pp G measurement of airborne sound trans- AS 1195—1973
Presents terms and definitions of selected concepts mission loss of building partitions Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) skived
relevant to the field of information processing and (ISO 140-1 and ISO 140-3) 16pp D tape
identifies relationships between the entries. It defines Amdt 1 January 1987 X Reconfirmed 1986 12pp B
the data media, the storage devices and also the mag- Sets out the method for the measurement of the airborne Corrig. X
netic tape and the printers. This Standard is identical sound transmission loss of building partitions such as
with and has been reproduced from ISO 2382-12. Classifies three grades of tape according to quality, for me-
walls, floor/ceiling assemblies, doors, windows, and other chanical, electrical and chemical applications, in a range of
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6746 5) space-divided elements. It prescribes parameters for the thicknesses up to 5.0 mm. Finish and physical and electri-
room used for measurement, the range of frequencies to be cal measurements are specified, and tests for heat resist-
AS 1189.13—1987 measured, the manner in which sound fields are to be gen- ance and electrical flaws are in appendices.
erated and the characteristics of the filters used. (PL-029) (ISBN 0 7262 4905 X)
Computer graphics (AV-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3946 1)
(ISO 2382-13) 11pp D AS 1196—1973
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4566 6) AS 1192—1982 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Electroplated coatings—Nickel and moulded sheet
AS 1189.15—1987 chromium Reconfirmed 1986 8pp B
Programming languages (ISO 1456 ISO 1458) Corrig. X
(ISO 2382-15) 9pp C Reconfirmed 1993 9pp C Classifies three grades of sheet according to quality and
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4567 4) Specifies requirements for nickel or nickel plus chromium two classes according to dimensional stability, for me-
coatings on iron, steel, zinc alloy, copper or other alloy, chanical, electrical and chemical applications, and of min-
and aluminium or aluminium alloy. It also provides for imum thickness 2.4 mm. Finish and physical and electrical
AS 1189.18—1991 coatings incorporating a copper undercoat, and for use of requirements are specified, and tests for heat resistance and
Distributed data processing gold, copper, brass or other metals plated over nickel. Mi- dimensional stability are in appendices.
(ISO 2382-18:1987) 7pp C croporous chromium coatings are also included. It does not (PL-029) (ISBN 0 7262 4913 0)
apply to coatings on screw threads. For nickel plus chromi-
Presents terms and definitions of selected concepts um, four service condition numbers according to severity
relevant to the field of information processing and are provided and the coating classification, including
AS 1197—1973
identifies relationships between the entries. It is iden- thickness, is given for each number and each basis metal; Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
tical with and has been reproduced from ISO 2382- for nickel alone or with topcoats other than chromium, moulded basic shapes
18:1987. three application grades according to severity are provid- Reconfirmed 1986 10pp B
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6766 X) ed. Tests are cross-referenced to AS 2331. Classifies two grades of shapes according to quality and
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 2649 1) two classes according to dimensional stability for mechan-
AS 1189.19—1991 ical, electrical and chemical applications. Finish, physical
AS 1193—1989 and electrical requirements are specified, and tests for heat
Analog computing resistance and dimensional stability are in appendices.
(ISO 2382-19:1989) 5pp C Plastics—Methods for determining the (PL-029) (ISBN 0 7262 4921 1)
Presents terms and definitions of selected concepts density and relative density of non-
relevant to the field of information processing and cellular plastics AS 1198—1973
identifies relationships between the entries. It defines (ISO 1183:1987) 8pp D Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) ex-
concepts relating to analog and hybrid arithmetic Describes four methods for the determination of the densi-
units, function generators, converters, and modes of ty and relative density of non-cellular plastics in the form
truded rod and tube
operation of such components. This Standard is iden- of sheet, film, tube, moulded objects, moulded powders, Reconfirmed 1986 11pp B
tical with and has been reproduced from ISO 2382- granules and pellets. Identical with, and has been repro- Classifies two grades of rod and tube according to quality
19:1989. duced from ISO 1183:1987. and four classes according to dimensional stability and in-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6747 3) (PL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5539 4) ternal finish. Physical and electrical requirements are spec-
ified, and tests for heat resistance and dimensional stability
are in appendices.
AS 1189.20—1991 AS/NZS 1194 (PL-029) (ISBN 0 7262 4929 7)
System development Winding wires
(ISO/IEC 2382-20:1990) 7pp C AS 1199—1988
Presents terms and definitions of selected concepts AS/NZS 1194.1:1996 Sampling procedures and tables for
relevant to the field of information processing and Enamelled round copper winding inspection by attributes 104pp I
identifies relationships between the entries. It defines wires 33pp H Details the sampling plans and procedures, for inspection
concepts relating to a system life cycle, from the re-
quirements for analysis to the implementation, in- Amdt 1 January 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0860 9) X by attributes, to be used primarily for a continuing series of
Specifies dimensions and material requirements for batches or lots, or, under certain conditions, isolated batch-
cluding system design and quality assurance. This es or lots. The main sampling plans covered are single,
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced conductor and enamel covering of round copper
winding wires intended to be used for windings of double and multiple, but provision is made for sequential
from ISO/IEC 2382-20. sampling plans. The sampling plans may include the in-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6767 8) electrical equipment.
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0448 4) spection of end items, raw materials, materials in process,
and supplies in storage.
AS 1189.21—1987 AS/NZS 1194.2:1996
(QR-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4901 7)
Interfaces between process com- Enamelled rectangular copper
puters systems and technical proc- AS/NZS 1200:2000
winding wires 10pp D Pressure equipment 34pp H
esses Amdt 1 January 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0859 5) X Sets out basic requirements and good practice for the de-
(ISO 2382-21) 9pp C Specifies dimensions and material requirements for sign, materials, manufacture, examination,testing, installa-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4571 2) conductor and enamel covering of rectangular copper tion, conformity assessment, commissioning, operation,

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

inspection, maintenance, repair, alteration and disposal of frame overlap. This Standard is identical with and has AS 1214—1983
pressure equipment (boilers, pressure vessels and pressure been reproduced from ISO 3272-4:1994.
piping) but excluding gas cylinders. Includes detailed re- (MS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0253 8) Hot-dip galvanized coatings on
quirements for various pressure equipment by direct refer- threaded fasteners (ISO metric coarse
ence to a range of Australian, New Zealand and other thread series)
Standards. AS 1206—1990
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3381 6) Performance of household electrical (ISO 1459 ISO 1460 ISO 1461) 8pp C
appliances—Thermal-storage room Specifies requirements for the mass, quality, and testing of
hot-dip galvanized coating on steel bolts, screws, nuts and
AS/NZS 1200:1994 heaters 22pp G other fasteners having ISO metric coarse threads, in the
Specifies requirements for design, construction and per- nominal size range M8 to M36 inclusive. Guidance is also
Pressure equipment 29pp F formance of thermal-storage electric room heaters for given for oversize tapping allowances for fasteners, with
Sets out the Australian and New Zealand requirements to household and similar applications, intended principally to metric coarse threads up to and including M64 diameter.
which pressure equipment (boilers, pressure vessels and store heat derived from the use of off-peak electrical ener-
pressure piping) is to be designed, manufactured, tested, gy and to supply that heat to the room by free or controlled (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7262 2825 7)
inspected, supplied, installed, commissioned, operated, output according to the type of heater selected by the user.
maintained, repaired, altered and disposed of. Specifies re- (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 6042 8) AS 1216—1995
quirements which are common to Australian and New Zea-
land pressure equipment Standards. Appendices include Class labels for dangerous goods
pressure equipment covered by this Standard, enquiries, AS 1210 (Set) 33pp H
materials, a list of Australian and New Zealand regulatory Pressure vessels set Amdt 1 April 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1867 1) A
authorities, definitions, the basis of design strength and (Set Expires 31 March 2003) $144.54 Retail
New Zealand loading requirements. Sets out requirements, which are in accordance with Unit-
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9101 3) $110.62 Member ed Nations recommendations and the Australian Code for
This Set contains AS 1210-1997 (Hardbound), Pressure the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail, for
vessels, and all relevant Supplements and Amendments. the design and use of Class labels for dangerous goods. A
AS 1201—1989 (ME-001) large replica of each Class label is provided to serve as a
Tubular fluorescent lamps for general model for the production of correct labels.
lighting service AS 1210—1997 (Hardbound) (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9677 5)
(IEC 81:1984) 161pp L Pressure vessels 322pp J
Specifies technical requirements for tubular fluorescent Amdt 1 February 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1647 4) X AS 1217
lamps with preheated cathodes operated with or without a Amdt 2 September 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2160 5) B Acoustics—Determination of sound
starter and for lamps with non-preheated cathodes operated Amdt 3 16 April 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 3811 7) B power levels of noise sources
without the use of a starter. It prescribes the methods of
testing to be used for checking quality and interchangeabil- Specifies requirements for the materials, design, manufac-
ity for type testing, for individual batches or for the whole ture, testing, inspection certification and despatch of pres- AS 1217.1—1985
sure vessels for pressures up to 21 MPa and temperatures
production of a manufacturer. The characteristics of spe-
within the limits for the various materials and components. Guidelines for the use of basic
cific lamp types are provided in the form of separate data
sheets. Technically identical with and reproduced from Welded, forged, brazed, and cast constructions in ferrous Standards for the preparation of
IEC 81:1984. and non-ferrous metals are covered. Requirements for non- noise test codes
metallic vessels and metallic vessels with non-metallic lin-
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 5621 8) ings are given. Detailed requirements for manufacture, (ISO 3740) 12pp D
heat treatment, welding and testing are covered in AS Sets out guidelines and principles underlying the set
AS 1203 4458, AS 3992 and AS 4037. The specific design require- of basic Standards (AS 1217.2 to AS 1217.7) for
ments are based on a simplified engineering approach and measuring the airborne noise emitted by machines
Microfilming of engineering docu- are intended to be the standard methods of design, but pro- and equipment, and provides assistance in the selec-
ments vision is also made for other methods to be used provided tion of the appropriate basic Standard. Also provides
that the validity of the design is satisfactorily established. guidelines for the preparation of noise test codes for
AS 1203.1—1996 (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1012 3) any type of machine or equipment, with the exception
of moving vehicles or other non-stationary equip-
Operating procedures ment, for the determination of sound power levels of
AS 1210—1997 (Looseleaf) noise sources.
(ISO 3272-1:1983 (Confirmed Pressure vessels 322pp P
1993)) 4pp B (AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3589 X)
Amdt 1 February 1998 B
For microfilming technical drawing and other draw- Amdt 2 September 1998 C
ing office documents, this Standard specifies reduc- AS 1217.2—1985
tion and enlargement ratios, sizes of enlargement and Amdt 3 16 April 2002 D Precision methods for broad-band
resulting image sizes for recording on 35 mm unper- Specifies requirements for the materials, design, manufac-
forated microfilm. This Standard is identical with and ture, testing, inspection certification and despatch of pres- sources in reverberation rooms
has been reproduced from ISO 3272-1:1983 (Con- sure vessels for pressures up to 21 MPa and temperatures (ISO 3741-1975) 12pp D
firmed 1993). within the limits for the various materials and components. Amdt 1 December 1989 (ISBN 0 7262 6030 4) X
(MS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0250 3) Welded, forged, brazed, and cast constructions in ferrous
and non-ferrous metals are covered. Requirements for non- Sets out a direct method and a comparison method for
metallic vessels and metallic vessels with non-metallic lin- determining the sound power level produced by a
AS 1203.2—1996 ings are given. Detailed requirements for manufacture, source. Specifies test room requirements, source lo-
heat treatment, welding and testing are covered in AS cation and operating conditions, instrumentation and
Quality criteria and control 4458, AS 3992 and AS 4037. The specific design require- techniques for obtaining an estimate of mean-square
(ISO 3272-2:1994) 6pp B ments are based on a simplified engineering approach and sound pressure from which the power sound level of
Specifies procedures for maintaining and checking are intended to be the standard methods of design, but pro- the source in octave or one-third octave bands is cal-
the quality and reproducibility of 35 mm silver gelatin vision is also made for other methods to be used provided culated. Applies primarily to sources which produce
type microfilm in black and white, applicable to first, that the validity of the design is satisfactorily established. steady broad-band noise.
second and distribution silver copies, for microfilm- (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1298 3) (AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3590 3)
ing of drawing office documents. This Standard is
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO AS 1210 Supplement 1—1990 AS 1217.3—1985
(MS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0251 1)
Unfired Pressure Vessels—Advanced Precision methods for discrete-fre-
design and construction (Supplement quency and narrow-band sources
AS 1203.3—1996 to AS 1210-1997) 36pp H in reverberation rooms
Amdt 1 September 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0006 3) X (ISO 3742-1975) 7pp C
Unitized 35 mm microfilm carriers Amdt 2 July 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1241 X) X
(ISO 3272-3:1975 (Confirmed Sets out special procedures which are necessary for
Specifies requirements for design and construction of pres- accurate determinations of the sound power when dis-
1993)) 4pp B sure vessels in which material design strengths higher than crete frequencies or narrow bands of noise are radiat-
those specified in AS 1210 are permitted. It applies only to ed by a source. Applies to sources whose spectrum
Specifies requirements for microfilm carriers such as
static vessels, and specifies only those requirements which may or may not include broad-band components upon
aperture cards and the mounting of 35 mm microfilm differ from or are additional to the requirements for Class
of technical drawings or associated documents in the which the prominent discrete frequencies of narrow
1 vessels in AS 1210. Two new classes (2HA and 2HB) of bands of noise are superposed.
cards to reproduce 35 mm microfilm images from vessels are introduced.
these cards. This Standard is identical with and has (AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3591 1)
been reproduced from ISO 3272-3:1975 (Confirmed (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6003 7)
(MS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0252 X) AS 1210 Supplement 2—1999 AS 1217.4—1985
Pressure vessels—Cold-stretched Engineering methods for special
AS 1203.4—1996 austenitic stainless steel vessels reverberation test room
Microfilming of drawings of special (Supplement to AS 1210-1997) (ISO 3743-1976) 14pp D
and exceptional elongated sizes 14pp E Sets out an engineering method for determining the
Specifies requirements for pressure vessels designed and approximate sound power level of small noise sourc-
(ISO 3272-4:1994 (Confirmed fabricated from austenitic stainless steel, cold-stretched to es, which is applicable only to noise sources for
1993)) 4pp B enhance proof strength and hence generally permit higher which one or more identifiable and reproducible
Establishes general principles for microfilming draw- design strengths than those specified in AS 1210 and Sup- modes of operation exists. Applies to small noise
ings of special exceptional sizes as specified in AS plement 1. Two additional classes of vessel identified as sources producing steady noise within a specified fre-
1100, Part 101. Applicable to sequences of micro- Class 1S and Class 2SA are introduced. quency range.
filmed multiple frame drawings, reduction ratios and (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2824 3) (AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3594 6)

AS 1217.5—1985

AS 1217.5—1985 AS 1223—1991 Standard is identical with and has been reproduced

Engineering methods for free-field from ISO 887:2000.
Industrial hand cleaners (petroleum (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 4846 5)
conditions over a reflecting plane solvent type) 8pp D
(ISO 3744-1981) 24pp E Amdt 1 September 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 7087 3) X AS 1237.2—2002
Amdt 1 August 1985 X Specifies safety requirements for industrial hand cleaners
Sets out engineering methods for measuring the of the petroleum solvent type which are intended for the re-
sound pressure levels on a measurement surface en- moval of dirt, grease and other soils. It places limits on the (ISO 4759.3:2000) 6pp E
veloping the source and for calculating the sound composition and the materials which may be used, and Specifies the tolerances for the principle fasteners of
power level produced by the source. Applies to sourc- specifies requirements for packaging and labelling. plain washers of product grades A and C for use with
es which radiate broad-band noise, narrow-band (SF-028) (ISBN 0 7262 6941 7) metric bolts, screws, studs and nuts with nominal
noise, discrete tones and combinations of such com- thread diameters from 1 mm to 150 mm inclusive.
ponents. Specifies procedures which apply to steady This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
AS 1228—1997 duced from ISO 4759-3:2000.
noise and to non-steady noise with the exception of an
isolated burst of sound energy or a burst train with a Pressure equipment—Boilers (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 4847 3)
repetition rate less than 10 s. 219pp N
(AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3595 4) Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2080 3) B AS 1240—1973
This standard sets out requirements for materials, design, Orthodontic latex elastic bands
AS 1217.6—1985 construction, inspection and testing of boilers as defined in Reconfirmed 1986 10pp B
Precision methods for anechoic AS/NZS 1200. Specifically applies to design and construc-
tion of boilers including superheaters, reheaters and econ- Applies to natural rubber bands for movement of teeth and
and hemi-anechoic rooms omizers. Incorporates the existing AS 1228-1990, Boilers- oral structures by orthodontic procedures, and supplied as
(ISO 3745-1977) 22pp E Water-tube, and AS 1797-1986, Boilers-Fire-tube, shell individual bands or 'bonded' sets.
and miscellaneous, into one document. This incorporation (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 5185 2)
Sets out two laboratory methods for determining the
sound power radiated by a device, machine compo- eliminates duplication and possible conflict when consid-
nent or subassembly using a laboratory anechoic ering the core documents for the Pressure Equipment suite AS 1241—1973
room having prescribed acoustical characteristics. of Standards. Dental shellac baseplates
Applies to sources which produce sound that is uni- (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1006 9) Reconfirmed 1986 9pp B
formly distributed in frequency over the frequency Covers maxillary and mandibular baseplates made from
range of interest and is relatively steady for at least 30 AS/NZS 1229:2002 shellac and mica and used for making trial baseplates and
s. Applies primarily to small sound sources, i.e. individual impression trays. Dimensions, test requirements
sources whose volumes are preferably less than 0.5% Laundry troughs and tubs 22pp G
Specifies requirements for materials and finish of laundry and working qualities are specified.
of the volume of the test room used for the measure- (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 0014 X)
ments. troughs and tubs. Only critical dimensions are specified. In
(AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3596 2) New Zealand substitute tub for trough.
(WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4139 8) AS 1242—1985
AS 1217.7—1985 Zinc ingots 3pp B
Survey method AS 1230—1993 Applies to zinc metal in ingot form made from ore or other
material by a process of distillation or by electrolysis. It
(ISO 3746-1979) 15pp D Pressure-sensitive adhesive tape— provides for three grades, viz. Zn 99.99 (Special High
Sets out a survey method for determining the weight- Glossary of terms 8pp D Grade), Zn 99.95 (High Grade) and Zn 98.5 (Prime West-
ed sound power level of a device or a machine. The Defines both terms used in Australian Standards for tapes, ern).
method should not be used when it is feasible to use a and terms commonly used in reference to the construction (MT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3838 4)
more precise method, e.g. where a laboratory hemi- and use of tapes.
anechoic room is available for the measurements. The (PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8481 5) AS 1243—1982
method requires that the background noise be at least
3 dB lower than the noise produced by the source. Voltage transformers for measure-
(AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3597 0)
AS 1231—2000 ment and protection 58pp I
Aluminium and aluminium alloys— Specifies general requirements and tests for all types of
AS 1219—1994 Anodic oxidation coatings 24pp G VTs and, in separate sections, specific requirements for
Specifies requirements for anodic oxidation coatings on single-phase VTs, for CVTs, for three-phase VTs and for
Power presses—Safety require- aluminium and its alloys for general applications and for Designation L VTs. Deals specifically with accuracy and
ments 54pp H external architectural applications. Appendices give guid- short-term and long-term overvoltage ratings and applies
Specifies safety requirements for the design, construction, ance on the choice of aluminium grades and coating thick- the rated voltage factor to the VT as an entity, as well as to
operation and maintenance of power stamping presses and ness grades, on the maintenance, handling and transporta- individual secondary windings. Primary windings are clas-
brake presses. It incorporates the details for the safeguard- tion of anodised products and on the application of test sified as 'uniformly insulated' or 'non-uniformly insulated'.
ing of power presses, die design and die setting, and pro- methods for anodised coatings. Categories of performance (A and B) are specified for
vides appropriate recommendations for the operation, in- (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3481 2) three-phase VTs only. Includes many explanatory appen-
spection and maintenance of presses, and the training and dices and enlarges on the determination of primary and
supervision of operators. secondary currents and of temperature coefficients of er-
(SF-008) (ISBN 0 7262 8861 6) AS 1235—2000 ror, and on the determination of errors under different con-
Road vehicles—Roof load carriers— ditions.
AS/NZS 1221:1997 Roof bars (EL-013) (ISBN 0 7262 2460 X)
Fire hose reels (ISO 11154-1:1995) 15pp F
See also AS 1221-1991 30pp H Specifies minimum safety requirements, technical specifi- AS 1244—1972
Specifies requirements for design, construction and per- cations and test methods for roof bars intended to fit on Unpunched paper cards for informa-
formance of fixed and swing arm type fire hose reels for passenger cars or light commercial vehicles. It applies to tion interchange
use by one operator. general use roof bars siutable for carrying load, excluding (ISO 1681)
(FP-007) (ISBN 0 7337 1496 X) magnetic and vacuum-fixed devices. This Standard is an
adoption with vational modifications of ISO 11154- Reconfirmed 1985 20pp C
1:1995. Standard dimensions, materials and characteristics are
AS 1221—1991 (CS-079) (ISBN 0 7337 3003 5) specified for general purpose paper cards for use with card
Fire hose reels punching equipment of all kinds. Methods of test are spec-
Available Superseded See also AS/NZS ified to establish the characteristics defined. An appendix
AS 1236—1973 deals in some detail with storage and use of cards.
1221:1997 18pp F
Amdt 1 August 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7657 X) X Split cotter pins (metric series) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3369 2)
Specifies requirements for the design, construction and Obsolescent 12pp B
performance of fixed and swing fire hose reels with either Applies to ferrous and non-ferrous cotter pins in diameters AS 1245—1972
automatic or manual stop valve operation. from 1 to 13 mm and lengths from 4 to 125 mm, for general Dimensions and location of rectangu-
(FP-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6705 8) engineering purposes. Shape, dimensions, properties and lar punched holes in 80 column
finish are specified, and recommendations on gauging are
included. Guidance on the use of the split cotter pins with punched paper cards
AS 1222 ISO metric bolts, screws and clevis pins is given in an ap- (ISO 1682)
Steel conductors and stays—Bare pendix, and requirements for humpback split cotter pins Reconfirmed 1985 8pp B
overhead used as locking devices for insulated and conductor fittings Specifies dimensions, location and tolerances for holes for
specified in AS 1154.2, are also given. For inch series see cards specified in AS 1244. Storage and use are dealt with
AS B175. in an appendix.
AS 1222.1—1992 (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7262 5281 6) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3377 3)
Galvanized (SC/GZ)
(IEC 888:1987) 12pp E AS 1237 AS 1246—1972
Specifies requirements, tests, sizes of zinc-coated Plain washers for metric bolts, screws
steel wires and method of construction of stranded Location and direction of motion of
conductors used for power transmission purposes. and nuts for general purposes operator's controls for agricultural
(EL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7726 6) tractors and self-propelled agricultur-
AS 1237.1—2002 al machines
AS 1222.2—1992 General plan (BS 1495 and BS 3904)
Aluminium clad (SC/AC) 12pp E (ISO 887:2000) 7pp E Reconfirmed 1985 9pp B
Specifies requirements, tests, sizes of aluminium-clad Specifies the nominal dimensions for plain washers Tabulates the recommended locations and direction of mo-
steel wires and method of construction of stranded product grades A and C for use with metric general- tion, and includes a recommendation concerning the mark-
conductors used for power transmission purposes. purpose bolts, screws and nuts with nominal thread ing of specified controls.
(EL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7727 4) diameter from 1 mm to 150 mm inclusive. This (ME-065) (ISBN 0 7262 3385 4)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1247—1991 lent to IEC 651 and includes an annex showing devi- of noise. It provides procedures for noise control in
ations from IEC 651. existing workplaces. It also provides technical infor-
Metallic coatings—Coatings other (AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6151 3) mation on basic noise control techniques applicable
than those anodic to the basis metal— to both new and existing workplaces.
Accelerated corrosion tests—Method AS 1259.2—1990 (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1769 1)
for the evaluation of the results Integrating—Averaging
(ISO 1462:1973) 4pp B AS/NZS 1269.3:1998
(IEC 804) 49pp H
Specifies a rating system for the assessment of corrosion Hearing protector program
spots occurring on metallic-coated articles which have Describes instruments for the measurement of fre-
quency weighted and time averaged sound pressure 23pp G
been subjected to accelerated corrosion tests. It applies to
articles with metallic coatings cathodic to the basis metal. levels. Optionally, sound exposure levels may be Provides guidance on the administritive responsibili-
This Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO measured. Specifies additional characteristics to ties associated with a hearing protector program, en-
1462:1973. those in AS 1259.1 which are necessary to measure courages the use of effective criteria in the selection,
the equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq) use and maintenance of various types of hearing pro-
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7125 X) of steady, intermittent, fluctuating and impulsive tectors and gives information on training and motiva-
sounds. Identical with and reproduced from IEC 804. tion programs in hearing protection.
AS/NZS 1249:1999 (AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6153 X) (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1765 9)
Children's nightwear and limited day-
wear having reduced fire hazard AS/NZS 1260:2002 AS/NZS 1269.4:1998
33pp H PVC-U pipes and fittings for drain, Auditory assessment 36pp H
Specifies requirements for fabrics, trims and labelling of waste and vent application 49pp J Provides requirements and procedures for conducting
children's nightwear and some daywear garments which States requirements for PVC pipes and fittings for sewer, pure tone and conduction threshold audiometry used
are commonly worn both day and night, in Sizes 00 to 14 drain, waste and vent applications above-ground or below to monitor the hearing of individuals exposed to noise
in four categories. Also covers labelling of envelopes con- ground and intended to be used where the pipeline is oper- at work.
taining paper patterns. ating under gravity flow and the operating pressure is low. (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1766 7)
(CS-086) (ISBN 0 7337 2598 8) (PL-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4700 0)
AS/NZS 1270:2002
AS 1249—1990 AS 1265—1990
Acoustics—Hearing protectors
Children's nightclothes having re- Bushings for alternating voltages 30pp H
duced fire hazard above 1000 V Specifies requirements for the design, material and per-
Available Superseded 18pp F (IEC 137) 31pp H formance of conventional hearing protectors. Also pro-
Amdt 1 July 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7627 8) X vides guidance on the general requirements for specialist
Amdt 1 April 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7404 6) X hearing protectors and procedures for the physical and
Specifies requirements for fabrics, trims, and labelling of Specifies bushings supplied separately for use in the con-
struction of indoor and outdoor electrical equipment, trans- acoustic testing of such devices.
children's nightclothes in sizes from 0 to 14, in three cate- (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4261 0)
gories, viz. garments made from fabric of low hazard type, formers and electrical installations that are connected to
garments designed to reduce fire hazard, and garments a.c. systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V. The
which do not comply with these categories. Also covers la- bushings are capacitance graded or non-capacitance grad- AS 1271—1997
belling of envelopes containing paper patterns. ed. It is technically identical with and has been reproduced
from IEC 137. Modifications have been included to suit Safety valves, other valves, liquid lev-
(CS-086) (ISBN 0 7262 6197 1) Australian conditions. el gauges, and other fittings for boil-
(EL-008) (ISBN 0 7262 6199 8) ers and unfired pressure vessels
AS/NZS 1252:1996 (ISO 4126-1:1991) 43pp H
High strength steel bolts with associ- AS 1266—1986 Sets out the criteria for the design, construction and testing
ated nuts and washers for structural Fire control plans for ships 13pp D of safety valves, liquid relief valves, liquid level gauges,
engineering Specifies a standard presentation for fire control plans on blowdown valves and other fittings for use on boilers and
ships. The Standard specifies symbols for fire-resistant unfired pressure vessels and their associated piping. It does
(ISO 4775:1984 ISO 7411:1984 ISO structures, equipment, and controls for the confinement not cover the selection, operation or application of valves
7415:1984) 23pp G and extinction of fires. This Standard now includes sym- and fittings, as these are covered in the Standard applicable
Specifies requirements for high strength steel bolts of bols for halon gas equipment and systems, and the symbols to the equipment to which the valves and fittings are to be
property class 8.8 and steel nuts of property class 8 with for portable fire extinguisher symbols align with the Stand- connected. This Standard now aligns with BS 5154 in
ISO metric coarse pitch series threads and associated ards for portable fire extinguishers. Symbols are produced terms of valve body dimensions. This alignment will over-
washers in diameters from 16 mm to 36 mm inclusive, in colour for ease of identification, but are identifiable come the problem of differing valve body thicknesses evi-
mainly intended for use in steel structures. without colour for convenience during the initial prepara- dent in previous editions and will add to safety in the selec-
tion of the plans. tion of correctly sized safety valves.
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 733700541 3)
(ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 4298 5) (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1246 0)
AS/NZS 1254:2002
AS/NZS 1268:1996 AS 1272—1974
PVC pipes and fittings for storm and
surface water applications 24pp G Equipment for checking pressure and Unsintered PTFE tape for thread seal-
Specifies requirements for PVC pipes and fittings for un- inflation of tyres 15pp E ing applications
derground disposal of storm or surface water. The Stand- Specifies minimum requirements for tyre pressure gauging (BS 4375:1968)
ard includes requirements for both plain and structured equipment when used to measure, inflate, control or adjust Reconfirmed 1988 9pp B
wall pipes and fittings. the pressure of tyres used on road vehicles.
(ME-056) (ISBN 0 7337 0111 6) Applies to tape used for thread sealing for use at tempera-
(PL-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4484 2) tures up to 250°C, but which may also be used for general
engineering applications.
AS 1257—1973 AS/NZS 1269 (PL-029) (ISBN 0 7262 0329 7)
Bore sizes, test pressures and toler- Occupational noise management
ances on lengths of elastomeric hose AS 1273—1991
Reconfirmed 1988 4pp B AS/NZS 1269.0:1998 Unplasticized PVC (UPVC) downpipe
Amdt 1 June 1979 X Overview 10pp D and fittings for rainwater 7pp C
Provides for bore sizes from 3.2 to 31.5 mm with toleranc- Provides an overview to the AS/NZS 1269 series of Specifies requirements for rectangular and circular UPVC
es, for tolerances on cut lengths, and for ratios of testing Standards on occupational noise management. In- downpipes and fittings used for rainwater disposal.
and bursting pressures to design pressures for two types ac- cludes guidance on an integrated approach to estab- (WS-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6781 3)
cording to service. lishing, implementing evaluating an occupational
noise management program.
(RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5553 X) (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1768 3) AS 1275—1985
Metric screw threads for fasteners
AS 1259 AS/NZS 1269.1:1998 Reconfirmed 1990 17pp E
Acoustics—Sound level meters Measurement and assessment of Amdt 1 August 1986 X
noise immission and exposure Specifies requirements for single start parallel coarse pitch
AS 1259.1—1990 38pp H series metric screw threads, mainly intended for threaded
Non-integrating fasteners. It covers screw threads from 1.6 mm diameter up
Describes the types of noise assessment which may to and including 64 mm diameter, in tolerance classes 6e,
(IEC 651) 23pp G be required in an occupational noise management 6f, 6g and 8g, for external threads; and 6H and 6G for in-
program and the procedures and measuring instru- ternal threads. Information is given on symbols for screw
Provides for four types of meter, viz. Types 0 and 1 mentation required to perform these assessments.
for laboratory and precision use, Type 2 for general thread parameters, tolerances, deviations, thread classes,
field applications, and Type 3 for field noise survey (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1767 5) designation and verification. Appendices, giving notes on
applications, with one or more frequency-weighting the production of screw threads and a comparison of sym-
bols used in this Standard and the 1972 edition, are includ-
characteristics A, B and C and one or more time- AS/NZS 1269.2:1998 ed. It should be particularly noted that in this edition, the
weighting characteristics S, F, I and P. Specifies the
directional frequency-weighting and amplifier, time- Noise control management 48pp I thread roots of external threads (root curvature and associ-
weighting, detector and indicator characteristics, and Provides guidance on the management of noise con- ated limits and tolerances), are specified in a manner that
sensitivity to various environments, and includes trol in occupational settings which are applicable to is fundamentally different from the 1972 edition.
electrical and acoustical tests. Is technically equiva- all types of workplaces, large or small, and to all types (ME-028) (ISBN 0 7262 3628 4)

AS/NZS 1276

AS/NZS 1276 AS 1284.2—1973 AS 1284.10.2—1993

Acoustics—Rating of sound insula- Portable alternating current rotat- ANSI Standard interface 1p A
tion in buildings and of building ele- ing standard watthour meters Specifies dimensions for the optical communications
interface (type 2) to ANSI C12.13—1991.
ments Reconfirmed 1987 19pp C (EL-011) (ISBN 0 7262 8283 9)
Applies to meters used for testing of other meters and
AS/NZS 1276.1:1999 of electrical plant and equipment. Mechanical and
Airborne sound insulation electrical requirements, and marking, are specified. AS 1284.11—1995
(ISO 717-1:1996) 19pp F Accuracy is prescribed in terms of limit of error and Single-phase multifunction wat-
Provides a method whereby the frequency-dependent
effect of influence quantities. thour meters 15pp E
values of airborne sound insulation of building ele- (EL-011) (ISBN 0 7262 0148 0) Specifies requirements for and desirable features of
ments and in buildings can be converted into a single single-element and two-element single-phase wat-
number characterizing the acoustical performance. AS 1284.4—1994 thour meters suitable for installation outdoors and
This Standard is identical with and has been repro- having time-of-use (TOU) tariff and block tariff capa-
duced from ISO 717-1:1996. Socket mounting system 27pp G bilities.
(AV-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3046 9) Amdt 1 June 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9794 1) X (EL-011) (ISBN 0 7262 9663 5)
Specifies requirements for the safety, performance
AS 1276—1979 and interchangeability of sockets rated 500 V, 125 A AS 1284.12—1995
Methods for determination of sound a.c. and associated components; also for plug-in me- Polyphase multifunction (non-de-
ters and devices intended for insertion in two orienta- mand) watthour meters (Class 1)
transmission class and noise isolation tions (normal and 90° anticlockwise), or in only the
class of building partitions normal orientation. 13pp E
(ASTM E413) 12pp B (EL-011) (ISBN 0 7262 9154 4) Specifies requirements for, and desirable features of,
Describes methods for determining four indices for rating polyphase three-element and four-element (non-de-
the properties of partitions, including walls and floor-ceil- mand) watthour meters having time-of-use (TOU)
ing assemblies, used to divide spaces in domestic and com- AS 1284.5—2000 tariff capabilities. This Part of AS 1284 is a compan-
mercial buildings in reducing the transmission of airborne General purpose electronic wat- ion to AS 1284.8 and is to be read in conjunction with
sound; the four indices are sound transmission class, field AS 1284.5.
thour meters (EL-011) (ISBN 0 7337 0104 3)
sound transmission class, noise isolation class, and nor-
malized noise isolation class. (IEC 61036:1996) 48pp I
(AV-004) (ISBN 0 7262 1643 7) Specifies requirements for electronic watthour meters AS/NZS 1284.13:2002
of accuracy class 1, suitable for domestic, commer- In-service compliance testing
AS 1277—1983 cial and industrial use under Australian outdoor in-
stallation conditions. It is based on and has been re- 21pp G
Acoustics—Measurement proce- produced from IEC 61036:1996, subject to major Provides requirements for an in-service compliance
dures for ducted silencers 23pp F variations for Australian conditions. Australian varia- testing regime for electricity meters.
Applies to the objective measurement performance of si- tions, deletions and additions, are integrated through- (EL-011) (ISBN 0 7337 4588 1)
lencers for ducted ventilating and air-conditioning systems out the text.
for two types, viz. Type A which have the same dimen- (EL-011) (ISBN 0 7337 3066 3) AS 1287
sions as those of the test duct and the same direction for the Methods for the determination of di-
inlet and outlet connections, and Type B which have dif-
ferent dimensions from those of the test duct and/or differ- AS 1284.6—1992 mensional change in fabrics
ent directions between the axis of the inlet and outlet con- Ripple control receivers for tariff
nections. Two methods are supplied for the determination and load control AS 1287.2—1972
of the insertion loss of ducted silencers, viz. the direct Relaxation in steam
method and the substitution method. (IEC 1037:1990) 43pp H
(AV-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3226 2) Amdt 1 April 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9661 9) X
Reconfirmed 1989 7pp B
Describes a method in which specimens of woven or
Specifies requirements for electronic receivers of sin- knitted fabrics, and non-woven materials where ap-
AS/NZS 1279:1996 gle audio frequency pulses superimposed on the propriate, are exposed to dry saturated steam at at-
Copper refinery shapes 8pp D mains supply for switching purposes, suitable for out- mospheric pressure and the dimensional changes
Specifies requirements for grades of copper supplied as re- door installation. It comprises IEC 1037, Electronic measured. An appendix describes the steaming appa-
fined shapes in the form of billets, cakes (vertically or con- ripple control receivers for tariff and load control, ratus.
tinuously cast) and cathodes. Appendices provide informa- subject to variations for Australian conditions speci- (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4209 8)
tion on related designations and the relationship between fied in an Appendix.
resistivity and conductivity. (EL-011) (ISBN 0 7262 7663 4) AS 1288—1994
(MT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0397 6)
Glass in buildings—Selection and in-
AS 1284.7—1994 stallation 101pp I
AS 1281—2001 Internal clocks for meters and load Amdt 1 September 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1317 3) A
Cement mortar lining of steel pipes control devices Amdt 2 19 December 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3732 3)
and fittings 15pp F X
Provides manufacturers, designers and purchasers of ce- (IEC 1038:1990) 4pp C
ment-mortar-lined steel pipes and fittings with a specifica- Specifies timing requirements for internal clocks of Specifies procedures for the selection of glass to comply
tion for their design and manufacture. This Standard ap- electronic meters, registers, ripple control receivers, with wind loading requirements and human impact consid-
plies to pipes of diameter 100 mm or larger, for the and other load control devices. It is based on IEC erations for framed and unframed glass assemblies of lim-
conveyance of water intended for human consumption or 1038:1990, Time switches for tariff and load control. ited dimensions. The Standard also includes installation
for the conveyance of wastewater or process water. Guide- guidelines and appendices for design of glass fins as well
(EL-011) (ISBN 0 7262 8166 2) as the interpretation of human impact considerations and
lines on information to be supplied by the purchaser to the
manufacturer and variations that should be agreed upon at wind load design charts.
the time of inquiry or order are provided. Methods for AS 1284.9—1993 (BD-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9265 6)
demonstrating compliance with this Standard are also pro- Electronic watthour meters (Class-
es 0.2 S and 0.5 S) AS 1289
(WS-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3820 6) Methods of testing soils for engineer-
(IEC 687:1992) 34pp G
ing purposes
AS 1283—1974 Specifies requirements for electronic watthour meters
Dental rubber dam punch of accuracy classes 0.2 S and 0.5 S suitable for instal-
lation indoors. This Standard is technically identical AS 1289.0—2000
Reconfirmed 1988 6pp B with and reproduced from IEC 687:1992. General requirements and list of
Details design parameters and specifies hardness and cor- (EL-011) (ISBN 0 7262 8223 5) methods 10pp E
rosion resistance requirements of punches used for cutting
round holes in dental rubber dam and includes packaging (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3206 2)
and marking requirements. AS 1284.10
(HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 0212 6) Data exchange for meter reading, AS 1289.1
tariff and load control—Direct local Sampling and preparation of soils
AS 1284 data exchange via hand-held unit
Electricity metering AS 1289.1.1—2001
Preparation of disturbed soil sam-
AS 1284.1—1991 ples for testing 6pp D
General purpose induction wat- AS 1284.10.1—1996 Amdt 1 1 November 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4776 0)
thour meters IEC Standard interface X
(IEC 521:1988) 27pp G (IEC 1107:1996) 56pp I (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3944 4)
Specifies safety and performance requirements for Specifies hardware and protocols for local exchange
general purpose single-rate and multi-rate induction of data between meters and HHUs. Includes protocols AS 1289.1.2
watthour meters with terminals arranged for the bot- owned by Flag Association Limited, UK, for access- Disturbed samples
tom connection or with contact blades arranged for ing meters within the framework of the Standard; also
the meter to plug-in to a socket conforming to AS circuit arrangements for 2-wire and 4-wire single-
1284.4. Supersedes requirements for two-rate meters slave and multiple-slave configurations. It is identical AS 1289.1.2.1—1998
previously specified in AS 1284.3—1973. with and has been reproduced from IEC 1107:1996. Standard method 6pp C
(EL-011) (ISBN 0 7262 6603 5) (EL-011) (ISBN 0 7337 0556 1) (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1774 8)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1289.1.3 AS 1289.3.2 AS 1289.3.9.1—2002

Undisturbed samples Determination of the plastic limit of Determination of the cone liquid
a soil limit of a soil 5pp D
AS 1289.1.3.1—1999 (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4540 7)
Standard method 6pp D AS 1289.3.2.1—1995
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2806 5) Standard method 3pp B AS 1289.4
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9452 7) Soil chemical tests
AS 1289.1.4
Selection of sampling or test sites AS 1289.3.3.1—1995 AS 1289.4.1
Calculation of the plasticity index Determination of the organic mat-
AS 1289.1.4.1—1998 of a soil 1p A ter content of a soil
Random number method 5pp C Amdt 1 11 October 2000 (0 7337 3628 9) X
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1956 2) (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9453 5) AS 1289.4.1.1—1997
Normal method 5pp C
AS 1289.1.4.2—1998 AS 1289.3.3.2—1995 (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0896 X)
Stratified random number method Calculation of the cone plasticity
5pp C index of a soil 1p A AS 1289.4.2
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1775 6) (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9460 8) Determination of the sulfate con-
tent of a natural soil and the sulfate
AS 1289.2 AS 1289.3.4 content of the groundwater
Soil moisture content tests Determination of the linear shrink-
age of a soil AS 1289.4.2.1—1997
AS 1289.2.1 Normal method 5pp C
Determination of the moisture con- AS 1289.3.4.1—1995 (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0898 6)
tent of a soil Standard method 3pp B
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9454 3) AS 1289.4.3
AS 1289.2.1.1—1992 Determination of the pH value of a
Oven drying method (standard AS 1289.3.5.1—1995 soil
method) 2pp B Determination of the soil particle
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7389 9) density of a soil—Standard meth- AS 1289.4.3.1—1997
od 5pp C Electrometric method 2pp B
AS 1289.2.1.2—1992 (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0022 5) (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0897 8)
Sand bath method (subsidiary
method) 2pp B AS 1289.3.5.2—2002 AS 1289.4.4
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7390 2) Determination of the soil particle Determination of the electrical re-
density of combined soil frac- sistivity of a soil
AS 1289.2.1.4—1992
tions—Vacuum pycnometer meth-
Microwave-oven drying method od 4pp D AS 1289.4.4.1—1997
(subsidiary method) 2pp B (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4865 1) Method for sands and granular ma-
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7391 0) terials 4pp C
AS 1289.2.1.5—1992 AS 1289.3.6 (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0895 1)
Infrared lights method (subsidiary Determination of the particle size
distribution of a soil AS 1289.5
method) 2pp B Soil compaction and density tests
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7393 7)
AS 1289.3.6.1—1995
Standard method of analysis by AS 1289.5.1
AS 1289.2.1.6—1993 Soil compaction and density tests
Hotplate drying method (subsidi- sieving 8pp C
ary method) 3pp B (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0023 3)
AS 1289.5.1.1—1993
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8115 8) Determination of the dry density/
AS 1289.3.6.2—1995
AS 1289.2.2 Analysis by sieving in combination moisture content relation of a soil
Determination of the total suction with hydrometer analysis (subsidi- using standard compactive effort
of a soil ary method) 7pp C 8pp C
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0024 1) (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7844 0)
AS 1289.2.2.1—1998
Standard method 4pp C AS 1289.3.6.3—1994 AS 1289.5.2
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1839 6) Standard method of fine analysis Soil compaction and density tests
using a hydrometer 18pp E
AS 1289.2.3 (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8165 4) AS 1289.5.2.1—1993
Establishment of correlation Determination of the dry density/
AS 1289.3.7.1—2002 moisture content relation of a soil
AS 1289.2.3.1—1998 Determination of the sand equiva- using modified compactive effort
Subsidiary method and the stand- lent of a soil using a power-operat- 8pp C
ard method 3pp B ed shaker 7pp D (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7845 9)
Amdt 1 September 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2805 7) X (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4541 5)
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1662 8) AS 1289.5.3
AS 1289.3.8 Determination of the field density
AS 1289.3 Dispersion of a soil
Soil classification tests
AS 1289.3.8.1—1997 AS 1289.5.3.1—1993
AS 1289.3.1 Determination of Emerson class Sand replacement method using a
Determination of the liquid limit of number of a soil 4pp B sand-cone pouring apparatus
a soil (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1089 1) 7pp C
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7846 7)
AS 1289.3.1.1—1995 AS 1289.3.8.2—1997
Four point Casagrande method Determination of the percent dis- AS 1289.5.3.2—1993
6pp C persion of a soil 3pp B Sand replacement method using a
Amdt 1 June 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1947 3) X (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1090 5) sand pouring can, with or without a
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9450 0) volume displacer 10pp D
AS 1289.3.8.3—1997 (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7847 5)
AS 1289.3.1.2—1995 Determination of pinhole disper-
One point Casagrande method sion classification of a soil 6pp B AS 1289.5.3.5—1997
(subsidiary method) 4pp C Amdt 1 November 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 3007 8) X Water replacement method 7pp D
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9451 9) (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1091 3) (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1432 3)

AS 1289.5.4

AS 1289.5.4 ard moisture block using compari- AS 1289.6.5

Soil compaction and density tests son against primary blocks 6pp C Determination of the static cone
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2032 3) penetration resistance of a soil
AS 1289.5.4.1—1993
Compaction control test—Dry den- AS 1289.6 AS 1289.6.5.1—1999
sity ratio, moisture variation and Soil strength and consolidation Field test using a mechanical and
moisture ratio 5pp C tests electrical cone or friction-cone
Amdt 1 May 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8882 9) X penetrometer 10pp E
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7849 1) AS 1289.6.1 (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3039 6)
Determination of the California
AS 1289.5.4.2—1993 Bearing Ratio of a soil AS 1289.6.6
Compaction control test—Assign- Determination of the one-dimen-
ment of maximum dry density and AS 1289.6.1.1—1998 sional consolidation properties of
optimum moisture content values Standard laboratory method for a a soil
3pp B remoulded specimen 13pp E
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8116 6) (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2142 7) AS 1289.6.6.1—1998
Standard method 10pp D
AS 1289.5.5 AS 1289.6.1.2—1998 (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2076 5)
Determination of the minimum and Standard laboratory method for an
maximum dry density of a cohe- undisturbed specimen 6pp C AS 1289.6.7
sionless material (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2143 5) Determination of permeability of a
AS 1289.5.5.1—1998 AS 1289.6.1.3—1998
Standard method 4pp C Standard field-in-place method AS 1289.6.7.1—2001
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1819 1) Constant head method for a re-
6pp C moulded specimen 8pp E
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2144 3) (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3946 6)
AS 1289.5.6.1—1998
Compaction control test—Density AS 1289.6.2
index method for a cohesionless AS 1289.6.7.2—2001
Determination of the shear Falling head method for a remould-
material 3pp B strength of a soil
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1820 5) ed specimen 8pp E
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3947 4)
AS 1289.6.2.1—2001
AS 1289.5.7.1—1993 Field test using a vane 4pp D
Compaction control test—Hilf den- AS 1289.6.7.3—1999
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3945 8) Constant head method using a
sity ratio and Hilf moisture varia-
tion (rapid method) 6pp C flexible wall permeameter 6pp D
AS 1289.6.2.1—1997 (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2813 8)
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7850 5) Field test using a vane 4pp C
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1358 0) AS 1289.6.8
AS 1289.5.8.1—1995
Determination of field density and Soil strength and consolidation
AS 1289.6.2.2—1998 tests
field moisture content of a soil us- Direct shear test using a shear
ing a nuclear surface moisture- box 20pp F AS 1289.6.8.1—1995
density gauge—Direct transmis- (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1661 X) Determination of the resilient mod-
sion mode 13pp D ulus and permanent deformation of
Amdt 1 November 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 3033 1) X AS 1289.6.3
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9706 2) granular unbound pavement mate-
Determination of the penetration rials 13pp D
AS 1289.5.8.4—1998 resistance of a soil (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9515 9)
Nuclear surface moisture-density AS 1289.6.9
AS 1289.6.3.1—1993
gauges—Calibration using stand- Determination of stiffness of soil
ard blocks 15pp E Standard penetration test (SPT)
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2027 7) 4pp C
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8117 4) AS 1289.6.9.1—2000
AS 1289.5.8.5—1998 Clegg impact value (CIV) 7pp D
AS 1289.6.3.2—1997 (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3586 X)
Nuclear surface moisture-density
gauges—Density of a Type A or 9kg dynamic cone penetrometer
test 3pp B AS 1289.7
Type C standard density block Soil reactivity tests
8pp D (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1058 1)
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2028 5) AS 1289.7.1
AS 1289.6.3.3—1997
Perth sand penetrometer test Determination of the shrinkage in-
AS 1289.5.8.6—1998 dex of a soil
Nuclear surface moisture-density 3pp B
gauges—Assigned density of a Amdt 1 November 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 3032 9) X AS 1289.7.1.1—1998
Type B standard density block (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1059 X) Shrink-swell index 4pp C
4pp C (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1835 3)
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2029 3) AS 1289.6.4
Determination of compressive AS 1289.7.1.2—1998
AS 1289.5.8.7—1998 strength of a soil Loaded shrinkage index 6pp C
Nuclear surface moisture-density (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1836 1)
gauges—Water content of a stand- AS 1289.6.4.1—1998
ard moisture block using hydrogen Compressive strength of a speci- AS 1289.7.1.3—1998
content of components 8pp D men tested in undrained triaxial Core shrinkage index 5pp C
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2030 7) compression without measure- (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1827 2)
ment of pore water pressure
AS 1289.5.8.8—1998 6pp C AS 1290
Nuclear surface moisture-density (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1787 X) Linear measuring instruments used in
gauges—Water content of a stand- construction
ard moisture block using propor- AS 1289.6.4.2—1998
tion of water 4pp C Compressive strength of a saturat- AS 1290.1—1995
(CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2031 5) ed specimen tested in undrained General requirements 4pp B
triaxial compression with meas- Specifies the general requirements including presen-
AS 1289.5.8.9—1998 urement of pore water pressure tation of details, graduation, figuring and adhesion of
markings for linear measuring instruments used in
Nuclear surface moisture-density 11pp D construction.
gauges—Water content of a stand- (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1788 8) (BD-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9954 5)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1290.2—1995 AS/NZS 1301.004s:1998 is not particularly accurate. Care needs to be taken in

Solubility of wood in boiling water the interpretation of results. The procedure described
Wooden and synthetic material involves using a standard chart to estimate the size of
folding rules 3pp B 2pp B dirt spots and to either count the numbers of spots
Specifies materials, construction, finish, graduation, (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1899 X) with certain size classes , or to calculate the total area
figuring and accuracy for wooden and synthetic fold- of the spots. The determination may be made in either
ing rules used in construction. AS 1301.005s—1987 reflected light or transmitted light.
(BD-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9955 3) Solubility of wood in boiling tenth (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7803 3)
molar sodium hydroxide 2pp B
AS 1290.3—1995 (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 4686 7) AS/NZS 1301.206s:2002
Laths, folding rods and multi-fold- Freeness of pulp 12pp F
ing rods 4pp B AS 1301.P6rp—1978 (PK-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4376 5)
Specifies materials, construction, finish, graduation, Halse lignin in wood and pulp
figuring and accuracy for laths, folding rods and mul- 2pp B AS/NZS 1301.207s:1998
ti-folding rods used in construction.
(PK-019) Determination of stock concentra-
(BD-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9956 1) tion
AS/NZS 1301.010s:2002 (ISO 4119:1995) 3pp B
AS 1290.4—1995 Determination of moisture in wood This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
Retractable steel pocket rules chips 4pp D duced from ISO 4119:1995.
4pp B (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1900 7)
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4590 3)
Specifies materials, construction, finish, graduation,
figuring and accuracy for retractable steel pocket AS 1301.P11s—1978 AS/NZS 1301.208s:1997
rules used in construction.
Klason lignin in wood and pulp Physical testing of pulp hand-
(BD-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9957 X) sheets 12pp E
3pp B
(PK-019) Amdt 1 April 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1871 X) X
AS 1290.5—1999 (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0853 6)
Coated and etched steel measur- AS/NZS 1301.012s:1994
ing tapes 3pp B Organic solvent extractives in AS 1301.209rp—1989
Specifies materials, construction, finish, graduation,
wood, pulp and paper 5pp B Laboratory processing of pulp—
figuring and accuracy for coated and etched steel PFI mill method 6pp B
measuring tapes not more than 50 m in length used in This Standard describes a standard method for deter-
construction. mining extractives content of wood, pulp and paper (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5902 0)
(BD-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2482 5) using a variety of optional polar and non-polar organ-
ic solvents. This revision of the Standard contains AS/NZS 1301.210s:2002
better information about the hazards and environmen- Alkali solubility of pulp
AS 1290.6—1995 tal implications of the solvents used, restricts the ex-
Synthetic material measuring traction apparatus to soxhlet, requires solvent to be (ISO 692:1982) 4pp E
tapes 3pp B recovered, and specifies a fixed drying time for the (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4549 0)
Specifies materials, construction, finish, graduation, (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 8172 7)
figuring and accuracy for synthetic material measur- AS/NZS 1301.214s:1993
ing tapes used in construction. Equipment for preparation of hand-
(BD-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9958 8) AS/NZS 1301.013rp:1999 sheets 8pp B
Sampling of woodchips for test- This Standard specifies the apparatus to be used in
AS 1290.7—1995 ing 5pp C preparing pulp handsheets. Some of the apparatus de-
Surveyor's measuring bands and (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2352 7) scribed here is also used in other pulp testing stand-
ards. This revision of the Standard includes a descrip-
readers 6pp B AS/NZS 1301.014rp:2002 tion of an alternative sheet machine in which the
Specifies materials, construction, finish, graduation, white water is recirculated, thereby avoiding the loss
figuring and accuracy for surveyor's measuring bands Size classification of wood chips of fine material. Some relatively minor improvements
and readers used in construction. 3pp C have been made and the Standard now includes de-
(BD-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9959 6) (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4591 1) scriptions of standard blotters and measuring pots.
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7804 1)
AS 1290.8—1995 AS 1301.P200m—1977
Levelling staves 3pp B Determination of moisture in pulp AS/NZS 1301.215s:1997
Specifies graduation, figuring and accuracy for level- for calculation of the delivered Removal of latency 4pp C
ling staves for use with optical levelling instruments mass of a shipment (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0848 X)
used in construction. (ISO 801-1) 8pp B
(BD-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0093 4) (PK-019) AS/NZS 1301.400s:1998
Tearing resistance of paper
AS 1299—1993 AS/NZS 1301.201s:2002 18pp F
Electrical equipment for coal mines— Kappa number of pulp 7pp D (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2179 6)
Flameproof restrained plugs and re- (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4640 3)
ceptacles 28pp G AS/NZS 1301.402rp:1997
Specifies the dimensional, electrical, mechanical and test AS 1301.P202s—1980 Statistical monitoring of test sys-
requirements for flameproof restrained plugs and recepta- Laboratory processing of pulp— tems 7pp C
cles for the coupling of two or more trailing cables and of
trailing cables to equipment. Units rated at 660 V, 1.1 kV Lampen mill method 3pp B (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0854 4)
and 3.3 kV are included, with current ratings up to 425 A. (PK-019)
(EL-023) (ISBN 0 7262 8021 6) AS/NZS 1301.403s:1997
AS/NZS 1301.203s:1993 Bursting strength of paper
AS 1300—1989 Forming handsheets for physical 13pp E
Electrical equipment for coal mines— testing of pulp 8pp B (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0849 8)
Bolted flame-proof cable coupling de- This Standard describes the procedure for preparing
vices 12pp D
handsheets from pulp samples for subsequent testing AS/NZS 1301.404s:1998
in accordance with AS/NZS 1301.208s:1989. The re- Tensile strength of paper and
Specifies dimensional, electrical and mechanical require- vision includes an alternative procedure for recircu-
ments for bolted flameproof cable coupling devices for lating white water during forming. The alternative board (constant rate of loading
coupling two or more feeder cables or for coupling a cable procedure is applicable to certain high yield pulps method)
to equipment. which contain a substantial proportion of fine materi-
(EL-023) (ISBN 0 7262 4839 8)
(ISO 1924-1:1992) 5pp C
al , and where it is desired to retain the fines compo-
nent in the test sheets. The detailed description of the This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
apparatus has been deleted because that is now cov- duced from ISO 1924-1:1992.
AS/NZS 1301 ered in AS/NZS 1391.214s:1993. (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2350 0)
Methods of test for pulp and paper (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 8291 X)
AS 1301.405s—1992
AS/NZS 1301.001s:2002 AS/NZS 1301.204rp:1993 Grammage of non-creped paper
Basic density of pulpwood 8pp E Estimation of dirt and shives in and board 2pp B
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4721 3) pulp 4pp B (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7607 3)
This Standard is new to the 1301 series. However an
AS 1301.002s—1991 Appita Standard on this subject was published in AS 1301.P406m—1986
Preparation of wood samples for 1956, but was withdrawn because of its unreliability. Bending quality of paperboard
This Standard is published with the status of a Rec-
chemical analysis 1p B ommended Practice rather than a standard because, 2pp B
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 6540 3) although it is the best procedure known at this time, it (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 4052 4)

AS/NZS 1301.407s:1997

AS/NZS 1301.407s:1997 AS/NZS 1301.426s:1994 AS 1301.445s—1989

Ring crush test 7pp C Determination of thickness and ap- Hardness of corrugated board
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1389 0) parent bulk density or apparent 2pp B
sheet density Amdt 1 June 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6183 1) X
AS 1301.411s—1989 (ISO 534:1988) 6pp C (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5629 3)
Water absorptiveness of paper and Specifies two methods of measuring the thickness of
paperboard (Cobb test) paper and board and of calculating the apparent sheet AS 1301.446s—1992
density from the thickness determinations. This Measurement of diffuse blue re-
(ISO 535) 4pp B Standard is based on ISO 534:1988 and incorporates
flectance factor (brightness) of
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5572 6) amendments which provide that the ISO preferred
pressure between the faces be mandatory and allow pulp, paper and paperboard
the Standard to be applied to corrugated fibreboard. 4pp B
AS 1301.P414m—1986 (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 8977 9) (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7169 1)
Conditioning of paper for testing
(ISO 187) 2pp B AS 1301.P428rp—1983 AS/NZS 1301.447s:1998
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 4037 0) Cracking resistance of paper- Sheffield air permeance of paper
board 3pp B and board 11pp D
AS/NZS 1301.415s:1998 (PK-019) (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1975 9)
Standard atmosphere for testing
paper and board and procedure for AS/NZS 1301.429s:2002 AS 1301.448s—1991
monitoring the atmosphere 8pp D Flat crush resistance of corrugated Tensile strength of paper and pa-
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2351 9) board 4pp D perboard (Constant rate of elonga-
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4963 1) tion method)
AS 1301.417s—1992 (ISO 1924-2:1985) 3pp B
AS 1301.430s—1989 (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 6665 5)
Sampling paper, board and pulp Liner adhesion of corrugated
for testing 4pp B board 3pp B AS/NZS 1301.449s:1997
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7610 3) (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5554 8) Description of crush testing equip-
ment 7pp B
AS/NZS 1301.418s:1994 AS 1301.431rp—1989 (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1513 3)
Ash content of wood, pulp, paper Taber bending resistance of paper
and board and paperboard 5pp B AS 1301.450rp—1989
(ISO 1762:1974 ISO 2144:1987) (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5905 5) Compression strength of paper
4pp B and board—Short span test
Prescribes procedures for the determination of ash AS/NZS 1301.434s:1997 4pp B
content of wood, pulp, paper and board. The revision Crush resistance of corrugating Amdt 1 November 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7887 4) X
includes a change to the ashing temperature. There medium 10pp D (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5772 9)
are optional temperatures for paper and board, and the (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1388 2)
selection of temperature will depend on the purpose
of the test. It is common practice to incorporate calci- AS 1301.451rp—1992
um carbonate into certain papers and boards. A tem- AS 1301.436s—1991 Fibre furnish analysis
perature of 900°C will decompose calcium carbonate Measurement of diffuse reflect- (ISO 9184-1:1990) 6pp B
to calcium oxide, a temperature of 520°C will leave ance factor 4pp B
calcium carbonate undecomposed. The user will This Standard prescribes a method for determining
choose one of these temperatures depending on which (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 6309 5) the mass proportion of papermaking fibres in a sam-
form of calcium is required in the residue. The ashing ple of paper by determining the numbers of fibres of
different types in a subsample and then calculating
temperature for wood and pulp is now 925+ or -25°C AS 1301.437s—1989 the mass proportion of each from the known relative
to bring it into line with the high temperature ashing Tensile strength of wetted paper
of paper. mass of each fibre type. Technically equivalent to
and paperboard 3pp B ISO 9184-1:1990.
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 8975 2) (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7273 6)
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5548 3)
AS 1301.419s—1989 AS/NZS 1301.438s:1997 AS 1301.452rp—1992
Water vapour transmission rate of Bursting strength of board Determination of weight factors by
paper 14pp E the comparison method 3pp B
(ISO 2528) 5pp B (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0850 1) This Standard prescribes a method for determining
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5550 5) the weight factor of a particular type of papermaking
fibre by comparison to another type of fibre of known
AS 1301.439s—1991 or assigned weight factor. The weight factor so deter-
AS 1301.420s—1989 Bendtsen roughness of paper and mined is used in the determination of the mass pro-
Gurley air permanence of paper paperboard 8pp B portion of the fibre components of a sample of paper
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 6310 9) (see AS 1301.451rp-92 Fibre furnish analysis).
4pp B (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7285 X)
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5773 7)
AS 1301.440s—1991
Bendtsen air permeance of paper AS/NZS 1301.453s:1998
AS/NZS 1301.421s:1998 Bending resistance of paper and
Determination of the pH value of and board 7pp B
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 6313 3) board—Constant rate of deflec-
aqueous extracts of paper, board tion 5pp C
and pulp—Cold extraction method AS/NZS 1301.441s:1998 (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1692 X)
(ISO 6588:1981) 4pp C Sheffield roughness of paper and
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1901 5) AS 1301.454s—1992
board 13pp E
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2086 2)
Determination of opacity (paper
AS/NZS 1301.422s:1998 backing)—Diffuse reflectance
Determination of the pH value of AS/NZS 1301.442s:1998 method
aqueous extracts of paper, board Water absorption of solid fibre- (ISO 2471:1977) 3pp B
and pulp—Hot extraction method board (total immersion) A variety of test methods are used for measuring
opacity depending on the purpose of the measure-
4pp C (ISO 5637:1989) 3pp B ment. This Standard prescribes a method for measur-
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1898 1) This Standard is technically equivalent to and has ing the type of opacity which governs the extent to
been reproduced from ISO 5637:1989. which one sheet of paper visually obscures printed
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2349 7) matter on underlying sheets. Technically equivalent
AS/NZS 1301.423rp:1997 to ISO 2471:1977.
Folding strength of paper—Kohler- AS 1301.443s—1988 (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7262 0)
Molin method 6pp C Boiling water resistance of paper-
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1390 4) board 1p B AS/NZS 1301.455s:1993
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5087 2) Colour measurement with a diff/0°
AS 1301.424s—1989 geometry tristimulus reflectome-
Determination of titanium dioxide AS 1301.444s—1992 ter 5pp B
in paper, paperboard, pigments Edgewise compression resistance This Standard has been revised to include formulae
for the calculation of CIELAB values from measured
and fillers 2pp B of corrugated fibreboard 3pp B tristimulus values. The revision also includes addi-
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5572 6) (PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7167 5) tional background information on colour measure-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

ment, restricts the illuminants to CIE illuminants D65 AS 1304—1991 water heater to be controlled. A minimum cut-out temper-
or C, clarifies the calibration requirements and adds a ature of 60°C is specified on health grounds.
new reference which gives basic information about
Welded wire reinforcing fabric for con- (EL-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4646 8)
colour and its measurement. crete 9pp D
This Standard specifies requirements for welded steel wire
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 8290 1)
fabric intended for use as reinforcement for concrete. It AS 1309—1974
consists of longitudinal wires with cross wires welded to Glossary of terms used in the adhe-
AS 1301.456s—1992 them. The following significant changes to the previous sives industry
Determination of conductivity of edition have been made: a new table (revision of Table 1) Reconfirmed 1988 32pp E
has been introduced to give the specification of standard
aqueous extracts of paper, board fabrics most commonly made throughout Australia and the
Provides definitions of terms used in the manufacture and
application of adhesives. Explanations of scientific units,
and pulp use of 'suitable' in Appendix C has been deleted. definitions of chemicals and self-explanatory terms have
(ISO 6587:1980) 3pp B (BD-084) (ISBN 0 7262 6637 X) been omitted as descriptions of these terms may be found
This Standard prescribes a method for measuring the in other texts.
conductivity of aqueous extracts of paper, board and AS 1305 (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 0410 2)
pulps, except for those high purity papers used for Punched paper tape for data inter-
electrical purposes. Technically equivalent to ISO AS 1310—1987
6587:1980. change
Steel wire for tendons in prestressed
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7271 X)
AS 1305.1—1974 concrete 7pp C
General requirements Specifies requirements for hard-drawn high-tensile steel
AS 1301.457s—1992 wire intended for use in the prestressing of concrete. It pro-
Determination of moisture content (ISO 2195:1972) vides for wire types in the as-drawn and stress-relieved
in paper, board and pulps Reconfirmed 1989 4pp B conditions.
Specifies characteristics and conventions for rolled (BD-084) (ISBN 0 7262 4762 6)
(ISO 287:1985) 4pp B paper tape, to facilitate its exchange for information
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7609 X) processing. The Standard is technically identical with AS 1311—1987
ISO 2195:1972. Steel tendons for prestressed con-
AS/NZS 1301.458rp:1994 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 0367 X) crete-7-wire stress-relieved steel
Glue bond strength of wetted cor- strand for tendons in prestressed con-
rugated fibreboard 8pp B AS 1306—1985 crete 6pp C
This is a new standard method intended to measure High voltage a.c. switchgear and con- Specifies requirements for four grades of 7-wire, stress-re-
the strength of glue bonds after being partially wetted trolgear—Disconnectors (isolators) lieved, high-tensile steel strand, intended for the prestress-
with water. The test piece is immersed in warm water and earthing switches ing of concrete.
for a specified time and the strength of the glue bond
(IEC 129) 28pp F (BD-084) (ISBN 0 7262 4756 1)
is measured on a tensile testing machine. This method
is a better measure of glue bond strength than that in Specifies requirements for disconnectors (isolators) and
ISO 3038 because it applies the force in the same di- earthing switches designed for indoor and outdoor use at AS 1313—1989
rection as it is applied in service, and it can be per- service frequencies up to and including 60 Hz in systems Steel tendons for prestressed con-
formed in a short time. having rated voltages exceeding 1000 V. Applies also to crete—Cold-worked high-tensile alloy
the operating devices of these switches and to their auxil-
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 8174 3) iary equipment. Includes service conditions, definitions, steel bars for prestressed concrete
ratings, design and construction requirements, type and 5pp C
AS/NZS 1301.459rp:1998 routine tests, guide to the selection of switching devices, Specifies requirements for two grades of high-tensile steel
Zero span wet tensile strength of information to be given with enquiries, tenders and orders, bar, made from hot-rolled alloy steel bars by cold-working,
requirements for transport, storage, erection and mainte- intended for use in prestressed concrete and prestressed
pulp 12pp E nance, and a recommendation for quality control during ground anchors.
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1979 1) manufacture. (BD-084) (ISBN 0 7262 5447 9)
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 3804 X)
AS/NZS 1301.460s:1998 AS 1316—1972
Statistical concepts used in pulp AS 1307 Masonry cement (metric units)
and paper testing 24pp G Surge arrestors (diverters) Made Obsolescent July 1997 32pp D
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1897 3) Sets down the minimum requirements for masonry cement
AS 1307.1—1986 intended for use in mortars in masonry construction and in
rendering and plastering masonry and other surfaces.
AS/NZS 1301.461rp:2002 Silicon carbide type for a.c. sys- (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4657 3)
Scuffing resistance of linerboard tems
3pp C (IEC 99-1:1970 IEC 99-1A:1965) AS 1318—1985
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4592 X) 54pp H Use of colour for the marking of phys-
Specifies service conditions and performance re- ical hazards and the identification of
quirements for surge arrestors (diverters) of the non- certain equipment in industry (known
AS 1301.800s—1987 linear silicon carbide resistor type with single or mul-
Compression resistance of fibre- tiple series spark gaps and which are designed for re- as the SAA Industrial Safety Colour
board boxes (cases) 2pp B peated operation to limit voltage surges in 50 Hz a.c. Code) (incorporating Amdt 1) 6pp C
circuits. Sections include definitions, rating and Defines the colours for specific equipment in connection
(PK-019) (ISBN 0 7262 4687 5) marking, arrester classification and test requirements, with accident prevention and information signs, and rec-
tests and test procedures. Appendices cover special ommends the colours to be used for particular purposes.
AS 1302—1991 service conditions, information to be provided by the Red, yellow, green and blue are specified and the chroma-
purchaser, application guide, impulse voltage and ticity limits for the colours are included. Each colour is
Steel reinforcing bars for concrete current wave shapes, measurement of leakage, typical dealt with separately, and typical examples of applications
10pp D test circuits, artificial pollution testing and items sub- are listed.
Amdt 1 May 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7447 X) X ject to agreement between purchaser and manufactur- (SF-005) (ISBN 0 7262 3682 9)
This Standard specifies requirements for plain and de-
formed hot-rolled bars for use as reinforcement for con- (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4086 9) AS 1319—1994
crete. It applies to reinforcement supplied in straight Safety signs for the occupational envi-
lengths or in coil form. The following significant changes AS 1307.2—1996 ronment 35pp H
to the previous edition have been made: fabrication re- Metal-oxide surge arresters with-
quirements have been amended to comply with AS 3600 Specifies requirements for the design and use of safety
and tolerances on straightness of reinforcing bars have out gaps for a.c. systems signs intended for use in the occupational environment to
been added. (IEC 99-4:1991) 86pp K regulate and control safety related behaviour, to warn of
hazards and to provide emergency information including
(BD-084) (ISBN 0 7262 6635 3) Specifies requirements for non-linear metal-oxide re- fire protection information.
sistor type surge arresters without spark gaps de- (SF-005) (ISBN 0 7262 8811 X)
AS 1303—1991 signed to limit voltage surges on a.c. power circuits.
This Standard is based on and includes the full text of
Steel reinforcing wire for concrete IEC 99-4:1991 with variations and additions for Aus- AS 1321
7pp C tralia included within the body of the text. Methods for the sampling and testing
This Standard specifies requirements for steel wire, plain (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0738 6) of adhesives
or deformed, suitable for resistance welding, and intended
for use as reinforcement for concrete and for manufacture AS 1308—1987 AS 1321.1—1974
into welded wire fabric in accordance with AS 1304. It
specifically excludes hard-drawn high tensile steel wire for Electric water heaters—Thermostats Sampling
prestressed concrete. The following significant changes to and thermal cutouts 13pp D Reconfirmed 1989 12pp C
the previous edition have been made: a carbon equivalent Amdt 1 April 1988 X Describes sampling procedures and sampling fre-
is now specified, manufacturing tolerances in lengths have Specifies revised terminology and requirements for ther- quency for consignments of liquid or solid adhesives
been amended to comply with AS 3600, changes to the mostats, thermal cutouts (TCOs) and combined units; also and their associated components, in either packaged
bend test have been made, process of manufacture has a clip template to provide interchangeability between clip- or bulk deliveries. Some guidance as to the selection
been deleted and a warning, on the need to avoid excessive mounted units. Provides guidance on temperature settings of sampling equipment and the preparation of solid
cold-working when straightening wires, has been added. and introduces the concept of 'scale offset' to allow for dif- samples is also given.
(BD-084) (ISBN 0 7262 6636 1) ferences between the specified standard test tank and the (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 0411 0)

AS 1321.2—1975

AS 1321.2—1975 viscosity of resins and adhesives in a liquid or similar AS/NZS 1328.2:1998

Corrosive effect of set adhesives (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1379 9)
Guidelines for AS/NZS 1328: Part 1
on metals for the selection, production and
Reconfirmed 1989 7pp B AS 1321.10—1980 installation of glued laminated
Describes the procedure for determining corrosive ef-
Determination of non-volatile mat- structural timber 23pp F
fect on a selected range of commonly used metals or Intended for use in conjunction with AS/NZS 1328.1
alloys. It gives details of the preparation of adhesive ter (solids content) of adhesives this Standard provides detailed guidance for produc-
coated filter papers, the selection and preparation of Reconfirmed 1994 8pp B tion of glulam. A set of stress grades is given for de-
metal test panels and procedures for test panels and sign purposes to simplify the use and installation of
Sets out method applicable to dispersions, emulsions
test control panels. and solutions. Procedures for low, medium and high graded material. Guidelines are also provided for
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 0655 5) (heavy bodied or mastic type) viscosity adhesives are quality control, third party certification and for estab-
given. lishing structural properties.
AS 1321.3—1976 (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1892 8) (TM-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1634 2)
Bond strength of cured wood-to-
wood adhesives in shear AS 1322—1987 AS 1329
Reconfirmed 1989 28pp C Shipbuilding—Recommended fluid Methods for the analysis of zinc and
Corrig. X velocities in ships' pipes 7pp C zinc alloys
Describes procedures for tensile shear tests and com- Provides graphs for the initial determination of maximum
pressive shear tests on four types of test specimen, recommended velocities in metal pipes of various diame- AS 1329.1—1994
viz. lap joint specimen for close-contact assembly ad- ters conveying steam, water, oil, and air.
(ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 4683 2)
Determination of aluminium con-
hesives where it is difficult to obtain suitable veneers
and only simple equipment is available; two-ply spec- tent—Titrimetric method 5pp C
imen suitable for close-contact assembly adhesives AS 1324 Specifies a titrimetric method for the determination of
but requiring more sophisticated equipment and pro- aluminium in zinc and zinc alloys. It is applicable in
viding a higher degree of precision; specimen for test- Air filters for use in general ventilation the range of 3% to 13% aluminium. The method is not
ing gap-filling adhesives; and specimen for testing and airconditioning applicable to zinc alloys containing titanium as this
adhesives used in the production of panels such as interferes with the determination.
plywood and particle board. (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9137 4)
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 0634 2)
AS 1324.1—2001
Application, performance and con-
struction 11pp E AS 1329.2—1994
AS 1321.4—1975 Determination of magnesium con-
Wearing effect of set adhesives on Specifies requirements for the performance and con-
struction of air filters for use in general ventilation tent—Flame atomic absorption
cutting edges and airconditioning systems. It classifies air filters on spectrometric method 4pp C
Reconfirmed 1989 6pp B the basis of design, construction performance and ap- Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric
Describes quantitative and qualitative procedures for plication and establishes minimum criteria for accept- method for the determination of magnesium content
determining the wearing effect of a set adhesive film ance of an air filter into a particular category. It does in the range 0.002% to 0.10% magnesium in zinc and
on cutting edges of tools. not apply to HEPA filters. zinc alloys containing less than 5% aluminium.
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 0677 6) (ME-080) (ISBN 0 7337 4193 2) (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8987 6)

AS 1321.5—1975 AS 1324.2—1996 AS 1329.3—1994

Behaviour of cured wood-to-wood Methods of test 31pp F Determination of aluminium con-
adhesives under long-term loading The test methods described are intended for laborato- tent—Flame atomic absorption
ry or bench testing of air filters used in general venti-
Reconfirmed 1989 12pp B lation and airconditioning systems. In this Standard, spectrometric method 5pp C
Describes a method of testing close-contact and gap- general information is given on procedures, test dusts, Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric
filling adhesives for resistance to long-term tensile test rig and apparatus. The Standard does not include method for the determination of aluminium, in the
shear using deadweights, at a temperature of 40°C or information relating particular test methods to filter range 0.01% to 1.0%, in zinc alloys. The method is
90°C. An appendix deals with timber species, surfac- applications as these details are given in AS 1324.1. suitable in the presence of the following metals, up to
es, quality and moisture content. This Standard does not cover test methods for HEPA the concentration indicated: antimony 0.05%, cadmi-
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 0618 0) filters. um 0.5%, copper 0.1%, iron 0.1%, lead 1.5% and tin
(ME-080) (ISBN 0 7337 0431 X) 1.0%.
AS 1321.6.1—1977 (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8988 4)
Preferred conditions for testing the AS 1325—1997
water resistance of adhesives— Measuring cups and spoons and litre AS 1329.5—1994
Cellulosic substrates measures for domestic purposes Determination of copper content
Reconfirmed 1989 5pp B 10pp D (0.0001% to 0.0025%)—Flame
Lists preferred conditions for testing the performance Specifies requirements for metric cup measures for meas- atomic absorption spectrometric
of adhesive bonds for cellulosic substrates such as uring liquid, measuring spoons, fractional cup measures method 5pp C
wood and paper, liable to attack by water or humidity. and litre measures.
Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1236 9) (MS-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1181 2) method for the determination of copper content in the
range 0.0001% to 0.0025% copper in special high
AS 1321.7—1977 AS 1327—2001 grade zinc, high grade zinc and diecast zinc alloys
containing less than 4.3% aluminium and 0.06%
pH value of aqueous extracts of Plastics—Standard atmospheres for magnesium.
uncured adhesives and of their conditioning and testing (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9140 4)
components, and of cured adhe- (ISO 291:1997 ISO 291:1997/
sive films Cor.1:1998) 8pp F AS 1329.6—1994
Reconfirmed 1989 5pp B Sets out specifications relating to the conditioning and test- Determination of copper content
ing of all plastics and all types of test specimens at constant
Describes procedures which may be applied to the as- atmospheric conditions, which correspond to the average (0.25% to 1.25%)—Flame atomic
sessment of the effect of an adhesive on the adherend atmospheric conditions in laboratories. Special atmos- absorption spectrometric method
and the effect of the pH on the curing properties and pheres applicable to a particular test or material or simulat-
the like. ing a particular climatic environment are not included.
5pp C
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1302 0) This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced from Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric
ISO 291:1997. method for the determination of copper content in the
(PL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3688 2) range 0.25% to 1.25% copper in special high grade
AS 1321.8—1977 zinc, high grade zinc and diecast zinc alloys contain-
Storage properties of adhesives ing less than 4.3% aluminium, 0.003% cadmium,
Reconfirmed 1989 6pp B AS/NZS 1328 0.08% iron, 0.005% lead, 0.08% magnesium and
Glued laminated structural timber 0.001% tin.
Describes a method in which a consistency test and a
bond strength test are applied to an adhesive before (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9141 2)
storage and after storage and the results compared. AS/NZS 1328.1:1998
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1303 9) Performance requirements and AS 1329.7—1994
minimum production require- Determination of lead content—
AS 1321.9—1977 ments 31pp G Flame atomic absorption spectro-
Brookfield viscosity of liquid adhe- Specifies product requirements for the timber used, metric method 6pp C
sives the type of adhesive and the strength of the load in Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric
(ISO 2555) both end and lamination joints. It also gives methods method for the determination of lead content between
for establishing properties of completed structural 0.0001% and 1.3% in special high grade zinc and
Reconfirmed 1989 12pp B pieces so that product may be assigned to a stress high grade zinc, and in diecast alloys containing a
Corrig. X grade. Methods of test are given to measure the maximum of 4.3% aluminium, 0.06% magnesium
Describes a method in which an 'RV' model Brook- strength of a glued joint. and 1.3% copper.
field viscometer is used to provide a measure of the (TM-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1633 4) (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9142 0)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1329.8—1994 AS 1334.7—1982 AS/NZS 1338.1:1992

Determination of cadmium con- Determination of ply adhesion of Filters for protection against radia-
tent—Flame atomic absorption conveyor belting tion generated in welding and al-
spectrometric method 5pp C Reconfirmed 1994 2pp B lied operations 21pp F
Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric (RU-002) Amdt 1 September 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9213 3) X
method for the determination of cadmium, in the
range 0.0001% to 0.02% cadmium, in special high Specifies requirements for filters used in eye protec-
grade and high grade zinc, and diecast alloys contain-
AS 1334.8—1982 tion against high intensity radiation emitted during
ing a maximum of 4.3% aluminium, 0.06% magnesi- Determination of resistance to tear welding and allied operations including electrically
um and 1.3% copper. propagation and resistance of car- controlled filters. A classification system is provided
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8986 8) together with transmittance requirements for such fil-
cass to tearing ters.
Reconfirmed 1994 3pp B (SF-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7758 4)
AS 1330—1974 (RU-002)
Method for the dropweight tear test of
ferritic steels AS/NZS 1338.2:1992
AS 1334.9—1982
Reconfirmed 1989 12pp C Filters for protection against ultra-
Covers the determination of the percentage shear area as a
Determination of electrical resist- violet radiation 5pp B
measure of toughness of plain carbon and low alloy steels ance of conveyor belting
Reconfirmed 1994 3pp B Specifies requirements for filters used in eye protec-
in resisting the propagating of fractures over the tempera- tion against ultraviolet radiation. A classification sys-
ture range where the fracture mode changes from brittle to (RU-002) tem of code and shade numbers is provided together
ductile. with transmittance requirements for such filters.
(MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 0254 1)
AS 1334.10—1994 (SF-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7759 2)
AS 1332—2000 Determination of ignitability and
Conveyor belting—Textile reinforced flame propagation characteristics AS/NZS 1338.3:1992
15pp F of conveyor belting 4pp B Filters for protection against infra-
Specifies requirements for conveyor belting made of elas- Sets out a method for determining the ignitability and red radiation 7pp C
tomeric materials with textile reinforcement, intended for flame propagation characteristics of a horizontally
oriented specimen of conveyor belting. Specifies requirements for filters used in eye protec-
use on conveyors using flat or troughed idlers, and on slide tion against infra-red radiation. A classification sys-
bed or bucket elevators. (RU-002) (ISBN 0 7262 8788 1) tem of code and shade numbers is provided, together
(RU-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3712 9) with transmittance requirements for such filters.
AS 1334.11—1988 (SF-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7761 4)
AS 1333—1994 Determination of ignitability and
Conveyor belting of elastomeric and maximum surface temperature of AS 1340—1975
steel cord construction 30pp G belting subjected to friction
Amdt 1 February 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3276 3) X Symbols for SI units for systems with
4pp B limited character sets
Specifies requirements for conveyor belting of elastomeric Amdt 1 July 1989 (ISBN 0 7262 5631 5) X
materials and steel cord construction in which the carcass (ISO 2955:1974) 11pp B
is composed of a plane of steel cords with or without sup- (RU-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5106 2)
Specifies two sets of symbols for units intended to replace
plementary reinforcements. internationally recognized units for use in the interchange
(RU-002) (ISBN 0 7262 8170 0) AS 1334.12—1996 of data between equipments capable of accepting, using,
Determination of combustion reading or displaying limited graphic character sets, in a
AS 1334 (Frc) propagation characteristics of closed environment. The Standard is technically identical
Methods of testing conveyor and ele- with ISO 2955:1974.
conveyor belting 8pp D (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 0574 5)
vator belting Specifies a method for determining the propagation
Front cover and introduction X characteristics of a horizontally orientated specimen
(RU-002) of conveyor belting. AS 1341—1982
(RU-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0700 9) Information processing—Unpunched
AS 1334 (Lst) paper tape
Methods of testing conveyor and ele- AS 1335—1995 (ISO 1729) 12pp D
vator belting Hose and hose assemblies for weld- Specifies dimensions and properties of unpunched paper
List of methods X ing, cutting and allied processes tape used for data interchange. Technically identical with
(RU-002) (ISO 3821:1992) 9pp D ISO 1729. Methods of test are either given in appendices
or prescribed by reference to AS 1301.
Amdt 1 January 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1694 6) A
AS 1334 Specifies requirements for hose and hose assemblies hav- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2302 6)
Methods of testing conveyor and ele- ing a minimum rated working pressure of 1.2 MPa, for use
vator belting in the welding and cutting industry. AS 1344—1997
(RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9669 4) Size coding scheme for women's
AS 1334.1—1982 clothing—Underwear, outerwear and
Determination of length of endless AS/NZS 1336:1997
foundation garments 21pp F
belting Recommended practices for occupa- Specifies a size coding scheme for ready-made garments
Reconfirmed 1994 1p A tional eye protection 36pp H based on actual body measurements over foundation gar-
(RU-002) Amdt 1 July 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1231 2) X ments. It also covers foundation garments. The scheme is
Sets recommended practices for the protection of the eyes shown in two charts, one covering average sizes and the
of persons at work against hazards such as flying particles, other providing for slim hip fittings and full hip fittings, in
AS 1334.2—1982 combination with the bust and waist measurement. Bust,
dust, splashing materials and molten metals, harmful gas-
Determination of thickness of belt- es, vapours and aerosols, high-intensity radiation generat- waist and hip measurements increase in 5 cm steps. The
ing and rubber covers across the ed during welding operations and furnace work. Guidance full ranges of body measurements, together with height
width is given on the selection of eye protectors appropriate to and weight are tabulated in an appendix for average, short,
the use of particular lasers. Additional guidance is provid- tall, slim hip and full hip fittings; a similar table covers
Reconfirmed 1994 2pp A ed for manufacturers and dispensers of prescription lenses brassieres and bodysuits. Examples of labels for various
(RU-002) on the requirements for production of prescription personal garments which conform to this Standard are also append-
eye protectors. ed.
AS 1334.2A—1984 (SF-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0861 7) (CS-092) (ISBN 0 7337 0876 5)
Determination of thickness of cov-
er using an optical magnifier AS/NZS 1337:1992 AS 1345—1995
Reconfirmed 1994 2pp B Eye protectors for industrial applica- Identification of the contents of pipes,
(RU-002) tions 40pp H conduits and ducts 15pp E
Amdt 1 September 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9212 5) X Specifies means of identifying the contents of pipes, con-
AS 1334.3—1982 Amdt 2 July 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1228 2) X duits, ducts and sheathing used to contain fluids, or for the
Determination of full thickness ten- Specifies minimum requirements for eye protectors and as- distribution of electrical or communications services in
sile strength and elongation of sociated lenses designed to provide protection for people's land installations and on board ships by the use of colours,
conveyor belting eyes in the industrial environment. Types of protection of- words and symbols.
Reconfirmed 1994 4pp B fered are for molten metal, airborne particles and frag- (SF-016) (ISBN 0 7262 9532 9)
ments, harmful gases, vapours and aerosols, and sunglare
(RU-002) and optical radiation in the natural environment. Markings
for lenses to indicate the type of protection offered are also AS 1348—2002
AS 1334.4—1982 included. Glossary of terms—Roads and traffic
Determination of troughability of (SF-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7762 2) engineering 175pp G
conveyor belting Specifies an alphabetical list of terms used in road and traf-
Reconfirmed 1989 2pp B AS/NZS 1338 fic engineering.
(RU-002) Filters for eye protectors (CE-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4043 X)

AS 1349—1986

AS 1349—1986 AS 1359 AS 1359.41—1986

Bourdon tube pressure and vacuum Rotating electrical machines—Gener- General characteristics
gauges 22pp E al requirements (IEC 34-1 IEC 34-12) 7pp C
Amdt 1 July 1987 X For three-phase cage-induction motors, specifies
Specifies requirements for gauges within the pressure AS 1359.0—1998 eight new designations (Design N, NR, NS, NY, H,
range -100 kPa to +100 000 kPa, and the nominal size HR, HS, HY) relating to starting performance, and
range 50 mm to 300 mm. Compound gauges (pressure and Introduction and list of Parts gives guidance on the determination of locked rotor
vacuum) are also included. Two accuracy grades are spec- 18pp D kV.A and torque. For machines generally, specifies
ified, namely test gauges and industrial gauges. The gaug- Introduces the AS 1359 series and lists the Parts is- momentary overloads, and overspeeds.
es are normally graduated directly in kilopascals, but scale sued to date. Lists also other Australian and IEC (EL-009) (ISBN 0 7262 3997 6)
factors of powers to ten may be used where required for Standards relating to the subject.
scale clarity or specified by the purchaser. Other units of AS 1359.46—1988
pressure may be specified by the purchaser for special ap- (EL-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2164 8)
plications. The gauges are generally suitable for use with Brushes, brush-holders, commuta-
common fluids such as air, oil, water, or steam, but special AS 1359.2—1981 tors, and slip-rings—Glossary of
provision is made for high pressure gauges, and gauges Dimensional symbols 10pp C terms 19pp E
which are intended for use with oxygen and acetylene, or
other reactive gases. Appendices provide notes of correc- Specifies letter symbols for the principal dimensions Gives definitions, terminology, schematic representa-
tion of deadweight testers and manometers, recommenda- of machines and slide rails. tions and diagrams applicable to carbon brushes and
tions for the installation and use of gauges, and purchasing (EL-009) (ISBN 0 7262 2187 2) brush-holders for cylindrical commutators and slip-
guidelines. rings.
(ME-061) (ISBN 0 7262 4318 3) (EL-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5101 1)
AS 1359.3—1982
AS 1351 Direction of rotation and marking AS 1359.47—1988
Spaces in dwellings (metric units) of terminals Brushes and brush-holders—Di-
(IEC 34-8) 11pp D mensions
AS 1351.1—1974 Defines the direction of rotation and specifies the (IEC 136) 31pp E
marking of terminals and the relationship between the Specifies principal dimensions and tolerances for car-
Kitchens direction of rotation and the marking of terminals. bon brushes (including their terminations) and brush-
(ISO/DIS 3055) 4pp B (EL-009) (ISBN 0 7262 2710 2) holders for cylindrical commutators and slip-rings.
Specifies the preferred coordinating dimensions for (EL-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5102 X)
spaces for kitchen fitments, work surfaces and appli-
ances in dwellings when designed in accordance with AS/NZS 1359.5:2000
the principles of coordinated preferred dimensions in Three-phase cage induction mo- AS 1359.101—1997
buildings. tors—High efficiency and mini- Rating and performance
(BD-053) (ISBN 0 7262 0412 9) mum energy performance (IEC 34-1:1996) 67pp J
standards requirements 11pp E Amdt 1 October 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1444 7) X
AS 1353 Amdt 1 17 December 2002 Amdt 2 September 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2171 0)X
Flat synthetic-webbing slings (ISBN 0 7337 4939 9) X Specifies duty types, ratings, site operating condi-
tions, electrical operating conditions, thermal per-
Specifies minimum acceptable efficiencies for three- formance, other performance aspects, rating plate
AS 1353.1—1997 phase cage induction motors when measured in ac- markings and tolerances for all types of rotating elec-
Product specification 15pp F cordance with AS 1359.102.1 or AS 1359.102.3. This trical machines not covered by other Standards. This
Amdt 1 June 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1935 X) X Standard also proposes additional criteria for motors Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
Specifies requirements for flat synthetic-webbing to be rated as high efficiency and specifies require- from IEC 34-1:1996 (edition 10).
slings that are intended for lifting purposes. It does ments for compliance with the Standard and certifica- (EL-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1214 2)
not apply to slings that have been repaired. Guidance tion by the regulatory authorities.
on information that should be supplied with enquiries (EL-046) (ISBN 0 7337 3582 7) AS 1359.102
and orders is given in an Appendix.
(ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1440 4) Methods for determining losses
AS 1359.10—1989 and efficiency
Designations and dimensions
AS 1353.2—1997 10pp D
Care and use 15pp F AS 1359.102.1—1997
Sets out recommended practices for the care and use
Specifies the international (IEC 72) system of desig- General
nations for machine parts (frames, mounting flanges, (IEC 34-2:1972 IEC 34-2:1972/Amd.
of flat synthetic-webbing slings, but does not consid- and shafts) and of the machines themselves, whether
er repairs to such slings or the use of such slings for foot-mounted, flange-mounted, or both. Standardized 1:1995 IEC 34-2:1972/Amd.
the lifting of personnel. dimensions are specified for machines with shaft 2:1996) 41pp H
(ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1441 2) heights from 56 mm to 400 mm, flanges from 55 mm Specifies the calculation of efficiency from the sum-
to 1080 mm PCD, shafts of 7 mm to 150 mm diame- mation of individual losses or from measurement of
AS 1357 ter, and slide-rail mountings for machines with shaft total losses. Specifies particular losses to be included
heights from 80 mm to 315 mm. Appropriate flanges for various types of machine. Details calibrated ma-
Water supply—Valves for use with un- are specified for particular frame sizes. chine test, zero power-factor test, retardation test and
vented water heaters (EL-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5749 4) electrical back-to-back test. This Standard is techni-
cally equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 34-
AS 1357.1—1992 AS 1359.20—1980 2:1972 including Amd. 1:1995 and Amd. 2:1996.
Protection valves 34pp H Classification of types of enclo-
(EL-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1178 2)
Amdt 1 May 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0394 1) X
Specifies requirements for the design, construction,
sure AS 1359.102.2—1997
testing and performance of temperature/pressure re- (IEC 34-5) 3pp B Calorimetric method
lief valves, expansion control valves and non-return Applies the alphanumeric system of classifying the (IEC 34-2A:1974) 18pp F
valves specifically intended for use with unvented degrees of protection provided by the enclosures of
storage water heaters. machines (see AS 1939) to rotating electrical ma- Specifies the calculation of efficiency (mainly of
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7530 1) chines. The AS 1939 system is called up with two ex- large generators) from the summation of individual
losses or from measurement of total losses, where the
ceptions. losses are deduced from the heat produced by them
AS 1357.2—1998 (EL-009) (ISBN 0 7262 2002 7) and dissipated by the coolants or in the surrounding
Control valves 41pp H media. This Standard is based on IEC 34-2A:1974.
Specifies requirements for the design, construction AS 1359.30—1997 (EL-000) (ISBN 0 7337 1177 4)
and performance of vacuum relief valves, thermosy- Preferred outputs and frame sizes
phon arrestor valves, tempering valves, end-of-line
8pp D AS/NZS 1359.102.3:2000
temperature-actuated devices and isolating valves Three-phase cage induction mo-
primarily for use in warm and hot water systems. Specifies preferred outputs of generators (5.0 kW or
(WS-026) (ISBN 0 7337 2184 2) kVA to 10 000 kW or kVA) and of motors (0.37 kW tors 17pp F
to 10 000 kW); also two sets of preferred allocations Specifies internationally aligned test methods for de-
of output to standard frame sizes for certain three- termining losses and efficiency of three-phase cage
AS 1358—1989 phase induction motors. induction motors. This Standard prescribes two test
Bursting discs and bursting disc de- (EL-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1215 0) methods, Method 1, involving torque measurements
vices—Guide to application, selection, applicable to motors of all kW ratings and Method 2,
without torque measurements, applicable to motors of
and installation AS 1359.31—1997 up to 200 kW rating.
(ISO 6718) 20pp E Three-phase induction motors— (EL-046) (ISBN 0 7337 3581 9)
Amdt 1 April 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 6833 X) X Operation on unbalanced voltages
Provides guidance on the application, selection, and instal- AS 1359.106—1996
lation of bursting disc devices. Appendices include infor- (IEC 892:1987) 3pp B
mation to assist in the design or selection of bursting discs, Provides guidance on the effects of unbalanced volt- Methods of cooling (IC Code)
the identification and marking of bursting discs, and equa- ages on the performance of three-phase cage induc- (IEC 34-6:1991) 14pp E
tions for the calculation of discharge capacity for single- tion motors. This Standard is identical with and has Specifies the international IC Code which comprises
phase flow. been reproduced from IEC Report 892:1987. both complete IC designations and (derived) simpli-
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5788 5) (EL-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1213 4) fied IC designations of various methods of cooling.

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

An annex compares the new Codes with the equiva- AS/NZS 1363.1:1996 AS 1366.3—1992
lent (superseded) Codes in IEC 34-6:1969 and AS Rigid cellular polystyrene—Mould-
1359.21-1974. This Standard is identical with and has Method for grab sampling greasy
been reproduced from IEC 34-6:1991. wool from bales ed (RC/PS—M) 5pp C
(EL-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0676 2) (IWTO-38-91) 16pp E Amdt 1 February 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 7972 2) X
Amdt 1 December 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0858 7) X Specifies requirements for rigid cellular polystyrene
AS 1359.107—1996 Amdt 2 July 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1243 6) X in the form of sheets, board, blocks and cut shapes for
thermal insulation purposes.
Classification of types of construc- Amdt 3 November 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1533 8) X (PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 7279 5)
tion and mounting arrangements Sets out a method of obtaining representative samples
(IM Code) of greasy wool from conventional bales. It is identical
with and has been reproduced from IWTO-38-91. AS 1366.4—1989
(IEC 34-7:1992) 19pp F (TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0381 X) Rigid cellular polystyrene—Ex-
Specifies the international IM Code relating to the truded (RC/PS-E) 6pp C
construction and mounting of machines which com-
prises both alpha-numeric designations (Code I), ap- AS 1364 Specifies material requirements for extruded rigid
cellular polystyrene (RC/PS-E) used in sheets,
plicable to a limited range of machine types, and all- Circular machine screwing dies, circu- boards, blocks and cut shapes for thermal insulation.
numeric designations (Code II), applicable to a wider lar hand screwing dies and hexagon
range of machines, including those covered by Code Lists minimum properties and test methods for quali-
I. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- die-nuts ty control and material specification.
duced from IEC 34-7:1992. (PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 5761 3)
(EL-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0677 0) AS 1364.1—1979
General purpose metric screw AS/NZS 1367:2000
AS 1359.109—1998 threads Coaxial cabling systems for the distri-
Noise limits Reconfirmed 1987 20pp F bution of analogue television and
(IEC 60034-9:1997) 7pp C Relates to dies and die-nuts for cutting metric coarse sound signals in single and multiple
Specifies maximum A-weighted sound power levels or fine pitch threads, tolerance class 6g, in accordance unit installations 93pp M
for new machines from 1 kW (or kVA) to 5500 kW with AS 1721 and AS 1275, in sizes from 1 to 64 mm. Sets out performance specifications and electrical safety
(or kVA) at no load. For certain three-phase induction Covers terms and definitions, materials and proper- requirements for coaxial cable infrastructure installed in
motors, maximum power levels are specified both for ties, dimensions and tolerances, together with testing single and multiple premises to enable the high quality dis-
no load and for rated load. This Standard is identical and marking requirements. tribution of television and sound signals.
with and has been reproduced from IEC 60034- (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1779 4) (CT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3053 1)
(EL-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1960 0) AS 1364.2—1979 AS 1368—2000
Pipe threads of Whitworth form Plastics—Thermoplastic materials—
AS 1359.114—1997 Reconfirmed 1987 16pp E Determination of Vicat softening tem-
Vibration measurements and limits Relates to dies and die-nuts for cutting both parallel perature (VST)
(IEC 34-14:1996) 10pp D and taper pipe threads of Whitworth form in accord- (ISO 306:1994) 5pp D
Specifies vibration test procedures and limits for cer- ance with AS 1721, and in the following series and Specifies methods for the determination of the Vicat sof-
tain d.c. and three-phase a.c. machines at nominal size ranges: G series from 1/16 to 2¼; RL series from tening temperature (VST) of thermoplastic materials. The
speeds from 600 rev/min to 3600 rev/min. This 1
/ 16 to 2; R series from 1/ 16 to 2. Covers terms and methods are applicable only to thermoplastics, for which
Standard is identical to, and has been reproduced they give a measure of the temperature at which the ther-
from, IEC 34-14:1996. definitions, materials and properties, dimensions and moplastics start to soften rapidly. This Standard is identical
tolerances, together with testing and marking require- to and has been reproduced from ISO 306:1994.
(EL-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1273 8) ments.
(PL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3689 0)
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1780 8)
AS 1360
Rotating electrical machines of partic- AS 1369—1973
AS 1364.3—1979
ular types or for particular applica- Method for the determination of the
Inch screw threads deflection temperature of plastics
tions Reconfirmed 1987 24pp F subjected to an applied stress
Relates to dies and die-nuts for cutting inch series
AS 1360.11—1980 screw threads of the following types: UNC, thread Reconfirmed 1986 7pp B
Dimensions and performance of class 2A, size range 1-64 to 2¾-4; UNF, thread class Corrig. X
small power electrical machines 2A, size range 0-80 to 1½ to 12; BSW, thread class (PL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 0138 3)
medium, size range 1/8-40 to 2¾-3½; BSF, thread
(IEC 72 IEC 72A) 26pp F AS 1371—1973
Applies to a.c., d.c., and universal machines of rated class medium, size range 3/16 -32 to 2-7; BA, thread
output up to 750 W (or 750 V.A.) per 1000 r/min with class normal, size range No 14 to No 0. Covers terms Toilet seats of moulded plastics
rated voltages up to 240 V d.c., up to 480 V single- and definitions, materials and properties, dimensions Reinstated March 1998 21pp C
phase a.c., and up to 650 V three-phase a.c., intended and tolerances together with testing and marking re- Includes material requirements, design, workmanship,
for applications for which a light construction is ade- quirements. metric dimensions, tests and marking of seats and flaps, in-
quate. Dimensions are specified for four frame sizes (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1781 6) cluding seat fastening bolts. It provides for use of any plas-
and for four methods of mounting. A shaft extension tics material provided specifications and performance re-
is specified for each frame size; in two cases an alter- quirements are met. Test procedures are given in
native smaller diameter shaft extension is specified.
AS/NZS 1365:1996 appendices.
Preferred outputs between 2.5 W and 3000 W are list- Tolerances for flat-rolled steel prod- (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 0140 5)
ed but not allocated to frame sizes. ucts 17pp F
(EL-009) (ISBN 0 7262 1819 7) Specifies dimensional tolerances for flat-rolled steels in AS 1375—1985
the form of wide slabs, plate and floorplate rolled on a re-
versing mill, hot-rolled plate, floorplate, sheet and strip Industrial fuel-fired appliances (known
AS 1361—1995 as the SAA Industrial Fuel-fired Appli-
rolled on a continuous mill and cold-rolled sheet and strip.
Electric heat-exchange water heat- It does not apply to stainless, high alloy and quenched and ances Code) 44pp G
ers—For domestic applications tempered steels. Two classes of tolerance (A and B) are Gives principles for the design, construction and operation
17pp F specified; Class B being the more stringent. of industrial appliances that are heated by the combustion
Specifies requirements for electric heat-exchange water (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0511 1) of a fuel, i.e. ovens, furnaces, boilers, dryers and the like.
heaters having a heat-storage volume in the range of 45 L It deals with the safety of the fuel combustion process, and
to 710 L, which heat potable water at mains pressure for AS 1366 with safety in relation to combustible vapours, dusts, etc.
domestic applications. that may occur or be generated within an appliance. Meth-
Rigid cellular plastics sheets for ther- ods of calculating critical appliance characteristics, explo-
(EL-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9591 4)
mal insulation sion relief areas, and air dilution volumes are given.
(ME-021) (ISBN 0 7262 1641 0)
AS/NZS 1362:1998
AS 1366.1—1992
Wool—Calculation of IWTO combined AS/NZS 1376:1996
certificates for deliveries of raw wool Rigid cellular polyurethane (RC/
PUR) 5pp C Conversion factors 29pp G
(IWTO-31-96) 41pp H Amdt 1 November 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7907 2) X Provides basic conversion information for use in convert-
Amdt 1 June 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2749 2) B ing from imperial and other non-SI units to the Internation-
Specifies requirements for rigid cellular polyurethane al System of Units (SI).
Amdt 2 July 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2766 2) X in the form of sheets, board, blocks and cut shapes for
Sets out calculation procedures for combining the wool (ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 0666 5)
thermal insulation.
base, vegetable matter, commercial yields and mean fibre (PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 7277 9)
diameter test results of component lots in a delivery of raw AS 1379—1997
wool, for which the issue of one overall certificate is re- Specification and supply of concrete
quired. Specifies the precision of the test results reported AS 1366.2—1992
on the certificate. It is identical with and has been repro- Rigid cellular polyisocyanurate 35pp H
duced from IWTO-31-96. Amdt 1 February 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 2938 X) X
(RC/PIR) 5pp C Proposes requirements for specifying normal-class and
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7331 1989 9)
Specifies requirements for rigid cellular polyisocya- special-class concrete and for their manufacture, by either
nurate (RC/PIR) in the form of sheets, board, blocks the batch or the continuous production method, for supply
AS/NZS 1363 and cut shapes for thermal insulation purposes. in the plastic state, to the customer. Gives performance re-
Wool—Grab sampling—Greasy wool (PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 7278 7) quirements for the materials and plant used in the manufac-

AS 1379 Supplement 1—1997

turing process, including accuracy of measuring and batch AS 1386.2—1989 AS/NZS 1393:1996
equipment. Criteria for compliance with specified plastic
and hardened state properties are also given, together with Laminar flow cleanrooms 6pp C Coach screws—Metric series with ISO
references to standard methods of testing for these and Sets out specific requirements for laminar flow clean- hexagon heads 10pp E
methods of assessment for compliance with compressive rooms. Specifies the dimensions and marking requirements for
strength criteria. The Appendices cover information to be (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 5690 0) coach screws for use in timber structures in ISO preferred
supplied when specifying special class concrete and meth- series diameters from 6 mm to 20 mm inclusive and
ods for determining an acceptable degree of mixing uni- lengths up to 200 mm, and with ISO hexagon heads and ei-
formity in different types of mixers. AS 1386.3—1989
ther full body or reduced diameter (scant) shanks, and the
(BD-049) (ISBN 0 7337 1468 4) Non-laminar flow cleanrooms— material requirements for steel coach screws.
Class 350 and cleaner 4pp C (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0595 2)
AS 1379 Supplement 1—1997 Sets out specific requirements for non-laminar flow
Specification and supply of con- cleanrooms with an air cleanness of at least Class 350
in accordance with AS 1386.1. AS 1394—2001
crete—Commentary (Supplement to Round steel wire for ropes 16pp F
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 5691 9)
AS 1379-1997) 31pp F Specifies requirements for cold-drawn, carbon steel wire
Amdt 1 February 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 2937 1) X of round cross-section in diameters 0.20 mm and over, in-
Proposes a commentary giving background material to,
AS 1386.4—1989
tended for the manufacture of rope and strand. Covers wire
and explanations of, most of the requirements of AS 1379, Non-laminar flow cleanrooms— in the bright (black) condition, drawn metallic-coated con-
particularly the changes proposed for the second edition. Class 3500 3pp B dition (drawn after coating) or finally metallic-coated con-
For ease of cross-reference, clause numbers in the com- Sets out specific requirements for non-laminar flow dition (coated as a final operation). Coatings may be of
mentary correspond to those in AS 1379 but are distin- cleanrooms with an air cleanness of Class 3500 in ac- zinc (hot-dipped or electrodeposited) or of hot-dip zinc/
guished by the prefix 'C'. cordance with AS 1386.1. aluminium alloy.
(BD-049) (ISBN 0 7337 1469 2) (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 5692 7) (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3915 6)

AS 1380 AS 1386.5—1989 AS 1395—1974

Fibre-rope slings Clean workstations 4pp C Docking plugs and associated bodies
AS 1380.1—1998 Sets out requirements for clean workstations. Reconfirmed 1983 16pp C
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 5693 5) Specifies a standard docking plug for use in ships. One size
Product specification 13pp E only, 48 mm diameter is specified, which is used with dif-
Specifies requirements for fibre-rope slings that are AS 1386.6—1989 ferent plug bodies to suit different hull plate thicknesses.
intended for lifting purposes. It does not apply to The same castings may be used for plug bodies intended
mooring ropes. Guidance on information that should Operation and inspection of clean- for internal or external fitment, being adapted by suitable
be supplied with enquiries and orders is given in an rooms 3pp B machining of the plug recess; the same castings may also
appendix. be used with suitable machining for plug bodies of differ-
Sets out recommendations and requirements for the
(ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1606 7) operational procedures and inspection of laminar ent sizes.
flow cleanrooms and non-laminar flow cleanrooms. It (ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 0190 1)
AS 1380.2—1998 complements the requirements given in AS 1386.2,
AS 1386.3, and AS 1386.4. AS 1396—2000
Care and use 18pp F
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 5694 3)
Sets out practices for the care and use of fibre-rope Steel water bore casing 11pp E
slings, but does not consider repairs to such slings or Specifies material and dimensional requirements for weld-
the use of such slings for the lifting of personnel. AS 1386.7—1989 ed steel tubing and couplings for use in water bore casing
(ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1607 5) Installation and use of clean work- applications.
stations 2pp B (CE-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3347 6)
AS 1382—1974 Sets out recommended practices for installation, op-
Glass milk and cream bottles of the eration, maintenance and inspection of clean worksta- AS 1397—2001
metal foil cap type (200-600 mL capac- tions. It complements the requirements given in AS
1386.5. Steel sheet and strip—Hot-dipped
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 5695 1) zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc-coat-
Reconfirmed 1990 12pp B
Specifies 200, 300 and 600 mL milk bottles and a 300 mL
ed 20pp F
cream bottle. Locking rings can be either 35 or 38 mm ex- AS/NZS 1388:1994 Specifies requirements for formable and structural grades
ternal diameter for the milk bottles and 44 mm for the Guidelines for technical information of hot-dip zinc-coated and aluminium/zinc-coated steel
cream bottle. Capacity, quality of glass, form and dimen- for building and construction prod- sheet and strip, up to and including 5.0 mm thick. Includes
sions, sampling requirements and level of resistance to requirements for differential coatings. Gives information
thermal shock and impact are specified, with methods of ucts 10pp D on coating thickness determination, fabricating character-
test in appendices. Provides producers of literature for the building and con- istics and guidelines on the selection of specific grades.
(FT-) (ISBN 0 7262 0599 0) struction industries with guidelines for presenting techni- (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3913 X)
cal information so that the information can be in a clear and
structured form.
AS 1383—1974 (BD-052) (ISBN 0 7262 9325 3) AS 1397—1993
Methods for the chemical examination Steel sheet and strip—Hot-dipped
of eggs and egg products AS/NZS 1389:1997 zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc-coat-
Reconfirmed 1993 55pp F Acidic detergents for use in the dairy- ed 18pp F
Describes procedures for the preparation of samples, inter- ing industry 8pp D Specifies requirements for formable and structural grades
pretation of results, and methods for the determination of of hot-dipped zinc-coated and aluminium/zinc-coated
total solids, nitrogen, lipids, reducing substances, alpha- Specifies the requirements and the type of cleaning opera-
tions for which acidic detergents are useful, and specifies sheet and strip, up to and including 5.0 mm thick. Gives in-
amylase Haenni value, pH value, chloride, Haugh unit val- formation on coating thickness determination, fabricating
ue, headspace gas composition. Procedures for the assess- criteria for available acid content, degree of foaming and
other physical properties. Appendices describe methods characteristics and guidelines on the selection of specific
ment of flavour and yolk colour are also described. grades.
for assessing the acid content, corrosion potential and de-
(FT-003) (ISBN 0 7262 0225 8) gree of foaming. (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8139 5)
(FT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1349 1)
AS 1385—1985
AS 1398—1998
Textile floor coverings—Metric units AS/NZS 1390:1997
and commercial tolerances for meas- Iodophors for use in the dairying in-
Cup head bolts with ISO metric coarse dustry 15pp E
urement 1p A pitch threads 13pp E
Gives guidance for the specification of carpet technical Sets out requirements for iodophors. Appendices provide
Specifies the dimensional and marking requirements for methods for assessing miscibility with water, available io-
properties and basic metric units. Takes into account cur-
cup head bolts with ISO metric coarse pitch threads in di- dine content, corrosion potential, testing stability of iodo-
rent manufacturing practice. ameters from 5 mm to 24 mm inclusive, and the material phors as received, bactericidal efficiency and degree of
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7262 3573 3) requirements for steel cup head bolts of property class 4.6. foaming.
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0862 5) (FT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1962 7)
AS 1386
Cleanrooms and clean workstations AS 1391—1991 AS 1399—1990
Methods for tensile testing of metals Guide to AS 1199—Sampling proce-
AS 1386.1—1989 (ISO 6892:1984) 25pp G
Principles of clean space control dures and tables for inspection by at-
Amdt 1 May 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7449 6) X tributes 57pp J
22pp E Sets out requirements for test pieces and specifies methods
Introduces a classification of air cleanness and ex- for the uni-axial tensile testing of metals at room tempera- Amdt 1 March 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 6695 7) X
plains the principles of clean space control. Six class- ture to determine tensile strength, yield, proof and perma- Provides guidance for the use of sampling procedures and
es of air cleanness are specified for the work zone of nent set stresses and percentage elongation and reduction tables for the inspection by attributes given in AS 1199.
clean spaces under operational conditions. The Stand- of area. It specifies a standard strain rate but allows the use Explains the terms used in the range of schemes available.
ard complements the specific requirements set out in of four supplementary strain rate categories for special test Discusses some of the theoretical basis for sampling in-
other parts of the series. applications. spection.
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 5689 7) (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6770 8) (QR-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6045 2)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 1400:1997 quency range 30 MHz to 1 GHz and the conditions Appendices provide guidance on assessing mecha-
Heavy-duty alkaline detergents for 'in- and methods of measurement of electrical perform- nism, classification, tolerances, storing and retrieving
ance parameters for these antennas and methods or machine and system layouts, assessment of appliance
place' cleaning in dairy factories procedures for relevant environmental tests. Uniform performance, test certificates, and maintenance pro-
6pp C presentation of antenna performance specifications cedures.
Specifies requirements for solubility in water, alkalinity, and a standard format for individual antenna specifi- (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7262 5170 4)
degree of foaming, sequestering ability and corrosion po- cation sheets are also discussed. The Standard is tech-
tential of detergents of low-, medium- or high-foaming nically identical with IEC 597 Parts 1 to 4 except for
type. Appendices provide methods for determining corro- the mechanical properties included in Part 1 of the AS 1418.7—1999
sion potential and foam level. Standard. Builders hoists and associated
(FT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1391 2) (CT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6653 1) equipment 44pp I
Specifies requirements additional to those in AS
AS 1403—1985 AS 1418 1418.1 covering builders hoists and associated equip-
Design of rotating steel shafts Cranes, hoists and winches ment. Types included are materials hoists, concrete
skip hoists and personnel and materials hoists as de-
38pp G fined in AS 2549. Application, classification, loads,
Amdt 1 July 1986 X AS 1418.1—2002 load combinations, design, construction, marking and
Provides formulas, on the basis of infinite life, for the de- General requirements 167pp N testing are covered. Appendices provide information
sign of rotating steel shafts which are subjected to torsion- Specifies general requirements for cranes as defined that should be supplied with tender for supply of a
al, bending, and axial-tensile loads. It does not apply to in AS 2549. Includes the design of cranes by the tra- hoist and hazards which should be considered by the
shafts specially developed and tested in laboratories or in ditional working stress method and also allows design designer when designing the hoist.
the field and to shafts for specific applications. A method by the limit states method. No set of generally accept- (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2930 4)
of establishing a 'trial' diameter, an iterative method of cal- ed partial load factors necessary for crane design by
culating minimum diameter, details of the characteristics the limit states method are available.
of motor controllers and torque-limiting devices, and three (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4372 2) AS 1418.8—2002
worked examples are given in appendices. Special purpose appliances
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7262 3950 X) AS 1418.2—1997 42pp I
Serial hoists and winches 25pp F Special requirements, additional to those in AS
AS 1406—1982 Specifies the requirements for manually operated 1418.1, for special purpose appliances including plat-
Electroplated coatings—Nickel and chain hoists, power-operated hoists, power-operated form hoists, tip truck hoisting systems, earth-moving
chromium on plastics for decorative wire rope hoists, scaffolding hoists, creeper winches, equipment used as a crane, and side-boom pipelayers.
applications manually operated drum winches, power-operated Application, design, controls, performance, compo-
drum winches and trolleys, as defined in AS 2549. It nents, testing,marking, operation and maintenance
Reconfirmed 1993 7pp C is complementary to AS 1418.1 and also proposes the are covered. Appendices provide guidance on infor-
Deals specifically with nickel and chromium coatings but application, design, electrical and pneumatic con- mation to be supplied with enquiry, order, tender or
does not preclude use of gold, copper, brass or other metals trols, performance testing, marking, certificates, op- request for hire, statutory approval, commissioning,
plated over nickel. It provides for, in the case of nickel plus eration and maintenance requirements for such equip- inspecting and operation, and use of platform hoists.
chromium coatings, the coating to be specified by a service ment.
condition number incorporating an indication of the ther-
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4734 5)
mal cycling test temperature, and a coating classification
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0889 7)
system (optional); and, for nickel alone or with top coats AS/NZS 1418.9:1996
other than chromium, by an 'application grade'. A foreword AS 1418.3—1997 Vehicle hoists 28pp G
makes reference to requirements of the plastics materials, Bridge, gantry and portal cranes Specifies the requirements for vehicle hoists as de-
including adhesion. (including container cranes) and
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 2652 1) fined in AS 2549. It applies to wheel-supporting,
jib cranes 35pp H axle-supporting and frame-supporting vehicle hoists,
AS 1408—1997 Amdt 1 September 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2172 9) X but does not apply to vehicle jacks, trolley jacks, car
Amdt 2 17 June 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 3795 1) X stackers or vehicle roll-over equipment. Sections are
Sizing scheme for cooking utensils Specifies the requirements for bridge, gantry, semi-
included on their design, installation, testing and op-
5pp C eration and maintenance requirements. Appendices
gantry and portal cranes as defined in AS 2549, and provide guidance on deflection limits, hazards and il-
Specifies requirements for the sizing of commonly used for container and heavy duty cranes. Sections are in-
cooking utensils. lustrations of typical vehicle hoists. It is intended for
cluded on classification and load rating, structure, sta- use with AS 1418.1 and AS/NZS 2550.9 which pro-
(MS-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1179 0) bility, mechanisms, access from fixed platforms, ac- vides guidance on the safe use of vehicle hoists.
cess from mobile platforms, clearances, electrical
access isolators, speed limitations for pendant—con- (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0630 4)
AS 1410—1987 trolled cranes, marking and data, inspection and com-
Sterilizers—Steam—Pre-vacuum missioning, and guarding. Appendices give further AS 1418.10—1996
22pp E requirements for access and clearance, and the use of
Elevating work platforms 58pp I
Amdt 1 April 1987 X ladders, and give guidance on information to be sup-
plied with enquiry, order or tender and typical haz- Specifies requirements for elevating work platforms
Amdt 2 July 1987 X ards. as defined in AS 2549. Does not apply to passenger
Specifies requirements for fully automatic jacketed pre- goods lifts, builders' hoists or fixed elevating work
vacuum steam sterilizers, which operate at a sterilizing (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1527 3)
platforms, nor does it apply to any matter relating to
temperature of 134°C and are intended for use in hospitals firefighting or any matter relating to vehicles upon
and other non-industrial applications for the sterilization of AS 1418.4—2001 which aerial devices are mounted, except to a vehicle
porous loads, and instruments and utensils wrapped in po- Tower cranes 39pp H being, while stationary, a stable support for the aerial
rous material. The sterilizers are not intended for the steri- device. It includes a section on tests to be conducted
lization of fluids, or for installation in areas associated with Specifies requirements, additional to those in AS
1418.1, for tower cranes of the ram luffing, rope luff- on elevating work platforms, and new sections on re-
the use of flammable anaesthetics. Guidance on informa- ing, saddle jib (hammerhead), articulated saddle jib, quirements for glass-reinforced plastic and pedestri-
tion to be supplied with enquiries and orders, guidance on and self-erecting types. Application, loading, design, an-controlled elevating work platforms. It is intended
installation, methods of test, and information on quality of for use with AS 2550.10, which specifies the require-
water are given in appendices. controls and indicating devices, equipment, access,
marking, and inspection and testing are covered. Ap- ments for the safe use of elevating work platforms
(ME-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4459 7) pendices provide guidance on information to be sup- and AS 1418.1.
plied with an inquiry or order, and by the manufactur- (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0201 5)
AS 1417 er, illustrations of typical types of cranes, typical
Receiving antennas for radio and tele- classifications of the crane as a whole and crane
mechanisms. AS 1418.12—1991
vision in the frequency range 30 MHz (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3955 5) Crane collector systems 27pp G
to 1 GHz Specifies requirements for crane collector systems in-
AS 1418.5—2002 corporating a sliding or rolling contact device. Does
AS 1417.1—1987 Mobile cranes 37pp H not cover direct-connected systems such as cable
Construction and installation reelers or flexible cable systems.
Specifies requirements for mobile cranes, as defined
(IEC 597-1) 10pp D in AS 2549, and includes the tests necessary to verify (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7262 6626 4)
Specifies electrical and mechanical safety require- the quality of design and the structural integrity of the
ments for antennas and supporting structures erected cranes. It is intended for use with AS 2550.5, which AS 1418.13—1996
for the purposes of receiving radio and television specifies the requirements for the safe use of these Building maintenance units
broadcasting. Requirements are given for construc- cranes. It is complementary to AS 1418.1.
tion and installation, and guidance is given on the de- (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4727 2) 26pp F
sign of antennas with regard to windforces and live Specifies requirements for building maintenance
loads likely to be experienced in use. AS 1418.6—1988 units and supporting structures permanently provided
(CT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4723 5) for use and which incorporate power-operated sus-
Guided storing and retrieving ap- pension equipment. It does not include requirements
AS 1417.2—1991 pliances 50pp G for suspended scaffolding. It gives guidance to man-
Specifies requirements, additional to those in AS ufacturers, statutory authorities and users in the form
Performance 1418.1, for guided storing and retrieving machine and of minimum engineering requirements which are nec-
(IEC 597-1:1977 IEC 597-2:1977 IEC universal stacker crane types, and for appliances in- essary for the design manufacture, installation and
tended to carry out similar functions and the interface commissioning of building maintenance units. It in-
597-3:1983 IEC 597-4:1983) cludes a section on loads tests to be conducted and an
between the elements of the total system. Applica-
28pp H tion, materials, design, structure, clearances and tol- appendix gives details of those items to be inspected
Amdt 1 January 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1712 8) X erances, ancillary equipment, cabins, platforms and and tested during commissioning. It is intended for
Specifies the essential electrical properties of linearly ladders, mechanisms, stability, controls, inspection use with AS 1418.1.
polarized antennas for domestic use within the fre- and testing, maintenance and marking are covered. (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0342 9)

AS 1418.14—1996

AS 1418.14—1996 AS/NZS 1425:1999 AS/NZS 1428.4:2002

Requirements for cranes subject to LP Gas fuel systems for vehicle en- Tactile indicators 57pp J
arduous working conditions gines 41pp G Provides requirements for the design and application
42pp H Amdt 1 6 November 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3825 7) X of tactile ground surface indicators for new buildings
Sets out the specific requirements for LP Gas fuel systems to ensure safe and dignified mobility of people who
This Standard specifies the requirements for cranes are blind or vision-impaired.
subject to arduous working conditions. It includes for engines mounted on vehicles, either for the propulsion
sections on performance, structure, mechanisms, of the vehicle or for driving some auxiliary function. It also (ME-064) (ISBN 0 7337 4839 2)
electrical equipment, controls, conductors, collector provides requirements for the design and construction of
systems, cabs, inspection and commissioning tests. component parts, as well as their installation, testing, com- AS 1428.4—1992
The appendices cover arduous working criteria, and missioning and periodic inspection.
(ME-046) (ISBN 0 7337 2566 X) Tactile ground surface indicators
carriage fastening, enquiry and order information to
be supplied by manufacturer and manufacturing tol- for the orientation of people with
erances. The Standard may be designated in part or AS/NZS 1427:1996 vision impairment 15pp E
parts for cranes with only a limited range of compo-
ISO metric machine screws Amdt 1 December 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0145 0) X
nents subjected to arduous duty.
Sets out requirements for the design and installation
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0398 4) (ISO 1207:1992 ISO 1580:1994 ISO of tactile ground surface indicators to assist people
2009:1994 ISO 2010:1994 ISO with vision impairment. Specific types of ground sur-
AS 1418.15—1994 7045:1994 ISO 7046-1:1994 ISO face indicators that warn of hazards and denote direc-
7047:1994) 22pp F tion are provided.
Concrete placing equipment
Amdt 1 June 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1100 6) X (ME-064) (ISBN 0 7262 7300 7)
34pp H
Amdt 1 December 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0169 8) X Specifies the dimensional requirements for machine
screws with ISO metric coarse pitch series screw threads of AS/NZS 1429
Specifies the requirements for the design, construc-
tion and testing of concrete placing equipment cover-
diameters from 1.6 mm to 10 mm and with countersunk, Electric cables—Polymeric insulated
raised countersunk, pan, cheese, mushroom, hexagon and
ing classification, rating, working zones, equipment hexagon washer head styles and the material requirements
loads, stability, boom motions, operational design, for steel machine screws of property class 4.8. This Stand- AS/NZS 1429.1:2000
equipment, delivery pipelines, guarding, repairs, ard is based on but not equivalent to ISO 1207:1992, ISO For working voltages 1.9/3.3 (3.6)
servicing, marking, manuals and testing. The appen- 1580:1994, ISO 2009:1994, ISO 2010:1994, ISO
dices include equipment types, enquiry order and ten- kV up to and including 19/33 (36)
7045:1994, ISO 7046.1:1994 and ISO 7047:1994.
der information and stability calculations.
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0472 7)
kV 39pp H
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7262 8973 6) Amdt 1 5 April 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4454 0) X
SET 1428 Amdt 2 10 June 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4559 8) X
AS 1418.16—1997 Specifies the requirements for cross-linked polyethyl-
AS 1428, Design for access and mobil-
Mast climbing work platforms ity set Complete set $233.31 Retail
ene (XLPE) and ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) in-
sulated cables for fixed installations for electricity
34pp H $174.98 Subscriber supply, with or without armour, including single-core
Specifies the design requirements for mast climbing This set includes AS 1428.1-2001, AS 1428.2-1992, AS and three-core cables comprising individually
work platforms as defined in AS 2549-1996. It does 1428.3-1992, AS/NZS 1428.4:2002. screened cores and three-core cables comprising col-
not apply to mobile elevating work platforms, build- lectively screened cores.
ers hoists or suspended access equipment. Sections (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3435 9)
are included on loads and stability, design, mecha-
nism, electrical systems, controls, data marking, man- AS 1428
uals and the type tests and production tests required. Design for access and mobility AS/NZS 1429.2:1998
Appendices give guidance on typical hazards and the For working voltages above 19/33
special requirements relative to multi-level work plat- (36) kV up to and including 76/132
forms. AS 1428.1—2001
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1308 4) General requirements for access— (145) kV 29pp G
New building work Specifies requirements for the construction and test-
ing of single-core cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE)
AS 1418.17—1996 Two transparencies are included with this insulated cables for fixed installations for electricity
Design and construction of work- Standard 60pp J supply.
boxes 12pp D Specifies design requirements applicable to new (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1722 5)
building work, including public and commercial, to
Specifies the requirements relating to the design and provide access for people with disabilities. Attention
construction of workboxes generally having one is given to the needs of people who use wheelchairs, AS 1432—1996
working level, to accommodate a maximum of three Copper tubes for plumbing, gasfitting
persons. It does not cover the design and construction people with ambulatory disabilities and sensory disa-
of workboxes intended for more than three persons. It bilities, to permit independent use of buildings. and drainage applications 12pp E
includes sections on design, construction, inspection (ME-064) (ISBN 0 7337 3927 X) Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2051 X) X
and testing. Appendices include typical workbox de- Specifies requirements for round, seamless copper tubes,
tails, a list of Standards for components used in lifting AS 1428.1—1998 supplied in coils and straight lengths for use in plumbing,
systems and a typical certificate of workbox inspec- General requirements for access— gasfitting and drainage applications. The ranges of nomi-
tion and test. It is intended for use with AS 2550.1, nal sizes are DN 6 to DN 200 inclusive for Types A and B,
which specifies their safe use. New building work DN 10 to DN 25 inclusive for Type C and DN 32 to DN
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0187 6) Four transparencies included with Standard 150 inclusive for Type D. Details of dimensions and toler-
57pp J ances, chemical composition, temper and form of material,
testing and marking are specified. The appendices propose
AS 1418.18—2001 Specifies design requirements applicable to new purchasing guidelines, safe working pressure, testing pres-
Crane runways and monorails building work in public and commercial buildings, to sure, and hydrostatic test.
provide access for people with disabilities. Attention
41pp I is given to the needs of people who use wheelchairs, (WS-018) (ISBN 0 7337 0357 7)
Specifies the general requirements for crane runway people with ambulatory disabilities and sensory disa-
girders and monorails designed to AS 1418.1 and ei- bilities, to permit independent use of buildings. This AS 1436—1983
ther AS 3990 or AS 4100. new edition incorporates Amendment No. 1, 1993, Alphanumeric character set OCR-B for
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3725 0) and draft Amendment No. 2 issued for public com-
ment as DR 97355. optical recognition
AS 1420—2001 (ME-064) (ISBN 0 7337 20145) (ISO 1073-2:1976) 56pp H
Specifies the printed image shapes and sizes of the alpha-
ISO metric hexagon socket head cap AS 1428.2—1992 numeric character set OCR-B for use in optical recognition
screws Enhanced and additional require-
systems. Technically identical with ISO 1073-2:1976.
(ISO 4762:1997) 10pp E (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2942 3)
ments—Buildings and facilities
Specifies the dimensions, material requirements and me-
chanical properties of hexagon socket head cap screws 49pp I AS 1438
with coarse metric threads from M1.6 up to and including Sets out requirements for the design of buildings and Wire-coil flat slings
M64 and product grade A. This Standard is identical with facilities for access for people with disabilities.
and reproduced from ISO 4762:1997. Where appropriate, these requirements are additional
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 4121 5) to the minimum requirements of AS 1428.1. Also AS 1438.1—1998
covers requirements for buildings and facilities which Product specification 11pp D
are not covered in Part 1.
AS/NZS 1421:1996 (ME-064) (ISBN 0 7262 7234 5)
Specifies requirements for wire-coil flat slings that
ISO metric hexagon socket set screws are intended for lifting purposes. Guidance on infor-
mation that should be supplied with enquiries and or-
(ISO 4026:1993 ISO 4027:1993 ISO AS 1428.3—1992 ders is given in an appendix.
4028:1993 ISO 4029:1993) 11pp D Requirements for children and ad- (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1608 3)
Specifies the dimensional requirements for hexagon socket olescents with physical disabili-
set screws with ISO metric coarse pitch series threads of AS 1438.2—1998
diameters from 1.6 mm to 24 mm and with flat, cup, cone ties 16pp F
or dog points, and the material requirements for steel hex- Sets out requirements for facilities specifically in- Care and use 10pp D
agon socket set screws of property class 45H. This Stand- tended for use by children and adolescents with phys- Sets out practices for the care and use of wire-coil flat
ard is based on but not equivalent to ISO 4026:1993, ISO ical disabilities. Details on four age ranges (from 3 to slings, but does not consider repairs to such slings or
4027:1993, ISO 4028:1993 and ISO 4029:1993. 18 years of age) and disability groups are provided. the use of such slings for the lifting of personnel.
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0471 9) (ME-064) (ISBN 0 7262 7409 7) (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1609 1)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1442—1992 AS 1462 (Frc) AS/NZS 1462.13(Int):2001

Carbon steels and carbon-manganese Methods of test for unplasticized PVC Method for the determination of
steels—Hot-rolled bars and semifin- (UPVC) pipes and fittings elastomeric seal joint contact
ished products 13pp E Front cover and introduction X width and pressure
Specifies requirements for carbon steel and carbon-manga- (PL-045) (Expires 14 September 2003) 6pp D
nese steel rods, bars, blooms, billets and slabs, delivered in (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 3962 8)
the as-rolled or normalized condition, for forging and for
general engineering applications. AS 1462 (Lst)
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7833 5) AS/NZS 1462.14:1996
Methods of test for unplasticized PVC Method for determination of the
(UPVC) pipes and fittings
AS 1443—1994 light transmission of pipe 6pp C
List of methods X (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 0347 X)
Carbon steels and carbon-manganese (PL-045)
steels—Cold-finished bars 19pp F
Specifies requirements for cold-finished carbon steel and AS/NZS 1462.15:1996
carbon-manganese steel bars produced by cold drawing, AS 1462 Method for determination of vinyl
cold-rolling, peeling, machining and polishing, precision Methods of test for unplasticized PVC chloride monomer content 4pp B
grinding or cold sizing, to specified chemical composition (UPVC) pipes and fittings (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 0348 8)
only or to specified chemical composition and mechanical
properties, intended for general engineering purposes.
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9171 4) AS/NZS 1462.16:1996
AS/NZS 1462.1:2001 Method for high temperature test-
AS 1444—1996 Method for determining the dimen- ing of pipe 3pp B
Wrought alloy steels—Standard, hard- sions of pipes and fittings 6pp D (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 0349 6)
enability (H) series and hardened and (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 3963 6)
tempered to designated mechanical AS 1462.17—1988
properties 44pp H AS/NZS 1462.2:1998 Method for testing pressure pipe
Specifies requirements for wrought alloy steels intended Method for determining the flatten- joints with elastomeric seals
for general engineering purposes and is applicable to hot-
ing properties of plastics pipes and 4pp B
rolled and cold-finished bars for machining, blooms, bil- (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7262 5164 X)
lets and slabs for forgings, and forgings. The steel is either fittings 2pp B
supplied to chemical composition only, to chemical com- (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 2244 X)
position and end-quench hardenability (H) requirements or AS/NZS 1462.19(Int):1999
to chemical composition and mechanical properties C-Ring test for fracture toughness
achieved by hardening and tempering. It also specifies di- AS/NZS 1462.3:1998 of PVC pipes
mensional tolerances and requirements for maximum sur- Method for determining the impact (Expired 5 August 2001) * Based on ISO/DIS
face imperfection depth. characteristics of pipes 5pp C
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0663 0)
11673 9pp E
Specifies a method for determining the impact char- (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 2786 7)
acteristics of plastic pipes when subjected to multiple
AS 1445—1986 impacts at 20°C or 0°C, as appropriate. AS/NZS 1462.20:1996
Hot-dipped zinc-coated or aluminium/ (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 2243 1) Method for the determination of
zinc-coated steel sheet—76 mm pitch long-term failure stress of PVC
corrugated 4pp B AS/NZS 1462.4:2002 moulding compounds 3pp B
Specifies requirements for 76 mm pitch corrugated steel
sheet manufactured from hot-dipped zinc-coated or alu- Method of determining reversion of (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 0350 X)
minium/zinc-coated steel sheet in accordance with AS UPVC pipes 9pp E
1397. Three classes of product are specified and these rep- (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4485 0) AS/NZS 1462.21:1997
resent materials in common use—for roofing (Class R), Method for determination of bond
tank making (Class T) and walling (Class W).
(BD-014) (ISBN 0 7262 4079 6) AS/NZS 1462.5:2002 strength 2pp B
Vicat softening temperature This method sets out a procedure for determining
bond strength between the inner and outer walls of
AS 1447—1991 (ISO 2507-1:1995) 5pp D hollow profile structured wall pipe.
Hot-rolled spring steels 10pp D (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4363 3) (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 0857 9)
Specifies requirements for hot-rolled carbon, carbon-chro-
mium, nickel-chromium-molybdenum and silicon-manga- AS/NZS 1462.6:1998 AS/NZS 1462.22:1997
nese spring steels, including three hardenability grades, in
the as-rolled, annealed or normalized condition. Method for hydrostatic pressure Method for the determination of
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7036 9) testing of pipes 8pp D pipe stiffness 6pp C
Specifies a procedure for the hydrostatic pressure This method sets out a procedure for determining the
AS 1448—1981 testing of plastics pipes. The method is applicable to pipe stiffness of plastics pipes with structured walls.
Carbon steels and carbon-manganese short-, medium- or long-term testing. (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 0856 0)
steels—Forgings (ruling section 300 (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 2245 8)
mm maximum) 12pp D AS/NZS 1462.23:1997
Specifies carbon steel and carbon-manganese steel forg- AS/NZS 1462.8:1998 Method for determination of ring
ings for general engineering purposes, with ruling section Method of test for infiltration flexibility 4pp C
up to and including 300 mm, and supplied either to chem- 4pp C This method sets out a procedure for the determina-
ical composition only, or to chemical composition and me- tion of ring flexibility of plastics pipes with structured
chanical properties in any heat-treated condition, or to Specifies methods for determining the resistance to walls.
chemical composition and mechanical properties in the infiltration of assembled elastomeric seal joints and (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 0855 2)
normalized or normalized and tempered condition. fittings with inspection and test openings. The meth-
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2317 4) ods allow for external hydrostatic pressure or internal
vacuum, and with or without diametral distortion. AS 1463—1988
AS 1450—1983 (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 2242 3) Polyethylene pipe extrusion com-
Steel tubes for mechanical purposes pounds 20pp E
AS 1462.9—1984 Specifies requirements for polyethylene extrusion com-
10pp D pounds used in the manufacture of polyethylene pipes. Ap-
Specifies the technical requirements for the production and Method of hydrostatic pressure pendices include tests for thermal oxidative stability, car-
supply of carbon and carbon-manganese steel tubes of testing of UPVC pressure fittings bon black content and condition, additive dispersion, type
round, square, rectangular or other non-circular cross-sec- 3pp B rating and the effect on water.
tion, produced by either cold-forming or hot-forming, in- (PL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 4931 9)
tended for use in mechanical applications, and not subject (PL-045)
to internal pressure.
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2995 4) AS 1464
AS/NZS 1462.10:1998 Plastics pipes and fittings for gas re-
Method for hydrostatic pressure ticulation—Unplasticized PVC (UP-
AS 1457—1999 testing of fittings and elastomeric
Geometrical Product Specifications VC)
seal joints for non-pressure appli-
(GPS)—Length standards—Gauge cations 3pp B
blocks AS 1464.1—1984
(PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 2285 7) Pipes Bound with AS 1464.2-1984
(ISO 3650:1998) 15pp H
Specifies dimensional and quality characteristics of gauge 13pp D
blocks with a rectangular section and a nominal length AS/NZS 1462.11:1996 Amdt 1 May 1986 X
ranging from 0.5 mm to 1000 mm. Limit deviations and Method for high temperature Covers pipes and fittings for use in gas mains and
tolerances are given for the calibration grade K and for the stress-relief testing of fittings services for direct burial and reliner applications, for
grades 0, 1 and 2. This Standard is identical with and has use with natural gas, LP gas, and air and LP gas mix-
been reproduced from ISO 3650:1998. 2pp B tures. Three types of pipe are provided for: Type 1,
(ME-027) (ISBN 0 7337 2947 9) (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 0346 1) Unmodified UPVC, Class 100; Type 2, Modified

AS 1464.2—1984

(improved impact) UPVC, Class 100 (for use with with AS 1473.2 which contains general safety re- provision of personal protection of instructors and students
pressures up to 100 kPa and temperatures of 40°C), quirements. against certain hazards and harmful agents. General re-
and Type 3, Modified (high ductility) UPVC, Class (SF-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4114 2) quirements relating to environmental factors and to equip-
100 and 450 (for use with pressure up to 100 kPa for ment and services are given, together with specific require-
Class 450 and temperature of 40°C). Dimensions and ments for safety in particular areas, including laboratories,
performance requirements are specified.
AS 1473.4—2001 equipment in general use (e.g. portable tools), metalwork-
(PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 3449 8) Finishing machinery—Bandsaw- ing, woodworking, areas where there are harmful sub-
ing machines 28pp G stances and processes, forging, welding, foundry work, au-
tomotive engineering, ancillary plant and equipment (e.g.
AS 1464.2—1984 Specifies safety requirements for the design, manu-
cranes, slings), graphic arts, and catering.
facture, safeguarding and use of bandsawing ma-
Fittings Bound with AS 1464.1-1984 chines used in the manufacture of components for (SF-014) (ISBN 0 7262 2898 2)
3pp D joinery, furniture and the like. To be used in conjunc-
Amdt 1 May 1986 X tion with AS 1473.2, which contains general require- AS/NZS 1486:1993
Covers pipes and fittings for use in gas mains and
(SF-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4115 0) Information technology—Program-
services for direct burial and reliner applications, for ming languages—Fortran 90
use with natural gas, LP gas, and air and LP gas mix-
tures. Three types of pipe are provided for: Type 1, AS 1473.5—2001 (ISO/IEC 1539:1991)
Unmodified UPVC, Class 100; Type 2, Modified Finishing machinery—Moulding To run concurrently with AS 1486-1983
(improved impact) UPVC, Class 100 (for use with
machines and routers with rotating 369pp O
pressures up to 100 kPa and temperatures of 40°C), Specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of pro-
and Type 3, Modified (high ductility) UPVC, Class tool 53pp J grams in the Fortran language and consists of the specifi-
100 and 450 (for use with pressure up to 100 kPa for Specifies the safety requirements for the design, man- cation of the language. This Standard is identical with, and
Class 450 and temperature of 40°C). Dimensions and ufacture, safeguarding and use of moulding and rout- has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 1539:1991.
performance requirements are specified. ing machines used in the manufacture of components (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8245 6)
(PL-025) (ISBN 0 7262 3449 8) for joinery, furniture and the like. To be read in con-
junction with AS 1473.2, which contains general re-
quirements. AS 1486—1983
AS 1469—1983
(SF-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4116 9) Programming language FORTRAN
Acoustics—Methods for the determi-
nation of noise rating numbers (ISO 1539:1979)
AS 1473—1991 To run concurrently with AS/NZS 1486:1993
(ISO 1996) 9pp C Guarding and safe use of woodwork- 424pp L
Describes a numerical and graphical method for determin-
ing the noise rating (NR) number from the measured set of ing machinery 39pp H Specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of
nine octave band sound pressure levels pertaining to the Specifies minimum requirements for the guarding and safe computer programs expressed in the FORTRAN language.
noise in a given environment. use of powered machines which cut or abrade wood, wood It consists of a full language and a subset language. Its pur-
(AV-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2943 1) products and like materials, to be observed by employers, pose is to promote portability of FORTRAN programs for
trainers, employees, designers, makers and suppliers of use on a variety of data processing systems. It is identical
woodworking machinery and other persons having an in- in content and format with ISO 1539:1979 which in turn is
AS 1470—1986 terest in woodworking machine operations. Chainsaws, an endorsement of ANSI X3.9-1978.
Health and safety at work—Principles and machinery used in the milling of raw sawlogs, together (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2945 8)
and practices 34pp G with debarkers and log peelers are not included.
Outlines the general procedures which should be followed, (SF-007) (ISBN 0 7262 7002 4) AS/NZS 1491:1996
in addition to relevant statutory requirements, to ensure the Finger jointed structural timber
health and safety and well-being of persons in the work- AS 1476—1974 (BS EN 385:1995) 17pp F
place. Recommendations are made on responsibilities, Metric wood screws
principles, techniques and strategies for control, organiza- Specifies requirements for bonded finger joints and mini-
tional arrangements, placement and training of personnel, Obsolescent 23pp D mum requirements for the manufacture of cut, interlock-
supervision, occupational health services, general require- Covers screws in diameters from numbers 2 to 18 and ing, bonded finger joints in structural timber members. Re-
ments for the working environment and machinery, plant lengths up to 120 mm. The head varieties are countersunk, quirements are given for timber, adhesive, moisture
and equipment, storage and handling of materials, control raised countersunk and round. Materials and mechanical content, cutting, bonding and preservative treatments and
of harmful chemicals, protection against fire and explo- properties are included for steel, brass, aluminium alloy, flame retardant treatments. This Standard is only applica-
sion, vehicle operation and personal protective equipment. silicon bronze and 18/8 stainless steel. Preferred diameter/ ble to finger joints between timber members of the same
An appendix lists the Australian Standards specifying de- length combinations, and details of recess penetration species type. Based on and technically equivalent to BS
tailed requirements for particular operations and equip- gauging for 'Pozidriv ' cross recesses are given in appendi- EN 385:1995.
ment, and includes references to other appropriate refer- ces. (TM-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0444 1)
ence material. (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7262 0245 2)
(SF-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4413 9) AS 1499—1996
AS/NZS 1477:1999 Personal flotation devices—Type 2
AS 1472—1991 PVC pipes and fittings for pressure 8pp C
Carbon steel spring wire for mechani- applications 29pp H Specifies requirements for personal flotation devices de-
cal springs Specifies requirements for PVC pipes and fittings for pres- signed to assist flotation during short term immersion in
sure applications for use below ground or above ground, sheltered waters during daylight hours, and intended for
(ISO 8458.2-1989) 9pp D where they are not exposed to direct sunlight.
Specifies requirements for carbon steel spring wire of participants in aquatic sports such as canoeing or sail-
(PL-021) (ISBN 0 7337 2785 9) boarding where the wearer requires freedom of movement
round cross-section for mechanical springs, supplied in
hard-drawn, drawn galvanized, oil-hardened and temper- and is able to swim in the event of capsize or immersion.
ed, or soft-drawn condition. AS 1478 Appendices include comparative test methods for ade-
Chemical admixtures for concrete, quately supporting the wearer in water.
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6499 7)
(CS-060) (ISBN 0 7337 0123 X)
mortar and grout
AS 1473 AS 1502—1976
Woodprocessing machinery - Safety AS 1478.1—2000
Admixtures for concrete 47pp I Glossary of terms used in X-ray spec-
AS 1473.1—2000 Sets out the requirements for chemical admixtures to troscopy
Primary timber milling machinery be added to concrete mixes incorporating portland Reconfirmed 1989 20pp C
and blended cements. Defines terms under headings: general, radiation, disper-
54pp J (BD-033) (ISBN 0 7337 3513 4) sion, and detection.
Specifies safety requirements for the design, manu- (CH-016) (ISBN 0 7262 1010 2)
facture, guarding and use of machinery for the prima-
ry milling of saw logs. AS 1482—1985
(SF-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3592 4) Electrical equipment for explosive at- AS 1506
mospheres—Protection by ventila- Preferred linear density of yarn in tex
AS 1473.2—2001 tion—Type of protection v 17pp E units
Finishing machinery—Common re- Specifies requirements for the protection by ventilation of
quirements 77pp K electrical equipment in explosive atmospheres. Section 1 AS 1506.1—1978
deals with gas or vapour dilution and point extraction ven- Cotton
Specifies requirements which are common to all tilation of buildings and rooms; and Section 2 design, con-
classes of wood for the design, manufacture, guarding struction and testing of ventilation systems required to re- Reinstated 1998 2pp B
and use of machines for the manufacture of compo- duce the temperature of electrical power equipment by Provides a list of preferred linear densities, based on
nents for furniture joinery and the like. The Standard heat dissipation. the Renard principle and suitably rounded to provide
does not apply to machines used for the primary mill- (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 3907 0) a yarn linear density compatible with spinning prac-
ing of saw logs into sawn green timber products. tice. Fine spun yarns are not covered.
(SF-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3720 X) (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 1493 0)
AS 1485—1983
AS 1473.3—2001 Safety and health in workrooms of ed-
ucational establishments 39pp G AS 1507—1980
Finishing machinery—Circular Sets out recommendations related to the safety and health Road tars for pavements 8pp C
sawing machines 64pp K of all persons involved in activities in workrooms of Specifies classification and grading on the basis of viscos-
Specifies safety requirements for the design, manu- schools, colleges and universities. It provides general ity at 50°C, and properties for tars from a range of sources.
facture, safeguarding and use of circular sawing ma- guidelines for administrators, instructors and students on Appendices set out purchasing guidelines and methods for
chines used in the manufacture of components for fur- safe working practices and accident prevention methods sampling. For testing refer to AS 2341.
niture, joinery and the like. To be used in conjunction and lists the appropriate considerations to be given to the (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 2067 1)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1512—1996 AS/NZS 1518:2002 sion includes additional welded-type clamp liner and
gasket dimensions.
Personal flotation devices—Type 1 External extruded high-density-poly- (FT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3747 1)
8pp C ethylene coating system for pipes
Specifies requirements for personal flotation devices with 33pp H AS 1530
a high level of buoyancy designed to maintain the wearer Provides requirements for use by purchasers and manufac-
in a safe floating position and intended for use aboard turers of steel pipeline systems, for external protection of
Methods for fire tests on building ma-
pleasure boats which may venture beyond sheltered wa- pipeline systems against corrosion, by a method of annular terials, components and structures
ters, and in other situations where water conditions or inju- or laterally extruded layer of high-density polyethylene
ry may impede the wearer's ability to swim. Appendices over a sealant layer. Operating temperatures are in the AS 1530.1—1994
include comparative test methods for the maintenance of a range of -20°C to 55°C.
safe floating position. Combustibility test for materials
(ME-038) (ISBN 0 7337 4090 1)
(CS-060) (ISBN 0 7337 0124 8) 21pp F
Sets out a test method for determining the combusti-
AS/NZS 1519:1997 bility of building materials and is one of a series of
AS 1515 Information and documentation—In- test methods for evaluating the potential fire hazard of
Copper alloys ternational standard book numbering building products. This fire test was developed for
use by those responsible for selection of construction
(ISBN) materials which, although not completely inert, pro-
AS 1515.1—1994 (ISO 2108:1992) 7pp C duce only a limited amount of heat and flame when
Determination of lead in copper al- Specifies the construction of an international standard exposed to temperatures of approximately 750°C.
loys (flame atomic absorption book number and the location of the printed number on the This revision aligns the test method more closely with
spectrometric method) 6pp C publication. Australian and New Zealand practice is de- ISO 1182:1990 but specifies combustibility criteria
scribed in annexes. This Standard is identical with and has necessary for regulatory purposes.
Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric been reproduced from ISO 2108:1992. (FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 8194 8)
method for the determination of lead content between (IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1211 8)
0.01% and 10% in copper alloys containing a maxi-
mum of 10% aluminium, 80% copper, 5% iron, 5% AS 1530.2—1993
manganese, 40% nickel, 3% silicon, 10% tin and 40% AS 1521—1976 Test for flammability of materials
zinc. Grid system for printed circuits 8pp C
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8983 3) (IEC 97:1970) Amdt 1 July 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8332 0) X
Reconfirmed 1988 4pp B Specifies the apparatus and test method for determin-
AS 1515.2—1994 Specifies grid systems for printed circuits to facilitate in- ing the flammability index of a material. Main chang-
Determination of manganese con- terchangeability of components for mounting on printed es in this edition of the Standard are the inclusion of
circuit boards. Two grid systems are specified, one on a a statistical evaluation of the test results, a change to
tent—Flame atomic absorption the speed factor formula so that the flammability in-
2.54 mm grid and the other on a 0.1 mm grid extended in
spectrometric method 5pp C both directions. The Standard is technically identical with dices form a continuous range and a more detailed
Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric IEC Publication 97:1970. form of test report.
method for the determination of manganese content (TE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 1011 0) (FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 8058 5)
between 0.002% and 2.1% in copper alloys contain-
ing a maximum of 10% aluminium, 80% copper, 5% AS/NZS 1530.3:1999
iron, 30% nickel, 3% silicon, 10% tin and 40% zinc. AS 1523—1981
Elastomeric bearings for use in struc- Simultaneous determination of ig-
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8985 X)
tures 35pp G nitability, flame propagation, heat
AS 1515.3—1989 Covers a range of laminated and rectangular bearings man- release and smoke release
ufactured from natural rubber, ranging in capacity from 30pp H
Determination of silver content— 280 to 9000 kN. Tables set out dimensions and predicted Describes a single test method for grading building
Flame atomic absorption spectro- performances for the bearings, and appendices give the materials on the basis of ignition tendency, flame
metric method 3pp B background to the design method used in calculation of the spread, heat development and tendency to produce
tables. Methods of test for the bearings are also included in smoke. Apparatus, test procedure, indices for grading
Sets out a flame atomic absorption spectrometric an appendix together with acceptance criteria for complet-
method for determining silver in copper alloys in the and mounting procedures for specimen materials are
ed bearings. provided.
range 0.002% to 0.15%. It differs from the previous
edition principally in changing the lower end of the (CE-017) (ISBN 0 7262 2145 7) (FP-018) (ISBN 0 7337 2896 0)
application range from 0.001% to 0.002% and inclu-
sion of new precision data to cover the application AS 1528 AS 1530.3—1989
range. Tubes (stainless steel) and tube fit- Simultaneous determination of ig-
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5881 4) tings for the food industry nitability, flame propagation, heat
release and smoke release
AS 1515.4—1978 AS 1528.1—2001 13pp D
Method for the electrolytic determi- Tubes 5pp D Amdt 1 April 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7399 6) X
nation of copper in wrought and Specifies material, process of manufacture, dimen- Describes a single test for grading building materials
cast copper alloys sion and tolerances, welded tubing, surface finish, hy- on the basis of ignition tendency, flame spread, heat
Reconfirmed 1989 10pp B gienic requirements, heat treatment, internal pressure development and tendency to produce smoke. Appa-
testing, visual inspection, packaging, condition of de- ratus, test procedure and indices for grading are pro-
Applies to determination of copper in alloys with cop- livery and marking of tubes. vided.
per content 50 to 95%. The copper in solution after (FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 5867 9)
electrodeposition is complete is determined by atom- (FT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3744 7)
ic absorption spectroscopy.
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1548 1) AS 1528.2—2001 AS 1530.4—1997
Screwed couplings 41pp I Fire-resistance tests of elements of
AS 1515.5—1987 Specifies the requirements for screwed couplings. building construction
Determination of cadmium—Flame Section 1 applies to recessed ring joint type. Section See also AS 1530.4-1990 40pp H
2 applies to trapezoidal threads type. These couplings Sets out test procedures and criteria for the determi-
atomic absorption spectrometric are used for effecting joins in pipelines in food nation of fire-resistance of elements of building con-
method 3pp B processing plants. Both sections propose dimensions, struction. Follows the basic principles and provisions
Sets out a flame absorption method for the determina- tolerances, surface roughness materials, assembling contained in ISO 834:1975.
tion of cadmium in copper alloys in the range of 0.1 and hygienic requirements for both welded-type and (FP-018) (ISBN 0 7337 1545 1)
to 1.5%. The method is suitable for the Copper Devel- expanded-type male parts and liners and for nuts, ring
opment Association specification C162 for cadmium joints or gaskets. In this revision new dimensions
copper. have been included. Appendices irrelevant for the in- AS 1530.4—1990
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4605 0)
dustry with changing technologies have been deleted. Fire-resistance tests of elements of
(FT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3745 5) building construction
AS/NZS 1516:1994 Available Superseded See also AS 1530.4-
AS 1528.3—2001 1997 27pp F
The cement mortar lining of pipelines Butt weld tube fittings 9pp E Sets out test procedures and criteria for the determi-
in situ 10pp D Sets out specifications for butt weld tubular fittings nation of fire-resistance of elements of building con-
Specifies the requirements for the cement mortar lining of including bends, tees, reducers, laterals, y-sections struction. Follows the basic principles and provisions
pipelines in situ, by spray application. The lined pipelines and crosses, for incorporation in pipelines in food contained in ISO 834—Fire-resistance tests—Ele-
are intended for the conveyance of wastewater or water in- processing plants. Also sets out dimensional, material ments of Building Construction.
tended for human consumption. and hygienic requirements for these fittings. (FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 5963 2)
(WS-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8993 0) (FT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3746 3)
AS 1530.5—1989
AS 1517—1991 AS 1528.4—2001 Test for piloted ignitability
Tinplate and blackplate 19pp F Clamp liners with gaskets 8pp E (ISO 5657)
Specifies requirements for standard grade cold-reduced Specifies materials, dimensions, tolerances, surface Reconfirmed 1995 29pp F
electrolytic tinplate and cold-reduced blackplate supplied roughness, assembly and hygienic requirements for Specifies a test for examining the ignition character-
in either sheet or coil form. both welded- and extended-type clamp liners and gas- istics of the exposed surfaces of specimens, compos-
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6577 2) kets in pipe couplings for the food industry. The revi- ites or assemblies of building products, not exceeding

AS/NZS 1530.7:1998

70 mm in thickness, when placed horizontally and is of particular interest to overseas industrial machine man- AS/NZS 1546.2:2001
subjected to specified levels of thermal irradiance. ufacturers who wish to market their products in Australia.
(FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 5787 7) (EL-017) (ISBN 0 7262 3563 6) Waterless composting toilets
38pp H
AS/NZS 1530.7:1998 AS 1544 Specfies performance requirements for the assess-
ment of conventional and innovative water compost-
Smoke control door and shutter Methods for impact tests on metals ing toilets, and includes a performance evaluation
assemblies—Ambient and medium test. Also includes guidelines for the safe conduct of
temperature leakage test proce- AS 1544.1—1977 operation and maintenance of waterless composting
Izod toilets.
Reconfirmed 1993 24pp C (WS-013) (ISBN 0 7337 4188 6)
(ISO/CD 5925-1) 11pp D
Sets out test procedures for a method of test for deter- Specifies conditions for carrying out the tests and in-
mining the smoke leakage through doors and shutters. cludes nominal dimensions and tolerances for stand- AS/NZS 1546.3:2001
This Standard is based on but not equivalent to ISO/ ard and subsidiary test pieces and requirements for Aerated wastewater treatment sys-
the testing machine, its installation and initial calibra-
CD 5925-1.
tion. Guidance on the maintenance of the machine tems 20pp G
(FP-018) (ISBN 0 7337 2216 4) and a method for determining friction losses are in- Sets out performance, design, installation, operation
cluded in an appendix. and maintenance requirements for aerated wastewater
AS 1531—1991 (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 1221 4) systems. Includes specifications for testing.
Conductors—Bare overhead — Alu- (WS-013) (ISBN 0 7337 4187 3)
minium and aluminium alloy 12pp E AS 1544.2—1989
Sets out requirements and tests necessary for homogene- Charpy V-notch 9pp C AS/NZS 1547:2000
ous bare electrical conductors for overhead power trans- Specifies procedures for carrying out tests and in- On-site domestic wastewater manage-
mission and constructed of all aluminium and aluminium cludes description of test pieces, requirements for in- ment 148pp N
alloy wires. A range of wire sizes, 2.50 mm to 4.75 mm, stallation, calibration and verification, and mainte-
and their properties are provided. Specifies requirements for on-site domestic wastewater
nance of the testing machine. systems including both primary and secondary wastewater
(EL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6881 X) (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5477 0) treatment units and associated land-application systems.
The Standard gives specific details for septic tanks for do-
AS 1532—1974 AS 1544.3—1975 mestic all-waste, blackwater and greywater; and specific
Short pitch transmission precision details for land-application and absorption systems, in-
Charpy U-notch and keyhole notch cluding conventional trenches and beds, evapo-transpira-
roller chains and chain wheels Reconfirmed 1993 18pp C tion systems, mounds and irrigation areas.
Reconfirmed 1982 22pp D Specifies conditions for carrying out the tests, and in- (WS-013) (ISBN 0 7337 3439 1)
Tabulates metric and imperial dimensions, tolerances, cludes nominal dimensions and tolerances for stand-
measuring loads and minimum breaking loads for preci- ard and subsidiary test pieces and requirements for
sion roller chains of simple and multiplex construction, the testing machine, its installation, and initial cali- AS 1548—1995
suitable for the mechanical transmission of power and al- bration. Guidance on the maintenance of the machine Steel plates for pressure equipment
lied associations. It specifies the tooth gap forms and rim and a method for determining friction losses are in-
cluded in an appendix. 21pp F
profiles of their associated chain wheels.
(MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 0733 0) Amdt 1 July 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9862 X) X
(ME-) (ISBN 0 7262 0209 6)
Amdt 2 April 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1074 3) X
AS 1535—1975 AS 1544.4—1989 Amdt 3 March 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2512 0) X
Calibration of the testing machine Specifies the treatment and tests for the Type 7-490 grade
Moulded plastics household garbage steel. It sets out also the changeability between Types 7-
cans 12pp D 490 and 7-460 grades of steel with the exception of a
Reconfirmed 1986 12pp B Specifies methods for carrying out static calibration slightly higher carbon equivalent used on the Type 7-490
of impact testing machines used for testing metals and grade to achieve a higher strength.
Provides for two classes of can of capacity up to 0.085 also includes requirements for dynamic verification.
cubed on the basis of resistance to impact at low tempera- (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9556 6)
tures, viz. cans tested for impact resistances at -14 to - (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5618 8)
10°C, and cans tested at -2 to 0°C. The cans are also tested AS 1549—1983
at ambient. Also specified are material requirements and AS 1544.5—1981
certain design parameters, and the composition clause in- Assessment of fracture surface ap- Performance of household electrical
cludes requirements for ensuring adequate protection
pearance of steel appliances—Ranges, built-in cooking
against degradation by ultraviolet light. tops and wall-mounted ovens 24pp E
(PL-035) (ISBN 0 7262 0581 8) Reconfirmed 1993 10pp C
Specifies finish, construction details, hob opening dimen-
Describes methods for assessing fracture surface ap- sions, mountings and connection details. Tests include re-
AS 1536—2000 pearance of carbon, carbon-manganese and low alloy sistance of the hob to deformation, strength, and resistance
steel test pieces. Definitions relating to fracture ap- of oven shelves and supports to deflection and deforma-
Cleaning and sanitizing milking equip- pearance and assessment are included along with as- tion, thermal performance of ovens and rotisserie perform-
ment 23pp G sessment charts and tables for percentage crystallinity ance and endurance. Cooking tests are included and tests
Sets out recommended cleaning and sanitizing procedures and fibrosity for different sizes of test pieces. on the performance of catalytic cleaning ovens. Appendi-
for use in milking premises. Procedures are given for (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 2202 X) ces include minimum requirements for a cooking chart.
cleaning and sanitizing items of dairy farm equipment, Requirements for marking and point of sale information
principally milking machines and refrigerated farm milk AS 1545—1976 are included.
tanks. Guidelines on verification and validation of clean- (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 3012 7)
ing are covered in an appendix. Methods for the calibration and grad-
(FT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3562 2) ing of extensometers
Reconfirmed 1989 32pp D AS 1550—1983
AS 1538—1988 Covers five grades of extensometers used in tension and Performance of household electrical
compression testing, grading being in terms of repeatabili- appliances—Hotplates for use in rang-
Cold-formed Steel Structures Code ty of gauge length, and readability, repeatability and accu- es and built-in cooking tops 16pp D
Available Superseded See also AS/NZS racy of indicated extension. The standard methods of cali-
bration used at room temperature for grading purposes are Specifies dimensions for radiant and sealed hotplates and
4600:1996 36pp F connections and hotplates for smooth-top cooking surfac-
described, and the requirements for calibrating devices are
Sets out rules for the use of structural members of cold- stated. Instructions for the issue of reports of calibration es, and lays down requirements for the construction and
formed steel. This Standard is intended to be complemen- performance of each type. Tests include flatness, efficien-
tary to AS 1250-1981, and includes requirements for ma- are included together with recommendations on certain
constructional features of extensometers and the use of cal- cy and boiling times for boiling hotplates, endurance, me-
terial less than 3 mm thick. While the technical require- chanical and thermal shock.
ibrating equipment. Also included are comprehensive ta-
ments of this revision are essentially those of the 1974 bles of grading requirements for a wide range of values of (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 3013 8)
edition, a number of significant amendments have been strain and extension for extensometers of nominal gauge
made. These include unstiffened compression elements, lengths 25, 50, 100 and 200 mm.
provision for web stiffeners, introduction of inelastic re- AS 1551—1983
serve capacity of flexural members, elastic critical stress of (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 0774 8)
Performance of household electrical
laterally unbraced beams, permissible bending stresses in
web, stiffened and unstiffened flanges, web crippling of AS/NZS 1546 appliances—Manually operated con-
beam and axially-loaded compression members. On-site domestic wastewater treat- trols for heating units in ranges, built-
(BD-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5243 4) ment units in cooking tops and wall-mounted ov-
ens 8pp C
AS 1543—1985 AS/NZS 1546.1:1998 Applies to multi-heat switches, energy regulators, and
Electrical equipment of industrial ma- thermostats, including those for ovens, hot-plates and ro-
Septic tanks 60pp J tisseries. Design, construction and marking requirements
chines Specifies a set of performance criteria for septic tanks and a detailed section on performance testing are included.
(IEC 204-1) 26pp F which provide a base against which any septic tank, Appendices include standard dimensions and fixing ar-
Sets out the qualities and performance aspects that will en- conventional or innovative, may be assessed. It also rangements and determination of thermostat operating
sure safety, promote efficient usage, extend life and facili- provides basic specifications covering septic tanks temperature and differential.
tate maintenance. It also sets out the requirements of Aus- made of various materials. These specifications are to (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 3014 6)
tralian Standards which are generally applied by be used by manufacturers and quality assessors for
Australian statutory authorities in respect of the electrical demonstrating compliance of a product with the
equipment of industrial machines designed for connection Standard. AS/NZS 1553
to supply voltages not exceeding 1000 V. For this reason it (WS-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1882 5) Covered electrodes for welding

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 1553.1:1995 cluding prefabricated assemblies required in and wall cladding. It also provides test procedures for
Low carbon steel electrodes for reinforced and precast concrete constructions. the determination of resistance to wind force. An ap-
(WD-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4798 1) pendix gives advice on the provision of roof ventila-
manual metal-arc welding of car- tion.
bon steels and carbon-manganese AS/NZS 1554.4:1995 (BD-040) (ISBN 0 7337 2715 8)
steels 30pp G Welding of high strength quenched
Defines a classification and designation system for and tempered steels 68pp I AS/NZS 1562.3:1996
the electrodes and specifies two series which provide Plastic
minimum weld metal strengths of 410 and 480 MPa. Specifies requirements for the welding of a wide
Provision is made for hydrogen controlled and metal- range of welded construction using high strength See also AS 2424-1991 and AS 2921-1987
enriched electrodes. Requirements are given for size quenched and tempered steels with a specified mini- 16pp E
of electrodes, core wire, flux covering, testing, safety mum yield strength not exceeding 800 MPa. It applies
to statically loaded structures as well as some welds Specifies the procedures for the design and installa-
warnings, packing, marking and storage. Tests in- tion of plastic roof and wall cladding materials.
clude chemical analysis of weld metal, all-weld-metal subject to fatigue conditions, and provides three cate-
tensile and impact tests, butt weld tensile, bend and gories of weld with three differing levels of weld (PL-022) (ISBN 0 7337 0356 9)
impact tests, and a fillet weld test. A hydrogen test quality assurance associated with different types of
and coating moisture absorption resistance test are service to which the welds are subjected. AS 1565—1996
also prescribed. (WD-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0028 4) Copper and copper alloys—Ingots and
(WD-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9457 8) castings 30pp G
AS/NZS 1554.5:1995 Specifies requirements for the manufacture and testing of
AS/NZS 1553.2:1999 Welding of steel structures subject high conductivity copper castings and copper alloy ingots
Low and intermediate alloy steel to high levels of fatigue loading and castings. Includes a coding system for when additional
electrodes for manual metal-arc 62pp I inspection is required, and also includes a guide to alloy se-
(ISBN 0 7337 1990 2) A lection.
welding of carbon steels and low Amdt 1 July 1998
(MT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0624 X)
and intermediate alloy steels Specifies requirements for the welding of steel struc-
41pp I tures subject to fatigue loading exceeding the range
allowed by AS/NZS 1554.1, Structural steel welding, AS 1566—1997
Specifies requirements for covered electrodes which Part 1: Welding of steel structures.
provide weld metal strengths within the range 480 Copper and copper alloys—Rolled flat
(WD-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9399 7) products 17pp F
MPa to 830 MPa. Electrodes are classified on the ba-
sis of the tensile properties of the deposited weld met- Specifies requirements for copper and copper alloy plate,
al, the operational characteristics of the electrode, and AS/NZS 1554.6:1994 rolled bar, sheet, strip and foil for general engineering pur-
the chemical composition of the deposited metal. Pro- Welding stainless steels for struc- poses. It also specifies requirements for copper for electri-
vision is made for hydrogen-controlled and metal-en- tural purposes 74pp J cal purposes (alloys C11000 and C12200) and for automo-
riched electrodes. Requirements are given for sizes of tive radiators (alloy C14410). Chemical composition,
electrodes, core wire, flux covering, testing, safety Provides rules for the welding of a wide range of mechanical properties and manufacturing tolerances are
warnings, packaging, marking and storage. Tests in- welded stainless steel fabrications other than pressure specified, and appendices give purchasing guidelines and
clude chemical analysis of weld metal, all-weld-metal vessels and pressure piping, and it applies to statically information on related composition specifications.
tensile and impact tests, radiography, electrode effi- and dynamically loaded welds. It specifies materials
of construction, weld preparations and weld qualities, (MT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1427 7)
ciency, coating moisture absorptions, hydrogen test
and fillet weld test. Appendices on intended applica- surface finish, heat treatment, qualification of weld-
tions of electrodes, and health and safety require- ing procedures and welding personnel, and fabrica- AS/NZS 1567:1997
tions and inspection requirements for welds related to
ments are included.
stainless steel fabrications made up of combinations Copper and copper alloys—Wrought
(WD-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2872 3) of stainless steel plate, sheet, sections (including hol- rods, bars and sections
low sections and built-up sections), castings and forg- (ISO 1637:1987) 18pp F
AS/NZS 1553.3:1996 ings, by arc welding processes. Specifies requirements for wrought copper and copper al-
Corrosion-resisting chromium and (WD-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8652 4) loy rods, bars and sections, including hollow sections, hav-
chromium-nickel steel electrodes ing a diameter or width across flats of not less than 1.6 mm,
33pp G AS/NZS 1559:1997 for machining and general purposes other than forging. It
Hot-dip galvanized steel bolts with as- contains a table which relates the alloy designations with
Specifies requirements for covered stainless steel other common designations.
electrodes for manual metal arc welding. Covers elec- sociated nuts and washers for tower (MT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1093 X)
trodes in which chromium content exceeds 10.5% and construction 24pp G
nickel content does not exceed 50%. The Standard is Specifies dimensional material and marking requirements
based on ANSI/AWS A5.4, Specification for covered for single nut and double nut hot-dip galvanized steel bolts AS/NZS 1568:1998
corrosion-resisting chromium and chromium-nickel with associated nuts and washers for tower construction Copper and copper alloys—Forging
steel welding electrodes.
(WD-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0557 X)
with ISO metric coarse pitch series threads in diameters stock and forgings 9pp D
from 12 mm to 30 mm inclusive and lengths up to 160 mm Specifies requirements for copper and copper alloy
for single nut bolts, 125 mm for double nut bolts and from wrought or cast forging stock, and forgings for general en-
AS/NZS 1554 180 mm to 270 mm for step bolts. Clamping lengths are gineering purposes. Chemical composition, mechanical
Structural steel welding tabulated in an appendix and equations for the determina- properties and manufacturing tolerances are specified, and
tion of the clamping lengths are given. appendices give purchasing guidelines and information on
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 1133 2) related composition specifications.
AS/NZS 1554.1:2000
(MT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2199 0)
Welding of steel structures AS 1560—1989
94pp L Guidance for the mounting of discrete AS 1569—1998
Specifies requirements for the welding of steel struc- electronic components on printed
tures made up of combinations of steel plate, sheet or Copper and copper alloys—Seamless
sections, including hollow sections and built-up sec- boards tubes for heat exchangers 15pp E
tions, or castings and forgings. It is limited to the (IEC 321:1970) 16pp D Specifies requirements for round seamless copper and cop-
welding of steel parent material with a specified min- Provides guidance to the designer, manufacturer and user per alloy heat exchanger tubes for use in condensers, evap-
imum yield strength not exceeding 500 MPa. It does of discrete components intended for mounting on printed orators, heaters and coolers. Provision is also made for heat
not apply to oxyacetylene, friction, thermoset or re- boards by conventional plain holes or plated-through-hole exchanger tube for pressure equipment. Tube may be sup-
sistance welding processes or to the welding of pres- techniques. Consideration is given to the type of board, di- plied as straight lengths or U-bends, with outside diameters
sure vessels or pressure piping. mensions, layout and space requirements for the most ef- of 6.35 mm and above.
(WD-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3483 9) fective use of available space and the need for a coherent (MT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2112 5)
electronic circuit.
AS 1554.2—1993 (TE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5462 2)
AS/NZS 1571:1995
Stud welding (steel studs to steel) Copper—Seamless tubes for aircondi-
20pp F AS 1562
Design and installation of sheet roof tioning and refrigeration 5pp C
Specifies requirements for the welding of steel studs Specifies requirements for round, seamless copper tubes
to steel elements, other than pressure vessels, by the and wall cladding manufactured from phosphorus-deoxidized copper con-
stud welding technique. It provides for welded studs taining high residual phosphorus (UNS alloy C12200) in-
used as shear connectors in composite steel/concrete AS 1562.1—1992 tended for use in airconditioning and refrigeration. Re-
construction or as concrete anchors, or used for at- Metal 11pp D quirements including chemical composition, hardness,
tachment of members or appurtenances to steel mem- grain size and manufacturing tolerances are specified.
bers. It is based on the American Welding Society Amdt 1 July 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8334 7) X
Structural Welding Code (ANSI/AWS D1.1). Amdt 2 September 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9948 0) X (MT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0140 X)
(WD-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7914 5) Specifies requirements for the design and installation
of all classes of self-supporting sheet metal roof and AS 1572—1998
AS/NZS 1554.3:2002 wall cladding for both cyclone and non-cyclone re- Copper and copper alloys—Seamless
Welding of reinforcing steel (BD-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7582 4) tubes for engineering purposes
55pp J 16pp F
Specifies requirements for the welding of reinforcing AS/NZS 1562.2:1999 Specifies requirements for round, square and rectangular
steel used in concrete structures that are designed and seamless copper and copper alloy tubes for general engi-
constructed in accordance with AS 3600 or NZS
Corrugated fibre-reinforced ce- neering purposes. Chemical composition, mechanical and
3101.1, as well as other Standards that may be appro- ment 18pp F other properties, and manufacturing tolerances are speci-
priate. It also applies to the welding of steel connec- Sets out requirements for the materials, design and in- fied.
tion devices, inserts, anchors and anchor details, in- stallation of corrugated fibre-reinforced cement roof (MT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2218 0)

AS/NZS 1573:1995

AS/NZS 1573:1995 AS 1579—2001 AS 1580.107.1—1992

Copper and copper alloys—Wire for Arc-welded steel pipes and fittings for Determination of wet film thick-
engineering purposes 9pp D water and waste-water 32pp H ness from dry film mass 2pp B
Specifies requirements for copper and copper alloy wire Specifies requirements for arc welded steel pipes and fit- Specifies a procedure for determining the wet film
for general engineering purposes supplied in forms other tings, with butt-welded seams, having diameters equal to thickness of a coating from its dry film mass.
than straight lengths. Requirements including chemical or greater than 100 mm nominal size (DN 100), intended (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7201 9)
composition, mechanical properties and dimensional toler- for the conveyance of water and waste water at pressures
ances are specified. up to 6.8 MPa, and for use as piles.
(MT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0139 6) AS/NZS 1580.107.2:1995
(WS-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3941 5)
Determination of wet film thick-
AS/NZS 1574:1996 AS/NZS 1580 ness from wet film mass 3pp B
Copper and copper alloys—Wire for Specifies a procedure for the determination of the wet
Paints and related materials—Meth- film thickness of a paint coating from its wet film
electrical purposes 12pp E ods of test mass.
Specifies requirements for three grades of copper wire, (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9766 6)
which may be plain or tinned and one grade of copper alloy
wire for general electrical purposes, supplied in forms oth- AS/NZS 1580.0:1996
er than straight lengths. It does not apply to wires intended Introduction and list of methods AS/NZS 1580.107.3:1997
for special applications such as those requiring enamelling
8pp B Determination of wet film thick-
or textile covering, nor does it apply to wires taken from ness by gauge 5pp C
stranded conductors, either bare or covered or from insu- Provides a listing of test methods of the AS/NZS
lated cables and flexible cords. Chemical composition, me- 1580 series of Standards and an alphabetical index. (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1314 9)
chanical and electrical properties and a hydrogen embrit- (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0474 3)
tlement test are specified, and appendices provide AS/NZS 1580.107.8:1995
information on related specifications and testing. AS/NZS 1580.101.1:1999 Application of paint at a nominated
(MT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0399 2) spreading rate by determination of
Conditions of test—Temperature,
humidity and airflow control wet film mass (brush application)
AS/NZS 1576 3pp B
Scaffolding 2pp B
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2650 X) Specifies a procedure for determining the spreading
rate of paint based on the wet film mass of the paint.
AS/NZS 1576.1:1995 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9767 4)
General requirements 14pp E AS 1580.101.3—2002
Sets out design and operational requirements for scaf- Standard procedure for stoving AS/NZS 1580.108.1:1994
folding, except trestle scaffolding, portable ladders 2pp B Determination of dry film thickness
intended to be used as working platforms and elevat-
ing working platforms. (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4912 7) on metallic substrates—Non-de-
(BD-036) (ISBN 0 7262 9410 1) structive methods 5pp C
AS/NZS 1580.101.4:1999 Specifies non-destructive test methods for determin-
AS 1576.2—1991 Conditions of test—Temperature ing the dry film thickness on metallic substrates using
control 1p A magnetic torsion pull-off instruments, magnetic in-
Couplers and accessories 30pp H duction instruments and eddy current instruments.
Amdt 1 November 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7883 1) X (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2651 8) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8971 X)
Specifies requirements for materials, design and per-
formance of couplers and accessories for use with tu- AS/NZS 1580.101.5:1999 AS 1580.108.2—1993
bular scaffolding.
(BD-036) (ISBN 0 7262 7099 7)
Conditions of test—Temperature Dry film thickness—Paint inspec-
and humidity control 1p A tion gauge 4pp C
AS/NZS 1576.3:1995 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2652 6) Provides a procedure for determining the thickness of
Prefabricated and tube-and-cou- a paint coating using a paint inspection gauge.
pler scaffolding 22pp F AS 1580.102.1—2002 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8241 3)
Specifies performance requirements for prefabricated Sampling procedure 3pp C
and tube-and-coupler scaffolding. It is to be read in (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4911 9) AS/NZS 1580.202.1:1995
conjunction with AS/NZS 1576.1. Density 3pp B
(BD-036) (ISBN 0 7262 9411 X) AS/NZS 1580.102.2:1995 Provides a procedure for determining the density of
liquid paint that is not subject to foaming.
In-process sampling 2pp B (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9818 2)
AS 1576.4—1991 Provides information on minimum requirements for
Suspended scaffolding 11pp D sampling paints during manufacture to ensure that the
Amdt 1 November 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7886 6) X sample is representative of the batch. AS/NZS 1580.202.2:1995
Specifies requirements for the materials, design, erec- (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0159 0) Density of water-dispersed paints
tion and dismantling of suspended scaffolds includ- subject to foaming 3pp B
ing the supporting structure. Provides a procedure for determining the density of
(BD-036) (ISBN 0 7262 7102 0)
AS/NZS 1580.103.1:1995
water-dispersed paints that are subject to foaming.
Examination and preparation of (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9769 0)
AS/NZS 1576.5:1995 samples for testing
Prefabricated splitheads and tres- (ISO 1513:1992) 5pp C AS 1580.203.1—1993
tles 14pp E Provides a procedure for the examination of a single Skin formation 2pp B
Specifies requirements for splitheads and trestles that sample and the procedure for preparation by blending Provides a procedure for determining the susceptibil-
are used as supports for temporary platforms. Trestle of multiple samples that are to be tested. Identical ity of a paint to skinning while in storage.
ladders, which are outside the scope of this Standard, with ISO 1513:1992. (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7993 5)
are covered by AS 1892.1 and AS 1892.2. (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9461 6)
(BD-036) (ISBN 0 7262 9412 8) AS/NZS 1580.204.1:1998
AS/NZS 1580.104.1:2000 Fineness of grind 12pp E
AS/NZS 1576.6:2000 Recommended materials for test (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1592 3)
Metal tube-and-coupler scaffold- panels 3pp C
ing—Deemed to comply with AS/ (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3083 3) AS/NZS 1580.205.1:1997
NZS 1576.3 28pp G Application properties—Brushing
Specifies requirements for unsheeted metal tube-and AS 1580.105.1—2002 2pp C
coupler scaffolding that does not exceed 33 m in Pretreatment of metal test panels— (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1593 1)
height and is deemed to comply with the performance
requirements of AS/NZS 1576.3 for light, medium Solvent cleaning 1p A
and heavy duty loads. The Standard does not apply to (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4910 0) AS/NZS 1580.205.2:1997
prefabricated (modular) scaffolds and scaffolding in- Application properties—Conven-
stallations that require specific engineering design to AS 1580.105.2—2002 tional spraying 3pp C
establish the strength of any part of the scaffold or the
adequacy of the supporting structure. Pretreatment of metal test panels— (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1615 6)
(BD-036) (ISBN 0 7337 3484 7) Sanding 2pp B
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4909 7) AS/NZS 1580.205.3:1997
AS 1577—1993 Application properties—Roller
Scaffold planks 25pp G AS/NZS 1580.106.1:1995 coating 3pp C
Specifies requirements for the manufacture and perform- Preparation of timber test panels (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1594 X)
ance of scaffold planks excluding prefabricated platforms.
Specific manufacturing requirements are given for solid for outdoor weathering test 1p A
Provides a procedure for preparing timber test panels
AS/NZS 1580.205.4:1998
timber, vertically laminated timber and metal scaffold
planks. Includes test methods for stiffness, strength, slid- for the outdoor weathering test of AS/NZS Application properties—Airless
ing and slip. 1580.457.1. spraying 3pp B
(BD-036) (ISBN 0 7262 8588 9) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9974 X) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1936 8)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 1580.208.1:1999 AS 1580.302.1—1993 AS 1580.408.2—1993

Thinner compatibility 2pp B Pigment content 3pp B Adhesion—Knife test 3pp B
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2653 4) Provides a procedure for determining the pigment Provides several procedures for determining the ad-
content of solvent-borne paints. hesion of a coating to a metal substrate, by cutting
AS/NZS 1580.211.1:1995 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8003 8) through the substrate in a specified manner.
Degree of settling 2pp B (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8045 3)
Provides a test method for determining the degree of AS/NZS 1580.401.1:1999
settling of samples of paint and related materials. Surface dry condition 2pp B AS 1580.408.4—1993
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9770 4) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2654 2) Adhesion (cross-cut)
(ISO 2409) 5pp C
AS/NZS 1580.211.2:1995 AS 1580.401.3—2002 Provides a procedure for determining the adhesion of
Ease of manual re-incorporation Drying times using a BK-type re- paint coatings using pressure-sensitive adhesive tape.
2pp B corder 5pp D (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8244 8)
Specifies a procedure for assessing the ease of manual (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4908 9)
re-incorporation of paints and related materials. AS/NZS 1580.408.5:1994
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9771 2) AS 1580.401.5—2002 Adhesion—Pull-off test 3pp B
Hard dry condition—Sanding test Provides a test method for quantifying the adhesion of
AS/NZS 1580.213.1:1997 2pp B a coating by determining the greatest pull-off force
sustained normal to the coating.
Relative dry hiding power 6pp C (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4907 0) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8758 X)
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1307 6)
AS 1580.401.6—2002 AS 1580.409.1—2002
AS 1580.213.2—1992 Hard dry condition (mechanical
Dry hiding power—Contrast ratio Resistance to mudcracking 2pp B
thumb test) 4pp D (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4906 2)
(ISO 2814) 4pp C (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4931 3)
Amdt 1 July 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8287 1) X AS 1580.409.2—2002
Specifies a procedure for the quantitative determina- AS/NZS 1580.401.8:1997 Low temperature coalescence
tion of the opacity of a dry, light-coloured paint film. No-pick-up time of road marking
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7204 3) 3pp C
paints 6pp C (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4905 4)
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1311 4)
AS/NZS 1580.214.0:1996
Rheological properties—Guide to AS 1580.409.3—2002
AS 1580.402.1—1992
test methods 6pp C Blocking resistance of latex paint
Bend test
Provides guidance on the suitability of methods in the finishes 3pp C
AS/NZS 1580.214 series of tests for the determina- (ISO 1519:1973) 3pp B (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4904 6)
tion of consistency and viscosity of paints and related Provides a procedure for assessing the ductility of a
materials. paint film by bending a painted panel around a man-
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0749 1) drel. AS 1580.452.1—1992
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7643 X) Resistance to humidity under con-
AS/NZS 1580.214.1:1997 densation conditions
Consistency—Stormer viscome- AS/NZS 1580.403.1:1999 (ISO 6720:1989) 3pp B
ter 9pp D Scratch resistance 3pp C Provides a procedure for determining the resistance
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2655 0) of a scored or unscored paint coating to humidity un-
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1313 0) der water condensation conditions.
AS/NZS 1580.403.2:1994 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7645 6)
AS/NZS 1580.214.2:1996
Consistency—Flow cup 7pp C Abrasion resistance—Taber abras-
er 4pp C AS 1580.452.2—2002
Provides a test procedure for determining the consist- Resistance to corrosion—Salt
ency of paints using a specific type of flow cup. Specifies a method for determining the abrasion re-
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0751 3) sistance to coatings using Taber abraser equipment. droplet test 5pp D
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8922 1) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4903 8)
AS 1580.214.3—1993
Viscosity—Cone-and-plate 7pp C AS/NZS 1580.404.1:1997 AS 1580.453.1—1992
Provides a procedure for determining the viscosity of
Recoating properties 3pp C Resistance to petroleum spirit
paint using the cone-and-plate viscometer. (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1595 8) 2pp B
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8273 1) Provides a procedure for determining the resistance to
AS/NZS 1580.405.1:1996 scratching of a paint coating which has been im-
AS/NZS 1580.214.4:1996 Determination of pencil hardness mersed in petroleum spirit.
of paint film 3pp B (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7646 4)
Consistency—Rotothinner 5pp C
Provides a test procedure for determining the consist- Provides a procedure for determining the relative
ency of paints using a rotothinner testing device. hardness of paint film using pencil leads of a desig- AS 1580.454.1—2002
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0750 5) nated hardness. Resistance to mineral oil and other
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0160 4) organic liquids 3pp C
AS/NZS 1580.214.5:1997 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4902 X)
Consistency—Rotational viscome- AS 1580.406.1—1993
ter 4pp C Resistance to impact—Falling AS/NZS 1580.455.1:1997
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1312 2) weight test (Gardner-type tester) Resistance to water at room tem-
5pp C perature 3pp C
AS/NZS 1580.214.6:1995 Provides a procedure for determining the resistance (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1596 6)
of paint systems to the impact of a hemispherically-
Consistency—ISO flow cups tipped indentor.
(ISO 2431:1993) 10pp D (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8277 4) AS 1580.456.1—1993
Provides a test procedure for determining consistency Resistance to boiling water 2pp B
use ISO style flow cups. Identical with ISO AS 1580.407.1—1993 Provides a procedure for determining the resistance
2431:1993. of a coating to immersion in boiling water.
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9681 3) Heat resistance—Slow cooling (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7994 3)
2pp B
AS 1580.301.1—1992 Provides a procedure for determining the heat resist- AS/NZS 1580.457.1:1996
ance of a coating subjected to an elevated temperature
Non-volatile content by mass followed by slow cooling. Resistance to natural weathering
(ISO 1515) 3pp B (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8278 2) 13pp D
Specifies a procedure for measurement of non-vola- Provides a procedure for determining the durability of
tile content by mass of paints and related materials. AS 1580.407.2—1993 an above ground coating system when subjected to
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7213 2) Heat resistance—Thermal shock natural weathering.
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0161 2)
AS 1580.301.2—1990 3pp B
Provides a procedure for determining the resistance
Non-volatile content by volume of a coating to heat and thermal shock caused by
AS/NZS 1580.459.1:2000
(volume solids) 12pp E quenching in water. Resistance to washing 5pp D
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 6270 6) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8243 X) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3082 5)

AS/NZS 1580.461.1:1995

AS/NZS 1580.461.1:1995 AS 1580.481.5—1993 AS/NZS 1580.601.5:1994

Determination of resistance to yel- Durability and resistance to foul- Calculation of small colour differ-
lowing (dark chamber) 3pp B ing—Marine underwater paint sys- ences using the CMC equation
Specifies procedures for assessing the yellowing tems 8pp D (BS 6923:1988) 5pp C
characteristics of white and pale coloured paints. Amdt 1 July 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8998 1) X Provides a method for calculating small colour differ-
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9707 0) ences between two specimens of the same material,
Provides a procedure for determining the perform- using the CMC formula devised by the Colour Meas-
ance of marine underwater paint systems exposed to urement Committee of the Society of Dyers. Techni-
AS 1580.481.0—1991 a marine environment. cally identical with and reproduced from BS
Guide to assessing paint systems (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7998 6) 6923:1988.
exposed to weathering condi- (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8185 9)
tions 7pp C AS/NZS 1580.482.1:1994
Provides information for assessing the effects of Determination of fastness to light AS/NZS 1580.602.2:1995
weathering tests on painted test panels and guidance of interior paint 2pp B Measurement of specular gloss of
on the AS 1580.481 series of test methods.
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 6946 8) Provides a procedure for assessing the light-fastness non-metallic paint films at 20°, 60°
of interior paint. and 85°
AS 1580.481 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8924 8) (ISO 2813:1994) 8pp D
Coatings Provides procedures for determining the specular
AS/NZS 1580.501.1:1994 gloss of non-metallic paint films using a glossmeter.
Identical with and reproduced from ISO 2813:1994.
AS/NZS 1580.481.1.2:1998 Soluble lead content (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9178 1)
Exposed to weathering—Discol- (ISO 3856-1:1984) 6pp C
ouration (including bronzing) Provides two methods for the determining of lead AS 1580.603.1—2002
3pp B content in test solutions.
Finish—General appearance
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2067 6) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8759 8) 1p A
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4900 3)
AS/NZS 1580.481.1.3:1998 AS/NZS 1580.501.2:1994
Exposed to weathering—Degree of Preparation of acid extracts AS 1583—1973
dirt collection 2pp B (ISO 6713:1984) 6pp C Dental sticky wax
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2068 4) Provides a method for the preparation of acid extracts Reconfirmed 1986 7pp B
required as test solutions for the determination of the Applies to wax for temporarily jointing materials used in
AS/NZS 1580.481.1.4:1998 soluble metal content of paints and related materials. dental procedures. It is not necessarily intended that this
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8757 1) Standard covers materials suitable for use as a tray adhe-
Exposed to weathering—Degree of sive for alginates.
dirt retention (after washing) (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 0158 8)
2pp B AS/NZS 1580.503.1:1994
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2069 2) Determination of water by the Dean AS 1589—2001
and Stark method 2pp B Copper and copper alloy waste fit-
AS/NZS 1580.481.1.5:1999 Provides a procedure for determining the water in tings 44pp I
paint or paint materials using a Dean and Stark appa-
Change in gloss 4pp C ratus complying with AS R25.
Specifies requirements for copper and copper alloy waste
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3001 9) fittings for use in plumbing installations and includes traps,
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8923 X) gullies, waste outlets, gratings and connectors.
(WS-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3514 2)
AS/NZS 1580.481.1.6:1998 AS 1580.504.1—1993
Exposed to weathering—Degree of Metallic zinc content 6pp C AS/NZS 1591
erosion 4pp C Acoustics—Instrumentation for audi-
Provides a procedure for determining the metallic
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2070 6) zinc content in zinc dust and in inorganic zinc silicate ometry
AS/NZS 1580.481.1.7:1998 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8279 0) AS/NZS 1591.1:1995
Exposed to weathering—Degree of Reference zero for the calibration
checking 5pp C AS/NZS 1580.505.1:1996 of pure-tone bone conduction au-
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2071 4) pH of water-based paints 9pp D diometers
AS/NZS 1580.481.1.8:1998
Specifies a referee method and a production for deter- (ISO 389-3:1994) 10pp D
mining the pH of water-based paints. Specifies reference equivalent threshold force levels,
Exposed to weathering—Degree of (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0319 4) essential characteristics of the bone vibrator and lev-
cracking 5pp C els of masking noise applied to the ear not under test.
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2072 2) AS/NZS 1580.601 These are applicable to the calibration of bone vibra-
tors for pure-tone bone conduction audiometry. It is
Colour identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
AS/NZS 1580.481.1.9:1998 389-3:1994.
Exposed to weathering—Degree of AS/NZS 1580.601.1:1995 (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9855 7)
blistering 7pp C Visual comparison 9pp D
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2073 0)
Specifies a procedure for assessing colour in a test
AS 1591.2—1987
light booth. Reference zero for the calibration
AS/NZS 1580.481.1.10:1998 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9533 7) of pure-tone audiometers 2pp B
Exposed to weathering—Degree of Specifies a standard reference zero for the scale of
flaking and peeling 5pp C AS/NZS 1580.601.2:1994 hearing threshold level monaural earphone listening
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2074 9) to pure tones of certain stated frequencies. The infor-
Principles of colour measurement mation applies to the calibration of audiometers and
(ISO 7724-1:1984) 5pp C details the required acoustical response of certain
AS/NZS 1580.481.1.11:1998 types of earphones measured on the wide band artifi-
Exposed to weathering—Degree of Provides colorimetric terms and fundamental require- cial ear or the reference coupler. Obsolete data has
ments necessary for determining the colour coordi- been deleted together with earphone and coupler
chalking 6pp C nates of paint films and related materials. Technically combinations which are no longer in use.
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2075 7) identical with and reproduced from ISO 7724-1:1984.
(AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4623 9)
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8181 6)
AS/NZS 1580.481.1.12:1998 AS/NZS 1591.4:1995
Exposed to weathering—Degree of AS/NZS 1580.601.3:1994 A mechanical coupler for calibra-
colour change 3pp B Methods of colour measurement tion of bone vibrators
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2060 9) 10pp D (IEC 373:1990) 11pp D
Sets out methods for determining the colour coordi- Specifies requirements for mechanical couplers used
AS/NZS 1580.481.1.13:1998 nates of paint films and related materials using a spec- for calibrating bone-conduction audiometers and for
Exposed to weathering—Degree of trophotometer or a tristimulus colorimeter. making measurements on bone vibrators and bone
fungal or algal growth 3pp B (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8182 4) conduction hearing aids in the frequency range from
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2059 5) 125 Hz to 8000 Hz inclusive. It is identical with and
has been reproduced from IEC 373:1990.
AS/NZS 1580.601.4:1994 (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9854 9)
AS 1580.481.3—2002 Calculation of colour differences
Exposed to weathering—Degree of (ISO 7724-3:1984) 4pp C AS 1591.5—1987
corrosion of coated metal sub- Provides a method for the quantitative evaluation of Wide band artificial ear 7pp C
strates 7pp D small colour difference between paint films. Specifies an artificial ear covering the frequency
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4901 1) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8183 2) range 20 Hz to 10 kHz. The artificial ear is intended

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

for use in the calibration of earphones fitted with an AS/NZS 1599:1997 AS 1603.6—1987
earcap designed to press directly on the pinna of the
ear. Pressure-sensitive adhesive packag- Fire alarm bells 9pp D
(AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4509 7) ing tapes 12pp E Specifies design, construction and performance re-
Sets out performance requirements for pressure-sensitive quirements for fire alarm bells used in automatic fire
adhesive packaging tapes commonly used in packaging, detection and alarm systems within buildings or fire
AS/NZS 1594:2002 sealing and labelling operations. detection systems associated with other fire protec-
Hot-rolled steel flat products 20pp G (PK-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1043 3) tion functions. Appendices set out methods for deter-
Specifies requirements for hot-rolled steel plate, floor mining sound pressure level emission, environmental
effects, and the effects of continuous operation.
plate, steel and strip rolled on a continuous mill, in thick- AS 1600 (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4666 2)
nesses up to 8 mm for formability and extra formability
grades, and up to 16 mm for other grades, and for widths Medical equipment—Conical fittings
up to 2000 mm. It includes slit material, provided that the with a 6% (Luer) taper for syringes, AS 1603.7—1996
parent metal has an as-rolled width of not less than 600 needles and certain other medical Optical beam smoke detectors
mm. equipment
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4765 5) 22pp F
AS 1600.1—1988 Amdt 1 11 December 2001
AS/NZS 1595:1998 General requirements (ISBN 0 7337 4176 2) A
Cold-rolled, unalloyed, steel sheet and (ISO 594-1:1986) 7pp B Specifies design and performance requirements and
strip 15pp E methods of test for optical beam smoke detectors.
Specifies requirements for conical fittings with a 6% (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0812 9)
Specifies requirements for cold-rolled, unalloyed, steel (Luer) taper for use with hypodermic syringes and
sheet and strip, supplied as both coil and cut lengths to needles with certain other apparatus for medical use
chemical composition only, or to strength, hardness or such as transfusion and infusion sets. It covers conical AS 1603.8—1996
formability requirements. It also specifies two surface fin- fittings made of rigid and semi-rigid materials and in-
ishes (lustre and matt) and three levels of surface quality. cludes test methods for gauging and performance.
Multi-point aspirated smoke detec-
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2011 0) The Standard is identical with and has been repro- tors 13pp E
duced from ISO 594-1:1986. Specifies the requirements for the design, construc-
(HE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5146 1) tion and performance of aspirated system type smoke
AS/NZS 1596:2002 detectors, used in automatic fire detection and alarm
The storage and handling of LP Gas AS 1602—1988 systems.
139pp L (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0266 X)
Pressure sensitive adhesive filmic
Provides requirements for the location, construction and
operation of installations for the storage and handling of tapes for general office applications AS 1603.11—2001
LP Gas. Special requirements for storage in cylinders and 4pp B Visual warning devices 18pp F
tanks, cylinder filling and automotive filling, and their as- Specifies requirements for pressure sensitive adhesive
sociated operations, are given. filmic tapes suitable for use in general office applications. Specifies requirements for the design and perform-
(ME-015) (ISBN 0 7337 4497 4) (PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4941 6) ance of visual warning devices for use in fire detec-
tion, warning, control and intercom systems.
AS 1603 (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4025 1)
AS/NZS 1596:1997
Storage and handling of LP Gas Automatic fire detection and alarm AS 1603.13—1998
Available Superseded 118pp K systems
Duct sampling units 14pp E
Amdt 1 April 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2591 0) B Specifies the design, construction and performance
Specifies requirements for the location, design, construc- AS 1603.1—1997
requirements for duct sampling units and their inte-
tion, commissioning and operation of installation for the Heat detectors 15pp E gral or associated smoke detectors.
storage and handling of LP gas. Separate sections deal with Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2105 2) X
above-ground and underground storage tanks, cylinder (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1863 9)
supply systems, cylinder filling, automotive filling instal- Specifies requirements for the design, construction
lations and procedures for a wide variety of operations nec- and performance of heat detectors as used in automat- AS 1603.14—2001
essary on or in conjunction with an installation. Appendi- ic fire detection and alarm systems. Includes an indi-
ces cover filling levels, markings, safety valves, locations, cator visibility test and requirements regarding IP rat- Point type carbon monoxide (CO)
line identification, leakage testing, hazardous areas, space ing for detectors intended for installation in locations fire detectors 12pp F
heaters, decanting procedures, emergency plans, refuel- where they will be exposed to moisture.
Specifies requirements for the design, construction
ling, fire protection, and driver instruction signs. (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0871 4) and performance of carbon monoxide fire detectors.
(ME-015) (ISBN 0 7337 1309 2) (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4186 X)
AS 1603.2—1997
AS 1597 Point type smoke detectors AS 1603.15—2002
Precast reinforced concrete box cul- 10pp D Remote indicators 6pp D
verts Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2109 5) X Specifies the design, construction and functional re-
Specifies the requirements for the design, construc- quirements for remote indicators for use with actuat-
tion and performance of point type smoke detectors as ing devices.
AS 1597.1—1974 used in automatic fire detection and alarm systems.
Small culverts (not exceeding 1200 (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4518 0)
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0870 6)
mm width and 900 mm depth)
AS 1603.3—1996 AS 1603.16—2002
Made Obsolescent July 1997 19pp C
Applies to one-piece and two-piece type rectangular Heat alarms 11pp D In situ testers 5pp D
culverts used for conveying water not under pressure Specifies the requirements for the design, construc- Specifies the requirements for the design, construc-
and for carrying highway vehicle loadings, installed tion and performance of electrically energized heat tion and performance of in situ testers for point type
with the top under a height of fill not exceeding 1600 alarms, containing both detection and alarm facilities, detectors.
mm inclusive of pavement if any. Materials, dimen- that are intended for use in conjunction with smoke (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4517 2)
sions and tolerances, marking, inspection and testing alarms.
are specified, with test procedures in appendices. (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0845 5) AS 1604
(CE-026) (ISBN 0 7262 0199 5)
Specification for preservative treat-
AS 1603.4—1987 ment
AS 1597.2—1996 Control and indicating equipment
Large culverts (from 1500 mm span Available Superseded See also AS 4428.1- AS 1604.1—2000
and up to and including 4200 mm 1998 32pp F
span and 4200 mm height) 82pp J Sawn and round timber 33pp H
Amdt 1 June 1988 X Amdt 1 2 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3823 0) X
Specifies requirements for the design, testing, manu- Amdt 2 October 1989 (ISBN 0 7262 5519 X) A
facture and installation of precast reinforced concrete Specifies requirements for preservative treatment of
Specifies the facilities and functions which must be sawn and round timber for protection against decay,
rectangular box culverts, for conveying water not un- provided to enable a system to identify a fire condi-
der pressure and for carrying roadway and railway insect or marine borer attack for allexposure condi-
tion, control fire warning and suppression systems, tions throughout Australia.Updates the retention lev-
loadings. and transmit an alarm signal to a remote receiving sta- els for ammoniacal copper quaternary (ACQ)in haz-
(CE-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0267 8) tion. Mechanical and electrical performance require- ard classes H3 and H4,includes copper azole
ments are detailed in addition to the form and content treatment for hazard classes H3 and H4,and preserva-
AS 1597.2 Supplement 1—1997 of the operator's manual. tive specification for high temperature creosote orig-
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4667 0) inally given in AS 1143-1973. The description of the
Large culverts (from 1500 mm span newly included preservatives is added into Appendix
and up to and including 4200 mm AS 1603.5—1996 B. Appendix C provides information on the allocation
span and 4200 mm height)—Com- Manual call points 8pp D and registration of treatment plant numbers and pre-
mentary (Supplement to AS 1597.2- servative code numbers, and includes a new flow
Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2106 0) X chart showing the procedures for preservative regis-
1996) 31pp F Specifies the requirements for the design and per- tration in National Registration Authority. The updat-
Provides additional information on box culverts de- formance of manually operated call points for use in ed matural durability rating of timber species is given
sign and installation in relation to AS 1597.2. fire detection and alarm systems. in Appendix F.
(CE-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0982 6) (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0261 9) (TM-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3333 6)

AS/NZS 1604.2:2002

AS/NZS 1604.2:2002 uses, instructions to personnel and sign maintenance. This AS 1627.2—2002
edition provides, for the first time, for the use of symbolic
Reconstituted wood-based prod- safety signs as an alternative to text type safety signs, and Power tool cleaning
ucts 10pp E also for all retroreflective signs to be manufactured from (ISO 8504-3:1993) 4pp D
Provides a specification for preservative treatment of Class 1 material to AS 1906. Appendices deal with designs Describes methods for hand tool and power tool
reconstituted wood-based products for protection for particular signs, sign wording, and sign lettering. cleaning of steel substrates before application of
against decay or insect attack. It covers preservative (SF-005) (ISBN 0 7262 3679 9) paints and related products. It applies both to new
treatment of particleboard, oriented strand board steelwork and to steel surfaces that have been coated
(OSB), and combinations of these materials. It speci- previously and that show areas of breakdown requir-
fies preservative penetration patterns and the preserv- AS 1617
ing maintenance painting. It describes the equipment
ative retention requirements suitable for each of haz- Refractory bricks and shapes to be used and the procedure to be followed. This
ard classes H1 to H3. Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
(TM-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4181 9) AS 1617.1—1993 from ISO 8504-3:1993.
Fireclay 4pp C (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4415 X)
AS/NZS 1604.3:2002 Amdt 1 July 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9034 3) X
Plywood 22pp G Specifies requirements for machine-made fireclay re- AS 1627.4—2002
Provides a specification for preservative treatment of fractory bricks and shapes. Abrasive blast cleaning
plywood product for protection against decay or in- (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 8090 9)
sect attack. It specifies the bond type, preservative (ISO 8504-2:2000) 13pp F
penetration patterns, and the preservative retention Describes abrasive blast cleaning methods for the
requirements suitable for each of hazard classes H1 to AS 1617.2—1993 preparation of steel surfaces before coating with
H6. Insulating 3pp B paints and related products. It also contains informa-
(TM-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4182 7) Amdt 1 July 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9035 1) X tion on the effectiveness of the individual methods
and their fields of application. This standard is identi-
Specifies requirements for machine-made insulating cal with and has been reproduced from ISO 8504-
AS/NZS 1604.4:2002 refractory bricks produced from clays, diatomaceous 2:2000.
Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) earth, exfoliated vermiculite, expanded fireclay grog,
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4414 1)
21pp G bubble alumina, perlite or other suitable materials.
Provides a specification for preservative treatment of (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 8538 2)
laminated veneer lumber (LVL) for protection
AS 1627.5—1994
against decay or insect attack. It specifies the bond AS 1617.3—1993 Pickling, descaling and oxide re-
type, preservative penetration patterns, and the pre- High alumina 3pp B moval 15pp E
servative retention requirements suitable for each of
hazard classes H1 to H5. Amdt 1 July 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9036 X) X Specifies procedures for the pickling, descaling and
oxide removal for both ferrous and non-ferrous met-
(TM-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4183 5) Specifies requirements for machine-made high alu- als and alloys using acid or alkaline solutions. It gives
mina refractory bricks and shapes. advice on preliminary cleaning, rinsing and drying
AS/NZS 1604.5:2002 (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 8539 0) procedures, and requirements for safety precautions
Glued laminated timber products and for the surface condition after treatment.
17pp F AS 1617.4—1993 (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8852 7)
Provides a specification for preservative treatment for Silica 2pp B
protection against decay or insect attack upon glue- Amdt 1 July 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9037 8) X AS 1627.6—1994
laminated timber product. Specifies preservative pen- Specifies requirements for refractory bricks and Chemical conversion treatment of
etration patterns, and the preservative retention re- shapes having a maximum free quartz content of 5% metals 26pp G
quirements suitable for each of hazard classes H1 to by mass and produced essentially from silcrete
H4. quartzite and ganister. Specifies requirements and procedures for the chem-
(TM-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4184 3) (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 8540 4) ical conversion treatment of metals. This Standard in-
cludes phosphate conversion of ferrous and non-fer-
rous metals, and chromate conversion of aluminium
AS/NZS 1605:2000 AS 1617.5—1993 alloys. Appendices give test methods and processing
Methods for sampling and analysing Magnesite, chrome 3pp B information.
timber preservatives and preserva- Amdt 1 July 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9038 6) X (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8622 2)
tive-treated timber 74pp K Specifies requirements for machine-made, basic re-
Sets out a series of methods for sampling and analysing fractory bricks. Classification, dimensional toleranc- AS 1627.9—2002
timber preservatives and preservative-treated timber. es, texture and surface appearance, and permanent di- Pictorial surface preparation
Methods are grouped into five sections, i.e. sampling pre- mensional change are specified.
servative liquids and preservative-treated timber, determi- standards for painting steel surfac-
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 8541 2)
nation of preservative penetration, analysis of preservative es 2pp B
retention, analysis of preservative solution concentration, Provides requirements for the designation of rust
and determination of presence of sapwood. Appendices AS 1618—1993 grades and the definition of preparation grades of
give examples of a test certificate and means for demon- Dimensions and preferred sizes for re- steel surfaces by reference to ISO 8501-1:1988. A
strating compliance with this Standard. fractory bricks 15pp E copy of ISO 8501-1:1988 is essential to the applica-
(TM-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3334 4) Specifies a range of preferred nominal sizes for refractory tion of this Standard. Existing users of AS 1627.9
bricks. Methods for determining dimensions are included. should retain their 1989 edition, which is an endorsed
AS 1609—1981 (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 8542 0) copy of ISO 8501-1:1988, and use it in conjunction
with this Standard. New users may purchase a copy of
Eye protectors for motor cyclists and ISO 8501-1 from Standards Australia.
racing car drivers 12pp C AS 1625—1976 (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4412 5)
Amdt 1 August 1982 X Dental wrought gold alloys
Specifies material, optical quality and mechanical Reconfirmed 1989 6pp B
strength. Provision is made for the limited use of tinted AS 1627.9—1989
lenses. Test methods are in appendices. Applies to wrought gold alloys in the form of wire or strip Pictorial surface preparation
for prosthetic and orthodontic purposes. Classification,
(CS-076) (ISBN 0 7262 2318 2) composition, sampling, fusion temperature, mechanical standards for painting steel surfac-
properties, and marking of packages are specified. es
AS 1612—1999 (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 0967 8) (ISO 8501-1:1988) $440.00 Retail
Paper sizes $330.00 Member
(ISO 216:1975 ISO 217:1995) 9pp D AS 1627 Using colour photographs, the Standard describes
Specifies designations and sizes for trimmed writing paper Metal finishing—Preparation and pre- four grades of rust for steel surfaces, and a number of
and untrimmed paper, as well as the method of expressing preparation grades achievable when preparing a sur-
of dimensions. This Standard is based on, but not equiva- treatment of surfaces
face by either blast cleaning, hand and power tool
lent to, and reproduced from ISO 216:1975 and ISO cleaning, or flame cleaning methods. The Standard
217:1995. It also contains excerpts from ISO 353:1975. AS 1627.0—1997 ISO 8501-1:1988 is based on Swedish Standard SIS
(IT-018) (ISBN 0 7337 2573 2) Method selection guide 11pp D 05 59 00:1967 and DIN 55 928, Part 4, Supplement
Gives guidance for the selection and application of 1:1978. In addition to the photographic examples
AS 1613—1997 the other parts of AS 1627, which cover methods for present in the superseded Standard, it contains four
photographs and descriptions of flame-cleaned sur-
Timber—Colours for marking F- the preparation and pretreatment of metal surfaces
grades 1p A prior to the application of a protective coating.
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1464 1) (MT-009)
Lists 10 colours and associated F-grades for the marking of
graded timber (visually or by machine). The colours are
referenced to colours specified in AS 2700 which applies AS 1627.1—1989 AS 1628—1999
to pigmented paints. Cleaning using liquid solvents and Water supply—Metallic gate, globe
(TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0893 5) and non-return valves 22pp G
alkaline solutions 6pp B
Provides methods using a wide range of solutions and Amdt 1 1 November 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4163 0) X
AS 1614—1985 solvent vapour cleaning for removing soluble or Specifies requirements for metallic gate, globe and non-re-
The design and use of reflectorized loosely adherent oil, grease, wax, dirt, perspiration turn valves of nominal sizes DN 8 to DN 100 for use in hot
signs for mines and tunnels 9pp D and like matter from metal. Also provides require- and cold water applications where the operating tempera-
Covers classes of sign, sign colours, sign design and size, ments for the treated surface. ture does not exceed 99°C.
sign construction, erection and removal, sign location, sign (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5454 1) (WS-022) (ISBN 0 7337 3036 1)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1631—1994 AS/NZS 1635.7.1:1995 procedures for both dynamic and static testing. A the-
oretical analysis of roll-over protective structures,
Cast grey and ductile iron non-pres- Unwind force 3pp B which would provide equivalent performance to
sure pipes and fittings 20pp F Sets out the method for determining the force re- physical testing, is included.
Specifies performance and general requirements for grey quired to unwind pressure-sensitive adhesive tape (ME-065) (ISBN 0 7337 0132 9)
and ductile cast iron pipes and fittings up to nominal size from a roll.
DN 300 intended to be used where internal working pres- (PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9738 0)
sure is considered negligible. An Appendix illustrates pre- AS 1638—1991
ferred designs of pipe fittings. Motor vehicles—Light alloy road
(WS-005) (ISBN 0 7262 8884 5) AS/NZS 1635.8.1:1995 wheels
Length 2pp B (NZS 5419:1991) 13pp E
AS 1633—1985 Sets out the method for determining the length of Specifies requirements for the type approval of light alu-
pressure-sensitive adhesive tape in a roll. minium alloy and magnesium alloy road wheels designed
Acoustics—Glossary of terms and re- (PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9550 7) for normal driving conditions for use on vehicles with a
lated symbols 46pp G gross mass not exceeding 3.5 t. Identical with NZS
Defines terms and related symbols used currently in acous-
tics. Takes into account international practice based on AS/NZS 1635.9.1:1995 5419:1991 and produced as a joint Australian/New Zea-
land Standard.
documents available from the International Electrotechni- Thickness 2pp B (MT-003) (ISBN 0 7262 6538 1)
cal Commission and International Organization for Stand- Sets out the method for determining the thickness of
ardization. pressure-sensitive adhesive tape.
(AV-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3863 5) (PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9551 5) AS 1639—1990
The design and installation of corru-
AS 1635 AS/NZS 1635.10.1:1995 gated fibre-reinforced cement roofing
Methods of test for pressure-sensitive Resistance to shear loading at ele- and wall cladding
adhesive tape vated temperatures 3pp B Available Superseded See also AS/NZS
Sets out the method for determining the ability of 4389:1996 10pp D
AS 1635.3.1—1993 pressure-sensitive adhesive tape to resist shear load- Amdt 1 May 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 6849 6) X
Adhesion strength 3pp B ing at elevated temperatures. Specifies requirements for materials, design and installa-
(PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9729 1) tion of corrugated fibre-reinforced cement roofing and
Amdt 1 September 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9169 2) X cladding. All references to asbestos cement have been de-
Amdt 2 September 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9965 0) X leted and the scope has been extended to include cladding
Sets out the method for determining the adhesion
AS/NZS 1635.11.1:1995 for walls and test requirements for resistance to wind
strength of pressure-sensitive adhesive tape. Water vapour transmission rate loads.
(PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8591 9) 3pp B (BD-040) (ISBN 0 7262 5916 0)
Sets out the method for determining the water vapour
AS 1635.3.3—1995 transmission rate of pressure-sensitive adhesive tape. AS EN 1640—2002
Quickstick 3pp B (PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9730 5) Dentistry—Medical devices for den-
Sets out the method for determining quickstick of tistry—Equipment
pressure-sensitive adhesive tape. AS/NZS 1635.21.1:1995 (EN 1640:1996) 10pp F
(PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9723 2) Mending stability 3pp B Specifies requirements for items of dental equipment used
Sets out the method for determining whether a pres- in the practice of dentistry and which are medical devices.
AS 1635.3.5—1995 sure-sensitive adhesive tape is suitable for long-term These include requirements for intended performance, de-
mending of paper by qualitatively assessing adhesive sign attributes, components, packaging, marking, labelling
Adhesion strength after water im- ooze and colour stability. and information supplied by the manufacturer.
mersion 3pp B (PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9755 0) (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4679 9)
Sets out the method for determining the adhesion
strength, after water immersion, of pressure-sensitive AS 1635.21.2—1985 AS EN 1641—2002
adhesive tape.
(PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9724 0) Determination of resistance to ac- Dentistry—Medical devices for den-
celerated ageing by artificial light tistry—Materials
AS 1635.3.6—1993 2pp B (EN 1641:1996) 9pp F
Adhesion strength to own back- (PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 3987 9) Specifies requirements for materials used in the practice of
dentistry for the restoration of the form and function of the
ing 3pp B dentition and which are medical devices. These include re-
Amdt 1 September 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9166 8) X AS 1636 quirements for intended performance, design attributes,
Amdt 2 September 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9966 9) X Tractors—Roll-over protective struc- components, packaging, marking, labelling and informa-
Sets out the method for determining the peel adhesion tures—Criteria and tests tion supplied by the manufacturer.
strength of pressure-sensitive adhesive tape to its own (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4678 0)
backing. AS 1636.1—1996
(PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8593 5) Conventional tractors AS EN 1642—2002
(ISO 3463:1989 ISO 5700:1989 ISO Dentistry—Medical devices for den-
AS 1635.4.1—1993 3471-1 ISO 5700 SAE J1040 SAE tistry—Dental implants
Stability of tape other than cellu- J1194 SAE J2194) 34pp F (EN 1642:1996) 8pp F
lose tape—Accelerated ageing Specifies the test procedures and minimum perform-
Specifies requirements for dental implants, including re-
4pp C ance criteria for evaluating roll-over protective struc- quirements for intended performance, design attributes,
components, packaging, marking, labelling and informa-
Amdt 1 May 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8887 X) X tures fitted to tractors having a rear track width gen-
tion supplied by the manfacturer.
Amdt 2 September 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9170 6) X erally greater than 1150 mm. It applies to driver-
controlled tractors, but does not cover earth-moving (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4683 7)
Amdt 3 September 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9967 7) X equipment. It includes test procedures for both static
Sets out the method for determining the deterioration and dynamic testing. A theoretical analysis of roll- AS 1646
of pressure-sensitive adhesive tape, other than cellu- over protective structures, which would provide Elastomeric seals for waterworks pur-
lose tape, after simulating 12 months natural ageing equivalent performance to physical testing, is includ-
in roll form. ed. poses
(PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8594 3) (ME-065) (ISBN 0 7337 0130 2)
AS 1646.1—2000
AS/NZS 1635.4.2:1995 AS 1636.2—1996 General requirements 16pp F
Stability—Accelerated ageing of Rear-mounted for narrow-track Specifies the general requirements applicable to the
cellulose tape 3pp B suite of Standards AS 1646 for the use of elastomeric
tractors 36pp F seals in water and sewerage systems.
Sets out the method for determining the stability of Specifies test procedures and minimum performance (WS-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3356 5)
pressure-sensitive adhesive cellulose tape by obser- criteria for evaluating roll-over protective structures
vation and measurement of adhesion strength after mounted behind the driver's seat on narrow-track
accelerated ageing at elevated temperature and hu- tractors. It applies to driver-controlled tractors, but AS 1646.2—2000
midity. does not cover earthmoving machinery. It includes Material requirements for pipe joint
(PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9725 9) procedures for both dynamic and static testing. A the- seals used in water and wastewa-
oretical analysis of roll-over protective structures,
which would provide at least equivalent performance ter applications—Specifies by pre-
AS/NZS 1635.5.1:1995 to physical testing, is included. scription formulation 16pp F
Breaking strength 2pp B (ME-065) (ISBN 0 7337 0131 0) Specifies requirements for elastomeric seals to be
Sets out the method for determining the breaking used in pipeline systems that convey water and waste-
strength of pressure-sensitive adhesive tape. AS 1636.3—1996 water at temperature of less than 50°C. It also speci-
(PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9726 7) fies composition and formulation requirements for
Mid-mounted for narrow-track trac- seals.
AS/NZS 1635.6.1:1995 tors 39pp F (WS-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3355 7)
Specifies test procedures and minimum performance
Elongation 2pp B criteria for evaluating roll-over protective structures
Sets out the method for determining the elongation at
AS 1646.3—2000
mounted in front of the driver's seat on narrow-track
break of pressure-sensitive adhesive tape. tractors. It applies to driver-controlled tractors, but Material requirements for pipe
(PK-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9727 5) does not cover earthmoving equipment. It includes joints seals used in water and

AS 1647

wastewater applications with the supplied individually or assembled in a protective sheath; AS/NZS 1660.5.2:1998
exception of natural rubber and four varieties of assembled series are recommended. Smoke density 12pp E
(ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 0365 3) (ISBN 0 7337 3487 1) X
polyisoprene compounds 14pp F Amdt 1 26 June 2000
Specifies requirements for all elastomeric materils (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1671 7)
used in vulcanized seals with the exception of natural AS 1657—1992
rubber and polyisoprene rubber for cold potable water Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways AS/NZS 1660.5.3:1998
supply (up to 50°C), hot potable and non-potable wa- and ladders—Design, construction Determination of the amount of
ter supply (up to 110°C), drainage, sewerage and and installation 27pp G
rainwater systems (continuous flow up to 45°C and halogen acid gas evolved during
Specifies requirements for the design, construction and in-
intermittent flow up to 95°C).
stallation of fixed means of access to, and safe working at the combustion of polymeric mate-
(WS-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3354 8) places normally used by operating, inspection, mainte- rials taken from cables 10pp D
nance and servicing personnel. Included in Appendices are (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1676 8)
AS 1647 methods for testing guardrails and posts, as well as typical
Children's toys (safety requirements) component dimensions and spacings for guardrailing. AS/NZS 1660.5.4:1998
(SF-013) (ISBN 0 7262 7861 0) Determination of degree of acidity
AS 1647.3—1995 of gases evolved during the com-
Toxicological requirements AS/NZS 1660
bustion of materials taken from
(EN 71:Part 3) 24pp G Test methods for electric cables,
electric cables by measuring pH
Specifies maximum permissible concentrations of cords and conductors and conductivity 10pp D
leachable elements from toy materials such as coat- (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1674 1)
ings, plastics, materials, paper, graphic materials, AS/NZS 1660.1:1998
paints (including fingerpaints), modelling clays and Conductors and metallic compo-
toy cosmetics. AS/NZS 1660.5.5:1998
(CS-018) (ISBN 0 7262 9820 4) nents 7pp C Circuit integrity under fire condi-
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1734 9) tions
AS 1647.4—1980 (IEC 60331:1970) 4pp C
Flammability requirements 8pp C AS/NZS 1660.2 Amdt 1 July 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2012 9) X
Specifies flammability requirements for materials Insulation, extruded semi-conduc- (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1673 3)
which are used in or on toys. For fabric or paper, the tive screens and non-metallic
requirements include a minimum surface burning sheaths AS/NZS 1660.5.6:1998
time for all toys, as well as minimum burning and ig-
nition times for play enclosures (e.g. tents) and play- Test for combustion propagation
wear (e.g. cowboy outfits, nurses' uniforms). Label- AS/NZS 1660.2.1:1998 6pp C
ling is specified for fabrics which are considered to Methods for general application Amdt 1 24 July 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3975 X) X
present a high fire danger. For other materials, a min- 20pp F (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1672 5)
imum flashpoint is specified for liquids. Highly flam- Amdt 1 23 February 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3625 4)
mable materials (e.g. celluloid acetate fibre) are pro-
hibited for use on toys. Test procedures are described. X AS/NZS 1664
(CS-018) (ISBN 0 7262 1874 X) (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1842 6) Aluminium structures
AS 1649—2001 AS/NZS 1660.2.2:1998 AS/NZS 1664.1:1997
Timber—Methods of test for mechani- Methods specific to elastomeric, Limit state design
XLPE and XLPVC materials 9pp D See also AS 1664-1979 74pp J
cal fasteners and connectors—Basic Amdt 1 January 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2471 X) X
working loads and characteristic Amdt 1 24 July 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3973 3) X
Specifies requirements for the design of aluminium
strengths 31pp H (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1840 X) building type structural load-carrying members and
Specifies test methods and calculations used to establish elements using the limit state design criteria (LSD).
basic working loads and characteristics strengths for spe- AS/NZS 1660.2.3:1998 (BD-050) (ISBN 0 7337 1282 7)
cific mechanical fasteners and connectors for use in de- Methods specific to PVC and halo-
signing timber structures. Also sets out methods for estab-
lishing values for a particular fastener when used with gen free thermoplastic materials AS/NZS 1664.1 Supplement 1:1997
timber of a particular joint group. Appendix A gives rec- 15pp E Limit state design—Commentary
ommendations on species for joint group testing. Amdt 1 16 June 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3460 X) X (Supplement to AS/NZS
(TM-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3905 9) (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1841 8) 1664.1:1997)
See also AS 1664-1979 19pp D
AS 1654 AS/NZS 1660.2.4:1998 Amdt 1 January 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2472 8) X
ISO system of limits and fits Methods specific to polyethylene Provides additional information on limit state design
of aluminium structures, in relation to AS/NZS
and polypropylene materials
AS 1654.1—1995 1664.1:1997.
Bases of tolerances, deviations 15pp E (BD-050) (ISBN 0 7337 1282 5)
Amdt 1 24 July 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3976 8) X
and fits (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1844 2)
(ISO 286-1:1988) 30pp G AS/NZS 1664.2:1997
Provides the bases for a system of tolerances and de-
Allowable stress design
viations suitable for plain workpieces, and fits be-
AS/NZS 1660.2.5:1998 See also AS 1664-1979 75pp J
tween mating cylindrical features or fits between Methods specific to cables above 1 Amdt 1 January 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2473 6) X
workpieces having features with parallel faces such kV 4pp C Specifies requirements for the design of aluminium
as the fit between a key and a keyway. Annexes give Amdt 1 23 February 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3626 2) alloy load-carrying members using the allowable
the basic equations and rules for establishing the sys- stress design criteria (ASD).
tem, examples of the use of the system and equivalent X
(BD-050) (ISBN 0 7337 1284 3)
terms used in the Standard in eight languages. Identi- Amdt 2 24 July 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3974 1) X
cal with and reproduced from ISO 286-1:1988. (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1735 7) AS/NZS 1664.2 Supplement 1:1997
(ME-027) (ISBN 0 7337 0080 2)
AS/NZS 1660.3:1998 Allowable stress design—Com-
AS 1654.2—1995 mentary (Supplement to AS/NZS
Electrical tests 22pp F 1664.2:1997)
Tables of standard tolerance Amdt 1 23 February 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3624 6)
grades and limit deviations for See also AS 1664-1979 33pp F
X Amdt 1 January 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2474 4)
holes and shafts (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1660 1) Price COde X Provides additional information on
(ISO 286-2:1988) 43pp H allowable stress design of aluminium structures, in re-
Gives values of the limit deviations for commonly AS/NZS 1660.4:1998 lation to AS/NZS 1664.2:1997.
used tolerance class for holes and shafts calculated Complete cable and flexible cord (BD-050) (ISBN 0 7337 1285 1)
from the information given in AS 1654.1. Graphical
representations of tolerance zones for holes and shafts 6pp C
are given in the Annex. Identical with and reproduced Amdt 1 April 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1911 2) X AS 1664—1979
from ISO 286-2:1988. (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1659 8) Rules for the use of aluminium in
(ME-027) (ISBN 0 7337 0081 0) structures (known as the SAA Alumin-
AS/NZS 1660.5 ium Structures Code) (incorporating
AS 1655—1974 Fire tests Corrig.)
Feeler gauges (metric units) Available Superseded
(BS 957:Part 2:1969) AS/NZS 1660.5.1:1998 See also AS/NZS 1664 series 104pp J
Reconfirmed 1987 5pp B Tests on bunched cables 20pp F Interpretation 1 June 1985 X
Specifies certain aspects of design, accuracy requirements, Amdt 1 23 February 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3622 X) Corrigenda August 1979 X
material and testing, protection against climatic condi- Sets out rules for the design and fabrication of aluminium
tions, marking and ordering, and covers blade thicknesses X alloy load-carrying members. Separate sections deal with
from 0.03 to 1 mm. Provision is made for the blades to be (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1670 9) materials and their properties, general design require-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

ments, geometrical properties, maximum permissible AS 1668.2 Supplement 1—2002 no monitoring station connection requirement, or no
stresses, combined stresses, design of connections, fabri- monitoring facility available.
cation and painting. Appendices provide tables of maxi- Ventilation design for indoor air (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1604 0)
mum permissible stress for the alloys and the sections nor- contaminant control (Supplement
mally used, and also cover fatigue. to AS 1668.2-2002) 41pp G AS 1670.3—1997
(BD-050) (ISBN 0 7262 0567 2) Provides background and other information on AS
1668.2 to support the Standard and to assist users in Monitoring network performance
its correct application. 7pp C
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 4527 X) Specifies the performance requirements for fire alarm
AS 1665—1992 monitoring networks using the telecommunications
AS 1668.2—1991 protocol defined in AS 4418.2.
Welding of aluminium structures (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0911 7)
25pp F Mechanical ventilation for accepta-
Sets out the requirements for the fusion welding of alumin- ble indoor-air quality 74pp J AS 1670.6—1997
ium structures and equipment by inert-gas arc welding Sets out the requirements for air handling systems Smoke alarms 15pp E
processes. The Standard provides for three categories of which ventilate enclosures by mechanical means. It
butt welds and one category of fillet weld. Tables of alu- sets minimum requirements for preventing an excess Specifies the requirements for the installation and
minium alloys suitable for welding, details of welded con- accumulation of airborne contaminants, or objection- commissioning of smoke alarms complying with the
nections, methods of qualification of procedures and per- able odours. It does not prescribe other requirements requirements of AS 3786.
sonnel, workmanship, weld quality and inspection associated with comfort such as temperature, humid- (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0814 5)
requirements are included. Appendices are also included ity, air movement or noise. The Standard also in-
as a checklist of matters for discussion and guidance on the cludes requirements for natural ventilation at car- AS 1670—1986
selection and extent of non-destructive examination. parks. Road tunnels are not addressed in this
Standard. Automatic fire detection and alarm
(WD-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7388 0)
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 6625 6) systems—System design, installation,
and commissioning
AS 1666 AS 1668.2 Supplement 1—1991 Available Superseded
Wire-rope slings Mechanical ventilation for accepta- See also AS 1670.1-1995 A4 43pp G
ble indoor-air quality—Commen- Amdt 1 January 1987 X
AS 1666.1—1995 tary (Supplement to AS 1668.2- Amdt 2 March 1988 X
Product specification 24pp F 1991) 24pp F Amdt 3 June 1988 A
Specifies requirements for the design, installation, and
Specifies requirements for wire-rope slings, includ- Provides guidance on the application of the Code by commissioning of automatic fire detection systems. Defi-
ing grommets and wire-rope sling assemblies, for explaining the intent of those clauses which could be nitions, general requirements applicable to all systems, and
general conditions of use. They consist of steel-wire the subject of requests for interpretation. specific requirements for heat detection, smoke detection,
rope and often include end terminations, such as fer- (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 6981 6) and flame detection systems are given. Appendices set out
rule-secured eyes, poured sockets or swage fittings. recommendations on the selection of types of thermal de-
Guidance on information that should be supplied with
enquiries and orders is given in an Appendix. AS 1668.3—2001 tectors and on the application of smoke and flame detec-
tors, together with a standard form of installer's statement
(ME-025) (ISBN 0 7262 9890 5) Smoke control systems for large for a fire alarm system, fire alarm symbols, and commis-
single compartments or smoke sioning test report.
AS 1666.2—1995 reservoirs 82pp K (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4354 X)
This Standard sets minimum requirements for the de-
Care and use 19pp E sign of smoke control systems in large single com- AS 1671
Sets out recommended practices for the care and use partments in which smoke accumulates in a smoke Lead and lead alloys
of wire-rope slings under general conditions of use. reservoir. It sets minimum requirements considered
(ME-025) (ISBN 0 7262 9891 3) necessary to meet the system design objectives in
terms of continuous operation over a specified time AS 1671.1—1987
period under a specified fire condition. The design in- Determination of antimony con-
AS/NZS 1668 formation given in this Standard is based on axisym-
tent—Flame atomic absorption
metric plumes. Compartments and smoke reservoirs
The use of ventilation and aircondi- are designed separately and spill plumes between spectrometric method 3pp B
tioning in buildings compartments/reservoirs are not considered. Applica- Sets out a flame atomic absorption spectrometric
tion of this Standard is not appropriate in situations method for the determination of antimony in lead al-
AS/NZS 1668.1:1998 where a stable buoyant hot layer does not exist. loys in the concentration range 0.1 to 3.5% antimony.
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 3733 1) The method is suitable in the presence of up to 2.5%
Fire and smoke control in multi- tin and 2.5% arsenic. This Standard is a new edition
compartment buildings AS 1669—1992 of AS 1671.1-1974 without technical alterations.
See also AS 1668.1-1991 110pp K (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4628 X)
Transmission belting—Frictioned sur-
Amdt 1 22 November 2002 face 8pp D AS 1671.2—1987
(ISBN 0 7337 4778 7) A Specifies requirements for frictioned-surface transmission
belting. Construction, dimensions and tolerances on Determination of low concentra-
Sets out the minimum requirements for the design, length, width and thickness of belting across width, full tions of antimony in lead alloys
construction, installation and commissioning of me-
chanical and airconditioning systems for fire and
thickness tensile strength, ply adhesion, electrical resist- containing not more than 2.5% ar-
ance and marking requirements are laid down. senic and 0.10% copper—Titrimet-
smoke control in multi-compartment buildings. Five
specific methods of smoke control are defined and the (RU-002) (ISBN 0 7262 7614 6)
ric method 4pp B
appropriate requirements specified for each. This
Sets out a titrimetric method for the determination of
Standard does not include requirements for smoke AS 1670 antimony content in the range 0.1 to 3% in lead alloys
control systems utilizing exhaust from above the hot
layer. The Standard does not include requirements for
Fire detection, warning, control and containing less than 2.5% arsenic and 0.10% copper.
maintenance of smoke control systems. intercom systems - System design, in- This Standard is a new edition of AS 1671.2-1975
without major technical alterations.
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 2078 1) stallation and commissioning
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4607 7)
AS 1670.1—1995
AS 1668.1—1991 Fire AS 1671.3—1987
Fire and smoke control Redesignated from AS 1670-1995 in 1997 Determination of high concentra-
Available Superseded See also AS/NZS See also AS 1670-1986 65pp J tions of antimony in lead alloys
1668.1:1998 53pp I Amdt 1 June 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1173 1) B containing not more than 2.5% ar-
Sets out the requirements for those aspects of design, Amdt 2 June 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2050 1) X senic and 1% copper—Titrimetric
construction, installation and operation of air-han- Amdt 3 21 May 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3935 0) X method 5pp C
dling systems with a view to minimizing the spread of Amdt 4 9 November 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4197 5) Sets out a titrimetric method for the determination of
smoke and fire through buildings by way of the air- antimony in lead alloys containing less than 2.5% ar-
handling systems. X senic and 1.0% copper. The method which is a revi-
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 6979 4) Specifies the design, installation and commissioning sion of AS 1671.3-1975, is applicable to antimony
of automatic fire detection and alarm systems. Pro- contents in the range 2 to 27%.
vides the user with in-depth information on distribut- (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4610 7)
AS 1668.2—2002 ed systems, revised spacing parameters, revised and
Ventilation design for indoor air expanded installation requirements and revised draw-
ings utilizing the ISO based symbols. AS 1671.4—1988
contaminant control 95pp L (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9754 2) Determination of tin in antimonial
Amdt 1 22 November 2002 lead—Flame atomic absorption
(ISBN 0 7337 4816 3) X AS 1670.2—1997 spectrometric method 3pp B
Specifies design requirements for natural ventilation Local fire 16pp F Sets out a flame atomic absorption spectrometric
systems and mechanical air-handling systems that Specifies requirements for the design, installation and method for the determination of tin in antimonial lead
ventilate enclosures, and sets minimum requirements commissioning of local alarm systems used for early in the range 0.01 to 0.05% in the presence of up to 1%
for the ventilation of enslosures. warning fire detection and life safety in situations antimony.
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 4526 1) where there is no legislative requirement for a system, (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4930 0)

AS 1672

AS 1672 the conversion of a system for use with another refrig- AS 1678.3.0.021—1986
Limes and limestones (ME-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1685 7)
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
AS 1672.1—1997 cards $6.50 each Double sided card A
AS 1678 Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by
Limes for building 6pp C Emergency procedure guide—Trans- emergency services , to be used where road transport
Specifies requirements for the specification of quick- port vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or
lime and hydrated lime intended for use in building. fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures
(BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1341 6) and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with
AS 1678.0.0.001—1994 the ADG code and AS 2931.
AS 1674 Vehicle fire (CH-009)
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
Safety in welding and allied process- cards $6.50 each Double sided card A
es AS 1678.3.0.022—1989
Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by Acrylonitrile (inhibited) (vinyl cya-
emergency services, to be used where road transport
AS 1674.1—1997 vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks or nide)
Fire precautions 19pp F fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
Specifies precautions to be taken prior to and during
and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with cards $6.50 each A4 Double-sided card A
the ADG Code and AS 2931. Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by
hot work (including welding and allied processes), to (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8913 2)
prevent the possibility of fire or explosion, which emergency services , to be used where road transport
may result in harm to persons or property. In particu- vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or
lar, such precautions apply to hot work during manu- AS 1678.2.1.001—1986 fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures
and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with
facturing, construction, maintenance, repairs, demoli- Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) the ADG code and AS 2931.
tion and where plant or equipment has contained Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
flammable, combustible or explosive material. Meas- (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5436 3)
ures for the protection of operators against electric cards $6.50 each Double sided card A
shock, asphyxiation, poisoning and other hazards are Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by AS 1678.3.1.001—1986
not covered by this Standard, which also does not deal emergency services , to be used where road transport
with protective clothing. Although primarily oriented vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or Petrol—as cargo
to hot work that is related to welding and allied proc- fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
esses, this Standard can generally be applied to other and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with cards $6.50 each A4 Double-sided card A
forms of ignition sources in hazardous areas. the ADG code and AS 2931. Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by
(WD-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1316 5) (CH-009) emergency services , to be used where road transport
vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or
AS 1674.2—1990 AS 1678.2.1.005—1994 fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures
and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with
Electrical 31pp G Ethylene oxide, pure or with nitro- the ADG code and AS 2931.
Applies to the prevention of electric shock to welders. gen (CH-009)
Sets out the requirements for safety of circuit wiring Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
on power sources for welding and allied processes cards $6.50 each Double sided card A AS 1678.3.1.003—1998
and the precautions to be taken when operating such Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by
power sources. Includes plasma arc power sources services, to be used where road transport vehicles are
Carbon disulfide
and reference to particular hazards due to their high involved in accidents, spills or leaks or fire. Informa- Double sided card A
open-circuit voltages. The appendices illustrate and tion on hazards, energency procedures and first aid (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2256 3)
describe the correct method of connection between are given. To be used in conjunction with the ADG
adjacent power sources to minimize the likelihood of Code and AS 2931.
electric shock across adjacent power source leads. AS 1678.3.2.001—1986
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8914 0)
Examples of recorded fatal accidents are included and Toluene (toluol)
procedures for rescue and resuscitation in the case of Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
electric shock are described and illustrated. AS 1678.2.1.010—1986 cards $6.50 each Double sided card A
(EL-019) (ISBN 0 7262 6009 6) Butadiene (inhibited) Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying emergency services , to be used where road transport
AS 1675—1986 cards $6.50 each Double sided card A vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or
Current transformers—Measurement Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures
emergency services , to be used where road transport and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with
and protection the ADG code and AS 2931.
vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or
(IEC 60185) 48pp G fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures (CH-009)
Specifies requirements for the designation, rating, per- and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with
formance, marking, and testing of current transformers the ADG code and AS 2931. AS 1678.3.2.002—1998
(CTs). Covers aspects common to all CTs (Section 1) and (CH-009)
specific requirements for Class M and Class ME measure- Xylenes
ment CTs (Section 2) and for Class P, Class PL, and Class
AS 1678.2.2.000—1986 Double sided card A
PS protection CTs (Section 3). Provides extensive explan- (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2257 1)
atory material in appendices. Oxygen (refrigerated liquid)
(EL-013) (ISBN 0 7262 4237 3) Clear plastic protective cover for displaying AS 1678.4.2.001—1993
cards $6.50 each Double sided card A
AS/NZS 1677 Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by
Aluminium alkyls and aluminium
emergency services , to be used where road transport alkyl halides
Refrigerating systems vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures cards $6.50 each Double sided card A
AS/NZS 1677.1:1998 and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by
Refrigerant classification 13pp D the ADG code and AS 2931. emergency services , to be used where road transport
Amdt 1 12 July 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4558 X) X (CH-009) vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or
fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures
Specifies a simple means of referring to common re-
frigerants instead of using the chemical name, formu- AS 1678.2.2.002—1999 and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with
the ADG Code and AS 2931.
la, or trade name. It also establishes a uniform system Chlorine (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8377 0)
to be used in assigning the proper reference number Double sided card A
and classification to refrigerants. The system for re-
frigerants classification is defined and physical data Revises the Emergency Procedure Guide for chlorine AS 1678.4.3.002—1998
of common refrigerants listed. in accordance with the 6th edition of the Australian
Dangerous Goods Code (ADG Code). Provides guid- Magnesium phosphide
(ME-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1684 9) ance to drivers, emergency services and others deal- Double sided card A
ing with emergencies involving the transport of dan- (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2258 X)
AS/NZS 1677.2:1998 gerous goods.
Safety requirements for fixed appli- (CH-009)
AS 1678.5.1.002—1998
cations 52pp H Ammonium nitrate
Amdt 1 June 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2675 5) X AS 1678.3.0.015—1993
Formaldehyde solutions, flamma- Double sided card A
Amdt 2 6 December 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3545 2) (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2259 8)
X ble
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
Specifies requirements for the safety aspects, in terms cards $6.50 each Double sided card A AS 1678.5.1.004—1993
of the design, construction, installation and inspec- Calcium hypochlorite
tion of refrigerating appliances, systems and ancillary Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by
equipment intended for use or installation in institu- emergency services , to be used where road transport Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
tional, public assembly, residential, commercial and vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or cards $6.50 each Double sided card A
industrial occupancies. It applies to new refrigerating fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by
systems, to extensions and modifications of existing and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with emergency services , to be used where road transport
systems and to used systems on being reinstalled and the ADG Code and AS 2931. vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or
operated at another site. It also applies in the case of (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8322 3) fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with AS 1678.6.1.015—1998 Group text EPGs supplement the individual EPGs al-
the ADG Code and AS 2931. Sodium fluoride, potassium fluo- ready in existence. To be used in conjunction with the
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8381 9) ADG Code.
ride, ammonium fluoride (CH-009)
AS 1678.5.1.005—1993 Double sided card A
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2274 1) AS 1678.2C1—1987
Hydrogen peroxide (20% or more)
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying Non-flammable, compressed gas
cards $6.50 each Double sided card A AS 1678.6.1.017—1998 Pads of 20 forms C
Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by
Cadmium compound Provides guidance for drivers, emergency services
emergency services , to be used where road transport Double sided card A and others involved in the transport of dangerous
vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2275 X) goods, in dealing safely with emergency situations
fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures during the transport of gases in bulk or in cylinders.
and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with AS 1678.8.0.001—1983 Group text EPGs supplement the individual EPGs al-
the ADG Code and AS 2931. ready in existence. To be used in conjunction with the
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8380 0) Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) ADG Code.
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying (CH-009)
AS 1678.6.0.001—1998 cards $6.50 each Double sided card A
Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by AS 1678.2D1—1998
Aniline emergency services , to be used where road transport
Double sided card A vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or Aerosols
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2260 1) fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures Pad of 20 forms C
and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with Revises the Group Text EPG for aerosols in accord-
AS 1678.6.0.002—1998 the ADG code and AS 2931. ance with the 6th edition of the Australian Code for
(CH-009) the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail
Sodium cyanide, potassium cya- (ADG Code). Provides guidance for drivers, emer-
nide AS 1678.8.0.004—1993 gency services, and others, in dealing with emergen-
Double sided card A Hypochlorite solutions (with more cies involving the transport of aerosols.
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2261 X) (CH-009)
than 5% available chlorine)
AS 1678.6.0.004—1998 Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
cards $6.50 each 2pp A AS 1678.2M1—1987
Phenol, cresols and cresylic acid Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by Mixed load of gases in cylinders
Double sided card A emergency services , to be used where road transport Pads of 20 forms C
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2262 8) vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or Provides guidance for drivers, emergency services
fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures and others involved in the transport of dangerous
AS 1678.6.0.006—1998 and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with goods, in dealing safely with emergency situations
the ADG Code and AS 2931. during the transport of gases in bulk or in cylinders.
Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8394 0) Group text EPGs supplement the individual EPGs al-
Double sided card A ready in existence. To be used in conjunction with the
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2263 6) AS 1678.8.0.005—1993 ADG Code.
Acetic anhydride (CH-009)
AS 1678.6.0.009—1998
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
Cyanides, inorganic cards $6.50 each Double sided card A AS 1678.3A1—1987
Double sided card A Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by Flammable liquids
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2264 4) emergency services , to be used where road transport Pads of 20 forms C
vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or Provides guidance for drivers, emergency services
AS 1678.6.0.010—1998 fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures and others involved in the transport of dangerous
Phenylmercuric compounds and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with goods, in dealing safely with emergency situations
the ADG Code and AS 2931. during transport of Class 3 substances. Group text
Double sided card A (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8395 9) EPGs supplement the individual EPGs already in ex-
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2265 2) istence.To be used in conjunction with the ADG
AS 1678.8.0.008—1998 Code.
AS 1678.6.0.011—1998 (CH-009)
Copper-chrome-arsenic Hydrofluoric acid
A Double sided card A
Double sided card (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2276 8) AS 1678.3C1—1987
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2266 0) Flammable liquid of lesser hazard
AS 1678.8.0.009—1993 Pads of 20 forms C
AS 1678.6.0.013—1998 Provides guidance for drivers, emergency services
Formaldehyde solutions, with not
Chloropicrin and others involved in the transport of dangerous
Double sided card A less than 25% formaldehyde (Syn- goods, in dealing safely with emergency situations
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2267 9) onym: Formalin) during transport of Class 3 substances. Group text
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying EPGs supplement the individual EPGs already in ex-
AS 1678.6.0.014—1998 cards $6.50 each Double sided card A istence. To be used in conjunction with the ADG
Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by Code.
Lead arsenates, lead arsenites emergency services , to be used where road transport (CH-009)
Double sided card A vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2268 7) fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures AS 1678.4A1—1987
and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with Flammable solids
AS 1678.6.0.015—1998 the ADG Code and AS 2931.
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8321 5) Pads of 20 forms C
Beryllium powder, beryllium com- Provides guidance for drivers, emergency services
pound N.O.S. AS 1678.9.0.001—1995 and others involved in the transport of dangerous
Double sided card A goods, in dealing safely with emergency situations
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2269 5) Polymeric beads, expandable, during transport of Class 4 substances. Group text
evolving flammable vapour EPGs supplement the individual EPGs already in ex-
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying istence. To be used in conjunction with the ADG
AS 1678.6.0.016—1998 Code.
Selenates or selenites cards $6.50 each Double sided card A
Quick-reference card for retention in vehicles and by
Double sided card A emergency services, to be used where road-transport
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2270 9) vehicles are involved in accidents, spills or leaks, or AS 1678.8A1—1987
fire. Information on hazards, emergency procedures Corrosive
AS 1678.6.0.017—1998 and first aid are given. To be used in conjunction with Pads of 20 forms C
Motor fuel anti-knock mixture the ADG code and AS 2931.
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9425 X) Provides guidance for drivers, emergency services
Double sided card A and others involved in the transport of dangerous
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2271 7) goods, in dealing safely with emergency situations
AS 1678.10.001—1998 during the transport of corrosive substances. Group
AS 1678.6.1.010—1998 Pesticides text EPGs supplement the individual EPGs already in
Double sided card A existence. To be used in conjunction with the ADG
Arsenic acid, liquid; arsenic acid, Code.
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2277 6)
solid (CH-009)
Double sided card A AS 1678.2A1—1987
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2272 5) AS 1679—1974
Flammable, compressed gas
Pads of 20 forms C Glass syringes (Luer fitting) for gener-
AS 1678.6.1.014—1998 al medical use
Provides guidance for drivers, emergency services
Ammonium thioglycolate and others involved in the transport of dangerous Reconfirmed 1988 20pp C
Double sided card A goods, in dealing safely with emergency situations Specifies materials, tolerance on capacity, dimensions,
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2273 3) during the transport of gases in bulk or in cylinders. construction, dead space limits, test requirements and

AS/NZS 1680

marking for syringes ranging in capacity from 1 to 50 mL. AS/NZS 1680.2.5:1997 thetic rubnber latex. This Standard is identical with
Tests are described in appendices. and has been reproduced from ISO 124:1997.
Hospital and medical tasks (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3981 4)
(HE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 0444 7)
See also AS 1680.2.0-1990 37pp H
Sets out recommendations for the lighting of a variety
AS/NZS 1680 of tasks carried out within hospitals and medical facil- AS 1683.3—2001
Interior lighting ities, particularly tasks associated with clinical obser- Latex, rubber, natural concen-
vation, treatment and care. It is intended to be read in trate—Determination of dry rubber
conjunction with the general recommendations of AS content
AS/NZS 1680.0:1998 1680.1.
Safe movement 11pp D (LG-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1476 5) (ISO 126:1995) 3pp E
Sets out minimum requirements for electric lighting Specifies a method for the determination of the dry
systems within publicly accessible areas of buildings rubber content of natural rubber latex concentrate.
AS 1680.3—1991 This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
so as to provide visual conditions that facilitate the
safe movement of people in the normal use of the Measurement, calculation and duced from ISO 126:1995.
building. Does not include lighting requirements for presentation of photometric data (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3997 0)
specific work tasks. 48pp I
(LG-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2252 0) Specifies requirements for laboratory conditions, pro- AS 1683.4—1992
cedures and instrumentation for making photometric Rubber, vulcanized—Determina-
AS 1680.1—1990 measurements on general-purpose luminaires for in- tion of density
General principles and recommen- terior lighting. Also specifies requirements for the
derivation of certain photometric data needed for in- (ISO 2781:1988) 3pp B
dations 88pp L terior lighting calculations. Sets out the type and form Specifies two methods of test for the determination of
Amdt 1 June 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8210 3) A of data which should be included in a photometric test the density of solid vulcanized rubber. Apparatus,
Sets out general principles and recommendations for report. time-interval between vulcanization and testing, con-
the lighting of interiors of buildings. Applies primari- (LG-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6987 5) ditioning of test pieces, procedures for the two meth-
ly to interiors in which work is undertaken and takes ods, expression of results and test report are laid
into account both electric lighting and daylight. Ob- AS/NZS 1680.4:2001 down. This Standard is identical with and reproduced
ject of recommendations is to produce a visual envi- from ISO 2781:1988.
ronment in which essential task details are made easy Maintenance of electric lighting (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7503 4)
to see and adverse factors which may cause visual systems 25pp G
discomfort are either excluded or appropriately con- Describes and explains the process of light loss in AS 1683.5—1974
trolled. Does not deal with lighting for the purposes of outdoor electric lighting systems due to environmen-
decoration, display, entertainment, or sport. tal, operating and age related conditions and exam- Coagulum content of rubber lati-
(LG-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6327 3) ines the strategies to reverse and compensate for this ces
loss. Sets out procedures for the estimation of appro- (ISO 706)
priate maintenance factors to make allowance for
AS 1680.2.0—1990 light losses in design calculations, and for the deter-
Reconfirmed 1989 Bound as part of AS
Recommendations for specific mination of economic maintenance regimes and cy- 1683 series A5 2pp E
tasks and interiors cles. Also advises on the selection of appropriate (RU-003)
lighting equipment and on servicing techniques to
Available Superseded See also AS/NZS 1680 promote the longevity of systems and minimize main-
series 16pp E tenance requirements.
AS 1683.6—1974
Amdt 1 December 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7874 2) X (LG-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3717 X) Volatile fatty acid number of natu-
Sets out certain quantitative recommendations for the ral rubber latex
lighting of specific tasks and interiors, in particular, AS 1681—2002 (ISO 506)
recommendations for maintenance illuminance and Reconfirmed 1989 Bound as part of AS
maximum glare index. Intended for use in conjunc- Safety requirements for electrically
tion with AS 1680.1 until applicable recommenda- heated Type 1 ovens in which flamma- 1683 series A5 4pp E
tions in the AS 1680.2 series are published. ble volatiles can occur 27pp H This method determines the volatile fatty acid
(LG-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6463 6) Specifies requirements for the design, construction and number of natural rubber latex which contains pre-
safe operation of ovens for use at a maximum temperature servative agents and which has been submitted to
of 540°C in which there may be an explosion hazard due to some type of concentration process. The method is
AS 1680.2.1—1993 the presence of flammable volatiles. Appendices provide not necessarily suitable for latices from natural sourc-
Circulation spaces and other gen- combustion characteristics for common flammable liquids, es other than Havea brasiliensis, and is not applicable
to compounded latex, latex, vulcanized latex, artifi-
eral areas methods for calculation of ventilation and illustrate an
cial dispersions of rubber or synthetic rubber latices.
See also AS 1680.2.0-1990 13pp D oven safety design form.
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4589 X) (RU-003)
Sets out recommendations for the lighting of circula-
tion spaces and other areas which commonly occur in AS 1683.9—1992
buildings of various types. It is intended to be read in AS 1682
conjunction with the general recommendations of AS Fire dampers Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplas-
1680.1. tic—Determination of tension set
(LG-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8226 X) AS 1682.1—1990 at normal and high temperatures
Specification 9pp D (ISO 2285:1988) 4pp B
AS 1680.2.2—1994 Sets out the requirements for the design, manufacture, Specifies a method for determining the tension set
Office and screen-based tasks performance testing and marking of fire dampers characteristics of vulcanized or thermoplastic rub-
See also AS 1680.2.0-1990 26pp G whose purpose is to protect ventilation openings in bers. Apparatus, dimensions, preparation, condition-
fire-resistant elements of construction. ing, marking, and time-interval between vulcaniza-
Sets out recommendations for the lighting of offices tion and testing of test pieces, procedure, strain,
and related work areas, and locations within other (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 6479 2)
duration of test and temperature, expression of results
workplaces where screen-based tasks are performed. and test report are laid down. This Standard is identi-
It is intended to be read in conjunction with the gen- AS 1682.2—1990 cal with and reproduced from ISO 2285:1988.
eral recommendations of AS 1680.1. Installation 7pp C (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7509 3)
(LG-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8731 8)
Sets out the requirements for installation of fire
dampers (and smoke dampers) in fire-resistant ele- AS 1683.11—2001
AS 1680.2.3—1994 ments of construction. Tension testing of vulcanized or
Educational and training facilities (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 6481 4) thermoplastic rubber
See also AS 1680.2.0-1990 23pp F (ISO 37:1994) 12pp G
Sets out recommendations for the lighting of interiors AS 1683
Specifies a method for the determination of the tensile
of buildings which provide facilities for structured Methods of test for elastomers stress-strain properties of vulcanized and thermoplas-
learning or training programmes at all levels, from tic rubbers. This Standard is identical with and has
pre-school to tertiary and adult education centres. It is AS 1683.1—2002 been reproduced from ISO 37:1994.
intended to be read in conjunction with the general
recommendations of AS 1680.1. Rubber latex—Sampling (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3996 2)
(LG-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8724 5) (ISO 123:2001) 8pp F
Specifies procedures for sampling natural rubber la- AS 1683.12—2001
AS/NZS 1680.2.4:1997 tex and for sampling synthetic rubber latices and arti- Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplas-
Industrial tasks and processes
ficial latices. This Standard is identical with and has tic—Determination of tear strength
been reproduced from ISO 123:2001. (trouser, angle and crescent test
See also AS 1680.2.0-1990 48pp I (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4871 6)
Amdt 1 September 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2127 3) X pieces)
Sets out recommendations for the lighting of industri- AS 1683.2—2001 (ISO 34-1:1994 ISO 34-1:1994/Cor.
al tasks and processes with a view to providing visual Latex, rubber—Determination of 1:1999) 12pp H
environments in which such tasks and processes may Specifies three methods for the determination of the
be safely and efficiently performed. It is intended to total solids content tear strength of vulcanized or thermoplastic rubber.
be read in conjunction with the general recommenda- (ISO 124:1997) 4pp F This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
tions of AS 1680.1. Specifies a method for the determination of the solids duced from ISO 34-1:1994.
(LG-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0810 2) content of natural rubber latex concentrate and syn- (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3995 4)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1683.13—1992 ic and chemical degradation AS 1683.25—2001

Compression set of vulcanized methods Determination of the resistance of
rubber under constant deflection (ISO 1408:1995) 8pp D vulcanized or thermoplastic rub-
3pp B Specifies a pyrolytic and two chemical degradation bers to ozone cracking—Dynamic
methods for the determination of the carbon content strain test
Specifies a method for determining the compression of rubber. This Standard is identical with and has
set of vulcanized rubber under constant deflection. been reproduced from ISO 1408:1995. (ISO 1431-2:1994) 8pp E
(RU-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7514 X) (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3994 6) Specifies a method to estimate the resistance of vul-
canized or thermoplastic rubbers to cracking when
AS 1683.14 exposed, under static tensile strain, to air containing
AS 1683.18—2001 ozone. This Standard is identical with and has been
Adhesive strength of vulcanized or Determination of flex cracking and reproduced from ISO 1431-2:1994.
thermoplastic rubber crack growth of vulcanized or ther- (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3988 1)
moplastic rubber (De Mattia)
AS 1683.14.1—2001 (ISO 132:1999) 7pp F AS 1683.26—2001
One-plate method Specifies a method for use in comparing the resist- Rubber, vulcanizedor thermoplas-
(ISO 813:1997) 7pp H ance of rubbers to the formation of growth cracks. tic—Accelerated ageing and heat
Specifies a method for the determination of the adhe- This Standard is identical with and has been repro- resistance tests
duced from ISO 132:1999.
sion strength of a vulcanized or thermoplastic rubber
(RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3993 8)
(ISO 188:1998) 9pp G
bonded to a rigid substrate. This Standard is identical Specifies accelerated ageing or heat-resistance tests
with and has been reproduced from ISO 813:1997. on vulcanized or thermoplastic rubbers. This Stand-
(RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3982 2) AS 1683.19—2001 ard is identical with and has been reproduced from
Preparation, mixing and vulcaniza- ISO 188:1998.
AS 1683.14.2—2001 tion of rubber test mixes—Equip- (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3987 3)
Two-plate method ment and procedures
(ISO 814:1996) 4pp F (ISO 2393:1994) 9pp E AS 1684
Specifies a method for the determination of the adhe- Specifies the equipment and procedures for the pepa- Residential timber-framed construc-
sion strength of rubber-metal bonds where the rubber ration, mixing and vulcanization of rubber test mixes. tion
part is assembled between two parrallel metal plates. This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
This Standard is identical with and has been repro- duced from ISO 2393:1994. AS 1684.1—1999
duced from ISO 814:1996. (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3992 X)
(RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3983 0)
Design criteria 111pp I
Amdt 1 26 February 2002
AS 1683.20—2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4338 2) X
AS 1683.15.1—2000 Standard temperatures, humidities Sets out design methods, assumptions and other crite-
International rubber hardness and times for conditioing and test- ria used in the preparation of the span tables, uplift
(ISO 48:1994) 14pp F ing forces and racking pressures contained within Parts 2,
3 and 4 of the AS 1684 series. It applies to the prepa-
Specifies methods for the determination of the inter- (ISO 471:1995) 3pp F ration of design data for residential timber-framed
national rubber hardness of vulcanized or thermo- Specifies the temperature, humidity and time condi- construction where the loading and performance re-
plastic rubbers on flat surfaces and the apparent hard- tions used for the conditioing and testing of all types quirements correspond to those for Class 1 and Class
ness on curved surfaces. This Standard is identical to of rubber test pieces. This Standard is identical with 10 buildings as defined by the Building Code of Aus-
and has been reproduced from ISO 48:1994. and has been reproduced from ISO 471:1995. tralia.
(RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3595 9) (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3991 1) (TM-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3040 X)
AS 1683.15.2—1990 AS 1683.21—1982 AS 1684.2—1999
Durometer hardness Rubber—Vulcanized—Determina- Non-cyclonic areas
(ISO 48) 5pp C tion of abrasion resistance using a Includes a CD-ROM 251pp G
(RU-003) (ISBN 0 7262 6348 6) rotating cylindrical device Amdt 1 April 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3321 2) X
Reconfirmed 1994 A4 7pp C Amdt 2 4 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3610 6) A
AS 1683.16 (RU-003) Amdt 3 9 May 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3832 X) B
Determinations using a shearing- Amdt 4 16 May 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4513 X) B
disc viscometer AS 1683.22—2001 Amdt 4 to CD-ROM 3 September 2002
Determination of vulcaniztion (ISBN 0 7337 4814 7)
AS 1683.16.1—2001 characteristics using the oscillat- $15.00 Retail No discount
Determination of Mooney viscosity ing disc curemeter Specifies requirements for building practice and for
(ISO 3417:1991) 12pp D the selection, placement and fixing of the various
(ISO 289-1:1994) 9pp F structural elements used in the construction of timber-
Specifies a method of use of a shearing-disc viscom- Specifies a method for determining selected vulcaniz- framed Class 1 and Class 10 buildings, as defined in
eter for measuring of uncompounded or compounded ing characteristics of a rubber compound by means of the Building Code of Australia, for non-cyclonic are-
rubbers. This Standard is identical with and has been the oscillating disc curemeter. This Standard is iden- as. It also sets out building practice procedures, which
reproduced from ISO 289-1:1994. tical with and has been reproduced from ISO are given to assist in the correct specification and de-
3417:1991. sign of timber members, bracing and connections
(RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3985 7)
(RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3990 3) thereby minimizing the risk of creating an environ-
ment that might adversely affect the ultimate per-
AS 1683.16.2—2001 AS 1683.23 formance of the structure. Appendices specify a
Determination of pre-vulcanizing Rubber—Vulcanized—Determina-
method of interpolation for Span Tables in the Sup-
characteristics plements, and an alternative procedure for determin-
tion of resistance to liquids ing racking forces. Guidance is given on mass of roof,
(ISO 289-2:1994) 3pp F timber natural durability, moisture content, timber
Specifies a method for determining the pre-vulcaniz- AS 1683.23—2000 species and properties. Some examples are also in-
ing characteristics of compounded rubber. This cluded. The 45 supplements, giving different wind
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced Rubber—Vulcanized—Determina- classifications and stress grades of various timbers,
from ISO 289-2:1994. tion of resistance to liquids form an integral part of the Standard. They are includ-
(RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3986 5) (ISO 1817:1999) 15pp F ed in a CD-ROM, attached to this Standard.
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3042 6)
Specifies methods of evaluating the resistance of vul-
AS 1683.16.3—2001 canized thermoset or thermoplastic rubbers to the ac-
tion of liquids. This Standard is identical to and has AS 1684.2 Supplement 0—1999
Determination of the Delta Mooney been reproduced from ISO 1817:1999. Non-cyclonic areas—General in-
value for non-pigmented oil ex- (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3594 0) troduction and index (Supplement
tended, emulsion-polymerized sty- to AS 1684.2-1999) 6pp A
rene-butadiene rubber AS 1683.24—2001 (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3093 0)
(ISO 289:1999) 3pp D Determination of the resistance of
Specifies a method for determining the Delta Mooney vulcanized or thermoplastic rub- AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 1—
value of a non-pigmented, oil-extended, emulsion- bers to ozone cracking—Static
polymerized styrene-butadine rubber. This Standard 1999
is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO strain test Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup-
289-1:1994. (ISO 1431-1:1989) 7pp G plement 1: Timber framing span ta-
(RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3984 9) Specifies a method to estimate the resistance of vul- bles—Wind classification N1/N2—
canized or thermoplastic rubbers to cracking when Seasoned softwood—Stress grade
AS 1683.17—2001 exposed, under static tencile strain, to air containing
ozone. This Standard is identical with and has been F5 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-1999)
Determination of carbon black con- reproduced from ISO 1431-1:1989. Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
tent of vulcanized rubber—Pyrolyt- (RU-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3989 X) 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3

AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 2—1999

published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3094 9) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3100 7) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3106 6)

AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 2— AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 8— AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 14—
1999 1999 1999
Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup- Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup- Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup-
plement 2: Timber framing span ta- plement 8: Timber framing span ta- plement 14: Timber framing span
bles—Wind classification N1/N2— bles—Wind classification N1/N2— tables—Wind classification N1/
Seasoned softwood—Stress grade Seasoned hardwood—Stress N2—Unseasoned hardwood—
F7 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-1999) grade F17 (Supplement to AS Stress Grade F14 (Supplement to
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 1684.2-1999) AS 1684.2-1999)
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
3 September 2002. 60pp A published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3095 7) 3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3101 5) (TM-002)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 3—
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 9— AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 15—
1999 1999
Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup- 1999
Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup- Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup-
plement 3: Timber framing span ta- plement 9: Timber framing span ta-
bles—Wind classification N1/N2— plement 15: Timber framing span
bles—Wind classification N1/N2— tables—Wind classification N1/
Seasoned softwood—Stress grade Seasoned hardwood—Stress
F8 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-1999) N2—Unseasoned hardwood—
grade F27 (Supplement to AS Stress Grade F17 (Supplement to
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 1684.2-1999)
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 AS 1684.2-1999)
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
3 September 2002. 60pp A 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3096 5) 3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3102 3) (TM-002)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 4—
1999 AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 10— AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 1—1999
Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup- 1999
plement 4: Timber framing span ta- Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup- Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple-
bles—Wind classification N1/N2— plement 10: Timber framing span ment 1: Timber framing span ta-
Seasoned softwood—Stress grade tables—Wind classification N1/ bles—Wind classification N3—
MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.2- N2—Unseasoned softwood— Seasoned softwood—Stress
1999) Stress grade F5 (Supplement to AS Grade F5 (Supplement to AS
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 1684.2-1999) 1684.2-1999)
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
3 September 2002. 60pp A published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
(TM-002) 3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3103 1) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3109 0)
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 5—
1999 AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 11— AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 2—1999
1999 Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple-
Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup- ment 2: Timber framing span ta-
plement 5: Timber framing span ta- Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup-
plement 11: Timber framing span bles—Wind classification N3—
bles—Wind classification N1/N2— Seasoned softwood—Stress
Seasoned softwood—Stress grade tables—Wind classification N1/
N2—Unseasoned softwood— Grade F7 (Supplement to AS
MGP 12 (Supplement to AS 1684.2- 1684.2-1999)
1999) Stress grade F7 (Supplement to AS
1684.2-1999) Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 3 September 2002. 60pp A
3 September 2002. 60pp A published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
3 September 2002. 60pp A (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3110 4)
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3098 1)
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3104 X)
AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 3—1999
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 6— AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 12—
1999 Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple-
1999 ment 3: Timber framing span ta-
Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup- Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup- bles—Wind classification N3—
plement 6: Timber framing span ta- plement 12: Timber framing span Seasoned softwood—Stress
bles—Wind classification N1/N2— tables—Wind classification N1/ Grade F8 (Supplement to AS
Seasoned softwood—Stress grade N2—Unseasoned hardwood— 1684.2-1999)
MGP 15 (Supplement to AS 1684.2- Stress grade F8 (Supplement to AS Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
1999) 1684.2-1999) 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 3 September 2002. 60pp A
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3111 2)
3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3099 X) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3105 8) AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 4—1999
Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple-
AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 7— AS 1684.2 N1/N2 Supplement 13— ment 4: Timber framing span ta-
1999 1999 bles—Wind classification N3—
Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup- Non-cyclonic areas—N1/N2 Sup- Seasoned softwood—Stress
plement 7: Timber framing span ta- plement 13: Timber framing span Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS
bles—Wind classification N1/N2— tables—Wind classification N1/ 1684.2-1999)
WA Seasoned hardwood—Stress N2—Unseasoned hardwood— Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
grade F14 (Supplement to AS Stress Grade F11 (Supplement to 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
1684.2-1999) AS 1684.2-1999) published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 3 September 2002. 60pp A
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3113 9)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 5—1999 AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 11— published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
1999 3 September 2002. 60pp A
Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple-
ment 5: Timber framing span ta- Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple- (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3133 3)
bles—Wind classification N3— ment 11: Timber framing span ta-
Seasoned softwood—Stress bles—Wind classification N3— AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 2—1999
Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS Unseasoned softwood—Stress Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple-
1684.2-1999) Grade F7 (Supplement to AS ment 2: Timber framing span ta-
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 1684.2-1999) bles—Wind classification N4—
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Seasoned softwood—Stress
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Grade F7 (Supplement to AS
3 September 2002. 60pp A published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 1684.2-1999)
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3117 1) 3 September 2002. 60pp A Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3126 0) 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 6—1999 3 September 2002. 60pp A
AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 12—
Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple- (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3135 X)
ment 6: Timber framing span ta-
bles—Wind classification N3— Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple- AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 3—1999
Seasoned softwood—Stress ment 12: Timber framing span ta-
bles—Wind classification N3— Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple-
Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS ment 3: Timber framing span ta-
1684.2-1999) Unseasoned hardwood—Stress
Grade F8 (Supplement to AS bles—Wind classification N4—
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
1684.2-1999) Seasoned softwood—Stress
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Grade F8 (Supplement to AS
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 1684.2-1999)
3 September 2002. 60pp A 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3118 X) 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
3 September 2002. 60pp A
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3128 7) 3 September 2002. 60pp A
AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 7—1999
Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple- (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3136 8)
AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 13—
ment 7: Timber framing span ta- 1999
bles—Wind classification N3—WA AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 4—1999
Seasoned hardwood—Stress Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple- Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple-
Grade F14 (Supplement to AS ment 13: Timber framing span ta- ment 4: Timber framing span ta-
1684.2-1999) bles—Wind classification N3— bles—Wind classification N4—
Unseasoned hardwood—Stress Seasoned softwood—Stress
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Grade F11 (Supplement to AS
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 1684.2-1999) 1684.2-1999)
3 September 2002. 60pp A Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3119 8) published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A
AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 8—1999 (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3129 5) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3137 6)
Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple-
ment 8: Timber framing span ta- AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 14— AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 5—1999
bles—Wind classification N3— 1999 Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple-
Seasoned hardwood—Stress Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple- ment 5: Timber framing span ta-
Grade F17 (Supplement to AS ment 14: Timber framing span ta- bles—Wind classification N4—
1684.2-1999) bles—Wind classification N3— Seasoned softwood—Stress
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Unseasoned hardwood—Stress Grade MGP 12 (Supplement to AS
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Grade F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.2-1999)
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 1684.2-1999) Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
3 September 2002. 60pp A 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000 , Amdt 3
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
(TM-002) 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 3 September 2002. 60pp A
AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 9—1999 3 September 2002. 60pp A (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3143 0)
Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple- (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3130 9)
ment 9: Timber framing span ta- AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 6—1999
bles—Wind classification N3— AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 15— Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple-
Seasoned hardwood—Stress 1999 ment 6: Timber framing span ta-
Grade F27 (Supplement to AS Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple- bles—Wind classification N4—
1684.2-1999) ment 15: Timber framing span ta- Seasoned softwood—Stress
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April bles—Wind classification N3— Grade MGP 15 (Supplement to AS
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Unseasoned hardwood—Stress 1684.2-1999)
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Grade F17 (Supplement to AS Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
3 September 2002. 60pp A 1684.2-1999) 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000 , Amdt 3
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3123 6) Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 3 September 2002. 60pp A
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3145 7)
AS 1684.2 N3 Supplement 10— published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
1999 3 September 2002. 60pp A
AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 7—1999
Non-cyclonic areas—N3 Supple- (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3132 5)
Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple-
ment 10: Timber framing span ta- ment 7: Timber framing span ta-
bles—Wind classification N3— AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 1—1999 bles—Wind classification N4—WA
Unseasoned softwood—Stress Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple- seasoned hardwood—Stress
Grade F5 (Supplement to AS ment 1: Timber framing span ta- Grade F14 (Supplement to AS
1684.2-1999) bles—Wind classification N4— 1684.2-1999)
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Seasoned softwood—Stress Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Grade F5 (Supplement to AS 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000 , Amdt 3
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 1684.2-1999) published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
3 September 2002. 60pp A Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 3 September 2002. 60pp A
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3124 4) 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3146 5)

AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 8—1999

AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 8—1999 AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 14— published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple- 1999 3 September 2002. 60pp A
ment 8: Timber framing span ta- Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple- (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3164 3)
bles—Wind classification N4— ment 14: Timber framing span ta-
Seasoned hardwood—Stress bles—Wind classification N4— AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 3—1999
Grade F17 (Supplement to AS Unseasoned hardwood—Stress Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement 3:
1684.2-1999) Grade F14 (Supplement to AS Timber framing span tables—Wind
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 1684.2-1999) classification C1—Seasoned soft-
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Incorporates Amendment 1 published April wood—Stress Grade F8 (Supple-
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 ment to AS 1684.3-1999)
3 September 2002. 60pp A published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3147 3) 3 September 2002. 60pp A 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3156 2) published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
3 September 2002. 60pp A
AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 9—1999 (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3165 1)
AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 15—
Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple- 1999
ment 9: Timber framing span ta- Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple- AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 4—1999
bles—Wind classification N4— ment 15: Timber framing span ta- Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement 4:
Seasoned hardwood—Stress bles—Wind classification N4— Timber framing span tables—Wind
Grade F27 (Supplement to AS Unseasoned hardwood—Stress classification C1—Seasoned soft-
1684.2-1999) Grade F17 (Supplement to AS wood—Stress Grade MGP 10 (Sup-
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 1684.2-1999) plement to AS 1684.3-1999)
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
3 September 2002. 60pp A published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3149 X) 3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A
(TM-002) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3166 X)
AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 10—
1999 AS 1684.3—1999 AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 5—1999
Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple- Cyclonic areas Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement 5:
ment 10: Timber framing span ta- Includes a CD-ROM 244pp G Timber framing span tables—Wind
bles—Wind classification N4— Amdt 1 April 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3320 4) X classification C1—Seasoned soft-
Unseasoned softwood—Stress Amdt 2 4 October 2000 wood—Stress Grade MGP 12 (Sup-
Grade F5 (Supplement to AS (ISBN 0 73337 3611 4) A plement to AS 1684.3-1999)
1684.2-1999) Amdt 3 9 May 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3833 8) B Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
Amdt 4 16 May 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4514 8) B 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Amdt 4 to CD-ROM 3 September 2002
3 September 2002. 60pp A
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published (ISBN 0 7337 4815 5)
3 September 2002. 60pp A (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3167 8)
$15.00 Retail No discount
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3150 3) Specifies requirements for building practice and for AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 6—1999
the selection, placement and fixing of the various
structural elements used in the construction of timber- Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement 6:
AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 11— framed Class 1 and Class 10 buildings, as defined in Timber framing span tables—Wind
1999 the Building Code of Australia, for cyclonic areas. It classification C1—Seasoned soft-
Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple- also sets out building practice procedures, which are
given to assist in the correct specification and design wood—Stress Grade MGP 15 (Sup-
ment 11: Timber framing span ta- of timber members, bracing and connections thereby plement to AS 1684.3-1999)
bles—Wind classification N4— minimizing the risk of creating an environment that Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
Unseasoned softwood—Stress might adversely affect the ultimate performance of 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
Grade F7 (Supplement to AS the structure. Appendices specify a method of inter-
polation for Span Tables in the Supplements, and an published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
1684.2-1999) alternative procedure for determining racking forces. 3 September 2002. 60pp A
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Guidance is given on mass of roof, timber natural du- (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3168 6)
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 rability, moisture content, timber species and proper-
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published ties. Some examples are also included. The 45 suple- AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 7—1999
ments, giving different wind classification and stress
3 September 2002. 60pp A grades of various timbers, form an integral part of the Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement 7:
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3151 1) Standard. They are included in a CD-ROM, attached Timber framing span tables—Wind
to this Standard. classification C1—WA seasoned
AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 12— (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3043 4) hardwood—Stress Grade F14
1999 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)
AS 1684.3 Supplement 0—1999 Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple- Cyclonic areas—General introduc-
ment 12: Timber framing span ta- 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
tion and index (Supplement to AS published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
bles—Wind classification N4— 1684.3-1999) 6pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A
Unseasoned hardwood—Stress (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3162 7) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3169 4)
Grade F8 (Supplement to AS
1684.2-1999) AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 1—1999 AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 8—1999
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement 1: Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement 8:
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Timber framing span tables—Wind Timber framing span tables—Wind
3 September 2002. 60pp A classification C1—Seasoned soft- classification C1—Seasoned hard-
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3153 8)
wood—Stress Grade F5 (Supple- wood—Stress Grade F17 (Supple-
ment to AS 1684.3-1999) ment to AS 1684.3-1999)
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
AS 1684.2 N4 Supplement 13— 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
1999 published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
Non-cyclonic areas—N4 Supple- 3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A
ment 13: Timber framing span ta- (TM-002) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3170 8)
bles—Wind classification N4—
Unseasoned hardwood—Stress AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 2—1999 AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 9—1999
Grade F11 (Supplement to AS Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement 2: Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement 9:
1684.2-1999) Timber framing span tables—Wind Timber framing span tables—Wind
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April classification C1—Seasoned soft- classification C1—Seasoned hard-
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 wood—Stress Grade F7 (Supple- wood—Stress Grade F27 (Supple-
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published ment to AS 1684.3-1999) ment to AS 1684.3-1999)
3 September 2002. 60pp A Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3155 4) 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 1—1999 AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 8—1999
3 September 2002. 60pp A Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement 1: Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement 8:
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3171 6) Timber framing span tables—Wind Timber framing span tables—Wind
classification C2—Seasoned soft- classification C2—Seasoned hard-
AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 10— wood—Stress Grade F5 (Supple- wood—Stress Grade F17 (Supple-
1999 ment to AS 1684.3-1999) ment to AS 1684.3-1999)
Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
10: Timber framing span tables— 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
Wind classification C1—Unsea- published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
soned softwood—Stress Grade F5 3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A
(Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3178 3) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3183 X)
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 2—1999 AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 9—1999
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement 2: Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement 9:
3 September 2002. 60pp A Timber framing span tables—Wind Timber framing span tables—Wind
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3172 4) classification C2—Seasoned hard-
classification C2—Seasoned soft-
wood—Stress Grade F7 (Supple- wood—Stress Grade F27 (Supple-
AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 11— ment to AS 1684.3-1999)
1999 ment to AS 1684.3-1999)
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
11: Timber framing span tables— published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
Wind classification C1—Unsea- 3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A
soned softwood—Stress Grade F7 (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3179 1) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3114 7)
(Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 3—1999 AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 10—
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement 3: 1999
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement
3 September 2002. 60pp A Timber framing span tables—Wind
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3173 2) classification C2—Seasoned soft- 10: Timber framing span tables—
wood—Stress Grade F8 (Supple- Wind classification C2—Unsea-
AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 12— ment to AS 1684.3-1999) soned softwood—Stress Grade F5
1999 Incorporates Amendment 1 published April (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
12: Timber framing span tables— 3 September 2002. 60pp A published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
Wind classification C1—Unsea- (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3180 5) 3 September 2002. 60pp A
soned hardwood—Stress Grade F8 (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3115 5)
(Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999) AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 4—1999
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement 4: AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 11—
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 1999
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Timber framing span tables—Wind
3 September 2002. 60pp A classification C2—Seasoned soft- Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3174 0) wood—Stress Grade MGP 10 (Sup- 11: Timber framing span tables—
plement to AS 1684.3-1999) Wind classification C2—Unsea-
AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 13— Incorporates Amendment 1 published April soned softwood—Stress Grade F7
1999 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)
Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
3 September 2002. 60pp A 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
13: Timber framing span tables— published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3181 3)
Wind classification C1—Unsea- 3 September 2002. 60pp A
soned hardwood—Stress Grade (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3116 3)
AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 5—1999
F11 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-
1999) Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement 5:
Timber framing span tables—Wind AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 12—
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 1999
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 classification C2—Seasoned soft-
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published wood—Stress Grade MGP 12 (Sup- Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement
3 September 2002. 60pp A plement to AS 1684.3-1999) 12: Timber framing span tables—
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3175 9) Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Wind classification C2—Unsea-
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 soned hardwood—Stress Grade F8
AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 14— published 27 July 2001 and Amddt 4 published (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999)
1999 3 September 2002. 60pp A Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3182 1) 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
14: Timber framing span tables— 3 September 2002. 60pp A
Wind classification C1—Unsea- AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 6—1999
Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement 6: (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3120 1)
soned hardwood—Stress Grade
F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3- Timber framing span tables—Wind
classification C2—Seasoned soft- AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 13—
1999) 1999
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April wood—Stress Grade MGP 15 (Sup-
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 plement to AS 1684.3-1999) Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 13: Timber framing span tables—
3 September 2002. 60pp A 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Wind classification C2—Unsea-
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3176 7) published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published soned hardwood—Stress Grade
3 September 2002. 60pp A F11 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-
AS 1684.3 C1 Supplement 15— (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3112 0) 1999)
1999 Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
Cyclonic areas—C1 Supplement AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 7—1999 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
15: Timber framing span tables— Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement 7: published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
Wind classification C1—Unsea- Timber framing span tables—Wind 3 September 2002. 60pp A
soned hardwood—Stress Grade classification C2—WA seasoned (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3122 8)
F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3- softwood—Stress Grade F14 (Sup-
1999) plement to AS 1684.3-1999) AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 14—
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 1999
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 14: Timber framing span tables—
3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A Wind classification C2—Unsea-
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3177 5) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3131 7) soned hardwood—Stress Grade

AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 15—1999

F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3- wood—Stress Grade MGP 15 (Sup- AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 13—
1999) plement to AS 1684.3-1999) 1999
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amdt 1 published April 2000, Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 pub- 13: Timber framing span tables—
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published lished 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 3 Wind classification C3—Unsea-
3 September 2002. 60pp A September 2002. 60pp A soned hardwood—Stress Grade
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3125 2) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3142 2) F11 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-
AS 1684.3 C2 Supplement 15— 1999)
AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 7—1999 Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
1999 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
Cyclonic areas—C2 Supplement Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement 7:
Timber framing span tables—Wind published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
15: Timber framing span tables— 3 September 2002. 60pp A
Wind classification C2—Unsea- classification C3—WA seasoned
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3159 7)
soned hardwood—Stress Grade hardwood—Stress Grade F14
F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3- (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999) AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 14—
1999) Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 1999
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 14: Timber framing span tables—
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 3 September 2002. 60pp A
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3184 8) Wind classification C3—Unsea-
3 September 2002. 60pp A soned hardwood—Stress Grade
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3127 9)
AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 8—1999 F14 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-
AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 1—1999 1999)
Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement 8: Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement 1: Timber framing span tables—Wind 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
Timber framing span tables—Wind classification C3—Seasoned hard- published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
classification C3—Seasoned soft- wood—Stress Grade F17 (Supple- 3 September 2002. 60pp A
wood—Stress Grade F5 (Supple- ment to AS 1684.3-1999) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3160 0)
ment to AS 1684.3-1999) Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 15—
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 1999
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published 3 September 2002. 60pp A Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement
3 September 2002. 60pp A (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3144 9) 15: Timber framing span tables—
Wind classification C3—Unsea-
AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 2—1999 AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 9—1999 soned hardwood—Stress Grade
Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement 2: Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement 9: F17 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-
Timber framing span tables—Wind Timber framing span tables—Wind 1999)
classification C3—Seasoned hard- Incorporates Amendment 1 published April
classification C3—Seasoned soft- 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
wood—Stress Grade F7 (Supple- wood—Stress Grade F27 (Supple-
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published
ment to AS 1684.3-1999) ment to AS 1684.3-1999) 3 September 2002. 60pp A
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Incorporates Amendment 1 published April (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3161 9)
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published AS 1684.4—1999
3 September 2002. 60pp A 3 September 2002. 60pp A Simplified—Non-cyclonic areas
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3138 4) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3148 1) 192pp F
AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 3—1999 Amdt 1 April 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3322 0) X
AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 10— Amdt 2 4 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3612 2) X
Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement 3: 1999 Amdt 3 9 May 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3834 6) A
Timber framing span tables—Wind Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement Amdt 4 16 May 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4515 6) B
classification C3—Seasoned soft- 10: Timber framing span tables— Specifies requirements for building practice and for
wood—Stress Grade F8 (Supple- Wind classification C3—Unsea- the selection, placement and fixing of the various
ment to AS 1684.3-1999) soned softwood—Stress Grade F5
structural elements used in the construction of timber-
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April framed Class 1 and Class 10 buildings, as defined in
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999) the Building Code of Australia, for non-cyclonic
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April wind classifications N1 and N2. It also sets out a sim-
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published ple design procedure for low wind classification areas
3 September 2002. 60pp A 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 where details of bracing and tie-down are not as com-
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3139 2) published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published plicated. It includes building practice procedures,
3 September 2002. 60pp A which are given to assist in the correct specification
AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 4—1999 (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3152 X) and design of timber members, bracing and connec-
tions, thereby minimizing the risk of creating an envi-
Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement 4: ronment that can adversely affect the ultimate per-
Timber framing span tables—Wind AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 11— formance of the structure. Appendix A provides
classification C3—Seasoned soft- 1999 member span tables for stress grades of various tim-
bers. Guidance is also given on moisture content and
wood—Stress Grade MGP 10 (Sup- Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement examples of even distribution of bracing.
plement to AS 1684.3-1999) 11: Timber framing span tables— (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3044 2)
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Wind classification C3—Unsea-
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 soned softwood—Stress Grade F7 AS 1687—1991
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999) Knapsack spray pumps for firefight-
3 September 2002. 60pp A
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3140 6)
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April ing 5pp C
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Amdt 1 August 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 7003 2) X
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Sets out requirements for portable hand-operated knapsack
AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 5—1999 3 September 2002. 60pp A spray pumps of the water-container type for firefighting. It
Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement 5: (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3154 6) specifies the materials and construction details of the con-
Timber framing span tables—Wind tainer and pump, and includes a standard test for the appli-
classification C3—Seasoned soft- AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 12— (FP-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6646 9)
wood—Stress Grade MGP 12 (Sup- 1999
plement to AS 1684.3-1999) AS 1690—1975
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement
2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 12: Timber framing span tables— Rules for the safe design, construc-
published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Wind classification C3—Unsea- tion and performance of domestic oil-
3 September 2002. 60pp A soned hardwood—Stress Grade F8 fired appliances (known as the SAA
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3141 4) (Supplement to AS 1684.3-1999) Domestic Oil-fired Appliances Safe
Incorporates Amendment 1 published April Design Code)
AS 1684.3 C3 Supplement 6—1999 2000, Amdt 2 published 21 July 2000, Amdt 3 Reconfirmed 1982 18pp C
Cyclonic areas—C3 Supplement 6: published 27 July 2001 and Amdt 4 published Relates to fixed and flued domestic-type oil burning appli-
ances of all types irrespective of the function of the appli-
Timber framing span tables—Wind 3 September 2002. 60pp A ance or the type of its burner, but not normally over 60 kW
classification C3—Seasoned soft- (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3157 0) energy input rate. It deals with the appliance only as a man-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

ufactured item and does not cover any matters of installa- AS 1710—1986 comprised substantially of timber. Design data is pro-
tion (see AS 1691). Non-destructive testing—Ultrasonic vided for sawn timber, glued laminated timber, round
(ME-040) (ISBN 0 7262 0644 X) timber, plywood, laminated veneer lumber, moni-
testing of carbon and low alloy steel tored in-grade tested material and various types of
AS 1691—1985 plate—Test methods and quality clas- fastenings. Test methods are included for components
sification 8pp C or assemblies of unconventional design which are not
Domestic oil-fired appliances—Instal- readily amenable to detailed analysis. Guidelines on
Sets out methods for the ultrasonic manual listing of car-
lation 11pp D bon and low alloy wrought steel plate of uniform thick- serviceability considerations and information on the
Amdt 1 September 1985 X ness, in the range 5 mm to 180 mm inclusive, using A-scan assignment of capacity factors to timber products are
Provides requirements for the installation of fixed and presentation. Four quality levels are specified in terms of also provided.
flued domestic-type oil-burning appliances, together with limits in size of discontinuities. (TM-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1493 5)
their associated oil fuel supply systems, in domestic build- (MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4019 2)
ings and in other buildings, provided that the capacity of AS 1720.1—1988
the appliance is not over 60 kW thermal input rate. It does
not apply to the design and construction of appliances, AS/NZS 1715:1994 Design methods
rules for which are given in AS 1690. Selection, use and maintenance of Available Superseded See also AS 1720.1-
(ME-040) (ISBN 0 7262 3714 0) respiratory protective devices 79pp J 1997 A4 91pp I
Sets out the principles of respiratory protection. Provides Amdt 1 March 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8055 0) X
AS 1692—1989 information concerning the effects on the body and protec- Sets out the methods to be used in the design or ap-
Tanks for flammable and combustible tion from harmful substances and atmospheres deficient in praisal of structural elts out the methods to be used in
oxygen. Offers guidance on considerations critical to the the design or appraisal of structuralements comprised
liquids 13pp D correct selection, use and maintenance of respirators spec- of timber or wood products, and of structures com-
Specifies design and construction requirements for tanks ified in AS/NZS 1716. Advice on the range of protection prised substantially of timber. It provides design data
together with certain of their appurtenances, but does not factors and the level of protection provided by different for sawn timber, glued-laminated timber, timber in
deal with their installation or with road, rail, or marine respiratory devices is covered. Gives guidance on hazard pole form, plywood, and various types of fastenings.
tanks, or with fuel tanks for vehicles. It does not apply to reduction and respiratory protection programs. This Stand- In addition, it provides methods of test for compo-
the storage of materials that are not liquid at normal tem- ard does not deal with the special problems associated with nents or assemblies of unconventional design which
peratures and pressures. It provides for six categories of underwater breathing, use of respirators in aircraft or life are not readily amenable to detailed analysis.
tank, ranging from those in Category 1 of up to 1200 L ca- support respirators for medical or resuscitation purposes.
pacity and for above ground use principally for the storage (TM-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5090 2)
(SF-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8878 0)
of oil fuel in domestic premises, to those in Category 6 of
any capacity and of a size and type that is usually erected AS 1720.2—1990
on site. The specification requirements may be applied to AS/NZS 1716:1994
Timber properties 8pp D
tanks constructed of other than steel. Typical acceptable Respiratory protective devices
joints are illustrated. Provides a table of timber species and their general
80pp J properties which can be used for the design of timber
(ME-017) (ISBN 0 7262 5855 5) Amdt 1 February 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0237 6) X structures. Extensive explanatory clauses to the table
Specifies performances and testing criteria for seven main are also provided.
AS 1696 types of respirators. General design requirements and test (TM-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6427 X)
Copper requirements are provided for each respirator category.
Appendices include a method for testing total inward leak-
age of assembled respirators, as well as qualitative facial AS 1720.4—1990
AS 1696.1—1987 fit testing and testing of component parts. Criteria for the Fire-resistance of structural timber
Determination of phosphorus— correct selection use and maintenance of respirators are members 5pp C
Spectrophotometric method provided in AS/NZS 1715.
Provides a computational method for determining the
3pp B (SF-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8879 9) fire-resistance of solid and glued-laminated structural
Sets out a spectrophotometric method for the determi- timber members as an alternative to furnace testing.
nation of phosphorus in the range 0.003 to 0.05% in AS 1717—1975 Information is also provided on methods of protecting
copper. The method has been found to be satisfactory Unitized microfilm carriers (35 mm) timber and metal connectors from the effects of fire.
for deoxidized copper containing up to 0.01% silver. 16pp D (TM-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6012 6)
The method represents a revision of AS 1696.1-1974.
Specifies separate dimensional, test and inspection re-
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4606 9) quirements for carriers comprising aperture cards prepared AS 1721—1985
for the mounting of original 35 mm microfilm images, or General purpose metric screw threads
AS 1696.2—1997 camera cards for microfilming of technical documents, or
Determination of copper content— copy cards for the reproduction of 35 mm microfilm imag- (ISO 68 ISO 261 ISO 262 ISO 724 ISO
Electrogravimetric method 6pp C es, or image cards derived from any of the above. An ap- 965-1 ISO 965-2 ISO 965-3)
Specifies an electrogravimetric method for the deter-
pendix provides guidance on the printed format on the car- Reconfirmed 1990 90pp I
rier. Amdt 1 April 1987 X
mination of copper content in blister, anode and high (MS-004) (ISBN 0 7262 0647 4)
grade copper, where the content of copper is greater Specifies requirements for single start parallel metric
than 97%. The method is particularly applicable screw threads having the ISO basic profile for triangular
where impurities would normally interfere with the AS 1718—1992 screw threads, covering the size range from 1 mm diameter
electrode deposition of copper. Water supply—Copper alloy screw- to 355 mm diameter inclusive. Provides for a coarse pitch
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1222 3) series, a fine pitch series and a constant pitch series, the lat-
down pattern taps—Specified by di- ter intended for use in applications for which either the
mensions coarse or fine pitch series are unsuitable. Gives informa-
AS 1697—1981 A4 34pp H tion on screw thread parameters, tolerances, deviations,
Gas transmission and distribution Specifies requirements for copper alloy screw-down pat- thread classes, designation and symbols. Appendices are
systems (known as the SAA Gas Pipe- tern draw-off taps and delivery taps with loose jumper included giving the basis of the tabulated values, guide-
line Code) valves, in a range of nominal sizes from DN 10 to DN 50 lines (with examples) for calculating the limits of size of
inclusive with continuous working pressures not exceed- untabulated screw threads and notes on the production of
See also AS 2885.1-1997 and AS 2885.3-1997 ing 1.4 MPa and continuous operating temperatures not ex- screw threads.
126pp L ceeding 95°C. (ME-028) (ISBN 0 7262 3611 X)
Covers selection of materials, and design, construction, (WS-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7623 5)
testing, inspection, operating and maintenance of gas pipe-
line constructions in steel, cast iron, copper, UPVC and AS 1722
PE, and with pipe temperature limits of 230°C to -30°C. AS 1719—1994 Pipe threads of Whitworth form
Includes a section on corrosion mitigation. The term 'gas' Recommended common names for
is intended to include natural gas, manufactured gas, and pesticides 127pp L AS 1722.1—1975
liquefied petroleum gas distributed as a vapour with or Sets out the common names recommended for pesticides
without the admixture of air, and the code deals with the used in Australia, together with a description of their
Sealing pipe threads
lines, mains and gas service pipes up to the consumer's me- chemical name, using the IUPAC rules for nomenclature, (ISO 7) 24pp D
ter inlet but not piping beyond the consumer's service reg- and an illustration of their chemical formula. A recom- Covers designation system, dimensions and gauging
ulator, nor installation in petroleum processing plants, gas mended pronunciation is also given. The conventions of four series of pipe screw threads in the range 4 to
service regulator, nor installation in petrol processing adopted rely heavily on those adopted by ISO. 150 mm (1/16 to 6 in) nominal size (bore), suitable
plants, gas manufacturing plants, industrial plants or (CH-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9269 9) for connecting pipes used for conveying fluids, with
mines. sealing being effected on the thread surfaces in con-
(ME-038) (ISBN 0 7262 2203 8) tact. The series are internal taper (Series RC), internal
AS 1720 parallel (Series RP), external taper (Series R) and ex-
AS 1698—1988 Timber structures ternal parallel (Series RL).
Protective helmets for vehicle users (ME-028) (ISBN 0 7262 0653 9)
4pp B AS 1720.1—1997
Specifies minimum performance criteria and test require- Design methods AS 1722.2—1992
ments for protective headgear for vehicle users, designed See also AS 1720.1-1988 177pp M Fastening pipe threads
to mitigate the adverse effects of a blow to the head. The Amdt 1 July 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2107 9) X (ISO 228-1:1982 ISO 228-2:1987)
primary intended use is by motor cyclists, but it is equally Amdt 2 1 May 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3332 8) B
applicable to all vehicle users, including racing car drivers 23pp G
and racing motor cyclists under Australian conditions. Amdt 3 7 May 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3853 2) X
Specifies thread form, thread dimensions, tolerance,
Tests for impact attenuation, penetration resistance, Amdt 4 22 November 2002 and associated gauges and gauging practices for fas-
strength of retention system and its attachments, and pe- (ISBN 0 7337 4920 8) X tening threads for pipes of nominal bore 4 mm to 150
ripheral vision are prescribed by reference to AS 2512. Sets out the limit state design methods to be used in mm. Incorporates modified tables for screw gauge
Specific marking requirements are detailed. the design or appraisal of structural elements com- limits and dimensions for fastening pipe threads; set-
(CS-076) (ISBN 0 7262 5039 2) prised of timber or wood products and of structures ting plugs for GO and NOT GO screw calliper gaug-

AS 1725—1975

es; provision for the use of adjustable screw calliper AS 1731.6—2000 of grain size number using the intercept and planimetric
gauges; and wear allowance for GO gauges. Classification according to tem- methods, specific procedures for austenitic grain size in
(ME-028) (ISBN 0 7262 7162 4) steels by a range of micrographic methods, and specific
peratures procedures for metals and alloys consisting principally of
AS 1725—1975 (BS EN 441.6:1995) 2pp B a single phase. Appendices provide explanatory notes on
Specifies a method of classification for refrigerated specifying austenitic grain size limits for steel, list etching
Galvanized rail-less chainwire securi- display cabinets. reagents, and show the standard grain size charts for un-
ty fences and gates (ME-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3412 X) twinned grains (flat etch), twinned grain (flat etch), and
Reconfirmed 1995 16pp C heavily twinned grains (contrast etch).
Applies to the manufacture and erection of security fences (MT-008) (ISBN 0 7262 0676 8)
for factories, schools and offices, and security and subdivi-
AS 1731.7—2000
sion fences for playing fields, open air storage and areas Defrosting test AS/NZS 1734:1997
where restricted access is desired. Requirements for mate- (BS EN 441.7:1995) 2pp B Aluminium and aluminium alloys—
rials used for steel tubes, chainwire, barbed wire, fittings, Specifies a methodology to test the defrosting mech-
galvanized coating and footings are specified. Dimensions anism of refrigerated display cabinets.
Flat sheet, coiled sheet and plate
of materials, spacing of posts and erection details are cov- (ME-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3413 8) (EN 573-1) 36pp H
ered. Components are defined and illustrated in an appen- Specifies requirements for wrought aluminium and alu-
dix. minium alloy flat sheet, coiled sheet and plate for general
(CE-008) (ISBN 0 7262 0658 X) AS 1731.8—2000 engineering purposes. Chemical composition, mechanical
Water vapour condensation test properties and allowable tolerances on dimensions are
AS 1726—1993 (BS EN 441.8:1995) 3pp C specified. An appendix provides information on typical
fabrication characteristics and applications.
Geotechnical site investigations Specifies a method to determine the extent of water
(MT-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1204 5)
35pp H condensation on the internal and external surfaces of
refrigerated display cabinets.
Amdt 1 April 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8815 2) X (ME-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3414 6) AS 1735
Amdt 2 August 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9117 X) X Lifts, escalators and moving walks
Sets out minimum requirements for a geotechnical site in-
vestigation, as a component in the engineering design, con- AS 1731.9—2000
struction, commissioning and operation of civil engineer- Electrical energy consumption test AS 1735.1—2001
ing and building works. Comprehensive appendices are (BS EN 441.9:1995) 2pp B General requirements 59pp J
provided dealing with preferred systems of geotechnical Specifies a method of measuring the consumption of Prescribes uniform requirements and provides defini-
investigations and commonly considered laboratory tests. electrical energy for refrigerated display cabinets. tions for lifts, escalators and moving walks. It also in-
A typical project brief for a geotechnical site investigation (ME-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3415 4) cludes an Appendix which sets out variations to BS
is given and the commentary sets out guidelines on con- EN 81-1 for its acceptance in Australia as an alterna-
struction assessment, maintenance and evaluation of fail- tive to AS 1735.2.
ures. AS 1731.10—2000 (ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4155 X)
(CE-015) (ISBN 0 7262 7878 5) Test for absence of odour and
taste AS 1735.2—2001
AS 1729—1994 (BS EN 441.10:1995) 3pp C
Timber—Handles for tools 22pp F Passenger and goods lifts—Elec-
Specifies a method to check that materials used for tric 168pp N
Specifies quality requirements for Grades AW and BW of the internal components of refrigerated display cabi-
hickory handles for striking tools and Grades A and B of nets will not impact on either the taste or odour of Sets out requirements for electric lifts for carrying
Australian hardwood handles for both striking and non- food. passengers or goods, or both.
striking tools. Appendices give recommendations for tim- (ME-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3416 2) (ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4239 4)
ber species, dimensions and tolerances of these tool han-
dles. AS 1735.2—1997
(TM-007) (ISBN 0 7262 8706 7) AS 1731.11—2000
Installation, maintenance and user Passenger and goods lifts—Elec-
AS/NZS 1730:1996 guide tric 156pp M
(BS EN 441.11:1995) 4pp D Sets out requirements for electric lifts for carrying
Washbasins 10pp D passengers or goods, or both.
Specifies requirements for washbasins made from cast iron Specifies guidelines on the installation, operation and
maintenance of refrigerated display cabinets. (ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1281 9)
vitreous enamelled, pressed steel vitreous enamelled, vit-
reous china, stainless steel, plastics and composite materi- (ME-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3417 0)
als. AS 1735.3—2002
(WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0629 0) AS 1731.12—2000 Passenger and goods lifts—Elec-
Measurement of the heat extrac- trohydraulic 75pp K
AS 1731 tion rate of cabinets when the con- Specifies requirements for electrohydraulic lifts for
Refrigerated display cabinets densing unit is remote from the carrying passengers or goods or both.
(ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4922 4)
AS 1731.1—2000 cabinet
Terms and definitions (BS EN 441.12:1999) 7pp D AS 1735.4—1986
(BS EN 441.1:1995) 4pp D Specifies a heat extraction rate methodology for the Service lifts—Power-operated
Specifies terms and definitions applicable to refriger- measurement of the heat extraction rate of a refriger-
ated display cabinet where the condensing unit is re- 37pp G
ated display cabinets. Amdt 1 July 1989 (ISBN 0 7262 5732 X) X
mote from the cabinet and is used with a compres-
(ME-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3407 3) sion-type or indirect-type refrigerating system. Amdt 2 28 June 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3340 9)
(ME-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3418 9) Prioce Code X Sets out requirements for power-op-
AS 1731.2—2000 erated service lifts. Covers service lifts with rated
General mechanical and physical AS 1731—1983 speed not more than 1 m/s, rated load more than 12
requirements Frozen food retail cabinets 16pp D kg, and internal car volume more than 0.06 m 3.
(BS EN 441.2:1995) 10pp E Applies to refrigerated cabinets for the retail sale of pack- (ME-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4118 0)
Specifies requirements for the mechanical and physi- aged frozen foods. It provides for two climate classes, for
cal performance of refrigerated display cabinets. use where the ambient temperature will not exceed 25°C AS 1735.5—2001
(ME-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3408 1) (e.g. a naturally mild climate or a fully and continuously Escalators and moving walks (BS
air-conditioned store) and for use where the ambient tem-
perature may exceed 25°C but will not exceed 32°C. Per- EN 115:1995, MOD) 52pp J
AS 1731.3—2000 formance requirements and methods of test are specified, Amdt 1 2 October 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4761 2) X
Linear dimensions, areas and vol- together with other requirements relating to construction, Sets out requirements for electric escalators and mov-
umes volume and area ratings, and markings. ing walks for carrying passengers. This Standard is an
(BS EN 441.3:1995) 2pp B (ME-008) (ISBN 0 7262 2779 X) adoption, with national modifications, and is repro-
duced from BS EN 115:1995.
Specifies a method of defining the linear dimensions,
areas and volumes of refrigerated display cabinets. AS 1732—1997 (ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3609 2)
(ME-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3409 X) Fusible plugs for boilers 2pp B
Applies to non-ferrous fusible plugs for relieving steam AS 1735.7—1998
AS 1731.4—2000 pressure in boilers when low water is experienced. Up- Stairway lifts 9pp D
grades the 1975 edition by addition of reference docu- Specifies requirements for power-operated stairway
General test conditions ments relating to material used in the body or casing of the lifts intended for use by persons with limited mobili-
(BS EN 441.4:1995) 12pp F plug and fusible material of the plug. ty. The lifts consist of a carriage, incorporating a plat-
Specifies general conditions of test for refrigerated (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0880 3) form, or a chair, or both, for raising or lowering per-
display cabinets. sons along stairways.
(ME-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3410 3) AS 1733—1976 (ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1874 4)
Methods for the determination of grain
AS 1731.5—2000 size in metals AS 1735.8—1986
Temperature test (ISO/R 643) Inclined lifts 20pp E
(BS EN 441.5:1995) 18pp F Reconfirmed 1986 24pp F Amdt 1 July 1989 (ISBN 0 7262 5737 0) X
Specifies methods for the determination of test pack- In separate sections covers general procedures for deter- Sets out requirements for power-operated inclined
age temperatures in refrigerated display cabinets. mining grain size in metals and alloys by estimation of lifts of the car or platform type for public and private
(ME-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3411 1) grain size using the comparison method and by calculation use, other than stairway lifts, temporary lifts, or hoists

