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I heard it mentioned that today was National Forgiveness Day.

It's supposed to be a day where you forgive someone who you may have hurt or an opportunity for someone else to ask your forgiveness. To me it meant a bit more. There was still someone that I had not forgiven completely. We have all heard the phrase "forg ive and forget." We have also heard folx say " I can forgive,but I can't forget" . Can you do one without the other? Is it possible to forgive ,but not forget? Does that apply to us. How well can we forgive ourselves and forget. I looked back at some of the( to put it nicely) 'less than honorable" deeds I h ad done at one time or another. I forgot a lot of them I stopped focusing on th ose things and decided that I would in turn do better deeds in the future to mak e up for them. I have a saying I always say , "I try to always forgive people and not hold a grudge". Why? Because one day I may do something so rotten or hur t someone I really care about. If I showed forgiveness as I have been shown , there s a chance it would find its way be back to me. At times it can be challe nging to always forgive , but that's just what it is ,a challenge. ....a test.I believe that to the extent that we forgive others is the extent that others wi ll forgive us. Even harder is forgetting. But remember, I try not to hold a grud ge. I found that with a grudge there is tension, anxiety stress, discord and re stlessness (There is a pill on the market to relieve those symptoms. I'm jus say in) .Discord causes dis-ease. It is so much more beneficial to have the right qu alities within so when the time to forgive arrives, the person who has done wro ng can at least seek solace in our forgiveness. Being able to forgive is healing .There is an unmeasurable amount of love in forgiveness. When we forgive we cr eate in our atmosphere the highest amount of love and light. Not just for oursel ves ,but to the one seeking forgiveness. If you have ever hurt someone you love or when someone we love hurts us, through remorse , forgiveness is sought. To fo rgive is a beautiful thing to do because it is an act of unselfish and unconditi onal love. But on to forgetting. I made it easy on my self. Id done enough in my youth to hurt enough people and forgot about them , why not do the same when so meone wrongs me. ? Forget it!!! I feel better already!!! "Welcome, I've been expecting you"!

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