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Y A"T I~A S V () L If MEl





PIROL,QGUE ORI,GU'.S ,A;ND PRE;PAIRArIONSI Sfagmarion Thel Grand Allli'lJlnoo' Military lMilt~el's Operalloflls GalatJad and Thor Operation Rail 'CAPEiLLANlIFROm Operations Galalniadland ll'Iioll'. 3028 FiI'$1 \!Vall!le AltI!ebaral'll Uaa





~el uclant Marik Ope'm~hln Dagger Overview FEDERATED SUNS 'FRONT Ilnlflodue1iion

62 sa 64·


WolFs Dragoons
Anger oJ t:tle I1ra,gon Hlanrow"s, SlI.In



66 fiG

Glenmora The Combine



7.2 78
00 ,61 182

New H.~$eo

Oliher Acti,ons


St Andre
Sftensil Slyk


Foudih Wave 0.' Qp_endion Rat

M'e.nk:alunan l<!iII'Trw$. O~ner ,A,oti,onlS 'Operations RilPosle and' Ambush Operatfon Hipos.te Operation ,Ambush


Ovel'Vi,ew se~Olnd Wav,e TikonO'II EMly Aclions nkl~riild 'OIhllir'Actions on Tlkonov Other Seccmd·Wi\livE! Adon Overview Thllfd Wave

• Ella
139 !:H

85 00

AlgQf Axton

New Aragol'l! Nopah lHalh)JOiFlI V Overview Post8JC;rlipt U'NIT ORGANIZA'DONS


Siorom NbWCal'1ll0n


11m 1104 1105




jonathan Overv,iew DFI:AOONIS, FRONIT'


40 42

Commonwealth Armed Fcu'Oesiinl3028 n91

42 43 45

C~ninciil'lg ttle Areholiil Operatlonl G6tt:erdammeru Harvest


Wheel Mrutil'lc Olher Early ActiW'l Buckmirisfer roUOW-Up I'nvasions ~~~~h Eoo of tine Otlerksiive

47 48


51 58 ~


A cynical philooop:heT 'Onoe said ·tn'ai! wrinen hnstory was l'ikJea W<lJ'"fljng sign placed ~mer a haza.rd~r'l~UlUirl£l, as w@11I3iS usel'9ss, Though i do f:!Ol ha;vEl! such, a : dour yre"W. Idtl, lje~leY9lJhat histori'ans are ouiy·boullic!IQ be <1iS<'Icw,rate:and 'u:nbi<1ls~d as possible. C h fcmiclers of tn'E! pasf m ustbe eveil'l more' meticulous in some ways Ilb~rn $.clfilffltT;~I$_ It machine based ,on f'<l1!.I1 pdffl()fpleril fa}ls 1m rilled~a.lely, buta ~y sooiely's.false image pe~tuates itseil and can C<lllJlse lP<Fob'lem:ii for generations. 'This. IS wlily I WoiS horrified! al :P,ril"looH~n'se Dayion'$ r€iqu~st 'Ililall wif'Jtellile alfi,cial oflhe F.olJM Suooe5siicrlnWm" Withlihe luilln the ~ig,h;Ung barelylhree weets oldl, I was e:x~ded '10 gille, rnaani ng tDlheliives of allU1e recenh:leadl;' Thein the AmllorJ of the lyrcm Gom m(mw~alth pr©m~sed he<Fcoope.ration ~n my effmts. Th.oug,h Ihe' !argri! aUelF1S'iVfl!l.l1iad tlfiid~d, some' worlds w~r9 stull ~gnl~'S~t'ld;:'l1F!oll1.;re were ~epQrts.[ha cea.selire ! OO:llapse~ PIrinoE! Davicn gave me :no,lime' tOi ~hrnk dibOiJIl. wf1e~her II was ~ea;dy [Qr Ith~:Ja$lkI ~(]ClI1 loul1d my rooms ~tad>;Bdto thE! OI;ljl~ng5 with! l:)~tll~fiefi!d1 mportsano' hQI:Q~a~~s of the fighti ng.1 had aCC-eSl!lflo aU bul: the moosJ51en si1iye infoj1m'~l1ion, and Prince Daytorl hunofoo' me wHh m~_ny w,i!1le·ti ngeci evennl1Ql!>diu ring 'Which ~was fnee to aSk: him any q u€sti.c:m.s. H:e even len! mea wondle~rlJll assi51aflf iNiormaA;ltma, a jerm sr $1uden1' Qflh(;igr@a:~ Ihis,torian" lh~l~ PUJlbum, ~:Olhelp me w<a,dethrough th~ m~trilrfaL 8ec.:rus'l1l~l1iis is the fir5t aceou nt ot the Fou r1l1i Sl!.fGoos's,iof1l War, laler eh reniele rs wTI:I pmb~b!y fi nd rn~r1y~rr'Or'S. M~~l' :SOUrces of inrQfm:S:tionl. p~rtrcular;ly rrom H ou sas Ku ri:~a,liao\ and Marik. were elesed 10 me, and many oJh:er.s w€jl"elostin t11£! IIgl"l'Iiog, le~Ylli'Ig mellO' draw tllpOfl obS<ElfValion5 <lLn-d1 m"Jke' eauc-atedl g'LJeSOO5 wh~n to dat;31d~sappeaJ€d. ~n 9Iilr!;:iin res!Jsc:ts, pu14lishin91 lihis, lbook qu iGkly w~sa ImllSl as ~mp9rtant "(Ii, tiistoric'al accuracy. Almady, hol'Qlliiclsi3lFu:l 1:)Ool:4s pmporhl'19 to beIrne aOGOu'nllS of me-r'! ~!'lcd~(Jmen in the wa~ ~'ro'l1j':)rjii:lgl large audi~!')< A]~~I~~ shon on ~acts.~l1[d longl cm~he s'i~Emrng rO!'ifl",nUGpcatri oiism thaJl makes war seem neble and de!mOllJl'e.

If nothing ~1'sEll, book ~T~iglhl~llOpInus.mythmalli.,il1g, whJ6tl orurs ~he hQrr,or:!lohv~r Ihis

;and' mak~g sainls of Ulose who J'OilJight ancl died_ If UlOS!8;l'Ehsll'lv£:'S,are to have an~ mean iflg, tl1EJ!faGls oflihe Fourtl1 SU<lce!l:1!km War must be loljj.

Dr. B, B~I1:2;a.i Ntew A.valon IJilsti~ul€ of Mlarc:-h 1.2, 3029



iirJ 'Ihe Ccrnmcnwe,al~h and 75 peroen~ il'll the Fed'erafBd .suns U'ioughil th@ilthe all ianea wOIJI\;lr bffFiQI nO'lhiog bUUJ0od., Thera w,ai 'ffliJ fJtUet!p,prJSi1ioF'l '10liiIe alHatII~" which surprised eveo lh f;!mm;~ cp~im is:lj~ gO¥lemment ofliciall~" Dl!JlrinQlh€lfirsl: t:iv,eyearn of 1he aJl'lance, !he, new ties fostered eoonomic booms in both realms. lhe ~r,adI!1g Ill"Iformaticm was of proving equal[y profitable. ,causing aliluny of majPT'&f"I'lilk:: ar 5e;;,uth projects. M i~ilari~y, the al,liance w~, res,P'Onsib'le for 1he sm::oess,of 5ever~_1mlltl10rcampaigns and klrllhe'IF,edu;c~on in raids f~omlhe two :r,ealms' common ilie'lgllbQraOO enemy,~he IDraoonls Combine'. PriiVately, IDem was poweriJij'1 oppo:sitio.'I"Ito the a1lianoe. IInlthe. Federa~edl SUfIIS".Duke Mlohael Hasek-Davion, Ileader ,O'f the Ca,pallal'll Ma~dI and orrollt:ier"'irlHla,wof Prince ~>lms@.,f1mJlly (npposed~he- ainaooe em ~he g,rou ni:l:SU'lCl,t Iwould divert aHention H aw~y Iif,omWhl;U he considm-,edl the F:oo'era1Eiti SunS' real enemy, '!he C,apellan Confoo!&ratton" In Ithe CommonwRalUh. th~~ major k:i ro~s in 'lhe gOVi'lmmerd stQod iji'l,o,pposition; Alessandro Steiner, Itle' former Arctton who, had lbeel'ii oust,OC,I by Amtloi"ll Katrina; FN~defick St!;;in~:r .Ilhii!! am:b.1tifoWis ,t:QlI'J1mand!er O'r a. 'Meel'! mgibl'luiltilt; and Aldo les1fiu:le I th9 !:Iukenl Sum me~aJnd Jeadei' ot a S1ffll"lgly i'lnlii-Ai'chon ~ion ofl tile Commonwealth. The alliance ,gave these powerful men a red C~p9 to wave befon~1 the fa'l'I:atically .paliniotie alne 'ltne menta:l~y weak i ['I .both realms. Soon after, the alilance anneunced, alJ,fOur IbegM ooWlJrling organizatlo:l1I$ suo'h as 1he 8~ol1her,hoOOof Ci!"lCbnM~US in the Comrnonweallih alf1d the Veterans 0' FQreign GampaigT1s in the Federated Suns. Bo~ gmups were ,extremely oonse.rv.alive and amazinglyshort-s!gjr!ed [n thefr polilics. Despite, tha e8_rt~ success of l!h~ atllianoo, thefollJr opponents glall'ledsupport by sa'liif"lg tha~ lhi3ih,e1iltypoMd a tlhr,eat ~o1hek malm~ sovereignly. IllntM Oommonwealthl, Lestrad'e ccmplain.ei;l1I1at the alliance al1d l:he Ard'lol'l were pliJrposely ignoring his F:eclermion of Skyel. 11'1 'fact" the Fw!er,a,tiC)n of Skye ;a:oo his ,co!1i'!palnies were m<lJililflg '1remendloLJspmfitsfr<om t~ '1rade betweenlhe two Houses, FredGiI'~dk S,teiner el1lGQiurragee anji"i1l(:lsitie,5 In the soh::ltel's af the Oornmo:rlwe'allh, (ulther sllraining .re~a:1kms b~tween the! atm.ed forces oflhe 'Iwo realms. Alessandr'Ol Steiner connnu 9d to weaVil! hiis q lJiiefinJlu€!ni)9' over thewmried nobles and (l·fiic:e:rsWlio visited himo'n Furillo, whe!roo he lill~d 'out.lhls forced retirem~nt. In ~h6 F8clerarled Suns,. qppositfol1 W~ qJ..DieOOr, bU1,no IleM virulent Du ka MiclJla.el HaJseIl!rDavio'l"l, 1\Q:rd Hh,e C'aPQllari ~amht. Q fearedlhat ID~'a!llian:c61 was .a! !!jign tha~; IPrin!;e Hanse Was going to oonoen1rate on tl"ie [lr,a'Oont.s Combine, 1£I~wjJFIgim 10 faoo the h CapellaJ1 Confederation a:1(l:ne~,A Capellan. :spy hrgh in the IDuke',s gcvemm~nt WSi5 aggra.valing 11e'latiOl'1s loot.ween Duke Michael and prinoo! Hams:€! Wihnle he 1p-9is$edirl'fclTI'la'ticm 1:0 his ITI'8.ste;, Gl'!anceUo-r IMaximilian Ltao. AlII atl:em,pls, failed to fimj,lhe' spy. !Faced with a major Ileak he GOuld not '~I;c:.iPrince Hansel wa:I1z.e'Cl1 lihat he ooiild 1um lit to his aOll3ntagel, In 3025, he began 'sending false lrnformation @Out In,op slrnf11Q{hi; to tlha Cape:J~anMarch gov,emment The Prince hoped this WC:)uldgive HOuse LLa.QaJ dis.tontiad prcLure sHt'1e' AFFS Ilhat he' cOl!.lldIQl(ploiil.tater, Because ~he spy was so highly .plaoOOl,Pirilfloo Hanse dared not tell anyone" flO1 even IlJulm M ich ael, that lha information was false'" The PrJnoe 1m6w~hat 'Ihis ,couldl widen the ,gullI betwEen h~s brl)flher-'\iln~law and Jh~m$el~,but he Ihoped ltiat sgmatime in the mh:,m:l'Ihe 'lw(H'::culd meet so he COLJd explain elfJJJry1hingto Dl!.!ike I Miohael. ThecllaiiiC8 l'Ieve~ arose.

The Inner Sphere ~f 3020 was esootlti'41l1ylihe same as the Iinner Sphere ,O'f 27.87, when the First S'lJocessiori W,;fiJ 100g~. 80rda~s, had chal'l9~. the I'e¥el'of t~h nology had pll!lmmeted. ami millklflS af Iives had ooefllll.cst. but thil'f'e were SIlIl f.ive realms, l;iach conviim::ed o~ i1S OWl'!!SlUpi'ilriiorily. IEve:rsurn:etne ~QU:spBe o~ the 810111' Lea9~e. rl'UmEl:llii~y had !O&ef'! o,n ,91 long,painf:ully slO'W dedlinelhal seemedl IJn~tappabl.e. Sliill a Y0i.ll'l!l man in13020, Prince Dalfionfelt that .ehange was posslbl.e, ~hat:somethIng could 00 done 10 arrest the slide, Looking ai:l{lut_,he iound Inotlriiilng 'Ihat he and hilSmaim coulid do.aione. His graJ'ld schemes a11depended on some1hing that had aliw<.'llys,bielf1 rare amolllJ Hl!JlliiIlans",eoQperalion.ill fel'1 the odds ,of wil'll'ling liMe oooperation of anemer reallm were abQI!1I 915 good: as liiVinQI~osea' General KerGlislky return. ~ he mid me. In ,3020, fortune took a favorable tllJlrtli •.Arc'ho.n Ka~JinaiS~jner" alse disoonl~!1!nlledwillhlhe sta1us ,quo illl tllle ~n~e~SPrhem, issillied her Peaoo PmposaJ to aJlJ 1he S:ucoessor' Sfate:!>. WhiI9~he' alhillr realmslilooffed at ~he plea tor a cease fire, Prince liJaviao waS inIrligl.lledl. IP,erhaps hem was his chancEi "[0 take histo.ry bl1 the


1111 reply., the Prliflloo'told the A!cl'lonl'~hat herco.nt;spt O'fpe.ace was un~rkel;y. IniSl:ead" he sugges~ed tllat an all lance be,tweenl the L:yran Commonweallh iiil1E1ltle, Federaled Suns might brlnglpeace 10r their ,c:hifdr,en,i111'10t ,tn<emselves" tor The Arcllon was morelihan willirr'!9,lo ~i$t,enl o whalltie' young t Prince hat:! 10 sary, S9cre~ com muniqtues began to flow oook and fo:rlh b9~nl TIilaJrkad and New' Avalon, '11lie capii1:aJwork:Jls 0.1 'Ihe two realms,. High-ranking ofllcftals wer'e socm makilrlg the lIrip 10 ccnfer lin person and to b~:ifl drafting 1heterms, of IDe ,alliance. 1!i'Ilihespring of :3022"lhe Pri noel'of (he' Federated· Suns and {he Archol'l of the lyran Commonwealth journeyed ~o Terra, There, in~hH presence (In::O'mS'trar offiGia~s" ~he, two Inegotiat.edlhe last MSSU!iiiS ,cdthelre-aty. On a warm May day', lhelwosignoo 'Ihe IFiederaJedSlIJlns-:Lyw<lfl Commonwealtl1AlliO'ince, se1ting Hnmoliiolil a. series ,af ,evenls that led to th:e F,oLJrlh Su,ocession Waf.


Tile annOlmce:ment ,oi 1he amanoo confirmed Who'liJ mawllY lpeqple had already gUE!S$€ct The summit meeting 01'1Terral, Ihe sudden liel~TnQI Qf'irade!r-eslficlions between the r,eal:ms, and the e:lI!change of infol1lTI<lItio!land even rmtHta'FY f.o~ces lal:er in1he y,e8if Qon'!lin~' malny th\8il sOrl'lelhing rnomilm1QI,1s as in Un6 WonKS. w Th,e poop.1e' of ba~hlrealms: applaud~d~he' Fedarall:ed-CommOrlweallth AI'Uance. PoUs. illdicafecl th~170 percent oflile people
6 The' Fourth SUCC:'9'S'sion War

r' .Ul@1"d Min.istry of Int.€!'lligE!nc@,

ira ~ DE. B.

0:E ScielltCe

New Aya 101"1 I nst.i t ute

P:rofes SOy: I apQlogi;;:~r D0.ctarBan:il3i, Qr haying to demand th,aityou del:et,9' any re'rernnoo 'to 2uke Michael Hl7'sek-Dav:iLon S tD~ac'h.ery hmn :your _oool.!;; the fourth I (In succesaion '!\l'ar. 'fhat ~nowledge i.~ clcU3s.ifiea and, aft_er ccmsulti~n'9 His HigtJl' both ag:reetha't it shQllld temaiJ::!.so .fQ;r tl:re' t.lE bein.g., sirlC€! yours€!'curit.y t:iJ€!ar<ll'1al is $u:fiicient.1-y h.igh" I will a:ns\'O'er the q-uesl:-iof:is yotlsent me aihout the Duke of New 5yrtis, and his ezued.a.L, though. unfortllmat€!, involv€!J:IlI£!nt in tfle WillX.
'i OU kl10w
Ol'sl 'N'e n as


the Duk.e ooveted. Prtncel:'!i.aod. He f aught



Qea:cUy~ss as sin 1:6 war

t.rying t D prevt;;!'nt. Hans~Da'viQn from~-~,swni:ng control oittbe F'etje:r~t~~Suns when I i'.In ~avi 001 was so tragicallyil!::il1ed.on. Mallory's World. Thwprted, t.he nu~e se~med cootentt.ol rulet.he! Cap@l.l;;lnMa.r;ch .• His marriage~al"_te~rLnce~· s sister put: t.h~ Duke hi. Li ne fier t'hetbrofie. i'm ::lUrE he dearly wa:nt~ to hear t.hat- the Pernce would meet w ttla some sort. ©faccident r and 1'1'Iil certain. i t.ha t he 'tried. QIl rfiO~El than one GCCatSiClrt to ~r:ovide 'the accb1ent. While i.t is 'true t:hat. Duke .Micha.el hart already been arp£ age:n.ts of Chancellor Liao .b€!fore 3022, it is likely that t.he F-C .Alliance, with .its implied. Hk:eJLihdod Qf a M!t.tiag;e between ehe DavioJ1s and Ste iner a r p1.L-s1'Ied uke Michael over t.he edg:e. l"ea:.r[u 1 that his t.ime i,lI,a.sOlfil'Ji;n!g .ou'!:;, he made a D











C'On.fei!1erntiort. He

al.1;!o ,s.t~pp~d up t.l1e hate campaign against t.h(2~rinc~ in the Ciapen"n~i!:C1h. TrUE! t.o hiE! n~t.ure,Duk@ t.las.ek-Dav{GEl could not; even play the :[!"<C11ef traitoll: o honestly. The in! orma tian he pas sed to th@< ~pdlal)::'; de:tailed wba t he kH.e'wabo!.l!tthe t.i!:lOO},ilS lo.~al to Pdnc~
H~.m3,er but he gave Maximi Lia,n LidO nuooel!;s that made his OJ;i/nllII'!its: ,seem unde'lt' .str'er:lgth. DtJ1!:e Michael did not; reru.iz<e that. ~dnce Hanse had long ,s!.lspe,(;lte;clhis tre~ch~t"y and was tald_nsr advanta.g,eo:f it. We fed him f113JW@d informatioa about O1llr t.r=p c:ot1.clitiaJ'L:5I Elnd ITLGlv@T!lll€lnts th.atw'ElKFl.ew

:Ould give t.h~ .~1;:lrat~gi:3ts .in the' Capellan Conf.edet,atiofi a false' j;'Jict-ure of Ol:ll' s,t.I:'eI1l9'tJ1S o:wd ", When. Operat:iLon Rat s;pltOlng shut; ,Liao fo::n::e,a we:t,e. 510 jX1o:rl'fl po~itioflOO be~OiIu!;ie01' Cuke .M:i.cnael 'EI rnisinfa:rntati,Q.f'I thatthe,y could l'I:tC).t prorperlYJ:lesp,"md t.o ,our invasi~n. ]". ~ouk@ Mi o'hael was doing th~ rede'~ a t-.ed ·Sl.lns~ g.)!:,~!lI.t se"rv ico~ by [;J@ing a traitor. But_ why should WE! hid€! Duk€!Micha€!'_P:s t.l'E;!,a.c:h!1!.ry? t.hEl- moment" th€l Cap€!llan .At. Match is, itl. cQinsid~rableupheava:l due to tn~ success, of our invasion. Dlik:e .Micnael 5 layalbst.$ aecused .Prince Iianse of bE!ing .r~::;;par1ls.ibl.€!. the Duke ~S diEiappearance., for It was 0[1111' through th.€l .i:nt~erventi.Cln of [lut.s


"a son,

Mo.rgan H,;l,selk-Davion, that


l,\,ta:f> 1:"e3tOl:~rl





C:~:pell~1\i. ar,ch. M


oarne· 'out n.O~l ,;3ic:c."l~i,n9 Duk.EMichael of bei,ng a. t.rai tor w·ho ned Eli:)Max.irni.Han Li.,;l(11 ewecUlt.ed by him" 1,'):01lid l'lndQubtedJLy dp more hazm than good lmtha:t 518CtO.:I: 10,[ I::.h~:rJe,al:rn:! ~~a1Cdless of the P"'oo [

Though ~~!l1ight .~ i3lo1eto hi3!ncllB t,h!>l polit.ical fa,llout from t.he ][~velat.ion, prinlpe .Hanse and. I ,l;Ijr€:NorriQd about .how Ho:r.gan WDuld take Lt., MCJJ:)gan v.Halto is the Prince's pclans. Rubli.shing the '!truth would be tUG great a ri@M to assuage ym,lll:: jourfll~listic int.~'9rity. Aga in, my apol.ogj EtS •

Ex(:hanging '!1I1i1iitary intelligence aooutlhe Draconis, Com'!bins' was, the fimt s1ep In a_1'! ambi~rcms p~to s~rlilfi!gthe;n LY!I'al"ll and FederaIed Suns ,f,o~ces. Despile ~!)n:sideirable g rumilli n$1l wi~hiill both military eslabftisnmenfS during tM first tew years. I;!iciories dulling lihe war demonstraIm that bo,th LC,AF and AfFS had benefited from the aJl:ialnGe, In 30ea, Ihe first group 011 cadets frornlha CommonweaHh ent.eredlhe famol!Jls New Av,alon ~l"1stitule of Science ,in ~he' fedel'a,ted Suns. i!1he 'FigOM'llIS Ir'egjmen oonditiansr:adelSand 'leaches Unem more than 1P'1lIr~ly milil'ary skills. High-level exchanges helpedfami'I,iariz6 ofliCAI'S will':! orne anol1'1G1' nd Vlliith a prowd.ures in 'IIU!'o~her military ..Their observCllions and Sl!JglgieStion<$ ~aid tflefoli ndatLoLl.sror mm1re ambitious pl.ans. Tlle I~:d' :step in military iI'€llalians occurredl if] 3024 ,olfllhe CammoFJ,wwlth wor1ld led New Earlh, Tn~'i;I~ l:iatlaJiom; o~ C9mmO!l1Weallh, troops, one e;ach a' hrdantry. armor. and 'Machs Ifrom lhe Tent.h Lyran Guards, SqL!'<l!J'OOI Q:ff'f!esimil!'J,~ b.a!lltal.ions 00' Fede:rat@d Suns terees ~f] a series of maneuvers calledlihe, Altlanoe Games to ,compare Uleir fi:g:hting st'yI'e5lihe: tQr.ceslffim th.9 Fedefa~edl Sum; cOl"IIsis'~i;ln'Uyutfought o and olJtman€!wered the Commllnweallh units ..While' mosf leAF officers had expeC:::lted 111i$ and ~re-g ratefulfor Ull!ii'ID'a¥io:n'afl~iae and Eli100Ur.agiemenl,many 'COI!J Id'nothel',pbut be ~mban,assOO by 'l1heir poor p('Jrrcrrrran:ne_ As, siJb.seqlwe-nt A.llial"bCeGames !aid 'bare rilO,f,8 fl1aws" Lyran emlJamJS,5mem g,r'ew. The weakaSI pan of the IleAF tJa$,a:lways been its ofJicers:, many of whom are more conoo:rnoo abou1'lheir a~pe:aran:ce fhan their frignlQn9 abill'!y _Ttus is ens O'ftil!!! il"e.asonsihe Com mOl'iWlilaUh has, always 1'arnd poorly iii! combat Onl:ll 'Ihe re-alm's eeenomle strength andlhe common sense ot ils, enlisted so'ldiefS, have prs'!Ien1ecl disaster. Cornfn:mled wiln their obvious shortc-omfng.s. Com monw8~lth ,olifloern, m\l.Gled rn one .of fwD ways, Some we're 5 uspiclous of nparm, 'fearing that "E.'lra-vTon changes;" were aimed ats~nipping 'Ihem o,f ~heirp~wer aJ'IIdpreslige_ .other offi'cers wenll 0verDo;iiud inl chang'ing 1hekways_ Opponents of tha all i.;moo !had ,arfield ,day VoIi1tIll ~he 1ension l:ie'lwW'n the MO o,fficer carps; Troops loyal to, Duke' F,r,ooE'lrio'k Steiln:er and Al:do Laslrade' 'Oofthe: Federation of Skye: balked at parti!Cipailing In the Ail~ance' Games, A{lems, 01 ~l1etwo spread rumors tl'WlUghcu,J[the Commonwe.althl that lh~ allfaoce wou'ld mean ~mual Davion 'oonlt'Ol ove:r~he, l.!CAF. 0ppoiSingl1he rising tide of bad feelinQ were the Arcnol1l ,and Gensra:1 Edward Aegis" Gen;er,a[-of,-lhe ·Armies. 'Both weml! e.a.,g~1f' to lpa~tem ilie leAF alonQl ~he lines, of 'he' more' effiefe!11 Daviai'll rnUitary. bunhey alsea'Were sensitive l'Opoliiticallelil5,IO'ns wJthin the leA!!", The Archon was deliberale- illl changing .the military., graduany mpj,acfn'QIolder offioers wfilh YOUinge,r ones. who would be more open to changesThE! poor performance of Oommollwl1lalllh II~oops worried many in the F'eder'al'ed Suns, Some fearedllhat tile LeAF cou~d not be 'll'Ii,dsmdto do its parr In a oombine<d o'ff,ensi,ve. Other mi'litruy p'Jannelf.s 1hough[ thiaH!he' A'FFS migrh~have to dEf',l'(i'leso much! of lUi resources to i:Jjpgr,adill'lg CommOonweaJthl fomes 1hat its own IJIlrliits 'Wou!i:l be' negl:ecteo" Duic1:il' M~ctnaeli ~as.ek·DaVion further cha~,ged that 1he alliance would diiVel'l' even more suppl'iss and :solj:JiiiBirs from lha CapeUan Maroh.



DespilEi {hellic,tion. Prince Hanse' saw el'loLII,g h promisEi' inlihe' liCAF to sl:epll,p his p~ans•.~n3iQ2B,'len AIFFS 'Meehl reg imems and 1001infal'i!tfY <100 armored regimen~ too ill. pall1 in 'exte~liVe wargam es iiln Ine and CtlJXi1lan Mardties 01 the Federated


Cade-flam'ed ·Operartion Galahad, ~'the' statedi Pl,iil1POseof the , i!!l,x.e.reBses '"!:OI increase our Vigila!rlCe by rooe:arsing defe'n<sllve was ' troop, movements SO fhall ifane of our !3l1iemlesdames,a!i'tackus, we can makeadervOIsta1il!1Q re~a:llall1on,nThe marneuvel':S wareexpen= silVe. disruptive, and oOl"'ltro'llers:ial. 'Operatta'l"ll G'al.ahad wfP'riI~ed ~h.e Draoon is COlITIibine and Calpelian Comederati(m_ Though 'Pl!ltllicly dismiSsing 1he maneuvarsas emp:ty posmuw,iflgby Prince Hanse, H!ouSiesKuriita ,i1l:naI Uao put their mmtaries onal'9i'1 tor an il'lvaston, For Jhe llextlih'feB' mon1hiE, DraOOi':lis,and Capellan 'roroos rnerv'OlJ$t:y awai~'ooU4B! lOa,vion attaok 'Willi€! tile A.Fi=S did 1.100 lihe maneuvers as. Icover for a few minor r,a:id~s, O,perallon GaJahad ended! in November 30126 wllMIJ'I. Ihe e'l!:iped:ed offen:s.l\1ifi'!_ I'll August O'f:;!021I .operation Gal:!ithad W8!5 re\llivool. 'This 'IJme 1'l000000y 30 IMaGh N9g;lm:ems, Bind mOre '~I1~fiI200 inf<l1f1.tryi!lnd armored r~imenls, almost ontHhir,d of entire AFFS, partlcipa,t,ed in warrgam9s en :20 worldi:i l'Iearlhe CapellEa!r1aJ'ld Ckaoo.l'lis borders. CommerciaJ ,JumpShips: ,a.nd DropShips were cammaf1,de9:pOCIi 'tQ Ga'nry boo,ps from l.iheInterror 'of H1El Feaeratoo Suns to ~he'border regions, hi! 'th9 Lyran CommeRweald1r ,iii! ~lmilaJr exercroS8 was beil1,9 hi;!I'd.ln ~Opl1jratio:nTbcr," more than 30 'Moth re~imenl:S arid 100 in1amry and armersd r~gimernts Mid maneuv.&rs on 11!:i wortcls bordering tl'ta Draoo:nis. Combine aM ~he Free Worlds liilagu E!. LCAIF officers viewed Operationl Thor as 'Iheir ehanes to pmvH' lihat1hey could rmt:lUP'lta massilol'e <mdoom:PI&x troop mavem€l!'l'l a~ well aslhe AFFS ,could. Though S!I1a!hJs, abounded ,aJiiL'CI a thick bure~l.I!cra:C!y trampeir:ed, lint,ersl:!w,I'OEl coo,perailit;Jn, tha ,ArchQIi proollaimed Ope~atiol"l Thora 5UCC~SS, Onedf the I'Irgl1 points fer LeAF eeeu r~ad en no nil'l!I wlnen;, (he Second Royal G'lIards 'Maoh regiment def,ealed tJtli! Thlrd Ceti Hussars, a Oa,v!Of'l M~11 r:egiment. Til£i' lWo El'x.ert:icSE!sw~~e v,~ry imporl:al1i f'oT anO'lher reason, Both were condlJclied' wlthout~h9 aid 01' 'ComSfar. C(jyri~1'JILllmpS!hips. ~rried IOrde~st'rom the two High Commands to ~h,eunil5. Oaservera notedl, with some aml.!Siil'!'ll'ffit,1haUhe couriersyst!ern liIada great deaJ lirJ,(;@ml'l1:cmwilh rhe .U'lci!:!n'l Pony E.xprless of 'Ihe American ,Old West Slow though Uwas. th€lsysfem of radio U'illays . from J l.:Im.pShip to J~mpSihip was ,iii su:cces.s, ami fl8 rt.ame Pony Ex-press stuck, P~ili"lce lJiavi,onl used It il1 Operation i3a!1ahad to ,shfe:ld his ill'l'lBfUions, 'fnllll the almost omniiSeienl'Co:mSt8J~. ThE! Kurita. Liao, and Marik reactlol'1slO OperaJion Tihor and' Itie,seCOl1ldO:pe-r.a1ion Galahad wer,e lJId"Iexpee!l:idly mild_ While tl'!a rllm:oric from lUJIhien Qnd Sjat'l was tined W11lhd'ern,lficlatio!1S of pr,ovocatiQ;J1, neither~he Clraoortis OomlJinill n.or '!he' Ca.pell'a,nl Gonrledera~iolii put Tts. roops on such higt:J Cileilas II had in 3026, t Only the Fr>eeWorltl;s Leot9lUe, fearing a Commoilweallih oUel'lsiva, 'Wenl Q!"I a ~r footlngL


8, The Founlh Sumession


OP,ER.A'TIO:N RAT Only hl! CIOSie'S'1advi~Fs of Prince Davton !ilInd flIinchofi , Sr~Jr1Ier kn:ewltliat. OperaltiOllis Ga!a:h.a.d and fhO,r weN!! IP!l.rl af B. latge'pjan c:aIIGdOp~r~jQJ'i R~U,S'Oambiliouswas1i'iie' i15, success or fairune could changelhe face of the Ilnrleir Sp:here'. Opera~ion RaJl ha:d ils origins in tlhe CapeH~ ~f!QnU li:i take fue Davioo wo:rl'ds of IRedfield and S.~ejni'5 Folly In la1e 3025 andl Ml'1:y 302ft 11'1eviewing the Capell,m melihodl,ol' attack, P,rinof! r Davion 1'9a,lizAd how i'liTu;r;lil hB OMfedera1ioll h:.~tddepended, Ofl ~ !he' informationfirlOim its spy on Duke !Michael's st.a". n W<l5 then, aJ5 th:e Prince put lit, ~I got tile gUmml,lF of an idea im my mindlharl, if slIooessfull, wou~d forever rid m e of two, majonhoms ill my $ide': Maxi:miHan Ua'oand hus damn spy.'" The pl'an, requked rom,p'let,e s'urpri:se aJnd m.isdir,EH)·liion.F~r5t. Prince Dauicm had to ICQ~caa:r his schad uled marr[.:t.g,elo MeHssai Stei'n;er,~he' daughter of 1he Aroooll, The marriage would :Iater generate shock that would oosolJire !he, more ominmJls pa:rfiOM of qpel'aliion R'atTlfI,ough rumors, !'!Ibou]1 'Itle eng'agemem lil/e'r,e irneviltable. ~he'PI",ifloo and IQuilllus, IYlard. the chie~ of1he MinisHy 01 Il'Itelllgenoo, Ilnves~igatiQns, ;a:nd Operations, we:rt! Gafe1ul, to dis;credi{ '!hem wiihliheir own ru mms; spread by ll1e! M IIO:s aget1lts, that linked the Prince romanti.c<llly willh everyoneh'orn Candace, uae '1<), Oonstanoe K!.Drita.

,AIIIl.Unl~5participaling in [he fi,rSI Ope,r,a,rlion Gaiahad rilJrulrned ltHh;eir nOJn!ll worlds afterward exceptror t:w(lIReg~menta:1 Combat Teams, whioh 'were'lllIy r~[g:nedl ~to lhe 'Capell,lan Mia-r,eh. PEirh~ps. IF,B'I'ievool lha~lihEl' mane!!!I~EU:S had ended withou~ a rull offensive. 1he Dra.OOl'Iis Combine' Clll'ildCapell1'lJnCcmfederalion u ndere.s:limated ~l1eimparlance' oflhis, signftfioantAFIFS- shirt ~~Iured f1~leS,ri'omlhaihigtles't CapElII~i!'IanalyS1 mentlct1llid 1hel ~estationiflg ,of 1he Davian Iroops, ,concludiQQl ~fla~ was o~-minor lit

Op.e;ra1ion Gal:ahad 3027 covered a more Olimbitio:us reposlliont!ilQ oJ 1'Q.r,CS.S. This time 'lour 'Mech mgime;n~!!:ii and MoO more'


the eperatien's


was to eentl n.Lue,E!'liorts


pta!!',aJllI'zeh'e!Free Wa,rldsc league Yillihii1ta~naJl 'diSS€lnsio~t ~ouse' ~ Davi:on has 'legelldalY abi;lity to plant operafilves irno (he- cenvolu~oo go,vernmentsyst~m O~ tl10 FiI'OO' Worr.ds. It is oommon kflowled'ge ~hat timton iMiari'k''s 3014 revolt agdiinst hilSbrother ,Ihle Cap.ta;fn-Generai; was en~urag8d,lir nOlI staJr1<ed.bya;gents ofltls Federatedl SIiJI'1I!;f MilO. AI many tim es du ri 1'19 league's history" the some of its highesl officials secretly worked for House DaviOJl, MrlO a.gents oontTnued to sow unrest aner Anton 'Marik's, failed coup. P.rfnoe ""ansewantedllllem toO s1ep uplJhe.1refforts te prevarl~ tha Free' Woflds ILElagua from fully conlrjljuting ilS i1!CO· pomic slre;n,gtlil '10 lIle Concom of IKapelyn ~Ihe all! of the Drt'lCOl1iS, CQmb~ne" Ihe CapeHaln Confederation, arn:lltne Foree Worilds leag,u'e createdin reSp0I15E1' 1:0' the' C-IF AUla.noel'· HeaJs.o wanled to prevent !he Free WQrl'ds from taking ad\fant~,e o~~he ooming Lyran·Dra.oonis; war by' atlack!ing tlli nly del'efi1ded areas 01'
the CcmmonweaUn.

Cel1llfa'l10 1his campaJig n of chaos was Prince H~lv~e's'plan to make 'Itle 154 semi(llJrlonomous proliJiil"lOO'S within' the Fre-e' Worlds l,e.ague I~ome evell mare Inatiana'listic ami msenlfllloOf the Marik family ..Thoughl~he! FU'iOO Wo:rll:ls mi:lilary ootildlie!d SO 'Mec1h regi menls, almost ,30 ,of th.a r!i!9im@nts beloogilld to Ihe armfe!s oflhs' pw'!;",irU;tl8,. ~fa pr,ovililciiilll' gO''oIIeulmeru r~11 'Hlr~al~f1Ied OJdlr$a;pp~o'l,i'edon:he w.a~''lhilllM'arlkSW'ere orliJ f~00(.1 10Irecalll its Iimg, f~rr:es., This" more '~haJ'!l anylhirlQl eJJSH,had prev1El'nted HO'L!selMlarik from emba~kiog 00 a m~o~ oflensi\fe. Prinoe' HMse IDavLlOn saw 1hiS,oripplil'lgHaw in ~he military o1ltie Fr,ee WorJds League a,s~i'il opporllllJin,ity. Oper,a1iol1 Galahad was vnlal 1,0',PrinQe HOl;Ii'N;;e's plans because it was.1ar mo:re' than a senes af w.arg'1i!~Ui!5; it 'WIilS"in hi~ 'Words, ~al'1l,el:abora~e Shi1!!i rune in Wil,ich I'secre11y massed {[oops g ,on 1he Capellan homer bV parading them up and doWl'l in front o,f Ihu ndreds '0:1h,dlooams."

22 eommerelal JumpShips ,and 30 oomm;e:J'dail IDropShf,p:s thart had been com mandee~edfOf 1he exerQ'is~ 'wElr~riO'! r$tll.lmetl to liheir cOf'i'iPillAies, after Operat1O:n' GalatrJad 'ended. The AF1FS retained c~mlrol ,of 1h&sh ps ev,en tfi:Ql,Jghlih.e owners, ooiT\pllained !hat :Lhe lDiavinnl government was n,at payin.g flG8rlV ,enOilJ!:Ilhrent. In the> CommonweaJlh; Operatlool Thoi' also provided a SCfElefl! ,for il!:tijiFliSWe [rocp .~ilIa:ssignments. Uilils s1atil:lned in tile 'int,error of \he Lyraill ICommonwealth ,a:nd[ <dong {he lP~iphery were, amidst the ooniu5jcm oflihet ,e)!lemise&, moved '10 planets much doser 'fa too Dri1!CCinis bCirder, Here 100, wi'Ilmercial ships Were "polilflly 'seized, ~ as one ship OWinef desOl1ibed it ' DurD.!'!.Qth~ tinall mO:.nths of 310'27, 1he fei:!erat,ed SUrles and ly;raJr'ICommoli1,wea'ltn c(mtiln~ed ~orepositlo n,'Ihei~ torros,. P:rlnoo Il)a;vioo mo'!tsd moml tmopsro w.iUl'iWil s1ril!ting distance Joflhe Capell,m iboJd~r,wl~il~ Arei1ol:lKa~lrina ,pl'.a.:ced most of her for"Ces akmg the Kurilabomer, . Both the D~i3conis ICJJmbfne and! (he Ga,J!)ellan CiOnfederaliion JeactEKlitQ 1hi5 Ibuildup, bu~ 1ha COIIilfusion OT'~too by DPel'a1ions Gallahad and Thor caused balih '10 Itd!fld~rdimate ~he''roroes armyed agail1sllhem. EVen when spies drd relay oorret::t foroe figur,QS. Gombiiil€! and COli!f,ooIllT,a1ion inmllf~noo oxpeRs s1ill' urnderesti maled the m.umber o~ tJroaps the C·F Amam::e 0061 Id trat"!,s,porln~ocombat biil¢l:lliiSiti'l,o;r oonf~,s[on ~u'~ Ihe l'Ium'boei' ,of i JurnpSIMp~ and D;ropShlp,sin AF;FS and l,cAF seM~e. Cet1:ain1~; if ~heI~ur,i1as,aoollJiaos, had more liim.e to gatherralld lifl~erprl1;lld'a.~a aJoOiliiI the Ifoop,hulldup, ~hey would ha'l/:el~\leml!.lally clsoo¥eli'ed hOW Glx:lensiii'e' it was,. OCloOOf cif ao.27, however, Coordinator Takasni IKiulnita. Chancellor Maximilian lJao, and Captain-Gener-al J:anos, ,Marik rooelv9d fil\illaUofls '10 attend tile wedding ef H1a:nse Davien. FiISI P1ril't~e of fue Federated Suns. and Melissa Steinar, ~heAr,chcm De.sf,glla~e o'fthe LyNiU'iCommon",'GalLi'!,Any concern Lhey had about lJroop' movements was set asid.e 8,1$ 'lihey tc:mused (lin the impm~tiQn.s ,cd 'tl1e marriage. O,~.r.tlilion Flat was proceeding on schedulE;!.

ACT:s w~r,e n~I.a.ssigned near the Capellanl border. Fl.irlhermor,e.



The Coordfrl1l10r 'feared J,irsI '!hat Prince Jbia!nsewo LUldI9xploit the sHUJa/ by launching alii ,!Jff'i9ri'iiSliVl9i against the Combtn9. Whe.n he saw thai: the itiilU9TaJry O.per.a1i@nGalah;lldfocu,sed,orll of 1he Capella_n border" la:_kashi I{y rltiil! wasrelTev.ed because lit gave himl at.le:astsilx monllhs; of peace' tQ reinforoe, the Galedon Military [l,is'lriot. In feC!i, l1e believed his enlire [re:aIITIWOuld be LUndis'luroec tor mcn~h'S. Hiil! liJad no fear of the LYil'c!r'11 om:rnonwe!3i~lh lbooause C bo'Il1 lts govJemrnenl omd its mi'lita~ W19;rerun.b)r S1rainers,. The, KiUrit:ms k~ th~1 StElin~~$ ha~llfi1eil:h:e'! the 'capabill'ities nor thecou rag@ull<lul'lch <lI1ICl,ffensive. te~albne one, against the DracQnis Combine. One of tile reasensjhe Combine and Cordede.ratkm took only minr,;lr pre,C3ul:ions against the ITiillfOSiiloltl m~elJv~ili Wi3!SDecause 1he leAF aJnd Ii'le' AfiFS mmfc u f;o'usryfollow~ihelr' sch OOluJe-s. Anolher rWSOJ'l Coordlmdor Takashl ami Chancellol" Lifao werfe [!'IO,t ~oo cOflcemeill with Operations. (lalahad <md Thor was be· cause tlhe weddi~Q between Me'lissa Steiner and Prince nOlvion was fast approaclling, Eve i'yorre agreed [Ihat no one;, [bot ,$vE\l1l the Fox, woul(;j~ry SOflfUll,th ifllg du ring hfs own we!d'd il'flg, !Everytl1iing ~bp'ut, Opeffi.t1on Ra1. had pr{1;gnessed Iper1'eGtW. 8:esid'es makiillg him a happy men, ,hls,WMCm:ng had creatoo mom than enough GOrlls,temat,ion in the Ilniner Sp'he.r'E! 10 caUSe his rulVGt'sarioo 'Ltllowe~ lheir guards In confusion. aUOiIIilng: Operations. Galalt'iad ~JndThor t.o p~si~on 'lroops fo~ '111113 next .~tep.On .AiLUglils120, 3mB" Pr1m::e Hansa [lIaVioTl steod befoN1I1he lead~us o,flhe other Houses and oliher nlighily perSlona:ges 'gathered on Terra for his wooding and ,toosled his bride, :smugly' sayil'lQI Ute words: "I give y,ou tile CapeJJan GonIFederafiQll'1." ,As the powerful :<IInd :amlb~ious IlflSl all O'&e;'ommand began sIilCi~~lng ~!'!d st!l!!ilt'Ipeding about, Prince Ille:~~ !)avlnr! wOIkhool jrubilaJl'rlly, kinowing thatlhere wa..s rilO,thililg HF1(Y o,fthem COU Id do ~o slop .operation Rat tr,OJi11 snapping shut on Maximilian lLiao. JliImpShips carrying Davionb1oop& 'wem already appearing in ninE! Capell:<lJl stO!:r$,ysllems"

l'nJune of 302ft the'govemmentsotlhe F,ooerailedfl'IJI!'iSaJnd ~he Lyrr.aJn OornmiiH,wealih aaaeu need the details of the sehedlJl'edi Gala:hadl and 'Thor m,}!'nooVE!~·,So thai ourpea.cell..ll exer{)ises do not pr()'!>iiokeOInv u"u'lieces~11i1)l'OOMoarn,s ,i3JfiOI'ig .oI!M ne1glilbors"u aJcoord'ilngto Prince Hansa lhe information, deli'll'erGdby rouniliJS, ' to the leaders, oflhi.e' ot/ier realms, was: q uite exp~iGit, listi ng affected I!Jl'lits:,lheir destinations" i!lJ!IldI'll1e sdhedule for r,ell.Jrning101 'iheir Ibase worlds. Tin·eDrElconis Combine. the Capel!i1lnCoi'lfooeralion, and ~he Fn9E1Worlds: Le2ligtJ:eJ WEu"e'g~a1I'Gt'liiT '!he i:n[to~mation. teeli ng 'Ilher ferr sdiledule'WCllult! tip lihem of! ihhe IFo)!were lip to oomeLhing. They' 1hen wa1Qhed closely as: O,pera:1iorlls Galahad end Thor began.Gilfling s,lJch detailed linformation ~o ofbm-lilostile' rteigl'ibors :shocked m~Fliy in iii€! Commonwe-altlh and Federated S!.l1Fl5.- Some !Ieaders feared that the reaims' .seot.lrity had boon ecmprom i;&ed!, tna:1'on:eoHhe Q1her Haus~s VII.()utd u'S9 th9 inflOrmal~Qn-.a:bout til", exerel&~s as a map 'lor an irnl<lsion. A few mit&cs even cadled the Archon aii'td h!l Prince eilher fools ,orlfilltars. As it ~umed ol!Jl.lhe:y w.erceneither. One of the mOISt remarkable things aboullhe 1hird Operation G:aJahad was: 1heliJ[npreoEidel':l~ed '91a:lhenog or a,1~e,ight Cruds· tsneer RegimentaJ Com.bat Teams, IIll1.)~Q1han 80· regime.rM;s, on ~118 world ~r'Mfra. Thts massiing of "Iraops so near ~he Cap~lIan Confooeralion pJomptad Chancellor Liao' to beef up,'!he 'firooprs in the Tikonov Gommol'lal~ty wi~h local ,eStlfi,;t€S., NOlliling more. was dQ:J'lei n thca~part o-f 'llile OcmtedertllHcm tleca:uoo' O~r,;Mkm Galahad was.alr,so mElJssin9I:roop~M)I'i'l'!!ilt9'ry,,'l!nti Z'nl~ang,IhmaJtenTng Sian. The lyran OommonweaUll's secooo Operation Thor WiiiS [much larger than the firsl, wilh more than 40 'Meeh rl:'lgimems Parl.iciPailing. This: e'lCemise was also Dfoader. ,niV,olvlng''Lh(H~nlire ComonnB border. In reaction to 1tiG €r.xp_a need exel"lCises, 1he [)raconis ComJbJilG placed Us,b()rder with 1tie- Com mcmwBOlil11h en a. slightly hig her state of aler1, bul nOlhing el'se. 1'1'1a.m, soma J CQmbf na troops were removed from the regi On becaus.e o~,acllvity the borde:r wirlh th~ fecfer,a:led SIJf1s. The five e!~1e regimenls of 'Waifs Dragoons had ten the Dracoois Gomb~ne '[or me Federa.ted Suns after Ii bith!lr ~igln~< Many offliooFS in the Galledon Miliilary Disllict wanted to the meroo.nru'iies for defyinglhe Or.agon, Whjl~ Coordinator Takashi

Militffi'y-,atl1hori~jes had chw-aderi~ed 'Ihe O~llan Conf,~ erallon as thie weakest and easiest 10 oon.qruer·oftl'1e'five SuccessOr Slate.s. WII'1]1l\l the COt'1lfederatlon was 'lI"1e smalleSllrea:lmr and h~d the tewes4 :ElamelMoo~ resirn,ents., ithere W~re stillim port.:aJ11t reasons not to invade, One ollthflr mostobvifll:ls. was thai the OOllfQderadQn"s 'eC;lI'1'!pi§ll>tn9'ss mad'El' 11easy 10 mOV8 [einroroe:menl';s~rOO1 quiet sectors to (tl'!}Y were needed. looal mili'tfa. IIJrr'l:its, hile pool1ly w ~qlJJpped,. could not be ignon'8d. Be,~;,!lUse 'of the! "kalll hood 1hat many CapsUal! pMlsa-ns woul~i be' 'Will ing ~Q Ole in the name, 01 Llao, Davicm intelligence explllrts s,slimated that ii' would 'Iaka mortlns or yaM.s '10 subdue each Capellaul w,or!'(j" Prince Hatlse 'felt 'ltnapruze was worth 1he Ir,lsJJ and .. Tha flrst Wa\rl'reo:Ii Opl!!.~,aJHci1 Rat aJlilacl!'!ed nine Ca~el'lat1I worilds; simulra!l1e(lu~y. Tha firsl s-et ,o:fiiflv,"ltsions Ih~ two main objectives ln addi1Jlofl to its 1:emltoFoia:i aims. crippltnu the CapelJan oommand s(;rulGbJre, and destroying Us mOSI pow,erful units. Thl I.argll!l wOfk:l!s 'ltlil~r,e dhOSS1'11 o ~parate Sen&or Colonel Pavel ~ Hidzil<l, the commandingl o'ffiQe~ o~ the Capell6in mllilary, from Cham::el~Qt ILllW.lhe Prinoe ,and! ii1is adVisers, felt 1hat Golon~1 IRkI2:nlli: wotJ,rdl ooordinate the war 1rom his home world, likorm'il,


Kurita. appreciated their eage:rnesslo ~ighl, the departure ,Dfllhe Dragoons' five 'MectJ regiments leifl ~he F,ooer,a:~ed Suns border weak, ~oo vu[IJna.r,al:lle'IlJ g iile r,efn to raslil ,aclicms or persal'l'aJ ~ndefla$. 1QI The FoW'!h Succession War


D!Wtq,n GI!I~rns



NeI!,1IJ;\i'nIOrri D85hr~r

2rtd G!iJarrJS ACT ~\.Ii1!le!an ~ :3rtl Guards ACT (Ve1e<",~n~

~th G~aro$ FI:cT ~,Elilf.'~

New A r<l>!l 011 if;oFt1"lhau~ i;)8liF1eter Niop.ah

Aiggi .Ar~b.aran



5ri1 C..uilifds FIIC1" fVmel'l'l·n)

I'\ssalJ~ G~$' RCT ~VEI8ra!ll}

New P,u,aloo Gr'!JYE~ I!I


~el'lr"'¥ (iuaf,os, RCT [Ell1.~~ 1,Jg1'l1 ~ards ReT lvereran) Ara,gOl'l' 60rdluftfs l~t (Vel8Jal'l~ AiI"gyle liL!IrrI~eflj '~!lt H~,gu!ar} ~ Avalttn MI,J~~!!lI1!!
'I,1~h IRGT (Regular) 17th ~GTtR891Ulaf)

N9WAragO(! N81iI'AtallDn

Sl!l'k Sj~Mdl\e

fiAewArSi!l~ il_rg~t


2·Dth RCT (VBt>Branj' 22ridl FUCl!' tve~ra!'l) 33rCl RCT ~Velefan ~ 3I9tih IflC"T [Regular) 41 st !;Jell (fJe.guPar)
42n(i HCT fGre81'1) C~I!an il!f;ilQi)DiilS '151 (!.arJ Getii tl!ussaii& 151 ReT (VeI.8r,~n ~

C=<)~ Nlm' A.-agGf!



II<~sal V ~
C;;)~S IN"'\\1 ruagon QIJ~ntifi Nopah


i:lI!lvJd fallon Ii!


Fauon ~!


~ RC'lI (Ve'!~rel1l~ &II:! RGT (R~ularl CI1Ii5Ili.clm's Rii:iae~.Ii; '1 RCT rV13teriln ~
2flJll1RCT (Veter3n~ Cr'!llCi!;j, L81i1earEi ~E;t R!G'ir {V_ram)'

ACiI'al Kallllil



Nopah EdwardS M\1Jn!lpire DesJ:i!e~ ~Qreha'!D

Mira. Tikoolll'l" tiiQJng~ ArnBmaJ Bhaflll ~wieh

2M FtCT fR'8g'lJiaf~ 3rd1IRCT (ElitE) 4111 RiClr f\.J\Bt·eman] 5'tlrI R;CT IVetef':ilin) &lh IRCT ~Ve1ef'l1Tj) 71h ~GT (Ellite')


'FalTered], IV Mim



IMira Mlta Mir,a Mi,'d. il'l

,Kla1oonoo IV
i(alhi' Mora~latI

TikQn@\!' ~nl)'l.l' TikoolW' Ti~ooDi!f Aldehtar8l1l ll!llfloll

.Jorl.;5lt1an Jonajlii.~Fi


,illh: RCli ~l=iegulaF11

Def1ie!:! IblgiU Ca,valJ)'
41thReT (V'ele1,~n~ Sth ROT I(Re~urar) 13th ROT fR8guliloi)

We8ika,paug' rNisw Rhod~

iiar-row~ Siw-nl


F~II lFooel10w



NgrlnwHlI:Ii AI~I RlJw~





Fede,medl S!.!M Armored GlJ1i'sJry

1st IRCT !1E!ite} KfiS'lMI Grenad.lers 1st ~EliIEl(' K~ttery ~gr'det?m5

1Dlh, AC1i ~Gl@en). 12lh ACT (Aegyf~r} l ~h ~CT (Fiegul~f~


Galatia, WlFI0


Galalia!11 Kiuery

'fie"" Iwarsen

1st ~Regl!lmr~

OMsse",rs New l~a"'rB8111

S,.-rus IF\!sIOe!'s

tst (EIi~~' 2nd (R8~wllilir) ~~in~iilIFlaiil9IBts 1 st (\I'etaril:!l) 2nd [Roag;Ular)


'[)affi8;lM IEdwards

New HeS;5>e~
Niffl i'1i8s&an


l'Iafi1<lJ1 HSJ~fa.:n II

Rb'blf>lson IBreeD

Kit1~ry ~ttlg"'!l' A".,;gatl.

51h ReT !Reg~l~r~

61~ !RCT ~E!ite} i1k11l ~'i1B!lulaf}


I<lfL1er\i New Syflb



Clpel1!ln IMIirt:itlllill~la
. Alayofle GMM (Ragular)

9r.d WaVII Aimlbultil

Kattiil CMM tGre",

N!i'i'I' Syrtls CMM (Green) fIi.dg9:llrm;oKCMM (~ree'n) Slrd~fCMM f~e-gylar)

Vale~a ~Ai!'gutat) Warf~1lCMM (G['ean~ CMM

KalhIl Maw SyfM

IKml10l N~w,S!l'rti~

Riogebffiolli, S!fdar

V'a1Ei(!la W'8JtfEit1i

AIlJIIl Mu~rliO

Cl'lIIClslilarclilMllilil! Anjii'! Mu800 CMM {Green} Ilslama'1!Fad CMM (G.r'Be:n) "'e-~HJ?!eMM ti'iillg~IaJ') :r.brlet!e C-MM ~R'aglllJarl IMew A·yar..;m GMM!af'l R:emllgen elMM (Greenl Tsarnm!i GM ... ,Green} DrBI;;Drnis lIiDrCii M'littia
AI1:dioks OMM

Af!~1fI MiJe<r'lO

Igamaboldl Ke.slre! MaJie·lite NeW' Avalon R~lI1I13!l~

TS!'nll Mdicks Bliemooo


Ma~i:e rie!l,!'e.~ekin Relili1agen

Tsarnme Mdici!;s




IBCeif!I"IOM 11MM ,(RegIIJlar) ~ryae!a~d (OMM ~RB~uI8Jl'~ Cloyi~ j;)MM [Gre8n~

IDahar birotM (Re!!Jl,llar~ KiI~!l!rne Dt.lM ~Greenl' IMiayena [lMM (Green) ~ ·lIi~n OM'MI (Green) ,Rama!'! '[!;IMM (Gre81i1) RO'!:!iI1SCI1 01MM fGreerv)

Blyrol~ C~~o' Tlshoml~1JD


8remo~ S~nd
M81~r{s KiilcmllB Ma)'E.'iia Millfu.jBfI




Rooir.sen;lbiiisgn E~elE'J 8eten Ka,iias Talkie! PokllY~fi

INAiIS Tn!!'fI'lng '08g~~ 1st ~Green}

2nd (Green)!lr Belell !\alros

ial"NO MOI¥!ert Er>!e'tii, Bell

31'd !Green) T!1II!II!!I!Il B!!tltllligns ~$tlUbi~ Caale ~GraerlJ ~dI ,ili,'lbii:m C"ldre ~GI~I'I'} 1SlI3e!! (G11e.en) 1sl BlfQl;lkt~n ~CiJ1eenl '1sl CofllOe (Greenl 1st Kittery (Gr.eenl Ellul SUn 1r.Jre!jJtllI!rs

18eil Br~Oi'l Co.nrDii Kitie.ry rrilllP,ah

Conroe' I<ltlmy

IWata,S' of P,ail'1l'ful [leBili fFLe!i)jjar,~

21 sl f,U1T! Wollld~ (GIl,aen) 'Cr:a~~gi
7.891h S!rikar [V'!lit8ran) W9sl!lioi(s Black (:lobra~ (flegula:r)

1 S941l'l Uglill

HOI'5.e r,Vetsl'8.l'l)

'Lia:o Il,.iao


O..-lll,\lS, Defiao Kaiitis,

f'\Iopal'i1 Nopah N()pah liQp.!ih'

V~~jfBIIlI Va~1Jjiallll

'Gienaa G~il'a

JlrOOflS ArborjsJ ArbI:lri$


D!lI'I!!I:lKai!l:IS Vackisuf~aIU \l'acklsuJ~aJlJ BoOt"ldodl


TIWI Dloseurl 1st lRegu!ar) 2rtd (Regular) l'Jismall~sill1lherii:etl Q!HaJ1'e;$Plagu6 ollocusls ,tl'll;!g1Jl~r' ~hid' ...'s Crypt Kil;,ll!iers (Regular) I<Bfly"s Hoslile IL.~ CGrr;ol;lrt}


McrflviaJl! MliravlaJI Moravian De~erer


Etidanl Ugin


2181 StrikEIi' ,[Vettlran) '1151!.igN IH'onsEi ~Veier,an~ Hi1st UgM G'iorse [Erik!)



Go'lt;he~ter CcI-ktle!;jter' Pie~ Pierce




D~~~eter Zi!ia<i"l91 .l!ifang' oli!!1lg


1he Flglhlllilg Ur.iitINi 13th SlMket (Veteran)

Csndalli's Jacksorj's

Bar Hounds, (RegiJar)

SI~g'BrS (Regu!ar)

12 The Founh Sw::cessio'll W,ar

GreenDlllrsr'5, '!ioilZillas (vel~ra:n' S·elTilingilDfl
MusksgOtli VielilM



Q~m eetermiililttiml ~R9glJlari "~l1r;1ll:k',5 'WlImO.r.11 ~RegularJ 1Ilil;:iEifi un.urs

.1LeE! Ziliang,

.tIn, Rang9rs lflegul!!r]

~I'i Rangers(G.~n) 21m Ril"'IJet:$ ~RE'{lLdilrl' S'9tl'l SHi~e, N'I!t8fsn)



!telll HoullHb (Vmera,l11j Le:iiiiigLcn Comb&;' GJ«IP ;}2FId ReoO{ll'[V~lem.n)

GQ'lda's G.5li:1eO Hammer;s


Zffial'!'lil '!-louse 5reiner Mcnni!l'latl

Monh~a!l MI'I'nh.eg13J1 l(ennanrit


'nmcllil-is GaiZ911as ~Gr:eenl L!J!tkm~, (lolllpmy rV91eTan·~

M'arttsnn's M:arallllllr.51, ll'legul",r) w.!.l11l;!1"$ lIarauiCl8rs r(Ve,leranl

Wapp!ngitl'S K€nnard New Avalbfl




111I2111r1i31t1IFi1I1Mg1GH '(Re9\1118r~ $Emaming EIlG!~ 2ndl (Regular J le~m IB:!!lIZlIi (IW11II' 1'2I'h Vegan Rl3lli!:l._= Alp<ha, R8~irnHiffi ~Elte) 'Bels RS'!jin1llill (\lelerran] G!l1IWII!! ReJ!lfmBnl (Vereril!11 [)ella Regimem ~RQgulafl WoWs ~ilg;~n~ Alpl1i1 ~Elile;} Beta 'Elij~}

[lQrMter Ske'pptan!l
~Skapptana New Avalon

IPlelen:e 'PleiDne


St,~rre Sf ,Andre p,g'll'll!ln

San Singh



New Canronr

'J!OOal'dSi Ettrlards,

New' 1itJB90t1 liaw' Ar.agoo

New ,AragOn




9ucl1tllJ BumlaY

Slliplra SIlipl!.a


Dalla IElit!;!], Gamma ~Elitel

MiBBI')' ~l(urila) Oi'lprB (Kurita),


C,lkml1i1;::1ria W!!Il~klKiH3t8.



