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ISSN 1448-8175

Australia Post print approved SOUTH AUSTRALIA

PP 534387/00013 ISSUE No. 57 Autumn/ jesen 2011

visit and we again enjoyed the hospitality and in the words of the ‘groom’ Alojz,
President’s Address and service provided by Mr. and Mrs. “We’ll see you in the next 10 years.”
Kroger of the Maitland Hotel. No
We would like to wish all members and wonder we keep coming back!! Mothers Day is coming up and I warmly
friends a warm welcome to the Slovenian invite all mothers and carers to join us at
Club for 2011. A BIG thank from the committee, the club on this day.
members and friends to the wonderful
2010 concluded with the celebration of group of ladies who spent all day baking A reminder that the club will be closed
our annual club Christmas Dinner. There krofe to help celebrate a traditional Pust on Easter Sunday.
was a very strong attendance by both (carnival) on Sunday 6th March. This
members and friends and as usual, the certainly brought back memories of the On behalf of the committee, I wish you
committee and cooks outdid themselves celebrations back home in Slovenia all a blessed and happy Easter,
with their food, hospitality and service on which used to last 2 weeks! Many people
the night. attended this celebration and we feel Danilo Kresevič
sorry for those of you who missed out.
We would also like to thank those who
provide feedback to committee members. Dr Zvone Žigon, Chargé d'Affaires of the
Prireditve / Upcoming
Most of it is very positive and it is
encouraging to know we seem to be on
Slovenian embassy in Canberra will be functions at Slovenian
returning to Adelaide in April. He will
the right track! be arriving on Friday 1st April to attend Club Adelaide
the screening of a Slovenian film for the
When you look around the club you may film festival. The film will be showing at April 20 Dan Sončnic /
see that some maintenance work has been 8.45pm at the Mercury Cinema and Dr ……. Sunflower Day
done. Our thanks to Milan Vrabec and Žigon hopes many of you will join him. April 24 Balinanje / Bocce
Ernest Sapač for re-marking the lines in ……. competition
the car park. Our thanks also to Milan Dr Žigon will be also available from May 8 Materinski dan
for painting and tidying the front 10am-12pm on Saturday 2nd April in the ……. večerja / Mother’s Day
entrance and veranda. Mention must also club for any members or friends who Dinner
go to Sergio Lachi who generously gives would like to speak to him in regards to May 15 Balinanje / Bocce
of his time each week to maintain the any matters/documents. He will be ……. competition
grounds around the club by tidying, returning to Canberra that Saturday May 18 Dan Sončnic /
sweeping and pruning. As with all small evening. ……. Sunflower Day
associations, we would not be able to
function without the generous time given Congratulations to all Slovenians on the Slovenian Club is open every Sunday for
by volunteers. Thank you! celebration this year of 20 years of socializing and dinner.
Slovenian Independence.
Club bookings for this year continue to
look encouraging. A couple of regular
Slovenia South Australia:
On behalf of the committee, we wish a Input and involvement from all
bookings are continuing in 2011. Each very ‘Happy Birthday’ to our hard Australian Slovenians is welcomed and
Friday evening, a rock ‘n roll dance working committee members Mrs. A encouraged.
group enthusiastically meet to share their Batista, Mr. M Jenko, Mr. B Kresevič,
love of music and dance, and each Mrs. D Kaluža and Mrs. C Jamnik. Slovenia South Australia Newsletter
month, the Country Music Association
email contacts:
uses the hall (this has now been Our congratulations also go to Mr. and
occurring for the last 12 years!). Both Mrs. Rosa and Alojz Kresevič who
groups are very welcome and we look recently celebrated with family and
forward to our continued our association friends the occasion of their 60th
with them. wedding anniversary. As far as I am
aware, they are the first Adelaide
Members and friends recently enjoyed a Slovenian couple to reach 60 years! On
bus trip to Maitland. This was a return behalf of all, I wish them all the very best
SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

contributions: We urge all people who have Slovenian

Ivan Legiša ancestry to register their Slovenian
Danilo Kresevič ancestry in the Census. This includes
Rosemary Poklar you, your children and your
Adrian Vatovec grandchildren etc. Come and see a Slovenian
Cassandra Vatovec psychological thriller!
The 2006 Census showed that there were
Sources: include STA, Slovenia News, Radio 16,093 people of Slovenian ancestry in Prehod (Transition) will be shown at the
Slovenija, Sinfo,, Delo, Mladinska
Australia. Most people believe this figure Mercury Cinema in Adelaide on Friday
knjiga,, The Slovenia Times, Slovenske
Novice, Jana. is unrealistically low. It is important that April 1, 2011, at 8.45pm. The film is
you register your Slovenian ancestry so being shown as part of the 2011 Windows
Slovenia South Australia sponsors: that we get a more accurate picture. on Europe Film Festival that is travelling
 Slovenian Club Adelaide around Australia and New Zealand.
 Office for Slovenians Abroad, In 1957 there was a list compiled
Ljubljana, Slovenia which had the names of between 3,000 The Mercury Theatre is located at
to 3,500 Slovenians living in Adelaide. 13 Morphett Street, Adelaide.
Contributions are being sought from the Taking into account deaths, births of Ph. 8410 0979.
Slovenian community for Issue No.58 of children and grandchildren since 1957
The Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. the 2006 Census showed only 1,049 The movie is in Slovenian and has
people of Slovenian ancestry. There English subtitles.
Copies of Slovenia South Australia must be significantly many more
newsletter are lodged with the National Slovenians in Adelaide today than that Dr. Zvone Žigon from the Slovenian
Library of Australia, State Library of 1,049 figure, which is clearly not right, Embassy in Canberra will be at the
South Australia, and the National Library and the 3,000 figure of 1957. The screening and he looks forward to seeing
of Slovenia (NUK). question is why are people with you on the night.
Slovenian ancestry not registering
their ethnicity in the Census?
Radio Committee
Please tell all Slovenians you know to
Slovenian Radio register their Slovenian ethnicity in the
Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio
coming 2011 Census.
broadcast committee or the appropriate
program presenter if you wish to
acknowledge someone’s birth, birthday, SPECIAL GUEST
death, engagement, wedding, It was wonderful to see Olga Orel at
anniversary, get well wishes, Slovenian Club’s Christmas dinner in
achievement or some other community December. Iva Krajnc, Jure Ivanušič
Slikar Vlado naslika portret neznane
Tune into FM 103.1mhz. ženske. Ko portret 'oživi' in se ženska s
Internet: slike pojavi na odprtju njegove razstave,
se Vladovo življenje obrne na glavo.
The Slovenian program broadcasting Medtem ko se s skrivnostno žensko
in Adelaide for over 30 proud years. zapleta v strastno afero, Vlado niti ne
opazi, da se je ujel v past parapsihološke
Glasba - Music organizacije Zom, ki z vdiranjem v misli
Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski posameznikov nadzoruje njihova dejanja
pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every - kar imenuje 'prehod'.
second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the
clubrooms. Vrtinec nerazumljivih dogodkov in
nepojasnjenih samomorov ga odnese v
svet, kjer je realnost pomešana s
2011 Census - simulacijo resničnosti, ki jo ustvarjajo
Acknowledge your manipulativne mednarodne korporacije.
As we all know and appreciate Olga has V svet, v katerem so odnosi zgolj
Slovenian heritage been an outstanding contributor to our sredstvo za dosego cilja, smrt le še
community through her Slovenian radio iluzija, posedovanje in moč pa
work on 5EBI and earlier as a Slovenian predstavljata vrhovni vrednoti. Vlado
language teacher. ugotovi, da ne more zaupati nikomur,
podvomi celo v lastno razsodnost. A
Olga we wish you continued izkaže se, da naivni umetnik, le ni tako
The 2011 Census by the Australian lahka tarča.
improvement in your health so that you
Bureau of Statistics will be held on 9
can join us more often.
August 2011.

SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

EN, DVA, TRI... Kulturni Dan -

in že nas je gpa. Olga Hrvatin
skupaj zbrala za majhno slov. vas,. da Cultural Day
smo se židane volje lahko odpeljali na Slovenian Cultural Day was celebrated at
turistično ogledovanje sveta in na poti v Slovenian Club Adelaide on Sunday
sami sebe, v stiku z naravo, prišli k February 13.
izvoru in k sredstvu za stik s strastjo
duha. Culture is very important to Slovenians
because it is on this basis that Slovenian
Gpa Hrvatin nam je izvrstno začrtala pot consciousness remained in the hearts and
in vodila proti cilju. Peljali smo se po Victor Harbor minds of Slovenians even though for
znameniti obalni magistrali do caravan over one thousand years the country was
parka v Normanville-u, kjer smo si ob Ob pol enih, kot se spodobi za ostarele ruled by others. Since gaining
prijetno sveži morski sapi, s toplim čajem meščane, smo se pripeljali v independence in 1991culture remains an
in kavo ter z domačim pecivom naših pomorsko mesto upokojencev, Viktor extremely important feature in Slovenian
skrbnih in pridnih žen, zadovolili še tako Harbor, nekoč center lova na kite. society. The importance of culture is
zahtevne želodce. Ko smo se v hotelu Grosvenor posedli za marked by a public holiday which is held
rezervirane mize smo morali yearly on February 8. This date was
izgledati res zbiti. Z veliko nujo so nam chosen as it is the date on which
pripravili prav slavnostno kosilo. Slovenia’s greatest poet France Prešeren
Porcije so bile za čuda velike saj je died in1849.
marsikateremu šteka visela čez rob
krožnika. Seveda seveda, sladic in kave
tudi ni manjkalo; kar nas je bilo bolj
sladkosnednih lizunov pa smo si, za
priboljšek, privoščili še kupico
odličnega sladoleda. Po sprostitvi in po
Caravan Park Normanville ogledu mesta, dan se je neverjetno
hitro nagnil. Nvkljub časovni stiski
Ob srebanju kave naše razpoloženje je veselje se je še pomnožilo, vedno več ga
je bilo. Ki nam je vlivalo neko skrivno Slovenian Choir Adelaide
postalo tako prijetno, da smo si, z
izkušnjo pričakovanja, drug drugemu razpoloženje, katero je zakipelo v
lahko videli, kako lep žar hrepenenja gloriji zibajočega pacifika, vidnega z
nam je sijal iz oči. obeh strai varljive vzpetine Bluff
Po pol urnem oddihu šofer je pritisnil
pedal in pospešil korak. Lepo nam je bilo Na poti proti domu sem imel čas
z udobnega sedeža avtobusa, v izmenjavi razmišljati in ko me je avtobus
tople besede s sopotnikom, v stresel sem se zavel, da so vsi naši izleti
pričakovanju, skozi velika okna zijati v neka razbremenitev ali sprostitev
naravo, ki je radodarno nudila vsakemu duše in uma ter olajšava in beg od
nekaj, prešerno nevsakdanjega lepega in vsakdanjega vrveža in ropota.
vredno zavestnega beleženja za poznejši
čas. Morje se je venomer nemirno
pretakalo in nam burilo spomine
neprijetnih, davnih prekooceanskih
guncanj. Pravzaprav lahko bi rekli, morje
nam je najbolj pričaralo popotno zgodbo Emil Borlak (left), and Ivan Legiša
našega notranjega nemira, ki dobiva svoj
odsev v naravi. Poseben čar je, ko
prelivajoča se narava privlačno vpliva na
nas in naš pogled void tako, da lahko
presojamo s svojimi lastnimi čuti ter nas
prisili, da spregovorimo o slavospevu
življenju in zemlji, ki nas obdaja., ter da
se zavemo pravih kakovosti bivanja, v Ura je bila ravno pravšna, ko smo se po
soodvisnosti z naravo. drugi strain preko Mt.
Compass-a pripeljali domov in si s
prijaznim nasmeho, hvaležni Olgi za
trud, zaželeli nasvidenje.

Ivan Legiša

Vida Končina
SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

Congratulations Danilo Kresevič - 25 YEARS AS A JP

A heartfelt congratulations to Danilo Kresevič who this year achieves a significant milestone as a Justice of
the Peace (JP). He has served as a JP for 25 continuous years. Many members of the community over the
years have availed themselves of the professional services offered by Danilo which he carries out with
pleasure and on a voluntary basis.

The Royal Association of Justices (S.A. Inc.) recognized Danilo’s major 25 year achievement by including
him in the Roll of Honour list published in the March 2011edition of The Honorary Magistrate. See letter

Congratulations to Danilo from the Slovenian community for your outstanding services as a JP and as a
highly regarded member of our community.

Adrian Vatovec

Danilo Kresevič JP

What is the role of a JP?

The role of the JP is to act as an
independent and objective witness to
documents people use for official or legal
purposes. For example, a JP may:
• Attest the execution of a
• Witness an affidavit for use in
• Witness a statutory declaration
• Certify a true copy of an original
• Certify a person’s identity

Eligibility requirements to become a JP are

stringent and thorough. Approval is first required
by the Attorney-General followed by the approval
of the Governor of South Australia.

SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

potekalo 1. julija 2011 v Ljubljani. Slovenian organisations, associations and

Konzularne Ure societies, and all Slovenians and friends
Veleposlaništva RS v V centru mesta se bodo predstavila of Slovenia to
slovenska društva, slovenski mediji in
Canberri druge organizacije Slovencev, nastopale the WELCOME HOME event, a
Slovenski klub Adelaide bodo glasbene, plesne, in odrske skupine, Slovenian get-together, which will be
sobota, 2.4.2011 potekale bodo tudi kulturne delavnice, held in Ljubljana on 1 July 2011.
10:00 - 12:00 izobraževalne predstavitve in športne
Dr. Zvone Žigon
Chargé d'Affaires a.i. Vabljeni torej na ogled projektov in vizij,
Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia ki jih imajo Slovenci iz vsega sveta.
Canberra, Australia Skupno praznovanje in druženje
Slovencev vseh generacij je obenem The event will be held in the city centre,
with a presentation given by Slovenian
Slovenian Embassy odličen razlog, da pobližje spoznate
Slovenijo. associations, the Slovenian media and
Canberra other Slovenian organisations; there will
Dr Zvone Žigon, Chargé d'Affaires, V ta namen je Slovenska turistična be performances by musical and theatre
concludes his duties in Australia on June organizacija pripravila turistične groups, workshops, educational events
30, 2011, and he will return to Slovenia. aranžmaje za vse štiri letne čase po and sports activities.
posebno ugodnih cenah. Podrobnejše
informacije o paketih najdete na spletni You are kindly invited to observe and
povezavi participate in the projects and visions of Slovenians from around the world. A
festive and convivial gathering of
Vse informacije o prireditvi bodo Slovenians across the generations is also
objavljene na spletnih straneh Urada the perfect excuse to come and get better
Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po acquainted with Slovenia.
svetu, portalu za
Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu For this occasion, the Slovenian Tourist ter na spletnemu Board has prepared all-season tour
mestu ob 20. obletnici samostojnosti packages at very favourable prices.
Republike Slovenije Detailed information regarding these, kjer bodo packages is also available on the
Dr Zvone Žigon objavljeni tudi vsi drugi dogodki, ki bodo following website:
potekali v okviru obeležitve te okrogle
We sincerely thank Zvone for his obletnice tekom celega leta.
contribution to the Slovenian community Information about the event will be
in Australia. published on the website of the Office of
V petek, 1. julija 2011, se bomo videli, the Government of the Republic of
In his place will be announced the first spoznali, nasmejali, zaplesali in Slovenia for Slovenians Abroad
Slovenian Ambassador to Australia. poklepetali na ulicah in trgih v centru, on the portal for
Ljubljane! Slovenians abroad, and on a special
20 Let Samostojnosti vaš Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v website for the 20th anniversary of
Republike Slovenija zamejstvu in po svetu Slovenia’s independence On these websites,
you will also find information about all
20 Years of the other events scheduled for 2011 to
Independence Republic mark this important anniversary.

of Slovenia On Friday, 1 July 2011, we look forward

to seeing you getting together, becoming
better acquainted, laughing together,
dancing and chatting on the streets and
squares of central Ljubljana!
Dragi Slovenci po svetu, dragi prijatelji,
Your Office of the Government of the
v letu 2011 bo Republika Slovenija Republic of Slovenia for Slovenians
praznovala 20 let samostojnosti. Abroad
Fellow Slovenians around the world, dear
Slovenske organizacije, društva, vse friends,
Slovence in prijatelje Slovenije vabimo
na In 2011, the Republic of Slovenia will be
celebrating twenty years of
skupno srečanje Slovencev independence. We cordially invite all
SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

