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core show applications core show application core show audio codecs core show channels core show channel core show channeltypes core show channeltype core show codecs core show codec core show config mappings engines) core show file formats core show file version core show functions core show function core show globals core show hints core show image codecs core show image formats core show license core show profile core show switches core show threads core show translation core show uptime core show version core show video codecs core show warranty Asterisk

Shows registered dialplan applications Describe a specific dialplan application Displays a list of audio codecs Display information on channels Display information on a specific channel List available channel types Give more details on that channel type Displays a list of codecs Shows a specific codec Display config mappings (file names to config Displays file formats List versions of files used to build Asterisk Shows registered dialplan functions Describe a specific dialplan function Show global dialplan variables Show dialplan hints Displays a list of image codecs Displays image formats Show the license(s) for this copy of Asterisk Display profiling info Show alternative switches Show running threads Display translation matrix Show uptime information Display version info Displays a list of video codecs Show the warranty (if any) for this copy of

Comandos Basicos de Asterisk en consola

Asterisk Brinda una consola especializada (Asterisk command line interface CLI), la cual se puede ejecutar desde cualquier consola de Linux, para ejecutar comandos como mostrar los canales activos, reiniciar el asterisk, etc, para ejecutar los comandos ingresamos a la consola con: asterisk -r

$cli> restart now Reiniciar el asterisk

$cli> sip show peers muestra las conexiones SIP

$cli> sip show channels Muestra los canales SIP activos

$cli> sip reload renueva la configuracin SIP

$cli> iax2 show peers- muestra las conexiones IAX

$cli> iax2 reload renueva la configuracin IAX

$cli> iax2 show channels Muestra los canales IAX activos

$cli> core show codecs Muestra los codecs del asterisk

$cli> core show channels Muestra la informacin de los canales.

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