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SubjectCode 160

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2007-cE-cHEM2-l I
This paper consistsof two sections.There are 30 questionsin Section A and 20 questionsin

Choosethe best answer for each question.

Candidatesmay refer to the Periodic Table printed on page 16 when answeringthe questions.


{ Which of the following pairs of aqueoussolutions can be distinguishedb1' usine dilute

/ acid ?

Al/ zinc iodide and zinc bromide

€. silver nitrate and magnesiumsulphate
CDA potassiumhydroxideand sodiumhydroxide
D.* sodiumcarbonateand calcium hydrogencarbonate

: hasa sharpboiling point ?

Which of the following substances

A. petrol
/ B.-r- redwine
V C. moltenwax
.ffi liquidammonia

: X is an element in the Periodic Table and X* ion has an electronicarrangementof 2, 8, 8.

Which of the following statementsconcerningX is correct?

1 A. X is a halogenA
J B. X is a transitionelementA
C. Xisagroup0element.
O. Xisaperiod4element. 2 7't

/ Which of the following statementsconcerningmembersof a homologousseriesis correct?

N- The membershavethe samemolecularformula.

f b BA The relativemolecularmassof eachsuccessivememberdiffers by 14.
C/- The volatility of the membersincreaseswith relativemolecularmass.
D. The memberswith more carbonatomsin their moleculesburn more readily.

Metal Y and calcium are both in the samegroup of the PeriodicTable. When equal massof
7 Y and calcium respectivelyreactswith excesshydrochloricacid under the samecondition,Y
gives more hydrogenthan calcium does. Which of the following deductionsis correct?

/ A! The reactivityof Y is higherthan that of calcium.

v B..+- The metallic bond in Y is weakerthan that in calcium.
C. The atomic numberof Y is greaterthan that of calcium.
D. The relativeatomic massof Y is smallerthan that of calcium.

{.i.* / --.>. r i , .r

Which of the following processeswould be involved in order to separateCu'-(aq) ions from a
/ mixture containingCu2*(aq)and K*(aq) ions ?

M performinga flame test

J Bo. evaporatingthe mixture
C.- using a separatingfunnel
/D. adding NaOH(aq) to the mixture

7. X, Y and Z are metals. The table below shows the observationswhen each of them is put
into copper(Il) sulphatesolution :

Metal Observation '{''

, \ *f i \
x no observablechanee --, i

Y brown solid formed and colourlessgasevolved

Z brown solid formed 7

correctlyrepresentsthe ascendingorder of reactivityof

Which of the following arrangements
the metals ?

tJ/. X<Z<Y
l B . Y<Z<X
! c . Z<X<Y
D. X<Y<Z

2 What is the systematicnameof the following compound?

r\ {\

HrC-C-CHr i" - (

" l r I

czHs i " .
1 "\. l!

/ k \ 2- chloro -2-ethyIpropane
'./ B' 2' chloro-2-methyIbutane
C.* I -chloro-1,l -dimethylpropane
D./- 2- chloro-2,2-di methylpropane

ve. Which of the following items can be madefrom polystyrene?

A. clothing
#r 11 B.: food wrap
t -"/ CA electricsocket
D-.- packagingmaterial

Which of the following suggestionsfor storingchemicalsis acceptable?

/ A"( storingsodium in a brown glassbottle

*" B/- storingsilver nitratesolution in an iron can
C.< storingethyl ethanoatein an expandedpolystyrenecontainer
-6. storingconcentrated sulphuricacid in a polyvinyl chloride bottle

ty'. D, J, R and Y representfour differentcompounds. D and J reactaccordingto the following
( equation:

- - +R + 2 Y

d grams of D react with / grams of J to give r gramsof R and y grams of Y. \\'hat is the
valueof y ?
J .

A. d+j-r
+, t r /


/ B .
v c . 2(d+j-r)
(d+2j-r)t2 \
D. il\
- t !
-t- I
i /l 1

wouldforma covalentcompound
Whiohof the followingpairsof elements

A"r- mercuryandneon
i B# neonandnitrogen
{ C. c- mercuryandfluorine
D. fluorineandnitrogen

M i s an element in the Periodic Table. M2- ion possesses

45 neutronsand 36 electrons.
Whati s M ?