SLOVENIA: Australian tour dates

HEALTH: Agreement -- Slovenia has warned its nationals not
Concerning the to travel to Japan unless necessary. April 23 Claremont

Provision of Health -- "We advise against any non-urgent

Care between Slovenia travels to the troubled areas of Japan. To
those Slovenian citizens that cannot April 25
Melbourne Melbourne
and Australia postpone their travel to Japan, we advise Showground's
Press Release 13.01.11 extreme caution and additional checking Australia
of conditions in areas to which they are Tour)
The Slovenian Government approved the traveling," the foreign ministry said on its April 29 T.B.C. TBC
website. (Creamfields
Proposed Act on the Ratification of the Australia
Agreement Concerning the Provision of Tour)
Health Care between the Government of UMEK Touring April 30 Sydney
the Republic of Slovenia and the
Government of Australia and the Australia and
Administrative Agreement Concerning Arguably Slovenia’s biggest current Quarter
the Provision of Health Care between the music export Umek is touring Australia (Creamfields
Government of the Republic of Slovenia in April 2011. Australia
and the Government of Australia. May 1 RNA Brisbane
The agreement enables eligible persons (Creamfields
of one contracting state who are Australia
temporarily resident in the territory of the
other contracting state to use their health Hopefully an Adelaide date will be
services under the same conditions that added.
apply to persons covered by compulsory
health insurance in Slovenia or Australia. You can find out more about Uroš Umek
The Agreement also applies to persons on his website
who are members of a diplomatic
mission or consular post established by
With well over 500 releases on some of
one party in the territory of the other, and A Slovenian short film screened at the
those of their family members living with Dance music’s most prestigious labels
Byron Bay International Film Festival on
them in the same household during their Uroš Umek is in hot demand as a
Saturday March 5, 2011.
stay in the territory of the other party. DJ/producer throughout the world.

More information: Ministry of Foreign Umek is the father figure of the

Affairs, Public Relations Ms Miriam Slovenian Dance scene and he was
Možgan (phone: +386 1 478 2354, recently asked by President Danilo Tuerk
e-mail: miriam.mozgan[@] ) to explain the intricacies of the genre and
the subtle differences between Acid and
Travel warnings after
Japan's earthquake The film is about an ordinary husband
March 15, 2011 and wife who live in a tiny village are in
shock when their favorite pig gives birth
AUSTRALIA: to tiny electronic/animated pigs. They are
-- The government said it had decided forced to call upon city engineers for
not to upgrade travel warnings advising help but also to face the rage of other
Australians to 'reconsider your need to villagers who are not a bit happy about
travel' to Japan, based on advice from these strange new developments. When
nuclear safety experts. different worlds collide a love story is
This is where the young people are. born as well as new forms of chaos.
"We asked specifically of the Australian Directed by: Petar Pašić
Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Umek launched his label 1605 in 2007 Produced by: Aleš Pavlin, Andrej Stritof
Agency yesterday whether any further and with the help of his team has grown
adjustment to our own travel advisory the company to become one of the most
concerning that 20 kilometer radius successful independent Dance labels in Historian Finds New
should be made. They advised that, based the world. Oldest Mention of
on information to hand, such an
adjustment was not necessary at this Ljubljana
time," Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd said. STA, 15.12.2010

Historian Peter Selih has discovered a

new oldest written mention of Ljubljana,
SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

dated between 1112 and 1125. A zmrznjena, stisniti gost, sladek mošt, ki data through GIS applications over a
facsimile with a commentary and a ga bo le kakšnih 150 litrov, potem pa 229-year span.
historical introduction was published by bodo morali z dobljenim moštom po
the City of Ljubljana under "Castrum besedah direktorja za enologijo Mitje Her current abode is a stone cottage on
Leibach: The First Recorded Mention of Herge morali še posebno pozorno the edge of the millennium village,
Ljubljana and the City's Early History". kletariti, da bodo dobili res kakovostno Solkan. In addition to her natural family,
predikatno vino. Zaradi majhne količine Dr Burnet has over her expatriate years
Stih found a document in the Chapter bodo letošnje ledeno vino verjetno adopted four Chinese students and three
Archive in Udine, Italy in 2002, stating napolniliv stekleničke po 0,2 litra. African students.
that an "advocate Rudolf" had donated 20
farms near the Ljubljana Castle to the In the forthcoming academic year she
Church of Aquileia sometime between will teach Environmental Impact
1112 and 1125, when the list of deceased Assessment in conjunction with other
benefactors of the Chapter of Aquileia units and plans an Erasmus teaching
was written. exchange with the University of Riga,
Lativa and possibly with Bursa
According to Selih, the finding is a University, Turkey.
"whole generation older" than the
previously assumed first mention in a
mediaeval source from 1144 and proves
wrong the theory that the first owners of
the Ljubljana Castle were the Spanheim

Rudolf must have been a lay advocate of

the Aquileia Patriarchate and thus a
member of the highest nobility, the
historian said at a presentation and added
that the Spanheims could not be the first
owners of Ljubljana and the castle, which
were connected.

The book on the document was published Australian appointed

in Slovenian and English as part of the Living in Landscapes by Julia Ellis
World Book Capital project and features
Professor in Slovenia Burnet.
a brief account of Ljubljana's history, a Julia Ellis Burnet has been appointed
Professor in the School of Environmental
facsimile and a transcript of the
Science, University of Nova Gorica, Economic Survey of
Slovenia. Slovenia 2011
Slovenia has been deeply affected by the
Grozdje so trgali pri -18 global crisis, but is now recovering
stopinjah Celzija gradually along with the rest of the
Jože Pojbič, Murska Sobota | 19.12.2010 OECD area.

As Slovenia is a small open economy

within the euro area, it is crucial for it to
rapidly rebalance its economy and restore
competitiveness. The proposed pension
reform is a first step in the right direction
to improve fiscal sustainability and boost
Also known as Julia Clarke, the labour supply. However, a further
Windsor-born, NSW, ANU graduate comprehensive pension reform is needed.
gained her doctorate at Macquarie To get closer to the technology and
University and has previously worked efficiency frontiers, reforms of the
Ledena trgatev pri skoraj minus 18 within the China University of education system and policies to promote
stopinj Celzija, foto: Jože Pojbič/Delo Geosciences, Wuhan, also as a professor innovation, labour market flexibility and
of Environmental Science. a friendlier environment for foreign
Ljutomer - Nekaj dni mraza poprej in direct investment (FDI) would be helpful.
skoraj minus 18 stopinj Celzija to jutro Dr Burnet has several publications OECD
so bili idealni pogoji za ledeno trgatev, dealing with her major research theme - Further information:
zato so pohiteli in se maloštevilnih human impact on the environment and
pomrznjenih grozdov lotili že okrog environmental change. Her recent
sedmih zjutraj, ko je bilo najbolj hladno. research has been based in Central
Iz grozdja, ki je ostalo do sedaj na okrog Europe (TransEcoNet) analysing map
1.700 trtah, so morali potem čim hitreje,
dokler je bila voda v jagodah še
SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