Epsilon ~6iiti;lll WyU!f!;l.'OoyDIB5 (RiigWir)




Ha aw'5. Sun lHI!!mJ,\Ij"s ..sun BrQrriheadl



anything' 10 ComStar _Though It;outd nul tnope,lQik8E1P up With the fas! balJefie~d aclion. Tlhis, meantUilat tQ'mn:)'l'.:mder"S a~ the! st:~na wO!!,lI~dI have ~odevelo,pstra1egy. II'!V'ulol'J plan~, ~oma otthem ma,~ out month~ il'l,adv,anoe,were'l'iofcutved in stone. The PIr,il1looexpect,ed his Marshals to' improvise whenever Ir'Wces,. Ordel"S, wEl~ebeing ~oo courier vessels te avoid r~inQ

while' ~he Chancelto.r would "'HUFn'1O Saiirta. n OpllIrallol'l Rat GOuld ptnysica:Uyseparare lhe tWO,mnlilary planners hoped,lihlfl' :s,1m5seiS O'f ~n~ war m i9'h'l div,ide' CapelJan royaltfN. The fi r,s[ w~veWOilJ Id al'5:1J A.FfS troops agaiPls[ 'ljueedr the COlipellanS' feared !HOUS€!' 'PIt 'Meonl ,r,egfrnenl:S:!Hou5e' IjOfil, IHouse' LuSann. and House FUjita, \i'iIj,thstlrpfise 01'1 their Slide. AIFFS IMarshal's hoped to destroy alII three elite "M!ecl1 regimenlS. signi,'licanllly reduoing MMimllian l.Jjao·~s .wilily to de~eml his realm and clWriil'\Jg~heway for ~herest o;r Operati()il:'ll [Rat.

by Uile Pony Express s:ystem on

etfedive ~uconce~ml'!gplans" '!he 5l{,s'tam


,Aldebe'ran .Northern Canline'nlt




The' Fa:urttn Den:eb l[ght CalJ'.a:llry RCT., tne FO~~11h UaJrd's G ACT, and RedlIiel'd's Aen~Qad'&.sa!p,pro.a{,)hed ,Aldeo.a:rElri kmlWrngr lJia~~hey WOM Id 00' fa:cingllm ,exirem ely :ski"ed House Ij,orf 'Mech regiment and 16 regfme.fI'liii,of jilrrnor and infantry. The original plan 'ioIiufor both R.OTs.lo land 00 the plalrliel'.s norlhem ~QnlJjnentand grind the 'enemy down. Uf)(lf'l receiving il1lelligElI1C8 repcl1s lha~ House Iljori had :split its, ~egimei'it belWeel"!lhe pl8inel'sl,wtl, con'i· nel"'lts, Marshal Eugene Driven., co ml'l'lander of tlw FOUnJhGIrJ~rds RCT and I~e( of the invasnon, deCided kl split hisllroops', sending Ihe Fourth (lienee RCT totlhe sout~rn amtim;!;nt. Despite! s:lliff rn,sis~!3inQe100m Ua@ Are-r,oSpacs' fig:n1lflJS" which met lihe two fi:ee1s 01 Dr:o;pShips just as they we~EI enterrngl mbil the dlropswern sucoooolUl. The only major drop 'casual1y' OGoun,ed whell ~ Uao Thrush, s.pewil1g: smokiefu"QITI Wlhere a Sluka had riddled ii, cr,ashed into a dropping Deneb t..eopa.n:l DmpStnip. The IF,o~r1tn GllJIards !M~h regimentl." '1I'n1ll First B;e:lh~'!,i'ue Aw:· m.o~ed Rieglmen!:, and two baltal!i~ns,,afthe S~l!I~~I:e.en1h Kestrell Mechanized IIn1ll1nlry chose dar11!;1 dropZQnes, n~af the FtTst Batlalion @f House ~ofii"s,1alion€i(j: lil:eaJ the important /IIIdeb~ra:n<cil.y o1ChoLiClhI.JI. Despite ou1numl:l!uirngthe CapeJlan 'M!K;hs lhree to cn6"lihe Da'ilion 'Me,chi!! gained HUle 9 I"OOnddu ring fhe initial f[ght· ing. Thill Fi~sl Bell!f~l\IllmRegimen'!, whi'ch dropped 1:0,lh,~ G'a~,t of thee, f 'lM'echs, was driving lits ne-w P,i>1iI· ton tan"tks, owrlhe vuill!ll!ra:b:le' i nfal1tl)! defend'ers, am, tnto Chour:hu.•When the "Mechs, of ~QlJse' Ijori heard tna:lliheOlty hadfallen. ~hey withchew 10,tI'lewestand left Aldebar.:m aboard IDropShlps. th!(l:1had been Ihidden in a 'Ihick forest. Daviem tosses w~n~~Ifg:ht

The Fourth Deneb RCT. m&3J1tfme. Ihad ,aI tl:lugtner time hltJllling down 'Ih~ $oooJ'ld Battalion of Ho~se IIJ~ri, The, Secollid Sa/HElI'ion oornmander" Major TlliOiTIiilsina FiF,Olil, 'was drS'l~sed abQY~ th ~ Fllrs[ Bailailo:rn's n:rlrea,t Atdem:r.1ln lr'I'Eit baJ1:taIiDnl of 'Mechs"accomp-anied by ils,elite, infantry, led ti'1:e fourth Deneb on a grali1!dl tou r of the plansrs s.outhem oO!lllinru'il" ili'ii~lIJting 1li1lllJ1merClIIJS ambushes ,thai' t.oak many lives. :De~lte the 1rouble House Iljon cniJatoo, Marshal Vernon Fredricks, oommanoer of the FmJi1h1 Deneb. deo!ar,oo ~l;Je on~il'lel'lt seCLlIPI!in !l!ar1y Se~tember. G


iIlhe Fcmrih S'Utoession War



Red'field~s Renegades,; 1I1e mermnaJY~iigJme,n~ suppomng 'Ihe Faunhl I!)lifleb;; was otderlild off' Aicl~.a11 SIOO'I'D afterwards. !nllll'Ceptil1!g '!he o.ruBrs, Major iF~@U deoided lO attack. The ,niglll Ije,tore tile Renegades weJe to' I~¥e, the 'Media. of Hoos,e Iij:m;I' s!lipr-:l1 Ihrough a. Swarri,ll ootweenlhs, Second Battalion 0# (he lFIellegades ~l1d Fiirst Battalion of'lhe Oorydon Regulars, a meehani4:e:dinfantry unit. in aneffon to dlllS~t~OlI tl1e~hreElllJr'OpShips tha.rl wem waiting to lead ~h€l'Renegades. Wiilh House Ijoril 'Mechs "vl<$;[flgout af the muck like hcllo~ mo~slers." as one Renegade 'Warrior put it the scattered R'e'neg:ades 'IIIIen:!'artacked just afteF m~dl1ilgtnt <IfiId were 'Pt.!<slhed back immediately. lHIouseciljori inUiicI:ed !heavy casualties, and drove 1he Rertegades out .of Ihe s¥.Iarmp and tDWard ~e' vulnerable DropShips ..Maijp:r Fliic'hard:SonJ.cornmanO'er ot Rdel'd'::; Seco.nd 'B.a1laIion, had 1:0, hotd en for an houjf' before' help, <cou~darfjve~. ~:CI longer Ihindered IbYlhe swamp,ItiEi Renegades: s,1op,pOOHoosfil IJori':Sadllam:e 100 mete~s tr,o.m th.e D:rqpShips- FcmnegimenlJs of arm,or and moooonized infal1J~ry aJr~jl;i'ed surroUlm:l the Capell'arJl '10 forces ..IMajor Richardson ,offeredl Major Finoul a mam:e' ltI sum,lnider. she defiantly IrefiJsed. Five lloul"slater, the SIilCOnd Batla~i.on of' tI,oose Ijmi 'Was:des1roy-ed. When n8WoS oUlle, tam' of too Secoool Battalion aM 1he relJfeat '(liIhe fi,s~ reachOOIM other Gapellal"l tor~$. Sill all Afdebara!1. OlPganiiZed! ~stanc:e oollapsed. The Fourth Deneb ReT Ilater left m ,A1deti~m:m tOI participaJt'e<ii1l a s1rik.e agai.mlst too Cape1lan wmkl of £uri'dhl, while th.e Fourth- Guards remained (In A!ldebaran lunm relieved in IJeoom!beir.

The Tlliny·'lhird Avalon Huss.1l':s Ref, commanCiecl by ueu'Ieni:"lnt General 'W~lson Mandi;llla, rffinforeed ,by 'lihe Uuee ffigi· menls ,of thil BIllie Star Ir,~egi.J'lars,1aced HOlIJse ILuSanil's, twa bauaJionrs,lhe' Firs:1 Regiment 01 (ne' Coofederatl6r1 ReSeNt! Gavia'lry .and twobattalklriscd Uail Hesel"lleS Ninc'i:lM'sGommal"lddS·~.IDaviion fo.ooes d~ nol !mow '~ha,t.a regimen~ of Capelloo Hussars, had just arrived on, Wao fOl'lJr'aining. All, 'dlr~p5 werle uneppoS"9d. TIle! First Regiment of the BSII (Bll.I,e Star Irreg;Lllars) ia.n.ded 00 the fropioaJ scuthern cCfU;il"lent ami quiic'kly defeatedl 'Vincent's Comman.dus. lho fli\lrl.y'-thi~d Avalon Hussars mel1he 'Confederation ReseM' Cavalry onJhe island 'cOll~inern o~ Maens and 'forced it to IreUea~ ,~crosslhe! n.eac:hemLl!;,Sangjil: StFafr1~ the l!'loohern oo:nli~nt to' On the mQui:!taiioolJl:5 nOrlMm c'Qndl'1lent, fie 8e.cond cmd Third 8SI ignored 'Ihe IGnnifederaiioti ReseN.9 'Qa;valry's sl!Jdid'e'n ' appearance aoo pushed tow.ard the Forlb:idden OJTy oma! '!tile' 'Medh$ of !HIQU5e luSaJ'iIi'ii. Re~I:!!U!ncs' '[ram ~he planets nallve population was, sUfi', thm ..glrlno1 onG'lI!~ed, becaI!J<&eI1heplanet was ~he emotfo,flal! ,and ancestrall heartland Q1'he wao tamillji'. t The IAeselVe C!i\l',a!1 ry !fIIUack.edlihe! Third BSI 3fit.era week ,of :pr1e:paralion. fhaThfrd, fearing that the' Ctlpel1\:m Ca~IPl wour(jl by to Ilink. wi1h How,s€! IWSal'lirl, swung "Grtll sJild east to Gut off ithe C-avalry. The alack. led b:Y the commander .of the' BBI" General Mona flr,o},. was a SIiJ.t;;cessun~~ '!he ,General madEl'1he mista'kie o~ tiO~owin9 the' R'e'SleI'll,i'H Ca.valryirl an afl:emp'to tint:shlhmn WI. Tho Cavalry IYFOO Third 881 into an a,mbush 5prltilfiglby !.he Second Ih(!' Regiment of tihe Capelian Irh.DssaIs..Titioogl1 'Ihe ThiRil I6:SI was able 'to IlNiI1h~raw. ill ,did $t;i WlilliLCl'ut lis OOmflUli'lid~r" wno died oo\l'eri~ 1he J8liN11.a!1 of her boops. She was '1!as1 soon in at :mt:lUflfBin pass. hEU mus 'Mechl defiandy stan.ding LIp to an appmadliflg lance of Ca,pa'I~ai1 Griffins. In 'Ihe' meantime,Um Second BSI had made co"l~ wirth House llJSafll'il. After ~ night o1'p~epa;ration. the 'SS'I let loose a witheJrngl aWLCik '!hat oombiillOO 'the meroo~riw heavy fighter oover" theirinfal1!1y, anti t,rneirtarnk b!l,tajion. The aHackdestrGyed the !First F:!atla.lion or House luSl1arrn'. D9S,Pfteihe' sliJecess of~he Seoond 881. 1h8A!fPS was no, eleserto Uw Forbicklen1CiIY. The fhinV"lhird ,Av.rucii1I Hussar&RCT crQSSed o\ler ~o lhe IiICMO!(r,1'I ontinent: ~o mst b1JlUI'1e, c f,emainlng IAe5,efl,r,Q Cav,alry pr,ev,eClIUld 1'n:lm linkingl!.lp WUI1the other D1livion It ,fo~'fle5.The S'itl!ia1ion qtilCIldY'WDJSened when ,elJ~eHouse IJuSann irlfao~1Y S:lipped ~:rQLJg:nthe 11[1116$0tne 'Second 851 ,and ore;atoo of dM-o:s In fire enemy's, ~eal' 8ffil'a:5, When pmessed by superiors TO end tile linvasion ,quickly. General Mandella requesIedl tlelp.. IRedfield's Renegades. ~!i'esh 1mm '~e:ir v~ClIOry 0l'Il AId~bar,al'l,d~ behJnd Hoose LuSann aoo ef'f~9med the F'tn1liidden 'Oily vin'lUally !i.I~sed. D,lS1h-Qrut~ ,ened at Ilosing 1heir majorobleClwe, U"I!ei Capellan Hussars, alol19 'with '!he remalning bafUlliol!'l of HaLlOOl!.JSann and a battalion of Fle5Jlil"YlEil Ca.valry, leh plaflli3t Liao em S9;p~ember :2.5. Command!ers, rrewardad Redtield;'s ,AefUligades by lelling !.heml garrison U~lo.'fheThir1.y-dli'Fd Ava;lon Hussars and !he Blue SIal I'rregu!ars ~eH Uao' 10'all:ao1'l Genoa in Oct,o'ber.

lhe f@ul'llh Sw::.oessim'i WaIF 1'1'


TIie FusJiiers" flUshing 'Ie catch !Upafter ~jrng :surprised. ~efl their caution behind and raced tor '!he $p~rl. By 'tn9 'lime the Flus:~lierscaUght sighU)flhe dRatled s:pa;(;e,po.Ii1:,~heWhite' Horse "MOOM liIadl alr,early e:>:lecutm a S'W,~ftcircle mmeuve:r then:~!a;~llId them in a periect ptJsll~oo to slam into the CapaliM iMGdhSi~S~h0Y emmg:ed QntolMe empty tarmac. Five hours. falen', 1he perscmrw"1 Iclf tJi1eWhlfe Horse Fh:~grment wElIf'e sifUl'Ig tl:J:rQi:Jg:h1hlll debriS, of1he' Second l:1atlaljon of the fl,lsilf.ers, r.QQkil~glfo!' salvage., The' Third Guardls feU on the IFirst iBaittaUon ot' 1he' Ftlsi'liers,. whi~h was sfalliQned l'lear'ihe'Algol! cily 01 Schii!"~MajorTormana Uao, was 11'1ommand of~h.e 'Fusitlers and was eager to show his c ,skills as M o,po!1IiI. fiellj srategist. Marshall HobaLlghl, however, nElilier 9~v~ him ill chance,10 mSlIr!'9'L!,Ver.W,3iSUfilgno time In doS/lnQ w"h~eenemy and ,slugging it 'out l~o1 only did the Tihlrol Guards clc!!ie-assaiJl~ 1he' FlllJiEli'liers, b!ilt onoe'Hobaugh's eemma:lildi COO'I'pany ihadl pliliial"i.GCI and lic.iekOO itS VIi,ay trlllo] fie' head'quarter.s and oon:rmunicaUons, area 01' too enemy', he oilClered an artlllery ba!l1lgEioJ'i Iheir positions. 11hfll rain of lLD:ng 10m and Snipershel~s was l'.feVasta1illgi. 'WhEm U WiI:S O\iler, tlie battalion of Fi1l5tliers was flO'longer.afighring unit The few mlNivors, fl'edlto 1he lUao w,es not fQI,:mdl. i1i1he lihird BaHaI[Qi'l,of the Ariana FI!.isiliers,. sl,Uiofiiea 0ifiI the east,em oolllinent, Ir,etmated off A:lg~ 'without firing ,ashot when it heard what hap,peoed 'to the other Flusmers. The Third Guards IACl dr:d I!'I.~ see ~:ctiol"l ,Ell,gail'l! ul'I!m Odtdb:ar wl'!S!'1I iHett for Nlngpo. ll1i!S gJa\l\!:l MOiIr:iihal Ho'bal:llgl1 ardd his oommand ~ompan~ 11 d1!an~ to mcovlllrlJ'Q'm '!heir lnjurtes. The Whlte Horse Raglmerll later p!a.yed a vhal fole!i'rllOpe1ra1ion Ambllsh.

The Third IlDaviofil Guards IRCT, ;aidec by t~ el~e While HDr,se Reg[ment of 'Ihe Eridani llight Horse mefceMries, ha'd the task ,oflakiill1lg' 'Ihe' LiiaQ 'wm1d o~ Algol. l~il' op~on;e'J'1Itswer'E! the IFir,slAriiana Fus~liers" a uni~ knowl'lfor its spiril: daspiile a.l'most perpeluaJ bad luck "00 Fusmers'luck: did r1IO~ change dl!Jfi!!1glhe

The' Third G!.!a_rd~ A~roWil'iig eHily scaHered 1hofew iliaCi ftglhlers 1hat ven~llred ou1 ~CI meet 1he Davian DmpShips. Uneasy'; Marshal IHerbe-rI i-IObaJ.lgh ordered mOO'! ot his (tllh,WfS back fO their IDrop'Sih'ips,whml' 1heywem rearmed whh bombs to attao'k Ihe SU5fj8C1ed heatlqi.!;arters of the Fusilie:rs'lhird Batta!iion near !he' plane1:s lar'gast clty, Kiallua. Braving IgrDund~based missile ba'lteries, (ne GuardS' 'lighters. lII1ostl'i/ CO!l'sail:s, s&ared acroH the plane1:at exlremely low allitude. M'ars~all Hobaugh's, suspicion's were eerrect rifle IlJavion nghters tOllJlOO ~he Fusrniers' enlimAiarowing,fueling. and 81T1illng a:i two air,pons and dfilroy,e(j die Callfl!an f.glMers,. most of which never had 1l1le' chance to leave 1he ground. The While'llicr5e, a mixed regiment; was, tile 'first 10hil too din near the cllY aU3'r'Ofl',ef~,Toil. The drop, :lione was, a few kili:lrnet&~s west of the city's spao.eport This surprisedU1e' second Batltallon af !!he lFusiliers, wh~oh "'ad been wailing 'len I<Oome1ers 'tifll'li!H wast ihe W,hiro 1i'00fs:e RegimeI'll I'hoo surpnis.ed the oief,efiders runher b~ ignooTng 'lihe roW1lte l'O sh1ke at 'Iheir Ir,aar, trm;ead marahingl toward the spaoo;pmt The :FlIsitiers did :nO,t kn~ ~he elite mercetil3_ry 1!.iI!''1lt 'was, leav1~ I~s,tal'lks, in cO'llered and pmlooteO posr~illl'lt5 along ~hewa~,



wUh or'l'ly wlth 'two, Ilight ;'Moon reglme nts, the FirS!tandl Sooondl NeW' H~sen Il1I1eQiu laj~s. house' 1roops aflhe pla_nel"$ OWifl.€!f. The Im'lg;ulars ~ie exlrernely [proud and 'con1iiden~ 1hal:Uney CQl!lld repell any invasion. The t!l'lva;ding form oOr'l:s~sl:ed of the Fi rS1 a:f:'Id Sooond New 'i\!'aiilrs~,Chasseufs. i!.mder the dual comrnarndl,of Ma~hal rNli:oholas Stephenson and Colonel Fleginafd SU!phel"!son .. lhese too we~e house 'lmops ot ;!m eldItlmely proud 'ta:mij~<md eage~ ttl, IFUOV"EI' 1h.em~eINes. Despjte 1he' IrTElgulars' zeal atIdf,amul'larIl,ty W1thlhei,'world, they OO!.lldnot standi up to the SIJ perlor New Ivaarsen Clhas;sS'l.Jrs. The Fiir:s1 Irregulars, thought 1he-y oo~'ld Q"Ultmarneuver the FtrS't Chasseu ns OTI open pl!ail'l1s oJ Jlosibu rg IFlallS, bl.ll11he iarg:er number of Da\lion 1ig:l1wf$ easily pil'l1ned down the Ca~lIans, iU I'1!till ~n9Cihtiseur 'Meehs arrived. The, Seooond Hassen Illreguls.rn d'losetofighl1hf} Sec;Ql'1!dC!hasselJir,sin the capital eily, BUOi'hlvaat nat wa'S a tat.a! error'9i 1iI:e Chasse!lJt[5 ~~ioa:lized in the

mQlln~a,ns 'th_a1tne plarnela!ry '9o'ltemm'lim1 rent,ed 10 Ute Capellan rnililary to us~for miilij:Or'wargarr!~ and rnnaneuwrs. This, l!IIl~anl Ih3J~~oLlr,Or"five, major lMech regiments were lISlJalty training en New !-lessen. "CareflJ'l' planning by1!he AFFScaIJiQhl tn'Q ~iam.

New l'iI~ssen is


worrd od~sGrossed wfllh vas,t plains and

,deadly hide-and-:SIE!ek 01 comool Oflhe' 'Ivrn, regiments, of New Hessen Irregulars thail begetl'l the baffhl'. enl¥ iii Mech baffa:lion, ali! fnfanlry cram,ptan!),!;md some ariiiUery 'Were able til ffl'Jreat oN NlEIw He5Sf1f1I. The Fl'rst Regiment of~he INew lvaarsei'l Chasooms late. participa.fed in the fightl'rlr Alres~M.



llhe lvlIo meroenary;M~11 ~ffi:ems oHhe Sc~earriil19 Eagles, oo:mmaJlloed It:IyC(l!lam~1Waller Hakala, goUhe call '10' apluTe(oo c cl'.ry world of pleioM. lM ,..,in:l Batlalh;(n ot MGCfimmcn's tight ,Om1a11l' W~, stfl1ioned 1:1'1 Md around am~lve ~ab191:Op1 OI!:ln1ain m that Star League, I:letense '!Forces had fashi~l1ml i;ntoa.feleadqil!!SJters and supply ldepot tor lit Ba:WeMedh Iregiment. ThoIU'g'i11Jie . ~ floll1iJ'ess,was ancient. empty ,and famng ~o IpTQC,es" the 'Cape[larn 'Mecl11Ibaluaillon Ined taken it ,over, callHng it "Ihunder Rock.:" Des:pif~~he111O!UlJlnill defensive pcl'S'itia~provid~ by lihe im~il'1gl Thunder Rock. the Soleaming Eagles e~ ,that !heir $~~r'Or numbers, 'would D\t9l1'WhelM Iih.a tight Ca\l'ar~. :Eag'J:e, A~JoSpaoo fighl:eirs repmiled catching moo1 oj liM Thlrdl Bal'lali'CfiiI milt tn'the open and Im~ll1ing UtelWiIil Evel'Vo!1e expe~ that1he baflie WQLlId soon 00 O\I'ef, iblJll ~ SUM,wlng C-:apellarn~ re1reatoed lc,liImr fOriress- A1teii three, 'fr;iIiIslra~ing w~s. the effoJ'ffi ~J) cl'i'lCk Thi!.iil"ldle:r ock were' finally suocessfulwhen a R batialiQJ'I!' Eagles was lifted '10' 'the top of the m'ol!Il1Itail'l, wllere'~ fOiiJInd,an el1i~~arlce'and began rlQ~ling its way do"Wn. One o~the Iw0 remaIning MCCnm_mon's companies tried Uee 'through ~ side oofmnce, bUf 'was, ,caught and d'es1royedl, The remainflllQI ,oon:lp:iml( ,of M'cGrimmQrrs, Ugh1 Cav~ffy S!!!J'l"eooer;oo. The i~est0.1the planet was subdued easily. Two battalions o,~Ute Soneaming Eagles, were left ~Q grurison 1tuil,wcrld wMe ·fhe reS! went on to, invade GanSiogh. iI'1f1e two batUdions we~e reonited w.ith 1he rest.olthe Eagles


in Ume .~ sMlie at New Cantonl,

'Gamma ,and Delta Regiment'S of '(he ~Ql1I'Immlld'ed by Colonell\l"eliaJ Del!acrolx~ IfladII'ilO difficulliles 'In sW1,ounciifl!gl ami subduilllJthe siix regimell'h; o~ lightly iililllllOO militia! on po:z:nan. TIle Thjrd I&ttalion of Ii19 Seoliind Airial'la IFusiJ~.s" normall¥ based 0l'I Poznan, had lbeen shiftOO fo oofend the important 'World QI TIk.onov ill Ire~PQnse' 'kI ~ooDavfor"l maMLlr\llerS, Seizing on a qllJi:rik, CotOi'leilDeiacroix lIsed ,tier 80c:e5.1)' '10, ,in '!he oonlid90ce w ot the planets Spanishminorily. which had slJffef,ed rons derab'ly !.Imler 'ltiie plaMI's Ohlnem pl:lpur>atiorn.Ater re~v,lngpenTliission from lier superiors. Colonell DelaD!"Qi)!~IDWed the Spanish minor· ity 'lb farm ,OJ provisional gO'llemmool and gave tile llTiili1j~':!!,~1uredWEiaponstQ 1he! 11Iew' rulem- With a loyal militia, there,was flO IlooglH any meed ttl; garrison Uile' planet, and bol!h regim-ems,of Vegan Ra~r,EI len Po,man In pa11lt:ipate 'ifll ihe fight f(if "Buchlau.

'i'wei,flh 'Vegan, Rangers,

The '!Fourth, ,Sucoossian War


51- .Artdre was ~he SCiene> of tlhe heaviest tiglhtil'lg dlJring t,he! firs~ wave. Marshal Jooathanl RiIffeJ1berg' oomrna:nded the iffil',a· Sio!'ll 'l'oroo" wlili:c:h~onsis~ool a~ 1he Davion Lrg'h~'G'ua_rd~ RC,,. 'and lhe AJlpha and Beta R~tmenl'S, ,oflhe Tweifilh Vegan IRangers. IMaxshal Ri:ffenberg kn:ew he would be facing a smmleli,tool!Jgh ~ormidablie. ~may o'f Ca,~lIan forGes,: Jus1iniaJ's CMirassfers, CoGiuaine's '!301iaf,hiS, iilnd Ihe First IBatta!lic:m of the BIad<Wi no Lan~rs. 'IFor 1he .A:fph'a Reg~menl 01 the TwelWh Vegan Rangers. the fight began IqUGe1Jy enough. The 1hI'H' OOitlaltOIllS hadl drop ZIQIi' D1'I3. wide 'p!a1n near '!hE: city of Jerome, whe~e Justinia's ,CiJliras· siers WMOO.Tine e-lite 'Mechs oUhe Cuimssiers did nothing as the' Vegan Rain;ge:rs mue:rulty a,pproiillltleol Jerome and ~l1el"ll surm'~l'IIdedthe city. [rr,l eHi:unside ~emedwrllii!'lg I:Odoanylhing lha" skifmkSh for 1he fitrst two weeks. The .V'egalfl Rangers sent two bafianons soufh in answer to d~per'<IIle'lpleas 1rom IBeta Rie~fmeT'!r& "ilraini.ngl battalioi1l;'· which was Q.U"d~raUac:k from 1he CapeliOin IBilackwim:i Lanoe~·s. The nepanuul' Dr two-thi~ Clf'!he Vagan IRangers s'UnrollJili1d'ing ,Jer~ eme was c:ol.on,m Justinla Gordon's, (Sign~~ at_. to Her mrces p:nnoo ~I'om lihe,'cily and atla:ck.edthe' outnumbered banaJion of "'egan Rangers. It was 2 FiLlse. Tha'lwo booal[ons,of Rangers did nottrav.eltao 'Jar_Tine First Battalion fought a holdr;ngl,ac~oo uritil '~I'Ii9 arrival of too o~he~ ba:l::talions, p'lus Ir,et:nforcemeriits fn1.mlJhie ILight GhJams RCT and ]i1e Vegoo Rat!:P'fs' Beta Ragf.ment lhe ffghil~ 'll'lQ1.llgh birlter. was M~less for Cmonel GordcHlI,whc' mluO!amiy s!!,m'in~ demd after Ilosing haff of her weapons, and a1him af herpersonnell. The key 1o~e sucoossrul ambus.h was '!hat 'lihe: Bra~kwind U:l'Icers I'w.d Ifn.deed s~ruok at ~hI'!! base Ciamp, of 'lh~' Vegan Ral'lgms' Bela IAegime!'U. I!ilstead oi f1ndiIilg a batta1ifln of recruits glJ'ardl'ng' th e <limaJ, 'Iih.ey i'eund the' 'ihlffJl Ba'hirlOIJl Of 'Ihlll Oavicm Ligh,t (3 LIIa:rOO 'MGdl1reglmal1t, Iila_rc!]ya 00I111l000ll'll f gr,eell,fooruilS. o Though the 'Bliadkwilld Lanoe~5we,e :skilll!d fig hlem"lhey aid not recover from 'lihl! shoCk. Pushed back te a streich G~de_lit, a 'few o~ ~he Ur!"leers atlempled to :run aercss it to beedom" only to diooO''IIer 1tnat the d1.JifiiGS Iliad 'bQen m[nadl. fie' remaInlf'1!!) Eliack~

wii'!id Laooifs :nmendered_

The' Li:gh~ GtlardiS the!'! Imoved lhe 1'18adquariters of the Blackwind Lancers. Once (oor,e, Colonel FOLi Cfi:ston Ineg~tfated 'lhe: surrender ,O'f '!he unit's admil'listratiQil"l and Icommunication staH. Uslng. wdEisand oomm [lJ]"Ilcanon.s procedm;es 'fo;UIr1iC on ~he base, members oi1lh.e light GuaIdls'fiillOO ~Ian radio channels; wilhfalse b!irtlle 1~!1s. These repot1s, rotTlipl'eledUls' ruse that lilired Gordolil's, Cuirassiers, from ,trUll.saf,~[y of Jerome.

The' fighting of'llhe frozen plains of the planet's; mlrlhem oonlinent was 1he';toI!J91l~S:I.r,aced by anry Davionl fmne'during ihe Fir$t Wave of Oper'atiort Rat Thlillregimen.ts ,of the D;:avion Light Guard\5, mrnu-s thallhird 6aualion oUhe 'Mech regiment, dropped a Ir,QCenl Q)I)caV'ati:o:n that AFFS Mi!iliiill)l Intelllge!'1lte' had id'e:nt~fied as,a Star League baise unearthed by fha CQfilfed'era1km. 'Ooclhrnine's,G;ol'iatlls, battalion co,mposed mos11y 'OIJlhe \ilEliry deadly four-legged Gcl{arfl'M eens, was defendi ng~heI5itEt.Dav,iol'l mHil<lry inle'lligem:;e, though no~many qulle th~[ough" overlooked the Cap~IIElIllA,emSpaoo Batl'alfon asslgned wdh the ,Go,lialtiis. lhe Iury ot'li1e Uao 'lighlers ~ayed hilli\lccwilh 'frhe'drops of tlhe Daviol'! Lig,hH3uards" The Second glRe:lion 'of 1t18' DOliliion light Guards 'Moon regimel'llf'[lmunded more than,30 Ikll·omelers to the north, S!E!ip<lratea from the Batl8lion_ Coclilfairne's GoHa1hs immedicalely divided fne 'two' Davion 'M~h ~mlrls,""00 beg.1n to grind th,llltil1 down, The Fir~t BaJtla!ia:1"I

faoedJ a wiLhering atlac!k fr,om two com piiI!fli.esm C;8!psUEliI1 Gel;" atm. Colonel $1(lrne, commander of the DaviOI1 'Mech ll'egifllen1, ordered 'Ihe ,F! rst Battalion to re~t aJnd,aHH.mplOO 10 diver! lJe'lia Comlpany. whioh was j,ust abou1 to I1iUits: drop 2;Orllil!i. IlJerrtaoompiilJ1y w,a,s l.u1Jiqu'Si. Crll9<atedbllf lP1rlrrlCi\l H8!I'1Se,iJavlien, it was lwlce the ~llB o,fa,mmTl,aj mmpi3illyiiillldl was, trained to its light and rnl'JldhJm 'Mecih$ as a "elOIse as!Sa!lJlitgrolJp. ~ Capti1lli n Redburn, fefcg[nling oommunications problems, ignored Colonel Ston!i)J's,ord~r 'to ,abort a'r]d instead gro'Ulf'loed tigS 'Iroops bahi!'ldi Oot::htaine's Goli8JthiS)_ In 1he eFliSui'rl'g1 malee, the "MEich~ Oil R~h:l!Im's Del~<I. iomC pany clos.edswif!ly with ~he sl'OWe'r SaliaihS. Delta Company's Inumbers allowed iii ito'[;fang ~p'on uoolvld!.!al Capel'an "Meet;'!>. The, f! r;st attacks downed five' Goliath 'MIaehs, bur Redbu rn's comp~ny was in dange:r of being overwhelmed 'the longer ~e battle ool'l!~in· ~ed,


lhe Fourth Suc:oession War 21

Captain Roob!J!'iF;! saw d'ne Goliath

FriOM ,Qocirlral ne, ,com-

rnander of lheG~18in foreas, ~nwlha1.llas, ~n desGnibmi as: a cour~!1em:l5 streke 'of ba1~l'efl,eld genius or as the aotion of a

mooman, Cap'b~lh Redburn ,executedi whsu IS "mow as a ·D!}ath From Abovem manellWer; w:11iohlsE!lrIt his Fire$MerCf~tling down 'Onto hi! ~Ii!;pil oJ Coctlrairl~'$, 'M~hL Bolli 'Mechs werel des:~royed.Ca:p1ain Fled!:mm SlUlVi,\IIOOI,l'1l¢1:yghhe was !!mockedl l unconsciDus; and did flat parti~ipatetLllrther inltie' lbatde_ Oemorali'!:ed wili'!out their leadeu, the rest O'ffhe Gol ia~h.iS" fell back. Del~a CornPMY. b.l:!llevrng Ctliptain R'edbur,1') had sacfili'OOdl Ihis lite fa, them. was tilledwiH'i vengeance. Colonel Stone ~sedJ the inuliaJUIJH to ra!1~ &Iiei r~~u 'elI his, regime.n~'to an ,a1taGk~:at desliro:yed Ihe remaining Capelliillll 'Mechs. AJ.bove this soena, Daillion ~igl1ters W,elririlasserting the'i!' domil'la!_nce il'll the air.. After 'lihe, deslrllJl~iolli 'of Oocl1uai,n,e"s Goliafus. ,orgal'l~l'!ed resistanoe on Sit. Andre CI'I!Jmhled. The D1livkmlighl Guards ReT and the Nl'o Vegan Rang!9'FS regfmQI'I'I'S r,emained on St Anclfe. De~ta Camp,any of 1he'lLJavioo L;ight ,8 ~ard:Swint '1,0 unan to h-elp H ,the .AragDn Bo~deJers, suppress, ,enemy aGlivity oil tha1 Capell~n world. SHIEN5~ The IF~rsl Da'\l'iorl Guards IRCT, commMoed by M,ar~hiilll Stephen Daviol"l, faced! o:nly a. poorly a'I1moo planetary milil!lacm ShMsi_Tlle p'l:aJnetwa,S secured quickl)'" despit'8 1he:desperate 'Iacti:os of tile mUil$a's com l'II1ander. The' fh's,t IOaviml Gwards deladhed an armor Ibattalioll;i;l;ool an infantry DElUalion io garrison 'lJhe wol1ld,. 'The rest or ~he ReT wenl,on 10 alklcll.Tsitsang'cdurinQ 1t1e:set::ol'lldwave of atlacks:. -

Styk, be'S'ldes, beiingl Colon:el Pavel R:idZilk:;s,pl'iva!l.e ~Om8ii'fii. w,a'$ ,a major tr:ade center for the Capell~))n Conf,edetaflont. The pl:<met was also the C[mffed;eira~ion!!s se-,cooo largest indUcS'lrdal celiter, With major.sleeland ~efllrlr1limllfaClorias ~I"hthe planers tan ~big Gities. fl1~1mos[ impol1an~ indOsny on Slyl!i was Tao ;MoohiWorks, ~halhiird Ilarge$t BatH,eM6ch marl'ufaclIIJim:r lin too 'Confooera1ioll. wh:icl1 was returning to prool:lcliQI'I afn~!Jreceiv,ing eoclensive damage! in ,S! 3025 Dal\do:n ~_ The Gaptl.lN':!i 01 the 'Mach ra.clory arid other ind~s~ries was M obvious pfIDri~.yror~e: AHS. Agent'S trom the Minisl'ry Q,f Inte!lligenee. Inves,tiig~ijons. and 0fleraticms (M 110) played umporlaM rote'S in tne capMe oJ Sliji"k_ In a series of'lgs and assassin1a)jjons,!~h6' operatirviiis struck aI the plaflet's Air and SpaoeTral'iic 'Control Cen~ers to pmvent SIyk's large fighter wil1gtr,om !lI'Iteroo,ptin,g the DropShips ,of ~h,Q' lwenlisth AValon Hussars RGT aJJ"Idhe DavTonl ~eavy Guards t RCT ,a,pproachingllfle planet [)avi,cm ~gh1Grs eas!ily snpt <1!_sidethel disorganized C,ape,1Iain fighter 1',S'sponse" .and thel H uS:;iars tlit thei F d r,o,pZiones 0111lime and fn~aict Defendi ng:ihe planet we-relihe Thi:rd 8atclaJion of the Founll C:onrfedemtiolF:lAess(i,!\e:Cavalry and aibana'licm of"IM:e.chs,and 'One 'of infiilMry from the elite' H'ouse FIJIj,ita. The' A.valon Hu,ssars took advantage ,of 1he iD"le'.<perienced w,art~ors of:lf1e Reserve Carval:ry.,6y re-trl!!ai1iflg in ap,pare-n,t dilsi1lr~ r,aV. the hll.Issars easil.V IIUlrad~he 'Mechs of the Cavalry iOWI a Cna55ic ambush. Wi~h 1Mechs in fl'Qnt .and on Ibo'Ih :s[des ami Hussar umks to the rear" the iResel'Ve Ca'll'alry' was Si,MfOUndOO_


Atler 'twice ~ng WoB,pI!IJ:sed1 in attemp'ls '10b~,eak through U~ef:i1'il9 of tanks. the mmaining wamlors of the 'Reserve Cavallry s~ut down toefl' IMechs, and sl.lJ'(end~.rfldl. BatUeMecns ,and inJMtryfrcm the IHeavy GUaJr,d5 ROTs sl.lrroondedllhe' city wl1:efe the :int~n1Iy b:atlillion o~ HOUSElFiujita was SU!i1ioned_ Elite SpeciallF,orces il'lfmltry tlle:n er;Jlfered {hoe ci~y 10'roo~ oul~he 'C:a,~llan oo'Jeiers" IDurillg tlhe batl!e, a few Hous~' ,Fyji~a.troop.9 tried] to r,e1reat ,ou1'of 11<1e' oity" only to be out down by the ;Mecl1s- JI:lil:er ,Ellw,eek, thl\! H'Ol!~91 Fll.lljila infaJl'lltlY battalion IN,as dles1rOJl1€d. The "Mem battalion of House fujiila, reati:z;irig,it was grossly ,oU'lJ'1umbe;rool after the demT&ei oHhe infantry bawlicm, d[ispe~sed aeress the Styk oolintl)lSilde ,and adopted hiit-and-f',u n tacUes. The' iFleavy Guards reamed by using AemS:pao~ FIghters '10,l!.II'l~down t ami destroy lhe 'M~chi$" 1M!000ny capellif'lll'l's SI!INiVed.;. I'lIOwelfflf. and COi'1tii'lued io hH vulm:! Da"vtofl targets. Reid MarsilaJll Rm Felsner, [l!JIIfi1ing ,behind his 'limetabfe. or.dered 'Ihe entill1eGuards 'Mel!lh regTmeman:dlaJ ~an:k:egii11ent intollie Diribar IForilist ~ohunt r tlh€l Cap,eitan 'Meahs. The syrviving House F,ujilia "Mle<:ns retroeated t:o an Ov.s#ord [) ropShip lhanh~)Ihad hidden early in 1h!:ifig'h,t'~. The lDiI',opSJhlp lifled alit cif ils fof,u[ h[d,eaway and BXlplooed ln a fIreballl, A MilO operativa, IPosing as ,81 s.ih~p's eI1l9il1ee~, had sabCllaged Wie' sll':lip"s r,ea~te:r shii£lld 1'0 oo1h:1PSlil' at a. mifi,ca~ moment The torestliire created by Ute '9xJ;llnsi'ori bl!nned Iqr days_ The pl!aneHell ~h:e'1I'I~)(t week, atler eli~e jlUlmp troOP5 kam the HeallY GUa:ilrdspreve:nteda m i1itia unil"r,om bioWI rlgi up {hel lao 'MechWm~s,. The operation was a rousing sucCess be®illse, the APFEl had seized S1ryk withoi!Jt siginiliica:nt»y harmflng i~s ind'us1riaJ and 1radefaclili1ies. TIlEi TwentIeth Avalon Hussars le:ft two! ;Mecll battalions .• a!f1 armor aJnd an Iinfamry battOlI'illl'l til 9W'rlsol'l Styk, whife 'Ihe reST ,of~oo torces we~ewillidrjwn llO parlidpat'a in Qperation Ambush.

Reports from the tront pain~d an un~Xp6ctOO]y sllooessflJll pfdUfe at the aossa!.liIS,.AFF'S Miarshials WElre 'plleasan~.y ,surpfised. Surviving Capellan IUllfii~s involved in the Firs.1'Wave, !'lad" IOF'! average" lost nearly one·lhird ,ofll1ieir'foroes, and ffiMy IIInits. like CQduaine's 'So!lia"liI1:>.iIad been wiped out ,or hat:! 6urreflicefed. l Daviefi losses, 01'1 the' ,o1her 'na;ndl, were nO\lJlf of what had been e'.<pealed. A IPle:as.ool and Clp'~imi:s1ic P\flliloe Hanse author~;t,OOI 'Ihe 1'19'X'I phase of the- o,pera1iol1 on Se~m'ber '115,3026. On the-Capellan side, thefeeli~ was of wOLllnded relief, ,/Uler thl!! iniUal devastating Irnvasioos by ~he fooeramd SUW'IS, 111& Capellan!': ihcugh,t the wQr5t was, over. Their Dest s1ra~Js1s; oonfidenlly ~old Ch81ncellor liao that mO!~emajor imlJ$ic;ms '!Noula! be extramely IJ rtlikel~, They 3.S:SIlJornedtha't'ihe iJa¥lotl JumpSh'ips had left ~he' inVIlISlol1siles, to r,e111rn U;)'the JF:ed!era.1ed Suns t(;lf repairs, a rom mon procedurs_ Even lif Prinoe HenS!E!was pteparingas-econd OW8va cd rnlll!'ii'lJs~ons.'!he 'Ca~lIall'l snat~ists SOlid, it would be ,<I much more moo'est ens and designed mSIJp,port the inilialllin;a 'targ:e~ wo~llJS!They underes,tirnatedl'~e' l1umOOr' of JumpSh[ps <lIllie, Prr1'loo's diSPQsaJ ,<lind his, i'es.alve to usa ISVBiI'! severely slr,aiMa JympShip!l from the First Wave to S'lIike,Si tellrr'l(ll blow. The:y <Ihm ILindElr&S~· matedthie Prllnc:ers daring. Inh'ls mind, the !First Wave was buil1he simple' lbS!g:lnning_

The Fourth Su~s'OI1

War 23

The Si&cOnd wEI\IIefucused onTIkonov for fOiJilr r'eaSCIrl!s: it was Ihe c'!!IpHl:al,01'he' T1koi'loV CommlJrl!i,!ilY~ lL was 03i vital eOOfllomic t oemer of 1he Gonfederallio~; It was a "'eai,l\ily' t611Uied worldl 'Ihal, co~lld harbor many 'Mech regimEults r'eadv to s~rik9 a dla;ngerous, ,col.H)1eratlack deep into the Fedel31ed Suns,; and i~was the base: 'for Colon~~ Pa'l1el Ri~ik, oommnander ,aiOO driving fbr~e 0'[ th.~ CapeUan mil'i1'iII"}I.'fI1. AIFFS High, Command Jhouglflilhallkliling the coto!'l.t11woukl ma'k,e 'ltne N!!maill'ling CSI'IElIIat! f,mees apprehensi,!oI19iand less efllelent be~alJse, Cli1he lo~ af :U'leirlbQ&t commandi ng, offioor. Some Davion MaJ'shali.s hoped thallhe Colonel ,eel!Jlldiba captllJl~ad alille:, tllat he ,and his l,oY1lli1 farc,es could be convinced to la'll dgwn {!tel!" arms_ Iflhal cOI(,II'd done, lit wou,ld have a 00' d0Va$'l~tir1g 'e'ffect ollllile Capellan Confooerailiol'l. There were six 'Meah n~gime!'1II!i,'on Tikolilov, eltheF gtJarding' specifio oities '~U'acting as a mobilis 'F,esero-e10 mo'll'6 wher,ever ,needw. Sfnoe it was his home worl'd and was so important" C,dlQnel Ridzik 5ubstiilin'lia.![y alwt,ad~heplanet,'!; dsten sill. He was <m .adlmi~ef 01 the Fed'm-ate:d Suns' liB of regfmenta.i combalt teElms" wh&ch .group armor ,andllnfa!l'l'1Jy regtmenm ,and a 'lighter wing aroulnd a 'Meoch regiment. In 3026. Ir\e Q"gal1ized tlie p~ane1's large' militia,. about n3glm~nts in all. ~!UOBatlle Groups c:lus'lere(i a~ouoo the 'Mach I!Jlli~5. lh!:!~e' Bafll'Q Groups, comcined wi,1h the planer,s l'latYr~11ami mar'lulacM~d 'fortifications. made 'fiJk;nn,ov an '9!Xli.remel.y tOiYglh,world ~o oof'lq~er.lhe AFIFS ~n~w ,abouHlte pl'i!met"s ,defenses, whidl w,a<& hy w Marslh~s allocated all ef.g'~I, regimental combat leanrrfll of th~ Cruds Lan(lil3ofS to lhe assault. After a huge, Pwade HmJ~iQlh the capita!l of Mira ce~e'bfailing the weddl,i:"Igl0'1 Prinmil' Hansa to Meltssa :Steilrlel~~'he Crucis, Lal1Ge~s retilr,ed to bases on Ml'r&t:o' a'illlaU 1h€l' calli to action, The!Y wereC'o['lspk;UO~.Nii bY'iheirabOO'F'ioo"during'lhs' invaslo,n,'s First Wavs. CapellalJ'l, analysts asst.l!"edChanceUo~ L1ao thatlihEl, were being lle'le! iln reserve to thwM oollt1teratlack. JumpS111pslbe:gan <lippearlng il"l1helMiir~ sYStem a week after the firstwav9. 'how,e\lte~. and it was apparent that the F>(;).)i had yet ano~he1' bold plan. Most of 1JiIes6'JD.lmpS'hTps, had al rceatly seen heavy IllS'll transportinG the~,irst AFFSlroops il'it,o adian, and many ~howOOI the seers af their d:Ult~. CommlrciaJ~ 1r<mspot'lS were,


'Tlko]'itW is a Ilarge" mos~lI anld world 1hat wU GI'It!!, @f the finH by Malt'l'kioo. Its many large mineral deposi~s, qillioldy madle11 a center of indl.d~lry. Wirth indliJ:Slna,Jpower Game politiQaI power, eV9fl1uaily leading to 1he fCID!ation o,f Ihe Tikono\l Commonauw. The planet l1a.$~rourlTI'aicr land masses: Kazan, Whe;re 'Ihe ca;pi~al of fikograd is located, Pskrlv, Llfiill, ,iiIld ItrasnodaJr.
10 be settled

iil/vall'able 1~ If'eiplaoo UI1S6rvJ~-abIEl J'umpShips. Commandeered during earrily 'l3alahad Operl!!lionS,lhesek"OIrliSporlS were neveF r€itunu!d to~heir OWrH~ir5. Ca~llan strategiiS1s, did not ~e!ke these slhips, inllO ,El!ccrmml, s~\ni);r',ely u.nd~l'e's1imatDng the ability ,o't tits! AFFS to move' ti'OOps. ani S~plem'ber :23" 003Jly 100 JumpShips made ,tlfiejumpinlQ' !he TIkof'lov S'lar sysfem, Thell' jmmedia~ely began procedureS" 'Ihat 'firleBd, mCl'rehM"!, 30ClllJropS!l;~ps. to baogll\n'liheir l1ig!1speed run Iowai'd Tilkllnov. TIne fir&HionLaCl between the Davlon inrvasiofl ~or,ce and Capelllru; defe:nde:rs ,occurred 'two days out 'flom liikoi1ov,. Wh.~T1 the Deep·'S:pace Inooroicti:Qnl FOFces (1M Night R~ders) inter~ oep1ed 1he Davion armada. The NiglltAida,s ooflsistedi of 1he Long Olaw, a Veng~rlce-class liighter 'carrier, ami 'two Union elass DropStnips that Ihajj b9e:nl oonil,l',erl:edto, oo:ny ofillyligh1:efS. The' INight Riders sent 70 tighlern, at~he' ClropSnrps ,0'1' th.!\'!Feder· ailed Suns. Fighter losses wers! heavy on both sides, bu~ all '!hE! Federated Suns DmpSihips, survived. A IJew Dm;pSl1ips sl.Ulitai.ned enough darn~ge 'In:Elt tll'El'1rpasseng,ers had 1:0'bei trans~er~ed tel other ships. Tn,e drop was ,conducted against the oombii1ed de·fense of ~ne femaii nirlg Night IRiders and ~hEl'ligh'l~r'Wings oUhe planooary fomes. In someinS1ances:" '[he lancers,' normally superi:or 'lighter suppan failoo, <IS, 'iMHhi BraliO Company, Third l&ttaJior'lIDf~he' Sixth Lanesrs, whose 'Medhs were either des~r,oyed OJ' dr.sabled by a wav>EIof Transgressors attii.Ghed to'lhe Hammon'!;>Higlhlarnd~

combs, wnJctI earn lo;JiY waste ~o ,even the 'lhidteiS1: oon~cre~e.the city"s defenders realiZioolt!at th.f)ICrucis, Lano9rs wOlJld nol dare risli. damagl!'lg the city's imporlaflI i'rlduslries. Tlhey ,knew' the lan:cers would take~he cl~y Iltre old-fashioned way, by diose

ars Bat11e Gmup.

Despite (,he',dlUloulties, 1he Cwcis L:ancers were generally 5uco&sstui In hittiing tnei'F drop lones. which were near t.heir fn:tended OPPCi1l9ntls, ,il;ndl Ulsual'ly oents;rlB(j OF'l Ilgh~~ defended cilies lihat had spaceports. 01"all:real ani alrpert, Securing 1he cIty ,and' the spaceport so 'Ihal 'the r,ast oHhe RCT eould land was 'lJ'le first busirness fair 'Meahs .and' soidi!3'rs makf:ngl ·the, drop. The ,p'ane1's history and soctlily ha.dllUme~ many c,~1hElmajor' cities onlihe planet iflto fortres!;les, rompl€lte wi,th f!macrnte walls and towers. Not wantingl to leOiive such ,!':!ereI'lSlible positions, Colonel Ridzik deoided ~o l:e1. land il1l98go ulnoPi~ed exoopt the for the har~ssmenl1 wi~hfighters;, He o:rdeted his. eigl11' Bam€! Gwups to tightlen theill'defensiw'IPosltl!:ms and avoid mee~ing tile enemy in the open.

f:AFU ..:Y'ACllONtS
TIle Crucis taneers atlacked the Ca;pellans first neal!' the $ou.them port cily Qf BuluMr.The e'lils S~vemh Crucis lainoor,s CJ uid<:ly enoirclm~19 ~ ciilY. 'd~pOS~rl'gl of 'Capell'iitntank and nnltanlry l~imen1s, iliat foonslhlyeng~g;6d Ihemouts'de 1he city"s de1enses. The city was 'lYlfi>imJlof what all the Laneers wOli.lldl soon b~ racing. A port city of ,20,,000, it was encirCled by feumClie<te walls high enough ro prevent all bLlt fhe ooldest jump:oapable ;Mecih Of' sold'ier from s~alingland thick enough' 1:0 requfr,e a concentrated efk:JfI:'10 ~neach.A:IOfil!;j1he wa:lis wE!rece'ighlt~~s, ai1!chs~udded wUh <lutocanli"l 011,s,IlaSers, andl mis~il8 CMlisters. Six oHhfi towers stQod gIJ10Ird,cver'ltle olty's, three entrances: one ew;;.t. one southl" and one so",:lhwes.t alcl'1gltiie coastl1h.OiLIIg~ tile! defenses ,seemed m~ieval and paper tni nin this .a'Q,eof popes am) City Buster

lJefaildi'ng SLII'un were t!u:ee regiimerUs ,of armor, one of meollaflilZed infall'iltry, ;mc 'two ,of Irlegul<l!J' infal'lltry" J'Ulst wilhin the dity's wallis were 1('J Thrush fiQMers based ~tlJhe dty's S,Pi!i.08port. The defenders, were' too by ,81 battalicm of'MoChs trom MaGG~,egar's ArmoTedI Scout!;,. On Siiptember Une 'Ca;pe.lIan dGfenders Inwl'Qeptad me~es 1hat ind'ic~1Ed '!he' Lancers were, about to lTIol.ln~ an at'lack trom 1he,~oy.the<lst Hoplng to apoilihe ~lt!il;ck with a swift assau~t of thei!r own, two battalions of meri1anizednlamry altdl mo ot armor lel'l. ~hroug'hl the SOliJllhiem Clity g~iB' ana engage:d a mgimen1 of lanoer mechanizoo i1irfa:f'l1ry and a company ,of i1ght 'Mecl-ls. As '!he' battle 'ragEl'l!l1cfl1e stli.itl'l; a regiment of rumor, OI1lEl' oW met;lhiiln~ed inrarn{ry, ofrnGaium 'M'~hs attadkied the Lia:.o tank regiment th'at had taken up defensive pOSiUOl'Is, on an Me ofhrills of litle' city. One loompany 101'MacGregor"$ ArmOfll~dScouts tna:t had been waitl ng' Inside the east entrance Qf ~he ,cily nno\i'€Jdout 10 blunt a Lanoor eel u ITInliha~ had r~3nked the C~II9ifls ;;Iml nadllrea'Ghed the city wans,. The reserve oornpany et Soou,. 'Mechs, moved from the center ,of the ,city to Ule eastJer!l! ootrance 'to glLUard agai nstmera ,aHaCks from tire e.ast~ lhalW3S' 1uM wha[ Marslh~1 Flober'! Steadm an had ho,pedl wj;;wild happen bec-au~, unknown tolhs' C.'ans, a oornpaniY of I..!mOOI'Combat Engin:oor,s Ihad C«lPt ,up to the OD1l!StaJorlllraJilOi' , under 'Ihe oovev 0'1 a 'ltllick: jliJ]~le 1he C.a:pellans, ha'd f:oo'lisl'iily I!eglected to cu1 aw~y.The: CQmba~ Erngineers, laid d"emolitlon charges a~ the bi:Uie' ,oflhe two en1ra!lilC8U:.iffets. Ttl€!' lIi!xpiosiiv91ii 'WflJ(! not meant to d~sm:ly 'Ihe ~glJnemp!acements, but to sevElr pmver and comm u nlootioll'ls IInes rill nI'lino near tille o.ufside walls.. An M no operal!lve liJad gillen her nre to disooverllie' placernerlt ,tlIndi relay the intormmio:n to 1he latiee:~s. A ,collLlfmrn of ILatn~t ~al1'k.s·and 'IM:ecl'ls raood alon-g the coast road ~owa,rd the entrance. A1 Stlai, a battaJlon of me~harlli:uld<lnlry in inOVel' APes, pro-terr:tOO by heavily armed hovefilElJilks, 5P~ irnD the harbor t'owa}d a portio.1"Ilof tha cily just inside the souflhwes~' ,gaM! an~ near th a city's spaceport. Just before tne L<lincer tanks and 'iMilclhs re~hed the city .enr1rance,!he CQmbat Engineers defornaM!al ~t:lecharges. leall'ing 1he twol'OvmfS l.ll'iable tQ 'fire JmIJst their raSeFS and P POs.


Iifl.ndiall and' mo,\J\1iJ!d11"11 the ,~pacepoi1 de~plte loS'ing ~t;Illl1' APCs To, 9 a valiant Capell'a.l"l hovMaril< company. lhe two oompanies O'~ MaaGregcr's, SiCoWSlhat had been standi ng. giUard Oller 1he southernl and leastem Igates m,ov,ed to oonfront the Lancers tha1 'wtne ,aboot to attack the! ,cily proper, 'Mean met 'MiKlrl on 'Ihe southam OJ.ilsNf'lS of 1h1eci'lll. The Scouts, 1hoUlilih outgunnoo, krrew[h €i city weU aJnd mad~! use of1ihe talll:Juildings lind narmwslreefs 10 slow the' !Lanoers; advance [(}Wardi the Gif)('s center. A Ilanoo of lignttal'lks caugh~ lhl'l !ance lot Major' KeeI1a,I!Jahoom,r. Icommander of the SO!l'Wts,cw ~r'i'~he open

llhe Cap~lIi1l/n tank batlaiiOrl,glJ'ardi'n911fie coast ,entrance w,as biLUlally overrun. At the same time, the lDavlonl hovereraf:t made


1119 Fourth Suolfiesion War



u.n;c:e~' main Iline 01 ad\i'·am~e. Th~at>en;ed by 1111e' oommooc'f,jrS 01 [)ltieil' IUlI1its in 'li'liEl~8iUle' Group ~o !illiop tliis diseil'lgagemenll~ M:ajGT TOITI,p:knns, commander of the tna~1Ce~ Ran,g:e.fs" invo3tiled hfts right to prevent [h:eslaugnm:r of his Ut;lOps. On Oddb~r a, ,acsthe Liilincers, pre,paroofor ::I,


m~iS,sive 1irol'ltalaUao:k ,agarJn'Sl: ~he 'l9:a~,~lel GW,QU,p, ~h~c:h ,h:a_,dodug n~aJ~~h!ll Ii!'!!
Vm!il._g~s of

Khan Sa an:dl K~

Satin, the Tau C~ti Rang-

ers fled to ttloee!1!st wh;tilr,e

!he ~nil,'s pr~'!iI'l;.]te ElropSlilips wi'iliiled. Wi~n!oL:I~'Maehs to p~o\l'r:d'e'apmvenfu:1 fessr'!m'" nile CapellalJ'il bafile group

was a ,beaten fo~oo e<\lI~FoI

befura~he ~oor6 be:Q!.u'Il IM1'r aS$iUllt. V!lh~o ~t am~. c lhe i3lllackf'(.'Iund the Oape:l,Iaif:ls O:L'1moral~ed. A few i,J,nlts shQw~d :spliit,suOI'i!

as 1116atlempt iW tnEl! see-

inli1l paM. The Da~on l~n~s Qocupied the 'Mechs long enough ~br M~~shalRobert SleadmaJl1l,'sGommandl oompany to ar~~vlll. SurmtJW1cJed.,Ma]ol' D<l!Jhioona.spumed the dii!ari!C"E!' slllm~nderr al1d to a!tljlckoo,. S!he ,and her ~an.ceconGenUated~heir ,attaok onlM!arshal s.teadman and hi's C'fU5.M€1f, ho,p~ng'I~' ·~·t"!Jml oU[ o-flhe f('g~hJt 'fh:ay fai'led,and M8iJ:o;r ahoo~jjJ ami her l!anee Were d~lro.y&d" D Th~ LantCElrs:sys;tem8illioally destrcayedll'1e Iremnants .of ths! IFirst Barlit.a!lion of MacGr~or'$ ArmQred SOOl,llts in,~kfEl<l!ndoutsim\e th.ecily. As the news Qnha SccuU;' oelmiSElti'av9led 'Ihrough the remaLning Capellarlr'Oro~al: BILI;I:J n, more <lind mar,e.surrniTildemd., L though a ~ew, par1iculi1lrliy lli6 F~r51 !:l~1UJn !nr\il_I'II~ry. oonli!i'l~ool figlltinijif,@!r,ocf:ouisliy. By week's end, Bu lul!'1 "Was IlJ nder IbJmcer oontrol. The Eighllh Cn.l:c:i;sUnoers !had ~anded rmrt!heas~ of thef,;ilii Ce,t! Rangers BatHe Group on Ki[m1int. Colonel Rid:z:ik' Ii'ICI~i1hal ttia CIne baltlalio:n. of 'Mech\5 amtn'Eli '~IGlii\ei'!regimlllnls; ,of Jlnf~r!J1rY and ~anks 'ClJuk:ll prevent th-e!!:'I~rs frClm driving .soliJillion ~he Gapjtal. Gi~y01 Tikograd. Al first his hopes stlemed j,(;J.slirued,as ~he' ibatille grolliP SlaUoollie lLancsl'$ on Sep1:emlwr 2:fL ForlWlll, day,s, the C~iI!i!wls dlela.yed,ltIe91ltac[.t by figlhttng a. 9 raduaJ wi1hdrnwal. Ci.as1!1i3lltiesamong SU~! regime:nt~ ~re l'1~gh on 1001h :sld~_ A mess:ag$~rQm OOIOI'ilElI ~ id:2lik te the lH1ll1 Ce'ti Fiar'llgern'j, in~l\Qep1ed tJy~he ILarmers, d19(l"Iiedli1!1lRangers 'Ihe supfilon th.ey had looEtn to:ulI1tfngl on ,and' exhort·edl tt'l1Im11n "die to the ~as.tman. ~ If"rornfllihen em, the' ROIm.gfi!<fS,H1ough fighling fiQFCely wl"Ilen cor~ nered. retreatOO mar,a quickly to the sQ~lhand '~I, away hom the

oolZl'BaTIallio!!'! oflJ;li1T!kOfl!o~ I-h~a:"'Y l'ainlil R!El'!g~m la fl.t'll hold bad!; ",. batli3i~h:J"! o~' MSaiu'lt 'Machs, C!l.Iit bill" ap,puroo inlt!ie CiJpelJlal"l,chifen~lv'9! posilions. £Iy day's end, the! Ejghlh C!i!.llci~ La~ers; had crl!J!shedlhel bgl!tlile group· <mid waS moving o:nJTIkograd un~Ptpoooo.

l~l'log~ad, the lo~p~l~1 ,O'ril"lkOI1Q\i~ is aI!lo'~h,e iarges!t, hleav1ly~rl(fJjstriializedcil'lion thi!!!p1~n~t Wi~hith~ COfllfOO'e;r.e;liml's largesit BafmeMecln maJl'lillifactLiJlret aiso,wiU'lil1l ills C(! nfln'&s, U:was, the most ,dbvtOil;il!S ta~e1 em me' planet, wll;!ioois 'why ~t was defended by~n.elbQstballe group, ,comma:ooad1by Co~oJiofiIRld~k

lhg Capel 1m ,,1anwas fm thearrnoned aoo mectiafilizoo rl3gijm,g.n~s of (he batd~ gF(lUP tOIi:!'lar1! tne oWiter wa'ils and defell':!d tilapaukJands b0lWeen 1heferlilied city s.ectfOI"!~,Inrmt~y regiments wou~d d~leootLe build~ilIg!ii ·mid i·@)CI:ones !O'flhe cil1" TIlle IEl:a~lileM~h u f! its 'd~rtl!'lding '!he city were the Firs~ 6altlalie:1"! of H!amil:1cn's &'I ighlalld!llrs, an eliLe, unit famedrl:lf its a:biiliLy L~' Wtin desplt~lh"EI long odds, arc'K;la compalf'lil{ ,of Co~ollfel Ilid~ik's perso:rlal rngimem, Slta,pl~HOri'SI'rem Hland:.T1helr oroers
vm:reto rernforcell1ietanl'l_s,aJoo,aot asa mobile rese:l'Ve during th![!
coming s:iege.

Ihlm:se~f. The city had I:Qnglbeen diVided imo'tll!~,etllareas:; ,adm[n;lsn.~ tiive. l'n.dLJslrial,,~I m~aentiaJ. Each was s9par~l:ed from ~h~ oUlers by ~ts OWn wallis .~rn:loower'i.willhl only a nm~t~ nlllm:be~ of wads afildsubwi;}:Ys, ronnedrn.9lth'@ th~,eeoor.m@I1S, S:uFrolJJloolrngL thill w.hdJeoomplex:was ano,tn:e.rserf:es tdwojllis anQ tOWElf:S,lhOiU!g'h not as impo!5inr;l astihe nMGcr one,s·.

The Sixtl1 C,r,u,cisU,lncem ACT dropped 1000k;ilo:meters tolhe soulh o~Tlikogradand spell'l~;~he'flfst ~ slowly mOving toward 'Ihe Qlty. muefully: avoiding the sabat,age ,i;lndIOOrrOOs<1 eflorls of 1he IlocaJImilf1ia. TIMe OOmtmam;lerofi~he.Si!:!(1ih Lairmern, Marshal Orval GOSSIiage; was oon;tent toseoure'li11eo souihemappma;ches to ~he oity ,aoo wa:it for help. On October S, lilne'IEighlh CrucIs lancers ReT ambmd] no~1I"Ior 1llkoglrad, On October 5" anfllery' !.mifs at the ,two Lancer Rela, DEli9'i"lJ11 a ,day.Jong barrage aimed at ket weapons Inmkers ,a,'lorng'rhe 1iI0"h~m8ind s(m1hiem s,'9;Cti06'l!l, of theou,~er D~vion 'fighters were assigl1edlo, wipe OUit ll1e Capell~ tighter wing stationed wnhirri 1he city"s:walls and 10 harassenemyunit!li w~h bombs and stratnng I1lms. Th6'oomb!1llrdmenl paid off wjti"l~he oollapse' ,,;d seve~~iI weapons tOWl.l!'S and walls" Columl'ls of lancers mOIled toward ,the; brEiiteti iUlnder the rover of darkness. When tanks, APes, and 'iMoons began Bxpl()dfnQ' as, l!h~l'Y lr'Iearec th a wall, it becam e obv, lh at Colonel Aidz:ik l1ad heavily mfn,ool the norlh and :souLh!appmacheili, 'to ~he cl~¥. FaJ~ing ,21 disa.:s1~r, Ma:rsnaIIGoosia:ge and Marshall NeElile' WatgCI IrJiI'!he Eighth lanoar.$ ordered! ttJeir 1riJcPSIO' withdraw.


IBoth M!I'lrshaJis Ilater rece:ived a great. ,deallof oriiticism for not SiUspecfirng lhat a !'fIiIi!1le~ie!d had been raict Though the ground outside the Icily waRs did 1l0[loolic di$tul~bOOlbecal.iSe 1he' m[nes had beelil l!ald longl berCln~,nIB thr,earl,of a mtj;lefra:ldi should ~a\l'e been uppermost in 'Iheir lmlnds because orne ofli1a companies; 1hel( were aUemplinEi 'la, s~lne WillS rhe Kir,IW EXplosw,e Devices 'Oomparny" renowned for its vib,r,al:lo:mbs. The' flext three days Wlife spent ,cle8Jrillgllhe m ine,fhilld:S wilh oom,ussion she! Is ,elml bombslihat eKPIode just above the, mine· fi9k1, cflf,liathlg a preSSlIrE!' W3.W tJi'ls:ldem.nates, most mtn:es. ~t:h.mlf1g 1ihis<1ims',un~s,ot both Lancer ACTs oompl'eled ti1ell1',eirole afOUf1d1 thiS! city ..

