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MATH 105

Fri 8:00, Room L-207 ______ANSWER KEY__________________

September 11, 2008

1. (4 points) Circle “Inductive” or “Deductive” for the type of reasoning in each situation below:

a. Sherlock Holmes says, “I recognize the smell of a. Inductive Deductive

the smoke from your pipe as tobacco grown in Holmes derived his conclusion from his
Jamaica in the spring and sold at 157 Eston Lane.” experience smelling tobacco smoke.

b. “If I shoot you, the one of two things will b. Inductive Deductive
happen: Either you die, or you don’t. If you die, no The speaker logically analyzes the
problem. If you don’t die, either you are injured, or situation.
you don’t.”

c. “You probably have the flu. There’s been a lot of c. Inductive Deductive
that going around these past few days.” The person derives the conclusion that
“you have the flu” from his/her
observations of other patients.

d. No way Bob can beat Mary at chess. d. Inductive Deductive

The person derives his/her conclusion
from his/her observations of the way Bob
and Mary play chess.

2. (3 points) 5% of what is 100?

A = P ⋅ B . Here, A = 100 and P = 5% = 0.05

A 100
B= = = 2000 . Answer: 5% of 2000 is 100.
P 0.05

3. Given: A = {1, 5, 7, 9} and B = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

a. (1 point) Write down the roster form of A ∩ B ?

The intersection A ∩ B consists of those elements that are both in A and also in B.

A ∩ B = {5, 7}

b. (1 point) Write down the roster form of A ∪ B ?

The union A ∪ B lumps together all elements in A and all elements in B.

A ∪ B = {1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9}

c. (1 point) Calculate: n( A)+ n( B) − n( A ∩ B) . Is it equal to n( A ∪ B) ?

n(A) = 4; n(B) = 5; n( A ∩ B ) = 2. So, n( A)+ n( B) − n( A ∩ B) = 4 + 5 – 2 = 7.

Yes, it is equal to n( A ∪ B )

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