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

used solely for building work, and amusement devic- AS 1735.16—1993 AS 1742
es. Manual of uniform traffic control de-
Lifts for persons with limited mo-
(ME-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4124 5) bility—Restricted use—Automati- vices
cally controlled 32pp H AS 1742.1—1991
AS 1735.9—1994 Specifies requirements for automatically controlled,
Special purpose industrial lifts low-speed passenger lifts intended for infrequent use
General introduction and index of
by persons with limited mobility. signs 76pp J
29pp F (ME-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8339 8) Amdt 1 December 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7953 6) X
Amdt 1 April 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1872 8) X Specifies the basic colour and shape codings for the
Sets out the requirements for permanently installed AS 1735.17—1995 various classifications of traffic signs. The signs are
special purpose industrial lifts that provide guided illustrated in their respective colours in separate sec-
transportation of personnel and their tools and equip- Lifts for people with limited mobili- tions for regulatory, warning, guide and temporary
ment. ty—Restricted use—Water-drive signs and for hazard markers. The overall dimensions
21pp F for the various sizes for each sign are given together
(ME-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8790 3) with the numbers of other Standards in the AS 1742
Specifies requirements for water-drive lifts that are series to which reference is required for the applica-
AS 1735.10(Int)—1998 installed in a private residence for use primarily by tion of each sign in relation to a particular traffic sit-
persons with limited mobility. uation.
Tests (ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0000 4) (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7262 7086 5)
(Expires 5 August 2003) 36pp H
Amdt 1 5 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3698 X) X AS/NZS 1735.18:2002 AS 1742.1 Supplement 1(Int)—2000
Amdt 2 6 September 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4783 3) Passenger lifts for private resi- General introduction and index of
X dence—Automatically controlled signs—Australian Road Rules sup-
Sets out tests for passenger, goods and service lifts.
39pp H plement (Supplement to AS 1742.1-
(ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2111 7) Specifies requirements for automatically controlled, 1991)
small-sized, low-speed passenger lifts that are in- (Expired 8 December 2002) 9pp D
stalled in private residence. Provides descriptions and specifications for the use of
AS 1735.11—1986 (ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4509 1) signs and devices in the Australian Road Rules 2000
Fire-rated landing doors 6pp B which are not included in any other part of AS 1742.
AS 1736—1975 Altered usages covered in other parts of the Standards
Sets out requirements for fire-rated landing doors for are included.
retarding the passage of fire through openings in fire- Code of practice for pliable roof sark- (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3580 0)
rated liftwells. It applies where doors are required to ing
have a fire-rating certificate. Available Superseded See also AS/NZS
(ME-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4126 1)
AS 1742.2—1994
4200.1:1994, AS/NZS 4200.2:1994 and AS/NZS Traffic control devices for general
4201.3:1994 A5 12pp B use 192pp N
AS 1735.12—1999 Deals with sarking membranes, mainly of bituminized pa-
Amdt 1 October 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1279 7) A
per composition, and their fixing in accordance with the re-
Facilities for persons with disabili- quirements of lending bodies and the procedures adopted Specifies requirements for traffic control devices for
ties 20pp G by roof tiling organizations. It specifies requirements for general use on roads other than freeways, and sets out
Amdt 1 September 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2919 3) X sarking materials, and describes methods to be followed to the way they are applied at intersections, between in-
ensure an effective seal in a sarking membrane and to pro- tersections, and at a number of specific situations in-
Sets out requirements for passenger lifts which are vide adequate safety for personnel when the membrane is cluding sub-standard horizontal and vertical curves,
specifically designed to assist persons with disabili- used in conjunction with wide spacing of rafters or purlins. approaches to structures and obstructions, changes in
ties. Applies only to lifts for which a building author- Appendices describe test methods for impermeability and pavement width, climbing and overtaking lanes, steep
ity having jurisdiction stipulates the provision of fa- shrinkage of the material. grades and water crossings. Guidance is also given in
cilities for persons with disabilities; however, it does (BD-048) (ISBN 0 7262 0681 4) appendices on the design and installation of signs.
not apply to lifts in a private residence. (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7262 8190 5)
(ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2665 8) AS 1737—1975
AS 1742.3—2002
Dimensions of scarifier share mount- Traffic control devices for works
AS 1735.12—1994 ings
Facilities for persons with disabili- on roads 102pp M
Reconfirmed 1985 4pp B Specifies the traffic control devices to be used to
ties Specifies and standardizes those dimensions of the mount- warn, instruct and guide road users in the safe negoti-
A4 32pp F ings for the shares of agricultural scarifiers that will affect ation of work sites on roads, including unsealed
the interchangeability of spare parts. It applies to the sin- roads, footpaths, shared paths and bicycle paths adja-
Sets out requirements for facilities in passenger lifts gle-bolt and tang type of fixing that is peculiar to Australia.
which are specifically designed to assist persons with cent to the roadway together with requirements for
disabilities. Applies only to specific lifts for which a
(ME-065) (ISBN 0 7262 0682 2) maintaining a safe workplace for workers on site. It is
building authority having jurisdiction stipulates the applicable to traffic guidance schemes for road and
provision of facilities for persons with disabilities, AS 1740—1990 bridge construction and maintenance sites, and for
but does not apply to lifts in a sole-occupancy private works associated with other public utilities and serv-
Electrical equipment for coal mines— ices which cause interference or obstruction to the
Transformer substations for use un- normal use of a road.
(ME-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8164 6) derground 19pp F (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4845 7)
Specifies requirements for transformer substations for use
AS 1735.13—1986 in non-hazardous areas and hazardous areas and intended AS 1742.4—1999
Lifts for persons with limited mo- primarily for supplying power to machinery below ground Speed controls 27pp G
in coal mines.
bility—Manually powered 6pp C (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7262 6204 8) Specifies the traffic control devices to be used for the
Amdt 1 July 1989 (ISBN 0 7262 5738 9) X regulatory control of traffic speed and gives guidance
on how speed limits should be determined and ap-
Sets out requirements for manually powered lifts with AS 1741—1991 plied in various situations. The Standard does not
balanced suspension, which are intended for use by a Vitrified clay pipes and fittings with cover temporary speed limits, speed limits on freeway
particular person having limited mobility. ramps, the use of advisory speed signs, or speed limits
flexible joints—Sewer quality 51pp I applicable to certain classes of vehicle or driver.
(ME-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4306 X) Specifies range of nominal sizes (DN 100 to DN 1000), (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2361 6)
crushing strength classes (3 and 4), dimensional and per-
AS 1735.14—1998 formance requirements for vitrified clay pipes and fittings
AS 1742.5—1997
and flexible joints (socket and sleeve types), for operation
Low-rise platforms for passen- under gravity, intended for the conveyance of sewage and Street name and community facili-
gers 12pp E industrial waste. Appendices set out test procedures, di- ty name signs 22pp G
Specifies requirements for powered low-rise vertical- mensions and tolerances for pipes, common fittings and
Sets out principles and specifies requirements for the
ly lifting platforms. The platforms may be controlled socket type flexible joints, purchasing guidelines and
methods for determination of compliance with this Stand- design and use of street name and community facility
by automatic or constant pressure devices. It is in- name signs. It also gives guidance on the selection of
tended that the Standard be applied only where the ard.
suitable street names and the placement of signs at in-
platform is used by persons with limited mobility or (WS-015) (ISBN 0 7262 6874 7) tersections.
for wheelchair applications. (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 1275 4)
(ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1873 6) AS 1742 (Set)
Manual of uniform traffic control de- AS 1742.6—1990
AS 1735.15—2002 vices Complete set in binder $859.32 Retail Service and tourist signs for mo-
Low rise passenger lifts—Non-au- $644.49 Member torists 38pp I
tomatically controlled 40pp I This Set includes AS 1742.1-1991, AS 1742.1 Supp 1(Int)- Specifies traffic signs for indicating to motorists the
2000, AS 1742.2-1994, AS 1742.3-2002, AS 1742.4-1999, availability of services, community facilities, and fea-
Specifies requirements for low-speed passenger lifts AS 1742.5-1997, AS 1742.6-1990, AS 1742.7-1993, AS tures and establishments of tourist interest. It includes
controlled by a constant pressure device. It is intend- 1742.8-1990, AS 1742.9-2000, AS 742.10-1990, AS requirements for the provision and installation of
ed that the Standard be applied only for lifts used pri- 1742.11-1999, AS 1742.12-2000, AS 1742.13-1991 and these signs together with illustrations showing their
marily by persons with limited mobility. AS 1742.14-1996. application in typical situations.
(ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4465 6) (MS-012) (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7262 6419 9)

AS 1742.7—1993

AS 1742.7—1993 AS 1744—1975 AS/NZS 1754:2000

Railway crossings 35pp H Forms of letters and numerals for road Child restraint systems for use in mo-
Specifies traffic control devices to be used to control signs (known as Standard alphabets tor vehicles 44pp I
and warn traffic at and in advance of railway level for road signs) Amdt 1 27 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3800 1) X
crossings. Significant changes incorporated in this re- Specifies the requirements for restraining devices for child
vision include the addition of an optional red target Loose leaf (Issued with AS 1743) 48pp F
occupants of passenger cars and their derivatives.
board to the basic position (crossbuck) sign, new Gives the forms and dimensions of seven series of capital
symbolic train and diagrammatic warning signs for letters and numerals and one of lower-case letters for use (CS-085) (ISBN 0 7337 3019 1)
passive control crossings, and a minimum treatment on signs specified in AS 1742 and AS 1743. It includes ta-
option for certain low volume crossings. bles of dimensions for a range of heights, and tables of AS 1755—2000
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7262 7906 4) spacings. Conveyors—Safety requirements
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7262 0695 4) 82pp L
AS 1742.8—1990 Sets out minimum safety requirements for the design, in-
Freeways 51pp J AS 1745 stallation and guarding of conveyor and conveyor systems
Outdoor weathering of plastics in the both above ground and underground. It emphasizes the re-
Specifies traffic control devices for use on freeways, quirements for operational safety and protection of persons
including guide signs associated with interchanges, Australian environment who may be exposed to risks associated with conveyors
service and tourist signs, and pavement marking. De- and conveyor systems. It does not apply to platform eleva-
vices required on other roads in the vicinity of a free-
way which pertain to, or are required due to the pres- AS 1745.1—1989 tors, moving stairways or conveyors specifically designed
for the conveyance of people.
ence of the freeway are also included. Commercial products 20pp E (SF-025) (ISBN 0 7337 3588 6)
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7262 6357 5) Describes the recommended practice for exposure for
commercial plastics products to the Australian envi-
AS 1742.9—2000 ronment and specifies the climatic conditions in AS 1756—1999
which specimens of those products are to be exposed Household sinks 14pp E
Bicycle facilities 49pp I to obtain compliance with the Standard. Methods of Amdt 1 4 December 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4140 1) X
Specifies requirements for the signs, pavement mark- reporting and interpreting results are recommended Specifies requirements for materials, construction and fin-
ings and other devices to be applied to bicycle facili- and a sample report and interpretation provided. Aus- ish of household sinks.
ties both on the road and on paths separate from the tralian climatic data and a sample report and interpre-
road, either for the exclusive use of bicycles or joint tation are provided. The Standard is not applicable to
(WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2469 8)
use with other users. Includes recommendations for the exposure of plastics specimens for the purpose of
guide signs and other navigational information for cy- obtaining design data, or for other research or devel- AS 1761—1985
clists. opment purposes. Helical lock-seam corrugated steel
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3404 9) (PL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5586 6) pipes 9pp D
Specifies requirements for full circular shape corrugated
AS 1742.10—1990 AS 1745.2—1989 steel pipes manufactured from galvanized steel strip. The
Pedestrian control and protection Guide for design purposes pipe is formed by a continuous helical lock-seam, and only
pipes in which the direction of the corrugations runs heli-
32pp H 12pp D cally to the longitudinal axis of the pipe are covered. Re-
Specifies traffic control devices for use in controlling Sets out the recommended method of presenting, ac- quirements for base metal, lock-seam strength, coupling
and protecting pedestrian traffic on roads. It also sets cumulating and using data on outdoor weathering of bands, perforations, protective coating and workmanship
out requirements regarding the installation of these plastics. The Standard will assist in the selection of are specified.
devices to achieve the pedestrian control necessary suitable plastics for use in commercial products for (CE-025) (ISBN 0 7262 3542 3)
for pedestrians and other road users. Appendices in- outdoor use in Australia.
clude guidance on pedestrian treatments at railway
level crossings, and model instructions for school (PL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5699 4) AS 1762—1984
crossing supervisors and child monitors. Helical lock-seam corrugated steel
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7262 6418 0) AS 1746—1991 pipes—Design and installation
Conductors—Bare overhead—Hard- 13pp D
AS 1742.11—1999 drawn copper 9pp D Lays down essential requirements for the installation of
Parking controls 57pp J Sets out requirements and tests necessary for homogene- pipes manufactured to AS 1761. It details considerations to
Specifies the signs and pavement markings to be used ous bare electrical conductors for overhead power trans- be taken into account in design calculations and installa-
for indicating areas of a road available or reserved for mission, and constructed of hard-drawn copper wires. A tion procedures. Design soil compaction, design pressure,
parking, where parking is restricted or prohibited and range of wire sizes and their properties are provided. ring compression, stresses, thickness and handling stiff-
where stopping is restricted or prohibited, on a part- (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6903 4) ness are covered. Sectional properties for each size of the
time or full-time basis by means of either linear or four corrugations are tabulated and appendices include ref-
area parking control. erence tables of cover limits for railway M250 and high-
AS 1747—1993 way T44-A14 live loads.
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2372 1) (CE-025) (ISBN 0 7262 3541 5)
Reeling, trailing and feeder cables
AS 1742.12—2000 used for mining—Repair and testing
40pp H AS 1763—1985
Bus, transit, tram and truck lanes Industrial trucks—Glossary of terms
Specifies requirements for the repair and testing of cables
23pp G used in underground coal mines, metalliferous mines, 20pp E
Specifies the traffic control devices required to desig- open-cut mines, quarries and dredges. Establishes uniformity of terminology for industrial trucks
nate lanes as bus lanes, transit lanes, tram lanes or (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8359 2) and appliances intended to carry out similar functions, in-
truck lanes. It also specifies devices for the control or cluding types with various control and load-handling capa-
prohibition of truck or bus traffic where required on bilities and their attachments, orientation and movements.
roadways. AS/NZS 1748:1997 (ME-026) (ISBN 0 7262 3821 X)
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3601 7) Timber—Stress-graded—Product re-
quirements for mechanically stress- AS 1764—1975
AS 1742.13—1991 graded timber 10pp E Vegetable parchment for wrapping
Local area traffic management Specifies structural property, marking and physical re- dairy products 24pp C
40pp I quirements for mechanically stress-graded timber. Physi- Applies to the manufacture, sampling, testing, dimensions
Sets out standards for the provision of traffic signs, cal requirements are given for strength considerations as and tolerances of reels and sheets of vegetable parchment.
pavement markings and delineation at a variety of lo- well as for utility considerations. It lists prohibited additives and impurities and lays down
cal area traffic management (LATM) devices includ- (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1354 8) limits for mechanical properties. Appendices describe
ing roundabouts, road humps, slow points, shared methods for determining compliance with the specified re-
zones and related devices. Guidance in the planning AS 1751—1999 quirements.
and development of LATM schemes is also given. (FT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 0739 X)
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7262 7098 9) Copper brazed steel tubes 7pp D
Proposes requirements for copper brazed steel tubes, 4.75
mm and over in outside diameter. Covers material, process AS 1766
AS 1742.14—1996 of manufacture, condition of tubes, packaging, testing and Food microbiology
Traffic signals 42pp H permissible variation in wall thickness, outside diamter
Specifies the type and layout of signals, aspects and and length. AS 1766.0—1995
displays to be used at locations controlled by traffic (MT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2542 2) General introduction and list of
signals. Basic requirements for signs and pavement
markings to be used in conjunction and in accordance methods 2pp A
with AS 1742.2, are also given. The Standard does
AS 1753—1990 (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9598 1)
not cover railway level crossing signals. Webbing for restraining devices for
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0211 2) occupants of motor vehicles AS 1766.1
(NZS 5432:1990) 11pp D General procedures and tech-
AS 1743—2001 Amdt 1 November 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7897 1) X niques
Road signs—Specifications 318pp O Specifies requirements for webbing for restraining devic-
Specifies graphics, layout and size requirements together es, and gives methods of test. Webbing complying with AS 1766.1.1—1991
with an abridged materials and manufacturing specifica- this Standard is intended for adult seat belts and child re-
tion for the manufacture of the standard road signs provid- straints, but may be suitable for other applications. Pro- Samples, materials, equipment,
ed for in AS 1742. duced as a Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard. laboratory practice 4pp C
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4057 X) (CS-075) (ISBN 0 7262 6498 9) (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6468 7)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1766.1.2—1991 AS 1766.2.14—1991 AS 1766.3.15—1994

Preparation of dilutions 2pp B Psychrotrophic organisms in dairy Cheese 4pp C
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6469 5) products 2pp B (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9241 9)
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6615 9)
AS 1766.1.3—1991 AS 1766.3.16—1994
Colony count—Pour plate meth- AS/NZS 1766.2.15:1998 Long shelf life dairy products in
od 3pp B Listeria monocytogenes in dairy hermetically sealed containers
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6470 9) products 5pp C
(ISO 10560:1993) 16pp F (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9242 7)
AS 1766.1.4—1991 (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1737 3)
Colony count—Surface spread AS/NZS 1766.3.17:1997
method 2pp B AS/NZS 1766.2.16 Sweetened condensed milks
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6471 7) Food and animal feeding stuffs— 4pp C
Horizontal method for the detec- (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1519 2)
AS 1766.1.5—1991 tion and enumeration of Listeria
Colony count—Membrane filtra- AS 1766.3.18—1994
tion method 4pp C Rennets 2pp B
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9244 3)
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6473 3) AS/NZS 1766.2.16.1:1998
Detection method AS 1766.4—1987
AS 1766.1.6—1991 (ISO 11290-1:1996) 17pp F Sampling of foods 5pp C
Estimation of the most probable (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1738 1) (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4589 5)
number (MPN) of microorganisms
4pp C AS 1766.3 AS 1766.5—1994
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6474 1) Examination of specific products Preparation of culture media, dilu-
ents and reagents 36pp H
AS 1766.2 AS 1766.3.1—1991 (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9245 1)
Examination for specific organ- Meat and meat products other than
isms poultry 3pp B AS 1767
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6617 5) Insulating liquids
AS 1766.2.1—1991
Standard plate count 2pp B AS 1766.3.2—1979 AS 1767.1—1999
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6607 8) Poultry Specification for unused mineral
Reconfirmed 1990 5pp B insulating oils for transformers
AS 1766.2.2—1997 (FT-004) and switchgear
Colony count of yeasts and (IEC 60296:1982 IEC 60296:1982/
moulds 4pp C AS 1766.3.3—1991 Amd.1:1986) 10pp E
Amdt 1 October 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1473 0) X Dehydrated foods 4pp C Sets out specification and test methods for unused in-
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1048 4) Amdt 1 August 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8367 3) X sulating liquids, as delivered, with or without addi-
tives, intended for use in transformers, switchgear
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6618 3) and similar electrical equipment in which liquid is re-
AS 1766.2.3—1992 quired as an insulant or for heat transfer. Includes de-
Coliforms and Escherichia coli AS 1766.3.4—1991 tails of bulk transport sampling, specification and lab-
oratory testing. This Standard is based on but is not
7pp C Frozen foods 3pp B technically equivalent to and has been reproduced
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 7673 1) (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6619 1) from IEC 60296:1982 and IEC 60296:1982/
AS 1766.2.4—1994 AS/NZS 1766.3.5:1999 (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2615 1)
Coagulase-positive staphylococ- Molluscs, crustaceans and fish,
ci 4pp C and products thereof 7pp D AS 1767.2
Amdt 1 October 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0075 6) X (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2506 6) Test Methods
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9235 4)
AS 1766.3.7—1986 AS 1767.2.1—1999
AS 1766.2.5—1991 Heat-processed foods in hermeti- Determination of the breakdown
Salmonellae 8pp D cally sealed containers 11pp D voltage at power frequency
Amdt 1 February 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8005 4) X (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4340 X) (IEC 60156:1995) 8pp D
Sets out the method for determining the dielectric
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6610 8) breakdown voltage at power frequency, of insulating
AS 1766.3.8—1991 liquids of nominal viscosity up to 350 mm2s-1 at
AS 1766.2.6—1991 Eggs and egg products 3pp B 40°C. Intended for use of acceptance testing on new
Bacillus cereus 5pp C (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6620 5) liquids and for monitoring the condition of liquids in
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6612 4) use. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
AS 1766.3.10—1994 produced from IEC 60156:1995.
(EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2614 3)
AS 1766.2.7—1991 Liquid milks—Direct microscopic
Clostridium botulinum and count 4pp C AS 1767.2.3—1999
Clostridium botulinum toxin (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9237 0) Method of sampling liquid dielec-
5pp C trics
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6836 4) AS 1766.3.11—1991 (IEC 60475:1974) 12pp E
Dairy products—Test for penicil- Sets out the procedure to be used for sampling liquid
AS 1766.2.8—1991 lin 5pp C dielectrics with viscosity at the sampling temperature
Clostridium perfringens 6pp C Amdt 1 June 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8271 5) X of less that 1 500 cSt, in delivery containers and elec-
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6613 2) (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6475 X) trical equipment. This Standard is based on but is not
equivalent to, and has been reproduced from, IEC
AS/NZS 1766.2.9:1997 AS 1766.3.12—1992 (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2617 8)
Vibrio parahaemolyticus 9pp D Cultured dairy products 3pp B
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1518 4) (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 7674 X) AS 1767.2.4—1999
Detection and determination of
AS/NZS 1766.2.12:2002 AS 1766.3.13—1994 specified anti-oxidant additives in
Escherichia coli in bivalve mol- Liquid milks and creams 4pp C insulating oils
luscs—Rapid method 5pp D (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9238 9) (IEC 60666:1978) 12pp E
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4489 3) Sets out the methods to be used for the detection and
AS/NZS 1766.3.14:1998 determination of specified anit-oxidant additives in
AS 1766.2.13—1991 new hydrocarbon insulating oils. This Standard is
Butter, margarine and related prod- based on but is not equivalent to, and has been repro-
Campylobacter 8pp D ucts 4pp C duced from, IEC 60666:1979.
(FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6476 8) (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2339 X) (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2618 6)

AS 1767.2.5—1999

AS 1767.2.5—1999 AS 1774.1—2000 its pyrometric cone equivalent (refractoriness). This

Determination of cold compressive Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
Unused hydrocarbon based insu- from ISO 528:1983.
lating liquids—Test methods for strength 4pp D (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4506 7)
evaluating the oxidation stability Sets out a method for determining the cold compres-
sive strength of refractory bricks and monolithics. AS 1774.11—1996
(IEC 61125:1992) 24pp G (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3482 0)
Sets out three test methods using the same apparatus Thermal expansion 11pp D
for evaluating the oxidation stability of mineral insu- Sets out a procedure for determining the linear charge
lating oils and of hydrocarbon based insulating liq- AS 1774.2—2001 of a refractory caused by a change in temperature.
uids. This Standard is based on but is not equivalent Determination of bulk density of (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0696 7)
to, and has been reproduced from, IEC 61125:1992. granular materials 4pp D
(EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2619 4) Sets out two methods for the determination of the AS 1774.12—2001
bulk density of granular refractory materials.
Refractoriness under load—Tem-
AS 1767.2.7—1999 (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3785 4)
peratures of deformation at con-
Identification of congeners stant load with rising temperature
(IEC 61619:1997) 30pp H AS 1774.3—2000
Determination of cold modulus of 10pp E
Specifies a method for the determinations of poly- Sets out a procedure for determining the tempera-
chlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentration in non-hal- rupture 4pp D ture(s) corresponding to specific deformations of a
genated insulating liquids by high-resolution capil- Sets out a method for determining the cold modulus shaped refractory which is subjected to a constant
lary column gas chromatography using an electron of rupture, under a three-point load system, of refrac- compressive stress and an increasing temperature.
capture detector. The method gives total PCB content tory bricks and monolithics. (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3770 6)
and is applicable to unused, reclaimed or used insulat- (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3309 3)
ing liquids. This Standard is technically equivalent to
and has been reproduced from IEC 61619:1997. AS 1774.13—2000
AS 1774.4 Permanent dimensional change
(EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2481 7)
Preparation of test pieces 8pp E
AS 1768—1991 AS 1774.4.1—2002 Sets out a method for the determination of permanent
Lightning protection linear and volume changes of refractories after dry-
By casting 7pp D ing, firing or reheating. The Standard is applicable to
(NZS 1768:1991 IEC 1024-1:1990) Sets out a procedure for laboratory preparation of test prefired and unfired refractories having either a regu-
91pp K pieces by casting. lar or irregular shape. It is not applicable to carbon-
Sets out guidelines for the protection of persons and prop- (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4544 X) bearing refractories or ceramic fibre products.
erty from hazards arising from exposure to lightning. In (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3311 5)
particular, it covers: the protection of persons from both di- AS 1774.4.3—1998
rect and indirect effects of a lightning strike; the protection Unshaped refractories on site AS 1774.14—1992
of various buildings and structures from the risk of physi- Thermal conductivity
cal damage or fire; and the protection of sensitive equip- 3pp B
ment from overvoltages resulting from a lightning strike to Describes a procedure for the preparation of test piec- (ISO 8894-2) 14pp E
a building or its associated services. The nature of light- es on site from all types of unshaped refractory mate- Describes a water-calorimeter method and a parallel
ning and the principles of lightning protection are dis- rials. hot-wire method for determining the thermal conduc-
cussed and guidance is given to assist in determining if a (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 1693 8) tivity of refractories having a thermal conductivity up
particular building or structure should be protected. Identi- to 30 W/(m.K).
cal with NZS 1768:1991 and produced as a Joint Austral-
AS 1774.4.4—2001 (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 7501 8)
ian/New Zealand Standard.
(EL-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7132 2) Mouldable refractories 3pp C AS 1774.19—1978
Sets out procedures for laboratory preparation of test
pieces from mouldable refractories. The determination of sieve analy-
AS 1769—1975 (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3794 3) sis and water content
Welded stainless steel tubes for Reconfirmed 1991 2pp B
plumbing applications 8pp B AS 1774.4.5—2002 Describes procedures for determining the wet sieve
Specifies requirements for welded stainless steel tubes in a Gunning refractories 12pp F analysis and the dry sieve analysis, and the water con-
range of nominal sizes from 10 to 100 mm. Details of ma- tent where materials contain added water. Apparatus
terial requirements, dimensions, testing and marking are Sets out procedures for the preparation of test pieces and test procedures are described, and calculation and
included. The tubes are suitable for connection by means from refractory materials by dry and wet gunning at reporting of results are given.
of capillary or compression type fittings. ambient temperatures. (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 1426 4)
(WS-019) (ISBN 0 7262 0605 9) (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4915 1)
AS 1774.21—1996
AS 1770—1975 AS 1774.5—2001 Mouldable refractories—Workabili-
The determination of density, po- ty index 5pp C
Method for the end-quench test for rosity and water absorption
hardenability of steel (Jominy test) 9pp E
Sets out a method for determining the workability of
mouldable refractories at room temperature, by sub-
(ISO 642) Sets out the evacuation method and the boiling water jecting a cylindrical specimen to predetermined im-
Reconfirmed 1986 16pp C method for determining the following properties of a pacts.
Corrig. X refractory: bulk density, apparent solid density, ap- (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0157 4)
Outlines the method for determination of hardenability of parent porosity and water absorption.
steels by end-quenching and hardness determinations. It (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3765 X) AS 1774.22—2000
includes information on the preparation of standard and Refractory mortar—Test methods
subsidiary test pieces, test equipment, heat-treatment de- AS 1774.6—2001 24pp G
tails and subsequent hardness testing. Requirements for the Determination of true density
specification of hardenability limits are included. Heat- Sets out methods for the preparation and testing of
treatment temperatures for wrought alloy steels of the (ISO 5018:1983) 4pp D specimens of refractory mortars for determining a
AISI-SAE type H series and typical hardenability charts Sets out a method for measuring the true density of re- range of properties.
for recording data are in appendices. fractory products and raw materials. This Standard is (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3634 3)
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 0606 7) identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3778 1)
AS 1774.23
AS 1771—1996 Abradability index
Installation of fifth wheel assemblies AS 1774.7—2001
9pp D Permeability to gases 7pp D AS 1774.23.1—2001
Specifies performance requirements and recommendations Sets out a method for determining the permeability to
Oblique method 8pp E
for the installation of fifth wheel assemblies. gases of dense, shaped refractory products. Sets out a method for determining the abradability in-
(ME-053) (ISBN 0 7337 0138 8) (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3766 8) dex of a refractory material at room temperature.
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3831 1)
AS 1773—1996 AS 1774.9—2000
Articulated vehicles—Fifth wheel as- Determination of resistance to the AS 1774.23.2—1999
semblies disintegrating effect of carbon Perpendicular method 6pp D
Sets out a method for determining the abradability in-
(ISO 8717:1988) 13pp E monoxide 5pp D dex of a formed refractory material at room tempera-
Specifies the minimal requirement for fifth wheel assem- (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3308 5) ture.
blies suitable for 50 mm and 90 mm kingpins for articulat- (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2527 9)
ed vehicles, including B-doubles and road trains. AS 1774.10—2002
(ME-053) (ISBN 0 7337 0673 8) Pyrometric cone equivalent (re- AS 1774.24—1997
fractoriness) Resistance to thermal shock
AS 1774 (ISO 528:1983) 5pp F 8pp D
Refractories and refractory materi- Sets out a method for the preparation of a test speci- Describes a procedure for determining the resistance
als—Physical test methods men of a refractory material and the determination of to thermal shock of dense, prefired refractories, hav-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

ing a modulus of rupture of not less than 2 MPa when now commonly used in cylinder production. The 7060 al- AS 1798—1992
exposed to specified temperature fluctuations in a loy, when using the existing ratios in this Standard, gives
prescribed manner. an ultimate design stress ratio some 4% higher than the Lighting poles and bracket arms—Pre-
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 1096 4) other existing 6351 and 6061 alloys. It is also recognized ferred dimensions 18pp F
that the safety factor on burst is marginally higher than the Specifies a series of preferred dimensions for lighting
other alloys. poles which are designed to support luminaires and ancil-
AS 1774.25—1998 lary equipment for the lighting of roads and other outdoor
(ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9545 0)
Determination of density by the public spaces. Applies to a variety of pole types, including
Rees-Hugill method 9pp D AS 1779—1975
those of the 'frangible' and 'slip-base' design. Also specifies
Describes a procedure for determining the density of preferred dimensions for separate bracket arms of a type
refractory materials of particle size less than 500µm. Recommendations for line scales for designed for mounting onto electricity distribution poles,
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2214 8) recording instrument charts walls or other supporting surfaces.
(LG-002) (ISBN 0 7262 7255 8)
Reconfirmed 1982 14pp C
AS 1774.26—1995 Provides recommendations for the preparation of line
Creep in compression—Deforma- scales for charts used with recording instruments. Seven AS 1799
tion under constant load and con- groups of three scale span arrangements are illustrated, Small Pleasure Boats Code
varying according to interval spacings.
stant temperature 9pp D (ME-) (ISBN 0 7262 0621 0) AS 1799.1—1992
Sets out a method for determining the deformation of
a shaped refractory specimen when subjected to a General requirements for power
constant compressive stress at a constant temperature. AS 1788 boats 25pp G
Two suitable types of apparatus are described, i.e. a Abrasive wheels Specifies requirements for determining maximum
tube-type apparatus and a chamber-type apparatus. persons and power capacities and for stability, reserve
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0095 0) AS 1788.1—1987 buoyancy and general design features of power boats
up to 15 m in overall length used as pleasure boats. It
AS 1774.27—2001 Design, construction, and safe- does not apply to boats used for commercial purposes
Modulus of rupture at elevated guarding 46pp H or exclusively for racing, nor to canoes, kayaks or in-
Specifies requirements for the design and construc- flatable boats.
temperatures 5pp D tion of abrasive wheels and the manufacture and in- (CS-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7195 0)
Sets out the method for determining the modulus of stallation of abrasive wheels and ancillary equipment.
rupture of refractories at elevated temperatures.
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3786 2)
Particular requirements are given for the construction AS 1799.2—1989
of guards for all equipment fitted with abrasive General requirements for yachts
wheels and for the construction of flanges for use
AS 1774.28—1998 with abrasive wheels. Includes sections covering 29pp F
Ceramic fibre products—Test standard (normal) maximum operating speeds for all Specifies requirements for reserve buoyancy, stabili-
types of wheels. The Standard is extensively illustrat- ty, hull and rig design and fire protection for yachts
methods 12pp E ed. and motor sailers, up to 15 m in overall length, used
Sets out methods for determining the thickness, bulk (SF-012) (ISBN 0 7262 4467 8) as pleasure boats. It does not apply to boats used ex-
density, shrinkage, thermal conductivity, tensile clusively for racing or for commercial purposes, and
strength, shot content and resilience of insulating ce- does not apply to sailboards.
ramic fibres. AS 1788.2—1987 (CS-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5438 X)
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 1731 4) Selection, care, and use 24pp E
Specifies requirements for the application and opera- AS 1799.3—1985
AS 1774.29—1995 tion of abrasive wheels. Includes sections covering
Engineering 30pp F
Cast coverage 10pp D the storage, handling and mounting of abrasive
wheels in addition to the conditions under which spe- Specifies requirements for propulsion systems, venti-
Describes procedures for the determination of the cast cial operating speeds may be used. A model report lation, bilge pumping, electrical systems, steering and
coverage of castable refractory materials. form for abrasive wheel breakages is given in an ap- other mechanical features of pleasure boats up to 15
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9679 1) pendix. m in overall length. It does not apply to boats used for
(SF-012) (ISBN 0 7262 4466 X) commercial purposes or exclusively for racing, nor to
AS 1774.30—1998 canoes or kayaks.
Drying and firing schedules (CS-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3883 X)
AS 1789—1984
3pp B Electroplated coatings—Zinc on iron
Amdt 1 27 February 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3779 X) AS 1799.4—1985
or steel Reinforced plastics construction
X Reconfirmed 1993 4pp B
Sets out drying and firing schedules to be used for fir- 32pp F
ing refractory materials. Specifies requirements for electroplated coatings of zinc Specifies structural requirements for reinforced plas-
on iron or steel for protection against corrosion; it excludes
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2215 6) threaded fasteners, coil springs and sheet, strip or wire in
tics pleasure boats having an overall length of 15 m or
less. Calculation of the required mass of reinforce-
the unfabricated form. Provision is made for chromate con- ment is based on the use of polyester resin and glass
AS 1774.31 version coatings and procedures for heat treatment for re- fibre, with allowance being made for the use of other
Modulus of elasticity lief of stress and hydrogen embrittlement. resin/reinforcement systems.
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 3482 6) (CS-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3778 7)
AS 1774.31.1—2000
Flexural method 15pp F AS 1791—1986 AS 1799.5—1990
Amdt 1 16 May 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4522 9) X Chromate conversion coatings—Zinc Aluminium construction 12pp E
Sets out a procedure for determining the modulus of and cadmium Amdt 1 January 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 6561 6) X
elasticity of refractories by the tensile method at ele- Reconfirmed 1993 5pp C
vated temperatures. Specifies structural requirements for aluminium
Applies to chromate conversion coatings on zinc and cad- pleasure boats having an overall length of 15 m or
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3633 5) mium coatings intended to give increased corrosion pro- less. Plating thicknesses are calculated with allow-
tection. It does not apply to galvanized (hot-dipped) coat- ances made for stiffeners and hull curvature. Guid-
AS 1774.31.2—2001 ings generally, but caters for special cases. ance is given on selection of materials and fabrication
Compression method 4pp D (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 4087 7) methods.
Amdt 1 29 November 2001 (CS-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6138 6)
(ISBN 0 7337 4145 2) X AS 1794—1975
Amdt 2 16 May 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4523 7) X Commercial tolerances on finished AS/NZS 1800:1998
Sets out a method for determining the modulus of parts of fluorocarbon Occupational protective helmets—Se-
elasticity compression, at a given temperature, for all
Reconfirmed 1986 8pp B lection, care and use 9pp D
formed refractories. Incorporates changes adopted in the revision of AS 1801-
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3772 2) Specifies normal commercial tolerances on parts produced 1981, mostly related to the specification of three different
by machining, automatic compression moulding, or injec- types of occupational protective helmet. Includes new Ap-
tion moulding, from PTFE, FEP, CTFE, FTFE, ECTFE,
AS 1774.32—2002 PFA or other related fluoropolymer resins.
pendix, summarizing optional or additional requirements
that may be requested by the purchaser.
Refractory products containing (PL-029) (ISBN 0 7262 0769 1) (SF-018) (ISBN 0 7337 1963 5)
carbon—Test methods
(ISO 10060:1993) 7pp D AS 1796—2001 AS/NZS 1801:1997
Sets out methods for firing refractory products con- Certification of welders and welding
taining carbon in oxidizing and non-oxidizing condi- Occupational protective helmets
tions. supervisors 68pp K 30pp G
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4507 5) Amdt 1 1 March 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4373 0) X Amdt 1 October 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2954 1) X
Specifies the requirements necessary for the granting of Sets out the requirements for three types of protective hel-
AS 1777—1995 certificates to experienced welders engaged in the various mets reflecting their intended use. It deals with construc-
welding processes used in the manufacture of pressure tion of the helmet shell and helmet finish and includes
Aluminium cylinders for compressed equipment, such as boilers, pressure vessels and associated methods of tests. Specific additional performance require-
gases—Seamless—0.1 kg to 130 kg piping, as defined in AS/NZS 1200, as well as, other appli- ments are given for occupational protective helmets used
29pp G cations requiring a prescribed standard in the theory and in high temperature workplaces and for bushfire fighters'
Specifies the aluminium alloy designation 7060 to bring practice of welding. helmets based on industrial helmets.
the Standard into line with European practice, where it is (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4001 4) (SF-018) (ISBN 0 7337 1350 5)

AS/NZS 1802:1995

AS/NZS 1802:1995 AS 1807.6—2000 AS 1807.19—1989

Electric cables—Reeling and trailing— Determination of integrity of termi- Sizing and counting of particulate
For underground coal mining purpos- nally mounted HEPA filter installa- contaminants in and on cleanroom
es 54pp I tions 3pp C garments 5pp C
Specifies the application, materials, construction, dimen- Amdt 1 15 February 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4343 9) This standard, together with the other standards under
sions and tests for elastomer insulated and sheathed reeling AS 1807, sets out a series of methods. The specifica-
and trailing electric cables, for use in underground coal X tions for all test equipment have been incorporated in
mines. (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3219 4) the series and additional test methods for testing safe-
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0162 0) ty cabinets and determining the recovery times of
AS 1807.7—2000 cleanrooms have been included. The test method in
AS 1807.7-1976 has been replaced by a method to
AS 1803—1998 Determination of integrity of HEPA test the installation integrity of not terminally mount-
General purpose detergents for use in filter installations not terminally ed HEPA filters which is based on the test method in
AS 1132.9-1973, and the test method in AS 1807.14-
the dairying industry 16pp F mounted 3pp C 1976 has been incorporated in Methods 12 and 13 and
Sets out requirements for assessing the solubility of deter- Amdt 1 15 February 202 (ISBN 0 7337 4342 0) withdrawn without replacement.
gents in water. Appendices provide methods for determin- X (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 5721 4)
ing degree of foaming, assessing cleaning performance
and assessing corrosion potential. (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3220 8)
(FT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1961 9) AS 1807.20—2000
AS 1807.8—2000 Determination of sound level at in-
AS 1804—1976 Particle counting in work zone by stalled workstations, safety cabi-
Soft lead sheet and strip automatic particle counter 5pp D nets and pharmaceutical
Reconfirmed 1993 12pp B (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3221 6) isolators 2pp B
Applies to milled or continuously cast soft lead sheet and (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3230 5)
strip intended for use in chemical plants and for roofs, AS 1807.9—1989
flashings, weatherings, damp-proof courses, sound attenu-
Particle counting in cleanrooms by AS 1807.21—2000
ation or other uses. Information on the application of the Determination of inward air veloci-
material for radiation shielding is given in an appendix. microscopic sizing and counting
ty of Class I biological safety cabi-
(MT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 1039 0) 6pp C nets 2pp B
This standard, together with the other standards under
AS 1806—1983 AS 1807, sets out a series of methods. The specifica- (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3231 3)
tions for all test equipment have been incorporated in
Sea water temperatures for cooling of the series and additional test methods for testing safe- AS 1807.22—2000
ships' machinery 6pp B ty cabinets and determining the recovery times of Determination of air barrier con-
Gives the mean and maximum sea-water temperatures on cleanrooms have been included. The test method in
the Australian coast, at sea and in the principal ports, and AS 1807.7-1976 has been replaced by a method to tainment of laminar flow safety
also the mean and maximum global sea-water tempera- test the installation integrity of not terminally mount- cabinets 3pp C
tures. The purpose of the Standard is to provide data on the ed HEPA filters which is based on the test method in (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3232 1)
sea-water temperatures which should be specified in re- AS 1132.9-1973, and the test method in AS 1807.14-
gard to the cooling of various types of ships machinery. 1976 has been incorporated in Methods 12 and 13 and
(ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 2946 6) withdrawn without replacement. AS 1807.23—2000
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 5710 9) Determination of intensity of radia-
AS 1807 tion from germicidal ultraviolet
Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cab- AS 1807.10—2000 lamps 1p A
inets and pharmaceutical isolators— Determination of air pressure of (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3233 X)
Methods of test cleanrooms and pharmaceutical
isolators 1p A AS 1807.24—2000
AS 1807.0—2000 (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3222 4) Determination of recovery times of
cleanrooms 3pp C
List of methods and apparatus
AS 1807.11—2000 (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3234 8)
11pp D
Amdt 1 19 March 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4370 6) X Determination of airflow parallel-
ism in laminar flow cleanrooms AS 1807.25—1990
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3213 5) Determination of gas tightness of
2pp B
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3223 2)
outer shell of biological safety cab-
AS 1807.1—2000 inets 1p A
Determination of air velocity and (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 6131 9)
uniformity of air velocity in clean AS 1807.12—2000
workstations, laminar flow safety Determination of temperature in AS 1808—1984
cabinets and pharmaceutical isola- work zones 2pp B Contraceptive devices—Diaphragms
tors 2pp B (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3224 0)
6pp C
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3214 3) Specifies materials, design, performance, marking and
AS 1807.13—2000 packaging requirements and, in an appendix, provides in-
AS 1807.2—2000 Determination of relative humidity formation on use and storage and on the use of lubricants
in cleanrooms 3pp C and spermicidal preparations.
Determination of performance of (CS-009) (ISBN 0 7262 3434 6)
clean workstations, laminar flow (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3225 9)
safety cabinets and pharmaceuti- AS/NZS 1809:1999
cal isolators under loaded filter AS 1807.15—2000
Wool—The preservation of the integri-
conditions 2pp B Determination of illuminance ty of raw wool samples for display
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3215 1) 1p A
4pp C
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3226 7) Sets out the essential requirements necessary to maintain
AS 1807.3—2000 grab samples of raw wool obtained from bales for display
Determination of air velocity and AS 1807.16—2000 purposes in sale by sample. Recommended preservation
procedures are given, covering handling during sampling,
uniformity of air velocity in laminar Determination of sound level in storage, handling of drawn samples, sample display, and
flow cleanrooms 2pp B cleanrooms 2pp B handling after display.
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3216 X) (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3227 5) (TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2531 7)

AS 1807.4—2000 AS 1807.17—2000 AS 1810—1995

Determination of performance of Determination of vibration in clean- Timber—Seasoned cypress pine—
laminar flow cleanrooms under rooms 2pp B Milled products 17pp F
loaded filter conditions 2pp B (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3228 3) Specifies tolerance, machining grade limits and grade de-
scriptions for tongue and groove flooring, light decking,
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3217 8) lining, dressed boards, joinery stock and moulding, clad-
AS 1807.18—2000 ding, fascia boards, and barge boards milled from cypress
AS 1807.5—2000 Determination of vibration in work- pine and supplied seasoned. Appendices give information
on requirements for finger-joining and recommendation
Determination of work zone integri- stations, safety cabinets and phar- for the installation of finishings and maintenance of cy-
ty 5pp D maceutical isolators 2pp B press decking.
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3218 6) (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3229 1) (TM-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9517 5)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1812—1975 identical with and has been reproduced from ISO AS 1826—1983
Lead ingot (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4934 8)
Electrical equipment for explosive at-
Reconfirmed 1993 12pp B mospheres—Special protection—
Applies to ingot lead or pig lead in an unwrought form to
AS 1816.3—2002 Type of protection s 4pp B
chemical composition requirements. Applications of the Specifies requirements relating to design, construction and
specified grades are given in an appendix, and a further ap- Calibration of reference blocks testing of electrical equipment which can be shown by test
pendix provides guidelines to purchasers when ordering to (ISO 6506-3:1999) 4pp E or otherwise to be suitable for use where explosive gas at-
this Standard. mospheres present an explosion hazard. It is intended for
Specifies a methods for the calibration of reference
(MT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 0817 5) blocks, which are intended for use in the indirect ver- application by certifying authorities in the assessment of
ification of Brinell hardness test machines as de- equipment for certification.
AS 1813—1975 scribed in ISO 6506-2. This Standard is identical with (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 2947 4)
Aluminium foil/vegetable parchment and has been reproduced from ISO 6506-3:1999.
laminates for wrapping dairy prod- (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4935 6) AS 1828—1984
ucts 8pp B Electrical equipment for explosive at-
Sets out parchment grammage and aluminium composi- AS 1817 mospheres—Cable glands 11pp D
tion, and adhesive and odour requirements, and includes Metallic materials - Vickers hardness Amdt 1 November 1985 X
test procedures in appendices. test Specifies requirements relating to the design, construction,
(FT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 0818 3) performance and testing of cable glands for use with enclo-
AS 1817.2—2002 sures installed in explosive atmospheres.
AS 1814—1975 Verification of testing machines (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 1835 9)
High wet-strength greaseproof paper (ISO 6507-2:1997) 10pp F
AS 1830—2002
for wrapping dairy products 24pp C Specifies a method of verification of testing machines
Specifies sampling, conditioning, dimensions and toler- for determining Vickers hardness in accordance with Grey cast iron
ances, limits on additives, limits on impurities, and grease AS 1817.1. This Standard is identical with and has (ISO 185:1988) 11pp F
and air permeability, and includes test procedures in ap- been reproduced from ISO 6507-2:1997. Establishes a classification for grey cast iron. The classifi-
pendices for determining compliance with the specifica- (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4952 6) cation comprises, six grades based on the tensile properties
tion. of test piieces machined from separately cast test samples.
(FT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 0819 1) AS 1817.3—2002 This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
from ISO 185:1988.
Calibration of reference blocks (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4530 X)
AS 1815 (ISO 6507-3:1997) 5pp E
Metallic materials—Rockwell hard- Specifies the method for the calibration of reference AS 1831—2002
ness test blocks to be used for the indirect verification of Vick-
ers hardness testing machines as specified in AS Ductile cast iron
AS 1815.1—2002 1817.2. This Standard is identical with and has been (ISO 1083:1987) 13pp G
reproduced from ISO 6507-2:1997. Specifies the classification of ductile cast irons in accord-
Test method scales (A, B, C, D, E, (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4953 4) ance with the mechanical properties of the material. This
F, G, H, K, N, T) Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from
(ISO 6508-1:1999) 15pp G AS 1817—1991 ISO 1083:1987.
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4531 8)
Specifies the method for Rockwell and Rockwell su- Metallic materials—Vickers hardness
perficial hardness tests for scales and fields of appli- test
cation for metallic materials. This Standard is identi- AS 1832—2002
cal with and has been reproduced from ISO 6508- (ISO 146 ISO 640) 39pp I Malleable cast iron
1:1999. Sets out requirements for measuring the Vickers hardness
(MT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4537 7) of metals and for the installation, calibration and mainte- (ISO 5922:1981) 6pp E
nance of the testing machine. It also specifies requirements Specifies requirements for malleable cast iron. It also gives
for the calibration of standard hardness blocks and indent- a classification on the basis of mechanical properties. It is
AS 1815.2—2002 ers. In this edition, the testing and calibration requirements applicable only to malleable cast iron cast into sand
Verification and calibration of test- have been combined into one Standard. moulds or moulds of comparable thermal diffusivity. This
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from
ing machines (scales A, B, C, D, E, (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7053 9)
ISO 5922:1981.
F, G, H, K, N, T) (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4532 6)
(ISO 6508-2:1999) 10pp F AS 1818—1976
Specifies a method of verification of testing machines Flax canvas, including water-bag can- AS 1833—2002
for determining Rockwell hardness scales A, B, C, D, vas Austenitic cast iron
E, F, G, H, K, N, T. This Standard is identical with Reconfirmed 1988 10pp B
and has been reproduced from ISO 6508-2:1999. (ISO 2892:1973) 9pp F
Covers flax line canvas in four masses and tow canvas in
(MT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4538 5) two masses, in addition to water-bag canvas consisting of Specifies nine grades of flake graphite austenitic cast iron
flax warp and jute weft yarns. Fabric widths include 60, 90, intended for subsequent use in the manufacture of castings.
120 and 180 cm. Physical and chemical properties are stat- These grades of material are based on chemical composi-
AS 1815.3—2002 tion and mechanical properties. This Standard is identical
Calibration of reference blocks (TX-003) (ISBN 0 7262 0828 0)
with and has been reproduced from ISO 2892:1973.
(scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4533 4)
T) AS 1824
(ISO 6508-3:1999) 7pp E AS 1834
Insulation co-ordination Material for soldering
Specifies a method for the calibration of reference
blocks to be used for the indirect verification of Rock-
well hardness testing machines for scales A, B, C, D, AS 1824.1—1995 AS 1834.1—1991
E, F, G, H, K, N, T. This Standard is identical with Definitions, principles and rules Solder alloys 6pp C
and has been reproduced from ISO 6508-3:1999. (IEC 71-1:1993) 21pp F
(MT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4539 3) Specifies requirements for chemical composition and
Amdt 1 March 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1038 7) X gives properties and typical applications for tin-lead
Specifies the procedure for the selection of the stand- and other tin-containing solder alloys.
AS 1816 ard withstand voltages for the phase-to-earth, phase- (MT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 6834 8)
Metallic materials—Brinell hardness to-phase and longitudinal insulation of the equipment
test and the installation of three-phase a.c. systems having AS 1834.2—1986
a highest voltage for equipment above 1 kV. It also
lists the standardized values from which the standard Flux-cored solders 3pp B
AS 1816.1—2002 withstand voltages shall be selected. This Standard is Specifies requirements for flux-cored solder wire of
Test method (ISO 6506-1:1999, technically equivalent to and has been reproduced circular cross-section, with solder alloys in accord-
from IEC 71-1:1993. ance with AS 1834.1. An appendix provides a method
MOD) 18pp H (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9571 X) for determining flux content.
Specifies the method for Brinell hardness test for me- (MT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 4091 5)
tallic materials and is applicable up to the limit of 650
HBW. This Standard is an adoption with national AS 1824.2—1985
modifications and has been reproduced from ISO Application guide AS/NZS 1838:1994
6505-1:1999. (IEC 71-2 IEC 71-3) 37pp G Swimming pools—Premoulded fibre-
(MT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4933 X) reinforced plastics—Design and fabri-
Provides guidance in the application of AS 1824.1. It
includes sections on voltage stresses in service, insu- cation 18pp F
AS 1816.2—2002 lation withstand and protective devices, coordination Sets out requirements for premoulded plastic swimming
Verification and calibration of test- between stresses, and withstand levels in various volt- pools exceeding 7500 L in volume and 750 mm in depth,
age ranges. Appendices cover surge transference constructed from fibre-reinforced plastics based on ther-
ing machines through transformers, validity of tests described in mosetting resin systems. Minimum design soil loads are
(ISO 6506-1:1999) 7pp E AS 1824.1, examples of application and clearances in given for the design of the pool. In-service performance re-
Specifies a method of verification and calibration of air to ensure a specified impulse withstand voltage in quirements for service degradation are set out and a water
testing machines used for determining Brinell hard- installations. resistance test is described using a temperature of 80°C.
ness in accordance with ISO 6506-1. This Standard is (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 3693 4) (PL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 9251 6)

AS/NZS 1839:1994

AS/NZS 1839:1994 AS/NZS 1841.7:1997 hydrant installation designed and installed in accord-
ance with AS 2419.1. Maintenance procedures are
Swimming pools—Premoulded fibre- Specific requirements for vaporiz- given for six levels of service; weekly, monthly, quar-
reinforced plastics—Installation ing-liquid type extinguishers terly, yearly, three-yearly and six-yearly. Appendices
9pp D 1p A set out a checklist of the maintenance procedures, and
Sets out procedures for the installation of premoulded fi- Provides specific requirements for portable recharge- the formats required for logbook reports and hydrant
bre-reinforced plastic swimming pools complying with the able fire extinguishers of the vaporizing-liquid type. test records.
requirements of AS/NZS 1838:1994, for above and below General requirements for portable fire extinguishers (FP-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7867 X)
ground locations. are given in Part 1.
(PL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 9252 4) (FP-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1023 9) AS 1851.5—1981
Automatic smoke/heat venting
AS 1840—1976 AS/NZS 1841.8:1997 systems 3pp B
Water type portable fire extinguish- Specific requirements for non-re-
Sets out the maintenance requirements necessary to
ers—Water (soda acid) type chargeable type extinguishers ensure that smoke/heat release vents will operate in
Obsolescent 1982 2pp B an emergency.
A5 Bound with AS 1841-1976 & AS 1842-1976 Provides specific requirements for portable non-re- (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 2158 9)
chargeable fire extinguishers limited to 2.0 kg or 2.0
14pp B L in size. General requirements for portable fire ex-
Amdt 1 June 1977 X tinguishers are given in Part 1. AS 1851.6—1997
Amdt 2 June 1978 X (FP-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1024 7) Management procedures for main-
Amdt 3 September 1979 X taining the fire and smoke control
Amdt 4 April 1980 X AS 1843—1976 features of air-handling systems
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7262 0867 1) Foam (chemical) type portable fire ex- 15pp E
tinguishers Specifies management procedures for controlling the
AS/NZS 1841 Obsolescent May 1982 9pp B inspection and testing of required fire and smoke con-
Portable fire extinguishers Amdt 1 June 1977 X trol features associated with air-handling systems in
Amdt 2 June 1978 X buildings, to ensure their effective availability. Man-
datory requirements for the frequency of simple in-
AS/NZS 1841.1:1997 Amdt 3 September 1979 X spections are laid down as Level 1 routines. Informa-
General requirements 31pp G Amdt 4 April 1980 X tive recommendations for more complex and detailed
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7262 0870 1) inspections are laid down in Levels 2, 3 and 4.
Amdt 1 23 February 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3796 X) (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 1209 6)
X AS/NZS 1850:1997
Provides general requirements for portable fire extin- Portable fire extinguishers—Classifi- AS 1851.7—1984
guishers and refers to materials, design, construction,
methods of manufacture, performance of the extin- cation, rating and performance test- Fire-resistant doorsets 6pp C
guisher and any associated gas container. It also in- ing 17pp F Sets out requirements for the regular maintenance of
cludes a section on instructions and markings. Specif- Amdt 1 24 July 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3854 0) X fire door installations complying with AS 1905.1. It
ic requirements for individual types of fire Classifies extinguishers according to the general classes of does not apply to fire-resistant roller shutters comply-
extinguishers are given in other parts of this Standard. fires for which they are suitable and gives a method of rat- ing with AS 1905.2.
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1017 4) ing. Tests for Classes A, B, C, D, E and F are included. (FP-019) (ISBN 0 7262 3251 3)
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1016 6)
AS/NZS 1841.2:1997 AS 1851.8—1987
Specific requirements for water AS 1851
Automatic fire detection and alarm
type extinguishers 2pp B Maintenance of fire protection equip- systems 7pp C
Provides specific requirements for portable recharge- ment
Specifies requirements for the regular maintenance,
able fire extinguishers of the water type. It provides including inspection and testing procedures, for fire
for two types, namely the gas container type and the AS 1851.1—1995 detection and alarm systems designed and installed in
stored pressure type. General requirements for porta- Portable fire extinguishers and fire accordance with AS 1670. Maintenance procedures
ble fire extinguishers are given in Part 1. are given for three levels of service, weekly, monthly,
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1018 2)
blankets 19pp F
Amdt 1 November 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0120 5) X and yearly. Appendices set out requirements for fire
detectors, and the formats required for logbook re-
Amdt 2 August 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0649 5) X ports and detector test records.
AS/NZS 1841.3:1997 Sets out requirements for regular inspection, testing, (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4668 9)
Specific requirements for wet- recharging and general servicing of portable fire ex-
chemical type extinguishers tinguishers, that, at the time of manufacture, complied
2pp B with the contemporary edition of the relevant stand- AS 1851.8 Supplement 1—1990
Provides specific requirements for portable recharge-
ard. This Standard also includes a maintenance sched- Automatic fire detection and alarm
ule for fire blankets complying with the requirements
able fire extinguishers of the wet-chemical type. Gen- of AS 3504 and intended for use on small fires involv- systems—System certificates and
eral requirements for portable fire extinguishers are ing cooking oils, fats and clothing. maintenance records (Supplement
given in Part 1. (FP-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9388 1) to AS 1851.8-1987) 78pp I
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1019 0) Comprises records of certification of compliance, in-
AS 1851.2—1995 staller's statement, commissioning test report and a
AS/NZS 1841.4:1997 Fire hose reels 2pp B systems check list, followed by 36 sets of triplicate
Specific requirements for foam logbook report sheets printed on self-carbon paper
Specifies requirements for maintenance of fire hose with the top and second sheets perforated, 12 single
type extinguishers 1p A reels. It includes requirements for 6-monthly and 12- detector test record sheets fixed penultimate in the
Provides specific requirements for portable recharge- monthly inspections. book, and 24 duplicate alarm or fault signal response
able fire extinguishers of the foam type. It provides (FP-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9907 3) record sheets printed on self-carbon paper with the
for two types, namely the gas container type and the top copy perforated. The back cover incorporates a
stored pressure type. General requirements for porta- AS 1851.3—1997 backing sheet for use with the self-carbon paper
ble fire extinguishers are given in Part 1. Automatic fire sprinkler systems record sheets. It has a life of three years.
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1020 4) See also AS 1736-1975 13pp E (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6031 2)
Sets out requirements for routine maintenance of
AS/NZS 1841.5:1997 sprinkler systems and includes precautions to be tak- AS 1851.9—1997
Specific requirements for powder en when systems are rendered inoperative. Delivery lay flat fire hose 6pp C
type extinguishers 2pp B (FP-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1600 8) Sets out requirements for the regular maintenance, in-
Provides specific requirements for portable recharge- cluding inspection and testing procedures, of delivery
able fire extinguishers of the powder type. It provides AS 1851.3—1985 lay flat fire hose whether manufactured in accordance
for two types, namely the gas container type and the Automatic fire sprinkler systems with AS 2792 or otherwise. Procedures are given for
stored pressure type. General requirements for porta- Available Superseded See also AS 1851.3- annual and after-use testing and maintenance. An ap-
ble fire extinguishers are given in Part 1. pendix sets out the format required for logbook re-
1997 A4 16pp D ports and hose test records.
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1021 2) Sets out the minimum requirements for the necessary (FP-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1039 5)
periodic tests and maintenance procedures. It incor-
AS/NZS 1841.6:1997 porates the precautions to be taken when automatic
Specific requirements for carbon fire sprinkler systems are rendered inoperative for AS 1851.10—1989
any reason. Emergency warning and intercom-
dioxide type extinguishers 3pp B (FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3973 9)
Provides specific requirements for portable recharge- munication systems 2pp B
able fire extinguishers of the carbon dioxide type. It AS 1851.4—1992 Sets out requirements for the regular maintenance of
does not apply to the design and construction of the the emergency warning and intercommunication sys-
gas cylinder within which the carbon dioxide is con- Fire hydrant installations 10pp D tem in a building. Details inspection and maintenance
tained. General requirements for portable fire extin- Amdt 1 October 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1449 8) X routines including battery test and method of report-
guishers are given in Part 1. Sets out requirements for regular maintenance, in- ing and recording the results.
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1022 0) cluding inspection and testing procedures, of the fire (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5791 5)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1851.11—1991 AS 1852.151—1988 French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
Electric and magnetic devices the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian,
Halon 1301 total flooding systems Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
7pp C (IEC 50(151)-1978) 32pp E en for each language.
Sets out suitable requirements for the regular mainte- Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard (TE-013)
nance of halon 1301 total flooding systems. provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
(FP-011) (ISBN 0 7262 6962 X) lated technologies, with definitions in English and
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and AS 1852.441—1985
AS 1851.12—1995
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, Switchgear, controlgear and fuses
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
Gaseous fire extinguishing sys- en for each language. (IEC 50(441)-1984) 61pp H
tems 10pp D (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5060 0) Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
Specifies requirements for the regular maintenance of lated technologies, with definitions in English and
gaseous fire extinguishing systems. AS 1852.301—1988 French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
(FP-011) (ISBN 0 7262 9563 9) General terms on measurements in the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian,
electricity Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
AS/NZS 1851.13:1995 (IEC 50(301)-1983) Bound together en for each language.
Wheeled fire extinguishers with AS 1852.302 and AS 1852.303 H (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 3695 0)
16pp F Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard
Sets out general requirements and schedules for regu- provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- AS 1852.446—1988
lar inspection, pressure testing, recharging and gener- lated technologies, with definitions in English and Electrical relays
al servicing of wheeled fire extinguishers. Levels of French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
maintenance are on a time-lapse basis and range, de- the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, (IEC 50(446)-1988) 36pp F
pending on extinguisher type, from 6-monthly in- Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard
spections to 6-yearly inspections. In addition, inspec- en for each language. provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
tion and servicing are included for extinguishers (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5061 9) lated technologies, with definitions in English and
located in aggressive environments. French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9843 3) the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian,
AS 1852.302—1988 Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
Electrical measuring instruments en for each language.
AS 1851.14—1996 (IEC 50(302)-1983) Bound as part of (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5066 X)
Pumpset systems 29pp G 1852.301-303 series H
Specifies the routine operational inspection and test- Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard AS 1852.461—1988
ing of fire protection pumpset systems. provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
(FP-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0813 7) lated technologies, with definitions in English and
Electric cables
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and (IEC 50(461)-1984) 26pp E
AS 1851.15—1997 the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
Local fire alarm systems 8pp D en for each language. lated technologies, with definitions in English and
Specifies requirements for the regular maintenance of (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5061 9) French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
automatic fire detection and alarm systems that are the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian,
not required to be connected to a fire alarm monitor-
ing facility. AS 1852.303—1988 Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
en for each language.
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1605 9) Electronic measuring instruments
(IEC 50(303)-1983) Bound as part of (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5067 8)
AS/NZS 1851.16:1997 1852.301-303 series H
AS 1852.471—1988
Pyrogen fire extinguishing aerosol Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard
systems 9pp D provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- Insulators
lated technologies, with definitions in English and (IEC 50(471)-1984) 11pp C
Provides users of pyrogen fire extinguishing systems French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
with the necessary requirements needed in the regular the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard
maintenance of such systems. Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
(FP-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1362 9) en for each language. lated technologies, with definitions in English and
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5061 9) French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian,
AS/NZS 1852 Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
International Electrotechnology Vo- AS 1852.321—1988 en for each language.
cabulary Instrument transformers (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5068 6)
(IEC 50(321)-1986) 24pp E
AS/NZS 1852.0:2000 Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard AS 1852.521—1988
Introduction and list of Parts of AS provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- Semiconductor devices and inte-
lated technologies, with definitions in English and
1852 and IEC 60050 21pp G French, and in some cases Russian and German, and grated circuits
Lists the Parts of the International Electrotechnical the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, (IEC 50(521)-1984) 90pp H
Vocabulary (IEV). The IEV is a glossary of terms for Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
electrotechnology issued as separate Parts, each deal- en for each language. Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard
ing with a specific field. Also indicates where there provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5062 7) lated technologies, with definitions in English and
are equivalent Parts of AS 1852, and provides en-
dorsement of Parts not published by Standards Aus- French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
tralia or Standards New Zealand. The Parts of IEV AS 1852.351—1978 the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian,
may be purchased from Standards Australia and New Automatic control Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
Zealand. For a compilation of the terms and defini- en for each language.
(IEC 50(351)-1975) 66pp N
tions, see the IEC Multilingual Dictionary on CD-
Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5069 4)
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 3235 6) lated technologies, with definitions in English and AS 1852.531—1975
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and Electronic tubes
AS 1852.101—1978 the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian,
Mathematics Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- (IEC 50(531)-1974) 167pp
(IEC 50(101)-1977) 44pp M
en for ea ch language. $308.00 Retail $231.00 Member
(TE-013) Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard
Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
lated technologies, with definitions in English and AS 1852.371—1988 lated technologies, with definitions in English and
Telecontrol French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian,
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, (IEC 50(371)-1984) 25pp E Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard en for each language.
en for each language. provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
(TE-013) (TE-013)
lated technologies, with definitions in English and
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
AS 1852.131—1988 the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, AS 1852.551—1983
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- Power electronics
Electric and magnetic circuits en for each language.
(IEC 50(131)-1978) 37pp F (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5063 5) (IEC 50(551)-1982) 42pp I
Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- AS 1852.431—1981 provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
lated technologies, with definitions in English and lated technologies, with definitions in English and
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and Transductors French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, (IEC 50(431)-1980) 31pp I the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian,
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
en for each language. provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- en for each language.
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5059 7) lated technologies, with definitions in English and (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 3923 2)

AS 1852.581—1979

AS 1852.581—1979 AS 1852.701—1990 and for conducting a proving test. Appendices include

Telecommunications, channels notes on test equipment, determination of non-proportion-
Electromechanical components al and total elongation proof stresses, extensometers and
for electronic equipment and networks their calibration, and the recording of results.
(IEC 50(581)-1978) 93pp O (IEC 50(701)-1988) 29pp F (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 0883 3)
Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- AS 1856—1991
lated technologies, with definitions in English and lated technologies, with definitions in English and
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and Electroplated coatings—Silver
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, the terms additionally in Dutch, German, Italian, (ISO 4521:1985) 6pp C
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- Specifies requirements for the thickness, quality and test-
en for each language. en for each language. ing of electroplated coatings of silver on metallic and non-
(TE-013) (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5909 8) metallic materials for decorative, protective, electrical,
electronic and other general engineering applications.
AS 1852.726—1983 (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7116 0)
AS 1852.601—1988
Generation, transmission and dis- Transmission lines and
waveguides AS 1858
tribution of electricity—General Electrodes and fluxes for submerged-
(IEC 50(601)-1985) 19pp E (IEC 50(726)-1982) 101pp L
Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard arc welding
Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- lated technologies, with definitions in English and AS 1858.1—1986
lated technologies, with definitions in English and French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and Carbon steels and carbon-manga-
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian,
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- nese steels
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- en for each language. (ANSI/AWS A5.17) 19pp E
en for each language. (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 3925 9) Amdt 1 October 1987 X
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5070 8) Sets out a classification system for electrodes, fluxes
AS 1852.826—1983 and weld metal, and their chemical and physical prop-
AS 1852.602—1988 Electrical installations of buildings erties. It also specifies, where appropriate, require-
Generation, transmission and dis- ments for testing, packaging, marking, and storage.
(IEC 50(826)-1982) 13pp E Guidance on the classification system and the selec-
tribution of electricity—Generation Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard tion of electrodes and fluxes is given in an appendix.
(IEC 50(602)-1983) 26pp E provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- (WD-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4018 4)
Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard lated technologies, with definitions in English and
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re-
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, AS 1858.2—1989
lated technologies, with definitions in English and Low and intermediate alloy steels
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, en for each language. (ANSI/AWS A5.23) 30pp F
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- (TE-013) Specifies classification systems and requirements for
en for each language. electrodes, fluxes, and weld metal, and their chemical
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5071 6) AS 1852.841—1988 and physical properties. It also specifies, where ap-
Industrial electroheating propriate, requirements for testing, packaging, mark-
ing, and storage. Guidance on the classification sys-
AS 1852.603—1988 (IEC 50(841)-1983) 154pp J tem and the selection of electrodes and fluxes is given
Generation, transmission and dis- Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard in an appendix.
tribution of electricity—Power sys- provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- (WD-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5502 5)
lated technologies, with definitions in English and
tem planning and management French, and in some cases Russian and German, and
(IEC 50(603)-1986) 30pp E the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, AS/NZS 1859
Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- Reconstituted wood-based panels—
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- en for each language. Specifications
lated technologies, with definitions in English and (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5079 1)
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and AS/NZS 1859.1(Int):2001
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, AS 1852.845—1989 Particleboard
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- Lighting
en for each language. (Expires 2 October 2003) 9pp E
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5074 0) (IEC 50(845)-1987) 305pp M Specifies product requirements for the purposes of
Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard quality control in manufacture and performance re-
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- quirements for three classes of particleboards, i.e.
AS 1852.604—1988 lated technologies, with definitions in English and standard (STD), moisture resistant (MR) and high
Generation, transmission and dis- French, and in some cases Russian and German, and performance (HP) particleboards.
tribution of electricity—Operation the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4122 3)
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
(IEC 50(604)-1987) 39pp F en for each language.
Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5500 9) AS/NZS 1859.1:1997
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- Particleboard 23pp F
lated technologies, with definitions in English and AS 1852.881—1988 Amdt 1 October 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2191 5) X
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and This Standard specifies dimensional tolerances and
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, Radiology and radiological phys-
physical and mechanical properties for mat-formed
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- ics particleboard, which is classified into standard, high
en for each language. (IEC 50(881)-1983) 164pp J moisture resistant, flooring and treated particle-
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5075 9) Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard boards. Appendices provide information on methods
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- of compliance, purchasing guidelines, storage and
AS 1852.605—1988 lated technologies, with definitions in English and handling, size or pack quantity combinations, and se-
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and lection and application of screw fasteners.
Generation, transmission and dis- the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0900 1)
tribution of electricity—Substa- Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv-
tions en for each language. AS/NZS 1859.2(Int):2001
(IEC 50(605)-1983) 23pp E (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5082 1)
Dry-processed fibreboard
Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard
AS 1853—1983 (Expires 2 October 2003) 12pp F
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- Specifies product requirements for the purposes of
lated technologies, with definitions in English and Automatic oil and gas burners—Me- quality control in manufacture and performance re-
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and chanical draught 24pp F quirements for dry-processed fibreboards, including
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, Sets out requirements for the design, construction and con- ultra-low-density, low-density, medium-density and
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- trol functions of single automatic oil, gas or dual fuel burn- high-density fibreboards.
en for each language. ers of the mechanical draught type, suitable for use for a (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4123 1)
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5076 7) variety of industrial applications. Seven appendices give
supporting illustrations, explanations, or procedures.
(ME-021) (ISBN 0 7262 3102 9) AS/NZS 1859.2:1997
AS 1852.691—1975 Medium density fibreboard (MDF)
Tariffs for electricity 18pp E
(IEC 50(691)-1973) 51pp M AS 1855—1976
Methods for the determination of This Standard specifies dimensional tolerances and
Along with the other parts of AS 1852, this Standard physical and mechanical properties for mat-formed
provides glossaries of terms used in electrical and re- transverse tensile properties of round medium density fibreboard (MDF), which is classi-
lated technologies, with definitions in English and steel pipes fied into standard, high moisture resistant and treated
French, and in some cases Russian and German, and Reconfirmed 1989 20pp C MDF. Appendices provide information on methods
the terms additionally in Dutch German, Italian, Covers the testing of pipe in the size range 150—1100 mm of compliance, purchasing guidelines, storage and
Polish, Swedish and Spanish. A separate index is giv- diameter. It describes the preparation and form of two handling, size or pack quantity combinations, and se-
en for each language. types of test piece and outlines procedures for the determi- lection and application of screw fasteners.
(TE-013) nation of yield stress, proof stress and permanent set stress (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0901 X)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 1859.3:1996 ances are specified. Appendices provide purchasing guide- AS 1880—1976
Decorative overlaid wood panels lines, fabrication characteristics and application data, and Metric units in welding
related composition specifications.
16pp E (MT-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1217 7) Reconfirmed 1986 8pp B
Amdt 1 November 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1466 8) X Corrig. October 1977 X
Specifies performance requirements and specifica- AS/NZS 1866:1997 Provides a listing of metric units considered appropriate
tions for the manufacture and application of decora- for use in the welding industry, and is intended as a basis
tive overlaid wood panels. It specifies dimensional Aluminium and aluminium alloys—Ex- for securing uniformity among users of welding equipment
tolerances and physical and mechanical properties for truded rod, bar, solid and hollow throughout Australia.
four classifications of decorative overlaid wood pan- shapes 37pp H (WD-001) (ISBN 0 7262 1041 2)
els, i.e. low pressure melamine (LPM), PVC film, pa- Specifies requirements for aluminium and aluminium al-
per foils, and wood veneers. Appendices provide in- loy extruded rod, bar, solid and hollow shape products for AS 1881—1986
formation on methods of compliance, purchasing general engineering purposes. Chemical composition and
guidelines, storage and handling, size or pack quanti- Zinc alloys—Casting ingots and cast-
mechanical properties are specified, and allowable toler-
ty combinations, and selection and application of ances on dimensions are included for rod, bar, solid ings—Quality requirements 10pp D
screw fasteners. shapes, and Class A, Class B, Class C and Class D hollow Specifies quality requirements and conditions of supply for
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0512 9) shapes. Examples illustrating the use of tolerance are in- zinc alloys in ingot form for pressure diecasting and grav-
cluded. ity casting and for castings made from them.
AS/NZS 1859.4(Int):2001 (MT-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1218 5) (MT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4020 6)
Wet-processed fibreboard
(Expires 28 September 2003) 9pp E AS/NZS 1867:1997 AS 1882—2002
Specifies product requirements for the purposes of Aluminium and aluminium alloys— Earth and bonding clamps 10pp E
quality control in manufacture and performance re- Drawn tubes 20pp F Provides a range of standard clamps for use in electrical in-
quirements for the application of wet-processed fibre- stallations for connection of earth and bonding conductors
Specifies requirements for wrought aluminium and alu-
boards, including hardboards, medium-boards and to metal pipes and metal cable sheaths of external diameter
minium alloy drawn tube for general engineering purpos- 11 to 105 mm. Performance requirements and certain me-
softboards. es. Chemical composition and tensile properties are speci-
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4117 7) chanical features applicable to all clamps, including spe-
fied, and allowable tolerances on dimensions included. cial clamps fabricated on site and those outside the dimen-
Included are two appendices, one provides guidelines on sional range provided, are specified.
AS/NZS 1859.4:1997 information to be supplied by the purchaser at the time of
enquiry or order, the other lists fabrication characteristics (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4722 1)
Hardboard 10pp D and application data.
This Standard specifies requirements for the dimen- (MT-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1220 7) AS 1883—1992
sions and properties of three grades of hardboard. Ap- Guide to maintenance and supervi-
pendices provide information on recommended pro-
cedures for testing and acceptance, purchasing AS/NZS 1869:1996 sion of insulating oils in service
guidelines, recommended practices for handling and Hose and hose assemblies for lique- (IEC 422:1989) 34pp H
storage of hardboard, and preferred sheet dimensions fied petroleum gases (LP Gas), natural Provides guidance in monitoring, evaluating and maintain-
and quantities. gas and town gas 23pp F ing the condition of mineral insulating oil used in electric
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1098 0) Specifies requirements for hose and hose assemblies for power equipment by recommended standardized tests,
liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), natural gas, town gas procedures and treatments.
AS/NZS 1859.5:1997 manufactured from oil products, tempered liquefied gas, (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7262 7403 8)
Fibre insulating board (insulation and simulated natural gas in transport, automotive, indus-
board) 10pp D trial and domestic applications. It provides for hose up to AS 1884—1985
and including 100 mm inside diameter and 2.6 MPa maxi- Floor coverings—Resilient sheet and
This Standard specifies requirements for the dimen- mum working pressure.
sions and properties of fibre insulating board (insula- (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0768 8) tiles—Laying and maintenance prac-
tion board). Appendices provide information on rec- tices 13pp D
ommended procedures for testing and acceptance, Covers laying and fixing of unbacked floor coverings in all
purchasing guidelines, recommended practices for AS/NZS 1873 forms including semi-rigid PVC, flexible PVC, linoleum,
handling and storage of hardboard, and preferred Powder-actuated (PA) hand-held fas- cork, and rubber. It deals with the site inspection, require-
sheet dimensions and quantities. tening tools ments for concrete, timber, particleboard or plywood sub-
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1097 2) floors, installation of underlays, conditioning of floor cov-
AS/NZS 1873.1:1994 ering and subfloor, laying and maintenance procedures. A
AS 1860—1998 method for testing dryness of concrete subfloors is given in
Selection, operation and mainte- an appendix.
Installation of particleboard flooring nance 9pp C (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 3806 6)
11pp D Sets out recommendations and requirements for per-
Sets out procedures for the selection, placement and fixing
of particleboard flooring complying with AS/NZS 1859.1.
sons using powder-actuated (PA) hand-held fastening AS 1885
tools with guidance for the selection, operation and
Appendices provide check lists for areas of supervision maintenance of these tools. Measurement of occupational health
and recommendations for subfloor ventilation. (SF-029) (ISBN 0 7262 9246 X) and safety performance
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1955 4)
AS/NZS 1873.2:1994 AS 1885.1—1990
AS/NZS 1860.1:2002 Design and construction 9pp C Describing and reporting occupa-
Specifications 7pp D Specifies requirements for the design, construction tional injuries and disease (known
Specifies product requirements for the purpose of and performance of both direct-acting and indirect- as the National Standard for work-
quality control in manufacture and the performance acting powder-actuated (PA) hand-held tools. Appen-
requirements in application of particleboard flooring place injury and disease record-
dices include methods for measuring the velocity of
intended to be installed in accordance with AS 1860. fasteners discharged from PA tools and for determin- ing) 24pp F
These requirements were originally covered in AS/ ing the ability of a PA tool to resist accidental firing Deals with the recording of workplace injury and dis-
NZS 1859.1:1997. when dropped. ease, and is intended for use by both large and small
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4759 0) (SF-029) (ISBN 0 7262 9247 8) organizations. It includes definitions as well as an ex-
planation of the data items which are required to be
AS 1861 recorded. A section dealing with interpretation and
AS/NZS 1873.3:1994 analysis of the recorded information is included.
Air-conditioning units—Methods of Charges 4pp B These measures include incidence rate, frequency
assessing and rating performance Sets out requirements, colour identification and rela- rate, average time lost rate, as well as time series anal-
tive strengths of explosive charges intended for use in ysis and cross tabulations.
AS 1861.2—1991 powder-actuated (PA) hand-held fastening tools com- (SF-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6260 9)
Refrigerated package air-condi- plying with AS/NZS 1873.2.
(SF-029) (ISBN 0 7262 9249 4) AS 1885.1 Supplement 1—1991
tioners 8pp D
Specifies the test conditions and test procedures for Describing and reporting occupa-
the performance ratings of electrically driven refrig- AS/NZS 1873.4:1994 tional injuries and disease—Work-
erated package air-conditioners that are made either Fasteners 5pp B place injury and disease recording
as single-unit appliances or split systems, with or Sets out requirements for fasteners intended for use form (Supplement to AS 1885.1-
without heating capabilities. It provides for testing by with powder-actuated (PA) hand-held fastening tools
air-enthalpy methods, those appliances that because complying with AS/NZS 1873.2. 1990)
of their size cannot be tested by the room calorimeter (SF-029) (ISBN 0 7262 9250 8) Pads of 100 forms D
methods specified in AS 1861.1. Comprises the recording form given in AS 1885.1
(ME-016) (ISBN 0 7262 6611 6) AS 1874—2000 published in pad form to assist in gathering the data
required by AS 1885.1. It is double-sided single page
AS/NZS 1865:1997 Aluminium and aluminium alloys—In- form and is supplied with the codes required for cer-
Aluminium and aluminium alloys— gots and castings 33pp H tain data items.
Specifies requirements for aluminium ingots and alumini- (SF-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6850 X)
Drawn wire, rod, bar and strip um alloy ingots and castings. Includes tables listing the
24pp G chemical composition of aluminium alloys and the mach- AS 1885/B—1976
Specifies requirements for wrought aluminium and alu- anical property requirements of test bars. Appendices de-
minium alloy drawn or cold-finished wire, rod, bar and scribe the designation system for alloys and tempers and Register of work injuries
strip products for general engineering purposes. Chemical provide guidance on the selection of alloys. Pads of 50 forms C
composition, mechanical properties and dimensional toler- (MT-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3306 9) (SF-002)

AS 1885/C—1976

AS 1885/C—1976 for horizontal lifelines (Supple- AS 1894—1997

Register of work injuries (modified) ment to AS/NZS 1891.2:2001) The storage and handling of non-flam-
Pads of 50 forms C 20pp F mable cryogenic and refrigerated liq-
(SF-002) Specifies a range of system configurations which uids 55pp J
have been determined by investigation to meet the Amdt 1 September 1999 (ISBN 0 7262 2862 6) X
AS 1886—1991 performance and safety requirements of AS/NZS Sets out requirements and recommendations for the stor-
1891.2. It also specifies hardware and installation re- age and handling non-flammable cryogenic liquids at tem-
Glossary of terms relating to plastics quirements for such systems. peratures below -90°C and non-flammable refrigerated liq-
(ISO 472:1988) 66pp G (SF-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3761 1) uids at or below -15°C which are classified as Class 2.2 in
Provides an alphabetical listing of terms and definitions re- the ADG Code. Special requirements for the storage and
lating to plastics which is identical to ISO 472, with an ap- handling of liquefied oxygen, nitrous oxide, nitrogen, ar-
pendix of additional terms used in Australia. AS/NZS 1891.3:1997 gon, helium and carbon dioxide are provided. The proper-
(PL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6802 X) Fall-arrest devices 20pp F ties and hazards of these liquids, precautions for their han-
dling and an outline of first aid procedures are discussed.
Specifies requirements for the design and perform-
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1361 0)
AS 1886 Supplement 1—1994 ance of fall-arrest devices comprising those which
travel down either a fixed or flexible anchorage line,
Glossary of terms relating to plas- and those which pay out an anchorage line. AS 1897—1976
tics—Plastics recycling terminology (SF-015) (ISBN 0 7337 1153 7) Electroplated coatings on threaded
(Supplement to AS 1886-1991) 6pp C components (metric coarse series)
Provides definitions of terms used within Australia that re- AS/NZS 1891.4:2000
late to the recycling of plastics. 40pp F
Selection, use and maintenance Specifies coating thickness, gauging after coating and oth-
(PL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8756 3) er requirements for coatings on ISO metric triangular form
69pp K threaded items specified in various Australian Standards. It
AS 1889 Specifies requirements and sets out recommendations covers tolerance classes 6H with G deviation, and 6G for
PVC floor tiles for the selection, safe use and maintenance of indus- nuts, and 6g, 6e and 8g for screws and bolts. Details of pre-
trial fall-arrest systems and devices based on the use plating thread dimensions for standard coating thicknesses
of safety harnesses (including belts), horizontal life and procedures for the modification and extent of modifi-
AS 1889.1—1984 lines and rails, fall-arrest devices, and associated lan- cation to cater for thicker coatings are included. Surface ar-
Semi-rigid 14pp D yards, connectors, anchorages and fittings. eas of threaded items, statistical treatment for probability
of acceptance by 'GO' gauge and recommended sampling
Specifies requirements for smooth-surfaced or em- (SF-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3542 8) procedures are dealt with in appendices.
bossed PVC floor tiles filled or reinforced to provide
a semi-rigid hardness. Requirements for colour, di- (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7262 0974 0)
mensions, indentation, deflection, impact resistance
AS/NZS 1892
to various substances and to moisture movement are Portable ladders AS 1900—2002
included. Flotation aids for water familiarization
(PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 3566 0) AS/NZS 1892.1:1996 and swimming tuition 21pp G
Metal 83pp I Provides requirements for the design, performance and
AS 1889.2—1985 marking of flotation aids for non-swimmers which assist
Specifies the minimum requirements for the design them in becoming familiarized with water and learning to
Flexible 14pp D and construction of portable metal ladders rated for swim.
Specifies requirements for tiles made up of layers of industrial or domestic use. It applies to single, exten-
PVC compounds and self-bonded together. Includes sion, multipurpose, step and trestle ladders, represent- (CS-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4253 X)
requirements for dimensional tolerances and stability, ing a combination of these types. A complete range of
limits for volatile matter, flexibility before and after test methods are included as appendices. Ladder ac- AS 1901—1993
ageing, and resistance to indentation and to various cessories such as ladder-levellers, stabilizers, stand- Electroplated coatings—Gold and
substances. off devices, ladder jacks and straps are not covered.
gold alloys 9pp D
(PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 3567 9) (SF-034) (ISBN 0 7337 0415 8) Specifies requirements for electroplated coatings of gold
and gold alloys 0.5 micrometre and greater in thickness on
AS 1890—1999 AS 1892.2—1992 metallic materials for decorative, electrical, electronic and
Thermally released links 9pp D general engineering applications. It does not apply to coat-
Timber 28pp G ings on screw threads, or metals in the unfabricated form.
Specifies requirements for thermally released links for Sets out the minimum requirements for the materials,
general fire protection services in buildings, which are (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8249 9)
design and construction of timber ladders rated for
commonly used in fire dampers, fire shutters, smoke and domestic or industrial use. It applies to single, exten-
heat ventilators and fire doors. This Standard includes re- sion, step and trestle ladders as well as to platform AS 1903—1976
quirements for construction, testing, identification and step ladders and domestic extension step ladders. Reflective foil laminate
marking of thermally released links. The Standard does not Methods for grading timber stiles and examples of la-
apply to links incorporated in sprinkler heads. Available Superseded See also AS/NZS
bels that may be used to convey safety warnings are 4200.1:1994 Bound with AS 1904-1976 A5
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 2583 X) provided in appendices.
22pp E
(SF-034) (ISBN 0 7262 7471 2)
AS/NZS 1891 Corrigenda December 1976 X
Industrial fall-arrest systems and de- Amdt 1 November 1979 X
AS/NZS 1892.3:1996 Specifies a composite product consisting of two outer lay-
vices Reinforced plastic 90pp I ers of aluminium foil, usually with a core of kraft paper or
Specifies the minimum requirements for the design other suitable material and/or fibre reinforcement. Two
AS/NZS 1891.1:1995 and construction of portable reinforced plastic lad- classes, two grades and two types are provided for, accord-
ing to flammability index, grammage (mass per unit area),
Safety belts and harnesses 35pp ders rated for industrial or domestic use. It applies to
and provision or otherwise of an anti-glare surface. Physi-
H single, extension, multipurpose, step and trestle lad-
ders representing a combination of these types. A cal property limits are stated and criteria of acceptability
Amdt 1 March 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0909 5) X complete range of the test methods are included as ap- are given; values for resistance to delamination in both dry
and humid conditions are included, as well as test proce-
Amdt 2 October 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1360 2) B pendices. Ladder accessories such as ladder-levellers,
dures for the latter condition.
Amdt 3 June 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1941 4) X stabilizers, stand-off devices, ladder jacks and straps
are not covered. (BD-048) (ISBN 0 7262 1014 5)
Amdt 4 August 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2818 9) X (SF-034) (ISBN 0 7337 0416 6)
Specifies requirements for the materials, design, AS 1904—1976
manufacture and testing of industrial safety belts and Code of practice for installation of re-
harnesses, and ancillary equipment including energy AS/NZS 1892.5:2000
absorbers, lanyards, and pole straps. Appendices in- Selection, safe use and care flective foil laminate in buildings
clude static and dynamic performance tests for the Available Superseded See also AS/NZS
various components and assemblies. 12pp F 4200.2:1994 Bound with AS 1903-1976 A5
(SF-015) (ISBN 0 7262 9548 5) Sets out the minimum recommended safe practices 17pp E
and requirements for the selection, safe use and care Corrigenda December 1976 X
AS/NZS 1891.2:2001 of portable ladders constructed from any material.
Describes the procedures to be followed for the installation
Horizontal lifeline and rail sys- (SF-034) (ISBN 0 7337 3467 7) of reflective foil laminate in domestic, commercial or in-
dustrial buildings. It covers the use of the material as a
tems 23pp G sarking membrane under tile, metal deck or corrugated
Specifies design and performance requirements for
AS 1893—1977
sheet roofs, and as a vapour barrier or thermal insulation
systems and associated component hardware for hor- Code of practice for the guarding and (or both) over ceilings, in walls and gables, and under
izontal lifelines and rails used for fall-arrest purposes. safe use of metal and paper cutting floors. Sarking procedures for roofs of both rafter and pur-
The Standard covers systems using either rigid rails guillotines lin construction are described, together with treatment at
or flexible lines. Test methods are given in appendi- eaves, ridges, and valleys. The various uses of the material
ces. Endorsed as PNGS 1094-1982 32pp D are illustrated.
(SF-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3762 5) Outlines the general principles of guarding requirements, (BD-048) (ISBN 0 7262 1014 5)
with specific requirements for the guarding of different
types of machine. Fixed, interlocked, automatic and elec-
AS/NZS 1891.2 Supplement 1:2001 tronic guards are included. Illustrations of suitable guards AS/NZS 1905
Horizontal lifeline and rail sys- and guarding details are included. Components for the protection of
tems—Prescribed configurations (SF-022) (ISBN 0 7262 1063 3) openings in fire-resistant walls

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 1905.1:1997 AS 1907P—1976 AS 1921—1976

Fire-resistant doorsets 44pp H Reference print for evaluating toast Airconditioning and ventilation in
Specifies requirements for the design, construction colour ships' cabins and living spaces of
and installation of fire-resistant doorsets including merchant ships
transom panels but excluding lift-landing doors and Reconfirmed 1988 C
access panels, used to protect openings in walls and (EL-015) Reconfirmed 1984 32pp D
partitions required to resist the passage of fire. Shows Amdt 1 February 1984 X
the variation between Australia and New Zealand in Specifies the design conditions for the airconditioning of
regard to the certification, marking and identification AS 1909—1984
cabins and living spaces of merchant ships operating on the
of doorsets as determined by the building codes and Installation of timber doorsets 4pp B Australian coast, also in all global waters except Arctic and
practice in both countries. A series of tests by which Antarctic waters in winter, and provides data and suitable
Sets out procedures for handling, fitting, installation and
the physical capacity of the doorsets may be meas- finishing of timber doorsets specified in AS 2689. It covers methods of calculation for use in designing to meet these
ured is also included. installation in cavity masonry walls, solid masonry walls conditions. Appropriate requirements are specified for oth-
(FP-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0933 8) and timber-framed and metal-framed walls. A symbolic er spaces which may be ventilated from the air-condition-
designation of the direction of closing and faces of doors is ing system, or which may affect the operation of the sys-
AS 1905.2—1989 included. It does not apply to the installation of timber tem. Recommendations are also made for the design of air-
doorsets in demountable partitions or fire-resistant door- conditioning systems for ships operating in restricted geo-
Fire-resistant roller shutters sets. graphical locations on the Australian coast, e.g. ports and
8pp D (BD-021) (ISBN 0 7262 3307 2)
adjacent waters. Charts of recordings of dry and wet bulb
Specifies requirements for design, construction and temperatures over a number of years are included for nine
installation of roller shutters intended to protect traf- Australian ports.
ficable openings in fire-rated walls. Compliance is AS 1910—1994 (ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 0999 6)
based on prototype testing in accordance with AS Water supply—Float control valves for
1530.4. Certification and labelling requirements are AS 1924
included. Design details of a typical 2-hour fire-rated use in hot and cold water 12pp E
roller shutter assembly are provided in an appendix. Specifies the materials and testing requirements for float Playground equipment for parks,
(FP-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5681 1) control valves in the range DN 6 to DN 50 used in cisterns schools and domestic use
and break tanks.
AS/NZS 1906 (WS-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8751 2) AS 1924.1—1981
Retroreflective materials and devices General requirements 12pp C
for road traffic control purposes AS 1912—1976 Specifies the minimum requirements for materials
Hacksaw blades and protective coatings, labelling requirements and
AS/NZS 1906.1:1993 Reconfirmed 1987 16pp C instructions for erection and maintenance. Informa-
tion on painting methods is also included.
Retroreflective materials 35pp H Provides dimensions, materials, form, and nomenclature (CS-005) (ISBN 0 7262 2319 0)
Specifies performance requirements for retroreflec- for a range of hand and power operated blades. It does not
tive materials used in the manufacture of road signs include sampling and testing for performance.
and related traffic control devices, but excluding ret- (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 0989 9) AS 1924.2—1981
roreflective pavement markings, raised pavement Design and construction—Safety
markers, and post-mounted delineators. Test methods aspects (incorporating Amdt 1)
are given in appendices. AS 1913—1976
(MS-049) (ISBN 0 7262 8047 X) Centre drills 19pp E
(ISO 866 ISO 2540 ISO 2541) Includes loads and design criteria for structures, max-
AS 1906.2—1981 imum heights, safety requirements for safe access in-
Reconfirmed 1987 12pp C cluding handrails and guardrailing, with additional
Retroreflective devices (non-pave- Provides dimensions, designations, and some general man- requirements and recommendations related to static,
ment application) 8pp C ufacturing requirements for three types of centre drill: swinging, rocking and rotating equipment. A method
Amdt 1 July 1988 X Type A, for centre holes without protected chamfer; Type for testing for head entrapment points is included.
B, for centre holes with protected chamfer; and Type R, for The rationale for the head entrapment test and a guide
Specifies performance requirements for two types of centre holes with radius form. It is in exact technical agree- to the design loads that might be expected are given
discrete retroreflectors which have higher photomet- ment with BS 328: Part 2, as well as ISO 866, 2540 and in appendices.
ric performance than sheet materials specified in AS/ 2541, but has additional tolerances. (CS-005) (ISBN 0 7262 2321 2)
NZS 1906.1. The first type of device is intended to
provide roadside delineation at night. The dimensions (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 0990 2)
specified make them suitable for attachment to 100 AS 1925—1976
mm wide guideposts. The second type of device is in- AS 1914—2002 Airconditioning and ventilation in
tended for use as sign legend buttons.
(MS-049) (ISBN 0 7262 2204 6) Vitreous enamel coatings—Glossary ships—Machinery control rooms of
of terms 6pp D merchant ships
AS 1906.3—1992 Specifies a list of defined terms, which relate to vitreous Reconfirmed 1984 16pp C
Raised pavement markers (retrore- enamel coatings. Amdt 1 February 1984 X
flective and non-retroreflective) (CH-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4926 7) Specifies the design conditions for the airconditioning of
machinery control rooms of merchant ships operating on
22pp F the Australian coast, and also in all global waters except
Specifies performance requirements for retroreflec-
AS 1915—1992 Arctic and Antarctic waters in winter, and provides data
tive and non-retroreflective raised pavement markers Electrical equipment for explosive at- and suitable methods of calculation for use in designing to
which are to be bonded directly to the pavement sur- mospheres—Battery-operated vehi- meet these conditions. Appropriate requirements are spec-
face. It does not preclude the development of markers ified for other spaces which may affect the airconditioning.
with alternative methods of fixing to the road, but in cles 4pp C Recommendations are also made for the design of suitable
such cases it specifies that performance shall be not Specifies requirements for battery-operated vehicles (truck airconditioning stems for machinery control rooms for
less than for those directly bonded to the surface. Test and tractors) which incorporate a storage battery of the ships operating in restricted geographical locations on the
methods are given in appendices to this Standard. lead-acid type as the source of power, which may be all- Australian coast, e.g. ports and adjacent waters.
(MS-049) (ISBN 0 7262 7460 7) electric or electrohydraulic in operation, and which may be (ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 1004 8)
used where flammable gases or vapours may be present.
AS/NZS 1906.4:1997 (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7212 4) AS 1926
High visibility materials for safety Swimming pool safety
garments 20pp F AS 1917—1976
Specifies the photometric, colorimetric and physical Dental modelling compounds AS 1926.1—1993
property requirements for high visibility materials for Reconfirmed 1989 Endorsed as suitable for use in Fencing for swimming pools
outdoor daytime use, and retroreflective materials for New Zealand 10pp B
use at night or in other dark conditions, for the manu- 20pp D
facture or incorporation into industrial safety gar- Applies to tray and dental modelling compounds and trac-
ing sticks, and provides for testing to be carried out on ma- Amdt 1 12 June 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3346 8) X
ments designed to be worn in situations where the
wearer needs to be highly visible. The Standard does terial kneaded in a metal syringe under closely controlled Specifies design, construction and performance re-
not include immersible water safety materials such as conditions except for tracing sticks which are used after quirements for child-resistant fences and gates in-
those used on personal flotation devices. heating over a flame. Classification, clinical requirements, tended primarily for use in preventing access to
plastic deformation, impression details, keeping qualities swimming pools by young children.
(MS-049) (ISBN 0 7337 1260 6) and marking are specified. (CS-034) (ISBN 0 7262 8342 8)
(HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 0995 3)
AS 1907—1990
AS 1926.2—1995
Performance of household electrical AS 1918—1992
appliances—Toasters Location of fencing for private
(IEC 442) 8pp D Methods for sampling eggs and egg swimming pools
Specifies requirements for the design, construction, per-
products 13pp E See also AS 2818-1986 5pp B
formance, markings, guarantee and instructions for use and Sets out methods for obtaining samples of eggs and egg Sets out options for the location of fencing that pro-
care of electric toasters for household use and for applica- products for chemical analysis and for microbiological and vides barriers in restricting the access to private
tions similar to those in a normal household. sensory examination. swimming pools of young children.
(EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 6053 3) (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 7675 8) (CS-034) (ISBN 0 7262 9567 1)

AS 1926.3—1993

AS 1926.3—1993 sheet and roll forms, for use in industrial radiography, with AS 1937.11—1977
or without intensifying screens. Determination of characteristics of
Water recirculation and filtration (MS-023) (ISBN 0 7262 2149 X)
systems medium to heavy bodied sealers
See also AS 2818-1986 4pp B AS/NZS 1935 resistant to embrittlement from
Specifies requirements for skimmer boxes and other
Acoustics—Determination of sound ageing
permanent water inlets and outlets in swimming pools Reconfirmed 1989 5pp B
and spa pools. absorption coefficient and impedance (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1028 5)
(CS-034) (ISBN 0 7262 8345 2) in impedance tubes
AS 1937.12—1977
AS/NZS 1927:1998 AS/NZS 1935.1:1998 Determination of heat resistance of
Pedal bicycles—Safety requirements Method using standing wave ratio vinyl laminate
(ISO 4210:1996) 46pp H (ISO 10534-1:1996) 21pp F Reconfirmed 1989 1p A
Specifies safety requirements for the design, assembly, and Specifies a method for the determination of the sound (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1028 5)
performance of all types of pedal bicycles and subassem- absorption coefficient, reflection factor and surface
blies of pedal bicycles having a wheelbase of 640 mm or impedance or surface admittance of materials and ob-
greater, including power-assisted bicycles with engines up jects. This Standard is technically equivalent to and AS 1939—1990
to 0.2 kW, but excludes track racers and one-of-a-kind bi- has been reproduced from ISO 10534-1:1996. Degrees of protection provided by en-
cycles. It also specifies requirements for the instructions to (AV-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1923 6) closures for electrical equipment (IP
be given in a manual on use and maintenance, and for the
instructions for the assembly of bicycles offered for sale in Code)
a partially assembled state. AS 1937 (IEC 529:1989) 44pp I
(CS-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2151 6) Methods of test for sealers and adhe- Specifies an alphanumeric code for classifying the degrees
sives for automotive purposes of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equip-
ment rated up to 72.5 kV. It covers protection of persons
AS 1928—2001 against access to hazardous parts and of equipment against
Child-resistant packages 18pp F AS 1937.1—1991 ingress of solid foreign objects, dust, and harmful quanti-
Specifies requirements for reclosable and non-reclosable Determination of flow properties in ties of water. Tests, access probes and object probes and
packages, designated as being resistant to opening by chil- other test equipment are specified. It is identical with and
absolute units 6pp C reproduced from IEC 529:1989.
dren. Intended to be particularly applicable to the packag-
ing of chemicals where child-resistant packaging is re- (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 6575 6) (EL-026) (ISBN 0 7262 6415 6)
(HE-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3739 0) AS 1937.2—1977 AS 1939 Supplement 1—1990
Determination of initial bond Degrees of protection provided by en-
AS 1929—1981 strength of adhesives closures for electrical equipment (IP
Non-destructive testing—Glossary of Reconfirmed 1989 4pp B Code)—Wallchart 1 (Supplement 1 to
terms 30pp G (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1028 5) AS 1939-1990) B
Defines terms relating to the non-destructive testing of Displays in text and diagrams the meanings of the two
metals and materials. Terms are listed under separate sec- AS 1937.3—1977 characteristic numerals of the IP Code specified in AS
tions covering acoustical testing, electromagnetic testing, 1939-1990, in particular the dual protection of persons and
magnetic particle testing, penetrant testing, radiation test- Determination of optimum open of equipment indicated by the first numeral and the protec-
ing. drying time of adhesives tion against ingress of water indicated by the second nu-
(MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 2205 4) Reconfirmed 1989 2pp A meral. It is intended as an aid to be read in conjunction with
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1028 5) AS 1939. Refers to AS 1939 Supplement 2.
AS 1930—1976 (EL-026) (ISBN 0 7262 6324 9)
Circuit-breakers for distribution cir- AS 1937.4—1977
cuits (up to and including 1000 V a.c. Determination of heat resistance of AS 1939 Supplement 2—1990
and 1200 V d.c.) adhesive bonds Degrees of protection provided by en-
(IEC 157-1) 81pp G Reconfirmed 1989 1p A closures for electrical equipment (IP
Corrig. X (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1028 5) Code)—Wallchart 2 (Supplement 2 to
Applies to both air-break and oil-break circuit-breakers AS 1939-1990) B
Displays the various combinations of first characteristic
and to their operating devices and auxiliary equipment. It AS 1937.5—1977 numeral and additional letter (indicating the protection of
deals with ratings, classification, mechanical and electrical
design and construction, performance, testing and mark- Determination of staining of trim persons and the protection of equipment against solid for-
ing. Additional requirements for integrally fused circuit- materials by adhesives eign objects) included in the IP Code. Specifies and depicts
breakers are included. Appendices include information to Reconfirmed 1989 4pp B basic details of access and object probes. Is intended as an
be given by the purchaser, items subject to agreement, and aid to be read in conjunction with AS 1939. Refers to AS
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1028 5) 1939 Supplement 1 for the second characteristic numeral.
coordination of circuit-breakers with separate fuses.
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 1020 X) (EL-026) (ISBN 0 7262 6325 7)
AS 1937.6—1977
AS 1931 Determination by pressure extrudi- AS 1940—1993
High-voltage test techniques ometer of the consistency of seal- The storage and handling of flamma-
ers ble and combustible liquids 103pp J
AS 1931.1—1996 Reconfirmed 1989 3pp B Provides requirements for the planning, design, construc-
Corrig. X tion, and safe operation of all installations in which flam-
General definitions and test re- mable or combustible liquids are stored or handled. In sep-
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1028 5)
quirements arate sections it deals with minor storage, package storage
and handling, storage in tanks, fuel dispensing, piping and
(IEC 60-1:1989 IEC 60-1:1989/ AS 1937.7—1977 tank auxiliaries, operations and fire protection facilities.
Cor.:1992) 59pp I Determination by pressure extrudi- Appendices deal with tank venting, combustion character-
Applies to tests with direct, alternating and impulse istics, fire exposure protection, gas-freeing precautions
voltage and with impulse currents on equipment hav- ometer of the consistency of seal- and principles, and power station and grid transformers.
ing its highest voltage above 1 kV. This Standard is ers after accelerated ageing (ME-017) (ISBN 0 7262 8545 5)
identical with and has been reproduced from IEC 60- Reconfirmed 1989 2pp A
1:1989 and its Corrigendum:1992. (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1028 5) AS 1946—2002
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0231 7) Sterile hypodermic needles for single
AS 1937.8—1977 use
AS 1931.2—1996 Determination of staining of auto- (ISO 7864:1993) 11pp F
Measuring systems motive paintwork by adhesives or Specifies requirements for sterile hypodermic needles for
(IEC 60-2:1994) 64pp I sealers single use of nominal outside diameters 0.3 mm to 1.2 mm.
Amdt 1 March 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1037 9) B Does not apply to dental needles. It is identical to, and re-
Reconfirmed 1989 2pp A produced from, ISO 7864:1993.
Applies to complete measuring systems and to their (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1028 5)
components for the measurement of high-voltages (HE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4788 4)
and currents during tests with direct voltage, alternat-
ing voltage, lightning and switching impulse voltages AS 1937.9—1991 AS 1948—1987
and for tests with impulse currents. This Standard is Determination of shear strength of Acoustics—Measurement of airborne
identical with and has been reproduced from IEC 60-
2:1994. metal-to-metal adhesive 2pp B noise on board vessels and offshore
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0232 5) (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 6574 8) platforms
(ISO 2923) 7pp C
AS 1932—1981 AS 1937.10—1977 Sets out the methods and conditions for obtaining objec-
Determination of damping coeffi- tive measurements of the noise levels and noise spectrum
Sizes of film for industrial radiogra- of airborne noise on board vessels and fixed and mobile
phy 3pp B cient by the thick plate method offshore platforms, where the source of the noise is on or
Specifies sizes and related information (dimensions, Reconfirmed 1989 4pp B in the vessels and platforms.
shape, sheets per package and marking) for film, in both (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1028 5) (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4747 2)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 1949—1988 quirements of Grade 1 (equivalent to DOT 3), Grade AS/NZS 1972:2002

Acoustics—Measurement of airborne 2 and Grade 3 (equivalent to DOT 4) and polyglycol Electric cables—Underground coal
base. Other compositions are not excluded. Grade 4
noise emitted by vessels in water- fluids have been deleted and are to be found in AS/ mines—Other than reeling and trail-
ways, ports and harbours NZS 1960.2:1995. ing 33pp H
(ISO 2922) 4pp B (CH-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9695 3) Specifies the construction of cables for fixed apparatus,
Describes methods and conditions for obtaining reproduc- feeder cables, machine cables and mine shaft winder ca-
ible and comparable measurements of the noise level and AS/NZS 1960.2:1995 bles for use below ground in coal mines.
the noise spectrum emitted by vessels of all kinds on wa- (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4841 4)
terways and in ports and harbours. Silicone type 7pp C
(EV-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5178 X) Specifies the requirements for automotive brake flu- AS 1973—1993
ids of silicone type for use in hydraulic braking sys-
tems of motor vehicles. In this Standard, the require- Pneumatic tyres—Passenger car, light
AS 1952—1986 ments of Grade 4 (equivalent to DOT 5) are specified, truck, and truck/bus—Retreading and
Dispensing measures—Pharmaceuti- along with methods of test. Grades 1, 2 and 3 brake repair processes 31pp G
cal—Glass fluid have been deleted. Sets out a Code of Practice for the retreading of pneumatic
Reconfirmed 1995 20pp E (CH-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9697 X) diagonal and radial ply tyres including requirements for in-
Specifies essential requirements for glass conical and glass itial inspection, processing, marking and final inspection.
beaker dispensing measures used for pharmaceutical pur- AS 1961—1977 Also sets out requirements for in-service repairs to tyres
poses. Provides description of performance tests for check- and repairs made in conjunction with the retreading proc-
ing specifications and for assessing suitability of the meas-
Industrial wheels and castors (dimen- ess.
ures for AS marking, including detection of strain, sions and capacities) (based on ISO (ME-056) (ISBN 0 7262 8519 6)
resistance to leaching, accuracy of calibration, resistance recommendations)
to thermal shock and resistance to mechanical shock (of (ISO 2175 ISO 2184 ISO 3101 ISO AS 1974—1976
packaged measure).
(CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4307 8) 3102) 8pp B Drawing board dimensions
Provides nominal metric dimensions, capacities, and inter- (BS 4667:Part 1) 8pp B
face dimensions for non-powered applications for up to Provides for three types of board—Type X for T-squares,
AS 1953—1987 500 mm wheel diameter and 2500 kg load at speeds up to and Types Y and Z for different types of drafting ma-
Information processing—ISO 7-bit and 15 km/h, but does not cover tolerances, materials, or test- chines. Sizes are suitable in all types for use with A0 and
8-bit coded character sets—Code ex- ing. A1 sheet sizes and a Type X for use with A2 sheets is also
tension techniques (ME-031) (ISBN 0 7262 1082 X) listed. Dimensional tolerances, including flatness of work-
ing surface and straightness of T-square edge on Type X
(ISO 2022:1986) 25pp E boards, are specified.
Specifies methods of extending the 7-bit code, remaining AS 1963—1977 (ME-072) (ISBN 0 7262 1108 7)
in a 7-bit environment or increasing to an 8-bit environ- Dental impression paste
ment. These techniques are described in interrelated claus- Reconfirmed 1989 Endorsed as suitable for use in
es dealing with the extension of the 7-bit code remaining AS 1975
in a 7-bit environment, the structure of a family of 8-bit
NZ 11pp B Milling cutters
codes, the extension of an 8-bit code remaining in an 8-bit Applies to the paste which is formed by mixing two com-
environment and the relationship between the 7-bit code ponent pastes, one of which consists primarily of zinc ox-
ide and the other of eugenol or other suitable reactants, and AS 1975.1—1977
and an 8-bit code. This Standard also describes the struc-
ture of families of codes which are related to the code of intended for taking impressions in the mouth. Cylindrical cutters, spindle and ar-
AS 1776 by their structure. This Standard is technically (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 1084 6) bor driven
identical with ISO 2022:1986. (ISO 2296 ISO 2584 ISO 2585 ISO
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4581 X) AS 1964—1977 2586 ISO 2587 ISO 2780)
Orthodontic wires (resilient) (exclud- Reconfirmed 1987 24pp E
AS 1955 ing precious metal wires) Specifies cutters generally aligning with those given
Semiconductor convertors Reconfirmed 1989 10pp B in BS 122: Part 3: 1974 and the equivalent ISO Stand-
Applies to corrosion-resistant round, square or rectangular ards, although there are marginal differences on bore
AS 1955.1—1977 wires of cross-sectional dimensions 0.15—1 mm and in six tolerance, range of bores, and external dimensions.
Some typical features are listed, including number of
General types according to tensile strength. It does not apply to
teeth and cutting edge angles. The latter are defined
(IEC 146-1) wire of precious metals. Specified properties include ten-
sile strength, wrapping ability and bending. Tests are in- fully to encourage uniform description of the cutting
Reconfirmed 1983 134pp I cluded. edge geometry.
Defines the terminology and specifies letter symbols, (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 1085 4) (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1109 5)
requirements and test for use with semiconductor di-
odes and thyristors. The Standard is based on and is
AS 1966 AS 1976—1992
technically similar to IEC 146-1. Vitreous china used in sanitary appli-
(EL-027) (ISBN 0 7262 1070 6) Electric arc welding power sources
ances 5pp C
Specifies the quality of the vitreous china and details the
AS/NZS 1957:1998 AS 1966.1—1985 tests by which the quality may be assessed.
Textiles—Care labelling 24pp G Transformer type 21pp E (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7443 7)
Specifies words, phrases and symbols detailing the care Specifies the requirements for the design, perform-
treatment of upholstery, garments and other articles in or- ance and rating of arc welding power sources of the AS 1977—1977
der to supply relevant and accurate information to a pro- transformer type. It covers transformer type power
spective purchaser at the point of sale. It states what infor- sources having an alternating current or direct current
Flexible insulating sleeving for electri-
mation should be included on a permanent label and what (rectified) output. Both single-operator and multi-op- cal purposes
instructions may be supplied separately in lieu of a perma- erator machines are covered and calculations of (BS 2848:1973)
nent label. It specifies the method of labelling yarn and the equivalent loadings for multi-operator machines are
method by which care instructions for piece goods are to Endorsed as suitable for use in NZ 44pp E
included. Various routine and type tests are contained Sets out requirements and dimensions for a range of sleev-
be made available. in the appendices.
(CS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1554 0) ings of circular section primarily for insulation of conduc-
(EL-019) (ISBN 0 7262 3699 3) tors and apparatus connections. It includes sleevings made
by varnishing or coating a textile base, and those formed
AS 1958—1981 AS 1966.2—1985 by extrusion of suitable insulating materials. It does not ap-
Gas and liquid petroleum submarine Rotary type 16pp D
ply to pre-stretched tubing. A range of test methods is in-
pipelines (known as the SAA Subma- cluded as appendices.
Part 2 specifies the requirements for the design, per- (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 1111 7)
rine Pipeline Code) 111pp L formance and rating of arc welding power sources of
Covers the selection of materials, and design, construction, the rotary type. It covers rotary type power sources
testing, inspection, operation and maintenance of subma- having alternating current and/or direct current gener- AS 1979—1993
rine pipelines constructed in steel with pipe temperature ator output. Both single-operator and multi-operator Electric cables—Lifts—Flexible travel-
limits of 230°C and -30°C. Includes a section on corrosion machines are covered and calculations of equivalent ling
mitigation. loadings for multi-operator machines are included.
(ME-038) (ISBN 0 7262 2206 2) Various routine and type tests are contained in the ap-
(IEC 228-1978) 9pp D
Specifies flexible travelling cables with copper conduc-
pendices. tors, in circular or flat configuration, intended for use in
AS/NZS 1960 (EL-019) (ISBN 0 7262 3700 0) power, control, lighting, indicator, telecommunications or
Motor vehicle brake fluids other similar circuits in electric lifts, at a voltage not ex-
AS 1966.3—1990 ceeding 250/440 V or 250 V.
AS/NZS 1960.1:1995 Plasma arc cutting and welding (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7801 7)
Non-petroleum type 8pp C types 11pp D
Amdt 1 October 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0029 2) X Part 3 specifies the requirements for the design, per-
AS 1982—1993
Specifies the requirements for automotive brake flu- formance and rating of arc welding power sources of Methods for the measurement of case
ids of the non-petroleum type, which are silicone free, the plasma type. It covers power sources for plasma depth in steels 6pp C
for use in hydraulic braking systems and clutches of arc cutting and welding and the electrical supply to Specifies methods for the measurement of case depths of
motor vehicles. It includes testing for swelling of sty- associated torches. It applies to plasma arc power up to 3 mm produced by carburizing, nitriding, carbo-ni-
rene butadiene rubber (SBR) and terpolymer of ethyl- sources having an output of the drooping characteris- triding or cyaniding heat treatment processes, in steel prod-
ene, propylene and diene (EPDM) seals in contact tic type (substantially constant current) and specifies ucts. It includes hardness, micro-hardness, micrographic,
with brake fluid containing 1.5% water. This Stand- limits for open-circuit voltages. macroscopic, chemical and spectrometric methods.
ard covers brake fluids which comply with the re- (EL-019) (ISBN 0 7262 5990 X) (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7929 3)

AS 1983—1977

AS 1983—1977 AS 1998—1977 second involves a traversing thread counter which is

A6 microfiche for engineering and oth- suitable for all woven fabrics in which the threads or
Spirit level vials pattern repeats are distinguishable. The third involves
Reconfirmed 1987 20pp C er data (excluding computer output a counting glass which is suitable for fabrics with 25
Applies to straight cylindrical, bent cylindrical and circular microfiche) or more threads per centimetre, where the threads or
vials, and covers precise and coarse grades. Performance (ISO 2707; ISO 2708) 8pp C pattern repeats are distinguishable.
requirements are specified and an appendix describes Specifies the physical characteristics, requirements in the (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6633 7)
methods of testing for each characteristic. Information on micro-image and non-micro-image areas, and the quality
the use of vials is also given. of A6 microfiche of uniform division having either a 6- AS 2001.2.6—2001
(ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 1127 3) frame or a 98-frame format. Determination of the number of
(MS-004) (ISBN 0 7262 1163 X) wales and courses per unit length
AS 1984—1977 in knitted fabric 6pp D
Vernier callipers (metric series) AS 2001 Specifies three methods for determining the number
(ISO 3599) Methods of test for textiles of wales and courses; pin gauge for all knitted fabric,
traversing thread counter for those where the wales or
Reconfirmed 1989 20pp C AS 2001.1—1995 courses or pattern repeats are readily distinguishable
Specifies materials, properties, basic design details, accu- and counting glass for those with 5 or more wales or
racy and finish of vernier callipers reading to 0.1 and 0.05 Conditioning procedures courses per centimetre.
mm in sizes up to 1000 mm and to 0.02 mm in sizes up to (ISO 139) 26pp F (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3943 1)
300 mm. An appendix gives notes on the testing of the Specifies four procedures for conditioning samples
more important features of the instruments. It does not ap- and specimens of textile materials prior to testing.
ply to dial callipers but these callipers may comply except The various procedures are intended to cater for a ref-
AS 2001.2.7—1987
for read-out and indicating mechanism. erence method which is to be used in cases of dispute; Determination of breaking force
(ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 1129 X) a method for testing materials which are relatively and extension of yarns
dry; a method for high volume testing, and a method (ISO 2062:1972) 7pp C
for rapid conditioning.
AS 1986—1987 (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9975 8) Sets out a method for determining the breaking force
Shipbuilding—Guardrails for cargo and breaking extension of various types of yarn, pri-
marily taken from skeins or packages. The method
ships AS/NZS 2001.1.2:1998 can be used for yarns extracted from a fabric.
(ISO 5480:1979) 6pp C Universal yarn count system (Tex (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4563 1)
Specifies dimensions, materials, and quality of manufac- System)
ture for guardrails and stanchions fitted to decks of cargo (ISO 1144:1973) 5pp C AS 2001.2.8—2001
ships to prevent personnel falling overboard or to lower Determination of tear force of fab-
decks. It does not apply to guardrails near magnetic com- Sets out a universal numbering system to designate
passes. It is identical with ISO 5480. the fineness or coarseness of textile fibres, yarns, in- rics using the ballistic pendulum
termediate products (e.g. tops and rovings) and other method (Elmendorf)
(ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 4579 8) products of similar structures.
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2061 7) (ISO 13937-1:2000) 10pp E
AS 1987—1977 (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 4040 5)
Small square weathertight hatches AS 2001.2 AS 2001.2.9—1977
(BS MA 8) Physical tests Determination of stiffness of cloth
Reconfirmed 1984 12pp C (BS 3356)
Amdt 1 February 1984 X AS 2001.2.1—1988
Determination of mean fibre diame- Reconfirmed 1986 4pp B
Provides a general specification for hatches in the size Describes a procedure for assessing the stiffness of
range 650 to 1275 mm. Four sizes are covered by a com- ter of textile fibres by measure- fabrics by the determination of the related properties
mon basic design with variation in securing and stiffening ment of projected images of bending length, flexural rigidity and bending mod-
to suit the increases in size. The hatches are suitable for ulus.
giving access to compartments other than those subjected (ISO 137-1975) 6pp B
to pressure. They are not suitable for use as escape hatches. Sets out a procedure for determining the mean diam- (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 1306 3)
(ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 1132 X) eter of fibres of circular and near-circular cross-sec-
tion by measuring highly magnified images projected AS 2001.2.10—1986
onto a viewing screen. The method is applicable to all Determination of the tear resist-
AS 1988—1989 fibres of circular or near-circular cross-section. It may
be applied to wool fibres taken from all stages of ance of woven textile fabrics by the
Welding of steel castings wing-rip method 2pp B
processing, as well as to some man-made fibres, e.g.
(BS 4570:1985) 19pp E polyamides, polyesters and glass, and to a limited Sets out a procedure for determining the tear resist-
Specifies requirements for fusion welding in the fabrica- number of polyacrylic and regenerated cellulose type ance of woven textile fabrics by the wing-rip method.
tion and rectification of steel castings, primarily to AS fibres. The method is not applicable to yarn and fibre (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4036 2)
2074. It includes requirements for the welding consuma- embedded in latex or bitumen. This Standard was
bles and equipments, qualification of welding procedures, largely based on ISO 137.
qualification of welders, weld preparation, preheating, and (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 5179 8) AS 2001.2.12—1987
postweld heat treatment. Determination of width of fabrics
(WD-007) (ISBN 0 7262 5446 0) AS 2001.2.3.1—2001 (ISO 3932-1976) 2pp B
Determination of maximum force Sets out a method for the determination of the width
AS/NZS 1995:1995 of pieces of fabric or specimens from pieces of fabric
and elongation at maximum force that are in a state of relaxation by conditioning in a
Welding cables 5pp C using the strip method standard atmosphere for testing, free from applied
Specifies construction, tests, current rating and duty cycle (ISO 13934-1:1999) 13pp F tension.
of welding cables using copper conductors and covered (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4763 4)
with R-CSP-90 or R-CPE-90 elastomer, or V-90 PVC
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 4041 3)
compound. AS 2001.2.13—1987
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9529 9) AS 2001.2.3.2—2001
Determination of maximum force Determination of mass per unit
using the grab method (ISO 13934- area and mass per unit length of
AS 1996—1977 fabrics
Special requirements for electrically 2:1999, MOD) 13pp F
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 4042 1) (ISO 3801-1977) 2pp B
operated cooking and heating appli- Sets out a method for the determination of mass per
ances for marine use AS 2001.2.4—1990 unit area of fabrics. The mass per unit length may also
Reconfirmed 1984 16pp C be calculated. The method is applicable to textile fab-
Determination of bursting pres- rics in all forms.
Amdt 1 June 1984 X sure of textile fabrics—Hydraulic (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4550 X)
Covers limiting conditions of operation, general electrical
requirements, and general constructional requirements for diaphragm method
all types of appliances, and additional requirements for the (ISO 2960 BS 4768 ASTM D3786) AS 2001.2.14—1987
particular types of appliances commonly used in ships' gal- 7pp C Determination of twist in yarns
leys. (ISO 2061) 7pp C
Specifies two methods of determining the bursting
(ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 1161 3) pressure of both wet and dry fabrics of all types. Sets out methods for determining the amount of twist
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6025 8) in yarns in terms of turns per unit length in a given di-
AS 1997—1977 rection. Procedures are given for determining the
AS 2001.2.5—1991 twist in singles, plied (folded) and cabled yarn.
Plain limit gauges (metric series) (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4549 6)
(ISO 1938-2) 32pp F Determination of the number of
Describes types of gauges and gauging procedures to be threads per unit length in woven AS 2001.2.15—1989
used for the assessment of dimensional performance of fabric 4pp C Determination of thickness of tex-
plain workpieces up to and including 500 mm. Specific Sets out three techniques for determining the number
reference is made to plain cylindrical surfaces, but the of threads per unit length in woven fabrics. The first
tile fabrics
principles described may be used for other geometric involves dissection, which is suitable for all woven (ISO 5084-1977 BS 2544) 7pp C
forms. structures, including complicated structures where in- Sets out methods for determination of the thickness of
(ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 1162 1) dividual threads are not readily distinguishable. The textile fabrics. Methods are given to determine the

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

static and dynamic thicknesses of woven, non-woven, AS 2001.2.23—1990 AS 2001.3.1—1998

and knitted textile fabrics, and coated fabrics. Determination of pH of aqueous
Determination of linear density of
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 5924 1) extract 8pp D
textile yarn from packages
(ISO 2060:1972) 5pp C Sets out methods for determining the pH of an aque-
AS 2001.2.16—1987 ous extract taken from a textile using cold water ex-
Provides a general method for determining the linear traction and boiling water extraction techniques.
Determination of water repellency density of all types of textile yarn in package form, (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2094 3)
of textile surfaces—Spray rating applicable where the determination method is not set
test 3pp B out in an individual Australian Standard for the spe-
cific product. AS 2001.3.2—1977
Sets out a procedure for determining the resistance of Determination of alkali content of
textile surfaces to wetting by water. It is applicable to (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6018 5)
all fabrics which may or may not have been given a wool
water-repellent finish or coating. It is not intended for AS 2001.2.24—1990 (ISO 2916 IWTO Method 21-69)
use in predicting rain penetration resistance of fab-
Determination of resistance of tex- Reconfirmed 1986 4pp B
rics. Describes a procedure for determining the alkali con-
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4534 8) tile fabrics to water vapour diffu- tent in any form of undyed wool and in dyed wool,
sion—Control dish method provided the titration end point is not affected.
(CAN2-4.2M77) 7pp C (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 1308 X)
AS 2001.2.17—1987
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of
Determination of resistance of fab- textile fabrics to water vapour diffusion. The method AS 2001.3.3—1978
rics to water penetration—Hydro- is applicable to all textile fabrics. Determination of solubility of wool
static pressure test 3pp B (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 5977 2) in alkali
Sets out a procedure for determining the resistance of (ASTM D1283 DEF (AUST) 37 Meth-
textile fabrics to penetration by water at a constant AS 2001.2.25—1990 od D)
rate of increase of pressure. It is applicable to all fab-
rics which are water-repellent or coated to impart re- Determination of flat abrasion re- Reconfirmed 1986 4pp B
sistance to water penetration. sistance of textile fabrics (Martin- Describes procedures in which the solubility of wool
dale abrasion method) 6pp C fibre in alkali is determined from the extent of change
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4532 1) in the chemical properties of wool brought about by
Specifies a method for the determination of the resist- the processing and exposure to extreme heat and
AS 2001.2.18—1987 ance of textile fabrics to abrasion using the Martin- light. The method may be used when small quantities
dale abrasion machine. of polyamide fibre are present in textile blends. The
Determination of resistance of fab- (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6115 7) solubility is expressed on the basis of oven dry mass.
rics to water penetration—Cone (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 1549 X)
test 2pp B AS 2001.2.26—1990
Sets out a method for determining the resistance of AS 2001.3.4—1995
textile fabrics to penetration by water under static
Determination of abrasion resist- Determination of solvent extracta-
conditions. It is applicable to all fabrics which are wa- ance of textile fabrics (flexing and ble matter 6pp C
ter-repellent or coated to impart resistance to water abrasion method) Sets out a test method for determining the amount of
(ASTM D3885) 6pp C oils, fats and waxes present in fibre, yarn and fabric at
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4535 6) any stage of processing by using an organic solvent.
Specifies a method of test for the determination of re-
sistance of textile fabrics to abrasion using the flexing (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 0051 9)
AS 2001.2.19—1988 and abrasion tester.
Determination of bursting force of (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6116 5) AS 2001.3.6—1980
textile fabrics—Ball burst method Determination of cuprammonium
AS 2001.2.27—1990 fluidity of cotton and cellulosic
(ASTM D3787) 2pp A man-made fibres 8pp C
Sets out a method for determining the bursting force
Determination of abrasion resist-
ance of textile fabrics (inflated dia- Corrig. April 1981 X
of textile fabrics in equilibrium with the standard at-
mosphere for testing and of fabrics in the wet state. phragm method) Defines cuprammonium fluidity of cotton and man-
The method uses a tensile machine based on the con- made fibres expressed in units of cuprammonium flu-
stant rate of extension principle. It is based on ASTM
(ASTM D3886) 5pp C idity, and sets out procedure for determining the flu-
D3787 and is particularly applicable where fabric Specifies a method of determining the resistance to idity of a solution of cuprammonium hydroxide con-
stretch is an important characteristic. abrasion of textile fabrics using the inflated dia- taining a known quantity of dissolved fibre by use of
phragm tester. a viscometer. The viscometer and a means for pre-
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 5045 7) treatment of fibres which are difficult to dissolve are
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6117 3) covered in appendices.
AS 2001.2.20—1986 (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 1946 0)
AS 2001.2.28—1992
Determination of seam breaking AS 2001.4
Determination of abrasion resist-
force 3pp B Colourfastness tests
ance of textile fabrics (rotary plat-
Sets out two methods for determining the breaking form, double-head method)
force of seams made in textile assemblies. One meth- AS 2001.4.B02—2001
od tests seams by the application of force in the trans- (ASTM D3884 American Federal
verse direction and is applicable to inextensible fab- Test Method Standard No 191A TM Colourfastness to artificial light:
rics; the other method tests seams by the application 5306) 8pp D Xenon arc fading lamp test (ISO
of force in the longitudinal direction and is applicable 105-B02:1994, MOD)
to extensible fabrics. The methods do not predict ac- Specifies a method for the determination of the abra-
tual wear performance. sion resistance of wet or dry textile fabrics using the (ISO 105-B02:1994 ISO 105-
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4428 7) rotary platform, double-head (RPDH) testing ma- B02:1994/Amdt 1:1998 ISO 105-
chine. This method applies to all textile fabrics, in- B02:1994/Amdt 2:1998) 26pp H
cluding coated and laminated fabrics.
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of
AS 2001.2.21—1989 (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 7134 9) the colour of textiles to the action of an artificial light
Determination of seam opening source which is representative of natural daylight.
due to the application of force in AS 2001.2.30—1994 This method is applicable to white (bleached or opti-
cally brightened) textiles. This Standard is an adop-
the transverse direction 5pp C Determination of abrasion resist- tion with national modifications of ISO 105-
Provides a method for determining the seam opening ance of coated textile fabrics (os- B02:1994 including Amendment 1:1998 and Amend-
of a given seam, due to the application of a standard cillatory cylinder method) 5pp C ment 2:2000.
force within the fabric plane at the seam and perpen- (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 4007 3)
dicular to the seam direction. It is applicable to seams Specifies a method for the determination of the resist-
made in woven, non-woven and knitted fabrics. ance to abrasion of coated textile fabrics using an os-
cillatory cylinder machine. AS 2001.4.E01—2001
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 5319 7) (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 8803 9) Colourfastness to water
(ISO 105-E01:1994) 3pp D
AS 2001.2.22—1986 AS 2001.2.34—1990 Specifies a method for determining colourfastness to
Determination of yarn slippage in immersion in water. Two methods are described as al-
Determination of permeability of ternatives for drying the wetted specimen prior to as-
woven fabrics at a standard fabrics sessment. This Standard is identical with and has
stitched seam (BS 5636:1978 ASTM D737) 6pp C been reproduced from ISO 105-E01:1994.
(BS 3320:19710) 4pp B (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3909 1)
Sets out a method for determining the resistance of a
Sets out a method for determining slippage of yarns in fabric to the passage of air through it.
a woven fabric at a standard stitched seam. It is appli- AS 2001.4.E02—2001
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6122 X)
cable to apparel fabrics, household furnishing fabrics Colourfastness to sea water
and upholstery fabrics. It is not applicable to certain (ISO 105-E02:1994) 3pp D
industrial fabrics. AS 2001.3 Specifies a method for determining colourfastness to
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4429 5) Chemical tests immersion in seawater. Two methods are described as

AS 2001.4.1—1996

alternatives for drying the wetted specimen prior to AS 2001.4.13—1987 fabric will expand and contract in proportion to mois-
assessment. This Standard is identical with and has ture content).
been reproduced from ISO 105-E02:1994. Determination of colourfastness to (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 0046 2)
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3908 3) acid milling
(ISO 105 E13 ISO 105 E14) 2pp B AS 2001.5.3—1985
AS 2001.4.1—1996 Sets out a method for determining the colourfastness Determination of relaxation in
of textiles to the action of solutions used in acid mill-
Definitions and general require- ing. The method applies to textiles in all forms which aqueous solution 2pp B
ments 12pp D have been dyed and prepared for acid milling. Describes two tests for determining dimensional
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4559 3) change of fabrics or garments relaxed in a warm
Sets out a basic reference for methods of test for de- aqueous solution, viz. Test A—Static relaxation, and
termining the colourfastness of textiles to various Test B—Dynamic relaxation. Incorporates an alter-
treatments. It includes information in respect to defi- AS 2001.4.15—1994 native means of removing excess e.g. liquor by hy-
nitions, reagents, apparatus, samples, test specimens
and procedures common to many textile test methods. Determination of colourfastness to droextraction in the dynamic test.
washing (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 3948 8)
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 0571 5)
(ISO 105 C01 ISO 105 C02 ISO 105
C03 ISO 105 C04 ISO 105 C05 ISO AS 2001.5.4—1987
AS 2001.4.2—1982 Determination of dimensional
Determination of colourfastness to 105 C06) 9pp D
Sets out 24 test procedures for determining the col-
change in laundering of textile fab-
daylight of textile materials 3pp B ourfastness of textiles to washing using various tem- rics and garments—Automatic ma-
Determines colourfastness to daylight relative to that peratures, times, severities and washing agents. This chine method
of blue wool (light fastness) standards. edition includes a test for colourfastness to washing in (ISO 6330:1984) 5pp C
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2655 6) the presence of hydrogen peroxide.
Sets out methods for determining the dimensional
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 8171 9) change of textile fabrics and garments during the
AS 2001.4.3—1995 laundering process using an automatic machine.
Determination of colourfastness to AS 2001.4.16—1981 (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4564 X)
rubbing 4pp C Determination of colourfastness to
dry cleaning solvents 2pp B AS 2001.5.5—1987
Sets out methods for determining the colourfastness
of all forms of textiles (except certain floor coverings) (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2282 8) Determination of dimensional
to dry and wet rubbing. change in laundering of textile fab-
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9937 5) AS 2001.4.17—1980 rics and garments—Cubex ma-
Determination of colourfastness to chine method 3pp B
AS/NZS 2001.4.4:1998 perspiration 4pp B Sets out a method for determining the dimensional
Determination of colourfastness to Sets out two alternative procedures, using alkaline change of textile fabrics and garments during the
and acid L-histidine monohydrochloride with the per- laundering process. The method is commonly used
water spotting for evaluating the washing performance of fabrics
spiration tester and dish methods.
(ISO 105-E07:1989) 1p A (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 1917 7)
and garments containing wool.
Provides a method for determining the resistance of
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4551 8)
the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to
water spotting. This Standard is identical with and has AS 2001.4.21—1979 AS 2001.5.6—1987
been reproduced from ISO 105-E07:1989. Determination of colourfastness to Determination of dimensional
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2062 5) light using an artificial light source change of yarns and sewing
(mercury vapour, tungsten fila- threads 2pp B
AS/NZS 2001.4.5:1998 ment, internally phosphor-coated Sets out a method for determining the dimensional
Determination of colourfastness to lamp) change of yarns and sewing threads after immersion
chlorinated swimming pool water Reconfirmed 1986 4pp B in a standard test solution. Two alternative test solu-
tion temperatures are given.
(ISO 105-E03:1994) 3pp B Describes a method of determining colourfastness to
light using an artificial light source. The method spec- (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4690 5)
Sets out a method for determining the resistance of ifies in detail the unit assembly containing the lamp.
the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 1681 X) AS 2001.5.7—1986
the action of active chlorine in concentrations such as
are used to disinfect swimming pool water (break-
Determination of dimensional
point chlorination). This Standard is identical with AS 2001.4.22—1991 change on dry cleaning in perchlo-
and has been reproduced from ISO 105-E03:1994. Determination of colour change roethylene excluding finishing—
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2063 3) due to flat abrasion (frosting) of Machine method
textile fabrics (screen wire method) (ISO 3175) 3pp B
AS 2001.4.6—1990 (AATCC Test Method 119) 5pp C Describes a dry cleaning procedure, using a commer-
Determination of colourfastness to cial dry-cleaning machine, for the determination of
Specifies a method for the determination of colour dimensional change of fabrics and garments after dry
hot pressing 3pp B change in textile fabrics due to flat abrasion using a cleaning in perchloroethylene. It comprises a process
Specifies test methods for determining the colourfast- screen wire abradant. for normal materials and a process for sensitive mate-
ness of textiles when subjected to hot pressing. Nine (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 7133 0) rials.
tests are described comprising tests for dry, damp and (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4156 3)
wet pressing, each at three temperatures. AS 2001.4.23—1995
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 5993 4) Determination of colour change AS 2001.6
due to flat abrasion (frosting) of Miscellaneous tests
AS 2001.4.10—1987 textile fabrics (emery method)
Determination of colourfastness to (AATCC Test Method 120) 4pp B AS 2001.6.1—1980
alkaline milling Sets out a method for determining the change in col- Determination of the resistance of
(ISO 105-E12) 2pp B our of a woven or knitted textile fabric due to flat textiles to certain insect pests
abrasion. (ISO 3998) 8pp C
Sets out a method for determining the colourfastness
of textiles to the action of solutions used in alkaline (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9950 2) Describes procedures for breeding two insects known
milling. The method applies to textiles in all forms to feed on textile materials in Australia and their use
which have been dyed and prepared for alkaline mill- AS 2001.5 in assessing the resistance of wool textiles to their
ing. Dimensional change feeding habits. Selection and control of specimens are
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4558 5) described as well as the classifying of the degree of
resistance of the textile to the insects.
AS 2001.5.1—1987 (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 1945 2)
AS 2001.4.11—1982 General requirements 7pp C
Determination of colourfastness to Sets out the general requirements involved in testing AS 2001.7
bleaching with sodium hypochlo- fabric, garments and yarns for dimensional change Quantitative analysis of fibre mix-
rite which may be produced by specific treatments de- tures
scribed in other methods on dimensional change.
(ISO 105 N01) 3pp B (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4682 4)
Sets out a method for determining colourfastness to AS 2001.7.1—1983
sodium hypochlorite solution as normally used in
AS 2001.5.2—1995 Test samples and test specimens
commercial bleaching. (ISO 5089 BS 4658) 3pp B
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2716 1) Determination of relaxation and hy-
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2780 3)
gral properties of woven fabrics
AS 2001.4.12—1981 5pp C AS 2001.7.2—1983
Determination of colourfastness to Sets out a test procedure for woven fabrics for deter- General requirements
mining the relaxation shrinkage (i.e. the potential of
acid spotting 2pp A the fabric to shrink due to stresses incurred during fin- (BS 4407 ISO 1833) 10pp D
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2279 8) ishing) and hygral change (i.e. the degree to which the (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2781 1)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2001.7.3—1983 AS 2001.7.14—1983 erection, maintenance, guide for commissioning tests and

quality control during manufacture. Nine appendices giv-
Manual separation Binary mixtures of silk and wool or ing supplementary information are included.
(BS 4407) 2pp B hair fibres (method using sulphuric (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4236 5)
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2782 X) acid 75% m/m)
(BS 4407) 2pp B AS/NZS 2007
AS 2001.7.4—1983 (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2795 1) Performance of household electrical
Binary mixtures of acetate and cer- appliances—Dishwashers
tain other fibres (method using ac- AS 2001.7.15—1983
etone) Binary mixtures of certain cellu- AS/NZS 2007.1:1998
lose fibres and wool or hair (meth- Energy consumption and perform-
(BS 4407) 2pp B od using sulphuric acid 70% m/m)
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2783 8) ance
(BS 4407) 2pp B (IEC 60436:1981) 42pp H
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2796 X) Specifies methods for determining performance char-
AS 2001.7.5—1983
acteristics, including energy consumption, of electric
Binary mixtures of certain protein AS 2001.7.16—1983 dishwashers intended for household and similar use.
fibres (wool, animal hair, silk or Binary mixtures of jute and certain Sets minimum acceptable levels for some of these
protein) and certain other fibres characteristics. Is based on IEC 60436:1981 but var-
animal fibres (method of determin- ies considerably from that document.
(method using alkaline sodium hy- ing the nitrogen content) (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2046 3)
pochlorite) (BS 4407) 2pp B
(BS 4407) 3pp B (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2797 8) AS/NZS 2007.1 Supplement 1:2001
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2785 4) Energy consumption and perform-
AS 2001.7.18—1983 ance—Test material—Spinach 800
AS 2001.7.6—1983 Binary mixtures of polyolefin and gm tin
Binary mixtures of viscose, cupro certain other fibres (method using 800 gm tin Spinach POA
or certain types of polynosic (mo- xylene) Comprises one 800 gm tin of spinach for inclusion as
dal) and cotton fibres (method us- (BS 4407) 2pp B a soiling agent required when testing the performance
ing formic acid and zinc chloride) (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2798 6) of dishwashers to AS/NZS 2007.1.
(BS 4407) 2pp B
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2786 2) AS 2001.7.19—1990
Binary mixtures of chlorofibres AS/NZS 2007.2:2000
AS 2001.7.7—1983 (homopolymers of vinyl chloride) Energy labelling requirements
and certain other fibres (method 23pp G
Binary mixtures of nylon 6 or nylon
6.6 and certain other fibres (meth- using concentrated sulfuric acid) Amdt 1 17 December 2001
(ISO 1833) 2pp B (ISBN 0 7337 4160 6) X
od using formic acid 80% m/m)
Sets out a method for the quantitative analysis of bi- Provides energy labelling requirements for electrical
(BS 4407) 2pp B nary mixtures of chlorofibres (homopolymers of vi- dishwashers intended for household and similar use.
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2787 0) nyl chloride) and certain other fibres using concen- Transitional aspects of regulation are addressed.
trated sulfuric acid as a solvent for the constituent (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3338 7)
other than chlorofibre. This Standard may be used in
AS 2001.7.8—1983 place of AS 2001.7.11 and AS 2001.7.12 in all cases
Binary mixtures of acetate and tria- where a preliminary test shows that the chlorofibres
AS 2008—1997
cetate fibres (method using benzyl do not dissolve completely either in dimethylforma- Residual bitumen for pavements
mide or in the azeotropic mixture of carbon disulfide 8pp D
alcohol) and acetone. Specifies requirements for residual bitumens intended for
(BS 4407) 2pp B (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 5989 6) use in the construction and maintenance of pavements.
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2788 9) (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 0907 9)
AS 2001.7.20—1983
AS 2001.7.9—1983 Binary mixtures of inorganic AS/NZS 2009:2002
Binary mixtures of triacetate and based, man-made fibres and cer- Glass beads for pavement-marking
certain other fibres (method using tain fibres (method based on igni- materials 31pp H
dichloromethane) tion at 625°C) 2pp B Specifies materials and design requirements for silica glass
(BS 4407) 2pp B (TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2799 4) beads with retroreflective properties, intended for use in
pavement-marking materials. It applies to glass beads that
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2789 7) are used to improve the visibility of pavement-marking
AS 2003—1991 materials by reflecting the headlight beams of vehicles un-
AS 2001.7.10—1983 Carbon and low alloy steel—Measure- der night-time conditions.
ment of decarburization 8pp D (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4447 8)
Binary mixtures of certain cellu- Specifies micrographic, hardness, micro-hardness, spec-
lose fibres and polyester (method trometric and chemical tests for the measurement of the AS 2012
using sulphuric acid 75% m/m) depth of decarburization in carbon and low alloy steel
Acoustics—Measurement of airborne
(BS 4407) 2pp B (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6971 9) noise emitted by earth-moving ma-
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2790 0) chinery and agricultural tractors—Sta-
AS 2004—1977 tionary test condition
AS 2001.7.11—1983 Dimensions of carbide tips and tipped
Binary mixtures of acrylics, certain tools AS 2012.1—1990
modacrylics or certain chlorofi- (ISO 242 ISO 513) Determination of compliance with
bres (method using dimethylfor- Reconfirmed 1987 36pp E limits for exterior noise
mamide) Provides dimensions, form, and designation for five styles (ISO 6393:1985) 8pp D
(BS 4407) 2pp B of carbide tip blanks and seventeen styles of tipped tools. Describes a method for determining the exterior noise
A system of marking the tool is given, as well as some tol- emitted by earth-moving machinery and agricultural
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2791 9) erances and general requirements. The tool style illustra- tractors in terms of the A-weighted sound power level
tions give some details of the cutting edge geometry. while the machine is stationary.
AS 2001.7.12—1983 (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1166 4) (AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6433 4)
Binary mixtures of certain chlorofi-
bres and certain other fibres (meth- AS 2006—1986 AS 2012.2—1990
od using carbon disulphide/ High voltage a.c. switchgear and con- Operator's position
acetone 55.5/44.5) trolgear—Circuit breakers for rated (ISO 6394:1985) 4pp C
(BS 4407) 2pp B voltages above 1000 V Describes a method for determining the noise emitted
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2793 5) (IEC 56-3 IEC 56-4 IEC 56-5 IEC 56-6 by earth-moving machinery and agricultural tractors
IEC 267) 117pp J at the operator's position in terms of the equivalent
Applies to a.c. circuit-breakers designed for indoor and continuous A-weighted sound pressure level while
AS 2001.7.13—1983 outdoor service for operation on systems with frequencies the machine is stationary.
Binary mixtures of acetate and cer- up to 60 Hz and voltages higher than 1000 V. Sections are (AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6434 2)
tain chlorofibres (method using included covering service conditions, definitions, ratings,
design and construction, type and routine tests, the selec-
glacial acetic acid) 2pp B tion of circuit-breakers for service, information to be given AS 2013
(TX-020) (ISBN 0 7262 2794 3) with enquiries, tenders and orders, transport and storage, Cleanroom garments

AS 2013.1—1989

AS 2013.1—1989 AS 2027—2002 en, and the resistance of UPVC to a wide range of

Product requirements 2pp B Wear-resistant white cast iron 8pp E chemicals is tabulated.
Specifies requirements for specific types of wear-resistant (PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 1243 1)
Sets out requirements for new cleanroom garments
designed for use in cleanrooms and similar controlled white iron.
environment areas (particulate control). (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4945 3) AS 2033—1980
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 5686 2) Installation of polyethylene pipe sys-
AS 2028—1977 tems
AS 2013.2—1989 Methods for the measurement of the Endorsed as PNGS 1046-1982 28pp F
Processing and use 2pp B depth of hardening in flame and induc- Covers installation and jointing techniques for above and
Sets out requirements and gives guidelines for the tion hardened steel products below ground of pipes for pressure applications, SWV,
processing, selection and use of cleanroom garments. sewer and drain, and as liners. Precautions covering selec-
It complements the requirements for new cleanroom
(ISO 3754) tion, use, handling, transport and storage are given, and the
garments given in AS 2013.1. Reconfirmed November 1986 12pp B resistance of polyethylene to a wide range of chemicals is
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 5687 0) Covers macroscopic, hardness, microhardness and micro- tabulated.
graphic methods. It describes requirements for the prepa- (PL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 1244 X)
ration of test pieces and procedures for carrying out the test
AS 2019—1986 and preparing a test report. Etchants for outlining micro-
Fluid power—Hydraulic and pneumat- graphic structures are included in an appendix. AS 2035—1983
ic cylinders—Bore and rod dimen- (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 1204 0) Method for determination of short-cir-
sions 4pp B cuit currents in marine alternating cur-
Specifies a range of dimensions for cylinder bores, piston AS 2030 rent installations
rod diameters, and strokes, and thread details for fluid Foreign gas cylinder specifications (IEC 60363) 14pp E
power cylinders.
Describes a method which has special regard to rated
(ME-035) (ISBN 0 7262 3999 2) AS 2030.1—1999 short-circuit capacity of protection devices, is suitable for
Cylinders for compressed gases most marine installations, and can be applied by the aver-
AS 2021—2000 other than acetylene 28pp H age shipyard. Appendices illustrate a typical circuit cover-
Acoustics—Aircraft noise intrusion— ing 3 x 100 kV.A generator and give worked examples for
Amdt 1 22 March 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4345 5) X various fault conditions. Technically unchanged from
Building siting and construction Specifies requirements for the usage of cylinders for 1977 edition.
61pp J compressed gases other than acetylene exceeding 0.1 (ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 2948 2)
Provides guidance on the siting and construction of new kg, but not exceeding 3000 kg water capacity. This
buildings against aircraft noise intrusion and on the acous- edition deletes any reference to approvals of cylinder
tical adequacy of existing buildings in areas near aero- design by State and Territorial regulatory authorities AS 2038—1977
dromes. The assessment of potential aircraft noise expo- and deletes previous references to acceptable other Methods for detecting the susceptibil-
sure at a given site is based on the Australian Noise National Standards by expanding the maufacturing ity of austenitic stainless steels to
Exposure forecast (ANEF) system. The Standard also pro- requirements. The Standard introduces a design ap-
vides guidelines for determining the type of building con- proval scheme referring to third party verification. intergranular corrosion
struction necessary to provide a given noise reduction. (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2574 0) Reconfirmed 1986 8pp B
(EV-011) (ISBN 0 7337 3515 0) Describes procedures for detecting the susceptibility of
AS 2030.2—1996 austenitic stainless steel to intergranular corrosion in the
AS 2022—1983 presence of nitric acid and acidified copper sulphate in
Cylinders for dissolved acetylene contact with copper. It includes details on the selection and
Anhydrous ammonia—Storage and 7pp D preparation of test pieces, the compositions of the test so-
handling (known as the SAA Anhy- Amdt 1 May 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2656 9) X lutions, and the step-by-step procedure for carrying out the
drous Ammonia Code) 24pp F Amdt 2 15 September 2000 test and assessing test results.
Amdt 1 January 1985 X (ISBN 0 7337 3591 6) X (MT-008) (ISBN 0 7262 1223 7)
Sets out requirements for the design, construction and lo- This Standard introduces the concepts of blowdown
cation for installations ranging from bulk depots to points rack as a safety measure for dealing with leaking or AS/NZS 2040
of usage or application. Also deals with safety procedures damaged cylinders. It also introduces the concept of a Performance of household electrical
associated with the operation of an installation, transport loose identification collar. The collar is to carry the
and utilization. cylinder identification marks and is retained by the appliances—Clothes washing ma-
(ME-032) (ISBN 0 7262 3103 7) cylinder valve. These two new concepts will enhance chines
safety in the use of acetylene gas.
AS/NZS 2023:1995 (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0741 6) AS/NZS 2040.1:1998
Baths for ablutionary purposes Energy consumption and perform-
19pp F AS 2030.4—1985 ance
Specifies materials, construction and installation require- Welded cylinders—Insulated (IEC 60456:1994) 49pp I
ments for baths manufactured from cast iron vitreous 3pp B Amdt 1 September 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2880 4)X
enamel, pressed steel vitreous enamel, vitreous china, Amdt 1 May 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2658 5) X
stainless steel, plastic and composite materials. Amdt 2 16 August 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4085 5) X
Specifies requirements for welded cylinders of water
(WS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9829 8) capacity not less than 0.1 kg and not greater than 500 Amdt 3 16 August 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4056 1) X
kg that are insulated (in particular those manufactured Specifies methods for determining performance char-
AS 2024—1991 to specification DOT 4L), and intended for storage acteristics, including energy consumption, of electric
High voltage a.c. switchgear and con- and transport of fluids. These fluids are generally cry- clothes washing machines intended for household
ogenic. and similar use. Sets minimum acceptable levels for
trolgear—Switch-fuse combinations (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3655 1) some of these characteristics. Is based on IEC
(IEC 420:1990) 28pp H 60456:1994 but varies considerably from that docu-
Specifies requirements for three-pole switch-fuse combi- ment.
AS 2030 Supplement 1—1986
nations having rated voltages above 1 kV up to but not in- (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2049 8)
cluding 52 kV for use in three-phase a.c. systems. Covers Foreign gas cylinder specifica-
combinations in which the switch is opened by fuse-striker tions 40pp G AS/NZS 2040.1 Supplement 1:1998
action with or without the operation of other tripping de- Sets out conditions and limitations of acceptance for
vices. certain foreign gas cylinder specifications intended to Energy consumption and perform-
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6534 9) be used under the terms of AS 2030. ance—Test material—Other than
(ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4285 3) drum-type detergent (Supplement
AS 2025—1991 to AS/NZS 2040.1:1998)
Metallic materials—Rockwell superfi- AS/NZS 2031:2001 500g plastic jar of detergent POA
cial hardness test—N and T scales Selection of containers and preserva- (EL-015)
(ISO 1024:1989 ISO 1079:1989 ISO tion of water samples for microbio-
1355:1989) 17pp F logical analysis 3pp C AS/NZS 2040.1 Supplement 2:1998
Sets out requirements for the measurement of the Rock- Sets out requirements and recommendations for the selec- Energy consumption and perform-
well superficial hardness of metals when using the N and tion and preparation of sample containers for the preserva-
T scales, and for the installation, calibration and mainte- tion and transport of water and waste water samples for ance—Test material—Drum-type
nance of the testing machine. It also specifies requirements microbiological analyses. detergent (Supplement to AS/NZS
for the calibration of standard hardness blocks and dia- (FT-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3967 9) 2040.1:1998)
mond cone and steel ball indenters. In this edition the test- 500 g tin of detergent POA
ing and calibration requirements have been combined into AS 2032—1977
one Standard. (EL-015)
(MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7082 2) Code of practice for installation of
UPVC pipe systems AS/NZS 2040.2:2000
AS 2026—1994 Endorsed as PNGS 1043-1982 52pp E Energy labelling requirements
Density hydrometers Corrig. X 23pp G
Applies to the installation and jointing techniques of
(ISO 649:1981) 22pp F UPVC pipe above and below ground. Separate sections Provides energy labelling requirements for electrical
Specifies requirements for glass hydrometers graduated to cover pipelines for pressure applications, soil, waste and clothes washing machines intended for household
indicate the density of a liquid. Does not include hydrom- vent, sewer, storm, sullage and surface water and down- and similar use. Transitional aspects of regulation are
eters for use with PG or lead-acid batteries. pipe, and the use of the pipe as a liner. Precautions cover- addressed.
(CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8867 5) ing selection, use, handling, transport and storage are giv- (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3335 2)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 2040.2:1998 AS 2050—1995 conduits and their fittings of metal or composite con-
Installation of roof tiles struction and which are used for the protection of ca-
Energy labelling requirements bles in an electrical installation.
A4 20pp F See also AS 2050-1989 18pp E (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9449 7)
Specifies energy labelling requirements for electric Amdt 1 September 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9945 6) X
clothes washing machines intended for household Amdt 2 June 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2716 6) X AS 2054—1977
and similar use, including those associated with ma- Specifies the requirements for the placement and fixing of
chine performance, application for a label and speci- concrete and terracotta roof tiles to roofs of buildings Spirit levels for use in precision engi-
fications for the label. which are intended for domestic, commercial or light in- neering
(EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2048 4) dustrial purposes. It only applies to roofs with a pitch of Reconfirmed 1989 12pp B
15° or greater. It also includes diagrams showing the me- Specifies requirements for three types of levels, viz. Type
AS/NZS 2041:1998 chanical fixing requirements of ridge tiles in different wind 1 which is usually made with a flat unrelieved base of hard-
zones. Informative appendices give acceptable nail sizes ened steel, Type 2 which usually has a cast iron body, and
Buried corrugated metal structures for batten size relative to rafter spacing for gun and hand Type 3 which is a square block level that may be used for
97pp K nailing. checking both flatness and squareness. Sensitivities of
Provides manufacturing requirements, design methods and (BD-008) (ISBN 0 7262 9407 1) spirit level vials, design features, accuracy requirements
installation requirements for structures assembled from and marking are specified and an appendix describes pre-
curved corrugated metal sheet or plates. Structures covered AS/NZS 2053 ferred test methods.
include pipes, pipe-arches, arches and special shapes. De- Conduits and fittings for electrical in- (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 1246 6)
sign methods are based on ring compression and buckling
failure modes. Information is given on durability. Consid- stallations
erations include handling stiffness, fill requirements and AS 2055
compaction. Tables of maximum and minimum cover are AS/NZS 2053.1:2001 PVC sheet floor-covering
given as a guide to structure selection. General requirements 29pp G
(CE-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1790 X) Specifies general requirements for both metal and AS 2055.1—1985
non-metal conduits and fittings to protect cables used Unbacked, flexible
AS 2047—1999 in electrical installations. Mechanical properties, A4 20pp D
Windows in buildings—Selection and electrical characteristics and material requirements Specifies requirements for sheet floor-covering made
are given. Requirements for particular types of con-
installation 30pp H duits and fittings are covered in the other parts of the
up of layers of PVC compounds and self-bonded to-
Amdt 1 31 January 2001 (0 7337 3788 9) B gether. It does not include backed floor-coverings. In-
AS/NZS 2053 series. cludes requirements for dimensional tolerances and
Amdt 2 29 June 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4027 8) X (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3953 9) stability, limits for volatile matter, flexibility before
Specifies requirements for materials, construction, instal- and after ageing, and resistance to indentation and to
lation and glazing for windows, sliding doors, adjustable AS/NZS 2053.2:2001 various substances.
glass louvres, shopfronts, and window walls with one- (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 3570 9)
piece framing elements. Rigid plain conduits and fittings of
(BD-021) (ISBN 0 7337 2720 4) insulating material 12pp F
Specifies requirements for rigid plain conduits and AS 2062—1997
AS 2047 fittings of insulating material used in electrical instal- Non-destructive testing—Penetrant
Windows in buildings
lations. To be read in conjunction with AS/NZS testing of products and components
2053.1. (ASTM E1417) 22pp F
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3954 7)
AS 2047.1—1996 Specifies requirements and test procedures for visible dye
Specification for materials and per- and fluorescent penetrant testing of non-porous products
AS/NZS 2053.3:1995 and components for the detection of discontinuities that are
formance Rigid plain conduits and fittings of open to the surface. Process control procedures and re-
A4 32pp E fibre-reinforced concrete material quirements for standard test panels are specified in appen-
Specifies the materials and performance requirements dices.
for windows, sliding glazed doors, adjustable glass 6pp B (MT-007) (ISBN 0 7337 1526 5)
louvres, shopfronts, and window walls with framing To be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 2053.1.
elements of one piece, but not curtain walls using (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9443 8) AS/NZS 2063:1996
stacked or spliced framing systems, manufactured
from any materials and installed vertically in external AS/NZS 2053.4:1995 Pedal cycle helmets
walls of all classes of buildings. Test methods for de- See also AS 2063.1-1986 8pp D
flection, operating force, air infiltration, water pene- Flexible plain conduits and fittings Amdt 1 November 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0799 8) X
tration and ultimate strength are issued separately un- of insulating material Specifies basic performance requirements for impact at-
der the AS 4420 series. (IEC 614-2-5) 7pp B tenuation, strength of the retention system and its attach-
(BD-021) (ISBN 0 7337 0622 3) To be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 2053.1. ment points. Includes peripheral vision clearance for light-
Specifies requirements for non-threadable flexible weight protective helmets intended to mitigate the adverse
AS 2047.2—1996 plain conduits and their fittings, which are made of in- effects of a blow to the head. Marking requirements are
sulating material and are used for the protection of ca- also proposed. Changes to this edition include amalgama-
Construction, installation and bles in an electrical installation. tion of the relevant requirements of AS 2063, Parts 1 and
maintenance (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9444 6) 2, a decrease in the recommended maximum mass for hel-
A4 12pp B mets, a requirement that the nominal mass of the helmet be
marked on the helmet itself, a change in the recommended
Specifies recommended methods of construction, AS/NZS 2053.5:2001 order in which tests are to be performed, and deletion of the
glazing, installation, protection and maintenance for Corrugated conduits and fittings of requirement that the helmet manufacturer determines the
windows, sliding doors, adjustable glass louvres, helmet positioning index.
shopfronts, and window walls with framing elements insulating material 13pp F
of one piece, but not curtain walls using stacked or Specifies requirements for corrugated conduits and (CS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 0389 5)
spliced framing systems, manufactured from any ma- fittings of insulating material used in electrical instal-
terials and installed vertically in external walls of all lations. To be read in conjunction with AS/NZS AS 2063
classes of buildings. 2053.1 Lightweight protective helmets (for
(BD-021) (ISBN 0 7337 0623 1) (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3965 2) use in pedal cyclign, horse riding and
AS/NZS 2053.6:2001 other activities requiring similar pro-
AS 2049—2002 tection)
Roof tiles 10pp E Profile-wall, smooth-bore conduits
Provides manufacturers of roof tiles with design specifica- and fittings of insulating material AS 2063.1—1986
tions and performance requirements for non-metallic inter- 6pp D Basic performance requirements
locking roof tiles for use in domestic, commercial or light Specifies requirements for rigid, non-threadable, pro- Available Superseded See also AS/NZS
industrial applications. file-wall, smooth-bore conduits and fittings of insu-
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4828 7) 2063:1996 and AS/NZS 3838:1998 A4
lating materials used in electrical installations. To be 11pp B
read in conjunction with AS/NZS 2053.1.
AS 2049—1992 (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3966 0) Amdt 1 November 1987 X
Roof tiles 6pp C Amdt 2 May 1988 X
Specifies requirements for most forms of concrete and ter- AS/NZS 2053.7:2002 Amdt 3 December 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1620 2) X
racotta roof tiles. Requirements include dimensional toler- Rigid metal conduits and fittings Specifies performance requirements for impact atten-
ances and transverse strength. Test methods are issued sep- uation, penetration resistance, strength of retention
arately as AS 4046.
11pp E system and its attachment points and peripheral vi-
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7262 7812 2) Specifies requirements for threadable and non- sion clearance for lightweight protective helmets in-
threadable plain rigid metal conduits and fittings in tended to mitigate the adverse effects of a blow to the
sizes 20 to 50 mm OD. To be read in conjunction with head. Marking requirements are also specified.
AS 2050—2002 AS/NZS 2053.1. (CS-096) (ISBN 0 7262 4300 0)
Installation of roof tiles 17pp F (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4794 9)
Sets out requirements for the placement and installing of AS 2067—1984
roof tiles of the types specified in AS 2049. The installing AS/NZS 2053.8:1995 Switchgear assemblies and ancillary
methods described in this Standard apply only to tiled Flexible conduits and fittings of
roofs of buildings that are intended for domestic, commer- equipment for alternating voltages
cial or light industrial purposes for wind classifications metal or composite material above 1 kV 53pp H
N1-N4 and C1-C3 inclusive. This Standard applies only to (IEC 614-2-5) 8pp B Specifies requirements for high voltage a.c. switchgear as-
roofs with pitches of 15° or greater. To be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 2053.1. semblies, indoor and outdoor, employed in connection
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4827 9) Specifies requirements for non-threadable, flexible with the generation, transmission and distribution of elec-

AS 2070—1999

tric power and to ancillary equipment used in conjunction led conditions simulating city driving conditions and high- AS 2082—2000
with the switchgear. Gives detailed requirements for elec- way driving conditions. Measurement of the fuel con-
trical clearances, safety of personnel, earthing of main cir- sumed is made either by analysis of the exhaust gases and Timber—Hardwood—Visually stress-
cuits, substations and their enclosures. Also specifies re- evaluation of the amount of carbon in them in terms of the graded for structural purposes 47pp
quirements for busbars, marking and identification of amount of carbon in unburnt fuel, or by direct measure- I
conductors and terminals, colours of indicator lights, and ment of the volume, or mass, of fuel consumed, since a
electrical and compressed air auxiliary systems. Appendi- comparable degree of accuracy may be obtained by each of Specifies grade descriptions for structural grades of hard-
ces include jointing of busbars and connections, design of these methods. Test fuel specifications are given. wood, (Nos/1, 2, 3 and 4), graded for adequacy of strength.
earthing systems, and provision of safety clearances. (CS-027) (ISBN 0 7262 2631 9) Derived from these grades are appearance grades which
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 3446 X) have additional limitations on the visual characteristics al-
lowed in structural members exposed to view. A new stress
AS 2078—1977 grade titled A17 grade in included based on an in-grade
AS 2070—1999 Domestic oil-fired appliances (quality study. Appendices cover stress grades, strength groups and
Plastics materials for food contact and performance)
methods of measurement of characteristics.
use 4pp C (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3076 0)
Sets out materials and procedures to be used during the (BS 4876) 40pp E
various stages of production of plastics materials, coating Corrig. July 1978 X AS 2083—1981
and printing of plastics items for food contact and subse- Sets out the minimum acceptable levels of quality in the
quent use. This includes such items as packages, domestic design, construction and performance of fixed and flued Calibration blocks and their methods
containers, wrapping materials, utensils or any other plas- domestic oil burning appliances of all types, irrespective of of use in ultrasonic testing 31pp F
tics items intended for food contact applications. their function or the type of their burners, and not normally Specifies materials, dimensions and manufacture of seven
(FT-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2496 5) over 60 kW energy input rate. Related methods of test are different types of calibration blocks, and of calibration and
given. reference blocks containing flat-bottomed holes. Proce-
AS 2071—1984 (ME-040) (ISBN 0 7262 1287 3) dures for use of each block in the calibration of equipment/
Performance of household electrical probe combinations are described. Step by step procedures
AS/NZS 2080:1995 are included for assessment of vertical and horizontal line-
appliances—Circulating fans arity, and overall system gain, and for measurement of
(IEC 385) 19pp E Safety glass for land vehicles dominant frequency, pulse length, beam angle, alignment
Specifies construction and performance requirements for (BS 857 EC 43) 33pp H of beam and procedures for calibrating test equipment used
table, pedestal, wall and ceiling circulating fans and their for thickness measurements. Guidance on the frequency of
associated regulators for household and similar use, e.g. Amdt 1 July 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0606 1) X calibration of test equipment is given in an appendix.
light commercial use, for connection to single-phase a.c. Specifies requirements and tests for flat and curved heat-
treated (toughened or tempered) and laminated safety glass (MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 2322 0)
supply at voltages exceeding 250 V. It is based on IEC 385
for methods of test but gives design, packaging, marking, for road vehicles, railway locomotives, rolling stock and
vibration, noise, endurance and point-of-sale information other railway vehicles. Provision is made for standard lam- AS 2084—1987
requirements not given in IEC 385. Sections are included inates for other than windscreens, and for high perform-
for definitions, design and general construction, perform- ance laminates meeting the optical requirements specified Non-destructive testing—Eddy cur-
ance requirements, markings, packing, general conditions for heat-treated safety glass suitable for windscreens. A rent testing of metal tubes 9pp D
for tests and testing. general section covers the optical, quality and dimensional Sets out methods employing external search coils for eddy
(EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 3291 2) requirements of both heat-treated and laminated glass, and current testing of tubes in copper, copper alloys, stainless
separate sections state the specific requirements for each steel, and steel, for discontinuities or damage.
type. Tests are prescribed for uniformity and fragmenta-
AS 2072—1977 tion of heat-treated glass, and for light stability, fracture (MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4591 7)
Methods for the sampling of expand- and adhesion, boiling water and impact resistance (high
ing admixtures for concrete, mortar performance laminates) of laminated glass. A luminous AS 2086—1995
transmittance of not less than 75% is recommended for
and grout 4pp B windscreens and 70° for safety glass other than wind- A.C. metal-enclosed switchgear and
Describes procedures for the sampling of expanding ad- screens. Obscuration bands and special application are controlgear for rated voltages above 1
mixtures or premixed materials containing an expanding considered separately. kV and up to and including 72.5 kV
admixture. (ME-055) (ISBN 0 7262 9865 4)
(BD-033) (ISBN 0 7262 1278 4) (IEC 298:1990 IEC 298:1990/
Amd.1:1994) 64pp I
AS 2073—1977 AS/NZS 2081
Amdt 1 February 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0254 6) X
Methods for the testing of expanding Electrical equipment for coal and Applies to factory-assembled metal-enclosed switchgear
admixtures for concrete, mortar and shale mines—Electrical protection de- and controlgear for alternating current of rated voltages
grout 28pp C vices above 1 kV and up to and including 72.5 kV for indoor and
outdoor installations and for service frequencies up to and
Describes procedures for the testing of expanding admix- including 60 Hz. This Standard is equivalent in technical
tures or premixed materials containing an expanding ad- AS/NZS 2081.1:2002 content but not corresponding in full presentation to IEC
mixture. General requirements 9pp E 298:1990 and Amendment 1:1994.
(BD-033) (ISBN 0 7262 1279 2)
Specifies performance requirements for specific elec- (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9667 8)
trical protection devices for use in coal and shale
AS 2074—1982 mines. It includes information on the general require-
Steel castings ments for earth-continuity monitoring, earth-leakage AS 2087—1977
(ASTM A747) 40pp H protection, lockout earth-fault protection and earth- Methods for the macroscopic assess-
fault current limiting devices. ment of the non-metallic inclusion
Specifies requirements for carbon, low alloy and high alloy
steel castings for pressure and general engineering purpos- (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4747 7) content in wrought steel
es. Includes appendices setting out purchasing guidelines
and indicating suitable grades for specific applications. Reconfirmed 1986 8pp B
AS/NZS 2081.2:2002
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2693 9) Describes three procedures for macroscopic assessment—
Earth-continuity monitoring devic- the oxidation-fracture, step-machined and magnetic parti-
AS 2075—1991 es 11pp E cle methods. The field of application is given for each test
Specifies requirements for earth-continuity monitor- together with procedures for preparing test pieces, per-
Glossary of terms and notations for ing devices intended to monitor the pilot-earth loop(s) forming the test, and the reporting of the test results.
gears in cables supplying power to equipment and the re- (MT-008) (ISBN 0 7262 1300 4)
(ISO 1122.1:1983) 47pp I quirement to initiate tripping to prevent closure inter-
Defines over 300 geometric and kinematic terms for gears ruption of the circuit device, and requirements for
stop/start/pilot control functions in the earth-continu- AS/NZS 2088:2000
and includes more than 150 diagrams. Applicable to cylin-
drical, bevel, hypoid gears and gear pairs. It is based on ity monitoring device. Test methods are included. Prams and strollers—Safety require-
ISO 1122.1, with modifications and additions; it also pro- (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4748 5) ments 51pp J
vides gear notation symbols reproduced from ISO 701. An Specifies materials, construction, performance and label-
alphabetical index is included.
(ME-011) (ISBN 0 7262 7121 7)
AS/NZS 2081.3:2002 ling requirements for prams and strollers.
Earth-leakage protection systems (CS-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3599 1)
AS 2076—1996 for use on earth-fault current limit-
Wire-rope grips for non-lifting applica- ed systems (IT systems) 15pp F AS 2089—1993
tions 15pp E Specifies requirements for earth-leakage protection Sheave blocks for lifting purposes
Specifies requirements for wire-rope grips for non-lifting devices used on a a.c. power supply systems having 36pp H
applications that are used with steel-wire ropes having a di- an earth-fault current limitation system (IT system).
Test methods are included. Specifies requirements for general purpose sheave blocks
ameter of not less than 8 mm. Information that should be for lifting purposes that meet the performance require-
supplied with enquiries and orders is given in an appendix. (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4749 3) ments of the M3 group classification of crane mechanisms
(ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 0432 8) as specified in AS 1418.1. This Standard does not cover
AS/NZS 2081.4:2002 power-operated sheave blocks specifically for use with
AS 2077—1982 Lockout earth-fault protection de- natural fibre ropes or synthetic filament ropes, sheave
Methods of test for fuel consumption blocks used for lightweight lifting in the building industry
vices 9pp E and for general materials handling (known as 'gin blocks').
of passenger cars, their derivatives Specifies requirements for lockout earth-fault protec- Guidance on information that should be supplied with en-
and multi-purpose passenger cars tion devices intended primarily for use in conjunction quiries and orders on care and use, on use of ships' cargo
Obsolescent 4 April 2002 32pp G with trailing cables supplying mobile and portable blocks and on use for non-lifting applications, is given in
Sets out test methods for measuring the fuel consumption equipment. Test methods are included. appendices.
of petrol, diesel and LP gas-fuelled vehicles under control- (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4750 7) (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7262 8141 7)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2092—1988 AS/NZS 2098.2:1996 gauges. For dial gauges, the Standard is in technical agree-
Bond quality of plywood (chisel ment with ISO/R463, but the accuracy and performance re-
Pyrotechnic, marine distress flares quirements have been amplified to show repeatability and
and signals for pleasure craft 6pp B test) 7pp C discrimination as two separate metrological properties. For
Amdt 1 July 1989 (ISBN 0 7262 5622 6) X (TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0822 6) dial test indicators the technical requirements are in com-
Covers distress rockets and projectiles, flares and smoke plete agreement with current ISO/TC3 work.
signals intended for use on board pleasure craft. Perform- AS/NZS 2098.3:1996 (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 1499 X)
ance requirements and some constructional requirements Bond quality and strength of scarf
are given. Recommendations regarding the circumstances
joints in plywood 3pp B AS/NZS 2106
under which each type of flare or signal should be used are Methods for the determination of the
included in an appendix. (TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0823 4)
(CS-080) (ISBN 0 7262 5122 4) flash point of flammable liquids
AS/NZS 2098.4:1996 (closed cup)
AS 2093—1977 Measurement of dimensions for
sheets of veneer and plywood AS/NZS 2106.0:1999
Salt for use in the manufacture of dairy General 3pp C
products (ISO 1097) 4pp C
(TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0824 2) Provides general principles for determining closed
Reconfirmed 1993 A5 28pp D cup flash points and a list of test methods for deter-
Specifies purity requirements and physical characteristics mining flash point based on that given in the UN
for salt graded according to defined ranges of crystal size AS/NZS 2098.5:1996 Manual of Tests and Criteria.
as suitable for automatic cheese salting, continuous butter Resistance of gluelines in plywood (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2861 8)
making and batch butter churning. Appendices give meth- to attack by micro-organisms
ods of sampling and testing and recommendations are
made on packaging and storage. Included in this Standard 2pp B AS/NZS 2106.1:1999
is AS 2093P, Reference Print, showing standard discs for (TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0825 0) Abel closed cup method
use in assessing matter insoluble in water by the filter pad (ISO 13736:1997) 18pp F
method. AS/NZS 2098.6:1996 Specifies the Abel closed cup method for determining
(FT-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1313 6) Depth of peeler checks in veneer the flash point of flammable and combustible liquids
and plywood 2pp B with flash points between -30°C and 70°C. This
AS 2093P—1977 (TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0826 9) Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
from ISO 13736:1997.
Salt for use in the manufacture of dairy (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2860 X)
products—Reference print AS/NZS 2098.7:1996
Reconfirmed 1993 This print is included without Density of veneer and plywood AS/NZS 2106.2:1999
additional charge in all copies of AS 2093-1997 (ISO 9427) 3pp B Pensky-Martens closed cup meth-
B (TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0827 7) od
(FT-017) (ISO 2719:1988) 11pp E
AS/NZS 2098.8:1996 Specifies methods for determining the flash point of
AS 2094—1977 Water absorption and thickness flammable and combustible liquids with flash points
Carbon monoxide analyser equipment swelling of unpainted plywood between 10°C and 370°C, using the Pensky-Martens
5pp C closed cup apparatus. This Standard is identical with
for road vehicles and has been reproduced from ISO 2719:1988.
Reconfirmed 1988 8pp B (TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0828 5)
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2859 6)
Provides a technical specification for equipment used for
determining the concentration of exhaust monoxide emis- AS/NZS 2098.9:1995
Procedures for in-grade testing of AS/NZS 2106.3:1999
sions from road vehicles.
Flash/no flash test—Rapid equilib-
(EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 1314 4) structural plywood 11pp D
Amdt 1 19 July 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3488 X) X rium method
AS 2095 (TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0142 6) (ISO 3680:1983) 6pp D
Sets out a rapid equilibrium method for carrying out
Methods of test for pollutants from a flash/no flash test on flammable and combustible
road vehicles AS/NZS 2098.10:1995 liquids at less than 110°C, using closed cup appara-
Measurement of dimensions and tus. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
AS 2095.1—1977 shape for structural Laminated Ve- produced from ISO 3680:1983.
neer Lumber 5pp C (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2858 8)
Exhaust carbon monoxide at idle
speed (TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0143 4)
AS/NZS 2106.4:1999
Reconfirmed 1988 4pp B AS 2101—1978 Determination of flash point—Rap-
Describes an in-service test procedure for determin- id equilibrium method
ing the concentration of exhaust carbon monoxide Internal micrometers (including stick
emissions from motor vehicles equipped with spark- micrometers) (metric series) (ISO 3679:1983) 7pp D
ignition engines running at idle speed. Reconfirmed 1987 16pp C Sets out a rapid equilibrium method for determining
(EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 1315 2) Specifies internal micrometers and stick micrometers read- the flash point of flammable and combustible liquids
ing to 0.01 mm and gives requirements for materials, prop- with flash points below 110°C, using closed cup ap-
erties, basic design details, accuracy and finish. An appen- paratus. This Standard is identical with and has been
AS 2096—1987 dix gives notes on the assessment of the more important reproduced from ISO 3679:1983.
Classification and coding systems for features of these instruments. For internal micrometers, (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2857 X)
Australian coals sizes up to 900 mm and for stick micrometers sizes up to
1800 mm are covered. Requirements for setting gauges for AS/NZS 2106.5:1999
Reconfirmed 1994 5pp B use with these measuring instruments are also given.
Describes the classification of Australian coals into two (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 1497 3) Flash/no flash test—Closed cup
rank classes, sets out systems for coding coals within each equilibrium method
class and provides quantitative definitions for traditional (ISO 1516:1981) 5pp D
names. Examples of practical applications of the coding AS 2102—1989
system are provided. Micrometer callipers for external This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
duced from ISO 1516:1981.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4422 8) measurement (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3027 2)
(ISO 3611:1978) 6pp C
AS/NZS 2097:1998 Specifies the dimensional, functional, and quality charac- AS/NZS 2106.6:1999
Methods for sampling veneer and ply- teristics of micrometer callipers for external measurement.
It applies to micrometers with a screw having a lead of 0.5 Determination of flash point—
wood 2pp B mm or 1 mm, having a maximum range of 25 mm in capac- Closed cup equilibrium method
(TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2114 1) ities up to 500 mm, and having non-removable anvils with (ISO 1523:1983) 6pp D
flat measuring surfaces. Annexes give information con-
cerning values for the error of measurement at any point in This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
AS/NZS 2098 the measuring range, and recommendations for using an duced from ISO 1523:1983.
Methods of test for veneer and ply- instrument and determining its accuracy. It is identical (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3028 0)
wood with and has been reproduced from ISO 3611:1978.
(ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 5828 8) AS/NZS 2107:2000
AS/NZS 2098.0:1996 Acoustics—Recommended design
General introduction and list of AS 2103—1978 sound levels and reverberation times
methods 2pp A Dial gauges and dial test indicators for building interiors 15pp F
(TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0820 X)
(metric series) 28pp D Recommends design sound levels and reverberation times
Specifies dial gauges and dial test indicators used for linear for different areas of occupancy in various categories of
measurement, reading to 0.01 mm and 0.002 mm, and buildings. Specifies methods of measuring the ambient
AS/NZS 2098.1:1996 gives requirements for materials, properties, basic design sound level reverberation time. This Standard is intended
details, accuracy and finish. Appendices describe methods for use in assessing the acoustic performance of buildings
Moisture content of veneer and of test for the more important features of the instruments, and building services. It does not apply to the evaluation of
plywood 5pp C and give notes on their care and use. Information is also occupancy noise.
(TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0821 8) given for calibration requirements for long travel dial (AV-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3719 6)

AS 2107—1987

AS 2107—1987 AS/NZS 2111.13:1996 AS 2113.2—1998

Acoustics—Recommended design Determination of thickness loss af- 80 to 85% cineole 3pp B
sound levels and reverberation times ter brief, moderate static loading Sets out a range of characteristics and related methods
for building interiors 10pp D (ISO 3415:1986) 4pp C of test of oil of eucalyptus produced in Australia con-
Provides design criteria for conditions affecting the acous- taining 80 to 85% cineole. It also incorporates the an-
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0586 3) alytical data produced by gas chromatographic proce-
tic environment within occupied spaces. The ambient
sound levels take into account the function of the area(s) dure. Specifications of flash point determination are
and apply to the sound level measured with the space un- AS/NZS 2111.14:1996 included in an appendix.
occupied but ready for occupancy. Determination of thickness loss af- (CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 2190 7)
(AV-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4455 4) ter prolonged, heavy static loading
AS 2114—1977
(ISO 3416:1986) 4pp C Oil of Lavender, Australia
AS/NZS 2108 (TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0587 1)
Engine coolants Type A and Type B Reconfirmed 1989 4pp A
for engine cooling systems Specifies a range of characteristics and related methods of
AS/NZS 2111.15:1996 test of oil obtained by steam distillation of the fresh flow-
Determination of tuft withdrawal ering tops of Lavandula angustifolio P. Miller.
AS/NZS 2108.1:1997 force (CH-021) (ISBN 0 7262 1365 9)
Passenger cars and light commer- (ISO 4919:1978) 4pp C
cial vehicles 5pp C (TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0588 X)
AS 2116—1977
Sets out requirements for coolants Type A (formulat- Oil of Eucalyptus citriodora, Australia
ed glycol coolant) and Type B (corrosion inhibitor) (ISO 3044)
and applies both to concentrates which require dilu- AS/NZS 2111.16:1996
tion before use and to solutions which are formulated Determination of bond strength be- Reconfirmed 1989 4pp A
for direct use in the engine cooling system. Specifies a range of characteristics and related methods of
tween backing components 3pp test of oil obtained by steam distillation of the leaves and
(CH-029) (ISBN 0 7337 1274 6)
B terminal branches of Eucalyptus citriodora.
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0589 8) (CH-021) (ISBN 0 7262 1367 5)
AS/NZS 2111
Textile floor coverings—Tests and AS 2117—1991
measurements AS/NZS 2111.17:1996
Determination of thickness, com- Hose and hose assemblies for petrole-
pression and recovery characteris- um and petroleum products—Marine
AS/NZS 2111.0:1996 suction and discharge
Introduction and list of methods tics
(BS 4098:1975) 6pp C (ISO 1823:1975) 10pp D
1p A Specifies requirements for hose and hose assemblies for
Amdt 1 August 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1305 X) X (TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0590 1) conveying petroleum and petroleum products at product
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0576 6) temperatures up to 70°C and in ambient temperatures rang-
AS/NZS 2111.18:1997 ing from -20°C to 65°C, but does not include requirements
Burning behaviour—Tablet test at for off-shore mooring use. Appendices include a method
AS/NZS 2111.1:1996 for the determination of resistance of hose to hydrostatic
Machine-made textile floor cover- ambient temperature pressure and a test for flexibility of hose. A guide to testing
ings—Determination of total thick- (ISO 6925:1982) 3pp B hose assemblies for in-service performance is also given.
ness (CS-086) (ISBN 0 7337 1301 1) (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6571 3)
(ISO 1765:1986) 3pp B
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0577 4) AS/NZS 2111.19 AS 2118
Colourfastness tests Automatic fire sprinkler systems
AS/NZS 2111.2:1996 AS 2118.1—1999
Determination of thickness loss AS/NZS 2111.19.1:1996 General requirements 158pp N
under dynamic loading Rubbing 4pp C Amdt 1 30 June 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3489 8) X
(ISO 2094:1986) 5pp C (TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0591 X) Specifies the general requirements for the design, in-
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0578 2) stallation and commissioning of automatic fire sprin-
AS/NZS 2111.19.2:1996 kler systems in buildings.
AS/NZS 2111.3:1996 Shampoo solution 3pp B (FP-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3021 3)
Determination of mass per unit Amdt 1 April 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1702 0) X
area 3pp B AS 2118.1—1995
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0592 8)
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0579 0) Standard
Obsolescent December 1999 See also AS
AS/NZS 2111.20:1996 2118-1982 150pp J
AS/NZS 2111.4:1996 Rectangular textile floor cover- Specifies the requirements for the design, installation
Determination of surface pile mass ings—Determination of dimen- and commissioning of standard fire sprinkler systems
above the substrate 7pp C sions in buildings.
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0580 4) (ISO 3018:1974) 2pp B (FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9790 9)
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0593 6)
AS/NZS 2111.5:1996 AS 2118.2—1995
Determination of thickness of pile AS/NZS 2111.21:1996 Wall wetting sprinklers (Drench-
above the substrate Non-destructive measurements of ers) 30pp D
(ISO 1766:1986) 3pp B pile thickness above the backing— Specifies minimum performance requirements of
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0581 2) wall wetting sprinklers.
WRONZ gauge method 7pp C (FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9649 X)
AS/NZS 2111.6:1996 (TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0594 4)
Determination of tuft length of pile AS 2118.3—1997
AS 2112—1977 Deluge 18pp F
(BS 4223:1989) 3pp B
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0582 0) Oil of Sandalwood, Australia Sets out requirements for the operation of specialized
(ISO 3062) sprinkler installations designed to function in hazard-
ous environments such as flammable liquid stores
AS/NZS 2111.7:1996 Reconfirmed 1989 4pp A where open sprinklers deliver water or foam rapidly
Determination of loop length of pile Specifies a range of characteristics and related methods of when quick opening valves operate following detec-
test of oil obtained by solvent extraction and subsequent tion of flame, heat or smoke.
(BS 4223:1989) 2pp B vacuum distillation from the heartwood of the tree Santa- (FP-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1602 4)
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0583 9) lum spicatum (R.Br.) D.C. occurring in Western Australia.
(CH-021) (ISBN 0 7262 1363 2)
AS/NZS 2111.9:1996 AS 2118.4—1995
Determination of the number of AS 2113 Residential 13pp C
Specifies the design, installation and commissioning
tufts per unit length and per unit Oil of Australian eucalyptus of sprinklers for life safety and property protection for
area the inhabitants of low-rise Class 2 and Class 3 build-
(ISO 1763:1986) 3pp B AS 2113.1—1998 ings as defined in the BCA. In addition to providing
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0584 7) 70 to 75% cineole 4pp C an increased level of protection to building occupants,
this Standard also considers the economic aspects of
Sets out a range of characteristics and related methods the sprinkler system. The purpose of this Standard is
AS/NZS 2111.11:1996 of test of oil of eucalyptus produced in Australia con- to provide design and installation requirements for a
Determination of total pile mass taining 70 to 75% cineole. It also incorporates the an- life safety sprinkler system in addition to smoke
alytical data produced by gas chromatographic proce- alarms, to aid in the detection and control of fires in
per unit area by complete dissec- dure. Specifications of flash point determination are residential occupancies and thus provide improved
tion 8pp C included in an appendix. protection against injury and loss of life. A sprinkler
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0585 5) (CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 2189 3) system designed and installed in accordance with this

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

Standard is expected to prevent flashover (total in- AS 2120.1—1992 AS 2124—1992

volvement) in the room of fire origin and to improve
the chance for occupants to escape or be evacuated. Electrically-powered suction General conditions of contract
(FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9687 2) equipment—Safety requirements See also HB 42-1992 for User Guide and Proforma
(ISO 10079-1:1991) 22pp F Notices and HB 57-1994. To run concurrently with
Specifies minimum safety and performance require-
AS 2124-1986 and AS 4000-1997
AS 2118.5—1995 Bound together with AS 2125-1992 and
ments for mains electricity and battery powered trans-
Domestic 16pp C portable medical and surgical suction equipment in AS 2127-1992 58pp H
Specifies requirements for the design and installation health care facilities, such as hospitals, for domicili- Amdt 1 11 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3499 5) X
of automatic life safety fire sprinkler systems for ary care of patients and for field and transport use. Comprises a single set of general conditions of contract
buildings defined as Class 1 in accordance with the Requirements supplement or modify the correspond- suitable for a wide variety of civil engineering, building,
Building Code of Australia. ing clauses in AS 3200.1.0-1990/NZS 6150. This electrical and mechanical engineering and other types of
Standard is technically equivalent to and has been re- engineering and construction contracts. This contract has a
(FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9739 9) produced from ISO 10079-1:1991. companion document AS 2545, specially prepared for sub-
(HE-017) (ISBN 0 7262 7738 X) contract use. AS 2125 includes appropriate conditions of
AS 2118.6—1995 tendering and a form of tender. AS 2127 comprises a form
Combined sprinkler and hydrant AS 2120.2—1992 of formal instrument of agreement. AS 2124/A, AS 2124/
B, AS 2125 and AS 2127 are also available separately as
20pp D Manually-powered suction equip- pads of forms.
Specifies minimum requirements for the installation, ment (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8083 6)
commissioning and testing of combined sprinkler and (ISO 10079-2:1992) 13pp D
hydrant systems for installation in multi-storey build- Specifies safety and performance requirements for AS 2124/A—1992
ings as an alternative to the installation of separate manually-powered medical suction equipment in- General conditions of contract (AS
sprinkler and hydrant systems. tended for oropharyngeal suction to establish and
(FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9753 4) maintain the patency of the airway. Non-electrical
2124-1992)—Annexure Part A
suction equipment which may be integrated with To run concurrently with AS 2124/A-1986 and AS
electrical equipment is also covered. Requirements 4000/A-1997
AS 2118.8—1997 supplement or modify the corresponding clauses in Pad of 20 forms C
Minor modifications 5pp C ISO 10079-2, Medical suction equipment, Part 2: Comprises a convenient pad of tear off forms of the An-
Manually-powered suction equipment. This Standard nexure to the Australian Standard general conditions of
Sets out requirements covering minor modifications is technically equivalent to and has been reproduced contract Part A of AS 2124-1992.
to existing sprinkler systems of light or ordinary haz- from ISO 10079-2:1992.
ard classification, such as the removal, alteration or (OB-003)
addition of sprinklers, or the modification or addition
(HE-017) (ISBN 0 7262 7739 8)
of ranges and distribution pipes of limited size. AS 2124/B—1992
(FP-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1601 6) AS 2120.3—1992 General conditions of contract (AS
Suction equipment powered from a 2124-1992)—Annexure Part B
AS 2118.9—1995 vacuum or pressure source To run concurrently with AS 2124/B-1986 and AS
Piping support and installation (ISO 10079-3:1992) 15pp E 4000/B-1997
Specifies safety and performance requirements for Pad of 100 forms C
See also AS 2118-1982 20pp D medical suction equipment powered from a vacuum Comprises a convenient pad of tear off forms of the An-
Specifies the requirements for the support and instal- or pressure source. In particular, it applies to connec- nexure to the Australian Standard general conditions of
lation for piping used in fire sprinkler systems. tions to the terminal unit of vacuum systems. Re- contract Part B of AS 2124-1992.
(FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9756 9) quirements supplement or modify the corresponding (OB-003)
clauses in ISO 10079-3, Medical suction equipment,
Part 3: Suction equipment powered from a vacuum or
AS 2118.10—1995 pressure source. This Standard is technically equiva- AS 2124—1986
Approval documentation lent to and has been reproduced from ISO 10079- General conditions of contract
3:1992. To run concurrently with AS 2124-1992
See also AS 2118-1982 13pp C (HE-017) (ISBN 0 7262 7740 1) Bound together with AS 2125-1986 and
Specifies requirements for the information to be pro- AS 2127-1986 39pp E
vided for the approval of fire sprinkler systems in ac- AS 2122
cordance with AS 2118.1 and wall wetting sprinkler Amdt 1 11 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3498 7) X
systems in accordance with AS 2118.2. Combustion characteristics of plas- Comprises a single set of general conditions of contract
tics suitable for a wide variety of civil engineering, building,
(FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9743 7) electrical and mechanical engineering and other types of
engineering and construction contracts. AS 2545-1987,
AS 2122.1—1993 Subcontract conditions, has been specially prepared so as
Determination of flame propaga- to be compatible with this document. AS 2124/A and AS
AS 2118—1982 tion—Surface ignition of vertically 2124/B, are also available separately as pads of forms.
Automatic fire sprinkler systems (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4202 0)
oriented specimens of cellular
(known as the SAA Code for Automat- plastics
ic Fire Sprinkler Systems) AS 2124/A—1986
(ISO 1210:1992 ISO 3582:1978) Annexure Part A
Available Superseded 17pp F
See also AS 2118 and AS 4118 series To run concurrently with AS 2124/A-1992
loose-leaf in special binder 121pp L
Specifies a procedure for determining the flame dura- Pad of 20 forms C
tion and material consumed when small vertically ori- (OB-003)
Amdt 1 January 1983 X ented specimens of cellular plastics are exposed to a
small flame.
Amdt 2 December 1985 X AS 2124/B—1986
(FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 8554 4)
Amdt 3 April 1989 (incorporating Amdts 1 and Annexure Part B
2) (ISBN 0 7262 5566 1) X AS/NZS 2122.2:1999 To run concurrently with AS 2124/B-1992
Based on current FOC rules. Covers classes of system and
Determination of minimum oxygen Pad of 100 forms C
design data, installation, water supplies, spacing and loca- (OB-003)
tion of sprinklers, sprinklers and their sprayers and con- concentration for flame propaga-
trols, pipework, valves and ancillary equipment, and haz- tion following top surface ignition AS Doc 2124N—1992
ard class system requirements, and includes appendices of vertically orientated specimens
dealing with orifice plates, fully hydraulically calculated Notes on the changes in the General
extra high hazard class systems, the completion certificate, 15pp F conditions of contract 4th edition (AS
terminology applied to pipework, and parameters for fully Sets out a method for the determination of minimum
hydraulically calculated extra light and ordinary hazard oxygen concentration in an upward flowing mixture
2124-1992) as compared with the 3rd
class systems. of oxygen and nitrogen that will just support flame edition (AS 2124-1986) 16pp C
(FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 2559 2) propagation. The method is applicable to physically Indicates the changes of importance that have been made
self-supporting plastics, cellular plastics (flexible or in the 1992 edition of the General conditions of contract as
rigid), and film or thin sheet. A statistical method is compared with the 1986 edition. The purpose of each of
AS/NZS 2119:1997 used in the determination of the end point. the changes is given. This document is not intended to take
Textile floor coverings—Machine- (FP-018) (ISBN 0 7337 2341 1) the place of a complete review of the 1992 edition. Pub-
lished in conjunction with the Construction Industry Engi-
made—Sampling and cutting speci- neering Services Group.
mens for physical tests AS 2122.3—1993 (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8084 4)
(ISO 1957:1986) 2pp B Determination of smoke-release—
Specifies sampling procedures to be used when testing car- Cellular polyurethanes and AS 2125—1992
pets and other types of textile floor coverings. It is identical polyisocyanurates 11pp D General conditions of tendering and
with and reproduced from ISO 1957:1986. Specifies a procedure for determining the level of form of tender
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1268 1) smoke-release from a small specimen of vertically To run concurrently with AS 2125-1986
oriented cellular plastics, but excluding polystyrene
and thermoplastic cellular plastics, which is exposed Bound together with AS 2124-1992 and
AS 2120 to a small flame. AS 2127-1992 3pp H
Medical suction equipment (FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 8557 9) (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8083 6)

AS 2125—1992 (Pad)

AS 2125—1992 (Pad) all relating to safety of the child within the cot. The Stand- supported by a rigid outer container, and paper or paper-
General conditions of tendering and ard applies to cots constructed of metal or plastic, but not board containers lined on the inside with paraffin wax or
timber cots due to the nature of the intended environment polyethylene. Requirements relating to handling qualities,
form of tender and the need for ease of cleaning. The Standard does not hygienic condition, biological safety, freedom from taint,
To run concurrently with AS 2125-1986 (Pad) specify requirements for folding cots. and permissible materials are specified. Tests for detection
Pad of 50 forms C (CS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1543 5) of taint and of container leakage are included.
Comprises a convenient pad of tear-off forms of AS 2125- (FT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 1397 7)
1992, which is bound together with AS 2124-1992 and AS AS 2131—1987
2127-1992. AS 2142—1978
(OB-003) Adhesives—For bonding decorative
thermoset laminates (contact adhe- Reflectors for pedal bicycles 12pp B
sives) 14pp D Specifies the photometric and colorimetric and physical re-
AS 2125—1986 quirements for red, yellow, and white bicycle reflectors
General conditions of tendering and Applies to sprayable adhesives and brushable adhesives in-
tended for the bonding, on the contact bond principle, of and yellow pedal reflectors, and includes relevant tests.
form of tender decorative thermoset laminated sheets to materials such as (CS-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1401 9)
To run concurrently with AS 2125-1992 timber, metal and particleboards. Product information, re-
Bound together with AS 2124-1986 and quirements for viscosity, bond strength in peel and shear, AS 2143—1978
heat resistance, cleavage resistance at elevated tempera- Industrial and commercial steel shelv-
AS 2127-1986 2pp E ture, optimum open assembly time, labelling and packag-
This document includes appropriate conditions of tender- ing are included. ing
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4202 0)
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 4695 6) (BS 826) 16pp C
Covers design and manufacture, and installation of shelv-
AS 2132—1978 ing in the form of bays, stacks and multi-tier units. Dimen-
AS 2125—1986 (Pad) sions and tolerances are given and materials for the shelv-
General conditions of tendering and Methods for the determination of the ing and for components are specified. Finish, marking and
form of tender flexural properties of plastics labelling are also covered.
To run concurrently with AS 2125-1992 (Pad) Reconfirmed 1986 15pp C (BD-062) (ISBN 0 7262 1402 7)
2pp A Corrig. X
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4203 9)
Describes a method applicable to rigid and semi-rigid non- AS/NZS 2144:2002
reinforced and fibre-reinforced materials, in which a freely
supported beam is loaded at mid-span. The materials are Traffic signal lanterns 65pp J
AS 2127—1992 tested in the form of rectangular bars, either moulded di- Specifies photometric and physical requirements for the
rectly or cut from sheets or other shapes. Flexural stress, design, construction and performance of traffic signal lan-
Form of formal instrument of agree- terns intended to control the movement of vehicles, includ-
deflection at rupture, and apparent modulus of elasticity
ment are determined. ing bicycles, and pedestrians. The scope includes lanterns
To run concurrently with AS 2127-1986 (PL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1385 3) using either incandescent lamps or light emitting diodes
Bound together with AS 2124-1992 and (LEDs) as the light source and covers both general purpose
and extended range vehicular lanterns.
AS 2125-1992 1p H AS 2134 (LG-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4494 X)
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8083 6) Recommended practice for chemical
analysis by atomic absorption spec- AS 2145—2002
AS 2127—1992 (Pad) trometry
Form of formal instrument of agree- Stainless steel needle tubing for man-
ment ufacture of medical devices
AS 2134.1—1999 (ISO 9626:1991) 9pp F
To run concurrently with AS 2127-1986 (Form) Flame atomic absorption spec-
Pad of 100 forms C Specifies the dimensions, surface and mechanical proper-
Comprises a convenient pad of tear-off forms of AS 2127-
trometry 25pp G ties of normal- and thin-walled tubing of designated metric
Sets out recommended practices for the operation of sizes 3.4 mm to 0.3 mm, and of extra-thin-walled tubing of
1992 which is bound together with AS 2124-1992 and AS designated metric sizes 2.1 mm to 0.6 mm, and is applica-
2125-1992. flame atomic absorption spectrometers used in chem-
ical analysis. This Standard includes a description of ble to rigid stainless steel needle tubing suitable for use in
(OB-003) the manufacture of hypodermic needles and other medical
instrumentation, optimization procedures, calibra-
tion, test procedures, information on factors affecting devices primarily for human use. Does not apply to flexi-
AS 2127—1986 atomic absorption and a section on analytical quality ble stainless steel needle tubing. This Standard is identical
Form of formal instrument of agree- assurance. and has been reproduced from ISO 9626:1991.
ment (CH-016) (ISBN 0 7337 3063 9) (HE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4789 2)
To run concurrently with AS 2127-1992
Bound together with AS 2124-1986 and AS 2134.2—1999 AS 2148—1978
AS 2125-1986 1p E Graphite furnace spectrometry Hydrometers for use in milk
This document comprises a form of formal instrument of 27pp G (ISO 2449:1975)
agreement. Sets out recommended practices for the operation of Reconfirmed 1993 16pp C
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4202 0) graphite furnace absorption spectrometers used in Provides specifications for three hydrometers, viz. preci-
chemical analysis. The Standard includes a descrip- sion type, wide-range type and routine type. Appendices
AS 2127—1986 (Form) tion of instrumentation, optimization procedures, cal- provide notes on the verification of hydrometers, and rec-
ibration, test procedures and information on factors ommended requirements for hydrometer cylinders and a
Form of formal instrument of agree- affecting atomic absorption. A section on analytical thermometer.
ment quality assurance has been added to the Standard. (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1414 0)
To run concurrently with AS 2127-1992 (Pad) A (CH-016) (ISBN 0 7337 3062 0)
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4204 7) AS 2149—1990
AS 2134.3—1994 Starter batteries—Lead-acid 22pp G
AS 2129—2000 Vapour generation atomic absorp- Specifies materials, design, constructional requirements
Flanges for pipes, valves and fittings tion spectrometry 20pp F and test methods for automotive batteries having either a 6
47pp I Specifies instrumentation, operating procedures and V or a 12 V output. A reference system for batteries in
Specifies requirements and dimensions for circular, plate safety precautions for chemical analysis by vapour common use is included. The Standard nominates both di-
blank, boss, integrally cast or forged and welding-neck generation atomic absorption spectrometry. Elements mensional limits and performance criteria.
type flanges or nominal sizes DN 15 to DN 3000 and their covered by the recommended procedures are mercu- (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 6402 4)
bolting for use on pipes, valves and fittings and other pres- ry, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, germanium, lead, se-
sure-retaining equipment containing fluid at pressures up lenium, tellurium and tin. AS 2150—1995
to 19300 kPa and at temperatures in the range 200°C to (CH-016) (ISBN 0 7262 8862 4)
+525°C. Flanges in carbon steel, carbon-manganese steel, Hot mix asphalt 21pp F
low-alloy steel, stainless steel, grey iron, malleable iron, Specifies requirements for the manufacture and supply of
ductile cast iron or copper alloy, together with relevant ma- AS 2136—1977 hot mix asphalt for use in pavements including component
terial specifications are included. This Standard is applica- Method for detecting the susceptibility materials, mix properties, mix design, manufacturing, stor-
ble to flanges for water, steam, compressed air, chemical of copper and its alloys to stress cor- age and delivery, and sampling and testing. Appendices
and petroleum plants, hydraulic piping and where other dealing with recycling asphalt and principles of mix design
Standards require compliance with this Standard. Recom-
rosion cracking using the mercurous are also provided.
mendations on the selection of bolting and method of mak- nitrate test (CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9693 7)
ing flanged joints are included. This Standard is not intend- (ISO 196)
ed to apply to flanges for water or waste water covered by Reconfirmed 1986 8pp B AS 2152—1978
AS 4087. Specifies requirements for the testing reagent and de-
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3065 5) Rivetless chain, trolleys and trolley at-
scribes two methods of preparation of the reagent. Prepa-
ration of test pieces, procedures for carrying out the test tachments
AS/NZS 2130:1998 and details for the preparation of a test report are given. Reconfirmed 1982 20pp C
Cots for day nursery, hospital and in- (MT-008) (ISBN 0 7262 1389 6) Applies to self-coloured rivetless chain for use with floor
or overhead conveyors, and to trolley assemblies and trol-
stitutional use—Safety requirements ley attachments for use with overhead conveyors. Defini-
(BS 1694:1990) 28pp G AS 2139—1978 tions, nominal size and breaking load, materials, dimen-
Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2095 1) X Single-use containers for liquid dairy sions, manufacture and testing are specified. Appendices
Specifies requirements for cots for day nursery, hospital products 8pp B provide guidance on information to be supplied with en-
and institutional use. These requirements include material, Applies to containers of the following types; unsupported quiry and order and on finishes other than self-colour.
design, construction, performance, labelling and marking, plastics bag, plastics bag fitted with dispensing device and (ME-) (ISBN 0 7262 1428 0)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 2153 AS 2156.1—2001 AS 2160C—1984

Tractors and machinery for agricul- Classification and signage Australian standard contract for sup-
ture and forestry—Technical means 14pp F ply and construction of a swimming
for ensuring safety Provides managing authorities with guidance for pool
walking track classification and signage in order to To run concurrently with AS 2160.1/C-1998 D
provide consistency of information to users of walk-
AS/NZS 2153.1:1997 ing tracks. This is intended to minimise risk, preserve Comprises the contract portion of AS 2160, published in a
General natural features and enhance recreation opportunities form suitable for use by the parties to a contract. It is in
associated with the use of walking tracks. triplicate, printed on self-carbon paper with the top copy
(ISO 4254-1:1989) 10pp D perforated, and supplied with a backing sheet. Information
(CS-029) (ISBN 0 7337 3932 6) for the parties is given on the cover.
Specifies requirements for the design of tractors and
machinery for agriculture and forestry regarding the (CS-063)
prevention of accidents arising from the use of such AS 2156.2—2001
tractors and machinery. Also provides the technical Infrastructure design 18pp F AS/NZS 2161
means for improving the level of personal safety for Specifies design methods and loads for use in the
operators and users of tractors and machinery for ag- structural design of walking tracks. It covers board- Occupational protective gloves
riculture and forestry. This Standard is identical with walks, galleries, pedestrian bridges (including wire
and has been reproduced from ISO 4254-1:1989. crossings), platforms (for viewing), ladders, stair- AS/NZS 2161.1:2000
(ME-065) (ISBN 0 7337 1061 1) ways, stiles and barriers. Selection, use and maintenance
(CS-029) (ISBN 0 7337 3810 9)
AS/NZS 2153.3:1997 9pp E
AS 2157—1997 Sets out guidance on the selection, use and mainte-
Tractors nance of various types of gloves, especially those
(ISO 4254-3:1992) 5pp B Cutback bitumen 9pp D specified in the other parts of the AS/NZS 2161 se-
Specifies requirements for medium-curing cutback bitu- ries. The draft discusses different hazards specific to
Specifies requirements regarding the prevention of men for roadmaking purposes.
accidents arising from the use of tractors by indicat- hand and arms, as well as possible risks in the work-
ing the appropriate parameters to be met when de- (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1130 8) place, and various methods of control.
signing tractors. Additional to the requirements of (SF-023) (ISBN 0 7337 3329 8)
AS/NZS 2153.1. This Standard is identical with and AS 2158—1978
has been reproduced from ISO 4254-3:1992. Carbide inserts for cutting tools AS/NZS 2161.2:1998
(ME-065) (ISBN 0 7337 1062 X) (ISO 513 ISO 883 ISO 1832 ISO 3364 General requirements
ISO 3365-1) (EN 420:1994) 12pp D
AS/NZS 2153.4:1997 Reconfirmed 1987 52pp F Specifies the general requirements for ergonomy,
Forestry winches Provides a system of classification and a range of sizes for glove construction, high visibility, innocuousness,
(ISO 4254-4:1990) 3pp B mechanically held carbide cutting tool inserts. It is in tech- cleaning, comfort and efficiency, marking and infor-
nical agreement with corresponding ISO documents, and mation applicable to occupational protective gloves.
Specifies safety requirements for winches used on in addition it includes round inserts and stick (on-end) type
forestry machinery and agricultural machinery used The Standard is also applicable to gloves permanently
of inserts. incorporated in containment enclosures. This Stand-
in forests. Additional to the requirements of AS/NZS (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1435 3)
2153.1. This Standard is identical with and has been ard is technically equivalent to and reproduced from
reproduced from ISO 4254-4:1990. EN 420:1994.
(ME-065) (ISBN 0 7337 1063 8) AS 2159—1995 (SF-023) (ISBN 0 7337 1534 6)
Piling—Design and installation
AS/NZS 2153.5:1997 See also AS 2159-1978 56pp I AS/NZS 2161.3:1998
Power-driven soil-working equip- Amdt 1 April 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0400 X) X Protection against mechanical
Specifies minimum requirements for the design, calcula- risks
tion and testing of piled foundations for civil engineering
(ISO 4254-5:1992) 2pp B and building structures, on land and immediate inshore lo- (EN 388:1994) 12pp D
cations. Specifies the performance requirements for all kinds
Specifies special requirements to be met when de- of protective gloves with regard to physical and me-
signing tractor-operated, power-driven soil-working (CE-018) (ISBN 0 7262 9884 0)
chanical aggressions caused by abrasion, blade cut,
equipment having a power requirement of more than puncture, tear and impact cut. This Standard is not ap-
20 kW. Additional to the requirements of AS/NZS AS 2159 Supplement 1—1996 plicable to antivibration gloves. This Standard is
2153.1. This Standard is identical with and has been Piling—Design and installation— technically equivalent to and reproduced from EN
reproduced from ISO 4254-5:1992.
(ME-065) (ISBN 0 7337 1064 6)
Guidelines (Supplement to AS 2159- 388:1994.
1995) 30pp F (SF-023) (ISBN 0 7337 1535 4)
Provides additional information on pile design and instal-
AS/NZS 2153.6:1998 lation in relation to AS 2159-1995. AS/NZS 2161.4:1999
Equipment for crop protection (CE-018) (ISBN 0 7337 0271 6) Protection against thermal risks
(ISO 4254-6:1995) 4pp C (heat and fire)
Specifies the special requirements to be considered AS 2160 (EN 407:1994) 4pp C
when designing power-assisted sprayers for crop-pro- Contract for the supply and construc-
tection and liquid fertilizer application which are Specifies requirements for gloves for protection
tion of a swimming pool or spal against heat and flames in one or more of the follow-
mounted, trailed or self-propelled. It is additional to
ing forms: fire, contact heat, convective heat, radiant
the general requirements of AS/NZS 2153.1. This AS 2160.1—1998 heat, small splashes or large quantities of molten met-
Standard is based on and reproduced from ISO 4254- Concrete swimming pool or spa
6:1995. al. This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
(ME-065) (ISBN 0 7337 1988 0) To run concurrently with AS 2160-1984 duced from EN 407:1994.
36pp F (SF-023) (ISBN 0 7337 2362 4)
This Standard sets out a Contract for the supply and
AS/NZS 2153.7:1997 installation of a concrete swimming pool or spa. It is AS/NZS 2161.5:1998
Combine harvesters, forage and intended for use in relation to swimming pools or spas
Protection against cold
cotton harvesters constructed or installed wholly or partially in the
ground as a permanent concrete structure. It also in- (EN 511:1994) 5pp B
(ISO 4254-7:1995) 7pp B cludes notes for the guidance of the users of the Con- Specifies the performance requirements and test
Specifies requirements for the prevention of acci- tract. methods for gloves which are intended to protect
dents arising from the use of combine harvesters and (CS-063) (ISBN 0 7337 2239 3) against convective or conductive cold down to tem-
self-propelled forage and cotton harvesters. Addition- peratures of 50°C. This could be linked to either the
al to the requirements of AS/NZS 2153.1. This Stand- climatic conditions or occupational activity con-
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from AS 2160.1/C—1998
cerned. This Standard is technically equivalent to and
ISO 4254-7:1995. Concrete swimming pool or spa reproduced from EN 511:1994.
(ME-065) (ISBN 0 7337 1065 4) To run concurrently with AS 2160C-1984 (SF-023) (ISBN 0 7337 1536 2)
Copy of AS 2160.1-1998 as self carbon in trip-
AS/NZS 2153.9:1997 licate 36pp E AS 2161.6(Int)—2001
Equipment for sowing, planting (CS-063)
Protective gloves for firefighters—
and distributing fertilizers AS 2160—1984 Laboratory test methods and per-
(ISO 4254-9:1992) 4pp B Contract for the supply and construc- formance requirements
Specifies technical means of improving the level of tion of a swimming pool (ISO/FDIS 13583)
personal safety of operators and others involved dur- (Expires 6 November 2003) 22pp G
ing normal operation and maintenance of equipment To run concurrently with AS 2160.1-1998
for sowing, planting and distributing fertilizers. Addi- 17pp E Specifies test methods for protective gloves for fire-
tional to the requirements of AS/NZS 2153.1. This Sets out a contract for the supply and construction of a fighters. This Interim Australian Standard is identical
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced swimming pool. The contract is intended for use in relation with and reproduced from ISO/FDIS 13583.
from ISO 4254-9:1992. to swimming pools constructed or installed either wholly (SF-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4147 9)
(ME-065) (ISBN 0 7337 1066 2) or partially in the ground as a permanent structure and
whether of concrete, fibreglass or fabricated construction. AS/NZS 2161.7
Also included are notes for the guidance of users of the
AS 2156 contract. Protection against cuts and stabs
Walking tracks (CS-063) (ISBN 0 7262 3575 X) by hand knives

AS/NZS 2161.7.1:1998

AS/NZS 2161.7.1:1998 reference literature, including relevant Australian and AS 2175—1995

British Standards. Articulated vehicles—Kingpins
Chainmail gloves and arm guards (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0392 5)
(BS EN 1082-1:1997) 27pp G (ISO 337 ISO 4086) 21pp F
Specifies requirements for the design, penetration re- Specifies requirements for 50 mm and 90 mm kingpins for
AS 2162.2—1998 semitrailers used in articulated vehicles, B-doubles, and
sistance, ergonomic characteristics, weight, material,
marking and instructions for use of gloves and arm Guide to the use of piston-operat- road trains, in normal use on both sealed and unsealed
guards. This Standard is identical with and has been ed volumetric apparatus (POVA) roads.
reproduced from BS EN 1082-1:1997. 22pp F (ME-053) (ISBN 0 7262 9514 0)
(SF-023) (ISBN 0 7337 2219 9) Sets out methods of testing and guidelines for the op-
eration of piston-operated volumetric apparatus (PO- AS 2175 Supplement 1—2002
AS/NZS 2161.8:2002 VA) to improve accuracy and repeatability in deliver- Articulated vehicles—Kingpins—De-
ing measured volumes of liquids in analytical termination of the dynamic strength of
Protection against ionizing radia- procedures. Volumetric errors in delivery of small
tion and radioactive contamination volumes of liquids other than water are covered in an D-rating kingpins using finite element
(EN 421:1994) 8pp F appendix. analysis (Supplement to AS 2175-
Specifies requirements for protective gloves against (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1953 8) 1995) 5pp D
ionizing radiation and radioactive contamination. Sets out requirements for the assessment of the dynamic
This Standard is identical with and has been repro- AS 2163—2002 strength of D-rating kingpins using finite element analysis
duced from EN 421:1994. (FEA) as an alternative to the test set out in Appendix A of
Laboratory glassware—Measuring AS 2175.
(SF-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4252 1) cylinders 8pp E (ME-053) (ISBN 0 7337 4891 0)
Sets out requirements for unstoppered and stoppered meas-
AS/NZS 2161.9:2002 uring cylinders suitable for general laboratory purposes. AS/NZS 2176
Method of measurement and evalu- (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4927 5)
Primary batteries
ation of the vibration transmissibil-
ity of gloves at the palm of the hand AS 2164—1995 AS/NZS 2176.1:1996
(ISO 10819:1996) 17pp F Laboratory glassware—One-mark vol- General
Specifies test methods and evaluation criteria for the umetric flasks (IEC 86-1:1993 IEC 86-1:1993/
vibration transmissibility of gloves at the palm of the (ISO 1042:1983) 5pp C Amd.1:1994 IEC 86-1:1993/
hand. This joint Standard is identical with and repro- Specifies requirements for one-mark volumetric flasks
duced from ISO 10819:1996. suitable for general laboratory purposes. Cor.:1993) 46pp H
(SF-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4352 8) (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0013 6) Specifies the nomenclature, dimensions, polarity, ter-
minals, marking, test conditions and service output
requirements for primary batteries. This Standard is
AS/NZS 2161.10 AS 2165—1996 identical with has been reproduced from IEC 86-
Protective gloves against chemi- Laboratory glassware—Burettes 1:1993, including the Technical Corrigendum of De-
cals and micro-organisms (ISO 385-1 ISO 385-2) 9pp D cember 1993 and Amendment 1:1994. To be read in
Specifies requirements for burettes suitable for general conjunction with AS/NZS 2176.2:1996.
laboratory use. (EL-022) (ISBN 0 7337 0220 1)
AS/NZS 2161.10.1:2002 (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0149 3)
Terminology and performance re- AS/NZS 2176.2:1996
quirements AS 2166—2002 Specification sheets (based on and
(EN 374-1:1994) 2pp B Laboratory glassware—One-mark pi- including the full text of IEC 86-2)
Specifies terminology and performance requirements pettes 7pp D (IEC 86-2:1994 IEC 86-2:1994/
for penetration and permeation testing of gloves in- Sets out specifications for one-mark pipettes suitable for Amd.1:1995) 60pp I
tended for use against chemicals and biologically general use in laboratories. Two classes are specified,
hazardous materials. This Standard is identical with Sets out specification sheets for each battery designa-
Class A pipettes being of higher accuracy than Class B pi- tion. This Standard is based on and has been repro-
and has been reproduced from EN 374-1:1994. pettes. duced from IEC 86-2:1994, including Amendment
(SF-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4728 0) (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4928 3) 1:1995. To be read in conjunction with AS/NZS
AS/NZS 2161.10.2:2002 AS 2167—1996 (EL-022) (ISBN 0 7337 0221 X)
Determination of resistance to pen- Graduated straight pipettes
etration (ISO 835/1:1981 ISO 835/2:1981 ISO AS 2177
(EN 374-2:1994) 4pp D 835/3:1981) 14pp E Non-destructive testing—Radiogra-
Specifies methods for the determination of the resist- Provides specifications for a range of graduated straight pi- phy of welded butt joints in metal
ance of protective gloves to penetration. The primary pettes required for general laboratory use.
test is an air leak test, and gloves meeting this Stand- (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0753 X) AS 2177.1—1994
ard are considered to be suitable for use against bio- Methods of test 36pp H
logically hazardous material. This Standard is identi- AS/NZS 2172:1995
cal with and has been reproduced from EN 374- Sets out methods and specifies requirements for X-
2:1994. Cots for household use—Safety re- ray and gamma-ray testing of welded butt joints in
quirements 20pp E metal products. Included is a comprehensive appen-
(SF-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4729 9) dix which provides guidance for the use of the Stand-
Specifies material, constructional and design requirements
for cots as well as performance criteria, labelling and ard and advice on how to optimize the quality of the
AS/NZS 2161.10.3:2002 marking, all of which are related to the child's safety while radiographic image.
Determination of resistance to per- in the cot. It does not include carry cots or folding cots. (MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9105 6)
meation by chemicals (CS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9694 5)
(EN 374-3:1994) 5pp D AS 2177.2—1982
Specifies a method for the determination of resistance AS 2174 Image quality indicators (IQI) and
of protective glove materials to permeation by poten- Articulated vehicles—Mechanical recommendations for their use
tially hazardous non-gaseous chemicals under condi- coupling between prime movers and 21pp E
tions of continuous contact. This Standard is identical Cover dimensions, materials, construction and mark-
with and has been reproduced from EN 374-3:1994. semitrailers—Interchangeability re-
ing of wire, step/hole and plaque/hole type IQI used
(SF-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4730 2) quirements for assessing the sensitivity of the radiographic proc-
ess in revealing the presence of discontinuities.
AS 2162 AS 2174.1—1994 Standard models of each type are illustrated. Recom-
Non-dedicated vehicle combina- mendations are given for the selection and location of
Verification and use of volumetric ap- IQI, the viewing of radiographs, and assessment of
paratus tions 9pp D the IQI percent sensitivity. A graph showing relative
Defines requirements for interchangeability of vehi- sensitivity values for different types of IQI is given in
cles used in articulated vehicle combinations, in nor- an appendix.
AS 2162.1—1996 mal use on both sealed and unsealed roads. The re- (MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 2487 1)
General—Volumetric glassware quirements are applicable to prime movers,
26pp G semitrailers and converter dollies to provide compat-
ibility and adequate clearance. AS/NZS 2179
Specifies procedures for the verification of volumet- (ME-053) (ISBN 0 7262 8178 6) Specifications for rainwater goods,
ric glassware, using water or mercury as the working
substance, and gives recommended practices for the accessories and fasteners
use of such glassware. Factors affecting accuracy are AS 2174.2—1994
dealt with in some detail; e.g. temperature in respect Dedicated vehicle combinations AS/NZS 2179.1:1994
of both the vessel and the liquid, the cleanness of 6pp C Metal shape or sheet rainwater
glass surfaces, the reading of volumes and, for vessels goods, and metal accessories and
calibrated to deliver, delivery time. Specific attention Amdt 1 January 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9523 X) X
is given to the correct use of volumetric flasks, pi- Defines requirements for interchangeability, compat- fasteners 22pp F
pettes and burettes. Appendices detail methods for ibility, and adequate clearances, for coupling prime Specifies both performance and prescriptive require-
cleaning volumetric glassware, a leakage test for bu- movers, semitrailers, and in the case of a B-double, ments for a limited range of nominal sizes for metal
rette stopcocks, recommended stopcock lubricants, the leading semitrailer and the second semitrailer. shape or sheet rainwater goods, and metal accessories
correction tables for use in calibration, and a list of (ME-053) (ISBN 0 7262 8179 4) and fasteners made of aluminium alloys, aluminium/

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

zinc alloy-coated steel, copper and copper alloys, in the scope of AS 3111. Additional requirements may AS 2193—2002
zinc-coated steel, stainless steel and zinc. The Appen- apply to miniature overcurrent circuit-breakers in approv- Calibration and classification of force-
dices include purchasing guidelines and test methods als regulations.
for demonstrating compliance with the performance (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 3708 6) measuring systems 42pp I
requirements. Specifies a procedure to be used in the calibration of work-
(WS-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9133 1) ing force standards, that is performed in either primary or
AS 2185—1978 secondary force standardizing machines by applying forc-
Fibrous plaster products es of known magnitude and uncertainty and deriving a
AS/NZS 2179.2(Int):1998 Reconfirmed 1991 A5 C mathematical relationship between applied force and in-
PVC rainwater goods and accesso- Specifies manufacturing and testing requirements for fi- strument readings. The estimation of the uncertainty asso-
ries brous plaster products, including plain and reinforced ciated with this mathematical relationship is included in
(Expired 5 June 2000) 23pp F sheets and mouldings. the procedure.
Specifies requirements for PVC rainwater goods and (BD-011) (ISBN 0 7262 1506 6) (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4879 1)
associated accessories.
(WS-020) (ISBN 0 7337 1954 6) AS 2187 AS/NZS 2195:1999
Explosives—Storage, transport and Folding cots—Safety requirements
AS 2180—1986 use 35pp H
Metal rainwater goods—Selection and Specifies functional, durability, stability and performance
criteria related to child safety for folding portable cots con-
installation 24pp E AS 2187.0—1998 structed of metal, plastic, fabric (mesh) or timber. It is ap-
Amdt 1 August 1986 X Terminology 24pp G plicable to cots which can be readily dismantled or folded
Amdt 2 June 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6213 7) X Provides definitions for terms referred to in the AS for transportation and are intended to be used as a tempo-
Amdt 3 August 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9129 3) X 2187, Explosives series of Standards and those terms rary facility for children. It is not applicable to cots intend-
Sets out procedures for the selection and installation of commonly used in the explosive and pyrotechnic in- ed for permanent household use nor to cradles.
metal rainwater goods complying with AS 2179. It also in- dustries. (CS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2970 3)
cludes design factors for internal box gutters and a method (CE-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1781 0)
for sizing of gutters and downpipes. AS 2197—1978
(WS-020) (ISBN 0 7262 4046 X) AS 2187.1—1998 Method for the micrographic assess-
Storage 64pp J ment of the non-metallic inclusion
AS 2181 Amdt 1 January 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3057 4) X content in wrought steel
Screwing taps Specifies requirements for the storage of explosives (ISO 4976)
including pyrotechnics as defined in AS 2187.0, and Reconfirmed 1986 24pp E
AS 2181.1—1978 for the location, design, construction and mainte- Describes procedures for the comparison of micrographic
General purpose metric screw nance of magazines. It applies to portable magazines, images with standard Jernkontoret or ASTM charts. De-
relocatable magazines, fixed or permanent maga-
threads zines, bulk storage and underground storage. It does
tails are given for the preparation of test pieces, test proce-
Reconfirmed 1987 56pp H dures, assessment of the images, expression of results and
not apply to the storage of explosives and explosive the preparation of a test report. The charts are reproduced
Specifies taps for cutting ISO metric general purpose ordnance for defence purposes which comply with full size. An example of assessment of a micrographic field
screw threads in both fine and coarse pitch series. It the Defence Explosives Manual. and calculation of an average field rating number are given
covers materials, properties, and basic design details (CE-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1782 9) in appendices.
for taps of diameter 1 to 64 mm; the diameter/pitch (MT-008) (ISBN 0 7262 1526 0)
combinations are in agreement with AS 1721 and AS AS 2187.2—1993
1725. The ISO tolerance system for the threaded lim-
its is adopted except that the tolerance increments Use of explosives 77pp I AS 2198—1983
have been additionally applied to the major diameter Sets out requirements for the safe use of explosives Anchors for small boats 10pp C
in order to ensure assembly of coated products. Tap including the mixing, testing, initiation and firing of Specifies requirements for anchors for use with pleasure
blanks are the same as those given in ISO/R529 and charges. The Standard also provides information on craft up to 15 m in overall length. Critical dimensions are
ISO 2283. misfires as well as considerations such as ground vi- specified for five established types of anchor and allow-
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1500 7) bration and airblast. Special topics including blasting ance is made for new designs.
in hot material, blasting under water and demolition (CS-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2949 0)
AS 2181.3—1981 by blasting are also included.
(CE-005) (ISBN 0 7262 8229 4)
Inch series screw threads AS 2200—1978
Reconfirmed 1987 44pp K AS 2187.3—1999 Design charts for water supply and
Specifies taps for cutting inch series screw threads
Pyrotechnics—Shopgoods fire- sewerage 24pp E
(including BA). Gives general dimensions, tolerances Gives charts intended to provide designers with a reasona-
and deviations for the threaded portion of the tap, ma- works—Design, performance and bly accurate basis for design of pipe systems. The charts
terials and properties, and methods of test. Provides testing 15pp F are based on the Manning, Hazen and Williams and Cole-
for the use of same tap carcass dimensions. Appendi- Sets out requirements for the design and use of shop- brook-White formulae. The Colebrook-White charts have
ces give the imperial dimensions in metric units. goods fireworks, available in some states to the gen- been drawn for a temperature of 20°C and cover eleven k
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 2210 0) eral public, to ensure that the fireworks are safe to use factors ranging from 0.003 mm up to and including 6 mm,
in the manner and the environment, for which they are together with calculated examples. A tabulated guide to
AS 2182—1998 intended. roughness coefficients of valves and fittings with calculat-
(CE-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3072 8) ed examples is also included.
Sterilizers—Steam—Benchtop (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7262 1535 X)
22pp F
Specifies requirements for benchtop electrically heated AS 2187.4—1998
sterilizers that generate saturated steam within the unit at Pyrotechnics—Outdoor displays AS 2201
selected temperatures up to and including 136°C. These 20pp F Intruder alarm systems
sterilizers are intended for use in health care facilities, gen-
erally for the sterilization of instruments and utensils Specifies the requirements and precautions to be car- AS 2201.1—1998
(wrapped and unwrapped). They are not suitable for the ried out, within a display site, for the storage, convey-
sterilization of fluids, unless the sterilizer also complies ance, handling and use of pyrotechnics for outdoor Systems installed in client's
with the relevant requirements of AS 2192 for the steriliza- displays, and for conducting such displays. It does not premises 21pp F
tion of fluids. Guidance on information that should be sup- apply to pyrotechnics for indoor theatrical and film Specifies the minimum requirements for the con-
plied with enquiries and orders is given in an appendix. sets, for marine distress signals, classified and shop- struction, installation, operation and maintenance of
(ME-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2163 X) goods fireworks or for model rocket mortars. intruder alarm equipment and installed systems. It ap-
(CE-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1789 6) plies to intruder alarm systems suitable for private
premises, commercial premises and special installa-
AS 2183—1991 tions, and provides guidance for the preparation of a
AS 2190—1995
Flexible wrappings (including lami- maintenance contract between a client and an alarm
nates) for rindless cheese 10pp D Clinical maximum thermometers— company.
Specifies requirements and recommendations for flexible Mercury-in-glass 10pp D (EL-031) (ISBN 0 7337 2043 9)
wrapping materials for packaging rindless cheese in por- Specifies requirements for mercury-in-glass clinical ther-
mometers used for the measurement of body temperature
tions of 5 kg and greater and in portions less than 5 kg.
including those for general use, for measurement of sub- AS 2201.2—2001
(FT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 7037 7) Monitoring centres 23pp G
normal body temperature and for use as an aid in determin-
ing the ovulation cycle. Sets out requirements for the grading and comparison
AS 2184—1985 (CH-030) (ISBN 0 7262 9702 X) of central stations, proprietary stations and remote
Low voltage switchgear and con- stations, for the purpose of providing a uniform clas-
trolgear—Moulded-case circuit-break- AS 2192—2002 sification scheme for intruder alarm systems.
ers for rated voltages up to and (EL-031) (ISBN 0 7337 4049 9)
including 600 V a.c. and 250 V d.c. placement 46pp I AS 2201.3—1991
21pp E Specifies requirements for horizontal downward-displace-
Detection devices for internal use
Deals with characteristics, design and construction, type ment steam sterilizers (including jacketed types and non-
and routine tests of single-pole and multi-pole moulded- jacketed types) that are intended for use in hospitals and (IEC 839:1988) 30pp H
case circuit-breakers, including those which incorporate other non-industrial applications. Guidance on information Sets out the minimum performance requirements and
replaceable current-limiting fuses, for interrupting ratings that should be supplied with enquiries and orders and in- methods of test for detection devices intended for use
of 10 kA and above. It may also be used to verify the break- formation on quality of water and steam supplies is given in intruder alarm systems. The Standard addresses the
ing capacity of moulded-case circuit-breakers within inter- in appendices. characteristics that affect the reliability of the devices,
rupting ratings of 3 kA to 10 kA, which otherwise fall with- (ME-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4662 4) with special emphasis being placed on those charac-

AS 2201.4—1990

teristics which affect false alarm susceptibility and AS 2205.2.2—1997 AS 2207—1994

tamper resistance.
All-weld-metal tensile test 3pp C Non-destructive testing—Ultrasonic
(EL-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6627 3)
(WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1423 4) testing of fusion welded joints in car-
AS 2201.4—1990 bon and low alloy steel 48pp H
AS 2205.2.3—1997 Specifies methods and requirements for the manual ultra-
Wire-free systems installed in cli- Transverse joggle-butt tensile sonic testing of full or partial penetration fusion welded
ent's premises 6pp C test 2pp B
joints in carbon and low alloy ferritic steels, 6 mm or great-
Amdt 1 August 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6003 2) X er in thickness. The Standard employs four sensitivity lev-
(WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1422 6) els and gives procedures for the sizing of discontinuities.
Specifies requirements for classification, construc- Appendices give guidance on the ultrasonic testing of
tion, installation and operation of wire-free intruder welds and the identification of discontinuities.
alarm systems, installed in client's premises where the AS 2205.3.1—1997
(MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 8836 5)
principal interconnections are by wire-free links, us- Transverse guided bend test
ing electromagnetic radiation or sound to transmit te- 6pp D AS/NZS 2208:1996
lemetry or telecommand signals between component (WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1421 8)
parts. Also provides guidance for system selection Safety glazing materials in buildings
and signal reception. 32pp H
(EL-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6157 2) AS 2205.3.2—1997
Amdt 1 August 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2803 0) X
Transverse free bend test 3pp C Specifies the functional properties of various safety glaz-
AS 2201.5—1992 (WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1420 X) ing materials, including toughened glass, laminated glass,
Alarm transmission systems wired glass, organic-coated glass and plastic. Two grades
AS 2205.3.3—1997 are covered, with different impact performance levels.
9pp D Other requirements include size tolerances, weathering
Specifies the general requirements for alarm trans- Longitudinal guided bend test and ageing performance. Test methods are given in some
mission systems, equipment and systems using dedi- 4pp C appendices, while others deal with sampling, acceptance
cated paths, switched networks and wire-free sys- (WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1419 6) procedures and notes on safe performance criteria and hu-
tems. man dynamics data.
(EL-031) (ISBN 0 7262 7659 6) AS 2205.3.4—1997 (BD-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0805 6)
Transverse joggle-butt wrap- AS 2209—1994
AS 2202—1978 around bend test 3pp C
Code of practice for the provision of Timber—Poles for overhead lines
(WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1418 8)
warranties/guarantees for household 29pp G
goods 4pp B Amdt 1 February 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0912 5) X
AS 2205.3.5—1997 Specifies poles suitable for electricity transmission and tel-
Sets out requirements relating to the subjects covered by
written product warranties (or guarantees), and the way in Tongue bend test 3pp C ecommunications purposes with or without full-length pre-
which they should be expressed. (WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1417 X) servative treatment and, where required, gives preservative
(CS-022) (ISBN 0 7262 1540 6) types and retentions required. The Standard also sets out
requirements for pole identification as well as means for
AS 2205.4.1—1997 demonstrating compliance. Appendices include a test for
AS 2203 Nick-break test 2pp B differentiating sapwood and heartwood in softwoods; and
Cored electrodes for arc-welding (WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1416 1) example systems for process quality monitoring and pur-
chaser treatment quality checks.
AS 2205.4.2—1997 (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8812 8)
AS 2203.1—1990
Ferritic steel electrodes 26pp G Fillet break test 2pp B
(WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1415 3)
AS/NZS 2210
Amdt 1 March 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7253 1) X Occupational protective footwear
Sets out requirements for cored electrodes for self-
shielded and gas shielded automatic or semi-automat- AS 2205.5.1—1997
AS/NZS 2210.1:1994
ic arc welding. Includes low and intermediate alloy Macro metallographic test for Guide to selection, care and use
ferritic steel electrodes, along with carbon steel elec- cross-section examination 5pp C
trodes. Provides a coherent system of classification
(WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1414 5)
22pp F
based on the method of construction, type of core, Provides users and purchasers of occupational protec-
recommended welding position, shielding gas re- tive footwear with recommended practices for the se-
quirements, and weld metal properties. Specifies the AS 2205.6.1—1997 lection care and use of protective footwear in a wide
properties and requirements for the manufacture of Weld joint hardness test 5pp C range of primary, secondary and construction indus-
the electrodes and gives the methods of test. A com- tries. Guidance for footwear care, fitting and foot pro-
prehensive guide to the electrodes and other useful in- (WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1413 7)
tection programs is provided.
formation are given in an appendix. (SF-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8708 3)
(WD-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6354 0) AS 2205.7.1—1997
Charpy V-notch impact fracture AS/NZS 2210.2:2000
AS 2205 (Set) toughness test 4pp C Requirements and test methods
Methods of destructive testing of (WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1412 9) (ISO 8782-1:1998) 73pp K
welds in metal Specifies requirements and where appropriate test
Complete set in binder. $264.00 Retail AS 2205.7.2—1997 methods to establish conformity with these require-
$198.00 Member Dropweight fracture toughness ments for footwear intended to protect the wearer's
(WD-006) test for nil-ductility transition tem- feet against foreseeable hazards in a variety of work-
places. This Standard has been reproduced from ISO
perature 3pp C 8782-1:1998 with additional requirements for Aus-
AS 2205 (Frc) (WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1411 0) tralia and New Zealand in an Appendix.
Methods of destructive testing of (SF-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3547 9)
welds in metal AS 2205.7.3—1997
Front cover and introduction X Crack opening displacement AS/NZS 2210.2:1994
(WD-006) (CTOD) fracture toughness test Specification 44pp H
5pp C Amdt 1 May 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9714 3) A
AS 2205 (Lst) (WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1410 2) Amdt 2 January 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0164 7) X
Methods of destructive testing of Amdt 3 May 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1885 X) X
welds in metal AS 2205.8.1—1997 Specifies basic requirements for occupational protec-
tive footwear with specific requirements for heavy
List of methods X Longitudinal fillet shear test duty (Type 1), medium duty (Type 2), light duty
(WD-006) 3pp C (Type 3) and waterproof (Type 4) footwear. Require-
(WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1409 9) ments for steel and non-metallic toecaps are provided.
AS 2205 Specific requirements for oil and chemical-resistant
outsoles, penetration-resistant midsoles and electri-
Methods of destructive testing of AS 2205.8.2—1997 cally conductive and anti-static properties are also
welds in metal Transverse fillet shear test 3pp C provided.
(WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1408 0) (SF-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8709 1)
AS 2205.1—1997
General requirements for tests AS 2205.9.1—1997 AS/NZS 2210.3:2000
4pp C Hot cracking test 3pp C Specification for safety footwear
(WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1425 0) (WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1407 2) (ISO 8782-2:1998) 9pp E
Specifies, by reference to AS/NZS 2210.2, basic and
AS 2205.2.1—1997 AS 2205.10.1—1997 additional (optional) requirements for safety foot-
wear. This Standard has been reproduced from ISO
Transverse butt tensile test Corrosion test for welded austenit- 8782-2:1998 with additional requirements for Aus-
3pp C ic stainless steel 2pp B tralia and New Zealand in an Appendix.
(WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1424 2) (WD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1406 4) (SF-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3548 7)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 2210.4:2000 notes (Supplement to AS/NZS AS 2212—1979

Specification for protective foot- 2211.1:1997) 32pp G Elastomeric hose and hose assem-
wear This Supplement gives information on the physics re- blies for transferring anhydrous am-
(ISO 8782-3:1998) 9pp E lating to laser radiation dangers posed by laser prod- monia
ucts with finite accessible emission of laser radiation. Reconfirmed 1990 12pp C
Specifies, by reference to AS/NZS 2210.2, basic and It complements the information in AS/NZS 2211.1 by
additional (optional) requirements for protective foot- Provides for hose and hose assemblies, classified in two
explaining the underlying principles. It does not re- types according to pressure, for handling anhydrous am-
wear. This Standard has been reproduced from ISO place AS/NZS 2211.1, and in case of conflict between
8782-3:1998 with additional requirements for Aus- monia in liquid or gaseous form over a temperature range
the two Standards, the requirements of AS/NZS of -40°C to +65°C. The hose and hose assemblies have a
tralia and New Zealand in an Appendix. 2211.1 prevail.
(SF-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3549 5) particular use in agriculture. Constructional, dimensional
(SF-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2470 1) and physical properties, and resistance to ammonia, low
temperature and ozone are specified. In general, tests are
AS/NZS 2210.5:2000 AS/NZS 2211.2:1997 prescribed by reference to AS 1180 but tests for resistance
Specification for occupational to ammonia and low temperature are described in appendi-
footwear Safety of optical fibre communica- ces. A further appendix provides recommendations for pe-
tion systems riodical inspection, testing, handling and storage of hose
(ISO 8782-4:1998) 9pp E and hose assemblies.
Specifies, by reference to AS/NZS 2210.2, basic and
(IEC 825-2:1993) 22pp E (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 1734 4)
additional (optional) requirements for occupational Gives requirements and guidance for the safe use of
footwear. This Standard has been reproduced from optical fibre or control communication systems, or AS 2213
ISO 8782-4:1998 with additional requirements for both, where optical power may be accessible at a Commercial road vehicles—Mechani-
Australia and New Zealand in an Appendix. great distance from the optical source. It does not ap-
(SF-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3550 9) ply to optical fibre systems primarily designed to cal connections between towing vehi-
transmit optical power for applications such as mate- cles
rial processing or medical treatment. It is based on,
AS/NZS 2210.6:2001 but not equivalent to, IEC 825-2:1993. AS 2213.1—2001
Additional requirements and test (SF-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0992 3) Selection and marking of pin-type
methods couplings and drawbar eyes
(ISO 8782-5:2000) 16pp G AS/NZS 2211.3:2002 10pp E
Specifies, by reference to AS/NZS 2210.2, additional Guidance for laser displays and Amdt 1 25 September 2002
requirements and test methods. This Standard has (ISBN 0 7337 4850 3) X
been reproduced from ISO 8782-5:2000 with modifi- shows
cations for application in Australia in an Appendix. (IEC 60825-3:1995) 11pp F Specifies the requirements for the selection and mark-
ing of pin-type couplings and drawbar eyes and gives
(SF-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3789 7) Provides guidance on the planning and design, set-up the methods for the determination of the D-values and
and conduct of laser displays and shows that use high the V-values for typical vehicle configurations.
AS/NZS 2210.7:2001 power lasers. This Standard is identical with and has (ME-053) (ISBN 0 7337 3998 9)
been reproduced from IEC 60825-3:1995.
Additional specifications for safety
footwear (SF-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4821 X) AS 2213.2—2001
(ISO 8782-6:2000) 7pp E 50 mm pin-type couplings and
Specifies, by reference to AS/NZS 2210.2 and AS/
AS/NZS 2211.4:2002 drawbar eyes
NZS 2210.3, additional requirements for safety foot- Laser guards (ISO 1102:1986 ISO 1102:1986/
wear. This Standard is identical with and has been re- (IEC 60825-4:1997) 18pp G Amdt 1:1998) 5pp D
produced from ISO 8782-6:2000. Provides dimensions for 50 mm pin-type couplings
(SF-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3790 0) Provides requirements for laser guards, permanent and 50 mm drawbar eyes to permit interchangeability
and temporary, that enclose the process zone of a la- between towing vehicles and trailers fitted with these
ser processing machine, and specifications for propri- couplings. This Standard is identical with and has
AS/NZS 2210.8:2001 etary laser guards. This Standard is identical with and been reproduced from ISO 1102:1986.
Additional specifications for pro- has been reproduced from IEC 60825-4:1997.
(ME-053) (ISBN 0 7337 3605 X)
tective footwear (SF-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4822 8)
(ISO 8782-7:2000) 3pp C AS 2213.3—1998
Specifies, by reference to AS/NZS 2210.2 and AS/ AS/NZS 2211.6:2002 40 mm pin-type couplings and
NZS 2210.4, additional requirements for protective Safety of products with optical drawbar eyes
footwear. This Standard is identical with and has been
reproduced from ISO 8782-7:2000. sources, exclusively used for visi- (ISO 8755:1986) 5pp C
(SF-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3791 9) ble information transmission to the Provides dimensions for 40 mm pin-type couplings
human eye and 40 mm drawbar eyes to permit interchangeability
between towing vehicles and trailers fitted with these
AS/NZS 2210.9:2001 (IEC TS 60825-6:1999) 16pp G couplings. This Standard is identical with and has
Additional specifications for occu- Provides an adapted hazard categorization scheme been reproduced from ISO 8755:1986.
pational footwear and specific guidance for the safe use of visible opti- (ME-053) (ISBN 0 7337 2336 5)
cal sources that are used exclusively for transmission
(ISO 8782-8:2000) 2pp C of information to the human eye. This Standard is AS 2213.4—1998
Specifies, by reference to AS/NZS 2210.2 and AS/ identical with and has been reproduced from IEC TS Strength test for pin-type cou-
NZS 2210.5, additional requirements for occupation- 60825-6:1999.
al footwear. This Standard is identical to and has been (SF-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4823 6) plings and drawbar eyes for rigid
reproduced from ISO 8782-8:2000. drawbars
(SF-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3792 7) (ISO/DIS 12357:1998) 5pp C
AS/NZS 2211.7:2002 Provides strength requirements for pin-type cou-
AS/NZS 2211 Safety of products emitting infra- plings and drawbar eyes for rigid drawbars for use
Laser safety red optical radiation, exclusively with centre-axle trailers with maximum mass greater
used for wireless 'free air' data than 3.5 tonnes. This Standard is based on and has
been reproduced from ISO/DIS 12357:1998.
AS/NZS 2211.1:1997 transmission and surveillance (ME-053) (ISBN 0 7337 2337 3)
Equipment classification, require- (IEC TS 60825-7:2000) 16pp G
ments and user's guide Provides requirements and specific guidance for the AS 2213.5—1998
(IEC 825-1:1993) 106pp J safe use of products which emit infrared optical radi- Strength test for pin-type cou-
ation, where such products are used exclusively for plings and drawbar eyes for hinged
Specifies requirements and procedures designed to wireless 'free air' data transmission and surveillance.
protect persons from laser radiation. Intended for ap- This Standard is identical with and has been repro- drawbars
plication both by users and manufacturers of laser duced from IEC TS 60825-7:2000. (ISO 8718:1988) 2pp B
products. It specifies safe working levels of optical Provides strength requirements for pin-type cou-
radiation, classifies lasers according to their degree of (SF-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4824 4)
plings and drawbar eyes for hinged drawbars. This
hazard and sets out detailed protective and control Standard is based on and has been reproduced from
measures appropriate to each class. A statement on AS/NZS 2211.9:2002 ISO 8718:1988.
the effect of laser radiation on biological tissues is
given in an Appendix, and other appendices cover Compilation of maximum permissi- (ME-053) (ISBN 0 7337 2338 1)
maximum permissible exposures, calculations, a ble exposure to incoherent optical
medical surveillance chart, and the design of warning radiation AS 2214—1994
labels and signs. It is based on, but not equivalent to Certification of welding supervisors—
IEC 825-1:1993. (IEC TR 60825-9:1999) 46pp J Structural steel welding 9pp D
(SF-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0991 5) Provides requirements for Maximum Permissible Ex- Specifies the pre-examination qualifications and scope of
posure (MPE) values for the exposure of the human examination required for the granting of certificates to
AS/NZS 2211.1 Supplement 1:1999 eye and skin to incoherent optical radiation from arti- welding supervisors engaged in the supervision of welders
ficial sources in the wavelength range from 180 nm to of steel structures. It provides examination syllabus and in-
Equipment classification, require- 3000 nm. This Standard is identical with and has been cludes marking criteria and provision for re-examination,
ments and user's guide—Applica- reproduced from IEC TR 60825-9:1999. where applicable.
tion guidelines and explanatory (SF-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4825 2) (WD-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9172 2)

AS 2216—1997

AS 2216—1997 AS 2219.2.1—2002 an engineering method which requires a controlled

environment for repeatable results.
Packaging for poisonous substances Determination of resistance of vit-
(AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 1579 1)
15pp E reous enamel coatings on metal
Amdt 1 October 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1398 X) X substrates to thermal shock AS 2221.2—1979
Sets out safety and performance requirements for packag- 3pp C Engineering method for measure-
ing of up to 2 L or 2 kg of poisonous substances. Specifies a procedure for assessing the resistance of
(PK-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1176 6) vitreous and porcelain enamel coatings on metal sub- ment of airborne sound emitted by
strates to sudden changes in temperature. pneumatic tools and machines
AS 2217—1979 (CH-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4866 X) (ISO/DIS 3481) 28pp E
Nomenclature of single-point cutting Corrig. X
tools AS 2219.3 Part 2 describes a method for determining mean
Reconfirmed 1987 44pp H Miscellaneous tests sound level and mean band pressure level of airborne
Corrig. X sound emitted by pneumatic tools and machines, in-
cluding both percussive machines, such as crawler
Defines terms of certain basic concepts and deals exten- AS 2219.3.1—1978 drills, rock drills, paving breakers, picks and spaders,
sively with features necessary to define the geometry of the Determination of the performance chippers, riveters, scalers, and non-percussive ma-
cutting part. Three reference systems of planes and angles
are provided, one of them—tool design system—being of continuous cleaning vitreous chines, such as rotary air machines, screw drivers and
enamel coatings nut setters, impact wrenches, hoists. It is an engineer-
designated as the preferred system. Appendices include
ing method which requires a controlled environment
examples of application. Reconfirmed 1989 4pp B for repeatable results.
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1571 6) (CH-007) (ISBN 0 7262 1591 0) (AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 1594 5)
AS 2219 (Frc) AS 2219.3.3—2002 AS 2222—1979
Methods of test for vitreous enamel Determination of the adhesion of Adhesives for unit loads (palletizing
coatings enamels on aluminium under the adhesives)
Front cover and introduction X action of electrolytic solution (spall Reconfirmed 1990 28pp D
(CH-007) test) Applies to adhesives intended for the bonding of unit
(ISO 13805:1999) 3pp D loads, primarily fibreboard containers, both corrugated and
AS 2219 (Lst) Specifies a method of test for the accelerated determi- solid fibre, the surfaces of which have not been coated,
Methods of test for vitreous enamel nation of the resistance of porcelain enamel coatings waxed or otherwise treated, but which may be either print-
coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys to spalling as a ed or unprinted. An indication of critical bonding parame-
result of exposure to moisture or weather. This Stand- ters for the palletizing operation and general notes on ad-
List of methods X hesive application are given in an appendix. Test methods
(CH-007) ard is identical with and has been reproduced from
ISO 13805:1999. are included.
(CH-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4779 5) (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 1585 6)
AS 2219
Methods of test for vitreous enamel AS 2220 AS 2224
coatings Emergency warning and intercommu- Medicine measures (including paedi-
nication systems in buildings atric droppers)
AS 2219.1.1—2002
Chemical tests—Determination of AS 2220.1—1989 AS 2224.1—1986
resistance of vitreous enamel coat- Equipment design and manufac- Glass—For general use
ings to hot sodium hydroxide ture 34pp G Reconfirmed 1995 17pp E
(ISO 2745:1998) 5pp D Amdt 1 November 1989 (ISBN 0 7262 5966 7) X Specifies requirements for glass measures of the tum-
Specifies a method of test for determining the resist- Amdt 2 August 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8390 8) X bler and conical form including—accuracy of calibra-
ance of flat surfaces of vitreous and porcelain enam- tion markings, freedom from stress, transparency,
Sets out requirements for the design and manufacture permanence of markings, resistance to thermal shock,
els to a hot solution of sodium hydroxide. This Stand- of equipment used in emergency warning and inter-
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from and soundness of packaging. Provides procedures for
ISO 2745:1998. communication systems installed in buildings to en- testing compliance of essential specifications with a
sure warning in the event of an emergency and assist view to assessing suitability of the measures for SAA
(CH-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4458 3) in the subsequent orderly evacuation of the buildings. certification.
Distinctive, easily recognizable, visible and audible (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3991 7)
AS 2219.1.2—2002 signals are specified for the emergency warning sys-
Chemical tests—Determination of tem and an independent, integrated emergency inter-
communication system between a control centre and AS 2224.2—1986
resistance of vitreous enamel coat- other control points is described. Appendices provide Plastics—For domestic use
ings to boiling water and water va- information on typical systems and detail test proce- Reconfirmed 1995 17pp E
pour dures.
Specifies requirements for plastics measures of the
(ISO 2744:1998) 6pp D (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5785 0)
tumbler, conical and dropper forms as may be used
Specifies a method of test for determining the resist- within the domestic environment—not being subject-
ance of flat surfaces of vitreous and porcelain enam- AS 2220.2—1989 ed to high temperature autoclaving/sterilization pro-
els to pure boiling water and or water vapour. This System design, installation and cedures. Specifications include accuracy of calibra-
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced commissioning 18pp E tion markings, transparency, permanence of
from ISO 2744:1998. markings, resistance to mechanical shock and resist-
(CH-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4459 1) Amdt 1 November 1989 (ISBN 0 7262 5967 5) X ance to dishwasher cleaning. Provides procedures for
Amdt 2 August 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8391 6) X testing compliance with a view to assessing suitabili-
Sets out performance requirements for the system de- ty for SAA certification.
AS 2219.1.3—2002 sign, installation and commissioning of emergency (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4410 4)
Chemical tests—Determination of warning and intercommunication systems in build-
resistance of vitreous enamel coat- ings. Provides guidance for the location, functional AS 2225—1994
ings to boiling hydrochloric acid and operational requirements, and installation and
commissioning of emergency warning systems and Insulating gloves for electrical pur-
(ISO 2743:1996) 2pp B emergency intercommunication systems. Specifies poses 12pp E
Specifies a method of test for determining the resist- protection requirements for cabling and specific com- Amdt 1 May 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0476 X) X
ance of flat surfaces of vitreous and porcelain enam- ponents. Appendices detail tests for hazard-resistant
els to boiling hydrochloric acid. This Standard is wiring components and sealed batteries, method of Specifies constructional and test requirements for insulat-
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO ing gloves used to provide protection against electric
operation and response of personnel, system informa- shocks where the working voltages do not exceed 650 V,
2743:1996. tion, tests reports and installer's statement. 1000 V, 3300 V or 4000 V in four classes of gloves.
(CH-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4456 7) (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5786 9) (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8933 7)
AS 2219.1.5—2002 AS 2221 AS 2227—1992
Determination of resistance of vit- Methods for measurements of air- Yachting harnesses and lines—Con-
reous enamel coatings to citric borne sound emitted by compressor ventional lines 7pp C
acid at room temperature units including primemovers and by Specifies design, performance and marking requirements
(ISO 2722:1997) 6pp E pneumatic tools and machines for yachting harnesses with the conventional type of line
Specifies a method for the determination of resistance which requires manual declipping of the line from an an-
to citric acid, at room temperature, of vitreous and AS 2221.1—1979 chorage point. Includes requirements for both adult and
porcelain enamelled articles, and also specifies a child harnesses and is compatible with the safety regula-
method for classifying the results. This Standard is Engineering method for measure- tions of the Australian Yachting Federation. Requirements
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO ment of airborne sound emitted by for individual components and the finished article are giv-
2722:1997. compressor/primemover units in- en, along with performance tests (in the appendices).
(CH-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4859 7) tended for outdoor use (CS-051) (ISBN 0 7262 7150 0)
(ISO 2151) 12pp C
AS 2219.2 Describes a method for determining mean sound level AS 2228
Physical tests and mean band pressure level of airborne sound. It is Spectacles

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2228.1—1992 gives details and properties of types of backfill for buried AS 2243.6—1990
Spectacle lenses 23pp F Mechanical aspects 19pp F
(MT-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7902 1)
Specifies requirements for all types of ophthalmic Sets out the general principles of safe operation of
lenses for spectacles, both before and after laboratory mechanical equipment and tools in laboratories. Par-
processing and mounting into frames. Separate con- AS 2241—1991 ticular attention is given to safe management of gas
sideration is given to semi-finished lens blanks, fin- Data storage and transfer media—9- cylinders, harmful substances and hazardous opera-
ished uncut lenses and edged and mounted lenses. track, 12.7 mm wide magnetic tape for tions. Additionally, guidelines for the safeguarding of
Lenses for non-prescription sunglasses, intra-ocular machinery are included.
lenses, contact lenses and lenses for non-prescription information interchange using phase
encoding at 126 ftpmm-63 cpmm (CH-026) (ISBN 0 7262 6150 5)
protective eyewear are excluded from the scope of
this Standard. (ISO/IEC 3788:1990) 13pp E
(MS-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7590 5) Specifies a format and recording standard for 9-track, 12.7
AS 2243.7—1991
mm magnetic tape used for data processing, storage and Electrical aspects 22pp G
AS 2228.2—1992 transfer procedures. This Standard is identical with and has Specifies requirements and gives recommended prac-
Spectacle frames 19pp F been reproduced from ISO/IEC 3788. tices relating to electrical safety and electrical equip-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6668 X) ment in laboratories.
Specifies requirements for unglazed spectacle frames
made from all types of materials and intended for use (CH-026) (ISBN 0 7262 7025 3)
with corrective lenses. The component parts of a AS 2242
frame are defined, and diagrams of typical parts are Instrumental methods for the analysis AS/NZS 2243.8:2001
provided. A measurement system and a marking sys- of milk and milk products
tem for frames are described. Performance require- Fume cupboards 49pp I
ments are given, with methods for determining frame Specifies safety requirements for laboratory fume
endurance, corrosion, bridge strength and flammabil- AS 2242.1 cupboards and test methods used to determine their
ity provided in appendices. Frames for non-prescrip- Determination of fat in whole milk performance. Siting and maintenance requirements
tion sunglasses and frames to be used for products are specified and guidance is given on the use of fume
providing protection against industrial hazards, other cupboards.
than safety spectacles, are excluded from this Stand- AS 2242.1.1—1979
(CH-026) (ISBN 0 7337 3753 6)
ard. Turbidimetric methods
(MS-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7593 X) Reconfirmed 1993 24pp D AS 2243.9—1991
Describes a general method for the instrumental anal-
AS 2229 ysis of fat in whole milk using a turbidimetric tech- Recirculating fume cabinets
Electrical equipment for explosive at- nique and which stipulates measures for the prepara- 17pp F
tion of samples for testing instrument calibration and
mospheres—Electrical systems of the procedure for operation. An appendix describes Specifies requirements and recommendations for the
dispensing equipment the detailed determination using the Foss 'Milko' design, manufacture and use of recirculating fume
Tester Mark III and provision exists for the addition cabinets (sometimes referred to as ductless fume cup-
of further appendices as other instruments gain ac- boards) for use in laboratories, and includes test
AS 2229.1—1982 methods to determine their performance.
Flammable liquid dispensing (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1631 3) (CH-026) (ISBN 0 7262 6628 0)
equipment 8pp C
Specifies requirements for the electrical systems of AS 2243 (Set2) AS 2243.10—1993
flammable liquid dispensing equipment including the Storage of chemicals 28pp G
electrical components. Includes requirements for in- Safety in laboratories Set of Standards
ternal wiring, terminal enclosures and earthing and (Set Expires 15 February 2003) Provides procedures and requirements for the segre-
bonding. Also specifies requirements for marking and $495.33 Retail $371.50 Member gation and storage of chemicals held in stores associ-
testing. ated with laboratories.
This set includes AS/NZS 2243.1:1997, AS/NZS
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 2633 5) 2243.2:1997, AS/NZS 2243.3:2002, AS 2243.4-1998, (CH-026) (ISBN 0 7262 8012 7)
AS 2243.5-1993, AS 2243.6-1990, AS 2243.7-
AS 2229.2—1988 1991, AS/NZS 2243.8:2001, AS 2243.9-1991 and AS AS 2244—1999
Liquefied petroleum gas dispens- 2243.10-1993 and Amendments. Laboratory glassware—Test tubes
ing equipment 4pp B (ISO 4142) 3pp C
Specifies requirements for the electrical systems of AS/NZS 2243 Sets out requirements and dimensions for reusable and dis-
liquefied petroleum gas (LP gas) dispensing equip- Safety in laboratories posable test tubes suitable for general purposes.
ment including the electrical and hydraulic compo- (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2952 5)
nents. Includes requirements for internal wiring, ter- AS/NZS 2243.1:1997
minal enclosures, earthing and bonding, and safety
devices. Also specifies requirements for marking and General 32pp G AS 2245—1999
testing. Amdt 1 January 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3187 2) X Laboratory glassware—Filter funnels
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 5092 9) Provides requirements, responsibilities and general
guidelines to promote safety in laboratories. (ISO 4798:1997) 3pp C
(CH-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0891 9) Sets out requirements for two types of glass filter funnels,
AS/NZS 2230:1999 funnels for general laboratory use and funnels for analyti-
New pneumatic tyres for light trucks cal purposes.
and trucks/buses. AS/NZS 2243.2:1997 (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2659 3)
* The performance test is based on ECE Regulation Chemical aspects 39pp G
54 9pp E Provides requirements, responsibilities and guide- AS 2246—1996
Specifies requirements for physical dimensions, perform- lines to promote safety in laboratories where chemi-
ance and marking for new pneumatic light truck and truck/ cals are handled. Conical flasks and boiling flasks (nar-
bus tyres designed primarily for on-road use. (CH-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0906 0) row necked)
(ME-056) (ISBN 0 7337 2927 4) (ISO 719 ISO/DIS 1773) 15pp E
AS/NZS 2243.3:2002 Specifies requirements for conical flasks, flat bottom boil-
AS 2234—2002 Microbiological aspects and con- ing flasks and round bottom boiling flasks, for general lab-
Laboratory glassware—Beakers tainment facilities 99pp L oratory use. This Standard is based on, but not equivalent
to ISO 1773.
12pp F Specifies requirements and gives recommended prac-
(CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0393 3)
Sets out specifications for low form glass beakers, with or tices relating to safety in laboratories in which micro-
without pouring lips for general laboratory purposes. organisms are handled. Includes descriptions of risk
(CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4925 9) group categories for microorganisms and require- AS 2247
ments for facilities of corresponding containment lev- Eucalyptus oil fractions
AS 2237—1979 (CH-026) (ISBN 0 7337 4260 2)
Plastics fuel and emission control AS 2247.1—1999
tube 20pp D AS 2243.4—1998 1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) 3pp C
Applies to plastics tubing designed for use as fuel and Ionizing radiations 73pp J Sets out certain characteristics of 1,8-Cineole. This
emission control lines in automotive, marine, industrial, edition is to provide specifications for the oil from
agricultural and domestic applications. It includes criteria Provides safety requirements for laboratories and pre-
cautions needed to prevent the exposure of workers chromatographic analysis and the determination of
and tests for high temperature fuel resistance, burst pres- flashpoint.
sure, bend radius, moisture absorption, impact, vacuum and members of the public to excessive levels of radi-
collapse and chemical resistance. ation where sources of ionizing radiation are used. (CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 2902 9)
(PL-042) (ISBN 0 7262 1618 6) (CH-026) (ISBN 0 7337 1995 3)
AS 2247.2—1999
AS 2239—1993 AS 2243.5—1993 Eucalyptus oil terpenes (phelland-
Galvanic (sacrificial) anodes for ca- Non-ionizing radiations 35pp G rene fraction) 3pp C
thodic protection 21pp F Amdt 1 March 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8806 3) X Sets out certain characteristics of eucalyptus oil terpe-
Specifies requirements for chemical composition of zinc, Provides requirements and recommendations to pre- nes, consisting mainly of a—phellandrene. This edi-
magnesium and aluminium alloys and gives details of de- vent accidents in laboratories when using equipment tion provides a specification for the determination of
sign features for some standardized shapes. It includes per- generating non-ionizing radiations. flashpoint.
formance requirements and test methods for anodes and (CH-026) (ISBN 0 7262 8092 5) (CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 2903 7)

AS 2249—1999

AS 2249—1999 AS 2259—1996 AS 2266—2002

Australian sandarac resin 2pp B General requirements for buoyancy Carbon steel spring wire for bedding
Sets out certain characteristics of Australian sandarac resin aids and seating 11pp E
to ensure the industry, producers and markets maintain (EN 471 NZS 5823) 26pp F Specifies requirements for carbon steel spring wire of
consistent quality product. round cross-section supplied in the hard-drawn condition,
Specifies requirements for materials and fabrication meth- for the manufacture of coil springs (including helical lac-
(CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 2900 2) ods used in the construction of buoyancy aids, specifically
the material used as the source of buoyancy and its incor- ing springs), square-formed springs and sinuous springs
poration within the device. Appendices include test proce- for bedding and seating used in the automotive, transport
AS 2250—1979 and furniture manufacturing industries.
dures for determining the buoyancy of a buoyancy aid, the
Office machines and data processing strength and durability of its components, and advice for (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4997 6)
equipment—Keyboard layouts for nu- consumers on the correct selection of a buoyancy aid from
meric applications the different types available. AS 2267—1997
(ISO 3791) 8pp C (CS-060) (ISBN 0 7337 0125 6) Guide to the conduct of pilot coke
Specifies the layout of numerals on keyboards for data oven tests 11pp D
processing equipment and all office machines, including AS 2260—1996 Sets out a method for preparing the charge and producing
calculators. This Standard is technically identical with ISO Personal flotation devices—Type 3 coke in pilot-scale coke ovens having widths approximat-
3791. ing a commercial by-product battery oven and methods for
(NZS 5823) 7pp C preparing such cokes for testing.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 1647 X) Specifies requirements for personal flotation devices de- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1088 3)
signed for use in supervised situations to assist flotation
AS 2252 during short-term immersion in sheltered waters during
AS 2268—1979
daylight hours, and also intended for use in water sports or
Biological safety cabinets as clothing for special situations where assistance is imme- Electrostatic paint and powder
diately at hand. Appendices include comparative test sprayguns for explosive atmos-
AS 2252.1—2002 methods for adequately supporting the wearer in water.
pheres 20pp C
Biological safety cabinets (Class I) (CS-060) (ISBN 0 7337 0126 4) Prescribes requirements in respect of design, construction
for personnel and environment and marking of the sprayguns and associated apparatus,
protection 13pp F AS 2261—1990 and includes a section on testing. It also includes appendi-
Rescue buoys 3pp B ces which recommend conditions of use with flammable
Specifies requirements for Class I biological safety paints or powders, which apply without prejudice to any
cabinets which are intended to provide protection Specifies requirements for the design, construction, buoy- statutory requirements applying to paint or powder spray
from hazardous biological agents for personnel and ancy, colour retroreflectivity, and marking of rescue buoys area and to the use of flammable liquids.
the environment. intended to be thrown or dropped to a person in water to as-
sist flotation. It does not apply to lifebuoys required to be (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 1714 X)
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 4844 9) carried by commercial vessels. Appendix contains the
buoyancy test. Materials and certain test requirements are AS/NZS 2269:1994
AS 2252.2—1994 specified in AS 2259. Plywood—Structural 26pp G
Laminar flow biological safety cab- (CS-060) (ISBN 0 7262 6038 X) Amdt 1 October 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0729 7) X
inets (Class II) for personnel, envi- This Standard specifies requirements for the manufacture
ronment and product protection AS 2262—1979 and grading of structural plywood. The Standard specifies
Float-off buoyancy aids veneer quality, bond quality, dimensional tolerances,
10pp D joints, moisture content, visual grading rules and basic
Specifies requirements for laminar flow cabinets in-
Reconfirmed 1991 4pp B working stresses for the nominated stress grades as well as
tended to provide protection from hazardous biologi- Specifies construction and buoyancy requirements for alternative methods for the determination of stress grades.
cal agents for personnel, the environment and to pro- buoyancy aids intended to float off a boat, in the event of Five surface grades, A, S, B, C and D, and one bond qual-
tect material used in the cabinet from contamination. its sinking, to assist people in the water. Materials and cer- ity, Type bond, are prescribed.
Construction, air characteristic, acoustic, lighting and tain test requirements are specified in AS 2259. (TM-008) (ISBN 0 7262 8908 6)
vibration requirements are given. (CS-060) (ISBN 0 7262 1690 9)
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 8829 2) AS/NZS 2270:1999
AS 2263—1995 Plywood and blockboard for interior
AS 2253—1979 Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switch- use 15pp F
Methods for field measurement of the gear for rated voltages of 72.5 kV and Specifies requirements for the construction, manufacture,
reduction of airborne sound transmis- above grading and finish of plywood and blockboard for interior
use, where the product is fully protected from the weather
sion in buildings 28pp D (IEC 517:1990 IEC 517:1990/ or wet or damp conditions. It also includes specifications
Describes methods for the measurement of the field trans- Amd.1:1994) 57pp I for veneer and core strip qualities, bond quality, joints,
mission loss and noise reduction of building partitions, in- Amdt 1 February 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0255 4) X panel construction, dimensional tolerances and moisture
cluding walls of all kinds, floor-ceiling assemblies, doors, Applies to gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear in content. Appendices provide information to be supplied
etc. which the insulation is obtained, at least partly, by an insu- with enquiries and orders, and suggestions for storage and
(AV-004) (ISBN 0 7262 1655 0) lating gas other than air at atmospheric pressure for alter- handling.
nating current of rated voltages of 72.5 kV and above, for (TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2550 3)
AS 2254—1988 indoor and outdoor installation, and for service frequencies
up to and including 60 Hz. This Standard is identical with AS/NZS 2271:1999
Acoustics—Recommended noise lev- and has been reproduced from IEC 517:1990, including Plywood and blockboard for exterior
els for various areas of occupancy in Amendment 1:1994.
vessels and offshore mobile plat- (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9644 9) use 15pp F
Specifies requirements for the construction, manufacture,
forms 6pp C grading and finish of plywood and blockboard for exterior
Sets out maximum recommended noise levels within occu- AS 2264—1995 use, where the product is exposed to the weather or to wet
pied spaces in new vessels and offshore mobile platforms A.C. insulation-enclosed switchgear or damp conditions. It also includes specifications for ve-
of various categories depending on their length. The func- and controlgear for rated voltages neer and core strip qualities, bond quality, joints, panel
tions of the different spaces are taken into account. construction, dimensional tolerances and moisture content.
(AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4965 3) above 1 kV and up to and including 38 Appendices provide information to be supplied with en-
kV quiries and orders, and suggestions for storage and han-
(IEC 466:1987 IEC 466:1987/ dling.
AS 2255—1979 (TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2551 1)
Metal surgical bone screws Amd.1:1994) 46pp H
Applies to factory-assembled insulation-enclosed switch-
(ISO 5835-1) gear and controlgear for alternating current of rated voltag- AS/NZS 2272:1996
Reconfirmed 1990 12pp C es above 1 kV and up to and including 38 kV for indoor in- Plywood—Marine 14pp E
Corrig. X stallation and for service frequencies up to and including Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2104 4) X
60 Hz. This Standard is equivalent in technical content but Amdt 2 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2376 4) X
Specifies screws of two types, viz. cortical (shallow does not fully correspond in presentation to IEC 466:1987
threaded) and cancellous (deep threaded). The screws are and Amendment 1:1994. Specifies requirements for the manufacture, grading and
dimensionally identical with those defined in ISO 5835/1, finishing of plywood intended for marine use. It specifies
and are required to comply with ultimate torsional strength
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9799 2) face veneer quality A, which matches with veneer quality
limits derived for screws made of stainless steel. A in AS/NZS 2269, and a minimum stress grade of F14.
(HE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 1669 0) AS 2265—1983 Tests are prescribed by reference to AS/NZS 2098.
Surgical implants—Acrylic resin ce- (TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0831 5)
AS 2256—1979 ments, for use in surgery
(ISO 5833-1) AS 2273—1979
Method for the sampling of molten Steel library shelving 8pp C
steel and preparation of samples for Reconfirmed 1994 10pp E Lays down the height and shelving capacity for single-sid-
determination of hydrogen content Specifies composition, physical performance and packag- ed and double-sided library shelving of the cantilevered
ing requirements for self-curing resins based on poly (me- type. It includes loading requirements, stability criteria and
Reconfirmed 1989 8pp B thyl methacrylate) used for the fixation of internal ortho- finish.
Describes the procedure to be followed in the sampling of paedic endoprostheses or for use in neurosurgery. Test (BD-062) (ISBN 0 7262 1716 6)
molten alloyed or unalloyed steel and the preparation of methods include doughing time, exothermic temperature,
test pieces therefrom for the determination of hydrogen plasticity of dough, compressive strength and indentation
content. and recovery. AS 2276
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1670 4) (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 3114 2) Cables for traffic signal installations

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2276.1—1992 AS 2282 as oxidation or hydrolysis by humidity. The physical

Methods for testing flexible poly- properties of interest are measured before and after
Multicore power cables 8pp D the application of the specified treatments.
Specifies the requirements for PVC insulated and urethane (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2777 8)
sheathed underground multicore power cables rated
at 0.6/1 kV for the interconnection of traffic signal AS 2282.0—1999
posts and the associated control equipment. AS 2282.11—1999
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7463 1)
Introduction and list of methods Determination of resilience
1p X During the preparation of this revision cogni-
AS/NZS 2276.2:1998 (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2767 0) zance was taken of ISO 8307:1990
Feeder cable for vehicle detectors 2pp B
AS 2282.1—1999 Sets out a method for determining the resilience of
14pp E Sampling and conditioning of test flexible cellular polyurethane.
Specifies requirements for screened, twisted bal- specimens (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2778 6)
anced-twin feeder cable, intended for use in traffic
signal installations for the interconnection of vehicle (ISO 2439:1997)
detector equipment and inductive type vehicle detec- Cognizance was taken of ISO 2439:1997 dur- AS 2282.12—1999
tor loops. ing the preparation of this revision Determination of compression fa-
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1921 X) 2pp B tigue 4pp C
Sets out the method for the sampling of flexible cel- Sets out two methods for determining resistance to
AS/NZS 2276.3:2002 lular polyurethane for testing purposes, and for the compression fatigue of flexible cellular polyurethane.
conditioning of the test specimens.
Loop cables for vehicle detectors (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2768 9)
Method A is a static compression test and Method B
is a dynamic roller compression test.
4pp D (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2779 4)
Specifies the requirements for single core cables in- AS 2282.2—1999
tended for the construction of inductive vehicle-de-
tector loops for traffic signal installations, suitable for Measurement of dimensions of test AS 2282.13—1999
installation in slots cut into road surfaces. specimens Determination of solvent swelling
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4545 8) Cognizance was taken of ISO 1923:1981 in the 3pp C
preparation of this revision 4pp C Sets out a method for determining the amount of
AS 2277—1994 (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2769 7) swelling that may occur when flexible celluar poly-
Paper for MICR encoded documents urethane is in contact with solvents.
3pp B AS 2282.3—1999 (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2780 8)
Sets out requirements for both watermarked and unwater- Determination of apparent density
marked paper specifically manufactured for use by the During the preparation of this revision cogni- AS 2282.14—1999
banking industry to enable encoded documents to be satis- zance was taken of ISO 845:1988 Determination of air flow 4pp C
factorily processed in multiple passes through high-speed 2pp B Sets out a method for the measurement of the ease
MICR reader-sorter equipment. (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2770 0) with which air passes through a cellular structure. Air
(IT-008) (ISBN 0 7262 8193 X) flow values may be used as an indirect measurement
AS 2282.4—1999 of certain cell structure characteristics.
AS 2278—2000 Determination of apparent density (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2781 6)
Non-refillable metal aerosol dispens- of flexible cellular polyurethane
ers of capacity 50 mL to 1000 mL inclu- sheeting up to 13 mm thick 2pp B AS 2282.15—1999
sive 17pp F (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2771 9) Determination of smoke release
Specifies requirements for materials, construction, filling, 9pp E
performance testing and marking for non-refillable metal AS 2282.5—1999 Describes the method for determining the level of
dispensers from 50 mL to 1000 mL, maximum net capaci- smoke release when a small, vertically oriented spec-
ty. Each dispenser being pressurized by a liquefied gas Determination of cell count 1p B imen of flexible cellular plastics of density less than
propellant, a dissolved propellant gas or compressed pro- (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2772 7) 100 kg/m3, is exposed to a small flame.
pellant gas. (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2782 4)
(PK-013) (ISBN 0 7337 3590 8) AS 2282.6—1999
Determination of tensile strength AS 2282.16—1999
AS 2279 and elongation at break Determination of ash content
Disturbances in mains supply net- During the preparation of this revision cogni- 2pp B
works zance was taken of ISO 1798:1997
3pp C Provides a method for determining the ash content of
flexible cellular polyurethane material using an elec-
AS 2279.2—1991 Sets out a method for determining the strength and trothermal radiant heater.
deformation properties of flexible cellular material
Limitation of harmonics caused by when a test piece is extended at a constant rate until it
(PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2783 2)
industrial equipment breaks.
Obsolescent 2001 12pp E (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2773 5) AS 2283—1990
Gives guidance on the harmonic interference to pow- Elastomeric hose and hose assem-
er supply networks produced by industrial equipment. AS 2282.7—1999 blies for steam-cleaning machines
(EL-034) (ISBN 0 7262 6845 3) Determination of tear resistance 4pp C
During the preparation of this revision cogni- Specifies requirements for elastomeric hose and hose as-
AS 2279.4—1991 zance was taken of ISO 8067:1989 semblies for use with steam-cleaning machines according
Limitation of voltage fluctuations 3pp C to maximum permissible working pressure and with tem-
peratures up to 200°C. Materials and construction, dimen-
caused by industrial equipment Sets out a method for determining the tear resistance sions and tolerances, and marking requirements are cov-
Obsolescent 2001 9pp D of flexible cellular polyurethane. ered. Physical properties and resistance to chemicals are
(PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2774 3) also dealt with.
Provides guidance on acceptable limits of voltage
fluctuations on the power supply network produced (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6394 X)
by industrial equipment. AS 2282.8—1999
(EL-034) (ISBN 0 7262 6847 X) Determination of force deflection AS 2284—1979
4pp C Safe working with elastomeric hose
AS/NZS 2280:1999 Sets out two methods for determining the deflection and hose assemblies for steam-clean-
Ductile iron pressure pipes and fit- force of flexible cellular polyurethane. Method A pro-
vides the indentation force on deflection and Method ing machines
tings 68pp J B gives the compression force on deflection. Reconfirmed 1990 4pp B
Specifies requirements for ductile iron pressure pipes cen- (PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2775 1) Applies to safe working practice and defines procedures to
trifugally cast in moulds and ductile iron fittings, of nomi- be adopted to ensure safe working conditions in the han-
nal sizes up to and including DN 750. The specified pipes dling and maintaining of hose and hose assemblies.
and fittings are intended primarily for conveying water un- AS 2282.9—1999
Determination of compression set (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 1740 9)
der pressure but they may be used for conveying sewage or
other liquids. Two classes of pipes, K9 and K12, are spec- (ISO 1856:1980) 3pp C AS/NZS 2286:2001
ified on the basis of wall thickness. Specifies three methods for determining the compres-
(WS-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2584 8) sion set of flexible cellular materials. Space heaters—Secondary guards
(PL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 2776 X) 11pp E
AS 2281—1993 Specifies requirements for guards suitable for use with do-
Flexible cellular polyurethane for seat AS 2282.10—1999 mestic heating appliances to prevent prolonged contact by
persons in the vicinity.
cushioning and bedding 9pp D Accelerated ageing tests (CS-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3620 3)
Amdt 1 March 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8804 7) X During the preparation of this revision cogni-
Specifies requirements for flexible load-bearing cellular zance was taken of ISO 2440:1997
polyurethane for use in seat cushioning, bedding and sim- 3pp C AS 2290
ilar applications. Sets out laboratory methods that are intended to imi- Electrical equipment for coal mines—
(PL-036) (ISBN 0 7262 8558 7) tate the effects of naturally occurring reactions such Maintenance and overhaul

AS 2290.1—1990

AS 2290.1—1990 AS/NZS 2293.3:1995 AS/NZS 2299.1 Supplement 1:1999

Maintenance of electrical equip- Emergency luminaires and exit Standard operational practice—
ment for hazardous areas 15pp E signs 32pp F AS/NZS 2299 Diving Medical Exam-
Specifies requirements for the examination and repair Amdt 1 May 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1916 3) X ination Forms (Supplement to AS/
of electrical equipment for hazardous areas in use in
Sets out requirements for the design, construction, NZS 2299.1:1999) 5pp C
and around underground coal mines. Details methods Comprises the medical questionnaire and examina-
of examination, maintenance and testing required to performance and testing of emergency luminaires and
exit signs to ensure that they function in a safe and ef- tion findings forms given in AS/NZS 2299.1:1999,
ensure safety, compliance with relevant standards, published in pad form.
and trouble-free operation while the equipment is in fective manner under expected operational and envi-
service. ronmental conditions. Applies both to emergency lu- (SF-017)
minaires and exit signs which are centrally supplied
(EL-023) (ISBN 0 7262 6148 3) and emergency luminaires and exit signs of the self-
contained type. Different requirements are specified
AS/NZS 2299.2:2002
AS 2290.3—1990 for application in Australia and New Zealand, partic- Scientific diving 68pp K
ularly with respect to exit signs. Specifies requirements for personnel, equipment and
Maintenance of gas detecting and procedures for diving performed as part of profes-
(LG-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9883 2)
monitoring equipment 17pp F sional scientific research, natural resource manage-
Sets out general requirements and schedules for the ment or scientific research as an educational activity.
regular inspection, testing and calibration of gas de- AS 2294 Appendices include competency of divers and train-
tecting and monitoring equipment for use in and Earth-moving machinery—Protective ing requirements, diving operations manual content,
around underground coal mines. hand and lifeline signals, guidance on hazard identifi-
structures cation, risk assessment and control, and exposure to
(EL-023) (ISBN 0 7262 6035 5)
altitude following diving.
AS 2294.1—1997 (SF-017) (ISBN 0 7337 4448 6)
AS 2291—1979
Methods for tensile testing of metals AS 2300
at elevated temperatures 20pp E (ISO 3471:1994 ISO 3449:1992 ISO
3164:1995) 11pp D Methods of chemical and physical
Covers tensile testing of metals of rectangular or round testing for the dairying industry
form. It specifies the form and dimensions of standard test Specifies requirements for roll-over protective struc-
pieces and their preparation, and outlines procedures for tures and falling-object structures additional to those
determination of tensile properties such as upper and lower given in AS 2294.2 and AS 2294.3. AS 2300.0—1995
yield stresses at elevated temperatures, using specified (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7337 1480 3) Introduction and list of methods
rates of strain. Guidance is given in appendices on heating 4pp A
and measurement of temperature of the test piece and on
the design and use of heating apparatus. AS 2294.2—1997 (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9597 3)
(MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 1757 3) Laboratory tests and performance
requirements for roll-over protec- AS 2300.1
AS 2292 tive structures General methods and principles
Methods for the analysis of solders (ISO 3471:1994) 21pp F AS 2300.1.1—1988
Specifies the means of evaluating the load-carrying Determination of total solids and
AS 2292.1—1979 characteristics of roll-over protective structures
Determination of tin (volumetric (ROPS) under static loading and prescribes perform- moisture 6pp B
ance requirements for a representative specimen un- (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5222 0)
method) der such loading. It is to be read in conjunction with
Reconfirmed 1989 10pp B AS 2294.1 and AS 2294.4. This Standard is identical AS 2300.1.2
Describes a volumetric method for determination of with and has been reproduced from ISO 3471:1994.
tin content of solders with tin content 5—70%. (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7337 1481 1) Determination of nitrogen
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 1758 1)
AS 2300.1.2.1—1991
AS 2294.3—1997 Reference Kjeldahl method 7pp C
AS 2292.2—1987 Laboratory tests and performance (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6997 2)
Determination of silver, bismuth, requirements for falling-object pro-
cadmium, copper, antimony, iron tective structures AS 2300.1.2.2—1988
and zinc—Flame atomic absorp- (ISO 3449:1992) 8pp D Nitrogen fractions from milk
tion spectrometric method 7pp C 3pp B
Specifies the means for evaluating the characteristics
Sets out a flame atomic absorption spectrometric of falling object protective structures (FOPS) under (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5226 3)
method for the determination of silver, bismuth, cad- static loading and prescribes performance require-
mium, copper, antimony, iron and zinc in solders. ments for a representative sample under such loading.
Two dilution procedures are described in the method: It is to be read in conjuction with AS 2294.1 and AS AS 2300.1.3—1988
the top-loading balance dilution procedure and the 2294.4. This Standard is identical with and has been Determination of fat—Gravimetric
volumetric dilution procedure. The method is a new reproduced from ISO 3449:1992. method 8pp C
addition to the AS 2292 series of Standards for the
chemical analysis of solders. (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7337 1482 X) (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5227 1)
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4678 6)
AS 2294.4—1997 AS 2300.1.4
AS/NZS 2293 Specifications for deflection-limit- Determination of fat content of
Emergency evacuation lighting for ing volume milks and liquid dairy products by
buildings (ISO 3164:1995) 3pp B the Babcock method
Specifies the deflection-limiting volume (DLV) to be
AS/NZS 2293.1:1998 used when performing laboratory evaluation of struc- AS 2300.1.4.1—1996
System design, installation and op- tures which provide protection to operators of earth- Glassware 16pp F
moving machinery. This Standard is identical with (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0443 3)
eration 50pp H and has been reproduced from ISO 3164:1995.
Sets out requirements for the design, installation and (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7337 1483 8) AS 2300.1.4.2—1988
operation of electric emergency evacuation lighting
systems for buildings, so as to provide visual condi- Methodology 7pp C
tions which will alleviate panic and permit safe evac- AS/NZS 2299 (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5228 X)
uation of the building's occupants, should this be nec- Occupational diving operations
essary, in the event of failure of the electrical supply
to the normal lighting. Does not specify types of
AS 2300.1.5—1988
buildings nor particular locations which should be AS/NZS 2299.1:1999 Determination of ash 4pp B
provided with emergency evacuation lighting. Standard operational practice (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5229 8)
(LG-007) (ISBN 0 7337 1920 1) 151pp M
AS 2300.1.6—1989
Specifies requirements for personnel, equipment and
AS/NZS 2293.2:1995 procedures used in occupational underwater opera- Determination of pH 3pp B
Inspection and maintenance tions in up to 50 m depth of water using compressed (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5579 3)
10pp D air or similar oxygen-nitrogen mixtures as the breath-
ing medium. Also gives details on compression AS 2300.1.7—1990
Amdt 1 May 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1915 5) X chamber support, accident reporting and medical re-
Sets out periodic inspection and maintenance proce- quirements for occupational diving operations. Ap- Determination of extraneous mat-
dures for emergency evacuation lighting systems for pendices include a suggested content of an employer's ter in dairy products 5pp C
buildings. The procedures are intended to ensure that diving operations manual, metric and imperial de- (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6245 5)
such systems will be in a state of readiness for opera- compression tables (with procedures for their use),
tion at all times. Requirements apply to the central guidance on the treatment of decompression illness
and single-point emergency lighting systems, as de- and guidance for medical practitioners conducting AS 2300.1.7 Supplement 1—1990
fined in AS/NZS 2293.1. diving medicals. Determination of extraneous mat-
(LG-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9887 5) (SF-017) (ISBN 0 7337 2378 0) ter in dairy products—Reference

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

print (Supplement to AS 2300.1.7- AS 2300.4.2—1994 AS 2300.6.8—1997

1990) Sensory examination 2pp B Determination of nitrate and nitrite
Reconfirmed and redesignated from AS (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9327 X) in cheese by cadmium reduction
2138P-1979 in 1990 D and photometry
(FT-010) AS 2300.4.3—1994 (ISO 4099:1984) 6pp C
Determination of bulk density of This Standard is identical with and reproduced from
AS 2300.1.8.1—1988 dried milk ISO 4099:1984.
Analytical quality assurance of in- (ISO 8967) 4pp C (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1256 8)
strumental methods—Protein in (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9329 6)
milk 4pp B AS 2300.7
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5222 0) AS 2300.4.4—1994 Butter
Determination of insolubility index
AS 2300.1.8.2—1991 (ISO 8156) 8pp D AS 2300.7.1—1991
Assessment of instrumental meth- (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9330 X) General information and prepara-
ods—Infrared spectrometric analy- tion of samples 2pp B
sis of milk 4pp C AS 2300.4.5—1994 (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6722 8)
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7001 6) Determination of scorched parti-
cles and extraneous matter AS 2300.7.2—1991
AS 2300.1.9—1987 (ISO 5739) 3pp B Determination of fat and curd
Determination of sucrose and glu- (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9331 8) 2pp B
cose—Enzymatic method 3pp B (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6723 6)
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4518 6) AS 2300.4.5 Supplement 1—1994
Scorched particle standards for AS 2300.7.3—1991
AS 2300.1.10—1988 dry milks (Supplement to AS
Determination of phosphatase ac- Determination of salt 2pp B
2300.4.5-1994) (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6724 4)
tivity 6pp B Redesignated from AS 1629P-1979
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5231 X) 1 card in envelope D
Provides a reference print for scorched particles and
AS 2300.8
AS 2300.2 extraneous matter for analytical tests on dried milk Anhydrous milk fat
and whey.
Liquid milks (FT-010) AS 2300.8.1—1983
AS 2300.2.1—1996 Scope and general requirements
AS 2300.4.6—1994 2pp C
Method for determining the effi- Determination of dispersibility and
ciency of homogenization of milk (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 3175 4)
wettability of instant dried milk
3pp B 6pp C
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0447 6) AS 2300.8.2—1983
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9332 6) Moisture 2pp C
AS 2300.2.3—1981 AS 2300.4.7—1994
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 3178 9)
Determination of the iodide con- Determination of the heat stability
tent of milk—Selective ion elec- AS 2300.8.3—1983
of skim milk powder 3pp B Determination of non-fat residues
trode method 6pp C (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9333 4)
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 2406 5) and estimation of fat 2pp C
AS 2300.4.8—1994 (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 3179 7)
AS 2300.2.5—1997 Determination of undenatured
Determination of the freezing point AS 2300.8.4—1983
whey protein nitrogen (UDWPN) in
of milk—Thermistor method dried skim milk 7pp C Free fatty acid 2pp C
9pp D (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9334 2) (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 3180 0)
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1252 5)
AS 2300.4.9—1994 AS 2300.8.5—1983
AS 2300.2.6—1988 Determination of lactose—Enzy- Refractive index 2pp C
Determination of lactose 2pp A matic method 16pp F (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 3181 9)
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5274 3) (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9335 0)
AS 2300.8.6—1983
AS 2300.2.7—1988 AS 2300.4.10—1994 Peroxide value 4pp C
Determination of calcium 3pp B Determination of lactose—Titri- (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 3182 7)
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5234 4) metric method 3pp B
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9337 7) AS 2300.9—1990
AS 2300.2.8—1988 Analysis of ice-cream and frozen
Determination of chloride 2pp A AS 2300.5 milk products 2pp B
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5270 0) Condensed milk (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6242 0)
AS 2300.2.9—1988 AS 2300.5.1—1991 AS 2300.10
Determination of phosphorus General information and prepara- Caseins, caseinates and coprecipi-
3pp B tion of samples 2pp B tates
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5235 2) (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6718 X)
AS 2300.10.1—1991
AS 2300.2.10—1988 AS 2300.5.2—1991
Determination of titratable acidity General information and prepara-
Determination of sucrose—Polari- tion of samples 2pp B
2pp A metric method 5pp C (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6726 0)
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5271 9) Amdt 1 February 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0981 8) X
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6719 8) AS 2300.10.2—1991
AS 2300.2.11—1990
Determination of density and esti- Assessment of odour and flavour
AS 2300.5.3—1991
mation of solids-not-fat (SNF)—Hy- 1p A
Determination of total milk solids (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6727 9)
drometer method 4pp C 2pp B
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6244 7) (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6721 X)
AS 2300.10.3—1991
AS 2300.4 AS 2300.6 Assessment of colour of caseins
Dried milk and dried milk prod- Cheese 2pp B
ucts (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6729 5)
AS 2300.6.5—1990
AS 2300.4.1—1994 Determination of salt 3pp B AS 2300.10.3 Supplement 1—1991
General information and prepara- Amdt 1 March 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7362 7) X Assesment of colour of caseins—
tion of samples 2pp B Amdt 2 March 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1000 X) X Colour standards for untreated and
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9326 1) (FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6243 9) heat-treated acid casein and for

AS 2300.10.3 Supplement 2—1991

wet-heat-treated rennet casein AS 2318—1990 AS 2326

(Supplement to AS 2300.10.3-1991) Swivels for hoists 9pp D On-load tap-changers
Reconfirmed and redesignated from AS Amdt 1 May 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 6863 1) X
N60C1-1970 in 1991 185mm x 140mm A Specifies requirements for manufacture, marking, and test- AS 2326.1—1991
(FT-010) ing of swivels for hoists. It does not include dimensional Requirements
requirements for size. Guidance on information to be sup-
plied with enquiries and orders and on care and use is given (IEC 214:1989) 36pp H
AS 2300.10.3 Supplement 2—1991 in appendices. Specifies design requirements and tests for on-load
Assessment of colour of caseins— (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7262 6189 0) tap-changers and their motor-drive mechanisms im-
Colour standards for untreated mersed in transformer oil. It applies also to gas-insu-
lated tap-changers, but excludes tap-changers for
rennet casein (Supplement to AS AS 2319—2001 transformers for railway rolling stock. This Standard
2300.10.3-1991) Rigging screws and turnbuckles is technically identical with IEC 214:1989, On-load
Reconfirmed and redesignated from AS 20pp G tap-changers.
N60C2-1970 in 1991 185mm x 140mm A Specifies requirements for forged rigging screws and (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7262 6922 0)
(FT-010) forged turnbuckles used in tension. It does not apply to rig-
ging screws or turnbuckles that are used in compression or AS 2326.2—1991
AS 2300.10.4—1991 are smaller than 10 mm. Guidance on information that Application guide
should be supplied with enquiries and orders and on care (IEC 542:1976) 8pp C
Determination of filterable materi- and use in appendices.
al 4pp C (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 4120 7) Provides guidance and recommendations to assist in
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6730 9) the selection of on-load tap-changers for use with
tapped windings of transformers or reactors. This
AS 2320 Standard is technically identical with IEC 542:1976,
AS 2300.10.4 Supplement 1—1991 Metals for the manufacture of surgical Application guide for on-load tap-changers (as
Determination of filterable materi- implants amended 1988).
al—Photographic reference stand- (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7262 6921 2)
ards (Supplement to AS 2300.10.4- AS 2320.2—1983
1991) AS 2327
Unalloyed titanium Composite structures
Reconfirmed and redesignated from AS N60S- (ISO 5832-2)
1970 150mm x 950mm B Reconfirmed 1994 4pp B
(FT-010) AS 2327.1—1996
Specifies characteristics and test methods. Technical- Simply supported beams 111pp L
ly identical with ISO 5832-2.
AS 2300.10.5—1991 (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 2911 3) Sets out minimum requirements for the design, detail-
Determination of particle-size dis- ing and construction of simply supported composite
beams composed of a steel beam interconnected to a
tribution in caseins 2pp B AS 2320.3—1979 concrete slab by shear connectors, including applica-
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6731 7) Wrought titanium 6-aluminium 4- tions in which the slab incorporates profiled steel
sheeting. Covers strength and serviceability design
vanadium alloy for flexure, transverse and longitudinal shear and
AS 2300.10.6—1991 (ISO 5832-3) their interdependence as well as design for fire-resist-
Determination of free acidity of ca- Reconfirmed 1991 4pp B ance. Permits the use of partial shear connection and
seins 3pp B Specifies characteristics and test methods. Technical- a wider variety of steel beam sections and shear con-
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6732 5) ly identical with ISO 5832-3. nector types than previously allowed. Includes detail
requirements for construction loads, slab reinforce-
(HE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 1801 4) ment and sheer connector positioning, along and
AS 2300.10.7—1991 transverse to the beam length. Also included are a
Determination of lactose—Photo- AS 2320.4—1979 number of appendices containing design flowcharts
metric method 4pp C Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum and other helpful information.
(FT-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6733 3) casting alloy (BD-032) (ISBN 0 7337 0747 5)
(ISO 5832-4) AS 2328—1980
AS/NZS 2310:2002 Reconfirmed 1990 4pp B
Glossary of paint and painting terms Micrometer heads—Metric series
Specifies characteristics and test methods. Technical-
31pp H ly identical with ISO 5832-4. 8pp C
Provides a vocabulary of commonly used terms for paint (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 1802 2) Specifies general dimensions, material and accuracy for
and related materials, and for painting. heads with rotating and non-rotating spindles. Information
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4643 8) on calibration of the more important parameters of the
AS 2320.5—1979 heads is in an appendix.
AS/NZS 2311:2000 Wrought cobalt-chromium-tung- (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 1837 5)
Guide to the painting of buildings sten-nickel alloy
(ISO 5832-5) AS 2329—1999
104pp M Mastic adhesives for fixing wall-
Provides guidelines on products and procedures for the Reconfirmed 1990 4pp B
painting of buildings for domestic, commercial and indus- Specifies characteristics and test methods. Technical- boards 23pp F
trial use. Discusses different material surfaces, paint prod- ly identical with ISO 5832-5. Specifies requirements for mastic adhesives used for bond-
ucts, the preparation of unpainted and prepainted surfaces (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 1803 0) ing various porous substrates such as hardboard, cement
and gives recommendations for painting systems for new sheet, particle board, plywood and wallboard panels to
and maintenance work. Includes recommendations for wood framing for interior use. Does not apply to adhesives
some specialized service applications, guidelines on the
AS 2320.6—1981 for gypsum-board or plasterboard.
preparation of a paint system specification and discusses Wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium- (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7337 2380 2)
inspection and testing protocols. molybdenum alloy
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3388 3) Reconfirmed 1994 3pp B AS 2331
Specifies characteristics and test methods. Differs Methods of test for metallic and relat-
AS/NZS 2312:2002 from ISO 5832-6 only in that AS and not ASTM ed coatings
Guide to the protection of structural methods are specified. The Standard is based on the
steel against atmospheric corrosion ISO Standard.
(HE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 2265 8)
AS 2331.0—2001
by the use of protective coatings Introduction and list of methods
130pp M AS 2321—2001 1p B
Provides guidelines for the selection and specification of (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3920 2)
coating systems for the short, medium and long term pro- Short-link chain for lifting purposes
tection of structural steel work against interior and exterior 17pp F AS 2331.1
atmospheric, and non-atmospheric corrosive environ- Specifies requirements for non-calibrated chain for lifting
ments. The following aspects are covered in detail: Atmop- purposes, that is manufactured from electrically welded Local thickness tests
spheric environments, planning and design, surface prepa- round-steel short links.
ration treatments, metallic and paint coatings, maintenance (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 3999 7) AS 2331.1.1—2001
of coating systems, inspection and testing, and preparation
of coating specifications. Contains comprehensive details Micrographic examination of
of modern paint systems, including properties and typical AS 2325—1993 cross-sections 8pp E
applications. Tungsten filament lamps for general Specifies a method for measuring the local thickness
(MT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4887 2) service—Performance requirements of metallic coatings, oxide layers, and porcelain or
vitreous enamel coatings by the microscopical exam-
(IEC 64:1987) 22pp F ination of cross-sections using an optical microscope.
AS 2317—1998 Specifies performance requirements for incandescent (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3928 8)
Collared eyebolts 17pp F lamps rated 25 W to 200 W with a voltage or voltage range
Specifies requirements for forged collared eyebolts for lift- of 100 V to 250 V and a nominal life of 1000 h, and a meth-
ing purposes. Guidance on care and use and on information od to be used by manufacturers to show compliance with AS 2331.1.2—2001
that should be supplied with enquiries and orders is given the requirements of the Standard. This Standard is identical Coulometric method 16pp F
in appendices. with and has been reproduced from IEC 64:1987. Specifes a method, based on anode dissolution, for
(ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 2176 1) (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 7940 4) measuring the thickness of metallic coatings. An Ap-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

pendix lists typical electrolytes which can be used for AS 2331.3.3—2001 AS 2333—1980
measuring the thickness of various coating types on Water-resistance of wristwatches
common metal substrates. Copper accelerated acetic acid salt
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3929 6) spray test (CASS test) 8pp E (ISO 2281-1) 4pp B
Specifies a method for the copper accelerated acetic Requirements for resistance to entry by water of wrist-
acid salt spray test for the assessment of corrosion re- watches for general use that are described as water-resist-
AS 2331.1.3—2001 sistance of inorganic and organic coatings on metallic ant; specifies non-destructive test methods. Does not apply
Magnetic method 8pp E substrates. The conditions within the test cabinet are to divers' watches.
Specifies a method of using coating thickness instru- tightly controlled with the pH of the collected test so- (CS-050) (ISBN 0 7262 1843 X)
ments of the magnetic type for non-destructive meas- lution being limited to 3.1 and 3.3.
urements of the thickness of non-magnetic coatings (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3952 0) AS 2334—1980
(including vitreous and porcelain enamel coatings) on
magnetic basis metals. Steel nails—Metric series 16pp E
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3930 X) AS 2331.3.4—2001 Specifies dimensions and requirements for nails used in
Thioacetamide anti-tarnish and po- building and similar industries, including bullet head, flat
head, hardboard, wallboard, cement sheet, flex sheet, soft
AS 2331.1.4—2001 rosity tests 3pp C sheet, clout, plasterboard, decking spike, duplex, roofing
Magnetic induction and eddy cur- (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4213 0) and fencing staple types.
rent methods 7pp D (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7262 1925 8)
Specifies requirements for two methods of local AS 2331.3.5—2001
thickness testing. The magnetic induction method is Sulfur dioxide/hydrogen sulfide AS 2336—1992
suitable for the measurement of thickness of gold, sil- porosity tests 4pp D Meat industry—Hand-held knives
ver, tin, cadmium, lead and organic coatings on mag- 9pp D
netic substrates. The eddy current method is suitable (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4214 9)
Specifies materials of construction, and design and con-
for measurement of thickness of anodic coatings and struction of hand-held meat knives, particularly the design
organic coatings on aluminium. AS 2331.3.6—2001 and provision of guards. The performance requirements
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3942 3) Electrographic porosity test also take account of occupational safety and health re-
4pp D quirements applied by regulatory authorities responsible
AS 2331.1.5—2001 (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4215 7)
for food processing. This Standard does not apply to me-
chanically operated meat knives.
Beta-backscatter method (SF-030) (ISBN 0 7262 7755 X)
(ISO 3543:1981) 15pp F AS 2331.3.7—1981
Sets out a method for the non-destructive measure- Corrodkote (CORR) test 2pp B AS 2337
ment of coating thickness using beta-backscatter
gauges. Applies to both metallic and non-metallic (MT-009) Gas cylinder test stations
coatings on both metallic and non-metallic substrates.
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4235 1) AS 2331.3.8—2001 AS 2337.1—1999
Humidity test—24 h cycle, damp General requirements, inspections
AS 2331.1.6—1990 heat 3pp C and tests—Gas cylinders 46pp G
Taper section method 5pp C (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4218 1) Amdt 1 22 March 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4344 7) X
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5981 0) Sets out general requirements of test stations for gas
AS 2331.3.9—2001 cylinders (other than dissolved acetylene cylinders)
AS 2331.2 including personnel, procedures, equipment, test cri-
Metallic coatings—Porosity teria, and records. This edition introduces ultrasound
Tests for average coating mass per tests—Ferroxyl test 4pp D test methods for defect detection and thickness meas-
unit area or for thickness (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4219 X) urement. Other changes relate to the roles of regula-
tory authorities and gas cylinder manufacturers, and
AS 2331.2.1—2001 the replacement of the approval concept with certifi-
AS 2331.3.10—2001 cation of conformity. These changes align with the
Dissolution methods—Strip and Cracks and pores in chromium changes that have taken place within AS 2030.1.
weigh and analytical 6pp D 3pp C (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2541 4)
Sets out the following three dissolution methods for
the determining average mass or coating thickness; (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4220 3) AS 2337.2—1990
strip and weigh (dissolution of coating), strip and LP gas fuel vessels for automotive
weigh (dissolution of basis metal), and analytical. AS 2331.3.11—1990 use 11pp D
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3948 2) Chemical residue tests 2pp B Amdt 1 April 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7405 4) X
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5982 9) Specifies the requirements and procedures with
AS 2331.2.2—1980 which gas cylinder test stations must comply in order
Time of gassing method 4pp B AS 2331.4 to be approved by Standards Australia to carry out in-
(MT-009) Physical tests itial and periodic inspection and testing of LP gas fuel
vessels for automotive use manufactured to AS 1210,
AS 2331.2.3—2001 Interpretation No. 1 to AS 1210 and AS 3509.
AS 2331.4.1—2001 (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6174 2)
Hydrogen evolution method for Qualitative adhesion tests 10pp E
zinc coatings 5pp D (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4221 1) AS 2337.3—1998
Sets out the hydrogen evolution method for the deter-
mination of the average mass per unit area, or thick- Inspection and testing of fibre rein-
ness, of zinc coatings on steel. The test requires the AS 2331.4.2—1990 forced plastics (FRP) gas cylin-
use of apparatus to measure the volume of hydrogen Ductility test 4pp C ders 18pp F
liberated resulting from the dissolution of the coating. (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5983 7) Amdt 1 August 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2831 6) X
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3949 0) Extends the scope of the previous edition to include
AS 2331.4.4—2001 requirements for all types of FRP overwrapped cylin-
AS 2331.3 ders with metal or non-metal liners. The test regimes
Corrosion and related property Assessment of intensity of shot- now include specific requirements for hoop-wrapped
tests peening 3pp C gas cylinders with seamless steel liners for use as fuel
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4222 X) containers for natural gas powered vehicles. It is in-
tended for use in conjunction with AS 2337.1.
AS 2331.3.1—2001 (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2250 4)
Neutral salt spray (NSS) test AS 2331.4.5—2001
8pp E Electroplated plastics—Thermal AS 2338—1980
Specifies a method for the neutral salt spray test for cycling tests 2pp B Preferred dimensions of wrought met-
the assessment of corrosion resistance of inorganic (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4223 8) al products
and organic coatings on metallic substrates. The con- Reconfirmed 1993 12pp C
ditions within the test cabinet are tightly controlled AS 2331.4.6—1990 Sets out preferred sizes of wrought metal products manu-
with the pH of the collected test solution being limit- factured from steel (hot rolled and bright), copper and cop-
ed to 6.5 and 7.2. Solderability 3pp B
per alloys, aluminium and aluminium alloys, zinc and zinc
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3950 4) (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5985 3) alloys. It applies to round, square and rectangular metal
products conventionally known as rod, wire and bar, and to
AS 2331.3.2—2001 AS 2332—1980 flat metal products conventionally known as plate, sheet,
Acetic acid salt spray test (ASS Slide fasteners strip and foil. An appendix provides information on pre-
ferred sizes and guidance on selection of sizes.
test) 8pp E (BS 3084) 24pp E (MT-) (ISBN 0 7262 1866 9)
Specifies a method for the acetic acid salt spray test Specifies class designations and performance require-
for the assessment of corrosion resistance of inorgan- ments for zip fasteners of various types for general use,
ic and organic coatings on metallic substrates. The mechanical testing of fastener, components and construc- AS 2339—1997
conditions within the test cabinet are highly control- tion, colourfastness and shrinkage tests of tapes and plas- Traffic signal posts and attachments
led with the pH of the collected test solution being tics interlocking elements. Examples of applications of the 17pp F
limited to 3.1 and 3.3. various classes are in an appendix. Specifies requirements for the form, dimensions, material
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3951 2) (tx-18) (ISBN 0 7262 1842 1) and finish of tubular steel posts and attachments, used for

