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Issue May 2011 | presented by

In this issue of Java Tech Journal, we take a closer look at the OSGi dynamic module system for Java, with articles that address the controversial topic of OSGi's place in

enterprise development, a deep dive into the Core 4.3 specification, and a tour through some OSGi projects you may not have heard of.

A Gentle Introduction to OSGi
The Perfect Starter


OSGi Update: Whats New in Core 4.3?

OSGi Alliance's Latest Update

Developing OSGi with BndTools

Combining the power of Eclipse and Bnd

OSGi A La Carte
Bundles, Bnd, PAX, Maven and more

OSGi and JPA

Tutorial: using JPA in an OSGi environment

The Cure for Complexity

OSGi and the Enterprise?

The Enterprise OSGi Specification

Using OSGi in the Enterprise


OSGi in the Java ecosystem

OSGi has been a solid part of the Java ecosystem for years, but its still a much-talked about technology, with the OSGi Alliance releasing the Core 4.3 speci cation just last month, and a host of new OSGi projects such as Libra in the Eclipse ecosystem, and the Pojo Service Registry project (which has been referred to as OSGi-lite) ensuring OSGi remains in the spotlight. The OSGi framework was introduced as a module system and service platform, as part of an attempt to standardise module deployments for Java. Frameworks that implement the OSGi standard achieve application lifecycle management via APIs, and components and applications can be remotely installed, started, updated, stopped and uninstalled without rebooting. Originally focusing on service gateways (the OSGi Alliances original moniker was the Open Services Gateway initiative) the OSGi speci cations have increasingly pushed the technology into new areas, as seen in the formation of the OSGi Alliances Mobile Expert Group in October 2003, and the Enterprise Expert Group, which addresses Enterprise/ Server-side applications. Despite many successes (not least when Eclipse settled on OSGi for the underlying runtime of the plugin architecture used for the Eclipse RCP and IDE platform) two questions have dogged OSGi throughout: is OSGi too complex, and is it ready for the enterprise? Some argue that instead of simplifying server application development, OSGi has actually made it more complex, and the readiness of OSGi for enterprise applications has been another area of contention. Those who see a place for OSGi in the enterprise point to examples of vendors such as IBM building OSGi into their products, while those who believe OSGi isnt ready for the enterprise, use examples such as SpringSource donating dm Server to the Eclipse foundation, as proof that OSGi-based technologies dont always enjoy a healthy adoption rate in an enterprise environment. Despite these two on-going debates, currently, a complete and dynamic component model does not exist in standalone Java environments - meaning that OSGi is in no danger of losing its spot in the Java ecosystem anytime soon. In this issue of Java Tech Journal, we deep dive into OSGi, with two articles that examine the controversial issue of OSGis place in the enterprise, a look at the latest OSGi speci cation, a tour through some OSGi projects you may not have heard of, and lots more OSGi-related goodness. Happy reading! Jessica Thornsby


A Gentle Introduction to OSGi

The Perfect Starter

3 15 20 24 30 37 41

OSGi Update: Whats New in Core 4.3?

OSGi Alliances Latest Update

Developing OSGi with BndTools

Combining the power of Eclipse and Bnd

OSGi A La Carte
Bundles, Bnd, PAX, Maven and more

OSGi and JPA

Tutorial: using JPA in an OSGi environment

The Cure for Complexity

OSGi and the Enterprise?

The Enterprise OSGi Specification

Using OSGi in the Enterprise | May 2011

Starting OSGi

A New Approach to Software Development

A Gentle Introduction to OSGi

This is an attempt to give readers the necessary clues to start developing on the OSGi platform. This article will offer reasons to use such technology, and introduce philosophy and key tools.
By Jerome Moliere
For over a decade a group of companies interested in providing software for embedded devices, then for more usual platforms (desktop or server side ones,) started to work on writing specifications for a logical platform aimed at hosting applications while placing emphasis on different criteria: modularity efficiency small footprint dynamic aspect Among them we can find: BMW Automotive Siemens, etc... OSGi specifications are divided into two major books: OSGi Core, contains the base API for working with OSGi, especially the stuff related to bundles. OSGi compendium, offering specifications for the whole set of standard services, services available to any compliant OSGi container. This tale, which started with a focus on embedded devices, turned out to embrace the whole spectrum of software. Success stories, products based on OSGi, are the best way to show what you can do with OSGi: Eclipse (based on an OSGi implementation called Equinox since 3.1 release), Glassfish 3 or Jonas 5 (JEE application servers). For extended features, we may look to extended specifications with: Enterprise OSGi, offering an enhanced set of APIs aimed at easing enterprise centric development (JPA integration.) Distributed OSGi, offering mechanisms to distribute applications running on top of a collection of Java Virtual machines.

OSGi Keypoints
OSGi specifications use Java as a base while avoiding classic Java headaches with a special classloading policy. The OSGi classloader deviates from the standard Java classloading policy while offering a way to support these impossible features: running several versions of the same component inside the same JVM true class reloading With such power, efficient application reloading becomes possible. So OSGi needs to extend standard Java to deliver components, that's why it just wraps the standard Java deployment format (.jar) while adding metadata into the misunderstood META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file. The OSGi platform hosts components offering services to other components (called bundles in OSGi jargon) and may depend on services offered by other bundles. Its a real microcosm but with a dynamic facet, where services can appear or disappear at any time. Figure 1 models such relationships between bundles. MANIFEST.MF file will contain all meta information required to express such relationships for each bundle. The following listing shows contents from one bundle requiring at runtime one service for logging purpose (its the standard OSGi logging service), this service may have different imple-

Figure 1: Relationships between Bundles | May 2011

Starting OSGi

What can a shell do for you? Just getting full access to the bundles lifecycle while also providing an elegant way to integrate your own commands. If the commands list may change from one product to another, every shell will give you at least access to the bundles lifecycle, so you will be able to : install/uninstall a bundle start/stop a bundle get the list of installed bundles with their current state. Choosing a Shell Its a matter of choice but the writer uses felix for its very low footprint and tests its plugins with knopflerfish for convenience (graphic shell is very close to the specifications).
Figure 2: Different States

mentations but thats not the problem for our code. Please refer to the sample code provided in this article.

Bundle Lifecycle
In such a dynamic environment, components (packaged as jar files called bundles) may be installed, deployed, stopped or removed. Figure 2 from the OSGi Alliance website shows transitions into the different states possible for a bundle. The next section introduces OSGi shells, offering commands to control bundles states.

Services & Tracking From the OSGi point of view, a service is just a plain Java interface, this interface may be implemented in different manners. In such a dynamic environment, getting references to one of the compatible implementations is an absolute requirement. You may use one of the following ways to achieve this goal: use standard OSGi API. use the ServiceTracker to get a more convenient result. use the SCR or Declarative Services, to have an easy and powerful way to inject dependencies at runtime, like Spring Core does (Spring simply does dependency injection) OSGi Standard Services List OSGi defines the following list of services: http service, to expose with a Web interface resources contained in one bundle. logging service, to trace events encountered during runtime. event services, is a mono JVM (OSGi container related only) messages broker. configadmin, offers a complete API dedicated to storing configuration data for your bundles. preferences, describes how to store user preferences. metatype, enables modelling of meta data related to your structures and to handle them gently into GUIs. SCR or Declarative Services, is the way to inject dependencies into any service at runtime. Well have a closer look at two of these services: LoggingService and EventAdmin with complete code samples. In the first sample, we will send traces and retrieve them with the LogService API. Sending traces is trivial, just injecting a reference to the LogService, then using it to store LogEntries. Reading these

OSGi Shells
OSGi defines containers made to host applications delivered as bundles (the unit of deployment). The runtime controlling your applications is called a shell like Unix shells manage programs. Working with OSGi means delivering (provisioning) your application as bundles and deploying them into a shell. You may choose between different equivalent OSGi implementations: Apache Felix, Eclipse Equinox, Knopflerfish from Makewave You may use extensions from the OSGi specifications and use: Paremus shell (for Distributed OSGi) Apache CXF Eclipse ECF or for Enterprise OSGi products like: Apache Aries Apache Karaf is a useful shell too | May 2011

Starting OSGi

traces is not difficult while using the LogReaderService (Listing 1). Figure 3 shows the results of two such bundles installed in a Felix container. Listing 2 illustrates how OSGi provides a smart way to master coupling between bundles using a messages brokerlike : EventAdmin. Sending events with EventAdmin. Figure 4 shows events in action.

The two bundles use a naming convention while sharing a common topic, the object storing messages (events in the EventAdmin wording). It's important to ensure to use the same name in both bundles to get a working communication.

Modularity & OSGi

Where does modularity come from in the OSGi world? Modularity in the OSGi jargon is not just bullshit, it comes from the
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.service.log.LogEntry; import org.osgi.service.log.LogListener; import org.osgi.service.log.LogReaderService; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Activate; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Component; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Deactivate; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Reference; @Component(immediate=true) /** * <p> * show log entries written by previous sourcecode * LogReaderService is injected through SCR.. * logged() method is the method to override to implement the * LogListener interface * </p> * @author * @see LogListener */. public class LogReader implements LogListener { private LogReaderService logReaderService; @Reference public void setLogReaderService(LogReaderService lrs){ System.out.println("injecting LogReaderService"); logReaderService=lrs; logReaderService.addLogListener(this); System.out.println("enregistrement du listener OK"); } public void unsetLogReaderService(LogReaderService lrs){ System.out.println("dereferencement LogReaderService"); if(logReaderService==lrs){ logReaderService=null; } } @Override public void logged(LogEntry entry) { System.out.println("entry added ...."+ entry.getMessage()); } // logged() @Activate public void activate(BundleContext bc){ System.out.println("Bundle LogReader active"); } @Deactivate public void deactivate(BundleContext bc){ System.out.println("desactivation bundle lecture logs"); } }

Listing 1: adding logging entries

package com.javaxpert.books.osgi.logservice.logprovider; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.service.log.LogService; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Activate; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Component; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Deactivate; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Reference; @Component /** * <p> * sample code showing how to add log entries * here ,the LogService is injected through SCR services * but standard way using ServiceReferences work too.. *</p> * @author J.MOLIERE - */ public class LogProvider { private LogService logService; @Reference public void setLogService(LogService log){ System.out.println("injecting logservice reference"); logService=log; } public void unsetLogService(LogService log){ System.out.println("removing log service ..."); if(logService==log){ logService=null; } } // activate and deactivate methods are ways to avoid // to write dedicated Bundle Activator class @Activate public void activate(BundleContext bc){ System.out.println("activating LogProvider bundle"); if(logService!=null){ logService.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "une trace debug"); logService.log(LogService.LOG_INFO, "une trace info"); logService.log(LogService.LOG_ERROR, "une fausse erreur"); } } @Deactivate public void deactivate(BundleContext bc){ System.out.println("dropping LogProvider bundle"); } } Sample code : retrieving log entries package com.javaxpert.books.osgi.logservice.logreader; | May 2011

Starting OSGi

Figure 4: Events in Action

Figure 3: Results of two bundles installed in a Felix container

strict cutting of responsibilities between components deployed into the OSGi container (bundles). The contract between a bundle and the container is the key point, it is materialized using the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file. This contract lists explicitly what the component offers to the platform and what it requires from it. Defining services as Java interfaces into API bundles (delivering concrete implementations of this service in separate bundles) and specifying dependencies to the only

API bundle, enables us to change the implementation bundles without any impact on the client components. It's just a component aware manner to translate the TAO of object modelling, where you should use the most generic interface of a class rather than the most specific one. Conforming to this rule is necessary to do modular development. A component requiring a service does not need to know the implementation delivering this service, it is the black box principle. You don't need to be a mechanical specialist to start your car. With such a low level of coupling between components, good design principles become trivial, like the one of mocking components while testing your applications following Test Driven methodologies. Such design is the key to get working architectures in very short timeframes, the whole application feature list is being completed with the next releases if you follow an agile scheduling (XP, Scrum or whatever methodology you want). Many solutions may exist while trying to use a service. If using the basic OSGi API raises many problems and induces a lot of codelines, using the ServiceTracker while injecting service references directly into your component may be the better solution. SCR is a very dynamic and powerful solution, using it can be as simple as using the XML form or annotation as provid-

Figure 5: Releases | May 2011

Starting OSGi

ed by bnd (refer to the tooling section). Its the best architectural response to the problems raised while trying to handle dependencies to services appearing/disappearing during the

runtime phase. Its not the only one because since early releases of specifications, OSGi provided different ways to do this job (ServiceTracker or through the Service API ).
public void deactivate(BundleContext context){ bc=null; System.out.println("dropping EventAdmin test bundle"); } //deactivate } Receiving events through EventAdmin package com.javaxpert.osgi.demo.eventadmin.receiver; import java.util.Dictionary; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.service.event.Event; import org.osgi.service.event.EventConstants; import org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Activate; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Component; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Deactivate; /** * <p> * receives messages from well defined topics those * following the following naming convention : * com/javaxpert/osgi/tests/topicTest* * </p> * @author romje * @see EventHandler * */ @Component(immediate=true) public class EventReceiver implements EventHandler { private BundleContext bc; final static String [] topics = new String[] { "com/javaxpert/osgi/tests/topicTest" }; @Activate public void activate(BundleContext context){ bc=context; System.out.println("Receiver is ready soon..."); Dictionary d = new Hashtable(); d.put(EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC, topics ); context.registerService( EventHandler.class.getName(), this, d ); } @Deactivate public void deactivate(BundleContext context){ bc=null; System.out.println("dropping test receiver.."); } @Override public void handleEvent(Event event) { System.out.println("Received a message from topic =" + event.getProperty(EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC) + " containing : " + event.getProperty(EventConstants.MESSAGE) ); } }

Listing 2
package com.javaxpert.osgi.demo.eventadmin.sender; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.service.event.Event; import org.osgi.service.event.EventAdmin; import org.osgi.service.event.EventConstants; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Activate; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Component; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Deactivate; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.Reference; /** * <p> * Publishes events using the OSGi internal broker * EventAdmin is injected through SCR * </p> * @author romje, * */ @Component(immediate=true) public class EventPublisher { private BundleContext bc; private EventAdmin eventService; @Reference public void setEventService(EventAdmin admin){ eventService= admin; System.out.println("Event service injected through SCR"); } //set public void unsetEventService(EventAdmin admin){ eventService= null; System.out.println("unset Event Service"); } //unset @Activate public void activate(BundleContext context){ bc=context; System.out.println(eventService!=null?"OK service ready to send msg":"oops no EVentService yet"); Map properties = new HashMap(); if(eventService!=null){ int number_messages = (int)(Math.random()*10); for(int i=0;i< number_messages;i++){ properties.put(EventConstants.MESSAGE,"message number = "+ i); eventService.postEvent(new Event( "com/javaxpert/osgi/tests/topicTest", properties)); System.out.println("Sent asynchronously a number of messages = "+ number_messages); } } //activate @Deactivate | May 2011

Starting OSGi

Figure 6 and 7: BndTools in different Situations

Working with OSGi

What is the arsenal of weapons to deploy to work with OSGi? The answer will include different facets of work, that is to say: Development Debugging Deployment Integration into an integration process (Continuous Integration) 1. Basic Brick. As with any Java based environment, you just need to code into Java, but providing metadata requires you to master the tricky MANIFEST.MF file format. This text based format has many traps and it sounds like a good idea not to handle them directly, but instead to delegate the generation of this file to

a dedicated tool. Here comes bnd to the rescue. Bnd by Peter Kriens, OSGi Alliance fellow, is a versatile tool, the Swiss army knife OSGi tool. Bnd has three main roles, and it can perform three kind of jobs for you: inspecting a bundle wrapping a library into a compliant bundle creating a bundle from your code Bnd comes with its own syntax and set of directives, its very rich and only dedicated to one thing: having more compliant bundles, more quickly. Bnd scans your code to fetch imports so it computes for you the long list of imported packages.

Figures 8: SCR configuration pane

Figures 9: runtime configuration for your OSGi shell | May 2011

Starting OSGi

Figures 10 - 12 show different tabs of this versatile tool , each one providing a concrete answer to a frequent need

Heres how to wrap an existing library into a ready to use OSGi bundle. Easy isnt it? Bnd inspects contents from your code and generates the import-package clause from MANIFEST.MF for you. It cant guess what services you want to expose so you must take care of this. You need to provide the privatepackage clause too.