Hungary. It is also spoken by Slovenian

Protecting Kras from immigrant groups in the USA, Canada,
Foreign Buyers South America and Australia.
By STA The first Slovenian book was printed
Two civil initiatives from Kras, a in 1550 by Primož Trubar.
southwestern region bordering on Italy,
have called for restrictions due to Slovenian is one of the few languages
mounting demographic and landscape to have preserved the dual
problems that the region has been faced grammatical number from Proto-Indo-
with since Slovenia joined the EU and European. Also, Slovenian and Slovak
liberalised the property market. are the two modern Slavic languages
whose names for themselves literally
According to the Kras initiative, the mean "Slavic" ( in old
region has been heavily affected by Slavonic). The Slovenian alphabet has 25
letters. It does not have the letters W, Q, Glavna cerkniška coprnica (Foto: Miro
changes on the real estate market.
X, Y. But you have to learn three new Majcen)
The demographics and landscape of Kras letters: Č (pronounced as ch in English),
Š (sh), and Ž (zh, as in azure). The mark Pustna nedelja je minila v znamenju
villages are changing as land prices have
above the letters is called a carrot or, in prepoznavnejših karnevalov in povork.
risen since 2005 from EUR 15 to
Slovenian, strešica (literally: little roof). Na ta dan doseže vrhunec dogajanje na
between EUR 120 and EUR 150 per
vseh večjih in manjših slovenskih pustnih
square metre.
The Slovenian language is also one of festivalih.
the official languages of the European Ptujsko kurentovanju z 51. mednarodno
"The first demand is that the state finally
Union. pustno povorko je letos videlo okoli
sorts out the official data showing how
60.000 obiskovalcev. Predstavilo se je
many pieces of property and land have
Slovenia's two million people speak skoraj 70 karnevalskih skupin oziroma
been bought by foreigners, especially
Slovenian, which in addition to the nekaj več kot 3000 pustovalcev iz
Italians," said Robert Rogic of the Kras
singular and plural has the special Slovenije, Belgije, Avstrije, Bolgarije,
grammatical number dual, a rarity Srbije, Makedonije, Bosne in
among world languages. So it is not the Hercegovine, Hrvaške in Madžarske. Po
Around 1,000 Italian citizens are
same in Slovenian if one, two or more pričakovanju so bili med najbolj
estimated to have bought property in the
people are talking, nor is it the same if množičnimi in glasnimi domači kurenti
region after Slovenia's EU accession in
men or women are doing it. In this iz okolice Ptuja, ki se jih je tokrat zbralo
2004, journalists were told.
country, preserving the Slovene language okoli 650.
"Another thing that is happening is that is an important matter, but the majority
foreign investors are building so-called of people know at least one second
satellite settlements, which do not fit into language and will be able to talk to you
the Kras landscape." in English, German or Italian.
Faculty of Economics
Thus the Kras initiative and the Za University of Ljubljana
Primorsko initiative want the government
to ask the European Commission to be DID YOU KNOW…
allowed to adopt protective measures. This year July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays
and 5 Sundays. This happens once every Nikar prehitro v ovinek! (Foto: Miro
Another idea is to declare the entire Kras 823 years. Majcen)
area a UNESCO-protected national park.
Tradicionalni pustni karneval v Cerknici
"We are not nationalists, but we see the Dan karnevalov in z naslovom Slava dežele Butalske je
current developments as endangering us danes pritegnil okoli 24 tisoč
as well as the future Slovenian identity of
povork obiskovalcev, ki so si ogledali mimohod
Kras," Bozo Novak of the Za primorsko Ptuj/Cerknica, 06.03.2011, STA /
okoli 50 našemljenih skupin iz Cerknice
initiative said. T.Š./T.V.
in okolice ter ostale Slovenije. V
karnevalu je sodelovalo okoli 800 ljudi,
Ptujsko kurentovanje si je ogledalo
SLOVENIAN ki so se pred sprevodom zbrali na
60.000 obiskovalcev. Butalsko državo
tovarniškem dvorišču v Cerknici.
oz. njeno prestolnico Cerknico pa je
LANGUAGE obiskalo 24.000 ljudi. Pestro je bilo tudi
Slovenian or Slovene (slovenski jezik or Z zgodb in slik Janeza Vajkarda
drugod po Sloveniji.
slovenščina) is an Indo-European Valvasorja so se na karnevalu predstavili
language that belongs to the family of hudič, ki je gnal polhe past, podvodni
South Slavic languages. It is spoken by mož Jezerko in slivniške coprnice, skupaj
approximately 2 million speakers z njihovo pramaterjo Uršulo ter mlado
worldwide. Slovenian is the national coprnico Lizo.
language of the Republic of Slovenia and Manjkali niso niti drugi znani cerkniški
Slovenian minorities in Austria, Italy and liki: veliki žabec Brontoskok, veliki

SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

zmaj, Ščuka velikanka, Hribci in Butalci of winter, groups of young men dress in
s svojim županom na čelu. Program so
Carnival in Slovenia their costumes to parade through the
dodatno popestrile godbe na pihala. The tradition of Carnival in Slovenia towns and villages to chase away the
Seveda pa je Cerknica v pustnem času goes back into the mists of time. Possibly winter. Other creatures in the procession
predvsem prestolnica Butal. to the 6th century. One of the most include bears, roosters and other weird
important processions is in the town of and wonderful ones. There is, of course,
Ptuj in the north-east corner of Slovenia. a devil - which procession of this nature
would be without? Then come people
dressed as grandfathers and
grandmothers, gypsies, nymphs and the
ploharji - the unmarried people who
should have married during the previous
year but didn't do so. They come in for a
really hard time with their
punishment being to drag a block of
wood around with them all day.
Butalci pri 'južini' (Foto: Miro Majcen)
The carnival takes place on the Sunday
before Shrove Tuesday. It is a traditional
festival with people from all over
Slovenia descending on Ptuj. The drive
to Ptuj from Ljubljana is delightful. It
crosses the flatland which stretches to the
mountains. There are woods of oaks, ash,
beech and pine. Here and there are small
hills topped with a church some of which
The oldest part of the town is its 11th- have spires, some are Romanesque and
century castle, which comes complete others have onion domes but most are
with a museum where there is a display Catholic.
of Kurent costumes down the ages. What
is striking about some of the oldest is No matter where you go in Slovenia
Na Viru pri Domžalah je potekal 21. their facial likeness to the American there are several certainties - good food,
pustni karneval. Sledila mu je velika Indian T-Bird. It seems incredible that great wine and very friendly people.
pustna zabava pod tamkajšnjim šotorom. nations an ocean and a sea away had the
Posebna etnografska prireditev same ideas at about the same time. Barbara Bothwell
Pustovanje z Vomnskim pohom s
povorko po mestu je potekala v Kurents are the most important figures in Healthy Life Choices
Tržiču.Osrednji del prireditve je the procession and wear a most elaborate
pogajanje za smreko med Lomskimi costume. The headdress, which is made for Living to 100
fanti, gozdarji in morebitnimi kupci. of sheepskin, has changed over the Although most people think longevity is
centuries and become even more solely related to genes, it really depends
elaborate. Big horns, made of leather or on genes, attitude and lifestyle.
felt, were replaced by two upright short Centenarians attribute their long lives to
sticks intertwined with brightly coloured eating well, being optimistic and keeping
paper strips. The face is of leather with busy.
openings for the eyes and mouth which
are circled with red paint. A long leather There are several things you can do to
nose is sewn onto it and the teeth are start living right and working your way
white beans threaded onto a piece of to the triple digit numbers.
string with a long red tongue which is of
either cloth or leather. 1. Be your own best advocate when it
comes to your health. Know what
Med večje pustne prireditve na The body of the costume is pale coloured medicines you're taking, why your taking
Koroškem sodi že 39. pustni karneval v sheepskin. The chain belt has five cow's it and for what duration. Know if your
Slovenj Gradcu. Na njem je letos bells attached to it and the Kurent fastens medications have any contraindications
sodelovanje napovedalo 16 vozov in to it handkerchiefs which he acquires and be aware of all side effects. Explore
skupin, ki so se jim pridružili maskirani from the young girls. They either give alternative ways you can deal with your
otroci s tamkajšnjih vrtcev, godba na them willingly or he simply takes them! condition so you can perhaps eliminate
pihala in kurenti. On his feet are red or green socks and some of the medicines. The reason why
Velika pustna povorka je potekala tudi v black boots and he carries a wooden club. this is important is to keep your
Kostanjevici na Krki. V Mokronogu pa je No wonder most girls give up their medications simple and your side effects
popoldan potekal 10. pustni karneval pod handkerchiefs. The Kurent really is a low.
naslovom Ekskluzivni semafor – fearsome sight.
reševanje krize. 2. Be smart about what and how much
The Carnival originated with the Kurents food you consume. Nobody forces you to
being the harbinger of spring. At the end finish what's on your plate. Research
SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