A. Se
/ B. Kr r1-
C. Sr
D. Rh

t4. How many moles of ethanecontainy hydrogenatoms?

(L represents constant.)
r l {
L I ltu
A. vlL
- B. Lly I \^,
I L c. yt6L :At
D. 6ylL

What is the volume of 0.5 M hydrochloricacid requiredto reactwith 1.49g of lithium oxide
for completeneutralisation?

(Relativeatomicmasses: Li : 6.9, O: 16.0)

A. 50 cm3
/ B. loocm3 i
-- tJ' {
--i-r '!- \ T Ll,
\t Y
c. 2oocm3
D. 260 cm3

\ r t1
t'"." I
It r'' ''' I
Ir l " 7

Y,, J- \ I

) .

r .
f -

+ i il.,
4-' i

2_4 4' A ,'l
u .
o \
A mixture containing 25 cm3 of CHTCHzCHzOH,25 cm3 of CHTCOOH and I cm3 of
concentratedHzSOais heatedunder reflux. After some time, a pleasantsmell is detected.
Which of the following statementsconcerningthis experimentis correct?

A/- A redoxreactionis involved.

/ B. The reactioncannotgo to completion.
../ C.+- ConcentratedH2SOaactsas areactant.
Dr-- One of the productsis ethyl propanoate.

20cm3 of calcium chloridesolutioncontains1.0 x l0-2 moles of Cl-(aq) ions. What is the

molarity of the solution?

A. 1 . 0x 1 0 +M , ' 0 ,
/ B . 2.5 x l0-4 M--
/ c . 2.5 x l0-r M
D. 5.0x l0-r M
Considerthe informationbelow : D

So l i d Melting point Electricalconductivitv Solubility in water

w high ,,2 goo&< insoluble ^ ,.''
x high / non-conducting soluble
Y lopl- non-conducting sol ubl e
Z very highJ- non-conducting i nsol ubl e
-' r' L\

Which of the following solids is likely to be an ionic compound?

A . W
,( B . X
C . Y
D . Z

)9 Chlorineis bubbledinto an aqueoussolutionP for some time. The colour of P gradually

changesto brown. P is NOT likelyto be

1 A. calciumhydroxidesolution.
..i' &< potassium iodidesolution.
C- iron(Il)chloridesolution.
D-s zincbromidesolution.

Directions : Questions20 and2l refer to the following experiment.

When carbonand concentratedsulphuricacid are heatedtogether,sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide

are produced. Thesetwo gasesare then passedthroughsolutionX and solutionY as shon'nbelou.:


X solutionY

ry / of solutionX andsolutionY canbe usedto shou'that

Whichof the followingcombinations
/ { sulphurdioxideandcarbondioxideareproduced ?
SolutionX SolutionY

A. bromine water { calcium hydroxidesolution '/

B. iron(Il) sulphatesolution calciumhydroxidesolution/
C. acidified potassiumdichromatesolution sodiumhydroxidesolution+
D. acidified potassiumpermanganatesolution sodiumhydroxidesolution

2L. Which of the following statementsconcerningthe reactionbetweencarbon and concentrated

sulphuricacid are correct?

(l) The oxidationnumberof carbonchangesfrom 0 to +4. r

(2) The oxidationnumberof hydrogenin sulphuricacid remainsunchanged{
(3) Concentratedsulphuricacid actsboth as a pe{t,lnd an oxidising agent.
J A.
(l) and (2) only
(l ) a n d(3 ) o n l y
C. (2) and (3) only
D. ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) a n d( 3 )

22. Whichof the followingstatements chlorine,bromineandiodineis / arecorrect?


(l) They are all colouredsubstances. u'

Their reactivity increaseswith relativeatomic mass(
They all reactwith sodiumsulphitesolution.
| ,
\hL A. (l) only
B. (2) onlf-
C. (l) and(3)only
D. (2) and(3) orflS

f Which of the following statementsconcerning H r C - C - O H
l is / are correct ?