2. IDE integration BndTools by Neil Barlett is the most powerful environment for OSGi development. It is an Eclipse plugin wrapping bnd features with a clear and intuitive interface. It just works!!! BndTools provides a new kind of project with a Bnd OSGi project. After creating such a project youll be able to access the following features: | May 2011

Starting OSGi

directly test your code in Eclipse with your preferred shell watch/edit the contents from your MANIFEST.MF file inspect the contents from one bundle declare dependencies injection graphically with a dedicated wizard manage your runtime environment (adding bundles to be included in your shell at runtime) handle import/export clauses of your bundles graphically without any other intervention besides drag and drop. This tool is an incredible one, powerful and easy, providing bundles close to the specifications and close to the state of the art in OSGi development. Figure 6 and 7 show BndTools in different situations. Using this tool involves using a workflow like the following: create a new Bnd OSGi project create a Java package create some code (interface + implementation for a service or a single concrete Java class for a client) create a new bnd bundle descriptor adjust the bnd.bnd descriptor to suit your needs run the bnd.bnd with a Run As OSGi application (right click) Here you are, you have created your first bundle with BndTools. Please ensure to modify the Components tab view from each bundle using Declarative Services and adding one or more (maybe a joker) list of components. BndTools used in conjunction with Peter Krienss annotations provide a very convenient way to inject components without even writing a single line of XML as used by SCR. Well take our simple use case once again and rewrite it using BndTools and Bnd annotations.The following listings contain the complete source code for Java code and bnd files required in our context. 3. Debugging with Felix Web bundles What can go wrong during runtime? You may have unsatisfied dependencies, not so easy to find while the application is running (tricky indeed). The best solution is to install Felix WebConsole and to connect to this console through your browser to diagnose the origins of your problem. This is a very nice tool, easy to use and install. It has a few dependencies as shown in the next picture. Figures 10-12 show some facets from this very useful tool. You may use the different tabs offered to ensure that: all bundles have the expected state all dependencies are met messages (events in the EventAdmin wording). Its important to ensure to use the same name in both bundles to get a working communication. bundles implement the expected services Moreover the WebConsole can be used to view trace entries as issued by LogService and last but not least it is an extensible component. To conclude with this tool we should mention these requirements:

code makes usage from NIO so ensure your JVM offers this API webconsole is just a war deployed into the HttpService, so it requires you to install the Jetty Web bundle optional dependency to LogService Provisioning with Felix FileInstall FileInstall provides an easy way to install bundles into your OSGi container, using a single configuration file you will be able to configure one or several repositories (directories) targeted to host bundles and configuration properties file (for the ConfigAdmin Service). This bundle used in conjunction with the SCR is the perfect way to automate application starting, while having no hassles with the runlevels. It is a very convenient way to configure your application simply by setting a few properties as shown in the next sample. This sample shows properties used by Felix FileInstall to configure one deployment directory (felix.fileinstall.dir) and the polling interval (one second here), because Felix Install acts as a watchdog. These properties may be integrated into the Felix config file (living into ${felix.dir}/conf/
felix.fileinstall.dir = deploy felix.fileinstall.poll = 1000

Felix FileInstall can be used as a replacement or in conjunction with the OBR (Bundles repository). OBR is an http repository like the ibiblio one for Maven storing many Java projects ready to use in OSGi environments.

I wish you a good trip into this new approach to software development, I am convinced that it should bring you success and fun, success because of its efficiency and great design, fun because of the pleasure felt in designing applications that just work! I have still many things to write about this technology but it is time for me to conclude. Happy coding.
Jerome Moliere discovered Java early 1996, he is a SCJP2 and JBoss certified architect. He is doing consulting and training for his own company Mentor/J. He is about to deliver the first French book dedicated to OSGi. He can be reached at He blogs at http://

Pointers - OSGi specifications [1] Felix project: [2] Equinox project: [3] Knopflerfish project: [4] Paremus distributed OSGi: [5] Apache Aries: JMS specifications [6] Bnd: [7] BndTools: [8] Felix Web Console: [9] OBR repository: | May 2011


JAX The Premier Java, Architecture & Agile Experience


June 20 23, 2011, San Jose CA
Java EE Java Core Java Languages UI/Ajax/Components Agile ALM Android Cloud Web Architecture Portals Webtech & JavaScript Just JSF Fullstack Spring OSGi

Technical presentations and tutorials In-depth coverage of the latest technologies Practical implementation techniques Neutral coverage of the most important Java Ecosystem topics

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JAX The Premier Java, Architecture & Agile Experience

JAX 2011 Its about you, its about Java, its about
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JAX is one of the world's most comprehensive conferences on web and enterprise development. It provides the ideal forum for software developers, project managers and architects to learn about all the latest Technology, Architecture and Agile Methodologies. JAX has become internationally renowned for its unique blend of topics, since its conception in 2001. This year JAX is pleased to be working in collaboration with the popular JSF Summit; a conference for application developers, solution architects, and project managers who develop applications with JavaServer Faces (JSF), Seam, Java EE, and related technologies. Wed like to provide you a snapshot of our programme. Please find more updates on!

Web vs. Apps
Ben Galbraith (Set Direction)
With the recent release of Firefox 4, we're reminded that today's browsers sport amazing capabilities, truly graduating from markup renderers to sophisticated app run-times.

We're sure to see some amazing new web applications just over the horizon that take advantage of these new capabilities. At the same time, the mobile ecosystem is white hot. What relationship do mobile "apps" have with the web and how will these two communities co-exist into the future? Also, how do developers target all of these different platforms? Join Ben and Dion as they share their thoughts on these and other issues.

Android 3.0: Honeycomb Highlights
Chet Haase (Google), Romain Guy (Google)
Come hear engineers from the Android team at Google talk about the latest advancements in the Android platform, and how you can take advantage of these features to create great Android applications.

Going Mobile with jQuery

Nathaniel Schutta (
The word just came down from the VP - you need a mobile app and you need it yesterday. It needs to be polished and have that design stuff too. Oh and it needs to be on all the major platforms in time for the big marketing push next month. After a moment of panic, you wonder if it's too late to become a plumber but don't worry, there's hope! More and more developers are falling in love with the "write less do more" library and for good reason; it simplifies the job of today's front end engineer. But did you know jQuery could also help you with your mobile needs as well? That's right, jQuery Mobile is a touch optimized framework designed to provide a common look and feel across a wide variety of today's mot popular platforms. In this session, we'll take a look at all that jQuery Mobile has to offer and we'll convert a native application to an HTML5, jQuery Mobile masterpiece.

Android Graphics and UIs

Chet Haase (Google), Romain Guy (Google)
Come hear engineers on Android's UI toolkit team talk about features of the UI toolkit that you should understand to write better, faster, and more usable applications. This talk will cover such user interface technologies as views, graphics, animation, and performance.


Moderator: Tobias Kunze Briseo

Understanding Platform as a Service

Paul Fremantle (WSO2)
This session examines Platform as a Service (PaaS) in detail. Looking first at the definition and various PaaS offerings, the session will cover the benefits and disadvantages of PaaS offerings. Then we will use an Open Source Java PaaS (Stratos) as an example to look at issues of multi-tenancy, isolation, resource sharing and security. It will cover Paas in public and private cloud.

Developing Java applications with Cloud Services

Chris Richardson (SpringSource)
Cloud computing isn't just about application deployment. There are also a growing number of cloud-based web services that you can use to develop your application. Using these services allows you to build highly scalable applications without the pain and cost of having to build your own infrastructure. In this talk you will learn about the benefits and drawbacks of some of these web services.

JAX The Premier Java, Architecture & Agile Experience

JavaEE on Google App Engine: CDI to the Rescue!

Ales Justin (RedHat)
Google App Engine (GAE) is among the most popular cloud application platforms today, offering decent service at a low price point or even no cost at all. Unfortunately, however, its Java environment is also a fairly restrictive. For instance, you can't write files, make arbitrary network connections, or spawn threads. This talk presents a number of tips and tricks on how to use top JavaEE specs--CDI, JPA, JSF2, and BeanValidation, for instance-within GAE's restrictive sandbox while still benefitting from the highly scalable environment it provides and maintaining portability to other JavaEE containers. We will demonstrate how CDI can be used to abstract from GAE's services and how state-of-the-art testing frameworks such as ShrinkWrap and Arquillian can be made to work with such an application. Key takeaway is that JavaEE on GAE is not only possible, but also good engineering practice.

to create a system that is more than the sum of its parts. Whether they are public or private, cloud platforms impose constraints on guest applications as part of their design, and for sound economic reasons. We draw from several examples of public and private cloud services, and show how the target system influences application design. A common theme is the need to assess modularity and services differently as architectural styles in the cloud. We show some tips and tricks on using and enabling features of Spring in the cloud and draw examples and demos from a wide range of application styles and cloud platforms.

Cloudy Innovation: Platform-as-a-Service and Open Choice

Tobias Kunze Briseo (Red Hat)
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) lures developers with the promise of worry-free deployment and application management. But what exactly is this platform? What am I, as a developer, going to code against? And what am I, with my operator hat on, going to monitor and manage? Also, more importantly, where's the catch? What do I have to give up in exchange? This talk sheds some light on the fundamental tradeoffs of PaaS, its strengths and opportunities, as well as some of the solutions currently on offer in the industry. It will then look at how Red Hat promotes Open Choice of middleware and programming models with its recently unveiled OpenShift Express and OpoenShift Flex platforms. Attendees will get a feel for how PaaS can revolutionize their operations and the way the think about applications. They will also learn how to make informed decisions when selecting a platform for their application needs.

Spring in the Cloud

Dave Syer (SpringSource VMware)
Writing an application for cloud deployment can be a different proposition than writing it for local, physical use. In this presentation we explore the practical consequences of designing and implementing applications targeted at a cloud platform or software services. A cloud platform could mean a commercial public offering like EC2 or vCloud, or it could be a home-grown private in-house service, or something in between. There are also increasingly many software services that have an integration aspect - messaging or other lowlevel services can be combined with higher-level business services

Moderator: Rod Johnson

Party-to-Go: Adding Social and Mobile Capabilities to your Spring Applications

Craig Walls (SpringSource)
This session will look at the various strategies for utilizing a Spring back-end with social and mobile platforms, such as consumption of RESTful services, server-push style messaging, authentication and authorization via Oauth to integrate with social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

What's new in Spring 3.1?

Jeremy Grelle (SpringSource, a division of VMware)
Spring Framework 3.1 continues Spring's mission with a focus on flexible Java-based configuration. This presentation introduces foundational 3.1 facilities such as environment profiles for application contexts, feature specifications within configuration classes, and Spring's new caching abstraction. Finally, we'll cover Spring's ongoing support for enterprise Java specifications: in particular our Servlet 3.0 support.

Using Spring with non-relational Databases

Chris Richardson (SpringSource)
The needs of many enterprises have stretched traditional RDBMS based solutions to the breaking point and as a result, a plethora of new non-relational storage options have appeared. In this talk your learn about some popular NoSQL database including Redis, Cassandra and MongoDB. By bringing traditional Spring values such as portability, productivity and a unified POJO based programming model to this style of data access this session will show how the Spring Framework is evolving to support non relational ('NoSQL') databases as well as complex data processing via Hadoop and updated JPA support.

Introduction to Spring Integration 2.0

Josh Long (SpringSource)
This session provides a practical hands-on introduction to the capabilities in Spring Integration 2.0. Along the way, you will learn about Spring Integration's support for Spring Framework 3.0 features such as the Spring Expression Language, ConversionService, and RestTemplate. You will also learn about several new adapters including AMQP, XMPP, TCP/UDP, JDBC, JMX, and more.

JAX The Premier Java, Architecture & Agile Experience

Moderator: Kito Mann
Originally produced by Kito Mann and, JSF Summit is a conference for application developers, solution architects, and project managers who develop applications with JavaServer Faces (JSF), Seam, Java EE, and related technologies.

RichFaces 4.0 Component Deep Dive

Jay Balunas (JBoss, by Red Hat Inc.)
This sessions will get into the weeds of some of RichFaces newest and most advanced components. We'll demonstrate how to get the most out of RichFaces client-side validation, and our new push architecture with Atmosphere, including what really makes them tick. There will be plenty of tips and tricks, not to mention code. So bring your laptops and you can follow along with online source.

CDI and Seam Faces realize the full potential of JSF

Daniel Allen (Red Hat, Inc.), Brian Leathem (TRIUMF)
CDI is the glue of the Java EE 6 Platform, bringing each of the independent EE technologies together into a cohesive whole. However, the integration falls short in JSF, arguably where it's needed the most. Seam Faces further integrates JSF and CDI and leverages frameworks such as PrettyFaces to make JSF a full-featured web application framework and the JSF developer's life easier.

Beyond Components: JSF Development with Trinidad and ADF

Andy Schwartz (Oracle)
While Trinidad and ADF provide an extensive set of components, they also offer a range of APIs and services that simplify both component and application development. This session will review the best ideas from Trinidad and ADF, highlighting more general JSF development problems and solutions that are of interest regardless of your choice of framework.

Ajax Applications with JSF 2 and New RichFaces 4

Max Katz (Exadel)
RichFaces is a JSF framework with Ajax components, client-side validation, cloud deployment, skins, and a component development kit (CDK). This session will briefly cover JSF2 Ajax features and then the extra value the new RichFaces adds on top of JSF2 through its advanced features. Examples will include partial table updates, Ajax queues, client-side validation, GAE deployment, and skins.

Productive RIA Development with Spring Web Flow and JSF 2.0
Jeremy Grelle (SpringSource, a division of VMware)
With the onset of JSF 2, it's time for a fresh look at what Java development tools make up the ideal web stack. In this session you'll learn what is important from a Spring developer's point of view: What can I do with Spring and JSF 2? What is the status of the Spring Web Flow integration for JSF? What JSF 2 features are supported and what value does Spring Web Flow provide in a JSF 2 world?

Developing JSF 2 portlets with ICEfaces, AlloyFaces, and LiferayFaces

Neil Grifn (Liferay, Inc.)
This presentation will show developers how they can deploy JSF 2 portlets within Liferay Portal via the PortletFaces Bridge. It will explore the benefits that ICEfaces 2.0 brings to portlets, including automatic Ajax and ICEpush for rich Inter-Portlet Communication (IPC). Additionally, developers will learn how to use JSF UI components from AlloyFaces and LiferayFaces within their JSF 2 portlets.

Seam 3 brings Java EE improvements of tomorrow, today

Daniel Allen (Red Hat, Inc.)
This talk reintroduces Seam as a portable, modular and type-safe framework built atop CDI: Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE. We look at how and why Seam 2 evolved into CDI. You're given a brief tour of the CDI programming model and learn how it unifies, enhances and extends Java EE platform. Then you see how Seam 3 takes it further. Discover the possibilities Seam brings to Java EE.

Mobile Ajax Push with ICEfaces 2.0

Ted Goddard (ICEsoft Technologies, Inc.)
Mobile applications for iPhone and Android can be effectively developed with JSF 2.0 and ICEfaces. Join this session to learn how to use Ajax Push to build a collaborative mobile application with ICEfaces 2.0.

All JSF Summit talks can be found here:

More talks and tutorials on all important Java related topics can be found here:

OSGi Update

New Features for the Framework

Whats New in Core 4.3?

The OSGi Alliance has recently published the OSGi Service Platform Release 4 Core Specification Version 4.3 [1]. This update to the Core specification adds a number of new features to the OSGi Framework. Some of the new features are useful to application programmers while other new features are meant for systems programmers. Lets take a look at these new features.
by BJ Hargrave and Peter Kriens
Release 1 of the OSGi specifications came out in 2000 well before Java 5 introduced a number of new and useful language features. The OSGi Framework API looks a bit old fashioned in the absence of the use of any of these new language features. But Java Micro Edition (CDC-1.1/Foundation-1.1), based upon the Java 1.4 language and class libraries, is still a target platform for OSGi development. So to update the OSGi Framework API for Java 5 language features would mean abandoning the Java ME users of OSGi. The OSGi Alliance did not want to do that. Instead we took advantage of the undocumented compiler option -target jsr14 [2] to allows the use of Java 5 generics in the API while still supporting the Java ME platform. Both javac from the JDK and the Eclipse Compiler for Java support this option in their current releases. Since enums and annotations require class library support which does not exist in Java ME, the OSGi Framework API does not use these language features. The main place in the OSGi Framework API where generics are used is in the Service Layer APIs for type safety. Several methods have been overridden to take Class objects and the service related interfaces have formal types. So now one can use the Service Layer in a type safe manner. For example:
ServiceReference lr = context.getServiceReference (org.osgi.service.log.LogService); LogService log = (LogService)context.getService(lr);

ServiceReference<LogService> lr = context.getServiceReference(LogService.class); LogService log = context.getService(lr);

The changes provide type safe references to OSGi services and avoid the need for explicit casts.

