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Name___________________________________Date _____________________ LN ____ QG ____ FOG 4, Unit 6 Complete the conversation with the future progressive, future perfect,

or future perfect progressive form of the verbs in parentheses. Use contractions when possible.

1st. Grade Prep.

A: It says in this article that by the year 2020, scientist s

then. Just in time to sell it and buy another one. A: Oh, come on. Think of the benefit to the environment. We

the atmosphere the way we are now. And we all that money for fuel every year.


B: I guess you're right. Speaking of driving, ele ____________________ you ctric car. by the post office tomorrow? That means A: Probably. Why? Do you need stamps? we gasolin B: No, but I promised to get this report in ethis week. I powere on it. d cars in just With luck, I it by the time you leave for work tomorrow. an other A: I can send it overnight mail for you. No problem. few years. B: You know, this is an anniversary for me. I B: Too bad. We A: B: for five years as of tomorrow. I'll be home at seven. Let's go out for dinner and celebrate. I've got to work all night tonight. I'm afraid I by seven tomorrow evening. OK. The next day then.

paying for our gasolin A: epowere d car by

1st. Grade Prep.

FOG 4, Unit 6 1P

1. will have perf ecte d 2. won' t be drivi ng 3. 'll have finis hed 4. won' t be pollu ting 5. won' t be spen ding 6. will . . . be going 7. 'll be work ing 8. 'll have finis hed 9. 'll

have been telecommuting / 'll have telecommuted 10. 'll be sleeping

1st. Grade Prep.

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