AS/NZS 2341

the support of traffic signal lanterns, pedestrian push-but- AS/NZS 2341.10:1994 AS/NZS 2341.22:1996
ton assemblies and ancillary equipment. It does not apply Determination of the effect of heat
to special overhead structures such as mast arms and gan- Determination of particle charge
tries which may be used for this purpose. and air on a moving film of bitumen 2pp B
(LG-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0947 8) (rolling thin film oven (RTFO) test) (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 0459 X)
6pp C
AS/NZS 2341 Sets out a treatment of bitumen which is intended to AS/NZS 2341.23:2002
Methods of testing bitumen and relat- simulate the conditions obtained when the bitumen is Determination of residue from
used to manufacture hot-mixed asphalt, and stipulates
ed roadmaking products a procedure for measuring the flow properties of the evaporation 2pp B
bitumen before and after the treatment. (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 4553 9)
AS/NZS 2341.0:2002 (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 8929 9)
General introduction and list of AS/NZS 2341.24:1996
standards 2pp B AS 2341.11—1994 Calculation of non-aqueous vola-
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 4554 7) Determination of ductility 3pp B tiles content (by difference) 1p A
Sets out a procedure for the determination of the duc- (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 0463 8)
AS/NZS 2341.1:1994 tility of bitumen.
Precision data—Definitions 1p A (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 8930 2) AS 2341.25—2002
Defines terms used to express the precision of the test Determination of consistency
result obtained from a test method, and the terms used AS 2341.12—1993
in the presentation of precision data. Determination of penetration 4pp D
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 8926 4) 4pp C (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 4234 3)
Sets out procedures for the determination of the pen-
AS 2341.2—1993 etration of bitumen and related roadmaking products. AS/NZS 2341.26:2002
Determination of dynamic (coeffi- (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 7855 6) Determination of sieve residue
cient of shear) viscosity by flow 3pp C
through a capillary tube 7pp C AS/NZS 2341.13:1997 (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 4552 0)
Sets out procedures for the determination of dynamic Long-term exposure to heat and
viscosity of materials having viscosities in the range air 17pp F AS/NZS 2341.27:1996
0.0036 Pa.s to 80 000 Pa.s. (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1132 4)
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 7852 1)
Determination of sedimentation
2pp B
AS 2341.14—1992 (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 0464 6)
AS 2341.3—1993 Determination of flashpoint of re-
Determination of kinematic viscos- sidual bitumen 2pp B
ity by flow through a capillary AS 2341.28—2002
Sets out a procedure for the determination of the open Determination of stone coating
tube 7pp C cup flashpoint of residual bitumen over a range of
Sets out procedures for the determination of kinemat- 200°C to 350°C. ability and water resistance 4pp
ic viscosity of bituminous materials having kinematic (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 7420 8) D
viscosities in the range 2 mm2/s to 300 000 mm2/s. (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 4233 5)
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 7853 X) AS 2341.15—1994
Distillation of cutback bitumen AS 2341.29—1996
AS 2341.4—1994 5pp C Determination of breaking behav-
Determination of dynamic viscosi- Sets out a procedure that gives an approximation of iour by setting time 3pp B
ty by rotational viscometer the volatile constituents in cutback bitumen. (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 0436 0)
12pp E (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 8931 0)
Sets out procedures for the determination of dynamic AS/NZS 2341.30:1996
viscosity of bituminous materials at a defined shear AS 2341.16—1994 Recovery of residue from bitumi-
rate, using constant rate of rotation viscometers with Determination of flashpoint of cut- nous emulsion 2pp B
standard concentric cylinder measuring geometries. back bitumen 3pp B
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 8927 2) (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 0462 X)
Sets out a procedure for the determination of the
closed flashpoint of cutback bitumens when the flash-
AS/NZS 2341.5:1997 point does not exceed 110°C. AS 2341.31—1998
Determination of apparent viscosi- (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 8932 9) Measurement of water content of
ty by 'Shell' sliding plate micro-vis- emulsions by automated Karl
cometer 8pp D AS 2341.17—1992 Fischer titration 3pp B
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1131 6) Determination of distillation prop- (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1845 0)
erties of tar 4pp C
AS 2341.6—1992 Sets out a procedure for the determination of the dis- AS 2342—1992
Determination of density using a tillation properties of tars. Development, testing and implemen-
hydrometer 2pp B (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 7421 6) tation of information and safety sym-
Sets out a procedure for the determination of density
AS 2341.18—1992 bols and symbolic signs 34pp H
of bituminous materials using a hydrometer. This Specifies procedures for determining the need for, and the
method is applicable to low viscosity materials (1.0 Determination of softening point selection, testing and design of, graphic symbols and sym-
Pa.s or less at the temperature of test) which contain (ring and ball method) 3pp B bolic signs. It covers both graphic symbols which may be
a negligible amount of highly volatile materials. used alone in equipment operating instructions or repre-
Sets out two procedures which use a ring and ball ap-
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 7417 8) paratus for the determination of the softening point of sentations on maps and diagrams, and public information
bitumen and related roadmaking products. The mate- and safety signs incorporating graphic symbols. This edi-
AS 2341.7—1993 rials concerned have a softening point in the range tion combines the subject areas of the six parts of the pre-
30°C to 200°C. vious edition into a single Standard.
Determination of density using a (MS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7667 7)
density bottle 3pp B (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 7422 4)
Sets out procedures for the determination of density
of bituminous materials using a density bottle. AS 2341.19—1992 AS/NZS 2343:1997
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 7854 8) Determination of matter insoluble Bullet-resistant panels and elements
in quinoline for tar 3pp B 12pp E
AS 2341.8—1992 Sets out a procedure for determining the proportion of Specifies the requirements for bullet-resistant panels and
Determination of matter insoluble refined tar which is insoluble in quinoline. elements according to their performance in preventing
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 7423 2) penetration by projectiles discharged from firearms under
in toluene 2pp B controlled conditions. This Standard applies to transparent,
Sets out a procedure for the determination of the pro- opaque and translucent panels.
portion of a bituminous material which is insoluble in AS/NZS 2341.20:1998 (MS-043) (ISBN 0 7337 1254 1)
toluene. Determination of sieve residue for
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 7418 6) bituminous materials 3pp B AS/NZS 2344:1997
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1846 9) Limits of electromagnetic interference
AS 2341.9—1992
Determination of water content AS/NZS 2341.21:1995 from overhead a.c. powerlines and
(Dean and Stark) 2pp B Sample preparation 7pp C high voltage equipment installations
Sets out a procedure for the determination of the wa- Specifies requirements for the preparation of samples in the frequency range 0.15 to 1000
ter content of a bituminous material. This method is of materials as in AS 2008 and unidentified or im- MHz 17pp F
applicable to road tars in accordance with AS 1507 properly identified bituminous materials which may Specifies electromagnetic emission limits for a.c. overhead
and bituminous emulsions in accordance with AS be classified as AMC 5, 6 or 7 in accordance with AS power lines and high voltage equipment, and methods of
1106. 2157. measurement to ascertain compliance.
(CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 7419 4) (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7262 9516 7) (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1392 0)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2345—1992 AS/NZS 2350.5:1999 AS/NZS 2350.18:2001

Dezincification resistance of copper Determination of soundness of Determination of water retention of
alloys portland and blended cements masonry cement 9pp E
(ISO 6509:1981) 11pp D 4pp C (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4005 7)
Specifies test procedures for determining the resistance of (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2296 2)
copper-base alloys containing zinc to dezincification. Dez- AS 2351—1985
incification resistance is required for alloys used in contact AS 2350.7—1997 Nappy sanitizers 7pp C
with supply waters and soils. It also specifies acceptance Determination of temperature rises Specifies requirements for products used for sanitizing
criteria either in terms of acceptable chemical composition
or ability to meet specified dezincification test require- during hydration of portland and nappies by soaking, together with descriptions of the ap-
blended cements 10pp D propriate test procedures for evaluating the products.
Describes procedures for the determination of tem-
(CS-032) (ISBN 0 7262 3652 7)
(MT-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7454 2)
perature rise during the hydration of portland and
blended cements. AS 2353—1999
AS 2346—1980 (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0882 X) Pedestrian push-button assemblies
Methods for the determination of uni- 35pp I
form elongation in sheet and strip AS/NZS 2350.8:1999 Specifies requirements for the design, construction and
metals Fineness index of portland cement performance of push-button assemblies used in conjunc-
Reconfirmed 1993 12pp D by air permeability method 7pp C tion with intersections or foot crossings controlled by traf-
(BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2297 0) fic signals, for the purpose of registering a pedestrian de-
Corrig. X mand. Includes requirements covering the form and
Specifies form and dimensions of test pieces and their dimensions of various elements of the assembly, to facili-
preparation, and sets out procedures for a direct method AS 2350.9—1997 tate uniformity in the appearance of the equipment to road
and the Nelson-Winlock and logarithmic plot indirect Determination of residue on the 45 users. Also specifies requirements for audible and tactile
methods. Notes on scale expansion and on the indirect micrometre sieve 5pp C signals to assist pedestrians who are visually impaired.
methods are given in appendices. (LG-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2299 7)
Specifies procedures for the determination of the res-
(MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 1914 2) idue of portland and blended cement on the 45 mi-
crometre sieve, by wet sieving. AS 2354—1991
AS 2347—1998 (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1011 5) Open top metal cans—Definitions, and
Zinc and zinc alloys—Sampling for determination methods for dimen-
chemical and spectrochemical analy- AS 2350.10—1991 sions and capacities
sis 11pp D Calcium oxide content of blended (ISO 90-1:1986) 16pp E
Sets out methods for obtaining a representative sample of cement 4pp C Defines open-top cans and can types, cross-sections, con-
zinc and zinc alloys and procedures for the preparation of Amdt 1 April 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0408 5) X structions, shapes, special features and capacities. Speci-
laboratory samples required for the determination of their Sets out a reference method for determining the calci- fies methods for determining cross-sections and gross lid-
chemical composition by both chemical and spectrochem- um oxide content of blended cement and its constitu- ded capacities and provides tolerances on capacity. This
ical analyses. ents. Alternative procedures are permitted and a edition, which contains substantial changes in content and
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2010 2) method of qualifying alternative procedures is given. presentation from the previous edition, is identical with
(BD-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7075 X) and has been reproduced from ISO 90-1:1986; additional
Australian appendices provide an alternative designation
AS 2349—1991 system and a method for determining the height of cans.
AS/NZS 2350.11:2001 (PK-008) (ISBN 0 7262 7147 0)
Method of sampling portland and Compressive strength 9pp E
blended cements 2pp B (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4003 0)
Sets out procedures to be used for obtaining samples, AS 2355—1990
method of packing samples and necessary labelling re- AS/NZS 2350.11:1997 Open top metal cans—Capacities and
quirements for cement in a continuous stream or a discrete related dimensions—Round cans for
lot. Compressive strength of portland
and blended cement 9pp D food and drink
(BD-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7073 3)
Amdt 1 May 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2499 X) X (ISO 3004) 5pp C
Describes procedures for determination of the com- Amdt 1 December 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6606 X) X
AS 2350 (Frc) Sets out a range of gross lidded capacities, dimensions and
pressive strength of portland and blended cements.
Methods of testing portland and (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1253 3) heights for round open top metal cans for use in packaging
blended cements of food and drinks.
Front cover and introduction X AS 2350.12—1995 (PK-008) (ISBN 0 7262 6020 7)
(BD-010) Preparation of a standard mortar
and moulding of specimens AS 2356
AS 2350 (Lst) 8pp D Information processing—Implementa-
(BD-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9389 X) tion of the 7-bit coded character set
Methods of testing portland and and its extensions
blended cements
List of methods X AS 2350.13—1995
Determination of drying shrinkage AS 2356.1—1980
(BD-010) Implementation of the 7-bit coded
of portland and blended cement
mortars 11pp D character set and its 7-bit and 8-bit
AS/NZS 2350 Amdt 1 May 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1190 1) X extensions on 9-track 12.7 mm (0.5
Methods of testing portland and (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9375 X) in) magnetic tape
blended cements (ISO 962:1974) Bound together with
AS 2350.14—1996 AS 2356.2, AS 2356.3 and AS 2356.4
AS/NZS 2350.0:1999 Length change of portland and 3pp D
General introduction and list of blended cement mortars exposed Specifies requirements identical with those in ISO
methods 1p A to a sulfate solution 8pp D 962:1974.
(BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2294 6) Specifies the procedure for determining the length (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 1975 4)
change of mortar bars of defined composition im-
mersed in a sodium sulfate solution. The length of AS 2356.2—1980
AS 2350.2—1991 change is taken as a measure of the sulfate resistance
Chemical composition of portland of portland and blended cement. Representation of the 7-bit coded
cement 5pp C (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0655 X) character set on punched tape
Sets out requirements for the determination, by prov-
(ISO 1113:1979) Bound as part of AS
en chemical methods, of the composition of portland AS 2350.15—1995 2356 series 2pp D
cement. Water-soluble chromate content of Specifies requirements identical with those in ISO
(BD-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7076 8) portland cement 4pp C 1113:1979.
(BD-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9374 1) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 1975 4)
AS/NZS 2350.3:1999
AS/NZS 2350.16:2001 AS 2356.3—1980
Normal consistency of portland
and blended cements 6pp C Determination of air content of ma- Representation of the 7-bit coded
sonry cement 4pp D character set on 12-row punched
(BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2497 3) (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4002 2) cards
(ISO 1679:1973) Bound as part of AS
AS/NZS 2350.4:1999 AS/NZS 2350.17:2001 2356 series 4pp D
Setting time of portland and blend- Determination of soundness of ma- Specifies requirements identical with those in ISO
ed cements 4pp C sonry cements 6pp D 1679:1973.
(BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2295 4) (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4004 9) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 1975 4)

AS 2356.4—1980

AS 2356.4—1980 trial trucks. This Standard is technically equivalent tion of fluid flow rate in a closed conduit running full.
with and reproduced from ISO 3691:1980, including Information for the calculating of a flow rate and its
Implementation of the 7-bit coded Amendment 1:1983. associated uncertainty is included. The Standard ap-
character set and its 7-bit and 8-bit (ME-026) (ISBN 0 7262 9362 8) plies to conduits with diameters within the range 50
extensions on 3.81 mm magnetic mm to 1200 mm inclusive. It is identical with and has
tape cassette for data interchange been reproduced from ISO 5167-1:1991.
AS 2359.7—1995 (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 8491 2)
(ISO 3275:1974) Bound as part of AS Terminology
2356 series 1p D (ISO 5053:1987) 15pp E AS 2360.1.2—1993
Specifies requirements identical with those in ISO Amdt 1 September 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1364 5) X
3275:1974. Measurement using orifice plates
Sets out classifications and definitions of different
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 1975 4) powered industrial trucks; terms and definitions of or nozzles—Conduits with diame-
main components are included. This Standard is iden- ters less than 50 mm
AS 2357—1980 tical with and reproduced from ISO 5053:1987. (BS 1042:1.2:1989) 14pp E
Mineral fillers for asphalt 4pp B (ME-026) (ISBN 0 7262 9363 6) Specifies the geometry and method of use for conical
Specifies materials, particle size distribution and property entrance, quarter circle and eccentric orifice plates.
limits. Tests are called up from other Standards. AS 2359.8—1995 The Standard applies to conduits with diameter less
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 1971 1) Pallet stackers and high-lift plat- than 50 mm. It is identical with and has been repro-
duced from BS 1042: Section 1.2:1989.
form trucks—Stability tests (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 8492 0)
AS 2358—1990 (ISO 5766:1990) 8pp C
Adhesives—For fixing ceramic tiles Specifies the basic tests for verification of the stabili-
25pp G ty of trucks and stackers with tiltable and non-tiltable
AS 2360.1.3—1993
Amdt 1 July 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8997 3) X masts, platforms or fork arms. This Standard is iden- Measurement using orifice plates,
Specifies performance requirements for organic-based ad- tical with and reproduced from ISO 5766:1990. nozzles or Venturi tubes—Guide to
hesives, cement-based adhesives and cement-based tile (ME-026) (ISBN 0 7262 9364 4) the use of methods specified in
fixing mortars containing organic additives and used as ad- Parts 1.1 and 1.2
hesives for the installation of ceramic wall and floor tiles AS 2359.9—1995 (BS 1042:1.4:1992) 34pp G
and mosaics. Does not apply to specialized installations High-lift rider trucks—Overhead
such as swimming pools, hot wall service conditions, in- Provides sample calculations, physical data and other
dustrial and institutional installations and cold wall service guards—Specification and testing additional information for using the pressure differ-
conditions. Appendices include methods for determining (ISO 6055:1979 ISO 6055:1979/Er- ential methods specified in Parts 1.1 and 1.2. It is
bond strength in shear of the adhesive at room temperature ratum:1980) 2pp A identical with and has been reproduced from BS
after air drying and after cyclic water immersion, bond 1042:Section 1.4:1992.
strength in tension after drying, cyclic accelerating ageing Specifies the requirements and testing for overhead
guards designed to protect the operator from falling (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 8493 9)
and resistance to fungal growth.
objects, but not from the impact of a falling load. This
(BD-044) (ISBN 0 7262 6305 2) Standard is technically equivalent with and repro- AS 2360.1.4—1993
duced from ISO 6055:1979, including Erratum:1980. Measurement using orifice plates,
AS 2359 (ME-026) (ISBN 0 7262 9365 2)
Powered industrial trucks nozzles or Venturi tubes—Guide to
AS 2359.10—1995 the effect of departure from the
AS 2359.1—1995 conditions specified in Part 1.1
Fork-lift trucks—Hook-on type fork
General requirements 79pp J arms—Vocabulary (BS 1042:1.5:1987) 23pp F
Provides guidance to assist in estimating the flow rate
Specifies requirements for the design, manufacture, (ISO 2331:1974) 4pp B when using pressure differential devices constructed
marking and testing of powered industrial trucks and Specifies the terms relating to hook-on type fork arms
their attachments. or operated outside the scope of Part 1.1. The infor-
for fork-lift trucks. This Standard is identical with and mation given permits users who may not be able to
(ME-026) (ISBN 0 7262 9748 8) reproduced from ISO 2331:1974. comply fully with the requirements to assess, howev-
(ME-026) (ISBN 0 7262 9366 0) er roughly, the magnitude and direction of the result-
AS 2359.2—1985 ing errors. It is identical with and has been reproduced
Operation AS 2359.11—1995 from BS 1042:Section 1.5:1987.
A5 32pp D Fork-lift trucks—Hook-on type fork (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 8494 7)
Prescribes requirements for the operation, mainte- arms and fork carriers—Mounting
nance, repair and modification of industrial trucks AS 2360.1.5—2001
and their attachments as defined by AS 1763. An ap- dimensions
(ISO 2328:1993) 3pp B Measurement using orifice plates,
pendix gives guidance on atmospheric contaminants.
(ME-026) (ISBN 0 7262 3821 X) Specifies the interchangeability dimensional charac-
nozzles or Venturi meters—Pulsat-
teristics of fork carriers and hook-on type fork arms ing flow, in particular sinusoidal or
AS 2359.3—1995 for fork-lift trucks. This Standard is identical with and square wave intermittent periodic-
reproduced from ISO 2328:1993. type fluctuations
Counterbalanced fork-lift trucks— (ME-026) (ISBN 0 7262 9367 9)
Stability tests (ISO/TR 3313:1998) 40pp I
(ISO 1074:1991) 5pp C (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3663 7)
AS 2359.12—1996
Provides basic tests to ensure that a lift truck demon- Hazardous areas 8pp D AS 2360.6
strates satisfactory stability when appropriately used
Specifies requirements that can be applied to a vehi-
under normal working conditions. This Standard is cle, enabling it to operate safely in areas that may be Volumetric methods
technically equivalent with and has been reproduced hazardous because of an explosive gas atmosphere or
from ISO 1074:1991.
(ME-026) (ISBN 0 7262 9358 X)
combustible dusts. AS 2360.6.1—1993
(ME-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0144 2) By mass
AS 2359.4—1995 (ISO 4185:1980) 21pp F
AS 2360 Specifies a method for the determination of fluid
Reach and straddle fork-lift Measurement of fluid flow in closed
trucks—Stability tests flow, in a conduit running full, by measurement of the
conduits mass of water delivered into a weighing tank in a
(ISO 3184:1974) 7pp C known time interval. The application is generally for
Specifies the tests for verification of stability of reach AS 2360.0—1993 fixed laboratory installations with flow rates of less
and straddle fork-lift trucks. This Standard is techni- than 1500 kL/s. It is identical with and has been re-
cally equivalent with and has been reproduced from Vocabulary and symbols produced from ISO 4185:1980.
ISO 3184:1974. (ISO 4006:1991) 37pp H (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 8497 1)
(ME-026) (ISBN 0 7262 9361 X) Defines the terms and symbols used in the field of
measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits. It is AS 2360.6.2—1993
AS 2359.5—1995 identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
4006:1991. By volume
Control symbols (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 8490 4) (ISO 8316:1987) 21pp F
(ISO 3287:1978) 9pp D Specifies a method for the determination of water
Defines symbols which will provide for the develop- AS 2360.1 flow, in a conduit running full, by measurement of the
ment of a symbolic language for operator controls. volume of water delivered into a volumetric tank in a
This Standard is identical with and has been repro- Pressure differential methods known time interval. The application is generally for
duced from ISO 3287:1978. fixed laboratory installations with flow rates of less
(ME-026) (ISBN 0 7262 9359 8) AS 2360.1.1—1993 than 1500 kL/s. It is identical with and has been re-
Measurement using orifice plates, produced from ISO 8316:1987.
AS 2359.6—1995 nozzles or Venturi tubes—Con- (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 8498 X)
Safety code duits with diameters from 50 mm to
(ISO 3691:1980 ISO 3691:1980/ 1200 mm AS 2360.7
Amd.1:1983) 36pp H (ISO 5167-1:1991) 61pp I Assessment of uncertainty in the
Specifies the safety requirements for the manufac- Specifies the geometry and method of use for orifice calibration and use of flow meas-
ture, application and maintenance of powered indus- plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes for the determina- urement devices

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2360.7.1—2001 AS 2362.9—1990 AS 2362.27—2001

Linear calibration relationships High frequency disturbance test Cross sensitivity test 3pp C
(ISO/TR 7066.1:1997) 28pp G 2pp B Specifies the method of test for actuating devices to
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3664 5) Describes procedures for determining the perform- establish that they will not enter an alarm state when
ance of actuating devices. exposed to specified concentrations of nominated
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6229 3) substances other than CO.
AS 2360.7.2—1993 (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4180 0)
Non-linear calibration relation- AS 2362.10—2002
ships Low temperature test 2pp B AS 2363—1999
(ISO 7066-2:1988) 28pp G (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4583 0) Acoustics—Measurement of noise
Deals with procedures for fitting a quadratic, cube or from helicopter operations 8pp E
higher degree (integer powers) polynomial expres- AS 2362.11—2002 Sets out methods for the measurement of noise from exist-
sions to a non-linear (or linear) set of calibration data ing or proposed helicopter landing sites, and helicopter
using the least-squares criterion and assessment of the Damp heat test 2pp B overflights. It provides technical guidance for local plan-
uncertainty associated with the resulting calibration (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4582 2) ners, government agencies, and operators in calculating the
curve. Because it is generally not practical to carry acoustic environment near existing and proposed helicop-
out this assessment without using a computer with AS 2362.12—2002 ter landing sites or routes as a result of helicopter opera-
standard routines an alternative FORTRAN program tions.
listing is included as an Annex. It is identical with and Dry heat test 2pp B (EV-011) (ISBN 0 7337 3014 0)
has been reproduced from ISO 7066-2:1988. (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4581 4)
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 8500 5) AS 2365
AS 2362.13—2002
Methods for the sampling and analy-
AS 2361—1990 Corrosion test 2pp B
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4580 6) sis of indoor air
Freight containers—Automatic identi-
fication—Operating parameters AS 2365.1
AS 2362.14—1990
(NZS 6608:1990) 8pp D Resistance to crushing test 1p A Determination of nitrogen diox-
Specifies operating parameters, conditions, and restraints
Describes procedures for determining the perform-
ide—Spectrophotometric method
for transponder tags and interrogation devices used for the
automatic electronic identification of land, sea, and air- ance of actuating devices.
freight containers and of other subjects. Identical with NZS (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6235 8) AS 2365.1.1—1990
6608:1990 and produced as a Joint Australian/New Zea- Treated mesh/passive tube sam-
land Standard. AS 2362.15—2002 pling procedures 5pp C
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6210 2) Vibration test 2pp B Sets out a spectrophotometric method for the determi-
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4579 2) nation of nitrogen dioxide in indoor air using a pas-
AS 2362 sive tube technique. This method is applicable to in-
door air in which the expected nitrogen dioxide
Fire detection, warning, control and AS 2362.16—2002 concentration is within the range 0 to 30 ppm by vol-
intercom systems—Methods of test Impact test 3pp C ume (0 to 6000µg/m3) for an exposure time of 1 h,
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4578 4) and has a detection limit of 0.06 ppm for a 4 h sam-
AS 2362.1—2002 pling period.
Heat sensitivity testing of types A, AS 2362.17—2001 (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6257 9)
B, C and D heat detectors 6pp D Sensitivity test 5pp D
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4585 7) Specifies revisions to the test method to encompass AS 2365.1.2—1990
the testing of smoke detectors and smoke alarms Treated filter/passive badge sam-
mounted on vertical surfaces. pling procedures 6pp C
AS 2362.2—2002 (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4052 9) Sets out a spectrophotometric method for the determi-
Heat sensitivity testing of Type E nation of nitrogen dioxide in indoor air using a pas-
heat detectors 2pp B AS 2362.18—2002 sive sampling treated filter technique. This method is
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4584 9) Air velocity stability test 1p A applicable to indoor air in which the expected nitro-
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4577 6) gen dioxide concentration is within the range 0 to 3
AS 2362.3—1990 ppm (V/V) (0 to 6000µg/m3) for an exposure time of
1 h, and has a detection limit of 0.35 ppm for a 2 h
Rapid temperature rise test 1p A AS 2362.19—2002 sampling period.
Describes procedures for determining the perform- Dust test 2pp B (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6258 7)
ance of actuating devices. (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4576 8)
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6222 6) AS 2365.2—1993
AS 2362.20—2002 Determination of carbon monox-
AS 2362.4—1993 Overload test 1p A ide—Direct-reading portable in-
Voltage stability test 1p A (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4575 X) strument method 4pp C
Specifies the voltage stability test required to test the Sets out a method for the determination of carbon
performance of electrically operated smoke alarms, AS 2362.21—2002 monoxide in indoor air at concentrations between 1
containing both detection and alarm facilities. Endurance test 1p A ppm and 500 ppm by volume using a direct-reading
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 8099 2) (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4574 1) portable instrument.
(EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 7949 8)
AS 2362.5—1990 AS 2362.22—2002
Insulation resistance test 1p A Sound pressure level test 4pp D AS 2365.4—1995
Describes procedures for determining the perform- (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4573 3) Determination of radon 19pp F
ance of actuating devices. Amdt 1 December 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0817 X)
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6225 0) AS 2362.23—1990 X
Weathering test 1p A Sets out three methods for the determination of the ra-
AS 2362.6—1993 Describes procedures for determining the perform- don content in indoor air. Method A applies to grab
ance of actuating devices. samples and requires the collection of a grab sample
Static discharge test 2pp B in a scintillation cell followed by the measurement of
Specifies the static discharge required to test the per- (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6567 5) its alpha activity. Method B is applicable for short-
formance of electrically operated smoke alarms, con- term sampling periods. The principle consists of ad-
taining both detection and alarm facilities. AS 2362.24—2002 sorption of the radon onto activated charcoal fol-
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 8100 X) Frangibility test 3pp C lowed by the measurement of the gamma radiation
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4572 5) that is emitted. Method C applies to sampling periods
of up to a year and employs solid state nuclear track
AS 2362.7—1990 monitoring.
Electromagnetic interference test AS 2362.25—1996 (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9823 9)
4pp C Indicator visibility test 3pp B
Describes procedures for determining the perform- Specifies the method to be used to evaluate the visi- AS 2365.6—1995
bility of alarm indicators fitted to actuating devices.
ance of actuating devices.
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0262 7)
Determination of formaldehyde—
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6227 7) Impinger sampling—Chromotropic
AS 2362.26—2001 acid method 6pp C
AS 2362.8—1990 Sets out a spectrophotometric method for the determi-
Carbon monoxide (CO) sensitivity
Impulse voltage withstand test test 3pp C
nation of formaldehyde in indoor air using impinger
collection. This method is applicable to indoor air in
1p A Specifies a method of test for actuating devices to es- which the expected formaldehyde concentration is
Describes procedures for determining the perform- tablish their performance with respect to defined lev- within the range of 0.01 ppm to 1 ppm. Sampling pe-
ance of actuating devices. els of CO. riods of 1 h to 4 h are normally used.
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6228 5) (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4185 1) (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9819 0)

AS/NZS 2366

AS/NZS 2366 AS/NZS 2373.1:1995 AS 2374.6—1994

Windscreen repairs Multicore control cables 6pp C Determination of transformer and
Specifies the requirements for screened and un- reactor sound levels
AS/NZS 2366.1:1999 screened PVC insulated multicore control cables for (IEC 551:1987) 22pp F
Repair procedures 15pp E voltages up to 0.6/1 kV intended for use in control, Amdt 1 26 June 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3300 X) A
supervisory, protection and instrumentation circuits. Defines sound power versus sound pressure and sets
Specifies requirements for repair of damage to lami-
nated safety glass windscreens for road vehicles. Pre- It does not apply to cables used solely for telecommu- out the methods by which the sound power levels of
pared to assist windscreen repairers in their decision nication purposes. transformers, reactors, and their associated cooling
to repair a damaged laminated windscreen. It nomi- (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9682 1) equipment shall be determined. Standard and reduced
nates the correct procedures and specifies limits for a sound power level limits for transformers only have
successful repair. It is not intended that it be applied been added in an Australian Appendix. Technically
to determine the roadworthiness of a motor vehicle al-
AS/NZS 2373.2:1995 equivalent to IEC 551:1987, with the addition of Ap-
though repairing to the Standard might extend the life Twisted pair control cables pendix AA.
of a damaged windscreen. 18pp F (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7262 8995 7)
(ME-055) (ISBN 0 7337 2528 7) Specifies the requirements for screened polyethylene
(PE) insulated twisted pair control cables for voltages AS 2374.7—1997
AS/NZS 2366.2:1999 up to 0.6/1 kV, including a catenary support wire for Loading guide for oil-immersed
Repair systems 13pp E aerial cables, intended for use in control, supervisory, power transformers
protection and instrumentation circuits. It does not
Specifies performance requirements to verify the apply to cables used solely for telecommunication (IEC 354:1991 IEC 354:1991/
suitability of windscreen repair systems and applica- purposes. Corr.1:1992) 79pp J
tion windscreen repair materials, to ensure satisfacto-
ry repairs to damaged windscreens. (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9683 X) Amdt 1 June 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1907 4) X
(ME-055) (ISBN 0 7337 2529 5) Provides guidance on determining the acceptable re-
lationship between transformer rating and proposed
AS 2374 load cycle when considering the effect of operating
AS 2367—1990 Power transformers temperatures on life expectancy due to insulation de-
Essential oils—Oil of orange terioration and thermal ageing. Includes recommen-
(ISO 3140) 4pp C dations for loading above the nameplate rating and
AS 2374.1—1997 guidance for choosing appropriate rated quantities
Specifies characteristics of the oil obtained from Austral- General and loading conditions for new installations. It ap-
ian-grown oranges and includes an analytical method for plies to the same range of transformers complying
the determination of the aldehyde content of the oil. (IEC 76-1:1993) 63pp J with AS 2374.1-1997. This Standard is technically
(CH-021) (ISBN 0 7262 6284 6) Specifies the technical requirements for single and equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 354:1991 and
three-phase power transformers, including auto trans- includes Australian informative appendices on deter-
AS 2368—1990 formers, but excludes single-phase transformers rated mination of the thermal time-constant and indirect
at less than 1 kVA, three-phase transformers rated at measurement of winding hot-spot temperature.
Test pumping of water wells 36pp H less than 5 kVA, and certain special transformers (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1517 6)
Relates to factors which need to be considered and the such as instrument, starting, testing and welding
measurements which need to be made when designing and transformers, transformers for static converters and
performing a pumping test. It details the types of pumping those mounted on rolling stock. Based on but not
AS 2374.8—2000
tests carried out for water supply purposes, in which water equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC 76- Application guide
is abstracted from a well. 1:1993. Includes Australian variations such as com- (IEC 60076-8:1997) 77pp K
(CE-028) (ISBN 0 7262 6289 7) monly used power ratings and preferred methods of Provides a guide for the application, calculations and
cooling, connections in general use, and details re- measurements of conventional design and loaded
AS 2369 garding connection designation. three-phase and single-phase power transformers (in-
Materials for solar collectors for swim- (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1394 7) cluding auto-transformers). Certain categories of
small and special transformers are not covered. Rec-
ming pool heating ommendations are not mandatory and do not in them-
AS 2374.2—1997 selves constitute specification requirements.
AS 2369.1—1990 Temperature rise (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3383 2)
Rubber materials 4pp C (IEC 76-2:1993) 26pp G
Specifies requirements for rubber materials suitable Specifies temperature-rise limits and methods of test
AS 2375—1980
for use in unglazed collectors intended for solar heat- for measuring temperature rise. Based on but not Guide to the selection, care and use of
ing of swimming pools. Covers physical and chemi- equivalent to, and has been reproduced from IEC 76- clothing for protection against heat
cal requirements, and resistance to ultraviolet radia- 2:1993. Includes Australian variations.
tion. and fire 8pp C
(CS-028) (ISBN 0 7262 6308 7) (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1393 9) Provides requirements and elementary precautions related
to the selection, care and use of clothing for protection
against heat and fire and gives guidance on safety factors
AS 2369.2—1993 AS 2374.3 to be considered in abnormal situations. Discusses clothing
Flexible or plasticized polyvinyl Insulation levels and dielectric design and clothing assemblies and includes a classifica-
chloride 4pp C tests tion of intense heat hazards with suggestions for appropri-
ate protection.
Sets out a specification for properties for polyvinyl (SF-004) (ISBN 0 7262 1985 1)
chloride (PVC) used in the manufacture of unglazed AS 2374.3.0—1982
collectors intended for solar heating of swimming
pools. General requirements AS 2377—2002
(CS-028) (ISBN 0 7262 8026 7) (IEC 76-3) Acoustics—Methods for the measure-
Reconfirmed 1987 Redesignated from AS ment of railbound vehicle noise
AS 2371—1994 2374.3-1982 in 1992 22pp E 13pp F
Alcoholometers—Glass 129pp L Specifies the insulation levels and dielectric tests for Sets out methods for the measurement of airborne sound
Specifies requirements for alcoholometers for measuring power transformers as defined in AS 2374.1. Based for the determination of the A-weighted, C-weighted and
the alcohol content of simple mixtures of alcohol and wa- on IEC 76-3. sound spectral characteristics emitted by all types of rail-
ter. Provides guidance for use of alcoholometers and tables bound vehicles.
(EL-008) (ISBN 0 7262 2638 6) (EV-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4466 4)
for the estimation of alcohol content.
(CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8842 X)
AS 2374.3.1—1992 AS 2378—1996
AS 2372—1980 External clearances in air Density bottles 10pp D
Engineers' vertical comparators (ana- (IEC 76-3-1:1987) 13pp E Specifies requirements for Gay-Lussac type density bottles
suitable for the determination of liquids.
logue type) for external measure- Sets out minimum clearances in air between live parts (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0270 8)
ment—Metric series of bushings on oil-immersed power transformers and
(ISO 2625-1) objects at earth potential. The text has been repro-
duced from IEC 76-3-1:1987 and the tabulated mini- AS 2380
Reconfirmed 1987 8pp C mum clearances have been modified. Electrical equipment for explosive at-
Relates to comparators with an analogue scale and magni- (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7262 7637 5) mospheres—Explosion-protection
fication factors of from 250 up to and including 10 000,
and with mechanical, electrical, electronic or pneumatic techniques
amplification. General dimensions, design requirements, AS 2374.5—1982
finish, accuracy, scale markings, material necessary to en-
Ability to withstand short-circuit AS 2380.1—1989
sure convenience in use, and repeatability of readings and General requirements
accuracy requirements are specified. An appendix gives (IEC 76-5) (IEC 79-0) 18pp E
information on calibrating the more important parameters
of comparators. Reconfirmed 1987 10pp D Amdt 1 September 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2208 3)X
(ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 1978 9) Specifies the design of power transformers as defined Prescribes general requirements for the construction,
in AS 2374.1, and the requirements necessary both in marking and testing of electrical equipment intended
regard to their ability to withstand short-circuit and for use in explosive atmospheres and is supplemented
AS/NZS 2373 the means of demonstrating that ability. Based on IEC by other parts covering specific types of protection.
Electric cables for control and protec- 76-5. This Standard is similar to IEC 79-0.
tion circuits (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7262 2641 6) (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 5890 3)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2380.2—1991 assessed in accordance with the requirements of type installation and operational instructions and detailed tests.
Flameproof enclosure d of protection 'e'. It does not apply to electrical equip- An appendix gives recommendations for installation of
ment used in underground mining. disposal units to minimize noise.
(IEC 79-1:1990) 33pp H (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 8030 5) (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 2039 6)
Amdt 1 July 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7546 8) X
Specifies the design, construction and testing require- AS 2381.7—1989 AS 2397—1993
ments for the flameproof enclosure of electrical
equipment for use in explosive atmospheres. Techni- Intrinsic safety i 21pp E Safe use of lasers in the building and
cally equivalent to IEC 79-1. Sets out requirements for the selection, installation construction industry 16pp F
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7179 9) and maintenance of intrinsically safe electrical equip- Sets out safety requirements for the use of lasers in the
ment and systems. building and construction industry. Provision has been
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 5463 0) made for the use of Class 3B (Restricted) lasers where the
AS 2380.4—1994 level of illumination is appropriate. It is intended for use as
Pressurized rooms or pressurized AS 2382—1981 a reference by persons concerned with the use of lasers for
enclosures Surface roughness comparison speci-
alignment, levelling, control and survey tasks in the build-
(IEC 79-2:1983 IEC 79-13:1982) ing and construction industry, and supplements the re-
mens quirements of AS 2211 relevant to work in that industry. It
27pp G Reconfirmed 1987 15pp E does not cover the design and manufacture of lasers, nor
Specifies requirements for the design, construction Includes, in separate sections, general requirements for all the use of lasers in other applications.
and testing of rooms and enclosures of electrical specimens, specific requirements for turned, ground, (SF-019) (ISBN 0 7262 8134 4)
equipment in which the entry of flammable gas or va- bored, milled, shaped or planed specimens, specific re-
pour is prevented by maintaining the air (or other quirements for spark-eroded, shot-blasted, grit-blasted or AS/NZS 2399:1998
non-flammable gas) within the room or enclosure at a polished specimens, and specific requirements for cast sur-
specified pressure above that of the external atmos- faces. Ra values are given for all surfaces together with ac- Acoustics—Specifications for person-
phere. Requirements for the use of pressurized rooms curacy requirements, and an appendix illustrates typical al sound exposure meters
and enclosures in Class II, combustible dust areas are sets of mounted roughness comparison specimens. (IEC 1252:1993) 19pp F
also included. Specifies acoustical and electrical performance require-
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 9149 8) (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 2191 0)
ments for personal sound exposure meters. Specifications
AS 2383—1986 are applicable to instruments intended to be worn on a per-
AS 2380.6—1988 son for measurement of A-weighted sound exposure re-
Increased safety Waters—Determination of calcium— sulting from steady, intermittent, fluctuating, irregular or
(IEC 79-7) 18pp E EDTA complexometric titration meth- impulsive sounds. This Standard is technically equivalent
od 2pp B to, and has been reproduced from, IEC 1252:1993.
Specifies design, construction and testing require- (AV-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1864 7)
ments for increased safety electrical equipment for Sets out a titrimetric method for the determination of cal-
use in explosive atmospheres. Technically similar to cium in waters. This method is identical to AS 2383 (1980)
IEC 79-7. of the same title. However, it incorporates some editorial AS 2400
corrections and precision data gained from a round robin Packaging
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 5237 9) test program.
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 4212 8)
AS 2380.7—1987 AS 2400.1—1995
Intrinsic safety i AS 2385—1990 Glossary of packaging terms
Running concurrently with AS/NZS Single-use (sterile) infusion sets for 140pp K
60079.11:2000. 40pp G general medical use 28pp H Gives an alphabetical list of terms and their defini-
Specifies design, construction and testing require- tions as used in the packaging industry and includes
ments for intrinsically safe electrical equipment for
Amdt 1 May 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8127 1) X an index of non-preferred terms with cross-references
use in explosive atmospheres. Includes requirements Specifies requirements for single-use sterile intravenous to the associated preferred terms. Appendices include
for self-contained equipment, equipment forming a infusion sets for general medical use. It covers sets suitable explanatory diagrams, and a list of commonly-used
part of a system (entity concept equipment) and inte- for blood, blood derivatives and other intravenous fluids in acronyms.
grated systems. Also covers shunt diode safety barri- general, and also sets suitable only for use with fluids con- (PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 9782 8)
ers and other associated equipment intended for in- taining no solid phase. Does not apply to certain types of
stallation in a safe area. An appendix provides sets for paediatric use or other sets such as microdip sets,
pump sets and sets fitted with a central venous pressure AS 2400.5—1988
guidelines on the design and assessment of intrinsi-
cally safe circuits. Technically similar to IEC 79-11. monitoring device. Appendices include test methods for Metal protection 5pp B
the determination of the physical, chemical and biological Provides guidelines for the selection and use of tem-
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 4523 2) requirements of the infusion set. porary corrosion preventives for protecting metal sur-
(HE-021) (ISBN 0 7262 6326 5) faces during transport and storage.
AS 2380.9—1991 (PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 4918 1)
Type of protection n—Non-spark- AS/NZS 2392:1999
ing Textiles—Labelling of clothing, AS 2400.6—1986
(IEC 79-15:1987) 16pp F household textiles and furnishings Paper and paperboard 33pp G
Specifies design, construction and testing require- 6pp E Provides general guidance on the selection and use of
ments for non-sparking electrical equipment for use Specifies positions of attachment for permanent labels car- different paper and paperboard products describing
in explosive atmospheres. Includes the requirements rying the brand name, size or dimensions, care instruc- wrapping papers, paper bags, multiwall paper sacks,
for enclosed-break devices and non-incendive com- tions, fibre content, country of origin and, for children's paperboard boxes, fibreboard boxes, moulded pulp
ponents, sealed devices and restricted-breathing en- nightwear and some daywear garments, the fire hazard and composite cans and drums.
closures. Technically similar to IEC 79-15. classification. The way in which this information is to be (PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 4179 2)
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 6909 3) combined if there is more than one label is detailed.
(CS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2791 3) AS 2400.7—1990
AS/NZS 2381 Timber boxes 22pp G
Electrical equipment for explosive at- AS/NZS 2394:1994 Provides general guidance on construction of timber
mospheres—Selection, installation Conditioning equipment for the treat- boxes, including recommendations for the selection
and maintenance ment of nocturnal enuresis (bedwet- of materials suitable for the required performance.
ting) 5pp C (PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 5988 8)
AS/NZS 2381.1:1999 Specifies requirements for the performance and safety of
General requirements 86pp L equipment for use in the conditioning treatment of noctur- AS 2400.8—1989
Specifies general requirements for the selection, in- nal enuresis (bedwetting). It applies to both battery-pow- Textile bags, sacks and wrap-
stallation and maintenance of electrical equipment for ered and mains-powered equipment. This edition referenc- pings 3pp B
use in areas where flammable materials are generated, es AS 3200.1.0-1990. It has been re-written to clarify the
issue of resetting equipment. Provides information to assist packers in the selec-
prepared, processed, handled, stored or otherwise tion, filling, handling and storage of textile bags,
used, and which are therefore potentially hazardous. (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8822 5) sacks and wrappings.
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3081 7) (PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 5309 X)
AS 2395—1980
AS 2381.2—1993 Terminals for switchgear assemblies AS 2400.9
Flameproof enclosure d 15pp E for alternating voltages above 1 kV Metal containers
Amdt 1 June 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9810 7) X 16pp E
Specifies requirements for the selection, installation Specifies standard shapes and dimensions for palm termi- AS 2400.9.2—1988
and maintenance of electrical equipment, for use in nals for a range of assigned standard current ratings up to
explosive atmospheres, which have been certified or 3150 A for copper and 5000 A for aluminium, and dimen- Steel drums 8pp C
assessed in accordance with the requirements of type sions for cylindrical terminals with assigned current rat- Provides guidance on choice of steel drums for pack-
of protection 'd'. It does not apply to electrical equip- ings up to 3150 A. Appendices deal with preparation of aging of powders, solids, pastes and liquid with 20 L
ment used in underground mining. joint surfaces and the design of bolted connections. to 250 L capacity.
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 8029 1) (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 2038 8) (PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 4917 3)

AS 2381.6—1993 AS 2396—1980 AS 2400.10—1991

Increased safety e 29pp G Performance of household food waste Protection against shock and vi-
Specifies requirements for the selection, installation disposal units 16pp D bration (cushioning) 9pp D
and maintenance of electrical equipment, for use in Specifies design, constructional, plumbing and perform- Provides guidance on the protection of packaged
explosive atmospheres, which have been certified or ance requirements as well as requirements for markings, goods against shock and vibration. The ways in which

AS 2400.11—1988

protection can be provided are defined, and the more AS/NZS 2401.2:1995 AS 2410—1981
commonly used materials and methods are described. Interchangeable spherical ground
Diagrammatic examples of cushioning techniques are Battery chargers for valve-regulat-
given in an appendix. ed cells 12pp E glass joints
(PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 6777 5) Specifies requirements for the material, design, test- (ISO 641)
ing and performance of battery chargers for domestic Reconfirmed 1995 10pp B
AS 2400.11—1988 or similar use for charging valve-regulated lead-acid Specifies essential geometric requirements for inter-
batteries used in cyclic applications, e.g. golf buggies changeability for a series of joints for incorporation in lab-
Cordage 2pp A and prawning lights. oratory glassware. Based on ISO 641.
Provides guidance on the choice and use of twines (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9691 0) (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2065 5)
and cords in securing packages or the top layer of unit
(PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 4925 4) AS 2402—1994 AS 2411—1993
Traction batteries—Lead-acid Venous blood—Determination of lead
AS 2400.12—1985 26pp G content—Flame atomic absorption
Adhesive closing and sealing Specifies requirements for lead-acid batteries of both the spectrometric method 9pp D
vented and valve-regulated types that are intended for in- Sets out a flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
tapes 3pp B stallation in electric traction vehicles such as forklift for the determination of lead in venous blood after extrac-
Provides guidance on the correct choice of adhesive trucks. It includes requirements for traction cells used in tion into n-butyl acetate. The method is applicable to the
tapes for sealing and packaging purposes. The main engine starting applications, e.g. starting of emergency determination of lead in whole blood in the range of
types are pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes, and wa- diesel generators. It includes tests to verify performance 1.0µmol/L to 60µmol/L.
ter-activated adhesive tapes. requirements. (CH-036) (ISBN 0 7262 8237 5)
(PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 3971 2) (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9053 X)
AS 2412—1980
AS 2400.13—1983 AS 2403—1980 Information interchange on 3.81 mm
Tensional strapping 18pp D Method for the measurement of the (0.150 in) magnetic tape cassette at 4
Amdt 1 May 1986 X plastic strain ratio 'r' of sheet and strip cpmm (100 cpi), phase encoded at 63
Provides guidance on the selection and use of metallic metals ftpmm (1600 ftpi)
and non-metallic tensional strapping. The term metal- (ISO 3407)
lic strapping covers flat band strapping and wire of
Reconfirmed 1993 8pp C
round, oval or flat section. Non-metallic strapping Sets out requirements for preparation of test pieces, proce- Reconfirmed 1989 25pp F
covers weftless tapes and extruded thermoplastic dures for performing test, and the preparation of a test re- Specifies essential characteristics of 3.81 mm magnetic
tapes. port. Appendices include guidance on the calculation of 'r' tape cassettes using the 7-bit coded character set. The re-
values based on length and width measurements and de- cording system specified uses the 31.5 bits per millimetre
(PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 3100 2) scribe three test procedures which may be used. phase encoded recording method. Technically identical
(MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 2057 4) with ISO 3407.
AS 2400.14—1985 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2089 2)
Adhesives 9pp D AS 2404—1980
Provides guidance on the adhesives used in the man- AS 2414—1980
ufacture of packaging materials and for assembling Textile floor coverings—Fire propaga- Information processing—Magnetic
and sealing packages, or securing of unit loads. tion of the use-surface using a small tape cassette and cartridge labelling
(PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 3684 5) ignition source and file structure for information inter-
(ISO 6925) 4pp B change
AS 2400.16—1986 States the level of fire propagation acceptable for the use- (ISO 4341)
Flexible packaging 20pp E surface of any textile floor covering when ignited using a
Reconfirmed 1989 16pp D
small ignition source. The methenamine tablet used for the
Provides general description of, and provides infor- test is specified in AS 2111.18. Specifies a 3-level labelling system for labelling magnetic
mation on, nomenclature, availability, properties, tape cassettes and cartridges. The three levels, which are of
end-uses and some methods of test for flexible pack- (CS-086) (ISBN 0 7262 2058 2)
increasing complexity, allow for a wide range of equip-
aging, e.g. regenerated cellulose film, plastics films ment to be accommodated. Technically identical with ISO
and aluminium foil, and gives general guidance on AS 2405—1981 4341.
the use of these materials in laminates. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2091 4)
(PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 4043 5) Kjeldahl flasks
Reconfirmed 1995 16pp C
Specifies flasks used for digestion and distillation proce- AS 2416—2002
AS 2400.18—1983 dures in the determination of nitrogen. An appendix pro- Design and application of water safety
Use of desiccants in packaging vides advice on the care of flasks. signs 22pp G
9pp D (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2059 0) Specifies requirements for the design and application of
Provides guidance on the use of desiccants in packag- flags and safety signs incorporating graphic symbols, in-
ing to reduce humidity inside packages. Examples of tended for use where water sports may be undertaken or
AS 2406—1981 where there are other activities close to bodies of water
calculation of quantity of desiccant required as well
as notes on permeability and water-vapour transmis- Glass condensers with interchangea- such as the seaside, rivers, creeks, dams and open drains.
sion rate are given in appendices. ble ground glass joints (CS-093) (ISBN 0 7337 4255 6)
(PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 3228 9) (ISO 4799)
Reconfirmed 1994 16pp C AS 2417—2001
AS 2400.21—1986 Specifies a series of typical glass condensers for general Rotodynamic pumps—Hydraulic per-
Packaging of dangerous goods laboratory use. formance acceptance tests—Grades 1
9pp D (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2060 4) and 2
This Standard provides guidance for the selection of (ISO 9906:1999) 61pp L
packaging for dangerous goods, to meet legislative AS 2407—1981 Specifies hydraulic performance tests for acceptance of ro-
requirements. The relevant transport codes and regu- todynamic pumps (centrifugal, mixed flow and axial
latory authorities are also identified.
Separating funnels and dropping fun- pumps). It is applicable to pumps of any size and to any
(PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 4373 6) nels pumped liquids behaving as clean cold water. This Stand-
(ISO 4800) ard contains two grades of accuracy of measurement—
grade 1 and grade 2. This Standard is idential with and has
AS 2400.22—1985 Reconfirmed 1995 12pp B been reproduced from ISO 9906:1999.
Closures 8pp C Specifies four types of separating funnel and two types of (ME-030) (ISBN 0 7337 3760 9)
dropping funnel suitable for general laboratory use.
Provides guidance on the choice and use of closures
for all types of containers made from different mate- (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2061 2) AS 2418—1995
rials. The types of materials, as well as the usual types Coal and coke—Glossary of terms
of closures are described. Aspects of sealing efficien- AS 2408—1996 177pp M
cy are outlined.
(PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 3685 3) Laboratory glassware—Filter flasks Sets out definitions for terms used in relation to coal and
(ISO 6556:1981) 6pp C coke. Fields covered are analysis and testing, classifica-
tion, flow properties, coal preparation, mining and geolo-
AS 2401 Provides requirements for filter flasks for laboratory use. gy, petrography, sampling and utilization.
Battery chargers for lead-acid batter- (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0752 1) (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9878 6)
ies—Domestic type
AS 2409—1981 AS 2419
AS 2401.1—1994 Interchangeable conical ground glass Fire hydrant installations
Battery chargers for vented cells joints
9pp D (ISO 383) AS 2419.1—1994
Specifies requirements for material, design, testing Reconfirmed 1995 12pp B System design, installation and
and performance of battery chargers intended for do- Specifies essential geometric requirements for inter- commissioning 63pp J
mestic use and for charging vented lead-acid batteries changeability for four series of joints for incorporation in Amdt 1 October 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0721 1) B
of the automotive type. laboratory glassware. Based on ISO 383. Specifies requirements for installation within proper-
(EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9223 0) (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2063 9) ties of fire hydrants which may, in certain cases, be

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

supplemented by hydrants installed by water supply AS 2428.3—1981 AS/NZS 2430.3.3:1997

authorities on street mains.
(FP-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8994 9) Determination of operating charac- Flammable liquids
teristics 2pp B See also AS 2430.3-1991 12pp E
AS 2419.2—1994 (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 2153 8) Amdt 1 11 December 2002
Fire hydrant valves 16pp E (ISBN 0 7337 4940 2) X
Amdt 1 October 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0720 3) A AS 2428.4—1981 Provides guidance on the classification of areas asso-
Determination of effect of flame ciated with the production, processing, handling,
Specifies requirements for the design, construction, transferring and storage of flammable liquids. It in-
performance, and testing of valves suitable for instal- contact 1p A cludes specific examples of classification for such ar-
lations as fire hydrant valves. (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 2153 8) eas and also addresses associated equipment other
(FP-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9279 6) than process equipment, such as pits, waste collection
facilities and ventilation air ducts. To be read in con-
AS 2428.5—1983 junction with AS/NZS 2430.3.1:1997.
AS 2419.3—1996 Determination of discharge coeffi-
Fire brigade booster connections (MS-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1651 2)
cient and effective aerodynamic
10pp D area 4pp B AS/NZS 2430.3.4:1997
Specifies requirements for design, construction, per- (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 3207 6)
formance and testing of fire brigade inlet booster con- Flammable gases
nections suitable for use as part of fire hydrant sys- See also AS 2430.3-1991 13pp E
tems. AS 2428.6—1981 Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2358 6) X
(FP-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0343 7) Determination of ability to operate Provides guidance on the classification of areas asso-
under snow loading 1p A ciated with the production, processing, handling and
AS 2422—1981 (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 2153 8) storage of heavier-than-air and lighter-than-air flam-
Glossary of micrographics terms mable gases. It includes specific examples of classifi-
cation for such areas. To be read in conjunction with
30pp F AS 2429—1981 AS/NZS 2430.3.1:1997.
Sets out a comprehensive list of terms used in the field of Electroplated coatings of rhodium for (MS-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1652 0)
micrographics with an explanation of each term. Terms
found in ordinary dictionaries are not included. general engineering applications
(MS-004) (ISBN 0 7262 2135 X) Reconfirmed 1993 7pp C AS/NZS 2430.3.5:1997
Specifies six coating thicknesses and gives recommended Refineries and major processing
AS 2423—2002 applications for each grade, on a range of base metals. Re- plants
quirements cover condition of items before coating, heat
Coated steel wire fencing products for treatment before and after coating, hardness, adhesion, re- See also AS 2430.3-1991 9pp D
terrestrial, aquatic and general use flectivity and sampling. Purchasing guidelines and guid- Provides guidance on the classification of areas asso-
82pp L ance on the use of strikes and undercoats prior to rhodium ciated with the production, processing, handling and
coating are given in appendices. storage of flammable liquids and gases, in refineries
Specifies requirements and sets out options, for zinc or and major processing plants. It includes specific ex-
zinc/aluminium-alloy coated steel wire and wire products (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 2193 7)
amples of classification for such areas, based on a
for a broad range of fences, trellises, enclosures and the generalized method of area classification. To be read
like. Terrestrial, aquatic (notably marine) and general uses AS/NZS 2430.3 (Set2) in conjunction with AS/NZS 2430.3.1:1997.
are covered. The Standard provides for the optional appli-
cation of organic coatings, such as paints and plastics, on Classification of hazardous areas (MS-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1653 9)
the metallic coated wire and wire products. (Set Expires 28 February 2003)
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4737 X) $230.34 Retail $172.75 Member AS/NZS 2430.3.6:1997
AS 2430 Laboratories including fume cup-
AS 2424—1991 boards and flammable medical
Plastics building sheets—General in- Classification of hazardous areas agents
stallation requirements and design of AS 2430.1—1987 See also AS 2430.3-1991 5pp C
roofing systems Provides guidance on the classification of areas asso-
Available Superseded See also AS/NZS Explosive gas atmospheres ciated with laboratories, fume cupboards and the use
1562.3:1996, AS/NZS 4040.4:1996, AS/NZS 12pp C of flammable medical agents. It includes specific ex-
4040.5:1996 and AS/NZS 4389:1996 Provides a classification of areas according to the amples of classification for such areas. To be read in
likely existence of an explosive gas/air mixture, in- conjunction with AS/NZS 2430.3.1:1997.
11pp D (MS-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1654 7)
Establishes procedures for the installation of plastics build- cluding areas in which the mixture is continuously
ing sheets for walls and roofs and for the design of plastics present or present for long periods (Zone 0), areas in
roofing systems. which the mixture is likely to occur in normal opera- AS/NZS 2430.3.7:1997
tion (Zone 1), and areas in which the mixture is not
(PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 7115 2) likely to occur or will exist for only a short time (Zone Landfill gas, sewage treatment and
2). Basic principles involved in classification are giv- sewage pumping plants
AS 2427—1983 en and the factors to be considered in determining the See also AS 2430.3-1991 8pp D
Smoke/heat release vents 6pp C type and extent of zones are described. Similar to IEC
79-10 in terminology, definitions and general treat- Provides guidance on the classification of areas asso-
Specifies construction and performance details for vents ment of the subject. ciated with gas recovery, sewage treatment plants and
intended to be fitted in the roof of a building and to open sewage pumping plants. It includes specific examples
automatically on the outbreak of fire, to allow the escape (MS-011) (ISBN 0 7262 4493 7) of classification for areas basically related with meth-
of smoke and hot gases. ane occurrences. The examples provided can be ex-
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 3210 6) AS/NZS 2430.3.1:1997 tended to coal seam gas recovery and biodigestion of
farm wastes. To be read in conjunction with AS/NZS
General 2430.3.1:1997.
AS 2428 (Frc) See also AS 2430.3-1991 7pp C (MS-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1655 5)
Methods of testing smoke/heat re- Provides guidance on the classification of several
lease vents commonly occurring situations in which flammable AS/NZS 2430.3.8:1997
Front cover and introduction X liquids or gases are generated, processed, handled or
stored and which are therefore potentially hazardous. Surface coatings and adhesives
(ME-062) It includes details of the different methods of classifi- See also AS 2430.3-1991 9pp D
cation as well as of the ventilation criteria considered Provides guidance on the classification of areas asso-
AS 2428 (Lst) as the basic for all the examples of area classification. ciated with the manufacture, storage, handling, test-
Methods of testing smoke/heat re- (MS-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1649 0) ing and sale of surface coatings and adhesives (classi-
lease vents fied as manufactured product and as flammable
List of methods X AS/NZS 2430.3.2:1997 material in the ADG Code and in the Dangerous
Goods Regulations 1985-New Zealand). It includes
(ME-062) Vehicle workshops, vehicle park- specific examples of classification for such areas. To
ing, fuel dispensing stations and be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 2430.3.1:1997.
AS 2428 aircraft hangers (MS-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1656 3)
Methods of testing smoke/heat re- See also AS 2430.3-1991 24pp G
lease vents Amdt 1 July 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2792 1) B AS/NZS 2430.3.9:1997
Amdt 2 February 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3277 1) X Miscellaneous
AS 2428.1—1983 Amdt 3 11 December 2002 See also AS 2430.3-1991 15pp E
Determination of resistance to (ISBN 0 7337 4938 0) X Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2359 4) X
leakage during rain 3pp B Provides guidance on the classification of areas asso- Amdt 2 February 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3278 X) X
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 3205 X) ciated with vehicle workshops, vehicle parking areas, Provides guidance on the classification of areas asso-
fuel dispensing stations and aircraft hangars. It in- ciated with several finishing processes, fruit ripening
AS 2428.2—1983 cludes specific examples of classification for the rooms, several batch-type processes and ammonia
aforementioned areas as well as for residential garag- systems. It includes specific examples of classifica-
Determination of ability to open un- es and pollution control equipment. To be read in con- tion for the aforementioned areas. To be read in con-
der wind loading 3pp B junction with AS/NZS 2430.3.1:1997. junction with AS/NZS 2430.3.1:1997.
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 3206 8) (MS-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1650 4) (MS-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1657 1)

AS 2430.3—1991

AS 2430.3—1991 of their carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur con- AS 2439

Specific occupancies tents. Perforated plastics drainage and efflu-
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4855 4)
(IEC 79-10:1986) ent pipe and fittings
Available Superseded
See also AS/NZS 2430.3 series 36pp H AS 2434.7—2002 AS 2439.1—1981
Provides guidance on the classification of several Lower rank coal—Determination of Perforated drainage pipe and asso-
commonly occurring situations in which flammable moisture in the analysis sample ciated fittings 16pp D
liquids or gases are generated, processed, handled or 10pp E
stored and which are therefore potentially hazardous. Covers smooth wall and corrugated pipe and fittings
(MS-011) (ISBN 0 7262 6862 3) Specifies two procedures for the determination of intended for subsurface land, highway and construc-
moisture in the analysis sample of lower rank coal. tion drainage. Test requirements for bending,
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4856 2) straightening, perforation deformation, high and low
AS 2431—1981 temperature impact resistance, elongation, creep
Electrical equipment for explosive at- strain and joint separation are given.
AS 2434.8—2002 (PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 2180 5)
mospheres—Encapsulated appara- Lower rank coal—Determination of
tus—Type of protection m 11pp D ash 3pp C
Specifies requirements for electrical equipment which uses AS 2439.2—1983
encapsulation as the means for ensuring suitability for use Specifies a method for the determination of ash in Perforated effluent pipe and asso-
in a hazardous location. Covers design requirements and lower rank coal. ciated fittings for sewerage appli-
test procedures. (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4857 0) cations 16pp D
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 2397 2) Covers smooth wall and corrugated effluent pipe and
AS 2434.9—2000 fittings intended for effluent disposal from septic
AS 2432—1991 Determination of four acid-extract- sewerage systems. Test requirements for bending,
Babies' dummies 23pp G able ions in lower rank coal straightening, high and low temperature impact re-
Specifies safety requirements relating to the materials, de- sistance, elongation, pipe stiffness, perforation defor-
sign, construction and performance, together with recom-
7pp D mation and joint separation are given.
mendations for the use and hygienic care of babies' dum- Sets out a method for the determination by atomic ab- (PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 2765 X)
mies, all of which are important for the health and well- sorption spectrometry of the concentrations of the
being of a baby. acid-extractable ions sodium, magnesium, calcium AS 2441—1988
(CS-040) (ISBN 0 7262 7149 7) and iron in coal.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3621 1) Installation of fire hose reels 2pp A
Specifies requirements for connection of water supply, lo-
AS/NZS 2433:1994 cation and mounting and includes commissioning tests.
Plastics—Method for exposure to ul- AS 2435—1992 (FP-007) (ISBN 0 7262 5206 9)
traviolet lamps 4pp C Elastomeric hose for railway air
Specifies a simple method of exposure of the surfaces of brakes 7pp C AS/NZS 2442
plastics to artificial ultraviolet radiation without the need Specifies requirements for elastomeric hose intended for Performance of household electrical
for expensive equipment. use as brake pipe coupling hoses in railway compressed air
(PL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8809 8) braking systems, suitable for a maximum working pressure
appliances—Rotary clothes dryers
of 1.0 MPa within an ambient temperature range of -10°C
AS 2434 to 65°C. AS/NZS 2442.1:1996
Methods for the analysis and testing (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7158 6) Energy consumption and perform-
of lower rank coal and its chars ance 31pp F
AS 2436—1981 Amdt 1 October 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2128 1) X
AS 2434.1—1999 Guide to noise control on construc- Amdt 2 September 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2879 0)X
Determination of the total moisture tion, maintenance and demolition Specifies the method for determining performance
characteristics, including moisture removal, maxi-
content of lower rank coal 10pp E sites mum fabric temperature and water and energy usage.
Sets out three methods for the determination of the to- (ISO 1996) 30pp G It sets out minimum acceptable values for some of
tal moisture content of lower rank coal. Provides guidance in noise control in respect of engineer- these characteristics but does not specify safety re-
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3030 2) ing construction, maintenance and demolition works. It quirements. Appendices include specification of the
covers hearing protection of persons on site, investigation standard test load, required laboratory and equipment
AS 2434.2—2002 and identification of noise sources, neighbourhood nui- conditions and result recording sheets.
sance, measurement of sound and its assessment and con- (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 0312 7)
Lower rank coal—Determination of trol of noise at source and its spread. Appendices provide
volatile matter 8pp E information on statutory requirements estimation of noise AS/NZS 2442.1 Supplement 3:1996
Specifies a method for the determination of the vola- from sites (with examples). A-weighted levels of neigh-
tile matter of air-dried low rank coal, either directly or bourhood noise, sound levels from construction, mainte- Energy consumption and perform-
with an initial oven drying. nance and demolition plant, remedies and their effective- ance—Test material—Pillow case
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4851 1) ness according to machine and source of noise, and use of (Supplement to AS/NZS
acoustic screens and enclosures.
2442.1:1996) POA
AS 2434.3—2002 (AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 2177 5)
Comprises a pillow case which is suitable for inclu-
Lower rank coal—Determination of sion in the standard test load required when testing
the moisture holding capacity AS 2437—1987 clothes dryers to AS/NZS 2442.1, or clothes washers
Flusher/sanitizers for bed pans and to AS/NZS 2040.1. Intended for sale to relevant man-
6pp D ufacturers and other accredited test laboratories only.
Specifies a method for the determination of the mois- urine bottles 8pp C (EL-015)
ture holding capacity of lower rank coals. Amdt 1 June 1988 X
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4852 X) Specifies requirements for flusher/sanitizers for bed pans AS/NZS 2442.1 Supplement 4:1996
and urine bottles in hospitals, and designed to process sep-
arately one adult bed pan generally in accordance with the Energy consumption and perform-
AS 2434.4—2002 BS 2588 (Perfection) type, one child's bed pan, or one ance—Test material—Bath towel
Dried lower rank coal and its standard commode pan, or not more than three urine bot- (Supplement to AS/NZS
chars—Determination of apparent tles. It does not apply to flusher/sanitizers designed to
process hospital utensils other than bed pans or urine bot- 2442.1:1996) POA
density—Mercury displacement Comprises a bath towel which is suitable for inclusion
tles. Guidance on information to be supplied with enquiries
method 5pp D and orders, and on quality of water, is given in appendices. in the standard test load required when testing clothes
Specifies a method for the determination of the appar- (ME-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4458 9) dryers to AS/NZS 2442.1, or clothes washers to AS/
ent density of dried lower rank coal and its chars by NZS 2040.1. Intended for sale to relevant manufac-
mercury displacement. turers and other accredited test laboratories only.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4853 8) AS/NZS 2438 (EL-015)
Drills and reamers
AS 2434.5—2002 AS/NZS 2442.1 Supplement 6:1998
Lower rank coal and its chars—De- AS/NZS 2438.1:1994 Energy consumption and perform-
termination of moisture in bulk Specification for twist drills ance—Test material—Double bed
samples of lower rank coal and in (ISO 235:1980 ISO 494:1975 ISO sheet (Supplement to AS/NZS
analysis samples of char 8pp E 3291:1975 ISO 3292:1975 BS 2442.1:1996) POA
Specifies procedures for the determination of the 328.1:1993) 34pp G Comprises a double bed sheet which is suitable for in-
moisture content of bulk samples and analysis sam- Amdt 1 January 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0200 7) X clusion in the standard test load required when testing
ples of char from lower rank coal. clothes dryers to AS/NZS 2442.1, or clothes washers
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4854 6) Amdt 2 April 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0417 4) X to AS/NZS 2040.1. Intended for sale to relevant man-
Specifies dimensions and tolerances for parallel ufacturers and other accredited test laboratories only.
AS 2434.6—2002 shank, jobber, stub, long and extra long series of twist (EL-015)
drills, and for Morse taper shank and Morse taper
Lower rank coal—Ultimate analy- shank extra long drills. Tables summarize both impe-
sis—Classical methods 27pp G rial and metric sizes for each type of drill. Identical AS/NZS 2442.1 Supplement 7:1998
Specifies the method for the determination of the ul- with and reproduced from BS 328.1:1993. Energy consumption and perform-
timate analysis of lower rank coals and char in terms (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8838 1) ance—Test material—Table cloth

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

(Supplement to AS/NZS AS 2452.1—1982 AS 2464.6—1983

2442.1:1996) POA Determination of the wall thickness Steady-state thermal transmission
Comprises a table cloth which is suitable for inclusion of pipe by the use of radiography properties by means of the guard-
in the standard test load required when testing clothes 16pp D ed hot plate 19pp E
dryers to AS/NZS 2442.1, or clothes washers to AS/ Sets out procedures involving X-ray and gamma-ray (BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 3017 0)
NZS 2040.1. Intended for sale to relevant manufac- for determination of wall thickness of pipe and small
turers and other accredited test laboratories only. pressure vessels. Describes six methods using differ-
(EL-015) ent exposure geometrics for both lagged and un-
AS/NZS 2465:1999
lagged piping. Details of radiographic films and ap- Unified hexagon bolts, screws and
AS/NZS 2442.1 Supplement 8:2000 proximate chord lengths used in the calculations are nuts (UNC and UNF threads) 12pp E
included as appendices. Amdt 1 May 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2680 1) X
Energy consumption and perform- (MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 2674 2)
ance—Test material—Under- Specifies the dimensions for unified hexagon bolts, screws
and nuts (UNC and UNF threads) in diameters from ¼ in
shorts (Supplement to AS/NZS AS 2452.3—1985 to 1½ in, and the material requirements for steel bolts and
2442.1:1996) POA Use of ultrasonic testing 13pp D screws of strength grades 5 and 8 and for nuts of strength
Comprises undershorts which are suitable for inclu- grades 5 and 8.
Sets out procedures involving ultrasonic pulse-echo
sion in the standard test load required when testing principles for determination of thickness of material (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 2400 0)
clothes dryers to AS/NZS 2442.1 or clothes washers in which scanning and reflecting surfaces are substan-
to AS/NZS 2040.1 tially parallel. Describes five methods including sin- AS 2467—1981
(EL-015) gle spot (single measurement), single spot (double Maintenance of electrical switchgear
measurement), multiple spot measurements, close
grid survey method and open grid method. (BS 5405:1976) 59pp H
AS/NZS 2442.2:2000 (MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 3879 1) Describes a recommended practice for the maintenance of
Energy labelling requirements electrical switchgear having rated voltages not greater than
145 kV. The principles formulated in the Standard, espe-
23pp G AS 2453—1981 cially those concerning the safety of personnel, are for the
Provides energy labeling requirements for rotary Electroplated coatings of chromium most part also applicable to equipment operated at the
clothes dryers intended for household and similar use. for engineering applications 15pp E higher voltages. Does not apply to the maintenance of elec-
Transitional aspects of regulation are addressed. Applies to electroplated coatings of hard chromium on fer- trical switchgear used in explosive atmospheres and in coal
(EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3336 0) rous and non-ferrous metals, classified in five types of reg- mines.
ular, crack-free and porous type coatings. Heat treatment (EL-006, EL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 2266 6)
AS 2444—2001 procedures are included. Information to be supplied with
Portable fire extinguishers and fire
the enquiry or order and information on the appropriate AS 2468—1989
chromium thickness to specify for different applications
blankets—Selection and location are given in the appendices. Photomicrographs showing Steel cylinders for compressed gas-
29pp H the different types and percentages of porosity are included es—Brazed—0.1 kg to 11 kg 15pp E
for reference standards. Specifies requirements for brazed steel cylinders with no
Specifies the criteria for the selection of portable fire extin- longitudinal joint and not more than two circumferential
guishers and the requirements for their application, loca- (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 2225 9)
joints, of water capacity not less than 0.1 kg nor more than
tion and distribution. 11 kg, which have test pressures from 1750 kPa to 7000
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4190 8) AS 2454—1993 kPa and are intended for the storage and transport of com-
Textile floor coverings—Terminolo- pressed gases in accordance with AS 2030.1.
AS 2444—1995 gy 34pp H (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5298 0)
Portable fire extinguishers and fire Defines terms relating to textile floor coverings, textile
floor covering components and laying practice, and de- AS 2469—1998
blankets—Selection and location fines categories of textile floor coverings according to their
23pp F structural composition. Steel cylinders for compressed gas-
Amdt 1 October 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0722 X) A (TX-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8051 8) es—Welded two-piece construction—
Amdt 2 June 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1047 6) X 0.1 kg to 35 kg 24pp G
Specifies criteria for the selection of extinguishers based
AS/NZS 2455 Gives requirements for welded steel cylinders from 0.1 kg
Textile floor coverings—Installation to 35 kg water capacity, increasing the upper limit from 11
on classification and rating, including requirements for lo- kg in the previous edition. It introduces the use of stainless
cation and distribution of extinguishants based on classifi- practice steel for these cylinders in addition to the previously used
cation and rating, and the potential hazard classification. carbon steel. It also introduces the use of quality control
This Standard also includes a Section on the selection and AS/NZS 2455.1:1995 procedures for manufacturers at the point of entry into
location of fire blankets manufactured to the requirements Australia.
of AS 3504. A selection chart for fire extinguishers and a General 23pp F
guide to the selection of an extinguishant are included in Sets out requirements for laying textile floor cover- (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2185 0)
the Appendices. ings for both commercial and residential installations.
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9402 0) Provides details of the work necessary in preparing AS 2470—1998
subfloor surfaces, together with the procedures that Steel cylinders for compressed gas-
should be adopted over various types of subfloors and
AS 2445 where under floor heating units are installed. Also es—Welded three-piece construction
Methods of sampling and testing ret- specifies the information to be exchanged between with longitudinal joint—11 kg to 150
roreflective materials and devices for the contractor and the purchaser. kg 27pp G
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9822 0) Introduces requirements for stainless steel in addition to
road traffic control purposes the previously specified carbon steel for the manufacture
AS/NZS 2455.2:1996 of these compressed gas cylinders. It also includes the use
AS 2445.2—1981 Carpet tiles 6pp C of quality control procedures for manufacturers in Austral-
Retroreflective devices (non-pave- ia or checks on its implementation by overseas manufac-
Sets out requirements for three recognized systems turers at the point of entry into Australia.
ment application) 6pp B for the installation of carpet tiles. It is to be read in (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2183 4)
Sets out methods of sampling and testing devices conjunction with AS/NZS 2455.1:1995.
specified in AS 1906.2-1981. (TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0468 9)
(MS-049) (ISBN 0 7262 2215 1) AS 2472—1996
AS/NZS 2460:2002 Valves for medical gas cylinders (In-
AS/NZS 2450:1994 Acoustics—Measurement of the rever- cluding pin-indexed outlet)
Textiles—Natural and man-made fi- beration time in rooms 20pp G (BS 1319 ISO 407 CSA/CGA 1:1987)
bres—Generic names Specifies methods for the measurement of reverberation See also AS 2472-1985 12pp F
time in rooms. This Standard applies to any room in which Specifies non-interchangeable connections for large medi-
(ISO 2076:1989) 4pp C reverberation time is an important factor affecting the cal oxygen and nitrous oxide cylinders to comply with AS
Specifies lists and defines natural and man-made fibres. quality of sound in the room, or where reverberation con- 2473. For medical oxygen contained in cylinders greater
This Standard is based on ISO 2076:1989. trol is used for noise control purposes. than 5 kg water capacity, Types 10 and 10.5 connections
(CS-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9263 X) (AV-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4048 0) will be used; for all other medical gas cylinders pin-in-
dexed outlet connections are to be used. As the diversity of
AS 2464 demands are exhausted for single-pin indexing, double-
AS/NZS 2451:1998 row pin indexing will be introduced. This Standard intro-
Bolts, screws and nuts with British Methods of testing thermal insulation duces pin-indexed connections for all medical nitrous ox-
Standard Whitworth threads (rational- ide connections, in order to prevent the potentially danger-
ized series) 22pp F AS 2464.3—1983 ous connection of industrial carbon dioxide to medical
Thermal resistance of low-density nitrous oxide applications.
Specifies the dimensions for bolts and screws with British (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0670 3)
Standard Whitworth threads in diameters from ¼ in to 6 in, loose-fill insulation 5pp C
and the material requirements for steel bolts, screws and (BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 3015 4)
nuts for general use. AS 2472—1985
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 1708 X) AS 2464.5—1985 Valves for medical gas cylinders
Steady-state thermal transmission Obsolescent 1996 See also AS 2472-1996
AS 2452 properties by means of the heat 10pp E
Specifies dimensional and other features for the pin-in-
Non-destructive testing—Determina- flow meter 24pp F dexed systems of medical gas cylinder connections. The
tion of thickness (BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 3820 1) dimensions align with those used internationally. Refers to

AS 2473—1996

AS 2473 for larger (greater than 5 kg water capacity) med- AS 2483—1982 AS 2489.11—1984
ical oxygen and medical nitrous oxide cylinders.
(ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3642 X) Metal finishing—Recommended sam- Determination of acid demand val-
pling plans for the inspection and test- ue
AS 2473—1996 ing of coatings Reconfirmed 1994 2pp B
Valves for compressed gas cylinders Reconfirmed 1993 6pp C Describes details of procedures for determination of
(threaded outlet) Tabulates plans for sampling and resampling for assess- acid demand value of zircon sand concentrates.
See also AS 2473-1990 62pp J ment of average quality of coatings on metallic and non- (MN-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3402 8)
Specifies a number of new connections for compressed gas metallic items, using normal inspection levels in conjunc-
cylinders which fully differentiate valve outlets by gas and tion with a continuing series of batches. Provides for items
maximum filling pressure. The main changes are to allow produced by methods using barrel processes and other than AS 2490—1997
specific oxygen-only connections and these are (a) the ex- barrel processes and subject to non-destructive tests, and Sampling procedures and charts for
isting Type 10 connection retained for use at up to 17 500 items subject to destructive tests (adhesion, hydrogen em-
brittlement, corrosion resistance etc). inspection by variables for percent
kPa (175 bar); (b) new connection Type 10.5 to be used for nonconforming
up to 20 000 kPa (200 bar); (c) the existing Type 11 con- (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 2737 4)
nection retained for use up to 25 000 kPa (250 bar); (d) new (ISO 3951:1989) 107pp K
connection Type 16 to be used for up to 31 500 kPa (315 AS 2484 Provides sampling plans and procedures for inspection by
bar). Also specifies new connections for air, inert gases variables. Three methods of determining acceptability are
and high pressure flammable gases for pressures up to 31 Fire—Glossary of terms included viz. the 's' method, the 'o' method and the 'r' meth-
500 (315 bar) and up to 42 500 kPa (425 bar). od. Appendices cover basic statistical theory, calculation
(ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0675 4) AS 2484.1—1990 of the estimated standard deviation and the use of the 'r'
range method as an alternative to the 's' method. It is iden-
AS 2473—1990 Fire tests 6pp C tical with and has been reproduced from ISO 3951:1989.
Valves for compressed gas cylinders Provides a glossary of terms to be used in connection (QR-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1046 8)
with fire testing; also refers to deprecated terms
(threaded outlet) which should not be used in connection with fire test-
Obsolescent 1996 See also AS 2473-1996 ing. AS 2492—1994
31pp H (FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 6095 9) Cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) pipe
Specifies inlet and outlet connection threads, material, test-
ing, valve spindle dimensions and operations, and marking for hot and cold water applications
requirements, for compressed gas cylinder valves with AS 2484.2—1991 (ISO 161 ISO 4065) 24pp G
threaded outlet connections for a nominated range of gas- Fire protection and firefighting Specifies requirements for cross-linked polyethylene pipe
es. for use in water supplies, including domestic, industrial,
(ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6034 7) equipment
agricultural and other hot and cold water applications.
(ISO 3941) 27pp G Pipes complying with this Standard shall not be stored or
AS 2474—1990 Provides terms relating to fire protection and fire- installed in direct sunlight. While this Standard applies to
Valves for compressed gas cylinders fighting equipment. The terms are generally consist- pipes with or without integral barrier layers, the barrier
ent with ISO usage, but in some cases only the Aus- layer is not considered in the pipe performance require-
(diameter-indexed outlets) 8pp D tralian term is used. ments.
Specifies outlet connection dimensions for a system of di- (PL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9281 8)
ameter-indexed connections for a limited range of nomi- (FP-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6643 4)
nated gases. Does not apply to valves for portable gas cyl-
inders of less than 11 kg water capacity for self-contained AS/NZS 2485:1995 AS 2494—1981
breathing apparatus, or to valves for fire extinguishers.
(ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6533 0) Medical equipment—Single-use Dental absorbent paper points
winged intravenous devices (sterile) Reconfirmed 1994 9pp C
AS 2475—2001 for general medical use 39pp H Applies to paper points suitable for use in endodontic pro-
Threaded hose connection fittings for Specifies requirements for sterilized winged devices, gen- cedures. Material, design and construction surface defects,
erally known as 'scalp vein units', for intravenous use. Ap- sizes and dimensions, physical properties, colour coding
bituminous materials 12pp E pendices include methods of test for biological, chemical (where used) and packaging and labelling requirements are
Specifies the two sizes of threaded hose connection fittings and physical requirements. specified. Methods of test for particulate release and steril-
(50 mm and 63.5 mm) to be used on equipment used for ity are given in appendices.
handling bituminous materials. (HE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9879 4)
(HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 2367 0)
(ME-057) (ISBN 0 7337 3933 4)
AS 2487—2002
AS 2476—1981 AS/NZS 2496:1995
Dry heat sterilizers 16pp F
General fumigation procedures Specifies requireements for dry heat sterilizers of the hot Breathing attachments for anaesthetic
12pp C air type intended for use in hospitals, hospital laboratories, purposes for human use
Sets out practical instructions applicable to every commer- office-based health care facilities and similar situations for (ISO 5356-1:1987 ISO 5356-2:1987)
cial fumigation for the eradication of pests, including the the sterilization of instruments, metalware, glassware and
necessary safety precautions to be taken at each step. Suit- oils. It does not apply to machines that sterilize fluids in 30pp G
able schedules for notifying authorities (both before and non-vented bottles or liquids, oils and greases that have a Specifies basic requirements for breathing attachments for
after fumigation) are illustrated. The Standard should be boiling point less than the selected sterilizing temperature. anaesthetic apparatus, including the sequence and dimen-
used in conjunction with specific instructions for the par- (ME-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4224 6) sions of cone and socket joints (conical fittings) of 15 mm,
ticular fumigant and operation in question. 19 mm, 22 mm, 23 mm and 30 mm sizes, used for adult and
(CH-005) (ISBN 0 7262 2297 6) paediatric purposes. Dimensions and form of screw-
AS 2488—1995 threaded, weight-bearing connections for use with attach-
AS 2477—1981 Resuscitators intended for use with ments for anaesthetic apparatus and ventilators are also
Coatings for rinded cheese 8pp C humans
(HE-019) (ISBN 0 7262 9668 6)
Relates to flexible coatings applied to rinded cheese during (ISO 8382:1988) 33pp H
maturation and covers both wax coatings and those applied
as a polymer dispersion. Includes properties of the raw Amdt 1 January 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0192 2) X AS 2497
coating before application as well as properties of the fin- Specifies performance and safety requirements for ventila-
ished coating. Appropriate test methods are described and tory resuscitators intended for use with humans of all age Procedures for acceptance testing of
an appendix gives an outline of important principles of ap- groups. Automatic pressure cycled gas-powered resuscita- refractory products
plication. tors, electrically-powered resuscitators, devices which are
(FT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 2298 4) designed only to deliver gases to a patient breathing ade-
quately, and devices intended to assist or provide ventila- AS 2497.1—2001
AS 2479—1987
tion to a patient for an extended period of time are not cov- Batch procedure 40pp I
ered. The Clauses of this Standard supplement or modify
Down and/or feather filling materials the corresponding Clauses in ISO 8382:1988. Sets out the methodology for the acceptance testing of
refractory products based on minimum quality levels
and filled products 48pp G (HE-018) (ISBN 0 7262 9396 2) associated with an agreed specification.
Amdt 1 November 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8646 X) X (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3956 3)
Specifies requirements for purity, performance, classifica- AS 2489
tion and labelling of down and/or feather filling material
contained in bales, packets etc. as well as finished products Methods for the analysis of zircon AS 2498 (Frc)
such as pillows, continental quilts, sleeping bags etc. sand concentrates Methods of testing rigid cellular plas-
(CS-035) (ISBN 0 7262 4765 0)
AS 2489.5—1982 Front cover and introduction X
AS 2482—1989
Geographic information systems— Determination of zirconium plus (PL-016)
hafnium content (gravimetric
Geographic data—Interchange of fea-
ture-coded digital mapping data method) AS 2498 (Lst)
31pp G Reconfirmed 1994 4pp B Methods of testing rigid cellular plas-
Specifies the format and coding of unstructured digital Specifies methods for the chemical analysis of zircon tics
point and vector geographic data to be used when the infor- sand concentrates by spectrophotometry, atomic ab-
mation is being prepared for exchange purposes. sorption, spectrometry and gravimetry. List of methods X
(IT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 5842 3) (MN-004) (ISBN 0 7262 2558 4) (PL-016)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2498 AS 2503 AS 2505.3—1989

Methods of testing rigid cellular plas- Refractories and refractory materi- Tubular products 4pp B
tics als—Chemical analysis Specifies procedures for simple bend tests, flattening
tests, drift expansion tests and flanging tests.
AS 2498.0—1993 AS 2503.1—1996 (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5434 7)
General introduction and list of Silica refractories
methods 1p X (BS 1902) 22pp F AS 2505.4—2002
Specifies test methods for rigid cellular plastics. Specifies a gravimetric method for the determination
Wire—Reverse bend test
(PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 8253 7) of loss on ignition, and classical and spectrophoto- (ISO 7801:1984) 5pp F
metric methods for determining the oxides of silicon, Specifies a method for determining the ability of me-
AS 2498.1—1993 phosphorus, aluminium, iron, titanium, manganese, tallic wire of diameter or thickness 0.3 to 10 mm in-
calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and lithium clusive to undergo plastic deformation during reverse
Sampling and conditioning 1p A in silica refractories. bending. This Standard is identical with and has been
Specifies test methods for rigid cellular plastics. (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0235 X) reproduced from ISO 7801:1984.
(PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 8254 5) (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4534 2)
AS 2503.2—1996
AS 2498.2—1993 Aluminosilicate refractories AS 2505.5—2002
Determination of linear dimen- (BS 1902) 22pp F Wire—Simple torsion test
sions 4pp B Specifies a gravimetric method for the determination (ISO 7800:1984) 2pp D
Specifies test methods for rigid cellular plastics. of loss on ignition, and classical and spectrophoto- Specifies a method for determining the ability of me-
(PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 8255 3) metric methods for determining the oxides of silicon, tallic wire of diameter or thickness 0.1 to 10 mm in-
phosphorus, aluminium, iron, titanium, manganese, clusive to undergo plastic deformation during simple
calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and lithium torsion in one direction. This Standard is identical
AS 2498.3—1993 in aluminosilicate refractories. with and has been reproduced from ISO 7800:1984.
Determination of compressive (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0236 8) (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4535 0)
stress 3pp B
Specifies test methods for rigid cellular plastics. AS 2503.3—1985 AS 2505.6—2002
(PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 8257 X) High alumina materials Wire—Wrapping test
(BS 1902) (ISO 7802:1983) 1p B
AS 2498.4—1993 Specifies a method for determining the ability of me-
Reconfirmed 1995 15pp E
Determination of cross-breaking Describes a gravimetric method for determining the
tallic wire of diameter or thickness 1.0 to 10 mm in-
strength 3pp B loss on ignition and the classical and spectrophoto- clusive to undergo plastic deformation during wrap-
Specifies test methods for rigid cellular plastics. metric methods of analysis of high alumina refractory ping. This Standard is identical with and has been
reproduced from ISO 7802:1983.
(PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 8258 8) materials for the determination of the oxides of sili-
(MT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4536 9)
con, phosphorus, aluminium, iron(III), titanium,
AS 2498.5—1993 manganese, calcium and magnesium. Sodium, potas-
sium and lithium are determined as the oxides by AS 2507—1998
Determination of water vapour flame photometry. The results are expressed as a per- The storage and handling of agricul-
transmission rate 4pp B centage (m/m) of the original material. The typical
tural and veterinary chemicals
Specifies test methods for rigid cellular plastics. composition of high alumina refractory materials, is
included together with a statement on the repeatabili- See also AS 2507-1984 53pp I
(PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 8259 6) Sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe
ty of the analysis.
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 3644 4) storage and handling of agricultural and veterinary chemi-
AS 2498.6—1993 cals on farms and in other rural industries. Advice is given
Determination of dimensional sta- on storage installations, fire precautions, waste disposal,
AS 2503.4—1987 operations and personnel safety. A discussion of the haz-
bility 3pp B Dolomites and magnesites ards presented by agricultural and veterinary chemicals
Specifies test methods for rigid cellular plastics. (BS 1902) and guidelines for emergency procedures (including first
(PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 8260 X) aid) are provided in appendices.
Reconfirmed 1995 24pp E (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2343 8)
Describes a gravimetric method for determining loss
AS 2498.7—1993 of ignition and classical (wet analysis) and spectro-
Determination of volume percent- photometric methods of analysis of dolomites and AS 2507—1984
age of open and closed cells magnesites used as refractory materials. Includes de- The storage and handling of pesti-
15pp D termination of oxides of silicon, iron, titanium, man- cides
ganese, chromium, aluminium, calcium, magnesium Available Superseded See also AS 2507-1998
Specifies test methods for rigid cellular plastics. and boron (for magnesites only). Sodium, potassium
(PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 8261 8) and lithium oxides are determined by flame photom- 13pp E
etry. Typical compositions of dolomites and magnes- Provides guidance for the safe storage and handling of pes-
AS 2498.8—1991 ites are contoured in table form together with a state- ticides in warehouses, stores and depots. Classification, la-
ment on repeatability of the analyses. belling and identification requirements of pesticides are
Determination of water absorption (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4612 3) described and advice is included on storage installations,
(ISO 2896:1987) 8pp D fire precautions, protection of personnel and operating pro-
Specifies a method for determining the water absorp- cedures including the eventual disposal of wastes.
tion of rigid cellular plastics by measuring the change
AS 2503.5—1989 (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 3324 2)
in buoyant force resulting from immersion in distilled Chrome-bearing materials
water. (BS 1902) 23pp F AS 2508 (Lst)
(PL-016) (ISBN 0 7262 6426 1) Describes a gravimetric method for determining loss Safe storage and handling information
on ignition, and classical (wet analysis) and spectro- card
AS/NZS 2499:2000 photometric methods of analysis for silicon, chromi-
List of methods X
Acoustics—Measurements of sound um, iron, aluminium, manganese, calcium and mag-
nesium. Sodium, potassium and lithium are (CH-009)
insulation in buildings and of build- determined by flame photometry. Includes tabulation
ings elements—Laboratory measure- of typical composition of chrome-bearing materials AS 2508
ment of room-to-room airborne sound to which this Standard is applicable, a statement on
repeatability of the determinations, and a flowchart Safe storage and handling information
insulation of a suspended ceiling with summarizing the total scheme of analyses. card
a plenum above it (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 5507 6)
(ISO 140-9:1985) 7pp D AS 2508.2.001—1992
Provides a laboratory method of measurement the airborne AS 2505 Acetylene (Dissolved) (Ethyne)
sound insulation of a suspended ceiling with a plenum of Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
defined height mounted above an acoustical barrier which Methods for bend and related testing cards Price Code A Double sided card A
separates two rooms of a specified test facility. This Stand- of metals Sets out essential information on hazards and safe
ard has been adopted with national modifications and re- handling practice for personnel employed in stores
produced from ISO 140-9:1985. AS 2505.1—1981 and warehouses in which this material is stored. Sum-
(AV-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3345 X) Sheet, strip and plate marizes emergency procedures for dealing with leaks,
spills and fires. Includes first aid instructions as well
Reconfirmed 1993 9pp C as relevant dangerous goods labels, Hazchem and
AS/NZS 2500:1995 Sets out methods for single and reverse bend testing NFPA codes and UN number of substances. Special
Guide to the safe use of electricity in of coated and uncoated metal sheet, strip and plate. quantity discounts apply.
patient care 75pp H (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 2395 6) (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7617 0)
Amdt 1 December 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0766 1) X
Provides a comprehensive guide to the safe use of electri- AS 2505.2—1989 AS 2508.2.002—1992
cally operated equipment used in health care facilities. Bars, rods and solid shapes
Measures are detailed to provide and maintain patient and Hydrogen (compressed)
operator safety, including details of the classes of equip- 7pp C Clear plastic protective cover for displaying
ment and electrical installations to be used for particular Specifies procedures for simple pressure bend tests cards Price Code A Double sided card A
medical procedures. and reverse bend tests. Sets out essential information on hazards and safe
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9803 4) (MT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5532 7) handling practice for personnel employed in stores

AS 2508.2.007—2001

and warehouses in which this material is stored. Sum- specimens and laboratory condi- posure (a safe period of 18 months of weather exposure is
marizes emergency procedures for dealing with leaks, tions 2pp B allowed for to cover an extended storage period prior to in-
spills and fires. Includes first aid instructions as well stallation), and the pipeline operating temperatures are not
as relevant dangerous goods labels, Hazchem and (CS-097) (ISBN 0 7337 2116 8) above +60°C nor below -40°C. Coating thickness for nor-
NFPA codes and UN number of substances. Special mal and heavy duty for a given range of nominal pipe sizes
quantity discounts apply. AS/NZS 2512.3 are tabulated.
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7618 9) Determination of impact energy at- (WS-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7442 9)
AS 2508.2.007—2001 AS 2519—1993
Liquefied petroleum gas AS/NZS 2512.3.1:1999 Guide to the technical evaluation of
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying Helmet drop test 5pp C higher rank coal deposits 116pp L
cards Price Code A Sets out a method for determining the impact enegy Sets out recommended practices for the technical evalua-
Double sided card 2pp B attenuation of a protective helmet. tion of a higher rank coal deposit, principally using bore-
Provides general safety information for storing and hole techniques.
(CS-097) (ISBN 0 7337 2661 5) (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8114 X)
handling LP Gas, including first aid information and
emergency procedures for dealing with leaks and
fires. AS/NZS 2512.3.2:1997 AS 2520—1981
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4174 6) Striker drop test 6pp G Petroleum measurement tables
Sets out a method for determining the impact energy (ISO 91:1981) 11pp C
AS 2508.8.002—1986 of a helmet, temple protector or faceguard, intended
for use in a sport where there is danger of being in- Amdt 1 January 1984 X
Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid, jured by a ball or puck. Gives instructions on the use of petroleum measurement
spirits of salts) (CS-095) (ISBN 0 7337 1542 7) tables called up by reference to provide data for the calcu-
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying lation of petroleum quantities in both commercial transac-
cards Price Code A Double sided card A tions and engineering procedures. The referenced tables
AS/NZS 2512.4:1998 were developed by the American Petroleum Institute, the
Sets out essential information on hazards and safe Determination of penetration re- American Society for Testing and Materials and the Insti-
handling practice for personnel employed in stores tute of Petroleum. Based on ISO 91:1981 with the addition
and warehouses in which this material is stored. Sum- sistance 2pp B
of parts of tables from ASTM/IP Petroleum Measurement
marizes emergency procedures for dealing with leaks, (CS-097) (ISBN 0 7337 2117 6) Tables, 1952 edition.
spills and fires. Includes first aid instructions as well (ME-038) (ISBN 0 7262 2443 X)
as relevant dangerous goods labels, Hazchem and AS/NZS 2512.5
NFPA codes and UN number of substances. Special
quantity discounts apply. Determination of strength of reten- AS 2527—1997
(CH-009) tion system Cylinders for dissolved acetylene
(ISO 3807:1977) 17pp F
AS 2508.8.010—1990 AS/NZS 2512.5.1:1998 Specifies the basic requirements for steel cylinders of 5 kg
Sulfuric acid (up to 98% m/m) Static strength 3pp B to 160 kg water capacity intended for the storage and trans-
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying (CS-097) (ISBN 0 7337 2118 4) port of acetylene. Also specifies requirements for the po-
rous filler, the solvent and the cylinder marking. Revisions
cards Price Code A Double sided card A to the 1982 edition include deletion of Annexes 1 and 2 (as
Sets out essential information on hazards and safe AS/NZS 2512.5.2:1998 they refer to obsolete Standards), together with the intro-
handling practice for personnel employed in stores Dynamic strength 3pp B duction of seamless-steel cylinders as suitable shells for
and warehouses in which this material is stored. Sum- (CS-097) (ISBN 0 7337 2119 2) acetylene gas use.
marizes emergency procedures for dealing with leaks, (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1095 6)
spills and fires. Includes first aid instructions as well
as relevant dangerous goods labels, Hazchem and AS/NZS 2512.6:1998
NFPA codes and UN number of substances. Special Measurement of horizontal periph- AS 2528—1982
quantity discounts apply. eral vision clearance 2pp B Bolts, studbolts and nuts for flanges
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 6111 4) (CS-097) (ISBN 0 7337 2120 6) and other high and low temperature
AS 2508.10.001—2000 AS/NZS 2512.7 (ISO 225 ISO 272 ISO 885 ISO 888 ISO
Agricultural and veterinary chemi- Determination of stability of pro- 898-1 ISO 4759-1) 40pp J
cals (Packaged products only) tective helmets Specifies requirements for fasteners mainly intended for
Clear plastic protective cover for displaying bolting for flanges and other pressure-containing purposes.
cards Price Code A Covers a metric series for the temperature range -50°C to
A3 folded card 4pp D AS/NZS 2512.7.1:1998 +300°C and an inch series for -250°C to +575°C. Appen-
Provides general safety information for storing and
Static stability 8pp D dices deal with strength and performance of inch series
(CS-097) (ISBN 0 7337 2121 4) studbolts at elevated temperatures, method for checking
handling agricultural and veterinary chemicals, in- squareness of thread, sampling for mechanical properties,
cluding first aid information and emergency proce- material standards for inch bolting and metric equivalents
dures for dealing with leaks, spills and fires. An out- AS/NZS 2512.7.2:1998 for inch series studbolts and nuts.
line of the classes of dangerous goods and poisons Dynamic stability 3pp B (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7262 2465 0)
schedules is also given.
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3692 0) (CS-097) (ISBN 0 7337 2122 2)
AS 2529—1982
AS 2512 (Frc) AS/NZS 2512.8:1998 Collection of reliability, availability
Methods of testing protective helmets Measurement of peak deflection and maintainability data for electron-
Front cover and introduction X 2pp B ics and similar engineering use
(CS-097) (CS-097) (ISBN 0 7337 2123 0) (IEC 362)
Reconfirmed 1994 5pp B
AS 2512 (Lst) AS/NZS 2512.9:1996 Provides guidance on the collection of reliability data on
Determination of load distribution the field performance of electronic components, equip-
Methods of testing protective helmets ment and systems to provide data for the comparison of ac-
List of methods X 5pp C tual and predicted reliability, the improvement of achieved
(CS-097) Amdt 1 January 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1540 0) X reliability, and the derivation of availability and maintain-
Specifies a method for determining the ability of a ability information. The Standard can be applied to any
AS/NZS 2512 protective helmet to distribute the force of an impact. other field of engineering for which such data are request-
Includes a recommendation for the use of a strain ed. Technically identical with IEC 362.
Methods of testing protective hel- gauge type force transducer, together with more de- (QR-005) (ISBN 0 7262 2466 9)
mets tails on the relative geometry of the load transfer pin
and the hole into which it fits. AS 2530—1982
AS/NZS 2512.1:1998 (CS-097) (ISBN 0 7337 0391 7)
Presentation of reliability data on elec-
Definitions and headforms tronic and similar components
(Based on) AS 2514—1999
Drying cabinets for medical equip- (IEC 319)
To run concurrently with AS 2512.1-1984 Reconfirmed 1994 12pp D
31pp G ment 14pp F Provides guidance on the presentation of the detailed data,
(CS-097) (ISBN 0 7337 2115 X) Specifies requirements for drying cabinets intended for use such as the change in a characteristic with time or on the
in hospitals for the drying of medical equipment. Guidance failure rate(s) of the associated component(s), that are es-
on information that should be supplied with enquiries and sential to the prediction of the operating performance of
AS 2512.1—1984 orders is given in an appendix. electronic or similar equipment. The Standard is technical-
Definitions and headforms (ME-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2969 X) ly identical with IEC 319.
Reinstated 1996 To run concurrently with AS/ (QR-005) (ISBN 0 7262 2467 7)
NZS 2512.1:1998 7pp C AS 2518—1992
(CS-097) Fusion-bonded low-density polyethyl- AS 2533—2002
ene coating for pipes and fittings Acoustics—Preferred frequencies and
AS/NZS 2512.2:1998 13pp E band centre frequencies 11pp E
General requirements for the con- Specifies requirements for coating for protection against Provides the specification of preferred frequencies, band
ditioning and preparation of test corrosion, where the coating is not subject to weather ex- centre frequencies, and frequency labels which form a ge-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

ometric series for acoustical measurements. These pre- AS 2542.1.2—1984 AS 2545/A—1993

ferred frequencies should also be used as geometric centre Types and choice of test 4pp B Subcontract conditions (AS 2545-
frequencies for acoustic band measurements.
(AV-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4944 5) Sets out the various types of sensory test and provides 1993)—Annexure Part A
guidance on choosing the most appropriate method To run concurrently with AS 2545/A-1987
according to the objectives of the investigation. Pads of forms comprising 11 sets C
AS 2534—1997 (FT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3572 X) Comprises pads of tear off Annexure forms for Australian
Lead and lead alloys—Sampling for Standard Subcontract conditions AS 2545-1993, consist-
chemical and spectrochemical analy- AS 2542.1.3—1995 ing of Annexure Part A and Approved form of uncondi-
sis 12pp E Selection of assessors tional undertaking.
Specifies methods for the sampling of lead and lead alloys (ISO 8586-1:1993) 12pp E (OB-003)
and procedures for the preparation of laboratory samples (FT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9596 5)
required for chemical and spectrochemical analysis AS 2545/B—1993
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1331 9) Subcontract conditions (AS 2545-
AS 2542.2
Specific methods 1993)—Annexure Part B
AS/NZS 2535 To run concurrently with AS 2545/B-1987
Test methods for solar collectors AS 2542.2.1—1982 Pads of forms comprising 20 sets C
Comprises pads of tear off Annexure forms for Australian
AS/NZS 2535.1:1999 Paired comparison test 7pp C Standard Subcontract conditions AS 2545-1993, consist-
Thermal performance of glazed liq- Sets out a procedure for comparing the sensory prop- ing of Annexure Part B, Certificate of substantial comple-
erties of two food samples. The paired comparison tion, General conditions of tendering and form of tender,
uid heating collectors including test may be used to determine in what way a particular and Form of formal instrument of agreement for subcon-
pressure drop property differs between the two samples (e.g. more tract.
(ISO 9806-1:1994) 71pp L sweet or less sweet) or to establish whether one of the (OB-003)
Establishes methods for determining the thermal per- samples is preferred.
formance of glazed liquid heating solar collectors. It (FT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 2538 X)
AS 2545—1987
provides test methods and calculation procedures for
determining the steady-state and quasi-steady-state AS 2542.2.2—1983 Subcontract conditions
thermal performance of solar collectors. This Stand- Triangle test 5pp D To run concurrently with AS 2545-1993
ard is technically equivalent to and has been repro- 45pp E
Sets out a procedure for determining whether there is
duced from ISO 9806-1:1994.
a difference between two samples of a product by Amdt 1 11 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3496 0) X
(CS-028) (ISBN 0 7337 2585 6) means of a triangular comparison. The results of a Provides a set of compatible subcontract conditions for
panel of assessors are statistically interpreted using a subcontracts involving site work on projects where AS
AS 2535—1986 table provided. 2124-1986 is in use as the head contract between the main
(FT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3187 8) contractor and the principal.
Solar collectors with liquid as the (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4525 9)
heat-transfer fluid—Method for testing
thermal performance 17pp E AS 2542.2.3—1988
Rating 7pp C AS 2545/A—1987
Sets out a method for determining the thermal performance Subcontract conditions—Annexure to
characteristic of all classes of solar collectors operating Sets out guidelines for measuring the magnitude of a
with liquid as the heat-transfer fluid. The thermal perform- predefined sensory characteristic, e.g. sweetness, de- AS 2545
ance characteristic may be used to estimate collector per- gree of liking, by assigning a rating on a response To run concurrently with AS 2545/A-1993
formance when subjected to different ambient conditions scale. Appendices propose examples of the types of Pads of 25 forms E
and load requirements. rating scales to be used and specimen answer forms. (OB-003)
(CS-028) (ISBN 0 7262 4443 0) (FT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5135 6)
AS 2545/B—1987
AS 2537—1994 AS 2542.2.4—1988 Subcontract conditions—Annexure to
Mechanical jointing fittings for use Duo-trio test 6pp B AS 2545 including certificate of sub-
with cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) Sets out a procedure for using the duo-trio as a means
stantial completion form of formal in-
pipe for hot and cold water applica- of determining whether there is a sensory difference
between two samples of a food or beverage. The re- strument of agreement
tions 26pp G sults of a tasting panel are interpreted statistically us- To run concurrently with AS 2545/B-1993
Amdt 1 11 December 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4921 6) ing a table provided and examples of the practical ap- Pads of 25 forms B
X plication of the duo-trio test are described. (OB-003)
Specifies requirements for mechanical jointing fittings (FT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5138 0)
suitable for use as fixed joints, with cross-linked polyeth- AS 2546
ylene (PE-X) pipes manufactured in accordance with AS AS 2542.2.5—1991 Printed boards
2492. 'A—not A' test
(PL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9282 6) (ISO 8588:1987) 8pp D AS 2546.0—1987
Sets out a procedure for using the 'A—not A' test for
AS/NZS 2538:1995 use in the sensory analysis of foods.
Terms and definitions
Vehicle support stands 11pp D (FT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 7052 0) (IEC 194) 15pp D
Specifies requirements for the design, construction, per- Sets out the most preferred and commonly used terms
formance and labelling of vehicle support stands. AS 2542.2.6—1995 for the manufacture, testing and use of printed boards
(CS-043) (ISBN 0 7262 9684 8) for the mounting of components for telecommunica-
Ranking tions, electronics, electrical and similar devices and
(ISO 8587:1988) 15pp E appliances. Defines the terms in the most commonly
AS/NZS 2541:1998 (FT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9595 7) accepted way. Generally, but not wholly aligned with
Guide to the cleaning-in-place of dairy IEC 194.
factory equipment 26pp G AS 2542.3—1989 (TE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 4771 5)
Provides guidance for the implementation and efficient op- Glossary of terms
eration of CIP systems in the dairying industry. Basic prin- AS 2546.3—1988
ciples and the recommended procedures established by (ISO 5492 BS 5098) 5pp C Design and use
practice have been outlined. Applies to all cleaning opera- Sets out a list of terms commonly used in Australia in
tions where equipment is cleaned by use of circulating liq- sensory examination of foods with each term defined (IEC 326-3) 28pp F
uids rather than by manually scrubbing. in accordance with its accepted meaning. Describes fundamental information on the design and
(FT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2340 3) (FT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5762 1) application of printed boards for electronic and elec-
trical use, their technical limitations, and the features
which can be expected. It is intended to provide guid-
AS 2542 AS/NZS 2544:1995 ance to both the designer and the user of printed
Sensory analysis of foods Grey iron pressure fittings 41pp H boards and printed board assemblies. It is technically
Specifies requirements for grey iron pressure fittings of similar to IEC 326-3.
nominal sizes up to and including DN 600, intended prima- (TE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5099 6)
AS 2542.0—1995 rily for the conveyance of water under pressure. One class
Introduction and list of methods of fitting is specified, suitable for a variety of jointing sys-
AS 2548
1p X tems.
(WS-016) (ISBN 0 7262 9593 0) Battery chargers for lead-acid traction
(FT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9602 3)
AS 2542.1 AS 2545—1993
Subcontract conditions AS 2548.1—1998
General guide to methodology Battery chargers for vented cells
To run concurrently with AS 2545-1987
AS 2542.1.1—1984 62pp H 12pp E
Amdt 1 11 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3505 3) X Specifies requirements for the design, testing and per-
General requirements 2pp B Provides a set of compatible subcontract conditions for formance of battery chargers for charging vented
Describes in general terms requirements for testing subcontracts involving site work on projects where AS lead-acid batteries used in traction applications, e.g.
area apparatus, sample preparation and assessors used 2124-1992 is in use as the head contract between the main forklift trucks. Includes graphs of maximum charging
in sensory analysis of foods. contractor and the principal. current version cell voltage.
(FT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3463 X) (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8516 1) (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1669 5)

AS 2549—1996

AS 2549—1996 AS 2550.10—1994 AS 2556—2000

Cranes (including hoists and winch- Elevating work platforms 15pp E Electric resistance welded steel air
es)—Glossary of terms 51pp H Specifies the requirements for the safe use of elevat- heater tubes 5pp D
This Standard provides an alphabetical listing, with illus- ing work platforms. Contains sections on planning, Specifies the method of manufacture, steelmaking process
trations where appropriate, of terms and definitions used in selection, siting, responsibilities, erection, disman- and chemical composition for tubes in the as-welded con-
the AS 1418 series of Standards on the design of cranes tling, pre-operational requirements, operation, main- dition. It also specifies tolerances, number and selection of
(including hoists and winches) and the AS 2550 series of tenance and repairs. Inspection checklists are includ- samples for tests, and the expanding and flattening tests.
Standards on the safe use of cranes. ed in the appendix. (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3525 8)
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0609 6) (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7262 8921 3)
AS/NZS 2557:1999
AS 2550 AS 2550.13—1997 Limits and methods of measurement
Cranes—Safe use Building maintenance units of radio interference characteristics of
18pp F vehicles, motor boats and spark-ignit-
AS 2550.1—2002 Specifies the requirements for the safe use of building ed engine-driven devices
General requirements 59pp J maintenance units as defined in AS 2549. It includes
sections on planning, selection, siting, operation and (CISPR 12:1997) 46pp I
Specifies the minimum requirements for the safe use Provides designers, manufacturers and suppliers of electri-
maintenance, inspection and repair. Appendices pro-
of cranes. It also specifies requirements for planning, vide examples of an inspection and testing certificate, cal and electronic devices for use in vehicles, motor boats
selection, siting, erection and dismantling, operation, and spark-ignited, engine-driven devices with limits and
maintenance, inspection and repair of cranes. and a typical logbook format. It is intended for use
with AS 2550.1, and AS 1418.13 which specifies the methods of measurement to provide protection to the radi-
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4360 9) design and installation requirements for building ofrequency spectrum from radio disturbances. This Stand-
maintenance units. ard is identical with and has been reproduced from CISPR
AS 2550.3—2002 (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1148 0) 12:1997.
Bridge, gantry, portal (including (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2390 X)
container cranes), jib and monorail AS 2550.15—1994
cranes 27pp G Concrete placing equipment AS 2558—1982
Specifies the minimum requirements for the safe use 38pp H Transformers for use on single wire
of bridge, gantry, portal (including container cranes), Specifies the requirements for the safe use of concrete earth return distribution systems
jib and monorail cranes. It also specifies requirements placing equipment, covering planning, selection, sit- Reconfirmed 1987 15pp D
for planning, selection, siting, erection and disman- ing, personnel, erection, dismantling, operation, Relates to isolating and distribution transformers for use
tling, operation, maintenance, inspection and repair maintenance, inspection and assessment. The appen- on SWER distribution systems, and is intended to be used
of the above types of cranes. dices include mandatory and advisory warning and in conjunction with AS 2374, which applies to SWER
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4359 5) safety signs, noise levels, types of accidents and log- transformers except where its requirements are amplified
book data. or modified by this Standard.
AS 2550.4—1994 (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7262 8972 8) (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7262 2643 2)
Tower cranes 14pp E
Amdt 1 12 July 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3868 0) X AS 2550.16—1997 AS 2559
Specifies the requirements for the safe use of tower Mast climbing work platforms Contract for household removals and
cranes, covering planning, selection, siting, person- 34pp H storage
nel, inspection, testing, erection, dismantling, person- Specifies the requirements for the safe use of mast
nel safety, operation, maintenance and repair. The ap- climbing work platforms as defined in AS 2549. It in- AS 2559.1—1988
pendices provide typical inspection and testing cludes sections on proposed site use criteria, site-spe-
certificates as well as inspection testing check sheets. Contractor offers to arrange insur-
cific considerations, supplier's information, site for
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7262 8899 3) erection, erection alteration and dismantling, com- ance 9pp C
mission testing and handover, operation and inspec- Provides a contract for removal and, where appropri-
AS 2550.5—2002 tion testing and repair. Appendices give guidance on ate, storage of household furniture, for use where the
hazards, site inspection check list, handover certifi- contractor offers to arrange insurance. Notes for guid-
Mobile cranes 32pp H cate, record of training, operating instructions, log- ance on insurance are included.
Specifies requirements for the safe use of mobile book format and inspection and test format. It is in- (CS-022) (ISBN 0 7262 5443 6)
cranes. It includes sections on planning, selection, sit- tended for use with AS 2550.1 and AS 1418.16,
ing, erection, dismantling and operation together with which specifies the design requirements for mast
a section on load limiting and indicating devices. AS 2559.2—1988
climbing work platforms.
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4361 7) (ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1495 1) Contractor offers to self insure
9pp C
AS 2550.6—1995 AS 2551—1982 Provides a contract for removal and, where appropri-
Guided storing and retrieving ap- ate, storage of household furniture, for use where the
Steel sheet and strip—Cold-rolled, contractor offers to self insure. Notes for guidance on
pliances 16pp F electrolytic zinc-coated insurance are included.
This Standard specifies requirements for the safe use Reconfirmed 1990 11pp D (CS-022) (ISBN 0 7262 5445 2)
of guided storing and retrieving appliances as defined Specifies three grades of cold-rolled unalloyed low carbon
in AS 2549. It includes sections on planning, selec- steel sheet produced on a continuous mill and zinc coated
tion, erection and dismantling, inspection, testing, op- AS 2560
by an electrolytic process. Supplied as coil or cut lengths
eration, maintenance and logbooks. The appendices in thicknesses from 0.3 mm to 2 mm and in widths from 15 Sports lighting
provide an example of an inspection and testing cer- mm to 1250 mm.
tificate, and a typical logbook format. It is intended AS 2560.1—2002
for use with AS 2550.1 and AS 1418.6 which speci- (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2572 X)
fies the design requirements for such appliances. General principles 35pp H
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0106 X) AS 2552—1982 Specifies general principles, requirements and rec-
Steel sheet and strip—Terne (lead-tin ommendations for lighting of both indoor and out-
door sporting venues but does not cover lighting for
AS 2550.7—1996 alloy) coated television broadcasting. Addresses the visual needs of
Builders' hoists and associated Reconfirmed 1990 12pp D players, officials and spectators and examines the rel-
equipment 23pp F Specifies flat steel sheet and strip, in thicknesses from 0.6 evant photometric parameters and applicable light
Amdt 1 October 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2963 0) B to 2 mm and up to 1220 mm wide, terne-coated by the hot source technologies and luminaire designs. Also
dip process. Provision is made for four grades of steel and specifies terms and methods for measuring and quan-
This Standard specifies the requirements for the safe three classes of terne coating. tifying designs and installations and explains, with
use of builders' hoists and associated equipment as (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2573 8) examples, the effect of maintenance regimes. To be
defined in AS 2549. It includes general sections on used in conjunction with other sport-specific Stand-
planning, selection, siting, erection and dismantling, ards in the AS 2560 series as appropriate. Deals with
personnel, maintenance, inspection and repair as well AS/NZS 2554:1998 the same technical areas as the 1982 edition but in-
as sections which deal with the specific operating and Hose and hose assemblies for air cludes requirements as well as recommendations,
testing requirements of materials-only hoists and per- (ISO 2398 ISO 5774) 8pp D plus updates the terminology of several parameters
sonnel-and-material hoists. An appendix provides an and replaces the concept of 'service illuminance' with
example of an inspection and testing certificate. It is Specifies requirements for hose and hose assemblies for
use with compressed air, and having maximum working that of 'maintained' illuminance.
intended for use with AS 2550.1 and AS 1418.7
which specify the design requirements for such appli- pressures of up to 2.5 MPa. (LG-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4503 2)
ances. (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1895 7)
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0268 6) AS 2560.2
AS 2555—1982 Specific recommendations
AS/NZS 2550.9:1996 Supervised adventure playgrounds—
Vehicle hoists 16pp E Guide to establishment and adminis- AS 2560.2.1—1982
Specifies the requirements for the safe use of vehicle tration 20pp E Lighting for outdoor tennis 9pp C
hoists as defined in AS 2549. It includes sections on Outlines recommended procedures for choosing a site for Provides specific recommendations for lighting for
planning, selection, siting, operation and mainte- and establishing and operating a supervised adventure tennis where played outdoors, and applies to recrea-
nance, inspection and repair. Appendices provide ex- playground where children can develop their own patterns tional, club, national and international levels of play.
amples of an inspection and testing certificate, and a of play, learn to develop skills and use their creative tal- Contains recommendations for provision of appropri-
typical logbook format. It is intended for use with AS ents. It also draws attention to potential hazards within ate background contrasts, control of glare from lumi-
2550.1 and AS/NZS 1418.9 which specifies the de- such a playground and recommends ways in which these naires, provision of appropriate levels of illuminance,
sign and installation requirements for vehicle hoists. can be minimized. and uniformity of illuminance necessary throughout
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0627 4) (CS-005) (ISBN 0 7262 2607 6) the playing area. Provides guidance on the selection

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

of lighting systems and equipment, and gives a visual requirements of participants and spectators. It AS 2566—1982
number of typical installation layouts. is intended to be read in conjunction with the general
(LG-009) (ISBN 0 7262 2626 2) recommendations of AS 2560.1. Plastics pipelaying design
(LG-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8737 7) Available Superseded See also AS/NZS
AS 2560.2.2—1986 2566.1:1998 26pp G
Sets out design practice for vertical deflections up to rec-
Lighting of multipurpose indoor AS 2561—1982 ommended safe design limit of 5% of OD, for plastics
sports centres 3pp B Guide to the determination and use of pipes laid underground, and includes methods for calculat-
Sets out specific recommendations for the lighting of quality costs ing loads, safe bedding depths and deflections under a
indoor sports centres in which a number of sports may range of laying conditions. Formulas for calculation of ver-
be played within the same space. Primarily applies to
Reconfirmed 1994 22pp F tical loads due to fill material, and installation conditions
the provision of electric lighting but some recommen- Discusses methods for use by quality assurance and cost and design constants, are described and illustrated in ap-
dations relate to the integration of electric lighting accounting managers in particular, whereby costs incurred pendices.
and daylight. Does not apply to the lighting of areas in providing high quality products may be identified, con- (PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 2679 3)
in multi-sport complexes that are dedicated to a spe- trolled and minimized. Defines three categories of quality
cific sport nor does it cover requirements for televi- cost prevention, appraisal and failure costs and establishes AS 2567—2002
sion broadcasting. procedures for collection, recording, analysis and report-
(LG-009) (ISBN 0 7262 4133 4) ing of quality cost data. Laminar flow cytotoxic drug safety
(QR-008) (ISBN 0 7262 2627 0) cabinets 15pp F
Specifies requirements for open-fronted laminar flow cy-
AS 2560.2.3—2002 totoxic drug safety cabinets which are intended to provide
Lighting for football (all codes) AS 2562—1982 protection for personnel, the environment, and cytotoxic
14pp F Hydrometers—Portable syringe-type drug products
Specifies requirements particular to lighting grounds for lead-acid batteries (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 4826 0)
for playing Australian Rules, Rugby League, Rugby Reconfirmed 1995 19pp E
Union and Soccer and examines the particular visual Applies to hydrometers for use with large multi-battery AS 2568—1991
tasks associated with this sport. Lighting levels are systems used as emergency back-up systems or with small- Medical gases—Purity of compressed
specified for training, amateur and professional levels er single batteries used in marine and automotive systems.
of play but lighting for television broadcasting is not medical breathing air 4pp C
Specifies essential performance requirements as well as Specifies the levels of purity and analysis of compressed
included. To be read in conjunction with AS 2560.1. impact test procedures for packaging, and guidelines for
Deals with the same technical areas as the 1986 edi- medical breathing air supplied by a pipeline directly from
safe handling, in-service procedures and care of the hy- an air compressor. Definitions, purity of medical breathing
tion but includes requirements as well as recommen- drometers.
dations, the requirements applying to measurement air in terms of maximum allowable concentration of con-
techniques and acceptable levels of various lighting (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2675 0) taminants, and suggested methods of analysis are included.
parameters. Other changes include the introduction of Does not apply to medical breathing air supplied from cyl-
a second uniformity measurement, glare rating re- AS 2563—1996 inders, compressed air for laboratory use, air for driving of
quirements and specified locations for illuminance suction venturis and process control, air for surgical tools
and glare calculations or measurements. Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluores- for dental purposes, and other purposes not involving res-
(LG-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4502 4) cence spectrometers—Determination piration.
of precision 16pp F (HE-017) (ISBN 0 7262 6423 7)
AS 2560.2.4—1986 Describes procedures suitable for testing whether wave-
Lighting for outdoor netball and length dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers are AS 2570—1982
functioning in a manner that will produce precise analyti- Printing specifications for optical
basketball 6pp C cal results. Applicable to both sequential and simultaneous
Sets out specific recommendations for the lighting for spectrometers. character recognition
netball and basketball where played outdoors. Pro- (MN-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0295 3) (ISO 1831:1980) 44pp G
vides recommendations both for recreational or train- Establishes the basis for industry standards for paper and
ing and for competition levels of play, and takes into printing to be used in Optical Character Recognition
account spectator viewing requirements associated AS 2564—1982 (OCR) systems. Provides for the identification and meas-
with these levels of play. Recommendations which Aluminium ores—Determination of urement of, and establishes specifications for, the relevant
are applicable for indoor netball and basketball are parameters and gives guidance for their use. Technically
provided for in AS 2560.2.2. Does not cover require- aluminium, silicon, iron, titanium and identical with ISO 1831:1980.
ments for television broadcasting. phosphorus contents—Wavelength (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2695 5)
(LG-009) (ISBN 0 7262 4135 0) dispersive X-ray fluorescence spec-
trometric method 48pp H AS/NZS 2574:2000
AS 2560.2.5—1994 Sets out a wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence pro- Non-destructive testing—Ultrasonic
Specific recommendations— cedure and includes both a computer program for obtain-
testing of ferritic steel castings
Swimming pools 12pp D ing the results and a statistical evaluation of the method. It
is applicable to all normal aluminium ores regardless of 55pp J
Sets out recommendations for the lighting of indoor mineralogical type. Sets out requirements for ultrasonic testing equipment and
and outdoor swimming pools. Recommendations giv- methods for the testing of specified areas of heat-treated
en are appropriate for the conduct of a variety of pool- (MN-003) (ISBN 0 7262 2677 7)
ferritic steel castings (15 mm or greater in thickness), using
related activities, whether of a competitive or recrea- A-scan presentation. The casting wall is divided into three
tional nature, including swimming, diving and water AS/NZS 2566 zones and acceptance criteria are specified for three stress
polo. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the
general recommendations of AS 2560.1. Buried flexible pipelines levels. Appendices provide guidance on the use of the
Standard, guidance on the nature and identification of dis-
(LG-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8725 3) continuities and procedures for the sizing of discontinui-
AS/NZS 2566.1:1998 ties.
AS 2560.2.6—1994 Structural design (MT-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3473 1)
Specific recommendations—Base- See also AS 2566-1982 27pp G
ball and softball 13pp D Specifies a practice for the structural design of buried AS/NZS 2576:1996
Amdt 1 October 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9260 5) X flexible pipelines which rely upon side support to re- Welding consumables for build-up
Sets out recommendations for lighting for baseball sist vertical loads. The practice applies to pipes with and wear resistance 35pp H
and softball. Recommendations given apply to train- outside diameters equal to or greater than 75 mm, in- Specifies requirements for welding consumables for build-
ing and competition levels of play, and take into ac- itial ring-bending stiffness equal to or greater than up and wear resistance, and defines a classification and
count visual requirements of participants and specta- 1250 N/m/m and long-term ring-bending stiffness designation system based on the properties of the weld de-
tors. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the equal to or greater than 625 N/m/m. posits, the three most important being chemical composi-
general recommendations of AS 2560.1. (WS-028) (ISBN 0 7337 1627 X) tion, microstructure and hardness. Relates these properties
(LG-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8726 1) in a classification system laid out in a manner which allows
AS/NZS 2566.1 Supplement 1:1998 ready selection of a suitable consumable for a specific ap-
AS 2560.2.7—1994 plication. Includes typical photomicrographs for alloy tests
Structural design—Commentary classified.
Specific recommendations—Out- (Supplement to AS/NZS (WD-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0388 7)
door hockey 10pp D 2566.1:1998) 34pp F
Sets out recommendations for lighting for hockey Gives helpful background information to AS/NZS AS 2577
where played outdoors. Recommendations are also
appropriate where hockey to indoor rules is played
2566.1 and emphasizes the need for field compaction Australian fire incident reporting sys-
of the embedment material to be consistent with as- tem
outdoors. Recommendations given apply to training sumptions on which the equations are based. Appen-
and competition levels of play and take into account dix B gives worked examples which illustrate the ap-
visual requirements of participants and spectators. It plication of AS/NZS 2566.1 for the selection of an AS 2577.1—1992
is intended to be read in conjunction with the general
recommendations of AS 2560.1.
appropriate pipe material and class of pipe. Description and implementation
(LG-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8727 X) (WS-028) (ISBN 0 7337 1628 8) 44pp H
Describes the subjects about which information is to
AS 2560.2.8—1994 AS/NZS 2566.2:2002 be reported and discusses methods of implementation
Installation 81pp L of the reporting system. The Australian fire incident
Specific recommendations—Bowl- reporting system (AFIRS) is broadly compatible with
ing greens 7pp C Specifies requirements for the installation of buried both the US national fire incident reporting system
Sets out recommendations for the lighting of bowling flexible pipelines with structural design in accord- (NFIRS) and the New Zealand fire incident reporting
greens. Recommendations given apply to recreational ance with AS/NZS 2566.1. system.
and competition levels of play, and take into account (WS-028) (ISBN 0 7337 4667 5) (FP-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7485 2)

AS 2577.2—1992

AS 2577.2—1992 AS 2582.4—1983 quantitative data necessary to establish test intensities

Vertical impact test by dropping and other quantitative features of test schedules.
Classification and coding 81pp J Technically identical with ISO 4180-2.
Sets out the classification system and codes for the in- (ISO 2248-4:1972) 3pp B (PK-012) (ISBN 0 7262 2903 2)
formation on fires to be reported for national use but Sets out a method of making a vertical impact test on
does not preclude the collection of additional data re- a complete, filled transport package by dropping.
quired by user organizations. Technically identical with ISO 2248-4.
AS/NZS 2588:1998
(FP-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7486 0) (PK-012) (ISBN 0 7262 2804 4) Gypsum plasterboard
(ISO 6308:1980) 21pp F
AS 2578 AS 2582.5—1983 Specifies sizes, tolerances and performance requirements
for gypsum plasterboard. Test methods are given in Ap-
Traffic signal controllers Horizontal impact test (inclined pendices.
plane test, pendulum test) (HE-018) (ISBN 0 7337 1727 6)
AS 2578.1—1983 (ISO 2244-5:1972) 3pp B
Physical and electrical compatibili- Sets out a method for a horizontal impact test (in- AS/NZS 2589
ty 16pp D clined plane test and pendulum test) on a complete, Gypsum linings in residential and light
filled transport package. Technically identical with
Specifies requirements for those characteristics of ISO 2244-5. commercial construction—Applica-
traffic signal controllers which interact with other (PK-012) (ISBN 0 7262 2805 2) tion and finishing
equipment associated with road traffic signal installa-
tions, with the objective of ensuring that, as far as
practicable, controllers from different manufacturers AS 2582.6—1983 AS/NZS 2589.1:1997
will be physically interchangeable, and that the func- Vibration test Gypsum plasterboard 70pp J
tioning of the controller will be independent of the (ISO 2247-6:1972) 2pp B Specifies the requirements for the application and fin-
characteristics of externally connected equipment. It ishing of gypsum plasterboard in residential and light
also specifies certain general requirements for the de- Sets out a method of making a vibration test on a
complete, filled transport package. Technically iden- commercial construction. It provides a choice of lev-
sign and construction of controllers. els of finish which allows flexibility of application.
(LG-006) (ISBN 0 7262 2767 6) tical with ISO 2247-6.
(PK-012) (ISBN 0 7262 2806 0) (BD-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1201 0)
AS 2580—1991 AS 2582.7—1983 AS/NZS 2589.2:1997
Programming languages—Pascal Low pressure test Fibre reinforced gypsum plaster
(ISO/IEC 7185:1990) 78pp J (ISO 2873-7:1973) 2pp B 14pp E
Specifies the semantics and syntax of the computer pro- Amdt 1 May 1986 X Specifies requirements for the application and finish-
gramming language Pascal by defining requirements for a ing of fibre reinforced gypsum plaster products in res-
processor and for a conforming program. Two levels of Sets out a method of subjecting complete, filled trans-
port packages to conditions of low air pressure en- idential and light commercial construction.
compliance are defined for both processors and programs. (BD-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1216 9)
This Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO/ countered in aircraft. Technically identical with ISO
IEC 7185:1990. 2873-7.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6967 0) (PK-012) (ISBN 0 7262 2807 9) AS 2590—1983
Glass fibre reinforced gypsum plaster-
AS 2581—1998 AS 2582.8—1985 board
Pressure-sensitive adhesive labels for Internal hydraulic pressure test Reconfirmed 1991 5pp B
general purpose use 19pp F 2pp B Specifies manufacturing and testing requirements for ma-
Sets out a method of testing packagings and com- terial for use as lining for walls, ceilings and partitions, in-
Specifies requirements for pressure-sensitive adhesive cluding as sheets, mouldings and architectural forms.
(PSA) labels for general purpose use, and includes require- plete, filled packages for resistance to internal pres-
sure. (BD-011) (ISBN 0 7262 2813 3)
ments for labels converted from label stock.
(PK-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1695 4) (PK-012) (ISBN 0 7262 3868 6)
AS 2592—1983
AS 2582 (Frc) AS 2582.9—1985 Gypsum plaster for building purposes
Leakage test 2pp B Reconfirmed 1991 10pp C
Complete, filled transport packages— Sets out a method of testing packagings and com- Applies to gypsum plasters for general use in building, in-
Methods of test plete, filled packages for leakage. cluding plaster for the manufacture of fibrous plaster prod-
Front cover and introduction X (PK-012) (ISBN 0 7262 3869 4) ucts, gypsum plasterboard and glass fibre reinforced gyp-
(PK-012) sum plaster. The composition and physical properties are
specified and methods are included for sampling, determi-
AS 2583—1983 nation of impurities and chlorides, and testing for fineness,
AS 2582 (Lst) Complete, filled transport packages— compressive strength and initial setting time. A method is
Complete, filled transport packages— Distribution trials—Information to be also included for the determination of standard consisten-
Methods of test cy.
recorded (BD-011) (ISBN 0 7262 2815 X)
List of methods X (ISO 4178) 5pp B
(PK-012) Sets out the information to be recorded when carrying out
AS 2593—2001
distribution field trials. Applicable to distribution systems
AS 2582 in which the hazards of stacking, vertical impact, horizon- Boilers—Unattended and limited at-
tal impact, and vibration are encountered or are likely to be tendance 43pp I
Complete, filled transport packages— encountered. Technically identical with ISO 4178. Amdt 1 17 October 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4142 8) X
Methods of test (PK-012) (ISBN 0 7262 2901 6) Specifies requirements for boilers which are intended to be
operated for periods without human supervision. The
AS 2582.1—1983 AS 2584 changes in this edition include the removal of all referenc-
Identification of parts when testing Complete, filled transport packages— es to the regulatory authorities and the introduction of ac-
(ISO 2206-1:1972) 2pp B creditation for boiler attendants, as regulatory authorities
General rules for the compilation of will no longer carry out certification of boiler attendants.
Sets out a system for the identification of parts of performance schedules
complete, filled transport packages that are to be sub- (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3878 8)
jected to testing. Technically identical with ISO
2206.1. AS 2584.1—1983 AS 2594—1983
(PK-012) (ISBN 0 7262 2801 X) General principles Hose and hose assemblies for liquid
(ISO 4180-1) 7pp B chemicals
AS 2582.2—1983 Establishes general rules for the compilation of per- Reconfirmed 1994 6pp B
formance test schedules for complete, filled transport
Conditioning for testing packages intended for use within any distribution sys-
Specifies constructional, dimensional and physical re-
quirements, and resistance to liquids, corrosion, ozone and
(ISO 2233-2:1972) 3pp B tem, whether transported by road, rail, sea, air or in- abrasion. Tests are generally prescribed by reference to AS
Sets out a method of conditioning complete, filled land waterway, or by a combination of these modes of 1180.
transport packages for testing. Technically identical transport. This part states the general principles en- (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2818 4)
with ISO 2233-2. tailed in compiling test schedules, and gives the fac-
(PK-012) (ISBN 0 7262 2802 8) tors to be considered in assessing the criteria of ac-
ceptance of such packages after they have been AS 2595
AS 2582.3—1983
subjected to a package performance test schedule. Electrical equipment for coal mines—
Technically identical with ISO 4180-1. Electrical requirements for under-
Stacking, compression test (PK-012) (ISBN 0 7262 2902 4)
ground mining machines and acces-
(ISO 2234-3:1976 ISO 2872-7:1973 sories
ISO 2874-9:1973) 3pp B AS 2584.2—1983
Sets out a method of testing complete, filled transport Quantitative data
packages for compression resistance. A superim- (ISO 4180-2) 12pp D AS 2595.1—1992
posed load or a compression tester is used to assess This Standard establishes general rules for the compi-
Equipment for use in hazardous ar-
the performance of packages in terms of strength or of lation of performance test schedules for complete, eas 13pp E
the protection offered to the contents when subjected filled transport packages intended for use within any Specifies requirements for the design, construction
to compressive forces. Technically identical with ISO distribution system, whether transported by road, rail, and testing of electric motor-driven coal-mining ma-
2234-3, ISO 2872-7 and ISO 2874-9. sea, air or inland waterway, or by a combination of chinery and accessories intended for use in explosive
(PK-012) (ISBN 0 7262 2803 6) these modes of transport. Part 2 incorporates all the atmospheres of underground coal mines. It covers

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

both battery-operated and mains-powered machines AS 2605—1983 AS 2612—1997

and includes requirements for lighting systems, gas
monitoring, electrical protection, enclosures, inter- Freezer test packages 4pp B Aluminium and aluminium alloys—
locking, wiring, motors and transformers. Require- Specifies requirements for the construction of freezer test Sampling for chemical and spectro-
ments covering the longwall method of mining are in- packages, intended for use in the determination of per- chemical analysis 11pp D
cluded. formance of frozen food retail cabinets (AS 1731), and any
freezer compartment of household refrigerators (AS Specifies methods for obtaining a representative sample of
(EL-023) (ISBN 0 7262 7450 X) 1430), or similar appliances. Three alternative types are aluminium and aluminium alloys and procedures for the
given, with one indicated as preferred. preparation of labratory samples required for the determi-
AS/NZS 2596:1995 nation of their chemical composition by chemical and
(ME-008) (ISBN 0 7262 2883 4) spectrochemical analysis.
Seat belt assemblies for motor vehi- (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1303 3)
cles 66pp I AS 2606—1983
Amdt 1 January 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0921 4) A Vibration and shock—Vocabulary AS 2613—1989
Specifies requirements for seat belt assemblies for use in (ISO 2041) 22pp E Safety devices for gas cylinders
motor vehicles, excluding larger buses, trucks and special- Includes terms and definitions grouped under headings
ly constructed vehicles. It adopts the technical require- general, vibration, mechanical shock and transducers. In- 16pp E
ments of ECE Regulation No 16 with some Australian/ cludes an appendix of auxiliary terms. Generally but not Specifies the designations and requirements for design,
New Zealand variations. wholly identical with ISO 2041. construction, testing and marking of safety devices re-
(CS-075) (ISBN 0 7262 9946 4) (AV-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2884 2) quired by AS 2030, to be fitted to gas cylinders and may be
suitable for LPG fuel vessels covered by AS 1425. Pro-
AS 2598—1983 vides for both metallic and non-metallic fusible plugs,
AS 2609 bursting discs, pressure relief valves, and combinations of
Stabilized power supplies—d.c. out- Materials used for the packaging of these. Includes requirements for performance rating of all
put food and beverages—Methods for the types by type tests, as well as for material, design, con-
struction, identification and marking.
(IEC 478-1 IEC 478-2 IEC 478-3 IEC assessment of odour and taint
478-4) 60pp I (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5927 6)
Applies to stabilized supplies designed to supply d.c. pow- AS 2609.1—1983 AS 2614—1998
er from an a.c. or d.c. source for applications such as, but
not restricted to, computers, telecommunication, laborato- Sensory methods 11pp C Copper and copper alloys—Sampling
ries and industrial equipment. It is in four parts: Part 1, In- Relates to assessment by sensory methods of odour
troduction and definitions, Part 2, Marking, performance and taint packaged foods and beverages from packag- for chemical and spectrochemical
ratings and physical characteristics, Part 3, Electromagnet- ing materials. Includes separate procedures for odour analysis, and physical testing
ic interference emanation tests, and Part 4, Methods of test. and for taint, and sets out recommendations for selec- 15pp E
Based on and technically similar to IEC 478, Parts 1 to 4. tion and operation of test panels. Also provides for se- Sets out methods for obtaining a representative sample of
(EL-027) (ISBN 0 7262 2847 8) lection of model substances for taint test, and a sim- copper and copper alloys and procedures for the prepara-
plified method of sample preparation for the taint test, tion of laboratory samples required for the determination
e.g. for butter and cheese products. of their chemical composition by both chemical and spec-
AS 2601—2001 (PK-027) (ISBN 0 7262 2887 7) trochemical analyses. The samples are taken either from
Demolition of structures 45pp I molten metal or from cast forms. This Standard is also suit-
Sets out guidance on a range of controlled demolition AS 2609.2—1983 able for sampling copper and copper alloys for selective
methods for use by planners, owners, engineers, contrac- physical tests.
tors and other interested parties for the planning and exe- Instrumental methods 5pp B (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2152 4)
cution of demolition of structures. Describes principles of instrumental methods based
(BD-059) (ISBN 0 7337 4053 7) on gas-liquid chromatography. These techniques are
used in quality control work for monitoring levels of AS/NZS 2615:1995
AS/NZS 2604:1998
volatile organic compounds, particularly residual sol- Hydraulic trolley jacks 14pp E
vents, but cannot be used to assess the effect on food Specifies requirements for the design, construction, per-
Sunscreen products—Evaluation and flavour of these components in the absence of sup- formance and labelling of hydraulic trolley jacks.
classification porting data from sensory tests.
(PK-027) (ISBN 0 7262 3157 6) (CS-055) (ISBN 0 7337 0082 9)
See also AS/NZS 2604:1997 and AS/NZS
2604:1993 24pp G AS 2617—1996
Specifies procedures for determining the performance of
AS 2610
sunscreen products in terms of their mean protection fac- Spa pools Sampling from coal seams 14pp E
tors. It gives test methods for both broad-spectrum and wa- Describes procedures suitable for taking samples from coal
ter-resistant sunscreen products, as well as detailed label- seams in underground and open-cut mines by pillar sam-
AS 2610.1—1993 pling, channel sampling, strip sampling, bore core sam-
ling requirements. This edition specifies changes to
category definitions for various tested protection factor Public spas pling, drill cuttings sampling and open-cut slot sampling.
ranges, and provides an explanation in the Preface and See also AS 2610.1-1983 16pp F Does not apply to sampling from production moving
Foreword which better explains the meaning of sun protec- streams or any other source of coal not in place. An exam-
Specifies requirements for design, construction and ple of a form for recording sampling data is provided in an
tion factors. operation of public spa pools based on safety and appendix.
(CS-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2196 6) health considerations. Appendices include chemical
operational parameters, spa heater sizing for outdoor (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0173 6)
AS/NZS 2604:1997 installations and recommended procedures for opera-
tors of public spas. AS/NZS 2619:1998
Sunscreen products—Evaluation and (CS-059) (ISBN 0 7262 8353 3)
classification Information and documentation—For-
Available Superseded See also AS/NZS 2604:1998
mat for information exchange
AS 2610.1—1983 (ISO 2709:1996) 6pp C
and AS/NZS 2604:1993 24pp G Public spas
Specifies procedures for determining the performance of Specifies the requirements for a generalized exchange for-
sunscreen products in terms of their mean protection fac- Available Superseded See also AS 2610.1- mat which will hold records describing all forms of mate-
tors. It gives test methods for both broad-spectrum and wa- 1993 15pp D rial capable of bibliographic description as well as other
ter-resistant sunscreen products, as well as detailed label- Specifies requirements for design, construction and types of records. It is identical with and has been repro-
ling requirements. This edition increases the maximum operation of public spa pools based on safety and duced from ISO 2709:1996.
SPF that may be claimed on the label of a product, recom- health considerations. Appendices include chemical (IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 1849 3)
mends that any sunscreen with a label protection factor operational parameters, spa heater sizing for outdoor
greater than 15 should also be broad spectrum. It gives installations, walkway slope recommendations and AS 2620
measurement limits for the solar simulator output and in- recommended procedures for operators of public
cludes a formula for a higher SPF reference sunscreen spas. Domestic garden hose
product. (CS-059) (ISBN 0 7262 2905 9)
(CS-042) (ISBN 0 7337 1045 X) AS 2620.1—1983
AS 2610.2—1993 Reinforced hose
AS/NZS 2604:1993 Private spas Reconfirmed 1993 11pp C
Sunscreen products—Evaluation and See also AS 2610.2-1983 19pp F Classifies reinforced hose according to pressure rat-
classification Specifies requirements for design, construction and ing, and includes requirements for length, diameter,
Available Superseded See also AS/NZS 2604:1997 operation of private spa pools based on safety and wall thickness, low temperature flexibility, resistance
and AS/NZS 2604:1998 20pp F health considerations. Appendices include chemical to hydrostatic pressure and accelerated exposure.
Amdt 1 April 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8818 7) X operational parameters and spa heater sizing for out- (PL-013) (ISBN 0 7262 2973 3)
door installations.
Sets out procedures for determining the performance of (CS-059) (ISBN 0 7262 8354 1)
sunscreen products in terms of their mean protection fac- AS 2620.2—1983
tors. Includes test methods for broad spectrum and water- Unreinforced hose
resistant sunscreen products. It also specifies appropriate AS 2610.2—1983
detailed labelling requirements. The Standard applies to Reconfirmed 1993 4pp B
Private spas
topical products intended for dermal application, which are Classifies unreinforced hose according to pressure
represented as suitable for topical use to protect human Available Superseded See also AS 2610.2- rating, and includes requirements for length, diame-
skin from the adverse effect of solar ultraviolet rays. It ap- 1993 12pp D ter, wall thickness, low temperature flexibility, resist-
plies to both primary and secondary sunscreen products as Covers similar requirements to Part 1 but is adapted ance to hydrostatic pressure and accelerated expo-
defined. to impose less stringent requirements in some areas. sure.
(CS-042) (ISBN 0 7262 8487 4) (CS-059) (ISBN 0 7262 2906 7) (PL-013) (ISBN 0 7262 2974 1)

AS/NZS 2621:1998

AS/NZS 2621:1998 when selecting the style and type of device to be used; the AS 2634—1983
importance of adequate type and position of anchorage de-
Textiles—Guide to the selection of vice; the necessity for all components (e.g. D-ring and snap Chemical plant equipment made from
correct care labelling instructions hook) to be compatible and safe for use with each other; glass-fibre reinforced plastics (GRP)
from AS/NZS 1957 19pp F correct methods of use; the need for proper inspection, based on thermosetting resins
Sets out guidelines to assist manufacturers in the selection storage and maintenance.
(SF-015) (ISBN 0 7262 3047 2)
36pp H
of appropriate care labelling instructions from AS/NZS
1957 and specifies basic performance requirements and Applies to contact moulded, filament wound and centrifu-
test methods for colourfastness and dimensional stability gal cast laminates, ducting and fittings, pipes and fittings,
AS 2627 and stationary, non-pressure tanks. Design, dimensions,
that may be used to determine whether an article complies
with those requirements when cleaned in accordance with Thermal insulation of dwellings construction and installation are dealt with. Appendices
the instructions on the label. cover general considerations for GRP design, installation
practice including jointing, information required for ten-
(CS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1553 2) AS 2627.1—1993 dering or ordering, and a guide to surface defects (includ-
Thermal insulation of roof/ceilings ing colour prints showing a number of typical defect pat-
AS/NZS 2622:1996 and walls in dwellings terns).
Textile products—Fibre content label- See also HB 63-1994 126pp J (PL-044) (ISBN 0 7262 3021 9)
ling Amdt 1 March 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9636 8) X
(ISO 6939) 6pp C Specifies requirements and recommendations relat- AS/NZS 2635:2002
Specifies methods of labelling textile products with fibre ing to the additional thermal resistance for the roof/ Solaria for cosmetic purposes 8pp E
content information. This revision clarifies allowable tol- ceiling space over the heated or cooled areas and
walls of those areas of dwellings that are heated or Sets out requirements for installing, maintaining and oper-
erances as well as the components included in the fibre ating solaria for cosmetic purposes.
content determination of a textile product. cooled for substantial periods of the year.
(CS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0669 X) (BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 8417 3) (CS-064) (ISBN 0 7337 4446 X)

AS 2625 AS 2629—1983 AS 2636—1994

Rotating and reciprocating machin- Separable insulated connectors for Sampling of venous and capillary
ery—Mechanical vibration power distribution systems above 1 blood for the determination of lead or
kV cadmium concentration 8pp D
AS 2625.1—1983 (IEEE 386-1977) 32pp F Specifies the procedures for the sampling of blood, using
Basis for specifying evaluation Applies to connectors, load-break up to 200 A and dead- needle and syringes or vacuum systems, for the subsequent
break up to 1200 A, for use on power distribution systems determination of cadmium or lead. The Standard also in-
standards at alternating voltages above 1 kV to 36 kV. Includes illus- cludes appendices which describe the method for deter-
(ISO 2372) 9pp C trations of system components and dimensioned drawings mining the contaminant analyte level in collection equip-
Provides framework for preparing a standard for the for the range of connection interfaces specified. ment, containers and swabs.
evaluation of the vibration severity of a machine in (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 3004 9) (CH-036) (ISBN 0 7262 8827 6)
the operating range 10 r/s to 200 r/s. Does not apply
to the evaluation of vibration of machines with re- AS 2631—1983
spect to noise control. Considers only those vibra- AS 2637—1983
tions occurring in the surfaces of the machines, on the Information processing—Self-loading Aluminium ores—Determination of hy-
bearings, or at the mounting points, in the frequency cartridges for 12.7 mm wide magnetic groscopic moisture in analytical sam-
range 10 Hz to 1000 Hz. tape
(AV-009) (ISBN 0 7262 3002 4) ples—Gravimetric method 5pp B
(ISO 6098) 14pp D Describes procedures for preparation of samples and hy-
Specifies mechanical and functional interchangeability re- groscopic moisture determination after oven drying. Ap-
AS 2625.2—1983 quirements for self-loading cartridges, to be used with plies to hygroscopic moisture contents in the range of 0.1%
Test and measurement conditions reels of 12.7 mm wide magnetic tape specified in AS 1011. to 5% H2O.
for rotating electrical machines Technically identical with ISO 6098.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3018 9) (MN-003) (ISBN 0 7262 3051 0)
(ISO 2373 IEC 34-14) 6pp B
Relates to vibration severity of machines run alone
AS 2632 AS 2638
under controlled test conditions. Applies to d.c. and
3-phase a.c. machines with shaft heights 56 mm and Codes for the representation of names Gate valves for waterworks purposes
higher and at a rated power of up to 50 MW, at nom- of countries and their subdivisions
inal speeds from 10 r/s up to and including 60 r/s. AS 2638.1—2002
Vertical machines with shaft height below 400 mm
are also covered but only if measured in a state of soft AS 2632.1—1999 Metal seated 32pp H
suspension. Country codes This Standard specifies requirements for Class 16 and
(AV-009) (ISBN 0 7262 3106 1) (ISO 3166.1:1997) 58pp J Class 35 solid gate metal-bodied and metal-seated
Provides the universally applicable coded representa- gate valves for waterworks purposes, with a maxi-
AS 2625.3—1983 tion of names of countries, dependencies and other ar- mum operating temperature of 40 degree Celsius.
Measurement and evaluation of vi- eas of particular geopolitical interest and their subdi- (WS-022) (ISBN 0 7337 4791 4)
vision. This Standard is identical with and has been
bration severity of large machines reproduced from ISO 3166.1:1997.
in situ AS 2638.1—1999
(IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2553 8)
(ISO 3945) 3pp B Metal seated
Sets out the procedure for evaluating vibration per- AS/NZS 2632.2:1999 Obsolescent 6 September 2002 26pp G
formance of large machines with rotating masses and Country subdivision code Amdt 1 19 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3776 5) X
a power of more than 300 kW and speeds from 10 r/s
to 200 r/s. These machines can either be coupled rig- (ISO 3166-2:1998) 105pp L Specifies requirements for inside screw solid wedge,
idly or flexibly or can be connected through gears. It Provides the structure for a code for the representa- metal-seated sluice valves in non-rising stem design,
is concerned only with the severity of the mechanical tion of names of principal administrative divisions, or for waterworks purposes. This Standard is applicable
vibration of individual machine systems and not with similar areas, of countries etc. included in Part 1 of to Class 14, Class 16, Class 21 and Class 35 valves of
the sound energy radiated from individual vibrating this Standard. This Standard is identical with and re- nominal sizes DN 80 to DN 750, with a maximum
parts. produced from ISO 3166-2:1998. working temperature of 60°C.
(AV-009) (ISBN 0 7262 3220 3) (IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 3055 8) (WS-022) (ISBN 0 7337 2821 9)

AS 2625.4—1986 AS/NZS 2632.3:1999 AS 2638.2—2002

Measurements and evaluation of Codes for formerly used names of Resilient seated 33pp H
vibration severity of small rotating countries This Standard specifies requirements for Class 16 and
machines 4pp B (ISO 3166-3:1998) 11pp E solid gate metal-bodied resilient-seated gate valves
Sets out the procedure for evaluating the vibration se- Provides the principles and maintenance arrange- for waterworks purposes, with a maximum operating
verity of rotating machines with powers less than 300 ments of a code for the representation of country temperature of 40 degree Celsius.
kW and speeds from 10 r/s to 200 r/s. These machines names removed from editions 1 to 4 of ISO 3166 (AS (WS-022) (ISBN 0 7337 4790 6)
may be coupled rigidly or flexibly or they may be 2632) and the consecutive edition of ISO 3166-1 (AS
connected through gears. It does not apply to prime 2632.1). This Standard is identical with and repro-
movers or driven equipment in which the major work- duced from ISO 3166-3:1999. AS 2638.2—1999
ing components have a reciprocating motion. (IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 3064 7) Resilient seated
(AV-009) (ISBN 0 7262 4283 7) Obsolescent 6 September 2002 24pp G
AS/NZS 2633:1996 Amdt 1 19 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3777 3) X
AS 2626—1983 Guide to the specification of colours Specifies requirements for inside screw metal-bodied
Industrial safety belts and harness- 32pp F resilient seated sluice valves in non-rising stem de-
es—Selection, use and maintenance Provides information on factors which should be taken into sign, for waterworks purposes. This Standard is appli-
9pp C account when specifying colours. Describes various meth- cable to Class 16 valves of nominal sizes DN 80 to
Sets out recommendations and identifies matters consid- ods that may be used to specify colours, giving guidance in DN 750 with a maximum working temperature of
ered essential for safe use of the belts and harnesses. As- the selection of the appropriate method. 60°C.
pects covered include factors to be taken into account (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0625 8) (WS-022) (ISBN 0 7337 2822 7)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2639—1994 ta, program and system flowcharts, AS 2658—1988

Laminar flow cytotoxic drug safety program network charts and systems Liquefied petroleum (LP) gas—Porta-
cabinets—Installation and use resources charts ble and mobile appliances 33pp F
16pp F (ISO 5807-1985) 25pp E Specifies requirements for mechanical design, gas lines
Sets out recommended practices for the installation, oper- Specifies symbols to be used in information processing and connections, ergonomic requirements and a full range
ation, maintenance, decontamination and inspection of documentation and gives guidance on the conventions for of safety and performance tests for portable and mobile LP
open-fronted laminar flow cytotoxic drug safety cabinets. their use in data flowcharts, program network charts and gas appliances used primarily within the leisure industry;
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7262 8831 4) system resources charts. Identical with and has been repro- i.e. portable and mobile barbecues and cookers, portable
duced from ISO 5807-1985. space heaters, gas lights and portable and mobile refriger-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4727 8) ators and freezers.
AS/NZS 2640:1994 (CS-052) (ISBN 0 7262 5100 3)
Portable ramps for vehicles
(BS Au 224a) 13pp E AS/NZS 2647:2000
Biological safety cabinets—Installa- AS 2659
Specifies safety and performance requirements for porta-
ble ramps used in the maintenance and display of motor tion and use 28pp G Guide to the use of sound measuring
vehicles. Design requirements and testing methods are in- Provides requirements and recommended practices for the equipment
cluded covering strength, structural integrity, roll-off and installation, operation, decontamination, maintenance and
ease of mounting (drive on test). inspection of Classes I and II biological safety cabinets. AS 2659.1—1988
(CS-043) (ISBN 0 7262 8820 9) (ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 3297 6) Portable sound level meters
AS 2641—1983 26pp F
AS/NZS 2648 Gives guidance in the use of sound level meters for
Vibration and shock—Balancing—Vo- Underground marking tape the taking of objective sound measurements accord-
cabulary ing to standardized procedures. Applies also to micro-
(ISO 1925) 12pp D AS/NZS 2648.1:1995 phones, extension cables, windscreens, and calibra-
Provides definitions grouped under mechanics, rotors, un- tion equipment normally supplied with portable
balance, balancing, balancing machines and equipment,
Non-detectable tape 6pp C sound level meters.
flexible rotors, rotating rigid free-bodies. Based on, and Specifies requirements for printed underground (AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4922 X)
substantially in agreement with, ISO 1925. marking tape suitable for use in conjunction with un-
(AV-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3058 8) derground public utility services as a means of indi-
cating the proximity of a service. It applies to tape AS 2659.2—1983
which is not detectable by metal detectors. Portable equipment for integration
AS/NZS 2642 (PL-030) (ISBN 0 7262 9572 8) of sound signals 11pp D
Polybutylene pipe systems Provides guidance on types of integrating (or averag-
AS 2649—1983 ing) sound level meters and sound exposure (or noise
AS/NZS 2642.1:1994 Petroleum liquids and gases—Meas- dose) meters, and when read in conjunction with Part
Polybutylene (PB) pipe extrusion urement—Standard reference condi- 1, provides guidance on the use of sound measuring
compounds 11pp D instruments including microphones, extension cables,
tions windscreens and calibration equipment normally sup-
Specifies the requirements for polybutylene extrusion plied with such instruments, under various physical
compounds suitable for making polybutylene pipe for (ISO 5024) 3pp A
Specifies standard reference conditions of pressure and and environmental conditions, with the intention of
hot and cold water applications. Polybutylene com- ensuring that measurements will be reproducible and
pound complying with this Standard is not intended to temperature for use in measurements on crude petroleum
and its products, both liquid and gaseous. Identical with comparable.
be manufactured into pipes for use in gas reticulation.
ISO 5024. (AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3227 0)
(PL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8553 6)
(ME-049) (ISBN 0 7262 3117 7)
AS/NZS 2642.2:1994 AS 2660—1991
Polybutylene (PB) pipe for hot and AS/NZS 2650:2000 Hose and hose assemblies—Air/wa-
cold water applications 11pp D Common specifications for high-volt- ter—For underground coal mines
Specifies materials, dimensions and performance re- age switchgear and controlgear stand- (ISO/TR 8354:1987) 6pp C
quirements for polybutylene pipe for hot and cold wa- ards Amdt 1 May 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7439 9) X
ter applications, including domestic, industrial and (IEC 60694:1996) 82pp L Specifies requirements for fire-resistant and anti-static
agricultural purposes. Applies to pipes of up to 125 Specifies requirements common to most high-voltage a.c. (FRAS) hose and hose assemblies for conveying air, stone
mm nominal outside diameter with a wall thickness switchgear and controlgear equipment Standards. It is in- dust and water in underground coal mines.
no greater than 15 mm but does not apply to a wall tended to be used as a base document in conjunction with (RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6851 8)
thickness of less than 1.6 mm. those equipment Standards that make extensive reference
(PL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8555 2) to its clauses. Its requirements become effective as speci- AS 2661—1983
fied in or as modified by those Standards.
AS/NZS 2642.3:1994 (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3263 1)
Vapour degreasing plant—Design, in-
Mechanical jointing fittings for use stallation and operation—Safety re-
with polybutylene (PB) pipes for AS 2651—1983 quirements 17pp F
Sets out safety requirements for the design, construction
hot and cold water applications Liquid hydrocarbons—Volumetric and installation of vapour degreasing plant with or without
21pp F measurement by turbine meter sys- ultrasonic agitation. Provides also recommended methods
Amdt 1 May 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9741 0) X tems for the safe operation of such plant and prescribes the in-
spection and maintenance procedures relevant to the safety
Specifies the requirements for mechanical jointing (ISO 2715) 22pp E of persons. Appendices cover a recommended method for
fittings suitable for use as fixed joints with polybuty- Amdt 1 May 1984 X
lene pipes manufactured in accordance with AS plant cleaning, and first aid in emergencies. It does not
2642.2. Provides guidance for the design, installation and mainte- cover surface treatment processes or aqueous or alkaline
nance of turbine metering assemblies. It includes appendi- degreasing.
(PL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8556 0) ces giving details of the parts and characteristics of turbine (SF-024) (ISBN 0 7262 3188 6)
meters and provides a trouble shooting guide. Technically
AS 2643—1991 equivalent to ISO 2715.
Fluorescent lamp ballasts of reactive (ME-049) (ISBN 0 7262 3108 8) AS 2662
type—Performance requirements Corrosion inhibition (rust-proofing)—
(IEC 921:1991) 21pp G AS 2652—1983 Motor vehicles
Specifies performance requirements for ballasts of the re- Liquid hydrocarbons—Volumetric
active type designed for use with tubular fluorescent lamps measurement by displacement meter AS 2662.1—1983
specified in AS 1201. Applies to complete ballasts and
systems other than dispensing pumps Product 20pp E
their component parts such as reactors, transformers and Specifies performance and labelling requirements for
capacitors (having a capacitance of not more than 0.1 mi- (ISO 2714) 12pp C corrosion inhibition products (commonly known as
cro F. Based on IEC 921. Provides guidance for the design, installation, operation rust-proofing products) which are intended for appli-
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 6566 7) and maintenance of metering systems having one or more cation to fully assembled new or used motor vehicles.
displacement meters. Its content is common to all displace- In particular, it relates to products which are intended
AS 2644—1990 ment meters. A typical arrangement of a meter station with to inhibit rust forming in concealed areas, and/or ex-
three displacement meters is shown. Technically equiva- posed areas of a motor vehicle.
Capacitors for use in discharge lamp lent with ISO 2714.
circuits (CS-057) (ISBN 0 7262 3194 0)
(ME-049) (ISBN 0 7262 3116 9)
(IEC 566) 16pp E AS 2662.2—1988
Specifies requirements for self-healing and non-self-heal- AS 2657—1985
ing capacitors rated greater than 0.1µF, and intended for Powered rotary lawnmowers Treatment of vehicles 41pp G
use in tubular fluorescent, high-pressure mercury and low- Sets out procedures which are to be followed when
pressure sodium vapour discharge lamp circuits. Based on (ISO 5395) 20pp E applying corrosion inhibition products (commonly
IEC 566. Specifies safety requirements for rotary lawnmowers in- known as rust-proofing products) to motor vehicles.
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 5882 2) cluding both petrol and electric types. A comprehensive set The Standard describes pretreatment procedures, pos-
of test methods is employed to check the adequacy of de- sible accesses to surfaces that are to be treated, appli-
sign of the safety features and the robustness of the mower. cation requirements, inspection and finishing require-
AS 2645—1987 The Standard is based on, but is not technically identical ments as well as retreatment procedures if the
Information processing—Documenta- to, ISO 5395. conditions of contract require that the vehicle be peri-
tion symbols and conventions for da- (CS-033) (ISBN 0 7262 3894 5) odically retreated. Further, the Standard includes

AS 2663

sample 'Data Sheets' which are required to be pre- AS 2668—1983 AS 2676

pared by the rustproofer before the vehicle is treated. Guide to the installation, maintenance,
Water for use in secondary batteries
(CS-057) (ISBN 0 7262 5042 2) testing and replacement of secondary
(BS 4974:1975)
Reconfirmed 1989 12pp E batteries in buildings
AS 2663
Specifies requirements for water intended for use as a con-
Textiles—Woven and knitted fabrics stituent of the electrolyte for secondary batteries of both AS 2676.1—1992
for window furnishings the lead-acid and alkaline type. Limits of impurities that Vented cells 37pp H
are considered harmful to batteries are stipulated and the Sets out recommended practices for the installation,
method of determining the amount of each impurity maintenance, testing and replacement of vented sec-
AS 2663.1—1997 present is described in the appendices. ondary batteries permanently installed in buildings.
Uncoated fabrics 8pp D (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 3214 9) (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7303 1)
Amdt 1 July 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2758 1) X
Specifies performance and labelling requirements for AS 2669—1983 AS 2676.2—1992
three classifications of woven and knitted curtain fab- Sulphuric acid for use in lead-acid bat- Sealed cells 28pp G
(TX-018) (ISBN 0 7337 1271 1)
teries Part 2 sets out recommended practices for the instal-
lation, maintenance, testing and replacement of
Reconfirmed 1989 25pp G sealed secondary batteries permanently installed in
Specifies requirements for sulphuric acid intended for use buildings.
AS 2663.2—1999 in electrolyte solutions of secondary batteries of the lead- (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7302 3)
Coated curtain fabrics 16pp G acid type. Limits of impurities that are considered harmful
to lead-acid batteries are stipulated and the method of de-
Sets out requirements for three performance levels of termining the amount of each impurity present is described AS 2677—1983
coated fabrics for curtains for domestic or commer-
cial use. in the appendices. Inflatable boats
(TX-018) (ISBN 0 7337 2759 X) (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 3215 7) (ISO 6185) 6pp C
Specifies requirements for the design, materials and con-
AS 2670 struction of inflatable boats intended to be used on public
AS 2663.3—1999 waterways. Not applicable to inflatable life rafts. Techni-
Vertical and holland blinds Evaluation of human exposure to cally identical to ISO 6185.
16pp G whole-body vibration (CS-047) (ISBN 0 7262 3237 8)
Sets minimum performance requirements for vertical AS 2670.1—2001 AS 2678
and holland blinds. Includes a test for opacity and
proposes minimum levels for specifying whether the General requirements Zinc sulfide concentrates—Chemical
blind is 'light-filtering', 'room-darkening' or 'block- (ISO 2631-1:1997) 31pp H analysis
Defines methods for the measurement of periodic,
(TX-018) (ISBN 0 7337 2760 3) random and transient whole-body vibration and indi- AS 2678.1—1999
cates the principal factors that combine to determine Determination of zinc content—
AS 2664—1983 the degree to which vibration exposure will be accept- Solvent extraction and EDTA titri-
able. Informative annexes provide guidance based on metric method
Earthmoving machinery—Seat belts current opinion on the possible effects of vibration on
and seat belt anchorages health, comfort and perception and motion sickness. (ISO 13291:1997) 18pp H
(ISO 6683) 3pp B This Standard is identical with and has been repro- Sets out a solvent extraction/titrimetric method for
duced from ISO 2631-1:1997. determination of zinc contents in the range 11% to
Sets out requirements for seat belt assemblies for operators 62% in zinc sulfide concentrates. This Standard is
of earthmoving machines. The seat belts are intended to be (AV-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4153 3)
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
fitted to machines fitted with roll-over protective structures 13291:1997.
(ROPS). The Standard is based on ISO 6683 although AS 2670.2—1990 (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2868 5)
some modifications have been made for Australian condi-
tions. Continuous and shock-induced vi-
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 3196 7) bration in buildings (1 to 80 Hz) AS 2678.2—1999
(ISO 2631-2:1989) 18pp F Determination of zinc content—
AS 2665—2001 Provides guidance on human response to building vi- Ion-exchange method
brations and gives weighting curves of frequency re- (ISO 12739:1997) 21pp H
Smoke/heat venting systems—De- sponse for equal conveyance of humans to continuous Sets out an ion-exchange titrimetric method for the
sign, installation and commissioning and intermittent vibration. Measurement methods are determination of zinc contents in the range 11% to
16pp F also given. Identical with and reproduced from ISO 62% in zinc sulfide concentrates. This Standard is
2631-2:1989. identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
Specifies requirements for the design, installation and
commissioning of a system of sutomatic smoke/heat re- (AV-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6341 9) 12739:1997.
lease vents in conjunction with associated smoke reser- (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2869 3)
voirs in buildings. AS 2670.4—2001
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 4189 4) Guidelines for the evaluation of the AS 2678.3—2002
effects of vibration and rotational Determination of zinc content—Hy-
AS 2665—1983 motion on passenger and crew droxide precipitation and EDTA ti-
Smoke/heat venting systems—De- comfort in fixed-guideway trans- trimetric method
sign, installation and commissioning port systems (ISO 13658:2000) 24pp H
Sets out a hydroxide precipitation/EDTA titrimetric
10pp E (ISO 2631-4:2001) 9pp E method for determining the zinc content of zinc
Sets out requirements for the design, installation and com- Provides guidance on the evaluation of the effects of sulfide concentrates. This Standard is identical with
missioning of smoke/heat release vents in conjunction mechanical vibration on the comfort of passengers and has been reproduced from ISO 13658:2000.
with associated draught curtains and inlet ventilation in a and crew in fixed-guideway systems. This Standard is (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4231 9)
building, for the purpose of venting smoke and hot gases identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
from the building in the event of fire. 2631-4:2001. AS 2678.4—2002
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 3203 3) (AV-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4154 1) Determination of silver content—
Acid dissolution and flame atomic
AS 2666—1996 AS 2671—2002 absorption spectrometric method
Pressure-sensitive adhesive label Hydraulic fluid power—General re- (ISO 15247:1999) 16pp G
stock—Paper 21pp F quirements for systems (ISO Sets out an acid dissolution AAS method for deter-
Amdt 1 June 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1199 5) X 4413:1998, MOD) 70pp L mining the silver content of zinc sulfide concentrates.
Specifies requirements for general purpose, pressure-sen- Specifies requirements for the design and manufacture of This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
sitive adhesive (PSA) paper-based label stock. hydraulic fluid power systems. This Standard is an adop- duced from ISO 15247:1999.
(PK-014) (ISBN 0 7337 0204 X) tion with Australian modifications and has been repro- (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4230 0)
duced from ISO 4413:1998.
(ME-035) (ISBN 0 7337 4740 X) AS 2678.5—2002
AS 2667—1983 Determination of silver and gold
Chemical testing—Sampling—Glos- AS 2675—1983 contents—Fire assay and flame
sary of terms 5pp C Portable first aid kits for use by con- atomic absorption spectrometric
Defines terms most frequently used in relation to the sam- sumers 3pp B method using scorification or cu-
pling of materials for the determination of their physical
and/or chemical characteristics. It is of a general nature, Amdt 1 March 1988 X pellation
and does not contain terms for sampling in specialist areas, Specifies contents of three different sizes of portable first (ISO 15428:1998) 28pp H
for which reference should be made to other specific aid kit for consumers. Optional contents are also listed. Sets out a fire assay flame AAS method for determin-
Standards. Terms are also grouped according to sample Quality, labelling and packaging requirements with re- ing the silver and gold contents of zinc sulfide con-
identification, sampling and procedures and statistics of spect to the contents are specified, and the inclusion of centrates. This Standard is identical with and has been
sampling. An index is provided. nominated first aid instructions is required. reproduced from ISO 15248:1998.
(CH-023) (ISBN 0 7262 3212 2) (CS-049) (ISBN 0 7262 3234 3) (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4229 7)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2678.6—2002 tion equipment used in surgical procedures. Defini- AS 2698.1—1984

tions, performance requirements and information to
Determination of gold content— be supplied by the manufacturer are laid down. Ap- Polyethylene micro-irrigation
Acid dissolution/solvent extrac- pendices give methods for determining maximum pipe 10pp D
tion/flame absorption spectromet- suction pressure and determination of free air flow. Amdt 1 May 1986 X
ic method (HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3773 6) Specifies requirements for small diameter, low pres-
(ISO 15249:1998) 16pp G sure polyethylene pipe suitable for use in the Austral-
AS 2687—1997 ian environment at temperatures up to 60°C. It pro-
Sets out a flame AAS method for determining the vides for two types according to type classification of
gold content of zinc sulfide concentrates. This Stand- Textiles—Upholstery fabrics for do- extrusion compound in AS 1463 and one pressure
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from mestic and commercial use (excluding class with a maximum working pressure of 0.3 MPa
ISO 15249:1998. at 20°C. Nominal inside diameter range is 10 to 32
(MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4228 9) face-coated fabrics) 11pp D
Classifies upholstery fabrics on the basis of wear charac- mm. Tests are given in appendices.
teristics. It sets out for each class of fabric performance re- (PL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 3431 1)
AS 2680—1984 quirements in respect of abrasion resistance, colourfast-
Acoustics—Performance for tape re- ness, dimensional change and other appropriate physical AS 2698.2—2000
cording equipment for use in acousti- characteristics.
(TX-018) (ISBN 0 7337 1269 X)
Polyethylene rural pipe 5pp D
cal measurement systems 4pp B Specifies requirements for polyethylene pipe for use
Specifies the minimum performance requirements for tape in rural applications above and below ground. It is not
recording equipment used in the analysis of acoustical sig- AS 2688—1984 applicable to pipes for fuel gas.
nals. It deals only with those aspects of design and opera- Timber doors 21pp E (PL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3313 1)
tion of tape recording equipment. It highlights the fact that
the function of circuitry for automatic gain control and Amdt 1 March 1985 X
noise reduction, e.g. Dolby system, is not compatible with Specifies basic general purpose timber doors within set AS 2698.3—1990
the requirements of acoustical measurements. height and width limits. It covers flush doors with cellular, Mechanical joint fittings for use
(AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3269 6) intermediate rail, blockboard and particleboard cores, and
joinery doors of ledged and braced, frame ledged, panelled with polyethylene micro-irrigation
and louvred types. It does not cover doors used in fire-re- pipes 15pp E
AS 2681—1984 sistant door-sets, special purpose doors or doors that are Specifies requirements for mechanical joint fittings
Performance of household electrical higher or wider than the maximum specified. An appendix intended for use with polyethylene micro-irrigation
appliances—Ventilating fans gives guidance on information to be given with enquiries pipes in accordance with AS 2698.1.
and orders. (PL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6010 X)
(IEC 60665) 13pp D (BD-021) (ISBN 0 7262 3308 0)
Amdt 1 November 1984 X
Specifies design, performance and corresponding test re- AS/NZS 2699
quirements of ventilating fans for air intake and exhaust, AS 2689—1984 Built-in components for masonry con-
intended for household and similar applications and for Timber doorsets 9pp D struction
connection to a d.c. or single-phase a.c. supply at voltages Specifies requirements for timber doorsets, i.e. an assem-
not exceeding 250 V. It applies to all household type ven- bly comprising a door manufactured in accordance with AS/NZS 2699.1:2000
tilating fans including wall fans, window fans, kitchen and AS 2688 and its hanging frame. Profiles are given for tim-
bathroom exhaust fans and fans supplying or extracting air ber door frames, door jamb linings and split jamb linings Wall ties 40pp I
through ducting. and for timber thresholds. An appendix gives guidance on Specifies requirements for wall ties for masonry and
(EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 3266 1) information to be given with enquiries and orders. masonry-veneer walls of Type A and Type B, includ-
(BD-021) (ISBN 0 7262 3309 9) ing cavity, veneer and remedial.
AS 2682—1984 (BD-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3023 X)
Performance of household electrical AS 2690
appliances—Range hoods Motor vehicle sale contracts AS/NZS 2699.2:2000
(IEC 60665) 9pp D Connectors and accessories
Amdt 1 November 1984 X AS 2690.1—1987 33pp H
Specifies design, performance and corresponding test re- Contract for the sale of a used mo- Specifies performance requirements covering corro-
quirements for range hoods intended for household use, sion resistance and tests for structural serviceability,
containing a fan and motor rated at not more than 500 W tor vehicle 11pp D for connectors and accessories built into masonry.
and including any associated regulators, for operation on Sets out a contract for the sale of a used motor vehi- (BD-028) (ISBN 0 7337 3295 X)
d.c. or 50 Hz a.c. at voltages up to 250 V. It applies to range cle. Includes notes for the guidance of users of the
hoods intended to filter cooking vapours from the space contract.
above a domestic range or cooking top and to either recir- (CS-022) (ISBN 0 7262 4611 5)
AS/NZS 2699.3:2002
culate or exhaust the treated air. Lintels and shelf angles (durability
(EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 3267 X) AS/NZS 2693:1993 requirements) 25pp G
Vehicle jacks 16pp F Sets out the requirements for methods of testing the
AS 2683—2000 durability performance of steel lintel and shelf angles
Amdt 1 April 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8844 6) X that are built into masonry.
Hose and hose assemblies for distri- Specifies design and performance requirements for jacks,
bution of petroleum and petroleum (BD-028) (ISBN 0 7337 4878 3)
other than trolley jacks, which are intended for use with
products (excepting LPG) cars, trucks, trailers and other road vehicles. Covers jacks
(ISO 1825:1996 ISO 2929:1991) supplied with new vehicles as well as those supplied as ac- AS 2699—1984
29pp G cessories or replacements. Test methods for stability, dura- Wall ties for masonry construction (in-
bility, loss of height under load, ease of operation and load corporating Amdt 1 1986) 10pp D
Specifies requirements for hose and hose assemblies for capacity are included.
conveying petroleum and petroleum products, except for (CS-055) (ISBN 0 7262 8301 0)
Amdt 2 December 1986 X
liquefied petroleum gas, at product temperatures up to Specifies the properties of wall ties for use in cavity walls
65°C in ambient temperatures ranging from -20°C to 55°C. of brick or block, and in masonry veneer walls in which
Intended for hose applications involving road and rail AS/NZS 2696:1996 masonry is tied to a supporting frame. Ties are graded into
tankers, metered pumps, farm tanks, reeling, aviation and Medical devices—Polymer urethral four classifications depending on their characteristic
general plant operations. strength and characteristic stiffness. Appendices give min-
(RU-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3479 0) catheters for general medical use imum labelling requirements and test methods for resist-
23pp F ance to moisture movement, strength and stiffness.
AS 2686 Amdt 1 March 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2525 2) X (BD-028) (ISBN 0 7262 3342 0)
Dental equipment—Suction systems Specifies requirements for polymer urethral catheters,
manufactured sterile and non-sterile, and intended to be in- AS 2700 (Set)
troduced through the urethra into the urinary bladder. Ap-
AS 2686.1—1984 pendices include methods for determining catheter balloon Colour Standards for general purpos-
Central systems performance, flow rate, in-use compatibility and cytoxici- es
(BS 5185-1975) ty. Comprises Standard and fanfold
Reconfirmed 1994 23pp G (HE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0540 5) $247.50 Retail $185.62 Member
Sets out basic requirements for central dental suction (CH-003)
pipeline services (high and low flow suction) for dry, AS 2697—1990
wet and semi-dry line systems in dental surgeries and Jumper leads for automotive starting AS 2700—1996
hospitals. Mobile systems are excluded. Classifica-
tion, definitions, surgery equipment requirements, 6pp C Colour Standards for general purpos-
valves and pumps, installation, maintenance, safety Specifies requirements for jumper leads used for jump es 14pp J
and testing requirements are laid down. Marking of starting motor vehicles. The minimum length and current Defines 206 reference colours to assist with the specifica-
pumphouse equipment is also specified. rating of jumper leads are specified. Tests for current rat- tion and matching of colours used in industrial, architectur-
(HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3310 2) ing and strength of cable terminations are included in ap- al and decorative areas, with particular emphasis on paints
pendices. and related materials. Provides an explanatory text with
(EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 6032 7) tabulated colour data and practical equivalent colours, to-
AS 2686.2—1985 gether with a foldout chart which gives a general indication
Mobile systems 5pp C AS 2698 of the range of colours. However, for colour matching pur-
Specifies requirements for mobile, self-contained poses, the individual colour cards incorporated in AS
high and low volume dental suction equipment. Does Plastics pipes and fittings for irriga- 2700S should be used.
not apply to venturi systems or high vacuum low suc- tion and rural applications (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0618 5)

AS 2700S—1996

AS 2700S—1996 AS 2700S—1996 (B42) AS 2700S—1996 (G21)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Swatches es—Purple Grey A es—Jade A
206 colour cards available as a set
$198.00 Retail $148.50 Member
Individually A AS 2700S—1996 (B43) AS 2700S—1996 (G22)
Consists of 206 colour reference cards bound together so Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
that the colours may be displayed as a fan to facilitate col- es—Grey Blue A es—Serpentine A
our matching. The individual cards may also be purchased
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0639 8)
AS 2700S—1996 (B44) AS 2700S—1996 (G23)
AS 2700S—1996 (B11) Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
Colour Standards for general purpos- es—Light Grey Blue A es—Shamrock A
es—Rich Blue A
AS 2700S—1996 (B45) AS 2700S—1996 (G24)
AS 2700S—1996 (B12) Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
Colour Standards for general purpos- es—Sky Blue A es—Fern Green A
es—Royal Blue A
AS 2700S—1996 (B51) AS 2700S—1996 (G25)
AS 2700S—1996 (B13) Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
Colour Standards for general purpos- es—Periwinkle A es—Olive A
es—Navy Blue A
AS 2700S—1996 (B53) AS 2700S—1996 (G26)
AS 2700S—1996 (B14) Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
Colour Standards for general purpos- es—Dark Grey Blue A es—Apple Green A
es—Sapphire A
AS 2700S—1996 (B55) AS 2700S—1996 (G27)
AS 2700S—1996 (B15) Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
Colour Standards for general purpos- es—Storm Blue A es—Homebush Green A
es—Mid Blue A

AS 2700S—1996 (B61) AS 2700S—1996 (G31)

AS 2700S—1996 (B21) Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
Colour Standards for general purpos- es—Coral Sea A es—Verdigris A
es—Ultramarine A

AS 2700S—1996 (B62) AS 2700S—1996 (G32)

AS 2700S—1996 (B22) Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
Colour Standards for general purpos- es—Midnight Blue A es—Opaline A
es—Homebush Blue A

AS 2700S—1996 (B64) AS 2700S—1996 (G33)

AS 2700S—1996 (B23) Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
Colour Standards for general purpos- es—Charcoal A es—Lettuce A
es—Bright Blue A

AS 2700S—1996 (G11) AS 2700S—1996 (G34)

AS 2700S—1996 (B24)
Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Harbour Blue A es—Bottle Green A es—Avocado A

AS 2700S—1996 (B25) AS 2700S—1996 (G12) AS 2700S—1996 (G35)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Aqua A es—Holly A es—Lime Green A

AS 2700S—1996 (B32) AS 2700S—1996 (G13) AS 2700S—1996 (G36)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Powder Blue A es—Emerald A es—Kikuyu A

AS 2700S—1996 (B33) AS 2700S—1996 (G14) AS 2700S—1996 (G37)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Mist Blue A es—Moss Green A es—Beanstalk A

AS 2700S—1996 (B34) AS 2700S—1996 (G15) AS 2700S—1996 (G41)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Paradise Blue A es—Rainforest Green A es—Lawn Green A

AS 2700S—1996 (B35) AS 2700S—1996 (G16) AS 2700S—1996 (G42)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Pale Blue A es—Traffic Green A es—Glacier A

AS 2700S—1996 (B41) AS 2700S—1996 (G17) AS 2700S—1996 (G43)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Bluebell A es—Mint Green A es—Surf Green A

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2700S—1996 (G44) AS 2700S—1996 (N11) AS 2700S—1996 (N53)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Palm Green A es—Pearl Grey A es—Blue Grey A

AS 2700S—1996 (G45) AS 2700S—1996 (N12) AS 2700S—1996 (N54)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Chartreuse A es—Pastel Grey A es—Basalt A

AS 2700S—1996 (G46) AS 2700S—1996 (N14) AS 2700S—1996 (N55)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Citronella A es—White A es—Lead Grey A

AS 2700S—1996 (G47) AS 2700S—1996 (N15) AS 2700S—1996 (N61)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Crystal Green A es—Homebush Grey A es—Black A

AS 2700S—1996 (G51) AS 2700S—1996 (N22) AS 2700S—1996 (N63)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Spruce A es—Cloud Grey A es—Pewter A

AS 2700S—1996 (G52) AS 2700S—1996 (N23) AS 2700S—1996 (N64)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Eucalyptus A es—Neutral Grey A es—Dark Grey A

AS 2700S—1996 (G53) AS 2700S—1996 (N24) AS 2700S—1996 (N65)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Banksia A es—Silver Grey A es—Graphite Grey A

AS 2700S—1996 (G54) AS 2700S—1996 (N25) AS 2700S—1996 (P11)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Mist Green A es—Birch Grey A es—Magenta A

AS 2700S—1996 (G55) AS 2700S—1996 (N32) AS 2700S—1996 (P12)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Lichen A es—Green Grey A es—Purple A

AS 2700S—1996 (G56) AS 2700S—1996 (N33) AS 2700S—1996 (P13)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Sage Green A es—Lightbox Grey A es—Violet A

AS 2700S—1996 (G61) AS 2700S—1996 (N35) AS 2700S—1996 (P14)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Dark Green A es—Light Grey A es—Blueberry A

AS 2700S—1996 (G62) AS 2700S—1996 (N41) AS 2700S—1996 (P21)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Rivergum A es—Oyster A es—Sunset Pink A

AS 2700S—1996 (G63) AS 2700S—1996 (N42) AS 2700S—1996 (P22)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Deep Bronze Green A es—Storm Grey A es—Cyclamen A

AS 2700S—1996 (G64) AS 2700S—1996 (N43) AS 2700S—1996 (P23)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Slate A es—Pipeline Grey A es—Lilac A

AS 2700S—1996 (G65) AS 2700S—1996 (N44) AS 2700S—1996 (P24)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Ti-tree A es—Bridge Grey A es—Jacaranda A

AS 2700S—1996 (G66) AS 2700S—1996 (N45) AS 2700S—1996 (P31)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Environment Green A es—Koala Grey A es—Dusty Pink A

AS 2700S—1996 (G67) AS 2700S—1996 (N52) AS 2700S—1996 (P33)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Zucchini A es—Mid Grey A es—Ribbon Pink A

AS 2700S—1996 (P41)

AS 2700S—1996 (P41) AS 2700S—1996 (R35) AS 2700S—1996 (T14)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Erica Pink A es—Deep Rose A es—Malachite A

AS 2700S—1996 (P42) AS 2700S—1996 (R41) AS 2700S—1996 (T15)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Mulberry A es—Shell Pink A es—Turquoise A

AS 2700S—1996 (P43) AS 2700S—1996 (R42) AS 2700S—1996 (T22)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Wisteria A es—Salmon Pink A es—Oriental Blue A

AS 2700S—1996 (P52) AS 2700S—1996 (R43) AS 2700S—1996 (T24)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Plum A es—Red Dust A es—Blue Jade A

AS 2700S—1996 (R11) AS 2700S—1996 (R44) AS 2700S—1996 (T32)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—International Orange A es—Possum A es—Huon Green A

AS 2700S—1996 (R12) AS 2700S—1996 (R45) AS 2700S—1996 (T33)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Scarlet A es—Ruby A es—Smoke Blue A

AS 2700S—1996 (R13) AS 2700S—1996 (R51) AS 2700S—1996 (T35)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Signal Red A es—Burnt Pink A es—Green Ice A

AS 2700S—1996 (R14) AS 2700S—1996 (R52) AS 2700S—1996 (T44)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Waratah A es—Terracotta A es—Blue Gum A

AS 2700S—1996 (R15) AS 2700S—1996 (R53) AS 2700S—1996 (T45)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Crimson A es—Red Gum A es—Cootamundra A

AS 2700S—1996 (R21) AS 2700S—1996 (R54) AS 2700S—1996 (T51)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Tangerine A es—Raspberry A es—Mountain Blue A

AS 2700S—1996 (R22) AS 2700S—1996 (R55) AS 2700S—1996 (T53)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Homebush Red A es—Claret A es—Peacock Blue A

AS 2700S—1996 (R23) AS 2700S—1996 (R62) AS 2700S—1996 (T63)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Lollipop A es—Venetian Red A es—Teal A

AS 2700S—1996 (R24) AS 2700S—1996 (R63) AS 2700S—1996 (X11)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Strawberry A es—Red Oxide A es—Butterscotch A

AS 2700S—1996 (R25) AS 2700S—1996 (R64) AS 2700S—1996 (X12)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Rose Pink A es—Deep Indian Red A es—Pumpkin A

AS 2700S—1996 (R32) AS 2700S—1996 (R65) AS 2700S—1996 (X13)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Apple Blossom A es—Maroon A es—Marigold A

AS 2700S—1996 (R33) AS 2700S—1996 (T11) AS 2700S—1996 (X14)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Ghost Gum A es—Tropical Blue A es—Mandarin A

AS 2700S—1996 (R34) AS 2700S—1996 (T12) AS 2700S—1996 (X15)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Mushroom Pink A es—Diamantina A es—Orange A

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2700S—1996 (X21) AS 2700S—1996 (X61) AS 2700S—1996 (Y31)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Pale Ochre A es—Wombat A es—Lily Green A

AS 2700S—1996 (X22) AS 2700S—1996 (X62) AS 2700S—1996 (Y32)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Saffron A es—Dark Earth A es—Flummery A

AS 2700S—1996 (X23) AS 2700S—1996 (X63) AS 2700S—1996 (Y33)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Apricot A es—Ironbark A es—Pale Primrose A

AS 2700S—1996 (X24) AS 2700S—1996 (X64) AS 2700S—1996 (Y34)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Rockmelon A es—Chocolate A es—Cream A

AS 2700S—1996 (X31) AS 2700S—1996 (X65) AS 2700S—1996 (Y35)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Raffia A es—Dark Brown A es—Off White A

AS 2700S—1996 (X32) AS 2700S—1996 (Y11) AS 2700S—1996 (Y41)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Magnolia A es—Canary A es—Olive Yellow A

AS 2700S—1996 (X33) AS 2700S—1996 (Y12) AS 2700S—1996 (Y42)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Warm White A es—Wattle A es—Mustard A

AS 2700S—1996 (X34) AS 2700S—1996 (Y13) AS 2700S—1996 (Y43)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Driftwood A es—Vivid Yellow A es—Parchment A

AS 2700S—1996 (X41) AS 2700S—1996 (Y14) AS 2700S—1996 (Y44)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Buff A es—Golden Yellow A es—Sand A

AS 2700S—1996 (X42) AS 2700S—1996 (Y15) AS 2700S—1996 (Y45)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Biscuit A es—Sunflower A es—Manilla A

AS 2700S—1996 (X43) AS 2700S—1996 (Y16) AS 2700S—1996 (Y51)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Beige A es—Inca Gold A es—Bronze Olive A

AS 2700S—1996 (X45) AS 2700S—1996 (Y21) AS 2700S—1996 (Y52)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Cinnamon A es—Primrose A es—Chamois A

AS 2700S—1996 (X51) AS 2700S—1996 (Y22) AS 2700S—1996 (Y53)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Tan A es—Custard A es—Sandstone A

AS 2700S—1996 (X52) AS 2700S—1996 (Y23) AS 2700S—1996 (Y54)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Coffee A es—Buttercup A es—Oatmeal A

AS 2700S—1996 (X53) AS 2700S—1996 (Y24) AS 2700S—1996 (Y55)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Golden Tan A es—Straw A es—Deep Stone A

AS 2700S—1996 (X54) AS 2700S—1996 (Y25) AS 2700S—1996 (Y56)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Brown A es—Deep Cream A es—Merino A

AS 2700S—1996 (X55) AS 2700S—1996 (Y26) AS 2700S—1996 (Y61)

Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos- Colour Standards for general purpos-
es—Nut Brown A es—Homebush Gold A es—Black Olive A

AS 2700S—1996 (Y62)

AS 2700S—1996 (Y62) AS 2710—1984 AS/NZS 2721:1996

Colour Standards for general purpos- Screw gauges—Verification 19pp E Wool—Subsampling staples from
es—Sugar Cane A Sets out methods for measuring the dimensional features grab samples
of gauges for screw threads of vee-form. Deals with gaug- (IWTO-7-92) 16pp E
es for single and multiple start, symmetric screw threads, Sets out a method of subsampling of staples from a grab
with included angles of 47.5°, 55°, or 60°. Provides infor- sample or sample of greasy wool drawn in accordance with
AS 2700S—1996 (Y63) mation on terms and definitions used in the measurement AS/NZS 1363.1. The method is applicable to the selection
Colour Standards for general purpos- of screw threads and basic information on the types of of staples suitable for staple measurements of greasy wool
es—Khaki A equipment to be used in the measurement of screw thread which is suitable for combining. It is identical with and has
gauges. been reproduced from IWTO-7-92.
(ME-028) (ISBN 0 7262 3386 2) (TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0382 8)
AS 2700S—1996 (Y65) AS/NZS 2712:2002 AS 2723—1984
Colour Standards for general purpos- Solar and heat pump water heaters— Waters—Determination of uranium
es—Mushroom A Design and construction 37pp H (VI)—Spectrophotometric method
Specifies requirements for the design and construction of 4pp B
solar and heat pump hot water supply systems for house- Amdt 1 January 1985 X
AS 2700S—1996 (Y66) hold premises and for commercial and industrial installa- Sets out a spectrophotometric method for the determina-
Colour Standards for general purpos- tions comparable with household installations, intended to tion of uranium (VI) in both fresh waters, in the concentra-
deliver potable water of acceptable quality. tion range 0.12 mg/L to 16 mg/L and saline waters in the
es—Mudstone A (CS-028) (ISBN 0 7337 4699 3) range 0.3 mg/L to 40 mg/L. A preliminary chelating resin
separation extends the application of the method of pollut-
AS 2714—1993 ed and waste waters for the uranium (VI) concentration
AS 2701—2001 The storage and handling of hazard-
range 0.12 mg/L to 16 mg/L.
Methods of sampling and testing mor- (EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 3438 9)
ous chemical materials—Class 5.2
tar for masonry constructions substances (organic peroxides)
31pp H AS 2724
Specifies a range of methods for testing mortar used, or be-
20pp F Ambient air—Particulate matter
ing investigated for use, in the construction of masonry in Sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe
accordance with AS 3700. It does not cover mortar to be storage and handling, including dispensing and disposal, AS 2724.2—1987
of Class 5.2 substances. The Standard does not apply to or-
used in thin bed construction.
ganic peroxides that have entered a manufacturing process Determination of suspended mat-
(BD-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3638 6) and have been subjected to physical or chemical treatment. ter expressed as equivalent black
A bibliography of documents providing guidelines on the smoke by filter paper soiling
AS 2702—1984 preparation of emergency plans is provided in an appendix. 4pp B
Acoustics—Methods for the measure- (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7923 4) Sets out a simple method for the determination of sus-
ment of road traffic noise 8pp D pended matter in ambient air expressed as µg/m3
Specifies methods for the measurement of road traffic AS 2715—1984 black smoke. The determination is carried out on ma-
noise and for the collection of associated data. This Stand- Heavy mineral sand concentrates— terial collected by the method described in AS 2509.
ard outlines also the minimum instrument requirements Determination of pH value (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4526 7)
and the preferred scales of measurements. Explanation is
also given for the procedure for selection of measurement Reconfirmed 1994 1p A
sites and the non-acoustic data which are to be recorded in Describes reagents, apparatus and procedure for determin- AS 2724.3—1984
conjunction with the acoustic measurements. This Stand- ing pH value of heavy mineral sand concentrates. Determination of total suspended
ard does not include methods of prediction of road traffic (MN-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3403 6) particulates (TSP)—High volume
noise levels nor of assessment of the effect of traffic noise sampler gravimetric method
on people.
(EV-010) (ISBN 0 7262 3348 X) AS/NZS 2717 8pp C
Welding—Electrodes—Gas metal arc Sets out a gravimetric method for the determination
of total suspended particulates in ambient air collect-
AS 2703—1987 ed using a high volume sampler. The procedure is
Vehicle loop detector sensors AS/NZS 2717.1:1996 based on the United States Code of Federal Regula-
20pp E Ferritic steel electrodes 29pp G tions, Title 40, Chapter 1, Part 50, V, Appendix B,
Specifies requirements for carbon steel electrodes Reference Method for the Determination of Suspend-
Specifies requirements for the design, construction and ed Particulates in the Atmosphere (High Volume
performance of electronic sensing equipment used in traf- and low or intermediate alloy ferritic steel electrodes
fic control and counting systems for the detection of vehi- for gas metal arc welding. It defines a classification
cles. It applies primarily to detector sensors of the perma- and designation system for the electrodes, and in- (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 3444 3)
nently installed type associated with road traffic signal cludes a method for the easy selection of the weld
installations. metal based on its mechanical properties. AS 2724.5—1987
(LG-006) (ISBN 0 7262 4676 X) (WD-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0553 7) Determination of impinged matter
expressed as directional dirtiness,
AS 2706—1984 AS 2717.2—1988 background dirtiness and/or area
Numerical values—Rounding and in- Aluminium and aluminium alloy dirtiness (directional dust gauge
terpretation of limiting values 9pp D 10pp C method) 7pp C
Amdt 1 September 1985 X Specifies requirements for aluminium and aluminium Sets out a method for the collection by directional
Sets out rules for the rounding of numbers, the number of alloy electrodes for gas metal-arc welding. The clas- dust gauge and measuring by obscuration, of particu-
significant figures to be retained in presenting any particu- sification system adopted is basically in line with late matter in ambient air which impinges on vertical
lar value, and conventions concerning the interpretation of ANSI/AWS A5.10 and, in general, electrodes which surfaces. Provision is made to distinguish variation of
specification limits in relation to their mode of expression. comply with that Standard will also be deemed to dirtiness with wind direction.
General principles and working rules relating to different comply with this Standard. (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4574 7)
aspects of this subject are set out and illustrated with exam- (WD-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5123 2)
ples. AS 2725—1984
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7262 3372 2) AS 2717.3—1992 Guidelines for reporting energy use as
Corrosion-resisting chromium and part of the energy audit 19pp F
AS 2707—2002 chromium-nickel steel electrodes Provides guidelines for reporting energy use and costs as
Petroleum liquids and gases—Fidelity 16pp F
part of an overall energy management program in institu-
tional, commercial and industrial applications.
and security of dynamic measure- (EN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3451 6)
Specifies requirements for stainless steel electrodes
ment—Cabled transmission of electric for gas metal arc welding. Covers electrodes in which
and/or electronic pulsed data 16pp F chromium content exceeds 10.5% and nickel content AS 2726
Sets out guidelines for ensuring the fidelity and security of does not exceed 50%. The Standard is based on
pulsed data cabled transmission systems utilized for the ANSI/AWS A5.9, Specification for corrosion-resist- Chainsaws—Safety requirements
metering of petroleum liquids and gases. ing chromium and chromium-nickel steel bare and
(ME-049) (ISBN 0 7337 4726 4) composite metal cored and stranded welding elec- AS 2726.1—1995
trodes and welding rods. Chainsaws for general use
AS 2708—2001 (WD-002) (ISBN 0 7262 7462 3) 26pp F
Keyboarding speed tests (formerly Amdt 1 June 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1198 7) X
AS 2720—1984 Specifies safety requirements for portable hand-held,
known as 'Typing speed tests')
15pp F Wool—Measurement of mean staple electrically driven and internal combustion engine-
length—Method using the CSIRO sta- driven chainsaws for general use. It does not apply to
Sets out a method for the conduct, assessment and certifi- mechanical aids assisting in wood cutting or to other
cation of keyboarding speed tests conducted in the English ple length meter 6pp C attachments fitted to chainsaws. The requirements are
language. Does not deal with tests in the theory of key- Describes a method measuring the projected length of a based on the latest published ISO Standards and other
boarding skills. The Standard is intended for use by all number of wool staples as they pass a light beam sensor. documents under consideration by the responsible
bodies that conduct keyboarding speed tests. The mean length of a number of staples is calculated. ISO Committee.
(MS-016) (ISBN 0 7337 3814 1) (TX-012) (ISBN 0 7262 3450 8) (SF-033) (ISBN 0 7337 0011 X)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2726.2—1995 equipment values up to and including 36 kV. This Stand- AS 2746—1999

ard should be read in conjunction with AS 2374, Power
Chainsaws for tree service transformers. Where Australian Standards do not exist for Working areas for gas-fuelled vehi-
(ISO/DIS 11681-2) 9pp C other particular power transformers, this Standard may be cles 18pp F
Specifies the safety requirements for portable, hand- applicable as a whole or in parts. Sets out requirements for the premises and the procedures
held, internal combustion-engine driven chainsaws (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7262 3510 5) for converting and equipping vehicles to use LP Gas or
intended for use in arboriculture by an operator work- CNG as an engine fuel. Procedures for the maintenance,
ing up in trees. servicing and repairs to the gas fuel system are also includ-
(SF-033) (ISBN 0 7337 0079 9) AS 2736—1999 ed.
Continuous forms used for informa- (ME-046) (ISBN 0 7337 2399 3)
AS 2727—1997 tion processing
Chainsaws—Guide to safe working (BS 4623:1989) 9pp D AS 2747
practices 32pp G Specifies requirements for sprocket-holed continuous sta- Information processing—Data inter-
Provides recommendations for the safe use of chainsaws tionery for use with printers with tractor feeders for both change on 200 mm flexible disk car-
and identifies the hazards associated with the use of equip- folded and reel-fed paper. Also includes requirements for
ment. Guidelines are given on the procedures for undertak- multiple forms and packing, a set of definitions relating to tridges using two-frequency recording
ing general tasks using chainsaws including basic tree fell- continuous form paper, information to be provided by the at 13 262 ftprad on one side
ing, the basic principles for the training of chainsaw purchaser, and recommendations on storage. This Stand-
operators, the maintenance of chainsaws and sharpening of ard is based on and has been reproduced from BS
4623:1989. AS 2747.1—1985
saw chains.
(SF-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1197 9) (IT-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2662 3) Dimensional, physical and mag-
netic characteristics
AS/NZS 2728:1997 AS 2738—2000 (ISO 5654-1) 17pp E
Prefinished/prepainted sheet metal Copper and copper alloys—Composi- Specifies the dimensional, physical and magnetic
products for interior/exterior building tions and designations of refinery characteristics of the cartridge, so as to provide phys-
ical interchangeability between processing systems.
applications—Performance require- products, wrought products, ingots Identical with ISO 5654-1.
ments 29pp D and castings 21pp G (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3556 3)
Specifies performance requirements for prepainted metal Provides listings of designations and chemical composi-
sheet and strip and organic file/metal laminate products in tion limits of copper and copper alloys in general use in
sheet and strip form that are coated on one or both sides, Australia. Includes refinery products, wrought products, AS 2747.2—1985
and that are intended for fabrication into products for use ingot and cast products. An appendix matches the designa- Track format
in the construction or finishing of buildings. Six product tions with other common designations used internationally
types and three surface finishes are specified. Appendices including those in ISO Standards.
(ISO 5654-2) 7pp C
contain test methods and include atmospheric classifica- (MT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3237 2) Specifies the quality of recorded signals, track layout
tions and data on Australian and New Zealand corrosion and the track format. Identical with ISO 5654-2.
test sites. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3557 1)
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1612 1) AS/NZS 2739:1999
Natural gas (CNG) fuel systems for ve- AS 2748—1991
AS 2729—1994 hicle engines 34pp H Information technology—Data com-
Rolling bearings—Dynamic load rat- Amdt 1 27 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3802 8) X munication—25-pole DTE/DCE inter-
ings and rating life Amdt 2 4 September 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4050 2)X face connector and contact number
(ISO 281:1990) 12pp D Sets out the specific requirements for natural gas (CNG) assignments
Specifies methods of calculating the basic dynamic load fuel systems for engines mounted on motor vehicles, either
rating and rating life of rolling bearings, manufactured for the propulsion of the vehicles or for driving some aux- (ISO 2110:1989) 13pp D
from good quality hardened steel and basically of conven- iliary function. It also provides requirements for the design Specifies the 25-pole connector and the assignment of con-
tional design as regards the shape of rolling contact surfac- and construction of component parts as well as their instal- tact numbers at the interface between data terminal equip-
es. This Standard is identical with and reproduced from lation, testing, commissioning and periodic inspection. ment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE)
ISO 281:1990. (ME-046) (ISBN 0 7337 2401 9) or parallel automatic calling equipment (ACE). It is appli-
(ME-037) (ISBN 0 7262 8743 1) cable to voice band modems, public data network (PDN)
facilities, telegraph signal converters, and automatic call-
AS 2740—2001 ing equipment where CCITT Recommendations V.24 and
AS 2730—1984
Double seams for steel-based cans for Wedge-type sockets 19pp F V.28 are applicable. Provides the dimensions of the con-
Specifies requirements for general purpose wedge-type nector housing, as well as the recommended means of pro-
foods 12pp D sockets. It does not cover wedge-type sockets of welded viding a locking device (latching block) and connector
Specifies requirements and acceptability criteria for dou- construction, for special purpose applications or where in- shielding. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
ble seams for steel-based cans for foods, with appropriate stalled in lift installations. Guidance on information that produced from ISO 2110:1989.
illustrations. Methods for the examination of a double should be supplied with enquiries and orders and guidance (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6839 9)
seam and assessment of its quality are described. on care and use is given in appendices.
(FT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 3476 1) (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 4191 6) AS 2748 Supplement 1—1995
AS 2732—1984 Information technology—Data com-
AS 2741—2002 munication—25-pole DTE/DCE inter-
Guide to the lightning impulse and Shackles 29pp G
switching impulse testing of power face connector and contact number
Amdt 1 12 July 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4664 0) X assignments—Interface connector
transformers and reactors
(IEC 722)
Specifies requirements for forged shackles. Guidance on and contact assignments for a DTE/
information that should be supplied with inquiries and or- DCE interface for data signalling rates
Reconfirmed 1994 41pp H ders and on the care and use of shackles is gievn in Appen-
Provides guidance on procedures for lightning and switch- dices. above 20 000 bit/s (Supplement to AS
ing impulse testing of power transformers to supplement (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 4468 0) 2748-1991)
the requirements of AS 2374, Power transformers, Part 3, (ISO 2110:1989/Amd.1:1991) 3pp A
Insulation levels and dielectric tests. It is also generally ap-
plicable to the testing of reactors. Technically identical AS 2742—1984 Specifies connector and assignments for signalling rates
above 20 000 bit/s in accordance with ITU-T Recommen-
with IEC 722. Information processing—Use of longi- dations V.10 and V.11. This Standard is identical with and
(EL-008) (ISBN 0 7262 3487 7) tudinal parity to detect errors in infor- has been reproduced from ISO 2110:1989/Amendment
mation messages 1:1991.
AS 2734—1984 (ISO 1155:1978) 1p A (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9339 3)
Asphalt (hot-mixed) paving—Guide to Specifies a method for detecting errors in information mes-
good practice 17pp E sages by attaching one block check character to the trans- AS 2749—1985
Sets out basic guidelines for good workmanship in asphalt mitted information block (or text) and checking this char- Information processing—Basic mode
paving, requirements for suitable mixes for use under var- acter when it is received. Identical with ISO 1155:1978.
ious conditions, and the means of describing such mixes (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3546 6) control procedures for data communi-
using Appendix J of AS 2150. Mix design, manufacture cation systems
and supply of asphalt are dealt with in AS 2150. It men- (ISO 1745:1975) 19pp E
tions alternative materials, properties and practices, the AS 2743—1985
most suitable of which should be selected and used for Specifies the implementation of the Australian standard 7-
Stabilized power supplies—a.c. output bit coded character set for information interchange on data
each distinct job. The Standard may be used as a reference
in specifications or extracts from it may be included in (IEC 686) transmission channels. It also defines the formats of the
specifications. Use IEC 60686 20pp E transmitted messages and the supervisory sequences which
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 3495 8) are part of the transmission control procedures. Identical
Specifies requirements for semiconductor stabilized power with ISO 1745:1975.
supplies designed to supply a.c. power from either an a.c.
or d.c. power source. It does not cover power supplies for (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3559 8)
AS 2735—1984
electrical measurement equipment. It includes the electri-
Dry-type power transformers cal performance requirements and nominates the physical AS 2750—1985
(IEC 726) dimensions to be listed when specifying a unit. Test meth-
Reconfirmed 1994 13pp D ods covering the stabilized output and electromagnetic in- Information processing—9-track, 12.7
Specifies requirements for dry-type power transformers terference are included. The Standard is based on IEC 686. mm (0.5 in) wide magnetic tape for in-
(including autotransformers) having highest voltage for (EL-027) (ISBN 0 7262 3550 4) formation interchange—Format and

AS 2752—1985

recording, using group coding at 246 the specimen is measured. The mean of a number of AS 2758.7—1996
cpmm (6250 cpi) measurements is made.
(CS-086) (ISBN 0 7262 3572 5)
Railway ballast 12pp E
(ISO 5652) 15pp D Specifies the requirements for the supply of aggre-
Specifies a format and recording standard for 9-track, 12.7 gates intended for use as railway ballast. The require-
mm (0.5 in) magnetic tape to be used for data interchange AS 2755.2—1985 ments relate to durability and other properties of ag-
between information processing systems, communication Measurement of flame spread gregates and refer to test methods given in AS 1141.
systems and associated equipment utilizing the Australian properties of vertically oriented (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0742 4)
standard 7-bit coded character set defined in AS 1776 and specimens 10pp D
AS 1953. Identical with ISO 5652. AS 2759—1985
Part 2 describes a procedure in which the textile ma-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3562 8) terial is held vertically in a frame. A small flame is Steel wire rope—Application guide
used to ignite the specimen and the time is measured
AS 2752—1985 for the flame to spread up the specimen past a number
70pp H
of trip threads which record the time interval. Sets out recommended procedures for the selection, stor-
Preferred numbers and their use age, handling, maintenance, use, inspection and discard of
(ISO 3 ISO 17 ISO 497) 12pp D (CS-086) (ISBN 0 7262 3798 1) helically laid steel wire ropes and provides a guide to rec-
Incorporates three ISO Standards in the field of preferred ommended and established Australian practices for people
numbers, viz. ISO 3, which sets out the preferred numbers; AS 2755.3—1988 who work with, handle, and maintain steel wire ropes.
ISO 17, which is a guide to the use of preferred numbers; Determination of surface burning (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7262 3598 9)
and ISO 497, which is a guide to the choice of a series of time 8pp C
preferred numbers and of series containing more-rounded AS 2760—1985
values of preferred numbers. The Standard defines pre- Specifies a method for the measurement of surface
ferred number and tabulates the basic series R 5, R 10, R burning properties of textile fabrics which have raised Text communication—Registration of
fibre surface, i.e. napped, pile, tufted, flocked or sim-
20 and R 40, and the exceptional R 80 series; it includes
ilar surface. The surface of the test specimen is ignit- graphic character subrepertoires
general guidance on their use, and deals particularly with (ISO 7350:1984) 11pp D
the more-rounded values tabulating both a first rounding ed near the top by a small heat source and the spread
and a second rounding. An appendix discusses precision of of flame downwards on the surface of the fabric to a Specifies the procedures to be followed in preparing and
the values and regularity of the ratio. reference line is timed. maintaining a register of graphic subrepertoires and in as-
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7262 3565 2) (CS-086) (ISBN 0 7262 5139 9) signing numeric identifiers to each subrepertoire. The pur-
pose of the register is to promote compatibility to interna-
AS 2756—1997 tional information interchange and to avoid duplication of
AS 2753—1985 effort in developing graphic character subrepertoires.
Adhesives—Mastic—For bonding Low-voltage switchgear and con- Technically identical with ISO 7350:1984.
gypsum plaster linings to wood and trolgear—Mounting rails for mechani- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3599 7)
metal framing members cal support of electrical equipment
(IEC 715:1981 IEC 715:1981/Amd AS 2761—1989
(ASTM C557) 22pp E
Specifies requirements for mastic adhesives intended for 1:1995) 22pp F Character sets and information cod-
bonding the back surfaces of gypsum plasterboard or fibre Specifies dimensional and functional requirements for ing—Control functions for 7-bit and 8-
reinforced gypsum plaster sheet to wood and metal fram- 'Top hat' section, 'C' section and 'G' section mounting rails bit coded character sets
ing members. Requirements such as consistency/sag re- for the compatible mounting of the various electrical de-
sistance, transfer after open assembly time, wetting charac- vices in switchgear and controlgear assemblies. Appendi- (ISO 6429:1988) 51pp G
teristics, bond strength in shear and in tension, bridging ces cover steel mounting rails in respect of material prop- Defines control functions and their coded representations
characteristics and flexibility after heat ageing, are laid erties, standard dimensions and tolerances and an for use in a 7-bit code, an extended 7-bit code, an 8-bit
down. Information to be supplied by the supplier, labelling application guide. This Standard is based on IEC 715:1981 code or an extended 8-bit code for codes structured in ac-
and packaging requirements are also given. and Amendment 1:1995. cordance with AS 1953. It is identical with and has been re-
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0788 2) produced from ISO 6429:1988. It forms part of a basis sub-
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 3571 1) set of characters suitable for Australian requirements.
AS 2757—1985 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5763 X)
AS 2754
Adhesives for timber and timber prod- Heavy mineral sand concentrates—
Determination of the American Foun- AS 2763—1988
ucts Vibration and shock—Hand-transmit-
drymen's Society grain fineness
number (AFS number) 2pp B ted vibration—Guidelines for meas-
AS 2754.1—1985 urement and assessment of human
Describes a sieving procedure for determining the Ameri-
Adhesives for plywood manufac- can Foundrymen's Society Grain Fineness Number (AFS exposure
ture 5pp C Number) for heavy mineral sand concentrates. (ISO 5349) 14pp D
Specifies requirements for adhesives suitable for use (MN-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3586 5) Specifies methods for measuring and reporting hand-trans-
in the plywood manufacturing industry. Classifica- mitted vibration exposure in three orthogonal axes for one-
tion of the adhesives, product information and re- AS 2758 third octave and octave bands and provides guidance for
quirements for pH of the mixed adhesive and bond the evaluation of hand-transmitted vibration specified in
quality of assemblies when tested dry and wet are laid Aggregates and rock for engineering
terms of a frequency-weighted vibration acceleration and
down. Actual service conditions under which ply- purposes daily exposure time. It does not define the limits of safe ex-
woods possessing various bond types can be used are posure.
defined. AS 2758.1—1998 (AV-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5245 X)
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 3571 4) Concrete aggregates 22pp F
Provides a basis for specifying requirements for ag- AS 2764—2002
AS 2754.2—1991 gregates for use in concrete. This Standard is for use
Polymer emulsion adhesives in conjunction with a works specification, and it is ex-
Fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) alu-
pected that requirements may be varied on the basis minium alloy gas cylinders—Hoop
7pp C of local experience. The requirements relate to quality overwrapped 15pp F
Specifies requirements for polymer emulsion adhe- of rock, grading, durability and other properties of ag- Specifies requirements for the materials, design, manufac-
sives, in one-component and two-component prepa- gregates including lightweight aggregates. ture, inspection, pressure tests and markings of aluminium
rations, intended for wood-to-wood bonding. Appen- (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 1730 6) alloy gas cylinders reinforced by hoop overwrapped with
dices give methods for determination of minimum fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) intended for the storage and
film-forming temperature and staining. transport of compressed gases and of water capacity ex-
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 6803 3) AS 2758.2—1996
ceeding 0.10 kg but not exceeding 130 kg.
Aggregate for sprayed bituminous (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4754 X)
AS 2754.3—1988 surfacing 16pp F
Adhesives for non-structural appli- Specifies requirements for aggregates intended for AS 2765—1985
use in sprayed bituminous surfacing. The require-
cations 6pp B ments relate to the quality of rock and other properties Information processing—File struc-
Specifies performance requirements for high bond of aggregates and refer to test methods given in AS ture and labelling of flexible disk car-
strength adhesives for use in non-structural applica- 1141. tridges for information interchange
tions for timber and timber products under a range of (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0744 0)
environmental conditions. Classification, parameters (ISO 7665) 22pp E
for wood failure after water soak/conditioning treat- Specifies requirements for the file structure and the label-
ment, packaging and marking requirements are spec- AS 2758.4—2000 ling of flexible disk cartridges for information interchange.
ified. Aggregate for gabion baskets and In particular, the Standard specifies recorded labels to
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 5143 7) wire mattresses 12pp F identify files, file sections and volumes, basic characteris-
Sets out a basis for specifying requirements for aggre- tics of the blocks containing the records constituting the
file, and the file structure. Three levels of information in-
AS 2755 gates intended for use in gabion baskets and wire mat-
terchange are specified: basic, extended level 1, extended
Textile fabrics—Burning behaviour (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3205 4) level 2.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3619 5)
AS 2755.1—1985 AS 2758.5—1996
Determination of ease of ignition of Asphalt aggregates 15pp E AS 2766—1997
vertically oriented specimens Specifies requirements for coarse aggregates for use
Petri dishes—Plastic—For single use
10pp D in the manufacture of asphalt. The requirements relate 22pp F
Part 1 describes a procedure in which the textile ma- to the quality of rock and other properties of aggre- Sets out requirements for plastic petri dishes intended for
terial is held vertically in a frame and ignited with a gates and refer to test methods given in AS 1141. single use in microbiological testing.
small flame. The duration of flame contact to ignite (CE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0743 2) (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1230 4)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2767—1994 AS 2773.1—1998 AS 2777.3—1990

Rigid plastic containers 64pp J Non-portable 20pp F Naming and addressing
Specifies the test methods and certain performance re-
Specifies requirements for ultrasonic cleaners with a (ISO 7498-3:1989) 21pp F
quirements for rigid plastic containers, manufactured by Defines general mechanisms for the use of names and
any method and having nominal capacities up to and in- cleaning solution capacity of more than 30 L, which
are intended to clean reusable medical and surgical addresses to identify and locate objects in the OSI en-
cluding 250 L or 400 kg. vironment and defines the use of these mechanisms
equipment used in health care facilities. The Standard
(PK-030) (ISBN 0 7262 8195 6) does not cover ultrasonic cleaners specifically de- within the layered structure of the Basic Reference
signed for the cleaning and disinfection of endo- Model. This Standard is technically identical with
AS 2768—1985 scopes. Guidance on information that should be sup- and has been reproduced from ISO 7498-3:1989.
Electrical insulating materials—Evalu- plied with enquiries and orders and on care and use is (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6521 7)
given in appendices.
ation and classification based on ther-
mal endurance (ME-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2170 2) AS 2777.4—1990
(IEC 85:1984) 3pp B Management framework
Specifies a numerical system of classifying materials and AS 2773.2—1999 (ISO/IEC 7498-4:1989) 9pp D
systems based on their thermal endurance, ranging from Benchtop 20pp G Defines a framework for coordinating the develop-
Class 90 to Class 250 (in nine steps) thereafter in steps of ment of existing and future Standards for Open Sys-
25, the figure indicating the assigned Celsius temperature. Specifies requirements for ultrasonic cleaners with a tems Interconnection (OSI) Management. This
Retains the AS C320 alphabetical classifications Y, A, E, cleaning solution capacity of not more than 30L, Standard is technically identical with ISO 7498-
B, F and H (but not C) as an alternative for the time being. which are bench mounted and intended to clean reus- 4:1989.
Describes the evaluation of long-term thermal properties able medical and surgical equipment used in health (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6518 7)
of materials and of more complex insulation systems, and care facilities. Guidance on information that should
the influence of service conditions. Also defines the re- be supplied with enquiries and orders and on the use
sponsibility for assigning thermal identification and classi- of ultrasonic cleaners is given in appendices. AS 2780—1999
fication. Is based on, but differs from IEC 85 (1984) which (ME-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2973 8) Refractories and refractory materi-
specifies a part-alphabetical part-numerical system of clas- als—Glossary of terms 97pp K
sification and which permits alternative systems of identi- Sets out a glossary of terms used in the refractories indus-
fication of materials used in certain products. AS 2774—1985 try.
(EL-009) (ISBN 0 7262 3623 3) Drying cabinets for respiratory appa- (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2532 5)
ratus 7pp C
AS 2769—1985 Specifies requirements for drying cabinets which are in- AS 2781—1999
Waters—Determination of manga- tended to complete the drying of respiratory apparatus, Essential oils—Oil of lemon 5pp C
nese—Flame atomic absorption spec- such as corrugated tubing, face masks and some other res- Sets out characteristics of oil of lemon. This edition in-
piratory equipment, which have been washed, disinfected cludes a specification for the determination of flashpoint.
trometric method 5pp C and partly dried by a washer/disinfector complying with
Sets out a flame atomic absorption method for the determi- AS 2711. Guidance on information to be supplied with en- (CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 2901 0)
nation of manganese in natural and waste waters in the quiries and orders is given in an appendix.
range of 0.005 mg/L to 5 mg/L. Manganese in the range of
(ME-003) (ISBN 0 7262 3659 4) AS 2782—1997
0.05 mg/L to 5 mg/L can be determined by direct aspira- Oil of Melaleuca, terpinen-4-ol type
tion while the range 0.005 mg/L to 0.05 mg/L requires a
pre-concentration step. AS 2775—1985 (Tea Tree oil)
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 3630 6)
Vibration and shock—Mechanical (ISO 4730:1996) 9pp D
Specifies general characteristics of the oil of Melaleuca,
AS 2770—1985 mounting of accelerometers 12pp D terpinen-4-ol type (Tea Tree oil), in order to facilitate as-
Gives recommendations to the user concerning the mount- sessment of its quality. This Standard is identical with and
Measuring cylinders—Plastics—Grad- ing of accelerometers and lists the applicable characteris- has been reproduced from ISO 4730:1996.
uated 17pp E tics to be specified by the manufacturer. It applies to elec- (CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 1287 8)
Provides technical guidance to the necessary requirements tro-mechanical transducers but does not cover those
of accuracy, inertness and robustness of laboratory-type transducers which permit measurement of the vibratory AS 2783—1992
measuring cylinders and claims to provide assurance of a motion of the structure or body in relation to another struc-
minimum quality product that can stand up to routine lab- ture taken as reference (such transducers are the relative Use of reinforced concrete for small
oratory use. The detailed methods of test allow flexibility motion transducers, some of which can be without me- swimming pools 7pp C
in the choice of test apparatus without sacrificing essential chanical contact (electrostatic, induction, eddy-current Amdt 1 August 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7691 X) X
specifications of the key components of such apparatus transducers, optical-followers) with the structure).
and, therefore, the criteria that the test cylinder must meet.
Amdt 2 April 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8817 9) X
(AV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 3660 8) Specifies requirements for the structural design and con-
(CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3631 4) struction of swimming pools constructed wholly or partly
AS 2776—1998 of either in-situ or pneumatically applied reinforced con-
AS/NZS 2772 crete. It applies to pools containing disinfected water with
Radiofrequency fields Pressure-sensitive adhesive label a pH not less than 6.5 and a salinity not greater than that of
stock—Plastic 23pp G sea water, having a surface area not greater than 100 m2
AS/NZS 2772.1(Int):1998 Specifies requirements for general purpose, pressure-sen- and having an overall length not greater than 15 m.
sitive adhesive (PSA) plastic-based label stock. (CE-022) (ISBN 0 7262 7459 3)
Maximum exposure levels—3 kHz
to 300 GHz (PK-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1626 1)
AS 2784—2002
(Expired 30 April 1999) 26pp G Endless wedge belt and V-belt drives
Amdt 1 April 1999 (ISBN 0 7337-) X AS/NZS 2777
68pp K
Specifies limits of exposure of the human body to ra- Information processing systems— Specifies dimensions and certain other properties of end-
diofrequency radiation intended to avoid biological Open Systems Interconnection—Ba-
effects hazardous to the body in the frequency range less wedge belts, V-belts and their corresponding grooved
3 kHz to 300 GHz. The Standard applies to the occu- sic reference model pulleys for power transmission. Appendices provide rec-
pational exposure of radiation workers and the inci- ommended power ratings, information on and examples of
dental exposure of the general public. It does not ap- design of belt drives, as well as recommendations on in-
AS/NZS 2777.1:1998 stallation and storage. Methods of determination of electri-
ply to the irradiation of patients for medical diagnosis
or treatment nor does it establish requirements for in- The basic model cal resistance and fire-resistance are also provided. Not ap-
duced charges on steel structures or the ignition of ex- plicable to industrial variable speed drives employing
(ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994) 59pp J pulleys with movable flanges. Performance test data re-
plosives or flammable gases.
Specifies a common basis for the coordination of garding power transmission is not included.
(TE-007) (ISBN 0 7337 1892 2) (ME-024) (ISBN 0 7337 4743 4)
standards development for the purpose of systems in-
terconnection, while allowing existing standards to be
AS 2772.2—1988 placed in perspective within the overall Reference AS/NZS 2785:2000
Principles and methods of meas- Model. This Standard is identical with and has been
Suspended ceilings—Design and in-
urement—300 kHz to 100 GHz reproduced from ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1677 6) stallation 43pp I
33pp F Sets out minimum requirements for the design, construc-
Specifies techniques and instrumentation for the tion, installation, maintenance and testing of internal and
measurement of potentially hazardous electromag- AS 2777.2—1990 external non-trafficable suspended ceiling systems of dry
netic fields in both near-field and far-field situations construction with suspension systems attached to a sup-
in the frequency range 300 kHz to 100 GHz. Meas- Security architecture porting structure, for use in commercial, industrial and res-
urements are made of one or more components of the (ISO 7498-2:1988 ITU-T X.200) idential applications,
field, either the electric field, E, or the magnetic field, (BD-035) (ISBN 0 7337 3570 X)
H, or both, and then power flux density is calculated 29pp G
from the relationship given for E2 and H2. Methods Provides a general description of security services AS 2786—1985
suitable for calibration of the instrumentation and a and related mechanisms, which may be provided by
method for calculation of power flux density are giv- the Reference Model and defines the positions within Symbols—Health care in hospitals
en in appendices. the Reference Model where the services and mecha- 6pp C
(TE-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4838 X) nisms may be provided. This part extends the field of Prescribes graphic symbols for use in hospitals and allied
application of AS 2777, to cover secure communica- institutions as part of an information system which will
tions between open systems. This Standard is techni- help to inform, direct and control the movement of people
AS 2773 cally identical with and reproduced from ISO 7498- efficiently throughout the hospital complex and its sur-
Ultrasonic cleaners for health care fa- 2:1988. rounding site.
cilities (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6522 5) (MS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 3703 5)

AS 2788—2002

AS 2788—2002 interface connector mateability di- gravimetric collection—Flame atomic

Pneumatic fluid power—General re- mensions and contact number assign- absorption spectrometric method
quirements for systems (ISO ments 2pp B
4414:1998, MOD) 63pp J (ISO/IEC 2593:1993) 17pp E Sets out a method for the determination of nitric acid-sol-
Specifies requirements for the design and manufacture of uble lead fraction of the material collected from ambient
Specifies the 34-pole connector, including assignments, to air by a high volume sampler. Measurement is carried out
pneumatic fluid power systems. This Standard is an adop- be used between data terminal equipment and data control
tion with Australian modifications and has been repro- by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.
equipment where V.35 or X.21bis is applicable. This
duced from ISO 4414:1998. Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced from (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 3748 5)
(ME-035) (ISBN 0 7337 4741 8) ISO/IEC 2593:1993.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8939 6) AS/NZS 2802:2000
AS 2790—1989 Electric cables—Reeling and trailing
Electricity generating sets—Trans- AS 2796 for mining and general use (other than
portable (Up to 25 kW) 11pp D Timber—Hardwood—Sawn and milled underground coal mining) 54pp J
Amdt 1 December 1989 (ISBN 0 7262 5469 1) X products Specifies the requirements for two classes of multicore
Specifies safety and performance requirements for trans- elastomer insulated and sheathed flexible reeling and trail-
portable electricity generating sets (up to 25 kW) intended ing cables for surface mining, underground mining (other
to provide independent mains-voltage a.c. power supply. AS 2796.1—1999 than coal mining) and general use, where movable plant re-
Safety requirements are related to electrical, mechanical Product specification 39pp H quires electricity supply at system voltages from 1.1/1.1
and thermal hazards and to the prevention of fire and ex- kV up to and including 33/33 kV.
plosion. Specifies also aspects of rating, performance, de- Specifies product requirements for sawn and milled (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3436 7)
sign, construction, and markings. Appendices list details to hardwood products. Moisture content, profiles, toler-
be specified before purchase, and recommendations for ances and grades are covered. Requirements are also
given for glued laminating, finger jointing and end- AS/NZS 2803
(EL-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5641 2)
matching. Guidance is given on information to be Doors—Security screen
supplied when ordering.
(TM-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2924 X) AS/NZS 2803.1:1994
AS 2791—1996
High-voltage switchgear and con- Hinged 25pp G
AS 2796.2—1999 Amdt 1 November 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0105 1) A
trolgear—Use and handling of sulphur Grade description 19pp G Amdt 2 September 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2917 7)X
hexafluoride (SF 6) in high-voltage Sets grade descriptions for use with the hardwood Specifies requirements for the design, construction
switchgear and controlgear products specified in AS 2796.1. The grades are not and performance of single leaf hinged security screen
(IEC 1634:1995) 73pp J intended to indicate a ranking of quality. They are pri- doors. It does not apply to double leaf doors nor does
Provides guidance with regard to the safety of personnel marily used with appearance products. it deal with the installation of security screen doors. It
working with sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) during normal (TM-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2925 8) includes an appendix for the method of test for resist-
ance to forced entry. It is intended for use by regula-
and abnormal service conditions. This Standard is identical tory authorities and all persons concerned with the
with and has been reproduced from IEC 1634:1995. AS 2796.3—1999 manufacture, installation and general requirements of
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0519 7) Timber for furniture components hinged security screen doors.
29pp H (CS-023) (ISBN 0 7262 8947 7)
AS 2792—1992
Fire hose—Delivery layflat 22pp F Specifies product requirements and grade descrip- AS/NZS 2803.2:1995
Specifies general and performance requirements for deliv- tions for sawn and milled hardwood for use in the pro-
duction of furniture. Moisture content, tolerances, Sliding 29pp G
ery layflat fire hose of two types, viz., percolating and non- glue laminating and finger jointing are covered. The Amdt 1 September 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2915 0)X
percolating. Appendices deal with performance test proce- grades are not intended to indicate a ranking of qual-
dures, additional requirements for fire hose, which may be Specifies requirements for the design, construction
specified by the purchaser, and detailed advice and recom- ity. They are primarily used with appearance prod- and performance of sliding, security screen doors
mendations on the information to be supplied by the pur- ucts. (single leaf only), primarily used in residential situa-
chaser at the time of enquiry or order. (TM-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2926 6) tions.
(FP-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7517 4) (CS-023) (ISBN 0 7337 0116 7)
AS 2797—1985
AS 2793 Programming language—Minimal BA- AS/NZS 2804
Information processing—Coded char- SIC Installation of security screen doors
acter sets for text communication (ISO 6373) 33pp G AS/NZS 2804.1:1995
Promotes the interchangeability of BASIC programs
AS 2793.1—1985 among a variety of data processing systems. It establishes Hinged 5pp C
General information the syntax, formats of data, semantic rules, procedures for Sets out requirements for the installation of hinged,
the detection and handling of errors and defines the key- security screen doors as specified in AS/NZS 2803.1.
(ISO 6937-1:1983) 12pp D words BASE, DATA, DEF, DIM, END, FOR, GO, GOS- It applies to doors primarily used in residential appli-
Constitutes a general introduction to coded character UB, GOTO, IF, INPUT, LET, NEXT, ON, OPTION, cations.
sets for text communication and, in particular, defines PRINT, RANDOMIZE, READ, REM, RESTORE, RE- (CS-023) (ISBN 0 7337 0109 4)
terms used in this and subsequent parts of the Stand- TURN, STEP, STOP, SUB, THEN and TO. Technically
ard, describes the general structure of text communi- identical to ISO 6373.
cation code and specifies conformance requirements AS/NZS 2804.2:1996
for the coded representation of communicated text at
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3781 7) Sliding 3pp B
the coding interface. In addition, it gives, in annexes, Specifies the requirements for the installation of slid-
a description of the method used to identify each AS 2798—1985 ing security screen doors of the sort specified in AS/
graphic character and control function defined, a de- Paints and related materials—Extend- NZS 2803.2. It specifies the minimum acceptable
scription of some general concepts of text communi- standards for the installation of security screen doors
cation, suggestions for equipment conformance re- ers primarily used in residential situations.
quirements and recommendations for fall-back (ISO 3262) (CS-023) (ISBN 0 7337 0691 6)
implementations. Reconfirmed 1993 17pp E
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3750 7) Specifies requirements for extenders used in the manufac- AS 2805
ture of paints and related materials. Based on ISO 3262 Electronic funds transfer—Require-
AS 2793.2—1985 which has been modified to suit Australian requirements in
Latin alphabetic and non-alphabet- terms of the types used and the sieve sizes used to deter- ments for interfaces
mine particle size. Methods of test have been included to
ic graphic characters cover all specifications and the Standard carries eligibility AS 2805.1—1997
(ISO 6937-2:1983) 37pp G for application of the StandardsMark to those products Communications 28pp H
Defines a repertoire of Latin alphabetic and non-al- which meet the requirements of the Standard.
Defines the communications services provided for
phabetic characters for the communication of text in (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 3791 4) Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) applications. Takes
European languages, specifies coded representations into account the requirements of an additional proto-
for the graphic characters and specifies rules for the
definition and use of the defined character repertoire. AS 2799—1992 col that specifies minimum requirements using ISDN
as a sub-network.
It also gives, in annexes, definitions of three standard Resistance welding equipment—Sin- (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1448 X)
subrepertoires, a summary of the use of non-spacing gle-phase a.c. transformer type
diacritical marks in combination with the letters of the
basic Latin alphabet, a description of the use of the (ISO 669:1981) 21pp F AS 2805.2—2000
non-spacing underline character, a summary of the Specifies and defines the characteristics of single-phase re- Message structure, format and
use of Latin alphabetic characters, recommendations sistance welding equipment. It includes the information re-
for fall-back presentations and a summary of the dif- quired on the equipment nameplate, and specifies the type content
ferences from CCITT Recommendations S.61 and tests and routine tests required. This Standard incorporates See also AS 2805.7-1986 and AS 2805.8-
S.100. substantial parts of ISO 699:1981, Rating of resistance 1986 65pp K
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3751 5) welding equipment. Amdt 1 11 April 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4462 1) A
(EL-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7541 7) Specifies the message structure, format, content, data
AS/NZS 2794:1994 elements and values for data elements required for an
Information technology—Telecommu- AS 2800—1985 interface by which card-originated electronic messag-
es relating to financial transactions may be inter-
nications and information exchange Ambient air—Determination of partic- changed.
between systems—34-pole DTE/DCE ulate lead—High volume sampler (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3512 6)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2805.3—2000 of electronic messages relating to finanacial transac- from the file. Does not cover techniques to ensure pri-
PIN management and security tions using transaction keys. vacy of files for the conveyance of files.
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4495 8) (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1447 1)
22pp G
Specifies minimum requirements for protecting the AS 2805.6.3—2000 AS 2805.11—2000
personal identification number (PIN), used as a
means of verifying the identity of a customer within Session keys—Node to node Card parameter table 12pp G
an electronic funds transfer (EFT) network, against 14pp F Specifies requirements for the content of the card pa-
unauthorized disclosure, compromise, and misuse Specifies management techniques for keys used in the rameter table (CPT) for multiple acquirer terminal
throughout its life cycle, and in so doing, to minimize authentication, encryption and decryption of elec- cryptographic units (TCUs).
the risk of fraud occurring within EFT systems. tronic messages relating to financial transactions us- (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3077 9)
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3357 3) ing session keys.
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3511 8) AS 2805.12
AS 2805.4—1985 Message content
Message authentication 3pp B AS 2805.6.4—2001
Specifies requirements to protect EFT messages from Session keys—Terminal to acquir- AS 2805.12.1—1999
both accidental and deliberate alteration and from the er 22pp G Structure and format 52pp I
introduction of fraudulent messages. An authentica-
tion method is prescribed whereby the sender gener- Specifies key management techniques for keys used Specifies a common interface by which financial
ates a Message Authentication Code (MAC) and at- in the authentication, encryption and decryption of transaction card-oriented messages may be inter-
taches it to every message. electronic messages relating to financial transactions changed. Specifies message structure, format and
using session keys. Includes security interface proce- content, data elements and values for data elements.
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 3763 9) The method by which settlement takes place is not
dures between terminals and acquirers, methods of in-
terchange of the various enciphering keys used for se- within the scope of this Standard.
AS 2805.4.1—2001 curing transactions, and ensures that messages can (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2563 5)
Mechanisms using a block cipher only be authenticated at their correct destination.
4pp D (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3728 5) AS 2805.12.2—1999
Specifies a method for authenticating card-originated Codes 25pp G
electronic messages relating to financial transactions. AS 2805.6.5 Provides list of all the codes used in Part 12.1 of the
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3669 6) TCU Initialization Standard. This Part is published separately to enable
a regular update of codes. Approval codes, country
AS 2805.4.2—2001 AS 2805.6.5.1—2000 codes, currency codes and service codes are not de-
tailed in this Standard.
Mechanisms using a hash-func- Principles 5pp D (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2564 3)
tion 18pp H Specifies the principles for the secure initialization of
Specifies a method for authenticating card-originated a terminal cryptographic unit (TCU) in an electronic AS 2805.12.3—1999
electronic messages relating to financial transactions. funds transfer point-of-sale (EFTPOS) device.
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4102 9) (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3358 1) Maintenance of codes 8pp D
Specifies requirements for the application processes
for new codes. Suitable application forms are con-
AS 2805.5 AS 2805.6.5.2—2000 tained in an appendix.
Ciphers Symmetric 10pp F (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2565 1)
Defines the interface and specifies a method to initial-
AS 2805.5.1—1992 ize remotely a terminal cryptographic unit (TCU). AS 2805.13
Data encipherment algorithm 1 (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3079 5) Secure hash functions
(DEA 1) 10pp D
Specifies a mathematical algorithm for enciphering
AS 2805.6.5.3—1992 AS 2805.13.1—2000
and deciphering the information relating to financial Asymmetric 6pp C General
transactions. Defines the interface and method used to initialize re- See also HB 127; HB 128; HB 129. 3pp C
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7603 0) motely a terminal cryptographic unit (TCU) using an
Specifies secure hash functions and is applicable to
asymmetric cipher algorithm.
the provision of authentication, integrity and non-re-
AS 2805.5.2—1992 (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7595 6) pudiation services for interfaces for electronic funds
Modes of operation for an n-bit transfer.
block cipher algorithm 12pp E AS 2805.7—1986 (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3088 4)
Describes four modes of operation for an n-bit block POS message content
cipher algorithm using a secret key. AS 2805.5-1985 Available Superseded See also AS 2805.2- AS 2805.13.2—2000
has been revised and split into a number of parts to 2000 10pp D MD5 8pp F
make provision for a wider range of encipherment Specifies the messages, message structure, format Specifies the algorithm for the secure hash function
techniques. and content, data elements and values for data ele- MD5 for interfaces for electronic funds transfer.
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7604 9) ments, for EFT messages generated at a Point-of- (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3085 X)
Service (POS) terminal. An appendix sets out require-
AS 2805.5.3—1992 ments which will apply to POS devices which claim
compliance with this Standard. Applies to POS devic- AS 2805.13.3—2000
Data encipherment algorithm 2 es which handle authorization, financial transactions SHA-1 7pp E
(DEA 2) 5pp C or enquiries. Specifies the algorithm for the secure hash function—
Specifies a mathematical algorithm for enciphering (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 4382 5) SHA-1.
and deciphering information relating to financial (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3259 3)
transactions. AS 2805.8—1986
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7605 7) AS 2805.14
Financial institution message con-
tent Secure cryptographic devices (re-
AS 2805.5.4—2000 tail)
Available Superseded See also AS 2805.2-
Ciphers—Data encipherment algo- 2000 10pp D
rithm 3 (DEA 3) and related tech- Part 8 specifies the messages, message structure, for- AS 2805.14.1—2000
niques 9pp F mat and content, data elements and values for data el- Concepts, requirements and evalu-
Specifies the DEA 3 ciphering algorithm, which com- ements, for EFT messages exchanged between finan- ation methods
bines three instances of the DEA 1 algorithm as de- cial institutions. Allows for the automated
fined in AS 2805.5.1, in order to achieve greater se- reconciliation of messages previously exchanged but (ISO 13491-1:1998) 21pp H
curity against attack. Also specifies some related makes no provision for exchange of funds (settle- Specifies requirements for secure cryptographic de-
cryptographic processes for higher security. ment). vices which incorporate the cryptographic processes.
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3286 0) (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 4383 3) The Standard has two primary purposes: to state the
requirements concerning both the operational charac-
teristics of SCD's and the management of such devic-
AS 2805.6 AS 2805.9—2000 es throughout all states of their life cycle and to stand-
Key management Privacy of communications ardize the methodology for verifying compliance
10pp E with those requirements. This Standard is identical
AS 2805.6.1—2002 with and has been reproduced from ISO 13491-
Specifies methods of protecting from disclosure the 1:1998.
Principles 30pp H information contained in electronic messages format-
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3193 7)
Specifies the key management principles for keys ted in accordance with the AS 2805 series.
used in the authentication, encipherment and deci- (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3471 5)
pherment of electronic messages relating to financial AS 2806
transactions within the retail banking environment. AS 2805.10—1997 Aluminium ores—Sampling
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4348 X) File transfer integrity validation
6pp D AS 2806.1—1994
AS 2805.6.2—2002 Specifies methods for ensuring the integrity of a file
Sampling procedures
Transaction keys 27pp G during transfer between communicating entities by (ISO 8685:1992) 36pp H
Specifies key management techniques for keys used means of an integrity check value directly calculated Sets out requirements for the sampling of aluminium
in the authentication, encipherment and decipherment from the file or calculated from a hash result derived ores from moving streams and stationary situations,

AS 2806.3—2001

including stopped-belt sampling, to provide subsam- AS 2809.3—1999 performance under other operating conditions are given in
ples or gross samples for sample preparation. an appendix.
(MN-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8647 8) Tankers for compressed liquefia-
(CS-028) (ISBN 0 7262 3858 9)
ble gases 18pp F
AS 2806.3—2001 Specifies requirements for the design, construction
and inspection and testing for vehicles which are con- AS 2815
Preparation of samples structed specifically as road tankers and for conven- Training and certification of occupa-
(ISO 6140:1991) 24pp H tional vehicles that are provided with transportable tional divers
Sets out methods for the preparation of samples of tanks. This edition introduces changes to vehicular
aluminium ore. This Standard is an adoption with na- cabling and electrical equipment. These changes are
tional modifications, and has been reproduced from derived from the National Fire Protection Association AS 2815.1—1992
ISO 6140:1991. (USA). SCUBA diving to 30 m 19pp E
(MN-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3805 2) (ME-057) (ISBN 0 7337 2904 5) Specifies the training activities and competencies re-
quired for training and accreditation of divers who are
AS 2806.4—1994 AS 2809.4—2001 required to work safely and competently using self-
Determination of the heterogeneity Tankers for toxic and corrosive contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA)
to depths of 30 m. Such qualification is the minimum
of constitution cargoes 18pp G required by regulatory authorities who are responsi-
(ISO 6138:1991) 3pp B Specifies the requirements that are particularly appli- ble for the control of on-shore diving but is usually re-
Specifies an experimental method for determining the cable to road tankers for the transport of liquids that stricted to diving involving limited exertion and mi-
heterogeneity of constitution, which is required for are toxic or corrosive or both. The requirements are nor use of tools.
the determination of the minimum sample mass to be complementary to those general requirements neces- (SF-017) (ISBN 0 7262 7629 4)
taken from an aluminium ore lot. sary to comply with AS 2809.1-1999.
(MN-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8649 4) (ME-057) (ISBN 0 7337 3907 5)
AS 2815.2—1992
AS 2809.5—2001 Air diving to 30 m 25pp E
AS 2806.5—1994
Tankers for bitumen-based prod- Part 2 specifies the training activities and competen-
Methods for checking the preci- cies required for the training and accreditation of
sion of sampling 19pp F ucts 20pp G divers who are required to work safely and compe-
Specifies methods for checking the precision of sam- Specifies requirements for the design and construc- tently using self-contained underwater breathing ap-
pling of aluminium ores being carried out in accord- tion of tankers for the transport of cutback bitumen, paratus (SCUBA) or surface-supplied underwater
ance with the methods prescribed in AS 2806.1, ex- inclusive of bitumen sprayers. This Standard intro- breathing apparatus (SSBA) to depths of 30 m; and on
pressed in terms of standard deviation. duces the concept, and control design details for both sites where no surface compression chambers are re-
(MN-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8650 8) automatic and atmospheric burners, for their use quired to be present on site or within a convenient dis-
whilst the tanker is being normally driven. The re- tance. Such qualification is the minimum required by
quirements in this Standard are complementary to regulatory authorities who are responsible for the
AS 2806.6—1994 those requirements necessary to comply with AS control of on-shore diving involving hard work, ma-
Methods for checking the bias of 2809.1-1999. chinery and use of a wide range of tools, e.g. con-
sampling (ME-057) (ISBN 0 7337 4119 3) struction of jetties and dams. Requirements for train-
ing divers for restricted certification, where the
(ISO 10226:1991) 8pp D diver's underwater work capabilities are limited, are
Specifies experimental methods for checking the bias AS 2809.6—2001 included.
in sampling and sample preparation of aluminium Tankers for cryogenic liquids (SF-017) (ISBN 0 7262 7630 8)
ores. Allows an analysis of differences in results ob- 23pp G
tained at loading and discharge.
(MN-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8651 6) Specifies requirements applicable to road tankers for AS 2815.3—1992
the transport of cryogenic liquids. The requirements
in this Standard are complementary to those require- Air diving to 50 m 29pp E
AS 2806.7—1994 ments necessary to comply with AS 2809.1-1999. Part 3 specifies the training activities and competen-
Determination of quality variation (ME-057) (ISBN 0 7337 3980 6) cies required for the training and accreditation of
8pp D divers who are required to work safely and compe-
tently using self-contained underwater breathing ap-
Specifies methods for evaluating the quality variation AS/NZS 2810:1997 paratus (SCUBA) to depths of 30 m; using surface-
of aluminium ores to determine the minimum number Wool—Determination of staple length supplied underwater breathing apparatus (SSBA) to
of primary increments, and consequently for design- depths of 50 m; and on sites with surface compression
ing the sampling scheme. A numerical example, us- and staple strength
chambers present or within a convenient distance.
ing alumina content as the quality characteristic, is in- (IWTO-30-93 IWTO-30-93/Amdt 1- Such qualification is the minimum required by regu-
cluded. 1995) 18pp F latory authorities who are responsible for the control
(MN-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8753 9) Specifies a method for the measurement of mean staple, of off-shore diving, e.g. oil and gas exploration. Re-
mean staple strength, and the position of break in greasy quirements for training divers for restricted certifica-
AS/NZS 2807:2000 wool suitable for worsted processing. It is identical with tion, where the diver's underwater work capabilities
and has been reproduced from IWTO-30-93 and IWTO- are limited, are included.
Reporting outstanding orders (in the 30-93/Amdt 1-1995. (SF-017) (ISBN 0 7262 7631 6)
book trade) 3pp C (TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0913 3)
Proposes a code of practice for use by book publishers
when reporting the reasons why orders for books have not AS 2815.4—1992
been filled. An abbreviated report code and the valid status AS 2811—1985 Bell diving 17pp E
codes are given for each category of outstanding orders re- Personal emergency medical informa- Part 4 specifies the training activities and competen-
port as well as additional information which needs to be tion devices 2pp B
supplied for particular reports. cies required for the further training and accreditation
Specifies requirements for the properties and nature of of experienced air divers to operate safely and com-
(IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2941 X) portable emergency medical information devices to be petently as bellmen and lockout divers. Such qualifi-
worn on the person, and the minimum amount and type of cation is the minimum required by regulatory author-
AS 2809 personal medical information which they contain or to ities who are responsible for the control of deep
Road tank vehicles for dangerous which they may facilitate access by means of a supporting diving off-shore, e.g. oil and gas exploration.
system. (SF-017) (ISBN 0 7262 7633 2)
goods (HE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 3852 X)
AS 2809.1—1999 AS 2816—1992
AS 2812—1985 Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concen-
General requirements 13pp E
Specifies general requirements for vehicles that are
Welding, brazing and cutting of met- trates—Determination of hygroscopic
designed and manufactured specifically as tankers als—Glossary of terms 98pp J moisture in the analysis sample—
and conventional vehicles that are provided with Provides definitions and, where applicable, abbreviations
transportable tanks. It is intended to serve as a refer- of terms, used in connection with welding, brazing and cut- Gravimetric method
ence Standard for the various authorities administer- ting of metals. Terms are in alphabetical sequence cover- (ISO 9599:1991) 4pp B
ing regulations for the handling and transport of dan- ing general terms relating to welding and terms relating to Specifies a gravimetric loss-in-mass method for the deter-
gerous goods. fusion welding, to welding with pressure, to braze welding, mination of hygroscopic moisture content. Applicable to
(ME-057) (ISBN 0 7337 2912 6) to brazing and soldering, to thermal spraying, to thermal copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates with hygroscop-
cutting, to weld imperfections, to destructive testing, and ic moisture contents between 0.05% (m/m) and 2% (m/m).
to health and safety. The terms and definitions relating to This Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO
AS 2809.2—1999 processes in general are grouped in a separate section and 9599:1991.
Tankers for flammable liquids are repeated in other sections, as appropriate. An alphabet-
(MN-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7124 1)
27pp G ical index is included.
Specifies technical requirements for road tankers (WD-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3855 4)
transporting flammable liquid such as dangerous AS/NZS 2817:1997
goods of Class 3, or having Class 3 subsidiary risks, AS 2813—1985 Implants for surgery—Care and han-
for designers, planners, operators and regulators. This Solar water heaters—Method of test dling of orthopaedic implants
Standard allows the use of alternative materials, de-
signs, method of assembly and procedures subject to for thermal performance—Simulator (ISO 8828:1988) 5pp C
an equivalent level of safety being maintained. In this method 18pp E Sets out procedures for handling orthopaedic implants
edition the subject matter regarding tank design and Sets out a method of determining the thermal performance from receipt at the health care facility until they are im-
baffle arrangements has been expanded to cover most of a solar water heating system under controlled conditions planted or discarded. It is technically equivalent to and re-
tank vehicles and trailers. which simulate an average day and a bad weather day. produced from ISO 8828:1988.
(ME-057) (ISBN 0 7337 2911 8) Means of using the results of this test to predict thermal (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 1208 8)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2818—1993 AS 2824—1985 change in zero and assessing the resistance of pigment fill-
Non-destructive testing—Ultrasonic ers to chemical agents.
Guide to swimming pool safety (CH-030) (ISBN 0 7262 3972 0)
See also AS 2818-1986 9pp B methods—Evaluation and quality
Provides guidance on the prevention of accidental drown- classification of metal bearing bonds AS/NZS 2832
ings and injuries in private swimming pools and spas and 7pp C
identifies potential hazards in the use and maintenance of Cathodic protection of metals
Sets out methods for the assessment of the quality of the
private swimming pools. bond between metal bearings and their backing material or
(CS-034) (ISBN 0 7262 8346 0) shell, and specifies six classes of quality. AS/NZS 2832.1:1998
(MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 3915 1) Pipes and cables 68pp J
AS 2818—1986 Specifies requirements for the cathodic protection of
Guide to swimming pool safety AS 2825—1985 buried or submerged metallic pipes and cables. It cov-
ers structure design for cathodic protection, coatings,
Available Superseded See also AS 1926.2-1995, Information processing—Character protection criteria, measuring techniques, the design,
AS 1926.3-1993 and AS 2818-1993 8pp A structure for start/stop and synchro- installation and maintenance of cathodic protection
Provides guidance on the prevention of accidental drown- nous character-oriented transmission systems, and the control of interference currents. Ad-
ings and injuries in private swimming pools and spas and (ISO 1177:1985) 2pp B vice and information on these aspects are contained in
identifies potential hazards in the use and maintenance of appendices.
private swimming pools. Alternative pool fencing arrange- Specifies the character structure to be used for serial-by-bit
start/stop and synchronous data transmission systems us- (MT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 2248 2)
ments are set out offering three levels of restriction of ac-
cess to the pool. Suggested dimensions are also included ing the internationally standardized 7-bit and 8-bit coded
for skimmer boxes so that the likelihood of entrapment is character sets and extension to these coded character sets. AS 2832.2—1991
minimized. It also specifies the parity sense to be used with the 7-bit Compact buried structures
coded character set. It applies to the information transfer
(CS-034) (ISBN 0 7262 4335 3) through the interface standardized by CCITT and IEC/ISO 35pp H
between the data terminal equipment, DTE, and data cir- Amdt 1 March 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8060 7) X
AS 2819—1985 cuit-terminating equipment, DCE, as defined in the rele- Amdt 2 July 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2740 9) X
vant CCITT V and X series recommendations. Technically
Thermometers—Meteorological— identical with ISO 1177:1985.
Provides guidelines for the cathodic protection of ex-
Maximum, minimum and ordinary ternal surfaces of compact buried structures and gives
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3918 6) information on the design, installation, operation and
22pp E maintenance of cathodic protection systems.
Amdt 1 October 1985 X AS 2826—1985 (MT-014) (ISBN 0 7262 6754 6)
Specifies requirements for the glasses, filling, mounts, Manual metal-arc welding electrode
sheaths and figuring of maximum, minimum and ordinary holders 10pp D AS 2832.3—1992
thermometers as well as fully manufactured thermometers. Fixed immersed structures
Contains supportive physical and chemical tests for all ma- Applies to electrode holders designed for use with welding
jor specifications including the permanence of markings. power sources complying with AS 1966, Parts 1 and 2. The 30pp G
electrode holders are divided into three major types de- Amdt 1 March 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8061 5) X
(CH-030) (ISBN 0 7262 3878 3) pending on the insulation level, and further divided into
five classes depending on the current rating and duty cycle. Amdt 2 July 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2741 7) X
AS 2820—1993 Construction performance requirements and test methods Provides guidelines for the cathodic protection of ex-
are also included. ternal surfaces of fixed structures which are im-
Gate units for private swimming (EL-019) (ISBN 0 7262 3932 1) mersed in various types of water including sea water,
pools 14pp E and covers the design, installation, operation and
Amdt 1 27 April 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3317 4) X AS 2828—1999 maintenance of cathodic protection systems.
Specifies requirements for the design, construction and (MT-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7291 4)
performance of gate units intended to be installed as part of Paper-based health care records
a fence which complies with AS 1926.1. This Standard for 16pp F AS 2832.4—1994
gate units is primarily intended for use by manufacturers Specifies requirements for the physical aspects of health Internal surfaces 30pp G
who are seeking certification. care records such as size, quality, layout, colour, order of
(CS-034) (ISBN 0 7262 8347 9) filing and record cover, and method of fixing the health Amdt 1 July 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2742 5) X
care record forms/dividers within the record cover. Provides guidelines for the cathodic protection of in-
(HE-025) (ISBN 0 7337 2968 1) ternal surfaces of pipes and structures and gives infor-
AS 2821—1985 mation on the design, installation, operation and
Fluid power systems and compo- AS 2829—1986 maintenance of cathodic protection systems.
nents—Cylinders—Identification code (MT-014) (ISBN 0 7262 2832 4)
British Association (BA) screw
for mounting dimensions and mount- threads and associated gauges and
ing types AS 2832.5—2002
gauging practice 18pp E Steel in concrete structures
(ISO 6099) 45pp H Amdt 1 December 1986 X
Adopted from and identical with ISO 6099. It specifies a Specifies requirements for British Association (BA) screw
60pp J
conventional system for identifying fluid power cylinder threads in sizes 0 BA (6 mm diameter) to 25 BA (0.25 mm Provides performance requirements for the cathodic
dimensions and mounting dimensions. The system is com- diameter) inclusive. It gives information on the screw protection of steel in atmospherically-exposed, bur-
posed of a letter code for identifying mounting dimensions, thread system, including tolerances, deviations, symbols ied and submerged concrete in both new and existing
envelope dimensions, and cylinder fitting dimensions as used for the screw thread parameters, and designation, to- structures. It covers the parts of buildings and civil
well as a code for identifying cylinder mounting types. It gether with requirements for associated gauges and gaug- engineering structures that include normal reinforce-
does not represent a standard list of all cylinder mounting ing practices used for the verification of the screw threads ment and prestressed reinforcement embedded in the
types but it does establish uniform descriptions for dimen- for sizes from 0 BA to 10 BA inclusive. Appendices give concrete. It is applicable to both uncoated and organic
sions and a conformity of terms. The codes are not com- the basis of the tabulated values, notes on the pitch diame- coated steel reinforcement.
plete as allowance is provided for future development. ter equivalent of pitch and angle errors, and notes on the (MT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4548 2)
(ME-035) (ISBN 0 7262 3893 7) verification of screw threads.
(ME-028) (ISBN 0 7262 3943 7) AS 2833—1985
AS 2822—1985 Metrology—Symbols for expressing
Acoustics—Methods of assesing and AS 2830 uncertainty of measurements 4pp B
predicting speech privacy and speech Good laboratory practice Amdt 1 December 1986 X
intelligibility 14pp D Sets out symbols for the expression of uncertainty relating
Sets out objective methods for predicting the attainability AS 2830.1—1985 to the results of measurements and of calibration of meas-
Chemical analysis 5pp C uring instruments, and the associated level of confidence,
of, and subjective methods for assessing actual attainment for use in metrological reports. Examples of the use of the
of, both reliable speech communication and speech priva- Specifies general requirements for the technical com- symbols are given.
cy in a given environment. Applies to the determination of petence and good management of a chemical labora-
speech intelligibility in auditoriums, classrooms, lecture tory so that compliance with the resulting Standard
(ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 3978 X)
rooms, conference rooms etc. and speech privacy condi- will provide an assurance that test data generated by
tions in offices, conference rooms, hotels, motels, dwell- the laboratory are of high quality, scientifically relia- AS 2834—1995
ings and schools. ble, and in accordance with national and international Computer accommodation 46pp I
(AV-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3901 1) Standards. The Standard focuses on laboratory organ- Sets out recommended requirements for the accommoda-
ization, personnel, facilities, test equipment and in- tion of computer systems in buildings for which special
strumentation, calibration, safety, sample storage, provisions are necessary or desirable. It excludes provi-
AS 2823—1985 data recording, reporting, quality assurance system, sions for personal or home computers and those installed
Agricultural tractors and self-pro- and procedures for regular inspection and assessment. in an uncontrolled environment.
pelled machines—Test procedure for (CH-023) (ISBN 0 7262 3954 2) (IT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9834 4)
performance of air-conditioning sys-
tems 7pp C AS 2831—1985 AS 2835
Sets out a test procedure for evaluating the thermodynamic Thermometers—Solid stem—Long Absorbent woven gauze
performance of air-conditioning systems on agricultural and short—For precision use 14pp D
tractors and self-propelled machines. The Standard is Specifies requirements for long and short solid stem ther-
based on, and is technically equivalent to, a draft proposal AS 2835.1—1998
mometers intended for general use over the ranges from -
for a Technical Report proposed by ISO Technical Com- 55°C to 420°C for long thermometers and from -55°C to Cotton 4pp C
mittee TC/23, and in addition takes into consideration the 410°C for short thermometers. Details the coding which Specifies requirements for absorbent woven cotton
effect of solar heat radiation by simulation of the solar designates the graduation interval and the practical temper- gauze suitable for use in the manufacture of surgical
load. ature range over which the thermometer is useful. Includes dressings.
(ME-065) (ISBN 0 7262 3908 9) procedures for detecting strain in the glass, determining the (MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1705 5)

AS 2835.2—1998

AS 2835.2—1998 AS 2839—1988 AS 2844.1—1986

Cotton-viscose blends 5pp C Colour television receivers—General Glossary of terms 9pp D
Specifies requirements for the cotton-viscose blends requirements and selected perform- Defines terms used in the design, manufacture, instal-
used in the manufacture of absorbent woven cotton ance parameters—Limits and meth- lation and use of milking machines for animals. The
gauze. terms are intended for use in research work, official
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1706 3) ods of measurement 19pp E regulations, manufacture and use of milking ma-
Amdt 1 October 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9317 2) X chines for cows, sheep and goats.
AS 2836 Standardizes methods of measurement and specifies limits (FT-013) (ISBN 0 7262 4013 3)
for performance of colour television receivers and video
Methods of testing surgical dressings
and surgical dressing materials
cassette recorders. AS 2844.2—1986
(CT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5210 7) Construction and performance
AS 2836.0—1998 8pp C
AS 2840—1986 Specifies performance requirements and certain di-
General introduction and list of
methods 1p A Microfilming newspapers for archival mensional requirements for satisfactory functioning
purposes 9pp D of milking machines. Also specifies requirements for
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2015 3) materials, construction and installation.
Specifies requirements for the microfilming of newspapers (FT-013) (ISBN 0 7262 4014 1)
on 35 mm silver halide roll film for archival purposes, and
AS 2836.1—1998 provides details for the desired quality characteristics of
Method for the determination of exposed films. AS 2844.3—1986
loss of mass on drying 2pp B (MS-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4004 4) Mechanical tests 13pp D
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2016 1) Sets out procedures for carrying out mechanical tests
AS 2841—1986 on milking machines to verify that installations com-
AS 2836.2—1998 ply with the requirements specified in AS 2844.2,
Galvanized steel wire strand 8pp C Construction and performance. May be used for test-
Method for the identification of cot- Amdt 1 June 1986 X ing new installations prior to acceptance and for peri-
ton and viscose fibres 3pp B Amdt 2 August 1987 X odic checking of machines for efficiency of opera-
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2017 X) tion. Also stipulates the accuracy requirements of
Specifies requirements for the designation, manufacture, measuring instruments and provides examples of the
and testing of galvanized steel wire strand for structural, types of report forms which can be used to record
AS 2836.3—1998 guying, and general purpose applications. The designation tests results.
Method for the determination of method is based on ISO 3578. (FT-013) (ISBN 0 7262 4015 X)
mass per unit area 2pp B (ME-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4005 2)
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2018 8) AS/NZS 2845
AS 2842—1986 Water supply—Backflow prevention
AS 2836.4—1998 Fluid power—O-rings and housings— devices
Method for the determination of Inch series, metric conversion
size 2pp B 26pp F AS/NZS 2845.1:1998
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2019 6) Amdt 1 August 1986 X Materials, design and performance
Amdt 2 December 1988 X requirements 107pp K
AS 2836.5—1998 Specifies the dimensions of elastomeric O-rings used for Specifies requirements for the materials, design and
Method for the determination of sealing components against the ingress of contaminants performance testing of backflow devices used to pre-
sinking time 2pp B and the egress of fluids under dynamic and static condi- vent contamination of potable water supplies.
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2020 X) tions, and the dimensions of O-ring housings with and (WS-023) (ISBN 0 7337 1792 6)
without anti-extrusion back-up washers. It is based on the
former AS B320 and has been extended to include the AS 2845.2—1996
AS 2836.6—1998 range of O-rings specified in SAE Aerospace Standard AS
Method for the determination of ab- 568A. Groove dimensions for static and dynamic applica- Air gaps and break tanks 8pp D
sorption rate and water holding ca- tions for both internal and external pressures are specified, Specifies requirements for air gaps and break tanks
and information on parallel tube fitting boss gaskets is in- used as backflow prevention devices for the protec-
pacity 3pp B cluded. tion of potable water supply.
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2021 8) (ME-035) (ISBN 0 7262 4007 9) (WS-023) (ISBN 0 7337 0758 0)
AS 2836.7—1998 AS/NZS 2843 AS 2845.3—1993
Method for the determination of Timber preservation plant safety Field testing and maintenance
level of surface-active substanc- code 20pp F
es 2pp B Specifies requirements for field testing and mainte-
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2022 6) nance of backflow prevention devices specified in AS
AS/NZS 2843.1:2000 2845.1 and includes requirements for air gaps and
AS 2836.8—1998 Plant design 18pp F break tanks as registered by the relevant authorities.
Method for the determination of Sets out specifications for the siting, design and lay- (WS-023) (ISBN 0 7262 8331 2)
quantity of water-soluble sub- out of timber preservation plants, and improved prac-
tice options for existing plants, in order to promote AS 2847
stances 3pp B their safe operation and reduce environmental and oc-
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2023 4) cupational hazards. It incorporates information on the
Information processing—Data inter-
contents of The Australian environmental guidelines change on 130 mm (5.25 in) flexible
AS 2836.9—1998 for copper chrome arsenate timber preservation disk cartridges using two-frequency
plants, which was prepared by Australian and New recording at 7958 ftprad, 1.9 tpmm (48
Method for the determination of the Zealand Environment and Conservation Council
presence of starch and dextrins (ANZECC) and The Timber Preservers Association tpi), on one side
2pp B of Australia (TPAA). Appendices provide lists of
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2024 2)
some regulatory authorities currently involved in AS 2847.1—1986
some aspects of timber preservation and an example Dimensional, physical and mag-
of a compliance timetable for the assessment and
AS 2836.10—1998 management of contaminated sites. netic characteristics
Method for the determination of the (TM-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3292 5) (ISO 6596-1:1985) 16pp E
presence of fluorescing substanc- Specifies the dimensional, physical and magnetic
characteristics of the cartridge, so as to provide phys-
es 1p A AS/NZS 2843.2:2000 ical interchangeability between data processing sys-
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2025 0) Plant operation 23pp G tems. Technically equivalent to ISO 6596-1:1985.
Sets out requirements for the operation of timber (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4055 9)
AS 2836.11—1998 preservation plants, in order to reduce environmental
Method for the determination of and occupational hazards.It incorporates information AS 2847.2—1988
sulfated ash content 2pp B on and the contents of The Australian environmental Track format
guidelines for copper chrome arsenate timber preser-
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2026 9) vation plants, which was prepared by Australian and (ISO 6596-2:1985) 11pp C
New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council Specifies the magnetic characteristics, the track lay-
AS 2837—1986 (ANZECC) and The Timber Preservers Association out, and a track format to be used on a 130 mm flexi-
Wrought alloy steels—Stainless steel of Australia (TPAA). Appendices provide lists of ble disk cartridge, recorded at 7958 ftprad on one
some regulatory authorities currently involved in side. This Standard is identical with ISO 6596-
bars and semi-finished products some aspects of timber preservation and an example 2:1985.
16pp E of operational check list. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5302 2)
Specifies requirements for wrought stainless steels for gen- (TM-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3293 3)
eral engineering purposes, supplied as hot-rolled and cold- AS 2848
finished (cold-sized or bright) bars for machining, bars,
blooms, billets and slabs for forging, and forgings. AS 2844 Aluminium and aluminium alloys—
(MT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4157 1) Milking machine installations Compositions and designations

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2848.1—1998 AS 2855—1986 AS 2862.1—1999

Wrought products 11pp D Paints and related materials—Mica- Sampling procedures for determi-
Sets out designation systems to identify grades of ceous iron oxide pigment nation of metal and moisture con-
wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys and their Reconfirmed 1995 23pp F tent
tempers. Full chemical compositions are included for Amdt 1 March 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8805 5) X
wrought grades currently available in Australia. (ISO 12743:1998) 72pp K
Specifies essential requirements for micaceous iron oxide Specifies procedures for sampling sulfide concen-
(MT-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2204 0) when used as a pigment and/or as a weather resisting agent trates from moving streams and stationary lots, in-
when incorporated in paints and related materials. The cluding stopped-belt sampling, to provide samples for
AS 2849—1986 Standard is fully comprehensive as it includes photomicro- chemical analysis, physical testing and determination
Density of water—Numerical value graphs depicting the acceptable structure, shape, size and of moisture content. This Standard is identical with
colour of MIO particles, and contains all methods of test and has been reproduced from ISO 12743:1998.
3pp B required for checking the specified properties.
Specifies two methods for the determination of the numer-
(MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2865 0)
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4077 X)
ical value of the density of water under specified condi-
tions, viz. by reference to a table and by calculation. The AS 2862.2—1999
value of the density of standard mean ocean water under AS 2856
Experimental methods for check-
specified conditions is included in an appendix. The values Coal petrography ing the precision of sampling
are those proclaimed in a determination by the National
Standards Commission—Recognised-value Standard of AS 2856.1—2000 (ISO 12744:1997) 12pp F
Measurement of Density—Water, dated 21 March 1985, in Specifies methods for checking the precision of pri-
accordance with the National Measurement Act 1960. Preparation of coal samples for in- mary sampling, sample processing, chemical analy-
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7262 4063 X) cident light microscopy 4pp D sis, physical testing and determination of moisture
Sets out recommended procedures for the preparation content of sulfide concentrates. This Standard is iden-
AS 2850—1986 of polished coal samples which are adequate for char- tical with and has been reproduced from ISO
acterization of coals using various methods of inci- 12744:1997.
Chemical analysis—Interlaboratory dent light microscopy. (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2866 9)
test programs—For determining preci- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3310 7)
sion of analytical method(s)—Guide to AS 2862.3—1999
the planning and conduct 45pp H AS 2856.2—1998 Experimental methods for check-
Provides guidance in choosing procedures and determin- Maceral analysis 29pp G ing the bias of sampling
ing parameters used to select and validate methods of
chemical analysis through the determination of the preci- Sets out a procedure for the complete maceral analy- (ISO 13292:1997) 11pp E
sion of those methods. Precision is determined in terms of sis of all ranks of coal, aimed at obtaining the propor-
tion of each maceral occurring within a coal, ex- Sets out methods for checking whether there is bias in
repeatability, within-laboratory reproducibility and repro- the sampling of sulfide concentrates. Numerical ex-
ducibility. Defines relevant statistical terms, specifies test pressed as a volume percentage.
amples are provided. This Standard is identical with
material requirements and discusses the number of labora- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1912 0) and has been reproduced from ISO 13292:1997.
tories required as well as the functions of a 'steering' com- (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2867 7)
mittee to coordinate activities. Includes computer program AS 2856.3—2000
to calculate repeatability and reproducibility and four sam-
ples of results sheets. Applicable to laboratories reasona- Method for microscopical determi- AS 2863—1999
bly experienced in the methods to be evaluated with re- nation of the reflectance of coal Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concen-
spect to the materials being analyzed. macerals 14pp F trates—Determination of mass loss of
(CH-023) (ISBN 0 7262 4229 2) Sets out method for the microscopical determination bulk material on drying
of the maximum and random reflectance in oil of pol-
AS 2851—1986 ished surfaces of coal macerals. (ISO 10251:1997) 13pp F
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3324 7) Specifies a gravimetric method for determination of the
Density of mercury—Numerical value mass loss of sulfide concentrates on drying. A method for
2pp B determining susceptibility to oxidation is included. This
Two methods for the determination of the numerical value
AS/NZS 2857:1996 Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from
of the density of mercury under specified conditions, viz. Timber drums for insulated electric ISO 10251:1997.
by reference to a table and by calculation. The values are cables and bare conductors 23pp F (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2870 7)
those proclaimed in a determination by the National Stand- Specifies requirements for timber drums up to 5 t capacity
ards Commission—Recognised-value Standard of Meas- for the transport and storage of insulated electric cable, AS 2864
urement of Density—Mercury, dated 21 March 1985, in bare conductor and other products for which the drums are
accordance with the National Measurement Act 1960. Methods for the analysis of rutile
suitable. The Standard includes nomenclature and dimen-
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7262 4066 4) sions of a preferred range of drums, together with details
of materials, construction and marking and special require- AS 2864.1—1987
AS 2852—1986 ments for the protection of cables. Determination of titanium con-
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0515 4) tent—Titrimetric method 3pp B
Packaging—Pictorial marking for the
handling of packages Amdt 1 September 1987 X
AS 2858—2001 Sets out a titrimetric method, using aluminium reduc-
(ISO 780:1984) 5pp C Timber—Softwood—Visually graded tion and ammonium iron(III) sulphate titration, for
Amdt 1 June 1986 X for structural purposes 59pp J the determination of the titanium content of rutile
Specifies a set of symbols used internationally for pictorial concentrates containing in excess of 90% titanium di-
marking of transport packages to convey handling instruc- Sets out grading descriptions for five structural grades and
one stud grade. Stress grades are given on the basis of spe- oxide. Precision data obtained through an interlabora-
tions. It is technically identical with ISO 780:1984. tory test program are provided.
cies. Other grade descriptions are included for Cypress and
(PK-025) (ISBN 0 7262 4067 2) Hoop. Structural appearance grades are also specified, de- (MN-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4453 8)
rived from the above grades, by further limitations on the
AS 2852P—1986 visual blemishes allowed in structural members exposed to AS/NZS 2865:2001
view. Definitions, methods of measurement, moisture con-
Handling symbols—Poster A tent and grade summary tables are also included. Safe working in a confined space
Illustrates a set of 12 symbols used internationally for pic- (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3627 0) 45pp I
torial markings of transport packages to convey handling
instructions. There are 9 diagrams of examples of display. Provides requirements and guidance in eliminating or min-
AS 2859—1986 imizing the need to enter confined spaces and in avoiding
(PK-025) hazards which may be encountered where entry to a con-
Textiles—Seam types—Classification fined space is unavoidable. Contains Sections dealing with
AS 2853—1986 and terminology risk identification and assessment, monitoring prior to en-
(ISO 4916) 63pp H try, education and training as well as emergency response.
Enclosures—Temperature-control- Appendices provide additional guidance for cleaning and
led—Performance testing and grad- Describes a classification and terminology of seam types, the precautions needed when undertaking hot work. A
and defines different configurations of seams using single-
ing 10pp D or multi-component fabric systems. The Standard is iden-
sample risk assessment form and written authority to enter
Specifies a test procedure for establishing the temperature- are provided, as is a typical check list.
tical with and has been produced from ISO 4916.
performance characteristics of temperature-controlled en- (SF-037) (ISBN 0 7337 4118 5)
closures. This data forms the basis of a grading system that
(TX-) (ISBN 0 7262 4139 3)
classifies enclosure performance levels. The Standard is AS 2865—1995
applicable to all temperature-controlled enclosures regard- AS 2860—1986
less of size, temperature range, mode of operation, method Textiles—Stitch types—Classification Safe working in a confined space
of construction, type or purpose.
and terminology 42pp I
(ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 4069 9) Provides guidance in eliminating or minimizing the need
(ISO 4915) 45pp G to enter confined spaces and in avoiding exposure to haz-
Describes and illustrates the various kinds of stitch types ards which may be experienced where entry to a confined
AS 2854—1986 used in hand- and machine-sewn seams. The Standard is space is necessary. Includes Sections dealing with risk
Tinplate cans for general use 8pp C identical with and has been reproduced from ISO 4915. identification and assessment, monitoring prior to entry,
Specifies structural and performance requirements for a (TX-) (ISBN 0 7262 4138 5) education and training as well as rescue and first-aid. Ap-
range of tinplate cans for general use having friction head pendices provide additional guidance for cleaning and pre-
with plug or non-removable head with sealable aperture. AS 2862 cautions needed when undertaking hot work. A sample en-
Nominal capacities, gross lidded capacities and dimen- try permit and risk assessment are provided, as is a typical
sions are specified for a range of stock sizes. Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concen- check list.
(PK-028) (ISBN 0 7262 4070 2) trates—Sampling (SF-037) (ISBN 0 7262 9473 X)

AS 2866—1986

AS 2866—1986 AS 2871—1988 AS 2879

Dental equipment—Compressed air Solvents—1,1,1-Trichloroethane (in- Alumina
systems 13pp D hibited) 2pp A
Specifies requirements for compressed air systems used Specifies requirements for 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (inhibit- AS 2879.1—2000
solely for dental purposes. Covers safety aspects, construc- ed) solvent, used as a general degreasing solvent or as a Determination of loss of mass at
tion, testing, operation and maintenance. Definitions, qual- solvent in vapour degreasing systems. 300°C and 1000°C 8pp E
ity of air, design and performance of the system, materials, (CH-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4946 7)
cleaning of pipelines and components, identification and Sets out a method for the determination of loss of
installation requirements, commissioning and testing of mass on heating of aluminium oxide at 300°C and
compressed air systems are laid down. AS 2872—2000 further loss of mass on ignition at 1000°C.This meth-
Atmospheric heating of vessels con- od is suitable for calcined alumina in the range 0.2%
(HE-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4178 4) to 5% loss of mass at 300°C and 0.1% to 2% loss of
taining fluids—Estimation of maxi- mass at 1000°C .
AS 2867—1986 mum temperature 32pp H (MN-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3325 5)
Farm structures—General require- Specifies a method for calculating temperatures and corre-
ments for structural design 9pp D sponding vapour pressures of fluids in vessels subject to at- AS 2879.2—1991
mospheric heating in the hottest month of the year in vari-
Specifies requirements for structural design of farm struc- ous locations around Australia. The method is applicable Determination of particles passing
tures with low human occupancy. This Standard covers to stationary and transport vessels containing compressed a 20 micrometre aperture sieve
only minimum requirements for structural design of form liquefied gases, permanent gases and liquids having a vis- 4pp C
structures and does not include other requirements such as cosity not exceeding approximately 1 Pa.s.
fire safety and health. Sets out a wet-sieving procedure for the determina-
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3084 1) tion of the percentage by mass of particles of smelter-
(BD-065) (ISBN 0 7262 4181 4) grade alumina passing a 20 micrometre aperture
AS 2873—1986 sieve.
AS 2868—1986 (MN-009) (ISBN 0 7262 6771 6)
Carbon-manganese steel cylinders for
Classification of machinery for earth- compressed gases—Seamless—0.1
moving, construction, surface mining AS 2879.3—1991
kg to 500 kg 16pp D Determination of alpha alumina
and agricultural purposes 12pp D
Sets out the type and size of earthmoving machinery with
Amdt 1 November 1987 X content by X-ray diffraction 3pp B
consideration to both power and mass criteria. Where pos- Specifies requirements for design, manufacture, testing
and marking. Lists suggested minimum information for Sets out an X-ray diffraction method for the determi-
sible, classes have been made small enough to separate nation of the alpha alumina content of smelter-grade
machines with significantly different productive output. purchase.
alumina containing alpha phase levels up to 50%.
Tables provide the class number in relation to net engine (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4186 5) (MN-009) (ISBN 0 7262 6795 3)
power, operating mass, digging depth, classifying load,
static linear load, bowl capacity and classifying power. AS 2874—1986
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4182 2) AS 2879.4—1991
High tensile carbon-manganese steel Determination of specific surface
cylinders for compressed gases— area by nitrogen adsorption
AS/NZS 2869:1998 Seamless—0.1 kg to 500 kg 12pp D
Tampons—Menstrual 2pp B
Amdt 1 November 1987 X Sets out a single-point instrumental method for the
See also AS/NZS 2869:1995 22pp F Specifies requirements for design, manufacture, testing determination of specific surface area of smelter-
Specifies requirements for menstrual tampons including and marking. Lists suggested minimum information for
length, pull strength and water repellency of the withdraw- grade alumina having a surface area between 25 m2/g
al cord, materials, absorptive capacity, microbial content, and 100 m2/g.
(ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4187 3) (MN-009) (ISBN 0 7262 6796 1)
marking and packaging. Includes a classification system
based on tampon absorbency with descriptive terms to be
used in labelling tampons according to their absorbency AS 2875—1995 AS 2879.5—1994
range. Information to be given in an accompanying leaflet Alloy steel cylinders for compressed
is described. Determination of angle of flow
(CS-065) (ISBN 0 7337 1929 5)
gases—Seamless—0.1 kg to 500 kg 7pp C
18pp F Specifies a method for determining the angle of flow,
Specifies the requirements of alloy steel (chromium mo- in the range 30° to 50°, of smelter-grade alumina. The
AS/NZS 2869:1995 lybdenum) to raise its efficiency 4% above those specified angle is calculated after measuring the amount of ma-
Tampons—Menstrual in BS 5045.1, whilst still maintaining proven safety mar- terial that will flow through a standard orifice.
Available Superseded See also AS/NZS gins. Also, to maintain safety, the limits of the steels used (MN-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8187 5)
2869:1998 24pp F in this Standard, and that are known to induce stress crack-
ing, have been kept well within the limits given in the Brit- AS 2879.6—1995
Amdt 1 November 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0114 0) X ish, American and ISO Standards.
Specifies requirements for menstrual tampons including (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9534 5) Determination of the mass distri-
length, pull strength and water repellency of the withdraw- bution of particle sizes using elec-
al cord, materials, absorptive capacity, microbial content, troformed sieves 6pp C
marking and packaging. Information to be given in an ac- AS 2876—2000
companying leaflet is described. A classification system Sets out a dry sieve method, using electroformed
Concrete kerbs and channels (gut- sieves, for determining the mass distribution of the
based on tampon absorbancy is given, and includes de-
scriptive terms to be used in labelling tampons according ters)—Manually or machine placed particle sizes in aluminium oxide primarily used for
to their absorbancy range. 13pp F the production of aluminium.
(CS-065) (ISBN 0 7262 9535 3) Specifies requirements for manually placed or machine- (MN-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9588 4)
placed concrete kerbs and channels. The Standard is for us-
AS 2870—1996 ers and providers to ensure the quality of the finished prod- AS 2879.7—1997
uct. Determination of trace elements—
Residential slabs and footings—Con- (CE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 3686 6)
struction Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluo-
See also AS 2870.1-1988 67pp I rescence spectrometric method
AS 2877—1986 24pp G
Amdt 1 January 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0869 2) X Methods of test for fuel consumption Sets out a wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence
Amdt 2 June 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2717 4) B of motor vehicles designed to comply spectrometric method for the analysis of aluminium
Amdt 3 22 November 2002 (ISBN 0 73374936 4) with Australian Design Rules 37 and oxide for trace amounts of any or all of the following
A elements: sodium, silicon, iron, calcium, titanium,
40 46pp H phosphorous, vanadium, zinc, manganese, gallium,
Sets out the requirements for the classification of a site and Sets out test methods for measuring fuel consumption of
the design and construction of a footing system for a single potassium, copper, chromium and nickel, expressed
motor vehicles under controlled conditions simulating city as the oxides on an as-received basis.
dwelling house, town house or the like which may be de- and highway driving. Although definitive specifications
tached or separated by a party wall or common wall but not (MN-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0796 3)
for some fuels (e.g. unleaded petrol, LP gas and diesel)
situated vertically above or below another dwelling. The have been included, the Standard applies to the determina-
Standard may also apply to other forms of construction in- tion of fuel consumption of motor vehicles, having internal AS 2879.8—2000
cluding some light commercial and institutional buildings combustion engines, that are fuelled with any appropriate Determination of bulk density
if they are similar to houses in size, loading and superstruc- fuel.
ture flexibility. The footing systems for which designs are 6pp D
given include slab-on ground, stiffened rafts, waffle rafts,
(CS-027) (ISBN 0 7262 4180 6) Sets out a method for the determination of unpacked
strip footings, pad footings and pitted footings. The de- and packed bulk density of smelter-grade aluminium
signs in this Standard do not apply to industrial buildings. AS/NZS 2878:2000 oxide primarily used for the production of alumini-
(BD-025) (ISBN 0 7337 0560 X) Timber—Classification into strength um.
(MN-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3315 8)
groups 28pp G
AS 2870 Supplement 1—1996 Specifies a procedure for the classification of timber spe-
cies into positive or provisional strength groups based on AS 2879.9—2002
Residential slabs and footings—Con- Determination of flow time 6pp D
testing of small, clear specimens or on the species mean
struction—Commentary (Supplement dry density. When used in conjunction with visual grading Sets out a method for determining the amount of time
to AS 2870-1996) 47pp F rules the strength groups provide a means of determining a taken for a given quantity of smelter grade alumina to
Provides explanations and additional background material stress grade for graded timber. A list of species and their flow by gravity through a precisely constructed stand-
to assist in the interpretation of AS 2870-1996. strength groups is given. ard funnel.
(BD-025) (ISBN 0 7337 0561 8) (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3518 5) (MN-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4733 7)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2882—1986 AS 2885.3—2001 AS 2888.9—2002

Waters—Determination of chromium Operation and maintenance Method for determining residual
(VI) (diphenylcarbazide spectrophoto- 66pp K stress in plastics waste fittings
metric method) 2pp B Specifies minimum requirements for the operation 1p A
Sets out a spectrophotometric method for the determina- and maintenance of pipelines designed to AS 2885.1.
It also applies to pipelines designed and built under (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4569 5)
tion of filtrable chromium (VI) in natural and waste waters
in the range 0.01 to 5 mg/L. those Standards superseded by this Standard, when
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 4213 6)
they are modified to operate under the conditions AS 2888.10—2002
within the scope of this Standard.
(ME-038) (ISBN 0 7337 4084 7) Method for leak testing plastics
AS 2883—2000 pan connectors 2pp B
Analysis of metals—Procedures for AS/NZS 2885.5:2002 (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4570 9)
the setting up, calibration and stand- Field pressure testing 79pp K
ardization of atomic emission spec- Specifies methods for the pressure testing of petrole- AS 2888.11—2002
trometers using arc/spark discharge um pipelines in accordance with AS 2885.1 and AS Method for cyclic testing of plas-
2885.3. It may also be used for testing other pipelines tics telescopic waste connectors
20pp G including those designed to AS 1697.
Sets out procedures and terms for the setting up, calibra- (ME-038) (ISBN 0 7337 4364 1) (rubber-ring joint type) 2pp B
tion and standardization of atomic emission spectrometers (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4571 7)
using arc/spark discharge for the analysis of metals. Also AS 2886—1986
includes test procedures to ensure optimum equipment re- AS 2890
sponse. Voltage measurement—Sphere-gap
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3208 9) method (one sphere earthed) Parking facilities
(IEC 52:1960) 16pp E
AS 2884 Adopts IEC 52:1960 which applies to the construction and AS 2890.1—1993
use of sphere-gaps for measuring direct voltages and the Off-street car parking 49pp I
Heavy mineral sand concentrates— peak value of alternating voltages and impulse voltages,
Sampling both standard full wave and with longer tails. The peak val- Specifies minimum requirements for the design and
ues of the disruptive voltages in air are given in tabular layout of off-street parking facilities, including both
form. single- and multi-level car parks, for motor cars, vans
AS 2884.1—1997 (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4252 7) and motorcycles. It covers both internal design re-
Moving streams 36pp H quirements and the requirements for access from and
egress to public streets. Appendices include guide-
Sets out methods for sampling free-flowing heavy AS 2887—1993 lines for parking provisions for people with disabili-
mineral sands from moving streams, to provide sam- Plastic waste fittings 23pp F ties.
ples for chemical analysis, physical testing and deter-
mination of moisture. Specifies requirements for moulded or fabricated plastic (CE-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8308 8)
waste fittings for use in plumbing installations. Such fit-
(MN-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0872 2) tings are suitable for receiving short-duration, intermittent
liquid discharges at temperatures not exceeding 95°C. AS 2890.2—2002
AS 2884.2—1993 UPVC fittings for soil, waste and vent applications are not Off-street commercial vehicle facil-
covered by this Standard. ities 37pp H
Sampling from stationary situa- (PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 8484 X)
tions 21pp F Specifies minimum requirements for the layout of
off-street facilities for the loading and unloading of
Sets out methods for the sampling of heavy mineral AS 2888 commercial vehicles, including design requirements
sand concentrates from stationary situations, to pro-
vide samples for chemical analysis, physical testing Methods of testing plastics waste fit- for access driveways across the property boundary
tings and for internal circulation raodways. It provides for
and determination of moisture. a variety of standard design vehicle sizes and config-
(MN-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8270 7) urations.
AS 2888.0—2002 (CE-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4870 8)
AS 2884.3—1986 Introduction and list of methods
Preparation of samples 10pp D 1p X AS 2890.3—1993
(PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4560 1)
Sets out methods for the preparation for various tests Bicycle parking facilities 15pp E
of samples of heavy mineral sand concentrates col- Specifies requirements for the layout, design and se-
lected in accordance with Standards for sampling AS 2888.1—2002 curity of bicycle parking facilities in any location, ei-
from moving streams and stationary situations. Sam- Method of determining the suitabil- ther on-street or off-street. Appendices give examples
ple division equipment is outlined in appendices. ity of connection threads of BSP of bicycle parking hardware and examples of parking
(MN-004) (ISBN 0 7262 4218 7) form 4pp D arrangements on footpaths.
(PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4561 X) (CE-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7747 9)
AS 2884.4—1997
Determination of precision and AS 2888.2—2002 AS 2890.5—1993
bias 32pp H Method for determining dimen- On-street parking 21pp F
Sets out methods for checking and adjusting the pre- sions 3pp C Specifies requirements for the location, arrangement
cision of sampling, checking the precision of sample (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4562 8) and dimensions of on-street parking facilities. In-
preparation and testing, and testing for bias in the cludes provision for special classes of vehicles and
sampling of heavy mineral sands. disabled users, together with guidelines for the con-
(MN-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0874 9)
AS 2888.3—2002 trol of parking.
Method for pressure testing of (CE-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8309 6)
AS/NZS 2885 plastics waste fittings 3pp C
(PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4563 6) AS 2891
AS 2888.4—2002 Methods of sampling and testing as-
AS 2885.1—1997 phalt
Design and construction 100pp L Method for air pressure/vacuum
Amdt 1 19 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3741 2) C testing of plastics waste fittings
2pp B AS 2891.1—1986
Specifies requirements for the design and construc- Sampling of asphalt 5pp C
tion of steel pipelines and associated piping compo- (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4564 4)
nents that are used to transmit single phase and mul- Sets out methods of sampling asphalt from trucks at
tiphase hydrocarbon fluids. Applies where the AS 2888.5—2002 the mixing plant, at the paving site, and from the
temperature of a fluid is within the range of -30°C to pavement. Also includes sampling of cold mix from
Trap seal test 1p A stockpile. Not included are methods of sampling as-
200°C, and either the maximum allowable operating
pressure is more than 1050 kPa or the hoop stress ex- (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4565 2) phalt from the pavement (for determination of prop-
ceeds 20% of the specified minimum yield. erties other than density) or methods of sampling at
AS 2888.6—2002 discharge points from asphalt mixing plants. In addi-
(ME-038) (ISBN 0 7337 1193 6) tion procedures for selection of sampling locations or
Method for load testing of plastics the number of locations are not specified.
AS 2885.2—2002 waste outlets 2pp B (CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 4326 4)
Welding 103pp L (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4566 0)
Specifies requirements for materials, welding con- AS 2891.2
sumables, welding processes, weld preparations, AS 2888.7—2002
Method for testing the seal of plas- Sample preparation
qualifications of welding procedures and personnel,
and fabrication and inspection for the construction trics waste outlets 2pp B
and maintenance welding of pipelines down to 3.2 (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4567 9) AS 2891.2.1—1995
mm wall thickness designed and constructed in ac- Mixing, quartering and condition-
cordance with AS 2885.1. The welding of pipelines ing of asphalt in the laboratory
with wall thickness less than 3.2 mm is not precluded AS 2888.8—2002
but is not expressly covered by this Standard. Thermal cycling test 2pp B 3pp B
(ME-038) (ISBN 0 7337 4602 0) (PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 4568 7) (CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0014 4)

AS 2891.2.2—1995

AS 2891.2.2—1995 AS 2891.10—1991 AS/NZS 2895.1:1995

Compaction of asphalt test speci- Water and volatile oils content Methods for measuring the per-
mens using a gyratory compactor 4pp C formance of microwave ovens for
4pp C (CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6710 4) household and similar purposes
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0015 2) 13pp D
AS 2891.11—1991 Describes the principal performance characteristics
AS/NZS 2891.3 Degree of particle coating 2pp B of microwave ovens and sets out procedures for deter-
Bitumen content and aggregate (CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6711 2) mining external dimensions, useable cavity volume,
grading useable cavity dimensions, microwave power output,
electrical power input, efficiency, uniformity of heat-
AS 2891.12 ing (three tests) and heating of beverages. It does not
AS/NZS 2891.3.1:1997 Determination of the permanent describe cooking tests. It reproduces a substantial
Reflux method 6pp C compressive strain characteristics portion of IEC 705:1988, including Amendments 1
Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2083 8) X and 2. The remainder of the IEC document is repro-
of asphalt duced in AS/NZS 2895.3.
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1092 1)
(EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 9749 6)
AS 2891.12.1—1995
AS/NZS 2891.3.2:1997 Dynamic creep test 7pp C
Centrifugal extraction method AS/NZS 2895.3:1995
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0016 0) Construction, quality and cooking
6pp C
Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2084 6) X AS 2891.13 tests 9pp D
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1079 4) Specifies requirements for the design and construc-
Determination of the resilient mod- tion, marking and accompanying information, and
ulus of asphalt performance of microwave ovens intended for do-
AS/NZS 2891.3.3:1997 mestic use. Also describes subjective tests for gaug-
Pressure filter method 6pp C AS 2891.13.1—1995 ing the cooking and defrosting performance. The
Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2085 4) X Indirect tensile method 7pp C cooking and defrosting tests are identical to those of
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1078 6) IEC 705:1988.
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0017 9) (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 9750 X)
AS 2891.4—1991 AS/NZS 2891.14
Tar content and aggregate grad- AS 2896—1998
Field density tests Medical gas systems—Installation and
ing 4pp C
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6709 0) testing of non-flammable medical gas
AS/NZS 2891.14.1.1:1996 pipeline systems 91pp J
AS 2891.5—1993 Determination of field density of Amdt 1 October 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2962 2) X
Determination of stability and compacted asphalt using a nuclear Specifies requirements for safety aspects, construction,
flow—Marshall procedure 8pp D surface moisture-density gauge— testing, operation and maintenance of non-flammable
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8522 6) Direct transmission mode 5pp C medical gas systems used for patient care, including thera-
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0385 2) peutic, diagnostic and prophylactic applications, and for
operating surgical tools. Suction pipeline systems for day
AS 2891.6—1993 care centres and clinical situations are included. Require-
Determination of stability by the AS/NZS 2891.14.1.2:1999 ments for operating room pendants, columns and booms
modified Hubbard-Field proce- Backscatter mode 10pp E are also included. Does not apply to suction systems for
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2578 3) laboratories or hospital dental units.
dure 6pp C (HE-017) (ISBN 0 7337 1486 2)
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8523 4)
AS/NZS 2891.14.2:1999
Determination of field density of AS 2897—1986
AS 2891.7 Power capacitors—Shunt—Rated
Determination of maximum density compacted asphalt using a nuclear
thin-layer density gauge 11pp E voltages above 660 v a.c.
of asphalt
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2579 1) (IEC 871-1 IEC 871-2) 36pp G
Applies to capacitor units and assemblies with accessories
AS 2891.7.1—1993 to form complete capacitor banks, for connection to power
Water displacement method AS/NZS 2891.14.3:1999
systems of rated voltages above 660 V, at frequencies to
3pp B Calibration of nuclear thin-layer 100 Hz, for use primarily for power factor correction.
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8524 2) density gauge using standard Characteristics and test requirements are enumerated in de-
blocks 9pp D tail. Appendices give guidance on application, operation
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2580 5) and protection.
AS 2891.7.2—1993 (EL-035) (ISBN 0 7262 4338 8)
Trichloroethane displacement
method 4pp C AS/NZS 2891.14.4:1999
Backscatter mode 3pp C AS 2898
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8525 0) Radar speed detection
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2581 3)
AS 2891.7.3—1993
AS/NZS 2891.14.5:1999 AS 2898.1—1992
Methylated spirits displacement
method 3pp B Density ratio of compacted as- Functional requirements and defi-
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8526 9) phalt 3pp C nitions 5pp C
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2582 1) Specifies functional requirements for radar devices
which are used to measure the speed of target vehicles
AS 2891.8—1993 for law enforcement or scientific measurement.
Voids and density relationships for AS/NZS 2893:2002 (CS-068) (ISBN 0 7262 7231 0)
compacted asphalt mixes 4pp C Electric cables—Lead and lead alloy
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8527 7) sheaths—Composition 4pp E AS 2898.2—1992
Specifies the chemical composition of metallic sheathing
AS 2891.9 for electric and telecommunication cables. An appendix Operational procedures 6pp C
provides guidance on the types of cables and service con- Sets out procedures to be followed when using a radar
Determination of bulk density of ditions for which the different compositions are primarily device to measure the speed of a target vehicle. Guid-
compacted asphalt intended. ance on training of operators and photograph evalua-
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4599 7) tors is given in appendices.
AS 2891.9.1—1993 (CS-068) (ISBN 0 7262 7230 2)
Waxing procedure 4pp C AS 2894—1986
Amdt 1 December 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0833 1) X Performance of household electrical AS 2899
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8529 3) appliances—Coffee makers 6pp C Public information symbol signs
Specifies the principal performance characteristics and
AS 2891.9.2—1993 performance requirements for electric coffee makers in- AS 2899.0—1986
Presaturation method 3pp B tended for household and similar use. Includes definitions
and requirements for design and construction perform- Consolidated index 11pp B
Amdt 1 December 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0834 X) ance, markings, point-of-sale information, guarantee, in- Lists all of the referents for public information sym-
X structions for use and care, source of replacement parts, bol signs developed and tested by committees of the
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8530 7) tests and measurements. Association and by ISO Technical Committee 145
(EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4315 9) SC1. The signs are divided into symbol sets—Gener-
AS 2891.9.3—1993 al Information, Water Safety, Hospital, and Industrial
Safety (to be published as AS 2899.4). The function
Mensuration method 2pp B AS/NZS 2895 and fields of application are identified by a standard
Amdt 1 December 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0835 8) X Performance of household electrical symbol number.
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8531 5) appliances—Microwave ovens (MS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4235 7)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2899.1—1986 AS 2900.6—2002 cal application. Provision is made for the design, perform-
Light and related electromagnetic ance, identification and testing of hose assemblies.
General information signs 45pp H Cleaning, packaging, inspection and repairs are dealt with.
Provides artwork in black and white illustrating the radiations (HE-019) (ISBN 0 7262 4351 5)
structural elements that make up each sign in this (ISO 31-6:1992 ISO 31-6:1992/
symbol set of general information signs. This illustra- Amd.1:1998) 20pp I
tion is superimposed on a blue grid to assist designers AS 2903—1986
and manufacturers in the production of signs. The Specifies names and symbols for quantities and units Helical springs for railway rolling
of light and related electromagnetic radiations.
colour and shape specification and references to
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4651 9) stock 5pp C
Standards specifying the use of a particular sign are Specifies requirements for the materials, manufacture, and
also given. testing of helical springs for use in railway rolling stock.
(MS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4359 0) AS 2900.7—2002 (ME-012) (ISBN 0 7262 4356 6)
AS 2899.2—1986 (ISO 31-7:1992 ISO 31-7:1992/ AS/NZS 2904:1995
Water safety signs 19pp F Amd.1:1998) 12pp H Damp-proof courses and flashings
Provides artwork in black and white illustrating the Specifies names and symbols for quantities and units 12pp D
structural elements that make up each sign in this of acoustics.
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4650 5) Amdt 1 March 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1726 8) X
symbol set of water safety signs. This illustration is Specifies the requirements for damp-proof course and
superimposed on a blue grid to assist designers and flashing materials of the sheet membrane, strip and collar
manufacturers in the production of signs. The colour AS 2900.8—2002 type for use in building construction. It does not cover va-
and shape specifications and references to Standards Physical chemistry and molecular pour barriers; or mortar-type damp-proof courses.
specifying the use of a particular symbol are also giv-
en. physics (BD-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0054 3)
(MS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4362 0) (ISO 31-8:1992 ISO 31-8:1992/
Amd.1:1998) 26pp J AS 2905—1986
AS 2899.3—1986 Specifies names and symbols for quantities and units Steel drums 13pp D
of physical chemistry and molecular physics. This Standard specifies stock sizes and performance re-
Hospital signs 9pp E (ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4649 7) quirements for steel drums up to 250 L capacity. For the
Provides artwork in black and white illustrating the purpose of this Standard, the term drum also includes con-
structural elements that make up each sign in this tainers commonly called pails.
symbol set of hospital signs. This illustration is super- AS 2900.9—2002 (PK-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4366 3)
imposed on a blue grid to assist designers and manu- Atomic and nuclear physics
facturers in the production of signs. The colour and (ISO 31-9:1992 ISO 31-9:1992/ AS/NZS 2906:2001
shape specifications and references to Standards Amd.1:1998) 21pp I
specifying the use of a particular symbol are also giv- Fuel containers—Portable-plastic and
en. Specifies names and symbols for quantities and units metal 42pp I
of atomic and nuclear physics.
(MS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4363 9) (ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4648 9) Specifies material, design, properties (including test meth-
ods) and marking requirements for refillable portable pe-
troleum-product fuel containers made of metal or plastics,
AS 2900 AS 2900.10—2002 and of capacity up to and including 25 L. It applies to con-
Quantities and units Nuclear reactions and ionizing ra- tainers for the storage and transport of fuel, and fuel tanks
diations for boats. The containers are suitable for use with unlead-
AS 2900.0—2002 ed, leaded and super grades of petrol, two-stroke engine
(ISO 31-10:1992 ISO 31-10:1992/ fuel and kerosene, but are excluded from use with racing
General principles Amd.1:1998) 26pp J fuels unless specifically approved by the manufacturer.
(ISO 31-0:1992 ISO 31-0:1992/ Specifies names and symbols for quantities and units (ME-045) (ISBN 0 7337 3804 4)
Amd.1:1998) 24pp J of nuclear reactions and ionizing radiations.
Provides general information about the principles
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4647 0) AS 2907—2001
concerning physical quantities, equations, quantity Shorthand speed tests 20pp G
and unit symbols, and coherent unit systems. AS 2900.11—2002 Specifies a method for the design, conduct, assessment and
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4657 8) Mathematical signs and symbols certification of office shorthand speed tests of 60 wpm or
for use in the physical sciences greater. Includes a list of 500 common Australian business
AS 2900.1—2002 and technology (MS-016) (ISBN 0 7337 3813 3)
Space and time (ISO 31-11:1992) 27pp K
(ISO 31-1:1992 ISO 31-1:1992/ Provides general information about mathematical AS/NZS 2908
signs and symbols, their meanings, verbal equivalents
Amd.1:1998) 14pp H and applications. Cellulose-cement products
Specifies names and symbols for quantities and units (ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4646 2)
of space and time. AS/NZS 2908.1:2000
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4656 X) AS 2900.12—2002 Corrugated sheets 13pp F
Characteristic numbers Sets out requirements for corrugated cellulose-ce-
AS 2900.2—2002 (ISO 31-12:1992 ISO 31-12:1992/ ment sheets for use primarily as roofing and wall
Periodic and related phenomena cladding. It applies to auto-claved sheets in which the
Amd.1:1998) 7pp F cement is partially replaced by ground silica. Appen-
(ISO 31-2:1992 ISO 31-2:1992/ Specifies names and symbols for characteristic num- dices provide means for demonstrting compliance
Amd.1:1998) 8pp G bers used in the description of transport phenomena. with this Standard and methods of test for determina-
Specifies names and symbols for quantities and units
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4645 4) tion of strength, water-tightness, and resistance to hot
of periodic and related phenomena. water soaking of corrugated cellulose-cement sheets.
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4655 1) AS 2900.13—2002 (BD-040) (ISBN 0 7337 3327 1)
Solid state physics
AS 2900.3—2002 (ISO 31-13:1992 ISO 31-13:1992/ AS 2908.1—1992
Mechanics Amd.1:1998) 9pp H Corrugated sheets 9pp D
Specifies names and symbols for quantities and units Amdt 1 February 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8191 3) X
(ISO 31-3:1992 ISO 31-3:1992/ of solid state physics. Specifies requirements for corrugated fibre-rein-
Amd.1:1998) 19pp I (ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4644 6) forced sheets for roofing and cladding. Test methods
Specifies names and symbols for quantities and units are included in appendices.
of mechanics. AS 2901—1986 (BD-040) (ISBN 0 7262 7182 9)
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4654 3) Medical devices—Characteristics of
audible and visible alarm signals AS/NZS 2908.2:2000
AS 2900.4—2002 2pp B Flat sheet
Heat Specifies the characteristics of audible and visible alarm (ISO 8336:1993) 14pp F
(ISO 31-4:1992 ISO 31-4:1992/ signals when these are used to advise the status of a medi- Specifies the characteristics, methods of control and
cal device or the condition of a patient. It reserves certain test, and acceptance for fibre-cement flat sheets. It
Amd.1:1998) 16pp I types of alarms exclusively for advising of situations of an covers sheets intended for external applications such
Specifies names and symbols for quantities and units acute life-threatening, or potentially acute life-threatening as cladding facades, curtain walls, soffits, lost casing,
of heat. nature, when a patient is under treatment or observation by and the like, and sheets intended for internal use such
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4653 5) a medical device. The Standard applies to devices which as partitions, floors, ceilings, and the like, with a wide
are electrically powered. range of properties appropriate to the type of applica-
(HE-019) (ISBN 0 7262 4349 3) tion. This Standard is identical with ISO 8336:1993.
AS 2900.5—2002 (BD-040) (ISBN 0 7337 3328 X)
Electricity and magnetism AS 2902—1986
(ISO 31-5:1992 ISO 31-5:1992/ Medical gas systems—Low pressure AS 2908.2—1992
Amd.1:1998) 28pp K flexible connecting assemblies (hose Flat sheets 5pp C
Specifies names and symbols for quantities and units assemblies) 9pp D Specifies requirements for flat fibre-reinforced sheets
of electricity and magnetism. Specifies requirements for low pressure flexible connect- for both internal and external applications.
(ME-071) (ISBN 0 7337 4652 7) ing assemblies for use with medical gas systems for clini- (BD-040) (ISBN 0 7262 7183 7)

