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Am2901 ¢ Am2901A * Am2901B Four-Bit Bipolar Microprocessor Slice DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS f Two-aatress arttacture — Independent Srulanecus access to two working regitrs saves mache cyces. “¢ Elgntueton ALU = Perfor adn, two subrecton operations, ana five gic unesons on two seure operands. ' Floxbie data source solacton ~ ‘ALU data's selected fom fv eource ports fora total of 208 ‘source operand pais for every ALU uncon: ‘Left shit incependont of ALU ~ ‘aes and hit operations take ony ene ce. “+ Four staas tage — Cary, oveow, reo, and negative. 1 Expandable — ‘Connect any numberof Am2901's together for longer word longi. (© Meroprogrammabie ~ “Te groupe of thee Bits each for source operand, ALU function, and destination contro. Feet ~ ‘Am29010 i upto 2776 faster than Arn2801A, up to 60% {tastor than Am290!. The Am29018 meets oF excoeds al of the spectieatons forthe AmZa01 anc Amzo0TA, (GENERAL DESCRIPTION ‘The four bipolar microprocessor sic is designed as ahi speec cascadabia lament intended fr use n CPU's, perpnetal contollers, programmable microprocessors ng’ numerous ‘tne appleatons. The micorttueion feb ofthe A230 ‘Sat ason ett emuation of aloo! any aiatl computing mace ‘Tue cevice, a show in the Bick diagram below, consists of a ‘6-word by 4 twerport RAM. a highspeed ALU, ape tha a8 sociated Sing, decoding and mufipesing crcuy. Te rine De mecronstucton word is organized rio Pree groups of fee Di each and selects the ALU souee opetands, the ALU tune ton and the ALU destination rier. The maroproceeeo 1 ‘caacedable wi fu look-ahead oF with ope oary, Ras vee Sate outputs, and provides varous sal Nag output rom tho [ALU, Advanced low-power Scrotty processing is used to fabr- ct i dOtoad US ei. ‘The AM20018 18 a plugin replacemont for the Ar2901 oF ‘Am290"A, buts 25% faster than the AM2BOIA and 80% faster thon tho Ar00" ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS on 2 era 615 cas e18 e17, 16. 621 1623 625, For applications intoratin see the lst pat of his datasheet nd chapios Il and 1V of Bit Sllce Microprocessor Design, Mek & Bek, McGraw Hil Pubications. 6 ARCHITECTURE ‘A omaiea 1006 alga of te olor micoprogammaDie ‘mlroproesor structure It shown in Figure 1. The uit fourtie sce escaable 10 any numberof bie, Therefore, ata paths within We circuit ae four its wide. The to hay ‘mers inthe Figure 1 bock dagam are tho 16word by 4 2gort RAM and Ue highspeed ALU. Detain any of the 16 words ofthe Random Access Memory {Gray ea oe ead Wom the Aor ot the RAN as eonroe By fhe bit ses il nt kee, tas any of the 1 words of he RAM a tinea by the Bas als input can be Sruttaneouy read trom the B-port of he RAM. The sre code abe pple to tw A let Vii an Blot fil in which cae the ier fle data will spear at oth the RAN Aor: ane Biprt eutpus simulanaouty. ‘nen enabec oy the WAM wns enable {HAM EN), raw ost always written tnt te he (wors) defined bythe 8 sds al Of the RAM, The RAM data Input Hed is aven by 2 S:nput ‘multiple This configuration is usd 1 sit the ALU outbut ae (Fest. Thi heesrpat muller hare ao ‘ata to ba sifted up one bit posto, sited down ene bit pos: ‘ion oF not shifted in athe ection, Tee MAM Arpt date Gutsuls a MAM Bepue dat votes ive seprate 4bit laches. Thaw latches hols the RAM ata “ale the clock input Is LOW. This eliminates any pate race ‘oncons thet could cout while new data i being wtan int the RAM “The hidhepwed Arithmetic Loge Un (ALU) can pertoc thee inary arithratie and Tv oie operations on the two Ht np plese, while the S input field ivan korn» Singut ml Plone, Both muliplaxes lio hove an init cpsbilty: thet, ‘ho datas pasted. This equlalent "20" source operand. eterrng to Figure 1.the ALU Rurput mulplner ht the RAM ‘Aiport and te drect data inputs (O) connected inputs. Like tise, the ALU Sanput muller har the RAM Aor, te This mutes schame gives the capably of selecting various bale of te A, 8 D,Q and "0" inputs a source operands othe ‘ALU. Ths fv inputs, when taken two a a ime, aul te Donte combications of source operand aie. Thees comb tions inte AB, AD, AQ. AO, BD. BO, BO, 00, 00 and Co. This soparent shat AD, AG and AO ae somewhat redundant with fame, the ident! function