shows that portion size has increased and stress, to keep your mind active and Maggs Composition Award in 1983,
that it is related to an increase in obesity. occupied, and to be the best you can be. third prize at the XXIV Premio Musicale
Therefore, understand that you, and only While age keeps creeping up, there is Citta di Trieste competition in 1987 for
you can reduce your food consumption. hope that you can turn the clock around his Violin Concerto, which also received,
Do it because obesity is related to many and be healthier in your later years. The in 1991, three Sounds Australian
debilitating illnesses, which shorten your goal is to not only live longer, but also to National Music Critics' Awards including
hopes for a long lifespan. Conscious live healthier. Being 90, with a poor Best Australian Orchestral Work. In 2004
eaters have lower blood pressure, quality of life, is not something to aspire he received the Classical Music Award
reduced body fat and diminished risks for towards. Rather, if you can be as healthy (State Award for South Australia) for
heart disease and even cancer. Eat a as a 60 year old, that is really something. 'Long-term Contribution to the
Mediterranean diet, which includes It is not too late to change your lifestyle Advancement of Australian Music'. In
colorful fruits, vegetables, olive oil, fish to reflect a healthier way of being, and 2003 he was elected Corresponding
and whole grains. Keep a trim waist for a the time to start is now. Therefore, be Member of the Slovenian Academy of
healthy heart. Be active. The more you aware of how your behaviors may be Sciences and Arts and in 2009 became its
move, the more you maintain flexibility, sabotaging your health and well-being. full member.
range of motion and responsiveness. The fountain of youth is right at your
fingertips. Grab hold and don't let go. Kos has been active in many areas
3. Associate with other optimistic, light- related to composition in Australia and
hearted people. As you age, you'll notice Amy Sherman Europe. In 1976 he participated at the
that discussions tend to be directed Amy is a licensed mental health Darmstadt Summer School, in 1983 he
toward illness or misfortune. Avoid those counselor and trainer. was teaching at the Summer School for
conversations by focusing on how much Young Australian and New Zealand
you appreciate your life and how good Composers and in 1992 at the National
it's been for you. Some people also try
Božidar Kos Orchestral Composers' School. In 1995
lifestyle changes, like meditation, he was a Visiting Professor at the Music
relaxation, and yoga exercises to keep Academy, The University of Ljubljana.
their perspective upbeat and focused on For many years, Kos was a member of
the sunnier side of the spectrum. Others the committee of the ISCM Australia
seek professional help through cognitive- Section, and of the executive committee
behavioral therapy to change their of the Fellowship of Australian
negative thoughts into more logical, Composers. In 1999 he was a
hopeful thinking. Your body tends to composition tutor to participants in the
thrive when you feel supported, Australian Composers Orchestral Forum.
encouraged and connected.
Kos has been commissioned by many
4. Drink moderately and don't smoke. leading soloists, ensembles and
orchestras, as well as by the Sydney
5. People who are married tend to live International Piano Competition, Music
longer than those who never married, or Board of Australia, and the Adelaide
who are divorced or separated. Of course, Božidar Kos (B.Mus.[Hons], M.Mus, Festival of Arts. His music has been
don't just get married for the sake of it. PhD) is a widely esteemed composer and performed and recorded by a variety of
Those in unhappy relationships tend to educationalist. He was born in Novo renowned soloists, ensembles and
lose the health benefits associated with mesto, Slovenia, in 1934. Kos began orchestras in Australia and overseas
that kind of commitment. studying music at an early age and later (including Dene Olding, Monika Skalar,
became actively involved in jazz, playing Wolfram Christ, Georg Pedersen, Daniel
6. If your goal in the latter part of your throughout Europe. He moved to Herscovitch, Arditti String Quartet,
life is to have long-term loving Australia in 1965 and began to compose Lontano Ensemble, Concorde Ensemble,
relationships and many special friends, seriously while a student of composition Slowind Ensemble, Tambuco Percussion
that is a good recipe for longevity. at the University of Adelaide. After a Ensemble, Sydney Alpha Ensemble,
Maintaining strong social groups and year of teaching at the Torrens College of Australia Ensemble, The Seymour
lively interactions keeps you alert, active Advanced Education, he was appointed Group, Flederman, Synergy Percussion,
and involved. in 1976 to the staff of the Faculty of Kiev Percussion, Sydney, Adelaide and
Music at the University of Adelaide, Queensland Symphony Orchestras,
7. Live in the countryside. The less where he later held the position of Fellow Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester
pollution you experience, the healthier in Composition from 1978 to 1983. The Saarbrücken, Symphony Orchestra RTV
you will feel and be. If you can't move following year Kos joined the staff of the Slovenia, and The Slovenian
out of the city, make visits to the beach, Sydney Conservatorium of Music and Philharmonic Orchestra).
lake resorts or other open areas a weekly was later appointed Chair of
adventure. The further you are from car Composition, a position he held until his Kos has had numerous broadcasts of his
exhausts, factory residue and other retirement in 2002. Since 2008 he resides music in Australia and in Europe.
pollutants, the less your body has to work in Slovenia. Recordings of his compositions have
to fight off these harmful toxins. been released in Australia on Vox
Kos has earned a number of important Australis and Tall Poppies labels and in
Successful aging is really based on good prizes, grants and awards, among them Europe on Helidon and RTV Slovenia
psychology and lifelong choices. The Adolf Spivakovsky Scholarship for labels.
Therefore, start now to reduce your Composition in 1977, the Albert H.
SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

Recent works by Kos include: Catena 3,

commissioned by the SLOWIND quintet; V slovenščino: avstraljski dokumentarec
Šala - Jokes
Fatamorgana, commissioned by the o Slovenci v hidroenergetskega sistema
Offspring Ensemble, Symphony (In Snowy Mountains za slovenska oddaja
memoriam cara Milana) and Symphony na TV 31 sydney in melbourne. Pripravil
No.2 (The Symphony Of Two jo je Florjan Auser. Pripoveduje Stanka
Continents), commissioned by the Gregorič.
Symphony Orchestra RTV Slovenia.
As well as being able to connect with
friends and relatives on Facebook, the
Social media is a 21 century phenomina
with millions of people connecting opportunity is there to join groups of
globally like they have not been able Slovenian interest such as Slovenian Res mi je žal, da sem vas obstrelil. Kako
before. Facebook , Twitter and YouTube Kangaroos in Australia. se pišete?
lead the communications revolution and - Zajc.
staying in tune with friends and the times - Sem pa enkrat le zadel, se razveseli
is a breeze. lovec.
Po cesti gresta dve kači.
Slovenia Australia channel on - A sva mogoče strupeni? vpraša prva.
YouTube - Ne, zakaj? odgovori druga.
Watch Slovenian Australian connected - Ugriznila sem se v jezik.
videos on YouTube at the Slovenia ***
Australia channel : Vrziva kovanec. Če bo mož, greva na
nogometno tekmo, če bo cifra, greva v
Slovenian Kangaroos in Australia disko, če se postavi pokonci, greva spat,
Avstralsko-slovenska plesna naveza
če pa ostane v zraku, bova študirala.
Twitter ***
You can follow the Kylie Minogue - Janezek, kaj si videl na deželi?
Slovenian twitter site at - Veliko živali. Največ kokoši. Le petelin je bil bolan. Ves čas je skakal na kure, pa
so ga morale prenašati.
Pancakes and Kransky ***

Sausages - Ti je všeč tukaj, na Kanarskih otokih?

Two Sundays ago, it was a bit different vpraša mož ženo.
because it was my daughter who - Zelo. Ostala sem brez besed.
prepared the breakfast and it is pancakes - Super. Potem bova pa ostala še štirinajst
and kransky sauasages, what’s even more dni.
Slovensko-avstralski plesni par Gordana special is that those are homemade ***
Grandošek in Trent Whiddon se je vrtel pancakes and not the supermarket bought V zadnji minuti pride Edi do blagajne na
že na najrazličnejših plesiščih širom ones. stadionu, da bi kupil karto.
sveta, nazadnje pa sta se poskusila vlogi '- Žal je vse do zadnjega mesta
koreografov plesnega spektakla "So you razprodano.
think you can dance" v Avstraliji, ki ima '- Potem mi dajte pa zadnje mesto.
kar dva milijona gledalcev. Kako ***
avstralci praznujejo božič in zakaj - Mami, zakaj si mi dala na torto sedem
Gordana dobi dve darili smo se svečk?
pogovarjali s parom, ki namerava še - Zato ker si star sedem let.
naslednja tri, štiri leta plesati, nato pa - Kaj mi ne bi raje naredila sedem tort?
imata željo odpreti plesno šolo. ***
- Zakaj pa imaš obvezano glavo?
Slovenians in the Snowy Now about “kransky”, it is a type - A vidiš tisti telefonski drog?
Slovenciv snowyju 1949 - 1999 of sausage which is an Australasian - Ja.
version of “kranjska klobasa” which is a - Jaz ga pa včeraj nisem, ko sem se vračal
popular Slovenian sausage, it became iz gostilne.
popular in Australia and New Zealand as
it was introduced by immigrants from
Slovenia during the post war period.