AS 2909

AS 2909 AS/NZS 2918:2001 AS/NZS 2924.2:1998

Methods of measurement on radio re- Domestic solid fuel burning applianc- Determination of properties
ceivers for various classes of emis- es—Installation 72pp K (ISO 4586-2:1997) 44pp H
sion Specifies requirements for appliance and flue installation Specifies the methods of test for determination of the
for solid fuel burning appliances in dwellings. Sets out al- properties of high-pressure decorative laminated
ternative means of compliance via performance testing of sheets. These methods are primarily intended for test-
AS 2909.4—1986 a prototype installation or the use of prescriptive criteria ing the sheets specified in AS/NZS 2924.1:1998. This
Radio-frequency measurements (dimension, materials, etc) based on a worst case situation. Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
on receivers for frequency-modu- (CS-062) (ISBN 0 7337 4124 X) from ISO 4586-2:1997.
lated sound-broadcasting emis- (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 1859 0)
sions AS 2918—1990 AS/NZS 2927:2001
(IEC 315-4) 95pp I Domestic solid fuel burning applianc- The storage and handling of liquefied
Specifies conditions and methods of measurements es—Installation 28pp F chlorine gas 65pp K
for the performance of a complete FM radio receiver. Amdt 1 June 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6206 4) X
It is a catalogue of selected measurements but does Amdt 1 29 November 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4237 8)
not specify limiting values. Specifies requirements for appliance and flue installation X
for solid fuel burning appliances in dwellings. Sets out al- Provides requirements and recommendations for the safe
(CT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4397 3) ternative means of compliance via performance testing of storage and handling of liquefied chlorine gas, in cylin-
a prototype installation or the use of prescriptive criteria ders, drums and bulk, as well as requirements for ancillary
AS 2910—1986 (dimension, materials, etc) based on a worst case situation. equipment.
Information processing—Data inter- (CS-062) (ISBN 0 7262 6005 3) (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3827 3)
change on 130 mm (5.25 in) flexible
disk cartridges using modified fre- AS 2919—1987 AS 2927—1987
quency modulation recording at 7958 Industrial clothing 8pp C The storage and handling of liquefied
ftprad, 1.9 tpmm (48 tpi), on both Specifies design and performance requirements for indus- chlorine gas 23pp F
sides—Dimensional, physical and trial clothing intended primarily for protecting the wearer's Amdt 1 June 1988 X
clothes from dirt, soiling, and wear and tear. Covers shorts, Lays down recommendations for the safe storage, handling
magnetic characteristics trousers, bib and brace overalls, coveralls, sleeveless cov- and use of liquefied chlorine gas, in cylinders, drums or
(ISO 7487-1:1985) 16pp D eralls, dustcoats, shirts, and jackets. bulk storage vessels. The code is of particular relevance for
Specifies the dimensional, physical and magnetic charac- (CS-067) (ISBN 0 7262 4621 2) storing chlorine gas and for the use of chlorine from con-
teristics of the 130 mm flexible magnetic disk cartridges so tainers for the treatment of large swimming pools or large
as to provide physical interchangeability between data chemical plants. It has been written having in mind the
processing systems. (Commonly known as double sided, AS 2921—1987 need for a national code to be applied where large scale
double density disks.) Identical with ISO 7487-1:1985. Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UP- treatment of waters or chemical processing for disinfection
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4412 0) VC) wall cladding—General installa- is being undertaken. Operation, maintenance, equipment
requirements, safety and emergency procedures are all
tion requirements dealt with, together with useful appendices including first
AS 2913—2000 Available Superseded See also AS/NZS aid requirements.
Evaporative air-conditioning equip- 1562.3:1996, AS/NZS 4040.4:1996 and AS/NZS (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 4638 7)
ment 15pp F 4040.5:1996 5pp C
Prescribes a basis for the performance rating of specified Specifies requirements for installed UPVC cladding over AS 2928—1987
features of evaporative air-conditioning equipment, and either existing walls or new framework. Requirements in- Occluded-ear simulator for the meas-
the test procedures and equipment applicable for each form clude allowance for thermal expansion, fastener types, wa-
of rating. It also prescribes basic minimum requirements terproofness, alignment, loading and resistance to soft urement of earphones coupled to the
for unit construction. body impact. Appendices give design information on load- ear by ear inserts
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 3437 5) ing and impact test method. (IEC 711) 12pp D
(PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 4637 9) Specifies an occluded-ear simulator intended for the cali-
bration of insert earphones in the frequency range 100 Hz
AS 2914—1992 to 10 000 Hz in terms of the sound pressure at the ear drum.
Textile floor coverings—Informative AS 2922—1987 Technically identical with IEC Publication 711.
labelling 1p A Ambient air—Guide for the siting of (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4508 9)
Sets out the labelling scheme to provide the end user with sampling units 8pp C
relevant information about a carpet, and also gives guid- Sets out general guidelines to the siting of ambient air sam- AS 2929—1990
ance to the supplier for the method of providing this infor- pling units and specifies a number of siting parameters for Test methods—Guide to the format,
mation. individual air pollutants. The Standard does not include the
(TX-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7518 2) design of a network of sampling units. style and content 12pp E
(EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4527 5) Sets out recommendations for drafting physical and chem-
ical test methods in standard format.
AS 2916—1986 (CH-023) (ISBN 0 7262 5975 6)
Symbols for graphical representation AS 2923—1987
of coal seams and associated strata Ambient air—Guide for measurement AS 2930—1987
Reconfirmed 1995 9pp D of horizontal wind for air quality appli- Textiles—Coated fabrics for tarpau-
Amdt 1 September 1987 X cations 13pp D lins 7pp C
Illustrates recommended symbols and abbreviations for Sets guidelines for measurement of horizontal wind speed Specifies the requirements for coated fabrics using natural
lithotypes for use in the graphical representation of coal and direction using rotating cup or propeller type anemom- or synthetic fibres or their blends, either in woven or knit-
seams and associated strata. eters and wind vanes. Includes performance requirements, ted construction, suitable for manufacture of tarpaulins.
performance monitoring procedures and an instrument cal- Fabrics are classified into four classes of coated fabrics and
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4445 7) ibration and maintenance program for wind instruments. recommended end uses are given.
Guidelines are given for the siting and installation of wind (TX-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4533 X)
AS 2917 instruments to obtain the most representative wind data
Copper sulfide concentrates possible for a given situation. Errors in the measurement of
wind speed are discussed. AS 2931—1999
(EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4556 9) Selection and use of emergency pro-
AS 2917.1—1994 cedure guides for the transport of dan-
Determination of copper content— AS/NZS 2924 gerous goods 42pp I
Titrimetric methods High pressure decorative laminates—
Provides guidance on the selection of the AS 1678 emer-
gency procedure guides (EPGs) and group text emergency
(ISO 10258:1994) 17pp E Sheets made from thermosetting res- procedure guides (GTEPGs) required when transporting
(MN-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9275 3) ins dangerous goods. Information on completing and using an
EPG is included. Provides alphabetical and numerical lists
AS 2917.2—1994 of dangerous goods for which EPGs and GTEPGs are
AS/NZS 2924.1:1998 available, based on the sixth edition of ADG Code.
Determination of gold and silver Classification and specifications (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2905 3)
contents—Fire assay gravimetric
and atomic absorption spectro- (ISO 4586-1:1995) 14pp E
AS 2932
metric method Establishes a classification system for high-pressure
decorative laminated sheets according to their per- Aluminium ores—Chemical analysis
(ISO 10378:1994) 27pp G formance and main recommended fields of applica-
(MN-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9277 X) tion, including materials with special characteristics, AS 2932.2—2002
for example postformability of defined reaction to Determination of the moisture con-
fire. Also specifies requirements on the properties of
AS 2917.3—1994 the various types of laminate covered by this classifi- tent of bulk material
Determination of copper content— cation. For several of the properties, more than one (ISO 9033:1989) 6pp E
test method for checking the requirements is given.
Electrogravimetric method This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
Sets out a method for the determination of the mois-
ture content of aluminium ores. The method applies
(ISO 10469:1994) 20pp F duced from ISO 4586-1:1995. to the samples taken from bulk aluminium ores such
(MN-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9278 8) (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 1860 4) as shipments and stockpiles. This Standard is an

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

adoption with national modifications and has been re- dices, a method of testing the assembly under simulated equivalent to, and has been reproduced from, IEC
produced from ISO 9033:1989. crash conditions is given as well as guidelines for vehicle 60383-1:1993.
(MN-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4551 2) access and guidelines for the choice of wheelchairs for use (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2523 6)
in vehicles.
AS 2933—1987 (ME-048) (ISBN 0 7262 8813 6) AS/NZS 2947.2:2002
Shipbuilding—Pilot ladders Characteristics 30pp H
(ISO 799:1986) 5pp B AS 2943—1987 Specifies electrical and mechanical characteristics
Specifies requirements for ships' pilot ladders which are Plastics pipes and fittings for gas re- and principal dimensions for porcelain and glass insu-
provided for pilots to embark and disembark safely. It is ticulation—Polyamide compounds for lators of the following types: (a) String insulator units
identical with ISO 799:1986. manufacture 18pp E of the cap and pin type. (b) String insulator units of
(ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 4583 6) Specifies composition and test requirements. Appendices the long rod type. (c) Line post insulators. (d) Pin in-
set out determination of melting point, weathering resist- sulators.
AS 2934—1987 ance, dispersion of pigment, resistance of pipe to internal (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4795 7)
Shipbuilding—Embarkation ladders pressure, chemicals, heat ageing and zinc chloride.
(PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 4644 1) AS 2947.3—1995
(ISO 5489:1986) 4pp B Couplings 46pp H
Specifies requirements for embarkation ladders which are
provided for passengers and crew to gain access to survival AS 2944 Specifies dimensions for the insulator coupling de-
craft in an emergency. It is identical with ISO 5489:1979. Plastics pipes and fittings for gas re- vices used with insulators of ceramic material or glass
(ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 4587 9) on a.c. overhead power and traction lines with a nom-
ticulation—Polyamide inal voltage greater than 1000 V and a frequency not
greater than 100 Hz. It applies to insulator units,
AS 2935—1987 AS 2944.1—1987 strings and sets, pin insulators, and to line post insu-
Prepainted metal products for house- Pipes Bound with AS 2944.2-1987 lators and shackle insulators of similar design when
hold appliances—Performance re- used in sub-stations. Locking devices are also cov-
20pp E ered.
quirements 11pp D Specifies dimensions and general requirements for (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0026 8)
Specifies performance requirements for prepainted metal two classes of pipe for use in gas mains and services
products intended to be fabricated for use in the manufac- for direct burial and reliner applications, for the dis-
ture of household appliances such as refrigerators, washing tribution of natural gas, manufactured gas, LP gas in AS/NZS 2947.4:1999
machines, stoves, clothes dryers, dishwashers, freezers and the vapour phase and LP gas/air mixtures at pressures Test methods—Insulator strings
range hoods. Three categories of product are specified, in up to 400 kPa. ISO 161/1 outside diameter series di- and insulator sets
terms of exposure conditions. mensions are used with a size range of 16 to 250.
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 4582 8) (IEC 60383-2:1993) 9pp D
(PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 4643 3)
Specifies procedures for electrical and mechanical
tests on insulators of ceramic material or glass for use
AS 2936—1987 AS 2944.2—1987 on a.c. overhead power and traction lines with a nom-
Industrial fans—Determination of per- Fittings Bound with AS 2944.1-1987 inal voltage greater than 100 Hz. This Standard ap-
formance characteristics (known as 4pp E plies to insulator strings and sets. This Standard is
the SAA Fan Test Code) 48pp G identical with and has been reproduced from IEC
Specifies fittings for use with pipe complying with 60383-2:1993.
Describes alternative test procedures for determining the AS 2944.1. The polyamide extrusion compound is
performance characteristics of fans that are primarily in- (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2524 4)
specified in AS 2943. Test methods for determining
tended for industrial applications. The selection of the dimensions, resistance to leakage, squeeze-off prop-
most suitable procedure depends on the type of fan, the in- erties, impact resistance and resistance to internal AS 2948
tended method of use, and the degree of accuracy required. pressure at elevated temperature are described in ap- Solderless connections
It deals only with laboratory or bench testing. Field testing pendices.
after installation is not covered. (PL-025) (ISBN 0 7262 4643 3)
(ME-013) (ISBN 0 7262 4599 2) AS 2948.1—1987
Solderless wrapped connections—
AS 2945(Int)—2002 General requirements, test meth-
AS 2938—1993 Batch-type washer/disinfectors for
Gears—Spur and helical—Guide to ods and practical guidance
health care facilities (IEC 352-1) 27pp E
specification and rating 85pp K (Expires 9 January 2004) 26pp G
Provides guidance on the design, rating and manufacture Specifies requirements and test methods to determine
of spur and helical gears for power transmission. It is based Specifies requirements for batch-type washers and washer/ the suitability of solderless wrapped connections un-
on Standards published by the American Gear Manufactur- disinfectors that accommodate, empty, flush, wash, disin- der specified mechanical, electrical and environmen-
ers Association (AGMA), and a full list of AGMA Stand- fect by thermal means (if a disinfector) and either partially tal conditions. The Standard is applicable to wrapped
ards is provided in an Appendix. It covers basic gear data, or totally dry surgical instruments, utensils, human waste connections made with single solid round wires with
determination of power rating and measuring practices. receptacles and anaesthetic equipment (including tubing) nominal diameters of 0.25 mm minimum and appro-
Alternative methods for the determination of the geometry in health care facilities. Such machines may be either sin- priately designed posts for use in telecommunications
factors for pitting resistance and bending strength are giv- gle-purpose or multi-purpose types, and may be supplied equipment and similar electronic devices.
either with or without a disinfecting stage or a drying stage.
en and worked examples are included.
Many of the principles set out can be applied to larger ma-
(TE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 4652 2)
(ME-011) (ISBN 0 7262 8565 X) chines such as trolley washing machines. It is not intended
that such machines treat single-use equipment, endo- AS 2951
AS 2939—1987 scopes, mechanical equipment or electrical components. Earth-moving machinery—Nomencla-
Industrial robot systems—Safe design Guidance on informaiton that should be supplied with en- ture
quiries and orders is given in an appendix.
and usage 24pp E (ME-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4212 2)
Specifies requirements for the design, construction, safe- AS 2951.0—1988
guarding and installation of industrial robot systems. In ad-
dition, requirements are given for the training of personnel. AS 2946—1991 General introduction and listing
Recommendations for the safe programming, maintenance Suspended ceilings, recessed lumi- 2pp X
and operation of industrial robots are also included. The naires and air diffusers—Interface re- Provides introduction to and listing of Standards
Standard is extensively illustrated. grouped under the subject heading 'nomenclature'.
(SF-032) (ISBN 0 7262 4514 3) quirements for physical compatibility (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5149 6)
22pp G
AS 2941—2002 Specifies requirements for certain features of suspended AS 2951.1—1988
ceilings, recessed luminaires and associated air diffusers
Fixed fire protection installations— with the object of ensuring physical compatibility when in- Basic types
Pumpset systems 80pp L stalled. Applies principally to luminaires with tubular flu- (ISO 6165:1987) 2pp A
Specifies specific requirements for pumpset systems to be orescent lamps designed for use in the most common types Establishes the terms and definitions of the basic
used with fixed fire protection installation such as fire of suspended ceilings. Does not apply to suspended ceiling types of self-propelled earth-moving machines.
sprinkler, fire hydrant, fire hose reel and fire protection of fire-rated construction. (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4974 2)
water spray systems. (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 6449 0)
(FP-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4642 X)
AS 2951.2
AS/NZS 2947 Dimensions and symbols
AS 2941—1995 Insulators—Porcelain and glass for
Fixed fire protection installations— overhead power lines—Voltages AS 2951.2.1—1988
Pumpset systems 69pp J greater than 1000 V a.c. Base machine
Amdt 1 December 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1430 7) A
Specifies requirements for pumpset systems for use with (ISO 6746-1:1987) 9pp C
fixed fire protection installations such as sprinkler, hy-
AS/NZS 2947.1:1999 Defines terms and symbols relating to dimensions of
drant, water spray and hosereel systems. Test methods—Insulator units base machine of earth-moving machinery.
(FP-008) (ISBN 0 7262 9733 X) (IEC 60383-1:1993) 53pp I (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4975 0)
Specifies procedures for electrical and mechanical
AS 2942—1994 tests on insulators of ceramic material or glass for use AS 2951.2.2—1988
Wheelchair occupant restraint assem- on a.c. overhead power and traction lines with a nom- Equipment
inal voltage greater than 1000 V and a frequency not
blies for motor vehicles 42pp H greater than 100 Hz. This Standard applies to string (ISO 6746-2:1987) 10pp C
Amdt 1 July 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2007 2) X insulator units, pin insulators, line post insulators, Defines terms and symbols relating to dimensions of
Specifies requirements for restraint assemblies for wheel- shackle insulators and insulator units for overhead the equipment of earth-moving machinery.
chairs and their occupants in motor vehicles. In the appen- traction lines. This Standard is based on but not (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4978 5)

AS 2951.3—1988

AS 2951.3—1988 bolts, for cutting edges used on tractors with dozer, load can vary from the rated operating load on the ba-
graders and tractor scrapers taking into consideration sis of the job conditions.)
Tractors their interchangeability. (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4996 3)
(ISO 6747:1982) 17pp D (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4988 2)
Establishes terminology and commercial literature
specifications for self-propelled crawler and wheel AS 2954.2—1988
tractors and their equipment.
AS 2952.5—1988 Dumper bodies—Volumetric rating
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4979 3) Plough bolt heads (ISO 6483:1980) 5pp B
(ISO 7852:1983) 3pp A Specifies a procedure for approximating the volume
AS 2951.4—1988 Specifies shapes and the dimensions of the heads of of typical materials carried in dumper bodies. The
Loaders—Terminology and com- plough bolts (excluding thread dimensions) used for volumes are based on the inside dimensions, and rep-
mounting of cutting edges, end bits, bucket teeth, etc., resentative volumes on top of the bodies. The rating
mercial specifications of earth-moving machinery. method is intended to be a consistent means of com-
(ISO 7131:1984) 24pp E (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4989 0) paring body capacities; not to define actual capacities.
Establishes terminology and the content of commer- (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4997 1)
cial literature specifications for self-propelled crawler AS 2952.6—1988
and wheel loaders, and their equipment.
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4980 7) Dozer end bits—Hole specification AS 2954.3—1988
(ISO 7891:1984) 7pp B Elevating scrapers—Volumetric
AS 2951.5—1988 Specifies minimum requirements for the mounting ratings
Dumpers—Terminology and com- bolt hole location and the shapes and dimensions of (ISO 6484:1986) 4pp B
holes for mounting bolts in dozer end bits of earth-
mercial specifications moving machinery, taking into consideration their in- Specifies a procedure for approximating the volume
of a typical material carried in the bowl of an elevat-
(ISO 7132:1984) 13pp C terchangeability. Applies to straight blades, angle
ing scraper. Volumes are based on the inside dimen-
Establishes terminology and content of commercial blades, U-blades, and semi-U-blades.
sions of the bowl and a representative volume on top
literature specifications for dumpers. (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4990 4) of the bowl. This rating method is intended to provide
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4981 5) a consistent means of comparing capacities; it is not
AS 2953 intended to define actual capacities that might be ob-
AS 2951.6—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Human di- served in any specific application.
mensions (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4998 X)
and commercial specifications AS 2954.4—1988
(ISO 7133:1985) 12pp C AS 2953.0—1988
General introduction and listing Tractor-scraper—Volumetric rat-
Establishes terminology and content of commercial
literature specifications for self-propelled tractor- 2pp X ing
scrapers and their equipment.
Provides introduction to and listing of Standards (ISO 6485:1980) 4pp B
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4982 3) grouped under the subject heading 'Human dimen- Specifies a procedure for approximating the volume
sions'. of typical materials contained in the bowl of open
AS 2951.7—1988 (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5151 8) bowl scrapers, to provide a consistent means of com-
paring capacities; not actual capacities.
Graders—Terminology and com-
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4999 8)
mercial specifications AS 2953.1—1988
(ISO 7134:1985) 18pp D Minimum access AS 2954.5—1988
Establishes terminology and content of commercial (ISO 2860:1983) 3pp A Loader and front loading excavator
literature specifications for self-propelled graders and Specifies minimum access openings for hand, head,
their equipment. body, arm reach and two-handed reach. Provides in- buckets—Volumetric ratings
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4983 1) formation so that access openings in equipment and (ISO 7546:1983) 8pp B
machinery are made large enough for the intended Specifies a procedure for approximating the volume
AS 2952 function. Larger openings are given for access with in the bucket of front loading, front end loaders and
arctic clothing in cold environments. The recom- excavators. Based on the inside dimensions of the
Earth-moving machinery—Basic mended openings are the smallest that will accommo- bucket and representative volumes on top, dividing
shapes and dimensions date 95% of the worldwide operator population. the complex shape of the material in the bucket into
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4991 2) simple geometric forms. Provides a consistent means
AS 2952.0—1988 of comparing bucket capacities, not actual capacities.
General introduction and listing AS 2953.2—1988 (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5036 8)
2pp X Physical dimensions of operators
Provides introduction to and listing of Standards and minimum operator space en- AS 2954.6—1988
grouped under the subject heading 'Basic shapes and velope Hydraulic excavators—Hoe type
dimensions'. buckets—Volumetric ratings
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5150 X) (ISO 3411:1982) 7pp B
Defines dimensions of male operators of earth-mov- (ISO 7451:1983) 5pp B
ing machinery and specifies minimum normal operat- Specifies a procedure for approximating the volume
AS 2952.1—1988 ing space envelope around the operator enclosures of typical materials contained in the hoe type buckets
Dimensions of fuel filler opening (cabs, FOPS). of excavators (not including cable excavators) based
(ISO 3541:1985) 4pp B (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4994 7) on the inside dimensions of the bucket and represent-
Sets out dimensions of fuel filler openings and caps ative volumes on top of the bucket. Divides the com-
plex shape of the bucket into simple geometric forms.
for earth-moving machinery. AS 2953.3—1988 Is intended to provide a consistent means of compar-
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5035 X) Seat index point ing bucket capacities, not actual capacities. Applies to
(ISO 5353:1978) 7pp B buckets for hoe type excavators and excludes buckets
AS 2952.2—1988 Specifies a method and a device for use in establish-
for cable operated excavators.
Drain, fill and level plugs ing the position of the seat index point for any kind of (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5002 3)
(ISO 6302:1986) 4pp B padded seat.
Establishes types and sizes of drain, fill and level (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4995 5) AS 2955
plugs required for earth-moving machines for chang- Earth-moving machinery—Tests and
ing of lubricants and coolants. Does not establish AS 2954 measurements
manufacturing requirements, i.e. dimensions and ma-
terials. Earth-moving machinery—Rated
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4986 6) loads and volumetric ratings AS 2955.0—1988
General introduction and listing
AS 2952.3—1988 AS 2954.0—1988 2pp X
Lubrication fittings—Nipple type General introduction and listing Provides introduction to and listing of Standards
(ISO 6392:1980) 4pp B 2pp X grouped under the subject heading 'Tests and meas-
Provides introduction to and listing of Standards urements'.
Specifies tip end of lubrication nipples, recommend-
ed acceptable fitting configurations, and clearance grouped under the subject heading 'Rated loads and (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5155 0)
space for nipple fittings for multipurpose type grease volumetric ratings'.
applications. (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5154 2) AS 2955.1—1988
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 4987 4) Measurement of tool movement
AS 2954.1—1988 time
AS 2952.4—1988 Rated operating load for crawler (ISO 5004:1981) 3pp A
Tractors with dozer, graders, trac- and wheel loaders Specifies a method for determining movement time
tor-scrapers—Cutting edges (ISO 5998:1986) 1p A of hydraulically-operated tools and components of
(ISO 7129:1982) 11pp C Specifies the comparative rated operating load for wheeled and track-laying earth-moving machines,
Specifies principal shapes and dimensions of the both crawler and wheel loaders, based only on the e.g. raising, lowering or slewing. Is applicable to tools
cross-section; hole location for the mounting bolts; machine's lifting capacity, static forward tipping load, both laden and unladen.
and shapes and dimensions of holes for the mounting specified operating conditions. (The actual operating (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5003 1)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2955.2—1988 AS 2955.10—1988 AS 2957.0—1988

Method for locating the centre of Loaders—Measurement of tool General introduction and listing
gravity forces and tipping loads 2pp X
(ISO 5005:1977) 6pp B (ISO 8313:1986) 7pp B Provides introduction to and listing of Standards
Specifies a method for determining co-ordinates of Specifies methods for determining the tool forces and grouped under the subject heading 'Operation and
the centre of gravity of earth-moving machinery such tipping loads of loaders together with their limiting maintenance'.
as tractors, loaders, dumpers and graders, in any con- conditions. Applies to wheel and crawler loaders. (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5158 5)
dition of loading or position of attachments. (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5014 7)
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5004 X) AS 2957.1—1988
AS 2956 Common maintenance and adjust-
AS 2955.3—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Instrumen- ment tools
Determination of ground speed tation and operator's controls (ISO 4510-1:1987) 7pp B
(ISO 6014:1986) 3pp A Guide for hand tool groupings for operator use in rou-
Specifies a method of determining the speed of earth- AS 2956.0—1988 tine adjustment and maintenance on earth-moving
moving machinery, both wheeled and track-laying in General introduction and listing machinery. For this work manufacturers should
a given condition, e.g. laden or unladen, as stated in choose suitable tools from the table.
the test report. 2pp X
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5023 6)
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5005 8) Provides introduction to and listing of Standards
grouped under the subject heading 'Instrumentation
and operator's controls'. AS 2957.2—1988
AS 2955.4—1988 (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5157 7) Common repair tools—Mechanical
Hydraulic excavators—Measure- pullers and pushers
ment of tool forces AS 2956.1—1988 (ISO 4510-2:1986) 7pp B
(ISO 6015.1:1986) 7pp B Excavators—Operator's controls Specifies types, general requirements and main nor-
Specifies methods for determining the tool forces of (ISO 4557:1982) 2pp A mal dimensions of mechanical pullers, attachments
hydraulic excavators together with their limiting con- and adaptors used for carrying out repair work.
ditions. Applies to all types of hydraulic excavators, Specifies the requirements, movement directions and
actuating forces for the operator's controls on excava- (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5026 0)
crawler or wheel mounted, with or without outrig-
gers. tors. Applies to excavators, except operated excava-
tors, and is intended as a guide when designing. AS 2957.3—1988
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5006 6) (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5015 5) Preservation and storage
AS 2955.5—1988 AS 2956.2—1988 (ISO 6749:1984) 5pp B
Measurement of the masses of Operating instrumentation Specifies general methods for preservation, and re-
whole machines, their equipment moval of preservation materials, from earth-moving
(ISO 6011:1987) 4pp B machinery and its elements, and the categories of
and components Specifies the information an operator shall be able to storage and transportation conditions. Applies to both
(ISO 6016:1982) 6pp B obtain from the instrumentation at the instrument new machines and those already in use.
Specifies methods for determining masses of whole panel and the arrangement of this instrumentation, for (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5027 9)
machines, their equipment or components using safe operation and good maintenance. An annex sets
weighbridges, pressure dynamometers (load cells) or forth specified space envelope, preferred dimensions
extension dynamometers. It applies to wheeled and and dial-face layout of some instruments which are AS 2957.4—1988
tracked earth-moving machinery. frequently used. Applies to crawler loaders and doz- Format and content of manuals
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5007 4) ers; wheel loaders and dozers; graders; tractor scrap- (ISO 6750:1984) 16pp D
ers; self-propelled compactors; excavators; and off-
highway trucks. Establishes guidelines on general rules for prepara-
AS 2955.6—1988 (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5018 X) tion and presentation of manuals for earth-moving
machinery. Based on considerations that drivers, op-
Operator seat—Transmitted vibra- erators and mechanics may have received only a short
tion AS 2956.3—1988 training in a language in which they are not proficient.
(ISO 7096:1982) 14pp D Service instrumentation Requires manuals to be simple to understand, have
adequate explanatory notes, use internationally rec-
Specifies a method for the laboratory measurement, (ISO 6012:1982) 7pp B ognized symbols, be easy to use, compact, and made
evaluation and acceptance level of the whole body vi- Gives a guide list of diagnostic instruments to check of durable hard-wearing material.
bration transmitted through seat to operator during earth-moving machinery at the work site, to ensure
laboratory simulated machine vertical vibration. Is (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5028 7)
that machines are designed with proper accessibility
applicable to seats fitted to earth-moving machines and necessary connections to perform these checks
within specified classes of machines having similar easily, using portable instruments. Does not include AS 2957.5—1988
vibration characteristics.
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5010 4)
service instruments for major machine disassemblies Guide to procedure for operator
or use in the workshop. Applies to crawler and wheel training
tractors, crawler and wheel loaders and hydraulic ex-
AS 2955.7—1988 cavators, but can be easily extended to apply to other (ISO 7130:1981) 7pp B
basic earth-moving machines. Specifies operator training appropriate for earth-mov-
Measurement of the dimensions of (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5019 8) ing machinery, not including any procedure for as-
whole machines with their equip- sessment of competence of an operator's ability, or
ment AS 2956.4—1988 who is responsible for the training. Assumes that can-
(ISO 7128:1983) 4pp B didates for basic operator training will be inexperi-
Symbols enced on the types of machine specified, and that can-
Specifies methods of measuring dimensions of whole (ISO 6405:1982) 13pp C didates for more advanced training will previously
machines with their equipment. Applies to the basic have received basic training. Gives advice on proper
types of earth-moving machines. Establishes symbols for operator controls, and other selection of potential operators.
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5011 2) controls for use on earth-moving machines.
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5020 1) (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5029 5)
AS 2955.8—1988 AS 2957.6—1988
Measurement of turning dimen- AS 2956.5—1988
Zones of comfort and reach for Training of mechanics
sions of wheeled machines (ISO 8152:1984) 8pp B
(ISO 7457:1983) 7pp B Describes training of mechanics and programs appro-
Specifies a method of measuring the turning radius,
(ISO 6682:1986) 10pp C
priate for earth-moving machinery, not including any
turning diameter, machine clearance diameter, and Defines zones of comfort and reach for controls de- procedure for assessment of competence or ability.
inside and outside tyre clearance diameters for a rived for the overlapping reach capability of large and Not intended to override national Standards or regu-
wheeled earth-moving machine with its equipment, small operators in the seated position. lations. Assumes that candidates will previously have
turning in the horizontal plane. Applies to all types of (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5021 X) received basic education, and notes the need for a
steerable wheeled earth-moving machinery, irrespec- high degree of aptitude, enthusiasm, and physical fit-
tive of the type of steering. AS 2956.6—1988 ness.
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5012 0) Crawler tractors and crawler load- (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5030 9)
ers—Operator's controls
AS 2955.9—1988 AS 2958
(ISO 7095:1982) 2pp A
Measurement of drawbar pull Specifies the requirements, movement directions and
Earth-moving machinery—Safety
(ISO 7464:1983) 8pp B actuating forces for the operator's controls on crawler
Specifies test method to measure drawbar pull per- tractors and crawler loaders. Is intended as a guide AS 2958.0—2000
formance of self-propelled earth-moving machinery when designing operator controls. General introduction and listing
and its combination with mounted or trail equipment. (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5022 8)
Covers the following criteria measured against travel 2pp B
speed: drawbar pull, drawbar power, and wheel or AS 2957 Provides the introduction to and listing of Australia
track slip. Applies to all types of self-propelled earth- Standards grouped under the subject heading "Safe-
moving machines except excavators. Earth-moving machinery—Operation ty".
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5013 9) and maintenance (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7337 3478 2)

AS 2958.1—1995

AS 2958.1—1995 purpose use or restricted to use indoors and are intended to AS 2983.5—1988
Wheeled machines—Brakes protect personnel where there is the possibility of contact
with the conductors of electrical equipment. Determination of stiffness 3pp B
(ISO 3450:1988) 6pp C (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9796 8) Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
Sets out the minimum performance criteria for serv- ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine
ice brake systems, secondary brake systems and park- the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
ing brake systems for operator-controlled, self-pro- AS 2979—1998 (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4973 4)
pelled earth-moving machines. Applies to rubber- Traffic signal mast arms 22pp F
tyred backhoe loaders, dumpers, excavators, graders, Specifies requirements for tubular steel mast arms that are
loaders, and tractors or tractor scrapers. It includes an designed to support traffic signal lanterns and associated
AS 2983.6—1987
Appendix setting out requirements for in-service test- equipment above the roadway. Also applies to joint-use Determination of resistance to in-
ing. mast arms that, in addition to supporting traffic signal lan- dentation 2pp B
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 9565 5) terns, are designed to support road lighting luminaires. Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
Designates specific types of mast arms based on design ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine
AS 2958.2—1988 and constructional considerations. Does not apply to traffic the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
signal posts, requirements for which are specified in AS
Guards and shields—Definitions 2339. (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4698 0)
and specifications (LG-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2054 4)
(ISO 3457:1986) 5pp B AS 2983.7—1987
Gives definitions and specifies characteristics of dif- AS 2980—1987 Determination of abrasion resist-
ferent guards and shields to protect personnel from ance 3pp B
accidental hazards due to mechanical, thermal, chem- Qualification of arc-welders for weld-
ical or electrical causes. Covers both rubber-tyred and ing of steels 21pp E Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
track-type off-highway earth-moving machinery, but Amdt 1 July 1988 X ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine
not ROPS, FOPS and cabs. the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
Sets out requirements for qualification tests which are spe-
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 5034 1) cially devised to determine the ability of a welder, using (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4699 9)
consumable electrode arc-welding processes, to produce
AS 2958.3—1992 sound weld in steels. It is based on AWS D 1.1-85 and cov- AS 2983.8—1987
Roller compactors—Brake sys- ers qualification requirements for welders using hand-held
and non-hand-held equipments. Determination of tear resistance
tems 3pp B (WD-008) (ISBN 0 7262 4677 8) 2pp B
Specifies requirements for brake systems that are fit- Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
ted to self-propelled ride-on roller compactors. ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 7638 3) AS 2981—1987 the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
High voltage a.c. switchgear and con- (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4700 6)
AS 2971—2002 trolgear—Vacuum interrupters—High
Serially produced pressure vessels voltage testing—Protection of person- AS 2983.9—1987
40pp I nel from X-ray emission 2pp B Determination of scratch resist-
Specifies requirements for a method of manufacture of se- Sets out conditions for carrying out high voltage tests on
rially produced metallic and non-metallic unfired pressure vacuum interrupters and switchgear incorporating vacuum ance 2pp B
vessels having a maximum volume of 500 L, and specified interrupters for the protection of personnel from X-ray Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
limits, related to the vessels contents, on the product of the emission. Outlines situations where precautions may be ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine
design pressure and the total vapour space. For such ves- necessary, and methods for measuring or monitoring X-ray the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
sels, this method of manufacture based on type testing pro- emission. (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4701 4)
vides an alternative to the method given in AS 1210. Burst (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4685 9)
tests and other performance tests on a significant number
of representative samples are used to validate design, ma- AS 2983.10—1987
terials and fabrication, simultaneously. AS/NZS 2982 Determination of spike resistance
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4365 X) Laboratory design and construction 1p A
Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
AS 2972—1987 AS/NZS 2982.1:1997 ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine
Vibration and shock—Isolators—Pro- General requirements 41pp H the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
cedure for specifying characteristics Sets out requirements relating to the design and con- (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4702 2)
5pp C struction of buildings which have laboratories. It ap-
Specifies the subject matter and format for describing iso- plies both to new laboratories and to where existing AS 2983.11—1987
lators (resilient mounts), the equipment to be isolated, sup- buildings are converted to laboratory use. Special sec-
tions are included for hazardous substances, biologi- Determination of resistance to fa-
porting structure, and environment. This Standard is not
intended to apply to isolators designed for noise reduction cal laboratories, radiological, secondary school and tigue 3pp B
generally. tertiary laboratories. Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
(AV-009) (ISBN 0 7262 4658 1) (BD-046) (ISBN 0 7337 0962 1) ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine
the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
AS 2973—1987 AS 2983 (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4703 0)
Vibration and shock—Human re- Methods of test for synthetic sporting
sponse vibration-measuring instru- surfaces AS 2983.12—1987
mentation 8pp C Determination of resistance to
Specifies the characteristics of instrument systems and AS 2983.1—1988 delamination 2pp B
components of systems for the measurement of whole- Determination of rebound resil- Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
body and hand/arm transmitted vibration. ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine
(AV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 4659 X) ience 2pp A the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se- (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4706 5)
ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine
AS 2974—1987 the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
Fluid power systems and compo- (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4967 X) AS 2983.13—1987
nents—Metric ports—Dimensions and Determination of impact resist-
design AS 2983.2—1988 ance 1p A
(ISO 6149:1980) 2pp B Determination of the withdrawal Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
Amdt 1 December 1988 X force of tufts or loops 2pp A ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine
Specifies requirements including dimensions for metric the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
parallel-threaded ports for pressures up to 40 000 kPa. Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4707 3)
(ME-035) (ISBN 0 7262 4660 3) the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
(PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4970 X) AS 2983.14—1987
AS 2976—1987 Determination of withdrawal force
Waters—Determination of filtrable AS 2983.3—1988 of tufts or loops 2pp B
magnesium—Flame atomic absorb- Test for spin 1p A Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
tion spectrometric method 3pp B ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine
Sets out a flame atomic spectrometric method for the de- Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
termination of magnesium in natural and waste waters in (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4708 1)
the range 0.02 to 2 mg/L. A procedure for non-filtrable the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
magnesium is set out in an appendix. (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4971 8)
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 4662 X) AS 2983.15—1987
AS 2983.4—1988 Determination of heat ageing
AS/NZS 2978:1995 Test for slip resistance 1p A 1p A
Insulating mats for electrical purpos- Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se- Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se-
es 7pp C ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine
Specifies constructional and test requirements for two the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces. the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
classes of insulating mats. The covers may be for general (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4972 6) (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4709 X)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 2983.16—1987 AS 2987—1987 AS 2993.1—1987

Determination of ozone resist- General conditions of contract for the Driving point impedance of the hu-
ance 3pp B supply of equipment with or without man body
Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se- installation Bound with AS 2988-1987 (ISO 5982) 9pp D
ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine 33pp E Defines the mechanical characteristics of the human
the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces. Amdt 1 February 1988 X body in the form of whole body mechanical input im-
(PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4710 3) pedance.
Amdt 2 11 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3494 4) X (AV-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4734 0)
Brings the Standard up to date and into reasonable align-
AS 2983.17—1987 ment with AS 2124-1986. It is intended to cover contracts
for equipment such as power station plant and similar AS/NZS 2994:2000
Determination of water resistance heavy manufacturing and processing equipment, especial- Information technology—Open Sys-
1p A ly where the operation entails a significant period of time tems Interconnection—Network serv-
between placing of order, delivery of various components,
Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se- assembly testing and commissioning. A variation of the ice definition
ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine Standard is being drawn up by the committee to cover sup- (ISO/IEC 8348:1996 ISO/IEC
the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces. ply only situations. 8348:1996/Amd 1:1998 ITU-T X.213)
(PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4711 1) (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4726 X) 61pp K
Specifies the network service definition as used by OSI
AS 2983.18—1987 AS 2987/A—1987 systems. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
Annexure to the Australian Standard produced from ISO/IEC 8348:1996 and ISO/IEC
Determination of water absorp- 8348:1996/Amd 1:1998.
tion 1p A for conditions of contract for supply
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2761 1)
and erection of equipment
Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se- Pads of 25 forms E
ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine AS/NZS 3000:2000
the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces. (OB-003)
Electrical installations (known as the
(PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4714 6) Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules)
AS 2987/B—1987
A5 sized book 290pp I
AS 2983.19—1987 Annexure to the Australian Standard Amdt 1 25 September 2001
for conditions of contract for supply (ISBN 0 7337 4106 1) B
Determination of low temperature and erection of equipment
impact resistance 1p A Amdt 2 5 April 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4457 5) A
Pads of 25 forms C Provides requirements for the selection and installation of
Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se- (OB-003) electrical equipment, design and testing of electrical instal-
ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine lations, especially with regard to the essential requirements
the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces. for safety of persons and livestock from physical injury,
(PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4715 4)
AS 2988—1987 fire or electric shock. Many of the prescriptive work prac-
Form of formal instrument of agree- tices contained in previous editions of AS 3000 have been
ment Bound with AS 2987-1987 1p E removed and this Standard incorporates internationally ac-
AS 2983.20—1987 cepted practices.
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4726 X)
Determination of resistance to (EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2934 7)
staining 1p A AS 2988—1987 (Form)
AS/NZS 3000:2000 (Hardbound)
Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se- Form of formal instrument of agree-
ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine ment 1p A Electrical installations (known as the
the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces.
Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules)
(PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4716 2) A5 sized book 290pp J
AS 2989—1992 Amdt 1 25 September 2001
AS 2983.21—1987 (ISBN 0 7337 4106 1) B
Electrical equipment for coal mines— Amdt 2 5 April 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4457 5) A
Determination of chemical resist- Specific requirements for high voltage Provides requirements for the selection and installation of
ance 1p A circuit-breakers and disconnectors electrical equipment, and design and testing of electrical
Together with the other methods in the AS 2983 se- 10pp D installations, especially with regard to the essential re-
ries this Standard sets out test methods to determine Specifies the requirements for an assembly which incorpo- quirements for safety of persons and livestock from physi-
the play characteristics of synthetic sporting surfaces. rates a high voltage circuit-breaker and an isolating device. cal injury, fire or electric shock. Many of the prescriptive
It is limited to systems below ground at voltages up to and work practices contained in previous editions of AS 3000
(PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4717 0) have been removed and this Standard incorporates interna-
including 12 000 V a.c. The necessary provisions for iso-
lation, safety earthing and regulatory inspection and test- tionally accepted practices.
AS 2984—1987 ing procedures are also included. (EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2934 7)
Solar water heaters—Method of test (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7262 7465 8)
for thermal performance—Outdoor AS Doc 3000 N(2000)
test method 17pp E AS 2991 What's new in the Wiring Rules
Sets out a method of determining the thermal performance Acoustics—Method for the determina- 46pp F
of a solar water heater under natural outdoor conditions tion of airborne noise emitted by Indicates the changes of major importance that have been
and prescribes a method of transforming the test results made in the new edition of the Wiring Rules (AS/NZS
household and similar electrical appli- 3000:2000) as compared with AS 3000-1991. Where pos-
from the particular climate conditions of the test to long-
term average conditions for the test location, or to other lo- ances sible the technical sense of the changes has been indicated,
cations. but where this would involve much detail, only the change
AS 2991.1—1987 has been identified. This document is not intended to take
(CS-028) (ISBN 0 7262 4743 X) the place of a complete review of the 2000 edition.
General requirements (EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2933 9)
AS 2985—1987 (IEC 704-1) 20pp E
Workplace atmospheres—Method for Sets out objective methods of engineering accuracy AS 3000T
for determining sound power levels of airborne
sampling and gravimetric determina- acoustical noise emitted by household and similar ap- Wiring Rules T-shirt
tion of respirable dust 6pp C pliances within the specified frequency range of inter-
Sets out a gravimetric method for the collection and deter- est. The Standard does not apply to industrial or pro- AS 3000T.L
fessional equipment and equipment which is part of a Large
mination of respirable dust (as defined by British Medical building or its installations.
Research Council). The procedure can be used to assess
(AV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4725 1)
Large T-shirt $17.54 Retail
personal exposure to sampling in a worker's breathing No discount
AS 2991.2—1991 (EL-001)
(CH-031) (ISBN 0 7262 4693 X)
Particular requirements for dish- AS 3000T.XL
AS 2986—1987 washers
Extra Large
Workplace atmospheres—Organic va- (IEC 704-2-3:1987) 9pp D Extra Large T-shirt $17.54 Retail
pours—Sampling by solid adsorption Sets out objective methods of engineering accuracy No discount
for determining sound power levels of airborne noise
techniques 9pp C emitted by dishwashers within the specified frequen- (EL-001)
Sets out two methods for the sampling of organic vapours cy range of interest.
in workplace atmospheres using solid adsorption tech- (AV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6396 6) AS 3000T.XXL
niques. The methods are active sampling using pump and
tube, and passive sampling using solid adsorbent diffusive Extra Extra Large
samples. Both methods can be used to assess personal ex- AS 2993 Extra Extra Large T-shirt $17.54 Retail
posure to organic vapours in the workplace. Vibration and shock—Dynamic char- No discount
(CH-031) (ISBN 0 7262 4694 8) acteristics of the human body (EL-001)

AS/NZS 3001:2001

AS/NZS 3001:2001 electric shock from parts which may become live in AS 3010
Electrical installations—Relocatable the case of a fault, and for protection against the ef- Electrical installations—Supply by
fects of over-current and fault current resulting from
premises (including caravans and overload or short-circuit conditions. Includes require- generating set
tents) and their site installations ments for the selection of protective devices and pro-
26pp G tection systems. Technically equivalent to IEC 621-2. AS 3010.1—1987
Specifies requirements, in addition to those of AS/NZS (EL-033) (ISBN 0 7262 4614 X) Internal combustion engine driven
3000:2000, for electrical installations in relocatable sets 9pp D
premises, including caravans and tents, and in caravan AS 3007.3—1987
parks and camping areas. Amdt 1 March 1988 X
(EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4162 2) General requirements for equip- Applies to the installation of electricity generating
ment and ancillaries sets that are driven by internal combustion engines,
and which are used for the supply of fixed electrical
AS/NZS 3002:2002 (IEC 621-3) 12pp D installations in buildings or items of electrical equip-
Electrical installations—Shows and Specifies general requirements for the equipment and ment.
carnivals 21pp G ancillaries associated with the electrical installation. (EL-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4778 2)
Sections deal with electrical components, rotating
Specifies requirements, in addition to those of AS/NZS machines, transformers, static converters, switching
3000, for electrical installations for the supply of electrici- devices, cable selection and application, cable con- AS 3011
ty to, and for temporary wiring within, concessions, tents nectors, cable drums, control circuits and control de- Electrical installations—Secondary
and other temporary structures used for entertainment or vices, safety circuits and safety devices, and fire de-
display and purposes associated with shows and carnivals. batteries installed in buildings
tection and protection systems. Technically
Also applies to the supply of electricity to distributed tem- equivalent to IEC 621-3.
porary installations such as tent cities set up for scout jam-
(EL-033) (ISBN 0 7262 4615 8)
AS 3011.1—1992
borees, army camps and similar events. Vented cells 6pp C
(EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4724 8)
AS 3007.4—1987 Specifies requirements for the installation of vented
secondary batteries permanently installed in build-
AS 3002—1985 Additional requirements for specif- ings.
Electrical installations—Shows and ic applications (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7305 8)
carnivals 9pp D (IEC 621-4) 15pp D
Applies to electrical installations for both permanent and Sets out additional requirements which are specific to AS 3011.2—1992
temporary sites used for shows, carnivals, fetes and the particular installations. Sections deal with winning, Sealed cells 7pp C
like. It sets out the requirements for the use of electricity stacking and primary processing machinery, transport
for lighting and power in tents, booths and other structures Specifies requirements for the installation of sealed
conveyor systems, pumping and water supply sys- secondary batteries permanently installed in build-
in areas used for entertainment and display. tems and secondary processing machinery. Guide- ings.
(EL-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3638 1) lines for the installation of low signal level systems (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7301 5)
and communication systems are provided in an ap-
AS/NZS 3003:1999 pendix. Technically equivalent to IEC 621-4.
AS/NZS 3012:1995
Electrical installations—Patient treat- (EL-033) (ISBN 0 7262 4618 2)
Electrical installations—Construction
ment areas of hospitals and medical and demolition sites 14pp F
and dental practices 67pp J AS 3007.5—1987
Sets out requirements for electrical installations which
Specifies requirements in addition to those in the SAA Operating requirements supply electricity to equipment on construction and demo-
Wiring Rules (AS 3000) for electrical installations in hos- (IEC 621-5) 6pp C lition sites. Includes requirements for the testing of electri-
pitals and medical and dental practices where electromed- cal equipment used on building construction sites.
ical procedures are performed on a regular basis. In addi- Sets out requirements for the normal operating proce-
tion, specifies requirements for cardiac-protected and dures which should be carried out to ensure the safety (EL-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9731 3)
body-protected electrical areas. Included in the appendices of personnel. Includes measures relating to control of
are typical forms for commissioning tests for patient treat- access to operating areas, work in the vicinity of ex- AS/NZS 3013:1995
ment areas, methods of measuring magnetic fields and re- posed live parts, and the movement of vehicles and Electrical installations—Classification
sistance calculations in equipotential areas. machinery in the vicinity of overhead lines. Techni-
cally equivalent to IEC 621-5. of the fire and mechanical perform-
(HT-021) (ISBN 0 7337 2479 5)
(EL-033) (ISBN 0 7262 4619 0) ance of wiring systems 29pp G
Sets out a classification scheme for wiring systems accord-
AS/NZS 3004:2002 ing to their resistance to the hazards of fire and mechanical
Electrical installations—Marinas and AS/NZS 3008 damage. Type tests to verify the level of protection provid-
pleasure craft at low-voltage 26pp G Electrical installations—Selection of ed by a wiring system are given. Intended for reference in
Sets out requirements for electrical installations associated cables other Standards which specify wiring systems with a de-
with pleasure craft intended to be supplied at low-voltage. gree of resistance to damage from fire or mechanical im-
Includes requirements for the internal electrical installa- pact.
tion on board applicable pleasure craft and for electrical in-
AS/NZS 3008.1 (EL-037) (ISBN 0 7262 9590 6)
stallations in marinas intended to supply electrical power Cables for alternating voltages up
to those craft. Does not apply to on-board generation on to and including 0.6/1 kV AS 3014—1991
pleasure craft. Electrical installations—Electric fenc-
(EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4501 6) AS/NZS 3008.1.1:1998 es 7pp C
AS 3006—1982 Typical Australian installation con- Sets out requirements for the installation and operation of
ditions 95pp J electric fences and their associated equipment. This Stand-
Adequate electrical installations in do- ard applies to electric fences powered by energizers sup-
Sets out the procedures to be followed for the selec-
mestic premises 16pp D tion of cables to satisfy typical Australian installation
plied from all types of power sources. It does not apply to
Applies to the provision of sufficient electrical services to equipment that is capable of delivering an electric shock
conditions where the ambient air temperature is 40°C but is not associated with a fence, for example, cattle
a house or home unit at the time of construction to satisfy and ambient soil temperature is 25°C. Criteria given
not only immediate usage but also foreseeable future re- prods.
are current-carrying capacity, voltage drop and short- (EL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 6598 5)
quirements as the demand for additional appliances in- circuit temperature rise.
creases. Stipulates minimum requirements for the number
(EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1709 8)
and distribution of lighting and power points, based on the AS 3015—1993
room size and the nature of occupancy and also provides
guides on the planning and selection of lighting and elec- AS/NZS 3008.1.2:1998 Electrical installations—Extra-low
trical equipment. voltage d.c. power supplies within
Typical New Zealand installation
(EL-001) (ISBN 0 7262 2453 7) public telecommunications networks
conditions 92pp J 35pp H
AS 3007 Sets out the procedures to be followed for the selec- Sets out requirements for the design and installation of tel-
tion of cables to satisfy typical New Zealand installa- ecommunications ELV (d.c.) power supplies which are
Electrical installations—Surface tion conditions where the ambient air temperature is used in restricted premises by telecommunications carriers
mines and associated processing 30°C and ambient soil temperature is 15°C. Criteria in the provision of public telecommunications networks.
plant given are current-carrying capacity, voltage drop and
short-circuit temperature rise. (EL-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8050 X)
AS 3007.1—1987 (EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1902 3)
AS/NZS 3016:1994
Scope and definitions Electrical installations—Electric secu-
(IEC 621-1) 6pp C AS/NZS 3009:1998
Electric installations—Emergency rity fences 9pp D
Sets out the scope of the AS 3007 series of Standards This Standard sets out safety requirements for the installa-
and provides definitions for some of the terms used. power supplies in hospitals 34pp H tion and operation of electric security fences and their as-
Technically equivalent to IEC 621-1. Specifies requirements for the design, installation and op- sociated equipment. It covers electric security fences pow-
(EL-033) (ISBN 0 7262 4613 1) eration of emergency electrical supplies for standby power ered by electric fence energizers supplied from all types of
and lighting in hospitals, identifies areas and functions for electric power sources (e.g. batteries, solar cells, diesel
AS 3007.2—1987 which emergency supplies are essential and lists the maxi- generator sets and supply mains). It does not apply to elec-
mum delays that can be tolerated in the restoration of sup- tric fences which are intended primarily for the control and
General protection requirements plies. Appendices include examples of emergency power containment of animals, to installations in hazardous areas
(IEC 621-2) 34pp F supply systems and associated maintenance programs. or to electric fence systems in which the electrified element
Specifies the measures which are required for protec- This Standard does not specify the size or type of hospitals operate at extra-low voltage (ELV), and are intended sole-
tion against electric shock in normal service from di- that require emergency supplies. ly to detect the presence of intruders.
rect contact with live parts, for protection against (HT-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1838 8) (EL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 8167 0)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 3017:2001 AS/NZS 3100:2002 AS/NZS 3113:2001

Electrical installations—Testing and Approval and test specification—Gen- Approval and test specification—Ceil-
inspection guidelines 32pp H eral requirements for electrical equip- ing roses 6pp D
Provides testing procedures and inspection guidelines to ment 100pp L Specifies essential safety requirements for ceiling roses
ensure that an electrical installation complies with the re- rated up to, and including, 16 A for use at low voltage. It is
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4630 6) to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3100.
quirements of AS/NZS 3000 with regard to the prevention
of a fire or preventing a person from receiving an electric (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3856 7)
shock. Includes tests for earth continuity, insulation resist- AS/NZS 3102:2002
ance, polarity and incorrect circuit connections, fault-loop Electric duct heaters 14pp G AS/NZS 3115:1996
impedance and operation of residual current devices. Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and Approval and test specification—Mo-
(EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4091 X) test purposes. This Standard is to be read in conjunction
tor-operated appliances 11pp D
with AS/NZS 3100.
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4966 6) Amdt 1 April 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1108 1) X
AS/NZS 3018:2001 Amdt 2 11 June 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4069 3) X
Electrical installations—Domestic in- AS/NZS 3105:2002 Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and
stallations 125pp H test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with AS 3100.
Specifies requirements and suitable methods for installing
Approval and test specification—Elec- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0352 6)
electrical installations in domestic premises including al- trical portable outlet devices
terations, additions and repairs. Sufficient information has (IEC 60884-2-5:1995) 12pp F AS 3117—1994
been included to allow the completion of an electrical in- Specifies essential safety requirements for electrical porta- Approval and test specification—Bay-
stallation without reference to AS/NZS 3000. ble outlet devices. To be read in conjunction with AS/NZS
(EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4086 3) 3100.
onet lampholders 16pp E
Specifies essential safety requirements for bayonet lam-
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4883 X) pholders for approval and test purposes. It is intended to be
AS/NZS 3080(Int):2002 read in conjunction with AS 3100.
Telecommunications installations— AS 3106—2002 (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 8881 0)
Generic cabling for commercial Approval and test specification—Elec-
premises tric jugs (with non-metallic bodies) AS/NZS 3118:1993
8pp E Approval and test specification—Elec-
(ISO/IEC JTC/1SC25 N 780:2002) tric inspection handlamps 6pp C
(Expires 22 July 2004) 122pp N (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4631 4)
Amdt 1 August 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9897 2) X
Provides building owners, managers, architects, designers, Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and
manufacturers, installers, maintainers and users with re- AS/NZS 3108:1994 test purposes. In Australia it is to be read in conjunction
quirements to ensure compatibility with equipment and Approval and test specification—Par- with AS 3100. In New Zealand it is to be read in conjunc-
services and to ensure performance of infrastructure to ticular requirements for isolating tion with NZS 6200 for the purpose of Clause 17.
meet present and foreseeable future requirements. This In- (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 8229 4)
terim Standard is identical with and has been reproducted transformers and safety isolating
from ISO/IEC JTC/1SC25 N 780:2002. transformers
(CT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4620 9) (IEC 742:1983) 114pp L AS 3119—1994
Amdt 1 March 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9622 8) X Approval and test specification—Nor-
AS 3084—1993 Amdt 2 August 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9894 8) X mal bayonet lampholder adaptors
Telecommunications installations— Amdt 3 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0303 8) X 6pp C
Amdt 4 November 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0793 9) X Specifies essential safety requirements for normal bayonet
Telecommunications pathways and lampholder adaptors for approval and test purposes. It is
spaces for commercial buildings Amdt 5 March 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1033 6) X intended to be read in conjunction with AS 3100.
54pp I Amdt 6 May 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1161 8) X (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 9014 9)
Based on the USA standard EIA/TIA 569, this Standard Amdt 7 12 November 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4411 7)
specifies provisions to be made in the design and construc- X AS/NZS 3120:1999
tion of commercial buildings in order to accommodate and Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and Approval and test specification—Cord
provide ready access to telecommunications infrastructure test purposes. It contains general requirements and partic- extension sockets 13pp E
and facilities appropriate to typical client needs, with some ular requirements for specific transformers.
allowance for future expansion. Specifies essential safety requirements for cord extension
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7262 8916 7) sockets intended to be used at extra-low and low voltages.
(CT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8451 3) This Standard is to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS
AS/NZS 3109 3100.
AS/NZS 3085 Approval and test specification—Ap- (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2685 2)
Telecommunications installations— pliance couplers for household and
Administration of communications ca- similar general purposes AS/NZS 3121:2002
bling systems Approval and test specification—Insu-
AS/NZS 3109.1:1996 lating mouldings 7pp E
Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and
AS/NZS 3085.1:1995 General requirements test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS
Basic requirements 20pp F (IEC 320-1:1994 IEC 320-1:1994/ 3100.
Specifies minimum requirements for administration Amd.1:1995) 130pp K (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4972 0)
of cabling infrastructure supporting telecommunica- Amdt 1 19 July 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3466 9) B
tions facilities in commercial and residential premis-
Specifies essential safety, and associated require- AS/NZS 3122:1993
es. Approval and test specification—
ments, for approval and test purposes, for two-pole
(CT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9372 5) appliance couplers, with or without earthing contact, Socket-outlet adaptors 9pp D
with a rated voltage not exceeding 250 V a.c. and a Amdt 1 January 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9469 1) X
AS/NZS 3086:1996 rated current not exceeding 16 A, for household and
similar purposes and intended for the connection of a Amdt 2 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0256 2) X
Telecommunications installations— supply cord to electrical appliances utilizing the 50 Specifies essential safety requirements for socket-outlet
Integrated telecommunications ca- Hz or 60 Hz supply. Appendix ZZ lists variations for adaptors for approval and test purposes. In Australia it is to
be read in conjunction with AS 3100. In New Zealand it is
bling systems for small office/home Australian and New Zealand conditions. Equivalent
to be read in conjunction with NZS 6200.
to IEC 320-1:1994 including Amendment 1:1995.
office premises 19pp F (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8013 5)
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0806 4)
Describes a generic premises cabling system for connect-
ing one to four exchange access lines to various types of AS/NZS 3123:2000
customer equipment (at various locations) within single AS 3111—1994
premises or, for multi-occupancy buildings, within each Approval and test specification—Mini- Approval and test specification—
occupant's part of the premises. It specifies physical inter-
ature overcurrent circuit-breakers Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for
faces, connecting techniques and installation methods for general industrial application
telecommunications cabling of individual buildings. To run concurrently with AS/NZS 4898:1997 for 10
years 15pp E 63pp K
(CT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0683 5) Specifies essential safety requirements for plugs, socket-
Amdt 1 October 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0717 3) X outlets, cable couplers and appliance couplers for opera-
AS/NZS 3087:2000 Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and tion at 50 Hz, with a rated voltage not exceeding 660 V and
test purposes of miniature overcurrent circuit-breakers. It a rated current not exceeding 315 A intended for general
Telecommunications installations— is intended to be read in conjunction with AS 3100. industrial use. To be read in conjunction with AS/NZS
Generic cabling systems—Specifica- (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8860 8) 3100.
tion for the testing of balanced com- (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3302 6)
munication cabling in accordance AS/NZS 3112:2000
with values set out in AS/NZS Approval and test specification— AS 3124—2002
3080:2000 49pp J Plugs and socket-outlets 51pp I Approval and test specification for
Specifies the reference measurement procedures for ca- Amdt 1 4 December 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4161 4) A overhead line connector boxes
bling parameters and the requirements for field tester accu- Specifies essential safety requirements for plugs and sock- 9pp E
racy to measure cabling parameters identified in AS/NZS et-outlets for approval and test purposes. It is intended to Specifies essential safety and associated requirements for
3080. This Standard is an adoption of IEC 61935-1:2000. be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3100. the design, construction and testing of overhead line con-
(CT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3723 4) (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3267 4) nector boxes, which must bemet before the connector box-

AS/NZS 3127:2002

es can be offered for sale. It is intended to be read in con- and swimming pool pumps, heaters, blowers, chlorinators, AS 3158—1994
junction with AS/NZS 3100. chemical injection equipment, and control equipment.
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4723 X) Does not apply to luminaires, nor to equipment for aquari- Approval and test specification—Elec-
ums (see AS/NZS 3192) or fountains. Note: Further regu- tric cables—Glass fibre insulated for
AS/NZS 3127:2002 latory requirements apply; consult NZECP 2, issued by the working voltages up to and including
Chief Electrical Inspector, Ministry of Commerce. 0.6/1 kV 12pp E
Approval and test specification— (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4079 0)
Cord-line switches 8pp F Specifies construction, dimensions and tests for cables and
flexible cords insulated with glass fibre for working volt-
Specifies essential electrical safety requirements for cord-
line switches for approval and test purposes. It is to be read AS 3136—1996 ages up to and including 0.6/1 kV.
in conjunction with AS/NZS 3100. Approval and test specification—Elec- (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8707 5)
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4362 5) trical equipment for spa-baths and spa
and swimming pools AS/NZS 3160:2001
AS/NZS 3128:1998 (NZS 6232:1996) Approval and test specification—
Approval and test specification—Port- To run concurrently with AS/NZS 3350.2.53:1998 Hand-held portable electric tools
able lamp standards and brackets for 2 years 14pp E 28pp G
10pp D Amdt 1 November 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0789 0) X Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and
Amdt 1 November 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2249 0) X Amdt 2 March 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1030 1) X test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS
Amdt 2 12 July 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4668 3) X 3100.
Specifies safety requirements for approval and test purpos- Amdt 3 April 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1110 3) X (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4072 3)
es for electric portable lamp standards and brackets de- Amdt 4 September 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1377 7) X
signed for direct or alternating current at low or extra-low Amdt 5 November 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1552 4) X AS/NZS 3161:1995
voltages. It is to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3100.
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 1668 7) Amdt 6 January 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2441 8) X Approval and test specification—
Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and Thermostats and energy regulators
test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with AS 3100.
AS/NZS 3130:1995 Identical with NZS 6232:1996 and produced as a Joint 11pp D
Approval and test specification— Australian/New Zealand Standard. Specifies essential safety requirements for thermostats and
Beauty therapy equipment 24pp G (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0438 7) energy regulators for approval and test purposes. It is in-
Prescribes the safety requirements for certain types of tended to be read in conjunction with AS 3100.
beauty therapy equipment powered by mains supply or AS 3137—1992 (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9745 3)
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9806 9) Approval and test specification—Lu- AS/NZS 3166:1993
minaires (lighting fittings) 7pp C
(ISBN 0 7262 7772 X) X
Approval and test specification—Ca-
AS/NZS 3131:2001 Amdt 1 October 1992
bles for high voltage luminous dis-
Approval and test specification— Amdt 2 January 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9433 0) X
charge tube installations 5pp C
Plugs and socket-outlets for station- Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and
Specifies the construction, dimensions and tests for single-
ary appliances 17pp F test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with AS 3100.
core flexible cables for operation at voltages up to and in-
Specifies requirements for plugs and socket-outlets intend- (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 7297 3) cluding 7.5 kV to earth, used for the wiring of high voltage
ed for the connection/disconnection of stationary applianc- luminous discharge tube installations.
es (such as cooking ranges, hobs and ovens) having a volt- AS 3138—1993 (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8162 X)
age not exceeding 500 V a.c. and a maximum current of 32
A. Approval and test specification—
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4030 8) Starters for fluorescent lamps AS 3168—1991
12pp E Approval and test specifications—Flu-
AS/NZS 3131:1995 Amdt 1 August 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9110 2) X orescent lamp ballasts
Approval and test specification— Specifies essential safety requirements for starters for flu- (IEC 920:1990) 25pp G
Plugs and socket-outlets for use in in- orescent lamps for approval and test purposes. It is essen- Amdt 1 September 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 7019 9) X
stallation wiring systems 34pp H tial to be read in conjunction with AS 3100.
Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and
Specifies essential safety requirements for plugs and sock- (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 8043 7) test purposes and is intended to be read in conjunction with
et-outlets for use in installation wiring systems for approv- AS 3100. Based on IEC 920.
al and test purposes. In Australia, this Standard is intended AS 3140—1994 (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 6565 9)
to be read in conjunction with AS 3100.
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9764 X) Approval and test specification—Edi-
son-type screw lampholders 10pp D AS/NZS 3175
AS 3133—1989 Specifies essential safety requirements for Edison-type Approval and test specification—Re-
screw lampholders for approval and test purposes. It is in- sidual current-operated circuit-break-
Approval and test specification—Air tended to be read in conjunction with AS 3100.
break switches 9pp D (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 9091 2) ers without integral overcurrent
Amdt 1 October 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6447 4) X protection for household and similar
Specifies essential safety requirements for air break
AS/NZS 3152:1992 uses (RCCBs)
switches for approval and test purposes. It is intended to be
read in conjunction with AS 3100. Approval and test specification—Dec- AS/NZS 3175.1:1994
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 5757 5) orative lighting outfits 6pp C
Amdt 1 June 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8214 6) X
General rules
AS 3134—1992 Amdt 2 March 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9623 6) X (IEC 1008-1:1990 IEC 1008-1:1990/
Approval and test specification—a.c. Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and Amd.1:1992) 119pp K
supplied electronic ballasts for tubu- test purposes. In Australia it is to be read in conjunction Amdt 1 April 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9718 6) X
lar fluorescent lamps with AS 3100. In New Zealand it is to be read in conjunc- Specifies essential safety requirements for residual
tion with NZS 6200 for the purpose of Clause 13. current-operated circuit-breakers intended for house-
(IEC 928:1990) 15pp E
Specifies essential safety and associated testing require- (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 7812 2) hold and similar uses for approval and test purposes.
ments which must be met before electronic ballasts may be This Standard is technically equivalent to and repro-
duced from IEC 1008-1:1990, including Amendment
offered for sale. It is intended to be read in conjunction AS/NZS 3155:1995 1:1992. In Australia this Standard will replace AS
with AS 3100 and is based on IEC 928.
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 7790 8) Approval and test specification—Elec- 3190-1994, in part, ten years from date of publication.
tric cables—Neutral screened—For (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9174 9)
AS 3135—1997 working voltages up to and including
Approval and test specification— 0.6/1 kV 10pp D AS/NZS 3175.2
Semi-enclosed fuses for a.c. circuits Specifies the requirements for PVC and XLPE insulated Applicability of the general rules to
neutral wire screened cables intended for use in electrical RCCBs
16pp F installations including overhead and underground lines at
Specifies essential safety requirements and tests, for ap- working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV.
proval and test purposes, for semi-enclosed fuses for low (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0099 3) AS/NZS 3175.2.1:1994
voltage a.c. circuits. This Standard is to be read in conjunc-
tion with AS 3100. Functionally independent of line
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1297 5) AS/NZS 3156:1995 voltage
Approval and test specification—Elec- (IEC 1008-2-1:1990) 2pp A
AS/NZS 3136:2001 tric lawnmowers 8pp D Specifies essential safety requirements for residual
Approval and test specification—Elec- Amdt 1 April 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1115 4) X current-operated circuit-breakers functionally inde-
pendent of line voltage intended for household and
trical equipment for spa-baths and spa Amdt 2 5 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3835 4) X similar uses for approval and test purposes. This
and swimming pools 16pp F Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and Standard is technically equivalent to and reproduced
Amdt 1 12 November 2001 test purposes. In Australia it is to be read in conjunction from IEC 1008-2-1:1990. In Australia this Standard
(ISBN 0 7337 4429 X) X with AS 3100. In New Zealand it is to be read in conjunc- will replace AS 3190-1994, in part, ten years from
Specifies electrical safety requirements, to be read in con- tion with NZS 6200 for the purpose of Clause 19. date of publication.
junction with NZS/AS 3100. Applies to spa-bath, spa pool (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9911 1) (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9175 7)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 3175.2.2:1994 AS/NZS 3194:1993 3200.1.0-1990, and is identical with and has been re-
produced from IEC 60601-1-2:1993.
Functionally dependent on line Approval and test specification—Elec- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9763 1)
voltage tric shaver supply units 4pp B
(IEC 1008-2-2:1990) 2pp A Amdt 1 January 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9470 5) X AS/NZS 3200.1.3:1996
Specifies essential safety requirements for shaver supply
Specifies essential safety requirements for residual units for approval and test purposes. It is intended to be Collateral Standard: Requirements
current-operated circuit-breakers functionally de- read in conjunction with AS 3100. for radiation protection in diagnos-
pendent on line voltage intended for household and (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8330 4) tic X-ray equipment
similar uses for approval and test purposes. This
Standard is technically equivalent to and reproduced (IEC 601-1-3:1994) 51pp I
from IEC 1008-2-2:1990. In Australia this Standard AS/NZS 3195:2002 Specifies protective measures to be taken by manu-
will replace AS 3190-1994, in part, ten years from Approval and test specification—Port- facturers in the design and construction of equipment
date of publication. able machines for elecric arc welding and its subassemblies. This Standard is supplementa-
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9177 3) ry to AS 3200.1.0-1990, and is technically equivalent
and allied processes 16pp F to and reproduced from IEC 601-1-3:1994 with the
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4674 8) addition of an appendix which lists Australian/New
AS 3178—1991 Zealand requirements.
Approval and test specification—Elec- AS/NZS 3197:1993 (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0678 9)
tric cables—Silicone rubber insulat- Approval and test specification—Port-
ed—For working voltages up to and able electrical control or conditioning AS/NZS 3200.1.4:1997
including 0.6/1 kV 30pp H devices 14pp E Collateral Standard: Programma-
Specifies the construction, dimensions and tests for cables Amdt 1 January 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9471 3) X ble electrical medical systems
insulated with silicone rubber, intended for use in electrical Amdt 2 2 October 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4112 6) X (IEC 601-1-4:1994) 26pp G
installations at working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 Amdt 3 6 February 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4340 4) X Specifies requirements for the process by which a
kV. The Standard does not apply to heavy duty flexible ca- Specifies essential safety requirements for portable electric programmable electrical medical system is designed.
ble applications, which are included in other cable Stand- control or conditioning devices for approval and test pur- This Standard is supplementary to AS 3200.1.0-1990,
ards. poses. In Australia it is to be read in conjunction with AS and is identical with and reproduced from IEC 60601-
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 6713 9) 3100. In New Zealand it is to be read in conjunction with 1-4:1996.
NZS 6200. (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1229 0)
AS/NZS 3182:1995 (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 7974 9)
AS/NZS 3200.2
Approval and test specification— AS/NZS 3199:2000 Particular requirements for safety
Commercial refrigerated food cabi- Approval and test specification—Cord
nets 11pp D extension sets 6pp D AS/NZS 3200.2.1:1999
Amdt 1 April 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1121 9) X Applies to cord extension sets intended for use at low volt- Electron accelerators in the range
Amdt 2 12 November 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4431 1) age. It is to be read in conjuction with AS/NZS 3100. of 1 MeV to 50 MeV
X (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3477 4) (IEC 60601-2-1:1998) 59pp J
Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and Specifies requirements to be complied with by the
test purposes. In Australia it is to be read in conjunction AS/NZS 3200 manufacturer in the design and construction of elec-
with AS 3100. In New Zealand it is to be read in conjunc- Approval and test specification— tron accelerators for use in radiotherapy. It is identical
tion with NZS 6200 for the purpose of Clause 24 of the Medical electrical equipment with and has been reproduced from IEC 60601-2-
Standard. 1:1998. This Standard refers extensively to its Parent
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9914 6) AS/NZS 3200.1 Standard, AS/NZS 3200.1.0. A readily available copy
of AS/NZS 3200.1.0 is essential to the meaningful in-
General requirements for safety terpretation of this Part.
AS/NZS 3187:1995 (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2643 7)
Approval and test specification—Min- AS/NZS 3200.1.0:1998
eral-insulated metal-sheathed cables Parent Standard AS/NZS 3200.2.2:1999
(IEC 60601-1:1988) High frequency surgical equip-
17pp F See also AS 3200-1986 195pp K ment
Amdt 1 July 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1219 3) X Specifies general requirements for safety of electro- (IEC 60601-2-2:1998) 36pp H
Specifies the requirements for mineral-insulated metal- medical equipment. It is a base specification in the
sheathed (MIMS) cables with copper conductors and Specifies requirements for the safe design and manu-
AS/NZS 3200 series; it becomes a complete specifi- facture of high frequency surgical equipment. This
sheaths, intended for use in electrical installations at work- cation for an individual item of electromedical equip-
ing voltages not exceeding 1 kV r.m.s. or d.c. Standard modifies and has been reproduced from IEC
ment. It specifies the degrees of isolation of applied 60601-2-2:1998 with a ZZ Appendix for additional
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9931 6) parts from both live parts and earth, sufficient to en- Australian and New Zealand requirements. A thor-
sure the safety of the patient from electric shock made ough working knowledge of its Parent Standard, AS/
under conditions likely to be experienced in services. NZS 3200.1.0:1998, or a readily available copy, is
AS/NZS 3188:1995 This revision provides a consolidated version of AS necessary to deal with some of the technical issues
Approval and test specification—Ter- 3200.1.0-1990 (NZS 6150:1990) incorporating its raised.
Amendments 1, 2 and 3. Users of AS 3200.1.0-1990
minations and glands for mineral-in- and its Amendments 1, 2 and 3 are informed that (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2953 3)
sulated metal-sheathed cables 7pp C changes in this consolidated edition are limited to the
Specifies terminations incorporating sealing pots for min- designation, title and presentation. This Standard is AS 3200.2.3—1992
eral-insulated metal-sheathed (MIMS) cables complying based on and has been reproduced from IEC 60601- Short-wave therapy equipment
with AS/NZS 3187. 1:1988 and its first and second amendments together
with a ZZ appendix added for requirements specific (IEC 601-2-3:1991) 17pp E
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9932 4) to Australia and New Zealand. Specifies the safety requirements for approval and
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2298 9) test purposes for equipment used in medical practice
AS/NZS 3190:2002 for treatment of the patient by exposure to electric or
magnet ic fields produced by operation of equipment
Approval and test specification—Re- AS/NZS 3200.1.1:1995 with frequencies between 3 MHz and 45 MHz. T his
sidual current devices (current-oper- Collateral Standard: Safety re- Standard is to be read in conjunction with AS
ated earth-leakage devices) 38pp H quirements for medical electrical 3200.1.0-1990. It is identical wi th and reproduced
from IEC 601-2-3:1991.
Amdt 1 7 November 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4876 7) X systems (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7333 3)
Specifies essential safety requirements for residual current (IEC 60601-1-1:1992) 19pp F
devices for approval and test purposes. It is to be read in Amdt 1 August 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1146 4) B AS/NZS 3200.2.4:1993
conjunction with AS/NZS 3100. Applies to the safety of medical electrical systems. It
describes the safety requirements for these systems
Cardiac defibrillators and cardiac
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4504 0) defibrillator-monitors
necessary to provide protection to the patient and op-
erator. This Standard is supplementary to AS (IEC 601-2-4:1983) 37pp H
AS/NZS 3191:1996 3200.1.0-1990, and is identical with and has been re- Specifies requirements for the safety of cardiac defi-
Approval and test specification—Elec- produced from IEC 60601-1-1:1992. brillators and cardiac defibrillators-monitors. This
tric flexible cords 62pp I (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9762 3) Standard is to be read in conjunction with AS
3200.1.0-1990, and is technically equivalent to IEC
Amdt 1 April 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1057 3) X AS/NZS 3200.1.2:1995 601-2-4:1983.
Amdt 2 June 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1942 2) X Collateral Standard: Electromag- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8453 X)
Amdt 3 April 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2588 0) X netic compatibility—Requirements
Amdt 4 22 July 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4725 6) X and tests AS/NZS 3200.2.5:2002
Specifies construction, dimensions and tests for flexible (IEC 60601-1-2:1993) 12pp D Ultrasonic physiotherapy equip-
cords insulated with thermoplastic or crosslinked PVC, Applies only to medical electrical equipment, medi-
thermoplastic or crosslinked elastomers, glass fibre or cal electrical systems and information technology (IEC 60601-2-5:2000) 16pp F
thermoplastic fluoropolymers for working voltages up to equipment used in medical electrical applications Specifies requirements for the safety of ultrasonic
and including 250/250 V, 250/440 V or 0.6/1 kV. which is, or may be, susceptible to electromagnetic physiotherapy equipment used in medical practice. It
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0604 5) interference. This Standard is supplementary to AS modifies, and has been reproduced from, IEC 60601-

AS 3200.2.6—1992

2-5:2000 with variations for Australia and New Zea- with AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is identical with and repro- AS/NZS 3200.2.21:1994
land included in a ZZ Appendix. duced from IEC 601-2-14:1988.
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4924 0)
Infant radiant warmers
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7289 2) (IEC 601-2-21:1994) 25pp F
AS 3200.2.6—1992 Amdt 1 May 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1980 2) A
AS/NZS 3200.2.15:1994 Applies to infant warmers using a radiant heating
Microwave therapy equipment Capacitor discharge X-ray genera- source. The device is intended to maintain the thermal
(IEC 601-2-6:1984) 11pp D tors balance of an infant patient by direct radiation of en-
Specifies the safety requirements for microwave ther- ergy in the infra-red region of the electromagnetic
apy equipment used in medic al practice for the treat- (IEC 601-2-15:1988) 30pp G spectrum. This Standard is to be read in conjunction
ment of the patient by means of a propagated electro- Applies to capacitor discharge X-ray generators oper- with AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is identical with and repro-
magnetic field in the frequency range 300 MHz to 30 ating in intermittent mode for medical radiography, in duced from IEC 601-2-21:1994.
GHz. This Standard is to be read in conjunction w ith which the electrical energy for loading of the X-ray (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9052 1)
AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is identical with and reproduced tube is completely or mainly capacitively stored at,
from IEC 601-2-6:1984. and switched in, the high voltage circuit. This Stand- AS/NZS 3200.2.22:1997
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7287 6) ard is to be read in conjunction with AS 3200.1.0-
1990. It is identical with and reproduced from IEC
Diagnostic and therapeutic laser
AS/NZS 3200.2.7:1999 601-2-15:1988. equipment
High voltage generators of diag- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9046 7) (IEC 601-2-22:1993) 22pp F
Specifies particular requirements for the safety of la-
nostic X-ray generators ser equipment for medical applications classified as
(IEC 60601-2-7:1998) 40pp I AS/NZS 3200.2.16:1999 Class 3B or Class 4 laser product. This Standard is to
Specifies particular requirements for the safety of Haemodialysis, haemodiafiltration be read in conjunction with AS 3200.1.0-1990, and is
high voltage X-ray generators. It is based on but not and haemofiltration equipment technically equivalent to IEC 602-2-22:1993 and in-
equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 60601-2- corporates an Appendix ZZ of additional require-
7:1998 with additional requirements for Australia and (IEC 60601-2-16:1998) 21pp G ments for Australia and New Zealand.
New Zealand provided in an appendix. This Standard Specifies particular requirements for the safety of (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0892 7)
refers to its Parent Standard, AS/NZS 3200.1.0:1998. haemodialysis, haemodialfiltration and haemofiltra-
An available copy of AS/NZS 3200.1.0 is essential to tion equipment. It is identical with and reproduced AS/NZS 3200.2.23:2001
the meaningful interpretation of this part. from IEC 60601-2-16:1998. This Standard refers ex-
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2648 8) tensively to its Parent Standard, AS/NZS
Transcutaneous partial pressure
3200.1.0:1998. An available copy of AS/NZS monitoring equipment
AS/NZS 3200.2.8:1994 3200.1.0 is essential to the meaningful interpretation (IEC 60601-2-23:1999) 30pp H
of this Part.
Therapeutic X-ray generators Specifies the particular requirements for the safety,
(IEC 601-2-8:1987) 32pp G (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2638 0) including essential performances, of transcutaneaous
partial pressure monitoring equipment, and applies to
Amdt 1 September 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2755 7) X equipment used with adults, children and neonates,
Applies to therapeutic X-ray generators that operate AS/NZS 3200.2.17:1994 including their use in foetal monitoring during birth.
within nominal X-ray tube voltages from 10 kV to Remote-controlled automatically- It does not apply to haemoglobin saturation oximeters
400 kV inclusive when connected to alternating cur- or to devices applied to surfaces of the body other
rent supply mains. This Standard is to be read in con-
driven gamma-ray afterloading than the skin. This Standartd is to be read in conjunc-
junction with AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is identical with equipment tion with AS/NZS 3200.1.0:1998. It is identical with,
and reproduced from IEC 601-2-8:1987. (IEC 601-2-17:1989) 22pp F and reproduced from, IEC 60601-2-23:1999.
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9148 X) (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4039 1)
Amdt 1 April 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0953 2) A
AS/NZS 3200.2.9:1997 Applies to remote-controlled automatically driven AS/NZS 3200.2.24:1999
electro-medical equipment for gamma-ray therapy of
Patient contact dosemeters used human subjects using afterloading. This Standard is Infusion pumps and controllers
in radiotherapy with electrically to be read in conjunction with AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is (IEC 60601-2-24:1998) 60pp J
connected detectors identical with and reproduced from IEC 601-2- Provides particular requirements for the safety of in-
17:1989. fusion pumps, infusion controllers syringe pumps and
(IEC 601-2-9:1996) 9pp D
Specifies safety requirements for the design and man-
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9051 3) pumps for ambulatory use. A thorough working
knowlege of its parent Standard, AS/NZS
ufacture of patient contact dosemeters used in radio- 3200.1.0:1998, or a readily available copy, is neces-
therapy with electrically connected detectors. This AS/NZS 3200.2.18:1997 sary to deal with some of the technical issues raised.
Standard is to be read in conjunction with AS This Standard is technically equivalent to and has
3200.1.0-1990. It is identical with and reproduced Endoscopic equipment
been reproduced from IEC 60601-2-24:1998. It in-
from IE C 601-2-9:1996. (IEC 601-2-18:1996) 21pp F cludes an Appendix ZZ, of additional requirements
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1431 5) Specifies requirements for the safety of endoscopic specific to Australia and New Zealand.
equipment and its interconn ections with endoscopi- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 26208)
AS/NZS 3200.2.11:1999 cally-used accessories. This Standard is to be read in
Gamma beam therapy equipment conjunction wit h AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is based on AS/NZS 3200.2.25:1993
and reproduced from IEC 601-2-18:1996 and include
(IEC 60601-2-11:1997) 42pp I s the full technical text of that Standard. An Appendix Electrocardiographs
Specifies requirements for the safety of gamma beam ZZ specifies additional requiremen ts applicable in (IEC 601-2-25:1993) 27pp G
therapy equipment used in medical practices on hu- Australia and New Zealand. Specifies the particular safety requirements for elec-
man patients. This Standard is identical with and has (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1244 4) trocardiographs intended for the production of de-
been reproduced from IEC 60601-2-11:1997. This tachable electrocardiographs for diagnostic purposes.
Standard refers extensively to its Parent Standard, It also applies to vector-cardiographs and equipment
AS/NZS 3200.1.0. An available copy of AS/NZS AS 3200.2.19—1992 for stress testing. This Standard is to be read in con-
3200.1.0 is essential to the meaningful interpretation junction with AS 3200.1.0-1990, and is technically
of this Part. Baby incubators (nursing)
equivalent to IEC 601-2-25:1993.
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2491 4) (IEC 601-2-19:1990) 29pp G (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8535 8)
Amdt 1 May 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2640 2) A
AS/NZS 3200.2.13:1999 Specifies requirements for baby incubators in which AS/NZS 3200.2.26:1995
Anaesthetic workstations the air temperature is automatically controlled by a Electroencephalographs
(IEC 60601-2-13:1998) 45pp I temperature sensor close to the value set by the user. (IEC 601-2-26:1994) 20pp F
Specifies particular requirements for the safe design The Standard does not apply to incubators used for
the transportation of infants, or to incubators in which Specifies particular requirements for the safety of
and manufacture of anaesthetic workstation and indi- electroencephalographs in addition to the general re-
vidual devices which are intended to be part of the heating is provided by means of radiant heat sources.
This Standard is to be read in conjunction with AS quirements of the parent Standard AS 3200.1.0-1990
workstation. A thorough working knowledge of its (NZS 6150:1990). This Standard is to be read in con-
parent Standard AS/NZS 3200.2.0, or a readily avail- 3200.1.0-1990, and is technically equivalent to IEC
601-2-19:1990. junction with AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is identical with
able copy, is necessary to deal with some of the tech- and reproduced from IEC 601-2-26:1994. It includes
nical issues raised. It modifies and has been repro- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7791 6) an Appendix, ZZ, of additional requirements specific
duced from IEC 60601-2-13:1998 with variations for to Australia and New Zealand.
Australia and New Zealand included in a ZZ Appen-
dix. AS 3200.2.20—1992 (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9732 1)
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2829 4) Baby incubators (transport)
AS/NZS 3200.2.27:1996
(IEC 601-2-20:1990) 33pp G Electrocardiographic monitoring
AS 3200.2.14—1992 Amdt 1 May 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2641 0) A
Electroconvulsive therapy equip- equipment 26pp G
Specifies requirements for transport incubators suita- Specifies the particular safety requirements for elec-
ment ble for the safe conveyance of a baby outside a normal trocardiographic (ECG) monitoring equipment, ex-
(IEC 601-2-14:1988) 15pp E clinical baby-care environment. This Standard does cluding certain types of ambulatory and telemetric
Amdt 1 July 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2038 2) X not apply to transport incubators in which heating is devices. This Standard is to be read in conjunction
Specifies the requirements for the safety of electro- provided by means of radiant heat sources. This with AS 3200.1.0-1990, and is technically equivalent
convulsive therapy equipment, including accessories. Standard is to be read in conjunction with AS to IEC 601-2-27:1994. It includes Appendix ZZ,
These requirements are not intended to be applied to 3200.1.0-1990, and is technically equivalent to IEC which details variations to the application of the
equipment produced prior to the publication of this 601-2-20:1990. Standard in Australia and New Zealand.
Standard. This Standard is to be read in conjunction (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7793 2) (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0680 0)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 3200.2.28:1994 ternal blood-pressure of patients. This Standard is to Australia and New Zealand included in a ZZ Appen-
X-ray source assemblies and X-ray be read in conjunction with AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is dix.
identical with and reproduced from IEC 601-2- (HE-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4818 X)
tube assemblies for medical diag- 34:1994.
nosis generators (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0428 X) AS/NZS 3200.2.44:2000
(IEC 601-2-28:1993) 16pp E X-ray equipment for computed to-
Applies to X-ray source assemblies and X-ray tube AS/NZS 3200.2.35:1999 mography
assemblies for medical diagno sis and to components Blankets, pads and mattresses in-
thereof, specified for use in medical X-ray equipment (IEC 60601-2-44:1992 IEC 60601-2-
including equi pment for computed tomography in- tended for heating in medical use 44:1992/Amd.1:1998) 15pp F
corporating a specified high voltage generator com- (IEC 60601-2-35:1996) 44pp I Specifies a method of determining the total rediated
plying with AS/NZS 3200.2.7:1994 or AS/NZS Specifies safety requirements for the design and man- acoustic power of ultrasonic transducers being used
3200.2.15:1994. This Standard is to be read in c on- ufacture of blankets, pads and mattresses, intended to test the calibration of ultrasound physiotherapy
junction with AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is identical with for heating in medical use. It is identical with and has equipment. This Standard is identical with and has
and reproduced from IEC 601-2-28:1 993. been reproduced from IEC 60601-2-35:1996. This been reproduced from IEC 60601-2-44:1992 and its
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9139 0) Standard refers to its Parent Standard, AS/NZS first Amendment (1998).
3200.1.0:1998. An available copy of AS/NZS (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3238 0)
AS/NZS 3200.2.29:2000 3200.1.0 is essential to the meaningful interpretation
of this part.
Radiotherapy simulators AS/NZS 3200.2.45:1999
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2646 1)
(IEC 60601-2-29:1999) 26pp G Mammographic X-ray equipment
Specifies requirements for the safe design and manu-
AS/NZS 3200.2.36:1998 and mammographic stereotactic
facture of radiotherapy simulators. A thorough devices
knowledge, or a readily available copy of the parent Extracorporeally induced lithotrip-
Standard, AS/NZS 3200.1.0:1998, is necessary to sy (IEC 60601-2-45:1998) 15pp F
deal with some of the technical issues raised. This Specifies particular requirements for the safe design
Standard has been reproduced from IEC (IEC 60601-2-36:1997) 14pp E and manufacture of mammographic X-ray equipment
60601.2.29:1999, but includes a ZZ Appendix of sup- Specifies safety requirements for the design and man- and mammographic stereotactic devices. A thorough
plementary requirements for Australia and New Zea- ufacture of devices (lithotripters) intended to generate working knowledge of its parent Standard AS/NZS
land. acoustic pulses from outside the human body for the 3200.1.0, or a readily available copy, is necessary to
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3468 5) purpose of fragmenting calculi ('stones') within the deal with some of the technical issues raised. It is
body. This Standard is to be read in conjunction with identical with and reproduced from IEC 60601-2-
AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is identical with and reproduced 45:1998.
AS/NZS 3200.2.30:2001 from IEC 60601-2-36:1997. (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2899 5)
Automatic cycling non-invasive (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1985 6)
blood pressure monitoring equip- AS 3200.2.200—1992
ment AS/NZS 3200.2.38:1997 Oxygen concentrators for individu-
(IEC 60601-2-30:1999) 40pp I Electrically operated hospital beds al patient use
Specifies the particular requirements for the safety, (IEC 601-2-38:1996) 31pp G (ISO 8359:1988) 17pp F
including essential performances, of automatic cy-
cling non-invasive blood pressure monitoring equip- Specifies safety requirements for the design and man- Specifies safety requirements for oxygen concentra-
ufacture of electrically ope rated hospital beds. This tors which provide oxygen-enriched air for supply to
ment, which may be attended or unattended. It does Standard is to be read in conjunction with AS
not apply to blood pressure measuring equipment patients by separating nitrogen from ambient air.
3200.1.0-1990. It is identical with and reproduced Does not apply to oxygen concentrators intended to
which uses finger transducers or to semi-automatic from IEC 601-2-38:1996
blood pressure measuring equipment, typically in supply gas to several patients via a piped medical gas
which each determination needs to be initiated manu- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1455 2) installation, or to those intended for use in the pres-
ally. This Standard is to be read in conjunction with ence of either flammable anaesthetic or cleaning
agents. This Standard is to be read in conjunction with
AS/NZS 3200.1.0:1998. It modifies and has been re- AS/NZS 3200.2.39:2001 AS 3200.1.0-1990, and is technically equivalent to
produced from IEC 60601-2-30:1999 with variations Peritoneal dialysis equipment
for Australia and New Zealand included in Appendix ISO 8359:1988.
ZZ. (IEC 60601-2-39:1999) 9pp E (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7666 9)
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4038 3) Specifies requirements for the design and manufac-
trure of electrically safe peritoneal dialysis equip- AS/NZS 3200.2.201:2000
AS/NZS 3200.2.31:1996 ment. This Standard is identical with and reproduced Dento-maxillofacial X-ray equip-
from IEC 60601-2-39:1999.
External cardiac pacemakers with (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3969 5)
ment 23pp G
internal power source Amdt 1 18 July 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4675 6) X
(IEC 601-2-31:1994) 27pp G Specifies requirements for the design and manufac-
AS/NZS 3200.2.40:1999 ture of dento-maxillofacial X-ray equipment. It is a
Amdt 1 March 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2494 9) A Electromyographs and evoked re- locally developed Standard, that follows the style and
Specifies the particular safety requirements for exter- technical prerequisites of IEC 60601-1. It refers to
nal pacemakers used to pace patients prior to the im-
sponse equipment
AS/NZS 3200.1.0, the local version of IEC 60601-1,
planting of an internal pacemaker or for temporary (IEC 60601-2-40:1998) 13pp F and should be read in conjunction with AS 3200.1.0.
pacing related to other medical procedures. This Specifies safety requirements for the design and man- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3579 7)
Standard is to be read in conjunction with AS ufacture of electromyographs and evoked response
3200.1.0-1990. It is identical with and reproduced equipment. It is identical with and has been repro-
from IEC 601-2-31:1994. duced from IEC 60601-2-40:1998. This Standard re- AS/NZS 3200.2.202:1996
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0178 7) fers extensively to its Parent Standard, AS/NZS Infant apnoea monitors for domes-
3200.1.0. An available copy of AS/NZS 3200.1.0 is tic use 15pp E
AS/NZS 3200.2.32:1994 essential to the meaningful interpretation of this Part. Specifies general requirements for the safety of infant
Associated equipment of X-ray (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2492 2) apnoea monitoring equip ment, for domestic use. This
Standard is to be read in conjunction with AS
AS/NZS 3200.2.41:2002 3200.1.0-1990.
(IEC 601-2-32:1994) 15pp E (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0725 4)
Applies to equipment and devices associated with X-
Surgical luminaires and luminaires
ray equipment for supporting and positioning the for diagnosis
AS/NZS 3200.3.1:1998
functional components used for the application of the (IEC 60601-2-41:2000) 33pp I Essential performance require-
X-radiation. This Standard is to be read in conjunc- Specifies the requirements to be applied to surgical
tion with AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is identical with and luminaires and luminaires for diagnosis. Does not ap- ments for transcutaneous oxygen
reproduced from IEC 601-2-32:1994. ply to headlights, endoscopes, laparoscopes and their and carbon dioxide partial pres-
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9138 2) light sources, luminaires used in dentistry, luminaires sure monitoring equipment
for general purposes and luminaires of an emergency
AS/NZS 3200.2.33:1996 lighting. This Standard is to be read in conjunction (IEC 60601-3-1:1996) 12pp E
with AS/NZS 3200.1.1:1998. It modifies, and has Specifies essential requirements for the performance
Magnetic resonance equipment for been reproduced from, IEC 60601-2-41:2000 with of transcutaneous oxygen and carbon dioxide partial
medical diagnosis variations for Australia and New Zealand included in pressure monitoring equipment. This Standard is to
(IEC 601-2-33:1995) 52pp I an Appendix. be read in conjunction with AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is
Specifies requirements for the safe use of magnetic (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4246 7) identical with and reproduced from IEC 60601-3-
resonance equipment to provide safety for the patient, 1:1996.
the operator and others within the area affected by the (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2001 3)
AS/NZS 3200.2.43:2002
equipment. This Standard is to be read in conjunction
with AS 3200.1.0-1990. It is identical with and repro- X-ray equipment for interventional AS 3200—1986
duced from IEC 601-2-33:1995. procedures (IEC 60601-2-43:2000, Approval and test specification—Elec-
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0737 8) MOD) 31pp I tromedical equipment—General re-
Applies to X-ray equipment declared by the manufac- quirements
AS/NZS 3200.2.34:1996 turer to be suitable for prolonged radioscopically
Direct blood-pressure monitoring guided interventional procedures. Does not apply to (IEC 601-1:1977)
equipment for radiotherapy, equipment for computed Obsolescent 1992
equipment tomography, accessories intended to be introduced See also AS/NZS 3200.1.0:1998 28pp F
(IEC 601-2-34:1994) 23pp F into the patient, and mammographic X-ray equip- Incorporates general requirements for safety of electro-
Specifies medical electrical equipment, including ment. This Standard modifies, and has been repro- medical equipment (including associated accessories and
transducers, used for monitoring and recording the in- duced from, IEC 60601-2-43:2000 with variations for materials), and is the 'parent' of a series of approval and test

AS 3205—1985

specifications to cover individual items of equipment. It AS/NZS 3350.2.4:1998 AS/NZS 3350.2.11:2001

specifies the degrees of isolation of patient-circuits from Particular requirements for tumble
both live parts and earth, sufficient to ensure the safety of Spin extractors
the patient from electric shock made under conditions like- (IEC 60335-2-4:1993) 13pp E dryers (IEC 60335-2-11:2000,
ly to be experienced in service. It provides for three classes Amdt 1 5 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3838 9) X MOD) 16pp G
of patient-circuit. Specifies particular safety requirements for approval Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4350 7) and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva- AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva-
lent to and has been reproduced from IEC 60335-2- lent to and has been reproduced from IEC 60335-2-
AS 3205—1985 4:1993. 11:2000.
Approval and test specification—Den- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1982 1) (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4450 8)
tal and mobile diagnostic X-ray equip-
ment AS/NZS 3350.2.5:1995 AS/NZS 3350.2.12:1997
Obsolescent 1993 16pp E Dishwashers Warming plates and similar appli-
Sets out safety requirements for dental and mobile diag- (IEC 335-2-5:1992) 16pp E ances
nostic X-ray equipment supplementary to the general re- Amdt 1 September 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1384 X) (IEC 335-2-12:1992) 9pp D
quirements for electromedical equipment given in AS
X Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2305 5) X
3200, and specifies the protective measures to be taken Amdt 2 12 November 2001
against the hazards of ionizing radiation. Provisions of the Amdt 2 5 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3839 7) X
Standard apply to the construction, installation and safe- (ISBN 0 7337 4396 X) X
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
guarding of all dental and mobile X-ray equipment used and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
for diagnostic purposes. AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 335-2- AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 3783 3) equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 335-2-
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9997 9) 12:1992.
AS/NZS 3260:1993 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0995 8)
Approval and test specification—Safe- AS/NZS 3350.2.6:2001
ty of information technology equip- AS/NZS 3350.2.13:2001
Particular requirements for sta- Particular requirements for deep
ment including electrical business tionary cooking ranges, hobs, ov-
equipment (Incorporating Amend- fat fryers, frying pans and similar
ens and similar appliances (IEC appliances (IEC 60335-2-13:1993,
ments 1, 2, 3 and 4) 60335-2-6:1997, MOD) 40pp J MOD) 11pp F
(IEC 950:1991) Amdt 1 13 May 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4625 X) X Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
To run concurrently with AS/NZS 60950:2000 for 3 Amdt 2 22 November 2002 and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
years from its publication 175pp M (ISBN 0 7337 4967 4) X AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva-
Specifies the safety requirements for information technol- Specifies particular safety requirements for approval lent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-13:1993.
ogy equipment, including electrical business equipment, and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4434 6)
computers and equipment connected to telecommunica- AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva-
tions networks. lent to and has been reproduced from IEC 60335-2- AS/NZS 3350.2.14:1995
(TE-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8020 8)
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4433 8)
Kitchen machines
(IEC 335-2-14:1994) 23pp F
AS/NZS 3260 Supplement 1:1996 AS/NZS 3350.2.7:2001 Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2307 1) X
Approval and test specification—Safe- Amdt 2 5 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3566 5) X
Particular requirements for wash- Amdt 3 23 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4082 0) X
ty of information technology equip- ing machines (IEC 60335-2-7:2000,
ment including electrical business Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
MOD) 16pp G and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
equipment—Alphabetical reference Specifies particular safety requirements for approval AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically
index to IEC 950 (Supplement to AS/ and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 335-2-
NZS 3260:1993) 15pp B AS/NZS 3350.1 which, when combined, become a 14:1994.
Provides users of Standards IEC 950 and AS/NZS 3260
complete Standard for washing machines. This (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9983 9)
Standard is technically equivalent to and reproduced
with an index to clauses based on topics of interest. It is from IEC 60335-2-7:2000.
identical with and has been reproduced from ECMA Tech- AS/NZS 3350.2.15:2002
nical Report TR/63. (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4449 4)
Particular requirements for appli-
(TE-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0239 2) ances for heating liquids (IEC
AS/NZS 3350.2.8:1995
60335-2-15:1995, MOD) 19pp F
AS/NZS 3350 Shavers, hair clippers and similar (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4633 0)
Safety of household and similar elec- (IEC 335-2-8:1992) 8pp C
trical appliances AS/NZS 3350.2.16:1996
Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2303 9) X Food waste disposers
Amdt 2 11 June 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4061 8) X (IEC 335-2-16:1994) 10pp E
AS/NZS 3350.1:2002 Specifies particular safety requirements for approval Amdt 1 December 1998
General requirements (IEC 60335- and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
(ISBN 0 7337 2308 X) X
1:1991, MOD) 134pp N AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically
equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC 335- Amdt 2 12 November 2001
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4632 2) 2-8:1992. (ISBN 0 7337 4397 8) X
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9979 0) Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
AS/NZS 3350.2.2:2001 and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
AS/NZS 3350.2.9:1999 AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically
Particular requirements for vacu- equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC 335-
um cleaners and water suction Grills, toasters and similar portable 2-16:1994.
cleaning appliances (IEC 60335-2- cooking appliances (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0705 X)
2:1993, MOD) 18pp G (IEC 60335-2-9:1993) 27pp G
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval Amdt 1 5 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3810 9) A AS/NZS 3350.2.17:2000
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with Specifies particular safety requirements for approval Blankets, pads and similar flexible
AS/NZS 3350.1 which, when combined, become a and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with heating
complete Standard for vacuum cleaners and water AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically (IEC 60335-2-17:1998) 45pp I
suction cleaning appliances. This standard is techni- equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC
cally equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 60335- 60335-2-9:1993. Amdt 1 12 November 2001
2-2:1993. (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2402 7) (ISBN 0 7337 4387 0) X
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4432 X) Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
AS/NZS 3350.2.10:1996 AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is techically
AS/NZS 3350.2.3:1995 Floor treatment machines and wet equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 335-2-
Electric irons scrubbing machines 17:1998.
(IEC 335-2-10:1992) 8pp E (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3290 9)
(IEC 335-2-3:1993) 13pp D
Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2304 7) X
Amdt 1 September 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1383 1) X AS/NZS 3350.2.21:1999
Amdt 2 12 November 2001
Amdt 2 5 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3837 0) X (ISBN 0 7337 4395 1) X Storage water heaters
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval Specifies particular safety requirements for approval (IEC 60335-2-21:1997) 24pp G
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with Amdt 1 5 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3843 5) X
AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically Amdt 2 13 May 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4627 6) X
equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 335-2- equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC 335- Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
3:1993. 2-10:1992. and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9996 0) (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0704 1) AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC AS/NZS 3350.2.30:1997 AS/NZS 3350.2.44:1999
Room heaters Ironers
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2404 3) (IEC 335-2-30:1996) 22pp F (IEC 60335-2-44:1997) 11pp E
Amdt 1 January 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2448 5) X Amdt 1 13 May 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4626 8) X
AS/NZS 3350.2.23:2001 Amdt 2 5 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3845 1) X Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
Particular requirements for appli- Amdt 3 11 June 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4064 2) X and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
ances for skin and hair care (IEC Specifies particular safety requirements for approval AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically
equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC
60335-2-23:1996, MOD) 16pp G and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 335-2- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2407 8)
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with 30:1996.
AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva-
lent to and reproduced fromIEC 60335-2-23:1996. (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0993 1) AS/NZS 3350.2.45:1997
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4435 4) Portable heating tools and similar
AS/NZS 3350.2.31:2001 appliances
AS/NZS 3350.2.24:2001 Particular requirements for range (IEC 335-2-45:1996) 15pp E
hoods (IEC 60335-2-31:1995, Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2319 5) X
Particular requirements for refrig- MOD) 9pp F Amdt 2 12 November 2001
erating appliances and ice-cream Specifies particular safety requirements for approval (ISBN 0 7337 4400 1) X
appliances and ice-makers (IEC and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
60335-2-24:2000, MOD) 44pp I AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva- and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval lent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-31:1995. AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4438 9) equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 335-2-
AS/NZS 3350.1. This standard is an adoption with 45:1996.
national modifications and includes the full text of AS/NZS 3350.2.32:2001 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0997 4)
IEC 60335-2-24:2000. Particular requirements for mas-
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4024 3) sage appliances (IEC 60335-2- AS/NZS 3350.2.51:1998
32:1993, MOD) 8pp F Stationary circulation pumps for
AS/NZS 3350.2.25:2001 Specifies particular safety requirements for approval heating and service water installa-
Particular requirements for micro- and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with tions
wave ovens (IEC 60335-2-25:1996, AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva- (IEC 60335-2-51:1997) 8pp D
lent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-32:1993. Amdt 1 5 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3569 X) X
MOD) 25pp H (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4439 7)
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval Amdt 2 12 November 2001
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with (ISBN 0 7337 4401 X) X
AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva- AS/NZS 3350.2.34:2001 Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
lent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-25:1996. Motor-compressors and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4436 2) (IEC 60335-2-34:1996) 19pp F AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is equivalent to
Deals with the safety of sealed (hermetic and semi- and has been reproduced from IEC 60335-2-51:1997.
hermetic) motor-compressors, and their protection (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1713 6)
AS/NZS 3350.2.26:1996 and control systems. It applies to motor-compressors
Clocks tested separately, intended for household and similar AS/NZS 3350.2.52:1996
(IEC 335-2-26:1994) 7pp D appliances, by their rated voltage being not more than
250V for single-phase motor-compressors and 480V Oral hygiene appliances
Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2310 1) X for other motor-compressors. Examples of equipment (IEC 335-2-52:1994) 7pp D
Amdt 2 12 November 2001 which contain motor-compressors are: refrigerators, Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2320 9) X
(ISBN 0 7337 4398 6) X ice makers, air-conditioners, heat pumps, and vend- Amdt 2 12 November 2001
ing machines. (ISBN 0 7337 4402 8) X
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3716 1)
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC 335- AS/NZS 3350.2.35:1999 AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically
2-26:1994. Instantaneous water heaters equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC 335-
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0706 8) (IEC 60335-2-35:1997) 15pp F 2-52:1994.
Amdt 1 5 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3847 8) X (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0712 2)
AS/NZS 3350.2.27:1996 Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
AS/NZS 3350.2.53:1998
Appliances for skin exposure to ul- and test purposes. The Standard is to be read in con-
juntion with AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is Sauna heating appliances
traviolet and infrared radiation technically equivalent to and has been reproduced (IEC 60335-2-53:1997)
(IEC 335-2-27:1995) 17pp F from IEC 60335-2-35:1997. To run concurrently with AS 3136-1996 for 2
Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2311 X) (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2408 6) years 13pp E
X Amdt 1 12 November 2001
AS/NZS 3350.2.40:2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4388 9) X
Amdt 2 5 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3844 3) A Particular requirements for electri- Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval cal heat pumps, air-conditioners and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically and dehumidifiers (IEC 60335-2- AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva-
40:1995, MOD) 33pp I lent to and has been reproduced from IEC 60335-2-
equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC 335- 53:1997.
2-27:1995. Specifies particular safety requirements for approval (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1998 8)
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0707 6) and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva-
lent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-40:1995. AS/NZS 3350.2.54:1997
AS/NZS 3350.2.28:1996 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4440 0) Surface-cleaning appliances em-
Sewing machines ploying liquids
(IEC 335-2-28:1994) 8pp D AS/NZS 3350.2.41:1997 (IEC 335-2-54:1995) 6pp C
Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2312 8) X Pumps Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2321 7) X
Amdt 2 12 November 2001 (IEC 335-2-41:1996) 12pp E Amdt 2 5 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3848 6) B
(ISBN 0 7337 4399 4) X Amdt 1 5 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3568 1) X Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
Amdt 2 23 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4083 9) A and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC 335-
AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically 2-54:1995.
equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC 335- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0839 0)
2-28:1994. equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 335-2-
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0708 4) AS/NZS 3350.2.55:1998
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1003 4)
Electrical appliances for use with
AS/NZS 3350.2.29:2001 AS/NZS 3350.2.43:2001 aquariums and garden ponds
Particular requirements for battery Particular requirements for clothes (IEC 60335-2-55:1997) 10pp D
chargers (IEC 60335-2-29:1994, dryers and towel rails (IEC 60335-2- Amdt 1 5 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3570 3) X
MOD) 11pp F 43:1995, MOD) 8pp F Amdt 2 12 November 2001
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval Specifies particular safety requirements for approval (ISBN 0 7337 4427 3) X
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with Specifies particular safety requirements for electrical
AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva- AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva- appliances for use with aquariums and garden ponds
lent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-29:1994. lent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-43:1995. for approval and test purposes. It is to be read in con-
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4437 0) (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4441 9) junction with AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is

AS/NZS 3350.2.56:1998

technically equivalent to and has been reproduced AS/NZS 3350.2.74:2001 AS/NZS 3350.2.82:2000
from IEC 60335-2-55:1997.
Particular requirements for porta- Service machines and amusement
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1880 9)
ble immersion heaters (IEC 60335- machines (IEC 60335-2-82:1999,
AS/NZS 3350.2.56:1998 2-74:1994, MOD) 6pp E MOD) 15pp F
Amdt 1 12 November 2001
Projectors and similar appliances Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
(ISBN 0 7337 4390 0) X
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
(IEC 60335-2-56:1997) AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva- Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
To run concurrently with AS 3181-1995 for 2 lent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-74:1994. and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
years 12pp E (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4443 5) AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is an adoption
Amdt 1 5 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3571 1) X with national modifications and contains the full text
Amdt 2 12 November 2001 of IEC 60335-2-82:1999.
AS/NZS 3350.2.75:2001 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3554 1)
(ISBN 0 7337 4403 6) X
Specifies particular safety requirements for projectors Particular requirements for com-
and similar appliances for approval and test purposes. mercial dispensing appliances and AS/NZS 3350.2.84:2000
It is to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS vending machines (IEC 60335-2- Toilets (IEC 60335-2-84:1998,
3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically equivalent 75:1995, MOD) 28pp H MOD) 11pp E
to and has been reproduced from IEC 60335-2-
56:1997. Specifies particular safety requirements for approval Amdt 1 12 November 2001
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1879 5) and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with (ISBN 0 7337 4391 9) X
AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva- Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
lent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-75:1995. and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
AS/NZS 3350.2.59:1999 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4442 7) AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is an adoption
Insect killers with national modifications and contains the full text
(IEC 60335-2-59:1997) 13pp E of IEC 60335-2-84:1998.
AS/NZS 3350.2.76:1998 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3560 6)
Amdt 1 11 June 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4065 0) X
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
Electric fence energizers
and test purposes. The Standard is to be read in con- (IEC 60335-2-76:1997) 30pp G AS/NZS 3350.2.85:1998
junction with AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is Amdt 1 5 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3573 8) B Fabric steamers
technically equivalent to and has been reproduced (IEC 60335-2-85:1997) 9pp D
from IEC 60335-2-59:1997. Amdt 2 13 May 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4629 2) A
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2405 1) Specifies particular safety requirements for electric
Amdt 1 5 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3850 8) X
fence energizers for approval and test purposes. It is Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
AS/NZS 3350.2.60:2000 AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically
This Standard is technically equivalent to and has
Whirlpool baths (IEC 60335-2- been reproduced from IEC 60335-2-76:1997. equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC
60:1997, MOD) 9pp E (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1878 7) 60335-2-85:1997.
Amdt 1 12 November 2001 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2225 3)
(ISBN 0 7337 4430 3) X AS/NZS 3350.2.78:1996
Amdt 2 13 May 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4628 4) X AS/NZS 3350.2.95:2000
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
Outdoor barbecues Drives for vertically moving garage
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with (IEC 335-2-78:1995) 10pp E doors for residential use
AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is an adoption Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2327 6) X (IEC 60335-2-95:1998) 16pp F
with national modifications and contains the full text
of IEC 60335-2-60:1997. Amdt 2 12 November 2001 Amdt 1 12 November 2001
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3561 4) (ISBN 0 7337 4405 2) X (ISBN 0 7337 4392 7) X
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
AS/NZS 3350.2.61:2001 and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is an adoption
Particular requirements for ther- AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically with national modifications and contains the full text
equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC 335-
mal storage room heaters (IEC 2-78:1995.
of IEC 60335-2-95:1998.
60335-2-61:1992, MOD) 18pp G (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3559 2)
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0715 7)
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3350.2.97:2000
AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva- AS/NZS 3350.2.79:2001 Drives for rolling shutters, awn-
lent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-61:1992. Particular requirements for high ings, blinds and similar equipment
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4457 6) pressure cleaners and steam (IEC 60335-2-97:1998, MOD)
cleaners, for industrial and com- 13pp F
AS/NZS 3350.2.65:1997 mercial use (IEC 60335-2-79:1995, Amdt 1 12 November 2001
Air-cleaning appliances MOD) 25pp H (ISBN 0 7337 4393 5) X
(IEC 335-2-65:1993) 8pp D Specifies particular safety requirements for approval Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2323 3) X and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
Amdt 2 11 June 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4066 9) X AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva- AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is an adoption
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval lent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-79:1995. with national modifications and contains the full text
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4444 3) of IEC 60335-2-97:1998.
AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3558 4)
equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 335-2-
65:1993. AS/NZS 3350.2.80:1998 AS/NZS 3350.2.98:1998
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0998 2) Electric fans Humidifiers
(IEC 60335-2-80:1997) 8pp D (IEC 60335-2-98:1997) 10pp D
AS/NZS 3350.2.66:1997 Amdt 1 August 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2748 4) X Amdt 1 5 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3851 6) X
Water-bed heaters
Amdt 2 12 November 2001 Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
(IEC 335.2.66:1993) 13pp E and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
(ISBN 0 7337 4406 0) X
Amdt 1 January 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2449 3) X AS/NZS 3350.1. This Standard is technically equiva-
Amdt 2 11 June 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4067 7) X Specifies particular safety requirements for electric lent to and has been reproduced from IEC 60335-2-
fans for approval and test purposes. It is to be read in 98:1997.
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval conjunction with AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Stand-
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1999 6)
ard is technically equivalent to and has been repro-
AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically duced from IEC 60335-2-80:1997.
equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 335-2- AS/NZS 3439
66:1993. (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1881 7)
Low-voltage switchgear and con-
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1346 2) trolgear assemblies
AS/NZS 3350.2.81:1998
AS/NZS 3350.2.73:1996 Foot warmers and heating mats AS/NZS 3439.1:2002
Fixed immersion heaters (IEC 60335-2-81:1997) Type-tested and partially type-test-
(IEC 335-2-73:1994) 8pp D To run concurrently with AS/NZS 3164:1994 ed assemblies
Amdt 1 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2324 1) X for 2 years 17pp F (IEC 60439-1:1999) 130pp N
Amdt 2 12 November 2001 Amdt 1 12 November 2001 Specifies requirements for type-tested and partially
(ISBN 0 7337 4404 4) X type-tested low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
(ISBN 0 7337 4389 7) X
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval assemblies. Specifies service conditions, construction
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with Specifies safety requirements for foot warmers and requirements, technical characteristics and tests. This
AS/NZS 3350.1:1994. This Standard is technically and heating mats. This Standard is technically equiv- Standard contains the full text of IEC 60439-1:1999
equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC 335- alent to and has been reproduced from IEC 60335-2- but has been modified for Australian/New Zealand
2-73:1994. 81:1997. conditions.
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0713 0) (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2300 4) (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4877 5)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 3439.2:2002 AS 3496—1999 AS 3500.1.1—1998

Particular requirements for busbar Metal-bodied and plastic-bodied taps Performance requirements 2pp A
trunking systems (busways) 30pp H Specifies requirements for the design and construc-
tion of water services from the water main to the
(IEC 60439-2:2000) 30pp I Specifies requirements for metallic taps, handsprays, mix-
points of discharge.
Specifies requirements for busbar trunking systems ing taps, mechanical (non-thermostatic) tap sets and jump-
er valves in a range of nominal sizes from DN 6 to DN 50 (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1686 5)
(busways) for use on systems with rated voltages up
to 1000 Hz, or 1500 V d.c. Applies to busbar trunking inclusive, with continuous working pressures not exceed-
systems and their accessories for feeding and distrib- ing 1.4 MPa and continuous operating temperatures not ex- AS/NZS 3500.1.2:1998
uting electrical power in residential, retail, public, ag- ceeding 80°C. Acceptable solutions 89pp G
ricultural and industrial premises. Also applies to (WS-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2370 5) Amdt 1 27 August 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4735 3) X
busbar trunking systems designed to incorporate Specifies the requirements for the installation of wa-
communications and/or control systems or intended AS/NZS 3497:1998 ter services from the authority's water main or alter-
to supply luminaires through tap-off units. This native portable water supplies to the points of dis-
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced Drinking water treatment units—
charge. The standard applies to new installations as
from IEC 60439-2:2000. Plumbing requirements 14pp E well as alterations, additions and repairs to existing
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4524 5) Amdt 1 27 February 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3740 4) X installations.
Specifies requirements for the construction, installation (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1687 3)
AS/NZS 3439.3:2002 and testing of drinking water treatment units and equip-
ment, or appliances, or both, designed for domestic type AS 3500.2—1990
Particular requirements for low- applications under Australian and New Zealand climatic
voltage switchgear and con- conditions, but does not preclude their use for commercial Sanitary plumbing and sanitary
trolgear assemblies intended to be or industrial applications. These appliances are designed to drainage 107pp POA
installed in places where unskilled be used for the reduction of specific groups of contami- Specifies requirements for the installation of sanitary
nants from a drinking water supply (public or private), plumbing and sanitary drainage, from the fixtures to
persons have access for their such contaminants being specified by the manufacturer or the point of connection to the Authority's sewer main,
use—Distribution boards (IEC reseller of the appliances. The Standard establishes mini- and applies to the design, installation methods and
60439-3:1990, MOD) mum requirements for point of use (POU), point of entry material types permitted. The Standard takes account
(POE) and stand-alone appliances. of the regulations stipulated by the Authorities re-
(IEC 60439-3:1990 IEC 60439- (WS-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1894 9) sponsible for the administration of sanitary plumbing
3:1990/Amd.1:1993 IEC 60439- and sanitary drainage legislation in each State and
3:1990/Amd.2:2001) 22pp H AS 3498—1995 Territory of Australia. This Standard applies to new
Specifies supplementary requirements to AS/NZS installations as well as alterations, additions and re-
3429.1 for enclosed distribution boards containing
Authorization requirements for plumb- pairs to existing installations.
protective devices and intended for installation in ing products—Water heaters and hot- (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7262 6529 2)
places where unskilled persosns have access for their water storage tanks 4pp C
use. Reproduced from IEC 60439-3 consolidated edi- Specifies basic safety and public health related require- AS 3500.2.1—1996
tion 1.2, which incporporates its Amendment 1:1993 ments for water heaters and hot-water storage tanks that
and Amendment 2:2001 into IEC 60439-3:1990. Performance requirements 3pp A
are intended for connection to a potable water supply, such
Contains variations for Australian and New Zealand as water heaters designed for connection to cold water sup- Specifies requirements for the design and construc-
conditions. ply mains, including storage water heaters, heat-exchange tion of sanitary plumbing and drainage installations,
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4898 8) water heaters, hot-water storage tanks with an external en- from sanitary fixtures and appliances to an improved
ergy source, instantaneous water heaters and boiling-water disposal system.
dispensers. (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 0567 7)
AS 3439.4—1995
(EL-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9828 X)
Particular requirements for assem- AS/NZS 3500.2.2:1996
blies for construction sites (ACS) AS/NZS 3499:1997 Sanitary plumbing and drainage—
(IEC 439-4:1990) 22pp F Flexible tube connectors for water Acceptable solutions 129pp H
Amdt 1 December 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0841 2) X supply 9pp D Amdt 1 August 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2676 3) B
Applies to type-tested assemblies (TTA) intended for Specifies requirements for both hot and cold water sup-
Amdt 2 25 September 2002
use on construction sites, i.e. temporary places of plies with a maximum hot water temperature of 80°C (al- (ISBN 0 7337 4784 1) X
work to which the public do not generally have access lowing excursions to 95°C) using metallic and non-metal- Specifies the requirements for the design and installa-
and where building construction, installation, repairs, lic flexible tubes with end connection assemblies for tion of sanitary plumbing and sanitary drainage from
alterations or demolition of property (buildings) or above-ground application only. the fixtures to a sewer, common effluent system or
civil engineering (public works) or excavations or on-site disposal system, as appropriate. The Standard
where any other similar operations are carried out. (WS-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1471 4)
applies to new installations as well as alterations, ad-
These assemblies may be transportable (semi-fixed) ditions or repairs to existing installations.
or mobile. This Standard is technically equivalent to SET 3500 (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 0568 5)
and reproduced from IEC 439-4:1990.
National Plumbing Code Set O
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9637 6) This set comprises AS/NZS 3500.0, AS 3500.1.1, AS/NZS AS 3500.3—1990
3500.1.2, AS 3500.2.1, AS/NZS 3500.2.2, AS 3500.3.1, Stormwater drainage 37pp H
AS/NZS 3439.5:2001 AS/NZS 3500.3.2, AS 3500.4.1 and AS/NZS 3500.4.2.
The set does not include AS/NZS 3500.5 as it deals specif- Specifies uniform requirements for the installation of
Particular requirements for assem- stormwater plumbing and stormwater drainage up to
ically with Domestic Plumbing and Drainage installations.
blies intended to be installed out- (WS-014) the Regulatory Authority's point of connection. This
doors in public places—Cable Standard applies to new installations as well as alter-
distribution cabinets (CDCs) for ations, additions and repairs to existing installations.
AS/NZS 3500 Reference is made to the relevant Australian Stand-
power distribution in networks ards dealing with methods for the sizing of roofwater
National Plumbing and Drainage
(IEC 60439-5:1996 IEC 60439- Code
5:1996/Amdt 1:1998) 19pp F (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7262 6437 7)
Specifies supplementary requirements for cable dis- AS/NZS 3500.0:1995
tribution cabinets (CDCs), which are stationary, type- AS 3500.3.1—1998
tested assemblies (TTA) for outdoor installation in Glossary of terms 81pp D Performance requirements 2pp B
places which are exposed to the public, but where Specifies terms primarily intended for use in the inter- Specifies performance requirements for roof, surface
only skilled persons have access for their use and pretation of plumbing and drainage Standards, and and subsoil drainage systems.
which are for use in public three-phase systems. This covers water supply from the reticulation main into (WS-020) (ISBN 0 7337 1983 X)
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced the premises, including hot water service systems,
from IEC 60439-5:1996 and incorporates Amend- sanitary fixtures, drainage and their associated water
ment 1:1998. and waste fittings, pipe systems and associated com- AS/NZS 3500.3.2:1998
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4028 6) ponents. Acceptable solutions 155pp I
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 0070 5) Amdt 1 November 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2375 6) X
AS 3494—1997 Specifies acceptable solutions for roof, surface and
Bidettes and bidets 4pp C AS 3500.1—1992 subsoil drainage systems, to the point(s) of connec-
tion to the external stormwater drainage network.
Specifies requirements for bidets intended for use with Water supply 71pp POA (WS-020) (ISBN 0 7337 1984 8)
douche spray below the rim of the bowl, and to bidettes Amdt 1 March 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9541 8) X
that can be fitted with over-the-rim taps.
Amdt 2 May 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0412 3) X AS 3500.4—1994
(WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1494 3)
Specifies uniform requirements for the installation of Hot water supply systems
water services and takes account of regulations stipu- Available Superseded
AS 3495—1997 lated by the Authorities responsible for the adminis-
tration of water supply legislation in each State and See also AS/NZS 3500.4.2:1997 100pp J
Authorization requirements for plumb- Amdt 1 April 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0395 X) X
ing products—Stainless steel non- Territory of Australia. The requirements of this
Standard apply to that part of the cold water service Specifies uniform requirements for the installation of
pressure pipes and fittings 17pp F from the point of connection to the water main up to water heaters and hot water reticulation. Account has
Specifies the requirements for pipes and fittings, for above the outlet points within the property. This Standard been taken of the current regulations of the water, gas
and below ground non-pressure applications in the operat- applies to new installations as well as alterations, ad- and electricity supply authorities and local govern-
ing temperature range from -40°C to 100°C. ditions and repairs to existing installations. ment bodies in each State and Territory of Australia.
(WS-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1365 3) (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7945 5) (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7262 9194 3)

AS 3500.4.1—1997

AS 3500.4.1—1997 AS 3507—1987 AS 3513—1987

Performance requirements 2pp A Non-destructive testing—Radiogra- Information processing systems—
Specifies requirements for the design and construc- phy of steel castings and classifica- Data communication—High-level data
tion of hot water services, from the water service to tion of quality 31pp F link control balanced classes of pro-
the points of discharge. Sets out methods for film radiography of whole or speci- cedures—Data-link layer address res-
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1450 1) fied areas of steel castings and defines six quality classes olution/negotiation in switched
based on size and number of discontinuities observed in ra- environments
AS/NZS 3500.4.2:1997 (ISO 8471:1987) 3pp B
(MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4764 2)
Acceptable solutions Is applicable to data station procedures which provide the
XID command/response capability with the two specific
See also AS 3500.4-1994 89pp H AS/NZS 3509:1996 parameter fields, identified below. It is used to select a pair
Amdt 1 29 October 2002 LP gas fuel vessels for automotive of operational link addresses when preassigned, systems
(ISBN 0 7337 4732 9) B designated addresses are not known on an a priori basis,
use 26pp G e.g. switched circuit data links. Additional XID frame
Specifies the requirements for the installation of do- Specifies design, construction, manufacturer's tests, and functions (including the exchange of operational parame-
mestic type water heaters using potable water. It in- marking requirements for welded LP gas fuel vessels for ters, command/response support, higher layer information,
cludes aspects of the installation from, and including, automotive installation in accordance with AS 1425 or etc.) may be accomplished in conjunction with data link
the valves on the cold water inlet to any cistern or wa- NZS 5422.1. Applicable materials and capacities are car- layer address determination or following address determi-
ter heater and the downstream fixtures and fittings. bon steel up to 500 L and stainless steel up to 200 L. An nation, with additional XID frame exchanges. Technically
The Standard applies to new installations as well as appendix provides information on tests and fittings for su- identical with ISO 8471:1987.
alterations, additions and repairs to existing installa- bassemblies to be supplied to an installer. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4775 8)
tions. (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0702 5)
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1451 X) AS 3514—1987
AS 3510—1987 Information processing—Text and of-
AS/NZS 3500.5:2000 Data communication—Arrangements fice systems—Standard generalized
Domestic installations 275pp I for DTE to DTE physical connection markup language (SGML)
Amdt 1 28 November 2002 using V.24 and X.24 interchange cir- (ISO 8879:1986) 155pp J
(ISBN 0 7337 4937 2) B cuits Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0274 0) B
Specifies the requirements for the installation of hot (ISO/TR 7477) 8pp C Specifies the following: (a) an abstract syntax known as
and cold water supply, sanitary plumbing and drain- the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). The
Describes various arrangements for the interconnection of language expresses the description of a document's struc-
age, and stormwater drainage, for domestic plumbing Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) without intermediate
work associated with buildings not exceeding three ture and other attributes, as well as other information that
Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE), in terms of makes the markup interpretable; (b) a reference concrete
floors in height. electrical, mechanical, and functional characteristics. Ap- syntax that binds the abstract syntax to specific characters
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3530 4) plies to DTEs with interface circuits standardized in and numerical values, and criteria for defining variant con-
CCITT Recommendation V.24 for data transmission over crete syntaxes, and (c) conforming documents in terms of
AS 3501—1987 telephone networks or with interface circuits standardized their use of components of the language and systems in
in CCITT Recommendation X.24 for transmission over terms of their ability to process conforming documents and
Parallel screw threads of Whitworth public data networks. Technically identical with ISO/TR to recognize markup errors in them. The Standard also
form (BSW and BSF) and associated 7477. specifies how data such as images, graphics, or formatted
gauges and gauging practice 39pp G (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4772 3) text (not defined by the Standard) can be included in a con-
forming document. This Standard is identical with and re-
Specifies thread profile and provides information on desig- produced from ISO 8879:1986.
nation, thread classes, deviations and gauging. Limits of AS 3511—1987 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4786 3)
size for both coarse pitch series (BSW) and fine pitch se- Information processing systems—
ries (BSF), together with associated tolerances, are given.
It also covers screw gauges and associated setting plugs, Data communication—Multilink pro- AS 3515
and plain plug and calliper gauges, and includes informa- cedures Gold and gold bearing alloys
tion on types of gauges, gauge deviations and tolerances, (ISO 7478:1987) 11pp D
materials and hardness, general gauge design require-
ments, marking, and general notes on the inspection of Specifies multilink procedures where a multiplicity of par- AS 3515.1—1996
screw threads. Appendices give information on special allel data links at the data link layer are used to provide a Determination of gold content (less
variable bandwidth data link between network layer enti-
threads, pitch diameter of pitch and flank angle errors, and
ties. The multilink procedures (MLP) exist as a new upper than 30%)—Gravimetric method
notes on screw thread verification.
sublayer of the data link layer, operating between the net- 16pp F
(ME-028) (ISBN 0 7262 4742 1) work layer and a multiplicity of single data link protocol Sets out a gravimetric procedure (fire assay) for the
functions (SLPs) in the data link layer. This Standard does the determination of gold content in gold and gold al-
AS 3502—1987 not specify the way in which the SLPs indicate to the MLP loys with a concentration of less than 30%. Two
that the transmission of a multilink frame has successfully methods are specified: the first where the total pre-
Urine—Determination of total ar- been completed. Technically identical with ISO cious metals content is greater than 40% and the sec-
senic—Furnace atomic absorption 7478:1987. ond is used when the total precious metals content is
spectrometric method 3pp B (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4773 1) less than 40%.
Sets out an atomic absorption spectrometric method for the (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0248 1)
determination of total arsenic in urine in the range AS/NZS 3512:2000
0.1µmol/L to 5.0µmol/L. AS 3515.2—2002
(CH-036) (ISBN 0 7262 4748 0)
Information technology—Telecommu- Determination of gold content 30%
nications and information exchange to 99.5%—Gravimetric (fire assay)
AS 3503—1987 between systems—High-level data method 12pp F
link control procedures—Description Sets out a gravimetric procedure (fire assay) for the
Whole blood—Determination of cad- of the X.25 LAPB-compatible DTE data determination of gold content in gold and gold bear-
mium—Furnace atomic absorption link procedures ing alloys. This method is applicable to gold and gold
spectrometric method 4pp B alloys containing from 30% to 99.5% gold and less
(ISO/IEC 7776:1995 ISO/IEC than 3% palladium, 2% nickel, 1% platinum, 0.05%
Sets out a furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method
for determining cadmium in venous and capillary blood in 7776:1995/Amd 1:1996) 67pp K rhodium and 0.05% tungsten.
the range 20µmol/L to 400µmol/L. Specifies the protocol between data terminal equipment (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4766 3)
(CH-036) (ISBN 0 7262 4749 9) and data circuit-terminating equipment at data link layer
level using the X.25 LAPB procedures. This Standard is
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC AS 3515.3—2002
AS/NZS 3504:1995 7776:1995 and ISO/IEC 7776:1995/Amd 1:1996. Determination of gold content
Fire blankets 8pp D (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3023 X) (greater than 99.5%)—Gravimetric
Sets out requirements for finished fire blankets and in- (fire assay) method 10pp E
cludes tests for materials used in the manufacture of fire AS 3512 Supplement 1—1995 Sets out a gravimetric (fire assay) procedure for the
blankets which may be tested separately. determination of gold content in gold alloys. This
Information processing systems— method is applicable to gold and gold alloys contain-
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9290 7) Data communication—High-level data ing more than 99.5% gold and less than 0.05% rho-
link control procedures—Description dium and 0.05% tungsten.
AS 3506—1987 of the X.25 LAPB-compatible DTE data (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4767 1)
Waters—Determination of filtrable link procedures—Conformance re-
synthetic anionic surfactants—Cop- quirements (Supplement to AS 3512- AS 3516
per-ethylenediamine flame atomic ab- 1987) Siting of radiocommunications facili-
sorption spectrometric method ties
(ISO 7776:1986/Amd 1:1992) 12pp C
8pp D Specifies the static and dynamic conformance require-
Sets out a flame atomic absorption spectrometric method ments and protocol implementation conformance state-
AS 3516.1—1988
for the determination of filtrable synthetic anionic sur- ment for X.25 LAPB-compatible DTE data link proce- LF, MF and HF transmitting and HF
factants in natural and waste waters in the range 0.02 to 0.5 dures. This Standard is identical with and has been receiving facilities 41pp G
mg/L (expressed as linear alkylbenzene sulphonate). reproduced from ISO 7776:1986/Amd.1:1992. Specifies requirements for the siting of facilities at
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 4755 3) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9346 6) specified geographic locations. Describes potential

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

interference to intended activities of the facilities AS 3520—1988 AS 3523.1—1998

from existing or planned developments in terms of
separation distances for control purposes. The Stand- Textiles—Tarpaulins 4pp B Numbering system
ard is intended to provide a basis for discussion at all Specifies requirements for tarpaulins and shaped covers in- (ISO/IEC 7812-1:1993) 4pp C
levels for parties involved in the planning of radio- cluding canopies manufactured from: (a) rot and water-re- Specifies a numbering system for the identification of
communications services and potentially interfering sistant duck, or (b) coated fabrics made from natural or issuers of identification cards used in international in-
developments, and parties concerned with the impact synthetic fibres. Classifies tarpaulins and shapes covers terchange. This Standard is identical with and has
which the facility may have on the existing communi- into two types depending on the material they are made been reproduced from ISO/IEC 7812-1:1993.
ty. from, and into four duties. Covers seams, stitching, and ap- (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2210 5)
(RC-006) (ISBN 0 7262 4794 4) purtenances such as shortening lugs, eyelets and ropes.
(TX-003) (ISBN 0 7262 4796 0) AS 3523.2—1998
AS 3516.2—1998 Application and registration proce-
Guidelines for fixed, mobile and AS 3521—1988 dures
broadcasting services operating at Identification cards—Physical charac- (ISO/IEC 7812-2:1993) 14pp E
frequencies above 30 MHz teristics Specifies the application and registration procedures
35pp H (ISO 7810) 4pp B for numbers issued in accordance with AS 3523.1,
Recommends good practice for, and sets out the proc- Specifies the physical characteristics of identification which specifies the numbering system for the identi-
ess by which, radiocommunications sites should be cards including card materials, construction, and nominal fication cards used in international interchange. The
planned, sited, constructed and operated to meet the dimensions for three sizes of cards. (Identical with ISO application form required for allocation of an issuer
communications objectives of those facilities. It par- 7810 except for an annex which recommends a location for identification number (IIN) is given as an appendix.
ticularly addresses the sharing of radiocommunica- a signature panel.) This Standard is based on but is not equivalent to and
tions sites and interference problems which could (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7262 4842 8) has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 7812-2:1993.
arise. It is intended to provide information to Federal, (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2211 3)
State and local government authorities, facilities
planners, site planners, organizations and members of AS 3522 AS 3523.3—2000
the public on the effects that existing or planned de- Identification cards—Recording tech- Australian national numbering
velopments could be expected to have on the opera- nique
tion of such facilities, and vice versa. system and registration proce-
(RC-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1858 2) dures 6pp D
AS 3522.1—1988 Specifies the provision of a national numbering sys-
AS 3516.3—1991 Embossing tem and the operating, application and registration
(ISO 7811-1) 25pp D procedures to be used to obtain issuer identifiacation
Fixed location satellite earth sta- numbers for identification cards designed for use
tions 37pp H Specifies requirements for the embossed characters within Australia. A national numbering system will
Specifies requirements for satellite earth stations at on identification cards. The embossed characters are meet the unique requirements of card issuers that do
specific geographic locations. It also proposes recom- intended for transfer of data either by the use of an im- not issue cards for use in international interchange
mended practices affecting the operation of the sta- printer or by visual or machine reading. Two annexes and will prevent the overloading of the international
tion, with potential interference to signals received or contain details of the 7B print specifications and the numbering system.
transmitted by the station and the potential impact printed image of the 7B font. (Identical with ISO (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3192 9)
that radiation emitted from the station could have on 7811-1 except for an additional annex which recom-
the adjacent community. Provides guidance to organ- mends the 7B font.)
izations and individuals at any level concerned with (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7262 4843 6) AS 3524—1988
approval, planning, construction, installation or Identification cards—Financial trans-
maintenance of services to be provided at the station. AS 3522.2—1988 action cards
(RC-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6691 4) (ISO 7813) 5pp B
Magnetic stripe
Amdt 1 August 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6212 9) X
AS 3517—1995 (ISO 7811-2) 8pp B Specifies requirements for identification cards used in fi-
Capillary fittings of copper and copper Specifies requirements for the magnetic material, lo- nancial transactions. It contains requirements for physical
cation stripe, encoding technique, and the coded char- characteristics, dimensions, layout of information, and for-
alloy for non-pressure sanitary plumb- acter set for the 3 tracks. Includes testing criteria. mat for encoding Tracks 1 and 2. An annex recommends
ing applications 19pp F (Identical with ISO 7811-2.) the inclusion of a character on the magnetic stripe to inter-
Specifies fittings for use with copper tubes to comply with (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7262 4844 4) face with a particular key management system, if appropri-
AS 1432 in the size range DN 32 to DN 225 and primarily ate. Identical with ISO 7813 except for the annex.
for use in non-pressure sanitary plumbing applications. (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 4851 7)
Does not apply to fittings for use in pressure applications, AS 3522.3—1988
such as pumping mains and flushing systems, nor to waste Location of embossed characters
fittings. Covers cast, hot-pressed, shell-moulded, and tubu- AS 3525—1988
lar fittings with socket/spigot capillary connection ends. on ID-1 cards Bank cards—Magnetic stripe data
(WS-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9969 3) (ISO 7811-3) 2pp A content for Track 3
Specifies the location of embossed characters on (ISO 4909) 10pp C
AS 3518 identification cards of ID-1 size. Allows for two are- Specifies requirements for the location, encoding and data
as: one line for an identification number and 4 lines content for Track 3. Allows for the re-write of all the data
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) for other data such as name and address. (Identical on Track 3. Identical with ISO 4909.
pipes and fittings for pressure appli- with ISO 7811-3.) (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 4852 5)
cations (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7262 4845 2)
AS 3526—1988
AS 3518.1—1988 AS 3522.4—1988 Hexagon wrench keys and wrench bits
Pipes 20pp E Location of read-only magnetic for high-strength fasteners 5pp B
Specifies performance requirements for ABS pipes tracks—Tracks 1 and 2 Specifies requirements for the dimensions, tolerances, and
up to nominal size 200 mm for pressure applications. mechanical properties of metric hexagon wrench keys with
Requirements for composition, effect on water, rever- (ISO 7811-4) 2pp A nominal sizes of 0.7 mm to 19 mm (inclusive) across flats
sion, impact resistance, hydro-static pressure resist- Specifies the location of Tracks 1 and 2 for read-only and of metric hexagon wrench bits with nominal sizes of
ance and heat ageing are included. Test methods are magnetic recordings. Identical with ISO 7811-4. 0.7 sizes to 32 mm (inclusive) across flats.
included as appendices. (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7262 4846 0) (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4854 1)
(PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 4797 9)
AS 3522.5—1988 AS 3527
AS 3518.2—1988 Location of read-write magnetic Hand-operated screwdrivers and
Solvent cement fittings 12pp D track—Track 3 screwdriver bits
Specifies performance requirements for moulded
ABS solvent cement fittings for use with ABS pres- (ISO 7811-5) 2pp A
sure pipe. Requirements for composition, socket di- Specifies the location of Track 3 for read-write mag-
AS 3527.1—1988
mensions, hydrostatic pressure resistance and high netic recordings. Identical with ISO 7811-5. Screwdrivers for slotted and cross-
temperature stress relief are included. Test methods (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7262 4847 9) recessed fasteners 15pp D
are included as appendices. Specifies requirements for the dimensions, materials,
(PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 4798 7) heat treatment, marking, finish, and mechanical prop-
AS 3522.6—2002 erties of hand-operated screwdrivers for use with slot-
AS 3519—1993 Magnetic stripe—High coercivity ted and cross-recessed fasteners as specified in AS
(ISO/IEC 7811-6:2001) 23pp G 1427 and AS 1476.
Timber—Machine proof-grading (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4855 X)
17pp F Specifies requirements for a high coercivity magnetic
This Standard sets out the requirements and procedures stripe on an ID card, the encoding technique and cod-
necessary for machine proof-grading of timber. The proof- ed character sets AS 3527.2—1990
grading system and machine proof-grader are specified (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4358 7) Insulated screwdrivers 3pp B
and the relationship of visual grading and verification of Specifies requirements for hand-operated insulated
properties using AS 4063 to machine proof-grading are AS 3523 screwdrivers for work on live electrical apparatus
given. Methods and tables allowing estimates of the re- subject to voltages up to 1000 V r.m.s., and for use
quired proof-stress are included. Identification cards—Identification of with both slotted and cross-recessed fasteners.
(TM-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8251 0) issuers (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5961 6)

AS 3527.3—1990

AS 3527.3—1990 AS 3534—1988 AS 3541

Bits for manually driven and pow- Acoustics—Methods for measure- Synthetic sporting surfaces
er-driven screwdrivers 5pp C ment of airborne noise emitted by
Specifies requirements for the design, dimensions, powered lawnmowers, edge and AS 3541.1—1988
materials, mechanical properties, and testing of brush cutters and string trimmers General principles 10pp C
screwdriver bits for manually driven and power-driv- 9pp C Specifies characteristics of different types of synthet-
en screwdrivers. ic sporting surfaces and base layers for indoor and
Specifies a method for the measurement of the sound level
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6099 1) emitted by powered lawnmowers, including ride-on lawn- outdoor applications. Synthetic surfaces are defined,
mowers, and by edge and brush cutters and string trim- the parameters are measured and basic safety require-
AS 3528—1988 mers, and of the noise heard at the operator's position and ments are included.
Cylindrical screw threads—Vocabu- at a specified bystander's position. It applies to machines (PL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4963 7)
powered by electricity, including batteries, and by internal
lary combustion engine. The Standard includes the method of
AS 3542—1996
(ISO 5408:1983) 5pp B calculation of sound power level.
Covers cylindrical screw threads with profiles based on tri- (AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 4900 9) Pleasure boats—Toilet waste collec-
angles. Identical to ISO 5408:1983, Cylindrical screw tion, holding and transfer systems
threads—Vocabulary. AS 3535—1988 (ISO/DIS 8099-1:1992) 5pp C
(ME-028) (ISBN 0 7262 4860 6) Wool—Method for the measurement Specifies requirements for the design and installation of
of resistance to compression toilet waste collection, holding and pump-out systems for
AS 3529—1988 pleasure boats.
Reconfirmed 1995 4pp B (CS-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0719 X)
Solvents—Toluene 2pp A Describes a method for determining the resistance to com-
Specifies requirements for nitration grade toluene. pression of a cleaned and carded sample taken from a lot
(CH-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4863 0) of raw wool by core sampling. It also describes the proce- AS 3543—1989
dures to be used to clean and prepare the wool sample prior Use of standard Ringelmann and Aus-
to measurement.
AS 3530—1988 (TX-012) (ISBN 0 7262 4903 3) tralian Standard miniature smoke
Solvents—Mineral turpentine and charts
white spirit 2pp A AS 3536 (BS 2742:1969(1991) BS
Specifies requirements for mineral turpentine and white Reference gases 2742:1969(1991)/Add.1:1972) 3pp B
spirits which are used extensively in the surface coating in- Sets out procedures for the use of Ringelmann and Austral-
dustry as solvents. ian Standard miniature smoke charts to determine the dark-
AS 3536.1—1998 ness of smoke in ambient air. The Standard is technically
(CH-002) (ISBN 0 7262 4866 5) Preparation and certification of identical to BS 2742:1969, Notes on the use of Ringel-
gravimetric Standards 10pp D mann and Miniature Smoke Charts, and its Addendum No.
AS 3531—1988 Sets out the method for the preparation and certifica- 1 (1972). The Australian Standard miniature smoke charts
Solid and segmental circular saws for tion of gravimetric Standard gases for which the ac- referred to in this Standard are available from Standards
Australia and most environment authorities in each state.
cold cutting metals—Interchangeabili- curacy of concentration of each gas component is bet-
(EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 5357 X)
ter than 0.5% relative or 0.02% absolute.
ty dimensions of the drive—Saw diam- (CH-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1996 1)
eter range 224 mm to 2240 mm AS 3543 Supplement 1—1989
(ISO 2924) 2pp A AS 3536.2—1998 Use of standard Ringelmann and Aus-
Specifies dimensions of the drive of circular metal saws to Preparation, analysis and certifica-
ensure interchangeability. Technically identical to ISO
tralian Standard miniature smoke
2924. tion of traceable reference gas mix- charts—Australian Standard minia-
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 4871 1) tures 9pp D ture smoke chart (Supplement to AS
Sets out requirements for the preparation, analysis 3543-1989)
AS 3532—1988 and certification procedures for reference gas mix- Designated in July 1992 Chart B
tures (RGM).
Test methods for determining electro- (CH-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1997 X) (EV-007)
lytic corrosion with insulating materi-
als AS 3537—1998 AS 3544—1988
(IEC 426) 19pp E Specification for general purpose cor- Industrial vacuum cleaners for partic-
Specifies visual semi-quantitative, quantitative, and indi- rugated fibreboard boxes and blanks ulates hazardous to health 11pp D
rect methods for determining the degree of electrolytic cor- This Standard specifies general design and construction re-
rosion caused by electrical insulating materials under con-
11pp D quirements for industrial vacuum cleaners for particulates
ditions of high humidity and electric stress. Specifies manufacturing tolerances for boxes made of cor- hazardous to health. Particular requirements are given for
rugated fibreboard and estables the minimum level of qual- electrical safety and filtering safety of such cleaners. Ap-
(EL-) (ISBN 0 7262 4875 4) ity to be expected. This covers general specifications for pendices detail test procedures for establishing the filtering
boxes and blanks used in non-mechanized applications and efficiency of the assembled vacuum cleaner.
AS 3533 additional specifications for boxes and blanks used in the
(SF-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5148 8)
majority of mechanized forming, filling or sealing applica-
Amusement rides and devices tions. The Standard does not cover special negotiated lev-
els of quality or reduced product variability beyond that AS 3545—1988
AS 3533.1—1997 outlined in the specifications for boxes and blanks used in Welding positions 8pp C
Design and construction 88pp K mechanized packaging lines.
Defines and gives details and limits of fundamental weld-
(PK-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2087 0) ing positions, including variations in pipes, and is based on
Amdt 1 29 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3759 5) A
those in the American Welding Society's welding codes.
Specifies requirements for the design, manufacture AS 3538—1988
and construction of fixed and portable amusement (WD-001) (ISBN 0 7262 4966 1)
rides and devices, excluding equipment specifically Textiles—Mops—Wet 4pp B
covered in other Standards. Includes a classification Specifies requirements for the yarn and attachment of yarn AS 3546—1996
system for rides and devices. and sets out a means for specifying the mass and type of fi-
bre in a wet mop of the socket type or sewn type. Applica- Wool—Method for measuring average
(ME-051) (ISBN 0 7337 1644 X) yellowness of raw wool 12pp E
ble to all wet mops made from cotton and blended polyes-
ter/cotton yarns. Sets out a method to be used to measure average yellow-
AS 3533.2—1997 (TX-007) (ISBN 0 7262 4916 5) ness of samples of raw wool prepared for mean fibre diam-
Operation and maintenance eter measurement in accordance with AS/NZS 1133,
AS 3539—1988 Wool—Determination by the Airflow Method of the mean
55pp H fibre diameter of core samples of raw wool.
Amdt 1 29 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3758 7) B Accident action pack for motorists (TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0554 5)
Specifies requirements for the operation, mainte- 3pp B
nance, inspection and fire safety measures for fixed Specifies the contents, packaging and marking of an acci- AS 3547—1997
and portable amusement rides and devices, excluding dent action pack for motorists.
equipment specifically covered in other Standards. (CS-049) (ISBN 0 7262 4934 3) Breath alcohol testing devices for per-
(ME-051) (ISBN 0 7337 1645 8) sonal use 30pp G
AS 3540—1988 Amdt 1 16 June 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3472 3) X
AS 3533.2 Supplement 1—1997 Performance of household electrical Specifies requirements for the performance, testing and
marking of disposable and re-useable breath alcohol test-
Operation and maintenance—Log- appliances—Motor-operated food ing devices other than those used by law enforcement au-
book (Supplement to AS 3533.2- preparation appliances 12pp D thorities. Appendices include test methods for the different
1997) 31pp D Specifies minimum performance levels that a motor-oper- types of devices available.
ated food preparation appliance is expected to achieve (CS-077) (ISBN 0 7337 0934 6)
Amdt 1 29 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3757 9) X when operated in accordance with the manufacturer's in-
Sets out a logbook which specifies, and can be used structions for the functions it is claimed to perform. In-
to record, the minimum amount of information need- cludes definitions and requirements for design and con- AS 3549—1989
ed to form a succinct record of the important issues struction, markings, point-of-sale information, guarantee Production typing tests 31pp F
relating to the safety of an amusement ride or device and instructions for use and care. Appendices include test Sets out a method for the development, administration, as-
throughout its working life. conditions and measurement procedures and test materials. sessment, and certification of production typing tests con-
(ME-051) (ISBN 0 7337 1646 6) (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 4935 1) ducted in the English language and specifies two levels of

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

testing, basic and advanced. The criterion for assessment is AS 3553—1988 AS 3558.9—1999
Usable Lines Produced (ULP).
(MS-016) (ISBN 0 7262 5455 X) Adhesives for floor and wall applica- Determination of thermal distor-
tions—Resilient vinyl, linoleum and tion of laundry troughs 2pp B
AS 3550 rubber sheet and tiles—Interior and (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2985 1)
Methods for the analysis of waters exterior use 11pp D
Specifies performance requirements for organic-based ad- AS 3558.10—1999
hesives for use in the installation of resilient sheet and tile Determination of thermal expan-
AS 3550.1—1988 for floor and wall applications, for interior and exterior
Determination of dissolved sul- use. Classification, product information by the supplier, sion under load of laundry
phide—Spectrophotometric meth- shelf life and requirements for bond strength in shear, troughs 2pp B
od 7pp C creep, open assembly time, staining, and labelling and (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2986 X)
packaging are laid down.
Sets out a spectrophotometric method for the determi-
nation of dissolved sulphide in natural and waste wa-
(CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 5108 9) AS 3558.11—1999
ters in the concentration range 0.1 mg/L to 50 mg/L. Determination of impact resistance
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 5194 1) AS 3554—1988
Adhesives—Epoxy—For raised pave- of baths for ablutionary purposes
AS 3550.2—1990 ment marker installation 19pp E 2pp B
Determination of carbon dioxide— Specifies requirements for two-part epoxy adhesives for (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2987 8)
Alkalimetric titration method use in bonding raised pavement markers to bituminous and
3pp B concrete road surfaces. Stability, shelf-life, non-volatile AS 3558.12—1999
content, gelation time and sag flow properties of the fresh- Determination of resistance to
Sets out a titrimetric method for determining the car- ly mixed uncured adhesive, and bond strength require-
bon dioxide content of waters in concentration range ments of the cured adhesive are laid down. thermal shock of baths for ablu-
1 to 100 mg/L. (CH-017) (ISBN 0 7262 5111 9) tionary purposes 2pp B
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 5899 7) (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2988 6)
AS 3555—1988
AS 3550.3—1992 AS 3558.13—1999
Determination of alkalinity—Acidi- Building elements—Testing and rating
for intruder resistance Determination of thermal distor-
metric titration method 4pp C tion of baths for ablutionary pur-
Sets out a method for use where the alkalinity is in the
Reconfirmed 1994 2pp A
range 1 mg/L at 2500 mg/L (expressed as CaCo3) un- Specifies a method for assessing the resistance of a build- poses 2pp B
ing element to forcible attack and awarding a rating based (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2989 4)
der the conditions of test. on the time taken to create an access hole in the element.
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 7376 5) Six different levels of attack are specified according to the
number of attackers and the equipment used in the attack. AS 3558.14—1999
AS 3550.4—1990 (MS-047) (ISBN 0 7262 5114 3) Determination of thermal expan-
Determination of solids—Gravi- sion under load of baths for ablu-
metric method 5pp C AS 3558 tionary purposes 2pp B
Sets out a gravimetric method for the determination Methods of testing plastics and com- (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2990 8)
of total, fixed and volatile dissolved and suspended posite materials sanitary plumbing fix-
solids in water. The method is applicable to potable AS 3558.15—1999
waste and saline waters at concentrations up to 40 g/ tures
L. Determination of impact resistance
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 6483 0) AS 3558.0—1989 of washbasins 2pp B
Introduction and list of methods (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2991 6)
AS 3550.5—1990 2pp X
Determination of gross alpha and (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 5387 1) AS 3558.16—1999
gross beta activities 3pp B Determination of resistance to
Sets out an empirical screening method for measuring AS 3558.1—1999 thermal shock of washbasins
gross alpha and gross beta radiation in waters.
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 5900 4) Determination of water absorption 3pp C
characteristics 2pp B (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2992 4)
AS 3550.6—1990 (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2978 9)
Determination of filtrable calci- AS 3558.17—1999
um—Flame atomic absorption AS 3558.2—1999 Determination of impact resistance
spectrometric method 3pp B Determination of chemical and of shower bases and shower mod-
Sets out a flame atomic absorption spectrometric stain resistance 3pp C ules 2pp B
method for the determination of calcium in waters in (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2965 7) (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2993 2)
the concentration range 0.2 to 4 mg/L. This edition is
technically identical to AS 2526-1882, except for the AS 3558.3—1999 AS 3558.18—1999
restriction in the application range, the recommenda-
tion on the use of cellulose acetate filters in the sam- Determination of colour fastness Determination of resistance to
pling procedure and minor editorial formatting 2pp B thermal shock of shower bases
changes. (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2979 7) and shower modules 3pp C
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 5901 2)
(WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2994 0)
AS 3550.7—1993 AS 3558.4—1999
The construction and use of the Determination of resistance to sur- AS 3558.19—1999
Secchi disc 3pp B face scratching 2pp B Determination of impact resistance
Provides guidance for the construction and use of the (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2980 0) of sinks 2pp B
Secchi disc. Outlines a procedure for determining the (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2995 9)
Secchi depth which is useful for monitoring changes AS 3558.5—1999
in water clarity. Determination of degradation by AS 3558.20—1999
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 8089 5) ultraviolet light 3pp C Determination of resistance to
AS/NZS 3551:1996 (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2981 9) thermal shock of sinks 2pp B
Technical management programs for (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2996 7)
AS 3558.6—1999
medical devices 48pp I AS 3558.21—1999
Specifies procedures required to develop equipment man- Visual examination of surface fin-
agement programs for medical devices. Some of these in- ish for defects 2pp B Determination of thermal expan-
clude procedures for procurement, acceptance, fault man- (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2982 7) sion under load of sinks 2pp B
agement, routine testing and disposal of medical devices. (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2997 5)
It now requires essential safety and performance testing in
addition to the electrical safety tests prescribed by the first AS 3558.7—1999
edition of this Standard. Determination of impact resistance AS 3558.22—1999
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0127 2) of laundry troughs 2pp B Determination of thermal distor-
(WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2983 5) tion of sinks 2pp B
AS 3552—1988 (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2998 3)
Conveyor belting—Guide to splicing AS 3558.8—1999
steel cord belting 3pp B Determination of resistance to AS 3558.23—1999
Sets out recommended procedures for splicing steel cord thermal shock of laundry troughs
belting. Pre-checks, splice lay-up, vulcanizing and splice Determination of resistance to heat
integrity are dealt with. 2pp B of the surface of sinks 2pp B
(RU-002) (ISBN 0 7262 5107 0) (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2984 3) (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2999 1)

AS 3558.24—1999

AS 3558.24—1999 AS 3565 lines for purchasers, and for calculation of minimum

Determination of resistance to hot breaking force. Includes wall charts which give details of
Meters for cold potable water the designation system and examples of construction for
liquids of the surface of sinks the new system both full and abbreviated, and the previous
2pp B AS 3565.1—1998 Australian standard system.
(WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3000 0) Volumetric chamber and turbine (ME-007) (ISBN 0 7262 5195 X)
meters 43pp H
AS 3559—1988 Specifies requirements for volumetric chamber and AS 3570—1998
Methods of test for teat skin disinfect- turbine meters with nominal flow rates not exceeding Automotive diesel fuel 25pp G
ants 13pp D 40 kL/h and 250 kL/h, respectively, which may be fit-
ted with electronic output devices (EOD). These me-
Amdt 1 February 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2498 1) X
Sets out a series of tests to provide evidence that a teat skin ters are intended for installation in water services to Sets out requirements for automotive diesel fuel (intended
disinfectant will not cause harm to cows and that it is effec- measure, within the accuracy limits of the Class, the for use in high speed diesel engines) which would mini-
tive in aiding the control of mastitis in dairy herds. Also volume of cold potable water at working tempera- mize engine problems, particularly cold weather starting
provides guidelines for determining residues in milk tures and pressures not exceeding 30°C and 1400 kPa, problems.
caused by the use of the teat skin disinfectant. respectively. (CS-048) (ISBN 0 7337 2205 9)
(FT-018) (ISBN 0 7262 5140 2) (WS-024) (ISBN 0 7337 2044 7)
AS 3571—1989
AS/NZS 3560 AS 3565.2—1996 Glass filament reinforced thermoset-
Electric cables—Cross-linked poly- Combination meters 16pp F ting plastics (GRP) pipes—Polyester
ethylene insulated—Aerial bundled— Specifies the requirements for combination meters, based—Water supply, sewerage and
For working voltages up to and includ- with nominal flow rates not exceeding 150 kL/h and drainage applications 18pp E
ing 0.6/1(1.2)kV consisting of one small meter and one large meter in
Specifies materials, dimensions, mechanical and physical
parallel, with a changeover device. These combina-
tion meters are intended for installation in water serv- characteristics of glass filament reinforced thermosetting
AS/NZS 3560.1:2000 ices, to measure within the accuracy of its Class, the polyester resin pipes primarily for use in buried installa-
Aluminium conductors 25pp G volume of cold potable water at working tempera- tions transporting water, sewage and some industrial
Specifies the construction, dimensions and tests for tures and pressures not exceeding 30°C and 1400 kPa, wastes. Includes classes for working pressures up to 2.5
two, three and four core aerial bundled cables having respectively. These combination meters shall be ca- MPa, and diameter from 150 to 2500 mm.
aluminium conductor sizes between 16 mm2 and 150 pable of operating at working temperatures of at least (PL-044) (ISBN 0 7262 5219 0)
50°C and may be fitted with electronic output devices
mm2. (EOD).
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3291 7) AS 3572
(WS-024) (ISBN 0 7337 0641 X) Plastics—Glass filament reinforced
AS 3562—1990 AS 3565.3—1998 plastics (GRP)—Methods of test
Lighting equipment for bicycles Water meters with integral dual
24pp G AS 3572.0—2002
check valves 6pp C
Specifies the design performance, photometric, electrical
Specifies requirements for volumetric chamber and
Introduction and list of methods
and mechanical requirements for lighting equipment for 2pp B
bicycles intended for use on public roads. The Standard turbine meters with nominal flow rates not exceeding
does not apply to reflectors. Includes test methods for re- 3.5 kL/h and which may be fitted with electronic out- (PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4211 4)
sistance to solvents, vibration, heat, moisture and corro- put devices (EOD), incorporating two independent
sion, as well as methods for determining the luminous in- non-return valves, (Dual CVs) for low hazard protec- AS 3572.1—2002
tensity of lamps. Also includes the characteristics of some tion of potable water.
common filament bulbs. The Standard is based on ISO (WS-024) (ISBN 0 7337 2045 5) Preparation of glass filament rein-
6742.1. forced plastics test specimens
(CS-008) (ISBN 0 7262 6322 2) AS 3566 1p A
Self-drilling screws for the building (PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4210 6)
AS 3564 and construction industries
Automotive repairs—Terminology AS 3572.2—2002
AS 3566.1—2002 Determination of chemical resist-
AS 3564.1—1988 General requirements and me- ance of glass reinforced plastics
Automatic transmission 1p A chanical properties 30pp H 6pp D
Establishes a nomenclature for the repair and servic- Specifies the dimensions, thread forms, lead types, (PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4209 2)
ing of automatic transmissions in the automotive re- mechanical properties and performance and working
pair industry. requirements for self-drilling screws intended for
(CS-078) (ISBN 0 7262 5175 5) drilling and tapping into steel and fixing to timber.
AS 3572.3—2002
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 4385 4) Determination of loss on ignition of
AS 3564.2—1990 glass filament reinforced plastics
Manual transmission 1p A AS 3566.2—2002 3pp C
Establishes a nomenclature for the repair and servic- Corrosion resistance require- (PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4208 4)
ing of manual transmissions in the automotive repair
industry. ments 17pp F
(CS-078) (ISBN 0 7262 6054 1) Specifies the requirements for four levels of the cor- AS 3572.4—2002
rosion resistance of self-drilling screws for the build- Determination of the dimensions of
ing and construction industries. glass filament reinforced plastics
AS 3564.3—1990 (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 4386 2)
Transaxle 1p A pipes 4pp D
Establishes a nomenclature for the repair and servic- AS 3567—1988 (PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4207 6)
ing of transaxles in the automotive repair industry.
(CS-078) (ISBN 0 7262 6073 8) Textiles—Cloth, duck—Cotton and AS 3572.5—2002
polyester/cotton 8pp C
Specifies requirements for duck and cloths of special Determination of hoop tensile
AS 3564.4—1993 weave made from cotton, blended polyester/cotton and strength of wound glass filament
Power steering 2pp B corespun polyester/cotton yarns. Requirements are given reinforced plastics pipes 4pp D
Sets out a terminology for describing the repair and for loomstate cloths and also cloths which have been treat- (PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4206 8)
servicing of power steering units in the automotive re- ed for rot and water resistance.
pair industry. It also gives guidance on records to be (TX-003) (ISBN 0 7262 5182 8)
retained by the repair or service business and the ve- AS 3572.6—2002
hicle owner. AS 3568—1999 Determination of hoop tensile
(CS-078) (ISBN 0 7262 8027 5) modulus of elasticity of wound
Oils for reducing the viscosity of re-
sidual bitumen for pavements 5pp C glass filament reinforced plastic
AS 3564.5—1993 pipes 4pp D
Provides specifiers and users of oils for the reduction of
Engine 3pp B viscosity of residual bitumen for pavements with the re- (PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4205 X)
Amdt 1 October 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0034 9) X quirements for hyrocarbon oils derived from refined crude
Sets out a terminology for describing the recondition- oil.
ing and repair of reciprocating spark ignition automo- (CH-025) (ISBN 0 7337 2509 0) AS 3572.7—2002
tive and industrial engines by the automotive repair Determination of extension to fail-
industry. AS 3569—1989 ure of unreinforced resins 3pp C
(CS-078) (ISBN 0 7262 8028 3) (PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4204 1)
Steel wire ropes
AS 3564.6—1994 (ISO 3578) A4 71pp I
Specifies requirements for steel wire ropes for all purpos- AS 3572.8—2002
Constant velocity joints 10pp D es, and includes tables giving linear mass and minimum Determination of long term ring
Sets out a terminology for describing the repair and breaking force against nominal diameter for each type of
servicing of constant velocity joints used in automo- rope construction. The designation system is taken from
stiffness of glass filament rein-
tive vehicles. ISO 3578. It specifies materials, manufacture, marking, forced plastic pipes 6pp D
(CS-078) (ISBN 0 7262 8777 6) packing, and test requirements. Appendices give guide- (PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4203 3)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 3572.9—2002 AS/NZS 3572.23:1997 AS 3580

Determination of pressure regres- Method for the determination of the Methods for sampling and analysis of
sion characteristics as a function initial longitudinal tensile strength ambient air
of time for glass filament rein- by means of a tensile plate test
forced plastic pipes 16pp F 3pp B AS 3580.2
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4202 5) (PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 1267 3) Preparation of reference test at-
AS 3572.10—2002 AS/NZS 3572.24:1997
Determination of the initial ring Method for the determination of the AS 3580.2.1—1990
stiffness of a glass filament rein- initial hoop tensile strength by Permeation tube method 4pp C
forced plastics pipes 7pp D means of a tensile plate test Sets out a method for the preparation of reference test
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4201 7) 3pp B atmospheres for the determination of gaseous pollut-
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 1261 4) ants in ambient air, using permeation tubes. The pro-
AS 3572.11—2002 cedure applies to the preparation of reference test at-
mospheres containing pollutant levels from 0.01 ppm
Determination of the initial ring de- AS 3574—1988 to 5 ppm by volume (25µg/m3 to 14 000µg/m3). A list
flection of glass filament rein- Safety in forestry (known as the SAA of references is provided for information on various
forced plastics pipes 3pp C Forest Safety Code) 23pp E aspects of the permeation tube procedure for prepar-
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4200 9) Provides for safe working programs to be established to ing reference test atmospheres.
ensure the health, safety, and well-being of persons en- (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6021 5)
AS 3572.12—2002 gaged in forestry, and outlines general procedures to be
followed in addition to the relevant statutory requirements. AS 3580.2.2—1990
Determination of initial failure Risks to health and safety are identified and recommenda-
pressure and initial hoop strength tions are provided for minimizing the possibility of person- Compressed gas method 4pp C
of glass filament reinforced plas- al injury or property damage. An appendix lists the Aus- Sets out a method for the preparation of reference test
tralian Standards specifying detailed requirements for a atmospheres containing known concentrations of de-
tics pipes 11pp E particular operation or equipment and a reference is in- terminand(s), using a calibration gas dilution proce-
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4199 1) cluded to other material related to safety and health issues dure. The method is suitable for preparing reference
in forest operations. test atmospheres containing determinand(s) in the
AS 3572.13—2002 (SF-033) (ISBN 0 7262 5202 6) concentration range 0.01 ppm to 100 ppm by volume.
Determination of the initial longitu- (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6027 4)
dinal tensile strength of glass fila- AS 3575—1995
ment reinforced plastics pipes Clearing saws, brushcutters and AS 3580.3
5pp D grass trimmers—Safety require- Determination of acid gases
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4198 3) ments 25pp G
Amdt 1 July 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1076 X) X AS 3580.3.1—1990
AS 3572.14—2002 Specifies safety requirements for electrically driven and Titrimetric method 7pp C
Determination of long-term ring de- internal combustion engine-driven clearing saws, brush- Sets out a titrimetric method for the determination of
cutters and grass trimmers for use in clearing grass, weeds, acid gases (expressed as sulfur dioxide) in ambient
flection of glass filament rein- brush, shrubs and small trees. It is not applicable to knap- air. The method is applicable to ambient air in which
forced plastics (GRP) pipe subject sack power units, dedicated lawn edge trimmers, pole the sulfur dioxide concentration ranges from approx-
to constant load and environmen- pruners or lawn trimmers complying with AS 4057. The
technical requirements specified take account of those un- imately 0.007 ppm to 3.5 ppm by volume (20µg/m3 to
tal exposure 6pp D der consideration by the responsible ISO Committee. 10 000µg/m3).
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4196 7) (SF-033) (ISBN 0 7337 0012 8) (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6022 3)
AS 3572.15—2002 AS/NZS 3576:1998 AS 3580.4
Determination of resistance to Clearing saws, brushcutters and Determination of sulfur dioxide
long-term strain corrosion of glass grass trimmers—Guide to safe work-
filament reinforced plastics pipes ing practices 20pp F AS 3580.4.1—1990
6pp D Provides recommendations for the safe use of clearing Direct reading instrumental meth-
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4195 9) saws, brushcutters and grass trimmers. Guidelines are giv-
en covering the basic principles for the safe operation of od 4pp C
the equipment, the training of operators, the appropriate Sets out the method for the determination of sulfur di-
AS 3572.16—2002 measures and precautions to take to guard the safety and oxide in ambient air using a direct-reading instrumen-
Testing of flexible joints of glass health of operators, and the general maintenance of the tal method. This method applies to the determination
filament reinforced plastics pipes equipment. of sulfur dioxide in ambient air where the concentra-
(SF-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1729 2) tion lies within the range 0 to 5 ppm by volume (0 to
3pp C
14 000µg/m3).
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 4194 0)
AS 3577—1999 (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6029 0)
AS/NZS 3572.18:1997 Steel cylinders for compressed gas-
Method for determining the ulti- es—Welded—150 kg to 500 kg AS 3580.5
mate tensile strength and unit 24pp G Determination of oxides of nitro-
modulus of flat laminates 6pp C Specifies requirements for welded steel cylinders with one gen
longitudinal joint, and not more than two circumferential
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 1265 5) joints, and a water capacity of not less than 150 kg to 500 AS 3580.5.1—1993
kg which have test pressures from 1750 kPa to 7000 kPa.
AS/NZS 3572.19:1997 This Standard specifies cylinders that are suitable for the Chemiluminescence method
Method for the determination of the storage and transport of compressed gases in accordance (ISO 7996:1985) 8pp D
with AS 2030.1. This edition introduces the concept of the
lap shear strength of laminate integrated gas cylinder test station (IGCTS) for cylinder Sets out a method for the determination of the con-
2pp B manufacturers in Australia, together with responsibility for centration of oxides of nitrogen in ambient air. The
method is applicable to ambient air containing oxides
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 1265 7) pneumatic testing solely with the manufacturers of cylin- of nitrogen at a concentration of less than 1 ppm by
ders as the regulatory authorities have withdrawn from this
area. volume (less than 1 mL/m3). Nitric oxide (NO) and
AS/NZS 3572.20:1997 (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2673 9) total oxides of nitrogen (NOx) may be measured.
Method for the determination of the (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 7834 3)
peel strength of the bond between AS 3578—1993
laminate layers 2pp B Cast iron non-return valves for gener- AS 3580.6
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 1264 9) al purposes 14pp E Determination of ozone
Specifies requirements for valves in the general water in-
AS/NZS 3572.21:1997 dustry in both buried and above-ground installations in a AS 3580.6.1—1990
Method for the determination of the nominal size range of DN 50 to DN 600.
Direct-reading instrumental meth-
shear strength of a sandwich pan- (WS-022) (ISBN 0 7262 8471 8)
od 5pp C
el 3pp B Sets out a direct-reading instrumental method for the
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 1263 0) AS 3579—1993 determination of ozone in ambient air in the concen-
Cast iron wedge gate valves for gener- tration range 0 to 0.5 ppm by volume.
AS/NZS 3572.22:1997 al purposes 14pp E (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6265 X)
Method for the determination of Specifies requirements for valves of inside screw, non-ris-
ing or outside screw, and rising stem in a nominal size AS 3580.7
hardness by means of a Barcol im- range of DN 50 to DN 300. The valves are generally hand-
pressor 3pp B wheel-operated and not recommended for buried service. Determination of carbon monox-
(PL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 1262 2) (WS-022) (ISBN 0 7262 8469 6) ide

AS 3580.7.1—1992

AS 3580.7.1—1992 AS 3580.11.1—1993 AS 3582.2—2001

Direct-reading instrumental meth- Methane and non-methane volatile Slag—Ground granulated iron
od 4pp C organic compounds—Direct-read- blast-furnace 9pp E
Sets out a method for the determination of carbon ing instrumental method 9pp D This Standard sets out requirements for ground gran-
monoxide in ambient air to a concentration of 600 Sets out a method for continuous or intermittent sam- ulated iron blast-furnace slag for use as cementitious
mg/m3 using a direct-reading instrument. The re- pling and determination of methane and non-methane material in concrete and mortar.
quirements for direct-reading instruments specified in volatile organic compounds using a direct-reading in- (BD-031) (ISBN 0 7337 4054 5)
the Standard were derived from USEPA Air Regula- strument. The method is applicable to air with a meth-
tions Pollution Control Guide, Part 53: Ambient air ane concentration in the range of 0 to 10 ppm, or non- AS 3582.2—1991
monitoring reference and equivalent methods, Sec- methane volatile organic compounds of equivalent
tion 8183, Subpart B: Procedures for testing perform- carbon content. Slag—Ground granulated iron
ance characteristics of automated methods. (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 8149 2) blast-furnace 6pp C
(EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 7387 2) Specifies the requirements for ground granulated iron
blast furnace slag as a supplementary material for use
AS/NZS 3580.12 with portland cement in the manufacture of concrete
AS 3580.8 Determination of light scattering and concrete products.
Determination of hydrogen (BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6581 0)
sulfide AS/NZS 3580.12.1:2001
Integrating nephelometer method AS/NZS 3582.3:2002
AS 3580.8.1—1990 Amorphous silica 10pp E
Automatic intermittent sampling— 10pp E
Specfies a continuous direct reading instrumental Sets out requirements for amorphous silica as a sup-
Gas chromatographic method method of determining light scattering produced by plementary material for use in concrete, mortar and
3pp B fine particles in a sample of ambient air. The light grout.
Sets out a gas chromatographic method for measuring scattering coefficient determined by this Standard is (BD-031) (ISBN 0 7337 4929 1)
the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in ambient air an indicator of the perceived visual degradation
using an automatic intermittent sampling procedure. caused by suspended particles in air. The method is AS 3582.3—1994
The method is applicable to ambient air having a con- not designed to measure light scattering due to sus-
centration of hydrogen sulfide within the approxi- pended water droplets. Silica fume 9pp D
Specifies the requirements for silica fume as a supple-
mate range 0.300 ppm to 2 ppm (5µg/m3 to 3000µg/ (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3742 0)
mentary material for use with portland cement in the
m3) and is specific to hydrogen sulfide. manufacture of concrete and concrete products.
(EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6028 2) AS 3580.13 (BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 8999 X)
Determination of fluorides
AS 3580.9 AS 3583
Determination of suspended par- AS 3580.13.1—1993 Methods of test for supplementary ce-
ticulate matter Gaseous and acid-soluble particu- mentitious materials for use with port-
late fluorides—Automated, double land and blended cement
AS 3580.9.6—1990 paper tape sampling 10pp D
PM 10 high volume sampler with Sets out a method for the automated collection and AS 3583.1—1998
size-selective inlet—Gravimetric separation of gaseous and acid-soluble particulate Determination of fineness by the
method 11pp D fluorides in ambient air. Determination of each form 45 micrometre sieve 5pp C
of fluoride by use of an ion-selective electrode is in-
Sets out a size-selective sampling procedure and a cluded. (BD-031) (ISBN 0 7337 1689 X)
gravimetric method for the determination of suspend- (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 8262 6)
ed particulate matter in ambient air. The method pro- AS 3583.2—1991
vides a measure of the PM10 concentration of parti-
cles in ambient air. AS 3580.13.2—1991 Determination of moisture con-
(EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6014 2) Gaseous and acid-soluble particu- tent 2pp B
late fluorides—Manual, double fil- Describes procedures for determination of moisture
AS 3580.9.7—1990 content in supplementary cementitious materials for
ter paper sampling 8pp D use with portland cement.
PM 10 dichotomous sampler— Sets out a method for the collection, separation and (BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6583 7)
Gravimetric method 7pp C determination of acid-soluble particulate fluorides
and gaseous fluorides in ambient air. Each form of
Sets out a sampling procedure and a gravimetric fluoride is collected on a separate filter and deter- AS 3583.3—1991
method for the determination of suspended particu- mined by use of an ion-selective electrode. Determination of loss on ignition
late matter in ambient air. The method provides a
measure of the mean concentration of PM 10 of two (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 7035 0) 2pp B
particle size fractions, viz. less than approximately Describes procedures for determination of loss on ig-
2.5 micrometre and particles in the 2.5 micrometre to AS 3580.13.3—1993 nition in supplementary cementitious materials for
10 micrometre size range. Total gaseous and acid-soluble air- use with portland cement.
(EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6015 0) borne particulate fluoride—Sodi- (BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6585 3)
um acetate coated tube AS 3583.4—1991
AS 3580.9.8—2001 absorption 9pp D
PM 10 continuous direct mass Determination of autoclave expan-
Sets out a method for the collection of gaseous and
method using a tapered element acid-soluble airborne particulate fluoride from ambi- sion 6pp C
oscillating microbalance analyser ent air and the determination of the total fluoride col- Describes procedures for determination of expansion
lected by use of an ion-selective electrode. in an autoclave, of a sample of mortar made with sup-
13pp F (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 8385 1) plementary cementitious materials for use with port-
Sets out a method of operating the tapered element land cement.
oscillating microbalance (TEOM) analyzer to deter- (BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6580 2)
mine suspended particulate matter in ambient air. The AS 3581—1988
method allows continuous oepration, providing near Mechanical aids for patient lifting and AS 3583.5—1991
real-time measurements of mean particle concentra- moving—Safety requirements 9pp C
tion over periods from 10 minutes to 24 hours. Determination of relative density
Specifies the minimum safety requirements for mechanical
(EV-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3771 4) devices used in the lifting and moving of patients and other 2pp B
persons having temporary or permanent disabilities, and Describes procedures for determination of relative
AS 3580.10 provides the relevant test methods for evaluation of the density in supplementary cementitious materials for
Determination of particulates performance, stability, and mechanical strength of the use with portland cement.
equipment. (BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6587 X)
AS 3580.10.1—1991 (SF-021) (ISBN 0 7262 5238 7)
AS 3583.6—1995
Deposited matter—Gravimetric AS 3582
method 8pp D Determination of relative water re-
Amdt 1 December 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7946 3) X Supplementary cementitious materi- quirement and relative strength
Amdt 2 August 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8366 5) X als for use with portland and blended 4pp C
Sets out a method for the sampling of particulate mat- cement (BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 9373 3)
ter which is deposited from the atmosphere and pro-
cedures for determining mass deposition rates for in- AS 3582.1—1998 AS 3583.7—1991
soluble solids, soluble solids, ash, combustible matter Fly ash 9pp D Determination of sulfide sulfur
and total solids.
(EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 7051 2) Amdt 1 January 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2396 9) X content 4pp C
Specifies the requirements for fly ash as a supplemen- Amdt 1 April 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8095 X) X
tary material for use with portland and blended ce- Describes procedures for determination of sulfide
AS 3580.11 ment in the manufacture of concrete and concrete sulfur content in supplementary cementitious materi-
Determination of volatile organic products. als for use with portland cement.
compounds (BD-031) (ISBN 0 7337 1688 1) (BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6589 6)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 3583.8—1991 AS 3586.2—1997 AS 3588—1996

Determination of sulfuric anhy- Molten alloys 8pp D Shower bases and shower modules
dride content 2pp B Sets out methods for sampling ferroalloys in molten 12pp E
Describes procedures for determination of sulfuric form, for both routine and special purposes, to pro- Specifies material, construction and installation require-
anhydride content in supplementary cementitious ma- vide samples for preparation for chemical analysis. ments for shower bases and shower modules manufactured
terials for use with portland cement. (MN-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0905 2) from vitreous enamelled pressed steel, non-vitreous china,
plastics and composite materials.
(BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6590 X) (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0263 5)
AS 3586.3—1994
AS 3583.9—1991 Preparation of samples 26pp G AS 3589—1989
Determination of magnesia con- Sets out methods for the preparation of samples of Wool—Requirements for the issue of a
tent 4pp C ferroalloys collected in accordance with recognized
certificate for superfine wool 2pp A
Describes procedures for determination of the mag- sampling procedures. Preparation of samples for total
moisture determination, chemical analysis and spe- Provides methods for sampling and testing superfine wool
nesia content in supplementary cementitious materi- cial tests is addressed. sale lots comprising three bales or less, for the consequent
als for use with portland cement. issue of a test certificate. The method is applicable to the
(BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6591 8) (MN-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9254 0) top lines of recognized Australian superfine clips.
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7262 5276 X)
AS 3583.10—1991 AS 3586.4—1995
Determination of alumina and total Determination of quality variation, AS 3590
iron content 4pp C precision and bias 30pp G Screen-based workstations
Describes procedures for determination of alumina Sets out methods for determining quality variation,
and total iron content in supplementary cementitious checking and adjusting the precision of sampling, AS 3590.1—1990
materials for use with portland cement. sample preparation and measurement, and testing for Visual display units 15pp E
bias in the sampling of ferroalloys.
(BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6593 4) (MN-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9861 1)
Specifies performance requirements for visual dis-
play units (VDUs) incorporating cathode-ray tubes.
The standard does not apply to CAD units or to test
AS 3583.11—1991 AS 3587 equipment. Includes test methods for measuring lu-
Determination of manganese con- Ferroalloys—Chemical analysis minance factor, display luminance, character dimen-
tent 2pp B sions, and geometric stability, as well as a method for
determining the legibility of on screen characters, and
Describes procedures for determination of manga- AS 3587.1—1989 a BASIC program to generate randomly selected al-
nese in supplementary cementitious materials for use phanumeric characters.
with portland cement. Determination of silicon content of
(SF-038) (ISBN 0 7262 6050 9)
(BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6594 2) ferrosilicon and ferrosilicomanga-
nese AS 3590.2—1990
AS 3583.12—1991 (ISO 4158) 2pp B Workstation furniture 11pp D
Determination of available alkali Sets out gravimetric and potentiometric methods for The Standard sets out guidelines for the design, eval-
4pp C the chemical analysis of ferroalloys. uation, selection, and setting-up of furniture for desk
Describes procedures for determination of available (MN-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5254 9) top screen-based workstations in offices. The Stand-
alkali in supplementary cementitious materials for ard does not apply to special cases such as in schools,
use with portland cement. AS 3587.2—1989 or to CAD applications. No requirements are speci-
fied for wheelchair access.
(BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6595 0) Determination of manganese con- (SF-038) (ISBN 0 7262 6051 7)
tent of ferromanganese and ferro-
AS 3583.13—1991 silicomanganese AS 3590.3—1990
Determination of chloride ion con- (ISO 4159) 3pp B Input devices 2pp B
tent 4pp C Sets out gravimetric and potentiometric methods for Specifies the design requirements for conventional
Describes procedures for determination of chloride the chemical analysis of ferroalloys. QWERTY keyboards for use with screen-based
ion content in supplementary cementitious materials (MN-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5255 7) equipment and includes recommendations for mouse
for use with portland cement. design. The Standard does not apply to split-field
(BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6589 6) keyboards, or to those keyboards which utilize alter-
AS 3587.3—1991 native alphanumeric key layouts.
Determination of chromium con- (SF-038) (ISBN 0 7262 6052 5)
AS 3583.14—1991
Determination of insoluble residue tent of ferrochromium and ferrosil-
icochromium AS/NZS 3594:1994
content 2pp B Information technology—Telecommu-
Describes procedures for determination of insoluble (ISO 4140:1979) 4pp C
Sets out gravimetric and potentiometric methods for
nications and information exchange
residue in supplementary cementitious materials for
use with portland cement. the chemical analysis of ferroalloys. between systems—Interface connec-
(BD-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6597 7) (MN-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7009 1) tor and contact assignments for ISDN
basic access interface located at refer-
AS 3584—1991 AS 3587.4—1998 ence points S and T
Diesel engine systems for under- Determination of carbon content— (ISO/IEC 8877:1992) 11pp D
ground coal mines 28pp H Infrared method 4pp C Specifies the 8-pole connector (including the poles/con-
tacts assignments) for use in physical interfaces of the
Specifies requirements for flameproofing, the limits of sur- Sets out an infrared method for the determination of ISDN network. This Standard is identical with, and has
face temperature, and exhaust gas emissions of diesel en- carbon in a range of ferroalloys after combustion in been reproduced from ISO/IEC 8877:1992.
gine systems for use in underground coal mines. Test oxygen using high-frequency induction heating. The (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8940 X)
methods are included for explosion testing of the diesel en- method is applicable to all types of ferroalloys having
gine system and its components, and for the hydrostatic carbon content in the range 0.005% to 8%.
testing of assemblies. (MN-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1697 0) AS 3595—1990
(ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 7090 3) Energy management programs—
AS 3587.5—1998 Guidelines for financial evaluation of a
AS 3585—1990 Determination of sulfur content— project 18pp E
End fittings for flat-webbing slings Describes recommended procedures for financial evalua-
Infrared method 4pp C tion of an energy management program permitting evalua-
9pp D Sets out an infrared method for the determination of tion of cost-effectiveness of competing energy manage-
Specifies requirements for manufacture, marking, and test- sulfur in a range of ferroalloys after combustion in ment options. Includes methodology and examples of use
ing of metal end fittings which may be attached to the ends oxygen using high-frequency induction heating. The of a standard method of calculation of the net present cost
of flat synthetic webbing to form slings complying with method is applicable to all types of ferroalloys having for each of a number of competing proposals for an energy
AS 1353.1. Guidance on information to be supplied with sulfur content in the range 0.002% to 0.05%. management program. A computer program, entitled
enquiries and orders is given in an appendix. (MN-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1698 9) 'TEMPEST', to perform the calculations and produce the
(ME-025) (ISBN 0 7262 5250 6) printouts reproduced in the Standard, together with its user
manual, will be available for separate sale.
AS 3587.6—1998 (EN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6083 5)
AS 3586 Determination of phosphorus con-
Ferroalloys—Sampling tent- Spectrophotometric method AS 3596—1992
6pp C Energy management programs—
AS 3586.1—1994 Guidelines for definition and analysis
Sets out a spectrophotometric method for the determi-
Particulate alloys 43pp H nation of the phosphorus content of ferroalloys. The of energy and cost savings 18pp F
Sets out requirements for the sampling of ferroalloys method is applicable to the determination of phospho- Provides guidelines to enable organizations to identify the
in particulate form from moving streams and station- rus contents between 0.005% and 0.25% provided most cost effective method of reducing their energy costs.
ary situations, including stopped-belt sampling, to that the following elements are not present in amounts The user is advised on how to assemble and formalize
provide samples for chemical analysis, physical test- greater than that specified: niobium 1%, tantalum 1%, records of past energy consumption and costs and how to
ing and total moisture determination. titanium 2%, tungsten 11%, zirconium 1%. project such data to future periods of interest with varia-
(MN-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9253 2) (MN-006) (ISBN 0 7337 1699 7) tions according to different fuel tariffs. The Standard then

AS 3597—1993

guides the user through the preparation of energy cost and AS 3600 Supplement 1—1994 AS 3606.1—1988
consumption forecasts in the same format as the base case
projection but using data from energy use and cost saving Concrete structures—Commentary Mechanical, physical and magnetic
proposals. The financial evaluation of the base case projec- (Supplement to AS 3600-1994) properties
tion versus the energy saving proposals is performed by us- 160pp J (ISO 8462-1:1986) 33pp F
ing AS 3595-1990 Energy management programs—
Guidelines for financial evaluation of a project. Typical Amdt 1 December 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0836 6) X Specifies the characteristics of a tape cartridge loaded
proformas for the recording and analysis of data are given Provides background material to most of the requirements with magnetic tape 6.30 mm wide intended for digital
and a case history from an actual project, which demon- of AS 3600, indicating their origin and where they differ recording. This Standard is identical with ISO 8462-
strates the use of the proformas and AS 3595-1990, is ap- from previous practice. References given in the text are 1:1986.
pended. listed at the end of each section together with references (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5315 4)
(EN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7241 8) for further reading in some instances. For ease of cross-ref-
erence, clause numbers in the commentary correspond to
those in AS 3600. AS 3606.2—1988
AS 3597—1993 (BD-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9195 1) Streaming mode
Structural and pressure vessel steel— (ISO 8462-2:1986) 11pp C
Quenched and tempered plate AS 3601—1988
Specifies the characteristics of a tape cartridge loaded
14pp E Information processing—Volume and with magnetic tape 6.30 mm wide intended for digital
Specifies the technical requirements for the production and file structure of CD-ROM for informa- recording. This Standard is identical with ISO 8462-
supply of intermediate and high-strength quenched and 2:1986.
tempered low-alloy steel plates from a minimum thickness tion interchange
of 5 mm to a maximum thickness of 110 mm for use in fu- (ISO 9660:1988) 31pp F (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5316 2)
sion welded structures and pressure vessels. The Standard Requirements for the processes which are provided within
introduces new Grades 500, 600, 700 and 700PV. information processing systems, utilizing recorded CD- AS 3607—1989
(BD-023) (ISBN 0 7262 8299 5) ROM as the medium of interchange for the functions with-
Conductors—Bare overhead, alumini-
in systems, which are intended to originate or receive CD-
ROM. This Standard is identical with ISO 9660:1988. um and aluminium alloy—Steel rein-
AS/NZS 3598:2000 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5277 8) forced 23pp F
Energy audits 22pp G Specifies requirements and tests for composite electrical
Sets out the requirements for commissioning and conduct- bare conductors, incorporating aluminium or aluminium
ing energy audits, and identifying opportunities for cost ef- AS 3602—1988
alloy wires and steel wires for overhead power transmis-
fective investments, to improve efficiency and effective- Information processing—Data inter- sion.
ness in the use of energy. Primarily, it is intended for use change on 12.7 mm wide magnetic (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5303 0)
by energy users but will be of assistance to energy auditors, tape cartridges—18 tracks, 1491 data
and may serve as a useful reference document for anyone
interested in the field of energy management best practice. bytes per millimetre AS 3608—1989
(EN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3576 2) (ISO 9661:1988) 42pp F Insulators—Porcelain and glass, pin
This Standard specifies the physical and magnetic charac-
teristics of a 12.7 mm wide, 18-track magnetic tape car- and shackle type—Voltages not ex-
AS 3599 ceeding 1000 V a.c. 6pp B
tridge to enable interchangeability of such cartridges. It
Electric cables—Aerial bundled—Pol- also specifies a format and recording method thus allow- Specifies requirements for pin and shackle insulators, in
ymeric insulated—Voltages 6.35/ ing, together with AS 1068 for magnetic tape labelling, full which the insulating material is of porcelain or glass, for
11(12) kV and 12.7/22(24) kV data interchange by means of such magnetic tape cartridg- outdoor use at a nominal voltage not exceeding 1000 V a.c.
es. This Standard is identical with ISO 9661:1988. Dimensions, material, and mechanical performance are
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5278 6) specified.
AS 3599.1—1988 (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5306 5)
Metallic screened 20pp E AS/NZS 3604:1994
Specifies construction, dimensions, and test require- Information technology—Telecommu- AS 3609—1989
ments for catenary supported, three-core aerial bun-
dled cable, having individually screened phase ca- nications and information exchange Insulators—Porcelain stay type—Volt-
bles, insulated with cross-linked polyethylene, between systems—Use of X.25 to pro- ages greater than 1000 V a.c. 7pp C
sheathed with high density polyethylene. vide the OSI connection-mode net- Specifies requirements for porcelain stay insulators con-
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 5275 1) work service sisting of one part, with two transverse holes for the inser-
tion of stay wires used for poles supporting overhead pow-
(ISO/IEC 8878:1992) 92pp J er lines, operating at greater than 1000 V a.c. Dimensions
AS/NZS 3599.2:1999 Provides a mapping between the abstract primitives and and mechanical performance are specified.
Non-metallic screened 22pp G parameters of the connection oriented network service and (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5307 3)
Specifies the construction, dimensions and test re- the real elements of the X.25 packet layer protocol. This
quirements for three phase, aerial bundled cables in- Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced from,
corporating a support conductor, insulated with cross- ISO/IEC 8878:1992. AS 3610—1995
linked polyethylene and non-metallic screened (with- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8970 1) Formwork for concrete 64pp J
out further protection).
Specifies requirements for the design, fabrication, erection
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2753 0) AS 3605 and stripping of formwork as well as the evaluation and re-
Information processing—Data inter- pair of the formed concrete surface. Colour evaluation
AS 3600—2001 change on 200 mm flexible disk car- charts are included in an Appendix.
Concrete structures 168pp L tridges using modified frequency (BD-043) (ISBN 0 7262 9658 9)
Amdt 1 24 May 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4500 8) X modulation recording at 13 262 ftprad,
Sets out minimum requirements for the analysis, design 1.9 tpmm on both sides AS 3610 Supplement 1—1995
and construction of concrete structures and members that Formwork for concrete—Blowhole
contain reinforcing steel up to 500 MPa, prestressing ten-
dons or both, and includes requirements for plain concrete AS 3605.1—1988 and colour evaluation charts (Supple-
structures and members. Design requirements are given for Dimensional, physical and mag- ment to AS 3610-1995)
the limit states of stability, strength, serviceability, durabil- Redesignated from AS 3610 Supplement 1-1990 in
ity and for resistance requirements to fire and earthquakes. netic characteristics
Rules are also given for prototype or proof testing of fin- (ISO 7065-1:1985) 16pp D 1995. 33pp F
ished members and structures. This Standard specifies the dimensional, physical and Amdt 1 December 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0213 9) X
(BD-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3931 8) magnetic characteristics of a 200 mm flexible disk Provides additional copies of Appendix B: Blowhole and
cartridge using modified frequency modulation re- colour evaluation charts.
AS 3600—1994 cording at 13 262 ftprad, 1.9 tpmm, on both sides. (BD-043) (ISBN 0 7262 6001 0)
This Standard is identical with ISO 7065-1:1985.
Concrete structures 146pp K (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5286 7)
Amdt 1 August 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0620 7) X AS 3610 Supplement 2—1996
Sets out minimum requirements for the analysis, design AS 3605.2—1988 Formwork for concrete—Commentary
and construction of concrete structures and members
Track format (Supplement to AS 3610-1995)
which contain reinforcing steel, or prestressing tendons or 94pp H
both, and requirements for plain concrete structures and (ISO 7065-2:1985) 12pp D Provides additional information and worked samples on
members. The Standard applies to concrete with a charac- Part 2 specifies the dimensional, physical and mag-
teristic compressive strength in the range of 20 MPa to 50 AS 3610.
netic characteristics of a 200 mm flexible disk car-
MPa and a density in the range 1800 kg/m3 to 2800 kgm3. tridge using modified frequency modulation record- (BD-043) (ISBN 0 7337 0816 1)
Although intended mainly for building structures and ing at 13 262 ftprad, 1.9 tpmm, on both sides. This
members, it may also be applied to pedestrian, road and Standard is identical with ISO 7065-2:1985. AS 3611—1993
railway bridges unless otherwise required by the relevant (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5287 5)
authority. It does not apply to mass concrete structures. Glossary of software engineering ter-
Design requirements are given for the limit-states of stabil- minology
ity, strength, serviceability, durability and for resistance to AS 3606
fire and earthquakes. Rules are also given for assessing the (IEEE 610.12-1990) 78pp I
Information processing—Data inter- Defines terms in the field of software engineering. This
compliance of concrete supplied by a manufacturer and for
prototype or proof testing of finished members and struc- change on 6.30 mm magnetic tape car- Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced from,
tures. tridge using GCR recording at 394 IEEE Std 610.12-1990.
(BD-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9082 3) ftpmm, 39 cpmm (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8311 8)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 3612:1994 AS 3620—1989 AS/NZS 3629.5:1995

Information technology—Data com- Information processing systems— Determination of quick-release de-
munication—37-pole DTE/DCE inter- Open Systems Interconnection— vice actuation force 2pp B
face connector and contact number Service conventions Sets out the method for determining the force re-
assignments (ISO/TR 8509:1987) 10pp C quired to operate the button on the buckle of a child
restraint and the fatigue effect on the force required to
(ISO 4902:1989) 18pp F Establishes definitions of terms and conventions for refer- operate the button.
ence by Standards defining the connection-oriented or con-
Specifies the 37-pole connector and the assignment of con- nectionless-mode (N)-services provided by the Reference (CS-085) (ISBN 0 7337 0155 8)
tact numbers at the interface between data terminal equip- Model for Open Systems Interconnection (AS 2777). In
ment and data circuit-terminating equipment where particular, it is concerned with conventions relating to a AS/NZS 3629.6:1998
CCITT Recommendations V.24, V.10, and V.11 are appli- point-to-point connection, or instance of a point-to-point
cable. This Standard is identical with, and has been repro- Determination of recline angle
communication within a layer of the Reference Model.
duced from, ISO 4902:1989. This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced 3pp B
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8666 4) from ISO/TR 8509:1987. Sets out a method of measuring the recline angle of a
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5530 0) rearward-facing infant restraint.
(CS-085) (ISBN 0 7337 2113 3)
AS 3613—1991
AS/NZS 3621:2000
Information technology—Data com- AS 3630
munications—15-pole DTE/DCE inter- Information technology—Data com-
munications—X.25 packet layer proto- Information processing—Data inter-
face connector and contact number change on 130 mm (5.25 in) flexible
assignments col for data terminal equipment
(ISO/IEC 8208:1995) 170pp O disk cartridges using modified fre-
(ISO 4903:1989) 17pp E Specifies the procedures, format and facilities at the packet quency modulation recording at 13
Specifies the 15-pole connector and the assignment of con- layer for data terminal equipment operating in conform- 262 ftprad, on 80 tracks on each side
tact numbers at the interface between data terminal equip- ance with ITU-T Recommendation X.25. This Standard is
ment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC AS 3630.1—1988
where CCITT Recommendations X.24, X.26, and X.27 are 8208:1995.
applicable. Provides the dimensions of the connector hous- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3016 7) Dimensional, physical and mag-
ing, as well as the recommended means of providing a netic characteristics
locking device (latching block) and connector shielding. (ISO 8630-1:1987) 16pp D
This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced AS 3622—1989
from ISO 4903:1989. Information processing systems— Specifies the characteristics of 130 mm (5.25 in) flex-
ible disk cartridges recorded at 13 262 ftprad, on 80
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6879 8) Open Systems Interconnection—In- tracks on each side, so as to provide physical inter-
ternal organization of the network lay- changeability between data processing systems. This
AS 3615—1989 er Standard is identical with ISO 8630-1:1987.
(ISO 8648:1988) 31pp E (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5349 9)
Information processing systems—
Open Systems Interconnection—Con- Provides an architectural model of the OSI Network Layer
as a framework for OSI Network Layer standardization, al- AS 3630.2—1988
nection oriented presentation service lowing incorporation of existing networks within the OSI Track format B for 80 tracks
definition architecture. This framework encourages the design of real (ISO 8630-3:1987) 8pp C
(ISO 8822:1988) 30pp F subnetworks that fully support the OSI Network Service
whilst accommodating the participation, in the OSI envi- Part 2 specifies the characteristics of 130 mm (5.25
Defines (in an abstract way) the externally visible service ronment, of other subnetworks that do not fully support the in) flexible disk cartridges recorded at 13 262 ftprad,
provided by the OSI presentation layer in terms of the OSI Network Service. This Standard is identical to and has on 80 tracks on each side, so as to provide physical in-
primitive actions and events at the user/service boundary, been reproduced from ISO 8648:1988. terchangeability between data processing systems.
the parameter data associated with each primitive action (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5452 5) This Standard is identical with ISO 8630-3:1987.
and event, and the relationship between, and the valid se- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5350 2)
quence of, those actions and events. This Standard is iden-
tical with and has been reproduced from ISO 8822:1988. AS 3623—1993 AS 3631
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5516 5) Domestic metal framing 46pp H Information processing systems—
Specifies the loads and load combinations to be applied to
the various components (e.g. studs, joists, etc.) of a metal Data interchange on 90 mm flexible
AS 3616—1989 frame for a domestic building up to two storeys in height disk cartridges using modified fre-
Information processing systems— and a roof pitch of up to 35°. Requirements are also speci- quency modulation recording at 7 958
Open Systems Interconnection—Con- fied for the dynamic performance of floors.
(BD-067) (ISBN 0 7262 8316 9)
ftprad on 80 tracks on each side
nection oriented presentation proto-
col specification AS 3631.1—1989
AS/NZS 3629
(ISO 8823:1988) 54pp G Dimensional, physical and mag-
Methods of testing child restraints netic characteristics
Specifies procedures for the transfer of data and control in-
formation from one presentation-entity to a peer presenta-
AS/NZS 3629.1:1999 (ISO 8860-1:1987) 22pp E
tion-entity, the means of selecting, by means of functional Specifies the characteristics of 90 mm flexible disk
units, the procedures to be used by the presentation-entities Dynamic testing 9pp D cartridges recorded at 7958 ftprad using modified fre-
and the structure and encoding of the presentation-proto- Sets out the method for determining the dynamic per- quency modulation (MFM) recording on 80 tracks on
col-data-units used for the transfer of data and control in- formance of a motor vehicle child restraint system. each side. It is identical to and has been reproduced
formation. This Standard is technically identical with and from ISO Standard 8860—Data interchange on 90
has been reproduced from ISO 8823:1988. (CS-085) (ISBN 0 7337 2873 1)
mm (3.5 in) flexible disk cartridges using modified
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5517 3) frequency modulation recording at 7958 ftprad on 80
AS/NZS 3629.2:1995 tracks on each side—Part 1:1987 Dimensional, phys-
AS 3617—1997 Determination of hazardous throat ical and magnetic characteristics.
contact in abnormal situations (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5427 4)
Parameters for the machining and re- 2pp B
conditioning of brake drums and Sets out the method for testing child restraints with an AS 3631.2—1989
discs 4pp C incorporated seat for possible hazardous throat con- Track format
Amdt 1 15 May 2000 (0 7337 3387 5) X tact through the child restraint becoming loose or re- (ISO 8860-2:1987) 10pp C
leased. The test applies to Type B and Type D child
This Standard sets out a code of practice for the acceptabil- restraints specified in AS/NZS 1754:1995. Part 2 specifies the characteristics of 90 mm flexible
ity of brake drum and disc dimensions, and the criteria for disk cartridges recorded at 7958 ftprad using modi-
the replacement of worn or damaged brake drums or discs (CS-085) (ISBN 0 7337 0154 X) fied frequency modulation (MFM) recording on 80
used in the automotive industry. tracks on each side. It is identical to and has been re-
(ME-054) (ISBN 0 7337 1598 2) AS/NZS 3629.3:1997 produced from ISO Standard 8860—Data inter-
Dynamic testing of upper anchor- change on 90 mm (3.5 in) flexible disk cartridges us-
ing modified frequency modulation recording at 7958
AS/NZS 3618:1993 age components 3pp B ftprad on 80 tracks on each side—Part 2: 1987 Track
Information technology—Telecommu- Sets out the method of determining the dynamic per- format.
formance of the upper anchorage components of child (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5428 2)
nications and information exchange restraint systems by testing the straps separately from
between systems—Start-stop trans- other parts of the child restraint system.
AS 3632—1993
mission signal quality at DTE/DCE in- (CS-085) (ISBN 0 7337 0951 6)
Powered rotary lawnmowers—Blades
terfaces and blade mounting attachments
(ISO/IEC 7480:1991) 10pp D AS/NZS 3629.4:1997
Determination of the force required 2pp B
Specifies signal quality requirements for serial data trans- Specifies the design, performance and marking require-
mission at the interface between start-stop transmission to adjust a harness 3pp B ments relating to the safety of blades and blade mounting
data terminal equipment and data circuit-terminating Sets out the method of determining the force required attachments for powered rotary lawnmowers of both the
equipment. This Standard is identical with, and has been to adjust the harness of a child restraint to fit the child walk-behind and ride-on type complying with AS 2657 or
reproduced from, ISO/IEC 7480:1991. occupant. AS 3792.1.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8659 1) (CS-085) (ISBN 0 7337 0950 8) (CS-033) (ISBN 0 7262 8317 7)

AS 3633—1989

AS 3633—1989 AS 3636.5—1990 it can be used to assist in controlling the occupational en-

Private swimming pools—Water quali- Guide for use in the home environ- vironment by means of fixed position (i.e. static) samples.
The method complements AS 2985.
ty 38pp D ment 2pp B (CH-031) (ISBN 0 7262 5382 0)
Sets out requirements for private swimming pools for Provides a simplified guide for users of small compu-
achieving and maintaining sanitary water conditions for ter systems in the home, office or while travelling, for
the protection of bather's health and comfort, ensuring the storage and care of diskettes, disks and other magnet- AS 3641
aesthetic appeal of the water and protecting the pool, its fit- ic media. Recommended practice for atomic
tings and its accessories. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5910 1) emission spectrometric analysis
(CS-061) (ISBN 0 7262 5957 8)
AS 3637 AS 3641.1—1999
AS 3634—1989 Underground mining—Winding sus- Principles and techniques
Solar heating systems for swimming pension equipment 22pp G
pools 23pp F
Sets out requirements for the design, installation and com- Sets out recommendations for instrumentation and
missioning of solar-heated systems for swimming pools.
AS 3637.1—1989 operating procedures in the application of atomic
Appendices are included giving information on pool cov- General requirements 16pp D emission spectrometry to chemical analysis. A sec-
ers, calculation of heating load and matters affecting col- Specifies general requirements for vertical shaft mine tion on quality assurance has been added to the Stand-
lector performance. winding conveyance suspension equipment for use in ard.
(CS-028) (ISBN 0 7262 5804 0) underground mines. Design, materials, manufacture, (CH-016) (ISBN 0 7337 3071 X)
and testing are specified. Appendices provide re-
quirements for 1.5 manganese steel, recommenda- AS 3641.2—1999
AS 3635—1990 tions for inspection and maintenance, design guide-
Unified (ISO inch) screw threads, as- lines for loaded holes and pins, and information on Inductively coupled plasma excita-
sociated gauges, and gauging prac- ruling section and equivalent section. tion 27pp G
tice 135pp L (ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 5370 7) Sets out recommendations for instrumentation and
Specifies requirements for parallel screw threads having operating procedures in the application of the induc-
the Unified thread form for the diameter size range No. 0 AS 3637.2—1989 tively coupled plasma (ICP) excitation to chemical
analysis by atomic emission spectrometry.
(0.060 in) to 6 in inclusive. Limits of size for the Unified Detaching hooks 13pp D (CH-016) (ISBN 0 7337 3070 1)
coarse, fine, extra fine, and constant pitch screws and a Specifies requirements for detaching hooks and asso-
supplementary series of Unified threads of diameter great- ciated catchplate/detaching bell used in vertical shaft
er than 6 in are given. It also covers screw gauges, associ- mine winding conveyance suspension equipment for AS 3643
ated check and setting gauges, and plug gauges with infor-
mation being given on types of gauges, materials and
underground mines. Design, materials, construction, Computer graphics—Initial graphics
marking, and testing are specified. Appendices pro- exchange specification (IGES) for dig-
hardness, general gauge design requirements, marking, vide guidelines for the design of the hook region, and
and general notes on inspection of screw threads. Appen- give permissible imperfections for magnetic particle ital exchange of product definition
dices give the basis of tabulated values, examples for cal- inspection. data
culating the limits of size of untabulated screw threads,
notes on the production of external threads, notes on pitch (ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 5371 5)
and flank angle errors, notes on recommended system for AS 3643.1—1989
gauging coated threads, and the limiting dimension of AS 3637.3—1997 General 516pp N
screw gauges for the more commonly used Unified Rope cappings 21pp G Specifies information structures to be used for the
threads. Specifies requirements for rope cappings used in the digital representation and communication of product
(ME-028) (ISBN 0 7262 5364 2) suspension of conveyances and balance ropes in ver- definition data. Use of this Standard permits the com-
tical shafts and slope haulage declines of under- patible exchange of data of product definition data
AS 3636 ground mines. Guide and rubbing rope cappings are used by various computer-aided design and compu-
Data storage and transfer media— excluded. ter-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems. It is
Storage, transportation and mainte- (ME-018) (ISBN 0 7337 1438 2) identical with and has been reproduced from the U.S.
Department of Commerce's National Bureau of
nance of magnetic media for use in AS 3637.4—2002 Standards Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
data processing and information stor- Drawbars and connecting links
(IGES) Version 4.0-1988.
age (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5422 3)
21pp G
Specifies requirements for drawbars and connecting AS 3643.2—1992
AS 3636.1—1989 links for use with conveyances in underground verti-
Exchangeable disks cal mine shafts. Appendices provide guidelines for Subset of AS 3643.1—Two-dimen-
(BS 4783.1:1988) 22pp E the design of chase blocks and threaded components. sional drawings for architectural,
Provides recommendations on the care and mainte- (ME-018) (ISBN 0 7337 4666 7) engineering and construction
nance of exchangeable disks. It includes recommen- (AEC) industries 37pp H
dations for storage, handling, transportation, inspec- AS 3637.5—1989 Specifies the information structures used in the archi-
tion, cleaning, maintenance and fault identification. It Rope swivels and swivel hooks tectural, engineering and construction industries for
is identical to and has been reproduced from BS
4783:Part 1:1988. 10pp D the transfer of data between IGES compatible sys-
Specifies requirements for rope swivels and swivel tems. Contains guidelines for usage.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5774 5) (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7379 1)
hooks used in vertical shaft mine winding convey-
ance suspension equipment for underground mines.
AS 3636.2—1989 Design, materials, construction, marking, and testing AS/NZS 3646
Magnetic tape on spools are specified. Appendices provide guidelines for the
Information processing systems—
(BS 4783.2:1988) 18pp E design of threaded components and give permissible
imperfections for magnetic particle inspection. Open Systems Interconnection—File
Provides recommendations on the care and mainte-
nance of magnetic tape on spools. It includes recom- (ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 5643 9) transfer, access and management
mendations for storage, handling, transportation, in-
spection, cleaning, maintenance and fault AS 3637.6—1991 AS/NZS 3646.1:1993
identification. It is identical to and has been repro- Shackles and chains 8pp D General introduction
duced from BS 4783:Part 2: 1988.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5775 3)
Specifies requirements for shackles and chains used (ISO 8571-1:1988 ISO 8571-1:1988/
in the suspension of vertical mine shaft conveyances.
Design, materials, manufacture, marking and testing Cor.1:1991 ISO 8571-1:1988/
AS 3636.3—1989 are specified. Appendices provide guidelines on per- Amd.1:1992) 25pp F
Flexible disk cartridges (diskettes) missible imperfections for magnetic particle inspec- Provides a general introduction to the concepts and
tion, and design guidelines for shackles and chain mechanisms of file transfer, access and management
(BS 4783.3:1988) 14pp D links. (FTAM). FTAM defines a file service and specifies a
Provides recommendations on the care and mainte- (ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 7021 0) file protocol available within the application layer of
nance of flexible disk cartridges (diskettes). It in- the reference model. It is concerned with identifiable
cludes recommendations for storage, handling, trans- bodies of information which can be treated as files
portation, inspection, cleaning, maintenance and fault AS 3638—1993 and may be stored within open systems or passed be-
identification. It is identical to and has been repro- Test sieving procedures tween application processes. This Standard is identi-
duced from BS 4783:Part 3:1988. (ISO 2591-1:1988) 19pp F cal with, and has been reproduced from ISO 8571-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5777 X) Specifies requirements and sets out recommendations for 1:1988, and includes Technical Corrigendum 1:1991
the use of test sieves made from woven wire or perforated and Amendment 1:1992.
AS 3636.4—1989 plate in the aperture size range 32µm to 125 mm. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8303 7)
Magnetic tape cartridges and cas- (CH-032) (ISBN 0 7262 7942 0)
settes AS/NZS 3646.1 Supplement 1:1995
(BS 4783.4:1988) 6pp C AS 3640—1989 General introduction—Overlapped
Provides recommendations on the care and mainte-
Workplace atmospheres—Method for access (Supplement to AS/NZS
nance of magnetic tape cartridges and cassettes. It in- sampling and gravimetric determina- 3646.1:1993)
cludes recommendations for storage, handling, trans- tion of inspirable dust 8pp D (ISO 8571-1:1988/Amd.2:1993)
portation, inspection, cleaning, maintenance and fault Sets out a method for the sampling and analysis of inspir-
identification. It is identical to and has been repro- able dust in workplace atmospheres. This method is used 11pp A
duced from BS 4783:Part 4:1988. to assess personal exposure by sampling of a worker's Extends the service definition of FTAM to incorpo-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5778 8) zone. While the method allows only for personal sampling, rate the services offered by overlapped access. This

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

Standard is identical with and has been reproduced sion of the conformance requirements of AS/NZS tion. This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
from ISO 8571-1:1988/Amd.2:1993. 3646 series (ISO 8571 series). This Standard is iden- duced from ISO/IEC 8211:1994.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9347 4) tical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0293 7)
AS/NZS 3646.2:1993 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8668 0) AS 3655—1989
Virtual filestore definition Sphygmomanometers 31pp F
(ISO 8571-2:1988 ISO 8571-2:1988/ AS 3648—1993 Specifies requirements for manual, semi-automated and
Cor.1:1991 ISO 8571-2:1988/ Specification and methods of test for automated devices for indirect measurement of arterial
packaged concrete mixes 18pp F blood pressure. Definitions, general and specific require-
Amd.1:1992) 87pp J ments for the various types of devices, and labelling re-
Defines an abstract model of the virtual filestore for Specifies requirements for packaged solid ingredients of quirements are specified.
describing files and filestores; defines the set of ac- dense-weight concrete in small quantities (20 kg to 40 kg),
intended for use in domestic applications where a particu- (HE-022) (ISBN 0 7262 5471 1)
tions available to manipulate the elements of the mod-
el, defines the properties of individual files and asso- lar concrete strength is not an essential consideration. Does
ciations in terms of attributes, and defines the form of not apply to packaged mortar, or grouts, or concrete in- AS 3656—1989
representations of files with hierarchical structures. tended for structural purposes. Appendices give relevant Computer graphics—Graphical Kernel
test methods for package materials, packages, concrete
This Standard is identical with and reproduced from
made from the contents and examples of instructions for System for three dimensions (GKS-
ISO 8571-2:1988, and includes Technical Corrigen- 3D) functional description
dum 1:1991 and Amendment 1:1992. use.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8305 3) (BD-049) (ISBN 0 7262 8363 0) (ISO 8805:1988) 379pp N
Specifies a set of functions for computer graphics pro-
AS 3649—1990 gramming, the Graphical Kernel System for three dimen-
AS/NZS 3646.2 Supplement 1:1995 sions (GKS-3D). GKS-3D is a basic graphics system for
Virtual filestore definition—Over- Information processing—SGML sup- applications that produce computer-generated three-di-
lapped access (Supplement to AS/ port facilities—SGML document inter- mensional pictures on graphics output devices. It supports
NZS 3646.2:1993) change format (SDIF) operator input and interaction by supplying basic functions
for graphical input and picture segmentation. It allows
(ISO 8571-2:1988/Amd.2:1993) (ISO 9069:1988) 8pp C storage and dynamic modification of pictures. It is identi-
5pp B Specifies a data structure known as the SGML Document cal with and has been reproduced from ISO 8805:1988.
Interchange Form (SDIF). SDIF enables a document con- (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5469 X)
Extends the definitions of the abstract model of the forming to AS 3514-1987 (ISO 8879:1986) which might
virtual filestore to incorporate the concepts of over- be stored in several entities, to be packed into a data stream
lapped access. This Standard is identical with and has for interchange in a manner that will permit the recipient to AS 3657
been reproduced from ISO 8571-2:1988/
reconstitute the separate entities. SDIF also allows related Acoustics—Expression of the subjec-
documents to be included in the data stream, such as cov- tive magnitude of sound or noise
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9348 2) ering letters, transmittal forms, catalogue cards, formatting
procedures, or the 'document profile' required by a docu-
AS/NZS 3646.3:1993 ment architecture. This Standard is technically identical AS 3657.1—1989
File service definition with and reproduced from ISO 9069:1988. Pure tones, equal-loudness con-
(ISO 8571-3:1988 ISO 8571-3:1988/ (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6047 9) tours
Cor.1:1991 ISO 8571-3:1988/ (ISO 226:1987) 8pp D
Cor.2:1991 ISO 8571-3:1988/ AS/NZS 3651:1994 Specifies the relations existing, for the condition of
Amd.1:1992) 157pp J Information processing systems—Tel- equal-loudness level, between the sound pressure lev-
ecommunications and information ex- els and frequencies of pure (sinusoidal) continuous
Defines in an abstract way the visible file transfer, ac- tones in the different conditions. The relations are ex-
cess and management service within the OSI applica- change between systems—End pressed by means of an equation in bilinear form, for
tion layer in terms of the primitive actions and events system to intermediate system routing the preferred frequencies in the one-third octave se-
of the device, the parameter data associated with each exchange protocol for use in conjunc- ries from 20 Hz to 12 500 Hz inclusive. It is based on
primitive action and event and their inter-relation- ISO 226:1987.
ship. This Standard is identical with, and has been re- tion with the protocol for providing the
(AV-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5475 4)
produced from, ISO 8571-3:1988 and includes Tech- connectionless-mode network service
nical Corrigendum 1:1991, Technical Corrigendum (ISO 9542:1988) 31pp G
2:1991 and Amendment 1:1992. AS 3657.2—1996
Specifies a protocol which is used by network layer entities
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8306 1) operating in end systems and intermediate systems to Method for calculating loudness
maintain routing information. This Standard is identical level
AS/NZS 3646.3 Supplement 1:1995 with, and has been reproduced from, ISO 9542:1988. (ISO 532:1975) 18pp F
File service definition—Over- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8667 2) Specifies two methods for calculating the loudness
lapped access (Supplement to AS/ level of a complex sound in terms of a single number
NZS 3646.3:1993) AS/NZS 3652(Int):1998 calculated from a spectrum analysis. Method A utiliz-
es physical measurements obtained from spectrum
(ISO 8571-3:1988/Amd.2:1993) Electromagnetic compatibility—Arc analysis in terms of octave bands. Method B utilizes
80pp H welding equipment spectrum analysis in terms of one-third octave bands.
Extends the file transfer access management service (BS EN 50199:1996) This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
duced from ISO 532:1975.
definition to include overlapped access. This Stand- (Expired 5 January 2002) 8pp D (AV-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0510 3)
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from Amdt 1 April 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3323 9) X
ISO 8571-3:1988/Amd.2:1993.
Provides limits for the level of electromagnetic disturbance
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9350 4) characteristics produced by welding equipment and meth- AS 3658—1989
ods of its measurement. The Standard is technically identi- Vibration and shock—Mechanical vi-
AS/NZS 3646.4:1993 cal to and has been reproduced from BS EN 50199:1996. bration and shock affecting humans—
File protocol specification (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1614 8) Vocabulary
(ISO 8571-4:1988 ISO 8571-4:1988/ (ISO 5805) 7pp C
Amd.1:1992) 203pp L AS 3653—1993 Sets out terms relating to human exposure to mechanical
Defines the basic protocol which supports the internal Boilers—Safety, management, com- vibration and shock. Also sets out terms defining direc-
file service, and the error recovery protocol which bustion and other ancillary equip- tions of vibration and shock affecting humans and terms
supports the external file service. This Standard is describing human response to motion. Terms which are al-
identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO ment 27pp G ready defined in AS 2606, Vibration and shock—Vocabu-
8571-4:1988 and includes Amendment 1:1992. Specifies requirements for components, ancillary equip- lary, are not included. It is substantially in agreement with
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8307 X) ment, and management systems used as part of the boiler ISO 5805.
pressure and energy-generating system, including combus- (AV-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5474 6)
tion equipment, water level security, safety valves and oth-
AS/NZS 3646.4 Supplement 1:1995 er fittings, blowdown connections and integral piping.
File protocol specification—Over- Most of the requirements in this Standard are currently in AS 3659—1989
lapped access (Supplement to AS/ AS 1228, Boilers—Water-tube, and AS 1797, Boilers— Securities—International Securities
Fire-tube, shell and miscellaneous, with some require- Identification Numbering system
NZS 3646.4:1993) ments similar in both Standards, while others are different.
(ISO 8571-4:1988/Amd.2:1993) The requirements have been reviewed, and as far as prac- (ISIN)
96pp I ticable, uniform requirements have been proposed in this (ISO 6166:1987) 10pp D
Standard which will be applicable to all types of boilers. It Provides a uniform structure for international securities
Extends the file protocol specifications to support the
services offered by overlapped access. This Standard is intended that all such requirements shall be withdrawn identification numbers (ISIN) and delegates the national
is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO from AS 1228 and AS 1797 at their next revision. bodies which are responsible for the allocation of these
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8402 5) numbers. This Standard is identical with and reproduced
8571-4:1988/Amd.2:1993. from ISO 6166:1987, Securities—International Securities
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9349 0) Identification Numbering system (ISIN).
AS/NZS 3654:1996 (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 5831 8)
AS/NZS 3646.5:1994 Information technology—Specifica-
Protocol implementation conform- tion for a data descriptive file for infor- AS 3660 (Set)
ance statement proforma mation interchange Termite management O
(ISO/IEC 8571-5:1990) 37pp H (ISO/IEC 8211:1994) 69pp J This set includes AS 3660.1-2000, AS 3660.2-2000 and
Defines a protocol implementation conformance Specifies a medium-independent and system-independent AS 3660.3-2000.
statement (PICS) proforma for the detailed expres- file and data record formats for the interchange of informa- (BD-074)

AS 3660

AS 3660 AS/NZS 3661.2:1994 AS/NZS 3666.2:1995

Termite management Guide to the reduction of slip haz- Operation and maintenance
AS 3660.1—2000 ards 6pp C 7pp D
New building work 66pp K Provides guidance on the selection, installation, care Amdt 1 April 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0402 6) X
and maintenance of pedestrian surfaces in domestic, Specifies minimum requirements for the operation
Sets out requirements for the design and construction commercial and public areas for the purpose of reduc-
of subterranean termite management systems for new and maintenance of air-handling and water systems in
ing slip hazards. It is not applicable to special indus- buildings to assist in the control of microorganisms. It
buildings and ground level extensions and renova- trial situations.
tions. It includes provisions for both physical and does not apply to sole occupancy dwellings.
chemical termite barriers throughout mainland Aus- (BD-094) (ISBN 0 7262 8169 7) (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 9939 1)
tralia. It is intended for builders, building designers,
regulatory authorities, termite management system AS/NZS 3662:1996 AS/NZS 3666.3:2000
manufacturers and installers, and those people requir-
ing termite management systems, This Standard is the Water supply—Water efficient mains Performance-based maintenance
1st part in a series of 3 Standards on termite manage- pressure shower spray heads of cooling water systems 14pp F
ment. 10pp D Outlines a performance-based approach to the main-
(BD-074) (ISBN 0 7337 3721 8) Specifies requirements for performance of water efficient tenance of cooling water systems with respect to the
shower spray heads for ablution purposes. control of microorganisms, including Legionellae
AS 3660.1—1995 (WS-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0193 0) within such systems. This approach combines auto-
New buildings 52pp J matically regulated water treatment with monitoring,
Amdt 1 December 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0879 X) AS 3663—1989 assessment and control strategies to help create a low-
risk environment within the cooling water system.
A Acoustics and mechanical vibration— This Standard provides a performance-based alterna-
Sets out methods for implementation during con- Definitions of fundamental quantities tive to the prescriptive requirements of AS/NZS
struction for minimizing the risk to new buildings 3666.2 for the maintenance of cooling water systems.
from damage by subterranean termites. It includes and their expression as levels
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 3555 X)
provisions for physical termite barriers and for the use (ISO 131:1979) 5pp C
of approved chemicals. This document is intended for Defines fundamental quantities in sound and vibration,
use at such time as organochlorine termiticides are provides equations to express these quantities as levels, AS 3667—1989
banned (30 June 1995 for all States and Territories, and establishes reference quantities for these levels. It is Safety matches and containers—Safe-
except the Northern Territory). This document does substantially in agreement with ISO 131:1979.
not make reference to treatment of existing buildings. ty requirements 6pp C
(AV-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5495 9) Specifies safety performance and labelling requirements
(BD-074) (ISBN 0 7262 9935 9)
for safety matches which provide a source of ignition. Ap-
AS 3660.2—2000 AS 3664—1989 plies to matches for domestic purposes, windproof and wa-
terproof matches, and book matches.
In and around existing buildings Road/rail tankers—Transfer connec-
(FP-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5503 3)
and structures 41pp I tors for flammable and combustible
Provides guidelines on procedures for the detection, liquids 5pp B
Specifies requirements and interface dimensions together
AS 3668—1989
treatment and minimization of subterranean termite
activity in and around existing buildings and struc- with certain other critical dimensions, for connectors for Flexible intermediate bulk contain-
tures. It also sets out steps to be followed to determine cargo transfer and vapour recovery systems for flammable ers—Non-dangerous goods 17pp E
the extent of termite infestation in existing buildings, and combustible liquids, of a type defined in AS 1940. The Specifies material, construction and design requirements,
the type of treatment to control or eradicate termites, connectors are intended for use in road and rail tankers. together with type test performance requirements, for sin-
the use of termite-resistant materials, and methods for (ME-050) (ISBN 0 7262 5506 8) gle-trip and multi-trip intermediate bulk containers, de-
managing the risk of reinfestation by termites. Details signed to be lifted from above by integral or detachable de-
for the certification of a treatment are included. vices, and manufactured from flexible materials, to contain
(BD-074) (ISBN 0 7337 3736 6) AS 3665—1989
non-dangerous solid materials in powder or granular form.
Simplified definitions of lighting terms (PK-011) (ISBN 0 7262 5533 5)
AS 3660.3—2000 and quantities 3pp B
Assessment criteria for termite Sets out simplified definitions for commonly used lighting AS 3669—2001
management systems 25pp G terms and quantities. Also explains the relationships which
exist between the lighting quantities defined. The defini- Non-destructive testing—Qualifica-
Specifies the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of tions are supplementary to the primary definitions provid-
termite management systems intended for use in tion and registration of personnel—
ed in AS 1852.845.
buildings and structures as required by AS 3660.1 or Aerospace 12pp F
AS 3660.2 It also outlines procedures to assess the (LG-) (ISBN 0 7262 5487 8) Establishes the minimum requirements for the training, ex-
ability of a system and its components to manage ter- amination, qualification and registration of non-destruc-
mite activity in and around buildings and structures. AS/NZS 3666 tive testing personnel employed in the Australian aero-
It is intended for use by termite management system space industry. Applies to the qualification of personnel
manufacturers, assessment providers and approval Air-handling and water systems of who perform eddy current, penetrant, magnetic particle,
authorities where the systems are intended for use in buildings—Microbial control radiographic and ultrasonic non-destructive testing (NDT)
any part of Australia where subterranean termites are methods.
a risk. It is not intended for the assessment of the sys- AS/NZS 3666.1:2002 (MT-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3914 8)
tem components to perform other functions as build-
ing materials. Design, installation and commis-
(BD-074) (ISBN 0 7337 3734 X) sioning 13pp F AS 3670—1989
Specifies minimum requirements for the design, in- Non-destructive testing—Ultrasonic
AS 3660 Supplement 1—1993 stallation and commissioning of air-handling and wa- testing of universal beams and col-
Protection of buildings from subterra- ter systems of buildings, other than sole occupancy umns 6pp C
dwellings, for the purposes of microbial control. It
nean termites—Prevention, detection does not include requirements for refrigerated room Specifies the equipment and procedure for the ultrasonic
and treatment of infestation—Certifi- airconditioners and non-ducted split systems. testing of hot-rolled steel universal beams and columns. In-
cludes methods for sizing and grading of discontinuities to
cate of termiticide application (Sup- (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 4452 4) one quality level.
plement to AS 3660-1993) (MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 5619 6)
Pads of 50 forms C AS/NZS 3666.1:1995
(BD-074) Design, installation and commis- AS 3671—1989
sioning 12pp F Acoustics—Road traffic noise intru-
AS 3660 Supplement 2—1993 Amdt 1 April 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0401 8) X
Protection of buildings from subterra- sion—Building siting and construc-
Specifies minimum requirements for design, installa- tion 17pp E
nean termites—Prevention, detection tion and commissioning of air-handling and water
and treatment of infestation—Certifi- systems in buildings to assist in the control of micro- Sets out guidelines for determining the acceptability of in-
organisms. It does not apply to sole occupancy dwell- door and outdoor spaces for specific activities in the pres-
cate of completion (Supplement to AS ence of road traffic noise, and the extent of noise reduction
ings, nor is it intended for the control of the wide
3660-1993) range of discomfort symptoms which may affect the or type of construction that might be needed to make such
Pads of 50 forms C occupants of some buildings. spaces acceptable. Also sets out guidelines for determining
(BD-074) the acoustical adequacy of existing buildings near routes
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 9938 3) carrying more than 2000 vehicles per day.
(EV-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5514 9)
AS/NZS 3661 AS/NZS 3666.2:2002
Slip resistance of pedestrian surfac- Operation and maintenance
es AS 3673—1989
6pp D Malleable cast iron threaded pipe fit-
Specifies minimum requirements for the operation tings
AS/NZS 3661.1:1993 and maintenance of air-handling and water systems of
Requirements 14pp E buildings, other than sole occupancy dwellings, for (ISO 49) 22pp F
Specifies requirements and test methods for the meas- the purposes of microbial control. It does not include Specifies requirements for malleable cast iron threaded
urement of the slip resistance of both wet and dry pe- requirements for refrigerated room airconditioners pipe fittings with a size range for use with steel tubes and
destrian surfaces. and non-ducted split systems. tubulars as specified in AS 1074.
(BD-094) (ISBN 0 7262 8386 X) (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 4453 2) (WS-004) (ISBN 0 7262 5511 4)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 3674—1989 has been reproduced from, ISO 8473:1988; Addendum Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced from,
Storage of microfilm 15pp E 3:1989; and Technical Corrigendum 1:1992. ISO/IEC 10040:1992.
Sets out requirements for the storage and archival storage (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8663 X) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8425 4)
of processed black-and-white microfilm which may be in
the form of rollfilm, sheetfilm, stripfilm, or image cards. It AS 3685—1998 AS 3693—1989
includes procedures for the testing and handling of films. Recommended procedures and princi- Wheelchairs—Nomenclature, terms
(MS-004) (ISBN 0 7262 5515 7) ples of glow discharge mass spec- and definitions
trometry (GD-MS) 14pp E (ISO 6440:1985) 10pp D
AS/NZS 3675:2002 A guide on the operation and recommendations for use of (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 5627 7)
Conductors—Covered overhead—For glow discharge mass spectrometry. The guidelines given
working voltages 6.35/11(12) kV up to are intended primarily for the development and application AS 3695—1992
and including 19/33(36) kV 31pp H of a standard method. They may be applied less rigidly in
ordinary routine operation. They are intended to be of gen- Wheelchairs—Product requirements
Specifies the construction, dimensions and test require- 7pp C
ments for water blocked covered conductors, suitable for eral applicability and not restricted to a given class of ma-
overhead lines. terial. Amdt 1 July 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2034 X) X
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4547 4) (CH-016) (ISBN 0 7337 1621 0) Specifies materials, design, construction, performance and
labelling requirements for manual and electric wheel-
AS 3688—1994 chairs.
AS 3676—1989 (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 7589 1)
Portable fire extinguishers—Guide to Water supply—Copper and copper al-
servicing 18pp E loy body compression and capillary AS 3696
Amdt 1 July 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6263 3) X fittings and threaded-end connectors Wheelchairs
Provides detailed information and test procedures related 34pp H
to specific types of extinguishers and list tools, equipment, Amdt 1 November 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0119 1) X AS 3696.1—1990
replacement parts and lubricants commonly used in servic-
ing extinguishers and in the operation of a typical servicing Amdt 2 November 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0774 2) X Determination of static stability
organization. Specifies requirements for copper and copper alloy body (ISO 7176-1:1986) 3pp B
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7262 5558 0) pipe fittings and threaded-end connectors for use in water
supply systems where the normal working temperature Specifies methods for determining the static stability
does not exceed 95°C, with maximum peaks of 110°C for of wheelchairs. Identical with and reproduced from
AS/NZS 3678:1996 short periods of time, and where the continuous working ISO 7176-1:1986.
Structural steel—Hot-rolled plates, pressure ranges up to a maximum of 1.4 MPa for all fittings (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 6133 5)
floorplates and slabs 22pp F other than capillary fittings manufactured from copper
Amdt 1 November 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 3010 8) X
tube. AS 3696.2—1992
Specifies requirements for the production and supply of
(WS-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8693 1) Determination of dynamic stability
hot-rolled structural steel plates, floorplates and slabs for of electric wheelchairs
general structural and engineering applications. It also AS 3689 (ISO 7176-2:1990) 2pp B
specifies requirements for the production and supply of Automatic fire extinguishing systems Specifies methods for determining the dynamic sta-
wide slabs as fully killed analysis-only steel.
(BD-023) (ISBN 0 7337 0196 5)
using halogenated hydrocarbons bility of wheelchairs. Identical with and reproduced
from ISO 7176-2:1990.
AS 3689.1—1989 (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 7402 X)
AS/NZS 3679
Structural steel Halon 1301 total flooding systems AS 3696.3—1990
69pp H Determination of efficiency of
AS/NZS 3679.1:1996 Amdt 1 June 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6247 1) X brakes
Hot-rolled bars and sections Specifies requirements for total flooding fire extin-
guishing systems, utilizing halon 1301 (bromotrif- (ISO 7176-3:1988) 3pp B
32pp H luoromethane (CF3Br)) as the extinguishing medium, Specifies methods for determining the efficiency of
Amdt 1 June 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1212 6) A for use in enclosed spaces. It applies to single supply brakes, including parking brake and running brake.
Amdt 2 1 May 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3377 8) X or distributed supply systems. The Standard contains Identical with and reproduced from ISO 7176-
Specifies requirements for the production and supply requirements for concentration, protected enclosures, 3:1988.
of hot-rolled structural steel bars and sections for gen- quantity, halon 1301 supply, distribution system con- (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 6134 3)
eral structural and engineering applications. trol systems and marking.
(BD-023) (ISBN 0 7337 0197 3) (FP-011) (ISBN 0 7262 5556 4) AS 3696.4—1992
Determination of energy consump-
AS/NZS 3679.2:1996 AS 3689.2—1991 tion of electric wheelchairs
Welded I sections 17pp F Mechanical components 30pp H (ISO 7176-4:1988) 3pp B
Amdt 1 September 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2148 6) X Amdt 1 June 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 6980 8) X Specifies methods for determining the energy con-
Specifies requirements for the production and supply Sets out requirements for mechanical components in sumption of electric wheelchairs for both indoor use
of welded I sections for general structural and engi- automatic fire extinguishing systems using halogen- and outdoor use. Identical with and reproduced from
neering purposes. ated hydrocarbons. ISO 7176-4:1988.
(BD-023) (ISBN 0 7337 0198 1) (FP-011) (ISBN 0 7262 6814 3) (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 7401 1)

AS 3680—1989 AS 3690—1989 AS 3696.5—1989

Polyethylene sleeving for ductile iron Installation of ABS pipe systems Determination of overall dimen-
pipelines 8pp D 17pp E sions, mass and turning space
Specifies requirements for materials for loose polyethyl- Specifies requirements and recommended methods for in- (ISO 7176-5:1986) 3pp B
ene sleeving intended for the corrosion protection of duc- stalling acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) pipelines, Amdt 1 May 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6164 5) X
tile and grey iron pipelines when installed underground. above or below ground, for both pressure and non-pressure Specifies methods for determining overall dimen-
(WS-016) (ISBN 0 7262 5875 X) applications. sions (both ready for occupation and folded), mass
(PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 5798 2) and minimum turning space of manually operated and
AS 3681—1989 electrically operated wheelchairs. Identical with and
Guidelines for the application of poly- reproduced from ISO 7176-5:1986.
AS 3691—1989 (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 5626 9)
ethylene sleeving to ductile iron pipe- Solvent cement and priming (clean-
lines and fittings 8pp D ing) fluids for use with ABS pipes and AS 3696.6—1990
Provides guidance on the application of polyethylene fittings 10pp D
sleeving to ductile iron and grey iron pipelines and fittings. Determination of maximum speed,
Specifies the requirements for solvent cement and priming acceleration and retardation of
(WS-016) (ISBN 0 7262 5876 8) fluids used in jointing of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
(ABS) pipes and fittings. Relevant test methods are includ- electric wheelchairs
AS/NZS 3682:1994 ed. (ISO 7176-6:1988) 2pp B
Information processing systems— (PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 5769 9) Specifies methods for determining maximum speed
Data communications—Protocol for and maximum acceleration and retardation of electric
AS/NZS 3692:1993 wheelchairs. Identical with and reproduced from ISO
providing the connectionless-mode 7176-6:1988.
network service Information technology—Open Sys- (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 6135 1)
(ISO 8473:1988 ISO 8473:1988/ tems Interconnection—Systems man-
Cor.1:1992 ISO 8473:1988/ agement overview AS/NZS 3696.8:1998
Add.3:1989) 56pp I (ISO/IEC 10040:1992) 25pp F Requirements and test methods
Specifies a protocol which is used to provide the connec- Provides an overview to the family of systems manage- for static, impact and fatigue
tionless-mode network service as described in AS/NZS ment Standards. These Standards are partitioned into strengths
2994. This protocol contains procedures for the connec- groups with the scope and principal components of each
tionless transmission of data and control information from group specified. Guidance is given on the development of (ISO/FDIS 7176-8:1997) 57pp I
one network entity, encoding of the protocol data units and systems management Standards and how they interrelate. Specifies strength requirements for wheelchairs in-
the procedures for the correct interpretation of protocol A model for systems management is established which cluding scooters intended for users whose mass does
control information. This Standard is identical with, and identifies several aspects of systems management. This not exceed 100 kg. This Standard is technically

AS 3696.9—1990

equivalent to and has been reproduced from ISO/ AS 3700—2001 AS 3706.0—1990

FDIS 7176-8:1997.
Masonry structures 191pp L General introduction and list of
(ME-067) (ISBN 0 7337 2065 X) Amdt 1 24 May 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4511 3) A methods 1p A
Provides designers, engineers and specifiers with the min- Amdt 1 November 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 7119 5) X
AS 3696.9—1990 imum requirements for the design and construction of un- Sets out a series of test methods for determining the
reinforced, reinforced and prestressed masonry, including
Climatic tests for electric wheel- built-in components, for use in masonry applications.
physical properties of geotextiles.
chairs (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6060 6)
(BD-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4173 8)
(ISO 7176-9) 2pp B
AS 3700—1998 AS 3706.1—1990
Amdt 1 July 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 6961 1) X General requirements, sampling,
Specifies methods for determining the effects on Masonry structures 122pp L
Amdt 1 May 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2718 2) X conditioning, basic physical prop-
wheelchairs of rain, dust and changes of temperature
under operating and storage conditions. Amdt 2 6 June 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3403 0) B erties and statistical analysis
(ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 6482 2) Specifies the minimum requirements for the design and 7pp C
construction of unreinforced, reinforced and prestressed Sets out a series of test methods for determining the
masonry, and the design of wall ties. It includes an in- physical properties of geotextiles.
AS 3696.10—1990 creased use of performance-type specification of require- (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6061 4)
Determination of obstacle-climb- ments and the virtual work method for the design of un re-
ing ability of electric wheelchairs inforced masonry subject to wind or earthquake loads. It
also includes the design and construction of AAC, and pro- AS 3706.2—2000
(ISO 7176-10:1988) 3pp B vides additional requirements for the design of structures Determination of tensile proper-
Specifies methods for determining the obstacle- subject to earthquake actions. ties—Wide-strip method 10pp E
climbing ability of electric wheelchairs. Identical (BD-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2002 1) (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2942 8)
with and reproduced from ISO 7176-10:1988.
(ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 6137 8) AS 3700 Supplement 1—1999 AS 3706.3—2000
Masonry structures—Commentary Determination of tearing
AS 3696.11—1993 (Supplement to AS 3700-1998) 65pp I strength—Trapezoidal method
Provides background information and explanations on the 6pp D
Test dummies clauses of AS 3700-1998, Masonry structures.
(ISO 7176-11:1992) 10pp D (BD-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2898 7) (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3526 6)
Specifies the construction of test dummies for use
where required in other parts of AS 3696. This Stand- AS 3702—1989 AS 3706.4—2001
ard is identical with and reproduced from ISO 7176- Item designation in electrotechnology Determination of burst strength—
(IEC 750:1983) 16pp E California bearing ratio (CBR)—
(ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 8602 8)
Provides guidance for the formulation and application of Plunger method 9pp E
discrete item designation for parts used in electrotechnolo- (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3926 1)
AS 3696.13—1991 gy. The designation correlates the item in different dia-
grams, parts lists, circuit descriptions, instructions and in AS 3706.5—2000
Determination of coefficient of fric- the equipment. Technically equivalent to IEC 750:1983. A
tion of test surfaces comprehensive alphabetical list of items and their letter Determination of puncture resist-
(ISO 7176-13:1989) 2pp A codes has been included for quick reference. ance—Drop cone method 12pp F
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7262 5667 6) (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3544 4)
Specifies a method for determining the coefficient of
friction of a test surface that has a rough texture, such
as unfinished concrete, but may be applied to smooth AS 3703 AS 3706.6—2000
or polished surfaces. Identical with and reproduced Long-span corrugated steel struc- Determination of seam strength
from ISO 7176-13:1989. tures 7pp D
(ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 7140 3) (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2936 3)
AS 3703.1—1989
AS/NZS 3696.14:1998 Materials and manufacture AS 3706.7—1990
Power and control systems for 13pp E Determination of pore-size distri-
electric wheelchairs—Require- Sets out requirements for the material and manufac- bution—Dry-sieving method
ments and test methods ture of long-span corrugated steel structures with lon- 4pp C
gitudinal stiffeners. These structures incorporate a Sets out a series of test methods for determining the
(ISO 7176-14:1997) 35pp H relatively large radius of curvature in crown or side physical properties of geotextiles.
Specifies requirements and test methods for power plates. Dimensional details and purchasing guidelines
are also included. (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6067 3)
and control systems of electric wheelchairs (includ-
ing scooters). Includes vehicles with built-in battery (CE-025) (ISBN 0 7262 5820 2)
chargers. This Standard is based on but not equivalent AS 3706.9—2001
to and reproduced from ISO 7176-14:1997. AS 3703.2—1989 Determination of permittivity, per-
(ME-067) (ISBN 0 7337 2066 8) Design and installation 19pp E meability and flow rate 7pp D
Sets out requirements for the design and installation (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3923 7)
AS/NZS 3697:1994 of long-span corrugated steel structures. Design re-
Information technology—Open Sys- quirements include soil compaction, design pressure, AS 3706.10
stresses, thickness of metal, seam strength and mini-
tems Interconnection—Job transfer ma for metal thickness and cover. Installation require- Determination of transmissivity
and manipulation concepts and serv- ments include foundation preparation, plate assem-
ices bly, backfilling, and corrosion protection. AS 3706.10.1—2001
Appendices tabulate cover limits and bolting for rail- Radial method 4pp D
(ISO/IEC 8831:1992) 111pp K way loading (M250) and highway loading (T44-A14)
(CE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3924 5)
Defines the concepts and services for job transfer and ma- for the various structures.
nipulation in the form of work to be done on one or more (CE-025) (ISBN 0 7262 5821 0)
open systems, and provides the means to monitor the exe- AS 3706.11—1990
cution of work previously specified and modified as re- AS 3704—1990 Determination of durability—Re-
quired. This Standard is identical with, and has been repro- sistance to degradation by light
duced from, ISO/IEC 8831:1992. Geotextiles—Glossary of terms
12pp C and heat 5pp C
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8714 8) Sets out a series of test methods for determining the
Defines terms used in the geotextiles industry. The terms
are derived from both the general textile industry and from physical properties of geotextiles.
AS/NZS 3698:1994 civil engineering practice. (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6069 X)
Information technology—Open Sys- (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6058 4)
tems Interconnection—Specification AS 3706.12—2001
of the basic class and full protocol for AS 3705—1990 Determination of durability—Re-
job transfer and manipulation Geotextiles—Identification, marking, sistance to degradation by hydro-
(ISO/IEC 8832:1992) 157pp L and general data 2pp B carbons or chemical reagents
Specifies the application-context name to be used to refer-
Sets out the information that should be marked on rolls of 6pp D
geotextiles to be sampled, tested, or offered for sale, and a (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3925 3)
ence the procedures used in this Standard in application- recommended listing of information to be provided on data
context negotiation, the abstract syntax name to be used to sheets or other technical literature about particular geotex-
reference the abstract syntax of a job transfer and manipu- tiles. AS 3706.13—2000
lation (JTM) transfer element, commitment, concurrency
and recovery user data and JTM defined documents. This
(CE-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6059 2) Determination of durability—Re-
Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced from, sistance to certain microbiological
ISO/IEC 8832:1992. AS 3706 agents 6pp D
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8715 6) Geotextiles—Methods of test (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3525 8)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 3707:2001 cluding interchange between these forms of transport. using modified frequency modulation
Method for testing pressure cycling Technically equivalent to and reproduced from ISO recording at 15 916 ftprad, on 80
1496-1:1990, including Amendment 1:1993.
resistance of pipes and fittings (ME-068) (ISBN 0 7262 8460 2) tracks on each side
15pp F
Provides the method for determining the pressure cycling AS 3711.5—2000 AS 3712.1—1990
resistance properties of pipes, joints and fittings for pres- Dimensional, physical and mag-
sure applications. Assesses the ability of a pipe or fitting Thermal containers
system to perform in an environment that involves cyclical (ISO 1496-2:1996) 56pp K netic characteristics
loading. Specifies the basic requirements for the specification (ISO/IEC 9529-1:1989) 37pp H
(PL-045) (ISBN 0 7337 3964 4) and testing of Series 1 and Series R thermal contain- Specifies the dimensional, physical and magnetic
ers, which are suitable for international exchange and characteristics of the diskette, so as to provide physi-
AS 3709—1989 for conveyance by road, rail and sea, including inter- cal interchangeability between data processing sys-
change between these forms of transport. This Stand- tems. This Standard is identical to, and has been re-
Vibration and shock—Balance quality ard is reproduced from ISO 1496-2:1996 and intro- produced from, ISO/IEC 9529-1.
of rotating rigid bodies duces requirements for Series R freight containers in (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6126 2)
(ISO 1940-1:1986) 15pp D an appendix.
Gives recommendations for determining unbalance and for (ME-068) (ISBN 0 7337 2938 X)
specifying related quality requirements of rigid rotors. It AS 3712.2—1990
specifies a representation of unbalance in one or two AS 3711.6—2000 Track format
planes, methods for determining permissible residual un- (ISO/IEC 9529-2:1989) 13pp D
balance, methods for allocating it to the correction planes, Tank containers
methods for identifying the residual unbalance identifica- (ISO 1496-3:1995) 26pp H Specifies the track layout, the track format and the
tion. It is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO Specifies the basic requirements for the specification characteristics of the recorded signals. This Standard
1940-1:1986. and testing of Series 1 and Series R tank containers is identical with, and has been reproduced from ISO/
(AV-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5674 9) suitable for the carriage of gases and liquids, includ- IEC 9529-2.
ing solid substances, which may be loaded or unload- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6129 7)
AS 3710—1989 ed as liquids either for gravity or pressure discharge,
Vibration and shock—Balancing ma- for international exchange and for conveyance by AS 3713—1989
road, rail and sea, including interchange between
chines—Enclosures and other safety these forms of transport. This Standard has been re- Acoustics—Industrial trucks—Noise
measures produced from ISO 1496-3:1995 and introduces re- measurement 9pp D
(ISO 7475) 8pp C quirements for series R containers in an appendix. Sets out methods for the measurement, at the operator's po-
Specifies requirements for enclosures and other safety (ME-068) (ISBN 0 7337 2936 3) sition and at specified positions of bystanders for the pur-
measures used to minimize hazards associated with the op- pose of hearing conservation, of the sound emitted under
eration of balancing machines under a variety of rotor and AS/NZS 3711.7:1993 normal operating conditions of counterbalanced and non-
balancing conditions. It defines different classes of protec- counterbalanced, sit-drive and pedestrian controlled lift-
tion that enclosures and other protective features provide
Dry bulk containers trucks, as defined in AS 1763 and AS 2359.1.
and describes the limits of applicability for each class of (ISO 1496-4:1991) 33pp G (AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5759 1)
protection. Amdt 1 January 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 2951 7) X
(AV-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5679 X) Specifies the basic requirements for the specification AS 3714—1989
and testing of Series 1 and Series R dry bulk contain- Data storage and transfer media—Vol-
AS 3711 ers of the non-pressurized type, which are suitable for
international exchange and for conveyance by road, ume and file structure of flexible disk
Freight containers rail and sea, including interchange between these cartridges (diskettes) for information
forms of transport. Technically equivalent to and re- interchange
AS 3711.1—2000 produced from ISO 1496-4:1991.
Classification, dimensions and rat- (ME-068) (ISBN 0 7262 8463 7) (ISO 9293:1987) 23pp E
Specifies the volume and file structure of diskettes for the
ings interchange of information between users of information
(ISO 668:1995) 12pp G AS 3711.8—2000 processing systems. It also specifies an optional record
Specifies a classification for Series 1 and Series R Platform containers structure. It is identical with, and has been reproduced
freight containers based on external dimensions, the (ISO 1496-5:1991) 40pp J from, ISO 9293:1987.
associated ratings and, where appropriate, the mini- Specifies the basic requirements for specification and (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5754 0)
mum internal and door opening dimensions for cer- testing of Series 1 freight containers of the platform
tain types of containers. Series 1 freight containers and platform-based types designated 1AA, 1A, 1AX, AS 3715—2002
are intended for intercontinental traffic and Series R 1BB, 1B, 1BX, 1CC, 1C and 1CX, which are suitable
freight containers are intended for traffic within Aus- for international exchange and for conveyance by Metal finishing—Thermoset powder
tralia. This Standard has been reproduced from ISO road, rail and sea, including interchange between coating for architectural applications
668:1995 and introduces requirements for Series R these forms of transport, with certain limitations (for of aluminium and aluminium alloys
freight containers in an appendix. example, when loaded, platforms cannot be stacked
(ME-068) (ISBN 0 7337 2939 8) or top lifted by means of conventional spreaders).
21pp G
This Standard is reproduced from ISO 1496-5:1991, Sets out test procedures and specifies performance require-
AS/NZS 3711.2:1993 including amendment 1:1993 and Amendment ments for thermoset powder coatings applied to aluminium
2:1994. Modifications to ISO requirements for appli- and aluminium-alloy substrates intended for architectural
Terminology cation in Australia are included in an appendix. applications and welded areas.
(ISO 830:1981 ISO 830:1981/ (ME-068) (ISBN 0 7337 3197 X) (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4624 1)
Amd.1:1984 ISO 830:1981/
Amd.2:1988) 14pp E AS 3711.9—2000 AS 3716—1989
Amdt 1 January 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 2950 9) X Coding, identification and marking Character sets and information cod-
Defines terms relating to freight containers, including (ISO 6346:1995) 25pp H ing—ISO 8-bit code for information in-
types, characteristics, components and structures.
Technically equivalent to and reproduced from ISO Specifies an identification system with an associated terchange—Structure and rules for
830:1981, including Amendment 1:1984 and Amend- system for verifying the accuracy of its use, having implementation
ment 2:1988. mandatory marks for the presentation of the identifi-
cation system for visual interpretation and optional (ISO 4873:1986) 17pp E
(ME-068) (ISBN 0 7262 8458 0) Specifies an 8-bit code derived from, and compatible with,
marks which may be used for automatic machine
readable information (AMRI) system purposes. Also the 7-bit coded character set specified in AS 1776. The
AS/NZS 3711.3:1993 specifies a data coding system for country and con- characteristics of this code are also in conformance with
Corner fittings tainer size and type with corresponding optional the code extension techniques specified in AS 1953. This
marks for display of operational marks (mandatory Standard specifies an 8-bit code with a number of options.
(ISO 1161:1984 ISO 1161:1984/ It also provides guidance on how to exercise the options, to
and optional) and physical presentation of marks.
Cor.1:1990) 24pp F This Standard is reproduced from ISO 6346:1995 and define specific versions. It is identical with, and has been
Specifies the basic dimensions and the functional and introduces requirements for Series R freight contain- reproduced from ISO 4873:1986.
strength requirements of corner fittings for Series 1 ers in an appendix. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5756 7)
and Series R freight containers. Technically equiva- (ME-068) (ISBN 0 7337 2964 5)
lent to and reproduced from ISO 1161:1984, includ- AS/NZS 3718:1997
ing Technical Corrigendum 1:1990.
(ME-068) (ISBN 0 7262 8459 9) AS 3711.10—2000 Water supply—Metal-bodied taps—
Handling and securing Specified by performance 38pp H
AS/NZS 3711.4:1993 (ISO 3874:1997) 71pp L Amdt 1 June 2000 (0 7337 3299 2) X
General purpose containers Specifies methods of handling and securing Series 1 Specifies requirements for metal-bodied draw-off taps,
and Series R freight containers. This Standard is re- mixing taps mechanical (non-thermostatic) and delivery
(ISO 1496-1:1990 ISO 1496-1:1990/ produced from ISO 3874:1997 and introduces re- taps in the range of nominal sizes from DN 6 to DN 50 in-
Amd.1:1993) 29pp G quirements for Series R freight containers in an ap- clusive with continuous working pressures not exceeding
Amdt 1 January 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 2949 5) X pendix. 1.4 MPa and continuous operating temperatures not ex-
Specifies the basic requirements for the specification (ME-068) (ISBN 0 7337 2942 8) ceeding 80°C.
and testing of Series 1 and Series R freight containers (WS-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1127 8)
of the totally enclosed general purpose types and cer- AS 3712
tain special purpose types (closed, vented, ventilated
or open top), which are suitable for international ex- Data storage and transfer media— AS 3719
change and for conveyance by road, rail and sea, in- Data interchange on 90 mm diskettes Aluminium and aluminium alloys

AS 3719.1—1989

AS 3719.1—1989 AS 3725 Supplement 1—1989 bulk materials. A method for converting volumetric stor-
age capacity for various materials is given in an appendix.
Determination of iron—Spectro- Loads on buried concrete pipes— (BD-065) (ISBN 0 7262 5835 0)
photometric method Commentary (Supplement to AS 3725-
(ISO 793:1973) 4pp C 1989) 25pp E AS 3730
Gives the background to corresponding clauses in the
Sets out a spectrophotometric method for the determi- Standard and helpful information for design engineers and Guide to the properties of paints for
nation of iron in aluminium and aluminium alloys in those writing specifications for the installation of concrete buildings
the range 0.05% to 2.5%. This Standard is technically pipelines. Emphasis is placed on the need for achieving in
equivalent to ISO 793:1973 but contains precision
data obtained from an interlaboratory test program
the field, support conditions consistent with the assump- AS 3730.0—1991
tions on which the equations in the Standard are based. An
carried out in Australia. appendix gives worked examples which illustrate the load General information on the specifi-
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5364 8) calculations and how the calculated values are used to se- cation, purchasing and testing of
lect an appropriate class of pipe for a particular installa- paints 7pp C
AS 3719.2—1998 tion. Provides general information on the specification of
(WS-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5946 2) paints and gives a guide to the features and typical
Determination of silicon—Gravi- properties of paints for buildings.
metric method 10pp D AS 3726 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7041 5)
Sets out a gravimetric method for the determination Electromechanical components for
of silicon in aluminium alloys in the range 0.30% to AS 3730.1—1992
13%. electronic equipment—Basic testing
procedures and measuring methods Latex—Interior—Flat 4pp C
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2009 9) Amdt 1 March 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8198 0) X
AS 3726.0—1995 Amdt 2 August 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0644 4) X
AS 3720—1989 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7519 0)
Measurement of power-frequency Introduction and list of Parts of AS
electric fields 3726 and IEC 512 AS 3730.2—1992
Use with AS 1099 series 8pp D Latex—Interior—Semi-gloss
(IEC 833:1987) 23pp E Lists international environmental test procedures
Specifies methods for the measurement of power-frequen- published in IEC 512, Electromechanical compo- 4pp C
cy electric field strength in air using commonly available nents for electronic equipment—Basic testing proce- Amdt 1 March 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8199 9) X
or commercially available instrumentation, and procedures dures and measuring methods, and indicates where (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7521 2)
for calibration. This Standard is technically identical with equivalent procedures are published in AS 3726. Lists
and reproduced from IEC 833:1987. also current Parts of AS 3726.
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 5765 6)
AS 3730.3—1992
(ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9793 3) Latex—Interior—Low-gloss 4pp C
Amdt 1 March 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8201 4) X
AS 3721—1989 AS 3726.2—1989 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7522 0)
Vibration and shock—Balancing ma- General examination, electrical
chines—Description and evaluation continuity and contact resistance AS 3730.4—1992
(ISO 2953) 34pp F tests, insulation tests and voltage Solvent-borne—Interior—Flat
Sets out standards for the evaluation of performance and stress tests 4pp C
characteristics of machines for balancing rotating compo- (IEC 512-2:1985) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7523 9)
nents where correction is required in one or more planes Use with AS 1099 series 15pp D
perpendicular to the shaft axis. It stresses the importance
attached to the form in which the balancing machine char- (ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 5807 5) AS 3730.5—1992
acteristics should be specified by the manufacturer and Solvent-borne—Interior—Semi-
also outlines methods of balancing machines. Guidance on AS 3726.3—1989 gloss 4pp C
the manner in which users should state their requirements
is given. Technically identical with ISO 2953. Current-carrying capacity tests (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7524 7)
(AV-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5801 6) (IEC 512-3:1976)
Use with AS 1099 series 5pp C AS 3730.6—1991
(ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 5809 1) Solvent-borne—Exterior—Full
AS 3722—1989 gloss enamel 6pp C
Assembly tools for bolts and screws— AS 3726.4—1989 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7046 6)
Hexagon drive ends for hand-operated
and machine-operated screwdriver Dynamic stress tests
(IEC 512-4:1976) AS 3730.7—1992
bits Latex—Exterior—Flat 5pp C
Use with AS 1099 series 5pp C
(ISO 1173:1988) 4pp C (ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 5810 5) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7525 5)
Specifies the dimensions, separation force, and minimum
list torques of external and internal parts for hexagon drive
AS 3726.6—1989 AS 3730.8—1992
ends for hand-operated and machine-operated screwdriver Latex—Exterior—Low-gloss
bits. Technically identical with ISO 1173:1988. Climatic tests and soldering tests
5pp C
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5799 0) (IEC 512-6:1984) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7526 3)
Use with AS 1099 series 21pp E
AS 3723—1989 (ET-005) (ISBN 0 7262 5812 1) AS 3730.9—1992
Installation and maintenance of plas- Latex—Exterior—Semi-gloss
tics pipe systems for gas 19pp E AS 3727—1993 5pp C
Provides installation and jointing procedures for below- Guide to residential pavements (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7527 1)
ground plastics pressure systems in gas service. Precau- 12pp E
tions in the selection and handling of plastics pipes are giv- Provides recommendations for pavements associated with
en, and recommended procedures for isolation and mainte- AS 3730.10—1992
housing developments. Guidelines are given for pavement
nance of plastics pipes are covered. designs on well-drained, naturally occurring subgrades Latex—Exterior—Gloss 6pp C
(PL-025) (ISBN 0 7262 5803 2) which do not include reactive soil sites. References are (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7529 8)
made to pavements of concrete, segmental paving units,
AS 3724—1994 asphalt and bituminous spray seal. AS 3730.11—1991
(BD-025) (ISBN 0 7262 8473 4) Solvent-borne—Interior—Full
Fibreboard boxes for the export of
meat, meat products and offal gloss enamel 4pp C
AS 3728—1989 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7042 3)
13pp E Vibration and shock—Resilient shaft
Amdt 1 January 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0868 4) X couplings—Information to be supplied AS 3730.12—1991
Sets out the specifications applicable to fibreboard boxes by users and manufacturers
for the packaging of frozen or chilled meat, meat products Latex—Interior—Gloss 6pp C
and offal for export. (ISO 4863) 2pp B Amdt 1 March 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8202 2) X
(PK-005) (ISBN 0 7262 8729 6) Specifies the information to be supplied by users and man- (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7043 1)
ufacturers of resilient shaft couplings in order to facilitate
communication and understanding between users and AS 3730.13—1991
AS 3725—1989 manufacturers. It does not specify dimensional require-
ments for either shafts or couplings. Primer—Wood—Solvent-borne—
Loads on buried concrete pipes Interior/exterior 5pp C
(AV-009) (ISBN 0 7262 5833 4)
16pp E (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7049 0)
Sets out acceptable methods for calculating the vertical
working (service) loads, resulting from overlying materi- AS 3729—1989
als and superimposed dead and live loads, which act on Farm silos—Determination of storage AS 3730.14—1991
buried concrete pipes. Users are also referred to AS 4058- capacity 3pp B Undercoat—Solvent-borne—Interi-
1992 Precast concrete pipes. Sets out a method for determining volumetric capacity of or/exterior 5pp C
(WS-006) (ISBN 0 7262 5945 4) farm silos used for storage of grain and other agricultural (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7047 4)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 3730.15—1991 AS 3730.27—1993 AS 3734.1—1991

Primer—Latex—For metallic zinc Floor varnish—Two-pack—Isocy- Token ring PHYsical layer protocol
surfaces 5pp C anate cured 5pp C (PHY)
Amdt 1 February 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8053 4) X Provides a guide to the features and typical properties (ISO/IEC 9314-1:1989) 31pp H
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7044 X) for a two-pack floor varnish. Specifies the lower sublayer of the physical layer in
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8267 7) Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) networks.
AS 3730.16—1991 This Standard is identical with and reproduced from
ISO/IEC 9314-1:1989.
Latex—Timber finish—Exterior AS 3730.28—1993 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6530 6)
5pp C Wood stain—Solvent-borne—Exte-
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7045 8) rior 6pp C AS 3734.2—1991
Provides a guide to the features and typical properties Token ring Media Access Control
AS 3730.17—1993 for a solvent-borne wood stain for exterior use. (MAC)
Primer—Wood—Latex—Interior/ (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8534 X) (ISO/IEC 9314-2:1989) 67pp J
exterior 7pp C Specifies the upper sublayer of the physical layer in
Provides recommendations for a latex wood primer AS 3730.29—1993 Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) networks.
suitable for interior and exterior use which is applied This Standard is identical with and reproduced from
to buildings by brush, roller or spray. Solvent-borne—Exterior/interior— ISO/IEC 9314-2:1989.
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7995 1) Paving paint 6pp C (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6531 4)
Provides a guide to the features and typical character-
AS 3730.18—1993 istics for a solvent-borne exterior/interior paving AS 3734.3—1991
Undercoat—Latex—Interior/exteri- paint. Physical layer Medium Dependent
or 8pp D (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8246 4) (PMD)
Provides recommendations for a latex undercoat suit-
(ISO/IEC 9314-3:1990) 47pp I
able for interior and exterior use which is applied to AS 3730.30—1993 Specifies Physical layer Medium Dependent (PMD)
buildings by brush, roller or spray. Stain sealer—Latex 5pp C requirements for the Fibre Distributed Data Interface
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7996 X) (FDDI). This Standard is identical to and reproduced
Provides a guide to the features and typical character- from ISO/IEC 9314-3:1989.
istics of a latex stain sealer for timber, concrete or ma- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6829 1)
AS 3730.19—1993 sonry.
Solvent-borne—Roofing enamel (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8268 5) AS 3735—2001
8pp D Concrete structures retaining liquids
Provides recommendations for a solvent-borne roof- AS 3730.100—1994 19pp F
ing enamel which is applied to buildings by brush, Introduction and list of guides Specifies requirements for the design and installation of re-
roller or spray. inforced concrete structures used for retaining liquids at
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7997 8) 1p A ambient temperatures. This Standard is limited to concrete
Provides a listing of guides to the properties of paints with ultimate compressive strength in the range 20 MPa to
AS 3730.20—1993 for buildings in the AS 3730 series. 50 MPa at 28 days. For these structures, this Standard sup-
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8782 2) plements and takes precedence over the requirements of
Latex—Roofing paint 9pp D AS 3600, Concrete structures.
Provides recommendations for latex roofing paint (CE-022) (ISBN 0 7337 2714 5)
which is applied to buildings by brush, roller or spray. AS 3731
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7999 4) Stationary batteries—Nickel-cadmi- AS 3735 Supplement 1—2001
um Concrete structures retaining liq-
AS 3730.21—1993 uids—Commentary (Supplement to
Primer—Solvent-borne—For fer- AS 3731.1—1995 AS 3735-2001) 58pp H
rous metallic surfaces 6pp C Vented type Provides commentary and additional information to AS
Provides a guide to the features and typical character- 3735, Concrete structures retaining liquids. Includes tables
istics for a solvent-borne metal primer for iron and (IEC 623:1990 IEC 623:1990/ and drawings to assist in the usage of that Standard.
steel. Amd.1:1992 IEC 623:1990/ (CE-022) (ISBN 0 7337 3715 3)
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8263 4) Amd.2:1992) 15pp E
Specifies requirements and tests for vented nickel- AS 3736—1990
AS 3730.22—1993 cadmium rechargeable batteries. Technically identi- Geographical information systems—
Concrete and masonry sealer— cal with and reproduced from IEC 623:1990, includ- Bibliographical elements on maps
ing Amendment No.1:1992 and Amendment
Solvent-borne—Interior/exterior No.2:1992. 7pp C
8pp C Specifies the essential bibliographic elements of a map and
(EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9951 0) how and where they should be placed on the map. It is in-
Provides a guide to the features and typical character- tended for use by map makers, libraries and kindred organ-
istics for a solvent-borne concrete and masonry seal- AS 3731.2—1995 izations who store and retrieve maps, particularly those
er. compiling a computer database.
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8265 0) Valve-regulated type (IT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 5908 X)
(IEC 622:1988 IEC 622:1988/
AS 3730.23—1993 Amd.2:1992 IEC 622:1988/ AS 3739—1990
Latex—Wallboard and masonry Cor.:1992) 14pp E Data storage and transfer media—
sealer 6pp C Specifies requirements and tests for valve-regulated Designation of unrecorded diskettes
Provides recommendations for a latex wallboard and nickel-cadmium rechargeable batteries. Technically (ISO 9983:1989) 2pp B
masonry sealer which is applied to buildings by identical with and reproduced from IEC 622:1988, in- Specifies a system of labelling diskettes and diskette drives
brush, roller or spray. cluding Amendment No.2:1992 and Corrigendum to reduce the problems associated with a range of similar
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8001 1) (August 1992). diskette sizes and densities. This Standard is technically
(EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9953 7) equivalent to ISO 9983:1989.
AS 3730.24—1993 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5915 2)
Wood stain—Solvent-borne—Inte- AS/NZS 3733:1995
rior 3pp B Textile floor coverings—Cleaning AS 3740—1994
Provides a guide to the features and typical properties maintenance of residential and com- Waterproofing of wet areas within res-
for a solvent-borne wood stain for interior use. mercial carpeting 39pp H idential buildings 37pp G
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8532 3) Provides requirements for various cleaning techniques and
Amdt 1 September 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9961 8) X
recommendations for the establishment of maintenance Specifies design requirements and materials for the water-
proofing of shower areas and areas subject to infrequent
AS 3730.25—1993 programs for carpets in residential and commercial situa-
wetting or splashing within residential buildings. Con-
Varnish—Solvent-borne—Interior tions to achieve maximum appearance retention and wear
life, and to minimize possible hazards to health from poor- struction techniques for various wall/floor combinations
5pp C ly maintained carpets. Also provides requirements for that are deemed to comply with the requirements of this
cleaning chemicals to cover their known effects on new Standard are included in an Appendix.
Provides a guide to the features and typical properties
for a solvent-borne varnish for interior use. generation carpets, requirements for vacuum cleaner filtra- (BD-038) (ISBN 0 7262 9197 8)
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8533 1) tion, and recommendations for disposal of extracted clean-
ing wastes. Includes a useful guide to stain removal. AS 3741—1990
AS 3730.26—1993 (TX-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9807 7) Recommended practice for chemical
Floor varnish—Moisture cured analysis by ion chromatography
4pp C AS 3734 14pp E
Information systems—Equipment— Sets out recommendations for instrumentation and operat-
Provides a guide to the features and typical properties ing techniques for the chemical analysis of anionic or cat-
for a moisture cured floor varnish. Fibre distributed data interfaces (FD- ionic species by ion chromatography. The Standard in-
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8266 9) DI) cludes both suppressed and non-suppressed ion

AS 3743—1996

chromatographic techniques. Ion-pairing and ion-exclu- four megabytes per second. This Standard is identical with in the protection of iron and steel against external at-
sion techniques are not covered in this Standard. and has been reproduced from ISO 9316:1989, Informa- mospheric corrosion. Includes high-build coatings.
(CH-023) (ISBN 0 7262 5918 7) tion processing systems—Small Computer System Inter- (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9462 4)
face (SCSI).
AS 3743—1996 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 5955 1) AS/NZS 3750.7:1994
Potting mixes 28pp
G Aluminium paint 13pp E
Amdt 1 September 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2194 X) X AS/NZS 3749
Provides requirements for aluminium coloured fin-
Specifies physical, chemical, biological and labelling re- Intruder alarm systems—Road vehi- ishing paints that are intended to protect iron and steel
quirements for potting mixes packaged for retail sale. In- cles against atmospheric corrosion.
cludes requirements for regular and premium grade mixes (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9355 5)
as well as special purpose mixes. AS/NZS 3749.1:1997
(CS-037) (ISBN 0 7337 0759 9)
Performance requirements AS/NZS 3750.8:1994
AS/NZS 3744 23pp F Vinyl paints—Primer, high-build
Furniture—Assessment of the ignita- Specifies the requirements and test methods for vehi- and gloss 18pp F
cle security alarm systems intended as original equip- Provides requirements for vinyl paints used as prim-
bility of upholstered furniture ment for post-delivery installation for vehicles in- ers, intermediate coats and finishing coats intended
tended for the carriage of passengers. It includes for the exterior protection of iron and steel against at-
AS/NZS 3744.1:1998 sections on general requirements, test requirements, mospheric corrosion.
Ignition source—Smouldering cig- product information and marking, and equipment var-
iations. Appendices are provided for the requirements (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9356 3)
arette of sound level test for sounding devices and detection
(ISO 8191-1:1987) 11pp D range test for ultrasonic movement detectors. AS/NZS 3750.9:1994
This Standard is technically equivalent to and has (EL-031) (ISBN 0 7337 0985 0) Organic zinc-rich primer 16pp F
been reproduced from ISO 8191-1:1987. Provides requirements for organic zinc-rich priming
(CS-086) (ISBN 0 7337 1663 6) AS/NZS 3749.2:1997 paint intended for use on iron and steel to provide pro-
Installation and maintenance tection against atmospheric corrosion.
AS/NZS 3744.2:1998 9pp D (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9357 1)
Ignition source—Match-flame Sets out the requirements for the installation and
equivalent maintenance of car alarm systems designed in accord- AS/NZS 3750.10:1994
(ISO 8191-2:1988) 10pp D ance with Part 1 of the Standard to ensure that the Full gloss epoxy (two-pack)
alarm system performs to the manufacturer's specifi-
This Standard is technically equivalent to and has cation and false alarms do not occur. There are sec- 24pp G
been reproduced from ISO 8191-2:1988. tions on installation and commissioning, and appen- Provides requirements for full gloss epoxy paint in-
(CS-086) (ISBN 0 7337 1664 4) dices on maintenance and the functional tests which tended for the protection of iron and steel structures
should be carried out on the detection device. against exterior corrosion in a severe industrial or ma-
AS/NZS 3744.3:1998 (EL-031) (ISBN 0 7337 1280 0) rine environment.
Ignition sources—Nominal 160 mL/ (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9378 4)
min gas flame and nominal 350 mL/ AS/NZS 3750
min gas flame 7pp C Paints for steel structures AS/NZS 3750.11:1996
Sets out the method to be employed in assessing the Chlorinated rubber—High-build
ignitability of actual combinations of upholstered AS/NZS 3750.0:1995 and gloss 19pp F
seating materials when subjected to gas flaming igni- Introduction and list of Standards Specifies requirements for high-build and gloss chlo-
tion sources. rinated rubber paints intended to protect iron and steel
(CS-086) (ISBN 0 7337 1665 2) 1p X against atmospheric corrosion.
Provides a list of Standards in the AS/NZS 3750 Se- (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0626 6)
AS 3745—2002 ries.
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9549 3)
Emergency control organization and AS/NZS 3750.12:1996
procedures for buildings, structures AS 3750.1—1994 Alkyd/micaceous iron oxide
and workplaces 28pp G Epoxy mastic (two-pack)—For 15pp E
Specifies recommended procedures for the safety of peo- Provides requirements for alkyd/micaceous iron ox-
ple in buildings, structures and workplaces during emer- rusted steel 26pp G
ide paint intended to protect iron and steel against at-
gencies; guidelines for the appointment of the Emergency Provides requirements for two-component, high- mospheric corrosion.
Planning Committee and the setting up of the Emergency build, high solids, epoxy mastic paint for the protec-
Control Organization. tion of iron and steel against exterior atmospheric cor- (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0174 4)
(FP-017) (ISBN 0 7337 4254 8) rosion.
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8393 2) AS/NZS 3750.13:1997
AS 3745—1995 Epoxy primer (two pack) 15pp F
Emergency control organization and AS 3750.2—1994 Provides requirements for two-component epoxy
procedures for buildings 16pp F Ultra high-build paint 17pp F primers for the protection of iron and steel and galva-
Specifies guidance on the establishment of an Emergency Provides requirements for ultra high-build paints for nized iron and steel against atmospheric corrosion in
Control Organization and the preparation of emergency the protection of iron and steel against exterior corro- an industrial or marine environment.
procedures for buildings or groups of buildings, for ensur- sion in aggressive service conditions. (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1330 0)
ing the controlled movement of occupants including evac- (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9085 8)
uation. AS/NZS 3750.14:1997
(FP-017) (ISBN 0 7262 9675 9) AS/NZS 3750.3:1994 High-build epoxy (two-pack)
Heat resisting—Exterior 14pp E 25pp G
AS 3746—1990 Provides requirements for single and multi-compo- Provides requirements for a two-component, high-
Files and rasps 17pp E nent primers and finishing paint coats for the protec- build epoxy paint intended to be used for the protec-
Specifies the requirements for 19 types of files and rasps tion of steel against atmospheric corrosion at elevated tion of iron and steel against exterior atmospheric cor-
for general use, including disposition and spacing of teeth temperatures. rosion.
for each type. Tolerances on dimensions and spacing of (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9132 3) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1329 7)
teeth are given, and tests by a hand prover are prescribed.
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 5933 0)
AS/NZS 3750.4:1994 AS/NZS 3750.15:1998
AS 3747—1989 Bitumen paint 14pp E Inorganic zinc silicate paint
Harnesses for use in prams, strollers, Provides requirements for single component bitumen 20pp F
paints intended for the short-term protection of iron Specifies requirements for inorganic zinc silicate
and high chairs (including a detacha- and steel against atmospheric corrosion. paint for use in the protection of iron and steel against
ble walking rein) 8pp D (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9087 4) exterior atmospheric corrosion.
Specifies requirements for materials, construction, and
performance of children's harnesses comprising a shoulder (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1937 6)
harness and side straps, and requirements for a detachable
AS/NZS 3750.5:1994
walking rein. Acrylic full gloss (two-pack) AS/NZS 3750.16:1998
(CS-020) (ISBN 0 7262 5931 4) 19pp F Waterborne primer and paint for
Provides requirements for two-component full gloss galvanized, zinc/aluminium alloy-
AS 3748—1990 acrylic paint intended for the protection of iron and
coated and zinc-primed steel
Information processing systems— steel structures against atmospheric corrosion.
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9377 6) 17pp F
Small Computer System Interface (SC- Specifies requirements for waterborne primers and
SI) AS/NZS 3750.6:1995 paints intended to be used on primed or unprimed gal-
(ISO 9316:1989) 169pp K Full gloss polyurethane (two-
vanized steel, zinc/aluminium alloy-coated steel and
Provides the mechanical and functional requirements for a on zinc-primed steel in exterior industrial or marine
small computer input/output bus and command sets for pe- pack) 20pp F applications when applied by brush, roller or spray-
ripheral device types commonly used with small comput- Provides requirements for two-component solvent- ing.
ers. The interface is intended for use with data rates up to borne full gloss polyurethane paints intended for use (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2167 2)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 3750.17:1998 AS 3756—1990 vibration data, useful for the development and improve-
ment of hull vibration reference amplitudes. Applicable to
Etch primers (single pack and two- Acoustics—Measurement of high-fre- both turbine-driven and diesel-driven merchant ships of
pack) 14pp E quency noise emitted by computer length between perpendiculars of 100 m or greater. The ap-
Specifies requirements for single pack etch primers
and business equipment plicable frequency range is 1 Hz to 100 Hz. This Standard
(ISO 9295:1988) 11pp D is technically identical to and reproduced from ISO
(Type 1) and two-pack etch primers (Type 2) intend- 6954:1984.
ed for pretreating metal surfaces to improve the adhe- Specifies four methods for the determination of the sound
sion of paint systems applied to them. power levels of high-frequency noise emitted by computer (AV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 6105 X)
and business equipment in the frequency range covered by
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2166 4) the octave band centred at 16 kHz. Identical with and re- AS 3764—1990
produced from ISO 9295.
The measurement and reporting of
AS 3750.18—2002 (AV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6075 4)
shipboard vibration data
Moisture cure urethane (single- (ISO 4867:1984) 18pp E
pack) systems 21pp G AS 3757—1990
Acoustics—Declared noise emission Sets out procedures for gathering and presenting data on
Specifies requirements and methods for the applica- hull vibration in single-shaft and multiple-shaft sea-going
tion of one-component, solvent-borne, moisture cure values of computers and business merchant ships, and for vibrations of propulsion-shaft sys-
urethane paints intended to be used primarily for the equipment tems as it affects hull vibration. This Standard is technical-
protection of iron and steel against exterior atmos- (ISO 9296:1988) 7pp C ly identical to and reproduced from ISO 4867:1984.
pheric corrosion involving wet and damp areas,high Applies to computer and business equipment. Specifies the (AV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 6106 8)
humidity, coastal/marine and industrial fallout. Rec- method for determining the declared noise emission val-
ommendations and advice on information that should ues, acoustical and product information to be supplied to
be provided by the purchaser at the time of enquiry or AS 3765
users by the manufacturer and the method for verifying the
order, plus methods for determining compliance with declared noise emission values given by the manufacturer. Clothing for protection against haz-
this Standard are given in appendices. Identical with and reproduced from ISO 9296. ardous chemicals
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4731 0) (AV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6076 2)
AS 3765.1—1990
AS 3751—1990 AS 3758—1990 Protection against general or spe-
Underground mining—Slope haul- Guide to the evaluation of the effec- cific chemicals 29pp H
age—Couplings, drawbars, and safety tiveness of fire retardants 3pp B Specifies the performance requirements for materials
Provides general guidelines on relevant considerations for and construction of suits to afford protection to the
chains 22pp E evaluating the effectiveness of fire retardants. wearer against general chemicals or specific chemical
Specifies requirements for couplings, drawbars, and safety (FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 6077 0) where either sustained protection is required in the
chains which connect slope haulage conveyances in under- event of a spillage, or where the chemical(s) are of a
ground mines. Covers design, materials, manufacture, test- AS 3759—1990 highly toxic or volatile nature. Requirements for gas-
ing, and marking. Requirements for 1.5% manganese steel tight, ventilated and splash suits are included.
for components, permissible imperfections in components Codes for the representation of cur- (SF-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6109 2)
when using magnetic particle inspection, recommenda- rencies and funds
tions for inspection and maintenance, information on rul- (ISO 4217:1987) 12pp D
ing section and equivalent section, and guidelines on the AS 3765.2—1990
design of threaded components are covered in appendices. Provides a series of universally applicable codes for the
identification of currencies and funds for transaction pur- Limited protection against specific
(ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 6002 9) poses. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- chemicals 7pp C
duced from ISO 4217:1987, Codes for the representation Specifies the requirements for protective clothing in-
of currencies and funds. tended to provide limited protection against penetra-
AS/NZS 3752:1996 (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 6084 3) tion by specific liquid chemicals where liquid chemi-
Welding—Methods for determination cals in droplet form are to be protected against or
of the diffusible hydrogen content of AS/NZS 3760:2001 where more substantial splashes of a chemical are
ferritic weld metal produced by arc sustained the clothing is able to be removed immedi-
In-service safety inspection and test- ately.
welding 24pp G ing of electrical equipment 21pp G (SF-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6110 6)
Sets out procedures for the measurement of diffusible hy- Specifies the procedures and criteria for the in-service
drogen of ferritic weld metal produced by different arc safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment which
welding processes. Two alternative methods of measure- is designed for connection by flexible cord. It also applies AS 3766—1990
ment are specified, viz. the collection-over-mercury proce- to cord extension sets, portable outlet devices, portable re- Mechanical fittings for low voltage
dure, and a gas chromatography procedure. sidual current devices and portable isolation transformers. aerial bundled cables 21pp G
Appendices include detailed test methods. It does not cov-
(WD-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0608 8) er type approval tests for the design and construction of the Specifies performance and general requirements for fit-
equipment, nor does it include any procedural rules for the tings designed specifically for use with the insulated aerial
safe use of equipment. cables, manufactured to AS 3560, Electric cables—Aerial
AS 3753—2001 bundled—Voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV.
(EL-036) (ISBN 0 7337 3937 7)
Recommended practice for chemical (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6113 0)
analysis by ultraviolet/visible spectro- AS 3761—1990
photometry 25pp G Vehicle exhaust system surface tem- AS 3767—1990
Sets out recommended procedures, principles and tech- peratures 4pp C Information processing—Representa-
niques involved in the setting up and operation of the UV/ Specifies the maximum surface temperatures of motor ve- tion of numerical values in character
visible spectrophotometer for use in chemical methods of hicle exhaust systems to minimize the likelihood of bush strings for information interchange
analysis. fires, and includes the test method for determining the sur-
(CH-016) (ISBN 0 7337 3855 9) face temperature. The test method simulates hard driving
(ISO 6093:1985) 12pp D
conditions which are followed by a cooling down period Specifies three presentations of numeric values, which are
during which temperatures of the exhaust system surfaces represented in character strings in a form readable by com-
AS 3754—1990 are recorded at specific intervals. puters, for use in interchange between processing systems.
(ME-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6093 2) The Standard also provides guidance for developers of
Safe application of powder coatings programming language standards and software developers.
by electrostatic spraying 8pp D This Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced
Specifies requirements for occupational health and safety
AS 3762—1990 from ISO 6093:1985.
in relation to the application of powder coatings by electro- Measurement and reporting of local vi- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6124 6)
static spraying. Requirements are included for plant and bration data of ship structures and
equipment as well as safe operating procedures. A check- equipment AS 3768—1990
list of precautions is included in an appendix.
(ISO 4868:1984) 13pp D Guide to the effects of temperature on
(SF-039) (ISBN 0 7262 6049 5) Sets out procedures for gathering and presenting data on electrical equipment 40pp I
vibrations of local structural elements or equipment in sea- Amdt 1 December 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0163 9) X
AS 3755—1990 going merchant ships. Concerned with local vibration
measured on structural elements, superstructure, decks, Provides guidance for electrical design engineers on the ef-
Acoustics—Measurement of airborne bulkheads, masts, machines, foundation and equipment, fects of temperature on the ageing of contacts, terminals
noise emitted by computer and busi- but relates only to the measurement and reporting of vibra- and electrical insulation and for the calculation of temper-
tion of the structure or equipment mounted thereon. This atures in conductors due to joule losses in the material and
ness equipment Standard is technically identical to and reproduced from heat from terminations.
(ISO 7779:1988) 37pp H ISO 4868:1984. (EL-006 & EL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6125 4)
Specifies procedures for measuring and reporting the noise (AV-008) (ISBN 0 7262 6107 6)
emitted by computer and business equipment. The basic AS 3769—1990
emission quantity is the A-weighted sound power level AS 3763—1990 Automatic teller machines—User ac-
which may be used for comparing equipment of the same Mechanical vibration and shock—
type, but from different manufacturers, or for comparing cess 4pp C
different equipment. Two methods for determining the Guidelines for the overall evaluation Amdt 1 December 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6649 3) X
sound power levels are specified in order to avoid undue of vibration in merchant ships Gives recommendations for the design and installation of
restriction on existing facilities and experience. Identical (ISO 6954:1984) 3pp B automatic teller machines to facilitate their accessibility to
with and reproduced from ISO 7779. Provides guidelines for the relative evaluation of hull and users.
(AV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6074 6) superstructure in normally occupied spaces, and shipboard (IT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6154 8)

AS/NZS 3770:1993

AS/NZS 3770:1993 illustrated. Guidance on information to be supplied with ployed. It is technically identical with and reproduced
enquiries and orders is given in an appendix. from ISO 4369:1979.
Guide to the safe use of infusion (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7262 6191 2) (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 6295 1)
pumps and controllers 19pp F
Provides advice on the safe use of infusion pumps, infu-
sion controllers, syringe pumps and pumps for ambulatory AS 3777—1990 AS 3778.3.3—2001
use in hospitals and health care facilities. Shank hooks and large-eye hooks— Measurement by slope-area meth-
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8483 1) Maximum 25 t 11pp D od
Specifies requirements for design, manufacture, marking, (ISO 1070:1992) 13pp F
AS 3771—1998 and testing of forged lifting hooks having a working load
limit of not more than 25 t, for use with wire rope, sheave This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced
Road lighting luminaires with integral blocks, serial hoists, or general engineering applications. It from ISO 1070:1992.
control gear 31pp G includes large eye hooks and shank hooks. Guidance on in- (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3647 5)
Specifies requirements for the design, construction, per- formation to be supplied with enquiries and orders is given
formance and testing of road lighting luminaires with inte- in an appendix. AS 3778.3.4—1990
gral control gear, to ensure their suitability for the operat- (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7262 6193 9)
ing and environmental conditions to which they will be Collection and processing of data
subjected in service. Applies to luminaires with discharge AS 3778 for determination of errors in
lamps of various types and ratings, which are designed to measurement
provide road lighting of Category V in accordance with Measurement of water flow in open
AS/NZS 1158.1.1 or Category B in accordance with AS channels (ISO 1088:1985) 21pp F
1158.1. Amdt 1 June 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 6860 7) X
(LG-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1548 6) AS 3778.1—2001 Specifies a standard basis for the collection and
Vocabulary and symbols processing of data for the determination of individual
AS 3772—1990 components of the total error in the measurement of
(ISO 772:1996) 94pp L water flow in open channels by velocity-area meth-
Fire protection of cooking areas This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced ods. It is technically identical with and reproduced
16pp F from ISO 772:1996. from ISO 1088:1985.
Amdt 1 March 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8057 7) X (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3629 7) (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 6298 6)
Specifies ancillary fire protection equipment such as port-
able fire-extinguishers and fire blankets, but is principally AS 3778.2 AS 3778.3.5—1990
concerned with performance specifications for fixed fire- General
extinguishing systems utilizing carbon dioxide, extin- Investigation of total error
guishing powders, wet chemicals, or water sprays. Mini- (ISO/TR 7178:1983) 26pp G
mum requirements for inspection and maintenance are also AS 3778.2.1—2001
Summarizes the results of investigations of the total
given herein. Guidelines for the selection of error in measurements of flow by velocity-area meth-
(FP-014) (ISBN 0 7262 6158 0) methods ods. It describes the procedures used and types of er-
(ISO/TR 8363:1997) 7pp D rors and also gives recommendations for the collec-
AS 3773—1990 This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced tion of data for investigation of errors. It is technically
identical with and reproduced from ISO/TR
Bulk solids containers—Safety re- from ISO/TR 8363:1997.
quirements 3pp B (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3643 2)
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 6299 4)
Amdt 1 January 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7221 3) X
Specifies design requirements and operational procedures, AS 3778.2.2—2001
and gives guidance on inspection, maintenance and clean- Establishment and operation of a AS 3778.3.6—2001
ing to ensure the safety of personnel in and around bulk gauging station Measurement of flow in tidal chan-
solids containers, and to prevent containers from becoming
(ISO 1100-1:1996) 20pp G nels
subject to loads greater than those for which they were de- (ISO 2425:1999) 22pp G
signed. This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced
(BD-065) (ISBN 0 7262 6156 4) from ISO 1100-1:1996. This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3644 0) from ISO 2425:1999.
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3650 5)
AS 3774—1996
Loads on bulk solids containers AS 3778.2.3—2001
Determination of the stage-dis- AS 3778.3.7—2001
77pp J Measurement by ultrasonic
Amdt 1 September 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2173 7) X charge relation
Amdt 2 December 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2378 0) X (ISO 1100-2:1998) 26pp G (acoustic) method
Specifies requirements for the determination of loads for This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced (ISO 6416:1992) 28pp G
the design of containment structures for the mass storage from ISO 1100-2:1998. This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced
of bulk solids. The loads include permanent loads, normal (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3645 9) from ISO 6416:1992.
service loads, environmental loads, and accidental loads. (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3651 3)
Does not apply to containers for the storage of silage. AS 3778.2.4—2001
(BD-065) (ISBN 0 7337 0733 5) Estimation of uncertainty of a flow AS 3778.3.8—2001
rate measurement Electromagnetic method using a
AS 3774 Supplement 1—1997 (ISO/TR 5168:1998) 68pp K full-channel-width coil
Loads on bulk solids containers— This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced
Commentary (Supplement to AS 3774- from ISO/TR 5168:1998.
(ISO 9213:1992) 14pp F
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3632 7) This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced
1996) 15pp D from ISO 9213:1992.
Provides background materials from which requirements
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3652 1)
are derived in AS 3774. AS 3778.2.5—2001
(BD-065) (ISBN 0 7337 1637 7) Guidelines for the selection of flow AS 3778.4
gauging structures
AS 3775—1990 (ISO 8368:1999) 11pp E Measurement using flow gauging
Chain slings—Grade T 15pp E This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced
Amdt 1 September 1990 (ISBN 0 7262 6466 0) X from ISO 8368:1999.
Amdt 2 April 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 6799 6) X (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3630 0) AS 3778.4.1—1991
Specifies requirements for design, manufacture, marking, Thin-plate weirs
and testing of chain slings using Grade T chain complying AS 3778.3 (ISO 1438-1:1980) 27pp G
with AS 2321. Guidance on information to be supplied Velocity-area methods
with enquiries and orders and on care and use is given in Specifies methods for the measurement of water flow
an appendix. in open channels using rectangular and triangular-
AS 3778.3.1—2001 notch (V-notch) thin-plate weirs. The flow conditions
(ME-025) (ISBN 0 7262 6190 4) considered are limited to steady, free and fully venti-
Measurement by current meters lated discharge. It also specifies limitations of appli-
AS 3776—1990 and floats cability related to weir and flow geometry for the rec-
Lifting components for Grade T chain (ISO 748:1997) 41pp I ommended equations. It is technically identical with
This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced and reproduced from ISO 1438-1:1980.
slings 11pp D (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7059 8)
Amdt 1 April 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 6801 1) X from ISO 748:1997.
Specifies requirements for design, manufacture, marking,
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3631 9)
and testing of forged lifting components for use in chain AS 3778.4.2—1991
sling assemblies complying with AS 3775 with corre- AS 3778.3.2—1990 Rectangular broad-crested weirs
sponding sizes of Grade T chain complying with AS 2321. Measurement by moving-boat (ISO 3846:1989) 12pp D
The components include hooks with eyes, clevises or other method
joining devices, mechanical connecting devices, and any Specifies the requirements for the use of rectangular
other terminal fittings used in a lifting system based on (ISO 4369:1979) 27pp G broad-crested weirs for the measurement of water
Grade T chain. The Standard does not apply to welded Specifies the method for measuring discharge in large flow in open channels under free flow conditions. It is
components other than welded master links, welded multi- rivers and estuaries by the moving-boat technique. It technically identical with and reproduced from ISO
link assemblies, welded joining links, or components sub- also provides procedures applicable to this method 3846:1989.
ject to an existing Australian Standard. Typical types are and covers general requirements of equipment em- (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7060 1)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 3778.4.3—1991 AS 3778.5.2—1991 AS 3778.6.7—1992

Round-nose horizontal broad- Integration method for the meas- Ultrasonic (acoustic) velocity me-
crested weirs urement of steady flow ters
(ISO 4374:1990) 18pp F (ISO 552-2:1987) 13pp D (ISO 6418:1985) 13pp D
Specifies the method of measuring water flow in riv- This Standard specifies methods for the measurement Describes the general design, operation, performance
ers and artificial channels under steady flow condi- of water flow in channels under steady flow condi- and application of ultrasonic (acoustic) velocity me-
tions using round-nose horizontal broad-crested tions by the dilution method using a known amount of ters for measurement of flow in open channels. It is
weirs. It is technically identical with and reproduced tracer. It is technically identical with and reproduced identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
from ISO 4374:1990. from ISO 555-2:1987. 6418:1985.
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7061 X) (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7070 9) (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7342 2)

AS 3778.4.4—1991 AS 3778.6 AS 3778.6.8—1992

V-shaped broad-crested weirs Measuring devices, instruments Position fixing equipment for hy-
(ISO 8333:1985) 16pp E and equipment drometric boats
Specifies a method for the measurement of sub-criti- (ISO 6420:1984) 9pp D
cal flow in small rivers and artificial channels using AS 3778.6.1—1992 Specifies methods of determining the position of hy-
V-shaped broad-crested weirs. It is technically identi- Rotating element current-meters drometric boats with respect to known points on the
cal with and reproduced from ISO 8333:1985. banks of rivers and estuaries. It is identical with and
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7062 8)
(ISO 2537:1988) 5pp C has been reproduced from ISO 6420:1984.
Specifies the operational requirements, construction, (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7343 0)
calibration, and maintenance of rotating element de-
AS 3778.4.5—1991 vices for the measurement of flow velocities in open
Triangular profile weirs channels. It does not define the form of the signal pro- AS 3779—1990
(ISO 4360:1984) 13pp D duced by the equipment or the signal receiving equip- Height setting micrometers and riser
ment. It is identical with and has been reproduced blocks
Specifies the method of measuring water flow in open from ISO 2537:1988.
channels under steady flow conditions using triangu- (ISO 7863:1984) 6pp C
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7335 X) Specifies the characteristics of height-setting micrometers
lar profile weirs. It is technically identical with and
reproduced from ISO 4360:1984. with a measuring capacity up to 600 mm and a minimum
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7063 6) AS 3778.6.2—1992 scale value not greater than 2 micrometre together with ris-
Direct depth sounding and suspen- er blocks up to 600 mm in height. Test methods for the ac-
curacy of instruments are given in Annexes. It is identical
AS 3778.4.6—1991 sion equipment with, and reproduced from, ISO 7863.
Flat-V weirs (ISO 3454:1983) 4pp B (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 6323 0)
(ISO 4377:1990) 18pp F Specifies functional requirements of sounding and
suspension equipment used in the direct measurement AS 3780—1994
Specifies methods for the measurement of water flow of depth and velocity of flow in open channels, in-
in rivers and artificial channels using flat-V weirs un- cluding the collection of sediment samples. It applies The storage and handling of corrosive
der steady or slowly varying flow conditions. It is to equipment used for sounding of water depth by the substances 37pp H
technically identical with and reproduced from ISO direct method and to equipment for suspending meas- Sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe
4377:1990. uring or sampling instruments (for example, current storage and handling, including disposal, of corrosive sub-
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7065 2) meter or sediment sampler) at the point of measure- stances, i.e. substances that meet the Class 8 classification
ment. It does not apply to indirect methods such as criteria of the ADG Code. The Standard may also apply to
AS 3778.4.7—1991 echo sounding. It is identical with and has been repro- dangerous goods, other than those of Class 2, that have a
duced from ISO 3454:1983. Class 8 Subsidiary Risk assigned to them. A discussion of
Rectangular, trapezoidal and U- (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7337 6) the hazards presented by corrosive substances and a bibli-
shaped flumes ography of documents providing guidelines on the prepa-
(ISO 4359:1983) 51pp I ration of emergency plans are provided in appendices.
AS 3778.6.3—1992 (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9042 4)
This Standard specifies methods for the measurement Calibration of rotating element cur-
of water flow in rivers and artificial channels under
steady or slowly varying flow conditions, using cer- rent-meters in straight open tanks AS 3781—1990
tain types of standing-wave (or critical depth) flumes. (ISO 3455:1976) 8pp C Acoustics—Noise labelling of machin-
It is technically identical with and reproduced from Specifies the procedure to be used for the calibration
ISO 4359:1983. ery and equipment
of current-meters, i.e. for the experimental determina-
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7066 0) tion of the relationship between water velocity and (ISO 4871:1984) 5pp C
rate of revolution of the rotating element. It also spec- Sets out the information to be included for labelling the
ifies the type of tank and equipment to be used and the noise emission of machinery and equipment, and pre-
AS 3778.4.10—1991 scribes the manner in which the information is expressed.
method of presenting the results. The procedure does
End-depth method for estimation not take into account any possible differences exist- Identical with and reproduced from ISO 4871:1984.
of flow in rectangular channels ing between the behaviour of the current-meter mov- (AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6329 X)
with a free overfall ing in motionless water and that of a fixed current-
meter in turbulent flow. It is identical with and has AS 3782
(ISO 3847:1977) 7pp C been reproduced from ISO 3455:1976.
Specifies a method for the estimation of sub-critical (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7338 4)
Acoustics—Statistical methods for
flow of water in smooth, straight, rectangular pris- determining and verifying stated noise
matic open channels with a vertical drop and dis-
AS 3778.6.4—1992 emission values of machinery and
charging freely. It is technically identical with and re- equipment
produced from ISO 3847:1977. Echo sounders for water depth
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7067 9) measurements
AS 3782.1—1990
(ISO 4366:1979) 6pp C General considerations and defini-
AS 3778.4.11—1991 Provides information concerning the principle of op-
End-depth method for estimation eration, performance and selection criteria for echo tions
of flow in non-rectangular chan- sounders used in depth measurements for open chan- (ISO 7574-1:1985) 4pp C
nel flow (and related) measurements. The use of Defines terms relating to methods for determining
nels with a free overfall (approxi- standard terminology is promoted. Information on the and verifying the labelled values of the noise emitted
mate method) characteristics of sound in water is provided in an an- by machinery and equipment. Identical with and re-
(ISO 4371:1984) 11pp D nex. It is identical with and has been reproduced from produced from ISO 7574-1:1985.
ISO 4366:1979. (AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6331 1)
Specifies a method for the estimation of sub-critical
flow of water in smooth, essentially horizontal, (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7339 2)
straight open channels with a vertical drop and dis- AS 3782.2—1990
charging freely. It is technically identical with and re- AS 3778.6.5—2001 Methods for stated values for indi-
produced from ISO 4371:1984. Water level measuring devices
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7068 7) vidual machines
(ISO 4373:1995) 23pp G (ISO 7574-2:1985) 2pp B
This Standard is identical to and has been reproduced Provides guidelines for determining the labelled val-
AS 3778.5 from ISO 4373:1995. ues of the noise emissions of individually labelled
Dilution methods (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3662 9) machinery and equipment. Identical with and repro-
duced from ISO 7574-2:1985.
AS 3778.5.1—1991 AS 3778.6.6—1992 (AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6332 X)
Constant-rate injection method for Cableway system for stream gaug-
the measurement of steady flow ing AS 3782.3—1990
(ISO 555-1:1973) 16pp E (ISO 4375:1979) 8pp C Simple (transition) method for stat-
Specifies methods for the measurement of water flow Gives a general description, functional requirements, ed values for batches of machines
in channels under steady flow conditions by the dilu- specification and guidelines for the design, and for (ISO 7574-3:1985) 2pp B
tion method using constant-rate injection. It is techni- the operation and maintenance of a cableway system Provides guidelines for determining noise emission
cally identical with and reproduced from ISO 555- used for stream gauging. It is identical with and has values of machinery and equipment for those label-
1:1973. been reproduced from ISO 4375:1979. ling the devices, and specifies a simple method for
(CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7069 5) (CE-024) (ISBN 0 7262 7341 4) verifying compliance of the noise emission of a batch