rete. Thu, there ae oly seven fompletely nancedurdamt rurce operand pals for the ALU. Te An2801 mlcroprocsor implements eight ofthese pas ‘The micoiatraction pute wed to ssh the ALU emcee ‘operands ae the iy I and I irpus, The ction of 1, I {12 forthe eght source operand combinations wees shown Figure 2, Alto shown the octal code foreach acto, The two source operands not fly deste as yet ae the O in: ut and Q input. The D Inout ie ne Tourit wie drect daa fei input. This port suse to inser ll at into tha working egies Iie he devin. Likewise, i oput can be oad inte ‘ALU 1 mosty any ofthe itera dita fs. The Q roger it Separate ‘ot fe intend primarily for multinieaton ahd ison routines but Ie can abo be used as on acamultor hating eter fr rome spsizetion ‘The ALU ltt is» highspued aithmetoge operetorcapebe ‘of performing thre trary arithmetic acd fhe lle functions ‘The I, 1g ad ig mierlnstuction inputs are used to alee the 610 ‘Am2901 + 2901 + am29018 [ALU untion. The cfnton ofthese input dhowa in Figur “Te octal soe sal shown for eferance. The normal techni! ‘mode. Catty generate, G, ana cart propgste, Pare xtout {he device forse with & cary lookahead generator suchas to ‘AmZ002. A carryout, Cyt 8 aad gonerated and ie availa: fan output for usa we he cary fag in a tas ropes Be arryin (Gq) and earry-out (Gra oe sctive HIGH, ‘The ALU hes thee other soturvianted outputs. Thess are Fs f=, and orion (OVA) The ypu ae ost iit (inti of the ALU and canbe se to determin poate: ogntive resus without enabling the therstae cata ouout: gis nomneried with respect tthe sign bit utput Ya. Th +0 cutpu sued for zoo detect. tian opener out ut and canbe wire OF’ed between microprocesor sows. F= 0 ISHIGH when al F outputs ae LOW. The vertiow outout (OVP) is aes to fg athete opaatons that meee the s¥BHRt {two's comoteent numer Tonge. Ine overiow output (UV SSHIGH wen ovetlow ext, That when Cg 384 Cag 8 ot the sera noah ‘The ALU data output is route to sree destinations. It can be bt output of the device ant ean aio te sored inthe RAM OF ‘he 0 repstr, Eight posible combinetiors of ALU destination functors ae aalble as defined by the Ig, 17, and ig mice Instruction npr. Test comoetons are sown in Fig 8 ‘Te ourit data outpur fed (features hranatae output and {an be crecly bus ganized. An output sonal (OE) i weed rable the eestete outputs, When OE is HIGH, the ¥ outputs ein he highimpedonce stat ‘A woloput multiplexer i ao used atthe deta output mach thet Satori age fhe Rada or hw AL opus (6) areata ihe deve ¥ output. Thi enuetion it contoles by thee td Ig microbtruction inte. Rela to Figure forthe sca tut for ech microinstruction coe combination. [AS was dicused previously, the RAM inputs ae driven from ‘raeinput multolexer This allons the ALO cutpus to be tered nanaifed shifted up ne psidan 1X2 oF shite dow ‘noe rin 12) Ta ear na an pan ane ahaa {nd the oter I beled AM Both of these ports const of & Duttedcver witha theese aut and an input to the mul ‘lever. Tht nthe sh" up rode, the RAM butter i enabled {nd the RAMy multiplet inputs aadle, Likewise vt down mode, the RAMg butter snd RAMs incl te abled. ‘he oahitt mode, bot butters arin te ighimpeaance sete ‘ae the multiplet ioput ae not slctd. Thi fa cone ‘lla rom th ly ad iy maronereton input a Sted in Figure Siritary, the © egies dian from a 2nput motile. a the noshit mode, the mutiperer enters the ALU data ino the {rapetr. In eter the shiftup or sf down mode, the malé= ner selects the Q reir data appropriately shifted up oF Sonn. The shifter also has wo ports: oe i bed Oy dt ‘thar it Oy. The eration af shenetro pores simi te PRAM shits and saa controlled From Igy Ip a Shown In Figure “The clock input to the Am2801 controls he RAM, the Q reqs aed the A and dst atts, When erie, ata clocked ims the Q rete onthe LOW0-HIGH taretion ofthe cack: When the dock inputs HIGH, the And Bates ee open and ail tae whatever dita is aieant at the RAM cutouts When ‘dock Inputs LOM, the itches ar close and wil tein the Tat data entre. If he RAMEN ts enabled, ew dat wll be ‘wan eto the RAM Fk word! seine by the B sderes fl ‘hen the lok inputs LOW. ‘Am2901 + 29014 + Am2901B “ese 101g Jossecosdouoyy LOBzuNY Dogme “+t eunbks af Tobe en

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