/ (r) It is neutralto litmussolution./

€h Its systematic
nameis propanol.c(
(3) I
When it reactswith ethanoicacid.the esterformed is H : C - C - O - C - C H r
- l t l
cHt o
A. (l) only
B. (2) onlp
C. (l ) a n d(3 ) o n l y
D. (2) and (3) only._

consider the redox reactionrepresented

by the equationbelow :

2 SrOr2-(aq)+ Ir(aq) ---' S4O62-(aq)

+ 2l-(aq)
- l

Which of the following statementsis / are correct?

(l) The oxidationnumberof sulphurin SzO:2-(aq) is +f . {

(2) (aq) --
One of the half equationsof this reactionis 2 S2O32- + 2e-
(3) { Iz(aq)is oxidisedby S2O32-(aq) in the reaction.

A. (1) only;_
B. (2) only
C. (l) and(3) onlb<
D. (2) and(3) only I

. - l

25. which of the following processeswould producesulphurdioxide ?

(I) roastingiron pyrite in air/

(2) heatingzinc with concentratedsulphuric aci{
(3) mixing dilute hydrochloricacid with sodiumsulphiteor.
T A. (l) and (2) only
B. (l ) a n d(3 ) o n l y
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (l ), (2 ) a n d (3 )

,f Which of the following statementsconcerningthe measuresto reduce air pollutantsis / are
correct ?

(1) Scrubbercan be usedto reducecarbonmonoxideJ-

(2) Catalyticconvertercan be usedto reducenitrogenmonoxide.z
(3) Electrostaticprecipitatorcan be usedto reduceunburnthydrocarbons.-..-

A. ( l) onlY,r-
/ li
I B. (2 ) o n l y
C. (l ) a n d(3 ) o nl y-
D. (2) and (3) only

Which of the following statementsconcerningbut-2-eneare correct?

(1) It hasthe samemolecularformulaas but-l -rnr. /


(2)* It can form a polymer vvi1fi-C-

t l as the repeatingunit.

t l
(3) It can decolouriseacidifiedpotassiumpermanganate

V A. (l) and (2) only*.

B. (1 ) a n d(3 ) o nl y
C. (2 ) a n d (3 ) o nl y.;
D. ( l ) , ( 2 ) a n d( 3 ) v

Directions : Each questionbelow (QuestionNos. 28 to 30) consistsof two separatestatements.

Decide whether each of the two statementsis true or false: if both are true, then
decide whether or not the second statementis a correct explanationof the first
statement. Then selectone option from A to D accordingto the following table :

A. Both statementsare true and the 2nd statementis a correctexplanationof the lst statement.
B. Both statementsare true but the 2nd statementis NOT a correct explanation of the lst
C. The I st statementis falsebut the 2nd statementis true.
D. Both statementsare false.

lst statement 2nd statement

YnZg. Molten sulphur is a good conductor of Sulphur molecules are mobile in molten
electricityy.- ,f- sulphur.
22 Isotopes
of anelementhavethe samemass.r Isotopesof an elementhave the same
/ I numberof protons.
. r ' \
10. Carbon can form a large number of Carbon atoms can shareelectronswith one
compoundswith long carbonclains. another.
\ t



Directions : Questions3l and 32 refer to the elementastatine(At), which has an atomic number of

3/ Which of the following diagramsbest representsthe arrangementof particles in a sampleof

(. astatineat room temperatureand pressure?


B. o o o o o o o o @ 0
o o o o o o @ o o
o o o o o o o o @ o

/ c . B c3 s
V t d

o o \J

0 O o

32. Which of the following statementsconcerningastatineis correct?

A. Astatineis solublein heptane./

, B^ Astatineis a strongeroxidising agentthan chlorine.
.I Q.a Astatineis an elementin period5 of the PeriodicTable.
t D.or- The formula of the compound formed between astatineand potassiumis

50 cm3 of carbon monoxide burns completely in 50 cm3 of oxygen. Assuming that all
volumesare measuredat room temperatureand pressure,what is the final gaseousvolume at
the end of the combustion?