Capabilities and Requirements

OSGi bundles have always been able to export packages to and import package from other bundles. The resolver in the OSGi Framework has to match exporters to importers in order to resolve bundles for execution. For the Core 4.3 release, we have generalized this into the concepts of bundles offering capabilities to other bundles and bundles expressing requirements for a capability from another bundle. We define a capability as a set of attributes (key/value pairs) in a namespace and a requirement as a filter expression over the attribute set of a capability in a namespace. The specifi-

Figure 1: Requirements and Capabilities and their Wiring | May 2011


OSGi Update

Figure 2: Relationship between Bundle and the Bundle Wiring types

cation defines the built-in namespaces: osgi.wiring.package, osgi.wiring.bundle and, to represent the existing concepts of exporting and importing packages, requiring bundles and being a fragment respectively. For example, within the osgi.wiring.package namespace, an export package is represented by a capability and an import package is represented by a requirement. The idea of generic capabilities and requirements is also added. This allows bundle programmers to define their own namespaces so a bundle can provide a capability with the new Provide-Capability manifest header and have a requirement for a capability with the new Require-Capability manifest header.

These requirements become additional constraints to the resolver in the OSGi Framework and are visible in the new Bundle Wiring API (Figure 1). A bundle cannot be resolved unless its mandatory requirements can be satisfied by a capability from some bundle. The built-in namespaces cannot be used on the new Provide-Capability and RequireCapability manifest headers). In addition to the built-in namespaces, the specification defines the new namespace to replace the org.osgi.framework.executionenvironment framework launching property and the Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment manifest header. Now bundles can use the Require-Capability manifest header to declare a requirement in the namespace on the execution environment. Frameworks can be configured with the new org.osgi.framework.system. capabilities and org.osgi.framework.system.capabilities.extra framework launching properties to provide capabilities in the namespace representing the current execution environment. This will result in the system bundle providing the specified capabilities which can then satisfy the requirement from a bundle.

Bundle Wiring API

The PackageAdmin framework service was introduced by Release 2 in 2001. Using a service to supply framework function was an important choice at the time. It enabled additional function to be added in an optional manner so resource constrained systems could implement the OSGi Framework without implementing the PackageAdmin service. It also avoided adding methods to the core framework types such as Bundle which would only be interesting to systems pro-

Figure 3: The wiring for an update bundle that has not been refreshed. | May 2011


OSGi Update

grammers. But the cost of this design choice was an API that is not very object oriented since you have to pass the Bundle objects to the methods. Ten years later, todays resource constrained systems are much bigger, and we also find that the PackageAdmin service does not well model the actual wiring of bundles in the Framework. In 4.3, we introduce the new Bundle Wiring API which replaces PackageAdFigure 4: Relationship between the min and provides a much system bundle and the Framework richer model of the wiring Wiring type relationship between bundles. Instead of using a service to deliver the new API, the API is available via the new, type safe adapt method on Bundle. To learn about the wiring state of a bundle, adapt the Bundle object to the desired bundle wiring type. For example:
BundleWiring wiring = bundle.adapt(BundleWiring.class);

If a bundle has been updated, older revisions and wirings of the bundle may still be in use. All the available revisions of a bundle can be obtained by adapting the bundle to the BundleRevisions type (Figure 3). The system bundle can be adapted to the FrameworkWiring type which provides access to framework wide wiring operations. Using the FrameworkWiring object, bundles can be resolved and refreshed. Refreshing a bundle will result in the non-current revisions and wirings to be released by the Framework. The removal pending bundles, that is, the bundles which have non-current revisions and wirings, can also be obtained. All of these operations are very useful for management code (Figure 4). While PackageAdmin has been deprecated and replaced by the Bundle Wiring API, framework implementations will still implement the PackageAdmin service for some time to come to support existing bundles that use the PackageAdmin service.

Start Level API

The StartLevel framework service was introduced by Release 3 in 2003. Like the PackageAdmin service, it was also provided as a framework service as a way to add function to the Framework that could be optional and not complicate the core types. But this design, like PackageAdmin, was not very object oriented. In 4.3, with the introduction of the adapt method to Bundle, we introduce the new Start Level API which replaces the StartLevel framework service. To inspect or modify the start level information for a bundle, the bundle can be adapted to the BundleStartLevel type. To inspect or modify the start level information for the Framework, the system bundle can be adapted to the FrameworkStartLevel type (Figure 5). While StartLevel has been deprecated and replaced by the Start Level API, framework implementations will still implement the StartLevel service for some time to come to support existing bundles that use the StartLevel service.

Whenever a bundle is installed or updated, a new revision of the bundle is created. A BundleRevision for a bundle contains information about a specific revision of the bundle such as the symbolic name, version and declared capabilities and requirements. The most recent revision of a bundle is called the current revision and can be obtained by adapting the bundle to the BundleRevision type. Whenever a bundle is resolved, a new wiring of the bundle is created. A BundleWiring for a bundle contains information about a specific wiring of the bundle such as the capabilities and requirements that are wired together. The wiring can also be used to scan the class path of a bundle and to obtain the class loader of a bundle. The most recent wiring of a bundle is called the current wiring and can be obtained by adapting the bundle to the BundleWiring type (Figure 2).

Weaving Hooks
Bytecode weaving is becoming very popular particularly in enterprise applications such as those using JPA. There has long been interest in bytecode weaving in OSGi but there has never been an OSGi standard way to do it. In 4.3, we introduce Weaving Hooks. Weaving Hooks are services registered by bundles that are prepared to weave the class files loaded from other bundles. Whenever the Framework is preparing to load a class from a bundle, it first calls the weaving hooks to give them an opportunity to mutate the class file for the class. The Framework will create a WovenClass object for the class being loaded and call the WeavingHook services in service ranking order. Each weaving hook will have the opportunity to mutate the byte array containing the class file of the class to be loaded. Since it is quite common for a weaver to add code which may call classes which are not originally used by the bundle, for example, tracing or logging APIs, the weaver needs to be able to modify the woven bundles wiring so the bundle can access these classes. So the WovenClass object lets the weaving

Figure 5: Relationship between bundles and the Start Level types | May 2011


OSGi Update

Figure 6: Weaving Hook service

Figure 7: Resolver Hook Factory service

hook add DynamicImport-Package entries to the bundles wiring. These entries can refer to the packages which contain the classes used by the newly woven class. Once all the weaving hooks have been called, the Framework will put the new DynamicImport-Package entries into effect and call the VM to define the woven class (Figure 6). Since weaving hooks can modify classes from other bundles, care must be taken in developing and deploying weaver bundles to ensure the integrity and security of the system.

Resolver Hooks
In previously released drafts for Core 4.3, there were specification proposals for Composite Bundles and virtual frameworks. These proposals were attempts at defining a grouping model for bundles such that bundles in a group would be able to share packages and services while bundles outside the group would have more limited access. Both of these design proposals have been replaced in the final Core 4.3 specification with the introduction of Resolver Hooks and Bundle Hooks. The Resolver Hooks, along with Bundle Hooks and Service Hooks, provide low level primi-

tives upon which grouping policies for bundles can be implemented. Using these hooks allows different grouping policies to be created rather than specifying a single grouping policy into the Framework. A ResolverHookFactory is a service that is registered by bundles that wish to influence the Frameworks resolver and how it wires bundles together. For each resolve operation, the Framework will call the ResolverHookFactory services, in service ranking order, requesting a ResolverHook object that will be used for the duration of the resolve operation. Each resolver hook object will be called and given the opportunity to influence the resolve operation by restricting the bundles that can be resolved and which candidate capabilities can be used to satisfy a requirement (Figure 7). So, while a resolver hook cant actually make the decisions about how the bundles are wired together, it can influence the choices the resolver can make. This allows a resolver hook to create a grouping policy for bundles with respect to how the bundles can be wired. Using the new Resolver Hooks, the Service Hooks introduced by 4.2, and the new Bundle Hooks, a complete grouping model can be implemented [3]. Since resolver hooks can modify how, and even if, bundles are resolved, care must be taken in developing and deploying resolver hooks to ensure the integrity and reliability of the system.

Bundle Hooks
The Service Hooks introduced by 4.2 and the new Resolver Hooks are important parts of implementing a grouping policy for bundles. With Resolver Hooks you can place limits on how bundles are wired together at resolve time. With Service Hooks you can place limits on what services are visible to a bundle. The missing piece is how to limit which bundles are visible to a bundle. This is the purpose of the newly introduced Bundle Hooks. Bundle Hooks are services registered by bundles that are called by the Framework, in service ranking order, when the Framework must decide whether a bundle can observe

Figure 8: Bundle Hook services | May 2011


OSGi Update

another bundle. Two bundle hooks are defined. The Find Hooks are called by the Framework during the processing of the getBundle(long) and getBundles() methods of BundleContext. These methods are used by bundles to find other bundles. A FindHook is able to remove bundles from the result set thus preventing the calling bundle from observing the removed bundles. The other bundle hook is the Event Hook. The Event Hooks are called by the Framework during the delivery of Bundle Events. An EventHook can remove bundles from the set of bundles whose listeners would receive the bundle event. This prevents the removed bundles from observing the Bundle Event (Figure 8). Bundle Hook implementations must take care to ensure that bundles consistently observe or dont observe other bundles. That is, with the Event Hook, a bundle should see either all or none of the life cycle events for a bundle. Seeing only a partial set of events can result in undefined behavior for the observing bundle.

At the OSGi Alliance, we are continuing to work on new specifications and enhancements to the existing specifications. If you have input or want to participate in the effort, please check out the OSGi Alliance web site [4] for information on joining the OSGi Alliance or providing feedback.
BJ Hargrave is a Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM with over 20 years of experience as a software architect and developer. His focus is small computer operating systems (kernels, file systems, development tools, application binary interface specifications) and Java technology. He holds multiple patents related to Java and is the IBM expert and lead architect for OSGi technologies. BJ holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Miami. BJ has been a leader in the development of the OSGi technology since its inception and was named an OSGi Fellow in 2002 for his technical contributions and leadership in the OSGi Alliance. He is currently CTO of the OSGi Alliance and chair of the OSGi Core Platform Expert Group. BJ is also a committer on the Eclipse Equinox project. Peter Kriens is the OSGi Director of Technology and CEO of aQute. He has worked for many years as a consultant for a large number of international companies, including Adobe, Intel, Ericsson, IBM, and others. In 2001 he was hired by the OSGi Alliance to run their specification process. He is the primary editor of all the specification releases since release 2 in May 2001. In 2002 he became one of the original two OSGi Fellows. He lives in France travels the world to help the different OSGi expert groups to accomplish their tasks.

Version 4.3 of the Core specification is another incremental improvement over past specifications. The basic abstractions of OSGi: modularity, dynamic life cycle and services, all continue as before. These new features add to the level of introspection and control of the Framework. Some of the new features enable new and powerful capabilities to be built upon the Framework. Take care if you decide to use these low level features since they can have a significant effect on other bundles.

[1] [2] [3] [4]

Publisher Software & Support Media GmbH Editorial Office Address Geleitsstrae 14 60599 Frankfurt am Main Germany Editor in Chief: Editors: Authors: Sebastian Meyen Jessica Thornsby, Claudia Frhling David Bosschaert, Alexander Broekhuis, Holly Cummins, Tim Diekmann, BJ Hargrave, Peter Kriens, Valentin Mahrwald, Jerome Moliere, Richard Nicholson, Marcel Offermanns, Dmytro Pishchukhin Copy Editor: Claudia Frhling, Lisa Pychlau Creative Director: Jens Mainz Layout: Dominique Kalbassi Sales Clerk: Mark Hazell +44 (0)20 7401 4845 Entire contents copyright 2011 Software & Support Media GmbH. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, posted online, or reused by any means in any form, including print, electronic, photocopy, internal network, Web or any other method, without prior written permission of Software & Support Media GmbH The views expressed are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the views or position of their firm, any of their clients, or Publisher. Regarding the information, Publisher disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of any information, and is not responsible for any errors, omissions, inadequacies, misuse, or the consequences of using any information provided by Publisher. Rights of disposal of rewarded articles belong to Publisher. All mentioned trademarks and service marks are copyrighted by their respective owners. | May 2011


The Eclipse-based Development Environment

Combining the Power of Eclipse and Bnd

Developing OSGi with BndTools

With the rapid rise of modular software development, OSGi is becoming the de-facto standard for modular Java applications. With a background of being designed for small embedded systems, it's now also a great contender for ever larger and more dynamic systems. With this growth there is also a need for better and easier tools needed to develop, build and release applications based on OSGi. Some well known build tools are Eclipse PDE, Maven and Ant, and while they are well suited for smaller and simple applications, using them for complex applications shows some inherent problems. In this article these problems are explained and a solution provided by BndTools is introduced.
By Marcel Offermans and Alexander Broekhuis
Building an OSGi based project is mostly done using either custom made build files (Ant in combination with Bnd), Maven and the OSGi bundle plugin, or using the Eclipse Plugin Development environment. All these tools support some kind of automation/abstraction for editing/generating manifest files, so creating a new bundle is simple and straightforward. Maven and Eclipse rely on the concept that one project is one bundle, so each project has its own manifest file, source code and additional resources which are included when building the bundle. An actual application consists of several bundles, for example, within Eclipse a new application can be created by including/excluding bundles. Even though Maven and Eclipse make it rather easy to update the bundle manifest, they are centered around a manifest first model. When adding a new bundle, the manifest has to be created before actual coding starts. For Eclipse this is through the Manifest editor, and with Maven this is via the pom file. While this provides a model which is easy to learn and use, a problem arises when trying to use this model for larger, more complex applications, but as well for legacy applications being converted to OSGi. To explain this problem, the 4+1 view will be used. The logical view provides a high level overview of the system. This overview is often a structural decomposition which describes the components of the system. The process view is used to describe dynamic aspects of the system, how processes interact, what asynchronous aspects are important etc. Two last two views within the 4+1 model are the development view and the physical view. The development view can be described as the view the developer has on the project, for example, from an IDE. This includes packages, code, resources etc. The physical view, often called deployment view, is a view on components of the system and the deployment of these components to nodes. Both views are closely related, and the physical view displays the deployment of (a subset of) artifacts resulting from the development view. For example, using the separation of development and deployment view makes it possible to include classes (from one source) into multiple bundles. And even though both views are related, they provide a different view, which cant and shouldnt be combined when developing large applications. Because doing so, results in a forced separation of components, without any flexibility regarding reuse of classes and deployment of bundles. And this is exactly what Maven and the Eclipse PDT do, each bundle requires its own project. This makes it difficult to understand, manage, extend and maintain projects. The developer always needs to keep in mind how source is grouped and what components are available. Also migrating existing applications to a component based solution becomes very difficult, existing code has to be split into several projects. What is needed is the ability to have both a development and a physical view on projects: the development view for development, and the physical view for division and deployment of components. A tool, which amongst others, tries to solve this, is BndTools. The next part of this article will introduce BndTools and how it solves this problem. Other features of BndTools are explained in detail on the BndTools website (

4+1 View
The 4+1 views method is a popular method for describing architectures. Architectural views are used to describe the system from the viewpoint of different stakeholders. It is based on 4 views, on top of which use case scenarios are used to describe interaction within the system. The 4 views are: Logical View Process Development Physical | May 2011


The Eclipse-based Development Environment

BndTools is a relatively new tool for building and testing OSGi based projects in Eclipse. It builds on Bnd, which is a powerful command line tool. Bnd is described on its own website as: the Swiss army knife of OSGi, it is used for creating and working with OSGi bundles. Its primary goal is take the pain out of developing bundles. From Bnd solves the need to completely write and maintain the manifest file of a bundle. This manifest file is closely related to the classes in the bundle, and updating it can be very error prone. Bnd uses the actual class files to create the manifest file, this includes dependencies to packages, but for example also including packages using wild cards etc. Bnd relies on .bnd files created by the developer to customize the bundle. The file is used to define the bundle symbolic name, the exported and private package, bundle classpath etc. Maintaining these files by hand can be a cumbersome process, typos are easily made resulting in failing bundles. This is where BndTools comes back in the picture. BndTools provides a new project type in Eclipse called an OSGi project. An OSGi project is defined by a bnd. bnd file in which, for example, the build path for the project is defined. This build path can consist of other bundles, but also a classpath containing plain old jar files. A project can consist of one or more bundles, and each bundle is defined by a .bnd file in which the metadata for the bundle is placed. Since BndTools is tightly integrated with Eclipse, Eclipse compiles and builds bundles on code changes. Besides bundles, BndTools also supports run configurations. The configurations are used to launch an OSGi framework with a selected set of bundles. This set of bundles currently automatically includes all bundles from its own project, additional bundles can be selected from a local bundle repository. This bundle repository will be detailed later on. Using the dynamics of OSGi, in combination with the on the fly generation of bundles, BndTools makes it possible to update bundles in the running configuration. Before detailing more about how BndTools works, lets see how this maps on the 4+1 views method. The two views relevant for the developer in this case are still the development and deployment view. From the development viewpoint, a uniform view on all the sources and resources in a project is needed. This view should not assume anything regarding the deployment of the artifacts created out of the source. Since BndTools does not impose a project is a bundle structure, this is exactly what is needed. Secondly, the deployment view is also needed to be able to understand how bundles can and cant interact with each other. For example, packages which are used by a bundle, but are never exported. BndTools (actually Bnd does all the work) provides support for this by analysing the imported packages in the source with the exported packages of bundles. When looking at the 4+1 model, BndTools provides the developer with a complete development view, but still provides enough support to add and point to restrictions which the deployment imposes on the application. Its method is also especially interesting for existing projects, there is no need to divide the source into bundles. The existing project can be kept, only a number of .bnd files are needed to create the bundles. Besides, the better mapping on the 4+1 views, this model also keeps the source within one

project. This makes refactoring work over all bundles instead within one, as is the case with Eclipse OSGi development. Finally, BndTools also has support for a so called repository. The repository is used to store dependencies needed by the projects. This repository is visible as an Eclipse project in your workspace called cnf and can contain both third party dependencies in different versions and stable artifacts that have been released from your own projects (so other projects can depend on them). Using this repository keeps the project clean, no additional bundles need to be placed inside the project. Also using one repository ensures multiple related projects within the workspace use the same available dependencies.