Kransky and pancakes go along very

Ang Sarap
New Zealand

SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

sistema spletnih strani, se podobno kot

KNJIGE – BOOKS pri številnih narodih in narodnostih tudi
pri nas kažejo prizadevanja po utrjevanju
lastne kulturne istovetnosti. Vsakih nekaj
let oživi zanimanje za kozolce. So
unikatne stavbe, ki že stoletja
sooblikujejo podobo našega alpskega,
osrednjeslovenskega in dela panonskega
kulturnega območja. Pogosto so predmet
zanimanja slikarjev, potopiscev,
kronistov, fotografov in raziskovalcev
vseh vrst. Večkrat jih je v svojih
Najlepše slovenske prenovljene znamenitih delih omenil in na bakrorezih
hiše upodobil Janez Vajkard Valvazor, od
Avtor: Deu Živa druge polovice 18. in prve polovice 19.
Redna cena: 19,95 € stoletja so bili pogosto zastopani na
vedutah, slikarskih upodobitvah krajev. Fantje Spod Karlovice – Sijaj
Knjiga odpira vrata dvajsetih domov, ki Priljubljen motiv so tudi poklicnim in mi sončece
so jim lastniki znali vdihniti novo ljubiteljskim fotografom, ki jih lovijo v Že od nekdaj so v brkinskih vaseh fantje
življenje tako, da ohranjajo najboljše od objektive svojih kamer. Kozolec se je na radi prepevali slovenske pesmi. Zaradi
starega in z občutkom vnašajo novo. To slovenskem etničnem ozemlju razvil v farne cerkve, osnovne šole, trgovske in
so hiše, posejane po celi Sloveniji, ki v več oblikah, inačicah in konstrukcijskih gostinske ponudbe je bila vas Pregarje
svojih zidovih nosijo zapisane pripovedi posebnostih. Zlasti je pomembna nekakšno središče družbenega dogajanja
o znanjih starih mojstrov, hkrati pa razširjenost in razporeditev različnih te okolice. V tistem času se je slovensko
harmonično sobivajo s sodobnimi tipov po slovenskih pokrajinah. pesem slišalo skoraj vsak večer.
gradbenimi tehnikami, ki so jim
podaljšale življenje. V knjigi bodo Proti koncu 20. Stoletja je družbeno
številni lastniki hiš lahko dobili navdih, slovenskem-hyracks-in- dogajanje začelo počasi umirari.
ki bo pomagal kakovostno obnoviti še slovenia/PR/28025,290
kakšno od častitljivih arhitekturnih in Ker so mladi fantje in možje začutili
stavbarskih pričevanj minulih časov v potrebo po druženju in obujanju starih
različnih slovenskih pokrajinah. NOVI CD običajev so leta 2000 ustanovili KTD
Pregarje. Začelo se je z organiziranim
Avtorica, dr. Živa Deu, je predavateljica pustovanjem (šemanjem) ter obuditvijo
na Fakulteti za arhitekturo Univerze v vaškega praznika – shoda. V seskozi pa
Ljubljani in vodilna slovenska je bila prisotna tudi želja po
strokovnjakinja za našo stavbno organiziranem petju. Ravno takrat pa se
dediščino. Je avtorica več strokovnih in je na Pregarje priženil Bernetič Aleš iz
poljudnih knjig s tega področja in stalna Rodika, ki je imel nekaj pevskega znanja.
sodelavka priloge Deloindom. Na njegovo podubo smo leta 2005 v
okviru KTD Pregarje ustanovili PS Fantje spod Karlovice. Jedro skupine
prenovljene-hise/PR/124575 predstavljajo fantje in možje iz Pregarja,
nekaj pa jih prihaja tudi iz Huj, Gradišča
ter Brezovega Brda. Ker se nad vsemi
tremi vasmi dviga hrib Karlovica je ime
skupine nastalo po njem. Pojemo
štirglasno zborovsko petje, predvsem
Neisha: Krila slovenske ljudske pesmi.
Na novem
albumu 'Krila' se Neisha predstavlja
kot prepoznavna avtorica in izvajalka, ki Najbolj prodajan slovenski
pa si je ponekod dovolila malce več album leta 2010
veselja, hudomušnosti, sproščenosti in Album Hvala, ker si ob meni ti, izvajalke
aktualne svežine. Tanje Žagar, je najbolj prodajani
slovenski album preteklega leta.
Uvod v težko pričakovani album je
pesem 'Tiste lepe dni', ki nas bo spomnila
na to, da je kljub vsemu najvažnejše
Kozolci na Slovenskem - 'dobro se imet, spet in spet'.
Hayracks in Slovenia
Avtor: Vito Hazler Žanr: R'n'B, soul, pop
Redna cena: 17,53 € Založba: Nika Records

V času ko se širita tehnološka

uniformiranost in vse večja odvisnost od
SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

Edina uradna slovenska glasbena Investments (JAPTI) should be given a

prodajna lestvica, slovenski "Billboard", Dejan Zavec was born March 13, 1976 in greater role in representing Slovenia
je v aktualni številki postregel z objavo Ptuj, Slovenia. abroad and that Slovenia should draw up
najbolje prodajanih albumov v Sloveniji a plan of attracting large foreign
v letu 2010. There are about 500 castles, manors and investors.
ruins in Slovenia. Many castles have
Na vrhu lestvice je pristal album Hvala, been restored to house museums, "In doing so, it must provide the
ker si ob meni ti, pevke Tanje Žagar. V galleries, restaurants and even a five star conditions that an investor demands,
skupni uvrstitvi vseh albumov, tako hotel. Perhaps the most famous is including the workforce, land and
domačih kot tujih, pa je album osvojil Predjama, a castle built into a cave. subsidies - at least in the initial phase.
odlično četrto mesto. Prva tri mesta pa so Some countries have done this very well
si razdelili Gibonni, Susan Boyle in Lady Jurij Batagelj & Jagods Batagelj of and Slovenia can improve in this
Gaga. Slovenia won the Amateur Latin section respect."
of the AL Asian Open dance
Tako za Tanjo Žagar kot tudi za njeno competition. The World Dance Council Both Tuerk and Kraljic agreed that
založbo Gong Records in vse sodelujoče Amateur League event was held in Slovenia will not become more appealing
na albumu je to zagotovo največje Tokyo February 20, 2011. to investors merely by securing an
priznanje in odlična spodbuda za American investment. They emphasised
nadaljnje ustvarjanje. Ker je bil prvi that Slovenia must also look to appeal to
Tanjin album Tiho, tiho čas beži BUSINESS SLOVENIA European, Chinese and Brazilian
prodajno zelo uspešen in je naslovna ”The Slovenian future is to increase investors.
pesem postala že praktično slovenska export, innovation and develop a stronger
zimzelena melodija, je ponovitev national brand. Investing in Personal
takšnega uspeha z drugim albumov še Branding is one of the necessary tools to
Social Media for
toliko večji dosežek. Uvrstitev na sam assist the Slovenian business leaders in Professionals
vrh lestvice pa tudi dokazuje, da ne Tanja establishing an influential position in the Find Slovenian professional and business
Žagar kot izvajalka in ne njena glasba global village,” states branding expert connections on the internet at LinkedIn -
nista muhi enodnevnici. Peter Horn.
Tanji bodo zlato ploščo za prodajni Slovenia Must Recognise Success
dosežek albuma Hvala, ker si ob meni ti Stories
podelili 15. aprila v Dvorani Golovec v President Danilo Tuerk and respected
Celju. Pevka pa že napoveduje svoj tretji Slovenian management expert Peter
album, ki bo izšel v jeseni. Kraljič said Slovenia must recognise its comparative advantages and business
Foto: arhiv Gong Records success stories and be proud of them.

