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Dear Friend,

M-Afya Kiosk is an innovative health care project that aims to make sure that no life is lost during pregnancy or delivery in Africa. Through this project, we propose to devolve antenatal care for the rural poor through community kiosks that will enable closer and quality monitoring of expectant mothers and promote access to skilled delivery. Through mobile phone systems and the kiosks, we are connecting the community to hospitals to ensure timely recognition of danger signs in pregnancy, prompt access to health facilities, and quick action by the health workers. This programme also incorporates a money saving scheme for expectant mothers for them to access the money when they need it most; at delivery, and for them to earn interest if they deliver in hospitals. The kiosks also provide a platform for other public health strategies like follow up of people with chronic diseases such as TB, hypertension and diabetes.

This project has been considered to be very innovative by the Saving Lives at Birth initiative partly funded by Bill Melinda Gates and World Bank. Next week I will be promoting this project in Washington for funding by this initiative and you could help by voting for us at

Please also feel free to link up for discussions on my facebook page Jamesig Nas Koola

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I appre eciate you support ur t.


How to register: o Click on the link provided http://w n d: www.savin nglivesatb /

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