The ,!"I~x:I assault oC(;u rred on OC1:oberB. 'Mecliis and 'lanks ag;gin moved It,QW,ardl'he wall, whne filllhfersovem&ad $~rafed ,e09my PO$iliOIlS, Colona~ F!idzik" in his bright btull! Orion BatneMed'i, r.edl a company of &-lighlaooern againstlhlll Ejgh~h la!n.oors
as tney reached the' ci~y',swalls. The H~hilaJnders gii1ii.Vll! our more puni shmEint tt1a1'1! 'mey re~ived, One warnrio r, SUDGOI'J'I mandiiu' Vale-xi Dcjff~n, perlmmed so skillfully jo his Sla}het'Mech tniil!l he singlehandedly stqpped] an assauillial'loo 01 Davkm 'Mechs, by down~ngl 'lw!1:Ian'id dam agJng two mllem loo~orene was, 1id~loo,




I)~pile (hill' spirited defense', lbooth Lal'loer acrs e~tablisl1eEl kleih olds II'Hside'the w!;'!lls of Tikioog rad. For lhe ne)(t 'Llfree dars, A'FFS toroos hied 10,exploit ttveir gains_ Tn,ek ach.r.,mres mrre s'f1'iall 1;Indl C:{lsUy, willi Oolonel Ridzik ,end his oom,pan.y of 'MJechs seeming ~o lbe everyw1ie:re at once, providing MI'p wherever ir1 I.ooiked as it the Lancers were aloolJt to make aJ I:lreak'lhrough_ 'I'1t~liligence agl1ll"lls had 'warned AFFS officers that CoiL':ll"lel IFUdztk mijght d'ii'stm:y 1he city's, militaly tndustries if iDaVlOO forces breachedlha defenses, of lihe, fl'l!dustrial seelkm. It would be 8_1A emply Viiclory- rOOT Federamed SUIilS to, tike, TIkOflOV OW los€llihe ~eo 20 weapons ifacto.flies, including the large 'Ear'litwerl!(s BilIttleMilll::h Fa.ctory. Somethii'Fl!Qhad to be dOlle '10p~oteGthe vitallfldustrfes_ t The M ar$h1;lIs' plan was risky bLn had p rQrni,se. ~Roorperfunn ancII. coof,dinatioFl, and ,a,xeClul1icm of alii pl'k~e.s almosl ruTJI'lIed every1I1i'ng. On the morningl ofOClobsr 1 1, lihe Sill:1Ih<lind Eighlth Lancer ACts made maj,Qr 'Ihrustsror the resid:e:I"IHa:1 and a,dminislrative seclion$ of~he' city ..A1so tha1 momlng, Lanoer AeroSpaoe Fighters sUliJlck Capellan comnm.!D"Incatio'l'ls aM deep-space 'r;adle.r il'l:~ slaJUations_

'This s'LJdden shirl in mrget!> raised Colonel flidzik's si!.ispidOl'l!s"As. a preoautlen, he ,ordeuid his company of Iron Hands and the 1hree oompanies ~f Hlg'h'landers tnt@the fndus1fiaJI ucttOF'l ,oJ th.e Oi1y ,1l'!isshoa1l;edlhe iHigh'and'&rs. wliio· dld nOI ~ool aamfB'r1able ,aba:m;jQningl'hs! OM 1WO sediorl!s .tc;J the enemy. lhe.y' obeyed ord~ffi arid nervously held back;as ,the ILancers breached' and 1hen eilWrmi tits adm Ir:listra~ivliliana resldentialsectiOOs o,uhe'


rhB '00I10nel'5 SUISP&C~Or'l!S had b&.en correct On his I:l r1D;I}Ship, which waitoo, J USI outsIde the iMe..:h factory. II deep-s,paca; mdar

detecled 11noomin(lj OropSihlps, Colonell Aidzik lssu'ed hurried orders to the' Highianders to, prepare to, ~Ilemy 'Mechs d~o,FlPlll"lg' il'lside th.e ind.y.s~r,iaJ sec~ion of the cit~. ina 'M0eh regiment, armmed regime'flt, arid mactnafili2:ed il'lliantry :reglim en'lrromtl'1ie em'S Sav"'Eln~ Cru~s, Lancers, IRCT had baa~ded theIr Drop-Ships outsids,1I''1ecolilquar9dl oity of Bufu!'11 and were descemlfl'iQl1:O J'!"Iakea d'r·o.pdirectly on 1he :induslrial section of T'ik,ogr,ad. They did n:ollkn@w lhatthe Siilh and IElighth Lanoe.r.s had b.~g~I'I'lheii" portJoi1'ilf the attack two hour$ tooearly,~ipping off Celonel Aklzik.

J'ust as Colone~ Aidzik W<liS aOOUlIto Qrd~rhiS!fOOPS to beg irn desUI)'!i'ingthe 1ac'tories, thefiirs~ 'Mechs o~ the Seventh, Lanoers hit. their (j:r>r':IPz.olnOO.'fhe SU:<1.Ih and Eighlh lancers, reaH:zi ng that the Ih"li!irngwas of!! and~hat [1i1~diverStofll had aet wm,ked, lumed hom ~he other seGiHoifl'S of~e ,cilyto prottlC'l the ~emh ~~Qm HI~m iU{J!nls FUghlan:deir'SThe drop otlhe Seve nih CrLi!ci~ LanoQr.s was; ,going badly, The wholll! 'Meeh, regiment was supposed 1.0 land 1nl'l!1lll' the Earith,W€\r,ksfaGIony rrJl 'tl'ifi! swthea:s~8moomEu'Q~lhElI!"!du:miail S80'tIOO" bUllnoo rughters and poQr abrlO'Epi'leriGcondiliolflS ~cat~ len'ld U;e! regim.e;nt. Olill,y BraliQ' CcrnpafilY. Firs~ 1~ft1liot"l Of lhe Severnh LiilIooem, cropped fn afild areune:! the 'Meohl facLo:ry" right in the middte ,of ~hElFirst Com.!lan~ ofU1e'~:amilton lHighl\:lindern. Some of tli1elrjghlef 'Mech'S, 10Im1~ cl1Ili1e !arga. rj~d O'!'lhemain fOof ~!iiemltily 1b;L!JiMi~, wI1el'Ei' 'Ih!l!y!odk advaJ' tt'lej~ 'elev,a1ion 01 1:0 tlarass IHI!\1hllal'lde:rs ont~e gro[ln,d, 1h9 hE!la\JII[I~ Da.Mlorn'MeC!lJis fuugnl pa::.t ~he HEg;h'landl,m;l Qul:side the hruiidi fig , Enta,nilllgtnQ bu~ldrfl9·, [l;aviol"l Caplain Rebecca Selle-rs ae1ivaledllihe'me@!ha~ nism that. oloeedl~he famory's m:a:ln d~ and pra¥,ed lha.t" she oou'ld lildld ,trU:I~ M!3ifShal Gossiiage, re~n~lr:tg 1tqatlihe !battle pians w,ere useless, 'm:hfn~d hT~"M~h wegiment a.nd his, an-nor,ed Ireg~rnEl'msto atJadt;; the w.;rl!!!j, of the sectio:l'1, As he tl'id Ittat, the $c~tte~ed Seloi'errlh Crocis L~n<:e~s, were de'SiP'filra1i1l~lrylrig La

regralJlpalild rea.ct1lhe' 'Medii fa.ctory. Iinsidelliefaelory. Bravo Qomp,an,y was bare~ hangi ngl O:n against FI!ghlaml~r "Medh::;;, wht'eh had blown nie ,doors aft Captain Sellerrs and Iher 'Met::h!ii were u,sTng ~h9 col!Je;rof lhe h1Jg~
machinery" ln '1ig~ljn£l'10p~ventllile' Highl<l!l'lders from len:terinQ" Irlighlianders Uri! jump.capabla 'Mecl"ilS hlad leapoo o:ntolhe roof aJl!d ~erll! t,igh~rrngthe lLariioo:r 'Mechs in afore<s~ 'of air'"oo;r'!di~iOl"liermild exhaust staeks, The' '!M;echsOInd t:an.ks,of ~h€l Slx~ihCrucis lanoors breB:~hed Ih~ wan around the ~ooiJIs1ria~ !5ect~n !of Ti~i(ograd 90 Iii1lln~le:$afil!er the opemtion, began. RaiOin,g toward the 'Mech factory, thay WQr,e amblJlshed b.'!I'a OOJnpany ol Highl!,iHlders thitl had b~ef'l hlidungl beh~nda warehouse .. DespUl8 h@avy 1irefro!ll!1 the GapeUMs,,~h:e S~Xi~h lanOOf$ pushed 01'1.

CaptaJI"1!Sellers and oompany were ]~j,st abQ,ut at ail"lend. Mo:s1,of 11~!F emai!1ing 'Mach::. W8fc,Q sewrely ,daflil!age(!.Thefew ~ [h,a:tcould l!TIoveWUthp.l,H ~sking sn overheat e)l!ptoswn were ou~.of ammil.mi~kmklr their mass Wea:Plln,s" lhay Iliad infJictad '9q;uaily heavy 03_s'U§I~les onlhe i"I1ghland~r$ ,!ilJOO k~ them ,out of Une faGlmy" When the 8:i;>'jh La!r' arrhredl at!lhe factory witn.a fJourish of ~xplosio"s and soa[leringl'lighlandi1l~~" ~hey found (ia,plain S'BUers' Thum1erboJtmissvrl,gliils leflarm and 'its healsilf1ks II~er.~Uyglowi!,,!g, The Highlaooers, 9~eaUy Dutfu.IImberOO by an emiimylhat soomedto be G\IIsryl!'!'here" atremp'led to, wilhidraw throlH1m, ~e 1'lIl:lr:th1i!rIil 'ga1e oflhe ii1duslr~al' section, Astney approactiedllhe' gate', oj batlal'loo of 'M~chs ~OO heavy tams, fm:m '!heSev~!l"nh L~ooll!rs,cal,lgtu ~,p wUhrlih!"fm. Trie e!'li5I!J![!'Iglliightpm\lided enough time for .0lIank rl!lgirn~filt tmmthe Sidn' ~_i'loer$ l:oan:ay il)S;~ll t olJllsidelhe nO'r1i'Il:lr!1'I en~ran;oe" As a Hignl:and~r atlempted ~o ,r,OOJ"E!~U the [)avrO!cl1iM,e:ofls fh ~Oi[Jg'hi 1hegates, it oe:camru:l, the [rom ~afgetol Da.vkm M.mtioares 3.l!'IcPalton 1aoks. V(ffr'ljr~"",-High~a:ndl~rs-li\ted IlorD!;!en"HuQht01 surrmcer" . '~ol"1!ellRidl:lk i .~ealilzlri!gthSit hi~ m~ a,ndllie liN'esof tllS 'Mooll oompany \!\leta ~n ,dq9r. foughl: ~hrough a, company of'Six!hi lal':!o~r 'Mtil(:hs !a!ndi onto his [)f1o,~Shrp. 'Which iI'IlfllutlciaOOly liiftoo o~t Sooting an QbjeGlive of WleInvasf:!lf11 slpi~l!'ilg Ulrcu.Jgh I!h~r flng;ers,~he marsMI~ ,of allli'lree Refs ordered: wlfighre:rs to plIIrSUE!" The waa:lher.;whictn was sl'ormv ~!'1dlW~r1d:y.faYQredHlJe' C\ipellan Dro,pShip- Thou:gh there 'w.ere mmner'lts whenllhe DaviQI'i! fi!g!t'i'terSsw!Jff!lileo O\I\erFlirJzik's !jillip, ~tsli,p.p&d Into aw!dout (If [he r::loillds and :lo!St, pursuers. The' D.rQ,pShTpI:e:ltTII«l:nol!ol' to i~ I'Ell1!deZ:\!iQU'5 wilh a Snout,.dass J'LlImpShliplhat hadbeeli"l It'Ii:d'ii'ii9 near a piraoo Jump point. $O()fI! lhe oommarlder of ~M Caip~II~!Jl rnmlafyw~$liglfll~a::lm:l'3.W~¥rrom fliltQnov in U'lieE.lgnnsl{slem, for ~he moment siillfu!from too Armooi Forcesrol ~€J' Eooer,aled S'U.n!S" Wr~hlh~ depal1!Ulne of Oolm~ IRklzik, organililed resist<ill)cEI on likono\f 500n bF,oke.down,. On iC3tC.I.tltmr14,1ille' provisional city a{llmini:S!ratlol'! ,~dTikograd slilHien{feroo wi~hQijl: opnd'Jtio,1'IIs.A!i'! asSieJ;smeM 01' 1M cilr'S wiar~h r:,evearOOIlihat Q'nl:y'two military tac!to~li&s had boor!' ~e~ltiO¥ied. Mm;;timporl!amlY,Wle Eafthwer~ B$lfI:tI~MleQhlFaGto~, [h:Qughr healvify damaged rnllihe 'rjgh~~g, was Irepru!ml~',

DTHElR' A,CnONS ON TIIKDNOV Though Tikogfad was !halh!earl: of TIkQm:l'if and the, scene of
same of the bloodr,m ,action, five other LancElr' ROTs were iifilwJved ifn h~avy fiehting en ~hElplanet. The Crocfs Ulooeus were ar:d!1!.J,edKlsElize the 'cily of Karaganda, which sUs _!ride an [!Sihm us conne,etil1lg~e corn,· nerl'l:5 o.~K~an and IPsl'iio'IJ'.Itseinveo as a majQrlJrOOil'llg- ooflteu and had aJ1 im;pol'1'ruuscienlifJic researeh Stailion. I!Jefendlngl 'he {lily was U:te Second Ariana. FlliIlSilier 'Mech regiment am 'i1s baHle 'group. The Second Ar~ FILilsiliers ~tly dlsotu~y:ed orders from Colonel Ridzik Iby attacking Ihe first II..an0000S as they were anemptlTmi~l!IStifi'oufildj ~h8 ,cily..lhe ~~)(ipE!ll:ltedattack sJiagg,ered the lalrnoot's, wilhl heavy losses amO'nglrM infail1ry and tanK 'regiments. For a week it was uru::ertaii'iil who had the ,advantage. Ibil/'1 Octl;l~r 10, Ina! IFf<rstlaiiic:ers 'br,oke' th.~ollJ:gihthe' Flusi'liern,' on mnes and entered, ~he city .• The' two sllJrviving baiMlioos oflhEi FQJlS'I~iefS. ~'et.reatedl oft TIk'onov. Th~ Second QILI!I'liis: L.:a:n:oors,'were die weakes1, Qf the ,eT:gh~ RCTs, wiln many inexperielllOed 'units. The' &world wa'om91f€id I:o,.~~ Gizh~OlJ.a mi'm;ing' toWfl! h19h in a mlOl!Jrnaiil range Iha~ WlacS defel10ed IbyOl'llEl' battaJ~cn ,of1he .AfiaJ"!;;i! G~nadiers anld its battle group. Heavy fgnfer arlacks helpedl !!iol'len till ,enemy ~nd 'gave ltiie' ReI;s' t()lI1mander time 'to plan slrategy 'C3feru:IIV. In the assault, on October 9. the gmen 1rl'lopS ~,".!ght like \leoo,ffl!rls, overwhelming !he A!nlana Grenadiers ,and t~king the c;ily twu weeks iaJter. TheTihird 'C:~lJcis lanoor,s t:.a!ptiJred New Mos-oow, ,1;31 norithern pont cUy en the cont~I1I~1'1II Ura, from the Forst O.hfiLerlCUl of Vomgems and its bafde' 9ro~p. TiMe -climax of ti'!;e battle was a maJ!liiiiva'aSY!uit 00 the oity::s,eSl b~ a m,gimani:of hovenanl!cs aod a regil'lileil"1t 01 infantry mounted in hovercraft The Fourth Crucis !!.<moo,s wer'E! assigned to se~e '!he' SCIJtn9m cr~~f Ulan Irom 'Ihe Secend Ches,ber1OnVoItlgSUl'rs.lUlan o sits on the ecge of a v;astj!Jngle and is,a Genierfcf trade, In such lihil1gs ,acsanimal pelts, waOOl, arJc food. The, Second Ohesterlon aI50~<lp,par,emJy' disobeyed orders, meeting 1tlie' LaflairS oi:J,ts~de' ,thedly. The' lanoors delighled in the variety oi telTains,; 'fo1'iesls. plains,t nilh.le, and mO\!liil~a~ns. lhree W99~S., thrQ~gll Iluperior In maneuvering ami faCltics. Uie Fourth Crucis, Lancerscapturedlhe dty, crushing ~heSoool!1dJand Third battalions m.;_.theVoilligeurs in 1t1e!pr'Dees!;>. liMe Flllh Cl"l)lai<s Lancers war,s assignoo 10 atlackilfsennar,grad, 01"1Illiesou(he:Flned'g!9!oflhel9rw.' Uta D1e51ert.UniqlJ'El irUheir l!:lick ofa 'Meo'hIregEmem" ,tih~ Flflh Crucis Lancers were Uro~~nfl be the il~1 likely to adllfe't!ielheir obj9Cti~. DEispitelihe pessn· miS'ITI. 1heiFiflih la!r:!Qe.r,$, w'ithlWioa;as many tank r.9~iments as, the ethel' ROTs. defeated! ~he Third Chestel"l:on Vo1tigti'iJiFS defending ,the dty. Wilh the surrender at Ulan on Octobllr '1,B, :all of 'lJhe major ciltie's em llirol'lo'll wem under'lihe ambol of 100 Qmeis L1ilinICeH~~. Ti konCf'IJ"was a prize ot the Federa1ed Suns r 1hough enEimyactivity req,Uired an addi~ioo:aJ m.on~h and 20 reg:lm.ems of OCX:i[II\platicli'i t~OQPS 10 sl:I'bdlie, ,Ee

,OTHE:R SECONDIoW'AViE ACTI:ON Ths AFFS attachedl aigl'll worlds besrde.s TIlkonov dUlrf ng the
second wave, Invadil'liQl !Davion faroos fO!:Jln!dJ goil19 quile eaisy the on some worlds_ lhe First ~,viorl GIIJ'a:rdsRCT easilly defea1ed !he mililia of Tsitsa!lliJ- The Thirty-Ihird A\IIaloo ,Hussars and 1he BIu;9 Stm liT'IegiUlars. foundsimiilar easy ,going: in seizing the ajJricllJJ1ural worlld of Genoa. lihe milnia of Gan Singh put up a better flQihil., but 'Ihey were e'lle:ntlNaUy smashed by 1hi!! 'ilasUy superior foroes <01tile Screaming Eagles meroenary reglim~n"iIS, as:seisted by Foorlh Garrison Forte' (six, :reglments Q'I Dav'Jon O(lCLlpauon 1f(!JQfls),. And! Qn,lhe plarn:et 8uclllau, 'Ille and De'lta Regiments oflheTwelf:H'l Vegan Rangers, along wilh the NI'$1 6aJlrlOOfi Forces" CJ'IL:lshed 1he mi,litia. Other Oa\l'lon 'il:W,~5iiO:nforces, had much tougher g~f1g. The' Arorxgor')' Borderers, r'einfcH'(:edl by DeMa. COil1pany' otthH Davi,onl ligh~ '0 uards M~r:hregiment~we~' ,senLto I~e HUJ1~n rrnm ,the First BaHa~tO<f1f Freiefl"lont's ClUimssi~rs_ Ou:~side It!e' capita~Oily o on Ihe Ill'<l:['i~t's nortl1em Ij:JQIEl',lhe Marauders of tile Cuirassiers wa.ded into {tne Hliorder1em wi,th d:(w.~tati'ng efieGt o.nly the timely inf£!rvenH(l!nIofJhe double-sbanglh Delta Company, wihicih had ciro1€d and fell on the Cuirassiers fr'o:mthe rear. ·saved tlnlll (la¥ Md ~heBon;llilr'Ell"$_ Captain Fioobum ami Delta Company fl!J.rlher el!ilvaredl thfrir fanll1l dlJlliing the final battle, whit:::h pitied 'Ihem against Om~!a COO'Ipany" tli'l91 'OuliraslSiel's'OOIDlI1I1am::l (;ompaJ'W mai(fa up 01 Mara'Udef6_ The Fm.rr1h Deneb Lig:n~ Cavalr'!l1 ACT. wmmand~d by Marshal Vernon Fredricks, w~>sassigned totakie lhe'pa5lmal world Of Zurich. Elelf,end inil ZUr'dct1iwas th~ fi~.sil Ba.tlali:onl of Tirim!;l!ldi's Secutclrs. commanded. in 11I quim 01' f'ate. by M<a!jor Vanes5.a Fredrijck$~disinlfl.arited daughter oJ 1he DaViion commar'ldl:lr. The 1igh1ing took place on the plaf'let's sGutnerl1 C:0I111nent and ended whe'i'I, ~1:v9much I'arger RCf orl!Jshed all but ol'le oom,pa'/'1yof the Guams. Major Vanessa Froor,id<s was miG' af the ·tew iLiao warr.iors wiho 'escaped. The Gapellan world o~ Nin,gptO,wascthe, reS'pOlliSibilflly-of the lhi~d Davioi'i Guards RCT_ The choice Qfdrop zones and supeiitOr D.lil.vtan~ighter cover allowoolhe Guards to spl~ the F;ir:s;1 iBa1t<iBion ot McCrimmon's Light Ca.valry awaylirom Marion's High:landers,. TheUght'cavOlIIFy.,push9dlTn'~o a mounMjjfil range" had now,hereto rett'eat anQwas ,e\tiernualily des,twyed. MariQn"s Highlanders, membe[5 otlt:iec efite Sc'ot!resh Nonlrlwi nd Higlh'laJJ1ders,Jiightiifilg clan, who ha.d~rooell'lllyarrived, on INinlill;lo frem; Elgin, were muctl tOll.Qbe:.r o,pponen:l~. A rogtmenl,oJ jliid!VidlrlaJists" lIie Higlilamte~s, oommanded by the famausColtl'i'iel AI astaif' Fonn Mari QI1. 11lifSiedi lil'lflovatiO:rll, courage, ,<lind sometlmes sl1!lQFS'lUpidiity to sting the s~~ly .adiva.llCllfIg regrmMls oldie 1ihird D~ionl ~uarns" After ~wo mOI1~"s, Ilte·1"! igldandsrs wern confined to the Yalosha"Penjl'lsu fa, wr~h liltlle tiop€'oiil)lj~a~ing QuI orbeing at:lteJo ~seape'lhe planet. Marshal Herbelt'H'obatlgh, instead of administering ~he coup de 'gr'a~{,l ,. ,OOleroo fhiii Hlg!h'larJltiersa truce. WI1Iijcln lh.ey 9 ra1.efu11y acce_j:!'tedL TIllis muve proved a:lmost (;iimniscien~because a day aJ,fell'Marshi'il Hobaugh ga\f¢ 'Iihe mdar, he rceeeilved ail urgent communique. to reirain 'Irom harmiljlg !he' Highlanders an~ more liharn was ..absol(itet~ necessary, Unknown to til e MarsMI and 101 C'iorpn€ll MOliil.Oll1, JDa\lllluil'emis:sa,rles wer'e c:ondur:l:fng negol!ia~1ons, with lhe.cla:r::J el~s.

rOn the world .of Aln;~iicha.lhe Fir,sf f'legiml?ri1 of '!he' New Ivaarnen Chass0un; pro1.ilOOth:elw ahlil itiS's OIilCifl! 91g03!in by cflUshif:lgi the Second Battalion lof the H~millon J-IIig'hlanders (no,ta member oftihe NQr1!hvWrJds, ,clan) <ll"ldltJe Seoccmd Ba'ttaljon of MacGregor's Armored Scouls. The viCl:Or:y for the CliJa~Eiurs W8iS sholt.JJived" !however, Ii. Dea~h Commando $qLUl.dI, sUpping through 'lJ'le'p'icket !'ine$!,ai' the Chal1!5.1iil!Irs, severely wounded Marshal Nich.dJas S~eph!EiliSO!'\ood his command stall Colonel Ophelia Stephelnoo'nl f assumed comi'1A.1Iind of the eUl~' 'Me:cll regiment whil~ '~r ~ath.~F was, reMnoo to l"'e Fed~ratec4 Su ns f,or trealmern.,

.Afty hopes 'Ih~ AFFSI had thall 'Ihe' second wave o,f assa.llIi1s would be as. 'Sl.lcteSs~lJIland easy as the first were ,disappointed,. '~~I;;iIl '['Oroe!> well'SI b~uer prepi3ifed, ,and] Ca:peliaJl"l 'Me(:h regi. ments wer,e much more orgal'lized and Of len 'anal' cal. Pil:ane;ta;ry militias, whil.e no match for Davian torG&S. Idid perform to tha OOS'l of their abilitt[es_ same DOliVUOIi1J~mc:es. !lOlirfioolafly the Sidn and Eighl!h Cmc_s !.,a_noor.s<md their aborted first assault on 'fih::OgFa:d" had made some, e.~lr'em.e;ly qllesttll~b'e decisiollls, Bad j"udg ment and hlg:her casl:JJaltilllS: 'Worrhi!d 'some Ma'rsh~l·s; who beli'!iiI\i'~ ~h8lt the troo,ps were' begi nnlnQ 10 1f.reI[)espj~e this, '!he' 5!E!'Gomlwave af qpe.ration Rat W.lS jl!J d'giE!d to be anotlrlf.l!r SUOOEl'SS, 1he~t11t1asions ,a.c:oornplis/hom, aU CI'f ~1n9i maj~r objec:tjveS! e:x:oepl one. Coi;clnel Pa.vellA,id2!ik's, escape frarn the gra$p o,f lhre~ :RegimeiUal Com:bs.1Teams of Grucjs .Lruloors was an embarrassing tossr:Ol" ,too AFFS, The capture o~TIkonoV', w.itl1 alii oI its i:nO:USlries intact ,~nd 'Ihe captL!Jl~eof other resQun:.erich worlds offse~ the ,easuailies; and ilia QlJes:Uol'1aibi'eq,wrfarmJ. anca Gf Slome unifs, the Marshals ~'eILPrin.c:e lHans!iI Davial'l 'gave 1he' g,o-aheiadlfo;r Wave Three. ,..

The smlit~lCl obj:001we of ~he'Tihin:l 'W-a,y,e'was tl;l (:ij't off lhe 'linger of C~PfJ1Ianwo!'lds, 1iuU5Ung into 1heFedi9r~ed Su F1!S l1y se~fng pla:n~ts, such as Ron:eJJ,Tybalt Achemar, ami Tigress. Othm 'objeC'liv'€ls,jrndluded~e capture of mOre i8QOOOJ'flIf:8iUy rioh WQlilds" such as TIIgreM and JonathOlinl, and dffie'iuing mora 01 'the capel~nS! best 'Meeh units. Twelve wor~ were targe1ed for ,assi'rult The Third Wave' rniMked the 'lirsta~rall'loe at 'lWOI mew Dat'ii'ionlfi,g'fiting k)v,ces. One W~S' the Maroo Mm1ias. lMlad'etup ,of soldie:rs 11<11i\l9 to a pQ;!i{jcular region o~ UUI 'Federated Suns, th~ M<lFCih Mllilla!; wen;!, Reg;imernal Combal Teem'S origtinally desTgned ~s defe:nslV8 uni,ts\, Prince HW'l~ lmpm1iferl the Mi'lilias' equipment and trainIng for 1hek o:fI'ensive aO"liDP'I a.s pan1:a1' 1he Third Wave. Also appearing in 1he Third Wave were Garrison UnIts sent In to reli(;lve seasoned tr,oQPs en wnqLlEUl!ld worl(ls_ These' gar.riisorm were' formed with! l:en to 20 regdmel'h~S~a'ken hom lhe pltan,e1a:ry miMias, ,of lFoo€lratecl SI!J'~ WQil'd's. Each Garrison Unit had ,S, "Medhicompany wlftose pito,IS were eiilher Ireoenlly retired MechWarrio'rs or ~he' better cadets~rorn Davioo milf1ary shocked 1he pJlanetalfY rnililiaal' Ach'61m'S! i!1!to"submission. On lK.ansl:ill, Ute Del~a IFiegiment of tfI9 Twell'lh Vegan Flangers se demQfalliz,e~ 1hili miritf>a tha1'Ihey ~lJrrendered three d;;f.Y!li aHer 1he 'Rangers, arrilled. 'The' IFirSI N&W hfaafS.Elf! ChasSE'urspr,m/ed !!hat too loss of thei,' commander on AI'rescha had fiet slowed tl1;em down; 1hey $aslly captlH,1lKI~he' fl!!OUr~ri~1h worid lof YanglZe. f The Capellla!1 dete'nd€l'{S Oi'!, o%her WQJill:1s were InO'! ,8JS herp·

I'.sftl a two hea.vy batt",1 ioos of Mmer's Mmauders, pll!.l!! 1he' twel,:v,e ,f€lglmen,ts of the Adkjlcks March Mllida" left, Addichs f(lr Ronal. IRa:aingltiem- was-lfile First Battalloi'il ,ot Kerr's Intruders. ImiliaJ D,avton attacks wer,e e-xlfemalv dlsjointeO beca!.ll5e at bine; relMioP"ls IbeMean iMaj:lr Grissom MWller, w.mmarnder ofliMs Miarauders"ami tile miliiliiill commander. Major Generlll Oetl"im DeBurke_ 'llhe two could not agree. and AIFPS Marshals ~i i'lWly had ~o:ifltililf'loi!'GlUl gMng over-all oommand l.oi Mlaij~ Mi~l!erbE2lCalUse bV of his expmlience! evoo thougll, Maj,or General DeBurke had higher rank. Onooltie' ,command problem was f'esolved" Da,vlonloroe.s kil!ed er C!lplured ;an bm a (lomparny of KelTS Inhiud.&JOs, Th,e Fourth Crucis laru:ers suffered tMlr lasses during U10 cl~op onto Tybalt "Medhs of Alpha. Com,pa!'llf, Fits! IBI.f:lalio!!'l we'nescal1ered 'whenllti'eir UniM 'Olass mopSi'iIip. the Whilewind, had its attilt!!ide e.ngines jam, '!urnln!] a. slow rolllintoa wilt'll spin. Fi~' 'Meel'ls skipped ofl'li'le planSl':s iil'lmosptmre and 'were riG wI' seen ag~n. Two 'Meeh!>, ltirowl'll inl0 an snby angte lihat was too, steep. burned. The remaTning five 'Me~ ot'lhe ,oompany sustained, helilVY damage on landios. After that debacle. the Lancer-sfOuru:l ~hiil baltleanili~limao.fic. The' ~lyeqllJ:iPPEd die'l'enders" '(he, Third Battal10n oi lot'hal"s, FI!JI5i~iers, did lhebest they could by ttgn1iog awell-p'Janned wilhdr,awal ~oMacbe1h, tITSplanet's capilal At. regiment of nov,srlainksomd swffm'.r e'IElmen1S of the ReT's 'Mech regiment CEllJ"gn.1 and ,ell!;; r,cledJlhe FLisl:liers. deS:U(lying one oom;pany and fo.r.ain"{ll anclihefto sunend:ew. The r,e" mal!1!il'lg eompany reachedlhe spacepm"! of Macbeth! and lescaped l!:lei'oreDavion fgn1ers ,oouk:l catch lip,


TraASipoclingl1h~ ~5aLlIIUroops, were :U1sJumpShips 'that had ,earned the Crucis I..aIJicers to TIkona,",'. Olher transports wem' ferryinijlthewounded til '!he Federatedl SI!:I'f1SMd bringfngl garriSQ!i! Ifoops 'to rel1evi!! seasoned un~$ en C(lnquered worlds, The Thirdl Wave aflicia:lly' began on Nlll,ye:m.beF 12, Wilh litle' d~ur8 ,of Miller's Marauders and ' he Adljicks Marohl JM'ililia 'rrom the F~~Fat&d Suns world 'of Addick.os. lhe 'olherDa,\I1ion '!roop movements ocolJjrr,ed~li1e~I, dayThe AFIFS, seized tou r wcmlds wi"h IlifUe delay. The Sev'en~h Crucis Laoo~rs RCT easily defeated the mirWa a~ Mmker. The First Crucis ILancers IACT dealt q1Ll1:o'k all'll:! precise dacks fhat


The Third Davion ,Guards RCT s~r~ priised. Une Second IBanaJion of MoCrimmoris, ligln Cavalry by clmosing drop, zones to engage the planslt's miJltla! units. Unopposed ,and fwrtslhly Ilhii'ikii'lg '!he IDa,Viiol1:!l, 'were ,0I1rakl,'the LiQ'h~ left 11s,dei'oo&Jve posil!1on 1:0 at:lack a Gua~ds, 'Lank regimenT. Caughl on Ihe' S'i'lOW--OOvl;ned Silver P,lains oul'Side 'Ihe planet's ~f~aJI o~ fewer.s,. 1he LI:gnrl: Cavalry was easlly tiele.ated by die ta.nk
regtmenrta:nd a battalion of helllilY "MElOns. Only ona compaIlY 01 Capellian 'Mec'hs escaped SIOI::iJniI1,





On New Gankm, ~he Scream i~g Eagles., boIstercoo by ~en gam son wegiITIef'lls, I:OOk on the: Flir$! IB>1lflalion of tjl)~ Fourth CQnfedElr.lI.tLon Re;!]leNe Caval'ry Cl!fldfha Thi rd 13.a:~jt~licnof Trt, maldWs Sicutors. The Fi rst 1R~.ime<P1t of tl:1:9J Eaglles ,and ~ii!l'!9 ~'Elgri'i!1enIS; ~ o intanny from A,llma:ch played a In ide"amj·~ekgOlm6111'11he jUl1gr.~s et~hil!! pl~J1iefs nonhero oontlne;nt 1h~y w~re ~ea~chnng!i'or ne ~ bat'laltol1 o~ Aesen;e Cavalry ~nd three inflanllyregiln!llrYIs, of mi'litia, whtch cap!~ized on the'iw Iklilowledg~ oflihe, femIirtlhe C:ape-lIarr5 fmquelildy attackedllhe Da;V1i@nsand meHeo into ~he jllll!'i!gle j;llIs1as lI'IIe!Ea,g!es wer'!:! rleady lolalJlfllch a. CO!lJlrl'l~rat"lack" The furiGllIs Eagl.~1oommander, CO~Qnell Opsorn M;athis, vowed ~ev'0l11ge ~he Cape~IMs. O!i'l~he bMks 101 the mighly C~!i'ltOI'1i on River" the First IRegiment et the Sor;eamingl IEagles cau9hllfile Raserv-e' Cav.a;lry. whicf1l had a~fiiied 001 fiend '~h~br1d.g:e w~h~ out

flO SElf1!M Irl a glory",fUl'leo dea~h, Cckmell Mia1his ig nblrool i1Iis rnereenary ~cmu·.a_cl'loobsfllwe d1ie,Af'PS ('lode ornener, &cia ordered his tmop.sla {j i~J6 the C~ll!1lin'Moon,s and te, weldllhe cockp'i~s dosed willi; ~he:irwaNliQrs sHII'~nside. iJ;)avJQr:l 'Meahs f!:er'!! pliished '1t!Iii' C:~p&Jlans into the ra.gi0.9 CMtO!i'lIFli~r. [;:olol1lIllIIAocerla, GaItiQ~,COnMT!;\iIfld~r,oflll~Se'!.l9f1lhl A[macf1

rn e Capilll'loo

m of rage,


d'er to Iher ci.JS!ody,For a 'reWlernse momenl:S, 'lheMo !Jfilil!S~acOO ,eai()i1I other w~1hw.ea~n:s ~ea~y. Then ol"leof(he 'E~iles. Warrior Bernsolfl Yuli, walked his Wafll\1iiOOmettl:.!~heFool S~ldrer.s' s!ide ,of ~h.eline. OdlJer members; of the EaglesfOi1I@wed, soo1l1 Ileav,iof:lg C~lonel Matl1isailomll, Seeing 111@ Ii'I~Jle,lhe CO~W1~1!ur~ender'9d. S Celol!'!l!!ll Gailhos lii'ren p~aced t~a '~iag:les uluier 'Iihe l~mp@ralJ ooITlnr'1arnd o~ W;;a!r",fj~rYlJ Iij, ~fI!djng the li!'llves1igalioliiaJoo d;e.QisJQ.!'I of [ile Eagles' commilll~r. Ool'Of!e~WalWt lHokala,

Foot Sfilldi~usrarrived ood:demanded~ha~'CQlonel Ma;thissl<]~ren"


INe·w Canton Bille ID r,ag ani Pa'ss,

'Jrimald'j"s Sec'utClrs

3rd BattaUcHl tel New Ca:nlornArmored

(;0"0001 Hokal1lJ and~i'I,e ~Eist of 'Ihe gam:roJ'!rorres were dIlasiing Tinima.ldj's ,SeCUlljrs thn:i'~h, the 1E!'lueOUllIIgcm MmJili'l'a~1Il5 .oflih!1l''s southef,i'1 conlinFimL TheS.ect,:ltmS.lnough iOut9,liJIn. ned. ware inf,licffng heavy ~lU'8,11i:e:s" nlstrale(j, Colonell Hekala F ordered that two regim~n[s of Almach infantry 100 airlilOO' aoo pruachlJted ",heapl o~I1h,€i! Sscrutor$. flhGl{ WEl~8 !Jrtie,retj to 'd~l!ay tha C:apel!al'll 'Mechs, !Jfi!ti~the res,t',~r(he Davion tomes eouk! catth up <lfll:l1inii5:h '!hem off, The A.lmact! infalll~~arrioo Qi.I~ PISmi!$$[;ol'll, but ~nstaadofd~J3,yinglhe Guar:ds,fmsix oours, l~!l!infantry had to· wail six Days IQF!he 'fii~·$1r2"ag~I~$ amw" In~a:t time, the , (0 ifilfial'l.~lYlost~lhird50f its soldiers. Su[:cl:dfilaUaoks by a Qa:pelIan tank r~rrnll!f1l: had slovreolhe Eagr13'S. rl!:l an inq,uiry board a r,otter cl!~~hem of wmngdofng lnl ~e! delay,. This ~nc'iaerU, however, ,combined witlll tM l1ieinoui '~ime O~Itl:'1:e bal'llk$of ~h~ CanWI111'Q' dfi!fOY [he Eagl~' i~pe$lnge.

Defending Arborr5 'Was the Rrs1 Regimel'lt of McCSflron's A:ilmored CalValny" wihicfIJ had !liI1a~91he ~l9gl sh ift: fr,om !;he' dislalnt work! of 1M'9nk!~ In April. The "'B191MaG'" VIlas III fi!lE!~imeot meroe"':aJI'Y lunit oom,parableto WoWs Dl'agoonS!, 'e'xseptthat I1onor motiv,at€id Ja.lme Wolf and lo@trnoHvOl!1:edArdhlbaid IM~Camm. In, 3022 omd 3023, !he five mgi'mems, invaded the Federatedl Suns" lo!J1il1g and pil~aging mMY 'Wml(fs. The AFFSs'Wore wevange en ~h'98igIMaC. CQm.mamleir.::i of the Thfrt~1hird Avalon Hussars ACT and two uegimeMs, ,ot'llile' Blue 81m Irreguhll!rs,spen't hams pari ngover ih£!' oolota:pe:s of their elil.~my. lihisprepmElition ~wd off whenlhey' disoover,ed! a weakness ,abo'l!t the, Fil'$t McCam:lfIl~Arm,O'~oo Oa.waJry and illS oom mnoulder. Colonel Mldh~ \Mlson. lhali'l1tiBl drop was Linq~~, with Colonel Wi'lS,(J(n refei~ p Iring 10, make the li-iI!.lssa.J's arlid Irregulars oome to Ihijm.The Armored: Cavarl'ry dh;o.:setrolaoo,1he 'Davien fo~'ce$ on ahugolplain '01'graM #i!J11 o,f prepared posi~ions, that masked Colonel Wilsal"s "Meohs from '(he D.atVltm SOOSOffl..When the fighting started, the MGCarmn 'Mechsstu:idenly D~nl to wnis!h. The' confounded A,FFSI'oi'tf)'S,diSC'O:veredI1h,~U Cofone:J W'lison had IFid'dled ~he plaii'nr wilh 'Mech"5izedl field i'i!m~laooments lihat de,f·ea1ed ~he Davion :5en5~S. McCar,ronl 'MieCns OO':Iuch;ed!, wailing for DaVion ~Meohs to, lpaiS5,afilolhell rose ane .ailtaeJif.sdhom Df!nirld. On 'Ihe momil'llg of D~t;ember 1,8. 'Ihe oomma!l'lc~.r of the Hussa;rs Sef!t hlisen~re' fl;g:hterfo:rc€lagafnSI. the merQen<ilrf~s. Colonel Wilson, thQugh an; excellon1 batllel1leJd tactlolan" had a prejudice against 1ighlers and' COlifu'j1i£l!ndedhem poolily. MillO t agefllts had I'Qund that fna MaCarro:r:J ~ilg'i'i1ers,dld a good ,iob ove:r 'Ihe baUlefield blllitwere extr,emely ,slo,p'pyon their a]rli9Ids. When ear 'lhe'iDavicm f.igtnters appeared, few Mc£anon'lighLers ~ose to mee~ ~hem. Most of the MeCarr.onwinlgl was destrcyfld' onltie' g,I1'O!:J n~t With complete ~Ir ,superioritYi the Davlon_ tigl11e,s began spoUli1lg tlhe ,cn:auching MCCiiiJrtOn .'M,QChs. Harassed by t!hefl.gM~ ers.lhe IFirst RegimeN: o~ McCam:m"~ Armored Cavali)i' failed to SM~'he ,ohaJ\ginglBlue Star Irregulars. i:.Ii'1lilllhe I,ast moment The "Mach·le·'Mach 'Ji.ghlli;lfHhe 1'1!'leftell'larias,'wilti onlYQne Ibana:lion.. Realizing tile' had I'ost, CQlol1e!1Wilson ord'Qredlihe, ~tllirlHlfmm


Alribu'F'iis, BaHle' of Blind M,aln',S Blluff

(u n less in 'the.~ ~athlof a...ra.c~~d ve'hrcle t 'grass obsCtlIl'(lS, all Viisu::m,)


The Fot.JI'Ih IDemee Ug I'lt Cii!i\,lalry RCT did 001 adaptwell to the I~h.lall wid ,t;1'f Saiph"s, s(lufihem conllnent, wihJdh W~$ what ~hei Third ~a~t<lil'ion O'f Jusifine!s GreJ1a:df€irs i,'arl hoped.. Using the perpetual COIIElr'~f bliz:mmsand high wlnds, (he' Grenadiers were causing halloe witlh the IFOUl1hlDeneb IACT. Davionl'a:ro&s $1.11 marla_ged 10 back the Grenadiers onoo,the L1lsijolilPenll1S'LJlla ,~nd werntryinQI'k:I seal QJHhe flBl'llinsIJ11a ~IJ prevem tlhe[r e-~'. Wil!h a, bit 01 ibrelilJthling space aoo ,~u',1r:oiJ)ath~1 the tlnall <i~ai:J It, th9 Grenadiers used 1hetime to !ieniice' tl'tmr 'Meros, to g~l V,sm In top


shape for the baHie. The Ted;Js unknowingly used warm..oweather rub'J'ican.~theil had been s:hipped to the so\dl'l;.Qmoon~inem by mistalrie. When the! '1M"9Ch$ f~m,Jjmed 'l'Ol :5;ervice" 'ItU'l' ~ubrii,Ca]nt rPr,ompdyrro'l'e. ~nIleslSlharnan hour, 1he Ginmilidi'ers'''Mechs could walk 11'10 1as1er 'lhan half s~d, Worse. wi,th 1he lubricant lineffective, 'Ihe joilill!i, were ovemeatl ng, pal1icu!laJily'those' in 'Ihe'Ilegs.,lind Ihip$..Tne '!rapped aJild hobbled iMechs ~fied to :sllp p·arstthe Fl:lurth ~neb ,lind we~e 'he:mmeree b.~ a tarnk regiment tMJI COy!dl nat IJ nd1e rslam1 WhiY ~M Cape~Iiaf;l$'were se .s~Qw.

SaiPJh ..' Uisiok Peninsula

The FOlJnhr Sucoos;siClI'l War



TigJe5S, or Lame!'s Woml'd as ITIS also known, is an inch.!lslillrai am:! ooren~ilic hu'll of the G.apeiUan CQI':lf.ooe~aJ1ion. Its ed:lIIGated po,pu;l~ttQ'J'!1I'!l.;tdthe ~ighest st.imda.rd 10~mVlill"lg the Ccmfederatlo!'1!. in The! planet. was,ltiJeref'o~la a maJJ~ prize of the 1l1i'rd Wave, 1~I!!IJnll'llgl!he! se;rvl:oe.s of~he S&co'nc afildflnijrdl CnuQls< ,l..anOOr$. Their Ofipo!u!nl:S w(!uJI'd belhe kmTljdaibJ!e House ~nfitsl.l 'Mach reginumt the S;eoond Bat1311;O:f!1 of iKew"s iln1rlJders, 3Jrnd LallJrelrs legion, a balitafloiil of worn:en warners Inative tolr,.g rsss, MllJlcn o~ Ihe action cemerl1ld QI'!I~he F'Oll r CJities, .1lI. eavily h li!ncusniail!z.ed {lom!1!plexOf!! the equau. Wlih most of~'he' Iplaners !PQWrilf >coming from 20~Uls+oo reactors in the cenler of lhe Four Ciitie5, cap~u'r~ngthis oomplw: was 'Ihe k~ to fig ress. 1Ilhe Second UI!"Icers.IIMded noltFlMd(he lhird east ol tOO FOUl lhe Sernnd overwhelmed~hG IFirst BH~lgon Of K9r~ls, ~l'Itruders\, win icl1 ,hiad aDlT\p:I~d~n ;ai!ii)"lbl!.l~h in~he cEark'rarest!>· of "{!'mlcr''s G~o\l'e. The lhird lanGer ACT I'nad a. mlJcl1tolJJg na:r'1ims appro!1!lchvngl ltie Four CuliQs;TlheiM~Ii'I$ of &iI()useH~rirtsumade r:nJm.efoOIJS hit·, aoo-rulI1 atlacksi1li$ the LaOOllm.l mwahed I1hTlOllg~, the mmnijr Gm;al'liite Fiel(fs moolr'ltalns. H'O:~H HirUls!IJ~ ~nl:an1rY ~e'ft beh[nd suicide! te.ams ~ha!truntl:ters~owed[n,e advance.






Th.elw'ol ILanc-er ReT!] Ihen made em m"co@minaled aUa:ck lnatwtlrlt nowhe~e. lAnd as th~ m'i1ed Md r,~ri)!J~ed, House! H[ri~su aJr:lo: laur~':s Le,gf:oJil oOiJin!ernltta.ckOO ,at tM CClmmand staH 'of ttns'iIlhirCr AC'f.1f'hlrd 'Lanooil's iM9ir:shal jlllss;le P~dmz<l was II<n.ooi'!:edunconscic;uJ!ii by [he f1~arb¥ bJas<~Jrom an a~IOC8fi!!"il,On, but a CQftI;paFIJ'y 0:1' ~ertalri!k5 hom the Second Galax AirMor ,Re9imru:mllhrew itserrf atlihe, 'Medhs 'of ~OII,lI$IIiI Hfri15l!J1 ,il!Jlsl in time~ T,in;eoompany was dlfiGimarlIld but bQugln eOOll!gh time '~orlhe Ma!I'shal'~ E!v@!.l!a~kl:1!'I~!'1d1[or tltle.mivaJ of a batlaJi@11 o1hQ~W ; "Mechs. _ House ~~rUsui'sSecond B:attaJioli'l as routoo i11l11hEi' 131115ll w Ill'1g fig'ht amllr"n~J~ool toward 'Uie F,o~r (;ities. The Huri,1;s1J1 oOr1l'lm:a:FLg~ o:rd~ii19d1h~t tn(il r~ai'l'1ing lba1italiorl,ltlie few !SP~i£l'~5~rom~M ~ ~'il'iltsu infantry bal1al;ioo, and lallJ~el's,Ulg10n leiiltfl) Tigmss. The leg~Oflli however, dia lno~want ~o h~~ve UfObe!i:wad homeworol(!lL A:s Ihe Lanoers, appr()ifI_m.ed,lflIecoom l'II'Ianderr of the Hirfr1s'Uselled! the lssea by 'ioundJing up ttuMe ''''pt;lil'y wo;mM" I!'1lW'lIl€! Dmp$ihl~s gllllr:lpcinL. Only ~he Third Co:mpW1Y. whiich llaQ be~lfl fig'tning ~Ih<e Seo(md ILan~ at ~he~me. QSiGaped. rOnCfl' they he.ard wlfl~1:hadl h~pplli!"led to their sis!t'er.s,!he wome;r'l o~liMe Thi~d CCmparlIY5Url'efld~rOOl and O'H'ei'OOl'Il:l help ~he AFF''$1lIIitack 1he WQ~d wJisrEl' tneii sislers were being taken, The nl!st of Tilgres.s ,capin..!Ial:ed SOO!il ~lite!"INaJr:d,





The Fitlh and S!rx:lhCruGiSl<mcefS made lherr drops on tile resm:m:;e·ri'oR werldQfJonati1afl.A dry W(lf,ICi wHh marvy m:Q,!J!Jlt~f,I1: ra~~, J@~8!lhanravored 'Ule defeooe:r:s,lih:e Sewnd Keam~ High~and'ersalf!dtiMl!l! S~OOM Batla~rol1Oil' jE),eeIiillQnf'.$CijihllSSlTers,. Reali:zinglhilO" 'H'16 comma!.nder of tile Cruoisr Uin'GiEl~$ dedi(jlild tl) sei:!le C~lIai'l supply oemers; to draw~he! ,enemy ow~ i1h:es~rate,glf li'litlhe oeNe'of~he, SOOol:)dl~eiMny Hfg'h]anders, one o.f the Norlhwfnd HighllaJl!der d!al'l~, when the Cruci~ !Lancers captm,ed the caplla!l city aI' D~SI: Hill. n~N~it.Y beeo '~he ,had headq!i,!aiM~~o:fthe IKeM1lY HrgiJilan~e~s a{1!c] was whe~e it kepUt-s [lrop:Si'i'ips_ n was also the ~ome of 1he w<mr[0Il's."furnilies. 11I1oogh ~he lancers did not harm 1he famities,U1Q HigihlMder5 camru3 charging, tolti!lllir defoos.e. The ,High~a;ndGiI'S: mauleCil!WO lLa.ncer tani': regimernt:;; before,the'IM'edh5 aHne RCT GOI!ildeven ente~ Ite fray:. Ones ~h!llDa:vton 'tJlectilsE!l1IgagEid ~h$ HirJ:hIMldEif$. O~ mbers began to lell. Ttneugh a~filflc$lsurrounded by o!tnerr ILolm:er r~i~ men1_$,.the well-cgordinaled Hfghlanders sllppeClIMe noose, om lr:!ot be~elhB lhtrd 8:al1ali,oi':!w,a,s hU very hardi. Heedingltnders net ~o Ga~~ ,e;xcG~s.i!,l'e cas.u~IIiQs am0ntil NO!4lli'lWi!'ld Hlg11h1!nde~$ vmile n:egotiiaHoncS were in progl~eS!!).,tna laJmoor (lommcu'1der ~E!'I' too High~Jfd~rs:ret~,ea1fMOllhe' ni:JIS withoUl vigorous purnui!.. ~ The Fifth larnoo:rs de~ec:Wd Fweem;Qm's CtiirilS'Sli~rs atl:ernptirlg t>tl make a sooaklllitltack onth:e Lainoors" he'aOJquanters .. TM Siuperiior lancerfbrae elimninaiJedlhe CllJliil"a5Ste~s. Clutofffrol'n1heir IJrop!Ships,lille' Seoond, IKeru-ny &>coy~dn~t,escape :and oo.rtainly eou1ld ,!'lot fig:h.t an 'E!<!"Iemy ~enlljmes i~5size'. Or! Decemooir15, AFF"S Marshals o:rd'.ea-edltJe Lanoers to arrow the Highlanderste mardi into Dust Hi m aJiI~ board thei r DrQPShips, Ol:Jo&yijngwithol:ll llOdersumding, the Laaears warny wa:ll::hed as the H~h'laJ1Ider pipe 0100~nJ I!iIl eerps iplaym '"Sootfanc' the Brave" and maro'tiled iflt(J' Dust Hili. 'fh€lY to~!'!d th~lr 'ramllr.e,z, ~oadoclweapon.s and SUppmfilS .aiooaJrd nleTr IJmpShnps, <md lief! JQl'lIatha!!'l em Deoo.mber 2.~• TheThjm Wa~e was Oil SUC008S. AIlI of major otljm;tives tJa.d bElen a:chievffi;tThe dereoti!O:t]l 01 a GompaJ'!Y of LallJrel~s Legion amllihs dJsoovery Qf 11 caeM 'of ~!'i!'!unilion GfiI Arboni$ were woEiilOOIll'e SllIIwp;rises. Elyrru the g~eaLes1.bOIlUS allihe Thim Wave! was '!he ,a.g r'ee· menl, !leached Decemtie.r 1:51, belween~heC~M E~ders ,cif the Nnrlfilwiml Hi(J'hlamJern(atrldm~ FederatooISu!'J!s. ~nthe' Northwioo Ag~l1ImElf'!~,as. thE::>doou!TIel'll came to be ,c'a~I.00I,~e' Ne~wiod Hig R'landers ,ceased tm:Miliries willl1li11Ef AffS itlim:l Iranoun:coo ,a![legiaJ1ce lathe CilIpe.ll00 COfiltoo:Gf',i1l.~ioii'l. In welUm',PrilfilOO Hanse :9ave~he If'ligh!~fs~1'Ieir hom9WOl'iid of ~~oflflwind:along wUlha,




prorn~:OOJ as mem.ool"$ o~'LheAJ'FS:, tMey W~I'd1 not billasl!ted thai:,

~o $1~' f·ar hQm home unless· ab$QI1!JiIel~' ~ceS$ill,r:t lhis was, n e!l(Immely imifl'OTlant tolha wo:rld"pJoud IrI ig~lamlern" who had IQngsuH$r~d undill~ Lf'I.ef ILIac poHGY of rt&v-eraIIGwifilg Cl,fllEl of their regim6i'1ts to $~!1d more than a mO!1~hon tha planet. The' rem.ov:allof .tf1 e Higrilmder ragirnenW as a threa,l w.3.s e><lr,emely we100me:lherr;ce over ~or1llilWil1ld on Ja1'1U'~ all' 12 to de!'endlitJeir world. Wihictllwas u!'IGer ~flv~i0n bjl'fomes ftro.m~he l[lraOOr'llS Gcm'bl!'lll!i, was a S'lroke o~ Ilueit ~avrngi thfll H~ihlaJ1!ders on N@rthilVirJdwou Ie an:cn.or ~Aa T'Eman end of ~e ~Qngl corder 'between the 'Fed!l!~ated Suns and tl1e Draoonis GQ~bine_ One oUlnt)Jm'lgatiiVelaSp!l!ct:sof ~h!!lflhlrdi Wave wa:s tnatth~ we~ri! mNe, siI]!1S offa1igl!J!e amoij(J!jhe AF1F8 UOc!,ps. ~poos or Itidgmer1ll., poor dGdsYi;mS"and s~mpr0'SllJpidU~ on the pan: ,of enlisted soldiers and ofrr,oers w,er'e beginniil'lg' to tainllhe p:erform1,llenCf3! ,of even the bEl$l I]~lJ!,I\Ton lrQgimiliWils.Al:sa, many s~Id(13rsami officers were> loSi:ng,eonlfeJ oU'le~r em O'Iio'rls as~oolings of l'lIa~red arne ooVle'J1Qeegan to buJld. 1ho~rilhll1e atrocily commltted by the b Firs[ S~remnrng' Ea~!es on the bank. 01 [he Cankm River was by farlhe WO~l5~ im;;id~n'I,. it wacs Ilcl {he 't:mrn.rrultam;e of bMaJilty biY i
anARF$ '!gIf')it

Supplies VIIII~Je begifilnin.,g to b.erome a ,concern. Mar.s~aI$ ~ooI'enoo lLm)itSto' -,sea:vengiEl eVieryiWling. possiblefram 'Iheir vallqu]s1hedf~ to o.SQlh(l Wl)~Si(l!li~ su,",ply cruoah. I'n sdl'll'fe cases" MecliWamon;o swJtclled 1;0'caph!rE!d Capel'l~ 'Med:!s .• W,nud'i had mQre supplies cmdammunltiontncm tn!jlir own, Even the 'Med!ls pushEld [nit" 'Ihe ,c'!rAton i1iive:r were e'i.ffin~liIaJly sal" v~gm', their pUoi!] 1reedfrom.~e ~@ekPj~s Pf~ tar !lunal"



In 3022, tihe Lyrai'll Comrrn:mweal~h Armed Fames was iifll' mili~ary that.lhough Illxtr,e!fiflEllywl1!1II"9quJpped, Sioomed mired In ~UiJlerse.r\iioe oo:nfl'ims, in pom:l!e~ou'StatliC$ that r,el1e(j too m uchonl equ,a;lIy PQnCh~mlls 'Meehs, and if'l a mi'li, IOUr~%tucr;\'l!cywiiCk with redundifllnde.s, gr~Jl.~rldl:$9'JfI·ren~eJm OffiOOT.sLtil) the ne::dsHx years" ~h€l LyranGommanweallih Armed Foroos iWaS:lraa'ilstQ~m"ed into OJ: mi!itOliIY machrnQ thall, sl.lrprijsed~he Draaanis Cnrnlbi FIB

Tha lIuUr!on also cfi<ail'ilg~d ha LGAF's, ar~~oa~. Sh~ ,ordered ~ of her 'Mecihfaml1lries m ~etool ~he~ras/sembiy linti! to manufadlure ligh~er.qUlIC!l!l!r 'lMieClhs tl() !compensate tcr her milil· ~ary's ovefabl:lndaf!lGelfOf assault 'Moo~s. As pal!1 oflhis, 'Shir~.the A~cl1(;i1i! Dbl:airled 'Meah de!,~gnsl!1lat had been loIrl!iq;L!!eto thlfj F'ederatOOISUfiS. Ile'll~noe Il'1IdmrtriE!iS began rnarm:farriuring \la1~rie cmd enforGer IB.1nigM~lf1is 103025. T~(l! compenllialso CQJllil1LJOO Irllilllufiaduretne 10 advaii"lOed aoo con~rsiaJ HliUchel'\SOIillUl

ril!h.lst~rooSofdiery with a



The aJlital'1oewith ilie F'ooe:rati:ld S~f)S h~l'd ~.g~a:! deal to da' wi~hl.ihe limp~o\!'Elmf:li'!.torth€l leAF, but jllJisl as muclii oflhe ~Il!dil sMtllldgo, to, A~(lh(m :Katnniill Sitei nsr, Who,'u~ed~he; new ai[i;;moo! as a way' 10 improo¥,e ner milfrtary. She ma<nipula1ed the inl'lll;!\itabJe OOmpru:iool'!sb:etween liile LeAlf ~d ~h;.eAFIFS 8ind soon I'!ad: moSl Qti;!ce~ liI'Oops ~eadyf6:r a dltlJl'1{le, ready to doanyUhlng to ;;!void em'b:a.r~ass!iJ1lg iliemsJ!'l~ves in frol11!1 th;e ~ed:e~a!I~d Suns" of For six years,lhe Areho!"l J;lh~1 in Irelmmshtt mmCJ¥ed: many incompetent Oii,10ersfmm the oom'imCiracy, mOil_king il mOffl' e1ificiBT'lt aool!ess p3pe~·bouocl_ Shilil and Gener<<l11 Edward Regis, CQli!'n'l"!i!ili'ld~H:d-'~he-.Armtes,changed ~he.promiil:lion SlJrlJellJre to, mward skilled' soldters a:nd i!'1!'1ovati\i'e tacfim;, Without qU,eiS1i@!l. nile most. i.rnporlBrnt. change ~heAr(lhOIii ma:diewas ~!i'IWlowIh:eL.eAF f'Ought.· Sh~ w,e;yise.dthe O!JIl1!'icu rum!!! QI her :rn~litary acadlerni:9S- TI'1E1 INla9iBlliil1lg, Safilglamors,. and oth~J'Lvran amdem ies;,tnO:L)gh ven)!' giOlOdschQol$., toculse;d ~oo rnudh en personal-weapon sk;llis .w:!d paid too litlle attenti:an totaClica! and ,organ i2;atF.onalseneerns, Cadets fulm these schools wel'll,exc:e~lem matrksme!1:I,but on ~h!!.l battl~~ierd llieyhJa~1 l,itllE! sense of what was hiilp;p;e,ning and wllat to o01llboliJil it llil 3023. be AirdnorJI (l{rd\Eli'ed1 Sl(;Mol:S to pa!~e:m t~e ltiJeirau rruculul'lf'!s aUer Oai,viOrl,on:es, SheaJtiSo pl.!bliS:h~C1"A BaJl~l~ lietdG wide· tolihe' ~Jnil'!i~iaitooi, ii' af! e~"1ffii'l1E!'llf YI!"eJl·wrmen primerQ[J. 1aGti'c!1:' that has been adof;U~d by'lhe miliLary ,a;cademies of the lynlln Commonwealth and 1ile' Fed€wat~d S'UInI:;_ Thill A~chon organized her r~Jm,ent'5 into RJ8gime'l'l~ai Gm1tl~ batTearm; in 3026, Soon ihflf 'M~c:tnre,gfiments welFe training wili'ii intamry,. errner, artHlery, ,000ndlfiglliter IUfJilS_ The new l~aril FU::1iS ~ed~ose anne Federated SUIllS, The ,ArOhofi! wa$ i1il:lruemplihg to get. Lyran tor~s ~o fig'hil!l!no fI1aJnelUve;r s. a. terum, iil1s~ead0'1' a b~Mn:d'eJing ilillo each otner a,s.fihey had done oofCl~e_ Thel sm;ooss gf O,poemlion Thor 30'21!'lrQved tier right

tm,lead IO.~ dispersi ngl~h8 new 'Mect'ls/ ttl ~II va,cancies lfl e'X!IS'ling In~ im!l!i'1JIs" '~hEl A~chol1g~lh~m~dlhe I1ght a!I10 med lum 'Mechs irilO coIDpa!ni9S!!!nd 'a'~lrnted 1heoes!tgFaduateslrom he~a~aa:~mi~s~~[pj!otlh;em_ These oornpomi:es then traveled ro th~' F,ede~a~ed Suns 'rorlJraining at the N'M A:v<ll1:Q1'I lifI~~ihjil~,of S'ioie'{iJoo and: with ,el~teAFFSIJ nIts 'lI1'a~ SPricjal~Gd in s'WiU'Mech tacliCS,$uctl as the Eridani ~lght &'Iorse. the Daivion Li~'ht GUlaJrd, <lind T61:1m [B~zaJL After'<iJ[s!:x"mo!Uh, ~our. the [L._y,r.arl Oi:npi;'Ulj~$ O r,elurfled~otne lC~mol1lwea!fu and were ,comm~s5iorledaJs IUghtr'KTr:!g ompooies. They were lihl'l1l transf'E!'r~ed 'lof,rO:I'I~·lill'le C 'Mecl'l~egimen~ 1'0 $el"!le as mdbi~e lreserves" 'B-y3028" "II but. 131 It;JaIldfL!J'1 ragrmenlS h~d lighl1:iing Comp~ni'as. O'f Ar;;~~ret ilM~h ~~,gimenl was ~ommissicmoo rnl ,~~l25a:nd remaiinfld Tiflys;~f!riOilJ!S umi'l its debut un Ul~' war. !1'lJriIlors,aoollJ!oom th~l!hil! !'€lgim@n~ w~s made ItJ.P women, 9f 6'.:c-Combi~~ m ers, of waroieffi willi ScamilHna:v~aF!il1el1itag:e, !!'1m! o.lliiers. AJilhat was known to~' ceJ'ilaln ~ tn~t ~he ei!1tir,e"~rrnenl was made u;p dI<I,ssa~lt 'Meo1'ls. It-fought. in .operation Thor :3CJ!!7 wJth ::.IkiUaJl!j ansl moSI in~aJn!!ld~termiMlioo_ The Archon 0110::,0 QrG!e~ool!J;pacec~afl JJ'r'I'MUf'Ol'CIUl'llJrs to step up the >CQn$t~l!1c~iQnof IiJr,o;pShip's; flal1i'(!)ularl:yIh6' FonresS' Class [l,rGf>Ships. Twenty ji)Uhooe !shf;ps Oli.linduring nne sh:·YElar bl,lil:d'!JI1P l1evar selrV!ii'd[ willi! arry mglrnent and d r~Jed off recerds unti I
~.fll\lr;!he' w,ar began.

man' 'Mecn. ~


Though tneimprovemEl11lts to, th~ LOAF mlgt1t seem ob'!i'ious, andclfIily oommon seIlS.e)' nn wetrospect.~hw W>e'Nill reg;Nded as many wUhin '!he Lyran militalY at the tr!'lIU;!, "Tr..adlltiCitlla!l·

lsts,~ th ooowrro o~po5ed til 9Jchang~s. had m:any reasons,


disagr~e wUh the ArpjhOl1land hew neW' W\ays. bul OI1Ei1 Of ~he mOOI, pmv_aJel!U was Iturf{lar ,a:rno~ MochW,arr[OIrs lliallhe changers would lessen lliei~ ~mp'Oi1am=eand prestrg.e-