See video clips of your favourite Speaking at a press event in Ljubljana,

Slovenian artists on SloVid – Tuerk and Kraljič said Slovenia must be aware of its geographic location, the
know-how of its people and links to
Eastern markets.
Janko Hočevar
Kraljič added that foreign investors were
very happy with what they achieved in Janko Hočevar is Owner / Partner of
Slovenia. "For example Revoz. It is leading Slovenian market research
among the top five plants in the whole company Aragon d.o.o.
Renault and Nissan chain."
Founded in 1999 Aragon is engaged in
SEEN & HEARD "We don't seem to be aware of...what our market research, planning and
The readers of the most widely read workers are capable of. This is a good consultation for the purpose of making
Slovenian weekly newspaper, Nedeljski example of how foreign investment pays good business decisions. Aragon’s work
dnevnik, have selected boxer Dejan for Slovenia," Kraljič said. is based on creative expertise. Marketing,
Zavec as the most popular Slovenian of consumer behavior research and
last year in a weeks-long poll. Zavec was He stated that Slovenia must look to marketing strategy planning. Field
presented the award at a ceremony in attract foreign direct investment. "If surveys, telephone (CATI) surveys, mail
Litija. money streams into Slovenia, new surveys, conjoint analysis, max-diff
technologies and know-how will follow." analysis and multivariate statistical data
Zavec, the IBF welterweight champion, analysis.
was selected ahead of two-time winner of Kraljič reiterated the view that
the award, President Danilo Tuerk. Slovenians should show greater Address: Litostrojska 44c
readiness to promote their country SI-1000 Ljubljana
Zavec made headlines last year by twice abroad. Slovenija E-mail:
defending his IBF title on home soil, Telephone: +386 1 547 17 08
including in front of a sold-out Stozice Kraljič said that the Public Agency for Internet:
Arena in Ljubljana on 4 September. Entrepreneurship and Foreign
SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

kar je doletelo Fukušimo 1. Kristijan Koren from Slovenia

Primerjave JE Krško s participated in the Tour Down Under in
Fukušimo so skoraj Toda ne glede na to se moramo vprašati, Adelaide, January 2011. Kristijan rides
koliko smo pripravljeni na prvega od for the UCI ProTeam LIQUIGAS-
nemogoče potresov, ki bo prej ali slej doletel tudi CANNONDALE. He made his Grand
Tomaž Švagelj, G. P.,14.03.2011 nas, čeprav ne bo dosegel magnitude Tour debut in the 2010 Tour de France.
sendaiskega. Kako trdne so naše
Naravna nesreča te vrste in tolikšne moči stanovanjske in druge zgradbe, koliko so
v Sloveniji ni možna. Zato in ker smo investitorji varčevali z betonskim jeklom
hkrati zelo odmaknjeni od česarkoli, kar in pri morebitnih stroških za
bi utegnilo vsaj od daleč spominjati na projektantske storitve, zlasti za statične
cunami, lahko rečemo, da se JE Krško ne izračune? Kako je z armiranobetonskimi
more zgoditi nič primerljivega s tistim, in, še zlasti, kako je z zidanim
kar je doletelo Fukušimo 1. zgradbami. Dejstvo je namreč, da pri nas
glede tega še zdaleč ni vse rožnato.
Ljubljana - Katastrofalna elementarna Denimo v Ljubljani je več starejših
nesreča, ki je v petek ob 6.46 po našem zgradb, ki se bodo v potresu najbrž zelo
času prizadela vzhodno obalo japonskega slabo obnesle. Mednje sodijo predvsem
otoka Honšu, bo v zgodovino tiste, ki so jih napačno prenavljali, zlasti
najverjetneje prišla pod imenom tako, da so v pritličjih delali velike Kristijan was born in 1986 in Postojna,
sendaiski potres, čeprav je največ škode izložbe, arkade ipd. In tudi tiste, v katerih Slovenia.
in človeških žrtev povzročil spremljajoči še danes na veliko rušijo zidove, da bi ***
cunami. stanovanja imela karseda lep, moderen, Slovenia will host the 2013 European
odprt tloris z veliko dnevne svetlobe itd., basketball championship.
Magnituda, podatki še niso dokončni, je in ki so jih pretirano, včasih tudi po The board of FIBA Europe unanimously
bila nekje med 8,9 in 9 (morda celo 9,1). večkrat, nadzidali. awarded the tournament to Slovenia for
To je zelo veliko in primerno visok je bil
the first time. The tournament will take
tudi cunami. Povzročila ga je velika V zadnjih letih si strokovnjaki po place in five venues in the summer of
količina sproščene seizmične energije in besedah prof. Tomaževiča zelo 2013. The dates have yet to be set.
dejstvo, da žarišče ni bilo globoko - prizadevajo tudi za omejitev poškodb na ***
dobrih 24 kilometrov je za Japonsko zgradbah, ne le za preprečitev smrtnih
otočje razmeroma zelo malo -, močan in Australian Open
žrtev. Posredna škoda, ki nastane zato,
plitev potres pa je sprožilec visokega in Slovenia was represented by five tennis
ker objektov ni več mogoče uporabljati,
uničujočega cunamija. players at the 2011 Australian Open held
je namreč lahko velikanska, dodatni
at Melbourne Park between January 17 –
strošek zaradi gradnje odpornejše nosilne
Za potresno odpornost zgradb so 30.
konstrukcije pa je zelo majhen.
ključnega pomena pospeški tal. »Potres The players were Blaž Kavčič (Men’s
je bil močan, kaj strašno hudega pa Singles), Grega Žemlja (Men’s Singles),
neposredno ni povzročil,« je posebej za Health Watch (Women’s Singles and Doubles),
Delo povedal profesor dr. Miha An article published online on March 11, Katarina Srebotnik (Women’s Doubles)
Tomaževič, strokovnjak za potresno 2011 in the American Heart Association and Maša Zec Peškirič (Women's
inženirstvo, »vse je naredil ta nesrečni journal Stroke reveals the results of a Qualifying Singles).
cunami.« Zelo se trese tudi v Tokiu, large study of Swedish women which
razlika v intenziteti potresa med found a lower risk of stroke in those who
Sendaiem in prestolnico je bila (po consumed coffee.
japonski desetstopenjski lestvici) namreč
ena sama stopnja, večje škode pa zaradi
dobre protipotresne gradnje v japonski
prestolnici menda ni. Tour Down Under

Naravna nesreča te vrste in tolikšne moči

v Sloveniji ni možna. Res je sicer, da
živimo na potresnem ozemlju, vendar ne
na tako zelo potresnem kot Japonci. Kot
smo v soboto že omenili, je bil naš doslej Katarina Srebotnik of Slovenia, right,
najmočnejši, to je idrijski iz leta 1511, and Canada's Daniel Nestor hold their
približno tisočkrat šibkejši od tokratnega trophy aloft after defeating Chan Yung-
sendaiskega. Povedano z drugimi Jan of Taiwan and Australia's Paul
besedami, v vsej znani zgodovini na Hanley in the mixed doubles final at the
slovenskem etničnem ozemlju doslej ni Australian Open tennis championships in
bilo še nobenega, vsaj približno Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 30,
primerljivega potresa. Zato in ker smo 2011.
hkrati zelo odmaknjeni od česarkoli, kar ***
bi utegnilo vsaj od daleč spominjati na
cunami, lahko rečemo, da se JE Krško ne
more zgoditi nič primerljivega s tistim,
SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

The gold is medal no. 14 for Slovenia at

world championships and the third for
Obituary – Osmrtnica
Maze, as she also has silver from the The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the
giant slalom two years ago in Val-d'Isere, Slovenian community of South Australia,
France. wishes to express its sincere condolences
to the family and friends of :


