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Question : What day of the month were you born? ( (Example : 7 if you were born on the 7th etc.).

Procedure: Show the participant the following set of cards. Ask whether or not the participant can see his/her number on the any of the cards. Ask the participant to reveal which letter (A, B, C, D, E) has his/her birth date. Magically reveal the date of birth to the participant. A 1 9 17 25 3 11 19 27 5 13 21 29 7 15 23 31 D 8 12 24 28 9 13 25 29 10 14 26 30 11 15 27 31 16 20 24 28 17 21 25 29 2 10 18 26 B 3 11 19 27 6 14 22 30 7 15 23 31 4 12 20 28 E 18 22 26 30 19 23 27 31 C 5 13 21 29 6 14 22 30 7 15 23 31

How is this done? Simply add the top left corner of the cards revealed by participant to obtain date of birth. Example: Participant was born on a 17th The participant will reveal cards A and E have his birth date. Add 1 + 16 to reveal 17 to the participant! www.PedagoNet .com

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