Sho!illly aflerlhe'tJreaty i~etween ~he F6(j~!FafOOSUf"li's sendtha lyran Commonwealth was slgnM, PfI1!1Ci:j HiaJose began dj~~ss.~ ~ng h~s rnititalfyami:lllio!1!s,wiln til eo Archon. Alllrn~, ~he;r,ewas no Iuwgency nn his mllsilf1lgs, which em~r_1 ltl, ChailSi QamootihlrOlJigh ComSI~1i" lin'k.~. Afie;r .~025 e '~.C:hangEl cam!!) ,ov~r Prlnoe r1oS!n1*!. He no ~onger ool'lls:idered ,i3i ~oint off:em;;ive as Mle dr,e,aming- H~ becem;a deadly serieus ~bo!Jt iIilm'barlOi:iogr the ~argeiSit mili1ary offensive in 'lhe' Or! Inne! Spllerti il'l h~.mdre:d$ dlf If\e.ars. . ,At first. ithe .A~:ch()nwas e~'tr,emely ffily{j!;l~I. She flollJl'd n:al ~e 'Ii'le w[c$dO!l1!1of a ja:il'l!toHensive Willb~e IF,oo'erated Suns,. The DraoGl1iis Oombins had plenty ,or troo;ps onl the lyman rorder ,allld Itrie ArChon W13!S w01rlriedi aibtlu~ ani irwit!lsion jJf her own reall'1'iL

the ,Awho'l'I to!d Prince IManse thtlll tni3J CommorilWE!aUh C(luld fecieral:Eld S~ns ('fftetn$livebUiI was unprceparoo lor ajoint a_rrlh:m.If tn€' Federated Sums were w~lml'ilg wait. sne' ~Q saidi, tlhe LCAr: would be :S1rof'lQ em:mgh 1QWigl1lt~nl ('f~nsjve in 'lilve lJ!'I~noo[)1El:~i®negafllsendifllg rep«lsent.a:tiveMo ~he Arohon, b trying! to ~onrvirtl;;e li1~r1hal tin e LeAF was al~eatJl)i' enou'l1lh. ihe Archo:n reftlllsed 10' b~ s,way€d. Tine lyran ~ntenigell1OE! orps and Gem~ral\5 ofline' LCAlf {jlave C !he A~chon u~~m to feron$id~~ her decision, tn earl~ 30.26, the LIe ~epo!iled a Siurgie ofdisoontant. ~111 llie Rasa~Jh.ag1Je listrict of D !he IOraoonls, CombinQ. ,A, fIIewundergro~nd had tbITl'lM. Named [n:E!! Tyr, tor the NofSi.l' ,god of w,a,r and jlUstioE!, the mO/!jj1lmel1t. engin:eer,ed th:e assaMin~tkms 01 several i mp'0rrlarli~ o~icial\5, ~nciludin.91 Pire,fecl Ma.ha!r Lawel~ t[li 'Kkchba'Ch. Ty~ members al~ o:rgmizBd asu~d!l!n upSli"lirge, ,O'r dl:lIFll0F1S1mtio:ns ami st~i:kes. For Ml~s Kurjl<l.,~he !District Gowrn(Jro~ Rasalliagu~, ~helCh,ai1Qe was hi'g' lhe Lie detooad no resPQn$~ r'r,orrnL~lhienlo M1es Kil:lrlta!'s request. for more troops. Lyran alll'alysts beUeved 1hatlMiie'l> Ihad been 'i)VefS;tating ~e unrest in his district ~oryears, andlluthu€ifl dlid 'not bel~eve his ,cri~s ~f ·a~al111, Jf1lYlmme. E.venth e oommaru:lern of a [)OMSregimems in his dislriCl,I'I1ose who, knew h~w b~d~hil'llgs, were g:~Ai I1Ig" werle ignoringl Ulle iOi5'triGi Governor'ls pi aas lor a!SsiSUlJl'!oe'The ILJG and Hm Militar'llI'~I~nigen~s,ernicm oflihie lL.eAF took fun advarlltag:EI of l!he siluatioll1! by iinfil~r,atin,gl the district Vliith Qper,8!tives. lYT<Irl <Ol,g.efl1ts establlis.hedi tConla.ct wlUi! tne fy~.a[!d sympathetic Lyfafl! U'ad'ers W€'I1e'srrmOOII'ing W,8\apc:I1S to the! dhlSi,. ~I'lt$ by 30127. iyr members s~ip.~r'rom the! Gombirte~o the Commonweallih '10lbelirruned. bylihe loki ,~he' LlC',s UnCQr'IIv€,n!ional warfare specialists" At lliislime. llie lie n:~icedlha:Hhe! DCMStrQQp:s oo:rdli1l:rifil!;i tl'la' Cornmonrwealth com miitiitedOJ commo 11"bu~ deadly. €Iff(J,r; ~heyhad fa!len inooi'illr-outim'l'. R:a'giim!il'ntsup and dowiI11he border 0.99:an. is.,s~ fl. s.sEls._. "an~~inlQ' .•.. ... ..un91 . a ' om. ~ ,ves,lrooeivinQ S!upp'lies"aii1d ~havlll'llgthel r meals _a.cco:rtJI'iQ to a (J'giO'rous~"tndwe~I·r.rnown sebadI UIe" if U, is was done ~o IP'reVian~rooP5 from agg~av~t1filgU'le' I IPOO1i1ical nrest ilfJ~hedistrlCliis un;oertain, but i~'gave tilaOommol1!u wealthi 8i weapon against the rM:li'(l~.s·of ouse lKumfta, H Jhe most f'oolish ofbl&ll' rou~in~ w!iIi$ the bo:rder~wide .adop~iofil of the July re~la:aernel1lt6ich~ule,. In Juiy. all r.r~.g [ments d~sdhargedtheir rn,tiree.!;, Made!~an~r1;!rs, ami reGeived mplaJoe· ments;, Tihey al:so ordered S!.llppll~S fmJl"llihe ,lP'r'ocUlr9~enl [l!e~r:t· manto 8uppm~s ordered tiil'i! July amvlfld lil'ilS9ip1E1mbiilf, ~t'i! Augl!Jst. e.vtliFy Combine regijmeint had ,!;weel'!~roo~a!'ld ~!t,I f'\pilies we:re' ,8!t ti'l8tiw IQWiS~ leveL fhe leAF corre~ny ~s:sumed that 1his 11a.()~tl1 trainoo perr;;onnelland supplii9's WOYl\:l1 rnarthe pertonrni!l!n.caaflhe iregime!l'1Its., . . Grar:h.l!\l!lflS~rom the acClaim€o S~mi ZIi1iS.ngAcademy were ooJ'lt to :DIFaOOriis: '~rainin91 ~egimElIi'lits op~he horn liti1;es rell nine mon~hs of oombi3:~ e:x~r:u3:rie iJ~"The sUNlwffi wem 01'1 to elite MBChWaJrl'(J'r regime:rnts. This ninE,H·nonth Gycle 0'1 new s,tu(i'l'lnts· and glraduta~es, along wiihlhe rigfd Ir,a,g.iment~~ m'uti n~s., made border':dmm~llf $~asonal. When A!rehon SlelWiler s~ these rlJeYV repDi"Is, shebegarl to bfill'ieve t!l"i!at perhaps ~hEl.CQmmC:m1wea~1h could lal!..n1!oha!il'cd:fe~sive. She OCHnml"il~ioated ther chaoge of heart to Prinoe D.avi'o'i"'1,. ~ho greeted the naws by siiliyI!:'1.g:.i'f,oolay iisthe' dawning! of 3. new 3ij:e, ,<lI1'li age' whi:lr~lhe (ree and morall :s.~aM llIPro, 'theda~1k and l¥trann~caL'"


Op~ra,tio,1'i! GQ~lerorunmerilH'lIg, des:igned by the ~.i.9lh Como, ma.ilK:IcfU1e WAF wilh many Ideas c"m~ng d'iredly h':om the Arehon, was'M'ery dififareli1lliT"Qm ~al'lS'et IDa;v,ion's OpE!faUbin Fi:a.t Gr}i~e'rdl!imme:rtU ng W9i5 BI!'1 effort to plllsnt~he' ,enemy b~ckoo a broad fror1~~nsrua,ad of adee!p-strilke invasion designed to split the 'enemy'sfomes. The tConnmo:rrweallil1! also faced nnOf€l and better 'Meen ~Ii!gimfil:nts than the AFIFS., The LeAF atte<mpood: ~ IFrIcu'e dilUioul.t off,,gaiflS:t a better opponent thanti'ie Fe(1!e'f,i;J!tec;i Suns laced.,nat the: otf:en:slv,e :slJ,oceededas well ,<;ii~ II did i$ a
~EJ;stam ent


to the: Corn mornvea,lt!1's stre~th,

OperaJllion Golte,d~mm~ri:J p~esented' tW() ob\ pmb· ng lems, Suoh a broad fmnl would create a Ilagisli~ l1ughlmJJl'e. It aliso wou[d Sjp'Fe'ad the LCAIF so ti'li:n I:h~ittan en!l!rIil1{COUntera@aok wo'lJ~dnwe. rmmy IIJndeJended wOJlas to :pluncer in the ~yen~ of a bfGal(~hr(uJgh. De.sp~!ethe Ob$i~a'Cr,es;;me darJg~ls,1he I.!CAF was; oohfEden~ beCiliuM 'Iile gO<1iJl~i Q~ Opflmtion Gotl:erciaimmerililfilg were mu:ch more mCld:estin~f'! IPrinoe! Dal,i'ion~s offensiVe'. The! Oi'i!~y InOOi objective of the Commonwealth 'l:dfeF'l'$~\ra w~t" Chall:et'l,g~' as IiTIMy 'Co!'ll"lb~neregiments'as possible. Seizing worlds was eonsid'elred S"eoollidary, The objoolii"le! of the lyri3irl O'ffens~a w<il.S; modest 'be;caliSEI it was desiigned~o eoverltie ~ear oflhe, FEldillr~too S:I,,:II!"lS fa!tbLerlha:i'iI acnie~e !'lfIaior~alil'l$ ~~.11$own. IitnordElr to, laulrlGh Hs d:ev, l)!ife;nslv,e a~ailil'st 1li1e,Capellaf!l Comederat[ol'!, the AFPS was rowool to' slirip troops ,alWcaY from ir15 bOr:tler w:iththe IDr<1!ooJ'J IS 'e:iomb~h.e:.leav,lrng it dangeJOIJs<lyvu I!"i!erable10!:li~ hiV8S,iQln D'II'lihe' De MS" A nr!ode~al~ly sliJ:ocessrul ca!rfIlpaig n bfthe Lyran Commonwealthagla:i I"Isl tn'~ tC"ombin 91, ho~ei!ier ,would for&! the CoordinMO:rlo comnilt his tl1ecsewe'SIo tile GcmrrlOnwe,a"h front, ma:king a OQmbineol'tensivtl a,gainst HCII,!se [)<av['ol'!very b1r1,l1ke~lfi. For il.s ojfell'il!livel ,a~iaTnst tfi!:~ Dreconis Combine', ~hE!'LJJAF mmov.edl some regime:ntsrmmtne oorde'!' MHll the: IFr-eeWe rlds lJea,gue. Thougl1 tlliis WCfrried m~y g,,a;Js,particul:atly 'liIliO", cli"I'arg,etjlwilt!l defieooi!'1~ tiht,'! CommQr:!weaUih ag8!inSI81 FreeWolilds Wag!.!!:! ~nva$iion"lihe' AITCtilon <me] ,neirn(ghe$'l: ad'rvfsers fel~ tha1 HiolliSie Maril<:s inoomru polillc:al tmliJloles wouk>! keep fils bofdef m8JlI'tag:eab~e" lh~ Armon 8JrtGllhetr enera£s. iflS9't:t~ngl g!lalsfor Op,eralimll G Goften:iammen.lW'lQ,feilt that ~haQ,ffeJllsilv:~ l;luki 081agl!cce~s b~ W llf, ye.a.r'S end, 1he lCAF I'nao gain&d 'l~i1wo,r,lds BriO' Ihadt d!:i!allt~U~ mor'Eipunris!uFlS!U than i'l r,~euved. iFtl:Bi p!anl sltlooeoo,,@d beyond their Dreams. Gef!:arall Nandi Steiner w,aS cno&en to command OperS!tion GEiIt9tr.da~~er~ ng H1er Ireglonal commanders were; Germral Je.rry l~olKa" MargraV!9I'o'i' l't'0l1shire1F~'u:,ater; K.omm~m.U'11·Gen· era! Mil:ch' IF,9tI\Sipar. Assis1ant MMgrave cllamar Tlhfli~,t~1'iand General Jac!;; S~ire, Mall'gtave Of ~¥{i!~ Thealer. As weJlias acting as Ireg lonal i(,lQmm8JntJle;fs,~he hree-Marg:raves were expeoted to ~ oomman!il troubled se~io!l1is of theholilt pi'l'r,t:;QJlaJUy. On AU:9lusl 20, as PnI'!OO' O!1!Vi(ffl Was~Qa:s1in.Q! tl'!:ta! Ardlon IDBsigoal'e' ancJluITl,pShi,ps ,altha' IF!l!d€lratedi SIlJ,I'IIS W€tm appearing in the' Cia!P~n~JrI Gonrederation, 'General N'ond i SitEl~ner was ITll:lSinlg <SLleintl;y over.[Jj IbatfleooiTIPu1Ei( ,iU Iller tneadqllJarteiffi o.n'fafflaf. lit sho\M!1ld ner {h~tt .a72 C\?mHmnwealltll JUl"npSIii\ps" wili'll '1,~19,2 DropS~~p$!tcarryi I::I{I 23 Il3attleM' rlllgl!'!l1ems .:i;nd6~2 other rngimel1l~s. had suroess~:UHy made the jump i I'Ito :2:~,l3~en'll'f star
t •


S~einer U'ni;t



1st Altallllil


F<irl<ll!1 ,Attack N'ew Wessell{


,Lyr,fln' Guards ,3rd (VetEiran)

5~h (Green) 6~h (E!i.'le)


1atn ,~V,~e(al'il) 11~h (Elite) 14~h(Veteran) 1S'lh (Elile) il91h (Vet,eran~ 241ti, (8,reen) 2611h (Vet~rali'l} 3011h(Aegul'ar)

Hesperus II

Karbali31. Lothm



Hegjperus II AlariOi1 Donfilga[ lamar tear Solaris. Cavanaugh Baxter Skye

... New Cal"dcrua


32nd (Green)

36th (Regu'larl'
Af'c~ur,an G"uardis

S'1h(Greel'l~ 111h (G r~~n) 151h (Regu~ar) 171h (RElgular).

19~h (Green)


20lnl {Veteran) 23rd (VeteraJll) 2'4tl'l (Fleg.tilar) 25th (IRegular) Dolf!leg.d Guards 2nd (Veoo ran)' 3rd (Elite) 41h (V!ljt.araJt"I) 5ilh (Green) 6,th ,(flegllilarj
7th ~l1egYlar) ~nh(Veteran)

W)l'a~ ~Igethj , Port Moseby


Vulcan Hyde:


Jabuka Cam'l ann :Aall"lsa_u: IBMI'lian.o IBasiliano

Ty~y:yfdl BL!JdiUTlli oster n AI~,€jJlmafid


De:hgp,lao Uinzmatkl
IJ i'llZma1k!I'



Hyde Oix1E! AII11!8stan Severn
Mainl Street

Gurn,ium 1~1rchb~u::h



1[l~h,(IRegular) 11rhi (Green) 12th, (GrEiilln) , 3fh (Green) 1: ~hl Regular) 4( 17th (A6gular)

The lEdge


New Capelown BOlircelol'laJ FuriliO CM026! Rom u 1'L!s

PI:anting Menken! Tl'muifll Lgri~
New India

Carse $.k~e


iLyran RElg:u~(lJrs
tst (V~lllran) Jr;d (R~ilJlaJr) ,41ih (Regular) 51ti, (Regu!aJr) 7lti (Gr'een) 61t! (8 peen) 91h (G~~9i1) 1 Olh (ReguI1ar)
1Hih (Green)

HaWes.f Harves1

'Veiilhandl li(irchba:ch Gumiui1'l


Penobooof Australia Hood I'V Tamar

15'11il (R~r;Jl.Illar~


M The j;ourlh Sl!Jcc~ssion War

.sleineF Unit
Royall Slu.nrds
115,t U~flguJar)

Foillow-tl.!!p Thalkad Tharkad Co\te~tl)!' Hyd:e Sol!ari:S Skye' P,ort Moseby Marii'k

2nd (Regu lar)

3rd ~Elite)

Skye Ring,era: 4th (Ente) 1'Oih (VemfM)

17th (Ellie) 22nd {Green) 'W1n1Ie1:d,'s Brigll-de

,Always IF:aithliu!1 (lFIegu!~r) Badl Drum ,(V,e~eran) Barrett's FusJlliiel'$ (Ve't~ran) Blackhearts (Re.gular) (iransu;mSoo'rd's ~rre;gulaiis.(Veten:1m) Dragon's, EI,reath (Reg~lrar) RII"'y ILuiCrB (RegQ;lI:ar) Grall1e Walkers 1 Sf (IRegulaJ~) 2nd I(Regular) IGra~ IDeath Leglcm (Vie't.emn) Glreg(!J'~,lang Sbiders 'Gl'e~iI'1} lHiansenls R:ougllliriders (Ve-teranl~ Hslen Hotheads, (RegUlar' IIC!nigh1s of St. Cameron 1ist{Green) 2nd ~:G!foonl} Mbb1lel filre (Flegular) Narhaf~s Rai,delTs 115~{A~giillaf) 2nd (He>g,ularJ' Richard's P,8ruer D~lgade (Vet,erar!') S4ea:I;thy' lilgersi (Re!,;luJ!aw),

Fatima Winfield A!larion Newi:owi'l Sq:\.lam S!koooia AI'IY'Nh:er"e

Ail Hillah


Kobe ~'ellig8nd'~ei.i~ Sabl'k.'




Bone-Norma.n f,ord
S'uk 1<1 New' Kyoto


IBuena Canal

Poulioo Penaacler Kobe




Lorie Bes.sara!Dfa New'Eal1!h Oomean IV

MaliSu Menkent

waco Rangers
12 Star ,Gii8rds 1st {VHwran) 2nd (A:egular) 3m [Veta,ranl_), 7'1lh(Greer!)


ly'Cns Ly"'Ons


AUla limbros In



HAR:Vl:s:r lII'Ie plaJnet !Harvest is a ma]m s!upplte:Jjof foodsluffli,k:J'lhe FI\Hal~ hag!!J.QdisUio[ .;Iod liherefme1llll' iliTllp@r~

!iI!l€lnJng- The Fourth Doneg!1ll1GIIJl~mjJs. Ule Fi~$tLyr~!I'1, Ftegl!Jtilars, 1he Third ly~om Aegu~ars" and almos~ t!'1~an«J' 1,y and I3lilk ~egimenls droppfld omQ !he otm1in,efilt of Ohio" wh~r'e trrIo;;;lof

!he plalne1':s




lW,ie5;·"Iir,e locatect O~poISil!11glhem ~~e

two meroonary 'Meehi regitn!llnLS. th~ IF'iil1lJ11Amphlg~an IUghl.Assa:u1It GroLl P ,

arne! Hel'rnufs HermilS. as weill as .20 fflgjmen~$, Q~ ~nf:8!ntliY and armor, Any d~ubb$lhat ~he Ugn:lni~ Companies wou,ld prove ~Mlr worth YIIere, 'rorgatlen on 1Ha!rVe!&t On two
O~$ioni5, dUringlhis! IBa:illefor


galobee Fieldsaoo du r.i ng, 1he cleoidlIng Balle f,br PUiSOIlJl Hill,~h,e swifit 'Machs, of aUlhree Ughltn~ng Co:mpa~ niesexp!o~ted weaknesses il'l the enemyl'il'1€!s, After Ugh'ljng~hrol!lgh, tlf1cQyreated havoc il1'llh!E!rear areas o of~ee)(f(eme~ S!llIrp~i~edenemy,


ISasiiiarle ~s a, sma'll,watGFiPOOr wo~dorbiiling a 'tiny sfar. ~f BasJliaJ!'tO wen;: anywlilertil' else: tin the linneT Sphe~e.lit wmJlrd be considered <In ins;ignilicanl ba:t;l!:waw,f, a plaOOwh!1!r,e peopl~' g;o 1;0g~!I\;)S!. BiLlIlEia(:liriano is a. oO!fd:er worid" and so fhe [lr.ioof'l~s 'Oo:rnotrl;e' assignoo Ofii€lo~'i~ best. 'Mech 're:glm~n,l$~t:l defend iL Colone~ Lk~yd MGGia~rIi'S Regiment (Jirlhe Nrg:fit SI(lJliters !$ Ino~orf:oU$ among lyrcan(:l be~us€1 a1 ~~s ma:rzuyraids ~l1Itolhe' IComn:ru,mweaill;1. [EIlITOR'SOOil1O; Ra!,!'i<s,O'I DeMS officers, aJr:€l ~veli! g In Eng!JsJh.1 The Twenty-fourth and the, Twentylififlh A:rcliuir<;llfil GlJlams ami the mef,cenifllry B!ackhe~rm were ~ook~liIg l~iWange ~Qr onfrle Nigl1,1 5t~lkers 'bull :~pem ~he!fil'sl 1hree weeks bii!~1i'IQ1 QuLman.wvei'W, by 'Ihe CQmb:ln~ 'iM:~1fI5. Weni'!! it !,,!.QIt for the lighlni~ OQnnpan~es U:mlwo Guams lr'e.gimelilfs ,!he Common· af weallh tOrnas wOiJ.!llti a~Ei btiElfillOlilUV outclassed, h


Th,e Night Stalkers wanlout of rcu:nrn lQ' mn l'leaJ1' the city Qf PadUa. Wt!lledeooin9' o:J:fthe l[gJMnlng Oompany ef ~ha "rIjiilElnty· fOul'ilh Ar,:eturan GUi;:utls, Ciolooel McGavin n eg'lec!etilhe Ughilnifig 'Oo.rnp9!ny ofth~Twef'lW"ti1tlJ~ GU<Ii~da, whict1,ihad Imelil tr<lll~por:too allea(j . .st.J,rp~ns~d,~hQ Night Swtkers made~he miS1ak€i'of $11;I9iolng i~IOU! withl Hie two wiTI,parilies. The heaiyy'Mechs o,t lhe lwenly,iroortlnArdufaJll GlJlams and U~e'Bla(;lirnearis cau'lJlhllup and Gl1Iciirclooti!lel Ni.g.h~Stal ~et(s, By til.Cr~ficing '3 COntRaI'!<Y ~r heavier 'Meohs,~hl3: of ~he M!iJhf Stalker~ man~ed to ,eStl3pe, ,Seeing 'flO hope ,of I1cldinglhe p,lanel:,~hG N'lg'tH $~alkers




Wheell wiiS the one pl~:l.Oe1Nher'BlI11ewar was (ougtlt with sklll. oo:mpassion, and honor. TliIe lCAFsent two mercen~ry 'Mech Ir~lments,1he Rrst NamaJ Ra.iders ;a;Jlld IHafIi$!l:IfiI'S RJOlJ;g'nfilders, to 1~8' Wlleel. was 'defended by'the Toolh ,of Ymir; The planers i1o!1'llal irilfanby Me tanl< mgiments wflre miss,ing, because it mOrlIth earrl'ier a bomb !'lad exploded In the capl1w cjlY~: Hijolhal: killed ,on9 of 1he Coordi nator's oo:nooblnes. Investi· ga1iolf'tS poim:ed ,to the' garfison '[o,tes" (711e bomb had adu~lIy beenflheW'crk oflhe T-yr.) When turtihe:ril'!'1estigattons faJlmlro frnd the guilly pa~, Ilhe' Cocu;dimitm, in af,i~ of Mger el(;treme' sti!.(pidlly, ord'eredtha elUire garri~ltal1sml'l'ed to' ILYl!hien so Subhash Indr,aJM' himself 0001(11 "C'8jol'e~ 'l'ne fru~h o~1 of the soldl'e:rs. 00l:o;n81 Davis Hel.i'G:f. commandEr of the Tooth" was lief! wh1h 'len militia regimenls;' IUp 'of gJ;~,yi:ngl,grand'par~l"1ts <IflC their' glgQIii1g1 grandchildren. His entire AeroSpace force cooS'lsted 0:1 ,six aging Sholagars: Iliown by am:1ilJleurs,



Whenlhe' NaJillail flaide,s, and lI1an~n'5 flaughfide,s hit'Lheir driilrnones, CoIOOell-ieiler semt them ,a, comml.lniqllle IDi:l}lail1ling his, lP-r,-edT:eamentaoo re~ue51til"lg that ~helligh[ fO!' the' Iplruiiet be ' fou:gl'i1 "'wlU,1 the 'ol'd mles=-!M'oclhs agail"!iS1 'Mechs,! wa:l\riors, ,agaii1iS!t w,a!il'iQrs; let honor among profecssionals save the IIYes of 1he innol;len~s. ~WHhellJrl: IhBls~a.Uon. Colonel Gemwdt Hansen and wliImam,·GenernJ William Matlhews .atcep~1 the N.Jles., otd'erJrrgl Iheir iniantlF}1'andirank rEljJiments to s~ay put The '1ih1!"OO 'Mech r.eglmen'ls Ioughl forthroo d'ays on Red DtiSJe,rlIFflals; 'Ilin;' froor of a oannail'l'l: vdJcana,. Ril1laJly, the Raiders" and A.QugMders SUfrol.UilOed 1he Tco~h. which ha.d "051 OJ batlal·, ion. fla.ising~eir 'Mechsi'arms I!'II S!!II'ute, 1heoomma~rs of the Ih~oo regim~11!1Il rderoo a cease-fire and oorderooce. o The flgillt for Wheel en.ded' 'When GoJlonel ~eiler sal'uted 111e o~ni'i:rMe! rommandern, who sal!!Jiled him in return. All 1hf'e8 returned to their regiments. and tihe!fwo ,sil1f!S slowly parled. The 100'lh of Ymir rstr,a:alled ofl Wfl.~" ,andl the Raidlm; ,iind the Aoughridl1lrs qule-tliY assl!Jlmed coiMfGI m the f,llillin'tst

MOImk presenfedl the LeAF with CI chanoe to captu're Thsodore Kurita, oommandeulf the' Eh;!vel1~h,Legion 0'1 Vegtl! and heil' 1iii!)p!~.r,ei'l~Coordinator Takashiil Kurila. 10 capture or kill TakaCi,1 shi;s son wou'ld Pillt Une 'Oombi ne i,mo a pol'it[:eall irenq-. ThEl'LeAF dellised what ~tli)or1sider,OOIo be aro@lproofplaritotaklaTheoclm'f! t KiiJrita OU[ of the pic~L!re, but made' 01'16'mistike: i[ YlFlderes'fiimaled Th~ore Kurita's abilitie,s as a Ileader. Ths Eteven1h and 1he O'diler legions of Vega wera dl.l mpi ng grounds for ma~oon~mt!l and mis'fi'1 W8!'i~lors in ilia 'DeMS, ,aOOIT'heOOore, Wi!!iS placed in command of them as a punishment. Though ITi:iiloontenils, h!awEivilJ',lhe warrior of 1he Elevtmlh were' skilled 'lilghlle1rs. and'iflh.e{lr dore Kl!Jri~awas a ta!~l1ted commander. The leAF assigfledlJhe eli,1e Fourth .skye Rangers and 25 ~manlry and ~allk, Ir~1menlls, to oon:q:uer Marfi'k and capture th~ prize f,~omthe multi-oolored, nightmare 'MedhS oflhe iEle'll9fi1th Leglon of Vega aM t'We'lw oihMr reg ImerHs spread out to defend Ihe lil'lanef'!; maJo:r ccntinent ot North Galfree. The Rangers approadhed It:ie' ,pJlru'iletilliId d~pped wJtl1on.Jl: oppositiofll because Hw Legl'iilnls fighters, were Ml ~pacewonRy. Troubles for Ihe 'Dommornweallih began ~So'mafter 1hm. BemllJlse of lihe Skye- IRanger.s· aliliariion wfthU16' Lestm:adefamlly, the Ardhon',s blUeres1. pol'itimilll foes" ,the 'Med'l unit had a1wa.ys, resenlOOl ~Davioo chai1ges~ in 'Ihe leAF. This, became appiilrernt. when the IAan9lers dlSObeyedl the' lbaffle pian and I'ett ~flelrrn~an~i'Y and armor behilltil. Cdion;ellKul'liteJ Md hili:;! "Mecns metlJhe, 1Rangers ilea1 a IsmaU mining 'Iown called Mr.1ssil'lgllam. ~ing E llhe Rangers to be' !lCOQmpaniOOl by pl&my ,or support, ~e arranged "'is own ~roops iii! ~(mgskirm'islll nne'S. HEI hoped to, 'E!ting1he enemy, tOOF'ldisal)pear into the woods, betund him, Whenl ColOMI Kwita,realized 1hatV1e 'CommooweaJlih"Me~s 'We~e ait'.lne, he changed I'IIs-plans, A 'feint by hl~,Mechs, s1all'ed the R~~rs long 'einoug'h 1'crhls infanr1ry ,and ' ,armor U1'r~lrear ilmo fl:'ie"wool;ls. Tihm, wi~ha last saJvo,01' 'Meeh 'lire. ~he Ulgion fumed <me nad the f,i!1!ld.

~ar above Marf~k, a Union ClaJ55 [)ro;pShip, with lias~i!y pa~n~ed Commonw9al·th markirl!gs,. was, headiog fQrltile, Nadir JurnplPt;Jint. There~ a ILyr<'l!rn1 .S'oout CI'as.s JlIJlmp8hip,. of ~he 'POrlrYIExpres$ s,[i)ips, ~Siedlto c!:my reportsaoo ord~,r,$:!r), and fram th~ from, wait,edl,. '~appfat the newslheyware ~eceMngrrom tlile pl~nel, lihe JurnopSt;)lP mew dkl not gm ~uSir>ici'Qouswhen the approadhifllg lC)ropShlp faliledl to idell1lify;1fami its pmpos~, nieY just as"slIJmflea tMt anofl[oa~ was hib;:liIIlfllg a rijd~ ba,ek to. the Com~niJRwealilh, Colenell :~LJri.~a,'$ perso~ ,guaJF,dsseized the shjp's G~eww.ith Iitrl9~ou~e.With eve!'!!le';;m]!5ltJoerOOd'lhe cre-'!Yto I

The R:arlgers proudly Irad:ioed back te ~n~aI.t'iGr Oomrnoii!' had l!'Outed~h$ L~io:n ·arr.dl ere about w ~Q cap'lur-e' Go!on:el Kmim. Supremely ronf.idel1lt,l.iley erdflooctihe' dark tomst aoo prompl'l" 'QOllost j~st as Gcill:l:nel KuI'lIt.a: hoped. lhad for ~WQ lc1ours, they stumtl!led aOOut..llookiing for a pa'lh, JuiSt aslihey wet$fi~any ,emergingl, they feGeived reports f,rom two Commonwealth regim€lnts ~tYiFelgI10 lake Gether's Je!Ne'I, a $m~dlicily 60 ki'lomelern to, Une westTihG:c:olo~~I:of ,one Qf 'lhe Ir,eg:imG'n~s, said, in a.~eporUined w;ithSaJ~caEm ~or~h;e, A:otngers"~nal: 1he sUIlPosedly wmcrrui~ac1 COmblfilEi 'IMechs, were hI3!ving a wondflrlll.lli time 1~~r!t"Iill'llg ~rQ~md,shooling, andst€!pping Or1llll10

weaJt1:l1 regimentsthauhey

lanks of her regiment.

Shamed,;. th~ RarJgers retu moo to the o:r,iginal batlls plan, WhiQh irmlUldoo hea'!l)f use ol AeroSpace Aghters~o keep track of thi,6 Legioo, lhis prQved much more .su~ssful. <mel th_e Commo!'l& lNfi!Ith forces smm had lhe Legion al'iJdits ,aJlit9irLd~Jl!tn~glm9~!~, UOOirlig eas;1,.away 'rrolT!l ~h.eirDrqpShrps. i8:affies were ~ho.rI.;.witihl1'i!e Commonwealli'll~5 numeriicall s~periimily and love ~or Oij haa.vy toll on lhe Combine ~orOEl,. Despite the lesses, Colonell Kurita was S:M.wing gmat skill! tiilit d'Qing,e!i!1,~en$iWdamage <md escaping 10 flg~t agai n. He S~I not on!,,, SlilpeJ10ftaelt~1 ab11ltTe;s, Ul~ b .a]so~~~e:nl charisma wl.1h his tMo~PS' IntefO!i!Pled .c.oOlllmliJlriliclMlionSain~e)j a p pf,Clure of gJl'Jl omoor wMf~rga~e Ia.pses in mliitalry prowool,~h.Q 'wil'lingly'llis,tQ~1 to offic~ers~ro-m~fi!fa!'\ltry ~nd t1llrlfo(Irl8il~me:rJ,h;., and who SI~emedto !lave'a! genuin9 ooncemoor his nCl~ps,.a fa:~ ory hom the usual tyrai'i~officer 'oflhe DeMS. B\9,tUeiiiflld I:millim'l!oo can gCi o:nlyso fa~ in offSeWI1!J superiQr numbers and fill'ept#we:t_ l)e$~i1e his bes!~ eti.o:r;:Is;,Oolonel Kl!r~la ' oo!!ll~d not pr~t t'iis 'Mecn regijmeil'ii~ :!rom bei!'\g gl'OLJiJ'lId down 10, U1iemlo, Vega"


a company o~able 'Machs §~ another ofd~mag0d 'Mechs, moot of whiCh QCluld Ir;lot f{lln~,,R~ali2lns'lihat. there was lilitle hope,

iCoionel1 ~[i!,1uJrI:a,tJihese a Si,~for anlrion(lfable endl, thegen~le green 111iill!s outsi'de Silika, a ~mall CO!aS~a~ Oily. T,(')W,ai'd dl!.hSi!:., as Uio fil'S:~'coh,,lmns of Com!lirlonweal,th me~on· rl~dssam::$1tan'k:swere appe.a:rinl;ll, CoionGI Kurita ~e:rilll\edI S!!il:priis" r ing rU:l'WS. A Uniafi ClacSs DrqpShi&ll'ladcrasll'l-,landed .aJI· Sitika,'s ai~,port a month earlieu. it had ~!1i lrepaired but was Iomotilln in ~e onaQS ,Q'Nll'le [miaiSi~O:!'I.1I1mLJg'h s'kep"d~1 because toor,e w.e:~,e. no CiombiM JiJlmpSl1ips inlhe Martiksystem. Coion,aIIIKi1.llFiU!IQjall,1lI in to th.e lpleadings Qf hb. comman,diSJh~f:I and agre"Qd to flee. ToO .5UMVSi' tne'nad to iSlaU ComrrlO.nwealth tro:ops la:ngenou:ghlto enter Sitik;a. board the OropShip, ;and escape [befora the enemy ma~iZfldit lha next IDQmiO!.Jj. the batik! oommenced.n, ~h.e, it s.gemed~at Colonel Kunta .was tlo!dlng his oo:m~a!l1Yof IMeclu:;. in reserve, walti'flg tor 211,ap~mJprjale thie to use ~~\m. 1I'iha~!ime carne when ,91 [:'o:mmOli!w.eatth ~1lirtk reg~mern brokelhr-ough Ihe Ii!i'resalnd n~cedtoward'S!itkka.lhe l:~10n's "MeohiSlr, did~her RQ1g~rs',whitz:h pushedll1!1'olJg;hJ1hel~n.ebe'h1nd the tanks. Ttlill ctiargll1g R~r:I;gers am filot l'Iotice ~1m~U Comml1le tlh~ 'Mechs YIWm ~$i nQ' Ol'i!~.ya fiJW ,of their weapons; aAd tha~some of ~h*ilirarms seemed 1of+a.i1 ,aoo.un Me lass Iy, "wnenlih.a IAang· el'S mtdl dO$ed to within punchiog rangE! and ornlll of~emr reached mJl:~o grab an 8fIft'! ma Legion.1Mecll, il y,anl!!ed away a:s~h~~mefal oop~, sti.owilng llieFlru'ilgGrsl:lilat~h:&y had been malml•

j[iM FllrM:Sl::Ii"I,~~r!g'TraJ1liing Oad~esLJ,fferied.a.s1milarfau!,M lih.e hands of 1he Fitle.enhllr LyrolO Ragi.lrars. rh~Commonweallh f.o:rqesimmdingl Wmngar1!Qi"I fouooQne firs] Sl.lIl!"!1 Zhang batlianon filled Wi~h:g~nr .~ ami unfiffor duly. TheF'Brtn8inh'1.l;lILWO, batlalto:ns had been staU(med at~a1e bases an thep['.1l.llet. ThJ h!ilffil'iesl r~h1inQ QOOL:m,ed jUi!il o'!oI~sidetM ~a:Ma~ ,cily ,of IBulSon Ela:y, wihere' a f(;uJllta wnk reg~ment~mptedl t.@ IP~B'rle!lla b'atlalionlo~ Lyraf! 'Meoosfrom '8.i!'iilenngl~9 e~tyi.IIfiiti'lhe lool'Mea'hr t ojf Ute PiMl Sun Zhang hiM bee'n Hyairuated. On 'Katld'is, the lwenly"si:dl'l LlYfafl G.'uards faced Un;]!m:erCEln,arySt. Oyr HGIlVY ASISa'!.dt Gro'Up. 11'11;g n marked by a heaw 'Mecl1i GrlaJl'ge'S. the Twenly·six~hi caJu.Yn~af!d ma_uloo 1hie' SeOOndi 8atl.alr~r'I of line St. Oyr 'oiilthe tro.~en planes of leic, FOO!Iiil'llg t'urthe:r damage, the r&1 ol~he St Cyr HAG fled the :pl'alnQ'l~ . The'Tamll Lyran '6'Uardls, oommandeL'!l by Cio1ooel Froo~ridk Sloe:Trner, waJsOl!s!ligned to take lKaMb.ala,which wa'S defended by Vande~ay's 'Va[~.Yrjes atnd' twelve infcmtJ"y and armor regime1!1ts. 'QoJa:nei Steiner sn~ lhow much heU1lolJQh~ of tins 'cousin's Imil'itafY iliil'!ovatiQ.r:!1$ hefllhe Ie1\!tnis,SLlP,portiI1lQ r,agr.menl$beh~!1d w ~o ailitatJk1ll!H Valk~i'ir[ec.saJ.OOG'.Iflile ware less skilled, his rnshaction would oos=t Iilis :reglmeli'l1 de-MY' •. /J!I.s ~. was;,~e Ten~h' SlJS~iiliiipu:ld! tner iflIamage ~hmlmosl CQ:mm(!l:nWSial~111 im~tsthat m reg saw fW[CJI as muooa.otl:Or!I. The Valkynestook 1helr wUh them wI'iIen the'll ~~Wa;f~f;f,om KarbaJlai. The RCTs of 1he lh~rue~h~ Lyran Gua~ds afild ~her,e"ll'il IDonega~ G\IIarcs appeared[ ~n~'h,Q N&w C~ledoniaJ ,~sfem on A1l1igust 22·. FaclNgI th:em was tflie' Seoono' AlnrTIng Legion a;rndla r largerltiarJI lBili:peotOOIfillUmber; of AeroSp-aoe 'Fig:'hters. Surprise wa_s:~all,The .lyran ~lJaFt,dsilatildednorth of the legion :!iIaJtiooedl aUha !pI1ane1"scapilal aJl'ldmajor ~ru]uiS:Ui~11el1~e1r Qf IAedtev ,whi'la c [00 D@negalll3'uaw$land.9dsoum.TheAnTingIlo:S1:morethan20 pel"OOln.tol lits eqlJipmerU loowre it '9scapedfr,Qm New Ga~gdoniaJ.


The Eighlh Donegal ~uards iflvadl1ld~he planet Moritz., d~feooed byllhe, Fi,flh Sun Zhang Ac;;tdemy Cac;ire. ASIi1:Opedi, the Cadre W,llIS 11lIfiderslreng~n baCaU5E! ,~fr,eoe~u gr,adu!l!tions'_oo U·8!rlsf€J'$, lhe ~gh1to.r p:l.cmet was 'lie~ but quick. II~.emleodl when 'lhe Gl,lafC!s tmjk.e through ~he Cadmand drove for rN~ Coffloo, ~ha cap]~arll of Ma~rrlz,The Fifth Si!;mZh<mg f,e1reated ~rom M.OI',itz wW'I al'most hd 0:1" its com.plemerl'1 i'lU!ed,. mi§$T.ngl,or



Though campaigns ror s€V!eraJlKey planets W€ire' continuing, the lil'litial i,nVaSVlJl'lfS had captLJ.Fool more territory than atlyiOfle though~ pos5iiblril_. Il;!esides, thotiO<lalreadry clT:!;lGussed, the' LeAF also :!fIei'2oollti€l WQ,rlds ,O'r A~ Hi~liah, Caml!lllt)!1. Dijosd, HypEl~ionl. Jaibll.lIka. KQl, Ore$l€'s, Ramsau, Sab~I!;.,Shaul@l~Sihionoh<ll. and Voiders. ifihe leAF !'lad also damagedSQrI:l!~! very 'goodl DC:MiS weg~me:nts.Insom0' 'cases" Cornblna regiments Ih~ldes>oatf)ed wl,th only h:alfthe!ir lomes. II is: ~if!rii;~I'~~Q:say whol WillS trnQr,~ ~hod~ed b~ li1e ill1i~ial $U()QFi1SSf Operation o G6t1:emarn meruog,lhe mUita:ry of HOIiJ,se Ku ritilllOr UheHigh Commi3J'ld otlhe Lyra_11l CQr"limornv,e.aJtnl" Forlhili [lCMS,. the iosses look a psyCihologi!C1il!olllaJS weill" Comblne Pfflpag~UldOi!Ihad alw8!ys boasted ~hat the lyrans migh1 be ski I~ed at the f,e.ssnertorable titlisk of tradurl,gl Qoods,om '~hatltney eQuid n~verl!ghl: with sikill or (;(liurage.

Wnen the L:CAFloraoo Combine lmops '10 nilt~eat, seM~ral DeMS 5Q~diers.parlicularlyltJe offioe,r elite, oomm~tledseppukurlltlJ'al 5'iJicici9-----'to atone fen der,:eal al ~he! lilandsQf inferil;lrs, Tihlis l1lapp€u'leH;I wi~h d!LWa.StaUr1g ~Jf,oot O~ .Jabuk.~t. w1i!€l11! thl1l N~I1[Iiltoofllfh Arctufa'J'l G~ard!5, cornmand6d by leUJ!n;jljtrlt·Cotooel Yvonl'l!~ IDelllra, tJ€sled the Fifth Aasaltaague Regulars" commandw' by' Ge!'1le~~1 ich'T KaJnuO:h~~" ,in <I miinor s~fnrrni$h. Shocked and ~ 5ham~1 al having' been cetu!ed by a ly~iilInWCIThi3I'l1,lhli!G~liIefail oom!'ll'littoo1 seppuku, tearvn!1,{l' command to hi:s ex.eGul~i'M':e·QmOO\r, who wru),such <i. POOflaClichil.!'11 tlh~t th~ Fifth 1113_0 to a_bandon JlatilJka·aJ w~~k :101I.~9r_ 10t111~ Lim:h~rhom the C-oordin!!:l.jor~orbid· <lin ding se,Plf'l'uku~r~'Ifflntoo mo~~ of Ul'~ DOMS':s 00$1 ofHeillrsflr:OlTl kill'i nglilllemsri!'lves_" On o'Iher p~an.€'I:51 such as I~GI. Sabik,' and ~yperi'orl. IKiu.nita unlils ,O'f quoo:liol'1a;IjI'e' l'oya:IW yT>eildEld witlilou:1 much ,of a~ig"t.


Bucklili'!inst,!.n was ,<I kiey world in t!i'le Coml'fiol'ilwea:ltl1's plans, SInce it was a Iprefect c~ltall. 'ltJiepl.mal was; a, mapr csnte,f 01 me Dra: lConus Ce,m'bine' ItU.lI~ ~!Ela!.uml!::y', Se,j,zing' Buckmmsler"wllihl ilI$ vital records amrl impcr~ tant poliddians,woutd creaIem.eme:ncfoLlis eenJ!liS'lool ~hElpre:fecNlre in far years,. Pr'o'te,~ting the wo:Mldlwem Lord KiiJIl'il~a"s, etite SeoondSwcrd of Ugh~reglmer:tt al1ld' 22 of


infantry and

sihips as they appltOOChedl l81i:J1ckrlrllns'ter. The unusually i'I1gh

tank regjm.en1s, iilll 1he' OC MS, The !LeAF ia5: signedl1he' Thilid IlFIo,y-al Guan:ls and title 39 regiments ,01~tsIFrlGlto 1., 1he IP1~et The lili!:ll'di R,oysls w,en~ commanded bV Le~mrurt~ Generall RomanSminer,;!',il1 of many berttl:es and hus~ed o~ 1he Archon. lifl:e main 1i:!rget Q;f ti"le LCAF fmt}os, was qudliminster Cily, c",plF tal 'of ~oopjanet anal t~ pr,gfeot, 'on tile COl'iltJnoot ,of SanJ,useindQ. Genem! Goshli Tengwan, lCommiij'lQ'er ~f the SeCW'lld SWQ',rd of Ught and ~ perooli'llresp~Mfble' t,orr Eluokim~~' steir's, de.fanse.wncentlral'ed allmost ,alII lof INs lF~ on ~he ,condnent" 'ElspeoiaJl¥ around Bu~ili1i$ter Cily. His batue plan wasfor' Ilesser regiments 'to d'eiaF~he CDlil'lmO'ii1,ws'a1ltiil i!'llva.ders untrl1ho' SWord ali' tight ()ould ,atriw 1£1' cn:lsh Ulem. Tillfle Kuriran' DropShips ,eatJY,irnQ"fighters attad!ted the ,leAF


tl'llfimby and 'taiilks '~~ansportedl hovercraft. II drew 'to, li1 Mo by CQmbin8 regimoot,s o~ mechai1~.EId inr~try ,omd ena ~arlk. reg,j,. r

The' 'Mechs anile RoyaJ,GL!a:rQswere walking on the shallow

number of fighters; IpralOO1iog '~heCommol'lll¥ea:lth srupslU11I'Ied back Kuritall'l defenders, The CcrnmonweaJlh drop z,cnes surprised the Qxnbine' uflits. IInstead of lilanding 'on ,Sanlli!sendo Inear ~he capital dy. 'the Third R~a:l G~rds, 9'~ o~m mgimefilltS j;h~5E1l 'Lemam Island. A:l,jho~- undefended andwilh many landing sites 'r'OrIlmopShfpsi. t.exliam 'Was 3,000 killometers. two ImoiJntain ranges, and I;l difliclJH:bea~h ~WI'lt awa,J '1'rorrI tlhe Comrm:m'wealtWs, OilJ,eCl~e. One~f therosons IAxham 1~IMd"Waschosen bemuneolear when Ge:ln!ell'aill $le!n:e:ruruoaded Sea S:ldmmer Hydroforls" Monitor Gunboats,and many' hOlitet'or·aftfwm Ihis !1JmpS'hJp., The,f<iitst USBI ot '!he IFir,st ProYisionaJ Lyran Wawr Navy,lke IPLWN, was 'tQ s~rl:1Jh9 RoyalIGuafd!!,"twD,bea~h assau"Jls,agllnst S.. ~useooo" The' first assauH:" agailiWlhe, VeioN 1~l'1insula, was Imade by


seabed ttlW~ the 'Cdr.oa.IPenifiltiiJI'l:akUhe'Wtil, Their ia:r'ding 'was vJHuall¥ ILiloOpposedl. The 'M£iiChs headed lip Ilia: ooaS1 and a1:. t~rwd 1It(lilritiin fOFces, thai: lhad IMc:l1ryiil'llg Ui pinch off the VeloH landi!lls. BecaUiSe he feared that 1he Lexham drop was a diversllQfI!and thai: iii, second I£I\!IF rag!ment would [mrv,i!Ide Buckmill'lster" General
liBngwm'llil'lis~ianr,~u"Ily.He'CO:hlld havs:mo\fad a lance of heavy "M'edhs and a.regimoot of lheavy taMs and ,artillery from the inlMllll ICily of Pootlac tOI push ~he in"\ilade~ b. ffi!tQ '!he· oo~. Instead, ~11eywere held in rS5erve to defe.llclaga]I'Ist"iIln e!XpeG1:edi secom ,enemy drqp. ' Aftet defeatingl 'he light ~h de1e!'1!se~ the Royal Gil.lards, split :in'lo "two Isub·~lments. eadh wi~htwo ~tmIions and a Ugh~ln!J Oompan)l' ,cit IMechs,. The other regimentS were also divided into MO ro~aui,.ihetwo gf'OIiJPS headed Inland" Dna groop heading through Cartll mountam, passdir'E!lllily north andlhe'olher 1hrQugh ,Fever Pass 'l'O 'ltiiSiloo!iltliwe&l.

As thegrol.llld elements begaurultieif march,lhe' ships,and I'tover,crafl of the PLWN Iheaded sou~heiiaSl Canyi.ngllwo i"eglfim~nls off infral1'li)i.lhe f[otfl1la,beganl a smes at ~aid:S00 ~f1ecoast Theif ,destroyed mililtary targelS and seiled 1cmd <rna Juel tr'orn coastal ci.1ies. Inlsnd, Combine de'lendl9~nried ta, stop the Commonweann advance b,y ~j'iggerun'lg landslides and by nTg9ing I:mo'o,rlraps ijj'll the mountain passes. but the lla:rge'f 'Commonweallh iMechs and vehicles spoiled their attemplS_ FlOIrced to f(gllt liI"iIhspass, two Kuri~a bat1alions of Ilight 1alflks and a regimen~ 0'1 mOl.1Il1ain ~roo,ps OO'u~d'l!1:o<l s1and up t'O, 1he advam::iifllg ly,ran fOriOes. Once llirougihlhe mmntaln passes. '~helyran'S had II"I,ntl1iiflQ in,lheir W8¥ _iJ'il'Iillhey Iteacliioo Ihe city of Piol"lltiac_W,1lii~ingIIihElre t w&~i!i three 1ank regimen~s. an anillery batlallont, 'lJuee if'il~al'llJ)' megimems", anld a company of ~eavy 'Mef.Chsfw,om ~nd' Ih~' SWo~d o,f IUglht.. Rather fhan s:low ~e' eoom force, General Stetnar left a dewcll1merd of Iroops W subdue thH cily and oont the JElst of lJhe forces h)"'lI<l!r,d ncr1heast IFourlllen regimefl~. '11IIUhraompany' lihe c of heavy 'Me(:hs, ,encircledlhe oity and ,auem,pl:ed to en1er. They quickly discav.ered tM'1 the Kl.llliitarJl,artillery was deadiyaoclJIra1eo and woi.J~d Qonlinue to inDict h9a1\.!'Ycasual.lies IUlnless; someth Iflg was dOi'l8. ,Flepeahild somes, by the Gi!l'ards" Aa"oSpaoo Flgl1lets 'IinaJ'ly silel'llooo ,tn:eIKu~lt}ln artillery unil' and! sawed ,Romiacls f~L~" The'thlrd Roya1 Guards, ait@rthelr \IkI:o!ry ,~tPo;nnoo, racoo actoss!he' ICenllrai plains, ol'SanjuooNiio. B~ ~he errld,of Oi::~ber. 1hey werefaoing the Gmerslli"llMo~main Ral"ltllli'ancilhe f1irsE major chillllmrtge fr·om Uile Seoond Sword 01 Ughl. That ,Fegimenf, along with several ~i1farlt~!)' !nd anmm m,giments. blockied the 'two main a pa1hs; 1M:mghthe mountains." 5h.mde~s Pass and G~E!Elrs(m, Pass. 'Gene-tal Steiner did not IIfi'ayiSJ lldificle'flt 'IrQCJIstofcrce his way s '~hfOU9'hthe paSS&S. furtllermom'"lhe, lyf,ilIi1 In1etagence Corps repcrt'ed~hat 'tine Sixfil Arl'i:a'b 'Mi'ch regiment cn lrolloc; IP'rime mTgh1 be prepariDigI 1:0rnliiifa1'C9 1he' Sword of ILight. I~~ha1were' 'Irue. CommmnveaHhfQ~,ces had 'to ercss lh:e Greerson Mountains ~,Qre the A:rikab amlved or they In~,er 'would. •... Throughilhe oou ~f.er5151el1l"l, Genera'! ficrnawl S~ej,rl~r ent a s 1~l.Jest to Gene:ral Nandi SteIner f'{lf the Lise of 1he IEI\ridJi1e:r. unit a oI ::ilx /:;o.rtll!JSS Class DropSl'lips. His request 'was gr,an1ed. If! 9caildinaviaJ'il mylhology; E1vidner was 1he ftu'ilt,QSS of death. The nomte proved very a;ppro,pri;a,te. The Third Royalsallila:ck~d 'Ihe Combine tomes lholding the mounlail'l es. The ,attack, whita fier.cEl,'was mot ifltend~d to win ~ gmt.llnd but ~.odiYm, '!he enemy!> atienlion. Far ,abovEi 'ltiiem. six FOlYeS$ D~o;pShips were eNering Buckm]l'ls1er's atmosphere.




lhe DropS hips were almosh'i-sibile to Ih~ eye befo~eGeneral Te,ngwan was informed 01the drop. !-Ie immedia~aly ,or'dfm~'d his iroops to tloan;d!on tl1eiw defens.iv,e IFi'O'sitiO'I'I.5and th~ mOllO'laili! pass, Some of his hoops did not uooerstand Une 1Ur9£!Jlcy ictaled d by Ithe approaching Commonweallh DropShips. They pand ,dearly for fheilr tardin(\!ss, General S~einer ordered his ~roops ~opursue 1he wir~Mrnwingl IKurita soh:liers, As 'General Tengwiln approached th.e end oHh:e mOH ntain pa$S, his,worst fears were realized. Through hiisbinoculars, he could see fihree of the huge, squat Fonress 'DropS'hlps across the rnouthet tM Ipa:ss. l'1e Ik;nevl.i hatlfllll ships.' inc:redib'11E! r fiir~lJower WQI).lI!d1 creale broad killingl Ra nes, thmu gh which only the SwiHest and most Ihe:a.Viily rmored 'M6Chs oo!.lld sseepe. For the a mo:rnenl:, th·e best he cou!dl do was Ihold bar.k ~he 'cha~g1ng Third IRoyaJs,wh,iile he' hied to Hnd a safe pa:!h past ltie [)'rqpShi,ps. In I:he' ollhef pass, General T engwan"s 9xecutirvSl officer was f,acilngl Ithe, same s'itu anon. At fi'rsl:, Draoo.nis. ~roops s,toppedllJhe (;omrmcmw9ailh forces, and! seemed to be in high spirtls.llhail chang;edl whe!l"la lol'lg 10m artillery lPi~e rose Irom lihe nose '01'eachl leAF IJropShlp and flired. Even though the fl rSI shols werrE! peorly aimed, the explo~ stons'1neNOO two reg 1ments 0'1green By(:kminster mi'li~ia. With enemy troops in hOIlI: of them and the Drop'Ships, be'i1il'ld, ~hey chose' the Iatte:r in the vain hope Ihal 'Ihey could fi 1"10 way :past the a metal beMmolhs. They br'oke and ran t.ow.erd~he D rop.Shfps. ,Soon more seasQn.ed regi ments under G E\iFl'eral T'engwanl began bre.akir1iQl.nan"k crews abandoned [h eif v-ehicre-s;sold,iers, pl.:!'1 down tHe1r weapons and Iran or hid. Soo,inglihe ,growing panlo, Comm onweaW'I1 foroeiS pne:ssed '~ne V€,teran CombTnG' regiments thal had n;ollool~9d. . Gener'al TBIlgwan, faCEd wilih disas1er, !had no cholce but to' o.rd€!-ra retrea1 as 'lihe liIr&t panidkingl soldiers were jll'sl reachingllhe Dro:pSlrli,p'S.As e.xpect,edl, none escaped the 'liTe ~f 'Ihe ~l1lnooships. S:e.eing no paim pas! the [Drop'Slhip'S, 'the general usee! ~he onlv tael:io,OlvillJilable to,hil'l1F--Pl"195'entinglihe sh ips wi til so many lairgets, ~h<lfsome would survive because there would 11'101 time 10 hil all be
the tlllfge1S".

I-'Ie',ord'er,ool hls swiftest units to raail' downlhe mQUI'l~alnlpass Iroad toward jhe .ships. while 'his, 'Medhs and tal'l'ks pu shed 10reach 1hl; safe areas near the IDrcpS'hlps' Ih'liills. lDespite his soldier,s' :skil'led ~,J;se oHhe E\lIvai,I,.;d;)le ,cover, tne ,oamm~nweam'll DrcopSihips, raked lihfil' Kurila ~mces wi1h overwheJml ng fti~efm {he next two

Of the slx ~ank ..m:1inf,a.nr1ry reglme.nts .and the two baHaHons. begaril tharr IOIJ mey fhrough h~lI. on~y'on eo r,egfment 'O~ armor, OnE!of,il'lfan1ry, <lind a baualion ,of 'Mechs, including
IQ'~ 'Meeh!;. thall


Fourth Succession War



-- ---

--- ------


Gen,er<lill 1 !illilgwan's. surv~vedto re~oh then~Uands readung to Eh.lckmi~Mer C.ity. A1lihe o1her mountain pass, DCMStoJQ~$
suffered oomparable



to ~helJ1reaJt rrom ~he .Arrnuran




A wE!~kllalterlhElSnl!:thiA~kab Legio:n did dlmplon Bm:lk:mfnl$ler. As the surviv,ors o,f~he'BatfJes tor ~he Passes: reM~a_tedloward ca:pi'~all,lhe Is~amlGwa~riors dropped to the north 01 liheQghling. The a:Prp,ear~n:o~ a~lhiil Sixlh A,rk:a:1:i Legion and nil; Melve a&companying infal1~ry and:~a~K ~egi if!l!lnIS cillIlIJlsedcQosider,able CC1noem~orthE!!Thnr,d RoyaJ Giu:a;rdls ReT, ~funiLtldwilhlhe'SeoonQ Swordl of Lig h,t, 'Ihe: two fOF,Oes mIght bfi! able ~o bleak fr~!l! of Itlie CommOrilw~alth's, rtOO6!fi!. General Nortd i Ste,lnfer a,greed to a request for re'inforeemeni:s. Untill heiJp arFiivool, Leu!nal'llt-GG'neral R,oman Ste~n;€i;rKept Une Arkab regiment ~:t bay by d~l~dhijli!g t! is Li:!;l'h~n~!1;Q' Company, a hovernra~t reg,iment. and an infantr:l rreg[nnenl in hover armmed PFJr$or'lll'ilE!i~ ~r,ri€llr$ to haml$S Itli~ Arkabs. He also used the EI\lHdner. The FOrl're:ss DmpSli1ips ~anded rFII trmll 01 til til' adiv8Jl'l!Ofng' CombIne forces se 1halt lIeltiis ·of fi'r,eo~ til e Si]( ships iril~$, lhfil 'fIrsl lime they IU$~d lih,is l~cHIC, thEl' DropS hips slaJlJghtler~ a mgime!lit of 51o-w ,armor ana a regi rfI~1'II1 o~ lintawl'lry _ Later attacks Wie:r,e tess etieGltivle becOIUlse the ,enill!imy :OOgiO'lJ'~ dispers ing i~s i;.ilnits,M soonas tMrnl!~Ulpmeru $~li!sEidlliie IDropShips. The FOOfe8SfiJ5 andlilie Illarassing ,a.WacKs. y tll;9! Ughllfling b CQmpany and Ihe hrrve~ta!nk:s pr<)'",:idedenough time~o~ ly~~n r,einforoomenl.s to arrive. On IDeoombe:r :2~he'Twenrlielh ArctlJ.llH'I1rI Guaro-s, fN~$hlr(Jm the'ir victory 101'1 Cam~ari!n, dr(lpp~d be:hind 'Ihe Arkab le.gion. The heavier 'iMechs of the ,Arrnmolin foroeserased any Arkab pl~n~ lo al:tacklh!1! lhnrd Royals. I'os~!il.d, tlri;e Alfka:~ j ust hJo,poolto Iin'k up wHh~M.e Second Sword of lign~.


A:rkabs. $~owedlheir adva_l1!oo and clos~d I"ank$. Thfs.a:llowed the heavy urJits oflhie' Th ire ,Aoyalls;toO eateh up. 11a~sopmsented a better '~argel Jo:rUie Far{r,ess' Dm.pSl1!dpSI, Wh·i3<ntnree Df-opShips ~and'eQ unltn:!l!J m ids~ o~ thei1r defensive posi~kms,lhe wa!tifiors of 1he Arkab legion real'i:ziooll1at [hey wern IQJS:~ nd lhad I'm hope re..:mh'iflglna! S~Go.nd S,word o~ Lr,gihrt The a :iU rviv(p1'"Srfltr,~at!lld to tltlri! nolthe~~I, . MeanrwhUe.,Iil'lEi e~flId gwa~d o~Light nad U'Hrea~ool in if;ai,Fly S good ordert'O, fhJldkmi"st~F City. Ciose' on liheir' he~s we~~ lihe' :First IBatlaUclr11 the 'R@ya] GUalfds and most ,Of the C@mmonwea~lh 'Of inr:aliltry, Q,f1oe in the ciLy. Ge!i'le~allengwan omered th:e constmaHan of fOFI!lfi(;a~ionsaJ1o!'J1 the e1jl\acL:J:ifMIion1 imporil:a:nl dm:;um€!tlts 0 and pel'Sion neL Gril'i'ler,al TengwllIl1 ~&OOllli~ AeloSp:aoo Fligl1te~s ;at!acli!ed to his !M~h5 ~ eso()rts ~or!h~ fllv,acuaJlion. General SteUrl'l'lf q uiokly looka.d\lOllnmge OIfclhe Comhil1!e's ladk of a~r G.O),i18\~. oyal~ghlers made rep.e<]".tedSQf~ie.$ :againSI R Bil.Iokmltn:Sl~rC!iWi turning iii into i! CJa.lered moons~. Or'll DaeembElrl1. the FksJ ProvrS:iol1lal Lyra" Water rNl!iIIVY aJ1FJvi!W: comp!elelhe to ei'lolrGlem8'n~ of lBuckmimi:ter City. lit had made ~h,ejOI!J1rneyrromr theorilginall drQJ):;";oni;lr;; of liha Com mono wealthforce$ ~!o.rlgtni3! soU!!h~J\n"and le~ate:m c;oa:s~s ~8a!lijl..llOOfIldo, o GmeS <1m! ~owniS along ~h;eway. .As Q,fllliis wri~ing !~hesi~;e of BuMiiTIinsmir City cOl1ltinlliecl T,noi.lIgh. y lhis ti me LYfal1!forces ~ere ba~ped!a:I~f'!g elsewliJere, b ~he! LeAF 'r,emainedi oommitle.d tolha J~alil8for Blltdlmim5Jer, Olh~r rever~e$ pr,ev!llnL;edGe!'u:~ra;l~011!dliSi~Qlil':)erfrom oommitlung enou{J!h' fo rees to coOnqlJlerlhe ei,t~,


56 The Fourth SlIccession War

Inltie' tirs~ Six weeks afterlhe invasion. Vegal's de'fendiers lost two of the thme oon1in9n'1s. The Third 'll(iran GUiilrds pushed Draoon is, r'OfON back 1'0 the eastern h,alf of 'Ilie' large plak] of Vewer,$ near the southern pole', The capital of Vega, Neucasoi'l, bt.ut precious, l'i'~lJIe,els.e, was. !i~jll undEu Dra·confs eemrel, Then ill 'Oclober'; Co~on.BlThacdera K:uli~a,a.rr'vOOI at Vega in .a 'reverse of the st,e,jls Ita 'had taken 10 leave Marli:k. Detaching lrom ilia hiiao~ed SG\lJU,t J'UmpShip, hi s Dr,o;pShtp 9'x~mJI~ed iii nigh· speed approiiill::h tOlhe planet. Before' ooing proper1y ch&lIenged b~ O'rUiti,ng Commonwealtih Dro.pShips, the Union' Class vessel was. al~'eadyel'¥lering Vega's allmosphere. Dracol'llisforoo& at IGast tried 10 shoot down '!he Col:one!'s di~gluiSiedI [lrro.pShip, unlike 'Ihe CommanweaHh lb'loc~de forc~. which allowedl him 10 slk:lm thr'ougl'1 wiItloul 8'i/El1ia warning shot Once safely with th!1! S~oond and Fourh'ffl.nth Legions Q'F Vega, liIe §!ssessedll1!is sitLlatro.I'I.l9ie was in commaJ1lc oJlwOl' regrmenl$ and 40 l:ank 0100 infantry reQim&nts that were in f'ai1r ·c:ondiliol1. Most 01 his 'Meohs., however, were rl.Uriliiing low 'on <11111munition ami paris,. The Pr'OoCu.lrementDeparlm S!n~ th:e DeMS of nadll1l(iller fonmed caches o,fiupPlies, ~nd SO there were no par1s on the planet coron.el Kurita's appearance dld provide an em 0lionalll~r:t to Dra©ol'1isrorces, alrea;diy on V'ega.