The following simple example will be used to create an application with one Hello World bundle. It is assumed Eclipse with BndTools is up and running. The steps followed will be: Create a new workspace Add a Bnd OSGi project Setup the run configuration Add a new bundle Create a new workspace and select the OSGi perspective. A dialog will be shown asking to create a configuration project. This configuration project contains the bundle repository. After creating the configuration, the workspace will contain one project called cnf. With the OSGi perspective also comes the Repositories view. This view lists all bundles installed in the repository. A BndTools projects comes preconfigured with a list of useful bundles, including Felix, Equinox and many other compendium services. The bundles shown in this view are all located in the cnf project (figure 1).

<BndTools - Repositories View>

Next, create a new Bnd OSGi Project. The wizard currently has two templates. For a declarative services project, and for an empty project. For this example the Empty project template is used. After creating the project the bnd.bnd file is opened. Initially BndTools creates a project for a single bundle. To change this, the Enable sub-bundles option on the Build tab has to be checked. After this

Figure 1: Repositories View | May 2011


The Eclipse-based Development Environment

Figure 2: Running Framework

change, it is no longer possible to configure the bnd.bnd" file as a bundle. Bundles can be added by creating a new bundle descriptor. Before creating the bundle, the project needs an OSGi framework and possibly some other bundles. These libraries can be added to the run configuration of the bnd. bnd file. The run configuration can be found on the run tab. The desired OSGi framework can be selected, and bundles from the repository can be added. For this example, Apache Felix is used as framework and the Apache Felix Shell bundles are added. After updating the run configuration, the project can already be run. This is done on the context menu of the bnd.bnd" file. Select Run As -> OSGi Run. This will result in starting the framework with the selected bundles. Since the shell is installed, it is possible to inspect the running bundles. Listing these bundles, using the ps command, will show the system bundle as well as the shell bundles. For the next steps, the framework can be kept running (figure 2).

Figure 3: Bundle Descriptor Editor

can be seen. The newly created bundle has been installed in the running framework, and every saved change has resulted in a bundle update. The bundle has been started and the Hellogreeting has been printed. Listing the installed bundles now also shows the created bundle (figure 4).

<BndTools Updated Framework>

While this is a very trivial and simple example, it does show the power of BndTools. The 4+1 model is followed and the developer has a complete view on all the project sources without being bothered with deployment issues, but still the deployment can easily be changed and used via the Bundle Descriptors and run configurations. Larger projects with multiple bundles can greatly benefit from this model and using the features to update bundles in a running framework can result in a serious reduction of time needed for compiling, starting and testing bundles. To summarize, BndTools makes it possible to develop, test and run OSGi bundles and applications in a dynamic way. This method of development fits the inherent dynamic aspects of OSGi, but does not burden the developer too much with deployment questions while writing the code. While BndTools is already very useful, it is still being improved. Since it is an open source project, anyone can look at the source and contribute via patches (using github).
Marcel Offermans: Marcel is a fellow at Luminis and leads the competence center for OSGi at Luminis Technologies. As a software architect he has a broad experience in different operating systems, languages and applications, ranging from enterprise applications to mobile, embedded and distributed systems. He has been involved in lots of commercial OSGi projects for over eight years and is responsible for the architecture, development and support of an OSGi and cloud based software provisioning product. He is also a member of the Apache Software Foundation and involved as a committer and PMC member in the Apache Felix, Apache ACE and Apache Celix projects. Marcel regularly speaks at conferences, including ApacheCon, EclipseCon, OSGi DevCon, FOSDEM, Devoxx, NLJUG and various local demo camps and user forums and has given several hands-on trainings on OSGi related subjects. Alexander Broekhuis: Alexander Broekhuis works for Luminis and is a Java engineer since 2004 with a clear focus on OSGi. In the last years he has worked for embedded product companies on distributed middleware in which Java and C is used. His work includes creating meta-models and transformations from which the code for the middleware is generated (MDA, MDD), and more recently updating existing middleware to support dynamic services, based on OSGi. Alexander is initiator and committer of the Apache Celix project, a platform for distributed systems in C, with a focus on interoperability with Java (OSGi).

<BndTools Running Framework>

Now a bundle needs to be added. This is done, as mentioned before, by creating a new Bundle Descriptor. A bundle descriptor shows private and exported packages. Based on these packages the imports are calculated (figure 3).

<BndTools Bundle Editor>

Before private and exported packages can be added, some classes have to be created. For this example a simple Hello World activator will be used. Creating classes is done using the standard Eclipse method, no special actions are needed for BndTools. After creating the Activator, it must be added to the private packages of the bundle, and finally it must be set as Activator under the Basic Information section. This will result in an update of the calculated imports, the dependency to the framework is now listed. If the framework wasnt shutdown before adding the bundle, the power of BndTools

Figure 4: Updated Framework | May 2011


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A Tour Through the OSGi Tool Chain

Bundles, Bnd, PAX, Maven and more

OSGi la carte
A web search on OSGi will yield a bewildering number of open source projects. Beyond the familiar Equinox and Felix, as OSGi moves into the Enterprise Java space the number of OSGi related projects is increasing. If you are interested in OSGi many of these projects will be useful to you but it may not be immediately obvious how. This article hopes to alleviate this shortcoming with a whirlwind tour through the most useful open source tools the authors have encountered.
By Valentin Mahrwald & Holly Cummins
OSGi as a technology has been around since the late 90s, originally in the embedded space. More widespread interest has arisen after Eclipse adopted OSGi as the integration and plugin technology underlying the Eclipse IDE. This move was followed by the adoption of OSGi as the modularization technology at the heart of most JEE application servers. Even then OSGi was much rarer in the space of individual applications. Only with the advent of a dedicated enterprise OSGi programming model with Spring dmServer have we seen widespread interest in OSGi. Historically, OSGi has often been perceived as a hard technology to get started with especially since OSGi certainly is an invasive technology. Correctly using OSGi and its modularity model requires discipline and forethought from developers and framework authors. Especially assumptions made concerning classloaders often no longer hold in an OSGi environment. However, the benefits of using OSGi for modularization as well as its inherent support for dynamics far outweighs the initial challenges in using it. This article hopes to remove some of the biggest hurdles of using OSGi by introducing an appropriate set of tools, many of which are of recent vintage. The first set of tools is intended to help with the task of developing bundles. Next, we look at the tools that facilitate integration (i.e. in-container) testing with OSGi. Finally, we have a look at deployment and distribution options. It is assumed that the reader has some familiarity with basic OSGi concepts like bundles, bundle manifests, services and OSGi lifecycle. Readers completely new to OSGi are referred to introductory resources such as Neil Bartletts OSGi in practice [1] as well as the OSGi home page [2].

Developing bundles
At the very simplest level an OSGi bundle is just a traditional JAR file whose manifest has some additional headers that define the identity of the bundles as well as its (package) capabilities and requirements its imports and exports. However, the often cited bold claim No more NoClassDefFoundErrors with OSGi relies on correct metadata. A missing import for a needed package can easily mean that OSGi at the very | May 2011


A Tour Through the OSGi Tool Chain

Figure 1: BndTools with open Bnd editor and running framework.

first usage actually introduces more missing classes rather than less. So at the minimum tools for OSGi development should help the developer to produce correct metadata and well-factored bundles. Beyond that development tooling should help with test running the bundles and ideally have support for the OSGi programming models such as the component models, Web Application Bundles, persistence bundles and the like.

For developing more enterprise focussed OSGi applications, for example using JPA end Servlet functionality in bundles, Eclipse Libra [4] promises to be an interesting option. Loosely related to IBM's free (but not open sourced) OSGi development tools [5] this project aims to integrate existing high quality Eclipse tools for JEE development with OSGi specific functionality as defined in the corresponding chapters of the OSGi Enterprise Specification.

Eclipse PDE and Libra

Perhaps the most well-known tooling for OSGi is the Eclipse Plugin Development environment [3], which comes in many common distributions of the Eclipse IDE (for example the distribution for JEE development). It provides all the necessities of OSGi development such as a content aware bundle manifest editor and a compiler plugin that enforces OSGi visibility rules (unless side-stepped by a custom build path) and reports errors for missing imports. On top of that a collection of bundles can be launched directly from the IDE via an OSGi framework definition. PDEs greatest asset is also its greatest weakness: explicitness. A developer needs to carefully craft the OSGi manifest and update it whenever the code changes. On the other hand, the resulting manifest will never contain any surprises. Also, some of the default suggestions regarding version ranges and the usage of Require-Bundle do not conform to widely accepted OSGi best practices.

Bnd and BndTools

While PDEs explicit approach to authoring manifests certainly works, there is another more convenient option, which is to let most of the hard stuff (particularly the Import-Package) be generated. After all, the source code, as well as the byte code, have most of the information needed to determine dependencies. Peter Kriens Bnd tool [6] is built on that premise that most of the manifest can be described in a terse domain specific language (DSL) and the rest can be filled in at the time when the bundle is assembled by introspecting the classes. With this approach it also becomes trivial to convert third-party JARs into functional bundles (assuming they do not make assumptions about classloaders in the code, [7]). Bnd also honors OSGi best practices such as generating uses directives for exported packages. More than for just converting JAR files, the Bnd tool provides a holistic solution for bundle development, supporting | May 2011


A Tour Through the OSGi Tool Chain

complex bundle assemblies, which pull classes from multiple sources, bundle verification as well as launching a framework for running an application or running integration tests. The invocations below show very basic usage for converting a JAR to a bundle (Listing 1). Although the above example shows Bnd as a stand-alone command line tool, it can be integrated into Ant or Maven builds. Neil Bartlett has even created a complete Eclipse development environment, BndTools [8], based on Bnd. The complete package includes very capable editors for defining bundles (even several for a single Eclipse project), support for running a collection of bundles and even hot swapping code changes into the running framework. On top of that there are prebuilt templates for defining Declarative services components (Figure 1) and integration tests.

Maven with Felix Bundle plugin and Pax Construct

The above projects are IDE centric or build agnostic, like Bnd. Some readers may be looking for a very mature build solution, especially when confronted with large OSGi applications. This can be found in the Maven [9] build infrastructure that is used across almost all Apache OSGi projects. Maven as a build choice for OSGi projects offers significant freedom for choosing an IDE as all major IDEs feature Maven plugins. Also Mavens dependency management aligns advantageously with OSGi concepts of modularity. Maven itself does not come with direct support for OSGi packaging, however the Apache Felix Bundle plugin adds that capability and is widely used across Apache projects. The Felix bundle plugin uses Bnd under the covers, so the configuration options for defining bundles are the same as for using Bnd directly or through the BndTools. Despite many advantages of Maven, setting up the right infrastructure for OSGi is a time-consuming process, which especially to a Maven novice can seem daunting. Fortunately, the Pax Construct project [10] provides a very useful starter kit. It helps to create Maven 2 OSGi projects and define individual bundles. Pax Construct also has excellent support for launching a test OSGi environment from Maven.

Listing 1
# Display the manifest of some.jar java -jar bnd.jar print -manifest some.jar # Display any unresolved (non-imported) class package references java -jar bnd.jar print -verify some.jar # Convert a plain jar to OSGi. The properties file can be used # to configure imports, exports etc java -jar bnd.jar wrap -properties props.bnd some.jar

Component Models
Finally, no section on OSGi development would be complete without mentioning the component models, which greatly simplify using the OSGi dynamism and in particular OSGi services (or Services as Peter Kriens has dubbed them [11]). These two models absolve the developer from the responsibility of using the complicated OSGi API for services and in part can also hide some of the dynamism where it is not desired. Two component models are standardized as part of the OSGi compendium specification and are in wide use. The older component model, Declarative Services, allows the definition of service components. These components are plain Java classes that are instantiated as well as activated and deactivated by the Declarative Services extender. Components can have dependencies on other services, which are injected by the extender. At runtime components are defined in XML. However, the Bnd tool also allows a simpler property syntax as well as annotations. Built on top of that the BndTools have a set of nice editors and project templates for working with Declarative Services. The code sample below shows an example of an annotated component and the equivalent (generated) XML. The sample component uses zero or more StockProvider services, which can dynamically be added or removed (Listing 2). The newer component model, Blueprint, which was introduced with OSGi Compendium Specification revision 4.2, offers a full dependency injection framework, syntactically based on the popular Spring framework, together with first class support for interacting with the OSGi service registry. Apart from the syntax of the XML component descriptors perhaps the most notable difference between Declarative Services and Blueprint lies in how both expose OSGi service dynamics. Declarative services expose dynamics directly to the client code. A service that is injected via one method (addProvider

Listing 2
@Component public class StocksGui { @Activate public void start() { // start the component, by showing the GUI } @Deactivate public void stop() { // deactivate the GUI } @Reference(type='*') public void addProvider(StockProvider provider) { // respond to a new provider } public void removeProvider(StockProvider provider) { // respond to a provider becoming unavailable } } <scr:component xmlns:scr='' name=' org.jaxlondon.stocks.gui.StocksGui' activate='start' deactivate='stop'> <implementation class='org.jaxlondon.stocks.gui.StocksGui'/> <reference name='provider' interface='org.jaxlondon.stocks.api.StockProvider' cardinality='0..n' bind='addProvider' unbind='removeProvider' policy='dynamic'/> </scr:component> | May 2011


A Tour Through the OSGi Tool Chain

Listing 3
<blueprint xmlns=""> <reference-list id="providers" interface="org.jaxlondon.stocks.StockProvider" availability="optional"> <reference-listener bind-method="addProvider" unbind-method="removeProvider" ref="gui" /> </reference-list> <bean id="gui" class="org.jaxlondon.stocks.gui.StocksGui" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop"> <property name="providers" ref="providers" /> </bean> </blueprint>

Listing 4
// Execute this unit test with the Pax Exam runner @RunWith(JUnit4TestRunner.class) public class ServiceTest { @Test // The bundle context gets supplied by Pax Exam public void apiBundleShouldBeStarted(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception { // the test bundle starts together with other bundles, so we use a service // tracker rather than exposing the test to a race condition ServiceTracker tracker = new ServiceTracker(bundleContext, StockProvider.class.getName(), null);; StockProvider provider = (StockProvider) tracker.waitForService(1000); assertNotNull(provider); } // Define the framework configuration(s) to be tested @Configuration public static Option[] configuration() { return options( frameworks( felix(), equinox() ), junitBundles() mavenBundle("org.ops4j.pax.logging", "pax-logging-api"), mavenBundle("org.apache.aries.blueprint", "org.apache.aries.blueprint"), mavenBundle("jaxlondon.stocks", "stocks-api", "1.0-SNAPSHOT"), mavenBundle("jaxlondon.stocks", "stocks-ftse-random", "1.0-SNAPSHOT"), ); } }

in the example), is removed via another method (removeProvider in the example). A component is deactivated when a mandatory service dependency goes away and re-activated when a replacement becomes available. Blueprint, on the other hand, attempts to hide some of these dynamics. For example if a required service dependency becomes unavailable, a Blueprint bean is not stopped or notified. In fact it will continue to operate until the component tries to use the required service in some way. At that point the Blueprint container will pause to wait for a replacement service to become available and then continues the suspended method call on the service. Through this service damping OSGi bundles built on Blueprint can remain oblivious to short outages (due to for example live updates) of their service dependencies while still enjoying the benefits of potentially continuous updates. Of course Blueprint also has support for letting components listen and react directly to service lifecycle events. The Blueprint snippet in Listing 3 shows the Blueprint descriptor equivalent to the Declarative services descriptor shown before.

