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Jasmine Larsen Relb 125a Report #2

The book of John can be split into four parts (including a prologue and an epilogue). Beginning with a sort of poetic prologue, the author introduces Jesus as not only the Son of God but as the Word. The first half of John tells the reader about Jesus ministry. Jesus calls his disciples in the first chapter and by chapter two has already completed his first miracle (turning the water into wine). John focuses less on Jesus sermons and more on his miracles. Any lessons Jesus gives are smaller more one to one (including when he teaches his disciples) than to whole crowds. The second half of the book of Luke is tells of Jesus crucifixion and his resurrection. Although not in great detail, it definitely shows the Pharisees need for Jesus to be gone from their lives. Ending with the epilogue, this tells of Jesus reappearance to his disciples after his resurrection. Unlike the other gospels, the book of John skips the miracle of Jesus birth. He instead focuses on the fact that Jesus is God in human flesh. John clearly shows that despite the many miracles that Jesus did, he was not accepted by the Jewish leader of the time (Pharisees and Sadducees). They were constantly trying to trap him into doing or saying something that would get him in trouble with Rome or the Torah. John also shows that even those who had been healed by Jesus and considered him to be the Son of God were thrown out of the Synagogue. I believe that one of the main focuses of the book of John is about having a personal relationship with God. This can be seen in Jesus talking to Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman about rebirth and never thirsting again (chapters 3-4). By making a commitment to Jesus (baptism/being born again) and reading the bible we can not only have a personal relationship with God but also help others have one too. John 3:16 is a prime example of this. God sent his only son to us to not only save us but to witness to us. How can we do no less.

I have read 100% of the assigned text and this report represents my own work Jasmine Hanna Larsen

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