Colonel KIl.nita: knew he could not eeu n1 on help_ Hie ami Warlord Vasily Oharenkial!; commancler (lof Diercn DisMiCl, did i"iOIl get alongl andl had a history of .iir'9umenlS and 'uadedl irnmlts. (:'he'neFikov was fond ollpompol,ls exi'mntatiOnt6 10 '1ihoodo~eJ Ifr¥~ "1'0' ILlPIOthe Dragofl'is bloodl IlhiUIi!OWS, wi,lhin you Md avoid em bar~as5ing displays of hlumaniw: Against suci.h 1if1:v~clive, it was nol .51iJ rprisingl thai TheoorOre Kl!Jlri1a decide.d 10 rely on his OWl'! IreSourOE!S, atker than ask for !help ,~ncI face Ch8'rlenkov's dli:&daln . r . N,o~onty did CQI!on;s;1 :Kuri,ta intend to survive, he il'!le:nded to wi n .Ha was going 10PUish Comm(lll"lweaith f!l~ces, ell Vega, no·! out 0'1'love ordu'ly but'OUi! O'f 5~ile. !fie wa!tgoing to prove to 1115father

and 10, Cherankoll ~hat e OOLJ~ddo .sometMn.g,~haycould irte\l'e~do, h coaxlhe· best oUI1;ot'histroo;ps. , TIO' db 5'0, Col.on'l1i~ KiUIFlitaJ to de~aa'the Third lyral1 G.uards, Ihad t aJ1I~ il:s a:tlsnoant reglm 9'n~s.The' Third LYf;;lfn5, a vmeran unil: US(ildl
Il<i;) wiiilil1lil"!g; as vel}' oonfide"1 01 capturil1!1 Vega !;1M w rdkly. Much 'of this confidel1ce was Ib~alJi!;e the CommcmweaJl1'! Iccml.r,olle~ 'Ihle space· arouflc V,ega. and ,ground units ffioeivoo da.Uyslrilpments Qlf suppltes and Blmmunilion. GoliOnel Kurita kin~.w ~hat 'Ihe Comm'onlwe.alth had esta.blished .~ major supply depot iii: 'Cochus, a COalsktl ci1y jus~ 20 kilometers fr·om the 'fr,Orl/lllines Md within: strikii'lQllrnSlafloe of 1he F,ol.!rleenlih Legl~fl, Des~royi ng' the S!Uppll~S eQuid s1aUthe Gemfl'IOl'1weallih offensive and would be a major victory. but 'Oolonel Kulilta wanted: to' caplunl' 'lheslJppliesfol' his own ·Uroops.


Lag_a, n
Q ... ~



,01: V, 'ega _,


.. -. "

- _.

, -'


~.. .:







p •

On Oclober 17, during the chang iog Ofli.he guaro <3!t ~hesupply as m\1{f!~al IlaOOfflWS Ihrew 0'" th,eilr wain ponchos and o,pened fi r,Q.Th,ey war~ Oolo!1!tll IKiu~ita's tpe,rsonal guards, who had slippool lhr(lillighl the CQmmOfilweallh tlines and Iroocnoo! Oo<;hi:J~wjthlh~ help of toyal citUzens. 1he SUirpnse wasOOital, and soon ~he'E!n:~ire (j,epo,t WOO L! noel' ~he IKmilans' ooruml. ,Even:the lignl'Meocirl g~arding lhe baSe!had bsen ,oyeriWh€l~rned wlilh a crude fIIapallm bomb. h;; the Kli.lrr~i\'U1S were dlearing OlIW,i1l!yll1i!1l boo!iEJ\S oSIr:!d Madk~rligl OOlllE!S of suppll~s. the anQliliia. of hovercrafl @Jndl ships <ippeared iin 'Cocnus ~ar'i"Ashe suppl.ies w~r~ b~i ng loaded aboard tnesl1iips, Coronel tK!lIIwita:.was eliredi!1lgskirmisheis aU ,along 'Ihe fronllD diver1U1e CommorlVl.ilMltn's a~lentio:n 'away ~rom Coch~s. By tli"le IJim~lhe flirsl detach ment of Ly~ao laoks: ail!d infantry entered Coohliis ~lJ irlyes~iga.te: why the d!ejpot was not ~e5polidlillg. to req!U6sts fro!'ltl ~he Iront ~ines,most o~ tM $JuppUe.s h~d ]bee:n loaded on~o the ships, which we~e "iliadi ng 1m nile Legiolils of V~'iit
depot, a group 01 n~!i\l~(;l hi~ed by the' O©mmon~th

Wi,thsu~pli~, <mel :spinl: re,plenisli'iedl, 'the Vegalil Fomes awaited ~h$ ne)!l.acttCm. an October ;;1:3,llhe'Kuri~a rngimentslaJu'riched Oil bmad offel1lshre, Coilonel Ku ri~!jj.senl hi,s v,el1icl&.s. along .;;9. n~I.wO'Mk .of gulries ane wa(Jiis, dry lin th,9'summer heat. gaining greaUactr:oa~ adrvanlage OVGflhe lyn:l:r1cS, wh.o mistake!lll:y beliie¥edtlhat~he ri\llerbOOis Wer!lllQO son IQr velhuGullar ~raiveL Every Fif!,lUlieuvlllf y b th~ C-onnmanwealllh fonoes was~l1W"artedWh81fli LE!giorJ 'MeC!hs: aT1d \!iehk:les5uddenly sliced throu:gh Ihem by 'lraveai~ on oo:norete~
tiard stream beds,

Anl8'r Sopl iUing Common.wea!lth fm"Ce'S ,in two. Color!al


used h,s n IJ mer~cal :s,u,p~r,io:rity Tn 'M~Oh$ lei be!l~ advantage. Ai Yifeek la(eJ".lhe! gull betwBe!nl the l'Ior(ihel\i1l Commonw~arrlh for,eei!!

anc ~ha ool,i~h~m, 'W!'Itch tha,!j m"QS[ of thJ:~ LYJ'aJI'I'M\eCns, was l~c, large to overwrne. A huge wei1lilherfil1onl~, wilh tOfnS,(toos an.d ga!eforcE! lMnds, grO!Jfllded ~orthe fiirsll'WO'w@eKsoflhe tKlt,u,r+ta ofl'ensive, It wacs a 'giift fr,oi'ifl n~Ju~e!hat Col'G'.ne~~miLa used to best. .acirv.Mlage, pla.ciog G>ommol'llw-ealih f.igh~er bases I1ligl'l on. his targ~l. list By 1tneii meUiJe storm !broke, '~he L/irarnSith:ad 100l more thEIr:!halfll1!il!f, figh~e:rs, eiither 'to 'line slmm a:f tolhe ,Legiom; of VegO)!.



'f[1;OLrgh title [l'J'acOJi'!~ Combina was a ~it!~911T10m pmpared~his time, it was. 110 less shoo ked althea!LJdlaci:W anhe l:Yfan Common· wilanh Armed Foroes. As ariEl of the operation's o~~ernives WI",!; tn dlamage the DaMS a:r'I:(lHor~! bllth~enll:o' oommifi~$ lne.sewes, '~otheir invasion o~~he: eombine;. m.al1Y C:ommo:nwe~_!~11RCTs IPliJrSiyed th9 ,~ppo· mlll1l~lhey had 1300d inthe ~i~s:t p.ha~, ho,pll1ig oomnnl!.re Il1ifllCi'ling hJeavy (}as!lllaJ~ie!]., -. . ,1Ih!ll'~~ph;)itatloo,phMeO'lOp~ration GOu:emamrnS'i"li!!i!g gained Iti.e Comrno,n.wealth114 more' Combine .M/orld's.Some, 11M The Edge and ,A_ubisso!'1!" were worldS of g,~ea1erof!lo.mic:oJ poU11cal Lm~OnalJ'1oe_ Olhers" il'ike '~Cljnri9ld SiJidGumilJm, th;,oWlg'h ss not impooont, W'Elre,~moU'O:n~1 victorilOO beeaUiS9" they had iJeeUl Commo.r'J,weal~h 'Worlds ~€S befo:re'" ... O,e..spite ~hese slJ(]:Oesses" ·the leAF W3sgmVlling !ired, Thoughlhe ma!'lY cfrvi]ianlirans:porls, borrowed by the milfrlary we:n~ ferrying ,inaWq!l!ate foupplies 10{ aFrlmllnlli~i(lln, foad, and replaeem en~ solljiers, IheycDuld riot br~l'llg rest tQlh.e .CommoowlllaJlh trooops. rnnan:y0'1' w,hQm had 'boon~ghlllng ;al,OW ndl~he clock. wm'l ~hEl 'ralilguEi cami a ~tul!m to 'lhe old ta:clics and oW dislru&1S,. IntGrs~rvicesqu'aibblulJlg 'W~s bfieaiki~ Qut between r,eg'imen(s ihliMi'il! IFiCTs, ~d sihoellhe CQn'!l!nonw~anh had only r,acerllW adopLee 'lhissys1em' of grouping Irleg:imerits,tQg~Hher,~he lyr.ans- were not !ll\':i~led all handling ~u!llst1on!SO~ priorily .andl seni<lrity .. Poliilical postll.l[ungl was wcrsenil'lglhe sit!1.laliion. The' A~dh()l'1!'lsI~oomf,~s ~rfl il.Isinglhe ~uding 00. :s:p.r,e~ld'OWlbt,aJoo lies, w m other oo~diern.,. Most d~i'iinMbin9 'to the C~mmOl1lweallh Geii"lerals was that Elraeonisf'orces, had n1lOO¥eroolf,rom their ~fIIi~ial!sh:ot>k.and 'Were f.ghiling muoh be1Jl!er mde[\(a~in~ ,9J higher1~1. WhHe thelCAFSffll1 a managool1:o IPUlS.iF1 theiiTI oft 14 wortJ1.s cufl1ng tlli's phase, it was mO~,Ell. blllc:ause~hay Ihad not given '!hF.ilIQCMS t~QQPSth~ manoo 'Il:l dig ln ~harl because L,yrnl'i!taatic1li1 brilliance had! overpowered ~he i~nit~ns. No ,longer wa~1Jh6! Dra:oonis CombJnelll'1inking defensiveW .. flhfl Third ICJie~l1m IFt!1l'gullariiO, 5l<l.tiQi,f'led~l"I Kessel, iGQunlerafl:a1]ked on Kimball I~,a worl'dlhal W®lS l.ulldef s:iiege Iby'two ba.nalions of tn-e: Fourtl1 Skye A<mger:s. The ,obl:1gunned ~aJilgers rfhadea fl:gih.t IQtit >fi'!¥enl tlilol,.lgih th:ea!ladi: had be~m Une!!(lPOOled ,lhjssu~pri5e9!~t!l'C1't WC!flFied Lyiran geJ'lGl'als, bGcaJll!S18J '!he whol'e'lhrust Into ~.heilJierQ!'Il Mi'litary LYi:s1riQt ~llMe' Coml'Jloe' wa5~uilnlr'!g inl:o a {<lULJol:lanr,jl in o r danger of becoming' aJ wea_k point ' flherrni~it<lry lbLJNi~aLJmaey ofltne IDCMS al'lcUhe egm of some of liitsmosllim;~Jtanl ol1ffDe~£ we,re ,preven~il'lg the Com~rne from 'laking aIivanlageoftne CarrulillofliwealitiJls weak 'points.lher'eud lOOfweeFlI Colomel:mhood'ore K:Un~:a: and Generall Cherel"ilko~, oomma:noer 01' aim 1h€l ~brOO:$ in the lDi~n:m oJstriot, ll'ieiP1 nile' Combine hom atl~ling the Commonweailtl1 a~.its most vuloorable spot. ~n ~h~ Rasalh'i1l.g,ue IJls1rjct.some commanders s~in oof1ls,idemdlli1e CommoJllw,ealth lifiVasilOf:f'i oo ~ e,.;a,ggern:tioJ'i"ofMf:e.s Irwlita, and O'lhers 'Were $0 ~earrullhaUhey kept Ireserve regiments ~op:ro,tect weriJds deep [1'1 th!:lIf1!tEll~f,or ,Iil'l$~~ad sendit:'!gl them to the lell fml'llt fOlrlil!e l;ymn ComrnmlweaJl1h,ltJie e)\~I!ojtatio,1'i''phase was .:!w!alher'1'hIY 9'alned moreooil'r.ilQry ;;JiM the hope 'for

Decemoo.r s<lwtihe Fnurteenlh and Second Leg.iorlls Clf VElga further wid€in tlfie gap betWGenlihe divided! lhirld lyr~h Guards, The Second Legi<'mand 20, ~nfantry arid tamlK regimrullnls w,~r'eI f'lUc!;niTlg~hQ IFirSI and Thiird B~tt~l~ons of th,e ClJrnmo.nweaith, 'Medh, regiment, ar,on,glwilil'1lsix ta!rlk arJIdintanlry r€gimen~5. toward 1he souli1em, edge of thftG:r,eat D~sertO'lf~J'$_ rh~ d~$~.rI.'s.ledge wasas eff'ecl>ive as a wild ooa in denying ;lin ,army a cn'Moo to esc~pe to the noM, The pllJlmuing &eoooo legion o~ Vega WaJS: re~yijng 00 lIul shl'U)il1lg ~arnd:S~bI~Iow thf,l: Comm.blnw~~h,r\Jro(il!. kl the soulJM,ltIe' FCiJjWl~!1ln~h ILGgioOiillndl 14 aoclilmpanying regiments w.e;repur;su il!'l!g~he Sooond IBatlali:cm pel ~hel Ughlniog Company of the Third Lyran (llUar~s, ,a!long wilhfOlllrothifil'r regiment\;. The COITU'I'IIenweal,ttn'IMBoons stood up1o~hetegionl hut could not ~'wi~h, me tanks alOO i'1'iJtililrilry,whiehrouglM w.ith a spirnllht;l[SUmrised 1he Commonwealth sdJdiirs. ,oolonel lheooora Km~ta was mS[p(li'ilsible for ~ha renewed' s'pi~t8!nd vrg~ rfi!th;~'Oambin.erorce$" HeeniCOl)Jira,ged Ih]s, soldiers to do, bOOa'.f.He ¥aug h~~hemt.o fJglU sm:ru1er and to use wnaHhev had 1D best effect Su,ppJie!5were nolofilger a. p~obrem booaJl!Jsethe Kuritai'iis' ortetl'lsive was so swift aJI'I!dUlnexpectedU'na1 they Q~whelmed SieveraJli Com !nQrn\I'ElaJlth SM;P,p:ly alpors. Kuril'afllOOfC:e'S evenlTiGked a com memial DmpShip work!lng for~e ~CAF to landl a~a .spaceport they hadfust o~ru!"!l. In micHDecemloor. [h£! ,First and ThirGI B8!litaliions of the Guards, wem! in {jlanger of be~ng surrounded naar tn~aesert's, edge,. Fearingl .arw!ihilailion, le!;Jtn<!tll-Colcmel! Brian Kil'l!taid,adiT'lgcommander, decided to. retreat oflVeg~. Though l1iis,deci!sii~Hl' Ip:rdbatl~y sa\!'oo the I~~s at hii;5(;lofd'iers, maJnyi,f'l tneCommol1l· waall~h oaned Co[:onel ~i nC<liid~ re'tre<lll an ,act o~'oOlNardiioe. Oliher !deAF ILIlnits were ,eloo relreafing ~n other areas, bl[J,tColonell lJ,liosha Don.ovlliJfJ" ,oornm:a:nder of lII1eTi1iro Lyrall Guards, dis,agr,e;ed v10lenUy wilti Kiocaid'~, decision_ Sine b~~i:e<v,edl tl't~lliler one batlalicm 01 batl:ered '!Miech!> would beatlle Ito IPreva~ <md reuniLH withl the rest of her mgimlllrit When,s,ne oooej1jl\oolWOre Of Kincalidrs retreat s.he .1[ t~r~l a~leimpled 1:0 fi:gh~on de.!>pi~e odds. FinOlilly, the a'f1!l!~ .oOr'lSid9~:ll!blieJ p!udlf1!g by Iher otli'Cer(;l, Colon:el Donovan agmoo to follow the rest of her regi rfIenllill r,ffireat WlhEli'l! ~h~lWO wene rl:liJI!i'lited laller.; Colo:nel Donovan v€hntecl ner Mgerll!1l Kincaid. She pub:licly ca~l~ h~!T! ,a coward r'01 r,e:lrea~il1lg and s<liid he Gould h<l1veoo:mpJ~ted a s.uborbii:ID drop behind therolLlrtee:nth Il.egilol'li" Thai wO!1JII'd have beel'i! an e:li!:tr,emely dmgerolJsoper<!il1on, coosidarfng'ltfJe vlolerM wioos a_liId the' gi',ow,ing CO!'1i~d9n:Ctil oflhe begion'$ Afi!r~Spa~ lFigJhlllilfS, W,netlM,grby I'l.ct 0'1 cowardioe or common sense, Vega was last to ~hiliComnnonwealiU,. FOlliO'W~IUlIPI IINVA.SICINS lMu:ghllyran Jorc&S wewe bo~m€lddown Q.!'1IE!oiJldkmill'l(;l~r an'd· VegH, nile unexpeotoo;ly [large gaiins ,el~here prompledltie Alrcl:)o!'!l. 10111 OCl~-OO.r 2~, to' aiilJ~horize tiler ~roolps to exp!oillheir SU(;(Je:ss, MostO'ftheJiumpShips ~ha!1had participated In ~h~ nrst phase ofllhe offe:nsi\l\e had remained atltie' enemy :Stair s,ysl:ems.; aJoo we~e ffiady fm a oew aaVaJ'ilE€'. IReserve J'uJflPShips and oomm~rci<lll, J'UITlpShips were rerlryiln9 OCXlupa,tialnlil'OOps t,mm ~he Commo.nwea!~h ~o workiss:eizedl in ~11i6 fiirs:i a~s~u It ,as wel:1 ,as seJl'Ving as replaceme'f'itsto:r ~he inrvastL:1I'lI IUI'lI1pStlips that had J Ibrc:lkiendown"





KimhbactiJ, a pret,eclure capital, w-as, a major 'Iarge~ (if ~he ,~j[~lolta1ior"lptuu=;;s';t was also whe~e the Fifth ,Arrnpnilgean Light i Assault i(3fOlJpand H~lmI!J1's He~mits had relJi'eatoo. AI's.o Ki~l:ihbacl1l'was it second "MeC:hlregiment. the Seventeenth Ra:salhague Reglu lars. This mass, cl1 fcm::ss, tempered lhe Commonwealthl's op,tlimism. General Trok~ askioo ',or and received 1he SUpf:1N3ecre~ 'Meehl regirne:nne help him, Genei"al Troka 100fhe Fourth, Donegal G1.l!~:S. the Third L:yran Reg Ulilars, Winf,iEild'~ IBr;lgade, and the secret regimel1t onto Kirol1badh, The secret regiment was 1he lyr Bal'tl:eMech regiment. Its hyg:e assault'Mechs Wl!re flainled dark blue'a11d Ibol'e'ltJe seals of Ii'1s' Tyr underground movement ,~GQk:Iviiklri1g helm ati)Q\le the sil:Ver star r'&pr,esell1linglhe RasalhaguEl' Prlncipamyl'. Pilooii"igJ'lhe 'Meehs were members cfHle TYf ynd)e.rgr,ouool movement or men and women whO$9! an¢e~1iryhad stroogl1ies to 1he '~iri'l1cipality ,ot Aasalhag~e_

I;; its firs1 '91')ga;91ement,lf1s' 1yr regimen I routed' ItOO en-


lrG'ncl1ed'Sevemeenth Ra&a:llhagu€I Regulars at Cstersund. News ,of ther'r ap~e~ram:le s.:p.aikedreiiolt amcr.ngme planet',s rnOOQITlirlMn~lyScandifiavian lPopu,1ati'ol1!. Spomall'l9!ou:s rilots. and s1rike:s ,combined with p!aIl!'100 sabotage by 1he Tyr urlIdergroufiidro paraly.ze 1he p'larnet aJlu:j make the Combine d"fendel's fael as If 1hey we~EIfighfin:gJ en Gl'lenpi soH. Witlh tM Seventeenth Rasa!lhqu8' Ra9lilars mauled by the Tyr regiment and ~he Fiflh Amphigeill'il LAG ami Helmut'!> Hermits
OII'~ead:yweak, the OeMS ha,d Utile choice but. ~o abandon !<irah·

Most ,0'1' th.e r,Brnaini ngr 10faiS 'Iscaped" hut 11)01before Gener,a:IKeIilV IBilnzll1ger. commander 01' tli19 Seve'J1teenth" commimed su Icicle"


Cspwril'llg 14 worlds SplIl'lr,@!j1 on the Archo'FlllQ conlinue 10 exploillhe flnefny's wei1lk IPoints, IIU'li,I',asJon fames easily seized IMo.zlrje. Atria, arid ~II'I'ID~OS, Whlc1i had no ma,ijcf 'IMeet! ,U nlts 1;0, defe!'1dliheffll. '


lFolUlrIti Sucoessl;on War


The lyran CommmO'J1Iweatlh got in~'o ~,o",ble whell1 Geoeratl Nb.noi $tejner, who by thiiS~ima was in aJ[mosu ccmp'lete oo.ntml of 'Ihe offem;;uw', Oi'd\eredl hri!~ t()rC6S 'to ccm1innJ!e pUl'Su,ii'1lg C·ombinlili Ir1)op$ in hopes; W' cah::hingl a.ndl cn.ishingl lIhem. lhus sfli3teg~' ,ereal:ed Mil maJj,ofprnbtems for too Oommon'WS;!,dth,: it ro:roedl wi nded troops to yet anoiher drop onto, hostile p:lanets.a!1d1 i,t prevented ~he LeAF from preparil19 '(or Combine ooLJn1emt· 'lacks, which, C'8_me during December an:d January. The Drawn!s Combine, atlacked,six worlds" five worlds, ~alkElI"I dDJ!riing, ,olfe:nsirv,eami ens world iinside the tYTan Common,. the, WQa!hh. The Twenty-fifth Aas.a:lhague fl~ulars, dropped on The Edge and took on 'lihe T~nlh !DonegSiI Guards. The Ninth Pesht IRegul'ars and ~he Thirteenth Rasalt:Jag!Ue A~ulars ijnvaded Stalll· lac'1rI1 toa1!ta.dkl!hJ3 Twelfth Donegal, who, aJmos~ had! to aOi!lindQnI1he plliilne1 ul1lilllhey were Irejnforced by lh~, ElgMl DOIi'lega:lGuards. The IFo~nlileflthllDonegal Guards. whilElIi¥ing W sUbdue the las1 of Itu1:Imililia's, resislanee on lItr.echt, were themselves ,at· 'lacked by rile' elite, Savenlh Sword 'of Ught 'Medii Iregimen~. Bringing 2.0 imaJl"lhy a.IlO armQr r'egLmerl1:S, WWl it, the Se'llen~h Sword ,at' Lign~ h,op€dlf1:a~Hs mere' appearMoe 011Utrechl 'WouIdl IperslLJia'de ~heOommo!'1weallh fQ~ee5kl' leave. They 'WQrQbadly' disappointed when Colonel W.J. Hardy" commander ol~neDonegal Guanl:S, used lila S~orders' mrogarnce to lur's them into a 6e~ie:s O'f @/mbustnes, evefllingltie odds considerab'ly. Slitl, the Donegal G LJalrus,en tifJ;~tip of an un:s1.eadvthrust into the Com~ cine, were vulnel',a1jle', The Fourth Sky.e Rangers and liheir 5uppomng regiments, were split batwesn 'IWO worlds andi under attack ,em both. TheTlhlrtll lDie~olllFtaglLJ,lar:sarltackQd~he R'aJngers' F,iirst and Third! Barti:alicns, 'whr,cn haelbeefil att.emp:~l"!:l'kl; i5'~bdue l<i:imtmHIt On Komephor~!l, the' Seventeenth :S;e'I1jamin Reg lirlal"S·~(aekilld the S~(lO.nd BatlaJ'ion and Ligh·1ing!Comp<lfly of the Rangers,. While the Rangers (iii'! both worlds helCl ~heir OWO, be"rlg !CiIJQ:ht diilorfded hurt their Elf('~Ii\lfiif1less and 1heir pride. Whei1i B-ar,re1rs Fu~lier;s ro~ nile· num~:eJ1laJl Kil'llgsitJoT'i1 Caballeros oft S.a:bik d'lJU'ilf1g i,nilial in1vasion.t~y did not 'ii!xpecl: tIM! 10 see 1til1m1 a:gaiJn SlOOJ'l" 8o~hl mercenary uniils had st!s,tainOOI h&avy d~ge. ,and IKmfllmandanl ,AIOIl2!i)8a:rretl assumed that the Caballeros would take qtllile a whire to recover from the fig:ht He was wrong. The Caballeros had mlre!aJt,erj to the' plane' MOQ're. where tha:y had .S! 'laIf'g:eG<IDh.aD~ repllac9menls; and sLJpplies,ood where t~chnidarl1s weffl' wajtinQllo r~LlIildtheJr 'MiQC'I1-s. The CaballerO$ m1umed to Sabik ,in much bettet sh'a;pe than 1tie Rllsi'liers. The Fusiltsr,s loS! half of !heir f,orc9s and were reduced to a sirlgle battaJion befo:re'l(ommandaM Barrett antlered a retreat. EM tll'le most th r)e~teli'iing aotJQ!I1fakl€'l'! by tihe OeMS; during lihe' tiM' weeks of 3028 was the uwasiorl of 1he S.tefner wo~kl Lai 810n by the !,iIe1.eran Founh IPmserpili'l~ IH[l,issairs. lha1. regi'meM, along 'With 18 lesser 'lJnil~.discovered iii Ihole IliIlIhe Cornman,.. 'Wealth rmm. and promptliy,l!!)(p!oited it L~ Ellon had ofl'ly a ban:aJion of aging milltRa "Mechs ,am:2O tal'll< regi merits P'.r(l~E!C~· rng it, CI!I1d~I't6'y provoo rIO mnruch for 1he 1-1 iJi$sars, and theill' for1:les.. The transition frO«! o,ffensive 1n defensive was o~t ·good for !he l)'l'arl Commonwealth. ThellLCAIF Qa.inOOsix workJls: UiiUlfiarkt, MQ2ilje, Sk'Okia. Usda. Atria, 9lnd Imbros !IIi. It 11001 '~g~. A!1~1'I1V markt. 'Debalrai, Sabi'k and l~ 81011.MOfa importantly. the LCAIF was mired in lIemg" OOS1ly campaIgns, far l"Iine w'ot'ld:s against oppoorwnts 1hat !?ladto~al'ly recovered homlheir iinilial shoclo: and wElre ma'kinglhe Lyrans, p~ for the tmki offensive. 01"1Tha Edge" the Tsnlh DIlIl1~a:1 G,u~rds wer,e fighting 1he IleSts,E!rXperieflcedbut fresh Twernty=m'1h IRasalhagiJ9 RegUia'f,S. On liie2:e.n,Wunfi'eld'sBrigad'a wu figNin;g1 ~he Allenmmkl M,jIjtia. On Engadinl. ~1h0i ii)Ji<l"Iaus,ted Twenty-sixth Lyr2i'i G'u.a:rdls faced UileSt. Gyr Heavy Assault GroupaJlldl ren1lin9lrltS.of the IFifth SlIJInZhang Academy Cadre. The T'yr Regiment andlhe Eighth ami Twelflh Donegal GU<lrds :squared against he N[ IPesht Regulars and~he 'Th,'irleeMh Rasalhague AegulElI"S on Stanzaeh. Mobile Fire and Bad Drnafll1 were talli;ing on the Twe:nt,-se<:cmd Rasal· hag,ue IReg~l~iSi on, Gu,rlZomg, On Utre.cht, 1he Fourteenltl Oonega:f Guanis 'Were facillQl 'the I1Ilil'Q SelJen~h,Sword Qi Ught. On Stnirotori t '!he' T'h,ird Donegal Gua.rdls wertrlighting again~Uhe First Prooerpina Hussars. On I~udkminster. '~heThiird Royals am:iltne' Tw.en,1ie1hArctllJlran Guards had ~he upper l'i'iI'1d tIIgaJiMl UliEl' Seoo:nd Sword of Light aml1he Sixtih A:rlilab Leglofl, I~ ~mbal~ and Komephoros, '11'Ie .sp'rit Fourth Rangers wefe faciflglhe Third iDierell ReglJ,l:ars and the Seve·nfElen!h Hmjamin JFlegulam. Fatigue was beromin,g a pfob'Jem for '!he LeAF. Ul'llik-e' ~he ,c.a,p.e!I~an e,ampai,gnr, where lHe AFFS leap·'trogged Its forces ~,o give the 'lfOOPS: same rest, mos~front·Ii'n8 Commoi1lw'Ela'I~hj IJl1Iil's had beenllilgh~!l1g for at least t'Our rllOflJthis. "'.ffl!ll'J111henJly r'est they o got was. insidelhein::ralmped DropShips as ,th~yWafted JorIDQ;1JtOl'lr up and drop otrder. Their fatigue, was showing onlhe bam~lield with poor !)erforman.ce and mmiblo decisions,. The' inr10'li'iMNefJlC'lics leamed by 'me LC,I\IF 'wern '!ljiiVi way n~1 to, the old, linefleattve rtmtif:les,. 1M various, branches ~ the service were ante aga!ln quarrelilllQ ,amQng~em5el!ilBs.<, Brute sWength Ira1her th;;ln finessa'ollGe ag.aincharaderlzet:l ,offil!if1!slVe ,all1iddiifensiva maneuvenn!l While~ somelimes ,eflOOtiv~ in de· tEii'!ise, an ,@!tladklihat ~,etie>s n mass, il1staad 0'1' inlellfgeililoo Irarrely O succeeds. 'O,nlV ~he ~Tal Companleg: COn1im!edl ~ use '!he ,d~r:tta.Otics of mElln:euver andl SipMOLTih;e: lyr Aegini!'len~ ancllhe Elliidner also prolle!:! 'heir worth. Both had d:Qn~ 00 ~ecBi'llily: the Tyr in an amati~ly quick assault on 'Ihe S'laflzadl'1l ,ell.yoJ Gosol Mdlifier IE:lviloner illl cr,aCking the CiimSOfi f:u rr'9l, ,91 Oomb~n,e s~no,r'lgha1dootsi!d~ Boekminsie,r Cily. Ihose were O'I'I'IV mo bflight spots in a darkening plrnlLJ:~e. Su-pply wasa.lso boooming ,a IprQtllem. The hUl'1dr,9d'~Cif fre!gi1Lerst,errying eaek and fOrth 10,lihel frootlineswere 'ihroWfl into oo:n~usion by 'Ihe ,Commo:nweal~l1 defeats. Six eN !Tan \!Iessels were c.aptlJlred Iby 'the Draoonis Combine du~in9 'Ihe ,o:Jten<l1liiV8; prom;p'Ii~ ~he Ofew5 of c1ner civilian sh,[ps ~o thrriear1.en1liS,trlke , IJn!ess the leAF could guamnt$1heir safety. With ly,allfarces <IItr,eadyreeling, 'Iher oould hardly protect the ,crews, even, though tho' entir,Q tr,an~por~ti~n ,anal !;Upply syslem was 'on !he ve~e o~ ,ecll'a,pse. The poMical :sillJatlon W<1lS, Wtlr5ieF11I11g. presents of enThe ,eriilil'roroos inside~he Federa~r.mHlf Skye,em:aged A!lcl!:ll~s1r.rne', who was takingr every opponlUiI!;ity to Demte, the .NcI1O:I1 ·and Clpei'a1ion Gfi~terdiilmrneii"u nO. The CJp(i! n oppo5ii1iol1 wasoml)'" ,aJ 'rl"actic:lli'i at 1I1iepolillical Wir,tll"IiQfinglharl w,as going 011 behind tha $061'11eS in T,naMkad sod Skye ,and Ol'l the nonllliJ'le~. BElc:ause' o:fthe 'W@fSooingsiliiJatf.or1: on ~ne Combine OOJlt. the ArChon ordered a halt 10 all neW offeniSii\!Ie acliOJilsln mh::i-J:a:n iJiafy 101' 30~9. Whilesomfj, dhalh:a'!'tl QPUm;sts and milFl3iists CI,ues1loned Ihe ArdilOO's courage', most o~ the lCAF heaved a sigh 01 rmief. lrilstead ol!iryrng 1JJ push ,dee,per into 1t1e!'Combrn.e. the Airchon omered her SrSler'to ool1lso1idall:{1l1iralll 'galO's aM OO.!'iIoe'rI'lrale her ·few JQserV$ ~n lhe remaJinfng ,conieS-ted wtl:rids;.



When the !Fourth Su'cGessiol1 WaF en,lploo" 'Ihe, Free Worlds lLeague was as $lUlrpriised <l5Iihe· Capeilian Conf8dera~Qn_ CaptairJ-Generai Janes Marik, i'll.lhn of tile shaky aJliiance ,of semJ~ autor;onnm..iS provitnioe.s,feUlhat his ~,e,a:lJn'l would be' '!he ~tin,~to sHffer beca:useo of the IF-CAllianoo'. He and hitS rnilitaJl)iaJMlysls, had s:pe!11months poring ovaritis options and Irepeatedly came ~o'lhe oOl'lclu,s~onlhat lhe CQmmo:nweaUh. wou~d atlacikltlem. The Captai n·Gen~Ii'a:I':s tear of infY8Isicm was, ofile of thie mairo:r reasons hs slignecl tile' Concord of Kapelynl, wllicilloosely allied h~ (,ealm Wiitll the Capellan Oo:nfooeiration and the Draconis Combine. It eased hilS mind kno'wioglhat !-Ie: ·c:oulld,c<~II! 1he otharlwo f'or IOn

Plannil'lgl the off'en:;;ilVewas :probably ~ha easiest ~a5k; di!.ls<tl:ng· off' ,cmmputer simulations and updatilng them garveJanos Marik a F~ii!lSQnabl'e attaok plalrl. PSrl'H.:rIading ptovfndal read'e.r!1l '10 Join hnm ilnaitlackililQ the Commonw~iltl1 was the most diffiC-I:.IIH:hom·, The· Home DefenS'e .Act, the fight t'o call back a! provinoe's f,ci~Geson comrn and, ma.rle allY mi'i1tary aclioll bV '!he Free' Wo.r.ldis League an exercise' inl deJICa!te d1ipiomacy. The Cap1ain-Genl€l(<1i1 won the: Sl,Ip,pori Oit the Duchy o~ Orli· QnlEi. the Principality of Regulus, and mOiSt f the rn Iinorp~ovinces. o Only'1tIe DIlJ(;hy of Am:ltirien, led Ib'y [)i8JnuiCatherine,phr,gys • .~efuseC, o~d~rpngl lits forces onlhe Com mornvealiUi border to prepare r,e1um 10'ihe- Ouchll- Her objection te Ihe ,off,el'llsiVewas !hat it was aimedl 'U Ihe wrong enemy; the Capeyan Co:nfed9ra.~ 110n,already inohaos, wa]j;,thel:m~nar961'1o'UhJ9 L0que. [)e:sp~1e Ihis r€, Cap1ain-General was pleaoodl to get the suppor! of 'IWO out ('If th.e th roo ma,jor pro1tiil'mes,


When reports starled comingl in from the, Comedarallon eboutllhe 'Davion iilvasiions .and hom tine IlJraoonis, Combine about l!he CiClmm:ol'l'Wea!ltil ofl'ensi;"'8, Janos, MaJrik was, stunnoo, Some sourees repo:rled ~hat he aclually asked for oonrlirmationl fromlhe Cof'llfederatioii and the CombinG, as weill as demanding 1ha't his units alol1g 1he Commonwealth border report ~he'.~II·q~jet After being reassurl1ldllhat hli~rietalmwOliSnot being inlvad'oo" the Captain-General thought it best 10 sit back and do nothi ng, M. the only r:ealrn IJ'iO,tn,volved iin a major war. he coold only gain by i Slaying a~c:mf.~Le1 th!!ltools ki"llOoC:lo! ~h:emsel'if6s, dizzy Wliil91 we Sqt haCK, rest. and enjoy: was his, atl~tlich~t II was an atliitud'fj'nollong tolerated bythfl Chancellor or the; Corded~uation and the Coo.rdil1atur ortheCombin.e, Three weeks ~rl!I{)~he',lghti ng" C.hlanoe.llor Llao sent a s,trong~ w,oJdied oommu·· f nique requesting supplies and spare P.8Jrts.He also demanded (hat the Fir·ee Worfds ILeague provlde nduge for 'somE!of his units and open its oospitals to Capellan c8!5IJel~ies·. Th e Capiainl·Gem;elCru, a:n.g.13iN'ldl the tone or 1he message, by sent one heiglnler with a IDropSihipi:s wol'lh of raficns, tir~s, and toilet paper, Jlaoos Marik grlKfgingly. agreed '10lihe olher demand:s. aco:ess to League haspitals ,and pern;ijssion for ,e: tew Qlosely W8IICh.eel Capel·lati u nits to land on league loorO'er worlds .. A week la~er:;an ,equally strongl m~sage came irom Coordi· nator Takashi l(j,Drita, de:rn1lindil"!grhaUhe Malfiik launch olin immedia;be oftensiye agai n\S,l !!he l.yran Cern mooweialtha;:n:d 'rmee' Houls€! Steiner to f1ghlatwo·tront war, As m ue'll as Janos Marik might have 'Wanted tOlreat 'Iliis demand with as m uchHippancy as he did the ' anger Takashi Kurita W'Ould have be:en a dangerous move, W.ith great reliuclarme!, the C!lliptain-G8iFl:~r,alset ill motion Wha! became Qpera~Goll IDagger_ 62: The Fourlh Su!Ccess.iornWar

Operation Dagger was. oot. OJ broad otlensive ..AIQog mos'l of the border, Marik forces. \I'II\!l;~e:Io' ,aondl1Jar l1elillV:!l ralldis aI'iId IPT,obe 10,"weaJ!mess.l'l<s 1ha COfiU'!'lotiw~altli'l defenses. lhen msel"'ffl' in fooces were 10,eapilali!Ze on weaknesses to eilher S'e~a a world or d'e:s1rory an isolated CommonWfl.aUh uili~, The foelJls of OperatlQ,n. CJagger was 10,be a thrust in10ha Federati<on of, which was thinly defel"ided and had most of the Commonwealth's Ittd!ustries. To, !Seize wmtds thecF'9 wOj[j'ltJ 00 a 'bocm10 bOI!h the Flroo! Worlds 'Le~gue and 'to Janos Mariik. 'i,hil cffenswe WllS a»so meant to satisfy Tiikashi If(u rh1a. by tlrll1ioo1:ening to pinch Ion the C(immonwea~lh's acresstldl Terra. maJ<ing travell to and from the Federat·oo SWI"!!S much mo re difficult ~or 'Ihe Lyrans, Th·a offefllsi\l'~ beg,an on Ocl:Ober 1 wi!Jh thEl.~p:peaf~n.oe 'Of the FlM Reglu'lan H'uLssars and tlh~ Twenly-fifth Ma:rlk M~litia fn th'e Commonwe!tdthl s:yslem of Wy.aH. A~ the :samelilme. Smithson's Chrne'se Sandils, wer~ altlac~fI!g MiNton. and 'the TMIlI~th Marijk MiiitiaJ 'was <lltl:a.ckll11g PheodaJ_ The i;lbjealive of aU .~ r'~ a1macks WiiS10 is(l!lal,€l,<lnd destroy 'lhe,Ssventoonth Ar.ctlJlranl Giu,ai'dlsami !he' Ele-yenilh lyran GlIIar,ds stationed on Wyatt U'nl~ortu,natelyfor~hel Fi'efI' WQjjlo!s 'fOmes, lbo1h CommonweaHh r,agimems had boon. ti~d ofl1wo:weeks, bek:!re!it~e.attaak The Hussars en~erl9dIhEi Wya:lts'jI5<tem a1a nO'n~slandaTd point tal make immediate drops on~he plaooI, the Mi'li!jja appeaJred the 2lerlith J'Uiirr!IP Pojn~. There, the· MiMiE!l n~;(;ei\l1&d rude Wt1Joome.ilhG' Eleventh a Lyr,an Guards were waiti ng ~OF them. Whil ethe 'Mecihs of the lyra" Guards were 'S'lrappedin the:ir DmpS!h'lps, on ;iheir JiUlmp$lhnps; their~igh~fflwere sl:OW:lyIdwti~ '~hel Jump, Pol!11 aJnd waiti fnJI, lhe lM~ii~a ships ap,pear,ed. 1he lL.,yraflfightersacCfl!eratedl anej began suaflng in pai'rs. 18efon1iLtqe ~igh~,e:r.5 iJhe Ma.rik Militia &1oiIen of !'Iooelv,edl the corder to Ilatmoo , the. Ccimmc.!"!we:aJllh G.hippewasi1ll00 Lucifet'!!ii had scored major hits ag:ain$,t ,two Unions ami a l.eopard. lhe CommOr"IW,ecelth figtners made just one pos befone returnirlg ttl 1hflir sh Ips, bu~ 1hat was, enOlJgh_ 1011;9 of the [J:roprSIi'ITps, 'oarryi'ng a. batlalionl cornmand staff, exploded and dani,a,g:ed n.&ighboring DrGpShipsshol'UV afler they had separated from an 'nvader;CI'ass JumpS!hip_




Wlitlil '~h'e MaJ'iik Mniti!tl. fighters stiU disorganized, the Jump· Ships of the Lyran GUilir-ds r,etrievGd thefr fig'htersand m.€tde nile Joume']jI'I:OAlchiba_They i.mmediatiely rechl8!rg:edand mmfed erne Ali.oth, whi Ie-th9! ,Arcluran Guards traveled en '10 Co r Cawoli. AIIII alonglhe' border, ,LeAF Iiroops MlII'e pulling ba.Gkto mare defensible IplalilEJ,tsor moving to cover UJnda1end~1 worlds_ The !1'sien, Ho1heads moved to Gat:rux. The Thirty·sE!ool1ld lyreill Guards left Soia_lis., which was alreaJ;jy defended byliheo Tooth Rangers, tor Za:nial'i. The Second Donegall, Guards left lHyde, protected Iby ~he Fifth Donegal 'GuaJrds, to cover Ratline'. Gregg's lQI'191 Striders. a memenruy regiment, went from Ford to G~elllah. Ths S~e;a'thy Tigers Ileflloric w protect Gial.isar. ThIil,ILCAF was mot ~sit[oodng ils forces to pr,a-;ven:1 Free the WoMldslLeagua ht'ln'! invading cutin make Marik tO~'OEmpa:y more dearlly • The' stralte~y was;~o aJr.ow slow advances tl;! pr6~~m~ a Marik bre'ak1h~oQ.lgh- Arctu:m oolJlldaffomltl, Ilos~ a f~w worlds Th~ to lihe'Marik family becauss shs kinewlihat tM Mure, iff lheluck Qf !he' Fox he~d. wQilJlllci soon give Janos Mla:rrk plenty tofe~, Along wirlh th e major IthrUSI: intolhe IFeder81lion of ,skye, Marik units conductedll!'~ld$ against Gommol'lweailh planets, Ill'llsome cases, ~heywere SlU Fpri&oo by the prese!1io~)co'f a S:irongCom menwealth 'M9Ch regiment; illl other cases ,the¥, were surpl1ised bylhe absence o~ Commonweallh 'Meclhs. Olil Poul:Sbo. '!he veleran SfocIhOl'iIoflGreliladfws mE!Uhe gmEln First KJn!ightsof Sf. Cameron. After ,afew skiilnmi,shes" wl1idh ~h:eGreniildf,er,s wOIHiasfJy, U1e Ul1ijl'·$ comman.d:er, G()!I~niill Hosoo Ghilun6l, ,e,pp!'oved ~hel jump of 20 ,aomt81lliolllal Leag ua m,giments into 1he Poulsbo syste.m. Marrk icrcesal'8o captur'edi I'lmbiqyi and I...aunam neither which were d.efel'lded by' 'iM:ech regiments.

~h,e faih.m:! of Marvk fo~ce'S 'IQ Cal.PllUre~nd desh'O'jI 'Ihe Elev, enlh lyral'l Guards and the' Sevenooenth An;turaJrIo ,(3 uardls' 01'1 Wyatt wa.<s a v~ry inauspiniolllls starl for '~a:ti:on 1Jag:g'€i'r. which was wors~;ned by the Twenty·fiftlh Mari'k MiJirli~ tosses. Stillll;lhe operaliolfl ne1ited lihe Free Wor1ds League Wyatt Pheoda, Milton. taunam, a!"ldlTimbiqu.i. lhal pleased] JanQ1ilMarik.. His pleasure Ilater tUlmoo to grave eoncem wh.en.on December 2., he Iroo~ivoo word 'Ihata Smncomugh l1aspitaltr'E!,ating Cape:11lan wounded nad been bombed, causing many deaths. Also om SGa!l'ioorlOugh we~e' the 'r,emrnanlS o~ a Ci'lIpell:an tanK. regimenlihat waE 00 11119 ,OOItad and rested before i:IS r,8lJuiflF'l to 1he w Comecer,'Uioo. Soldi'elr;s Inl tli'le1al1lk, regimefltlos'rmal'lrll"rriends in Ih~' e~pl(l~iQ;n, and oofoclre COmfmon s.0!1"! ~~ C"Otlid p:nlJjvahll, ~he Ca:pe!llarus atliilclwd the lotal peilioe &l:allicfIi, cl'aiml ngl tl'iat tille bombing oflhe hospital w"!s an .Aindllrlien ptlot lhe Fourlh Andurie.n Deilencl.m. blllJltally suppressed ~he CapellaM. Enrageda~lihe' accusanon,s ai'ld the ,deaths thall: occumlld becausEi'o,f the CapeUal'l!s, Dame IGa1herine IHum,phreys declared war on the Cape Ian Cordeder,afion. Her hoops immedi· ~uely se~,ed 'the CapeUarl worrdllo'f Palllad~i!,\1i;liaJ!'\dnrvacled alhers. , I Tne CaptaJ1n·{~,al'ifJl'al sent many IlU'gB'1'ItmesiSages [0 Allduriem and Si6i1'! tl"l '!he ~opes of stQiPPlng thTs war il'll its ,e.arrly !!i'tag es, Ely 'Ihe 611'10 o~ aOI2:B" Jiarnos,Marik'S h.opfl' ,af ;slayi Fig alOOl' from~he'fiflh~lli'lgl'hm been C(:Jmplet~I'Y dashed ~iii heblJll'llc himself engaged!. on net just one but two ,f'rflnr1S.


Pau.sbo BaUle for ~~E!I'~rlsSlt,e I IKnlghtS or ,st Cameronl .

6th Q,rlOff diilinadfers







Eari~' i:n I:rte' pl'a.n.nlng at Operation Rat, A.FFS marshals r'l1lariz,edf hat ,even iif the lyran Com,mQnwealilh managed to tie UP' t the IDraooniis Combine with its offensive;, the PederaI,edl Suns wow Id sti1l be\IUIJierab~e along its border wiilh Hou~(i'I K:lUfit<l_ A, dozell RCT:s and 'M'ech regiments had' to be shifted from 1he Draconis Mardhto' '!he Capellan inv.a-sial1" gre:a~try IretI!JolU1glihe Federated Suns' defel1iSesagalnst tne Oraconis'CUmbine ..R,epoy silioning the remaining iQroos helped make thE! depanu'r'lii) less obl.l'iolUS.liM ~edBrated Su I1S 1ried to I1rde"lihe' absence 011501 mal'll( 'Mach regiments. Dummy ,regimen1s~" Dompf.m.e Wi1h Infratable ve!hioles and ~siml!Jlated radio chatter, 'Were ora.atoo. IMIIlO a.~ratir¥es were also bus,y' WOtikingl inside Um CombilFlie. ,spreading Donflictil'iiQ IFlUmorsarl'ldi f,a:11S9nformation. Extra. tank and iifliantly i r,&gimanls., new e.quipment, and e~dr81supplies SII'ef!gth,eood '!he' remaillingl.MGc.I1l!J.i..I.lts. The cosmetic changes did not ool"i:oeaililtiie' "fact that, the AFFS was outgunnedl atlflr:Jg,lhe' Oo.mblne border. After Operafi,on (~~Iahlitc:i 3IJ27, '!i1El COrrib!ne Slef;)ped up i,1s rai.ds iruo the IFlderatled SUfiS" Manry of the Ira'ids,seemed b:i'have' ~nl plalliled ~c tal!(e advantage oftlhe' jecel1l~ departilue oJ AFiFS reg[menl$. lhe' lDecembEi~ raids .against IRo'l"aI and Gm'lleld 1111, bo1h wo~ld$ th:a:1 had! been vacated by iDavion regiments, showed Ihat lhe IDraconis, Combine Iknew far rnora ~h!a!n '!he ,AFPS had ht:\pedShakBn 'by the raid5" some Marsh-ails maredlhaJ lIhe'pl:lmfled aUensi:ve against 'Ihe C;;lpeft:;m Coof·ec!ie'ta'tfcol:l WOIJII:lI 'o,~en the Federated S~ns' b·adl: door. lhayask:ed Prin~e' HiiiiO"lse Davio!Tl1n r,f!'consider Operation Riilt They ca'me away' re;)tlziling''!hat he' w,as wiimngl to lose one or twa wor'~!s Jlo ili:e IDraro:nis, Combil'lle it tt meant ,gaining dozens from 'Ihe Capell~ii Confoo'era1ion_They also came away wilh tJh.isenigmatic statement from the lPirinoe: '''Lefs wait iii wfrilEt There'~ still 'lime' 'for f'a,1e to rend us' ,aJ hand.~

~n :nli2'2, the fl1Vil! ~Ijte regiments of Wolfs 'Dragoo.l'[s IleHlt1e' LYfM r()a,mmcl11we.:.diih and a siix year cootraDt wi1h !he Draconis Combine. A very ihlJ'pP'lITake..shli Kurita :sta!lioned ~hem in 1hs,G;a!lecoo Mil:ltafY Dis1rid,hom wliJich'~ey oo.n:d'(J,dedliiI!'gescale' search aM de$lro~' missions into 1he' Fed'eral:ed Suns" -As usual, the Dra:g,oons fulfmed their ,conlr,aat wi~h consummate, skMI and dariJllgI.'1lhe:lr rruds, up ami down the bordi~, from GialLm IIII!to, lNilas,rJiustrat,ed the AFiFS. 8JJld made e!lenllie mefitlof'i ,Of WOlf's Dragoons cause for analm 1!"I1'~heDraronis March. It is ILifihn:owf1 why tlh~ DragoorliS IPlaJl'lil100 lie;i'i;i\S1the Dr-ato IOOlilJsCombine, but a few hmts are limoWf'l about the Coorail'latots, leffO'"""rts, 'lo, ,ke~p thlem,'" When the' Drago-onsstalled wonkung lor the 'Combin'll'l!,lhe' Pro~essional Soldierv Liaison, the section ,oHhe DCMS ,rli! oharge' 0'1 mlatioJ'ils willil me~ary Ul'liW, treated 1tnem WiIJh r;E1SpGt'1 and prornpmE!ss. whici1 is axlremely UlllJlsual b~oause Kurita sClcie~ Inormally SiCOms memel"laries. The ()()()rdfrt;a:ter .e,~panenlly OJd~rWl the- PSl 10falile (;:<ltB of me Di1ijJCl@!'lS; Tti;erear,e ,even lf1eiportS 1ha~"f1el 'OOOrdll:natar visited and may have, even Ifought alOfilQs.ide lhe lD:ragoo:ns on tlues o.ocasions. The' OifiiginaJ PSL officer ;alltached to the Dragooos, U&1.lI1en,anl OOlooal Tetsuharal, was IP~omo~edland nans~ferredJ <lndi1he Combine'!!ilireatmenlt of ~hJEll Dragcwns began te c:matilge. fha new PSt office:r showed InOl1e'of fue' oourlesy' and lJifilceffl1andillgi of his predecessor, aI'ld soon thiS! Dragoons were .suftering from misp!aoed shipmen,ts, U!"I eoessary puovocatlooo, and ,plo~s nmoo, at n a disaedidrl'lg their repUtation as a. one' of the faw honorable rnercanary units in ilhe' Inner Sph~re, • line OeMS W,20S obviOOSl1y t;ying to dIann the Dragoons 101'their mQne~, spare! paris ,and spirit. 11was probab~y CccrdinoMfif Ku rHa's intEntion 'Ie absorb 1he :CI'8;9~l'lIs oy 'forcingl 'lhem so 'tar into 0'9'.01 aru::l d]sl1~'PLlie ,tnaHhey would Elven1uall¥ have to joffil111tel OeMs. Tihey would hallie been unabl'e '10, pay !heir billis and unabJe te, Gorrrlracl. with SlrIOlher !-louse because af 'llileir beSlllllrriCl'lIW riP~IIafj,oll' .. Duri~glhis tlmeo' growlng disOOfllten1 between the Dragoorls and'lhe OraoonisCOimbin9.lhelFedermed S1JniSi oo~"I"t.i3:cted Jaime Weir. If tlheCoordil.nator's plms to abSOf"""b the'Dragoons been followed 10 the letter, 'Ihey might have worked. Some OeMS offir::ers'" h~er. wantoot@ hiumiliates'l'1.d puni!!ih 11h1e mercenarias and wene 1am~flng with the Coordin~or's eU,Dris. Olle of 'them WC!$ '@em1!fiifl Gl',ieg SamSO!"lCN, Wa'rlardl of 1he GaJedon Mil~a:ry [)is1rict. lMis mtbns, ca,me ,to ,81 head on An rIng. The l'Iuiblic, rQused by a seri'&i af oon~rived 91tllirnS, ~;gaiflstIJhB' DragOOIilS" dllHfl'l.Q1 whk:n a ,Draoonis Elite SU,ike Team SfI!uGk ,aboard Ilhe Dragoons' huge mibltfng space station. 'Ihe H~ptra9~tus. Whenllie Dragoons attempted 10 ~esooe' th.~lr familtes andl other per~OI1Inrelfr~m the HBph~~$fus. DEBT m~rlitlon:s expert$ blew ill:




Celene" Wolt Irealizedtl'1,Jj there was nro more choice. He' ordered the 1~l1fmaln[rg Dragoon f8!JlrlitiGS" and teohnl!COliI' creWS off Ai'll fil'lgml ,til oocret ~€i~US paint, from which tlley Ileftlhe' Dta~.onis Combine. TCHIDver their depari:l;ure, Jaime Wo'if issued a ch~lenge'OOIthe Draconis Cornblne'lo meet his regilill1ents onlJl'lEi 0011:1, barren wodel of Misery. A dloilellbetween the [;lrag'OOfiis ,and an et!,ual number o~ Kurita: {orces deo[ded the lClf~ool1!5<' 'rat,e, either freedom or pe:rpe1l.lal 5eNitude.

Many oillie detaJilsoflhe Misery du~1 have nevef emerged_ What is IKnown islhat now-General f,(Msuhara, 'Ihe Dragoons' ,o.F;iginalPSL officer and close frl'end of Golione:1 WoH, wacs placed! in oharge' o:fde'I€laliing him. A1 hi;!;disposailine' haJj '1hreeGaJed!OIi Regular ~egimen1s;. too Eighlh Sword of LiQlhi aJnd five Ry,uk!en, reg(menl$. wI1iio'h !he had patterned att~r Walfs D.ragrOOfis, The fighling, w'ih ioh oocuured in April and May of 3.02,13" mus,t have been pl')Crooi1:)lybitter . Th;e DraglOO.ns. we'reihe wlmiiers and 10&1hal,1'of their 'Mechs" sa ~hB Combine regiments must hat'll9Sufferoo worSJe'loo5'e:5. During ~he 'Ilghling, General T9lSu:hara was either killed or forced 'io oommit seppuku for ~ail~nghis superims, On Maroh 30, AFFS forces bordering the GaJedori MnitafY District ot th;e Dlraoonis CombinlO lFirit.oeiv,edl lugerrt message an hom the H~gh Comm ~nd ordering ,all availab'le figh!~ers and DtO'p,Slhips l"O,tha Jump Poi n~s, of thei~' 1~u systems. 0[100 1here. s ~hey were 10'awai,t iships 1hal Ihough i~:s impossib'le 10l!'ev,eal their i iiden~ty ,a11hi!s time. rest assured thallheir appearance will 100 pe;;u:;:e,flUlll !:Jnr.;l hi1ll Ihey ~riil!vell under the aegis lC)'f Prince HaJnoo ~ [)avlion. You are' there to l'endassi5taince' 10 th~e visil"OfS; oop if a Ineoe-ssary. to punish anyone wnQ might dare IPLJSII.IE!hem intol the r t Fedemtoo Suns." 01'11 .April 111, JUllr:npS!hips, ~arryiJng~he'fami I~es,and 1echnr,oal, stafl o~ the' Dragoons appeared il1 Cassias,. The Seventeenth Avaloll ihlussars wai~il'lg ior them ,COlLJlkl, see that the I!Jra,goons' ships had seem heavy atelior!, ~1waS ~alGf leaJf'noo th~t General S.amsonov had sent ·MiJ IMach regiment'S OCIhum down ~he innooen:1 families. !!.ISing info:rmation he' had gollan f~Qm81.trai'or within the Dragoons. If it were !'lot for '111~ :(tu!eidal hr,1lrvery of a ballal'iofil of ~ets in light 'Mecl'lSi andf'igh~rs, 1he Dragocms W"Ould have' rOO1.all o~ thai r ramil ies. On June 3, what remained oI the filve Ir9gimel'lllS 111 Wo:lf's Dragoons IIat1ided art fort Belvoir. a remOLe AIFIFS base' on Hatrow's SUi'll, where' they weN~1gr&&t!llcl by Leflenant Genl~~al Aird!a;n Solitek, the Prince,1Sp9~sonaJ aide, and members, of 1 eam Bcmza.i' alid~hel NAIS. II'l a moving .ceremOil'ly. 'lhesurv,ivo'Fs ot Misery Jjsembanked~helr 'Meotls and paraded, d~prire ~heiiroondition, in fOlm.'UIOin. befofei Genera:l SOfl-ak and Colonel W'o~t GeneraJl Sormk la1ef ~911ll1ed ~hat i~was ~so very sad to. see 00 many [Jragoons. mi;ssing. Oft,en a lone warrior ,so~emnly. but proudly ~radled past c:arryiin,gl 'Ihe pennant Me lr'ibboi1S, ,0'1 ,an enrtire oomparvy_~ Inl~he ne[JOtiations bl!!J\weel'l!Colonel Wolt and ,General Soirlek. aetl ng as Ih.0 PrinCG~ proxy, th;1jI mercenaries, made several requests. One waslhat theilr famuliies, be allowed to ~rav~~ to ill. planet in roo Interim oj the FedElrated SUIIIlS. la, from any future ~igh~ng. General So:rt.ek.gla:t:lly gr,.~ii''III8d ~hat r'eq[uest bV say Ing that a~mngEllmerqts were ~mady being. made tOI billet the f·amilies Qn Rabin:sc:m.lJhe cap'lta:1of the [)ramnis March. Cdonell Wolf also askedllhaf Ihe .AFFS Igivl\i 1he Dragoons as Iffil!.l:chmedieall, le6hnica~ and Ilogistlt8ili support ,as possible .. Again, -General Senek quiek.~y,a;greed. ,sarying~hat doctors .arLd 'lectmida!l\llS ·f'f,onn ~hHr-JAIS aoo T,eam BaniZai. along wilh s;pa:r,eparts andl l-enflew EnfomerlBaHteMeoh $ anclten spa_f;fowhawkf(ghters ,Ihad aooompalli;edl him to Har~ow'\$; ·Sun and were' ;standing riearly for the IIJragoons_

Colonel Jaime Wor;ps r.a;sl request W<l5 the mostimpolritan:1; arid t'o $iOmelhe most surpliisiing, Colonel Wolf a$kied '!hat his Ir~iments. cespihaheiirOO'f'uiHltio:n, be assigned to !NOr,ldsnear too C~mbnl!'lei border. WithresolWioPl tlha:1 surprised GeneTal Bonek', lliecom mali'idei''Of'~he 'Drag corns.said Itha11here was ~9!permanent sli:lle .of war belwee:n my soldiers ,a.ndthe Dracords Combili!e, Where Ol'i!oe we sold our servioe.s 'I'i:lfooOl wn.OO1Bver our emplo,yers ~c~ us 'IQ, we now sell eur servicesi:O' see ]f10USlE! Kl.ll'iita brought to its knees. !Honor Idemands our dead be ,avenged_Gen:er,aJ SeTtek ;aSked Co'ionel WoI' if he thought -lfiarfioW's SUln, Wapakom:ltI andl GlenmQra. lnlroo wo:r.l~s ,n,ear 'lJhe' Galedon Military [}ismot ot fhe Droaconis ICQlIllbirl~, suited 'h~seu rposes ..The' oolol'1el gavel a grim nod, , f"orlhe ni!!xt month, aslhe' Dragoons If~covl!red ,artd lrefitted, G~neral Sortek. briefed Colonell Wolf Oif'll Operations RM aJr'lC Gotiemarnmerung a_nd on Ihow the Draconis CombinE! was: ex~ed '10 react The·twIJ disollSSllid what had happened to WoWs [MagooniS ar;Jd how Ina bil1ie~ deparlure WO:UI~d anent 'lJhe,r;QffJli ng}


Thefi!18 regimEmts ofWo.lfs, Dragoons nati'loS1 moreth~l:nJhalf on Misery. AF'FS dooLors men~ed enough 'WCilJlOOed lD' provide a company ,O'f 'Mach ~ik)ts 11J' 'sath, gi~ng ,Alpha and BOOaRegimenl:swardcrskir 6va; fUlloompanies ar:1d Delta, Gamma, 8100Epsilon Regimen'ls 'four eacn. The 'Iectmiciam. of ~he'Dragoons and Af1FS faced asimiliaw slluatl on wilt! :ltJG'IMecihs.'re lihaJf'11 0 pil'reeP'l"I ~f ~he' unifs 6 l'Mechs, we're leither lost 011Mismy or came away' frol1'l1t!at WOJi'ld as 00 much sGrOI", ID91:a1. Technicians spent many d~s ,!1lf"lOIIf'lights fevElriiiih~ st~\p:pifllth'I:eSi~irt:Ql. rnas&embillng, and j~ry4n1ggin9 "IMim:n sY51tems 10 ma:ke M, man~"MecM oorviIC9ilioieas !po.ssib~. When i~ came liime for the warriors, 10 IlfiOi,ili"lll lil. HII had 'Mecihs" U Tile Dmg:oon!S reslruC'lured '!heir mQimel1m to minlmi2:EI 1heil' defjeiil1lnci&S!.WiI~1so few warriors. lhe reglm'€'nts,' origirlal baijal· Ion and company 'o~Q3IlIilza1ionswere meanl1'isJess. The' regiments wert! dMded1 ilitlo pro:v.isional oomp~f'i[es,withltie cClliOn~l andtn'!:l fi1tecs1 pi lots aiOO 'Med1s in '!he regimerqt forming 1JiIe oomm.a;nd oompany',. T~e olher companies, wenefonrnoo by' wa~'·· riers who hadllbeen members o~lihe same oompaJl'ly or the saffUll' battalion before, Misery so 'Ihat th.ey kiI1ew leach other. ~Il :ar!y J~I~'I rourier\i'esoollal1d:ed1 on Hanllw"s S'u n wi~hia e iii! priva1.e mNsage tor ColOrnel Wolf from BreVe'! Genmall Nathan A!'mslrQng. oommande!' ofltis' EiridMi ILight lHIol'Sie.1illa mess.a,g,e, wtJidn Colonell Wolf r{!~aledillater. sard '!hat '!he UghrliHoFSe wiils well aware 10'1' 'il1i arJger and ~em:orse' 'lJ1ieD.ra;g:oons mum b9 feeling. since they too had lost civlliall Iive5, to fha Kurita snake, G9ner,al, A~mstrong offeroo TO send 1he Fliflje~ IHeavy!lry IBlanaJlio~from the IBlack Ho:r,seRegiment. Afler conf,er-ring witllilis affinem ColCInel' Wolf repl~edl t'o; General A:rmstmngU'iiM the Dragoons tel~ strong aDOIJ ghlO hold th'Ellir wn bu~ o were oomfoirled that 1he Eridanl Light Hiomel, who had beel!'!lheir ~,umtSiuS'1 mOrllhs IbefOre, !lUi; ho_n:ari;lbo'lfH pa'5l diftmnQ@'s. IBetom General ~J1ek Ilefl:rm IN!ew Avalon In mid-July', l'IIe' Iroo~ivool permission from .Pdn ce Han$e' to,Qrt!filrthe T,enfh IDeneb Ughr Cav,alry RCT mQ\i',edfrom Row,!,;!10 Bef'le~ III. 8 WQlrnd iNhere ~tcould easi Iy a;slOist fhu Dragoons s!h,oold &i~y rl~adhi8'lpl. lihO'Ulgh the Tenltl Deneo, I'ltcknaJillllednr;e Cheeta:li,s, was aJ'I irmxperi-' e'noed unit General Sarlek fel1 thll itstr,aill'ling as a ,swift flghtingl forne and its hoverer,aft regiment!; WO'u~dcomplement~he Ora·