Testing with Pax Exam

Sooner or later in the life of an OSGi the question arises of how to test integration between different bundles, especially projects that use OSGi services (for example through one of the component models discussed above). The components can be quite thoroughly unit tested but some level of in-container testing is necessary, for example to ensure that components are defined correctly. Several options exist for running in-container tests, each offering a different way to accomplish the basic goal: launching a bundle with a number of JUnit tests in an OSGi framework with specific runtime bundles. Available choices include Bnd itself, the BndTools integration test configuration based on it and PaxExam [12]. Of these the authors have found PaxExam with its annotation based configuration and stream-lined configuration DSL particularly elegant. A basic PaxExam test (using the 2.0.0 branch) can look like Listing 4. The code snippet shows a simple integration test, which in this case test drives a Blueprint exposed service. Note that even though there is only one @Test annotated method the given test class actually executes two tests: one on Equinox and one on Felix. As shown in the code Pax Exam works particularly well in conjunction with a Maven build infrastructure. However, it can also be used with plain file URLs.

The question of deployment arises relatively early for OSGi projects. With OSGi it is no longer enough to run the Java command with an appropriately long classpath and point to some main class. Instead the task of deploying an OSGi application is complicated by the need first to bootstrap an OSGi framework and then to install and activate the application bundles plus all their dependencies. At the simplest one can start each of the three common open source frameworks (Apache Felix [13] , Eclipse Equinox [14] and Knopflerfish [15]) and then use the default console | May 2011


A Tour Through the OSGi Tool Chain

of the framework all of which are different! or the OSGi framework API to install further bundles. This approach soon becomes highly inconvenient and does not help the accessibility of OSGi frameworks. Especially, for complex applications that use one or more of the compendium or enterprise specifications this way clearly is not an option. Fortunately there are various options both for easily bootstrapping custom slim OSGi runtimes as well as full enterprise strength pre-built runtimes. In almost all cases the various runtime bits are completely runtime-independent as one would expect from the components of a technology focussed primarily on modularity and can be reused in any other of the runtimes.

Pax Runner
As an alternative to the basic native launch facilities of the individual OSGi frameworks, the Pax Runner project [16] provides a unified way to launch any of three open source frameworks (always with the default console installed) and to provision application and support bundles into that framework. This makes starting a simple OSGi application a breeze. Bundles can be provisioned from a variety of sources: files on disk, URLs as well as simple provisioning text files that list bundle resources. In particular there is a lot of flexibility in the URL scheme (through the embedded use of the Pax URL projects); bundles can be sourced directly from a Maven repository by its Maven coordinates. Finally, profiles provide a number of very useful pre-built bundle selections for common capabilities such as a Declarative Services runtime. The command below shows one particular invocation.
pax-run --platform=equinox --profiles=felix.ds <bundles ...>

model, remote access, JAAS based security and provisioning not to mention an excellent and extensible shell (based on the Felix Gogo shell), all of which make working with Karaf a real pleasure. Similar to the profiles that Pax Runner offers are Karaf features, which capture commonly needed functionality. For example, to deploy a Web Application Bundle (WAB) one can simply install the war feature. There is even a feature to deploy a full-fledged Spring dmServer runtime (see below). With a plentitude of predefined EE features, a custom enterprisey runtime that contains just the needed features can be bootstrapped in a breeze. Karaf features can also be used from Pax Runner through the custom scan-features URL scheme. Note that in some cases prerequisites that are available by default in Karaf need to be added manually in a blank Pax Runner framework. One particularly nice option that deserves separate mention is the possibility of provisioning a web console, based on the Apache Felix Web Console [18], which of course can also be installed separately in other runtimes.

Pax Runner profiles and Karaf features rely on pre-defined collections of bundles. This has the benefit that the concrete selection of bundles that make up a feature can be tested reliably. However, this provisioning mechanism is not able to exploit the existence of capabilities in the runtime. For example, the war feature needs the servlet API and will install the Geronimo servlet API bundle regardless of whether the servlet classes are already available (at the right package version) in the runtime. The key challenge for features and profiles are that they are oblivious to the declared bundle dependencies (Import-Package, Require-Bundle etc) and hence the provisioning system cannot avoid duplication. An interesting alternative that does not suffer from this problem is the OSGi Bundle repository technology (OBR), available from Apache Felix OBR [19]. An OSGi bundle repository stores not just bundle binaries but also their capabilities and requirements as extracted from the bundle manifest and possibly other sources (such as component descriptors etc). The provisioner can use these and information about the current runtime to provision exactly what is needed. So provisioning bundle A, which depends on capabilities X and Y where Y is already available in the runtime, will install A and a bundle that provides X (plus any additional transitive dependencies of that bundle). This is a powerful provisioning model that eliminates the need to exactly specify bundle combinations once and for all and shifts the brunt of the work to the provisioning system. For playing around with OBR, Karaf offers an OBR provisioner in the OBR feature. Generating bundle repositories can either be done via the Bindex tool [20], which supports just package and bundle dependencies declared in the bundle manifest, or the Apache Aries repository generator [21], which also generates capabilities and requirements for Blueprint defined services and references this allows servicebased provisioning. A collection of public OBR repositories can be found at Apache Felix Sigil [22].

This command bootstraps an Equinox framework, then installs all the bundles required for the Apache Felix Declarative Services implementation and finally installs all the listed files as bundles into that runtime.

One step up from Pax Runner comes Karaf [17], which provides a much more full-fledged proto-runtime while still being very light-weight and fast to start. By default Karaf comes with excellent built-in support for the Blueprint component

Listing 5
Manifest-Version: 1 Application-ManifestVersion: 1 Application-SymbolicName: Application-Version: 0.3.0 Application-Name: Apache Aries Blog Sample EBA using JPA Application-Description: This EBA contains the sample Blog application. Application-Content:;version="0.3.1.SNAPSHOT",;version="0.3.1.SNAPSHOT",;version="0.3.1.SNAPSHOT",;version="0.3.1.SNAPSHOT" | May 2011


A Tour Through the OSGi Tool Chain

Pre-built enterprise stacks

The runtime options presented so far were all concerned with simplifying the task of managing custom runtimes with just the features needed for the desired OSGi application and no excess baggage. However, in some cases the benefit of a smaller runtime and faster startup time will not outweigh the extra effort required to manage what is essentially a light-weight app server runtime rather than taking a pre-defined all inclusive package. There are three open-source options: Apache Geronimo 3.0 [23], Eclipse Virgo [24] and Glassfish [25]. Each of these supports different types of applications. Underlying those full fledged options are a number of Enterprise specifications, amongst others Blueprint, JNDI, Web and JPA. These are available as individual components from Eclipse Gemini [26] and also Apache Aries [27] with the exception of the Web Application Bundle support, which is available from Pax Web [28] for separate consumption (for example via Karaf, which has pre-defined features for the Aries components). Even though the application models are syntactically different, the core idea is the same between Geronimo and Virgo. An OSGi application, defined via an application manifest in Geronimo, or a plan in Virgo, defines the collection of bundles (and even configuration artifacts in Virgos plans) that logically define the application. As an example, the descriptor for the Apache Aries Blog sample application is shown above.

different tools and frameworks is staggering. This only goes to show the maturity of the components and benefits of OSGi as a platform for modularity and reuse.

Valentin Mahrwald is a software engineer at the IBM Hursley Development Laboratory in Hampshire. He has over two years of experience working on WebSphere Application Server, most of this time spent on the OSGi Applications feature, for which he has also authored the accompanying IBM RedBook. He is an active Apache Software Foundation committer in the Apache Aries project. Valentin holds a Masters degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of York. Holly is a software engineer at IBM's Hursley labs. She is a popular speaker and has spoken at a variety of industry events including Devoxx, JavaZone, The ServerSide Java Symposium, The Great Indian Developer Summit, and WebSphere User Groups. She has also authored several developerWorks articles. She contributes to the Apache Aries project and to WebSphere feature packs. Holly has been with IBM for nine years. Before joining IBM, she completed a doctorate in quantum computation at the University of Oxford.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]

Soon after the first steps of OSGi development are taken many people wonder how to connect things up. For example how can I make two OSGi applications running in two different frameworks talk to each other? How easily can OSGi applications be distributed across multiple deployment systems? How can I connect an OSGi application to a legacy JEE application? Apache CXF and Tuscany provide some answers. Apache CXF [29] is the reference implementation of the Distributed OSGi specification. With very simple metadata additions it allows two OSGi frameworks to be connected on the OSGi service levels. This method of distribution fits very nicely with the OSGi service model, which is dynamic from the start. As with most OSGi specification implementations there is an Eclipse equivalent for distributed OSGi in the ECF project [30]. Apache Tuscany [31] can be used to connect OSGi services to non-OSGi artifacts such as traditional Java, Spring or Web components. For this Tuscany supports SCA (Service component architecture) components to be implemented by OSGi services. In this way such services can be consumed by other SCA components, which are not necessarily implemented in OSGi. Similarly OSGi services defined as SCA components can declare references to and thus consume other SCA components as services, which again need no longer be implemented in OSGi.

This brief tour has hopefully inspired the reader with the sense of how much the OSGi ecosystem has to offer. In the authors experience the amount of reuse between the various | May 2011



Tutorial: Using JPA in an OSGi environment

OSGi and JPA

The tutorial below is a simple guide to developing and running JPA code in diverse OSGi environments (Eclipse Equinox, Apache Felix, Knopflerfish) with various JPA providers (Hibernate, EclipseLink, OpenJPA) and OSGi Enterprise API implementations (Apache Aries, Eclipse Gemini).
By Dmytro Pishchukhin
If you are interested in the source code used in this tutorial, please, refer to [1]. development of JPA model OSGi bundle with persistence. xml JPA model bundle tuning for different JPA providers development of JPA client bundle bundles configuration for Eclipse Gemini with EclipseLink bundles configuration for Apache Aries with OpenJPA build Hibernate OSGi bundle bundles configuration for Apache Aries with Hibernate build EclipseLink activation bundle bundles configuration for Apache Aries with EclipseLink bundles configuration for standalone EclipseLink

JPA and OSGi: known facts.

The Java Persistence API (JPA) is a specification that provides developers with a way to map objects to managing relational data in Java based environments. JPA is a part of Java Enterprise Edition 5 and 6 [2] the latest version of which is 2.0. There are three broadly-known JPA open-source providers in the market: 1. Hibernate [3] 2. EclipseLink [4] 3. OpenJPA [5] The JPA Service Specification was first introduced in OSGi Enterprise Specification 4.2 in March 2010 [6]. Afterards, the Apache and Eclipse communities presented their implementations of the OSGi Enterprise Specifications: Apache Aries [7] Eclipse Gemini [8]

JPA model bundle description

To make our description more comprehensible and vivid lets dwell on our tutorial model. I should mention that this model is a simple structure of two classes (Student and Group Listing 1) that are linked to each other in one-too-many bi-directional way. JPA 2.0 annotations are used to describe persistence entities and named queries. Here we add a persistence description file (persistence.xml Listing 2). It contains the list of model classes and some tutorial-specific settings: transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL" - to set transaction type explicitly. (The tutorial does not cover any optional functionality like external transaction managers)

Short overview of the tutorial steps

Beneath, is a list of the steps that are implemented in this tutorial: | May 2011



Listing 1: Group and Student classes

@NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = Group.GET_GROUPS, query = "SELECT DISTINCT record" + " FROM Group record" + " ORDER BY"), @NamedQuery(name = Group.GET_GROUP_BY_ID, query = "SELECT DISTINCT record" + " FROM Group record" + " WHERE = :groupId") }) @Entity @Table(name = "GROUPS") public class Group { public static final String GET_GROUPS = "GET_GROUPS"; public static final String GET_GROUP_BY_ID = "GET_GROUP_BY_ID"; @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private int id; private String name; @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "group") private List<Student> students; public Group() { } public Group(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public int getId() { return id; } public List<Student> getStudents() { return students; } public void setStudents(List<Student> students) { this.students = students; } } @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = Student.GET_STUDENTS, query = "SELECT DISTINCT record" + " FROM Student record" + " ORDER BY record.lastName"), @NamedQuery(name = Student.GET_STUDENT_BY_ID, query = "SELECT DISTINCT record" })

+ " FROM Student record" + " WHERE = :studentId")

@Entity @Table(name = "STUDENTS") public class Student { public static final String GET_STUDENTS = "GET_STUDENTS"; public static final String GET_STUDENT_BY_ID = "GET_STUDENT_BY_ID"; @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private int id; private String firstName; private String lastName; @ManyToOne(optional = false) private Group group; public Student() { } public Student(String firstName, String lastName, Group group) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; = group; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } public int getId() { return id; } public Group getGroup() { return group; } public void setGroup(Group group) { = group; } } | May 2011



<exclude-unlisted-classes>true</exclude-unlisted-classes> to disable scanning of persistence unit by persistence provider and attach only classes that are explicitly listed. The file should be stored under META-INF/persistence.xml path. The next step for the model is to pack all classes into OSGi bundle. (maven-bundle-plugin configuration - Listing 3). The most important OSGi MANIFEST headers are: Import-Package should contain javax.persistence;version ="1.1.0";jpa="2.0" to import JPA packages with required JPA version Export-Package should export model package: Meta-Persistence: META-INF/persistence.xml is a relative path to persistence description file Import-Package could contain used JDBC driver package (in our case, this is org.apache.derby.jdbc). As an alternative, this package could be imported by client bundle to decouple model from JDBC drivers. Every JPA provider needs minor fine-tuning of the model bundle. Maven profiles were added to meet these requirements:

Listing 2: persistence.xml
<persistence version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <persistence-unit name="jpa.students" transaction-type=" RESOURCE_LOCAL"> <class></class> <class></class> <exclude-unlisted-classes>true</exclude-unlisted-classes> </persistence-unit> </persistence>

Listing 3: Model bundle maven-bundle-plugin configuration

<configuration> <instructions> <Export-Package> </Export-Package> <Import-Package> javax.persistence;version="1.1.0";jpa="2.0", org.apache.derby.jdbc,${extra.packages} </Import-Package> <Meta-Persistence>META-INF/persistence.xml </Meta-Persistence> <Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment> JavaSE-1.6 </Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment> </instructions> </configuration>

EclipseLink profile: name: eclipselink run command: mvn clean install -P eclipselink details: add to imported packages: org.eclipse.persistence. indirection add EclipseLink-specific properties to persistence.xml: - javax.persistence.jdbc.driver - database JDBC driver class name - javax.persistence.jdbc.url - database-specific connection URL - eclipselink.ddl-generation - database generation actions - eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode - database generation target OpenJPA profile: name: openjpa run command: mvn clean install -P openjpa details: add to imported packages: org.apache.openjpa. enhance,org.apache.openjpa.util enhance model classes with org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PCEnhancer add OpenJPA-specific properties to persistence.xml: - javax.persistence.jdbc.driver database JDBC driver class name - javax.persistence.jdbc.url database-specific connection URL - openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings run mapping tool to create database Hibernate profile: name: hibernate run command: mvn clean install -P hibernate details: add to imported packages: org.hibernate. proxy,javassist.util.proxy add Hibernate-specific properties to persistence.xml: - hibernate.dialect - database dialect - - database generation mode - hibernate.connection.url - database connection URL

JPA client bundle description

A client bundle represents a simple console application that uses EntityManager to manipulate with the JPA entities that are provided by the model bundle. The application is integrated into OSGi frameworks console commands with universal shell adapters [9]. A list of available commands (they all are listed with console help command): lsstuds print student records lsgrps print group records delgrp <id> delete group record by ID delstud <id> delete student record by ID addgrp <name> add group record addstud <first_name> <last_name> <group_id> add student record | May 2011



JPA Service Specification (OSGi Enterprise Specification) describes that EntityManagerFactory service should be registered for every pair: Persistence Unit and Persistence Provider. In the client bundle on every command call we use EntityManagerFactory service instance that is available in OSGi registry (Client code sample Listing 4). The client bundle OSGi configuration is represented below (maven-bundle-plugin configuration Listing 5). The most important OSGi MANIFEST headers are as follows:

Import-Package should contain javax.persistence;version= "1.1.0";jpa="2.0" to import JPA packages with required JPA version Import-Package should contain model package:

Gemini with EclipseLink configuration

The Gemini JPA project depicts modular implementations of Java Persistence API technology. This project currently pro} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(out); } }

Listing 4: Client bundle code snippet

private static final String STUDENTS_UNIT = "jpa.students"; private ServiceReference getEntityManagerFactoryServiceReference() throws Exception { ServiceReference[] serviceReferences = bc.getServiceReferences(EntityManagerFactory.class.getName(), String.format("(%s=%s)", EntityManagerFactoryBuilder.JPA_UNIT_NAME, STUDENTS_UNIT)); if (serviceReferences != null && serviceReferences.length > 0) { return serviceReferences[0]; } else { throw new Exception("EntityManagerFactory is not available"); } } public void addgrp(PrintWriter out, String... args) { if (args == null || args.length != 1) { out.println("Group name param is missed"); return; } try { ServiceReference reference = getEntityManagerFactoryServiceReference(); try { EntityManagerFactory emf = (EntityManagerFactory) bc.getService(reference); EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); EntityTransaction transaction = em.getTransaction(); try { transaction.begin(); Group group = new Group(args[0]); em.persist(group); transaction.commit(); out.println(String.format("Group is persisted with ID: %d", group.getId())); } catch (Exception e) { transaction.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(out); } em.close(); } finally { bc.ungetService(reference); }

Listing 5: Client bundle maven-bundle-plugin configuration

<configuration> <instructions> <Export-Package/> <Import-Package> org.osgi*,, javax.persistence;version="1.1.0" </Import-Package> <Bundle-Activator> </Bundle-Activator> <Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment> JavaSE-1.6</Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment> </instructions> </configuration>

Listing 6: Gemini JPA OPS4J Pax Runner configuration

<param>mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.compendium/4.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.enterprise/4.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec/1.1</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa/2.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.core/2.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.antlr/2.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.asm/2.2.0</param> <param>file:///${project.basedir}/libs/gemini/org.eclipse.gemini.jpa. weaving_1.0.0.RC1.jar@nostart</param> <param>file:///${project.basedir}/libs/gemini/org.eclipse.gemini. jpa_1.0.0.RC1.jar</param> <param>file:///${project.basedir}/libs/gemini/org.apache. derby_10.5.1.1.jar</param> <param>file:///${project.basedir}/libs/gemini/org.eclipse.gemini. dbaccess.derby_1.0.0.M1-incubation.jar</param> <param></param> <param></param> | May 2011



Listing 7: Aries with OpenJPA OPS4J Pax Runner configuration

<param>mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.compendium/4.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.enterprise/4.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec/1.1</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.derby/derby/</param> <param>mvn:commons-collections/commons-collections/3.2.1</param> <param>mvn:commons-pool/commons-pool/1.5.5</param> <param>mvn:commons-dbcp/commons-dbcp/1.4</param> <param>mvn:commons-lang/commons-lang/2.6</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.openjpa/openjpa/2.1.0</param> <param>mvn:org.slf4j/slf4j-api/1.6.1</param> <param>mvn:org.slf4j/slf4j-simple/1.6.1@nostart</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles. serp/1.13.1_3</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.aries/org.apache.aries.util/0.3</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.api/0.3</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.container/0.3</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.aries.transaction/org.apache.aries.transaction. manager/0.3</param> <param></param> <param></param>

</instructions> </configuration>

Listing 9: Hibernate bundle Activator

public class Activator implements BundleActivator { private static final String JAVAX_PERSISTENCE_PROVIDER_PROP = "javax.persistence.provider"; private ServiceRegistration serviceRegistration; @Override public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception { HibernatePersistence persistence = new HibernatePersistence(); Dictionary<String, String> props = new Hashtable<String, String>(); props.put(JAVAX_PERSISTENCE_PROVIDER_PROP, persistence.getClass().getName()); serviceRegistration = context.registerService (PersistenceProvider.class.getName(), persistence, props); } @Override public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception { serviceRegistration.unregister(); } }

Listing 10: Aries with Hibernate configuration bundles

<param>mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.compendium/4.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.enterprise/4.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec/1.1</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.derby/derby/</param> <param>mvn:commons-collections/commons-collections/3.2.1</param> <param>mvn:org.slf4j/slf4j-api/1.6.1</param> <param>mvn:org.slf4j/slf4j-simple/1.6.1@nostart</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jta_1.1_spec/1.1.1</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.serp/ 1.13.1_3</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.aries/org.apache.aries.util/0.3</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.api/0.3</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.container/0.3</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.aries.transaction/org.apache.aries.transaction.manager/ 0.3</param> <param></param> <param></param> <param></param>

Listing 8: Hibernate bundle configuration

<configuration> <instructions> <Export-Package>org.hibernate*;-split-package:=merge-first,javassist* </Export-Package> <Import-Package> org.osgi*,javax.persistence*;version="1.1.0",javax.naming*, javax.sql,javax.transaction*;version="1.1.0",javax.xml.*, org.apache.commons.collections*,org.slf4j,org.w3c.dom,org.xml.sax*, !javax.validation*,!*,!com.sun.jdi*,!org.gjt.xpp, !org.relaxng.datatype,!org.xmlpull.v1,!org.jaxen*,!com.sun.msv. datatype*,!org.objectweb*,!net.sf.cglib*,!javax.swing*, !* </Import-Package> <!-- Import JDBC drivers dynamically --> <DynamicImport-Package>*</DynamicImport-Package> <Bundle-Activator> </Bundle-Activator> <Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment>JavaSE-1.6 </Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment> <Embed-Dependency>antlr;inline=true,dom4j;inline=true </Embed-Dependency> | May 2011



vides the integration with the EclipseLink JPA provider to support the OSGi JPA specification approach that clients can use to get JPA support in an OSGi framework. The latest released version 1.0RC1 (25 March 2011) requires JDBC Service Specification (implemented by Gemini DBAccess) to access database and supports only Equinox as OSGi framework. In Listing 6, you can find a list of configuration bundles:

Aries with OpenJPA configuration

The Aries project delivers a set of pluggable Java components enabling an enterprise OSGi application programming model. This includes implementations and extensions of application-focused specifications defined by the OSGi Alliance Enterprise Expert Group. Apache OpenJPA is a Java persistence project at The Apache Software Foundation that can be used as a stand-alone POJO persistence layer or integrated into any Java EE compliant container and many other lightweight frameworks. Listing 7 shows a list of configuration bundles. All tests of this configuration are passed except Knopflerfish OSGi framework test. It failed with some class loading exception.

the programming interfaces and lifecycle rules as defined by the JPA 2.0 specification. In accordance with the fact that the Hibernate community does not supply Hibernate engine with OSGi bundle MANIFEST, we have to create it ourselves with maven-bundleplugin using a simpler version of configuration described by Peter Kriens [10] (Listing 8). The other point that we have to achieve is an activation of Hibernate Persistence Provider that will be available for Aries (Listing 9). Listing 10 shows a list of configuration bundles.

Aries with EclipseLink configuration

The Eclipse Persistence Services Project (EclipseLink) delivers a comprehensive open-source Java persistence solution. The EclipseLink JPA provides developers with a standards based Object-Relational persistence solution with additional support for many advanced features. Though EclipseLink project delivers OSGi bundles, we have to activate EclipseLink Persistence Provider to make it available for Apache Aries (Listing 11). Listing 12 shows a list of configuration bundles.

Aries with Hibernate configuration

Hibernate is an Object/Relational Mapping solution for Java environments. Hibernate EntityManager project implements

Standalone EclipseLink
It is possible to use EclipseLink as a standalone OSGi JPA provider. This solution has been announced as deprecated since version 2.2.0 but it can be used as well, if you do not

Listing 11: EclipseLink bundle Activator

public class Activator implements BundleActivator { private static final String JAVAX_PERSISTENCE_PROVIDER_PROP = "javax.persistence.provider"; private ServiceRegistration serviceRegistration; @Override public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception { org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider persistence = new org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider(); Dictionary<String, String> props = new Hashtable<String, String>(); props.put(JAVAX_PERSISTENCE_PROVIDER_PROP, persistence.getClass().getName()); serviceRegistration = context.registerService(PersistenceProvider.class.getName(), persistence, props); } @Override public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception { serviceRegistration.unregister(); } }

Listing 12: Aries with EclipseLink configuration bundles

<param>mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.compendium/4.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.enterprise/4.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec/1.1</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.derby/derby/</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa/2.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.core/2.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.antlr/2.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.asm/2.2.0</param> <param>mvn:commons-collections/commons-collections/3.2.1</param> <param>mvn:org.slf4j/slf4j-api/1.6.1</param> <param>mvn:org.slf4j/slf4j-simple/1.6.1@nostart</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.serp/ 1.13.1_3</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.aries/org.apache.aries.util/0.3</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.api/0.3</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.container/0.3</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.aries.transaction/org.apache.aries.transaction.manager/ 0.3</param> <param></param> <param></param> <param></param> | May 2011



feel like adding any extra libraries to support JPA. One extra header has been added to the model bundle to make Persistence Units available for the following EclipseLink configuration:
JPA-PersistenceUnits: jpa.students

The test results are depicted in Table 1.

Summing up everything above, I would like to emphasize that the presented tutorial is only a starting point to use JPA in your OSGi environment. Consequently, we can speak about plenty of things that can be added and tested with the provided configurations: JPA provider features (e.g. cache, external transactions etc.), OSGi Enterprise features (e.g. Blueprint, Data Source Factories, JNDI etc.) and support of different databases.

You can see a list of configuration bundles in Listing 13.

Run configurations and tests result

One of the main goals of the tutorial is to prove, that there is a feasible and easy way to run the same JPA model and client bundles with various configurations. In this tutorial five different JPA configurations were created and every configuration was tested with three OSGi frameworks. The configurations can be run with:
mvn -f pom_<configuration>.xml -P <osgi_framework>

Available configurations: gemini aries-eclipselink aries-openjpa aries-hibernate eclipselink Available OSGi frameworks: equinox felix kf

Dmytro Pishchukhin is a consultant with over a decade extensive experience in Java, JEE, OSGi. He took a part in many OSGi projects for different markets: automotive, telematics, smart-house, train industry. He is a member of open-source projects related to OSGi technologies: www. and Dmytro currently resides in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

References and useful links

[1] Tutorial Sources: [2] JEE 6 tutorial: [3] Hibernate JPA provider: [4] EclipseLink JPA provider: [5] OpenJPA provider: [6] OSGi Specification Release 4 Version 4.2: Release4V42 [7] Apache Aries project: [8] Eclipse Gemini project: [9] Universal OSGi shell adapters: UniversalShell [10] Using Bnd To Do a Quick Wrap of Hibernate: BndHibernate [11] Eclipse Equinox OSGi framework: [12] Apache Felix OSGi framework: [13] Knopflerfish OSGi framework: [14] OSGi Support in JPA 2.0 Persistence Providers: [15] JPA persistence in OSGi with openJPA: [16] OpenJPA and OSGi: Apache Aries 0.3 with EclipseLink 2.2.0 passed passed passed Apache Aries 0.3 with Hibernate 3.6.3 passed passed passed Standalone EclipseLink 2.2.0 passed passed passed

Listing 13: Standalone EclipseLink configuration bundles

<param>mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.compendium/4.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.enterprise/4.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec/1.1</param> <param>mvn:org.apache.derby/derby/</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa/2.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.osgi/2.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.core/2.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.antlr/2.2.0</param> <param>mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.asm/2.2.0</param> <param></param> <param></param>

OSGi framework/ Configuration Equinox 3.6.2 [11] Felix 3.2.0 [12] Knopflerfish 3.1.0 [13]
Table 1: Test results

Eclipse Gemini 1.0RC1 passed not supported not supported

Apache Aries 0.3 with OpenJPA 2.1.0 passed passed ClassLoader issues | May 2011



OSGi and the Enterprise?

The Cure for Complexity

OSGiTM is the dynamic module system for JavaTM; but what is its relevance to the modern enterprise?
By Richard Nicholson
To answers this question, reflect for a moment upon the challenges most likely faced by your own organization: Do your customers demand highly reliable, agile, secure and low cost business systems? Is your environment able to efficiently scale to meet unpredictable volumes caused by increasingly volatile markets? Are you able to quickly adapt business systems to meet new market opportunities? Is on-going fragmentation of your business value chain a challenge for your legacy stove-piped business processes? Is the operational environment volatile? Short term volatility caused by infrastructure failures, software faults and operational errors. Long term volatility driven by mergers and acquisitions, frequent strategy changes, waves of offshoring, on-shoring, out-sourcing and in-sourcing initiatives? Despite numerous initiatives, are operational maintenance costs continuing to increase? As will be shown, application modularity is the key stone required to successfully addresses these issues. If your business systems are Java based, then OSGi technology will be central to this strategy. field applications run side-by-side with applications that have been in operational use for 30-40 years. Applications become obsolete and need to be replaced (obsolete technology, endof-life applications). Meanwhile it is not unusual for several thousand application changes a week to be driven by a continuous flow of new business requirements. The economic cost of such IT complexity is hard to quantify but probably exorbitant. According to the Standish Group [1], 66% of all IT projects either fail outright or take much longer to install than expected because of their complexity. For IT projects costing over $10m apiece, 98% fall short of meeting their business objectives. Meanwhile, a 2002 study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST [3]) reports that developers spend nearly 80% of their time fixing bugs. Accounting for this debugging overhead, a typical programmer writes between 8 and 20 lines of new code a day. As a result, developer productivity has plummeted. The NIST study concludes that software errors cost the U.S. economy an estimated $59.5 billion annually. Supporting similar conclusions of this earlier NIST study, recent work by Anne Thomas Manes (a Senior Gartner Research Analyst), estimates that ongoing maintenance accounts for 92% of the total lifetime cost of each application: see slides 9 & 10 SOA Symposium: Berlin, October 2010. The conclusions are inescapable; if left unchecked environmental complexity and operational costs will continue to spiral. If left unchecked, an organizations business systems will continue to deteriorate.

The Cost of Complexity The Harsh Realities

Large organizations have IT systems that comprise of thousands of applications: these highly complex environments comprising of a large number of tightly coupled network components running 10s or even 100s of millions of lines of code. Such environments are heterogeneous and volatile. New green

The Nature of Complexity

We live in a complex world; a world comprised of diverse ecological, political, commercial and social networks; each node within each network itself a complex system of interrelated parts. We make sense of this complexity through the processes of encapsulation and abstraction. Via encapsulation we partition reality into distinct entities; i.e. we modularize reality. Via abstraction,we mask the internal complexities of these entities; instead referring to these entities by simple descriptions.

Figure 1: On average amount of software doubles every 7 years see [2] | May 2011



Figure 2: OSGi technology enables modularity and re-use via two complementary mechanisms. Large monolithic applications may be broken into a number of local or remote interconnect OSGi Services. Meanwhile each Service may be comprised of one or more OSGi bundles.

specific functions, without worrying about their internal details. As long as the module boundaries are invariant, the impact of change is localized to each module and prevented from leaking into the wider system. By allowing parallel engineering teams to concurrently work on different modules within the same system, modularity directly facilitates efficiency increases in the development process. The deliverables from each development team can be independently versioned. Finally, as these modules perform a few, or a single function, they are much easier to exhaustively unit test: the working modules then simple assemble into a full application for integration testing. As complexity is an issue at all structural levels, so modularity must be applied at all structural levels [4]. This realization has, sometimes unknowingly, underpinned a number of recent technology trends including: Business Process Management The codification and modularization of business workflow. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) The move from business systems rigidly coupled with proprietary protocols to services accessed via common protocols. Cloud Computing The decoupling of applications from the underlying compute resources upon which they run; so allowing a more modular runtime environments. Yet in each of the above transformations the underlying application portfolio remains untouched; each a rotting code-base that drives environmental complexity. To directly address environmental complexity one must also embrace application modularity.