ČESTITKE Born in Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 19,
All the best - vse najboljše! 1927.
Passed away in Adelaide, December 29,
Australia Day Honours 2011 83 years old.
THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA (OAM) Committed at Enfield Park Cemetery.
Henrik Plank from Slovenia won silver in Father Ciril Alojz BOŽIČ Frank MAGAINA
the men’s F52/53 javelin competition at 19 A’Beckett Street, Kew Vic 3101 Born in Slovenia.
the 2011 IPC Athletics World Passed away in Adelaide on January 1,
Championships in Christchurch, New For service to the Slovenian community. 2011.
Zealand. The International Paralympic Aged 86 years.
Committee (IPC) Championships was Leader, Slovenian Mission of Saints Proud husband of Anita (deceased) and
held January 22 – 30, 2011. Cyril and Methodius at Kew, Melbourne, her family John, Helen, Gianclui, Daniel,
*** since 2001; Sasha and James. Loving brother of
Zavec retains welterweight title Member of the Order of Friars Minor Ivanka, Peter, Fani, Tončka and Stana.
(Fransiscan). Much loved uncle to his nieces and
Director, Baraga House. nephews in Slovenia.
Editor and Manager, MISLI – Thoughts,
since 2001; a religious and cultural
magazine in the Slovenian language. PERSONAL NOTICES
Chaplain, Victoria Police. Notices to be forwarded through the Club
Assistant Priest, St. Raphael's Slovenian President, in writing (Slovenian or
Religious and Cultural Centre, English). All letters will need to make
Merrylands, Sydney, 1982-1992. mail delivery by the weekend prior to the
scheduled Club Committee meetings to
ensure inclusion in the next issue of the
Births – Rojstvo
Bernik - Paul, Sue and Carlie welcome
Champion Dejan Zavec (L) of Slovenia with love their grandson and nephew, HALL HIRE HALL HIRE
defeated Paul Delgado of the U.S. at the Lucas Isaac. A brother for Mia Main Hall (seats 250)
IBF World Championship Welterweight members: $400.00
Title Fight in Ljubljana in February non-members: $950.00
2011. Zavec beat Delgado on a technical Birthday – Rojstni dan
December – Cvetka Petrovski (50th) Clubrooms (seats 120)
knockout (TKO). members: $180.00
January – Marta Zrim, Anita Gierlach
(nee Polajzer), Franciska Wetzel non-members: $300.00
Zavec, 34 and Slovenia’s first ever world February – Juliana Viola (90th), Albina Hall&Clubrooms (seats 350)
boxing champion improved his record to Komar members: $550.00
31 victories including 18 knockouts, one March – Rosemary Poklar (50th) non-members: $1200.00
defeat and one no result. Further information phone -
*** President: 8340 7010
Poroka obletnica - Wedding Secretary: 8344 4757
Maze Takes G-Slalom Gold
Slovenian Club Adelaide
Founded in 1957
11 Lasalle Street
Dudley Park SA 5008
tel: (08) 8269 6199
fax: (08) 8269 2406
Slovenian Club opening hours:
2.00pm – 10.30pm Sunday
Dinner from 6.00pm
10.00am – 3.00pm -Every third
Slovenian ski star Tina Maze overcame a 60th wedding anniversary - Rosa and Wednesday for Dan Sončnic (Sunflower
string of near misses to take her first gold Alojz Kresevič Day).
medal in major competitions by winning President – Danilo Kresevič
the giant slalom at the World Skiing Please let the editorial committee Vice-President – Milan Vrabec
Secretary – Cvetka Jamnik
Championships in February 2011, held in know of milestones and achievements for
Treasurer – Danica Kaluža
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. inclusion in the newsletter.
SLOVENIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER Issue No. 57 Autumn / jesen 2010/11

Slovenian Catholic Church Melbourne representative: d=rtvoddajeradio&op=show&func=read&

51 Young Avenue Peter Mandelj c_menu=1&c_id=48
West Hindmarsh SA 5007 email:
tel: (08) 8121 3869 The Council meets annually in July in RTV Slovenija II
tel: (08) 8346 9674 Slovenia. Slovenian Magazine
email: The objective of the Council is to Every second Saturday at 9.30pm
Sunday Mass at 10.00am preserve Slovenian culture, identity and (Slovenian time)
Pater Janez Tretjak language among Slovenians abroad.
5EBI FM Radio SBS Radio
(stereo FM 103.1mhz) SBS Radio Sydney chive.php
10 Byron Place Locked Bag 028
Adelaide SA 5000 Crows Nest NSW 1585 The Slovenia Times
office tel: (08) 8211 7635 tel: (Sydney): (02) 9430 2828 Fortnightly newspaper in English,
studio tel: (08) 8211 7066 tel: (Melbourne): (03) 9949 2121 published in Ljubljana.
internet: email: Internet:
Slovenian program times:
Wednesdays 7.00 – 7.30pm Tuesday and Sunday programs can be
Sundays 2.00 – 2.30pm heard on SBS Radio 1 digital at 8.00 – Online newsletter from Cleveland, USA
Ivan Burnik Legiša 9.00am. The program is repeated at Phil Hrvatin
President 10.00am. Senior Editor

Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije Slovenian program national broadcast: Thezaurus

(Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia) Tuesday’s program at 9.00 – 10.00am Slovenian language and cultural
26 Akame Circuit on Adelaide FM 106.3 mhz or Adelaide resources
O'Malley 2606 ACT Foothills FM 95.1 mhz Internet:
Aleksandra Ceferin
PO Box 284, Listen to Slovenian program at any time Director
Civic Square ACT 2608 on Internet radio podcast:
tel: (02) 6290 0000 Slovenia South Australia
fax: (02) 6290 0619 nguage=Slovenian NEWSLETTER
internet: Presenters: Tania Smrdel (Sydney), Advertise your business Lenti Lenko and Pavel Šraj (Melbourne) Contact Club President or Secretary. Sample
Dr. Zvone Žigon advertisements may be submitted as
pooblaščeni minister Slovenska Izseljenska Matica hardcopy or on floppy disk or CD, or have it
začasni odpravnik poslov (Slovenian Emigrant Association) made up by the editorial committee.
Cankarjeva 1/11 Rates:
Uradne ure za konzularna vprašanja 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Business card size $10
ponedeljek od 9:30 do 12:00 tel: +386 1 241 0280 ¼page (210mmwide x 75mm high) $15
torek od 9:30 do 12:00 fax: +386 1 425 1673 (105mm wide x 150mm high) $15
sreda od 9:30 do 12:00 in od internet: ½ (210mm wide x 150mm high) $30
14:00 do 16:00 Od leta 1956 organizira vsakoletna (105mm wide x 297mm high) $30
četrtek od 9:30 do 12:00 izseljenska srečanja (piknike) ¾ (210mm wide x 225mm high) $45
imenovana “Srečanje v moji deželi” full page (210mm wide x 297mm high) $60
Za obisk na veleposlaništvu je potreben
predhoden telefonski dogovor. Slovenian Media House
PO Box 191 Do you require a Justice
Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence Sylvania NSW 2224
v zamejstvu in po svetu Internet: of the Peace?
(Office of The Republic of Slovenia, for Internet publisher Free service
Slovenians Abroad) Florjan Auser
Komenskega 11 Administrator
Contact Danilo Kresevič
1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Telephone 8340 7010
tel: +386 1 230 8000 Misli (Thoughts)
fax: +386 1 230 8017 First published 1952
email: 19 A’Beckett Street
internet: Kew VIC 3101
Boštjan Žekš tel: 03 9387 8488
Minister for Slovenians Abroad fax: 03 9380 2141
Religious and Cultural bi-monthly
Web Portal for Slovenian Emigrants magazine in Slovenian language
The portal offers up-to-date information p. Ciril A. Božič OFM
on Slovenians abroad and the work of Editor and Manager
the Slovenian government.
Internet: Radio Slovenija 1
Oddaja Slovencem po svetu. Najdražjega psa na svetu,
Sveta Vlade Republike Slovenije za Program of Slovenians abroad. Tibetanski mastifi, se je prodal za
Slovence po svetu (Government Friday night (Slovenian time) 9.05pm – neverjetnih 1,4 milijona evrov v
Council for Slovenians abroad) 10.05pm kitajski. V zadnjih letih so
Sydney representative: Internet radio: Tibetanski mastifi dobili status
Florjan Auser prestižnih psov in so postali simbol
email: kitajskega bogastva.

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