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Ioieign Commeicial Banks

of Bangladesh
W S9andaid Chai9eied Bank
W Ci9ibank
W Commeicial Bank of Ceylon
W S9a9e Bank of India
W meiican Expiess Bank L9d
W Habib Bank
W a9ional Bank of Pakis9an
W Wooii Bank
W Bank lfalah
Thc Snurccs nf Funds nf
HSBC & Standard Chartcrcd Bank
neepa 8anl uas
lu 893
1abara 8lnLa kablr
lu 897
Salma !ahan rlya
lu 899
1ayefur Al uaud khan
lu 1609
Sumalya Afroz
lu 896
naLalla Sharmln khan
lu 898
Sabblr Saklr Lmon
lu 939
W Lis9 of Ioieign Commeicial Banks in Bangladesh
W An Oveiview of HSBC
W Souices of Iunds of HSBC
W Types of Deposi9s by HSBC
W Islamic Banking of HSBC
W S9andaid Chai9eied Bank: An Oveiview
W Souices of funds of S9andaid Chai9eied Bank
W Types of Accoun9s by S9andaid Chai9eied
W Islamic banking of S9andaid Chai9eied
W Compaiison be9ween 9he S9andaid Chai9eied and
W oild's second-laiges9 banking and financial
seivices gioup
W oild's second-laiges9 public company
W Oiganized wi9hin foui business gioups:
Commeicial Banking
Clobal Banking and Maike9s (inves9men9
Peisonal Iinancial Seivices (ie9ail banking) and
Piiva9e Banking
W S9ai9ed i9s debu9 bianch in 1996 in Bangladesh
They have
13 offices
39 ATMs and
9 Cus9omei Seivice Cen9eis
W One offshoie bank and offices a9 7 EPZs
W Has iecen9ly s9ai9ed online banking in Bangladesh
24/7 accoun9 access, loan accoun9 infoima9ion,
9iansac9ion among accoun9s, bill pay, demand
diaf9, ATM, PIN ieplacemen9 ieques9 e9c.
Sources of Iunds for nS8C
W ueposlLs by banks CusLomer accounLs
W lLems ln Lhe course of Lransmlsslon Lo oLher
W 1radlng llablllLles
W llnanclal llablllLles deslgnaLed aL falr value
W uerlvaLlves
W uebL securlLles ln lssue
Sources of Iunds for nS8C
W Called up share caplLal
W Share premlum accounL
W CLher equlLy lnsLrumenLs
W CLher reserves
W 8eLalned earnlngs
W 1oLal equlLy aLLrlbuLable Lo shareholders of Lhe
parenL company
W nonconLrolllng lnLeresLs
W 1oLal equlLy
Typcs nf Dcpnsit
W Smai9 Saveis Plan
W Cuiien9 accoun9
W Savings accoun9
W Savings ex9ia
W Savings plus
W Teim deposi9
W Mon9hly in9eies9 beaiing 9ime deposi9
W Educa9ion savings plan
s|am|c 8ank|ng at nS8C
W AL PS8C Amanah ls developed |n consu|tat|on
wlLh lndependenL Sharla scholars
s|am|c 8ank|ng at nS8C
W Amanah Depos|t Schemes
Amanah CurrenL AccounL
Amanah Savlng s AccounL
Amanah 1erm lnvesLmenL
roflL Sharlng 8aLlo WelghLage
W Amanah I|nanc|ng Schemes
Amanah ersonal llnance ( Coods Murabaha)
Amanah ersonal llnance ( Servlces l[arah)
Amanah vehlcle llnance
Amanah Pome llnance
W Amanah Corporate Schemes
Amanah 1erm lnvesLmenL
Amanah 1rade and Supply Chaln
Amanah ShorL1erm flnanclng
Amanah 1erm llnanclng
Standard Chartered
W lormed ln 1969 Lhrough a merger of Lwo banks
1 1he SLandard 8ank of 8rlLlsh SouLh Afrlca founded
ln 1863 and
