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LNGLISn 1119
WConslsLs of apers
aper 1 8S (1n4SM)
aper 70 (n1SM)
aper 1
W Sect|on A D|rected Wr|t|ng (3S)
1esLs sLudenLs' read|ng and wr|t|ng
sk|||s at the product|on |eve|
?ou are requlred Lo wrlLe a gu|ded
compos|t|on (essay) based on a
glven sLlmulus
W Lxamp|es
descrlpLlons of processes and procedures
oplnlons on soclal/currenL lssues
W ?ou are advlsed Lo spend abouL 4S
m|nutes on Lhls secLlon
W 1he quesLlon glven ls student
fr|end|y" as lL provldes a loL of
lnformaLlon and lnsLrucLlons Lo help
you Lo answer Lhe quesLlon easlly
W 8emember Lo use Lhe correct format
W use a|| the po|nts]notes g|ven and
expand the po|nts by addlng relevanL
lnformaLlon Lo galn more marks
W use Lhe sty|e or tone LhaL ls sulLable for
Lhe answer
lor eg Lhe language used ln a formal and
lnformal leLLer
W A we||organ|sed composlLlon wlll
deflnlLely galn more marks
W So p|an your essay well
W WrlLe good lnLroducLlon and concluslon
W Check your answer (spelllng grammar)
Sect|on 8 Cont|nuous Wr|t|ng (S0)
W SLudenLs are requlred Lo wrlLe
a composlLlon (essay) of at
|east 3S0 words
W ?ou musL choose one out of
f|ve Loplc glven
@ypes of Lssay
W uescrlpLlve
W narraLlve
W ArgumenLaLlve
W 8eflecLlve
W LxposlLory (lacLual)
W lree wrlLlng
W ?ou are advlsed Lo spend one hour
on Lhls secLlon
W use m|ndmaps Lo plan your essay
W 8e or|g|na| and creat|ve
W Avo|d uslng |ong sentences and
uslng bombast|c words
W CreaLlvlLy and flguraLlve expresslons
can help you Lo galn more marks
W ulvlde your essay lnLo several
(1 polnL 1 paragraph)
W Clve examples whenever
W 8emember Lo check and ed|t your
essay for any errors ln spelllng
puncLuaLlon and grammar
W ConslsLs of 4 sect|ons
Sect|on A (1S)
(l) St|mu|us Short @exts (8)
1hls parL conslsLs of 8 mulLlple cholce
8ased on a varleLy of graph|c st|mu|| and
noLlces news reporLs graphs comlc sLrlps
charLs leLLers and adverLlsemenLs
(ll) at|ona| C|oze (7)
W 1hls parL conslsLs of 7 mu|t|p|echo|ce
W 8equlres you Lo read a passage and Lhen
flll ln Lhe blanks from Lhe opLlons glven
W ?ou need Lo choose the r|ght answer
W Look for clues conLalned ln Lhe senLences
before and afLer Lhe blank
W 8emember your grammar rules
Sect|on 8 Informat|on @ransfer (10)
W @en sub[ect|ve quest|ons are asked based on
Lhe lnformaLlon glven
pamphleLs leafleLs brochures newspaper
cuLLlngs adverLlsemenLs and eLc
W Answers should be short and stra|ght Lo Lhe
W Answer on|y what |s requ|red
W Look ouL for Lhe key words
W ?ou wlll |ose marks lf you are care|ess
Sect|on C ead|ng Comprehens|on
and Summary (S)
(|) ead|ng Comprehens|on (10)
ConslsLs of 3 openended quesLlons
based on a passage
assage can be narraLlve descrlpLlve
or facLual
8ead and undersLand Lhe passage
flrsL before you sLarL answerlng Lhe
W 8ead and undersLand Lhe quesLlons before
you answer lL
W Make sure your answers are Lo Lhe polnL
W uo noL copy large porLlons of Lhe passage
as your answer
W Cnly use Lhe correcL conLenL or lnformaLlon
from Lhe passage
W uo noL make careless mlsLakes wlLh your
spelllng grammar and puncLuaLlon
(||) Summary (1S)
W ?ou are asked Lo summarlse a cerLaln
secLlon of Lhe readlng comprehenslon
Lg use only Lhe maLerlal from from llnes
22 33
1herefore you should only exLracL
lnformaLlon from llnes 22 33
W 8ead and undersLand Lhe quesLlon llnd
ouL exacLly whaL Lhe quesLlon requlres
you Lo do
W CredlL wlll be glven for Lhe use of your
own words
W Powever do noL add ln your personal
ldeas or oplnlon
W use llnkers Lo make your summary more
organlsed and coherenL
W WrlLe ln cont|nuous form (1 paragraph on|y)
W Do not wr|te |n note form Q more than 1
W Leave out all Lhe deLalls repeLlLlons
examples and eLc
W use only slmple Lngllsh
W use correcL Lense
W uo noL copy chunks from Lhe passage
W CounL your words and sLaLe Lhe LoLal number
of words aL Lhe end of Lhe summary
Sect|on D L|terature Component (0)
(|) oem (S)
1hls parL ls based on one of Lhe poems
you have sLudled ln lorm 43
?ou have 3[4 quesLlons on a poem or an
exLracL of a poem
?ou musL know Lhe whole poem
?ou may be asked Lo glve your personal
response Lo Lhe poem
(||) Nove| (1S)
W 1hls ls an openended quesLlon and
carrles Lhe mosL marks ln Lhls secLlon
W 8ead Lhe quesLlons carefully and flnd ouL
whaL Lhe quesLlon requlres you Lo do
Lg Lhemes moral values lesson
characLer seLLlng eLc
W ?ou need Lo know Lhe novel very well
W Clve examples from Lhe sLory Lo supporL
your oplnlon
;uest|on answer
@hank you!!!
Good |uck |n your exam

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