In August, Colonel WdlfleJillHsl'I'(>w's S![.1InfQr T~rr.eJ and tt1e weddlng ,of Plriinoe HanS€; DalJi@n ,and lM:e1issi1lSteiner. IBefure he lef:I. hedl!S,persedllhB IDf<llgconMO~n9il'_sig,n:edl worilds. iJlecauslll FOr1 8elll'oirwas, SO remio1:e, most off the IfIlner Spherec did no1 reall~e 1hat the Dragoons, were in 1h€l Federat~St.J ns. Th<a~ changed on Augl.lsl f7. As Jaime WOlf was making hHsfirst ,a,ppe<I!ran:ooince Misery s by QOn1lilontingICoofdlinato~ Ta!kashi Ki!rita on Terra, his trr,oo,ps were daparting tor (heir statioli1iSILl I'lder the eyes o~ 1hs media". which had been [,nvlted to rGco:rdi !he dlep'loyment. Though this arrangement w,aoslovershadowed b'~ news comilng out at Terra, mMY I'lotiooo and ffilIDt,ed to, lhe sight 0'1 the Dragoon banner fly,ill'lg bel'lealh ~he F~r,~led Sunburst In the D.r,a:Qcm~ CombilCl'e, ptrti:cu'Iru1V among "M!ech Ii.lJI.i'tS, in the GaJedon Mili~alllLlist]'&GI:, fue news, w,a,s eleclri'tying <Ifl1d ilwlrag ing, Be,ta and DE:!~Ul ~imems", cOlll'lm'aJl"!ded by Gol:onmsAfncirni R Shosltdkovil:dliam K;\l/lhleen Dumont, wame S9111i1 10 the' large'. water-rich wortd of Wapakcllle'la~ lhey decided to stationlhern" s>ell;li$Son the COl1tioon~of New WiSOOnSl11 because' it was largely demr1ed and offere(jl,a v~liefY of tena[r;s to use in afJight Colonel! Wolf's Alpha Regiment oo1lIed an Glenmora. a parl!icIlJariy~iQlen~ world of voIcano~s, anrll 'typhoons, Gamma <md Epsilon Regi~ rnerss Ir'emained ,ofllU1e dry agfiwltL.i1rall worild 01 i~allow's S!UJ1 [111 ih:illy and mounmJinous, t,errain o~1he plaloofs rLQrlhem o(ln~,emotlnl"la!1 displays by 1he w,arriors OfGiiIIloo'oi1l r,~rmenIS booame·an lmerni:l of h~,med when afficial Kmirlamedii3J <IJ'I'[1IOUl'!lced en Al!.Igus~:a3that Wa!rtlcrd Grieg Samsonov had been ,assMSI:nated b·Y ~a;;;]:e:nts, 'fllhec cowardly O WaH's D.ra:goons and the Federated sens. ~lIhll! OL!ilrage beli::;:;ama rnlndlass violenoi'i! i3JS soma wallrlars lado; 10 1he streets oi thei r base worrd'.s,smaSlhlng ,at an.ything and eloleiiY1lhir:tg ~nltheir fury. Soon anel'W.i~i.I'ds"military oommunicatlons incre,a:sed within (he district, and ollicers. beg!9:n1 d1scuiSsing Shalegy. ;Mei:h, IFegi~ ments lbeg,an moving SOOi"i ther,e:afteir. Wlnat hOlc:ibeen unroaracteristic




Three days, baf'Offi'~he maTirla,ge'" as tile famous miflgled at a Ireoe,p1iolil~hrowrllby ComSlaro1'flolals" COlonel Jaime Wolf 5~1Xfe IUp 10 Coordinator Takasi'll Kurita ,and 1P:~e.sentedhim with the ,swo:rds ,of' the lat'e Genem! Tet,suhara. The e!Joquent gesture ,andl ilie ~er:secoo'!lersa'lion thiMfollowed', in which CO!QnefWofr1 swore the D~agooll\S" VilUliQ:e;r100 .against the Dmoonis Comb.ine" ,e:F1 Fag~d, t!)e Cm:lliClinalor"s adviS!lafS. 'l'akashi K:Uri~ashowoollitlle outward emoUMIO Je,ime 'Wdlfs insults and 1hrli8!1$-Even asi~1'l!shi I<urita. was wing ~tuJiig by Wol~''swo~d5" he was plal'"11nlng1:0~,e1e'~!'1, wi~hthe [)fagOOrl!l" Rrst. he' ordered Warlo~G'fiiElg Sam,sonov executed tor' pl'aclnghi.s desire to I'1l..1miiial.'6' Dr,agoof'ls above fha Ooordina1he tofl.s wish 10 absorb 1ihem! illtOI 1he lOOMS. In his pliaoo, the 'Coordinato:r ordered General ,KeSler I-ISil.lH Chil. Warlord 01' the 1~e'Sh1 DistriGt, to. assums command of the G~!edb1li Mimary Oislnict CClord.ina~or Kurita. considered Gerneral Chil, ,I:)skifled veteran, the baSI and mos1 ;Ievel·headed general I'le had. To bolsmr 1he GaJedon f,or'C"QS ,. whk:h had I~ ma.uIOOI by lhe D~agoor'i$ (10 Misery, thE! 'e.adam the Draconiis Oombine ordered IhEl'$brlh, Seve.l'l~h:.Olioo1 'TeJ'I.thIPOOhl Regulars 1:0foUol!'!!'General oCn'i IO nis new commar!d. rN'ewsthat some of the' lOOts!:r'i:lgimMIs. includingl 'lJhe!Eig'hth Sword of Li9hll ami 1hree Galmen Regular reglmen1s" had been lbeaten was s.ulrting 'It! spread through ~he GaiedOIi'l lMilitaJy [}ismct MechWarnors wew'Ylsry emo1iona;1 andivsngerul.1hough 'Ihey normally proide' linel1'liS:e:lves in bailig! superbl, calm and dispassionate. This olllrage grew with the .mlirmr Uu;d the [li'a~ goons had vi'Olated the honor off ~he oombat on Misery by lW:singl sl!JNe!llance :satemle$,

The Eighllh 6a1edon Flegul~~s dw~d 01'11 H~rrow~s S'1.ii 'OF! n Septamber 12. Because c"'faully inform~o!1l,it!e'Combine 1roQp,s" ted by Brigadi'e:r Generall Vidor Nicholas, lai'ldOOl 300 kilometel"S! sou~1'I oOf 1he [J;ra;g:oon Gamma and Epsilon Regiments ..Angere:d ,a1'biiling una/bre '10se!lze1he th'l'Qat of '!heir' enemy ~t the outset, H1e: heavy "Mechs 01'Ihe IRegulars c.asI. aside an A'FFS tank balLta:llll;lfI .andllhoo massacred the citizens ,of Tl'eT'ltem. a small farming oomm!.Jl'lity Inear '!!heir Idr,op zQ'.nes. TO'P'~!!IiV8nUunheF ciYlli~n dealihiS,'!wocompanies o'J'Gamma Regiment" oommarnded by Major Al1hur Dumcir'l~. left rhe eaten· StVle pcsiliions they I'loo p:r..e"pa.ll'ool II'll 'Ihe, hUrts is Urr,ol!.lrdtng Font ~elJv,o[r 'to e:ng'age! 'lJhe EighlJnlGal:edon. Thu;lY'gradually drew the Combine fo:roe.s nrnihwa~i:I,<liway trtlm villag:e's and tOWaiJd the Ires[ af 1he [J!r,agoorJs. Contact COOhJ rred just naM of J ifilm! ClrossilFiQ. a complex: of Ihills along tn'S: Ji01(or River _One battalion m Combine 'Mechs had just ,emssml,tnl1l! !',i\llr!r,iii ,eoo\loy of Uanspo!'its was drMI'1!g ilU,olJglh the war, ,and the oltner unils, were wamng ~h'elir 1urn. Major DlJImmll ordered his If::ompany to aHack the battalion 'Iha~ hadl mossed aoo draw lit away from the river's loogle.. As 'lliia 'Mectns fought, 'lhe CQrnbine tr,am;p~nts d9Speratelv tried to eros!,; In'el ~iwur and move ,aside SQ ~1i9'a'lher Ga!loobt:l 'MeclllS (mlbiltjl ~mS's,aoo j,m:lli1the batl~B. Just as 'the 'first 'Meohs entetedl6"!€l,~w.f:1 r,rqr, theseoond oomnpan~' ,01 DragooM a1· laCked.'Th0ylirS!1 des,U'oyed ~he tr.artspmts on 1he'north Side, 'Ihen ~lJImedcnlhe 'Moohs standing e.xpos~d if'!"thl£lmfddl€lClf ~h@ river. 8etor,e llhe ICom'tline ';Medn:s ,chasing Majer [)umonl~s ccmpany' ,could Ire-lum, the Eghlh Galedolll1:egulars IIQs;tleleven tral1isports and two 'M:echs. The Dragoons mehed ,aWliiy to UtEi noilth. General Nioholas pusihed Ihfs regimel1~ to. ,catchl !Up 'With IDl.IIrn onl"& companies. He almost. caught tnem in tne Stril"lgl Forest cd New Cas~e. Slrililg 'Irees. Which are ioolgmmus to Harro?lls SU!I1t, gr\ilW fong.,. thick. and sticky tendrils ',tlom '!heir branches. 'Wltlne' '~.e:y carl!'! 01 :a;ckuall,Y hold! ~ a. 'MecM,. 1hey are ill major aJilfWfooee. GenBrru N id'nolias t:or~BCllyguElsslld mat Major Dumont WQutd 'go Si!a.wly 'lhrough 'Ihe- forest Ol'd..eri ng hi s regiment in~o a, ron, GenemJ rN'l'chol'as caiugh~ up JIol!Sl as, tile D.ra;goons werre teavlf'lgllhe forest. The Regi.ilaf$, Ulsing tliln· $i.i!Jl:itU11orfirepcW&l', caught '!he' D:mgool:liS by surprise ... er a few marne [1I1s11looked' as F iI an advancing battalion of Combine 'Medns would entCilicle the Drr,agm:ms.At' too liiilst mOiTI9i'1,t, however" M~m Dumont manl~lIOUSIye,x,acured a ,shoot-mdi-mo'i,i'E! maneul!el' ~h!~tlook hils 'l:r..oo;ps ' ,safely aw,ay frtlmUUl' IEl!'MmV" but al a cost ,of four 'Moohs.


iMe!lak.y Hums:


8th Gafedon ReguJars

BravD Bal1allon
1st 13rd

fjfA I......,;x.....--




11,0 II

AfVl.Istis,lhetwo compal"lles c,f Du menrs Dragoons lliilC the GOlJedO!1'l Reg ulars if'lto an emesh by ~he'command oompmies of bo1h Gial1'lma aJoo Ep~ilorl Regiments. The !heavy oompa:nle5ofi Colonels; 'Wilhelmina Korshl and Baxter ArbutMol,fi!ingtr,om protecled IPosili(U1S'OI'leither side ot the pass. caught tMe Aeguf<ats unaw,ares.I8e1:me the Regurarsooul(llrespol'ld! twooJ'lheir'Mechs were des~royed ,and thJ,~e ot.hers wete crippledl, As '!he su,perior firepowfJ~ o~ the Combine "Me()h~ began ~o take it tofl;,M~o'r Du mom,'s compant!ll.Si I~etumed lO ,cover 'lhe withdlrr~!Ma[ O'f ttle h&av:y Drag()ons:. The Galooofll Algulars arrived at 'lhe~rs1:,de~nsJVElI &rim. p 1:era~i:ltJnd Fort Behl(lir In, la.~eSeptemJber. ,Atlempts ~o breadhi [h,e oomptex e,f Iilas,tely ~S;Il'Uoted gun empf:acemems, aoo mlne~ ~ields, many ,oornpieted jllsl the rlight befQre', took .mOSlt '01the flEild mOii1h ai'ld cost tile ,Combi ne regimen! dearly. Many of the 9 till emplao!JmeI'lIS, war,a manned b)' IDragoon infanlrymen. w1:lose grim determinalion CElus-ed more tnsn one Combine 'Mechio fall. The AFF'S provided the !Dragoons, 'WIth a n~g,lmel'1l ol tanks" two O'f mechanilzed infanlJry. and tnr,ee Sniper aritililerv pieces. 1ih]s !Jut Ih.ilI Gal'edo!i! Regl)l~affi at,~ di.sad'ltal"lIage, bec:BJ.lsethey had o.nly a rnedhooizIld 'inf,anilry r,eog;Tmerill aocompanving ~h~m. aincl thefrfigh_s wereslation~d~oo ~aJr away f,or qu Ic'k rO$pornse ~o cOlLlnterad the 'Dragoon ~igh1EIrS, GeneraJ, Nichc~lIiiliS ~~a;ng,ed,taclics; in late October', enmiroJil1g F0!18ahroir andlihe' Dragoons ra.~herIllan Uylf!g 10Ibre_ tl'uough tMir def,en~est lhl:s was 'whail' Celonals ArbiJljhl'io~ :and li<!orslilt feared. It l'Iarl been easy to proteGi the front gales, but the Combine w<l.oSfominglhe' Dragoonsito spr,ead what wa~ left of their e~hl,companl9s O'f 'M:echs ,over ,a much wfdm area, There wC)ultJ be If,ew reSE.llVes to blunt an enemy' DleakthFiolligh. The' Dr~EJoonIlJropShips, il"l' a large orbit amurndlhe p'larnel. wer'e orliile.rwlto stand ready !:IV(l1.lUate Fort: Be:lvolr ,Ibut 1hey rneeded ,several wiEIe'ksto Inaal(l!1 ,ElJtighler orbi~ fo~ land Il1g..The' 'Iwo co!onets c'Oflsiderred c-allI'n;J the TGmh DeMb Ught ,C;il!valry lbe:fme [t Was, 1co, ,Late. As 1he ~Igh~h Gt'liI'e1lI'Qirl Regu lars COITl,plet8d their entcirclo· rnant oflhe D· - -ns.' posiljOI'l, 1hey pau5€d, nUll' r~or'1lliiemains 'Imoer1aln. but mighl: tlave been tl1ia1Wil!~lor4 Chi had fil'1:ally assumed oommand II'If the 'Gmedon Mililary !Dis.1iictand the Eighlh Reg!.JlaJl;;were aw:aiitiiilQ a t'ormal 0.1'<.10 1~J'iOOeed. The Dragrmns used the lull 110 reorgMI~€I' and to reposilion 'lheirfof(kt}S. Companies wer,e broken up into, layers of liillCElS. The 'Iirs! lfij'er was 'made up !;Dr ~hgheavier fire Ilance\ the seogndllayer was tne strike lai'll09'" aJnd '!tIEl 'linall Ihe O'r defelilse was 'Ihe



lance. Tanks

,and ill'l'rantry. by t1ien

~~med 'e)(~lusi'!lel~

with Inferno mis5i1es, ac,teollas, the ilra.:g:el(m~ cmly

The first major assaul] began during the night. of December 11_Two companies oH3ialedon assaull'M~chs alttaoked Nichdle's Company, A platoon of Da\i'~on fnifanlry, which happened Ie have bee!1l p'~lmmngltiat sooUon, of 1I1e defenses" m<maged ~o light two of ilie Combine, !M~hi5 withllinfemos. The, sight o11he!behemoths bl(l!Zing I,ike torches 'inlhe night air gave the I:l~agoon g,unnii~m~ ea,sy l:argets_ Two pim:mxe5 and one Sniper artillery pie-oe SOOI1 desl1roy,ed both 'Mec'his_ The! olher Combiloo 'Mechs, hQw~V'er, destroyed ~ha gun empl.memoot.s and pushed to attadk Nichole's CompiliriY. The fOUlr'M'ecl"ls of~e fire lance',lwo,Atchel3. a SbadOW Hawk,. and a. Griffin, usedlheir Ilong-,range weapons 'IQ8Jvoid a slugging matotn wilhlihe' huge Combine 'Medhs_ The iJragomll '1Meells m'tremed ILu'itHlhey lfO~l the PflGemix Hawk attd lh r,oo SUf'!g.efS, 0'1
the stri1k:,e lance,

The Iig,hUir 'Mech.s atl'emp1ed ~o dose with the Combine 'lMechs. MeGlhWarrior Bos'well, in her SFinger, jumped and landed dlreclly behind a. Ga!edOn Dragon. Before 'lihe huge beast liould tum, she fir,ool her 'aser linto its Ih~pjoint. 'T1hehip fU'mcu, alr,ead!y damaged i~ previouS! ,a:~ljon, flaked awa.)i'" 'aiXpos~ng the hip' mectilanism. which 1iI'1 tum glowed red 8il'ld e()(ploded. Twloe more

trick, causing malor dami:iQe '10 a. Warhammer and a Maraudsr. On Ihell" foul'li'1 jump, a Cyc/!lIPS auteeannen shot caugh~ her "Medhl ill1 too ctlJI1lS~, b~eakil!lg tlh91 ,Slinger il1l mida~r_ Despite her loss, N Idnole"s slowedl ~he G~h1iid'cm 'Mechs., Captain Niioho'le, pil'o1ingl one of ~he Davian Enfot~.,s, and Iher command lance' then entered' ~helbattle- The fou'r 'Meahs of her Ilance stopped the eir1emy ad.vafllC9. By' daybreak ~.e Combine to~ws were r,elireatlngl, pursued by IDragoonligIU,ers., T:hoerCQrnbili')e Ilo\S:t ~iw heavy 'iMl~hs: Nlc,,",ol'e's CornlPi3iny last ~~ Every ~ight ,forthe nexi wee!k,lihe Combine' launched s!mllar attacks around the iD.r,agoons' def,ensive perimjfj~9r, all with simile:r l'&Su]ts. Even though ilie Combine lost more, then 30 'Mach5, ill'! the frg'htirlg, Generall' N icoolas felt Ihe had tha l],PPiF hsmd Oemlli!;€!' the Dragoons, .had iost twelve' 'Medhs and mm::i'lo,f i1s,nfan1ry su.i,ppbt1:. i COI01il~1:5Arbuth n01 aOO KiOfsht 'feallz.oo tlhalt their ~O~Qe5; ere w spread 'far roo thiil1 to hQltl i!he'presentdeferlsive line. On 1he Inlght of January 51, th.-e Ilr,a,g,oo.n:srelll'ea:ted to. another line of Q;Wli"I emplacem,erUs jusl'oUiLSide Fort IBrlJlhiQir. To ,cover t!heir rH~r~t, c:cmiba:1'entl;iMers: lef!: behirLd mr~~iel'd!s ,BInd wemole sensing devices,. As 0'I1his wri~ililgl, 1he Dragoof)S w.e~9 S1ill hotdtngl out agi1lli,I'1IS11he Ki!.Ifilarorce<s.
she managedlihis

68, The Fourth SuooE!ssicm W~U

The wa1er-tFliGh world of Wapakon6la Pflj;S8!:illed a (lonn~~9!l9try diiU!filI~n1!errmrll ronne' Dragoolils of Bet1l! and Della IRegimems, Most rn~h;isworld ~s oo~,rf3d bV deep bl~e o~eans or hlll'ge glooiers_ The smallOlnnount of 'Imd is di\iided <lI!iirlongfive OliJ:I1ti· nsnts an~ lITIlyriad liifi1yisl'.:lnCils:, Tn:e nine' oompani:es of DragiOQ:r1s ,chose to make thei'f stafl:dlon the COrilliOiilrtl! of N~w W~$Cl:lnsin, a IEnTi!per~t~ 191001, l'1!1ostll{ eep forests wi~h many hig:tl mountains, d lakes, and r~ers, for Colon~l$ Shostoikioviildh and D!Jmon~, ~he ter~8!1 sugn g:OOI:ed a dijft~ren~ d:eh,mshre £hategy !llIan en Hlarmw's StU IlL Ins~a·ad ·of selecling one base and h;{J{lding il,the two officers decid'edlh<llt New WiscOl1isin Was best sui1ed to a 9 ue:rri'lla stylI? of def,eFll$e. Wi~h thai in mind ,lh!l1 IDragoens spe!l1t mos~ of ~hevrlime getHn;g1aeq,urunloo willh lh,e terrai n. Every warrio:r pored over survoeinaJnc~ ma;ps.The Dragoons '$nnPclloy~d local vo,1unl'eer'S <IS gUlid'es. They al~so hk~ caches ,011mm utI iti,ofl <lind weapons inlliie a riOrests andi n laklB'slo make themselve,s self~sulffic1eiFlt The DropShips w<rultedrll a p~ingorbit near Wapa,'k:cmE!1<:t.'!s mooln.. Most of Ule p~OInel's m~l~iai Uairdedljhe ConlimllIfU:.s,OUl!'ma]or g t c~ieSlO Ipn9lv!llrJll. th,e Combine' 'from us~ng civmans as hostage!,k The m ili~a. a~so p~o1:ectedltiie DlI'ilgcmns' fi.g:htem, which usool~M dties' airpons.1hfee f~iments Clf Wa:p.akQn~la. al/ol!!II'!{----sQ~clie,r~ c mOllrned on horses" Inolvehicl.e'S----'Wem alt<l!ched tolhe OfagOOriiS arn:llp:laYEda vital rOhl! ~n pa;cking sUippHes, tflrou,ghthe !1IlOIWlnll'lit1Ot1S :8ndrartlsted l:errain. They ,aliso playedl a Irdle· i'n~he'lighling. DwpShips o,f~hG lhlwd Pl"Q;$<e~pil"lo;l. 1ri!1lIS'sarr$ tli'le Twei[f1!h arid Galedon Regll.d;:m. appeared on Sie!iptember n, To '"9A5me tll'a"t they d:ro:p,ped on if\iJew Wisc!<msin <tlInd nol SQ.rn!ll Oliler c~ntitl~t:lt where 1hey mfght com mit an 8!lmclty il)frusha:tiofIl, Ihe Dragoons brQk:!li comrmmicaliorl!s sNence allid gave the Ccmnbine p'Jellly G,f chatter to listen to and home lin 011" The Combine'rowes dropped "'In the open pllains of [northern New Wismnsin. Ol1ce l()ijr1~in tha!I 'th~y were' lmo,ppased" tne 'Medhs. cailled dOWinthe'1r DropSh~p:s 10 disembark tM r€lS\ .QI' th!e r,~im~nts. The DropS h~pslandedl'On the hard flat 9 rO(j(nd near the SarQla Rhrer. Uke th~1 Combiru:l 'MtlClh I~~m.ems fightfnS o:n Harrow's Sun, tile Hussars aJild Twelfth GaJedol'l lh~.acomel(l Wa;pa:konela wilh \I~ry m~l\einfaJrilttcy support Ilrls1ead. ~:e mgi· ments unloadeo their AeroSpace FJghih'l'rs and a tmtl:aliofJ O'f combat engineers., who immed'iately began t<lfflS,Uucting an ,ai;rlield forthe fil(Jlhters .• The il)ropShips t1i'l9r!! til orbi! W:a;p~on:l eta ready to l,endaJssistarlo91 when Ineeded, 1his was th~ CUl810r tl:"l~Th!lrd Provilsflonall Com:p.a!f'!Yof ISeta ~l1lg~meilt. wh ich' hed b~fim Closely .rm:m[lming fh;e enemy's ac· Nionslhrough a nelWQ:rik of remOl~ d~Vi1oos,,and' $io[,]lls. This oompa;n,y ,led by' Capt8J~n' VandltJesen, was assign 00 10 cripple th~ Combine ~igih111lr ,capabilil:y no marltrilw wtJalt ~he' eost. Captain VandlJlesel1S!el'1tbNo CYIh~s la-noes to @$saJlJl~{he IHussars: and Haledion Heglllws from tha west Taped cnaflA[ broadcast b¥ their 'Me;Ct;'!!s was'ned tolriGk [h.e Combine inwl be~ieving lliiat m(Ji!'e tnaJ!l j lislllaflCEls· Wlll~~ atlad!:ing 1ii!em. Generall Tarsus IBod,oli. (lomman.OOr@fUlle Twelfth GallOOon IRsgu~ars, and General Lee BeH'ls~ei,n., oomm<li_!p!de'F ~flihElI flhHm :rilJlssars,f:eHforlhe ruse' amllposi~ioliledtheir regrnnen~s rm 0lI massjv€I atlaCkfrom the we.St IEagerlol~ak:e O:I'! U~e l!),rag.oon'S, !he Combine ~l)rms ~6ftbehlll1donli~ lokBn ,guards .<lIs1h~y i\!rl.-:t:ied m 10 meel tli'le enemy. The Galfilloi1 lR:eguiars left IQnilylwo ~ig!nt 'MGcl1S and severiil ~aoks 9 !,:IMdiog th.e'lighl~r$ ~li'Id the,eng,iirleers along Ulle Sa:r@laRive" Captai.n V.a.rndlU~S€!;n,~<lking a page~mm m ililairy Ih.is1my, had lali\en hf,scomm~oo ~arme'into the Saral a R!i\ffli' and was s,JOWly walk!iIFlQ e.1l.tW,y!fj[d,He ho:ped '~h~l the MoO 'IMCOO Ih~ left behindl wou Idf,oo.ltne enemy ~\::ii1g::Jnough for tlf's 'IMOO ~achlh!llairlield u Fl:oletec,te-d, '~ Time and again a iiM:~"Ch I!,Jrnb!led,fell, and'iumbled abouil ~1"11 S the sw:ifl CliJlrrent. lFiGlfMel h(mrs they s~ru~ll9"~ d@wrilske<l!l'iFI, Them ~h~ro!,llr 'MElchs,lW(l CommandOs llInc1l 10"'0 1 Wa~ps, warlkiedl out of the river. C~ptain VafilCUe5en's nlillvigl.mon had been f.aulty: 1he oommamj llema€! WaJS ten kJmomete~s east o~ the airport Not reali2~ng mal tliis strike amlrilre llanoes hat:! been destroyed by~he Hu~:s.a~$ aim:! Galedcm$, Ca:J'I't<litrl Vandl!J:e.sen ordemd his lsnea into afirot Wulh pamoutlar ~!ish, tn8uG~8don warriors Iliad spent han an hour lortl:llr,ing the last Dragoon 'Mero, When its pilot had ~in<'lilly had ,erwougl1 tsne eilec1ed. onlyll:l be caught in irniidiair by a Combi,f1e Aroher; whrch tlfuew her lifll~othe Saroia. Rllmr, whe;reshie drownoo, WhJ9'n Captallt:! VS!f'lciluesei'l!fil'1!altyrea.chledU1e Hassars 0100 GaletJon Re.g;Ulars were JLI~S1 oti.Jlmling. fl'ushoo w,ith o vicitory. The captain ord~red ~j$ 'Mect1s lirllto H run, blut instead of attacking the'Mech$, he ord~red tMI they compl~IE!' 'lhEii~ I'fiIT:SSi.m and del;;,tmy as many enemy as pessiiMe. They 'Iasited fi~ ml~l1iutes,aJ"lQI:emily c'msichni~lhef,ire· p,ower tf:la~ CombIne "Medhs 1e\ile!IIe(! ~l tli'l.em olliS. thll'ill!jbroke Clf th~ woods. The "trtJifiy[3Jmaz:irtg thing was 1hat, dunnglhosflfii1,!\8 mim.lloos,lhey destroyed or dai:ffulged 25 'l!!lIhOOrs. mor,OllhanIWOIhirds af U'ne enemy's tDJGe. One Dragoon, ~er1s~rl91hallh~s 'Feac!Jjf was about t~ i!lxprooe, Ir~ .air.dl th reV\!' him~lf inlOl a oonmele 1i!8iI'1~ar hat lhad Jlust b!flsn builit The leoll1plQSioil ~ jj'fi:If'Q~d 'lw"O ~ilgihters,!!nd b~Qughl lhehlS:Fig,ar ~ras'htrilgdown. i Ang ryat having lost mQ~lloJlihe!f f,jglil~~r~l:1p,port,Geli1_errals Bemsle~n <liM Bmlol'i deojdec:i IilOUQ w,ait lor th:f:ler'lgj"'t!(!rs tolin!sh! th ~ iil!ima~d.They ibegarn I'll.! i"!'!i!:'1i9 the· n:l9t of Iihe Dragoons immedi8!!.ely.. The warrijorn oillhe' HI!JI5Sarsand R~tl.Jl;'.Irs< began their marchl by l'is~enirlgIID:the;if oom.rnoodGr:s '!!'Ilva:sp€lech~s about how 1hey werell1isrn to' aVlIngeJ ·Ihe as!s3ssiil'il31tion of Warmnd Sam~ sortov, tMfriloro 'l!'iid Hege,asweI13_5th~iwlll!ls:tbm'll'1effiandsustS[S, bu~iGd b~n~aillilll'lIe snow of Misery. The Gerhl3:rals,·extloned them ~o neat lhe Dra:gGlon:sas an msroonary s:Cum ougl\'II j~ b~ 11F'&ated. Ilike coward~y rabid d~i$The Com~jflle force!" m~m,11edweSI for otlhe majm ofrli~sonlJhe oontrnent. knowlrlg thallh'e [lriOl.!lQo!;l!r'lswoU'ld uy to· PJl'lVol'l'.nt tih!3'!TI born harming ioom;eJll dvnlians, Whilleltraval irng tli'l~mJgh the hilly Bar1111i iFor,Qstbey mada contaci Wilh !h.e Secofl!c PfOvi(1Oicmal Gompa!l'lY hom IGleH:a Reginneli'il Using tt1!l!Ieffil'$il as OOlo!'~,r rrrawoon 'M~~h5 dr~w two lomces oi"MeGhis awayf.rom .11h~1 thie res:t of the Cornilliiiflle regiTfi~lr)ls, Asthe !Dragoons conllinued to retreat demop.1ilih:m teams ld~looaied lchargss Ural ~enl huge ijJees down u[)On U1e roadl, tCIi.llli11 off th e tW,Q I~n(;es 0'1 Galedon ns FlelJulars.,


'.'(11' .~.' .... ~'.



:j -'.



The Secoml Oompamy's etlorts to finish off its prey qUJickly caused a 'lire. Las~r and PPC slhots missed a 'Mech but connected wili'il ~rees" Grn:a:~riIg E!iKpIOSi(lll$ of Spllinters and many sm'2ll til'e'S. The smaill blazes 000.1'1' oombined ,and glr~. The ti:g'I1~was prolVlng more difficlII,11hal'lihe IDr,a,glOOl'1shad hO;pOOl. ThQugh ine,xperi~oed ,~he Regulars had cr[~p'led one Dragm:m and damaged two otJtle:rs w'hile losing Qnl:y two of ~heJr own 'tJlectis.. The fir,e was, gJ1OWiflg, and the rE):S1o11he Combine 'MedMsSwere beglnnif\g, [0 , br,ea:k tlhroLJQ!nthe barrier o~ trc,QIJ$_ C.aplatn Kincaid, oommanoer 011he s'ecotld OompSiny. received theplilUback order hom hf.s.sQj[f)eriO'rs. Caplain fefLJisOOl; The tUl! had i.QiS1. his wife and son 011 MiS€lWand was, notabeutto mU9i1 from a Combine 'Mecll, He did order the, res'l of ths oomp~ny'lo pull back TWQ,on'!is,c'ompan:~ stayedwi,1h ~heir~ptairl. Togeltlier, ltie 1Jhffl:e 'look 0'111he fiv,e Combine 'M:echlS if'! a small hollow of blm]ilil!} ~ees. The Caplain's black box retrieved 'from his Thunderbolt Ihree month.iSafter the bataeorf~ve~~ed h~5fi mil minlJlms <liS enas o~ rnge,fjame'S, an.GiIpailll. The other hvo 'Meoh$ des'lJrDyed t.wo Combine'Mech.s be~orelhey succumbed to' :SJu~!iior fir,e;po.wer. The three remaining 'NJedh:sdemanded] Ca,pklin Kincaid]$. $oU rrl;ln· de!r. His I)epllf was a 10lI5ef~t to ~hehea.d of one or the 'Mecl1is. 'TheiPl «;aJll1lt'J· con~l.iI~iO'nc:dmissites, liaJs9n~"and names" Caplain ~ Kincaid's. final wmds w~r'9 for his family. Later, ,ae news team ~r'om the Fede.r.ated Suns fQl'lowing the Combine a.dvomce s~um:bJed u;pon Cap1airl Kirnc.a:id's fiflru batllefield. What they found were six 'MBahs, s1ripped by the Combine lroops,lay,il'lg among the sliill·sJll1lolde~iilg logs. In the mJd;d!le, flhe c smal'l clearing, ringed by black spimslhat used to be [r,&es, stood fwo 'Meoos" Blackenid by fiir·e, wiltJi me.tailfand !Mmrlcr blown ,outward by 'Ille explOSions gf miss'ilu iiilmm~nilion'" a ThufI-

d'elbaltstood m01iQlt1less,~tshands aroundtoo head ,of,aniljilmov[ngl P.anthera-s It to, choke' it. The eerie sight W.a,s ap;p.nenUy so
ur:lnerviif!lgto !he Oombine warrio:rs and 'l~h fi icioos that ·they ref~sed to di5~1.Jrib me 'Mech,s.Ins~ead,SOMeone paintoo 1iI llalueidhis,t pra~e:r on ilha legs lof 1he' 'Med1s 'or the sou 'Is of Ithe two wani:ors who, died so I'I.emslh a death~ F~u the next th r~ mOiilths, 'Ihe CGmoi ne' f:croos is.earoh~ in V\a,]n forlhe main 'bDdIy ;01 lie !Dragoons,. never ,uealkz:in:glthm IBeta and Delta IRegiments I"!:ad long <qI(l, spill up Iln~i) company and IMoo-sized units. TtU!:S9 small oombart. grQuPS repeatedlv' :s~~uck at~h:e I@ng cotumn o~ Combin~ t~~.lt1elf!l.,qiJickJy ret~eated into the for,est Native guides, hel ped, Uile'm find! ~htm ,cuts Uuu alJ.ow·Eid them to race alite-ad 01 tine ,enemy 10 waJit in1ilmtllils'l'11'once ag:ajn. liless tactics WOrked ~ry 'Well in fcr9S1ec aild moul'1Itarl'f1o!.!ls terrajnl. b~rl:the IDragoons lost Warriors on' th~ f~aln.md5] where GOver was ~p~rse. Trhi'Ough "he IUseorlhese a.g.e-oldltaclics, th,e Dragoons had, by ia~e NOOilember. anaaJed morajnan :20 'Mechs fr,om hi) .Prt)serpjM ,J;ussa:r.s andltire Galedon Rieg,f.,I.l:ars. ~he Dr,agoons had unintentionall assistanoe from the oommanders o·fthe two CQ01Ib'ne ~egimen1s.'l3enerallrl3oddli, by his, seniorily. asSLJ med cam mand af 1he Combine efforl om WapaJkofll~ eta. It VIII_ his decl~lC1fll 1lhartIkepl 1he two r~lmen,1s 'IIil'ld to m;;u:is; in 1ighllly padked convoys"~ m!ll_k!l1'19 it easy forlhe marauding IDragoons '10, ttack and avoid. Genernl BermUeJiiI" a much !{fi'lJlrIIger a officer, quioi!Jygrew wearw ofG eneri;1 8odQli~s orders, whi,cnhad his Hussars shoaUng at phanrtorns. Generaj IBer!:1 stein 'wanted both,rreSimel"lts to tneiJk up Into small U 1'1ts to' hunt down the lOraI goons wiLh their own ~ai;Iic:s.11i lale INovember. the 'lwol.generals' di~agreel'nent apparenll1y came to a 'headl, pe~haps emf'! fO blow-s" andlhe Pro~erpina fi u:ssa:rs,Ile,fl1he G~ledon Reg utars, ~

70 The Fourtn Suooesskm Waf




.Any hope thai !!he' splil would banemlhe Dragoons was quk;kly dasihed when, on November ,29, ~he Fourth PlFovi-sionai Company of Beta Reg,irrnent atlemptedl 10 ambush a strraool1ng company of GiaJledofl! FI:agu'lars, moving slowly' 1tm:ru.gh1he hiUs near Stli'oi'ii1rSon City. Captain Bassura :sprang his,trap and seemed to havelhe' upper hand when a company of Ilghl: 'Meehl> Ifmmlhe Hussars appeared behind him, Accompanying the Dragoons w.a~~ com paniY of Wapakoneta, hors~rncumled cavalry. whlchl saW the ,e!rH9:I'I'W firSI and ait:laoked.They pllacool themselves belweefl1he Drago@!'!s arnHhe Hussars" helpl'essly usinglJheir laser C8!1ihlnesagainstlhe 'Mechs, The Ii-I USSili'S, a.fler a ,f,ew moments of killing' or kjckingl hOr$es, and peop!le arside, moved to caplllll'e'lhe Dragceons.lHavinQlllo dhoiCii, captain BasS>Lu,a_ rdered hislroops db'.Mr1 slope and into the o 'UrUlI Galedon iRegulars" Only five Dragoons ~H.ilNi\l'ed melee Mt:II 1he escaped, The next week wasliilled wirlh similiar disasters 'for lihe' IDragoons., who wer,e suddenly Iharassing less and Hil1reating more, They had lost two of the orr,ginal nine oompanfes. Many 'M:echs hia.d @nlyone or ~wo we.apon 'systems stili wo;rikin~hOnly the' 6'x:ceptiClnliillead~i'slhip 01' liheir ofli:(;en; and 1he 'lJi1:a:J as.sT.s:lance' of !he civ"ian population kep1 !lhe Dra.goonsligllhling. ColQnels, Dumont and ShostokoViitch kneW1haf ~he'Hussars, in breaking dowil ifilto smalle:r units and taking to' the woods,had counllllred the Dragoons' ·guerrFllla.taclics. They klnewlhaftlihe Hu,$sOi1Irs, WCluld e:ven~ually diividel!he Dragoons and ~es,~my, company' Iniurn, I.mless the colonels GOukhlhangEl the direotion of 'Ihe campaignl. On January a, a company oi Hussars foulndl t'he Afth ProlJ1isional Company of Beta R~gimefiit fn the 'f'OTofilS1s 1!.11s1 north of' Tred1ald, The light 'Moohii!i of the' Dragoons avoided the IHLJSiS~iJS and ned. Tn:€! Hussara FlU rsued an'idradr~IO 'two ~ltieJ' Hussar companies, wbich joined 1he hunt

The chase 'asledfo'r an Iho.iJf, dUlrlll'1!gwhichlhe Or<lljOOniS OiilJrEllvstayed ~ steiP .ahead (If'lhe HILlssans, .on sap!i!liilJlL~ 'liIC(!aJsierts, ~h'n" Dragoon warriQ~ ~to;p,ped and 'tumEld Inejr damaged 'Mlechs ern 'the purniller:s, giving th.E! main body a few momenlisand a.few k.i1oms'ters,mSaiJlty. Thelhree oompanfe.s of Hussars" 50' cl'use to calchlnglhe Dragoons., were surpl'iised when 'Ihe IljlYf ot trees gave way fo a huge! clearing. Though portJions ,cdtneliiellilloO:ked pjcwed and the tores1s @nnileo:ltier Side se~mi\ldl hOI:, 'the HlLRssarshada dea:rv!~ ,of'Iheir prey and prassed en, As 1he Hu"Ssars,·enlered 1he mitidle 'o~1he fiel'd.1hs,Drragoons slIJdd'enly turned 'on 1hem, As the elated IHussars were abou!' to ,o,pen fire, ~he remaining 'M~hs of SemI ami Delta R'e:giments slrode from ~h~ '!rees. Sildy 'Mm::hs s~ared down ~h9 30 HUSSi\ili:S 'for a, rnern ant A serie'S.o~'9xprosions bndkielhe briel' silence as a rI'Il;nefiel'd, aGti~ail:ed by Colon'IIDUfllont. detonated IUnd:e:rOl'le of th,i !Hus· sars, 60th S'ldes opened 1ire. with !!he Hussars uying to back out of [he' clearingl. When 'Ihe last Hu.ssar fi naBly ~:aclted 'Ihe tJrtOO'.s. the IChagO,oru:; ceased fi reo 8ef'orelhem were tn.!!! sn1ekiflg hi.JIks O'I'twe'lva Fluftar 'Mechs, 'IWO of wnioh were' lal:er s.alvaged, for use by 6'!e .Dragoons. In the !Jatlle. which came to be' kl'lloWl'l aslihe FIg1'lt fo,. Plov:en's 'Fie'lds, the Dragoons. I~OS'I only (hr,ee (:lilo'is ,andl '~ive 'M~hs. A I!.IIII ~ollowed as the Proserpl na IHus-sars Ir~oined to the Gal,ed'on Regu1lcar,5 fm resl, and fepanr.T1hefiaiSSemb:led Ilra~ goons took acvantag er of thEii quiet by marlChi!l'1glo Ha!11flibal, where' 1he' 1wQ Colonels dlecided 10 make ,s, siind. As oilhis writing, the' Kmitail forces have made' InO move to dislodge' the Dragoof'lls.

lihe' FOllrth Slil~;cession War




lhe t'iv,ecomplCIlnies" i ndwjing~hEJ' ,aliW 81ack W,idows" of Jaim e WeIrs Alplha Regiment chose the G~;m~inentof! Hades as, their own. Hades, tha CQl'I1tifof volcani'o aC:ti,\i'~~' Glenmora, is, 'Of'll domlnal'ed b'j!'five ac.ti\1\evgJc:anoe~. aat(;h wi'1h a m~Oi of lava flows. The C(lnli:nent has most -01',S'lenmora's. small chemical indILl<!ilily. wi~h three m:::lljQ'F fa,ClOi'ies and ,aUenda!nt citiesofl Jhe northl and south roasts, .. With Colonell Wolf t<!n~nd'ililgthJewed'ding on Terra" much ,01' the ini,tial deployment of Alpha Aegimentfell to MarjoJ' K~ly Yulkfnov. Major Yukinov. know,irag what Co'iolilell Wol~ would eo, sfIr.a.ngedthe Dragoons ,along Hades'only i'iver, ~he'Leth~. to give! eacihcomparny!h€l adl\latnt!\lge of a LilflIiqlUle terrOli rllfeatllJ'm. Th.e Fi'flihGaledon Rlllgula!rs, one of the un~:s ftiJaitooa5Jedllhe I~ragoons' flluniil ies, QUi of I he, Oombine, dropped on Glenmora 011 September 18. The Fiilth had bee:n the. pe:~$ona,1 regimoot m Warlord Samsonov, and one o,f lhelr own had disoovered hRs body. The s!hameof IOSlingtlleirfiege was!such tllatllires .office(s" irnduding the Iregimerlt's, ~n(ecuti'!Je~ lflcer, oom:miHed seppukl..l. Q The remaining offioen; and WiilIrriots swore blood vows again:i!: 'ihille D,r,anoons. . Bligadii9-r General Li Dok To, who iilss~medl command, ,agreed wilt! his enraged wardors. !hat t,he Dragoons ha.dto be lPulnis~h.€Id,A'ftcer maJolh'lQ' ~he~jrdrr:op 100 ikilome1:ers of ~h9 Dra11oons, the Fi#h spent mech ~Ihelirst week ~gelting aeeustorasdte 1he u:r!us,u:al [errai,n. As !!he FifHl approadhed, ~he Dra.:goon:s began nari1llssing them wiilh trequen1 figlli1ller strikes" desi.gnced 1:0 slow the advance and make 1he'Me<:M Wl'ists ammuniticm M~m Y'lJlkillov aliso ord(H,e(;h~1[.Irveillance Graft; USIIJIally sma!llairplaoes flown by' civillian '!II) unleers, to gain as mech ii"illorma'liOni aslhey ,coulldon the appr,o:ach,inQ enemy. Th~ came back. wilh IfUle news othi:)1' liharn~ha! the Combine Ireg:imant was 011 ost at 'rull $~relilglih. m The fi rst eontaet bet\I'Veefi th~ F~~thl aJedoli'l and tile DrOllG g~oons eeeu rred at a g uUy eas~'ofthl!l! lDu~11i L~va I"'now. II'lIa lapse of commonsense, Major Yu:ki:n,Qvdecided~o scout ~h9 e!l'iiemy p€f'fIonally, As !his I'ight 1~II'iCEi'lrojjndedabend, hefuum:l an assault lanCHoi Combine warriors, lhe 1ighL,.'though sn:or1:,was cosily to both side-s. Two Combine, 'Machs wElre S(iriOi,isly damaged when the llead watfiot st9,PrPi9dhis Warhammer into his ,lance-mate's line of tire and caughl a salvo of lasers. in the back, Tt'te Dragoorls mad~ the best ,oJIhe Combine's ol!leN:!,ageliFlflu by oo:noentralililg U!leirflre on the second 'Mech an:d getlrn,g' a lucky hi! that 'froze ilts right I'ergl. The other two Combine 'Mlechs let I'CiOSe a ~ea\IY salvo o.f missiles laser ~irs, ~ducing 1heIrcr,ntof Majm V'uk:im:n/:5 ':M!}clh 10 sla,;gl.The Major was, mockm' uncensclcus, If;! is oompuUli' took cc:m1ml al11daC'livaled 1he ejaclion seat when it sensed that tlhei coolant s,ysl:ems to the 'Mach's reactor wei'e fa!ilJng" As the unconstous Majo:r arced away from the figllt,lhe other Dragoons, tried 10 go after th€lir'ralllen leader but could r101brle.a:k freeaf the enemy. See.inglhey QOl.llldnot Ul.l~C!.le him, they dr,eVIi' the Combine 'lorOO's,a,w.ay. hoping that Ak Rescue would be abl'e to find hi m bGfore the Combjne dirt


G~enm()ira Air R.e;scue saVred Ma~Qr Yulicinov, but it was a v,ery clio:sa call. Wi~h ~he Dragoons' fighters provkiing CO\I'er, ~hree ~eJioop;t,er·;sllowil1 d,vi'Harns· E!fI r~cm:ka, 'ihe major city of Hades by ~ 'at thQ mo~l~ ofltie Le1he, They had 1ir1:1tlelroubleoming iii"! on the o IMajor's ,chair beacon. When the Combine rmEir'~tedl tl'bIiI frantic: com municatiol1s about resellJil1g one downedl wanta!', 1hey reanzedlhe missing' pilol"S imporl~I1Ge and tried loflind Ihim~rst. Th~ apposing ffgh1ers metfirsf, with the .Dragoon pi'IO[s bes~illgl ti'te less explmienceci Comb'il'le pilots. A lance ,m light CO'mb[ne 'Mechs, aniived at the rescue scene' just as the '!iirst l'i.:lilicoplGW was about to' land. Tlhe 'Meehs quh;;k]y desti'oyed two ,of ~he ihe'licopters. The Drag@on f1ighlers, hearin,Q' what was 'f'llipp'€fling, br,oke from tl1ek battl'e 'wi'd1 ~he Comb! ne tlglilters and dove ~'@lhegmund. 1"Mycs~ra:fedlihe Com:b:Ii'lG''Meclils, and ssntthsm S.{;~i'f:vil"lg long enough far'ltle:remaining helicopter to Ilar!d. J!.lS~as itwasa'bou1 ~o Iiflofl. a Combine Locusfc;nargEld. The leJfifi 001MliC(lpl<er ,crew later reponed seeing the LoclJstsuddenly j!ill'lk IUP, jlJst !l'lliimEi' to get a 'race 'rull of ex;hauoSt ,[IDS a large blad.k Dragoon PhtJ'fmi:x Hawk LAM orash&d into it tee~ first. As th.e dust deared. 1hli!tlelicopler ,crew s.awltie' 1b'lan\I; 'Mle~h end s1ruggle with a fier,ce slam of its fist onto 'Ihe oOOKp~1 of the Looust. The Dr,a;goon 'Milich lumed 9:ndl gave ·Sitl'lw:m!;lSrup signal to the ,snocJ<ed~re!W ()f ilie hBl'ioopter. As the nelliicopter sped ~ary, Ithe ,crew saw tln;Eli ILAM s:truggl.ii'llgll()i~sree~ ttl rnel;l,talanca o~Combine 'Mechs alone, With seWT'e wounds on h~s left arm ano I'€l], Maj,'OrYukiinCrv W~$ obviously out of the fighl lor maPlV monfhs, Mfljm Yykinov passed command ![J[ AI'pha Regllmeln 10 MElijor Cos!hasa OUKifk,. a 'Ioreigner to 'Ihe Dragoons who had been hired by Jaime Wo'if tour years, eillflieflfom a hMlng hall on the Combine 'World of Dieron.fI1ouglil she was not Combine-bern, thijl factlhaltsihe had spent most of her INf'ahere with the' d'efunc[ Fire IUzrud memenary t regimenl mads many IJr-e:eoofli sof!d:iers suspic.ious ,of her. When she wasl p~~coo in oo:mmaJ'!Id, ma!l1l( 'were' orP~nJy defiant M~tQ,rDIJIK1irkLm'led ~o her d91Jactors., ~!1S!he.athe:dl t arBlZor'sharp dagger.,~P1d placed it ~o her 'throat. The stunned' D.r.a,goon OffiCo€fS stow s1.ock still aa slile sadd; "II am a Dragoon WhOS.8 Iloy;:lIty has beef! qlLle5l!ioned. r,o prove my worlih, I d'emi1lloo toat if any 01 yo!.! truly believe me' disllo),al, say 00 11Wii1 ,;and'I will calmly slit my OWl'll thmal and spill mY' blood," No one came 'forward. "Good, now to Ibu,sfnes.s.~ she saud as she sheathed her dagger and tiJ mool to' the battle ,oompy~er. Her 'Ilrst actio 1"1 as commander was l~ wm loo:s.e the Black W,idaws, Wi1h a smart sallutear'Kil a smiletn~:t WQlJtd 'rrightel'll aJI1l( w,arrriOF. gp!tr;J:inr Nalasha K&fen:Siky lelllt1eAlpha:headquartersto C assemble her rom p.i1i.fiY ,arid 1000il'! "'Worm hunting. ~ Major DuKirk let Iheoli1ler ~pan'lie'5" erdars :Mand but warned 1JiIemtoe:xpect some very tough deoisioflls. The BI'adk Widows did lriot wail ,lang to prove their worth. Rive days tnr'Olhe., Captain ,K;errensky l;md her ,company skirted the Comb:lne's main force and! test,ecHhs E!nEim~l's<flai1k. n O September 5, they discovef,edl S! matlil'e Fteadqllru'tern and a 001!.!mn 10{ IfMSporls, pmlel}tedl ()J1~ybV a !anoe of medilJ m'Mechs. With a wlnoop, Captain Keren:sky ordered the-attaCk, and seen t:he BI,ack Widows were slicing '!ihroug'h the cclumrL Ely ihe dme Ihey were fi nis!hed, ~fcteWidow,s had deslfOyoo the momle 1'16adquar~ 1em, most ofth:e hiillnspor~. ant:! three elf tlhe lou:r G<s<ccm:'Mecl1s whi!~ SilIlstaining ol'llly sl'ig~htdamage.


72 The Fourlh Succe'S$i~1"!War

The Foun11h Su~sion

War 73,



The Wioows did not mali!2i$ the'"Y had destmyedill rar,e S1ar Le~glJ)e--e,~amobife haadql-lart,elS ~at had ,equlipment. capable et pmvidirlQ CQfT!;prehen!S~ve ataillloo p!aJrllS tMI wou Id iha~ m~de d i[ much ,e.aslerfor Gener~11 Dok. To to attacklihe' Dra.:g;oons. Its loss, ca:l.lsOO 'Ihe. Filth Galedon to become' more cauti,oUiS Mel less LUrniliied Ior the ~'st or 'lJ'Ie;gn. Iha Wi'dow,s 'wE,inten 1:0, :meate mDF9 havoc. ifll;e-ilr harassment o~ supply movement and picking off isolat@d Combl ne 'Medhs cau sed Kuritrm delays totaling mcme tlh~n a week. General Doll. To to disp,aTch 'lW'Q1 companies of his T1hirdBatlalion IQ[his.rear areate 'takie= on the Black Widows .. Thelvlro companies, both with heavy ,and assault 'Mech~L, finalllv caughl up wi~h the Widows ~d'Ihe Mud Pits. Named for huge p~~,0'1 gurglingl mud, 'Ihe' area, was, a maze of rocky colliJimns I;U'IId mists of s!upel1heated steam. 'llhG'rns~ ,of Uie Wklows eut O'f sighit, !he Combine 'Mec:hs confidently ,advanced an Captain IKemns!ky arid her command lanea, ' Wh.~rli 1he Combine 'M~h.s ,opened fire, KeTen:5i'k~and her l'ar1oe retr,e.ated. Th.e Combine 'Mechs t'ollowed as quickly <IS they cou!d_ The cal-,<l.nd.·mouse g)1m'lerontflliued for 15 minut,es, wi,1h Kerensky seeming to pal!;!se and wai1 mrlhe Combine' 'Medhs '10 catch up on S€l~ral occasions. Suddenly" huge geys9rs lot steam appeiilf'oo. with Captain KeTHnsky's Warhammerheading slra'igtll for them ,and the Combms 'Mews ~n, ursuit. lhe geysers. hundreds m mmers hlg.1'1 n p ~ 111~bowll ,ef what had be~n III voloano, spewm steam a,ndwa:ler so ,hOot Iladen wl,1h metallic salts tn,M Ihe sensors, of ilie Combine and "Medhs cOlJldllnot see 1hrQugll '!hem _AI the far end 01'1tJebawl w~re Captarnl KerE:ll"l$lIi.y and her lanC!lJ, face 1he C~ol'll1bilnl~

Fearing a trap bllJltseeing nothing, 'the Oombine 'Mach,s moved pasl 1he ,geyseirs and OP~f!ed fire., Just as tooy did. 'the geysers esased, reveaUng 1i1e hart ami wet but read¥,1ire and strikle lances ,ollhe' Widows. They had' been hiding im; 1hill SPPlY of water. The ~gln was Vicious but bne<r, 'lNith the ISlack Widows w~lhdrawing befoJ'8 Ihe Combi ne nu mbers cou Id I.ake 1heir toll. Ihe Wlidows destroyed ,fOHI' Galedon Regulars and' damaged many ,olhers_ Durling this eariyfigih1ing, Collo:nel Wolf was on hls w~ to Glenmora. Altier the weddiin-g', in which 1h~universe had been lumed on its ear, especially for Gha.n:oeillor Uao, Jaime Wolf lboarded his private! veg,sels and bega.n~hQ long joymer ~Q Glenmora DiUlring his nav:els saw many of Priore iClavioll'l's pr'eparatlons for Qpennirm Flat Impressive as the offensive- 'Was, Colonell Wolr:s main, eeneern wasta reach his regimen!:. While hfis.JumpStnip was Irecharging lin ~he 18'8'm~t syslem star tor ~he jump into (~Ienmora system, Col,orlel Wolf met with: M<lIfshal Cart Sanders GlJnceming the status of his Tenth Deneb lnght Cava~ry RCT" -Tha 'Mffillhs and Iflarl¥ of 1he ,other mgtmenl:S oHh~, ReT Ihad aI~llu:iymoved r,ro:mIRowe, their previous ~mstil1lg, to BMG111L On Benet 1111. were, ,e:quipped 1cmrapid II'fIOV€!i"lilent they should Wolfs Drllgoons calion them, Jl!jlmpShips s.tood Ghar,gsd ,and. ~:eady to Ir,eee~ve the DmpSlilips waiti ng ,on !Benet W.

Ailcng with 1his lniOl1'l:!ationl carne soma very bad news. MHO opemfi.ves wfithiir:lthe Combine had de1ect,edf:he passit!.,gOof lila Si:deenli1 GaJecion I'!tegullar "MeGn regiment tnro.UQIl IMliseryen its Wfj.y toward if'Ie, Federa!tedl Sun5_ lit W<liS with a. sense of drood lIil'a~ Colonel Wolf Qrdered the captain of his JlympShip to reGa!lculate his journey to GlienmOffii 10use a pirate point db-s9 '10 'Ihe planet. Colone~ Wolfs inS1ind;s Ipr,o'Vedoo~r'9C1once ag3JJI'D. If he ham! net ,o:rdaredlhe ruange of entry' poinlS. he woulljllhave appeari.ld at 'he ,Ze:nitl1 J'ulirtp POii'll surrounded by !he' JumpStlips and ICW,:i;p;3hjps f the Sixte9Jdh Ga~~don Regulars... o CQlo:rJel Wol,i's '9rYlry pollF:!tplla,ced hi mlwo da;ys, away :frOITI Glenmora at tila highest aroe'ierati:ol'il his DropShips wolJil:daltow, !he same ~r,acvliIll lime as liMe' DropShips lCany.illlg '!he G:a'iedol'l IReglJ11ars, l!I.!H~ki~yavo1di d~tediofil by the: enemtships ~mthose ngl lwo da.ys, Colonel WoWs D,opSh'ip tes1ed thaI luck further' by attempting'1.o' land on Hades in the mids1 o,~;tIt19 enemy's. drop. Usingi3in o~.sJt9,orbl~. '!I'le ,C-o:IOl'!lej's ship begruu ilSdrop shielded from '!he Combine for~s by Ihe pl'ane1. but as it dssool'idied it ,gr11ldQ,lally rew closer. d Combine tighten; did I"IO,t noliice, the Dragoon, DmpShip unti'l it had positiO'J1Gd Hs~f 1m 1I1e midst of tM Comblne 'Mechs plu nnmellngoowardiliha lji)lla!flet'~ ~!,lrlace_ Am a2100 and o.utraged, the pilols, altemllt~d tofollnw and at!;;.ck COIOl"lil, WOW'.$ [JropShip bu~ iXiulld l'Iot 'beCilIlJ 5e of the high speed, tne heat o,f aUnooph.enic entry, and the threat of oolli~i['l91 wUh their own 'MecM, Some Com bIne fighl:ers 'braved the, dangf3rs Md. witl"l unmatche,d d9~r· m~na1iol1.made repeated attempt!!; to shoot and even ram the Colonel's slilip. One, a Sf:Jilane'. ,d[di IF!;!m tl'te Or'opShip. IEven '!hough the cell isio'n was, glancingl, it eaused mabor system f,etilures, sihu;J;!ing: dIown !he Ship's engrn,~ 1'0 r aJ llerriil'ylng m.orTumf.Thay wer,e restarted with onty mljrm~es 10 spare. Th€lshlp landed at frighten irlg sp{»ed ,aoolwdth a cOl1lcuScsi of meta!l against GOnC!rete on aSlhe' laming .gear col~a:p.s>ed. embedding 1he ship into 1he l\a[jding


Simi DUIKirk and prai,s~ngl them for thei~ d~cj~i(ms and <l!(;~ions.
.Assessing hrs sillllatiorl. Colonal Wolf saW'instlIn~ly tharl Um arrival ,of 1ihe'Sixteenth Galedon h1iidworsened ;a bad situati on. With the
Fifth, bealef! sII111otent. 10 the ~st p ,aM

Colone3 Wolf assumed ,comm.and, thankiflQ' Majors Yuk:il'lOv



Sixt,e;entil ilanding to the I'lorth. 1he D:rago.ons Ii"!~.r T~Qnka weJ,e in d3in;grer 011; eing 5Ju,nroundi:JdL b lihEa' more numerous C:ombln~ fighbars were' ltyii1g liD ~e control of the air '[rom the Dragoons' AI~ucSlJaoo Fighters. 1iIhe Combine was alrEl'<illy ma~ing il too dangillirOu:sto rei,tr,eaUrom G'lenmora, though few Drag;oons w~t:lte.d 'to flw anyway" The Colon iii realized '(ihatthe Combine WoUld 'Iry to ff,l'Iklts two IFII'ltJ lm.en'ls and push UJe b,ragoofls back. pi Ming 'lIiiem ~olhe' sea If A(pha Fiegimem had ,any ehanca 1:0, s'urvive, Dra,gooniSIhadlo' Slip IbeliWeen the 1WO j:\[lgimenls before they had a chance to' link UP'Gdlol'lel Wo'if I'aid ou[ Ihis ~:an$ ~o,nis waHior's, wam~ng '~heJTI that the' ehances of escaping wer<eslim_ Tihat nf:gih1;EII. Ila D~ tloti ho'V.en:rafl evacLlated technioians ,and the woul'lded \0' safer shores while Alpha Aggiment prepared. The Illragoonsabarn:lOlflool thei r defensive posi1ioll'ls a'l3UI"ISle1 and marched lathe non1iheast In aJ!illeftort ~oavoid detillcticil, 'Ihe' Oragoons turned ,off m!i!!1Yof their 'Mechs' systems and Iran their rna.ctcm!,]I!J!Slhot eoollJ!9lh ~'owalk, w1th the Bladk: Widows, oli'l point

~e 'Moohs 'Of the


The weather. whi'ch had lbilen th.~eatenu!1g <lind would M\i'a did not ceeeerate. As dawn broke on October 2. the sun rO$~ in a ololldless sky as the D,ragQonsmoved 'Ihmuglhlihe blaCk lava. fi~ldsjUist south of Banbu Fry's Cone. one of Hades'a(;~iife ioI\Olca.noos.IReal'izing thalll1ieir dharn~s (lif lescap~rl!Q1 'WiIihOlltdel€!c1ion were none(:(IS1enl', Colonel Weill 'mjQ~9d the, IDragoons ~o power their we~pOniSlesslh:anlen minutes I~Lel'.,a pair of flghlersrrom the F.iflh Galeeon S!potkld tile colu!mns of Dra:QoonlS. A'lter noti1ying ~heir com manders a! the sighling, the flghs1ers,aUacked. The Dragoons destroyedlhe, Mofighl~aasi'ly' and quic~y but rleiil:I~z.edtlil!:lilliheir position was 110 longer secret. Col oneil WoU re.or,gani~ed' hislroops into baltle'formation1l!fld speeded up the pace, Every hili crest <lind every sudden hollow became iii place wliler,e each w.arr~or eil:pected to sae chan91 ng Combine 'Mechs. Pn:de!is,IQi1alskms re,placed their aJn:ieil,y when a com panry of light KUl1ila 'Mech.s. rlei:nfmced by a derl~chment ~r tanks from the S!b:leenlh Galed!orll Reg~l~s. appeared on Arpn'a, Regiment's ileft tlank. As the Dragoons whooJed to face I.he approaching enemy, a Dragoon pilot overhead reported tha1 a simUar 'force was apprcadhil1lg on the riigln flank. Colonel Wolf ordered h islroops to, COrlserue ammuni~icm and keep. movingl toward the northeast no matler whail:.
helped cloak the Dr~goons

Alt fir~1', tlhEilbaIlIe of BanDU'jl)"S Cone SHmed ~o go the Dragoons' way. The' Il.g'htef Combine "Mochs ,aoo 1anks, mule! nllt S[aP the h£'avie:r Dragoons. which inflic!t,ed serious damage e\l'€lJ1l liholJighthey we:nEl us.iirlgord~~heir lasers arId IPPCs. The Dragoons were slowed down. Ihowev,err,,SlM 'ltnat was allUle CQrobine foroes ne<9(j'ed, After feooing cfl'1he enemy"shil:~I'1d1-rlLlllll atl:acks for,al1l1our, the Black. Widows reported [i'mlseveral oompanies ot Iheavier 'Meohs wm€lo approad'iing 'rrom the !nQrth ,aoo east. Overhead, 'Co'mbiM 'liglu~rs had ,.mivea, Ie challenge: 'lhe figh1ers ofthili [)r,agQOns. As Colonel W,o~lman:eul1li'eredhis lr~ im~n1to mH'l the approaching enemy, a 11a~king sta~ion alt Tro:nka sent hirnifllrl 1!Jlrgent meSG<lgfl' thai a,Oombine DrnpShip had left orbi~ ,and was. entering Grenrncna's alrrlosphere, Though he migi'l~ stili eludelihe approao11ll'1lg heavier Combime 'Mechs and f~hlefs,. Colonell'W,alt'loiinew he OOI.!I~d e:scape not ~hi9DrqpShip's lIlI1asshrel'lrepower Ilr :111~ndednear 1he flglhling, Colonel Wolt !1!~Okn;ew a. lIelmat would ~,ru~ile because the Dr,opShip ,oolUll!dl mallleu,ver into, his pellh. He oould do, lilitle _but oon:!inue6glUingalld Ihope tna:I 'lihe' IDropShip captall1! made tile 1actiea]1mistatke elf laooli,l'1g Itmll:il1la Ihis ,comnu:ioo Ilros.teadoHmhind Ihe Dragoons.