Modularity and Assembly

Modularity is the cure for complexity. Modularity localizes the impact of change, which directly leads to increased maintainability. In a composite system, knowledge is only required for the particular module being worked upon, along with its relationship to other modules within the system. These other modules may be treated as black boxes that perform

OSGi the dynamic module system for Java

For JavaTM based applications, OSGiTM is the industry standard for modularity and dynamic assembly. OSGi enables application modularity, in two distinct ways: SOA inside OSGi Services interact with each other via local or distributed OSGi service registries in a dynamic manner. As with traditional coarse-grained Service Oriented Architectures, as long as the service interfaces are maintained, individual services may be rapidly evolved

An old Idea
The concept of assembling a product from a set of well-defined re-usable components is not new. Indeed its roots can be traced back to at least 250BC with emperor Qin Shi Huang and his commissioning of the Terracotta Army [7]. Whatever the product, the driver for modularity and subsequent assembly is to; increase and maintain quality, reduce cost and increase output. The modern archetype for modularity and assembly is the automotive industry, where extensive use of standardization, modularity and assembly results in the mass production of affordable automobiles.

The OSGi Alliance Accidental Complexity?

The term Accidental Complexity is frequently used but rarely adequately defined. Accidental Complexity can be simply defined as the difference between a given structure and the simplest possible alternative that interacts with the external world in exactly the same fashion. Left unchecked, accidental complexity (unnecessary structure) accretes over time. Since 1999 the OSGi Alliance [5] has successfully created and shepherded a portfolio of OSGi standards; expanding the scope of OSGi specifications, providing reference implementations and guidance to the industry. Now, in 2011, OSGi adoption spans the embedded device market, the Eclipse IDE framework used by millions of Java developers and mission critical ISV middleware products used by some of the largest of enterprise environments. | May 2011



and re-factored without affecting their environment; i.e. the local or remote services with which they interoperate. Hence monolithic applications may be broken into a number of Services; each of which may be independently maintained, enhanced and used outside its initial context. Java Modularity OSGi also provides the software industries modularity standard for Java. Each OSGi Service may be comprised of one or more OSGi bundles modules. In this manner, common infrastructure or processing logic code may be encapsulated within a set of commonly used OSGi bundles and re-used across many OSGi Services. By enabling industry standards based modularity, OSGi technology provides the foundations for any business IT transformation program whose primary aim is to reduce environmental complexity and so medium term application total cost of ownership.

and maintenance. Its not necessary to understand the whole system inside-out, each individual can independently work on small well-defined and decoupled modules. This directly translates to increased project delivery success rates; as small, well-contained projects have a higher success rate than larger and more poorly constrained projects. Hence OSGi is a natural technology partner to the agile development techniques adopted in recent years by many organizations. With the appropriate organizational incentives in place to encourage re-use over code creation; further significant efficiencies are realized by cross team re-use of OSGi bundles and services. 4. Product Delivery By embracing modularity, by breaking large monolithic applications into composite applications comprised of a number of independent modules, an organization naturally moves away from high-risk water-fall product release processes towards lower-risk incremental feature releases. 5. Maintenance From an ongoing maintenance perspective it is now possible to re-factor a composite application; a module at a time; reversing design rot, increasing code re-use, and so systematically driving accidental complexity out of each application and so over time, the environment as a whole. 6. Enhanced IT Governance Structural information is no longer locked away within key members of staff, or out of date configurations; rather it is explicitly defined by OSGi metadata. Courtesy of this metadata, the structure of each composite application is known. It is therefore a simple task to answer questions like: Which software licenses are used? Which production applications are at risk from a third party library with an identified security vulnerability? The structure of a composite application may be rapidly mapped by any OSGi literate engineer; this significantly reducing the amount of forensic work needed to decipher and understand an applications code-base: so decreasing operation risk associated with loss of key development personal. Finally, prior versions of an application may be rapidly reconstituted; this offering great value to those organizations that are required to validate the past behavior of a business system to a regulatory authority. 7. Reducing Operational Risk Increasing Business Agility As the internal structure of monolithic applications is poorly understood, upgrades are complex and high risk. This coupled with the long developer diagnostic/fix cycles, results in production outages and instabilities that may spans several working days or even weeks. Operations respond to this challenge by maintaining a number of isolated horizontal production silos; attempting to ensure service availability by releasing new software, one silo at a time: so increasing op-

OSGi The Business Benefits

Having embarked upon an OSGi based application transformation strategy; which operational metrics indicate that the strategy is succeeding? 1. Developer Efficiency - Accelerated compile, test, run. For large monolithic applications it may not be possible to test changes in the developers local IDE, as compile times may be many hours. As a result, developers are forced to rely upon unit and integration tests that run during the nightly build cycle. This in-turn causes bug detection and rectification cycles to take days, with an increased likelihood that some issues are not found and will leak into production. In contrast, OSGi bundles tend to be small, cohesive and de-coupled significantly reducing development and debug time. 2. Resource Utilization Traditional monolithic applications lack information concerning required software libraries. In response, developers typically load every possible library into their IDE: driving development, UAT and Production memory requirements much higher than actually required. However, once dependencies are understood and mechanisms are in place so that only required libraries are automatically loaded, the number of artifacts may be reduced by an order of magnitude, with corresponding reduction in required machine memory. For an organization with several hundred developers the cost savings are considerable: the potential to reduce memory footprint in production potentially resulting in even more substantial savings. 3. Developer Efficiency - parallelism and agility Developing a monolithic application requires multiple developers to concurrently work and test against the complete application code-base. In contrast, a modular system lends itself well to many hands being involved in its development | May 2011



erational management, compute hardware and data-center real-estate costs. Yet stability and agility are closely related concerns. The more agile the business service, the easier it is to change from one well-defined state to the next; whether this be to introduce new business functionality, applying a patch, or rolling back to a previously well known functioning state. With an advanced OSGi based runtime, each application is self-describing; meaning the dependencies between versioned modules and dependencies on runtime infrastructure are known. A business system and any associated runtime middleware services may be dynamically deployed in seconds. Subsequent enhancements may be applied and removed just as rapidly: so significantly increasing business agility, decreasing operational risk and operational expense.

no longer bearable), necessity the mother of all invention will drive organizations towards modular, dynamic assembled, applications and so towards OSGi; the industry standard for Java modularity.

Richard is CEO and Founder of Paremus Ltd and is President of the OSGi Alliance. Richard maintains a keen interest in a number of research areas including Recovery Oriented techniques and Self-Organizing and Complex Adaptive System design. He is specifically interested in the application of such concepts to next generation distributed system designs and is an active contributor to the OSGi Alliance RFP 133 on Cloud Computing. Prior to founding Paremus, Richard headed the European System Engineering function for Salomon Smith Barney/Citigroup. Richard graduated from Manchester University with Honors in Physics and went on to gain an Astrophysics doctorate from the Royal Greenwich Observatory.

Modular Systems are Maintainable Systems

As identified by James Governor in his article The Rise of the Stackless Stack [6]; current industry trends are collectively shifting away from rigidly coupled, static, opaque environments; towards adaptive, loosely coupled systems which are dynamically assembled from well-defined software components that run across a fluid set of compute resources. Excessive application maintenance costs will ensure that this trend continues into the foreseeable future. Sooner (for those that seek significant competitive advantage) or later (for those that find that operational issues are

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

The Portal for Java, Enterprise Architecture and SOA.

Using OSGi in the Enterpise

Using OSGi in the Enterprise

The Enterprise OSGi Specification

The OSGi Service Platform Enterprise Specification, Release 4, Version 4.2 is produced by the Enterprise Expert Group of the OSGi Alliance. It is based on the OSGi Service Platform Core Specification, Release 4, Version 4.2. The specification combines previously published as well as new OSGi services that address the common use cases of enterprise applications and application server developers. It serves as a first reference point for enterprise software vendors when considering the use of OSGi in their environment to fulfill their own needs or to better serve the needs of their customers.

By Tim Diekmann and David Bosschaert

The Enterprise Specification includes the recommended specifications for a number of areas. Some of the areas are described in this article and are referred to as Enterprise OSGi. The services of the specification have been designed to guarantee integration with OSGi and cooperation among each other.

Configuration Admin Service

Nearly every application needs configuration. Whether its a server process or a Rich Client Application, there is usually some configuration involved. The OSGi specifications provide a standard way to provide and consume configuration information through the OSGi Configuration Admin Service (CAS). Consumption of CAS configuration is completely decoupled from the provisioning of it. This means that you can write a bundle that consumes Configuration Admin information completely independent of the entity that provides it. Lets look at consumption first. To consume configuration, create an implementation of the ManagedService interface and register it in the OSGi Service Registry under a Service PID. The PID acts as a key to direct configuration information to this ManagedService. The ManagedService has one callback method: updated(). It will get called as soon as there is configuration information available for the registered PID. The configuration itself is passed in as a java.util.Dictionary object (similar to a Map). You can find an example in Listing 1. In this example the configuration property being used is server.url. It is possible that updated() is called without this information specified, in which case a default will be used. Note that ConfigAdmin supports dynamic re-configuration so the ManagedService should support reconfiguration of the component at runtime. The ManagedService implementation is registered in the OSGi Service Registry with a key which is used to address it, e.g. from a BundleActivator (Listing 2).

Setting the configuration can be done through a variety of means. Popular tools for setting ConfigAdmin configuration include the Felix file-install bundle (which takes configuration from a .cfg file) and the Felix Web Console. The ConfigurationAdmin API can also be used to integrate with another configuration data system. Some additional notes; ConfigAdmin uses maps to pass configuration data around, which is very flexible. It is pos-

Listing 1
import java.util.Dictionary; import; import; public class MyManagedService implements ManagedService { public void updated(Dictionary properties) throws ConfigurationException { String serverURL = "http://localhost:7070/server"; // my default if (properties != null) { Object url = properties.get("server.url"); if (url != null) serverURL = url.toString(); } applyMyConfig(serverURL); // configure the system with the data supplied } }

Listing 2
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception { ManagedService ms = new MyManagedService(); Dictionary props = new Hashtable(); props.put(Constants.SERVICE_PID, ""); reg = context.registerService(ManagedService.class.getName(), ms, props); } | May 2011


Using OSGi in the Enterpise

This can be supported very well through a ManagedServiceFactory. This CAS concept allows the creation of multiple entity instances based on similar configuration data. Each instance of configuration data contains the specifics for creating an image in a particular type of cloud. When created and passed to ConfigurationAdmin, it will call a specific ManagedServiceFactory with the config information. The factory knows how to create the cloud image for its specific cloud from the data provided. Once the image has been created, the factory registers a management object which implements a common management interface as an OSGi service. Finally, the client application that manages the cloud instances (checks their status, starts and stops them etc) has no need to know anything about cloud specifics. It operates on the OSGi Services through the common management interface using CAS ManagedServiceFactories to contol multiple cloud images (Figure 1).

Component Models
While the OSGi framework API is relatively simple to use, it is still considered infrastructure that can bleed into the application code of a bundle. The lookup of services, the tracking of their lifecycle and availability quickly become an overwhelming task to be managed correctly and efficiently. Enterprise OSGi, therefore, provides two interoperable Dependency Injection (DI) based component frameworks, Declarative Services and the Blueprint Container. These component frameworks ensure decoupling of the application code from the OSGi APIs. They provide an OSGi bundle programming model with minimal implementation dependencies and virtually no accidental complexity in the Java code. Furthermore, both frameworks elegantly address the issue of long start-up times when many services are instantiated and made available without being needed as well as the resulting increased memory footprint. Managing the component lifecycle by instantiating services on demand and on-the-fly ensures optimal use of resources. Following OSGi best practices, the provider and the clients of a service are implemented by different components. The bundle containing the shared service interface, for the most part, is implemented and contributed as a simple bundle with no lifecycle of its own. Both the provider and the client components will be wired to it by the DI framework. In the following example we have a simple interface:
public interface PrintDate { public String formatDate(Date date); }

Figure 1: Using CAS ManagedServiceFactories to contol multiple cloud images.

sible to restrict the data to a schema by using the Metatype specification. Its also possible to use CAS to configure multiple instances of entities of similar type. For example, take a cloud toolkit that supports managing cloud instances using a common API. It might support managing cloud instances in EC2, Rackspace and Microsoft Azure. Creating cloud images may be highly specific to the cloud vendor. However, once created, the management operations can be abstracted across cloud providers through a common API.

Listing 3
public class SimpleDateFormatterComponent implements PrintDate { public String formatDate(Date date) { if (date != null) { return new SimpleDateFormat().format(date); } return null; } }

Listing 4
public class PrintDateClient { private PrintDate provider; public void setProvider(PrintDate provider) { this.provider = provider; } }

as well as an implementation (Listing 3) and a consumer that has a member and a setter for the component framework to inject the reference(Listing 4). Lets see how this is implemented in DS and Blueprint.

Declarative Services
Declarative Services (DS) is a simple and yet powerful component model. The component implementation, its provided services, and the service references are documented in a XML file that accompanies the project. The schema of the XML file | May 2011


Using OSGi in the Enterpise

is defined by the OSGi Alliance and the latest version is 1.1.0. The user code is freed of all references to OSGi API and can thereby be tested easily in JUnit and other Java test frameworks (Listing 5). In order to be processed by DS a bundle has to identify itself as a DS contributor by defining the Service-Component header in the bundle manifest.
Service-Component: OSGI-INF/org.example.ds.client.PrintDateClient.xml

<reference name="provider" interface="org.example.api.PrintDate" cardinality="1..n"/>

Each component is defined in its own XML file listed in the header and it is possible to use the * wildcard to automatically match all XML files in a given folder. By convention the DS component XML files are stored in the OSGI-INF folder of the bundle. Each component description includes the name of the component and the implementing class.
<implementation class="org.example.ds.client.PrintDateClient"/>

Components can provide services, consume services, or both at the same time. The service and reference elements describe the service interface to be used in the registration of the service or in a filter when resolving service dependencies (Listing 6). In DS all component properties are automatically registered as service properties of the registered service unless they are marked as private. Private properties start with a . in the name and are only visible to the component implementation. Using attributes on the reference element for services it is possible to declare the client interest in multiple services of the same type and whether those references are mandatory for the lifecycle of the component or optional.

In this example the cardinality of 1..n indicates that the client is interested in all services matching the filter criteria and it requires at least one to become functional. DS handles dependency management on behalf of the component. By setting the policy attribute in the reference element to static, DS ties the life span of the component to the availability of the reference. If set to dynamic DS tries to find an alternate suitable candidate to remove the reference that has failed. Only if no replacement can be found, the component is deactivated and its services unregistered. By default, DS initiates the lifecycle of components automatically by calling the default constructor. It is possible to provide configuration properties for the instance as well as delaying the instantiation of a component until its registered service is requested by a client. These activation policies are declared as attributes of the component. The component implementation can participate in the activation process by implementing the activate() method. This allows for client bundles to start their processing once all dependencies are satisfied.
public void activate() { System.out.println(this.provider.formatDate(new Date())); }

Listing 5
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <scr:component xmlns:scr="" name="org.example.ds.client.PrintDateClient"> <implementation class="org.example.ds.client.PrintDateClient"/> <reference name="provider" interface="org.example.api.PrintDate" bind="setProvider"/> </scr:component>

Listing 6
<reference name="provider" interface="org.example.api.PrintDate" bind="setProvider"/> <service> <provide interface="org.example.api.PrintDate"/> <service>
0..1 1..1 0..n 1..n one or no reference (optional dependency) one reference (mandatory dependency) zero or many references (all available dependencies) one or many references (at least one reference is required)

A similar callback for the deactivation is available by implementing the deactivate() method. DS supports the factory pattern for components by setting the factory attribute on the component declaration. DS then registers a org.osgi.service. component.ComponentFactory service on behalf of the component that allows clients to create new instances with a given configuration. The description of the component and its implementation has to be understood as templates for individual instances. To configure the instances on demand or at startup time, DS integrates very tightly with the Configuration Admin Service (CAS). Components are typically configured with static property defaults in the component XML file. In order to support more dynamic configurations, DS uses the name of the component as a PID to obtain a configuration from CAS, see Configuration Admin Service. The configuration-policy attribute of the component element controls the configuration policy used by DS. If set to ignore, the configuration is not obtained from CAS. Setting the value to require makes it mandatory for a PID to be available from CAS and optional will use the configuration from CAS when it is available.

Blueprint Container
The Blueprint Container specification is based on the popular Spring framework and the work that was done by the Spring Dynamic Modules project to integrate it with OSGi. The definition of components as beans will look very familiar to those with experience in Spring. There are now multiple open and closed source implementations available, namely Eclipse Gemini, Apache Aries, and Virgo from SpringSource (VMWare).

