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IOO880 Instructional Design and Development

Name: Mosima Tefu

Student Number: 98278496
Module: IOO 880

My expectations of instructional design are:

My expectations of instructional design is to implement computers in learning

areas/ subject that I am teaching in school, in order to engage learner in
computers to be able to use computer tools. The learner should be able to do
different activities in computer and he/she must be instructed to do so. Since
we are facing National Curriculum Statement I expect great changes in
education, for example changes teaching learners to seek the information on
their own with the instruction of the teacher and design their own activities
only with help of the teacher.

I expect the government to introduce this syllabus in the department of

education so that it can be implemented in all schools around South Africa. I
have realized that without computer knowledge and understanding you cannot
go anywhere in this country. When they advertise employment the
requirement of computer knowledge is always there that is why I have a
reason that we all need to learn how to use computers.

In the module I00 880 expect to learn about instructional design. The purpose
of instruction is to help people learn. Instruction is much more likely to be
effective if it is planned to engage students in those events and activities that
facilitate learning. The teacher or trainer can select, or plan and develop
activities to best help students learn.

We learn about three learning components which are the content, the learner
who is tested a prior knowledge, intelligence and learning style. The teacher
or trainer has knowledge and skills and is planning management instruction.

Instructional design is all about instruction rather than teaching and we also
learn about five categories of learning outcomes which are:

An intellectual skill is when the learner has to carry out symbolically

controlled using discrimination concepts rules and problem solving skills.
Cognitive strategies is when the learners exercise control over the own
learning process.
Verbal information when facts are organised and stored to learner’s memory
Attitude is the internal states that influence the personal action choice the
learner makes.
A motor skill is the movements of skeletal muscles organised to accomplish
purposeful action.

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