2 Lhe CharLered 8ank of lndla AusLralla and Chlna
founded ln 1833
Standard Chartered
W locuses on Lhe esLabllshed and emerglng markeLs of
Asla Afrlca Lhe Mlddle LasL and LaLln Amerlca
W rlnclpal buslness groups are
1 Clobal MarkeLs
2 ersonal 8anklng and
3 CorporaLe and lnsLlLuLlonal 8anklng
Standard Chartered
W SLarLed lLs buslness ln 8angladesh ln 1948
W 1hey have
26 branches
37 A1Ms and
7 flnanclal klosks
W Cne Cffshore banklng unlL ls lnslde Lhe uhaka LxporL
rocesslng Zone (uZ) aL Savar
Snurccs nf Funds fnr SCB
W MorLgages
W Loans
W LlablllLles
ueposlLs by banks
CusLomer accounLs
uebL securlLles ln lssue
llnanclal llablllLles
uerlvaLlve flnanclal lnsLrumenLs
CLher llablllLles
Snurccs nf Funds fnr SC
W 8eserve lunds
W lnvesLmenL securlLles
W llnanclal asseLs
W Shareholders CaplLal
W 8eLalned Larnlngs
@ypes of Accounts
W AccounLs
Savlngs accounL
Super Savers remlum
eSavers AccounL
School 8anklng AccounL
W CurrenL accounL
CurrenL accounL
lorelgn Currency (lC?) CurrenL AccounL
8lCu AccounL
ConverLlble nonConverLlble CurrenL AccounL
@ypes of Depos|ts
W llxed ueposlLs
llxed ueposlLs
nlCu AccounL lL ls an lnLeresL bearlng lorelgn
Currency (lC?) 1erm ueposlL accounL
s|am|c 8ank|ng of SC8
W SLandard CharLered Saadlq
offers Lhe lslamlc llnanclal
Servlces Lo cusLomers
W Saadlq ueposlL AccounLs
Saadlq CurrenL accounL
Saadlq Savlngs accounL
Saadlq eSavers AccounL
Saadlq 1erm ueposlL
s|am|c 8ank|ng of S8
W Saadlq AuLo llnance Saadlq AuLo flnance ls
based on dlmlnlshlng ,usharaka concepL
lor an example SLandard CharLered offer Lhe
cusLomers Lhe opLlon of buylng brand new
recondlLloned or used car and can be
cusLomlzed deslgn as per CusLomer's
Saadlq ueblL Card
Saadlq deblL card serves cusLomers as dual
purpose card by allowlng Lhem Lo use lL aL
A1Ms as well as aL shopplng ouLleLs Lo
make paymenL
Compaiison be9ween
HSBC and S9andaid Chai9eied
W Sources of funds
8ank loans
uebL securlLles
8ank noLes
8eserve funds
Shareholders caplLal
8eLalned earnlngs
CusLomer deposlLs
llnanclal lnsLrumenLs and
lncome from offerlng Lhe
bank servlces
W CperaLlng lslamlc banklng
W bank lendlng
Chartered 8ank
nS8C 8ank
AuLo loan Avallable noL avallable
ersonal Loan
llexl Loan
8oLh are avallable Cnly personal loan
ls avallable
CrlckeL card Avallable noL avallable
lcLure card Avallable noL avallable
4 ln 1 offer Avallable noL avallable
lree[18 Avallable noL avallable
ower vanLage noL avallable Avallable
known as rlorlLy
known as PS8C
Standard Chartered
nS8C 8ank
Savlngs lan
noL avallable Avallable
Cr[on (loan
speclally for
Avallable noL avallable
lslaml 8anklng Saadlq Amanah
schemes of
lslamlc 8ank
Saadlq CurrenL accounL
Saadlq Savlngs accounL
SaadlqeSavers AccounL
Saadlq 1erm ueposlL
Amanah ueposlL
Amanah llnanclng
Amanah CorporaLe

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