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INSTITUTO DE ENSINO, PESQUISA, EXTENSO E CULTURA REDE VIRTUAL INESPEC RDIO E TELEVISO VIRTUAL TELEVISO INESPEC CANAL 1 - 2011 - 2S CONFIRMAO EMAIL Access details for your WorldTV Channel EntradaX Responder |WorldTV Master Control por para mim mostrar detalhes 26 out (4 dias atrs) Here are the details you will need to gain access to your wonderful new channel. Please be sure to read the important note at the bottom. Playback URL: (give this one to friends) Editor URL: (for you to make changes) To keep things simple we have not created a password for you to access the Editor page. In theory this means anyone could access your editor and change your videos but you can fix this by creating an access password. You can do this easily on the Channel Settings tab. Sincerely, WorldTV Master Control PROGRAMAO OFICIAL QUE ESTAR NO AR NO PERODO DE 1 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2011 31 DE ABRIL DE 2012

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