(Molar volume of gasat room temperatureand pressure: 24 dm3)

A. 5 0 c m3 '.'; (
T v'u -/\ ,l
f '' -
B. 75 cm3
C. 1 0 0c m3 f u t J i '
D. 1 5 0c m 3

What massof iron can be obtainedby completereductionof 7.18 g of iron(III) oxide ?

( R e l a ti v ea to mi cm a s s e s: F e : 5 5 .8,O = 16.0)

, A. 2 . 5 1g ty--
'r, ,) ,,lt
B. 3 . 8 6g
\ 5 . 0 2g
c. f-r-i; -
D. 5 . 5 8g

: * ! t
t l tt' ' ,1' 7{ )r ) ( ' ) - |

Different metals are dropped into water or dilute hydrochloric acid. Assuming that the
experimentalconditions are the same, which of the following comparisonsconcerningthe
initial ratesof hydrogenformation is correct?

Initial rate of Initial rate of

hydrogen formation hydrogenformation

A.+-- Ca and HzO Ba and HCI

B. Fe and HCI K and HzO
C. g- K and HzO Cs and HzO
../ D. Cs and HzO Ca and HzO

The following diagramrepresentsa chemicalcell calledfuel cell.

ozG)-* G Hz(g)


io,rel4 * Fr(g)+Hzo(g)

electrodeY electrodeX

Hydrogen and oxygen are passedinto the fuel cell. The half equationsfor the chemical
changesoccurringat electrodeX and electrodeY are listedbelow :
t ,
' ''i "
at X : H2+2OH- '-- 2HzO+2e- nf '1
atY: O2+2H2O+4e- * 4OH-
Which of the following statementsconcerningthe fuel cell is correct?

A. Reductionoccursat XA
/ B. A current flows from X to Y through the external circuit)
{ C. Both H2(g)and Oz(g)function as fuels in the cell.,-
D. The fuel cell is an environmentallv-friendlvchemicalcell.

37. Which of the following mixturescan producechlorine?

A. chlorinebleachand lemon juice /

/ B. sodium chlorideand vinegarA
.l C. polyvinyl chlorideand causticsoda*
D. hvdrochloricacid and limestoneY-

38. Which of the following methodsis most suitablefor preparinga sampleof lead(Il) sulphate?

/ A. adding leadto dilute sulphuricacid,. , il ( ;

/ B. adding leadto copper(Il) sulphatesolutiorsr /
1/ C. adding lead(Il) oxide to dilute sulphuricacidJ-.
D. adding lead(Il) nitratesolutionto dilute sulphuric acid/
u t
2-10 l0
COz(g), SOr(g) and Oz(g) are composed of atoms of different elements. At room
temperatureand pressure,what is the ratio of the number of atoms involved in 100 cm3 of
COz(g),100 cm3of SO3(g)and 200 cm3of Oz(e)?

(Molar volume of gas at room temperatureand pressure: 24 dr43)

4 : 4
A . J
" {-)
I /,
I --7-'
B. J 4 : 2 /.rt(

C. 2 3 : 4
I I : 2
{ n i

t j : 7

6 When 10g of PURE calcium carbonate (molar mass : 100.1g) reaCtedwith excess
hydrochloricacid, 2.40 dm3of carbondioxide was obtainedat room temperatureand pressure.
However, in a similar experimentusing 10 g of IMPURE calcium carbonate,2.50dm3 of
carbon dioxide was obtained. Assuming that the impurity is a metallic carbonate,what
would this impurity be ?

( M o l a rm a s s e:sM g C O 3 : 8 4 . 3g , Z n C O 3 : 1 2 5 . 4g , F e C O 3 : 1 1 5 . g8 , C u C O 3
molar volume of gasat room temperatureand pressure: 24 dm')
l r
\ -
/ A. MgCo3
,,/ B. ZnCO3
c. Feco3
D. CuCOr

4r. Which of the following items does NOT require the use of the products obtained from
electrolysisof brine ?