AS 3782.4—1990

of equipment. Identical with and reproduced from AS 3785.5—1998 or to commissioning. Information is also given to facilitate
ISO 7574-3:1985. grounds for agreement between appropriate regulatory au-
Headframes 13pp E thorities, owners and inspectors in establishing uniform
(AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6333 8)
Specifies design requirements for headframes and minimum requirements for in-service inspections.
skyshafts, for use in mine winding installations. (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4051 0)
AS 3782.4—1990 (ME-018) (ISBN 0 7337 2178 8)
Methods for stated values for AS 3789
batches of machines AS 3785.6—1992 Textiles for health care facilities and
(ISO 7574-4:1985) 14pp E Guides and rubbing ropes for con- institutions
This method provides guidelines for determining veyances 8pp D
noise emission values of machinery and equipment Amdt 1 July 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8314 2) X AS 3789.1—1991
for those labelling the devices, and specific statistical Specifies requirements for guides and rubbing ropes
sampling procedures for verifying compliance of the used in vertical mine shafts. Covers material, design
General ward linen 15pp E
noise emissions of a batch of equipment. Identical and manufacture. An Appendix provides typical Amdt 1 January 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7174 8) X
with and reproduced from ISO 7574-4:1985. guide load determination methods for rigid guides. Specifies requirements for the following general
(AV-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6334 6) (ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 7866 1) ward linen items used in health care facilities and in-
stitutions: flat sheets, draw sheets, break bed sheets,
AS 3783—1990 pillow cases, towels, nappies, feeders, laundry bags
AS 3785.7—1993 and kitchen aprons. Specification details showing fin-
Data storage and transfer media—CD- Sheaves 13pp E ished dimensions, materials and manufacturing re-
ROM—Data interchange on read-only Amdt 1 July 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8315 0) X quirements are listed for each of these items.
120 mm optical data disks Specifies requirements for sheaves in mine winding (TX-015) (ISBN 0 7262 3789 1)
(ISO/IEC 10149:1989) 43pp H systems. Covers materials, manufacture, design, non-
Specifies the characteristics of read-only 120 mm optical destructive testing and marking. Appendices provide AS 3789.2—1991
information on rim dimensional proportions, surface
data disks for information interchange between informa-
stress between rope and sheave, sheave diameter, and Theatre linen and pre-packs
tion processing systems and for information storage, called 71pp J
CD-ROM. This Standard is identical with and reproduced allowable wear for sheave rims without inserts.
from ISO/IEC 10149:1989. (ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 8009 7) Amdt 1 January 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7173 X) X
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6349 4) Specifies requirements for the following items of the-
AS 3785.8—1994 atre linen for health care facilities and institutional us-
es: drapes, fenestrated drapes, theatre gowns, hand
AS 3784 Personnel conveyances in other towels, leggings (mayo table covers), and wrappers.
Coatings for fire protection of building than vertical shafts 12pp E Requirements for the inspection and repair of used
elements Specifies requirements for personnel conveyances theatre linen and for the assembly of theatre linen pre-
used in shafts which do not exceed a gradient of 1 in packs are also specified.
3. The Standard covers materials, structural design, (TX-015) (ISBN 0 7262 6543 8)
AS 3784.1—1990 construction design, control system, inspection and
Guide to selection and installation testing. Appendices give guidelines on the informa-
tion to be provided by the purchaser and the supplier. AS 3789.3—1994
of sprayed mineral coatings (ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 8851 9) Apparel for operating theatre staff
17pp F 10pp D
Sets out recommendations for the selection and in- AS 3786—1993 Specifies requirements for the dimensions, materials
stallation of sprayed mineral coatings for the fire pro- and manufacture of apparel for operating theatre staff.
tection of building elements. A density test for the Smoke alarms 13pp
E Items of apparel specified are theatre dresses, two-
coating is provided in an appendix. Amdt 1 April 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9710 0) X piece suits, warm-up jackets, warm-up gowns and
(FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 6353 2) Amdt 2 December 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0128 0) X theatre boots. Boiler suits and pants suits are not spec-
Amdt 3 9 November 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4175 4) X ified.
AS 3785 Specifies the requirements for the design and performance (TX-015) (ISBN 0 7262 8468 8)
of electrically operated smoke alarms containing detection
Underground mining—Shaft equip- and alarm facilities. It also allows, but does not require, for AS 3789.4—1994
ment the inclusion within the smoke alarm facilities for inter-
connection with other units or accessories. Where such fa- Wool blankets 12pp E
cilities are included, the Standard specifies requirements Specifies requirements for four types of woven wool
AS 3785.1—1990 for the connection interface. It is not intended that this in- blankets, heavyweight, standard weight, lightweight,
Drum winding overwind safety terface be used for connection to remote monitoring sta- and cellular, for use in health care facilities and insti-
catch systems 7pp C tions. The Standard applies to smoke alarms for installa- tutions.
tion within residential accommodation where connection (TX-015) (ISBN 0 7262 8189 1)
Specifies requirements for overwind safety catch sys- to remote monitoring is not required.
tems in vertical shaft drum winding installations.
Covers design, materials and testing. Appendices (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7262 8098 4) AS 3789.5—1994
provide guidelines on the information to be provided Wool blankets—Laundering proce-
by the purchaser and the supplier. AS 3787
(ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 6369 9)
dures 2pp B
General requirements for single-use, Sets out procedures for the laundering of wool blan-
sterile, plasticized polyvinyl chloride kets used in health care facilities and institutions.
AS 3785.2—1991 (PVC) packs for human blood (TX-015) (ISBN 0 7262 8188 3)
Friction winding arresting sys-
tems 7pp C AS 3787.1—1997 AS 3789.6—1996
Specifies requirements for arresting systems in verti- Single blood packs 67pp J Fabric specifications 15pp E
cal shaft friction winding installations, including ma- Specifies requirements for sterilized, non-vented, col- Specifies requirements for cotton, cotton/synthetic
terials, design and testing. Appendices provide guide- lapsible, plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) single and synthetic fabrics which are to be used in health
lines on information to be provided by the purchaser blood packs for the collection, storage, transportation care facilities and institutions.
and the supplier, and on the arrestor operating dis- and administration of whole blood. Does not apply to
tance. (TX-015) (ISBN 0 7337 0189 2)
blood bag systems used for the freezing of red cells.
(ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 6939 5) (HE-021) (ISBN 0 7337 1007 7)
AS 3789.7—1996
AS 3785.3—1990 AS 3787.2—1997 General apparel 16pp F
Drum winding gripper systems Multiple blood pack systems Specifies requirements for the finished dimensions,
materials and manufacturing of nightgowns and pyja-
3pp B (ISO 3826:1993) 71pp J mas for adult use, and utility gowns for baby, infant,
Specifies requirements for gripper systems in vertical Specifies requirements for multiple blood pack sys- child and adult use.
mine shafts having timber conveyance guides and tems comprising two or more sterilized, non-vented, (TX-015) (ISBN 0 7337 0396 8)
drum winder installation and covers design, materials collapsible, interconnected plasticized polyvinyl
and testing. Appendices provide guidelines on the in- chloride (PVC) blood collection packs and satellite
formation to be provided by the purchaser and the packs for the collection of whole blood, the prepara- AS 3789.8—1997
supplier. tion of blood components, and the storage, transpor- Recyclable barrier fabrics 4pp C
(ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 6356 7) tation and administration of whole blood and blood Specifies minimum performance requirements for
components. Does not apply to blood pack systems unused recyclable barrier fabrics.
used for the freezing of red cells. (TX-015) (ISBN 0 7337 0865 4)
AS/NZS 3785.4:2002 (HE-021) (ISBN 0 7337 1008 5)
Conveyances for vertical shafts AS 3789.9—1998
11pp E AS/NZS 3788:2001 Curtains and patient bed screens—
Specifies requirements for conveyances used in verti- Pressure equipment—In-service in- Fabric performance properties
cal-shaft mine-winding installations, including fix- spection 159pp N 11pp D
tures on the conveyance, but not suspension pins for Provides requirements for the inspection, repair and alter-
connecting head rope, tail rope attachments or gripper ation of in-service boilers, pressure vessels, piping, safety Specifies manufacturing and performance require-
assemblies. Information that should be provided by equipment and associated controls. It also provides guid- ments for fabrics to be used for hospital and institu-
the purchaser and supplier are given in appendices. ance in the execution of such inspections. These inspec- tional curtains and bed screens.
(ME-018) (ISBN 0 7337 4665 9) tions include the initial inspection after installation and pri- (TX-015) (ISBN 0 7337 1952 X)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 3789.10—2000 B copper nickel. Details of dimensions and tolerances, produced from ISO 9735:1988 (amended reprint 1990 and
Blankets—Cotton woven cellular chemical composition, temper and form of material, test- incorporating Amendment 1:1992).
ing and marking are specified. The appendices propose (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0048 9)
blankets 7pp D purchasing guidelines, safe working pressure, testing pres-
Specifies requirements for cotton, woven cellular sure, and hydrostatic test.
blankets for use in hospitals and kindred institutions. (WS-018) (ISBN 0 7337 0358 5) AS/NZS 3802:1997
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3074 4) Data elements and interchange for-
AS 3797 mats—Information interchange—Rep-
AS 3790—1992 Hand hammers resentation of dates and times
Portable warning triangles for motor (ISO 8601:1988) 15pp E
vehicles 7pp C AS 3797.1—1991 Specifies the representation of dates in the Gregorian cal-
Specifies the design and performance requirements for endar and times and representations of periods of time.
portable warning triangles required to be carried in certain General requirements 5pp C This Standard does not assign any particular meaning or
motor vehicles in accordance with the National Road Traf- Amdt 1 August 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 7005 9) X interpretation to any data element that uses representations
fic Code and various State and Territory traffic laws or reg- Amdt 2 March 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8197 2) X in accordance with this Standard. Such meaning will be de-
ulations. Specifies general requirements for the manufacture, termined by the context of the application. This Standard
(MS-049) (ISBN 0 7262 7731 2) heat treatment, and finish of hand hammers intended does not cover dates and times where words are used in the
for striking of wood, metal, concrete, masonry, or representation. This Standard is technically identical with
and has been reproduced from ISO 8601:1988
AS 3791—1991 stone. Tolerances for the fit of the handle and for the
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0883 8)
Hydraulic hose 22pp G mass of the head are given, and tests for soundness of
assembly are prescribed.
Amdt 1 June 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 6878 X) X
Amdt 2 May 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9751 8) X
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6485 7) AS 3805—1991
Specifies dimensional and performance requirements for Electronic data interchange for admin-
14 classes of hydraulic hose having burst pressures up to AS 3797.2—1991 istration, commerce and transport
345 MPa and operating temperatures from -55°C to 205°C. Specific requirements for heavy (EDIFACT)—Forms design—Basic
Flexibility, visual examination and marking requirements hammers 5pp C layout
are also covered.
(RU-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6393 1) Specifies requirements for heavy hand hammers in- (ISO 8439:1990) 3pp B
tended for striking of wood, metal, concrete, mason- Specifies overall sizes, image areas, their division and data
ry, or stone. Three levels of hardness of striking faces fields for printed forms or forms in electronically transfer-
AS 3792 are given, and tests for soundness of assembly are able format for use in administration, commerce and trans-
Ride-on lawnmowers prescribed. An appendix provides guidance on the port. This Standard is technically identical with and has
safety requirements and limitations of the use of been reproduced from ISO 8439:1990.
heavy hand hammers.
AS 3792.1—1990 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7093 8)
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6486 5)
Powered rotary ride-on mowers
(ISO 5395:1990) 29pp H AS 3797.3—1991 AS 3806—1998
Amdt 1 December 1991 (ISBN 0 7262 7159 4) X Compliance programs 11pp F
Specifies requirements for the design and construc-
Specific requirements for light Provides an outline of, and recommendations for, a pro-
tion of powered rotary ride-on mowers with a width hammers 6pp C gram to ensure legal compliance within an organization.
of cut not exceeding 1250 mm. The requirements Specifies requirements for the manufacture, heat Such a program may also be more widely applied to codes
specified relate to the safety and robustness of the treatment, and finish of light hand hammers intended of practice and other organizational Standards. The pro-
mower and are checked by the test methods included for striking of wood, metal, concrete, masonry, or gram described is intended for guidance only and to com-
in appendices. stone. Tests for nail pulling and handle clearance of plement any other existing management system that an or-
(CS-033) (ISBN 0 7262 6421 0) carpenter's claw hammers are prescribed. An appen- ganization may have in place.
dix provides guidance on the safe use of light hand (QR-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1691 1)
AS 3793—1990
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6487 3) AS 3807—1998
Guide to the selection of intruder
alarm systems for road vehicles AS 3798—1996 Vocabulary of basic and general terms
7pp C in metrology 44pp H
Provides guidance for the selection of alarm systems for
Guidelines on earthworks for commer- Defines general terms used in all disciplines involved in
road vehicles, the types of equipment and levels of security cial and residential developments the science of measurement. It is identical with and has
available and suggests steps which can help in the preven- 36pp H been reproduced from the International vocabulary of ba-
tion of theft. Includes installation and operational consid- Specifies guidelines for the execution and control testing sic and general terms in metrology.
erations to ensure that unwanted alarms do not occur. of earthworks and associated site preparation works within (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1910 4)
(EL-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6406 7) commercial and residential developments.
(CE-027) (ISBN 0 7337 0355 0) AS/NZS 3808:2000
AS 3794 Insulating and sheathing materials for
Computer graphics—Programmer's AS 3799—1998 electric cables 22pp G
Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Sys- Liquid membrane-forming curing Amdt 1 10 July 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4669 1) X
tem (PHIGS) language bindings compounds for concrete 26pp G Specifies the tests and criteria, referenced in particular
Specifies characteristics and requirements for liquid mem- Standards, for elastomeric, PVC, reduced fire hazard and
AS 3794.1—1991 brane-forming curing compounds for concrete (referred to polyolefin insulating and sheathing materials used in the
FORTRAN as curing compounds). Such compounds are used to limit construction of electric cables and flexible cords. It does
the loss of water from concrete surfaces during the early not cover tests that can only be conducted on completed
(ISO/IEC 9593-1:1990) 213pp M hydration method. cables.
Specifies a language independent nucleus of a graph- (BD-033) (ISBN 0 7337 2224 5) (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3373 5)
ics system. For integration into a programming lan-
guage, PHIGS is embedded in a language-dependent
layer obeying the particular conventions of that lan- AS/NZS 3800:1997 AS/NZS 3809:1998
guage (FORTRAN). This Standard is identical with Electrical equipment for explosive at- Safes and strongrooms
and reproduced from ISO/IEC 9593-1:1990. mospheres—Overhaul and repair
(IT-003) (ISBN 0 7262 6630 2)
(prEN 1143-1) 23pp F
86pp K Specifies performance requirements and procedures for
Sets out requirements for overhaul, repair or modification testing secure storage units of the type intended for use in
AS 3794.3—1991 of electrical equipment for use in hazardous areas as de- commercial, industrial, mercantile, financial and insurance
Ada fined by AS 2430 in Australia and NZS 6101 in New Zea- institutions, and the like, and that are relied upon to protect
(ISO/IEC 9593-3:1990) 285pp N land and protected by flameproof enclosures, intrinsic the contents from intrusion and forced removal. The secure
safety, increased safety, pressurization, non-sparking and storage units include free-standing safes, built-in safes
This Standard specifies a language independent nu- (floor and wall), strongroom doors and strongrooms (with
cleus of a graphics system. For integration into a pro- dust-excluding ignition-proof techniques. It covers Group
I coalmining and Group II non-coalmining industries, in- or without a door). This Standard excludes electronic pack-
gramming language, PHIGS is embedded in a lan- ages (other than electronic locks) and other devices that
guage dependent layer obeying the particular cluding Class II combustible dust equipment. It includes
details for overhaul, repair, examination and testing as well may be attached to the secure storage unit or vault. These
conventions of that language. This part of the Stand- requirements are intended to establish the resistance to
ard specifies such a language dependent layer for the as requirements for competent persons and repair and
overhaul workshops. forced removal and intrusion resistant rating of secure stor-
Ada computer programming language. It is identical age units according to attack by prescribed tools. This
with and reproduced from ISO/IEC 9593-3:1990. (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1658 X)
Standard does not cover tests for fire resistance.
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6429 6) (MS-058) (ISBN 0 7337 1717 9)
AS/NZS 3801:1995
AS 3795—1996 Electronic data interchange for admin- AS/NZS 3810
Copper alloy tubes for plumbing and istration, commerce and transport Safes and strongrooms—Methods of
drainage applications 11pp D (EDIFACT)—Application level syntax test
Specifies requirements for round seamless copper alloy rules
tubes, designated as either brass which is intended prima-
rily for sanitary plumbing and stormwater drainage servic- (ISO 9735:1988 ISO 9735:1988/ AS/NZS 3810.0:1998
es, or copper nickel which is intended primarily for water Amd.1:1992) 25pp F Introduction and list of methods
services. The ranges of nominal sizes are DN 10 to DN 150 Specifies syntax rules for the preparation of messages to be
inclusive for Type B brass, and DN 32 to DN 150 inclusive interchanged in the fields of administration, commerce and 1p A
for Type D brass and DN 10 to DN 80 inclusive for Type transport. This Standard is identical with and has been re- (MS-058) (ISBN 0 7337 1718 7)

AS/NZS 3810.1:1998

AS/NZS 3810.1:1998 tential effects of series of impulses of noise on hearing, AS/NZS 3821:1998
community response or structures. This Standard is identi-
Test for physical attack 18pp F cal with and has been reproduced from ISO 10843:1997. Cassettes for medical X-ray diagno-
(MS-058) (ISBN 0 7337 1719 5) (EV-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1834 5) sis—Radiographic cassettes and
mammographic cassettes
AS/NZS 3810.2:1998 (IEC 60406:1997) 15pp E
Test for anchoring strength 3pp B AS 3818
Specifies dimensions for the commonly used range of cas-
(MS-058) (ISBN 0 7337 1720 9) Timber—Heavy structural products— settes for radiographic and mammographic procedures.
Visually graded This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
from IEC 60406:1997.
AS/NZS 3810.3:1998 (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1926 0)
Test for explosive resistance AS 3818.1—1998
5pp C General requirements 21pp F AS 3822—2002
Specifies the method to be applied when testing se- Sets out general requirements for visually graded Test methods for bare overhead con-
cure storage units for explosive designation (EX). heavy engineering timber products. It includes claus-
This is an optional test. es on moisture content, measurement of characteris- ductors 23pp G
(MS-058) (ISBN 0 7337 1721 7) tics, grade limitations and marking. Specifies test methods for determining the characteristics
of bare overhead conductors to enable users to compare
(TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1866 3) conductor types and predict the performance of conductors
AS 3811—1998 in service. It covers test methods for determining creep
Hard-wired patient alarm systems AS 3818.2—1998 characteristics, stress-strain characteristics, breaking load,
19pp F thermal aging characteristics, d.c. resistance, self-damping
Railway track timbers 14pp E characteristics and geometric properties.
Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2147 8) X (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4773 6)
Sets out visual grading rules, dimensional tolerances
Specifies the minimum performance requirements for and acceptable species for rail track sleepers, special
hard-wired patient alarm systems and gives guidance on sleepers for lead, crossing or turnout timbers and
their maintenance requirements. It applies to systems usu- bridge transoms. F grades are given for use in the de-
AS/NZS 3823
ally installed in high dependency health care establish- sign of bridge transoms. This Standard is to be used Performance of electrical applianc-
ments and may apply to specialist establishments such as
aged-care facilities and hostels. It does not apply to tele-
in conjunction with AS 3818.1. es—Airconditioners and heat pumps
communications-based systems using telephone diallers or (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1865 5)
PABX equipment, or to non-hard-wired systems. Appen- AS/NZS 3823.1.1:1998
dices are provided which specify the performance require- AS 3818.3—2001 Test Methods—Non-ducted aircon-
ments of optional features and give guidance on variations
applicable to low-dependency care facilities. Piles 19pp F ditioners and heat pumps—Test-
(TE-016) (ISBN 0 7337 1750 0) Specifies requirements for the visual grading and se- ing and rating for performance
lection of timber for use as piling in marine applica- (ISO 5151:1994) 46pp H
AS/NZS 3813:1998 tions (salt or brackish water) or in other than marine Amdt 1 7 May 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3873 7) X
applications (land or fresh water). This Standard re- Amdt 2 15 August 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4557 1) X
Plastic monobloc chairs 48pp I fers to AS 3818.1 for general product requirements
Specifies strength, durability and stability as well as mark- and grading methods and is to be read in conjunction Specifies the testing Standards for room aircondition-
ing requirements for plastic monobloc chairs. This Stand- with that Standard. ers. This Standard is technically equivalent to and re-
ard was developed by the Plastics and Chemicals Industry produced from ISO 5151:1994.
Association in conjunction with the now Australasian Fur- (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4127 4) (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 1976 2)
nishing Research and Development Institute.
(CS-091) (ISBN 0 7337 1815 9) AS 3818.4—2000 AS/NZS 3823.1.2:2001
Cross-arms for overhead lines Test methods—Ducted aircondi-
AS 3814—2002 (AG 501—2002)
12pp F tioners and air-to-air heat pumps—
Industrial and commercial gas-fired
appliances Sets out visual grading rules, dimensional tolerances Testing and rating for performance
Also numbered as AG 501-2002 120pp K
and acceptable species for timber crossarms intended (ISO 13253:1995) 49pp J
for use as support for overhead utility service ca- Amdt 1 12 August 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4556 3) X
Provides minimum requirements for the design, construc- bles.Two grades of crossarms are described and an
tion and safe operation of those gas appliances with gas optional top surface grade is also given. F-grades are Specifies the conditions on which the capacity and
consumption in excess of 10 MJ/h that are not covered by given for use in the structural design of crossarms. energy consumption of factory-made residential,
a certification scheme. The appliances may use Town Gas, This Standard is to be used in conjunction with AS commercial and industrial, electrically driven, me-
Natural Gas, Simulated Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum 3818.1. chanical-compression, single-package and split-sys-
Gas, Tempered Liquefied Petroleum Gas or any combina- tem, ducted airconditioners employing air- and water-
tion of these gases either together or with other fuels. In-
(TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3051 5) cooled condensers and ducted heat pumps employing
stallation requirements for the appliances are detailed in air-cooled condensers are based. The Standard also
AS 5601/AG 601. AS 3819 specifies the test methods to be applied for determin-
(AG-005) (ISBN 0 85852 287 X) ing the capacity and efficiency ratings. It covers
Heavy duty towing components equipment utilizing one or more refrigeration sys-
tems, one outdoor unit and one or more indoor units
AS 3815—1998 controlled by a single thermostat/controller, as well as
AS 3819.1—1998
A guide to coaxial cabling in single equipment utilizing single, multiple and variable ca-
and multiple premises 9pp D 70 mm and 110 mm diameter tow- pacity components. This Standard is an adoption,
Provides guidance for the selection, installation and termi- balls for heavy duty couplings with national modifications, of ISO 13253:1995.
nation of coaxial cabling components, with emphasis on 11pp D (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3641 6)
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) considerations. It is
Specifies classification, design, interchangeability of
intended for designers and installers of distribution sys-
dimensions with tolerances, finish, marking require- AS/NZS 3823.2:2001
tems (primarily those for 'free-to-air' TV, subscription TV
and in-house video systems). It supports legislative effort ments for 70 mm and 110 mm towballs, which are Energy labelling and minimum en-
to minimize electromagnetic pollution in the face of rapid- used for the towing of trailers above 3.5 t in tension ergy performance standard
ly expanding distribution networks of carriers and end us- and compression. A dynamic test is given in an ap- (MEPS) requirements 35pp H
ers. pendix.
Amdt 1 15 August 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4670 5) B
(CT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1837 X) (ME-053) (ISBN 0 7337 1905 8)
Specifies the energy labelling requirements for sin-
gle-phase ducted and non-ducted airconditioners of
AS/NZS 3816:1998 AS 3819.2—1998 the vapour compression type intended for household
Management of clinical and related Heavy duty coupling bodies for 70 and similar use. The Standard also specifies mini-
mum energy performance standard (MEPS) require-
wastes 9pp E mm and 110 mm towballs 10pp D ments for three-phase ducted and non-ducted aircon-
Sets out requirements for the identification, segregation, ditioners of the vapour compression type intended for
handling, storage, transport, treatment and ultimate safe Specifies classification, design, interchangeability of
dimensions with tolerances, finish, and marking re- household, commercial and similar use, up to a rated
disposal of clinical and related wastes which may be haz- cooling capacity of 65 kW. It does not cover multi-
ardous, in an environmentally responsible manner. Wastes quirements for a coupling body for 70 mm and 110
mm towballs, which are used for the towing of trailers split systems or evaporative airconditioners. This
arising from medical, nursing, dental, veterinary, laborato- Standard does not specify electrical safety require-
ry, pharmaceutical, podiatry, tattooing, body piercing and above 3.5 t in tension and compression. A pull-out
test and a dynamic test are given in appendices. ments.
mortuary practices, inter alia, are dealt with in the Stand-
ard. (ME-053) (ISBN 0 7337 1906 6) (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3639 4)
(HE-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1973 2)
AS/NZS 3820:1998 AS/NZS 3823.2:2000
AS/NZS 3817:1998 Energy labelling requirements
Essential safety requirements for low
Acoustics—Methods for the descrip- voltage electrical equipment 5pp C 28pp H
tion and physical measurement of sin- Specifies the energy labellingy requirements for non-
Specifies a set of outcomes-oriented criteria for the safety ducted room airconditioners of the vapour compres-
gle impulses or series of impulses of electrical equipment for use by electrical regulators in sion type intended for household and similar use, up
(ISO 10843:1997) 23pp F relation to products for which regulatory approval before to a rated cooling capacity of 7.5 kw. It covers only
Describes preferred methods for the description and the sale is not required (non-declared articles). This Standard those units with a single refrigeration circuit with one
physical measurement of single impulsive sounds or short is intended to be consistent with the criteria of the Europe- evaporator and one condenser such as unitary systems
series of impulsive sounds and for the presentation of the an Union low voltage directive. (window/wall) and single split systems. It does not
data. It does not provide methods for interpreting the po- (QR-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0345 3) cover multiple split systems, ducted systems or evap-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

orative coolers. This Standard does not specify electi- AS/NZS 3829:1998 AS/NZS ISO 3834.1:1999
cal safety requirements.
Wool—IWTO Staple Test Regulations Guidelines for selection and use
(EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3305 0)
(IWTO Staple Test Regulations) (ISO 3834-1:1994) 6pp D
AS/NZS 3823.3:2002 20pp F Describes welding quality requirements suitable for
Amdt 1 June 1999 (0 7337 2700 X) A application by manufacturers using welding as a
Calculation of performance for Sets out IWTO regulations relating to sampling and testing
means of fabrication for any type of fusion-welded
minimum energy performance staples of greasy wool for the terms of IWTO Staple Test
construction. The guidelines define various ap-
standard (MEPS) requirements proaches to quality requirements for welding fabrica-
Certificate and IWTO Combined Staple Test Certificates. tion, both in workshops and on sites and provide guid-
21pp G This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced ance for describing the capability of a manufacturer to
from the IWTO Staple Test Regulations. be able to produce welded construction of the speci-
Specifies procedures for calculating the performance (TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2088 9)
of factory-made residential, commercial and industri- fied quality. They can also be used by any interested
al, electrically driven, mechanical compression, sin- party as a basis for assessing a manufacturer's weld-
gle-package and split-system, ducted and non-ducted AS 3830 ing quality arrangments. This Standard is identical
airconditioners for determining their compliance with with and has been reproduced from ISO 3838-1:1994.
Ferroalloys—Specifications (WD-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2667 4)
minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) re-
quirements specified in AS/NZS 3823.2.
(EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 4663 2) AS 3830.1—1998 AS/NZS ISO 3834.2:1999
Ferromanganese 4pp C Comprehensive quality require-
AS/NZS 3824:1998 Specifies the key technical and commercial require-
ments for supply of the principal grades of ferroman- ments
Guidelines for radiotherapy treatment ganese products used in Australia. (ISO 3834-2:1994) 14pp F
rooms design (MN-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2089 7) Provides specific requirements for fusion welding in
(IEC 61859:1997) 9pp D contracts which require the manufacturer to have a
Applies to those aspects of a radiotherapy installation AS 3830.2—1998 quality system in accordance with ISO 9001 or ISO
which ensure the safety of the patient, the equipment oper- 9002; specific requirements for fusion welding in
ator and other persons present during the period in which
Ferrochromium 4pp C contracts which require the manufacturer to have a
the equipment is in use. General construction requirements Specifies the key technical and commercial require- quality system other than ISO 9001 or ISO 9002; spe-
are not addressed. This Standard is identical with and has ments for the supply of the principal grades of ferro- cific requirements for fusion welding as guidance to a
been reproduced from IEC 61859:1997. chromium products used in Australia. manufacturer developing a quality system; and spe-
(MN-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2090 7) cific requirements for references in application
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1987 2) Standards which use fusion welding as part of their
requirements or in a contract between relevant par-
AS/NZS 3825:1998 AS 3830.3—1998 ties. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
Procedures and devices for the re- Ferrosilicon 4pp C produced from ISO 3834-2:1994.
Specifies the key technical and commercial require- (WD-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2668 2)
moval and disposal of scalpel blades
ments for the supply of the principal grades of ferro-
from scalpel handles 5pp C silicon products used in Australia. Ferrosilicon used AS/NZS ISO 3834.3:1999
Sets out performance characteristics of devices used in, in the dense-medium separation method of minerals
and procedures for, the removal and disposal of scalpel is not included. Standards quality requirements
blades and similar instruments from scalpel handles. (MN-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2091 9) (ISO 3834-3:1994) 14pp F
(HE-011) (ISBN 0 7337 2013 7) Provides specific requirements for fusion welding in
AS 3830.4—1998 contracts which require the manufacturer to have a
AS 3826—1998 quality system other than ISO 9001 or ISO 9002; spe-
Ferrosilicomanganese 4pp C cific requirements for fusion welding as guidance to a
Strengthening existing buildings for Specifies the key technical and commercial require- manufacturer developing a quality system; and spe-
earthquake 55pp I ments for the supply of the principal grade of ferrosil- cific requirements for references in application
Sets out minimum requirements for the assessment, analy- icomanganese product used in Australia. Standards which use fusion welding as part of their
sis, design and detailing of strengthening existing build- (MN-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2092 7) requirements or in a contract between relevant par-
ings for earthquakes in accordance with the strength limit ties. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
state. The Standard does not apply to Class 1 and Class 10 produced from ISO 3834-3:1994.
buildings as defined in the Building Code of Australia. AS/NZS 3831:1998 (WD-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2669 0)
(BD-076) (ISBN 0 7337 2033 1) Waste management—Glossary of
terms 7pp C AS/NZS ISO 3834.4:1999
AS/NZS 3827 Specifies definitions for commonly used waste terms such Elementary quality requirements
as those involving collection, sorting, disposal, recycling,
Lighting system performance—Accu- waste stream, waste management and waste minimization. (ISO 3834-4:1994) 9pp D
racies and tolerances The definitions are aimed at generic waste rather than spe- Provides specific requirements for fusion welding in
cific product groups, in order to be suitable to various in- contracts which require the manufacturer to have a
dustries and institutions as well as households. For terms quality system other than ISO 9001 or ISO 9002 and
AS/NZS 3827.1:1998 specific to clinical or paper waste, refer to the relevant where the documented welding control has a minor
Overview and general recommen- Standards. Terms more generally related to the environ- importance to the overall integrity of the final con-
dations 49pp I ment are not included. struction; specific requirements for fusion welding as
(EV-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2093 5) guidance to a manfuacturer developing a quality sys-
Identifies the factors that influence variability in tem; and specific requirements for references in ap-
lighting performance and gives recommendations on plication Standards which use fusion welding as part
how such variability may be contained within tolera- AS/NZS 3832:1998 of their requirements or in a contract between relevant
ble limits in the specification, calculation and meas- Electrical installations—Cold-cath- parties. This Standard is identical with and has been
urement of interior and exterior lighting systems. Pro- reproduced from ISO 3834-4:1994.
vides advice on the comparison of calculated/ ode illumination systems 38pp H
measured values of lighting parameters with speci- Sets out requirements for the construction, testing and (WD-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2670 4)
fied or target values, taking into account the uncer- methods of installation of cold-cathode illumination sys-
tainties of calculation/measurement. Sets out typical tems (neon signs) to ensure safety from fire and electrical AS 3835
uncertainties that might be expected for various ele- shock. It includes requirements for electrical components
ments of lighting calculations/measurements, togeth- and wiring and covers recommendations for maintenance Coordination of power and telecom-
er with total uncertainties for the overall design. and repair. munications—Earth Potential Rise
(LG-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2040 4) (EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2098 6) (EPR)

AS/NZS 3827.2:1998 AS/NZS 3833:1998 AS 3835.3(Int)—1998

Compliance requirements 11pp D The storage and handling of mixed Isolation arrangements for paired
Sets out requirements applying to verification of classes of dangerous goods in pack- cable telemetering/telecontrol
compliance of calculated or measured values of light- ages and intermediate bulk contain- services in LV areas and HV sites
ing parameters, from interior and exterior lighting ers 69pp J (Expired 5 September 2000) 51pp I
systems, with specified or target values for these pa- Provides requirements and recommendations for the stor- Specifies requirements and practices for the isolation
rameters. The requirements are the minimum consid- of telecommunications services involved in remote
age and handling of mixed classes of dangerous goods, in
ered necessary to ensure that calculated or measured packages and intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), of metering, remote interrogation and demand manage-
values of lighting parameters are of an acceptable ac- Classes 1.4S, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 8 and 9 and aerosols, when two ment of LV and HV power systems, on poles and in
curacy. or more classes are kept in the same store. Recommenda- buildings.
(LG-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2041 2) tions for the segregation of dangerous goods within the (ET-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2174 5)
store, and safe separation distances to protected places,
AS 3828—1998 boundaries and ignition sources are given. Precautions for
AS 3836—1998
the handling of dangerous goods and outlines of fire pro-
Guidelines for the erection of building tection requirements and clean-up procedures are also pro- Rack conveyor washers for health
steelwork 36pp H vided. care facilities 18pp F
Recommends safe working provisions and practices (sup- (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2180 X) Specifies requirements for washers with a rack transport
ported by training) for those responsible for and involved system, which prewash, wash and rinse medical and surgi-
in the erection of building steelwork. This Standard is not cal equipment in hospitals and other non-industrial appli-
intended to be solely for the builder, but also intended to
cations. These washers are not intended to treat certain
provide guidance for associated trades. Quality requirements for welding—Fu- types of equipment, such as suction tubing, single-use
(BD-091) (ISBN 0 7337 2079 X) sion welding of metallic materials equipment, mechanical components and electrical compo-

AS/NZS 3837:1998

nents. Guidance on information that should be supplied been reproduced from ISO/IEC Guide 65:1996 (also pub- AS 3850.1—1990
with enquiries and orders is given in an appendix. lished as the Handbook SAA/SNZ HB18.65:1998). Safety requirements 12pp E
(ME-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2175 3) (QR-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2255 5) Sets out design, casting and erection requirements to
ensure the safe erection and temporary bracing of tilt-
AS/NZS 3837:1998 AS 3844—1998 up concrete and precast concrete elements.
Method of test for heat and smoke re- Recommended practice for metal (BD-066) (ISBN 0 7262 6494 6)
lease rates for materials and products analysis by electrochemical stripping
using an oxygen consumption calo- techniques 25pp G AS 3850.2—1990
rimeter 30pp G Sets out recommendations for the selection of stripping Guide to design, casting and erec-
Sets out a test method for the determination of ignitability, techniques suitable for the determination of the concentra- tion of tilt-up panels 20pp G
heat release rates, mass loss rates, effective heat of com- tion of metals. Provides guidance on the design, casting and erection
bustion and smoke release of materials and products when (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2288 1) of concrete tilt-up panels.
exposed to controlled levels of radiant heating. (BD-066) (ISBN 0 7262 6497 0)
(FP-018) (ISBN 0 7337 2177 X) AS/NZS 3845:1999
Road safety barrier systems 118pp L AS 3850.3—1992
AS/NZS 3838:1998 Sets out requirements for roadside devices that provide Guide to the erection of precast
Helmets for horse riding and horse-re- some degree of redirection and containment capability concrete members 10pp D
lated activities when impacted by a vehicle, or provide controlled absorp- Provides guidance on the transport, unloading and
tion of the kinetic energy of a vehicle that is on a collision erection of precast concrete members for use in build-
See also AS 2063.1-1986 9pp D course. The Standard also provides users with issues when
Specifies requirements for protective helmets for horse rid- ings.
specifying the installation, erection, maintenance and test
ing and horse-related activities, intended to mitigate the ef- methods for these devices to achieve an acceptable level of (BD-066) (ISBN 0 7262 7261 2)
fects of an impact to the head. It includes construction, performance.
testing and labelling requirements. (CE-033) (ISBN 0 7337 2293 8) AS 3851—1991
(CS-096) (ISBN 0 7337 2187 7) The calculation of short-circuit cur-
AS 3846—1998 rents in three-phase a.c. systems
AS 3839—1998 The handling and transport of danger- (IEC 909:1988) 88pp K
Evaluation of aftermarket disc pads ous cargoes in port areas 120pp L Amdt 1 March 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7222 1) X
for passenger vehicles and their deriv- Amdt 1 August 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2827 8) X Specifies standard methods for the calculation of short-cir-
atives 3pp B cuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems, both radial and
Specifies requirements and recommendations for the safe meshed with and without contribution from generators and
Applies to replacement automotive disc brake pad assem- handling and transport of dangerous cargoes in port areas. motors, which are suitable for either computer or manual
blies, intended for passenger car vehicles and their deriva- Provides requirements for facilities and operating proce- calculation.
tives, and specifies the minimum requirements to ensure dures in order to ensure the safety of personnel, installa-
that the disc pad assemblies perform satisfactorily. tions and the environment. It includes matters relating to (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6515 2)
(ME-054) (ISBN 0 7337 2186 9) repair work on ships and shore installations, fire protection
and day-to-day operations. AS 3852—1991
AS 3840 (ME-081) (ISBN 0 7337 2333 0) Performance of household electrical
Pressure regulators for use with med- appliances—Thermostatically control-
ical gases AS/NZS 3847 led direct-acting room heaters
Shopping trolleys 10pp D
Specifies design, construction and performance require-
AS 3840.1—1998 ments for thermostatically controlled direct-acting room
Pressure regulators and pressure AS/NZS 3847.1:1999
heaters of the forced draught and natural convection type,
regulators with flow-metering de- For general use 22pp G also hybrid forced draught radiant heaters and hybrid nat-
Amdt 1 22 March 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4371 4) X ural convection radiant heaters. Point-of-sale information
vices 29pp G includes the maximum sound power level, and energy con-
Specifies materials, construction, performance and
Specifies requirements for compressed gas regulators testing requirements for shopping trolleys. trol grade.
and compressed gas regulators with flow-metering (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 6517 9)
devices for use in the medical gas industry. This (CS-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2342 X)
Standard aligns closely with ISO 10524:1995 and EN
738-1:1997 with magnification and clarification of AS 3848 AS 3853
the test procedures and their test results. Filling of portable gas cylinders Fume from welding and allied proc-
(ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2246 6) esses
AS 3848.1—1999
AS/NZS 3841:1998 Decant filling of medical air and ox- AS 3853.1—1991
Guide 61: General requirements for ygen into portable cylinders—Safe Guide to methods for the sampling
assessment and accreditation of certi- procedures 11pp D and analysis of particulate matter
fication/registration bodies Specifies the procedures to enable the safe filling of
8pp D
(ISO/IEC Guide 61:1996) 11pp D portable cylinders to be undertaken and details the Establishes the adoption as an Australian Standard of
Provides general requirements for bodies operating ac- methods of decant filling of medical air and decant BS 6691:Part 1:1986 with amendments as described
creditation systems; intended to promote equivalence of filling of medical oxygen. The Standard emphasises in the Preface. The Standard provides guidance on
national systems and facilitate mutual recognition between the need for trained staff only to execute these proce- methods for the sampling and analysis of particulate
such bodies which are concerned with the recognition of dures and draws attention to dangers associated with matter in fume from welding and allied processes.
competence. This Standard is identical with and has been these filling practices. (CH-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6404 0)
reproduced from ISO/IEC Guide 61:1996 (also published (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2382 9)
as the Handbook, SAA/NZS HB18.61:1996). AS 3853.2—1991
(QR-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2253 9) AS 3848.2—1999 Guide to methods for the sampling
Filling of portable cylinders for and analysis of gases 8pp D
AS/NZS 3842:1998 Establishes the adoption as an Australian Standard of
self-contained underwater breath-
Guide 62: General requirements for ing apparatus (SCUBA) and non- BS 6691:Part 2:1986 with amendments as described
bodies operating assessment and cer- in the Preface. The Standard provides guidance on
underwater self-contained breath- methods for the sampling and analysis of pollutant
tification/registration of quality sys- ing apparatus (SCBA)—Safe pro- gases which may be produced or be present during
tems cedures 13pp E welding and allied processes.
(ISO/IEC Guide 62:1996) 11pp D (CH-031) (ISBN 0 7262 6405 9)
Amalgamates AS 2704-1984 and AS 2705-1984 pro-
Provides requirements which are intended to ensure that viding safe procedures for the filling of SCUBA and
certification bodies operate third-party certification/regis- SCBA portable cylinders. The Standard also defines AS 3854
tration systems in a consistent and reliable manner, thereby the pressure limitations on the valves used on these Performance standards in building
facilitating their acceptance on a national and international cylinders, together with details of the minimum infor-
basis. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- mation to be marked permanently on the valves.
duced from ISO/IEC Guide 62:1996 (also published as the AS 3854.1—1990
Handbook, SAA/NZS HB18.62:1996).
(ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2332 2) Contents and presentation
(QR-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2254 7) (ISO 6240:1980) 2pp B
AS/NZS 3849:1999 Sets out guidelines for the contents and presentation
AS/NZS 3843:1998 Wool—IWTO Condition Testing Regu- of performance standards. This Standard is identical
Guide 65: General requirements for lations for Wool Tops 17pp F with and reproduced from ISO 6240:1980.
Sets out the IWTO regulations relating to the sampling and (BD-) (ISBN 0 7262 6525 X)
bodies operating product certification condition testing of wool tops and the issue of IWTO con-
systems ditioning certificates for such wools. AS 3854.2—1990
(ISO/IEC Guide 65:1996) 8pp D (TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2357 8) Principles for their preparation and
Provides general requirements for bodies operating a sys- factors to be considered
tem for third-party product certification (which may in- AS 3850
clude a process or service) as a means of assurance that the (ISO 6241:1984) 10pp D
system complies with specified Standards and other nor- Tilt-up concrete and precast concrete Sets out the principles and factors to be considered in
mative documents. This Standard is identical with and has elements for use in buildings the preparation of performance Standards. This

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO AS 3867—1991 AS 3874

6241:1984. Information processing—Picture cod-
(BD-) (ISBN 0 7262 6526 8)
The qualitative identification of sur-
factant components in detergents ing methods
AS/NZS 3856 6pp C
Provides a scheme of analysis for the qualitative identifi- AS 3874.1—1991
Hoists and ramps for people with dis- cation of surfactant components in detergents. Appendices Identification
abilities—Vehicle-mounted provide information on the interpretation of spectra ob- (ISO/IEC 9281.1:1990) 8pp D
tained by infrared absorption (including estimation of the
biodegradability of detergents tested) and the isolation of Specifies the identification methods for coding of pic-
AS/NZS 3856.1:1998 torial information in digital form. It does not specify
acid hydrolysis products.
Product requirements 15pp E (CS-002) (ISBN 0 7262 6647 7)
the contents of the data field of a picture entity. The
Specifies design and performance requirements for field may also contain audio and/or animation data.
appliances which incorporate a platform, ramp, sling, This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
seat or harness, for use by people with disabilities in AS 3868—1991 duced from ISO/IEC 9281.1:1990.
boarding and alighting from motor vehicles. Covers Earth-moving machinery—Design (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6750 3)
only those appliances that are attached to a vehicle. guide for access systems
(ME-067) (ISBN 0 7337 2202 4) AS 3875—1991
(ISO 2867-1980) 10pp D Information technology—Program
This Standard recommends criteria for the design of com-
AS/NZS 3856.2:1998 ponent parts of access systems on earth-moving machinery constructs and conventions for their
Installation requirements 5pp C having engine power in excess of 15 kW. representation
Specifies installation requirements in vehicles for the (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 6651 5) (ISO/IEC 8631:1989) 7pp C
types of hoists and ramps covered in Part 1. Describes the uses of procedure-oriented algorithms. It de-
(ME-067) (ISBN 0 7337 2203 2) AS/NZS 3869:1999 fines the nature of program constructs, indicates the man-
ner in which constructs can be combined, provides specifi-
Domestic solid fuel burning applianc- cations for a set of constructs and permits the definition of
AS 3857—1999 es—Design and construction 27pp H a variety of subsets of the defined constructs. It is identical
Heat exchangers—Tubeplates—Meth- Specifies requirements for the construction of solid fuel with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 8631:1989.
ods of design 33pp I burning heaters and related domestic appliances. Require- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6755 4)
Specifies a method for the design of circular tubeplates ments include design, performance and construction mate-
used in shell and tube heat exchangers and in some types rials. Also included are requirements for appliances utiliz- AS 3876—1991
of boilers. It is intended to be used in conjunction with AS ing catalytic combustors and those used for water heating
1210, Pressure vessels, and, as moments, stresses, and de- purposes. This Standard does not cover the requirements Information processing—Guidelines
flection across the tubeplate are determined by this meth- for installation nor does it address the power output, effi- for the documentation of computer-
od, it may also be used with AS 1210 Supplement 1. The ciency, or the level of pollutant flue gas emissions which based application systems
method is applicable to long-hand calculations, but its are covered by other Standards.
most effective use will be achieved by programming a
(ISO 6592:1985) 17pp E
(CS-062) (ISBN 0 7337 2548 1) Establishes guidelines for the documentation of computer-
computer. An appendix provides an algorithm to assist in
computer programming, as well as, a suggested worksheet based application systems. It also contains checklists with
and worked examples. AS 3869—1991 the aim of supporting effective activities throughout the
Domestic solid fuel burning applianc- system life cycle. It is identical with and has been repro-
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2689 5) duced from ISO 6592:1991.
es—Specifications (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6756 2)
AS 3860—1991 Available Superseded 21pp G
Fixed guideway people movers Specifies requirements for the safe design and construction AS 3877—1991
of solid fuel burning heaters and related domestic appli-
29pp H ances. Requirements include design, performance and con- Manipulating industrial robots—Vo-
Specifies requirements for the design, manufacture, instal- struction materials. Also included are requirements for ap- cabulary
lation, testing and operation of fixed guideway people pliances utilizing catalytic combustors and those used for (ISO/TR 8373:1988) 9pp D
movers. water heating purposes. This Standard does not cover the Defines terms relevant to manipulating industrial robots
(ME-066) (ISBN 0 7262 6562 4) requirements for installation nor does it address the power operated in a manufacturing environment. It is identical
output, efficiency, or the level of pollutant flue gas emis- with and has been reproduced from ISO/TR 8373:1988.
AS 3861—1991 sions. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6757 0)
Spa baths 8pp D (CS-062) (ISBN 0 7262 6669 8)
Specifies material, construction, installation and safety re- AS 3878—1991
quirements for spa baths. AS 3870—1991 Information processing—Computer-
(WS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 6599 3) Certified reference materials—Gener- assisted publishing—Vocabulary
al guide to material selection, prepara- (ISO/TR 9544:1988) 43pp H
AS/NZS 3862:2002 tion, testing and certification Deals with terms that are in common use in computer-as-
External fusion-bonded epoxy coating (ISO Guide 30 ISO Guide 31 ISO Guide sisted publishing and covers the fields of text entry, text
for steel pipes 55pp J editing, typesetting and other typographical imaging, and
35) 13pp E printing and publishing; it also identifies the relationships
Provides purchasers and manufacturers of steel pipes with Provides broad guidelines for the selection of a suitable
a specification for external fusion-bonded epoxy coating of between the terms. It is identical with and has been repro-
source material, and its subsequent preparation, testing and duced from ISO/TR 9544:1988.
steel pipes for protection against corrosion. certification as a reference material intended for use in the
(ME-038) (ISBN 0 7337 4089 8) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6758 9)
calibration of apparatus, the assessment of a method of
analysis, or for assigning compositional values to related
AS/NZS 3863:2002 materials. AS/NZS 3879:1995
Galvanized mild steel wire for armour- (CH-023) (ISBN 0 7262 6702 3) Solvent cements and priming fluids
ing cables 6pp D for use with unplasticized PVC (uPVC)
Specifies requirements for galvanized cold-drawn mild AS 3872—1991 pipes and fittings 21pp F
steel wire of round cross-section used for the armouring of Orthopaedic implants—General re- Specifies the requirements for solvent cements and prim-
electric and telecommunication cables. ing fluids used in the jointing of unplasticized polyvinyl
quirements for marking, packaging chloride (uPVC) pipes and fittings for both pressure and
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4586 5) and labelling non-pressure application.
(ISO 6018:1987) 2pp B (PL-021) (ISBN 0 7262 9775 5)
AS 3864—1997 Specifies general requirements for the marking, packaging
Medical refrigeration equipment—For and labelling of orthopaedic implants supplied either ster- AS 3880—1991
the storage of blood and blood prod- ile or as manufactured, i.e. prior to sterilization. This Bin flow properties of coal 14pp E
ucts 44pp H Standard is identical to and reproduced from ISO Sets out methods for the measurement of the flow proper-
6018:1987. ties of coal, primarily for the design of bins and chutes.
Amdt 1 February 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1714 4) X (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7262 6703 1)
Specifies requirements for the manufacture of medical re- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6788 0)
frigeration equipment such as reach-in cabinets and walk-
in rooms for the storage of blood and blood products in the AS 3873—2001 AS 3881—2002
temperature range 2°C to 6°C, and for the storage of frozen Pressure equipment—Operation and Higher rank coal—Size analysis
blood plasma at a temperature of -25°C or lower, within an
ambient temperature range of 10°C to 43°C. maintenance 65pp K (ISO 1953:1994) 12pp F
(HE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 1151 0) Specifies minimum requirements and guidance on the op- Specifies reference methods for the size analysis of coal by
eration and maintenance of boilers, pressure vessels, asso- manual sieving (wet or dry), using test sieves of aperture
ciated control and safety equipment, piping and auxiliaries, sizes between 125 mm and 45 micrometre. The Standard is
AS 3865—1991 and in the execution of such work. Covers actions required identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
Calculation of the effects of short-cir- by the owner-user from initial receipt of the equipment on- 1953:1994.
site until final disposal. Applies to commissioning, opera- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4621 7)
cuit currents tion, maintenance, routine inspection, storage and dispos-
(IEC 865:1986) 38pp H al, together with specific requirements for safety manage-
Specifies standard methods for the calculation of the elec- ment systems, including where appropriate risk AS 3882—1991
tromagnetic and thermal effects of short-circuit currents in assessment. Applies to pressure equipment covered by AS/ Rheology—Glossary of terms and
rigid and flexible conductors, and the resulting forces on NZS 1200. The requirements do not apply to all hazard classification of properties 19pp F
structures and supports. levels of pressure equipment. Provides definitions of terms relevant to the properties of
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 6629 9) (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3749 8) fluids and solids under conditions of deformation and

AS 3883—1991

flow; lists some units relevant to rheological measure- AS 3893.1—1991 AS 3894.12—2002

ments; and outlines a scheme for classifying fluid and solid
materials according to the rheological properties they ex- Model, notation and service defini- Inspection report—Coating
hibit when subjected to specified tests. tion Pad of 50 forms 2pp C
(CH-033) (ISBN 0 7262 6786 4) (ISO/IEC 9072-1:1989) 35pp H (CH-003)
Defines a Remote Operation (RO) notation for defin-
AS 3883—1991 ing the services provided to interactive applications. AS 3894.13—2002
This Standard also defines the services provided by Inspection report—Daily
Computer graphics—Computer Aided the Remote Operation Service Element (ROSE) serv-
Pad of 50 forms 2pp C
Design (CAD)—Guide for structuring ices. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
produced from ISO/IEC 9072-1:1989. (CH-003)
of computer graphic information (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6841 0)
(BS 1192.5:1990) 16pp E AS 3894.14—2002
Gives guidance on the representation of construction by AS 3893.2—1991 Inspection report—Daily painting
computers primarily for the purpose of generating draw- Protocol specification Pad of 50 forms 2pp C
ings and the exchange of data between CAD users. This
Standard is identical to and reproduced from BS 1192:Part (ISO/IEC 9072-2:1989) 28pp G (CH-003)
5:1990. Specifies the protocol (abstract syntax) and proce-
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6810 0) dures for the Remote Operation Service Element AS 3895
(ROSE). These procedures are defined in terms of the Methods for the analysis of copper,
interactions between peer ROSE protocol machines
AS 3887—1991 through the use of RTSE services or the presentation lead, zinc, gold and silver ores
Paints for steel structures—Coal tar service and the interactions between the ROSE proto-
col machine and its service-user. This Standard is AS 3895.1—1991
epoxy (two-pack) 21pp G identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC Determination of gold (Fire as-
Specifies requirements for two-component coal tar epoxy 9072-2:1989.
paints that are primarily applied by spraying for use in pro- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6842 9) say—Flame AAS method) 9pp D
tecting iron and steel against atmospheric corrosion. Sets out a fire assay—AAS method for the determina-
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 6809 7) tion of gold in copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver ores.
AS 3894 (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7262 6882 8)
Site testing of protective coatings
AS/NZS 3889:1993 AS/NZS 3896:1998
Rubber and plastics—Analysis of mul- AS 3894.0—2002 Waters—Examination for legionellae
ti-peak traces obtained in determina- Introduction and list of test meth- including Legionella pneumophila
tions of tear strength and adhesion ods 1p X 11pp D
strength (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4475 3) Specifies a method for detecting and estimating the
(ISO 6133:1981) 3pp B number of Legionella pneumophila and some other le-
Specifies three methods of calculating, after test, the tear
AS 3894.1—2002 gionellae in water. In this revision the biocide reduction
Non-conductive coatings—Conti- step has been deleted as the dilution factors within this
strength and adhesion strength of vulcanised rubber or fab- method, i.e. 0.1 mL onto agar plates, are sufficient to over-
rics coated with, or adhered to, rubber or plastics. Identical nuity testing—High voltage come any residual antimicrobial activity within the sample
with and reproduced from ISO 6133:1981. ('brush') method 22pp G submitted for testing.
(ME-056) (ISBN 0 7262 8521 8) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4476 1) (FT-020) (ISBN 0 7337 1733 0)

AS 3890—1991 AS 3894.2—2002 AS 3897—1991

Rolling bearings—System life and reli- Non-conductive coatings—Conti- Information processing—Guidelines
ability 7pp C nuity testing—Wet sponge meth- for the management of software docu-
Sets out a method for calculating the rating life of rolling od 6pp D mentation
bearings. It applies to those systems in which the failure of (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4477 X) (ISO/IEC/TR 9294:1990) 7pp C
any one component produces failure of the whole system. Offers guidance on the management of software documen-
(ME-037) (ISBN 0 7262 6821 6) AS 3894.3—2002 tation to those managers responsible for the production of
software or software-based products. This Standard is
Determination of dry film thick- identical with and reproduced from ISO/IEC/ TR
AS 3891 ness 27pp G 9294:1990.
Air navigation—Cables and their sup- (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4478 8) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6885 2)
porting structures—Mapping and
marking AS 3894.4—2002 AS 3898—1991
Assessment of degree of cure Information processing—User docu-
AS 3891.1—1991 9pp E mentation and cover information for
Permanent marking of overhead (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4479 6) consumer software packages
cables and their supporting struc- (ISO 9127:1988) 7pp C
tures 5pp C AS 3894.5—2002 Describes the user documentation and cover information
Determination of surface profile supplied with consumer software packages. This Standard
Specifies requirements for aircraft warning markers is identical with and reproduced from ISO 9127:1988.
for use on overhead cables and their supporting struc- 7pp D (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6886 0)
tures. (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4480 X)
(IT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6826 7) AS 3899—2002
AS 3894.6—2002 Higher rank coal and coke—Bulk den-
AS 3891.2—1992 Determination of residual contami- sity 10pp E
Marking of overhead cables for nants 9pp E Provides three methods for the determination of the bulk
low-level flying 2pp B (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4481 8) density of crushed higher rank coal and coke.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4885 6)
Specifies requirements for permanent and temporary AS 3894.7—2002
visual warning marking of overhead cables and sup-
porting structures for low-level flying operations. Determination of surface tempera- AS 3900
(IT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 7835 1) ture 3pp C Quality management and quality as-
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4482 6) surance Standards
AS 3892—2001
AS 3894.8—2002 AS 3900.4—1994
Pressure equipment—Installation Visual determination of gloss Guide to dependability program
42pp I 3pp C management
Specifies requirements and guidance on the installation of (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4483 4) (NZS 9000.4:1994 ISO 9000-4:1993/
pressure equipment (boilers, pressure vessels and pressure
piping), control, and safety equipment in accordance with IEC 300-1:1993) 7pp C
AS/NZS 1200 and Standards referenced therein, together AS 3894.10—2002 Provides general guidance on dependability program
with other relevant Standards. It recognizes the growing Inspection report—Daily surface management, its relationship to quality of goods and
use of management systems to ensure the initial and con- services and the non-quantitative aspects of reliabili-
and ambient conditions ty, availability and maintainability. This Standard is
tinued safe, reliable performance of pressure plants.
Pad of 50 forms 2pp C identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3748 X) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4484 2) 9000-4:1993/IEC 300-1:1993.
(QR-005) (ISBN 0 7262 8858 6)
AS 3893 AS 3894.11—2002
Information processing systems— Equipment report AS 3904
Text communication—Remote Opera- Pad of 50 forms 2pp C Quality management and quality sys-
tions (CH-003) tem elements

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 3904.3—1994 elements is described in terms common to the indus- AS 3911.1—1992

try and typical examples are given.
Guidelines for processed materials (QR-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0368 2) Auditing
(NZS 9004.3:1994 ISO 9004- (NZS 10011.1:1992 ISO 10011-
3:1993) 21pp F AS 3905.10—1997 1:1990) 4pp C
Provides a guide to quality system elements applica- Guide to AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994 for Provides guidelines for establishing, planning, carry-
ble to processed materials, such as bulk products, and ing out and documenting audits of quality systems as
discusses means of ensuring effective quality man- the finance industry 58pp I well as establishing basic audit principles criteria and
agement. Based on and similar in scope to AS 3904.1/ Provides guidance for the finance industry, including practices. It allows users to adjust the guidelines de-
NZS 9004.1/ISO 9004.1 Guidelines. This Standard is the banking, credit union, building society and finan- scribed to suit their needs. This Standard is identical
identical with and reproduced from ISO 9004-3:1993. cial adviser sectors on the interpretation and applica- with and reproduced from ISO 10011-1:1990. Identi-
Identical with NZS 9004.3. tion of AS/NZS ISO 9000 quality system Standards. cal with NZS 10011.1:1992 and produced as a Joint
(QR-008) (ISBN 0 7262 9102 1) The application of the various requirements is de- Australian/New Zealand Standard.
scribed in terms relevant to the finance industry. Typ- (QR-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7498 4)
ical application examples are given, drawn from prac-
AS 3904.4—1994 tical experience within the industry.
Guidelines for quality improve- (QR-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1484 6) AS 3911.2—1992
ment Qualification criteria for auditors
(NZS 9004.4:1994 ISO 9004- AS 3905.11—1998 (NZS 10011.2:1992 ISO 10011-
4:1993) 31pp G Guide to AS/NZS ISO 9002:1994 for 2:1991) 6pp C
Provides a set of management guidelines for imple- the motor vehicle maintenance and Sets out qualification criteria for the selection of au-
menting continuous quality improvement within an repair industry 20pp F ditors to perform quality systems audits in accordance
organization. Describes tools and techniques for a with AS 3911.1. This Standard is identical with and
quality improvement methodology based on data col- Provides guidance for the motor vehicle maintenance reproduced from ISO 10011-2:1991. Identical with
lection and analysis. This Standard is identical with and repair industry on the application of quality sys- NZS 10011.2:1992 and produced as a Joint Austral-
and reproduced from ISO 9004-4:1993. Identical tem Standard AS/NZS ISO 9002:1994. The guide is ian/New Zealand Standard.
with NZS 9004.4:1994. written from the perspective of the small workshop (QR-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7499 2)
and describes the normal practices and how they re-
(QR-008) (ISBN 0 7262 9103 X) late to AS/NZS ISO 9002:1994 in straightforward
terms using language and examples appropriate for AS 3911.3—1992
AS 3905 the industry. Management of audit programs
Quality system guidelines (QR-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1927 9)
(NZS 10011.3:1992 ISO 10011-
AS/NZS 3905.12:1999 3:1991) 2pp B
AS 3905.1—1991 Provides basic guidelines for managing quality sys-
Guidelines to AS 3901/NZS 9001/ Guide to AS/NZS ISO 9001 for ar- tem audit programs. These guidelines can be used to
ISO 9001 for chemical and allied in- chitectural and engineering design establish and maintain an audit program function
dustries 15pp D practices 64pp J when performing quality systems audits in accord-
Provides guidance on the application of AS/NZS ISO ance with AS 3911.1 and AS 3911.2. This Standard is
Provides guidelines for the use of AS 3901 in the identical with and reproduced from ISO 10011-
process industries such as petroleum, food, mining, 9001 to architectural and engineering design practic-
es, and similar designers and consultants practising in 3:1991. Identical with NZS 10011.3:1992 and pro-
building materials, adhesives and sealants, deter- duced as a Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard.
gents, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, inks and paints. the construction industry. It includes guidance on the
development of effective quality systems for use (QR-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7500 X)
Technically identical to the Chemical Industries As-
sociation (UK) Guidelines for ISO 9001, EN 29001 within a practice.
and BS 5750. (QR-002-7) (ISBN 0 7337 2642 9) AS 3912
(QR-008) (ISBN 0 7262 7181 0) Quality assurance requirements for
AS 3905.15—1998 measuring equipment
AS/NZS 3905.3:1994 Guide to AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994 for
Guide for the hospitality industry the accountancy profession AS 3912.1—1993
42pp H 48pp H Metrological confirmation system
Provides guidelines for the implementation of quality Provides guidance for the accountancy profession on for measuring equipment
systems and quality improvement programs in hospi- the application of quality system Standard AS/NZS
ISO 9001:1994. The application of the various quali- (NZS 10012.1:1993 ISO 10012-
tality industries such as hotels, motels, clubs, restau-
rants and caterers, based on the requirements of AS ty system elements is described in terms common to 1:1992) 14pp E
3901/NZS 9001/ISO 9001. Developed jointly by the accountancy profession and typical examples in Specifies quality assurance requirements for a suppli-
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand and the accounting environment are included. er to ensure that measurements are made with the in-
Tourism Training Australia, it provides links to train- (QR-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2217 2) tended accuracy, and contains guidance on imple-
ing programs in the hospitality industry and the 'Ex- mentation; also specifies the main features of the
cellence in Hospitality' program. AS/NZS 3905.16:1998 confirmation system for measuring equipment. Iden-
(QR-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9049 1) tical with and reproduced from ISO 10012-1:1992.
Guidelines to quality in project Produced as a Joint Australian/New Zealand Stand-
management ard.
AS/NZS 3905.4:1995 (QR-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8302 9)
(ISO 10006:1997) 24pp F
Guide to quality system Standards Provides guidance on the application of quality man-
AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994 and AS/NZS agement principles and practices, as described in the AS 3920
ISO 9002:1994 for the pressure ISO 9000 family of Standards, and the process for Assurance of product quality
equipment industry 35pp H achievement of quality in project management. It is
applicable to projects of varying complexity, small or
Provides guidance to the pressure equipment industry large. It is not intended as a guide to project manage- AS 3920.1—1993
on the application of quality system Standards AS/ ment itself but, if considered in conjunction with AS/
NZS ISO 9001:1994 and AS/NZS ISO 9002:1994. Pressure equipment manufacture
NZS ISO 9001, it supplements the guidance given in
The application of each requirement is explained in AS/NZS ISO 9000.4. This Standard is identical with, 26pp G
terms understood in the industry. Typical examples and has been reproduced from, ISO 10006:1997. Amdt 1 October 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0031 4) X
are included to assist in understanding the require-
ments. (QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2240 7) Amdt 2 September 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2922 3) X
(QR-008) (ISBN 0 7262 9981 2) Specifies requirements for the assurance of product
AS/NZS 3906:1994 quality in the manufacture of boilers, pressure ves-
Quality of service—Guide to customer sels, piping and associated equipment. It covers both
AS/NZS 3905.7:1995 regulatory and purchaser requirements and proposes
Guide to AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994 for expectations 11pp D varying degrees of external design verification and
the road freight transport industry Provides guidance to suppliers of products and services in fabrication inspection for manufacturers, both with
the identification and development of customer expecta- and without an accredited quality system. Require-
57pp I tions as a focal element of the quality system. ments are also related to hazard levels of the equip-
This Standard provides guidance for the road freight (QR-002) (ISBN 0 7262 8826 8) ment determined on the basis of risk analysis.
transport industry on the application of quality system (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8550 1)
Standard AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994. The application of AS/NZS 3907:1996
various quality system elements is described in terms
understood in the industry and typical examples are Quality management—Guidelines for AS 3925
included. configuration management Software quality assurance
(QR-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0049 7) (ISO 10007:1995) 14pp E
Provides guidelines for configuration management which AS 3925.1—1994
AS 3905.9—1996 can be applied to provide identification and control of Plans
Guide to AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994 for characteristics over the life cycle of a product or project.
Identical with ISO 10007:1995. (ANSI/IEEE 730.1-1989) 6pp C
telecommunications call charging (QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0383 6) Provides guidance on the development, preparation,
and call billing 60pp I content and presentation of software quality assur-
Provides guidance for the telecommunications indus- ance plans (SQAPs). This Standard is identical with
AS 3911 and has been reproduced from ANSI/IEEE 730.1-
try on the application of quality management Stand-
ard AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994 to call charging and bill- Guidelines for auditing quality sys- 1989.
ing. The application of the various quality system tems (QR-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8883 7)

AS 3930—1992

AS 3930—1992 vice associated in the same circuit. This Standard is AS/NZS 3947.5
Reliability and maintainability—Intro- identical with and has been reproduced from IEC Control circuit devices and switch-
ductory guide 10pp D (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4884 8) ing elements
Provides guidance on the basic concepts of reliability and
maintainability applicable to any organization supplying AS/NZS 3947.5.1:2000
or purchasing products, including both goods and services. AS/NZS 3947.3:2001
Acquaints senior management of the need for an effective Switches, disconnectors, switch- Electromechanical control circuit
reliability and maintainability function as part of corporate disconnectors and fuse-combina- devices
strategy and of the benefit to be obtained.
tion units (IEC 60947-5-1:1997 IEC 60947-5-
(QR-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7180 2) 1:1997/Amd 1:1999 IEC 60947-5-
(IEC 60947-3:1999 IEC 60947-
3:1999/Corr.:1999 IEC 60947- 1:1997/Amd 2:1999) 78pp K
AS/NZS 3931:1998 Applies to control circuit devices and switching ele-
Risk analysis of technological sys- 3:1999/Amdt 1:2001) 47pp J ments intended for controlling, signalling and inter-
tems—Application guide Applies to switches, disconnectors, switch-discon- locking of switchgear and controlgear having a rated
nectors and fuse-combination units to be used in dis- voltage not exceeding 1000 V a.c. (at a frequency not
(IEC 60300-3-9:1995) 30pp H tribution circuits and motor circuits of which the rated exceeding 1000 Hz) or 600 V d.c. Provides special re-
Explains risk analysis and hazard identification within the voltage does not exceed 1000 V a.c. or 1500 V d.c. quirements for indicator lights and control switches
general context of risk management; provides a basic mod- Specifies characteristics of equipment, conditions with positive opening operation. This Standard is
el for analysis of risk, and for planning and presentation; with which the equipment shall comply with refer- identical with and reproduced from IEC 60947-5-
and provides explanations of the processes and guidance ence to operation and behaviour in normal service and 1:1997 including the Amendment 1:1999 and
on several of the analytical techniques involved. This specified abnormal conditions and dielectric proper- Amendment 2:1999.
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from ties, tests for confirming that these conditions have
IEC 60300-3-9:1995. (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3370 0)
been met and the methods to be adopted for these tests
(MB-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1711 X) and the information to be marked on the equipment or
supplied by the manufacturer. This Standard is iden- AS/NZS 3947.5.2:2000
AS 3940—1990 tical to and reproduced from IEC 60947-3:1999 and Proximity switches
includes variations made to this document by its Cor- (IEC 60947-5-2:1997/Amd 1:1999)
Quality control—Guide to the use of rigendum:1999/07 and Amendment 1:2001.
control chart methods including Cu- (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4046 4)
92pp L
sum techniques 54pp I Applies to inductive and capacitive proximity switch-
es that sense the presence of metallic and/or non-me-
Amdt 1 August 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7655 3) X AS/NZS 3947.3 Supplement 1:2001 tallic objects, ultrasonic proximity switches that sense
Amdt 2 August 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8364 9) X Switches, disconnectors, switch- the presence of sound reflecting objects, photoelectric
Provides guidance on the selection and use of control proximity switches that sense the presence of objects
charts for quality management, and is complementary to disconnectors and fuse-combina- and non-mechanical magnetic proximity switches
AS 3941, AS 3942 and AS 3943 which provide detailed tion units—Fuse-switch-discon- that sense the presence of objects in a magnetic field.
operational procedures. Explains how control charts work, nectors and switch-disconnectors This Standard is identical with and reproduced from
the application of average run length to control charting for use with low-voltage aerial bun- IEC 60947-5-2:1997/Amd 1:1999.
and the procedure for determining process capability. Out- (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3369 7)
lines the probability models and sampling statistics under- dled cables (Supplement to AS/
lying these charting methods. NZS 3947.3:2001) 20pp F
(QR-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6078 9) AS/NZS 3947.5.3:2000
Specifies requirements for fuse-switch-disconnectors
and switch-disconnectors for use with low-voltage Requirements for proximity devic-
AS 3941—1990 aerial bundled cable systems in distribution circuits es with define behaviour under
Quality control—Guide for number with a rated voltage of 400 V a.c. line to line. It is fault conditions
closely aligned with the requirements of AS/NZS (IEC 60947-5-3:1999) 25pp G
nonconforming charts 14pp E 3947.1 and based on AS/NZS 3947.3.
Provides guidance for preparing and using number non- (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4044 8) Applies to proximity devices with an enhanced resist-
conforming control charts, for the purpose of reducing the ance to fault. Specifies requirements for four different
amount of inspection needed to control process quality. types of PDF: PDF with desifned reliability; PDF
(QR-004) (ISBN 0 7262 6046 0) AS/NZS 3947.4 with test capability, PDF with single fault tolerance
Contactors and motor-starters and PDF with self-monitoring. This Standard is iden-
tical with and reproduced from IEC 60947-5-3:1999.
AS 3942—1993 (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3375 1)
Quality control—Variables charts— AS/NZS 3947.4.1:2001
Guide 20pp F Electromechanical contactors and AS/NZS 3947.5.4:2000
Specifies a method for statistical quality control based on motor-starters Methods of assessing the perform-
charting measurements of a quality characteristic. Outlines (IEC 60947-4-1:2000) 81pp L ance of low-energy contacts—Spe-
the steps to be taken in setting up the control chart, and ex- Applies to a.c. and d.c. contactors and a.c. motor-
plains how this charting technique is used to establish starters whose main contacts are intended to be con- cial tests
process capability and to maintain process control. nected to circuits, the rated voltage of which does not (IEC 60947-5-4:1996) 18pp E
(QR-004) (ISBN 0 7262 7795 9) exceed 1000 V a.c. or 1500 V d.c. Specifies require- Applies to separable contacts used above (and includ-
ments for contactors associated with overload or ing)10V (typically 24V) where contacts are used for
AS/NZS 3944:1993 short-circuit protective devices, starters associated switching loads with possible electrical erosion, such
Shewhart control charts with short-circuit and integrated overload protective as programmable controller inputs or below 10V
devices and contactors or starters combined with their (typically 5V) with negligible electrical erosion, such
(ISO 8258:1991) 29pp G own short-circuit protective devices. This Standard is as electronic circuits. Does not apply to contacts used
Provides a guide to the use and understanding of the Sh- identical to and reproduced from IEC 60947-4- in identical with and reproduced from IEC 60947-5-
ewhart system of control charts as one method for statisti- 1:2000. 4;1996.
cal control of a process. Identical with ISO 8258:1991. (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4045 6) (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3374 3)
(QR-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8062 3)
AS/NZS 3947.4.2:2000 AS/NZS 3947.5.5:2000
AS/NZS 3947 A.C. semiconductor motor control- Electrical emergency stop device
Low-voltage switchgear and con- lers and starters with mechanical latching function
trolgear (IEC 60947-4-2:1999) 68pp K (IEC 60947-5-5:1997) 11pp E
Applies to controllers and starters intended to be con- Applies to electrical control circuit devices and
AS/NZS 3947.1:2001 nected to circuits, the rated voltage of which does not switching elements with mechanical latching func-
General rules exceed 1000 V a.c. and which uses power semi-con- tion, which are used to provide an emergency stop
(IEC 60947-1:1999 IEC 60947- ductor switching elements for simple starting and signal. Provides detailed specifications relating to the
stopping, manoeuvring and controlled running of in- electrical and mechanical construction of such devic-
1:1999/Amdt 1:2000 IEC 60947- duction motors. This Standard is identical in technical es and their testing. This Standard is identical with
1:1999/Corr:1999) 157pp O content and reproduced from IEC 60947-4-2:1999. and reproduced from IEC 60947-5-5:1997.
Applies to switchgear and controlgear intended to be (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3690 4) (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3372 7)
connected to circuits, the rated voltage of which does
not exceed 1000 V a.c. or 1500 V d.c. This Standard AS/NZS 3947.5.6:2000
is identical with, and has been reproduced from Con- AS/NZS 3947.4.3:2000
solidated Edition 3.1 of IEC 60947 which includes A.C. semiconductor controllers D.C.interface for proximity sensors
IEC 60947-1:1999, its Corrigendum 1999-04 and and contactors for non-motor and switching amplifiers (NAMUR)
Amendment 1:2000. (IEC 60947-5-6:1999) 11pp E
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4047 2) loads
(IEC 60947-4-3:1999) 64pp K Applies to proximity sensors connected for operation
by a two-wire connecting cable to the control input of
AS/NZS 3947.2:2002 Applies to a.c. semiconductor non-motor load con- a switching amplifier. The switching amplifier con-
trollers and contactors intended for performing elec- tains a d.c. source to supply the control circuit and is
Circuit-breakers trical operations by changing the state of a.c. electric controlled by the variable internal resistance of the
(IEC 60947-2:2001) 161pp O circuits between the ON-state and the OFF-state. proximity sensor. This Standard is identical with and
Specifies requirements for circuit-breakers, the main They may include a series mechanical switching de- reproduced from IEC 60947-5-6:1999.
contacts of which are intended to be connected to cir- vice and are intended to be connected to circuits, the (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3371 9)
cuits, the rated voltage of which does not exceed 1000 rated voltage of which does not exceed 1000 V a.c.
V a.c. or 1500 V d.c. Includes requirements for coor- This Standard is identical with and reproduced from
dination under short-circuit conditions between a cir- IEC 60947-4-3:1999. AS/NZS 3947.6
cuit-breaker and another short-circuit protective de- (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3376 X) Multiple Function equipment

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 3947.6.1:2001 AS 3953—1996 AS 3958

Automatic transfer switching Loading guide for dry-type power Ceramic tiles
equipment transformers
(IEC 60947-6-1:1989 IEC 60947-6- (IEC 905:1987 IEC 905:1987/ AS 3958.1—1991
1:1989/Corr.1:1991 IEC 60947-6- Cor.:1991) 26pp F Guide to the installation of ceramic
1:1989/Amdt.1:1994 IEC 60947-6- Provides guidance and loading recommendations to natu- tiles 67pp J
1:1989/Amdt.2:1997) 34pp J rally cooled dry-type transformers complying with AS
2735, and gives the method of calculating loading condi- Amdt 1 January 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7194 2) X
Applies to automatic transfer switching equipment to tions. It also describes how dry-type transformers can op- Provides guidance on the selection of the fixative and
be used in emergency power systems with interrup- erate without exceeding the acceptable limit of deteriora- the preparation of the background, and sets out vari-
tion of the supply to the load during transfer, the rated tion of insulation through thermal effects. It is identical ous methods for the fixing of ceramic tiles, based on
voltage of which does not exceed 100 V a.c. or 1500 with and reproduced from IEC 905:1987 and its Corrigen- the type of fixative to be used, for both floor and wall
V a.c. Specifies characteristics of equipment, condi- dum 1991. applications.
tions with which the equipment must comply, tests in-
tended to confirm these conditions have been met and (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0212 0) (BD-044) (ISBN 0 7262 6982 4)
data to be marked on the equipment and/or provided
by the manufacturer. This Standard is identical with AS 3954 AS 3958.2—1992
and has been reproduced from IEC 60947-6-1:1989 Motor vehicle controls—Adaptive sys- Guide to the selection of a ceramic
plus Corrigendum:1991 plus Amendment 1:1994 and
Amendment 2:1997. tems for people with disabilities tiling system 38pp H
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3783 8) Provides information on the properties of ceramic
AS 3954.1—1991 tiles, fixatives and backgrounds, and assists the spec-
AS/NZS 3947.6.2:2001 General requirements 8pp D ifier in the selection of appropriate combinations to
meet the requirements of particular installations.
Control and protective switching Specifies design, construction and installation re-
(BD-044) (ISBN 0 7262 7275 2)
devices (or equipment) (CPS) quirements for hand controls, pedal extensions, left-
foot accelerators, extensions of hand-operated con-
(IEC 60947-6-2:1992 IEC 60947-6- trols, and steering wheel attachments. Electrome- AS 3959—1999
2:1992/Amdt 1:1997 IEC 60947-6- chanical-type driving controls are not included.
Construction of buildings in bushfire-
2:1992/Amdt 2:1998) 66pp M (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 6964 6)
prone areas 24pp G
Applies to control and protective switching devices
(or equipment) (CPS), the main contacts of which are AS 3954.2—1991 Amdt 1 21 December 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3737 4)
intended to be connected to circuits of rated voltage Hand controls—Product require- X
not exceeding 1000 V a.c or 1500 V d.c. CPS are in- Amdt 2 1 June 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3936 9) X
tended to provide both protective and control func- ments 5pp C
tions for remotely controlled circuits. They may also Specifies design, construction, and performance re- Sets out requirements for the design and construction of
fulfil additional functions such as isolation. This quirements for mechanical-type, manually operated buildings in bushfire-prone areas in order to improve their
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced hand controls. Does not include electromechanical- performance when they are subjected to burning debris, ra-
from IEC 60947-6-2:1992 plus Amendment 1:1997 type controls. The Standard is intended to be used in diant heat or flame contact generated from a bushfire. Also
plus Amendment 2:1998. conjunction with Part 1. includes a methodology for assessing categories of bush-
fire attack in respect of a site situated in an area that has
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3784 6) (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 6965 4) been designated by a relevant authority as bushfire-prone.
(FP-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3049 3)
AS/NZS 3947.7 AS 3955—1991
Ancillary equipment Programming languages—C AS 3959—1991
(ISO/IEC 9899:1990) 219pp M Construction of buildings in bushfire-
AS/NZS 3947.7.1:2001 Specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of pro-
Terminal blocks for copper con- grams written in the C programming language. This Stand- prone areas
ductors ard is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/ Available Superseded December 1999 10pp D
IEC 9899:1990. Establishes construction requirements for buildings in
(IEC 947-7-1:1989 IEC 947-7- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6970 0) bushfire-prone areas which will enhance the resistance of
1:1989/Amdt 1:1999) 15pp H the building to burning debris.
Specifies terminal blocks with screw-type or screw- AS 3956 (FP-020) (ISBN 0 7262 6998 0)
less type terminals primarily intended for industrial or
similar use, and to be fixed to a support to provide Information processing systems—130
electrical and mechanical connection between copper mm optical disk cartridge, write once, AS 3960—1990
conductors intended to be used in circuits rated up to for information interchange Guide to reliability and maintainability
1000 V a.c. up to 1000 Hz and up to 1500 V d.c. This program management
Standard is identical to and has been reproduced from
IEC 60947-7-1:1989 and Amendment 1:1999. AS 3956.1—1991 (IEC 300) 41pp G
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3829 X) Unrecorded optical disk cartridge Provides guidance on reliability and maintainability pro-
(ISO/IEC 9171-1:1990) 40pp H gram management, and discusses the essential features of
planning, organization, direction and control of resources
AS 3947.7.2—1996 Specifies the characteristics of 130 mm optical disk to produce products which will be reliable and maintaina-
Protective conductor terminal cartridges of the type providing for information to be ble.
blocks for copper conductors written once and read many times. This Standard is (QR-005) (ISBN 0 7262 5892 X)
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
(IEC 947-7-2:1995) 11pp D 9171-1:1990.
Specifies protective conductor terminal blocks with (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6972 7) AS 3961—1991
screw-type or screwless type clamping units primari- Liquefied natural gas—Storage and
ly intended for industrial applications to form the
electrical and mechanical connection between copper AS 3956.2—1991 handling 43pp I
conductors and the fixing support and intended to be Recording format Specifies requirements for the design, construction and op-
used in circuits of a rated voltage up to 1000 V a.c., (ISO/IEC 9171-2:1990) 57pp I eration of installations for the storage and handling of liq-
up to 1000 Hz and up to 1500 V d.c. This Standard is uefied natural gas. It deals with two basic types of installa-
identical with and has been reproduced from IEC Specifies two formats for the physical disposition of tion: major installations of atmospheric-type tanks for
947-7-2:1995. the tracks and sectors, the error correction codes, the supplying marine tanker terminals, for pipeline peak sav-
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0764 5) modulation methods used for recording and the qual- ing, and the like; the other type concerns pressure tanks,
ity of the recorded signals. This Standard is identical usually part of a system for distribution by road tanker. It
with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9171- does not deal with any aspects of transport or piped distri-
AS 3950—1991 2:1990. bution outside the perimeter of the static storage installa-
Guide to managing product design (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 6973 5) tion.
(BS 7000:1989) 19pp F (ME-070) (ISBN 0 7262 7013 X)
Provides guidance on the application of general manage- AS 3957—1991
ment principles and techniques to the management of Light-transmitting screens and cur- AS 3962—2001
product design at both corporate and project levels. In-
cludes a section on the management of design activity em- tains for welding operations Guidelines for design of marinas
bodying such functions as design objectives, implementa- (NZS 5852:1991) 11pp D 49pp J
tion and control and design evaluation. Specifies safety and performance requirements for screens Sets guidelines for use by designers, manufacturers and
(QR-008) (ISBN 0 7262 6865 8) and curtains intended to afford direct visual contact of the operators of marinas for recreational and commercial ves-
work area while providing protection against optically haz- sels up to 50 metres in length. Fixed berth and floating
AS 3952—2002 ardous radiations generated during the welding process. pontoon marina systems, single pontoons and floating
The Standard applies to all welding screens, whether port- wave attenuators are included. Guidance is also given for
Water supply—Spring hydrant valve able or permanently installed, but does not apply to screens on-shore facilities such as dry boat storage, boatlifts, boat
for waterworks purposes 14pp F for protection against laser radiation, nor does it apply to ramps and parking facilities.
Specifies requirements for flanged ductile cast iron spring protective materials for direct viewing of the welding proc-
hydrant valves with resilient seat for waterworks purposes. ess. The main focus of the document is on optical radiation (CE-030) (ISBN 0 7337 4133 9)
This Standard is applicable to Class 16 valves of nominal transmission. Provision is made for marking screens and
size DN 80 with either DN 80 or DN 100 flange with a curtains with categories determined in accordance with AS 3964
maximum working temperature of 60°C. The valve is in- maximum and minimum luminance transmittance. Identi-
tended for use with potable water and is operated by means cal with NZS 5852:1991 and produced as a Joint Austral- Information technology—Open Sys-
of the attachment of a standpipe. ian/New Zealand Standard. tems Interconnection—Common man-
(WS-022) (ISBN 0 7337 4225 4) (SF-006) (ISBN 0 7262 6974 3) agement information protocol

AS 3964.1—1992

AS 3964.1—1992 AS/NZS 3967.11:1994 Reference is made to relevant CCIR (International Radio

Consultative Committee) Reports.
Specification Application at ISO Central Secre- (CT-002) (ISBN 0 7262 7057 1)
(ISO/IEC 9596-1:1991) 33pp G tariat for international Standards
Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0276 7) X
and technical reports AS 3972—1997
(ISO/IEC TR 9573-11:1992) 73pp J Portland and blended cements
Specifies a protocol which is used by application lay-
er entities to exchange management information in- Defines the elements required, generic identifiers, at- 10pp D
cluding procedures for the transmission of manage- tributes and their structure for international Standards
and technical reports (ISO Central Secretariat SGML Specifies requirements for hydraulic cements consisting of
ment information between application entities, the portland cement or of mixtures of portland cement and one
abstract syntax of the common management informa- application), and also contains the formal SGML doc-
or both of fly ash and ground granulated iron blast-furnace
tion protocol and the associated encoding rules to be ument type definition. This Standard is identical with, slag.
applied, procedures for the correct interpretation of and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC TR 9573-
11:1992. (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0885 4)
protocol control information and the conformance re-
quirements to be met by implementation of this (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8702 4)
Standard. This Standard is identical with and has been AS 3973—1991
reproduced from ISO/IEC 9596-1:1991. AS/NZS 3967.13:1994 Mobile shower/toilet chairs 18pp F
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7410 0) Public entity sets for mathematics Specifies requirements for materials, construction, per-
formance, testing and labelling of wheeled chairs which
and science are intended for use over a conventional WC pan and with
AS/NZS 3964.2:1994 (ISO/IEC TR 9573-13:1991) 83pp J a removable commode pan, and which are also intended
Protocol implementation conform- Defines character entity sets for some of the widely for use in a shower. Does not cover the use of chairs in
used special graphic characters. The entity repertoires swimming pools or other highly corrosive environments.
ance statement proforma Includes details of information to be requested by a manu-
are based on applicable published and proposed inter-
(ISO/IEC 9596-2:1993 ISO/IEC national Standards for coded character sets. This facturer or retailer from a purchaser ordering a mobile
shower/toilet chair.
9596-2:1993/Cor.1:1993) 62pp I Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced
from, ISO/IEC TR 9573-13:1991. (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 6748 1)
Provides the protocol implementation conformance
statement proforma in compliance with the relevant (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8701 6)
requirements of AS 3964.1-1992. This Standard is AS 3974—1991
identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/ AS/NZS 3968 Evaluation of uniformity of cement
IEC 9596-2:1993, including Technical Corrigendum Information technology—Database strength from a single source 5pp C
1:1993. Provides guidelines for sampling, testing, presentation of
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9076 9) results, and evaluation in instances where the purchaser de-
sires information on the uniformity of strength of a cement,
AS/NZS 3968.0:1994 produced at a single source, as determined by AS 2350.11.
AS 3965—1991 Definition of data structures and (BD-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7074 1)
Information technology—Open Sys- basic operations
tems Interconnection—Common man- (ISO/IEC 9075:1992) AS 3975—1991
agement information service Redesignated from AS/NZS 3968:1994 in Aluminium alloys—Irrigation tube
definition 1996 607pp P 10pp D
(ISO/IEC 9595:1991) 27pp G Amdt 1 December 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0840 4) X Specifies requirements for thin-walled wrought aluminium
irrigation tube used to transport water at temperatures be-
Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0277 5) X Provides a definition of data structures and basic op- low 50°C in systems where the operating pressure is less
erations performed on SQL-data and functional capa- than 1 MPa.
Defines an application service element (the common man- bilities for creating, accessing, maintaining, control-
agement information service element), which may be used ling and protecting SQL-data. This Standard is (MT-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7079 2)
by an application process in a centralized or decentralized identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/
management environment to exchange information and
commands for the purpose of systems management. This
IEC 9075:1992. AS 3976
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9013 0) Information processing—Portable Op-
ISO/IEC 9595:1991. erating System Interface (POSIX)
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7022 X) AS/NZS 3968.3:1998
Call-level interface AS 3976.1—1991
AS 3965 Supplement 1—1995 (ISO/IEC 9075-3:1995) 225pp N System Application Program Inter-
Information technology—Open Sys- Specifies the procedures that may be used to execute face (API) C Language
statements of the database language SQL from within (ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990) 340pp N
tems Interconnection—Common man- an application written in a standard programming lan-
agement information service guage in such a way that procedures used are inde- Defines a standard operating system interface and en-
vironment to support application portability at the
definition—Access control (Supple- pendent of the SQL statements to be executed. This
source-code level. This Standard is identical with and
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
ment to AS 3965-1991) from ISO/IEC 9075-3:1995. reproduced from ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990.
(ISO/IEC 9595:1991/Amd.4:1992) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0453 0) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7084 9)
2pp A
Extends the common management information service AS 3968.4—1998 AS 3977
definition to include access control. This Standard is iden- Persistent stored modules Information processing systems—
tical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
(ISO/IEC 9075-4:1996) 243pp N High Density Digital Recording (HD-
9595:1991/Amd.4:1992. DR)
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9382 2) Specifies the syntax and semantics of a database lan-
guage for declaring and maintaining persistent data-
base routines either in SQL-server modules or as stan- AS 3977.1—1991
AS 3967 dalone schema-level routines, and invoking them Unrecorded magnetic tape for
from programs written in a standard programming HDDR applications
Information processing—SGML sup- language. This Standard is identical with and has
port facilities—Techniques for using been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9075-4:1996. (ISO/IEC 8441-1:1991) 27pp G
SGML (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1965 1) Specifies requirements for unrecorded magnetic tape
designed for High Density Digital Recording (HD-
DR). This Standard is identical with and reproduced
AS 3967.1—1991 AS 3969—1991 from ISO/IEC 8441-1:1991.
SGML Tutorial Information technology—Telecommu- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7083 0)
(ISO/IEC/TR 9573:1988) nications and information exchange
between systems—OSI Routing AS 3977.2—1992
Redesignated from AS 3967-1991 124pp L
Framework Guide for interchange practice
Complements AS 3514 by providing additional tuto- (ISO/IEC/TR 9575:1990) 12pp D (ISO/IEC 8441-2:1991) 31pp G
rial information. It is not intended, and should not be
regarded, as an extension, modification, or interpreta- Provides a framework in which OSI protocols for routing Specifies the minimum performance levels necessary
tion of AS 3514. The SGML language contains a may be developed and which expedites the progression of for the effective interchange of information using
number of components, some of which are optional routing protocols through the standardization processes. high density digital recording (HDDR). This Stand-
features. The tutorial information covers the main This Standard is technically identical with and has been re- ard is identical with and reproduced from ISO/IEC
components of the language only; notably a discus- produced from ISO/IEC/TR 9575:1990. 8441-2:1991.
sion of LINK, CONCUR, and DATATAG is outside (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7033 4) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7356 2)
the scope of this Standard. The intended audience is
mainly document type designers already familiar AS 3971—1991 AS 3978—1991
with the basic concepts of SGML, but requiring more
tutorial information on techniques for using SGML Television cameras—Parallel compo- Non-destructive testing—Visual in-
for various applications. Subclauses 5.3 and 8.4 are nent video interface for non-compos- spection of metal products and com-
written in the style of a "User Guide"and can be used ite ENG signals 4pp B ponents 17pp F
as a basis for end-user documentation. This Standard Specifies electrical and mechanical characteristics of the Specifies requirements to assist personnel to establish pro-
is technically identical with, and has been reproduced interface between electronic news gathering (ENG) video- cedures for conducting visual inspections on metal prod-
from, ISO/IEC/TR 9573:1988. tape recorders (VTRs) and other equipment, such as cam- ucts and components, with specific reference to welded
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7030 X) eras, where parallel component video signals are involved. components, steel castings, and corroded metal surfaces. It

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

includes requirements for the qualification, experience and AS 3988—1991 complying with AS 1163, is not covered by this Standard,
visual acuity of inspectors. except in relation to access to the lattice towers and masts.
(MT-007) (ISBN 0 7262 7089 X)
Copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver (BD-073) (ISBN 0 7262 8942 6)
ores—Guide to sample preparation for
AS 3979—1993 the determination of gold 16pp F AS 3996—1992
Specifies guidance on methods for the preparation of sam-
Hydrotherapy pools 9pp D ples of gold-bearing ore for the determination of gold con- Metal access covers, road grates and
Sets out requirements and recommendations for the de- tent. frames 20pp F
sign, construction and operation of pools for use in the (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7122 5) Specifies requirements for access covers, inspection cov-
treatment of conditions requiring hydrotherapy. Does not ers, road grates, and frames which are intended for use in
apply to pools with a water capacity of 7500 L or less, nor drainage structures for the conveyance of sewage and
to small tanks of the type which may incorporate fixed or AS 3989—1992 stormwater, and for utilities.
rotating water jets. Yachting harnesses and lines—Re- (CE-029) (ISBN 0 7262 7235 3)
(MS-051) (ISBN 0 7262 8563 3) mote-release lines 12pp E
Amdt 1 29 January 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4236 X) X AS 3997
AS 3980—1999 Specifies design, performance and marking requirements Fluid power—Fire-resistant hydraulic
Guide to the determination of gas con- for adult yachting harnesses with remote-release lines fluids
tent of coal—Direct desorption meth- which have both manual declipping and remote-release
functions. Includes requirements for individual compo-
od 23pp G nents and the finished article. Performance tests are includ- AS 3997.1—1992
Describes methods for the determination of the gas content ed in the appendices. Classification
of coal by desorption, using samples obtained by surface
drilling and from underground.
(CS-051) (ISBN 0 7262 7151 9) (ISO 6743-4:1982) 2pp B
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2906 1) Amdt 1 October 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7766 5) X
AS 3990—1993 Specifies a system for the classification of fire-resist-
AS 3981—1991 Mechanical equipment—Steelwork ant hydraulic fluids. The Standard is technically
equivalent to ISO 6743-4:1982.
Information technology—Program- 87pp F (ME-035) (ISBN 0 7262 7242 6)
ming languages—Extended Pascal Applies to the design, fabrication, erection, repair and al-
teration of steelwork associated with boilers, pressure ves-
(ISO/IEC 10206:1991) 214pp M sels, lifts, cranes, mining equipment, gas and liquid petro- AS 3997.2—1993
Specifies the semantics and syntax of the computer pro- leum piping systems, bulk handling equipment, and the Guidance on the selection, use and
gramming language Extended Pascal by specifying re- like in accordance with the working stress design method,
quirements for a processor and for a conforming program. storage 17pp F
but does not apply to road and rail bridges, material less
This Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO/ than 3 mm thick, steel for which the design yield stress ex- Provides guidance on the selection, use and storage of
IEC 10206:1991. ceed 450 MPa, and cold-formed members other than those fire-resistant hydraulic fluids classified in accordance
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7094 6) complying with AS 1163. with AS 3997.1. The characteristics of fluids of each
classification are described and the recommended
(ME-005) (ISBN 0 7262 8091 7) procedures and precautions to be taken when chang-
AS/NZS 3982:1996 ing the fluid in a hydraulic system from a mineral oil
Urinals 12pp E AS/NZS 3992:1998 to a fire-resistant fluid or from a fire-resistant fluid to
Specifies materials, manufacture and methods of test for Pressure equipment—Welding and another of a different classification are given.
urinals. (ME-035) (ISBN 0 7262 7927 7)
brazing qualification 90pp K
(WS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0244 9) Amdt 1 28 April 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3316 6) X AS 3998—2002
Specifies requirements for the qualification of welding and
AS 3983—1991 brazing procedures, welders and brazers, and requirements Non-destructive testing—Qualifica-
Metal drums for insulated electric ca- for production weld testing, other than non-destructive ex- tion and certification of personnel
bles and bare conductors 10pp D amination, when used in the construction of boilers, pres- (ISO 9712:1999) 22pp G
sure vessels, piping and their components. Specific details Established a system for the qualification and certification,
Specifies the requirements for metal drums for the trans- are given for manual metal-arc welding, flux cored-arc
port and storage of insulated electric cables, bare conduc- by a certification body, of personnel to perform industrial
welding, gas metal-arc welding, gas tungsten-arc welding, non-destructive testing (NDT) using any of the following
tors or other products for which the drums are suitable. submerged-arc welding, electroslag, and oxy-acetylene
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7108 X) methods: eddy current testing, liquid penetrant, magnetic
welding. Details are also given for torch brazing, furnace particle testing, radiographic testing and ultrasonic testing.
brazing, induction brazing, resistance brazing and dip This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
AS 3984—1991 brazing. The welding and brazing of carbon, carbon-maga- from ISO 9712:1999.
Manipulating industrial robots—Per- nese, and low and high alloy steels; as well as copper, alu- (MT-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4105 3)
minium, nickel, titanium and alloys of these materials, are
formance criteria and related test included.
methods (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1876 0) AS 3999—1992
(ISO 9283:1990) 36pp H Thermal insulation of dwellings—Bulk
Describes methods of specifying and testing the perform- AS 3993 insulation—Installation require-
ance characteristics of manipulating industrial robots. This Equipment for the pasteurization of ments 21pp F
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from Deals with the installation of bulk thermal insulation in all
ISO 9283:1990. milk and other liquid dairy products classes of dwellings. It is not intended to apply to the insu-
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7110 1) lation of building services and equipment. It does not deal
AS 3993.1—1992 with foamed in-situ and reflective foil laminate thermal in-
AS 3985 Continuous-flow systems 8pp D sulation materials.
Manipulating industrial robots—Me- Sets out requirements for the design and operation of (BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 7334 1)
chanical interfaces equipment, including control and recording instru-
mentation, used for continuous-flow, high-tempera- AS 4000—1997
ture, short-time (HTST) pasteurization of milk and General conditions of contract
AS 3985.1—1991 other liquid dairy products. To run concurrently with AS 2124-1992. See HB
Circular (form A) (FT-012) (ISBN 0 7262 7199 3) 140-00 66pp H
(ISO 9409-1:1988) 2pp A Amdt 1 August 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2820 0) X
Defines the main dimensions, designation and mark- AS 3994—1992 Amdt 2 11 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3490 1) X
ing for the circular mechanical interface (form A). Socket wrenches—Dimensions of Comprises general conditions of contract suitable for ap-
This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
duced from ISO 9409-1:1988. drive squares plication in a wide variety of construction and building
contracts including civil, mechanical, electrical and other
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7111 X) (ISO 1174:1975) 3pp B types of engineering contracts.
Specifies the dimensions of internal and external drive (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1375 0)
AS 3986—1991 squares for hand-operated socket wrenches. Technically
equivalent to ISO 1174.
Manipulating industrial robots—Coor- (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7203 5) AS 4000/A—1997
dinate systems and motions General conditions of contract (AS
(ISO 9787:1990) 5pp C AS 3995—1994 4000-1997)—Annexure Part A
Defines and specifies three robot coordinate systems. This Design of steel lattice towers and To run concurrently with AS 2124/A-1992
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from
masts 61pp I Pad of 15 forms C
ISO 9787:1990. Comprises a convenient pad of tear off forms of Annexure
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7113 6) This Standard sets out procedures for the determination of Part A, Separable portions of Australian Standard AS
design wind speeds and wind loads to be used in the struc- 4000-1997, General conditions of contract.
tural design of steel lattice towers and masts for communi-
AS 3987—1991 cation purposes. It further sets out the basis for the strength (OB-003)
Manipulating industrial robots—Pres- assessment of members and connections of lattice towers
entation of characteristics and masts. This Standard incorporates design and analysis AS 4000/B—1997
of guyed lattice towers and masts, design of cable tension General conditions of contract (AS
(ISO 9946:1991) 12pp D members, footing design and criteria for assessment of ex-
Specifies requirements for how characteristics of robots isting structures. Guidance relating to maintenance and in- 4000-1997)—Annexure Part B
shall be presented by the manufacturer. This Standard is spection, and access to steel lattice towers and masts is giv- To run concurrently with AS 2124/B-1992
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO en in the Appendices. It is not intended to apply to the Pad of 100 forms C
9946:1991. structural design of transmission line structures. The de- Comprises a convenient pad of tear off forms of Annexure
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7114 4) sign of aluminium and cold-formed steel, other than those Part B, Deletions, amendments and additions, of Austral-

AS 4001

ian Standard AS 4000-1997, General conditions of con- AS 4005 AS 4006—1992

Training and certification of recrea- Software test documentation
tional Divers (ANSI/IEEE 829-1983) 39pp H
Describes a set of basic test documents which are associat-
AS 4001 AS 4005.1—2000 ed with the dynamic aspects of software testing (i.e., the
Motor vehicles—Rear marker plates Minimum entry-level SCUBA div- execution of procedures and code). This Standard is iden-
ing 24pp G tical with and reproduced from ANSI/IEEE Std 829-1983.
AS 4001.1—1992 (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 7357 0)
Specifies the minimum training activities and termi-
Manufacturing requirements nal objectives required for the training and accredita-
tion of persons who wish to dive using self-contained AS 4007—1992
24pp G
Amdt 1 April 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8086 0) X
underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) for recrea- Ada as a program design language
tional pruposes. Medical requirements for such pur- (ANSI/IEEE 990-1987) 5pp C
Specifies classifications, graphic designs, materials, poses are given in an Appendix.
and manufacturing requirements for rear marker Provides recommendations reflecting the state of the art
(CS-083) (ISBN 0 7337 3268 2) and alternate approaches to good practice for characteris-
plates of both rectangular and strip configurations.
Retroreflective performance and testing methods re- tics of program design languages (PDLs) based on the syn-
fer to AS 1906.1 and AS 2445.1. Graphic designs are AS 4005.1 Supplement 1—2000 tax and semantics of the Ada programming language. This
intended for either photoreproduction or by produc- Minimum entry-level SCUBA div- Standard is identical with and reproduced from ANSI/
tion utilizing a photographically-neutral blue grid and IEEE Std 990-1987.
ing—Medical form for prospective (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 7358 9)
the Standards Australia Alphabet (AS 1744). Includes
marking, packaging, and installation instructions to recreational SCUBA divers Pad of
be supplied with plates. 50 forms 1p D AS 4008—1992
(ME-076) (ISBN 0 7262 7251 5) Comprises the medical questionnaire and medical ex- Software design description
amination forms, along with the advice to the exam-
ining physician, published in pad form. (ANSI/IEEE 1016-1987) 7pp C
AS 4001.2—1992 Specifies the necessary information content of, and recom-
Fitting requirements 9pp D mended organization for, a software design description. A
Describes the various categories of rectangular and software design description is a representation of a soft-
strip rear marker plates, and specifies limits for the
AS 4005.1 Supplement 2—2000 ware system that is used on a medium for communicating
positioning of plates and their orientation when fitted Minimum entry-level SCUBA div- software design information. This Standard is identical to
and reproduced from ANSI/IEEE Std 1016-1987.
to the rear of vehicles. Includes advice on fastening ing—Statement of health for recre- (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 7359 7)
techniques and alignment, but cautions against cut- ational diving Pad 50 forms 4pp C
ting and bending of plates to suit the vehicle except
where such practices are unavoidable. Comprises the form for the medical practitioner to use AS 4009—1992
(ME-076) (ISBN 0 7262 7252 3) to report a person's fitness to dive following a medical
examination of the prospective diver published in Software reviews and audits
self-carbon pad form. (ANSI/IEEE 1028-1988) 25pp G
AS 4002 (CS-083) Provides definitions and uniform requirements for soft-
Hydraulic fluid power—Particulate ware review and audit processes. This Standard is identical
contamination of systems AS 4005.1—1992 with and reproduced from ANSI/IEEE Std 1028-1988.
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 7361 9)
Minimum entry-level SCUBA div-
AS 4002.1—2001 ing 20pp F
Method of coding the level of con- AS 4010—1992
Amdt 1 March 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9639 2) X Analysis of detergents 14pp E
tamination Specifies the minimum training activities and termi- Sets out methods of analysis for determining non-soap sur-
(ISO 4406:1999) 7pp E nal objectives required for the training and accredita- face active matter, anionic active matter and soap, in deter-
Sets out a classification code for the particulate con- tion of persons who wish to dive using self-contained gents.
tamination of the hydraulic fluid power system. This underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) for recrea- (CS-002) (ISBN 0 7262 7380 5)
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced tional purposes. Medical requirements for such per-
from ISO 4406:1999. sons are given in an appendix.
(CS-083) (ISBN 0 7262 7351 1) AS/NZS 4011:1997
(ME-035) (ISBN 0 7337 4143 6)
Single-use examination gloves—
AS 4002.2—2001 AS 4005.1 Supplement 1—1992 Specification
Extraction of fluid samples from an Minimum entry-level SCUBA div- (ISO 11193:1994) 12pp E
ing—Medical form for prospective Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2052 8) X
operating system Specifies requirements for single-use gloves intended to
(ISO 4021:1992) 6pp E recreational SCUBA divers (Sup- protect the user and a patient from cross-contamination
Sets out procedures for the extraction of hydraulic
plement to AS 4005.1-1992) during medical and dental examinations and diagnostic or
fluid samples from an operating hydraulic fluid pow- Pads of 50 forms D therapeutic procedures. It also covers single-use gloves in-
er system. This Standard is identical with and has Amdt 1 March 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9641 4) X tended for use in handling contaminated medical materials,
been reproduced from ISO 4021:1992. and includes particular requirements for regulatory author-
Comprises the medical form and advice to the exam- ity application. It is technically equivalent to and repro-
(ME-035) (ISBN 0 7337 4144 4) ining physician given in AS 4005.1-1992, published duced from ISO 11193:1994. Appendices contain varia-
in pad form.
tions to materials, physical properties and marking
AS 4003—1996 (CS-083) requirements.
Permanent paper (HE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1164 2)
(ISO 9706:1994) 8pp D AS 4005.2—2000
Specifies chemical, fibre and physical requirements for pa- Recreational SCUBA dive supervi- AS/NZS 4012:1999
per, which would be expected to survive long periods of sor 12pp F Domestic solid fuel burning appli-
time without deterioration if stored and used under normal Specifies the minimum training activities and termi- ance—Method for determination of
library and archival conditions. Based on and reproduced nal objectives required for the training and accredita-
from ISO 9706:1994. power output and efficiency 19pp G
tion of recreational SCUBA dive supervisors. Specifies a method for the determination of the average ef-
(MS-048) (ISBN 0 7337 0732 7) (CS-083) (ISBN 0 7337 3239 9) ficiency and average thermal power output from batch feed
domestic solid fuel burning appliances.
AS 4004—1992 AS 4005.3—2000 (CS-062) (ISBN 0 7337 2690 9)
Lighting booths for visual assessment Assistant SCUBA instructor
of colour and colour matching 5pp C 5pp D AS/NZS 4013:1999
Amdt 1 February 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9601 5) X Specifies the minimum training activities and termi- Domestic solid fuel burning applican-
Provides requirements for light booths intended for colour nal objectives required for the training and accredita- ces—Method for determination of flue
assessment in accordance with AS 1580.601.1. tion of assistant SCUBA instructors for recreational
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7350 3)
gas emission 22pp G
SCUBA diver training activities. Specifies a method and requirements for determining the
(CS-083) (ISBN 0 7337 3240 2) rate of particulate emission from batch feed solid fuel
AS 4005 (Set) burning appliances.
Recreational Diving Set AS 4005.4—2000 (CS-062) (ISBN 0 7337 2691 7)
Complete set N SCUBA instructor 11pp E
This set includes the following: AS 4005.1-2000, AS Specifies the minimum training activities and termi- AS/NZS 4014
4005.2-2000, AS 4005.3-2000, AS 4005.4-2000 and AS nal objectives required for the training and accredita- Domestic solid fuel burning applianc-
4005.5-2000. tion of recreational SCUBA instructors. es—Test fuels
(CS-083) (CS-083) (ISBN 0 7337 3241 0)
AS/NZS 4014.1:1999
AS 4005.1 (Set) AS 4005.5—2000 Hardwood 4pp D
Recreational Diving Supplementary SCUBA instructor trainer 11pp E Specifies a test method for assessing hardwood test
Set I Specifies the minimum training activities and termi- fuels used when determining the power output, effi-
This set includes AS 4005.1-2000, AS 4005.1 Supp 1-2000 nal objectives required for the training and accredita- ciency and particulate emission of domestic solid fuel
and AS 4005.1 Supp 2-2000. tion of recreational SCUBA instructor trainers. appliances.
(CS-083) (CS-083) (ISBN 0 7337 3242 9) (CS-062) (ISBN 0 7337 2692 5)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 4014.2:1999 id sequence of, these actions and events. This Standard is AS/NZS 4019.2:1996
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
Softwood 4pp D 9040:1990. Models
Specifies a test method for assessing softwood test fu- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7414 3) (ISO/IEC 9594-2:1995)
els used when determining the power output, efficien-
cy and particulate emissions of domestic solid fuel To run concurrently with AS 4019.2-1992
burning appliances. AS 4017 Supplement 1—1995 153pp L
(CS-062) (ISBN 0 7337 2693 3) Information technology—Open Sys- Specifies a number of different models for the Direc-
tems Interconnection—Virtual termi- tory to be used as a framework for the other parts of
AS/NZS 4014.3:1999 nal basic class service—Additional this Standard. This Standard is identical with and has
been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9594-2:1995.
Lignite briquettes 2pp C functional units (Supplement to AS (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0420 4)
Specifies a test method for assessing lignite briquette 4017-1992)
test fuels used when determining the power output,
efficiency and particulate emissions of domestic slid (ISO 9040:1990/Amd.2:1992) 14pp C AS 4019.2—1992
fuel burning appliances. Specifies additional functional units to the virtual terminal
(VT) basic class service that provide display object update Models
(CS-062) (ISBN 0 7337 2694 1) with ripple, reporting of exception conditions by the VT- (ISO/IEC 9594-2:1990 ISO/IEC
service-provider and the selective retention of VT-context 9594-2:1990/Cor.1:1991)
AS/NZS 4014.4:1999 between negotiation of successive VTEs. This Standard is
Sub-bituminous coal 2pp C identical with and has been reproduced from ISO To run concurrently with AS/NZS
9040:1990/Amd.2:1992. 4019.2:1996 22pp F
Specifies a test method for assessing sub-bituminous
coal test fuels used when determining the power out- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9385 7) Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0280 5) X
put, efficiency and particulate emissions of domestic Provides a conceptual and terminological framework
solid fuel burning appliances. AS 4018 for the other parts of this Standard. The functional and
(CS-062) (ISBN 0 7337 2695 X) organizational models define ways in which the Di-
Information technology—Open Sys- rectory can be distributed, both functionally and ad-
tems Interconnection—Virtual termi- ministratively; the security model defines the frame-
AS/NZS 4014.5:1999 nal basic class protocol work within which security features, such as access
Semi-anthracite coal briquettes control, are provided; and the information model de-
2pp C scribes the logical structure of the directory informa-
AS 4018.1—1992 tion base. This Standard is identical with and has been
Specifies test method for assessing semi-anthracite Specification reproduced from ISO/IEC 9594-2:1990 including
coal briquettes used when determining the power out- Technical Corrigendum 1:1991.
put, efficiency and particulate emission of domestic (ISO 9041-1:1990) 65pp I
solid fuel burning appliances. Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0279 1) X (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7427 5)
(CS-062) (ISBN 0 7337 2696 8) Specifies a set of procedures for the connection-ori-
ented transfer of data, control and reference informa- AS/NZS 4019.3:1996
AS 4015—1992 tion between protocol machines which implement the Abstract service definition
functions of a provider of the basic class virtual termi-
Information technology—Telecommu- nal service and the two modes in which those proce- (ISO/IEC 9594-3:1995)
nications and information exchange dures operate. This Standard is identical with and has To run concurrently with AS 4019.3-1992
between systems—Operation of an been reproduced from ISO 9041-1:1990. 57pp I
X.25 interworking unit (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7415 1) Specifies in an abstract way the external visible serv-
(ISO/IEC/TR 10029:1989) 5pp C ice provided by the Directory. This Standard is iden-
Describes the function of the interworking unit (IWU) in AS 4018.1 Supplement 1—1995 tical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
terms of the mapping between protocol data (PDUs) that it Specification—Additional func- 9594-3:1995.
receives from one interface, and PDUs that it then trans- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0421 2)
mits, which could be on either interface of the IWU. This tional units (Supplement to AS
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from 4018.1-1992)
ISO/IEC/TR 10029:1989. (ISO 9041-1:1990/Amd.2:1992) AS 4019.3—1992
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7411 9) 8pp C Abstract service definition
Specifies additional functional units to the virtual ter- (ISO/IEC 9594-3:1990 ISO/IEC
AS 4016 minal (VT) basic class protocol that enhance the ca- 9594-3:1990/Cor.1:1991)
Information processing systems— pability of the VT-environment, extend the set of ob- To run concurrently with AS/NZS
Text communication—Reliable trans- jects and operations provided by the data transfer 4019.3:1996 26pp F
function and enhance the error handling capabilities
fer of the service provider. This Standard is identical Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0281 3) X
with and has been reproduced from ISO 9041-1:1990/ Defines in an abstract way the externally visible serv-
AS 4016.1—1992 Amd.2:1992. ice provided by the Directory. This Standard is iden-
Model and service definition (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9386 5) tical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
9594-3:1990 including Technical Corrigendum
(ISO/IEC 9066-1:1989) 14pp E 1:1991.
Defines the services provided by the reliable transfer AS/NZS 4019 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7428 3)
service element (RTSE). The RTSE services are pro- Information technology—Open Sys-
vided by the use of the RTSE protocol in conjunction tems Interconnection—The Directory
with the association control service element (ACSE) AS/NZS 4019.4:1996
services and the ACSE protocol, and the presentation- Procedures for distributed opera-
service. This Standard is identical with and has been AS/NZS 4019.1:1996
reproduced from ISO/IEC 9066-1:1989. tion
Overview of concepts, models and
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7412 7) services (ISO/IEC 9594-4:1995)
To run concurrently with AS 4019.4-1992
AS 4016.2—1992 (ISO/IEC 9594-1:1995)
To run concurrently with AS 4019.1-1992 102pp K
Protocol specification Specifies the procedures by which the distributed
20pp F
(ISO/IEC 9066-2:1989) 64pp J components of the Directory interwork in order to
Specifies the concepts of the Directory and the direc- provide a consistent service to its users. This Standard
Specifies the protocol (abstract syntax) and proce- tory information base as well as presenting an over- is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/
dures for the reliable transfer service element (RTSE) view of the services and capabilities which they pro- IEC 9594-4:1995.
services. These procedures are defined in terms of the vide. This Standard is identical with and has been
interactions between peer RTSE protocol machines (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0422 0)
reproduced from ISO/IEC 9594-1:1995.
through the use of association control service element
and the presentation-service and the interactions be- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0419 0)
AS 4019.4—1992
tween the RTSE protocol machine and its service-us-
er. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- AS 4019.1—1992 Procedures for distributed opera-
duced from ISO/IEC 9066-2:1989.
Overview of concepts, models and tion
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7413 5) (ISO/IEC 9594-4:1990 ISO/IEC
(ISO/IEC 9594-1:1990) 9594-4:1990/Cor.1:1991)
AS 4017—1992 To run concurrently with AS/NZS
Information technology—Open Sys- To run concurrently with AS/NZS
4019.1:1996 11pp D 4019.4:1996 46pp H
tems Interconnection—Virtual termi- Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0282 1) X
nal basic class service Provides the Directory capabilities required by OSI
applications, OSI management processes, other OSI Specifies the behaviour of Directory system agents
(ISO 9040:1990) 78pp J layer entities, and telecommunications services. (DSAs) taking part in the distributed Directory appli-
Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0278 3) X Among the capabilities which it provides are those of cation. The allowed behaviour has been designed so
Defines, in an abstract way, the externally visible basic 'user-friendly naming', whereby objects can be re- as to ensure a consistent service given a wide distri-
class virtual terminal service within the OSI application ferred to by names which are suitable for citing by hu- bution of the Directory information base across many
layer in terms of a model defining the interaction between man users (though not all objects need have user- DSAs. This Standard is identical with and has been
users of the service, the primitive actions and events of the friendly names). This Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO/IEC 9594-4:1990 including
service, the parameter data associated with each primitive has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9594-1:1990. Technical Corrigendum 1:1991.
action and event and the relationship between, and the val- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7426 7) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7429 1)

AS/NZS 4019.5:1996

AS/NZS 4019.5:1996 AS 4019.8—1992 the use of machinery during all phases of machine
Authentication framework life. Methods for minimizing or eleminating these
Protocol specifications hazards and risks, for safeguarding machines and for
(ISO/IEC 9594-5:1995) (ISO/IEC 9594-8:1990 ISO/IEC safe work practices are described. Guidelines for de-
To run concurrently with AS 4019.5-1992 9594-8:1990/Cor.1:1991) termining the appropriate safety measures and inter-
37pp H To run concurrently with AS/NZS locking levels are provided. It does not provide guid-
4019.8:1996 26pp F ance for safeguarding any specific machines.
Specifies the Directory access protocol, the Directory (SF-041) (ISBN 0 7337 0442 5)
system protocol, the Directory information shadow- Specifies the form of authentication information held
ing protocol and the Directory operational binding by the Directory; describes how authentication infor-
management protocol fulfilling the abstract services mation may be obtained from the Directory; states the AS 4024.2—1998
specified in other parts of this Standard. This Stand- assumptions made about how authentication informa- Installation and commissioning re-
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from tion is formed and placed in the Directory; and de- quirements for electro-sensitive
ISO/IEC 9594-5:1995. fines three ways in which applications may use this
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0423 9) authentication information to perform authentication systems—Optoelectronic devices
and describes how other security services may be sup- 56pp H
ported by authentication. This Standard is identical Specifies requirements for the installation and com-
AS 4019.5—1992 with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9594- missioning of optoelectronic devices which are to be
Protocol specifications 8:1990 including Technical Corrigendum 1:1991. used for machinery safety applications.
(ISO/IEC 9594-5:1990) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7434 8) (SF-041) (ISBN 0 7337 1814 0)
To run concurrently with AS/NZS
4019.5:1996 12pp D AS/NZS 4019.9:1996 AS 4024.3—1998
Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0283 X) X Replication Manufacturing and testing require-
Specifies the Directory access protocol and the Direc- (ISO/IEC 9594-9:1995) 33pp G ments for electro-sensitive sys-
tory system protocol, fulfilling the abstract services Specifies the replication capabilities provided by the
specified in Parts 3 and 4 of this Standard. This Stand- Directory system agents to improve the level of serv-
tems—Optoelectronic devices
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from ice to Directory users. This Standard is identical with 22pp E
ISO/IEC 9594-5:1990. and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9594-9:1995. Specifies requirements for the manufacture and test-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7430 5) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0427 1) ing of optoelectronics protective devices which are
specifically used for machinery safety applications.
AS/NZS 4019.6:1996 AS/NZS 4020:2002 (SF-041) (ISBN 0 7337 1817 5)
Selected attribute types Testing of products for use in contact
with drinking water 72pp K AS 4024.4—1998
(ISO/IEC 9594-6:1995)
To run concurrently with AS 4019.6-1992 Sets out requirements for the suitability of products for use Installation and commissioning re-
35pp G in contact with drinking water. Appendices provide test quirements for electro-sensitive
methods for evaluating those parameters that have the po- systems—Pressure-sensitive de-
Specifies a number of attribute types which may be tential to affect the quality of water.
found useful across a range of applications of the Di- (CH-034) (ISBN 0 7337 4890 2) vices 41pp H
rectory as well as a number of standard attribute syn- Specifies requirements for the installation and com-
taxes and matching rules. This Standard is identical missioning of pressure-sensitive mats, floors, edges
with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9594- AS 4021—1992 and bars which are to be used for machinery safety
6:1995. Information technology—Open Sys- applications.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0424 7) tems Interconnection—Application (SF-041) (ISBN 0 7337 2055 2)
layer structure
AS 4019.6—1992 (ISO/IEC 9545:1989) 13pp D AS 4024.5—1998
Selected attribute types Refines the basic reference model for OSI to provide a Manufacturing and testing require-
(ISO/IEC 9594-6:1990) framework for co-ordinating the development of existing ments for electro-sensitive sys-
and future application layer Standards. In particular it de-
To run concurrently with AS/NZS fines the nature of Standards in the application layer and
4019.6:1996 18pp F the relationships among them, the architectural framework devices 57pp I
Defines a number of attribute types which may be in which individual OSI application layer protocols shall Specifies requirements for the manufacture and test-
found useful across a range of applications of the Di- be developed and the categories of identifiable objects ing of pressure-sensitive mats, floors, edges and bars
rectory. This Standard is identical with and has been which are necessary for the specification and operation of which are to be used for machinery safety applica-
reproduced from ISO/IEC 9594-6:1990. protocols; and relates distributed information processing tions.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7431 3) activities to the Standards in the application layer. This (SF-041) (ISBN 0 7337 2056 0)
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from
ISO/IEC 9545:1989.
AS/NZS 4019.7:1996 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7435 6) AS 4025
Selected object classes Paints for equipment including ships
(ISO/IEC 9594-7:1995) AS 4022—1992
To run concurrently with AS 4019.7-1992 Information technology—Open Sys- AS 4025.1—1992
21pp F tems Interconnection—Physical serv- Solvent-borne—Interior and exteri-
Specifies a number of attribute sets and object classes ice definition or—Full gloss enamel 7pp C
which may be found useful across a range of applica- (ISO/IEC 10022:1990) 18pp F Specifies requirements for solvent-borne full gloss
tions of the Directory. This Standard is identical with enamel paint applied to ships and equipment.
and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9594-7:1995. Defines the OSI physical service in terms of the primitive
actions and events of the Service; the parameters associat- (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7452 6)
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0425 5) ed with each primitive action and event, and the form
which they take; and the interrelationship between and the AS 4025.2—1993
AS 4019.7—1992 valid sequences of these actions and events. This Standard Solvent-borne—Interior and exteri-
Selected object classes is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
10022:1990. or—Undercoat 9pp D
(ISO/IEC 9594-7:1990 ISO/IEC (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7436 4) Specifies requirements for solvent-borne undercoat
9594-7:1990/Cor.1:1991) applied to equipment including ships.
To run concurrently with AS/NZS AS 4023—1992 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8142 5)
4019.7:1996 12pp D Non-vitreous china used in sanitary
Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0284 8) X appliances 5pp C AS 4025.3—1993
Defines a number of selected attribute sets and object Specifies the quality of the non-vitreous china and details Solvent-borne—Interior and exteri-
classes which may be found useful across a range of the tests by which the quality may be assessed. or—Semi-gloss enamel 9pp D
applications of the Directory. These definitions are (WS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7444 5) Specifies requirements for solvent-borne semi-gloss
used by the administrative authority which is respon- enamel applied to equipment including ships.
sible for the management of the Directory informa- (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8143 3)
tion. This Standard is identical with and has been re- SET 4024
produced from ISO/IEC 9594-7:1990, and includes Safeguarding of machinery
Technical Corrigendum 1:1991. (Set Expires 30 June 2003) $277.53 Retail AS 4025.4—1994
(IT-001) (I4761SBN 0 7262 7433 X) $208.15 Member Solvent-borne—Lead and chro-
This set includes AS 4024.1-1996, AS 4024.2-1998, AS mate free—Anticorrosive metal
AS/NZS 4019.8:1996 4024.3-1998, AS 4024.4-1998 and AS 4024.5-1998. primer 11pp D
Authentication framework (SF-041) Specifies requirements for solvent-borne, lead and
(ISO/IEC 9594-8:1995) chromate free, anticorrosive metal primer applied to
To run concurrently with AS 4019.8-1992 AS 4024 ships and equipment.
Safeguarding of machinery (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8797 0)
35pp G
Specifies a framework for the provision of authenti- AS/NZS 4026:2001
cation services by the Directory to its users. These us- AS 4024.1—1996
ers include the Directory itself as well as other appli- General principles 184pp M Electric cables—For underground res-
cations and services. This Standard is identical with Specifies the general underlying principles for the idential distribution systems 23pp G
and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9594-8:1995. safeguarding of industrial machinery and provides Specifies the construction requirements of a rationalized
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0426 3) means for hazard and risk identification arising from range of 0.6/1 (1.2), 6.35/11 (12) and 12.7/22 (24) kV ca-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

bles for use by electricity supply authorities in under- AS 4030.3—2002 10021-2:1990/Cor.2:1991 ISO/IEC
ground residential systems. 10021-2:1990/Cor.3:1992) 84pp J
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3900 8)
Determination of silver and gold
contents—Fire assay and flame Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0286 4) A
AS 4027—1992 atomic absorption method using Defines the overall architecture of the message han-
Food-service container dimensions scorification or cupellation dling service and serves as a technical introduction to
it. This Standard is identical with and reproduced
6pp C (ISO 12740:1998) 26pp H from ISO/IEC 10021-2:1990, and includes Technical
Specifies dimensions of a range of flanged containers and Sets out a fire assay flame AAS method for determin- Corrigendum 1:1991, Technical Corrigendum 2:1991
related equipment used for preparing, cooking, serving, ing the silver and gold contents of lead sulfide con- and Technical Corrigendum 3:1992.
storing and transporting in the food-service and hospitality centrates. This Standard is identical with and has been (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7539 5)
industries. reproduced from ISO 12740:1998.
(FT-019) (ISBN 0 7262 7487 9) (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4226 2)
AS 4033.3—1992
AS 4028—1992 AS 4031—1992 Abstract service definition conven-
Information technology—Communi- Non-reusable containers for the col- tions
cation interface connectors used in lo- lection of sharp medical items used in (ISO/IEC 10021-3:1990 ISO/IEC
cal area networks health care areas 5pp C 10021-3:1990/Cor.1:1992) 32pp G
(ISO/IEC/TR 9578:1990) 42pp H Amdt 1 August 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0596 0) X Specifies the conventions used to specify the distrib-
Specifies requirements for non-reusable containers intend- uted information processing tasks that arise in mes-
Describes the physical layer connection device for local sage handling. These include conventions for defin-
area networks. This device is sometimes referred to as the ed for the safe collection and transport, in health care areas,
of used sharp objects which may be infectious, and are dis- ing a distributed information processing task
medium interface connector and is used between the termi- abstractly and principles for realizing the communi-
nal equipment and the trunk coupling unit for the trunk ca- posed of with their contents. Appendices include methods
of test for handle integrity, impact resistance and resistance cation aspects of such tasks concretely. This Standard
ble. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- is identical with and reproduced from ISO/IEC
duced from ISO/IEC/TR 9578:1990. to penetration.
(HE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 7491 7) 10021-3:1990, and includes Technical Corrigendum
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7473 9) 1:1992.
AS 4032 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7534 4)
AS 4029
Stationary batteries—Lead-acid Water supply—Valves for the control
of hot water supply temperatures AS/NZS 4033.4:1999
Message transfer system—Ab-
AS 4029.1—1994 stract service definition and proce-
Vented type AS 4032.1—2002
Thermostatic mixing valves—Ma- dures
(IEC 896-1:1987 IEC 896-1:1987/ (ISO/IEC 10021-4:1997 ISO/IEC
Amd.1:1988 IEC 896-1:1987/ terials design and performance re-
quirements 34pp H 10021-4:1997/Cor 1:1998)
Amd.2:1990) 16pp E 158pp N
Specifies requirements for the design, construction,
Specifies requirements for the construction and per- testing and performance of thermostatic mixing
formance of vented lead-acid batteries intended for Defines the abstract-service provided by the message
use in stationary applications. It specifies minimum valves of nominal sizes not larger than DN 32, for use transfer system and specifies the procedures to be per-
safety and performance requirements and provides with hot water at a supply temperature not exceeding formed by message transfer agents. This Standard is
90°C, and hot and cold water with continuous work- identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
test methods. It is based on and reproduced from IEC ing pressures not exceeding 1400 kPa.
896-1:1987, including Amendment 1:1988 and 10021-4:1997 and its Technical Corrigendum
Amendment 2:1990, with the addition of Australian (WS-026) (ISBN 0 7337 4192 4) 1:1998.
Appendix ZZ. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2890 1)
(EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9209 5) AS 4032.2—2002
Tempering valves and end of line AS 4033.4—1992
AS/NZS 4029.2:2000 temperature actuated devices Message transfer system—Ab-
Valve-regulated type 30pp H stract service definition and proce-
(IEC 60896-2:1995) 20pp G Specifies requirements for the design, construction, dures
Specifies safety requirements, methods of specifying testing and performance of tempering valves of nom-
inal sizes not larger than DN 32 and end-of-line tem- (ISO/IEC 10021-4:1990 ISO/IEC
performance and methods of test for valve-regulated,
stationary, lead-acid batteries. It comprises IEC perature-actuated devices of nominal size DN 15, for 10021-4:1990/Cor.1:1991 ISO/IEC
60896-2 Stationary lead-acid batteries—General re- use with hot water at a supply temperature not ex- 10021-4:1990/Cor.2:1991 ISO/IEC
quirements and methods of test, Part 2: Valve-regu- ceeding 99°C, and hot and cold water with continuous 10021-4:1990/Cor.3:1992)
lated types subject to variations for conditions in Aus- working pressures not exceeding 1400 kPa.
tralia and New Zealand. (WS-026) (ISBN 0 7337 4037 5) 191pp M
(EL-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3384 0) Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0287 2) B
AS 4033 Defines the abstract-service provided by the message
AS 4029.3—1993 Information technology—Text com- transfer system (MTS), and specifies the procedures
to be performed by the message transfer agency to en-
Pure lead positive pasted plate munication—Message-oriented text sure the correct distributed operation of the MTS.
type 14pp E interchange systems This Standard is identical with and reproduced from
Amdt 1 December 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0156 6) X ISO/IEC 10021-4:1990, and includes Technical Cor-
rigendum 1:1991, Technical Corrigendum 2:1991
Specifies requirements for secondary batteries of the AS 4033.1—1992 and Technical Corrigendum 3:1992.
pure lead positive pasted plate type. Covers both safe- System and service overview
ty and performance requirements and gives test meth- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7540 9)
ods for these batteries, which are intended primarily (ISO/IEC 10021-1:1990 ISO/IEC
for use in floating service. 10021-1:1990/Cor.1:1991 ISO/IEC AS 4033.5—1998
(EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7899 8) 10021-1:1990/Cor.2:1991 ISO/IEC Message store—Abstract service
10021-1:1990/Cor.3:1992) 68pp I definition
AS 4030 Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0285 6) X
Lead sulfide concentrates—Chemical (ISO/IEC 10021-5:1996) 146pp M
Defines the overall system and service of a message
analysis handling service and serves as a general overview. Amdt 1 September 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2892 8) X
This Standard is identical with and reproduced from Specifies the message store abstract-service. This ab-
ISO/IEC 10021-1:1990, and includes Technical Cor- stract-service is provided by the message store in con-
AS 4030.1—2002 rigendum 1:1991, Technical Corrigendum 2:1991 junction with the MTS abstract-service, together with
Determination of lead content— and Technical Corrigendum 3:1992. the remote operations service element. This Amend-
EDTA titration method after acid di- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7533 6) ment is identical with and has been reproduced from
gestion ISO/IEC 10021-5:1996.
AS/NZS 4033.2:1999 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1970 8)
(ISO 13545:2000) 20pp H
Sets out an acid digestion EDTA method for deter- Overall architecture
mining the lead content of lead sulfide concentrates. (ISO/IEC 10021-2:1996 ISO/IEC AS/NZS 4033.5 Supplement 1:1999
This Standard is identical with and has been repro- 10021-2:1996/Cor 1:1998) 88pp L Message store—Abstract service
duced from ISO 13545:2000. definition—Additional correlation
(MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4227 0) Defines the overall architecture of a message han-
dling system (also known as X.400) including ab- attribute and security error code
stract models, various configurations and naming and (Supplement to AS 4033.5-1998)
AS 4030.2—1996 addressing issues. This Standard is identical with and
Determination of lead content— has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 10021-2:1996 (ISO/IEC 10021-5:1996/Amd
Back titration of EDTA after precip- and its Technical Corrigendum 1:1998. 1:1998) 7pp D
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2875 8) Provides a number of extensions to the message store
itation of lead sulfate including an extended set of ASN.1 integer values for
(ISO 11441:1995) 15pp E AS 4033.2—1992 MS-security error codes and enhancements to the
Specifies a precipitation EDTA titrimetric method for MS-retrieval status attribute. This Supplement is
the determination of lead content in lead sulfide con-
Overall architecture identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
centrates. (ISO/IEC 10021-2:1990 ISO/IEC 10021-5:1996/Amd.1:1998.
(MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0615 0) 10021-2:1990/Cor.1:1991 ISO/IEC (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2889 8)

AS/NZS 4033.6:1999

AS/NZS 4033.6:1999 tical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC AS 4040.2—1992
Protocol specifications (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1972 4)
Resistance to wind pressures for
(ISO/IEC 10021-6:1996 ISO/IEC non-cyclone regions 2pp A
10021-6:1996/Cor.1:1998) 44pp I AS/NZS 4033.10:1999 Specifies a series of test methods which can be ap-
Specifies the message transfer system (MTS) access plied to sheet roof and wall cladding of various forms
protocol P3 used between a remote user-agent and the
MHS routing and base materials.
MTS to provide an MTS abstract service. This Stand- (ISO/IEC 10021-10:1998) 66pp K (BD-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7586 7)
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from Specifies the means by which messages are routed
ISO/IEC 10021-6:1996 and Technical Corrigen- through the message handling system, supplementing AS 4040.3—1992
dum.1:1998. the procedures given in AS/NZS 4033.4:1999. This
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2888 X) Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
Resistance to wind pressures for
from ISO/IEC 10021-10:1998. cyclone regions 2pp A
AS 4033.6—1992 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2886 3) Specifies a series of test methods which can be ap-
plied to sheet roof and wall cladding of various forms
Protocol specifications and base materials.
(ISO/IEC 10021-6:1990 ISO/IEC AS/NZS 4034 (BD-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7587 5)
10021-6:1990/Cor.1:1991 ISO/IEC Motor vehicles—Cargo barriers for oc-
10021-6:1990/Cor.2:1991 ISO/IEC cupant protection AS/NZS 4040.4:1996
10021-6:1990/Cor.3:1992) 52pp H Resistance to impact (sandbag) for
Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0289 9) X
AS/NZS 4034.1:2001 sheet roof materials
Specifies the message transfer system (MTS) access
Cargo Barriers 37pp H See also AS 2424-1991 and AS 2921-1987
protocol (P3) used between a remote user-agent and Specifies requiremments for the design, installation 3pp B
the MTS to provide access to the MTS abstract serv- and usage of cargo barriers in vehicles for the protec-
ice and specifies the message store (MS) access pro- tion of occupants sharing the same interior space. It (PL-022) (ISBN 0 7337 0354 2)
tocol (P7) used between a remote user-agent and an applies to dividing structures intended to reduce inju-
MS to provide access to the MS abstract service; it ries to occupants caused by the cargo shifting under AS/NZS 4040.5:1996
also specifies the MTS transfer protocol (P1) used be- both crash conditions.
tween message transfer agents to provide the distrib- (ME-048) (ISBN 0 7337 3912 1)
Resistance to impact (sandbag) for
uted operation of the MTS. This Standard is identical wall boards
with and reproduced from ISO/IEC 10021-6:1990, AS/NZS 4034.2:2001 See also AS 2424-1991 and AS 2921-1987
and includes Technical Corrigendum 1:1991, Techni- 3pp B
cal Corrigendum 2:1991 and Technical Corrigendum Partial cargo barriers 34pp H
3:1992. (PL-022) (ISBN 0 7337 0353 4)
Specifies requirements for the design, installation and
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7538 7) usage of partial cargo barriers in vehicles for the pro-
tection of occupants sharing the same interior space. AS 4041—1998
AS/NZS 4033.7:1999 It applies to dividing structures intended to reduce in- Pressure piping 267pp N
juries to occupants caused by the cargo shifting under
Interpersonal messaging system crash conditions. Amdt 1 5 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3577 0) D
Specifies minimum requirements for the materials, design,
(ISO/IEC 10021-7:1997 ISO/IEC (ME-048) (ISBN 0 7337 3911 3) fabrication, testing, inspection, reports and pre-commis-
10021-7:1997/Cor.1:1998 ISO/IEC sioning of piping subject to internal pressure or external
10021-7:1997/Amd.1:1998) AS 4035—1992 pressure or both. Specific requirements are given for pip-
175pp N Conveyor and elevator belting—Glos- ing constructed of carbon, carbon-manganese, low alloy
and high alloy steels, ductile and cast iron, as well as cop-
Defines interpersonal messaging, a form of messag- sary of terms 6pp C per, aluminium, nickel, titanium and alloys of these mate-
ing handling tailored for ordinary interpersonal busi- Covers terms in other published Australian Standards, and rials. General requirements and reference to Standards for
ness and private correspondence. This Standard is other terms used commonly in industry for belting. non-metallic piping are included. A method for Standard
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC (RU-002) (ISBN 0 7262 7513 1) piping design without the need for calculations is given in
10021-7:1997, Technical Corrigendum 1:1998 and Appendix T.
Amendment 1:1998. (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1934 1)
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2887 1) AS 4036—1992
Corrosion of metal—Dissimilar metals
in contact in seawater 21pp F AS 4041—1998 (Looseleaf)
AS 4033.7—1992 Pressure piping 267pp O
Interpersonal messaging system Presents a method for testing dissimilar metal couples im-
mersed under standard conditions in seawater and for the Amdt 1 5 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3577 0) F
(ISO/IEC 10021-7:1990 ISO/IEC determination of ratings for the additional corrosion which Specifies minimum requirements for the materials, design,
10021-7:1990/Cor.1:1991 ISO/IEC may occur on the more anodic metal of each couple. In ad- fabrication, testing, inspection, reports and pre-commis-
10021-7:1990/Cor.2:1991 ISO/IEC dition, ratings are given for 245 commercially-significant sioning of piping subject to internal pressure or external
dissimilar metal couples. pressure or both. Specific requirements are given for pip-
10021-7:1990/Cor.3:1992) (MT-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7542 5) ing constructed of carbon, carbon-manganese, low alloy
121pp K and high alloy steels, ductile and cast iron, as well as cop-
Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0290 2) A AS 4037—1999 per, aluminium, nickel, titanium and alloys of these mate-
Defines interpersonal messaging, a form of message rials. General requirements and reference to Standards for
handling tailored for ordinary interpersonal business
Pressure equipment—Examination non-metallic piping are included. A method for Standard
or private correspondence. The following topics are and testing 79pp K piping design without the need for calculations is given in
covered: information objects, associated abstract Specifies requirements for non-destructive examination Appendix T.
service and how it is provided. This Standard is iden- (NDE) methods for the examination of boilers, pressure (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2344 6)
tical with and reproduced from ISO/IEC 10021- vessels, piping and their components. Provides specific de-
7:1990, and includes Technical Corrigendum 1:1991, tails for NDE of welded joints, acceptance criteria for weld AS 4042—1992
Technical Corrigendum 2:1991 and Technical Corri- joint defects, NDE of production and welder qualification
gendum 3:1992. test welds, NDE for construction in specific materials, Software configuration management
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7535 2) NDE of specific purpose construction, forgings and cast- plans
ings, and reports and records. Also specifies requirements (IEEE 828:1990) 9pp D
for testing and qualification of non-destructive examina-
AS 4033.8—1998 tion personnel.
Establishes the minimum required contents of a software
configuration management (SCM) plan. This Standard is
Electronic data interchange mes- (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2923 1) technically identical with, and reproduced from, IEEE Std
saging service 828:1990.
(ISO/IEC 10021-8:1995) 50pp I AS 4040 (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 7598 0)
Specifies the overall system and service of EDI mes- Methods of testing sheet roof and wall
saging in relation to the message handling systems se- cladding AS 4043—1992
ries of standards. This Standard is identical with and Software configuration management
has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 10021-8:1995.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1971 6) AS 4040.0—1992 (IEEE 1042:1987) 84pp J
Introduction, list of methods and Describes the application of configuration management
general requirements 2pp X (CM) disciplines to management of software engineering
AS 4033.9—1998 projects. This Standard is technically identical with and re-
Electronic data interchange mes- Specifies a series of test methods which can be ap- produced from IEEE Std 1042:1987.
plied to sheet roof and wall cladding of various forms (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 7599 9)
saging system and base materials.
(ISO/IEC 10021-9:1995) 118pp L (BD-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7583 2)
Amdt 1 September 1999 AS 4044—1992
(ISBN 0 7337 2891 X) X AS 4040.1—1992 Battery chargers for stationary batter-
Specifies the message handling application called Resistance to concentrated loads ies 16pp F
EDI messaging, a form of message handling tailored Specifies requirements for constant-potential type battery
for exchange of electronic data interchange informa- 2pp A chargers designed to float-charge stationary batteries and
tion, a new message content type and associated pro- Specifies a series of test methods which can be ap- which may simultaneously supply power to a direct current
cedures known as P edi. It is designed to meet the re- plied to sheet roof and wall cladding of various forms load. Covers both performance and safety requirements
quirements of users of (EDIFACT), and other and base materials. and provides test methods.
commonly used EDI systems. This Standard is iden- (BD-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7585 9) (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7606 5)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 4045 AS 4049.1—1992 AS/NZS 4056.2:1992

Prepared unshaped refractory materi- Solvent-borne paint—For use with General technical requirements
als drop-on beads 16pp F (ISO 5743:1988) 2pp B
Provides requirements for solvent-borne paints for Specifies the general technical requirements for pliers
AS 4045.1—1993 road markings and bituminous and concrete road sur- and nippers for general use. This Standard is identical
Dense 4pp C faces. with and reproduced from ISO 5743:1988.
Provides a classification and designation of prepared (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7679 0) (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7713 4)
unshaped dense refractory materials. Not applicable
to materials that have been crushed or granulated. AS 4049.2—1994 AS/NZS 4056.3:1992
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 8537 4) Thermoplastic road marking mate- Methods of test
rials 42pp H (ISO 5744:1988) 6pp C
AS 4045.2—1995
Provides requirements for thermoplastic materials Specifies methods of test of pliers and nippers for
Insulating 3pp B used for line markings on bituminous and concrete general use. This Standard is identical with and repro-
Provides a classification and designation of prepared surfaces. duced from ISO 5744:1988.
unshaped refractory materials produced from (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8754 7) (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7714 2)
chamotte, diatomaceous earth, exfoliated vermiculite,
expanded fireclay grog, bubble alumina, perlite or
other suitable materials. AS/NZS 4049.3:1996 AS/NZS 4056.4:1992
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9403 9) Waterborne paint—For use with Pliers for gripping and manipulat-
drop-on beads 28pp G ing—Dimensions and test values
AS 4046 Provides requirements for waterborne paints used for (ISO 5745:1988) 5pp C
Methods of testing roof tiles line marking materials for bituminous and concrete Specifies the principal dimensions and test values for
road surfaces. pliers for gripping and manipulating for general use.
AS 4046.0—2002 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0188 4) This Standard is identical with and reproduced from
Introduction and list of methods ISO 5745:1988.
2pp B AS/NZS 4052:1992 (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7715 0)
Specifies a list of test methods for testing roof tiles Guidance on the use of the substitu-
used for domestic, commercial or light industrial ap- tion method for measurements of radi- AS/NZS 4056.5:1992
plications. Engineer's and lineman's pliers—
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4829 5)
ation from microwave ovens for
frequencies above 1 GHz Dimensions and test values
AS 4046.1—2002 (IEC/CISPR 19:1983) 8pp C (ISO 5746:1988) 4pp B
Describes a method of measurement for small microwave Specifies the principal dimensions and test values for
Determination of distortion 2pp B ovens (largest dimension less than 1 m) and a separate engineer's and lineman's pliers for general use. This
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4830 9) method of measurement for large microwave ovens (larg- Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO
est dimension exceeding 1 m). Technically identical with 5746:1988.
AS 4046.2—2002 IEC/CISPR 19:1983. (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7716 9)
Determination of batten lugs and (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7697 9)
squareness 3pp C AS/NZS 4056.6:1992
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4831 7) AS/NZS 4053:1997 Lever assisted side cutting pliers,
Limits and methods of measurement end and diagonal cutting nippers—
AS 4046.3—2002 of immunity characteristics of sound Dimensions and test values
Determination of transverse and television broadcast receivers (ISO 5747:1984) 4pp B
strength 3pp C and associated equipment Specifies the principal dimensions and test values for
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4832 5) (IEC/CISPR 20:1996) 80pp J lever assisted side cutting pliers, end and diagonal
cutting nippers for general use. This Standard is iden-
Amdt 1 25 May 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3367 0) A tical with and reproduced from ISO 5747:1984.
AS 4046.4—2002 Specifies limits for immunity characteristics to interfering
Determination of water absorp- (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7717 7)
signals applicable to radios, televisions and associated
tion 2pp B equipment. It is identical with and reproduced from IEC/
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4833 3) CISPR 20:1996 and contains variations to test methods to AS/NZS 4056.7:1992
incorporate local television transmission aspects. End cutting nippers—Dimensions
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0927 3) and test values
AS 4046.5—2002
Determination of permeability (ISO 5748:1988) 4pp B
AS 4054—1992
3pp C Specifies the principal dimensions and test values for
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4834 1)
Scourable branding substances for end cutting nippers for general use. This Standard is
greasy wool 14pp E identical with and reproduced from ISO 5748:1988.
Amdt 1 January 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9518 3) X (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7718 5)
AS 4046.6—2002
Specifies performance and labelling requirements for
Determination of resistance to branding substances classed as scourable when applied to AS/NZS 4056.8:1992
freeze/thaw 2pp B greasy wool. Procedures for the preparation of samples,
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4835 X) and determination of the branding substance's scourability,
Diagonal cutting nippers—Dimen-
are included for liquid, aerosol spray, crayon and chalk sions and test values
AS 4046.7—2002 (dry raddle) forms of branding substances. (ISO 5749:1988) 4pp B
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7262 7700 2) Specifies the principal dimensions and test values for
Determination of resistance to salt
diagonal cutting nippers for general use. This Stand-
attack 7pp D ard is identical with and reproduced from ISO
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4836 8)
AS 4055—1992
Wind loads for housing 19pp F (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7719 3)
AS 4046.8—2002 Amdt 1 December 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9406 3) X
Adhesive mechanical fastener This Standard sets out data and procedures for determining AS/NZS 4056.9:1992
design wind speeds and wind loads for housing only. Wind
(flexible pointing) 9pp E speeds are specified for the serviceability and ultimate Multiple slip joint pliers—Dimen-
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4837 6) strength/stability limit states, and for permissible stress de- sions and test values
sign. Where houses do not comply with the limitations of
this Standard, AS 1170.2 should be used. (ISO 8976:1988) 2pp B
AS 4046.9—2002
(BD-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7706 1) Specifies the principal dimensions and test values for
Determination of dynamic weather multiple slip joint pliers for general use. This Stand-
resistance 4pp D ard is identical with and reproduced from ISO
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4838 4) AS/NZS 4056 8976:1988.
Pliers and nippers (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7721 5)
AS 4047—1992
Saddle trees 7pp C AS/NZS 4056.1:1992 AS/NZS 4056.10:1992
Sets out performance requirements for saddle trees used in Nomenclature Construction worker's pincers—
general purpose, stock, racing, exercise and western style Dimensions and test values
horse riding saddles. (ISO 5742:1982) 8pp C
(CS-069) (ISBN 0 7262 7651 0) Gives the nomenclature of pliers and nippers for gen- (ISO 9242:1988) 3pp B
eral use in English, French and Russian. The equiva- Specifies the principal dimensions and test values for
lent terms in the German, Italian and Spanish lan- construction worker's pincers for general use. This
AS 4049 guages are given in an Annex. This Standard is Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO
Paints and related materials—Road identical with and reproduced from ISO 5742:1982. 9242:1988.
marking materials (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7711 8) (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7722 3)

AS/NZS 4056.11:1992

AS/NZS 4056.11:1992 rified clay pipelines. Emphasis is placed on the need, par- AS 4068—1993
ticularly with non-granular material, for achieving in the
Carpenter's pincers—Dimensions field support conditions consistent with the assumptions of Flat pallets for materials handling
and test values which the equations in the Standard are based. An appen- 19pp F
(ISO 9243:1988) 3pp B dix gives worked examples which illustrate the load calcu- Amdt 1 March 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8203 0) X
Specifies the principal dimensions and test values for lations and how the calculated values are used to select an Specifies dimensional and performance requirements for
carpenter's pincers for general use. This Standard is appropriate crushing strength class of pipes and fittings for flat pallets, constructed of any types of material, for mate-
identical with and reproduced from ISO 9243:1988. a particular pipeline. rials handling. Applies to 1165 mm x 1165 mm general-
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7723 1) (WS-015) (ISBN 0 7262 7734 7) purpose pallets, and to 1100 mm x 1100 mm pallets for use
in ISO Series 1 freight containers. Relevant test methods
AS 4061—1992 are included. Examples of typical timber pallets, designed
AS/NZS 4056.12:1992 to enable compliance with the Standard, are provided in an
Slip joint pliers—Dimensions and Fluid power systems and compo- Appendix.
test values nents—Vocabulary (PK-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7765 7)
(ISO 9343:1988) 2pp B (ISO 5598:1985) 44pp H
Specifies the principal dimensions and test values for Defines terms used in relation to fluid power systems and AS 4069—1993
slip joint pliers for general use. This Standard is iden- components. Identical with and reproduced from ISO Bathseats—Product requirements
tical with and reproduced from ISO 9343:1988. 5598:1985.
(ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7724 X) 4pp C
(ME-035) (ISBN 0 7262 7746 0) Specifies materials, design and performance requirements
for seats which are designed to be attached to or placed on
AS 4057—1992 AS 4062—1992 the sides of a bathtub, and which are used to support people
Powered walk-behind and hand-held Information technology—3.81 mm for bathing purposes. Does not cover seats which are de-
lawn trimmers and lawn edge trim- signed to be placed within a bathtub.
wide magnetic tape cartridge for infor- (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7262 7862 9)
mers—Mechanical safety require- mation interchange—Helical scan re-
ments and test methods cording—DDS format AS 4070—1992
(ISO 10518:1991) 8pp C (ISO/IEC 10777:1991) 100pp J
Specifies mechanical safety requirements and perform- Recommended practices for protec-
ance requirements for powered walk-behind and hand-held Specifies the physical and magnetic characteristics of these tion of low-voltage electrical installa-
lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers with cutting ele- cartridges. This Standard is identical with and reproduced tions and equipment in MEN systems
ments of non-metallic filament line or freely pivoting non- from ISO/IEC 10777:1991.
metallic cutters with a kinetic energy of not more than 10 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7749 5)
from transient overvoltages 3pp B
J each, used by a standing operator primarily for cutting Recommends a simple system for the protection of electri-
grass. It does not apply to scissor-type or rigid-bladed lawn cal installations and connected equipment from transient
trimmers or lawn edge trimmers and it does not cover the AS/NZS 4063:1992 voltages exceeding 2500 V due to lightning discharges and
electrical requirements for electrically powered lawn trim- Timber—Stress-graded—In-grade switching.
mers and lawn edge trimmers having a voltage greater than strength and stiffness evaluation (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 7794 0)
42 V d.c. or mains connected. This Standard is identical
with and reproduced from ISO 10518:1991. 16pp F AS 4071—1992
(CS-033) (ISBN 0 7262 7729 0) Describes procedures for evaluating the structural proper-
Software project management plans
ties of graded timber and for verifying the accuracy of spe-
AS 4058—1992 cific grading techniques. Requirements for resolving (ANSI/IEEE 1058.1-1987) 7pp C
doubts concerning the specified design properties of par- Prescribes the format and content of software project man-
Precast concrete pipes (pressure and ticular populations of graded timber are specified. agement plans. This Standard is identical with and repro-
non-pressure) 30pp G (TM-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7750 9) duced from ANSI/IEEE 1058.1-1987.
Amdt 1 February 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0247 3) X (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 7796 7)
Specifies requirements for precast concrete pipes for use as AS/NZS 4064:1997
water supply, stormwater, wastewater and sewerage pipes. AS 4072
Special requirements are given for pressure and non-pres- Information technology—Telecommu-
sure applications and for pipes used with sewerage or in nications and information exchange Components for the protection of
marine environments. The Standard includes requirements between systems—Private telecom- openings in fire-resistant separating
for frequency of testing and the determination of compli- elements
ance, and a guide which indicates the critical levels of a se- munications networks—Digital chan-
lection of chemical components of the buried environment. nel aggregation
It is intended that the Standard be used in conjunction with AS 4072.1—1992
(ISO/IEC 13871:1995) 93pp K
AS 3725.
Defines a set of procedures used in the provision of higher
Service penetrations and control
(WS-006) (ISBN 0 7262 7730 4) joints 26pp F
bandwidth digital bi-directional channels by combining
multiple switched or non-switched 56 kbit/s or 64 kbit/s Specifies requirements for the testing, interpretation
AS/NZS 4059:1996 digital bearer channels across public or private networks. of test results, installation and certification of penetra-
Anaesthetic machines—Non-electri- This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced tion sealing systems and control joints sealing sys-
cal—For use with humans from ISO/IEC 13871:1995. tems in fire-separating elements of construction. The
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 1183 9) Standard is based on the testing of standard configu-
(ISO 5358:1992) 25pp G rations and provides minimum requirements for these
Amdt 1 August 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0650 9) X fire-stopping systems. It is intended to complement
Specifies the basic requirements for anaesthetic machines AS/NZS 4065:2000 the fire-protection requirements of the Building Code
and associated components up to and including the fresh Concrete utility services poles of Australia and is to be read in conjunction with AS
(common) gas outlet, for use with humans. Requirements 1530.4. Methods for fire tests on building materials,
are also included for anaesthetic vaporizers intended for
14pp F components and structures—Part 4: Fire-resistance
incorporation into anaesthetic machines. Does not apply to Specifies minimum requirements for the materials, design, tests of elements of building construction. Specific
intermittent-flow anaesthetic machines which deliver gas fabrication and erection of concrete utility services poles. sections cover basic design requirements, the deter-
to the breathing system at varying rates in response to the It is intended to be used in conjunction with the forthcom- mination of fire-resistance, the permissible variations
patient's inspiratory efforts, and to dental nitrous oxide-ox- ing issue of AS 4676, Structural design requirements for from the tested prototype and the appraisal of the test
ygen analgesia machines. This Standard is based on ISO utility services poles. results. A commentary which explains the concepts of
5358:1992. (CE-019) (ISBN 0 7337 3364 6) the testing regime is included together with a suggest-
(HE-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0240 6) ed test method for evaluating the movement capabili-
ty of fire-stopping control joint seals.
AS/NZS 4066:1992 (FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 7826 2)
AS 4060—1992 Eye protectors for racquet sports
Loads on buried vitrified clay pipes 13pp E AS 4073—1993
24pp G (ISBN 0 7262 9029 7) X
Amdt 1 May 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8131 X) X
Amdt 1 July 1994 Urea-formaldehyde foam thermal in-
Specifies methods for calculating the working loads, re-
Specifies optical, field of view, area of coverage and im- sulation—In situ set foam 25pp G
pact resistance requirements for eye protectors for use in Specifies the properties of set urea-formaldehyde foam (set
sulting from overlaying material and superimposed dead racquet sports such as squash. Guidance is provided in a
and live loads, which act on buried vitrified clay pipelines. foam) made by using phosphoric acid as catalyst, and pro-
separate Appendix on the requirements for sports eye pro- duced for thermal insulation purposes.
From these values, a design crushing load can be calculat- tectors with prescription lenses.
ed for use in selecting an appropriate crushing strength (BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 7815 7)
class of pipes and fittings complying with AS 1741, Vitri- (CS-084) (ISBN 0 7262 7763 0)
fied clay pipes and fittings with flexible joints—Sewer AS 4074
quality. AS 4067—1994
(WS-015) (ISBN 0 7262 7733 9) Methods of testing raw materials for
Firefighters' helmets—Specification producing urea-formaldehyde foam
AS 4060 Supplement 1—1992 40pp H thermal insulation
Loads on buried vitrified clay pipes— Specifies requirements for structural firefighters' helmets
designed to reduce the adverse environmental effects to AS 4074.0—1993
Commentary (Supplement to AS 4060- firefighters' heads. Performance requirements for
1992) 19pp D faceshields and neck and ear protectors have been includ- General introduction and list of
Amdt 1 May 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8163 8) X ed. This Standard does not address the requirements for methods 1p X
Gives background to AS 4060 and helpful information for specialized functions (e.g. bushfire fighting) or other ac- Sets out test methods by which the properties of raw
design engineers or other appropriately qualified persons cessories. materials used to manufacture urea-formaldehyde
and those writing specifications for the installation of vit- (SF-042) (ISBN 0 7262 8810 1) foam thermal insulation can be determined, which

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

will be of use to the materials supplier and the foam AS 4077.1—1992 AS 4083—1997
producer/applicant. Planning for emergencies—Health
(BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 7818 1) Specifications for halon 1211 and
halon 1301 care facilities 23pp F
(ISO 7201-1:1989) 2pp B Sets out procedures for health care facilities in the planning
AS 4074.1—1993 for, and responses to, internal and external emergencies.
Determination of the solids content Specifies requirements for halon 1211—Bromochlo- Response colour codes for use in specific emergencies are
of the resin 2pp A rodiflouromethane and halon 1301—Bromotri- also specified.
flouromethane for use as a fire extinguishing media. (HE-026) (ISBN 0 7337 1206 1)
Sets out test methods by which the properties of raw It is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
materials used to manufacture urea-formaldehyde 7201-1:1989.
foam thermal insulation can be determined, which AS 4084—1993
will be of use to the materials supplier and the foam (FP-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7868 8)
Steel storage racking 38pp H
producer/applicant. Specifies the minimum requirements for the design (in per-
(BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 7819 X) AS 4077.2—1992 missible stress method), fabrication and erection toleranc-
Code of practice for safe handling es, test methods, operation and maintenance of steel stor-
AS 4074.2—1993 and transfer procedures of halon age racking. It applies to adjustable static pallet racking
Determination of the viscosity of made of cold-formed or hot-rolled steel structural mem-
1211 and halon 1301 bers installed within a building and also where it forms part
the resin 2pp A (ISO 7201-2:1991) 4pp B of the building frame. It does not cover drive-in and drive-
Sets out test methods by which the properties of raw through racking, cantilever racking, mobile racking or
materials used to manufacture urea-formaldehyde Gives procedures for transfer of halon 1211 and halon racking made of materials other than steel. A Commentary
foam thermal insulation can be determined, which 1301 from one container to another. The procedure to the Standard, which is published separately, provides
will be of use to the materials supplier and the foam can be applied to the filling and emptying of halon background material to the requirements of the Standard.
producer/applicant. fire extinguishers and the containers used in halon ex- (BD-062) (ISBN 0 7262 7889 0)
(BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 7820 3) tinguishing systems, to the handling of halon ship-
ping containers and to the recovering of halons from
containers. It is identical with and has been repro- AS 4084 Supplement 1—1993
AS 4074.3—1993 duced from ISO 7201-2:1991. Steel storage racking—Commentary
Determination of the free formalde- (FP-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7869 6) (Supplement to AS 4084-1993)
hyde content of the resin 2pp A 35pp F
Sets out test methods by which the properties of raw AS 4078—1992 Provides background and explanatory material to the re-
materials used to manufacture urea-formaldehyde quirements of the Standard. It also provides advice and
foam thermal insulation can be determined, which Fire protection—Fire extinguishing guidance in certain areas which cannot at this stage be cov-
will be of use to the materials supplier and the foam media—Carbon dioxide ered by the Standard.
producer/applicant. (ISO 5923:1989) 12pp D (BD-062) (ISBN 0 7262 7890 4)
(BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 7821 1) Specifies requirements for carbon dioxide for use as fire
extinguishing media. It is identical with and has been re- AS 4085—1992
AS 4074.4—1993 produced from ISO 5923:1989. Automatic sliding door assemblies
Determination of the reactivity of (FP-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7870 X) 17pp F
the resin 1p A Specifies minimum performance requirements for materi-
Sets out test methods by which the properties of raw AS 4079—1992 als and components of automatic sliding doors and door as-
materials used to manufacture urea-formaldehyde semblies. Information is provided on operational safety
foam thermal insulation can be determined, which
Information technology—130 mm re- and durability for ingress and egress traffic when assem-
will be of use to the materials supplier and the foam writable optical disk cartridge for in- bled, installed and commissioned. Doors are classified ac-
producer/applicant. formation interchange cording to hourly operating cycles. Control systems are de-
(BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 7822 X) scribed for both normal and emergency conditions
(ISO/IEC 10089:1991) 96pp J including positioning and operation of pressure mats, pho-
Specifies the characteristics of 130 mm optical disk car- to-electric and radiant energy detectors as well as detection
AS 4074.5—1993 tridges (ODC) of the type providing for information to be zone dimensions. An Appendix introduces recommended
Determination of the water toler- written, read and erased many times using the magneto-op- operational inspection procedures and frequency.
ance of the resin 1p A tical effect. This Standard is identical with and reproduced (BD-055) (ISBN 0 7262 7891 2)
from ISO/IEC 10089:1991.
Sets out test methods by which the properties of raw
materials used to manufacture urea-formaldehyde (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7873 4) AS 4086
foam thermal insulation can be determined, which Secondary batteries for use with
will be of use to the material supplier and the foam AS 4080—1995 stand-alone power systems
(BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 7823 8) User terminals for accessing the mo-
bilesat satellite communications sys- AS 4086.1—1993
AS 4074.6—1993 tem 29pp G General requirements 16pp F
Determination of the acidity of the Details definitions, minimum physical layer performance Specifies requirements for secondary batteries for use
requirements, environment and testing requirements of with power systems not connected to the distribution
foaming agent concentrate 1p A mobile terminals for accessing the mobilesatTM satellite system of an electricity supply authority. Covers both
Sets out test methods by which the properties of raw communications system owned and operated by OPTUS performance and safety requirements and provides
materials used to manufacture urea-formaldehyde Communications. The specifications cover signalling and test methods.
foam thermal insulation can be determined, which telephony requirements to ensure access to the system, at- (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7262 7900 5)
will be of use to the materials supplier and the foam tainment of intended service quality, interworking with the
producer/applicant. network management station, base stations and gateways,
(BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 7825 4) and also to ensure that the terminals will not in any circum-
AS 4086.2—1997
stance endanger system integrity. Mechanical specifica- Installation and maintenance
AS 4075—1993 tions for terminals, the numbering scheme, or possible user 36pp H
interfaces for enhancement facilities are not covered. This Specifies requirements for the installation and main-
Urea-formaldehyde foam thermal in- Standard is intended for use by terminal equipment design- tenance of secondary batteries installed in stand-
sulation—Installation requirements ers, manufacturers, suppliers and maintenance personnel, alone power systems, i.e. power systems that are not
for in situ set foam 13pp E to ensure correct operation of mobile terminals and their connected to the power distribution system of an elec-
Provides procedures for the installation of urea-formalde- compatibility with the mobilesatTM communications sys- tricity supply authority. It applies to the installation of
hyde foam insulation. It includes a requirement for the in- tem. all types of batteries.
staller to ensure that formaldehyde concentrations in build- (RC-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9427 6) (EL-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1221 5)
ing air do not exceed limits acceptable to relevant health
(BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 7817 3) AS/NZS 4081:2001 AS 4087—1996
The storage and handling of liquid and Metallic flanges for waterworks pur-
AS 4076 liquefied polyfunctional isocyanates poses 23pp F
Conveyor belts—Determination of Amdt 1 April 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1126 X) X
65pp K Specifies flanges principally intended for waterworks pur-
strength of mechanical fastenings Sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe poses, with working and test pressures for Classes 14, 16,
storage and handling of polyfunctional isocyanates (PFIs). 21 or 35 at temperatures not exceeding 80°C, that have
AS 4076.1—1992 Advice is given on installation design, operations, person- bolting details compatible with the appropriate table of AS
Static test method nel safety and waste disposal. Guidance on fire protection 2129. Dimensions are given for copper alloy plate and in-
and emergency procedures is also provided. tegral without neck flanges, ductile cast iron screw-on and
(ISO 1120:1984) 3pp C (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3798 6) integral with neck flanges, grey cast iron integral with neck
Specifies a static test method for measuring the (for pipe fittings) and integral without neck (for other than
strength of a conveyor belt mechanical fastening. The pipe fittings) flanges and steel blank, plate and integral
Standard does not cover vulcanized joints. This AS 4082—1992 without neck flanges for ranges of DN (nominal size) and
Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO Recycled paper—Glossary of terms class. Specifies grades of material and requirements for se-
1120:1984. lection of bolting and assembly of flanged joints.
(RU-002) (ISBN 0 7262 7859 9) 6pp B (WS-025) (ISBN 0 7337 0458 1)
Specifies definitions of terms for use in conjunction with
recycled paper. Terms used when describing sources of re-
AS 4077 cycled fibre, manufacturing processes and finished paper AS/NZS 4088
Fire protection—Fire extinguishing characteristics are included. Specification for burning behaviour of
media—Halogenated hydrocarbons (EV-014) (ISBN 0 7262 7892 0) upholstered furniture

AS/NZS 4088.1:1996

AS/NZS 4088.1:1996 identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC I.431. This Standard is identical with, and has been repro-
10030:1990. duced from, ISO/IEC 10173:1991.
Upholstery materials for domestic (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7957 9) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7964 1)
furniture—Smouldering ignitabili-
ty 6pp C AS/NZS 4095 Supplement 1:1995 AS/NZS 4103
Specifies testing and performance requirements for
upholstery materials for use in domestic furniture.
Information technology—Telecommu- Information technology—Open Sys-
(CS-086) (ISBN 0 7337 0466 2) nications and information exchange tems Interconnection—Conformance
between systems—End system rout- testing methodology and framework
AS 4089—1993 ing information exchange protocol for
Priming paint for steel—Single com- use in conjunction with AS 3604—Pro- AS/NZS 4103.1:1993
ponent—General purpose 8pp D tocol implementation conformance General concepts
Specifies requirements for single-component, general pur- statement (Supplement to AS/NZS (ISO/IEC 9646-1:1991) 31pp G
pose priming paints used for the protection of iron and 4095:1993) Specifies a general methodology for testing the con-
steel against atmospheric conditions. (ISO/IEC 10030:1990/Amd.2:1992) formance of products to international standards or
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 7943 9) CCITT Recommendations that specify OSI protocols
8pp C which the products are claimed to implement. The
Supplies the protocol implementation conformance state- methodology also applies to testing conformance to
AS 4090—1993 ment proforma in compliance with the relevant require- an international standard or CCITT Recommenda-
Whole blood—Determination of lead ments. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- tions that specifies a transfer syntax to the extent that
content—Graphite furnace atomic ab- duced from ISO/IEC 10030:1990/Amd.2:1992. can be determined by testing it in combination with a
sorption spectrometric method (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9387 3) specific OSI protocol. The Standard is identical with,
9pp D and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 9646-
Sets out the method for the determination of lead in venous AS/NZS 4097:1993 1:1991.
and capillary blood using graphite furnace atomic spec- Information technology—SGML sup- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7965 X)
trometry. The method is suitable for blood with lead con- port facilities—Registration proce-
tent in the range of 0.25µmol/L to 6.0µmol/L. dures for public text owner identifiers AS/NZS 4103.2:1993
(CH-036) (ISBN 0 7262 7938 2) Abstract test suite specification
(ISO/IEC 9070:1991) 5pp D
Applies the assignment of unique owner prefixes to own- (ISO/IEC 9646-2:1991) 28pp G
AS 4091—1993 ers of public text conforming to AS 3514. It describes the Specifies requirements and gives guidance for the
Tungsten filament lamps for general procedures whereby such assignments are made, and the production of system-independent conformance test
service—Safety requirements method of constructing registered owner identifiers from suites for one OSI international standards or CCITT
them. This Standard is identical with, and has been repro- Recommendations. In particular, it is applicable to
(IEC 432:1984) 31pp G duced from, ISO/IEC 9070:1991. the production of all conformance testing standards
Specifies the safety and interchangeability requirements (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7959 5) for OSI and ISDN two-party protocols, including all
for incandescent lamps with rated wattage up to 200 W and drafts versions of such conformance testing stand-
rated voltage of 50 V to 250 V, and a method to be used by ards. This Standard is identical with, and has been re-
manufacturers to show compliance with the requirements AS/NZS 4099:1994 produced from, ISO/IEC 9646-2:1991.
of the Standard. This Standard is identical with and has Information technology—Telecommu- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7966 8)
been reproduced from IEC 432:1984. nications and information exchange
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 7941 2) between systems—Provision of the AS/NZS 4103.3:1994
OSI connection-mode network service The tree and tabular combined no-
AS 4092—1993
by packet mode terminal equipment tation
Exercise cycles—Safety require- connected to an integrated services
ments 8pp D (ISO/IEC 9646-3:1992) 177pp M
Specifies guarding and other safety requirements for exer-
digital network Defines a test notation for OSI conformance test
cise cycles intended for domestic use. (ISO/IEC 9574:1992) 19pp F suites, which is independent of test methods, layers
(CS-087) (ISBN 0 7262 8551 X) Specifies the method of providing a connection-mode net- and protocols, and which reflects the abstract testing
work service by packet mode terminal equipment connect- methodology defined in AS/NZS 4103.1 and AS/
ed to an ISDN in accordance with procedures described in NZS 4103.2. This Standard is identical with, and has
AS/NZS 4093:1994 ITU-T X.31. This Standard is identical with, and has been been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 9646-3:1992.
Information technology—Telecommu- reproduced from, ISO/IEC 9574:1992. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9026 2)
nications and information exchange (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9019 X)
between systems—Protocol identifi- AS/NZS 4103.4:1993
cation in the network layer AS 4100—1998 Test realization
(ISO/IEC TR 9577:1993) 12pp D Steel structures 191pp L (ISO/IEC 9646-4:1991) 10pp D
Provides a description of a means to permit an identifica- This Standard sets out minimum requirements for the de-
sign, fabrication, erection, and modification of steelwork Specifies requirements and gives guidance concern-
tion of a protocol in the network layer and provides a ing the realization of a means of testing implementa-
record of the structure and allowable ranges of protocol in structures in accordance with the limit states design
method. This Standard also incorporates Amendment No. tions under test in conformance with a reference OSI
identifiers which can be assigned by JTC 1 and other au- standardized abstract test suite specified in compli-
thorities. This Standard is identical with, and has been re- 1-1992, No. 2-1993, No. 3-1995 and draft Amendment No.
4 issued for public comment as DR 97347. ance with ISO/IEC 9646-2 (AS/NZS 4103.2). This
produced from, ISO/IEC TR 9577:1993. Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9015 7) (BD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1981 3)
from, ISO/IEC 9646-4:1991.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7967 6)
AS/NZS 4094:1993 AS 4100 Supplement 1—1999
Information technology—Open Sys- Steel structures—Commentary (Sup- AS/NZS 4103.5:1993
tems Interconnection—Local area net- plement to AS 4100-1998) 190pp J Requirements on test laboratories
Provides background information and guidance to the re-
works—Medium access control quirements of AS 4100-1998. and clients for the conformance
service definition (BD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2348 9) assessment process
(ISO/IEC 10039:1991) 13pp D (ISO/IEC 9646-5:1991) 25pp F
Defines the medium access control service found in local AS/NZS 4101:1993 Specifies requirements on both the test laboratory and
area network architecture in abstract terms, of the primitive
actions and events of the service, the parameters associated Information technology—Information the client, for the conduct of the conformance assess-
resource dictionary system frame- ment process. The requirements are those necessary
with each primitive action and event, and the form they to achieve comparability of results of tests on similar
take, and the interrelationship between, and the valid se- work implementations performed by different test laborato-
quences of these actions and events. The Standard is iden- (ISO/IEC 10027:1990) 15pp E ries. This Standard is identical with, and has been re-
tical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC produced from, ISO/IEC 9646-5:1991.
10039:1991. Describes the framework for a number of international
standards that specify a specialised information system, (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7969 2)
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7956 0) called an information resource dictionary system (IRDS).
An IRDS is used to control and document an enterprise's AS/NZS 4104:1993
AS/NZS 4095:1993 information resources. The Standard is identical with, and
Information technology—Telecommu- has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 10027:1990. Information technology—Telecommu-
nications and information exchange (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7963 3) nications and information exchange
between systems—End system rout- between systems—Network/transport
AS/NZS 4102:1993 protocol interworking specification
ing information exchange protocol for
use in conjunction with AS/NZS 3604 Information technology—Integrated (ISO/IEC TR 10172:1991) 25pp F
(ISO/IEC 10030:1990) 16pp E services digital network primary ac- Specifies the circumstances in which interworking func-
cess connector at reference points S tional units may be used to provide the OSI connection-
Amdt 1 May 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0291 0) X mode transport service end-to-end between two end sys-
Defines a protocol for the exchange of routing information and T tems, where one of the end systems is accessed using the
between an end system and a subnetwork address resolu- (ISO/IEC 10173:1991) 12pp D connection-mode transport protocol as defined in ISO
tion entity. It is applicable to end systems which operate Specifies the 8-contact (plug and jack) and the assignments 8073/Add.2 in combination with the protocol defined in
according to the main body of AS/NZS 3604 to provide of its contact numbers for use in the physical interfaces of ISO 8473 and the other end system is accessed using the
and support the OSI connection-mode network service and integrated services digital network (ISDN) primary rate ac- connection-mode transport protocol as defined in AS 2912
subnetwork address resolution entities. This Standard is cess services conforming to CCITT Recommendation in combination with the procedures defined in AS 3621.

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

This Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced AS/NZS 4107.3:1993 AS 4115—1993
from, ISO/IEC TR 10172:1991.
Provision and support of the con- Hand torque tools
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7970 6)
nectionless-mode network service (ISO 6789:1992) 9pp D
AS/NZS 4105:1993 (ISO/IEC 8880-3:1990) 5pp C Specifies the requirements for hand torque tools for gener-
Describes the provision and support of the connec- al use. The tolerances on the torque values indicated by a
Information technology—Open Sys- tionless-mode network service defined in AS 2994. measuring hand torque tool and the torque value set on a
tems Interconnection—Protocol spec- This Standard is identical with, and has been repro- setting hand torque tool are given and a calibration life test
duced from, ISO/IEC 8880-3:1990. is prescribed.
ification for the commitment, (ME-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8110 7)
concurrency and recovery service ele- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7991 9)
ment AS 4116—1993
AS 4108—1993
(ISO/IEC 9805:1990 ISO/IEC Information processing systems—
9805:1990/Cor.1:1991) 33pp G Metal finishing—Glossary of terms
used in electroplating and related Data interchange on 90 mm flexible
Amdt 1 May 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0292 9) X disk cartridges using modified fre-
Specifies the protocol of the commitment, concurrency
and recovery (CCR) service when invoked by other speci- (ISO 2080:1981) 12pp D quency modulation recording at 31
fications. It is used whenever the CCR service does not en- Defines terms widely used in the science and industry of 831 ftprad on 80 tracks on each side—
compass any communication activity which makes direct electrodeposition and metal finishing. This Standard is ISO Type 303
or indirect use of the session activity management services. identical with and has been reproduced from ISO (ISO/IEC 10994:1992) 45pp H
This Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced 2080:1981.
Specifies the characteristics of 90 mm flexible disk car-
from, ISO/IEC 9805:1990 and includes Technical Corri- (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8002 X) tridges recorded at 31 831 ftprad using modified frequency
gendum 1:1991.
modulation recording, on 80 tracks on each side. This
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7954 4) AS/NZS 4110:1993 Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced from,
Information technology—SGML and ISO/IEC 10994:1992.
AS/NZS 4105 Supplement 1:1995 text-entry systems—Guidelines for (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8113 1)
Information technology—Open Sys- SGML syntax-directed editing sys-
tems Interconnection—Protocol spec- tems AS/NZS 4117:1999
ification for the commitment, (ISO/IEC TR 10037:1991) 11pp D Surge protective devices for telecom-
concurrency and recovery service ele- Describes a set of functions which an SGML syntax-di- munication applications 12pp F
ment—Session mapping changes rected editing system may have in order to help users ma- Specifies minimum electrical performance, environmen-
nipulate documents marked up according to the rules of tal, marking and disposal requirements for stand-alone
(Supplement to AS/NZS 4105:1993) SGML. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- surge protection devices having two or more terminals that
(ISO/IEC 9805:1990/Amd.2:1992) duced from ISO/IEC TR 10037:1991. are used in telecommunication applications. The Standard
20pp D (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8022 4) also provides methods of tests for ascertaining compliance
with the electrical requirements.
Specifies two protocol versions, one which makes use of
the session data separation functional unit and one that AS 4111—1993 (TE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2946 0)
does not. This Standard is identical with and has been re- Starters for fluorescent lamps—Per-
produced from ISO/IEC 9805:1990/Amd.2:1992. AS/NZS 4117:1996
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9383 0) formance requirements
Surge suppression devices for tele-
(IEC 155:1983) 9pp D communication applications 8pp D
AS/NZS 4106:1993 Amdt 1 August 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9109 9) X Specifies minimum electrical performance, marking and
Specifies performance requirements for interchangeable disposal requirements for stand-alone surge protection de-
Information technology—Open Sys- glow-starters used with preheat type fluorescent lamps. vices having two or more terminals that are used in tele-
tems Interconnection—Service defini- (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 8044 5) communication applications. It also provides methods of
tion for the commitment, concurrency tests for ascertaining compliance with the electrical re-
and recovery service element AS 4113 quirements.
(ISO/IEC 9804:1990 ISO/IEC Traffic signal lamps (TE-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0886 2)
9804:1990/Cor.1:1991) 42pp H
Intended for reference by other specifications when the AS 4113.1—1993 AS 4118
functionality of commitment, concurrency and recovery is Lamps for 240 V a.c. operation Fire sprinkler systems
required. This Standard can be referenced whenever the
processing of two or more application-entity invocations in 17pp F
a distributed application needs to be organized into an Specifies requirements for tungsten filament lamps AS 4118.1
atomic action; it also defines services that are used during designed for operation on a 240 V, 50 Hz a.c. electric Components
such processing. This Standard is identical with, and has supply for use in road traffic signal systems. Covers
been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 9804:1990 and includes the construction, performance and testing of such AS 4118.1.1—1996
Technical Corrigendum 1:1991. lamps. Safety requirements are dealt with by refer-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7971 4) ence to IEC 432. Sprinklers and sprayers
(LG-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8078 X) (ISO 6182-1:1993)
AS/NZS 4107 See also AS 2118-1982 44pp E
Information technology—Telecommu- AS 4113.2—1993 Specifies the performance and testing of metallic ele-
Lamps for a.c. operation at extra- ment and frangible glass bulb sprinklers and sprayers.
nications and information exchange (FP-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0410 7)
between systems—Protocol combina- low voltage 17pp F
Specifies requirements for lamps designed for a.c. op-
tions to provide and support the OSI eration at extra-low voltage for use in road traffic sig- AS 4118.1.2—1996
network service nal lanterns. Covers the construction, performance Alarm valves (wet) 14pp C
and testing of such lamps. Specifies the requirements for the construction and
AS/NZS 4107.1:1993 (LG-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8079 8) performance of alarm valves (wet), for use in fire
General principles sprinkler systems.
(ISO/IEC 8880-1:1990) 4pp B AS/NZS 4114 (FP-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0241 4)
Refers to those international standards which define
Spray painting booths
the architectural principles governing the provision of AS 4118.1.3—1995
the network service; defines terms which may be used AS/NZS 4114.1:1995 Water motor alarms 5pp B
in specifying the environments in which protocol Design, construction and testing Specifies requirements for the construction and per-
combinations operate; specifies principles and a 16pp E formance for water motor alarms for fire sprinkler
framework for describing the support of the OSI net- systems.
work service and defines the conformance principles Specifies requirements for the design, construction
and testing of spray painting booths in which there (FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9740 2)
to be followed in the other parts of AS/NZS 4107
which specify the requirements for equipment claim- may be an explosion hazard due to the presence of
ing conformance to AS/NZS 4107. This Standard is flammable volatiles from the paints and finishes used. AS 4118.1.4—1994
identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/ It is intended to be read in conjunction with AS Valve monitors 12pp E
IEC 8880-1:1990. 2381.1.
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 9757 7) Specifies the requirements for establishing compli-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7989 7) ance with limits of design, performance, security and
durability for sprinkler and hydrant valve monitors.
AS/NZS 4107.2:1994 AS/NZS 4114.2:1995 (FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8721 0)
Provision and support of the con- Selection, installation and mainte-
nection-mode network service nance 11pp C AS 4118.1.5—1996
Specifies requirements for the selection, installation Deluge and pre-action valves
(ISO/IEC 8880-2:1992) 7pp C and maintenance of spray painting booths in which
Provides a description of the connection-mode net- there may be an explosion hazard due to the presence 17pp C
work service, including the field of application. This of flammable volatiles from the paints and finishes Specifies the construction, performance and testing
Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced used. It is intended to be read in conjunction with Part requirements for valves used in deluge and pre-action
from, ISO/IEC 8880-2:1992. 1 and AS 2381.1. sprinkler systems.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8963 9) (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7262 9758 5) (FP-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0229 5)

AS 4118.1.6—1995

AS 4118.1.6—1995 AS 4132 AS 4133.3.1—1993

Stop valves and non-return valves Boat and ship design and construc- Determination of the swelling
See also AS 2118-1982 4pp A tion strain developed in an unconfined
Specifies requirements for the construction and per- rock specimen 2pp B
formance of stop valves and non-return valves for fire AS 4132.1—1993 (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8155 7)
sprinkler systems.
(FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9692 9) Design loadings 10pp D
Specifies the loads to be used in the determination of AS 4133.3.2—1993
AS 4118.1.7—1996 scantlings for vessels not exceeding 35 m in length. Determination of the swelling
Special requirements for multi-hull vessels are in- strain for a radially confined speci-
Alarm valves (dry) 18pp C cluded but those for hydrofoils, small-waterplane-
Specifies the requirements for the construction of dry area twin-hull vessels, or other vessels of unusual men with axial surcharge 2pp B
alarm valves for use in fire sprinkler systems. configurations are not included. It does not cover (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8156 5)
(FP-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0230 9) loadings for special operating procedures and condi-
tions, e.g. docking and tug operations. AS 4133.3.3—1993
(ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 8137 9) Determination of the swelling pres-
AS 4118.1.8—1999
Pressure-reducing valves 14pp F sure index under conditions of
AS 4132.2—1993 zero volume change 3pp B
Specifies the construction, performance and testing
requirements for pressure-reducing valves used in au- Aluminium construction 38pp H (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8157 3)
tomatic fire sprinkler systems. Specifies the structural requirements for aluminium
(FP-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2572 4) alloy vessels not more than 35 m in length. Special re-
quirements for multi-hull vessels are included but AS 4133.3.4—1993
those for hydrofoils, small-waterplane-area twin-hull Determination of the slake durabil-
AS 4118.2 vessels, or other vessels of unusual configurations are ity index of rock samples 3pp B
Piping excluded. (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8158 1)
(ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 8327 4)
AS 4118.2.1—1995 AS 4133.4
General AS 4132.3—1993 Rock strength tests
See also AS 2118-1982 27pp D Fibre-reinforced plastics construc-
Specifies the requirements for piping for fire sprin- tion 37pp H AS 4133.4.1—1993
kler systems. Amdt 1 November 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8589 7) X
(FP-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9689 9) Determination of point load
Specifies the structural requirements for fibre-rein- strength index 5pp C
forced plastics vessels not exceeding 35 m in length.
AS 4120—1994 The requirements for multi-hull vessels are included Amdt 1 February 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 8798 9) X
Code of tendering 7pp C but the requirements for novel types of vessels such (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8382 7)
Sets out the ethics and obligations of the principal and ten- as hovercraft, hydrofoils and small-waterplane-area
derers in the tendering process in the construction industry. twin-hull (SWATH) vessels are excluded. Guidance AS 4133.4.2—1993
It applies to the selection of contractors and subcontrac- in the avoidance of osmosis in fibre-reinforced plas-
tics vessels is given in an appendix. Determination of uniaxial com-
tors. Published in conjunction with the Construction Indus-
try Development Agency. (ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 8138 7) pressive strength 3pp B
(OB-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9426 8) (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8159 X)
AS 4133
AS 4121—1994 Methods of testing rocks for engineer- AS 4133.4.3—1993
Code of ethics and procedures for the ing purposes Determination of deformability of
selection of consultants 6pp C rock materials in uniaxial compres-
Sets out the ethics and obligations of the principal and con- AS 4133.0—1993 sion 7pp B
sultants in the selection and appointment of consultants General requirements and list of (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8161 1)
and subconsultants for the procurement of professional
services in the construction industry. Published in conjunc- methods 4pp B
tion with the Construction Industry Development Agency. Provides general information and definitions for a se-
AS 4133.5—2002
(OB-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9419 5) ries of methods for testing rocks. The methods are Sampling of rock core 3pp C
concerned with rock as a natural material such as a (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4860 0)
foundation strata or as a tunnelling or mining environ-
AS 4122—2000 ment, and are index tests intended for classification
General conditions of contract for en- and characterization of intact rock. AS/NZS 4134:1995
gagement of consultants 17pp F (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8150 6) Information technology—Telecommu-
Proposes general conditions for the engagement of engi- nications and information exchange
neers, architects and similar consultants. The Standard sets AS 4133.1 between systems—Numbering and
out the general obligations governing the relationship be- sub-addressing in private integrated
tween these consultants and their clients. It is not suitable Rock moisture content tests
for a design and construct project procurement method. services networks
(OB-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3518 3) AS 4133.1.1 (ISO/IEC 11571:1994) 17pp E
Determination of the moisture con- Defines the requirements for the handling of network ad-
AS/NZS 4129:2000 dresses for the identification of entities which use or pro-
tent of rock vide telecommunications services offered by private inte-
Fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipes for grated services networks. It is one of a series of Standards
pressure applications AS 4133.1.1.1—1993 applicable to private integrated services networking. It is
(ISO/FDIS 14236) 26pp G identical with and reproduced from ISO/IEC 11571:1994.
Oven drying method (standard (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7262 9845 X)
Amdt 1 4 Decemeber 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4055 3) method) 2pp B
X (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8151 4)
Amdt 2 7 November 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4777 9) X
AS/NZS 4135:1995
Specifies requirements for fittings to be used with polyeth- Information technology—Telecommu-
AS 4133.2 nications and information exchange
ylene pipe manufactured in accordance with AS/NZS
4130:1997 or AS 2698.2-1985. This Standard is applicable Rock porosity and density tests between systems—Private integrated
to fittings manufactured for the conveyance of water, gas- services network—Circuit-mode 64
eous fuels and other fluids including compressed air. AS 4133.2.1 kbit/s bearer services—Service de-
(PL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3264 X) Determination of rock porosity and scription, functional capabilities and
dry density information flows
AS/NZS 4130:2001
Polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure (ISO/IEC 11574:1994) 63pp I
AS 4133.2.1.1—1993 Amdt 1 March 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2397 7) X
applications 30pp H Saturation and calliper tech-
Specifes requirements for polyethylene pipes for the con- Specifies the service description and control aspects for
veyance of fluids under pressure, including, but not re- niques 3pp B three basic circuit-mode bearer services which may be sup-
stricted to, water, wastewater, slurries, compressed air, and (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8153 0) ported by a private integrated services network. It is one of
fuel gas (with certain limitations). a series of Standards applicable to private integrated serv-
(PL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3959 8) ices networking. It is identical with and reproduced from
AS 4133.2.1.2—1993 ISO/IEC 11574:1994.
Saturation and buoyancy tech- (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7262 9847 6)
AS/NZS 4131:2001 niques 4pp B
Polyethylene (PE) compounds for (CE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8154 9) AS/NZS 4136
pressure pipes and fittings 25pp G Information technology—Telecommu-
Specifies requirements for polyethylene compounds (PE AS 4133.3
63, PE 80 and PE 100) suitable for manufacturing polyeth- nications and information exchange
ylene pipe and fittings for pressure applications. Rock swelling and slake durability between systems—Private integrated
(PL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3958 X) tests services network

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 4136.1:1995 AS 4142.1—1993 AS 4145.2—1993

Reference configuration for PISN Care and safe usage 22pp F Mechanical locksets for doors in
exchanges (PINX) Provides guidance on the selection, care, inspection buildings 48pp I
and maintenance of fibre ropes. Recommendations Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0340 2) X
(ISO/IEC 11579-1:1994) 9pp D for the safe usage of ropes are also included.
Specifies general design criteria, performance re-
Specifies a reference configuration for private inte- (TX-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8501 3) quirements, and procedures for testing mechanical
grated services network exchanges for their intercon- locksets and latchsets for their resistance to forced en-
nection to form integrated services networks. It is one AS 4142.2—1993 try and efficiency under conditions of light to heavy
of a series of Standards applicable to private integrat- usage. This Standard covers locksets for typical door-
ed services networking. It is identical with and repro- Three-strand hawser-laid and
ways in residential and business premises. Require-
duced from ISO/IEC 11579-1:1994. eight-strand plaited 17pp F ments for both the lock and associated furniture are
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7262 9849 2) Amdt 1 July 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0598 7) X included. This Standard is intended for use when as-
Specifies general design, performance and marking sessing the security and durability of a lockset.
requirements for both three-strand hawser-laid and (CS-082) (ISBN 0 7262 8610 9)
AS/NZS 4138:1995 eight-strand plaited fibre ropes.
Information technology—Telecommu- (TX-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8502 1) AS 4145.3—2001
nications and information exchange Mechanical locksets for windows
between systems—Synchronization AS 4142.3—1993 in buildings 25pp G
methods and technical requirements Man-made fibre rope for static life Specifies the general design criteria, performance re-
for private integrated services net- rescue lines 7pp C quirements and procedures for testing mechanical
works Amdt 1 July 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0597 9) X window locks for their resistance to forced entry, and
Specifies design, performance and marking require- their efficiency under condition of low frequency to
(ISO/IEC 11573:1994) 34pp G ments for man-made fibre ropes intended for use as high frequency use.
Specifies requirements necessary for the synchronization static life rescue lines by rescue and emergency serv- (CS-082) (ISBN 0 7337 3858 3)
of private integrated services networks. It is one of a series ices.
of Standards applicable to private integrated services net- (TX-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8503 X) AS 4145.4—2002
working. It is identical with and reproduced from ISO/IEC
11573:1994. Padlocks 37pp H
AS 4143 Specifies the general design criteria, performance re-
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7262 9850 6)
Methods of test for fibre ropes quirements and procedures for testing padlocks for
their resistance to physical attacks and corrosion un-
AS 4139—1993 AS 4143.1—1993 der condition of low to high frequency usage.
Fibre-reinforced concrete pipes and Dimensions, linear density, break- (CS-082) (ISBN 0 7337 4280 7)
fittings 28pp G ing force and elongation 8pp D
Specifies the minimum requirements for pipes and fittings Specifies apparatus, procedures and calculations for
AS/NZS 4146:2000
manufactured from fibre-reinforced concrete using stand- measuring the diameter, length of lay, linear density, Laundry practice 59pp J
ard curing, including autoclaving, for the conveyance of breaking force and elongation of fibre ropes. Includes Specifies general laundry practice requirements and rec-
gravity flow supply water, stormwater, wastewater and procedures for larger diameter ropes. ommendations for commercial, industrial, hospital, institu-
sewage. Four classes of pipe are covered, distinguished on (TX-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8505 6) tional, on-premise and coin-operated laundries as well as
the basis of long-term design load: Class 1, Class 2, Class minimum performance requirements which should be at-
3 and Class 4. Other classes of pipe may be designed using tained in order to provide an acceptable level of service.
the principles described in this Standard. AS 4143.2—1993 (TX-016) (ISBN 0 7337 3243 7)
(WS-008) (ISBN 0 7262 8564 1) Knotability and knot breaking
force 3pp B AS/NZS 4147:1993
Specifies methods for determining the knotability and Information technology—Telecommu-
AS 4140—1995 knot breaking force of a fibre rope.
Metering and utility information ex- (TX-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8506 4) nications and information exchange
change—Glossary of terms 39pp H between systems—The structure and
Defines around 200 terms used in metering of electricity, AS 4143.3—1993 coding of logical link control address-
water and gas supplies to customers and in the two-way ex- Sheath slippage 5pp C es in local area networks
change of information (data) between customers and utili- Specifies a method for measuring sheath slippage in (ISO/IEC TR 10178:1992) 12pp D
ties. Detailed contents and an index are provided. multiple-layer fibre ropes, i.e. ropes with a sheath and Provides a description of the ISO 8802-2 (AS/NZS 4802.2)
(TE-018) (ISBN 0 7262 9676 7) core. addressing conventions, the consideration for the manner
(TX-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8507 2) in which new logical link control address uses are assigned
an entry and a record, in the form of a table, of assigned
AS 4141 uses of address values. This Standard is identical with, and
Customer/utility information ex- AS 4143.4—1993 has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC TR 10178:1992.
change Impact strength index 5pp C (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8607 9)
Specifies methods for subjecting a fibre rope to the
forces associated with arresting the fall of a dropped AS/NZS 4148:1994
AS 4141.1—1995 mass and for determining the impact strength index
for multiple-layer fibre ropes, i.e. ropes with a sheath Information technology—Hypermedia/
System architecture and function- and core. Time-based structuring language (Hy-
ality 26pp G (TX-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8508 0) Time)
Specifies the architecture and levels of functionality (ISO/IEC 10744:1992) 125pp L
for an electronic system of 2-way information ex- AS 4143.5—1993
change between utilities (e.g. electricity, gas, water) Defines a language and underlying model for the represen-
and their customers for activities such as remote read- Resistance to flexion and surface tation of 'hyperdocuments' that link and synchronize static
ing, customer display of consumption and related abrasion 3pp B and dynamic (time-based) information contained in multi-
matters, load control, relaying of alarms, and other ple conventional and multimedia documents and informa-
Specifies a method for determining the resistance to tion objects. The language is known as the 'Hypermedia/
customer services. flexion and surface abrasion of a fibre rope. Suitable Time-based structuring language', or 'HyTime'. This
(TE-018) (ISBN 0 7262 9650 3) for ropes such as mooring lines moving over smooth, Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced from,
rounded surfaces. ISO/IEC 10744:1992.
(TX-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8509 9) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8609 5)
AS 4141.2—1995
Applications and performance AS 4143.6—1996 AS/NZS 4149:1994
(IEC 1361:1995) 26pp G Resistance to abrasion 3pp B Information technology—Telecommu-
Gives examples of performance requirements for an Specifies a method for measuring the resistance to lo- nications and information exchange
electronic 2-way information exchange between util- cal severe abrasion of a fibre rope. Suitable for multi-
ities and their customers as guidance for utilities to ple-layer fibre ropes (i.e. ropes with a sheath and between systems—Intermediate sys-
specify a system and for manufacturers to develop core) used in extreme or emergency situations such as tem to intermediate system intra-do-
products. life rescue. main routing information exchange
(TE-018) (ISBN 0 7262 9651 1) (TX-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0723 8) protocol for use in conjunction with
AS 4145 the protocol for providing the connec-
AS 4141.3—1995 tionless-mode network service
Customer premises interfaces (ISO/IEC 10589:1992 ISO/IEC
10pp D AS 4145.1—1993 10589:1992/Cor.1:1993) 150pp L
Specifies procedures for the transmission of and the encod-
Specifies requirements and recommendations for in- Glossary of terms 8pp D ing of the protocol data units used for configuration and
terfaces at the customer premises between elements Amdt 1 March 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0339 9) X routing information between network entities residing in
in an electronic system of 2-way information ex- Specifies terms used in the Australian lock industry intermediate systems within a single routing domain as
change between utilities and their customers. and marketplace. Intended to aid in the use of other well as procedures for the correct interpretation of protocol
(TE-018) (ISBN 0 7262 9652 X) parts of the series on locksets and to help standardize control information and the functional requirements for
the terminology used in the Australian lock industry. implementations claiming conformance. This Standard is
Terms associated with mechanical locksets for doors identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC
AS 4142 in buildings make up the bulk of this Standard. 10589:1992, including Technical Corrigendum 1:1993.
Fibre ropes (CS-082) (ISBN 0 7262 8590 0) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8611 7)

AS/NZS 4150

AS/NZS 4150 AS/NZS 4152.3:1994 AS/NZS 4153.1 Supplement 2:1999

Information technology—Open Sys- Attributes for representing rela- General procedures—Incorpora-
tems Interconnection—Conformance tionships tion of the root arcs of the object
test suite for the ACSE protocol (ISO/IEC 10164-3:1993) 17pp E identifier tree (Supplement to AS/
Specifies the attributes for representing relationships NZS 4153.1:1994)
AS/NZS 4150.1:1993 and establishes a model that relates the service and (ISO/IEC 9834-1:1993/
generic definitions to user requirements. This Stand-
Test suite structure and test pur- ard is identical with, and has been reproduced from, Amd.2:1998) 5pp C
poses ISO/IEC 10164-3:1993. Specifies the root arcs of the object identifier tree.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9061 0) This Supplement is identical with and has been repro-
(ISO/IEC 10169-1:1991) 14pp E duced from ISO/IEC 9834-1:1993/Amd.2:1998.
Applies to conformance test suites for testing associ- AS/NZS 4152.4:1994 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2976 0)
ation control service element protocol implementa-
tions which operate over a connection oriented pres- Alarm reporting function
AS/NZS 4153.2:1994
entation service and which claim conformance to AS (ISO/IEC 10164-4:1992) 18pp F
3684. This Standard is identical with, and has been re- Establishes the model and defines the services pro-
Registration procedures for OSI
produced from, ISO/IEC 10169-1:1991. vided for the alarm reporting function. This Standard document types
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8612 5) is identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/ (ISO/IEC 9834-2:1993) 8pp C
IEC 10164-4:1992. Specifies the contents of register entries recording in-
AS/NZS 4151 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9062 9) formation about OSI document types and assigns an
unambiguous name to the type definitions. This
Information technology—Open Sys-
tems Interconnection—Structure of AS/NZS 4152.5:1994 Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced
from, ISO/IEC 9834-2:1993.
management information Event report management function (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9057 2)
(ISO/IEC 10164-5:1993) 18pp F
Establishes the model and defines the services pro- AS/NZS 4153.3:1999
AS/NZS 4151.1:1994 vided for the event report management function. This
Management information model Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced Registration of values of RH-name-
(ISO/IEC 10165-1:1993) 28pp G from, ISO/IEC 10164-5:1993. tree components for joint ISO and
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9063 7) ITU-T use
Provides a definition of the information model of
managed objects and their attibutes that will corre- (ISO/IEC 9834-3:1998) 4pp C
spond to the information aspects of the systems man- AS/NZS 4152.6:1994 Specifies the assignment of values to RH-name-tree
agement model. This Standard is identical with, and Log control function components for joint ISO-ITU-T use. This Standard
has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 10165-1:1993. (ISO/IEC 10164-6:1993) 17pp E is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9077 7) Establishes the model and defines the services pro- IEC 9834-3:1998.
vided for the log control function. This Standard is (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2977 0)
AS/NZS 4151.2:1993 identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/
Definition of management informa-
IEC 10164-6:1993. AS/NZS 4153.4:1993
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9065 3) Register of VTE profiles
(ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992) 63pp I (ISO/IEC 9834-4:1991) 6pp C
AS/NZS 4152.7:1993
Specifies the contents of register entries recording the
Defines the managed object classes, attribute types, Security alarm reporting function information about VTE-profiles and assigning unam-
name bindings, packages, specific attributes, action (ISO/IEC 10164-7:1992) 13pp D biguous names of ASN.1 type OBJECT IDENTIFI-
types, parameter types and notification types and ER to VTE-profile definitions. This Standard is iden-
specifies compliance requirements placed on other Establishes user requirements for the service defini-
tion needed to support the security alarm reporting tical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC
CCITT Recommendations and International Stand- 9834-4:1991.
ards that make use of these definitions. This Standard function, defines the service and specifies the proto-
is identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/ col provided by such a function. The relationship be- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8618 4)
IEC 10165-2:1992. tween the service and managements notification is
defined together with the relationships with other sys- AS/NZS 4153.5:1993
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8613 3) tems management functions. The conformance re-
quirements are specified. This Standard is identical Register of VT control object defi-
AS/NZS 4151.4:1993 with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 10164- nitions
7:1992. (ISO/IEC 9834-5:1991) 14pp E
Guidelines for the definition of (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8615 X)
managed objects Specifies the contents of the register entries recording
the information about virtual terminal (VT) control
(ISO/IEC 10165-4:1992) 47pp H AS/NZS 4152.8:1994 object definitions and assigning unambiguous names
Specifies the relationship between the relevant OSI Security audit trail function of ASN.1 type OBJECT IDENTIFIER to VT control
management Recommendations and International object definitions. This Standard is identical with, and
(ISO/IEC 10164-8:1993) 26pp F has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 9834-5:1991.
Standards and the definition of managed object class-
es, and how these Recommendations and Internation- Establishes the model and defines the services pro- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8619 2)
al Standards should be used by managed object class vided for the security audit trail function. This Stand-
definitions, and the appropriate methods to be adopt- ard is identical with, and has been reproduced from,
ISO/IEC 10164-8:1993. AS/NZS 4153.6:1994
ed for the definition of managed object classes and
their attributes, notifications, actions and behaviour. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9066 1) Application processes and appli-
This Standard is identical with, and has been repro- cation entities
duced from, ISO/IEC 10165-4:1992. AS/NZS 4153 (ISO/IEC 9834-6:1993) 6pp C
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8614 1) Information technology—Open Sys- Specifies the procedures applicable to the registration
tems Interconnection—Procedures of application-processes and application-entities.
AS/NZS 4152 for the operation of OSI registration This Standard is identical with, and has been repro-
duced from, ISO/IEC 9834-6:1993.
Information technology—Open Sys- authorities (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9058 0)
tems Interconnection—Systems man-
agement AS/NZS 4153.1:1994 AS/NZS 4153.7:1999
General procedures Assignment of international names
AS/NZS 4152.1:1994 (ISO/IEC 9834-1:1993) 14pp E for use in specific contexts
Object management function Specifies procedures which are generally applicable
to registration of objects within the Open Systems In- (ISO/IEC 9834-7:1998) 22pp G
(ISO/IEC 10164-1:1993) 24pp F terconnection environment. This Standard is identical Specifies the unambiguous assignment of names in
Establishes a model that relates the services and ge- with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 9834- the context of O/R addresses, directory names and ob-
neric definitions provided by the object management 1:1993. ject identifiers. This Standard is identical with and
function to user requirements. This Standard is iden- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9055 6) has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9834-7:1998.
tical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2974 6)
10164-1:1993. AS/NZS 4153.1 Supplement 1:1999
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9059 9) General procedures—Incorpora- AS 4154—1993
tion of object identifiers compo- General access floors (elevated
AS/NZS 4152.2:1994 nents (Supplement to AS/NZS floors) 12pp E
State management function 4153.1:1994) Amdt 1 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2125 7) X
(ISO/IEC 10164-2:1993) 23pp F (ISO/IEC 9834-1:1993/ Specifies the performance requirements for the design and
manufacture of general access floor systems installed in
Establishes a model that relates the service and gener- Amd.1:1997) 5pp C non-residential buildings. Also includes an Appendix with
ic definitions provided by the state management func- Incorporates object identifier components into the op- guidelines to purchasers on information to be supplied
tion to user requirements. This Standard is identical eration of OSI registration authorities. This Supple- when calling for tenders or quotations; and guidelines for
with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 10164- ment is identical with and has been reproduced from manufacturers on information to be supplied at the time of
2:1993. ISO/IEC 9834-1:1993/Amd.1:1997. submitting a tender or quotation for the floor system.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9060 2) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2975 4) (BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8621 4)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 4155 AS 4155.10—1993 AS 4156.4—1999

Test methods for general access Test for dynamic soft body impact Flowsheets and symbols 32pp H
floors 2pp B Sets out the recommended principles and drawing
This method is one of a series which specifies a test conventions for flowsheets and symbols relating to
AS 4155.0—1993 coal preparation plant.
method for general access floors (elevated floors) for
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2227 X)
Introduction and list of methods non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction
with AS 4154-1993.
1p A AS 4156.6—2000
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8637 0)
Specifies a series of test methods for general access
floors (elevated floors) for non-residential buildings. Determination of dust/moisture re-
To be used in conjunction with AS 4154-1993. AS 4155.11—1993 lationship for coal 10pp E
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8626 5) Test for dynamic rolling loads with Sets out a laboratory procedure to evaluate the dust/
the tread made from resinous poly- moisture relationship characteristic of a coal and a
AS 4155.1—1993 dust extinction moisture (DEM).
mer 9pp D (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3461 8)
Test for concavity and convexity This method is one of a series which specifies a test
2pp B method for general access floors (elevated floors) for
AS 4156.7—1999
This method is one of a series which specifies a test non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction
method for general access floors (elevated floors) for with AS 4154-1993. Coal size classifying equipment—
non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction (BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8638 9) Performance evaluation
with AS 4154-1993. (ISO 10752:1994) 43pp J
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8627 3) AS 4155.12—1993 Provides principles and methods for the expression of
Test for pedestal strength by con- results of performance tests on sizing equipment used
AS 4155.2—1993 centrated vertical load 4pp C in coal preparation. This Standard is based on but not
Test for twist 2pp B equivalent to ISO 10752:1994 and includes an addi-
This method is one of a series which specifies a test tional worked example in Appendix E.
This method is one of a series which specifies a test method for general access floors (elevated floors) for
method for general access floors (elevated floors) for (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2526 0)
non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction
non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction with AS 4154-1993.
with AS 4154-1993.
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8639 7)
AS/NZS 4157
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8628 1) Information technology—Telecommu-
AS 4155.13—1993 nications and information exchange
AS 4155.3—1993 between systems—X.25 DTE conform-
Test for panel squareness 2pp B Test for pedestal free movement by
horizontal load 2pp B ance testing
This method is one of a series which specifies a test
method for general access floors (elevated floors) for This method is one of a series which specifies a test
non-residential buidlings. To be used in conjunction method for general access floors (elevated floors) for AS/NZS 4157.1:2000
with AS 4154-1993. non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction General principles
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8629 X) with AS 4154-1993. (ISO/IEC 8882-1:1996) 5pp E
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8641 9) Specifies the framework and principles of a set of
AS 4155.4—1993 tests to evaluate conformance of DTE to AS 3512
Test for the effect of temperature AS 4155.14—1993 (ISO/IEC 7776) or AS/NZS 3621 (ISO/IEC 8208).
This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
2pp B Test for pedestal strength by hori- duced from ISO/IEC 8882-1:1996.
This method is one of a series which specifies a test zontal moment 2pp B (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3019 1)
method for general access floors (elevated floors) for This method is one of a series which specifies a test
non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction method for general access floors (elevated floors) for
with AS 4154-1993. AS/NZS 4157.2:2000
non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8630 3) with AS 4154-1993. Data link layer conformance test
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8642 7) suite
AS 4155.5—1993 (ISO/IEC 8882-2:1995 ISO/IEC
Test for the effect of humidity AS 4156 8882-2:1995/Cor 1:1997) 205pp O
2pp B Coal preparation Defines an abstract test suite for testing the conform-
This method is one of a series which specifies a test ance of the data link layer of a data terminal unit with
method for general access floors (elevated floors) for respect to AS 3512 (ISO/IEC 7776). This Standard is
AS 4156.1—1994 identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction
with AS 4154-1993. Higher rank coal—Float and sink 8882-2:1996.
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8631 1) testing (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3020 5)
(ISO 7936:1992) 42pp H
AS 4155.6—1993 Describes general practice used in determining the
AS/NZS 4157.3:2000
Test for floor resistance for elec- float and sink characteristics of higher rank coal and Packet layer conformance test
trostatic control 3pp B indicates procedures for deriving test samples. Meth- suite
ods for presenting the washability data obtained, and (ISO/IEC 8882-3:1995 ISO/IEC
This method is one of a series which specifies a test methods for establishing some conventional plant
method for general access floors (elevated floors) for performance parameters, are included. 8882-3:1995/Corr 1:1997) 153pp N
non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction Specifies a set of abstract tests for the testing of data
with AS 4154-1993. (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8643 5)
terminal equipment operating at the packet layer de-
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8633 8) signed to access a public or private packet-switched
AS 4156.2 network conforming to ITU-T Recommendation
AS 4155.7—1993 Higher rank coal—Froth flotation X.25. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
produced from ISO/IEC 8882-3:1995.
Test for 300 mm x 300 mm concen- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3022 1)
trated load 3pp B AS 4156.2.1—1994
This method is one of a series which specifies a test Basic test AS/NZS 4158:1996
method for general access floors (elevated floors) for (ISO 8858-1:1990) 9pp D Thermal-bonded polymeric coatings
non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction
with AS 4154-1993. Sets out a basic procedure for the froth flotation test- on valves and fittings for water indus-
ing of fine coal.
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8634 7) try purposes 14pp E
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9161 7)
Specifies requirements for factory-applied thermal-bonded
AS 4155.8—1993 polymeric corrosion protective coatings (barrier coatings)
Test for 25 mm x 25 mm concen- AS 4156.2.2—1998 on valves and fittings as used in the water industry.
trated load 3pp B Sequential procedure 11pp D (WS-022) (ISBN 0 7337 0409 3)
This method is one of a series which specifies a test Sets out a laboratory sequential procedure for the
method for general access floors (elevated floors) for froth flotation testing of fine coal. It provides a means AS/NZS 4159
non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction of evaluating for a coal the flotation characteristics Information technology—Font infor-
with AS 4154-1993. that may be expected from the froth flotation process.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2153 2) mation interchange
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8635 4)
AS 4156.3—1994 AS/NZS 4159.1:1994
AS 4155.9—1993 Architecture
Test for ultimate test load (safety Magnetite for coal preparation
plant use—Test methods (ISO/IEC 9541-1:1991 ISO/IEC
factor tests for concentrated load) 9541-1:1991/Cor.1:1992) 82pp J
1p A (ISO 8833:1989) 22pp F Defines a method of naming glyphs and glyph collec-
This method is one of a series which specifies a test Sets out methods for sampling magnetite, and for de- tions, independent of any document encoding tech-
method for general access floors (elevated floors) for termination of total moisture, density, total iron con- nique; it assumes that one or more methods of associ-
non-residential buildings. To be used in conjunction tent, ferrous iron content, particle size and magnetics ating document encoding techniques with glyph
with AS 4154-1993. content. identifiers used in font resources will be provided by
(BD-063) (ISBN 0 7262 8636 2) (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9273 7) text processing systems. This Standard is identical

AS/NZS 4159.2:1994

with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 9541- fined in AS/NZS 4802.2. This Standard is identical with, ice over connection-mode network
1:1991 and Technical Corrigendum 1:1992. and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 8881:1989 and service
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8695 8) Technical Corrigendum 1:1991.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8710 5)
AS/NZS 4159.2:1994 AS/NZS 4170.1:1994
Interchange format AS/NZS 4167 Subnetwork-type independent re-
(ISO/IEC 9541-2:1991 ISO/IEC Information technology—Text and of- quirements for group TB
9541-2:1991/Cor.1:1993) 32pp G fice systems—Document filing and re- (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-1:1992)
Specifies the interchange formats for font informa- trieval 12pp D
tion, and the minimum subsets of that information re- Specifies a combination of OSI Standards, which col-
quired for interchange. This Standard is identical AS/NZS 4167.1:1994 lectively provide the connection-mode transport serv-
with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 9541- ice using the connection-mode network service, and
2:1991 and Technical Corrigendum 1:1993. Abstract service definition and specifies the subnetwork-type independent require-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8697 4) procedures ments for group TB (transport protocol classes 0, 2
(ISO/IEC 10166-1:1991) 130pp L and 4). This Standard is identical with, and has been
reproduced from, ISO/IEC ISP 10609-1:1992.
AS/NZS 4160:1994 Specifies a client-server type model in accordance
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8738 5)
Information processing systems—In- with the distributed-office-application model, speci-
fies functions and services provided by document fil-
formation exchange between sys- ing and retrieval (DFR) servers, specifies a DFR AS/NZS 4170.2:1994
tems—Synchronous transmission model for managing documents and groups of docu- Subnetwork-type independent re-
signal quality at DTE/DCE interfaces ments, and specifies the DFR abstract service using
the principles established by the abstract service def- quirements for group TC
(ISO 9543:1989) 11pp D inition conventions. This Standard is identical with, (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-2:1992) 8pp C
Specifies signal quality requirements for serial data trans- and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 10166-
mission at the interface between synchronous transmission Specifies a combination of OSI Standards, which col-
1:1991. lectively provide the connection-mode transport serv-
data terminal equipment and data circuit-terminating (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8711 3)
equipment. This Standard is identical with, and has been ice using the connection-mode network service, and
reproduced from, ISO 9543:1989. specifies the subnetwork-type independent require-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8698 2) AS/NZS 4167.2:1994 ments for group TC (transport protocol classes 0 and
2). This Standard is identical with, and has been re-
Protocol specification produced from, ISO/IEC ISP 10609-2:1992.
AS/NZS 4161:2000 (ISO/IEC 10166-2:1991) 11pp D (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8739 3)
Information technology—Telecommu- Specifies the abstract syntax of the document filing
nications and information exchange and retrieval (DFR) access protocol, specifies how AS/NZS 4170.3:1994
the DFR access protocol supports the DFR abstract
between systems—DTE/DCE interface service, specifies the mapping of the DFR access pro- Subnetwork-type independent re-
back-up control operation using ITU-T tocol onto the services used and specifies the require- quirements for group TD
Recommendation V.24 interchange ments for conformance with DFR access protocol. (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-3:1992) 7pp C
circuits This Standard is identical with, and has been repro-
duced from, ISO/IEC 10166-2:1991. Specifies a combination of OSI Standards, which col-
(ISO/IEC 8480:1995) 5pp E (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8713 X) lectively provide the connection-mode transport serv-
Specifies the procedure for back-up operation applicable to ice using the connection-mode network service, and
data transmission on a leased line when implemented specifies the subnetwork-type independent require-
through a single interface, controlling both the leased and AS 4168 ments for group TD (transport protocol class 0). This
the back-up facilities using ITU-T Recommendation V.24. Programmable controllers Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced
This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC ISP 10609-3:1992.
from ISO/IEC 8480:1995. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8732 6)
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3026 4)
AS 4168.1—1994
General information
(IEC 1131-1:1992) 28pp G AS/NZS 4170.4:1994
AS/NZS 4162:1994 Subnetwork-type independent re-
Information technology—Galvanic Establishes the definitions and identifies the principal
characteristics relevant to the selection and applica- quirements for group TE
isolation of balanced interchange cir- tion of programmable controllers and their associated (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-4:1992) 7pp C
cuits peripherals. This Standard is technically identical Specifies a combination of OSI Standards, which col-
(ISO/IEC 9549:1990) 7pp C with, and has been reproduced from, IEC 1131- lectively provide the connection-mode transport serv-
Specifies galvanic isolation of balanced interchange cir- 1:1992. ice using the connection-mode network service, and
cuits using optocoupler integrated circuit technology and (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8716 4) specifies the subnetwork-type independent require-
provides for data transmission in the two-condition code. ments for group TE (transport protocol class 2). This
This Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced AS 4168.2—1994 Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced
from, ISO/IEC 9549:1990. from, ISO/IEC ISP 10609-4:1992.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8700 8)
Equipment requirements and tests
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8733 4)
(IEC 1131-2:1992) 105pp K
AS/NZS 4164:1994 Specifies the technical and functional requirements
for programmable controllers, and also the associated AS/NZS 4170.5:1994
Information technology—Telecommu- production qualification test methods. This Standard Definition of profiles TB1111/
nications and information exchange is technically identical with, and has been reproduced TB1121
between systems—Formal descrip- from, IEC 1131-2:1992.
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8717 2)
(ISO/IEC ISP 10609-5:1992) 3pp B
tion of AS 2911 in LOTOS Specifies a combination of OSI Standards, which col-
(ISO/IEC TR 10023:1992) 27pp G lectively provide the connection-mode transport serv-
Describes the OSI transport service using the formal de- AS 4168.3—1994 ice using the connection-mode network service, and
scription technique LOTOS. This Standard is identical Programming languages specifies the definition of profiles TB1111/TB1121.
with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC TR (IEC 61131-3:1993) 198pp M These profiles are in the TB group (transport classes
10023:1992. 0, 2 and 4). This Standard is identical with, and has
Specifies the printed and displayed representation, been reproduced from, ISO/IEC ISP 10609-5:1992.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8703 2) using characters of the ISO/IEC 646 character set, of
the programming languages to be used for Program-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8734 2)
AS/NZS 4165:1994 mable Controllers. Does not include definition of any
Information technology—Telecommu- graphic or semigraphic representation of the defined AS/NZS 4170.6:1994
language elements. This Standard is technically iden- Definition of profiles TC1111/
nications and information exchange tical with, and has been reproduced from, IEC 1131-
between systems—Formal descrip- 3:1992. TC1121
tion of AS/NZS 2912 (Classes 0, 1, 2, 3) (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8718 0) (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-6:1992) 3pp B
in LOTOS Specifies a combination of OSI Standards, which col-
(ISO/IEC TR 10024:1992) 144pp L AS 4169—1994 lectively provide the connection-mode transport serv-
ice using the connection-mode network service, and
Describes the classes 0, 1, 2 and 3 of the OSI transport pro- Electroplated coatings—Tin and tin al- specifies the definition of profiles TC1111/TC1121.
tocol using the formal description technique LOTOS. This loys These profiles are in the TC group (transport classes
Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced from, 0 and 2). This Standard is identical with, and has been
ISO/IEC TR 10024:1992. (ISO 2093:1986) 8pp C
Specifies requirements for electroplated coatings of tin on reproduced from, ISO/IEC ISP 10609-6:1992.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8705 9) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8735 0)
fabricated metal articles to protect them from corrosion
and to facilitate soldering. Appendices contain test meth-
AS/NZS 4166:1994 ods and give advice on the properties of tin coatings and AS/NZS 4170.7:1994
Information processing systems— electroplating practice. This Standard is technically identi-
Definition of profiles TD1111/
Data communications—Use of the cal with, and has been reproduced from, ISO 2093:1986.
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8722 9) TD1121
X.25 packet level protocol in local area
networks (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992) 3pp B
(ISO/IEC 8881:1989 ISO/IEC AS/NZS 4170 Specifies a combination of OSI Standards, which col-
Information technology—International lectively provide the connection-mode transport serv-
8881:1989/Cor.1:1991) 7pp C ice using the connection-mode network service, and
Specifies the operation of the X.25 packet level protocol standardized profiles TB, TC, TD and specifies the definition of profiles TD1111/TD1121.
using the logical link control type 1 and 2 procedures as de- TE—Connection-mode transport serv- These profiles are in the TD group (transport class 0).

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

This Standard is identical with, and has been repro- AS 4176—1994 produced from ISO 10282:1994. Appendices contain vari-
duced from, ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992. Polyethylene/aluminium and cross- ations to physical properties and marking requirements.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8740 7) (HE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1163 4)
linked polyethylene/aluminium macro-
composite pipe systems for pressure AS 4180
AS/NZS 4170.8:1994 applications 26pp G
Definition of profiles TE1111/ Specifies requirements for macro-composite pipes and as-
Drift loss from cooling towers—Labo-
TE1121 sociated fittings for the conveyance of fluids including ratory measurement
(ISO/IEC ISP 10609-8:1992) 3pp B compressed air, gaseous fuels and water in agricultural, in-
dustrial, domestic and other applications in sizes ranging AS 4180.1—1994
Specifies a combination of OSI Standards, which col- from 14 to 25 mm outside diameter. The macro-composite
lectively provide the connection-mode transport serv- pipes covered by this Standard consist of a welded alumin-
Chloride balance method 11pp D
ice using the connection-mode network service, and ium tube encapsulated in, and bonded to, an inner and an Sets out the requirements necessary to obtain meas-
specifies the definition of profiles TE1111/TE1121. outer layer of polyethylene or cross-linked polyethylene. urements of drift of circulatory water into the atmos-
These profiles are in the TE group (transport class 2). (PL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8778 4) phere from a cooling tower, by a chloride ion mass
This Standard is identical with, and has been repro- balance on the water circuit, under laboratory condi-
duced from, ISO/IEC ISP 10609-8:1992. tions.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8741 5)
AS 4177 (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 8795 4)
Caravan and light trailer towing com-
AS/NZS 4170.9:1994 ponents AS 4181—1999
Subnetwork-type dependent re- Stainless steel clamps for waterworks
AS 4177.1—1994 purposes 15pp F
quirements for the network layer, Towbars and towing brackets Specifies the requirements for stainless steel clamps for
data link layer and physical layer 8pp D waterworks purposes.
concerning permanent access to a Amdt 1 April 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0386 0) X (WS-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2649 6)
packet switched data network us- Amdt 2 May 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1944 9) X
ing virtual calls Specifies design and installation dimensions of a AS 4182—1994
(ISO/IEC ISP 10609-9:1992) shank-type 50 mm towball on a towbar, marking re- Automotive repairs—Code of practice
quirements for towbars used on passenger cars (in- for reconditioning reciprocating spark
26pp F cluding forward control passenger vehicles and off-
Specifies a combination of OSI Standards, which col- road passenger vehicles), light goods vehicles, and ignition engines 10pp D
lectively provide the connection-mode transport serv- light omnibuses intended for towing of caravans and Specifies a code of practice for reconditioning or remanu-
ice using the connection-mode network service, and trailers of up to 3.5 t aggregate trailer mass. Describes facturing spark ignition, automotive and industrial en-
specifies the requirements for the network layer, data static tests for longitudinal and vertical loading in ten- gines.
link layer and physical layer that apply to configura- sion and compression and for transverse load, and a (CS-078) (ISBN 0 7262 8204 9)
tions involving permanent access to packet switched dynamic test.
data network using virtual calls. This Standard is (ME-052) (ISBN 0 7262 8964 7) AS/NZS 4183:1994
identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/
IEC ISP 10609-9:1992. Value management 8pp C
AS 4177.2—1994 Specifies guidelines for the application of value manage-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8742 3) 50 mm towballs 8pp D ment principles in construction, manufacturing and service
Specifies design, standard dimensions with toleranc- industries. It provides users with a value management
AS 4171—1994 es, method of attachment, finish and marking require- framework, by defining terms establishing core elements
Rolling bearings—Static load ratings ments for shank-type 50 mm towballs which are used for conducting a value management study and clarifying
on motor vehicles for towing trailers up to 3.5 t aggre- roles and responsibilities.
(ISO 76:1987) 5pp C gate trailer mass. A static test for longitudinal loading (OB-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8207 3)
Specifies methods of calculating the basic static load rating in tension and compression, and a dynamic test are
and the static equivalent load for rolling bearings, manu- given in the appendices. AS/NZS 4184
factured from good quality hardened steel and basically of (ME-052) (ISBN 0 7262 8779 2)
conventional design as regards the shape of rolling contact Evaluation and routine testing in med-
surfaces. This Standard is identical with and reproduced
AS 4177.3—1994 ical imaging departments
from ISO 76:1987.
(ME-037) (ISBN 0 7262 8745 8) Coupling body for ball couplings AS/NZS 4184.1:1994
9pp D General aspects
AS 4172—1994 Amdt 1 May 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1943 0) X
Specifies classification, design, interchangeability di-
(IEC 1223-1:1993) 15pp E
Rolling bearings—Vocabulary mensions with tolerances, finish, marking require- Defines test methods to be carried out on equipment
(ISO 5593:1984) 63pp I ments for coupling body for 50 mm towballs, which and subassemblies of X-ray imaging installations to
Defines terms relevant to rolling bearings and their tech- are used for the towing of caravans, very light and assess the constancy of functional performance by
nology. It is identical with and reproduced from ISO light trailers of up to 3.5 t in tension and compression, means of test instrumentation and test devices that are
transverse thrust and pull-out forces. A static strength simple to use. It is identical with and reproduced from
test and a dynamic test are also described in the ap- IEC 1223-1:1993.
(ME-037) (ISBN 0 7262 8746 6) pendices. (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8828 4)
(ME-052) (ISBN 0 7262 8780 6)
AS/NZS 4173:1994 AS/NZS 4184.2
Guide to the safe use of lasers in AS 4177.4—1994 Constancy tests
health care 78pp J Safety chains up to 3500 kg capac-
Provides a guide to the safe use of lasers and laser systems ity 4pp C AS/NZS 4184.2.1:1994
in diagnostic and therapeutic medical and dental proce- Specifies design, standard dimensions with toleranc- Film processors
dures. It is intended for application in hospital operating es, finish and marking requirements for safety chains
rooms, clinics and private medical and dental practices. (IEC 1223-2-1:1993) 24pp F
which are used on motor vehicles for towing trailers
The principles of laser production and operation are de- up to 3.5 t aggregate trailer mass. Applies to those components of medical X-ray equip-
scribed and associated hazards for the operator, patient, (ME-052) (ISBN 0 7262 8859 4) ment which process radiographic images both on film
support staff and maintenance technicians are detailed. and by electronic means. It is identical with and re-
Guidelines are given for administrative and engineering produced from IEC 1223-2-1:1993.
controls of potential hazards and for the appropriate train- AS 4177.5—1995 (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8833 0)
ing of relevant staff. Electrical connectors 12pp E
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8750 4) Specifies the design, construction and performance AS/NZS 4184.2.2:1994
requirements of electrical connectors for making de- Radiographic cassettes and film
AS 4174—1994 tachable electrical connections between motor vehi-
cles and trailers. changers—Film-screen contact
Synthetic shadecloth 9pp D (ME-052) (ISBN 0 7337 0052 7) and relative sensitivity of the
Amdt 1 May 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0467 0) X screen-cassette assembly
Specifies minimum strength requirements for shadecloth AS 4178—1994 (IEC 1223-2-2:1993) 18pp F
and a method for determining the cover factor of a shade- Electromagnetic door holders 5pp C Applies to radiographic cassettes and to film changers
cloth, giving colour coded designations for the various Specifies design, performance and testing of electromag- equipped with intensifying screens used to record an
cover factor ranges. Provides methods of measuring and netic door holders intended for general use. X-ray pattern on radiographic film by direct radiogra-
reporting the transmission of radiation of a shadecloth, in- (FP-011) (ISBN 0 7262 8789 X) phy. It is identical with and reproduced from IEC
cluding UV-visible radiation and solar radiation. 1223-2-2:1993.
(TX-008) (ISBN 0 7262 8774 1) (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8834 9)
AS/NZS 4179:1997
AS 4175—1994 Single-use sterile surgical rubber
gloves—Specification AS/NZS 4184.2.3:1994
Wool—Glossary of terms relating to (ISO 10282:1994) 13pp E Darkroom safelight conditions
the testing of raw wool 14pp E Amdt 1 November 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2053 6) X (IEC 1223-2-3:1993) 18pp F
Sets out definitions for terms relating to the testing of raw Specifies requirements for packaged sterile gloves intend- Applies to darkrooms in X-ray facilities where the
wool. The definitions have been drawn from existing ed for use in surgical procedures to protect the patient and image is processed either on film or by electronic
Standards and modifications or additions made to ensure the user from cross-contamination. It is applicable to sin- means. It is identical with and reproduced from IEC
consistency and to address future needs. gle-use gloves that are worn once and then discarded. Does 1223-2-3:1993.
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7262 8775 X) not apply to examination gloves. It is equivalent to and re- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8835 7)

AS/NZS 4184.2.4:1995

AS/NZS 4184.2.4:1995 AS/NZS 4184.3.1:2002 AS/NZS 4188:1994

Hard copy cameras Imaging performance of X-ray Ultrasonics—Continuous-wave Dop-
(IEC 1223-2-4:1994) 23pp F equipment for radiographic and ra- pler systems—Test procedures
Applies to constancy tests for hard copy cameras pro- dioscopic systems (IEC 1206:1993) 27pp G
ducing images on monochrome material such as pho- Describes test methods for measuring the performance of
tographic film or materials sensitive to infrared radi-
(IEC 61223-3-1:1999) 44pp K continuous-wave ultrasonic Doppler flowmeters, veloci-
ation. It covers those types of imaging devices used in Specifies requirements for those components of X- meters, or foetal heart detectors. It also describes special
digital radiography, digital subtraction angiography, ray equipment which influence the image quality and Doppler test objects for determining performance proper-
computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, patient dose of diagnostic X-ray systems using radio- ties of Doppler ultrasonic systems. It is identical with and
ultrasound and nuclear medicine. This Standard is graphic and radioscopic imaging systems. Does not reproduced from IEC 1206:1993.
identical with and has been reproduced from IEC apply to mammographic, intra-oral, cephalometric (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8853 5)
1223-2-4:1994. and dental panoramic X-ray equipment. This Stand-
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9587 6) ard is to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS
3200.1.0:1998. It modifies, and has been reproduced AS/NZS 4189
from, IEC 61223-3-1:1999 with variations for Aus- Information technology—Universal
AS/NZS 4184.2.5:1995 tralia and New Zealand included in an Appendix. multiple-octet coded Character Set
Image display devices (HE-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4493 1) (UCS)
(IEC 1223-2-5:1994) 30pp G
Applies to image display devices used in diagnostic AS/NZS 4184.3.2:1998 AS/NZS 4189.1:1994
imaging systems such as digital radiography, digital Imaging performance of mammo- Architecture and basic multilingual
subtraction angiography, computed tomography, plane
magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and nuclear graphic X-ray equipment
medicine. This Standard is identical with and has (IEC 1223-3-2:1996) 16pp F (ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993) 754pp P
been reproduced from IEC 1223-2-5:1994. This Standard is applicable to the representation,
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9581 7) Specifies in-service testing procedures to ensure that transmission, interchange, processing, storage, input
the image quality of radiograms produced by mam- and presentation of the written form of the languages
mographic X-ray equipment is maintained within re- (scripts) of the world, as well as additional symbols.
AS/NZS 4184.2.6:1995 quired tolerances. This Standard includes an addition- This Part specifies the overall architecture and the ba-
X-ray equipment for computed to- al local Appendix ZZ, and is based on but not sic multilingual plane of the UCS. This Standard is
equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 1223-3- technically identical with, and has been reproduced
mography 2:1996. from, ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993.
(IEC 1223-2-6:1994) 22pp F (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1816 7) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8854 3)
Amdt 1 May 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0487 5) X
Applies to those radiological installations with diag- AS/NZS 4184.3.3:1998 AS/NZS 4190:1994
nostic X-ray equipment for computed tomography. It Ultrasonics—Fields—Guidance for
is one of a series of publications intended to assist in Imaging performance of X-ray
the establishment and operation of a quality assurance equipment for digital subtraction the measurement and characterization
program in the diagnostic X-ray department. It is angiography (DSA) of ultrasonic fields generated by med-
identical with and has been reproduced from IEC ical ultrasonic equipment using hy-
1223-2-6:1994. (IEC 61223-3-3:1996) 15pp E
drophones in the frequency range 0.5
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0032 2) Specifies in-service testing procedures to ensure that
the imaging quality of digital subtraction angiogra- MHz to 15 MHz
AS/NZS 4184.2.7:2002 phy (DSA) systems is maintained within required tol- (IEC 1220:1993) 23pp F
erances. This Standard is identical with and has been Provides guidance on the practical measurement of the
Equipment for intra-oral dental ra- reproduced from IEC 61223-3-3:1996. acoustic output of various types of medical ultrasonic
diography (IEC 61223-2-7:1999, (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1986 4) equipment in the frequency range of 0.5 MHz to 15 MHz
MOD) 19pp H based on the use of hydrophones. It is identical with and re-
produced from IEC 1220:1993.
Applies to radiological installations with diagnostic AS/NZS 4184.3.4:2002 (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8857 8)
X-ray systems designed to expose intra-orally placed
image receptors such as films and photostimulable Imaging performance of dental X-
phosphor sensosrs. It does not apply to- (a) systems ray equipment AS 4191—1994
using electronic image receptors such as charge cou- (IEC 61223-3-4:2000) 29pp H Portable traffic signal systems
pled devices; and (b) diagnostic X-ray systems de- 20pp F
signed to expose extra-orally placed image receptors Applies to those components of dental X-ray equip-
ment using radiographic imaging systems which in- Specifies requirements for the design, construction and
such as dental panoramic equipment and equipment performance of three-colour portable signal systems for
for cephalometric radiography. This Standard modi- fluence the image quality and patient dose. Also ap-
fies, and has been reproduced from, IEC 61223-2- plies to the performance of the acceptance tests on use where temporary control of vehicular traffic is re-
dental X-ray equipment with intra-oral X-ray image quired, such as road or bridge works. Provides for the two
7:1999 with variations for Australia and New Zealand main forms of control, viz. shuttle control and plant cross-
included in a ZZ Appendix. receptors and dental X-ray equipment with extra-oral
X-ray image receptor, and to dental film and digital ing control. Does not cover the use of these signal systems
(HE-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4525 3) in specific road situations.
image acquisition on processing. It is identical with,
and reproduced from, IEC 61223-3-4:2000. (LG-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8868 3)
AS/NZS 4184.2.9:2002 (HE-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4819 8)
Equipment for indirect radioscopy AS/NZS 4192:1994
and indirect radiography AS 4185—1994 Illuminated flashing arrow signs
(IEC 61223-2-9:1999) 17pp G 16pp F
Polarimeters—Sugar—Automatic Specifies requirements for the design, construction and
Applies to those components of X-ray equipment
which generate, influence the propagation of, and de- 9pp D performance of signs in the form of an illuminated flashing
tect X-radiation, and process, present and store diag- Specifies the requirements for automatic polarimeters used arrow, for use in the temporary diversion of vehicular traf-
nostic X-ray images in radiological installations with to determine the sucrose content of sugar mill products. fic. Provides for three basic types of sign, including those
diagnostic X-ray systems for indirect radioscopy and designed for truck or trailer mounting. Does not cover the
(CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8841 1) use of these signs in specific road situations.
indirect radiography which use X-ray image intensi-
fiers in conjunction with analogue and/or digital stor- (LG-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8869 1)
age systems. This Standard is identical with, and has AS 4186—1994
been reproduced from, IEC 61223-2-9:1999. Screwcap bottles for microbiological AS/NZS 4193
(HE-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4491 5) use (McCartney bottles) 14pp E Electric cables for use in ships
Specifies requirements for screwcap bottles suitable for
AS/NZS 4184.2.11:2002 use as culture bottles in microbiological laboratories. AS/NZS 4193.5:1994
Equipment for general direct radi- (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8845 4) Shipboard multicore cables for
ography control circuits
(IEC 61223-2-11:1999) 36pp I AS 4187—1998 (IEC 92-376:1983) 9pp D
Specifies requirements for those components of X- Cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing Amdt 1 December 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9418 7) X
ray equipment which generate, influence the propaga- Amdt 2 February 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0908 7) X
tion of, and detect X-radiation, and process, present reusable medical and surgical instru-
Specifies description and requirements for shipboard
and store radiographic information in radiological in- ments and equipment, and mainte- cables for control circuits not susceptible to interfer-
stallations with diagnostic X-ray systems using radi- nance of associated environments in ence for rated voltage 250 V a.c. or d.c. Adopted from
ographic film in direct radiography. Does not apply to
mammographic, intra-oral, cephalometric and dental health care facilities 74pp J but not equivalent to IEC 92-376:1983.
panoramic X-ray equipment. This Standard is to be Sets out procedures and process development which can be (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8895 0)
read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3200.1.0:1998. It validated for the cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of
modifies, and has been reproduced from, IEC 61223- reusable medical and surgical instruments and equipment, AS/NZS 4194:1994
2-11:1999 with variations for Australia and New Zea- and maintenance of associated environments in health care Requirements for the declaration of
land included in an Appendix. facilities. May be suitable for application in veterinary
practice. Does not apply to items intended by the manufac- the acoustic output of medical diag-
(HE-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4492 3) nostic ultrasonic equipment
turer for single-use only, nor to goods such as dressings
and bandages which should be obtained sterile from com- (IEC 1157:1993) 27pp G
AS/NZS 4184.3 mercial sources, ready for use. Establishes requirements for the declaration of the acoustic
Acceptance tests (HE-023) (ISBN 0 7337 1710 1) output of medical diagnostic equipment for the informa-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

tion of intending purchasers. This Standard is identical scription that is complete, consistent, concise, unambigu- AS 4204—1994
with and reproduced from IEC 1157:1993. ous and precise. This Standard is identical with, and has
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8897 7) been reproduced from, ISO 8807:1989. Headstones and cemetery monu-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8941 8) ments 22pp F
Specifies minimum structural design criteria, performance
AS 4195 and renovation requirements for cemetery monuments and
Analysis of serum and plasma for AS/NZS 4200 crematoria memorial gardens above and below the natural
trace elements Pliable building membranes and un- ground surface. The Standard also gives guidelines on in-
derlays stallation practice and guidelines for war grave monu-
ments. It does not set out to preclude artistic endeavour.
AS 4195.1—1994 This Standard does not apply to pet cemeteries or to public
Determination of aluminium con- AS/NZS 4200.1:1994 monuments other than cemetery monuments. This Stand-
tent—Graphite furnace atomic ab- Materials ard is intended for use by cemetery authorities, monumen-
See also AS 1736-1975 and AS 1903-1976 tal masons and all personnel concerned with the installa-
sorption spectrometric method tion, renovation and general requirements of cemetery
13pp E 10pp D monuments.
Specifies a graphite furnace atomic absorption spec- Amdt 1 December 1994 (ISBN 0 7262 9405 5) X (BD-071) (ISBN 0 7262 8967 1)
trometric method for the determination of aluminium Specifies the requirements for materials suitable for
in human serum or plasma in the range 0.4µmol/L to use as a pliable building membrane (also known as AS 4205
6.0µmol/L. A method for determining the contami- underlay) when it is intended to act as a sarking mem-
nant aluminium levels of collection materials and a brane or thermal insulation, or a vapour barrier in a Analysis of urine for trace elements
procedure for the collection of blood are appended. domestic, commercial or industrial building. It does
(CH-036) (ISBN 0 7262 8898 5) not specify the thermal insulation requirements, nor AS 4205.2—1994
does it include materials for use in air handling ducts.
Determination of copper, cadmium
AS/NZS 4196:1999 (BD-048) (ISBN 0 7262 9011 4)
and lead—Flame atomic absorp-
Information and documentation— tion spectrometric method 8pp D
Open Systems Interconnection—In- AS/NZS 4200.2:1994
Specifies a flame atomic absorption spectrometric
terlibrary loan application service def- Installation requirements method using direct aspiration of the extracted iodide
inition See also AS 1736-1975 and AS 1904-1976 complexes into an air/acetylene flame, for the deter-
6pp C mination of copper, cadmium or lead in urine. The
(ISO 10160:1997) 59pp J method is suitable for the following ranges of cadmi-
Defines the technical specification of the Application Lay- Specifies the installation procedures for a pliable um 0.02 to 0.20µmol, copper 0.30 to 4.00µmol and
er Standard within the Open Systems Interconnection building membrane (also known as underlay) when it lead 0.10 to 2.00µmol.
framework of AS/NZS 2777. This Standard defines the is intended to act as a sarking membrane or thermal
insulation, or a vapour barrier in a domestic, commer- (CH-036) (ISBN 0 7262 8982 5)
services for interlibrary loan. This Standard is identical
with and has been reproduced from ISO 10160:1997. cial or industrial building. It specifies the installation
(IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2345 4)
requirements when the membrane is used under sheet AS/NZS 4206:1994
roofing, tile roofing or in walls. Information technology—Open Sys-
(BD-048) (ISBN 0 7262 9010 6) tems Interconnection—LOTOS de-
AS/NZS 4197
Information and documentation— scription of the session protocol
AS/NZS 4201
Open Systems Interconnection—In- (ISO/IEC TR 9572:1989) 86pp J
Pliable building membranes and un- Provides the formal definitions of the OSI basic connec-
terlibrary loan application protocol derlays—Methods of test tion oriented session protocol described by the formal de-
specification scription technique LOTOS. This Standard is identical
AS/NZS 4201.0:1994 with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC TR
AS/NZS 4197.1:1999 9572:1989.
General introduction and list of (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9017 3)
Protocol specification methods 1p A
(ISO 10161-1:1997) 109pp M Specifies a series of test methods for pliable building
membranes and underlays for domestic, commercial
AS/NZS 4207:1994
Defines the protocol for an ILL application-service
element (ASE). The Standard specifies the behaviour and industrial applications. Information technology—Open Sys-
which must be exhibited by the system in order to (BD-048) (ISBN 0 7262 8948 5) tems Interconnection—LOTOS de-
take part in the provision of ISO interlibrary loan scription of the session service
service. This Standard is identical with and has been
reproduced from ISO 10161-1:1997. AS/NZS 4201.1:1994 (ISO/IEC TR 9571:1989) 47pp H
(IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2346 2) Resistance to dry delamination Provides the formal definitions of the OSI basic connec-
tion oriented session service described by the formal de-
1p A scription technique LOTOS. This Standard is identical
AS/NZS 4197.2:1999 (BD-048) (ISBN 0 7262 8949 3) with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC TR
Protocol implementation conform- 9571:1989.
ance statement (PICS) proforma AS/NZS 4201.2:1994 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9018 1)
(ISO 10161-2:1997) 38pp I Resistance to wet delamination
Defines the technical specifications of the PICS pro- 1p A AS/NZS 4209:1994
forma for ILL protocol. This Standard is identical (BD-048) (ISBN 0 7262 8951 5) Information technology—Telecommu-
with and has been reproduced from ISO 10161- nications and information exchange
2:1997. between systems—Definition of the
(IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2347 0) AS/NZS 4201.3:1994
Shrinkage relaying functions of a network layer
See also AS 1736-1975 2pp B intermediate system
AS 4198—1994
(BD-048) (ISBN 0 7262 8953 1) (ISO/IEC 10028:1993) 33pp G
Precast concrete access chambers for Defines the abstract operation of the relaying functions of
sewerage applications 42pp H a network entity in an intermediate system as needed to
Specifies the requirements of precast concrete access AS/NZS 4201.4:1994 support the OSI connection-mode network service. This
chambers (PCAC), and the minimum requirements for the Resistance to water penetration Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced from,
materials to be used in, and the manufacture of, controlled 1p A ISO/IEC 10028:1993.
quality PCAC components and includes descriptions of (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9021 1)
methods of sampling and testing of components. The (BD-048) (ISBN 0 7262 8954 X)
Standard applies to PCAC components manufactured from
reinforced or unreinforced concrete that are intended for AS/NZS 4201.5:1994 AS/NZS 4210
use with buried sewer pipes to a depth of 6 m and for pipes
Emittance 1p A Information technology—Telecommu-
not greater than 300 mm in diameter. While the Standard nications and information exchange
is limited to sewerage applications, reference may be made (BD-048) (ISBN 0 7262 8955 8)
for drainage applications. Recommended installation pro- between systems—Transport con-
cedures are not covered by this Standard. AS/NZS 4201.6:1994 formance testing for connection-mode
(WS-006) (ISBN 0 7262 8938 8) transport protocol operating over con-
Surface water absorbency 2pp B
(BD-048) (ISBN 0 7262 8956 6) nection-mode network service
AS/NZS 4199:1994
Information processing systems— AS 4202—1994 AS/NZS 4210.3:1994
Open Systems Interconnection—LO- Transport test management proto-
TOS—A formal description technique Insulating covers for electrical pur-
poses 9pp D col specification
based on the temporal ordering of ob- Specifies constructional and test requirements for two (ISO/IEC 10025-3:1993) 41pp H
servational behaviour classes of flexible insulating covers for indoor and outdoor Provides the structure and encoding of the test man-
(ISO 8807:1989) 142pp L use. The covers may be tube type or drape type and are in- agement protocol data units used for the transfer of
Defines a formal description technique based on the as- tended to be used to cover live equipment, with a working data and control information from a lower tester to an
sumption that systems can be described by defining the voltage not exceeding 650 V, to prevent accidental contact upper tester. This Standard is identical with, and has
temporal relation between events in the externally observ- by persons working nearby. been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 10025-3:1993.
able behaviour of the system, thus resulting in a system de- (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 8957 4) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9022 X)

AS 4211

AS 4211 AS 4215.0—1995 AS/NZS 4223

Gas recovery or combined recovery General introduction and list of Information technology—International
and recycling equipment methods 1p X standardized profile FOD11—Open
(FP-011) (ISBN 0 7262 9557 4) document format: Simple document
AS 4211.1—1996 structure—Character content archi-
Fluorocarbon refrigerants from au- AS 4215.1—1995 tecture only
tomotive airconditioning systems Determination of fire extinguishing
11pp D concentrations 3pp B AS/NZS 4223.1:1994
Specifies the minimum equipment requirements for (FP-011) (ISBN 0 7262 9558 2) Document application profile
safe and efficient recovery or combined recovery and (ISO/IEC ISP 10610-1:1993) 63pp I
recycling of refrigerants directly removed from and AS 4215.2—1995 Specifies the interchange formats for the transfer of
intended for reuse in automotive air-conditioning sys-
tems. It specifies test methods to determine equip-
Determination of fire inerting con- structured documents (character content only) be-
centrations 3pp B tween equipment designed for word or document
ment performance and minimum purity levels al- processing. This Standard is identical with and has
lowed for recycled R12 and R134a refrigerants. This (FP-011) (ISBN 0 7262 9559 0) been reproduced from ISO/IEC ISP 10610-1:1993.
Standard applies to equipment used to service cars,
trucks and other vehicles with similar air-condition- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9099 8)
ing systems. Equipment used on mobile vehicles that
AS/NZS 4216:1994
have hermetically sealed systems for refrigerated car- Information technology—Software AS/NZS 4224:1994
go are not covered in this document. product evaluation—Quality charac- Information technology—Use of X.25
(EV-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0801 3) teristics and guidelines for their use packet layer protocol to provide the
(ISO/IEC 9126:1991) 13pp D OSI connection-mode network service
AS 4211.3—1996 Defines six characteristics that describe, with minimal over the telephone network
Fluorocarbon refrigerants from overlap, software quality. These characteristics provide a
(ISO/IEC 10732:1993) 7pp C
commercial/domestic refrigera- baseline for further refinement and description of software
quality. This Standard is technically identical with, and has Specifies the mapping of the connection-mode network
tion and airconditioning systems been reproduced from, ISO/IEC 9126:1991. service primitives and parameters to and from the elements
18pp F (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7262 9071 8) used by the X.25 packet layer protocol when used over the
Specifies the minimum equipment requirements for telephone network. This Standard is identical with and has
been reproduced from ISO/IEC 10732:1993.
safe and efficient recovery or combined recovery and AS/NZS 4217:1994 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9100 5)
recycling of refrigerants, in both liquid and vapour
state, that have been directly removed from and in-
Information technology—Telecommu-
tended for reuse in commercial or domestic HVAC/R nications and information exchange AS/NZS 4225
systems. It also specifies test methods to determine between systems—Provision of the Information technology—Text and of-
equipment performance. connection-mode network internal
(EV-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0803 X) fice systems—Office document archi-
layer service by intermediate systems tecture and interchange format—
AS 4212—1994 using the X.25 packet layer protocol Technical report on AS 3951 (ISO
(ISO/IEC 10177:1993) 29pp G 8613) implementation testing
Geographic information systems— Defines a method by which a network-layer interworking
Data dictionary for transfer of street unit uses the X.25 packet layer protocol to support the OSI
addressing information 27pp G connection-mode network service. This Standard is identi- AS/NZS 4225.1:1994
Sets out the data items for electronically transferring infor- cal with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC Testing methodology
mation for a street address. Can be applied to databases. 10177:1993. (ISO/IEC TR 10183-1:1993) 14pp E
Contains items for person and organization details and (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9078 5) Defines a testing methodology and provides a frame-
postal delivery service. Does not apply to international ad- work for specifying abstract test cases for implemen-
dresses nor to allocation of addresses. AS/NZS 4218 tation testing, so providing a base for testing the inter-
(IT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9033 5) Information technology—Open Sys- working capability of ODA implementations. This
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
tems Interconnection—Conformance from ISO/IEC TR 10183-1:1993.
AS/NZS 4213 test suite for the FTAM protocol
Radiotherapy simulators (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9106 4)
AS/NZS 4218.1:1994 AS 4226—1994
AS/NZS 4213.1:1994 Test suite structure and test pur-
Functional performance character- Guidelines for safe housing design
poses 32pp G
istics (ISO/IEC 10170-1:1993) 108pp K Provides guidelines for the design of dwellings to assist in
(IEC 1168:1993) 28pp G Provides a specification of a test suite structure and the prevention of personal injury. Advice is given on selec-
Provides guidance to manufacturers on the needs of test purposes for the whole of the FTAM protocol. tion and placing of fittings and equipment to forestall per-
the radiotherapist in respect to the performance of ra- This Standard is identical with, and has been repro- sonal injury and considerable emphasis is given to the pre-
diotherapy simulators and guidance to users wishing duced from, ISO/IEC 10170-1:1993. vention and suppression of fire.
to check the manufacturer's declared performance (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9081 5) (CS-072) (ISBN 0 7262 9107 2)
characteristics, to carry out acceptance tests and to
check periodically the performance throughout the AS/NZS 4227:1994
life of the equipment. It is identical with, and repro- AS 4219—1994
duced from, IEC 1168:1993. Timber—Stumps and sole plates Information technology—Information
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9045 9) 7pp C resource dictionary system services
Specifies the requirements for grading and durability of interface
AS/NZS 4213.2:1994 house stumps and sole plates and covers hardwood and (ISO/IEC 10728:1993) 108pp K
Guidelines for functional perform- softwood species. Preservative treatment requirements are Specifies a services interface that gives any program full
included as well as optional marking requirements. access to all information resource dictionary system serv-
ance characteristics (TM-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9084 X) ices through whatever external call interface is provided by
(IEC 1170:1993) 7pp C the language in which the program is written. This Stand-
Applies to radiotherapy simulators which use diag- AS/NZS 4220:1994 ard is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/
nostic X-ray equipment to simulate a radiotherapy ra- IEC 10728:1993.
diation beam so that the treatment volume to be irra- Bunk beds 30pp G (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9111 0)
diated during radiotherapy can be located and the Specifies safety requirements for bunk beds. These re-
position and size of the therapeutic radiation field can quirements include material, construction, design and per-
be confirmed. It is identical with, and reproduced formance, all of which are important for the well-being of AS/NZS 4228:1994
from, IEC 1170:1993. the occupants (especially children), who use bunk beds. Information technology—Telecommu-
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9054 8) (CS-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9092 0) nications and information exchange
between systems—Standard group
AS 4214—2002 AS/NZS 4222 medium access control addresses
Gaseous fire extinguishing systems Information technology—Open Sys- (ISO/IEC TR 10735:1993) 9pp D
151pp N tems Interconnection—Conformance Describes the binary and illustrative representation of the
Specifies requirements for the design, installation, com- test suite for the presentation layer medium access control addresses as used by LANs con-
missioning, testing, and safety of gaseous fire extinguish- forming to AS 4802 (ISO/IEC 8802). This Standard is
ing systems in building, plant or other structures, and the AS/NZS 4222.1:1994 identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC TR
characteristics of the various extinguishing agents and 10735:1993.
types of fire for which they are suitable. Test suite structure and test pur- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9113 7)
(FP-011) (ISBN 0 7337 4803 1) poses for the presentation proto-
col AS/NZS 4229
AS 4215 (ISO/IEC 10729-1:1993) 18pp F Information technology—International
Methods of test for determining fire Specifies a test suite structure and test purposes for standardized profile TAnnnn—Con-
the presentation protocol (excluding X.410-1984
extinguishing and inerting concentra- mode). This Standard is identical with and has been nection-mode transport service over
tions for flammable liquids and gas- reproduced from ISO/IEC 10729-1:1993. connectionless-mode network serv-
es (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9098 X) ice

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 4229.1:1994 cal with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC TR rate. Appendices include methods for determining accura-
11172-5:1998. cy and repeatability of flow meter output, effects of ageing
General overview and subnetwork- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2882 0) and back pressure at constant flow.
independent requirements (HE-019) (ISBN 0 7262 9156 0)
(ISO/IEC ISP 10608-1:1992) AS/NZS 4231:1994
16pp E Information technology—Telecommu- AS/NZS 4238:1996
Specifies a combination of OSI Standards which col- nications and information exchange Information technology—Telecommu-
lectively provide the connection-mode transport serv- nications and information exchange
ice using the connectionless-mode network service. between systems—Elements of man-
This Standard is identical with and has been repro- agement information related to OSI between systems—Private integrated
duced from ISO/IEC ISP 10608-1:1992. network layer standards services network—Circuit-mode mul-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9114 5) (ISO/IEC 10733:1993) 130pp L ti-rate bearer services—Service de-
Specifies the management information within an open sys- scription, functional capabilities and
AS/NZS 4229.2:1994 tem related to operations of the OSI network layer. This information flows
TA51 profile including subnet- Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from
ISO/IEC 10733:1993. (ISO/IEC 11584:1996) 10pp D
work-dependent requirements for (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9124 2) Specifies service description and control aspects of the
CSMA/CD local area networks multi-rate circuit-mode basic services which may be sup-
ported by a private integrated service network (PISN). It is
(ISO/IEC ISP 10608-2:1992) 9pp D AS/NZS 4232:1994 one of a series of Standards applicable to PISN. This
Specifies subnetwork-type dependent requirements Information technology—Use of X.25 Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from
for end system operation when the end system is at- ISO/IEC 11584:1996.
tached to a CSMA/CD local area network. This packet layer protocol in conjunction
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 0786 6)
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced with X.21/X.21bis to provide the OSI
from ISO/IEC ISP 10608-2:1992. connection-mode network service AS/NZS 4239:1996
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9115 3) (ISO/IEC 10588:1993) 10pp D
Specifies the mapping of the OSI connection-mode net-
Information technology—Telecommu-
AS/NZS 4229.5:1994 work service primitives and parameters to and from the el- nications and information exchange
TA1111/TA1121 profiles including ements of the protocols used by X.25 and X.21. This between systems—Private integrated
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from services network—Generic functional
subnetwork-dependent require- ISO/IEC 10588:1993.
ments for X.25 packet-switched (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9125 0) protocol for the support of supple-
data networks using virtual calls mentary services—Inter-exchange
(ISO/IEC ISP 10608-5:1992) 7pp C AS/NZS 4233 signalling procedures and protocol
Specifies subnetwork-type dependent requirements High pressure water (hydro) jetting (ISO/IEC 11582:1995) 80pp J
for end system operation when the end system is at- Defines the signalling protocol for the control of supple-
systems mentary services and additional network features (ANFs)
tached to a X.25 packet-switched data network by a
dedicated access line and using switched virtual calls. at the Q reference point in private integrated services net-
This Standard is identical with and has been repro- AS/NZS 4233.1:1999 works (PISNs). It is one of a series of Standards applicable
duced from ISO/IEC ISP 10608-5:1992. Guidelines for safe operation and to PISN. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9116 1) produced from ISO/IEC 11582:1995.
maintenance 27pp G (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 0787 4)
Provides guidance on the various issues which need
AS/NZS 4230 to be addressed when high pressure water jetting op-
Information technology—Coding of erations are performed. The Standard also provides AS/NZS 4240:1994
moving pictures and associated audio recommendations for the elimination or reduction of Remote controls for mining equip-
hazards and risk associated with high pressure water ment 37pp H
for digital storage media at up to about jetting operations. Provides guidance for the design, construction and general
1.5 Mbit/s (SF-043) (ISBN 0 7337 2241 5) safeguarding of remote control systems for mining equip-
ment. Guidance for training of personnel as well as main-
AS/NZS 4230.1:1994 AS/NZS 4233.2:1999 tenance and safe operation of control systems are also in-
Systems Construction and performance cluded. This Standard is applicable to both the coal and
metalliferous mining industries.
(ISO/IEC 11172-1:1993) 53pp I 13pp F (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7262 9163 3)
Specifies the system layer of the coding (sometimes Proposes minimum requirements for the construction
known as MPEG 1) developed to support the video and performance of high pressure water jetting sys-
and audio methods defined in Parts 1 and 2 of this tems and associated equipment and componentry. AS 4241—1994
Standard. This Standard is identical with and has been (SF-043) (ISBN 0 7337 2787 5) Acoustics—Instruments for the meas-
reproduced from ISO/IEC 11172-1:1993. urement of sound intensity—Measure-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9121 8) AS 4234—1994 ment with pairs of pressure sensing
Solar water heaters—Domestic and microphones
AS/NZS 4230.2:1994 heat pump—Calculation of energy (IEC 1043:1993) 20pp F
Video consumption 29pp G Specifies the requirements for sound intensity instruments,
(ISO/IEC 11172-2:1993) 112pp K Sets out a method of determining the annual performance comprising sound intensity probes and processors which
Specifies the coding and decoding representation of domestic solar and heat pump water heaters using a detect sound intensity by pairs of spatially separated pres-
(sometimes known as MPEG 1) of video for digital combination of test results for component performance and sure sensing microphones. It also specifies requirements
storage media. This Standard is identical with and has a mathematical model to determine annual load cycle task for calibrators and the calibration of sound intensity instru-
been reproduced from ISO/IEC 11172-2:1993. performance. Together with the Standard a software disk is ments. This Standard is identical with and reproduced from
provided. It contains a program for evaluation of energy IEC 1043:1993.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9122 6) (AV-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9210 9)
consumption of the solar water heaters under testing.
(CS-028) (ISBN 0 7262 9127 7)
AS/NZS 4230.3:1994 AS 4242—1994
Audio AS 4235—1994 Earth-moving machinery and ancillary
(ISO/IEC 11172-3:1993) 150pp L Articulated vehicles—Design criteria equipment for use in mines—Electri-
Specifies the coding and decoding representation for fifth wheel skid plates 5pp C cal wiring systems at extra-low volt-
(sometimes known as MPEG 1) of high quality audio Specifies design criteria for skid plates intended for use
for storage media. This Standard is identical with and age 8pp D
with fifth wheel assemblies complying with AS 1773. Sets out requirements for the design, installation, mainte-
has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 11172-3:1993.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9123 4) (ME-053) (ISBN 0 7262 9145 5) nance and servicing of electrical wiring systems of earth-
moving machinery and ancillary equipment for use in
AS/NZS 4230.4:1997 AS/NZS 4236:1994 open-cut or underground mines. Relates to wiring systems
Respiratory therapy equipment—Jet of the automotive type operated at extra-low voltage.
Compliance testing (EL-038) (ISBN 0 7262 9211 7)
nebulizers and jet nebulizer air
(ISO/IEC 11172-4:1995) 42pp H
pumps 11pp D AS 4243—1994
Specifies procedures to determine characteristics of Specifies performance and safety requirements for jet neb-
coded bitstreams and to test compliance of bitstreams ulizers and associated portable air pumps used in respira- Additional requirements for enclosed
and decoders with the requirements specified in Part tory drug therapy. Appendices include methods for deter- switchgear and controlgear from 1 kV
1, 2 and 3 of AS/NZS 4230. This Standard is identical mining minimum aerosol output, residual volume,
with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 11172- to 72.5 kV to be used in severe climatic
minimum fill volume and performance at normal orienta-
4:1995. tion and at maximum angle of tilt of the jet nebulizer, de- conditions
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1139 1) termination of particle size and non-spill volume. (IEC 932:1988) 20pp F
(HE-019) (ISBN 0 7262 9155 2) Applies to indoor enclosed high voltage switchgear and
AS/NZS 4230.5:1999 controlgear complying with Australian Standards AS 2086
Software simulation AS/NZS 4237:1994 and AS 2264, excluding gas-insulated metal-enclosed
switchgear, intended to be used in severe conditions (with
(ISO/IEC TR 11172-5:1998) Respiratory therapy equipment—Peak respect to condensation and pollution) more severe than
Includes 3.5 inch diskette 13pp K expiratory flow meters 9pp D the normal service conditions specified in these Standards.
Provides a C language software simulation of an en- Sets out requirements for simple mechanical, electro-me- This Standard is identical with and reproduced from IEC
coder and decoder for AS/NZS 4230.1, AS/NZS chanical, and electrical portable hand-held peak expiratory 932:1988.
4230.2 and AS/NZS 4230.3. This Standard is identi- flow meters for self-monitoring of peak expiratory flow (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9222 2)

AS/NZS 4244:1994

AS/NZS 4244:1994 Element functions. This Standard is identical with these temperatures and the reference temperatures,
and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC ISP 11183- when determining or checking the volume of a vessel.
Information technology—Telecommu- 1:1992. (ME-049) (ISBN 0 7262 9540 X)
nications and information exchange (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9229 X)
between systems—26-pole interface AS 4250.5—1995
connector mateability dimensions and AS/NZS 4248.2:1994
contact number assignments Dynamic measurement
CMISE/ROSE for AOM12—En- (ISO 4267-2:1988) 25pp F
(ISO/IEC 11569:1993) 8pp D hanced management communica-
Specifies the 26-pole connector, including dimensions and Defines the various terms employed in the calculation
assignments to be used when the functional characteristics
tions of metered petroleum quantities, and specifies the
of the interface conform with V.24 and the electrical char- (ISO/IEC ISP 11183-2:1992) equations that allow the values of correction factors to
acteristics conform with V.10, V.11 or V.28. This Standard be computed. This Standard is identical with and re-
is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
101pp K produced from ISO 4267-2:1988.
11569:1993. Specifies how the Common Management Informa- (ME-049) (ISBN 0 7262 9259 1)
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9225 7) tion Service Element (CMISE) combined with the
Remote Operations Service Element (ROSE) shall be AS/NZS 4251
used to provide a complete set of operation and noti-
AS/NZS 4245:1994 fication services to the CMISE-service-users of two Electromagnetic compatibility
Information technology—Telecommu- end systems. This Standard is identical with and has (EMC)—Generic emission standard
been reproduced from ISO/IEC ISP 11183-2:1992.
nications and information exchange
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9230 3) AS/NZS 4251.1:1999
between systems—Open Systems In-
terconnection—Transport protocol Residential, commercial and light
AS/NZS 4248.3:1994 industry
identification mechanism
(ISO/IEC 11570:1992) 5pp C CMISE/ROSE for AOM11—Basic (CISPR/IEC 61000-6-3:1996)
Provides a protocol identification procedure that will allow management communications 6pp D
transport entities to be implemented which can support (ISO/IEC ISP 11183-3:1992) Specifies limits and test methods for electrical and
both OSI and non-OSI protocols above the OSI network 79pp J electronic equipment intended for use in residential,
layer. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- commercial and light industrial environments (ex-
duced from ISO/IEC 11570:1992. Specifies how the Common Management Informa-
tion Service Element (CMISE) combined with the cluding equipment used to radiate electromagnetic
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9226 5) Remote Operation Service Element (ROSE) shall be energy for radio communication purposes) for which
used to provide a basic subset of operation and notifi- no dedicated product or product family emission
AS/NZS 4246 cation services to the CMISE-service-users of two standard exists. The Standard is one of a series of
end systems. This Standard is identical with and has standards applicable to electromagnetic compatibili-
Information technology—International been reproduced from ISO/IEC ISP 11183-3:1992 ty. This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
standardized profile FOD26—Open (corrected and reprinted 1993). duced from CISPR/IEC 61000-6-3:1996.
document format: Enhanced docu- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9231 1) (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2391 8)
ment structure—Character, raster
graphics and geometric graphics con- AS/NZS 4249:1994 AS/NZS 4251.2:1999
tent architectures Electrical safety practices—Film, vid- Industrial environments
eo and television sites 9pp D (IEC 61000-6-4:1997) 6pp D
AS/NZS 4246.1:1994 Specifies the requirements for safe working practices in Specifies emission requirements applying to electri-
Document application profile the use of electrical equipment on film, video and televi- cal and electronic apparatus intended for use in the in-
sion sites and the in-service testing of the equipment. It dustrial locations (both indoor and outdoor, or in
(ISO/IEC ISP 11181-1:1993) does not apply to theatre stages, concert locations or per- proximity to industrial power installations) for which
133pp L manent television studios. no dedicated product or product-family emission
Standard exists. Disturbances in the frequency range
Specifies the interchange formats (character, raster (EL-039) (ISBN 0 7262 9233 8) 0 Hz to 200 GHz are covered. The Standard is one of
and geometric graphics) for the transfer of enhanced a series of Standards applicable to electromagnetic
structured documents between equipment designed
for word or document processing. This Standard is AS 4250 compatibility. This Standard is identical with and has
been reproduced from IEC 61000-6-4:1997.
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC Liquid hydrocarbons—Dynamic (TE-003)
ISP 11181-1:1993. measurement—Proving systems for
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9227 3) volumetric meters AS/NZS 4252
AS/NZS 4247 Electromagnetic compatibility—Ge-
AS 4250.1—1995 neric immunity standard
Information technology—International General principles
standardized profile FOD36—Open
document format: Extended docu- (ISO 7278-1:1987) 5pp C AS/NZS 4252.1:1994
ment structure—Character, raster Specifies general principles for proving systems for Residential, commercial and light
meters used in dynamic measurement of liquid hydro- industry
graphics and geometric graphics con- carbons. This Standard is identical with and has been
tent architectures reproduced from ISO 7278-1:1987. (CENELEC/EN 50082-1:1992)
(ME-049) (ISBN 0 7262 9255 9) 10pp D
AS/NZS 4247.1:1994 Specifies generic immunity requirements applicable
Document application profile AS 4250.2—1995 to electrical and electronic equipment intended for
use in the residential, commercial and light industrial
(ISO/IEC ISP 11182-1:1993) Pipe provers environment. This equipment is connected to low
242pp N (ISO 7278-2:1988) 18pp F voltage public mains supplies, or dedicated DC sourc-
Specifies the interchange formats (character, raster es interfacing to those supplies. Identical with and re-
Provides guidance for the design, installation and cal- produced from
and geometric graphics) for the transfer of extended ibration of pipe provers. This Standard is identical
structured documents between equipment designed with and has been reproduced from ISO 7278-2:1988. ELEC/EN 50082-1:1992.
for word or document processing. This Standard is (ME-049) (ISBN 0 7262 9257 5) (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9267 2)
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
ISP 11182-1:1993.
AS 4250.3—1995 AS/NZS 4253:1994
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9228 1)
Pulse interpolation techniques Mailboxes 6pp C
Specifies the requirements for the design, construction and
AS/NZS 4248 (ISO 7278-3:1986) 8pp C performance of mailboxes in both commercial and residen-
Information technology—International Specifies the three pulse interpolation techniques tial applications. It is intended for use by regulatory au-
standardized profiles AOM1n OSI most commonly used and their conditions of use. The thorities and all persons concerned with the manufacture,
Standard also describes the equipment and test proce- installation, maintenance and general requirements of
management—Management commu- dures used for checking that the pulse interpolation mailboxes.
nications system is operating satisfactorily. This Standard is (MS-057) (ISBN 0 7262 9270 2)
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
AS/NZS 4248.1:1994 7278-3:1986.
(ME-049) (ISBN 0 7262 9258 3)
AS 4254—2002
Specification of ACSE, presenta- Ductwork for air-handling systems in
tion and session protocols for the buildings 90pp L
use by ROSE and CMISE AS 4250.4—1995
Amdt 1 16 September 2002
(ISO/IEC ISP 11183-1:1992) Temperature corrections in volu- (ISBN 0 7337 4797 3) X
39pp H metric calibration by water transfer Specifies the requirements for performance, materials,
Specifies the association control service element, method 10pp D construction and installation of ductwork for air-handling
presentation layer and the session layer standards that Specifies the corrections necessary to allow for systems in buildings. It applies to ductwork for air-han-
shall be used to provide the required upper layer func- changes in volume due to differences in temperature dling systems designed in accordance with the require-
tions for the Common Management Information between the water in a reference measure and that in ments of AS 1668.1 and AS 1668.2.
Service Element and the Remote Operation Service the vessel, and to allow for the differences between (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 4416 8)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 4254—1995 AS/NZS 4257.1:1994 An appendix provides requirements for structural strength

Ductwork for air-handling systems in testing.
Determination of dimensional (ME-080) (ISBN 0 7337 1060 3)
buildings 82pp I properties 3pp B
Amdt 1 November 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0757 2) A Amdt 1 October 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0078 0) X AS/NZS 4261:1994
Amdt 2 July 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2804 9) X (PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9300 8)
Specifies the performance, materials, construction and in- Reusable containers for the collection
stallation of ductwork for air handling systems in build- AS/NZS 4257.2:1994 of sharp items used in human and an-
Determination of dimensional sta- imal medical applications 10pp D
(ME-062) (ISBN 0 7262 9341 5) Amdt 1 December 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1044 1) X
bility at 60°C 2pp B Sets out requirements for reusable containers intended for
AS/NZS 4255 (PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9301 6) the safe collection and transport of sharp items used in hu-
Security seals man and animal applications. Appendices include methods
AS/NZS 4257.3:1994 for determining handle integrity, impact resistance, integ-
Determination of mass per unit rity of the closure device and leakage, and resistance to
AS/NZS 4255.1:1994 penetration.
Classification 13pp E area of sheet 1p A (HE-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9351 2)
Provides guidance for the selection of security seals (PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9302 4)
for specific applications based on classifications AS 4262
which indicate security category, grade, type and AS/NZS 4257.4:1994 Telecommunication overvoltages
class. Test methods to determine the seal class are in- Determination of diffuse light
(ME-069) (ISBN 0 7262 9293 1) transmission 5pp B AS 4262.1—1995
(PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9303 2) Protection of persons 21pp F
AS/NZS 4255.2:1994 Specifies requirements for the protection of users of
Use 5pp C AS/NZS 4257.5:1994 telecommunication equipment from overvoltages
Provides guidance for the effective use of security
Determination of glass fibre con- which may exist between a user environment and the
tent 2pp B telecommunication facilities in that environment. It
seals including control procedures. does not apply to a carrier's network.
(ME-069) (ISBN 0 7262 9294 X) (PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9305 9)
(TE-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9398 9)
AS/NZS 4256 AS/NZS 4257.6:1994
AS 4262.2—1999
Plastic roof and wall cladding materi- Determination of impact resist-
Protection of equipment 31pp H
als ance 4pp B
Provides guidelines and specifies requirements for
Amdt 1 October 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0066 7) X the protection from overvoltages and overcurrents of
AS/NZS 4256.1:1994 (PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9306 7) customer equipment connected over twisted pair to
General requirements 5pp B telecommunication networks. It is not intended for
Specifies general requirements for general purpose AS/NZS 4257.7:1994 the protection of persons.
coated and uncoated, transparent, translucent and Determination of colourfastness, (TE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2701 8)
opaque sheets of flat, corrugated and other geometri- light transmission and impact re-
cal configurations intended for roof and wall cladding
sistance following ultraviolet light AS/NZS 4263:1997
applications. Interactive voice response systems—
(PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9295 8) exposure 2pp A
(PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9307 5) User-interface—Dual tone multi fre-
AS/NZS 4256.2:1994 quency (DTMF) signalling 17pp F
AS/NZS 4257.8:1994 Amdt 1 January 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2393 4) X
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride Specifies improved requirements for the design of the user
(uPVC) building sheets 5pp B Determination of residual styrene interface in IVR systems where the user input to the system
Specifies requirements for transparent, translucent (ISO 4901:1985) 5pp B is signalled by DTMF tones.
and opaque, uncoated and coated uPVC sheets that This Standard is identical with and reproduced from (IT-022) (ISBN 0 7337 1200 2)
are formed into profiles and are primarily intended for ISO 4901:1985.
use as a roof cladding sheet. In certain circumstances, (PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9308 3)
the same material may be used as a wall cladding AS 4264
sheet. Coal and coke—Sampling
(PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9297 4) AS/NZS 4257.9:1995
Determination of transverse bend- AS 4264.1—1995
AS/NZS 4256.3:1994 ing stiffness 4pp B Higher rank coal—Sampling proce-
Glass fibre reinforced polyester (PL-022) (ISBN 0 7337 0097 7) dures 65pp J
(GRP) 7pp B Sets out methods for the sampling of higher rank coal
Specifies requirements for general purpose translu-
AS/NZS 4257.10:1997 from moving streams and stationary situations, in-
cent and opaque glass fibre reinforced polyester Determination of surface distortion cluding stopped-belt sampling, for routine and special
sheets of flat, corrugated and other geometrical con- (oil canning) 4pp B purposes, to provide samples for general analysis and
figurations intended for roof and wall cladding mate- for the determination of total moisture. Methods for
(PL-022) (ISBN 0 7337 0903 6) the preparation of samples are also included.
(PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9298 2) (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9420 9)
AS/NZS 4258:1994
AS/NZS 4256.4:1995 Software user documentation proc- AS 4264.2—1996
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride ess 44pp H Coke—Sampling procedures
Specifies the process for creating all forms of user docu- 67pp J
(uPVC) wall cladding boards mentation for software. These include printed documents
6pp B (e.g. user manuals and reference cards), on-line documen- Sets out methods for the sampling of coke from mov-
Specifies requirements for uncoated, opaque, uPVC tation and help text. The Standard does not specifically ad- ing streams and stationary situations, including
sheets extruded and formed into profiles for use with dress embedded systems, training materials or policy man- stopped-belt sampling, for routine and special pur-
accessories as external wall cladding. uals. poses, to provide samples for general analysis and for
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9324 5) the determination of total moisture. Methods for the
(PL-022) (ISBN 0 7337 0096 9) preparation of samples are also included.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0107 8)
AS/NZS 4256.5:1996 AS 4259—1995
Polycarbonate 6pp B Ancillary devices for expired air resus- AS 4264.3—1996
Specifies requirements for transparent, translucent citation 38pp H Lower rank coal—Sampling proce-
and opaque polycarbonate sheeting intended for use Specifies safety and performance requirements for ancil-
as roof or wall cladding. lary devices for expired air resuscitation to adults and chil- dures 52pp I
(PL-022) (ISBN 0 7337 0359 3) dren without intubation of the trachea. Devices which have Sets out methods for the sampling of lower rank coal
short airways intended to lie on the tongue but not reach from moving streams and stationary situations, in-
the pharynx, devices designed for oesophageal intubation, cluding stopped-belt sampling, for routine and special
AS/NZS 4257 laryngeal masks and combined pharyngeal-tracheal air- purposes, to provide samples for general analysis and
Plastic roof and wall cladding materi- ways are not dealt with. for the determination of total moisture. Methods for
als—Methods of test (HE-018) (ISBN 0 7262 9343 1) the preparation of samples are also included.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0108 6)
AS/NZS 4257.0:1994 AS 4260—1997
General introduction and list of High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) AS 4264.4—1996
methods 1p A filters—Classification, construction Determination of precision and
Specifies a series of test methods for general purpose and performance 13pp E bias 42pp H
coated and uncoated, transparent, translucent and Specifies requirements for the classification, construction Sets out methods for checking and adjusting the pre-
opaque sheets of flat, corrugated and other geometri- and performance testing of fully disposable high efficiency cision of sampling, checking the precision of sample
cal configurations intended for roof and wall cladding particulate air (HEPA) filters. It includes those filters preparation and measurement, and testing for bias in
applications. known as ultra low penetration air (ULPA) filters but ex- the sampling of coal and coke.
(PL-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9299 0) cludes medium efficiency particulate air filters (MEPA). (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0574 X)

AS 4264.5—1999

AS 4264.5—1999 AS/NZS 4266.6(Int):2001 AS/NZS 4266.14(Int):2001

Guide to the inspection of mechan- Tensile strength perpendicular to Dimensional changes associated
ical sampling systems the plane of the panel (Internal with changes in relative humidity
* Prepared with reference to ASTM D 4702- bond strength) (Expires 5 May 2003) 5pp C
91 18pp F (Expires 5 May 2003) 4pp C (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3892 3)
Sets out the recommended practices for the inspec- (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3886 9)
tions of coal and coke mechanical sampling systems. AS/NZS 4266.14:1995
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2825 1) Determination of dimensional
AS/NZS 4266.6:1995
Determination of internal bond change with relative humidity
AS 4265—1995 4pp B
Wheeled fire extinguishers 21pp F strength 3pp B
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9530 2) Amdt 1 January 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1625 3) X
Specifies requirements for wheeled fire extinguishers in
which the extinguishant can be expelled by either gas (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9494 2)
stored under pressure in the cylinder or by pressure of gas AS/NZS 4266.7(Int):2001
released from a compressed gas cylinder. This Standard re- AS/NZS 4266.15:1995
fers to materials, methods of manufacture and performance Surface soundness
of the extinguisher and any associated compressed gas (Expires 5 May 2003) 7pp C Determination of formaldehyde
container; and also to instructions and markings. (perforator method) 10pp C
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3887 7)
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9466 7) Amdt 1 January 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0904 4) X
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9495 0)
AS/NZS 4266.7:1995
AS/NZS 4266
Determination of surface sound- AS/NZS 4266.16(Int):2001
Reconstituted wood-based panels— ness 4pp B
Methods of test Formaldehyde emission—Desicca-
Amdt 1 May 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0512 X) X tor method
AS/NZS 4266.0(Int):2001 Amdt 2 April 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2329 2) X (Expires 5 May 2003) 8pp C
General introduction and list of (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9486 1) Amdt 1 25 October 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4782 5)
methods X
(Expires 5 May 2003) 2pp A AS/NZS 4266.8(Int):2001 (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3893 1)
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3880 X) Swelling in thickness after immer-
sion in water AS/NZS 4266.16:1995
AS/NZS 4266.0:1996 (Expires 5 May 2003) 3pp C Determination of formaldehyde
General introduction and list of (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3888 5) (FIRA chamber method) 6pp B
methods 3pp A (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9497 7)
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0538 3) AS/NZS 4266.8:1995
Determination of thickness swell AS/NZS 4266.17:1995
AS/NZS 4266.1(Int):2001 3pp B Determination of efficacy of termi-
Sampling and cutting of test pieces (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9487 X) ticide treatment 5pp B
(Expires 5 May 2003) 3pp C (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9498 5)
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3881 8) AS/NZS 4266.9:1995
Determination of thickness stabili- AS/NZS 4266.18:1995
AS/NZS 4266.1:1996 ty and glue bond quality 4pp B Determination of efficacy of fungi-
Sampling, cutting and condition- Amdt 1 25 September 2001
cide treatment 3pp B
ing for tests 4pp B (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9499 3)
(ISBN 0 7337 4104 5) X
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0539 1) (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9489 6) AS/NZS 4266.19:1996
AS/NZS 4266.2(Int):2001 Assessing appearance of mela-
AS/NZS 4266.10(Int):2001 mine overlaid panels 2pp B
Dimensions, squareness, flatness Wet bending strength after immer-
and edge straightness (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0523 5)
(Expires 5 May 2003) 5pp C sion in water at 70°C or boiling
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3882 6) temperature AS/NZS 4266.20:1996
(Expires 5 May 2003) 5pp C Determination of resistance to sur-
AS/NZS 4266.2:1995 (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3889 3) face abrasion (Taber abrasion
Determination of dimensions test) 3pp B
5pp B AS/NZS 4266.10:1995 Amdt 1 January 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0918 4) X
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9482 9) Determination of glue bond dura- (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0524 3)
bility (boil test) 4pp B
AS/NZS 4266.3(Int):2001 Amdt 1 January 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0902 8) X AS/NZS 4266.21:1996
Moisture content (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9490 X) Determination of over-cure or un-
(Expires 5 May 2003) 3pp C der-cure of resin 2pp B
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3883 4) AS/NZS 4266.11(Int):2001 (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0525 1)
Moisture resistance under cyclic
AS/NZS 4266.3:1995 test conditions AS/NZS 4266.22:1996
Determination of moisture con- (Expires 5 May 2003) 5pp C Determination of porosity of lami-
tent 2pp A (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3890 7) nated surface 3pp B
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9483 7) (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0526 X)
AS/NZS 4266.11:1995
AS/NZS 4266.4(Int):2001 Wet cyclic test (V313 test) 3pp B AS/NZS 4266.23:1996
Density Amdt 1 August 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1247 9) X Determination of resistance to
(Expires 5 May 2003) 4pp C (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9491 8) steam 2pp B
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3884 2) (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0527 8)
AS/NZS 4266.12:1995
AS/NZS 4266.4:1995 AS/NZS 4266.24:1996
Determination of surface water ab- Determination of resistance to
Determination of density 3pp B
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9484 5)
sorption 4pp B cracking 2pp B
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9492 6) (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0528 6)
AS/NZS 4266.5(Int):2001
Modulus of elasticity in bending AS/NZS 4266.13(Int):2001 AS/NZS 4266.25:1996
and bending strength Resistance to axial withdrawal of Determination of resistance to
(Expires 5 May 2003) 6pp C screws staining 2pp B
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3885 0) (Expires 5 May 2003) 5pp C Amdt 1 January 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0919 2) X
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3891 5) (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0529 4)
AS/NZS 4266.5:1995
Determination of bending strength AS/NZS 4266.13:1995 AS/NZS 4266.26:1996
(MOR) and stiffness (MOE) 4pp B Determination of screw holding Determination of resistance to dry
Amdt 1 August 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1248 7) X strength 3pp B heat 2pp B
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9485 3) (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7262 9493 4) (TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0530 8)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 4266.27:1996 AS 4268.2—1995 AS/NZS 4271.1(Int):2000

Determination of resistance to im- Technical characteristics and test Utilities
pact 4pp B methods for radio equipment to be (Expired 28 February 2002) 13pp F
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0531 6) used in the 25 MHz to 25 GHz fre- Provides terms and definitions for collecting and
quency range with power levels transferring information for assets of utilities: natural
AS/NZS 4266.28:1996 gas, sewerage, telecommunications and water supply
ranging up to 1 W
Determination of bond strength of (IT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3244 5)
(ETSI I-ETS 300 220:1993) 49pp H
PVC films 2pp B Amdt 1 April 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9713 5) X
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0532 4)
AS/NZS 4272:2001
Specifies the radio frequency characteristics of short Shorthand reporters' tests 34pp H
range radiocommunication devices required for suit- Sets out a method for the design, conduct, assessment and
AS/NZS 4266.29:1996 able operation in the Australian radiofrequency spec- certification tests for shorthand reporters in court, parlia-
Determination of heat resistance of trum. It also includes test methods for verifying that mentary and other fields, which require accurate transcrip-
suitability. An appendix includes those requirements
PVC films 2pp B specific to the Australian radiofrequency spectrum
tion of the spoken word with minimal delay. The tests cov-
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0533 2) er shorthand speed, English language and general
plan. This Standard is based on and has been repro- knowledge.
duced from ETSI I-ETS 300 220.
(MS-061) (ISBN 0 7337 3828 1)
AS/NZS 4266.30:1996 (RC-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9543 4)
Determination of moisture resist- AS 4273—1999
ance of finished foils 2pp B AS 4269—1995
Design, installation and use of phar-
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0534 0) Complaints handling 9pp E maceutical isolators 18pp F
Specifies essential elements of an effective complaints
Amdt 1 25 May 2000 (0 7337 3431 6) X
AS/NZS 4266.31:1996 handling process for both complainants and complaint re-
Provides design requirements and guidance for the con-
cipients from inception to satisfaction or determination.
Determination of adhesion of pa- Provides guidelines dealing with the implementation of the struction of pharmaceutical isolators, recommendations
per foils by the crosscut test complaints handling process, the actual complaints han- for the environment in which they are to be used, perform-
2pp B dling, and disputes. ance requirements and guidance on their installation and
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0535 9) (OB-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9546 9)
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 2510 4)
AS/NZS 4266.32:1996 AS/NZS 4270 AS/NZS 4274:1995
Determination of veneer bond Geographic information systems— X-ray tube assemblies for medical di-
strength 3pp B Spatial data transfer standard agnosis—Characteristics of focal
Amdt 1 January 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1624 5) X spots
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0536 7) AS/NZS 4270.1:1995 (IEC 336:1993) 31pp G
Logical specifications Describes measuring methods and requirements for test ar-
AS/NZS 4266.33:1996 (U.S. FIPS PUB 173.1-1992) rangements to be applied to the focal spots in diagnostic X-
Determination of veneer bond du- ray tube assemblies for medical use. This Standard is iden-
rability 2pp B 215pp N tical with and has been reproduced from IEC 336:1993.
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0537 5) Specifies a structure and content for spatially refer- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9570 1)
enced data in order to facilitate data transfer between
dissimilar spatial database systems. This Standard is
AS/NZS 4266.34(Int):2001 based on and has been reproduced from Part 1 of U.S. AS/NZS 4275
Surface absorption Federal Information Processing Standards Publica- Methods of testing underground
tion FIPS PUB 173.1-1992. marking tape
(Expires 5 May 2003) 3pp C
(IT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9314 8)
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3894 X)
AS/NZS 4275.0:1995
AS/NZS 4266.35(Int):2001 AS/NZS 4270.2:1995 General introduction and list of
Dimensions of test pieces Spatial features methods 1p X
(Expires 5 May 2003) 2pp C (U.S. FIPS PUB 173.2-1992) 63pp I Sets out standard methods of testing for underground
marking tapes. Includes test methods for elongation at
(TM-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3895 8) Specifies the U.S. classification and definitions of en- break, tear resistance, impact resistance, chemical re-
tities and attributes for the spatial features identifed in sistance, background discolouration and adhesion of
a data transfer. Its use within Australia and New Zea-
AS 4267—1995 land is restricted to data transfers with systems com- print.
Pressure regulators for use with in- plying with the U.S. version of Spatial Data Transfer (PL-030) (ISBN 0 7262 9573 6)
dustrial compressed gas cylinders Standard entities and attributes. This Standard is
identical with and has been reproduced from Part 2 of AS/NZS 4275.1:1995
15pp E U.S. Federal Information Processing Standards Pub-
Amdt 1 December 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0185 X) X lication FIPS PUB 173.2-1992. Elongation at break 3pp B
Amdt 2 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2102 8) X (IT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9315 6) (PL-030) (ISBN 0 7262 9574 4)
Specifies requirements for a safe and proper design of a
compressed gas regulator, together with the precautions
AS/NZS 4270.3:1995 AS/NZS 4275.2:1995
that are necessary during the construction, operation and
maintenance of compressed gas regulators. It takes into ISO 8211 encoding Tear resistance 3pp B
consideration the unique properties of oxygen and acety- (PL-030) (ISBN 0 7262 9575 2)
lene, and highlights the precautions necessary when the (U.S. FIPS PUB 173.3-1992)
regulators are installed in the workplace. 49pp H AS/NZS 4275.3:1995
(ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9513 2) Provides a representation of a Spatial Standard file set Impact resistance 3pp B
in a standardized method enabling the file set to be
exported to or imported from different media by gen- (PL-030) (ISBN 0 7262 9577 9)
AS 4268 eral purpose software complying with ISO 8211. This
Radio equipment and systems—Short Standard is identical with and has been reproduced AS/NZS 4275.4:1995
range devices from Part 3 of U.S. Federal Information Processing
Chemical resistance 2pp B
Standards Publication FIPS PUB 173.3-1992.
(IT-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9316 4) (PL-030) (ISBN 0 7262 9578 7)
AS 4268.1—1996
Technical characteristics and test AS/NZS 4275.5:1995
methods for radio equipment in the AS/NZS 4270.4:1998
frequency range 9 kHz to 25 MHz Topological vector profile Background discolouration 2pp B
(PL-030) (ISBN 0 7262 9579 5)
and inductive loop systems in the (FIPS PUB 173-1B-1994) 45pp H
frequency range 9 kHz to 30 MHz Provides a limited subset to the specifications for data AS/NZS 4275.6:1995
(I-ETS 300 330:1994) 41pp I transfer contained in AS/NZS 4270, Parts 1 and 3.
The topological vector profile supports only geo- Adhesion of print 1p A
Specifies the radio frequency characteristics of short graphic vector data with geometry and topology. In-
range radio equipment and inductive loop systems re- (PL-030) (ISBN 0 7262 9580 9)
cludes an appendix which provides variations for
quired for suitable operation in the Australian radiof- Australia and New Zealand. This Standard is techni-
requency spectrum. These devices include alarms, cally equivalent to and has been reproduced from AS 4276
identification systems, telecommand and telemetry
and may have antenna connectors or integral anten-
FIPS PUB 173-1B-1994. Water microbiology
nas. It also includes test methods for verifying that (IT-004) (ISBN 0 7227 1938 4)
suitability. An appendix includes those requirements AS 4276.0—1995
specific to the Australian radiofrequency spectrum AS/NZS 4271 Introduction and list of methods
plan. This Standard is based on and has been repro-
duced from ETSI I-ETS 300 330. Geographic information—Data dic- 1p X
(RC-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0736 X) tionary (FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9604 X)

AS 4276.1—1995

AS 4276.1—1995 AS/NZS 4276.15:1999 AS/NZS 4281:1995

General information and proce- Examination for Vibrio cholerae Radiocommunications requirements
dures 13pp D 14pp F for cordless telephones operating in
Amdt 1 October 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0077 2) X (FT-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2960 6) the 1.7 MHz and between 30 and 41
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9605 8) MHz frequency bands 9pp D
AS/NZS 4276.16:1999 Specifies minimum standards for the radiocommunica-
AS 4276.2—1995 Method 16: Bactericidal efficiency tions aspects of cordless telephones operating in the titled
of water disinfecting tablets frequency bands. It includes requirements for equipment
Culture media, diluents and rea- markings, methods of test and parameters for transmitters
gents 18pp E 8pp D and receivers. It does not include criteria for connection to
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9606 6) (FT-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2961 4) the PSTN.
(RC-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9654 6)
AS/NZS 4276.17
AS 4276.3
Spores of sulfite-reducing anaer- AS 4282—1997
Heterotrophic colony count meth- obes (clostridia) including
ods Control of the obtrusive effects of out-
Clostridium perfringens door lighting 51pp I
AS 4276.3.1—1995 Sets out guidelines for control of the obtrusive effects of
AS/NZS 4276.17.1:2000 outdoor lighting and gives recommended limits for the rel-
Pour plate method using plate Membrane filtration method evant lighting parameters to contain these effects within
count agar 3pp B (ISO 6461) 8pp E tolerable levels. Refers to the potential effects of lighting
systems on nearby residents, users of adjacent roads and
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9607 4) (FT-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3528 2) transport signalling systems, and on astronomical observa-
tions. Does not apply to road lighting; internally illuminat-
AS 4276.4—1995 AS/NZS 4276.17.2:2000 ed advertising signs; brightly-lit surfaces (e.g. floodlit
buildings and advertising signs); lighting systems installed
Coliforms—Estimation of most Estimation of most probable for the purposes of television broadcasting; and lighting
probable number (MPN) 5pp C number (MPN) using the multiple systems that are of a cyclic or flashing nature.
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9609 0) tube dilution technique (LG-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1675 X)
(ISO 6461) 9pp E
AS 4276.5—1995 (FT-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3529 0) AS 4283—1995
Coliforms—Membrane filtration Cold mix asphalt for maintenance
method 5pp C AS/NZS 4276.18:2001 patching 7pp C
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9610 4) Aeromonas by membrane filtration Specifies requirements for cold mix asphalt for use as a
including selected speciation road maintenance patching material that is suitable for
10pp E stockpiling prior to use. Includes requirements for materi-
AS 4276.6—1995 als, mix proportions, production temperatures and produc-
Thermotolerant coliforms and Es- (FT-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3790 9) tion tolerances and refers to sampling and testing methods.
cherichia coli—Estimation of most A guide to the selection of mix types is provided in an Ap-
probable number (MPN) 5pp C AS/NZS 4276.19:2001 pendix.
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9611 2) Examination for thermophilic (CE-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9690 2)
Campylobacter spp.—Membrane
filtration 9pp E AS/NZS 4284:1995
AS 4276.7—1995
Thermotolerant coliforms and Es-
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7337 3971 7) Testing of building facades 25pp G
Specifies methods of testing building facades for environ-
cherichia coli—Membrane filtra- AS/NZS 4277:1995 mental loading including water penetration and air infiltra-
tion method 5pp C Text telecommunications—User inter- tion as well as structural tests. Optional tests include seis-
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9612 0) mic testing, seal degradation and building maintenance
face requirements—For Deaf people unit (BMU) restraint. The tests apply to on-site as well as
and people with hearing and speech laboratory testing and the Standard includes informative
AS 4276.8—1995 disabilities 5pp C appendices which discuss appropriate limits and back-
Faecal streptococci—Estimation ground to the testing.
Amdt 1 October 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0735 1) X
of most probable number (MPN) Specifies requirements for the design of the user interface (BD-080) (ISBN 0 7262 9701 1)
4pp C for textphones for communicating with Deaf people and
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9613 9)
people with hearing and speech disabilities. AS 4285—1995
(IT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9638 4) Skylights 14pp E
AS 4276.9—1995 Amdt 1 June 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0522 7) X
AS 4278—1995
Faecal streptococci—Membrane Specifies the design, construction and testing requirements
A method for assessing the short-cir- for factory-glazed skylight assemblies complete and ready
filtration method 4pp C cuit withstand strength of partially for installation in a roof opening. It includes the require-
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9614 7) type-tested assemblies (PTTA) ments for materials, fastenings and hardware, weather-
proofing, finishes, safety labels and marking. It does not
(IEC 1117:1992) 4pp B apply to 'barrel vault' type skylights.
AS 4276.10—1995 Describes a method that may be used for partially type-
tested assemblies to prove compliance with the require- (BD-075) (ISBN 0 7262 9705 4)
Pseudomonads—Estimation of
ments of AS 3439.1 regarding short-circuit withstand
most probable number (MPN) strength. This Standard is identical with and has been re- AS/NZS 4286:1995
5pp C produced from IEC 1117:1992.
Single-service cloth towels 4pp C
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9615 5) (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9642 2)
Specifies constructional, performance and servicing re-
quirements for cloth towels which are dispensed for single
AS 4276.11—1995 AS/NZS 4280 use from a dispenser machine. Does not include require-
Pseudomonads—Membrane filtra- 406 MHz satellite distress beacons ments for the dispenser machine.
(TX-022) (ISBN 0 7262 9715 1)
tion method 4pp C
AS/NZS 4280.1:2002
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9617 1)
Marine emergency position-indi- AS/NZS 4287:1995
AS 4276.12—1995 cating radio beacons (EPIRBs), Child carrier seats for pedal bicy-
(IEC 61097.2:1994, MOD) 37pp H cles—Safety requirements 19pp F
Pseudomonas aeruginosa—Esti- Specifies minimum radiofrequency and environmen- Specifies safety requirements for child carrier seats which
mation of most probable number tal requirements and test methods for 406 MHz satel- may be attached to a bicycle other than a child's bicycle for
(MPN) 4pp C lite distress beacons used in the Australian and New the purpose of transporting as a passenger, a child having
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9618 X) Zealand maritime service. a body weight of not greater than 22 kg.
(RC-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4259 9) (CS-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9716 X)
AS 4276.13—1995
AS/NZS 4280.2:2002 AS 4288—1999
Pseudomonas aeruginosa—Mem- Personal locator beacons (PLBs)
brane filtration method 4pp C Soft underlays for textile floor cover-
16pp F ings
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9619 8) Specifies the essential standards and minimum re-
quirements for the design, construction, operation
Consideration was given to BS 5808:1991 in the
AS 4276.14—1995 and testing of 406 MHz satellite distress beacons preparation of this standard 10pp E
when employed as Personal Locator Beacons in the Specifies performance requirements for fibrous, non-fi-
Salmonellae 8pp C Land Mobile-Satellite Service in Australian and New brous and combination soft underlays, together with their
Amdt 1 October 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0076 4) X Zealand. classification for intended use/application.
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7262 9620 1) (RC-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4257 2) (TX-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2751 4)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 4289—1995 AS 4292.1—1995 and fixed services bands in the fre-

Oxygen and acetylene gas reticulation General and interstate require- quency range 29.7 MHz to 1 GHz
systems 40pp H ments 21pp F 22pp F
Amdt 1 June 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1951 1) X Specifies railway safety requirements to be included Amdt 1 December 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0165 5) X
Specifies the requirements for the safe use and proper de- in a railway safety management system by any organ- Specifies the radiofrequency requirements for land mobile
sign of a gas reticulation system, together with precautions ization seeking to demonstrate the ability to control and fixed services equipment to meet Australian radiofre-
that are necessary during the construction, operation and the processes that determine the acceptability of rail- quency spectrum arrangements, and the methods of test for
maintenance of reticulation systems carrying both oxygen way safety activities. The Standard applies to rail- their verification. Operational and marking details re-
and acetylene gases. Highlights the precautions necessary ways having a nominal gauge of 600 mm or greater quired in relation to the spectrum arrangements are also
when the end-use equipment is connected for operation in and includes specific interface requirements for the specified.
a closed workshop or open-site area. operation of the interstate system. (RC-006) (ISBN 0 7262 9838 7)
(ME-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9802 6) (ME-079) (ISBN 0 7262 9833 6)
AS/NZS 4296:1995
AS 4290—2000 AS 4292.2—1997 Cable trunking systems 22pp F
Design and installation of revolving Track, civil and electrical infra- Specifies requirements for both metal and non-metal
trunking and fittings to accommodate, protect and if re-
doors 23pp G structure 34pp H quired segregate cables in an electrical installation. Tests
Specifies functional requirements for revolving door as- cover material requirements, cover retention, electrical
semblies and requirements for operational safety and dura- Specifies technical requirements for track, civil and
electrical infrastructure to be considered for inclusion characteristics and mechanical properties.
bility when assembled, installed and commissioned. It ap- (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9839 5)
plies to manual and power-operated revolving doors and in engineering systems safety Standards forming part
revolving grates over 1000 mm high for pedestrian ingress of a railway safety management system prepared in
and egress. The Standard is not intended to apply to doors accordance with AS 4292.1. AS 4297—1995
for vehicular ingress and egress; vertically or horizontally (ME-079) (ISBN 0 7337 1071 9) Underground mining—Stationary air
opening door assemblies (roller shutters or sliding doors); compressors
revolving gates and turnstiles below 1m in height; and fire AS 4292.3—1997
isolating or smoke-resistant doors. (ISO 5388:1981) 26pp F
(BD-055) (ISBN 0 7337 3691 2) Rolling stock 27pp G Specifies rules for the safe design, construction, installa-
Specifies technical requirements for rolling stock to tion and operation of air compressors located in under-
be considered for inclusion in engineering systems ground mines to accommodate underground applications.
AS 4291 safety Standards forming part of a railway safety The Standard is based on ISO 5388:1981, the full text of
Mechanical properties of fasteners management system prepared in accordance with AS which has been reproduced. Variations to ISO 5388 have
made of carbon steel and alloy steel 4292.1. been given in an appendix.
(ME-079) (ISBN 0 7337 1070 0) (ME-018) (ISBN 0 7262 9844 1)
AS 4291.1—2000 AS 4298—1995
Bolts, screws and studs AS 4292.4—1997 Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switch-
(ISO 898-1:1999) 26pp G Signalling and telecommunica- gear for rated voltages 72.5 kV and
Specifies materials, mechanical properties and mark- tions systems and equipment above—Requirements for switching of
ing requirements for steel bolts, screws and studs 20pp F
property clases from 3.6 to 12.9 with ISO metric bus-charging currents by disconnec-
coarse and fine pitch threads and diameters up to and Specifies technical requirements for signalling and tors
including 39 mm. The property class system is ex- telecommunications systems and equipment to be
plained and recommended test programs for accept- considered for inclusion in engineering systems safe- (IEC 1259:1994) 10pp D
ty Standards forming part of a railway safety manage- Specifies test requirements for gas-insulated metal-en-
ance are given.This Standard is identical with and has closed disconnectors used to switch small capacitive cur-
been reproduced from ISO 898-1:1999. ment system prepared in accordance with AS 4292.1.
rents (no load currents) such as occur when sections of
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 3312 3) (ME-079) (ISBN 0 7337 1069 7) busbars or grading capacitors are energized or de-ener-
gized. This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
AS/NZS 4291.2:1995 AS 4292.5—1997 duced from IEC 1259:1994.
Nuts with specified proof load val- Operational systems 30pp G (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9863 8)
ues—Coarse thread Specifies technical requirements for operational sys-
(ISO 898-2:1992) 16pp E tems to be considered for engineering systems safety AS 4299—1995
Specifies materials, mechanical properties and mark- Standards forming part of a railway safety manage- Adaptable housing 38pp F
ing requirements for steel nuts of property classes 4, ment system prepared in accordance with AS 4292.1. Presents the objectives and principles of adaptable housing
5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12 with ISO metric coarse pitch (ME-079) (ISBN 0 7337 1068 9) and provides guidelines on planning and design. Adaptable
threads and diameters up to and including 39 mm. housing is the basis for the development of the accommo-
The property class system is explained and test meth- dation needs of users of all ages and abilities by making
ods for determination of mechanical properties are
AS 4292.6—1997 provision for future building modifications at minimum
Railway interface with other infra- cost and disruption to the inhabitants. Includes in Appen-
given. Identical with and reproduced from ISO 898-
dix A a checklist for certification of housing units as
2:1992. structure 16pp G Adaptable house class A, B or C.
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7262 9813 1) Specifies requirements to be considered as part of a (ME-064) (ISBN 0 7262 9866 2)
railway safety management system prepared in ac-
AS 4291.5—2000 cordance with AS 4292.1, in respect of infrastructure AS 4300—1995
Set screws and similar threaded and activities which are under the control of either an-
other railway organization or another functional area General conditions of contract for de-
fasteners not under tensile stress- within the same organization or another party, and sign and construct 66pp I
es which interface with the railway. Amdt 1 11 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3491 X) X
(ISO 898-5:1998) 8pp D (ME-079) (ISBN 0 7337 1530 3) Specifies general conditions of contract suitable for the de-
Specifies materials and mechanical properties for sign and construct project procurement method. The
steel set screws and similar threaded fasteners not un- AS/NZS 4293:1995 Standard provides for different variations of the design and
der tensile stresses of property classes 14H, 22H, 33H construct contract, namely design development and con-
and 45H and with thread diameters from 1.6 mm up International lamp coding system (IL- struct, and design novate and construct. This Standard is
to and including 24 mm. The property class system is COS) part of the suite of contracts based on AS 2124-1992 Gen-
explained and test methods for the determination of eral conditions of contract.
(IEC 61231:1993) (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9318 0)
mechanical properties are given. This Standard is
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO Obsolescent 2001 21pp F
898-5:1998. Specifies a general system of coding of lamps. This Stand- AS 4300 Supplement 1—1995
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 2948 7) ard is identical with and reproduced from IEC 1231:1993.
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7262 9825 5)
General conditions of contract for de-
sign and construct—Annexure Part A
AS 4291.7:2000 (Supplement to AS 4300-1995)
Torsional test and minimum tor- AS 4294(Int)—1995 Pad of 20 forms D
ques for bolts and screws with AMPS receiver immunity to interfering Comprises a convenient pad of tear off forms of Annexure
nominal diameters 1 mm to 10 mm. signals employing amplitude modula- Part A which is to be completed and issued as part of the
(ISO 898-7:1999) 4pp D tion tender documents to the General conditions of contract for
design and construct AS 4300-1995.
Specifies a test procedure for the determination of tor- (Expired 5 July 1999) 6pp C (OB-003)
sional strength and the minimum breaking torques of Amdt 1 August 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1272 X) X
bolts and screws with nominal diameters 1 mm to 10 Provides details for protection to an AMPS cellular mobile
mm and with property classes 8.8 to 12.9. The test ap- AS 4300 Supplement 2—1995
station receiver against the interfering effects of radiated
plies to bolts and screws with thread less than M3 for signals employing amplitude modulation in the band im- General conditions of contract for de-
which no breaking and proof loads are indicated in mediately above the AMPS B mobile receiver band, be- sign and construct—Annexure Part B
AS/NZS 4291.1, as well as to short bolts and screws
tensile test. This Standard is identical with and repro-
tween 890 MHz and 915 MHz. (Supplement to AS 4300-1995)
duced from ISO 898-7:1992. (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9835 2) Pad of 100 forms D
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 3318 2) Comprises a convenient pad of tear off forms of Annexure
AS 4295—1995 Part B Deletions, Amendments and Additions to the Gen-
eral conditions of contract for design and construct AS
AS 4292 Analogue speech (angle modulated) 4300-1995.
Railway safety management equipment operating in land mobile (OB-003)