Table 1: Cardinality Table | May 2011


Using OSGi in the Enterpise

DS and the Blueprint framework are very similar. The most obvious similarity is the use of XML files to describe the components, their lifecycle, and their interactions among each other and with the OSGi framework. Youll find an Example Blueprint definition file in Listing 7. DS is very efficient and meant for lightweight components with focus on startup times and memory footprint, Blueprint is more focused on enterprise applications demanding a high degree of flexibility and extensibility. Components in Blueprint are referred to as beans. In its simplest form a bean definition contains an id and an implementation class.
<bean id="client" class="org.example.bp.client.PrintDateClient"/>

<bean id="client" class="org.example.bp.client.PrintDateClient"/> <property name="provider" ref="provider"/> </bean>

DS and Blueprint both provide the ability to have multiple instances of a declared reference injected. The Blueprint declaration
<reference-list id="providers" interface="org.example.api.PrintDate"/>

This simple example assumes the presence of a public default constructor. Blueprint does, however, support the passing of static properties as well as references to other beans and other non standard constructors. Similar to DS, beans are defined in one or more XML files inside of a bundle. The bundle has to indicate its support for Blueprint by providing the Bundle-Blueprint header in the manifest file.
Bundle-Blueprint: OSGI-INF/org.example.bp.client.xml

expects the bean to take a List<org.example.api.PrintDate> as the argument for the setter. The list is automatically updated with available references. In DS the same was declared using the cardinality attribute on the reference element. Like DS, Blueprint differentiates between mandatory and optional dependencies, which has an impact on the lifecycle of the bean and its availability to others. Of course, Blueprint beans can implement and export services to the OSGi service registry.
<service id="providersvc" interface="org.example.api.Printdate" ref="provider"/>

The value of the header may point to individual definition files or to directories inside the bundle. It may also use the * wildcard character to match multiple files in a single location. The definition of a single component in Blueprint may span across multiple definition files. This allows for clearer separation of concerns and modularity in the definition itself. Bundle fragments may also contribute bean definitions and can be reused among multiple components. In DS fragments can contribute component definitions but they have to be complete as they cannot span multiple files. In Blueprint references and services are defined separately from the bean implementation declaration. This allows for service references to be declared once and reused multiple times by one or multiple beans.
<reference id="provider" interface="org.example.api.PrintDate"/>

A client declares a private member provider of the type org. example.api.PrintDate together with a public setter for Blueprint to call with the referenced object.

Listing 7
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <blueprint xmlns=""> <bean id="myid" class="org.example.bp.MyClass" /> <service id="srvc" interface="org.example.api.PrintDate" ref="myid"/> </blueprint>

The registered service can be augmented with properties that can then be used in filters specified in the reference element. Instead of listing interfaces individually, Blueprint can introspect the implementation and select the service interfaces automatically from the implementation. The properties of the service registration can be individually configured, which was not possible in DS where all public properties are part of the registration automatically. In general, Blueprint beans are instantiated when all mandatory references are satisfied and they are referenced by other beans or their service is requested. Services provided by beans become available to others once a bean has been initialized. As soon as mandatory dependencies are no longer satisfied the services of a bean becomes unavailable. Blueprint has many configuration options to customize the initialization and dependency management. This includes, among others, the ability to immediately instantiate beans on startup or delay their creation as well as customizing the callbacks for lifecycle and dependency injection handling. Among the significant differences between Blueprint and Declarative Services is the overall availabilty and lifecycle of components that have declared their dependencies to be managed by a component framework. In DS, components become available and unavailable as soon as their dependencies are satisfied or unsatisfied. This may lead to component thrashing in larger configurations, where objects are created and destroyed in high frequency. Blueprint, on the other hand, uses dynamic proxies that are injected into beans. The proxies are able to cope with the temporary unavailability of services by blocking the calling thread for a configurable amount of time until a replacement is found. After the timeout has expired, the proxy will throw a org.osgi.framework.ServiceUnavailableException for the client to handle. However, neither the proxy nor the bean will need to be destroyed unnecessarily. | May 2011


Using OSGi in the Enterpise

The use of dynamic proxies implies that a service has to implement an interface and cannot be a simple class. This is different from DS, where services can be provided by classes without implementing an interface.

JEE Technology Integration

HTTP Service and Web Applications Recognizing the significant investment of enterprise into the JEE technology, the Enterprise Expert has focused its attention in the first version of the specification on the use cases that integrate JEE technology with OSGi. Some of the most critical ones are mentioned here. Current Java enterprise architectures almost always require support for web technologies to provide content. The most common form is the use of Java servlets and web applications. Enterprise OSGi addresses both of them. The Http Service Specification provides a simple way in OSGi to register servlets programmatically. The Web Application Specification defines how to turn an existing Java EE web application war file into an OSGi bundle. In addition to surfacing the same capabilities as a Java EE web container, the applications can leverage the OSGi module and service layers. This reduces memory footprint and opens up extensibility concepts that are otherwise not possible with static content. HTTP Service Specification Contributing and surfacing Java servlets programmatically in OSGi is as simple as installing an implementation of the org. osgi.http.HTTPService, obtaining a reference to the service, and using the very simple interface to register static resource content as well as servlets (Listing 8). To register a static resource like a welcome.html file located at the root of the bundle, simply call
svc.registerResources(/files, /, null);.

Jasper project to compile .jsp files into Java servlets on demand. The simplicity of the programming model makes the HTTP Service very appealing for simple projects already implemented in OSGi. However, the service interface lacks support for common features like servlet and context listeners. The current version has support for the Java Servlet Specification in version 2.1. Web Applications Specification Most features that are missing in the HTTP Service Specification are provided by the Web Application Specification, which in its current release supports the Java Servlet Specification 2.5 and Java Server Pages Specification 2.1. It is fair to say that the vast majority of Java based enterprise applications are written as Java EE web applications and packaged as war files. To ease the adoption and integration with OSGi the Web Applications Specification defines a standard way of taking an existing war file and converting it into an OSGi bundle to be used in the framework on-the-fly. Provided you have deployed a compliant web container implementation in your framework, simply install a bundle from a URL that starts with webbundle:. The web container implementation registers a URL Handler that understands the protocol and performs the conversion into a bundle during the installation. Every bundle requires a set of mandatory headers, like Bundle-SymbolicName and Bundle-Version and these may not always be available in the war file. Therefore, it is possible to pass the header values in the URL used for installation.

The first argument registers the content under the /files context path and the second argument points to the location of the resource, in this case the root of the bundle. It is also possible to point to a folder in the file system here. Registering a servlet is very similar:
svc.registerServlet(/path, myServlet, initparams, null);

The headers are passed in the URL query part separated by &. The installation turns the war file into a OSGi Web Application Bundle (WAB). A WAB is differentiated from other bundles by the presence of the Web-ContextPath header.
Web-ContextPath: /path/to/my/app

Here the servlet is mapped to the /path context path. The initparams argument is a java.util.Dictionary with configuration parameters for the servlet. The last argument for both calls is a org.osgi.http.HttpContext object. The HTTPService provides the createDefaultHttpContext method to obtain the default implementation, passing null has the service pick the default. The user can implement the HttpContext in order to support authentication and more advanced resource mapping. In order for two servlets to share the same ServletContext, they have to pass the same HttpContext object in the registerServlet call. Java Server Pages are a very popular technology and can be registered using a proxy servlet like the one provided by the

The OSGi Web container implementation is implemented as an extender that automatically discovers and registers web applications found in WABs. A WAB may contain an optional web.xml file located at WEB-INF/web.xml. The web.xml file is interpreted the same way as is defined by Java EE. Like other bundles WABs have import-package and exportpackage headers that wire the implementation to other bun-

Listing 8
ServiceReference ref = ctx.getServiceReference(HttpService.class.getName()); if (ref != null) { HttpService svc = (HttpService) ctx.getService(ref); if (svc != null) { // register resources and servlets } } | May 2011


Using OSGi in the Enterpise

dles. The Bundle-Classpath header has to contain the entries for WEB-INF/classes and all jars in WEB-INF/lib. It may also include further resources available in the WAB. While the installation of an existing war file is the easiest way, the full potential for web applications is only achieved when the application is implemented as a WAB from the ground up and makes use of the module, lifecycle, and service layers of OSGi. By referencing packages from other bundles, web applications can significantly reduce their memory footprint. Using the service registry it becomes very easy to contribute content to the web application from other bundles. The Web Application Specification provides servlets access to the bundle context by setting the osgi-bundlecontext property in the ServletContext.
BundleContext ctxt = (BundleContext) servletContext.getAttribute ("osgi-bundlecontext");

Web container implementations support JSP pages in the web.xml as defined by .jsp extension mappings or using the jsp-group element. It may optionally support Servlet annotations defined by JSR 250 Common Annotations for the Java Platform. In that case it will scan the implementation classes for support of annotations unless the metadata-complete attribute on the web-app element in the web.xml file is set true. If annotations are used, the WAB has to import the appropriate packages.

mind. This is especially true for Java EE Naming clients that use the JRE provided javax.naming.InitialContext to obtain a context for their application and use it for lookup of resources. The mechanism by which implementations of the JNDI context are provided is not very suitable for modular environments with different class loaders per bundle. The lookup mechanism of JNDI is also very rigid and not as dynamic as the OSGi service layer. The Enterprise Specification describes how OSGi aware clients can obtain a javax.naming.Context object from a org.osgi. service.jndi.JNDIContextManager service instead of using the static javax.naming.InitialContext class. The static javax. naming.NamingManager.getObjectInstance() mechanism is replaced by a call to a org.osgi.service.jndi.JNDIProviderAdmin service. Multiple implementations of context and Object factories can be dynamically installed and updated. To support existing non-OSGi aware clients compliant implementations provide a compatibility layer that sets the JDNIInitialContextFactoryBuilder and the ObjectFactoryBuilder singletons in the JRE such that it uses the BundleContext of the client bundle to obtain a reference to the JNDIContextManager service to obtain the appropriate JNDI context.

Remote Services
OSGi Services provide a Service Oriented Architecture within the OSGi framework. Unlike many other service frameworks (such as Spring or java.util.ServiceLoader), OSGi Services are dynamic. They can come and go at any time. Besides, Service registrations can hold arbitrary properties which make it possible to select Services from a larger set based on servicespecific metadata. While ordinary OSGi Services operate within the JVM, the OSGi Remote Services specification takes the OSGi Service concept across machine boundaries. This makes it possible to invoke remote entities through the Service programming model. For example, take a Display Service. This Service represents electronic traffic warning displays. A controller might address displays by road number and direction or zip code. Each road sign registers a Remote Service to access its display. The example Service has the following API:
public interface DisplayService { String getText(); void setText(String text); }

Database Access, Transactions, and Naming

Currently, Enterprise OSGi addresses several, but by no means all of the 25 different Java EE specifications. The three remaining specifications to be mentioned here are Database Access via JDBC, transactions defined by the JTA specification, and the Naming specification JNDI. In all three cases the integration with OSGi is similar. The OSGi specification does not go and repeat the respective specifications in detail, but merely states patterns of integration into the module, lifecycle, and service layers of OSGi. For the most part, implementations register services in the OSGi service registry that provide access to the well known APIs. For example, the JTA interfaces javax.transaction.UserTransaction, javax.transaction.TransactionManager, and javax.transaction.TransactionSynchronizationRegistry are expected to be registered by an OSGi compliant Transaction Manager implementation. Similarly, the abstraction of specific database drivers is provided by a org.osgi.service.jdbc.DataSourceFactory from which clients can obtain javax.xml.DataSource as well as javax.xml.ConnectionPoolDataSource objects. Support for JPA is available by registering a org.osgi.service.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryBuilder service. This builder creates javax.persistence. EntityManagerFactory objects that are described in the JPA specification. The current version supports JPA 1.3 and 2.0. Getting JDBC and JPA to work in an OSGi environment has been notoriously difficult in the past. These specifications solve the issues in a clean and simple way. Unfortunately, neither all client nor all provider code is written with a dynamic modularity framework like OSGi in

A controller doesnt always need to know the exact displays to set, in some cases blanket messages need to be set on all displays in a certain area, for instance with a given post code, like a weather warning. OSGi Remote Services is an excellent technology to realize this functionality. It makes OSGi Services available through the network by adding some extra properties, the main one being service.exported.interfaces. When this property is set to * all the interfaces registered for the Service are made available remotely. When a Remote Services-compliant discovery system is used the Service is registered with this discovery system which allows Remote Service consumers to find | May 2011


Using OSGi in the Enterpise

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

the Service without having to know where they are located beforehand. To set a message for an area, the controller selects the displays by zip code and sets the message accordingly across all relevant displays. Heres how three displays could register themselves as Remote Services (Figure 2, 3 and 4). The Service consumer doesnt need to pass any special properties to select Remote Services. Depending on the configured discovery system these will automatically appear on demand in the local Service Registry.

So a road-side display controller application could use an org.osgi.util.tracker. ServiceTracker or a Service Injection framework such as Declarative Services or Blueprint to look up the required Services using an LDAP filter like this one: (&(objectClass= DisplayService) (zipcode=95054)) and set the value Warning: widespread fog on all Services found. Since the integration of Remote Services is done through the OSGi Service Registry they work with any framework that works with the OSGi Service Registry. The Remote Services specification doesn't describe the network protocol and data binding to be used for the remote communication. A wide variety of options is available such as REST, SOAP/HTTP, plain sockets or RMI. This is entirely up to the implementation. However if a standard is used for the networking layer, it opens up the possibility to access the Remote Service from non-OSGi consumers.

Event Admin Service

The OSGi Event Admin Service spec defines an inter-bundle event delivering mechanism, based on pub-sub concepts. Many scalable, performant, and reliable systems are based on asynchronous event-based computing models. The OSGi Event Admin Service provides this model inside the OSGi Framework.

Figure 5: Controlling road-side displays using OSGi remote services | May 2011


Using OSGi in the Enterpise

Figure 6: Accessing the OSGi Framework using JMX

The essence of the Event Admin service is very simple. A bundle can generate events and other bundles can register themselves to consume these events. Events are published on topics; essentially /-separated paths. An event can hold a map of arbitrary properties as data. For

example to create a trade event for an imaginary trade system, you could use the following code in Listing 9. Event consumers are registered with the Event Admin service under the topic paths they wish to receive events for. My event handler may look like in Listing 10. To receive events, I register this handler with the OSGi Service Registry (Listing 11). In this example my handler receives callbacks for the acmeand foobar stocks. I can also use a wildcard at the end of the topic path in the handler registration. For example registering a handler under stock/us/nasdaq/* instructs Event Admin to send all Nasdaq stock events to the handler. It's also possible to filter out events on additional event properties, for instance to limit events received to ones that relate to large trades only.

JMX Support
The JMX specification enables control of the framework through JMX. Framework operations such as installing, starting, stopping, updating and uninstalling a bundle are supported as well as query operations for Bundles and Services. Additionally, the JMX specification provides access to functionality from StartLevel and PackageAdmin. A small number of compendium services are also supported through JMX, such as CAS. A screenshot can be found in figure 6 of OSGi JMX support in the JBoss AS7 OSGi Framework via Jconsole.

Listing 9
Map<String, Object> trade = new HashMap<String, Object>(); trade.put("CURRENCY", "USD"); trade.put("PRICE", 1742); trade.put("AMOUNT", 1000); Event event = new Event("stock/us/nasdaq/acme", trade); EventAdmin eventAdmin = ... // obtain Event Admin Service... eventAdmin.postEvent(event);

Listing 10
public class MyEventHandler implements EventHandler { public void handleEvent(Event event) { // process the event updateChart(event.getTopic(), event.getProperty("PRICE")); } }

David Bosschaert works for JBoss at Red Hat. He has been developing software since 1983 and coding Java since 1997. He spends most of his time on Open Source OSGi projects such as the JBoss OSGi Framework and Apache Aries and is also one of the OSGi Enterprise Expert Group co-chairs. You can reach him at Tim is working at TIBCO Software Inc. as a Sr. Architect. He is responsible for theOSGi based runtime platform of the ActiveMatrix product suite. Previously, he was working for Siemens Communications as Principal Engineer, where he was also in charge of the OSGi based runtime platform. In the OSGi Alliance, Tim serves as the co-chair of the Enterprise Expert Group since its inception in November 2006. Tim holds a MS in Computer Science from University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Listing 11
EventHandler handler = new MyEventHandler(); Dictionary props = new Hashtable(); props.put(EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC, new String [] { "stock/us/nasdaq/acme", "stock/us/nasdaq/foobar" }); bundleContext.registerService(EventHandler.class.getName(), handler, props);

[1] Where can I get an implementation of an OSGi spec? A list of all OSGi technologies and where to get them can be found here: wiki/OSGi_Specification_Implementations [2] Find the latest OSGi specifications here: [3] Acknowledgements: clip art: [4] Traffic sign generator: | May 2011


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