The Fourth SuccessiQn War7,S


Colonel Wolf's luck 'held OIUlt.Just atterlhe DmpS!hip landed on the Combine side 'of 1ha bl1ltlle lines and ilts crews, began s.e<:uiri:ng ship's eng~rnes, Colollel WC!I:~ the or,detted the pullback. LJsi:ng the' plumes, af smo'ke and d'ustsliirtoo up by the 'DmpSlhip's arl9iflles as e-overc, lihe Dragoons reUQ~led. 'In a oomplex and precisely exscuted mall'leuver, companies feU back. u nde:r coverirng fire' to a Inew set of defen$ive posilions,~rlJm which they pmilided G'uveringliire tor the rest of lh~ reglmenl to' pull b·ack. W~thin minutes, the Dragoons, were beyond the range o1'O;e Combine DropShip, and its engines we're too oold 10 refir'elor hours. AI'ph<a Reg imen1 brokfj, oon1act wTtl'llihe 'Meohs 0'1' ~he fifth and Sixleen!h Galedoo Reg!.llar5 and returned t,o TmnKa, The escape :had cost II 'Ihree' warrfors O!II1!O ..r 'Medtls. All of the f:mi sulVivors.' 'Mechs sustalasd da!mage, much of it heavy .. Even in 'Ihis grim situation, Ilhe Dmgoons were fall" tooc.flilgry to abandon Glenmo{(a ..Drag:oon oflic~rs· debalea asking th91enllh Deneib ~or assistance bUll. decided netic because, the siruation was $0 oosperate'lhat by the tim e the TBn(h DeOObcoul1d get 1here. it mighl be only easy prey for batt~e·ha.rd:!3ln.'i3d ombine forces. C lVler weeks of hard arid bilterliighf'il'lg, the Sixteei1lh Galedon maroh,8(j into th:e suburbs o~ 11'ronka in the seGtll1Q week el D~cember.. 10 cross. 1h~ Lethe Riiver, the last major onstadlsbeJoffi,the dty, two compan.ies of medium 'Mechs fOLlnd aford far upstream, They then man~hE!d b~eji( to the Oeillil, Bridge, Whijdh was defended bylha BI' Widows. The s,udden presence of a Ilarge enemy 'Ioree em his side of 'Ihe riller prompted Colonel Wolf to Qrder~he' Dragoons to pull baak to posil1ons InrlJhecity"s Cerlt-Elf, neru-(he' spaceport and commu nicatiiflil'lS Genter. Seeing! the Dragoons abandoning thei r positions embold· ened the Com bi,ne wani.ars. wh.o eagerly iollo'Wfld tn!ll: Dragscms ~hr()l.Ugh the outskirts and into the city. Time ,a,nd again, 1M D~agoon;s wailJing at comers or on moft.o-,p;s. ambushed th-e ,GalEldon 'Mechs. The mili,ha of Glen mora did }'1oomi1lin1 du~y,withlJ1ie 'fihJrd Glenmo'Fa Tank !FI'egitTIenlprovinglo bea valuable <1i:l.lxiliary forlhe [)ra;goor'lIs. Combine Iorces advanced, pushed through I!helraps, dJ'ilven by revenge and ~e glory l!hat would go 'With capturilng or litillilng Jaime Wolct Generals IDok To and; Francisco Bevi'ii!F '9\:!!l1orlea ~heir ~roo,ps~orwardin a race f,or jhe honorotl Jfinishing off the Dragoon's .. I,here were' reports that "Mect'l:s.from t'heIW'o n;giments fought with each other for tJhe privi!eg:e of des~noying a seve:frely' damaged Dragoon ;Mech .and its pilot The si nglle-mtndled OOi'ifiilin;e ~orces did no1.ncnca incoming DropShips I~nti'l !he' 1imd stages of the drop run. The Q(miused ragi menial commanders hadl a. spelil ot illidecision ..Forttllnalelv for 11il€l Gal.edon Regulars, u n,fmtLJIf'lalaly 'for' th,€' Temll DGfi!jllb lilglh:t Cavalrry, 1he fi.ghl1erpilots of 1hQ Combille Regiments respDl'lded promptly. The Combine 1igh1ers met the D FQ'p:S:hlpsJIIJ!st slJhey were a aaout to release thei r 'M9Ghs..Once en the ground, warrims oflhl1l Deneb Uglh~Cav.aJlry,many inlheir flirst llame, mistakenly 'J:ailed'to pmllOOl the remaining DropShips, The Cotnbpr'l e figihter foree' slicedllhl'(l'l,Igh the [len;eb IlJropSlhips, blowing up an aging Union and a ,f..eop;ijrd b€ifore lh.ey Gould drop '~heir 'Mechs, Because many DropShips were forced to eject (heir loads before tina I positioningl, the 'Mechs of~he Te.nth Deneb hi'l the g,rou nd gf Haide;s dama-g:ool <1m::! .caUeJ,edI.Marsiha] Carl Sandel'S, s . who had decided to help tile 'Dragoons, Whell he Ileruineci the' Sixt'll'~nth Giill~dol"l Regulars had arrived on Glenmora, aUempted to ra]l,y his fcrc~s befmle th e Combine 'Meclh!s OOLllldreact GeUiof'lg mos.l ,rJlf his; En/moets, Vafkyfl'es,aJn;d1 Griffins together, Marsl!a1 :SarnrlE!rs ffi3irched ~oward Tronka. The Tenth Defileb's lm rn6d~a1S'ObJeClive was to punch tli'li'Qi,lghthe -Combine e:ncll'cl,emllln[ and relieve 1he·Oragoons. By IthaHime, theseoond wave; of Del'lebfoll'oCe!!;, 'lW'O' 'lank ,r'EgimenlS, s!houlld be handilng 10 IGM their support !Fearing' tha1colUmlBiinteliigeO"lce WQIl,II!d off Hp the IKuri1ans, Marshal Sanders did not notifv~€I' r3r,ag'OOl1s .of Ihis rellei ,e1iforland .airrivedin 'lJhie'system al a p~raoo point Th ~ Che~tahs. aslihe' T'ernh Daneb Light Cavalry was known" pushedlJhrough the ligN Combine forces on 'Hie city's outskirts. Th 9Ih,~aviier 'Mechs inlihe' city ~Il'lteu s;foppedlhs' lil1ls:w:per:lem,;ed Dav,ion warriors" who ooLlllci no1 maneu;ver amid the building'S ..,shal Sanders was kilted only lWO blOdk:s hom where tt'ta Dragmlns, Wi1lrlli' tryil~1 to ho'id ofllhe altalck Of ~'om a_ssaul~ Comp~l1ies ..Marshal Sanders, lina Wolverine, siiln1lli!S Icommand oomparry ,ahead 'III rei ieva tha Dragoons .and remai 11001 alan€! to protect a key imer&9Cljon.. A Stinger, leapr:ng "r!!"om an offie-a bLJlildi:n:gI,knocked the Wof~flne 'lOI (he grouind. As, Mar,shal S(lJndtilrs ~ried to right tins 'Mecii'l, a. Starker'fired shot afler' .shot i:nto him trornthe Sl11e:1I a gutmd Duilldlng .. When members of hf;s '01 company refurned ,lJiiey "round t.he'Marshall severely WOl.lmled in '!he hMlk of Il[s 'Mecln ,. He died soon atlei'W'.1U'ds.. Members o~the 'Tenth 1J~T1el:lr's'Only ass!!'IIi!Jil1 col'llpany linked up with the remainder of th9 IJra,goons, bV {hen reawcecll'to Jus'l ~h:t'oooompa6'lIlSH;, Ths; rl~sl or the Tenth 'Cleneb was, holdi<ngl open a palhlihroLlgih the' city, bu~ its warriors were shak.y.lNews ,ollheir com m~rndEu:s d~a:lh ami 'lihe ncnor o'f th:eilrfirst battle had batl~rOO their mora!le .. Colonal Walt, wi~ the permis.s[onl ot Colonel Dillricksoo. Ml8.rsha~ Sander::;' young ai:de, broadca,:S1 (lve,r '11m Cheetah,s' rommlmicahans, bands, that !he wa-sas5umilfilg oon~roll..IJ'ihe:Colonel's calm, selt·,;iissured Iloice and Ihis r~put8!lion as one of 1heb~s'l rn I!itary mioos iin 'Ilh~ IInnel' Sphere WEre' ~nol.lgh '10bnl!S1er tile' young ,wai'riors ol'lhe Tenth Deneb. Colc:mel! Wolr Lh€ln lied !he' Dragoo:l'Is and tM T,en~hl)eneb worn Tn:mka. 1hillank ~e;g!iments of the Tel'll~h Deneb .prEl'!len[ed ~unil:an porSILJ!it.. The commanders of the Fifth and Sixteenth Galedon Regu!ars decidl1id '10pause, r-eg:roup, and COr1&ider slfategy. Ta:ki:r'l9<'lIdvant.ageoHhe luH" Colon~i Wolrlo:rd'f3red ~li;stroops and the Tenth! Deneb to rest fo~ th.e n1ght..The fiext morning. '!he' membi:li's,.of the 11' enID [):en.ebUg hl Cavalry aYi!"Oke ~irnjpainted 1.0 01'1 their 'Meclhs and vehicles., bel'l9aIlh tine F,et:Jier,a.led S'ulnb!.lr:Sl orr~S[ and the Cheetah pa~clh orllheir ReT,. the Wolf pjjjr1cl1 f lhill' o Dragool'is, pUll:~hjeredUlling ~h.9i r!lght bl( the appteciSilivtl members: of Alpha Regiment Though Ih;El·camp~igl'l 'fm Glenmora was stirl! unresolved <l$ thils work !WasgO~rliQfto priess" the !bravery of Alpha. Aegirne:nt and the 11'en1ih Den_~b Ught Gavalry were prOIl.en.


76 The Fourth SI.I(icession War






scattered the l<IIke's def,&ooers, each Combine 'Mach walked, into the' water Up'to illS hi~. palLiSlOOI a few minu1es, then walked out for again. IObservers ,a:ssumedi that the Cmnbine warriors 'were just coolin)g th&lr 'iMeans. The first I~eport ,01p10mairm<ifling came 1hi next day. Soon the ,entire ,city, includlngl the half ,of tne. Fifth Deneb. were strick.en w,ith Ihe' deadi,V dls·9aS!~t ~os,pitelns 'Were O\I\e.r~QViiiiilg,,aJrid bodnss 'had to b-e burned ilnihe' furnaces of elly buildings. lreat· m~!1t andvacdlnatioli! sl1IIvedQnJlya. f,ew. NorthWlnd's defenders deduced th!i1 'U,e Ccmb'ilne 'Maahs ba:thlr:g in '!hEHeiliEli'!;!'o!r had not blll€ln c'Oclir(JJoff bUltccmt:am[m~lling the w,a1er ..:Some observers w'hQ had beeAI at the lake later charged th<d ihe legs, (II the 'Mechs Ihad lbeein pail'itOO wilih ,atp!aste that OOl'i,1l1iil'!9da special S1nl1iil ofptoffliiii>ne bacteria, When 'ilhe' Me.c;:hs ba"thed.tile ,p85l:e' disoolvilOOl.~'ele3iSing '!he' baoteriEl, the obse~rs


WhY' Oomdi r'l!a~orKwFi~a,did not order <If1Iy ,o'IMr m illiWy actions agafnS't the Federal~ed .sUTlSlis puul1lng. I-I'e mi:ght have 'been preoccupied IOV 'EWenls 011 ilie Co:mmorlwealltlliront the If '!tile ana.ok b:y the Gal'ed:O'i'iIIF'eglm.e!i1,t!l agail1ist the'Dragoans WEU!1I indeed lunallithmiized,OlIs the Kuritai'ls o1aimed, Lord lakashi Kurita could Ina\liilJ been 'grappl ing willi a huge d1s.clplin@ p~em, Whatever '!he reasen, 'on'ly ail'! urgent pfea by Chanoel'lor US.a Q~ lJhe Capellan CO!llr~dera,tio71 ul"lialte'December iool!.lo@d Caordina,a lor Klliita to show etfart onlhe lFederatoo Sunsrrclf1t. The 'COO:rdinator ,and his Generals tell that ~he feder'ated Sl.lll'!S had 'two weak ar,eas along iis borders, in ~he sH\II&i'af S'lars near Terraaoo in th~ G<liI~Dr:reg 100, They quickJly drew up ",1M!] to make' s1rikes in~o lbo1h mgicln'Is,8_ndye! nol'O' back enough troops, 10 dmend against 9! IDa.vion oO>Llnt~fartfaek or to bolster the CommonweaJth 'front

NOfl:TIHWIIN;O' The neMS, w:an1edto tallle NQrthwlnd beeauss iii would ma_ke
ai, pe:rmC'l 'b3!se! to Ilau nen a series of ,ait:ac'kSl separatl!'lg T,e:rr.aI,lIhe' Ca,pellan Gmfooera1ion and marl1:i(other staW jS,ystems rromllhe' Fed~fated Suns. The fifth Derteb Ugh,t Ca\l~lry RCT ganisDned No~~hw:ilild, baoked bV the T,sa:m 8an2ai and IBrad leV,s Bravos. A'I: tackhQf Nlorllhwi.,d WlilrEl ~IrmThirty-si:dh Dieron Ael1ular-s,1tne IFifrllh Sword o~ ~,ht, 8J'Id the Gei'woiSh.a; ,!l) recellUy f'llrmed etit€l "Meehl


,By theeUme' me water nom the Ia'ke was cut 01'1,5",oem citizens of Cr'Omal1lf w,er;edead. Mom th07li~ oflhe FilM [1~nm 50ldiens hall' were d'eadl Qr dea~hly m. Onl:yfo ur ,e;ompanies oflhf:il Uglii! Cavalry, Team Banzai; and Bradley's Bra'ilOSi wem' well beca!Jse their ~IiOfl of the dele:nsi!ii'i lines got Its wa1)er tfom a well. SlhorlJlythereaf!er, me Thrrty'-lSbilih ID'Jerof'!! eg!.J'I.ars atlackec, R [)~pite 1he Icondl1ioll o1'1hedefeoders,lti!e attack failed miserably. arid 'lheThirly-si:dh wlfhdrew in ~Qeming dlsanray,. The Fifth ~neb, QJl'lder tlhe in6Xi-perf6noodl Major Collins, IPur,sued. cml¥ to ~iiiml:iI.!shed bylhe Fifth Sword o~ LllQh1. The Rflh Deneb Lig~1 Ol,,!ivalry was C)iiG'J1I1J'I'I and scSltefoo.


lhef:ighfi:ng eenlemd Oi"I1he CaJmgorm MountaJins, on file' oonti· mmt of New Lanark. Combine! Io~ ~arnded e~st and norlh ~f !he '90lirlison forces at em-

mm1y, New Lanark'S

lal'lgest city., A FFS forces 1'ough1 the Combineuoops fo a stalildl5~11I Uneearly stages. ln CombinSi ,affi;cem Saw 'Ihal lIhe'fight for No!r1lhWiind would beeeme a h:mgthiy, ,(Oost~ !Cam·

palgn unles51hey' rulIm€l' up, wjlh a d'ratmal:ic flew





sible tor-Ihe afrocity is, riot kiI'iQW'n, but all evi~ derme f>Oifilts to tile Flrfth Sword 0'1 lUigh~ and i,1S, oommand.e1f. ,General Palmer Conti. Duringl the sooclI1dwek oUhe off'e!1s;lve. a 'I;ompany Q~ $worders diverted to ,a-nadka dlst~fI'l water ~e5ervalr lusooi bV '01'0marty. O!'1Qe they had



Te:am 8anr:ai fotlg.h1 W'salve tfl>e Fiilh O~m;ibbut



by the Gen},\oslhi31, which infliimed haill:VY casualtles onlltH~' mS'fcQ' nary l.lI'I'Iit Among tl1>&casl,lam~s was, the OOlT!lm.ult.:ler of the!

r~gi!iiTler!lt, Dr. 8:. BOIm:ail, who, Mioo 1:0 stand IJIP ~garl'1Sl Ihr~e! !i:lSS8_,iJ11 'Medhs_ Tile rerrnaunirng m€lmbers of Team Banzai wi'lh· drrew inl:o the Caill'!'1go:rm Mounlains withla5 marny trcmps, cf~e' Fifth Dem3b am;! BraQley's il3:ravos as they cO~lldlfind:. Th~V otIOse a roogh seotiol'1 ICaJ~led R{ID'k5pi!~e5 t~ await~!1l' ,enemy, ltae AslI'ne memb~rs of Teal"lilBanzai prepar~d f~r ~heiirif!!aI f banlE!, the sound 'o1'lbagpipes filled ~he~rOO'mffluflicaticrl'! systems" ThE' NOrlhwirn1 H:~~lafldem:,! ~oL!r 'Mer;;:h regimernts of repu·

ce!1lUi!n:es of absente:, 1ieam [Banzai .md~he ICOmCfna ·~'ofOO~Slared as ~he Drop~ 'S!1ips cocl'}!'fng ~he:Htg'hlaooern natnoerJ. Fora mcmenl,too C~mtlfne,

talion, had s;w,frmed !heIr aIJegia:l'Wefi':om ,lilaC_Ian ,C):.DJ"Y~d·, e~adoJii ~o thEiFederf1llioo Suns ia,nd1wem f1n~l.Iy r6~L;J,rnilng 1@, their

rnomel:and :ai~r

a'S almes, A:S ~he~r:s1 I~limes exited, the DrQPSh~psslaif!ed :shoolin~ 2H~,!'11Y DCMS 'Meet! wilhin r~ngle. ellmTil'Clating !;Iiny Combine delusior1s,"~haHrlef'ld~i had arrived ..Nortnwinci remruned il1lhe l'IaJ'ifds: 'Oflhl:l lF~d9raltedl SlJIrlS, 'g::Ifl'iso!'1!sd byr~lJr regiments ot seasoned wO'miors" all,ea,ger to pmvtl'1l1ieirworUn to ~hei'r!1lewHege Iloro. A~y hopes otdlJvld~.,gthe Fed~roa~ed SU:rlS fromltie Lyra" Co:mrnc:mweaJith wa:re gene.

lrllo,ps hcjn!Ci.Ihe Higl"!lmdel's wem there t

OT1HE,R ACIIION,S Th~ Finst nd Second Amphigem a LightASsaJult G rourpiSwer,s
swiilitn9:SSdurjonlg~he;initial to confuse the AFFS1i'G9,imenl into making se:vE1mll crucial. mistaK,es" As o~ 1hls wfmng, (he IRange~s were in ,charge 'of tile willdemes~ ,a~eas of the planet's lalige!l~ coliitil'lEil'lts, while the Combine forces hel'd Ithe oities. . The Third and ~I'idh I&njarnln Regulars arJdl20' rl1l'!frurLry and ~ank fEigiments ,attaeked '(he First Chl:sho'lm Aaielers ReT on IIJes1hlel'. rhe ol!Jllguntied Raiders olilmMeUV€i~ed~he Oombll'me forces, en 1he Snow Plaii ItS ofl~h~j;I oooasi:or"JiS.h,e Fiaijoersi' FilI''.s'l r B1litlal1ol1l suffered, hea.vy losses when Ir Iran linfa two <;assault QOmpanie50f~he' ThirdilBenjamln IFlegulaJ's, but bQ~1l:std!I'jS OlherW!lSe r,e'lail1ad mest o~ their original 101'0&$.Th~ fi,g!nI for iDeshter has ,all '!he Ilooks oJ a dr,awrJI-oliJ~ampaign. c The Twelflh Deneb lighlCaval'fI)! on IDa.viid'was al1a.cked by tlilE!! Ninth Diaroiil Re:gll.ilarr:saJnd 8~lol'!!~!! legdoit A;c'cordijng tal MilO Irepofls,. Warlord ICn'9'r,enko\f enl!htisiastic:aJl¥ lent ,these ,offensive' units in,the Corn bil'!!G. It is. ul'lcsi'lain why 1he Warlord was $0 will ing to commit forces QJlnder hi:s oommarnc to '!he offensive. bl.ilt it is Ilikely that (:lherenkiov would use tihi's tojus1ify hts re:fusal to, aid Theodore Kll,!lnit9J the L~lo:n$ of; Ve~ a om 'lihe SteinerfFonl. TU1e and 'earl,jI stages of ~he 'light 'for David were liml()'rtclu:s~vEl. The- effOi1s of Combine' fortes, to ptnl dow!'l, the Deneb 'Mechswere thWarted ,~peated~y by a deterrnir'tOO m~1 aJ'IIdthe actions of civilians, WhO' itia

assigned 10 a~ltack, aU:or III and Marduk, I(u ri1an to~~s, E:ls!!;ily G defeated bolt! w:orJds' def,tlooe:rs. a few regiments of militia and !lome agingl 'Mer.hs with gray4haired pillots~ The Dra:col'Ils Comoi ne officiailly anne)l)ed bOoth wml'd:S iii e.ar1yJanlLJ~ry even liho'lUghi ElxW'.nsive,guerrilla acfiv,ity hampered 1M COOlblneroroes' ev~ry

The Nilllt1 Bel1ljamin R.egulars attadk!W Klathaoou IV. The CombililEl JQrces thol!.!ghrtihal.lhey would have IIWlelrouhle be· causethel defenders, had nc 'Moons. They 5001'1 dijsoovarecl ,othelrWise whEll'llhey met the m ililia fegimenti!ii ·af Klathandu. Because the planet had 'been the frequent targfH of Combine raids, its mili~ia Ihad booome ha~d~nsidfighter,s. The AFFS Ihad al:so boofed up tile mititia wi~h,qual'ity weapons, such ,as a Sniper ari"llll!erypieoe. Pai1Jisanllanits,aii'ldl Lyran Maxim ~roop transports. Wh~nl 'Ihe' overcomident N il'llthi BS!ljamiri Aegu~i:lifS adV<I!nood 'lin sloppy forma-liom; and~ull af swagger, 1hey wereshtXlited by fMe power and delerminatio:n Of Kllaihalldur'S mm1ia. On Bre~d, 'Ihe IE:leVllli1ltnlBenjamin R!l!Qlu lairs took on the Seoond Robinson IRangers. Though'lhe Rangers, outnumbered the Benjaminlroaps. the Combilne f,o~ces ILiSied SlUlrpn15!3 and

aid&d th:~A'FFS forcesWheOffiler;;~;m%MITi~!'mFE;]


For alrnos,t f.o~r lmomhs, alter 'ihe weddlnQ. the K~fitf!i l[lrag,Q'n djc:illime ,againsil U1e iFlilderated SI!.IIlS. Whetoer frl. was, booau:se ,oJ' 1M Lyram,f Opera~ion Goft~rd!timmerufl9 or Il!;!CauSe of the ffgli1r1~ ing ~~en tne IDragoons; ,a,n!iI ~ mgiments ~r'OmlIhe,~edei1l IMDlt~1)!'OJsmpt, It did '1'101 atter to Prince l1aooe IDaviol1.Who m I!.lSiOOI leach day 10 oon:oel'iilra:t,e Ion dlsmemoo1ilng the 'Ca,peI1Ian

The fighting belwool1 Wolrs DrngooM aJrd 1he regiments of the Galedon lMliilltary Di~lrict domina1edlheatlion in the federaled SUfiS, Even wilh each regiment miss;il'1Q h'alf O'f ilS warriors, wiU1 most of '!heir 'Meo1lSiand 'lighters damaged, aoo w~h same of tl'1ti!iirbes,t offi'oors dead. WoWs Drag,cons provedliheir superiority' again. The IDragoons,' combil'lalioo o~ maJ!"!euverabilit:y, speed. andrirepower all:owOOthem kI c~tligirt ('iY,Q fresh Combine "Meehl regiments. By mtdl-JGllIliIJary3029, Ih,OW9,Yer,Ihe Dragoons were' down to ' a third of theIr 'fo'nmer s~jeng'lh, Their 'Mechs were in wo.rse oo:neitiOln" and supplies were almoo.~ ndne>:Hsm:nt The[r €!nemy" thouglh lba:dl.y hlLJt, WiiliS s~i'lldangerous and eagi3i~to, fiinishi off 1he r !Dragoons. As, of this wiitingl, it Jr.!}mail"lool in doubt wh~th9r 'Ih~ Dr,agoonlS"valor would be remem:be~ed.asthe labo~of~heir r,ebir1h or as,~he'dea~h 'hnlS!S of heroes,

The Prince was s1jll reli~ed ewmaften' lhe D.ragifir'lfJl'I!ally awoke. The OeMS atta:cks we~ewel~·pl:anoed ami stood ill, good ehm,n:oeof SLlooess, but' 'he ,of;f'erlise waS not an easy Ipush to deep witn!rl ~e Federated SI.nliS. The Arm o'11he ,Dragoo II1MI'1'0' fight 'for whallit w:an~~. The' Prr.il1Ctl'S 'o,plimisrnl,grew w.itll the sucC6ssful negoUatiol'l1 '!hat rrewmed the Nc:nithrwina HIgtllandeui tottle' FederalOO ,Suns. These 'lour regiments atmcst gu~ari;tEl8d 'lI'lIa~Prince Davion's ,doo~ to the lyran CommooVlrealH'I would remain open. The fighlllflQ 8101119he Federated Suns' border With the t

Dracoi'iliS, Combjrl9' was ius~as bJtW'r,aend! ostiy as everyone had o !1lxpec1'ed, <illiG fa~:e onoo again ~·'a'!ji"Clred bgld. NoeflQ w,as 'lilie' bolder tihaJ"l prince Haase,

~iw:son offioor. He said 111011 sof,di~r$ £hOlJld I'iJQt h~V(i ~o $uHer his because onBi oUleer ~~d nol conUol' hls emo:t[ons. Majo. v.1liSS pl;l)ssed Of!! the Co.loJ'i!~I'!s ,c;omp~ajnts. alOrlg wulh her OWl!'!d'e,mm;ad$ Ihra[lhEtl· ~!.i 1);p:llf llii~iJaliMbe c~~ed" 1 but noll11ing hap· Ip!e:ttedl. ASi ea.C!1'iday went by wHhoUil :supplies, the Eagles 'grew more dis;giru r1~!edL 1.a[1<: f appealing to GomStar fOf' mecii!a1ion or o o:r ~Ieeing Uile AfFS soon b..~me oommOl1iplact!, Win ell. ~hEl F~f'$1 ~;im~m ,reoei;ved~h;e order in mid"DeGfllll'tlerlo assa:uH Menka" mmm~lalll:Jecame aotion., or rathe~ ina01fiol1!. Soldi~r(il 01 ~hje First RJaglitmm:l rlOOJJ3ed~o fight for a. wMlrnlihat dff.i riot Iho:no:rHleir 'C9rllmcl. Through h"ltillnse Ine:goffatlot1s;, MaJorVms go'! ©alonel Hi(1kooaJ aoo ·!hB war,riITrs of First RQQI~!ilflenl: '~oagree toll!1lhrl~~h$Yf'sceived 1l1'Hea:sl:som:e of theFT@verdue suppliesi. MajorV.8;~(il.lhQntF~~d ~he .sup.p~ies ,i1U!anl f,orlU1i(ll,E'iilfl1es, 6y ,arm4twisliin9 <me GaShtnij k~ e\!'etry~avo~ due heril"l T & R Co.nnm!S:r:!d. uppU~s beg!;1n arriving S allh~ Eagles' tlas~ti~ iliiine for :tllaiTIlD reprurlheir 6qiJi:pmem artIO oo~ DropSli!ips oou ndfC r Menkaiil1lan. Many Eiagtes warribrs. pamCu~ar~iYi~ the Rrst FtBglimeliit, mmait'ledi e.xt~emely lIJ,pset w.~lhlile AF'fS, There wasslilll talk of delliecling to MClti'ler realm, Menlk:i!ilifllanwas claimed by bo~h the 'Ciapellan Confedera~b'Ori am:llhe' IFree Wb:rlds Le~gu.e-. .B~caUise ~n.e planEU Iii~~tdfe,w mcuikietable resollJ rees, eXDept for w~· .prrQduCl<ts firom~he wmldis maRY I{lres.ts, balh sldes, ~ ca:mte!1t 10 spjiI1hewo~'t with~hei Gotrrfederat1Qr11 'GOnlrdlling~hreE!of the planet's: five maforoorrli-


The obleotiveof the Fourth Wave (l~~a~iol'l Rat was to seize eleven worlds thEIIl,while !not necel>:S:aJ~iyo~ viltaJ ec:onomi\:: O[ 50ciial impoltan.oe, ViOuld ·furHlere.X~moo HOliJise Da'Vion's hold itnlhe Cornfed:eratio!i'l, AHS Marshals· ~elt thail eilillery w(!!rld ta'k~!il lin thks wa'!lE! would be yet anO'lher blow to9hooD~I~or llJao's hopes

Capelr:anr woriJds near Ter(,Oi!:ll!l1!olhe evenwal l:ifilkJitlQ 'ofltie lFed~r<limd SUlrlS aJilCills lYRa-ill Commonweaith. Thiilrl:een 'Mech! tnegiments arnd more than nlO inf<U1ltry and tariik fegimElIll$ p~nT(::lpaltad il"lli1e Fourth WavEi_,Though ~h~yh<'tQ b:eenfighllingto:r four l1l;orlrths wi~h ooly a few weeks of rest u alii 'Of ltiie Ireglments were in Ir,easona'b1y 'gooo cpm:lillh:m. Fr,om ~he begiriningofQpeiraHo~1 Rail,. the' lranSPQrtS!liorl and IFle511p~~ Commarrn~,.led by Mafs%~ J~ Miner, It,.11tO skiillfumy planned 'so arid e!l(.ecl!Jlb~dtJs. fesl'lonsiilli[iti;es thail r!i,lgn~lenls alm0$1 Elil.ways had at least eno~h 'silJlwlies ~lJ comhl[jJe figl1.tit'lJ;1I,lhe II~Hle scavenging dooe, Iby the AflFS was ~o iSalvage ~Ian military '9qJuupmenl' and to ta_keadvalltag~,of ob:viQU:fily vaJluabl9 caJphm'Jd r,esQI!JI~ceS:.Silll'ch as. ['ood :and ~~:II~dh~f:r:la, Physieally and emolieli!a1ly •.the sokJliel's of ~heAIfPS werie·aJ. lit1le wo:r:Se off. Four mOfiltns of rfl~ersMI~arlj'aVe~.lieJt!il fighting, ,aJnd WI/Hillis ,of boood<lm: ihatl tiJiJl1!teijjl oome of 1h9~r~' s,trlarpness. Ttl"Ol[J;pes ofercl1ertallnersandlfa~ing entertainm€il'lt Gen~ers. l1ielpad restore' ~hElso.1diet'.$'ahJW,!9ssancl J'iag9m9ss. Mili~aryinteiligenre waJrlfloolroops; and offr:cerl!Hd~he !F,ow rllii
Wave to expecl sUfi ~esliSl:anoo. MlnO .age;nts we:r,eoortan~ma:t

ofcomrlerattackinijatr:ld reOOVler,iingwh<dlhetlad lost :llcomlP'lelely suooes$1l.1~.•tIMe FOU!:iIh Wave wouJd let the AIFFSfocllIS 'orlli$dlaredl


TI1€i' Menkalin;m mUiilia, oons:ls1ing o~20llmk and irdantlY ~,eg~ments aa1id' a oe 0'1' .agfnQ' 'M~oos and fighru~r.s" l'&pleS'!!Inl:€le! the ConfederatiC!if'l. They -raced an '~I,[a'i number of league Ir'!!I±lfmEU'lI.$!. T'h~ h~itd b~enspc~aclicliglulng be~;rii 1til;s MO skite:s for yeam,. a!l'!d (h:est<IJ~W apPiilaf{ild Dk~ly to (l1:ln1inu:eklr



1D' Qome.

firsit"line' G~pell~n 'Meehi' I[Jnlits w.Iil\I"€l waii~i!'llgl on at least six or the wo~I!;js:.It SliIJlPf.iSiedithe aMire AFr:S, though tpe~h~p.s 1ii101P~rnca Hanse aJnd a few Gloooa~iates, when not OJ singr.e Capenanl frr.S;I·~ine'Mech un!l:was E!nOOL:l r:itEl~Eldona.ny oflh9 worlds, D.avf,of!1 W'()(lflS encouo~~roo 01111'11 C.a,peIJanmni~iti'i3Jregimel1lts, ma:n,y pooriV !rained ami .equ~l, i~ ~alit.the on~yplaoo winereihe IDavii@n waJ:riors facedst~Hre5isl:ariioo' W1ll5 on. Mel1!k:a!iil'li3Jt"I.andl·~hal came from· BatlleMecns of tie Froo! WoMlds LeagLiH~j.

U:nkMw,n,~o the Cape'llan C'Ofilfoo'el:~1icm and th9 F'edEirarued SIlIns. a. battalkmhm the First. GUaJIds".the Ipnemie~ iMeet'! unit of [he Free Worl'd!s .league', had sec,reUy lal'lda::ll en MeJ"!kHlinan iln' NO\lE)mbe~. ThEiY hQpilfd~o o'!letWi"Ielli'l1l tM~ Capsillan mililia arnd seize' Melilkalill'1art1 hom G!n.anoeIJor lijao wihile his oofiloontrat:im ·was on [he Davkm invasion. TIge IbabJi~j"I of haO\liyY 'Meons •. IU:nO~f FQroe CommaJl"ld!l!w Kisha. 18av,ara, had jus't crossed 11m $lraits of [)~nar arnd was advBf1<ltngr DO C.a:ros9)sha, ·Ilh~ capilai of ME)nkaIiMf!I. whenl the ~reamirr9 Eia,gles dropped 30 ikil'oJfielers [o~he'Jr 50utMaodi east CommaooeJ ·Sa,vam cu rs.ed the new ,ccmp:licati'of'l, halted her bailttl1l!liolll, and rteportoo~h~ neYii' siruation rei her superio~s on

The 1wo regime;r1ts af the SGreaJlTIi!:'lg Eag:les had few reasons to ce:teb:ra~ethe coming of S!OZ9llhiol,llgh they had ~ot;Jg'htWiU'il skin and d~ri nSI afild played ~mporta!"!t ~O~ [!"IIthl9l COnqI[Ji9S1of two' Cape~lan wol1ld:s,th!e Eagles hOld become' the pari1l!Fi!s oUh!ll' AP1FS; becau$e of what Ih~pem;ld alongl1he banks aHniE! Garliton River As the ~egi'mems l1ad wailed em New Gtl:n~cm fur tMiw InIDi! .assignmefllts:, ~he mercenaries" sijppl'll line dried lfP Ibecauise Q1iiicer·sWii~hil'l Tr<lJilsporil/8!liolil a!nd IResupply Omnnmood decided to lPtJn'i~1the Eagles. C010rml HOkalot, ,commanoet' oflliJe,&.rearniog Ee;gr~$, oomp!a:flli1ed bil1~~iy 00,Miajor Je:nJn~ferVass., lihS! :Eag:les'

CioIQr1!ellriokaia w~ ,eqlU'a:lIY5urpri5ed t(:l~rnd the e~rte Marrk. 'M~Gt1>son the pla1fiUllt.1Iihe QdIOrili1j1 'iliril¥ orth~roo Ihjs:'orcss, ~owaJrd w Oarrosasha. Tlni9'columns 'QJ !F'edtuaroedl ~slawed tea mawl wtieif'i ~~y reac~~ ~he nalTOw ,Aika VialIQY, whero' 'lJiie' Mawik 'Merns s~ooowatching. Fo:r,tlllr:ee extr6meilY tense hour.s.l1he~o s<ides w.8!!d'ned ea~. o,tt\er ,<iii ~Jose w.<tF1g~Junlljll last Eagle "Meet'! tile wal~~d pas.t ~hi!l'linal Mari~lPO$ilion. l~otl:1tlng wa~ done, I'!or eVi(ll!!'!!
:said" between fue two ]oroos" The Scre'$rnrrig Ea,g!QS w~nt 'L;mll:) Caro:sacsn8(, wtlleT~ they

on New Gan.~on.

f!',uWated Eqles sihowoo lhtll militia unUs no mer;cy. fI1a 'M!achs ood tigll1r1flrs. ®f~11te unite~siw ltilno.'&e the d;ef:I;!nsive tlines. of tanks 1liOO ho.VJ;'llrCrafi. wrcililglhe ~1I~n5 m trelrea,t.

met the Capellan mii'li~ia tllJsl ollJ~Eiide:,ali ~filrck. vergreen forest Tlhe: e


lIlll! 'r:o~rLihSucoossioll'l War 83




During tl1Js rout. force Commander B{lil8f8 reoei:vedl her orders" Her :superiors told her 11"1 uneertain I,erms, tna:1 she was no aid the Ca,pa'ilan deifenderstryifl9l10 push otl1he Cla:Vlion SOilLlI'g9.'" ~rmrec;lulousIDatslilewasw he(p1hefo:rc9 sl1e ht~jj been sen} to destroy. Commander BaJlara,i"iI!i'llEll1helesscompilied. As ~he Streaming Eagles, were ,aoolilt IQ lentllf downtown Ca!fO:E1asha, 'Ihe IEa,g'le' eclJr~ g oompany gU'OIrrdi nell 1tiJer~g,im,e,nt's oom1'1i1lLJni~tioos equipment, l!J'rg:an1Jy Ife-P'l'l'Ied !hen IMarik StaikefS; wer,e IPlJshill1!glhnQug'h the forests arUhe Eagles' wea.:r. Cursing 'his 1:!.lIdk,Co'lomJI Hol!tala orde~edlwO, of hieSbatlalions OLlt of tCarosasha to m~ ~he Inew 1hreat The 'Moohs of the· Fi'rst arld Second! Bii.tmliOf'ls tColiJ,ld'not read"! the rem ,1uea in ·time to stop the Marik, torce 'rrQI1i1!' ,ovenun" Illing the Eagles' .s!.Ippl'ies al'ld com mUl'lica'lions, fadlnti,es. Despite thoe efl"Ms (Ii 1he' regiimenrs S~b:,lrirty' oom;pany arm' of a, 1.ank. r:egimentfroffi Gialm, title healV)' Marik 'Meclhs easily Sjp,read dlllstruc,tiol'11tiJrough the rear area of~he Eagles. The Capelll'arn fu~. manill'"of whom had been hiding ill'llite fo~esrs edges. unti:1 theflghti!FlQ was 'O'll\er, 'loolI!.heart at 1ile Mar,ik support and ,Mtal::ked !!he·Screaming Eagle,s- INo,t.,only wa!S Colod'lielHokaiaJ. ftg:htingl Martk 'Medhs, but hiiS dooile C~pal'3!'1 O:P;ptO-mmt.s had $ud'dsll'1lly ~umed into, d'emOfltS_ Colonel Hokaliill's. O'tde!F 10 retreatnorlh waslhe onl;Yway to kif!!eP from being< s'l,:il1'ohJnded" but the deolS!lon was very unpopw'lw wilh many 01' his, warriors, Le:avlrJ9: CaroiSaSnaJ g.reaUY :simplifiedl the Eagf.&.s' siwationl. No l:Unger pinned belWe,ElnMo forces .•'C~loil"!el HOlflala ri~m~p,OOl_ His counterattack, whioh came at sundownlhat samfi da.y, took advantage ,of his, tf1'umerlcal superiority and tile disu,nity between the! Ua:o -and Mruik ftlJ'ees,. The FirsllBatialioUb oidia IEagles atlacked th e leflslde of tll've; 1E),i'iemy Iline, where most of the M<1lrik'Meeh!S were looa;li[id. The Third IBaUa'lion dJQV€linllO the Capel,laJI tanks anel inf;;;mtry 0111 the riglhffiside ,of the' nne .. At Ute same 1ime, the Second Barlaf.ion, composed Of light 'M'echiS, attempted to liIaJ1k.1heMa~r_k 'Mechs Iby taking a minor road (hiEl,lwound behind thai'll. , Eagle.s frghlers made fe~tFi!d strilk'es against en~rtlV pesllions ...Againsl: :die' G~elllal'l infanlIy aild 'illihfcle.s, their 6,fI"-oiitS w~~e generality sucoos.sliul; bUll tl1efignl:er pllo~ WeUl Cl.flen ill danger of being knodked Ol!~ Qf the sky by~he acw~te Martk 'MiElchs. The diversion cauS/edl byttJ-ec Eaglle'S,' Iilghter.s all'owed ~he Second Batl:!lliocnJ,led by Mairor Saunders., to sneak to Jhe rear Qf the Mariik 'MeJlhs. Though the IMarik 'Mechs ,gr,ealily oulw-ei.ghOOI those o-t the Second Batlalic:m,li'ne' Eagr:M S:lil'l sccrred maJflY hilS and caused great confusionl. In addilion.lhe· SDrearnilli91 E_agle~ n~p!aidthe iM'arl'k torres, by disablingl ~heir commu!fi1ication cenrer <l!I'iJO mlng their slJip,plges, Ibu W"11!h the'i~ sup,plies in ~~ames and the an;emy~hreaten1i ng, to surrol!J!nd lh~m, ~he' Marik 'Mechs retreatee, They did so wilhcul te[lilllgihe Capellan forces. The aOl'upl departlJli~eo~lhe M.arik 'Mechs ~efiI~he C<lip~llall!'rmcas; wrlhow heavy Sll.I]pporl. ,a.M they Cl,l.lickly bl:lgan su rrem:leri fig in f;!e' fare 01 oV'9I'Wihalmtng< odds. . The battalion tram Ihe First GiiJ'~rdsjOil'ledllhe' Man"k-gaJ~ison 'force and left Mer1kaliiilan '1.0 ·ltJe Fedefatedi SUil'S_ The batHe 'hmweenl 'Ihe Marik GlIJ!aJrdsaJndi the Scream~ng EagllQS Wa/$ 'Ihelirs.] lime forces, hom tile Fr~· Worlds Leagu Eli and the Federated Suns had fought each other in cerUurie$- Hligher"level cfftcers on both sides expected that iii wou'ld soon bec,ome 'comm.oi1,plaoo..


Tan Trees,was p~rhaps the mosi importaF'l1 objeotiM9'Worid in rumomof a SEicr-ei,c'a,pe'llan :bikx;h!ernrcall~9SElaJfChfMllityamid 1he planet's man ....orecS1S_ lo~ie-s alxlut;rops f S f grew to miraculous he'ights and aooLd Mega Whale-trout' tha't weigh SOO tkil~,rarns made fhe 'World a prtme tar'get. far nc{hthe ~trategis1_sand thasciemis,ts.These wcmcel'iflil stories· w~_r,e,offset by tales 0# mysteriol:l!!; plagues among lihg people and dreadf!1l monsters reaming ·the planet's 'COUlllifySide. file AFFS Prepa!roo torlhe worst. Accompanying 1he fourth DMeb Light Cavalry ACT was the New Avalon Hazardo:lJ!i Mat~l'IiaJs Emerg!e'FlCY .ream. HazMETs are '~rainool1:o ham:Ue ,everytlili ng ~rom i()ilemicaJ "Spills at factories to DiolQg ieal wealiXlFliS 011] 'batltlefiakls.. Though a·wry Wi;lrJd and eveijl' RCll'!ad its own HazMR, the NeW' Avalon team was ooniSid'efeQ Ihe 1b;eslllleGBI!J,se of its sC'ie_nti&ls., el1lgineers, and sold:iers fm.m N_AJS. Inlellig-e:noa repoltS- tordMars:ha'1 Fredricks, oolTIf!'umder Of 1hlll FOurth ileneb, thi!!ltlhere woiild be litue msis:lance Oi'l fall Trees. Thilty regiments, most oflhem infantry, Wffi"e sc.aUerOOI a:bo'l!iI1 the plianet's, tivEl OCin~iru:m~s,'wiltn 1hes.1i'Gng€!~'t on th;e <coi'llinenr Qf Burgundy. The' report also' _S'!.lIgg.e$~ed thal the' islaoo of New Tierra. del FlJe_go"just SO!.lth of BI:lTgU-l'Idiy.was the' fikeliest loca'llion of the Cape~r<m research fatililV, The Fourth lDien.ebdroppedOfl 8ul~g ul'iidy. Three milltUa rage· m91'ii~S oh:allel'igoo the IJght 'Cav,aIIY. but wlth ieW' resl!:i1ts. Unable t·o SlOp the s'lJlperierlel"l&my" tihe militia adoploo'.a hil·and·run style pef fig'hti'nlJ1 ~n an atlempI fo s!lowlhe ~nemy~ advaJnoo. The Daviofl forces pushedi sflutl'l,seitlilQl the planers 1wo Ilarges1 'Cili!llS,Fa ShUfOli nd Helena. The' pl!;!lil-et~slarge popuJa1ion. ! a almo!i11 a btlUml, pro\itld '10, e·aJ b m~jlO:r obs1acla to~he l[JeneMorce:s. Partisanl iilD1LO:l1S.such as,'Ihe' dies1ruclion of bridges., co-mmul1licalion lines." and even medical faollilies "rQr(led the Deneb forces to r~1y almost totally OI1'(heir OW.l'lI supplies. .As 'Ihe,:!!,':advaooed, fhE! lC!avlQnfomesseardi1oo for 1hlii ~~et Capellan research ~adlity. P'ri-&oFief l~hli~r(l9allon yieldElid o:lil'ly vague warnings. about the IConlsequences, of tampering wilh too

rhe FOyrth W:a:ve. For m!ili~ JI'l&3J'$, Fedffi:a~ed SlIIU1ISad heard the h




Tel'll ig:!liHis~;m ~egimenls, ma,~ a.~i1al SllBni;'J at IBasUlriil !Orca&In!'ll. the city n:earesJ Ihill' ~s'ar:1dof NeW' Tierra. del' F!LJ.IirgO. The'll .attempted ro use mounlains and st~egms fo olJlmanBiLiveF the Oaviof'll fm1c6s, Their 'sfforl$ we;re stymied as Dav,ionfightern t!i1!.ifa~sed~heir movemElrits and kepttrad !J·f ilr,oo.plpos~ions. After 1wo weeks, ai"ldl aJ dimacti() batlte JuSI: outside lh:e' lCi:ty. m8Jlstance' CQ[lapseci, As 1he Da.'I.I'ion forces w~r~ crossing ottwli narrow St·r,~i~s,o'f rN:ew Tierra. dell Fuego. they saw Oli.senieslof ElXplosiom; willilin 'die i<5liafid'~ fcm;;sl,The I'eader of 1he Davionlo~ces, Major fUchards, and Ihls lirBtanny batlaJitm proceeded to 'If:te island. They quicklly caFlllle, u,pan, 'Ihe smolicing wbible of ~h:er,esearro faciliIY ,<lind the booies oflhree members of 1h~·lUeath Commaoo!os. aJ\am:,)e~lo:r Liao's assaSSins, who, Ihad blow!'!1il' lip. The first deallh$ amoog Malor Richards' ba'ltaUol1lcame within hoi.i~s of (he lEi(iKptosi!Oins:. So'idiers; [r,~p"'rted feeling IUUJSilIOUS. then fen into comas,. Dealt! l!slJally- full~llhe .fir~l symptoms; wi,1hin ~~n mim.nes- In 811'1 now!", mcSf of Ih~' battalion was dead.

The Fourth Swoces5iiol'll War


Their desperat,e pleas fJinalliyreached the HazMEf 1eam, The le.adler of 'lihe' team, Pmfoosor FillllE!nSawyers, bioengil"1eer~rom NAItS, found Marshal Fredricks and infotme,d him whatl: was h~ppenling on !New Tietl"a, diel 'F!U'€igo.She 8.t5l!tedMarshallFredricks to place her team lin 'chOlJlYeoi 'the si~LiatiaF'l>Marshal IFrredrilC:ksag:r'!:Ied. ' Am,ongl Professor' Sawyers' first am,ions 'was to 'Order troops on llieBurgondycoas:tllne to shoot anyone attampl!ll'lg (0 lea/ve llie island. Sihe then Ih.a.d ~ecial snifter planes fly over the island looking for airbome oonlagion. Lu:ckily" the planes detecled nothing, meaning iliatlih,e' di'Siea&~was spread by contact Parh:lf the HmME.T team, in thidk blodaddiil1QI, Ipa~a.ahll1ted onlo~he 1i~lamt he 'rest of the ~ea;m set up their la:oo:ratlJries at Basura T

J1he'Tlhirty·rhll'd Avalon Hussars e'asily ,eonqull!l"ed Wood(;!toe"'" 8. [emperate wortd devatoo 10 Iralsing' cmps and foodl OInfrmds. 111 golng through d@cume:l"1tsat A6Ci~~~ City, ~I:lil!p'lanett's capital, 11£1'H'u ssars di:iCOliered Ireccmls, from an' arn::ieil,1 smr League agricultural 'l"e.Seiiiljd1!:SUttiOfl '!he' G8Jpenans had .pn'ly reoontliy d~SCQv:ered. he d~ocuments report'~,ly T ad.v,Booethe sc:ienc;e, lOt p!lI's1corvtmt Tine etterl LO 'take BhartU proved oosdy tor the lFirsl Crucis. Lancers" not because ofany!l1ingl the Capellaos did IOYII because of a mechianica~ mll!lfLIl'lclion. ThE! War-waBan, UniOfl Class IJrQPS:hip, suf!ajed rom:ple1e drive Sihl,lltdGWfl wcHhirds, ~. the t way to Sham!. Other ships made room Ifor the War Wagon's 'Mechs ,aoo warrioJs" while ils 'crew tried elffirylhJng t,o repajr the engines,. ThE! War Waga.i'I" wi~h its. craw 'stilll ~rdl, crashed lint0 the allmospnere of Bhanlt aoo .spIH in~o 1hroo' pleees, Whlicn bumed brig h,11, until they splashed into th!l! pfaners sauthrillrt1 oooan,..ThE! capture of BIh~rat though easy 'Forthe Lanoors, was ~mperEld by {he, loss o11he ,~f Wa9iOn ,alrd 11$Vi!ilianl OJtlw. lhe desert world ,of Hamal Was,the re.s>jXinsibillily olll'le FfrslNew Ivaalf';i~i1 ChasselJlt:S. They dropped oou,h ot Galita Hamal" U19 p'.anet's ,only major ICiLy. Thou:g,h 'Ihe e)i'~ert desM fighters of the Hamal mn~tia harassed 1he Cna'Sseuf'5 .a:nd. their aocompany& ing inrnnlty and tal1'j< f~gi'l'l1enlS. the' power and swiftness, the 'Mechcs OIo/!\l;'l'Wihelm.ool1!he efenders. d . Higl~spire had been thJei base world '():f~he Fi~5% IK.eamy Hlighland,ers" aJmmldable 'Meclil reglmerrl'oltheNanhwind Highl!anders. SIlIGr,m n8g'O'Iio:lilions,betweefllihe Clan Elders and 1he FedeJ'at9d au ns eftee.tedi thejr switch 01 alleglanoe and d~a:rttn9 fro:mthe ConfGcieratlo.!'I. 'l:i;l the Federat€ld Suns. They IEll'!bEahind a oo~lecijon olmititioi3Jregiments t~1 ,easily feU to the Bell Cap&lIan Marchi Milita ReT. BeClW~ important Capel Ian mill~ary tUJfeauorat~al'ld logiiSIl~1 oflloes were' 0111 Azhiili,l'ha pJane,t :hadra m[liitia 1ha'l was fwiCE! as farge and much beUer trainedl than IthoSIiIen o~her WQrlds'. The Tlhird Bl1igade of Guards landled east 01 Casella, the cap'ital anl:l major ci~yot thE!!planel, amd we're quickJly alJla:ciled by niilma. uni~s !hat hoped to hurl the Guawcis inl the confusinl'll o,ffhe Ia!fldli"ig ..The mili1i~ Ij11 caused some damagEl~o '!he liJaloi:ion its ,forGes,but were 00 match 'for the o\lerwtnelmung~impowei!' of tl:lre'G l.iIards· 'Meahs. Second In)'', a s!f!alJl, oo.ld wQ.rl'd, had Gnly ,8 I'E!W mill'ti9i r,egfmeill:S 1:0oppose ,the TweFlti9'lh Avabnl H~$sars.. The HlUlSSars easily defea1edlhe, militia ~rOOp$w.hen ther could find '!hem. Title tmuilf,9 was ~r,ackil'\g 1hem down ill'ian ,tillmost constant blizzard cd snow and' lice.. 'WhaJl oouki have iboon ,I.'lisjmpl~ tasik beoome a two·, mOi'1th ilfg hlmare of fieeczing equipment and phernom lenemiesfOr




lhey remain 1here sitiU.TI1I9~I&riti$1S Ihai,lie !I"eillo isol~le~he' disease. My h.opes lI'iIat ii, was a shcrt-l ived lbacteria or vi rus were Siha:ftered when ,a bOI\.Ulood O'f priests and rnms left Basura CrtlS$[ng te aid 1he few survJvors a mQnth afl:eil' tM fi'rsl deaths. They qjUioklyoQi1IIraded the disease, and moot: of ~hem died iml11ediiateliy. Every etfQn ls being 1a1K911to pJ9veillJ'l 'the'di,se.alse, now ,d~Ib'OOd'RichanJ,s" IR!l!g~9'I:,"'fwom spre.ading Io the m<liiJfillland. · Ths only good n,ews for IDavli'OnforceSrlli'l Tall nee'S was 1hal the¥ I'lEl'ver enoountemd ,;lilii';' mon;slers.



On (he planet Shi:pkill, ffie' Grunma and Delta Regiments of the Twelfth V'i?gOO Rangililirs eas~y swept down oil Ship,'ka Commune, 'fhililplanet's GapitO'l~, rom me nanh <md west. ln a slrok'EIo~ f luck,lihe' Ranmers alsol capbJrea a cache' 0'1' J\.J mpShip paris., llhe' Seventh Crucis Lancers HOl attacked Foochiow. Aftar a period of illitial cru.niQ.!"lI eoause of e:xplllded heavy 'Ca~ellian b resistaon,ce, 1he [)avi<m force's quil;:kly IpijS~1 I,t:irough the militia's Ifnes. The lancers, ,easlly' ~plured Redswan and Vashura,lhe indus1rial and IpOlilJical {l1!!!'nI1ers, 1he planeI'. of The AIFFS soot the Fliflh and 'lihe'Sixttn Cmds la.nooF ACTs to' Foo~ Fajl wl~h '!hiil''Wamfng' tnalalle8sI: one ,<lIndlpm;; two 'Of !tie Capellians' elite' House regiments woLild be' de'fending 1he plmet .Afler dropping on the p'lanel's Inorthern ,eonliinEijU. 'Ihlil Lanc,arcommanclers at fi,r.sJ refused 1.0 b@lfifil·liJell'ile reportsfrom llieir scoutsand surveilllaJnoo saJeltiteslJha:t 1heoo were, no CapelIan 'Mach fflgllmell~s 001"11 pllilll1iei. On:oe oonvinoed, ile' comIthe maf1id!e;rs omel'ediliheir troops to acceleramllileir pao9, leas fly bI1JS!h3f11[1 aside' 1he C._lanl mUiJa oJ"litnltlir w,ay to Ganz, ~he capitaJ and ffianufaclurin!J center of IF,oO'lFalil.

the Hussars •.







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The ~afion reqlLlimd a substar'lltiai,commitm ar1il of ~11C.)oCJ!pS and eqlJipm'~nt Chancelllo:r Ua;o decided that the 'Medh uniilsltiJal had re'lr~al'ed: during the D~vion ~O\i'asions slhould get!;! las1 chance to ll'i~m 1hemselve.s il'l1 hi:s eY,9!Sby piitr1iciipatlfilg in Operation Riposte. He als()I(;ommitt'Eid some oHlle best Capellalll il1!fan,1ry and armor 1"1Ii!gimeflts. The only W8y ~o tr,atl'lsport lhese trl:lo,~s was to use the taw reserve ,JumpShf.[ls atild DropShips, some ·of wtJiaM had been saved ,for 'lJhe e·vaca!JIa1icmof iim,p.ortarlt pi1lrsonl!'1~I8Jnd moord:S from lhrea~e-f1ooi worlds. Cih3!flooll~n lUao was apparendy' SlU'p~elii'leIY'oonlident 01 su.ccess dMiPlte 1he cost and incredibl'e nsksaf ape~aUon Il"Ii, lposte, Dav[on intelliig:e.ncellate~p:idked ILlp rumors ~ha1he had been so SJUI'e 01 victory that he oomposoo a h:mg g:lo«,!jng m9S$~g,e for Pnnoo Hanse, fa be sen.~ ~s ,soon es 'lffie ffl'Cer,v·ed word ofllh-e· mission's v,iClories,



Th~ r,e,8!50n 'lheAF1FS did no'lfim:J .000n-VIiJ$~line Capelloo. 'Mech fo.r,eeswaiting 'IQ dlallenge them durinl,g ~he Founh WavE! was because Chancel!or Uao had wi,1hdrawll his,lroops~rQm ~hose worlds and oihel"$lin lalH December. He wamed 10 prevent these Iiro()p!;l from beirng GLI. off from 1he res~ of the Con~ede:ratio.n, and hewaIlltoo~o use fo, an ambitrOl:iS sdheme to ,crIPple 'Ihe I[)a'liion O'Ile,nsLve. Chancellor lUaoan.d hls advi$eiF$; using intermatlen from a, llraii10r high wj,thilli! Duke l=looek-IDavionl's command, di~covlued that all ,of the many tOrlS or supplies for lhe AJFFS forneslrave:led through six worlld.s: IKawich, NopaJ1, Aragon, Algot, ~d H!8JiJo:r'Ml V, HU:QIe! warehOlUISElS Ihad been ,enacted O.n 1hese, worlds and mini and eq,!Jipment l!rom the T g R Cornlm~nd were' br,oUldlh1'in to manage tile oolmtJ'ess cratE!19o thai Hawed il1land out The 1raitor repDrtedl nO 'MeCh garrisons; on~hese wo~lds, making them sveo more 8!ppeal1rng targets, Ilnt9!lJigunce officersiin 'Ihe MaskilFOvka reportEid 'fliJl1her mat only a f,ew nl!g;lm!llms or iir1lf,an~1Y arm:o~garrf;scmed these worldls. TMs d.a'h,,~I:t lirmm~hm a!ild I any @It,er, prooably ,t::onvDnlced Chanoollior Liaolhat his Operation Fiipos,te had a ohance of succeeding. Thill opporlunilies presented bylhil!l$~si){ wal'ilds were ob¥ the Capellans could destroy the waf!3houses,. all' trre Elav;icm regiments ,inside 'llIiie Conlfederation woli~d ,hia'ollet'o hall Iheir ofler1isWe. EVEln their d~1ensive operalianslilliculd lbe [tl!!mperelll as they began ronserving tneir ~emainli'ngl soppnes. Wiilhlhe· sj'mLl~' 1aneous Combine otfel'lsiille thr,ea1eningllo close Federated Suns' corridor to Terra. the .A'FFS 'would no[ lbe: able to presa a'head, giviing 'the Con1ederaIiof1l rnililary mot1i~hi5to rest. f'egroup, and cOlIJlruerattaDk. DUfU1:g'Iheearfry plW'lliling for Qpe:ra1iClIiI Fi'ipos;te. a seventh world was, added! to the liist of objeclivBli. lhe CapeUai1 ConfedeI'B1ion had knOWll"l for soma ti ifUi 'Ihat ~he'AFFS l'Iad all im po.rtant Ir&SEIISIiI'ch tation near lits border .. Capellan agentls aloo P'i~,edl up s ru mom thaI the laoQr\)IJtor,ies wel'e @nli'ls' brink 0$ a breaktit'lrol!J9ih tnat would 5ubstan1ially ~mprove ,a'Medh.'s slr,en,g'tn. The Chiano&I,lor's a;dvisei"$.d1rough months 101' pai'n-staking examinmionm alii available i'nIorma1ion, had narrowed dowl'l the possible locatiol1S of the AFFS lab to jus1 one wmld, AxIOfl. When lila was, briefed on the wc,rld's potential nm:potI8fiCEI, Chancellor ILiao im::luded it [11 Opera~kit1l IRiposte.

What Chancellor Lmo aJ!'i!C liIis adv,ise.;rs dId 001 reaJizSil'i'3S, that Prlrme< Hanse Iilad k_fiJOI!'!lTI about the 1J'aikir wi;1hin DU'ke·Hasek.Da'llion's CQIT1lmandstaff for throo'yerus. Whm:i the MilO l!.mcoV'ered the spy and preservled the ["Iormation to the IPrince, lie surprls.-edl everyone' by flot ordering tlis captufc,9!. Instead, he wanled the spy watched and IhIs informiilll.oll to be, purg8d 100f anylthi ng truly s.I3'J'lS:ltiilli'i!. Wil;n,~.him put on iGB for~hel momem. We ~II mTght liIave· usa for him later." When tile AFFS High Command g,a:lhered to plan Op€!l'altloo Rat, Prince Hoose reali:zied tna'l he could tum theCapell,afl spy into an unwining aIlly by 'feedi ngl him f,a1:soe lirdurmaliofl U'1iaJ oytd w induce the m~ a misstap. P~if1(leHansa w~lliUte aid m Field MiiliJrShai YVOf1!'Ul D~viClI"I. hi's second ln command, drew UJlp Operalion Ambush, Opelation Ambus1h went Into &trect immediwely' ,afl:ef~9 invas'iorn start,oo. FI!eiPOirIs 'O!"l'l'I'Ie' importarIc9 ot tihe' ,six w~oooo worlds began ~lowlrn9~hroi.:!sh 'the stan of the Capell3i1l March Flegit:ma!1 GommE!n'bdI,where iii: was oel'lain ~h!.'l!1:'lhe woult:! read spy loom and pass them on ~oC:llan.oellof lUao'. These Ir,&,porU".whiile not e:ntnr,elytalseaf lirs't. !lIXlggfUa.tedillie importance IQf ~he'wo(lds and minimimd the ,AIFFS seoLli1ity measkl r,BSused to prD1ecHhmn. As tha QHe f"IsJv,e p:rogn~ssed. the repQ.rI$-contlnlJloo to distort what 'Was happtil n Ing Ion 'thlOSiiI WQ'.nlcs. yltJe 'end cd the lOaviol'1l B illh 1m, Wa,ve. Chancsllor Uao was recelvl ngl rnformatkm 1hat W35 al'mo,st ~alalty failni(J3Ited, The I'ead'€lr of the C~nfederation W<liliiSO 1rusliog of the trail'a(s i'ntonlmatkm thaI when age"t~drom his ,own jntetligem:e OO'rps. the IMsskiroVkaJ, questioned lhe info~mat[o:n, <Chanoellor uae ,ordered them demot,ed[ for doubling tne trulll. The' :six wortd<s, white ii'll:!pm~nt supply poi n.ts, ~ fl~t the onJly :logi5tica.], oenters heiing uSiedI by lihe' AFFS, TlI'IGte W9re onbitill'lgl watehouse'c:enlerSi <l!roL:lndf,ive o{her star' sys~ems, as well many regiDnal logistiCS pojl'lts. on captured a_Ian worlds. IEVi1:n if the CapetlaIl atliu;!k;s had succeeded, they would


an'ly have sl'~llihe'

De'Vicm e'fjensiVGI,

ThHomaclics had smaU chance lof success, howevsw. be(;iiiIlJ1Se, oonlr'3JY 1(I,whlat Chan.Gellor liaQ's spy was, Ireporting, ~he SiiIC original target worldS, had sl!.libslantiai gru-risons.. The ,AFFS posi1ionocll17 'Meeh regiments and 40 ifltarnry and alTl'l~r regiments en jhese worlds w~lhout being dailec1Bd, a tBstamS'f'it. to Prince HaJiloo's use 0'1 ~he Pony IExpress. rml1ier th~n ComStar to Ipass orders. ThQltlgih ~herewas, no, pfoo1 iihat OomS.tar had been


The Fourth Succession






sell ing Of'lrading i ntormanCIf1I. ,eveilrl message' sent ~a ComS,1ar wa.s fEiad by 100 people' en its way f~~ro INeW' Avalon ~o the front The' risk ,O'f a Ileak somewhere ,along ~he way WIlS ,enough tor Prince I-i!ansa to develop l'ni~~H)"I'!TIsys1emror passing orders. Wihel1l line' Da~@n 'M6Ghs particip;a:ti 1"19, the Fourtll'l W,iit'llE! o~ in im'a~ons beglan re,porling that lihey had mj1 encountered any Capellool 'Meclhs,lhe Higlh Command guessed that Chanceil'or uao was, ,aoout to launch Ihis 'I:lounklro,ffei1lsive, Davian officers ordered garrisontrOOf}$ om tha six wa'ffllhoUS8 worids lQ maintai n stri'ct radfo silence amlin evarcu31:e certrul1l viilal s'l.IIpplies Of hid'e lihem f~~ homlhe- ~es:,tlflhe w,anehOl.ll~5. I Then they wai1ed- A few Marshal!s WQff~ tha1lihe' Chancellor might prove himself a d~vlOU$ opponent by ignoring 1he Federated Suns' blililltandi slrik!il1lg somewner,e ,elSle- J\Ppa'renUy tilley hadl reason to worry" Ibo&caJuseit was later !earned th~t Santor Cclc:mell Pave'l Atdzik, oommandingl thl1l Capell1ElJi11 fOft:E!S,nea~ Terra. had proposed a oomplel.ely difleumtoffen;sli,iie!hat could have' caU$edl ltie' federatool SQJns a great deal of ,dmlcu'lty. Chanoellm Llaa's diSl!ru,s1for his; Senior Colonel ,andlrus~ tor his highl, placed spy made him iollow illiG own instincts and ignore a plan tha~ cOIJI~1 have glrealUy injured Houflt!:! IDa,v)on.

,01 ~he SI'lCOOO Alfi'ana FlJIsiliern. go1lfils' nonerte attadk the small ,fentlel wodd of AlQIoI:and ~s,'IWO $yppl~ centers. A Maskirov.ka, agam: had disQO~1 the bc:alions of 'Itile depoiS thrcm:gh Vitlat Ihe thoug'ht Ihad been a pUlrgsd: aeeass alde, to thte pla.n e1,'s OompUJl:lr net, Apooro 11'19 to, ltiie in~orma~~on,gath,ajoo by th'!s;agent, the two wa;fe'ho UHS. 'one in 'Ihe OOrilii neiiir1he desart clty of 'Cassol ,31001he Cllihei new WIfo1e'OChiba, wlili'sfollied witlh vital [ltOJPShfp ,aM 'fighter palil$, IP.nIlleCtlngl'lhess' s~~pl'ies

AILGOif T'n,a Third oall10111on

was just one In-fanny reglment. Beingl a1low,eeI to ccmmaod Ihis battalion 011the mission was a pn'lliIS99 M~Jo.rSamuell Slam did Ir:!O~ (t€'s;eI'1ll'B. Majer Stark
blamedl himself tG:ir'1he l~tDng: the FusilrefS 1ook> on TIkonDv 1M hadllbeen the 'Oiil1910' oo:nv,lnoo fue regiment's iiiOW~ dead wmmander to attack the approacliing Davia", fortes woon they had ooe-I'I ordered to s1ay in thei:r defensivll IpoSlilll"e. ,Aftel'w.a:rd. Major Starck's t~OO,PS,p~evented him 'f1no.m Ik11~iflg imself. Hie 'h su'bmitted his Ir'il!s~lna1kminsftead. OhaJl'1oollcr Llao" iin his o:rd'e;rs 10 ilie ba.HaIion. bmsli!edaside Ihe Irtii~m:attQI1 ~nd s1at,ed ~hat Ihe' was ,supremely' ,cDrllid~nt of MajpfStark~ abil it)' "10 aveng~ his unit's defeat arnd strfl<o amajor b'lowfo:r the Conrederation/ AIl,a ful1l'1.e-r SMw at hiS confiaenCl'i" 'Iha Chariioelllo:r sen'!: Mtllor S'l.Qrk a seer,at and 9:M:pe!im& Cataphract IMechlQ pilot.

