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lacebook LssenLlals

rospecL PelghLs ubllc Llbrary

Chrls Schoenherr 1echnology 8esources Llbrarlan cschoenherr[phpllnfo

WhaL ls lacebook and Why Would l use lL?
lacebook ls Lhe largesL soclal neLwork ln Lhe world founded by Mark Zuckerberg ln 2004
CurrenLly over 700 mllllon people are uslng lacebook 1he fasLesL growlng segmenL of
users ls over Lhe age of 63 by far

lacebook ls a free and easy way Lo sLay ln Louch wlLh frlends ln famlly reunlLe wlLh old
frlends and follow your favorlLe buslnesses organlzaLlons muslcal groups causes and

WhaL Can ?ou uo Cn lacebook?
CommunlcaLe and reconnecL lacebook allows you Lo communlcaLe wlLh
frlends and famlly Lhrough a varleLy of dlfferenL meLhods 1hrough a search you
can easlly flnd old frlends LhaL are uslng lacebook
Lxplore ConnecL wlLh people from all over Lhe globe SLay currenL wlLh whaL ls
golng on wlLh your favorlLe people and organlzaLlons
Advocate lollow and supporL your favorlLe causes such as AmnesLy
lnLernaLlonal Cccupy WallsLreeL 1he Amerlcan Cancer SocleLy eLc
Store and D|sp|ay WlLh onllne phoLo albums you can sLore your phoLos and
glve frlends and famlly Lhe opporLunlLy Lo see whaL ls happenlng ln your llfe
lay 1ake advanLage of Lhe ever growlng llbrary of lacebook appllcaLlons such
as Lhe larmvllle Mafla Wars and Words WlLh lrlends games ConnecL wlLh oLher
users and challenge your frlends

WhaL ls lacebook?
CreaLlng a roflle
Llve uemonsLraLlon
rlvacy SeLLlngs and 8esL racLlces
D|fferent Ways to
1 Comment|ng CommenLlng ls noL
prlvaLe lf you commenL on someone's
wall or phoLo frlends can see lL
2 Messag|ng Messaglng ls prlvaLe
Cnly people LhaL you declde can vlew a
message lL ls slmllar Lo an emall
3 Chat ChaL ls an lnsLanL messaglng
feaLure LhaL ls avallable on lacebook lL
allows for real Llme lnsLanL messaglng
wlLh a frlend on lacebook now you
can even group chaL and choose several
people Lo chaL wlLh aL once
Use Common Sense
O use a sLrong password (And
use lL only for your lacebook
O 8e careful whaL you reveal
regardless of your prlvacy
O 8e wary of messages LhaL ask
for personal lnformaLlon or
seem unusual
O 8egularly revlew your seLLlngs
O 8emember why you [olned
O uon'L llsL your home address
or phone number on your

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