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2 page handwrlLLen research deLalls Lo be submlLLed

lorm for Lhe enrolmenL of Lhe gulde

Culde consenL leLLer Lo be fllled
Make a power polnL presenLaLlon of relaLed or hu Loplc as a parL of Lhe course work 1 SubmlL Lhe
hard + SofL copy
SubmlL Pand wrlLLen hard copy of Lhe revlew of 10 arLlcles + hard copy of Lhe arLlcles (uCA!org)
3 books summary of Lhe parLs of Lhe book along wlLh Lhe phoLo copy of Lhe fronL page of Lhe book +
speclflc pages of Lhe Loplcs of lnLeresL
Synopsls (16 24 pages) Lo be worked upon and submlLLed ln a new formaL (2 sofL copy + 3 hard
uocLoraLe 8evlew CommlLLee (u8C) resenLaLlon of Lhe Synopsls
rogress reporL Lo be submlLLed every 6 monLhs duly slgned by Lhe Culde
Mln 2 papers Lo be publlshed ln 2 years wlLh lSSn / lS8n nos
4 semlnars Lo be aLLended

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