AS 4300 Supplement 3—1995

AS 4300 Supplement 3—1995 form of Contract is intended. This Standard is part of the AS 4324
suite of contracts based on AS 2124-1992. Mobile equipment for continuous han-
General conditions of contract for de- (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0566 9)
sign and construct—Annexure Part C dling of bulk materials
(Supplement to AS 4300-1995) AS 4307
Pad of 100 forms D Rotating electrical machines—Repair AS 4324.1—1995
Comprises a convenient pad of tear off forms of Annexure
and overhaul General requirements for the de-
Part C Approved Form of Unconditional Undertaking sign of steel structures 101pp K
(Clause 5.3) to the General conditions of contract for de- Specifies general requirements, design loads and spe-
sign and construct AS 4300-1995. AS 4307.1—1995 cific requirements for structures of mobile equipment
(OB-003) Low voltage machines 25pp G for continuous handling of bulk materials, including
Specifies minimum requirements and gives procedur- appliances and machines that are intended to carry out
AS 4300 Supplement 4—1995 al guidance for the rewinding and rebuilding of rotat- similar functions (e.g. excavators, stackers, reclaim-
General conditions of contract for de- ing electrical machines of 180 W to 400 kW with a ers, ship loaders, ship unloaders). It is not intended
rated voltage not exceeding 1000 V a.c. or 1500 V that this Standard be applied to feeders, fixed convey-
sign and construct—Annexure Part D d.c. ors, bucket elevators, storage structures with through
(Supplement to AS 4300-1995) (EL-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9773 9) flow of materials or intermittent operation bulk han-
Pad of 30 forms D dling equipment (i.e. equipment that handles or exca-
Comprises a convenient pad of tear off forms of Annexure AS/NZS 4308:2001 vates material on a cyclic basis, such as draglines and
Part D Deed of Novation (Clause 9.2(iii)) to the General power shovels). However, it may be applied to parts
Procedures for the collection, detec- of such equipment.
conditions of contract for design and construct AS 4300-
1995. tion and quantitation of drugs of (ME-043) (ISBN 0 7262 9889 1)
(OB-003) abuse in urine 22pp G
Sets out the procedures for the sample collection and de- AS/NZS 4325
tection and quantitation of drugs of abuse in human urine. Compression and mechanical connec-
AS 4300 Supplement 5—1995 The method may be used for workplace, medicolegal or
General conditions of contract for de- court directed detection of any or all of the following class- tors for power cables with copper or
sign and construct—Annexure Part E es of drugs: opiates, simpathoamimetic amines, cannabis aluminium conductors
metabolites, cocaine metabolites or benzodiazepines.
(Supplement to AS 4300-1995) (CH-036) (ISBN 0 7337 3819 2)
Pad of 50 forms D AS/NZS 4325.1:1995
Comprises a convenient pad of tear off forms of Annexure Test methods and requirements
Part E Deed of Novation (Clause 10) to the General condi- AS 4321—2001 (IEC 1238-1:1993) 27pp G
tions of contract for design and construct AS 4300-1995. Fusion-bonded medium-density poly- Amdt 1 May 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1143 X) X
(OB-003) ethylene coating and lining for pipes Provides test methods and requirements for two broad
and fittings 34pp H classes of connectors suitable for copper conductors
AS 4301—1995 Specifies requirements for factory-applied fusion-bonded of 10 mm2 and greater, and aluminium conductors of
General conditions of tendering and medium-density polyethylene coatings for pipes and fit-
tings, for protection against corrosion at operating temper- 16 mm2 and greater. Class A connectors are intended
tender form for design and construct atures between -40°C and +50°C. It is intended for use by for circuits which can be subjected to short circuits of
contract 2pp A specifiers, applicators, manufacturers and purchasers of relatively high duration and intensity. Class B con-
steel water pipeline. nectors are intended for situations in which overloads
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9319 9) or short circuits are restricted by protective devices.
(WS-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3871 0) This Standard is technically equivalent to and repro-
AS 4301 Supplement 1—1995 duced from IEC 1238-1:1993.
General conditions of tendering and AS 4322—1995 (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7262 9906 5)
tender form for design and construct Quality and performance of commer-
contract—Pad of forms (Supplement cial electrical appliances—Hot food AS 4326—1995
to AS 4301-1995) storage and display equipment The storage and handling of oxidizing
Pad of 50 forms D 9pp D agents 58pp I
Comprises a convenient pad of tear off forms of AS 4301-
Specifies the principal performance requirements of hot Amdt 1 May 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2677 1) X
food storage devices and sets out procedures for determin- Sets out requirements and recommendations for the stor-
1995. ing heat-up times and operating temperatures. Also in- age and handling of oxidizing agents, i.e. dangerous goods
(OB-003) cludes requirements and recommendations for the design, of Class 5.1, as classified in the ADG Code. The Standard
construction and markings, and for the information to be applies to Class 5.1 swimming-pool chemicals and to Class
AS 4302—1995 provided regarding guarantees. Specifically intended for 5.1 substances that have Subsidiary Risks assigned. It may
commercial devices such as bains-marie and warming ov- also apply to substances of other Classes having a 5.1 Sub-
Form of formal instrument of agree- ens, but also applicable to household devices. sidiary Risk. A discussion of the hazards presented by ox-
ment for design and construct con- (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7262 9881 6) idizing agents and a bibliography of documents providing
tract 1p A guidelines on the preparation of emergency plans are pro-
Comprises the formal instrument of agreement for use with AS 4323 vided in appendices.
General conditions of contract for design and construct AS (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7262 9909 X)
4300-1995. Stationary source emissions
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9321 0) AS/NZS 4327:1995
AS 4323.1—1995
Selection of sampling positions Metal-banded flexible couplings for
AS 4302 Supplement 1—1995 low-pressure applications 21pp F
Form of formal instrument of agree- 18pp F
Amdt 1 December 1995 (ISBN 0 7337 0177 9) X Specifies requirements for metal-banded flexible cou-
ment for design and construct con- plings used in low-pressure pipeline systems that convey
Sets out a method for the selection of sampling posi- water, waste water or stormwater. Acceptance criteria for
tract—Pad of forms (Supplement to tions for obtaining representative samples of atmos- defined imperfections are given for sleeves and adaptor
AS 4302-1995) pheric discharges from stationary sources such as bushes. It includes appendices which set out test methods.
Pad of 100 forms D stacks, ducts or other similar outlets. (WS-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9940 5)
Comprises a convenient pad of tear-off forms of AS 4302- (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9885 9)
1995. AS/NZS 4328:1997
(OB-003) AS 4323.2—1995 Information technology—Telecommu-
Determination of total particulate nications and information exchange
AS 4303—1995 matter—Isokinetic manual sam-
General conditions of subcontract for between systems—Private integrated
pling—Gravimetric method services network—Inter-exchange
design and construct 86pp H 17pp F
Amdt 1 11 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3497 9) X signalling protocol—Path replace-
Sets out an isokinetic manual gravimetric method for
Provides a set of compatible subcontract conditions for the determination of particulate matter emitted from ment additional network feature
subcontracts where AS 4300-1995, General conditions of stationary sources such as stacks, ducts or other simi- (ISO/IEC 13874:1995) 35pp H
contract for design and construct is in use as the head con- lar outlets. The method provides a measure of both Amdt 1 September 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1345 9) X
tract between the main contractor and the principal. This the concentration and mass flow rate of particulate Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the path
Standard is part of the suite of contracts based on AS 2124- matter passing through a stack or duct over the sam- replacement additional network feature at the Q reference
1992, General conditions of contract. pling period employed. point between private integrated services network ex-
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0245 7) (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9886 7) changes connected together within a private integrated
services network. The Q reference point is defined in AS/
AS 4305—1996 AS/NZS 4323.3:2001 NZS 4136.1:1995. It is one of a series of Standards appli-
cable to private integrated services networking. This
Minor works contract conditions Determination of odour concentra- Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO/IEC
16pp F tion by dynamic olfactometry 13874:1995.
Amdt 1 11 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3493 6) X 55pp J (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 0988 5)
Applies to construct only projects of a simple nature. It is Specifies a method for the measurement of odour
not suitable for projects of a complex or long-term nature concentration of pure substances, defined and unde- AS/NZS 4329:1997
or where a bill of quantities has been prepared. This Stand- fined mixtures of gaseous odorants in air or nitrogen Information technology—Telecommu-
ard is not meant to be used as a short form of AS 2124- using dynamic olfactometry with a panel of human
1992 as certain obligations and risks are dealt with differ- assessors being the sensors. nications and information exchange
ently due to the simple nature of the projects for which this (EV-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4087 1) between systems—Private integrated

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

services network—Inter-exchange AS/NZS 4334:1995 signalling protocol—Call transfer sup-

signalling protocol—Name identifica- Graphic symbols for use on medical plementary service
tion supplementary services electrical equipment (ISO/IEC 13869:1995) 60pp I
(ISO/IEC 13868:1995) 24pp G (BS 7139:1989) 49pp H Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the call
Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of calling Amdt 1 September 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 9688 6) X transfer supplementary service at the Q reference point be-
and connected name identification supplementary services Provides the only readily available and comprehensive list- tween private integrated services network exchanges con-
at the Q reference point between private integrated servic- ing of symbols for use on medical electrical equipment for nected together within a private integrated services net-
es network exchanges connected together within a private both safety and identification purposes. This Standard is work. The Q reference point is defined in AS/NZS
integrated services network. The Q reference point is de- identical with and has been reproduced from BS 4136.1:1995. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to
fined in AS/NZS 4136.1:1995. It is one of a series of 7139:1989. private integrated services networking. This Standard is
Standards applicable to private integrated services net- identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
working. This Standard is identical with and has been re- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0033 0)
produced from ISO/IEC 13868:1995. (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 1186 3)
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 0987 7) AS/NZS 4335:1997
Information technology—Telecommu-
AS/NZS 4330:2000 nications and information exchange AS/NZS 4340:1997
121.5 and 243.0 MHz emergency posi- between systems—Private integrated Information technology—Telecommu-
tion indicating radio beacons services network—Specification, nications and information exchange
(EPIRBs) including personal EPIRBs functional model and information between systems—Private integrated
13pp G flows—Path replacement additional services network—Inter-exchange
Specifies the environmental, operational and radiofrequen- network feature signalling protocol—Call completion
cy requirements for 121.5 and 243.0 MHz emergency po- supplementary services
sition indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) including per- (ISO/IEC 13863:1995) 28pp G
sonal EPIRBs used in marine and aviation portable Specifies the path replacement additional network feature (ISO/IEC 13870:1995) 68pp J
applications. applicable to various basic services supported by private Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the call
(RC-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3386 7) integrated services networks. The basic services are speci- completion supplementary service at the Q reference point
fied in AS/NZS 4135:1995. It is one of a series of Stand- between private integrated services network exchanges
ards applicable to private integrated services networking. connected together within a private integrated services net-
AS/NZS 4331 This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced work. The Q reference point is defined in AS/NZS
Metallic flanges from ISO/IEC 13863:1995. 4136.1:1995. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 1053 0) private integrated services networking. This Standard is
AS/NZS 4331.1:1995 identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC
Steel flanges AS/NZS 4336:1997 13870:1995.
(ISO 7005-1:1992) 79pp J Information technology—Telecommu- (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 1185 5)
Specifies international requirements for circular steel nications and information exchange
flanges in nominal pressure designations, PN 10 to between systems—Private integrated AS/NZS 4341:1997
PN 420. Types of steel flanges, their facings, dimen- services network—Specification, Information technology—Telecommu-
sions, tolerances, threading, bolt sizes, flange face
surface finish, marking, testing and inspection are functional model and information nications and information exchange
specified. Guidance on pressure/temperature ratings flows—Name identification supple- between systems—Private integrated
for flanges of nominated materials are given in an An- mentary services services network—Specification,
nex. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
produced from ISO 7005-1:1992. (ISO/IEC 13864:1995) 37pp H functional model and information
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0007 1) Specifies supplementary services for calling and connect- flows—Call diversion supplementary
ed name identification applicable to various basic services services
supported by private integrated services networks. The ba-
AS/NZS 4331.2:1995 sic services are specified in AS/NZS 4135:1995. It is one (ISO/IEC 13872:1995) 80pp K
Cast iron flanges of a series of Standards applicable to private integrated Specifies the call diversion features applicable to various
(ISO 7005-2:1988) 34pp H services networking. This Standard is identical with and basic services supported by private integrated services net-
has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 13864:1995. works. The basic services are specified in AS/NZS
Specifies international requirements for circular grey,
malleable and ductile cast iron flanges in nominal (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 1055 7) 4135:1995. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to
pressure designations, PN 2.5 to PN 50. Types of private integrated services networking. This Standard is
flanges, their facings, dimensions, tolerances, bolt AS/NZS 4337:1997 identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
sizes, surface finish of faces, marking, testing, inspec- 13872:1995.
Information technology—Telecommu-
tion and materials together with associated pressure/ (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 1515 X)
temperature ratings are specifed. This Standard is nications and information exchange
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO between systems—Private integrated
7005-2:1988. services network—Specification, AS/NZS 4342:1997
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0008 X) functional model and information Information technology—Telecommu-
flows—Call transfer supplementary nications and information exchange
AS/NZS 4331.3:1995 service between systems—Private integrated
Copper alloy and composite flang- (ISO/IEC 13865:1995) 43pp H services network—Inter-exchange
es Specifies the call transfer between three users and is appli- signalling protocol—Call diversion
(ISO 7005-3:1988) 26pp G cable to various basic services supported by private inte- supplementary services
Specifies international requirements for circular cop- grated services networks. The basic services are specified
per alloy and composite flanges in nominal pressure in AS/NZS 4135:1995. It is one of a series of Standards ap- (ISO/IEC 13873:1995) 71pp K
designations, PN 10 to PN 50. Types of flanges, their plicable to private integrated services networking. This Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of call di-
facings, dimensions, tolerances, bolt sizes, flange Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from version supplementary services at the Q reference point
face surface finish, marking, testing, inspection and ISO/IEC 13865:1995. between private intergrated services network exchanges
materials are specified. Pressure/temperature ratings (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 1184 7) connected together within a private integrated services net-
for flanges of nominated alloys are given. This Stand- work. The Q reference point is defined in AS/NZS
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from 4136.1:1995. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to
ISO 7005-3:1988.
AS/NZS 4338:1997 private integrated services networking. This Standard is
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0009 8) Information technology—Telecommu- identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
nications and information exchange 13873:1995.
AS 4332—1995 between systems—Private integrated (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 1516 8)
The storage and handling of gases in services network—Specification,
cylinders 39pp H functional model and information AS 4343—1999
Sets out requirements and recommendations for the stor- flows—Call completion supplementa- Pressure equipment—Hazard levels
age and handling, in cylinders, of gases that are classified ry services
in the ADG Code as dangerous goods of Class 2. The 37pp H
Standard applies to stores in which individual gases, other (ISO/IEC 13866:1995) 68pp J Specifies criteria for determining the hazard level of pres-
than those which are dealt with in other Australian Stand- Specifies the call completion features applicable to various sure equipment to AS/NZS 1200:1994. The Standard also
ards, are kept, and to all stores in which more than one type basic services supported by private integrated services net- classifies fluids for use with pressure equipment.
of gas is kept. A bibliography of documents providing works. The basic services are specified in AS/NZS (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2373 X)
guidelines on the preparation of emergency plans is pro- 4135:1995. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to
vided in an appendix. private integrated services networking. This Standard is
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0010 1) identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC AS/NZS 4344:2001
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 1054 9) Motor vehicles—Cargo restraint sys-
AS 4333—1995 tems—Transport chain and compo-
Dean and Stark apparatus AS/NZS 4339:1997 nents 18pp F
(BS 756:1952 BS 756:1952/Amd.1:1953 Information technology—Telecommu- Specifies requirements for chain or associated components
BS 756:1952/Amd.2:1985) 15pp E used in the transport industry for developing a cargo re-
Specifies apparatus used for the determination of water by nications and information exchange straining system and sets out a method for determining the
the method of distillation with an immiscible fluid. between systems—Private integrated strength of transport chain and its components.
(CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0018 7) services network—Inter-exchange (ME-048) (ISBN 0 7337 4152 5)

AS/NZS 4345:2001

AS/NZS 4345:2001 AS/NZS 4348:1995 croorganisms using a test medium. Measurement of

Water supply—Domestic type water the percentage consumption of oxygen within a
Motor vehicles—Cargo restraint sys- closed flask at regular intervals allows evaluation of
tems—Transport fibre rope 15pp F treatment appliances—Performance the biodegradability of the test compound. The meth-
Specifies requirements for rope made from synthetic tex- requirements 30pp G od generally applies to compounds which are soluble
tile fibre, for use in restraining cargo on vehicles. Specifies requirements for the testing of appliances for in the test medium, do not reach or react with the CO 2
(ME-048) (ISBN 0 7337 4150 9) chemical reduction, microbiological treatment, and odour absorbent, are volatile and not inhibitory to the test
and chlorine reduction. microorganisms at the concentration chosen for the
AS/NZS 4346:1995 (WS-027) (ISBN 0 7337 0067 5) test. Technically equivalent to ISO 9408:1991.
Guide to the installation in vehicles of (EV-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0086 1)
mobile communication equipment in- AS 4349
tended for connection to a cellular mo- Inspection of buildings AS 4351.4—1996
bile telecommunication service Determination by analysis of re-
AS 4349.1—1995 leased carbon dioxide
(CMTS) 24pp G Property inspections—Residential
Provides guidance for the safe and efficient installation of (ISO 9439:1990) 10pp D
communication equipment such as mobile cellular tele- buildings 16pp F Sets out a method for the evaluation of the 'ready' bi-
phones and mobile data equipment in vehicles. Does not Sets out recommendations for the visual inspection of odegradability of organic compounds by aerobic mi-
cover temporary installations or installations in marine and residential buildings, including pre-purchase inspec- croorganisms using a test medium. Indirect measure-
aeronautical environments. Many of the requirements can tions. Includes recommendations for the preparation ment of the released carbon dioxide at regular
also be applied to the installation of land mobile radio of property inspection reports. intervals allows evaluation of the biodegradability of
equipment. (BD-085) (ISBN 0 7337 0071 3) the test compound. The method generally applies to
(RC-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0047 0) compounds which are soluble in the test medium, are
AS 4349.3—1998 non-volatile and not inhibitory to the test microorgan-
AS/NZS 4347 Timber pest inspections 41pp I isms at the concentration chosen for the test. Techni-
cally equivalent to ISO 9439:1990.
Damp-proof courses and flashings— This Standard specifies the minimum acceptable re- (EV-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0087 X)
Methods of test quirements for visual inspection and reporting on the
activity of timber pests excluding dry wood termites
for both pre and post purchase timber pest reports on AS 4351.5—1996
AS/NZS 4347.0:1995 properties. It applies to all classes of buildings, as de-
General introduction, list of meth- scribed in the Building Code of Australia. It is for use
Determination by analysis of bio-
ods and test specimen require- by pest controllers, prospective purchasers, property chemical oxygen demand (closed
ments 2pp A owners and managers, building surveyors/inspectors, bottle test)
building consultants, architects and others who pro- (ISO 10707:1994) 10pp D
(BD-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0055 1) vide services in this area.
(BD-085) (ISBN 0 7337 1946 5) Sets out a method for the evaluation of the 'ready' bi-
AS/NZS 4347.1:1995 odegradability of organic compounds by aerobic mi-
croorganisms using a test medium. Determination of
Determination of water permeabili- AS 4350 the biochemical oxygen demand at regular intervals
ty 2pp A Heavy mineral sand concentrates— allows evaluation of the biodegradability of the test
(BD-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0056 X) Physical testing compound. The method generally applies to com-
pounds which are soluble in the test medium. Techni-
cally equivalent to ISO 10707:1994.
AS/NZS 4347.2:1995 AS 4350.1—1995 (EV-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0088 8)
Determination of continuity of Size analysis 3pp B
coating on metal centres 2pp A Sets out a method for determining the size distribu-
AS 4351.6—1996
(BD-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0057 8) tion of free-flowing heavy mineral sand concentrates
such as rutile, zircon, ilmenite and monazite. Guidance for the determination of
(MN-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0073 X) biodegradability of poorly soluble
AS/NZS 4347.3:1995 organic compounds
Determination of pliability of bitu- AS 4350.2—1999
men coating on metal centres (ISO 10634:1995) 7pp C
Determination of heavy minerals Provides guidance for the determination of the 'ready'
1p A and free quartz—Heavy liquid sep- biodegradability of poorly soluble organic com-
(BD-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0058 6) aration method 5pp D pounds. Four techniques are provided for dispersing
Sets out a method for the determination of the heavy organic compounds which are not soluble enough to
AS/NZS 4347.4:1995 mineral content and free quartz of samples of heavy be analysed using the relevant test method in the nor-
mineral sand concentrates. mal manner. The techniques are applicable to the
Determination of pliability—Materi- methods provided by AS 4351.3 and AS 4351.4.
als with fabric or felt base 1p A (MN-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3012 4)
Identical with and reproduced from ISO 10634:1995.
(BD-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0059 4) (EV-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0089 6)
AS 4351
AS/NZS 4347.5:1995 Biodegradability—Organic com-
pounds in an aqueous medium AS 4351.7—1996
Determination of compression Determination by semi-continuous
properties 2pp A AS 4351.1—1996 activated sludge method (SCAS)
(BD-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0060 8) (ISO 9887:1992) 9pp D
Method for determining and report-
AS/NZS 4347.6:1995 ing biodegradability 8pp D Sets out a method for the evaluation of the 'inherent'
Provides information on the nature of biodegradabil- biodegradability of organic compounds. The proce-
Determining impact resistance ity, the rationale of analytical test procedures, their dure involves the measurement of the dissolved or-
(falling dart impact test) 4pp A applicability, interpretation of results obtained, defi- ganic carbon content of effluent from a semi-continu-
Amdt 1 March 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1724 1) X nitions and other guidance to help in measuring aero- ous activated sludge unit dosed with a known
bic biological biodegradation of organic compounds concentration of the test compound. Comparison of
(BD-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0061 6) these results with the results obtained with effluent
in an aqueous medium.
(EV-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0457 3) from a control unit allows evaluation of the 'inherent'
AS/NZS 4347.7:1995 biodegradability of the test compound. The method
Determination of thickness of bitu- generally applies to compounds which are soluble in
AS 4351.2—1996 the test medium, non-volatile, not lost by foaming of
men coating and thickness or Determination by analysis of dis- the test medium and not inhibitory to the test micro-
mass of metallic centre 2pp A solved organic carbon (DOC) organisms at the concentration chosen for the test.
(BD-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0062 4) Technically equivalent to ISO 9887:1992.
(ISO 7827:1994) 8pp D (EV-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0090 X)
Sets out a method for the evaluation of the 'ready' bi-
AS/NZS 4347.8:1995 odegradability of organic compounds by aerobic mi-
Preparation of coating bitumen for croorganisms using a test medium. Measurement of AS 4351.8—1996
testing 2pp A the percentage removal of dissolved organic carbon at Determination by static test (Zahn-
regular intervals allows evaluation of the biodegrada-
(BD-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0063 2) bility of the test compound. The method generally ap- Wellens method)
plies to compounds which are soluble, non-volatile (ISO 9888:1991) 8pp D
AS/NZS 4347.9:1995 and not inhibitory to the test microorganisms at the Sets out a method for the evaluation of the 'inherent'
Determining thickness 1p A concentration chosen for the test. Technically equiv- biodegradability of organic compounds. Determina-
alent to ISO 7827:1994. tion of the percentage removal of dissolved organic
Amdt 1 March 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1725 X) X (EV-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0085 3) carbon (DOC) or chemical oxygen demand (COD) at
(BD-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0064 0) regular intervals allow evaluation of the 'inherent' bi-
AS 4351.3—1996 odegradability of the test compound. The method
AS/NZS 4347.10:1995 Determination by oxygen demand generally applies to compounds which are soluble in
Determination of mass of desatu- the test medium, non-volatile, not lost by foaming of
in a closed respirometer the test medium and not inhibitory to the test micro-
rated base and percentage satura- (ISO 9408:1991) 13pp E organisms at the concentration chosen for the test.
tion 2pp A Sets out a method for the evaluation of the 'ready' bi- Technically equivalent to ISO 9888:1991.
(BD-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0065 9) odegradability of organic compounds by aerobic mi- (EV-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0091 8)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 4352:1995 AS/NZS 4356.4:1996 AS/NZS 4360:1999

Tests for coating resistance to cathod- Determination of the image distor- Risk management
ic disbonding 9pp D tion See HB 142 44pp I
Specifies test methods for the determination of the ability (IEC 1262-4:1994) 8pp C Provides a generic guide for establishing and implement-
of an organic coating containing an intentional defect to re- ing the risk management process which involves establish-
Applies to electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers for ing context, identification, analysis, evaluation, treatment,
sist disbonding caused by the application of cathodic pro- medical use, as components of diagnostic X-ray sys-
tection. Either of two types of test cell is used (concentric monitoring and review and consultation and communica-
tems. It describes a method of determining the image tion. This Standard may be applied at every stage in the life
pot or porous plug) and tests are usually carried out over a distortion of the intensifier. This Standard is identical
period of 24 hours or 28 days. Any resulting radial dis- of an activity, function, project or asset generated by any
with and has been reproduced from IEC 1262-4:1994. public, private or community enterprise or group.
bondment is classified into one of five groups.
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0182 5) (OB-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2647 X)
(MT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 0098 5)
AS/NZS 4356.5:1996 AS/NZS 4360:1999 (CHN—S)
AS/NZS 4353:1995
Determination of the detective Risk management (Chinese version—
Portable fire extinguishers—Aerosol quantum efficiency Simplified characters)
type 19pp F Simplified Chinese version 44pp I
Specifies requirement for portable stored-pressure fire ex-
(IEC 1262-5:1994) 14pp E
Applies to electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers for Provides a generic guide for establishing and implement-
tinguishers for household use, designed for one use only, ing the risk management process which involves establish-
not to be refilled and to be discarded after any use. medical use, as components of diagnostic X-ray sys-
tems. It describes a method of determining the detec- ing context, identification, analysis, evaluation, treatment,
(FP-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0110 8) tive quantum efficiency of the intensifier. This Stand- monitoring and review and consultation and communica-
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from tion. This Standard may be applied at every stage in the life
AS/NZS 4354:1995 IEC 1262-5:1994. of an activity, function, project or asset generated by any
public, private or community enterprise or group.
Medical electrical equipment—Radio- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0183 3) (OB-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3978 4)
nuclide calibrators—Particular meth-
ods for describing performance AS/NZS 4356.6:1996 AS/NZS 4360:1999 (CHN—T)
(IEC 1303:1994) 13pp D Determination of the contrast ratio Risk management (Chinese version—
Specifies methods for identifying the most important char- and veiling glare index Traditional characters)
acteristics of radionuclide calibrators and the relevant as- (IEC 1262-6:1994) 9pp D Traditional Chinese version 44pp I
sociated test methods, so that the characteristics can be Applies to electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers for Provides a generic guide for establishing and implement-
stated in a standardized way to facilitate comparison be- medical use, as components of diagnostic X-ray sys- ing the risk management process which involves establish-
tween devices. This Standard is identical with and repro- tems. It describes a method of determining the con- ing context, identification, analysis, evaluation, treatment,
duced from IEC 1303:1994. trast ratio and veiling glare index of the intensifier. monitoring and review and consultation and communica-
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0113 2) This Standard is identical with and has been repro- tion. This Standard may be applied at every stage in the life
duced from IEC 1262-6:1994. of an activity, function, project or asset generated by any
AS/NZS 4355:1995 (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0184 1) public, private or community enterprise or group.
(OB-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3977 6)
Radiocommunications equipment
used in the handphone and citizen AS/NZS 4356.7:1996
AS 4361
band radio services operating at fre- Determination of the modulation
transfer function Guide to lead paint management
quencies not exceeding 30 MHz
8pp D (IEC 1262-7:1995) 14pp F AS 4361.1—1995
Specifies essential requirements and minimum standards Describes a method of determining the modulation Industrial applications 81pp J
for equipment to operate in the handphone and citizen band transfer functions of X-ray image intensifiers. It is
radio services at frequencies not exceeding 30 MHz. In- identical with and has been reproduced from IEC Provides guidelines for the management of lead-con-
cludes equipment marking and tranmitter/receiver param- 1262-7:1995. taining paint coatings on industrial structures. Meth-
eters and is based on DOTC Equipment Compliance Re- ods for determining the presence of lead-containing
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0754 8) paint are proposed and guidance is given on appropri-
quirements ECR 312 and ECR 316.
ate maintenance strategies.
(RC-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0117 5) AS/NZS 4357:1995 (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0190 6)
Structural Laminated Veneer Lumber
AS/NZS 4356 13pp E AS 4361.2—1998
Medical electrical equipment—Char- Amdt 1 October 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0730 0) X Residential and commercial build-
acteristics of electro-optical X-ray im- Specifies requirements for the manufacture, characteriza- ings 37pp H
age intensifiers tion and verification of structural Laminated Veneer Lum- Provides guidance for the management of lead paint
ber (LVL), and sets out dimensional tolerances, moisture on non-industrial structures such as residential, com-
AS/NZS 4356.1:1996 content, veneer and bond quality, and structural properties mercial and public buildings. It provides information
to be determined for structural LVL. An appendix de- on methods for determining whether lead is present
Determination of the entrance field scribes recommended practices for the storage and han- on a building, the amount of lead present and on the
size dling of structural LVL. selection of an appropriate management strategy.
(TM-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0141 8) Provides guidelines to produce a safer working envi-
(IEC 1262-1:1994) 9pp D ronment but does not fully address requirements for
Applies to electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers for the evaluation of worker health and safety, which
medical use, as components of diagnostic X-ray sys- AS/NZS 4358:1996 should be in accordance with current regulatory re-
tems. It describes a method of determining the en- Medical diagnostic X-ray equipment— quirements. The document is drafted on the assump-
trance field size of the intensifier. This Standard is Radiation conditions for use in the de- tion that the highest level of risk will apply for any
identical with and has been reproduced from IEC paint removal work carried out.
1262-1:1994. termination of characteristics (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1877 9)
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0179 5) (IEC 1267:1994) 29pp G
Specifies methods for identifying the most important char- AS 4362
acteristics of diagnostic X-ray equipment and the relevant
AS/NZS 4356.2:1996 associated test methods, so that the characteristics can be High-voltage test techniques for low-
Determination of the conversion stated in a standardized way to facilitate comparison be- voltage equipment
factor tween devices. This Standard is identical with and repro-
duced from IEC 1267:1994. AS 4362.1—1996
(IEC 1262-2:1994) 9pp D (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0170 1)
Applies to electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers for Definitions, test and procedure re-
medical use, as components of diagnostic X-ray sys- quirements
tems. It describes a method of determining the con- AS 4359 (IEC 1180-1:1992) 24pp F
version factor of the intensifier. This Standard is iden- Insulating refractory ceramic fibres Applies to dielectric tests with direct, alternating and
tical with and has been reproduced from IEC 1262- impulse voltage and test with impulse current on
AS 4359.1—1996 equipment having a rated voltage of not more than 1
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0180 9) kV a.c. or 1.5 kV d.c. Applies mainly to type testing.
Bulk fibre and blankets 5pp C This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
Specifies requirements for the classification and des- duced from IEC 1180-1:1992.
AS/NZS 4356.3:1996 ignation of insulating refractory ceramic fibres in (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0242 2)
Determination of the luminance bulk and blanket form. Does not apply to 'glass', rock-
distribution and luminance non- wool or mineral insulating materials.
(MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0175 2)
AS 4362.2—1996
uniformity Test equipment
(IEC 1262-3:1994) 9pp D (IEC 1180-2:1994) 7pp C
AS 4359.2—1998
Applies to electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers for Applies to test equipment used for dielectric tests on
medical use, as components of diagnostic X-ray sys- Board 4pp C low-voltage equipment with direct, alternating or im-
tems. It describes a method of determining the lumi- Specifies requirements for the classification and des- pulse voltage and impulse current on equipment hav-
nance distribution and luminance non-uniformity of ignation of insulating refractory ceramic fibreboard. ing a rated voltage of not more than 1 kV a.c. or 1.5
the intensifier. This Standard is identical with and has It does not apply to 'glass', rockwool or mineral insu- kV d.c. This Standard is identical with and repro-
been reproduced from IEC 1262-3:1994. lating materials. duced from IEC 1180-2:1994.
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0181 7) (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 1597 4) (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0243 0)

AS/NZS 4364:1996

AS/NZS 4364:1996 AS 4369.4—1996 AS/NZS 4377:1996

Adhesives, phenolic and aminoplastic Absorbent wadding 3pp B Flickermeter—Evaluation of flicker se-
for load-bearing timber structures: Specifies requirements for manufacturing absorbent verity
Classification and performance re- wadding, including cotton wool balls and cotton wool
rolls for use in surgical procedures.
(IEC 868-0:1991) 23pp F
quirements (MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0323 2) Provides consideration for the development of a flicker
(BS EN 301:1992 BS EN 302.1:1992 BS evaluation procedure that is equally applicable to any kind
EN 302.2:1992 BS EN 302.3:1992 BS of fluctuating load. It is identical with and has been repro-
AS/NZS 4370:1996 duced from IEC 868-0:1991.
EN 302.4:1992) 28pp G Restraint of children with disabilities (EL-034) (ISBN 0 7337 0406 9)
Establishes a classification for phenolic and aminoplastic
polycondensation adhesives according to their suitability in motor vehicles 12pp E
for use for load-bearing timber structures in defined cli- Amdt 1 October 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2945 2) X AS/NZS 4378:1996
matic exposure conditions, and specifies performance re- Sets out options for restraining children with disabilities Characteristics and test conditions of
quirements for such adhesives for the manufacture of load- while they are travelling in motor vehicles. Provides guide-
bearing timber structures only. The performance require- lines for prescribers to determine how a child will be re- radionuclide imaging devices—Anger
ments of this Standard apply to the adhesive only, not to strained while travelling. Includes some design require- type gamma cameras
the structure. Based on and technically equivalent to BS ments for restraining devices. (IEC 789:1992) 16pp F
EN 301:1992 and BS EN 302 Parts 1 to 4:1992. (CS-085) (ISBN 0 7337 0341 0) Specifies a series of tests, and the terminology for report-
(TM-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0445 X) ing these tests, to be carried out by manufacturers and
AS/NZS 4371:1996 which enables them to declare the characteristics of gam-
AS/NZS 4365:2002 Ceramic tableware 9pp D ma cameras on a common basis, thus allowing purchasers
to compare the performance of various models and choose
Radiocommunications equipment Amdt 1 March 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0959 1) X that one which is best suited to their requirements. This
used in the UHF citizen band radio Specifies performance requirements for ceramic tableware Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from
service 15pp F which particularly relate to public health, including mini- IEC 789:1992.
mum requirements for the release of lead and cadmium. (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0407 7)
Specifies essential requirements and minimum standards
for radiocommunications equipment intended to operate in (CS-094) (ISBN 0 7337 0351 8)
the citizen band radio service in Australia and New Zea- AS/NZS 4379
land, on the UHF band. AS 4372—1996
(RC-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4801 5) High-voltage alternating current cir- Information technology—Open Sys-
cuit-breakers—Inductive load switch- tems Interconnection—Remote data-
AS/NZS 4366:1996 ing base access
Information technology—Software (IEC 1233:1994) 76pp J
packages—Quality requirements and Applies to circuit-breakers which are used for switching of AS/NZS 4379.1:1996
testing transformer magnetizing currents or currents of high-volt- Generic model, service and proto-
(ISO/IEC 12119:1994) 16pp E age motors and shunt reactors. It also applies to contactors col
used for switching the currents of high-voltage motors.
Specifies quality requirements for software packages and This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced (ISO/IEC 9579-1:1993) 161pp M
instructions on how to test a software package against from IEC 1233:1994. Specifies a remote database access service in terms of
these requirements. The Standard particularly applies to the database server and the database processing serv-
third party testing and deals with software packages as of- (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0384 4)
ices with respect to the remote database access client.
fered and delivered. It does not deal with production proc- This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
esses. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- AS 4373—1996 duced from ISO/IEC 9579-1:1993.
duced from ISO/IEC 12119:1994. Pruning of amenity trees 10pp D
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 0294 5) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0326 7)
Sets out guidelines for pruning of amenity trees. It classi-
fies pruning into two types: crown maintenance which in-
AS 4367—1996 cludes the classes of general, formative, selective, dead- AS/NZS 4379.2:1996
Radiocommunications equipment wooding and thinning and crown modification which SQL specialization
includes the classes of reduction, crown lifting, pollarding,
used in the inshore boating radio serv- remedial and line clearance. It does not include sculptural (ISO/IEC 9579-2:1993) 59pp I
ices band 9pp D forms of pruning such as topiary nor does it include safety Specifies a remote database access service in terms of
Specifies essential requirements and minimum standards of the tree worker, wildlife habitat or practices relating to the database server and the database processing serv-
for equipment to operate in the inshore boating services root pruning, chemical pruning, timber, foliage, fruit or ices, with respect to the remote database access client,
band. Includes equipment marking and transmitter/receiv- flower production. when database language used is SQL. This Standard
er parameters. (CS-090) (ISBN 0 7337 0387 9) is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/
IEC 9579-2:1993.
(RC-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0314 3)
AS/NZS 4374:1996 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0327 5)
AS 4368—1996 Ultrasonics—Hand-held probe Dop-
Mine plans—Preparation and sym- pler foetal heartbeat detectors—Per- AS/NZS 4380:2001
bols 43pp H formance requirements and methods Motor vehicles—Cargo restraint sys-
Sets out a recommended code of practice and symbols for of measurement and reporting tems -Transport webbing and compo-
use on plans for all surface and underground mines. Does (IEC 1266:1994) 27pp G nents 18pp F
not deal with drafting practices, for which reference is Specifies requirements for webbing restraint systems for
made to AS 1100.101 and AS 1100.401. Amdt 1 January 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 0863 3) X
use in the transport industry.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0316 X) Specifies a series of tests, and the terminology for report-
ing these tests, to be carried out by manufacturers, enabling (ME-048) (ISBN 0 7337 4151 7)
them to declare the characteristics of Doppler foetal heart-
AS 4369 beat detectors on a common basis, thus allowing the pur- AS 4381—2002
Surgical dressings chaser to compare the performance of various models and
chose that one which is best suited to their requirements. Single-use face masks for use in
This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced health care 25pp G
AS 4369.1—1996 from IEC 1266:1994. Specifies requirements for single-use face masks which are
Single-use X-ray detectable ab- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0403 4) used in health care where it is necessary to keep cross-con-
dominal sponges 4pp C tamination between the health care worker and the patient
AS/NZS 4375:1996 to a minimum. The masks are intended for use in the oper-
Specifies requirements for manufacturing abdominal ating room, and for medical and dental procedures and ap-
sponges which need to be X-ray detectable, for use in User-applied labels for use on syring- plications. Does not apply to situations where an additional
surgical procedures. It applies to both sterile and non-
sterile products. es containing drugs used during an- degree of respiratory protection may be required from the
aesthesia 3pp B risk of airborne transmission infection, e.g. TB and surgi-
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0320 8) cal plume.
Sets out requirements for labels which the user attaches to
drug-filled syringes so that the contents can be identified (HE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 4965 8)
AS 4369.2—1996 just before use during anaesthesia. Size, colour and pattern
General purpose single-use woven of the label and the typographic characteristics of the AS/NZS 4382:1996
gauze swabs 7pp C wording are dealt with.
(HE-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0404 2) Preparation of function charts for con-
Specifies requirements for manufacturing single-use trol systems
absorbent woven gauze swabs, which need to be X-
ray detectable, for use in surgical procedures. It ap- AS/NZS 4376:1996 (IEC 848:1988 IEC 848:1988/
plies to both sterile and non-sterile products. Flickermeter—Functional and design Cor.:1990) 48pp H
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0321 6) specifications Provides rules and symbols for the preparation of descrip-
tions of the function and behaviour of control systems by
(IEC 868:1986 IEC 868:1986/ establishing an implementation-independent graphical
AS 4369.3—1996 Amd.1:1990) 17pp E representation. Provides a general process approach to de-
Single-use packing gauze 6pp C Specifies the design of a flickermeter to be used for indi- scribing control functions and may be applied to non-elec-
Specifies requirements for manufacturing single-use cating the correct flicker perception level for all practical trical systems. Method of representation is an industrial ap-
packing gauze, which needs to be X-ray detectable, voltage fluctuation waveforms. It is identical with and has plication of 'Petri nets'. This Standard is identical with and
for use in surgical procedures. It applies to both sterile been reproduced from IEC 868:1986 and Amendment 1 to has been reproduced from IEC 848:1988, including Corri-
and non-sterile products. IEC 868:1986. gendum (1990).
(MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0322 4) (EL-034) (ISBN 0 7337 0405 0) (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0429 8)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 4383 AS/NZS 4386.2:1996 AS/NZS 4387.13:1996

Preparation of documents used in Installation 24pp G Determination of wear and fatigue
electrotechnology Specifies the minimum requirements for the installa- of drawers, sliding shelves and
tion of fitted kitchen assemblies for use in domestic runners 3pp B
AS/NZS 4383.1:1996 applications, whether delivered in pre-assembled or
in flat-pack form. This Standard is also applicable to (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0504 9)
General requirements small offices, holiday apartments, units and similar
(IEC 1082-1:1991 IEC 1082-1:1991/ non-commercial applications. It is designed for use AS/NZS 4387.14:1996
Amd.1:1995) 93pp J by installers, manufacturers, builders, consumers,
specifiers and regulatory authorities alike. Determination of strength of han-
Provides general rules and guidelines for the prepara- (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0490 5) dles 2pp B
tion of documents used in electrotechnology. Con-
tains a classification of documents, documentation (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0505 7)
principles, including the structure of documents, and AS/NZS 4387
general drawing rules on formats, layout, graphical Domestic kitchen assemblies—Meth- AS/NZS 4387.15:1996
symbols and simplification techniques. Numerous il-
lustrative examples are provided. This Standard is ods of test Determination of the strength of
identical with and has been reproduced from IEC support frames for wall attachment
1082-1:1991 and IEC 1082-1:1991 Amendment AS/NZS 4387.0:1996 devices 2pp B
1:1995 (incorporates Corrigendum:1993). Introduction, list of methods and
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0439 5) (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0506 5)
general requirements 3pp B
(BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0491 3) AS/NZS 4387.16:1996
AS/NZS 4383.2:1996
Function-oriented diagrams Determination of calibration of
AS/NZS 4387.1:1996 drawer slamming apparatus 1p A
(IEC 1082-2:1993) 76pp J Determination of strength of car-
Covers the layout and presentation of function-orient- (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0507 3)
ed diagrams, such as overview, function and circuit
cass and underframe 2pp B
diagrams, which are used to highlight the functioning (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0492 1) AS 4388—1996
of a system and its circuitry. Provides rules for the
layout of the diagrams, choice of symbols and differ- AS/NZS 4387.2:1996 A method of temperature-rise assess-
ent forms of representation. Includes systems for non-
Determination of shelf deflection ment by extrapolation for partially
electrical circuits and processes. Contains numerous type-tested assemblies (PTTA) of low-
illustrations. This Standard is identical with and has 2pp B voltage switchgear and controlgear
been reproduced from IEC 1082-2:1993. (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0493 X)
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0440 9) (IEC 890:1987 IEC 890:1987/Cor.:1988
AS/NZS 4387.3:1996 IEC 890:1987/Amd.1:1995) 26pp F
AS/NZS 4383.3:1996 Determination of strength of shelf Provides a method to determine the temperature rise inside
Connection diagrams, tables and a low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly by ex-
supports 3pp B trapolation from data found by tests on other assemblies.
lists (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0494 8) This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
(IEC 1082-3:1993) 20pp F from IEC 890:1987, including the Corrigendum:1988 and
Amendment 1:1995.
Provides rules for connection diagrams which are AS/NZS 4387.4:1996
used when assembling, installing or maintaining (EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 0509 X)
equipment. Numerous illustrations are provided. This Determination of the strength of
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced worktops and bottom surfaces
AS/NZS 4389:1996
from IEC 1082-3:1993. 3pp B
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0441 7) (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0495 6) Safety mesh
See also AS 1639-1990 and AS 2424-1991
AS/NZS 4383.4:1998 AS/NZS 4387.5:1996 12pp E
Location and installation docu- Determination of strength of Specifes the minimum requirements for the design, con-
ments hinged doors 3pp B struction, testing and installation of safety mesh for use in
domestic, commercial and industrial building applications.
(IEC 61082-4:1996) 35pp H (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0496 4) (PL-022) (ISBN 0 7337 0513 8)
Provides rules for location and installation documents
mainly used for installation work. It covers different AS/NZS 4387.6:1996
systems and objects such as arrangement or installa- AS 4391—1999
tion drawings for site, buildings and equipment, in- Determination of slam open of Smoke management systems—Hot
stallation drawings or diagrams for site or buildings, hinged doors 3pp B
and drawings for location on or in components. This smoke test 25pp G
(BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0497 2)
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced Sets out a hot smoke test methodology by means of which
from IEC 61082-4:1996. a specified quantity of smoke may be generated, at a safe
(TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 1868 X) AS/NZS 4387.7:1996 temperature, within a building. Test apparatus, procedures
Determination of slam shut of and safety requirements for the hot smoke testing of smoke
management systems are detailed. The size of test fire is
AS/NZS 4384:1997 hinged doors 3pp B selected to generate the required quantity of smoke at a
Motor vehicles—Anchorages and an- (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0498 0) safe temperature.
chor points for securing internal car- (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 2371 3)
go 14pp E AS/NZS 4387.8:1996
Specifies requirements for anchorages for use in securing Determination of wear and fatigue AS 4392
cargo in vehicles where the occupants share the same inte- of hinged doors 3pp B Heavy mineral sands—Analysis by
rior space as the cargo. (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0499 9)
(ME-048) (ISBN 0 7337 0484 0) wavelength dispersive X-ray fluores-
cence spectrometry
AS/NZS 4387.9:1996
AS/NZS 4385:1996
Determination of resistance to AS 4392.1—1996
Infants' rocking cradles—Safety re- downward static load on drawers
quirements 15pp D Titaniferous mineral sands 56pp I
and other runner-supported items
Specifies material, construction and design requirements, Amdt 1 November 1996 (ISBN 0 7337 0767 X)
as well as labelling and marking requirements for rocking 3pp B
cradles all related to safety of the infant within the cradle. (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0500 6)
(CS-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0485 9) Amdt 2 April 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2639 9) X
AS/NZS 4387.10:1996 Sets out a wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence
AS/NZS 4386 procedure for the determination of titanium, iron, alu-
Determination of slam open of minium, silicon, zirconium, manganese, vanadium,
Domestic kitchen assemblies drawers 4pp B niobium, calcium, chromium, magnesium, sulfur, ce-
(BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0501 4) rium, phosphorus, lanthanum, thorium, uranium, tin,
AS/NZS 4386.1:1996 arsenic and lead in titaniferous mineral sands.
Kitchen units 37pp H AS/NZS 4387.11:1996 (MN-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0516 2)
Specifies the minimum requirements for the con- Determination of slam shut of
struction, durability, safety, ergonomics, strength, co- drawers 4pp B AS 4392.2—1997
ordination of services and choice of components of Zircon materials 47pp H
fitted kitchen assemblies for use in domestic applica- (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0502 2)
tions. This Standard is also applicable to small offic- Sets out a wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence
es, holiday apartments, units and similar non-com- AS/NZS 4387.12:1996 procedure for the determination of zirconium, hafni-
mercial applications. It is designed for use by um, silicon, aluminium, titanium, iron, phosphorus,
manufacturers, builders, consumers, specifiers and Determination of retention of the calcium, lanthanum, cerium, thorium, uranium, ar-
regulatory authorities. bottom surface of drawers 3pp B senic and lead in zircon materials.
(BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0489 1) (BD-089) (ISBN 0 7337 0503 0) (MN-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1162 6)

AS 4393—1996

AS 4393—1996 AS/NZS 4395.7:1996 AS 4400—1995

Small craft—Hull identification—Cod- Symbols used to represent func- Personal privacy protection in health
ing system tions care information systems 22pp F
(ISO 10087:1995) 3pp B (ISO/IEC 9995-7:1994) 14pp E Sets out the requirements for the protection of personal in-
formation held in health care information systems from
Specifies a coding system for the identification of small Specifies the symbols used for functions found in any breaches of integrity and confidentiality. It applies to all
craft hulls. The system identifies the country of manufac- type of keyboard. This Standard is identical with and forms of health information, whether held in computerised
ture, the manufacturer, the serial number, month and year has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9995-7:1994. systems or hard copy records, in both private and public
of manufacture and model year. Identical with and has (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0335 6) sector organizations.
been reproduced from ISO 10087:1995.
(IT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 0115 9)
(CS-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0520 0) AS/NZS 4395.8:1996
Allocation of letters to the keys of a AS/NZS 4401(Int):1999
AS/NZS 4394:1996 High-density polyethylene (PE-HD)
numeric keypad
Electrical, thermal and loading charac- (ISO/IEC 9995-8:1994) 3pp B pipes and fittings for soil and waste
teristics of rotating anode X-ray tubes discharge (low and high temperature)
Specifies the allocation of letters to the numeric zone
for medical diagnosis and is intended for keyboards where letters instead of systems inside buildings—Specifica-
(IEC 613:1989) 12pp E digits are used for mnemonic retention of numeric in- tions
Defines the most common operating characteristics of ro- formation. This Standard is identical with and has
been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9995-8:1994. (ISO 8770:1991)
tating anode X-ray tubes, during and after energization, to
facilitate comparison between these devices. Identical with (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0336 4) (Expires 5 August 2003) 21pp G
and has been reproduced from IEC 613:1989. Amdt 1 4 December 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4108 8) X
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0558 8) AS/NZS 4396:1999 This Interim Standard specifies high density polyethylene
(PE-HD) pipes and fittings with nominal outside diameters
Connectors—Insulation piercing—For of 32 mm to 315 mm, intended for domestic installation in-
AS/NZS 4395 0.6/1 kV aerial bundled cables side buildings for soil, waste and vent applications and for
Information technology—Keyboard 34pp H internal rainwater pipes. The pipes may be used for low
layouts for text and office systems and high temperature applications. Additional require-
Specifies requirements for the construction and perform- ments for Australian/New Zealand conditions are included
ance of insulation piercing connectors between 0.6/1 kV in an appendix. This Standard is reproduced from but not
AS/NZS 4395.1:1996 aerial bundled cables and insulated branch cables. Tests of equivalent to ISO 8770:1991.
performance requirements are provided.
General principles governing key- (PL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2374 8)
(EL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2484 1)
board layouts
(ISO/IEC 9995-1:1994) 11pp D AS/NZS 4402:1996
AS 4397—1996 Hexagon head tapping screws
Specifies the spacing and physical characteristics of Electroplated coatings of zinc on steel (ISO 1479:1983) 3pp B
keys and the principles governing the placement of fasteners with imperial threads
characters and symbols used on numeric, alphanu- Specifies the dimensions and mechanical properties of
meric and composite keyboards. This Standard is 24pp H heat-treated steel hexagon head tapping screws in sizes
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC Specifies requirements, including coating thickness, for from ST 2.2 to ST 9.5 inclusive. Identical with and has
9995-1:1994. electroplated coatings of zinc on threaded steel fasteners been reproduced from ISO 1479:1983.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0329 1) having inch series threads. It includes a method for the cal- (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0547 2)
culation of the degree of thread modification to accommo-
date thicker coatings when additional protection against
AS/NZS 4395.2:1996 corrosion is required. Appendices give details of surface
AS/NZS 4403:1996
Alphanumeric section areas for the various types of screws, bolts and nuts; rec- Slotted pan head tapping screws
(ISO/IEC 9995-2:1994) 7pp C
ommended sampling procedures; examples of effect of (ISO 1481:1983) 3pp B
manufacturing tolerances on plating thickness calcula- Specifies the dimensions and mechanical properties of
Specifies the alphanumeric section of a keyboard, the tions; and heat treatment procedures. heat-treated steel slotted pan head tapping screws in sizes
arrangement, the location and the number of the keys (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0575 8) from ST 2.2 to ST 9.5 inclusive. Identical with and has
in the alphanumeric zone. This Standard is identical been reproduced from ISO 1481:1983.
with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9995- (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0548 2)
2:1994. AS 4398
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0330 5) Insulators—Ceramic or glass—Sta-
tion post for indoor and outdoor use— AS/NZS 4404:1996
AS/NZS 4395.3:1996 Voltages greater than 1000 V a.c. Slotted countersunk (flat) head tap-
ping screws (common head style)
Complementary layouts of the al-
phanumeric zone of the alphanu- AS 4398.1—1996 (ISO 1482:1983) 3pp B
Specifies the dimensions and mechanical properties of
meric section Characteristics heat-treated steel slotted (flat) head tapping screws in sizes
(ISO/IEC 9995-3:1994) 5pp C (IEC 273:1990) from ST 2.2 to ST 9.5 inclusive. Identical with and has
Specifies a set of graphic characters which, when See also AS 1137.3-1981 38pp H been reproduced from ISO 1482:1983.
used in combination with an existing national version Specifies requirements for the construction and per- (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0550 2)
keyboard layout, allows the input of the full graphic formance of ceramic or glass station post insulators.
character repertoire defined in AS 2793. This Stand- It is to be read in conjunction with Part 2: Tests. It is AS/NZS 4405:1996
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from based on and reproduced from IEC 273:1990 with the Slotted raised countersunk (oval)
ISO/IEC 9995-3:1994. addition of an Appendix giving Australian variations.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0331 3) (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0602 9) head tapping screws (common head
AS/NZS 4395.4:1996 AS 4398.2—1996 (ISO 1483:1983) 3pp B
Specifies the dimensions and mechanical properties of
Numeric section Tests heat-treated steel slotted raised (oval) head tapping screws
(ISO/IEC 9995-4:1994) 7pp C (IEC 168:1994) in sizes from ST 2.2 to ST 9.5 inclusive. Identical with and
See also AS 1137.3-1981 43pp H has been reproduced from ISO 1483:1983.
Specifies the numeric section, the arrangement, the
number and the location of the keys in the various (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0549 9)
Specifies requirements for the construction and per-
zones of the section. This Standard is identical with formance of ceramic or glass station post insulators.
and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 9995-4:1994. It is to be read in conjunction with Part 1: Character- AS/NZS 4406:1996
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0332 1) istics. It is based on and reproduced from IEC Cross recessed pan head tapping
168:1994 with the addition of an Appendix giving screws
Australian variations.
AS/NZS 4395.5:1996 (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0603 7) (ISO 7049:1983) 4pp B
Editing section Specifies the dimensions and mechanical properties of
heat-treated steel cross recessed pan head tapping screws
(ISO/IEC 9995-5:1994) 7pp C AS/NZS 4399:1996 in sizes from ST 2.2 to ST 9.5 inclusive. Identical with and
Specifies the editing section, the cursor zone and the Sun protective clothing—Evaluation has been reproduced from ISO 7049:1983.
allocation of functions to its keys. This Standard is (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0546 4)
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC and classification 10pp D
9995-5:1994. Amdt 1 November 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2195 8) X
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0333 X) This Standard sets out requirements for determining the AS/NZS 4407:1996
rated ultraviolet protection factor of sun protective textiles, Cross recessed countersunk (flat)
garments and other items of personal apparel (such as hats) head tapping screws (common head
AS/NZS 4395.6:1996 which are worn in close proximity to the skin. It also spec-
Function section ifies appropriate detailed labelling requirements. It does style)
not cover sunscreen products for topical application to the (ISO 7050:1983) 4pp B
(ISO/IEC 9995-6:1994) 2pp A human skin, fabrics for architectural or horticultural use Specifies the dimensions and mechanical properties of
Specifies the function section of the keyboard and the such as shadecloth, or sunglasses. It does not cover items heat-treated steel cross recessed countersunk (flat) head
allocation of functions to the keys. This Standard is which offer protection at a distance from the skin, such as tapping screws (common head style) in sizes from ST 2.2
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC umbrellas or shade structures, or protection from ultravio- to ST 9.5 inclusive. Identical with and has been reproduced
9995-6:1994. let radiation sources other than the sun. from ISO 7050:1983.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0334 8) (TX-021) (ISBN 0 7337 0573 1) (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0545 6)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 4408:1996 AS 4416—1996 AS 4420

Cross recessed raised countersunk Technical characteristics and meth- Windows—Methods of test
(oval) head tapping screws ods of measurement for survival craft
(ISO 7051:1983) 4pp B portable VHF radiotelephone appara- AS 4420.0—1996
Specifies the dimensions and mechanical properties of tus General introduction and list of
heat-treated steel cross recessed countersunk (oval) head (I-ETS 300 225:1994) 36pp H methods 1p A
tapping screws in sizes from ST 2.2 to ST 9.5 inclusive. Provides minimum technical characteristics required for
Identical with and has been reproduced from ISO (BD-021) (ISBN 0 7337 0631 2)
portable VHF radiotelephones using an integral antenna
7051:1983. suitable for use in survival craft. It is identical with and has
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0543 X) been reproduced from ETSI I-ETS 300 225:1994. AS 4420.1—1996
(RC-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0616 9) Test sample, preparation for tests,
AS/NZS 4409:1996 and test sequence 2pp A
Hexagon washer head tapping screws AS/NZS 4417 (BD-021) (ISBN 0 7337 0632 0)
(ISO 7053:1992) 4pp B Marking of electrical products to indi-
Specifies the dimensions and mechanical properties of
cate compliance with regulations AS 4420.2—1996
heat-treated steel hexagon washer head tapping screws in Deflection test 2pp A
sizes from ST 2.2 to ST 9.5 inclusive. Identical with and AS/NZS 4417.1:2000 (BD-021) (ISBN 0 7337 0633 9)
has been reproduced from ISO 7053:1992. General rules for use of the mark
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0542 1) 8pp E AS 4420.3—1996
Provides general requirements for the use of a speci- Operating force test 2pp A
AS/NZS 4410:1996 fied trademark (the Regulatory Compliance Mark) on
electrical products to indicate compliance with regu- (BD-021) (ISBN 0 7337 0634 7)
Hexagon flange head tapping screws lations. Covers entitlement to use the mark and gen-
(ISO 10509:1992) 5pp C eral requirements for use. AS 4420.4—1996
Specifies the dimensions and mechanical properties of (QR-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3585 1) Air infiltration test 2pp A
heat-treated steel hexagon flange head tapping screws in
sizes from ST 2.2 to ST 9.5 inclusive. Identical with and (BD-021) (ISBN 0 7337 0635 5)
has been reproduced from ISO 10509:1992.
AS/NZS 4417.2:2001
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0551 0) Specific requirements for electrical AS 4420.5—1996
safety regulatory applications
34pp H Water penetration resistance test
AS/NZS 4411:1996 2pp A
Provides general requirements for the use of the Reg-
Tapping screws thread ulatory Compliance Mark to indicate that a product (BD-021) (ISBN 0 7337 0636 3)
(ISO 1478:1983) 2pp A complies with electrical safety regulations in Austral-
Specifies the dimensions of the thread and thread ends for ia and New Zealand. Includes appendices giving lists AS 4420.6—1996
tapping screws with thread sizes from ST 1.5 to ST 9.5 in- of electrical regulators, regulatory definitions, appli-
clusive. Identical with and has been reproduced from ISO cable Standards and procedures for satisfying electri- Ultimate strength test 2pp A
1478:1983. cal safety regulatory requirements. (BD-021) (ISBN 0 7337 0637 1)
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0552 9) (QR-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4035 9)
AS 4421—1996
AS/NZS 4412:1996 AS/NZS 4417.3:1996 Guards and patrols 17pp F
Specific requirements for electro- Amdt 1 June 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2721 2) X
Heat-treated steel tapping screws— magnetic compatibility regulatory
Mechanical properties Specifies the minimum requirements and provides further
applications 8pp D recommendations for the organization, staffing, operation
(ISO 2702:1992) 2pp A Provides specific requirements for the use of the Reg- and management of a company providing static or mobile
Specifies the mechanical properties of heat-treated steel ulatory Compliance Mark to indicate that a product guarding services, but does not include the requirements
tapping screws with threads in accordance with AS/NZS complies with electromagnetic compatibility regula- for licensed crowd controllers. It includes sections on com-
4411:1996 in sizes from ST 2.2 to ST 8 inclusive. Identical tions in Australia and New Zealand. pany organization, staffing and documentation. An appen-
with and has been reproduced from ISO 2702:1992. (QR-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0660 6) dix provides the specific requirements for custodial and es-
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 0544 8) cort officers.
AS/NZS 4417.4:1999 (EL-031) (ISBN 0 7337 9697 5)
AS 4413—1996 Specific requirements for radio ap-
Steel tubes—Pressure application— paratus regulatory requirements AS/NZS 4422:1996
Flash butt welding 20pp F 5pp C Playground surfacing—Specifica-
Sets out requirements for flash butt welding of steel pipes, Provides specific requirements for the use of the Reg-
tions, requirements and test method
tubes and fittings, for boilers, pressure vessels, pressure ulatory Compliance Mark to indicate that a piece of 12pp E
piping and other pressure or high duty applications carried radio apparatus complies with the relevant radio ap- Amdt 1 May 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2613 5) X
out on an automatic flash butt welding machine. It covers paratus regulations in Australia and New Zealand.
welding procedure, equipment, requirements for complet- Specifies general requirements for surfacing to be used in
(QR-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3015 9) children's playgrounds and specific requirements for areas
ed welds, procedure qualification testing and production
control tests, and includes an Appendix illustrating flash where impact energy attenuation is necessary. It suggests
butt welding imperfections. Other Appendices include a AS 4418 the factors that should be considered when selecting a
typical flash butt weld procedure data sheet and retention Supervisory control and data acquisi- playground surface and gives a method of test by which the
of weld records. impact energy attenuation can be determined; this test
tion (SCADA)—Generic telecommuni- gives a critical fall height for a surface, that represents the
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0607 X) cations interface and protocol upper limit of its effectiveness in reducing head injury
when using playground equipment conforming to AS
AS/NZS 4414:1996 AS 4418.1—1996 1924, Parts 1 and 2 or NZS 5828, Parts 2 and 3.
Ghost-cancelling reference signal for (CS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 0645 2)
General 4pp C
Australian and New Zealand PAL tele- Specifies the common functional requirements for
vision broadcasting systems 11pp D SCADA networks, consistent with the IEC 870 series AS 4425—1996
Specifies a ghost-cancelling reference (GCR) signal that of International Standards. Above ground burial structures
may be inserted into the transmitted television signal by (IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 0667 3) 8pp D
broadcasters, and used by suitably equipped television re- Specifies requirements for the structural and functional de-
ceivers to eliminate, or at least reduce considerably, an- AS 4418.2—2000 sign and construction of structures which cater for the in-
noying ghost images often experienced in the analogue terment of human remains. Such a structure may contain
PAL systems in Australia and New Zealand. Fire alarm systems 48pp I
any number of crypt spaces and includes structures com-
(CT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0612 6) Specifies the telecommunications protocol structure monly known as mausoleums, vaults, lined graves and
for fire alarm systems (SCADA) networks, consistent similar.
with the AS 60870 series of Standards.
AS/NZS 4415:1996 (BD-071) (ISBN 0 7337 0698 3)
(IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 3557 6)
Radiotelephone transmitters and re-
ceivers for the maritime mobile serv- AS 4419—1998 AS 4426—1997
ice operating in the VHF bands— Soils for landscaping and garden use Thermal insulation of pipework, duct-
Technical characteristics and meth- 29pp G work and equipment—Selection, in-
ods of measurement Specifies requirements for landscape and garden soils. stallation and finish 107pp K
This Standard specifies physical and chemical require- Deals with the selection, installation and finish of thermal
(ETS 300 162:1993) 38pp H ments such as bulk density, organic matter, wettability, insulation for pipework, ductwork, tanks, vessels, and
Provides minimum requirements for VHF transmitters and pH, dispersibility, toxicity, nitrogen drawdown index and equipment in the temperature range -75°C to +800°C, but
receivers fitted with a 50Ω external antenna socket or con- permeability for low density, organic and natural soils or excludes manufactured pre-insulated equipment, structural
nector for use on board ships. This Standard has been re- soil blends. Documentation requirements include informa- insulation of buildings and cold stores, fireproofing struc-
produced from ETSI ETS 300 162 and contains an appen- tion to be supplied to the consumer and health warnings. tures, refractory linings of plant, airborne installations and
dix of additional Australian/New Zealand requirements. Guidance is given on the selection and use of soils. all external underground mains.
(RC-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0617 7) (CS-037) (ISBN 0 7337 2226 1) (ME-077) (ISBN 0 7337 0718 1)

AS 4427—1996

AS 4427—1996 AS 4430.1—1996 AS/NZS 4434.1:1996

Automotive repairs—Code of practice Engines designed for leaded petrol Functional performance character-
for reconditioning reciprocating com- to operate on unleaded petrol istics
pression ignition engines 10pp D 5pp C (IEC 976:1989) 70pp J
Specifies a code of practice for reconditioning or remanu-
facturing compression ignition, automotive and industrial Specifies a test procedure for evaluating claims made Specifies test procedures for the determination and
engines. for devices, processes and additives to enable an en- disclosure of functional performance characteristics
gine system to operate on 97-98 RON leaded petrol to for electron accelerators to enable intending purchas-
(CS-078) (ISBN 0 7337 0728 9) run with comparable antiknock performance and du- ers to compare performance of different models. It is
rability on 91-92 RON unleaded petrol. identical with and has been reproduced from IEC
AS 4428 (ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 0748 3) 976:1989.
Fire detection, warning, control and (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0769 6)
intercom systems—Control and indi- AS/NZS 4431:1996
cating equipment Guidelines for safe working on new lift AS/NZS 4434.2:1996
installations in new constructions Periodic function performance
AS 4428.0—1997 testing
General requirements and test 44pp H
Describes recommended safe working provisions and (IEC 977:1989) 52pp I
methods 30pp G practices for those responsible for, and involved in, new Takes the performance figures obtained in the first
Amdt 1 4 October 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4745 0) X lift installations in new constructions. part of this Standard and applies them to a continuing
Specifies the common requirements, the performance (ME-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0755 6) in-service testing regime. It is identical with and has
criteria and test methods for control and indicating been reproduced from IEC 977:1989.
equipment used in fire detection and alarm systems. (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0770 X)
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1442 0) AS/NZS 4432:1996
Radar transponders for marine search
AS 4428.1—1998 and rescue (SART)—Operational and AS 4435
Fire performance requirements and meth- Insulators—Composite for overhead
See also AS 1603.4-1987 22pp F ods of test power lines—Voltages greater than
Specifies the functional, safety and performance re- (IEC 1097-1:1992) 15pp E 1000 V a.c.
quirements for control and indicating equipment used Provides performance requirements and test methods for
as fire indicator panels in fire detection, warning, con- marine search and rescue radar transponders (SART) to AS 4435.1—1996
trol and intercom systems.
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1861 2)
ensure compliance with requirements for the 1974 interna- Definitions, test methods and ac-
tional convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and ceptance criteria for string insula-
Australia and New Zealand spectrum planning. It is identi-
AS 4428.5—1998 cal with and has been reproduced from IEC 1097-1:1992. tor units
Power supply units 7pp C (RC-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0763 7) (IEC 1109:1992 IEC 1109:1992/
Amdt 1 4 October 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4746 9) X Amd. 1:1994) 43pp H
Specifies the functional, safety and performance re- AS 4433 Specifies definitions, test methods and acceptance
quirements for power supply units used in fire protec- Guide to the sampling of particulate criteria for composite insulators for use on a.c. over-
tion systems. head lines. It is based on and reproduced from IEC
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1862 0) materials 1109:1992 including Amendment No. 1:1994. It has
an Appendix giving Australian variations.
AS 4428.6—1997 AS 4433.1—1997 (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0781 5)
Alarm signalling equipment Sampling procedures 57pp I
6pp C Sets out basic methods for the sampling of particulate AS/NZS 4435.2:1999
Specifies the functional and performance require- materials from moving streams and stationary situa- Standard strength classes and end
ments for the equipment used to signal status chang- tions, including stopped-belt sampling, to provide
samples for chemical analysis, physical testing and fittings for string insulator units
es, of an automatic fire detection and alarm or sup-
pression system, to a monitoring system. determination of moisture content. Provides informa- (IEC 61466-1:1997) 20pp G
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1439 0) tion that could be relevant to materials for which no Specifies values for the mechanical characteristics of
sampling standard exists. composite string insulator units. This Standard de-
AS 4428.7—1999 (MN-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0771 8) fines the main dimensions of the couplings to be used
on composite string insulator units to allow inter-
Air-handling fire mode control pan- changeability of units or insulators supplied by differ-
el 11pp E AS 4433.2—1997 ent manufacturers and to allow, whenever practica-
Specifies the functional, safety and performance re- Preparation of samples 29pp G ble, interchangeability with existing installations.
quirements for air-handling fire mode control panels. Sets out methods for the preparation of samples col- This Standard is based on but not equivalent to and
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2855 3) lected in accordance with Part 1 of this Standard. Pro- has been reproduced from IEC 61466-1:1997.
vides information that could be relevant to materials (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2703 4)
AS 4428.9—1996 for which no sampling standard exists.
Requirements for wire-free alarm (MN-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0772 6) AS 4435.4—1997
zone circuits 8pp D Definitions, test methods and ac-
Specifies the requirements for the design, construc- AS 4433.3—2002 ceptance criteria for post insulator
tion and performance of components forming wire- Estimating sampling precision units 18pp F
free alarm zone circuits. 31pp H
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0731 9) Specifies definitions, test methods and acceptance
Sets out methods for checking and adjusting the pre- criteria for composite post insulators for use on a.c.
cision of sampling of particulate materials, and overhead lines.
AS 4428.10—1998 checking the precision of subsequent sample prepara- (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1050 6)
Alarm investigation 13pp E tion and measurement.
Specifies the functional requirements and the per- (MN-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4718 3) AS 4436—1996
formance criteria for the alarm investigation facility
(AIF) used in fire detection, alarm, control and inter- Guide for the selection of insulators in
com systems. AS 4433.4—2001 respect of polluted conditions
(FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2058 7) Checking for bias 18pp F (IEC 815:1986) 19pp F
Sets out methods for checking mechanical sampling Provides guidance on the selection of insulators for use in
AS 4429—1999 systems for bias, covering primary sampling of par- polluted conditions. It is identical with and has been repro-
Methods of test and rating require- ticulate materials and subsequent sample preparation, duced from IEC 815:1986.
whether manual methods or mechanical devices are
ments for smoke-spill fans 24pp G employed. (EL-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0808 0)
Amdt 1 17 June 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4555 5) X (MN-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3807 9)
Specifies the classification of smoke-spill fans, and the AS/NZS 4437:1996
laboratory test methods and procedures used to rate their
performance (and that of their motors). Fans are rated in AS 4433.6—2000 Solderless crimped connections—
terms of their suitability to operate continuously without Inspection of mechanical sampling General requirements, test methods
significant loss of performance, for a specified time at a systems 19pp F and practical guidance
specified air temperature. This Standard deals only with
laboratory type-testing and does not consider the testing of Sets out recommended practices for the inspection of (IEC 352-2:1990) 40pp H
smoke-spill fans after they have been installed in a build- mechanical sampling systems, covering general con- Specifies general requirements and methods of test for sol-
ing. siderations including precision, mineral variability derless crimped connections made with stranded wires of
(ME-013) (ISBN 0 7337 2609 7) and bias. 0.05 mm 2 to 10 mm 2 cross-sectional area or solid wires of
(MN-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3608 4) 0.25 mm to 3.6 mm diameter and appropriately designed
AS 4430 uninsulated or pre-insulated crimp barrels. Information on
AS/NZS 4434 materials and data from industrial experience is included.
Evaluation of devices and additives Appendix ZZ lists variations for Australian and New Zea-
which claim to improve vehicle per- Medical electrical equipment—Medi- land conditions. Equivalent to IEC 352-2:1990.
formance cal electron accelerators (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0809 9)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 4438:1997 Australia and the Australasian Furnishing Research and AS/NZS 4450.3:1997
Development Institute Limited (AFRDI).
Height adjustable swivel chairs (CS-088) (ISBN 0 7337 0867 6) Information retrieval applications
62pp J (ISO 8459-3:1994) 34pp H
Amdt 1 April 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2600 3) X AS/NZS 4445 Specifies and describes the data elements required in
Specifies requirements, selection and evaluation criteria the interchange of data between information retrieval
for height adjustable swivel chairs. The Standard is the
Solar heating—Domestic water heat- systems (i.e. terminal-to-computer or computer-to-
first of a series to be developed under a memorandum of ing systems computer). It also identifies messages and their data
understanding between Standards Australia and the Aus- elements, which are used in information retrieval.
tralasian Furnishing Research and Development Institute AS/NZS 4445.1:1997 This Standard is identical with, and has been repro-
Limited (AFRDI). duced from, ISO 8459-3:1994.
Performance rating procedure us-
(CS-088) (ISBN 0 7337 0819 6) (IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0923 0)
ing indoor test methods
(ISO 9459.1:1993) 28pp G AS/NZS 4450.4:2000
AS 4439 This Standard provides an indoor test method for rat-
Wastes, sediments and contaminated ing solar domestic water heating for thermal perform- Circulation applications
soils ance under benchmark conditions. This Standard is (ISO 8459-4:1998) 61pp J
identical with and reproduced from ISO 9459.1:1993. Establishes the data elements required to facilitate the
AS 4439.1—1999 (CS-028) (ISBN 0 7337 0887 0) interchange of data between circulation systems in
the information and documentation industries. This
Preparation of leachates—Prelimi- AS 4446—1999 Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
nary assessment 3pp C Manufacture of nailplate-joined timber from ISO 8459-4:1998.
Sets out an outline for the preliminary assessment of (IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 3065 5)
the potential for liquid or solid waste, sediments, products 8pp D
sludges and soils to contaminate groundwater. It deals Sets out minimum requirements for the manufacture of
with the preliminary procedure to determine whether nailplate-joined timber products. The Standard covers raw AS 4451
the preparation of leachates, as set out in as AS material requirements, manufacturing requirements, prod- Small craft—Steering systems
4439.2 and/or AS 4439.3, is necessary. This proce- uct assessment, and product identification. It does not cov-
dure is not applicable to encapsulated wastes which er requirements for the manufacture of nailplated timber
trusses. Appendices provide types of nailplate-joined tim- AS 4451.1—1997
cannot be reduced in particle size without breaking
the integrity of encapsulation. ber and some examples of manufacturing defects. Wire rope and pulley systems for
(CH-035) (ISBN 0 7337 2550 7) (TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2451 5) sailing craft
(ISO 8847:1987) 3pp B
AS 4439.2—1997 AS/NZS 4447:1997 Specifies the requirements for the construction, in-
Preparation of leachates—Zero Wool—IWTO Core Test Regulations stallation and performance of wire rope and pulley
headspace procedure 14pp E (IWTO Core Test Regulations) steering systems for sailing craft, with or without an
47pp H auxiliary engine. This Standard is identical with and
Specifies the procedure for the preparation of leach- has been reproduced from ISO 8847:1987.
ates using zero headspace conditions for determining Amdt 1 November 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1531 1) X
(CS-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0939 7)
the contamination potential of groundwater with vol- Amdt 2 August 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2082 X) A
atile organic materials due to liquid and solid wastes, Amdt 3 March 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2360 8) X
soils, sediments and sludges. Sets out the IWTO regulations relating to the core sam-
AS 4451.2—1997
(CH-035) (ISBN 0 7337 0829 3) pling and testing of raw wool and to the issue of IWTO Remote push-pull cable systems
Test Certificates and IWTO Combined Certificates. (ISO 8848:1990) 9pp D
AS 4439.3—1997 (TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0914 1) Specifies the requirements for the construction, in-
Preparation of leachates—Bottle stallation and performance of remote push-pull cable
leaching procedures 17pp F AS/NZS 4448:1997 steering systems for small craft with single and twin
Limits and methods of measurement outboard motor installations of over 15 kW power.
Specifies the procedure for the preparation of leach- This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
ates from liquid and solid wastes, sediments, sludges of radio disturbance characteristics duced from ISO 8848:1990.
and soils for assessing the potential of inorganic and for the protection of receivers used on (CS-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0940 0)
semivolatile organic materials from wastes to con- board vehicles
taminated groundwater.
(IEC/CISPR 25:1995) 43pp H AS 4451.3—1997
(CH-035) (ISBN 0 7337 0830 7) Specifies limits and test methods to afford protection to ra-
dios and television receivers used on board vehicles from Remote systems for single out-
AS 4440—1997 radio disturbance emissions originating in components in- board motors of 15 kW to 40 kW
Installation of nailplated timber truss- tended for use in the vehicles. It is identical with and has power
been reproduced from IEC/CISPR 25:1995. (ISO 9775:1990) 9pp D
es 58pp I (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 0926 5)
Specifies basic requirements for the bracing, connection Specifies the requirements for the construction, in-
and installation of nailplated timber trusses. Requirements stallation and performance of remote push-pull cable
are given for supporting structures, truss installation, roof AS/NZS 4449:1997 steering systems for small craft with single outboard
bracing, truss connection and overhangs. Appendices pro- Information and documentation— motor installations of 15 kW to 40 kW power. This
vide guidance on temporary bracing; transport, storage, Electronic manuscript preparation Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
lifting and handling of trusses; typical specification for and from ISO 9775:1990.
example of steel-brace; fixing details for typical girder and markup (CS-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0941 9)
brackets (truss boots); recommended sizes and spacings (ISO 12083:1994) 188pp M
for permanent bottom chord ties; and recommended prac- Describes four document type definitions and additional
tice for truss installation. facilities conforming to AS 3514. It is identical with, and AS 4451.4—1997
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0846 3) has been reproduced from, ISO 12083:1994. Hydraulic steering systems for
(IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0822 2) craft up to 24 m hull length
AS/NZS 4441(Int):1996 (ISO 10592:1994) 8pp D
Oriented PVC (OPVC) pipes for pres- AS/NZS 4450 Specifies the requirements for the construction, in-
sure applications Information and documentation—Bib- stallation and performance of hydraulic steering sys-
(Expired 5 December 2000) 15pp D liographic data element directory tems for small craft up to 24 m hull length. This
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
Amdt 1 August 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2379 9) X from ISO 10592:1994.
Specifies requirements for oriented PVC (OPVC) pipe for
AS/NZS 4450.1:1997
(CS-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0942 7)
pressure applications for use below ground and above Interloan applications
ground where not exposed to direct sunlight, and for oper- (ISO 8459-1:1988) 22pp F AS/NZS 4452:1997
ational temperatures below 50°C. Specifies and describes the data elements required in
(PL-021) (ISBN 0 7337 0864 1) the interchange of data between interlending institu- The storage and handling of toxic sub-
tions. It also identifies messages and their data ele- stances 49pp I
AS/NZS 4442:1997 ments, which are used in interloan transactions. This Sets out requirements and recommendations for the stor-
Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced age and handling of toxic substances that in Australia,
Office desks 36pp H from, ISO 8459-1:1988. meet the Class 6.1 classification criteria of the ADG Code
Specifies requirements and selection and evaluation crite- (IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0925 7) and in New Zealand, the Class 6.1 classification criteria of
ria for office desks. This Standard was developed under a the IMDG Code and Schedules 1-4 of the New Zealand
memorandum of understanding between Standards Aus- Toxic Substances Regulations 1983. The Standard applies
tralia and the Australasian Furnishing Research and Devel- AS/NZS 4450.2:1997 to Class 6.1 substances and may also apply to substances
opment Institute Limited (AFRDI). Acquisitions applications of other classes having a 6.1 Subsidiary Risk. A discussion
(CS-088) (ISBN 0 7337 0866 8) (ISO 8459-2:1992) 33pp H of the hazards presented by toxic substances and a bibliog-
Specifies and describes the data elements required in raphy of documents providing guidelines on the prepara-
AS/NZS 4443:1997 the interchange of data between institutions involved tion of emergency plans are provided in appendices.
in the acquisition of bibliographic materials. It also (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0943 5)
Office panel systems—Workstations identifies messages and their data elements, which are
40pp H used in the acquisitions process. This Standard is AS/NZS 4453
Specifies requirements and selection and evaluation crite- identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO
ria for office workstations. This Standard was developed 8459-2:1992. Protective clothing for users of hand-
under a memorandum of understanding between Standards (IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 0924 9) held chainsaws

AS/NZS 4453.1:1997

AS/NZS 4453.1:1997 AS/NZS 4456.5:1997 AS 4458—1997

Test rig for testing resistance to Determining breaking load of seg- Pressure equipment—Manufacture
cutting by a chainsaw mental paving units 4pp A 93pp K
(EN 381-1:1993) 8pp D (BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0967 2) Amdt 1 December 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 3034 5) B
Specifies the requirements for a test rig for testing Sets out requirements for the manufacture of pressure
protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws AS/NZS 4456.6:1997 equipment as specified in the application Standards AS
for resistance to cutting by a chainsaw. This Standard 1210, AS 1228 and AS 4041. Fabrication, heat treatment,
is identical with and has been reproduced from EN Determining potential to efflo- forged construction, cast construction and testing are cov-
381-1:1993. resce 3pp B ered.
(SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0946 X) (BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0968 0) (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1009 3)

AS/NZS 4453.2:1997 AS/NZS 4456.7:1997 AS 4459

Test methods for leg protectors Determining core percentage and Methods of sampling and testing ce-
(EN 381-2:1995) 5pp C material thickness 4pp A ramic tiles
Specifies the requirements for testing protective leg- (BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0969 9)
wear for users of hand-held chainsaws for dimension- AS 4459.1—1999
al change, protective coverage and resistance to cut-
AS/NZS 4456.8:1997 Sampling and basis for acceptance
ting by a chainsaw. This Standard is identical with (ISO 10545-1:1995) 6pp D
and has been reproduced from EN 381-2:1995. Determining moisture content and
(SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0945 1) This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
dry density 5pp B duced from ISO 10545-1:1995.
(BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0970 2) (BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 2705 0)
AS/NZS 4453.3:1997
Protective legwear 7pp C AS/NZS 4456.9:1997 AS 4459.2—1999
Amdt 1 July 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1991 0) X Determining abrasion resistance Determination of dimensions and
Specifies the requirements for the design and per- 9pp B surface quality
formance of protective trousers and leggings (chaps)
for users of hand-held chainsaws. (BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0971 0) (ISO 10545-2:1995 ISO 10545-
(SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 0944 3) 2:1995/Cor.1:1997) 9pp E
AS/NZS 4456.10:1997 This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
AS 4454—1999 Determining resistance to salt at- duced from ISO 10545-2:1995 including Technical
Corrigendum 1:1997.
Compost, soil conditioners and tack 9pp B (BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 2706 9)
mulches 46pp I (BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0972 9)
Specifies requirements for composts, soil conditioners and
mulches. The Standard specifies minimum requirements to AS 4459.3—1999
be met prior to labelling a product (soil conditioner, mulch
AS/NZS 4456.11:1997 Determination of water absorption,
or manure) as pasturised or composted. It also specifies Determining coefficients of expan- apparent porosity, apparent rela-
physical and chemical requirements and documentation sion 9pp B tive density and bulk density
which includes information to be supplied to the consumer (BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0973 7)
and health warnings. Guidance is given on best practice for (ISO 10545-3:1995 ISO 10545-
composting systems designed to produce a quality product 3:1995/Cor.1:1997) 4pp D
achieved by following an approved process. AS/NZS 4456.12:1997 This Standard is technically equivalent to and has
(CS-037) (ISBN 0 7337 2686 0) Determining coefficients of con- been reproduced from ISO 10545-3:1995 including
traction 7pp B Technical Corrigendum 1:1997.
AS/NZS 4455:1997 (BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0974 5) (BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 2707 7)
Masonry units and segmental pavers
16pp F AS/NZS 4456.13:1997 AS 4459.4—1997
Specifies requirements for commercially manufactured Determining pitting due to lime Determination of modulus of rup-
segmental pavers of up to 0.1 sq/m face area and masonry
particles 2pp A ture and breaking strength
units for walling. Includes masonry units and segmental
pavers made from autoclaved aerated concrete, calcium, (BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0975 3) (ISO 10545-4:1994) 4pp C
silicate, concrete, dimension stone and fired clay. Defines procedures for determination of modulus of
(BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0984 2) rupture and breaking strength. Identical to and repro-
AS/NZS 4456.14:1997 duced from ISO 10545-4:1994.
Determining water absorption (BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 1080 8)
AS/NZS 4456 properties 4pp A
Masonry units and segmental (BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0976 1) AS 4459.5—1999
pavers—Methods of test Determination of impact resistance
AS/NZS 4456.15:1997 by measurement of coefficient of
AS/NZS 4456.0:1997 restitution
General introduction and list of Determining lateral modulus of
rupture 4pp A (ISO 10545-5:1996 ISO 10545-
methods 2pp A 5:1996/Cor.1:1997) 8pp E
(BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0977 X)
Sets out a series of test methods for masonry units and
segmental pavers. The tests are for sampling, mean This Standard is technically equivalent to and has
and standard deviation, and for determining dimen- AS/NZS 4456.16:1997 been reproduced from ISO 10545-5:1996 including
sions, compressive strength, breaking load, potential Technical Corrigendum 1:1997.
Determining permeability to water (BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 2708 5)
to effloresce, core percentage and material thickness,
moisture content and dry density, abrasion resistance, 3pp A
resistance to salt attack, expansion, contraction, pit- (BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0978 8) AS 4459.6—1999
ting due to lime particles, water absorption properties,
lateral modulus of rupture, permeability to water, rate Determination of resistance to
of absorption and tensile strength. AS/NZS 4456.17:1997 deep abrasion for unglazed tiles
(BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0961 3) Determining initial rate of absorp- (ISO 10545-6:1995) 5pp D
tion (suction) 3pp A This Standard is technically equivalent to and has
AS/NZS 4456.1:1997 (BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0979 6) been reproduced from ISO 10545-6:1995.
Sampling for compliance testing (BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 2709 3)
3pp A AS/NZS 4456.18:1997
(BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0963 X) Determining tensile strength of AS 4459.7—1999
masonry units and segmental Determination of resistance to sur-
AS/NZS 4456.2:1997 pavers 4pp A face abrasion for glazed tiles
Assessment of mean and standard (BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0980 X) (ISO 10545-7:1996) 9pp E
deviation 1p A This Standard is technically equivalent to and has
been reproduced from ISO 10545-7:1996.
(BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0964 8) AS 4457—1997 (BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 2710 7)
Earth-moving machinery—Off-high-
AS/NZS 4456.3:1997 way rims and wheels—Maintenance AS 4459.8—1997
Determining dimensions 4pp A and repair 13pp E Determination of linear thermal ex-
(BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0965 6) Sets out requirements for the identification, demounting, pansion
inspection, maintenance testing and mounting of off-high-
AS/NZS 4456.4:1997 way rims and wheels having a diameter of not less than 600 (ISO 10545-8:1994) 2pp B
mm (24 inches). It applies to rubber-tyred earth-moving Defines procedures for determination of linear ther-
Determining compressive strength machinery. It does not apply to off-highway recreational mal expansion. Identical to and reproduced from ISO
of masonry units 6pp B vehicles. 10545-8:1994.
(BD-026) (ISBN 0 7337 0966 4) (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7337 0858 3) (BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 1081 6)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 4459.9—1997 AS 4466—1998 making capacity, operating temperature performance

Hygienic production of rabbit meat for and rate of energy consumption. Sets out minimum
Determination of resistance to acceptable values for some of these characteristics
thermal shock human consumption 37pp H but does not specify safety requirements. Appendices
(ISO 10545-9:1994) 2pp B Sets out requirements for the production and hygiene qual- include specification of the preparation of a machine
ity control of meat from Rabbits processed for human con- prior to testing, required laboratory and test equip-
Defines procedures for determination of resistance to sumption at all registered establishments in Australia. This ment conditions and results recording sheets.
thermal shock. Identical to and reproduced from ISO Standard was developed by a technical subcommittee of
10545-9:1994. (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 1159 6)
the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Resource
(BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 1082 4) Management (SCARM) under the Agriculture and Re-
source Council of Australia and New Zealand (ARM- AS/NZS 4474.2:2001
AS 4459.10—1999 CANZ). It is also known as SCARM Report 59. Energy labelling and minimum en-
(FT-021) ergy standard requirements
Determination of moisture expan-
sion 37pp H
AS 4467—1998 Specifies current energy labelling and minimum en-
(ISO 10545-10:1995) 5pp D Hygienic production of crocodile meat ergy performance standard (MEPS) requirements to-
This Standard is technically equivalent to and has for human consumption 42pp H gether with new requirements to be introduced from
been reproduced from ISO 10545-10:1995. Sets out requirements for the construction and equipment 1 October 2004, for electric mains powered refriger-
(BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 2734 4) and procedures of all premises where crocodiles are ating appliances of the vapour compression type in-
slaughtered and processed for the production of crocodile tended for household and similar use. Transitional as-
meat for human consumption. This Standard was devel- pects of regulation are addressed.
AS 4459.11—1997 (EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 4240 8)
oped by a technical subcommittee of the Standing Com-
Determination of crazing resist- mittee on Agriculture and Resource Management
ance for glazed tiles (SCARM) under the Agriculture and Resource Manage- AS/NZS 4475
(ISO 10545-11:1994) 3pp B ment Council of Australia and New Zealand (ARM-
CANZ). It is also known as SCARM Report 67. Restraint systems for motor vehi-
Defines procedures for determination of crazing re- (FT-021) cles—Performance tests
sistance for glazed tiles. Identical to and reproduced
from ISO 10545-11:1994.
(BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 1083 2) AS 4470—1997 AS/NZS 4475.0:1997
Fishing line—Determination of break- Introduction and list of methods
AS 4459.12—1999 ing load 1p X
Determination of frost resistance (ISO 1805:1973) 5pp C (CS-075) (ISBN 0 7337 1166 9)
Specifies a method for testing the breaking strength of
(ISO 10545-12:1995 ISO 10545- monofilament nylon fishing line with the objective of pro- AS/NZS 4475.1:1997
12:1995/Cor.1:1997) 5pp D viding fishing associations, testing bodies and competition
Determination of webbing durabili-
This Standard is technically equivalent to and has fishermen with a uniform method of test and therefore
been reproduced from ISO 10545-12:1995 including comparison of results. The Standard is based on but not ty in adjustment duty 4pp B
Technical Corrigendum 1:1997. equivalent to, and reproduced from ISO 1805:1973. (CS-075) (ISBN 0 7337 1167 7)
(BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 2735 2) (CS-089) (ISBN 0 7337 1094 8)
AS/NZS 4475.2:1997
AS 4459.13—1999 AS/NZS 4471:1997 Determination of webbing durabili-
Information technology—Open Sys- ty in withdrawing and retracting
Determination of chemical resist- tems Interconnection—Network layer
ance duty through a sash guide 4pp B
security protocol (CS-075) (ISBN 0 7337 1168 5)
(ISO 10545-13:1995) 7pp D (ISO/IEC 11577:1995) 108pp K
This Standard is technically equivalent to and has Specifies a protocol to be used by end systems and inter-
been reproduced from ISO 10545-13:1995. mediate systems in order to provide security service in the
AS/NZS 4475.3:1997
(BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 2736 0) network layer of the OSI 7-layer model, and is identical to Determination of fatigue resist-
and reproduced from ISO/IEC 11577:1995. ance of a flexible member 2pp A
AS 4459.14—1999 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1140 5) (CS-075) (ISBN 0 7337 1169 3)
Determination of resistance to
stains AS/NZS 4472:1997 AS/NZS 4475.4:1997
Information technology—Coded rep- Determination of adjustment de-
(ISO 10545-14:1995 ISO 10545- resentation of picture and audio infor-
14:1995/Cor.1:1997) 7pp D vice forces 2pp A
mation—Progressive bi-level image (CS-075) (ISBN 0 7337 1170 7)
This Standard is technically equivalent to and has
been reproduced from ISO 10545-14:1995 including compression
Technical Corrigendum 1:1997. (ISO/IEC 11544:1993 ISO/IEC AS/NZS 4475.5:1997
(BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 2737 9) 11544:1993/Corr.1:1995) 72pp J Determination of locking angle of a
Specifies a coding method having progressive, progres- tilt-lock adjustment device 2pp A
AS 4459.15—1999 sive-compatible sequential and single-progression sequen-
tial modes. Also suggests a method to obtain any needed (CS-075) (ISBN 0 7337 1171 5)
Determination of lead and cadmi- low-resolution renditions and is identical with and has
um given off by glazed tiles been reproduced from ISO/IEC 11544:1993 including AS/NZS 4475.6:1997
ISO/IEC 11544:1993/Corr.1:1995. Determination of free-end device
(ISO 10545-15:1995) 3pp C (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1138 3)
This Standard is identical with and has been repro- strength 1p A
duced from ISO 10545-15:1995. (CS-075) (ISBN 0 7337 1172 3)
(BD-044) (ISBN 0 7337 2738 7)
AS/NZS 4473
Information technology—Digital com- AS/NZS 4476:1997
AS 4464—1998 pression and coding of continuous- Acoustics—Octave-band and fraction-
Hygienic production of game meat for tone still images al-octave-band-filters
human consumption 58pp I AS/NZS 4473.1:1997 (IEC 1260:1995) 24pp G
Sets out requirements for the production of human con- Specifies performance requirements and methods for test-
sumption of products derived from wild animals and birds Requirements and guidelines ing the performance of analogue, sampled-data and digital
killed in their natural environment. This Standard was de- (ISO/IEC 10918-1:1994) 182pp M implementations of band-pass filters that comprise a filter
veloped by a technical subcommittee of the Standing Com- Specifies a process for converting and unconverting set or spectrum analyser. Performance requirements are
mittee on Agriculture and Resource Management source image data to compressed image data. The provided for three filter classes. It is identical with and has
(SCARM) under the Agriculture and Resource Manage- source image consists of continuous-tone still digital been reproduced from IEC 1260:1995.
ment Council of Australia and New Zealand (ARM- data and is identical with and is reproduced from ISO/ (AV-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1180 4)
CANZ). It is also known as SCARM Report 57. IEC 10918-1:1994.
(FT-021) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1137 5) AS/NZS 4477:1997
Information technology—Telecommu-
AS 4465—2001 AS/NZS 4474 nications and information exchange
Construction of premises and hygien- Performance of household electrical between systems—Private integrated
ic production of poultry meat for hu- appliances—Refrigerating applianc- services network—Specification,
man consumption 48pp I es functional model and information
Sets out requirements for the construction of premises and flows—Identification supplementary
hygienic production of poultry meat for human consump- AS/NZS 4474.1:1997
tion. This Standard was developed by a technical subcom- Energy consumption and perform- services
mittee of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Re-
ance 107pp K (ISO/IEC 14136:1995) 28pp G
source Management (SCARM) under the Agriculture and Specifies identification supplementary services applicable
Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zea- Amdt 1 17 December 2001 to various basic services supported by private integrated
land (ARMCANZ). It is also known as SCARM Report No (ISBN 0 7337 4241 6) A service networks. The basic services are specified in AS/
75. Specifies the method for determining performance NZS 4135:1995. It is one of a series of Standards applica-
(FT-021) (ISBN 0 643 06595 4) characteristics, including pull down, automatic ice ble to private integrated services networking. This Stand-

AS/NZS 4478:1997

ard is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/ AS 4482.1—1997 requirements for information to be supplied by the
IEC 14136:1995. Non-volatile and semi-volatile manufacturer.
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 1187 1) (CS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1306 8)
compounds 46pp H
Provides guidance on the sampling and investigation AS/NZS 4487:1997
AS/NZS 4478:1997 process for professionals engaged in these activities.
Guide to the reprocessing of reusable Includes information which may be required to satis- Pyrogen fire extinguishing aerosol
containers for the collection of sharp fy regulatory requirements. It lists the sequence of systems 41pp H
events for collecting sufficient and reliable informa- Provides users of pyrogen fire extinguishing aerosol sys-
items used in human and animal clini- tion for the assessment of a potentially contaminated tems with specific requirements for the control of fires of
cal/medical applications 2pp B site. It includes the design of a sampling plan to meet Classes A, B, C or F and E type.
Provides guidelines for the emptying, cleaning and disin- the objectives of the investigation. This Standard (FP-011) (ISBN 0 7337 1315 7)
fection of reusable containers utilized in the collection of does not establish any regulatory limits or remedia-
sharp items used in human and animal clinical/medical ap- tion requirements for the proposed land use.
plications. (EV-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1259 2) AS/NZS 4488
(HE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1189 8)
Industrial rope access systems
AS 4482.2—1999
Volatile substances 21pp G AS/NZS 4488.1:1997
AS 4479 Specifications 11pp E
Sets out guidance for collecting sufficient and reliable
Analysis of soils information for the assessment of a potentially con- Amdt 1 February 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2495 7) X
taminated site. This document should be used in con- Specifies requirements for materials and hardware for
AS 4479.1—1997 junction with the appropriate Australian Standards industrial rope access systems including fall protec-
for assessing the pollution of air and groundwater. tion.
Pretreatment of potentially con- The Standard does not prescribe levels of contami- (SF-015) (ISBN 0 7337 1333 5)
taminated soil samples for heavy nants which are considered to pose a risk to human
metal and metalloid analysis health or the environment. Such levels are prescribed
AS/NZS 4488.2:1997
7pp C in documents such as the criteria produced by AN-
ZECC/NHMRC or various regulatory authorities. Selection, use and maintenance
Specifies procedures for drying, crushing, sieving, di- (EV-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2907 X) 15pp F
viding and milling of soil samples prior to chemical
analysis. Specifies requirements and sets out recommendations
AS/NZS 4483 for the selection, safe use and maintenance of indus-
(EV-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1191 X) trial rope access system components and assemblies.
Security screen doors and security
window grilles—Methods of test (SF-015) (ISBN 0 7337 1332 7)
AS 4479.2—1997
Extraction of heavy metals and AS/NZS 4483.1:1999 AS 4489
metalloids from soil by aqua re- Dynamic impact test 8pp D Test methods for limes and lime-
gia—Hotplate digestion method Sets out a method of test for determining the resist- stones
7pp D ance of security screen doors and security window
Specifies a method for the extraction of heavy metals
grilles incorporating infill material panels to a speci- AS 4489.0—1997
fied level of lateral impact energy. General introduction and list of
and metalloids from soil using aqua regia. Analytical
techniques appropriate to the analyte content in the (CS-023) (ISBN 0 7337 2928 2) methods 1p A
soil are used for the subsequent determination of (BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1326 2)
heavy metals and metalloids in the resulting solution. AS/NZS 4483.2:1999
(EV-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1623 7) Knife shear test 3pp C AS 4489.1
Sets out a method of test for determining the resist-
ance of a security screen infill material to a specified Sample preparation
AS 4479.3—1999
level of attack by a heavy duty trimming knife.
Determination of metals in aqua re- (CS-023) (ISBN 0 7337 2921 5) AS 4489.1.1—1997
gia extracts of soil by flame atomic Quicklime and hydrated lime
absorption spectrometry 7pp D AS 4484—1997 2pp B
Sets out a flame atomic absorption spectrometric Industrial, medical and refrigerant (BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1327 0)
method for the determination of cadmium, chromi- compressed gas cylinder identifica-
um, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc AS 4489.2
extracted from soil by digestion with aqua regia. tion 11pp D
(EV-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2826 X) Amdt 1 December 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1648 2) X Fineness
Amdt 2 March 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1791 8) X
Amalgamates the four compressed gas cylinder identifica- AS 4489.2.1—1997
AS 4479.4—1999 tion Standards into the one Standard. As a consequence of Wet sieving 4pp C
Determination of metals in aqua re- this amalgamation, AS 1942, AS 1943, AS 1944 and AS
(BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1328 9)
gia extracts of soil by inductively 2992 are withdrawn. The Standard stresses that the cylin-
der label is to be the primary means of identification and
coupled plasma-atomic emission safety information whilst colour is only to be used as a sec- AS 4489.3
spectrometry 7pp D ondary means of identification. Slaking
Sets out an inductively coupled plasma-atomic emis- (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 1286 X)
sion spectrometric method for the determination of AS 4489.3.1—1997
cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, manga- AS 4485 Dewar flask 5pp C
nese, nickel and zinc extracted from soil by digestion Security for health care facilities
with aqua regia. (BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1342 4)
(EV-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3035 3) AS 4485.1—1997 AS 4489.4
General requirements 14pp E Soundness
AS 4480 Sets out the policy, principles and common proce-
Textiles for health care facilities and dures necessary to establish and maintain an effective
AS 4489.4.1—1997
institutions—Medical sheepskins security service for health care facilities.
(HT-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1299 1) Pat 5pp C
(BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1343 2)
AS 4480.1—1998
AS 4485.2—1997
Product specification and testing Procedures guide 72pp J AS 4489.4.2—1997
15pp E Provides guidance for the development and imple- Le Chatelier 4pp C
Specifies requirements for tanned sheepskins and mentation of the policy, principles and procedures (BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1344 0)
lambskins to be used to minimize the incidence, se- necessary to establish and maintain an effective secu-
verity and duration of pressure ulcers. rity service for health care facilities. AS 4489.4.3—1997
(TX-015) (ISBN 0 7337 1913 9) (HT-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1300 9) Autoclave 6pp C
(BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1338 6)
AS/NZS 4481:1997 AS/NZS 4486
Pressure equipment—Competencies Playgrounds and playground equip- AS 4489.5
of inspectors 18pp F ment Chemical composition
Sets out the competencies required for design verifiers,
fabrication inspectors and in-service inspectors of pressure AS/NZS 4486.1:1997 AS 4489.5.1—1997
equipment. Development, installation, inspec- Quicklime and hydrated lime
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1245 2) tion, maintenance and operation 3pp B
24pp G (BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1340 8)
AS 4482 Specifies requirements for the development, installa-
tion, inspection, maintenance and operation of play-
Guide to the sampling and investiga- grounds and playground equipment to ensure a con- AS 4489.6
tion of potentially contaminated soil tinuing level of function and safety. It also contains Lime index

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 4489.6.1—1997 AS/NZS 4492.5:2000 AS/NZS 4499.3:1997

Available lime 3pp B Measurement of mean fibre diame- Faceguards 6pp C
(BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1339 4) ter using the OFDA measuring sys- Specifies requirements for faceguards to be attached
tem 7pp D to cricket helmets to mitigate the effects of a blow to
AS 4489.7 the face by a cricket ball. Includes construction, test-
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3269 0) ing and labelling requirements. Faceguards comply-
Loss on ignition ing with this Standard are not intended to protect
AS/NZS 4494:1998 wearers against a severe blow from a cricket bat.
AS 4489.7.1—1997 (CS-095) (ISBN 0 7337 1541 9)
Quicklime, hydrated lime and lime- Discharge of commercial and industri-
stone 2pp B al liquid waste to sewer—General per- AS 4500—1997
(BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1335 1) formance requirements 3pp B Phased implementation of AS/NZS
Specifies the general performance requirements for dis-
charge of liquid, commercial and industrial liquid waste to ISO 9001:1994 or AS/NZS ISO
AS 4489.8 sewer. 9002:1994 20pp F
Free moisture (WS-030) (ISBN 0 7337 1363 7) Sets out a three-phased approach to implementing an AS/
NZS ISO 9000 quality system. The Clauses of AS/NZS
AS 4489.8.1—1997 ISO 9001 (and AS/NZS ISO 9002) are distributed across
AS/NZS 4495:1997 three modules. Phase I is achieved by implementing the
Convection oven 2pp B Radiotherapy equipment—Coordi- Clauses contained in any one module; Phase II, the Clauses
(BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1334 3) contained in any two modules. Phase III, achieved when all
nates, movements and scales three modules are implemented, gives a complete AS/NZS
AS 4489.9 (IEC 1217:1996) 61pp K ISO 9000 quality system. Contains advice on the risks as-
Defines a consistent set of coordinate systems for use sociated with the phases approach and gives guidance on
Solid content auditing of a phased quality system.
throughout the process of teleradiotherapy, to enable
equipment to be re-aligned with a previously treated site. (QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0888 9)
AS 4489.9.1—1997 The Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
Convection oven 2pp B from IEC 1217:1996. AS/NZS 4501
(BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1337 8) (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1433 1) Occupational protective clothing
AS 4489.10 AS/NZS 4496:1997 AS/NZS 4501.2:1999
Bulk density Recommended practice for the colour General requirements
coding of steel products 18pp F (ISO 13688:1998) 11pp E
AS 4489.10.1—1997 Gives a recommended practice for the colour coding of Specifies general requirements for ergonomics, age-
Quicklime and hydrated lime steel products of various wrought forms and alloy designa- ing, sizing, marking of protective clothing and infor-
2pp B tions for identification purposes. Also includes a colour- mation to be supplied by the manufacturer. This
(BD-027) (ISBN 0 7337 1336 X) coding system to indicate product thickness. An appendix Standard has been reproduced from ISO 13688:1998
gives details of colour formulations. with additional requirements for Australia and New
AS/NZS 4490:1997 (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1429 3) Zealand in an Appendix.
(SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3029 9)
for monitoring structural properties AS 4497
Roundslings—Synthetic fibre AS/NZS 4502
10pp E Methods for evaluating clothing for
Provides procedures for determination and periodic moni-
toring of structural properties by in-grade testing. The pro- AS 4497.1—1997 protection against heat and fire
cedures can be used to establish stress-grades for an iden- Product specification 14pp E
tified population of production material. AS/NZS 4502.1:1997
(TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1356 4) Specifies requirements for roundslings made of syn-
thetic fibre that are intended for lifting purposes. It Evaluation of thermal behaviour of
does not apply to slings that have been repaired. materials and material assemblies
AS/NZS 4491:1997 Guidance on information that should be supplied with when exposed to a source of radi-
Timber—Glossary of terms in timber enquiries and orders is given in an appendix. ant heat
related Standards 56pp I (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1437 4) (ISO 6942:1993) 12pp F
Includes definitions of terms used in timber related Aus-
tralian and New Zealand Standards. Includes new products Sets out methods for determining the thermal behav-
and reflects changes in a number of Standards being pub-
AS 4497.2—1997 iour of protective clothing or its constituents when ex-
lished at present. Care and use 14pp E posed to a source of radiant heat. This Standard is
(TM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1357 2) identical with and reproduced from ISO 6942:1993.
Sets out recommended practices for the care and use
of roundslings, but does not consider repairs to the (SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1458 7)
AS/NZS 4492 load-bearing core of roundslings or the use of round-
Wool—Fleece testing and measure- slings for the lifting of personnel. AS/NZS 4502.2:1997
ment (ME-025) (ISBN 0 7337 1436 6) Evaluation of heat transmission of
materials and material assemblies
AS/NZS 4492.0:2000 AS 4498—1997 when exposed to flame
Introduction and list of methods 70% isopropyl alcohol impregnated (ISO 9151:1995) 9pp E
2pp B swabs—Sterile 2pp C Sets out a method for determining the behaviour of
Sets out the requirements for non-woven swabs, impreg- protective clothing or its constituents when exposed
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3274 7) to flame. This Standard is identical with and repro-
nated with 70% isopropyl alcohol, for medical use.
duced from ISO 9151:1995.
AS/NZS 4492.1:2000 (MS-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1485 4) (SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1460 9)
Weighing and sampling greasy
wool for fleece testing and meas- AS/NZS 4499 AS/NZS 4502.3:1997
urement 6pp D Protective headgear for cricket Evaluation of the behaviour of ma-
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3273 9) terials and material assemblies
AS/NZS 4499.1:1997 when exposed to small splashes of
AS/NZS 4492.2:2000 Helmets 6pp C molten metal
Determination of washing yield Specifies requirements for helmets used in cricket to (ISO 9150:1988) 8pp E
and clean fleece weight 15pp F mitigate the effects of a blow to the head by a cricket Sets out a method for determining the resistance of
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3272 0) ball. Includes construction, strength of retention sys- materials used in the manufacture of protective cloth-
tem and its attachment points, impact energy attenua- ing to small splashes of molten metal. This Standard
tion, and labelling requirements. Helmets complying is identical with and reproduced from ISO 9150:1988.
AS/NZS 4492.3:2000 with this Standard are not intended to protect wearers
Measurement of mean fibre diame- against a severe blow from a cricket bat. (SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1459 5)
ter using Airflow and Sonic A in- (CS-095) (ISBN 0 7337 1539 7)
AS/NZS 4502.4:1997
struments 17pp F
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3271 2) AS/NZS 4499.2:1997 Evaluation of the behaviour of ma-
terials and material assemblies
Temple protectors 6pp C when exposed to heavy splashes
AS/NZS 4492.4:2000 Specifies requirements for temple protectors to be at-
Measurement of mean fibre diame- tached to cricket helmets to mitigate the effects of a of molten metal
ter and determination of fibre diam- blow to the side of the head by a cricket ball. Includes (ISO 9185:1990) 9pp E
eter distribution using SIROLAN- construction, testing and labelling requirements. Sets out a method for determining the resistance of
Temple protectors complying with this Standard are materials used in the manufacture of protective cloth-
LASERSCAN measuring system not intended to protect wearers against a severe blow ing to molten metal splash. This Standard is identical
5pp D from a cricket bat. with and reproduced from ISO 9185:1990.
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3270 4) (CS-095) (ISBN 0 7337 1538 9) (SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1461 7)

AS/NZS 4502.5:1997

AS/NZS 4502.5:1997 environments into five categories and specifies a minimum AS/NZS 4513:1995
coating thickness for each category. Appendices give ad-
Evaluation of the contact heat vice on surface pretreatment prior to powder coating, Medical electrical equipment—Funda-
transmission through material and weathering performance and maintenance of powder-coat- mental aspects of safety Standards
material assemblies ed metal. (IEC 513:1994) 56pp I
(ISO 12127:1996) 5pp D (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1547 8) Identifies fundamental considerations to be taken into ac-
Sets out a method for determining the contact heat count in developing Standards to ensure the safety of med-
transmission of protective clothing or its constituents AS/NZS 4507:1998 ical electrical equipment. It also provides a guide to the
strategies and methodologies used in developing the IEC
in the range of 100°C to 500°C. This Standard is iden- Cables—Fire performance 5pp C 601 and AS/NZS 3200 series of Standards. It is identical
tical with and reproduced from ISO 12127:1996. Specifies the performance requirements of cables with spe- with and reproduced from IEC 513:1994.
(SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1462 5) cific fire performance characteristics, but only the criteria (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9711 9)
for categories of fire performance of cables that are in ad-
AS/NZS 4503 dition to those requirements specified in the relevant cable
AS/NZS 4514:1997
Protective clothing—Protection (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 1546 X) Abrasives products—Grain sizes of
against liquid chemicals
diamond or cubic boron nitride 41µm
AS 4508—1999 to 1180µm
AS/NZS 4503.1:1997 Thermal resistance of insulation for
Test method: Resistance of materi- (ISO 6106:1979) 6pp D
ductwork used in building aircondi- Specifies means for determining the grain size distribution
als to permeation by liquids tioning 14pp E of grits of diamond or cubic boron nitride in the range
(EN 369:1993) 7pp D Amdt 1 29 November 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3672 6) 41µm and 1180µm as used in the manufacture of grinding
Sets out a method for determining the resistance of wheels and saws. This standard is identical with and has
materials used in the manufacture of protective cloth-
X been reproduced from ISO 6106:1979.
ing to permeation by liquids. This Standard is identi- Specifies requirements relating to the optimum thermal re- (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1557 5)
cal with and reproduced from European (CEN) sistance of insulation for rigid and flexible ductwork and
Standard EN 369:1993. associated fittings used in heating, airconditioning and
evaporative cooling systems of buildings and dwellings. AS/NZS 4515:1998
(SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1454 4) Abrasive products—Diamond or cubic
(ME-077) (ISBN 0 7337 2450 7)
AS/NZS 4503.2:1997 boron nitride grinding wheels and
AS 4509 saws—General survey, designation
Test method: Determination of re-
Stand-alone power systems and multilingual nomenclature
sistance to penetration by a jet of
liquid (Jet test) (ISO 6104:1979) 14pp E
AS 4509.1—1999 Specifies general details, designation and multilingual no-
(EN 463:1994) 3pp C Safety requirements 7pp D menclature for diamond and cubic boron nitride grinding
Sets out a method for determining the resistance of wheels and saws. This Standard is identical with and has
materials or their constituents used in the manufac-
Amdt 1 February 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3279 8) X been reproduced from ISO 6104:1979.
ture of protective clothing to penetration by a jet of Sets out safety requirements for stand-alone power (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1558 3)
water. This Standard is identical with and reproduced systems used for the supply of extra-low and low
from European (CEN) Standard EN 463:1994. voltage power, with energy storage at extra-low volt-
(SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1453 6) age. AS/NZS 4516:1998
(EL-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2477 9) Abrasive products—Diamond or cubic
AS/NZS 4503.3:1997 boron nitride grinding wheels—Di-
Test method: Determination of re- AS 4509.2—2002 mensions
sistance to penetration by spray System design guidelines (ISO/DIS 6168:1980) 15pp E
(Spray Test) 101pp L Specifies the minimum dimensional requirements for dia-
Provides guidelines for the design of stand-alone mond or cubic boron nitride grinding wheels. This Stand-
(EN 468:1994) 4pp C power systems with energy storage at extra-low volt- ard is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
Sets out a method for determining the resistance of age and used for the supply of extra-low and/or low 6168:1980.
materials used in the manufacture of protective cloth- voltage electric power in a domestic situation. (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1559 1)
ing to penetration by a spray of water. This Standard (EL-042) (ISBN 0 7337 4383 8)
is identical with and reproduced from European AS/NZS 4517:1998
(CEN) Standard EN 468:1994.
(SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1452 8) AS 4509.3—1999 Abrasive products—Segmented saws
Installation and maintenance for machining of stone and masonry
AS/NZS 4504 12pp F cutting—Dimensions of steel blades
Domestic garage doors—Methods of Amdt 1 February 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3280 1) X (ISO 6105:1988) 5pp C
test Sets out installation and maintenance requirements Specifies dimensions of steel blades for diamond or cubic
for stand-alone power systems used for the supply of boron nitride saws. This Standard is identical with and has
extra-low and low voltage power, with energy storage been reproduced from ISO 6105:1988.
AS/NZS 4504.0:1998 at extra-low voltage. (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1560 5)
Introduction and list of methods (EL-042) (ISBN 0 7337 2478 7)
1p A AS/NZS 4518
(BD-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1826 4) AS/NZS 4510:1999 Bonded abrasives—Determination
Isolated electrical supply systems for and designation of grain size distribu-
AS/NZS 4504.1:1998 medical use 8pp D tion
Test sample and preparation of Specifies requirements for the design, construction and
wind pressure test 1p A testing of isolated electrical supplies for medical use. The
Standard does not apply to electrical power supplies incor- AS/NZS 4518.1:1997
(BD-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1825 6) porated within equipment. Macrogrits F4 to F220
(HT-021) (ISBN 0 7337 2480 9) (ISO 8486-1:1996) 5pp C
AS/NZS 4504.2:1998 Specifies means for determining the grain size distri-
Wind pressure test 3pp B AS/NZS 4511:1999 bution of macrogrits of diamond or cubic boron ni-
(BD-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1824 8) Ultrasonics—Pressure pulse lithot- tride in the range of F4 to F220 as used in the manu-
facture of grinding wheels and saws. This Standard is
ripters—Characteristics of fields identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
AS/NZS 4504.3:1998 (IEC 61846:1998) 22pp G 8486-1:1996.
Durability cycle test 4pp C Specifies measureable parameters for the declaration of the (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1561 3)
(BD-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1823 X) acoustics output of extracorporeal lithotripsy equipment
and methods of measurement and characterization of the AS/NZS 4518.2:1997
AS/NZS 4505:1998 pressure field generated by lithotripsy equipment. This
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from Microgrits F230 to F1200
Domestic garage doors 11pp D IEC 61846:1998. (ISO 8486-2:1996) 25pp H
Specifies requirements for the design, construction, per- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2489 2)
formance and installation of domestic garage doors. Also Specifies means for determining the grain size distri-
specifies the resultant loads on structures onto which such bution of microgrits of fused aluminium oxide and
garage doors are mounted. An appendix gives an example AS/NZS 4512:1999 silicon carbide in the range of F230 to F1200 as used
of a typical marking for the garage door or for the garage Ultrasonics—Surgical systems— in the manufacture of grinding wheels and saws. This
door packaging. Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
Measurement and declaration of the from ISO 8486-2:1996.
(BD-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1549 4) basic output characteristics (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1562 1)
AS/NZS 4506:1998 (IEC 61847:1998) 27pp G
Specifies the essential non-thermal output characteristics AS/NZS 4519:1997
Metal finishing—Thermoset powder of ultrasonic surgical units, methods of measurement of
coatings 22pp F these output characteristics, those characteristics which
Abrasive grains—Determination of
Sets out test procedures and specifies performance require- should be declared by the manufacturers of such equip- capillarity
ments for thermoset powder coatings applied to metal sub- ment. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- (ISO 9137:1990) 3pp C
strates, with the exception of aluminium for architectural duced from IEC 61847:1998. Specifies a method for determining the capillarity of abra-
applications (see AS 3715). The Standard classifies service (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2490 6) sive grains as used for the manufacture of grinding wheels

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

and saws. This Standard is identical with and has been re- AS/NZS 4524.6:1998 AS/NZS 4524.15:1998
produced from ISO 9137:1990.
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1563 X)
Grinding wheels for tools and tool Grinding wheels for cutting-off on
room grinding cutting-off machines or swing
AS/NZS 4520:1997 (ISO/DIS 603-6:1996) 8pp D frame machines
Abrasive grains—Sampling and split- Specifies dimensions for a variety of grinding wheels (ISO/DIS 603-15:1996) 4pp C
intended for grinding or regrinding of cutting faces Specifies the dimensions for a variety of abrasive
ting and edges of tools. This Standard is identical with and products intended for cutting off or slotting of any
(ISO 9138:1993) 2pp C has been reproduced from ISO/DIS 603-6:1996. part of a workpiece. This Standard is identical with
Specifies a method for the sampling and splitting of a lot (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1572 9) and has been reproduced from ISO/DIS 603-15:1996.
of abrasive grains intended for use in the manufacture of (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1581 8)
grinding wheels and saws. This Standard is identical with AS/NZS 4524.7:1998
and has been reproduced from ISO 9138:1993.
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1564 8) Grinding wheels for off-hand grind- AS/NZS 4524.16:1998
ing Grinding wheels for cutting-off on
AS/NZS 4521:1997 (ISO/DIS 603-7:1996) 6pp C an angle grinder
Abrasive grains—Test-sieving ma- Specifies nominal dimensions for a variety of grind- (ISO/DIS 603-16:1996) 4pp C
chines ing wheels intended for grinding hand held and man- Specifies dimensions for flat (Type 41) and depressed
ually fed workpieces. This Standard is identical with
(ISO 9284:1992) 4pp D and has been reproduced from ISO/DIS 603-7:1996.
centre (Type 42) cutting-off wheels. This standard is
Specifies operational and technical requirements and guid- identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/DIS
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1573 7) 603-16:1996.
ance on the maintenance of test sieving machines. This
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1582 6)
ISO 9284:1992. AS/NZS 4524.8:1998
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1565 6) Grinding wheels for deburring and AS/NZS 4525:1998
fettling/snagging Abrasive belts—Dimensions, toler-
AS/NZS 4523:1998 (ISO/DIS 603-8:1996) 3pp B ances and designation
Bonded abrasive products—Gener- Specifies requirements for Type 1 grinding wheels in- (ISO 1929:1993) 3pp B
al—Designation, marking, range of tended for rough grinding of workpieces. This Stand- Specifies dimensions, tolerances and designation of abra-
outside diameters and tolerances ard is identical with and has been reproduced from sive belts. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
ISO/DIS 603-8:1996.
(ISO 525:1986) 13pp E (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1574 5)
produced from ISO 1929:1993.
Specifies basic requirements for grinding wheels, seg- (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1583 4)
ments, sticks and bricks. This Standard does not cover dia-
mond, cubic boron nitride or cubic boron carbide abrasive AS/NZS 4524.9:1998 AS/NZS 4526:1998
products. This Standard is identical with and has been re- Grinding wheels for high-pressure Abrasive belts—Selection of width/
produced from ISO 525:1986. grinding
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1566 4) length combinations
(ISO/DIS 603-9:1996) 3pp B (ISO 2976:1973) 1p A
AS/NZS 4524 Specifies dimensions for Type 1 grinding wheels in- Specifies a selection of width/length combinations for
tended for use in automatic billet grinding. This abrasive belts. This Standard is identical with and has been
Bonded abrasive products—Dimen- Standard is identical with and has been reproduced reproduced from ISO 2976:1973.
sions from ISO/DIS 603-9:1996.
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1584 2)
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1575 3)
AS/NZS 4524.1:1998 AS/NZS 4527:1998
Grinding wheels for external cylin- AS/NZS 4524.10:1998
Honing stones and superfinish- Abrasive sheets—Dimensions, toler-
drical grinding between centres ances and designation
(ISO/DIS 603-1:1996) 11pp D ings
Specifies the minimum dimensional requirements for (ISO/DIS 603-10:1996) 3pp B (ISO 2235:1993) 2pp B
bonded grinding wheels intended for external cylin- Specifies dimensions, tolerances and designation for abra-
Specifies dimensions for Type 54 honing stones and sive sheets intended for use with portable machines for
drical grinding between centres. This Standard is superfinishings. This Standard is identical with and
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/DIS hand sanding. This Standard is identical with and has been
has been reproduced from ISO/DIS 603-10:1996. reproduced from ISO 2235:1993.
603-1:1996. (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1576 1)
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1567 2) (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1585 0)

AS/NZS 4524.2:1998 AS/NZS 4524.11:1998 AS/NZS 4528:1998

Grinding wheels for centreless ex- Hand finishing sticks Coated abrasives—General purpose
ternal cylindrical grinding (ISO/DIS 603-11:1996) 3pp B rolls—Any backing—Designation and
Specifies dimensions for Type 90 hand finishing dimensions
(ISO/DIS 603-2:1996) 4pp C sticks. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
Specifies the minimum dimensional requirements for produced from ISO/DIS 603-11:1996. (ISO 3366:1975) 2pp B
bonded grinding wheels intended for use for centre- (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1577 X) Specifies dimensions and designation for general purpose
less external cylindrical grinding. This Standard is rolls of coated abrasives. This Standard is identical with
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/DIS and has been reproduced from ISO 3366:1975.
603-2:1996. AS/NZS 4524.12:1998 (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1586 9)
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1568 0) Grinding wheels for deburring and
fettling on a straight grinder AS/NZS 4529:1998
AS/NZS 4524.3:1998 (ISO/DIS 603-12:1996) 5pp C Coated abrasives—Rolls for widths of
Grinding wheels for internal cylin- Specifies nominal dimensions for a variety of grind- 50 mm and greater—Any backing—
drical grinding ing wheels intended for deburring and fettling. This
Designation and dimensions
(ISO/DIS 603-3:1996) 4pp C Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
from ISO/DIS 603-12:1996. (ISO 3367:1975) 2pp B
Specifies minimum dimensional requirements for (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1578 8) Specifies designation and dimensions for abrasive rolls for
Type 1 and Type 5 grinding wheels. This Standard is widths of 50 mm and greater. This Standard is identical
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/DIS with and has been reproduced from ISO 3367:1975.
603-3:1996. AS/NZS 4524.13:1998
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1569 9) (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1587 7)
Grinding wheels for deburring and
fettling on a vertical grinder AS/NZS 4530:1998
AS/NZS 4524.4:1998 (ISO/DIS 603-13:1996) 4pp C
Grinding wheels for surface grind- Coated abrasives—Cloth rolls up to
Specifies nominal dimensions for a variety of abra-
ing/peripheral grinding sive products intended for deburring and fettling of a and including 40 mm width—Designa-
(ISO/DIS 603-4:1996) 11pp D workpiece using hand-held machines. This Standard tion and dimensions
Specifies nominal dimensions for a variety of grind- is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/ (ISO 3368:1975) 2pp B
ing wheels intended for the grinding of flat surfaces. DIS 603-13:1996. Specifies designation and dimensions of cloth rolls of coat-
This Standard is identical with and has been repro- (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1579 6) ed abrasives up to and including 40 mm width. This Stand-
duced from ISO/DIS 603-4:1996. ard is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1570 2) AS/NZS 4524.14:1998 3368:1975.
Grinding wheels for deburring and (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1588 5)
AS/NZS 4524.5:1998 fettling/snagging on an angle
Grinding wheels for surface grind- grinder AS/NZS 4531:1998
ing/side grinding (ISO/DIS 603-14:1996) 6pp C Coated abrasives—Flap wheels with
(ISO/DIS 603-5:1996) 11pp D Specifies dimensions for a variety of abrasive prod-
shafts—Dimensions and designation
Specifies dimensions for a variety of grinding wheels ucts intended for deburring and fettling/snagging of (ISO 3919:1993) 3pp B
intended for the grinding of flat surfaces or two oppo- workpieces using hand-held machines. This Standard Specifies dimensions and designation for coated abrasive
site surfaces. This Standard is identical with and has is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/ flap wheels with shafts. This Standard is identical with and
been reproduced from ISO/DIS 603-5:1996. DIS 603-14:1996. has been reproduced from ISO 3919:1993.
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1571 0) (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1580 X) (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1589 3)

AS/NZS 4532:1998

AS/NZS 4532:1998 AS 4539 tical with and has been reproduced from ETS 300
Coated abrasives—Flap wheels with Information technology—Public Key 421:1994.
incorporated flanges or separate Authentication Framework (PKAF) re- (CT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2556 2)
flanges—Designation and dimensions lated Standards
(ISO 5429:1977) 2pp B AS 4542
Specifies designation and dimensional details for flap AS 4539.1.1—2002 Consumer television interfaces
wheels with incorporated flanges or separate flanges. This General—PKAF architecture
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from AS 4542.1—1999
ISO 5429:1977. 18pp F
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1590 7) Describes the architecture to provide a scheme where PAL RF 9pp D
a digital signature (with an associated public/private Specifies parameters and requirements for RF inter-
key pair) will be linked to a particular distinguished
AS/NZS 4533:1998 name by a chain of public key certificates.
facing of ancillary equipment (such as VCRs, video
cameras, subscription TV set-top units and electronic
Coated abrasive products—Dimen- (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4496 6) games) with PAL television receivers, to ensure com-
sional tolerances on non-standard patibility and acceptable operational performance.
conversions AS 4539.1.2.1—2001 (CT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2549 X)
(ISO 8366:1987) 2pp B X.509 Certificate and Certificate
Specifies dimensional tolerances for non-standard discs, Revocation Lists (CRL) profile AS 4542.2—2001
belts and other cross-sections for abrasive products. This 15pp F
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from Analogue baseband 13pp F
ISO 8366:1987. Specifies the PKAF profile for X.509 Version 3 (V3)
certificates and Version 2 (V2) Certificate Revoca- Specifies parameters for analogue baseband interfac-
(ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 1591 5) es for video and audio to be used between ancilliary
tion Lists (CRLs).
equipment and television receiving equipment.
(IT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3730 7)
AS/NZS 4534:1998 (CT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4103 7)
Zinc and zinc/aluminium-alloy coat- AS 4539.1.2.2—2001
ings on steel wire 23pp F PICS Proforma for digital signature AS/NZS 4543
Amdt 1 27 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3801 X) X certificates 26pp G Protective devices against diagnostic
Specifies requirements for mass, quality and testing of zinc medical X-radiation
coatings and zinc/aluminium-alloy coatings on steel wire Specifies the profile for the Signature Certificates
of circular or non-circular cross-section. The coatings are (PAA, PCS, CA, external domain certificates, and
applied using a continuous process which may compro- end entitles) for use in the Public Key Authentication AS/NZS 4543.1:1999
mise immersion in molten metal or electrodeposition. The Framework (PKAF).
Standard applies to coatings on wire at its final size and (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3731 5) Determination of attenuation prop-
specifies six coating mass classes. It specifies methods for erties of materials
the determination of coating mass and gives advice on the AS 4539.1.2.3—2001 (IEC 61331-1:1994) 10pp E
transport and storage of coated wires, and on coating selec- PICS Proforma for Certificate Rev-
tion for corrosion protection. Specifies the methods of determining and indicating
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1643 1) ocation Lists (CRL) 8pp E the attenuation properties of protective devices
Specifies the Profile for the Certificate Revocation against X-radiation. This Standard is identical with
(CRL) for use in the Public Key Authentication and has been reproduced from IEC 61331-1:1994.
AS/NZS 4535:1999 Framework (PKAF) CMI. (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2557 0)
Ambulance restraint systems 11pp E (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3899 0)
Provides requirements for restraining patients, occupants
and equipment sharing the same interior space in motor ve- AS/NZS 4543.2:1999
hicles specifically designed as, or modified and converted AS 4539.1.3—1999 Protective glass plates
into, ambulances. X.509 supported algorithms pro- (IEC 61331-2:1994) 8pp D
(ME-048) (ISBN 0 7337 2493 0) file 6pp D
Amdt 1 6 June 2000 (0 7337 3430 8) X Specifies requirememnts for protective glass plates
used for the manufacturing of protective devices
AS/NZS 4536:1999 Specifies hash, digital signature, encryption and key- against X-radiation. This Standard is identical with
Life cycle costing—An application exchange algorithms and the format for the keys that and has been reproduced from IEC 61331-2:1994.
guide 58pp J these algorithms use.
(IT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2554 6) (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2558 9)
Sets out a process for life cycle costing of a product as a
component of an economic evaluation. The Standard is in-
tended for use by both customers (users) and suppliers of AS 4539.2 AS/NZS 4543.3:2000
products. Following the proposed methodology will give a Assurance framework Protective clothing and protective
dollar value representing the life cycle cost of the product. devices for gonads
Appendices propose hypothetical worked examples which
reflect the use of the outlined analysis, a sample spread- AS 4539.2.1—2000 (IEC 61331-3:1998) 17pp F
sheet indicating typical costs that may occur over the life Certification authorities 8pp F Provides requirements for the design and manufac-
cycle phases, typical cost-generating activities and an elab- Specifies the assurance evaluation criteria for Inter- ture of clothing and devices for protection against X-
oration of real cost, nominal cost and discounted cost. mediate Certification Authorities (ICAs), Organisa- radiation. This Standard is identical with and has been
(OB-011) (ISBN 0 7337 2507 4) tion Certification Authorities (OCAs) and Organisa- reproduced from IEC 61331-3:1998.
tion Registration Authorities (ORAs) intending to (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3022 1)
AS/NZS 4537:1999 operate in an open Public Key Authentication Frame-
Medical electrical equipment—Dosim- (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3002 7) AS 4544
eters with ionization chambers as Non-destructive testing—Eddy cur-
used in radiotherapy AS/NZS 4540:1999 rent testing for the detection of sur-
(IEC 60731:1997) 88pp K Digital broadcasting systems for tele- face flaws
Sets out performance requirements of radiotherapy dosim-
eters which measure air kerma, absorbed dose, or the cor- vision, sound and data services—
responding rates, in photon and electron radiation. The Framing structure, channel coding AS 4544.1—1999
Standard is technically equivalent to and is reproduced and modulation for cable systems In non-ferromagnetic metallic
from IEC 60731:1997 and includes a ZZ Appendix with (ETS 300 429:1994) 15pp F
one variation for Australia and New Zealand. products 8pp D
Provides guidance to manufacturers, service providers,
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2536 8) carriers and consumers in the design, operation and main- Specifies requirements for eddy current flaw detec-
tenance of associated equipment and services, to ensure tion of non-ferromagnetic metals and alloys and in-
AS 4538 compatibility and optimum performance in the delivery of cludes requirements for all preparation of test proce-
program content. This Standard is identical with and has dures, calibration standards and calibration
Guide to the sampling of alumina procedures. Covers the inspection of flat and curved
been reproduced from ETS 300 429:1994.
surfaces, and bolt holes. An appendix provides details
AS 4538.1—1999 (IT-025) (ISBN 0 7337 2555 4) of typical calibration standards.
Sampling procedures 17pp F AS/NZS 4541:1999
(MT-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2570 8)
Sets out a procedure for the sampling of alumina from
moving streams, including stopped-belt sampling, to Digital broadcasting systems for tele- AS/NZS 4545
provide samples for chemical analysis, physical test- vision, sound and data services—
ing and determination of moisture content. The proce- Framing structure, channel coding Radionuclide imaging devices—Char-
dure is not applicable to the sampling of alumina from
and modulation for 11/12 GHz satellite acteristics and test conditions
fluidized streams, which presents particular sampling
problems. services
(MN-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2535 X) (ETS 300 421:1994) 18pp F AS/NZS 4545.1:1999
Specifies framing structure, channel coding and modula- Positron emission tomographs
AS 4538.2—2000 tion for digital television emission by satellite. Provides a (IEC 61675-1:1998) 34pp H
general description of the system for satellite digital TV
Preparation of samples 6pp D transmission and specifies the digitally modulated signal Specifies terminology and test methods for declaring
Sets out the methods for the sample preparation of to facilitate compatibility between pieces of equipment de- the characteristics of positron emission tomographs.
smelter-grade alumina. The methods are suitable for veloped by different manufacturers. It identifies global This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
dry, free-flowing aluminas. performance requirements and features of the system, in duced from IEC 61675-1:1998.
(MN-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3314 X) order to meet service quality targets. This Standard is iden- (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2575 9)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 4545.2:1999 AS/NZS 4548.3:1999 PDF download from the Standards Australia Web
Single photon emission computed Latex—Textured coatings—Non- site. 230pp M
tomographs aggregate 9pp D Amdt 1 30 September 2000 X
(IEC 61675-2:1998) 21pp G Provides a guide to the features and typical character- Amdt 2 28 May 2001 (ISBN 0 8585 2277 2) E
istics of long-life textured coatings, which do not uti- Amdt 3 2 July 2001 (ISBN 0 8585 2284 5) B
Specifies terminology and test methods for declaring
the characteristics of Anger type rotational gamma lize aggregates, intended for exterior or interior use Amdt 4 31 August 2002 (ISBN 0 8585 2293 4) C
camera single photon emission computed tomo- on concrete and masonry, when applied by airless Provides minimum requirements for the safe design, per-
graphs. This Standard is identical with and has been spray, hopper spray or roller in accordance with the formance and rational use of energy of gas space heating
reproduced from IEC 61675-2:1998. manufacturer's instructions. appliances.
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2576 7) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2603 8) (AG-001) (ISBN 0 85852 254 3)

AS/NZS 4545.3:1999 AS/NZS 4548.4:1999 AS 4554—2002 (AG 104—2002)

Gamma camera based wholebody Latex—Textured coatings—Aggre- Gas laundry dryers
imaging systems gate filled 10pp E Also numbered as AG 104-2002. 154pp M
Provides a guide to the features and typical character- Provides miniumum requirements for the safe design and
(IEC 61675-3:1998) 6pp D istics of long-life, aggregate filled, textured coatings performance of gas laundry dryers.
Specifies terminology and test methods for declaring intended for exterior or interior use on concrete and (AG-001)
the characteristics of gamma camera based whole- masonry, when applied by textured roller, hopper
body imaging systems. This Standard is identical spray or trowel in accordance with the manufacturer's
with and has been reproduced from IEC 61675- instructions. AS 4555—2002 (AG 105—2002)
3:1998. (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2604 6) Domestic gas refrigerators 112pp M
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2577 5) Provides minimum requirements for the safe design and
performance of domestic gas refrigerators.
AS/NZS 4548.5:1999 (AG-001) (ISBN 0 85852 259 4)
AS/NZS 4546:1999 Guidelines to methods of test
Specification for woven woolpacks for 18pp F
greasy wool 18pp F AS 4556—2000 (AG 106—2000)
Provides guidelines for a series of test methods for Indirect gas-fired ducted air-heaters
Specifies design, construction, testing and performance re- long-life coatings for concrete and masonry including
quirements for woolpacks made of woven yarns. Includes tests for concrete cure, water transmission, water va- Also numbered as AG 106-2000. Amendments are
Australian Wool Exchange requirements for compliance pour transmission, carbon dioxide diffusion, chloride only for sale as hardcopy from The AGA or as a
testing for products used in Australia. ion diffusion and crack bridging abilities. PDF download from the Standards Australia Web
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2592 9) (CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2605 4) site. 234pp M
Amdt 1 4 June 2001 (ISBN 0 8585 2278 0) E
AS/NZS 4547 AS 4549 Amdt 2 31 August 2002 (0 8585 2294 2) C
Methods of testing woolpacks for Particle size analysis Provides minimum requirements for the safe design, per-
greasy wool formance and rational use of energy of indirect gas-fired
ducted air heaters with gas consumption not exceeding
AS 4549.1—1999 5000 MJ/h.
AS/NZS 4547.0:1999 Photon correlation spectroscopy (AG-001) (ISBN 0 85852 260 8)
Introduction and list of methods (ISO 13321:1996) 20pp H
1p X Sets out the application of photon correlation spec- AS 4557—2001 (AG 107—2001)
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2593 7) troscopy (PCS) to the measurement of an average par- Domestic outdoor gas barbecues
ticle size and a measure of the broadness of the size Also numbered as AG 107-2001 118pp M
AS/NZS 4547.1:1999 distribution of particles dispersed in liquids. It is ap- Amdt 1 30 September 2002
plicable to particle sizes ranging from a few nanome-
Fibrillation of woven, HDPE fabric ters to about 1 micro, or to the onset of sedimention. (ISBN 0 8585 2299 3) B
5pp C This Standard is identical with and has been repro- Provides minimum requirements for the safe design and
duced from ISO 13321:1996. performance of domestic outdoor gas barbecues.
Amdt 1 20 November 2000 (AG-001) (ISBN 0 85852 261 6)
(CH-032) (ISBN 0 7337 26216)
(ISBN 0 7337 3674 2) X
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2594 5) AS 4550—1999 AS 4558—2000 (AG 108—2000)
Essential oils—Sampling Decorative gas log and other fuel ef-
AS/NZS 4547.2:1999 fect appliances
Adhesion of wool to anti-slip coat- (ISO 212:1973) 3pp C
Sets out the procedures for sampling consignments of es- Also numbered as AG 108-2000. Amendments are
ing 2pp B sential oils for the purpose of determining their organolep- only for sale as hardcopy from The AGA or as a
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2595 3) tic, physical and chemical characteristics. This Standard is PDF download from the Standards Australia Web
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO 212:1973 site. 192pp M
AS/NZS 4547.3:1999 (CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 2635 6) Amdt 1 12 June 2001 (ISBN 0 8585 2279 9) C
Surface frictional properties of fab- Amdt 2 31 August 2002 (ISBN 0 8585 2295 0) C
ric 4pp C AS 4551—2000 (AG 101—2000) Provides minimum requirements for the safe design, per-
Domestic gas cooking appliances formance of decorative gas log and other fuel effect appli-
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2596 1) acnes with gas consumption not exceeding 73 MJ/h.
Also numbered as AG 101-2000. Amendments are
only for sale as hardcopy from The AGA or as a (AG-001) (ISBN 0 85852 262 4)
AS/NZS 4547.4:1999
PDF download from the Standards Australia Web
Handling resistance 6pp D site. 249pp M AS 4565—2001 (AG 405—2001)
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2597 X) Amdt 1 and 2 21 May 2001 (ISBN 0 85852 275 6) Outdoor radiant gas heaters
C Also numbered as AG 405-2001 138pp M
AS/NZS 4548 This completely new Standard applies to the fast growing
Amdt 3 31 August 2002 (0 8585 2291 8) C market in flueless portable and fixed radiant outdoor radi-
Guide to long-life coatings for con- Provides minimum requirements for the safe design, per- ant gas heating intended for use in outdoor areas. These
crete and masonry formance and rational use of energy of domestic gas cook- heaters are for use with natural gas, town gas, liquefied pe-
ing appliances. troleum gas (LPG) or tempered liquefied petroleum gas
AS/NZS 4548.1:1999 (AG-001) (ISBN 0 85852 252 7) (TLP) with gas consumption not exceeding 70 MJ/h. They
may be suspended overhead, angle mounted overhead,
Wall coatings—Latex extensible wall mounted overhead, free standing, portable, fixed,
11pp E AS 4552—2000 (AG 102—2000) floor mounted, or built into furniture or fixtures, connected
Provides a guide to the features and typical character- Gas water heaters to a fixed fuel piping system or to an integral LPG supply
istics of long-life extensible coatings intended for ex- Also numbered as AG 102-2000. Amendments are system. The Standard sets down the requirements for those
terior or interior use on concrete and masonry, when only for sale as hardcopy from The AGA or as a designing and manufacturing external gas heaters and also
applied by airless spray or roller in accordance with includes clear and extensive requirements for instructions
PDF download from the Standards Australia Web and labelling. These latter requirements are particularly
the manufacturer's instructions. site. 233pp M important for the 'patio heater' type of appliance. A clear
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2601 1) Amdt 1 21 May 2001 (ISBN 0 85852 276 4) E definition is also given for outdoor areas in which it is in-
Amdt 2 31 August 2002 (ISBN 0 8585 2292 6) C tended that these appliances be used.
AS/NZS 4548.2:1999 Provides minimum requirements for the safe design, per- (AG-001) (ISBN 0 85852 283 7)
Latex finish coatings—High-build, formance and rational use of energy of gas water heaters.
low profile 11pp E (AG-001) (ISBN 0 85852 253 5) AS/NZS 4576:1995
Provides a guide to the features and typical character- Guidelines for scaffolding 137pp H
istics of long-life, high-build, low profile latex type AS 4553—2000 (AG 103—2000) Gives practical guidance for the training and certification
finish protective coatings that are intended for exteri- Gas space heating appliances (incor- of scaffolders, the preparation of sites for scaffolding, and
or or interior use on concrete and masonry, when ap- the safe selection, supply, erection, alteration, dismantling,
plied by airless spray or roller in accordance with the porating Amdt 1) maintenance, inspection and use of scaffolding and scaf-
manufacturer's instructions. Also numbered as AG 103-2000. Amendments are folding equipment.
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2602 X) only for sale as hardcopy from The AGA or as a (BD-036) (ISBN 0 7262 9761 5)

AS/NZS 4577:1999

AS/NZS 4577:1999 the frequency range 118 MHz to 137 AS/NZS 4589:1999
Micrographics—Readers for transpar- MHz 22pp G Micrographics—Microfilming of docu-
ent microforms—Performance char- Amdt 1 12 August 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4295 5) X ments on 16 mm and 35 mm silver-gel-
acteristics Specifies the minimum radiofrequency requirements for atin type microfilm—Operating
radiocommunication equipment intended to operate in the procedures
(ISO 6198:1993) 8pp D aeronautical radio services in the frequency range 118
Specifies the essential performance characteristics for MHz to 137 MHz using amplitude modulation and 25 kHz (ISO 6199:1991) 18pp G
readers with magnification less than or equal to 50:1 with channel spacing. The Standard includes essential require- Establishes general principles for document filming on 16
black and white microfilm to a maximum width of 35 mm. ments and test methods for transmitters and receivers. It mm and 35 mm silver-gelatin type microfilm, including
It also specifies the performance of readers for roll micro- has been developed from AirServices Australia specifica- orientation of images on film, and the area for codes. It in-
film, microfiche and image cards. This Standard is identi- tion YSCE 3078 Issue 1 and Ministry of Commerce (NZ) cludes the information required to facilitate identification,
cal with and has been reproduced from ISO 6198:1993. specification RFS 1. classification, testing and subsequent use of the microfilm.
(MS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2612 7) (RC-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2699 2) It applies to rotary and planetary microfilming. It is based
on, but not equivalent to, and has been reproduced from
ISO 6199:1991.
AS/NZS 4578:1999 AS/NZS 4584(Int):1999 (MS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2832 4)
Micrographics—Readers for transpar- Geographic information—Australian
ent microforms—Measurement of and New Zealand land use codes AS 4590—1999
characteristics (Expired 5 July 2001) Includes one diskette Interchange of client information
(ISO 7565:1993) 12pp E 203pp N 52pp J
Specifies methods and instruments for measuring the char- Provides a hierarchical code for describing land use in Specifies how to identify client information for the pur-
acteristics for readers specified in AS/NZS 4577:1999 terms of the purpose and manner for which the land is used. pose of data interchange between organizations. Identifi-
(ISO 6198). It applies to magnification, resolution, distor- The primary code has four levels of detail in the hierarchi- cation of clients by person and organization include details
tion, screen luminance, screen contrast and film gate tem- cal structure and there is allowance for an auxiliary code of person, organization, telephone and address.
peratures. This Standard is identical with and has been re- for other purposes. (IT-027) (ISBN 0 7337 2697 6)
produced from ISO 7565:1993. (IT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2702 6)
(MS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2611 9) AS 4591
AS/NZS 4585 Internal combustion engines—Vocab-
AS/NZS 4579:1999 Low styrene emission resins ulary of components and systems
Micrographics—Reader-printers for
transparent microforms—Characteris- AS/NZS 4585.1:1999 AS 4591.1—1999
tics Determination of styrene evapora- Structure and external covers
(ISO 10197:1993) 3pp C tion from unsaturated polyester (ISO 7967-1:1987) 12pp F
Specifies the essential performance characteristics for and vinyl ester resins Defines terms relating to engine structural compo-
reader-printers designed for viewing and making hard cop- *Cognizance was taken of BS 2782:Part nents and external covers for internal combustion en-
ies from microfilm with a maximum width of 35 mm. It ap- 4:Method 432D:1995 3pp C gines. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
plies to reader-printers with a magnification less than or produced from ISO 7967-1:1987.
Sets out a method for measuring the rate of loss of sty-
equal to 50:1. This Standard is identical with and has been rene from contact moulded materials and to define (ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2833 2)
reproduced from ISO 10197:1993. what constitutes a low styrene emission resin.
(MS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2610 0) (CH-037) (ISBN 0 7337 2756 5) AS 4591.2—1999
Main running gear
AS/NZS 4580:1999 AS/NZS 4585.2:1999 (ISO 7967-2:1987) 19pp G
Medical electrical equipment—Digital The assessment of degree of inter- Defines terms relating to the main running gear for in-
imaging and communications in med- laminar adhesion in unsaturated ternal combustion engines. This Standard is identical
with and has been reproduced from ISO 7967-2:1987.
icine (DICOM)—Radiotherapy objects polyester and vinyl ester resin— (ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2834 0)
(IEC 61852:1998) 82pp L Glass fibre laminates 3pp C
Defines a number of information objects applicable to the Sets out a method for assessing the interlaminar adhe- AS 4591.3—1999
domain of radiation oncology to support the transfer of ra- sion in typical contact moulded chopped strand mat
diotherapy related data between devices within or outside laminates. Valves, camshaft drive and actuat-
of a radiotherapy department. It is identical with and has (CH-037) (ISBN 0 7337 2757 3) ing mechanisms
been reproduced from IEC 61852:1998. (ISO 7967-3:1987) 15pp G
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2645 2) AS/NZS 4586:1999 Defines terms relating to valves, camshaft drive and
actuating mechanisms for internal combustion en-
Slip resistance classification of new gines. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
AS/NZS 4581:1999 pedestrian surface materials 26pp G produced from ISO 7967-3:1987.
Management system integration— Amdt 1 11 March 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4278 5) X (ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2835 9)
Guidance to business, government Provides test methods and a classification system for the
and community organizations slip resistance of new pedestrian surface materials. The AS 4591.4—1999
22pp G Standard is to be used by manufacturers of pedestrian sur-
face materials. Pressure charging and air/exhaust
Describes the components of a generic management sys-
(BD-094) (ISBN 0 7337 2788 3) gas ducting systems
tem which are applicable to all sizes and types of organiza-
tions. Each component describes what needs to be done but (ISO 7967-4:1988) 14pp G
leaves the 'how' up to each organization. A major advan- AS 4587—1999 Defines terms relating to pressure charging and air/
tage of such a system is that it can apply to all aspects of an exhaust gas ducting systems for internal combustion
organization's activities such as quality management, envi-
Water mist fire protection systems— engines. This Standard is identical with and has been
ronmental management, occupational health and safety System design, installation and com- reproduced from ISO 7967-4:1988.
management and human resource management. The spe- missioning (ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2836 7)
cific requirements for such activities can be added. The ad- * The marine systems requirements given in this
vantage of the generic managment system approach is the standard are not intended to override the require- AS 4591.5—1999
potential for improving effectiveness and efficiency as ments of the International Convention on Safety of
well as overall improvement of business operations. Cooling systems
Life at Sea (SOLAS) or the International Marine (ISO 7967-5:1992) 13pp F
(A-) (ISBN 0 7337 2678 X) Orders (IMO). Where conflict exists, SOLAS or Defines terms relating to cooling systems and their
IMO will take precedence. 41pp I components for internal combustion engines. This
AS/NZS 4582:1999 Sets out requirements for the protection of life and proper- Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
MF and HF radiocommunications ty from the consequences of fire, through standardization from ISO 7967-5:1992.
equipment in the international mari- of design, installation and commissioning of water-based (ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2837 5)
fire protection systems that use water mist as the extin-
time mobile radiotelephone service guishing agent.
(ETSI 300 373:1995 ETSI 300 373 (FP-012) (ISBN 0 7337 2789 1) AS 4591.6—1999
1A:1997) 55pp J Lubricating systems
Sets out radiofrequency requirements for medium frequen- AS 4588—1999 (ISO 7967-6:1992) 13pp F
cy and high frequency radiocommunications equipment Automatic fee collection—Interface Defines terms relating to lubricating systems for in-
intended to operate in the maritime services, and specifies ternal combustion engines. This Standard is identical
minimum requirements for transmitters and receivers for specification for clearing between op- with and has been reproduced from ISO 7967-6:1992.
use of the radiofrequency spectrum in accordance with erators (ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2838 3)
spectrum planning. This Standard is based on but is not (ISO/TR 14904:1997) 36pp I
equivalent to, and has been reproduced from, ETS 300
373:1995 and its Amendment ETS 300 373 1A:1997.
Defines the interface for clearing between operators and AS 4591.7—1999
gives a framework of the common message structure and Governing systems
(RC-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2682 8) data elements to be used on the interface to make the trans-
fer of payment and automatic fee collectors (AFC) related (ISO 7967-7:1998) 29pp H
AS/NZS 4583:1999 data possible, both between different payment systems and Defines terms relating to governing systems for inter-
different operators. This Standard is identical with and has nal combustion engines. This Standard is identical
Amplitude modulated equipment for been reproduced from ISO/TR 14904:1997. with and has been reproduced from ISO 7967-7:1998.
use in the aeronautical radio service in (IT-023) (ISBN 0 7337 2793 X) (ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2839 1)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 4591.8—1999 AS 4594.7—1999 roofs of buildings intended for domestic, commercial and

light industrial purposes.
Starting systems Engines for land, rail-traction and
(BD-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2874 X)
(ISO 7967-8:1994) 9pp E marine use—Codes for engine
Defines terms relating to starting systems for internal power AS/NZS 4598
combustion engines. This Standard is identical with (ISO 3046-7:1995) 3pp C
and has been reproduced from ISO 7967-8:1994. Guide to the development of applica-
Specifies codes for engine brake power to simplify
(ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2840 5) the application of the statements of power and to fa- tion software
cilitate communication. This Standard is identical
AS 4591.9—1999
with and has been reproduced from ISO 3046-7:1995. AS/NZS 4598.1:1999
(ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2849 9) Software user documentation
Control and monitoring systems
(BS 7649:1993) 10pp F
(ISO 7967-9:1996) 17pp G AS 4594.8—1999
Provides designers of application software with
Defines terms relating to the control and monitoring Engines for road vehicle use—Test guidelines for the design and preparation of user doc-
systems for internal combustion engines. This Stand- code, net power umentation for application software covering what
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from information users need, how to decide what informa-
ISO 7967-9:1996. (ISO 1585:1992) 26pp H
tion should be provided (on paper and on-screen) and
(ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2841 3) Specifies a method for testing engines designed for how to prepare the relevant documentation. This
automotive vehicles. It applies to the evaluation of Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
their performance with a view to presenting curves of from BS 7649:1993.
AS 4594 power and specific fuel consumption at full load as a
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2885 5)
Internal combustion engines—Per- function of engine speed. This Standard is identical
with and has been reproduced from ISO 1585:1992.
formance (ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2850 2) AS/NZS 4598.2:1999
On-screen documentation
AS 4594.0—1999 AS 4594.9—1999 (BS 7830:1996) 100pp L
Application 2pp C Engines for road vehicle use—Test Provides designers of application software with
Sets out the comparison of accuracies of measure- code, gross power guidelines for the design and preparation of user doc-
ment between International Standards adopted as (ISO 2534:1998) 29pp I umentation for on-screen covering content, naviga-
Standards in this series. tion, style and presentation. This Standard is identical
Specifies a method for testing internal combustion with and has been reproduced from BS 7830:1996.
(ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2843 4) engines for propulsion of road vehicles. It is applica-
ble to the evaluation of their performance with a view (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2884 7)
AS 4594.1—1999 to presenting curves of power and specific fuel con-
Standard reference conditions,
sumption at full load as a function of engine speed. AS 4599—1999
This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
declarations of power, fuel and lu- duced from ISO 2534:1998. Digital television—Terrestrial broad-
bricating oil consumption and test (ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2851 0) casting—Characteristics of digital ter-
methods restrial television transmissions
(ISO 3046-1:1995) 36pp I AS 4594.10—1999 90pp L
Specifies standard reference conditions and the meth-
Engines for agricultural tractor and Amdt 1 12 December 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4131 2)
ods of declaring the power, fuel consumption, lubri- marine use—Test code, net power C
cating oil consumption and test methods for internal (ISO 2288:1997) 26pp H Defines the specification for the digital terrestrial televi-
combustion engines. This Standard is identical with Specifies a method for testing internal combustion sion transmission system to be used in Australia.
and has been reproduced from ISO 3046-1:1995. engines intended for propulsion of agricultural trac- (CT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2897 9)
(ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2844 8) tors and machines. It applies to evaluation of per-
formance with a view to presenting curves of power AS/NZS 4600:1996
AS 4594.3—1999 and specific fuel consumption at full load as a func-
tion of engine speed. This Standard is identical with Cold-formed steel structures
Engines for land, rail-traction and and has been reproduced from ISO 2288:1997. See also AS 1538-1988 107pp K
marine use—Test measurements (ME-020) Sets out minimum requirements for the design of structural
members cold-formed to shape from carbon or low-alloy
(ISO 3046-3:1989) 4pp D steel sheet, strip, plate or bar not more than 25 mm in thick-
Summarizes the common measurement techniques of
AS 4594.11—1999 ness and used for load-carrying purposes in buildings and
the main performance parameters of internal combus- Engines for motorcycle use—Test structures.
tion engines to ensure the required accuracy of meas- code, net power (BD-082) (ISBN 0 7337 0795 5)
urement. This Standard is identical with and has been (ISO 4106:1993) 19pp G
reproduced from ISO 3046-3:1989.
(ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2845 6) Specifies a method for testing engines designed for AS/NZS 4600 Supplement 1:1998
motorcycles. It applies to the evaluation of their per- Cold-formed steel structures—Com-
formance with a view to presenting curves of power
AS 4594.4—1999 and specific fuel consumption at full load as a func- mentary (Supplement to AS/NZS
Engines for land, rail-traction and tion of engine rotational speed. This Standard is iden- 4600:1996) 115pp J
tical with and has been reproduced from ISO Provides background information and guidance to the re-
marine use—Speed governing 4106:1993. quirements of AS/NZS 4600:1996.
(ISO 3046-4:1997) 13pp F (ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2853 7) (BD-082) (ISBN 0 7337 2237 7)
Specifies a classification for the requirements and pa-
rameters of speed-governing systems and terms and AS 4595—1999 AS/NZS 4601:1999
definitions of typical engine speeds for internal com- Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concen- Vehicle immobilizers 15pp F
bustion engines. This Standard is identical with and trates—Precision and bias of mass
has been reproduced from ISO 3046-4:1997. Sets out requirements for the design, testing and installa-
(ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2846 4) measurement techniques tion of vehicle security immobiliser systems for road vehi-
(ISO 12745:1996) 34pp I cles.
Sets out guidelines to test for bias over a wide range of (EL-031) (ISBN 0 7337 3052 3)
AS 4594.5—1999 mass measurement techniques, to estimate the precision
Engines for land, rail-traction and for each technique and to calculate the precision for wet AS/NZS 4602:1999
marine use—Torsional vibrations mass when estimated by one of those techniques. This
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from High visibility safety garments
(ISO 3046-5:1978 ISO 3046-5:1978/ ISO 12745:1996. (BS EN 471:1994) 9pp D
Erratum:1979) 1p B (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2864 2) Specifies the visual requirements for high visibility safety
Specifies general requirements and definitions for garments to be worn by people in situations where they
torsional vibrations in shaft systems of sets driven by AS 4596—1999 may be exposed to hazard from moving traffic or from
internal combustion engines. This Standard is identi- moving plant or equipment in charge of an on-board con-
cal with and has been reproduced from ISO 3046-
Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concen- troller. The Standard covers garments suitable for daytime
5:1978 and ISO 3046-5:1978/Erratum:1979. trates—Determination of mass of con- wear, night—time wear where they will be seen by retro-
tained metal in a lot reflected light or for wear under both conditions.
(ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2847 2)
(ISO 13543:1996) 5pp D (SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2909 6)
AS 4594.6—1999 Specifies a method for determining the mass of contained
metal in a lot, based on the wet mass, moisture content and AS 4603—1999
Engines for land, rail-traction and dry basis metal content of the lot. This Standard is identical Flashback arresters—Safety devices
marine use—Overspeed protection with and has been reproduced from ISO 13543:1996.
for use with fuel gases and oxygen or
(ISO 3046-6:1990) 3pp C (MN-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2863 4)
compressed air 5pp C
Specifies general requirements and definitions for Specifies the requirements and tests for safety devices for
overspeed limiting devices used for the protection of AS 4597—1999 fuel gases and oxygen or compressed air used downstream
internal combustion engines and their driven machin- Installation of roof slates and shingles of the cylinders or pipeline, outlet regulators and pipeline
ery. This Standard is identical with and has been re- (Non-interlocking type) 24pp G outlet points and upstream of blowpipes used for welding,
produced from ISO 3046-6:1990. Sets out requirements for the placement and fixing of ter- cutting and allied processes.
(ME-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2848 0) racotta, fibre cement and timber shingles and slates only to (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2910 X)

AS/NZS 4604:1999

AS/NZS 4604:1999 AS/NZS 4613:1999 AS/NZS 4659.2:1999

Security window grilles 39pp H Automotive brake testing equip- Quantitative tests 5pp D
Sets out requirements for the design, construction and per- ment—Roller brake tester 4pp D Sets out guidelines for determining the equivalence of
formance of security window grilles used primarily in res- Specifies minimum performance requirements for fixed food microbiological test methods on quantitative
idential situations. and mobile roller brake testers for light (excluding single tests. The protocol outlined in this Standard may be
(CS-023) (ISBN 0 7337 2918 5) track vehicles) and heavy vehicles designed for normal on- used to determine whether an alternate enumeration
road use. method will yield an equivalent result to an Austral-
AS/NZS 4605:1999 (ME-078) (ISBN 0 7337 3005 1) ian Standard or to a Joint Australian/New Zealand
Standard food microbiology method (AS 1766/AS/
Installation of security window grilles NZS 1766 series Standards).
6pp D AS 4614 (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3059 0)
Sets out minimum acceptable standards for the installation Methods for the analysis of ilmenite
of hinged, sliding and fixed security window grilles prima- AS/NZS 4659.3:1999
rily used in residential situations. AS 4614.1—1999 Confirmation tests 6pp D
(CS-023) (ISBN 0 7337 2920 7) Determination of titanium con- Amdt 1 21 February 2002
tent—Titrimetric method 7pp D (ISBN 0 7337 4339 0) X
AS 4606—2000 Sets out a titrimetric method, using aluminium reduc- Sets out guidelines for determining the equivalence of
Fire resistant and antistatic require- tion and ammonium iron (III) sulfate titration, for the food microbiological test methods on confirmation
ments for conveyor belting used in un- determination of the titanium content of ilmenite. tests. The protocol outlined in this document may be
derground coal mines 6pp E (MN-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3004 3) used to determine whether an alternate method will
Sets out minimum safety requirements for fire resistant yield a result equivalent to an Australian Standard or
and antistatic (FRAS) conveyor belting used in under- AS 4615 to a Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard food
ground coal mines. microbiology method (AS 1766/AS/NZS 1766 series
Series R freight containers Standards), for confirmation tests using a pure cul-
(RU-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3069 8)
AS 4615.1—2000 (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3060 4)
AS 4607—1999 Requirements for container com-
Personal response systems 29pp G pliance 3pp C AS/NZS 4659.4:1999
This Standard presents performance based requirements
for personal response systems which may be installed in Sets out the minimum requirements for the compli- Antibiotic tests 10pp E
private dwellings or residential care facilities. ance of Series R freight comtainers prior to transport Sets out guidelines for determining the equivalence of
use. food microbiological test methods on antibiotic tests.
(TE-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2929 0) (ME-068) (ISBN 0 7337 3002 7) The protocol outlined in this document provides guid-
ance on the framework and basis for the evaluation/
AS 4608—1999 AS 4615.2—2000 validation of microbial inhibitor tests, which allows
Guide to the prevention, handling and Platform and platform-based con- the comparison of data evaluated for different tests.
resolution of disputes 18pp F tainers 31pp H (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3061 2)
Provides guidance to businesses on the prevention, han-
Specifies basic specification and testing requirements
dling and resolution of disputes. The initial approach is to
for series R freight containers of the platform and AS/NZS 4663:2002
establish practices within the business that help to avoid Slip resistance measurement of exist-
disputes arising. Open communication, clear understand- platform-based types with nominal lengths of 12m
ing and acting in good faith are all attributes that can be (40 ft) and 6m (20 ft). ing pedestrian surfaces 14pp F
adopted and implemented. A clear policy on prevention (ME-068) (ISBN 0 7337 3003 5) Provides users, maintenance organisations and facility
procedures can also be of assistance. If differences do managers with standardised methods of testing existing in
arise, then practices to prevent these from blowing out to a AS/NZS 4616:1999 situ pedestrian surface materials for determination of their
dispute can be put in place, including meetings and discus- slip resistance, and provides means of measuring the fric-
sions to understand each other's points of view. The possi-
Abrasive grains and crudes—Chemi- tional characteristics of existing pedestrian surfaces in wet
bility for negotiating an outcome can be considered togeth- cal analysis of silicon carbide and dry conditions.
er with what is negotiable and what is not. For dispute (ISO 9286:1997) 21pp G (BD-094) (ISBN 0 7337 4262 9)
resolution, there are a number of alternatives to traditional Specifies a method for determining surface impurities of
court proceedings, some of which are mediation, concilia- abrasive grains and the silicon carbide content of crushed AS/NZS 4666:2000
tion, facilitation, neutral evaluation and case appraisal. The crude when the silicon carbide content is greater than 95%
Standard gives guidance on these alternatives, together by weight. This Standard is identical with and has been re- Insulating glass units 29pp G
with some suggestions on where it is appropriate to use produced from ISO 9286:1997. Sets out requirements and guidelines for the selection and
each alternative. Suitable references are included to enable (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 3017 5) installation of insulating glass units in buildings.
businesses to follow up in greater details the various as- (BD-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3382 4)
pects included in the Standard.
(MB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2943 6) AS 4649—1999
Brake shoe assemblies and disc brake AS/NZS 4667:2000
pad assemblies—Attachment Quality requirements for cut-to-size
AS/NZS 4609:1999 and processed glass 10pp E
Specification for water disinfection (ISO 6312:1981 ISO 6313:1980 ISO Sets out the quality requirements for cut sizes of flat, trans-
tablets—Iodine releasing 13pp E 6314:1980) 9pp E parent, clear ordinary annealed, tinted heat-absorbing, pat-
Sets out requirements for iodine releasing water disinfec- Specifies the performance requirements for attaching the terned and wired glass for general glazing and/or further
tion tablets for use by individuals to disinfect small brake lining material to the lining carrier of brake shoe as- processing.
amounts of water from untreated water supplies and water semblies and disc brake pad assemblies used on road vehi- (BD-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3445 6)
of unknown qualities. cles. Test methods, adopted with national modifications
(FT-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2959 2) from ISO 6312:1981, ISO 6313:1980 and ISO 6314:1980,
have been included in appendices. AS/NZS 4668:2000
(ME-054) (ISBN 0 7337 3041 8) Glossary of terms used in the glass
AS/NZS 4610 and glazing industry 43pp I
Furniture—School and educational AS 4655(Int)—2002 Provides manufacturers, suppliers and users of glass with
Guidelines for fire safety audits for definitions of the terms used in the glass and glazing indus-
AS/NZS 4610.2:1999 buildings
try, specifically in building applications, and includes def-
initions of the terms used in glass-related Australian and
Chairs—Strength, durability and (Expires 6 February 2004) 34pp H New Zealand Standards.
stability 42pp I Provides guidance for establishing a process associated for (BD-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3700 5)
Specifies requirements for strength, durability and the conduct of fire safety audits for buildings. Contains de-
stability of chairs for school and educational use. scriptions of three types of audits; i.e. compliance, mainte-
nance and fire safety engineering. Also includes a sample
AS/NZS 4671:2001
(CS-088) (ISBN 0 7337 2819 7)
fire safety check list together with examples of sampling Steel reinforcing materials
AS/NZS 4610.3:1999 rates. (DD ENV 10080-1996 ISO 6935-1:1991
(FP-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4279 3) ISO 6935-2:1991 ISO 6935-3:1992 ISO
Tables and storage furniture—
Strength, durability and stability 6935-3:1992/Cor. 1:2000) 33pp H
AS/NZS 4659 Sets out specifications for Australian and New Zealand
59pp J Guide to determining the equivalence Steel reinforcing materials (bars, coils and welded mesh).
Specifies requirements for strength, durability and of food microbiology test methods Requirements for chemical, mechanical and physical prop-
stability of tables and storage furniture for school and erties for three different strength grades and the three dif-
educational use. ferent ductility classes are also covered.
(CS-088) (ISBN 0 7337 2958 4) AS/NZS 4659.1:1999 (BD-084) (ISBN 0 7337 3752 8)
Qualitative tests 8pp E
AS 4611—1999 Sets out guidelines for determining the equivalence of AS/NZS 4673:2001
food microbiological test methods on qualitative
Mailing envelopes tests. The protocol outlined in this Standard may be Cold-formed stainless steel struc-
(ISO 269:1985 ISO 6924:1983) 20pp G used to determine whether an alternate method will tures 126pp M
Presents designations for mailing envelopes for envelope yield a result equivalent to an Australian Standard or Sets out requirements for the design of cold-formed stain-
users, handlers, manufacturers and Australia Post. Infor- to a Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard food less steel structural members. Steels for use with this
mation is provided on Post Office Preferred conditions, microbiology method (AS 1766/AS/NZS/1766 series Standard include those specified by a wide range of inter-
typical sizes of envelopes and envelope windows and ter- Standards), the result for which is reported as 'detect- national Standards. Members may be shaped from an-
minology for envelopes. ed' or 'not detected'. nealed or temper-rolled sheet, strip, plate or flat bar.
(IT-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2966 5) (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3056 6) (BD-086) (ISBN 0 7227 3979 2)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 4676:2000 formance requirements that can form the basis of se- AS/NZS 4695.2.40:1996
Structural design requirements for lection and evaluation criteria. This Standard is Diffusion type and premixed flame
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
utility services poles 81pp L 7174-1:1988. test methods
Sets out minimum loads and requirements for strength, (CS-088) (ISBN 0 7337 3190 2) (IEC 695-2-4/0:1991) 11pp C
serviceability to be used in the structural design or assess- Gives guidance on the design of flame test methods
ment of individual poles supporting one or more utility and general requirements for the test apparatus, to
services such as street lighting. Covers poles constructed AS/NZS 4688.4:2000
produce a series of test flames and the correlated con-
of timber, steel and concrete, with provisions for other ma- Determination of stability—Chairs firmatory tests. This standard is identical with has
terials of construction, and allows design by calculation or with tilting or reclining mecha- been reproduced from IEC 695-2-4/0:1991.
by prototype testing. Intended as a structural design refer-
ence for standard specifications for poles constructed from nisms when fully reclined and (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0366 6)
a particular material. rocking chairs
(CE-019) (ISBN 0 7337 3449 9) (ISO 7174-2:1992) 7pp D AS/NZS 4695.2.41:1996
Specifies stability requirements for chairs of fixed 1 kW nominal premixed test flame
AS/NZS 4677:2000 height and either fixed or swivel bases and which and guidance
Steel utility services poles 17pp F have tilting or reclining mechanisms, in order to pro- (IEC 695-2-4/1:1991) 15pp D
Specifies minimum requirements for the materials, design, vide purchasing authorities, specifiers, users, retailers Gives detailed requirements for the production of a 1
fabrication and erection of steel utility services poles. It is and manufacturers with a uniform set of performance kW nominal, propane-based premixed test flame, its
intended to be used in conjunction with the forthcoming is- requirements that can form the basis of selection and approximate overall height being 175 mm. This
sue of AS 4676, Structural design requirements for utility evaluation criteria. This Standard is identical with and Standard is technically equivalent to and reproduced
services poles. has been reproduced from ISO 7174-2:1992. from IEC 695-2-4/1:1991.
(CE-019) (ISBN 0 7337 3359 X) (CS-088) (ISBN 0 7337 3191 0) (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0371 2)
AS 4678—2002 AS/NZS 4695 AS/NZS 4695.5
Earth-retaining structures 112pp M Fire hazard testing of electrotechnical Assessment of potential corrosion
Specifies the design criteria and sets out guidance for use products damage by fire effluent
in the design of earth-retaining structures, for use by engi-
neers and designers.
(CE-032) (ISBN 0 7337 4238 6)
AS/NZS 4695.2 AS/NZS 4695.5.1:1996
Test methods General guidance
AS/NZS 4680:1999 (IEC 695-5-1:1993) 6pp B
Hot-dip galvanized (zinc) coatings on AS/NZS 4695.2.2:1996 Gives guidance on the assessment of corrosion dam-
Needle-flame test age to electrotechnical equipment from fire effluent,
fabricated ferrous articles 19pp F and to building structures from effluents emitted by
Specifies requirements and tests for hot-dip zinc coatings (IEC 695-2-2:1991) 13pp C electrotechnical equipment and systems. This Stand-
on fabricated ferrous articles including structural steel, Specifies a needle-flame test to simulate the effect of ard is identical with and has been reproduced from
steel sheet fabrications, assembled steel products, fabricat- small flames which may result from fault conditions IEC 695-5-1:1993.
ed tubes, fabricated wire work, steel forgings and stamp- within the equipment, in order to assess by a simula- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0373 9)
ings, ferrous castings and nails and other small compo- tion technique the fire hazard. It is applicable to elec-
nents. Appendices give advice on the design of articles to trotechnical equipment, its subassemblies and com-
be galvanized, on the transport and storage of galvanized ponents and to solid electrical insulating materials or AS/NZS 4695.7
articles and on general factors affecting the corrosion of other combustible materials. This Standard is techni- Guidance on the minimization of
the galvanized coating. cally equivalent to and reproduced from IEC 695-2- toxic hazards due to fires involving
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2503 1) 2:1991. electrotechnical products
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0364 X)
AS/NZS 4681:2000 AS/NZS 4695.7.1:1996
The storage and handling of Class 9 AS/NZS 4695.2.10:1996 General
(miscellaneous) dangerous goods and Glow-wire test methods—General (IEC 695-7-1:1993) 7pp B
articles 57pp J (IEC 695-2-1/0:1994) 9pp C Gives guidance on the application of the methodolo-
Amdt 1 19 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3822 2) X Specifies a glow-wire test to simulate the effect of gies recommended by ISO TC 92 SC 3 for minimiz-
Sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe thermal stresses which may be produced by heat ing the toxic hazard from fires involving electrotech-
storage and handling of Class 9 (miscellaneous) dangerous sources such as glowing elements or overloaded re- nical products. This Standard is identical with and has
goods and articles, in packages, IBCs and bulk. Advice is sistors, for short periods, in order to assess the fire been reproduced from IEC 695-7-1:1993.
given on fire protection, waste disposal, operations and hazard by a simulation technique. The test described (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0374 7)
personnel safety. Guidelines for emergency procedures are in this Standard is applicable, in the first place, to
also provided. electrotechnical equipment, its subassemblies and
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3602 5) components, but may also be applied to solid electri- AS/NZS 4695.112:1996
cal insulating materials or other solid combustible Method for determining the com-
AS/NZS 4688 materials. This Standard is technically equivalent to parative and the proof tracking in-
and reproduced from IEC 695-2-1/0:1994. dices of solid insulating materials
Furniture—Fixed height chairs (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0361 5) under moist conditions
AS/NZS 4688.1:2000 (IEC 112:1979) 7pp B
AS/NZS 4695.2.11:1996
Ergonomic and general require- Describes a method of test intended to indicate the
ments 8pp E Glow-wire end-product test and relative resistance of solid electrical insulating mate-
Specifies ergonomic requirements for chairs (exclud-
guidance rials to tracking for voltages up to 600 V when the
(IEC 695-2-1/1:1994) 7pp C surface is exposed, under electric stress, to water with
ing lounge chairs) or stools of fixed height and either the addition of contaminants. This Standard is identi-
fixed or swivel bases, in order to provide purchasing Specifies the details of the glow-wire test when ap- cal with and has been reproduced from IEC 112:1979.
authorities, specifiers, users, retailers and manufac- plied to end-products such as electrotechnical equip- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0375 5)
turers with a uniform set of performance require- ment, its subassemblies, and components for fire haz-
ments that can form the basis of selection and evalu- ard testing. This Standard is technically equivalent to
ation criteria. and reproduced from IEC 695-2-1/1:1994. AS/NZS 4695.707:1996
(CS-088) (ISBN 0 7337 3188 0) (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0362 3) Methods of test for the determina-
tion of the flammability of solid
AS/NZS 4688.2:2000 AS/NZS 4695.2.12:1996 electrical insulating materials
Determination of strength and du- Glow-wire flammability test on ma- when exposed to an igniting
rability terials source
(ISO 7173:1989) 22pp G (IEC 695-2-1/2:1994) 4pp B (IEC 707:1981) 14pp D
Specifies strength and durability requirements for Specifies the details of the glow-wire test when ap- Provides test methods designed for quality control
chairs of fixed height and either fixed or swivel bases, plied to specimens of solid electrical insulating mate- and evaluation of insulating materials exposed to an
in order to provide purchasing authorities, specifiers, rials or other solid combustible materials for flamma- igniting source. The results make it possible to check
users, retailers and manufacturers with a uniform set bility testing. This Standard is technically equivalent the constancy of characteristics of these materials, to
of performance requirements that can form the basis to and reproduced from IEC 695-2-1/2:1994. evaluate the progress in their development, and to rel-
of selection and evaluation criteria. This Standard is atively compare and classify them. This Standard is
reproduced from ISO 7173:1989 with variations for (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0363 1) technically equivalent to and reproduced from IEC
Australia and New Zealand in an appendix. 707:1981.
(CS-088) (ISBN 0 7337 3189 9) AS/NZS 4695.2.13:1996 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0376 3)
Glow-wire ignitability test on mate-
AS/NZS 4688.3:2000 rials AS 4696—2002
Determination of stability—Upright (IEC 695-2-1/3:1994) 4pp B The hygienic production and transpor-
chairs Specifies the details of the glow-wire test when ap- tation of meat and meat products for
(ISO 7174-1) 6pp D plied to specimens of solid electrical insulating mate- human consumption 72pp K
Specifies stability requirements for chairs of fixed rials or other solid combustible materials for ignita- Sets out requirements for hygienic production and trans-
height and either fixed or swivel bases, in order to bility testing. This Standard is identical with and has portation of meat and meat products for domestic and ex-
provide purchasing authorities, specificers, users, re- been reproduced from IEC 695-2-1/3:1994. port use. This Australian Standard was prepared by the
tailers and manufacturers with a uniform set of per- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 0365 8) Standing Committee on Agriculture and resource Manage-

AS 4699—2000

ment (SCARM) on behalf of the Agriculture and resource AS 4700.5—2002 AS 4715—2002

Management Council of Australia and New Zealand Laboratory glassware—Narrow-
(ARMCANZ). It has been adopted by Standards Australia Immunization Messages 23pp G
under an accreditation agreement with ARMCANZ. Gives guidance for the implementation of immuniza- necked boiling flasks
(FT-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4738 8) tion messages using the Health Level Seven (HL7) (ISO 1773:1997) 5pp D
Version 2.3.1 protocol, between immunization serv- Specifies requirements and dimensions for an internation-
ice providers and registries. ally acceptable series of conical flasks, flat-bottom and
AS 4699—2000 (IT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4769 8) round-bottom flasks for general purposes. This Standard is
Zinc and zinc alloys—Determination identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
of impurities and alloying elements— AS/NZS 4701:2000 1773:1997.
Atomic emission spectrometric meth- Requirements for domestic electrical (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4177 0)
od 7pp D appliances and equipment for recon-
Sets up a method for the determination of impurities and AS 4716
ditioning or parts recycling 4pp E
alloying elements in zinc and zinc alloys by arc/spark
Sets out general requirements applying to used domestic
Laboratory glassware—Bottles
atomic emission spectrometry.
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3051 5) appliances intended for sale for reconditioning (reuse), sal-
vaging of parts only (recycling), (or in New Zealand, his- AS 4716.1—2002
toric collections), so that an appropriate safety outcome for Screw-neck bottles
AS 4700 the public is achieved without preventing the recycling or
(ISO 4796-1:2000) 4pp D
Implementation of Health Level Seven resale of electrical appliances or parts which may not be
Specifies a series of screw-neck bottles suitable for
(HL7) Version 2.3.1. safe to use.
(EL-) (ISBN 0 7337 3378 6) the storage of fluid and solid chemicals and reagents
in general laboratory use. The bottles are also suitable
AS 4700.1—2001 for the preparation and storage of microbiological
Patient administration 40pp I AS 4702—2000 growth media. This Standard is identical with and has
Provides guidance for the implementation of patient
Polymeric cable protection covers been reproduced from ISO 4796-1:2000.
7pp D (CH-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4178 9)
administration functions using the Health Level Sev-
en (HL7) Version 2.3.1 protocol, for communication Specifies essential safety requirements for polymeric cable
within and between Australian healthcare settings. protection covers. AS 4718—2000
The Standard covers the function of patent adminis- (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3684 X) Machine readable identity cards
tration, as this forms the basis for most clinical health- 55pp J
care messages.
(IT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3738 2) AS 4706—2001 Provides regulatory authorities, operators and user of secu-
Pressure gauges for regulators used rity entry systems with a minimum set of requirements for
card and terminal interoperability in order to create dis-
AS 4700.1—1998 with compressed gas cylinders crete and multiple identification applications for cardhold-
Patient administration 14pp F ers on a single card using smart cards, optical memory,
Specifies requirements for pressure gauges being used magnetic stripe and hybrids.
See also AS 4700.1-1997 33pp H (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3520 7)
with industrial and medical compressed gas cylinders. It
Defines how Australian health care organisations im- covers the high pressure zones where gauges built to AS
plement the American Standard Health Level Seven 1396 may be disadvantaged. This Standard does not apply
Version 2.3 for communication between health serv- AS 4721—2000
to fixed delivery LP Gas regulators used for recreational
ice providers of patient administration information and domestic purposes. Personal privacy practices for the
which forms the basis for most clinical health care electronic tolling industry 13pp F
messages. (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4033 2)
Specifies the methods of operation and modes of business
(IT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 2356 X) conduct that should be adopted by operators of electronic
AS 4709—2001 toll collection systems and electronic parking station man-
AS 4700.1—1997 Guide to cleaning and sanitizing of agement systems in order to protect the personal privacy of
plant and equipment in the food indus- their customers and their customer employees.
Admission, discharge and transfer (IT-023) (ISBN 0 7337 3464 2)
Available Superseded See also AS 4700.1- try 25pp G
1998 20pp F Sets out cleaning practices to be observed by food indus-
AS/NZS 4724:2000
Defines the implementation of the HL7 Version 2.2 tries in order to achieve and maintain a satisfactory level of
Standard within Australian public and private hospi- hygiene. It integrates the provision of Food Safety Pro- Geographic information—Rural ad-
tals. Covers the functions of patient admission, dis- grams incorporating HACCP into the cleaning practices. dressing 36pp J
charge and transfer (ADT) as these functions form the In addition to food industries, the primary producers, proc-
essors and allied industries also could use this guide for Establishes requirements for a comprehensive and consist-
basis for all HL7 messages. Provides interpretation ent rural addressing system. Provides a universal and
and guidance on which HL7 trigger events, segments their industries.
unique form of identification for access points to rural
and data elements are mandatory (required), optional (FT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3797 8) properties. Guidelines show application of the system to
or conditional (required, based on a condition), and various road classifications and patterns in rural areas.
relevant usage notes for the Australian health envi- AS 4710—2001 (IT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3261 5)
ronment. Provides consistent use of data definitions Packages for chemicals not intended
and references to the National Health Data Diction-
ary. for access or contact with their con- AS 4732—2002
(IT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 1051 4) tents by humans 11pp E LP Gas fuel systems for marine en-
Specifies requirements for packages for chemicals, de- gines 48pp J
AS 4700.2—1998 signed to be non-accessible to human beings. Additionally, Sets out the requirements for liquefied petroleum gas (LP
it specifies requirements for packaging systems which are Gas) fuel systems for marine engines for either the propul-
Pathology orders and results designed to prevent unintended contact with the contents sion of the craft or for powering auxiliary engines.
34pp H of the packages. (ME-046) (ISBN 0 7337 4508 3)
Specifies how Australasian health care organisations (HE-016) (ISBN 0 7337 3968 7)
implement the American Standard Health Level Sev- AS/NZS 4737:2002
en Version 2.3 for communication between health AS/NZS 4713:2002
service providers and pathology providers, both with- Motor vehicles—'I' beam steer axle
in and outside hospitals. Ultrasonics—Physiotherapy sys- camber adjustment 5pp D
(IT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 2209 1) tems—Performance requirements and Sets out minimum requirements to ensure uniform control
methods of measurement in the fre- of camber adjustment procedures for all motor vehicles fit-
ted with 'I' beam steer axle assemblies, to standardize axle
AS/NZS 4700.3:2002 quency range 0.5 MHz to 5 MHz camber adjustment procedures, have manufacturers adopt
Electronic messages for exchange (IEC 61689:1996) 54pp K industry recommended practices and is intended for use
of information on drug prescrip- Specifies performance requirements for ultrasonic equip- where no manufacturer's specified process exists.
tion 60pp J ment designed for physiotherapy, consisteing of an ultra- (ME-053) (ISBN 0 7337 4785 X)
sonic transducer generating continuous or quasi-continu-
Covers implementation of electronic messages for ous wave ultrasonic energy in the frequency range 0.5
exchange of information on drug prescriptions using MHz and 5 MHz. It mofifies, and has been reproduced
AS 4739—2002
Health Level Seven (HL7) Version 2.3.1 protocol. It from, IEC 61689:1996 with variations for Australia and Direct glazed automotive glass re-
provides consistent use of data definitions as well as New Zealand included in a ZZ Appendix. placement—Light vehicles 9pp E
commentary and references to the International Or-
ganization for Standardization (ISO) and the National (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4923 2) Specifies the procedure for direct glazed automotive glass
Health Data Dictionary. replacement.
(IT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4736 1) AS/NZS 4714:2000 (ME-055) (ISBN 0 7337 4888 0)
Ultrasound power measurement in liq-
AS/NZS 4700.3:1999 uids in the frequency range 0.5 MHz to AS/NZS 4740:2000
Electronic messages for exchange 25 MHz Natural ventilators—Classification
of information on drug prescrip- (IEC 61161:1992 IEC 61161:1992/Amd and performance 41pp I
Specifies minimum requirements for ventilators designed
tion 51pp J 1:1998) 28pp G to provide ventilation of enclosures by means of the natural
Defines the implementation by Australian and New Specifies a method of determining the total radiated acous- flow of air. This Standard includes classification, perform-
Zealand health care organisations of the American tic power of ultrasonic transducers being used to test the ance and marking requirements. It also includes appendi-
Standard Health Level Seven Version 2.3 for commu- calibration of ultrasound physiotherapy equipment. This ces outlining the performance test methods. This Standard
nication between prescribers, dispensers, funders, Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from does not apply to electrically powered ventilators or to
regulators, drug information sources and consumers. IEC 61161:1992 and its first Amendment (1998). smoke and heat exhaust ventilators.
(IT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 2674 7) (HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3245 3) (ME-062) (ISBN 0 7337 3246 1)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 4744 AS/NZS 4761.2(Int):2000 modifications, of ETS 300 224:1998. An appendix

Requirements for a structured pro- sets out variations to ETS 300 224 for application in
Steel shoring and trench lining the Australian and New Zealand radiocommunica-
gram to develop competency tions environment.
AS 4744.1—2000 (Expired 8 June 2002) 8pp E (RC-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3287 9)
Design 30pp H This Interim Standard sets out the structured training/
learning requirements that are to be followed for AS/NZS 4769.2:2000
Specifies requirements for the design of steel shoring those developing competence for the different units
and trench lining equipment. It does not cover selec- of competency, inclusive of prerequisites. These re- Amplitude modulated equipment
tion or maintenance of trench lining equipment. quirements apply to all training providers and learn- 6pp D
(ME-082) (ISBN 0 7337 3556 8) ers involved in the training/learning activities for Specifies the minimum radiofrequency requirements
achieving the EEHA Units of Competency or the cor- for amplitude modulated radio communications
responding New Zealand Unit Standards. equipment intended to operate in the paging service
AS 4748—2001 (P-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3457 X) and includes essential requirements and test methods
Acoustic emission testing of fibre- for transmitters and receivers operating in the 27
glass-insulated booms on elevating AS/NZS 4761.3(Int):2000 MHz and 40 MHz bands.
work platforms 14pp F (RC-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3289 5)
Modules supporting training
Describes a procedure for the acoustic emission testing of (Expired 8 June 2002) 26pp G AS/NZS 4770:2000
elevating work platforms incorporating fibreglass-insulat- This Interim Standard outlines the relevant details of
ed reinforced plastic booms, to establish the structural in- the 'curriculum modules' and 'work performance MF and HF radiocommunications
tegrity of the boom. It also specifies rejection criteria. Re- modules' that support the training/learning structure equipment in the land mobile service
quirements are given for the test equipment, instrument set out in Section 3 of Part 2. These details apply to
performance tests and instrument calibration. utilizing single sideband suppressed
all training providers and learners involved in the carrier emission 15pp I
(MT-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4164 9) training/learning activities for achieving the EEHA
Units of Competency or corresponding New Zealand Specifies radiofrequency requirements for medium fre-
Unit Standards. Standards. quency and high frequency radiocommunications equip-
AS 4749—2001 ment intended to operate in the land mobile services and
(P-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3458 8)
Non-destructive testing—Terminolo- utilizing single sideband suppressed carrier emission. It
specifies minimum requirements for transmitters and re-
gy of and abbreviations for fusion AS/NZS 4761.4(Int):2000 ceivers for use of the radiofrequency spectrum in accord-
weld imperfections as revealed by ra- Assessing competency ance with spectrum planning.
diography 18pp F (Expired 8 June 2002) 14pp F (RC-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3465 0)
Specifies definitions and descriptions of weld imperfec- This Interim Standard sets out the requirements for
tions using, where appropriate, schematic diagrams and assessing the achievement of units of competency and AS/NZS 4771:2000
reference radiographs. Covers surface imperfections in the provides guidance in the development of assessment Technical characteristics and test
weld or the adjacent parent metal and internal imperfec- instruments. These requirements apply to all training
tions in the weld. An appendix contains a scheme for the providers and learners involved in the training/learn-
conditions for data transmission
coding of imperfections and their location. ing activities for achieving the EEHA Units of Com- equipment operating in the 900 MHz,
(MT-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3906 7) petency or the corresponding New Zealand Unit 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands and using
Standards. spread spectrum modulation tech-
AS 4750(Int)—2000 (P-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3459 6) niques
Electrogalvanized (zinc) coatings on AS 4762—2000 (ETS 300 328:1996) 9pp H
ferrous hollow sections Specifies the minimum radiofrequency requirements for
General-purpose flat pallets—Princi- spread spectrum modulated radiocommunications equip-
(Expired 14 June 2002) 14pp F pal dimensions and tolerances (Inter- ment compliance, including essential requirements and
Specifies requirements for the classification, mass, quality test methods for transmitters and receivers operating in the
and testing of zinc coatings on welded hollow sections pro- national pallet sizes) 900 Hz, 2.4 Hz and 5.8 Hz bands. This Standard is an adop-
duced from electrogalvanized steel strip. Also gives re- (ISO 6780:1988 ISO 6780:1988/ tion, with national modifications, of ETS 300 328:1996.
quirements for the repair of the coating damaged during Amd.1:1994) 8pp E Appendices set out variations to ETS 300 328 for applica-
the welding operation. Appendices give methods for the Provides dimensions and tolerances for International pallet tion in the Australian and New Zealand radiocommunica-
determination of coating mass and local thickness, and sizes. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- tions environment.
general advice on the corrosion protection, transport and duced from ISO 6780:1988 and its Amendment 1:1994. (RC-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3288 7)
storage and renovation of damage areas, of electrogalva- (PK-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3578 9)
nized coatings.
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3406 5) AS 4774
AS/NZS 4765 Work in compressed air and hyperbar-
Modified PVC (PVC-M) pipes for pres- ic facilities
AS 4751(Int)—2000 sure applications
Electrogalvanized (zinc) coatings on AS 4774.2—2002
ferrous open sections AS/NZS 4765(Int):2000 Hyperbaric oxygen facilities
(Expired 14 June 2002) 14pp F Modified PVC (PVC-M) pipes for 63pp J
Specifies requirements for the classification, mass, quality pressure applications Specifies requirements for the design, construction,
and testing of zinc coatings on open sections produced (Expires 30 March 2004) 30pp H operation and maintenance of hyperbaric oxygen fa-
from electrogalvanized steel strip. Appendices give meth- cilities. Includes equipment requirements, guidance
ods for the determination of coating mass and local thick- Amdt 1 4 October 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4796 5) A
Specifies the requirements for pipes. integral joints on hazard identification, risk assessment and control
ness, and general advice on the corrosion protection, trans- and personnel requirements. Appendices include a
port and storage and renovation of damaged areas, of and post-formed bends of PVC-M for the conveyance
of water and wastewater under pressure. The pipes suggested maintenance schedule, medical examina-
electrogalvanized coatings. tion details, and training for hyperbaric attendants,
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3405 7) are intended for use below ground and above ground
where they are not exposed to direct sunlight. chamber operators and hyperbaric technical officers.
(PL-021) (ISBN 0 7337 3266 6) (SF-046) (ISBN 0 7337 4464 8)
AS/NZS 4757:2002
Handling and destruction of drugs AS/NZS 4766(Int):2002 AS 4777
16pp F Polyethylene storage tanks for water Grid connection of energy systems via
Sets out procedures for seizure, handling, storage, disposal and chemicals inverters
and destruction of drugs and drug related materials. (Expires 13 November 2004) 17pp G
(HE-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4872 4) Specifies requirements for the design and manufacture of AS 4777.1—2002
cylindrical upright ribbed or straight walled polyethylene Installation requirements 12pp F
AS/NZS 4761 storage tanks that are rotationally moulded in one piece Specifies requirements for the installation of inverter
seamless construction. The tanks are for above ground, energy systems with ratings up to 10 kVA for single-
Competencies for working with elec- vertical installation and are capable of containing water, phase systems, or 30 kVA for three-phase systems,
trical equipment for hazardous areas liquids used in food and beverage manufacture and chem- onto the low-voltage electricity distribution network
(EEHA) ical solutions at atmospheric pressure. (grid).
(PL-046) (ISBN 0 7337 4897 X) (EL-042) (ISBN 0 7337 4671 3)
AS/NZS 4761.1(Int):2000 AS/NZS 4769 AS 4777.2—2002
Units of competency Radiocommunications equipment Inverter requirements 10pp E
(Expired 8 June 2002) 53pp J used in the paging service Specifies requirements for inverters with ratings of up
This Interim Standard specifies the competencies re- to 10 kVA for single-phase units, or 30 kVA for
quired for work associated with electrical equipment AS/NZS 4769.1:2000 three-phase units, and intended for connection to the
for hazardous areas (commonly termed 'Ex' equip- low-voltage electricity distribution network (grid).
ment), including the levels of training and how com- Angle modulated equipment (EL-042) (ISBN 0 7337 4672 1)
petency is to be assessed and attributed. The compe- (ETS 300 224:1998) 65pp K
tencies do not specify entry level skills but are Amdt 1 20 August 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4275 0) X AS 4777.3—2002
intended as additional skills to be built upon already Specifies the minimum radiofrequency requirements
acquired competencies. This Interim Standard applies for angle modulated radio communication equipment
Grid protection requirements
to all industry sectors dealing with explosion-protect- intended to operate in the paging service.It includes 12pp F
ed electrical equipment for hazardous areas (EEHA). requirements and test methods for transmitters and re- Specifies grid protection requirements for inverter
(P-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3456 1) ceivers. This Standard is an adoption, with national energy systems with ratings up to 10 kVA for single-

AS/NZS 4778:2001

phase units, or 30 kVA for three-phase units, and in- grades are not intended to indicate a ranking of qual- AS 4799—2000
tended for connection to the low-voltage electricity ity. They are primarily used for appearance products.
distribution network (grid). Grade descriptions are given for pinus species and for Installation of underground utility
(EL-042) (ISBN 0 7337 4673 X) other softwoods. Cypress species are covered in AS services and pipelines within railway
1810. boundaries 26pp G
AS/NZS 4778:2001 (TM-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4129 0) Specifies the requirements for the installation, use and
maintenance of utility services and pipelines within rail-
Electromagnetic compatibility for radi- way boundaries.
ocommunications equipment AS 4785.3—2002
Timber for furniture components (CE-) (ISBN 0 7337 3446 4)
(ETSI EN 300 339 V1.1.1:1998)
35pp H 40pp I AS/NZS 4801:2001
Specifies limits and tests for the assessment of radiocom- Sets out the product requirements and grade descrip-
tions for sawn and milled softwood timber for furni- Occupational health and safety man-
munication and ancillary equipment with respect to elec-
tromagnetic compatibility. This Standard is an adoption, ture components. Includes moisture content, toleranc- agement systems—Specification with
with national modifications, of EN 300 339 1.1.1 (1998). es, distortions, surface finish, finger-jointing and guidance for use 28pp G
An Annex sets out variations to the ETSI Standard which glue-laminating. The grades are not intended to indi- Sets out requirements for an occupational health and safety
apply in the Australian and New Zealand radiocommuni- cate a ranking of quality. Grade descriptions are given management system. The requirements may be used for
cations environment. for pinus species and for other softwoods. Cypress auditing and certification purposes. The requirements fol-
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3872 9) species are covered in AS 1810. low the guidelines set out in AS/NZS 4804:2001. In this
(TM-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4126 6) joint revision the terms 'hazard/risk assessment' and 'con-
trol of hazards/risks' are used to accommodate the different
AS/NZS 4780 terminology used in each country to describe similar ele-
Electromagnetic compatibility—Im- AS/NZS 4787:2001
ments of the systematic management of occupational
munity requirements for household Timber—Assessment of drying quali- health and safety.
appliances, electric tools and similar ty 19pp F (SF-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4092 8)
Sets out procedures for specifying and verifying the mois-
apparatus ture content of seasoned solid timber. Provides a range of
drying quality classes for timber dried in kilns or by other AS/NZS 4802
AS/NZS 4780:2000 means where the result is a population of timber with a pre- Information processing systems—Lo-
Electromagnetic compatibility— dictable scater of moisture contents. Other drying quality cal area networks
criteria such as checking, collapse and distortion are de-
Immunity requirements for house- tailed in an appendix.
hold appliances, electric tools and (TM-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3818 4) AS/NZS 4802.1:1996
similar apparatus Overview of local area network
(IEC CISPR 14-2:1997) 12pp F AS/NZS 4791:1999 standards
Specifies the limits and methods of measurements Hot-dip galvanized (zinc) coatings on (ISO/IEC TR 8802-1:1994) 11pp D
with regard to their immunity characteristics to inter- ferrous open sections, applied by an Provides an introduction to the set of International
fering signals and applies to household appliances, Standards which describe local area networks, specif-
electric tools and similar apparatus. This Standard is in-line process 13pp E ically those which make use of the 48-bit address for-
identical with and has been reproduced from IEC Specifies requirements for the mass, quality and testing of mat. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
CISPR 14-2:1997. galvanized coatings applied to ferrous open sections on all produced from ISO/IEC TR 8802-1:1994.
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3368 9) surfaces, except cut ends, using an in-line process that uti- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0317 8)
lizes specialized equipment. Appendices give corrosion in-
formation, advice on transport and storage of galvanized
AS/NZS 4783 products, requirements for the renovation of uncoated are- AS/NZS 4802.1 Supplement 1:1994
Performance of electrical lighting as and methods for the determination of coating mass and Overview of local area network
equipment—Ballasts for fluorescent local thickness. Standards—Media access control
lamps (MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2586 4)
bridges (Supplement to AS/NZS
AS/NZS 4792:1999 4802.1:1996)
AS/NZS 4783.1:2001 (ISO/IEC 10038:1993) 163pp J
Method of measurement to deter- Hot-dip galvanized (zinc) coatings on
Amdt 1 November 1997 (ISBN 0 7337 1241 4) X
mine energy consumption and per- ferrous hollow sections, applied by a
Defines the architecture for the interconnection of
formance of ballasts lamp circuits continuous or a specialized process IEEE 802 type LANs below the level of the MAC
(EN 50294) 20pp G 18pp F service, which is transparent to logical link control
Specifies requirements for the mass, quality and testing of and higher layer protocols. This Standard is identical
Provides methods of measurement of ballast energy hot-dip galvanized coatings present on hollow sections with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC
consumption and performance when used with asso- galvanized on both surfaces in a specialized plant, hollow 10038:1993.
ciated fluorescent lamps as part of luminaires and ap- sections galvanized on external surfaces only using the in-
plies to those covered within the scope of IEC 60081 (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9079 3)
line process and hollow sections produced by welding pre-
and IEC 60901. The common methods practiced in galvanized steel strip. Appendices give corrosion informa-
major parts of the world, Europe in particular are pre- tion, advice on transport and storage of galvanized prod- AS/NZS 4802.1 Supplement 2:1997
scribed in this Standard and relevant appendices. The ucts, requirements for the renovation of uncoated areas and Overview of local area network
tests specified are derived from EN 50294 with sig-
nificant restructuring and modifications. The scope of
methods for the determination of coating mass and local standards—System load protocol
thickness. (Supplement to AS/NZS
this Standard excludes self-ballasted lamps and does
(MT-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2590 2)
not cover safety requirements. 4802.1:1996)
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 3826 5) (ISO/IEC 15802-4:1994) 58pp H
AS 4794—2001
Specifies a set of services and protocol for those as-
AS/NZS 4783.2:2002 Non-return valves—Swing check and pects of management concerned with the loading of
Energy labelling and minimum en- tilting disc 22pp G systems on IEEE 802 type LANs, and is identical
ergy performance standards re- Specifies requirements for the material, design and per- with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 15802-
formance of metal-bodied non-return valves (swing check 4:1994.
quirements 14pp F and tilting disc types) for use in water supply and sewerage (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1149 9)
Specifies classification, labelling and minimum ener- systems (swing check only) suitable for operation both in
gy performance requirements for ballasts for linear horizontal and vertical positions. Classification ranges
fluorescent lamps for use on 230 V to 250 V a.c. at 50 from Class 16 to 35 valves in the size range DN 80 to DN AS/NZS 4802.1 Supplement 3:1997
Hz supply. This Standard is to be read in conjunction 750 inclusive, with the maximum temperature of the medi- Overview of local area network
with AS/NZS 4783.1. um flowing through the valve not exceeding 60°C. standards—LAN/MAN manage-
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4960 7) (WS-022) (ISBN 0 7337 3535 8) ment (Supplement to AS/NZS
AS 4785 AS 4795—2002
Timber—Softwood—Sawn and milled (ISO/IEC 15802-2:1995) 83pp I
Double-flanged butterfly valves for Specifies an Open Systems Interconnection manage-
products waterworks purposes 29pp G ment-compatible architecture, and service and proto-
Specifies requirements for manually operated resilient- col elements for use in a LAN/MAN environment for
AS 4785.1—2002 seated double-flanged butterfly valves for waterworks pur- performing remote management, and is identical with
Product specification 40pp I poses, Classes 10, 16, 21 and 35, with a maxiumum oper- and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 15802-
ating temperature of 40°C. 2:1995.
Sets out the product requirements for sawn and milled (WS-022) (ISBN 0 7337 4930 5)
softwood timber products including type of product, (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1150 2)
dimensions, moisture content, tolerances, distortions,
surface finish, finger-jointing, glue-laminating and AS 4796—2001 AS/NZS 4802.2:1999
end-matching. Grade descriptions are given in Part 2 Water supply—Metal bodied and plas- Logical link control
of this series.
(TM-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4128 2)
tic bodied ball valves for property (ISO/IEC 8802-2:1998) 239pp O
service connection 26pp G Specifies a description of the functions, features, pro-
Specifies requirements for metal bodied and plastic bodied tocol and services of the logical link control sublayer
AS 4785.2—2002 ball valves for installation between the reticulation water of the ISO/IEC 8802 LAN protocol. This Standard is
Grade description 44pp I main and the property water meter in nominal sizes DN 15, identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
Sets out the grade descriptions for use with the soft- DN 20, DN 25, DN 32, DN 40, and DN 50. 8802-2:1998.
wood products specified in Part 1 of this series. The (WS-022) (ISBN 0 7337 3869 9) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2893 6)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 4802.3:1999 AS/NZS 4805 AS/NZS 4821(Int):2002

Carrier sense multiple access with Accessories for electric cables—Test Protective footwear for firefighters—
collision detection access method requirements Requirements and test methods
and physical layer specifications (Expires 24 April 2004) 24pp G
Specifies test methods and minimum performance require-
(ISO/IEC 8802-3:1996) AS/NZS 4805.1:2001 ments for three (3) types of footwear for firefighters. Se-
* ISO/IEC 8802-3 is identical to ANSI/IEEE Power cables with extruded insula- lection of the type of footwear for firefighters should be
Std 802.3 517pp Q tion for rated voltages from 1.9/ made following a comprehensive risk assessment. Guide-
Provides a specification for local area networks em- lines on performing a risk assessment are given in Appen-
3.3(3.6) kV up to and including 19/ dix A.
ploying CSMA/CD as the access method which en-
compasses several media types and techniques for 33(36) kV 29pp G (SF-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4010 3)
signal rates from 1 Mb/s to 20 Mb/s, and provides the Specifies the type test requirements on accessories for
necessary specification and related parameter values power cables with extruded insulation and with rated AS 4824(Int)—2001
for 10 Mb/s and 1 Mb/s baseband implications. Spec- voltages from 1.9/3.3(3.6) kV up to and including 19/ Protective clothing for fire-fighters—
ifications for 10BASE-T, 10BASE-FP, 10BASE-FB 33(36) kV, based on IEC 60502-4. Accessories cov-
and layer management are also included. This Stand- ered are indoor and outdoor terminations, straight Requirements and test methods for
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from joints, branch joints, transition joints and stop-ends, protective clothing used for wildland
ISO/IEC 8802-3:1996. and screened or unscreened plug-in or bolted type firefighting
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2894 4) separable connectors. (ISO/DIS 15384)
(EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4032 4) (Expires 5 May 2003) 10pp F
AS 4802.4—1992 Specifies methods of test and minimum performance re-
Token-passing bus access method AS/NZS 4810 quirements for protective clothing to be worn when per-
forming wildland firefighting and associated activities.
and physical layer specifications Medical devices—Risk management This Interim Standard is identical with and has been repro-
(ISO/IEC 8802-4:1990) 257pp N duced from ISO/DIS 15384.
Specifies the electrical and/or optical and physical AS/NZS 4810.1:2000 (SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3799 4)
characteristics of the transmissions medium; specifies
the electrical or optical signalling method used; spec- Application of risk analysis AS 4826
ifies the frame formats transmitted; specifies the ac- (ISO 14971-1:1998) 17pp F Geometric Product Specifications
tions of a station upon receipt of a frame, and speci- (GPS)—Inspection by measurement of
fies the services provided at the conceptual interface Specifies a procedure for investigating, using availa-
between the medium access control sublayer and the ble information, the safety of a medical device, in- workpieces and measuring equip-
logical link control sublayer above it. This Standard is cluding in vitro diagnostic devices or accessories, by ment
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC identifying hazards and estimating the risks associat-
8802-4:1990. ed with the device. Does not stipulate levels of ac-
ceptability nor is it intended to give guidance on all AS 4826.1—2001
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7875 0) aspects of management of risks. This Standard is Decision rules for proving con-
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO formance or non-conformance
AS 4802.5—1992 14971-1:1998.
with specifications
Token ring access method and (M-) (ISBN 0 7337 3319 0)
(ISO 14253-1:1998) 15pp F
physical layer specifications Establishes rules for determining when the character-
(ISO/IEC 8802-5:1992) 94pp J AS/NZS 4815:2001 istics of a workpiece or measuring equipment are in
Using the token-passing ring access method on a local Office-based health care facilities not conformance or non-conformance with a given toler-
ance for a workpiece or limits of maximum permissi-
area network, this Standard defines the frame format involved in complex patient proce- ble errors for measuring equipment. This Standard is
and the medium access control protocol. The services dures and processes—Cleaning, dis- identical with and reproduced from ISO 14253-
provided by the medium access control sublayer and 1:1998.
the services provided by the physical layer sublayer infecting and sterilizing reusable
are described. The physical layer functions of symbol medical and surgical instruments and (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7337 3808 7)
encoding and decoding, symbol timing and pair at- equipment, and maintenance of the
tachment of the station to the medium, including the
associated environment 72pp K AS/NZS 4836:2001
definition of the medium interface connector, are de- Safe working on low-voltage electrical
fined. This Standard is identical with, and has been Sets out procedures and process development, which can
reproduced from, ISO/IEC 8802-5:1992. be validated for the cleaning, disinfection and sterilization installations 39pp I
of reusable medical and surgical instruments and equip- Provides workers on low-voltage electrical installations
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7903 X) with: (a) the principles of safe working practices; and (b)
ment, and maintenance of associated environments in of-
fice-based health care facilities not involved in complex recommended procedures for safe working practices.
AS/NZS 4802.6:1996 patient procedures and processes. Suitable for medical, (EL-044) (ISBN 0 7337 3806 0)
Distributed queue dual bus access dental, surgical, allied health and skin penetration practic-
method and physical layer specifi- es. May also be suitable for application to the instruments AS 4838—2002
and equipment used exclusively on animals in a veterinary
cations practice. Gas cylinders—High pressure cylin-
(ISO/IEC 8802-6:1994) 363pp O (HE-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3751 X) ders for the on-board storage of natu-
Specifies a high-speed shared medium access proto-
ral gas as a fuel for automotive
col for use over a dual, counter flowing, unidirection- vehicles
AS 4816 (ISO 11439:2000) 73pp J
al bus network. This includes the physical layer, log-
ical link control and medium access control Determination of particle size distribu- Provides minimum requirements for serially produced re-
sublayers. This Standard is identical with and has tion by gravitational liquid sedimenta- fillable gas cylinders.
been reproduced from ISO/IEC 8802-6:1994. tion methods (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4946 1)
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0318 6)
AS 4816.1—2002 AS 4839—2001
AS/NZS 4802.12:2000 The safe use of portable and mobile
Demand-priority access method, General principles and guidelines oxy-fuel gas systems for welding, cut-
physical layer and repeater specifi- (ISO 13317-1:2001) 17pp G ting, heating and allied processes
cations Sets out methods for determining the particle size of 18pp F
(ISO/IEC 8802-12:1998) 429pp P particulate materials, typically in the size range 0.5 to Specifies requirements for the selection of safe oxy-fuel
100µm, by gravitational sedimentation in a liquid. gas hand-held or portable equipment used in welding, cut-
Specifies the demand-priority access method together This Standard is identical with and has been repro- ting, heating and allied processes. This Standard also de-
with the related physical layer and repeater specifica- duced from ISO 13317-1:2001. tails the safe operation and maintenance of this type of
tions. This Standard is identical with and has been re- (CH-032) (ISBN 0 7337 4251 3) equipment. It applies to portable or mobile gas cylinders,
produced from ISO/IEC 8802-12:1998. inclusive of manifolded packs of cylinders. Reticulated
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3265 8) systems and fixed piping, together with equipment, such as
AS/NZS 4820:2001 permanently mounted flame-cutting machines, are not in-
tended to be covered by this Standard.
AS/NZS 4804:2001 Bonded abrasive products—Permissi- (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4101 0)
Occupational health and safety man- ble unbalances of grinding wheels as
agement systems—General guide- delivered—Testing AS 4840—2001
lines on principles, systems and (ISO 6103:1999) 8pp E Low pressure regulators for use in in-
supporting techniques 46pp I Specifies the maximum permissible values of unbalance dustrial compressed gas reticulation
Provides guidance on the development and implementa- for various types of grinding wheels in the as-delivered systems 18pp F
tion of occupational health and safety management sys- condition, with an outside diameter equal to, or greater Specifies the requirements of low pressure regulators for
tems (OHSMS) and principles, and their integration with than 125 mm and with a peripheral speed greater than, or use with industrial compressed gas pipelines. The gas pres-
other management systems. The guidelines are intended equal to 16m/s. Also specifies a method for measuring the sure in these pipelines is not to exceed 2100 kPa. These
for use as a voluntary, internal management tool and are unbalance and a practical method for determining whether low pressure regulators are intended for industrial use, and
not intended for use by OHSMS certification/registration or not a grinding wheel is acceptable. This Standard is regulators intended for medical gas pipeline use, together,
bodies as a specification Standard. This Standard aligns identical with, and has been reproduced from ISO with fixed delivery LP gas regulators for domestic and rec-
closely with AS/NZS 4801:2001. 6103:1999. reational purposes, are not covered by this Standard. As a
(SF-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4093 6) (ME-033) (ISBN 0 7337 4006 5) guide and recommendation, regulators for use in beverage

AS 4843—2001

dispensing pipelines have been included in this Standard AS/NZS 4867 AS 4876.1—2002
for users in that industry. Road user protection 15pp F
Cigarette lighters
(ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3642 4) Specifies performance requirements for manufactur-
AS/NZS 4867.1:2002 ers of vehicle frontal protection systems (VFPS) and
AS 4843—2001 General requirements addresses issues, such as applicable Australian De-
Synthetic weed blocking fabric sign Rules requirements, road user protection require-
(ISO 9994:1995) 14pp H ments, test methods and marking and packaging.
4pp D Provides requirements for cigarette lighters that en- (ME-083) (ISBN 0 7337 4849 X)
Specifies performance requirements for permeable syn- sure a reasonable degree of safety for normal use or
thetic woven and non-woven fabrics used to retard weed reasonably foreseeable misuse, in order to reduce po-
growth for agricultural, horticultural, nursery and land- AS 4877
tential hazards to users. This Standard is identical
scape use for both domestic and commercial applications. with and has been reproduced from ISO 9994:1995. Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics
(TX-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3921 0) (CS-024) (ISBN 0 7337 4349 3)
AS 4877.3—2001
AS/NZS 4844 AS/NZS 4867.2:2002 Specification for polyurethane-
Wool—Measurement of fibre proper- Child resistance requirements coated woven fabrics
ties 17pp G (ISO 7617-3:1988) 6pp E
Provides requirements for assessing compliance with Specifies the methods for testing polyurethane-coated
AS/NZS 4844.1(Int):2002 the US Consumer Product Safety Commission's re- woven fabrics. This Standard is identical with and has
quirements for child resistance: 16 CFR CPSC 1210. been reproduced from ISO 7617-3:1988.
Measurement of the fibre length af- (TX-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3646 7)
ter carding of scoured or carbon- (CS-024) (ISBN 0 7337 4350 1)
ised wool AS 4878
(Expires 24 July 2004) 41pp I AS/NZS 4871
Electrical equipment for coal mines, Methods of test for coated fabrics
Specifies the method for determining the fibre length
after carding of scoured or carbonised wool. for use underground AS 4878.2—2001
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4658 6) Determination of length, width and
AS/NZS 4871.1:2002
General requirements 41pp I net mass
AS/NZS 4844.2(Int):2002 (ISO 2286-1:1998) 2pp C
Measurement of the fibre length af- Specifies the general design, manufacturing, testing
Specifies the methods for the determination of length,
and performance standards for all electrical equip-
ter carding waste of scoured or ment intended for use in underground coal mines. width and net mass of coated fabrics. This Standard is
carbonised wool (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4357 9) identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
(Expires 24 July 2004) 5pp D 2286-1:1998.
(TX-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4138 X)
Specifies the method for determining the fibre length AS/NZS 4871.2:2002
after carding waste of scoured or carbonised wool.
Distribution, control and auxiliary AS 4878.3—2001
(TX-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4659 4)
equipment 3pp C Determination of total mass per
Specifies requirements for the design, construction unit area, mass per unit area of
AS/NZS 4853:2000 and testing of distribution, control and auxiliary
Electrical hazards on metallic pipe- equipment for use in underground coal mines. It does coating and mass per unit area of
lines 59pp J not specify general requirements of electrical equip- substrate
Provides voltage limits and corresponding time constraints ment for underground coal mines, which are dealt (ISO 2286-2:1998) 6pp E
acceptable on both underground and above-ground metal- with in Part 1 of this series. Specifies the methods for the determination of total
lic pipelines that may be subject to electrical influences (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4356 0) mass per unit area, mass per unit area of coating and
due to the close proximity of high voltage power transmis- mass per unit area of substrate for coated fabrics. This
sion lines. Guidance on how to calculate the induced volt- AS/NZS 4871.3:2002 Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
ages and mitigate the hazards is provided. Hazards due to from ISO 2286-2:1998.
lightning strikes are covered. Substations 7pp D (TX-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3653 X)
(EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3683 1) Specifies requirements for the design, construction
and testing of substations for use in underground coal
mines. It does not specify general requirements of AS 4878.4—2001
AS/NZS 4859 electrical equipment for underground coal mines, Determination of thickness
Materials for the thermal insulation of which are dealt with in Part 1 of this series. (ISO 2286-3:1998) 3pp D
buildings (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4354 4) Specifies the method for the determination of the
thickness of coated fabrics. This Standard is identical
AS/NZS 4859.1:2002 AS/NZS 4871.4:2002 with and has been reproduced from ISO 2286-3:1998.
Mains powered electrical mobile (TX-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3658 0)
General criteria and technical pro-
visions 44pp I machines 7pp D
Specifies requirements for the design, construction
AS 4878.5—2001
Provides requirements and methods of test for mate- and testing of electrical powered mobile machines for Determination of bursting strength
rials that are added to, or incorporated in, opaque en-
velopes of buildings designed for human occupancy,
use in underground coal mines. It does not specify (ISO 3303:1990) 3pp D
to provide thermal insulation by moderating the flow general requirements of electrical equipment for un- Specifies the methods for the determination of the
derground coal mines, which are dealt with in Part 1 bursting strength of coated fabrics. This Standard is
of heat through these elements. of this series.
(BD-058) (ISBN 0 7337 4840 6) identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
(EL-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4355 2) 3303:1990.
(TX-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4137 1)
AS 4862—2000 AS/NZS 4871.5:2002
Lead and lead alloys—Determination Battery powered electrical mobile AS 4878.6—2001
of impurities and alloying elements— machines 7pp D Determination of tensile strength
Atomic emission spectrometric meth- Specifies requirements for the design, construction and elongation at break
od 8pp E and testing of battery powered mobile machines for (ISO 1421:1998) 11pp F
Sets out a method for the determination of impurities and use in underground coal mines. It does not specify Specifies the methods for the determination of tensile
alloying elements in lead and lead alloys by arc/spark general requirements of electrical equipment for un- strength and elongation at break. This Standard is
atomic emission spectrometry. derground coal mines, which are dealt with in Part 1 identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
(CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3543 6) of this series. 1421:1998.
(EL-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4353 6) (TX-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4136 6)
AS 4863
Particle size analysis—Laser diffrac- AS 4874—2000 AS 4878.7—2001
tion methods Guide to the investigation of potential- Determination of tear resistance
ly contaminated soil and deposited (ISO 4674:1977) 4pp E
AS 4863.1—2000 dust as a source of lead available to Specifies the methods for the determination of the
General Principles humans 21pp G tear resistance of coated fabrics. This Standard is
Sets out a procedure for the collection of soil and deposited identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
(ISO 13320-1-1999) 34pp H dust samples to ascertain whether inorganic lead is present 4674:1977.
Sets out guidance on the measurement of size distri- in sufficient quantities to cause toxicity in humans. Be- (TX-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4135 5)
butions of particles in any two-phase system, for ex- cause infants constitute the most sensitive group as regard
ample powders, sprays, aerosols, suspensions, emul- sublethal lead toxicity, special emphasis is placed upon AS 4878.8—2001
sions and gas bubbles in liquids, through analysis of collection of samples from areas with which this popula-
their angular light scattering patterns. It does not ad- tion group would come into contact. Determination of coating adhesion
dress the specific requirements of particle size meas- (EV-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3331 X) (ISO 2411:2000) 11pp F
urement of specific products. Applicable to particle Specifies the methods for the determination of the
sizes ranging from approximately 0.1 micrometre to coating adhesion of coated fabrics. This Standard is
3 mm. This standard is identical with and has been re-
AS 4876 identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
produced from ISO 13320-1:1999. Motor vehicle frontal protection sys- 2411:2000.
(CH-032) (ISBN 0 7337 3462 6) tems (TX-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3659 9)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 4878.9—2001 AS 4910—2002 distribution. This Standard is identical with and has

been reproduced from ISO 9276-2:2001.
Determination of resistance to General conditions of contract for the (CH-032) (ISBN 0 7337 4520 2)
damage by flexing supply of equipment with installation
(ISO 7854:1995) 9pp F 64pp K AS 4932.4—2002
Sets out an agreement for the supply of equipment, includ-
Specifies the methods for the determination of the re-
ing building elements, which is purpose-built or manufac- Characterization of a classification
sistance to damage by flexing of coated fabrics. This process
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced tured and which includes installation.
from ISO 7857:1995. (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3531 2) (ISO 9276-4:2001) 17pp G
(TX-005) (ISBN 0 7337 4134 7) Specifies the mathematical background for the char-
AS/NZS 4911:1998 acterization of a classification process. This Standard
General conditions of contract for the is not limited to an application in particle size analy-
AS 4878.11—2001 sis, the same procedure may be used for the character-
Determination of blocking resist- supply of equipment without installa- ization of a technical classification process (e.g. air
ance tion 42pp H classification, centrifugal classification) or a separa-
Amdt 1 11 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3495 2) X tion process (e.g. gas or hydrocyclone). This Standard
(ISO 5978:1990) 2pp C is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
Proposes a single set of conditions of contract suitable for
Specifies the method for the determination of the the supply only of equipment, including building elements, 9276-4:2001.
blocking resistance of coated fabrics. This Standard is which is purpose-built or manufactured. It will form part of (CH-032) (ISBN 0 7337 4521 0)
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO the suite of contracts based on AS 4000-1997, General
5898:1990. conditions of contract. For procurement where installation AS 4933
(TX-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3755 2) is required, AS 2987 should be used. Digital television—Requirements for
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2383 7)
AS/NZS 4898:1997
Approval and test specification—Cir- AS 4912—2002 AS 4933.1—2000
cuit-breakers for overcurrent protec- General conditions of contract for the VHF/UHF DVB-T television broad-
tion for household and similar periodic supply of goods 46pp J casts 50pp I
installations Sets out a contract for the periodic supply of items of
goods. This Standard is part of the suite of conditions of Amdt 1 17 July 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3972 5) B
(IEC 898:1995) contract based on AS 4000-1997, General conditions of Specifies the requirements for a DVB-T compliant
To run concurrently with AS 3111-1994 for 10 contract. digital television receiver for Australia with the capa-
years 96pp K (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3532 0) bility of decoding high definition and standard defini-
tion television and other services compliant with the
Specifies essential safety and associated requirements, for DVB-T Standards with optional requirement for mo-
approval and test purposes, for air-break circuit-breakers AS 4915—2002 dem, datacasting, memory requirement as well as in-
for operation at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, having a rated voltage not Project management—General condi- terfaces for ancillary equipment.
exceeding 440 V (between phases), a rated current not ex-
ceeding 125 A and a rated short-circuit capacity not ex- tions 52pp J (CT-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3247 X)
ceeding 25 000 A. Annex ZZ lists variations for Australian Sets out an agreement to be used where a particular project
and New Zealand conditions. This Standard is based on, requires a project manager to undertake the carrying out of AS/NZS 4936:2002
but not equivalent to, and reproduced from, IEC 898:1995. the work through to completion of the services, and in- Air admittance valves (AAVs) for use
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1182 0) cludes variations to the services. Also includes annexures
for the project management task list, procurement, con- in sanitary plumbing and drainage
struction, completion and handover, together with the systems 13pp F
AS 4901—1998 project management fee structure. The agreement is suita- This Standard specifies the requirements and test methods
Subcontract conditions 66pp
H ble for use in a wide variety of industries including the con- for air admittance valves including those that are integral
struction industry and the information technology indus- with a fixture trap.
Amdt 1 11 October 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3492 8) X try. (WS-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4760 4)
Provides a set of compatible subcontract conditions in- (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3603 3)
volving site work on projects where AS 4000-1997 is in
use as the head contract between the main contractor and AS 4937—2002
the principal. AS 4916—2002 Electronic messages for exchange of
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2150 8) Construction management—General claim and related information 23pp G
conditions 50pp J Provides guidance for the implementation of electronic
AS 4902—2000 Specfies a contract for projects that require a Construction messages for exchange of claim and related information
Manager to undertake the carrying out of the work through using the UN/EDIFACT Standard.
General conditions of contract for de- to the completion of services. Includes variations to the (IT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4247 5)
sign and construct 73pp H services, a Construction Management task list, and provi-
Sets out general conditions of contract for design and con- sion for Construction Management fees. This Standard is
struct. The Standard is part of the suite of contract condi- part of the suite of contracts based on AS 4000-1997, Gen- AS 4939—2001
tions based on AS 4000-1997 and is suitable for design and eral conditions of contract. Non-reusable personal use containers
construct, design development and construct and design (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3604 1) for the collection and disposal of hy-
novate and construct project procurement methods. podermic needles and syringes
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3524 X) AS 4931—2000 8pp E
Industrial wire screens—Technical re- Sets out requirements for non-reusable personal use con-
AS 4903—2000 quirements and testing tainers intended for the safe collection and disposal of hy-
General conditions of subcontract for (ISO 14315:1997) 11pp E podermic needles and syringes. The containers are dis-
posed of with their contents.
design and construct 82pp H Defines terms regarding metal wire screens for industrial (HE-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4031 6)
Sets out general conditions of subcontract for design and screening and specific tolerances, requirements and test
construct. The Standard is part of the suite of contract con- methods. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
ditions based on AS 4000-1997 and is suitable for design produced from ISO 14315:1997. AS 4940—2002
and construct, design development and construct and de- (CH-032) (ISBN 0 7337 3463 4) User-applied identification labels for
sign novate and construct project procurement methods. use on fluid bags, syringes and drug
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3186 4) AS 4932 administration lines 7pp D
Representation of results of particle Sets out requirements for labels which the user attaches for
AS 4905—2002 size analysis fluid bags, syringes and their administration lines, and ad-
Minor works contract conditions (Su- jacent to the injection ports of administration lines, to des-
ignate the target tissue that is being treated. Covers colour,
perintendent administered) 28pp G AS 4932.1—2001 pattern and adhesive qualities as well as some dimensions.
Specifies a form of contract to be used for construct only Graphical representation The content of the label is not covered in the Standard.
projects of a simple nature. It is not suitable for projects of (HE-019) (ISBN 0 7337 4820 1)
a complex or long term nature or where a bill of quantities (ISO 9276-1:1998) 11pp F
has been prepared. There is also no provision for Seperable This Standard sets out rules for the graphical repre-
Portions or nominated subcontracts. This version of this sentation of particle size analysis data in histograms, AS 4941—2001
form of Contract does not provide for its administration by density distributions and cumulative distributions. It Oil of Backhousia citriodora, citral
a Principal. also establishes a standard nomenclature to be fol- type (lemon myrtle oil) 6pp D
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3668 8) lowed to obtain the distribution mentioned above
from measured data. This Standard is identical with Sets out certain characteristics of the oil of Backhousia ci-
and has been reproduced from ISO 9276-1:1998. triodora, citral type (lemon myrtle oil), in order to facilitate
AS 4906—2002 assessment of its quality.
(CH-032) (ISBN 0 7337 3817 6)
(CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 3939 3)
Minor works contract conditions (Prin-
cipal administered) 30pp H AS 4932.2—2002 AS 4942—2001
This Standard is intended to be used for construct-only Calculation of average particle siz- Pressure equipment—Glossary of
projects of a simple nature and of limited monetary value. es/diameters and moments from
It is not suitable for projects of a complex or long term na- terms 28pp E
ture or where a bill of quantities has been prepared. There particle size distributions Specifies an alphabetical listing, with illustrations where
is also no provision for seperable portions or selected sub- (ISO 9276-2:2001) 12pp G appropriate, of terms and definitions from various pressure
contracts. Specifies the calculation of average particle size or equipment-related Standards referenced in AS/NZS 1200.
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3824 9) average particle diameters from a given particle size (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3724 2)

AS 4945—2000

AS 4945—2000 has been reproduced from ISO 10525:1997 with modifica- AS/NZS 5000.2:1999
Commercial road vehicles—Inter- tions for application in Australia in an Appendix.
(ME-026) (ISBN 0 7337 3910 5) For working voltages up to and in-
changeable quick connect/release cluding 450/750 V 10pp E
couplings for use with air-pressure Amdt 1 30 May 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3432 4) X
braking systems 8pp E AS 4973—2001
Industrial trucks—Inspection and re- Amdt 2 24 July 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3940 7) X
Establishes the dimensional, identification and installation
criteria for couplings to improve safety, interchangeability pair of fork arms in service on fork-lift Specifies the construction, dimension and test re-
and productivity in the road transport industry quirements for single-core and multi-core polymeric
trucks insulated and non-metallic sheathed cables up to and
(ME-053) (ISBN 0 7337 3330 1) (ISO 5057:1993) 2pp B including 25 mm2 conductor size intended for use in
Sets out methods for the inspection and repair of fork arms power and lighting circuits in electrical installations
AS 4949—2001 in service on fork-lift trucks. This Standard is identical at working voltages up to and including 450/750 V.
Work order with and has been reproduced from ISO 5057:1993. (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3086 8)
Pad of forms comprising 20 sets 3pp C (ME-026) (ISBN 0 7337 3793 5)
Sets out conditions of contract for small scale construction
works and forms part of the suite of conditions of contract AS 5006
based on AS 4000-1997, General conditions of contract.
AS 4978
Carbon accounting for greenhouse Silver and silver bearing alloys
AS 5006.1—2002
AS 4954—2001
Identification cards—Integrated cir- AS 4978.1(Int)—2002 Determination of silver content
cuit(s) cards with contacts—Number- Afforestation and reforestation (0.1% to 99.9%)—Tritrimetric (po-
ing system and registration procedure (Expires 17 June 2004) 16pp F tentiometric) method 12pp F
for application identifiers Sets out the key technical and scientific aspects that Sets out a titrimetric procedure for the determination
underpin an accounting system for carbon seques- of silver content and silver bearing alloys. This meth-
(ISO/IEC 7816-5) 21pp H od is applicable to alloys containing 0.1% to 99.9%
Specifies a national numbering system for application tered from the atmosphere as a result of afforestation
and reforestation as defined under Article 3.3 of the silver. Total of gold and platinum group metals must
identifiers and a registration procedure for application pro- be less than 20%.
vider identifiers. Kyoto Protocol. The requirements are intended for
use in commercial trading ahead of the formulation of (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4762 0)
(IT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3917 2) a final set of rules governing Article 3.3 carbon sinks
projects under the Kyoto Protocol and ahead of Aus- AS 5006.2—2002
AS/NZS 4957:2002 tralian Government decisions on the Kyoto Protocol.
Medical electrical equipment—Dose (EV-) (ISBN 0 7337 4641 1) Determination of silver content (1%
area product meters to 99%)—Gravimetric (fire assay)
(IEC 60580:2000) 26pp H AS 4985—2002 method 17pp F
Specifies the performance and testing of dose area product Collection and stabilization of urine Sets out a gravimetric (fire assay) procedure for the
meters with ionization chambers intended to measure dose samples for quantitation of trace and determination of silver content in silver bearing al-
area product and/or dose area product rate to which the pa- loys. This method is applicable to alloys containing
tient is exposed during medical radiological examinations. toxic elements 11pp E 1% to 99% silver and less than 2% nickel, 0.05% rho-
It is identical with, and reproduced from, IEC 60580:2000. Sets out procedures for the pre-treatment of the urine con- dium and 0.05% tungsten.
(HE-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4490 7) tainers and procedures for the collection of urine for the (CH-010) (ISBN 0 7337 4763 9)
determination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, cadmium,
calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, magnesium, mercury,
AS 4962(Int)—2001 nickel, selenium, thallium and zinc. AS 5008—2001
Electronic toll collection—Transac- (CH-036) (ISBN 0 7337 4880 5) Hygienic rendering of animal prod-
tion specification for Australian inter- ucts 10pp E
operability on the DSRC link AS 4987—2002 Sets out requirements for the hygienic rendering of animal
(Expires 11 December 2003) 61pp J Earth-moving machinery—Tip-over products. This Standard was developed by a technical sub-
Specifies a framework for interoperable electronic fee col- committee of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and
lection based on DSRC for toll operators, electronic toll protection structure (TOPS) for com- Resource Management (SCARM) under the Agriculture
collectors, system integrators and equipment suppliers. pact excavators—Laboratory tests and Resource Management Council of Australia and New
The interoperability defined in this Interim Standard re- and performance requirements Zealand (ARMCANZ). It is also known as SCARM Re-
lates only to communication between vehicle and roadside. port No. 76.
(IT-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4100 2) (ISO 12117:1997) 14pp G
Provides the means for evaluating the load-carrying char- (FT-021) (ISBN 0 643 06596 2)
acteristics of tip-over protection structures (TOPS) under
AS/NZS 4966:2002 conditions of static loading and prescribes the performance AS 5010—2001
Ultrasonics—Pulsed Doppler diag- requirements of a representative sample under such load-
nostic systems—Test procedures to ing. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- Hygienic production of ratite (emu/os-
determine performance duced from ISO 12117:1997. trich) meat for human consumption
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7337 4498 2) 31pp H
(IEC TS 61895:1999) 26pp G
Describes test methods for measuring the performance of Sets out requirements for the hygienic production of ratite
pulsed Doppler ultrasound systems, and applies to tests AS 4988—2002 (emu/ostrich) meat for human consumption. This Standard
made on overall pulsed Doppler ultrasound system which Earth-moving machinery—Hydraulic was developed by a technical subcommittee of the Stand-
is not disassembled or disconnected, and to tests made on ing Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management
pulsed Doppler ultrasound systems whether they are stand-
excavators—Laboratory tests and per- (SCARM) under the Agriculture and Resource Manage-
alone or as part of another ultrasound instrument. Electri- formance requirements for operator ment Council of Australia and New Zealand (ARM-
cal safety, acoustic output and electromagnetic compatibil- protective guards CANZ). This Standard is also known as SCARM Report
ity (EMC) are not covered in this technical specification. It No. 71.
is identical with and reproduced from IEC TS 61895:1999.
(ISO 10262:1998) 12pp F
Provides the means for evaluating the characteristics of op-
(FT-021) (ISBN 0 643 06414 1)
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3485 5)
erator protective guards for use on hydraulic excavators,
and prescribes the performance requirements of a repre- AS 5011—2001
AS 4967(Int)—2002 sentative sample under loading. This Standard is identical
Protective clothing for firefighters— with and has been reproduced from ISO 10262:1998. Hygienic production of natural cas-
Requirements and test methods for (ME-063) (ISBN 0 7337 4499 0) ings for human consumption 10pp E
Sets out requirements for the hygienic production of natu-
protective clothing used for structural ral casings for human consumption. This Standard was de-
firefighting AS/NZS 5000 veloped by a technical subcommittee of the Standing Com-
(ISO/CD 11613) Electric cables—Polymeric insulated mittee on Agriculture and Resource Management
(Expires 24 April 2004) 17pp F (SCARM) under the Agriculture and Resource Manage-
ment Council of Australia and New Zealand (ARM-
Specifies methods of test and minimum performance re- AS/NZS 5000.1:1999 CANZ). This Standard is also known as SCARM Report
quirements for protective clothing to be worn when per- For working voltages up to and in-
forming structural firefighting and associated activities. No. 68.
This Standard is based on, but not equivalent to, ISO/CD cluding 0.6/1 kV 24pp G (FT-021) (ISBN 0 643 06368 4)
11613 (CEN TC 162/N 379 R1). Amdt 1 23 February 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3623 8)
(SF-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4011 1) X AS 5017—2002
AS 4972(Int)—2001
Specifies the construction, dimension and test re- Health Care Client Identification
quirements for cables insulated with polymeric mate-
Counterbalanced trucks handling rials intended for use in electrical installations at 78pp K
freight containers for 6 m (20 ft) length working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV. It Provides the health industry with a specific Standard for
does not apply to specialized polymeric insulated ca- Health Care Client Identification for clinical and adminis-
and above—Additional stability tests bles for which there are separate Australian/New Zea- trative data management purposes which promotes uni-
(ISO 10525:1997) land Standards, e.g. flexible lift control cables, neu- formly good practice in identifying individuals and record-
(Expires 17 May 2003) 13pp G tral screened cables, welding cables, ships cables, ing identifying data so as to ensure that each individual's
Sets out the additional stability test and requirements for flexible cords, single and flat multi-core non-metallic health records will be associated with that individual and
counterbalanced trucks intended for transporting freight sheathed building cables and aerial bundled cables. no other.
containers of 6 m (20 ft) length and above. This Standard (EL-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3091 4) (IT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4543 1)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 5018—2001 identical with and has been reproduced from ISO ance with water quality guidelines or standards, and
4719:1999. other specific reasons.
Electronic animal identification—Na- (CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4593 8) (EV-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1780 2)
tional coding scheme (ISO
11784:1996, MOD) 3pp E AS 5030—2002 AS/NZS 5667.4:1998
Defines the technical specifications of the structure of the
radio-frequency (RF) identification code used to identify Oil of lavandin Abrial (Lavandula an- Guidance on sampling from lakes,
animals electronically. gustifolia Miller x Lavandula angusti- natural and man-made
(IT-028) (ISBN 0 7337 3918 0) folia Medikus), French type (ISO 5667-4:1987) 5pp C
(ISO 3054:2001) 8pp F Provides detailed guidance on the design of sampling
AS 5019—2001 Specifies certain characteristics of the essential oil of programs, sampling techniques and the handling and
Electronic animal identification—Ra- lavandin Abrial (Lavandula angustifolia Miller x Lavandu- preservation of samples of water from natural and
la latifolia Medikus), French type, principally produced in man-made lakes. It is technically equivalent to and
diofrequency methods France, in order to facilitate assessment of its quality. This has been reproduced from ISO 5667-4:1987.
(ISO 11785:1996) 21pp H Stanadrd is identical with and has been reproduced from (EV-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1779 9)
Specifies how a transponder is activated and how the ISO 3054:2001.
stored information is transferred to the transceiver. An an- (CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4594 6) AS/NZS 5667.5:1998
nex sets out requirements additional to ISO 11785:1996
for application in Australia. Guidance on sampling of drinking
(IT-028) (ISBN 0 7337 3919 9) AS 5044 water and water used for food and
AGLS Metadata element set beverage processing
AS 5022—2001 (ISO 5667-5:1991) 8pp D
Guidelines for railway safety investi- AS 5044.1—2002 Provides detailed guidance on the design of sampling
gation 24pp G Reference description 18pp F programs, sampling techniques and the handling and
Specifies 19 structured information elements which preservation of samples of drinking water and water
Recommends procedures for investigating the contributing used for food and beverage processing. It is identical
factors to railway safety occurrences so as to enable subse- can be used to construct web-based descriptions of in-
formation and services, to help Web publishers and with and has been reproduced from ISO 5667-5:1991.
quent corrective action to be taken to manage the safety
risk and to prevent a recurrence. It covers the setting of communities of interest to provide efficient and user- (EV-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1778 0)
terms of reference, conduct of the investigation, the devel- friendly access to information and services over the
opment of conclusions, the identification of safety actions Internet. It is to be read in conjunction with AS AS/NZS 5667.6:1998
and the presentation of reports. 5044.2. Guidance on sampling of rivers
(ME-079) (ISBN 0 7337 4088 X) (IT-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4961 5) and streams
(ISO 5667-6:1990) 9pp D
AS 5025 AS 5044.2—2002 Provides detailed guidance on the design of sampling
Essential oils—General guidance on Usage guide 65pp K programs, sampling techniques and the handling and
chromatographic profiles A usage guide for AS 5044.1, the AGLS metadata preservation of samples from rivers and streams. It is
Standard which explains the semantics of the AGLS identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
elements and qualifiers. It explains in non-technical 5667-6:1990.
AS 5025.1—2002 language how to use AGLS metadata elements to de- (EV-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1777 2)
Preparation of chromatographic scribe resources. It is to be read in conjunction with
profiles for presentation in Stand- AS 5044.1. AS/NZS 5667.7:1998
ards (IT-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4962 3)
Guidance on sampling of water
(ISO 11024-1:1998) 12pp G and steam in boiler plants
Specifies general guidelines on the determination of AS 5049—2002
Cast iron—Designation of microstruc- (ISO 5667-7:1993) 16pp F
the chromatographic profile of an essential oil by gas
Provides detailed guidance on the design of sampling
chromatography on a capillary column. This Standard ture of graphite programs, sampling techniques and the handling and
is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO (ISO 945:1975) 8pp E
11024-1:1998. preservation of water samples and steam in boiler
Specifies a method of designating the microstructure of plants. It is identical with and has been reproduced
(CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4596 2) graphite in cast iron. It is not intended as a basis for accept- from ISO 5667-7:1993.
ance specifications. This Standard is identical with and has (EV-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1776 4)
AS 5025.2—2002 been reproduced from ISO 945:1975.
Utilization of chromatographic pro- (MT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4550 4) AS/NZS 5667.8:1998
files of samples of essential oils Guidance on the sampling of wet
(ISO 11024-2:1998) 5pp E AS 5066—2002 deposition
Provides general guidance on the determination of the Tolerances for ISO metric bolts, (ISO 5667-8:1993) 9pp D
compliance of a chromatographic profile of a sample screws, studs and nuts—Product Provides detailed guidance on the design of sampling
of essential oil under examination with the reference grades A, B and C programs, sampling techniques and the handling and
chromatographic profile given in the Standard of that preservation of samples of wet deposition. It is iden-
oil. This Standard is identical with and has been re- (ISO 4759-1:2000) 58pp K
Specifies the tolerances for the principle features of prod- tical with and has been reproduced from ISO 5667-
produced from ISO 11024-1:1998. 8:1993.
(CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4597 0) uct grades A, B and C metric bolts, screws, studs and nuts,
and product grade A tapping screws. This Standard is iden- (EV-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1783 7)
tical with and has been reproduced from ISO 4759-1:2000.
AS 5027—2002 (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7337 4848 1) AS/NZS 5667.9:1998
Essential oils—Analysis by gas chro- Guidance on sampling from marine
matography on capillary columns— AS 5601—2002 (AG 601—2002) waters
General method Gas installations (ISO 5667-9:1992) 9pp D
(ISO 7609:1985) 6pp E Also numbered as AG 601-2002 A5, A CD-ROM Provides detailed guidance on the design of sampling
Specifies a general method for the analysis of essential oils of the Standard is included with the Hardcopy programs, sampling techniques and the handling and
by gas chromatography on capillary columns for the pur- preservation of samples from marine waters. It is
pose of determining the content of a specific constituent 268pp J technically equivalent to and has been reproduced
and/or searching for a characteristic profile. This Standard Provides requirements for piping and appliance installa- from ISO 5667-9:1992.
is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO tions that are associated with the use of fuel gases. For me-
tered installations the requirements cover piping systems (EV-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1784 5)
7609:1985 (Reconfirmed 1998).
(CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4598 9) from the outlet of the billing meter to the inlet of the appli-
ance. For non-metered LP Gas installations, the coverage AS/NZS 5667.10:1998
is from the first regulator on site to the inlet of the appli- Guidance on sampling of waste
AS 5028—2002 ance.
Oil of lavandin Grosso (Lavandula an- (AG-006)
(ISO 5667-10:1992) 10pp D
gustifolia Miller x Lavandula latifolia Provides detailed guidance on the design of sampling
(L.f.) Medikus), French type AS/NZS 5667 programs, sampling techniques and the handling and
(ISO 8902:1999) 5pp E Water quality—Sampling preservation of samples of waste water. It is identical
Specifies certain characteristics of the essential oil of with and has been reproduced from ISO 5667-
lavandin Grosso (Lavandula angustifolia Miller x Lavan- AS/NZS 5667.1:1998 10:1992.
dula latifolia (L.f.) Medikus), French type, in order to fa- Guidance on the design of sam- (EV-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1785 3)
cilitate assessment of its quality. This Standard is identical
with and has been reproduced from ISO 8902:1999. pling programs, sampling tech- AS/NZS 5667.11:1998
(CH-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4595 4) niques and the preservation and Guidance on sampling of ground-
handling of samples 51pp I waters
AS 5029—2002 Provides general principles to be applied in the design
of sampling programs, general guidance on sampling (ISO 5667-11:1993) 11pp D
Oil of spike lavender (Lavandula latifo- Provides detailed guidance on the design of sampling
techniques and guidance on the procedures to be tak-
lia (L.f.) Medikus), Spanish type en to preserve and transport samples for the physical, programs, sampling techniques and the handling and
(ISO 4719:1999) 6pp E chemical and radiological analysis of waters and preservation of samples of groundwater. It is techni-
Specifies certain characteristics of the oil of spike lavender wastewaters, including bottom sediment and sludges, cally equivalent to and has been reproduced from ISO
(Lavandula latifolia (L.f.) Medikus), Spanish type, in order for the purposes of process control, quality character- 5667-11:1993.
to facilitate assessment of its quality. This Standard is ization, identification of sources of pollution, compli- (EV-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1786 1)

AS/NZS 5667.12:1999

AS/NZS 5667.12:1999 This Standard is technically equivalent to and has AS/NZS 8824.2:1998
been reproduced from IEC 60745-1:1997. Information object specification
Guidance on sampling of bottom (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2406 X)
sediments (ISO/IEC 8824-2:1995 ISO/IEC
(ISO 5667-12:1995) 34pp H AS/NZS 7799 8824-2:1995/Amd.1:1996) 30pp G
Provides guidance on the sampling of sedimentary Specifies a notation known as abstract syntax nota-
materials from inland rivers and streams; lakes and
Information security management tion one (ASN.1) that allows information object
similar standing bodies of water; and estuarine and classes as well as individual information objects and
harbour areas. Open ocean sediments and sludges AS/NZS 7799.2:2000 information object sets thereof to be defined and giv-
from industrial and sewage works are specifically ex- Specification for information secu- en reference names. This Standard is identical with
cluded. This Standard is identical with and has been and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 8824-2:1995
reproduced from ISO 5667-12:1995. rity management systems and ISO/IEC 8824-2:1995/Amd.1:1996.
(EV-008) (ISBN 0 7337 2287 3) (BSI 7799.2:1999) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1680 6)
Redesignated from AS/NZS 4444.2:2000 on 15
AS/NZS 5848:2000 August 2001 22pp G AS/NZS 8824.3:1998
Code of practice for bungy jumping Amdt 1 18 October 2000 Constraint specification
(ISBN 0 7337 3522 3) X (ISO/IEC 8824-3:1995) 8pp D
51pp I
Specifies and gives guidance on the site and site approval,
Amdt 2 15 August 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3520 7) X Specifies a notation to be used for specifying table
the design, testing and and approval of equipment, the Specifies the requirements for establishing, imple- constraints (including component relation con-
management of the operation, the operating procedures, menting and documenting information security man- straints) and user-defined constraints. This Standard
the emergency provisions and procedures and registration agement systems (ISMSs) and the requirements for is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/
of operating staff of a bumgy jumping operation. security controls to be implemented according to the IEC 8824-3:1995.
(SF-044) (ISBN 0 7337 3901 6) needs of individual organizations. This Standard is (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1679 2)
identical to BS 7799.2:1999.
(IT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3284 4) AS/NZS 8824.4:1998
AS 6001—1999
Working platforms for housing con- Parameterization of ASN.1 specifi-
AS/NZS ISO 8124 cations
struction 94pp I Safety of toys
Sets out requirements for working platforms and their sup- (ISO/IEC 8824-4:1995) 14pp E
porting structures used in the construction of housing, Specifies a notation for parameterization of ASN.1
which includes new construction, renovations, additions, AS/NZS ISO 8124.1:2002 specifications. This Standard is identical with and has
alterations and maintenance. Safety aspects related to mechani- been reproduced from ISO/IEC 8824-4:1995.
(BD-093) (ISBN 0 7337 2916 9) cal and physical properties (ISO (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1678 4)
8124.1:2000, MOD) 80pp M
AS 6002—1999 This Standard is the adoption of ISO 8124-1:2000 and AS/NZS 8825
Domestic electric meter enclosures specifies requirements for construction of children's Information technology—ASN.1 en-
11pp E toys. coding rules
Specifies constructional requirements and standard sizes (CS-018) (ISBN 0 7337 4505 9)
and materials for enclosures suitable for the domestic mar- AS/NZS 8825.1:1998
ket. The Standard is intended for use by both the customers AS ISO 8185—2002 Specification of basic encoding
(users) and suppliers of meter enclosures. Humidifiers for medical use—General
(BD-088) (ISBN 0 7337 2935 5) rules, canonical encoding rules
requirements for humidification sys- and distinguished encoding rules
AS ISO 7376 tems (ISO/IEC 8825-1:1995 ISO/IEC
Laryngoscopic fittings (ISO 8185:1997) 39pp I 8825-1:1995/Cor.1:1996) 30pp G
Specifies requirements for the safety and performance of Specifies the definition of encoding rules that may be
humidifiers suitable for inclusion in breathing systems. applied to values of types defined using the ASN.1
AS ISO 7376.1—2002 (HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4680 2) notation. It is implicit in the specification of these en-
Conventional hook-on type handle coding rules that they are also to be used for decod-
blade fittings AS/NZS ISO 8402:1994 ing. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
(ISO 7376-1:1994) 8pp F produced from ISO/IEC 8825-1:1995 and ISO/IEC
Quality management and quality as- 8825-1:1995/Cor.1:1996.
Specifies requirements for laryngoscopes and critical surance—Vocabulary (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1682 2)
dimensions for the junction of any handle and any (ISO 8402:1994) 13pp E
blade of a hook-on type laryngoscope to allow en-
gagement, lamp illumination and disengagement Defines the fundamental terms relating to concepts used in AS/NZS 8825.2:1998
through multiple cycles. quality-related Standards. Clarifies and standardizes terms Specification of packed encoding
as they apply to quality management, including quality
(HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4689 6) control and assurance. Technically identical with and re- rules
produced from the English language component of ISO (ISO/IEC 8825-2:1996) 40pp H
AS ISO 7376.2—2002 8402:1994. Specifies a set of encoding rules (packed encoding
Miniature electric lamps—Screw (QR-007) (ISBN 0 7262 9214 1) rules) which may be used to derive a transfer syntax
threads and sockets for conven- for type values defined using ASN.1 notation. This
AS 8481—2000 Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
tional blades from ISO/IEC 8825-2:1996.
(ISO 7376-2:1997) 4pp E Information technology—Telecommu- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1683 0)
Specifies requirements for screw threads for minia- nications and information exchange
ture electric lamps and lamp sockets used in laryngo- between systems—DTE to DTE direct ISO 9000 (Set)
scopic blades to allow engagement, lamp illumination connections
and disengagement through multiple cycles. ISO 9000 Set containing 9000/9001/
(HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4688 8) (ISO/IEC 8481:1996) 8pp E 9004/HB 90.0 $220.00 Retail
Describes an arrangement for interconnection of data ter- $165.00 Member
minal equipment (DTE), without intermediate data circuit-
AS ISO 7376.3—2002 terminating equipment (DCE), in terms of electrical, me-
Fibre-illuminated re-usable rigid chanical and functional characteristics. This Standard ap-
laryngoscopes plies to DTEs with interface circuits standardized in AS/NZS ISO 9000:2000
CCITT Recommendation X.24 for transmission over pub- Quality management systems—Fun-
(ISO 7376-3:1996) 10pp F lic data networks. The interconnections are restricted to
Specifies basic dimensions and performance require- point-to-point connections. This Standard is identical with damentals and vocabulary
ments for two designs of hook-on type fibre-illumi- and reproduced from ISO/IEC 8481:1996. (ISO 9000:2000) 29pp I
nated re-usable rigid laryngoscopes. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3434 0) Provides guidance on the fundamentals of quality manage-
(HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4687 X) ment systems as described in the ISO 9000 series of Stand-
ards, and a vocabulary of terms used in quality manage-
AS/NZS 8824 ment. This Standard is identical with and has been
AS/NZS 7450 Information technology—Abstract reproduced from ISO 9000:2000.
Safety of hand-held motor-operated syntax notation one (QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3704 8)
electric tools
AS/NZS 8824.1:1998 AS/NZS ISO 9000
AS/NZS 7450.1:1999 Specification of basic notation Quality management and quality as-
General requirements (ISO/IEC 8824-1:1995 ISO/IEC surance Standards
(IEC 60745-1:1997) 99pp K 8824-1:1995/Amd.1:1996 ISO/IEC AS/NZS ISO 9000.2:1998
Amdt 1 11 June 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4070 7) X 8824-1:1995/Cor.1:1996) 105pp K Generic guidelines for the applica-
Amdt 2 12 November 2001 Specifies a standard notation called abstract syntax
(ISBN 0 7337 4407 9) X notation one (ASN.1) that is used for the definition of
tion of ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO
Specifies general safety requirements for hand-held data types, values and constraints on data types. This 9003
motor-operated electric tools. It is a base Standard Standard is identical with and has been reproduced (ISO 9000-2:1997) 64pp I
which, when combined with a particular Standard in from ISO/IEC 8824-1:1995, ISO/IEC 8824-1:1995/ Provides guidelines to assist users in understanding
the AS/NZS 7450 series, becomes a complete Stand- Amd.1:1996 and ISO/IEC 8824-1:1995/Cor.1:1996. and applying the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 9001,
ard for the particular hand-held motor-operated tool. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1681 4) 9002 and 9003 and to improve consistency in their in-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

terpretation and application. This Standard is techni- AS/NZS ISO 9002:1994 AS 10179—1998
cally equivalent to and has been reproduced from ISO
9000-2:1997. Includes an Australian/New Zealand Quality systems—Model for quality Information technology—Processing
appendix which provides additional guidance in the assurance in production, installation languages—Document style seman-
form of a series of questions which address the re- and servicing tics and specification language
quirements of ISO 9001. (ISO/IEC 10179:1996) 292pp O
(QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1980 5) (ISO 9002:1994) 10pp E
Specifies the processing of valid SGML documents, trans-
Specifies quality system requirements for use when con- formation and style and defines the semantics, syntax, and
AS/NZS ISO 9000.3(Int):1998 formance to specified requirements is to be assured by the processing model of languages for the specification of doc-
supplier during production, installation and servicing. It ument processing transformation language for transform-
Guidelines for the application of provides a quality assurance model suitable for the demon- ing SGML documents marked up in accordance with one
AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994 to the de- stration of its capability by a supplier and for assessment or more DTDs into other SGML documents marked up
velopment, supply, installation and by external parties. This Standard is identical with and has with other DTDs. The specification of this transformation
been reproduced from ISO 9002:1994. process is fully defined. This Standard is identical with and
maintenance of computer software
(QR-008) (ISBN 0 7262 9204 4) has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 10179:1996.
(ISO 9000-3:1997) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1967 8)
(Expired 5 October 2000) 33pp G
Provides guidelines to software developers, suppliers AS/NZS ISO 9003:1994
AS 10303
and maintainers and to purchasers in the specification Quality systems—Model for quality Industrial automation systems and in-
and implementation of AS/NZS ISO 9001 quality assurance in final inspection and test
system requirements. This Interim Standard is identi- tegration—Product data representa-
cal with and reproduced from ISO 9000-3:1997. (ISO 9003:1994) 7pp D tion and exchange
(QR-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2289 X) Specifies quality system requirements and a quality assur-
ance model for use where a supplier's capability to detect AS 10303.1—1998
AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000 and control the disposition of any product nonconformity
Overview and fundamental princi-
during final inspection and test needs to be demonstrated.
Quality management systems—Re- This Standard is identical with and has been reproduced ples
quirements from ISO 9003:1994. (ISO 10303-1:1994) 17pp G
(ISO 9001:2000) 23pp H (QR-008) (ISBN 0 7262 9205 2) Specifies a representation of product information
Specifies requirements for quality management systems. along with the necessary mechanisms and definitions
The requirements are generic, i.e. applicable to organiza- to enable product data to be exchanged. It is identical
tions regardless of size, type, industry, product or service. AS/NZS ISO 9004:2000 with and has been reproduced from ISO 10303-
A quality management system that meets the requirements Quality management systems— 1:1994.
of AS/NZS ISO 9001 can be used for internal application (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2129 X)
by organizations, for certification and for contractural pur- Guidelines for performance improve-
poses. It focuses on the quality management system's ef- ments
fectiveness in meeting customer requirements, and may be AS 10303.11—1998
(ISO 9004:2000) 56pp J
used to demonstrate the ability to meet customer require- Description methods: The EX-
ments, prevent nonconformity and address customer satis- Provides guidance on applying quality management sys-
tems to the achievement of performance improvement. PRESS language reference manual
faction and quality improvement. This Standard is identi-
cal with and has been reproduced from ISO 9001:2000. This extends beyond the requirements of AS/NZS ISO (ISO 10303-11:1994) 208pp O
Those organizations which have used AS/NZS ISO 9001 to the overall performance of the organization and the Specifies the EXPRESS language which is a formal
9002:1994 and AS/NZS ISO 9003:1994 in the past may satisfaction of customers and other interested parties. This information requirements specification language. It is
use AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000 by excluding certain require- Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
ments, in accordance with Clause 1.2 of the Standard. To ISO 9004:2000. 10303-11:1994.
assist organizations currently using them to make the tran- (QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3706 4) (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2130 3)
sition to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000, the Joint Australian/
New Zealand Standards AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994, AS/NZS AS 10303.12—1999
ISO 9002:1994 and AS/NZS ISO 9003:1994 will remain AS/NZS 9004
available superseded standards until December 2003. Quality management and quality sys- Description methods: The EX-
(QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3705 6) tem elements PRESS-I language reference man-
AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000 (SP) (ISO/TR 10303-12:1997) 111pp K
AS/NZS 9004.5:1998
Quality management systems—Re- Specifies elements of the EXPRESS-I language. This
quirements Guidelines for quality plans language is a formal data representation and abstract
(ISO 10005:1995) 15pp E test case specification which can be used to exemplify
(ISO 9001:2000) A5 23pp I the information requirements of other Parts of AS
Specifies requirements for quality management systems. Provides guidelines for the preparation, review, ac- 10303 and is a companion to the EXPRESS and EX-
The requirements are generic, i.e. applicable to organiza- ceptance and revision of quality plans used in con- PRESS-G languages. This Standard is identical with
tions regardless of size, type, industry, product or service. junction with quality systems. This Standard is iden- and has been reproduced from ISO/TR 10303-
A quality management system that meets the requirements tical with and has been reproduced from ISO 12:1997.
of AS/NZS ISO 9001 can be used for internal application 10005:1995. (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2634 8)
by organizations, for certification and for contractural pur-
poses. It focuses on the quality management system's ef- (QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 1456 0)
fectiveness in meeting customer requirements, and may be AS 10303.21—1998
used to demonstrate the ability to meet customer require- AS ISO 9703 Implementation methods: Clear
ments, prevent nonconformity and address customer satis- text encoding of the exchange
faction and quality improvement. This Standard is identi- Anaesthesia and respiratory care
cal with and has been reproduced from ISO 9001:2000. alarm signals structure
Those organizations which have used AS/NZS ISO (lSO 10303-21:1994 lSO 10303-
9002:1994 and AS/NZS ISO 9003:1994 in the past may 21:1994/Cor.1:1996) 83pp L
use AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000 by excluding certain require- AS ISO 9703.1—2002
ments, in accordance with Clause 1.2 of the Standard. To Specifies a model for the definition of a mechanism
Visual alarm signals that allows product data using the EXPRESS lan-
assist organizations currently using them to make the tran-
sition to AS/NZS ISO 9001;2000, the Joint Australian/ (ISO 9703-1:1992) 3pp D guage to be transferred from one computer system to
New Zealand Standards AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994, AS/NZS another. It is identical with and has been reproduced
Specifies the characteristics of visual alarm signals from ISO 10303-21:1994 including lSO 10303-
ISO 9002:1994 and AS/NZS ISO 9003:1994 will remain for use in anaesthesia and respiratory care.
available superseded standards until December 2003. This 21:1994/Cor.1:1996.
is a special ruggedized edition of AS/NZS 9001:2000, (HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4691 8) (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2131 1)
printed on waterproof, washable stock, reduced in size to
A5, and ring-bound. It is particularly intended for both in- AS ISO 9703.2—2002 AS 10303.22—2000
ternal and external auditors, or in any location where ordi- Implementation methods: Stand-
nary paper would be subject to damp, grease, oil or other Auditory alarm signals
soiling. Its smaller size and ring-binding make it especially ard data access interface
suited for practical applications.
(ISO 9703-2:1994) 6pp E (ISO 10303-22:1998) 200pp O
(QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3705 6) Specifies the characteristics of auditory alarm signals Specifies the operation available to an application for
for use in anaesthesia and respiratory care. the purposes of acquiring and manipulating data
AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994 (HE-) (ISBN 0 7337 4690 X) whose structure is defined by using Part 11 of this
Standard. This Standard is identical with and repro-
Quality systems—Model for quality duced from ISO 10303-22:1998.
assurance in design, development, AS/NZS ISO 10013:1996 (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3442 1)
production, installation and servicing Guidelines for developing quality
(ISO 9001:1994) 11pp E manuals AS 10303.31—1998
Specifies quality systems requirements for use when con- (ISO 10013:1995) 11pp D Conformance testing methodology
formance to specified requirements is to be assured by the and framework: General concepts
supplier during design, development, production, installa- Specifies guidelines for the development, preparation and
tion and servicing. It provides a quality assurance model control of quality manuals tailored to the needs of the user; (ISO 10303-31:1994) 39pp I
suitable for demonstration by a supplier of its capability the resultant manuals will document or reference quality Specifies general methodology and framework for
and for assessment by external parties. This Standard is system procedures required by the ISO 9000 family of testing the conformance of an implementation of AS
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO Standards, or other quality system requirements. Identical 10303. It is identical with and has been reproduced
9001:1994. with and has been reproduced from ISO 10013:1995. from ISO 10303-31:1994.
(QR-008) (ISBN 0 7262 9203 6) (QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 0360 7) (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2132 X)

AS 10303.41—1998

AS 10303.41—1998 fectivity of a process, the properties of a process, the AS ISO 10535—2002

Integrated generic resources: Fun- resources and their properties required by the process, Hoists for the transfer of disabled per-
representation of the process and their resource and
damentals of product description the relationship of the process to the product. This sons—Requirements and test meth-
and support Standard is identical with and has been reproduced ods
(ISO 10303-41:1994) 182pp N from ISO 10303-49:1998. (ISO 10535:1998) 36pp I
Specifies resource constructs for the generic product (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3443 X) Specifies requirements and test methods for hoists and
description, generic management and support for the body support units for the transfer of disabled persons.
representation of products and their properties. An-
AS 10303.101—1998 (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7337 4720 5)
nexes A and C are contained in a diskette which ac-
companies this Standard. It is identical with and has Integrated application resources: AS ISO 10555
been reproduced from ISO 10303-41:1994. Draughting
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2133 8) Sterile, single-use intravascular cathe-
(ISO 10303-101:1994) 41pp I ters
AS 10303.42—1998 Specifies the resource constructs for the representa-
Integrated generic resources: Geo- tion of draughting information including information AS ISO 10555.1—2002
metric and topological representa- regarding the definition, description and administra- General requirements
tion of a drawing and the sheets of a drawing. Annex- (ISO 10555-1:1995) 9pp F
tion es A and C are contained in a diskette which accom-
(ISO 10303-42:1994) 228pp O panies this Standard. It is identical with and has been Specifies requirements for single-use intravascular
reproduced from ISO 10303-1:1994. catheters.
Specifies the resource constructs for the explicit geo- (HE-009) (ISBN 0 7337 4682 9)
metric and topological representation of the shape of (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2138 9)
the product. Annexes A and C are contained in a dis-
kette which accompanies this Standard. It is identical AS 10745—1998
with and has been reproduced from ISO 10303- AS 10303.105—1999 Information technology—Open Sys-
42:1994. Integrated application resource: tems Interconnection—Upper layers
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2134 6) Kinematics security model
AS 10303.43—1998 (ISO 10303-105:1996) 144pp L (ISO/IEC 10745:1995) 17pp F
Specifies an architectural model that provides a basis for
Integrated generic resources: Rep- Specifies the resource constructs for representation of the development of application independent services and
resentation structures the kinematic aspects of a mechanical product. These protocols for security in the upper layers of OSI. The utili-
constructs include definition of kinematic relation- zation of these services and protocols is to fulfil the secu-
(ISO 10303-43:1994) 27pp H ships between rigid objects called links; representa-
Specifies the integrated generic resources for associ- rity requirements of a wide variety of applications, so that
tion of the topology for a kinematic structure; defini- the need for application-specific ASEs to contain internal
ating elements of representation into distinct collec- tion of a kinematic motion as a sequence of
tions. Annexes A and C are contained in a diskette security services is minimized. This Standard is identical
discretised positions and orientations. This Standard with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 10745:1995.
which accompanies this Standard. It is identical with is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
and has been reproduced from ISO 10303-43:1994. 10303-105:1996.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1968 6)
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2135 4) (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2632 1) AS ISO 10993
AS 10303.44—1998 Biological evaluation of medical de-
Integrated generic resources: AS 10303.201—1998 vices
Product structure configuration Application protocol: Explicit
(ISO 10303-44:1994) 48pp J draughting AS ISO 10993.1—2002
Specifies resources to manage the structure and con- (ISO 10303-201:1994) 441pp P Evaluation and testing
figuration of product during its life cycle. Annexes A
Specifies the use of the integrated resources neces-
(ISO 10993-1:1997) 11pp F
and C are contained in a diskette which accompanies Describes the principles governing biological evalua-
this Standard. It is identical with and has been repro- sary for the scope and information requirements for
explicit draughting. Annexes A and B are contained tion and testing of medical devices.
duced from ISO 10303-44:1994. (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4696 9)
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2136 2) in a diskette which accompanies this Standard. It is
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO
10303-201:1994. AS ISO 10993.3—2002
AS 10303.45—2000 (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2139 7) Tests for genotoxicity, carcino-
Integrated generic resources: Ma- genicity and reproductive toxicity
terials (ISO 10993-3:1992) 7pp E
(ISO 10303-45:1998 ISO 10303- AS 10303.202—1999
Application protocol: Associative Specifies the requirements for tests of genotoxicity,
45:1998/Cor.1:1999) 42pp I carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity for biologi-
Specifies the resource constructs for the material draughting cal evaluation of medical devices.
properties of a product and for the characterisation of (ISO 10303-202:1996) 712pp Q (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4714 0)
a numerical data value as to its uncertainty and relia-
bility. It is identical with and has been reproduced Specifies an application protocol for the exchange of
from ISO 10303-45:1998 and Technical Corrigen- drawings which consist of two-dimensional presenta- AS ISO 10993.4—2002
dum 1:1999. tions of two-dimensional or three-dimensional geom- Selection of tests for interactions
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3523 1) etry and planar annotation defined in a two-dimen- with blood
sional or three-dimensional coordinate space. This
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced (ISO 10993-4:1992) 19pp G
AS 10303.46—1998 from ISO 10303-202:1996. Provides guidance for selection of tests for evaluating
Integrated generic resources: Vis- (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2631 3) the interactions of medical devices with blood.
ual presentation (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4713 2)
(ISO 10303-46:1994) 205pp O AS 10303.203—1998
Specifies the integrated resources for the visualiza- AS ISO 10993.5—2002
tion of displayable product information. This infor- Application protocol: Configura- Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity
mation is combined with product data such that a re- tion controlled design (ISO 10993-5:1999) 8pp F
ceiving system can construct one or several pictures Specifies requirements for test methods to assess the
of the product information suitable for human percep- (ISO 10303-203:1994 lSO 10303- in vitro cytotoxicity for biological evaluation of med-
tion. Annexes A and C are contained in a diskette 203:1994/Cor.1:1996) 515pp P ical devices.
which accompanies this Standard. It is identical with
and has been reproduced from ISO 10303-46:1994. Specifies the integrated resources necessary for the (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4712 4)
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2137 0) scope and information requirements for the exchange
between application systems of configuration con- AS ISO 10993.6—2002
trolled 3D designs of mechanical parts and assem-
AS 10303.47—1999 blies. Annexes A and B are contained in a diskette Tests for local effects after implan-
Integrated generic resource: which accompanies this Standard. It is identical with tation
Shape variation tolerances and has been reproduced from ISO 10303-203:1994 (ISO 10993-6:1994) 11pp F
including lSO 10303-203:1994/Cor.1:1996. Specifies test methods for the assessment of the local
(ISO 10303-47:1997) 72pp K
Specifies the resource constructs for representing di-
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2140 0) effects of an implant material on living tissue.
mensions and tolerances of product shapes. This (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4711 6)
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced AS 10303.207—2000
from ISO 10303-47:1997. AS ISO 10993.9—2002
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2633 X) Application protocol: Sheet metal Framework for identification and
die planning and design quantification of potential degra-
AS 10303.49—2000 (ISO 10303-207:1999) 578pp P dation products
Integrated generic resources: Specifies an application protocol for the exchange of (ISO 10993-9:1999) 8pp F
Process structure and properties sheet metal part design, part manufacture, and tool Provides general principles for the systematic evalua-
(ISO 10303-49:1998) 50pp I design information between contractors and suppli- tion of the potential and observed biodegradation of
Specifies the resource constructs to specify the ac- ers. This Standard is identical with and has been re- medical devices and for the design and performance
tions or potential actions to effect a process. These ac- produced from ISO 10303-207:1999. of biodegradation studies.
tions include: relationships between processes, the ef- (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3502 9) (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4697 7)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS ISO 10993.10—2002 AS ISO 11654—2002 AS/NZS 13246:1999

Tests for irritation and sensitiza- Acoustics—Rating of sound absorp- Information technology—Telecommu-
tion tion—Materials and systems nications and information exchange
(ISO 10993-10:1995) 31pp I (ISO 11654:1997) 7pp E between systems—Broadband private
Specifies a single number rating that can be used to formu- integrated services network—Inter-ex-
Describes test methods for biological evaluation of late requirements and to describe acoustical properties of
the potential of medical devices and their constituent sound-absorption products used for routine applications in change signalling protocol—Signal-
materials to produce irritation and sensitization. buildings. This Standard is identical with, and has been re- ling ATM adaptation layer
(HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4698 5) produced from, ISO 11654:1997. (ISO/IEC 13246:1997) 19pp G
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4587 3) Specifies the signalling asynchronous transfer mode adap-
AS ISO 10993.11—2002 tation layer protocol used in interface between broadband
Tests for systematic toxicity AS/NZS ISO 11990:2002 private integrated services network exchanges and be-
Optics and optical instruments—La- tween broadband private integrated services networks.
(ISO 10993-11:1993) 8pp F This Standard is one of a series of Standards applicable to
sers and laser-related equipment—De- private integrated services networking. This Standard is
Specifies methodologies for the evaluation of the sys-
tematic toxicity potential of medical devices which termination of laser resistance of identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
release constituents into the body. tracheal tube shafts 13246:1997.
(HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4710 8) (ISO 11990:1999) 9pp F (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2520 1)
Specifies a method of testing the laser resistance of the
AS ISO 10993.12—2002 shaft of a tracheal tube. AS/NZS 13247:1999
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4677 2) Information technology—Telecommu-
Sample preparation and reference
materials nications and information exchange
AS EN 12182—2002 between systems—Broadband private
(ISO 10993-12:1996) 11pp F Technical aids for disabled persons— integrated services network—Inter-ex-
Specifies requirements and provides guidance on pro- General requirements and test meth- change signalling protocol—Basic
cedures for sample preparation of medical devices for ods
testing in biological systems. call/connection control
(EN 12182:1999) 31pp H (ISO/IEC 13247:1997) 143pp N
(HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4717 5) Specifies general requirements and test methods for tech-
nical aids for disabled persons. Specifies the signalling protocol for basic call/connection
control at the Q reference point between private integrated
AS ISO 10993.13—2002 (ME-067) (ISBN 0 7337 4719 1) services network exchanges connected together within a
Identification and quantification of broadband private integrated services network using asyn-
degradation products from poly- AS/NZS ISO/IEC 12207:1997 chronous transfer mode. This Standard is one of a series of
meric medical devices Information technology—Software life Standards applicable to private integrated services net-
cycle processes working. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
(ISO 10993-13:1998) 10pp F produced from ISO/IEC 13247:1997.
(ISO/IEC 12207:1995) 57pp I (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2518 X)
Provides guidance on requirements for the design of Specifies a common framework for software life cycle
tests to identify and quantify degradation products processes that can be referenced by the software industry.
from finished polymeric medical devices ready for It includes processes, activities and tasks to be applied dur- AS ISO 13485—2002
clinical use. ing the acquisition of a system that contains software, a Quality systems—Medical devices—
(HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4716 7) stand-alone software product and software services. It is Particular requirements for the appli-
intended to be employed during the supply, development,
operation and maintenance of software products, including cation of ISO 9001
AS ISO 10993.16—2002 the software portion of firmware. This Standard is identical (ISO 13485:1996) 10pp F
Toxicokinetic study design for with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 12207:1995. Specifies, for suppliers of medical devices, quality systems
degradation products and leacha- (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 1067 0) requirements that are more specific than those given in ISO
bles 9001.
(ISO 10993-16:1997) 10pp F AS/NZS 13236:2000 (QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4702 7)
Provides principles on how toxicokinetic studies rel-
Information technology—Quality of
evant to medical devices should be designed and per- service: Framework AS ISO 13488—2002
formed. (ISO/IEC 13236:1998) 48pp J Quality systems—Medical devices—
(HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4715 9) Provides a common basis for the coordinated development Particular requirements for the appli-
and enhancement of the wide range of Standards that spec- cation of ISO 9002
ify or reference quality of service requirements or mecha-
AS ISO 11135—2002 nisms. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- (ISO 13488:1996) 9pp F
Medical devices—Validation and rou- duced from ISO/IEC 13236:1998. Specifies, for suppliers of medical devices, quality systems
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2161 3) requirements that are more specific than those given in ISO
tine control of ethylene oxide steriliza- 9002.
tion (QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4701 9)
AS/NZS 13241:1999
(ISO 11135:1994) 24pp H Information technology—Telecommu-
Specifies the requirements and guidance for validation and
nications and information exchange AS 13567
routine control of ethylene oxide sterilization processes for Technical product documentation—
medical devices. between systems—Private integrated
(HE-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4706 X) services network—Inter-exchange Organization and naming of layers for
signalling protocol—Route restriction CAD
AS ISO 11137—2002 class additional network feature
(ISO/IEC 13241:1997) 15pp F AS 13567.1—1999
Sterilization of health care products— Overview and principles
Requirements for validation and rou- Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the
route restriction class additional network feature at the Q (ISO 13567-1:1998) 3pp C
tine control—Radiation sterilization reference point between private integrated services net- Specifies the general priciple of layer structuring
(ISO 11137:1995) 61pp K work exchanges connected together within a private inte- within CAD files. These layers are used to control
Specifies requirements for validation, process control and grated services network. The Q reference point is defined visibility and to manage and communicate CAD file
routine monitoring in the radiation sterilization of health in AS/NZS 4136.1:1995. This Standard is one of a series data. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
care products. of Standards applicable to private integrated services net- produced from ISO 13567-1:1998.
working. This Standard is identical with and has been re- (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2630 5)
(HE-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4705 1) produced from ISO/IEC 13241:1997.
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2521 X)
AS/NZS 11572:1999 AS 13567.2—1999
Information technology—Telecommu- AS/NZS 13242:1999 Concepts, format and codes used
nications and information exchange Information technology—Telecommu- in construction documentation
between systems—Private integrated nications and information exchange (ISO 13567-2:1998) 10pp E
services network—Circuit mode bear- between systems—Private integrated Specifies the organization and allocation of layers for
services network—Specification, CAD on construction projects for the purpose of com-
er services—Inter-exchange signal- munication and management. This Standard is identi-
ling procedures and protocol functional model and information cal with and has been reproduced from ISO 13567-
(ISO/IEC 11572:1997) 120pp M flows—Route restriction class addi- 2:1998.
Specifies enhanced signalling procedures and protocol for tional network feature (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2629 1)
the support of circuit-switched call control at the Q refer- (ISO/IEC 13242:1997) 14pp F
ence point between private integrated services network ex- Specifies the route restriction class additional network fea- AS/NZS 13594:1998
changes connected together within a private integrated ture applicable to various basic services supported by pri- Information technology—Lower lay-
services network. The Q reference is defined in AS/NZS vate integrated services networks. The basic services are
4136.1:1995. This Standard is one of a series of Standards specified in AS/NZS 4135:1995. This Standard is one of a ers security
applicable to private integrated services networking. This series of Standards applicable to private integrated services (ISO/IEC TR 13594:1995) 17pp G
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from networking. This Standard is identical with and has been Specifies the cross layer aspects of the provision of securi-
ISO/IEC 11572:1997 and its Amendments 1 and 2. reproduced from ISO/IEC 13242:1997. ty services in the lower layers of the OSI reference model
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2522 8) (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2519 8) (transport, network, data link and physical layers). This

AS/NZS 13818

Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from bility to browse, select, download and control a vari- AS/NZS ISO 14011:1996
ISO/IEC TR 13594:1995. ety of bit streams. This Standard is identical with and
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1969 4) has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 13818-6:1998. Guidelines for environmental audit-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2881 2) ing—Audit procedures—Auditing of
AS/NZS 13818 environmental management systems
Information technology—Generic AS/NZS 13818.7:1999 (ISO 14011:1996) 6pp D
coding of moving pictures and associ- Advanced audio coding Provides guidance on audit procedures for the planning
ated audio information (ISO/IEC 13818-7:1997 ISO/IEC and performance of an audit of an environmental manage-
ment system.
13818-7/Cor.1:1998) 167pp M
AS/NZS 13818.1:2002 (QR-011) (ISBN 0 7337 0956 7)
Provides a specification for an audio standard for five
Systems full-bandwidth channel audio signals at data rates of
320 kb/s. This specification is not backward compat- AS/NZS ISO 14012:1996
(ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000 ISO/IEC ible with the specification in AS/NZS 13818.3
13818-1:2000/CORR.1:2002) (MPEG-2). This Standard is identical with and has
Guidelines for environmental audit-
156pp O been reproduced from ISO/IEC 13818-7:1997 and ing—Qualification criteria for environ-
Specifies the systems layer of the coding. It was de-
ISO/IEC 13818-7/Cor.1:1998. mental auditors
veloped principally to support the combination of the (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2607 0) (ISO 14012:1996) 6pp D
video and audio coding methods defined in Parts 2 Amdt 1 June 1999 (ISBN 0 7337 2864 4) X
and 3 of ISO/IEC 13818. This Standard is identical AS/NZS 13818.9:1999 Provides guidance on qualification criteria for environ-
with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 13818- Extension for real time interface for
1:2000 and ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/Corr.1:2002. mental auditors and is applicable to both internal and ex-
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4807 4) systems decoders ternal auditors.
(ISO/IEC 13818-9:1996) 5pp C (QR-011) (ISBN 0 7337 0957 5)
AS/NZS 13818.2:2002 Specifies a real time interface for systems decoders
Video based on the requirements of AS/NZS 13818.1. This AS/NZS ISO 14021:2000
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
(ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000 ISO/IEC from ISO/IEC 13818.9:1996. Environmental labels and declara-
13818-2:2000/AMDT.1:2001 ISO/ (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2628 3) tions—Self-declared environmental
IEC 13818-2:2000/CORR.1:2002) claims (Type II environmental label-
230pp P AS/NZS 13818.10:2002 ling)
Specifies the coded representation of picture informa- Conformance extensions for Digit- (ISO 14021:1999) 23pp G
tion for digital storage media and digital video com- al Storage Media Command and Specifies requirements applying to the development of en-
munication and specifies the decoding process. This vironmental claims, expressed in either words or symbols,
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced Control (DSM-CC)
about products and services. Includes both general require-
from ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000, ISO/IEC 13818- (ISO/IEC 13818-10:1999) 140pp O ments and specific details for selected claims, along with
2:2000/Amdt.1:2001 and ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/ Defines compliance to Data Storage Media Com- verification methodologies. This Standard is an adoption
Corr.1:2002. mand and Control (DSMCC) Standard in 2 steps: the with national modifications of ISO 14021:1999.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4809 0) static review and the dynamic review as defined in (EV-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3301 8)
ISO/IEC 9646 Conformance Testing Standard (1, 2,
AS/NZS 13818.3:1999 3). This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
duced from ISO/IEC 13818-10:1999. AS/NZS ISO 14031:2000
Audio (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4813 9)
(ISO/IEC 13818-3:1998) 115pp L Environmental management—Envi-
Specifies the coded respresentation of multichannel
ronmental performance evaluation—
AS/NZS ISO 14000 (Set) Guidelines
and multilingual high quality audio for broadcasting,
transmission and storage media and the method for Environmental management Stand- (ISO 14031:1999) 32pp H
decoding of multichannel and multilingual high qual- ards set $398.31 Retail Provides guidance on the use of environmental perform-
ity audio signals. This Standard is identical with and $298.72 Member
has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 13818-3:1998. ance evaluation (EPE) as an internal management process
This set includes AS/NZS ISO 14001:1996, AS/NZS ISO designed to produce reliable and verifiable information on
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2623 2) 14004:1996, AS/NZS ISO 14010:1996, AS/NZS ISO an ongoing basis to determine whether an organization's
14011:1996, AS/NZS ISO 14012:1996 and Amdt 1, environmental performance is meeting criteria set by man-
AS/NZS 13818.4:2002 AS/NZS ISO 14021:2000, AS/NZS ISO 14031:2000, AS/ agement.
Conformance testing NZS ISO 14040:1998, AS/NZS ISO 14041:1999, AS/ (QR-011) (ISBN 0 7337 3480 4)
NZS ISO 14042:2001, AS/NZS 14043:2001 and AS ISO
(ISO/IEC 13818-4:1998 ISO/IEC 14050-1999.
13818-4:1998/CORR.2:1998 ISO/ (QR-011) AS/NZS ISO 14040:1998
IEC 13818-4:1998/AMDT.1:1999 Environmental management—Life cy-
ISO/IEC 13818-4:1998/AM- AS/NZS ISO 14001:1996 cle assessment—Principles and
DT.2:2000 ISO/IEC 13818-4:1998/ Environmental management sys- framework
AMDT.3:2000) 94pp M tems—Specification with guidance for (ISO 14040:1997) 12pp E
Specifies how tests can be designed to verify whether use Specifies the general framework, principles and require-
bitstreams and decoders meet requirements specified ments for conducting and reporting life cycle assessment
in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of ISO/IEC 13818. This Standard (ISO 14001:1996) 14pp F
Specifies requirements for environmental management studies. It is identical with and has been reproduced from
is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/ ISO 14040:1997.
IEC 13818-4:1998, ISO/IEC 13818-4:1998/Am- systems to enable organizations to formulate policies and
dt.1:1999, ISO/IEC 13818-4:1998/Amdt.2:2000, objectives. It does not state environmental performance (EV-005) (ISBN 0 7337 1696 2)
ISO/IEC 13818-4:1998/Amdt.3:2000 and ISO/IEC criteria. Informative guidance on the use of the specifica-
tion is provided in an annex. Identical with and reproduced
from ISO 14001:1996. AS/NZS ISO 14041:1999
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4810 4) Environmental management—Life cy-
(QR-011) (ISBN 0 7337 0837 4)
AS/NZS 13818.5:1999 cle assesment—Goal and scope defi-
AS/NZS ISO 14004:1996 nition and inventory analysis
Software simulation
(ISO/IEC 13818-5:1997) 313pp P Environmental management sys- (ISO 14041:1998) 21pp G
Also comes with 3 disks tems—General guidelines on princi- Specifies the requirements and the procedures necessary
Amdt 1 17 December 2002 ples, systems and supporting for the compilation and preparation of the definition of
techniques goal and scope for a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and for
(ISBN 0 7337 4811 2) B performing, interpreting and reporting a Life Cycle Inven-
Provides C language software simulation of an en- (ISO 14004:1996) 31pp H tory analysis (LCI). This Standard is identical with and has
coder and decoder for Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of AS/ Specifies guidance on the development and implementa- been reproduced from ISO 14041:1998.
NZS 13818:1997. This Standard is identical with and tion of environmental management principles and systems (EV-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2589 9)
has been reproduced from ISO/IEC TR 13818- and their coordination with existing management systems.
5:1997. It is intended for use as a voluntary, internal management
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2608 9) tool and not for use by certification/registration bodies as a AS/NZS ISO 14042:2001
specification Standard. Identical with and reproduced from Environmental management—Life cy-
ISO 14004:1996.
AS/NZS 13818.6:1999 (QR-011) (ISBN 0 7337 0838 2) cle assessment—Life cycle impact as-
Extensions for DSM-CC sessment
(ISO/IEC 13818-6:1998) 542pp Q AS/NZS ISO 14010:1996 (ISO 14042:2000) 16pp F
Amdt 1 2 December 2002 Guidelines for environmental audit- Describes and gives on a general framework for the life cy-
(ISBN 0 7337 4812 0) C ing—General principles cle impact assessment (LCIA) phase of life cycle assess-
Specifies the digital storage media command and ment (LCA),and the key features and inherent limitations
control (DSM-CC) of a digital bit stream complying (ISO 14010:1996) 4pp C of LCIA. Specifies requirements for conducting the LCIA
with the protocol specified by other Parts in this series Provides guidance on the general principles of environ- phase and relationship of LCIA to other LCA phases. This
of Standards, i.e. extending the capabilities of the mental auditing and is applicable to all types of environ- Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from
original protocol. The specification consists of con- mental audits. ISO 14042:2000.
cepts and protocols which provide the general capa- (QR-011) (ISBN 0 7337 0955 9) (EV-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3635 1)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS ISO 14043:2001 Presentation environment for multi- quality delivery, speech with music, complex sound-
media objects tracks with simple ones, and traditional content with
Environmental management—Life cy- interactive and virtual-reality content. The subparts
cle assessment—Life cycle interpreta- specify the state-of-the-art coding tools in several do-
tion AS/NZS 14478.1:2000 mains. This Standard is identical to and has been re-
(ISO 14043:2000) 18pp F Fundamentals of presentation en- produced from ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001.
Provides requirements and recommendations for conduct- vironment for multimedia objects (IT-001)
ing the life cycle interpretations in life cycle assessment (ISO/IEC 14478-1:1998) 36pp H
(LCA) or life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) studies. This Describes the overall architecture and specifies the AS/NZS 14496.4:2002
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from common semantics for the construction of, presenta- Conformance testing
ISO 14043:2000. tion of, and interaction with multimedia objects such
(EV-005) (ISBN 0 7337 3636 X) (ISO/IEC 14496-4:2001)
as still and moving computer graphics, synthetic Only available as AS/NZS 14496.1-6:2002
graphics, audio, and still and moving images. This
AS ISO 14050—1999 Standard is identical with and has been reproduced (CD-ROM)
from ISO/IEC 14478-1:1998. Specifies how tests can be designed to verify whether
Environmental management—Vocab- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3248 8) bitstreams and decoders meet requirements specified
ulary in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of AS/NZS 14496. AS/NZS 14496
(ISO 14050:1998) 8pp D specifies how tests can be designed for bitsream de-
AS/NZS 14478.2:2000 livery over various delivery technologies in an inter-
Provides a collection of terms and definitions from the ISO Foundation component operable transparent manner to Parts 1, 2 and 3. This
14000 series of International Standards on environmental Standard is provided as a set of CD ROMs.
management. This Standard is identical with and has been (ISO/IEC 14478-2:1998) 71pp L
reproduced from ISO 14050:1998. Specifies an initial set of lists of object and non-object (IT-001)
(K-) (ISBN 0 7337 2739 5) types (conforming with AS/NZS 14478.1) useful for
the construction of, presentation of, and interaction AS/NZS 14496.5:2002
with multimedia information. This Standard is identi- Reference software
AS/NZS 14102:1998 cal with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
Information technology—Guideline 14478-2:1998. (ISO/IEC 14496-5:2000)
for evaluation and selection of CASE (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3249 6) Only available as AS/NZS 14496.1-6:2002
tools (CD-ROM)
AS/NZS 14478.3:2000 Specifies software for elementary stream encoding
(ISO/IEC 14102:1995) 55pp I and decoding and its associated utilities. This Stand-
Specifies the processes and activities to be applied to the Multimedia systems services ard is identical to and has been reproduced from ISO/
evaluation of CASE tools and selecting the most appropri- (ISO/IEC 14478-3:1998) 74pp L IEC 14496-5:2000.
ate CASE tools from several candidates. This Standard is Specifies a set of system software components which (IT-001)
identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO/IEC marshal lower-level system resources to the task of
14102:1995. supporting multimedia processing, so providing a set
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2223 7) AS/NZS 14496.6:2002
of common services which can be used by multimedia
application developers. This Standard is identical Delivery Multimedia Integration
AS/NZS 14143 with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 14478- Framework (DMIF)
Information technology—Software 3:1998. (ISO/IEC 14496-6:2000)
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3250 X) Only available as AS/NZS 14496.1-6:2002
measurement—Functional size meas-
urement (CD-ROM)
AS/NZS 14478.4:2000 Specifies software engineers with a specification to
Modelling, rendering and interac- ensure audio-visual objects are encoded such that the
AS/NZS 14143.1:1999 tion component delivery layer allows applications to transparently ac-
Definition of concepts cess and view multimedia streams regardless of their
(ISO/IEC 14478-4:1998) 71pp L location. This Standard is identical to and has been re-
(ISO/IEC 14143-1:1998) 6pp E Specifies the objects needed for advanced computer produced from ISO/IEC 14496-6:2000.
Defines the fundamental concepts of functional size systems using graphics, video, audio, or other types (IT-001)
measurement (FSM), thereby promoting the consist- of presentable media enhanced by time aspects. This
ent interpretation of FSM principles which are al- Standard is identical with and has been reproduced
ready in existence. This Standard is identical with and from ISO/IEC 14478-4:1998 AS/NZS 14598
has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 14143-1:1998. (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3251 8) Information technology—Software
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2971 1) product evaluation
AS/NZS 14496.1-6:2002 (CD—ROM)
AS ISO 14155—2002 Information technology—Coding of AS/NZS 14598.1:2000
Clinical investigation of medical de- audio-visual objects General overview
vices 5 CD-ROM Set $1804.00 Retail (ISO/IEC 14598-1:1999) 19pp G
(ISO 14155:1996) 12pp G $1353.00 Member Specifies the framework for evaluating the quality of
Specifies requirements for the conduct of clinical investi- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4775 2) software product and gives the requirements for
gation and documentation of medical devices. methods of software product measurement and eval-
(HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4686 1) uation. This Standard is identical with and has been
AS/NZS 14496.1:2002 reproduced from ISO/IEC 14598-1:1999.
Systems (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3679 3)
AS ISO 14160—2002 (ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001 ISO/IEC
Sterilization of single-use medical de- 14496-1:2001/Amd 1:2001) AS/NZS 14598.2:2000
vices incorporating materials of ani- Only available as AS/NZS 14496.1-6:2002
mal origin—Validation and routine Planning and management
(CD-ROM) (ISO/IEC 14598-2:2000) 12pp G
control of sterilization by liquid steri- Specifies system level functonalities for the commu-
nication of interactive audio-visual scenes for the pur- Specifies the requirements, recommendations and
lants guidelines for a supporting function within an organ-
poses of programming, operations and communica-
(ISO 14160:1998) 21pp H tions using audio-visual objects. This Standard is isation which is responsible for the management of
Specifies requirements for the development, validation, identical to and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC software product evaluation and for technologies nec-
process control and monitoring of the sterilization, by the 14496-1:2001 and its Amendment 1:2001. essary for software product evaluation. This Standard
use of liquid chemical sterilants, of single-use medical de- (IT-001) is identical with and reproduced from ISO/IEC
vices comprising, in whole or in part, materials of animal 14598-2:2000.
origin. (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3680 7)
(HE-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4704 3) AS/NZS 14496.2:2002
Visual AS/NZS 14598.3:2000
AS/NZS 14475:1999 (ISO/IEC 14496-2:2001) Process for developers
Information technology—Telecommu- Only available as AS/NZS 14496.1-6:2002
(CD-ROM) (ISO/IEC 14598-3:1999) 16pp G
nications and information exchange Specifies the coded representation of picture informa- Specifies the guidelines for clarifying quality require-
between systems—Private integrated tion in the form of natural or synthetic visual objects ments and for implementing and analysing software
services network—Architecture and like video sequences of rectangular or arbitrarily quality measures during all phases of the develop-
shaped pictures, moving 2D meshes, animated 3D ment life cycle. This Standard is identical with
scenarios for private integrated serv- face and body models and texture for synthetic ob- (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3681 5)
ices networking jects. This Standard is identical to and has been repro-
(ISO/IEC TR 14475:1996) 19pp G duced from ISO/IEC 14496-2:2001. AS/NZS 14598.4:2000
Specifies inter-private exchange connections provided by (IT-001) Process for acquirers
intervening networks. It is one of a series of Standards ap-
plicable to private integrated services networking. This AS/NZS 14496.3:2002 (ISO/IEC 14598-4:1999) 34pp I
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from Specifies the requirements and recommendations for
ISO/IEC TR 14475:1996. Audio the systematic measurement, assessment and evalua-
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2454 X) (ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001) tion of software product quality [Bring the acquisition
Only available as AS/NZS 14496.1-6:2002 of "off-the-shelf"software products, custom software
AS/NZS 14478 (CD-ROM) products or modification of existing software prod-
Specifies a new kind of audio standard that integrates ucts. This Standard is identical with and reproduced
Information technology—Computer many different types of audio coding: natural sound from ISO/IEC 14598-4:1999.
graphics and image processing— with synthetic sound, low bitrate delivery with high- (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3682 3)

AS/NZS 14598.5:2000

AS/NZS 14598.5:2000 AS 14813.1(Int)—2000 flows—Do not disturb and do not dis-

Process for evaluators TICS fundamental services turb override supplementary services
(ISO/IEC 14598-5:1998) 35pp I (ISO TR 14813-1:1999) (ISO/IEC 14842:1996) 70pp K
Specifies requirements and recommendations for the
(Expired 29 August 2002) 12pp F Specifies the do not disturb and do not disturb override fea-
Specifies the fundamental services within the current tures applicable to various basic services supported by pri-
practical implementation of software product evalua- vate integrated services networks. The basic services are
tion when several parties need to understand, accept perception of the transport information and control
systems sector. This Interim Standard is identical specified in AS/NZS 4135:1995. It is one of a series of
and trust evaluation results. This Standard is identical Standards applicable to private integrated services net-
with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 14598- with and has been reproduced from ISO TR 14813-
1:1999. working. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
5:1998. produced from ISO/IEC 14842:1996.
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3024 8) (IT-023) (ISBN 0 7337 3441 3)
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2456 6)

AS/NZS 14598.6:2001 AS 14813.2(Int)—2001 AS/NZS 14843:1999

Core TICS reference architecture
Documentation of evaluation mod- Information technology—Telecommu-
(ISO/TR 14813-2:2000)
ules (Expires 5 May 2003) 66pp L nications and information exchange
(ISO/IEC 14598-6:2001) 31pp I Specifies the definition to core a reference architec-
between systems—Private integrated
Specifies the structure and content of the documenta- ture for the transport information and control systems services network—Inter-exchange
tion to be used to describe an evaluation module for sector. The reference architecture is a concise generic signalling protocol—Call offer supple-
use by other parts of this Standard. This Standard is framework that can be used to guide the development mentary service
identical with and reproduced from ISO/IEC 14598- of more concrete system architectures. This Interim
6:2001. Standard is identical with and has been reproduced (ISO/IEC 14843:1996) 35pp I
from ISO/TR 14813-2:2000. Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the call
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 4179 7) offer supplementary service at the Q reference point be-
(IT-023) (ISBN 0 7337 3860 5)
tween private integrated services network exchanges con-
AS/NZS ISO 14644 nected together within a private integrated services net-
AS 14813.3(Int)—2001 work. The Q reference point is defined in AS/NZS
Cleanrooms and associated control- Example elaboration 4136.1:1995. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to
led environments (ISO/TR 14813-3:2000) private integrated services networking. This Standard is
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
(Expires 5 May 2003) 164pp M 14843:1996.
AS/NZS ISO 14644.1:2002 Specifies the core reference architecture developed in (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2457 4)
Classification and air cleanliness Part 2 of this Standard and so illustrates how special-
ist groups could proceed to develop system architec-
(ISO 14644-1:1999) 20pp G tures. This Interim Standards is identical with and has AS/NZS 14844:1999
Covers the classification of air cleanliness of clean- been reproduced from ISO/TR 14813-3:2000. Information technology—Telecommu-
rooms and associated controlled environments exclu- (IT-023) (ISBN 0 7337 3861 3) nications and information exchange
sively in terms of concentrations of airborne particles. between systems—Private integrated
This Standard is identical with and has been repro- AS 14813.4(Int)—2001
duced from ISO 14644-1:1999. services network—Inter-exchange
Reference model tutorial signalling protocol—Do not disturb
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 4375 7)
(ISO/TR 14813-4:2000) and do not disturb override supple-
(Expires 5 May 2003) 21pp H mentary services
AS/NZS 14644.2:2002 Specifies a tutorial using unified modelling language,
Specifications for testing and mon- drawing on examples from the transport information
(ISO/IEC 14844:1996) 52pp J
and control systems domain. This Interim Standard is Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of do not
itoring to prove continued compli- disturb and do not disturb override supplementary services
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/TR
ance with ISO 14644-1 (ISO 14644- 14813-4:2000. at the Q reference point between private integrated service
2:2000, MOD) 8pp E network exchanges connected together within a private in-
(IT-023) (ISBN 0 7337 3859 1) tegrated services network. The Q reference point is defined
Specifies requirements for periodic testing of a clean- in AS/NZS 4136.1:1995. It is one of a series of Standards
room or cleanzone to prove its continued compliance AS 14813.5(Int)—2000 applicable to private integrated services networking. This
with ISO 14644-1 for the designation classification of Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from
airborne particulate cleanliness. This Standard is Requirements for architecture de-
ISO/IEC 14844:1996.
modified adoption of ISO 14644-2:2000. scription in TICS standards (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2458 2)
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 4786 8) (ISO TR 14813-5:1995)
(Expired 29 August 2002) 10pp E AS/NZS 14845:1999
AS/NZS ISO 14644.4:2002 Specifies the requirements for architecture in trans-
Information technology—Telecommu-
port information and control systems. This Interim
Design, construction and start-up Standard is identical with and has been reproduced nications and information exchange
(ISO 14644-4:2001) 51pp K from ISO TR 14813-5:1999. between systems—Private integrated
Specifies requirements to provide control of airborne (IT-023) (ISBN 0 7337 3440 5) services network—Specification,
particulate contamination of levels appropriate for ac- functional model and information
complishing contamination-sensitive actives. This AS 14813.6(Int)—2001 flows—Call intrusion supplementary
Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced Data presentation in ASN.1 service
from, ISO 14644-4:2001.
(ISO/TR 14813-6: 2000) (ISO/IEC 14845:1996) 73pp K
(ME-060) (ISBN 0 7337 4611 X) (Expires 5 May 2003) 13pp G Specifies the call intrusion features applicable to various
Specifies the adoption of ASN.1 as its normal syntax basic services supported by private integrated services net-
AS/NZS 14756:2001 notation for the reference model within transport in- works. The basic services are specified in AS/NZS
Information technology—Measure- formation and control systems. This Interim Standard 4135:1995. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to
is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/ private integrated services networking. This Standard is
ment and rating of performance of TR 14813-6:2000. identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC
computer-based software systems (IT-023) (ISBN 0 7337 3862 1) 14845:1996.
(ISO/IEC 14756:1999) 49pp J (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2459 0)
Specifies and defines the user oriented performance values AS/NZS 14841:1999
for computer-based software systems. These values are ap- Information technology—Telecommu- AS/NZS 14846:1999
plicable to tests for all time constrained systems or system nications and information exchange Information technology—Telecommu-
parts and include execution time, throughput and timeli-
ness. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- between systems—Private integrated nications and information exchange
duced from ISO/IEC 14756:1999. services network—Specification, between systems—Private integrated
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3764 1) functional model and information services network—Inter-exchange
flows—Call offer supplementary serv- signalling protocol—Call intrusion
AS/NZS 14764:2001 ice supplementary service
Information technology—Software (ISO/IEC 14841:1996) 36pp I (ISO/IEC 14846:1996) 61pp J
Specifies the call offer features applicable to various basic Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the call
maintenance intrusion supplementary services at the Q reference point
services supported by private integrated services networks.
(ISO/IEC 14764:1999) 38pp H The basic services are specified in AS/NZS 4135:1995. It between private integrated services network exchanges
Specifies guidance that applies to planning, execution, is one of a series of Standards applicable to private inte- connected together within a private integrated services net-
control, review, evaluation and closure of the maintenance grated services networking. This Standard is identical with work. The Q reference is defined in AS/NZS 4136.1:1995.
process and the development of maintenance plans which and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 14841:1996. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to private inte-
apply to software products. This Standard is identical with (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2455 8) grated services networking. This Standard is identical with
and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 14764:1999. and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 14846:1996.
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 3503 7) (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2460 4)
AS/NZS 14842:1999
Information technology—Telecommu- AS/NZS 14882:1999
AS 14813 nications and information exchange Programming languages—C++
Transport information and control between systems—Private integrated (ISO 14882:1998) 748pp G
systems—Reference model architec- services network—Specification, Provides the requirements for the implementations of the
ture(s) for the TICS sector functional model and information C++ programming language. This language is based on the

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

C programming language and provides additional data AS/NZS 15052:1999 AS/NZS 15271:1999
types, classes, templates, exceptions, namespaces, inline
functions, operator and function name overloading refer- Information technology—Telecommu- Guide for AS/NZS ISO/IEC 12207 ([In-
ences, free store management operators and additional li- nications and information exchange formation technology—Software life
brary facilities. This Standard is identical with and repro- between systems—Private integrated cycle processes)
duced with ISO 14882:1998. services network—Inter-exchange (ISO/IEC TR 15271:1998) 49pp I
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3067 1) signalling protocol—Recall supple- Provides users of AS/NZS ISO/IEC 12207 with further ex-
mentary service planation in relation to various types of software and indi-
cates which processes may be relevant in reference to con-
AS/NZS ISO 15004:2002 (ISO/IEC 15052:1997) 17pp G tractual situations, on a project irrespective of size or
Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the re- complexity, in an organization as a self-assessment or for
Ophthalmic instruments—Fundamen- call supplementary service at the Q reference point be- software process improvement initiatives. This Standard is
tal requirements and test methods tween private integrated services network exchanges con- identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC TR
nected together within a private integrated services 15271:1998.
(ISO 15004:1997) 16pp G network. The Q reference point is defined in AS/NZS (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2663 1)
Specifies requirements for non-invasive, active and non- 4136.1:1995. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to
active ophthalmic instruments. private integrated services networking. This Standard is
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC AS ISO 15489
(HE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4676 4) 15052:1997. Records management
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2464 7)
AS/NZS 15026:1999 AS ISO 15489.1—2002
AS/NZS 15053:1999 General
Information technology—System and Information technology—Telecommu-
software integrity levels (ISO 15489-1:2001) 19pp G
nications and information exchange Provides best practice records management policies
(ISO/IEC 15026:1998) 12pp E between systems—Private integrated and procedures to ensure that appropriate attention
Specifies requirements for the determination of system and services network—Specification, and protection is given to all records, and that the ev-
functional model and information idence and information they contain can be retrieved
software integrity levels for software products and systems more efficiently and effectively.
that use software. The Standard also defines the concepts flows—Call interception additional (IT-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4346 3)
associated with integrity levels, defines the processes for network feature
determining integrity levels and software integrity require-
ments, and places requirements on each process. This (ISO/IEC 15053:1997) 36pp I AS ISO 15489.2—2002
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from Specifies the call interception additional network feature Guidelines
ISO/IEC 15026:1998 applicable to various basic services networks. The basic
services are specified in AS/NZS 4135:1995. It is one of a (ISO TR 15489.2:2001) 39pp I
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2660 7) series of Standards applicable to private integrated services Provides guidelines that are supplementary to AS ISO
networking. This Standard is identical with and has been 15489.1 that apply to records in any format or media,
reproduced from ISO/IEC 15053:1997. created or received by any public or private organiza-
AS/NZS 15049:1999 (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2465 5) tion during the course of its activities.
Information technology—Telecommu- (IT-021) (ISBN 0 7337 4347 1)
nications and information exchange AS/NZS 15054:1999
between systems—Private integrated Information technology—Telecommu- AS 15504
services network—Specification, nications and information exchange Information technology—Software
functional model and information between systems—Private integrated process assessment
flows—Advice of charge supplemen- services network—Inter-exchange
tary services signalling protocol—Call interception AS 15504.1(Int)—1998
additional network feature Concepts and introductory guide
(ISO/IEC 15049:1997) 67pp K
(ISO/IEC 15054:1997) 39pp I (ISO/IEC TR 15504-1:1998)
Specifies the advice of charge features applicable to vari- Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the call (Expired 5 October 2000) 11pp D
ous basic services supported by private integrated services interception additional network feature at the Q reference
networks. The basic services are specified in AS/NZS Describes a framework of software process assess-
point between private integrated services network ex- ment and its use in the two contexts of process im-
4135:1995. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to changes connected together within a private integrated
private integrated services networking. This Standard is provement and process capability determination. This
services network. The Q reference point is defined in AS/ Standard describes how the parts of the suite fit to-
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC NZS 4136.1:1995. It is one of a series of Standards appli-
15049:1997. gether, and provides guidance for their selection and
cable to private integrated services networking. This use. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2461 2) Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from produced from ISO/IEC TR 15504-1:1998.
ISO/IEC 15054:1997. (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2229 6)
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2466 3)
AS/NZS 15050:1999
AS 15504.2(Int)—1998
Information technology—Telecommu- AS/NZS 15055:1999 A reference model for processes
nications and information exchange Information technology—Telecommu- and process cabability
between systems—Private integrated nications and information exchange
(ISO/IEC TR 15504-2:1998)
services network—Inter-exchange between systems—Private integrated (Expired 5 October 2000) 39pp H
signalling protocol—Advice of charge services network—Specification, Specifies a reference model which describes process-
supplementary services functional model and information es that an organization may perform to acquire, sup-
(ISO/IEC 15050:1997) 50pp J flows—Transit counter additional net- ply, develop, operate, evolve and support software,
work feature and the process attributes that characterize the capa-
Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the ad- bility of those processes. This Standard is identical
vice of charge supplementary services at the Q reference
(ISO/IEC 15055:1997) 10pp E with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC TR
point between private integrated services network ex- Specifies the transit counter additional network feature ap- 15504-2:1998.
changes connected together within a private integratd serv- plicable to various basic services supported by private in- (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2230 X)
ices network. The Q reference is defined in AS/NZS tegrated services networks. The basic services are speci-
4136.1:1995. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to fied in AS/NZS 4135:1995. This Standard is one of a series
private integrated services networking. This Standard is of Standards applicable to private integrated services net- AS 15504.3(Int)—1998
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC working. This Standard is identical with and has been re- Performing an assessment
produced from ISO/IEC 15055:1997.
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2517 1)
(ISO/IEC TR 15504-3:1998)
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2462 0) (Expired 5 October 2000) 4pp C
AS/NZS 15056:1999 Specifies the minimum set of requirements for per-
forming an assessment, which will increase the likeli-
AS/NZS 15051:1999 Information technology—Telecom- hood that results of the assessment are objective, im-
Information technology—Telecommu- munciations and information ex- partial, consistent, repeatable and representative of
change between systems—Private the processes assessed and also defines the circum-
nications and information exchange stances under which assessment results are compara-
between systems—Private integrated integrated services network—Inter-ex- ble. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
services network—Specification func- change signalling protocol—Transit produced from ISO/IEC TR 15504-3:1998.
tional model and information flows— counter additional network feature (IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2231 8)
Recall supplementary service (ISO/IEC 15056:1997) 11pp E
Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the tran- AS 15504.4(Int)—1998
(ISO/IEC 15051:1997) 13pp F sit counter additional network feature at the Q reference Guide to performing assessments
point between private integrated services network ex-
Specifies the recall feature applicable to various basic changes connected together within a private integrated (ISO/IEC TR 15504-4:1998)
services supported by private integrated services networks. services network. The Q reference point is defined in AS/ (Expired 5 October 2000) 18pp F
The basic services are specified in AS/NZS 4135:1995. It NZS 4136.1:1995. This Standard is one of a series of
is one of a series of Standards applicable to private inte- Provides an overview of process assessment and in-
Standards applicable to private integrated services net- terprets the requirements through the provision of
grated services networking. This Standard is identical with working. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 15051:1997. guidance on the selection and use of compatible mod-
produced from ISO/IEC 15056:1997. els, documented assessment processes, and instru-
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2463 9) (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2516 3) ments or tools for assessment. This Standard is iden-

