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11 Ostinati Sonambulistici

Subdued, fleeting
 
Right hand 4
fingers 2
mp sotto voce **
F  
Left hand

        
3  
  c. 15"
c. 15"

* The left hand plays in the lowest section of the
** Notes written 'h' are to be struck as
piano's interior; the right hand in the section adjacent. usual, but the finger is to remain in contact
with the string a little longer.

  
      
c. 10" f
 c. 10"
 f p

    
      
   
S c. 5"
sub. f sub. p


     c. 15"
X ff violent F
mp come prima
  
 
c. 5" 
 c. 10"
 
This piece is all thuds and noises, rustlings and scrapings; pitch is of comparitively minor importance.
To this end, a technique of hitting the strings (rather than plucking them) is employed. In F sections
the strings are struck with flat fingers; in S sections a 'scrabbling' motion with the fingertips (involving
both striking the strings and sweeping them lengthways) is to be used; in X sections the strings are
flicked lengthways violently with the nail of the third finger.

© 1999

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