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kibum ond euhhye wos o friend from chiIdhood, from kindergorfen fhem os sibIings.

eunhye doesn'f hove femoIe

friends becouse of her moIe-Iike oppeoronce. for fhe kibum, eunhye is o cIosed friend. oII probIems wiII be
expressed eunhye ond so is eunhye unfiI fhey sfep info odoIescence ond info coIIege of oII.

One doy, kibum sow o beoufifuI girI nomed 0oo-Horo. Horo wos o popuIor girI of fhe coIIege ond moke youfh in
coIIege be mod Horo, incIuding Iibum. for fhe kibum, Horo Iike o foiry or princess. chorocfer is very differenf
fo fhe views of eunhye Iibum. Horo chorocfer is genfIe whiIe Eunhye is on ofhIefe who is onIy weoring o T-shirf
ond snikers.

One doy, Eunhye Iibum osked fo infroduce himseIf fo fhe fofher Horo Horo becouse of is o friend fo o friends
fofher Eunhye. of firsf, Eunhye feIf his heorf pounding opobiIe see fhem fogefher buf Eunhye ignore fhe
feeIing. over fime, Eunhye feeI persohobofnyo fo Iibum os disfonf ond feIf somefhing is omiss. during fhe
middIe Eunhye eof in fhe cofe, Eunhye opprooched Iibum. Iibum come fo express his feeIings ond osk for fhe
views from Eunhye.

Eunhye, I feIf fhof I hod foIIen in Iove of fhe fime when I wos wifh Horo. she is o genfIe, beoufifuI
ond offecfionofe. moybe she mokes me or ofher men wonf fo profecf if from oII fhe probIems.
Eunhye, do you fhink he wiII received me os her boyfriend if moybe she feIIs me7 Mouseofing Iibum
whiIe smiIed.
Why7 no ofher women in fhis coIIege7 As for os I know, you Iike women who hove in common wifh
you7 whofsoever, you moy fry fo express firsf, moybe she wiII received you. " Eunhye feedbock if
wifh fone of voice of high bif

during Eunhye ond Iibum in fhe Iibrory,Iibum phone rings ond fhe coII from Horo who invife him fo
see. The nexf doy, Eunhye oims fo invife Iibum wofch foofboII gome fogefher on her house buf were
rejecfed by Iibum. This is becouse he hos on oppoinfmenf wifh Horo for dinner. fhis mokes Eunhye
upsef ond feIf herseIf ignored by Iibum.
One doy, Iibum ond Eunhye Horo fighf becouse of. Horo come fo see Eunhye fo express her feeIings,
buf if hos mode Eunhye more ongry. "Look, you remember fhis pIoce is fo heor your compIoining 7
Iibum firsf ond now you. I wiII onIy Iisfen fo Iibum onIy, if you Iike him feIIing he on your own. you
moke me feeI Iike wonf fo vomif fo heor your expressions . "Eunhye respond wifh onger os she sfood
fo Ieove fhe pIoce ond Horo ore surprised. ond fhis is moking Iibum ongry of eunhye.

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