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Grade 5 Approximate Time: 2 hours (2 Class Periods)

Teacher: Ms. Adams October 6-7, 2011

Lesson Plan
Eartb Movements: Rocks and Fossils {Session ]
Stuuents neeu to unueistanu uiffeient
chaiacteiistics of the Eaith in oiuei to
unueistanu Eaith patteins, cycles, anu
arth`s surIace changes constantly.

SCI Compare and contrast the
origin and changes of igneous,
sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.
* What do rocks, minerals, and Iossils
reveal about the structure, changes, and
history oI the arth?
t the enu of this session, I woulu like the stuuents to bettei unueistanu that iocks
anu fossils pioviue eviuence such as the type of eaith mateiials in the iock, eviuence
of age, uiiection of glacieis, anu kinus of oiganisms that liveu in an aiea at a ceitain
#ock Activity
O #ocks
O MagniIying glasses
O arth Movement Packet
Fossil Activity
O Modeling Clay
O Shell (or other object to press into
the clay)
O ook 'Minerals, #ocks, and
. otivation- uet the stuuents thinking by asking a seiies of questions anu allowing them time to answei.
O he teachei will explain that scientists have leaineu a lot about histoiy of the Eaith fiom clues pioviueu by iocks.
he teachei will follow this explanation by asking, "What aie some of the clues."

. eaching Pioceuuie: explanationuemonstiation-
Grade 5 Approximate Time: 2 hours (2 Class Periods)
Teacher: Ms. Adams October 6-7, 2011
ock ctivity
O Stuuents will be gioupeu in teams of oi . Each gioup will ieceive a iock anu a magnifying glass in oiuei to
make some obseivations of the iock.
O he stuuents will compaie foui iock samples.
O he teachei will ask, "What can you tell about these iocks just by looking at them."
O he teachei will explain that iocks aie maue up of mineials.
O he teachei will guiue the stuuents to uiscoveiing the thiee ways iocks aie ueteimineu:
. he way in which the iock was foimeu
. he type of mineials in the iock
. he amount of each mineial in the iock.

ossil ctivity
O Stuuents will be gioup in teams of oi . Each gioup will ieceive a piece of moueling clay anu a shell oi othei
O he stuuents will piess the shell into the clay to make an impiint like a fossil.
O he teachei will explain what a fossil is.
O he teachei will ieau pgs. %- in the book, "ineials, ocks, anu ossils" anu will answei any questions

. PaiticipationSupeiviseu Piactice-
O he stuuents will complete an activity sheet (pg .) in theii Eaith ovement packet (see attacheu).

. Inuepenuent Piactice-
O he stuuents will complete the vocabulaiy page at the enu of the Eaith ovement packet.

. ClosuieEvaluation-
O he Eaith ovement packet will be giaueu aftei the unit is completeu.
O shoit assessment on iocks will be given the following uay.

materials Irom the arth.
*DiIIerentiated Instruction- II students show trouble completing the activity, the teacher can guide them in a small group
as necessary.
Fo88-the remains or imprint oI
an organism that lived long ago.

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