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Simple Present Tense RUMUS

(+) : S + V1 (s/es) (-) : S + do/does + Not + Verb 1 (?) : do/does + Subject + Verb 1 ? 1. Kebiasaan He usually go to the office at six oclock at the morning The earth circles the sun. The moon doesn't circle the sun. I like ice cream We work five days in a week Our team plays in Maguwo Stadion next moth 2. Menyampaikan Fakta 3. Menyatakan Opini 4. Peristiwa/kejadian yg umum 5. Kegiatan yg sudah pasti dijadwalkan



Today This week Now As we speak These days Nowadays At this time Always Sometimes Usually Often Seldom Never Every (e.g every day, every week, every sunday,etc) Generally Occasionally Once (e.g once a week, once a year) Twice (e.g twice a day, twice a month)

Simple Past Tense RUMUS

(+) : S + V II (-) : S + did+ Not + Verb II (?) : did + Subject + Verb II ?


Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Contoh:

I met my music teacher yesterday. My mother bought a new carpet last Sunday. Rendy closed the window five minutes ago. The students presented their project work this morning.


Just now A moment ago This morning Yesterday Last night Last week/month/year The day before yesterday Three days ago A few weeks ago Many years ago

Simple Future Tense RUMUS

(+) : subject + shall*/ will + verb 1 (-) : subject +shall*/will + not + verb1 (?) : shall*/will + subject + verb 1?


Untuk menggambarkan suatu peristiwa yang akan terjadi. Contoh: Bobby will come here tomorrow. I shall call my parents when I get home.

Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa mendatang

yangbukan merupakan keinginan atau kehendak. Contoh: Tomy will be fourteen years old next year. We shall die one day.


Tomorrow Tonight The day after tomorrow Next week/month/year Two more days Later Soon In a little while

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