A. manufactureof soaps*
7 B. manufactureof polyethene /
./ C. manufactureof bleachesl
D. manufactureof hydrochloricacid +-

7 Which of the following pairsof compoundscan form condensation

(l)* o

l l l l

- l l


(3)r H o \ . H O
l l l t t l
H_C-C_OH -
HrC-C-C-OH l

W- f / r ^ (l) and (2) only

,/ B' (1 ) a n d (3 ) o n l y
C. (2) and(3) only
D. (l ), (2 ) a n d (3 )

2007-cE-cHEM 2-l I ll
4'/ Which of the following bondsor attractiveforcesexist in ammoniumnitrate ?
tt ionic bond
(2) covalentbond ,/
(3) van der Waals'forces
(l) and (2) only /i" /
tr ( l ) a n d(3 ) onl y ,r
C. (2) and (3) onlyt*- R
b. (l), (2) and (3) ,'l|f, , ., /

44. Which of the following statementsconcerninga zinc-carboncell are correct?

(1) Manganese(Iv)oxide actsas the anode."t-

(2) Ammonium chloride actsas an electrolye. r
(3) Zinc actsas the negativeelectrode. i
j A. (l ) a n d (2 ) onl y ;
B. (1 ) a n d (3 ) onl y-
C. (2)and(3).o.lly< L^n
D. ( l ) , ( 2 ) a n d( 3 )

45/' Using carbon as electrodes,which of the following solutions would give hydrogen upon
(l) I M silvernitratesolution+- /
(2) 2 M sodiumhydroxidesolutionr'
(3) 3 M calciumchloridesolution z
l l

A. (l) only "\

J B. (2) only
C. (l ) a n d (3 ) onl y
D. (2 ) a n d (3 ) onl y : .' t

4rv- Which of the following statementsconcerningthe reaction of concentratednitric acid with

copper is / are correct ?

(1) A colourlessgasis evolved.

(2) One mole of NO3-(aq)ionsrequiresone mole of electronsfor reduction.v/
(3) It involvesa displacementreaction.

( 1) onty*-
/ A.
I B. (2)only
V C. (1) and (3) onlya--
D. (2) and(3) onlyl,

furr' /

2007-cE-cHEM 2-t2 t2
47. A studentpours two different acidsrespectivelyinto two test tubes,eachcontaininga pieceof
magnesiumribbon of the same mass,until the ribbons are completely coveredby the acids.
If she wishes to comparethe relative strengthof the acids by observing the initial rate of
evolutionof gas,which of the following items shouldbe the same?

(I) volume of the acids( /

(2) concentration of the acids/
(3) basicityof the acids(

A. ( l ) a n d( 2 ) o n l y {
(l ) a n d(3 ) o n l y
(2) and (3) only",
D. ( I ), (2) and(3) /

Directions : Each questionbelow (QuestionNos. 48 to 50) consistsof two separatestatements.

Decide whether each of the two statementsis true or false; if both are true, then
decide whether or not the second statementis a correct explanationof the first
statement. Then selectone option from A to D accordingto the following table :

A. Both statementsare true and the 2nd statementis a correctexplanationof the l st statement.
B. Both statementsare true but the 2nd statementis NOT a correct explanation of the lst
C. The I st statementis falsebut the 2nd statementis true.
D. Both statementsare false.

l s t s ta te me n t 2nd statement

4 8 . Galvanisediron is usedfor making food Zinc can prevent iron from rusting by
cans. Y1 sacrificial protection.

4 9 . Crackingis an endothermicreaction., ,/ Crackingresults in an increaseof number

of mol ecul es.

50. Soapy detergent can be used to treat oil 7 Soapy detergentcan act as an emulsiffing
spillageon seasurface.sf .ri agentfor oil.


2007-cE-cHEM2-13 l3

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