AS 15504.5(Int):1999

tical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC TR AS/NZS 15506:1999 ported by the Z39.50 protocol. The protocol specification
15504-4:1998. Information technology—Telecommu- includes the definition of the protocol information, the
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2232 6) rules for exchanging this information, and the conform-
nications and information exchange ance requirements to be met by implementation of this pro-
between systems—Private integrated tocol. It is intended for systems supporting information re-
AS 15504.5(Int):1999 services network—Inter-exchange trieval services and for organizations such as information
services, universities, libraries and union catalogue cen-
An assessment model and indica- signalling protocol—Message waiting tres. This Standard addresses the connection-oriented, pro-
tor guidance indication supplementary service gram-to-program communications. It does not address in-
(ISO/IEC TR 15504-5:1998) (ISO/IEC 15506:1997) 26pp H terchange of the information with terminals or via other
Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the mes- physical means. This Standard is identical with and has
(Expired 5 August 2001) 122pp M sage waiting indication supplementary service at the Q ref- been reproduced from ISO 23950:1998
Provides an assessment model for supporting soft- erence point between private integrated services network (IT-019) (ISBN 0 7337 2622 4)
ware process assessment and contains guidance of exchanges connected together within a private integrated
good software engineering practices to be considered services network. The Q reference is defined in AS/NZS AS EN 45502
when interpreting the intent of the assessment refer- 4136.1:1995. This Standard is one of a series of Standards Active implantable medical devices
ence model. This Interim Standard is identical with applicable to private integrated services networking. This
and reproduced from ISO/IEC TR 15504-5:1998. Standard is identical with and has been reproduced from
ISO/IEC 15506:1997. AS EN 45502.1—2002
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2883 9)
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2514 7) General requirements for safety,
marking and information to be pro-
AS 15504.6(Int)—1998 AS/NZS 15507:1999 vided by the manufacturer
Guide to competency of assessors Information technology—Telecommu- (EN 45502-1:1997) 47pp J
(ISO/IEC TR 15504-6:1998) nications and information exchange Specifies requirements for active implantable medi-
between systems—Private integrated cal devices for safety, marking and information to be
(Expired 5 October 2000) 22pp F provided by manufacturer.
Defines the initial and ongoing qualification of asses-
services network—Inter-exchange (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4681 0)
sors and provides guidance for the preparation and signalling protocol—PINX clock syn-
qualification of assessors to perform software process chronization AS EN 46003—2002
assessments. It describes mechanisms that may be (ISO/IEC 15507:1997) 15pp F
used to demonstrate assessor competence and to vali- Quality systems—Medical devices—
Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the
date an assessor's education, training and experience. clock synchronization between private inetegrated service Particular requirements for the appli-
This Standard is identical with and has been repro- network exchanges connected together within a private in- cation of ISO 9003
duced from ISO/IEC TR 15504-6:1998. tegrated services network. This Standard is one of a series (EN 46003:1999) 7pp E
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2233 4) of Standards applicable to private integrated services net- Specifies, for suppliers of medical devices, quality systems
working. This Standard is identical with and has been re- requirements that are more specific than those given in ISO
produced from ISO/IEC 15507:1997. 9003.
AS 15504.7(Int)—1998 (IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2513 9) (QR-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4703 5)
Guide for use in process improve-
ment AS/NZS ISO/IEC 17020:2000 AS EN 50103—2002
(ISO/IEC TR 15504-7:1998) General criteria for the operation of Guidance on the application of EN
(Expired 5 October 2000) 35pp H various types of bodies performing in- 29001 and EN 46001 and of EN 29002
Provides guidance on using software process assess-
spection and EN 46002 for the active (including
ment as the primary means of understanding the cur- (ISO/IEC 17020:1998) 12pp F active implantable) medical device in-
rent state of an organization's software processes, and Provides general requirements for the operation of bodies dustry.
on using the results of the assessment to formulate that perform inspections, and criteria for independence. It
and prioritize improvement plans. This Standard is does not cover testing laboratories, certification bodies or (EN 50103:1995) 16pp G
identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC suppliers' declarations of conformity. Identical with and Provides guidance on concepts and objectives to be con-
TR 15504-7:1998. reproduced from ISO/IEC 17020:1998. sidered by a supplier of active medical devices when de-
(QR-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3303 4) veloping and maintaining a quality system.
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2234 2) (HE-012) (ISBN 0 7337 4708 6)

AS 15504.8(Int)—1998 AS ISO/IEC 17025—1999 AS 60038—2000

General requirements for the compe- Standard voltages
Guide for use in determining sup- tence of testing and calibration labora-
plier process capability (IEC 60038:1983 IEC 60038:1983/
tories Amd.1:1994 IEC 60038:1983/
(ISO/IEC TR 15504-8:1998) (ISO/IEC 17025:1999) 26pp G Amd.2:1997) 8pp E
(Expired 5 October 2000) 17pp F Provides general requirements to be used by laboratories in
Specifies standard voltages for 50 Hz a.c. transmission dis-
developing the administrative, technical and quality sys-
Describes how to utilize process assessment for the tems that govern their operations, and by accreditation tribution and utilization systems, standard voltages for a.c.
purposes of process capability determination and pro- bodies as a basis for laboratory accreditation. This Stand- or d.c. traction systems and nominal voltages for a.c. and
vides guidance on how to apply the requirements of d.c. equipment less than 120 V a.c. or 750 V d.c. This
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/
process assessment. This Standard is identical with IEC 17025:1999. Standard is based on and contains the full text of IEC
and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC TR 15504- 60038:1983 incorporating its Amd. 1:1994 and Amd.
(QR-010) (ISBN 0 7337 3304 2) 2:1997. Text not applicable in Australia has been struck
through for clarity. Added text for Australian conditions
(IT-015) AS/NZS ISO/IEC 17799:2001 has been shaded and inserted in its appropriate place. An
Information technology—Code of appendix summarizes variations for Australian conditions.
AS 15504.9(Int)—1998 practice for information security man- (EL-040) (ISBN 0 7337 3275 5)
Vocabulary agement AS/NZS 60065:2000
(ISO/IEC TR 15504-9:1998) (ISO/IEC 17799:2000) 71pp K Audio, video and similar electronic ap-
(Expired 5 October 2000) 11pp D Provides recommendations for information security man-
agement for use by those who are responsible for initiating, paratus—Safety Requirements (IEC
Defines the terms used throughout all other parts of implementing or maintaining security in their organiza- 60065:1998, MOD) 117pp M
AS 15504.9. This Standard is identical with and has tion. Amdt 1 1 December 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3673 4) X
been reproduced from ISO/IEC TR 15504-9:1998. (IT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3876 1) Specifies safety requirements for mains operated electron-
(IT-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2236 9) ic and related apparatus for household and similar general
AS/NZS ISO 19105:2002 use. This Standard is an adoption with national modifica-
tions and contains the whole text of IEC 60065:1998.
AS/NZS 15505:1999 Geographic information—Conform- (TE-) (ISBN 0 7337 3385 9)
Information technology—Telecommu- ance and testing
nications and information exchange (ISO 19105:2000) 21pp H AS/NZS 60079
Provides users of the ISO 19100 series of Standards with
between systems—Private integrated the framework, concepts, and criteria to be achieved to Electrical apparatus for explosive gas
services network—Specification, claim conformance to those Standards. atmospheres
functional model and information (IT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4516 4)
flows—Message waiting indication AS/NZS 60079.0:2000
supplementary service AS/NZS 23950:1999 General requirements
(ISO/IEC 15505:1997) 16pp G Information and documentation—In- (IEC 60079-0:1998) 48pp I
Specifies the message waiting indication features applica-
formation retrieval (Z30.50)—Applica- Specifies the general requirements for construction,
tion service definition and protocol testing and marking of electrical apparatus, Ex cable
ble to various basic services supported by private integrat- entries and Ex components, intended for use in poten-
ed services networks. The basic services are specified in specification tially explosive atmospheres of gas, vapour and mist.
AS/NZS 4135:1995. This Standard is one of a series of (ISO 23950:1998) 154pp O This Standard does not specify requirements for safe-
Standards applicable to private integrated services net- Defines the Information Retrieval Application Service and ty, other than those directly related to the explosion
working. This Standard is identical with and has been re- specifies the Information Retrieval Application Protocol. risk. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
produced from ISO/IEC 15505:1997. The service definition describes services that support capa- produced from IEC 60079-0:1998.
(IT-016) (ISBN 0 7337 2515 5) bilities within an aplication; the services in turn are sup- (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3344 1)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 60079.1:2002 sive atmospheres and for associated apparatus, which AS/NZS 60155:2000
is intended for connection to intrinsically safe circuits
Flameproof enclosure 'd' which enter such atmospheres. It also contains details Glow-starters for fluorescent lamps
(IEC 60079-1:2001) 47pp I of the test apparatus previously published as IEC (IEC 60155:1993 IEC 60155/
Specifies the requirements for the construction and 60079-3.
Amd.1:1995) 25pp H
testing of electrical apparatus with the type of protec- (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3507 X)
tion flameproof enclosure 'd', intended for use in ex- Amdt 1 1 May 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3379 4) X
plosive gas atmospheres. This Standard is identical
with and has been reproduced from IEC 60079- AS/NZS 60079.12:2000 Amdt 2 10 August 2000 (ISBN 0 7337 3546 0) X
1:2001, including Corrigendum 1:2001. Classification of mixtures of gases Specifies general and safety requirements for glow-starters
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4381 1) or vapours with air according to for fluorescent lamps. It is reproduced from IEC
60155:1993 and IEC 60155/Amd.1:1995 but has addition-
their maximum experimental safe al local requirements for ignitability and combustion prop-
AS/NZS 60079.1.1:2002 gape and minimum igniting cur- agation. In Australia it supersedes both AS 3138-1993 and
Method of test for ascertainment of rents AS 4111-1993 on 1 January 2002.
maximum experimental safe gap (IEC/TR 60079-12:1978) 10pp E (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 3068 X)
(IEC 60079-1-1:2002) 7pp E Gives guidance on the selection fo the appropriate
Specifies a test method for the measurement of the group or sub-group of electrical apparatus, protected AS/NZS 60265
maximum experimental safe gaps for gas- or vapour- by flameproof enclosure or designed to be intrinsical-
air mixture under normal conditions of temperature ly safe, according to the gas or vapour in which it is High-voltage switches
and pressure so as to permit the selection of an appro- intended to be used. Provides a classification of most
priate group of flameproof enclosures. This Standard used gases and vapours and gives guidance on tests to AS/NZS 60265.1:2001
has been reproduced from and is identical to IEC classify additional gases or vapours not listed in this
60079-1-1:2002. Standard. This Standard is identical with and has been Switches for rated voltages above
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4943 7) reproduced from IEC/TR 60079-12:1978. 1 kV and less than 52 kV
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3348 4) (IEC 60265-1:1998 IEC 60265-
AS/NZS 60079.2:2002 1:1998 Corr 1: 2000) 47pp J
Pressurized enclosures 'p' AS/NZS 60079.20:2000
Applies to three-phase a.c. switches and switch-dis-
(IEC 60079-2:2001) 39pp H Data for flammable gases and va- connectors having making and breaking current rat-
Specifies the requirements for the construction and pours, relating to the use of electri- ings, for indoor and outdoor installations, for rated
testing of electrical apparatus with pressurized enclo- cal apparatus voltages above 1 kV and less than 52 kV and for rated
sures, of protection type 'p', intended for use in explo- frequencies from 16 2/3 Hz up to and including 60
sive gas atmospheres. This Standard is identical with (IEC/TR 60079-20:1996) 30pp H Hz. Is also applicable to the operating devices of these
and has been reproduced from IEC 60079-2:2001. Gives guidance on the selection of appropriate elec- switches and to their auxiliary equipment. It is intend-
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4380 3) trical apparatus, protected by flame-proof enclosure ed to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 2650. This
or designed to be intrinsically safe, according to the Standard is technically equivalent to and contains the
gas or vapour in which it is intended to by used. full content of IEC 60265:1998 and its Corrigen-
AS/NZS 60079.4:2000 dum:2000.
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3506 1)
Method of test for ignition temper- (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4110 X)
AS 60146
(IEC 60079-4:1975/Amdt 1:1995 IEC AS/NZS 60269
60079-4A:1970 IEC 60079-4:1975) Semiconductor converters
15pp G Low-voltage fuses
AS 60146.1
Descrbes a test to determine the ignition temperature
of a vapour or chemically pure gas in air, at atmos- General requirements and line AS/NZS 60269.1:2000
pheric pressure. This Standard is identical with and commutated converters General requirements
has been reproduced from IEC 60079-4:1975, its
Amendment 1:1995 and IEC 60079-4A:1970. (IEC 60269-1:1998) 63pp K
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3343 3)
AS 60146.1.1—2002
Applies to fuses incorporating enclosed current-limit-
Specifications of basic require- ing fuse links with rated breaking capacities of not
AS/NZS 60079.5:2000 ments less than 6 kA, intended for protecting power fre-
(IEC 60146-1-1:1991) 54pp K quency a.c. circuits of nominal voltages not exceed-
Powder filing "q" ing 1000 V or d.c. circuits of nominal voltages not ex-
(IEC 60079-5:1997) 10pp F Specifies the requirements for the performance of all ceeding 1500 V. Also applies to fuse-links intended
Contains the specific requirements for the construc- electronic power converters and electronic power to be included in fuse-switch combination according
tion, testing and marking of electrical apparatus, parts switches using electric valves (e.g. diodes, thyristors, to AS 3947.3. This Standard is identical with and has
transistors and triacs). This Standard has been repro- been reproduced from IEC 60269-1:1999.
of electrical apparatus and Ex components in the type duced from and is technically identical to IEC 60146-
of protection powder filling "q", intended for use in 1-1:1991. (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3619 X)
potentially explosive atmospheres of gas, vapour and
mist. This Standard is identical with and has been re- (EL-027) (ISBN 0 7337 4488 5)
produced from IEC 60079-5:1997. AS/NZS 60269.2.0:2000
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3342 5) AS 60146.1.2—2002 Supplementary requirements for
Application guide fuses for use by authorized per-
AS/NZS 60079.6:2000 (IEC 60146-1-2:1991) 72pp L sons (fuses mainly for industrial
Oil-immersion "o" Gives guidance on variations to AS 60146.1.1-2002 application)
(IEC 60079-6:1995) 6pp E to enable that Standard to be extended in a controlled (IEC 60269-2:1986 IEC 60269-
Specifies the requirements for the construction and form for special cases. This Standard has been repro-
testing of oil-immersed electrical apparatus, oil-im- duced from and is technically identical to IEC 60146- 2:1986/Amdt. 1:1995 IEC 60269-
mersed parts of electrical apparatus and Ex compo- 1-2:1991. 2:1986/Corr.:1996) 5pp D
nents in the type of protection "o", intended for use in (EL-027) (ISBN 0 7337 4487 7) Specifies common requirements, supplementary to
potentially explosive atmospheres of gas, vapour and the general requirements of AS/NZS 60269.1, appli-
mist. This Standard is identical with and has been re- cable to standardized fuse systems for use by author-
produced from IEC 60079-6:1995. AS 60146.1.3—2002
ized persons. This Standard is identical in technical
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3341 7) Transformers and reactors content to IEC 60269-2:1986, incorporating Amend-
(IEC 60146-1-3:1991) 9pp F ment 1:1995 and Corrigendum:1996.
AS/NZS 60079.7:2002 Specifies characteristics where converter transform- (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3618 1)
Increased safety 'e' ers differ from ordinary power transformers. This
(IEC 60079-7:2001) 59pp J Standard has been reproduced from and is technically AS/NZS 60269.2.1:2001
identical to IEC 60146-1-3:1991.
Specifies the requirements for the design, construc- Supplementary requirements for
tion, testing and marking of electrical apparatus with (EL-027) (ISBN 0 7337 4486 9)
type of protection increased safety 'e' intended for use fuses for use by authorised per-
in explosive gas atmospheres. This Standard is iden- AS 60146.2—2001 sons (fuses mainly for industrial
tical with and has been reproduced from IEC 60079- Self-commutated semiconductor application)—Sections I to V: Ex-
7:2001. amples of types of standardized
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4379 X) converters including direct d.c.
converters fuses
AS/NZS 60079.11:2000 (IEC 60146-2:1999) 37pp I (IEC 60269-2-1:1998 IEC 60269-2-
Intrinsic safety "i" Amdt 1 15 March 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3803 6) X 1:1998/Amdt 1:1999) 89pp L
(IEC 60079-11:1999) Specifies requirements for all types of semiconductor Specifies requirements, in addition to the general re-
Running concurrently with AS 2380.7-1987 converters of the self-commutated type and semicon- quirements of AS/NZS 60269.1 and the supplementa-
ductor converters which contain at least one part of a ry requirements of AS/NZS 60269.2.0, applicable to
86pp K self-commutated type, including direct a.c. convert- specfic examples of standardized fuse systems for use
Amdt 1 7 February 2001 ers and d.c. converters for all applications. This by authorized persons. This Standard is identical in
(ISBN 0 7337 3756 0) X Standard is identical to and has been reproduced from technical content to IEC 60269-2-1:1998, incorporat-
Specifies the construction and testing of intrinsically IEC 60146-2:1999. ing Amendment 1:1999.
safe apparatus, intended for use in potentially explo- (EL-027) (ISBN 0 7337 3726 9) (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4132 0)

AS/NZS 60269.3.0:2000

AS/NZS 60269.3.0:2000 AS/NZS 60335.2.2:2002 AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv-
alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-15:2002.
Supplementary requirements for Particular requirements for vacu- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4977 1)
fuses for use by unskilled persons um cleaners and water suction
(fuses mainly for household and cleaning appliances. AS/NZS 60335.2.21:2002
similar applications) (IEC 60335-2-2:2002) 24pp H Particular requirements for stor-
(IEC 60269-3:1987) 9pp E Specifies particular safety requirements for approval age water heaters
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
Applies to 'gG' fuses for use by unskilled persons for AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- (IEC 60335-2-21:2002) 27pp H
domestic and similar applications with rated currents alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-2:2002. Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
not exceeding 100 A and rated voltages not exceeding and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
500 V a.c. This Standard is identical with and has (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4968 2)
AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv-
been reproduced from IEC 60269-3:1987. alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-21:2002.
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3617 3) AS/NZS 60335.2.3:2002 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4978 X)
Particular requirements for electric
AS/NZS 60269.3.1:2002 irons AS/NZS 60335.2.25:2002
Supplementary requirements for (IEC 60335-2-3:2002) 20pp H Particular requirements for micro-
fuses for use by unskilled persons Specifies particular safety requirements for approval wave ovens, including combina-
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
(fuses mainly for household and AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- tion microwave ovens (IEC 60335-
similar applications)—Sections I to alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-3:2002. 2-25:2002, IDT) 26pp G
IV: Examples of types of standard- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4971 2) (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4635 7)
ized fuses
(IEC 60269-3-1:1994 IEC 60269-3- AS/NZS 60335.2.4:2002 AS/NZS 60335.2.67:2002
1:1994/Amdt 1:1995 IEC 60269-3- Particular requirements for spin Particular requirements for floor
1:1994/Amdt 2: 2001) 108pp N extractors treatment and floor cleaning ma-
Provides additional specific requirements to AS/NZS (IEC 60335-2-4:2002) 19pp G chines, for industrial and commer-
60269.1:2000 and AS/NZS 60269.3.0:2000 for Specifies particular safety requirements for approval cial use
'gG'type fuses with rated currents not exceeding 100 and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with (IEC 60335-2-67:2002) 21pp H
A and rated voltages not exceeding 500 V for use by AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
unskilled persons for domestic and similar applica- alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-4:2002. and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
tions. This Standard is identical with and has been re- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4969 0) AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv-
produced from Consolidated edition 1-2 (2001-06) of alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-67:2002.
IEC 60269-3-1, which contains IEC 60269-3-1:1994, AS/NZS 60335.2.5:2002 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4979 8)
its Amendment 1:1995 and Amendment 2:2001.
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4256 4) Particular requirements for dish-
washers AS/NZS 60335.2.70:2002
(IEC 60335-2-5:2002) 21pp H Particular requirements for milking
AS/NZS 60269.4.0:2000 machines
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
Supplementary requirements for and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with (IEC 60335-2-70:2002) 19pp G
fuse-links for the protection of AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
semiconductor devices alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-5:2002. and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
(IEC 60269-4:1986 IEC 60269- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4970 4) AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv-
alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-67:2002.
4:1986/Amdt. 1:1995) 26pp G (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4980 1)
Applies to fuse-links to be used in equipment contain-
AS/NZS 60335.2.6:2002
ing semi-conductor devices for circuits of nominal Particular requirements for sta-
voltage up to 1500 V d.c. and also, in so far as they tionary cooking ranges, hobs, ov- AS/NZS 60335.2.71:2002
are applicable, for circuits of higher nominal voltag- ens and similar appliances Particular requirements for electri-
es. This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
(IEC 60335-2-6:2002) 43pp J cal heating appliances for breeding
duced from IEC 60269-4:1986, incorporating and rearing animal
Amendment 1:1995. Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3616 5) and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with (IEC 60335-2-71:2002) 19pp G
AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-6:2002. and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
AS 60270—2001 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4973 9) AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv-
High-voltage test techniques—Partial alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-71:2002.
discharge measurements AS/NZS 60335.2.7:2002 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4981 X)
(IEC 60270:2000) 41pp I Particular requirements for wash-
Applies to the measurement of partial discharges which ing machines AS/NZS 60335.2.77:2002
occur in electrical apparatus, components or systems when (IEC 60335-2-7:2002) 24pp H Particular requirements for pedes-
tested with alternating voltages up to 400 Hz or with direct
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
trian controlled mains-operated
voltage. Defines the quantities to be measured and de- and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with lawnmowers
scribes test and measuring circuits which may be used. It is
intended that the provisions of this Standard should be AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- (IEC 60335-2-77:2002) 58pp K
used in the drafting of specifications relating to partial dis- alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-7:2002. Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
charge measurements for specific power apparatus. This (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4974 7) and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
Standard is identical to and has been reproduced from IEC AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv-
60270:2000. AS/NZS 60335.2.9:2002 alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-77:2002.
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4109 6) Particular requirements for grills, (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4982 8)
toasters and similar portable cook- AS/NZS 60335.2.79:2002
AS 60311—1999 ing appliances
Electric irons for household or similar Particular requirements for high
(IEC 60335-2-9:2002) 31pp I pressure cleaners and steam
use—Methods for measuring perform- Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
ance and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with cleaners, for industrial and com-
AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- mercial use
(IEC 60311:1997 IEC 60311:1997/ alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-9:2002. (IEC 60335-2-79:2002) 30pp I
Amd.1:1997 IEC 60311:1997/ (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4975 5) Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
Amd.2:1999) 36pp I and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
Specifies test methods for measuring the principal per- AS/NZS 60335.2.11:2002 AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv-
formance characteristics of electric irons for household Particular requirements for tumble alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-79:2002.
and similar use. This Standard is identical with and has (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4983 6)
been reproduced from IEC 60311:Edition 3:1995 consoli- dryers
dated with Amendment 1:1997, and IEC 60311:1997 (IEC 60335-2-11:2002) 23pp H AS/NZS 60335.2.83:2002
Amendment 2:1999. Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
(EL-015) (ISBN 0 7337 2856 1) and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
Particular requirements for heated
AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- gullies for roof drainage (IEC
AS/NZS 60335 alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-11:2002. 60335-2-83:2001, IDT) 10pp E
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4976 3) (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4636 5)
Household and similar electrical appli-
ances—Safety AS/NZS 60335.2.15:2002 AS/NZS 60335.2.86:2002
Particular requirements for appli- Particular requirements for appli-
AS/NZS 60335.1:2002 ances for heating liquids ances for electric fishing machines
General requirements (IEC 60335- (IEC 60335-2-15:2002) 25pp H (IEC 60335-2-86:2002) 22pp H
1:2001, MOD) 127pp M Specifies particular safety requirements for approval Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4634 9) and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- to their auxiliary equipment. This Standard is identical AS/NZS 60598.2.2:2001
alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-86:2002. with and has been reproduced from IEC 60470:2000.
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4984 4)
Recessed luminaires (IEC 60598-2-
(EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4111 8) 2:1996, MOD) 5pp D
AS/NZS 60335.2.87:2002 Specifies safety requirements for recessed luminaires
AS/NZS 60479 for use with tungsten filament, tubular fluorescent
Particular requirements for electric Effects of current on human beings and other discharge lamps on supply voltage not ex-
animal-stunning equipment and livestock ceeding 1000 V. It does not apply to air handling or
(IEC 60335-2-87:2002) 23pp H liquid cooling luminaires. This document is repro-
duced from IEC 60598.2.2:1996 and including the
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval AS/NZS 60479.1:2002 IEC Amendment 1 and has been modified for Aus-
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with tralian/New Zealand conditions.
AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- General aspects
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4148 7)
alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-87:2002. (IEC 60479-1:1994) 32pp I
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4985 2) Provides basic guidance on the general aspects of the AS/NZS 60598.2.4:1998
effects of electrical currents on persons and livestock
AS/NZS 60335.2.89:2002 for the establishment of electrical safety require- Portable general purpose lumi-
Particular requirements for com- ments. This Standard has been reproduced from and naires
mercial refrigerating appliances is technically identical with IEC 60479-1:1994. (IEC 60598-2-4:1997)
(EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4867 8) Will replace AS/NZS 3128:1993 on
with an incorporated or remote re-
frigerant condensing unit or com- 1 January 2005 5pp C
pressor AS/NZS 60479.2:2002 Specifies minimum safety requirements for portable
Special aspects general purpose luminaires, other than handlamps
(IEC 60335-2-89:2002) 39pp I and portable child appealing luminaires, for use on
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval (IEC 60479-2:1987) 22pp H supply voltage not exceeding 250 V. This Part is to be
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with Provides basic guidance on the special aspects of the read in conjunction with AS/NZS 60598.1:1998. This
AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- effects of electrical currents on persons for the estab- Standard is technically equivalent to and has been re-
alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-89:2002. lishment of electrical safety requirements. This produced from IEC 60598-2-4:1997.
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4986 0) Standard has been reproduced from and is technically (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 1741 1)
identical with IEC 60479-2:1987.
AS/NZS 60335.2.90:2002 (EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4868 6) AS/NZS 60598.2.5:2002
Particular requirements for com- Floodlights (IEC 60598.2.5:1998,
mercial microwave ovens AS/NZS 60479.3:2002 MOD) 5pp D
(IEC 60335-2-90:2002) 28pp H Effects of currents passing Specifies safety requirements for floodlights for use
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval through the body of livestock with tungsten filament, tubular fluorescent and other
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with discharge lamps on supply voltage up to 1000V. This
(IEC 60479-3:1998) 10pp F document has been reproduced from IEC 60598.2.5,
AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- and modified to suit Australian/New Zealand condi-
alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-90:2002. Provides basic guidance on the general aspects of the
effects of electrical currents on livestock for the es- tions.
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4987 9) tablishment of electrical safety requirements. This (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4377 3)
Standard has been reproduced from and is technically
AS/NZS 60335.2.91:2002 identical with IEC 60479-3:1998. AS/NZS 60598.2.6:1998
Particular requirements for walk- (EL-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4869 4) Luminaires with built-in transform-
behind and hand-held lawn trim- ers or convertors for filament
mers and lawn edge trimmers AS/NZS 60598 lamps
(IEC 60335-2-91:2002) 29pp H Luminaires (IEC 60598-2-6:1994 IEC 60598-2-
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with 6:1994/Amd.1:1996) 10pp D
AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv-
AS/NZS 60598.1:2001 Specifies minimum safety requirements for lumi-
alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-91:2002. General requirements and tests naires with built-in transformers for filament lamps
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4988 7) (IEC 60598-1:1996) 165pp N with supply voltages and output voltages not exceed-
ing 1000 V. This Part is to be read in conjunction with
Provides the lighting industry with specifications for AS/NZS 60598.1:1998. This Standard is technically
AS/NZS 60335.2.94:2002 general and minimum safety requirements for classi- equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC
Particular requirements for scissor fication and marking of luminaires for their mechani- 60598-2-6:1994 and IEC 60598-2-6:1994/Amd.
type grass shears cal and electrical construction with allied tests. This 1:1996.
Standard has been reproduced from IEC 60598-1 (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 1748 9)
(IEC 60335-2-94:2002) 21pp H Ed.4.1:1996 Luminaires, Part 1 General requirements
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval and tests incorporating IEC amendment-1, interpreta-
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with tion sheets and corrigendum. AS/NZS deviations AS/NZS 60598.2.8:2002
AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- from IEC are also covered in this Standard. This Handlamps
alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-94:2002. Standard also applies to luminaires for use with elec- (IEC 60598-2-8:2001) 11pp F
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4989 5) tric light sources on supply voltages not exceeding
1000V. Specifies requirements for handlamps and similar
portable luminaires for use with tungsten filament
AS/NZS 60335.2.96:2002 (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 3902 4) and tubular fluorescent lamps on supply voltage up to
Particular requirements for flexible 250 V. This Standard is reproduced from IEC 60598-
sheet heating elements for room AS/NZS 60598.1:1998 2-8:2001 and has been modified for Australian/New
Zealand conditions.
heating (IEC 60335-2-96:2002, General requirements and tests (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4770 1)
IDT) 34pp H (IEC 60598-1:1996)
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4637 3) Obsolescent 24 July 2001 156pp M AS/NZS 60598.2.8:1998
Provides minimum safety requirements for lumi- Handlamps
AS/NZS 60335.2.101:2002 naires, including requirements for their mechanical (IEC 60598-2-8:1996) 12pp E
Particular requirements for vapor- and electrical construction, and related tests. This
Standard is technically equivalent to, and has been re- Specifies minimum safety requirements for portable
izers produced from, IEC 60598-1:1996. luminaires, which are intended to be held in the hand
(IEC 60335-2-101:2002) 15pp G when used (handlamps) and which have a supply
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 1751 9) voltage not exceeding 250 V. This Part is to be read
Specifies particular safety requirements for approval in conjunction with AS/NZS 60598.1:1998. This
and test purposes. It is to be read in conjunction with
AS/NZS 60335.1. This Standard is technically equiv- AS/NZS 60598.2 Standard is technically equivalent to and has been re-
produced from IEC 60598-2-8:1996.
alent to and reproduced from IEC 60335-2-101:2002. Particular requirements (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 1747 0)
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4990 9)
AS/NZS 60598.2.1:1998 AS/NZS 60598.2.10:1998
AS 60470—2001 Fixed general purpose luminaires
High-voltage alternating current con- Portable child-appealing lumi-
(IEC 60598-2-1:1979 IEC 60598-2- naires
tactors and contactor-based motor- 1:1979/Amd.1:1987)
starters (IEC 60598-2-10:1987 IEC 60598-2-
(IEC 60470:2000) 72pp L
Will replace AS 3137-1992 on 10:1987/Amd.1:1990 IEC 60598-2-
1 January 2005 3pp B 10:1987/Amd.2:1995) 5pp C
Applies to a.c. contactors and/or contactor-based motor-
starters designed for indoor installation and operation at Specifies minimum safety requirements for fixed Specifies minimum safety requirements for portable
frequencies up to and including 60 Hz on systems having general purpose luminaires for use with tungsten fila- child-appealing luminaires for use with tungsten fila-
voltages above 1000 V but not exceeding 12000 V. In par- ment, tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamps ment lamps with supply voltages not exceeding 24 V.
ticular applies to three-pole contactors and starters for use with a supply voltages not exceeding 1000 V. This This Part is to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS
in three-phase systems and single-pole contactors and Part is to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 60598.1:1998. This Standard is technically equiva-
starters for use in single-phase systems. Contactors and/or 60598.1. This Standard is technically equivalent to lent to and has been reproduced from IEC 60598-2-
starters dealt with in this Standard are not normally de- and has been reproduced from IEC 60598-2-1:1979, 10:1987, IEC 60598-2-10:1987/Amd. 1:1990 and
signed to interrupt short-circuit currents. This Standard is IEC 60598-2-1:1979/Amd. 1:1987. IEC 60598-2-10:1987/Amd. 2:1995.
also applicable to the operating devices of contactors and (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 1742 X) (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 1746 2)

AS/NZS 60598.2.18:1998

AS/NZS 60598.2.18:1998 AS IEC 60645.3—2002 ing. Identical to and reproduced from IEC 60695-2-
Luminaires for swimming pools Auditory test signals of short dura- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4074 4)
and similar applications tion for audiometric and neuro-oto-
(IEC 60598-2-18:1993) 7pp C logical purposes AS/NZS 60695.4:2002
Specifies minimum safety requirements for fixed lu- (IEC 60645-3:1994) 6pp D Terminology concerning fire tests
minaires intended for use in water, or in contact with Specifies a means of describing the physical charac-
water (e.g. in swimming pools, fountains, garden (IEC 60695-4:1993, IDT) 20pp G
teristics of audiometric test and reference signals of
pools and the like), and for use with tungsten filament short duration and methods for their measurement. (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4638 1)
lamps. This Part is to be read in conjunction with AS/ This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
NZS 60598.1:1998. This Standard is technically duced from IEC 60645-3:1994. AS/NZS 60695.10
equivalent to and has been reproduced from IEC (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4756 6)
60598-2-18:1993. Guidance and test methods for the
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 1745 4) minimization of the effects of ab-
AS IEC 60645.4—2002 normal heat on electrotechnical
AS/NZS 60598.2.19:2001 Equipment for extended high-fre- products involved in fires
Air handling luminaires (Safety re- quency audiometry
quirements) (IEC 60598.2.19:1981, (IEC 60645-4:1994) 6pp E AS/NZS 60695.10.2:2002
MOD) 8pp E Specifies requirements for audiometric equipment Method for testing products made
Specifies safety requirements for air-handling lumi-
designed for use in pure tone audiometry in the fre- from non-metallic materials for re-
quency range from 8000 Hz to 16000 Hz. This Stand- sistance to heat using the ball
naires for use with a ventilation duct or ventilated ard is identical with and has been reproduced from
space, for use with tubular fluorescent lamps on sup- IEC 60645-4:1994. pressure test (IEC 60695-10-
ply voltages up to 1000V. It is reproduced from IEC (AV-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4757 4) 2:1995, IDT) 9pp E
60598.2.19:1981 including Amendments 1 and 2 and
has been modified for Australian/New Zealand con- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4639 X)
ditions. AS/NZS 60695
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4146 0) Fire hazard testing AS/NZS 60695.11
Test flames—500 W flames
AS/NZS 60598.2.20:2002 AS/NZS 60695.1
Lighting chains (IEC 60598-2- Guidance for assessing the fire AS/NZS 60695.11.3:2001
20:1996, MOD) 13pp F hazard of electrotechnical prod- Apparatus and confirmational test
Specifies minimum safety requirements for lighting ucts methods (IEC 60695-11-3:2000,
chains fitted with series/parallel or combination of se- IDT) 46pp J
ries parallel incandescent lamps for indoor and out- This technical specification provides detailed require-
door use on supply voltage up to 250 V. This docu-
AS/NZS 60695.1.1:2001
ments for the production of a 500 W nominal, pre-
ment is reproduced from IEC 60598-2-20:1998 and is General guidelines (IEC 60695-1- mixed type test flame, with an overall height of ap-
varied to suit Australian/New Zealand conditions. 1:1999, IDT) 34pp I proximately 125 mm. Identical to and reproduced
This document includes IEC draft amendment from IEC 60695-11-3:2000.
2:2000. Provides guidance for assessing the fire hazard of
electrotechnical products and for the resulting devel- (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4418 4)
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4378 1) opment of fire hazard testing as related directly to
harm to people, animals or property. Products, as de- AS/NZS 60695.11.4:2001
AS/NZS 60598.2.23:2002 fined in this Standard, relate to materials, components
Apparatus and confirmational test
or complete end use products. This Standard is tech-
Extra low voltage lighting systems nically equivalent to and reproduced from IEC methods (IEC 60695-11-4:2000,
for filament lamps (IEC 60695-1-1:1999. IDT) 37pp I
60598.2.23:1996, MOD) 7pp D (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4417 6) This technical specification provides detailed require-
Specifies requirements for extra low voltage lighting ments for the production of a 50 W nominal, pre-
systems for filament lamps intended for ordinary in- AS/NZS 60695.2 mixed type test flame, with an overall height of ap-
terior use on supply voltages up to 1000 V. This Stan- proximately 20 mm. Identical to and reproduced from
adrd is based on IEC 60598.2.23. Glowing/hot wire based test meth- IEC 60695-11-4:2000.
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4351 X) ods (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4419 2)

AS/NZS 60598.2.25:2001 AS/NZS 60695.2.10:2001 AS/NZS 60695.11.10:2001

Luminaires for use in clinical areas Glow-wire apparatus and common 50 W horizontal and vertical flame
of hospitals and health care build- test procedure 11pp F test methods
ings (IEC 60598.2.25:1994, MOD) Specifies a glow-wire test to simulate the effect of (IEC 60695-11-10:1999) 20pp H
thermal stresses which may be produced by heat Procedure for comparing the relative burning behav-
12pp F sources such as glowing elements or overloaded re- iour of vertically or horizontally oriented specimens
Specifies requirements for luminaires for use with sistors, for short periods, in order to assess the fire made from plastic and other non-metallic materials,
tungsten filament, fluorescent and other discharge hazard by a simulation technique. Technically equiv- exposed to a small-flame ignition source of 50 W
lamps in supply voltages up to 1000V for use in clin- alent to and reproduced from IEC 60695-2-10:2000. nominal power. Identical to and reproduced from IEC
ical areas, where medical treatment, examination and (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4077 4) 60695-11-10:1999.
medical care takes place in hospitals and health care (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4080 4)
buildings. It does not apply to medical electrical
equipment containing a light source as defined in AS/NZS 60695.2.11:2001
Clause 2.2.15 of IEC 60601. Glow-wire flammability test meth- AS/NZS 60695.11.20:2001
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4149 5) od for end-products 500 W flame test methods
(IEC 60695-2-11:2000) 7pp E (IEC 60695-11-20:1999) 15pp G
AS IEC 60645 Specifies the details of the glow-wire test when ap- Procedure for comparing the relative burning behav-
Electroacoustics—Audiological plied to end-products such as electrotechnical equip- iour of vertically or horizontally oriented specimens
ment, its subassemblies, and components for fire haz- made from plastic and other non-metallic materials,
equipment ard testing. Technically equivalent to and reproduced as well as their resistance to burn-through when ex-
from IEC 60695-2-11:2000. posed to a flame ignition source of 500 W nominal
AS IEC 60645.1—2002 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4076 6) power. Identical to and reproduced from IEC 60695-
Pure-tone audiometers (IEC 60645-
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4078 2)
1:2001, MOD) 28pp H AS/NZS 60695.2.12:2001
Specifies general requirements for audiometers and Glow-wire flammability test meth- AS 60870
particular requirements for pure-tone audiometers de- od for materials
signed for use in determining hearing threshold lev- Telecontrol equipment and systems
els, in comparison with standard reference threshold (IEC 60695-2-12:2000) 4pp E
levels by means of psychoacoustic test methods. This Specifies the details of the glow-wire test when ap- AS 60870.1
Standard is a modified adoption of, and has been re- plied to specimens of solid insulating materials or
produced from, IEC 60645-1:2001. other solid combustible materials for flammability
General considerations
(AV-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4959 3) testing. Technically equivalent to and reproduced
from IEC 60695-2-12:2000. AS 60870.1.1—1998
AS IEC 60645.2—2002 (EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4075 8) General principles
Equipment for speech audiometry (IEC 60870-1-1:1988) 26pp G
AS/NZS 60695.2.13:2001 Describes the series of Standards applying to telecon-
(IEC 60645-2:1993) 15pp G Glow-wire ignitability test method trol equipment and systems with coded bit serial data
Specifies requirements for audiometers or parts there- transmission for monitoring and control of geograph-
of designed to provide a means of presenting speech for materials ically widespread processes. It is one of the series of
sounds to a subject in a standardized manner. This (IEC 60695-2-13:2000) 4pp E Standards applicable to telecontrol equipment sys-
Standard is identical with and has been reproduced Specifies the details of the glow-wire test when ap- tems. This standard is identical with and has been re-
from IEC 60645-2:1993. plied to specimens of solid insulating materials or produced from IEC 60870-1-1:1988.
(AV-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4755 8) other solid combustible materials for ignitability test- (IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1616 4)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS 60870.1.2—1998 on coding, formatting and synchronizing data frames AS/NZS 60928:2000

Guide for specifications of variable and fixed lengths which meet specified
data integrity requirements. It is one of a series of Auxiliaries for lamps—A.C. supplied
(IEC 60870-1-2:1989) 15pp E Standards applicable to telecontrol equipment sys- electronic ballasts for tubular fluores-
Presents guidelines for establishing specifications for tems. This Standard is identical with and has been re- cent lamps—General and safety re-
telecontrol systems and equipment following the oth- produced from IEC 60870-5-1:1990. quirements
er IEC Standards on telecontrol systems and other rel- (IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1853 1)
evant international Standards and recommendations (IEC 60928:1995) 30pp H
such as ITU-T recommendations. It also facilitates Specifies safety requirements for electronic ballasts for tu-
the comparison of equipment of different manufac- AS 60870.5.2—1998 bular fluorescent lamps for use on a.c. supplies up to 1000
turers. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to Link transmission procedures V at 50 or 60 Hz with operating frequencies deviating from
telecontrol equipment systems. This Standard is iden- (IEC 60870-5-2:1990) 44pp H the supply frequency.
tical with and has been reproduced from IEC 60870- Defines link procedures which are restricted to mes-
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 3517 7)
sage transmission sequences operating with size 1
(IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1619 9) windows. It is one of a series of Standards applicable AS/NZS 60929:2000
to telecontrol equipment systems. This Standard is Auxiliaries for lamps—A.C. supplied
AS 60870.1.3—1998 identical with and has been reproduced from IEC
electronic ballasts for tubular fluores-
Glossary 60870-5-2:1992.
(IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1854 X) cent lamps—Performance require-
(IEC 60870-1-3:1997) 33pp H ments
Specifies those terms which are specifically relevant
to telecontrol techniques as well as other terms which AS 60870.5.3—1998 (IEC 60929:1990/Cor.1:1991 IEC
are necessary for the understanding of telecontrol General structure of application 60929:1990/Amd.1:1994 IEC
standards. It is one of a series of Standards applicable data 60929:1990/Amd.2:1994) 36pp H
to telecontrol equipment systems. This Standard is Specifies performance requirements for electronic ballasts
identical with and has been reproduced from IEC (IEC 60870-5-3:1992) 18pp F for use on a.c. supplies up to 1000V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz with
60870-1-3:1997. Specifies the rules for structuring application data operating frequencies deviating from the supply frequency
(IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1667 9) units in transmission frames of telecontrol systems. It and for use with tubular fluorescent lamps.
is one of a series of Standards applicable to telecon- (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 3516 9)
trol equipment systems. This Standard is identical
AS 60870.1.4—1998 with and has been reproduced from IEC 60870-5-
Basic aspects of telecontrol data 3:1992. AS/NZS 60950:2000
transmission and organization of (IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1855 8) Safety of information technology
Standards IEC 60870-5 and IEC equipment (IEC 60950:1999, MOD)
60870-6 AS 60870.5.4—1998 248pp O
(IEC 60870-1-4:1994) 23pp F Definition and coding of applica- Specifies requirements for the safety of information tech-
Describes a brief tutorial on transmission techniques, tion information elements nology equipment including electrical business equipment
equipment and protocols in view of use in telecontrol and associated equipment, with a rated voltage not exceed-
(IEC 60870-5-4: 1993) 20pp F ing 600V. Specifies requirements intended to ensure safety
systems. It is one of a series of Standards applicable
to telecontrol equipment systems. This Standard is Defines Standard declaration rules for application for the operator and layman who may come into contact
identical with and has been reproduced from IEC data in telecontrol systems. It is one of a series of with the equipment and, where specifically stated, for serv-
60870-1-4:1994. Standards applicable to telecontrol equipment sys- ice personnel. This Standard is an adoption with national
tems. This Standard is identical with and has been re- modifications and contains the whole text of IEC
(IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1617 2) produced from IEC 60870-5-4:1993. 60950:1999.
(IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1856 6) (TE-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3366 2)
AS 60870.2
Operating conditions AS 60870.5.5—1998 AS/NZS 60968:2001
Basic application functions Self ballasted lamps for general light-
AS 60870.2.1—1998 (IEC 60870-5-5:1995) 47pp H
Power supply and electromagnetic ing services—Safety requirements
Defines basic application functions that perform (IEC 60968:1988, MOD) 13pp F
standard procedures for telecontrol systems. It is one Specifies asfety and interchangeability requirements along
(IEC 60870-2-1:1995) 18pp F of a series of Standards applicable to telecontrol with test methods and conditions for compliance of tubular
Specifies characteristics of power supply to which equipment systems. This Standard is identical with fluorescent and other gas discharge lamps. This applies to
components of telecontrol, teleprotection, distribu- and has been reproduced from IEC 60870-5-5:1995. lamps with built-in means for controlling, starting and sta-
tion line carrier and distribution automation equip- (IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1857 4) ble operation.
ment and systems are connected during normal oper- (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4166 5)
ation and the EMC minimum requirements, AS/NZS 60921:2002
expressed in terms of immunity and emission test lev-
els. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to tel- Ballasts for tubular fluorescent AS/NZS 60969:2001
econtrol equipment systems. This Standard is identi- lamps—Performance requirements Self ballasted lamps for general light-
cal with and has been reproduced from IEC 60870-2- (IEC 60921:1988, MOD) 24pp G ing services—Performance require-
(IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1850 7)
Specifies performance requirements for ballasts for tubular ments
fluorescent lamps for use in a.c. supplies up to 1000 V. (IEC 60969:1988 IEC 60969:1988/Amdt.
This applies to complete ballasts and their allied compo-
AS 60870.3—1998 nents such as reactors, transformers and capacitors. This 1:1991 IEC 60969:1988/Amdt. 2:2001)
Interfaces (electrical characteris- document should be read in conjunction with general and 7pp D
safety requirements of ballasts covered in AS/NZS 60920. Specifies performance requirements for self ballasted
tics) (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4168 1) lamps for general lighting services. In addition specifies
(IEC 60870-3:1989) 30pp G test methods and conditions of compliances of tubular flu-
Defines the electrical interface characteristics (e.g. AS/NZS 60922:1998 orescent and other gas discharge lamps for domestic and
signals, impedances, and the like) which have to be general lighting services.
met at the shared boundaries. It is one of a series of Auxiliaries for lamps—Ballasts for dis- (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4167 3)
Standards applicable to telecontrol equipment sys- charge lamps (excluding tubular fluo-
tems. This Standard is identical with and has been re- rescent lamps)—General and safety
produced from IEC 60870-3:1989. AS/NZS 60990:2002
(IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1851 5)
requirements Methods of measurement of touch
(IEC 60922:1997) 35pp H current and protective conductor cur-
Specifies safety requirements for inductive-type ballasts
AS 60870.4—1998 for discharge lamps such as high-pressure mercury vapour,
Performance requirements low- and high-pressure sodium vapour and metal halide (IEC 60990:1999) 43pp I
(IEC 60870-4:1990) 28pp G lamps for use on a.c. supplies up to 1000 V at 50 Hz or 60 Defines methods for measuring electric currents flowing
Defines those characteristics which affect the per- Hz. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- through the human body or through the protective conduc-
formance of telecontrol systems and relates the char- duced from IEC 60922:1997. tor. This Standard is identical with, and has been repro-
acteristics to the application and processing func- (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 2279 2) duced from, IEC 60990:1999.
tions. It is one of a series of Standards applicable to (TE-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4250 5)
telecontrol equipment systems. This Standard is iden- AS/NZS 60923:1998
tical with and has been reproduced from IEC 60870- AS/NZS 60998
4:1990. Auxiliaries for lamps—Ballasts for dis-
(IT-024) (ISBN 0 7337 1852 3) charge lamps (excluding tubular fluo- Connecting devices for low voltage
rescent lamps)—Performance circuits for household and similar pur-
AS 60870.5 requirements poses
Transmission protocols (IEC 60923:1995) 22pp F
Specifies performance requirements for inductive type bal- AS/NZS 60998.1:1998
AS 60870.5.1—1998 lasts for discharge lamps (such as high-pressure mercury General requirements
vapour, low-pressure sodium vapour, high-pressure sodi- (IEC 60998-1:1990) 26pp G
Transmission frame formats um vapour and metal halide lamps). The ballasts are for
(IEC 60870-5-1:1990) 36pp H use on supplies up to 1000 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. This Specifies general requirements for connecting devic-
Standard is technically equivalent to and has been repro- es for the connection of two or more electrical copper
Specifies the basic requirements for services to be
provided by the link plus physical layers, for telecon- duced from IEC 60923:1995. conductors having a cross-sectional area of 0.5 mm2
trol applications. In particular it specifies Standards (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 2280 6) up to and including 35 mm 2 for use at low voltages.

AS/NZS 60998.2.1:1998

This Standard is technically equivalent to and repro- AS/NZS 61000.2.3:1999 AS/NZS 61000.3.7:2001
duced from IEC 60998-1:1990. Assessment of emission limits for
Description of the environment—
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1520 6) Radiated and non-network-fre- fluctuating loads in MV and HV
quency-related conducted phe- power systems (IEC 61000-3-
AS/NZS 60998.2.1:1998 nomena 7:1996, MOD) 36pp I
Particular requirements for con- (IEC 61000-2-3:1992) 63pp K Proposes a set of principles which are intended to be
necting devices as separate enti- used to determine the requirements for connecting
Describes the electromagnetic environment intended large fluctuating loads (producing flicker) to public
ties with screw-type clamping as a basis to achieve electromagnetic compatibility in power systems. This Standard provides guidance on
units system and equipment design, using test standards engineering practices which will ensure service qual-
and mitigation methods which satisfactorily take ac- ity for all connected consumers.
(IEC 60998-2-1:1990) 20pp F count of undesirable effects. The Standard is primari- (EL-034) (ISBN 0 7337 3694 7)
Specifies requirements for screw-type clamping units ly concerned with characteristics and levels of elec-
primarily suitable for connecting unprepared conduc- tromagnetic fields and of non-network-frequency-
tors for use at low voltage. It is to be read in conjunc- related conducted emissions from unintentional AS/NZS 61000.3.11:2002
tion with AS/NZS 60998-1:1997. This Standard is sources of interference. It is one of a series of Stand- Limitation of voltage changes, volt-
identical with and reproduced from IEC 60998-2- ards applicable to electromagnetic compatibility. age fluctuations and flicker in pub-
1:1990. This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
duced from IEC 61000-2-3:1992. lic low-voltage supply systems—
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1522 2) (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2384 5) Equipment with rated current less
than or equal to 75 A and subject to
AS/NZS 60998.2.2:1998 AS/NZS 61000.2.5:1999 conditional connection
Particular requirements for con- Classification of electromagnetic (IEC 61000-3-11:2000) 10pp F
necting devices as separate enti- environments Specifies the limits of voltage changes, voltage fluc-
tuations and flicker produced by electrical and elec-
ties with screwless-type clamping (IEC 61000-2-5:1995) 46pp I tronic equipment having a rated input current from 16
units Provides a method of classification of electromagnet- A up to and including 75 A. This equipment is intend-
(IEC 60998-2-2:1991) 13pp E ic environments. The Standard is intended to provide ed to be connected to public low-voltage distribution
a basic framework upon which other EMC consider- systems having nominal system voltages of between
Specifies requirements for screwless-type clamping ations may be based. It is one of a series of Standards 220 V and 250 V, line-to-neutral at 50 Hz and which
units primarily suitable for connecting unprepared applicable to electromagnetic compatibility. This is subject to conditional connection. This Standard is
conductors for use at low voltage. It is to be read in Standard is identical with and has been reproduced identical with and has been reproduced from IEC
conjunction with AS/NZS 60998-1:1997. This Stand- from IEC 61000-2-5:1995. 61000-3-11:2000.
ard is identical with and reproduced from IEC 60998- (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2385 3) (EL-034) (ISBN 0 7337 4843 0)
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1523 0) AS/NZS 61000.4
AS/NZS 61000.3
Limits Testing and measurement tech-
AS/NZS 60998.2.3:1998 niques
Particular requirements for con- AS/NZS 61000.3.2:1998
necting devices as separate enti- AS/NZS 61000.4.1:1999
Limits for harmonic current emis- Overview of immunity tests
ties with insulation piercing sions (equipment input current
clamping units (IEC 61000-4-1:1992) 67pp K
less than or equal to 16 A per Specifies immunity tests for electric and/or electronic
(IEC 60998-2-3:1991) 14pp E phase) equipment (apparatus and systems) in its electromag-
Amdt 1 25 September 2001 (IEC 61000.3.2:1995) 20pp F netic environment. Both conducted and radiated phe-
nomena are considered, including immunity tests for
(ISBN 0 7337 4130 4) X Specifies the harmonic requirements for equipment equipment connected to power, control and commu-
with a current input less than or equal to 16 A intend- nication networks. The Standard is one of a series of
Specifies requirements for insulation piercing clamp- ed for connection to an electrical network. This
ing units primarily suitable for connecting insulated Standards applicable to electromagnetic compatibili-
Standard is technically equivalent to and has been re- ty. This Standard is identical with and has been repro-
unprepared conductors for use at low voltages. It is to produced from IEC 61000-3-2:1995.
be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 60998-1:1997. duced from IEC 61000-4-1:1992.
This Standard is technically equivalent with and re- (EL-034) (ISBN 0 7337 1917 1) (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2386 1)
produced from IEC 60998-2-3:1991.
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1524 9) AS/NZS 61000.3.3:1998 AS/NZS 61000.4.2:2002
Limitation of voltage fluctuations Electrostatic discharge immunity
AS/NZS 60998.2.4:1998 and flicker in low-voltage supply test
Particular requirements for twist- systems for equipment with rated (IEC 61000-4-2:2001) 30pp I
on connecting devices current less than or equal to 16 A Establishes a common and reproducible basis for
(IEC 61000-3-3:1994) 17pp F evaluating the performance of electrical and electron-
(IEC 60998-2-4:1993) 19pp F ic equipment when subjected to electrostatic dis-
Specifies the limitation of voltage fluctuations and charges. This Standard is identical with and has been
Specifies requirements for twist-on connecting devic- flicker in low-voltage supply systems for equipment reproduced from IEC 61000-4-2:2001 Ed 1.2 B.
es having a cross- sectional area of from 0.5 mm2 up with a rated input current less than or equal to 16 A. (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4799 X)
to and including 16 mm2 for use at low voltages. It is This Standard is technically equivalent to and has
to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 60998- been reproduced from IEC 61000-3-3:1994.
(EL-034) (ISBN 0 7337 1918 X)
AS/NZS 61000.4.3:1999
1:1997. This Standard is technically equivalent with
and reproduced from IEC 60998-2-4:1993. Radiated radio-frequency electro-
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1525 7) AS/NZS 61000.3.5:1998 magnetic field immunity test
(IEC 61000-4-3:1995 IEC 61000-4-
Limitation of voltage fluctuations
and flicker in low-voltage power 3:1995/Amd.1:1998) 42pp I
AS/NZS 61000 Specifies the immunity of electrical and electronic
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) supply systems for equipment with equipment to radiated electromagnetic energy. Estab-
rated current greater than 16 A lishes test levels and the required test procedures. Es-
(IEC 61000-3-5:1994) 12pp E tablishes a common reference for evaluating the per-
AS/NZS 61000.1 formance of electrical and electronic equipment when
Specifies the limitation of voltage fluctuation and subjected to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields.
General—Application and interpre- flicker in low-voltage supply systems for equipment The Standard is one of a series of Standards applica-
tation of fundamental definitions with a rated input current greater than 16 A. This ble to electromagnetic compatibility. This Standard is
and terms Standard is identical with and has been reproduced identical with and has been reproduced from IEC
from IEC 61000-3-5:1994. 61000-4-3:1995, including Amendment 1:1998.
AS/NZS 61000.1.1:2000 (EL-034) (ISBN 0 7337 1919 8) (TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2387 X)
General—Application and interpre- AS/NZS 61000.3.6:2001 AS/NZS 61000.4.5:1999
tation of fundamental definitions Assessment of emission limits for Surge immunity test
and terms distorting loads in MV and HV pow- (IEC 61000-4-5:1995 IEC 61000-4-
(IEC 61000-1-1:1992) 26pp G er systems (IEC 61000-3-6:1996) 5:1995/Cor.1:1995) 34pp I
Specifies the application of fundamental terms con- 58pp K Specifies the immunity requirements, test methods
tained in the electromagnetic enissions and immunity and range of recommended test levels for equipment
Standards. This Standard is identical with and has Proposes a set of principles which are intended to be to unidirectional surges caused by overvoltages from
been reproduced from IEC 61000-1-1:1992. used as the basis for determining the requirements for switching and lightning transients. Several test levels
connecting large distorting loads (producing harmon- are defined which relate to different environment and
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3349 2) ics and/or interharmonics) to public power systems. installation conditions. These requirements are devel-
This Standard provides guidance on engineering oped for and are applicable to electrical and electronic
practices which will ensure adequate service quality equipment. Establishes a common reference for eval-
AS/NZS 61000.2 for all connected consumers. uating the performance of equipment when subjected
Environment (EL-034) (ISBN 0 7337 3693 9) to high-energy disturbances on the power and inter-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

connection lines. The Standard is one of a series of AS/NZS 61000.6.2:2002 AS/NZS 61050:1998
Standards applicable to electromagnetic compatibili-
ty. This Standard is identical with and has been repro- Immunity for industrial environ- Transformers for tubular discharge
duced from IEC 61000-4-5:1995 and IEC 61000-4- ments lamps having a no-load output voltage
5:1995/Corrig. 1:1995. (IEC 61000-6-2:1999) 10pp E exceeding 1000 V (generally called
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2394 2) Sets out the EMC immunity requirements which ap- neon-transformers)—General and
ply to the electrical and electronic apparatus intended safety requirements
AS/NZS 61000.4.6:1999 for use in industrial environments.
(IEC 1050:1991 IEC 1050:1991/Cor.
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4244 0) 1:1992 IEC 1050:1991/Amd. 1:1994)
Immunity to conducted distur-
bances, induced by radio-frequen- AS/NZS 61009 34pp H
cy fields Specifies general and safety requirements for single-phase
Residual current operated circuit- transformers with separate input and output windings, for
(IEC 61000-4-6:1996) 38pp I breakers with integral overcurrent use on an a.c. supply up to 1000 V at 50/60 Hz and having
Specifies the conducted immunity requirements of protection for household and similar a no-load output voltage exceeding 1000 V but not exceed-
electrical and electronic equipment to electromagnet- ing 10 000 V and intended for the supply of cold cathode
ic disturbances coming from intended radio-frequen-
uses (RCBOs) lighting for electric advertising signs, light signals and
cy (RF) transmitters in the frequency range 9 kHz up similar purposes. This Standard is identical with and has
to 80 MHz. Equipment not having at least one con- AS/NZS 61009.1:1999 been reproduced from IEC 1050:1991, including Corri-
ducting cable (such as mains supply, signal line or gendum 1:1992 and Amendment 1:1994.
earth connection) which can couple the equipment to
General rules
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 1830 2)
the disturbing RF fields is excluded. The Standard (IEC 61009-1:1996) 137pp L
does not specify the tests to be applied to particular Specifies requirements for current operated circuit-
apparatus or systems. Its main aim is to give a basic breakers with integral overcurrent protection with rat-
AS/NZS 61058
reference to all concerned product committees. The ed voltages not exceeding 440 V a.c., rated currents Switches for appliances
product committees (or users and manufacturers of not exceeding 125 A and rated short-circuit capacities
equipment) remain responsible for the choice of the not exceeding 25000 A for operation at 50 Hz or 60
test and the severity level to be applied to their equip- Hz. This Standard is technically equivalent to and has AS/NZS 61058.1:2002
ment. It is one of series of Standards applicable to been reproduced from IEC 61009-1:1996. General requirements (IEC
electromagnetic compatibility. This Standard is iden-
tical with and has been reproduced from IEC 61000- (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 2485 X) 61058.1:2000, MOD) 151pp O
4-6:1996. Specifies essential safety requirements for switches
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 2395 0) AS/NZS 61046:2001 intended for use in, on or with appliances and other
equipment for household and similar use. The Stand-
Auxiliaries for lamps—D.C. or A.C. ard is modified and reproduced from the third edition
AS/NZS 61000.4.7:1999 supplied electronic step-down conver- of IEC 61058-1.
General guide on harmonics and tors for filament lamps—General and (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4369 2)
interharmonics measurements and safety requirements
instrumentation, for power supply (IEC 61046:1993 IEC 61046:1993/Amd AS/NZS 61210:2002
systems and equipment connected 1:1995) 43pp J Connecting devices—Flat quick-con-
thereto Provides the lighting industry with general and safety re- nect terminations for electrical copper
quirements for electronic step-down convertors for use on
(IEC 61000-4-7:1991) 30pp H D.C. supplies up to 250 V or A.C. supplies up to 1000 V conductors—Safety requirements
for use with tungsten-halogen or other filament lamps. It (IEC 61210:1993, MOD) 20pp G
Amdt 1 20 December 2001 also stipulates the particular requirements for convertors Specifies requirements for flat quick-connect terminations
(ISBN 0 7337 4245 9) X with means of protection against overheating and provides consisting of a male tab size 2.8, 4.8, 6.3 or 9.5 mm and
additional requirements for independent SELV D.C. or mating female conenctor for use as either an incorporated
Provides guidance on the instrumentation intended A.C. supplied electronic step-down convertors. This
for measuring voltage or current components with or an integrated part of an equipment or of a component, or
Standards is an adoption with national modifications of as a separate entity, for connecting electrical copper con-
frequencies in the range of d.c. to 2500 Hz which are IEC 61046:1993 including Amendment 1:1995.
superimposed on the voltage or current at the power ductors according to the manufacturer's instructions.
supply frequency. The Standard also provides guid- (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 3857 5) (EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4384 6)
ance on measurement instrumentation intended for
testing individual items of equipment in accordance AS/NZS 61047:2001 AS/NZS 61231:2001
with emission limits given in Standards as well as for
the measurement of harmonic voltages and currents Auxiliaries for lamps—D.C. or a.c. International lamp coding system (IL-
in actual supply systems. Frequency domain and time supplied electronic step-down conver- COS)
domain instrumentation are both considered in this tors for filament lamps—Performance
Standard. This Standard is technically equivalent to (IEC TS 61231:1996) 17pp F
and has been reproduced from IEC 61000-4-7:1991. requirements Specifies international lamp coding system (ILCOS) tech-
(EL-034) (ISBN 0 7337 2483 3) (IEC 61047:1991 IEC 61047:1991/Amdt nical specifications to maufacturers, suppliers, consumers
1:1996 IEC 61047:1991/Amdt 2:2001) and regulators. This document is identical to IEC TS
61231:1996 and is reproduced from it.
AS/NZS 61000.4.8:2002 12pp F (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4169 X)
Provides the lighting industry with performance require-
Power frequency magnetic field ments at 50 or 60 Hz for electronic step-down conbertors
immunity test for use on D.C. supplies up to 250 V or a.c. supplies up to AS/NZS 61241 (Set2)
1000 V with tungsten-halogen or other filament lamps. Combustible dust series
(IEC 61000-4-8:2001) 25pp H
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4029 4) (Set Expires 28 February 2003)
To determine the immunity requirements of equip-
ment, only under operational conditions, to magnetic $251.13 Retail
disturbances at power frequency related to residential AS/NZS 61048:2002 $188.35 Member
and commercial locations, industrial installations and Auxiliaries for lamps—Capacitors for This set includes the following; AS/NZS 61241.1.1:1999,
power plants and medium voltage and high voltage use in tubular fluorescent and other AS/NZS 61241.1.2:2000, AS/NZS 61241.2.1:2000, AS/
sub-stations. This Standard is identical with and has
been reproduced from IEC 61000-4-8:2001. discharge lamp circuits—General NZS 61241.2.2:2000, AS/NZS 61241.2.3:2000 and AS/
NZS 61241.3:1999.
(TE-003) (ISBN 0 7337 4800 7) safety requirements
(IEC 61048:1991 IEC 61048
AS/NZS 61000.4.16:2002 Amd.1:1995 IEC 61048 Amd.2:1999)
AS/NZS 61241
Test for immunity to conducted 30pp I
Specifies the general and safety requirement for capacitors
Electrical apparatus for use in the
common mode disturbances in the up to 2.5 kVAR having a rated voltage up to 1000 V in- presence of combustible dust
frequency range 0 Hz to 150 kHz tended for discharge lamp circuits operating at 50/60 Hz.
This Standard is reproduced from IEC 61048 and varied AS/NZS 61241.1
(IEC 61000-4-16:1998 IEC 61000-4- for Australian/New Zealand conditions.
16:1998/AMDT.1:2001) 20pp H Electrical apparatus protected by
(EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4772 8) enclosures and surface tempera-
Specifies the immunity requirements and test meth- ture limitation
ods for electrical and electronic equipment to con- AS/NZS 61049:2002
ducted, common mode disturbances in the range d.c.
to 150 kHz. Also defines test voltage and current Auxiliaries for lamps—Capacitors for AS/NZS 61241.1.1:1999
waveform, range of test levels, test equipment, test use in tubular fluorescent and other Specification for apparatus
set-up and test procedures. The disturbances pro-
duced by 400 Hz mains systems are not included in discharge lamp circuits—Perform- (IEC 61241-1-1:1999) 29pp G
the Standard. This Standard is identical with and has ance requirements
Specifies requirements for the design, construction
been reproduced from IEC 61000.4.16:1998. (IEC 61049:1991) 9pp F and testing of electrical apparatus for use in areas
(EL-034) (ISBN 0 7337 4842 2) Specifies performance requirements for capacitors up to where combustible dusts are or may be present, in
2.5 kVAR rated up to 1000 V a.c. intended for use in dis- quantities which could lead to a fire or explosion haz-
charge lamp circuits at 50/60 Hz. This Standard is identical ard. It is identical to and has been reproduced from
AS/NZS 61000.6 with and reproduced from IEC 61049. IEC 61241-1-1:1999.
Generic standards (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4771 X) (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7227 3087 6)

AS/NZS 61241.1.2:2000

AS/NZS 61241.1.2:2000 ods for the design, use and control of a protected area AS 61508
Selection, installation and mainte- to ensure that ESDs, having a withstand threshold Functional safety of electrical/elec-
voltage of 100 V (human body model) or higher, can
nance be handled with a minimum risk of damage resulting tronic/programmable electronic safe-
(IEC 61241-1-2:1999) 26pp G from electrostatic phenomena. This Interim Austral- ty-related systems
Gives guidance on the selection, installation and ian Standard is identical in technical content to and
maintenance of electrical apparatus for use in areas reproduced from IEC 61340-5-1:1998 and its Corri- AS 61508.1—1999
where combustible dusts are or may be present, in gendum 1999-02.
quantities which could lead to a fire or explosion haz- (EL-025) (ISBN 0 7337 3727 7) General requirements
ard (IEC 61508-1:1998) 51pp J
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3252 6) AS 61340.5.2(Int)—2001 Specifies general requirements for a generic approach
for all safety lifecycle activities used in electrical/
User guide electronic/programmable electronic devices used in
AS/NZS 61241.2 (IEC 61340-5-2:1999) safety-related applications. The Standard is identical
Test methods (Expired 23 January 2003) 42pp J with and has been reproduced from IEC 61508-
Provides clear guidelines for the implementation by 1:1998.
AS/NZS 61241.2.1:2000 the user of the general requirements of AS 61340.5.1. (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2895 2)
Methods for determining the mini- This Interim Australian Standard is identical in tech-
mum ignition temperatures of dust nical content to and reproduced from IEC 61340-5- AS 61508.2—2001
2:1999 . Requirements for electrical/elec-
(IEC 61241-2-1:1994) 25pp G (EL-025) (ISBN 0 7337 3729 3)
Specifies two test methods for determining the mini- tronic/programmable electronic
mum ignition temperatures of dust. This Standard is
AS/NZS 61347 safety-related systems
identical with and has been reproduced from IEC (IEC 61508-2:2000) 59pp J
61241-2-1:1994. Lamp controlgear
Specifies the safety lifecycle activities in systems
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 2950 9) comprised of electrical/electronic/programmable
AS/NZS 61347.1:2002 electronic devices with the requirements for tech-
AS/NZS 61241.2.2:2000 General and safety requirements niques and measures that are graded against safety in-
Method for determining the electri- (IEC 61347-1:2000, MOD) 50pp J tegrity levels, for the avoidance and control of faults
and failures.
cal resistivity of dust in layers Specifies electrical safety requirements for lamp con- (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3896 6)
(IEC 61241-2-2:1993) 4pp D trolgear for use in d.c. supplies up to 250 V and a.c.
Specifies a test method to determine, by application supplies up to 1000 V. This Standard is reproduced
of a d.c. voltage, the electrical resistivity of a layer of from IEC 61347-1:2000 and varied to suit Australian/ AS 61508.3—1999
dust. Is to be used in the design, construction, testing New Zealand conditions. Software requirements
and application of electrical apparatus for use in the (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4774 4) (IEC 61508-3:1998) 42pp J
presence of combustible dust.This Standard is identi- Specifies software requirements for a generic ap-
cal with and has been reproduced from IEC 61241-2- AS/NZS 61347.2.1:2002 proach for all safety lifecycle activities when applied
2:1993. Particular requirements for start- to safety-related software. The Standard is identical
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 2951 7) with and has been reproduced from IEC 61508-
ing devices (other than glow start- 3:1998.
AS/NZS 61241.2.3:2000 ers) (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2878 2)
Method for determining the mini- (IEC 61347-2-1:2000) 15pp G
mum ignition energy of dust/air Specifies safety requirements for starting devices for AS 61508.4—1999
fluorescent and other discharge lamps for use on a.c. Definition and abbreviations
mixtures supplies up to 1000 V at 50/60 Hz in combination
(IEC 61241-2-3:1994) 17pp F with lamps and ballasts. This Standard is identical to (IEC 61508-4:1998) 21pp H
Specifies a method of test to determine the minimum and reproduced from IEC 61347-2-1:2000. Provides the definitions and abbreviations used in
ignition energy of a dust/air mixture by an electrically (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4861 9) other parts of this series of Standards. The Standard is
generated high-voltage d.c. spark. This test method is identical with and has been reproduced from IEC
intended to develop data to be used in deciding AS/NZS 61347.2.4:2002 (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2877 4)
whether or not combustible dust/air mixtures are con-
sidered to be ignitable with respect to electrical dis- Particular requirements for d.c.
charge. This Standard is identical with and has been supplied electronic ballasts for AS 61508.5—1999
reproduced from IEC 61241-2-3:1994. general lighting Examples of methods for the deter-
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3203 8) (IEC 61347-2-4:2000) 6pp E mination of safety integrity levels
Specifies safety requirements for d.c. supplied elec- (IEC 61508-5:1998) 23pp H
AS/NZS 61241.3:1999 tronic ballasts for operation from surge-free power
Provides information on the concepts and relation-
Classification of areas where com- sources from batteries without charging equipment.
ship of risk to safety integrity together with methods
bustible dusts are or may be This Standard is identical to and reproduced from IEC
61347-2-4:2000. of determining safety integrity levels. The Standard is
present (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4862 7) identical with and has been reproduced from IEC
(IEC 61241-3:1997) 16pp F 61508-5:1998.
Provides classification of areas where explosive dust/
(IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 2876 6)
AS/NZS 61347.2.5:2002
air mixtures and combustible dust layers are or may
be present, in order to permit the proper selection of Particular requirements for d.c. AS 61508.6—2001
electrical apparatus for use in such areas. This Stand- supplied electronic ballasts for Guidelines on the application of AS
ard is identical with and has been reproduced from public transport 61508.2 and AS 61508.3
IEC 61241-3:1997.
(MS-011) (ISBN 0 7337 3090 6)
(IEC 61347-2-5:2000) 9pp F (IEC 61508-6:2000) 64pp K
Specifies electrical safety requirements for road and Specifies the safety lifecycle activities in systems
railway vehicles, tram cars and craft used for public comprised of electrical/electronic/programmable
AS/NZS 61241.4:2002 transport. This Standard is identical to and repro- electronic devices with quidelines on the applica-
Type of protection 'pD' duced from IEC 61347-2-5:2000. tions, calculations and methodologies as outlined in
(IEC 61241-4:2001) 19pp F (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4863 5) Part 2 and in Part 3 of this Standard.
Specifies the requirements for design, construction, (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3897 4)
testing and marking of electrical apparatus, with type AS/NZS 61347.2.6:2002
of protection pressurization 'pD', intended for use in Particular requirements for d.c AS 61508.7—2001
combustible dust atmospheres. This Standard is iden- Overview of techniques and meas-
tical with and has been reproduced from IEC 61241- supplied electronic ballasts for air-
4:2001. craft lighting ures
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4382 X) (IEC 61347-2-6:2000) 9pp F (IEC 61508-7:2000) 105pp M
Specifies safety requirements for d.c. supplied elec- Specifies the safety lifecycle activities in systems
AS 61340 tronic ballasts intended for operation from power comprised of electrical/electronic/programmable
sources with transients and surges such as aircraft. electronic devices with an overview of various safety
Electrostatics techniques and measures as outlined in Part 2 and in
This Standard is identical to and reproduced from IEC
61347-2-6:2000. Part 3 of this Standard.
AS 61340.5 (EL-041) (ISBN 0 7337 4864 3) (IT-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3898 2)
Protection of electronic devices
from electrostatic phenomena AS/NZS 61459:2000 AS/NZS 61535
Low-voltage fuses—Coordination be- Installation couplers
AS 61340.5.1(Int)—2001 tween fuses and contactors/motor-
General requirements starters—Application guide AS/NZS 61535.1(Int):2001
(IEC 61340-5-1:1998 IEC 61340-5- (IEC 61459:1996) 14pp F General requirements
1:1998/Corr 1999-02) Provides guidance to assist in selecting a fuse-link to en- (Expires 12 October 2003) 39pp I
(Expired 23 January 2003) 67pp J sure coordination with contactors or motor-starters (con- Amdt 1 29 January 2002
Specifies the general requirements for the protection tactors with overload relay). This Standard is identical with (ISBN 0 7337 4232 7) X
of electrostatic discharge devices (ESDs) from elec- and is reproduced from IEC 61459:1996. Specifies requirements for 2 to 5-pole installation
trostatic discharges and fields. Also specifies meth- (EL-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3486 3) couplers, with or without an earthing contact, with a

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

rated voltage up to and including 500 V a.c. and a rat- AS/NZS 61558.2.23:2001 of combustible gas or vapour concentrations with air
ed current up to and including 32 A for permanent up to 100% lower explosive limit (LEL).
connection in indoor installation systems according Particular requirements for trans-
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3256 9)
to AS/NZS 3000. This Interim Standard adopts the formers for construction sites (IEC
technical content of the draft IEC Standard on instal- 61558-2-23:2000, MOD) 18pp G
lation couplers. AS/NZS 61779.5:2000
Specifies general safety requirements for approval
(EL-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4036 7) and test purposes for transformers for construction Performance requirements for
sites. This Standard is an adoption with national mod- group II apparatus indicating a vol-
AS/NZS 61558 ifications and contains the full text of IEC 61558-2- ume fraction up to 100% gas
Safety of power transformers, power (IEC 61779-5:1989) 5pp D
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4426 5)
supply units and similar devices Specifies requirements for group II (as defined in part
AS/NZS 61779 (Set2) 1) portable,transportable and fixed apparatus for the
AS/NZS 61558.1:2000 detection and measurement of combustible gas or va-
General requirements and tests Gas detector series pour concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts
(Set Expires 28 February 2003) thereof, may be installed or used in potentially explo-
(IEC 61558-1:1997) 123pp O $217.47 Retail sive atmospheres, other than mines sesceptible to fire-
Amdt 1 12 November 2001 damp (i.e. group I).This Standard is restricted to ap-
$163.09 Member paratus intended for the detection and measurement
(ISBN 0 7337 4394 3) X This set includes the following; AS/NZS 61779.1:2000, of volume ratios of combustible gas or vapour in air
Specifies general safety requirements for approval AS/NZS 61779.2:2000, AS/NZS 61779.3:2000, AS/NZS in volume fractions from 0% to 100%.
and test purposes. This Standard is an adoption with 61779.4:2000, AS/NZS 61779.5:2000 and AS/NZS
national modifications and contains the full text of (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3257 7)
IEC 61558-1:1998.
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3685 8) AS/NZS 61779.6:2000
AS/NZS 61779 Guide for the selection, installa-
AS/NZS 61558.2.3:2001 Electrical apparatus for the detection tion, use and maintenance of appa-
Particular requirements for igni- and measurement of flammable gases ratus for the detection and
tion transformers for gas and oil measurement of flammable gases
burners (IEC 61558-2-3:1999, IDT) AS/NZS 61779.1:2000 (IEC 61779-6:1999) 58pp J
12pp G General requirements and test Gives guidance on the selection, installation, use and
Specifies general safety requirements for approval methods maintenance of electrically operated group II appara-
and test purposes for ignition transformers for gas and (IEC 61779-1:1998) 50pp I tus for the detection and measurement of flammable
oil burners. This Standard is an adoption with nation- gases complying with the requirements of AS/NZS
al modifications and contains the full text of IEC Specifies general requirements for construction and 61779.1, AS/NZS 61779.4 and AS/NZS 61779.5. For
61558-2-3:1999. testing and describes the test methods that apply to the purpose of this Standard, flammable gases shall
portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the de- include flammable vapours. This Standard applies
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4420 6) tection and measurement of flammable gas or vapour only to group II apparatus intended for use in indus-
concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts there- trial and commercial safety applications, involving
AS/NZS 61558.2.4:2001 of, are intended for use in potentially explosive at- areas classified in accordance with AS 2430.1 (in
Particular requirements for isolat- mospheres and in mines susceptible to firedamp Australia) or NZS 6101.1 (in New Zealand) and AS/
ing transformers for general use (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3253 4) NZS 2430 Parts 3.1 to 3.9.
(IEC 61558-2-4:1997, MOD) 9pp F (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3504 5)
Specifies general safety requirements for approval
AS/NZS 61779.2:2000
and test purposes for isolating transformers for gener- Performance requirements for AS 61800
al use. This Standard is an adotpion with national group I apparatus indicating a vol- Adjustable speed electrical power
modifications and contains the full text of IEC 61558- ume fraction up to 5% methane in
2-4:1997. drive systems
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4421 4) air
(IEC 61779-2:1998) 5pp D AS 61800.3—2001
AS/NZS 61558.2.6:2001 Specifies requirements for group I (as defined in part EMC product standard including
1) portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the
Particular requirements for safety detection and measurement of methane concentra- specific test methods
isolating transformers for general tions in mine air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, are (IEC 61800-3:1996) 83pp L
use (IEC 61558-2-6:1997, MOD) intended for use in mines susceptible to firedamp.
The requirements and test methods applicable to the Specifies electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) re-
9pp F apparatus covered by this Standard are specified in quirements for adjustable speed a.c.or d.c. motor
Specifies safety requirements for approval and test part 1. This Standard is restricted to apparatus intend- drives connected to mains supplies up to 1000 V a.c.
purposes for safety isolating transformers. This Defines limits and test methods. Drives in traction ap-
ed for the detection and measurements of volume ra- plications are not covered. This Standard is technical-
Standard is an adoption with national modifications tios of methane in air from a volume fraction of 0%
and contains the full text of IEC 61558-2-6:1997. up to, but not exceeding, a volume fraction of 5%. ly identical to, and has been reproduced from, IEC
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4073 1) (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3254 2)
(EL-027) (ISBN 0 7337 3444 8)
AS/NZS 61558.2.7:2001 AS/NZS 61779.3:2000
AS/NZS 62013
Particular requirements for trans- Performance requirements for
formers for toys (IEC 61558-2- group I apparatus indicating a vol- Caplights for use in mines susceptible
7:1997, MOD) 12pp F ume fraction up to 100% methane to firedamp
Specifies general safety requiremetns for approval in air
and test purposes for transformers for toys. This AS/NZS 62013.1:2001
(IEC 61779-3:1998) 5pp D
Standard is an adoption with national modifications
Specifies requirements for group I (as defined in part
General requirements—Construc-
and cotnains the full text of IEC 61558-2-7:1997. tion and testing in relation to the
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4422 2) 1) portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the
detection and measurement of methane concentra- risk of explosion
tions in mine air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, are (IEC 62013-1:1999) 15pp F
AS/NZS 61558.2.8:2001 intended for use in mines susceptible to firedamp.
Particular requirements for bell The requirements and test methods applicable to the Specifies the requirements for the construction and
apparatus covered by this Standard are specified in testing of caplights for use in mines susceptible to
and chime transformers (IEC part 1. This Standard is restricted to apparatus intend- firedamp or which have become temporarily endan-
61558-2-8:1998, IDT) 11pp F ed for the detection and measurements of volume ra- gered by the explosive atmosphere of firedamp. It
Specifies general safety requirements for approval tios of methane in air from a volume fraction of 0% deals with the risk of the caplight becoming a source
and test purposes for bell and chime transformers. up to a volume fraction of 100%. of ignition. This Standard is identical to and has been
This Standard is an adotpion with national modifica- (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3255 0) reproduced from IEC 62013-1:1999.
tions and contains the full text of IEC 61558-2- (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4248 3)
8:1998. AS/NZS 61779.4:2000
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4423 0) AS/NZS 62013.2:2001
Performance requirements for
group II apparatus indicating a vol- Performance and other safety-re-
AS/NZS 61558.2.15:2001 lated matters
Particular requirements for isolat- ume fraction up to 100% lower ex-
ing transformers for the supply of plosive limit (IEC 62013-2:2000) 9pp E
medical locations (IEC 61558-2- (IEC 61779-4:1998) 5pp D Details those performance and other safety features of
Specifies requirements for group II (as defined in part caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp that
15:1999, MOD) 15pp G 1) portable,transportable and fixed apparatus for the are not covered in AS/NZS 62013.1 but which are
Specifies general safety requirements for approval detection and measurement of combustible gas or va- nevertheless important for the safety and working
and test purposes for isolating transformers for the pour concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts conditions of the user. It may be applied for use in
supply of medical locations. This Standard is an thereof, may be installed or used in potentially explo- mines not likely to be endangered by firedamp. This
adoption with national modifications and contains the sive atmospheres, other than mines sesceptible to fire- Standard is identical to and has been reproduced from
full text of IEC 61558-2-15:1999. damp (i.e. group I). This Standard is restricted to ap- IEC 62013-2:2001.
(EL-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4424 9) paratus intended for the detection and measurements (EL-023) (ISBN 0 7337 4249 1)

AS/NZS 62026

AS/NZS 62026 AS 62040.3—2002 and raised countersunk, round, pan, raised cheese and
Method of specifying the perform- mushroom with recessed heads.
Low-voltage switchgear and con- (ME-029)
trolgear—Controller-device interfac- ance and test requirements
es (CDIs) (IEC 62040-3:1999) 91pp M AS B72—1940
Provides a method for specifying and assessing the
performance of uninterruptible power systems (UPS) Toolmakers' straightedges
AS/NZS 62026.1:2001 with a rated voltage not exceeding 1000 V a.c. and (BS 852:1939)
General rules with an energy storage device. This Standard has Reconfirmed 1968, 1984, 1987 12pp E
been reproduced from, and is technically identical to, Amdt 1 August 1940 X
(IEC 62026.1:2000) 8pp E IEC 62040-3:1999. Applies to toolmakers' straightedges of short length, in-
Applies to interfaces between low-voltage switch- (EL-027) (ISBN 0 7337 4955 0) tended for very accurate work, and having one working
gear, controlgear and controllers including industrial edge, which is bevelled and very slightly rounded off
CDIs for control system, factory and process automa- AS/NZS 62086 (commonly described as a 'knife-edge').
tion. This Standard is identical with and has been re- (ME-027)
produced from IEC 62026-1:2000. Electrical apparatus for explosive gas
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3863 X) atmospheres—Electrical resistance
trace heating AS B83—1960
Gauge blocks and their accessories
AS/NZS 62026.2:2001 AS/NZS 62086.1:2002 (BS 888:1950)
Actuator sensor interface General and testing requirements Obsolescent A5 24pp I
(IEC 62026-2:2000) 78pp L (IEC 62086-1:2001) 21pp G Amdt 1 1960 X
Applies to interfaces between low-voltage switchgear Specifies general and testing requirements for electri- Amdt 2 October 1973 X
cal resistance trace heaters for application in explo- Applies to slip gauges of rectangular form in inch sizes up
and controlgear switching elements and controllers, to 4 in. and to the commoner types of accessories used with
including industrial CDIs for control systems, factory sive gas atmospheres. It covers trace heaters that may
comprise either factory- or field- (work-site) assem- such gauges, viz. measuring jaws, scribbing point and cen-
and process automation, specifies requirements for a tre point holders (or slides) and base. Provision is made for
bit-oriented interface-system between a single-con- bled units, and which may be series heating cables,
parallel heating cables or heating pads and heating slip gauges of the reference grade of accuracy in addition
trol circuit device and switching elements connected to the three grades: workshop, inspection, and calibration.
by a non-shielded, entwisted two-wire cable carrying panels that have been assembled and/or terminated in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. This Recommended sets of gauges are given in an appendix.
data and power, and establishes a system for the inter- For metric gauge blocks see AS 1457.
changeability of components with such interfaces. Standard also includes requirements for termination
This Standard is identical with and has been repro- assemblies and control methods used with trace heat- (ME-027)
duced from IEC 62026-2:2000. ing. This Standard is identical with and has been re-
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3864 8) produced from IEC 62086-1:2001. AS B94—1953
(EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4460 5) Solid and split taper pins
AS/NZS 62026.3:2001 (BS 46:Part 3:1951)
AS/NZS 62086.2:2002 Obsolescent 36pp G
DeviceNet Application guide for design, in- Four classes of pins are specified and requirements for the
(IEC 62026-3:2000) 134pp N stallation and maintenance (IEC chemical composition and physical properties of the mate-
Applies to interfaces between low-voltage switchgear 62086-2:2001, MOD) 36pp H rial are given for sizes from 1/16 in. x 3/ 8 in. to 7/8 in. x 8 in.
and controlgear and controllers, including industrial Provides guidance for the application of electrical re- Reference is by the fractional size of the diameter of the
CDIs for control systems, factory and process auto- sistance heating systems in areas where explosive gas larger end and, for convenience, a comparison of this
mation, specifies an interface system between a single atmospheres may be present. It provides guidance for standard method with the non-preferred method of refer-
controller or multiple controllers, and control circuit the design, installation and maintenance of trace heat- ence by numbers is given in an appendix. The selection of
devices or switching elements and establishes re- ing equipment and associated control and monitoring suitable drill sizes is covered in a further appendix.
quirements for the interchangeability of components equipment. This part supplements the requirements (ME-029)
with such interfaces. This Standard is identical with specified in AS/NZS 62086.1. This Standard is a
and has been reproduced from IEC 62026-3:2000. modified version of IEC 62086-2:2001. AS B108—1952
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3865 6) (EL-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4461 3)
Black cup and countersunk bolts, nuts
AS A34—1938 and washers
AS/NZS 62026.5:2001 (BS 325:1947)
Dimensions of rivets from ½ inch to
Smart distributed system (SDS) 1¾ inches diameter (excluding rivets Obsolescent 16pp G
(IEC 62026-5:2000) 49pp J for boilers) Amdt 1 July 1952 X
Obsolescent 4pp A Amdt 2 May 1961 X
Applies to interfaces between low-voltage switchgear
and controlgear and controllers including industrial Corr. October 1938 Amdt 3 June 1962 X
CDIs for control systems, factory and process auto- Defines and illustrates the forms and dimensions of rivets Corrig. November 1967 X
mation, specifies an interface system between a single (other than boiler rivets) of the snap head, pan head, pan Establishes dimensions for cup head bolts with square,
or multiple controlling device and control circuit de- head with tapered neck, rounded countersunk head and flat oval and nibbed shanks, and countersunk headed bolts with
vices or switching elements and establishes a system countersunk head types. square and nibbed shanks for use on steel work and wood
for the interchageability of components with such in- (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7262 0816 7) work and with Whitworth threads. It includes square and
terfaces. This Standard is identical with and has been hexagon nuts and a complete range of round and square
reproduced from IEC 62026-5:2000. washers with round and square holes. The range of nomi-
AS A99—1959 nal sizes covered is from 2 in. to 1 in. Requirements are
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 3866 4) Bituminous felt roofing. Type 1(c) laid down in respect of the lengths of threads and the toler-
coated organic fibre felt roofing ances on them, and the form of the end of the bolt shank.
AS/NZS 62026.6:2002 Reconfirmed 1991 16pp B (ME-029)
Seriplex (Serial multiplexed con- Specifies weight of raw fibre felt for four grades (classified
trol bus) on the basis of the weight in pounds per square foot), AS B118—1953
amount of saturant, character of saturated felt, surface fin- Dimensions of small rivets for general
(IEC 62026-6:2001) 76pp L ish, and defect-free requirements. Appendices cover sam-
Specifies requirements, in addition to those of AS/ pling and methods of test, including separate tests for
NZS 62026.1:2001, for interface systems between weight per unit area for finished product and for desaturat- (BS 641:1951)
single or multiple controllers and control circuit de- ed base felt. Obsolescent 18pp G
vices and switching elements. Establishes require- (BD-013) (ISBN 0 7262 1104 4) Amdt 1 September 1961 X
ments for the interchangeability of components of Relates to such as snap, pan, mushroom, flat and various
such interfaces. This Standard is identical with and AS A176—1968 countersunk headed types. Nominal diameters and lengths
has been reproduced from IEC 62026-6:2001. Tynes for motor grader scarifiers are defined with permissible variations in shank diameters.
(EL-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4882 1) These rivets are made from mild steel, copper, brass, a
Reconfirmed Feb. 1989 6pp B range of aluminium alloys and pure aluminium. Details of
Specifies dimensional details of shanks and detachable Reaper rivets are included. Tables of stock lengths are also
AS 62040 points for light and medium duty tynes. Details of tyne re- given. Coopers' flat head rivets 4 in. diameter and below
taining keys are also specified. Material is specified by are included in an appendix.
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) Brinell hardness number only, thus permitting the use of (ME-029)
several grades of steel, and some details are left to the op-
AS 62040.2—2001 tion of the manufacturer.
(ME-063) (ISBN 0 7262 1472 8) AS B129—1968
Electromagnetic compatibility Designs for geometric limit gauges
(EMC) requirements AS B50—1960 (plain and screwed in inch units)
(IEC 62040.2:1999) 32pp H Machine screws and machine screw Reconfirmed 1987 63pp I
nuts (BSW and BSF threads) Describes and illustrates types and design features of com-
Specifies electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) re- monly used gauges and specifies their main parameters
quirements for uninterruptible power systems (BS 450:1958) and minimum quality requirements. Only the features ab-
(UPS)—both single units and systems comprising in- Obsolescent 56pp L solutely necessary to ensure interchangeability of parts, ri-
terconnected UPS with associated control/switch- Endorsement Slip August 1960 gidity and stability of construction and ease and reliability
gear. This Standard takes precedence over all aspects Specifies dimensions and tolerances and general require- of gauges in use are specified, leaving further details of de-
of generic EMC Standard and no additional testing is ments for machine screws of the following types: 90° sign to individual designers. This Standard does not speci-
necessary. countersunk and raised countersunk, round, pan, cheese fy shape and limits for gauging surfaces. In addition to
(EL-027) (ISBN 0 7337 3763 3) and mushroom with slotted heads, and 90° countersunk general requirements and terms and definitions, six types

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

of internal gauge and five types of external gauge are cov- AS B193—1970 AS B232—1966
ered in 112 figures and 54 tables. Guide to design considerations on the
(ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 2096 5) Hot-dip galvanized coating on fasten-
ers (BSW and UNC threads) strength of screw threads
Obsolescent 9pp B (BS 3580:1964)
AS B139—1955 Reconfirmed 1984, 1987
Covers coating on steel bolts, screws, nuts, and other fas-
Bevel protractors (mechanical and op- teners, in the nominal size range of ¼ in. to 1½ in. diameter A5 32pp J
tical) inclusive. It governs the purity of the galvanizing bath, the Endorsement Slip June 1966
(BS 1685-1951) appearance of the coating under visual examination, the Gives guidance on the strength of threaded parts where the
weight of the coating, the uniformity and adhesion of the thread is of triangular (V-form) shape. It deals with design
Reconfirmed 1968, 1984, 1987 12pp E coating, the fit of the threads on the finished articles, and principles; forms of bolt and nut failures; influence of
Amdt 1 May 1968 X the test methods to be adopted. Particular requirements ap- shape, material and production methods on strength; rela-
Relates to three mechanical types of bevel protractors, in ply to the hot-dip galvanizing of high strength steel bolts tion between torsional force, tension, clamping force and
which the measurement is read direct from the scale either for use in structural engineering. For this Standard in met- friction, etc. The work of bolted connections under shear,
with or without the assistance of a vernier, and for one op- ric units see AS 1214. tension fatigue and impact conditions is also reviewed.
tical type in which the measurement is read on an internal (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7262 2272 0) (ME-028)
circular scale by means of an optical magnifying system
integral with the instrument. Requirements for accuracy in
AS B194—1970 AS B233—1966
respect of the body, stock and blade, and of the accurate Screw thread measuring cylinders
angle attachment, where fitted, are given and graduations Tapping and metallic drive screws
for both types of protractors are specified. Illustrations of (BS 3777:1964)
the nomenclature adopted and clauses relating to material, (ANS B18.6.4-1966) Reconfirmed 1987 20pp G
workmanship, and marking are included. Obsolescent 37pp I Provides a series of standard cylinders used for checking
(ME-027) Relates to ferrous and non-ferrous tapping and drive the effective (pitch) diameter of external threads, and cov-
screws. It establishes type and shape varieties; dimensional ers standard ranges of ISO inch, ISO metric, Whitworth
and BA threads. Two grades of measuring cylinder are
AS B145—1956 proportions; standard diameters and lengths and their com- covered, Grade A (pitch-line) and Grade B (grouped), the
binations; and covers materials, accuracy, finishes and
Large aluminium alloy rivets: ½ in. to 1 quality. Information on the application of the various types
latter series being the same as the so-called 'best size' cyl-
inders introduced by the National Physical Laboratory and
in. nominal diameters and on sizes of labels for steel screws in a variety of mate-
amended and extended to cover ISO screw threads. Diam-
(BS 1974:1953) rials is given in an appendix. A foreword discusses the rea-
son for selection of the standard sizes and relates the stand- eters of standard cylinders and P-values are given in inch
Obsolescent 24pp I and metric measures and some theoretical data, including
ard range to the American and Canadian Standards. relative merits of grades A and B, are also included.
Provides for small snap-head, conical head, small pan- (ME-029) (ISBN 0 7262 2280 1)
head, rounded or flat countersunk head, shallow rounded (ME-028)
or flat countersunk head rivets. Specifies the materials, di-
mensions, and head shapes for sizes from ½ to 1 in. diam- AS B199—1962 AS B263—1968
eters. Head-forming tests and shear tests on the rivet stock Undercuts and runouts for screw Precision angle plates
and also on the manufactured rivets are specified. Appen- Reconfirmed 1987 7pp B
dices describe a method of determining ultimate shear threads
stress of rivet stock and manufactured rivets, and recom- Establishes main feature of design, general dimensions,
(BS 1936:1952) material, finish and accuracy for a recommended series of
mended point shapes and main requirements for satisfacto-
ry driving. Reconfirmed 1987 16pp G high precision angle plates intended to carry only moderate
loads. The plates are mainly used for inspection purposes.
(ME-029) Provides data of dimensions and profiles of machined un- Five size-varieties are provided for.
dercuts for external and internal threads of Unified, Whit-
worth, BA and Cycle thread forms. Dimensions and toler- (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 2544 4)
AS B148—1956 ances are given for standard cutting tools for this purpose
Unified black hexagon bolts, screws and recommendations are made for widths of undercuts AS B265—1968
and runouts for various production requirements. Involute serrations
and nuts (UNC and UNF threads) and
plain washers—Heavy series (ME-029) (BS 2059-1 USASI B5.15)
(BS 1769:1951) Obsolescent 75pp H
AS B202—1962 Part I provides design data and other details of involute
Obsolescent 20pp G serrations of 45° pressure angle 10/20, 16/32 and 24/48
Corrig. X General purpose Acme screw threads pitches for the full range 60 to 100 serrations, and 32/64,
Gives the dimensions and general requirements in a range (BS 1104:1957) 40/80, 48/96, 64/128, 80/160 and 128/256 pitches for lim-
ited range. Limiting dimensions are tabulated and manu-
of nominal sizes from ½ to 2 in. Detailed dimensions of Reconfirmed 1984, 1987 44pp L facturing errors and their effect on fit between mating ser-
bolts, screws, ordinary nuts, lock nuts, slotted nuts and
plain washers are given and provision is also made for Based on the American Acme Screw Thread Standard rated elements are discussed. Part II gives the methods of
bolts faced under the head and machined on the shank, and ANSI B1.5 1952 this Standard defines the Acme form of gauging and inspection, and the design details for gauges.
machined nuts. Formulas for the calculation of dimensions thread and gives complete tables of basic sizes, limits and (ME-011) (ISBN 0 7262 2560 6)
for bolts and screw heads and nuts in intermediate sizes, tolerances for a Standard Series of single-start Acme screw
threads in the range n to 5 in. diameter. This Standard Se-
and sizes larger than 2 in. are given in an appendix.
ries is in agreement with that given in ANSI B1.5 except AS B269—1968
(ME-029) for the pitches associated with diameters 3/8 in., 7/16 in., 1 Precision vee blocks
in., 11/8 in., and 1¼ in. The three classes of fit 2G, 3G, and
Reconfirmed 1987 11pp B
AS B175—1963 4G in the US Standard are given and an additional finer
Deals with basic dimensions and accuracy of vee blocks
used for precision measurements. It defines a standard
Split cotter pins class 5G is also provided. range of blocks capable of accommodating cylinders from
(BS 1574:1958) (ME-028) 1/ in. to 5½ in. diameter. It provides for three grades of ac-
Obsolescent 8pp B curacy and includes some basic terms and definitions. Al-
Specifies dimensions and general requirements for finish AS B212—1968 though basically concerned with blocks having an included
and shape of low carbon steel and non-ferrous split cotter angle of 90° the Standard can also be used for other angles
pins. The definition of length, for designation of split pins, Straight sided splines with certain modifications of nominal dimensions affected
is given as the length of the shorter leg. A preferred range Obsolescent 56pp F by the change in vee angle.
of standard sizes in terms of diameter-length combinations Corrig. September 1974 (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 2584 3)
is included. An appendix indicates the relationship be- Relates to splines produced in holes or on shafts of nomi-
tween sizes in this Standard and in a draft ISO Recommen- nal size from ½ to 6 in., for 4, 6, 10 and 16 splines of nar- AS B294—1970
dation. For metric pins see AS 1236.
(ME-029) (ISBN 0 7262 2216 X)
row depth and 6 and 10 splines of deep depth. Dimensions Plain setting rings for internal measur-
and gauging data are tabulated for bottom fitting (top clear- ing equipment (inch series)
ance) and top fitting (bottom clearance) splines in three
classes of fit, covering conditions where minimum back- Obsolescent 10pp B
AS B182—1961 Covers rings for setting instruments used for precision
lash is necessary, where ease of assembly is required, and
Buttress threads where larger positive allowances are acceptable. measurement of internal diameters by two-point or three-
(BS 1657:1950) point contact methods, in a range of diameters from 0.08
(ME-011) (ISBN 0 7262 2320 4) in. to 6 in. It establishes a series of blank sizes; defines ma-
Reconfirmed 1984, 1987 30pp I terial, its heat treatment and hardness; and specifies re-
Provides for two forms of thread, designated respectively AS B213—1966 quirements for working surface with respect to finish and
'standard' having a pressure flank angle of 7° with an in- accuracy. Three grades of accuracy are provided for. For
cluded angle between the pressure and trailing flanks of Involute splines metric series rings see AS 1001.
52°; and 'special' having the pressure flank normal to the (BS 3550:1963) (ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 2736 6)
axis of the screw with an included angle between the pres-
sure and trailing flanks of 52°. Does not specify a rigid Obsolescent 80pp O
Specifies dimensions of involute splined shafts and holes
AS D26—1972
pitch/diameter relationship but includes preferred series
for both diameters and for pitches. Provides tables of toler- with a 30° pressure angle. Basic formulas for calculating Tube fittings with Dryseal American
ances and allowances for three classes of fit, namely, close, dimensions and tolerances are included, with guidance on standard taper pipe and unified
medium, and fine. Includes a recommended system of obtaining the fit desired. Terms used are defined. The threads for automotive and industrial
gauging, with notes on the appropriate types and design Standard also describes methods of gauging and inspecting
sizes of the gauges; also includes an explanation of the splines, with methods of obtaining dimensions and toler- use
method of measurement of the effective diameter of but- ances for gauges. Inspection of splines using pins is cov- Reconfirmed 1988 48pp H
tress threads together with tables of dimensions for the best ered and tables of measurements over and between pins are Provides a range of tables covering dimensions of flared,
sizes of thread measuring cylinders. included. inverted flared and compression type fittings in the range
(ME-028) (ME-011) /8 in. to 1 in. The Standard is intended primarily for the

AS D29—1973

automotive industry, but the fittings are also used exten- pressed air, and decompression tables for the range of pres- are being carried out correctly. Available from Standards
sively in other sections of industry. sures covered. Australia Sydney Sales Office only.
(ME-054) (ISBN 0 7262 4545 3) (SF-017) (ISBN 0 7262 3841 4) (MN-002)

AS D29—1973 AS CA27—1959 ASCRM 008—1985

Filler, drain and pipe plugs with Dry- Code of recommended practice for in- Certified reference zircon sand con-
seal American standard taper pipe and ternal plastering on solid back- centrate
unified threads for automotive and in- grounds 100 g jars, including TR 2.8-1985 M
dustrial use Reconfirmed 1991 20pp B Comprises 100 g jars of zircon sand concentrate with anal-
Corrig. X ysis certificate and a copy of TR 2.8. Intended for use as a
Reconfirmed 1988 20pp D quality control tool to determine whether methods of anal-
Lays down recommendations for proportioning of normal
Covers tapered filler and drain plugs, pipe plugs, and types of plaster and its application to internal brickwork, ysis are being carried out correctly. Available from Stand-
straight thread filler and drain plugs up to 1 in. for tapered blockwork, cast-in-situ concrete or other masonry. It deals ards Australia Sydney Sales Office only.
thread plugs and up to 2 in. for straight thread plugs. The with materials, choice of plastering system (including one, (MN-004)
Standard generally corresponds with the SAE Standards two and three coat work), preparatory work, proportioning
for these plugs. and mixing. ASCRM 010—1985
(ME-054) (ISBN 0 7262 4873 8) (BD-096) (ISBN 0 7262 1600 3) Certified reference coal ash
AS F5—1970 100 g plastic bottles, including TR 2.10-1985 I
AS CA55—1970 Comprises 100 g plastics bottles of coal ash with analysis
Graphical symbols for use in dia- Code of recommended practice for the certificate and a copy of TR 2.10 for use as a quality con-
grams for pipeline systems in ships design and installation of bituminous trol tool and to validate methods of analysis. Available
for general services (known as Graph- from Standards Australia Sydney Sales Office only.
fabric roofing (MN-001)
ical Symbols for Ships' Pipelines) Reconfirmed 1991 40pp D
Reconfirmed 1987 28pp D Provides detailed recommendations for selection from a
ASCRM 011-7—2002
Tabulates symbols for schematic diagrams for fluid trans- range of bituminous fabrics, and describes methods of de-
mission in the shipbuilding industry. Symbols are shown signing and installing this fabric in order to form a durable Certified reference coal sample
and described under general basic symbols; pipes and pipe waterproof roofing membrane. Appendices cover surfac- $429.00 Retail
joints; valves, gate valves, cocks and flaps; control and ing treatment to prevent deterioration due to photo-oxida- $343.20 Member
regulation parts; appliances; fittings; indicating and meas- tion, and details of flashing procedures, and also provide
roof drainage data. Comprises a set of four plastic jars each containing 2 kg of
uring instruments; and sanitary and domestic fittings. An coal and each of a different Hardgrove grindability index,
appendix illustrates typical applications and uses of the (BD-013) (ISBN 0 7262 1728 X) with analysis certificate and copy of TR 2.11-7. For use as
symbols. a reference tool. Available from Standards Australia Syd-
(ME-059) (ISBN 0 7262 4728 6) ASCRM 002-1—1997 ney Sales Office only.
Certified reference material—Float (MN-001)
AS P4—1968 glass—For use in determining abrada-
Commercial forms bility index by AS 1774.23.1 ASCRM 012A-2—2002
Reconfirmed 1986 19pp B 6 mm float glass pieces packaged in lots of 5, in- Certified reference material—Coal
Specifies and illustrates basic requirements for the layout cluding TR 2.2-1997 I sample with total sulfur of 0.33%
and sizes of letterheads, invoices, purchase orders, sets Comprises 6 mm float glass pieces certified for mass loss 125 g plastics jar, including TR 2.12A-2-2002 N
comprising invoice with advice of despatch and packing when tested in accordance with AS 1774.23.1. Packaged in Comprises 125 g plastics jar of coal, with analysis certifi-
note, credit notes, statements of account , and remittance lots of five. A copy of TR 2.2:1997 is included with every cate for total sulfur and a copy of TR 2.12A-2. For use as
advices. It covers these forms whether used individually , ASCRM 002-1 purchased. a quality control tool and to validate methods of analysis.
in sets in book form, or as continuous stationery. In addi- (MN-007) Available from Standards Australia, Sydney Sales Office
tion, there are notes to assist form designers on paper qual- only.
ity, colour of ink, type size, etc, and details of relevant ASCRM 002-2—1999 (MN-001)
Australian Post Office requirements.
(IT-008) (ISBN 0 7262 7880 7) Certified reference material—Float
glass—For use in determining abrada- ASCRM 012B-2—1997
bility index by AS 1774.23.2 L Certified reference material—Coal
AS P5—1969 sample having total sulfur of 0.66%
Comprises 10 mm float glass pieces certified for mass loss
Punching patterns for round holes when tested in accordance with AS 1774.23.2. Packaged in 125 g jar of coal, including TR 2.12B-2-1997 N
used in files and loose leaf binders lots of five. Comprises 125g plastic jar of coal, with analysis certificate
Reconfirmed 1986 4pp B (MN-007) for total sulfur and copy of TR 2.12B-2. For use as a qual-
Covers standard spacings and tolerances between holes for ity control tool and to validate methods of analysis. Avail-
filing, diameter of holes and distance of holes from edge of ASCRM 003-2—1993 able from Standards Australia, Sydney Sales Office only.
sheet. Both four-hole and two-hole punching are specified Sample 2 (MN-001)
and recommendations on suitable sizes of sheets are in-
cluded. 1.5 kg jar of electrode carbon, including TR 2.3-2-
1993 J ASCRM 012C-2—1997
(IT-008) (ISBN 0 7262 7888 2) Certified reference material—Coal
Comprises 1.5 kg of electrode carbon with analysis certif-
icate and a copy of TR 2.3.2. Intended for use as an inert sample having total sulfur of approxi-
AS Z30—1966 additive in the Gray-King coke type test specified in AS mately 1.11%
Interconversion of inch and metric di- 1038.12.2.
125 g plastic jar of coal, including TR 2.12C-2-
mensions (MN-001) 1997 N
Reconfirmed 1984 51pp E Comprises 125 g plastic jar of coal, with analysis certifi-
Establishes rules for the conversion of inch dimensions
ASCRM 004—1985 cate for total sulfur and copy of TR 2.12C-2. For use as a
into millimetres and vice versa, and applies mainly to tol- Certified reference iron ore (Whyalla quality control tool and to validate methods of analysis.
eranced dimensions where accuracy of conversion is es- pellets) Available from Standards Australia, Sydney Sales Office
sential to ensure interchangeability, use of original gauges, only.
100 g bottles, including TR 2.4-1985 M (MN-001)
identity of fits, etc.; non-toleranced dimensions and their Comprises 100 g bottles of Whyalla pellets, with analysis
conversions are also dealt with. Tables of exact millimetre certificate and a copy of TR 2.4. Intended for use as a qual-
equivalents of inch values from 0.001 to 999 in. and of inch ity control tool to determine whether methods of analysis ASCRM 012D-2—1998
equivalents of millimetre values from 0.001 to 999 mm to
seven decimal places are included, and also tables covering
are being carried out correctly. Available from Standards Certified reference material—Coal
Australia, Sydney Sales Office only. sample having total sulfur of 5.21%
the conversion of feet to metres and vice versa. Illustrated
examples of conversions are provided and the Standard (MN-002)
125 g plastic jar of coal, including TR 2.12D-2-
also includes definitions of some of the more important 1998 N
terms covering sizing, tolerances, etc. ASCRM 006—1985 Comprises 125 g plastic jar of coal, with analysis certifi-
(ME-027) (ISBN 0 7262 9280 X) Certified reference iron ore (Hamers- cate for total sulfur and copy of TR 2.12D-2. For use as a
ley Low Grade Ore) quality control tool and to validate methods of analysis.
AS CA12—1970 100 g bottles, including TR 2.6-1985 M Available from Standards Australia, Sydney Sales Office
Work in compressed air (known as the Comprises 100 g bottles of Hamersley Low Grade Ore
with analysis certificate and a copy of TR 2.6. Intended for (MN-001)
SAA Compressed Air Code) use as a quality control tool to determine whether methods
Available Superseded of analysis are being carried out correctly. Available from ASCRM 013-9—2002
A5 58pp F Standards Australia, Sydney Sales Office only. Certified reference coal
Provides rules relating to working procedures and to safety (MN-002) 250 g jar of coal, including TR 2.13-9-2002
and health of persons working in compressed air in tun-
nels, shafts and pneumatic caissons for pressures up to 50 $253.00 Retail
ASCRM 007—1985
lbf/in 2, but does not include diving. Sections deal with $189.75 Member
Certified reference iron ore (Dampier Comprises a 250 g jar of coal used as a quality control tool
medical supervision (including requirements for medical
officers, medical orderlies and first-aid personnel), opera- Lump) to determine whether methods of analysis are undertaken
tion, equipment and general precautions, and appendices 100 g bottles, including TR 2.7-1985 M correctly. Supplied with a free copy of the Technical Re-
provide details of medical standards for workers in com- Comprises 100 g bottles of Dampier Lump with analysis port, TR 2.13-9. Available from Standards Australia Syd-
pressed air, instructions ' decompression sickness and its certificate and a copy of TR 2.7. Intended for use as a qual- ney Sales office only.
treatment, limits on flying or diving after work in com- ity control tool to determine whether methods of analysis (MN-001)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

ASCRM 014—1999 buy the CD-ROM, you get AS/NZS ISO 9000:2000, Qual- HB 7—1993
ity management systems—Fundamentals and vocabulary;
Certified reference material—Coke AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000, Quality management systems— Engineering drawing handbook
200 g jar, including TR 2.14-1999 L Requirements; AS/NZS ISO 9004:2000, Quality manage- (Institution of Engineers, Australia, document No.
Comprises 200 g jar of coke used as a quality control tool ment systems—Guidelines for performance improve- N0E/93/01) 311pp H
and to determine whether methods of analysis are under- ments; Free HB 90.0-2000, The ISO 9001 Comparison: Contains information on technical drawing practice based
taken correctly. A copy of TR 2.14-1999 is included. 2000 vs 1994; and Free AS/NZS 4581:1999, Management on Australian Standards. Provides a background and an ex-
(MN-001) system integration—Guidance to business, government planation of the Standards, as well as details on drafting
and community organizations. equipment and techniques. A guide for students and prac-
ASCRM 021—1998 titioners on technical drawing. Published in conjunction
with the Institution of Engineers, Australia.
Certified reference material—Synthet- (ISBN 0 7262 8586 2)
1 x 100 g bottle, including TR 2.21-1998 O Introduction to Risk Management (In-
corporating AS/NZS 4360:1999) HB 9—1994
Comprises 100 g bottle of synthetic rutile used as a quality
control tool to determine whether methods of analysis are CD-ROM K Occupational personal protection
being carried out correctly. A copy of TR 2.21-1998 is in- The introduction to Risk Management CD is based on AS/ 178pp H
cluded with every ASCRM 021 purchased. NZS 4360: Risk management. The CD provides a fully in- This Handbook provides guidance for occupational hygi-
(MN-004) teractive generic guide for establishing and implementing enists, and other occupational health and safety practition-
the risk management process which involves establishing ers, training personnel, workshop and laboratory supervi-
context, identification, analysis, evaluation, treatment, sors, industrial relations officers, union officials, members
CD CATALOGUE monitoring and review and consultation and communica- of occupational health and safety committees, students in
Australian Standards Catalogue on tion. AS/NZS 4360 may be applied at every stage in the life occupational health and safety courses and other persons
CD-ROM of an activity, function, project or asset generated by any concerned with occupational personal protection. This edi-
CD-ROM C public, private or community enterprise or group. The CD tion refers to more than 50 Australian Standards, as well as
includes a number of worked examples on key facets of the many other international and overseas Standards. It has
A copy of the current Standards Australia Catalogue on a risk management process. been expanded to include additional chapters on general
convenient CD-ROM. The Catalogue contains the synop- principles for personal protection and the identification of
sis of all current Australian Standards and related products, (DD/1)
common hazards likely to be encountered in the workplace
as well as the full text of all current Draft Standards. It pro- as well as general control measures for their reduction. It
vides three 'views' of the catalogue: a database version, HB 1:1994 also takes account of less common hazards such as ioniz-
which is optimized for the Windows environment; an Technical drawing for students ing and non-ionizing forms of radiation. Existing material
HTML version, similar to a web browser; and a PDF ver-
sion, which is effectively a facsimile of the traditional pa- See also AS 1100 series 78pp D dealing with the use of personal protective equipment for
Provides a guide to drawing practice primarily for students the prevention of injury to the whole body or individual
per catalogue. For Windows-based systems, the CD-ROM parts such as head, eye, limb and respiratory system has
also contains the full catalogue of ISO and IEC Interna- and educators. An abridgement of AS 1100.101 with addi-
tional material from AS 1100.201 and AS 1101.3. been revised to take account of increased knowledge and
tional Standards. changing technology.
(ME-072) (ISBN 0 7262 9196 X)
(SF-018) (ISBN 0 7262 8205 7)
Australian Standards for civil engi- HB 10—1987
Standards on CD Rom—New Licence Occupational overuse syndrome—
CD-ROM POA neering students
Preventative guidelines 12pp B
Provides guidelines for workplace design and work prac-
HB 2.1—1998 tices to assist in preventing the occurrence of overuse syn-
DVD—NEW Materials and testing 509pp I drome in occupational environments. It is intended for use
Standards on DVD—New Licence Contains extracts from Standards covering properties by occupational safety practitioners at all levels in industry
and testing of cement, aggregates, concrete and soils, and education.
DVD POA and also deals with geotechnical site investigations (SF-021) (ISBN 0 7262 4573 9)
and conditions of contract.
(B-) (ISBN 0 7337 1884 1) HB 12—1996
Compliance programs CD-ROM Metals Index 137pp I
HB 2.2—2002 Lists designations of metals and alloys standardized in cur-
CD-ROM $89.76 Retail Structural engineering 555pp I rent overseas Standards and equates these to their possible
$67.32 Member Amdt 1 14 August 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4753 1) D Australian counterparts in terms of chemical composition.
This Compendium CD-ROM contains AS 3806-1998, Tables through the text list Australian Standard metals and
Contains extracts from the principal material design
Compliance programs; HB 133-1999, A Guide to AS Standards namely concrete, steel, timber, masonry, alloys, whilst appendices list all Australian and overseas
3806-1998, Compliance programs and AS/NZS loads and residential footings. Extracts incorporate all Standards referenced in the Handbook.
4360:1999, Risk management. Together they provide amendments and revisions to July 2001. (K-) (ISBN 0 7337 0773 4)
guidance on how to establish, implement and manage ef-
fective compliance programs for legal and other require- (B-) (ISBN 0 7337 3521 5)
ments. HB 13—2000
HB 3:1996 Electrical equipment for hazardous ar-
Electrical and electronic drawing prac- eas 211pp I
CD OHS tice for students Provides a basis for understanding the principles involved
in the identification of a hazardous area, relevant statutory
Occupational health and safety CD- See also AS 1100 series 188pp F requirements, and the selection, installation and mainte-
ROM Sets out basic principles of electrical and electronic draw- nance of appropriate electrical equipment. This publica-
CD-ROM $170.72 Retail ing, and general drawing practice. Intended for students tion also provides a basic introduction to the many Austral-
and educators of drawing in the electrotechnical fields. The ian and International Standards dealing with hazardous
$128.04 Member handbook contains extracts from AS 1103, AS 1100.101 areas. The requirements that exist in New Zealand are also
This CD-ROM contains the Standards covering occupa- and AS 1102 as well as original material. Provided are covered.
tional health and safety management systems, manage- guidelines for setting out various types of electrical draw-
ment systems integration and compliance. ings, basic drawing principles such as lettering, line types (P-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3587 8)
and orthographic projections, selections of graphical and
letter symbols, and example diagrams and exercises. HB 15—1988
CD PRIVACY (TE-013) (ISBN 0 7337 0246 5) Chemical analysis index—A keyword
Unlock the Secrets of the Privacy Act listing of methods described or cited
CD-ROM L HB 5 in Australian Standards (Chemdex)
The Federal Privacy legislation applies to many private Australian Standards for plumbing 440pp L
sector organisations, including individuals, body corpo- students Provides access to chemical analysis information by three
rates, partnerships and trusts. This CD comprises two e- routes-(a) by constituent or characteristic sought, (b) by
learning courses — a short overview of the Privacy Act HB 5.1—1991 matrix or parent material, and (c) by reference document
suitable for all employees and a comprehensive informa- number. Cites the range of applicability of each method (if
tion section for those who need to know more. Developed Trade Course 145pp F known) and provides keyword descriptors of test method.
in conjunction with Mallesons Stephen Jacques, Solicitors, Includes extracts from 30 Australian Standards rele- Includes constituents specified in product Standards
the program is practical informative and easy to use. It cov- vant to the three year plumbing trade course. whether or not methods of test are cited. Targeted for li-
ers the 10 National Privacy Principles, the collection, stor- (WS-) (ISBN 0 7262 6641 8) braries, regulatory authorities/laboratories, tertiary and re-
age and access to personal information, special require- search institutions, and contracting parties.
ments and exemptions. (on-line version and multiple (CH-023) (ISBN 0 7262 5244 1)
licenses available — contact 1 300 65 65 29). HB 6—1999
(DD/1) Design Standards for mechanical en-
gineering students 292pp H HB 17—1996
CD QUALITY This Handbook contains edited extracts from current Aus- Metals and alloys—Standard terminol-
Quality Standards CD-ROM tralian and British Standards that are of interest to students ogy and nomenclature 163pp I
undertaking studies in mechanical engineering design. It Provides engineers, metallurgists, material technologists
CD-ROM $225.28 Retail includes extracts of Standards concerning drives, structur- and students with descriptions of metals, alloys, and metal
$168.96 Member al design, mechanical handling equipment, and safety of products, classifications for size and shape, and designa-
Get all of the Quality Standards on one handy CD-ROM machinery, and is intended to be used solely for the pur- tions used in Australia and overseas countries. The hand-
for the price of the paper copies. Plus get 2 extra docu- pose of student instruction. book also gives descriptions of manufacturing processes,
ments for FREE! (Valued at $103.84 Retail) When you (B-) (ISBN 0 7337 2552 X) including heat treatment, forming, machining, joining, fin-

HB 18

ishing and testing and makes reference to the relevant Aus- cation body being found to subject tem in third-party product
tralian and overseas Standards. persons or property to risk certification
(K-) (ISBN 0 7337 0600 2) (SANZ HB18.27-1991 ISO/IEC (SANZ HB18.53-1991 ISO/IEC
Guide 27:1983) 5pp C Guide 53:1988) 13pp D
HB 18 Identical to the ISO/IEC guides and provides infor- Identical to the ISO/IEC guides and provides infor-
Guidelines for third-party certification mation on product and third-party certification sys- mation on product and third-party certification sys-
and accreditation tems. Guidance is given on the establishment, general tems. Guidance is given on the establishment, general
requirements for, and operation of calibration and requirements for, and operation of calibration and
testing laboratory accreditation systems. Identical testing laboratory accreditation systems. Identical
HB 18.2—1992 with SANZ HB18.27-1991 and produced as a Joint with SANZ HB18.53-1991 and produced as a Joint
Guide 2—General terms and their Australian/New Zealand Standard. Australian/New Zealand Standard.
definitions concerning standardi- (QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6890 9) (QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6899 2)
zation and related activities
HB 18.28—1991 HB 18.55—1991
(SANZ/HB18.2:1992 ISO/IEC Guide Guide 28—General rules for a mod-
2:1991) 10pp C Guide 55—Testing laboratory ac-
el third-party certification system creditation systems—General rec-
Identical to the ISO/IEC guides and provides infor- for products
mation on product and third-party certification sys- ommendations for operation
tems. Guidance is given to the establishment, general (SANZ HB18.28-1991 ISO/IEC (SANZ HB18.55-1991 ISO/IEC
requirements for, and operation of calibration and Guide 28:1982) 16pp E Guide 55:1988) 4pp B
testing laboratory accreditation systems. Identical to the ISO/IEC guides and provides infor-
(QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 7495 X) mation on product and third-party certification sys- Identical to the ISO/IEC guides and provides infor-
tems. Guidance is given on the establishment, general mation on product and third-party certification sys-
requirements for, and operation of calibration and tems. Guidance is given on the establishment, general
HB 18.7:1994 testing laboratory accreditation systems. Identical requirements for, and operation of calibration and
testing laboratory accreditation systems. Identical
Guide 7—Guidelines for drafting of with SANZ HB18.28-1991 and produced as a Joint
with SANZ HB18.55-1991 and produced as a Joint
Standards suitable for use for con- Australian/New Zealand Standard.
Australian/New Zealand Standard.
formity assessment (QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6891 7)
(QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6901 8)
(ISO/IEC Guide 7:1994) 3pp B HB 18.42—1991
Provides guidelines to assist technical committees in Guide 42—Guidelines for a step- HB 18.56—1991
drafting Standards suitable for use in conformity as-
by-step approach to an internation- Guide 56—An approach to the re-
sessment of products. Identical with ISO/IEC Guide view by a certification body of its
7:1994. al certification system
(QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9274 5) (SANZ HB18.42-1991 ISO/IEC own internal quality system
Guide 42:1984) 6pp C (SANZ HB18.56-1991 ISO/IEC
HB 18.16—1991 Identical to the ISO/IEC guides and provides infor- Guide 56:1989) 4pp B
mation on product and third-party certification sys- Identical to the ISO/IEC guides and provides infor-
Guide 16—Code of principles on tems. Guidance is given on the establishment, general mation on product and third-party certification sys-
third-party certification systems requirements for, and operation of calibration and tems. Guidance is given on the establishment, general
and related Standards testing laboratory accreditation systems. Identical requirements for, and operation of calibration and
with SANZ HB18.42-1991 and produced as a Joint testing laboratory accreditation systems. Identical
(SANZ HB18.16-1991 ISO/IEC Australian/New Zealand Standard. with SANZ HB18.56-1991 and produced as a Joint
Guide 16:1978) 4pp B (QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6894 1) Australian/New Zealand Standard.
Identical to the ISO/IEC guides and provides infor- (QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6902 6)
mation on product and third-party certification sys- HB 18.43
tems. Guidance is given on the establishment, general HB 18.58:1993
requirements for, and operation of calibration and Guide 43—Proficiency testing by
testing laboratory accreditation systems. Identical interlaboratory comparisons Guide 58—Calibration and testing
with SANZ HB18.16-1991 and produced as a Joint laboratory accreditation sys-
Australian/New Zealand Standard. HB 18.43.1:1998 tems—General requirements for
(QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6867 3) Part 1: Development and operation operation and recognition
of proficiency testing schemes (ISO/IEC Guide 58:1993) 6pp A
HB 18.22—1991 (ISO/IEC Guide 43-1:1997) 16pp B Identical to the ISO/IEC Guides and provides infor-
Guide 22—Information on manu- Defines those principles that need to be considered mation on product and third-party certification sys-
facturers' declaration of conformi- when organizing interlaboratory comparisons and de- tems. Guidance is given to the establishment, general
scribes the factors that should be taken into account in requirements for, and operation of calibration and
ty with Standards or other testing laboratory accreditation systems.
the organization and conduct for proficiency testing
technical specifications schemes. Identical with and reproduced from ISO/ (QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 8547 1)
(SANZ HB18.22-1991 ISO/IEC IEC Guide 43-1:1997.
Guide 22:1982) 4pp B (QR-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2168 0) HB 18.60:1995
Identical to the ISO/IEC guides and provides infor-
HB 18.43.2:1998 Guide 60—Code of good practice
mation on product and third-party certification sys- for conformity assessment
tems. Guidance is given on the establishment, general Part 2: Selection and use of profi-
requirements for, and operation of calibration and ciency testing schemes by labora- (ISO/IEC Guide 60:1994) 2pp A
testing laboratory accreditation substances. Identical Provides a code of practice for conformity assessment
with SANZ HB18.22-1991 and produced as a Joint tory accreditation bodies and related activities which is intended to promote
Australian/New Zealand Standard. (ISO/IEC Guide 43-2:1997) 3pp A freedom of trade through equality of access to con-
(QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6877 1) Describes how laboratory accreditation bodies who formity assessment services, including third-party as-
assess technical competence of laboratories should sessment; presented in a form suitable for use by ac-
select and use proficiency testing schemes. Provides creditation and conformity assessment bodies,
HB 18.23—1991 a harmonized model for selection and use of such whether governmental or non-governmental, at inter-
Guide 23—Methods of indicating schemes. Identical with and reproduced from ISO/ national, regional, national or local level.
conformity with Standards for IEC Guide 43-2:1997. (QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 9742 9)
third-party certification systems (QR-010) (ISBN 0 7337 2169 9)
(SANZ HB18.23-1991 ISO/IEC HB 18.61:1996
HB 18.44—1991 Guide 61—General requirements
Guide 23:1982) 4pp B Guide 44—General rules for ISO or
Identical to the ISO/IEC guides and provides infor- for assessment and accreditation
IEC international third-party certifi- of certification/registration bodies
mation on product and third-party certification sys-
tems. Guidance is given on the establishment, general cation schemes for products (ISO/IEC Guide 61:1996)
requirements for, and operation of calibration and (SANZ HB18.44-1991 ISO/IEC Also numbered as AS/NZS 3841:1998
testing laboratory accreditation systems. Identical Guide 44:1985) 13pp D
with SANZ HB18.23-1991 and produced as a Joint
Identical to the ISO/IEC guides and provides infor-
11pp C
Australian/New Zealand Standard. Provides general requirements for bodies operating
mation on product and third-party certification sys-
(QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6887 9) tems. Guidance is given on the establishment, general accreditation systems; intended to promote equiva-
requirements for, and operation of calibration and lence of national systems and facilitate mutual recog-
testing laboratory accreditation systems. Identical nition between such bodies which are concerned with
HB 18.27—1991 the recognition of competence. Identical with and re-
with SANZ HB18.44-1991 and produced as a Joint
Guide 27—Guidelines for correc- Australian/New Zealand Standard. produced from ISO/IEC Guide 61.
tive action to be taken by a certifi- (QR-010) (ISBN 0 7262 6897 6) (QR-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0745 9)
cation body in the event of either
misapplication of its mark of con- HB 18.53—1991 HB 18.62:1996
formity to a product, or products Guide 53—An approach to the utili- Guide 62—General requirements
which bear the mark of the certifi- zation of a suppliers' quality sys- for bodies operating assessment

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

and certification/registration of detailed background information on the provisions of AS footings system alternatives, house loading; displacement
quality systems 1170.2-1989. From their extensive experience, they point sensitivity, design philosophy, soil structure interaction
out the advantages and limitations of each section of the and house building practice.
(ISO/IEC Guide 62:1996) Standard, and indicate which section is more appropriate (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1446 3)
Also numbered as AS/NZS 3842:1998 for given circumstances. They also provide more extensive
11pp C worked examples, and discuss probable future directions
HB 29—2000
Provides requirements which, if observed, are intend- in wind code development.
ed to ensure that certification bodies operate third- (ISBN 0 646 01910 4) Communications Cabling Manual,
party certification/registration systems in a consistent Module 2: Communications Cabling
and reliable manner, thereby facilitating their accept- HB 23—1992 Handbook 148pp H
ance on a national and international basis. Identical TACT, Thesaurus of Australian con- Provides cablers with a practical 'field' guide to allow them
with and reproduced from ISO/IEC Guide 62.
(QR-010) (ISBN 0 7337 0746 7) struction terms 277pp H to cable premises for voice, data, and video. It guides them
Provides a collection of terms as a building and construc- through appropriate standard requirements with cross ref-
tion thesaurus prepared as an element of the NCRB Tech- erences to the actual Standards, (AUSTEL TS 009 and AS/
HB 18.65:1998 nical Information System for the Australian Building and NZS 3080).
Guide 65—General requirements Construction Industry under a BRDAC Australian Build- (CT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3670 X)
for bodies operating product certi- ing Research Grant. Contains an alphabetical display of
approximately 4800 primary entries, or descriptors, and al- HB 31—2002
fication systems most 1500 secondary entries [non-descriptors] of major
(ISO/IEC Guide 65:1996) terms used in construction-related activities, together with Handbook of building construction
Also numbered as AS/NZS 3843:1998 hierarchical relationships (broader and narrower terms), tolerances—Extracts from building
7pp C associative relationships (related terms), preference rela- products and structural Standards
tionships (use and use for), as well as scope notes. Pre-
Provides general requirements for bodies operating a pared in line with recommendations of International Stand- 66pp F
system for third-party product certification (which ard ISO 2788:1986, including rules for selection of terms, Contains selected extracts from building Standards, which
may include a process or service) as a means of assur- style and presentation. Includes appendix of key geograph- relate to tolerances for various building techniques, for the
ance that the system complies with specified Stand- ic terms and references. purpose of providing persons involved in building design
ards and other normative documents. This Handbook and construction industries with easy reference to informa-
is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO/ (ISBN 0 642 03389 1)
tion regarding these tolerances.
IEC Guide 65:1996.
(QR-010) (ISBN 0 7337 1707 1) HB 24—1992 (BD-069) (ISBN 0 7337 4157 6)
Symbols and abbreviations for build-
HB 19 ing and construction 111pp E HB 32:1995
Reference materials Provides a collection of abbreviations, acronyms and letter Control of microbial growth in air-han-
symbols extracted from current Australian Standards for dling and water systems of buildings
building and construction.
HB 19.30—1991 (BD-) (ISBN 0 7262 7635 9)
47pp D
Guide 30—Terms and definitions Provides guidance for microbial control of both air-han-
used in connection with reference dling and water systems of buildings. The Handbook is in-
HB 25—1992 tended to provide users with additional information to sup-
materials Australian building and construction port the specific requirements of AS/NZS 3666 Parts 1 and
(ISO Guide 30:1981) 5pp C definitions 539pp I 2 (1995).
These handbooks are identical to the ISO guides and Provides an alphabetical list of terms and definitions ex- (ISBN 0 7262 9962 6)
provide guidance on terminology, the purpose and tracted from Australian building and construction Stand-
use of reference materials, the preparation of certifi- ards issued up to the end of March 1992, and definitions HB 33—1992
cates and the role of certified reference materials. from the Building Code of Australia 1990 and State/Terri-
(K-) (ISBN 0 7262 6905 0) tory Appendices (including Amendments 1 and 2). It is tar- Domestic open fireplaces 10pp B
geted to assist all areas of the building and construction in- Provides guidance on the design and construction of a do-
HB 19.31—1991 dustry, including designers, builders, producers and mestic open fireplace. Information on causes and remedies
suppliers, information managers, regulators, technicians of smoky fires are included, together with construction de-
Guide 31—Contents of certificates and tradesmen, and students to find appropriate terms and tails of a typical masonry fireplace, chimney and flue.
of reference materials definitions for their work; to support the Building Code of (ISBN 0 7262 7671 5)
(ISO Guide 31:1981) 8pp D Australia and other national documents of a statutory na-
ture with a comprehensive list of standardized technical
These handbooks are identical to the ISO guides and
definitions; to point out clearly and unambiguously any
HB 34—1992
provide guidance on terminology, the purpose and
use of reference materials, the preparation of certifi- unnecessary variety and overlaps in technical and adminis- Near-to-surface testing of hardened
cates and the role of certified reference materials. trative definitions for use in building, and thereby assist concrete 15pp C
(K-) (ISBN 0 7262 6906 9) technical committees in the rationalization of such defini- Provides guidance on the use and limitations of near-to-
tions; and to permit the identification of any gaps in termi- surface testing of hardened concrete and sets out details of
nology and technical definitions used in building regula- three common methods of test.
HB 19.33—1991 tions and standards so that such gaps may be filled.
(BD-042) (ISBN 0 7262 7677 4)
Guide 33—Uses of certified refer- Appendices provide a list of the Australian Standards used
ence materials and glossaries related to building and construction.
(ISBN 0 7262 7636 7) HB 35—1992
(ISO Guide 33:1989) 14pp E
These handbooks are identical to the ISO guides and
Stepping Stones—A practical, criteria-
provide guidance on terminology, the purpose and
HB 26—1995 based approach to Total Quality Man-
use of reference materials, the preparation of certifi- The computer anti-virus handbook agement 41pp D
cates and the role of certified reference materials. 42pp C This Handbook presents a logical, eight-step program for
(K-) (ISBN 0 7262 6907 7) Describes computer virus basics and provides information introducing Total Quality Management (TQM), and sug-
to allow for the development of a sound protection strate- gests a range of attribute-based criteria by which organiza-
HB 19.35—1991 gy. This handbook is intended primarily for the home or tions can objectively measure the progress and effective-
small business PC user. ness of their TQM implementation. Whilst valuable for
Guide 35—Certification of refer- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0030 6) any organization contemplating a TQM system, it specifi-
ence materials—General and sta- cally addresses the challenges faced by those organizations
tistical principles HB 27:1996 currently operating an established quality assurance sys-
(ISO Guide 35:1985) 28pp G tem based on the AS 3900.1/NZS 9000.1/ISO 9000 Stand-
Handbook for field testing of balanced ards.. (ISBN 0 7262 7692 8)
These handbooks are identical to the ISO guides and cable installations 37pp C
provide guidance on terminology, the purpose and Provides guidance for testing (in the field) of four-pair
use of reference materials, the preparation of certifi- HB 36—1993
100Ω balanced cabling links and channels, using unshield-
cates and the role of certified reference materials. ed or shielded cable. Annexes cover accuracy require- Building in bushfire-prone areas—In-
(K-) (ISBN 0 7262 6908 5) ments, test instruments, test procedures, reference tests, formation and advice 69pp D
administration and practical guidelines. The testing de- Provides information and guidance on the siting of the
HB 20—1996 scribed generally satisfies basic acceptance test require- building and methods and materials of construction for
Graphical symbols for fire protection ments and the transmission characteristics requirements buildings in areas designated as bushfire prone. Advice on
for trouble-shooting. It is based on ANSI/TIA/EIA TSB- vegetation management and landscaping measures is in-
drawings 37pp C 67, but modified to align with terminology, tested parame-
Specifies the graphical symbols for use in fire protection cluded.
ters, and performance specifications in ISO/IEC 11801 (in- (ISBN 0 7262 7701 0)
drawings, to eliminate the variations present in the field. It corporated in AS/NZS 3080).
draws on ISO 6790 and BS 1635 to enable the user to un- (CT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0664 9)
derstand international fire protection drawings. HB 37
(B-) (ISBN 0 7337 0325 9) Handbook of Australian fire Stand-
HB 28—1997
HB 21—1990 The design of residential slabs and ards
A commentary on the Australian footings 189pp H
Amdt 1 July 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2035 8) X HB 37.0—1995
Standard for wind loads AS 1170, Part
2, 1989
This Handbook provides information and photographs to Fire test Standards—Preparation,
reliably identify the characteristics of a house or building application and format 14pp B
See also AS 1170.2-1989 72pp I site to enable a footing system to be designed. This Hand-
This is a commentary on AS 1170.2-1989, prepared and book is a self contained explanatory text though many ref- Provides guidelines on the preparation and applica-
published by the Australian Wind Engineering Society. In erences are made to AS 2870-1996, Residential slabs and tion of fire test methods and fire Standards.
it the authors, who are specialist wind engineers, provide footings Construction. The Handbook takes into account (FP-018) (ISBN 0 7337 0050 0)

HB 37.1—1993

HB 37.1—1993 ditioning systems, including heat pumps which use tract documents—Proforma notice
fluorocarbon refrigerants. (Supplement to SAA HB42-1992)
Fire—General 17pp B (B-) (ISBN 0 7337 4170 3)
Summarises information on fire, fire tests and flam- Pad of forms comprising 50 sets C
mability, referring to appropriate Australian Stand- Comprises pads of widely used proforma notices issued in
ards. This part, dealing with general information on HB 40.2—2001 the administration of a contract under AS 2124-1992. The
fire matters, is the first section of a multi-part hand- Reduction of emissions of fluoro- forms are in duplicate or triplicate, as appropriate, printed
book. carbons in residential air-condi- on self-carbon paper and supplied with a backing sheet.
(FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 7710 X) tioning applications 24pp C (OB-003)
This Handbook covers air-conditioning systems pri-
HB 37.2—1993 marily designed for domestic use, and has been devel- HB 42 Supplement 5—1993
Electrical equipment 20pp B oped with the intention of reducing emissions of General conditions of contract (AS
flurocarbon refrigerants into the atmosphere. 2124-1992)—User guide—Contrac-
Provides a summary of information on fire, tests and (B-) (ISBN 0 7337 4171 1)
flammability relevant to electrical equipment, refer- tor's notice of delay—Proforma notice
ring to appropriate Australian Standards. (Supplement to SAA HB42-1992)
(FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 7753 3) HB 40.3—2001
Reduction of emissions of fluoro- Pad of forms comprising 50 sets C
Comprises pads of widely used proforma notices issued in
HB 37.3—1993 carbons in domestic refrigeration the administration of a contract under AS 2124-1992. The
Plastics and rubber—Materials and applications 24pp C forms are in duplicate or triplicate, as appropriate, printed
This Handbook covers domestic refrigeration and on self-carbon paper and supplied with a backing sheet.
products 16pp B (OB-003)
freezer systems and has been developed with the in-
Provides a summary of information on fire, tests and tention of reducing emissions of fluorocarbon refrig-
flammability relevant to plastics and rubber materials erants into the atmosphere.
and products, referring to appropriate Australian HB 42 Supplement 6—1993
(B-) (ISBN 0 7337 4172 X) General conditions of contract (AS
(FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 7754 1)
HB 41—1993 2124-1992)—User guide—Contrac-
Design checkers' handbook for build- tor's notice of delay and claim for ex-
HB 37.4—1994 tension of time (days stated)—
Building materials, products and ings 147pp H
Provides checklists and design checking charts to assist in Proforma notice (Supplement to SAA
construction 35pp C the structural design of commercial, residential and indus- HB42-1992)
Provides a summary of information on fire, tests and trial buildings. It may also form the basis of a formal Qual- Pad of forms comprising 50 sets C
flammability relevant to building materials, products ity Management System for the checking of structural cal- Comprises pads of widely used proforma notices issued in
and construction, referring to appropriate Australian culations. the administration of a contract under AS 2124-1992. The
Standards. (B-) (ISBN 0 7262 8585 4) forms are in duplicate or triplicate, as appropriate, printed
(FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 8981 7) on self-carbon paper and supplied with a backing sheet.
HB 42—1992 (OB-003)
HB 37.5—1995 General conditions of contract (AS
Textiles—Materials and products 2124-1992)—User guide HB 42 Supplement 7—1993
30pp C Redesignated from AS 2124 Supplement 1-1992 in General conditions of contract (AS
Provides a summary of information on fire tests and 1993 See also AS 2124-1992 146pp J 2124-1992)—User guide—Contrac-
flammability relevant to textile materials and textile Provides an explanation of the Clauses in AS 2124-1992 to tor's claim for extension of time (days
products, referring to Australian Standards. assist the user in the administration of a contract. The Ex- stated)—Proforma notice (Supple-
planations are on the pages facing the text. The Handbook
(FP-018) (ISBN 0 7262 9397 0) includes a complete copy of AS 2124-1992. An annex to ment to SAA HB42-1992)
this Handbook includes examples of the most common or Pad of forms comprising 50 sets C
HB 38—1993 recurring notices under the provision of AS 2124-1992. Comprises pads of widely used proforma notices issued in
The Home Security Handbook Published in conjunction with the Construction Industry the administration of a contract under AS 2124-1992. The
Engineering Services Group. forms are in duplicate or triplicate, as appropriate, printed
29pp $22.00 Retail (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 8085 2) on self-carbon paper and supplied with a backing sheet.
No discount (OB-003)
Provides information on precautions which can be under- HB 42 Supplement 1—1993
taken to help minimize the risk of a house break-in. This
publication also discusses personal security while in the General conditions of contract (AS HB 42 Supplement 8—1993
house. 2124-1992)—User guide—Contrac- General conditions of contract (AS
(ISBN 0 7262 7877 7) tor's set of proforma notices (Supple- 2124-1992)—User guide—Superin-
ment to SAA HB42-1992) tendent's grant of extension of time—
HB 39—1997 Pad of forms comprising 48 sets G Proforma notice (Supplement to SAA
Installation code for metal roof and Comprises a pad of proforma notices which are issued by HB42-1992)
wall cladding 120pp F the Contractor in the administration of a contract under AS Pad of forms comprising 33 sets C
2124-1992. The forms are in duplicate or triplicate, as ap-
Provides information and guidelines on the selection, per- propriate, printed on self-carbon paper and supplied with a Comprises pads of widely used proforma notices issued in
formance and installation of metal roofing and wall clad- backing sheet. the administration of a contract under AS 2124-1992. The
ding. The code represents a standard of good practice forms are in duplicate or triplicate, as appropriate, printed
(OB-003) on self-carbon paper and supplied with a backing sheet.
agreed between manufacturers, roofing contractors and
training authorities. The measures contained in this code (OB-003)
will provide a weatherproof exterior and ensure that all HB 42 Supplement 2—1993
rainwater is directed to the stormwater drainage system. General conditions of contract (AS HB 42 Supplement 9—1993
(B-) (ISBN 0 7337 1210 X) 2124-1992)—User guide—Principal's General conditions of contract (AS
set of proforma notices (Supplement 2124-1992)—User guide—Request to
HB 39 Supplement 1—1997 (CD-ROM) to SAA HB42-1992) price proposed variation—Proforma
Installation code for metal roof and Pad of forms comprising 22 sets F notice (Supplement to SAA HB42-
wall cladding—Multimedia guide on Comprises a pad of proforma notices which are issued by
CD-ROM (Supplement to SAA HB39- the Principal in the administration of a contract under AS
2124-1992. The forms are in duplicate or triplicate, as ap- Pad of forms comprising 50 sets C
1997) propriate, printed on self-carbon paper and supplied with a Comprises pads of widely used proforma notices issued in
CD-ROM I backing sheet. the administration of a contract under AS 2124-1992. The
A multimedia CD-ROM which provides additional infor- (OB-003) forms are in duplicate or triplicate, as appropriate, printed
mation in the form of pictures, sound and text, to help in on self-carbon paper and supplied with a backing sheet.
the understanding of Sections 3, 5, 7 and 8 of SAA HB39- HB 42 Supplement 3—1993 (OB-003)
1997. Published in conjunction with the Metal Building
Products Manufacturers Association and the Victorian General conditions of contract (AS
Plumbing Industry Board. 2124-1992)—User guide—Superin- HB 42 Supplement 10—1993
(B-) (ISBN 0 7337 1443 9) tendent's set of proforma notices General conditions of contract (AS
(Supplement to SAA HB42-1992) 2124-1992)—User guide—Request for
HB 40 Pad of forms comprising 25 sets F variation quotation—Proforma notice
The Australian Refrigeration and Air- Comprises a pad of proforma notices which are issued by (Supplement to SAA HB42-1992)
conditioning Code of Good Practice the Superintendent in the administration of a contract un- Pad of forms comprising 50 sets C
der AS 2124-1992. The forms are in duplicate or triplicate, Comprises pads of widely used proforma notices issued in
as appropriate, printed on self-carbon paper and supplied the administration of a contract under AS 2124-1992. The
HB 40.1—2001 with a backing sheet. forms are in duplicate or triplicate, as appropriate, printed
Reduction of emissions of fluoro- (OB-003) on self-carbon paper and supplied with a backing sheet.
carbon refrigerants in commercial (OB-003)
and industrial refrigeration and air- HB 42 Supplement 4—1993
conditioning applications 38pp C General conditions of contract (AS HB 42 Supplement 11—1993
This Handbook covers all systems classifiable as 2124-1992)—User guide—Notice of General conditions of contract (AS
commercial and industrial refrigeration and air-con- ambiguity or discrepancy in the con- 2124-1992)—User guide—Payment

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

certificate—Proforma notice (Supple- material—Tie-down check sheet 1st HB 53—1994

ment to SAA HB42-1992) edition A management system for occupa-
Pad of forms comprising 33 sets C Pad of 50 forms C tional health, safety and rehabilitation
Comprises pads of widely used proforma notices issued in Provides development and extension of the fixing and tie- in the construction industry 11pp B
the administration of a contract under AS 2124-1992. The down requirements in AS 1684-1992: National Timber Deals with a means of applying a systems approach to oc-
forms are in duplicate or triplicate, as appropriate, printed Framing Code and the subsequent Amendments. It is one cupational health, safety and rehabilitation within the con-
on self-carbon paper and supplied with a backing sheet. in a series of four check sheets: 28 m/s sheet roof, 28 m/s struction industry, though it may be used in a variety of
(OB-003) or 33 m/s tiled roof, 33 m/s sheet roof or 41 m/s tiled roof, other industries. It provides guidance to assist organiza-
and 41 m/s sheet roof. Compliance with the check sheets tions in developing and maintaining an effective and audit-
will achieve compliance with the Code. able occupational health, safety and rehabilitation system
HB 43:2002 (TM-002) which draws heavily upon the concepts presented in ISO
Road Safety Audit 9001 and AS 3901.
Austroads Publication No. AP-G30/02 HB 46—1993 (SF-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8186 7)
199pp H Guide to residential fire safety
This Handbook provides guidelines for road safety audits 32pp C HB 54—1994
intended to be conducted either during the design or the Subcontract conditions (AS 2545-
construction phase of a new road or traffic management Provides occupants with the recommendations representa-
treatment, or as part of the management process for exist- tive of the measures that can be taken, and the equipment 1993)—User guide 165pp J
ing roads. It provides, firstly, a background to road safety that is available, to enhance the fire and life safety features Provides an explanation of the Clauses in AS 2545-1993 to
audit which includes an explanation of the process, its aims of the dwelling they inhabit. assist the user in the administration of a Subcontract. The
and objectives and its relationship to quality management (FP-016) (ISBN 0 7262 8323 1) explanations are on the pages facing the text. The Hand-
and legal issues. The main thrust of the document is a com- book includes a complete copy of AS 2545-1993. An an-
plete set of detailed procedures for the conduct of an audit, HB 47—1993 nex to this Handbook includes examples of the most com-
together with case studies and check lists covering a varie- mon or recurring notices under the provisions of AS 2545-
ty of audit situations. This is a joint publication with Aus- Dimensioning and tolerancing to AS 1993. Published in conjunction with the Construction In-
troads. 1100.101-1992 and AS 1100.201-1992 dustry Engineering Services Group.
(CE-006) (ISBN 0 85588 589 0) 118pp G (OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9067 X)
Provides background, explanation and supplementary in-
HB 44—1993 formation to the dimensioning and tolerancing require- HB 54 Supplement 1—1994
ments of two technical drawing Standards, AS 1100.101, Subcontract conditions (AS 2545-
Understanding the Timber Framing General principles, and AS 1100.201, Mechanical engi-
Code—a guide to AS 1684-1992 The neering drawing. The Handbook has numerous, practical 1993)—User guide—Main Contractor's
National Timber Framing Code comments and examples to assist practitioners and stu- representative's set of proforma notic-
See also AS 1684-1992 120pp F dents. es (Supplement to SAA HB54-1994)
Amdt 1 June 1995 (ISBN 0 7262 9698 8) X (B-) (ISBN 0 7262 8325 8) Pad of forms comprising 18 sets G
Provides detailed guidance and numerous worked exam- Comprises a pad of proforma notices which are issued by
ples on the use of AS 1684—National Timber Framing HB 48—1999 the Main Contractor in the administration of a subcontract
Code. Particular attention is paid to the requirements for Steel structures design handbook under AS 2545-1993. The forms are in duplicate or tripli-
bracing and tie-down. A joint publication with the Timber cate, as appropriate, printed on self-carbon paper and sup-
Development Association of South Australia. 129pp G plied with a backing sheet.
(TM-002) (ISBN 0 7262 8227 8) Provides background information and guidance on the use (OB-003)
of AS 4100 and permits the lower tier analysis of less com-
plex steel structures to be carried out with minimal design
HB 44 Supplement 1—1995 aids and a hand-held calculator. HB 54 Supplement 2—1994
A Guide to the Timber Framing Code— (B-) (ISBN 0 7337 2754 9) Subcontract conditions (AS 2545-
Standard fixing and tie-down require- 1993)—User guide—Main Contractor's
ments 28 m/s sheet roof—Tie-down HB 49 Representative's set of proforma no-
check sheet 1st edition Sporting Facilities Manual tices (Supplement to SAA HB54-1994)
Pad of 50 forms C Pad of forms comprising 25 sets F
Provides development and extension of the fixing and tie- HB 49.1—1993 Comprises a pad of proforma notices which are issued by
the Main Contractor's Representative in the administration
down requirements in AS 1684-1992: National Timber Sports lighting 31pp C of a Subcontract under AS 2545-1993. The forms are in
Framing Code and the subsequent Amendments. It is one
in a series of four check sheets: 28 m/s sheet roof, 28 m/s Provides extracts from Australian Standards and duplicate or triplicate, as appropriate, printed on self-car-
or 33 m/s tiled roof, 33 m/s sheet roof or 41 m/s tiled roof, AUSFAC (Australian Sport and Recreation Facilities bon paper and supplied with a backing sheet.
and 41 m/s sheet roof. Compliance with the check sheets Advisory Committee) publications setting out the (OB-003)
will achieve compliance with the Code. major requirements for sports lighting. It covers the
general principles of sports lighting, specific lighting
(TM-002) recommendations for different sports, and a guide to HB 54 Supplement 3—1994
calculating the floodlighting requirements for differ- Subcontract conditions (AS 2545-
HB 44 Supplement 2—1995 ent sports facilities. A joint publication with AUS- 1993)—User guide—Subcontractor's
A Guide to the Timber Framing Code— (LG-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8333 9)
set of proforma notices (Supplement
Standard fixing and tie-down require- to SAA HB54-1994)
ments 28 m/s or 33 m/s tiled roof—Tie- HB 49.2—1993 Pad of forms comprising 45 sets G
down check sheet 1st edition Comprises a pad of proforma notices which are issued by
Sporting surfaces 9pp A the Main Subcontractor in administration of a Subcontract
Pad of 50 forms C under AS 2545-1993. The forms are in duplicate or tripli-
Provides extracts from Australian Standards setting
Provides development and extension of the fixing and tie- out the major requirements for synthetic sports sur- cate, as appropriate, printed on self-carbon paper and sup-
down requirements in AS 1684-1992: National Timber faces. It covers the types of synthetic sporting surfac- plied with a backing sheet.
Framing Code and the subsequent Amendments. It is one es, the subfloors and surface selection. A joint publi-
in a series of four check sheets: 28 m/s sheet roof, 28 m/s (OB-003)
cation with AUSFAC.
or 33 m/s tiled roof, 33 m/s sheet roof or 41 m/s tiled roof,
and 41 m/s sheet roof. Compliance with the check sheets (LG-009) (ISBN 0 7262 8486 6) HB 55
will achieve compliance with the Code. ANZ GOSIP 3
(TM-002) HB 50—1994
Glossary of building terms HB 55.1—1993
HB 44 Supplement 3—1995 4th edition fully revised 391pp J Specifications 80pp E
A Guide to the Timber Framing Code— Defines terms used in the building and construction indus-
Contains the requirements for the conformance to
Standard fixing and tie-down require- try in both Australia and New Zealand. It is to assist all ar-
eas of the building and construction industry, including de- each GOSIP subprofile and for the support of each
ments 33 m/s sheet or 41 m/s tiled roof signers, builders, producers and suppliers, information GOSIP functional component.
material—Tie-down check sheet 1st managers, regulators, technicians and tradesmen, and stu- (S-) (ISBN 0 7262 8443 2)
edition dents to find appropriate terms and definitions for their
work. Published in conjunction with the National Commit- HB 55.2—1993
Pad of 50 forms C tee on Rationalised Building and Suppliers Index.
Provides development and extension of the fixing and tie- (ISBN 0 7262 8450 5)
Technical Description 116pp I
down requirements in AS 1684-1992: National Timber Provides an introduction to the technical composition
Framing Code and the subsequent Amendments. It is one of each GOSIP subprofile. Each of the subprofiles are
in a series of four check sheets: 28 m/s sheet roof, 28 m/s HB 52—2000 described as follows: protocols and services; network
or 33 m/s tiled roof, 33 m/s sheet roof or 41 m/s tiled roof, The Bathroom Book 80pp E components; basic and enhanced functions.
and 41 m/s sheet roof. Compliance with the check sheets (S-) (ISBN 0 7262 8447 5)
will achieve compliance with the Code. Aimed at builders, plumbers, renovators and owners, this
completely revised and updated edition provides recom-
(TM-002) mendations and guidance on the design and construction of HB 55.3—1993
waterproof shower compartments and bathrooms. Includes
HB 44 Supplement 4—1995 information on the selection and installation of tiles, show- Referenced Standards 24pp C
er screens, lighting, and heating. New sections include hot Contains a comprehensive listing of all the Standards
A Guide to the Timber Framing Code— water systems and notes on the design and decoration of and other documents on which the ANZ GOSIP 3 is
Standard fixing and tie-down require- bathrooms. based.
ments 41 m/s sheet roof—JD4 framing (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3361 1) (S-) (ISBN 0 7262 8444 0)

HB 55.4:1993

HB 55.4:1993 1992. Published in conjunction with National Public HB 69.13—1995

Works Council.
ANZ Overview 42pp C Pedestrians
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9143 9) (Austroads Publication No. AP-11.13/95)
Provides an introduction to the Australian/New Zea-
land Government OSI Profile (GOSIP) and Version 90pp $38.50 Retail
3, includes information relating to the objectives and HB 59—1994 No discount
structure of GOSIP as well as the GOSIP policy and Ergonomics—The human factor—A This Handbook provides a comprehensive guide to
the relationship between ANZ GOSIP 3 and other practical approach to work systems
OSI profiles. the needs and requirements of pedestrians. It includes
(S-) (ISBN 0 7262 8442 4) design 56pp D standards and guidelines for walkways and footpaths,
Provides basic guidance to the principles of ergonomics. road crossing facilities, signposting for the control
This Handbook deals with human physical capabilities, and guidance of pedestrians, and for treatments relat-
HB 55.5:1993 and physiological and work organizational factors. The ing to access to public transport, past works sites and
ANZ Implementation Planning section dealing with physiological factors covers displays to parking areas. Appendices cover requirements for
Guidelines 56pp E and controls, recommendations for dimensions and actuat- people with disabilities and pedestrian safety audit.
ing forces, hearing and noise, vision, lighting, vibration This is a joint publication with Austroads and forms
Covers the business and technical issues relating to one part of a 14 part series.
and activities in thermal environments. It also includes a
the implementation of GOSIP within existing non- (MS-012) (ISBN 0 85588 437 1)
OSI networks. section dealing with organizational factors and their effects
on performance. It is not intended for use as a definitive
(S-) (ISBN 0 7262 8446 7) reference source. HB 69.14—1999
(SF-021) (ISBN 0 7262 9193 5) Bicycles
HB 55.5 Supplement 1:1994
ANZ Implementation Planning (Austroads Publication No. AP-11.14/99)
HB 61—1999 172pp $71.50 Retail
Guidelines—SNA Based Networks NATSPEC Handbook of building
(Supplement to SAA/SNZ No discount
Standards extracts 271pp H This Handbook provides a comprehensive guide to
HB55.5:1993) 60pp C Provides extracts from some 160 building Standards which the planning, geometric design and implementation
Describes the replacements, additions and evolutions are referenced in NATSPEC national master specification of bicycle facilities both on- and off-road. It includes
that could be implemented in an operational network, and the Building Code of Australia. The extracts describe guidelines for the provision of bicycle lanes on roads
in a way that moves from an initial Systems Network the contents of the Standards and in many cases include and freeways, and bicycle paths or paths used jointly
Architecture network to one that is increasingly GOS- technical content of use to building designers, specifiers, with pedestrians, either adjacent to roads or on sepa-
IP compliant. Provides the text of Section 4 of SAA/ contractors and students. rate alignment. Guidance includes the signposting,
SNZ HB55.5:1993. (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2790 5) pavement marking and lighting of bicycle facilities.
(ISBN 0 7262 8801 2) Appendices cover requirements for safety at works on
HB 63—1994 bicycle facilities and bicycle safety audit. This is a
HB 55.6:1993 joint publication with Austroads and forms one part
Home insulation in Australia—Recom- of a 14-part series.
ANZ Naming and Addressing mended insulation levels for all States (MS-012) (ISBN 0 95588 438 X)
Guidelines 122pp F as per Australian Standard AS 2627.1
Provides guidance on the allocation of names and ad- See also AS 2627.1-1993 44pp B HB 70
dresses within GOSIP networks. The types covered
include subnetwork addresses, network service ac- Provides maps for all States and Territories showing rec- HIA Quality Management System
cess point addresses, application names, originator/ ommended insulation levels (R-values) for walls and ceil-
recipient addresses, directory distinguished names, ings in domestic houses. Based on AS 2627.1-1993. A HB 70.1—1994
EDIFACT interchange sender/recipient names, and Joint publication with FARIMA.
(BD-058) (ISBN 0 7262 9276 1) Quality Policy Manual 9pp D
object identifiers.
Sets out the policy behind the adoption of a quality
(S-) (ISBN 0 7262 8445 9) management system for the construction of domestic
HB 64—2002 housing, generally based on AS/NZS ISO 9000. In-
HB 55.7—1993 Guide to concrete construction cludes provision for contracts, specifications and
Australian Procurement Guide- (Cement and Concrete Association of Australia drawings, together with management responsibility,
Document No. T41) 220pp J corrective and preventative action and control of
lines 24pp C quality records. Intended to be retained by the client
Provides information to Government agencies and Provides a guide to the materials, manufacture, testing and
properties of concrete. Gives details of the techniques and (owner).
other interested bodies regarding the recommended (B-) (ISBN 0 7262 9524 8)
approach to implementing the Australian Govern- describes the activities involved in concrete construction.
ment GOSIP policy within normal procurement ac- It is intended for students, designers and specifiers. Pub-
tivities. Also included is information on the use of the lished in conjunction with the Cement and Concrete Asso- HB 70.2—1994
register of OSI consultants, the register of OSI equip- ciation of Australia. Project Procedure and Inspection
ment and subprofile conformance information in the (B-) (ISBN 1 877 023 043) Manual 32pp C
Common Use Contract Buyers' Guides.
Sets out the procedures to be implemented as part of
(S-) (ISBN 0 7262 8449 1) HB 65—1998 the practical application of a quality management
Residential swimming pools—Selec- scheme for the construction of domestic housing. In-
HB 55.8:1995 tion, maintenance and operation cludes inspection checklists for all components of a
Network Management Guidelines house, e.g. footings, concrete slab, wall frame, roof;
59pp E together with provision for reporting of any correc-
78pp D This Handbook provides guidance on the types of pools tive action carried out. Intended to be administered
Provides guidance to information technology plan- available, equipment and accessories. It explains water and retained by the builder.
ners and network managers implementing new net- chemistry in layman's terms. A troubleshooting guide is in- (B-) (ISBN 0 7262 9525 6)
works in the areas of general network management cluded.
for data networks including OSI and SNMP, and (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1740 3)
presents overviews of the role of systems manage- HB 71—2002
ment as it relates to network management with re- Reinforced concrete design in accord-
spect to emerging standards and architectures. HB 67—1995 ance with AS 3600-2001
(ISBN 0 7262 9582 5) Concrete practice on building sites (Cement and Concrete Association of Australia
(Cement and Concrete Association of Australia Document No. T38) 198pp K
HB 55.9:1995 Document No. T43) 50pp E Provides design aids in the form of graphs, charts and ta-
Security Guidelines 54pp C Provides a guide to good practice on all aspects of concret- bles to assist in the design of concrete structures in accord-
ing activities on building sites. Gives advice on forming, ance with AS 3600-2001. The aids provide solutions to the
Provides guidance on issues of security policy, sys- reinforcing, handling, placing, compacting, finishing and
tem security, OSI security, existing network security, equations in the Standard when the appropriate variables
curing of concrete. Intended for use by site foremen and are entered. The aids are each accompanied by a brief ex-
GOSIP security and planning. leading hands and for students in building construction planation of the structural principles involved and, where
(ISBN 0 7262 9583 3) courses. Published in conjunction with Cement and Con- appropriate, the derivation of the form in which the aid is
crete Association of Australia and endorsed by Master presented. Published in conjunction with the Cement and
HB 56—1993 Builders Australia. Concrete Association of Australia.
UK GOSIP Version 4 Specification (BD-002) (ISBN 0 7262 9284 2) (BD-002)
750pp P
Contains the six volumes of the United Kingdom Govern- HB 68:1995 HB 72—1995
ment OSI Profile Specification (Version 4) sometimes Information technology—Open Sys- Design vehicles and turning path tem-
known as the Supplier Set. Contains details of many of the tems Interconnection—Tutorial on plates
profiles referred to within the ANZ GOSIP 3. Volumes are
not available separately from Standards Australia. naming and addressing (Austroads Publication No. AP-34/95)
(S-) (ISBN 0 7262 8517 X) (ISO/IEC TR 10730:1993) 35pp E 97pp $132.00 Retail
Provides the main concepts and mechanisms to fulfil the No discount
HB 57—1994 needs for naming and addressing objects in the open sys- Provides guidance for designers of traffic facilities such as
tems interconnection environment. This Handbook is iden- road intersections, channelizations and traffic circulation
User's manual for lump sum contract tical with and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC TR paths in off-street facilities, in the form of a series of turn-
based on AS 2124-1992 245pp J 10730:1993. ing path (swept path) templates for a range of design vehi-
Provides an introduction to contract law and contract ad- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 9465 9) cles from cars and single unit trucks and buses of varying
ministration principles applicable to all parties involved in length, to articulated and multiple-unit vehicles, such as
the contracting process; guidelines and commentary on "B-doubles"and road trains. For each vehicle type a repre-
preparing and administering a contract incorporating AS HB 69 sentative range of turning radii and angles of turn are giv-
2124-1992; and proforma notices for use under AS 2124- Guide to traffic engineering practice en. The templates can be copied onto a transparent medium

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

and used to check vehicular paths on traffic facility layout HB 77.1 Supplement 1—1996 HB 77.5—1996
drawings. This is a joint publication with Austroads. Concrete
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 85588 456 8)
General—Commentary (Supple-
ment to SAA HB77.1-1996) (Austroads Publication No. AP-15.5/1992)
(Austroads Publication No. AP-15.1A/1992) 91pp $33.00 Retail
HB 73 No discount
Handbook of Australian Paint Stand- 8pp $11.00 Retail
No discount Amendment 1, August 1996 X
ards Provides for the design and construction of concrete
Explains and augments SAA HB77.1-1996, clause by
clause, guiding the user in its application. The publi- bridges and associated structures including members
HB 73.1—1995 cation represents the cooperative arrangement with which contain reinforcing steel and tendons, or both.
General 201pp H Austroads. Also provides for plain concrete members. The publi-
cation represents the cooperative arrangement with
Contains general information and Standards dealing (B-) (ISBN 0 85588 407 X) Austroads.
with painting; includes AS/NZS 2310, AS 2311, AS/ (B-) (ISBN 0 85588 414 2)
NZS 2312 and the numerical index to GPC specifica- HB 77.2—1996
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9987 1) Design loads HB 77.5 Supplement 1—1996
(Austroads Publication No. AP-15.2/1992) Concrete—Commentary (Supple-
HB 73.2—1995 19pp $16.50 Retail ment to SAA HB77.5-1996)
Test methods 452pp I No discount (Austroads Publication No. AP-15.5A/1992)
Provides a composite collection of the AS/NZS 1580 Amendment 1, 1996 X 82pp $33.00 Retail
Series of laboratory test methods and the AS/NZS Amendment 2, February 1997 X No discount
3894 series of site test methods for paints and coat- Provides the design loads, forces and effects and their Explains and augments SAA HB77.5-1996, clause by
ings. combination for bridge design. The publication repre- clause, guiding the user in its application. The publi-
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9988 X) sents the cooperative arrangement with Austroads. cation represents the cooperative arrangement with
(B-) (ISBN 0 85588 408 8)
HB 73.3—1995 (B-) (ISBN 0 85588 415 0)
Industrial paints 453pp J HB 77.2 Supplement 1—1996
Provides a composite collection of the AS/NZS 3750
HB 77.6—1996
Design loads—Commentary (Sup- Steel and Composite Construction
series of Standards and other product Standards for
industrial paints used on steel structures. plement to SAA HB77.2-1996) Code
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9989 8) (Austroads Publication No. AP-15.2A/1992) (Austroads Publication No. AP-15.6/1996)
8pp $16.50 Retail 279pp $82.50 Retail
HB 73.4—1995 No discount No discount
Architectural paints 448pp J Explains and augments SAA HB77.2-1996 clause by Provides for the design of structural steelwork in
Provides a composite collection of the AS 3730 series clause, guiding the user in its application. The publi- bridges including steel girders, steel piers, steel rail-
of guides to the properties of architectural paints. cation represents the cooperative arrangement with ings, sign structures and the steel and cast steel com-
Austroads. ponents of bridge bearings. Also provides for the de-
(CH-003) (ISBN 0 7262 9990 1) (B-) (ISBN 0 85588 409 6) sign of composite steel and concrete members. The
publication represents the cooperative arrangement
HB 74:1996 HB 77.3—1996 with Austroads and the Australasian Railways Asso-
X.400 Security Implementation Guide ciation.
Foundations (B-) (ISBN 0 85588 474 6)
22pp C (Austroads Publication No. AP-15.3/1992)
Provides a guide to security to users of EDI messaging us-
ing X.400 protocols. 28pp $22.00 Retail HB 77.6 Supplement 1—1996
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 0195 7) No discount Steel and Composite Construc-
Provides for geotechnical, site and laboratory investi- tion—Commentary (Supplement to
HB 75:1996 gation and design of shallow footings, pile footings, SAA HB77.6-1996)
substructures and retaining walls for permanent ve- (Austroads Publication No. AP-15.6A/1996)
Teleconferencing Handbook 18pp C hicular and pedestrian bridges, culverts and subways
Describes the concepts and principles of teleconferencing of conventional size and form and the design of foot- 53pp $27.50 Retail
and provides an introduction to the technology involved in ings for road furniture such as lighting poles and sign No discount
teleconferencing, the equipment that is used and the proce- support structures. The publication represents the co- Explains and augments SAA HB77.6-1996, clause by
dures for setting up a teleconference. operative arrangement with Austroads. clause, guiding the user in its application. The publi-
(E-) (ISBN 0 7337 0202 3) (B-) (ISBN 0 85588 410 X) cation represents the cooperative arrangement with
Austroads and the Australasian Railways Associa-
HB 76:1997 HB 77.3 Supplement 1—1996 tion.
Dangerous goods—Initial emergency (B-) (ISBN 0 85588 475 4)
Foundations—Commentary (Sup-
response guide 213pp E plement to SAA HB77.3-1996)
Amdt 1 5 April 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3774 9) A
HB 77.7—1996
(Austroads Publication No. AP-15.3A/1992) Rating Code
This Handbook provides emergency response information
for dealing safely with accidents, spills, leaks or fires in 52pp $27.50 Retail (Austroads Publication No. AP-15.7/1996)
which dangerous goods are involved. Information on haz- No discount 19pp $16.50 Retail
ards, protective clothing and emergency procedures is giv- Explains and augments SAA HB77.3-1996 clause by No discount
en. It can be used for the transport and storage of all types clause, guiding the user in its application. The publi-
of dangerous goods. UN Numbers and Proper Shipping Provides a procedure for rating of existing bridges to
cation represents the cooperative arrangement with define their safe capacity for carrying repeated live
Names (based on the 10th revised edition of the UN Rec- Austroads.
ommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods) are loading for their service life. The publication repre-
(B-) (ISBN 0 85588 411 8) sents the cooperative arrangement with Austroads
referenced to the appropriate emergency response guides.
and the Australasian Railways Association.
(CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1397 1) (B-) (ISBN 0 85588 476 2)
HB 77.4—1996
HB 77 Bearings and Deck Joints
(Austroads Publication No. AP-15.4/1992) HB 77.7 Supplement 1—1996
Australian Bridge Design Code Rating Code—Commentary (Sup-
14pp $16.50 Retail
No discount plement to SAA HB77.7-1996)
HB 77.0—1996 (Austroads Publication No. AP-15.7A/1996)
Conversion and list of parts Provides the design and performance requirements of
16pp $16.50 Retail
bearing and deck joints for the articulation, guidance
2pp X and accommodation of movements of bridge struc- No discount
Provides details of the conversion of the 1992 Aus- tures. The publication represents the cooperative ar- Explains and augments SAA HB77.7-1996, clause by
troads Bridge Design Code, Sections 1 to 5, to Stand- rangement with Austroads. clause, guiding the user in its application. The publi-
ards Australia Handbooks and lists the parts of the (B-) (ISBN 0 85588 412 6) cation represents the cooperative arrangement with
Bridge Design Code. Austroads and the Australasian Railways Associa-
(B-) (ISBN 0 7337 0832 3) tion.
HB 77.4 Supplement 1—1996 (B-) (ISBN 0 85588 477 0)
HB 77.1—1996 Bearings and Deck Joints—Com-
General mentary (Supplement to SAA HB 77.8—1996
(Austroads Publication No. AP-15.1/1992) HB77.4-1996) Railway Supplement (Sections 1-5)
8pp $11.00 Retail (Austroads Publication No. AP-15.4A/1992) Code
No discount 18pp $16.50 Retail (Austroads Publication No. AP-15.S/1996)
Provides the general water and flood, geometric, traf- No discount 49pp $27.50 Retail
fic barriers and drainage principles of design. Pub- Explains and augments SAA HB77.4-1996 clause by No discount
lished in conjunction with Austroads. The publication clause, guiding the user in its application. The publi- Provides the articles which are new or involve modi-
represents the cooperative arrangement with Aus- cation represents the cooperative arrangement with fications or additions to Parts 1 to 5 of the Australian
troads. Austroads. Bridge Design Code to cover specific issues relevant
(B-) (ISBN 0 85588 406 1) (B-) (ISBN 0 85588 413 4) to railway underbridges and impact from railway ve-

HB 77.8 Supplement 1—1996

hicles. The publication represents the cooperative ar- marker laying. The Handbook includes 15 full-page, all quality improvement endeavours, and on developing in-
rangement with Austroads and the Australasian Rail- full-colour, perspective-style drawings of typical mo- dividual programs to progress beyond ISO 9000. It con-
ways Association. bile works situations in A5 landscape format. tains an extensive 160-question self-assessment section
(B-) (ISBN 0 85588 478 9) (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0989 3) which will assist organizations in identifying and prioritiz-
ing those aspects of their business which are of greatest
HB 77.8 Supplement 1—1996 HB 81.4—1998 strategic importance to them and where there is greatest
scope for maximizing the gain from quality improvement
Railway Supplement (Sections 1-5) Short-term night works 49pp D programs.
Code—Commentary (Supplement This Handbook comprises an illustrated plain English (ISBN 0 7337 0643 6)
to SAA HB77.8-1996) field guide intended for both the training of, and use
in the field by, junior supervisory personnel involved
(Austroads Publication No. AP-15.SA/1996) in short-term night-time roadworks extending for no HB 84:1996
51pp $27.50 Retail more than one night. The Handbook includes 10 full- Guide to Concrete Repair and Protec-
No discount page, full-colour, perspective-style drawings of typi- tion 77pp E
Provides those commentary articles which are new or cal works situations in A5 landscape format. Provides guidelines on inspection techniques, protective
relate to modifications or additions to the supple- (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 1829 9) and remedial systems and repair practice for concrete in
ments to Part 1 to 5 of the Australian Bridge Design structures. Also provides an overview of causes of con-
Code to cover specific issues relevant to railway un- HB 81.5—1998 crete deterioration and the formation and types of cracks in
derbridges and impact from railway vehicles. The concrete.
publication represents the cooperative arrangement Works on unsealed roads 56pp D
This Handbook comprises an illustrated plain English (B-) (ISBN 0 7337 0656 8)
with Austroads and the Australian Railways Associa-
tion. field guide intended for both the training of, and use
(B-) (ISBN 0 85588 479 7) in the field by, junior supervisory personnel involved HB 85—1996
in works on unsealed roads, including uncompleted The Quality Letters E
works left overnight. The Handbook includes 12 full-
HB 79—1996 page, full-colour, perspective-style drawings of typi- A totally innovative approach to ISO 9000 education, this
Alkali Aggregate reaction—Guidelines cal works situations in A5 landscape format. book is presented as a series of letters between a leading
quality consultant and his daughter, who is implementing
on Minimising the Risk of Damage to (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 1821 3) ISO 9000 in her small private business, and is having the
Concrete Structures in Australia usual teething troubles. The challenge is that she lives 12
(Cement and Concrete Association of Australia HB 81.6—1998 000 miles away in Europe. The solution is a fascinating se-
Document No. T47) 31pp C Bituminous surfacing works ries of letters between father and daughter, in which all the
common problems associated with ISO 9000 implementa-
Provides guidelines for the assessment of the risk of dam- 66pp D tion are discussed, and father gives his daughter uncom-
age to concrete structures due to alkali aggregate reactions This Handbook comprises an illustrated plain English monly sensible and practical guidance on how the Stand-
and the appropriate strategies to minimize that risk. Also field guide intended for both the training of, and use ards should be read, interpreted and implemented. This
provides an overview of alkali aggregate in concrete. in the field by, junior supervisory personnel involved book will stimulate and amuse anyone interested in quali-
(B-) (ISBN 0 7337 0469 7) in bituminous surfacing works including prepartory ty, especially in the smaller business. Those who are going
work and the protection of completed works. The through the ISO 9000 implementation process will find it
HB 80:1996 Handbook includes 16 full-page, full-colour, perspec- a great help and reassurance.
tive-style drawings of typical works situations in A5
Benchmarking Explained—A Guide landscape format.
(ISBN 0 7337 0665 7)
for Undertaking and Implementing (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 1822 1)
Benchmarking 16pp C HB 86
This Handbook provides a basic introduction to bench- HB 81.7—2000 A guide to the selection, care, calibra-
marking. It explains the basic concepts, describes the dif- tion and checking of measuring in-
ferent types of benchmarking and briefly discusses bench- Short-term works on freeways
marking techniques. The reasons for benchmarking are 45pp D struments in industry
also discussed, as well as some indication on how to use This Handbook comprises an illustrated plain English
the results. field guide intended for both the training of, and use HB 86.1:1996
(A-) (ISBN 0 7337 0628 2) in the field by, junior supervisory personnel involved General principles 34pp D
in short-term roadworks on freeways, expressways,
motorways, tollways and like facilities. This Hand- This Handbook is written for the users of measuring
HB 81 (Set) equipment in industry. It sets out to explain measure-
book includes 9 full-page, full-colour perspective-
Field guide for traffic control at works style drawings of typical works situations in A5 land- ment and measuring instruments in a straightforward
on roads Set $201.96 Retail scape format. manner. It covers such topics as selecting the right in-
strument for the application, what are 'accuracy' and
$151.47 Member (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3598 3) 'uncertainty of measurement', and why instruments
This set includes the following HB 81.1-1996 plus Amdt 1, need to be calibrated and describes some approaches
HB 81.2-1996, HB 81.3-1997, HB 81.4-1998, HB 81.5- HB 81.8—2000 to calibration. As the first of a series, these issues are
1998, HB 81.6-1998, HB 81.7-2000, HB 81.8-2000 and Long-term partial closures and de- dealt with in a generic manner, while the subsequent
HB 81.9-2000. parts, each devoted to specific types of measuring
tours on urban roads 58pp D equipment deal with the relevant details.
This Handbook comprises an illustrated plain English (QR-009) (ISBN 0 7337 0689 4)
HB 81 field guide intended for both the training of, and use
in the field by, junior supervisory personnel involved
Field guide for traffic control at works in long-term roadworks on urban roads including par- HB 86.2:1998
on roads tial closures and detours. This Handbook includes 12 Simple length and angle measur-
full-page, full-colour perspective-style drawings of
typical works situations in A5 landscape format. ing instruments 50pp D
HB 81.1—1996 This Handbook is written for the users of simple
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3597 5)
Short-term urban works, daytime length and angle measuring equipment in industry. A
only (incorporating Amendment HB 81.9—2000
number of commonly used instruments are discussed,
1) 44pp D (including measuring rules and tapes, micrometers,
Long-term partial closures and de- callipers, protractors and gauges and screw thread
Amdt 1 12 September 2001 gauges). The Handbook covers such topics as select-
(ISBN 0 7337 4125 8) X
tours on rural roads 66pp D
ing the right instrument for the application, precau-
This Handbook comprises an illustrated plain English tions to be observed in use and storage and what
This Handbook comprises an illustrated plain English field guide intended for both the training of, and use
field guide intended for both the training of, and use in the field by, junior supervisory personnel involved checks the user can carry out to ensure that the instru-
in the field by, junior supervisory personnel involved in long-term roadworks on rural roads including par- ment is still capable of providing the required 'accu-
in short-term urban roadworks extending for no more tial closures and detours. This Handbook includes 14 racy'. Reference is made to Part 1 for details on 'accu-
than one day. The Handbook includes 11 full-page, racy', 'uncertainty of measurement', and why
full-page, full-colour perspective-style drawings of instruments need to be calibrated, and, in this Part,
full-colour, perspective-style drawings of typical typical works situations in A5 landscape format.
works situations in A5 landscape format. some approaches to calibration are described.
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0651 7) (MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3596 7)
(QR-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2206 7)

HB 81.2—1996 HB 82—1996 HB 87—1997 (CJC 1)

Short-term rural works, daytime Beyond ISO 9000 91pp E
Beyond ISO 9000 is an updated and greatly expanded edi- Joint use of poles: The placement on
only 47pp D tion of Stepping Stones—A practical, criteria-based ap- poles of power lines and paired cable
This Handbook comprises an illustrated plain English proach to Total Quality Management (SAA HB35). It is telecommunications lines 42pp H
field guide intended for both the training of, and use designed to provide practical assistance in developing a Sets out, in two Parts, the conditions as agreed between
in the field by, junior supervisory personnel involved Total Quality system in two business situations. Firstly, ESAA and Telstra Corporation whereby the poles of an
in short-term rural roadworks extending for no more those companies which are already working in an ISO electricity supply utility, or Telstra, may be jointly used by
than one day. The Handbook includes 12 full-page, 9000 environment, but wish to enhance the value of their both parties. Part A sets out general administrative and fi-
full-colour perspective-style drawings of typical quality systems. Secondly, those companies pursuing a nancial conditions and procedures. Part B specifies engi-
works situations in A5 landscape format. Total Quality program, but wish to prioritize their imple- neering conditions for normal and special joint use, also
(MS-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0652 5) mentation program, and proceed on a logical, step by step maintenance and safe working conditions.
basis. Beyond ISO 9000 is based on the premise that, no
matter how sophisticated a company's systems, they can (ET-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0929 X)
HB 81.3—1997 never be a substitute for staff know-how and knowledge.
Mobile works 47pp D The optimum combination of these three elements—sys- HB 88—1997 (CJC 2)
This Handbook comprises an illustrated plain English tems, know-how and knowledge—is essential to the suc- Unbalanced high voltage power lines:
field guide intended for both the training of, and use cessful operation of quality management. The aim of Be-
in the field by, junior supervisory personnel involved yond ISO 9000 is to help companies identify which Code of practice for the mitigation of
in mobile works such as linemarking and pavement capabilities they should be addressing as part of their over- noise induced into paired cable tele-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

communications lines from unbal- either of these approaches and wish to implement the commissioning certificates available as Supplements 1 and
anced high voltage power lines other or integrate both systems. 2 respectively.
(SM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3703 X) (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1134 0)
21pp F
Specifies cooperative measures for the mitigation of noise HB 92 Supplement 1—1997
induced into paired cable telecommunications lines from HB 90.6—2000
unbalanced HV power lines, particularly single-wire earth- The Legal Profession—Guide to Commissioning of hose reel sys-
return (SWER), multiple earthed neutral (MEN), single- ISO 9001:2000 86pp G tems—Checklists (Supplement to SAA
phase and two-phase (120 degree) lines. Sections cover en- HB92-1997) 16pp C
gineering principles of interference generation, maximum Provides guidance for the legal profession on quality
values and mitigation measures; responsibilities for system management systems that comply with the require- (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1236 3)
separation and correction of interference; and procedures ments of ISO 9001:2000. The requirements of the
for new installations. Standard are described in terms common to the legal HB 92 Supplement 2—1997
profession, and the application of various require-
(ET-007) (ISBN 0 7337 0930 3) ments and typical examples in the legal environment Commissioning of hose reel sys-
are included. In addition, the major changes in ISO tems—Design Certificate (Supplement
HB 90 9001:2000 compared with ISO 9001:1994 are identi- to SAA HB92-1997) 2pp D
fied and their impact highlighted.
HB 90.0:2000 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1237 1)
(SM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3708 0)
The ISO 9001 Comparison—2000 HB 92 Supplement 3—1997
vs 1994 60pp G HB 90.7—2000
Commissioning of hose reel sys-
This Handbook provides a side-by-side comparison Education and Training—Guide to tems—Installation Certificate (Supple-
of the differences between the 2000 and the 1994 edi- ISO 9001:2000 77pp G ment to SAA HB92-1997) 2pp D
tions of ISO 9001, to assist those who wish to under-
stand the differences between the two versions. Be- Provides guidelines for those involved in education Amdt 1 January 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1703 9) X
cause of the differences in the structure of the two and training on establishing quality management sys-
tems complying with the requirements of ISO (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1294 0)
versions of the Standard, some of the clauses (or parts
of the clauses) of the 1994 edition are mapped against 9001:2000. The requirements and application of each
two or more clauses of the 2000 version. clause of the Standard is explained in terms under- HB 93 (Set)
stood by educationalists and trainers. Typical exam- Commissioning of fire hydrant sys-
(SM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3696 3) ples are included to assist in understanding these re-
quirements. In addition, the major changes in ISO tems J
HB 90.1—2000 9001:2000 compared with ISO 9001:1994 are identi- (DD-001)
fied and their impact highlighted.
The Small Business Handbook—
(SM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3709 9) HB 93—1997
Guide to ISO 9001:2000
A5 142pp G Commissioning of fire hydrant sys-
HB 90.8—2000 tems 36pp G
This Handbook provides guidance for small business
on quality management systems based on ISO Healthcare Services—Guide to ISO Sets out a method of recording information on the design,
9001:2000. It explains what quality management sys- 9001:2000 64pp G installation and operating capability of a fire hydrant sys-
tems are and gives examples of how to interpret and tem installed in premises. The Handbook applies to fire hy-
Provides guidance to organizations that provide drant systems designed in accordance with AS 2419.1, Fire
implement the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. The health services, and to those involved in the health
auditing process for certification is briefly described. hydrant installations, Part 1: System design, installation
services sector, on the development and implementa- and commissioning. It is based on the requirements of the
In addition, the major changes in ISO 9001:2000 tion of quality management systems based on ISO
compared with ISO 9001:1994 are identified and Building Code of Australia 1996 edition. This Handbook
9001:2000. The application of each requirement is is intended to be used in conjunction with the separate pads
their impact highlighted. described in terms relevant to health services, and ex- of checklists and commissioning certificates available as
(SM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3691 1) amples are included to assist in understanding their Supplements 1 and 2 respectively.
application. In addition, the major changes in ISO
9001:2000 compared with ISO 9001:1994 are identi- (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1135 9)
HB 90.2—2000 fied and their impact highlighted.
The Service Industry Handbook— (SM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3710 2) HB 93 Supplement 1—1997
Guide to ISO 9001:2000 Commissioning of fire hydrant sys-
A5 163pp G HB 90.9—2000 tems—Checklists (Supplement to SAA
This Handbook is written about the way a service in- Software Development—Guide to HB93-1997) 22pp D
dustry operates. It provides a competency-based ap- (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1238 X)
proach to service development and delivery that rec- ISO 9001:2000 70pp G
ognizes that both the point of contact with the Provides guidance for the software industry on quali-
customer is critical, and back-of-house activities are ty management systems complying with ISO HB 93 Supplement 2—1997
needed to deliver the service to achieve customer sat- 9001:2000. It relates particularly to the development Commissioning of fire hydrant sys-
isfaction. It will provide both a sound approach to of software and explains the application of the quality
ISO 9001: 2000 for service industries, and a better un- management systems requirements in this field. tems—Design Certificate (Supplement
derstanding of the benefits that service organizations Guidance is given on the process model and design to SAA HB93-1997) 4pp D
implementing the Standard can achieve. and development as they may apply to the software (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1239 8)
(SM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3701 3) developer. The terminology used and the examples
given are relevant to the software industry. In addi- HB 93 Supplement 3—1997
tion, the major changes in ISO 9001:2000 compared
HB 90.3—2000 with ISO 9001:1994 are identified and their impact Commissioning of fire hydrant sys-
The Construction Industry—Guide highlighted. tems—Installation Certificate (Supple-
to ISO 9001:2000 107pp G (SM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3711 0) ment to SAA HB93-1997) 2pp D
This Guide explains the requirements of ISO 9001 in (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1295 9)
terms relevant to the construction industry. Guidance HB 91—1997
focuses on each Clause of ISO 9001 as it applies to Composite Beam Design Handbook HB 94—1997
the key processes within a construction industry or- Handbook plus 1 3/12"diskette 92pp E Electrical safety in the workplace
ganization, with additional notes on applications rel-
evant to engineering and building projects of any Provides information and guidance on the structural design 27pp C
kind. of simply supported composite beams in accordance with Provides a general overview of electrical hazards in the
AS 2327.1-1996. Contains step-by-step guidance on de- workplace and indicates ways of reducing the risk of elec-
(SM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3702 1) sign procedures, extensive tables of design data for rapid tric shock. Describes how an electric shock may be fatal by
solutions to design equations and worked examples of de- discussing its effect on a person's heart.
HB 90.4—2000 sign calculations. Illustrated with relevant figures and (E-) (ISBN 0 7337 1136 7)
The Food Processing Industry— flow-charts extracted from the Standard.
Guide to ISO 9001:2000 (BD-032) (ISBN 0 7337 1041 7)
HB 95:1998
A5 108pp G Dangerous goods—Glossary of
HB 92 (Set)
Provides guidance on the application of quality man-
Commissioning of hose reel systems terms 44pp C
agement systems for the food processing industry. Provides an alphabetical list of terms and definitions used
Requirements for ISO 9001:2000 are explained in J in dangerous goods Standards issued up to the end of 1997.
terms understood in the food processing industry, (DD-001) Appendices provide background information on the deri-
with relevant examples and appendices. vation and use of terms and concepts in the Standards.
(SM-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3707 2) (CH-009) (ISBN 0 7337 1939 2)
HB 92—1997
HB 90.5—2000 Commissioning of hose reel systems HB 96:1997
Correlation between ISO 9001:2000 14pp D Guidelines for mobile shelving for ar-
and the HACCP Principles Amdt 1 April 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 1883 3) X
Sets out a method of recording information on the design,
chives, libraries and museums
46pp G installation and operating capability of a hose reel system 39pp E
This Handbook provides a correlation between the re- installed in premises. The Handbook applies to hose reels Provides guidelines on the different types of mobile shelv-
quirements listed in the clauses of ISO 9001:2000 and manufactured to AS 1221, Fire hose reels, and installed in ing available and their method of operation, description of
the requirements which are implicit in the HACCP accordance with AS 2441, Installation of fire hose reels. It shelving components and dimensions, floor loadings,
Principles, and brings out the complimentary nature is based on the requirements of the Building Code of Aus- tracking systems and also includes the design and installa-
of the two sets of requirements. The Handbook pro- tralia 1996 edition. This Handbook is intended to be used tion of a typical mobile shelving system.
vides a guide for those who have a system based on in conjunction with the separate pads of checklists and (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1203 7)

HB 98—1997

HB 98—1997 HB 106—1998 HB 114:1998

Guidance on environmental aspects in Guidelines for design of structures in Guidelines for the design of eaves and
specifications and design briefs for snow areas 30pp E box gutters 67pp G
electrotechnical products This Handbook provides guidance to assist designers in the Provides guidelines in the use of AS/NZS 3500.3.2, Na-
planning of structures which will be affected by snow tional plumbing and drainage Part 3.2: Stormwater drain-
(IEC Guide 109:1995) 20pp D loads in alpine areas of Australia. It covers material prop- age—Acceptable solutions, for design of eaves and box
Describes various ways in which design aspects of an elec- erties and the provision of services. It also explains in de- gutters. The guidelines are especially tailored to the needs
trotechnical product can impact the 'natural' environment tail the functions of climate and topography, and roof char- of installers and others involved with roof drainage instal-
and outlines means for quantifying these impacts. Intended acteristics in relation to the amount and distribution of lations and provide clearly explained directions and fully
to be of use to product specifiers, those writing design snow loading on a roof. worked examples.
briefs, and purchasers of electrotechnical equipment of all (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1632 6) (WS-020) (ISBN 0 7337 2247 4)
current ratings.
(E-) (ISBN 0 7337 1445 5) HB 107—1998 HB 115—1998
Understanding Standards 16pp B What you don't know CAN hurt you—
HB 100—2000 (CJC 4) Explains the concept of Standardization and assists readers A consumer guide to food safety and
Coordination of power and telecom- of Australian Standards and other similar documents in hygiene 51pp D
munications—Manual for the estab- their use and understanding of these documents. This Handbook provides information and guidance on
lishment of safe work practices and (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1931 7) food safety and hygiene issues, specifically from the point
the minimization of operational inter- of view of the consumer. Food-borne diseases, personal
HB 108—1998 hygiene, food safety in the home and food safety in super-
ference between power systems and markets, restaurants, barbecues and the like are all cov-
paired cable telecommunications sys- Timber Design Handbook—In accord- ered. Published in conjunction with the Australian Super-
tems 204pp J ance with the Australian Limit State market Institute.
This Manual gives advice on the responsibilities and ac- Timber Design Code, AS 1720.1-1997 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2290 3)
countability of office and field managers both of power 559pp I
utilities and of Telstra for the effective and efficient coor- This Handbook provides comprehensive guidance on de- HB 122 (Set)
dination of the power and Telstra systems. It gives detailed
analysis of physical interactions between the systems and
sign of timber with reference to the methods given for limit The Workplace Manual
states design in AS 1720.1-1997.Design of members is Complete set in binder K
details of safe work practices. covered in detail with step by step instructions and worked
(ET-007) examples. Also given is the background of timber proper- (DD-001)
ties and how they are derived. Published in conjunction
HB 101—1997 (CJC 5) with the Forest and Wood Products Research and Develop- HB 122.4 (Set)
ment Corporation.
Coordination of power and telecom- Model 4: Diversity
(TM-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2057 9)
munications—Low Frequency Induc- Includes 11 Parts of Model 4 G
This set includes the following parts of HB 122;
tion (LFI): Code of practice for the HB 109—1998 HB, HB, HB
mitigation of hazardous voltages in- Slabs and footings for reinforced ma- 2000, HB, HB, HB
duced into telecommunications lines sonry houses 23pp D, HB, HB 122 4.3.4-2000,
HB, HB and HB
14pp B This Handbook provides information and photographs to
Amdt 1 October 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2220 2) X assist with the design of slabs and footings for use with re-
inforced concrete masonry walls in houses and in small to (DD-001)
Specifies engineering principles and procedures to be un- medium sized low-rise commercial, industrial and residen-
dertaken in the mitigation of power frequency voltages tial buildings. The Handbook is a self-contained explana- HB 122
electromagnetically induced into telecommunications tory text though many references are made to AS 2870.
lines where high voltage power lines run essentially paral- The Handbook proposes two design questions and pro-
The Workplace Manual
lel thereto. It defines power lines as high reliability (Cate- vides the options using AS 2870.
gories A and B) or not (Category C), and specifies maxi- HB 122.1—1998
mum acceptable limits for induced voltage under HV earth (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1974 0)
fault conditions. Identical with the 1974 (1978) ATC/ Model 1: Introduction to Work/Life
ESAA publication Low Frequency Induction. HB 110 6pp A
(ET-007) (ISBN 0 7337 1347 5) IMMA Handbook of Engineering Mate- (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2353 5)
HB 102—1997 (CJC 6) HB 122.2
Coordination of power and telecom- HB 110.1—1998 Model 2.1: The Working Environ-
munications—Low Frequency Induc- Volume 1: Metals 203pp O ment
tion (LFI): Application Guide to the LFI Provides an indexed compendium of metallic materi-
Code 86pp H als available in Australia, showing compositions, HB 122.2.1—1998
Amdt 1 October 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2221 0) X properties and product forms of a large range of met- Establishing a Supportive Working
als, specifications to which they comply, and their Environment 7pp A
Provides guidance on the Code CJC 5, Low Frequency In- suppliers. (Endorsement of the IMMA Handbook of
duction (SAA HB101-1997, in sections dealing with the Engineering Materials.) (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2354 3)
theory of LFI, calculations, determination of best engineer- (K-) (ISBN 0 9588128 0 2)
ing solution, evaluation of contributory and ameliorative HB 122.2.2—1999
factors, examples of calculations, field tests and measure-
ments. Useful data is given in extensive appendices identi- HB 111—1998 Assessing Work/Life Program Im-
cal with the 1981 Telecom Australia/ESAA publication The Domestic Kitchen Handbook pact and Monitoring Implementa-
Application Guide for the Low Frequency Induction Code. tion 5pp A
(ET-007) (ISBN 0 7337 1467 6)
85pp G
This handbook provides guidance for people who wish to (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2543 0)
prepare a brief for their new kitchen and more effectively
HB 103—1997 (CJC 7) communicate their needs to kitchen designers. The aim of HB 122.3
Coordination of power and telecom- this Handbook is to prepare customers for the design proc-
ess, to clarify their needs and desires and to enable them to Model 3: Work/Life Elements
munications—Crossings Code: The present the kitchen designer with a clear outline, in the
arrangement of overhead power and form of a design brief, to ensure that their expectations are HB 122.3.1
telecommunications lines, pole stay met. The Handbook has been endorsed by the Housing In- Element 3.1.1: Flexible Work Prac-
dustry Association.
wires, and suspension wires 38pp C (B-) (ISBN 0 7337 2003 X) tices
Amdt 1 October 1998 (ISBN 0 7337 2222 9) X
Sets out, in Sections covering responsibilities and engi- HB 112—1998 HB—1998
neering practices, the requirements for common use serv- Regular Part-time Employment
ices crossings on a Telstra or Electricity Utility pole; for Residential spa pools—Selection,
crossings of stay wires supporting such poles; for in-span maintenance and operation 57pp D 5pp A
services crossings; and for street light suspension wires This Handbook provides guidance and information on all (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2355 1)
crossing power or telecommunications services. Identical types of indoor and outdoor spas, their maintenance and
with the 1988 ATC/ESAA publication Crossings Code. upkeep and how to keep the water clean and sparkling. A HB—1998
(ET-007) (ISBN 0 7337 1348 3) troubleshooting guide is included. Job Sharing 4pp A
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2213 X) (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2363 2)
HB 105—1998
Guide to pipeline risk assessment in HB 113—1998 HB—1998
accordance with AS 2885.1 40pp D Residual current devices—What they Work Design Flexibility 4pp A
Contains guidelines to ensure a constituted and informed do and how they do it 45pp E (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2364 0)
approach to risk assessment carried out in accordance with Provides a general overview of what a residual current de-
the requirements of AS 2885.1-1997, Section 2. The docu- vice (RCD) is and how it operates. Describes the circum-
ment is intended to act as a guide for people involved in the stance in which an RCD can provide protection against HB—1998
design, operation and regulation of transmission pipelines. electrocution. Telecommuting 6pp A
(ME-038) (ISBN 0 7337 1622 9) (E-) (ISBN 0 7337 1157 X) (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2365 9)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

HB 122.3.2 HB—2000 HB 124—2000

Element 3.2.1: Leave Options Element 4.2.2: Duty of care—The Design of Concrete masonry Build-
risks of not managing diversity ings 376pp J
HB—1998 well 4pp A Explains the requirements of the BCA and the application
Flexible Leave Options/Carer's (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3424 3) of AS 3700, Masonry Structures, regarding the design of
concrete masonry structures and components. It provides
Leave 4pp A simple design charts for the selection of concrete members,
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2366 7) HB—2000 as well as design examples. Includes additional material in
Element 4.2.7: Disability and the light of Amendments 1 and 2 to AS 3700-1998.
HB—1998 law 5pp A (BD-004) (ISBN 0 909407 43 6)
Flexible Hours Arrangements (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3425 1)
4pp A HB 125—1998
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2367 5) HB—2000 The glass and glazing handbook
Element 4.2.8: Occupational health 99pp H
HB—1998 and safety and workcover implica- This Handbook complements AS 1288 and AS/NZS 2208.
Extended Flexible Work Arrange- tions for diversity policy 4pp A It also provides information on the various glass products
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3426 X) available, to enable the consumer (glass purchaser/install-
ments 3pp A er) and designer to choose the most appropriate product
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2368 3) that meets their needs.
HB—2000 (BD-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2468 X)
HB 122.3.3 Element 4.3.1: Developing a diver-
Element 3.3.1: Amenities sity policy and procedures 7pp A HB 126—1999
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3533 9)
The operation of performance-based
HB—1998 regulations in building design
Carer Facilities at Work 4pp A 37pp D
Element 4.3.4: Access to promo-
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2369 1) Provides a basic understanding of the philosophy and ap-
tion and transfer 4pp A plication of performance-based regulations to practitioners
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3509 6) in the building industry. Published in conjunction with the
HB 122.3.4 University of Technology, Sydney and Insearch Limited.
Element 3.4.1: Employer-provided HB—2000 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2501 5)
Programs Element 4.3.5: Performance man-
agement 4pp A HB 127—1999
HB—1999 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3534 7) Electronic funds transfer—Implement-
Child Care Options for Employers ing message content Standards—
6pp A HB—2000 Conversion Handbook (changing from
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2544 9) Element 4.3.7: Workplace diversity AS 2805.2 to the AS 2805.12 series)
awareness training 3pp A 40pp D
HB—1999 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3535 5) Provides users and implementers of electronic funds trans-
Elder Care Options for Employers fer services with guidance on implementing AS 2805.12.1-
4pp A HB—2000 1999, AS 2805.12.2-1999 and AS 2805.12.3-1999 in order
to maximize the new system's capabilities and features in
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2545 7) Element 4.3.8: Alternative resolu- Australia.
tion approaches 4pp A (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2560 0)
HB—1999 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3536 3)
Employers Who Are Carers of Peo- HB 128—1999
ple With Disabilities 4pp A HB—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Implement-
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2546 5) Element 4.3.9: Program evaluation/ ing message content Standards—Ter-
measuring impact 5pp A minal Handbook 56pp E
HB—1999 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3537 1) Provides users and implementers of electronic funds trans-
Resource and Referral Services— fer services with guidance on implementing AS 2805.12.1-
EAP 4pp A HB—2000 1999, AS 2805.12.2-1999 and AS 2805.12.3-1999 in order
to maximize the new system's capabilities and features in
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2547 3) Element 4.3.10: Tools and tech- Australia.
niques for monitoring outcomes (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2561 9)
HB—1999 4pp A
Element 3.4.5: Employer-provided (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3427 8) HB 129—1999
Programs—Work/Life Programs Electronic funds transfer—Implement-
Useful to Men 5pp A HB—2000
ing message content Standards—In-
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2687 9) Element 4.4.1: Diversity on boards, terchange Handbook 72pp F
committees and teams 6pp A Provides users and implementers of electronic funds trans-
HB—1999 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3538 X) fer services with guidance on implementing AS 2805.12.1-
Element 3.4.6: Employer-provided 1999, AS 2805.12.2-1999 and AS 2805.12.3-1999 in order
Programs—Relocation Assist- HB—2000 to maximize the new system's capabilities and features in
ance 5pp A Element 4.4.2: Disability as diversi-
(IT-005) (ISBN 0 7337 2562 7)
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2688 7) ty 7pp A
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3428 6)
HB 130
HB—2000 Working
Element 4.1.1: Workplace diversi-
ty—a new challenge 5pp A Element 4.4.3: Strategies for career
advancement and develpoment HB 130.1—1999
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3420 0)
4pp A The work/life tools 20pp C
HB—2000 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3429 4) Provides information and 'tools' necessary to explain
and support SAA HB 122 series: The Workplace
Element 4.1.2: The business case Manual. Includes definitions, relevant legislation and
for diversity 4pp A HB—2000 contact details for related organizations.
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3421 9) Element 4.4.4: Ageing in the work- (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2606 2)
place 3pp A
HB—2000 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3539 8) HB 131—1999
Element 4.1.3: Managing and lead- Guidelines for applying and interpret-
ing diversity 6pp A HB 123—1999 ing AS/NZS 4020: Products for use in
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3422 7) Guidelines for the selection, location contact with drinking water 66pp M
and installation of visual warning de- Provides assistance in understanding and applying AS/
HB—2000 vices in buildings 29pp D NZS 4020:1999 with respect to the rationale and applica-
Provides guidance for the selection, location and installa- tion of the Standard, the products that need to be tested,
Element 4.2.1: Managing compli- tion of visual warning devices used in fire detection, warn- methods for sampling products to be tested, performance
ance 13pp A ing, control and intercom systems. of the tests, and interpretaton of test results.
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3423 5) (FP-002) (ISBN 0 7337 2398 5) (CH-034) (ISBN 0 7337 2681 X)

HB 132.1 (Set)

HB 132.1 (Set) HB 142—1999 HB 153:2002

Non-cyclone areas A basic introduction to managing risk Urban Road Design: A Guide to the
SAA HB132.1-1999 and SAA HB132.1 Supple- 55pp F Geometric Design of Major Urban
ment 1-1999 G Provides a generic framework for managing risk in a busi- Roads
(DD-001) ness. Also provides a reference for directors, chief execu- Austroads Publication No. AP-G69/02 88pp F
tive officers, senior executives, line managers and staff This major work provides guidelines for the geometric de-
HB 132.2 (Set) when developing processes, systems and techniques that sign of major urban roads and has been prepared by Aus-
are appropriate to the functional and organisational context troads member agencies and industry experts to promote a
Cyclone areas of their corporate body. The approach outlined in this in- common, standard approach to urban road design across
HB 132.2-1999 and HB 132.2 Supplement 1-1999 troduction is based on the process set out in AS/NZS Australia and New Zealand. Geometric road design guide-
G 4360:1999, Risk management. lines are used as an aid to achieving consistent and opera-
(DD-001) (OB-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2794 8) tionally effective road designs. This guide represents the
combined experience and international best practices of
HB 132 Austroads member agencies and industry experts in this
HB 143:1999 area of geometric design. The result is an up-to-date cov-
Structural upgrading of older houses Guidelines for managing risk in the erage of Australian and New Zealand road design practice.
Australian and New Zealand public Urban Road Design includes: definition of major urban
HB 132.1—1999 sector 62pp F roads; fundamental design considerations including per-
formance requirements, traffic volumes and environmental
Non-cyclone areas 88pp E Provides a generic framework for managing risk in the considerations; design inputs such as speed and sight dis-
This Handbook provides details of methods for re- public sector, and a reference point for elected representa- tance; geometric design guidelines for horizontal, vertical
ducing the risk of aggregate loss from houses due to tives, appointed boards of management, chief executive of- alignment, and cross section; other considerations such as
high winds. Deemed-to-comply details are provided ficers, senior executives, line managers and staff when de- intersections at grade, road safety and drainage and com-
for two levels of upgrading for non-cyclonic wind veloping risk management processes, systems and prehensive glossary of terms. Urban Road Design is in-
classifications. Supplement 1 to this Handbook pro- techniques that are appropriate to the functional and organ- tended for use by general and local government practition-
vides deemed-to-comply connection details which isational context of their organisation. ers working in road and traffic engineering and other
will satisfy a third level of upgrading. A fourth level (OB-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2815 4) related disciplines. Undergraduate and postgraduate stu-
is available through compliance with current loading dents may also use it.
and design Standards. Published in conjunction with (CE-006) (ISBN 0 85588 606 4)
the Insurance Council of Australia. HB 144:1999
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2711 5) Guidance for forestry organisations in HB 154—2002
the use of environmental management Geosynthetics—Guidelines on dura-
HB 132.1 Supplement 1—1999 system standards
Non-cyclone areas—Connections bility 33pp C
(ISO TR 14061) 65pp F Provides a set of guidelines which introduce the basic con-
(Supplement to SAA HB132.1- This Handbook provides guidance on the use of the ISO cepts of geosynthetic durability and its assessment. The
1999) 85pp E 14000 Standards in the forestry industry with particular handbook gives consideration to design parameters, the
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2712 3) emphasis on sustainable forestry management. It provides project conditions and the geosynthetic properties which
an extensive list of technical references, conventions and lead to the definition of the appropriate tests to be per-
policies on sustainable forestry management, and includes formed for assessing the durability of the geosynthetic.
HB 132.2—1999 a number of case studies. The Handbook does not establish This handbook has been derived from ISO Technical Re-
Cyclone areas 85pp E performance levels for forestry nor does it represent Stand- port 13434, Geotextiles and geotextile-related products.
This Handbook provides details of methods for re- ard Australia's stance on any of the issues discussed. This Guidelines on durability, with changes to content to suit
ducing the risk of aggregate loss from houses due to Handbook is identical to ISO TR 14061. Australian conditions and a broader scope to include a wid-
high winds. Deemed-to-comply details are provided (QR-011-1) er range of available Geosynthetics products.
for two levels of upgrading for cyclonic wind classi- (CE-020) (ISBN 0 7337 4805 8)
fications. Supplement 1 to this Handbook provides
deemed-to-comply connection details which will sat- HB 145:1999
HB 155—2002
isfy a third level of upgrading. A fourth level is avail- Case studies—Environmental per-
able through compliance with current loading and de- formance evaluation Guide to the use of recycled concrete
sign Standards. Published in conjunction with the and masonry materials 77pp G
Insurance Council of Australia. (ISO TR 14032-2) 101pp G This Handbook consolidates available information needed
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2713 1) This Handbook provides examples, or case studies, from for the consideration of recycled concrete and masonry
organizations undertaking environmental performance materials in construction applications. It is intended to pro-
evaluation. The case studies cover a number of organiza- vide the potential user general guidance on engineering
HB 132.2 Supplement 1—1999 tions of different sizes including manufacturing and serv- evaluation requirements, environmental issues and eco-
Cyclone areas—Connections ice companies as well as government agencies, and aim to nomic considerations for determining the suitability and
(Supplement to HB 132.2-1999) encourage and assist organizations, particularly small and current uses of recycled concrete and masonry materials.
medium sized enterprises, by showing how EPE can be (BD-002) (ISBN 0 7337 4273 4)
78pp E conducted. This publication is identical with Draft ISO TR
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2714 X) 14032.2. It is intended to be read in conjunction with AS/
NZS ISO 14031(Int). HB 156—2002
HB 133—1999 (DD-001) Segmental concrete reinforced soil re-
A Guide to AS 3806-1998, Compliance taining walls—Design and construc-
programs 36pp F HB 147—2000 tion guide 41pp D
Provides practical guidance to businesses wishing to set up Proposes guidelines for the design and construction of
Sprinklers simplified 74pp E earth retaining walls.
a compliance program in accordance with AS 3806-1998.
This guide takes the form of a commentrary to AS 3806 Provides an explanation on how automatic fire sprinkler (CE-032) (ISBN 0 909407 49 5)
and includes the text of the Standard. Appendices are in- systems function, where they are used and the various
cluded that discuss legal issues and the culture of compli- types of systems in use. Also provides facts and fallacies
on the application of sprinklers and cost-benefits of sprin- HB 158—2002
(QR-014) (ISBN 0 7337 2683 6) kler systems as well as a useful history and background. A guide to the use of AS/NZS 4360,
(B-) (ISBN 0 7337 3037 X) Risk Management, within the internal
HB 135—1999 audit process 43pp F
Keeping pests out of buildings HB 152:2002 This handbook is intended for professional internal audi-
tors as a guide on how to use AS/NZS 4360, Risk Manage-
43pp E Asphalt Guide ment, in the planning and execution of internal auditing. It
Provides assistance on the identification of common pests Austroads Publication No. AP-G66/02 is not a detailed guide to assurance of the risk management
such as insects, birds, animals and timber pests that can get 173pp J process nor is it intended for those responsible for risk
into houses, offices and shops and guidance on design, This publication has been written with the purpose of as- management in an organisation. A joint publication with
building and other methods to help keep them out. sisting in the production of high quality asphalt pavements the Institute of Internal Auditors-Australia.
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 27964) and is the result of cooperative effort between Austroads (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4263 7)
and the Australian Asphalt Pavement Association (AA-
HB 140—2000 PA). In the past 20 years, there has been a substantial im- HB 162—2002
Administration manual for AS 4000- provement to asphalt technology. This includes such ad- Rules for the structure and drafting of
vances as the introduction of new materials and additives,
1997 General conditions of contract better characterisation techniques for materials, new struc- Australian Standards 54pp E
650pp J tural and mix design procedures and an increase in the use (D-) (ISBN 0 7337 4752 3)
A practical and comprehensive guide to the use and appli- of recycling. The Asphalt Guide addresses: the nature of
cation of AS 4000-1997 general conditions of contract. asphalt materials and operating environment; selection of HB 164—2002
The manual includes examples of the relevant forms and asphalt treatments and performance parameters; material
notices used to administer the AS 4000 contract, and a constituents and their characteristics; asphalt mix design, Wood and wood preservation—A
comparative analysis of AS 4000 with AS 2124-1992. including specialised mixes; mixing plants and production; complete guide to the AS/NZS 1604
(OB-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3600 9) paving planning, preparation, paver operation, spreading Standards Series 78pp G
and compaction; maintenance of asphalt surfacings; as- Provides safety guidance in the application of preserva-
phalt recycling and quality management for asphalt sup- tive-treated timber and guidelines to the AS/NZS 1604 se-
HB 141—1999 ply, testing and contract surveillance. At 173 pages, the ries, which specify preservative treatment for sawn and
Risk financing guidelines 28pp D Asphalt Guide is a comprehensive manual to modern as- round timber as well as wood-based composite products.
Provides guidance in a practical form to those people who phalt technology and provides a primary reference text for Part 1 provides general information about wood in con-
are charged with arranging risk financing for their organi- practitioners within the transport industry. It is also aimed struction, the benefits of wood preservation, treated timber
sation, regardless of the size or nature of the organisation. at students studying asphalt for the first time. and the environment, including brief remarks on health and
(OB-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2814 6) (CE-006) (ISBN 0 85588 424 X) safety of CCA, creosote/PEC and LOSP preservatives, and

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

aspects of recycling and disposal of treated timber at the HB 202—2000 HB 224—2001

end of its effective service life; Part 2 covers the Standards
themselves emphasising the penetration and retention re- A management system for clinical and Handbook for microbiological testing
quirements for fit-for-purpose treated commodities. related wastes—Guide to application in food premises 32pp D
(TM-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4787 6) of AS/NZS 3816-1998, Management of This Handbook provides guidance on how to set up a
clinical and related wastes 15pp D microbiological testing laboratory in food processing
HB 165—2002 This Handbook provides an insight into the requirements
of AS/NZS 3816-1998 and is designed to increase the un- (FT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 3773 0)
Case Studies in Knowledge Manage-
derstanding and beneficial use of the Standard for applica-
ment Volume 1 37pp D tion in Australia only. It must be read in conjunction with HB 226 (Set)
Amdt 1 23 August 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4808 2) X AS/NZS 3816. It should not be read in isolation.
These case studies, which are the first volume of an occa- Contract toolbox for the construction
(HE-011) (ISBN 0 7337 3194 5) industry
sional series, are snapshots of various efforts by a wide va-
riety of organisations in Australia, but have not been se- Complete set in binder $338.80 Retail
lected on the basis that they are the best of knowledge HB 203—2000 $254.10 Member
management. The purpose of publishing these case studies Environmental risk management— The Contract Toolbox is a suite of interlinked reference
is to meet a demand for information that will help people Principles and process 77pp G
understand what has been tried so far in Australia. The ex- guidelines that have been designed to help Clients, Con-
periences contained within them will promote understand- This guide explains the principles and process of environ- tractors, Sub-contractors and Consultants understand con-
ing of the possible manifestations of knowledge manage- ment risk management, and provides guidance on imple- struction industry contracts. Six documents are included,
ment and assist instigate change in other organisations. mentation. It is based on the generic risk management which provide a generic, commonsense, non-legalistic ap-
process developed in AS/NZS 4360, Risk management, proach on how to successfully manage a contract and avoid
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4529 6) and offers a clear, consistent model and an integrated costly disputes in the construction industry.
framework for ERM. The advantages and special features (DD-001)
HB 170—2002 of ERM are discussed, both in the broader strategic context
Wood Heating Resource Handbook and at the operational level for an organization. A series of
HB 226
Guide to the Selection, Installation informative appendices further expands on particular and
links with environmental management tools. Contract toolbox for the construction
and Operation of Wood Heaters (MB-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3540 1) industry
63pp E
This Handbook was developed to assist prospective pur- HB 207 HB 226.1—2000
chasers, owners (users), local government agencies, coun-
cils, builders, retailers and installers with guidance for the Environmental management Tool 1 How clients and contractors
selection, installation, operation and maintenance of solid ensure success 66pp G
fuel (wood) heaters, together with information and guid- HB 207.1:2000 Tool 1 is a generic introduction to how clients and
ance on issues that may arise from the operation of these contractors ensure contracting success in the con-
home heaters. Environmental labels and declara-
struction industry. It introduces the concepts and pro-
(CS-062) (ISBN 0 7337 4272 6) tions—Type III environmental dec- vides references to current standards of practice. In
larations particular it explains the contracting process, which
HB 173—2000 (ISO/TR 14025:2000) 25pp C includes tendering, contract administration, dispute
Motorcycle protective clothing— resolution and risk management. It explains the com-
Identifies and describes the elements and issues con- mon problems in the industry and provides references
Guidelines for manufacturing 48pp E cerning Type III environmental declarations. Because to the other Tools in the Toolbox that solve them.
This Handbook provides designers and manufacturers of the methodology underpinning Type III environmen-
tal declarations is still under development, this docu- (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3450 2)
motorcycle protective clothing with guidelines for deter-
mining the best use of materials and construction tech- ment was produced as a technical report by ISO and
niques as well as information on available testing methods. was adopted as a handbook in Australia and New HB 226.2—2000
The Handbook also contains considerable general infor- Zealand. Identical to and reproduced from ISO/TR Tool 2 Review of common contract
mation on motorcycle clothing which is of direct interest to 14025:2000.
retailers and users. It is hoped this knowledge will result in (EV-003) (ISBN 0 7337 3574 6) conditions 106pp G
higher quality and safer motorcycle garments as well as Tool 2 explains the common elements within the
helping to improve rider's awareness of what to look for in commercial conditions and technical specification
effective protective clothing.
HB 211—2001 sections of the contract. It clarifies how these condi-
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3281 X) Occupational health and safety man- tions relate with those in referenced documents such
agement systems—A guide to AS as drawings, bills, schedules, construction programs,
industry Standards and Codes of practice.
HB 193—1999 4801 for small business 73pp F (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3451 0)
Application of quality systems (ISO Using examples and worksheets, gives guidance for small
business to the requirements of AS 4801-2000 Occupa-
9000) to automotive suppliers tional health and safety management systems—A specifi- HB 226.3—2000
(ISO TS 16949:1999) 44pp E cation with guidance for use. Tool 3 Review of commonly refer-
This Handbook, which was prepared by the International (SF-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3812 5) enced standards 75pp F
Automotive Task Force (IATF) and representatives from
ISO/TC 176, Quality management and quality assurance, Tool 3 summarizes the Standards commonly refer-
and its subcommittees, is a bridge between the ISO 9000 HB 212—2002 enced in construction industry contracts, such as ten-
standards and QS 9000, the automotive industry's specific Design Wind Speeds for the Asia-Pa- dering, commercial conditions, management systems,
quality system standard. It is intended to provide and un- bills and schedules as well as construction program-
cific Region 44pp D ming. It also explains the parent technical Standards
derstanding of automotive industry practice and has been
issued for provisional application in the automotive sector Provides design wind speeds for East Asian, S.E. Asian of the industry such as concrete, timber and metal
so that information and experience in its use may be gath- and Western Pacific regions. These are based on existing structures; pressure piping, vessels and boilers; pipe-
ered. This document is identical to ISO/TS 16949:1999, data that have been revised to provide values in a format lines, non-destructive testing of metallic products and
Quality systems—Automotive suppliers—Particular re- suitable for use with the Standards AS/NZS 1170.0 and electrical installations.
quirements for the application of ISO 9001:1994. AS/NZS 1170.2 or with other Standards. The wind speeds (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3452 9)
cover a range of annual probabilities of exceedance. These
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3048 5) wind speeds can be used to compare performance require-
ments for different countries, to perform preliminary de- HB 226.4—2000
HB 195—2002 signs or where wind speed information for a locality is not Tool 4 Book of reference wall
The Australian Earth Building Hand- known.
charts 20pp G
book 151pp H (BD-006) (ISBN 0 7337 4817 1)
Tool 4 is a book of handy wallcharts that collates and
This Handbook sets out principles of accepted good prac- graphically presents the information introduced in
tice and recommended design guidelines for lightly load- HB 215—1999 Tools 1,2 and 3. This is a must as you will benefit
ed, primarily single- and two-storey, buildings constructed Guidelines for the adoption of CASE from a visual display of the diversity and interlinking
using unbaked earthen walls and floors. It provides guid- of the Standards and codes in the industry.
ance on material selection, preparation and use, different tools
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3453 7)
building techniques, recommendations for construction (ISO/IEC TR 14471:1999) 22pp C
details, measures for maintenance and repairs, design for This Handbook provides a methodology for CASE adop-
durability and strength, standard footings solutions and tion, which will help to reduce the cost, and increase the ef- HB 226.5
sets out standard test procedures. fectiveness, of CASE technology. It is identical to ISO/ Tool 5.1 Comparison checklist
(BD-083) (ISBN 0 7337 4000 6) IEC TR 14471:1999, Information technology—Software
engineering—Guidelines for the adoption of CASE tools. HB 226.5.1—2000
HB 197:1999 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3047 7)
AS 2124-1992 40pp F
An introductory guide to the slip re- Tool 5.1 is the first part of a planned series of Hand-
sistance of pedestrian surface materi- HB 220—2000 books that compare the common commercial condi-
als 15pp C Safety Issues for software 19pp D tions (introduced in Tool 2) with those in popular In-
This Handbook provides guidelines for the selection of The intent of this Handbook is to raise the awareness of all dustry Standards. It also includes common questions
slip-resistant pedestrian surfaces classified in accordance parties involved in the procurement, development, mainte- asked about the requirements within these Standards
with AS/NZS 4586:1999. It recommends minimum floor nance and asessment of systems containing software. In and where the answers are found.
surface classifications for a variety of locations, and in- doing so, this Handbook introduces the safety and legal ob- (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3454 5)
cludes a commentary on the test methods set out in AS/ ligations that everyone has, highlights the peculiarities of
NZS 4586, as well as information on the consideration of software, intrduces applicable standards, and provides HB 226.6
ramped surfaces. Published in conjunction with the guidance to further information. Published jointly with the
CSIRO. Australian Computer Society. Tool 6.1 Collection of essential
(BD-094) (ISBN 0 7337 3058 2) (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3282 6) contracting standards

HB 226.6.1—2000

HB 226.6.1—2000 bling Provider Rules which came into effect on 3 October reductions and quality improvements. This Handbook in-
Construct only contracts 2000. vestigates and describes guidelines for the electronic man-
(CT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3671 8) agement of documents used in the construction industry. It
Volume 1 and Volume 2 278pp O pays particular attention to the transition from manual to
Tool 6.1 is a crucial collection of Standards common- computerized processes, and the use of metadata in docu-
ly called up in Construct Only Contracts, such as ten- HB 246—2002 ment exchange. This Handbook is identical to, and has
dering, contractor pre-qualification criteria, commer- Guidelines for Managing Risk in Sport been reproduced from ISO/TR 19033 Technical product
cial conditions, management systems (quality, and Recreation 38pp D documentation—Metadata for construction documenta-
occupational health and safety, environment and legal Provides those involved in sport and recreation with guid- tion.
compliance); bills and schedules; and construction ance on risk management principles, process steps and ap- (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4097 9)
programming. plications, based on AS/NZS 4360:1999. The Handbook
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3455 3) was produced with the endorsement of the Standing Com-
mittee on Sport and Recreation (SCORS). It offers a na-
HB 255:2002
HB 227—2000 tional framework to guide the understanding and manage- ISO/TR 19121 Geographic informa-
Portable soccer goalposts—Manufac- ment of risk, and a common platform to support strategies tion—Imagery and gridded data
and resources directed towards dealing with risk manage- (ISO/TR 19121) 35pp F
ture, use and storage 6pp A ment issues.
Provides guidance on the manufacture, installation, use, Reviews the manner by which geographic information us-
(OB-007) (ISBN 0 7337 4546 6) ers and the 19100 series of Standards handle imagery and
storage and maintenance of portable soccer goalposts. It is
intended for use by soccer officials, sports club personnel, gridded data. Presents a plan to address the imagery and
school officials, sports equipment manufacturers and pur- HB 248—2001 gridded data in an integrated manner.
chasers, parents, coaches, council employees and any other Organisational experiences in imple- (IT-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4519 9)
person concerned with soccer goal safety. menting information security manage-
(M-) (ISBN 0 7337 3363 8) ment systems 55pp F HB 257—2002
This Handbook provides an insight into how some of Aus- Measurement of liquid velocity in
HB 228:2001 tralia's leading organisations have implemented informa- open channels—Design, selection and
Guidelines for managing risk in the tion security management systems. Organisations are cau-
use of electromagnetic current meters
healthcare sector 126pp G tious about sharing such information because it is a source
The Guidelines provide a generic framework for managing of competitive advantage. However they agreed to provide (ISO/TS 15768:2000) 9pp B
risk in the health sector. They provide a reference point for these case studies with the objective of assisting organisa- This Handbook provides information on the characteristics
boards of management, senior executives with clinical and tions and individuals to develop their own approaches to, of a typical electromagnetic current meter and provides
corporate governance responsibilities, together with risk and capabilities for, managing the implementation of in- guidance on performance features and limitations of the in-
management and clinical staff. These guidelines are based formation security management systems. The Handbook strument when used to determine point velocity for the
on AS/NZS 4360:1999 Risk management. draws on the underlying principles in AS/NZS purpose of measuring flow in an open channel using the
4444.1:1999, Code of practice for information security velocity area method. This Handbook is identical to, and
(HM-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3419 7) management, (current edition is AS/NZS ISO/IEC has been reproduced from, ISO/TS 15768 Measurement of
17799:2001), the risk management standard, AS/NZS liquid velocity in open channels—Design, selection and
HB 231:2000 4360:1999, Risk management, and the Handbook HB use of electromagnetic current meters.
Information security risk management 231:2000, Information security risk management guide- (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4098 7)
guidelines 58pp E (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3852 4)
Amdt 1 24 July 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 3938 5) X HB 258—2002
This Handbook provides a generic guide for the establish- Liquid flow in open channels and part-
ment and implementation of a risk management process HB 249—2000
for information security risks. Managing and Delivering Technical ly filled pipes—Guidelines for the ap-
(IT-012) (ISBN 0 7337 3360 3) Training 57pp E plication of Doppler-based flow
This Handbook has been specifically designed to equip measurements
HB 237—2000 highly skilled people with all the additional skills they re- (ISO/TS 15769:2000) 23pp E
Detailing and construction of concrete quire to analyse, design and manage training, as well as de- This Handbook gives guidelines for the selection and use
liver training courses. Drawing on the author's 30 years ex- of Doppler-based flowmeters for the measurement of liq-
masonry perience in the technical training field, the handbook uid flow in small open channels and partly filled pipes. It
Includes a CD-ROM 246pp J covers the preparation necessary before standing up in focuses on the process of velocity estimation and the con-
This Handbook is a companion document to HB 124-2000, front of a group, and tips on coping with the unforseen ditions and practices which will help to deliver optimum
Design of concrete masonry structures, in accordance with once training is under way. It also includes how to manage results. This Handbook is identical to, and has been repro-
AS 3700-1998. It provides information on the uses, pro- the actual delivery, way. It also includes how to manage duced from, ISO/TS 15769 Hydrometric determinations—
portions and specification of concrete masonry. Also in- the actual delivery, testing and final assessment. Liquid flow in open channels and partly filled pipes—
cludes details for earthquake loads, mullions and stiffen- (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3713 7) Guidelines for the application of Doppler based flow
ers, as well as details for meeting durability and fire measurements.
(B-) (ISBN 0 909407 42 8) HB 250—2000 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4099 5)
Organizational experiences in imple-
HB 240:2000 menting risk management practices HB 259
Guidelines for managing risk in out- 46pp F Guidelines for road condition monitor-
sourcing utilizing the AS/NZS 4360 HB 250 was developed by Standards Australia in coopera- ing
tion with Arthur Andersen. The handbook draws on the un-
process 95pp G derlying principles in the Australian Standard for risk man-
Provides a guide to managing risks which arise when or- agement AS/NZS 4360:1999, the risk management
HB 259.1:2001
ganisations outsource elements of their business. The expertise of Arthur Andersen, and the experiences of sev- Pavement roughness 44pp D
Handbook uses the risk management model in AS/NZS eral participant organisations including AMP Ltd, Ansett This Handbook provides guidelines to promote the
4360:1999, and includes case studies and a checklist of im- Australia, BHP, Pioneer International Ltd, Qantas Airways standardisation of road pavement condition monitor-
portant issues to address when outsourcing. Ltd, Sydney Ports and Telstra. The objective of the hand- ing and ensure that only useful data is collected, to
(OB-007) (ISBN 0 7337 3541 X) book is to assist organisations and individuals to develop lower costs of collection and of processing data, im-
their own approaches to and capabilities for managing risk. prove the quality, and increase the value, of data for
HB 241—2002 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3562 2) road agencies.
Water Management for Public Swim- (CE-006) (ISBN 0 85588 572 6)
ming Pools and Spas 118pp K HB 251—2001
This 2nd Edition Handbook will provide public swimming Customer satisfaction measurement HB 261—2001
pool and spa owners, managers, engineers and operators 31pp D Glossary of facility management
with a clearer understanding and appreciation of water There is a definite customer focus in the revised AS/NZS terms 50pp E
quality management. Information covered includes, pool ISO 9001:2000 Quality management system-Require-
design factors to be considered, monitoring the physical This completely revised Handbook provides a listing of
ments. With this new focus comes an increased need to un- terms for use within the professional discipline of facility
and chemical properties of water, physical and chemical derstand customer needs and expectations. The overall aim management. Included in the document are new terms as-
control of pollution by bathers, and essential maintenance of this Handbook is to provide businesses with a greater sociated with environmental requirements, energy effi-
required. A section is included on troubleshooting prob- understanding of options they have for collecting customer ciency, communications and "the smart house". While
lems and the steps to be taken to rectify them. The aim of satisfaction data. The document explains the new Standard many terms in the Handbook are unique to facility man-
the Handbook is to help those responsible for water quality in the context of continuous measurement of customer sat-
to produce high quality, good looking water that will com- agement, the remainder are shared with other disciplines
isfaction—that is, a Customer Satisfaction Monitor. It in- including property management, real estate and building
ply with local regulations and reduce bathers' exposure to cludes a number of 'real-life' examples of businesses where management, architecture and building service engineer-
contamination and health risks. customer satisfaction is being measured on a continuous ing. The definitions can be used in contracts and other
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4881 3) basis and explains different methods that may be employed agreements.
to collect customer satisfaction data. (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3916 4)
HB 243—2000 (DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3750 1)
Communications Cabling Manual, HB 262—2002
Module 1: Australian regulatory ar- HB 253—2002
Electronic document management for Pathology electronic messaging—
rangements Guidelines for pathology messaging
Replaces CCM 01-1998, CCM 02-1998 and CCM the construction industry
(ISO/TR 19033:2000) 24pp C between pathology providers and
03-1998 which are Withdrawn 30pp C
Provides essential regulatory information to industry in or- The large number of documents that are used within the health service providers—Implemen-
der to assist communication cable installers and others to construction industry are well suited to being handled by tation guide 125pp I
comply with the requirements of the Telecommunications electronic document management technologies, and the Provides a guide for implementing HL7 pathology mes-
Act 1997. In particular, this Handbook gives advice on Ca- main incentive for change from manual systems are cost saging between providers and health service providers in

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

Australia, using HL7 Version 2.3.1 protocol. It conforms MP 15.6—1990 MP 58—1991

to Australian Standard AS 4700.1.
Drafting and Interpretation of Workplace injury and disease record-
(IT-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4542 3) Standards from a legal perspec- ing standard—Resource kit 174pp L
tive 16pp F Provides additional details for setting up the recording sys-
HB 275—2001 Provides rules for the uniformity in style and presen- tem given in AS 1885.1-1990 for recording details of
Knowledge Management: A frame- tation of draft Standards. workplace injury and disease, for coding the information
(MS-) (ISBN 0 7262 6196 3) recorded, and for interpreting and analyzing that informa-
work for succeeding in the knowledge tion.
era 62pp G (ISBN 0 7262 6977 8)
Knowledge Management (KM) is a multi-disciplined ap- MP 24—1972
proach to achieving organisational objectives by making Use of lifts in emergencies (an exami- MP 59—2000
the best use of knowledge. KM focuses on processes such nation by the SAA Committee on Lift Naming and addressing in the Austral-
as acquiring, creating and sharing knowledge and the cul- Installations) 17pp C
tural and technical foundations that support them. This ian OSI environment 13pp D
handbook outlines a framework that is designed to reduce (ME-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3593 8) Specifies the essential details required of the OSI Registra-
confusion about KM, instil confidence in the value of the tion Authority to ensure unique naming and addressing
field and to assist organisations in its implementation. The MP 25:2002 within the OSI environment for Australia. The three areas
framework provides a common-point of reference so or- Basic guide to microfilming 13pp C which the Registration Authority covers are PRMD,
ganisations can move beyond "what is it?"conversations to ADMD and object identifier naming schema. An applica-
applying it. By considering the elements of KM outlined in Provides a basic guide for microfilm operators with partic-
ular reference to planetary cameras. tion form is included.
the framework, an organisation can have a greater degree (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3078 7)
of confidence that it is managing its knowledge processes (MS-004) (ISBN 0 7337 4764 7)
in a comprehensive and professional manner.
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3903 2) MP 36—1979 MP 61—1992
Recommendations for design of ma- Buried pipes—Glossary of terms
HB 275 Supplement 1—2001 chinery and equipment to control in- 6pp B
sect infestation in grain 10pp B Provides a glossary of terms to promote consistency of ter-
International Best Practice—Case minology associated with buried pipes.
Studies in Knowledge Management (ME-065) (ISBN 0 7262 1599 6)
(ISBN 0 7262 7202 7)
207pp I MP 46—1980
Knowledge is becoming recognised as both the foundation Recommendations for design of farm MP 62—1992
of competitive advantage and the basis of market capitali-
silos, field bins and truck bodies to OSI—Vocabulary 54pp F
sation of companies. This publication, written by two re- Defines the terms used in the OSI environment. The defi-
searchers from the Faculty of Business, University of control insect infestation in grain nitions have been culled from a number of ISO Standards
Technology, Sydney, provides examples of international 10pp B in the OSI area covering all layers of the basic reference
best practice in the application of knowledge management model.
in leading international corporations. The supplement ex- (ME-065) (ISBN 0 7262 1875 8)
pands on HB 275 Knowledge Management and, in addi- (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7217 5)
tion to the case studies, provides fundamental information MP 48—2001
on application and use of knowledge within organisations. Certificated gas cylinder test stations MP 63—1992
Published in conjunction with the University of Technolo- The Australian GarmentMark—Speci-
gy, Sydney. 103pp I
(DD-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3934 2)
Lists the gas cylinder test stations which have been granted fications and procedures 17pp E
a certificate by Standards Australia to test gas cylinders. Amdt 1 June 1992 (ISBN 0 7262 7515 8) X
Such a certificate is designated to be prominently dis- Provides specifications for the use of the GarmentMark
HB 300—2001 played at the test station to show the type of cylinders that and includes procedures and regulations for authorization
may be tested and the names of the personnel authorized to under the scheme administered by Standards Australia
Electrical installations—Guide to us- sign the completed test reports. Quality Assurance Services Pty Ltd.
ing the Wiring rules 115pp G (ME-002) (ISBN 0 7337 3879 6) (ISBN 0 7262 7250 7)
Amdt 1 4 October 2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4158 4) X
Provides guidance on the application of the performance MP 51—1986 MP 64—1995
based Wiring rules. Covers important aspects to be consid- A study of language in Australian Manual of assessment procedure for
ered before installation is commenced; selection and in- business documents 22pp E
stallation of equipment; and inspection and testing on com-
Sets out methodology and results of a study designed to water efficient appliances 11pp C
pletion. Many worked examples of calculations, Specifies procedures and relative criteria for the rating and
informative figures and drawings and explanations of new measure the difficulty of Australian business language and
to produce a list of the most commonly used words in cur- labelling of water-efficient domestic appliances.
terms are included. (B-) (ISBN 0 7262 9772 0)
rent Australian business language.
(E-) (ISBN 0 7337 3904 0) (MS-016) (ISBN 0 7262 4414 7)
MP 65—1992
HB 301—2001 MP 52—2001 Lump sum contract for building works
Electrical installations—Designing to Manual of authorization procedures with administration by proprietor
the Wiring rules 290pp H for plumbing and drainage products (RAIA ABP-1-1992) 137pp I
Provides guidance on theory and practice which may be 91pp I Amdt 1 August 1993 (ISBN 0 7262 8341 X) X
applied to the design of electrical installations in order to Amdt 1 12 August 2002 (ISBN 0 7337 4744 2) X Sets out general conditions of contract for building
comply with AS/NZS 3000:2000. Contains a narrative and Provides detailed information on the authorization proce- projects of relatively small scale, where administration of
flow charts which explain the processes and procedures dures for plumbing products based upon the national the contract is carried out by the proprietor. It consists of a
such as the brief, the planning stage and the detailed design StandardsMark, WaterMark and TypeTest Mark certifica- folder containing a set of practice notes, a pad of standard
stage of the electrical installation. A suite of complying so- tion schemes administered by Standards Australia through forms for contract administration together with two con-
lutions covering residential, retail development, three sto- its approved Certifying Body. tracts, one marked builder's copy and the other marked
rey office building and light industrial units is included. (P-009) (ISBN 0 7337 3718 8) proprietor's copy.
(E-) (ISBN 0 7337 4243 2) (ISBN 0 7262 7490 9)
MP 55—1988
MH 3—1976 Vehicle identification number (VIN) MP 67
Metric conversion: machine tool spec- codes Standardized interoperability tests in
ifications (ISO 3779 ISO 3780 ISO 4030) 6pp C the OSI environment
A4 12pp C Incorporates the relevant International Standards in one
Provides a listing of units for expressing machine tool
comprehensive document, and gives guidelines on proce- MP 67.1—1992
dures to be followed by Australian manufacturers in appli- X.400 tests 85pp I
characteristics and sets out information on the units that cations for a WMI Code, and in setting up a VIN number-
should be used to specify the basic operating functions of ing system in accordance with the ISO format. Technically Specifies a suite of interoperability tests which can be
the more common types of machine tools used in metal re- equivalent to ISO 3779, ISO 3780, and ISO 4030 which performed on equipment which complies with the
moval, metal-forming, plastics moulding, electroplating, cover Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and World X.400 (1984) series of Recommendations. This Mis-
electrical discharge machining, welding, flame cutting, die Manufacturer Identifier (WMI). cellaneous Publication is identical with, and repro-
casting and woodworking. duced from, OSINET X.400 Interoperability Tests,
(ISBN 0 7262 5421 5)
(ME-) (ISBN 0 7262 0937 6) June 1990.
(IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7550 6)
MP 56—1988
MP 2—1938 Register of Australian and New Zea- MP 67.2—1992
Report on the standardization of mini- land credit/identification card issuers
mum requirements for sewerage by- registered with the International Or- FTAM tests 101pp I
Specifies a suite of interoperability tests which can be
laws 63pp C ganization for Standardization (ISO) performed on equipment which complies with the file
(WS-) (ISBN 0 7262 0073 5) 32pp F transfer access management standard (ISO/IEC
Simplified listings, in alphabetical and numerical order, for 8571). This Miscellaneous Publication is identical
quick reference purposes for issuers and other involved with, and reproduced from, OSINET FTAM Interop-
MP 15 parties. erability Tests, June 1990.
Standards Australia Style Manual (IT-005) (ISBN 0 7262 5190 9) (IT-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7551 4)

MP 68—1992

MP 68—1992 instruments and equipment for sterilization in health care MP 91—2000

facilities. To be used in conjunction with AS 4187-1998.
Test method assessment sheet (HE-023) Dynamic approaches to healthcare
Pad of 20 forms X risk management
Provides a form for use when assessing the adequacy of a
MP 81—1999 196pp $55.00 Retail
written test method. No discount
Guide to application of AS 4187-
Selected proceedings from two symposia on healthcare
1998—Storage and handling of proc- risk management 1999 and 2000.
MP 69—1993 essed items (ISBN 0 7337 3352 3)
Explosion-protected electrical equip- Use in conjunction with AS 4187-1998
ment—Certification scheme—Policy Flowchart 1p A MP 93—2002
Quick-reference card, jointly prepared by Standards Aus-
12pp C tralia and the Australian council on Healthcare Standards, 2002 Australian Design Awards Year-
Amdt 1 February 1996 (ISBN 0 7262 8794 6) X for providing simple 'how to do it' information and guid- book 80pp E
Contains policy details for the administration and opera- ance, in the form of a flow chart, for the storage and han-
tion of the certification scheme for explosion-protected dling of processed medical and surgical instruments and
electrical equipment. equipment in health care facilities. To be used in conjunc-
(P-008) (ISBN 0 7262 8543 9) tion with AS 4187-1998. MP 93—2001
(HE-023) 2001 Australian Design Awards Year-
MP 74:1996 book 80pp C
Strategies for the development of MP 82—1999
Standards for digital video and associ- Guide to application of AS 4187-
ated services 125pp D 1998—Cleaning process—Flowchart RUL PE
Provides an overview of the standards environment in Use in conjunction with AS 4187-1998 Rulings to pressure equipment Stand-
Australia and New Zealand, as it applies to digital televi- Flowchart 1p A ards
sion and related digital broadband and interactive services Quick-reference card, jointly prepared by Standards Aus-
and provides recommendations for future Standards devel- tralia and the Australian council on Healthcare Standards,
opment strategies, to ensure adequate flexibility, openness for providing simple 'how to do it' information and guid- RUL PE.0—2002
and freedom of choice for consumers in the uptake of dig- ance, in the form of a flow chart, for the cleaning of reusa- Part 0: Introduction and list of rul-
ital services. ble medical and surgical instruments and equipment in ings 2pp X
(E-) (ISBN 0 7337 0269 4) health care facilities. To be used in conjunction with AS
4187-1998. (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4600 4)
MP 75—1996 (HE-023)
RUL PE.1—2002
Strategies for the implementation of a MP 83—1999 Ruling 1: Retention of backing
Public Key Authentication Framework Guide to application of AS 4187- strips in logitudinal joints in refrig-
(PKAF) in Australia 69pp D 1998—Disinfection eration vessels (Ruling to AS
Sets out recommendations and describes issues for the im-
plementation of a Public Key Authentication Framework Use in conjunction with AS 4187-1998 1210) 1p A
(PKAF) as the infrastructure needed to ensure that elec- Flowchart 1p A (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4601 2)
tronic transactions can be validated when electronic com- Quick-reference card, jointly prepared by Standards Aus-
merce becomes commonplace. Outlines the needs and pro- tralia and the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, RUL PE.2—2002
posals for compatible national and international systems of for providing simple 'how to do it' information and guid-
"digital signatures"necessary for the compatibility be- ance, in the form of a flow chart, for the disinfection of re- Ruling 2: Nonconforming longitu-
tween organizations (both locally and internationally) and usable medical and surgical instruments and equipment in dinal joints in refrigeration vessels
private citizens. Relevant to Australian businesses and health care facilities. To be used in conjunction with AS (Ruling to AS 1210) 2pp A
government operations. Policy and legal issues are also 4187-1998.
canvassed. (HE-023) (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4603 9)
(E-) (ISBN 0 7337 0802 1)
MP 84—2000 RUL PE.3—2002
MP 76:1997 Evolution Of Australian Standards for Ruling 3: Internally fitted doors for
Pressure equipment—Inspection bod- structural steel 21pp D beer tanks (Ruling to AS 1210)
ies and personnel 23pp D Documents the history of changes that have taken place in 1p A
Sets out the requirements for inspection bodies and person- Australian Standards for structural steel with specific ref- (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4604 7)
nel who undertake design verification, fabrication inspec- erence to plate products. Also listed are major develop-
tion and in-service inspection of pressure equipment de- ments/plant commissioning in the steel industry in Aus-
scribed within the scope of AS/NZS 1200 and its tralia. RUL PE.4—2002
referenced Standards. It also describes the mechanisms to (BD-023) (ISBN 0 7337 3201 1) Ruling 4: Pressure containers for
accredit bodies and to certify personnel. paint (Ruling to AS 1210) 1p A
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1257 6) MP 85—2000 (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4605 5)
Guide to application of AS 4187-1998,
MP 78—1999 Heat-sensitive endoscope reprocess- RUL PE.5—2002
Manual for the assessment of risks of ing Ruling 5: Sugar processing vacu-
plumbing products 25pp E Use in conjunction with AS 4187-1998 um pans and evaporators—Tube-
Provides a systematic approach to the process for risk iden- Flowchart 1p A plate design and tube fixing
tification, risk analysis, risk assessment and risk treatment Quick-reference card, jointly prepared by Standards Aus-
of plumbing and drainage products, appliances and equip- tralia and the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards,
(Ruling to AS 1210) 1p A
ment within the scope of the National Certification Plumb- for providing simple 'how to do' information and guidance, (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4606 3)
ing and Drainage Products (NCPDP). in the form of a flow chart, for the reprocessing of heat-
(P-009) (ISBN 0 7337 2664 X) sensitive endoscopes in health care facilities. To be read in RUL PE.6—2002
conjunction with AS 4187-1998.
Ruling 6: Fusion-welded chlorine
MP 79—1999 (HE-023)
transport drums (Ruling to AS
Guide to application of AS 4187- 1210) 3pp B
1998—Sterilization process MP 87 (Int):2001
Australian/New Zealand Certification (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4607 1)
Use in conjuction with AS 4187-1998
Table 1p A Scheme for explosion-protected elec-
trical equipment (ANZEx Scheme)— RUL PE.7—2002
Quick-reference card, jointly prepared by Standards Aus-
tralia and the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, Basic rules and procedures Ruling 7: Small safety valves (Rul-
for providing simple 'how to do it' information and guid- (Expires 11 December 2003) 44pp F ing to AS 1271) 1p A
ance, in the form of a table, for sterilizing reusable medical (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4608 X)
and surgical instruments and equipment in health care fa- Contains the basic rules and procedures for the manage-
cilities. To be used in conjunction with AS 4187-1998. ment, administration and operation of the Australian/New
(HE-023) Zealand Certificaiton Scheme (ANZEx Scheme) for ex- RUL PE.8—2002
plosion-protected electrical equipment; this Scheme em-
braces certification of electrical equipment intended for Ruling 8: Seamless copper pipe
MP 80—1999 use in explosive atmospheres and is adopted as the Nation- joined by brazing (Ruling to AS
Guide to application of AS 4187- al Scheme in Australia and New Zealand. 4041) 2pp A
1998—Preparation, inspection and (P-008) (ISBN 0 7337 4141 X) (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4609 8)
packaging for sterilization MP 88—2000
Use in conjunction with AS 4187-1998 RUL PE.9—2002
Flowchart 1p A Evolution of Australian Standard for Ruling 9: Design of pressure
Quick-reference card, jointly prepared by Standards Aus- pressure vessel steel plate 11pp C equipment using steel having bilat-
tralia and the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, Provides the pressure equipment industry with a historical
for providing simple 'how to do it' information and guid- guide to the significant changes to the Standards for pres- eral thickness tolerances (Ruling
ance, in the form of a flow chart, for the preparation, in- sure equipment steel plate. to AS 1210 and AS 1548) 2pp A
spection and packaging of reusable medical and surgical (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 3258 5) (ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4610 1)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

RUL PE.10—2001 RUL PL.10—2002 RUL PL.22—2002

Ruling 10: Advanced design ves- Ruling 10: Minimum thickness for Ruling 22: Size and material and in-
sels—Use of joggled joints (Ruling thermal insulation (Ruling to AS stallation (Ruling to AS 3500.4-
to AS 1210 Supplement 1-1990) 3500.4-1994) 1p A 1994) 1p A
1p A Ruling clarifying Table 6.2, minimum thickness for Ruling clarifying Clauses 4.12.1(c) and 4.12.3(d)(v),
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4216 5) thermal insulation. Size and material and installation.
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4288 2) (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4302 1)
RUL PE.11—2001
Ruling 11: Advanced design ves- RUL PL.11—2002 RUL PL.23—2002
sels—Design strength valves (Rul- Ruling 11: DN 80 stack with the top Ruling 23: Tundish drain lines (Rul-
ing to AS 1210 Supplement 1- section graded installed in a Class ing to AS 3500.4-1994) 1p A
1990) 1p X 1 to 4 building (Ruling to AS Ruling clarifying Clause 4.12.5, Tundish drain lines.
(ME-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4217 3) (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4303 X)
3500.2-1990) 1p A
Ruling clarifying Clause 8.8.3, DN stack with the top RUL PL.24—2002
RUL PL section graded installed in a class 1 to 4 building.
Rulings to plumbing and piping sys- (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4289 0) Ruling 24: Thermostatic mixing
tems Standards valves (Ruling to AS 3500.4-1994)
RUL PL.12—2002 1p A
RUL PL.0—2002 Ruling 12: Drains in landslip areas Ruling clarifying Clause 3.7, Thermostatic mixing
Part 0: Introduction and list of rul- valves.
(Ruling to AS 3500.2-1990) 1p A (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4304 8)
ings 1p A Ruling clarifying Clause 5.9, drains in landslip areas.
Rulings to the plumbing and piping systems Stand-
ards are interpretations relating to specific enquiries (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4290 4) RUL PL.25—2002
that have a wide area of practical application. Ruling 25: Table 4.1 (Ruling to AS
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3433 2) RUL PL.13—2002 3500.4-1994) 1p A
Ruling 13: Drains in landslip areas Ruling clarifying Table 4.1.
RUL PL.1—2002 (Ruling to AS 3500.3-1990) 1p A (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4305 6)
Ruling 1: Installation of backflow Ruling clarifying Clause 5.6, Drains in landslip areas.
prevention devices (Ruling to AS (WS-020) (ISBN 0 7337 4291 2) RUL PL.26—2002
3500.1-1992) 1p A Ruling 26: Local authority water
Ruling clarifying Clause 4.6, Installation of backflow RUL PL.14—2002 supply to properties with treatment
prevention devices.
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3500 2) Ruling 14: Cooling towers (Ruling plants (Ruling to AS 3500.1-1992)
to AS 3500.1-1992) 1p A 1p A
RUL PL.2—2002 Ruling clarifying Table 4.2, Figure 4.1, Cooling tow- Ruling clarifying General, Local authority water sup-
ers. ply to properties with treatment plants.
Ruling 2: Baths (Ruling to AS (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4306 4)
3500.2-1990) 1p A (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4292 0)
Ruling clarifying Clause 11.9, Baths. RUL PL.27—2002
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 3501 0) RUL PL.15—2002
Ruling 15: Graded discharge pipes Ruling 27: General design require-
RUL PL.3—2002 (Ruling to AS 3500.2-1990) 1p A ments for sanitary plumbing sys-
Ruling 3: Terminal fittings (Ruling tems (Ruling to AS 3500.2-1990)
Ruling clarifying Clause 6.4, Graded discharge pipes.
to AS 3500.4-1994) 1p A (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4293 9)
1p A
Ruling clarifying Clause 3.5.8, Terminal fittings. Ruling clarifying Section 6, General design requirem-
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4281 5) nts for sanitary plumbing systems.
RUL PL.16—2002 (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4307 2)
RUL PL.4—2002 Ruling 16: Sanitary fixtures deliv-
ery temperature (Ruling to AS RUL PL.28—2002
Ruling 4: Water storage and break
tanks (Ruling to AS 3500.1-1992) 3500.4-1994) 1p A Ruling 28: Materials and products
1p A Ruling clarifying Clause 1.10.2, Sanitary fixtures de- (UPVC) (Ruling to AS 3500.2-
livery temperature. 1990) 1p A
Ruling clarifying Section 8, Water storage and break (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4294 7)
tanks. Ruling clarifying Section 2, materials and products
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4282 3) (UPVC).
RUL PL.17—2002 (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4308 0)
RUL PL.5—2002 Ruling 17: Installation (Ruling to
Ruling 5: Installation of cisterns AS 3500.4-1994) 1p A RUL PL.29—2002
(Ruling to AS 3500.1-1992) 1p A Ruling clarifying Clause 4.12.3, Installation. Ruling 29: Materials and products
Ruling clarifying Clause 9.5, Installation of cisterns. (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4296 3) (PE-X) (Ruling to AS 3500.1-1992)
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4283 1) 1p A
RUL PL.18—2002 Ruling clarifying Clause 2.4.9 and AS 3500.4-1994
RUL PL.6—2002 Clause 2.2.7, Materials and products (PE-X)
Ruling 18: Unconcealed storage (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4309 9)
Ruling 6: Upstream vent (Ruling to water containers (Ruling to AS
AS 3500.2-1990) 1p A 3500.4-1994) 1p A
Ruling clarifying Clause, Upstream vent—
RUL PL.30—2002
one fixture upstream. Ruling clarifying Clause 4.4.2, Unconcealed storage Ruling 30: Connection points for
water containers.
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4282 X) short-term sites (Ruling to AS/NZS
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4298 X)
3500.2.2-1996) 1p A
RUL PL.7—2002 Ruling clarifying Clause 3.15.3, Connection points
Ruling 7: Upstream vent (Ruling to RUL PL.19—2002 for short-term sites.
AS 3500.2-1990) 1p A Ruling 19: Layout and size (Ruling (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4310 2)
Ruling clarifying Clause, Upstream vent - to AS 3500.4-1994) 1p A
branch drain. Ruling clarifying Clause 3.6.1, Layout and size. RUL PL.31—2002
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4285 8) (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4299 8) Ruling 31: Location of piping in
concrete (Ruling to AS 3500.1-
RUL PL.8—2002 RUL PL.20—2002 1992) 1p A
Ruling 8: External hose taps (Rul- Ruling 20: Size of drainage vents Ruling clarifying Clause 5.5.1(b), and AS 3500.4-
ing to AS 3500.1-1992) 1p A (Ruling to AS 3500.2-1990) 1p A 1994 Clause—Location of piping in con-
Ruling clarifying Clause 4.4.3, External hose taps. crete.
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4286 6) Ruling clarifying Clause 3.10.3, Size of drainage (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4311 0)
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4300 5) RUL PL.32—2002
RUL PL.9—2002
Ruling 9: Copper pipes and copper Ruling 32: Sanitary fixtures deliv-
RUL PL.21—2002 ery temperature (Ruling to AS/NZS
fittings (Ruling to AS 3500.2-1990)
1p A Ruling 21: Size and material (Rul- 3500.4.2:1997) 1p A
Ruling clarifying Clauses 2.4.1 Copper pipes, and
ing to AS 3500.4-1994) 1p A Ruling clarifying Clause 1.6.2, Sanitary fixtures de-
Clause 2.4.2 Copper fittings. Ruling clarifying Clause 4.12.1(c), Size and material. livery temperature.
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4287 4) (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4301 3) (WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4312 9)

RUL PL.33—2002

RUL PL.33—2002 tice 1997 issued by the Australian Communications Au- either subscribe to the full CD-ROM or combinations to
thority (ACA). suit their requirements. Existing customers can upgrade
Ruling 33: Encasing high-density (ET-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1434 X) their subscription and add extra packages. This subscrip-
polyethylene (HDPE) in concrete tion CD-ROM is the companion manual to the BCA which
(Ruling to AS/NZS 3500.2.2:1996) SP 045 acts as a reference guide for people seeking clarification,
1p A illustrations, or examples, on Volume Two (Housing Pro-
Electronic BCA (V1 & 2) visions) of the BCA. This deals specifically with Class 1
Ruling clarifying Encasing high-density polyethylene Reinstated June 1999 and Class 10 buildings. This subscription includes power-
(HDPE) in concrete. ful search tools, convenient hot links, copy/paste and print-
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4313 7)
CD-ROM $262.00 Retail No discount
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) is the definitive ing facilities and all amendments that occur during the 12
regulatory resource for the domestic and non-domestic month subscription period.
RUL PL.34—2002 building construction industries, providing a nationally ac-
Ruling 34: Polypropylene piping cepted and uniform approach to technical requirements for
the building industry. It is often called up in legislation and SP 051
type (PP-R) (Ruling to AS/NZS cited in building contracts, making it a mandatory docu-
3500.1.2-1998) 1p A ment for everyone in the building industry.The BCA CD- Electronic BCA Housing Provisions
Ruling clarifying Table 1, Polypropylene piping (PP- ROM now has a variety of options available on one disk. (V2)
R). Customers can either subscribe to the full CD-ROM or CD-ROM $141.00 Retail No discount
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4314 5) combinations to suit their requirements. Existing custom-
ers can upgrade their subscription and add extra packages. The Building Code of Australia (BCA) is the definitive
You get Volumes One & Two of the BCA if you subscribe regulatory resource for the domestic and non-domestic
RUL PL.35—2002 to this CD-ROM. Volume One covers Class 2 to 9 build- building construction industries, providing a nationally ac-
Ruling 35: Polypropylene random ings and Volume Two (Housing Provisions) covers Class cepted and uniform approach to technical requirements for
1 and 10 buildings. This subscription includes powerful the building industry. It is often called up in legislation and
co-polymer (PP-R) pipe (Ruling to search tools, convenient hot links, copy/paste and printing cited in building contracts, making it a mandatory docu-
AS/NZS 3500.1.2:1998) 1p A facilities and all amendments that occur during the 12 ment for everyone in the building industry.The BCA CD-
Ruling clarifying Clause 2.4.11, relating to the use of month subscription period. ROM now has a variety of options available on one disk.
polypropylene (PP-R) pipe SDR 11 pipe as an accept- Customers can either subscribe to the full CD-ROM or
able solution for cold water application. combinations to suit their requirements. Existing custom-
(WS-014) (ISBN 0 7337 4413 3) ers can upgrade their subscription and add extra packages.
SP 047A This CD-ROM subscription includes Volume Two (Hous-
Electronic BCA (V1 & 2) plus Stand- ing Provisions) of the BCA. Volume Two (Housing Provi-
SP 032 ards (NEW) sions) covers Class 1 and 10 buildings. This subscription
Quality Manual Toolkit includes powerful search tools, convenient hot links, copy/
CD-ROM $1168.75 Retail paste and printing facilities and all amendments that occur
Software $110.00 Retail No discount $935.00 Member during the 12 month subscription period.
SP 032 is an easy to use draft of a manual which addresses The Building Code of Australia (BCA) is the definitive
the requirements of the latest Quality Standard AS/NZS regulatory resource for the domestic and non-domestic
ISO 9001. The software is supplied in Word and WordPer- building construction industries, providing a nationally ac-
fect and is simply loaded and sections added, altered or de- cepted and uniform approach to technical requirements for SP 052A
leted to suit the individual company that is developing a
quality system. It consists of a six page guide to using the
the building industry. It is often called up in legislation and Electronic BCA (V1 & 2) plus Stand-
cited in building contracts, making it a mandatory docu- ards and Guide
toolkit and 61 pages of draft manual. A further 12 pages is ment for everyone in the building industry.The BCA CD-
filled with examples of the forms needed and the structure ROM now has a variety of options available on one disk. CD-ROM $1309.75 Retail
of a quantity plan; it even has a procedure for writing pro- Customers can either subscribe to the full CD-ROM or $1076.00 Member
cedures! combinations to suit their requirements. Existing custom-
(ISBN 0 7262 9322 9) The Building Code of Australia (BCA) is the definitive
ers can upgrade their subscription and add extra packages. regulatory resource for the domestic and non-domestic
This CD-ROM is a subscription based service containing building construction industries, providing a nationally ac-
SP 041 both Volumes One & Two of the BCA and copies of all cepted and uniform approach to technical requirements for
referenced Standards in a fully searchable Windows envi-
ISO 9003 Quality System Support Kit ronment. This subscription includes powerful search tools,
the building industry. It is often called up in legislation and
Software $110.00 Retail No discount cited in building contracts, making it a mandatory docu-
convenient hot links, copy/paste and printing facilities and ment for everyone in the building industry. The Building
SP 041 is an easy-to-use draft of a quality manual and ex- all amendments that occur during the 12 month subscrip- Code of Australia (BCA) CD-ROM now has a variety of
ample procedures. It is useful to any company setting up a tion period. options available on one disk. Customers can either sub-
Quality Management System using the Quality Standard scribe to the full CD-ROM or combinations to suit their re-
AS/NZS ISO 9003. The document is supplied in both quirements. Existing customers can upgrade their sub-
Word and WordPerfect formats. It is simply loaded then scription and add extra packages. This package includes
sections added, altered or deleted to suit the individual SP 048
both Volumes One & Two of the BCA, copies of all the
company requirements. It is particularly useful to compa- Quality of Self Assessment—Soft- referenced Standards and the BCA Guide. The BCA Guide
nies who are able to ensure the quality of their product by ware $198.00 No discount provides clarification, illustrations, or examples on Vol-
having a clear understanding of their customer require- SAA SP 048 is an easy-to-use self-assessment program ume Two (Housing Provisions) of the BCA. This subscrip-
ments and a system to ensure that these requirements have aimed at organizations with a Quality Management system tion includes powerful search tools, convenient hot links,
been met by checks and tests on completion of their work. in place. Based on our 'Beyond ISO 9000' handbook, the copy/paste and printing facilities and all amendments that
Plumbing and electrical contractors, builders and many product is supplied on disk and is simply loaded on to a PC. occur during the 12 month subscription period.
service firms can use this support kit in seeking certifica- From there the program takes you through a number of as-
tion to ISO 9003. It consists of three files containing a sessment criteria pertaining to management, customers,
guide to its use, a draft quality manual and one containing people and the organization. This program allows individ-
extensive examples of procedures and forms. It is written uals in a department to each rate the department's perform- TR 2
particularly for small business enterprises seeking a simple
do-it-yourself method for setting up a Quality System.
ance in relative anonymity. The results are then consolidat- Certified reference materials
ed and displayed in a number of set statistical graphics.
(ISBN 0 7337 0555 3) (ISBN 0 7337 2103 6)
TR 2.2-1—1997
SP 042 SP 049 Float glass (for use in determina-
C-Tick Logo Kit Electronic BCA (V1 & 2) plus Guide tion of abradability index by AS
Logo artwork plus 3.5"diskette CD-ROM $403.00 Retail No discount 1774.23.1) Preparation and certifi-
$22.00 Retail No discount The Building Code of Australia (BCA) is the definitive cation of ASCRM 002-1 4pp B
Provides artwork for the AUSTEL/SMA C-Tick logo, in regulatory resource for the domestic and non-domestic Describes the origin, preparation, calibration and cer-
both hard-copy and electronic formats. The C-Tick is an building construction industries, providing a nationally ac- tification of the certified reference float glass materi-
equipment compliance mark, the use of which is restricted cepted and uniform approach to technical requirements for al, ASCRM 002-1, to be used in determining the
to such organizations and individuals so authorized by the building industry. It is often called up in legislation and abradability index of a refractory material by the
AUSTEL or the SMA. cited in building contracts, making it a mandatory docu- method given in AS 1774.23.1. Included in purchase
(AUSTEL-) (ISBN 0 7337 0654 1) ment for everyone in the building industry. The BCA CD- of ASCRM 002-1.
ROM now has a variety of options available on one disk. (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 1426 9)
Customers can either subscribe to the full CD-ROM or
SP 043 combinations to suit their requirements. Existing custom-
RCM Logo Kit ers can upgrade their subscription and add extra packages. TR 2.2-2—1999
Logo artwork plus 3.5"diskette You get Volumes One & Two of the BCA and the BCA Float glass (for use in determina-
$33.00 Retail $27.50 Member Guide if you subscribe to this CD-ROM. Volume One cov-
ers Class 2 to 9 buildings and Volume Two (Housing Pro- tion of abradability index by AS
Provides equipment manufacturers with both a hard copy visions) covers Class 1 and 10 buildings. The BCA Guide 1774.23.2)—Preparation and certi-
and a soft copy of the artwork for the regulatory compli- provides clarification, illustrations, or examples on Vol-
ance mark (RCM) described in AS/NZS 4417. fication of ASCRM 002-2 6pp C
ume Two (Housing Provisions) of the BCA.This subscrip-
(QR-012) (ISBN 0 7337 0782 3) tion includes powerful search tools, convenient hot links, Describes the origin, preparation, calibration and cer-
copy/paste and printing facilities and all amendments that tification of the certified reference float glass materi-
occur during the 12 month subscription period. al, ASCRM 002-2, to be used in determining the
SP 044 abradability index of a refractory material by the
A-Tick Logo Kit method given in AS 1774.23.2.
Logo artwork plus 3.5"diskette (MN-007) (ISBN 0 7337 2538 4)
$33.00 Retail No discount SP 050
Provides equipment manufacturers with both a hard copy Electronic BCA Guide only TR 2.3-2—1993
and a soft copy of the artwork for the compliance and non- CD-ROM $141.00 Retail No discount
compliance marks defined by the Telecommunications La- The Building Code of Australia (BCA) CD-ROM now has Electrode carbon—Preparation
belling (Customer Equipment and Customer Cabling) No- a variety of options available on one disk. Customers can and certification of ASCRM 003-2

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

(for use in Gray-King coke type test TR 2.11-7—2002 The video focuses on small businesses in both the manu-
(AS 1038.12.2)) 2pp A facturing and service sectors.
Coal—Preparation and certifica- (ISBN 0 7262 9108 0)
Describes the preparation and certification of the cer- tion of ASCRM 011-7 (Hardgrove
tified reference coal sample ASCRM 003-2. Included grindability index) 4pp C
in purchase of ASCRM 003-2. VID 009—1994
Describes the preparation and certification of the set Quality Certification for Professional
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 8387 8) of four coal samples, ASCRM 11-7A to D with
Hardgrove grindability indices of 31, 47, 67 and 94. Services
TR 2.4—1985 Included with purchase of ASCRM 011-7-2002. Video $252.34 Retail No discount
Iron ore—Preparation and certifi- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4374 9) This 22-minute video focuses on the specific needs of pro-
fessional and service businesses in establishing an ISO
cation of ASCRM 004 (Whyalla pel- 9000 quality system, recognizing that the ISO 9000 quality
lets) 12pp D TR 2.12A-2—2002 elements often need some degree of interpretation in order
Amdt 1 August 1986 X Coal—Preparation and certifica- to match service-sector needs. The video uses three case
tion of ASCRM 012A-2 7pp D studies to show how different service-sector organizations
Provides certified values for total iron, silicon, alu- (an accounting practice, an engineering consultancy and a
minium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, titanium, Sets out the preparation and certification of the coal
reference material ASCRM 012A-2. Included in pur- software house) adapted the quality standards to their busi-
phosphorus, sulphur, sodium, potassium, vanadium, ness and how they went about developing and implement-
arsenic and loss on ignition for a prepared sample of chases of ASCRM 012A-2.
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4892 9) ing their quality system.
iron ore, and provides indicated values for lead, zinc, (ISBN 0 7262 9475 6)
copper, chromium, nickel and cobalt. Participating
laboratories and comprehensive results are listed in TR 2.12B-2—1997
appendices. Included in purchases of ASCRM 004. VID 010—1994
Coal—Preparation and certifica- Introducing the Tools for Continuous
(MN-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3829 5)
tion of ASCRM-012B-2 3pp B Quality Improvement
Describes the preparation and certification of coal
TR 2.6—1985 sample ASCRM-012B-2, certified for total sulfur Video $632.50 Retail No discount
Iron ore—Preparation and certifi- content of 0.66%. Included with purchase of AS- Using two case studies, this 24 minute video introduces the
CRM-012B-2. basic analytical and problem-solving tools used in measur-
cation of ASCRM 006 (Hamersley ing quality systems and in implementing continuous im-
Low Grade Ore) 12pp D (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1152 9) provement programs. A combination of theory and real
Amdt 1 August 1986 X work situations is used to explain each tool, how they are
TR 2.12C-2—1997 constructed and when and where they are used. Covering
Provides certified values for total iron, silicon, alu-
minium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, titanium, Coal—Preparation and certifica- both manufacturing and service sector needs, this video
tion of ASCRM 012C-2 4pp B shows how the tools can be used to interpret and commu-
phosphorus, sulphur, sodium, potassium, vanadium, nicate what is happening in the various processes within an
arsenic and loss on ignition for a prepared sample of Describes the preparation and certification of coal enterprise.
iron ore, and provides indicated values for lead, zinc, sample ASCRM-012C-2, certified for total sulfur
copper, chromium, nickel and cobalt. Participating (ISBN 0 7262 9476 4)
content of 1.11%. Included with purchase of ASCRM
laboratories and comprehensive results are listed in 012C-2.
appendices. Included in purchases of ASCRM 006. (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1629 6) VID 011—1995
(MN-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3831 7) A Guide to Quality and Quality Assur-
TR 2.12D-2—1998 ance in Education
TR 2.7—1985 Coal—Preparation and certifica- Video $251.49 Retail No discount
Iron ore—Preparation and certifi- tion of ASCRM 012D-2 4pp B This 25-minute video program is designed for managers,
teachers and administrators, and gives a clear explanation
cation of ASCRM 007 (Dampier Describes the preparation and certification of coal of fundamental quality principles, quality assurance, and
Lump) 12pp D sample ASCRM 012D-2, certified for total sulfur the ISO 9001 quality management system, and aligns with
Amdt 1 August 1986 X content of 5.21%. Included with purchase of ASCRM AS/NZS 3905.5, Guide to AS/NZS ISO 9000:1994 for ed-
012D-2. ucation and training. Through a case study and a forum,
Provides certified values for total iron, silicon, alu- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 1896 5)
minium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, titanium, bringing together senior representatives of some of Aus-
phosphorus, sulphur, sodium, potassium, vanadium, tralia's major education institutions, the program explores
arsenic and loss on ignition for a prepared sample of TR 2.13-9—2002 quality principles and concepts. Topics included are: Qual-
ity—what does it mean in education? Customers—who are
iron ore, and provides indicated values for lead, zinc, Coal—Preparation and certifica- they? What is customer focus? The role of management
copper, chromium, nickel and cobalt. Participating tion of ASCRM 013-9 8pp C
laboratories and comprehensive results are listed in and staff: Measurement, evaluation and the use of quality
appendices. Included in purchases of ASCRM 007. Describes the preparation and certification of the cer- information. Participants are from organizations including
tified reference coal sample ASCRM 013-9. A copy University of Technology, Sydney, TAFE (Qld, Vic,
(MN-002) (ISBN 0 7262 3834 1) is provided free of charge with each purchase of AS- NSW) private VET providers, and the NSW Department of
CRM 013-9. School Education.
TR 2.8—1985 (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 4297 1) (ISBN 0 7262 9933 2)
Zircon sand concentrate—Prepa-
ration and certification of ASCRM TR 2.14—1999 VID 012—1995
008 6pp C Coke—Preparation and certifica- Quality in Education—a Guide for
Provides certified values for zirconium dioxide plus tion of ASCRM 014 5pp C Schools
hafnium dioxide, silicon dioxide, aluminium (III) ox- Describes the preparation and certification of the cer- Video $169.65 Retail No discount
ide, titanium dioxide, iron (III) oxide and phosphorus tified reference coke samples ASCRM 014. Included This 15-minute video broadly covers the same topics as
pentoxide for a prepared sample of zircon sand con- with the purchase of ASCRM 014. VID 011, and using much common footage, this version
centrate, and provides indicated values for magnesi- (MN-001) (ISBN 0 7337 2569 4) has been edited to exclude the detailed analysis of ISO
um oxide and calcium oxide. Participating laborato- 9000 and is more appropriate for use in schools and in P &
ries and comprehensive results are listed in C presentations.. (ISBN 0 7262 9934 0)
appendices. Included in purchases of ASCRM 008. TR 2.21—1998
(MN-004) (ISBN 0 7262 3815 5) Synthetic rutile—Preparation and VID 013—1995
certification of ASCRM 021 Keep it safe—Avoiding slips, trips and
TR 2.10—1985 17pp D falls in public access areas
Coal ash—Preparation and certifi- Describes the preparation and certification of the ref- Video (2 tapes) $622.32 Retail
erence synthetic rutile sample ASCRM 021. Included
cation of ASCRM 010 5pp C in the purchase of ASCRM 021-1998. No discount
Describes the certification procedure and provides (MN-004) (ISBN 0 7337 1847 7) A video training program dealing with slips, trips and falls
the certified analytical values for 13 elements (alu- in shopping centres in all public access areas. This training
minium oxide, barium oxide, calcium oxide, iron ox- set contains two videos and a leader's guide. Tape one in
ide, potassium oxide, magnesium oxide, manganese VID 007—1993 this set illustrates, in a dramatic and interesting way, what
oxide, phosphorus pentoxide, silicon dioxide, sodium The Quality Audit causes most accidents and how to avoid them. Tape two,
oxide, strontium oxide, sulphur trioxide and titanium Video $252.34 Retail No discount for management training, presents what is considered best
dioxide) together with ash fusion temperatures. Indi- practice to minimize the impact of any incident, to help
Featuring a case study on Commonwealth Industrial Gas-
cated values for nine elements (cobalt oxide, chromi- es, this video is designed to prepare organizations for qual- avoid possible legal action in the future and to be best pre-
um oxide, copper oxide, lithium oxide, nickel oxide, pared should it occur. It is especially designed to be part of
ity audits under AS 3900/ISO 9000 quality Standards. This induction training for new staff and regular refresher train-
rubidium oxide, vanadium pentoxide, zinc oxide and 15 minute video describes the audit process and looks at:
zirconium oxide) are also given. Included in purchas- ing for existing management, staff and tenants who work
what a quality audit is, who does the auditing, why they are in shopping centres or any public access area.
es of ASCRM 010. performed, how to maximize the benefits to be gained and,
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 3887 2) when, where and how they are conducted. (ISBN 0 7337 0226 0)
(ISBN 0 7262 8518 8)
TR 2.10 Supplement 1—1992 VID 014—1995
Coal ash—Preparation and certifi- VID 008—1994 Learn or burn—Fire emergency train-
cation of ASCRM 010—Trace ele- Small Business Quality in Action ing in multi-storey buildings
ment data (Supplement to TR 2.10- Video $252.34 Retail No discount Video (2 tapes) $622.32 Retail
1985) 1p A This informative new video provides a detailed introduc- No discount
tion to quality management systems and the requirements This video training package includes two video programs,
Provides trace element data relevant to ASCRM 010. of certification. It clearly explains what a quality system is, a leader's guide and a copy of Handling Building Emergen-
Included in purchase of ASCRM 010. and goes through the process of implementing a quality cies Guide published by BOMA. Whilst the evacuation
(MN-001) (ISBN 0 7262 7210 8) management system right up to obtaining certification. procedures are similar for most emergencies, this video fo-

VID 015—1995

cuses on fire and then on bomb threat, where emergency companies experiences to show how the principles of ISO facilitate training and for self study. Pocket Companions
procedures vary most. It is designed for use by Staff Train- 14001 can be applied to real work situations and the bene- (Ref VCOM.01) and Guides (Ref: VGD.01) are also avail-
ing and Development Officers, Personnel Managers, Com- fits it can offer. It comes complete with a training booklet able separately.
pany Managers, Building Owners and Managers, or any- covering the main points of the video.
one whose job it is to apprise staff of what to do in a fire or (ISBN 0 7337 1933 3)
emergency and how to avoid them. It is ideal for use by
Building Management for the immediate evacuation train- VID 027—1998
ing of new tenants or staff. It is applicable to all commer-
VID 021—1997 A practical approach to OH&S man-
cial multi-storey buildings. Teams: You Can Make The Difference agement systems
(ISBN 0 7337 0227 9) Video $632.50 Retail No discount Video $412.50 Retail No discount
This 30 minute video uses role plays and case studies to Why have a safety management system? What are the key
VID 015—1995 show team members how they can make a difference in elements? How does it achieve continuous improvement in
overall team performance, how they can recognize the ef- safety? Using a case study approach, this video shows
Learn or Burn—Fire emergency train- fect of their preconceptions and assumptions on team dy- how. Bob, a production manager of a medium-sized man-
ing in shopping areas namics and how understanding themselves is the first step ufacturing company has reservations about safety manage-
Video (2 tapes) $622.32 Retail to understanding others. ment systems. He believes they are time consuming, gen-
No discount (ISBN 0 7337 1635 0) erate more paperwork and he doubts their effectiveness.
This video training package includes 2 video programs, a But his own "fix it when it goes wrong"approach clearly
leader's guide and a copy of Handling Building Emergen- VID 022—1997 isn't working and he knows he must find a way to improve
cies Guide published by BOMA. It focuses on developing Teams: Skills For Team Members their safety performance. He decides to look at the systems
the basic knowledge and skills necessary for staff to deal other companies have in place. This leads him to Merck
with a real-life emergency and engendering the necessary
Video $632.50 Retail No discount Sharp and Dohme, a global pharmaceutical manufacturer,
This 23 minute video demonstrates the interpersonal and and AMP, a major financial services provider. He talks to
vigilance and commitment to the safety procedures which communications skills that every team member must know
may prevent an emergency in the first place. Whilst the their managers and operators to explore the key issues, un-
and practice. Scenarios are used to show team members cover the main system elements and begins to understand
evacuation procedures are similar for most emergencies, how to use essential techniques for clear team communica-
this video focuses on fire. It is designed for use by Staff how a safety management system works and why it is suc-
tions, how to get all team members involved and to over- cessful in achieving continuous improvement.
Training and Development Officers, Personnel Managers, come difficult team realtionships.
Shopping Centre Managers, or anyone whose job it is to
apprise staff of what to do in a fire or emergency and how (ISBN 0 7337 1636 9)
to avoid them. It is ideal for use by Centre Management for VID 028—1998
the immediate evacuation training of new tenants or staff. VID 23—24A(Set)
(ISBN 0 7337 0228 7) Emergency Evacuation Videos How to lead OH&S risk management
Video $468.02 Retail No discount Video $412.50 Retail No discount
VID 016—1996 As a manager or team leader, how do you facilitate the risk
A special discount set containing both VID.023A and management process with your staff? What do you ask
We need to talk VID.024A. them to do? How do you get them involved? What if they
Video $742.50 Retail No discount raise only obvious questions? How do you make sure you
An Australian-made video which assists in the difficult don't miss something important? This video shows you
challenge of dealing with poor performance on the part of VID 023A—1998 how. Lyn is an experienced manager and facilitator. She is
employees. The video leads through all aspects of staff Emergency Evacuation Video 1 showing a group of managers from manufacturing and
communications and staff appraisal. It is designed for use service companies how to facilitate the risk management
Video $291.21 Retail with Leader Guide process in OH&S. They work with real case studies from
either in group or self-study situations. The video contains
26 minutes of case-study re-enactments. The result is an No discount Merck Sharp and Dohme, a global pharmaceutical manu-
easy-to-follow management resource which can be revisit- Incorporates practical training in emergency procedures facturer, and AMP, a major financial services provider.
ed many times, and can be a valuable source of revision for staff of general patient care areas in hospitals, and staff Lyn covers the four steps of risk management and demon-
and reassurance prior to any performance counselling ses- of non-patient care areas such as Administration or Cleri- strates the key facilitation skills that managers need. To-
sion. cal, as well as staff of nursing homes and extended care fa- gether, the steps and the skills maximise the contribution
(ISBN 0 646 27458 9) cilities. from employees and make the risk management process
VID 017—1996
Getting it Right—Advanced skills for VID 024A—1998
Emergency Evacuation Video 2 VID 29—30(Set)
Video $632.50 Retail No discount Video $218.41 Retail No discount Security in hospitals, aged care cen-
Fully produced in Australia, this 29-minute video provides An add-on tape to VID.023A covering emergency evacua- tres and other healthcare facilities
internal auditors with the techniques needed for a success- tion procedures for staff of special care areas such as Op- Video $383.62 Retail No discount
erating Theatres, Recovery and ICUs. These videos give the viewer new skills for dealing with
ful audit. It leads you through a variety of questioning
skills which can be used to deal with personnel from all as- real life events while reinforcing strategies that can be used
pects of your business. Complete with a FREE study guide, by staff to cope with the risks facing healthcare facilities.
this video is an excellent training and development tool for VID 025—1998 They're great as training aids.
your company. Dynamic Presentations
(ISBN 0 7337 0877 3) Video, 4 pocket companions and a Presenters'
guide $265.98 Retail No discount VID 029
VID 018—1997 Most employees will need to give presentations at some- Part 1: Security in hospitals, aged care
Safe handling of hazardous substanc- time. They all need to be sure that they are going about it centres and other healthcare facilities
es in the right way. As a manager, it is your responsibility to
ensure that your staff have the skills and know the tech- Video $238.70 Retail No discount
Video (2 tapes) $624.03 Retail niques to build a winning presentation. This 13 minute vid- This video gives the viewer new skills for dealing with real
No discount eo package provides managers with an ideal training tool life events while reinforcing strategies that can be used by
This video package is an ideal training aid for companies for both teams and individuals in the structure and tech- staff to cope with the risks facing healthcare facilities. It's
that deal with hazardous substances. Produced in Austral- niques that they will need. Using high impact team presen- great as a training aid.
ia, it consists of two videos (40 minutes combined) and a tation drama, this package will take you through a proven
Leader's Guide. It can be used during induction training or six step presentation process, which will help presenters to:
as a refresher for all management and staff. The package il- create interest and impact, persuade and motivate others, VID 030—2000
lustrates the importance of safety procedures, risk assess- look impressive, overcome fears, and above all be confi-
ment, establishing a clearly defined policy and program of dent. Included with each video are four Pocket Compan- Tape 2: Security in hospitals, aged
committment to OH&S issues and providing personal pro- ions providing participants with a handy "how to"reminder care centres and other healthcare fa-
tective equipment to all staff involved with hazardous sub- for later reference. Also included is a presenters' Guide to cilities
stances. Tape One addresses management issues in the safe help facilitate training and for self-study. Pockets Com- Video $179.02 Retail No discount
handling of hazardous substances. Tape Two is directed at panions (Ref VCOM.02) and Guides (Ref: VGD.02) are
staff and seeks to promote better and safer attitudes to- also available separately. This video gives the viewer new skills for dealing with real
wards hazardous substances. life events while reinforcing strategies that can be used by
staff to cope with the risks facing healthcare facilities. It's
(ISBN 0 7337 1085 9) great as a training aid.
VID 026—1998
VID 019—1997 Meetings
Conflict at work Video, 4 pocket companions and a Presenters' VID 031—2000
Video $742.50 Retail No discount guide $265.98 Retail No discount ISO 9000:2000 In Focus—Training Vid-
This 25 minute video shows managers how to construc- Meetings are an essential for generating decisions, decid-
tively handle conflict within an organization. It leads the ing on actions and getting the work done. This can only
viewer through a proven four step strategy for facing con- happen when people are given the skills to lead and make Video $396.00 Retail No discount
flict, and the essential tools to use in confrontations. Pre- a positive contribution. This 11 minute video package will An organisation's quality management system plays an in-
sented with a workbook, facilitatory guide and self-study help you train your people to get the most out of meetings. tegral part in its performance. With the launch of the ISO
guide, it offers a complete training package. Through a fast paced dramatized situation, this video 9000:2000, companies need to know what these changes
(ISBN 0 7337 1240 1) teaches you how to use the essential tools to run a meeting, mean to their quality system, This video will help equip
use power in meetings, how to prepare for a meeting, how managers to contribute to their organisations on-going im-
to have a focused discussion and how to make decisions provement activities and business performance objectives.
VID 020 It features two Internationalcase studies describing exam-
and get action. This video is an ideal for use at the start of
The ISO 14000 Challenge any meeting and should be seen by anyone who has to lead ples of their continuous improvement achievements and
Video $632.50 Retail No discount or participate in any type of formal or informal meeting. activities. This video incorporates training material like a
An excellent training tool, this fully Australian-made vid- Included with each video are four Pocket Companions pro- CD-ROM, faciltators guide, workbook and slide presenta-
eo explains how an Environmental Management System viding participants with a handy "how to"reminder for lat- tion which can be tailored to your business needs.
can be implemented into an organization. It uses three er reference. Also included is a Presenter's Guide to help

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

VID 032—2002 ACA TS 007—1997 system, and through it, where appropriate, a carrier's net-
Gorilla in the midst—Auditing to add General Requirements for Customer work. It is based upon MobileSatTM Air Interface Specifi-
cation 53-21255-1105 and AS 4080. It is not intended to be
value Equipment Connected to the Telex applicable to other mobile satellite systems.
Video $764.50 Retail No discount Network 91pp F (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1807 8)
This video is designed for internal and external auditors of Defines requirements for interworking of Customer Equip-
management systems such as ISO 9001, 14001, AS/NZS ment providing telex facilities using terminal mode signal-
4801, HACCP etc. It shows how an auditor's performance ling protocols utilizing either double current or frequency ACA TS 024—1997
is dependent on a combination of factors, including the au- key shifting techniques. Also includes non-mandatory rec- Broadcaster Interface Standard
dit process, the individual's personal traits, good and bad, ommendations, related to quality of service. Requirements
the power of knowledge and experience, and on relation- are based on the applicable CCITT Recommendations, in 24pp C
ship building. The underlying concept—from which the particular F.60 and R.20. Specifies the interface requirements for broadcaster equip-
intriguing title is derived—is that auditors can miss signif- (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1801 9) ment and cabling in relation to the interface between a tel-
icant business events when their attention is too narrowly ecommunications network operated by a carrier and broad-
focussed. The video emphasises the characteristics needed caster equipment or broadcaster cabling. Specifies
for a broad view of business. It comes packaged with a CD ACA TS 008—1997 requirements and testing for the interfacing of broadcast-
ROM containing a training facilitators kit, including a fully Requirements for Authorised Cabling er's and a carrier's networks and includes broadcaster ana-
developed PowerPoint presentation. Products 49pp D logue audio equipment and broadcaster analogue video
Defines requirements for all cabling products forming part
of a customer premises installation intended for connection (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1808 6)
ACA TS 001—1997 to a telecommunications network provided by a carrier.
Safety Requirements for Customer (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1802 7) ACA TS 025—1997
Equipment 13pp B General Requirements for Line Isola-
Defines the safety requirements for Customer Equipment ACA TS 014—1997 tion Devices connected between Airs-
(CE) with the objective of providing protection of the CE General Requirements for Customer ervices Australia Facilities and a
user from electrical supply hazards, protection of the CE Equipment Connected to an ISDN Pri- Telecommunications Network
user from telecommunications network hazards, protection mary Rate Interface 359pp J
of telecommunications network personnel from connected 27pp C
CE hazards, and protection of a telecommunications net- Provides equipment manufacturers and suppliers with the Defines the technical conditions and requirements for in-
work from harm arising from connected CE (both mains minimum requirements for the connection of Customer terworking and network compatibility for Line Isolation
powered and non-mains powered). Equipment to a public telecommunications network via the Devices for the connection of facilities used by Airservices
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Primary Rate Australia to a Telecommunications Network.
(CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1794 2) Access Interface. (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1795 0)
(CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1803 5)
ACA TS 002—1997
Analogue Interworking and Non-inter- ACA TS 026—1997
ACA TS 015—1997
ference Requirements for Customer General Requirements for Analogue General Requirements for Synchro-
Equipment Connected to the Public Video Equipment Connected to a Tele- nous Digital Hierarchical Interfaces
Switched Telephone Network communications Network 17pp C 18pp C
108pp G Defines conditions and requirements for interworking of Specifies the technical conditions and requirements for in-
Defines the general technical conditions and requirements analogue video Customer Equipment connected to a public tegrity and safe operation that privately owned, installed
for interworking and non-interference for Customer telecommunications network. Applicable to all analogue and maintained customer equipment will meet for connec-
Equipment (CE) connected to the Public Switched Tele- video formats including PAL, NAUSTEL TSC and MAC. tion to a telecommunications service having SDH interfac-
phone Network (PSTN) through an analogue interface. Based on CCIR Recommendation 567-2, with additional es at STM-1 and STM-4 levels.
(CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1796 9) material relevant to the Australian environment. (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1809 4)
(CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1804 3)
ACA TS 003—1997 ACA TS 028—1997
Customer Switching Systems Con- ACA TS 016—1997 Radio Equipment and Systems Cord-
nected to the Public Switched Tele- General Requirements for Customer less Telecommunications—Digital En-
phone Network 95pp G Equipment Connected to Hierarchical hanced Cordless
Defines the technical conditions and requirements for Digital Interfaces 64pp E Telecommunications (DECT) 23pp C
transmission equipment, CSS and related voice switching Specifies the technical conditions and performance re- Specifies the technical conditions and requirements for
equipment (including conference bridges) for connection quirements for interfacing and non-interference interwork- non-interference interworking for Digital Enhanced and
at the Network Boundary of the Public Switched Tele- ing that privately owned, installed and maintained custom- Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) portable part and
phone Network (PSTN). er equipment will meet for connection to a fixed part. The Standard is based on the European Tele-
(CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1797 7) telecommunications service having hierarchical digital in- communications Standards Institute (ETSI) suite of Euro-
terfaces at 2048 kbit/s, 8448 kbit/s, 34 368 kbit/s, 139 264 pean Technical Standards.
kbit/s, 1544 kbit/s, 6312 kbit/s, or 44 736 kbit/s. (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1810 8)
ACA TS 004—1997 (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1805 1)
Voice Frequency Performance Re-
quirements for Customer Equipment ACA TS 031—1997
ACA TS 018—1997
44pp D Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommuni- Requirements for ISDN Basic Access
Specifies requirements, in addition to those in TS 002, for cations System—GSM Mobile Station Interface 28pp D
Customer Equipment which transmits voice or voice mes- Defines the technical conditions and performance require-
sages in association with the Public Switched Telephone 30pp D ments for interference and non-interfacing interworking
Network and/or the Integrated Services Digital Network. Defines technical conditions and requirements, for non-in- that Customer Equipment (CE) is to meet at the Physical
(CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1798 5) terference interworking, that CE must meet for connection Layer, Data Link and Network Layers (Layers 1, 2 and 3)
to a public GSM digital cellular mobile telecommunica- for connection to an Intergrated Services Digital Network
tions system. The Standard is based upon ETSI GSM (ISDN) Basic Access Digital Subscriber Signalling No. 1
ACA TS 005—1997 Standards. Requirements for emergency dialling, Interna- (DSS 1) interface. Subsumes requirements previously cov-
Analogue Cellular Mobile Telecommu- tional Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) integrity, and ra- ered by AUSTEL Technical Standard 013.
diation exposure are Australian-specific modifications. (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1811 6)
nications System—AMPS Mobile Sta- (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1793 4)
tion 122pp G
Defines technical conditions and requirements that cus- ACA TS 034—1997
tomer equipment (CE) must meet for connection to a pub- ACA TS 019—1997
Radio Equipment and Systems Cord-
lic advanced mobile phone system (AMPS) analogue cel- Radio Equipment and Systems Cord- less Telecommunications—Personal
lular mobile telecommunications system. It is based upon less Telecommunications—CT2 CAI
the mobile station and air interface parts of the USA Elec- Handy Phone System (PHS) 24pp C
tronic Industries Association (EIA) Standards EIA-553 22pp C Defines the technical conditions and requirements for the
and EIA IS-19-B. Commonality with these Standards has Specifies minimum performance characteristics and meth- Personal Handy Phone System (PHS) personal station and
been retained, whilst maintaining air interface compatibil- ods of measurement for fixed and portable radio units with cell station interworking and network compatibility, to al-
ity and mobile equipment compatibility at the basic service the second generation cordless telephone common air in- low for the operation of telecommunications services in
standard level. terface (CT2 CAI) system. It is based on the European Tel- the Australian environment.
(CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1799 3) ecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) I-ETS 300 (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1812 4)
131 on radio equipment and systems common air interface
specification, amended to allow operation of the equip-
ACA TS 006—1997 ment in the Australian environment. ACA TS 038—1997
General Requirements for Customer (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1806 X) Requirements for ISDN Primary Rate
Equipment Connected to the Non- Access Interface 25pp C
switched Telephone Network 26pp C ACA TS 022—1997 Defines technical conditions and performance require-
Specifies interface conditions and requirements for Cus- MobileSat Terminal Compatibility Re- ments for interfacing and non-interference interworking
tomer Equipment for connection to the non-switched pub- quirements for System Access that Customer Equipment (CE) is to meet at the Physical,
lic telephone network. Equipment covered includes items Data Link and Network Layers (Layers 1, 2 and 3) for con-
incorporating either analogue or digital interfaces; in the 16pp C nection to an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
latter case the only conditions defined are those at layer 1 Specifies the MobileSatTM terminal compatibility require- Primary Rate Access Digital Subscriber Signalling No. 1
(physical layer). ments for non-interference interworking, that customer (DSS 1) interface.
(CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1800 0) equipment must meet for connection to the MobileSatTM (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 1813 2)

ACA TS 102—1998

ACA TS 102—1998 ACIF C524:2001 ACIF G548:1999

Telecommunications Technical Industry Code—External Communica- Supporting arrangements for AS/ACIF
Standard (Customer Equipment and tion Cable 60pp H S042—Requirements for connection
Customer Cabling) 12pp D Provides guidance on the basic principles of installation, to an air interface of a telecommunica-
Provides a vehicle for compliance labelling (under subsec- maintenance and safety of external communications net- tions network 4pp C
tion 376 (1) of the Telecommunications Act 1977) of cer- works; describes the minimum requirements for electrical,
structural and network reliability and employee/public Specifies the preferred behaviours for carriers, carriage
tain Customer Equipment (CE) and Customer Cabling service providers and equipment suppliers for supply of
(CC) in respect of which a permit or authorization was in safety.
CE covered by AS/ACIF S042 series. In particular, it ad-
force at 1 July 1997 or subsequently have been covered by (CT/98) dresses the assessment of suitability for network integrity
ACA TS 100-1997 and ACA TS 101-1998. ACA TS 102- and interoperability.
1998 replaces ACA TS 101-1998.
(CT-099) (ISBN 0 7337 2511 2)
ACIF C525:1999 (CT/98)
Handling of Life Threatening and Un-
ACIF C513:1998 welcome Calls 28pp B ACIF G563:2001
Customer and Network Fault Manage- ACIF C525 sets out a standard procedure for the coopera- Supporting arrangements for the sup-
tive handling (including call handling) by Carriers/Car- ply of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
ment 28pp C riage Service Providers of telephone calls which traverse
Sets out the roles and responsibilities of telecommunica- the networks of one or more Carriers or Carriage Service Customer Equipment 5pp C
tions industry members in relation to the management of Provider and are deemed life threatening or repeated un- Provide information about DSL CE that should be made
customer and network faults across networks. It does not welcome calls. Standard processes for the cooperative han- available to consumers and retailers; and requirements for
cover the management of faults between the customer and dling by all Carriers/Carriage Service Providers of life a process for suppliers of DSL CE to be able to verify in-
the carriage service provider to whom a fault is reported. threatening phone calls and repeated unwelcome telephone teroperability with Carriage Service Providers' equipment.
The industry code outlines the process of recording, track- calls will ensure prompt provision of accurate caller infor-
ing and resolving individual Customer and Network faults mation (in the case of life threatening calls) and prompt
in a timely and efficient manner between Carriage Service resolution of the complaint (in the case of repeated unwel-
providers and establishes ownership of faults so that re- come calls). AS/ACIF S002:2001
sponsibility of faults is correctly identified. (CT/98) (ISBN 1 74000 019 6) Analogue interworking and non-inter-
(CT/98) (ISBN 1 74000 004 8) ference requirements for Customer
ACIF C559:2001 Equipment for connection to the Pub-
ACIF C515:1998 Unconditioned Local Loop Service— lic Switched Telephone Network
Preselection—Single basket/Multi Network Deployment Rules 36pp F 93pp J
Service Deliverer 93pp F Defines the performance requirements for DSL and other
Sets out the operational arrangements and timing in rela- Amdt 1 19 December 2001 (ISBN 1 74000 175 3)
technologies on copper access networks. The Code offers Hardcopy X
tion to the delivery of preselection. The Code also applies a coordinated approach to reduce the risk of interference
where relevant to the use of access override codes to select between services deployed over access networks. Specifies general technical conditions and requirements
pre-selectable services of service deliverers other than the for interworking and non-interference for Customer
nominated prime service deliverer. This Code provides
(CT/1) Equipment (CE) designed and intended for conneciton to
competitively neutral processes for implementation of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) through
preselection, competitively neutral processes by which ACIF C564:2002 an analogue interface.
prime service deliverers may exchange information with Industry Code—Deployment of Radio- (CT-098)
each other or with access service deliverers while at the
same time fulfilling the legal requirements and the com- communications Infrastructure
munity expectations in relation to privacy, a criteria which 40pp G AS/ACIF S003:2001
the compliance of prime service deliverers and access Specifies the best contemporary practices in the areas of Customer switching, multiplexing and
service deliverers are to measured against this Code, and design, installation and operation of radiocommunications
ways to maximise customer choice through processes ancillery equipment for connection to
infrastructure. The Code will complement the technical
which are convenient and customer friendly. standard for radiofrequency exposure limits currently be- a Telecommunications Network
(CT/98) (ISBN 1 74000 006 4) ing developed by the Australian Radiation Protection and 71pp I
Nuclear Safety Agency. Specifies the technical requirements for Customer Equip-
ACIF C518:1998 (CT/98) ment (CE) that: (a) is designed or intended for connection
Call Charging and Billing Accuracy to a Telecommunications Network; and (b) is designed or
ACIF G500:2000 intended for use as a Customer Switching System; voice
23pp C multiplexing equipment; voice switching equipment relat-
Specifies the requirements for checking the accuracy of Signalling System No. 7 Interconnec- ed to a Customer Switching System; or ancillary voice
call charging and billing of the standard telephone service tion ISUP 344pp N equipment.
in a multi-service deliverer, multi-network environment. It Specifies the interconnect services and signalling protocol (CT-098) (ISBN 1 74000 133 8)
will assure end-users, regulators and Government that car- that will be available from interconnecting domestic Aus-
riers and carriage service providers provide an acceptable tralian networks.
level of accuracy in the calculation of call charges. The AS/ACIF S004:2001
Code is intended to give customers confidence that call (CT/98)
Voice frequency performance require-
charging and billing is correct, and to ensure that carriers
and carriage service providers are sensitive to customer ACIF G511:1998 ments for Customer Equipment
billing complaints.
1800/12/1300 Number Portability— 34pp F
(CT/98) (ISBN 1 74000 008 0) Specifies the technical requirements for Customer Equip-
Network Plan 12pp D ment (CE) that: (a) is designed or intended to transmit and
ACIF C519:2002 Defines the industry agreed call handling and technical in- receive voice frequency signals for voice communication,
terconnect arrangements based on a model of interconnect- voice messages or tones by direct or indirect electrical or
End To End Network Performance ed networks. The model of interconnected networks is de- electro acoustic means; and (b) is designed or intended for
32pp F rived from AUSTEL's Interconnection Model of March connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network or
1995. This plan is consistent with the agreed ACIF a basic access or primary rate access Integrated Service
Ensures voice telephony delivered over fixed and mobile G500:1998, Specification—Signalling Number 7—Inter-
networks achieves an acceptable quality of overall end-to- Digital Network.
connect ISUP (also known as the Network Signalling Plan (CT-098) (ISBN 1 7400 136 2)
end performance. developed by the Network Interconnecting Industry Forum
(CT/98) (ISBN 1 74000 182 6) (NIIF)).
(ISBN 1 74000 000 5) AS/ACIF S006:2001
ACIF C521:1999 Requirements for Customer Equip-
Customer Information on Prices, ACIF G512:1998 ment, operating in the voice band, for
Terms and Conditions 40pp B Industry Number Management Service connection to the non-switched Tele-
Provides a minimum set of standards for suppliers to meet Architecture Overview and Guidelines communications Network 21pp E
in providing information to customers about the prices,
terms and conditions of the telecommunications products for Information Exchange 15pp E Specifies the technical requirements for Customer Equip-
Outlines an architectural overview and guidelines for in- ment (CE) that is designed or intended for connection to a
on offer. non-switched Telecommunications Network presented as
(CT/98) (ISBN 1 74000 016 1) formation exchange between the Industry Number Man-
agement Service (INMS), Prime Service Deliverers and a cable pair interface, is designed or intended for operation
Access Service Deliverers. This document serves as a me- in the voice frequency band and does not have a DC or out-
ACIF C523:1999 diator between the business processes developed by the IB of-band signalling capability or DC power feed.
Protection of personal information of Working Groups and the technical implementation that (CT-098)
may be provided by the developers/suppliers of the solu-
customers of telecommunications tion. It provides a technical guideline which represents
providers 26pp E Australian Communications Industry Forum (ACIF) views
AS/ACIF S008:2001
The Code sets out minimum standards (Code Rules) for the of the technical structure and operation of the interconnec- Requirements for authorised cabling
collection, use and disclosure by carriers, carriage service tion of the INMS and Carriage Service Provider and Carri- products 38pp F
providers and content service providers (Code Partici- er Information systems. As such, it will form part of a Re-
pants) of personal information of customers. The Code quest for Quotation from potential suppliers of INMS Amdt 1 9 December 2002 (ISBN 1 74000 225 3) X
Rules are based on the National Privacy Principles, re- services. This document is also intended to be used by Specifies requirements for all cabling products forming
leased by the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner Prime Service Deliverers and Access Service Deliverers in part of a customer premises installation intended for con-
in 1999. The Code also contained Guidance Notes to assist the design of their information systems interfacing to the nection to a telecommunications network provided by a
Code Participants in the interpretation of the Code Rules. INMS. carrier.
(CT/1) (ISBN 1 74000 059 5) (ISBN 1 74000 001 3) (CT-098)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

AS/ACIF S009:2001 nection to a non-switched Telecommunications Net- AQC F02IG1—2002

work via a metallic local loop interface. Interpretative Guideline for Communi-
Installation requirements for customer (CT-098)
cabling 74pp I ty Organisations—Derived from The
Amdt 1 9 December 2002 (ISBN 1 74000 229 6) X AS/ACIF S043.2:2001 Australian Business Excellence
Specifies the minimum installation requirements for li-
Broadband 63pp H Framework 2002 54pp E
censed cablers. The Interpretative Guideline is designed to make The Aus-
(CT-098) Specifies the technical requirements for Customer tralian Business Excellence Framework, Australia's defin-
Equipment (CE) that is designed or intended for con- itive blueprint for sustainable innovation, improvement
nection to a Telecommunications Network via a me- and organisational excellence, as accessible and useable as
AS/ACIF S016:2001 tallic loop interface and has a broadband capability. possible for community organisations and not-for-profit
General requirements for Customer (CT-098) (ISBN 1 74000 095 1) enterprises. The Guideline closely reflects the Framework,
Equipment for connection to hierar- and there is a point by point equivalence between the two
chical digital interfaces 47pp G AS/ACIF S043.3:2001 documents. The content and concepts are the same. In
making the material more appropriate and applicable to
Specifies the technical conditions and performance re- DC, low frequency AC and voice- not-for-profit organisations none of the essential concepts
quirements for interfacing and non-interference interwork-
ing that privately owned, installed and maintained Cus- band 23pp F and requirements of the Framework are reduced or avoid-
tomer Equipment will meet for connection to a Specifies the technical requirements for Customer ed.
telecommunications service having hierarchical digital in- Equipment (CE) that is designed or intended for con-
terfaces at 2048 kbit/s, 8448 kbit/s, 34 368 kbit/s and 139 nection to a Telecommunications Network via a me-
264 kbit/s. tallic loop interface and is designed or intended to in- AQC F2001—2001
(CT-098) (ISBN 1 74000 171 0) clude one or more of the following capabilities: DC
power feeding or signalling; operation in the low fre- 2001 Australian Business Excellence
quency AC band, below 300 Hz; operation in the Framework (ABEF) 39pp E
AS/ACIF S031:2001 voice frequency band. or operation above the voice An annual guide for the implementation of Business Im-
Requirements for ISDN Basic Access frequency band up to 20 kHz. provement and Business Excellence strategies and proc-
Interface 25pp E (CT-098) esses. This is Australia's Framework for innovation, im-
Specifies the technical conditions and performance re- provement and long-term success: the definitive 'textbook'
quirements for certain Customer Equipment (CE) at the AQC 1001—2001 or blueprint for sustainable organisational excellence.
Physical, Data Link and Network Layers (Layers 1, 2 and Improvement tool PDSA 9-step Im-
3) when connected to an Integrated Services Digital Net-
work (ISDN) Basic Access interface at the S/T reference provement Process Storyboard (10 AQC F2002—2002
point. per pack) 2002 Australian Business Excellence
(CT-098) (ISBN 1 74000 156 7) A3 fold out 1p $22.88 Retail Framework (ABEF) 44pp H
No discount An annual guide for the implementation of Business Im-
AS/ACIF S038:2001 A 'roadmap' that serves to guide the user through an im- provement and Business Excellence strategies and proc-
Requirements for ISDN Primary Rate provement cycle. A series of questions provide structure esses. This is Australia's Framework for innovation, im-
and substance to the planning, implementation, review and provement and long-term success: the definitive 'textbook'
Access Interface 19pp D standardisation of any improvement activity. A list of the or blueprint for sustainable organisational excellence.
Specifies the technical conditions and performance re- Quality tools that can assist the user at each of the steps is
quirements, at the Physical, Data Link and Network Layers also featured on the Storyboard. The reverse side of the
(Layers 1, 2 and 3), for CE that is intended for connection Storyboard provides space for the improvement team to
to an ETSI Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) document their actions and agreements against each of the AQC GE01
Primary Rate Access Digital Subscriber Signalling No. 1 steps. Memory Jogger Series E-Book CD I
(DDS 1) interface for the purpose of receiving information Containing the complete, unabridged text of the following
from, or transmitting information to, the ISDN at the T ref- Memory Jogger series of pocket guides, the E-Book be-
erence point. comes a powerful tool to support your organization's ef-
(CT-098) (ISBN 1 74000 157 5) AQC B001—2000 forts in process improvement, problem solving, project
Benchmarking Report Innovation: management, strategic planning, ISO 9000 or QS-9000 im-
AS/ACIF S040:2001 How to Engage the Whole Organisa- plementation, and teamwork.
Requirements for Customer Equip- tion in Becoming an Innovative Enter-
ment for use with the Standard Tele- prise 67pp O
AQC G213
phone Service—Features for special
Project Management Memory Jogger
needs of persons with disabilities 183pp $19.80 Retail
19pp D AQC C01P—2000
Provides requirements for certain Customer Equipment Honeywell Prize Case Study 2000—A No discount
(CE) that uses a telephone handset or a keypad, that is man- Portrait of a World Class Company Ensure that your team's projects are completed on time,
ufactured in, or imported into Australia for use with the within budget, and with exceptional results. An indispen-
CD-ROM sable tool for employees at all levels of the organization,
Standard Telephone Service. This Standard defines the CD-ROM P
technical requirements relating to the features of the equip- the Project Management Memory Jogger offers a practical,
ment that is designed to cater for some of the special needs Describes in a visually exciting way the major advances user-friendly approach to effective project management.
of persons with disabilities. achieved by the Honeywell company in their search for This handy pocket guide provides a project road map to en-
business excellence. Honeywell won the top level Austral- able teams to prepare for, charter, execute, and close out
(CT-098) (ISBN 1 74000 165 6) ian Business Excellence Award "Prize"and was only the successful projects. Key concepts in each step of the
second company in the long history of the awards to reach project management process are illustrated in a case study
AS/ACIF S042 such a level. that parallels the process.
Requirements for connection to an air (ISBN 1 57681 001 1)
interface of a telecommunications net-
work AQC C20P (Set) AQC G233
Award winners 2000—Combined pack Memory Jogger II
AS/ACIF S042.1:1999 (Set) 254pp $19.80 Retail
General 4pp B Case Studies and CD-ROM Q No discount
Specifies general requirements for EMC, EMR, elec- Set that includes the 2000 Award Winners case studies and Find the tool you need to improve your organization's per-
trical safety and emergency service access for Cus- the Honeywell CD ROM. formance quickly and easily in the Memory Jogger II
tomer Equipment that are via an air interface to the pocket guide. Designed for use on the job, this book
Public Telecommunications Network. presents the quality improvement tools and management
and planning tools. It uses graphics and easy-to-understand
(CT-098) AQC C200—1999 text to describe what the tools are, why they're used, and
Australian Business Excellence how to use them. Tools are explained using real-life exam-
AS/ACIF S042.2:1999 Awards Case Studies 1999 Winners ples from all types of organizations with problems similar
CDMA (IS-95) 3pp A to yours, making them easy for everyone to understand and
200pp K apply.
Specifies the technical conditions and requirements Case studies from Britax Rainsfords Pty Ltd; Noyce Law- (ISBN 1 879364 47 6)
that customer equipment must meet for connection to yers; Southern Pathology. These case studies reveal what
a public CDMA digital cellular mobile telecommuni- these leading organisations are doing to set them apart as
cations system. It is based upon the EIA/TIA IS-95. Australia's Best Practice models. AQC G235
(CT-098) Memory Jogger Plus
306pp $64.24 Retail
AS/ACIF S043 AQC C201—2000 No discount
Requirements for Customer Equip- Australian Business Excellence The Memory Jogger Plus is an in depth resource on the
ment for connection to a metallic local Awards Case Studies 2000 Winners Seven Management and Planning (7MP) Tools (Affinity
Diagram, Interrelationship Digraph, Tree Diagram, Priori-
loop interface of a Telecommunica- 330pp O tization Matrices, Matrix Diagram, Process Decision Pro-
tions Network Case studies from University of Wollongong Library; Aus- gram Chart, Activity Network Diagram). Extend the power
tralia-New Zealand Direct Line (Gold Award); ING Funds of the quality tools to non-manufacturing areas. Show
Mgmt (Gold Award), South East Water Limited (Gold teams how to apply the 7 Management and Planning Tools
AS/ACIF S043.1:2001 Award). These case studies reveal what these leading or- to product development and administrative areas. This in-
General 8pp C ganisations are doing to set them apart as Australia's Best depth guide also contains a complete case study that shows
Specifies the technical requirements for Customer Practice models. how to use the tools. This guide is a perfect resource for
Equipment (CE) that is designed or intended for con- guiding coaches, facilitators, and instructors.

