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ENGL 3060 Short paper 2: Fantasy and Genre Due: Friday 17 February 2012 Worth: 10% of final mark

You must complete either this paper OR short paper 1 Prompt Tzvetan Todorov begins his The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre with the following statement: The Fantastic is a name given to a kind of work of literature, to a literary genre. When we examine works of literature from the perspective of genre, we engage in a very particular enterprise: we discover a principle operative in a number of texts, rather than what is specific about each of them. Although fantasy and the fantastic are not the same thing, we can nonetheless think through Todorovs claim. Choose two of our texts (by different writers) and compare them to one another based on a principle operative in both of them. This principle might be based in theme, narrative structure, character, or something else. Do these two texts treat this common principle in the same manner? Do they treat it differently? What consequences does this similarity or difference have for each of the respective texts? Requirements Papers should be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 pages long. Papers should be printed out in a normal typeface (preferably Times New Roman and NOT Courier). 12 pt font. Normal (MS Word standard) margins. They should be double-spaced. They should be stapled or paperclipped. I will not accept papers that are not bound in some mechanical fashion. Origami does not count. Please indicate on your paper whether you are turning in your first, second, or third response. Do not consult any outside works. Do not quote the entire passage from the prompt. Do not draw your entire paper from class discussions. Discuss a different aspect of the texts, address a different scene. Include a title. The title should not be Title, Response paper, or Crash. You must provide textual evidence from the text(s) you discuss. You should briefly quote relevant passages and explain those quotes. Keep summary to a minimum. You do not need to include a works cited page or parenthetical citations so long as it's clear from the context what text you are citing. Edit. Proofread. These are not the same things. You should also spellcheck, which is a third task. You should also, of course, practice good writing, best usage, etc. As with anything having to do with this class: if you don't know, ask

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