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Benefits realisation - a European executive agency The client had a programme and project management methodology but was

convinced that it was still not realising the benefits of its considerable efforts. Benefits were written up in the business case and reviewed as part of the initial authorisation. However little attention was paid to what changes needed to take place to realise or measure the benefits after projects had gone live - routinely project teams were disbanded as quickly as possible after project completion. No-one retained responsibility; project sponsors anecdotally recognised the improvements that different projects and changes offered but did not formally measure them. Benefits management relies on project managers and change managers working in close cooperation with managers from each business line impacted by the changes. Maven devised the agencys approach to benefits management. We held benefits workshops to explain the benefits management framework to the agencys management and how it aligned to the existing procedures used within the organisation. We ran further benefits workshops with business and project managers working through their projects to identify what activities were required within the business and within the project team to ensure benefits were identified, measured, changes made to achieve benefits realisation and measures taken again to evidence the improvements. We also developed a step-by-step guide to benefits management for future training and induction sessions. Benefits management is a subject that now leads all discussions when projects and changes are first identified and authorised and is a regular subject at all project reviews.

Copyright Maven Training Ltd 2011 020 7089 6161

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