AQC G237

(ISBN 1 879364 83 2) AQC G311 AUSTEL PNDG—1992

The Problem Solver Memory Jogger Private Network Design Guide H
AQC G237 156pp $19.80 Retail Provides guidance for designers and managers of private
networks on topics such as safety and network interfer-
Team Memory Jogger No discount ence, network configurations transmission, switching, traf-
164pp $19.80 Retail Speed the never-ending quest for improved business proc- fic handling, numbering and network management. The
No discount esses by following a 7-step Problem-Solving Model, based guide addresses mainly voice aspects, and performance pa-
on the Deming Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle. This easy-to- rameters are quantified by reference to international rec-
Maximize your teams' potential with The Team Memory use pocket guide shows readers how to use the quality im-
Jogger. This pocket reference guide can help smooth out ommendations so that the aggregate performance of vari-
provement tools of the Memory Jogger II in a problem- ous call paths can be assessed.
communication, productivity, and decision-making prob- solving context, and recommends the appropriate tools for
lems. Team members learn the interpersonal skills and (CT-099) (ISBN 0 7262 7284 1)
each step of the way. The book explains the importance of
teamwork guidelines essential for productive teamwork. a systematic approach to problem solving, and walks read-
The guide is designed for members of all types of teams- ers through the model, explaining key concepts and how to AUSTEL TS 027—1996
project, process improvement, self-directed, or intact work do the sub steps. A case example links the steps, showing End-to-End Network Performance
teams; task forces; and many others. All topics are exam- how one team used the tools to improve a real-world busi-
ined from the viewpoint of what a team member can do— ness process. A second case example shows how to create
33pp E
not what the team leader or a manager should do—to make a problem-solving storyboard. The book is designed for Specifies end-to-end performance Standards for networks
teamwork more productive and successful. Practical infor- both beginning and advanced teams: a special section involved in the carriage of calls from one ordinary tele-
mation on 37 key topics; Tips on building your own team shows teams how to "turbo-charge"each step with the 7 phone service in Australia to another. The Standards are
skills; Suggestions for dealing with team problems; Exam- specified as minimum performance levels against an indic-
MP tools and the creativity tools. ative set of technical parameters. This Standard defines
ples of completed tools; Checklists for getting started in
each chapter; Specific ideas for taking action and A com- (ISBN 1 57681 031 3) 'voice-band data' and includes parameters that particularly
prehensive index. relate to its carriage across telecommunications networks.
(ISBN 1 879364051 4) AQC G675 (ET-099) (ISBN 0 7337 0783 1)
Construction and Interpretation of
AQC G238 Control Charts for Quality Manage- AUSTEL TS 029—1996
Memory Jogger 9000 ment 43pp F Call Charging and Billing 19pp D
Effective management of organisational processes require Specifies performance targets for overall billing accuracy
176pp $19.80 Retail of telecommunications network licensees' call charging
the se of correct statistical tools to provide objective and
No discount valid information. When calculated and interpreted cor- and billing systems. The targets are for circuit switched
The Memory Jogger 9000, an easy to use reference, is your rectly, control charts serve as a very powerful tool for de- calls, charged by either call recording or metering, cover-
everyday guide to the ISO 9000 Quality Systems Standard cision making. This book provides readers the information ing local, long-distance and mobile call categories where-
and QS-9000 requirements. It is packed with tips and po- on how to construct and interpret control charts as well as by the caller's originating exchange operates with either
tential pitfalls; flowcharts, figures, and checklists; docu- information on how to control and reduce variation. analogue or digital technology.
mentation examples; definitions of key terms; and other il- (ET-099) (ISBN 0 7337 0784 X)
(ISBN 0 7316 8871 6)
lustrative and supplemental information that will be vital
to your understanding of how to comply with the ISO 9000 AUSTEL TS 030—1997
Standard and the new QS-9000 requirements. NOTE: Re- AQC G700
lates to the superseded 1994 edition of ISO 9000 but the Requirements for Customer Equip-
Statistical Techniques—Process Im- ment with an Analogue Data Interface
QS 9000 section is still current.
provement The Link 140pp I Connected to the Public Switched Tel-
(ISBN 1 879364 82 4) Using a 6 step model linking the techniques to the process,
this book provides a comprehensive guide on statistical ephone Network 34pp E
AQC G239 techniques used for process improvement. The model is Specifies the technical conditions and performance re-
centred around the 'Plan-Do-Check-Act' cycle used in quirements pertaining to the ability of Customer Equip-
Creativity Tools Memory Jogger quality and business excellence. ment to receive and present call information from carrier
177pp $19.80 Retail (ISBN 0 646 08848 3) networks across an analogue data interface connected to a
No discount two-wire ring-in/loop-out PSTN line.
This book explains how to develop an environment that en-
(ET-099) (ISBN 0 7337 0990 7)
hances creativity and assists in developing innovative so-
AQC G800
lutions to today's business problems. Fourteen tools are de- Memory Jogger 9000/2000 BEA 001—2002
scribed including brainstorming, restating the problem to 177pp $19.80 Retail Advanced models of Knowledge Man-
see it differently, generating new ideas, transferring No discount
knowledge from other areas, and identifying all possible agement—Practical approaches for
solutions to the problem. The book describes how to inte- This convenient reference guide is designed to help your implementation 260pp J
grate the tools in your organizational improvement activi- organization follow its course toward ISO 9000/2000 im- KM Challenge 2002 was a conference held in May 2002
ties and includes case examples showing how each tool can plementation, from preparation to implementation and with the specific purpose of advancing the understanding
be used to solve real-world problems. maintenance, with additional discussion about further im- of knowledge management practices. A diverse range of
provement choices. The Memory Jogger 9000/2000 is de- leading edge thoughts and ideas related to KM are ex-
(ISBN 1 57681 021) signed for use by every member of your company, not just pressed in sixteen papers and an edited transcript of the
the few people responsible for guiding the implementation open panel session. Topics addressed include social capi-
AQC G258 process. Each clause is separated into sections describing tal, complexity theory, project based KM, the convergence
what the clause is, why it should be done, how it should be of business practices and process, knowledge literacy
Team Handbook How to Use Teams to done, and what is new in ISO 9001:2000. Examples of knowledge economy and many more.
Improve Quality quality documents and quality records are included to il- (ISBN 0 7337 4792 2)
336pp $77.00 Retail lustrate ways to comply with ISO requirements.
No discount (ISBN 1 57681 032 1)
BEA 002—2002
The Team Handbook is a practical guide to working with An Introduction to XML for Knowledge
or in project teams. It is packed with step by step instruc- AQC G890
tions, illustrations, and worksheets that demonstrate how Managers 41pp E
The Art of Giving Quality Service XML is a rapidly growing field which has gained consid-
to implement many quality improvement principles. This
new edition includes new content on: skills for better deci- 115pp E erable acceptance amongst implementers and software
sion making, how to avoid common pitfalls, a broader ap- Written by a leader in the field of customer service, Mary vendors alike. It has much to offer knowledge managers,
plication for ongoing working teams, and more. Whether Gober, this book sets out the essential attitudes and skills and this supplement provides an introduction to the many
you are a team leader, manager, supervisor, advisor, or oth- of quality service. By improving the quality of their service practical aspects of XML.
er team participant, this handbook will teach you how to organisations will obviously benefit—and so will their (ISBN 0 7337 4873 2)
effectively run and plan your team project. staff and customers.
(ISBN 1 884731 11 2) (ISBN 0 9624563 0 6) BEA 003—2002
New roles, skills and capabilities in
AQC G291 AQC P200—2001 the knowledge-focused organisation
Facilitation at a Glance 2001 International Business Excel- 36pp D
170pp $19.80 Retail lence Summit Conference Proceed- Organisations around the globe today see 'Knowledge
ings CD-ROM Management' as an effective technique for improved or-
No discount ganisational performance in uncertain, rapidly changing
For anyone who is on a team, leading a task force, heading CD-ROM K socio-political and economic environments. The KM skills
up a committee, or managing a department, facilitation is a Papers from the 2001 Business Excellence conference held handbook, "New roles, skills and capabilities in the knowl-
core competency. Facilitation at a Glance!, a condensed in Darling Harbour. edge-focused organisation", considers the application of
version of the Facilitating with Ease! manual, offers a the principles of knowledge management to human re-
comprehensive set of tools and techniques for people who source management in organisations intending to improve
run meetings. Written in an easy-to-follow format, it will their performance by becoming more knowledge-focused.
teach you the facilitation skills you need to become a better AQC T208—1998 (ISBN 0 7337 4874 0)
leader and to help your teams become more productive. Australian Business Excellence
This pocket guide is appropriate for everyone who attends Awards Case Studies 1998 Winners
meetings in your organization. A detailed explanation of CB 001
the seven stages of facilitation; Surveys for group mem- 256pp K The Consequences of Quality
bers to assess their group's effectiveness; Common facili- Case studies from Australia-New Zealand Direct Line, In- 120pp G
tation dilemmas and strategies that can help; Worksheets tegral Energy Australia(Gold), South East Water Ltd, Port- Neil Hardie is an engineer manufacturer turned academic
for facilitators to provide detailed feedback to group mem- able Long Service Leave Authority. These case studies re- who has written this critical review of the quality phenom-
bers; Fourteen process tools for facilitation and Eight sys- veal what these leading organisations are doing to set them enon. It is an intensely readable and deliberately controver-
tematic problem-solving worksheets. apart as Australia's Best Practice models. sial book; he expresses his belief that quality management
(ISBN 0 890416 05 3) has a great deal to offer, but results have not been forth-

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

coming because of a focus on short-term gains and super- CB 008—2000 (ISBN 0 7337 2162 1)
ficial measures. In a foreword, Dr Kevin Foley, Australia's
leading quality guru, writes that the book '... is an outstand- A practical guide to CE Marking: The
ing and long awaited addition to quality literature... it is by EU Directive on Electromagnetic Com- CB 014—1998
any measure a major contribution on quality management.' patibility (EMC) (89/336/EEC) Australian Encyclopaedia of Occupa-
(ISBN 0 7337 1288 6) 178pp $215.60 Retail tional Health and Safety
$161.70 Member 796pp $363.00 Retail
CB 002—1998 This publication explains how manufacturers and distribu- $272.25 Member
World electricity supplies tors should apply the EU's EMC directive. It uses clear, The Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety is
step-by-step flowcharts, wastes no time on procedural de-
$132.00 Retail tail of EU regulatory systems, and concentrates on practi-
an extensive and comprehensive text, which provides an
$99.00 Member invaluable and expert resource. It provides the legal, tech-
cal guidance on what to do. Full supporting data is given, nical and managerial elements of occupational health and
Covering over 200 countries, this authoritative guide pro- including the text of the directive, and references to all of- safety. It has been specifically written with Australian leg-
vides the information needed to satisfy foreign electrical ficially recognised, harmonised standards and approval islation and business conditions in mind. It has been writ-
requirements. Detailed tables list voltage, voltage toleranc- bodies. This new edition adds substantial material on the ten by authors who are expert practitioners in the field,
es and frequency for household, commercial and industrial effects of a new 1999 directive on radio and telecommuni- combining both consulting and teaching experience. They
sectors. The nature of the supply, e.g. availability of a neu- cations terminal equipment as well as developments inin- bring their years of practical experience and theory into in-
tral and earth phasing, are also presented. Published in con- terpretation of the directive by regulatory authorities and formation which can be applied in every business environ-
junction with the British Standards Institution Information technical experts. ment. The encyclopaedia covers every aspect of OH&S,
Centre. (ISBN 0 7337 3583 5) making it an indispensable part of any OH&S resource.
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 1886 8) Some of the topics included are: Identification and catego-
CB 009—2000 ries of the range of OH&S hazards such as an extensive
CB 003—1998 How one-stop certification works in range of chemical, physical and biological hazards in the
workplace; Practical aspects of an OH&S program for the
RFI digital devices, USA Europe an introduction to the EU's workplace; Use of key OH&S information sources such as
$412.50 Retail multi-sectoral rules 150pp N government codes of practice and Australian Standards; A
$330.00 Member Provides an introduction to the harmonised, multi-sectoral glossary of commonly used terms; Worksheets that assess
This guide explains the requirements for imported digital ground rules for product approvals in Europe. It does not your understanding of the information; Conceptual ele-
devices, including most IT equipment, and the formalities contain detailed sectoral rules. The definitions are de- ments of the professional disciplines of OH&S; Occupa-
for importation as well as authorization. Details how the signed to be used as a tool for communication between tional medicine and fitness for work; Workers compensa-
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) accepts manufacturers, certifiers, and distributors. Terms and pro- tion and rehabilitation; Risk management; Performance
compliance with International Standards as an alternative cedures covered include essential requirements and the appraisal; The background and history of OH&S. It in-
to complying with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Published in role of harmonised European Standards; the technical file; cludes sections on Law and Management—contains infor-
conjunction with the British Standards Institution Informa- the manufacturer's declaration of conformity; notified bod- mation on the OH&S legislation, workers compensation
tion Centre. ies; and responsibility for compliance. This completely up- and rehabilitation legislation and practices. Safety and
dated edition includes new material on the responsibilities Health—includes emergency preparedness, risk assess-
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 1887 6) of distributors/importers, the impact of the most recent EU ment and the role of personal protective equipment. Hu-
directive on consumer guarantees, the principles of due dil- man Factors—encompasses an overview of the human
CB 004—1998 igence in this field, and how a number of difficult cases body with stress and movement hazards. The OH&S Ency-
(such as private-label products sold by a distributor under clopaedia comes in two handy formats: In paper, in a loose
Boilers and pressure vessels (Interna- leaf folder. (REF: CB.014); The CD-ROM—allows you to
his own name, but made by somebody else) are treated un-
tional) $539.00 Retail der EU directives. print out information and search for specific terms. CD-
$431.20 Member (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 3695 5) ROM. (REF: CB.014-CD).
Published in tabular form, this reference guide covers (ISBN 0 7337 2292 X)
world requirements for boilers, stationary pressure vessels CB 010—1998
and transportable pressure vessels. Specific areas covered
for over 100 countries are; national design codes, accepted Tricks of the trade—Hassle-free home CB 014—1998 (CD)
foreign design codes, laws and legislation, approval organ- building 81pp E Australian Encyclopaedia of Occupa-
izations, accepted UK inspection bodies. Published in con- Provides a complete outline of the formalities that have to tional Health and Safety on CD-ROM
junction with the British Standards Institution Information be met before beginning construction, or undertaking ren-
Centre. ovation, of a residential building. Gives guidance on the re-
CD-ROM $363.00 Retail
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 1888 4) quired procedures and tasks to be attended to at each stage $272.25 Member
of building including how to obtain quotes from the vari- The Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety is
ous trades and suppliers. Provides a format to assist in cost- an extensive and comprehensive text, which provides an
CB 005—1998 ing the project and in recording inspections and payments invaluable and expert resource. It provides the legal, tech-
Motor vehicles and equipment (Inter- made. nical and managerial elements of occupational health and
national) $539.00 Retail (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 1957 0) safety. It has been specifically written with Australian leg-
$431.20 Member islation and business conditions in mind. It has been writ-
ten by authors who are expert practitioners in the field,
The book covers 33 markets for: passenger cars, goods ve- CB 011—1998 combining both consulting and teaching experience. They
hicles, trailers, semi-trailers, motorcycles and safety relat- Beyond Gut Feel 123pp G bring their years of practical experience and theory into in-
ed and emission-control equipment. Part 1: Lists EC Direc- Presented as a highly readable novel, Beyond Gut Feel is a formation which can be applied in every business environ-
tives, ECE Regulations, their relationship and the cautionary tale for all managers. It is the story of change ment. The encyclopaedia covers every aspect of OH&S,
countries which accept them. Part 2: Provides country de- management at ATS, a fictional; Australian manufacturing making it an indispensable part of any OH&S resource.
tails: type approval and individual approval of vehicles, company. The novel starts with Vic Johnson, a 33 year vet- Some of the topics included are: Identification and catego-
testing and approval of equipment, national approval and eran production manager at ATS Ltd, noting in his diary ries of the range of OH&S hazards such as an extensive
testing organizations for all International Standards. Pub- "The CEO has discovered TQM. He went to a 4 day semi- range of chemical, physical and biological hazards in the
lished in conjunction with the British Standards Institution nar, and now he's and evangelist. God help us."At his insti- workplace; Practical aspects of an OH&S program for the
Information Centre. gation, ATS adopts a series of management fads in an ef- workplace; Use of key OH&S information sources such as
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 1889 2) fort to stay competitive. Despite this lack of consistency, government codes of practice and Australian Standards; A
real progress is made, although much of it is two steps for- glossary of commonly used terms; Worksheets that assess
CB 006—1998 ward and one step back. The book is an account of that your understanding of the information; Conceptual ele-
journey, seen through the eyes of Vic Johnson, who him- ments of the professional disciplines of OH&S; Occupa-
Electrical equipment USA self imperceptibly becomes a convert, transforming from a tional medicine and fitness for work; Workers compensa-
$385.00 Retail hard-nosed dictator to a broadminded manager, open to tion and rehabilitation; Risk management; Performance
$288.75 Member new ideas, and mentoring his colleagues. The novel has appraisal; The background and history of OH&S. It in-
many messages for every manager. The situations encoun- cludes sections on Law and Management—contains infor-
This guide for exporters of electrical equipment to the tered will be familiar to many readers. Most of them are mation on the OH&S legislation, workers compensation
States identifies US Standards, regulations and approval based on the real-life experiences of the author, Dr Dennis and rehabilitation legislation and practices. Safety and
procedures applicable to electrical equipment throughout Sinclair, an educator and consultant who specializes in Health—includes emergency preparedness, risk assess-
the USA. It gives details of organizations responsible for
applying and enforcing US regulations, and lists recog- business improvement strategies. 'Beyond Gut Feel' is ment and the role of personal protective equipment. Hu-
nized testing and certification bodies. A wide range of based on his observation that the rules of good manage- man Factors—encompasses an overview of the human
ment are not difficult, but we all persist in ignoring them. body with stress and movement hazards. The OH&S Ency-
commercial, industrial and domestic electrical equipment clopaedia comes in two handy formats: In paper, in a loose
is covered, including those used in hazardous locations. (ISBN 0 7337 1978 3)
leaf folder. (REF: CB.014); The CD-ROM—allows you to
Published in conjunction with the British Standards Insti- print out information and search for specific terms. CD-
tution Information Centre. CB 012—1998 ROM. (REF: CB.014-CD).
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 1890 6) More lives than a cat
81pp $27.50 Retail
CB 007—1998 No discount CB 015—1998
Electrical plugs—An international sur- "More lives than a cat"is an inspiring personal memoir of
vey $187.00 Retail three and a half years as a prisoner of war in Changi and on Relevant Research in Quality Manage-
$140.25 Member the Burma railway. Yet it is also a testament to the triumph ment, an international perspective
of the human spirit over terrible adversity and the constant 284pp H
Details the type of plug used for domestic and commercial presence of death. It reinforces our image of the Anzacs;
purposes in the major industrialized countries, plus infor- their mateship, their courage, their amazing strength in ad- This publication contains 35 papers which were presented
mation on 100 other countries. Details are also given on versity. Guy Baker, the author, never intended it for publi- at the second International and fifth National research con-
national types which are based on commonly agreed con- cation. But when he brought it to Standards Australia for ference on quality management. The conference held ear-
figurations such as those derived from the International us to print it privately for him, we recognized that this was lier this year provided an opportunity for quality manage-
Electrotechnical Commission Standards. Approval bodies a very special book. It is a living history; a raw, personal ment researchers to present their latest research findings in
are also presented. Published in conjunction with the Brit- account which retains the individuality, the lust for life of front of their peers, industry leaders, academic leaders and
ish Standards Institution Information Centre. an author who, at 20, experienced events and circumstanc- practitioners.
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 1891 4) es which, to most of us, are in conceivable. (ISBN 0 7337 2301 2)

CB 016—1998

CB 016—1998 of the vast range of material available to the auditor, stu- CB 027—2002
dent and academic. This is a seminal work, unique in con- Business Continuity Management—
Demystifying The Quality Confusion, cept and executed with a rare passion, inquisitiveness and
empirical evidence and lessons scholarship. As Keith Ketheeswaran, former CEO of QAS Preventing chaos in a crisis 21pp C
learned 380pp H expresses it: No book can enable us to touch the stars. But Based on the principle that it is better to prevent chaos in a
Although there are many cases where quality strategies Professor Foley has hoisted us on his shoulders and in- crisis than have to recover from a disaster, Business Con-
have been successfully applied, there is still considerable creased our reach. tinuity Management is a powerful methodology that helps
confusion, frustration and uncertainty surrounding the ap- avoid chaos by focusing on everything that is needed to
(ISBN 0 7337 3589 4) continue the key business processes, whatever the catastro-
plied role and business value of TQM and ISO 9000 certi-
fication. This publication investigates the relationship be- phe. It is a proactive process with the overall objective to
tween the TQM philosophy and ISO certification CB 023—2001 create a continuing process to feed into a 'plan'—a written
(individually and in combination) with organizational per- programme of action to be implemented when the (almost)
formance and draws on case studies from Australian Man-
A CAPITAL IDEA—Realizing value unimaginable happens. Assuming a disaster occurs (and
ufacturing Industry in drawing conclusions. from environmental and social per- this Handbook may help to avoid one), effective Business
(ISBN 0 7337 2302 0) formance 65pp Continuity management will help to minimize negative
Free PDF download from Standards Web Site impacts and maintaining shareholder value. It may also
help contain or reduce cost of insurance. In an age where
CB 019—2000 only the unthinkable has become possible and the unlikely com-
Quality and Productivity for the Twen- This guide is to assist companies in capturing value from monplace, the question is not whether a business can af-
good environmental and social performance. It shows how ford to implement BCM strategies but whether it can af-
ty First Century—A major compilation the changes in financial markets, including the rising inter- ford not to.
of original works providing an invalua- est in socially responsible investment, will affect organiza- (ISBN 0 7337 4660 8)
ble guide to quality and productivity tions, and how they can benefit from these changes. The
guide has five parts. Parts 1, 2 and 3 are aimed primarily at
improvement in the twenty first centu- senior executives and managers, particularly those con- CB 028—2002
ry 588pp I cerned with financial performance and the attraction of Managing a Product Recall—Taking
Compiled and edited by William G. Fenner, a doyen of capital from investors and lenders. Part 4 is aimed primari- corrective action to safeguard con-
Australia's quality movement and himself an expert in ly at environmental managers, human resource managers,
quality and productivity systems. This book is a wide- and others involved in managing and improving compa- sumers from unsafe products
ranging and eclectic collection of 86 essays, articles and nies' environmental and social performance. Part 5 is 65pp E
academic contributions which, together, represent a unique aimed for the general reader. Principal author of this guide When faced with a possible recall situation, it is difficult to
reference source on contemporary attitudes towards quali- is Deni Greene Consulting Services. The guide has been know where to start. This Handbook provides extensive
ty and productivity. The collection is subdivided into 7 ma- prepared in conjunction with Standards Australia and Eth- advice on every stage of recalling products from consum-
jor groups; Management, Teams and teaming, Training for ical Investment Services, with funding from the Common- ers. It assists in targeting the recall message and give you
quality managers, ISO 9000, 14000 and other ISO Stand- wealth Government through Environment Australia's up-to-date advice on using the new types of media to deliv-
ards, Success stories, TQM in education, and Creativity Business of Sustainable Development (BSD) initiative. er your message effectively. Doing everything possible to
and innovation, plus an extensive bibliography. It is not This publication is only available as a free download from make a recall as successful as possible makes good busi-
meant to be read from cover to cover. It is an anthology de- our website at Paper copies are ness sense. A fast and effective recall can be a valuable op-
signed to be delved into whenever a need or interest arises. available from: Financial Sector Projects Team, Sustaina- portunity to reinforce a commitment to safety, quality and
It is a truly remarkable work, a worthy culmination to a ble Industries Branch, Environment Australia, GPO Box service. A well-thought out plan of action can save valua-
lifetime's dedication to quality and productivity, both na- 787, Canberra ACT 2601. ble time and money and may not only protect, but also en-
tionally and internationally. This book is a must on the (ISBN 0 95791 460 1) hance market reputation. There are also tips on how to pre-
bookshelf of any manager with a professional interest in vent the need for a recall and how to plan ahead in case a
business improvement processes. recall is necessary.
(ISBN 0 7337 3296 8) CB 024—2001 (ISBN 0 7337 4661 6)
The Quality Systems Handbook
CB 020—2000 CB 114—2002
313pp $47.30 Retail The Competitive Enterprise—10 prin-
International Customer Service Stand- No discount
ard (ICSS 1999-2000) 18pp I ciples of business excellence for in-
The International Customer Service Standard for business An essential companion for any individual or company in- creased market share
enterprises has been developed by the Customer Service volved in ISO 9000 quality management. The Quality Sys-
tems Handbook gives comprehensive information over a 224mm x 150mm Softcover
Institute of Australia as both an acknowledgment of
progress made to date by some enterprises in relation to full range of topics: the nature and purpose of Quality Sys- 386pp $44.88 Retail
standards of service excellence and as a benchmark for tems and Quality Standards; the intent and application of No discount
others to pursue. Much has been written about the impor- ISO 9000:2000; the ins and outs of certification; the imple- This book presents a ten-step plan for assisting business
tance of the customer in business: this standard provides mentation and maintenance of Quality Systems that work success. Based on 100 key questions it is designed to help
both a recognizable benchmark and a 'how-to' implemen- for you and for your business; the role of systems in your managers concentrate their improvement efforts. It ex-
tation approach. The International Customer Service pursuit of big picture business excellence. The Quality plains the benefits of such principles as: senior executives
Standard for business enterprises applies equally to for- Systems Handbook provides thorough yet simple explana- acting as role models, the customer perception of value,
profit businesses, to government and to not-for-profit busi- tions and methods that can work in all types of organisa- improving systems and the need for enthusiastic employ-
nesses. Its aim is to help shift the business focus from tions, to put Quality systems in a context of overall big pic- ers. With useful examples drawn from the author's experi-
Product or Service OUT to Customer IN. This means cre- ture Quality and become a powerful positive force in sound ence of good and bad practices it explains how these prin-
ating an environment where customer input is largely re- business management and organisational growth. The Au- ciples can be practically applied and how primary
sponsible for determining the product or service output, thors, Jeff Ryall and Jo Kruithoff have over 25 years expe- stakeholders might respond. Chapters: Principle 1—Senior
rather than where the supplier or service giver, attempts to rience in the Quality field. They communicate complex is- executives as role models; Principle 2—Focus on achieve-
force their product or service on the customer in the hope sues with clarity and authority. They write plainly and with ment of goals; Principle 3—Customer perception of value;
that it will meet customer needs and generate loyalty. an obvious understanding of the challenges you may face. Principle 4—To improve the outcome, improve the sys-
(ISBN 0 9578061 0 8) (ISBN 0 7337 4242 4) tem; Principle 5—Improved decisions; Principle 6—Vari-
ability; Principle 7—Enthusiastic people; Principle 8—
Learning, innovation and continual improvement; Princi-
CB 021—1997 CB 025—2002 ple 9—Corporate citizenship and Principle 10—Value for
Standards Australia—the first 75 A Guide to the Project Management all stakeholders.
years 118pp B Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) (ISBN 0 0747 1104 0)
This is a book produced to commemorate Standards Aus-
tralia first 75 years of service to the Australian community. 216pp H CB 115—2002
It traces the history of the organization from its foundation Jointly published by the Project Management Institute ISO 9000 Guidance notes 41pp X
in 1922, though to its seventy fifth anniversary in 1997, to- (PMI)—Sydney Chapter and Standards Australia Interna-
gether with an appendix which reviews Standards Austral- In conjunction with the publication of the International
tional, this document provides a basic reference for anyone Standards ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 9004:2000, the ISO
ia's vision for the new century. The book was compiled and involved in the profession of project management. It is
written by Stewart Horwood, the Chief Executive of technical committee responsible for their development
identical to, and reproduced from, the well known US pub- published a support package consisting of four guidance
Standards Australia from 1987-1996. lication of the same name. One of the core objectives of the modules: Guidance on the Process Approach to quality
(ISBN 0 7337 4096 0) document is to provide standardisation within the profes- management systems; Guidance on ISO 9001:2000 clause
sion of project management, identifying and describing 1.2 'Application'; Guidance on the Documentation require-
CB 022—2000 that subset of the Project Management Body of Knowledge ments of ISO 9001:2000 and Guidance on the Terminolo-
that is generally accepted. This document is also intended gy used in ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 9004:2000. At the same
The Quality Auditor 183pp H to provide a common lexicon within the profession and time ISO also re-issued its paper on The Selection and use
Written by Prof Kevin Foley, this book is destined to be- practice for talking and writing about project management.
come the definitive study on the philosophy, purpose and of the ISO 9000:2000 family of standards. As part of its na-
The guide is approved as an American National Standard tional interest activities, Standards Australia has published
practice of audit within a business systems environment. It (ANS) by the American National Standards Institute (AN-
is based on the assumption that economic performance is these five documents in a single volume in the hope that it
SI). will assist Australian enterprise in upgrading to the new
the primary function of the business enterprise, while man- (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 4455 9)
aging a vast array of stakeholder expectations. The book is edition of the ISO 9000 series of quality standards.
set out in three parts: Part 1 is an extensive introduction, (ISBN 0 7337 4964 X)
which sets the contemporary environment in which audit CB 026—2002
plays a key role. Part 2 is about the fundamentals of a mod- CCA T48—1999
ern business enterprise, its relationship with audit, and the Hidden Gold!
228pp $44.00 Retail Industrial Floors and Pavements
interdependence of the two activities. Part 3 is about Audit
Demands, first defining clearly the various stakeholders, No discount 100pp $60.50 Retail
and then, with superb clarity, defining the various interest No discount
of each of those parties. Throughout the text, the extensive Every organization has an inexhaustible supply of golden The primary objective of this manual is to promote cost-ef-
use of footnotes provides enormous insight and added val- opportunities waiting to be unearthed. In simple, practical fective techniques for the detailing and design of concrete
ue, and at the end, the meticulous 30 page bibliography and easy-to-follow terms, the authors show you how to industrial and commercial pavements that meet the re-
speaks of Professor Foley's wide knowledge and depth of find the Hidden Gold in your organization. quirements of in-service performance. It covers the selec-
understanding of his subject. It is surely a definitive listing (ISBN 0 7337 4512 1) tion and detailing of internal and external pavements. The

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

principles and details provided are applicable to pavements 3085.1:1995, AS/NZS 3086:1996 and AS/NZS 3087- to search, view and cross-reference the documents. This
likely to be found in warehouses, stores, manufacturing 2000. CD also provides you with all of the essential information
plants, engineering workshops, garages, offices and shop- (CT-097) needed for participation in the ACHS accreditation pro-
ping complexes. It has been prepared to assist engineers, gram-EQuIP. The information is updated during the one
architects, specifiers and building contractors by providing CCM Starter year subscription.
an outline of the process of detailing and the major factors
in meeting design performance. The manual covers plain Communications Cabling Manual
and reinforced concrete pavements, but no pre-stressed or Starter Kit $84.70 Retail No discount CD 008P
post-tensioned pavements. The CCM Starter Kit package includes: HB 243-2000, HB
(B/-) (ISBN 1 8763 0407 3) 29-2000 and AS/ACIF S009:2001, supplied shrink EQuIP Plus—Basic Package Print Ver-
wrapped. sion
CCA T49—1998 (CT-097) CD-ROM Print version $616.00 Retail
Residential Floors $462.00 Member
CCM Upgrade The EQuIP Plus Basic Package on CD-ROM is a subscrip-
28pp $19.80 Communications Cabling Manual Up- tion service which consists of 19 documents from ACHS
No discount grade and Standards Australia on safety. They are replicas of the
Residential Floors is an overview document catering for a published versions, but the CD-ROM makes it much easier
wide cross-section of the industry from novice to contrac- $108.90 Retail No discount to search, cut and paste, view and cross-reference the doc-
tor who require a concise and directed review of slab on Upgrade includes: HB 243-2000, HB 29-2000, AS/ACIF uments. This is the print version, so it allows you to print
ground construction. It also provides an insight into op- S008:2001, AS/ACIF S009:2001, AS/NZS 3080(Int):2002 out the information when you need it. This CD also pro-
tions available for suspended concrete floor construction. and AS/NZS 3087:2000. vides you with all of the essential information needed for
It has been updated to include the revised AS 2870, as well (CT-097) participation in the ACHS accreditation program-EQuIP.
as new sections on the termite Standard AS 3660.1, which The information is updated regularly during the one year
includes construction and concrete placing tips. CD 002 subscription.
(B/-) Software Quality CD-ROM
CD-ROM $550.00 Retail No discount
CCA T50—1997 The Software Quality CD-ROM is a multimedia software CD 009
Tilt-up Construction Notes program, designed to give you an understanding of the EQuIP Plus—Standard Package Non
32pp $7.70 Retail principles of quality management in the software develop- Print Version
ment industry. It gives you extensive one-on-one training CD-ROM Non-print version $985.60 Retail
No discount using video case studies, interactive audit checklists, and
These notes provide background on the tilt-up system and comprehensive self-tests. Plus it includes a complete copy $739.20 Member
an overview of the construction method, replacing the T27 of ISO 9001 and references to many more related docu- The EQuIP Plus Basic Package on CD-ROM is a subscrip-
Tilt-up Technical Manual. Tilt-up is a form of construction ments. tion service which consists of safety and quality docu-
ideally suited to the rapid realization of a wide range of ments from ACHS and Standards Australia. There are 19
buildings for industrial commercial, residential and com- documents on safety and 38 documents on quality. They
munity use. It is a building method that provides the bene- are replicas of the published versions, but the CD-ROM
fits of solid concrete-walled beltings quickly and econom-
CD 002-3 makes it much easier to search, view and cross-reference
ically. The notes are not intended to provide a complete Software Quality CD-ROM the documents. This CD also provides you with all of the
design and construction manual and professional advice CD-ROM 3 user licence $1094.50 Retail essential information needed for participation in the ACHS
from architects and engineers should be obtained on all tilt- accreditation program-EQuIP. The information is updated
No discount during the one year subscription.
up projects. Tilt-up equipment suppliers can also provide The Software Quality CD-ROM is a multimedia software
valuable advice regarding fabrication, lifting and finishing program, designed to give you an understanding of the
of panels. principles of quality management in the software develop-
(B/-) (ISBN 1 8762 7810 2) ment industry. It gives you extensive one-on-one training CD 009P
using video case studies, interactive audit checklists, and EQuIP Plus—Standard Package Print
CCA T51—1997 comprehensive self-tests. Plus it includes a complete copy Version
of ISO 9001 and references to many more related docu-
Concrete Pavement Design for Resi- ments. CD-ROM Print version $1232.00 Retail
dential Streets $924.00 Member
32pp $12.10 Retail The EQuIP Plus Basic Package on CD-ROM is a subscrip-
CD 002-5 tion service which consists of safety and quality docu-
No discount ments from ACHS and Standards Australia. There are 19
This manual covers the design, detailing and construction Software Quality CD-ROM documents on safety and 38 documents on quality. They
of concrete pavements for residential streets. It has been CD-ROM 5 user licence $1644.50 Retail are replicas of the published versions, but the CD-ROM
prepared to assist designers and contractors with the design No discount makes it much easier to search, cut and paste, view and
and, more importantly, the detailing of concrete pavements cross-reference the documents. This is the print version, so
to ensure that the pavement provides a high level of serv- The Software Quality CD-ROM is a multimedia software
program, designed to give you an understanding of the it allows you to print out the information when you need it.
iceability during its design life. The content of the manual This CD also provides you with all of the essential infor-
is arranged in the order in which the design process is per- principles of quality management in the software develop-
ment industry. It gives you extensive one-on-one training mation needed for participation in the ACHS accreditation
formed. program-EQuIP. The information is updated during the
using video case studies, interactive audit checklists, and
(B/-) (ISBN 1 8763 0400 6) comprehensive self-tests. Plus it includes a complete copy one year subscription.
of ISO 9001 and references to many more related docu-
CCA TN59—1998 ments.
Cements—Properties and characteris- CD 010
tics 12pp $11.00 Retail EQuIP Plus—Deluxe Package Non
No discount CD 002-10 Print Version
This new edition of this Technical Note supersedes the
Software Quality CD-ROM CD-ROM Non-print version $1478.40 Retail
1989 edition Hydraulic Cements—Properties and Charac- CD-ROM 10 user licence $3294.50 Retail $1108.80 Member
teristics (TN59) published by the Cement and Concrete No discount The EQuIP Plus Basic Package on CD-ROM is a subscrip-
Association of Australia. The superseded document was The Software Quality CD-ROM is a multimedia software tion service which consists of safety, quality and general
based on the then current Australian Standards AS 1315 program, designed to give you an understanding of the health documents from ACHS and Standards Australia.
Portland cement and AS 1317 Blended cement which have principles of quality management in the software develop- There are 19 documents on safety, 38 documents on qual-
since been replaced by AS 3972-1997 Portland blended ce- ment industry. It gives you extensive one-on-one training ity and 110 other health documents. These encompass just
ments. This Technical Note takes account of this Standard. using video case studies, interactive audit checklists, and about every healthcare Standard and guideline you will
(B/-) comprehensive self-tests. Plus it includes a complete copy ever need. They are replicas of the published versions, but
of ISO 9001 and references to many more related docu- the CD-ROM makes it much easier to search, view and
ments. cross-reference the documents. This CD also provides you
CCA TN61—1998 with all of the essential information needed for participa-
Articulated Walling tion in the ACHS accreditation program-EQuIP. The infor-
8pp $4.40 Retail CD 007 mation is updated during the one year subscription.
No discount Info 2000 Workbench
This second edition replaced Articulated Walling (CN9) CD-ROM $434.50 Retail No discount CD 010P
published in October 1984 (revised 1991). It is a refer- A complete Year 2000 methodology, comprising a de-
enced document in AS 2870-1996, Residential slabs and tailed manual and a GUI tool providing registers for docu- EQuIP Plus—Deluxe Package Print
footings—Construction, and has been revised from the ments; inventory of suppliers, vendors and assets; plus Version
1991 document in line with current Standards. The docu- projects and issues for all Year 2000 activities and process-
ment deals with the articulation of masonry walls, both in- CD-ROM Print version $1848.00 Retail
es. In association with Mathur Infotech Pty Ltd.
ternal and external, built on a concrete slab-on-ground (DD/1)
$1386.00 Member
footing. The EQuIP Plus Basic Package on CD-ROM is a subscrip-
(B/-) tion service which consists of safety, quality and general
CD 008 health documents from ACHS and Standards Australia.
CCM Package EQuIP Plus—Basic Package Non Print There are 19 documents on safety, 38 documents on qual-
Version ity and 110 other health documents. These encompass just
Communications Cabling Manual CD-ROM Non-print version $462.00 Retail
about every healthcare Standard and guideline you will
Package ever need. They are replicas of the published versions, but
$346.50 Member the CD-ROM makes it much easier to search, cut and
$184.80 Retail No discount The EQuIP Plus Basic Package on CD-ROM is a subscrip- paste, view and cross-reference the documents. This is the
Package includes: HB 243-2000, HB 29-2000, ACA TS tion service which consists of 19 documents from ACHS print version, so it allows you to print out the information
008-1997, AS/ACIF S008:2001, AS/ACIF S009:2001, and Standards Australia on safety. They are replicas of the when you need it. This CD also provides you with all of the
AS/NZS 3080(Int):2002, AS 3084-1993, AS/NZS published versions, but the CD-ROM makes it much easier essential information needed for participation in the ACHS

CD 011-5

accreditation program-EQuIP. The information is updated cracking in preformed grooves. The contraction is accom- this Handbook, users must have a copy of the Australian
during the one year subscription. modated at the control joints, thus the restraint to shrinkage Standard AS 3600 and the accompanying Commentary.
between the joints is largely removed. (B/-) (ISBN 0 9093 7532 1)
(B/-) (ISBN 0 9093 7540 2)
CD 011-5 CIA Z7—2001
Use of explosives 5 Hits CIA CPN25—1990 Durable Concrete Structures
CD-ROM 5 Hits $290.00 Retail Fly Ash and Its Use in Concrete 50pp $49.50 Retail
No discount 8pp $16.50 Retail $33.00 CIA Members only
The Use of Explosives CD is based on AS 2187.2 Explo- $11.00 CIA Members only The durability of any concrete structure is influenced by
sives—Storage, transport and use; Part 2: Use of explo- This Note is intended to provide specifiers with basic in- the quality of the concrete itself and of the work practices
sives. It provides the full text of the Standards, enhanced formation on: the material 'fly ash' as generally available in on the building site. Its treatment in service also has a sig-
by videos, photographs, diagrams and specifications. The Australia; the mix design methods by which it is incorpo- nificant impact but is outside the scope of this document
CD also includes a comprehensive set of 60 questions that rated in the mix; the particular properties of fly-ash con- beyond mention of the need to anticipate the in-service
can be used to verify your knowledge and understanding of crete; and applications for which fly-ash concrete is avail- conditions at the design and construction stages. Since the
AS 2187.2. The CD is an essential tool for those who need able. processes of deterioration in concrete structures are well
to ensure on-going employee familiarity with the standard, understood, the achievement of appropriate durability in a
such as is required by the Department of Mines in Queens- (B/-) (ISBN 0 9093 7541 0) particular structure is in the hands of the designer, specifier
land. On completion of the 60 questions, a printed certifi- and building contractor. This recommended practice will
cate can be generated. Available in two formats that allow CIA CPN27—1992 help practitioners reach this goal.
for 40 complete assessments (hits) or 5. On completion of (B/-) (ISBN 0 9093 7555 0)
the assessments, the CD remains available as an excellent Condensed Silica Fume and Its Use in
reference tool. Jointly developed by Standards Profession- Concrete 7pp $16.50 Retail
al Services and Orica Explosives. $11.00 CIA Members only CIA Z9—1999
This Note outlines the characteristics of condensed silica Curing of Concrete
fume (CSF) of significance to concrete producers and 16pp $33.00 Retail
CD 011-40 specifiers. Details on the specifications of CSF are includ- $22.00 CIA Members only
ed. Properties of CSF are given in three categories, viz.
Use of explosives 40 Hits physical properties, durability characteristics and fresh
Describes recommended practice for effective curing of
CD-ROM 40 Hits $1190.00 Retail concrete. Following an introduction and statement of gen-
concrete properties. Special requirements for handling eral principles applying to curing under a variety of condi-
No discount CSF and placing, curing and finishing CSF concretes are tions, the document provides recommendations as to prac-
The Use of Explosives CD is based on AS 2187.2 Explo- reviewed. tical curing methods. There is an appendix which gives
sives—Storage, transport and use; Part 2: Use of explo- (B/-) (ISBN 0 9093 7547 X) guidelines for the use of accelerated curing methods.
sives. It provides the full text of the Standards, enhanced (B/-)
by videos, photographs, diagrams and specifications. The
CD also includes a comprehensive set of 60 questions that CIA CPN29—1996
can be used to verify your knowledge and understanding of Prestressed Concrete Anchorage CIA Z10—1992
AS 2187.2. The CD is an essential tool for those who need Zones 13pp $16.50 Retail Recommended Practice: Design of
to ensure on-going employee familiarity with the standard, Tilt-Up Wall Panels
such as is required by the Department of Mines in Queens- $11.00 CIA Members only
land. On completion of the 60 questions, a printed certifi- In the last forty years, prestressing systems have developed 44pp $59.40 Retail
cate can be generated. Available in two formats that allow very large tensile forces in the cables which apply very $39.60 CIA Members only
for 40 complete assessments (hits) or 5. On completion of large compressive forces within the concrete. In a post-ten- Millions of square meters of tilt-up wall panels have been
the assessments, the CD remains available as an excellent sioned system, the anchorage component is usually an ex- designed and erected in Australia over the past twenty
reference tool. Jointly developed by Standards Profession- ternal steel bearing plate or an embedded steel casting, years. Tilt-up has developed from an occasionally used
al Services and Orica Explosives. with suitable lock-off device which transfers prestressing technique to the preferred walling system for many indus-
force to the concrete by direct bearing. In a pretensioned trial, retail and low-rise commercial buildings. To date
system, the transfer of these forces is by bond along indi- Australian structural designers of tilt-up have had to rely
vidual cables at their ends. It is in this highly stressed zone on USA design manual or methods promoted by equip-
CIA Concrete 1999 of concrete immediately behind the anchorage, called the ment suppliers in that country. Aware of this lack of design
Our Concrete Environment anchorage zone, that a complex three-dimensional interac- aids, the Concrete Institute of Australia has produced the
616pp $137.50 Retail tion of stresses occurs as the load is transformed to a two- Recommended Practice to assist designers to comply with
dimensional direct stress at some distance remote from an- the requirements of AS 3600, Concrete structures.
$110.00 CIA Members only chorage. As this concrete is highly stressed, careful design
The Concrete 1999 proceedings is a publication of 73 tech- (B/-) (ISBN 0 9093 7546 1)
and detailing of this anchorage zone is required. Many fail-
nical papers which were presented at Concrete 1999—Our ures have occurred as a result of poor detailing of rein-
Concrete Environments the 19th Biennial Conference of forcement in the anchorage zone or the stressing of the pre- CIA Z11—2002
the Concrete Institute of Australia. They included the ad- stressing cable prior to the concrete gaining the required The Evaluation of Concrete Strength
dress by Philip Cox—Darwinian Concrete Selection and strength. This Current Practice Note provides information
Donald Pheifer's address Engineering and Architectural by Testing Cores
on the causes of these failures and information and exam-
Progress in the United States Related to Environment Con- ples of good detailing of reinforcement. 18pp $16.50 Retail
ditions. Papers are in line with selected themes of the con- (B/-) (ISBN 0 9093 7550 X) $11.00 CIA Members only
ference and they include AS 3600 Development, Shot- This Recommended Practice is intended to facilitate the
crete, New Construction Products, Precast Concrete evaluation of concrete strength from the results of testing
Components, Marine Environment Concrete, Innovative CIA CPN30—1998 cores taken from the hardened concrete in a structure. The
Construction, The Built Environment/Urban Design, New Slab Edge Dampness document commences by dealing with the reasons for
Design and Detailing Concepts, Recycled Materials and strength evaluation by the use of cores. Directions are then
Industrial By Products, Architectural Concrete, Develop- 5pp $16.50 Retail
given on how to obtain cores from concrete structures so
ments in Reinforcement and Fastening, Materials: Proper- $11.00 CIA Members only that they will be suitable for testing and the test results will
ties and Specifications, Construction Risk Management, Details the typical visible "symptoms"and mechanisms by be "significant"in the true statistical sense. Steps in the de-
ESD with Concrete, Concrete in Olympics, High Perform- which moisture vapour and dampness are drawn into the termination and evaluation of concrete strength from the
ance Concrete, Infrastructure Projects, 5000 MPAa Steel external and internal concrete surfaces around the perime- results obtained from testing cores are then explained.
in Concrete. ter of residential slab footings. Sets out and shows exam- These steps include providing for corrections to the indi-
(B/-) (ISBN 0 909375 52 6) ples of the causes that can occur during construction. De- cated compressive strength of the core for the following:
tails preventative measures and construction detailing to be length to diameter ratio of the core; presence of reinforcing
CIA CPN17—2002 undertaken by the designer, builder and owner to eliminate bar in the core; position of the core axis in relation to the
the problem. standard cylinder axis; age of the concrete; quality of com-
The use of galvanized reinforcement paction of the concrete; the curing regime experienced. A
in concrete 7pp $16.50 Retail feature of the correction for quality of compaction of the
$11.00 CIA Members only CIA Z5—1987 cores is a series of photographs kindly provided by the
Where it is considered that normal reinforced concrete Concrete Society (UK) of concrete of known void con-
construction will not have adequate durability, galvanized Recommended Practice: Sprayed tents. This visual means of correcting for excessive voids
reinforcement is often used in preference to conventional Concrete 39pp $24.75 Retail in the cores is presented with an alternative procedure us-
steel reinforcement. Fully revised and updated from the ing actual density measurements of the cores.
$16.50 CIA Members only (B/-) (ISBN 0 909375 58 5)
1984 edition, this Practice Note briefly considers the fac-
tors determining the durability of reinforced concrete, the This document provides a description of sprayed concrete
nature of the galvanizing treatment and its effects on the processes, equipment and recommended practices. It dis-
cusses the engineering properties of sprayed concrete and CIA Z12—2000
reinforcement and the concrete. Information is given to en-
able readers to decide when to utilise galvanized reinforce- lists and illustrates typical uses of the material. A reference Pumped Concrete
ment, and guidelines are provided on the specifications and specification for sprayed concrete, which can be used as a 28pp $66.00 Retail
basis for the preparation of specifications for particular
practices involved in its use.
projects, included as an Appendix. $44.00 CIA Members only
(B/-) (ISBN 0 9093 7521 6) A significant amount of concrete produced in Australia is
(B/-) (ISBN 0 9093 7529 1)
transported and placed by pump. This recommended prac-
CIA CPN24—1990 tice was prepared because of the importance of the pump-
Design of Joints in Concrete Build- CIA Z6—1988 ing of concrete in Australia to-day. The successful pump-
Reinforcement Detailing Handbook ing of concrete is dependent on a number of factors
ings 8pp $16.50 Retail including using the correct pumping and line arrangement,
$11.00 CIA Members only 175pp $49.50 Retail having a suitable concrete mix and setting up a satisfactory
All concrete structures are subject to permanent contrac- $33.00 CIA Members only communication system between the builder, the concrete
tion movements due to drying and shrinkage, carbonation This Handbook illustrates detailing of reinforcement in in- placer, the pumping contractor and the concrete supplier.
and creep, as well as transient movements caused by fluc- situ reinforced concrete and partially prestressed concrete This recommended practice discusses these factors and in-
tuations in humidity and temperature and the application of structures and members. Precast and prestressed concrete cludes a summarised history of the introduction of the
loads on the structure. This paper describes how control detailing is not specifically covered. Information for de- smaller line pumping into Australia in the 1960's.
joints can be used in walls and slabs to concentrate the sign purposes is also provided. For proper application of (B/-) (ISBN 0 909375 54 2)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

CIA Z13—2001 CIDA 06—1993 CIDA 14—1995

Performance criteria for concrete in Occupational Health and Safety Per- Breaking the Norm—Workers rehabili-
marine environments formance Manual tated after injury in the building indus-
40pp $66.00 Retail 70pp $55.00 Retail try
$44.00 CIA Members only No discount CIDA 07 & CIDA 12 to CIDA 16
Durability of reinforced concrete in a marine environment Provides information to assist users to measure their Occu- 13pp $4.40 Retail
can be impaired as a result of corrosion of the reinforcing pational Health and Safety performance against the Aus-
steel, chemical attack on the concrete, and alkali-aggregate tralian Construction Industry Pre-Qualification Criteria for No discount
reactivity. In Australia, steel corrosion is considered to be Contractors and Subcontractors. $22.00 (set of six)
the main cause of deterioration of reinforced concrete ex- Provides case studies of companies and individuals that
posed to marine conditions. This Recommended Practice recognize the value of rehabilitating injured employees,
provides designers and specifiers with guidance on the CIDA 07—1994
and encourage recovery that brings benefits to both the em-
specification of the quality of concrete cover to minimise Constructing the Norm ployee and the employer.
corrosion of steel through: A review of the different meth- CIDA 07 & CIDA 12 to CIDA 16
ods that have been used in Australia to specify 'durability' 64pp $4.40 Retail
for concrete structures in marine environments; Putting
forward recommendations on the 'most suitable' approach No discount CIDA 15—1995
currently available to specify durable reinforced concrete $22.00 (set of six) Breaking the Norm: Women in the
in marine environments, and: Recognising that the specifi- A Guide to equal employment opportunity issues within
cation of concrete for marine environments is a developing the building and construction industry. Provides employ- building trades
science, providing information on a selected number of ers from major constructors to small subcontractors with CIDA 07 & CIDA 12 to CIDA 16
performance criteria currently under development. Per- information whether they seek to achieve basic compliance 16pp $4.40 Retail
formance criteria have been reviewed with respect to their or aim at best practice status. No discount
impact on the whole of the design and construction proc-
ess, these being the design stage, the supply stage (pre- $22.00 (set of six)
qualification) and the construction state (as quality control CIDA 08—1994 Provides case studies of women construction workers and
tools). Performance criteria have also been reviewed in re- Security of Payment (Final Report) demonstrating the range of career options available such as
lation to service life models currently applied to marine 69pp $11.00 Retail advanced tradesperson, trainer, administrator or business
structures. Conclusions are drawn from the extensive work owner.
carried out by the committee on this subject and the reader No discount
is provided with recommendations on appropriate ways in The final report of the Security of Payment Action Team
which such performance criteria can be applied on to the Board of the Construction Industry Development
projects. Agency. The report includes 35 recommendations under CIDA 16—1995
(B/-) (ISBN 0 909375 57 7) the headings of Corporate Governance. Project Funding,
Financial Evaluation, Tendering, Contractural Provisions, Breaking the Norm: Women in the
Administration of the Contract, and Security Under the building professions
CIA Z48—2002 Contract. The report includes an analysis of the comments CIDA 07 & CIDA 12 to CIDA 16
Precast Concrete Handbook of those respondents who did not support a particular rec- 18pp $4.40 Retail
416pp $179.96 Retail ommendation.
No discount
$143.96 SAI and CIA Members $22.00 (set of six)
This Handbook is the first book on the market specifically CIDA 09—1994
Provides case studies that illustrate the capacity of women
devoted to all aspects of Australian precast concrete con- Building Best Practice in the Con- to perform in all areas of the building and construction in-
struction including design, specification, manufacture and struction Industry—Overview for Cli-
installation. The Handbook reflects current industry best dustry.
practice featuring the latest innovative applications of pre- ents, Consulants and Contractors
cast concrete; these range from simple structural elements 32pp $11.00 Retail
to industrial and skeletal frame buildings, to decoratively No discount CIDA 17—1995
finished complex-shaped architectural facade panels and Provides the key points in building best practice in the con-
sophisticated bridge girders. It provides guidelines in the The Australian Construction Indus-
struction industry for the managment of individual enter-
form of graphs, charts and worked examples to assist in the
try—Pre-Qualification Criteria for
design of precast concrete structures in accordance with Smaller Projects
AS 3600-2001. The Handbook is intended for architects,
engineers, quantity surveyors and students as well as those CIDA 10—1994 24pp $22.00 Retail
involved in the building, infrastructure and construction Construction Industry Project Initia- No discount
industry. Published by the National Precast Concrete As- tion Guide for Project Sponsors, Cli- Provides a consistent framework, pre-qualification of
sociation Australia in conjunction with the Concrete Insti- companies to tender for work or register to tender for work
tute of Australia.. (ISBN 0 9577467 1 7) ents and Owners 32pp $16.50 Retail for particular projects. Tailored for use on small projects of
No discount less than $5 million.
CIDA 01—1993 Provides a framework and methods for achieving best
practice project initiation. Best practice steps are identified
Value of Overseas Business Activity to ensure that projects can proceed smoothly without extra
14pp $11.00 Retail delay and costs. CIDA 18—1995
No discount The Australian Construction Indus-
Based on collected original data, this study reviews the CIDA 11—1994 try—Pre-Qualification Criteria for Con-
value of overseas business to the Australian building and
construction industry derived from investment in overseas Transforming Construction: The Total tractors 51pp $44.00 Retail
operations. Project Approach 30pp $22.00 Retail No discount
No discount Provides clients with a framework, and methodology for
CIDA 02—1993 Provides a comprehensive process for implementation of pre-qualifying and selecting firms most suitable for their
reformed work systems, skill levels and organizational ar- particular projects. Intended for use on projects where the
Competetive International Contract- rangements at a typical construction site. estimated cost of the work is in excess of $5 million.
ing—The Determinants of Success
52pp $27.50 Retail CIDA 12—1995
No discount Breaking the Norm—Language, litera- CIDA 19—1995
A report to the Construction Industry Development Agen- The Australian Construction Indus-
cy on what is required for Australian construction contrac- cy and numeracy skills in the building
tors to be successful in overseas markets. The focus is on industry try—Pre-Qualification Criteria for Sub-
South-East Asia with the markets in Hong Kong and South CIDA 07 & CIDA 12 to CIDA 16 contractors 19pp $22.00 Retail
China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indo- 15pp $4.40 Retail No discount
nesia, investigated in some detail.
No discount Provides a contractor with sufficent information about the
$22.00 (set of six) subcontractor to enable the contractor to reach an informed
CIDA 04—1993 Provides case studies of companies and individuals dem- opinion as to the capability of the subcontractor to carry
Model Projects and Enterprises onstrating equal employment opportunity schemes aimed out the work. Intended for subcontractors in excess of $100
47pp $11.00 Retail at improving language, literacy and nuneracy skills in the 000.
building industry.
No discount
Provides details of more than 30 model projects completed
or underway, which have demonstrated the worth of con- CIDA 13—1995 CIDA 20—1995
sultative processes, multi-skilling and other new approach- Breaking the Norm—Aboriginal and The Australian Construction Indus-
es to training and work organization structures.
Torres Strait Islanders in the building try—Pre-Qualification Criteria for Con-
industry sultants 28pp $44.00 Retail
CIDA 05—1993 CIDA 07 & CIDA 12 to CIDA 16 No discount
Creating Productive Partnerships: A 14pp $4.40 Retail Provides a consistent framework for clients seeking to pre-
Win-Win Guide to Enterprise Bargain- No discount qualify and select consultants most suitable for a specific
ing 40pp $22.00 Retail $22.00 (set of six) project. Intended for use where the value of the consultan-
No discount Provides case studies studies of companies and individuals cy is in excess of $250 000, and where clients wish to com-
Provides guidelines for development of enterprise agree- demonstrating equal employment opportunities for Abo- mission a consultant for work on a range of projects over a
ments in the building and construction industry. riginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the building industry. specified period.

CIDA 21—1995

CIDA 21—1995 ELP 1 as well as leading the user through a practical Plan-
Do-Check-Act approach to developing an Action
Measuring Up or Muddling Through: ISO 9001 e-learning support package Plan for implementation. The full set of ISO 9001 e-
Best Practice in the Australian Non- learning modules are accessed over the web via a
Residential Construction Industry ELP 1.1—2001 unique account. Once you have purchased the mod-
ules you will receive a user ID and password via
125pp $49.50 Retail Free introductory module X email. Follow the instructions for how to logon to the
No discount This free module introduces the ISO 9001:2000 e- e-learning site to begin. You will have access to the
A report that presents the key results of a comprehensive learning package which offers a suite of three targeted module for a period of 60 days from the date of pur-
survey completed by contractors and subcontractors work- modules. Designed to bring the standard into focus chase. For more information visit www.stand-
ing in the non-residential construction sector during 1994. for a range of people in your organization—from top
management to those on the "frontline"- the ISO 9001
CIDA 22—1995 e-learning modules are accessed over the web via ESAA Doc 001—1991
your own unique account. Once you have registered
In Principle—Construction Industry for the introductory module you will receive a user ID Gas for Electricity Generation
Reform 1991 to 1995 and password via email. Follow the instructions for 49pp C
177pp $38.50 Retail how to logon to the e-learning site to begin the mod- A study of the potential use of natural gas for electricity
ule. You will have access to the module for a period generation in Australia taking into account economic and
No discount of 60 days from the day you register. For more infor- environmental factors. It includes detailed comparisons of
A comprehensive report from the Chief Executive of the mation visit the performance and efficiencies of gas turbines and other
Construction Industry Development Agency (CIDA). It re- generation technologies.
views the origins, establishment and operations of CIDA (ISBN 0 7305 8740 1)
with a particular focus on the process used by CIDA to car- ELP 1.2—2001
ry out its work. The top management module
$90.00 Retail ESAA Doc 002—1992
CS-EEHA—001—1998 No discount Report on security of control rooms
Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Ar- As part of the ISO 9001:2000 e-learning package, the 18pp C
Top Management Module covers the benefits that an Presents the responses of twelve electricity utilities to a
eas 75pp H survey on their current practices to ensure security of con-
ISO 9001 quality system offers executive level man-
This Competency Standard sets out the generic cross-in- agement. In particular it addresses the 'process ap- trol rooms. It also sets out their proposed disaster plans in
dustry competencies needed for work associated with elec- proach' to quality management, the use of the quality the event of control centre failure.
trical equipment in hazardous areas. It is divided into fif- system feedback mechanisms as a management tool, (ISBN 0 7337 4023 5)
teen units of competency in which electrical equipment in as well as management responsibilities. The ISO
which combinations of skills are described in the context 9001 e-learning modules are accessed over the web
of different work functions. The competencies are intend- via your own unique account. Once you have pur- ESAA Doc 003—1992
ed for use by industry sector or enterprise with regards to chased the module you will receive a user ID and Report on black start philosophy and
explosion-protection related to the following functional ar-
eas: producing, processing or servicing functions in haz-
password via email. Follow the instructions for how testing 13pp C
to logon to the e-learning site to begin the module. Four electricity utilities describe their current philosophy
ardous area and not directly involved in installing, main- You will have access to the module for a period of 60
taining or repairing explosion-protected equipment and of black systems restart and their approach to testing of
days from the date of purchase. For more information black start techniques.
systems; installing and maintaining or repairing explosion-
protected equipment and systems in the hazardous area; visit
(ISBN 0 7337 4022 7)
overhauling, repairing and modifying explosion-protected
equipment; developing/designing and maintaining explo- ELP 1.3—2001
sion-protection strategies; and inspecting hazardous area The enterprise management mod- ESAA Doc 004—1993
equipment, systems and installations. Published by Na- ule $90.00 Retail Measuring the efficiency of the Autral-
tional Utilities and Electrotechnology Industry Training ian Electricity Supply Industry Report
Advisory Board Ltd (NUEITAB). No discount
(ISBN 0 7337 1893 0) As part of the ISO 9001:2000 e-learning package, the
1 123pp D
Enterprise Management Module focuses on ISO 9001 A report on the performance of the Australian Electricity
for anyone with responsibility for multiple processes Supply Industry (ESI) which sets out the technical and fi-
CS FP 001—1995 within an organization. It covers the benefits to be nancial performance of each state and function from 1981-
Fire Emergency Response 96pp F gained by adopting the 'process approach' to quality 82 to 1990-91. It also gives total and partial factor produc-
management, as well as guidance on implementation tivity measures for each state and function during the peri-
A cross-industry competency which sets a framework for od 1987-88 to 1991-92.
the skills required to respond to a fire emergency in the issues. The ISO 9001 e-learning modules are ac-
workplace. It is suitable for a range of organizations from cessed over the web via your own unique account. (ISBN 0 85875 072 4)
those with simple demands for part-time emergency re- Once you have purchased the module you will receive
sponse duties through to enterprises with high fire hazards a user ID and password via email. Follow the instruc- ESAA Doc 005—1995
which require dedicated emergency response personnel. It tions for how to logon to the e-learning site to begin
covers ASF levels 1 to 5. Level 1 covers the skills needed the module. You will have access to the module for a Joint use of power poles-Model agree-
to react safely in an emergency situation and to report period of 60 days from the date of purchase. For more ment 16pp E
problems that may lead to emergencies. The skill level be- information visit Specifies engineering requirements and deals with the
comes progressively more complex until at level 5 it cov- technical aspects of the joint use of poles between an elec-
ers the management of the workplace emergency team, the tricity distributor (ED) and one or more communication
evacuation organization and emergency prevention activi- cable owners (CCOs). It emphasises the importance of
ties. Published by the Fire Protection Industry Association ELP 1.4—2001 marking cables as conductive or non-conductive and dis-
of Australia. The process management mod- cusses available techniques for mitigating possible electri-
(ISBN 0 7262 9941 3) ule $90.00 Retail cal hazards.
No discount (E/-) (ISBN 0 7337 4013 8)
CS FP 002—1995 As part of the ISO 9001:2000 e-learning package, the
Fire Protection—Portable Equipment Process Management Module is aimed at anyone with ESAA Doc 006—1997
Service 62pp E responsibility for a single process or function within Guidelines for Reliability Assessment
Designated to set the skill levels required for those em- an organization, particularly those who directly man- Planning 277pp Q
ployed in servicing fire emergency response equipment. age the people who carry out the work. This module
explains the 'process approach' to quality manage- A practical guide to the use of probabilistic reliability as-
The four different ASF levels allow the Standards to be sessment in planning subtransmission and distribution sys-
used to evaluate and certify a range of industry skills. ment, as well as leading you through a practical Plan-
Do-Check-Act approach to developing an Action tems. Detailed case studies for a number of power stations
These cover maintenance of fire fighting equipment used illustrate the application of probabilistic techniques in reli-
in a conventional office through to specialized fire fighting Plan for implementation. The ISO 9001 e-learning
modules are accessed over the web via your own ability assessment planning.
equipment such as foam units and vehicle suppression sys- (ISBN 0 7337 4014 6)
tems. It covers ASF levels 1 to 4. Level 1 specifies the unique account. Once you have purchased the module
skills required in using and maintaining portable fire fight- you will receive a user ID and password via email.
ing equipment as part of a team. The competencies develop Follow the instructions for how to logon to the e- ESAA Doc 007—1998
through to level 4 which covers supervisory skills and the learning site to begin the module. You will have ac-
cess to the module for a period of 60 days from the Specification for Polemounting Distri-
ability to service specialized fire equipment. Published by
the Fire Protection Industry Association of Australia. date of purchase. For more information visit bution Transformers 34pp H Specifies the technical requirements for polemounted dis-
(ISBN 0 7262 9942 1)
tribution transformers for use in three phase, single phase
ELP 1.5—2001 and single wire earth return (SWER) systems. The specifi-
CSIRO Full set of 3 modules: Top manage- cation has rationalised ratings, loss capitalisation factors,
Earth-wall construction mounting arrangements and fittings wherever possible.
ment, Enterprise management and (ISBN 0 7337 4016 2)
CSIRO5 Process management
Earth-wall construction $149.99 Retail ESAA Doc 008—1998
No discount
4th Ed. Author:G.F Middleton, revised by Electrical safety handbook for emer-
L.M. Schneider 65pp D The ISO 9001:2000 e-learning package offers a suite gency service personnel 44pp D
of three targeted modules, designed to bring the
This bulletin sets out the requirements and capabili- standard into focus for a range of people in your or- A reference guide to help Emergency Service Personnel in
ties of the pise (rammed earth), adobe (mud brick) ganization—from top management to those on the their day-to-day duties. It gives illustrated examples of
and pressed-soil block methods of earth-wall con- "frontline". The three modules can be purchased to- emergency situations and appropriate ways to deal with
struction for specifically Australian conditions. gether at a discount of over 40%. Each module ex- them.
(ISBN 0 642 12289 X) plains the 'process approach' to quality management, (ISBN 0 7337 4021 9)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

ESAA HB C(b)1—1999 (ISBN 0 7337 4017 0) FJS AS 1170

Guidelines for design and mainte- Minimum design loads on structures
nance of overhead distribution and ESAA ND/S 01—1994 (known as the SAA Loading Code)
transmission lines Seismic security of power systems
Handbook plus CD-Rom 154pp E FJS AS 1170.1:1998
128pp $220.00 Retail Outlines the main general considerations relating to the Dead and live loads and load com-
$165.00 Member and ESAA Members impact of earthquakes in power systems and the position binations
that has been reached in design methodology developed to Also numbered as AS 1170.1-1989 24pp E
Provides explanations, advice, and informationon matters counter seismic hazards. An extensive bibliography is in-
such as structural aspects, insulation, cable types, support cluded. (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2413 2)
spacings, clearances and of overhead distribution and
transmission. Primarily intended for designers, purchsers (ISBN 0 7337 4018 9)
and managers of such installations.
FJS AS 1170.2:1998
(E-) (ISBN 0 7337 2816 2) ESAA ND/S 02—1994 Wind loads
Substation seismic design—Applica- Also numbered as AS 1170.2-1989 90pp I
ESAA C(b)4—1991 tion guide 47pp E (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2414 0)
Guide to the use of and model pur- Provides requirements for substation seismic design for
chase specification for cable jointing Australian conditions. The content is confined to the struc- FJS AS 1170.4:1998
tures and structural aspects of outdoor substations with
compounds 34pp C particular reference to substations operating at extra-high- Earthquake loads
Describes the electrical, physical and chemical properties voltage (132 kV and above). Design considerations are Also numbered as AS 1170.4-1993 54pp H
and the techniques for use, of cable jointing compounds based on the premise that nominated seismic withstand ca- (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2415 9)
used for filling cable joints and accessories. The guide pabilities are specified for all items of substation plant.
deals separately with compounds used with solid type pa- (ISBN 0 7337 4019 7)
per insulated cable and with polymeric insulated cable. FJS AS 1170.4 Supplement 1:1998
(ISBN 0 7337 4009 X) ESAA NENS 01:2001 Earthquake loads—Commentary
(Supplement to FJS AS
National electricity network safety 1170.4:1998)
ESAA D(b)18—1983 code 66pp E
Recommended protection terminolo- Also numbered as AS 1170.4 Supplement
Applies to Network Operators and Service Providers and
gy 16pp B the work they perform in relation to designing, construct- 1:1993 32pp F
An alphabetical listing of terms to enable electrical author- ing, operating or maintaining electricity networks. Pro- (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2416 7)
ities to discuss protective schemes, with mutual under- motes safety as a priority for customers, the public, and in-
standing of the terms used to describe these schemes and dustry workers; nationally consistent practices; and FJS AS 1284:1998
their performance parameters. economic efficiency through standardization. Simplifies
(ISBN 0 8587 5049 X) the interpretation of regulatory requirements placed on Electricity metering
Network Operators, Service Providers, their employees Also numbered as AS 1284 series comprising, AS
and their contractors. 1284.1-991, AS 1284.2-1973, AS 1284.3-1991, AS
ESAA D(b)31—1989 (ISBN 0 7337 3960 1) 1284.4-1994, AS 1284.5-1992, AS 1284.6-1992, AS
Guide for the maintenance of high 1284.7-1994, AS 1284.8-1994, AS 1284.9-1993, AS
voltage paper/oil insulated cables and ESAA NENS 02:2001 1284.10.1-1996, AS 1284.10.2-1993, AS 1284.11-
accessories 57pp D National electricity network operator 1995 and AS 1284.12-1995. 301pp
Recommends detailed information to be supplied in man- and service provider safety assurance $324.50 Retail No discount
ufacturer's maintenance manuals for oil-filled cable instal- Incorporates Parts 1-12.
lations and sets out tests, maintenance procedures and safe- guidelines 12pp E
ty precautions applicable to such installations. Applies to the performance of work by any Network Own- (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2440 X)
(ISBN 0 8587 5057 0) er/Operator or carried out on behalf of the Network Owner/
Operator by external agents or another Network Owner/ FJS AS/NZS 1376:1998
Operator. Identifies essential components of any safety
ESAA D(b)36—1990 management system developed to support works carried Conversion factors
Guide for the Design of Substations in out by or on behalf of any Network Owner/Operator. Also numbered as AS/NZS 1376:1996 and AS/NZS
Cyclone and Other High Wind Areas (ISBN 0 7337 3961 X) 1376 Supplement 1:1997 29pp G
Includes Supplement 1: Conversion slide.
8pp B
Provides recommendations for the design of high-voltage
ESAA SSD/CP 01—1994 (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2438 8)
substations in cyclone and high wind areas. Applies to all Guidelines for preparing specifica-
high-voltage substations to be constructed in such areas. tions 19pp C FJS AS 1428
(ISBN 0 8587 5058 9) Guidelines to help electricity authorities to prepare tender Design for access and mobility
documents in a standarised style and format and to encour-
ESAA EG 1—2000 age the use of functional and performance specifications. FJS AS 1428.1:1998
The recommended content for both simple and complex General requirements for access—
Substation Earthing Guide 170pp Q specifications is given.
Provides guidelines for the design, installation, testing and (ISBN 0 7337 4020 0) Buildings
maintenance of earthing systems associated with electrical Also numbered as AS 1428.1-1993 59pp J
substations. It includes earthing systems associated with (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2417 5)
generating plants, industrial installations, and transmission HB ESAA LLM (Set)
and distribution stations. ESAA Live Line Guide Set P
(E/-) (ISBN 0 7337 4804 X) This Set contains HB ESAA LLM 01-2000, HB ESAA
FJS AS 1428.1 Supplement 1:1998
LLM 02-2000 and HB ESAA LLM 03-2000. General requirements for access—
ESAA ND/NL 04—1995 (EL-008) Buildings—Commentary (Supple-
Guidelines for use of helicopters for ment to FJS AS 1428.1:1998)
live line work 21pp H HB ESAA LLM 01—2000 Also numbered as AS 1428.1 Supplement 1-
Sets out minimum standards for safety relevant to helicop- Guidelines for live line barehand 1993 23pp E
ter live line work. It applies to all work performed by cer- work 22pp J (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2418 3)
tified helicopter live line workers on or near live or de-en- Sets out broad guidelines for live line barehand work. Ap-
ergised high voltage overhead lines, structures and wires plies to all work performed on high-voltage overhead lines FJS AS 1428.2:1998
where helicopter work methods are used. where live line barehand methods are used.
(E/-) (ISBN 0 7337 4015 4) (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3614 9)
Enhanced and additional require-
ments—Buildings and facilities
ESAA ND/NL 05—1994 HB ESAA LLM 02—2000 Also numbered as AS 1428.2-1992 49pp I
Guidelines for the control of tree (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2419 1)
Guidelines for live line stick work
growth using tree growth regulators 25pp J FJS AS 1428.3:1998
21pp C Sets out broad guidelines for live line stick work. Applies
Specifies products, equipment and work procedures for to all work performed on high-voltage overhead lines Requirements for children and ad-
electrical authorities and others using Tree Growth regula- where live line stick methods are used. olescents with physical disabilities
tors on trees near power lines. (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3615 7) Also numbered as AS 1428.3-1992 16pp F
(ISBN 0 7337 4012 X) (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2420 5)
HB ESAA LLM 03—2000
ESAA ND/PST 01—1994 Guidelines for live line glove and bar- FJS AS 1428.4:1998
Testing of digital teleprotection sys- rier work 24pp J Tactile ground surface indicators
tems 10pp B Sets out broad guidelines for live line glove and barrier for the orientation of people with
Outlines procedures developed to test the communications work. Applies to all work performed on high-voltage over-
head lines where live line glove and barrier methods are vision impairment
interface of a teleprotection device and the ability of the
device to function correctly during disturbances on the used. Also numbered as AS 1428.4-1992 15pp E
communications system. (EL-008) (ISBN 0 7337 3613 0) (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2421 3)

FJS AS 1530

FJS AS 1530 FJS AS/NZS 1664.2 Supplement IEC IEV:1999

Methods for fire tests on building ma- 1:1998 Multilingual Dictionary on CD-ROM
terials, components and structures Allowable stress design—Com- CD-ROM $297.00 Retail No discount
mentary (Supplement to FJS AS/ Provides an alphabetical list of all the terms contained in
FJS AS 1530.1:1998 NZS 1664.2:1998) all Chapters of the International Electrotechnical Vocabu-
lary (IEV) available at the time of preparation. Contains
Combustibility test for materials Also numbered as AS/NZS 1664.2 Supplement over 8000 pages of hyper-linked pages with over 18000
Also numbered as AS 1530.1-1994 21pp F 1:1997 33pp F terms, synonyms and definitions in English and French, to-
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2422 1) (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2431 0) gether with the equivalent terms in ten other languages en-
abling easy navigation and extensive consolidated lan-
guage indexes. A convenient reference for users of IEC
FJS AS 1530.2:1998 FJS 2334:1998 Standards, including those in the trade and commerce area
Test for flammability of materials Steel nails—Metric series needing a quick and accurate translation tool. The Diction-
Also numbered as AS 2334-1980 16pp E ary is designed for all with an interest in electrotechnology.
Also numbered as AS 1530.2-1993 8pp C For unambiguous and consistent use of electrotechnical
Incorporates Fiji Islands Amendments on manufacture, in-
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2423 X) spection and testing. Equivalent to AS 2334-1980. terms, the Dictionary represents the authority. Terms used
by electrotechnical standards committees are consistent
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2412 4) with the IEV ensuring that the Dictionary is a useful refer-
FJS AS 1530.3:1998 ence tool for all involved with specifying, writing and
Simultaneous determination of ig- FJS AS 3000:1998 translating in the electrotechnical fields. The publication is
nitability, flame propagation, heat Electrical installations—Buildings, endorsed as a reference document by Standards Australia.
release and smoke release structures and premises (known as
Also numbered as AS 1530.3-1989 13pp D the SAA Wiring Rules) IEC Report
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2424 8) Also numbered as AS 3000-1991 316pp I IEC Report—Magnetically induced
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2432 9) currents in the human body
FJS AS 1530.4:1998 45pp $181.50 Retail
Fire-resistance test of elements of FJS 3566:1998 $136.12 Subcriber
Screws—Self-drilling—For the build- This Technology Trends Assessment Report from the In-
building construction ternational Electrotechnology Commission reviews the
Also numbered as AS 1530.4-1997 40pp H ing and construction industries present state of knowledge on the effects of electromagnet-
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2425 6) Also numbered as AS 3566-1998 30pp F ic fields on the human body, whilst acknowledging that
Incorporates Fiji Islands Amendments on manufacture, in- science is not yet able to clarify all the biological effects
spection and testing. Equivalent to AS 3566-1988. such fields may have. It categorizes the types of possible
FJS AS 1530.5:1998 (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2409 4) effects into short term and long term. The specific aim of
Test for piloted ignitability the report is to present methods for the calculation of the
electric fields and associated current densities induced in
Also numbered as AS 1530.5-1989 29pp F FJS AS/NZS ISO 9000 the body by externally applied magnetic fields. It con-
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2426 4) Quality management and quality as- cludes that overhead lines and domestic appliances do not
surance Standards pose any field problems for the general public. To pur-
chase, contact International Sales Department.
FJS 1562 FJS AS/NZS ISO 9000.1:1998
Design and installation of sheet roof Guidelines for selection and use NET—BCA1
and wall cladding Also numbered as AS/NZS ISO 9000.1:1994 BCA On-line Subscription Service
FJS 1562.1:1998 21pp F $249.00 Retail No discount
Metal (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2433 7) BCA On-line is a 12 month subscription service that al-
lows you to have access to Volume One and Volume Two
Also numbered as AS 1562.1-1992 11pp D of the BCA, plus the Guide to the BCA and any BCA
FJS AS/NZS ISO 9001:1998 amendments during that period. So you have the most up-
Incorporates Fiji Islands Amendments on manufac-
ture, inspection and testing. Equivalent to AS 1562.1- Quality systems—Model for quality to-date BCA information on your computer, anywhere in
1992. assurance in design, development, the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This service can
production, installation and servicing be used on both Macs and PCs.
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2410 8)
Also numbered as AS/NZS ISO 9001:1994
FJS AS/NZS 1562.3:1998 11pp E NET—BCA2
Plastic (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2434 5) BCA On-line plus Standards Subscrip-
Also numbered as AS/NZS 1562.3:1996
tion Service $1152.50 Retail
16pp E FJS AS/NZS ISO 9002:1998 $922.00 Member
Quality systems—Model for quality BCA On-line plus Standards is a great 12 month subscrip-
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2411 6) tion service that allows you to have access to Volume One
assurance in production, installation and Volume Two of the BCA plus the Guide to the BCA,
FJS AS 1657:1998 and servicing plus access to the text of referenced Standards (approx 150
Also numbered as AS/NZS ISO 9002:1994 Standards) and any BCA or Standards amendments during
Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways that period. So you have the most up-to-date BCA infor-
and ladders—Design, construction 10pp D mation on your computer, anywhere in the world, 24 hours
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2435 3) a day, 7 days a week. This service can be used on both
and installation
Macs and PCs.
Also numbered as AS 1657-1992 27pp F FJS AS/NZS ISO 9003:1998
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2427 2) Quality systems—Model for quality NET—BCA3
assurance in final assurance in final BCA On-line Monthly Access
FJS AS 1664 inspection and test $33.00 Retail No discount
Design and installation of sheet roof Also numbered as AS/NZS ISO 9003:1994 Not everybody needs the BCA for a prolonged period of
and wall cladding 7pp C time. You may only need it for one building project. That's
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2436 1) why Standards Australia and the Australian Building
FJS AS/NZS 1664.1:1998 Codes Board (ABCB) have developed BCA On-Line ac-
Limit state design cess options that are more flexible and cost-effective. The
FJS AS/NZS ISO 9004 BCA On-Line Monthly Access offers you the benefits of
Also numbered as AS/NZS 1664.1:1997 Quality management and quality sys- the On-Line product for a 30-day period. You get access to
74pp J tem elements the BCA Volumes 1 and 2 and the Guide to the BCA.
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2428 0)
FJS AS/NZS ISO 9004.1:1998 NET—BCA4
FJS AS/NZS 1664.1 Supplement Guidelines BCA On-line Occasional Access
1:1998 Also numbered as AS/NZS ISO 9004.1:1994 $33.00 Retail No discount
Limit state design—Commentary 23pp F Not everybody needs the BCA for a prolonged period of
(Supplement to FJS AS/NZS (DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2437 X) time. You may only need to access it a few times a year.
That's why Standards Australia and the Australian Build-
1664.1:1998) ing Codes Board (ABCB) have developed BCA On-Line
Also numbered as AS/NZS 1664.1 Supplement HL7—1999 access options that are more flexible and cost-effective.
1:1997 19pp D Health Level Seven The BCA On-Line Occasional Access offers you the ben-
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2429 9) Hard copy 912pp O efits of the On-Line product 12 times a year. You get ac-
Health Level Seven (HL7) is the American National cess to the BCA Volumes 1 and 2 and the Guide to the
Standard for electronic data exchange in health care envi- BCA.
FJS AS/NZS 1664.2:1998 roments Draft Australian Standards DR00046,DR00047
Allowable stress design and DR00048 cover the implementation of HL7 Version NPWC3—1981
2.3.1, which supersedes HL7 Version 2.3. DR00046 cov-
Also numbered as AS/NZS 1664.2:1997 ers patient administration, DR00047 covers pathology or- NPWC3: General conditions of con-
75pp J ders and DR00048 covers pathology results for registries. tract E
(DD/1) (ISBN 0 7337 2430 2) (IT/14)

Numerical Catalogue, 2003

QS 9000 invaluable reminder for your staff or colleagues to take panies that provide design and construction services, and
away with them from training sessions for later reference. suppliers of strategic products and services used in sewer-
Quality Systems Requirements—Au- Make sure you have one of these for each of your trainees age infrastructure. The first edition of the Code principally
tomotive Industry 100pp POA so that they can get the most from the video. Four Pocket addresses the design of sewage pumping stations and pres-
Companions are provided with each VID.025 purchased. sure mains. The Code links with WSA 02 Sewerage Code.
This manual was developed by the Chrysler/Ford/General
Motors Supplier Quality Requirements Task Force in the Future editions will address materials and construction
USA. It sets out a fundamental quality system for the auto- technical requirements and standard drawings.
motive industry which provides for conditions improve- VGD 01—1998 (ISBN 1 8760 8864 8)
ment, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of Meetings Guide
variation and waste in the supply chain. It has adopted ISO
9001:1994 Section 4 as its foundation. It defines the qual- Guide to VID 026-1998 WS-SPEC:2000
ity system expectations of Chrysler, Ford, General Motors $11.04 Retail No discount
and other subscribing companies for internal and external
This Guide is to be used in conjunction with the video
Water Services Specification
suppliers of production and service parts and material. To 350pp $89.76 Retail
purchase, contact International Sales Department. Meetings (Ref: VID.026). It is ideal for use by facilitators
to run group sessions based on the Meetings video (one No discount
Guide is included with each VID.026 purchased). It covers
the main points in the video and presents a structured WS-SPEC is a suite of standard technical specifications or
SET EXPLOSIVE learning session through questions, activities and check a master specification system for the water industry, devel-
lists. Additional Guides are ideal for individual self-paced oped to avoid all duplication that occurs in preparing this
Electrical equipment for explosive at- learning. information for each project. It is also an agency consensus
mospheres document aimed at standardisation of strategic products
(Set Expires 28 February 2003) and construction practices. It is intended for use by agen-
VGD 02—1998 cies, councils, consultants, developers, manufacturers and
$497.31 Retail contractors. WS-SPEC contains 39 sections for procure-
$372.97 Member Dynamic Presentations Guide ment of pipes, fittings, valves, water meters, concrete, pro-
Guide to VID 025-1998 tective coatings, earthworks, pipeline installation and
more. A model specification, reference contacts and a
SQF 1000 CODE $11.04 Retail No discount summary of certification requrements are also included.
This Guide is to be used in conjunction with the video Dy-
A HACCP Based Supplier Assurance namic Presentations (Ref: VID.025). It is ideal for use by (ISBN 0 7337 3551 7)
Code for the Food Industry facilitators to run group sessions based on the Dynamic
Presentations video (One Guide is included with each
AUS/NZ HARDCOPY VID.025 purchased. It covers the main points in the video WS-SPEC:2000 (CD)
12pp $33.00 Retail and presents a structured learning session through ques- Water Services Specification (CD-
No discount tions, activities and check lists. Additional Guides are ideal
for individual self-paced learning. ROM)
(ISBN 0 7337 4276 9)
CD-ROM $89.76 Retail No discount
SQF 2000 CODE WSA 01—2001 WS-SPEC is a suite of standard technical specifications or
a master specification system for the water industry, devel-
A HACCP Quality Code for the Food Polyethylene Pipeline Code 2001 oped to avoid all duplication that occurs in preparing this
Industry 54pp $82.50 Retail information for each project. It is also an agency consensus
AUS/NZ HARDCOPY No discount document aimed at standardisation of strategic products
and construction practices. It is intended for use by agen-
12pp $33.00 Retail The WSAA PE Pipeline Code covers the design and con- cies, councils, consultants, developers, manufacturers and
No discount struction of pressure and non-pressure pipeline systems contractors. WS-SPEC contains 39 sections for procure-
used for water supply and sewerage infrastructure net- ment of pipes, fittings, valves, water meters, concrete, pro-
(ISBN 0 7337 4277 7) works. The Code is written in mandatory terms with advi- tective coatings, earthworks, pipeline installation and
sory notes, suitable for referencing in contract specifica-
tions. The Code also addresses vacuum sewers using PE, more. A model specification, reference contacts and a
STUDENT ELECTRICAL SET pipe relining using PE and training programs. Typical con- summary of certification requirements are also included.
Student Electrical Set $260.70 Retail struction drawings specific to PE pipelines are also includ-
No discount WS-SPEC:2000 (NET—CD)
(ISBN 1 8760 8864 8)
This set of seven electrical Standards has been packaged
specifically to make it easier for students to access those Water Services Specification (NET-
Standards most important for their studies. It contains: AS/ WSA 03—1999 WORK CD-ROM)
NZS 3000:2000, Electrical installations (known as the
Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules), AS/NZS Water Reticulation Code of Australia CD-ROM Unlimited local area network license
3008.1.1:1998, Electrical installations—Selection of ca- 246pp $328.90 Retail
bles—Cables for alternating voltages up to and including
No Discount $548.90 Retail No discount
0.6/1 kV—Typical Australian installation conditions, AS/
NZS 3012:1995, Electrical installations—Construction The WSAA Water Reticulation Code has been written to WS-SPEC is a suite of standard technical specifications or
and demolition sites, AS/NZS 3017:2001, Electrical instal- serve the needs of the urban water industry, the companies a master specification system for the water industry, devel-
lations—Testing and inspection guidelines, AS/NZS that provide design and construction services, and the sup- oped to avoid all duplication that occurs in preparing this
3018:2001, Electrical installations—Domestic installa- pliers of strategic products used in water reticulation infra- information for each project. It is also an agency consensus
tions, AS/NZS 4836:2001, Safe working on low-voltage structure. The Code consists of 4 major parts covering de- document aimed at standardisation of strategic products
electrical installations and HB 300-2001, Electrical instal- sign, materials and products, construction standard and construction practices. It is intended for use by agen-
lations—Guide to using the Wiring rules. This set is only drawings and technical requirements. Purchasers of the cies, councils, consultants, developers, manufacturers and
available for electrical apprentices and students enrolled in Code may become Registered WSAA Code Subscribers contractors. WS-SPEC contains 39 sections for procure-
electrical courses. As this set has been heavily discounted and be listed on a WSAA database that will be used by its ment of pipes, fittings, valves, water meters, concrete, pro-
specifically for students proof of your student enrolment members and associates to identify current holders of the tective coatings, earthworks, pipeline installation and
status will be required at the time of sale. Please phone our Code. more. A model specification, reference contacts and a
national Customer Service Centre on 1300 65 46 46 for summary of certification requirements are also included.
(ISBN 1 8760 8862 1)
more details.

WSA 03L—1999 WTIA TN 11—1998

VCOM 01—1998 Water Reticulation Code of Australia
Meetings Pocket Companion Commentary on structural steel weld-
Looseleaf 246pp $394.90 Retail ing Standard AS/NZS 1554 46pp F
Pocket Companion to VID 026-1998 No discount
$11.04 Retail No discount This Technical Note complements the Structural Steel
The WSAA Water Reticulation Code has been written to
serve the needs of the urban water industry, the companies Welding Standards (AS 1554 Parts 1 to 5, 1992) by pre-
This Pocket Companion is a powerful follow up resource senting background information that could not be included
to be used in conjunction with the video Meetings (Ref: that provide design and construction services, and the sup-
pliers of strategic products used in water reticulation infra- in the Standard. Since the Standard is written in the form
VID.026). This handy "how to"booklet is an invaluable re- of a technical specification, it cannot present background
minder for your staff or colleagues to take away with them structure. The Code consists of 4 major parts covering de-
sign, materials and products, construction standard material or discuss the intent: it is the primary aim of this
from training sessions for later reference. Make sure you Commentary to fulfil this function. It is important that this
have one of these for each of your trainees so that they can drawings and technical requirements. Purchasers of the
Code may become Registered WSAA Code Subscribers Technical Note be read in conjunction with the Standards
get the most from the video. Four Pocket Companions are
provided with each VID.026 purchased. and be listed on a WSAA database that will be used by its involved. This commentary has been prepared to generate
members and associates to identify current holders of the a better understanding in the application of the Standard to
Code. welding in steel construction. Suggestions for the applica-
tion, as well as clarification, of the requirements of the
VCOM 02—1998 (ISBN 1 8760 8862 1) Standard are offered. It discusses the requirements of the
Dynamic Presentations Pocket Com- Standard with particular emphasis on new or revised claus-
WSA 04—2001 es. It serves as an educational text for students of engineer-
panion ing and a ready reference for the rest of us. Covers welding
Pocket Companion to VID 025-1998 Sewage Pumping Station Code of requirements for: carbon, low and high alloy steels; rein-
$11.04 Retail No discount Australia 105pp $165.00 Retail forcing steel for civil works; stud welding; quenched and
No discount tempered steels; structures subjected to high fatigue load-
This Pocket Companion is a powerful follow up resource ing.
to be used in conjunction with the video Dynamic Presen- The WSAA Sewage Pumping Station Code has been writ-
tations (Ref: VID.025). This handy "how to"booklet is an ten to serve the needs of the urban water industry, the com- (B/-) (ISBN 0 909539 75 8)



The subject headings in this index are derived from the ISO International Classification for Standards system (ICS). For convenience these
headings have been re-arranged in alphabetical order, with the number and title of relevant standards also listed.
A synopsis and further details of any specific Standard can then be obtained by going to the main body of the Catalogue, where Standards are
listed in numerical order.
For more comprehensive searching of the Standards Australia Catalogue, it is recommended that users go to the Standards Australia website at

ACCIDENT AND DISASTER CONTROL AS/NZS 1269.1:1998 Occupational noise management —

AS 2220.1—1989 Emergency warning and intercommunication Measurement and assessment of noise immission and
systems in buildings — Equipment design and manufacture exposure
AS 2220.2—1989 Emergency warning and intercommunication AS 1276—1979 Methods for determination of sound
systems in buildings — System design, installation and transmission class and noise isolation class of building
commissioning partitions
AS/NZS 2293.1:1998 Emergency evacuation lighting for AS/NZS 1276.1:1999 Acoustics—Rating of sound insulation in
buildings — System design, installation and operation buildings and of building elements — Airborne sound
AS/NZS 2293.2:1995 Emergency evacuation lighting for
buildings — Inspection and maintenance AS 1277—1983 Acoustics—Measurement procedures for
ducted silencers
AS/NZS 2293.3:1995 Emergency evacuation lighting for
buildings — Emergency luminaires and exit signs AS 1469—1983 Acoustics—Methods for the determination of
noise rating numbers
AS 3745—2002 Emergency control organization and procedures
for buildings, structures and workplaces AS/NZS 1935.1:1998 Acoustics—Determination of sound
absorption coefficient and impedance in impedance
AS 3745—1995 Emergency control organization and procedures
for buildings tubes — Method using standing wave ratio
AS/NZS 2499:2000 Acoustics—Measurements of sound
AS 4083—1997 Planning for emergencies—Health care facilities
insulation in buildings and of buildings elements—
AS 5022—2001 Guidelines for railway safety investigation Laboratory measurement of room-to-room airborne sound
HB 76:1997 Dangerous goods—Initial emergency response guide insulation of a suspended ceiling with a plenum above it
VID 23-24A(Set) Emergency Evacuation Videos AS 2533—2002 Acoustics—Preferred frequencies and band
VID 023A—1998 Emergency Evacuation Video 1 centre frequencies
VID 024A—1998 Emergency Evacuation Video 2 AS 2659.1—1988 Guide to the use of sound measuring
CS FP 001—1995 Fire Emergency Response equipment — Portable sound level meters
ACOUSTICS AND ACOUSTIC MEASUREMENTS AS 2659.2—1983 Guide to the use of sound measuring
equipment — Portable equipment for integration of sound
AS ISO 11654—2002 Acoustics—Rating of sound absorption—
Materials and systems
AS 2680—1984 Acoustics—Performance for tape recording
Acoustics measurements and noise abatement in general
equipment for use in acoustical measurement systems
AS 1045—1988 Acoustics—Measurement of sound absorption
AS 3657.1—1989 Acoustics—Expression of the subjective
in a reverberation room
magnitude of sound or noise — Pure tones, equal-
AS 1055.1—1997 Acoustics—Description and measurement of loudness contours
environmental noise — General procedures
AS 3657.2—1996 Acoustics—Expression of the subjective
AS 1055.2—1997 Acoustics—Description and measurement of magnitude of sound or noise — Method for calculating
environmental noise — Application to specific situations loudness level
AS 1055.3—1997 Acoustics—Description and measurement of AS 3663—1989 Acoustics and mechanical vibration—
environmental noise — Acquisition of data pertinent to land Definitions of fundamental quantities and their expression
use as levels
AS 1191—2002 Acoustics—Method for laboratory AS/NZS 3817:1998 Acoustics—Methods for the description
measurement of airborne sound transmission loss of and physical measurement of single impulses or series of
building elements impulses
AS 1191—1985 Acoustics—Method for laboratory AS 4241—1994 Acoustics—Instruments for the measurement
measurement of airborne sound transmission loss of of sound intensity—Measurement with pairs of pressure
building partitions sensing microphones
AS 1217.1—1985 Acoustics—Determination of sound power Electroacoustics
levels of noise sources — Guidelines for the use of basic
AS 1088.0—1987 Hearing aids — Measurement of
Standards for the preparation of noise test codes
electroacoustical characteristics
AS 1217.2—1985 Acoustics—Determination of sound power
AS 1088.1—1987 Hearing aids — Hearing aids with induction
levels of noise sources — Precision methods for broad-
pick-up coil input
band sources in reverberation rooms
AS 1088.2—1987 Hearing aids — Hearing aids with automatic
AS 1217.3—1985 Acoustics—Determination of sound power
gain control circuits
levels of noise sources — Precision methods for discrete-
frequency and narrow-band sources in reverberation AS 1088.3—1987 Hearing aids — Hearing aid equipment not
rooms entirely worn on the listener
AS 1217.4—1985 Acoustics—Determination of sound power AS 1088.4—1987 Hearing aids — Magnetic field strength in
levels of noise sources — Engineering methods for special audio-frequency induction loops for hearing aid purposes
reverberation test room AS 1088.5—1987 Hearing aids — Nipples for insert earphones
AS 1217.5—1985 Acoustics—Determination of sound power AS 1088.6—1987 Hearing aids — Characteristics of electrical
levels of noise sources — Engineering methods for free- input circuits for hearing aids
field conditions over a reflecting plane AS 1088.7—1987 Hearing aids — Measurement of the
AS 1217.6—1985 Acoustics—Determination of sound power performance characteristics of hearing aids for quality
levels of noise sources — Precision methods for anechoic inspection for delivery purposes
and hemi-anechoic rooms AS 1088.8—1987 Hearing aids — Method of measurement of
AS 1217.7—1985 Acoustics—Determination of sound power performance characteristic of hearing aids under simulated
levels of noise sources — Survey method in situ working conditions


AS/NZS 1088.9:1995 Hearing aids — Immunity requirements AS 3781—1990 Acoustics—Noise labelling of machinery and
and methods of measurement for hearing aids exposed to equipment
radiofrequency fields in the frequency range 300 MHz to AS 3782.1—1990 Acoustics—Statistical methods for
3 GHz determining and verifying stated noise emission values of
AS 1259.1—1990 Acoustics—Sound level meters — Non- machinery and equipment — General considerations and
integrating definitions
AS 1259.2—1990 Acoustics—Sound level meters — AS 3782.2—1990 Acoustics—Statistical methods for
Integrating—Averaging determining and verifying stated noise emission values of
AS/NZS 1591.1:1995 Acoustics—Instrumentation for machinery and equipment — Methods for stated values for
audiometry — Reference zero for the calibration of pure- individual machines
tone bone conduction audiometers AS 3782.3—1990 Acoustics—Statistical methods for
AS 1591.2—1987 Acoustics—Instrumentation for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of
audiometry — Reference zero for the calibration of pure- machinery and equipment — Simple (transition) method
tone audiometers for stated values for batches of machines
AS/NZS 1591.4:1995 Acoustics—Instrumentation for AS 3782.4—1990 Acoustics—Statistical methods for
audiometry — A mechanical coupler for calibration of bone determining and verifying stated noise emission values of
vibrators machinery and equipment — Methods for stated values for
batches of machines
AS 1591.5—1987 Acoustics—Instrumentation for
audiometry — Wide band artificial ear AS/NZS 4194:1994 Requirements for the declaration of the
acoustic output of medical diagnostic ultrasonic equipment
AS/NZS 2399:1998 Acoustics—Specifications for personal
sound exposure meters AS 4748—2001 Acoustic emission testing of fibreglass-
insulated booms on elevating work platforms
AS 2928—1987 Occluded-ear simulator for the measurement
of earphones coupled to the ear by ear inserts Noise emitted by means of transport
AS/NZS 4476:1997 Acoustics—Octave-band and fractional- AS 1948—1987 Acoustics—Measurement of airborne noise on
octave-band-filters board vessels and offshore platforms
AS/NZS 4714:2000 Ultrasound power measurement in liquids AS 1949—1988 Acoustics—Measurement of airborne noise
in the frequency range 0.5 MHz to 25 MHz emitted by vessels in waterways, ports and harbours
Noise emitted by machines and equipment AS 2021—2000 Acoustics—Aircraft noise intrusion—Building
AS 1081.1—1990 Acoustics—Measurement of airborne noise siting and construction
emitted by rotating electrical machinery — Engineering AS 2254—1988 Acoustics—Recommended noise levels for
method for free-field conditions over a reflective plane various areas of occupancy in vessels and offshore mobile
AS 1081.2—1990 Acoustics—Measurement of airborne noise
emitted by rotating electrical machinery — Survey method AS 2363—1999 Acoustics—Measurement of noise from
helicopter operations
AS 1359.109—1998 Rotating electrical machines—General
requirements — Noise limits AS 2377—2002 Acoustics—Methods for the measurement of
railbound vehicle noise
AS 2012.1—1990 Acoustics—Measurement of airborne noise
emitted by earth-moving machinery and agricultural AS 2702—1984 Acoustics—Methods for the measurement of
tractors—Stationary test condition — Determination of road traffic noise
compliance with limits for exterior noise AS 3671—1989 Acoustics—Road traffic noise intrusion—
AS 2012.2—1990 Acoustics—Measurement of airborne noise Building siting and construction
emitted by earth-moving machinery and agricultural Other standards related to acoustics
tractors—Stationary test condition — Operator's position AS 1633—1985 Acoustics—Glossary of terms and related
AS 2221.1—1979 Methods for measurements of airborne symbols
sound emitted by compressor units including primemovers ADHESIVES
and by pneumatic tools and machines — Engineering
AS 1157.10—1999 Methods of testing materials for resistance to
method for measurement of airborne sound emitted by fungal growth — Resistance of dried or cured adhesives and
compressor/primemover units intended for outdoor use
glues to fungal growth
AS 2221.2—1979 Methods for measurements of airborne AS 1230—1993 Pressure-sensitive adhesive tape—Glossary of
sound emitted by compressor units including primemovers
and by pneumatic tools and machines — Engineering
method for measurement of airborne sound emitted by AS 1309—1974 Glossary of terms used in the adhesives industry
pneumatic tools and machines AS 1321.1—1974 Methods for the sampling and testing of
AS 2374.6—1994 Power transformers — Determination of adhesives — Sampling
transformer and reactor sound levels AS 1321.2—1975 Methods for the sampling and testing of
AS 2436—1981 Guide to noise control on construction, adhesives — Corrosive effect of set adhesives on metals
maintenance and demolition sites AS 1321.3—1976 Methods for the sampling and testing of
AS 2991.1—1987 Acoustics—Method for the determination of adhesives — Bond strength of cured wood-to-wood adhesives
airborne noise emitted by household and similar electrical in shear
appliances — General requirements AS 1321.4—1975 Methods for the sampling and testing of
AS 2991.2—1991 Acoustics—Method for the determination of adhesives — Wearing effect of set adhesives on cutting edges
airborne noise emitted by household and similar electrical AS 1321.5—1975 Methods for the sampling and testing of
appliances — Particular requirements for dishwashers adhesives — Behaviour of cured wood-to-wood adhesives
AS 3534—1988 Acoustics—Methods for measurement of under long-term loading
airborne noise emitted by powered lawnmowers, edge and AS 1321.6.1—1977 Methods for the sampling and testing of
brush cutters and string trimmers adhesives — Preferred conditions for testing the water
AS 3713—1989 Acoustics—Industrial trucks—Noise resistance of adhesives—Cellulosic substrates
measurement AS 1321.7—1977 Methods for the sampling and testing of
AS 3755—1990 Acoustics—Measurement of airborne noise adhesives — pH value of aqueous extracts of uncured
emitted by computer and business equipment adhesives and of their components, and of cured adhesive
AS 3756—1990 Acoustics—Measurement of high-frequency
noise emitted by computer and business equipment AS 1321.8—1977 Methods for the sampling and testing of
adhesives — Storage properties of adhesives
AS 3757—1990 Acoustics—Declared noise emission values of
computers and business equipment AS 1321.9—1977 Methods for the sampling and testing of
adhesives — Brookfield viscosity of liquid adhesives


AS 1321.10—1980 Methods for the sampling and testing of AS 1937.11—1977 Methods of test for sealers and adhesives for
adhesives — Determination of non-volatile matter (solids automotive purposes — Determination of characteristics of
content) of adhesives medium to heavy bodied sealers resistant to embrittlement
AS/NZS 1599:1997 Pressure-sensitive adhesive packaging tapes from ageing
AS 1602—1988 Pressure sensitive adhesive filmic tapes for AS 1937.12—1977 Methods of test for sealers and adhesives for
general office applications automotive purposes — Determination of heat resistance of
vinyl laminate
AS 1635.3.1—1993 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive
adhesive tape — Adhesion strength AS 2131—1987 Adhesives—For bonding decorative thermoset
laminates (contact adhesives)
AS 1635.3.3—1995 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive
adhesive tape — Quickstick AS 2222—1979 Adhesives for unit loads (palletizing adhesives)
AS 1635.3.5—1995 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive AS 2329—1999 Mastic adhesives for fixing wallboards
adhesive tape — Adhesion strength after water immersion AS 2358—1990 Adhesives—For fixing ceramic tiles
AS 1635.3.6—1993 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive AS 2400.12—1985 Packaging — Adhesive closing and sealing
adhesive tape — Adhesion strength to own backing tapes
AS 1635.4.1—1993 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive AS 2400.14—1985 Packaging — Adhesives
adhesive tape — Stability of tape other than cellulose tape— AS 2581—1998 Pressure-sensitive adhesive labels for general
Accelerated ageing purpose use
AS/NZS 1635.4.2:1995 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive AS 2666—1996 Pressure-sensitive adhesive label stock—Paper
adhesive tape — Stability—Accelerated ageing of cellulose AS 2753—1985 Adhesives—Mastic—For bonding gypsum plaster
linings to wood and metal framing members
AS/NZS 1635.5.1:1995 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive AS 2754.1—1985 Adhesives for timber and timber products —
adhesive tape — Breaking strength
Adhesives for plywood manufacture
AS/NZS 1635.6.1:1995 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive AS 2754.2—1991 Adhesives for timber and timber products —
adhesive tape — Elongation
Polymer emulsion adhesives
AS/NZS 1635.7.1:1995 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive AS 2754.3—1988 Adhesives for timber and timber products —
adhesive tape — Unwind force
Adhesives for non-structural applications
AS/NZS 1635.8.1:1995 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive AS 2776—1998 Pressure-sensitive adhesive label stock—Plastic
adhesive tape — Length
AS 3553—1988 Adhesives for floor and wall applications—
AS/NZS 1635.9.1:1995 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive Resilient vinyl, linoleum and rubber sheet and tiles—Interior
adhesive tape — Thickness
and exterior use
AS/NZS 1635.10.1:1995 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive AS 3554—1988 Adhesives—Epoxy—For raised pavement marker
adhesive tape — Resistance to shear loading at elevated
AS 3691—1989 Solvent cement and priming (cleaning) fluids for
AS/NZS 1635.11.1:1995 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive use with ABS pipes and fittings
adhesive tape — Water vapour transmission rate
AS/NZS 3879:1995 Solvent cements and priming fluids for use
AS/NZS 1635.21.1:1995 Methods of test for pressure-sensitive with unplasticized PVC (uPVC) pipes and fittings
adhesive tape — Mending stability
AS/NZS 4364:1996 Adhesives, phenolic and aminoplastic for load-
AS 1635.21.2—1985 Methods of testing pressure sensitive bearing timber structures: Classification and performance
adhesive tape — Determination of resistance to accelerated requirements
ageing by artificial light
AS 1937.1—1991 Methods of test for sealers and adhesives for
automotive purposes — Determination of flow properties in AEROSOL CONTAINERS
absolute units AS 2278—2000 Non-refillable metal aerosol dispensers of
AS 1937.2—1977 Methods of test for sealers and adhesives for capacity 50 mL to 1000 mL inclusive
automotive purposes — Determination of initial bond strength AGRICULTURAL MACHINES, IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENT
of adhesives Agricultural machines and equipment in general
AS 1937.3—1977 Methods of test for sealers and adhesives for AS 1064—1987 Agricultural and light industrial equipment—
automotive purposes — Determination of optimum open drying Operator controls—Symbols
time of adhesives AS 1737—1975 Dimensions of scarifier share mountings
AS 1937.4—1977 Methods of test for sealers and adhesives for AS/NZS 2153.1:1997 Tractors and machinery for agriculture
automotive purposes — Determination of heat resistance of and forestry—Technical means for ensuring safety —
adhesive bonds General
AS 1937.5—1977 Methods of test for sealers and adhesives for AS/NZS 2153.3:1997 Tractors and machinery for agriculture
automotive purposes — Determination of staining of trim and forestry—Technical means for ensuring safety —
materials by adhesives Tractors
AS 1937.6—1977 Methods of test for sealers and adhesives for AS/NZS 2153.4:1997 Tractors and machinery for agriculture
automotive purposes — Determination by pressure and forestry—Technical means for ensuring safety —
extrudiometer of the consistency of sealers Forestry winches
AS 1937.7—1977 Methods of test for sealers and adhesives for AS/NZS 2153.5:1997 Tractors and machinery for agriculture
automotive purposes — Determination by pressure and forestry—Technical means for ensuring safety —
extrudiometer of the consistency of sealers after accelerated Power-driven soil-working equipment
AS/NZS 2153.6:1998 Tractors and machinery for agriculture
AS 1937.8—1977 Methods of test for sealers and adhesives for and forestry—Technical means for ensuring safety —
automotive purposes — Determination of staining of Equipment for crop protection
automotive paintwork by adhesives or sealers
AS/NZS 2153.7:1997 Tractors and machinery for agriculture
AS 1937.9—1991 Methods of test for sealers and adhesives for and forestry—Technical means for ensuring safety —
automotive purposes — Determination of shear strength of Combine harvesters, forage and cotton harvesters
metal-to-metal adhesive
AS/NZS 2153.9:1997 Tractors and machinery for agriculture
AS 1937.10—1977 Methods of test for sealers and adhesives for and forestry—Technical means for ensuring safety —
automotive purposes — Determination of damping coefficient Equipment for sowing, planting and distributing fertilizers
by the thick plate method
AS 2868—1986 Classification of machinery for earthmoving,
construction, surface mining and agricultural purposes
MP 36—1979 Recommendations for design of machinery and
equipment to control insect infestation in grain

MP 46—1980 Recommendations for design of farm silos, field AS 3696.2—1992 Wheelchairs — Determination of dynamic
bins and truck bodies to control insect infestation in grain stability of electric wheelchairs
Agricultural tractors and trailed vehicles AS 3696.3—1990 Wheelchairs — Determination of efficiency
AS 1121—1983 Guards for agricultural tractor PTO drives of brakes
AS 1246—1972 Location and direction of motion of operator's AS 3696.4—1992 Wheelchairs — Determination of energy
controls for agricultural tractors and self-propelled consumption of electric wheelchairs
agricultural machines AS 3696.5—1989 Wheelchairs — Determination of overall
AS 1636.1—1996 Tractors—Roll-over protective structures— dimensions, mass and turning space
Criteria and tests — Conventional tractors AS 3696.6—1990 Wheelchairs — Determination of maximum
AS 1636.2—1996 Tractors—Roll-over protective structures— speed, acceleration and retardation of electric wheelchairs
Criteria and tests — Rear-mounted for narrow-track AS/NZS 3696.8:1998 Wheelchairs — Requirements and test
tractors methods for static, impact and fatigue strengths
AS 1636.3—1996 Tractors—Roll-over protective structures— AS 3696.9—1990 Wheelchairs — Climatic tests for electric
Criteria and tests — Mid-mounted for narrow-track tractors wheelchairs
AS 2012.1—1990 Acoustics—Measurement of airborne noise AS 3696.10—1990 Wheelchairs — Determination of obstacle-
emitted by earth-moving machinery and agricultural climbing ability of electric wheelchairs
tractors—Stationary test condition — Determination of AS 3696.11—1993 Wheelchairs — Test dummies
compliance with limits for exterior noise
AS 3696.13—1991 Wheelchairs — Determination of coefficient
AS 2012.2—1990 Acoustics—Measurement of airborne noise of friction of test surfaces
emitted by earth-moving machinery and agricultural
AS/NZS 3696.14:1998 Wheelchairs — Power and control
tractors—Stationary test condition — Operator's position systems for electric wheelchairs—Requirements and test
AS 2823—1985 Agricultural tractors and self-propelled methods
machines—Test procedure for performance of air-
AS 3954.1—1991 Motor vehicle controls—Adaptive systems
conditioning systems for people with disabilities — General requirements
Forestry equipment
AS 3954.2—1991 Motor vehicle controls—Adaptive systems
AS 2726.1—1995 Chainsaws—Safety requirements — for people with disabilities — Hand controls—Product
Chainsaws for general use requirements
AS 2726.2—1995 Chainsaws—Safety requirements — AS 3973—1991 Mobile shower/toilet chairs
Chainsaws for tree service Aids and adaptations for reading
AS 2727—1997 Chainsaws—Guide to safe working practices AS/NZS 4277:1995 Text telecommunications—User interface
AS 3574—1988 Safety in forestry (known as the SAA Forest requirements—For Deaf people and people with hearing
Safety Code) and speech disabilities
AS 3575—1995 Clearing saws, brushcutters and grass Aids for disabled and handicapped persons in general
trimmers—Safety requirements
AS 4069—1993 Bathseats—Product requirements
AS/NZS 3576:1998 Clearing saws, brushcutters and grass AS EN 12182—2002 Technical aids for disabled persons—
trimmers—Guide to safe working practices
General requirements and test methods
Horticultural equipment Other standards related to aids for disabled and handicapped
AS 2657—1985 Powered rotary lawnmowers people
AS/NZS 3156:1995 Approval and test specification—Electric SET 1428 AS 1428, Design for access and mobility set
AS/NZS 3856.1:1998 Hoists and ramps for people with
AS 3534—1988 Acoustics—Methods for measurement of disabilities—Vehicle-mounted — Product requirements
airborne noise emitted by powered lawnmowers, edge and
AS/NZS 3856.2:1998 Hoists and ramps for people with
brush cutters and string trimmers disabilities—Vehicle-mounted — Installation requirements
AS 3632—1993 Powered rotary lawnmowers—Blades and
AS 4607—1999 Personal response systems
blade mounting attachments
AS 3792.1—1990 Ride-on lawnmowers — Powered rotary
ride-on mowers Air quality in general
AS 4057—1992 Powered walk-behind and hand-held lawn AS 2365.1.1—1990 Methods for the sampling and analysis of
trimmers and lawn edge trimmers—Mechanical safety indoor air — Determination of nitrogen dioxide—
requirements and test methods Spectrophotometric method — Treated mesh/passive tube
sampling procedures
AS/NZS 60335.2.77:2002 Household and similar electrical
appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — AS 2365.1.2—1990 Methods for the sampling and analysis of
Particular requirements for pedestrian controlled mains- indoor air — Determination of nitrogen dioxide—
operated lawnmowers Spectrophotometric method — Treated filter/passive
badge sampling procedures
Irrigation and drainage equipment
AS 2365.2—1993 Methods for the sampling and analysis of
AS 2698.1—1984 Plastics pipes and fittings for irrigation and indoor air — Determination of carbon monoxide—Direct-
rural applications — Polyethylene micro-irrigation pipe reading portable instrument method
AS 2698.2—2000 Plastics pipes and fittings for irrigation and
AS 2365.4—1995 Methods for the sampling and analysis of
rural applications — Polyethylene rural pipe indoor air — Determination of radon
AS 2698.3—1990 Plastics pipes and fittings for irrigation and
AS 2365.6—1995 Methods for the sampling and analysis of
rural applications — Mechanical joint fittings for use with indoor air — Determination of formaldehyde—Impinger
polyethylene micro-irrigation pipes
sampling—Chromotropic acid method
Aids and adaptation for moving
AS 2724.2—1987 Ambient air—Particulate matter —
AS/NZS 1428.4:2002 Design for access and mobility — Tactile Determination of suspended matter expressed as
indicators equivalent black smoke by filter paper soiling
AS 2942—1994 Wheelchair occupant restraint assemblies for AS 2724.3—1984 Ambient air—Particulate matter —
motor vehicles Determination of total suspended particulates (TSP)—High
AS 3693—1989 Wheelchairs—Nomenclature, terms and volume sampler gravimetric method
definitions AS 2724.5—1987 Ambient air—Particulate matter —
AS 3695—1992 Wheelchairs—Product requirements Determination of impinged matter expressed as directional
AS 3696.1—1990 Wheelchairs — Determination of static dirtiness, background dirtiness and/or area dirtiness
stability (directional dust gauge method)


AS 2800—1985 Ambient air—Determination of particulate AS 1386.5—1989 Cleanrooms and clean workstations —

lead—High volume sampler gravimetric collection—Flame Clean workstations
atomic absorption spectrometric method AS 1386.6—1989 Cleanrooms and clean workstations —
AS 2922—1987 Ambient air—Guide for the siting of sampling Operation and inspection of cleanrooms
units AS 1386.7—1989 Cleanrooms and clean workstations —
AS 2923—1987 Ambient air—Guide for measurement of Installation and use of clean workstations
horizontal wind for air quality applications AS 1807.0—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
AS 3580.2.1—1990 Methods for sampling and analysis of and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test — List of
ambient air — Preparation of reference test methods and apparatus
atmospheres — Permeation tube method AS 1807.1—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
AS 3580.2.2—1990 Methods for sampling and analysis of and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
ambient air — Preparation of reference test Determination of air velocity and uniformity of air velocity in
atmospheres — Compressed gas method clean workstations, laminar flow safety cabinets and
AS 3580.3.1—1990 Methods for sampling and analysis of pharmaceutical isolators
ambient air — Determination of acid gases — Titrimetric AS 1807.2—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
method and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
AS 3580.4.1—1990 Methods for sampling and analysis of Determination of performance of clean workstations,
ambient air — Determination of sulfur dioxide — Direct laminar flow safety cabinets and pharmaceutical isolators
reading instrumental method under loaded filter conditions
AS 3580.5.1—1993 Methods for sampling and analysis of AS 1807.3—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
ambient air — Determination of oxides of nitrogen — and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
Chemiluminescence method Determination of air velocity and uniformity of air velocity in
laminar flow cleanrooms
AS 3580.6.1—1990 Methods for sampling and analysis of
ambient air — Determination of ozone — Direct-reading AS 1807.4—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
instrumental method and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
AS 3580.7.1—1992 Methods for sampling and analysis of Determination of performance of laminar flow cleanrooms
under loaded filter conditions
ambient air — Determination of carbon monoxide —
Direct-reading instrumental method AS 1807.5—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
AS 3580.8.1—1990 Methods for sampling and analysis of
ambient air — Determination of hydrogen sulfide — Determination of work zone integrity
Automatic intermittent sampling—Gas chromatographic AS 1807.6—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
method and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
AS 3580.9.6—1990 Methods for sampling and analysis of Determination of integrity of terminally mounted HEPA filter
ambient air — Determination of suspended particulate
matter — PM(sub)10 high volume sampler with size- AS 1807.7—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
selective inlet—Gravimetric method and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
Determination of integrity of HEPA filter installations not
AS 3580.9.7—1990 Methods for sampling and analysis of
ambient air — Determination of suspended particulate terminally mounted
matter — PM(sub)10 dichotomous sampler—Gravimetric AS 1807.8—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
method and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test — Particle
counting in work zone by automatic particle counter
AS 3580.9.8—2001 Method for sampling and analysis of
ambient air — Determination of suspended particulate AS 1807.9—1989 Cleanrooms, workstations and safety
matter — PM(sub)10 continuous direct mass method using cabinets—Methods of test — Particle counting in
a tapered element oscillating microbalance analyser cleanrooms by microscopic sizing and counting
AS 3580.10.1—1991 Methods for sampling and analysis of AS 1807.10—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
ambient air — Determination of particulates — Deposited and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
matter—Gravimetric method Determination of air pressure of cleanrooms and
pharmaceutical isolators
AS 3580.11.1—1993 Methods for sampling and analysis of
ambient air — Determination of volatile organic AS 1807.11—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
compounds — Methane and non-methane volatile organic and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
compounds—Direct-reading instrumental method Determination of airflow parallelism in laminar flow
AS/NZS 3580.12.1:2001 Methods for sampling and analysis of cleanrooms
ambient air — Determination of light scattering — AS 1807.12—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
Integrating nephelometer method and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
Determination of temperature in work zones
AS 3580.13.1—1993 Methods for sampling and analysis of
ambient air — Determination of fluorides — Gaseous and AS 1807.13—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
acid-soluble particulate fluorides—Automated, double and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
paper tape sampling Determination of relative humidity in cleanrooms
AS 3580.13.2—1991 Methods for sampling and analysis of AS 1807.15—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
ambient air — Determination of fluorides — Gaseous and and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
acid-soluble particulate fluorides—Manual, double filter Determination of illuminance
paper sampling AS 1807.16—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
AS 3580.13.3—1993 Methods for sampling and analysis of and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
ambient air — Determination of fluorides — Total gaseous Determination of sound level in cleanrooms
and acid-soluble airborne particulate fluoride—Sodium AS 1807.17—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
acetate coated tube absorption and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments Determination of vibration in cleanrooms
AS 1386.1—1989 Cleanrooms and clean workstations — AS 1807.18—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets
Principles of clean space control and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
Determination of vibration in workstations, safety cabinets
AS 1386.2—1989 Cleanrooms and clean workstations —
Laminar flow cleanrooms and pharmaceutical isolators
AS 1386.3—1989 Cleanrooms and clean workstations — Non- AS 1807.19—1989 Cleanrooms, workstations and safety
laminar flow cleanrooms—Class 350 and cleaner cabinets—Methods of test — Sizing and counting of
particulate contaminants in and on cleanroom garments
AS 1386.4—1989 Cleanrooms and clean workstations — Non-
laminar flow cleanrooms—Class 3500


AS 1807.20—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets AS 3544—1988 Industrial vacuum cleaners for particulates
and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test — hazardous to health
Determination of sound level at installed workstations, AS 3640—1989 Workplace atmospheres—Method for
safety cabinets and pharmaceutical isolators sampling and gravimetric determination of inspirable dust
AS 1807.21—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets AIR-CONDITIONERS see VENTILATORS. FANS. AIR-
and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test — CONDITIONERS
Determination of inward air velocity of Class I biological AIRCRAFT AND SPACE VEHICLES IN GENERAL
safety cabinets
AS 2021—2000 Acoustics—Aircraft noise intrusion—Building
AS 1807.22—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets siting and construction
and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test —
Determination of air barrier containment of laminar flow AS 2363—1999 Acoustics—Measurement of noise from helicopter
safety cabinets operations
AS 1807.23—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets ESAA ND/NL 04—1995 Guidelines for use of helicopters for live
and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test — line work
Determination of intensity of radiation from germicidal ALARM AND WARNING SYSTEMS
ultraviolet lamps AS 1670.1—1995 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom
AS 1807.24—2000 Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets systems—System design, installation and commissioning —
and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test — Fire
Determination of recovery times of cleanrooms AS 1670.2—1997 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom
AS 1807.25—1990 Cleanrooms, workstations and safety systems—System design, installation and commissioning —
cabinets—Methods of test — Determination of gas Local fire
tightness of outer shell of biological safety cabinets AS 1670.3—1997 Fire detection, warning control and intercom
AS 2252.1—2002 Biological safety cabinets — Biological systems—System, design, installation and commissioning —
safety cabinets (Class I) for personnel and environment Monitoring network performance
protection AS 1670.6—1997 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom
AS 2252.2—1994 Biological safety cabinets — Laminar flow systems—System design, installation and commissioning —
biological safety cabinets (Class II) for personnel, Smoke alarms
environment and product protection AS 1670—1986 Automatic fire detection and alarm systems—
AS 2567—2002 Laminar flow cytotoxic drug safety cabinets System design, installation, and commissioning
AS 2639—1994 Laminar flow cytotoxic drug safety cabinets— AS 1851.8—1987 Maintenance of fire protection equipment —
Installation and use Automatic fire detection and alarm systems
AS/NZS 2647:2000 Biological safety cabinets—Installation and AS 1851.8 Supp 1—1990 Maintenance of fire protection
use equipment — Automatic fire detection and alarm systems—
AS 4273—1999 Design, installation and use of pharmaceutical System certificates and maintenance records (Supplement to
isolators AS 1851.8-1987)
AS/NZS ISO 14644.1:2002 Cleanrooms and associated AS 1851.10—1989 Maintenance of fire protection equipment —
controlled environments — Classification and air Emergency warning and intercommunication systems
cleanliness AS 1851.15—1997 Maintenance of fire protection equipment —
AS/NZS 14644.2:2002 Cleanrooms and associated controlled Local fire alarm systems
environments — Specifications for testing and monitoring AS 2220.1—1989 Emergency warning and intercommunication
to prove continued compliance with ISO 14644-1 (ISO systems in buildings — Equipment design and manufacture
14644-2:2000, MOD) AS 2220.2—1989 Emergency warning and intercommunication
AS/NZS ISO 14644.4:2002 Cleanrooms and associated systems in buildings — System design, installation and
controlled environments — Design, construction and start- commissioning
up AS/NZS 2394:1994 Conditioning equipment for the treatment of
Other standards related to air quality nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting)
AS 4260—1997 High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters— AS 2901—1986 Medical devices—Characteristics of audible and
Classification, construction and performance visible alarm signals
Stationary source emissions AS 3786—1993 Smoke alarms
AS 3543—1989 Use of standard Ringelmann and Australian AS 3790—1992 Portable warning triangles for motor vehicles
Standard miniature smoke charts AS 3811—1998 Hard-wired patient alarm systems
AS 3543 Supp 1—1989 Use of standard Ringelmann and AS/NZS 4280.1:2002 406 MHz satellite distress beacons —
Australian Standard miniature smoke charts—Australian Marine emergency position-indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs),
Standard miniature smoke chart (Supplement to AS 3543- (IEC 61097.2:1994, MOD)
1989) AS/NZS 4280.2:2002 406 MHz satellite distress beacons —
AS 4323.1—1995 Stationary source emissions — Selection of Personal locator beacons (PLBs)
sampling positions AS/NZS 4330:2000 121.5 and 243.0 MHz emergency position
AS 4323.2—1995 Stationary source emissions — indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) including personal EPIRBs
Determination of total particulate matter—Isokinetic AS 4428.0—1997 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom
manual sampling—Gravimetric method systems—Control and indicating equipment — General
AS/NZS 4323.3:2001 Stationary source emissions — requirements and test methods
Determination of odour concentration by dynamic AS 4428.1—1998 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom
olfactometry systems—Control and indicating equipment — Fire
Transport exhaust emissions AS 4428.5—1998 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom
AS 2094—1977 Carbon monoxide analyser equipment for systems—Control and indicating equipment — Power supply
road vehicles units
AS 2095.1—1977 Methods of test for pollutants from road AS 4428.6—1997 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom
vehicles — Exhaust carbon monoxide at idle speed systems—Control and indicating equipment — Alarm
Workplace atmospheres signalling equipment
AS 2985—1987 Workplace atmospheres—Method for AS 4428.7—1999 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom
sampling and gravimetric determination of respirable dust systems—Control and indicating equipment — Air-handling fire
AS 2986—1987 Workplace atmospheres—Organic vapours— mode control panel
Sampling by solid adsorption techniques


AS 4428.9—1996 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom ASCRM 010—1985 Certified reference coal ash
systems—Control and indicating equipment — Requirements ASCRM 011-7—2002 Certified reference coal sample
for wire-free alarm zone circuits ASCRM 012A-2—2002 Certified reference material—Coal
AS 4428.10—1998 Fire detection, warning, control and intercom sample with total sulfur of 0.33 percent
systems—Control and indicating equipment — Alarm ASCRM 012B-2—1997 Certified reference material—Coal
sample having total sulfur of 0.66 percent
AS 4607—1999 Personal response systems ASCRM 012C-2—1997 Certified reference material—Coal
HB 123—1999 Guidelines for the selection, location and sample having total sulfur of approximately 1.11 percent
installation of visual warning devices in buildings ASCRM 012D-2—1998 Certified reference material—Coal
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY sample having total sulfur of 5.21 percent
Chemical analysis ASCRM 013-9—2002 Certified reference coal
AS 2667—1983 Chemical testing—Sampling—Glossary of ASCRM 014—1999 Certified reference material—Coke
ASCRM 021—1998 Certified reference material—Synthetic
AS 2850—1986 Chemical analysis—Interlaboratory test rutile
programs—For determining precision of analytical
HB 19.30—1991 Reference materials — Guide 30—Terms
method(s)—Guide to the planning and conduct and definitions used in connection with reference materials
AS 3853.1—1991 Fume from welding and allied processes — HB 19.31—1991 Reference materials — Guide 31—Contents
Guide to methods for the sampling and analysis of of certificates of reference materials
particulate matter
HB 19.33—1991 Reference materials — Guide 33—Uses of
AS 3853.2—1991 Fume from welding and allied processes — certified reference materials
Guide to methods for the sampling and analysis of gases
HB 19.35—1991 Reference materials — Guide 35—
HB 15—1988 Chemical analysis index—A keyword listing of Certification of reference materials—General and statistical
methods described or cited in Australian Standards principles
TR 2.2-1—1997 Certified reference materials — Float glass
Chemical laboratories. Laboratory equipment
(for use in determination of abradability index by AS
AS 1681—2002 Safety requirements for electrically heated 1774.23.1) Preparation and certification of ASCRM 002-1
Type 1 ovens in which flammable volatiles can occur TR 2.2-2—1999 Certified reference materials — Float glass
AS/NZS 2243.1:1997 Safety in laboratories — General (for use in determination of abradability index by AS
AS/NZS 2243.2:1997 Safety in laboratories — Chemical 1774.23.2)—Preparation and certification of ASCRM 002-2
aspects TR 2.3-2—1993 Certified reference materials — Electrode
AS/NZS 2243.3:2002 Safety in laboratories — Microbiological carbon—Preparation and certification of ASCRM 003-2 (for
aspects and containment facilities use in Gray-King coke type test (AS 1038.12.2))
AS 2243.4—1998 Safety in laboratories — Ionizing radiations TR 2.4—1985 Certified reference materials — Iron ore—
AS 2243.5—1993 Safety in laboratories — Non-ionizing Preparation and certification of ASCRM 004 (Whyalla
radiations pellets)
AS 2243.6—1990 Safety in laboratories — Mechanical aspects TR 2.6—1985 Certified reference materials — Iron ore—
AS 2243.7—1991 Safety in laboratories — Electrical aspects Preparation and certification of ASCRM 006 (Hamersley
Low Grade Ore)
AS/NZS 2243.8:2001 Safety in laboratories — Fume
cupboards TR 2.7—1985 Certified reference materials — Iron ore—
Preparation and certification of ASCRM 007 (Dampier
AS 2243.9—1991 Safety in laboratories — Recirculating fume Lump)
TR 2.8—1985 Certified reference materials — Zircon sand
AS 2243.10—1993 Safety in laboratories — Storage of concentrate—Preparation and certification of ASCRM 008
TR 2.10—1985 Certified reference materials — Coal ash—
AS 2371—1994 Alcoholometers—Glass Preparation and certification of ASCRM 010
AS 2830.1—1985 Good laboratory practice — Chemical TR 2.10 Supp 1—1992 Certified reference materials — Coal
analysis ash—Preparation and certification of ASCRM 010—Trace
AS/NZS 2982.1:1997 Laboratory design and construction — element data (Supplement to TR 2.10-1985)
General requirements TR 2.11-7—2002 Certified reference materials — Coal—
AS 4185—1994 Polarimeters—Sugar—Automatic Preparation and certification of ASCRM 011-7 (Hardgrove
Chemical reagents. Reference materials grindability index)
AS 3536.1—1998 Reference gases — Preparation and TR 2.12A-2—2002 Certified reference materials — Coal—
certification of gravimetric Standards Preparation and certification of ASCRM 012A-2
AS 3536.2—1998 Reference gases — Preparation, analysis TR 2.12B-2—1997 Certified reference materials — Coal—
and certification of traceable reference gas mixtures Preparation and certification of ASCRM-012B-2
AS 3870—1991 Certified reference materials—General guide TR 2.12C-2—1997 Certified reference materials — Coal—
to material selection, preparation, testing and certification Preparation and certification of ASCRM 012C-2
ASCRM 002-1—1997 Certified reference material—Float TR 2.12D-2—1998 Certified reference materials — Coal—
glass—For use in determining abradability index by AS Preparation and certification of ASCRM 012D-2
1774.23.1 TR 2.13-9—2002 Certified reference materials — Coal—
ASCRM 002-2—1999 Certified reference material—Float Preparation and certification of ASCRM 013-9
glass—For use in determining abradability index by AS TR 2.14—1999 Certified reference materials — Coke—
1774.23.2 Preparation and certification of ASCRM 014
ASCRM 003-2—1993 Certified reference electrode carbon — TR 2.21—1998 Certified reference materials — Synthetic
Sample 2 rutile—Preparation and certification of ASCRM 021
ASCRM 004—1985 Certified reference iron ore (Whyalla Laboratory equipment see Chemical laboratories. Laboratory
pellets) equipment
ASCRM 006—1985 Certified reference iron ore (Hamersley Laboratory ware and related apparatus
Low Grade Ore) AS 2162.1—1996 Verification and use of volumetric
ASCRM 007—1985 Certified reference iron ore (Dampier apparatus — General—Volumetric glassware
Lump) AS 2162.2—1998 Verification and use of volumetric
ASCRM 008—1985 Certified reference zircon sand apparatus — Guide to the use of piston-operated
concentrate volumetric apparatus (POVA)


AS 2163—2002 Laboratory glassware—Measuring cylinders AS 3643.2—1992 Computer graphics—Initial graphics

AS 2164—1995 Laboratory glassware—One-mark volumetric exchange specification (IGES) for digital exchange of
flasks product definition data — Subset of AS 3643.1—Two-
dimensional drawings for architectural, engineering and
AS 2165—1996 Laboratory glassware—Burettes
construction (AEC) industries
AS 2166—2002 Laboratory glassware—One-mark pipettes
AS 3883—1991 Computer graphics—Computer Aided Design
AS 2167—1996 Graduated straight pipettes (CAD)—Guide for structuring of computer graphic
AS 2234—2002 Laboratory glassware—Beakers information
AS 2244—1999 Laboratory glassware—Test tubes AS 13567.1—1999 Technical product documentation—
AS 2245—1999 Laboratory glassware—Filter funnels Organization and naming of layers for CAD — Overview
AS 2246—1996 Conical flasks and boiling flasks (narrow and principles
necked) AS 13567.2—1999 Technical product documentation—
AS 2378—1996 Density bottles Organization and naming of layers for CAD — Concepts,
format and codes used in construction documentation
AS 2405—1981 Kjeldahl flasks
Identification cards and related devices
AS 2406—1981 Glass condensers with interchangeable
ground glass joints AS 3521—1988 Identification cards—Physical characteristics
AS 2407—1981 Separating funnels and dropping funnels AS 3522.1—1988 Identification cards—Recording
technique — Embossing
AS 2408—1996 Laboratory glassware—Filter flasks
AS 3522.2—1988 Identification cards—Recording
AS 2409—1981 Interchangeable conical ground glass joints
technique — Magnetic stripe
AS 2410—1981 Interchangeable spherical ground glass joints
AS 3522.3—1988 Identification cards—Recording
AS 2766—1997 Petri dishes—Plastic—For single use technique — Location of embossed characters on ID-1
AS 2770—1985 Measuring cylinders—Plastics—Graduated cards
AS 4186—1994 Screwcap bottles for microbiological use AS 3522.4—1988 Identification cards—Recording
(McCartney bottles) technique — Location of read-only magnetic tracks—
AS 4333—1995 Dean and Stark apparatus Tracks 1 and 2
AS 4715—2002 Laboratory glassware—Narrow-necked boiling AS 3522.5—1988 Identification cards—Recording
flasks technique — Location of read-write magnetic track—Track
AS 4716.1—2002 Laboratory glassware—Bottles — Screw- 3
neck bottles AS 3522.6—2002 Identification cards—Recording
Physicochemical methods of analysis technique — Magnetic stripe—High coercivity
AS 1502—1976 Glossary of terms used in X-ray spectroscopy AS 3523.1—1998 Identification cards—Identification of
issuers — Numbering system
AS 2134.1—1999 Recommended practice for chemical
analysis by atomic absorption spectrometry — Flame AS 3523.2—1998 Identification cards—Identification of
atomic absorption spectrometry issuers — Application and registration procedures
AS 2134.2—1999 Recommended practice for chemical AS 3523.3—2000 Identification cards—Identification of
analysis by atomic absorption spectrometry — Graphite issuers — Australian national numbering system and
furnace spectrometry registration procedures
AS 2134.3—1994 Recommended practice for chemical AS 3524—1988 Identification cards—Financial transaction
analysis by atomic absorption spectrometry — Vapour cards
generation atomic absorption spectrometry AS 3525—1988 Bank cards—Magnetic stripe data content for
AS 2563—1996 Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence Track 3
spectrometers—Determination of precision AS 4718—2000 Machine readable identity cards
AS 3641.1—1999 Recommended practice for atomic emission AS 4954—2001 Identification cards—Integrated circuit(s)
spectrometric analysis — Principles and techniques cards with contacts—Numbering system and registration
AS 3641.2—1999 Recommended practice for atomic emission procedure for application identifiers
spectrometric analysis — Inductively coupled plasma MP 56—1988 Register of Australian and New Zealand
excitation credit/identification card issuers registered with the
AS 3685—1998 Recommended procedures and principles of International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
glow discharge mass spectrometry (GD-MS) IT applications in banking
AS 3741—1990 Recommended practice for chemical analysis AS 2805.1—1997 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements for
by ion chromatography interfaces — Communications
AS 3753—2001 Recommended practice for chemical analysis AS 2805.2—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements for
by ultraviolet/visible spectrophotometry interfaces — Message structure, format and content
Reference materials see Chemical reagents. Reference AS 2805.3—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements for
materials interfaces — PIN management and security
APPLICATIONS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) AS 2805.4—1985 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements for
Application of information technology in general interfaces — Message authentication
AS 10303.12—1999 Industrial automation systems and AS 2805.4.1—2001 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements
integration—Product data representation and exchange — for interfaces — Message authentication — Mechanisms
Description methods: The EXPRESS-I language reference using a block cipher
manual AS 2805.4.2—2001 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements
HB 253—2002 Electronic document management for the for interfaces — Message authentication — Mechanisms
construction industry using a hash-function
CD 007 Info 2000 Workbench AS 2805.5.1—1992 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements
for interfaces — Ciphers — Data encipherment algorithm 1
Computer-aided design (CAD) (DEA 1)
AS 3643.1—1989 Computer graphics—Initial graphics AS 2805.5.2—1992 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements
exchange specification (IGES) for digital exchange of for interfaces — Ciphers — Modes of operation for an n-bit
product definition data — General block cipher algorithm
AS 2805.5.3—1992 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements
for interfaces — Ciphers — Data encipherment algorithm 2
(DEA 2)


AS 2805.5.4—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements AS/NZS 4700.3:1999 Implementation of Health Level Seven
for interfaces — Ciphers—Data encipherment algorithm 3 (HL7) Version 2.3 — Electronic messages for exchange of
(DEA 3) and related techniques information on drug prescription
AS 2805.6.1—2002 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements AS 4700.5—2002 Implementation of Health Level Seven (HL7)
for interfaces — Key management — Principles Version 2.3.1 — Immunization Messages
AS 2805.6.2—2002 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements AS 5017—2002 Health Care Client Identification
for interfaces — Key management — Transaction keys HB 262—2002 Pathology electronic messaging—Guidelines
AS 2805.6.3—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements for pathology messaging between pathology providers and
for interfaces — Key management — Session keys—Node health service providers—Implementation guide
to node HL7—1999 Health Level Seven
AS 2805.6.4—2001 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements IT applications in industry
for interfaces — Key management — Session keys—
AS 4168.1—1994 Programmable controllers — General
Terminal to acquirer information
AS 2805.6.5.1—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements AS 4168.2—1994 Programmable controllers — Equipment
for interfaces — Key management — TCU Initialization — requirements and tests
AS 4168.3—1994 Programmable controllers — Programming
AS 2805.6.5.2—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements languages
for interfaces — Key management — TCU initialization —
Symmetric AS 10303.1—1998 Industrial automation systems and
integration—Product data representation and exchange —
AS 2805.6.5.3—1992 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements Overview and fundamental principles
for interfaces — Key management — TCU initialization —
Asymmetric AS 10303.11—1998 Industrial automation systems and
integration—Product data representation and exchange —
AS 2805.7—1986 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements for Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference
interfaces — POS message content manual
AS 2805.8—1986 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements for AS 10303.21—1998 Industrial automation systems and
interfaces — Financial institution message content integration—Product data representation and exchange —
AS 2805.9—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements for Implementation methods: Clear text encoding of the
interfaces — Privacy of communications exchange structure
AS 2805.10—1997 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements AS 10303.22—2000 Industrial automation systems and
for interfaces — File transfer integrity validation integration—Product data representation and exchange —
AS 2805.11—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements Implementation methods: Standard data access interface
for interfaces — Card parameter table AS 10303.31—1998 Industrial automation systems and
AS 2805.12.1—1999 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements integration—Product data representation and exchange —
for interfaces — Message content — Structure and format Conformance testing methodology and framework:
AS 2805.12.2—1999 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements General concepts
for interfaces — Message content — Codes AS 10303.41—1998 Industrial automation systems and
AS 2805.12.3—1999 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements integration—Product data representation and exchange —
for interfaces — Message content — Maintenance of Integrated generic resources: Fundamentals of product
codes description and support
AS 2805.13.1—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements AS 10303.42—1998 Industrial automation systems and
for interfaces — Secure hash functions — General integration—Product data representation and exchange —
AS 2805.13.2—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements Integrated generic resources: Geometric and topological
for interfaces — Secure hash functions — MD5
AS 2805.13.3—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements AS 10303.43—1998 Industrial automation systems and
integration—Product data representation and exchange —
for interfaces — Secure hash functions — SHA-1
Integrated generic resources: Representation structures
AS 2805.14.1—2000 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements
for interfaces — Secure cryptographic devices (retail) — AS 10303.44—1998 Industrial automation systems and
Concepts, requirements and evaluation methods integration—Product data representation and exchange —
Integrated generic resources: Product structure
AS 3769—1990 Automatic teller machines—User access configuration
HB 127—1999 Electronic funds transfer—Implementing AS 10303.45—2000 Industrial automation systems and
message content Standards—Conversion Handbook integration—Product data representation and exchange —
(changing from AS 2805.2 to the AS 2805.12 series) Integrated generic resources: Materials
HB 128—1999 Electronic funds transfer—Implementing AS 10303.46—1998 Industrial automation systems and
message content Standards—Terminal Handbook integration—Product data representation and exchange —
HB 129—1999 Electronic funds transfer—Implementing Integrated generic resources: Visual presentation
message content Standards—Interchange Handbook AS 10303.47—1999 Industrial automation systems and
IT applications in health care technology integration—Product data representation and exchange —
AS/NZS 3200.2.44:2000 Medical electrical equipment — Integrated generic resource: Shape variation tolerances
Particular requirements for safety — X-ray equipment for AS 10303.49—2000 Industrial automation systems and
computed tomography integration—Product data representation and exchange —
AS 4400—1995 Personal privacy protection in health care Integrated generic resources: Process structure and
information systems properties
AS 4700.1—2001 Implementation of Health Level Seven (HL7) AS 10303.101—1998 Industrial automation systems and
Version 2.3.1. — Patient administration integration—Product data representation and exchange —
AS 4700.1—1998 Implementation of Health Level Seven (HL7) Integrated application resources: Draughting
Version 2.3 — Patient administration AS 10303.105—1999 Industrial automation systems and
AS 4700.1—1997 Implementation of Health Level Seven (HL7) integration—Product data representation and exchange —
Version 2.2 — Admission, discharge and transfer Integrated application resource: Kinematics
AS 4700.2—1998 Implementation of Health Level Seven (HL7) AS 10303.201—1998 Industrial automation systems and
Version 2.3 — Pathology orders and results integration—Product data representation and exchange —
Application protocol: Explicit draughting
AS/NZS 4700.3:2002 Implementation of Health Level Seven
(HL7) Version 2.3.1 — Electronic messages for exchange AS 10303.202—1999 Industrial automation systems and
of information on drug prescription integration—Product data representation and exchange —
Application protocol: Associative draughting


AS 10303.203—1998 Industrial automation systems and AS/NZS 23950:1999 Information and documentation—
integration—Product data representation and exchange — Information retrieval (Z30.50)—Application service
Application protocol: Configuration controlled design definition and protocol specification
AS 10303.207—2000 Industrial automation systems and BEA 002—2002 An Introduction to XML for Knowledge
integration—Product data representation and exchange — Managers
Application protocol: Sheet metal die planning and design IT applications in office work
IT applications in information, documentation and publishing AS 3893.1—1991 Information processing systems—Text
AS/NZS 2619:1998 Information and documentation—Format communication—Remote Operations — Model, notation
for information exchange and service definition
AS 3514—1987 Information processing—Text and office AS 3893.2—1991 Information processing systems—Text
systems—Standard generalized markup language (SGML) communication—Remote Operations — Protocol
AS 3649—1990 Information processing—SGML support specification
facilities—SGML document interchange format (SDIF) AS 4016.1—1992 Information processing systems—Text
AS 3878—1991 Information processing—Computer-assisted communication—Reliable transfer — Model and service
publishing—Vocabulary definition
AS 3967.1—1991 Information processing—SGML support AS 4016.2—1992 Information processing systems—Text
facilities—Techniques for using SGML — SGML Tutorial communication—Reliable transfer — Protocol specification
AS/NZS 3967.11:1994 Information processing—SGML support AS 4033.1—1992 Information technology—Text
facilities—Techniques for using SGML — Application at communication—Message-oriented text interchange
ISO Central Secretariat for international Standards and systems — System and service overview
technical reports AS/NZS 4033.2:1999 Information technology—Text
AS/NZS 3967.13:1994 Information processing—SGML support communication—Message-oriented text interchange
facilities—Techniques for using SGML — Public entity sets systems — Overall architecture
for mathematics and science AS 4033.2—1992 Information technology—Text
AS 3976.1—1991 Information processing—Portable Operating communication—Message-oriented text interchange
System Interface (POSIX) — System Application Program systems — Overall architecture
Interface (API) C Language AS 4033.3—1992 Information technology—Text
AS/NZS 4097:1993 Information technology—SGML support communication—Message-oriented text interchange
facilities—Registration procedures for public text owner systems — Abstract service definition conventions
identifiers AS/NZS 4033.4:1999 Information technology—Text
AS/NZS 4110:1993 Information technology—SGML and text- communication—Message-oriented text interchange
entry systems—Guidelines for SGML syntax-directed systems — Message transfer system—Abstract service
editing systems definition and procedures
AS/NZS 4148:1994 Information technology— AS 4033.4—1992 Information technology—Text
Hypermedia/Time-based structuring language (HyTime) communication—Message-oriented text interchange
AS/NZS 4159.1:1994 Information technology—Font systems — Message transfer system—Abstract service
definition and procedures
information interchange — Architecture
AS/NZS 4159.2:1994 Information technology—Font AS 4033.5—1998 Information technology—Text
communication—Message-oriented text interchange
information interchange — Interchange format
systems — Message store—Abstract service definition
AS/NZS 4196:1999 Information and documentation—Open
Systems Interconnection—Interlibrary loan application AS/NZS 4033.5 Supp 1:1999 Information technology—Text
service definition communication—Message-oriented text interchange
systems — Message store—Abstract service definition—
AS/NZS 4197.1:1999 Information and documentation—Open Additional correlation attribute and security error code
Systems Interconnection—Interlibrary loan application (Supplement to AS 4033.5-1998)
protocol specification — Protocol specification
AS/NZS 4033.6:1999 Information technology—Text
AS/NZS 4197.2:1999 Information and documentation—Open communication—Message-oriented text interchange
Systems Interconnection—Interlibrary loan application systems — Protocol specifications
protocol specification — Protocol implementation
conformance statement (PICS) proforma AS 4033.6—1992 Information technology—Text
communication—Message-oriented text interchange
AS 4212—1994 Geographic information systems—Data systems — Protocol specifications
dictionary for transfer of street addressing information
AS/NZS 4033.7:1999 Information technology—Text
AS/NZS 4449:1997 Information and documentation— communication—Message-oriented text interchange
Electronic manuscript preparation and markup systems — Interpersonal messaging system
AS/NZS 4450.1:1997 Information and documentation— AS 4033.7—1992 Information technology—Text
Bibliographic data element directory — Interloan communication—Message-oriented text interchange
applications systems — Interpersonal messaging system
AS/NZS 4450.2:1997 Information and documentation— AS 4033.8—1998 Information technology—Text
Bibliographic data element directory — Acquisitions communication—Message-oriented text interchange
applications systems — Electronic data interchange messaging service
AS/NZS 4450.3:1997 Information and documentation— AS 4033.9—1998 Information technology—Text
Bibliographic data element directory — Information communication—Message-oriented text interchange
retrieval applications systems — Electronic data interchange messaging system
AS/NZS 4450.4:2000 Information and documentation— AS/NZS 4033.10:1999 Information technology—Text
Bibliographic data element directory — Circulation communication—Message-oriented text interchange
applications systems — MHS routing
AS/NZS 4724:2000 Geographic information—Rural addressing AS/NZS 4167.1:1994 Information technology—Text and office
AS 5044.1—2002 AGLS Metadata element set — Reference systems—Document filing and retrieval — Abstract service
description definition and procedures
AS 5044.2—2002 AGLS Metadata element set — Usage guide AS/NZS 4167.2:1994 Information technology—Text and office
AS 10179—1998 Information technology—Processing systems—Document filing and retrieval — Protocol
languages—Document style semantics and specification specification


AS/NZS 4225.1:1994 Information technology—Text and office AS 14813.1(Int)—2000 Transport information and control
systems—Office document architecture and interchange systems—Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS
format—Technical report on AS 3951 (ISO 8613) sector — TICS fundamental services
implementation testing — Testing methodology AS 14813.2(Int)—2001 Transport information and control
AS/NZS 4277:1995 Text telecommunications—User interface systems—Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS
requirements—For Deaf people and people with hearing sector — Core TICS reference architecture
and speech disabilities AS 14813.3(Int)—2001 Transport information and control
IT applications in other fields systems—Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS
AS 4140—1995 Metering and utility information exchange— sector — Example elaboration
Glossary of terms AS 14813.4(Int)—2001 Transport information and control
AS 4141.1—1995 Customer/utility information exchange — systems—Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS
System architecture and functionality sector — Reference model tutorial
AS 4141.2—1995 Customer/utility information exchange — AS 14813.5(Int)—2000 Transport information and control
Applications and performance systems—Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS
sector — Requirements for architecture description in
AS 4141.3—1995 Customer/utility information exchange —
Customer premises interfaces TICS standards
AS 5018—2001 Electronic animal identification—National AS 14813.6(Int)—2001 Transport information and control
coding scheme (ISO 11784:1996, MOD) systems—Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS
sector — Data presentation in ASN.1
AS 5019—2001 Electronic animal identification—
Radiofrequency methods HB 74:1996 X.400 Security Implementation Guide
IT applications in science MP 75—1996 Strategies for the implementation of a Public
Key Authentication Framework (PKAF) in Australia
AS 2482—1989 Geographic information systems—Geographic
data—Interchange of feature-coded digital mapping data
AS 3736—1990 Geographical information systems—
Bibliographical elements on maps
AS/NZS 4270.1:1995 Geographic information systems— AS/NZS ISO 19105:2002 Geographic information—Conformance
and testing
Spatial data transfer standard — Logical specifications
AS/NZS 4270.2:1995 Geographic information systems— HB 255:2002 ISO/TR 19121 Geographic information—Imagery
and gridded data
Spatial data transfer standard — Spatial features
AS/NZS 4270.3:1995 Geographic information systems—
Spatial data transfer standard — ISO 8211 encoding Audio systems
AS/NZS 4270.4:1998 Geographic information systems— AS 2680—1984 Acoustics—Performance for tape recording
Spatial data transfer standard — Topological vector profile equipment for use in acoustical measurement systems
AS/NZS 4271.1(Int):2000 Geographic information—Data Audio, video and audiovisual systems in general
dictionary — Utilities AS/NZS 1367:2000 Coaxial cabling systems for the distribution
AS/NZS 4584(Int):1999 Geographic information—Australian of analogue television and sound signals in single and
and New Zealand land use codes multiple unit installations
AS/NZS ISO 19105:2002 Geographic information— AS/NZS 4249:1994 Electrical safety practices—Film, video
Conformance and testing and television sites
HB 255:2002 ISO/TR 19121 Geographic information—Imagery AS/NZS 60065:2000 Audio, video and similar electronic
and gridded data apparatus—Safety Requirements (IEC 60065:1998, MOD)
IT applications in transport and trade Multimedia systems and teleconferencing equipment
AS/NZS 3801:1995 Electronic data interchange for AS/NZS 14478.1:2000 Information technology—Computer
administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT)— graphics and image processing—Presentation
Application level syntax rules environment for multimedia objects — Fundamentals of
AS 3805—1991 Electronic data interchange for administration, presentation environment for multimedia objects
commerce and transport (EDIFACT)—Forms design— AS/NZS 14478.2:2000 Information technology—Computer
Basic layout graphics and image processing—Presentation
environment for multimedia objects — Foundation
AS 4539.1.1—2002 Information technology—Public Key
Authentication Framework (PKAF) related Standards — component
General—PKAF architecture AS/NZS 14478.3:2000 Information technology—Computer
graphics and image processing—Presentation
AS 4539.1.2.1—2001 Information technology—Public Key
environment for multimedia objects — Multimedia systems
Authentication Framework (PKAF) — General — X.509
Certificate and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) profile services
AS 4539.1.2.2—2001 Information technology—Public Key AS/NZS 14478.4:2000 Information technology—Computer
Authentication Framework (PKAF) — General — PICS graphics and image processing—Presentation
Proforma for digital signature certificates environment for multimedia objects — Modelling, rendering
and interaction component
AS 4539.1.2.3—2001 Information technology—Public Key
Authentication Framework (PKAF) related Standards — HB 75:1996 Teleconferencing Handbook
General — PICS Proforma for Certificate Revocation Lists Radio receivers
(CRL) AS 2909.4—1986 Methods of measurement on radio receivers
AS 4539.1.3—1999 Information technology—Public Key for various classes of emission — Radio-frequency
Authentication Framework (PKAF) — General — X.509 measurements on receivers for frequency-modulated
supported algorithms profile sound-broadcasting emissions
AS 4539.2.1—2000 Information technology—Public Key AS/NZS 4053:1997 Limits and methods of measurement of
Authentication Framework (PKAF) — Assurance immunity characteristics of sound and television broadcast
framework — Certification authorities receivers and associated equipment
AS 4588—1999 Automatic fee collection—Interface AS/NZS 4448:1997 Limits and methods of measurement of
specification for clearing between operators radio disturbance characteristics for the protection of
AS 4721—2000 Personal privacy practices for the electronic receivers used on board vehicles
tolling industry
AS 4962(Int)—2001 Electronic toll collection—Transaction
specification for Australian interoperability on the DSRC

Television receivers AS/NZS 3350.2.81:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical

AS 1173.1—1979 Recommended methods of measurement appliances — Particular requirements — Foot warmers and
on receivers for television broadcast transmissions — heating mats
General considerations—Electrical measurements other BOILERS see BURNERS. BOILERS
than those at audio-frequencies BOTTLES. POTS. JARS
AS 1173.2—1986 Recommended methods of measurement AS 1382—1974 Glass milk and cream bottles of the metal foil cap
on receivers for television broadcast transmissions — type (200-600 mL capacity)
Electrical and acoustic measurements at audio-
AS 2139—1978 Single-use containers for liquid dairy products
AS 2216—1997 Packaging for poisonous substances
AS 2839—1988 Colour television receivers—General
requirements and selected performance parameters— AS 2767—1994 Rigid plastic containers
Limits and methods of measurement BOXES see CASES. BOXES. CRATES
AS/NZS 4053:1997 Limits and methods of measurement of BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION
immunity characteristics of sound and television broadcast HB 77.0—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — Conversion and
receivers and associated equipment list of parts
AS 4542.1—1999 Consumer television interfaces — PAL RF HB 77.1—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — General
AS 4542.2—2001 Consumer television interfaces — Analogue HB 77.1 Supp 1—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code —
baseband General—Commentary (Supplement to SAA HB77.1-1996)
AS 4933.1—2000 Digital television—Requirements for HB 77.2—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — Design loads
receivers — VHF/UHF DVB-T television broadcasts HB 77.2 Supp 1—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — Design
Video systems loads—Commentary (Supplement to SAA HB77.2-1996)
AS 3971—1991 Television cameras—Parallel component HB 77.3—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — Foundations
video interface for non-composite ENG signals HB 77.3 Supp 1—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code —
MP 74:1996 Strategies for the development of Standards for Foundations—Commentary (Supplement to SAA HB77.3-
digital video and associated services 1996)
AUTOMATIC CONTROLS FOR HOUSEHOLD USE HB 77.4—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — Bearings and
AS/NZS 3197:1993 Approval and test specification—Portable Deck Joints
electrical control or conditioning devices HB 77.4 Supp 1—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code —
BAGS see SACKS. BAGS Bearings and Deck Joints—Commentary (Supplement to SAA
INSURANCE HB 77.5—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — Concrete
BARRELS. DRUMS. CANISTERS HB 77.5 Supp 1—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code —
AS 2400.9.2—1988 Packaging — Metal containers — Steel drums Concrete—Commentary (Supplement to SAA HB77.5-1996)
AS 2767—1994 Rigid plastic containers HB 77.6—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — Steel and
Composite Construction Code
AS 2905—1986 Steel drums
HB 77.6 Supp 1—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — Steel
AS/NZS 2906:2001 Fuel containers—Portable-plastic and metal and Composite Construction—Commentary (Supplement to
AS 3983—1991 Metal drums for insulated electric cables and bare SAA HB77.6-1996)
HB 77.7—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — Rating Code
HB 77.7 Supp 1—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — Rating
Rolling bearings Code—Commentary (Supplement to SAA HB77.7-1996)
AS 2729—1994 Rolling bearings—Dynamic load ratings and HB 77.8—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — Railway
rating life Supplement (Sections 1-5) Code
AS 3890—1991 Rolling bearings—System life and reliability HB 77.8 Supp 1—1996 Australian Bridge Design Code — Railway
AS 4171—1994 Rolling bearings—Static load ratings Supplement (Sections 1-5) Code—Commentary (Supplement
AS 4172—1994 Rolling bearings—Vocabulary to SAA HB77.8-1996)
AS 1808—1984 Contraceptive devices—Diaphragms AS 4145.1—1993 Locksets — Glossary of terms
BOBBINS see SPOOLS. BOBBINS AS 4145.2—1993 Locksets — Mechanical locksets for doors in
AS/NZS 3130:1995 Approval and test specification—Beauty AS 4145.3—2001 Locksets — Mechanical locksets for windows in
therapy equipment buildings
AS/NZS 3194:1993 Approval and test specification—Electric AS 4145.4—2002 Locksets — Padlocks
shaver supply units AS 4178—1994 Electromagnetic door holders
AS/NZS 3350.2.8:1995 Safety of household and similar electrical BUILDINGS
appliances — Particular requirements — Shavers, hair clippers SET 1428 AS 1428, Design for access and mobility set
and similar appliances Buildings in general
AS/NZS 3350.2.23:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical AS/NZS 1428.4:2002 Design for access and mobility — Tactile
appliances — Particular requirements for appliances for skin indicators
and hair care (IEC 60335-2-23:1996, MOD)
AS 3959—1999 Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone
AS/NZS 3350.2.27:1996 Safety of household and similar electrical areas
appliances — Particular requirements — Appliances for skin
AS 3959—1991 Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone
exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation areas
AS/NZS 3350.2.32:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical HB 36—1993 Building in bushfire-prone areas—Information
appliances — Particular requirements for massage appliances and advice
(IEC 60335-2-32:1993, MOD)
HB 61—1999 NATSPEC Handbook of building Standards
AS/NZS 3350.2.52:1996 Safety of household and similar electrical extracts
appliances — Particular requirements — Oral hygiene
appliances HB 135—1999 Keeping pests out of buildings
AS/NZS 3350.2.53:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical HB 195—2002 The Australian Earth Building Handbook
appliances — Particular requirements — Sauna heating SP 045 Electronic BCA (V1 & 2)
appliances SP 047A Electronic BCA (V1 & 2) plus Standards (NEW)
SP 049 Electronic BCA (V1 & 2) plus Guide

SP 050 Electronic BCA Guide only RUL PE.0—2002 Rulings to pressure equipment Standards —
SP 051 Electronic BCA Housing Provisions (V2) Part 0: Introduction and list of rulings
SP 052A Electronic BCA (V1 & 2) plus Standards and Guide RUL PE.1—2002 Rulings to pressure equipment Standards —
Ruling 1: Retention of backing strips in logitudinal joints in
NET—BCA1 BCA On-line Subscription Service
refrigeration vessels (Ruling to AS 1210)
NET—BCA2 BCA On-line plus Standards Subscription Service
RUL PE.2—2002 Rulings to pressure equipment Standards —
NET—BCA3 BCA On-line Monthly Access Ruling 2: Nonconforming longitudinal joints in refrigeration
NET—BCA4 BCA On-line Occasional Access vessels (Ruling to AS 1210)
Residential buildings RUL PE.3—2002 Rulings to pressure equipment Standards —
AS 2870—1996 Residential slabs and footings—Construction Ruling 3: Internally fitted doors for beer tanks (Ruling to AS
AS 2870 Supp 1—1996 Residential slabs and footings— 1210)
Construction—Commentary (Supplement to AS 2870- RUL PE.4—2002 Rulings to pressure equipment Standards —
1996) Ruling 4: Pressure containers for paint (Ruling to AS 1210)
AS 3006—1982 Adequate electrical installations in domestic RUL PE.5—2002 Rulings to pressure equipment Standards —
premises Ruling 5: Sugar processing vacuum pans and
AS/NZS 3018:2001 Electrical installations—Domestic evaporators—Tubeplate design and tube fixing (Ruling to
installations AS 1210)
AS 3727—1993 Guide to residential pavements RUL PE.6—2002 Rulings to pressure equipment Standards —
Ruling 6: Fusion-welded chlorine transport drums (Ruling
AS 4055—1992 Wind loads for housing
to AS 1210)
AS 4299—1995 Adaptable housing
RUL PE.7—2002 Rulings to pressure equipment Standards —
AS 4349.1—1995 Inspection of buildings — Property Ruling 7: Small safety valves (Ruling to AS 1271)
inspections—Residential buildings
RUL PE.8—2002 Rulings to pressure equipment Standards —
AS 4349.3—1998 Inspection of buildings — Timber pest Ruling 8: Seamless copper pipe joined by brazing (Ruling
inspections to AS 4041)
AS 6001—1999 Working platforms for housing construction RUL PE.9—2002 Rulings to pressure equipment Standards —
HB 28—1997 The design of residential slabs and footings Ruling 9: Design of pressure equipment using steel having
HB 46—1993 Guide to residential fire safety bilateral thickness tolerances (Ruling to AS 1210 and AS
HB 70.1—1994 HIA Quality Management System — Quality 1548)
Policy Manual RUL PE.10—2001 Rulings to pressure equipment
HB 70.2—1994 HIA Quality Management System — Project Standards — Ruling 10: Advanced design vessels—Use of
Procedure and Inspection Manual joggled joints (Ruling to AS 1210 Supplement 1-1990)
HB 109—1998 Slabs and footings for reinforced masonry RUL PE.11—2001 Rulings to pressure equipment
houses Standards — Ruling 11: Advanced design vessels—
Design strength valves (Ruling to AS 1210 Supplement 1-
HB 111—1998 The Domestic Kitchen Handbook 1990)
HB 132.1 (Set) Structural upgrading of older houses — Non- CANISTERS see BARRELS. DRUMS. CANISTERS
cyclone areas
HB 132.2 (Set) Structural upgrading of older houses —
Cyclone areas AS 1535—1975 Moulded plastics household garbage cans
HB 132.1—1999 Structural upgrading of older houses — Non- AS 2354—1991 Open top metal cans—Definitions, and
cyclone areas determination methods for dimensions and capacities
HB 132.1 Supp 1—1999 Structural upgrading of older AS 2355—1990 Open top metal cans—Capacities and related
houses — Non-cyclone areas—Connections (Supplement dimensions—Round cans for food and drink
to SAA HB132.1-1999) AS 2730—1984 Double seams for steel-based cans for foods
HB 132.2—1999 Structural upgrading of older houses — AS 2767—1994 Rigid plastic containers
Cyclone areas AS 2854—1986 Tinplate cans for general use
HB 132.2 Supp 1—1999 Structural upgrading of older AS 4027—1992 Food-service container dimensions
houses — Cyclone areas—Connections (Supplement to CAPACITORS
HB 132.2-1999)
Capacitors in general
CB 010—1998 Tricks of the trade—Hassle-free home building
AS 1013—1971 Shunt capacitors for connection to power
CIA CPN30—1998 Slab Edge Dampness frequency systems
BURNERS. BOILERS AS 2644—1990 Capacitors for use in discharge lamp circuits
CB 004—1998 Boilers and pressure vessels (International) AS/NZS 61048:2002 Auxiliaries for lamps—Capacitors for use
Boilers and heat exchangers in tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp circuits—
AS/NZS 1200:2000 Pressure equipment General safety requirements
AS/NZS 1200:1994 Pressure equipment AS/NZS 61049:2002 Auxiliaries for lamps—Capacitors for use
AS 1228—1997 Pressure equipment—Boilers in tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp circuits—
Performance requirements
AS 1732—1997 Fusible plugs for boilers
Power capacitors
AS 2593—2001 Boilers—Unattended and limited attendance
AS 2897—1986 Power capacitors—Shunt—Rated voltages
AS 3653—1993 Boilers—Safety, management, combustion above 660 v a.c.
and other ancillary equipment
AS/NZS 3788:2001 Pressure equipment—In-service CARAVANS AND LIGHT TRAILERS
AS 3873—2001 Pressure equipment—Operation and
maintenance AS 1048—1998 International fibreboard box code
AS 3892—2001 Pressure equipment—Installation AS 2400.7—1990 Packaging — Timber boxes
AS 4037—1999 Pressure equipment—Examination and AS 3537—1998 Specification for general purpose corrugated
testing fibreboard boxes and blanks
AS 4343—1999 Pressure equipment—Hazard levels AS 3668—1989 Flexible intermediate bulk containers—Non-
dangerous goods
AS 4458—1997 Pressure equipment—Manufacture
AS 3724—1994 Fibreboard boxes for the export of meat, meat
AS 4942—2001 Pressure equipment—Glossary of terms products and offal


AS 3773—1990 Bulk solids containers—Safety requirements DR 01407 CP Information technology—Coding of audio-visual

AS 3774—1996 Loads on bulk solids containers objects — Part 5: Reference software
AS 3774 Supp 1—1997 Loads on bulk solids containers— AS 1436—1983 Alphanumeric character set OCR-B for optical
Commentary (Supplement to AS 3774-1996) recognition
CELLULAR MATERIALS AS 1953—1987 Information processing—ISO 7-bit and 8-bit coded
character sets—Code extension techniques
AS 2281—1993 Flexible cellular polyurethane for seat cushioning
and bedding DR 02029 CP Information technology—Coding of audio-visual
objects — Part 4: Conformance testing
AS 2282.0—1999 Methods for testing flexible polyurethane —
Introduction and list of methods AS 2356.1—1980 Information processing—Implementation of the
7-bit coded character set and its extensions — Implementation
AS 2282.1—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular
polyurethane — Sampling and conditioning of test specimens of the 7-bit coded character set and its 7-bit and 8-bit
extensions on 9-track 12.7 mm (0.5 in) magnetic tape
AS 2282.2—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular
polyurethane — Measurement of dimensions of test AS 2356.2—1980 Information processing—Implementation of the
7-bit coded character set and its extensions — Representation
of the 7-bit coded character set on punched tape
AS 2282.3—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular
polyurethane — Determination of apparent density AS 2356.3—1980 Information processing—Implementation of the
7-bit coded character set and its extensions — Representation
AS 2282.4—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular of the 7-bit coded character set on 12-row punched cards
polyurethane — Determination of apparent density of flexible
cellular polyurethane sheeting up to 13 mm thick AS 2356.4—1980 Information processing—Implementation of the
7-bit coded character set and its extensions — Implementation
AS 2282.5—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular of the 7-bit coded character set and its 7-bit and 8-bit
polyurethane — Determination of cell count extensions on 3.81 mm magnetic tape cassette for data
AS 2282.6—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular interchange
polyurethane — Determination of tensile strength and AS 2482—1989 Geographic information systems—Geographic
elongation at break data—Interchange of feature-coded digital mapping data
AS 2282.7—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular AS 2570—1982 Printing specifications for optical character
polyurethane — Determination of tear resistance recognition
AS 2282.8—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular AS 2742—1984 Information processing—Use of longitudinal parity
polyurethane — Determination of force deflection to detect errors in information messages
AS 2282.9—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular AS 2760—1985 Text communication—Registration of graphic
polyurethane — Determination of compression set character subrepertoires
AS 2282.10—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular AS 2761—1989 Character sets and information coding—Control
polyurethane — Accelerated ageing tests functions for 7-bit and 8-bit coded character sets
AS 2282.11—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular AS 2793.1—1985 Information processing—Coded character sets
polyurethane — Determination of resilience for text communication — General information
AS 2282.12—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular AS 2793.2—1985 Information processing—Coded character sets
polyurethane — Determination of compression fatigue for text communication — Latin alphabetic and non-alphabetic
AS 2282.13—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular graphic characters
polyurethane — Determination of solvent swelling AS/NZS 2807:2000 Reporting outstanding orders (in the book
AS 2282.14—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular trade)
polyurethane — Determination of air flow AS/NZS 3654:1996 Information technology—Specification for a
AS 2282.15—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular data descriptive file for information interchange
polyurethane — Determination of smoke release AS 3716—1989 Character sets and information coding—ISO 8-bit
AS 2282.16—1999 Methods for testing flexible cellular code for information interchange—Structure and rules for
polyurethane — Determination of ash content implementation
AS 2498.0—1993 Methods of testing rigid cellular plastics — AS 3767—1990 Information processing—Representation of
General introduction and list of methods numerical values in character strings for information
AS 2498.1—1993 Methods of testing rigid cellular plastics — interchange
Sampling and conditioning AS/NZS 3802:1997 Data elements and interchange formats—
AS 2498.2—1993 Methods of testing rigid cellular plastics — Information interchange—Representation of dates and times
Determination of linear dimensions AS 3874.1—1991 Information processing—Picture coding
AS 2498.3—1993 Methods of testing rigid cellular plastics — methods — Identification
Determination of compressive stress AS/NZS 4189.1:1994 Information technology—Universal multiple-
AS 2498.4—1993 Methods of testing rigid cellular plastics — octet coded Character Set (UCS) — Architecture and basic
Determination of cross-breaking strength multilingual plane
AS 2498.5—1993 Methods of testing rigid cellular plastics — AS/NZS 4230.1:1994 Information technology—Coding of moving
Determination of water vapour transmission rate pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to
AS 2498.6—1993 Methods of testing rigid cellular plastics — about 1.5 Mbit/s — Systems
Determination of dimensional stability AS/NZS 4230.2:1994 Information technology—Coding of moving
AS 2498.7—1993 Methods of testing rigid cellular plastics — pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to
Determination of volume percentage of open and closed cells about 1.5 Mbit/s — Video
AS 2498.8—1991 Methods of testing rigid cellular plastics — AS/NZS 4230.3:1994 Information technology—Coding of moving
Determination of water absorption pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to
about 1.5 Mbit/s — Audio
AS/NZS 4230.4:1997 Information technology—Coding of moving
Ceramic products
pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to
AS 4023—1992 Non-vitreous china used in sanitary about 1.5 Mbit/s — Compliance testing
AS/NZS 4230.5:1999 Information technology—Coding of moving
CHARACTER SETS AND INFORMATION CODING pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to
AS 1070—1971 The definition of 4-bit character sets derived from about 1.5 Mbit/s — Software simulation
the Australian Standard 7-bit coded character set AS 4400—1995 Personal privacy protection in health care
AS 1340—1975 Symbols for SI units for systems with limited information systems
character sets


AS/NZS 4472:1997 Information technology—Coded representation CHIPLESS WORKING EQUIPMENT

of picture and audio information—Progressive bi-level image Forging equipment. Presses. Shears
compression AS 1219—1994 Power presses—Safety requirements
AS/NZS 4473.1:1997 Information technology—Digital compression Presses see Forging equipment. Presses. Shears
and coding of continuous-tone still images — Requirements
and guidelines Shears see Forging equipment. Presses. Shears
AS 4590—1999 Interchange of client information CINEMATOGRAPHY
AS 4721—2000 Personal privacy practices for the electronic tolling CIVIL ENGINEERING IN GENERAL
industry AS 1181—1982 Method of measurement of civil engineering works
AS 4937—2002 Electronic messages for exchange of claim and and associated building works
related information HB 2.1—1998 Australian Standards for civil engineering
AS/NZS 7799.2:2000 Information security management — students — Materials and testing
Specification for information security management systems HB 2.2—2002 Australian Standards for civil engineering
AS/NZS 13818.1:2002 Information technology—Generic coding of students — Structural engineering
moving pictures and associated audio information — Systems CLOTHES
AS/NZS 13818.2:2002 Information technology—Generic coding of AS 1182—1997 Size coding scheme for infants' and children's
moving pictures and associated audio information — Video clothing—Underwear and outerwear
AS/NZS 13818.3:1999 Information technology—Generic coding of AS/NZS 1249:1999 Children's nightwear and limited daywear
moving pictures and associated audio information — Audio having reduced fire hazard
AS/NZS 13818.4:2002 Information technology—Generic coding of AS 1249—1990 Children's nightclothes having reduced fire hazard
moving pictures and associated audio information — AS 1344—1997 Size coding scheme for women's clothing—
Conformance testing Underwear, outerwear and foundation garments
AS/NZS 13818.5:1999 Information technology—Generic coding of AS/NZS 1957:1998 Textiles—Care labelling
moving pictures and associated audio information — Software AS/NZS 2392:1999 Textiles—Labelling of clothing, household
simulation textiles and furnishings
AS/NZS 13818.6:1999 Information technology—Generic coding of AS/NZS 2621:1998 Textiles—Guide to the selection of correct
moving pictures and associated audio information — care labelling instructions from AS/NZS 1957
Extensions for DSM-CC
AS/NZS 4399:1996 Sun protective clothing—Evaluation and
AS/NZS 13818.7:1999 Information technology—Generic coding of classification
moving pictures and associated audio information —
Advanced audio coding
AS/NZS 13818.9:1999 Information technology—Generic coding of
moving pictures and associated audio information —
Extension for real time interface for systems decoders AS 1038.1—2001 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Higher
rank coal—Total moisture
AS/NZS 13818.10:2002 Information technology—Generic coding
of moving pictures and associated audio information — AS 1038.2—1995 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Coke—
Conformance extensions for Digital Storage Media Command Total moisture
and Control (DSM-CC) AS 1038.3—2000 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing —
AS/NZS 14496.1-6:2002 (CD-ROM) Information technology— Proximate analysis of higher rank coal
Coding of audio-visual objects AS 1038.4—1995 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Coke—
AS/NZS 14496.1:2002 Information technology—Coding of audio- Proximate analysis
visual objects — Systems AS 1038.5—1998 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Gross
AS/NZS 14496.2:2002 Information technology—Coding of audio- calorific value
visual objects — Visual AS 1038.6.1—1997 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing —
AS/NZS 14496.3:2002 Information technology—Coding of audio- Higher rank coal and coke—Ultimate analysis — Carbon and
visual objects — Audio hydrogen
AS/NZS 14496.4:2002 Information technology—Coding of audio- AS 1038.6.2—1997 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing —
visual objects — Conformance testing Higher rank coal and coke—Ultimate analysis — Nitrogen
AS/NZS 14496.5:2002 Information technology—Coding of audio- AS 1038.6.3.1—1997 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing —
visual objects — Reference software Higher rank coal and coke—Ultimate analysis — Total sulfur—
Eschka method
AS/NZS 14496.6:2002 Information technology—Coding of audio-
visual objects — Delivery Multimedia Integration Framework AS 1038.6.3.2—1997 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing —
(DMIF) Higher rank coal and coke—Ultimate analysis — Total sulfur—
High-temperature combustion method
AS/NZS ISO/IEC 17799:2001 Information technology—Code of
practice for information security management AS 1038.6.3.3—1997 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing —
Higher rank coal—Ultimate analysis — Total sulfur—Infrared
HB 74:1996 X.400 Security Implementation Guide
HB 231:2000 Information security risk management guidelines
AS 1038.8.1—1999 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Coal
HB 248—2001 Organisational experiences in implementing and coke—Chlorine — Eschka method
information security management systems
AS 1038.8.2—1996 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Coal
ACIF C523:1999 Protection of personal information of customers and coke—Chlorine — High-temperature combustion method
of telecommunications providers
AS 1038.9.1—2000 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing —
CHARACTER SYMBOLS Higher rank coal and coke—Phosphorus — Ash
AS 1744—1975 Forms of letters and numerals for road signs digestion/molybdenum blue method
(known as Standard alphabets for road signs) AS 1038.9.2—2000 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing —
EQUIPMENT extraction/phosphomolybdovanadate method
AS 1101.4—1989 Graphical symbols for general engineering — AS 1038.9.3—2000 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Coal
Machine elements and coke—Phosphorus — Ash
AS 1543—1985 Electrical equipment of industrial machines digestion/phosphomolybdovanate method
HB 6—1999 Design Standards for mechanical engineering AS 1038.10.0—2002 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing —
students Determination of trace elements — Guide to the determination
CHEMISTRY see PHYSICS. CHEMISTRY of trace elements


AS 1038.10.1—1986 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — AS 2096—1987 Classification and coding systems for Australian
Determination of trace elements — Determination of eleven coals
trace elements in coal, coke and fly-ash—Flame atomic AS 2418—1995 Coal and coke—Glossary of terms
absorption spectrometric method
AS 2434.1—1999 Methods for the analysis and testing of lower
AS 1038.10.2—1998 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — rank coal and its chars — Determination of the total moisture
Determination of trace elements — Coal and coke— content of lower rank coal
Determination of arsenic, antimony and selenium—Hydride
AS 2434.2—2002 Methods for the analysis and testing of lower
generation method rank coal and its chars — Lower rank coal—Determination of
AS 1038.10.4—2001 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — volatile matter
Determination of trace elements—Coal, coke and fly-ash — AS 2434.3—2002 Methods for the analysis and testing of lower
Determination of fluorine content—Pyrohydrolysis method
rank coal and its chars — Lower rank coal—Determination of
AS 1038.10.5—1993 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — the moisture holding capacity
Coal, coke and fly-ash—Trace elements—Determination of
AS 2434.4—2002 Methods for the analysis and testing of lower
mercury content rank coal and its chars — Dried lower rank coal and its
AS 1038.11—2002 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Coal— chars—Determination of apparent density—Mercury
Forms of sulfur displacement method
AS 1038.12.1—2002 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — AS 2434.5—2002 Methods for the analysis and testing of lower
Higher rank coal—Caking and coking propertiese — Crucible rank coal and its chars — Lower rank coal and its chars—
swelling number Determination of moisture in bulk samples of lower rank coal
AS 1038.12.2—1999 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — and in analysis samples of char
Higher rank coal—Caking and coking properties — AS 2434.6—2002 Methods for the analysis and testing of lower
Determination of Gray-King coke type rank coal and its chars — Lower rank coal—Ultimate
AS 1038.12.3—2002 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — analysis—Classical methods
Higher rank coal—Caking and coking properties — Dilatation AS 2434.7—2002 Methods for the analysis and testing of lower
AS 1038.12.4.1—1996 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — rank coal and its chars — Lower rank coal—Determination of
Higher rank coal—Caking and coking properties—Plasticity— moisture in the analysis sample
Continuous-torque Gieseler method AS 2434.8—2002 Methods for the analysis and testing of lower
AS 1038.12.4.2—1996 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — rank coal and its chars — Lower rank coal—Determination of
Higher rank coal—Caking and coking properties—Plasticity— ash
Discontinuous-torque Gieseler method AS 2434.9—2000 Method for the analysis and testing of lower
AS 1038.13—1990 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Tests rank coal and its chars — Determination of four acid-
specific to coke extractable ions in lower rank coal
AS 1038.14.1—1995 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — AS 2519—1993 Guide to the technical evaluation of higher rank
Higher rank coal ash and coke ash—Major and minor coal deposits
elements — Borate fusion/flame atomic absorption AS 2617—1996 Sampling from coal seams
spectrometric method
AS 2856.1—2000 Coal petrography — Preparation of coal
AS 1038.14.2—1995 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — samples for incident light microscopy
Higher rank coal ash and coke ash—Major and minor
AS 2856.2—1998 Coal petrography — Maceral analysis
elements — Acid digestion/flame atomic absorption
spectrometric method AS 2856.3—2000 Coal petrography — Method for microscopical
determination of the reflectance of coal macerals
AS 1038.14.3—1999 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing —
Higher rank coal ash and coke ash—Major and minor AS 2916—1986 Symbols for graphical representation of coal
elements — Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence seams and associated strata
spectrometric method AS 3880—1991 Bin flow properties of coal
AS 1038.15—1995 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Higher AS 3881—2002 Higher rank coal—Size analysis
rank coal ash and coke ash—Ash fusibility AS 3899—2002 Higher rank coal and coke—Bulk density
AS 1038.16—1996 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — AS 3980—1999 Guide to the determination of gas content of
Assessment and reporting of results coal—Direct desorption method
AS 1038.17—2000 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Higher AS 4156.1—1994 Coal preparation — Higher rank coal—Float and
rank coal—Moisture-holding capacity (equilibrium moisture) sink testing
AS 1038.18—1996 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — AS 4156.2.1—1994 Coal preparation — Higher rank coal—Froth
Coke—Size analysis flotation — Basic test
AS 1038.19—2000 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Higher AS 4156.2.2—1998 Coal preparation — Higher rank coal—Froth
rank coal—Abrasion Index flotation — Sequential procedure
AS 1038.20—2002 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Higher AS 4156.3—1994 Coal preparation — Magnetite for coal
rank coal—Hardgrove grindability index preparation plant use—Test methods
AS 1038.21.1.1—2002 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — AS 4156.4—1999 Coal preparation — Flowsheets and symbols
Higher rank coal and coke — Relative density — Analysis AS 4156.6—2000 Coal preparation — Determination of
sample/density bottle method dust/moisture relationship for coal
AS 1038.21.1.2—2002 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — AS 4156.7—1999 Coal preparation — Coal size classifying
Higher rank coal and coke — Relative density — Analysis equipment—Performance evaluation
sample/volumetric method
AS 4264.1—1995 Coal and coke—Sampling — Higher rank coal—
AS 1038.21.2—1992 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Sampling procedures
Higher rank coal and coke—Relative density — Lump sample
AS 4264.2—1996 Coal and coke—Sampling — Coke—Sampling
AS 1038.22—2000 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Higher procedures
rank coal—Mineral matter and water of constitution
AS 4264.3—1996 Coal and coke—Sampling — Lower rank coal—
AS 1038.23—2002 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Higher Sampling procedures
rank coal and coke—Carbonate carbon
AS 4264.4—1996 Coal and coke—Sampling — Determination of
AS 1038.24—1998 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Guide precision and bias
to the evaluation of measurements made by on-line coal
AS 4264.5—1999 Coal and coke—Sampling — Guide to the
inspection of mechanical sampling systems
AS 1038.25—2002 Coal and coke—Analysis and testing — Coal—
ASCRM 003-2—1993 Certified reference electrode carbon —
Durham cone handleability
Sample 2
ASCRM 010—1985 Certified reference coal ash


ASCRM 011-7—2002 Certified reference coal sample AS 3664—1989 Road/rail tankers—Transfer connectors for
ASCRM 012A-2—2002 Certified reference material—Coal sample flammable and combustible liquids
with total sulfur of 0.33 percent AS 3819.1—1998 Heavy duty towing components — 70 mm
ASCRM 012B-2—1997 Certified reference material—Coal sample and 110 mm diameter towballs for heavy duty couplings
having total sulfur of 0.66 percent AS 3819.2—1998 Heavy duty towing components — Heavy
ASCRM 012C-2—1997 Certified reference material—Coal sample duty coupling bodies for 70 mm and 110 mm towballs
having total sulfur of approximately 1.11 percent AS 4235—1994 Articulated vehicles—Design criteria for fifth
ASCRM 012D-2—1998 Certified reference material—Coal sample wheel skid plates
having total sulfur of 5.21 percent COMPANY ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT
ASCRM 013-9—2002 Certified reference coal HB 165—2002 Case Studies in Knowledge Management Volume
TR 2.3-2—1993 Certified reference materials — Electrode 1
carbon—Preparation and certification of ASCRM 003-2 (for HB 275—2001 Knowledge Management: A framework for
use in Gray-King coke type test (AS 1038.12.2)) succeeding in the knowledge era
TR 2.10—1985 Certified reference materials — Coal ash— HB 275 Supp 1—2001 International Best Practice—Case Studies
Preparation and certification of ASCRM 010 in Knowledge Management
TR 2.10 Supp 1—1992 Certified reference materials — Coal ash— BEA 001—2002 Advanced models of Knowledge Management—
Preparation and certification of ASCRM 010—Trace element Practical approaches for implementation
data (Supplement to TR 2.10-1985) BEA 002—2002 An Introduction to XML for Knowledge Managers
TR 2.11-7—2002 Certified reference materials — Coal— CB 023—2001 A CAPITAL IDEA—Realizing value from
Preparation and certification of ASCRM 011-7 (Hardgrove environmental and social performance
grindability index) Commercial function see Trade. Commercial function.
TR 2.12A-2—2002 Certified reference materials — Coal— Marketing
Preparation and certification of ASCRM 012A-2 Company organization and management in general
TR 2.12B-2—1997 Certified reference materials — Coal—
AS 3806—1998 Compliance programs
Preparation and certification of ASCRM-012B-2
AS/NZS 3931:1998 Risk analysis of technological systems—
TR 2.12C-2—1997 Certified reference materials — Coal— Application guide
Preparation and certification of ASCRM 012C-2
AS 4009—1992 Software reviews and audits
TR 2.12D-2—1998 Certified reference materials — Coal—
Preparation and certification of ASCRM 012D-2 AS/NZS 4360:1999 (CHN-T) Risk management (Chinese
version—Traditional characters)
TR 2.13-9—2002 Certified reference materials — Coal—
Preparation and certification of ASCRM 013-9 AS/NZS 4360:1999 (CHN-S) Risk management (Chinese
version—Simplified characters)
AS/NZS 4360:1999 Risk management
AS 1318—1985 Use of colour for the marking of physical hazards
and the identification of certain equipment in industry (known AS/NZS 4581:1999 Management system integration—
as the SAA Industrial Safety Colour Code) (incorporating Amdt Guidance to business, government and community
1) organizations
AS 1613—1997 Timber—Colours for marking F-grades AS/NZS 4810.1:2000 Medical devices—Risk management —
Application of risk analysis
AS/NZS 4496:1997 Recommended practice for the colour coding
of steel products CD CATALOGUE Australian Standards Catalogue on CD-
CD—NEW Standards on CD ROM—New Licence
Commercial vehicles in general
DVD—NEW Standards on DVD—New Licence
AS 4945—2000 Commercial road vehicles—Interchangeable
quick connect/release couplings for use with air-pressure CD COMPLIANCE Compliance programs CD-ROM
braking systems CD RISK MANAGEMENT Introduction to Risk Management
Trucks and trailers (Incorporating AS/NZS 4360:1999)
AS 1771—1996 Installation of fifth wheel assemblies HB 133—1999 A Guide to AS 3806-1998, Compliance
AS 1773—1996 Articulated vehicles—Fifth wheel assemblies
HB 141—1999 Risk financing guidelines
AS 2174.1—1994 Articulated vehicles—Mechanical coupling
between prime movers and semitrailers— HB 142—1999 A basic introduction to managing risk
Interchangeability requirements — Non-dedicated vehicle HB 143:1999 Guidelines for managing risk in the Australian
combinations and New Zealand public sector
AS 2174.2—1994 Articulated vehicles—Mechanical coupling HB 158—2002 A guide to the use of AS/NZS 4360, Risk
between prime movers and semitrailers— Management, within the internal audit process
Interchangeability requirements — Dedicated vehicle HB 228:2001 Guidelines for managing risk in the healthcare
combinations sector
AS 2175—1995 Articulated vehicles—Kingpins HB 231:2000 Information security risk management guidelines
AS 2175 Supp 1—2002 Articulated vehicles—Kingpins— HB 240:2000 Guidelines for managing risk in outsourcing
Determination of the dynamic strength of D-rating kingpins utilizing the AS/NZS 4360 process
using finite element analysis (Supplement to AS 2175- HB 246—2002 Guidelines for Managing Risk in Sport and
1995) Recreation
AS 2809.1—1999 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods — HB 248—2001 Organisational experiences in implementing
General requirements information security management systems
AS 2809.2—1999 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods — HB 250—2000 Organizational experiences in implementing
Tankers for flammable liquids risk management practices
AS 2809.3—1999 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods — MP 78—1999 Manual for the assessment of risks of plumbing
Tankers for compressed liquefiable gases products
AS 2809.4—2001 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods — MP 91—2000 Dynamic approaches to healthcare risk
Tankers for toxic and corrosive cargoes management
AS 2809.5—2001 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods — AQC 1001—2001 Improvement tool PDSA 9-step
Tankers for bitumen-based products Improvement Process Storyboard (10 per pack)
AS 2809.6—2001 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods — AQC C01P—2000 Honeywell Prize Case Study 2000—A
Tankers for cryogenic liquids Portrait of a World Class Company CD-ROM


AQC C20P (Set) Award winners 2000—Combined pack (Set) AS/NZS 4761.2(Int):2000 Competencies for working with
AQC G291 Facilitation at a Glance electrical equipment for hazardous areas (EEHA) —
AQC G700 Statistical Techniques—Process Improvement The Requirements for a structured program to develop
AQC G890 The Art of Giving Quality Service AS/NZS 4761.3(Int):2000 Competencies for working with
electrical equipment for hazardous areas (EEHA) —
CB 020—2000 International Customer Service Standard (ICSS Modules supporting training
AS/NZS 4761.4(Int):2000 Competencies for working with
CB 021—1997 Standards Australia—the first 75 years electrical equipment for hazardous areas (EEHA) —
CB 025—2002 A Guide to the Project Management Body of Assessing competency
Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) AS/NZS ISO 14012:1996 Guidelines for environmental
CB 027—2002 Business Continuity Management—Preventing auditing—Qualification criteria for environmental auditors
chaos in a crisis HB 122 (Set) The Workplace Manual
CB 114—2002 The Competitive Enterprise—10 principles of HB 122.4 (Set) The Workplace Manual — Model 4: Diversity
business excellence for increased market share
HB 122.1—1998 The Workplace Manual — Model 1:
ESAA Doc 004—1993 Measuring the efficiency of the Introduction to Work/Life
Autralian Electricity Supply Industry Report 1
HB 122.2.1—1998 The Workplace Manual — Model 2.1: The
Logistics see Purchasing. Procurement. Logistics Working Environment — Establishing a Supportive
Management of human resources Working Environment
AS 2708—2001 Keyboarding speed tests (formerly known as HB 122.2.2—1999 The Workplace Manual — Model 2.2: The
'Typing speed tests') Working Environment — Assessing Work/Life Program
AS 2815.1—1992 Training and certification of occupational Impact and Monitoring Implementation
divers — SCUBA diving to 30 m HB—1998 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
AS 2815.2—1992 Training and certification of occupational Work/Life Elements — Element 3.1.1: Flexible Work
divers — Air diving to 30 m Practices — Regular Part-time Employment
AS 2815.3—1992 Training and certification of occupational HB—1998 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
divers — Air diving to 50 m Work/Life Elements — Element 3.1.2: Flexible Work
AS 2815.4—1992 Training and certification of occupational Practices — Job Sharing
divers — Bell diving HB—1998 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
AS 2907—2001 Shorthand speed tests Work/Life Elements — Element 3.1.3: Flexible Work
Practices — Work Design Flexibility
AS 3549—1989 Production typing tests
HB—1998 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
AS 3669—2001 Non-destructive testing—Qualification and
Work/Life Elements — Element 3.1.4: Flexible Work
registration of personnel—Aerospace
Practices — Telecommuting
AS 3998—2002 Non-destructive testing—Qualification and
HB—1998 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
certification of personnel
Work/Life Elements — Element 3.2.1: Leave Options —
AS 4005 (Set) Recreational Diving Set Flexible Leave Options/Carer's Leave
AS 4005.1 (Set) Recreational Diving Supplementary Set HB—1998 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
AS 4005.1—2000 Training and certification of recreational Work/Life Elements — Element 3.2.2: Leave Options —
divers — Minimum entry-level SCUBA diving Flexible Hours Arrangements
AS 4005.1—1992 Training and certification of recreational HB—1998 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
divers — Minimum entry-level SCUBA diving Work/Life Elements — Element 3.2.3: Leave Options —
AS 4005.1 Supp 1—2000 Training and certification of Extended Flexible Work Arrangements
recreational divers — Minimum entry-level SCUBA HB—1998 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
diving—Medical form for prospective recreational SCUBA Work/Life Elements — Element 3.3.1: Amenities — Carer
divers Facilities at Work
AS 4005.1 Supp 1—1992 Training and certification of HB—1999 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
recreational divers — Minimum entry-level SCUBA Work/Life Elements — Element 3.4.1: Employer-provided
diving—Medical form for prospective recreational SCUBA Programs — Child Care Options for Employers
divers (Supplement to AS 4005.1-1992) HB—1999 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
AS 4005.1 Supp 2—2000 Training and certification of Work/Life Elements — Element 3.4.2: Employer-provided
recreational divers — Minimum entry-level SCUBA Programs — Elder Care Options for Employers
diving—Statement of health for recreational diving HB—1999 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
AS 4005.2—2000 Training and certification of recreational Work/Life Elements — Element 3.4.3: Employer-provided
divers — Recreational SCUBA dive supervisor Programs — Employers Who Are Carers of People With
AS 4005.3—2000 Training and certification of recreational Disabilities
divers — Assistant SCUBA instructor HB—1999 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
AS 4005.4—2000 Training and certification of recreational Work/Life Elements — Element 3.4.4: Employer-provided
divers — SCUBA instructor Programs — Resource and Referral Services—EAP
AS 4005.5—2000 Training and certification of recreational HB—1999 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
divers — SCUBA instructor trainer Work/Life Elements — Element 3.4.5: Employer-provided
AS 4121—1994 Code of ethics and procedures for the Programs—Work/Life Programs Useful to Men
selection of consultants HB—1999 The Workplace Manual — Model 3:
AS 4122—2000 General conditions of contract for engagement Work/Life Elements — Element 3.4.6: Employer-provided
of consultants Programs—Relocation Assistance
AS/NZS 4272:2001 Shorthand reporters' tests HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4:
Diversity — Element 4.1.1: Workplace diversity—a new
AS/NZS 4481:1997 Pressure equipment—Competencies of challenge
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4:
AS/NZS 4761.1(Int):2000 Competencies for working with Diversity — Element 4.1.2: The business case for diversity
electrical equipment for hazardous areas (EEHA) — Units
of competency HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4:
Diversity — Element 4.1.3: Managing and leading diversity
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4:
Diversity — Element 4.2.1: Managing compliance


HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4: Marketing see Trade. Commercial function. Marketing
Diversity — Element 4.2.2: Duty of care—The risks of not Other standards related to company organization and
managing diversity well management
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4: AQC C200—1999 Australian Business Excellence Awards
Diversity — Element 4.2.7: Disability and the law Case Studies 1999 Winners
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4: AQC C201—2000 Australian Business Excellence Awards
Diversity — Element 4.2.8: Occupational health and safety Case Studies 2000 Winners
and workcover implications for diversity policy
AQC F02IG1—2002 Interpretative Guideline for Community
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4: Organisations—Derived from The Australian Business
Diversity — Element 4.3.1: Developing a diversity policy Excellence Framework 2002
and procedures
AQC GE01 Memory Jogger Series E-Book CD
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4: AQC G213 Project Management Memory Jogger
Diversity — Element 4.3.4: Access to promotion and
transfer AQC G233 Memory Jogger II
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4: AQC G235 Memory Jogger Plus
Diversity — Element 4.3.5: Performance management AQC G237 Team Memory Jogger
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4: AQC G238 Memory Jogger 9000
Diversity — Element 4.3.7: Workplace diversity awareness AQC G239 Creativity Tools Memory Jogger
training AQC G311 The Problem Solver Memory Jogger
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4: AQC G800 Memory Jogger 9000/2000
Diversity — Element 4.3.8: Alternative resolution
AQC P200—2001 2001 International Business Excellence
Summit Conference Proceedings CD-ROM
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4:
AQC T208—1998 Australian Business Excellence Awards
Diversity — Element 4.3.9: Program evaluation/measuring
Case Studies 1998 Winners
CB 026—2002 Hidden Gold!
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4:
Diversity — Element 4.3.10: Tools and techniques for Procurement see Purchasing. Procurement. Logistics
monitoring outcomes Purchasing. Procurement. Logistics
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4: AS 2987—1987 General conditions of contract for the supply
Diversity — Element 4.4.1: Diversity on boards, of equipment with or without installation
committees and teams AS 2987/A—1987 Annexure to the Australian Standard for
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4: conditions of contract for supply and erection of equipment
Diversity — Element 4.4.2: Disability as diversity AS 2987/B—1987 Annexure to the Australian Standard for
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4: conditions of contract for supply and erection of equipment
Diversity — Element 4.4.3: Strategies for career AS 2988—1987 (Form) Form of formal instrument of
advancement and develpoment agreement
HB—2000 The Workplace Manual — Model 4: AS 2988—1987 Form of formal instrument of agreement
Diversity — Element 4.4.4: Ageing in the workplace AS/NZS 3551:1996 Technical management programs for
HB 130.1—1999 Working — The work/life tools medical devices
HB 249—2000 Managing and Delivering Technical Training AS 4120—1994 Code of tendering
VID 013—1995 Keep it safe—Avoiding slips, trips and falls in AS 4910—2002 General conditions of contract for the supply
public access areas of equipment with installation
VID 014—1995 Learn or burn—Fire emergency training in AS/NZS 4911:1998 General conditions of contract for the
multi-storey buildings supply of equipment without installation
VID 015—1995 Learn or Burn—Fire emergency training in AS 4912—2002 General conditions of contract for the periodic
shopping areas supply of goods
VID 016—1996 We need to talk Research and development
VID 019—1997 Conflict at work AS 2725—1984 Guidelines for reporting energy use as part of
VID 021—1997 Teams: You Can Make The Difference the energy audit
VID 022—1997 Teams: Skills For Team Members AS 3595—1990 Energy management programs—Guidelines
VID 23-24A(Set) Emergency Evacuation Videos for financial evaluation of a project
VID 023A—1998 Emergency Evacuation Video 1 AS 3596—1992 Energy management programs—Guidelines
for definition and analysis of energy and cost savings
VID 024A—1998 Emergency Evacuation Video 2
AS/NZS 3598:2000 Energy audits
VID 025—1998 Dynamic Presentations
AS 3950—1991 Guide to managing product design
VID 026—1998 Meetings
AS/NZS 4183:1994 Value management
VID 29-30(Set) Security in hospitals, aged care centres and
other healthcare facilities AS 4915—2002 Project management—General conditions
VID 029 Part 1: Security in hospitals, aged care centres and AS 4916—2002 Construction management—General
other healthcare facilities conditions
VID 030—2000 Tape 2: Security in hospitals, aged care CB 025—2002 A Guide to the Project Management Body of
centres and other healthcare facilities Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)
BEA 003—2002 New roles, skills and capabilities in the CB 027—2002 Business Continuity Management—Preventing
knowledge-focused organisation chaos in a crisis
CS FP 001—1995 Fire Emergency Response Trade. Commercial function. Marketing
CS FP 002—1995 Fire Protection—Portable Equipment MP 93—2002 2002 Australian Design Awards Yearbook
Service MP 93—2001 2001 Australian Design Awards Yearbook
ESAA Doc 008—1998 Electrical safety handbook for CB 028—2002 Managing a Product Recall—Taking corrective
emergency service personnel action to safeguard consumers from unsafe products
VCOM 01—1998 Meetings Pocket Companion
VCOM 02—1998 Dynamic Presentations Pocket Companion
VGD 01—1998 Meetings Guide
VGD 02—1998 Dynamic Presentations Guide


COMPONENTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR AS/NZS 4233.1:1999 High pressure water (hydro) jetting
TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT systems — Guidelines for safe operation and maintenance
Aerials AS/NZS 4233.2:1999 High pressure water (hydro) jetting
systems — Construction and performance
AS 1417.1—1987 Receiving antennas for radio and television
in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GHz — Construction AS 4297—1995 Underground mining—Stationary air compressors
and installation AS/NZS 60335.2.79:2002 Household and similar electrical
AS 1417.2—1991 Receiving antennas for radio and television appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular
in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GHz — Performance requirements for high pressure cleaners and steam cleaners,
for industrial and commercial use
Coaxial cables. Waveguides
AS/NZS 60335.2.87:2002 Household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 1367:2000 Coaxial cabling systems for the distribution
appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular
of analogue television and sound signals in single and
requirements for electric animal-stunning equipment
multiple unit installations
AS 1852.726—1983 International electrotechnical
vocabulary — Transmission lines and waveguides AS 1189.13—1987 Data processing—Vocabulary — Computer
AS 3815—1998 A guide to coaxial cabling in single and
multiple premises AS 3643.1—1989 Computer graphics—Initial graphics exchange
specification (IGES) for digital exchange of product definition
Components and accessories in general
data — General
ACA TS 008—1997 Requirements for Authorised Cabling
AS 3643.2—1992 Computer graphics—Initial graphics exchange
specification (IGES) for digital exchange of product definition
AS/ACIF S008:2001 Requirements for authorised cabling data — Subset of AS 3643.1—Two-dimensional drawings for
products architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) industries
Waveguides see Coaxial cables. Waveguides AS 3656—1989 Computer graphics—Graphical Kernel System for
COMPONENTS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT three dimensions (GKS-3D) functional description
Components for electrical equipment in general AS 3794.1—1991 Computer graphics—Programmer's Hierarchical
AS 1939—1990 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) language bindings —
for electrical equipment (IP Code) FORTRAN
AS 1939 Supp 1—1990 Degrees of protection provided by AS 3794.3—1991 Computer graphics—Programmer's Hierarchical
enclosures for electrical equipment (IP Code)—Wallchart 1 Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) language bindings —
(Supplement 1 to AS 1939-1990) Ada
AS 1939 Supp 2—1990 Degrees of protection provided by AS/NZS 14478.1:2000 Information technology—Computer
enclosures for electrical equipment (IP Code)—Wallchart 2 graphics and image processing—Presentation environment for
(Supplement 2 to AS 1939-1990) multimedia objects — Fundamentals of presentation
Electrical and electromechanical components environment for multimedia objects
AS 3766—1990 Mechanical fittings for low voltage aerial AS/NZS 14478.2:2000 Information technology—Computer
bundled cables graphics and image processing—Presentation environment for
multimedia objects — Foundation component
AS/NZS 3947.4.1:2001 Low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear — Contactors and motor-starters — AS/NZS 14478.3:2000 Information technology—Computer
Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters graphics and image processing—Presentation environment for
multimedia objects — Multimedia systems services
AS/NZS 3947.4.3:2000 Low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear — Contactors and motor-starters — A.C. AS/NZS 14478.4:2000 Information technology—Computer
semiconductor controllers and contactors for non-motor graphics and image processing—Presentation environment for
loads multimedia objects — Modelling, rendering and interaction
AS/NZS 3947.5.1:2000 Low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear — Control circuit devices and switching CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT
elements — Electromechanical control circuit devices AS/NZS 1576.1:1995 Scaffolding — General requirements
AS/NZS 3947.5.5:2000 Low-voltage switchgear and AS 1576.2—1991 Scaffolding — Couplers and accessories
controlgear — Control circuit devices and switching AS/NZS 1576.3:1995 Scaffolding — Prefabricated and tube-and-
elements — Electrical emergency stop device with coupler scaffolding
mechanical latching function AS 1576.4—1991 Scaffolding — Suspended scaffolding
AS/NZS 3947.5.6:2000 Low-voltage switchgear and AS/NZS 1576.5:1995 Scaffolding — Prefabricated splitheads and
controlgear — Control circuit devices and switching trestles
elements — D.C.interface for proximity sensors and
AS/NZS 1576.6:2000 Scaffolding — Metal tube-and-coupler
switching amplifiers (NAMUR)
scaffolding—Deemed to comply with AS/NZS 1576.3
AS 60470—2001 High-voltage alternating current contactors
AS 1577—1993 Scaffold planks
and contactor-based motor-starters
AS 2868—1986 Classification of machinery for earthmoving,
construction, surface mining and agricultural purposes
AS 2221.1—1979 Methods for measurements of airborne sound
AS 3990—1993 Mechanical equipment—Steelwork
emitted by compressor units including primemovers and by
pneumatic tools and machines — Engineering method for AS/NZS 4576:1995 Guidelines for scaffolding
measurement of airborne sound emitted by CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY
compressor/primemover units intended for outdoor use Construction industry in general
AS 2221.2—1979 Methods for measurements of airborne sound HB 23—1992 TACT, Thesaurus of Australian construction
emitted by compressor units including primemovers and by terms
pneumatic tools and machines — Engineering method for HB 24—1992 Symbols and abbreviations for building and
measurement of airborne sound emitted by pneumatic tools construction
and machines
HB 25—1992 Australian building and construction definitions
AS/NZS 3350.2.34:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical
HB 50—1994 Glossary of building terms
appliances — Particular requirements — Motor-compressors
HB 261—2001 Glossary of facility management terms
AS/NZS 3350.2.79:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical
appliances — Particular requirements for high pressure CIDA 01—1993 Value of Overseas Business Activity
cleaners and steam cleaners, for industrial and commercial CIDA 04—1993 Model Projects and Enterprises
use (IEC 60335-2-79:1995, MOD) CIDA 05—1993 Creating Productive Partnerships: A Win-Win
Guide to Enterprise Bargaining


CIDA 06—1993 Occupational Health and Safety Performance AS 2545/B—1993 Subcontract conditions (AS 2545-1993)—
Manual Annexure Part B
CIDA 07—1994 Constructing the Norm AS 2545—1987 Subcontract conditions
CIDA 08—1994 Security of Payment (Final Report) AS 2545/A—1987 Subcontract conditions—Annexure to AS
CIDA 09—1994 Building Best Practice in the Construction 2545
Industry—Overview for Clients, Consulants and AS 2545/B—1987 Subcontract conditions—Annexure to AS
Contractors 2545 including certificate of substantial completion form of
CIDA 10—1994 Construction Industry Project Initiation Guide formal instrument of agreement
for Project Sponsors, Clients and Owners AS 2987—1987 General conditions of contract for the supply
CIDA 11—1994 Transforming Construction: The Total Project of equipment with or without installation
Approach AS 2987/A—1987 Annexure to the Australian Standard for
CIDA 12—1995 Breaking the Norm—Language, literacy and conditions of contract for supply and erection of equipment
numeracy skills in the building industry AS 2987/B—1987 Annexure to the Australian Standard for
CIDA 13—1995 Breaking the Norm—Aboriginal and Torres conditions of contract for supply and erection of equipment
Strait Islanders in the building industry AS 2988—1987 (Form) Form of formal instrument of
CIDA 14—1995 Breaking the Norm—Workers rehabilitated agreement
after injury in the building industry AS 2988—1987 Form of formal instrument of agreement
CIDA 15—1995 Breaking the Norm: Women in the building AS 4000—1997 General conditions of contract
trades AS 4000/A—1997 General conditions of contract (AS 4000-
CIDA 16—1995 Breaking the Norm: Women in the building 1997)—Annexure Part A
professions AS 4000/B—1997 General conditions of contract (AS 4000-
CIDA 17—1995 The Australian Construction Industry—Pre- 1997)—Annexure Part B
Qualification Criteria for Smaller Projects AS 4120—1994 Code of tendering
CIDA 18—1995 The Australian Construction Industry—Pre- AS 4122—2000 General conditions of contract for engagement
Qualification Criteria for Contractors of consultants
CIDA 19—1995 The Australian Construction Industry—Pre- AS 4300—1995 General conditions of contract for design and
Qualification Criteria for Subcontractors construct
CIDA 20—1995 The Australian Construction Industry—Pre- AS 4300 Supp 1—1995 General conditions of contract for
Qualification Criteria for Consultants design and construct—Annexure Part A (Supplement to
CIDA 21—1995 Measuring Up or Muddling Through: Best AS 4300-1995)
Practice in the Australian Non-Residential Construction AS 4300 Supp 2—1995 General conditions of contract for
Industry design and construct—Annexure Part B (Supplement to
CIDA 22—1995 In Principle—Construction Industry Reform AS 4300-1995)
1991 to 1995 AS 4300 Supp 3—1995 General conditions of contract for
Contractual aspects design and construct—Annexure Part C (Supplement to
AS 2124—1992 General conditions of contract AS 4300-1995)
AS 2124/A—1992 General conditions of contract (AS 2124- AS 4300 Supp 4—1995 General conditions of contract for
1992)—Annexure Part A design and construct—Annexure Part D (Supplement to
AS 2124/B—1992 General conditions of contract (AS 2124- AS 4300-1995)
1992)—Annexure Part B AS 4300 Supp 5—1995 General conditions of contract for
AS Doc 2124N—1992 Notes on the changes in the General design and construct—Annexure Part E (Supplement to
AS 4300-1995)
conditions of contract 4th edition (AS 2124-1992) as
compared with the 3rd edition (AS 2124-1986) AS 4301—1995 General conditions of tendering and tender
form for design and construct contract
AS 2124—1986 General conditions of contract
AS 2124/A—1986 Annexure Part A AS 4301 Supp 1—1995 General conditions of tendering and
tender form for design and construct contract—Pad of
AS 2124/B—1986 Annexure Part B forms (Supplement to AS 4301-1995)
AS 2125—1992 (Pad) General conditions of tendering and AS 4302—1995 Form of formal instrument of agreement for
form of tender design and construct contract
AS 2125—1992 General conditions of tendering and form of AS 4302 Supp 1—1995 Form of formal instrument of
tender agreement for design and construct contract—Pad of
AS 2125—1986 (Pad) General conditions of tendering and forms (Supplement to AS 4302-1995)
form of tender AS 4303—1995 General conditions of subcontract for design
AS 2125—1986 General conditions of tendering and form of and construct
tender AS 4305—1996 Minor works contract conditions
AS 2127—1992 (Pad) Form of formal instrument of agreement AS 4901—1998 Subcontract conditions
AS 2127—1992 Form of formal instrument of agreement AS 4902—2000 General conditions of contract for design and
AS 2127—1986 (Form) Form of formal instrument of construct
agreement AS 4903—2000 General conditions of subcontract for design
AS 2127—1986 Form of formal instrument of agreement and construct
AS 2160.1—1998 Contract for the supply and construction of a AS 4905—2002 Minor works contract conditions
swimming pool or spa — Concrete swimming pool or spa (Superintendent administered)
AS 2160.1/C—1998 Contract for the supply and construction AS 4906—2002 Minor works contract conditions (Principal
of a swimming pool or spa — Concrete swimming pool or administered)
spa AS 4910—2002 General conditions of contract for the supply
AS 2160—1984 Contract for the supply and construction of a of equipment with installation
swimming pool AS/NZS 4911:1998 General conditions of contract for the
AS 2160C—1984 Australian standard contract for supply and supply of equipment without installation
construction of a swimming pool AS 4912—2002 General conditions of contract for the periodic
AS 2545—1993 Subcontract conditions supply of goods
AS 2545/A—1993 Subcontract conditions (AS 2545-1993)— AS 4916—2002 Construction management—General
Annexure Part A conditions
AS 4949—2001 Work order

HB 42—1992 General conditions of contract (AS 2124-1992)— CIDA 02—1993 Competetive International Contracting—The
User guide Determinants of Success
HB 42 Supp 1—1993 General conditions of contract (AS 2124- NPWC3—1981 NPWC3: General conditions of contract
1992)—User guide—Contractor's set of proforma notices Other aspects
(Supplement to SAA HB42-1992) MP 84—2000 Evolution Of Australian Standards for structural
HB 42 Supp 2—1993 General conditions of contract (AS 2124- steel
1992)—User guide—Principal's set of proforma notices Technical aspects
(Supplement to SAA HB42-1992)
AS 1181—1982 Method of measurement of civil engineering
HB 42 Supp 3—1993 General conditions of contract (AS 2124- works and associated building works
1992)—User guide—Superintendent's set of proforma
notices (Supplement to SAA HB42-1992) AS 3854.1—1990 Performance standards in building —
Contents and presentation
HB 42 Supp 4—1993 General conditions of contract (AS 2124-
1992)—User guide—Notice of ambiguity or discrepancy in AS 3854.2—1990 Performance standards in building —
the contract documents—Proforma notice (Supplement to Principles for their preparation and factors to be
SAA HB42-1992) considered
HB 42 Supp 5—1993 General conditions of contract (AS 2124- HB 31—2002 Handbook of building construction tolerances—
1992)—User guide—Contractor's notice of delay— Extracts from building products and structural Standards
Proforma notice (Supplement to SAA HB42-1992) HB 41—1993 Design checkers' handbook for buildings
HB 42 Supp 6—1993 General conditions of contract (AS 2124- HB 47—1993 Dimensioning and tolerancing to AS 1100.101-
1992)—User guide—Contractor's notice of delay and claim 1992 and AS 1100.201-1992
for extension of time (days stated)—Proforma notice HB 59—1994 Ergonomics—The human factor—A practical
(Supplement to SAA HB42-1992) approach to work systems design
HB 42 Supp 7—1993 General conditions of contract (AS 2124- HB 126—1999 The operation of performance-based
1992)—User guide—Contractor's claim for extension of regulations in building design
time (days stated)—Proforma notice (Supplement to SAA CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS
HB 155—2002 Guide to the use of recycled concrete and masonry
HB 42 Supp 8—1993 General conditions of contract (AS 2124- materials
1992)—User guide—Superintendent's grant of extension
Binders. Sealing materials
of time—Proforma notice (Supplement to SAA HB42-1992)
AS 1736—1975 Code of practice for pliable roof sarking
HB 42 Supp 9—1993 General conditions of contract (AS 2124-
1992)—User guide—Request to price proposed AS 3799—1998 Liquid membrane-forming curing compounds
variation—Proforma notice (Supplement to SAA HB42- for concrete
1992) AS/NZS 4548.1:1999 Guide to long-life coatings for concrete
HB 42 Supp 10—1993 General conditions of contract (AS and masonry — Wall coatings—Latex extensible
2124-1992)—User guide—Request for variation AS/NZS 4548.2:1999 Guide for long-life coatings for concrete
quotation—Proforma notice (Supplement to SAA HB42- and masonry — Latex finish coatings—High-build, low
1992) profile
HB 42 Supp 11—1993 General conditions of contract (AS AS/NZS 4548.3:1999 Guide to long-life coatings for concrete
2124-1992)—User guide—Payment certificate—Proforma and masonry — Latex—Textured coatings—Non-
notice (Supplement to SAA HB42-1992) aggregate
HB 54—1994 Subcontract conditions (AS 2545-1993)—User AS/NZS 4548.4:1999 Guide to long-life coatings for concrete
guide and masonry — Latex—Textured coatings—Aggregate
HB 54 Supp 1—1994 Subcontract conditions (AS 2545- filled
1993)—User guide—Main Contractor's representative's set AS/NZS 4548.5:1999 Guide to long-life coatings for concrete
of proforma notices (Supplement to SAA HB54-1994) and masonry — Guidelines to methods of test
HB 54 Supp 2—1994 Subcontract conditions (AS 2545- AS A99—1959 Bituminous felt roofing. Type 1(c) coated
1993)—User guide—Main Contractor's Representative's organic fibre felt roofing
set of proforma notices (Supplement to SAA HB54-1994) AS CA55—1970 Code of recommended practice for the design
HB 54 Supp 3—1994 Subcontract conditions (AS 2545- and installation of bituminous fabric roofing
1993)—User guide—Subcontractor's set of proforma Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Mortar
notices (Supplement to SAA HB54-1994) AS 1316—1972 Masonry cement (metric units)
HB 57—1994 User's manual for lump sum contract based on AS 1672.1—1997 Limes and limestones — Limes for building
AS 2124-1992
AS 2185—1978 Fibrous plaster products
HB 140—2000 Administration manual for AS 4000-1997
General conditions of contract AS 2349—1991 Method of sampling portland and blended
HB 226 (Set) Contract toolbox for the construction industry
AS/NZS 2350.0:1999 Methods of testing portland and blended
HB 226.1—2000 Contract toolbox for the construction cements — General introduction and list of methods
industry — Tool 1 How clients and contractors ensure
success AS 2350.2—1991 Methods of testing portland and blended
cements — Chemical composition of portland cement
HB 226.2—2000 Contract toolbox for the construction
industry — Tool 2 Review of common contract conditions AS/NZS 2350.3:1999 Methods of testing portland and blended
cements — Normal consistency of portland and blended
HB 226.3—2000 Contract toolbox for the construction cements
industry — Tool 3 Review of commonly referenced
standards AS/NZS 2350.4:1999 Methods of testing portland and blended
cements — Setting time of portland and blended cements
HB 226.4—2000 Contract toolbox for the construction
industry — Tool 4 Book of reference wall charts AS/NZS 2350.5:1999 Methods of testing portland and blended
cements — Determination of soundness of portland and
HB 226.5.1—2000 Contract toolbox for the construction blended cements
industry — Tool 5.1 Comparison checklist — AS 2124-
1992 AS 2350.7—1997 Methods of testing portland and blended
cements — Determination of temperature rises during
HB 226.6.1—2000 Contract toolbox for the construction hydration of portland and blended cements
industry — Tool 6.1 Collection of essential contracting
standards — Construct only contracts AS/NZS 2350.8:1999 Methods of testing portland and blended
cement — Fineness index of portland cement by air
MP 65—1992 Lump sum contract for building works with permeability method
administration by proprietor (RAIA ABP-1-1992)


AS 2350.9—1997 Methods of testing portland and blended AS 3583.6—1995 Methods of test for supplementary
cements — Determination of residue on the 45 micrometre cementitious materials for use with portland cement —
sieve Determination of relative water requirement and relative
AS 2350.10—1991 Methods of testing portland and blended strength
cements — Calcium oxide content of blended cement AS 3583.7—1991 Methods of test for supplementary
AS/NZS 2350.11:2001 Methods of testing portland, blended cementitious materials for use with portland cement —
and masonry cements — Compressive strength Determination of sulfide sulfur content
AS/NZS 2350.11:1997 Methods of testing portland and AS 3583.8—1991 Methods of test for supplementary
blended cements — Compressive strength of portland and cementitious materials for use with portland cement —
blended cement Determination of sulfuric anhydride content
AS 2350.12—1995 Methods of testing portland and blended AS 3583.9—1991 Methods of test for supplementary
cements — Preparation of a standard mortar and moulding cementitious materials for use with portland cement —
of specimens Determination of magnesia content
AS 2350.13—1995 Methods of testing portland and blended AS 3583.10—1991 Methods of test for supplementary
cements — Determination of drying shrinkage of portland cementitious materials for use with portland cement —
and blended cement mortars Determination of alumina and total iron content
AS 2350.14—1996 Methods of testing portland and blended AS 3583.11—1991 Methods of test for supplementary
cements — Length change of portland and blended cementitious materials for use with portland cement —
cement mortars exposed to a sulfate solution Determination of manganese content
AS 2350.15—1995 Methods of testing portland and blended AS 3583.12—1991 Methods of test for supplementary
cements — Water-soluble chromate content of portland cementitious materials for use with portland cement —
cement Determination of available alkali
AS/NZS 2350.16:2001 Methods of testing portland, blended AS 3583.13—1991 Methods of test for supplementary
and masonry cements — Determination of air content of cementitious materials for use with portland cement —
masonry cement Determination of chloride ion content
AS/NZS 2350.17:2001 Methods of testing portland, blended AS 3583.14—1991 Methods of test for supplementary
and masonry cements — Determination of soundness of cementitious materials for use with portland cement —
masonry cements Determination of insoluble residue content
AS/NZS 2350.18:2001 Methods of testing portland, blended AS 3648—1993 Specification and methods of test for
and masonry cements — Determination of water retention packaged concrete mixes
of masonry cement AS 3972—1997 Portland and blended cements
AS/NZS 2588:1998 Gypsum plasterboard AS 3974—1991 Evaluation of uniformity of cement strength
AS/NZS 2589.1:1997 Gypsum linings in residential and light from a single source
commercial construction—Application and finishing — AS 4489.0—1997 Test methods for limes and limestones —
Gypsum plasterboard General introduction and list of methods
AS/NZS 2589.2:1997 Gypsum linings in residential and light AS 4489.1.1—1997 Test methods for limes and limestones —
commercial construction—Application and finishing — Sample preparation — Quicklime and hydrated lime
Fibre reinforced gypsum plaster AS 4489.2.1—1997 Test methods for limes and limestones —
AS 2590—1983 Glass fibre reinforced gypsum plasterboard Fineness — Wet sieving
AS 2592—1983 Gypsum plaster for building purposes AS 4489.3.1—1997 Test methods for limes and limestones —
AS 2701—2001 Methods of sampling and testing mortar for Slaking — Dewar flask
masonry constructions AS 4489.4.1—1997 Test methods for limes and limestones —
AS 3582.1—1998 Supplementary cementitious materials for Soundness — Pat
use with portland and blended cement — Fly ash AS 4489.4.2—1997 Test methods for limes and limestones —
AS 3582.2—2001 Supplementary cementitious materials for Soundness — Le Chatelier
use with portland and blended cement — Slag—Ground AS 4489.4.3—1997 Test methods for limes and limestones —
granulated iron blast-furnace Soundness — Autoclave
AS 3582.2—1991 Supplementary cementitious materials for AS 4489.5.1—1997 Test methods for limes and
use with portland cement — Slag—Ground granulated iron limestonees — Chemical composition — Quicklime and
blast-furnace hydrated lime
AS/NZS 3582.3:2002 Supplementary cementitious materials AS 4489.6.1—1997 Test methods for limes and
for use with portland and blended cement — Amorphous limestonees — Lime index — Available lime
silica AS 4489.7.1—1997 Test methods for limes and limestones —
AS 3582.3—1994 Supplementary cementitious materials for Loss on ignition — Quicklime, hydrated lime and limestone
use with portland cement — Silica fume AS 4489.8.1—1997 Test methods for limes and limestones —
AS 3583.1—1998 Methods of test for supplementary Free moisture — Convection oven
cementitious materials for use with portland and blended AS 4489.9.1—1997 Test methods for limes and limestones —
cement — Determination of fineness by the 45 micrometre Solid content — Convection oven
AS 4489.10.1—1997 Test methods for limes and
AS 3583.2—1991 Methods of test for supplementary limestones — Bulk density — Quicklime and hydrated lime
cementitious materials for use with portland cement —
CCA TN59—1998 Cements—Properties and characteristics
Determination of moisture content
Ceramic building products
AS 3583.3—1991 Methods of test for supplementary
cementitious materials for use with portland cement — AS 2049—2002 Roof tiles
Determination of loss on ignition AS 2049—1992 Roof tiles
AS 3583.4—1991 Methods of test for supplementary AS 2050—2002 Installation of roof tiles
cementitious materials for use with portland cement — AS 2050—1995 Installation of roof tiles
Determination of autoclave expansion AS 3958.1—1991 Ceramic tiles — Guide to the installation of
AS 3583.5—1991 Methods of test for supplementary ceramic tiles
cementitious materials for use with portland cement — AS 3958.2—1992 Ceramic tiles — Guide to the selection of a
Determination of relative density ceramic tiling system
AS 4046.0—2002 Methods of testing roof tiles — Introduction
and list of methods


AS 4046.1—2002 Methods of testing roof tiles — AS 4459.3—1999 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
Determination of distortion tiles — Determination of water absorption, apparent
AS 4046.2—2002 Methods of testing roof tiles — porosity, apparent relative density and bulk density
Determination of batten lugs and squareness AS 4459.4—1997 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
AS 4046.3—2002 Methods of testing roof tiles — tiles — Determination of modulus of rupture and breaking
Determination of transverse strength strength
AS 4046.4—2002 Methods of testing roof tiles — AS 4459.5—1999 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
Determination of water absorption tiles — Determination of impact resistance by
measurement of coefficient of restitution
AS 4046.5—2002 Methods of testing roof tiles —
Determination of permeability AS 4459.6—1999 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
tiles — Determination of resistance to deep abrasion for
AS 4046.6—2002 Methods of testing roof tiles —
Determination of resistance to freeze/thaw unglazed tiles
AS 4459.7—1999 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
AS 4046.7—2002 Methods of testing roof tiles —
Determination of resistance to salt attack tiles — Determination of resistance to surface abrasion for
glazed tiles
AS 4046.8—2002 Methods of testing roof tiles — Adhesive
mechanical fastener (flexible pointing) AS 4459.8—1997 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
tiles — Determination of linear thermal expansion
AS 4046.9—2002 Methods of testing roof tiles —
Determination of dynamic weather resistance AS 4459.9—1997 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
tiles — Determination of resistance to thermal shock
AS 4133.5—2002 Methods of testing rocks for engineering
purposes — Sampling of rock core AS 4459.10—1999 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
tiles — Determination of moisture expansion
AS/NZS 4455:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers
AS 4459.11—1997 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
AS/NZS 4456.0:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— tiles — Determination of crazing resistance for glazed tiles
Methods of test — General introduction and list of methods
AS 4459.12—1999 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
AS/NZS 4456.1:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— tiles — Determination of frost resistance
Methods of test — Sampling for compliance testing
AS 4459.13—1999 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
AS/NZS 4456.2:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— tiles — Determination of chemical resistance
Methods of test — Assessment of mean and standard
deviation AS 4459.14—1999 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
tiles — Determination of resistance to stains
AS/NZS 4456.3:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers—
Methods of test — Determining dimensions AS 4459.15—1999 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic
tiles — Determination of lead and cadmium given off by
AS/NZS 4456.4:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— glazed tiles
Methods of test — Determining compressive strength of
masonry units AS 4597—1999 Installation of roof slates and shingles (Non-
interlocking type)
AS/NZS 4456.5:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers—
Concrete and concrete products
Methods of test — Determining breaking load of segmental
paving units AS 1012.1—1993 Methods of testing concrete — Sampling of
fresh concrete
AS/NZS 4456.6:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers—
Methods of test — Determining potential to effloresce AS 1012.2—1994 Methods of testing concrete — Preparation
of concrete mixes in the laboratory
AS/NZS 4456.7:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers—
Methods of test — Determining core percentage and AS 1012.3.1—1998 Methods of testing concrete —
material thickness Determination of properties related to the consistency of
concrete — Slump test
AS/NZS 4456.8:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers—
Methods of test — Determining moisture content and dry AS 1012.3.2—1998 Methods of testing concrete —
density Determination of properties related to the consistency of
AS/NZS 4456.9:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— concrete — Compacting factor test
Methods of test — Determining abrasion resistance AS 1012.3.3—1998 Methods of testing concrete —
AS/NZS 4456.10:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— Determination of properties related to the consistency of
concrete — Vebe test
Methods of test — Determining resistance to salt attack
AS/NZS 4456.11:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— AS 1012.3.4—1998 Methods of testing concrete —
Determination of properties related to the consistency of
Methods of test — Determining coefficients of expansion
concrete — Compactibility index
AS/NZS 4456.12:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers—
Methods of test — Determining coefficients of contraction AS 1012.4.1—1999 Methods of testing concrete —
Determination of air content of freshly mixed concrete —
AS/NZS 4456.13:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— Measuring reduction in concrete volume with increased air
Methods of test — Determining pitting due to lime particles pressure
AS/NZS 4456.14:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— AS 1012.4.2—1999 Methods of testing concrete —
Methods of test — Determining water absorption Determination of air content of freshly mixed concrete —
properties Measuring reduction in air pressure in chamber above
AS/NZS 4456.15:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— concrete
Methods of test — Determining lateral modulus of rupture AS 1012.4.3—1999 Methods of testing concrete —
AS/NZS 4456.16:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— Determination of air content of freshly mixed concrete —
Methods of test — Determining permeability to water Measuring air volume when concrete dispersed in water
AS/NZS 4456.17:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— AS 1012.5—1999 Methods of testing concrete —
Methods of test — Determining initial rate of absorption Determination of mass per unit volume of freshly mixed
(suction) concrete
AS/NZS 4456.18:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers— AS 1012.6—1999 Methods of testing concrete — Method for
Methods of test — Determining tensile strength of masonry the determination of bleeding of concrete
units and segmental pavers AS 1012.8.1—2000 Methods of testing concrete — Method of
AS 4459.1—1999 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic making and curing concrete — Compression and indirect
tiles — Sampling and basis for acceptance tensile test specimens
AS 4459.2—1999 Methods of sampling and testing ceramic AS 1012.8.2—2000 Methods of testing concrete — Method of
tiles — Determination of dimensions and surface quality making and curing concrete — Flexure test specimens


AS 1012.9—1999 Methods of testing concrete — AS 3850.3—1992 Tilt-up concrete and precast concrete
Determination of the compressive strength of concrete elements for use in buildings — Guide to the erection of
specimens precast concrete members
AS 1012.10—2000 Methods of testing concrete — AS 4198—1994 Precast concrete access chambers for
Determination of indirect tensile strength of concrete sewerage applications
cylinders ('Brasil' or splitting test) AS/NZS 4455:1997 Masonry units and segmental pavers
AS 1012.11—2000 Methods of testing concrete — HB 34—1992 Near-to-surface testing of hardened concrete
Determination of the modulus of rupture
HB 67—1995 Concrete practice on building sites
AS 1012.12.1—1998 Methods of testing concrete — HB 84:1996 Guide to Concrete Repair and Protection
Determination of mass per unit volume of hardened
concrete — Rapid measuring method HB 155—2002 Guide to the use of recycled concrete and
masonry materials
AS 1012.12.2—1998 Methods of testing concrete —
Determination of mass per unit volume of hardened CCA T50—1997 Tilt-up Construction Notes
concrete — Water displacement method CCA T51—1997 Concrete Pavement Design for Residential
AS 1012.13—1992 Methods of testing concrete — Streets
Determination of the drying shrinkage of concrete for CIA CPN17—2002 The use of galvanized reinforcement in
samples prepared in the field or in the laboratory concrete
AS 1012.14—1991 Methods of testing concrete — Method for CIA Z5—1987 Recommended Practice: Sprayed Concrete
securing and testing cores from hardened concrete for CIA Z6—1988 Reinforcement Detailing Handbook
compressive strength CIA Z9—1999 Curing of Concrete
AS 1012.16—1996 Methods of testing concrete — CIA Z10—1992 Recommended Practice: Design of Tilt-Up
Determination of creep of concrete cylinders in Wall Panels
CIA Z11—2002 The Evaluation of Concrete Strength by
AS 1012.17—1997 Methods of testing concrete — Testing Cores
Determination of the static chord modulus of elasticity and
CIA Z12—2000 Pumped Concrete
Poisson's ratio of concrete specimens
Construction materials in general
AS 1012.18—1996 Methods of testing concrete —
Determination of setting time of fresh concrete, mortar and HB 2.1—1998 Australian Standards for civil engineering
grout by penetration resistance students — Materials and testing
AS 1012.19.1—2000 Methods of testing concrete — HB 2.2—2002 Australian Standards for civil engineering
Accelerated curing of concrete compression test students — Structural engineering
specimens — Hot water method Gypsum see Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Mortar
AS 1012.19.2—2000 Methods of testing concrete — Lime see Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Mortar
Accelerated curing of concrete compression test Mineral materials and products
specimens — Warm water method AS 1141.0—1999 Methods for sampling and testing
AS 1012.20—1992 Methods of testing concrete — aggregates — List of methods
Determination of chloride and sulfate in hardened concrete AS 1141.1—1996 Methods for sampling and testing
and concrete aggregates aggregates — Definitions
AS 1012.21—1999 Methods of testing concrete — AS 1141.2—1999 Methods for sampling and testing
Determination of water absorption and apparent volume of aggregates — Basic testing equipment
permeable voids in hardened concrete
AS 1141.3.1—1996 Methods for sampling and testing
AS 1379—1997 Specification and supply of concrete aggregates — Sampling — Aggregates
AS 1379 Supp 1—1997 Specification and supply of concrete— AS 1141.3.2—1996 Methods for sampling and testing
Commentary (Supplement to AS 1379-1997) aggregates — Sampling — Rock spalls, boulders and drill
AS 1478.1—2000 Chemical admixtures for concrete, mortar core
and grout — Admixtures for concrete AS 1141.3.3—1999 Methods for sampling and testing
AS 1597.1—1974 Precast reinforced concrete box culverts — aggregates — Sampling — Preparation of stabilized
Small culverts (not exceeding 1200 mm width and 900 mm pavement materials
depth) AS 1141.4—2000 Methods for sampling and testing
AS 1597.2—1996 Precast reinforced concrete box culverts — aggregates — Bulk density of aggregate
Large culverts (from 1500 mm span and up to and AS 1141.5—2000 Methods for sampling and testing
including 4200 mm span and 4200 mm height) aggregates — Particle density and water absorption of fine
AS 1597.2 Supp 1—1997 Precast reinforced concrete box aggregate
culverts — Large culverts (from 1500 mm span and up to AS 1141.6.1—2000 Methods for sampling and testing
and including 4200 mm span and 4200 mm height)— aggregates — Particle density and water absorption of
Commentary (Supplement to AS 1597.2-1996) coarse aggregate — Weighing-in-water method
AS 2049—2002 Roof tiles AS 1141.6.2—1996 Methods for sampling and testing of
AS 2049—1992 Roof tiles aggregates — Particle density and water absorption of
AS 2876—2000 Concrete kerbs and channels (gutters)— coarse aggregate — Pycnometer method
Manually or machine placed AS 1141.7—1995 Methods for sampling and testing
AS 3610—1995 Formwork for concrete aggregates — Apparent particle density of filler
AS 3610 Supp 1—1995 Formwork for concrete—Blowhole and AS 1141.8—1995 Methods for sampling and testing
colour evaluation charts (Supplement to AS 3610-1995) aggregates — Water-soluble fraction of filler
AS 3610 Supp 2—1996 Formwork for concrete—Commentary AS 1141.11—1996 Methods for sampling and testing
(Supplement to AS 3610-1995) aggregates — Particle size distribution by sieving
AS 3799—1998 Liquid membrane-forming curing compounds AS 1141.12—1996 Methods for sampling and testing of
for concrete aggregates — Materials finer than 75 micrometre in
AS 3850.1—1990 Tilt-up concrete and precast concrete aggregates (by washing)
elements for use in buildings — Safety requirements AS 1141.13—1995 Methods for sampling and testing
AS 3850.2—1990 Tilt-up concrete and precast concrete aggregates — Material finer than 2 micrometer
elements for use in buildings — Guide to design, casting AS 1141.14—1995 Methods for sampling and testing
and erection of tilt-up panels aggregates — Particle shape, by proportional calliper
AS 1141.15—1999 Methods for sampling and testing
aggregates — Flakiness index


AS 1141.16—1995 Methods for sampling and testing AS 1141.52—1995 Methods for sampling and testing
aggregates — Angularity number aggregates — Unconfined cohesion of compacted
AS 1141.17—1995 Methods for sampling and testing pavement materials
aggregates — Voids in dry compacted filler AS 1141.53—1996 Methods for sampling and testing
AS 1141.18—1996 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates — Absorption, swell and capillary rise of
aggregates — Crushed particles in coarse aggregate compacted materials
derived from gravel AS 1141.70—1996 Methods for sampling and testing
AS 1141.19—1998 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates — Lime or cement content of uncured
aggregates — Fine particle size distribution in road stabilized pavement materials (EDTA method)
materials by sieving and decantation AS 1141.71—1998 Methods for sampling and testing
AS 1141.20.1—2000 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates — Lime or cement content of stabilized
aggregates — Average least dimension — Direct pavement materials (EDTA method)
measurement (nominal size 10 mm and greater) AS 1141.72—1996 Methods for sampling and testing of
AS 1141.20.2—2000 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates — Cement content of cement stabilized
aggregates — Average least dimension — Direct materials
measurement (nominal sizes 5 mm and 7 mm) AS 2357—1980 Mineral fillers for asphalt
AS 1141.20.3—2000 Methods for sampling and testing AS 2758.1—1998 Aggregates and rock for engineering
aggregates — Average least dimension — Calculation purposes — Concrete aggregates
(nomograph) AS 2758.2—1996 Aggregates and rock for engineering
AS 1141.21—1997 Methods for sampling and testing purposes — Aggregate for sprayed bituminous surfacing
aggregates — Aggregate crushing value AS 2758.4—2000 Aggregates and rock for engineering
AS 1141.22—1996 Methods for sampling and testing purposes — Aggregate for gabion baskets and wire
aggregates — Wet/dry strength variation mattresses
AS 1141.23—1995 Methods for sampling and testing AS 2758.5—1996 Aggregates and rock for engineering
aggregates — Los Angeles value purposes — Asphalt aggregates
AS 1141.24—1997 Methods for sampling and testing AS 2758.7—1996 Aggregates and rock for engineering
aggregates — Aggregate soundness—Evaluation by purposes — Railway ballast
exposure to sodium sulfate solution AS 2864.1—1987 Methods for the analysis of rutile —
AS 1141.25.1—2000 Methods for sampling and testing Determination of titanium content—Titrimetric method
aggregates — Degradation factor — Source rock AS 4133.0—1993 Methods of testing rocks for engineering
AS 1141.25.2—1999 Methods for sampling and testing purposes — General requirements and list of methods
aggregates — Degradation factor — Coarse aggregate AS 4133.1.1.1—1993 Methods of testing rocks for engineering
AS 1141.26—1996 Methods for sampling and testing purposes — Rock moisture content tests — Determination
aggregates — Secondary minerals content in basic of the moisture content of rock — Oven drying method
igneous rocks (standard method)
AS 1141.27—1995 Methods for sampling and testing AS 4133.2.1.1—1993 Methods of testing rocks for engineering
aggregates — Resistance to wear by attrition purposes — Rock porosity and density tests —
AS 1141.28—1999 Methods for sampling and testing Determination of rock porosity and dry density —
aggregates — Ball mill value Saturation and calliper techniques
AS 1141.29—1999 Methods for sampling and testing AS 4133.2.1.2—1993 Methods of testing rocks for engineering
aggregates — Accelerated soundness index by reflux purposes — Rock porosity and density tests —
AS 1141.30—1996 Methods for sampling and testing of Determination of rock porosity and dry density —
Saturation and buoyancy techniques
aggregates — Coarse aggregate quality by visual
comparison AS 4133.3.1—1993 Methods of testing rocks for engineering
purposes — Rock swelling and slake durability tests —
AS 1141.31—1997 Methods for sampling and testing
aggregates — Light particles Determination of the swelling strain developed in an
unconfined rock specimen
AS 1141.32—1995 Methods for sampling and testing
aggregates — Weak particles (including clay lumps, soft AS 4133.3.2—1993 Methods of testing rocks for engineering
and friable particles) in coarse aggregates purposes — Rock swelling and slake durability tests —
Determination of the swelling strain for a radially confined
AS 1141.33—1997 Methods for sampling and testing specimen with axial surcharge
aggregates — Clay and fine silt (settling method)
AS 4133.3.3—1993 Methods of testing rocks for engineering
AS 1141.34—1997 Methods for sampling and testing purposes — Rock swelling and slake durability tests —
aggregates — Organic impurities other than sugar Determination of the swelling pressure index under
AS 1141.35—1995 Methods for sampling and testing conditions of zero volume change
aggregates — Sugar AS 4133.3.4—1993 Methods of testing rocks for engineering
AS 1141.36—1997 Methods for sampling and testing purposes — Rock swelling and slake durability tests —
aggregates — Sulfur in metallurgical slag, crushed rock or Determination of the slake durability index of rock samples
other pavement materials AS 4133.4.1—1993 Methods of testing rocks for engineering
AS 1141.37—1995 Methods for sampling and testing purposes — Rock strength tests — Determination of point
aggregates — Iron unsoundness load strength index
AS 1141.40—1999 Methods for sampling and testing AS 4133.4.2—1993 Methods of testing rocks for engineering
aggregates — Polished aggregate friction value—Vertical purposes — Rock strength tests — Determination of
road-wheel machine uniaxial compressive strength
AS 1141.41—1999 Methods for sampling and testing AS 4133.4.3—1993 Methods of testing rocks for engineering
aggregates — Polished aggregate friction value— purposes — Rock strength tests — Determination of
Horizontal bed machine deformability of rock materials in uniaxial compression
AS 1141.42—1999 Methods for sampling and testing AS 4204—1994 Headstones and cemetery monuments
aggregates — Pendulum friction test AS 4597—1999 Installation of roof slates and shingles (Non-
AS 1141.50—1998 Methods for sampling and testing interlocking type)
aggregates — Resistance to stripping of cover aggregates AS CA55—1970 Code of recommended practice for the design
from binders and installation of bituminous fabric roofing
AS 1141.51—1996 Methods for sampling and testing HB 156—2002 Segmental concrete reinforced soil retaining
aggregates — Unconfined compressive strength of walls—Design and construction guide
compacted materials


HB 195—2002 The Australian Earth Building Handbook AS 4508—1999 Thermal resistance of insulation for ductwork
CIA CPN25—1990 Fly Ash and Its Use in Concrete used in building airconditioning
CIA CPN27—1992 Condensed Silica Fume and Its Use in AS/NZS 4859.1:2002 Materials for the thermal insulation of
Concrete buildings — General criteria and technical provisions
Mortar see Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Mortar AS 2436—1981 Guide to noise control on construction,
Other construction materials maintenance and demolition sites
AS 1523—1981 Elastomeric bearings for use in structures AS 2601—2001 Demolition of structures
AS/NZS 3012:1995 Electrical installations—Construction and
AS 2072—1977 Methods for the sampling of expanding
admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout demolition sites
AS 2073—1977 Methods for the testing of expanding
admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout Components for conveyors
AS/NZS 4389:1996 Safety mesh AS 1332—2000 Conveyor belting—Textile reinforced
Products in fibre-reinforced cement AS 1333—1994 Conveyor belting of elastomeric and steel cord
AS/NZS 1562.2:1999 Design and installation of sheet roof and construction
wall cladding — Corrugated fibre-reinforced cement AS 1334.1—1982 Methods of testing conveyor and elevator
AS 1639—1990 The design and installation of corrugated belting — Determination of length of endless belting
fibre-reinforced cement roofing and wall cladding AS 1334.2—1982 Methods of testing conveyor and elevator
AS/NZS 2908.1:2000 Cellulose-cement products — belting — Determination of thickness of belting and rubber
covers across the width
Corrugated sheets
AS 2908.1—1992 Cellulose-cement products — Corrugated AS 1334.2A—1984 Methods of testing conveyor and elevator
belting — Determination of thickness of cover using an
optical magnifier
AS/NZS 2908.2:2000 Cellulose-cement products — Flat sheet
AS 1334.3—1982 Methods of testing conveyor and elevator
AS 2908.2—1992 Cellulose-cement products — Flat sheets belting — Determination of full thickness tensile strength
Sealing materials see Binders. Sealing materials and elongation of conveyor belting
Thermal and sound insulating materials AS 1334.4—1982 Methods of testing conveyor and elevator
AS 1366.1—1992 Rigid cellular plastics sheets for thermal belting — Determination of troughability of conveyor
insulation — Rigid cellular polyurethane (RC/PUR) belting
AS 1366.3—1992 Rigid cellular plastics sheets for thermal AS 1334.7—1982 Methods of testing conveyor and elevator
insulation — Rigid cellular polystyrene—Moulded belting — Determination of ply adhesion of conveyor
(RC/PS—M) belting
AS 1366.4—1989 Rigid cellular plastics sheets for thermal AS 1334.8—1982 Methods of testing conveyor and elevator
insulation — Rigid cellular polystyrene—Extruded (RC/PS- belting — Determination of resistance to tear propagation
E) and resistance of carcass to tearing
AS 2464.3—1983 Methods of testing thermal insulation — AS 1334.9—1982 Methods of testing conveyor and elevator
Thermal resistance of low-density loose-fill insulation belting — Determination of electrical resistance of
AS 2464.5—1985 Methods of testing thermal insulation — conveyor belting
Steady-state thermal transmission properties by means of AS 1334.10—1994 Methods of testing conveyor and elevator
the heat flow meter belting — Determination of ignitability and flame
AS 2464.6—1983 Methods of testing thermal insulation — propagation characteristics of conveyor belting
Steady-state thermal transmission properties by means of AS 1334.11—1988 Methods of testing conveyor and elevator
the guarded hot plate belting — Determination of ignitability and maximum
AS 2627.1—1993 Thermal insulation of dwellings — Thermal surface temperature of belting subjected to friction
insulation of roof/ceilings and walls in dwellings AS 1334.12—1996 Methods of testing conveyor and elevator
AS 3999—1992 Thermal insulation of dwellings—Bulk belting — Determination of combustion propagation
insulation—Installation requirements characteristics of conveyor belting
AS 4073—1993 Urea-formaldehyde foam thermal insulation— AS 2152—1978 Rivetless chain, trolleys and trolley
In situ set foam attachments
AS 4074.0—1993 Methods of testing raw materials for AS 3552—1988 Conveyor belting—Guide to splicing steel cord
producing urea-formaldehyde foam thermal insulation — belting
General introduction and list of methods AS 4035—1992 Conveyor and elevator belting—Glossary of
AS 4074.1—1993 Methods of testing raw materials for terms
producing urea-formaldehyde foam thermal insulation — AS 4076.1—1992 Conveyor belts—Determination of strength
Determination of the solids content of the resin of mechanical fastenings — Static test method
AS 4074.2—1993 Methods of testing raw materials for AS 4606—2000 Fire resistant and antistatic requirements for
producing urea-formaldehyde foam thermal insulation — conveyor belting used in underground coal mines
Determination of the viscosity of the resin Continuous handling equipment in general
AS 4074.3—1993 Methods of testing raw materials for AS 4324.1—1995 Mobile equipment for continuous handling of
producing urea-formaldehyde foam thermal insulation — bulk materials — General requirements for the design of
Determination of the free formaldehyde content of the resin steel structures
AS 4074.4—1993 Methods of testing raw materials for Conveyors
producing urea-formaldehyde foam thermal insulation — AS 1755—2000 Conveyors—Safety requirements
Determination of the reactivity of the resin
AS 4074.5—1993 Methods of testing raw materials for
producing urea-formaldehyde foam thermal insulation —
Determination of the water tolerance of the resin
AS 4074.6—1993 Methods of testing raw materials for
producing urea-formaldehyde foam thermal insulation — AS 2038—1977 Methods for detecting the susceptibility of
Determination of the acidity of the foaming agent austenitic stainless steels to intergranular corrosion
concentrate AS 2136—1977 Method for detecting the susceptibility of copper
AS 4075—1993 Urea-formaldehyde foam thermal insulation— and its alloys to stress corrosion cracking using the mercurous
Installation requirements for in situ set foam nitrate test


AS/NZS 2312:2002 Guide to the protection of structural steel AS/NZS 4524.8:1998 Bonded abrasive products—
against atmospheric corrosion by the use of protective Dimensions — Grinding wheels for deburring and
coatings fettling/snagging
AS 2662.1—1983 Corrosion inhibition (rust-proofing)—Motor AS/NZS 4524.9:1998 Bonded abrasive products—
vehicles — Product Dimensions — Grinding wheels for high-pressure grinding
AS 2662.2—1988 Corrosion inhibition (rust-proofing)—Motor AS/NZS 4524.10:1998 Bonded abrasive products—
vehicles — Treatment of vehicles Dimensions — Honing stones and superfinishings
AS/NZS 2832.1:1998 Cathodic protection of metals — Pipes and AS/NZS 4524.11:1998 Bonded abrasive products—
cables Dimensions — Hand finishing sticks
AS 2832.2—1991 Cathodic protection of metals — Compact AS/NZS 4524.12:1998 Bonded abrasive products—
buried structures Dimensions — Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling
AS 2832.3—1992 Cathodic protection of metals — Fixed on a straight grinder
immersed structures AS/NZS 4524.13:1998 Bonded abrasive products—
AS 2832.4—1994 Cathodic protection of metals — Internal Dimensions — Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling
surfaces on a vertical grinder
AS 2832.5—2002 Cathodic protection of metals — Steel in AS/NZS 4524.14:1998 Bonded abrasive products—
concrete structures Dimensions — Grinding wheels for deburring and
AS 4036—1992 Corrosion of metal—Dissimilar metals in contact fettling/snagging on an angle grinder
in seawater AS/NZS 4524.15:1998 Bonded abrasive products—
AS/NZS 4352:1995 Tests for coating resistance to cathodic Dimensions — Grinding wheels for cutting-off on cutting-off
machines or swing frame machines
CRATES see CASES. BOXES. CRATES AS/NZS 4524.16:1998 Bonded abrasive products—
Dimensions — Grinding wheels for cutting-off on an angle
Abrasives AS/NZS 4525:1998 Abrasive belts—Dimensions, tolerances
AS 1788.1—1987 Abrasive wheels — Design, construction, and designation
and safeguarding AS/NZS 4526:1998 Abrasive belts—Selection of width/length
AS 1788.2—1987 Abrasive wheels — Selection, care, and use combinations
AS/NZS 4514:1997 Abrasives products—Grain sizes of AS/NZS 4527:1998 Abrasive sheets—Dimensions, tolerances
diamond or cubic boron nitride 41 micrometres to 1180 and designation
micrometres AS/NZS 4528:1998 Coated abrasives—General purpose
AS/NZS 4515:1998 Abrasive products—Diamond or cubic rolls—Any backing—Designation and dimensions
boron nitride grinding wheels and saws—General survey, AS/NZS 4529:1998 Coated abrasives—Rolls for widths of 50
designation and multilingual nomenclature mm and greater—Any backing—Designation and
AS/NZS 4516:1998 Abrasive products—Diamond or cubic dimensions
boron nitride grinding wheels—Dimensions AS/NZS 4530:1998 Coated abrasives—Cloth rolls up to and
AS/NZS 4517:1998 Abrasive products—Segmented saws for including 40 mm width—Designation and dimensions
machining of stone and masonry cutting—Dimensions of AS/NZS 4531:1998 Coated abrasives—Flap wheels with
steel blades shafts—Dimensions and designation
AS/NZS 4518.1:1997 Bonded abrasives—Determination and AS/NZS 4532:1998 Coated abrasives—Flap wheels with
designation of grain size distribution — Macrogrits F4 to incorporated flanges or separate flanges—Designation and
F220 dimensions
AS/NZS 4518.2:1997 Bonded abrasives—Determination and AS/NZS 4533:1998 Coated abrasive products—Dimensional
designation of grain size distribution — Microgrits F230 to tolerances on non-standard conversions
AS/NZS 4616:1999 Abrasive grains and crudes—Chemical
AS/NZS 4519:1997 Abrasive grains—Determination of analysis of silicon carbide
AS/NZS 4820:2001 Bonded abrasive products—Permissible
AS/NZS 4520:1997 Abrasive grains—Sampling and splitting unbalances of grinding wheels as delivered—Testing
AS/NZS 4521:1997 Abrasive grains—Test-sieving machines Cuttings tools in general
AS/NZS 4523:1998 Bonded abrasive products—General— AS 1893—1977 Code of practice for the guarding and safe use
Designation, marking, range of outside diameters and of metal and paper cutting guillotines
AS 2004—1977 Dimensions of carbide tips and tipped tools
AS/NZS 4524.1:1998 Bonded abrasive products—
Dimensions — Grinding wheels for external cylindrical AS 2158—1978 Carbide inserts for cutting tools
grinding between centres AS 2217—1979 Nomenclature of single-point cutting tools
AS/NZS 4524.2:1998 Bonded abrasive products— Drills, countersinks, reamers
Dimensions — Grinding wheels for centreless external AS 1913—1976 Centre drills
cylindrical grinding AS/NZS 2438.1:1994 Drills and reamers — Specification for
AS/NZS 4524.3:1998 Bonded abrasive products— twist drills
Dimensions — Grinding wheels for internal cylindrical Files
AS 3746—1990 Files and rasps
AS/NZS 4524.4:1998 Bonded abrasive products— Milling tools
Dimensions — Grinding wheels for surface
grinding/peripheral grinding AS 1975.1—1977 Milling cutters — Cylindrical cutters, spindle
and arbor driven
AS/NZS 4524.5:1998 Bonded abrasive products—
Dimensions — Grinding wheels for surface grinding/side Saws
grinding AS 1912—1976 Hacksaw blades
AS/NZS 4524.6:1998 Bonded abrasive products— AS 3531—1988 Solid and segmental circular saws for cold
Dimensions — Grinding wheels for tools and tool room cutting metals—Interchangeability dimensions of the
grinding drive—Saw diameter range 224 mm to 2240 mm
AS/NZS 4524.7:1998 Bonded abrasive products— Taps and threading dies
Dimensions — Grinding wheels for off-hand grinding AS 1364.1—1979 Circular machine screwing dies, circular
hand screwing dies and hexagon die-nuts — General
purpose metric screw threads


AS 1364.2—1979 Circular machine screwing dies, circular AS 3631.1—1989 Information processing systems—Data
hand screwing dies and hexagon die-nuts — Pipe threads interchange on 90 mm flexible disk cartridges using
of Whitworth form modified frequency modulation recording at 7 958 ftprad
AS 1364.3—1979 Circular machine screwing dies, circular on 80 tracks on each side — Dimensional, physical and
hand screwing dies and hexagon die-nuts — Inch screw magnetic characteristics
threads AS 3631.2—1989 Information processing systems—Data
AS 2181.1—1978 Screwing taps — General purpose metric interchange on 90 mm flexible disk cartridges using
screw threads modified frequency modulation recording at 7 958 ftprad
on 80 tracks on each side — Track format
AS 2181.3—1981 Screwing taps — Inch series screw threads
CYCLES AS 4116—1993 Information processing systems—Data
interchange on 90 mm flexible disk cartridges using
AS/NZS 1927:1998 Pedal bicycles—Safety requirements modified frequency modulation recording at 31 831 ftprad
AS 2142—1978 Reflectors for pedal bicycles on 80 tracks on each side—ISO Type 303
AS 3562—1990 Lighting equipment for bicycles Diskettes
AS 4092—1993 Exercise cycles—Safety requirements AS 3712.1—1990 Data storage and transfer media—Data
AS/NZS 4287:1995 Child carrier seats for pedal bicycles—Safety interchange on 90 mm diskettes using modified frequency
requirements modulation recording at 15 916 ftprad, on 80 tracks on
DATA STORAGE DEVICES each side — Dimensional, physical and magnetic
Cassettes and cartridges
AS 3712.2—1990 Data storage and transfer media—Data
AS 2412—1980 Information interchange on 3.81 mm (0.150 in)
interchange on 90 mm diskettes using modified frequency
magnetic tape cassette at 4 cpmm (100 cpi), phase
modulation recording at 15 916 ftprad, on 80 tracks on
encoded at 63 ftpmm (1600 ftpi)
each side — Track format
AS 2414—1980 Information processing—Magnetic tape
AS 3714—1989 Data storage and transfer media—Volume
cassette and cartridge labelling and file structure for
and file structure of flexible disk cartridges (diskettes) for
information interchange
information interchange
AS 2631—1983 Information processing—Self-loading
AS 3739—1990 Data storage and transfer media—
cartridges for 12.7 mm wide magnetic tape
Designation of unrecorded diskettes
AS 2747.1—1985 Information processing—Data interchange
Magnetic storage devices
on 200 mm flexible disk cartridges using two-frequency
recording at 13 262 ftprad on one side — Dimensional, AS 2910—1986 Information processing—Data interchange on
physical and magnetic characteristics 130 mm (5.25 in) flexible disk cartridges using modified
frequency modulation recording at 7958 ftprad, 1.9 tpmm
AS 2747.2—1985 Information processing—Data interchange
(48 tpi), on both sides—Dimensional, physical and
on 200 mm flexible disk cartridges using two-frequency
magnetic characteristics
recording at 13 262 ftprad on one side — Track format
AS 3636.1—1989 Data storage and transfer media—Storage,
AS 2765—1985 Information processing—File structure and
transportation and maintenance of magnetic media for use
labelling of flexible disk cartridges for information
in data processing and information storage —
Exchangeable disks
AS 2847.1—1986 Information processing—Data interchange
AS 3636.2—1989 Data storage and transfer media—Storage,
on 130 mm (5.25 in) flexible disk cartridges using two-
transportation and maintenance of magnetic media for use
frequency recording at 7958 ftprad, 1.9 tpmm (48 tpi), on
in data processing and information storage — Magnetic
one side — Dimensional, physical and magnetic
tape on spools
AS 3636.3—1989 Data storage and transfer media—Storage,
AS 2847.2—1988 Information processing—Data interchange
transportation and maintenance of magnetic media for use
on 130 mm (5.25 in) flexible disk cartridges using two-
in data processing and information storage — Flexible disk
frequency recording at 7958 ftprad, 1.9 tpmm (48 tpi), on
cartridges (diskettes)
one side — Track format
AS 3636.4—1989 Data storage and transfer media—Storage,
AS 3602—1988 Information processing—Data interchange on
transportation and maintenance of magnetic media for use
12.7 mm wide magnetic tape cartridges—18 tracks, 1491
in data processing and information storage — Magnetic
data bytes per millimetre
tape cartridges and cassettes
AS 3605.1—1988 Information processing—Data interchange
AS 3636.5—1990 Data storage and transfer media—Storage,
on 200 mm flexible disk cartridges using modified
transportation and maintenance of magnetic media for use
frequency modulation recording at 13 262 ftprad, 1.9 tpmm
in data processing and information storage — Guide for
on both sides — Dimensional, physical and magnetic
use in the home environment
AS 3977.1—1991 Information processing systems—High
AS 3605.2—1988 Information processing—Data interchange
Density Digital Recording (HDDR) — Unrecorded
on 200 mm flexible disk cartridges using modified
magnetic tape for HDDR applications
frequency modulation recording at 13 262 ftprad, 1.9 mm,
on both sides — Track format AS 3977.2—1992 Information processing systems—High
density digital recording (HDDR) — Guide for interchange
AS 3606.1—1988 Information processing—Data interchange
on 6.30 mm magnetic tape cartridge using GCR recording
at 394 ftpmm, 39 cpmm — Mechanical, physical and Optical storage devices
magnetic properties AS 3601—1988 Information processing—Volume and file
AS 3606.2—1988 Information processing—Data interchange structure of CD-ROM for information interchange
on 6.30 mm magnetic tape cartridge using GCR recording AS 3783—1990 Data storage and transfer media—CD-ROM—
at 394 ftpmm, 39 cpmm — Streaming mode Data interchange on read-only 120 mm optical data disks
AS 3630.1—1988 Information processing—Data interchange AS 3956.1—1991 Information processing systems—130 mm
on 130 mm (5.25 in) flexible disk cartridges using modified optical disk cartridge, write once, for information
frequency modulation recording at 13 262 ftprad, on 80 interchange — Unrecorded optical disk cartridge
tracks on each side — Dimensional, physical and magnetic AS 3956.2—1991 Information processing systems—130 mm
characteristics optical disk cartridge, write once, for information
AS 3630.2—1988 Information processing—Data interchange interchange — Recording format
on 130 mm (5.25 in) flexible disk cartridges using modified AS 4079—1992 Information technology—130 mm rewritable
frequency modulation recording at 13 262 ftprad, on 80 optical disk cartridge for information interchange
tracks on each side — Track format B for 80 tracks


Paper cards and tapes AS 1964—1977 Orthodontic wires (resilient) (excluding

AS 1069—1971 Dimensions for punched paper tape for data precious metal wires)
interchange AS 2494—1981 Dental absorbent paper points
AS 1244—1972 Unpunched paper cards for information Dentistry in general
interchange AS ISO 10993.1—2002 Biological evaluation of medical
AS 1245—1972 Dimensions and location of rectangular devices — Evaluation and testing
punched holes in 80 column punched paper cards AS ISO 10993.3—2002 Biological evaluation of medical
AS 1305.1—1974 Punched paper tape for data interchange — devices — Tests for genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and
General requirements reproductive toxicity
AS 1341—1982 Information processing—Unpunched paper AS ISO 10993.9—2002 Biological evaluation of medical
tape devices — Framework for identification and quantification
Tapes of potential degradation products
AS 1009—1983 Information processing—9-track, 12.7 mm AS ISO 10993.10—2002 Biological evaluation of medical
wide magnetic tape for information interchange recorded at devices — Tests for irritation and sensitization
32 rpmm AS ISO 10993.11—2002 Biological evaluation of medical
AS 1011—1993 Information processing systems—Unrecorded devices — Tests for systematic toxicity
12.7 mm (0.5 in) wide magnetic tape for information DIAGNOSTIC, MAINTENANCE AND TEST EQUIPMENT
interchange—32 ftpmm (800 ftpi), NRZ1, 126 ftpmm (3200 AS 2077—1982 Methods of test for fuel consumption of passenger
ftpi) phase encoded and 356 ftpmm (9042 ftpi), NRZ1 cars, their derivatives and multi-purpose passenger cars
AS 1068—1987 Information processing—File structure and AS 2094—1977 Carbon monoxide analyser equipment for road
labelling of magnetic tapes for information interchange vehicles
AS 1072.1—1973 Unrecorded magnetic tapes for AS 2095.1—1977 Methods of test for pollutants from road
instrumentation applications — General and dimensional vehicles — Exhaust carbon monoxide at idle speed
AS/NZS 2538:1995 Vehicle support stands
AS 1072.2—1974 Unrecorded magnetic tapes for AS/NZS 2615:1995 Hydraulic trolley jacks
instrumentation applications — Physical properties and
test methods AS/NZS 2640:1994 Portable ramps for vehicles
AS 1073.1—1979 Dimensions of hubs and reels for magnetic AS/NZS 2693:1993 Vehicle jacks
tape for instrumentation interchange — General purpose AS 2697—1990 Jumper leads for automotive starting
hubs and reels, with 76 mm (3 in) centre hole AS 2877—1986 Methods of test for fuel consumption of motor
AS 1073.2—1988 Dimensions of hubs and reels for magnetic vehicles designed to comply with Australian Design Rules 37
tape for instrumentation interchange — Precision reels and 40
AS 1073.3—1979 Dimensions of hubs and reels for magnetic AS 3564.1—1988 Automotive repairs—Terminology — Automatic
tape for instrumentation interchange — General purpose transmission
reels with 8 mm (5/16 in) centre hole AS 3564.2—1990 Automotive repairs—Terminology — Manual
AS 2241—1991 Data storage and transfer media—9-track, transmission
12.7 mm wide magnetic tape for information interchange AS 3564.3—1990 Automotive repairs—Terminology — Transaxle
using phase encoding at 126 ftpmm-63 cpmm AS 3564.4—1993 Automotive repairs—Terminology — Power
AS 2750—1985 Information processing—9-track, 12.7 mm steering
(0.5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange— AS 3564.5—1993 Automotive repairs—Terminology — Engine
Format and recording, using group coding at 246 cpmm
AS 3564.6—1994 Automotive repairs—Terminology — Constant
(6250 cpi)
velocity joints
AS 4062—1992 Information technology—3.81 mm wide
AS 3790—1992 Portable warning triangles for motor vehicles
magnetic tape cartridge for information interchange—
Helical scan recording—DDS format AS 4211.1—1996 Gas recovery or combined recovery and
recycling equipment — Fluorocarbon refrigerants from
automotive airconditioning systems
Dental equipment
AS 4430.1—1996 Evaluation of devices and additives which claim
AS 1032—1985 Dental equipment—Toothbrushes to improve vehicle performance — Engines designed for
AS 1240—1973 Orthodontic latex elastic bands leaded petrol to operate on unleaded petrol
AS 1241—1973 Dental shellac baseplates DISTRIBUTION AND VENDING MACHINES
AS 1283—1974 Dental rubber dam punch AS/NZS 3350.2.75:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical
AS EN 1640—2002 Dentistry—Medical devices for dentistry— appliances — Particular requirements for commercial
Equipment dispensing appliances and vending machines (IEC 60335-2-
AS EN 1641—2002 Dentistry—Medical devices for dentistry— 75:1995, MOD)
AS EN 1642—2002 Dentistry—Medical devices for dentistry— AS 1203.1—1996 Microfilming of engineering documents —
Dental implants Operating procedures
AS 2686.1—1984 Dental equipment—Suction systems — AS 1203.2—1996 Microfilming of engineering documents —
Central systems Quality criteria and control
AS 2686.2—1985 Dental equipment—Suction systems — AS 1203.3—1996 Microfilming of engineering documents —
Mobile systems Unitized 35 mm microfilm carriers
AS 2866—1986 Dental equipment—Compressed air systems AS 1203.4—1996 Microfilming of engineering documents —
AS 3205—1985 Approval and test specification—Dental and Microfilming of drawings of special and exceptional elongated
mobile diagnostic X-ray equipment sizes
Dental materials AS 1717—1975 Unitized microfilm carriers (35 mm)
AS 1022—1971 Dental rubber dam AS 1998—1977 A6 microfiche for engineering and other data
(excluding computer output microfiche)
AS 1097—1972 Dental duplicating material
AS 2422—1981 Glossary of micrographics terms
AS 1583—1973 Dental sticky wax
AS 2840—1986 Microfilming newspapers for archival purposes
AS 1625—1976 Dental wrought gold alloys
AS 3674—1989 Storage of microfilm
AS 1917—1976 Dental modelling compounds
AS/NZS 4577:1999 Micrographics—Readers for transparent
AS 1963—1977 Dental impression paste microforms—Performance characteristics


AS/NZS 4578:1999 Micrographics—Readers for transparent AS/NZS 4014.1:1999 Domestic solid fuel burning appliances—
microforms—Measurement of characteristics Test fuels — Hardwood
AS/NZS 4579:1999 Micrographics—Reader-printers for AS/NZS 4014.2:1999 Domestic solid fuel burning appliances—
transparent microforms—Characteristics Test fuels — Softwood
AS/NZS 4589:1999 Micrographics—Microfilming of documents on AS/NZS 4014.3:1999 Domestic solid fuel burning appliances—
16 mm and 35 mm silver-gelatin type microfilm—Operating Test fuels — Lignite briquettes
AS/NZS 4014.4:1999 Domestic solid fuel burning appliances—
MP 25:2002 Basic guide to microfilming Test fuels — Sub-bituminous coal
DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL HEATING AS/NZS 4014.5:1999 Domestic solid fuel burning appliances—
APPLIANCES Test fuels — Semi-anthracite coal briquettes
AS 1852.841—1988 International electrotechnical vocabulary — HB 170—2002 Wood Heating Resource Handbook Guide to
Industrial electroheating the Selection, Installation and Operation of Wood Heaters
AS 1206—1990 Performance of household electrical AS/NZS 1044:1995 Limits and methods of measurement of radio
appliances—Thermal-storage room heaters disturbance characteristics of electrical motor-operated and
AS/NZS 3102:2002 Electric duct heaters thermal appliances for household and similar purposes,
AS/NZS 3350.2.40:2001 Safety of household and similar electric tools and similar electric apparatus
electrical appliances — Particular requirements for AS 2071—1984 Performance of household electrical appliances—
electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers Circulating fans
(IEC 60335-2-40:1995, MOD) AS 2202—1978 Code of practice for the provision of
AS/NZS 3350.2.61:2001 Safety of household and similar warranties/guarantees for household goods
electrical appliances — Particular requirements for thermal AS 2935—1987 Prepainted metal products for household
storage room heaters (IEC 60335-2-61:1992, MOD) appliances—Performance requirements
AS 3852—1991 Performance of household electrical AS 2991.1—1987 Acoustics—Method for the determination of
appliances—Thermostatically controlled direct-acting room airborne noise emitted by household and similar electrical
heaters appliances — General requirements
AS/NZS 60335.2.96:2002 Household and similar electrical AS/NZS 3100:2002 Approval and test specification—General
appliances—Safety — Particular requirements for flexible requirements for electrical equipment
sheet heating elements for room heating (IEC 60335-2-
AS/NZS 3102:2002 Electric duct heaters
96:2002, IDT)
AS/NZS 3105:2002 Approval and test specification—Electrical
Gas heaters
portable outlet devices
AS 1853—1983 Automatic oil and gas burners—Mechanical
AS 3106—2002 Approval and test specification—Electric jugs
(with non-metallic bodies)
AS 2658—1988 Liquefied petroleum (LP) gas—Portable and
AS/NZS 3108:1994 Approval and test specification—Particular
mobile appliances
requirements for isolating transformers and safety isolating
AS 3814—2002 (AG 501) Industrial and commercial gas-fired transformers
AS/NZS 3109.1:1996 Approval and test specification—Appliance
AS 4553—2000 (AG 103) Gas space heating appliances couplers for household and similar general purposes —
(incorporating Amdt 1) General requirements
AS 4556—2000 (AG 106) Indirect gas-fired ducted air-heaters AS 3111—1994 Approval and test specification—Miniature
AS 4557—2001 (AG 107) Domestic outdoor gas barbecues overcurrent circuit-breakers
AS 4558—2000 (AG 108) Decorative gas log and other fuel AS/NZS 3112:2000 Approval and test specification—Plugs and
effect appliances socket-outlets
AS 4565—2001 (AG 405) Outdoor radiant gas heaters AS/NZS 3113:2001 Approval and test specification—Ceiling roses
Heaters in general AS/NZS 3115:1996 Approval and test specification—Motor-
AS/NZS 2286:2001 Space heaters—Secondary guards operated appliances
AS/NZS 3350.2.30:1997 Safety of household and similar AS/NZS 3120:1999 Approval and test specification—Cord
electrical appliances — Particular requirements — Room extension sockets
heaters AS/NZS 3128:1998 Approval and test specification—Portable lamp
Liquid fuel heaters standards and brackets
AS 1690—1975 Rules for the safe design, construction and AS/NZS 3130:1995 Approval and test specification—Beauty
performance of domestic oil-fired appliances (known as the therapy equipment
SAA Domestic Oil-fired Appliances Safe Design Code) AS/NZS 3136:2001 Approval and test specification—Electrical
AS 1691—1985 Domestic oil-fired appliances—Installation equipment for spa-baths and spa and swimming pools
AS 1853—1983 Automatic oil and gas burners—Mechanical AS 3136—1996 Approval and test specification—Electrical
draught equipment for spa-baths and spa and swimming pools
AS 2078—1977 Domestic oil-fired appliances (quality and AS/NZS 3152:1992 Approval and test specification—Decorative
performance) lighting outfits
Solid fuel heaters AS/NZS 3156:1995 Approval and test specification—Electric
AS/NZS 2918:2001 Domestic solid fuel burning appliances— lawnmowers
Installation AS/NZS 3160:2001 Approval and test specification—Hand-held
AS 2918—1990 Domestic solid fuel burning appliances— portable electric tools
Installation AS/NZS 3161:1995 Approval and test specification—Thermostats
AS/NZS 3869:1999 Domestic solid fuel burning appliances— and energy regulators
Design and construction AS/NZS 3175.1:1994 Approval and test specification—Residual
AS 3869—1991 Domestic solid fuel burning appliances— current-operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent
Specifications protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) — General
AS/NZS 4012:1999 Domestic solid fuel burning appliance—
Method for determination of power output and efficiency AS/NZS 3175.2.1:1994 Approval and test specification—
Residential current-operated circuit-breakers without integral
AS/NZS 4013:1999 Domestic solid fuel burning applicances—
overcurrent protection for household and similar uses
Method for determination of flue gas emission
(RCCBs) — Applicability of the general rules to RCCBs —
Functionally independent of line voltage


AS/NZS 3175.2.2:1994 Approval and test specification—Residual AS/NZS 3350.2.26:1996 Safety of household and similar electrical
current-operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent appliances — Particular requirements — Clocks
protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) — AS/NZS 3350.2.27:1996 Safety of household and similar electrical
Applicability of the general rules to RCCBs — Functionally appliances — Particular requirements — Appliances for skin
dependent on line voltage exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation
AS/NZS 3190:2002 Approval and test specification—Residual AS/NZS 3350.2.28:1996 Safety of household and similar electrical
current devices (current-operated earth-leakage devices) appliances — Particular requirements — Sewing machines
AS/NZS 3191:1996 Approval and test specification—Electric AS/NZS 3350.2.29:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical
flexible cords appliances — Particular requirements for battery chargers
AS/NZS 3194:1993 Approval and test specification—Electric (IEC 60335-2-29:1994, MOD)
shaver supply units AS/NZS 3350.2.30:1997 Safety of household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 3197:1993 Approval and test specification—Portable appliances — Particular requirements — Room heaters
electrical control or conditioning devices AS/NZS 3350.2.31:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 3350.1:2002 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances — Particular requirements for range hoods (IEC
appliances — General requirements (IEC 60335-1:1991, 60335-2-31:1995, MOD)
MOD) AS/NZS 3350.2.32:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 3350.2.2:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances — Particular requirements for massage appliances
appliances — Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners (IEC 60335-2-32:1993, MOD)
and water suction cleaning appliances (IEC 60335-2-2:1993, AS/NZS 3350.2.34:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical
MOD) appliances — Particular requirements — Motor-compressors
AS/NZS 3350.2.3:1995 Safety of household and similar electrical AS/NZS 3350.2.35:1999 Safety of household and similar electrical
appliances — Particular requirements — Electric irons appliances — Particular requirements — Instantaneous water
AS/NZS 3350.2.4:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical heaters
appliances — Particular requirements — Spin extractors AS/NZS 3350.2.40:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 3350.2.5:1995 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances — Particular requirements for electrical heat
appliances — Particular requirements — Dishwashers pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers (IEC 60335-2-
AS/NZS 3350.2.6:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical 40:1995, MOD)
appliances — Particular requirements for stationary cooking AS/NZS 3350.2.41:1997 Safety of household and similar electrical
ranges, hobs, ovens and similar appliances (IEC 60335-2- appliances — Particular requirements — Pumps
6:1997, MOD) AS/NZS 3350.2.43:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 3350.2.7:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances — Particular requirements for clothes dryers and
appliances — Particular requirements for washing machines towel rails (IEC 60335-2-43:1995, MOD)
(IEC 60335-2-7:2000, MOD) AS/NZS 3350.2.44:1999 Safety of household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 3350.2.8:1995 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances — Particular requirements — Ironers
appliances — Particular requirements — Shavers, hair clippers AS/NZS 3350.2.45:1997 Safety of household and similar electrical
and similar appliances appliances — Particular requirements — Portable heating
AS/NZS 3350.2.9:1999 Safety of household and similar electrical tools and similar appliances
appliances — Particular requirements — Grills, toasters and AS/NZS 3350.2.51:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical
similar portable cooking appliances appliances — Particular requirements — Stationary circulation
AS/NZS 3350.2.10:1996 Safety of household and similar electrical pumps for heating and service water installations
appliances — Particular requirements — Floor treatment AS/NZS 3350.2.52:1996 Safety of household and similar electrical
machines and wet scrubbing machines appliances — Particular requirements — Oral hygiene
AS/NZS 3350.2.11:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
appliances — Particular requirements — Particular AS/NZS 3350.2.53:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical
requirements for tumble dryers (IEC 60335-2-11:2000, MOD) appliances — Particular requirements — Sauna heating
AS/NZS 3350.2.12:1997 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
appliances — Particular requirements — Warming plates and AS/NZS 3350.2.54:1997 Safety of household and similar electrical
similar appliances appliances — Particular requirements — Surface-cleaning
AS/NZS 3350.2.13:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances employing liquids
appliances — Particular requirements for deep fat fryers, frying AS/NZS 3350.2.55:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical
pans and similar appliances (IEC 60335-2-13:1993, MOD) appliances — Particular requirements — Electrical appliances
AS/NZS 3350.2.14:1995 Safety of household and similar electrical for use with aquariums and garden ponds
appliances — Particular requirements — Kitchen machines AS/NZS 3350.2.56:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 3350.2.15:2002 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances — Particular requirements — Projectors and similar
appliances — Particular requirements for appliances for appliances
heating liquids (IEC 60335-2-15:1995, MOD) AS/NZS 3350.2.59:1999 Safety of household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 3350.2.16:1996 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances — Particular requirements — Insect killers
appliances — Particular requirements — Food waste AS/NZS 3350.2.60:2000 Safety of household and similar electrical
disposers appliances — Particular requirements — Whirlpool baths (IEC
AS/NZS 3350.2.17:2000 Safety of household and similar electrical 60335-2-60:1997, MOD)
appliances — Particular requirements — Blankets, pads and AS/NZS 3350.2.61:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical
similar flexible heating appliances — Particular requirements for thermal storage
AS/NZS 3350.2.21:1999 Safety of household and similar electrical room heaters (IEC 60335-2-61:1992, MOD)
appliances — Particular requirements — Storage water AS/NZS 3350.2.65:1997 Safety of household and similar electrical
heaters appliances — Particular requirements — Air-cleaning
AS/NZS 3350.2.23:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
appliances — Particular requirements for appliances for skin AS/NZS 3350.2.66:1997 Safety of household and similar electrical
and hair care (IEC 60335-2-23:1996, MOD) appliances — Particular requirements — Water-bed heaters
AS/NZS 3350.2.24:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical AS/NZS 3350.2.73:1996 Safety of household and similar electrical
appliances — Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances — Particular requirements — Fixed immersion
appliances and ice-cream appliances and ice-makers (IEC heaters
60335-2-24:2000, MOD)
AS/NZS 3350.2.74:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 3350.2.25:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances — Particular requirements for portable immersion
appliances — Particular requirements for microwave ovens heaters (IEC 60335-2-74:1994, MOD)
(IEC 60335-2-25:1996, MOD)


AS/NZS 3350.2.75:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical AS/NZS 60335.2.11:2002 Household and similar electrical
appliances — Particular requirements for commercial appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular
dispensing appliances and vending machines (IEC 60335-2- requirements for tumble dryers
75:1995, MOD) AS/NZS 60335.2.15:2002 Household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 3350.2.76:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular
appliances — Particular requirements — Electric fence requirements for appliances for heating liquids
energizers AS/NZS 60335.2.21:2002 Household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 3350.2.78:1996 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular
appliances — Particular requirements — Outdoor barbecues requirements for storage water heaters
AS/NZS 3350.2.79:2001 Safety of household and similar electrical AS/NZS 60335.2.25:2002 Household and similar electrical
appliances — Particular requirements for high pressure appliances—Safety — Particular requirements for microwave
cleaners and steam cleaners, for industrial and commercial ovens, including combination microwave ovens (IEC 60335-2-
use (IEC 60335-2-79:1995, MOD) 25:2002, IDT)
AS/NZS 3350.2.80:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical AS/NZS 60335.2.77:2002 Household and similar electrical
appliances — Particular requirements — Electric fans appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular
AS/NZS 3350.2.81:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical requirements for pedestrian controlled mains-operated
appliances — Particular requirements — Foot warmers and lawnmowers
heating mats AS/NZS 60335.2.79:2002 Household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 3350.2.82:2000 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular
appliances — Particular requirements — Service machines requirements for high pressure cleaners and steam cleaners,
and amusement machines (IEC 60335-2-82:1999, MOD) for industrial and commercial use
AS/NZS 3350.2.84:2000 Safety of household and similar electrical AS/NZS 60335.2.87:2002 Household and similar electrical
appliances — Particular requirements — Toilets (IEC 60335-2- appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular
84:1998, MOD) requirements for electric animal-stunning equipment
AS/NZS 3350.2.85:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical AS/NZS 60598.2.20:2002 Luminaires — Particular
appliances — Particular requirements — Fabric steamers requirements — Lighting chains (IEC 60598-2-20:1996, MOD)
AS/NZS 3350.2.95:2000 Safety of household and similar electrical AS/NZS 61058.1:2002 Switches for appliances — General
appliances — Particular requirements — Drives for vertically requirements (IEC 61058.1:2000, MOD)
moving garage doors for residential use AS/NZS 61558.2.6:2001 Safety of power transformers, power
AS/NZS 3350.2.97:2000 Safety of household and similar electrical supply units and similar devices — Particular requirements for
appliances — Particular requirements — Drives for rolling safety isolating transformers for general use (IEC 61558-2-
shutters, awnings, blinds and similar equipment (IEC 60335-2- 6:1997, MOD)
97:1998, MOD) HB 37.2—1993 Handbook of Australian fire Standards — Electrical
AS/NZS 3350.2.98:1998 Safety of household and similar electrical equipment
appliances — Particular requirements — Humidifiers SP 043 RCM Logo Kit
AS/NZS 4417.1:2000 Marking of electrical products to indicate DOMESTIC SAFETY
compliance with regulations — General rules for use of the AS 2818—1993 Guide to swimming pool safety
AS 2818—1986 Guide to swimming pool safety
AS/NZS 4417.2:2001 Marking of electrical products to indicate AS 2820—1993 Gate units for private swimming pools
compliance with regulations — Specific requirements for
electrical safety regulatory applications AS 3747—1989 Harnesses for use in prams, strollers, and high
chairs (including a detachable walking rein)
AS/NZS 4417.3:1996 Marking of electrical products to indicate
compliance with regulations — Specific requirements for AS 4226—1994 Guidelines for safe housing design
electromagnetic compatibility regulatory applications AS 4361.2—1998 Guide to lead paint management — Residential
AS/NZS 4701:2000 Requirements for domestic electrical and commercial buildings
appliances and equipment for reconditioning or parts recycling AS/NZS 60335.2.96:2002 Household and similar electrical
AS/NZS 60335.1:2002 Household and similar electrical appliances—Safety — Particular requirements for flexible
appliances—Safety — General requirements (IEC 60335- sheet heating elements for room heating (IEC 60335-2-
1:2001, MOD) 96:2002, IDT)
AS/NZS 60335.2.2:2002 Household and similar electrical DRUMS see BARRELS. DRUMS. CANISTERS
appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular EARTH-MOVING MACHINERY
requirements for vacuum cleaners and water suction cleaning AS 2012.1—1990 Acoustics—Measurement of airborne noise
appliances. emitted by earth-moving machinery and agricultural tractors—
AS/NZS 60335.2.3:2002 Household and similar electrical Stationary test condition — Determination of compliance with
appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular limits for exterior noise
requirements for electric irons AS 2012.2—1990 Acoustics—Measurement of airborne noise
AS/NZS 60335.2.4:2002 Household and similar electrical emitted by earth-moving machinery and agricultural tractors—
appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular Stationary test condition — Operator's position
requirements for spin extractors AS 2294.1—1997 Earth-moving machinery—Protective
AS/NZS 60335.2.5:2002 Household and similar electrical structures — General
appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular AS 2294.2—1997 Earth-moving machinery—Protective
requirements for dishwashers structures — Laboratory tests and performance requirements
AS/NZS 60335.2.6:2002 Household and similar electrical for roll-over protective structures
appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular AS 2294.3—1997 Earth-moving machinery—Protective
requirements for stationary cooking ranges, hobs, ovens and structures — Laboratory tests and performance requirements
similar appliances for falling-object protective structures
AS/NZS 60335.2.7:2002 Household and similar electrical AS 2294.4—1997 Earth-moving machinery—Protective
appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular structures — Specifications for deflection-limiting volume
requirements for washing machines AS 2664—1983 Earthmoving machinery—Seat belts and seat belt
AS/NZS 60335.2.9:2002 Household and similar electrical anchorages
appliances—Safety — Particular requirements — Particular AS 2868—1986 Classification of machinery for earthmoving,
requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking construction, surface mining and agricultural purposes
AS 2951.0—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Nomenclature —
General introduction and listing


AS 2951.1—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Nomenclature — AS 2955.7—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Tests and

Basic types measurements — Measurement of the dimensions of whole
machines with their equipment
AS 2951.2.1—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Nomenclature —
Dimensions and symbols — Base machine AS 2955.8—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Tests and
measurements — Measurement of turning dimensions of
AS 2951.2.2—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Nomenclature —
wheeled machines
Dimensions and symbols — Equipment
AS 2955.9—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Tests and
AS 2951.3—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Nomenclature —
measurements — Measurement of drawbar pull
AS 2955.10—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Tests and
AS 2951.4—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Nomenclature —
measurements — Loaders—Measurement of tool forces and
Loaders—Terminology and commercial specifications
tipping loads
AS 2951.5—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Nomenclature —
AS 2956.0—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Instrumentation and
Dumpers—Terminology and commercial specifications
operator's controls — General introduction and listing
AS 2951.6—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Nomenclature —
AS 2956.1—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Instrumentation and
Tractor-scrapers—Terminology and commercial specifications
operator's controls — Excavators—Operator's controls
AS 2951.7—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Nomenclature —
AS 2956.2—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Instrumentation and
Graders—Terminology and commercial specifications
operator's controls — Operating instrumentation
AS 2952.0—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Basic shapes and
AS 2956.3—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Instrumentation and
dimensions — General introduction and listing
operator's controls — Service instrumentation
AS 2952.1—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Basic shapes and
AS 2956.4—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Instrumentation and
dimensions — Dimensions of fuel filler opening
operator's controls — Symbols
AS 2952.2—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Basic shapes and
AS 2956.5—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Instrumentation and
dimensions — Drain, fill and level plugs
operator's controls — Zones of comfort and reach for controls
AS 2952.3—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Basic shapes and
AS 2956.6—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Instrumentation and
dimensions — Lubrication fittings—Nipple type
operator's controls — Crawler tractors and crawler loaders—
AS 2952.4—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Basic shapes and Operator's controls
dimensions — Tractors with dozer, graders, tractor-scrapers—
AS 2957.0—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Operation and
Cutting edges
maintenance — General introduction and listing
AS 2952.5—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Basic shapes and
AS 2957.1—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Operation and
dimensions — Plough bolt heads
maintenance — Common maintenance and adjustment tools
AS 2952.6—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Basic shapes and
AS 2957.2—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Operation and
dimensions — Dozer end bits—Hole specification
maintenance — Common repair tools—Mechanical pullers and
AS 2953.0—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Human pushers
dimensions — General introduction and listing
AS 2957.3—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Operation and
AS 2953.1—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Human maintenance — Preservation and storage
dimensions — Minimum access
AS 2957.4—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Operation and
AS 2953.2—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Human maintenance — Format and content of manuals
dimensions — Physical dimensions of operators and minimum
AS 2957.5—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Operation and
operator space envelope
maintenance — Guide to procedure for operator training
AS 2953.3—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Human
AS 2957.6—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Operation and
dimensions — Seat index point
maintenance — Training of mechanics
AS 2954.0—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Rated loads and
AS 2958.0—2000 Earth-moving machinery—Safety — General
volumetric ratings — General introduction and listing
introduction and listing
AS 2954.1—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Rated loads and
AS 2958.1—1995 Earth-moving machinery—Safety — Wheeled
volumetric ratings — Rated operating load for crawler and
wheel loaders
AS 2958.2—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Safety — Guards and
AS 2954.2—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Rated loads and
shields—Definitions and specifications
volumetric ratings — Dumper bodies—Volumetric rating
AS 2958.3—1992 Earth-moving machinery—Safety — Roller
AS 2954.3—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Rated loads and
compactors—Brake systems
volumetric ratings — Elevating scrapers—Volumetric ratings
AS 3868—1991 Earth-moving machinery—Design guide for
AS 2954.4—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Rated loads and
access systems
volumetric ratings — Tractor-scraper—Volumetric rating
AS 4242—1994 Earth-moving machinery and ancillary equipment
AS 2954.5—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Rated loads and
for use in mines—Electrical wiring systems at extra-low voltage
volumetric ratings — Loader and front loading excavator
buckets—Volumetric ratings AS 4457—1997 Earth-moving machinery—Off-highway rims and
wheels—Maintenance and repair
AS 2954.6—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Rated loads and
volumetric ratings — Hydraulic excavators—Hoe type AS 4987—2002 Earth-moving machinery—Tip-over protection
buckets—Volumetric ratings structure (TOPS) for compact excavators—Laboratory tests
and performance requirements
AS 2955.0—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Tests and
measurements — General introduction and listing AS 4988—2002 Earth-moving machinery—Hydraulic excavators—
Laboratory tests and performance requirements for operator
AS 2955.1—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Tests and
protective guards
measurements — Measurement of tool movement time
AS A176—1968 Tynes for motor grader scarifiers
AS 2955.2—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Tests and
measurements — Method for locating the centre of gravity EARTHWORKS. EXCAVATIONS. FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION.
AS 2955.3—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Tests and
measurements — Determination of ground speed AS 1726—1993 Geotechnical site investigations
AS 2955.4—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Tests and AS 1761—1985 Helical lock-seam corrugated steel pipes
measurements — Hydraulic excavators—Measurement of tool AS 1762—1984 Helical lock-seam corrugated steel pipes—Design
forces and installation
AS 2955.5—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Tests and AS/NZS 2041:1998 Buried corrugated metal structures
measurements — Measurement of the masses of whole AS 2159—1995 Piling—Design and installation
machines, their equipment and components AS 2159 Supp 1—1996 Piling—Design and installation—
AS 2955.6—1988 Earth-moving machinery—Tests and Guidelines (Supplement to AS 2159-1995)
measurements — Operator seat—Transmitted vibration AS 2870—1996 Residential slabs and footings—Construction

AS 2870 Supp 1—1996 Residential slabs and footings— AS/NZS 60998.2.1:1998 Connecting devices for low voltage
Construction—Commentary (Supplement to AS 2870-1996) circuits for household and similar purposes — Particular
AS 3703.1—1989 Long-span corrugated steel structures — requirements for connecting devices as separate entities
Materials and manufacture with screw-type clamping units
AS 3703.2—1989 Long-span corrugated steel structures — AS/NZS 60998.2.2:1998 Connecting devices for low voltage
Design and installation circuits for household and similar purposes — Particular
requirements for connecting devices as separate entities
AS 3727—1993 Guide to residential pavements
with screwless-type clamping units
AS 3798—1996 Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and
residential developments AS/NZS 60998.2.3:1998 Connecting devices for low voltage
circuits for household and similar purposes — Particular
AS 4678—2002 Earth-retaining structures requirements for connecting devices as separate entities
AS 4744.1—2000 Steel shoring and trench lining — Design with insulation piercing clamping units
HB 28—1997 The design of residential slabs and footings AS/NZS 60998.2.4:1998 Connecting devices for low voltage
HB 109—1998 Slabs and footings for reinforced masonry houses circuits for household and similar purposes — Particular
HB 156—2002 Segmental concrete reinforced soil retaining requirements for twist-on connecting devices
walls—Design and construction guide AS/NZS 61210:2002 Connecting devices—Flat quick-connect
CIA CPN30—1998 Slab Edge Dampness terminations for electrical copper conductors—Safety
requirements (IEC 61210:1993, MOD)
Electrical accessories in general
HB 249—2000 Managing and Delivering Technical Training
AS/NZS 1102.103:1997 Graphical symbols for electrotechnical
documentation — Conductors and connecting devices
AS 1102.12—1984 Graphical symbols for electrotechnology —
AS 3768—1990 Guide to the effects of temperature on
Electric traction
electrical equipment
AS/NZS 3947.5.4:2000 Low-voltage switchgear and
Conduits for electrical purposes controlgear — Control circuit devices and switching
AS/NZS 2053.1:2001 Conduits and fittings for electrical elements — Methods of assessing the performance of low-
installations — General requirements energy contacts—Special tests
AS/NZS 2053.2:2001 Conduits and fittings for electrical AS/NZS 4805.1:2001 Accessories for electric cables—Test
installations — Rigid plain conduits and fittings of requirements — Power cables with extruded insulation for
insulating material rated voltages from 1.9/3.3(3.6) kV up to and including
AS/NZS 2053.3:1995 Conduits and fittings for electrical 19/33(36) kV
installations — Rigid plain conduits and fittings of fibre- Fuses and other overcurrent protection devices
reinforced concrete material AS 1033.1—1990 High voltage fuses (for rated voltages
AS/NZS 2053.4:1995 Conduits and fittings for electrical exceeding 1000 V) — Expulsion type
installations — Flexible plain conduits and fittings of AS 1033.2—1988 High voltage fuses (for rated voltages
insulating material exceeding 1000 V) — Current-limiting (powder-filled) type
AS/NZS 2053.5:2001 Conduits and fittings for electrical AS 1307.1—1986 Surge arrestors (diverters) — Silicon carbide
installations — Corrugated conduits and fittings of type for a.c. systems
insulating material
AS 1307.2—1996 Surge arresters — Metal-oxide surge
AS/NZS 2053.6:2001 Conduits and fittings for electrical arresters without gaps for a.c. systems
installations — Profile-wall, smooth-bore conduits and
AS 1930—1976 Circuit-breakers for distribution circuits (up to
fittings of insulating material
and including 1000 V a.c. and 1200 V d.c.)
AS/NZS 2053.7:2002 Conduits and fittings for electrical
AS 2006—1986 High voltage a.c. switchgear and
installations. — Rigid metal conduits and fittings
controlgear—Circuit breakers for rated voltages above
AS/NZS 2053.8:1995 Conduits and fittings for electrical 1000 V
installations — Flexible conduits and fittings of metal or
AS 2024—1991 High voltage a.c. switchgear and
composite material
controlgear—Switch-fuse combinations
Connecting devices
AS 2184—1985 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear—
AS 1882—2002 Earth and bonding clamps Moulded-case circuit-breakers for rated voltages up to and
AS 2629—1983 Separable insulated connectors for power including 600 V a.c. and 250 V d.c.
distribution systems above 1 kV AS 2989—1992 Electrical equipment for coal mines—Specific
AS 2948.1—1987 Solderless connections — Solderless requirements for high voltage circuit-breakers and
wrapped connections—General requirements, test disconnectors
methods and practical guidance AS 3111—1994 Approval and test specification—Miniature
AS 3124—2002 Approval and test specification for overhead overcurrent circuit-breakers
line connector boxes AS 3135—1997 Approval and test specification—Semi-
AS/NZS 3188:1995 Approval and test specification— enclosed fuses for a.c. circuits
Terminations and glands for mineral-insulated metal- AS/NZS 3175.1:1994 Approval and test specification—
sheathed cables Residual current-operated circuit-breakers without integral
AS/NZS 3439.5:2001 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear overcurrent protection for household and similar uses
assemblies — Particular requirements for assemblies (RCCBs) — General rules
intended to be installed outdoors in public places—Cable AS/NZS 3175.2.1:1994 Approval and test specification—
distribution cabinets (CDCs) for power distribution in Residential current-operated circuit-breakers without
networks integral overcurrent protection for household and similar
AS/NZS 4325.1:1995 Compression and mechanical uses (RCCBs) — Applicability of the general rules to
connectors for power cables with copper or aluminium RCCBs — Functionally independent of line voltage
conductors — Test methods and requirements AS/NZS 3175.2.2:1994 Approval and test specification—
AS/NZS 4396:1999 Connectors—Insulation piercing—For Residual current-operated circuit-breakers without integral
0.6/1 kV aerial bundled cables overcurrent protection for household and similar uses
AS/NZS 4437:1996 Solderless crimped connections—General (RCCBs) — Applicability of the general rules to RCCBs —
requirements, test methods and practical guidance Functionally dependent on line voltage
AS/NZS 60998.1:1998 Connecting devices for low voltage AS/NZS 3190:2002 Approval and test specification—Residual
circuits for household and similar purposes — General current devices (current-operated earth-leakage devices)
requirements AS/NZS 3947.2:2002 Low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear — Circuit-breakers

AS 4372—1996 High-voltage alternating current circuit- AS/NZS 3947.3 Supp 1:2001 Low-voltage switchgear and
breakers—Inductive load switching controlgear — Switches, disconnectors, switch-
AS/NZS 4898:1997 Approval and test specification—Circuit- disconnectors and fuse-combination units—Fuse-switch-
breakers for overcurrent protection for household and disconnectors and switch-disconnectors for use with low-
similar installations voltage aerial bundled cables (Supplement to AS/NZS
AS/NZS 60269.1:2000 Low-voltage fuses — General 3947.3:2001)
requirements AS/NZS 3947.5.2:2000 Low-voltage switchgear and
AS/NZS 60269.2.0:2000 Low-voltage fuses — Supplementary controlgear — Control circuit devices and switching
elements — Proximity switches
requirements for fuses for use by authorized persons
(fuses mainly for industrial application) AS/NZS 3947.5.3:2000 Low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear — Control circuit devices and switching
AS/NZS 60269.2.1:2001 Low-voltage fuses — Supplementary
requirements for fuses for use by authorised persons elements — Requirements for proximity devices with
(fuses mainly for industrial application)—Sections I to V: define behaviour under fault conditions
Examples of types of standardized fuses AS/NZS 3947.6.1:2001 Low-voltage switchgear and
AS/NZS 60269.3.0:2000 Low-voltage fuses — Supplementary controlgear — Multiple Function equipment — Automatic
transfer switching equipment
requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses
mainly for household and similar applications) AS/NZS 3947.6.2:2001 Low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear — Multiple function equipment — Control and
AS/NZS 60269.3.1:2002 Low-voltage fuses — Supplementary
requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses protective switching devices (or equipment) (CPS)
mainly for household and similar applications)—Sections I AS/NZS 60265.1:2001 High-voltage switches — Switches for
to IV: Examples of types of standardized fuses rated voltages above 1 kV and less than 52 kV
AS/NZS 60269.4.0:2000 Low-voltage fuses — Supplementary AS/NZS 61058.1:2002 Switches for appliances — General
requirements for fuse-links for the protection of requirements (IEC 61058.1:2000, MOD)
AS/NZS 61009.1:1999 Residual current operated circuit- AS 1931.1—1996 High-voltage test techniques — General
breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household definitions and test requirements
and similar uses (RCBOs) — General rules AS 1931.2—1996 High-voltage test techniques — Measuring
AS/NZS 61459:2000 Low-voltage fuses—Coordination systems
between fuses and contactors/motor-starters—Application AS 2732—1984 Guide to the lightning impulse and switching
guide impulse testing of power transformers and reactors
HB 113—1998 Residual current devices—What they do and AS 2853—1986 Enclosures—Temperature-controlled—
how they do it Performance testing and grading
Plugs, socket-outlets, couplers AS 3547—1997 Breath alcohol testing devices for personal use
AS/NZS 3105:2002 Approval and test specification—Electrical AS/NZS 3760:2001 In-service safety inspection and testing of
portable outlet devices electrical equipment
AS/NZS 3109.1:1996 Approval and test specification— AS 4278—1995 A method for assessing the short-circuit withstand
Appliance couplers for household and similar general strength of partially type-tested assemblies (PTTA)
purposes — General requirements AS 4362.1—1996 High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage
AS/NZS 3112:2000 Approval and test specification—Plugs and equipment — Definitions, test and procedure requirements
socket-outlets AS 4362.2—1996 High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage
AS/NZS 3120:1999 Approval and test specification—Cord equipment — Test equipment
extension sockets AS/NZS 4376:1996 Flickermeter—Functional and design
AS/NZS 3122:1993 Approval and test specification—Socket- specifications
outlet adaptors AS/NZS 4377:1996 Flickermeter—Evaluation of flicker severity
AS/NZS 3123:2000 Approval and test specification—Plugs,
AS 4388—1996 A method of temperature-rise assessment by
socket-outlets and couplers for general industrial extrapolation for partially type-tested assemblies (PTTA) of
low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
AS/NZS 3131:2001 Approval and test specification—Plugs and ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS see
socket-outlets for stationary appliances ELECTRICITY. MAGNETISM. ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC
AS/NZS 3131:1995 Approval and test specification—Plugs and MEASUREMENTS
socket-outlets for use in installation wiring systems ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN GENERAL
AS/NZS 61535.1(Int):2001 Installation couplers — General AS 1046.1—1978 Let

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