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Name __________________________

Date ____________________

Title/Author: ____________________________ Pages Read this day: xx-xxx Quote: Insert quote here. Be sure to write the selected quotation exactly as it appears in the text. Also, use proper citation when quoting, with the authors last name and page number in parenthesis after the quoted selection (Author Page) Context: In a few lines and in your own words, provide the textual context from which you pulled the quote. This is NOT a summary of all youve read; just tell what was occurring in the scene that includes your quoted selection. Authors Style This is where you will write about and comment on anything interesting you notice about the authors method of writing. There shouldnt be any plot information mentioned in this section, only style/techniques of writing that you think create a certain effect in the text, are interesting, or perhaps you even question in terms of the authors purpose. Start with what you know (ie: POV, figurative language, sentence structure, use of graphs, etc.) and build from there as you learn and practice new writing styles and techniques. Response This section of your entry is where you can respond to the plot, characterization, etc. In other words, this is where you can go NUTS with your questions, comments, inferences Though you are free to comment on the plot, there are still some guidelines to keep in mind: avoid summarizing; avoid vague, general, or irrelevant comments about the reading. Your goal is still to be insightful and show what you have attained from the reading.

Big Idea: In ONE WORD, identify the big idea/greater topic this selected quote seems to address, highlight, expand on, etc. But remember, you should be able to name the idea is SOLELY ONE WORD.

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