The IFClIlir1ihSuccessiol1

War B9








The Third IBattalioll Qf'llhe Seoond A:rima FUisiliers, alongl 'W Ith, the 8ulVivolJ"s from 'Ilile ether two battaJiofls, hadl50' "Medhs and wamiors aJld a slimiUar OilJ'FiIltier f AeroSpiitca Fighters. S!J.JPponingl o th,em werelwo regiments of hOifei'lanks aWld one o,f ~ump infantry. At CQmp~my ot Fusilie:rs,lhesUMV'Or$ from 1he' Firn,11l.nd Seool'1di Batlalions, was, assigned fo d'eslroy'lihe smaller ()ornplex of warehouses in the noM. After their sueeesstul drop onlO, ~he w~J:da.hard ptain west of nile warahoilJlses ,Janu8i1)' 11. Captail!1 Banbulryoroeilila 11'1[8ompany o~' 'MeochiS aJl'1d'the, a4teoclaJn1 c hO\!lercrn,fI and infantry to s~m~ad ,OU1in alta'Ck ~ormatron, wi1h Iho",erc,afl on (!he point am flankS" Ihen ti1:El!Slir,ikii'i! lance, fii1e lanes, al'ld command lance, with therr,oo,p&rs bringing up the Ul'aJr. They advaJ'loed to wi~hin 'len kilometers of the supply eEl nter bef()r1E:li elemeiJ'ilts '00 Delrla 'Company" iFirS:lI8attal~orl, O'f'iihe Dallior! Light G'LlJardis engaged litem. De1UI Company', led by Captain Andl'ie\f!l Redbu rn, choSE! nal. to' engagelihs' approachiing C.apellaJn 'Mechs, 'diroeoUy. I:nstelad, IDalia C.ompi3iny moved to smp the enemy ,of its 'ho,'lJ,er,crahwhlle stayingl out of range O'f the 'enemy's heavier wea,pOr'ls. lWokillomalErs from tfl;e w.wrehOOS$,Deil:a. CompaJnytulmed and fl'ed. :Betore th.~ Gape'llam; GOuld pursue, aoombln,ed barrage of arti'llery and strafing I1I.i!f1sfrom sh<. eroSpaoo Fighters stopped A them in 'Iheir 'traCks. Fi\le CapellaJll ;Mecl1s and 'len hQvercraft we'llt down, Wtileo 'Ihe barrage stopped, !Delta CarnlP811Y. Fernllorced by 131. oompany 01 hiea.vytariJk.'S, attackedl. The Iiglhrl 'Meoo\5 of DeJltSJ Compitliny iJSOO their superior maneuV\eriilibllity to close looto~e 1he 90 The 'fourth SlJoc.E!ssion War


rollid get their ibearfngs iilnd lay down an effec~ive

pattern of fir,e. Once within range" Dena Company hal1ed an.dil!.lsedi

the area's few Ih,ills ,as oover. .As Capelloln-s tried too pus!h forward, Captairl Redburn ordered half of Ihis oompany to Jaundhi themselvEls, ~n"iIO the air whlle lhe .r,esl,provided coveringl ~ire" The 'light QuiCkily degenerated lntoa melee. Though ,b)lJihen (lutg1u nned and' culm iltnel.l\le~,etI, 'Ihe CapellaI') {,or!:)emade a. good! ff!;ltlt o,f it A Capelf!anr Marawenhawed great S:ki~1 terndil')-g off rrl 'Mel ofCaptaifli Redburn'S 'com~r and two ttink;s. After his' Mach The' eliUilocanrmn shells insrde his'Mechl detonated! before he waS dear, slaning ,01 chain reactio!'l 'Ihat ,caused CI, keTIlel'ldous e,xploslon, After 15, m~nutH, 'lhil! O!:l:pelJan "Mechs \1'ltflJ,€i fl'i'lished ,and tl"!e h;O\lierlanks and tmopers wem'fleeing. 'Cap,tal I'll Fiedbum'$:eofll'1i-' Ipan;, had once again proved 'Ihat lighter "Meclui r when in sufficent numbers and led by capable' oflicsrs,. could lak'B' an' Iheavier 'Mechs. The main Capellan ~h!1ld$'1 place inl!he' south. The TI1~rd t()ok Ibat.taJliQn, led Iby Mt!lIir'CIrStark lil1lhis n.ew Cataphrac'4 ~oll'l'fusOO' tne , Dav[on defendel's by ~itl[~1 his rom!:!.!;" half drop,pl ng ea~t of the warehouses andl half north. Colonel Stone, cQrnmander of the Light IG'l!ard!s "Mecl1 r,eglm.ern: and 'tlveNil! commander of Davien 'forces IOn ,Algol, misplaced liis uoops W:or;Ii dtvi~ed threat. OI1IIYa ! ~;eglman'!: of Ilgh>tarmC)r pmroote~ '~he r1crtflem appr,aa.Ol1es t,C! the warehoiUlse oomp:lei](, andl1h!ii' el1itlN~ Light G'lII;Jrd:st!lloo Alphli. Regi mant ,of Twelfth V'eg1an IRangers I'ay to tho ,easl:.


had~ost balh ,arms arnd ~s autecan nC'Ii"1he pil'otaltem:pled 10, je~. e

Major S~ark, FusiHers' hlea'rll{ 'Mecncompany the fromlt1e north, easily pushed 'I.I1JroughttJe Oa,\lijQn WlIk$ a'nd mru-,cned ilnto the w.a:r«~hO:lJI$eompl'ell:. Aemot,e camsraa mounted o on serne of 1ihe' w,.weh.o!JS'8'srl1lwroad the s.oana as Major S~rk, wiIh 'graa!1 deHbera,ti;cm,~aiS€dIihH rrght arm o~' his Gafapi1J:adand fined its IPPC at 1he warehouse doors,. Whom helila'W [ha~thewarehoLlsewas empfy', heheslilafed momenta61yand th~n ran his 'Mech to 1M ne)!~ building 8!OOdisoovered the same thing. The MaJjar went to warehouse after wareholUlSe aindlblas~ed or kicked open their doors, only 10 ijndth.e same vast emptiness. Tna most ul"lforiurnat'l'i!person in the universe t!~,d to b~ !he 'Daviorn 'Warrior in his s,Y,ngerw't1o appeared just as Majo!" Stark had blast,EKlIUi!3 dOQrs on (he last. iilrnply w,;;wenouiSe. Major S1ark o[d:~r,BdJ hils comPQlnY ta ca.ptllJlr'eL!he'sn;laileiF 'Meehl, wtliGh thlay df,d a hrie'~fi9ht, Declaringl 'ltiat 'it was time 'Io~e$t grf;p .~h'€il'1gtl"l tlh~ of 1hs Ca'liiPh~aCl; Major Stark had his 'Mech 'grab the Slirr9'er by the oockpit secticn, Slowly,lhe mad officer Ugtu:ened his 'Miech's gripoi'l the cockpitoHheenemy 'Meeh'" With a sickening pop and cui'll of 0'lectrical smoke,lfle md<ipit Goll'apsed under the strain. A twist of 1he Ca,tap.hracfs wrisl ripped the·f!atte ned head section 'off theoStinger. Pushing. past the Iheadless 'Me;oll, Major Stark ordered his campMy east to joinlJhe rest of his ba.Halton, whiclh n'ad! just engaged the Light GU!lIJds" Co~ol'\al SltJrul, warned by SGO lilts that a company of 'Mectns was fas~ doslng: behil'ld h~m; Iliad 10, disengage '[rom 1h1e fest althe Fuseliers. The Fusilier toot SQ1dters, Ukenea!; on iii! d@g"sl'owOO his 'Mechs~ re1reat to a mawi. Major St.nk's'Medhs slam moo into the lig hter l)i3iv!on. 'Meahs" S1iUa.fii"1!! wiU'I rage. Majm S.fark. pushed his new Cat~hractto the limit" desirclYiil1Qtlhte~ enemy 'Mleclhssingle-handedliy and assi:siiog in two other kills dUiringrllRe, houl"'"ilong ml9J.s.e. The 1[)@v1ons' huge numerical superiority WaS ,of no help 10 'lh9m il'l wool came to be' !mown as the' 8atIJe ot SI:aJtik's Fury. ,Ev,erylimeMo or mope .Davien 'M8tlls ~rioo kI !;iang up on a Capell an 'M€lcih, ,a,_ suicide charge by APes, Of a ~~aIoon fi~inglinh:mno missiles, or somemher interf,arllltlCE! WQuild S1Dp them, An hour before sou n$i~I, Ma.rgra\i'e' Sherlid!an D,ouylass ami'lled w~lh lihe' lweltth Vegi51n1 .mgers. Margrave [)o' Sbi weyed R 1he battr.e and dedded to form hi.s 'Mechsillto wn'at hill ,cal'led a "!Flying Wedge." With his 'Mach at the poi:nt, 1he uV"formalionl slowly marched linto batlle. i:,ach lime th.e formatio.n readhed a Cap911lan'Mfich, Ihill Rangers stopped and concenlratedlheir lire on iI. Wh!lMl Capellan warriors turned to faoolhis slow advance', ~11ev were hit from behilrJd by tile light Gl!."'~)JdiS. The '''Flying' Woog(j~ !i!1.Il!n~uallyreached the Davion 'Light Guards. Wrtn 8uperto.r rnumlbers and firepower, 'ItiG' Daviem f,orclas· 'cut dlownl lhe rernalnl ng Ca,ipeUall'Mle:chs, alii e),'!cept Major Stark and hi,s Calaphracl. The Major's warrior ~kill:s.,as,w,ell as, lhe chance to examine a new ''Mech d.esigl'l, moved CoiIolllsl Sto:ne to, ofler Major Siam Oil chance 10 surrender_ M~jm StaJrk's. reply was simple; he charged Gruanel Stone. yelling ovelr the C(lmmunicallions chan:neJslhat he was ,goinQi 10 skin hirn alive. The Ughil Guards calmly stoodlheir ground and firedl atltie ohMgirng 'Meen. The Cataphmct. whi:ch was extremeiy well armomd, finally c'ollapseo at tile I,oot of Colcme~Stone's VIdor.

1l1e Ir'ffilid ag8ilnsf: AJdon came as a complete surprise 100 the Federai~d SUA$. The Mars:h,a!ls; Q~ the. AF:FS t pe:rh! ,91bit o,vercoli1lidem" had .iiliSSlJmOO 1hat ~h>e'pla.ne1;'s impO\Tiance was a well-k.ePr;t ~r,el and tha.l1he best way 10 keep H secret was not to s draw a.ny attenti"111110 ij~ This was. wtl¥lh~ plan~l, 'Ihough clooe enough to the Capell'ati Confediliro,tlon '1:0 Wolrriilir'!l: heavy {jan-Ii.. !iii son, had ~nnylhe Second NAIS Trairnillgl Cadre andfotlf reg;·, ms'nts 'Dl,l",f,il!i!'l~1Y and tatl'1lks. . The First BaHali'on ofll1e' Fourth TauCeli Rangers, s:wrv,\,Iors, from Tikcnov, was o:rdenKJI'to ftnd ,and rellnie:ve wnatever it cO!.Jllj from me AFFS labs a!l1d deslro:r Whail ftcoyid not carry back. To as,srist the Hangers" the CMnoal~or sent aI~ng ~platool"l of Death Co.mmandos. ... The Rangers chopped nermsast ofB<lirros", Axton's capital ci'ly', em Jar)u'8.fY M . .JU.Sloi:lUlsid.9the aity Was Fort Vam:lers, nerne oHMs' NArB Trainin;Q Cadi~Eiand 1he moot lJ:kialY I'ocation of secret AFlFSlabs., Major lompkins. commander of 1he· Ralnger:s ancj me·ver a belle\l\er in SUbtleties. swapl: ,intoihe base with weapons bilazing. Th9 R~rl{Jc9F.5,in at stroke of luck,found Forl V,8:ndgrs almos~ deserted, Most ot the tminJlng H:lgiment was on miilrnei.Jv.eFSI, Ilea.vil1lgbElh:i o only a company of 'Medhs and al1l infantry regimernt n to protect the baoo.. The cadets, hllouElh .g<'l!me,and ~ighlil1Q pn ftammar gr~U!rJd, were r:n:sl'Clas;seri l-IaU or 'lh(fW~~~ioJ's, erelliiilh1!d, w ~;nd'lhe·o~he~.s Imlrealed off base' ~oawa.ift"ltie' res:lof'1he regimerrrl'" Even more lucl1iiily1han findiog 1he b\1!.s.~ unc:ler-cirftended,. the Capella-IllS discovered th,lil:el'llr<moo IOlihe' AFFS labs, A salvo of missifes h3d misseOlheir targ:e1 during th~ fight and demo Iis,heQ what Sie'emed Ui be' an ard'ill'laty warehouse. After the batUe. Ihe Gapellarns f1otioed stai,FS Ileading down. As the CaJj'eDans were exploring ~he,irdiscovery;. tihe' NAIS, n9gime.n1 was alssem'bling fo the south,. Major General Quentin Llratl'lers had a dfrffiuult det:isronJ. He had bean ordered 'LO protect tne Jl!s(lQr(:'b liab ,atl all eests, ~u~ he was also respol'lsible fo'! b~, lives 01 ~he young cadets in ~hij!S reglm eft!, who were just as va!uahr,e to the' Federated Su rts as, ,iilill1yllh IfI!g lin 1he labs. As Ih~' was dhlcu,5sing hiS d!ilemmaJ wi,1h hps WficE!~s" 1M General mceiV€id wordlha,t Capenanl ,lJrcpSliip.s Mlre' on 1heir way down lD F'ortVanders." Coneclly gutlssififg th~1th~ [lr,opShlps were aflilllillg to pick, lip the Tau Oeti IAangers and 1heir bClotyfi'om !he 'labs ral:he r Inanro bnli1!Q1eintQil"(iemenlis. 'G~eral IJratlhers r d'eclded '10risk posilioningl his toroes to blJock a rernlezllous. !Hie formed a spe6ial company IOf 'Meohs made up of llie regimElrnfs ins1nJ'ao:rs and best s~LJdefits ·t,o ,altack fh;e Ra!'l;ge'J.s as ~hey prepared 10 troant Th!li DropStlips ~anded 01"1 tne parade gcr~nJInd's (j,f fon Van· ders,. A.'S ~h€l' Catpellaliisw,e~e a.ssem..btifilg nNrlihe'k~bs'IO ~m to hl' boa:rdjl~1 site, Generaillratihem' oompany aftaGked. To avoid [he' Iheavy guns ofhl DTOpShips. he hope~ te arni:msh the Capsllans. a.slhey passed throu'glhl the maze 0,' buildings-on their wa.y 1D1he paf<1ide' glfOlUli"Icls. Buf~he Aatn~I.eF5.wliIh the aid lof the Deallh Cammam:los, GOWF,E!d Iheir movements, .a!lIowingmOiStof lihe''Mec:hs 10 re<1ch the OropSl'lips. l3ene~a:I DriMhers was killed as !he'tried to stop two 'Mecl'ls, 'Ihat were mrryiO!JI of! a ,compYter liile s1aliion 'Ihey tl1l.dfoUII1Il1 i nllhe labs. The' Capellans escaped offAxtonl, WMi th~y captlllln!cl'i'rcm the NllSl3a~of1 llabs aa IFort Vanders i S dlass~h::K:j,.


A motley oolleC'liol'11of oomi~n~es and b~_alions. aU SUNil/or!> f~om CapeU<ln regimnenls r.ost d'l,iIlring ~hEl Davlan invasion" were ordered 10 d'e~1roylihree wa~ellou~e COO'Ipr.eX!es on Kswich. .A baUaITofl from I-I'ou,s>e NirilslJ thlJi:Jgh~'!hat it would ha:ve the easiest time. 1ihelbamalicm"s, ~arlge1~was :~m~u~ a. ofwaniltqoLlses ou~slde Samanan that. !lIccoroing '1'0'tn~ell igence reports, was, almost completely Il.mdefendool. They amived' ,above Kawich 01'11 January 12, M 'lihey dr'o:p;~1 ,andl ,assembled t,o adllance,lhey tea:m'S<l that they were 'taclng mQra lhaJlI'Ia 'r~wm'illitaJrriJenan,d1 seourity guards. Tank!.l!!'1d ~f'Ilf.anliry unilsflrom tIhEITwef1ty' Stri'ker Regime'rit. a regiment [forn ~hefameel EridarJli Ught Hlorse. 'waj~Gd iln ambtush aslJhe 'iM'ec:hs of HO'uSie HiritsliJl p,asSoo. 'TIme ancl" a peaoe'lul g,r0\i\9 of 11fHS;spou1ed ,cannonan.di iaser fire and, before the C.UOOs could rfl!!llct, grew q,uiat again as the IEIJlidW1i orms rushed '10their nex.t ambush point I IBy the 'lim~ U'1!e' CapaJlairl'S r'eadt'led thei r objecUlIa, ~hey had I.os,t III compan¥ c,f 'Medh:s_ Then Col'onel Wins,tQn1,comm;mder o,f fhe TWfll'lty-iFirst, sent his "Medhs hThe three battilllons of 'Machs. usin,gl '!he' hilly terrain around Samanan. ,~alSlIy engl!.il~ed the Capell<lns. Tihollgh the warriors of HQuSle HirHs!U fought wl~h skilll, jot was no1enougl"l. lheF,e were' f1:Q Capellari survivors.

The E(dSlI11Uglh~.~onie lost only ,one 'warriior. Colenel Win,s-tornoo'mapsed WhUe piloling his BallternasJe, ,aJM di:ed ,altha ~i8igimern~ field hloSFi~al ~soon a'fterwards'" Major Jamal Fa:llehy, Oolooel 'Wifiliton''s ilil'l(ooUllhre, officer" MS!!.Imed tem,po~ eemmand of ~heregimel'll. A bat1a1I:O:i91,F<Om'lhe' Third ConfederatJ:O:!'1I'!Aeserve f Cava!lry,3i oompany ~t'Om Tlrl maJ'd'J'sSecutot",d a company ot lothaJ's Fusilier!! w'eoo' ass'goodl to desltoytl1es!.lpPIy depot at Jamal!. A:p,proachlngl from 'Itle mlllinl, '!he ,commaooer of the sMlke force', MaJ,or Je~~mny ca~l$on of 'llile' ReS€Willl9 C,aNalry, tI~ tg ~peed 1hrough~ne l\1_FQ:8 ptain outside Jamcu and Into ~he base. TI1ey did rlOot e,":(pect~ofind three regiments and armor, reinfor,ced by 1he SeCQ!1!dI~ttalicn O'f 'Mechs, fmm the- First IG'UiUd.1S GT,'dug R 1m,<lind wailing ~or'~hern. ~!ea1izing he Ih:ad,no dh!lnoo o,f completing hiiS missiCflIs ,oojeC'liV6S, Maij:Qr Carlson ordered his 'trOOpfi t,o veer to '!he noli1heas,~.w~e~9 he pray,oo,l:o meelf uJ. witihi his DmpSn'lp~. Some of 1he mOffiJ' patriotic waJl',~lors !ilf!I1o:ngl the Capell!an f:or~.s: di~· agr,eed witlh me Major's orders i1l!J'id roke rMks. Mixed forces, b totaling about a oompanv in stFenglh cl'larged ~M DaiVion IP'OSi,ticm. fln~ 'rell q~lIitklyin '111Ie well-prepared kJili ,ZQnes general£id by 'line 'Mec:tqs,aoo mnks 01:the Dail'JOfl torces.

Major Carlson allempted to save thesiluation by using the confusion oithle battle as a sersen to sJlip'thel main body away, Fighters from 1hsi Guards; 19e;sli.V piiC'k.edup thelirail oftlhe' C:apellan 'iMechs ~dI 'tu~gan tmurndinglihem wiltistl',a,1ing runs, lhetr eti'orts gffile the lFirs,t.and l11ird ~alte:lions, of ~he Guams,' ''Mech regim.en1 the chmae to catch I.lp., In agFoDUPQflhmS, too Capell<ln a!ndlDavion 'Mecils mat. An hour Ilater, O'nly the DavIan foroos walk:.ed away .. iflile ~hirdgroup 100f Capelll~l.nI ~I;m;:es, as made up of a ba.nalion w of Tf'im~kJ'i's Sooul:O'rs :and two oompan.iesfu'Qm 'laurel"!> Legi·on. Major Artnu r Cheng" oflhtl, Securors, Was lin a precarious posilion as leader 101 the s1rike tome, The two companies from Y,lJlre,l's ILegion had been practirrally kid napped ·off 'Iheir homeworld- Now they Wi:lrill many ~ighl·yeif!lr$ away from '~helr world and .2Ingiry aboI!J,1 their sitiJtaJlion.TiIla atmospililere betwaen 1hs re'bel,JioiJs Legion and 1hG h:Wal Seootms was openly Ihoo1iI\et. Maj:cr Cheng's, 'M~lhs were ,assigned to lake, lhe massive w,arehQuse oompl'ex ,alliDolar,al. After dropping lon1D tl"le planel~ suna:ce. MaJor CJh:e.n,gl ordered the two compa,n.i(ls af ",aLlI'!ill's L!egjo:nJto assume SCOI.Uf.n,glpoSiltions ,ahead of his Secy~'o~s. The 'M€!Cns of the Legion were' !Iighlw alld~he:refore better IIKJ;UiPPiild III ael ,as SOOLlts" bLlltlhe Major also ob .... iously tQu,ndl it ,advanra~ gecu,l,sro keep the disgwnUed wQmel'llof 1he Legion Iiii wont. wtiefe hreSwar,rims Gould Ikeep ·track ,of 'Ihem. T1he lead €I1!~menls lof ~oolegion ,9nccunwredl pa1rols, ,hom lIMeThird Crm~is Lancers, RCT. Some of the Leginl1ll!),pened fif~on !he' Da\l[ol:'l for.oos,some sllHFendered. ,ll!,ndi'Olhei'Slldst Ii\e~realed. 11he Secutors ~Uadked the lwo ,eamp'aJfllies lof lauFlelr's Legion when the:), saw the diJfeC'lio~. As, ~1i1iei ~wo ICapellan ferce'S ~bUiQhtwilh each oU"ler. 'ltns''Meoos of 1iheTlhl'rd CfiiJclsLal'i1oer:~·e~liy SurirQIIJ dm'~h~m. Afliew wa1mn nngl the CapellalliS feghtfor iii feW' lI'I1il'iiJrl.Bs"ltIe Lancers waded inr wilh a 'lIIolI&y aI wjthering~irie,power. M~or Chei"IQ,realizing that the sit'li aiion 'was ilopelass, ,ordered his Uoops to ,sUfI'e<ndm.

T~e lainoors ,seizeel,2l'Mems,. Twenty-one w~uri@rshom:~

lWo tOmlpaniEl'S of Laurel's L~IcH'I1 SUl'1!,i!iillOO fight and o'Mer,edl llie' theirseNIoesl0 the AFFS. Marshal P'edro~a,orlheTihjrd Lanoors li'S'lilined ~o 1heir :~tory and ,ananged to have lOO waifiior.s reunltedl wilh '!he' n~sl of their unit Oil Tigress while ,therr ease was sei'l~ to

New Avalon

~t).r revJew

by PrincEl'~ai'llse.



Colonel RasO!;;, commender of (he 'FOl!Jinih' Guards, 'Mech r:egiment, offered the Capel!<lil'lis ,01 chance 10 sUlNflder_ Major Krsvelh1i diooljned" say,inglihat tiel' perscmal 'hD'nor demanGiooi st1e aneast paftl,;glly acoompl'is,h her mission, Col~nell1.asos stepped his 'Meoh aside, offering her a clear view 01 the clooest w;p'e,. hOU~8. Malar Kre\lleliOliiJ.rtd~r::;1:c.od andliet.liooooea saJvo of m~ssf:les tha~ shaHeffld!he' w.a.~ehOI.!S9coors. Once the smoke cleared, slhe saw the cavernous, empty intefiior,. Sl1e a_md~he 'r,est of Capel!a!rls su:r~eooe~ed. Meanwhile, five ,oompanies fif10m the Fi~SL New !-I@ssen Irregulars, and 18 MeGhs~rom the V'E!leral'l House ~jl)rD, wong wilt11 two' infarmy and two ,armoroo lI'eglmel'1115were allemplillg to, , desIToy the wa,rehouseiS af COn1roiSel• Tlheir plan. creaJIed by M~Clr t,shoka of lMoLJ:se~jOIi. begM! with what ~he Capellan miliiarycalls an A~a'ianche' Drop In whict1 alii of ~he'C:af)e'lialfl forces drop en lOp ofliheir 'lalgets sven though rl'lls means dropping il'1ll'O teHth of 1he'dOO'ensEi,The w,aJrlriclr'!;,afth,Q ,the mission, parlicularly lJhemelTibers oll-iO'lJIslQUoi'i, were' extreTl'leily grim, and determined to ,SlJcoooo. The directness 01 the Aval8lndhe IDrop ap,pooIed to them. IDet'ending the w.arehouees at ControsSii w~ne Jhe Fourlh Crucis Lanears, who had been e;xpea~l1Ig ,111 mere oon.V'Ellllicmal atlack and had scattered 1Jheirm~ to man defensive Ilines" As the ,drop began.lrackiF1g1 systems !Named the !lancers hat tne Capellans were.risl1!ing evefJflhi~g will1 ~heir daring choroe O'f dro,p zones, Major Gel'lernl Charles Dunc-an orde~edth9 Lancers bacl< 1rom '!heir perimeter defenses, ollil too late, By the time fill€! taneers lQo~'I'deven begin to i"El'Spo:nd,the first ~lIao 'Mooh<s: wer,e already hining .the dirt The' Ca,[)e'llans,' fI'rSl o.r:.der of Dl:JIsiner5,5, was 1tJ, sBrnJl'ea peri'riIetGl'andl1hen ~o't;leg'in raidIng th9 warehouses f.or s!UppUes ltiat (h;ey ooiJId carry ~D DropSl1ips, ~a:ndil1g od: Uis' nea~by spaceport. With OropSl1iips.landuil'lQ i!lind[he El'aviml respenss s1iUa few minutes away.,~h9 Ciiipellansfalll1d the war,e'h:O!.iiSBS Mlipty'. They stlJl liIad t~rrn~ t.O m'ac'fjl 1he spaceporrt 'and retJIaal from, Basa!It, saving themselves to light anolher day. but 1he'Capellaros weft) so' il"l'rurial:ed they those to make the D,al/ion de'renders pay 101' deceiVing tnem. They sat CJlfif Inarih andfer«iousl,jI atla:cked a batl~Jiolf)or 'Mechs and ~aJ'iks.The commander of1he S9Cond L!Irloer 'Mech Da'ltallon, M~or Sandra FalrOr<ilK, realidngl ~hat she was oL!tg-unned a.nd faoins angry opponenls; deGided to IFetreat Asher IU r'l'it slow~ retr'9a1ed, it drew the Capel:lanls further and 'tanlher from ~he spaceport IAaHlertl18iin '~eMeV'e th'f! Second BaHalio.n, lhlilt rest of 'Ihe ,Lancers mo¥ed '1:0 cut off the Capellans from thill! r DropShips. The Seoo:iild Ba't1:gJio~led ~he CspeU~rrs, as far as f1 oOUJlld.but MaJJprlsho'ka finallly ordered a te·tum 1,0 fie spacepon.The Capell~mskliJIf1ld 'Mecihs, tanks, ,~f1d soldiers blOOking 'Iheir evei)!' Ill,urn.General Duncan" feelin91 (>Qmidemtof his. posillon, 'gave It00 Capellans ~chanoo 10' su rfElooer to which, they responded wlth ademand tha'lll1e' £ltl\l'io'n faces surrender. 'jf<h!ll nll!:xt 20 minutes of e'xp:looloJil~ and: tnB 1ilum::lenng af running 'Mechis !put aU'of Iha Gapellan ~M8Chs out of action, mos~

Thlil fightijng on Basalt cenmroo om'the cities of ,Col"ltrossa and Zander's !Delight, bo'ItnOri ~he mCII:J I"ItainoUls 'souihef1n COr:ltimm~ of Iflle'large', humid war,ld., Ma5ki~ovka agents learned tha~the A.FFS had oonstructoci two storage depots, The one' all zander's 'DeUg:hrt waSc()nshucleejl onllhe banks of a liaJrg;e lake; the one at eorntrossa W<lS built ar,ound a spaceport. Seve;r.a~ 'Mectn ba'ltalDom:; and 'GOfIiIpanies Lbtalil'1l9al:mcst a fuH mgiment were assiglneo to dllslfoyllhesUJpplydepO'lS,_ Supporting Ute Capell'an 'Mechs 011Basalt werelhree il"lianlry IregimMts ,and fOlblr armor reg,lments, NiI,ice whall other strike forces feoaill~ _ A OOrIJPOIJllry irom 1ihe'Rrst Kerr"s :In~ruders. a comj:li8ny'frol1ll McCrimmon's Light Cavalry" and a ,company ~rom MacGregor"s Armorool SeoUlIs< dropped n:orlih iofZaJf'1der's, Del igtl1 eiilfily on ~h9 morning of Jal'luaJry B. A Capellan infantry regiment and a light 'lank regi meM .landed to the norlheas.t, wlilille a second titlir1k regimen't" made up ,Qnlirely of n.overcr,ah,larJded on an abalfldbtied,I>sIl;~:nd many kilomeJel'S away. The' pJan., drawn up by Major [)avil"la Krevella. of Kerr's Intmders, wasfof1he inrantry and hovenaJnks to aUack fi nit WhHe the Davionl detenders, which MaJor IIV,evella 'lhought were no more than a.lrE!9irnem oJ i nf,OIntry and armo:r. were facing ttl e sol.llh l:lJndl mtheas1,lhe CapellaJln 'Meclhs would atlack aM alIL:C(im;plish n !he mission. The pl'an I(lilec:! miserably. fihe in~ia!lj drive by 1he C;apellaJlfI infaJntry' aoo light 'lank regiments,l!I1rough a spectacullar liglmniiilQl storm, nUl ~l1to a mechaniz,ed in'ranlly regiment 'from the Founh Guar,ds HeT_ l~au!Se O'f peer oomm~lf'!ioaUoili'ls lin raging W9all'ilel",~he Ca:pel~an irlfanny cOI.II'd f10t .slop tlh!'.ihOIl~rcrattirom leaving 1heir ,lsJland~o attack 1he enemy_Kilometers ,away from land, a ba:tlaliorl (l,f OOvercrattk'omlhe Fourth Guards, alOngl wi~hfolil r lyran 'hydrofoils llent l() the AFFS in 30.25 surprised the C.ape-llan hoveroraft. daSIJoy,iflQ a baflallo:n am'id the romnQ! waves .of Lake Zander. Those' lf1lat~u l'V~vedmei the gums, of a heavy took regiment and ti§tnt 'lMech company wailing fortlherr!1 an shorR With thelr ,di\l'~r'sionary atlacks s:taJ:elf'laiOOd !the l"horltullOtslt anel smoohedto ltie to sOI!JlIh,the 'Me¢hs atl:emptlngl'to take ZandelF's Dmight fai"OO ejlen wo.rse. As fue furious discllarg~ ,of liglhlning disruptediliheir 'L:ommU n'ica1ions" lhe Capellan, warri'oroS ad\ranced, a.ssumiing tila1: mo'9l)1thllog.was 'goingl as planned •.They fi'rst rn.el a !ance of light 'Mecihsfrom ~h~ Foonh Gu:ards, w;ho shol oH'tfares to wafnlheir f:'elll'ow wC!rriors~ PusiftinQl aside 1he lDav.iol1l'Mec.;h pOlol Dill fel1lliinglhe worst, Mlajor Krevella hoped tha1:ne,r' 'Meros c(I!Ldcl r,~a:ch ~he ware· houses !:lefor'e 11ile i€!oomyoould respooo. The 'Meoos of 1he IFourth GlJIa,rd!sare ,known Jo.rl!heir ,quid< response, ,aMI as the Capell1anlS:approached] theiro~edi\le, mOT'e aJr:idmore GlJla_r~ 'Mechs, l"eSpo,nded to the Hare SigflalS and hara.ssedlhe ,enemy's



i!Jul'ilnga 1en-mlnu~€! rIlJ,lm'lling atl1e" the CapeiUa:rn; lost more b than h:alftheir"Mechs. The remainingl'Meoos" :badly damag!ed and surmundocl, stood at Une edge of ~h@warehouse camplj;!!i(,.



'94 The Fou rlh



11m. 11UI,



The~hlfoo 'batter,ocI u!,g~menls ,of the Chesterian 'Vblligeufs weoo' 'ordered 10' de5~roy the WiMeihous~s: 011 New Ara,giClni. They had had several mOn"l~hs10 reoov,er fl'Qm their bealing on 11koOO\l'. By Ute time they received their orders for Operatia:!"1 fliposte, lihe' watlriors of '~h_eVoItlgeurs. we~e mlarl~1:0' rill!d&&:m ~he;mselves,. lhe foulF batliafio:ns, f O~I9iJl'l'MeGf1s were split to ~ttacklhe o three mo:slliike:ly locations 01 the Davion waml'u::u.Jse'S. Two regimen~:s, 01' ilnf.aMry aind a heavy' 'l'<mk jiegi msnt ~eJn.ftm~ed eaCh group,. The' U.,me~argets fDrmed 8U11angle en !New AragDi'i'S 110rlh· e;rn oorninem of 'Glaston'bl:lllry, 00 the Iplan was ror 'the Ulnee sllilk:e leress 10 drop· and attack s;epa1I"ater!yElool1hen rendezilou~· With their l[JropSI'1,rpiSin the center. naara tOW1'! C8.BJ9dleWton. The Thim 8attalion ·of ~he :First (ih:es1~rtcm Vol~geum." com ... maJoooo by M'aJQrWilliam GOl!2!Em, was assignoo!D' attaok 'Il!e' 5!Jpply depot at IF'cnt McMicha:~I, IDropping north oflhe ~iilIrget on JIa:i1uruy 6. Major Gazj'il\n!mdemd hilS infan1!y and 'Iank!; to protect the f,lal'lks as Ilhls 'lM'ech5 marched oolJltnward. MajO'," Gazell"s p~@nl was to smke quickly with I1Ilsligh~ 'Mechs .am:!then move ci'i,lattrngl tltte: wn~s oodinfanlry mop liP any ~~$jsb;moo. 'His banalian Ir~1'Iintoiwo wmpme& o~ assayU 'Medhs from the Davlorn H'earvy Guards RCT. S!J~'p'~~edand outgunr'\OOl. Ma:lO'f' Gazfllii Oifdared hi~ balfal:iCl'atof.a'JI back, Iilopillg kI l'ull'e D<:Ivlnn fo~ces,Iorwa.'rd solhat his heavy t:an'ks QOIUId aUaGlk 1hem 'from tifw sides. J'uiSitas his plan seemed! 1:0 be werking, Mlajor Gazen Uashes· on the right .aooleft as ~he'tanks he,had been OOIJl'lfiflQ 'Oil were ~hemselves: ,attacked by Guards hov.ertmks, respondin,g t·o Ihe Capella!!'! Sighting. . Before iMaj;cr Gazen had time to, devise 1lililO1hE!ifpllan. his baHallicm was artl'1'()ked by twelve' figlluers, from ll1e He.iiJ,VV Guruds .. Even 1hli! 5whflineS'S of the Oapellan 'MeMs oould f10t save ·It!em from ,tn!'J iiI.ccui"acy 0" the DaviDn figt1far pi ens·. III 8. matter of mameililts, 'Iho Ti1ird ,B:aHalion ,of t:he Chesterton VoJtrgelifS was reduced 1'0 a handlUl o~ oespera.telyfl'eeiog 'Mechs. The, Firs'l BatialiiOOl'of' '!he Third Chesterton Vo.ltig~ursfa~9dI o.n'ly a I'itlle beitler. AS~J,9rned ,arftaCklhe oompl'e.l! 'o:f Ilarge. to feoollUy buill: bU'ildinlgS n8S1r ~h.espa:oelflolrl ot GraJi'lams,vllle. Wru'IFliOi'~ 'af ·!he· lhivd Chesle:rton sp&cl!!'latedl 'Ihat the war~ftouses cormlif11ied1 SOlo~1he new, prb:edHa'chBAAf!r1 moo'lum"Mems. iI1fi.e, thoug'l'll <of r-ebt.dldi.if!gl 'Ihe 'E!!911meI'l1wilh new' 'JM'echs made' ,too warriors impaIie.n1 to rom,plete th&lr mission. iln:a batlarJon's commander, ,oolofilel M~we'lil l&ng'; chose' dmp zones that would farea him to cross the Graham Riiler 10 r'each hls ~ar,gQt.This, did Inot c,orlcem 1he 'Colonel iJecaucge maps ,showedlhe' riJ1;I\e~ as·smalll al'ld relatively easy to fiOrd. Even if 1he rliver IProved diiffiwU, the Cclb.nef felt that he would 'have plenty of 'lime' to find a sam' w,ay across. D.mel'idilllQllihe SUfI,pl\Y depot at Graha._Iil~ville· was th,s New Avalon Crucis MlI.r,ch Mm'Ii!.i!l; Nicknamedl-rlhe ILittI's FOiiC~$." the coliec1ion or ~Mechs. armo:r anGI iinfanny had alwa'!ju:;. tl'iet:il ta' s;tyle ,Itself afierlhe' RCTs i!l'1I,thei IBrigade' of 8iuar,ds. DesiglUlted as <II defensive IJl'lfUor a region oHhe Federated S'i.ll1Isthat has 001:seen .action in lhurn:d'r,OOsf years, the Ut:lle FQ)';es n~er i1ilit:liiill,chant::E! a to, p,~ove themooli/es. Operaltion Aat gave 'Itlem 'Iheir dilanoo. PJlinoo !),avian, rm:t wantinQI10 use' d~t~ch!'!l'lent5 of frent-Ilne' IUnits 'to IPJ.01eClOO!'ll·qi!.U~rea'w·Qrlds, had dec.1ded 10 break withl ~Taditrflnl ami shfp key IMnitJa units; tOlho· ~roC'liI. QaririiSOFlduty. The New A'lfla:iQn Cr,ueis for Mar·ch Milit~was 'one oflihose ·chosen. CCimmandi~ Ihe mililiiil, was, Major' General Edward Val'oti, .a 20·yeat!,!leleran of ~he Cn.ici:s lancers. When 'Gen;eraJ Val'as aoogp1ed command 'iJf~he Imil ii'l.3027, he~hoLJgl11he·was a~ept~ ioga qu Jeter [post as a prelude 10 hils r,e-limm.em.. less IDan M·o .ye~s Ilater hs·was·en New ,Aragon dm'ehdingemm:y' warehouses with a colleoUon g~untested so.1diers woo W8:r,e just as st:lOcl:u~das tie was.1tl be' .so '~ar away 'f"1',O'm hOMe. The Capellan 'force .advanced ul'1ch!.!!lIenged I,oward Gr.a:hi1l.ffl5Ville,. I1Gighrening thie ,conlioenstl' Of .ijm ·~olligel.irs. ,Even 'Cdlonell!el!'lg took 1heir unhind'eroo-approach as; a.gooo cm~l'lI. e H changed his mfi1d1 when IiIIs,'lrOOp:s marched out of ioo thiCk forest Me '!!law their objeeliim .aild~h,a river 'lJiiat I'M Ir:rf!'Qm of it. The Grahali!'l River Was 1100000, The S!i.!dd~i'I' 1!l~1. 0,11 thet's SUfIi!mer Ira,prl1ly melted :snow :il"llth e cis1aM ma!JI I'Itains ,and swelled IDe' Gi~aham (I\i':ef ilS banlks. Th,e CapeUaC1 soldiers a~so got their ~irsllo(lk ,of~he massiveoon:cl'8te' wall SbJddedwlfh embra&I!J res thaI lrose fr;om 1hB opposite rivemank. C~ofliel Lang's Ire'Jiance on outdatoo mlQjs Ihad! glve111 him an 'tnGledrb'ly dimGLlI'lt task. The C'apellami tried ~o oo.eur,e·lWQbndges, ,oorlt1 ,and S(ltlth of 1he logi'sties f:::efil:er. blU Il~iyk:m ,oornba.t enlt1~ml!I3'r's destroyed the b~idg&s before the ,enemy OOi.Ild seizelhem. The Vofljgeu1'5 did dTse~lJer tn;ail. the imposilng wall ris:l,ng from Une luiver dld i'lO~extend around 'Iher,est of the d~01~ it wU.Just a Haoowalilthat ha.d bean eqLiipped with defenHs by '!he Daviol'1 enginoors. CCII!!MI l!eng 'h!a.d his "Moons c:aroafull~wadBI across ~he ~:l.veroo~ Qf :riarlge o~the DaviIlnI .s~rOJ'lg11iold hHeli1lls hovercraft and tanks diy,el'ted theIr w ;artim'Ttion wilh .attac.i!;s. The1'!l:tal1:k::!:I0l c:ff 1:0an iMU~plctolJo$ slmt River CIJlf'lr,en'l1:s washed arw.avlihl'" ICapeilani Mechs and 'MID hovercraft, iIlte Ir·est m 1he "Medfi, bal.1a1iot1l made il. ,s-cr:QSS. Wt1ile the i(;;_Jlan 1anks al'lc OOveflltnlH: eolllinued ~heiriissault,,~h:e VoI~g.tlurs, mam'hedl Inerlhward to strike a1'Ihe vUlnerable befly of Gral1am sl/Jll~. ille V@lHgeursodllidadwUhthe."MoohsoHheUtileFoxQs]iJlS"t two tylomerers f~olifl ~helr tarQst lJil.!!rrng'Ihe ,fi.gN, w'Jila'h lncl'iJd'EidI sWlie-ide charges by lihe (~~llan forces, the wamors lp.fiQtfn,gl1he' agi~ Militra 'Moohs PWiShed the VOI~lg:elJriS back. el3neral Valas am CololIWl' Lang bolh ~eceived rl1:ajDfwouOOs thal,tooik them oLl1

,Of.attion. Surprisingl:y •the, loss ,o11he[r leaml!r hurtllhe '~~lan1s mom. The New Aval',," Cruc!is March M'llitla, while s.tunllloo and a. bit diOO'rrented, !nf9aiiiled c,omposurlEl' and renewed I,he a'litaC'k. IUlf1o'er the general's 19j(ecutr~ ,Offim;!u.The \l'ol1beu rs, 011' '!he other hand,; wer,e completely demoralized by '!he'wotlll'lding of (heir leaderaJijlj the slit! resliWmoo 'ocfthei~ oppcnenlt.
Thel M'ec'hWmlors o~lhe Voltigeurn broke aOOlrai'll.Th,e.f~ster units o~ I!hfili mititia plJlr.sued and c:ruJght IlJI) with Uwm in a small 'l.l'aUej". Alfter a b.~leffiililaJ bal'lle, a compal1!Y of warrilors .aoo ma:i"iy other Capel'lan sol'diers SUlire-l'Ideredi.

The lMd gro:up o~ CapeUafIJ 'Mecl1ls. mo b~litalions: from ~he Seoornd C~e's1elio~Voltigeurs" dr~p!)edjust soiJltn 0f !~ort ~mSQ:!"II. Aoouminglhlloo'WOuld be cniy a.~ewdefender!>.., the CQmI'lll.m<:lerr 'of the S~Q:QrndChes,terton,c()'1ornei Paula! lLan'nE)s..spread hew foroes too thi'n. DerEmdling Fort ~IJison were me Aragon 8ordere.rsaJn;dsix rn~:anIJYarK! tank regJm~m~..U'poJ:!1 ~earni~ of the;my drQ!),lhe Bmderer:s dispersed 1:0 lance and company lU'n'its 10 'Wait oohind oms" in gyUle,s, :e!!!tdlin U11ekgroves ,C,)flrees. Soou~li!g Vol~igellJlr'IMoohs were atladk)9d by two Ia,n;ees ot Borderers; ~h~t soo:rned to, riis!i)!lIIP out o1a rGcky sloPceU'lley ~ad just :pa;ssed- AiI"l.Qther fire~ghit began whefll a ila!floo of Vo'itigeurs ,!iTla~ed pasl a gr,uve ofliroos, only to be aJt1:a.GkeC' froml behirl'1lo by tal Il::Qmpany 0'1' tan'k!stlila1: l1a.d hiddeii"l.lhere. ,Am'buSiih.g;s suro as these oo!l'!l1inllJ'00I Uw OapeII~o!> app.roached Fort IlEmSQn_ as 1M Violli,gll!iI1fS SliU msagea LC'!pusn ~M IDIli10licnJo['Ws back to ~he outskirts of~oo waretilouse,aollll'lplex. 100 8moof€'fs.aJmool had to ,~~lrealandgiv~ up th.e,~h(rJJls:eskl1he CapeUar;ls. a tewJble ~OS$sinCEi~hEl'w8rehouse$ a!lfon Eni$O~ 'Wers amQ.r1gill'le mwlhat wfll~a:irU3a SIJRpl!ies,

bined ~iglhtertome 01 &1Ieavy GI1JI8M:ls"lhe Aragon IBomerers, and;

the New Avalon Orucis. MiaTch Mil:ita. the Iremai~deHlf~heSecond

Just as ilseemned ~hat~he COrlitederaroiol'il woy,I!::II win.lifrle' ~gh~er,s ,O'Ilh8 Heavy GUaJrds, ~hElrr f:{-ghlllolcig done" al11ri¥~ tD'b~inl a seriea of bombing ruf'lstilOl1 seizmtt'lie ~l'iIitlafive from Ulle '10'1lifgeur$, Abr reg:r'o~p'lfl!gi ihlll Aragoo lBordtners co!.! i'lterait'la(;:!.;)oo and puS:hwlhi'l' (i;~Jlans, ,oa'Cl!I. . Collone1 l~nes of(iered~he VQI,1igel!J ltJ in:eadIf,Qrth.e rrs ,~end~voI,lS point. FQr the 'ir:!!e,xt two dayslha Capel'I~f!:s~ta'y,ed ona swp ,a!I1lfladi ofliheir 1f,llUr,suers:, WhiCih now included e'lem~ms, ,clflhe D.avton Heavy ,81LJ:ar~. Colonel l:aJri!nei Md her warr;lo:rs cHd .nQI:r,eilllilm that above New Ar''!Qon, tM,~r I[).rQPShips wrere Ibeii!1g atW~oo by U:!~! oorn-

ClOOstef'lonVoll:igeufSa~rWe.d at~e re~z'ila.s


l~olNonly to

~he fi:e.ry or~h of ene of ~~Jr DrQ,pSJ'ilips,. Wilh !'\;oescape. Coi@nellLannes [surreflldered.

Oflhe ,Siifeii worlds attacked by ~he Cape'llan COlifwerath:ml during Clh'ancellnr Liaois Opera lion AipOSI:e,:!he, baUle for [Nlo.pah was, the mos;t Q\l\enly ma~ohed contest rCC!!pI1lllarl commanders, oon$id~red N~pah mom impoflanl th~n ~heother worlds because ofrumQn~,:ill!e.ntedby''It!9IMIIIO,~tra:t ~h.e;~waSru'1rimlpooil1antAFFs. oommunica~ioljs.aild recoms center as weillaslwo slI.Ip,plydepals, on th€l,world_ Gapellanlroops hoped to glll9 ~heCapell:an military an e'x,ka mOF'lfh''$~EI$t wf;~h~h;e~1S1ruptroncaused by d~U'oyil'1lg ~he oommunicaliofls center. The Third B~na.lijono'lthe !First McC.armn's Armored Cavalry was Ofd'ered to Sitacklhe' ~ogisff:cs ,center at White Flail. ln a style typical of the Big Mao meroenaries, Maj,or iUffilUla ,Aja_xl:alnded her bat!ali:onl gO a'iffiry t~hl: Zong aMn@st 00 ~o,pof 1he depot She wanted to compl~te h,er mission ill the shortest liim~ possible" even if it meant a messy fig'ht 8e~aJ ~egiment oHhe Twellth V~M IRangem3had~$$e:m'br:ool i1sassault 'Machs, into MttaliolFls p~.aoeaatstr'ategic poillfS arOiJnd !he depot. The Second B~dt'1lllon'Was lihe rnl'S't ttl, oontact tihe' in,\ilading,Capellan:s. Majer Ajax'lS w~ffiorn,. :shoCMdEill 'the presence o~'the Vli'£JaJi"I 'Rangers:, fell back. After lie,y teorg~ized. Ii'leCapelloos" skill ,andl spirit oook orller, andl in a se'ries o~ wall'aJiE!wted coynl:ers1mkes, too B'i,91~C, foroe g:aTfi'lGd ~ke upper handl_ They had almost succeeding in splmilng~he AangerJbaftali'On arid erU&tllflg the depot when~e' IAaog!l!.rs· rFil1St nd Third, a Ba,ualions af"il'Tv,ed. OL!Jl1numoo , Major Ajax paused brie~1y10' decidE! wll'WlliO red do, if!, th~ brTe~:pcauseshe 1aH~ to M' t.he IRafiger ,S\r:alkeron hler right It.lei Iloose' a sa!liIoioofi're.lhat irnmedia.~y cnip,pled Iher 'Medhr ' and klrced her to eject, The rest of MialjtrrAJax's, foroe'at1.:emp1ed 10 hol(jltht!i~r lines and ~ind a WiilI)i PM~the Vegan Rangers, bbl~ they could not Down to two oom,panres 01'Meoos" the Armored Carvatry tried te re:acMI the nearby foresU;:, tlut the\l~,f)ne !ltepahea~ of them. The. Cap~lIan 'Warriors knew that they cOI!JiI~ rl:!ndezvou5 Ii"!ot willh &tek Llf'OpShips.. no~did they da~e smrem::ler and shame lihe' regfm~nrs Flame', The' w<ll'J'h:ms, det::idoo to righr a guerrm8i acliol"l. Using the Rllllgiers' e!Kpectalion thatlihey would 'Ir'!(t,o 'light !heir w.ay mward ~IW otiner C~lIan forces, Uile remaAfi!i~g Big Ma:G forces elliided the IRangers lin .l"li {hick rag,. Sil1'C,e tMl1.lhe members of III a' Third BaHalionl,lFirst McCOIr· rcn's Armo:red Cavalry 'have reappeaued ma:nlf limes to snrkie ax military and oivilial"llargets on Nopah, lIsuaily ~king arnml!Jnitlanr and patls 'with '~hem into the hil,ls. As mlitiis, wr'ilirng, U"g AFIFS h:adl decided 1:0 bring inl ,ame'.(pefls iv8' $pyEye sur~mance ~atellb'le 1:0 ~radk down '!he' guerri11las, lihe Crramr Cot:mlis were a.ssigJned 'ID defendlhelarg€l COIiil1pl'ex oiwa~ahouses, near ~he Nopah reily oJGrillsam:iers" There are' twa mrun approaches lOr lihe city, 'rro:rn 'Ihe no:rlhlhrough Ihe 'Gr,insarnders Hms and 'rrom ~he east 'Ihrough M~a;d V<lilley., Atlack!iflQ Grim,anders, w~lie lW4ll1 Capellan ballallons;, (line' from ~he'Goniiederalliorn RaOON!!! Cavalry and the survi:vi ng Mach· WaNio'F!i;l\rQm HOlLlse LUISann. 1'n;S1Bad of oornibiin;ingUieir furea, '!he command~Tsdecided to land at separat,e drop, ~ones near Grinsand!ers to gn..uarantoo surprise,

The' batla~i,oo fmmlha C~nfG(iI'GranOn Reos€li'Ve Cavalry,. oDmm:a:m:.l€idby Major linnl.l'r, approachielHro.m the sast, stumt.:ling Ii nto Une 'Medl!i; of the Second CJal:er CobrQ.$, Arobl..ished in wMat was $upposerJID' be a sli}rpnise~ack" lha Capell aM f!au !'lOered. ,Attempts w e~ecule a 'tighting withdrawal #aillild, ,and th~ Cobro1lS'fir,e,~er quick!ly comil,medlhe R95!i3f'!JQ Cavalry. "IIlI9 ,Q!;l,\I,a!l'ry comma;OO'eT did" I'lcWElVel', warn lhe' \Mech:s, ot House LuSann about. What was ha:~peini~g beraTe they entered! tM GrinsanlOlers Hi'lis. rForewarned, '!he' 'ufifioor,s 0'1H'o.Il.iCSB ltJSa!m'l faoed a difficl!.Il~ decisJ;oI1: Ihey could o(ll'llinlLle 1heir mission" kiflQWilng thail thE! ,oltnillf Ir~i ment cfrCrate,r Dobras was wailing to slnke,,, or 1h8Y c~liili, withdraw ~alTleir DiFt,qpShpps fight Mothe-F' ,to


Many waniors DIUthe ba.tlalion were sliMwrs 0'1 iF4ooS!E! IWUSii:iI'lFlr'S lOss 0.1"1 the plaJiI~ Liao,.lhey ikflew 1hatlhe edds of ~b1!'\1illing againiS'L a waiting ~egiTf!e,Uof heavy 'Mechs w,~r~ extr!;lmely smmr.rand U'na,t Ch.maellOir 11"11.(;1 WOlll'ld be loost S'erved if lhey witM:dreW'.OthB( M~el'lWal1rjors had been drawnfril'l:m ~he !Heuse LuSainl'l troainil"lg program 'La,f,l~aut 'Ihe ballaJlion. Their laek IQf expel,leflloo lled -~bem ~o beli:ev,e tniM honor was b~~ seNed by The prospect (lJ a second 105Sof honOf oliltweighedlihe oommMdj;irs' beH~r juc(gmerut. and th:e battalion oontillued its mi;ssiorll_ At a poinlwherelhe hills ,ptl'lched ,tl\e roaQ, the First iQrater Cobras snuck. U:si~1 theill' intaJ'iltrrySisspotlefS" the CObras called in an artm~ery barr~gulhat look 'oUJl ,I'ew of ~he~ a la~pe1lal1 iMech5 and Irouted (he green 'Warriors, then ~i'le 'Mlechs of '~l1e'Black Cobras, so named 'for '!heir black and 'si11!I\er paint si!l;iM1e, moved to cr.ush thelr drsCl~,g~n~lJecll enemy. The he1!VYIMech:s, ot fhe IEI'lack 'Odoras" moving in cdmpanie5 amid tM twists andl tum'S of ,the IhJlliil,easlly come~ed most O'~ linSlI:perienoed warriors ,of House LJjSaon. IDespite their ealilier quest tor varnr, most of lM !I,OUngl W9irrl'ior~ wer,e ql!JlfGk to slJIrmnde~ -

Th e ve!,e!ran s of HOllJlse ILuS~iJm. about 8. company, were much i:ougher oppo;noots. Atlac:ked by a Ib~n.algcnof Cobra Ma\IY 'Meohs, the company s,KiIlfluiliy Y;!ilih1.drew and might have rescaped ail.og~lJher had it 11'I0't. eefll fo:r Ihs,Cobras' (ighlem, wht<:,h OOl'lilimllb ally tilara$lS~ tlhe GapeIIlan5, s:lcwing their retl',eoat Jhsrend mme for HOI!J,sa Li.!Sa.nn neaf ~ker's c~, Where the IBlack Cobras' ,only light oompanry Ihad raced, ahead ,o'fillile CapeJ!aJ'iIloompany and Itllcdkw thg~r Ipath IO~erI!lnligh for the heill!vief'~ompanie~Ho catch liPa!r4 deli:ver tooooup de grace. TIle most evoolY' matched 'con~sllorl the Iplanet OQGUUOO beilwee:l'1lhe·Seeon.d Gapelroanl u,SSaJ's(The Plrelec!tor,a'l:e Guard)" H aided b¥ severa!! conventional Irooimell"liS, and Ihe Fiir'l Oelli !iILlSisats IRCf .T'h,:eCapellami set alit 10'desuo~Ihe spaeepcrrt and oomW'llmioations.~i;licil'ity50utheal! or Coou'la., Because o:f 1he f.adl'iW"s 5U~1 imporlance" ChaticelJOT IJao asSiigned a caJ'Qpanyof~lile In~ Calap'hracr ~eavy 'M~h:s 10 ~he SilICOl'/ld l-iu5Sars, Colone'l BrallJtQn Gammon, oo.mm3ntier of the 1~llan 'HlJIssars, cliiose ;11, map lOOEl'eastor Cm;ruli;l. ,As. his ~J-Copswere auemblling aHe,r 1he drop, ani intamry platoon ktlled a. Dalllicrl soldier in a village, Th:oug'hI the SJo'll;Iier ,diedl with.ollt sayIng a~ythtf:"lg'. hi;s uniform idenliflied hIm IaIS, a memoor of ~he Firs1 Celli Hussars ReT'.





Th6 Capellarl Hussars, and 'IihttFirst 'Ce~i Hlissa~ Ihad met OOIor8. During the Second Succession War, Ihe P'r,elect,ora1e 'G'tllIards ~re Iparl of a aapell~n in\!'8!sionl furoo atlaCking '!he D~vion worl:d of AQsia. During a couflt,eranadk by -!he Celi Hos. sars, soma Of 1he CapellanlfiuSS;ars brnke'and ned, all:o.wil'l~ (hoe Davien foroes to cut Off the r,e:stof lihe' Capellall'l IUTI lts, I).Ult1ing ~Ih:e erisuinglight, Chan~elklr lisa wao was killed. Tt:iough 1!hie'Wil'fiors of the SeOOfQdCapelilani lHiusosars,arelaUghl a diff~rElrll version oJ what happened 01'1 Aosia, toils fictio~ aliso gives lhem phlln,ty of rQasQI1'kS~O hate lI'ie First 'Cie1i IHl.Issms" The' 'Capellan 'Mecti regimenllhat app~oached Cl)Dlila Wag eager f,o~rrsvenge, ~'r'ilthei"tu~tengagemenm. 'It!e' he~vi'E!r Capellian 'Med'ls IP~shl1!d bac'k !!he Cetil i"llJIss.'us wj~hl n ease' ~haI bolh a cheered and wornoo Colonel' G>ammori_ }lit SlongJonis Crossing', wi~h the infarury supporil foo far ahead toa:idi,tMi le:1ld elemlilnUi 01 (he Capellan 'M&cl1, f'eg~ment wer€! attacked by '!l~=lhird ot the Celir Hussar's IRCl. A storm ,of i'nhmlJy, ~ank.,amllery ,;!lJOO 'M~hfirep@wer I'l!dueed 'JheCapell'a;n HlJiSSQr$ by tw.o companies. Tha inffinhy and a"~mar uni~s ,alttempted to doulbl:e.bacikand coulUeranadkli11e Ce'li HU$~rs, but they wern' In,tercep~ed by a seoorlJ~ gr'olJ,Pof Geli H:lJlssars. Oolon~I:Gammon regrouped his ta.roes. MoSI of\tne~pe1I<1n 'wafl'iof'$ were incensed thall ~hey had be.ei1aJmtu,.Ishedsa Q~ ily ,. gnd they w.anl~d to avenge'theirrtaJlflln comrades. litlel CapeUan lHIussaJ's$w~,mgoor1h in an atlemp1 to ouman'k lh@Ce1i HlJlssars. Meeting no rnsistarloe as they traveled tluouglh(l1e1hick forests Ihatsurroumj C'OOiil'a,the wanri:oJsthougiulihatl!hey had 'OIJl~maneuvered 'U,eAFFS foroes a!'ll:! WQIi,e about tOl ;ar:::hie~8th.eir objective. The C8.ipeUafils' confidenGe ooiIlapsed as, litis.)! emer'ged 'from tile forest Arrayed, il1#rorn ,of 'Ihem were two-thirds, at the ,Ceti ~lJIssan;".whoatta'i'iked imm~ale,'y. Col:onei Gamm.o!'!l ordered in Ihis fight€! ~S, bl!Jt thley' were a~ an airlield I(Ilomelers ,Oliway.Ttl€! ,Oe1i lHiUssars poundadlhecap~llans for ~enlrni~Y~f;JS loo~ore the fi~h'ersarrived ..Tlhei"! Oavion fighters etlgaged them in a doglfigli'lt that :IUEl'iI'Giilted tllem fuomarlding 1he ground forces. The' 'Mechs on bolh sides ,advallCeci, oo:llidrFlQ if!1 crollds oI ,exptOSLOl"IIS, dust, aridDUimfn.g1'Meehl armor, A~lirs:t, iii seemed: ~hall 'Jhe Capellan.<s had fhe u,ppi3i!' 1i8llid.The ,Cawphracts. usedby1he commam company' advanced! deep Into 1he Coo HiJssars, caU!;~ ing' lliIem k:I Wi1Iver. The arrival 01the' Thim ,Bai1italionof ~e' ,Deli 'Mechs; ,andlhres' ~aJ"!kr~jme.n1:S O'r the IRei ,~ooed 'Ihe Capella!'!ls" hope!;l, f:Q~ a, ,,[clory. Cololi\ell Gammol1 tried to if,ally hisforoes a!'ld relfioa1 oofom liIe' w,as s.uuouooool. but h~s f'Or1l'lBSwere loa im,rolveo Md tn~ertwiililGd wfBl the Cat, Hussars to disllIngag:e il1~me. The lIi-'Ii rd 'Battalion .of the Ce'li HILI,SS!lrs; lammed into liMe s c'a,pellari fo~ and began to out them down • .After an hour, CoI~on~ Ga:mmClili surrendered W:M~ remaIned O'I·ih:isfQroe.s.

The 15 mmaining members O~~h0 ,ol"lOe-pmud freeltloF'l1:s Cuirassiers were 'Ordemd '10'destroy tile warehO'I;gMiS on Halloran V. The Icompany, oommanded by Captain Jerome' :FrEl€irnom (Whooe~a1her had Une ~jmen&'is commMder}, was e~ger 10,e:xacti"9vernJe arid stlrike a b'low tor the C.~llan·Cilnfedel:1lilion. The oompan-ry''s 'Mechs,. sJi",Mara.ud'em,. f~\I'e .Javelins, tlt'!~eE!S1.i1¥J· 1lW. ru'ld: a Phoonil( Hawk, we.rH well-equipped, though smail lin number. C~p:lain Freemo.mofdered 'ihat all his 'iMechs·be painled Iblbodrred and Jhanhe regiment's linsignia I)e paimed t'w1ce normal size OI"iIIil'l.B' front ami back. 'ni'lif! com,pany of 'iMeGhs, ,reinforced by two regiments of armor and infantry; drOfilpOO jllJ'st soutih oi VanderslH al'loral1's Parg· est cfily" dul'ii1'il9 'lhe"ear~ l10urs of Janl.llaJ')r 13" Frem ol'blt. me Cui· rassi'efs tlad ~een the vast oomplex of buildings ius~ (l;uJsioe ~he ci~andas~l,!Imed mal ~hey had 'to be' the AFPS w,aril!louses,. Caplail'l 'Freemol'lt fel( ~l'I;es'lJl;Jthernappr,oach would give him the OO$U and fas,te~t '~rlP~oa;£:h" if1ls1ead. he was! Chartfng -'!he, demise of ~IleCUirassiers. TwentY kdC)m£l!lers,oiil.s~cle (l,f \f:an;d', 'lIile'sCO\i,t lance' ,en UJe 'QUi'ra:ssiers" j'BlliflofOOdi byB. company Of Ihovertanks, ,r,an inllo a ,comp~y Ilfas!JalLdt 'Mechs, f,ram the Set::~nd New I,vaarserl Oh8!sseul'S. Stunned, the 'Cape'l'lan 'MEild"l$ and 1Mks fell bade. lin dfs'aiutall'.Captain Freemonl omered his Ifii)OPSto the wes1, ho,ping 'I!I:!'athe W' able ~CI a.void ~he Clhuseijt"s, An, ihoLJr BaIerT he meHhe Ril"st'Battaliol'lof th,e Clhalilseurs. He' was a'ise looing strafed by '~e ChiMiSelm:.;'AeroSpao~ FIghters. Thougih '!he Cuirassiers ooi.ild have' pulled back and rendezVQl!Ised with 1heir, Dr'opShips, C~taj!"l, Freem.o:n1 Qrde~,ed ian




The' 511Jrpused 'Cha:sseurs.roui'iid 'Ihat lheMrltiiill'l prevel'!tecl them ~r:ommanelllVering aruJ' bringing 'llreir superior firepower to bear on th!e enemy, FDr,c.ed back:;:tl'le ChaSsalrs, called for hel'p, The Seamd Regimmlt cflhe' .5aeamingl EagJe~ res.porndedl, Eager Itil dltspe,lltl1e dis!f~PlJte' that had lol'l'owed themfr'om NeW' Canton" the Eagles 'fell upon 'lh9 IIilH t!aJl'k of tile CuirailiSiiel"s. Oe~lJitelhe valor of the Ca,lJ'Mlllanwarri'Qr;.S, Wihicll saw' OaplBilfi IFm9rnOO~'$ Mauuder t~er) down by M,il Davion 'Maohs, llie,115 'Mechs of n~ Cuirassiers wero 'd9~t~oyed andtlOOiif pil~01seither killed or 'oaplJurool. .

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