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Nuclear power

How does it work?

A neutron hits a uranium-235 atom. The atom divides in one strontium-90, one Xenon-143 and three neutrons. Energy releases and heats up the water. The water turns into water steam. The steam goes through a turbine that runs a generator which produces electricity

Nuclear power in Sweden

In Sweden we have 10 reactors producing energy The produced electricity from nuclear power is 64,3 TWh. Its about half of the total 145 TWh, 2007. Hydroelectric power and nuclear power in Sweden stand for almost 90% of the total electricity production. If all the diodes in Sweden should be turned of we could turn of a reactor.

Nuclear power - good and bad

Cheap energy. It doesnt let out any harmful things to the environment. One reactor produces much electricity.

Theres a risk that an accident can happen, for example a meltdown. The plant is expensive. The waste can be much radioactive and it takes long time before it gets risk-free, up to more than 100 000 years.

Energy production in Sweden (2006)

Total energy supplied: Oil: 201 TWh Nuclear power: 194 TWh Bioenergy: 116 TWh Water power: 62 TWh Coal: 28 TWh Gas: 11 TWh Heat pumps: 6 TWh Wind power: 1 TWh Total: 618 TWh

Losses and use for nonenergy purposes: 222 TWh Total final use per energy carrier: 397 TWh

Production of electricity (GWh)

Conventional thermal power 13 769 9%

Import 16 052 10%

Water power Wind power Nuclear power Conventional thermal power Import Water power 65 526 40%

Nuclear power 64 279 40%

Wind power 1 428 1%

Usage of electricity (GWh)

Mineral extraction and production Electric, gas, heating and water works Railways and trolleys Loss 10 989 7% Mineral extraction and production 57 267 36% Residences, sheltered housing, farming etc. Exportation Loss

Exportation 14 736 9%

Residences, sheltered housing, farming etc. 70 670 43%

Railways and trolleys 2 961 2%

Electric, gas, heating and water works 4 432 3%

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