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Part A

10 X 2 2 = 25

1. Derive the mathematical model for translational mechanical system with spring and mass. 2. Explain the terms hydraulic resistance and capacitance. 3. Identify the electrical equivalent for the following i. Fluid pressure ii. Spring iii. Mass iv. Damper 4. List the major units of PLC. 5. Write about internal relay 6. What is latch circuit? 7. Write about engine speed sensor. 8. Differentiate traditional system with mechatronics. 9. List the sensors used in engine management system. 10.What are the possible solutions for wind screen wiper motion?

Part B

3 X 25 = 75
15 10

11. a. i) Derive the mathematical model for armature controlled DC motor with block diagram. ii) Explain about PI controller with its electronic circuit. (OR) b. i) What are the various modes of adaptive control? Explain it with neat diagram. ii) Briefly explain about velocity control. 12. a. i) Explain about the architecture of PLC. ii) Explain about the types of timers. (OR) b. i) Briefly explain about the types of data handling operations in PLC. ii) Explain about various logic functions of PLC with ladder logic diagram. 13. a. i) Explain various stages of design process. ii) Explain about automatic car parking system. (OR) b. i) Briefly explain about the working of pick and place robot. ii) Explain about the various possible solutions for wind screen wiper motion.

15 10 15 10

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